#seriously wtf Japan
kaiyonohime · 2 years
I return to the land of internet!  Meaning I’m finally home, and now have wifi.  And a keyboard, love me a good keyboard.
And do I ever have stories to tell about my time in the hospital.  So strap in and grab your popcorn, this is a fucking vent rant that I need to do.  But, before I start, let me say: fed is best for babies.  Do what you need to to make sure your baby is happy and healthy and fed.  Be that formula, breast milk, or a combination of the two as a system.  Do what you need to.  There is no judgement from me there.  Feed your baby.  
So I had my baby.  And in Japan you have to stay in the hospital for five days after the baby is born.  Because my baby’s blood sugar was low at birth, he had to go to the NICU overnight.  And because the next day was a national holiday, no doctor was on staff that could sign him out.  He was in the NICU for nearly two days.
Yes, I showed up the next morning.  And as often as they would allow me to, which is apparently only a few times a day for a limited amount of time.  I’m not a fan of the entire ‘let’s separate mom from baby while in the NICU’ stance that Japan has.
Well, I intend to breastfeed my baby.  But it’s hard to get everything going and the supply building when you’re literally only allowed to visit for twenty minutes once every three hours during the day.  Although I did get the nurses to agree to call me up twice during the nights to breastfeed, but that was special treatment.
By the way, there’s no baby alert system in place on maternity floors.  And no locks on the doors to the NICU.  Really not a very secure system.  Main elevator goes right to them.
So my baby got bottle fed the first few days, and a pacifier.  Not my intentions, but literally nothing I could do about it.  Especially the pacifier, really didn’t like that.  And when baby got sent back down to me, it was without pacifier, which meant a very angry baby.
Either way, I started breast feeding.  In earnest.  Constantly.  Kiddo was hungry constantly too.  But it was working.  Baby was coming back up to birth weight, and very energetic and feeding well.
Step in nurses.  The nurses constantly went off on me for not using formula like all the other mothers on the floor.  Like several times a day I got the lecture about how babies can’t thrive without formula, that babies can’t be healthy without formula, that it is impossible to raise a baby without formula.  
Formula.  Formula.  Formula.
It was never ending.  Every excuse you can think of was used.  I’m still slightly afraid that child services is going to show up at my door now that I’m home because of this.  They already told me they’re sending a midwife to come talk to me some time in the next week to ‘help out and help teach me’, so I have more formula lectures to prepare for.
The last excuse I got was ‘the baby will never get enough calcium to grow without formula’.  And my husband freaked out about that.  I had to explain to him that the baby would be fine, I would guzzle milk if I had to.  Which I happily already do, I fucking love milk.
But seriously, I felt like I was being pressed my the damn formula mafia constantly my entire stay there.  Nothing but formula this and formula that.  Nothing about my milk supply, nothing about any issues.  Just that it’s not possible to raise a baby without formula.  
The fact that the hospital doesn’t supply drinks with the meals, tells the patients not to drink the water, has no water fountains, and just points people to vending machines instead is also an issue.  It’s hard to be a nursing mother if you’re not getting enough to drink.  I spent a chunk of change guzzling milk and water from the convenience store.
But yeah, that’s Japan’s view on breast feeding so far from medical officials: not possible.  No fucking clue why, just is.
And very annoying.
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danzainosolitude · 3 months
Once again I read fanfiction that seems to have been precisely written to deal psychic damage to me.
#this is about viridian the green guide. you guys actually read this slop?#boring as shit writing#awful plot lines (trigger has been resolved get new material#excessive use of italics and ‘problem child’. has the author heard anyone use a nickname irl ever#I hate bakugou slightly less than I hate Deku but even I could tell they suck at writing him#skipped over a few chapters because the writing was melting my brain but he would never be that condescending to himself#who the hell thinks ‘I’ve decided to not be an asshole’ with total seriousness#back to the bad plot lines. endeavor *checks notes* becomes a nomu and dies? I know the author nerfed everyone in the ground to match Deku#but wtf was the idea here#most successful cases in Japan and the strongest fire quirk ever (besides Dabi) and he gets treated like fodder?#there’s a certain childish canadence fanfiction writers type in when discussing ideas with others and the whole fic reeks of it.#the general easy going and generic aura vtgg emanates makes it even more insufferable#yeah insufferable is definitely the one word to describe this fic#original fic is ass and it only popularized the concepts. now you have even more bad writers speedrunning terrible concepts#it’s two am so this might not makes sense but whatever. not tagging this as mha because there are a lot of people who like this thing.#also fuck fics with love interests who were pretty happy in canon but actually have two thousand problems in fics#rant#anyways! I need to check into my games#I need to find the fic summarized so I can properly write my fanfic bashing vigilante/quirkless aus. barely any difference anyways.
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giapponetvb · 7 months
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Ditemi che non è un porno. 😱
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
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hapigairu · 10 months
"Your answers will be processed by a computer! Oh, but you'll only get your result in March 2024! Yay for technology!"
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momobani · 1 year
every day i wake up and i hate sm ent more, like how do you fuck up the perfect group this badly???
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narutomaki · 25 days
hey genuine question here: why does it cost me nearly 80$ to ship art from an American store regardless if size but under 1kg ... but it (would) costs me under 60$ to get 0.7kg of (art) stuff from Japan? both I'd be getting charged the same amount of import fees on if any.
#is shipping just THAT cheap on the Japanese side of the equation?#im so fucking confused#i mean trust me i was more confused when i was like oh yay a sale i will order 2 print and 1 pin from ray#why is the shipping 150 dollars 🧍‍♂️? (pre covid).#that was the at check out price estimate. deranged. any way.#the items themsleves cost like.... 25$? idk wtf was going on in the back end or if it was a calculation error or a surcharge due to holidays#but i have never even seriously considered even thinking abt looking into ordering any of his merch again LNAO#ray can you please just send it yo me folded up via letter mail? ill unfold it. its okay. skip any fancy packaging#any way my fav japanese fox artist opened an international store and i have a cart worth 172$ after shipping costs waiting for me#once i get my tax refund (i will probably not end up buying any of it)#(i can not justify that expense)#(but i wpuld very much like them. the shipping isnt even an issue. its about half the total cost. which. its coming from japan. Yeah. Duh.)#lays down. fox.#they have three little charms i want to bad. i want essentially yheir entire stock. there liks 3 things i dint rlly want and even then im#like idk maybe i do kinda#also asidr aside they have a piece of three toxes that sent a bilt if sheer terror theough me but i added it to my cart and thiught#well if i invite the three sisters in they canthurt me#all defiant.#and well the fear left#why did no one tell me it was that easy#unralted to the three sisters food crop#more related to the three sisters greek wiyh the eye ball except they are thosw girls#these are specifics spectres that haunt me and only me to try and rip my soul from mybkdy when i least expect it#but suddenly im lime. nah rn? wete good :) they cant hurt me! i invited them in! that would be rude of them. and they cant be rude!#i havent slept in. almost 24 hours now and i barely slept last night i am getting too old for this (is 27)
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marked-unknown · 11 months
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afklancelot · 1 year
i feel like seriously describing junji ito's horror works as simply "wouldn't it be fucked up if this happened" is dumb because it's such a vague description that most other horror works can also be described as that. For example:
"Wouldn't it be fucked up if your house suddenly started creating new rooms and changed its dimensions on you?" (House of Leaves, specifically The Navidson Record)
"Wouldn't it be fucked up if the doors, windows, and your parents suddenly disappeared out of nowhere?" (Skinamarink)
"Wouldn't it be fucked up if a clown in a sewer started killing kids?" (It)
among others.
Not to mention, most of Ito's works do have deeper meaning to them, specifically targetting japanese culture. This video touches on his shorter works, but even his larger works have metaphorical meaning.
Junji Ito describing his mindset on writing Gyo as "man it would suck if sharks had legs" is real funny, but it's also critiquing Japan's war crimes in WWII; the origin of the "legs" being from World War II when the Imperial Japanese Army was trying to create biochemical weapons cannot be a coincidence. Hellstar Remina is about a hostile alien planet, but it's also an allegory of fans turning on a girl because of something beyond her control, reminiscent of idol culture. Hell, even Uzumaki, probably one of his greatest "WTF" horror works, is also about a pair of teenagers being unable to escape their hometown, unable to expand their horizons in the outside world. they just keep going in circles, unable to escape.
I don't know, at this point describing Ito's works only being "wouldnt it be fucked up if this thing happened" is starting to feel like "the curtains are blue because the author likes the color blue" but like. for horror
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earlycuntsets · 29 days
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translation: "my chemical romance interview. "for us, the live stage is the only place where we can be ourselves."
The songs are like a collection of rock anthems from all over the world, past and present, and it sets the hearts of listeners ablaze.
Who is the emo band that rocked the Summer Sonic stage?
My Chemical Romance, from New Jersey, who just released their major debut album "THREE CHEERS FOR SWEET REVENGE" in July, came to Japan for the first time at Summer Sonic 04. MCR's music is called "screamo" because of their friendship with their friends, including THE USED, and their style, and it contains the street/garage sensibility unique to the generation that went through American punk in recent years… but if you listen to it with a calm ear, you can see that although the vocals are "screamo style," the songs have a beautiful structure and tearful melodies that are related to British heavy metal, and they also feature beautiful guitar solos. In other words, MCR is a band that plays heavy metal at the street level… That's why they must have been so welcomed right from the start in Japan, a country that has a strong tradition of heavy metal music (probably) - their first performance in Japan was a big success.
45 minutes after the end of the thunderous "Summer Sonic" stage
We caught up with the two excited guitarists!
I've never been to a show like that before! I'll never forget this experience.
--Now Frank Iero (FI): This isn't real.
How was the live show you just finished?
FI: Seriously! I've never done a show like that before. It was a memorable moment in my life. I'll never forget it!
--You seem very excited. What was so amazing about it?
Ray Toro: No, not "What". WTF! I mean, they were so welcoming! I wasn't expecting that kind of reaction at all. It felt like a hometown show. Oh, what can I say… ahhhh… anyway, it feels great!-- (Laughs)
Was the positive reaction because the new york was great? Especially the first single "I'm Not Okay" it's really exciting… It's a great song, and the song structure is well-crafted, building up from the intro, and the solo is uplifting too. Did you feel any magic when you made it?
FI: Well, let me tell you something. This song is something that you can't really call "written".
Really? Is that so?
FI: That's true. The song itself only has four chords, right? Except for the solo, it's all four. So at first, I thought it would be a boring song. But when we got together in the studio and Ray was playing those four chords over and over… Gerald (Way/vocals) started singing. The other members were silent. I closed my eyes and listened carefully. Then I realized it was an incredibly beautiful song. I felt it was worth completing. So I tried to change it up with the chorus. The root remained four.
---The guitar solo in this song creates a harmony with the guitar, creating a grandeur that is reminiscent of Queen. How did this come about?
FI: That solo was all Ray!
RT: Of course we were totally inspired by Queen! We were all saying, "Let's have a big guitar solo. Nobody does that anymore!" So I layered the guitars on it and made it as epic as possible. Also, when we were writing the song originally, we talked about making it as production-heavy as possible in the studio… Another thing I did consciously was to think of all the '80s pop and '70s bands I liked. I thought, "What would they do to make a song that's really epic…?" That's also where the two-second piano in the middle of the song came from. It doesn't really mean anything, but it's a bit like a soundtrack.
In terms of age, he was still very much alive.
FI: To tell you the truth, that second part is from the live album "CHEAP TRICK AT BUDOKAN" (1978) [laughs] I really wanted to include it. To begin with, even though some people have performed it live, I've never heard it performed in a studio album. I tried to include that as well and create the biggest anthem I could think of.
Q: Not just "I'm Not Okay," but all of MCR's songs…The composition is designed to make the listeners excited. They are all uplifting and dramatic. Is this something you do consciously?
FI: I'm totally aware of it.
RT: Yes. You can hear it in the song, but I change parts one after another. For example, We never repeat the same parts twice, and as the song progresses, new elements are added. We want it to feel like it's building from one thing to the next. Every member of the band contributes to that. The drums, the vocals, the melodies…everything helps the song to go higher and higher.
FI: Especially the new album, "It's Not A Fashion Statement, It's a Deathwish" crescendos all the way through. It just gets stronger and stronger. It all comes together in a spectacular finale. The whole band sings together for an anthemic ending. Because I like it! Our styles are completely different, maybe that mismatch is a good thing?
MCR's music tends to be dramatic. Is that due to the influence of the music you've listened to up until now?
RT: I grew up listening to heavy metal, like Ozzy Osbourne. I was obsessed with guitar heroes. I like bands that feature guitar players such as the late Randy Rhoads (g/Ozzy Osbourne) and Joe Satriani, Jimi Hendrix… In other words, Randy is the one who combined heavy metal with classical music, but his guitar playing I think he is the person who has had the biggest influence on my style. It's a bit old-fashioned, but it has a melody. And it's timeless. Melody.
FI: Richie Havens. My first woodstock. He was the opening act for the concert. He took me to an acoustic I just played it with one guitar, like a solo. There wasn't much, just sitting on the stool. He played very melodic and rhythmic guitar. But it's a completely unique style that can't be imitated. He had tiles… Such a great performer. I've never seen him before! I've seen Richie on stage about 10 times now, and I'm blown away every time. He's one of the reasons I don't stop playing guitar. I also love Greg Ginn (guitar/Black Flag) and Thurston Moore (vocals, guitar/Sonic Youth). In other words, I like dirty and emotional guitar more than intellectual style.
——————Hmm. You two have completely different tastes…
FI: Well, we are completely different types of guitarists, but maybe that mismatch is a good thing.
--You mentioned a lot of artists, but listening to your album I can sense a strong influence from heavy metal. But you also listen to a lot of different music from the '70s and '80s, right?
RT: Well, you can't just listen to one type of music, you know? There's so much good music out there. We can't just pretend not to notice it! All of us in the band try to listen to as much as we can and want to absorb as much as we can from all kinds of music.
FI: What we heard was an influence in some way.
FI: I like to use a Marshall JCM900 connected to a SUNN cabinet, and an Epiphone Zak Wylde model Les Paul as the only guitar. I turn up the bass all the way (laughs). Treble is about mid-range. I add gain here and there. But I like to keep it sounding like a real guitar. Not a "buzzing" sound with too much gain, but more of a solid sound.
RT: Yes! And we both try to only use effects when absolutely necessary, and usually plug them straight into the amp. Oh, but we do use wah pedals. Personally, I'd love to see the wah come back!
--I see. So with Frank on the bass and Ray raising the middle, it feels like you've managed to balance the band sound well?
FI&RT: Exactly!
FI: That's how I make it clear that there are two guitars. It's better to have a difference where you can hear each guitar part and it doesn't sound too cluttered.
――――So, let's talk about your playing, not just the guitar sound.
RT: I've been in the middle of it all. But the best thing to do is come to a show and see for yourself! I think there have been times when people thought it was Frank and it was me, and vice versa. We've influenced each other so we have some similarities.
---So you're influenced by each other's playing?
RT: Yeah. At least I got it from Frank.
I learned to play dirty. Not just clean, but more emotional. Instead of being super technical and perfect, I gave myself a little more leeway and tried to avoid feedback and pick-squeezing.
Frank is especially good at pick slides. He likes to make noise out of the guitar, rather than a pretty sound.
He's really good at bringing that out. Making noise, not just playing, is something I'm still learning.
FI: I'm the opposite, I'm learning to play clean, to keep things under control, but still let out emotion when necessary.
RT: A classic example of what you're talking about is "The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You." Frank has a really great part here. After the second chorus, it gets really quiet.
"THREE CHEERS FOR SWEET REVENGE" Warner Music Japan [CD] WPCR-11883 Sensual vocal melodies and emotional guitars, as heard on the 1st single.Their popularity is on the rise thanks to the explosive emotion of their vocals. This is the band's second album and their major label debut. Ray's strengths are in his guitar playing, which always lifts the listener up. While talking about the existing screamo sound, such as the "screamo" part, a new sense of flavoring with the essence of gothic and metal shines. And it's the same with everyday experiences! Everything that comes out of it naturally comes out in the work, and the more I shut out certain types of music or certain experiences, the less fertilizer I have. The goal is the stage. Keep playing to the limit. From what I saw on stage a while ago, the live equipment was, you both used similar things. How do you differentiate between the sounds?
RT: I'm more into distortion. I play a lot of riffs and generally like to emphasize the mid-range.
My model was the crunch guitar sound of Metallica's "Master of Puppets" (1986).
FI: On the other hand, I only use distortion to a natural degree.
Can you tell me the specific equipment names?
RT: The amps are Marshall "JCM2000" and "1960".
Cabinet. The guitar was bought by my brother for Christmas 10 years ago.
It's a very easy one to make, but the sound is great!
I also use an Epiphone Les Paul.
036 GuitarBreakers Vol.8
He said it was a good example of how the differences between the two of them are well expressed.
Can you name any?
FI: You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us
In Prison, I guess?
RT: You're right!
FI: You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us
"In Prison" is huge! The first two verses are
It's rhythmic and dirty, and then…
Ray's guitar hero-like, epic solo begins (laughs). And it has a light rhythm. And then there's "To The End" too.
RT: Yes. In some ways, I play more technically than Frank, but "To the End" has a great guitar solo, it's fast, and it's got some rhythmic, dirty parts. But I think you can hear the difference in our playing styles on every song to some extent.
---By the way, on the album, which is left and which is right?
Are you playing the channel?
RT: Well, in the verses, I mostly play on the left.
Ray is on the left. And Frank is on the right in the chorus.
Frank really blossoms in this scene. It's totally different from his previous style.
FI: Mmhmm!
---Finally, could you tell us about your future goals regarding guitar and songwriting?
FI: For now, I'd like to be able to turn the parts I've written for the next album into proper songs.
Also, we have a clear goal as a band.
But I'll keep it a secret until I achieve it (lol).
RT: For me personally, I just want to keep improving.
FI: Me too!
RT: We both love playing guitar.
That's what life is all about, so I want to keep improving both in technique and melody.
FI: For us, it was a live show that lasted less than two hours. I think that the only chance I have is to be myself, to experience a pure and spiritual moment. So my goal is to continue to play all the way to the end. There is a joy that cannot be expressed in words. I don't think you can understand it unless you have experienced it!
My Chemical Playing - A magnificent world created with guitar
The key to My Chemical Romance's songs is the twin guitars. When the two guitars intertwine, sometimes intensely and sometimes elegantly, it gives the listener a great sense of exhilaration.
Ray was crazy about guitar heroes like Randy Rhoads and Joe Satriani, while Frank loves Greg Ginn and Thurston Moore. They come from completely different backgrounds, but as Ray says, "When we get together, we don't know why, but a special atmosphere is born," which is the characteristic of the My Chemical Romance sound. In fact, Alba
If you check out his playing, you can hear many good examples of two-guitar ensemble. One of the best is the backing for "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)." As mentioned in the interview, the bass in this song is a repeat of four chords (D → Bm Em → A), but it is amazing how the performance is not at all simple. Due to space limitations, I will not post an example.
"I'm Not Okay" style guitar solo sheet music.
I'm sorry I can't introduce it, but I definitely want you to check out the ensemble in the A-melody. So, I'll introduce the solo below. This performance was inspired by Queen and was meant to be grand. The harmonies are great, but the chord progression is deliberately E/G#, even though E would have been fine in the flow. This is one of the reasons why it feels so grand.
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In the harmonies from bars 1 to 8, you want to be aware of the speed at which you raise the pitch of the choking, and the speed and depth of the vibrato.
The first half of bar 12 means "play five notes in two beats."
2004 volume 8 guitar breakers from theydrewblood.blogspot.com
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cocogum · 5 months
The Great Wave - Chapter 1 Review
Warning(s): mature themes, descriptive language, proceed with caution.
Before I start, I'd like to say that I initially added a lot more to this, but since tumblr had to censor it, I had to level it down a little...
I guess I just got carried away with it because of yumalia lol
So yeah...hope tumblr doesn't flag this again....
Alright everyone you know the drill.
Good job you two honestly I’m so happy these two got to have fun together like this 🥰🥰
Like no joke the first time I started to read the first chapter, of all the ways I thought it would start, I DIDN’T THINK THEY’D BE FUCKING I legit thought I was interrupting them my god-
I was so SHOCKED wtf??????!!!!
Like yes but what????
Ankama wasn’t kidding when they said they’d go mature mode and INSTANTLY cram in adult themes. The unexpected (but still warned) change was so sudden that that’s how you know Ankama has been keeping themselves tamed in the seasons because they couldn’t pull this shit off so easily like Japan.
Now let’s analyze the first thing that’s in the very first chapter.
The s** 👹👹
Okay I know how laughably this sounds because the FIRST THING in the first volume that we get to see is Yugo and Amalia’s private time.
And I’m not ashamed of loving it. Even now I still can’t believe that this can literally be considered soft corn. I won’t be surprised if more than half of the chapter ended up on that infamous site 💀(if u know, u know)
By the way I love how Amalia’s hair grew cuz I was starting to get sick of seeing her with a short ponytail all the time AND I LOVE HOW WE FINALLY SEE HER UNTYING HER HAIR CUZ MAN ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE IVE SEEN HER LET HER HAIR OUT
But their private moment(s) really made us understand just how much they care for one another. The way that they are sleeping together NAKED like this so comfortably too confirms that they have done these kinds of activities before.
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The ambiance and the colors truly encapsulate the tranquility and peacefulness they both share in this moment. You can even feel the sunshine’s rays touching your skin.
AND I’M ALL HERE FOR IT. They genuinely look so cute and in love together like that I just wanna tear that blanket away and dhskdkfkksskskkdksksd.
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If anyone is wondering why Yugo still keeps the dofus on him, it’s because the dragon, Rodalström, that Armand defeated is still alive. A necrome can never truly die so Yugo has to essentially keep the dofus on him at all times just in case the dragon would set free someday (i feel so bad for Qilby due to this decision…dude is the only one between his siblings who can hear these two banging💀)
While looking through these same pages over and over again (I still haven’t stopped), I began to seriously wonder what kind of positions they would do together.
We’ve seen two particular positions they have used in this chapter and it was the “lotus” position and the “woman on top” position.
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These are very accurate positions for these two mainly because of the level of intimacy it provides. It’s not rough, extravagant, or even too lewd. It’s simply just right.
They are so intimate with one another that they even hug while keeping the pace. And I think it is wonderful to see these two just being happy and satisfied in each other’s arms like this.
It's such a sweet moment for these two that you really can't look away (i'm definitely not saying this to justify why I keep overfixating these panels). You can even see Yugo choosing to keep his eyes open during it all just to look at Amalia enjoying it.
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My guy clearly loves the view please!! 😫😫😫
You don't think seeing her liking it makes him even more excited righ-
Some parts during their intimate moment had their arms, which were groping A LOT of things, somewhat censored by the blankets they still had on each other. So, to have a clearer view of what happened under the sheets, I decided to outline their covered arms to give you an idea of where those hands went.
At the very beginning, Yugo is woken up by Amalia kissing his cheek. But after that, his body looks much more awake when we see a panel of Amalia's hand under the covers reaching for something. This immediately makes Yugo wide awake, to the point where he's already sweating a bit and blushing very hard as he says, "You're...tireless!"
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After some outlining made by yours truly, it was painfully obvious where Amalia was reaching for and- DEBHUHUFUWHYUHFUYHUWUEFHUWHFUEFHUEWH
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The fact that she instantly knew what to do when she wasn't getting enough attention from him after that cheek kiss alone sends me 😭😭
But it's not like Yugo's the innocent one here for not trying anything. On the contrary, HE'S TOUCHING HER TOO.
He's a man after all, so what'd you expect lol
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You can tell these two obviously do more than just two “sleeping” positions, but since they were messing around in the morning, I can give them a pass for being sweet and tender with each other at this moment, just this once. They must've done A LOT more yesterday night since Yugo did say she was tireless as soon as he woke up. These two are adventurers at heart, so why wouldn't they explore each other more thoroughly-
Given that we’ve only seen the "lotus," the "woman on top," and a simple embrace, I would like to suggest a few more positions that would suit them well. These recommended positions are so accurate to them and reflect their dynamic that I wouldn’t be surprised if they have done these before (or will eventually 👀).
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While nitpicking every single panel of their “morning routine” I learned two things thanks to this start:
1) Yugo’s a bottom but is able to switch.
2) Amalia is insatiable in bed. Girl is hungry HUNGRY. Because judging from how Yugo and her were fully naked and laying in bed in the beginning, that means they had finished screwing with each other a while ago BEFORE AMALIA JUST JUMPS BACK INTO IT. SHE’S LITERALLY TIRING OUT A DEMIGOD ALIEN JUST FROM GROPING AND TAKING HIM-
If a scene like this wasn’t what I thought would happen at the beginning of the first chapter, then Amalia getting choked to death had definitely thrown me off guard. Like many other readers, I already knew that this wasn’t actually real and was only happening in Yugo’s head but it still felt very off-putting to see her struggling to breathe. The way Yugo panicked and tried to help only for him to scream and cry when he realized she was on the verge of dying was powerful.
And that’s when we find the anomaly in this chapter.
The dragon that appeared in Yugo’s head.
I initially expected Toross to be the one tormenting Yugo but I guess it ended up being this dragon.
The dragon figure seems to feel severe hatred for Yugo for all the calamities he let happen in the World of Twelve and how he seems to be living a good life at the moment while having the six primordial eliatrope Dofus and the Eliasphere in his possession.
The theories immediately started flooding in on who this dragon could possibly be and here’s what people came up with:
A) The dragon is one of the six primordial dragons from the World of Twelve named Grougalorasalar.
He’s the guardian of the Eben dofus and used to have been sealed in Joris during the Dofus era. Some have theorized this dragon to be him because of how physically similar they look.
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Although he looks identical, there is no logical reasoning to support his hostility towards Yugo, let alone his ability to infiltrate his mind. Furthermore, the way he acts and thinks around Yugo, assuming it is actually him, is illogical given his involvement in Ogrest's rampage.
B) This dragon is, in actuality, Draconiros, the dragon of dreams.
His job is to govern the dreams and nightmares of the twelvians. People suspect he might have taken the form of Grougalorasalar while talking to Yugo.
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Despite never meeting Yugo, he could have watched over the twelvians through their dreams. This means that he might have seen Oropo's dreams, as well as Yugo's own, giving him insight into Yugo's future actions and indirectly caused consequences. If true, this theory would explain why he holds a grudge against Yugo. It currently stands as the most compelling theory among all others.
C) The Great Dragon. Yugo’s father could be the one able to invade his mind and blame him for all sorts of things.
It's hard to ignore the fact that the Great Dragon appears to have been absent during some of the biggest catastrophes in the Krosmoz. Despite countless calamities happening all around the world, the Great Dragon seemed to have done nothing to prevent them, nor did he even show up to witness them. This is why his presence felt non-existent in the world. If he doesn't care about the world, why would he have any interest in what Yugo has done?
D) Osamodas himself could be the one speaking to Yugo while taking the form of Grougalorasalar.
It's worth considering that Yugo may face blame from the god of beasts. Additionally, it's intriguing to note that the osamodas race will play a significant role later on. This is evident from Aurora and her family's return to the Sadida kingdom.
So far, these are the only theories out there that we have for this dragon. That, and the fact that it might as well be a whole new character that we haven’t seen before.
The thing that truly makes this interaction between Yugo and the unknown dragon feel severe is the fact that the dragon tells him that despite sharing dragon blood, he truly detests him.
Imagine having to know that a millennial dragon hates you despite sharing the same blood.
Of course, the interaction couldn’t have stayed for very long because Amalia immediately interrupted it by screaming Yugo’s name. Yugo looks completely out of it, huddled up and shaking in fear. I understand that he saw what could be a future threat but this whole situation must’ve looked so off-putting from Amalia’s perspective: they were fucking, they started levitating because of the six eliatrope Dofus residing in him, and then they both suddenly fell on the floor and she saw Yugo curled up and crying, freaking the fuck out.
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Amalia doesn’t understand but she still goes to him and immediately tries to calm him down by embracing him. But despite everything he’s seen and the fact that he interacted with a mysterious dangerous beast, the first thing that Yugo says amidst his crying is: “I thought I lost you…”
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Look at the sheer terror in his eyes.
He genuinely looks like he thought he lost everything at this very moment. His body is shaking and is still processing what he just saw and heard.
He even APOLOGIZES to her, thinking that seeing her dying in his arms was somehow his fault.
Her life is such a huge priority for him that that’s immediately the first thing he’s afraid he’ll lose the most.
That’s when Amalia suddenly says the words: “Calm down, it was just a dream.”
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A dream??
You mean to tell me that this whole time, Yugo was sleeping?
So this whole “wrestling” scene never happened?
I believe there’s been some kind of misunderstanding when we first read this chapter.
I feel like we thought Yugo and Amalia had been messing with each other in the morning and that’s when Yugo suddenly received a flash of imagery and words from the unknown dragon before Amalia snapped him out of it and that’s how they ended up on the floor together.
But it turns out that wasn’t technically what happened.
Because if this intimate scene was real, then why would Amalia say he had dreamt?
I believe this is what actually happened:
Yugo and Amalia were peacefully sleeping together after spending the night awake (because what do you think a fully naked couple does in bed). When morning arose, that’s when Yugo started having a wet dream of Amalia and him getting in on again and right when things were starting to get better for Yugo, the dream started to twist itself and change out of its own will, forcing the one good thing about the dream to leave, which was Amalia, by making her choke to death to finally reveal the dragon. The dragon haunts his mind and spills his hateful thoughts to the eliatrope causing him to suffer alone until Amalia snaps him awake and manages to unknowingly free him from the torment. Yugo must’ve fallen on the floor while having the nightmare and Amalia simply got down from the bed to wake him up.
(this still doesn’t change the things I said about the types of positions they have, how Amalia has her own nicknames for Yugo like ‘little princess’, and how Amalia is in bed though because dreams often depict and copy real-life behaviors from the mind of the person dreaming. it’s actually funny that Yugo had a WET DREAM about Amalia and him. despite getting so much action with her, his mind doesn’t leave her alone lol)
When she regards his shaking form that it was only a dream, however, Yugo insists how real it felt. That’s when he decides to stand up and claim he needs some air to think. The fact that he has said the same thing back in Season 4 Episode 1 when he had Oropo in his head, shows how his insistence of wanting to be alone after getting scarred, has become a pattern.
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Amalia understandably (and predictably) gets angry at Yugo for leaving but her behavior also raises a few questions. Does this mean she’s angry that he wants to be alone every time he gets nightmares? Does he receive incessant nightmares on some nights? If that’s the case, then how often does this keep occurring? Or is this the first time he does this? Is she angry because he tends to quickly leave when he thinks he needs to deal with something on his own like how he did in Seasons 2 and 4?
Regardless of what the case may be, Amalia doesn’t waste time and immediately dresses herself up with her vines like a boss ass Queen just look at how refined and elegant she looks while changing✨✨ I love her so much 💕💕
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Also vinillain noticed how these two dumbasses don’t HAVE ANY BEDROOM DOORS. How do they actually get any privacy if their bedroom has a huge ass hole with no door?? It’s so bare that it doesn’t even have a curtain to cover the front of their room!! Like did these two not realize that literally anyone can just get right in their room? I get that they’re royals so they would know that no one would be this dumb enough to simply get in like that but the entrance of the room is so big and wide that anyone can just pass through it and be able to see their bed from where they’re standing!! You can even see the bed frame right there in just that panel for crying out loud!! I get that the sadidas are a pretty open race BUT THEY’RE NOT THAT OPEN TO EACH OTHER-
Besides this stupid choice of not having any doors, I love how the kingdom made a few adjustments to the throne room because they initially only had one seat. Even when Armand was king, there was still one place. Aurora had to sit in a small space next to him lol. Note that Aurora used to sit on the right side like how Yugo has to do now.
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I already talked about this to vinillain but I told them that because of how the throne was arranged when it got split into two, I feel like the ones who sit on the right are the ones who come from other kingdoms aka if they’re from another race. I believe that the reason why the throne had only been one seat in Seasons 1, 2, and the ovas, was because the only ruler at the time was King Oakheart. The ruling seat might have also been divided in two when the queen was still alive. Amalia might as well have simply chosen to sit in Armand’s place because it used to be his which would be cute if that was the case.
I like to think that Yugo deserves sitting in Aurora’s place because he’s submissive-
Speaking of Armand, the mural wall that Amalia made the artist make was such a wonderful decision. She really did love her brother despite the many quarrels they used to have.
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This man entered the legend ❤️
After the interaction between Amalia and the painter, I noticed the royal advisor (or so I think) about to approach Amalia with something to discuss. Despite not having entered the throne room yet to listen to her people's grievances, the advisor seems to have something confidential to share with her, as he didn't choose to wait until she got there. Although we don't know what that "something" could be, Amalia immediately stops him, explaining that she just got out of bed and needs time to process everything.
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I think we'll see what that 'something' could be about in the next chapter, though. Looking at the crowd awaiting Yugo and Amalia in the throne room to discuss their business with them, I have a strong feeling some of those problems would involve the elite eliatropes.
We can even see how the mood in the throne room looked very tense between the sadidas and the eliatropes. Some of the sadidas looked perturbed, and there's a good chance they're acting this way because of the eliatropes. Not only that, but the eliatrope kids looked super uncomfortable because of the tension going on. Even a sadida was eyeing an eliatrope in a pretty judgemental way (you can see it on the right panel).
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They were all waiting for Amalia and Yugo so they could speak about their problems to the two royals so I wouldn't be surprised if some problems would be about the eliatropes staying.
I understand that when we last saw the sadidas, they were pretty much okay fighting alongside the eliatropes during the war against the necromes. But that was because it was a war. They were extremely short-handed, so they were perfectly fine with having them by their side. But now that the war is over, it's possible that many of them feel a bit awkward having to share their lands with eliatropes. Imagine living on these lands since the dawn of time and you suddenly have to live with people who are not even from your planet one day.
In short, Yugo and Amalia should get more intimate moments, the dragon in the dream has a good chance of being Draconiros, Yugo should stop dealing with his problems on his own, Armand is a chad, the two royal seats scream power couple goals, I need that sadida and eliatrope drama, and I’m waiting on what the advisor has to say.
@geekgirles @onyichii
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Ash and Ibe's dynamic is so underrated, which is understandable because we don't see much of it.
But in the five stories (03) "Other voices, Other rooms" we see more of Ash and Ibe together and it's probably my favorite because their interactions are so wholesome 🥺
Here are my favorite moments:
(Info: Ibe thinks back to the time they all spent in Cape Cod)
Ibe saying that present Ash looks similar to smiling Griff 🥺
Ash slyly asking Ibe if he has pictures of Eiji's pole vaulting career.. I see you Ash
+ Ash sounding genuinely disappointed that Ibe doesn't have the pictures of Eiji with him 🤭
We get a tiny little bit more information on just HOW bad Eiji's mental state must have been in Japan with Ibe saying that bringing Eiji to the US was an "emergency evacuation"
No but seriously Ibe uses words like "abducted" to describe how he got Eiji out of there
So despite literally being in life-threatening danger CONSTANTLY, Ibe confirms that he has never seen Eiji any happier UHM
Also Ibe says Eiji seems more lively ESPECIALLY around Ash 🥺🥺🥺
Literally right after Ibe tells Ash that Eiji has changed (for the better) you can hear the most SOFTEST gasp from Ash I'M CRYING
"Have you had Ei-chan tell you anything about Japan?"
Ibe teaching Ash Japanese except it's an Osakan dialect, which already has some differences to the "standard" Tokyo dialect but even better; some of the words Ibe teaches him are usually only heard in Osaka,,,, Ibe is literally teaching Ash old slang
ON TOP OF THAT Ibe explains these are popular Japanese phrases "right now" which,,,, sorry Ibe you're just getting old LMAO
"Hey don't teach me anything weird. I won't remember it anyway." Meanwhile 20 episodes later and Ash can perfectly reminisce all japanese phrases Ibe taught him to Eiji 💀
Ash is so cute here 🥺 he's repeating the phrases to himself and actually takes it seriously to pronounce them right
Max walks in and Ash IMMEDIATELY starts using the new phrases and Max is just like "wtf"
Max "I can at least speak Japanese" followed by random japanese words that don't have any connection BAHAHA
The only coherent sentence Max forms is "Please don't touch the dancers." Max wtf did you do 🤨
At the end Ibe is scared how Eiji will react when he finds out what he has been teaching Ash 😭
Highly recommend y'all to check it out and the other parts too !!! It's healing for the soul
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giapponetvb · 1 year
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gryficowa · 2 months
From what I learned, Walt Disney was a shitty person, but he wasn't an anti-Semite, and he had a friend who was (Because you know, you have to respect other people's opinions… Tia… I don't understand people who think that friendship with a bigot is Approx)
And contrary to appearances, it was not an anti-Semitic representation
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Or rather, there is a lot of inspiration from Baba Yaga here
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Baba Yaga is a character from Slavic mythology, her house had chicken feet (The inspiration can be seen in TOH)
In the old designs of Eda and Lilith in the form of harpies, you can see characteristic faces clearly inspired by Baba Yaga
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Unfortunately, Baba Yaga is confused with anti-Semitic creatures due to her characteristic nose
And it pissed me off, it really pissed me off that Baba Yaga and things heavily inspired by her were considered anti-Semitism, seriously, no, it's not anti-Semitism, it's fucking Baba Yaga
If you think that only Jews have such noses, then seriously, WTF
I am a person with a longer nose, not the longest (It is slightly long, a bit like Pearl's nose from SU) and no, I am not a Jew (From what I know, I don't know what's going on with my ancestors from many years ago, because I am from Poland and Europeans and the Slavs themselves did not care about a pure "Race" like Americans)
And yes, many pensioners had such a nose, heck, my grandmother had a similar one, because the paradox of aging is that the nose can look different when you have wrinkles (Now the chance of such a nose is smaller, because people have access to medical help and it is many factors, but then? Oh, my grandmother was born a few years after the war and the funny thing is, I saw a photo of her from her youth, she had the same face as me, which was abstract to me)
But yes, Baba Yaga was created years before anti-Semitic creatures were created, and the character herself is a character from Slavic mythology
"Baba Yaga - a character appearing in Slavic beliefs and folklore"
"The figure of Baba Yaga, originally probably important in Slavic mythology, has survived only in a degraded form as an element of folklore. She appears there as an old, hideous witch (sagging breasts, one bone leg, blind or visually impaired), living in a hut on a chicken's foot deep in the forest[1]. Baba Yaga was often accompanied by a black cat, raven, owl or snake. She kidnapped people wandering in the forest (especially children), then murdered and ate them. She was also credited with sending diseases and other ailments[2]. At the end of the story, she usually fought a fight with the positive hero and died. Occasionally in folklore there is a motif of the gracious Baba Yaga helping people"
We can fuck Disney too much (In Walt Disney's time for misogyny and all that other shit, nowadays for supporting Israel, for filming "Mulan" in labor camps in China and for mistreating workers, but not for anti-Semitism, because what's left is considered "Anti-Semitism" it was not, and it was confused by the work of evil people who spread hatred towards Jews)
Slavic mythology, unfortunately, has been heavily affected by Christians and many other things, and it's not very well known, so it's depressing when you see mythology from the places where it comes from and it's confused with anti-Semitic shit
Unfortunately, beliefs and cultures are attacked, ironically by Americans, I don't remember the name of the demon, but it was confused with blackface, because the actor painted himself black, even though the demon itself was not supposed to be a black character, but a demon and part of a certain culture, so yes, it was confused with blackface, even though, as I mentioned, he didn't represent a black person, so yes, such things happened, I would understand if it was supposed to be a caricature of black people, but it was a fucking demon
Characters representing cultural trends in Japan were also confused with blackface, I don't remember what they were called, but the person had tanned skin and light hair and lips painted with pearl lipstick
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From what I heard, Pokemon considered blackface was supposed to represent this cultural trend (White hair was supposed to be proof of this)
So yes, Baba Yaga wasn't the only victim who was mistaken for something she wasn't
Which doesn't change the fact that it's irritating when they confuse Baba Yaga with anti-Semitic depictions of Jews
I think I understand why many people say that white people don't have their own culture, because if they mean white people, they mean Americans, seriously, they are exterminating other cultures and it sucks
And then it ends with other cultures being considered anti-Semitic or racist, because oh God! They have mythology!
Because yes, will you introduce Baba Yaga? Anti-Semitism! (By the way, I post my works on the blog because I deleted my deviantart, because it was bought by an Israeli company in 2017, I gave the character of Baba Yaga and signed it, although I was put on the anti-Semitic list because I am an anti-Zionist), you have the character of a demon who is black and does not represent a person black? Racism!
This is what pisses me off about the US, the erasure of other cultures because "They think it represents what I think it represents and to me it's wrong so they shouldn't have it", just bruh
And this information for you Americans, the basilisk looks like this:
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Yes, as much as I love Vee from TOH, this fact amuses me
I often have the impression that when Americans create a basilisk, they forget that it is also a bird, not just a giant snake
I think the only good depiction of the basilisk was in MLP
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From what I see, it is not a basilisk, but a Cockatrice, a creature that is similar to a basilisk
It's a bit depressing to think…
The basilisk and the cockatrice are very similar to each other (I'm speaking as a person raised in Europe who has seen animations about legends from Poland), so it's strange that both creatures are so different in American productions
I don't know, when you create a basilisk, add chicken wings or something, because the basilisk doesn't have to be half hen, it can be any bird, so as to distinguish it from the cockatrice
Whatever you do, make it have the characteristics of a bird and not just a giant snake
Heck, even Vee has a feather on her tail and I think that hair is also feathers (I don't know), she may not be the perfect image of a Basilisk, but at least she has the features of a bird in some way
Yes, the basilisk often has dragon wings, but I haven't seen them required (From the description), it's supposed to be a lizard-bird
It doesn't even have to have wings, but the most important thing is that it has feathers or other bird features, and yes, basilisks freeze with their eyes, but when they see their reflection, they become rocks themselves
A basilisk does not have to have only two limbs, it can have four, it is often depicted in the way I have shown, but it can be presented in a different way to distinguish it from a creature similar to it
Please, please stop drawing him as a large snake, because it is a misrepresentation of this creature
The way Harry Potter showed him is wrong (Like everything Rowling wrote, honestly)
Okay, I've rambled on, but yes, this witch and the concept art versions of TOH characters are not anti-Semitic, they are strongly inspired by Baba Yaga
Unfortunately, our mythology has been harmed by Christians and their "Conversion to the right religion", and Slavic mythology itself is unfortunately not very well known (Even for many Poles), so it is seriously depressing to see something that is not anti-Semitic being associated with anti-Semitism
As I said, Disney has a lot on his conscience, but anti-Semitism is a stupid accusation and also harmful, yes, Disney had a fucked up moral compass, because the very fact that he was friends with a Nazi is so sus
Racism makes sense because Disney did a lot of racist shit (Maybe not as much as WB, but still)
Do you know what things can be considered anti-Semitism? Fucking Gargamel from The Smurfs, he was clearly inspired by anti-Semitic shit, just black hair and that nose… It's just awkward to see today's reboot
Why are people silent about the actual anti-Semitic shit that is Gargamel fucking? I'm seriously asking you, he seriously looks like an anti-Semitic creature, his nose, his hair, his clothes (Full of holes and patches) and he lives in a castle (Not in a cottage, so there's no Baba Yaga inspiration here, and his cat is red)
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I'm still shocked that no one is talking about it and there is no outrage, because yes, The Smurfs had a 3D reboot and as you can see, Gargamel's appearance has not been changed
I'm still surprised that there was no drama about Anti-Semitism in this case…
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royal-shining · 2 months
Well if they want money they really need to renew the way they handle the staff cuz wtf . At this point im willing to take their business if its continue, its frustrate me so so much because they already did alan roy route and some of the kira sequel
My impatient self cannot handle this mess 😭✋ gonna send them a whole ass business plan 😤
LOL Seriously. They needed to rework the way they ran their company, especially since now we have so many new and innovative mobile games at our disposal. I'm actually quite curious. Does anyone actually know if Arithmetic is still active in Japan? My only recent news about them was dated like 6 years ago or something when they decided to transition to a "library" formatting.
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donutthief10 · 1 year
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Someone from Japan wanna contact me and I can buy these from you??!? 🤣🤣
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I need wonwoo 😂😂
Edit: haha thanks everyone I love seeing the reblogs and funny tags!! Yes I 100% agree, WHY DIDNT THEY MAKE HOSHI ORANGE WITH STRIPES??! Truly a heinous crime!! And I fully expected to see wonwoo with glasses on LOL 😂. Sometimes I do wish companies who make stuff like this paid more attention to the fans and what they say about their fave artists, bc it seriously could help with their character design likes these, and it’d attract more customers to want to buy them! And it’d make the fans so happy to see that they’re being noticed/recognized for their creativity towards things like this!
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