#sewerage system
zooeytang · 1 year
Have a cool factory tour with us, fascinating rainwater harvesting modular tank workshop
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laku-incarnate · 2 years
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Crossness Pumping Station, London 
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louisianna · 2 years
i always think i have a pretty good idea about what media is popular on tumblr and then i scroll through the year in review and i’m suddenly reminded that cartoons and video games exist
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hi-styleuae · 16 days
For those seeking efficient and reliable Drainage And Sewerage Systems Contractor, Histyle is the go-to contractor. With a strong focus on expertise, sustainability, and client satisfaction, Histyle continues to lead the way in providing top-notch services that ensure the smooth functioning of essential infrastructure. Whether you need a new system installed or require maintenance for an existing one, Histyle’s team is equipped to handle projects of any size and complexity.
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townpostin · 3 months
Jharkhand High Court Dismisses Saryu Roy's Meinhardt Case Petition
MLA’s Plea Regarding Raghubar Das-Era Consultancy Controversy Rejected Court grants Roy liberty to present views in appropriate forum as it turns down petition on ACB investigation delay. RANCHI – Jamshedpur East MLA Saryu Roy faced a setback as the Jharkhand High Court rejected his petition regarding the Meinhardt agency reinstatement case. The case pertains to events during former Chief…
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carlocarrasco · 11 months
Over P1 billion allotted by Maynilad to upgrade water treatment plants in Muntinlupa City
Water concessionaire Maynilad announced recently that it has allotted over P1 billion for the upgrading of its Muntinlupa City water treatment plants, according to a news report by GMA Network. To put things in perspective, posted below is an excerpt from the GMA Network news report. Some parts in boldface… West Zone concessionaire Maynilad Water Services Inc. is spending a billion pesos to…
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
We have got to stop treating prejudice like sin. Prejudice is like poop: a completely natural byproduct of how we work. We make sense of the vast, chaotic world by generalizing and categorizing everything, including our fellow human beings. As adults we may logically know that others have interiority and everyone is a unique individual just like ourselves. But when you live in a city and pass a thousand strangers on your way to work, you can't really meaningfully process that fact for each and every one of them. You would go mad.
Now, "natural" doesn't mean we get to let our prejudice run rampant. Pooping is natural, but if everyone started pooping all over the place we'd have disease outbreaks all the time. We would cause harm to others and ourselves. As a society we have learned to reduce and contain this harm by building sewerage systems.
But when it comes to prejudice, a lot of leftist politics seem to view it as a sin to be repented. We are not trying to contain and reduce harm. We are not saying "everyone is inherently prejudiced, so let's be aware of it and try not to harm others with it." We are saying "everyone is inherently prejudiced, so let's repent!" We are spreading the gospel of self-flaggelation. Some of us aspire to become saints, wholly without prejudice. Others imagine that they are saints already and castigate the rest of us as unrepentant sinners. We treat prejudiced thought as something that can taint you forever.
Imagine if we did all this with poop!
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esamastation · 10 months
Babes.... what is the Very Specific Flavour of Probably Very Niche Fic That Would Cater Your Interests Specifically... perchance one of us will write it for you
Alas, the mood has passed, but the thing that triggered the Very Specific Desire was reading a Naruto fic where the characters were resigned to eating bland travel rations while on the road and while reading it I just wanted someone to whip up a sealing scroll full of cooking supplies. If you can seal a dead body in a scroll, surely you should be able to fit a grill, charcoal, and some ingredients in them too.
And then I wanted a story of a ninja who does just that - no fighting, no striving for the most cosmically epic way to punch people, nah - just using ninja abilities to make life easier and more comfortable. A master of ninjutsu whose most impressive feat is creating an instant sewerage system - or a ready to use hotsprings, with buildings and everything. Illusionist who makes fully immersive and interactive movies. Stuff like that.
So, like. Awesome Magical Abilities Used Only For Convenient Creature Comforts, that was the flavour I was hankering for.
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Welcome, japonistarchaeologists, to another chapter of this series in which we will move to the Yayoi period in the middle of prehistory, which would be equivalent to the Neolithic. It would be the continuation of the Jomon period but more sophisticated. - The Yayoi period takes place in the year 300 BC until 250 BC, which would be equivalent to the 4th and 3rd centuries. During this period, rice cultivation will arrive from the Korean peninsula and will arrive from the south through the Kyushu peninsula, where we can currently find one of the great archaeological sites of this period in the Saga prefecture. First of all, we have already talked about the Paleolithic in previous chapters. When I can, we will finish it to be able to cover in more depth the Jomon, Yayi, Kofun or protohistoric period until the formation of the Japanese state. - Sewerage in Neolithic Japan? Surely we think of systems such as those of Sumeria, Rome and China, but of course it was a fairly rudimentary but effective system that was used for rice irrigation, for defense and for the health of the villages. It should be noted that in the Yayoi period the clans emerged, which is why the tribal wars of the Neolithic began to emerge due to the fight for resources to see which clan had much greater power and resources. Once this is clarified, as I said before, it would be a very rudimentary technology, but very advanced for the time. Is it still in use? Yes, since from this period until today the Japanese have continued to use it and improve it with regard to the sewage system mentioned above. That is why when the Europeans arrived for the first time they were surprised by the high level of hygiene. - In future publications we will talk about this period and those already mentioned above. I will bring you archaeological news about the remains of these settlements and the location of the drainage system and what the most important sites are. All this and much more. See you in future publications on archaeology and Japanese history and geography until next time.
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seancosy · 1 year
I saw ur post in the solarpunk tag and! I think we can do better! I think nobody should have to work ever, because how do we pick who's exempt? who's making that decision? the only way I can think for it to be fair is if the person themself gets to make that decision.
bc like the system you're describing isn't hypothetical and as someone who's gone through a nightmare of uncaring bureaucracy just to be allowed not to work due to disability I can say it doesn't work and definitely doesn't feel like a utopia!
I don't follow you and not gonna come back to this so do with it what you want but yeah something to consider I guess
Points I agree with:
People should have the ability to self-determine their capacity to work, and should not be expected to work if they are unable to.
External parties should not be deciding who is able or unable to work.
Points I disagree with:
"Nobody should have to work ever"
I may be misunderstanding you, but... life is work. Someone needs to drive trains, design functional sewerage systems, deliver babies, rescue people from burning buildings, grow rice, implement grain shipping logistics, change diapers, develop vaccines, wash clothes, teach children to read, sterilise surgical equipment, provide counselling to antisocial or dangerous people, cook food for the elderly, insert urinary catheters, repair potholes in roads, pick up rubbish, code the software that checks pressure in dam walls, etc.
None of the above jobs are particularly sexy. Very few people would dream of performing any of these roles when they are growing up. But the work is necessary to maintain a functional society. What links these jobs is that they are meaningful. They help. They improve society. People can find purpose and fulfillment in these tasks because they know they are helping society, even if indirectly.
There are so many jobs in our current society that do not provide a benefit to anyone other than a select few capitalists. If we restructured to become more 'solarpunk' (which I interpret as more communist and likely more anarchist than current societies), these capitalist jobs wouldn't exist, and we wouldn't miss them. Merchant bankers, advertising executives, influencers, soldiers, funko-pop factory workers (I have a personal dislike for these products; such an overt waste of materials and for literally no benefit! people often don't even take them out of their packets?!?!), mortgage brokers, the list goes on.
If we redirected the people working in these capitalist jobs towards roles that directly help society.... everyone would work a lot less, but society would function just as effectively, if not more so. There would be fewer jobs, and more people to do them. There would be more chance to rest and enjoy leisure time. And yes, some people would probably be able to never work at all, if they chose to. But if the work is meaningful, I genuinely believe most people would want to work, and I don't think it's unreasonable to expect people to do something meaningful for others even for just a few hours a week (clean the dishes at the cafeteria or babysit your friend's kids). But no, I don't think people's work contributions should be monitored or quantified at all, unless it's to tell people to rest when they are overworked. People should work of their own volition. And of course those with disabilities or any other factors that prevent them from working safely shouldn't need to work if they are unable or unwilling.
An interesting book that portrays a world that is anarcho-communist is The Dispossessed, by Ursula K LeGuin. It details the struggle between the need for work VS personal freedom exceptionally well.
(Original post linked below)
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A Ukrainian soldier is looting in a Russian store. Finally, the little pig can eat properly. Judging by the pig's happy face, he's thinking about it too. Dunno if he was able to enjoy it however, later he was killed together with his group. Rest in piss.
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This is bad. Like this western shits will start to understand that we live good in Russia and they have something to steal from us. Let them better believe that we have the Middle Ages here without sewerage system everywhere except Moscow.
In some US movie, by plot an American married to a Russian woman and brought her and her daughter to the USA. There was a scene where a little rus girl was happy to see a hot water from the tap (kek). I like it better when they believe such dumb crap about us. Looking at this propaganda, average American thinks something like “Why the hell do I need a war with Russia? These bitches don't even have hot water at home! There's nothing for me to steal!”
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yama-uba · 11 days
At my current age, I know 3 things about myself for sure: I can't dwell on anything (especially before bed), I can't have plums and beets, and I never follow the first two prohibitions. Because of the abundance of thoughts about Paralives, last night I dreamed that I was an intern at PS.
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The first thing I remember is that I was introduced to the development team, an analyst, and a tester. And then the team leader asked how I did my "homework" on getting to know the project. I said that I was interested in the fact that they decided to make a mechanic where individual light bulbs in lighting fixtures can burn out and parafolk can buy a separate, suitable light bulb for some objects and screw it in. ATTENTION: I doubt that this will be implemented in the game - it was only part of my dream. And then I asked, if we deepen the home gameplay towards realistic household chores, then can we find out how the mechanism of breakdown and the mechanism of clogging of plumbing is implemented, including sinks/baths/washing machines/boilers, and not just toilets, because a clog is not just a leaky flush tank.
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There was an awkward pause and I continued asking questions in an attempt to ease the tension. "Will the game implement a system of water pipes and drainage, which would limit the placement of plumbing?", "Will we create an electrical circuit for the house, where all energy consumers should be taken into account, including sockets and light switches?", "What kind of heating will be preferable in the land of parafolk: radiators, convectors, air conditioners or a warm sweat system?", "Will sources of cold and heat in the house be taken into account, such as tiled floors, doors to the street and a chimney of a fireplace on the upper floors?", "What is the maximum length of a floor in the game and will it be possible to create a panel, frame, brick, monolithic reinforced concrete house and a house-hybrid of construction technologies?" I also asked a bunch of questions that I have already forgotten.
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Everyone was looking at me. And then my boss said, "You know, we haven't even thought about this until now. Your first task is to formulate a concept and create a prototype for our focus group and testing of this idea this week." I was very surprised by this deadline. Considering that 1 of these 5 days was already coming to an end, I was assured that this time was more than enough and, as soon as I got the hang of the project, I would be able to do all this in 24 hours.
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Then there was a typical "strange work day" in a dream, where it turned out that the junior programmer assigned to me to help with the implementation turned out to be a goose. I mean, he was not anthropomorphic, but a real live, white goose (and, if you look at it from another point of view, he was a really talented programmer, capable of writing code according to my idiotic technical task). As is customary in any dreams, the only thing that confused me was that his name was Steve (this name is associated with very difficult to communicate with people, like Jobs and cases from my experience, but Steve-goose was not only a competent employee, but also a pleasant person).
Somewhere on the 4th day of my work and hard crunch on studying the sewerage system of an American private house together with a goose, I began to sleep right at the meeting. My boss noticed this and asked me if I thought our parafolk personality profile system, which was a complete homage to the Sims 2 character system, was boring. I said that the OCEAN system was good, of course, but I would add to these 5 traits the missing traits from the HEXACO system (and added some other traits that I came up with at that moment, which brought their number to 9), and also returned the Yunk typology, but would make it not a "zodiac sign", but a lifestyle, and also added that very "passion for some activity" from the Hobbies DLC. At that moment, I forgot about fetishes and taboos (as always in a dream).
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The team leader loved the idea, but everyone else sighed heavily. He crossed out all his old notes on the wall and started drawing everything again. Steve, sitting next to me at the daily, stretched out his long neck and whispered that this person was both the project's best hope for getting out of beta and the local Elon Musk. So I had to be extremely careful with my "bouts of creativity."
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The boss saw this and asked what was missing in my character system for the base game. I said that the fear system from Sims 2 needs to be developed into a full-fledged mechanic. Like there are fears (rational fear of something), and there are phobias (irrational fear). And we could get a lot of interesting multi-layered systems with intrapersonal conflicts of parafolk, like real people. For example, a person who dreams of becoming a superstar (because his mother wanted him to), but is afraid of the stage. And that this would give more replayability with a small amount of starting content for stories: a phobia could arise during the game due to the player's actions, due to being in society with parafolk with this phobia, be hidden from the player (the character knows about his fear), hidden from both the player and the character (latency period). I was asked to list the options:
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Thalassophobia - (homage to Sims 2);
Cynophobia (dogs);
Nyctophobia (darkness);
Acrophobia (heights);
Verminophobia (bacteria)
Claustrophobia and Agarophobia (closed and open spaces);
I named half a dozen more phobias that I could remember, including trypophobia. And then I came up with the concept that we need to make a family of pre-mades, where the only toddler will have absolutely all the realized phobias, which will constantly exhaust his parents, but at the same time this same child will heroically save his family, neighbors and acquaintances from dangers and be a "reinsurer hen". This impressed everyone. Especially my boss. … He said that I have 3 days to give them a finished sample so that they can decide whether to do it. I said that I can't. To which the boss assured me that it's okay, because I can do it on the weekend. Steve, who had previously been kind to me, said that he could only help with the mechanics of the house, and this task was beyond his strength.
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It seems that this is where my career in game development ended, because I don't remember much after that. But I do remember that I woke up thinking, "I slept through my alarm! Steve now has to defend me in front of everyone else! We'll get fired! We don't have time for anything!" Maybe it's for the best that I didn't pursue a career in the game industry - this world already has enough Peter Molyneux.
I wonder if Steve was able to get promoted to middle programmer after such a quest…
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script-a-world · 15 days
Submitted via Google Form:
 It would sound fun if my world was full of man made lakes so that pretty much all the roads are actually waterways. However I'm wondering where all the water and ground is from and how they create all that? Basically I just want to see the world full of boats instead of cars getting from place to place. I don't mean like single tiny cities like Venice that only works because it's on a lagoon but across the entire world basically. Large busy cities everywhere where the main transportation are boats.
Tex: How big are your lakes? Can anything get bigger than that? We have oodles of lakes on earth, but also significantly larger seas and oceans due to plate tectonics. Is it important to you that the only bodies of waters are lakes across the entirety of the planet, or will a continent or two suffice for the purposes of your worldbuilding? It’s certainly feasible to have your major transportation be via boats, but they will also be heavily dependent upon a consistent amount of water in their area, which will vary based on season and periodic droughts and floods.
Utuabzu: Historically, canals are pretty common. A lot more so than many assume. Prior to the widespread adoption of the steam locomotive and railroads, the most efficient way to transport goods and people in bulk was by water, which is why older cities in Europe and many other places are often criss-crossed by canals, or once were. Even early industrial cities like Birmingham were heavily reliant on canals for bulk transport.
These canals weren’t just intra-city affairs either. The 17th Century Canal du Midi forms a complex with some other waterways that allows boat traffic across France from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, while the Grand Canal in China is a system stretching over 1700km, with the oldest segments built in the 5th Century BCE, and the system considered to have been completed in 609CE. It is still in use as a major piece of transportation infrastructure.
Canals often also served multiple purposes, such as the canals of Bangkok which also served to drain the swampy marshland the city was built on and irrigate farmland, or the Sanitary and Ship Canal in Chicago, which reversed the flow of the lower Chicago River so that it flowed into the Mississippi river system rather than Lake Michigan, allowing shipping to pass directly between the Mississippi river system and the Great Lakes, and diverting the city’s sewerage away from the lake, where it sourced its drinking water.
Prior to the mid-late 19th Century, most urban areas with suitable geography would fill your needs. The major obstacle is going to be that canals just aren’t very practical in hilly or mountainous terrain, or in desert environments with low precipitation and high evaporation. Both can be worked around - uneven terrain can be traversed with the use of locks, and deserts with either sufficiently high water inflow or by roofing the canal over or building it more like a qanat - but there does need to be a good reason for people to bother doing so. At a certain point it becomes much more cost/effort effective to simply walk.
So, unless your world is fairly flat and pretty damp - or the parts of it relevant to your story at least - there’s going to be places where canals don’t really make sense as transportation infrastructure. But hey, now you’ve got an obstacle you can throw at your characters, so it’s not all bad.
Addy: Is the world heavily aquatic and close to sea level? If not, what advantage is there to using boats? Canals are very expensive to build and offer few benefits for everyday travel (trade is a different story, just look at the Erie Canal). I understand that you’re going for an aesthetic, and you can absolutely do that, but what’s the equivalent of a bus? And boats are fairly slow, being real. Cars also aren’t mandatory, either - plenty of cities are walkable.
Just something to think about.
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hi-styleuae · 1 month
Fit out Contracting Companies in UAE
Fit-out contracting companies specialize in transforming interiors to meet specific functional and aesthetic needs. They provide end-to-end services, including design, construction, and project management, ensuring spaces are optimized for use and aligned with the client's vision. FFit out Contracting Companies in UAErom commercial offices to retail stores, these companies deliver customized solutions that enhance both form and function.
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
Burdock Root - Removes toxins from the blood, cleanses lymphatic system (our bodies sewerage) helps treat skin issues & helps reduce water retention + more. If you followed us for long enough you’ll know we swear by Burdock Root especially combined with Seamoss!! 🙌🏽
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carlocarrasco · 1 year
Metro Manila mayors to tackle proposals on temporarily banning businesses and other activities with high water consumption
Summer is only getting hotter here in the Philippines and there have been rounds of water service interruptions that added to the inconveniences of families and businesses. In Metro Manila, the mayors will be meeting soon to discuss key proposals to temporarily halt business and activities that consume a lot of water, according to a Manila Bulletin news report. The head of the Metro Manila…
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