#sf9 suggestive
rainy-artworks · 8 months
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Inseong is so Hello Kitty coded
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
sf9 + making out
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Youngbin ❧ Making out with Youngbin is usually lazy and domestic. He likes to have you in his lap or trapped against a counter or a table, either way his hands need to be on your waist or hugging you to him tightly. He needs you close and loves when you pull him closer too and loop your arms around his shoulders. It’s very domestic and affectionate, almost enough to be considered cuddling. Play with his hair while he steals your breath away and he won’t be able to stop smiling. He takes his time kissing you, his lips and tongue soft on yours. It’s reassurance and it’s a confession of his love. Making out with Youngbin is comfort, and it’s his way of apologizing for not having enough time to pay as much attention as he’d like to you. It rarely leads to more, and if that’s the mood for the night, he makes it obvious from the start. In a sense, making out is the peak of intimacy for him - your hands grab at each other, you’re so close, connected, you breathe the same air, and you don’t even need to take your clothes off, exhaustion doesn’t hinder anything. It can be lazy and it’s no less enjoyable. Still, because it’s so intimate, he prefers to do it at home or somewhere where there’s absolute privacy and he knows you won’t be disturbed. He won’t even pick up his phone. When your lips are on his like this, nothing besides the two of you exists.
Inseong ❧ He’s a tease, but in the softest way. He’ll start kissing you just to pull away to watch you pout your lips and wait for more. But he doesn’t kiss you again until you open your eyes and give him that look that’s both begging for more and threatening him. Only then does he connect his lips to yours again, unleashing his passion that makes you gasp. And that’s his goal. He likes to hold your hips or rest his hands on the small of your back, but he often lets his hands wander up and down your spine. It’s reconnection. It’s recharging his energy after a long day, or a confidence boost on days he feels blue. He can never get enough of the way you cling to him, how you whine when he nips your lip or pulls away without a warning. He wants to only ever see behind his closed eyelids the image of you following his lips as he parts from you. Making out with Inseong gives you whiplash. Usually it’s just the two of you, passions running high, desire consuming you both as you stumble through your home in search of the bedroom, while sometimes it’s his adrenaline rush after a performance when he picks you up and forgets about the members and their heaving noises. He’s not shy, because you’re his everything and he wants to share his emotions with you, forcing them in with his tongue. And then he’s pulling away, grinning at you and calling you needy.
Jaeyoon ❧ It's like a marshmallow, so sweet and soft, it makes you feel a giddy kind of happiness. But just like the treat, it can get heated quickly and make you burn up with need for more. He sticks to you, both before and after. It's so obvious he wants something and with the way his eyes linger on your lips there can be no doubt about what it is. His hands cradle your face, but as the make out session progresses and gets hungry, they slip down until he can grab a handful of your ass. He needs you close, always. If he's not breathing the same air you are, you're not doing it right and he will demand a redo. Honestly, he just loves kissing you. He loves the intimacy, it makes him feel proud, somehow, that others might see you kiss, but making out is reserved for the safety of your home. That's what he's always thinking of when he has you pulled flush against him, his tongue exploring your mouth - home. The happiness of living with you, sharing his life with you, and the promise of more still as his eyes flicker open and fall on the bedroom door. Even if you’re just making out for the thrill of it, he hovers around you when you pull away. His head is propped on your shoulder, kisses regularly pressed to your cheek. He loves you. He always wants to kiss you.
Dawon ❧ A tease who folds as soon as you tease back or take charge. He'll pull away just as you're about to moan in his mouth, smirking at you and your eyes clouded with need, but he's the desperate one as you grip the hair on his nape and pull him back in. It's almost always like this, playful and very back and forth. He loves to have you sitting on the counter and stand between your legs. It makes him think of highschool dramas, students sneaking around school to steal kisses. And he can run his hands over your thighs, which really is the main point. It fuels his possessive side, because he's the only one who gets to hold you like that, touch you like that, to have you in this position. He swears he usually isn't like this, a little jealous maybe, but possessive only when it's just the two of you. You never tell him how much you enjoy how demanding his kisses get, but he knows anyway. He can be gentle too, kissing you until you can't breathe as tears roll down your, or his, cheeks. Sometimes you've had a bad day - or he had, sometimes you've fought and need the reassurance that everything's gonna be alright. If it's comfort you need, he'll give it to you. If it's thrill and playfulness, you shall receive it as well. Don't you know he'd do anything for you?
Zuho ❧ He’s protective during the act. He likes to wrap his arms around you and back you up against a wall, hiding you with his body, covering you even if there’s no one around. His forehead is on yours, because he wants to be as close as possible, to really cover you entirely. You’re so vulnerable, melting into him as he kisses you. He knows you’re perfectly capable of standing on your own, but he loves and groans against your lips as you rely on him to support you. It’s not like he’s not making your knees weak, but you like to exaggerate a bit if he likes it. He can’t always be there for you, and as much as he hates it, he hopes he can make up for it now. That it’s gonna be enough to remind you he’s always there to catch you when you need it, that you can rely on him and that he can be your safe place. He is. Whether he realizes it or not. It’s a serious moment for him, and he likes to keep it that way. But with a couple of cats that like to sabotage their owner any chance they get, it gets a little complicated sometimes. You love the sigh he lets out as you giggle, the fluffy creatures butting their heads on your legs. He doesn’t like being interrupted, but maybe it’s worth it the way your eyes sparkle as you lead him somewhere behind closed doors.
Rowoon ❧ Sometimes he forgets himself in the moment and leans on you with his entire weight until you’re stumbling backwards and he has to catch you before you fall. It doesn’t matter, your lips never separate. It’s almost like you’re dancing, you bent backwards and him leaning over you, working his lips against yours. He claims it’s more romantic that way, whispering the words when you part with a blush dusting his cheeks. You feel his heart race under your palms on his chest. He always pulls you back up, and chuckles shyly as you grip his bicep, enjoying the way it strains as he helps you straighten again. His hands usually rest on your waist or at your elbows, touch featherlight and careful. He doesn’t stop you from pulling away whenever, relishing in the fact you never do. He lets you do the touching, hoping you don’t notice the way he shivers when you run your hands up and over his shoulders, when you play with the hair on the back of his head. You do, but you never tease him about it. You’re in charge of whether things progress further or not, he’s happy either way. He could kiss you forever, whining when you pull away, or he’ll follow you, enchanted, as you lead him somewhere more comfortable. Still he’ll beg you to come back. He wants you close.
Yoo Taeyang ❧ He likes it sensual and he likes it wild. There’s a certain dangerous look in his eyes as his hands slide over your jaw and you know he needs you. He leans forward, one hand tangling in your hair and the other eventually finding purchase on your hip. He holds you firmly as his lips connect with yours, tongue slipping past your lips effortlessly. It’s slow and decadent, not unlike devouring each other. And you know it’s a strategy to make you want more. It’s fun to see who caves in first, whether it’s you who first presses into him with a needy whine or him, rolling his hips against yours as he pulls you closer. Other times it’s all about intensity and living in the moment. When he returns home after a tour and you jump into his arms the moments he steps a foot into your shared home. Your lips meet, teeth clashing and it’s messy as you refamiliarize with each other. And it’s when he pulls you into the nearest empty room while adrenaline still pumps in his veins as he comes down from the stage. And it’s when nothing goes his way and the only thing running in his mind is to destroy. He knows you hate it when he punishes himself and wears out his body beyond its limits. And he knows you don’t mind him ruining you. Come morning, he’ll kiss you gently and soothe your aches, both of you sated and deeply, madly in love.
Hwiyoung ❧ He hesitates. His hands ghost over your waist before he hugs you from behind, resting his head against yours or on your shoulder. He’s not as smooth as he wants to be, but he’s grateful you don’t call him out on that. Instead when you feel him kiss up your neck and your cheek, you turn in his hold and pull him closer. He loves when you smile into the kiss, it makes his own lips turn up. His hands roam your body, often slipping under your shirt to feel your skin. You can’t really complain when you love to do the same to him. More often than not, depending on the circumstances, you both end up shirtless. And he loves it. Skin to skin is important, after all, and he knows it can be hard to bare yourself in front of other people. He knows it can be hard to feel comfortable in your own skin. That’s why he’s grateful that you trust him. He worships your body with his fingertips, caressing every single inch of you he can reach as his lips work over yours. Sometimes it’s too much to keep things innocent, sometimes the need to be closer to you just overwhelms him, and then he needs to have you right at that moment. Other times he’s just satisfied to feel your skin on his, run his fingers over your body and through your hair. After your lips are swollen and you’re both breathless, he likes it if you lay your head on his chest. He knows you like to listen to his heartbeat, and his heart beats for you, so it seems only fair to let you rest there.
Chani ❧ It always starts with him calling your name. He keeps calling it until you look at him, not satisfied if you just hum in response. Then he pats the space next to him, or his lap if he’s missing you enough. That’s the dead give away of what he wants, and you wouldn’t change it for the world. It’s not exactly some secret telepathy lovers always seem to share in dramas and movies, but it’s close enough and it’s yours. He likes to catch you off guard, pulling you in needily, his kisses heated and passionate. And then he slows down, his tongue merely teasing your lips until you whine against his mouth. He enjoys the little game, waiting whether you’ll try to take charge. He loves it when you do, because he can easily take the power back with a few extra touches and a more demanding approach. There’s not a better feeling in the world than when you submit to him. But when you try to challenge him, that’s a close second. Because then he gets to grab your jaw in his hand and force you to stay still. He can tease you as he wants, barely pecking your lips or giving you what you were asking for, stealing your breath away and making you squirm over his lap. It’s all up to you where things will lead, as long as he gets to have you close and tease you while loving you, he couldn’t be more satisfied.
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seokwoosmole · 2 years
Glad FNC finally gave a statement about Rowoon being absent from the next comeback. Wish he could be part of it, but it is what it as and I at least feel better that we've been given an official explanation.
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jaeyooniverse · 1 year
Maybe you could make a tracking tag so people can tag you in things <3 (I don’t see one, so I assumed you don’t have one)
youre right i don't have one honestly it took me a while to see why everyone was making one 😂 but the tracking tag only works on original posts right? like if it's a reblog someone would just have to tag me?
but hmm should i make one..
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chanis-banani · 10 months
Hellooo, could I request making out with SF9 when you get a sec? Thanks
Note: I wasn't sure which format to go with for this request and I've been sitting on it for a while. Eventually I decided to go with headcanons for different kisses for each member. I hope you like it! :) Note 2: Thank you @lost-inthedream for helping me brainstorm
Genre: suggestive - minors dni!
Contains: marking, wall-pushing, teasing, gentle biting
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Youngbin - hungry kisses
There's something about his kisses, a certain kind of despair, as if he needs your touch to survive
This man is such a hungry kisser. He just wants to eat you up. He will lay his hand in the back of your neck and wrap his remaining arm tightly around you, almost like a snake
Once you start making out, you can never give him enough. He's always so hungry for more. It's almost like you're his oxygen and when you pull away he nearly struggles to breathe
Sometimes he'll lay down on his back and pull you on top of him so he can hold you tightly against his chest while you make out
This position also allows him to stroke his fingers through your hair and rub circles on your back
The way he kisses you is almost like he's giving you a taste of something more... Like he's hinting to other things he could do with his mouth
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Inseong - spontaneous kisses
He likes to leave little pecks on your lips and cheeks out of nowhere
Very gentle with you. Most of the time his kisses will be rather soft and cute
Will tenderly cup your face and stroke your cheeks with his thumbs when he kisses you
When you're doing simple stuff together, like putting the groceries away, he will often distract you with a short, sweet kiss on the lips or forehead
Also leaves a lot of kisses on the back of your neck and top of your head every time he walks by
And when you stay over for the night, be prepared to be woken up with more of his cute kisses
He usually gives you quick little pecks, so sometimes after he kisses you, you have to pull him back to get more
But he also shows a bit of a cocky attitude at times, making cheesy remarks in between kisses
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Jaeyoon - playful kisses
Such a tease in everything he does
He will hold you tightly against him, kissing you with an almost overwhelming passion
And then, just when you're getting completely into it, he pulls away with a big smirk on his lips, knowing how needy you can get when he interrupts you like this
He likes to see how your lips become red and swollen when he kisses them
He loves nothing more than to see your reaction to the things he does to you
Will definitely place his leg between yours and use it to apply some pressure to your sensitive area
Wants to make you squirm and ask for more and he won't be satisfied until you're nearly trembling in his arms
If for whatever reason, you'd want to rile him up even more, you have to say little praises against his lips
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Dawon - sloppy kisses
A very horny kisser. Even the slightest peck on the lips can sometimes be enough to make him hard. Let alone having a full-on makeout session with tongue.
Even if the kiss starts out nice and gentle, he gets carried away so easily
He'll place his hands on your cheeks or neck to pull you close while he makes out with you, pulling you in for an even deeper kiss
Doesn't mind at all if things get a little sloppy. In fact, he likes it that way and might just make a mess on purpose
Like when you pull away from each other and he looks at your lips to see that they are glistening from his saliva
Even if it's a little filthy, it just makes him so so hungry for more...
And to make things even worse, he has the terrible tendency to grind against you every time you make out
Needless to say, almost every time you kiss him, it quickly escalates
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Zuho - dangerous kisses
Making out with Zuho can be a dangerous game. He doesn't need much provocation to push you against a wall.
Don't even think about biting his lip unless you enjoy having a hand on your throat
Seriously, it's very dangerous to mess with him. Every time you try anything to rile him up, no matter how small, he takes it as an opportunity to mess with you
After all, there's nothing he loves more than to tease you right back
He might refrain from kissing you completely, only to let his tongue travel along your neck instead while you entertain him with your squirming and whimpering
While Dawon tends to escalate into more than just making out, Zuho is an expert at making you want more, without giving it to you
Once he has you where he wants you, he's very patient
His kisses can be both a reward and a punishment
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Rowoon - possessive kisses
When Rowoon kisses you, it's a bit like he's marking his territory
Because will quite literally mark your neck, for example
Definitely cups your face with his hands and pulls you tightly against him
Will engage in PDA with you, to show everyone how you're his. He won't go far with it, since he knows how to keep things classy, but little things like holding you by your waist and giving you little kisses on your cheeks
Also he finds it very cute when you have to stand on your toes to reach him for a kiss
Another thing he will do a lot is hold your chin to make you look at him. He won't do it roughly like Zuho, but rather tenderly, like he just wants to make eye contact with his special person~
One of his favorite things is to have brief makeout sessions in the car and watch you get out completely flustered
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Taeyang - demanding kisses
Taeyang likes to toy with you
When he kisses you, he always makes you hungry for more, but you never know whether he might really give it to you
His kisses are demanding but not in a needy way. Rather in a way that makes you needy
He will bite your lip because he is Taeyang and he can do what he wants, and he follows it up by pulling away to see your reaction with a big grin on his lips
Runs his fingers along your waist to tease you and pull you closer to him
Basically Taeyang's kisses are almost always a way of challenging you, riling you up. He wants to activate you to do more with him without giving you any guarantee there will be more
Sometimes he'll stop mid-kiss to look at you and observe you for a bit. If your expression is desperate enough, he'll be satisfied and leave it at that, leaving you hungry for more
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Hwiyoung - attempted careful kisses
He is kind of conflicted when he makes out with you. On one hand he wants to be careful and gentle, yet at the same time, he struggles to do that because he gets needy
Usually things will start slow and gentle
But he doesn't need much to lose himself in the pleasure. Small things like wrapping your arms around his waist can be enough
Or even worse: when you stroke your fingers through his hair
This will drive him crazy in an instant, leading him to lift you up and place you on some surface like a table or kitchen counter
He loves to let his fingers wander along your body, gently stroking your neck, shoulders, chest and sides
And if you whimper enough, he won't stop there (if you catch my drift)
It's interesting to see him switch from sweet and tender to needy and a little rough so quickly
And it's especially adorable when he switches back to his gentle self suddenly, placing the softest cutest kisses on your forehead
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Chani - sleepy kisses
Chani feels so comfortable around you, he tends to get sleepy sometimes. He can let his guard down with you. But since he likes to spend time together, he tries his best not to fall asleep and that's how the makeout sessions often start
He presses his lips against yours to stay awake and soon you can feel his tongue
It doesn't take long for a full, lazy makeout session to unfold
You'll often be cuddled up in bed or on the couch together when suddenly you feel Chani's hand reaching out to your thigh. While he struggles to keep his eyes open, he reaches out to kiss you
Such a needy boy. He's very bad at hiding it when he's aroused. Not that he really tries to hide it anyway
He will interrupt the kisses to bring his mouth to your neck and lick from your collarbone up all the way behind your jaw
Feeling his nose agaisnt your skin when he kisses your neck
Maybe a bulge oops
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notacelestialbeing · 11 months
criminal (tiffany x f!reader)
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a tiffany au, chapter story.
⤷ synopsis: tiffany is the leader of a criminal society known as the syndicated. she meets you through her father who wants her to marry you as a way to grow army of the syndicated. it all starts to spiral out of control until tiffany and you begin to develop feelings for each other. tiffany being unable to love/be loved, doesn’t know what this new emotion is, you help her figure it out. however, an unknown society begins to invade any possibility of happiness entering the two societies and tries to take revenge from the past. a past two guys tried to put behind. but can you two truly defeat whatever unknown society has started to take over the world?
⤷ characters:
switch!f!reader - co-leader of the jaded morningstars
switch!tiffany - leader of the syndicated seraphs
jung ho-seok - father of tiffany
kim namjoon - father of the reader
IU - mother of tiffany
han sohee - mother of the reader
kim chaewon - sister of the reader
rosé - right hand woman of the reader/older sister
bang chan - left hand man of the reader
huh yunjin - right hand woman of tiffany
min yoongi - left hand man of tiffany/older brother
newjeans - the reader’s younger sisters
dreamcatcher - the reader’s cousins (special appearances)
aespa - tiffany’s younger sisters
itzy - tiffany’s cousins (special appearances)
the serpents/vampires
the dearils/shapeshifters
lilith’s messengers/demons
hades’ pigeons/phoenixes
+ more guest appearances/special appearances.
⤷ warnings: violence, sexual themes, suggestive language, cursing, mature themes, gore, mentions of traumatic experiences, fluffy, slightly angsty, supernatural characters/places, themes of paranormal activity, greek mythology, dark.
⤷ themes/tropes of the story: enemies to lovers, arranged marriage, cults, dystopian societies, cyberpunk, paranormal, supernatural themes, mentions of greek gods/goddesses, mentions of demons/vampires/evil seraphs/phoenixes/shapeshifters.
⤷ songs:
s-class by stray kids, venom by stray kids, freeze by stray kids, charmer by stray kids, etc.
cyberpunk by ateez
end of the night by jay park
love killa by monsta x, got me in chains by monsta x, rotate by monsta x, etc.
dive by jooyoung
bother me by chungha
mirotic by tvxq, everyday it rains by tvxq, wrong number by tvxq, etc.
trauma by sf9
love on the floor by nct 127
criminal by taemin, move by taemin, artistic groove by taemin, heart stop by taemin & seulgi, eclipse by taemin + a lot of songs by taemin.
bite me by enhypen
eve, psyche & the bluebeard’s wife by lesserafim
sinphony by kim wooseok, shame by kim wooseok, red moon by kim wooseok, etc.
miss right by bts, dimple by bts, coffee by bts, rain by bts, 21st century girl by bts, etc.
h2o by lay
⤷ a chapter series.
⤷ chapter 1: the unknown society.
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pyeonqie · 3 months
targeted boycotts are as we know the most efficient and this isn’t me calling for a boycott, but to keep people informed below the cut are lists of kpop artists with affiliations to labels mentioned on zionistsinmusic on twitter
UMG (under an american umbrella label it owns or has joint shares in highup ent [kor releases only], yg ent [bp kor releases only], the black label [somi and taeyang's kor releases only]; under capitol music group it owns or has joint shares in sm ent; under republic it owns or has joing shares in big hit [txt kor releases only], jype [twice, skz, and itzy's kor releases only], under universal music japan it has u-cube a "joint venture with" cube ent, virgin music > republic records > used as an imprint for txt jp releases; through third party distribution umg is affiliated with yuehua ent) - 4minute, apink, ateez, beast, bigbang, blackpink, boys republic (actually managed by umg), btob, bts, dean, everglow, snsd, infinite, iu, iz*one, kep1er, lim youngwoong, loona (japan), miss a (since 2012), monsta x, nct 127, p1harmony, psy (since 2012), rainbow, stray kids, shinee, somi, stayc, super junior, t-ara, the rose, triples, tri.be, twice, txt, wonder girls, xikers, and zerobaseone
note: a lot of these have (south korea) next to the name, i don’t know if that means they only have a deal for that country because other artists like stray kids and lim youngwoong don’t have that specification
REPUBLIC (owned by umg) - itzy, nayeon, nmixx, stray kids, txt, tri.be, twice, vcha
SONY (owns columbia, wakeone, dreamcatcher company; distributes modhaus, chrome ent, kq ent, starship, top media, wakeone, wm ent) - riize, ive, ateez, bts, brown eyed girls, wjsn, crayon pop, dreamcatcher, everglow, exid, monsta x's i.m (astrisked, can't find why), kep1er, lim youngwoong, stayc, tfn/t1419, the rose, triples, wings, xikers, zerobaseone
COLUMBIA (owned by sony) - ateez, ive (usa), kep1er, p1harmony, stayc, triples, treasure (usa), xikers, zerobaseone
VIRGIN (owned by umg) - nct 127, shinee (japan)
WARNER (through warner records it owns or has shares in sm [aespa kor releases only]; included in their international labels is warner music korea which is an international copyright holder and distributor for brand new music [younite, ab6ix, as one, eluphant, miss s] and keystone ent [blank2y]) - aespa (outside of sk), b1a4, bigbang, cherry bullet, choi junhee/choi seoah/juniel (taiwan and japan), cn blue, day6, ft island, got7, iu, jyj, kep1er, loossemble, loona, p1harmony, sf9, twice
ATLANTIC (owned by warner) - got7, iu, kep1er, loossemble, p1harmony, sf9
as always if any of this information is incorrect or outdated, please feel free to correct me in a reblog or an ask and i'll update the information in this post. i'll try to keep up with any new companies that are brought up on the twitter account mentioned at the beginning of this post. i'm not here to call for a boycott of every artist mentioned here because i don't feel i am in the position to do so, but i'm not discouraging you from choosing to do so. in fact i encourage you to listen to these artists unofficially at the very least.
i'm not sure the extent to which these companies get revenue from these artists, i don't know if it's just streams or if other things like merch sales and youtube views contribute but quite a few of these artists' companies are being boycotted currently or in the near future anyway, so i would suggest you not buy any merch or watch youtube videos officially from them. this post has more info on downloading music, youtube videos (with subtitles), and the boycotts i mentioned so i hope you all will check that out too. tris @bandzboy has also been posting about and sharing twitter posts about zionism in music, especially in the kpop industry so i suggest you check out her blog as well
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lost-inthedream · 8 months
More sf9 smut headcanons (these ones were sitting on my drafts for sooo long)
Today's theme is consent to casually touch their dee
Smut under the cut
☆They don't mind, you own their body anyway
Chani: Let's be fair, he cannot complain if you sneak one hand inside his pants all of a sudden. Boy loves to grab and massage your boobs, he made it clear that is his own way to show affection as well as craving towards you. Doing something equally naughty is nothing but your right. Chani calls you filthy names as if he was not the one getting horny and hard right away. Usually ends up instructing you to stroke him fast.
Taeyang: He is often yearning to be touched. Always very close to you, very cuddly and needy. ** high maintenance partner** In Short, personal space is nonexistent between the two of you but it could not be any better. However, he gets hard if you cuddle on his lap or on top of him. It does not mean you have to make love every time but he loooves to be gifted with your attention. The way you move his pants out of your way and spread the precum down his member is so nice.
Jaeyoon: He knows his dick is juicy and gorgeous, he knows you will be enticed to take it in your hands when he walks around naked on the weekend. Also, when you wake up before him and there is no fabric to cover his intimacy. It is impossible to say no and he loves to be your propriety. You call him kinky and start with light twists around the base of his length because he should not cum fast at all.
☆You have to ask for it but it's pure formality (you still own their dick)
Rowoon: He feels immensely cherished when you all are kissing on the bed and the thing is not even steamy yet, though you pull back and articulate those magic words "Can I?" Your hand is halfway towards his crotch. "Sure, babe. Feel me." Your caress starts subtly while he becomes hungry for your mouth. You can free his member from his bottoms with no rush and gently pump it up and down.
Youngbin: He gets off with the tone you make when you want his shaft in your hand, the way you look down out of shyness, but also holding your gaze on his covered member. "Yes, babygirl. Come here and grab daddy's cock. Do you feel better now?" Just take your time with him, trace the veins, circle the head. Watch as he slowly became inapt to sweet talk you.
Hwiyoung: At first, he blushes but does not think twice before making the way easier for you. He sits back and settles his hips forward, so eager for the pleasure. Youngkyun especially appreciates his balls being kneaded with love and thanks you a hundred times. "You treat me so well, love." Don't forget to kiss him on the mouth during your ministrations.
☆You have to beg for it
Inseong: Making you beg does more to him than he would like to admit. The thing is, his hot girl finds him hot too and he needs more of your words on such a matter. "How much do you wanna touch me? Can you repeat that?" he asks while delicately avoiding your movements in his body direction. Then he finally unzips his trousers, but you have to be patient and not pull his boxers down until he says so.
Dawon: You know he is gonna tease you, yet there you go and stick your hand onto the protuberance on his pants. "No no no" he censors you, moving your hand out at once. He restrains your movements to remind you about who is more powerful. "If you need me, you just have to ask." His affirmation is clearly fake and you have to ask numerous times until he releases your wrists. Sanghyuk gets reduced into a moaning mess right after you close your fist around his girth, which is already so stiff.
Zuho: When it comes to sexual or even suggestive deeds, you don't do anything without his green light. He is your dom, babe, that's how it is supposed to unroll. He spoils you in every way possible nonetheless, and you would love to make him feel good in return. Hence you attempt to stroke his dick through his pants when he is chilling by your side. "I know how much you love Daddy's cock but we aren't doing it right now, princess". You insist while moving your palm up and down his thigh so he eventually gives in and allows you to fumble him through the fabric of his bottoms as he groans dirty words from time to time.
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seawitch62 · 2 years
Fanfiction Masterlist
Delusional Woods - Multiple (Seonghwa) - Suggestive
Shoo Fly! - Hongjoong - 3rd POV
Worst Date Scenario - Yeosang x OC
The Orchard - Jongho x reader 
Stay or Go - Mingi x reader
The Lighthouse - Yunho x reader - suggestive 
Metamorphosis - Yeosang x reader - yandere 
Genie - Wooyoung x  Hongjoong x reader - yandere
The Convention - Seonghwa x reader 
Unfriended - San x reader - yandere
AOMG/ h1ghrmusic/MoreVision
The Trolls - Jay Park - Poem
Worst Date Scenario - Jay Park - Fluff
The Collector _ Jay Park - Humour 
Backstreet Boys Party - Jay Park x Backstreet Boys - Horror 
Altar - Moonbin x reader- Horror yandere
Big Bang 
Cursed! - Jiyong x reader 
Birthday Cake - Minhyuk x Reader - Suggestive
Dean - Kwon Hyuk
Torment of the Demon -Dean   x reader - yandere
The P.I - Yunho x OC - Detective AU
The P.I (2) - Yunho - Detective AU
Forget Me Not - Jaejoong x OC
Once Upon A Time - Jaejoong x OC
No Exit - Junsu x OC x Jaejoong - Suggestive
The Boss - Junsu x OC
Linked by Ink - Jaejoong x reader - fluff - fantasy 
The Rooms - Changmin x Minho x reader 
Season of the Witch - Junsu x reader -yandere
Carnival of Fright -  Heeseung - Horror 
Worst Date Scenario - Kyungsoo x Reader
Delusional Woods - Multiple (Sehun) - Suggestive
The Honey Trap - Lay x reader - Suggestive ��
Flight 472 - Kai x reader - fluff
Office Dalliance - Suho x reader - smut 
The Satyr - Xuimin - humour 
Imprint -  Baekhyun x reader - yandere smut 
Truth best told cold - Suho x reader - yandere 
Re-Run? - OT7 x OC 
Re-Run, Re-Run - OT7 x OC
The Maintence Guy - Junhoe x reader 
Monsta X
Truth Captured - Kihyun
Romantic getaway in October -  Hyungwon x reader -  horror 
Night Terrors - Minhyuk x reader - yandere
Here Kitty, Kitty! - Joohoney x reader - yandere horror 
Revenge is best served in high heels - Yandere Johnny
The Purple - Taeyong x OC - Implied Smut
The Purple (2) - Taeyong x OC 
Worst Date Scenario - Yuta
Aliens Are Here! - Mark x OC - X-Files AU
Baby Doll - Doyoung x reader - Yandere
I Wonder - Haechan x reader - yandere
Mark and the guys in black -  Mark x reader
Green Tea Fangs - Jaehyun x reader - suggestive- horror
The Mechanic - Taeil l x reader - yandere 
The Tribe - Leedo x OC - Fluff
The Sculptor - Wooseok x reader - yandere 
The Rose
The Garden - Woosung x reader - yandere 
Catnip Man Series - Jeonghan x OC - Fluff
Worst Date Scenario - Mingyu x OC
Roadside Service - Seungkwan x reader - fluff
The Shortcut - Joshua x reader
Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) -  Jeonghan x reader - Yandere 
Party -  Minghao x reader 
Autons. - Vernon x reader - sci fi - horror
Home - Kibum (Key) x reader 
The Rooms - Minho x Changmin x reader 
The Tribe (2) - Multiple x OC
Cancelled Flight - SF9 x OC
The 10 O’Clock - Rowoon x reader - smut
Chapstick Caper - Jaeyoon x reader 
Narcissus - Hwiyoung x reader - Suggestive - yandere 
Friends with Benefits - Jaeyoon x reader 
Stray Kids
The Arena - Bang Chan - King of Hell
Munchausen syndrome by proxy. -  Hyunjin x reader - yandere
Drenched payback - Minho x reader 
The Interrogation. - Christopher x reader - horror 
Super Junior 
Bus Ride - Donghae x reader 
Welcome To Reality - Jinhyuk x Reader - Yandere
Compiler -  Gyehyeon x reader - horror 
Timemaster - Seungsik x Reader
Replacement - Leo x OC - Yandere
Wanna One 
Sneakers - Sungwoon x reader - fluff
The Changeling - Kang Daniel x reader 
Worst Date Scenario - Jay Park x OC
The Collector - Jay
Delusional Woods - Multiple (Wooyoung) - Suggestive
Stress Relief - Junho x reader - smut 
Fragrant Obsession - Jun.k x reader - yandere
Kdrama Actor
Mr. S - Lee Dong Wook x OC - Suggestive
The Marionettist.- Lee Dong Wook x reader - yandere
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taichoushadow · 3 months
Suggest anyone in the comments 👇🥰
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wonhosmistress · 2 years
Currently working on a series (now titled: Aphrodisia) with kpop idols that I personally think give a sub! vibe
Kpop Idols:
Felix (SKZ)
Hyunjin (SKZ)
Bangchan (SKZ)
Jungkook (BTS)
Jimin (BTS)
Taehyung (BTS)
Taeyong (NCT)
Taeyang (SF9)
Jungkook (BTS)
Soobin (TXT)
Yeonjun (TXT)
Beomgyu (TXT)
Wooyoung (Ateez)
Mingi (Ateez)
Shownu (MonstaX)
(I'll definitely be adding more as the series goes on. If y'al have any suggestions on who more to add and who has that sub! aura dm me!)
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
Yandere!SF9 Reaction: Darling Sexually Interested In Them
Disclaimer: Obviously, I don’t condone this kind of behavior and obviously this isn’t meant to represent how the members are irl. This is just a piece of fiction meant for entertainment. Warnings: smut/suggestive, yandere themes, duh, abusive & obsessive behavior, stockholm syndrome A/N: Some of these can be read as a continuation of this reaction ♡
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He wants to resist you, he really does, but he doubts any human being would have enough self-control to do so. He’s long since noticed the shift in the way you look at him. You’ve gotten bolder, you often let your hands wander, linger high on his thigh, and you kiss him with more passion. It’s been both heaven and hell. He thinks it’s cute, the way you think he’s just innocent, inexperienced, sweet to you, patient with you, the way it only makes you crave him more.
What would you do if you knew Youngbin would kill for you? That he, perhaps, already did?
Would you still want him if you knew the depth of his feelings for you? Of course you wouldn’t because you’re his smart darling. And he knows his love is wrong. He’s aware that his brain works differently, that he’s sick, and should probably get help. But how could he leave you here all alone? You’re better off with him. He won’t hurt you at least, unlike the rest of the world. You must be protected.
And yet he does the opposite. He argues that subtly rejecting you any longer would hurt you and cause a rift in your relationship. He can’t have that. So he takes advantage of your by-monthly visit to your parents to prepare a candlelit dinner. He cooks the food himself and orders the dessert from a high-end place you’ve wanted to check out even if you never mentioned it to him. He buys roses to decorate the table, and others for their petals to spread them around the bedroom. He prepares everything to be perfect.
And when the time comes, he spends hours working you up, making sure you’re ready for him and enthusiastic about giving yourself to him. He’s gentle, putting your pleasure before his as always, and afterward, he cleans you up carefully snuggling with you and playing with your hair until you fall asleep.
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It’s not that Inseong doesn’t want to give you what you want, quite the opposite actually, but there are rules in place and he can’t give you anything unless you ask for it the way you’re supposed to. It’s stroking his ego very nicely, the way you’re looking at him with hooded eyes, how they seem to always linger on his lips. You let him touch you to his heart’s content, and while he’s keeping it decent, it’s getting harder and harder to. He should give you some punishment at this point for making him wait this long, but that might erase the progress he’s made with you so he’s stalling.
Oh, how his precious doll has changed, from the open hostility, past the quiet submission and into the thirsty little thing that you are now. You desire him, and he couldn’t wish for more - if only you swallowed your pride and told him what you want him to do. Such as it is, you’re teasing him and your only saving grace is that you’re so cute when you beg, and you will beg him to fuck you. Two can play this game after all. He makes sure to remind you of the rules first, however. You need to get on your knees and use your words. He knows you’re still not very fond of that, but he can’t have you getting bratty as soon as it seems you might give your everything to him.
You notice the shift in his behavior too. You can’t count how many times you’ve had to bite back moans when he sat next to you and stroked up and down your thighs, purposely sliding his hand to the inner side of your thighs, getting dangerously close to where you really needed his touch. Or how his lips hovered over your neck, his hands caressing your body in ways he wouldn’t dare before. The final straw is when he shows you the effect you have on him, coming into your room with a tent in his pants.
You get on your knees and beg him for his cock. He smirks, he finally has you where he wanted.
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You don't know what you were thinking, and you doubt you'll have any idea once the ability to think properly returns to you. You've known Jaeyoon long enough to know he's prone to overdo things. Especially things concerning you and your well-being. Why did you think your pleasure would be an exception? You must've been out of your mind, or was it that you actually wanted this? You were curious what he'll do, that you'll admit, you had no idea what him finding you playing with yourself might result in and that made it all the more appealing.
Now, lying on his bed, shaking in pleasure and pain as overstimulation hits and ceases in waves, you're not sure whether asking him to help you with your predicament was your best or worst idea. 
Jaeyoon, on the other hand, is thanking the universe for rewarding him for his patience. Finally he gets to taste you, touch you, and make you entirely his as you were meant to be. And he's going to be sure you'll get so much pleasure. You've asked that of him, and he needs to make sure you don't regret that decision. There's no such thing as being overly enthusiastic in his book, not when it comes to you. He takes your thighs closing around his head as the biggest compliment in the entire world.
But there’s only so much you can take, he knows, and after licking up your releases he kisses you. You’re so adorable, incapable of coherent speech, and yet you’re whining for a break, but also for more, for him. He can’t deny you.
He takes care of you, he’s attentive to your body and he slows down when it gets all too much. That’s alright, he’s close to climax just being inside you and rocking his hips into you too. He swears he reached the heavens when your climax brings him to his release. 
He’s ecstatic as you lay in his arms, smelling of him and filled with him.
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He’s oscillating between hiding back smirks, acting all oblivious and surprised by your reactions to him, and being outright cocky about the effect he has on you. He has a nice body, he knows, he works hard for it. He knows you find him attractive, that’s why it was so easy to lure you out and kidnap you after all. And it seems you’ve gotten quite used to your living situation. You’ve gotten friendlier, more open towards his affection. He no longer has to fight with you to be able to cuddle you. His heart is soaring, naturally. He’s always known he’d do anything for you, but he’s even more certain now. 
There’s just a little something missing in the relationship. He wouldn’t mind cuddling with you for days without ever letting things escalate, but he sees the way you look at him. He notices how you try to be subtle while feeling him up, and while it’s all very nice, it’s not enough for either of you. So he has to seduce you. Clearly, you’re not opposed to the idea of progressing to the next level in your relationship. He has his doubts though, in his brief moments of vulnerability, whether it’s right. Whether you’re not trying to use intimacy as a way of manipulating him, or whether you’re not only into him because he didn’t give you any other option. He doesn’t let you see that side of him though.
No, he lets you see the side of him that’s confident and does not doubt his ability to charm you. He walks around the house shirtless, that’s the excuse Sanghyuk gives you when he ventures into your room half naked. He half-expects it to be crossing the line, but apparently, it’s quite the opposite.
In less than ten minutes he has you under him, his doubts forgotten the moment you’ve straddled his lap. He jumps at the opportunity eagerly, worshipping your body as it should be worshipped. He’s rough and possessive as if leaving as many marks as he can would chase his insecurities away. You wouldn’t want it any other way.  
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Things changed after that afternoon. You seem to be on edge anytime he comes around, which is something that he certainly didn’t miss once you’ve gotten more comfortable with him and accepted that you have no way of escaping him. He can understand that, though, given the circumstances. Juho himself feels more on edge around you, only he’s better at hiding it. He waits, patiently, if you’re going to approach the topic first. But as days pass, he starts to give up hope. Although it’s not ideal, your comfort comes first. He doesn’t force anything, even if he knows you expect him to do something. The only solace he has is that your body language doesn’t seem to be fearful, but rather excited about the prospect.
He gives you a couple more days during which he notices, with great joy, that you seem to lean closer to him any chance you get. You lean into his touches too, and more often than not ask to touch him as well. Of course he allows you to, praising you for being so affectionate and loving, not missing the blush that makes an appearance on your cheeks afterward. His touch is gentle, soft, yet it leaves goosebumps on your skin and you shiver as his fingers trail up and down your spine. 
That’s when it happens.
Your soft please, whispered directly into his ear in such a needy tone that he growls and pushes you down on the bed. It scares you for a second, but he sees you relax again when he strokes your cheek softly. He knows he’ll have to be careful with you, perhaps he should have been more lenient with you, punish you less so you wouldn’t be so jumpy. 
He considers intimacy his chance to make it up to you. He kisses you gently, only wondering how it would feel to chew on your plump lip, his hands caress and soothe your skin. He makes sure you’re prepared to take him and he takes care not to cause you too much discomfort when he sheats himself inside of you. He makes it about you, showering you in praises and reassurances, and stays by your side after the act. He’s still strict with you, but he’s softer and begging, especially with some cuddles, will get you just about anything you want. 
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You must have planned it to have him watch while you pleased yourself. You must have, right? He might be overthinking it but the last thing he wants is for you to be uncomfortable while he’s trying to make you feel good. He has a certain sympathy for you - as an actor, Seokwoo needs a certain level of empathy to play a role well, and therefore, naturally, he can imagine you’ve been pretty distressed during your life in captivity. In this movie that this your life, however, you’re supposed to fall for him just as hard as he fell for you. And this must be it, the sign that you’re ready to accept him wholeheartedly. You’ve put on such a nice show for him, you must’ve planned it.
He relishes in the tremors running through your body as he teases you over your clothes. Still so sensitive, he thinks and chuckles, leaning forward until his lips hover just above the skin on your neck. It’s a priviledge that you crook your neck towards him and his lips get to close over your skin. He kisses down the column neck, tender and caring, sucking only lightly to make you squirm in his lap. It doesn’t take long for you to plead with him to do more. He doesn’t, though. As much as he enjoyed your show, it was teasing. And that never goes unpunished. He reminds you to be patient. He’s playful, sliding his hand inside your pants and under your underwear and he swallows your gasp in his mouth. He hums happily when you wrap your hands around his neck, playing with the hair on his nape.
It’s a rare opportunity in which he allows you to disobey him. You only need to match his playful energy. You roll around on the bed, in one moment he’s on the top, then you are. The room is filled with laughter, yet when the clothes are off and he’s buried inside you, things quickly slow down and get sensual. He shows you exactly how much he wants and needs you, and you lower your walls, responding to him with the same amount of feeling. It’s exactly what he wants it to be - a confession, a sign of acceptance. He allows you to have power, to feel safe, if only for a while. 
Yoo Taeyang
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There’s a shift in the power balance between you two. Or maybe it’s always been like this, only now you’re more aware of it. Him being so submissive and eating you out so willingly, as if it was the highest honor ever bestowed upon him, made you braver. You discover what perhaps should’ve always been clear to you - that he’s unconditionally and hopelessly in love with you. You now recognize the feeling in his eyes as pure devotion. So pure that it scares you, because you realize you’ll never be able to escape his obsession - and if so, it’s gonna cost him his life. And strangely, you don’t want that. 
So instead you experiment.
You push boundaries, you challenge him, and you discover he’s easily appeased with a simple touch or kind words. Confessions of love work especially well. He won’t let you outside, but you’ve seen the entirety of the house, which you never hoped for before. 
Unbeknownst to you, however, Taeyang is well aware, ironically, that you’re not treating him right. He loves you, so he allows it, but everyone has their breaking point.
Curiosity killed the cat, or so they say, and Taeyang’s beauty is especially fatal. All you wanted was to have fun with him. It always seemed to you that all he wants is to please you. Perhaps you’ve miscalculated. You teased him too much, denied him your attention for a little too long while he pleased you so eagerly. You were selfish, greedy, and suddenly you were trapped. He’s stronger than he looks. The sparkle in his eyes, bright and docile, is gone. These are the eyes you’ve seen the night he took you.
His lips are soft by nature, but there’s nothing soft about the bruising kiss he presses onto your lips, his teeth pulling on your lower lip. One of his hands squeezes your throat gently, a warning. Yet when you panic and call his name, he’s quick to reassure you. You’re getting whiplash from the intertwining roughness and sweetness. He plays with you like you’re his doll, fucking into you with force and passion, but holding your hand throughout, whining and moaning into the crook of your neck. He covers you in bite marks, and he soothes the sting with tender kisses. 
You can barely move the next morning and he’s right there, patiently helping you. You think about teasing him, breaking his rules, but then you remember what lurks underneath, that sugar coated darkness.
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It's been awkward to say the least. He knows you saw, and even if he didn't you made a point to mention it. So far, he's been doing a pretty good job of avoiding the topic. Not that Hwiyoung isn't interested, quite the opposite. He wants you so bad it hurts, but how is he supposed to approach the situation?
Getting to this point of you being so comfortable with him was difficult, and he still isn't sure you actually want him instead of settling for him out of necessity. It probably doesn't matter anyway. He's confident that even if you became his only to survive, he'll make you love him for real through dedication, love and hard work. But the idea that you'd force yourself to seduce him and sleep with him? It disgusts him. And so he observes you more closely. He knows, rationally, that you're attracted to him and always have been. And he noticed long before the incident that you were more benevolent with physical affection and more open about your needs, even if it was subtle and done with enough grace that you could deny everything. He realizes all that, but he gets lost in his own head. Maybe he doesn't want to believe it because it seems too good to be true.
He’s cautious about intimacy. He decides to start off slow, to test the waters and he studies your reactions. He does so so closely that it creeps you out, which he notices and fixes his attitude quickly. He’s just being too careful for his own good. 
At first it’s him staying the night next to you, holding you close as you fall asleep and it’s as much a test whether you’ll try to attack him as it is his secret wish coming true. Then come his lips on yours, next time his touch gets more adventurous. The first time anything remotely sexual happens it’s when both of you are wearing clothes, grinding against each other. He wants to be sure your heart is truly his before he takes over your body.
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It’s annoying. He doesn’t have the time or energy to deal with you. The problem is he’d love to, more than anything. But you’re a menace, one that he loves in his own way with his whole heart, but you’re a handful and he’s a busy man. A busy, stressed man. He’d love to release his stress by fucking you into the mattress as you’ve been begging him to. The trouble is, Chani can’t be sure whether you mean it or not. You’ve flirted with him before, a very bad and obvious attempt to get him to let you go. This time, you seem to be genuine. You’re behaving as well, which you’ve also done before as an attempt of gaining his trust for your gain, but it’s different. Even after all this time, it’s fun to try to figure out what you’re up to. He’d like to believe you’re being honest with your actions, but he’s cautious and you’ve given him enough reasons to be suspicious.
He can’t risk anything, but he’s greedy and you’re slowly getting sulky about his lack of attention and catering to your needs. So it’s with a long sigh that is both to express his dissatisfaction with your behavior and to calm his impatient libido that he steps into your room and sits on your bed. You're lying on your stomach, head turned away from him. He puts his hand on your thigh, making your breathing hitch. He smirks, running his hand up and down your thigh until you relax. He feels your curiosity and anticipation. He runs his hand over your ass, squeezing gently and he feels his dick twitch in his pants at the sound you make. 
He makes a mess of you with just his fingers, soothing you by rubbing circles over the small of your back when it gets too much for you. But he wants to see how good you can be for him, and he tells you as much. If you can take what he gives you without the pointless whining, then maybe next time you’ll get more than just his fingers.
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kimjuncottton · 17 days
Hi friend! I hope you are having a wonderful day. I saw your post about slowing down/stopping sf9 updates again so I wanted to reach out.
First off, let me say thank you so much for your service thus far 🫡 I feel as if international Fantasy is a very small fanbase and it’s hard to find content/translations schedules etc for them so it has been wonderful to have it all in one place.
That being said, I have also always wondered how you’re able to stay so on top of it! It really feels like a full time job.
I have been wanting to be more active as an international fantasy and help where I can in providing content updates for the boys and more content in general (edits, compilations, things of that nature) and I was wondering if you had any tips on what sources you generally follow to update, suggestions on a schedule etc if someone were to start to keep up the updates. I wouldn’t be able to translate or anything like that so I’d have to keep that in mind.
I know that’s a big ask, so I appreciate you even taking the time just to read through that all if you have 🤣 Please don’t feel pressured to respond with an answer. If nothing else I do hope you know there are Fantasy out here who have really appreciated your efforts in the time being ☺️
Hi! Thank you so much 🩵 this was a very sweet message! I hope you are doing well too 🩵
I definitely started posting because it really felt like I couldn’t find a ton of sf9 content on here so I thought I’d just do it lol I got burnt out tho lol. It was like a full time job tbh updating was the first and last thing I did every day too lol it was tiring tho (especially bc I do have an actual full time job too lol)
I can definitely help out with some recommendations for where to get updates! I can’t add links in an ask so I’ll just type out the @ of the person and what site they’re on!
So any of the official accounts!
- Group twitter: Sf9official, Sf9_fanclub, sf9_official_jp
- Member’s twitters: Hwiyoung (0_rbsl), Zuho (zuho_jp), and Dawon (xleexekdnjs),
- Each member has their own ig, there’s also their official ig and japanese ig.
- Zuho’s new company (haewadal_entertainment) often posts pics of him on their instagram story
Fan run accounts:
- sf9_unofficial (only official updates/news and schedules highly recommended!)
- sf9armydays (only about member in military)
- colorsdw (random sf9 updates)
- rokartrider_ (random sf9 updates)
- notsf9cloud (selective fromm updates)
- zuho_tasty_ (random zuho updates)
- 704chat (zuho fromm)
- 724chat (dawon fromm)
- sf9_updateaccount
- sf9.fantasy_
- rokartrider_ also posts any kind of their videos on youtube their url is @ jamie1927! If you search that with the @ (no space in between the @ and the url) in the search bar it will bring up their account on youtube
I also was using some fansites for fantaken photos I usually just came across them on twitter and I always added a link to their post for credit. For translations I always added the credit if any of the above accounts added translation. I also used the translation site papago for translating the Korean. It’s the most accurate in my opinion lol. Also a lot of sites like Twitter and instagram captions can be translated on the site so you can use those too just know they aren’t super accurate all the time. I usually checked it on Papago too lol. Sometimes I just put the korean and moved on lol.
Let me know if you have more questions I tried to be as thorough as possible! So it took a bit to respond lol but thank you again for your message 🫶 good luck! And just a tip from someone who got burnt out don’t feel too pressured to always update just do what you can and what you want but don’t overwork yourself 🩵
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mrsandypants · 2 years
2022 Blog Appreciation
I'm not really great with words, but it's nearing the end of the year, and I just want to give some genuine love and appreciation to the blogs (and the people behind them) that have made me smile. Some may not really know I exist, but regardless I thank you for the time you put into your content and the kindness you show to others.
@gunsatthaphan​ - Doreen is one of the most precious beans I’ve had the pleasure of speaking with on the platform. They’ve shown nothing but kindness to mutuals and anons when it comes to asks or comments. I adore their sets like no other. If you happen to be a fan of Thai BLs or dramas, I cannot suggest following enough. (Also the president for my FirstKhao obsession. Thank you lovely for feeding me via my timeline *every* time.) I also get such a kick out of their tags and commentary. Such a precious pumpkin. Genuinely. Doreen: *Posts Content* Me:  🥰🥰
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@liyazaki​ - Mor is such a hoot honestly. I always smile or laugh when I see their tags. It’s such a mood booster. If you enjoy Queer content in general (especially Thai dramas), then they are definitely a go to blog. I swear every time I see those tags I feel heard. Not me screaming at the monitor every time I’m attacked by their sets. 🤣 Thank you for filling my year with joy sweet pea. Your sets are incredibly artsy and are a joy to look at on my feed.
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@heeseunq​ - My goodness I appreciate their content. Riri has some of the most gorgeous Enhypen gifs I’ve seen. They have a few sideblogs I genuinely enjoy as well such as: @andteamz (multi blog) and @lesserafimz (gg blog). I cannot suggest their content enough if that tickles your fancy! We haven’t really interacted, so I hope this isn’t too much of a bother, but I do genuinely appreciate your content. Thank you so so much.
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@namchyoon​ - One of the first blogs I really followed after coming back to Tumblr a year or so ago, and I still find their content precious. If you’re a fan of Bangtan & Drama related content, I highly suggest checking them out! Thank you for providing content for as long as you have. I and many others genuinely appreciate how active you have stayed over time. It’s always a treat to see your name pop up.
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@song-mingi​ - Again, another blog I follow but I’m a bit scared it might be a bother to tag them... I have been such a fangirl whenever I see a post from them. Their Ateez gifsets are *gorgeous*. They also manage quite a few sideblogs and I highly suggest giving them a look if you happen to be a multi. Such a joy to see in the feed and I cannot thank them enough for putting in so much effort. Please do give their blog a chance if you happen to be an Atiny as well!
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Some other blogs I have *genuinely* loved this year (and some mutuals I want to mention):
@jaywoninthespotlight​ - My fellow JayWon friendship enthusiast and Engene. I absolutely love seeing your posts / reblogs on the feed. Thank you for sharing anything you see!! I always appreciate it!
@feeling-woozi​ - Your reblogs are always such a treat. I always need a bit of Seventeen in my feed (especially Jihoon~!). I want to thank you for sharing anything you see on your browse throughout Tumblr sweet pea!
@kutiee​ - I’ve so genuinely appreciated *ALL* of the &Team content. There just was never enough on the feed until you started posting, I swear. I cannot express how much I adore seeing your sets.
@seokwoosmole​ - We haven’t known each other long but legitimately cannot go without panic squeeing about SF9 once in a while and having someone to squee *with* helps tremendously. You being a multi as well is just icing on the cake. 🥰
@maklineluv​ & @musicalgrl​ - You know why you’re tagged. Pish. But genuinely such sweet peas and wonderful multis. Had to give some love.
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dkbtho · 5 months
Minji's 2023 K-Pop recap!!
Tagged by: @we-survive-endlessly @ambivartence and @lee-minhoe love you, friends <3 !!!
Groups You Started Stanning?: The most notable has to be Seventeen! I knew their music before, and kinda new Mingyu (thanks Siyuan <3), but I really started getting into their content this year :) Others include (G)I-DLE and soloist Lee Young Ji!!!!
New Ult Biases?: S.Coups my BELOVED
Idol(s) Who Got The Most Of Your Simping?: S.COUPS MY BELOVED!!!
Most Streamed Group(s): Stray Kids, Seventeen, Cravity, and Oneus!
Most Streamed Soloist(s)?: BewhY, Jackson Wang, Lee Young Ji and Taemin!!!
Top K-Pop Song(s) Of This Year (Opinion Or Streaming, You Choose): This list is so long, but I'm not even sorry
Naseous - The Rose, GRL GVNG - XG, Candy Bomb - OnlyOneOf, Drowning - Bobby, Day&Night - BTOB, Good Enough - Xdinary Heroes, SHALALA - Taeyong, Tight - SF9, Intro : Beggin' You - ONEUS, Passion Fruit - The Boyz, Paranoid - Xdinary Heroes, SUPER - Seventeen, Designer - VAV, JUICE - SHINee, Move - T5, Psycho - Jun, Macaroni Cheese - YOUNG POSSE, Lucky! - Kim Jae Hwan, ODD-VENTURE - MCND, Wait - Dino, Watch It - The Boyz, Fighting - BSS, Honey - The Boyz
Top Debut This Year: I don't keep up with debuts much, but I just discovered KISS OF LIFE today, and I love their music <3 I also know ONE (1) RIIZE song (Memories). Someone also suggested eite's debut album to me over on @kpodcast and it was delightful!! I've heard good things about boynextdoor and zerobaseone, but haven't carved out the time to listen !
Choreographies You Learned: I don't learn choreographies, per se... but if bits and pieces of choreos are easy, I'll do a sad approximation of them lol (skz s-class, bss fighting, atz bouncy, etc)
Albums/Merchandise You Bought: A lot!!! I am the Best at impulse purchases, so when I see an album in the store I might just buy it! Even if I only know like one song.. But having all the albums on my shelf makes me happy :) I also bought the DKB lightstick, and the new Seventeen lightstick!!! OH and I got the iKON lightstick as a gift for my sister <3
New Kpop Mutuals You Made?: oh boy... <3 there's been a few that I didn't realize were following me?? and now we're mutuals!! anyway if you don't see me in your follow list it's because this isn't my main lol
tagging: just anybody!!! do it and say I tagged you i love you all so much <3
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yeoufic · 6 months
hi! could you suggest male idols with a “siren” vibe? maybe 99 at the youngest but you can go anything older!
hi there! here are seven face claim suggestions for a male idol with a siren vibe. 🧜‍♂️ feel free to ask for other suggestions!
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lee taemin   ·   shinee   ·   korean   ·   1993
yoo youngjae   ·   b.a.p   ·   korean   ·   1994
park jimin   ·   bts   ·   korean   ·   1995
ten chittaphon leechaiyapornkul   ·   nct   ·   thai + chinese   ·   1996
yoo taeyang   ·   sf9   ·   korean   ·   1997
park seonghwa   ·   ateez   ·   korean   ·   1998
jung wookjin  |  nine   ·   onlyoneof   ·   korean   ·   1999
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