Tags: Battle at the Department of Mysteries. Use of Guns. Torture under Crucio. Violence. Body parts being shot at. Bleeding.
Everything is going wrong.
His friends are all still alive, but they were struggling to keep up with the Death Eaters. Though one could observe that they were rather calm and focused, thinking rapidly of strategies and spells to overcome or at least shield themselves from the rather skilled duelers that are on the Dark Lord's side, it isn't really a fair fight.
Right from the start they were at a disadvantage. He hadn't taught any of them dark curses and spells to easily throw off enemies, he hadn't taught them auror-level tactics and the likes and only relied on the books in the library as well as Hermoine's own repertoire.
They were doomed.
"So, you see, Potter," Lucius Malfoy said stepping towards him, an arrogant lithe to his steps, "you think that you have what it takes to defeat us, but it seems that you have overestimated yourselves."
Mocking laughs echoed around the room, though he knew that it didn't get to him and his friends. He eyed each and every single one of them, all held at a wand point by witches and wizards that were well-learned in all kinds of curses and spells. Even if they managed to distract them to run, they would undoubtedly catch up or worse, they'll have no qualms but to cast THAT one unforgiveable on them.
They were only giving him and his friends a chance because of the prophecy on his hand.
"Come on itty-bitty Potter! If you don't give Lucy the prophecy," Neville groaned as the crazy woman harshly tugged him towards her and pointed her wand on her neck, "I'll assure that he'll also have a place with his parents on the hospital ward."
He himself felt Lucius Malfoy cast an Imperius on him, though he did throw it off after a minute or two. Usually, it wouldn't last that long but he was dead tired, and he was certainly not focused on throwing the unforgiveable off of him.
But it did hurt like hell trying to fight it off.
"Nice try," he took a deep breath as his legs turned to jelly making him fall on the floor, "Malfoy." He could see Ron gritting his teeth, his face turning the same shade as his hair, obviously enraged.
"Harry!" Though it was Hermoine that was the first one to call to him. He tried to turn towards where Hermoine is, but before he could, Malfoy casted the crucio on him, making him convulse and shout in pain. It seems that playtime is over then, they really wanted to get the prophecy from him.
"Come on! Let's give these children a taste of what real life is!"
One by one, despite his own suffering under the curse, he could hear each of his friend's shout. The loudest of them all was Ron, though it didn't seem like it was out of pain, but rather out of anger. He could barely hear Luna's, but hers were the most painful ones to hear as it was small whimpers here and there, too choked up to scream.
Neville's started off quite strongly, but as time passed by it occasionally stops then starts again. It seems that the Lestranges were taking turns on him. Hermoine's screams were muffled, as if she doesn't want to give these people what they want to see. Ginny's was continuous, but abruptly stopped after two minutes.
His friends' voice gradually stopped, but there was one that was left behind. He realized it was his.
"S-Stop! Stop it!" Ginny shouted, though her voice was coarse. Ron tried standing up and walking towards him, though he was still twitching in pain.
"That's too much! Stop it!" This time it was Hermoine.
"Harry!" Neville tried crawling towards him but to no avail.
It was quite miraculous that he was noticing these things while under the spell. Lucius Malfoy may be a coward but he isn't lacking in the dark spell's department. The bastard can hold a dang spell if he wants to.
After what seems like forever (which later on Hermoine would inform Sirius that it was actually a total of six minutes of him under the spell), Lucius Malfoy stopped. He himself was twitching, he was breathing hard, but he has a crazy glint in his eyes.
"Now Potter, I don't think you have the ability to stand. I shall take this now." Malfoy started reaching towards the prophecy. He gritted his teeth, focusing on the goal despite having been under a painful spell for more than a minute. He clucked his tongue, a signal that his friends have been waiting for.
"What was that for, Potter? Are you unsatisfied with what has happened to you?" Malfoy said, a mocking grin present in his face. He turned his head towards the Malfoy patriarch, an equally mocking grin on his face to which the blonde scoffed at. However, he could see Hermoine subtly taking something nearby her feet.
The Death Eeaters didn't notice, or they were confident enough to believe that just because their wands were not with them, that they have nothing more to use. Well, his close circle of friends have a very special training session that he and Hermoine conducted, as two of the only people that really grew up in the muggle world.
"Bang." He said.
Two consecutive bangs echoed around the room, followed by a scream and an ominous thud. Hermoine and Ron, the ones most comfortable with a gun, have shot two Death Eaters. Hermoine shot hers on the forehead, while Ron's on the wand hand.
Despite the excruciating pain on his body, especially on his nerves that made a few of his body parts twitch, he quickly brought out his own gun from a holster that was on his ankle.
He shot the frozen Malfoy patriarch on his wand hand, with the man's wand being destroyed. The wood screamed as it broke landing behind the man along with his thumb and pointing finger.
"What is happening?" Rabastan Lestrange's unfortunate last words as Neville shot him directly from his stomach. He let go of his wand, falling down to eventually bleed to his death. Rodolphus Lestrange tried coming to his brother's aide, a spell on his lips thinking that he should just close his brother's devastating wound. But Neville, though he was the most reluctant one out of them all, shot him on both of his shoulder rendering him useless and bleeding.
"That was for my parents, you bastards." The only one left uninjured was Bellatrix Lestrange, who was frozen standing in her place, unsure of what she should do.
The minute Neville shot his own captives, Luna and Ginny did the same, though one could say it was Ginny's shots that were the most brutal. She was lying flat on her face when they got the signal, she immediately took the gun strapped on her right leg, looking for an opportunity to do her thing.
When the commotion arises, her two captives both stepped near her, as if debating on what they should do now that they do not have the upper hand. She scoffed as she loaded her own gun, these pureblood wizards do not even know how to make shields against muggle weapons.
"Can your dark magic stop this?" She aimed in between the legs of the two Death Eaters holding her, and a total of four shots came out of her gun. The two Death Eaters screamed in pain, making them drop their wands and fall on their backs. Luna Lovegood's own captors tried helping their fallen allies, with them shooting a rather dark spell that Ginny is unfamiliar with towards her. She jumped out of the way, while Luna simultaneously shot the caster on his wand hand, redirecting the spell towards their fallen comrades.
The poor (not really) Death Eaters started screaming as their veins started boiling.
"That was a rather dark spell," Luna said, walking towards the man who casted it. Ginny have shot Luna's other captor down and was proceeding to help Hermoine and Ron's with theirs and trying to move a bit closer. Though she is not hesitant to pull out a gun, she knows that their ammo is limited, and she should not waste so much on trying to kill every enemy present (which she would if she could).
"Luna! Don't play with the enemy!" Hermoine shouted, as she shot another Death Eater on the head. Ron, on the other hand, favors to aim on the legs, incapacitating them and then proceeding to get their wands out of their reach.
"Sorry!" The blonde answered. She hummed, aiming the gun directly on the man's heart.
"You know," she has the man's full attention, who is also cradling his bleeding wand hand that was missing a few fingers, "not even nargles are crazy enough to steal what I'm carrying right now." The man could only look at her in confusion before she shot the man dead on his chest, at the part of where his heart is.
Ginny witnessed all of this, clapping and laughing at what Luna said.
"Why are you laughing there?!" Neville asked, a satisfied smile on his face. Behind him are two bleeding Lestranges, with one Bellatrix clutching both her hands that are missing a few fingers and one of her legs bleeding profusely.
"Luna is a menace! I'm so proud of her," Ginny wiped away imaginary tears, walking towards Luna who is giggling as well. Almost all of the Death Eaters are incapacitated, with the exception of Lucius Malfoy that is. But he is still staring at his destroyed wand, not far from it are his two fingers that his sight is also looking at from time-to-time.
"Harry!" Both Ron and Hermoine ran towards the still down boy. He is still shaking, which had them all wondering just how the boy had a perfect aim on Malfoy Senior's wand hand.
"It seems that the extra time really paid off, guys." Harry said, though a shiver could still be heard in his voice. Luna tried to walk towards him as well, only to fall from the painful twitching on her left leg. Neville grunted and approached her and Luna, loading his gun with another run.
"I wish we could have bought those machine guns thingy." Ginny whined, favoring her left side, "then these bloody Death Eaters would have been gone in a flash." A chuckle broke out of Harry as Ron and Hermoine helped him in standing up.
"Honestly Ginny, we were lucky that we talked to someone willing enough to sell us these glocks." Hermoine answered to which Ron grunted in agreement.
"But still, who would have thought that my ickle brother Ron has connections in the muggle world? And even Harry for that matter." Harry winced as the two tried to help him stand up, only for his right feet to start twitching. Well, there goes his plan to sleep it off. He's pretty sure that it is not normal.
"Those blokes were alright people, I guess. Met them when I wandered around at night." Ron said, giving up on helping Harry stand up. They all are still pretty twitchy, but most especially Harry who was under the curse for a full six minutes and is being casted by a rather crazed Malfoy.
"What in the hell happened here?!" Someone asked rather loudly. Which really isn't the right thing to do around armed and twitchy teens. To their surprise, it was Neville who took the first shot. He was so fast in locating where the voice came from and in aiming at the person who foolishly surprised them.
"GUYS! GUYS! It's me!" Sirius was fortunate that Neville is still practicing on his aim. He missed, which he is really very very thankful for.
"Oh, Sirius," Luna greeted in her usual dreamy voice, though she winced as she tried to walk towards the man. Said man looked at the carnage before him, unsure of how to react. Other Order of the Phoenix members started apparating in, wands at the ready for a battle.
But of course, the battle has long been finished, with the enemies bleeding to death slowly. Everyone was stunned, with Lucius still shellshocked at what happened, and the still alive Death Eaters silently crying in pain.
"Uh... I think Rabastan Lestrange is dead." Neville said after a moment of silence. This set off a chain reaction, with Bellatrix screaming so loud and horribly. She looked even crazier now than before, with her husband and her brother-in-law bleeding alongside her. Other incapacitated Death Eaters started shouting as well, with one of them trying to stand up, only to shout in pain as another bullet embedded itself on the man's right leg curtesy of Ron.
"What happened? What did you guys do?" Remus asked, the first of the order to break out of their shock. Hermoine stood up and started telling everyone what happened. Harry told Ron to secure Malfoy, to which the red head immediately followed. He brought out something from the back pocket of his jeans and pushed a small amount of magic on it.
It enlarged to its original size, showing that it was a rope. He walked towards the frozen man, moving him around and tying him up with a knot that Hermoine taught him. By the time he was finished, Hermoine got to the part where they were crucio'ed.
"All of you?! Are you guys alright?! We should get you to a mediwizard and quick!" At the mention of crucio, other order members started moving. Tonks moved towards Luna and Ginny, looking at their wounds and if there were any aftereffects left behind by the curse. Kingsley went to Neville, while Remus approached Ron and Hermoine.
Sirius, familiar with the effects of the curse, rushed towards Harry's side.
"Whoever casted the spell on you wants you dead, or mad." Sirius said as he started wiping Harry's forehead. He looked at his wounds, a bleeding here and there, large bruises forming, and the likes. But what has everyone's attention are their continuous twitching.
"We need to get them to St. Mungo's. The curse is casted by rather dark wizards and witches, and to this extent." Tonks said. She signaled everyone to help two person up, with Sirius carrying Harry on his arms due to the teen not being able to walk.
Unbeknownst to all of them, while they were checking on the students, Moody was taking in the rest of what has happened. He saw the guns on the holsters, he remembered the Longbottom aiming and shooting a gun without hesitation. He knows what they did, and there is only one thing he could say about it.
"Constant vigilance, eh?" He said, his voice echoing in the place. The others looked at him questioningly, while the teens understood what he said. Their eyes darkened, their hands casually moving towards where their guns are stored in.
"These students have solved half of the problems in this war. I'm going to contact aurors and have the remaining alive Death Eaters here up for questioning." The man casted spells on the still alive wizards, stunning them, though he did take a long look at Malfoy Senior, satisfied at what he have seen.
"This is war, and it seems that nobody understood this with the exception of these children." He smirked, clapping Neville Longbottom in the shoulder.
"If you guys want to work for the ministry, just tell me. I need people like you. Negotiations have long been over," then the whole place shook quite violently, with the teens moving away from the adults that has been carrying them. They ran towards the place where the shaking may have originated from, but not before picking up their wands from still bleeding Death Eaters and cold corpses.
Unflinching, unafraid, though not completely unaffected. He watched as they stumbled a bit, especially Harry Potter who needs to be supported by his two mates.
"Everyone after them!" Kingsley shouted, though they were slowed down by another bout of violent shaking. Moody was left behind to watch the remaining wizards here and as he surveyed the carnage before him yet again, he only has one thought in his head; these kids would either be seen as cold-blooded killers or heroes by the end of the day. But at the end of it all, he would be making sure to reward the children for what they did.
"War is inevitable. Especially, with adults like Dumbledore." If the children are trying to do something, then he would be an adult that would support them.
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tedwardremus · 4 months
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Werewolf Registration Act of 1947
Teddy didn’t open the box until he was back home in his bedroom. His Granny had already gone to bed. In the quiet of the dark, illuminated only by his wand, he opened the box on his bed. The top letter was from the former Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebot. 
Dear Mr. Lyall Lupin,
With great solemnity, I have recommended that your son, Professor Remus J. Lupin, be awarded a posthumous Order of Merlin, First Class, for his service in both wars against Voldemort.
While this award is of historical note, being as Remus will be the first werewolf ever to be bestowed such an honor, I do not want to linger on that fact. For I know Remus would never want to be remembered merely as a werewolf who managed to live amongst wizards. It has been my privilege to call Remus a friend, and I will miss him greatly.
I hope you take solace that so many will miss his kindness, his humor, and his friendship. Especially the young people he taught at Hogwarts. While his time employed at Hogwarts was brief, it is unmistakable that he had made a great impact. Over the past year, I met many of his former students, and they all share with me the same love for Professor Lupin. More than one former student referred to him as the best teacher they ever had. I know of one young man who considered your son to have been one of his greatest mentors and is especially pained by his passing.
Remus spoke of you with great fondness, and I know there is nothing I can say or do that could ease the unbearable pain of losing someone you loved so dearly. If you or your grandson are ever in need of anything, please do not hesitate to reach out for a moment. I am at your service whenever you require it.
Kingsley Shacklebolt, Interim Minister of Magic
Teddy carefully placed the letter on his bedside table, right below the framed Order of Merlin medals his parents received after they died. The rest of the letters in the box were pieces of correspondances amongst Order of the Phoenix members discussing how to reform the Ministry after the war.
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Hi! Could you write a little something on the war? Fred survives but Y/N ends up with a life long injury by saving Fred from a curse/torture spell and taking the curse/spell herself. They are best friends, spending all her time with Fred and the boys in their common dorms rather than the girls or doing any homework/revision which annoys Hermione as she's just as clever as her but doesn't do any work for it, and spends every break with the Weasleys (as she doesn't get on with her own family so she does casual work at the Ministry to secretly pay Mr and Mrs Weasleys mortgage as a thank you) which they learn when she's in hospital getting medicine to help live with her injury when the he's so she's practically a second daughter to them. They find out when Kingsley Shacklebot (as she's his Personal Assistant) comes to check on her, and gives her some time off work despite her offering to return back to work to get all the paperwork in order about the war, for future generations. George pulls Fred away to check on him as he knows how Fred feels about you, and says he has to say how he feels about her as he could've lost you without telling you how he really feels. Later on, as they head back to the burrow, Fred and reader follow behind slowly because of her injury and they admit their feelings for one another.
Thank you for your request. Enjoy!
Wave after wave of blinding pain overwhelmed her. Every cell in her body screamed. Maybe she was screaming, too. She tried to focus, but nothing existed beyond the red haze of agony. Another wave slammed into her, stealing her breath and setting fire to her veins. It was more than she could take. Her body spasmed once, and then oblivion took her.
There were voices. Familiar voices. Kind and worried.
"Please don’t move."
"The healer is here."
"...giving you something for the pain."
Y/N felt a small prick on her arm, and then a sudden, heavy drowsiness overtook her. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't speak or open her eyes, but she could move her hand a little. Just enough to let them know she was okay. She squeezed, and the trembling hand that held hers squeezed back. A voice spoke, soft and reassuring. It was one she knew very well but couldn't quite place. "I'm here, love. You’re gonna be okay."
'Good,' she thought. 'They know I'm okay. I can sleep now.'
Y/N blinked her eyes open, squinting at the bright room around her. There was a draft coming from somewhere, and it chilled her. She tried to pull the blanket tighter around herself, but arms were too heavy to lift.
"She's awake!" Someone yelled.
Within seconds, freckled faces surrounded her, all smiling smiles that didn't quite reach their worried eyes.
"Stop hovering over her like a pack of vultures," a voice commanded from the other side of the room. Seconds later, the owner of that voice appeared and pushed her way through to Y/N. "How are you, dear? I'm so glad to see you awake."
"Hi, Molly," Y/N rasped. "I'm so cold."
"Oh no, you poor thing!" Molly pulled the covers over her shoulders. "Why did no one put a warming charm on her blanket?! She's freezing!" Mrs. Weasley grabbed her wand and pointed it at Y/N's thin blanket, "calidum stratum." Y/N relaxed as the warmth seeped into her bones.
"Better dear?" Molly asked, brushing hair away from Y/N's face.
"Much better. Thank you." Y/N smiled and then blinked when the face of her best friend suddenly appeared, blocking out everything else. "Hey there egghead, how you feeling?" Fred asked, using the nickname he'd given her the day Hermione had an existential crisis after discovering Y/N made top marks in everything despite almost never cracking open a book.
Y/N wore the title with pride.
"Tired," Y/N gave him a small smile. "Really weak."
Fred didn't respond at first, opting instead to fuss with her blanket needlessly.
"I owe you one, love," he said after a few moments.
Y/N's eyebrows crinkled together. "How so?"
Fred froze, staring down at her. "Don't you remember?"
"Remember what?"
"The battle... you were hurt."
"Well, that explains why I'm lying in a hospital bed," she replied, trying to make light of the situation. But, when Fred barely grinned, she knew things were far more serious than anyone was letting on. "I remember Death Eaters coming at us from every direction, and suddenly, there was this loud boom and a blinding light. Then I woke up here."
"That's it?" Fred asked. "That's all you remember."
Y/N chewed on her lip. "Yeah, that's it. Sorry."
Fred looked up at Percy, who pulled up a chair and sat next to Y/N. "There was an explosion. It knocked out everyone in the vicinity, except for you. Or maybe you were just the first to wake up, we don't know. Anyway, when I came to, Fred was still unconscious, and you were lying over him, shielding him from a Death Eater who kept hitting you over and over with the Cruciatus curse. You were scr--" Percy shivered, his face going pale. "I was trying to find my wand when someone ran in and disarmed the guy."
Fred took her hand, "By the time I started waking up, you had fallen unconscious. We didn't realize how badly you were hurt at first."
"At first? H-how badly was I hurt?"
Fred looked away, wiping his eyes.
Y/N mustered up enough strength to give his hand a light squeeze. "Whatever it is, just tell me. I'll be alright."
The older twin shook his head. "You have nerve damage," he said bluntly, before rushing out of the room, with George following close behind.
"Nerve damage?" Y/N looked up at Mrs. Weasley, who'd sat down on the empty chair.
Molly took Y/N's hand in both of hers, patting it gently. "Your hip was fractured in the blast, but it's been fully healed. That's the good news," she gave Y/N a brief, encouraging smile. "But," she continued, her smile fading, "the Death Eater who attacked you must've known where you were hurt, and he focused the curse directly on your injury." Mrs. Weasley's chin quivered, "You were so vulnerable, my dear, and his repeated attacks--well, they permanently damaged the nerves in your hip."
"Ok. So--what does that mean?"
Fred sat on the small bench just outside the room, his head in his hands. He didn't hear George step out behind him.
"Hey mate," George said, sitting next to his brother. Fred jumped, wand up, ready to fight. "Woah, Freddie, it's just me," the younger twin coaxed, hands in the air. "It's just me."
"Shit, sorry, Georgie. Guess I'm still on edge from‐‐everything." Fred ran a shaky hand through his hair.
"We all are," George patted his twin's shoulder. "It's alright."
They sat in companionable silence for a while before George spoke again. "Y/N's gonna be okay, you know. She's as tough as they come, that one."
Fred sighed. "I know. But I want her to be more than just ok." The older twin stood and walked to gaze out the tiny window across from them. "She's gonna have life-long pain. And what if she never walks again? She doesn't deserve this, George. Why the fuck did I have to get knocked out? I could've protected her--" Fred's voice cracked, and he went silent for a few long moments. When he spoke again, there was winter in his voice. "Azkaban is too good for the worthless piece of shit who did that to her," he growled. "If I ever get my hands on him I'll rip his fucking lungs out."
"You'll have to get in line behind mum."
Fred turned around to find George watching him with a wry grin. After a few seconds, a small grin of his own appeared on the older twin's face, the first genuine one since he awoke two days ago on the castle floor with Y/N unconscious and crumpled across his chest.
"I don't know why the Ministry bothered having dementors guard Azkaban when they could've just sent mum over instead."
George chuckled, then turned to face his twin. "So, when do you plan on telling her?"
"When do I--what are you talking about?"
"Tell Y/N that you love her."
"Oh. That." Fred muttered. "Wait. How did you know?"
"I'm your twin," George said, matter of factly.
Fred snorted, then rubbed his eyes. "I don't know. I wanted to tell her before the war, but I chickened out. And now--"
"‐‐would be the perfect time," George said.
The older twin looked incredulous.
"You almost lost your chance to tell her because you were afraid she didn't feel the same way," he continued when Fred remained silent. "Well, it's pretty obvious at this point that she loves you too. And besides, she's going to need you in the coming months. I think it'd really help her to know."
George stood and stretched. "Just think about it." He gave his twin another pat on the shoulder and headed back into the room.
"I'm going to walk again, even if it kills me." Y/N stood, teeth gritted, left hand holding onto the bed railing and the other clinging to Fred's arm. Her right side had taken the most hits and was causing tremors to shoot up and down her right leg.
"Wouldn't that be defeating the whole purpose of walking again?" Fred joked.
Y/N stuck her tongue out at him. Her face was red with exertion, sweat beading on her forehead.
"Okay, I think that's enough for now," Fred said. Y/N simply nodded and let him help her back into bed.
"How long?" Y/N gasped.
George held up the stopwatch, smiling. "Three and a half minutes. Half a minute longer than last time."
"Awesome," Y/N smiled and grabbed her water bottle from the bedside table.
"How's your pain?" Fred asked, pushing her sweat soaked hair from her forehead.
"Tolerable," Y/N answered. "My foot keeps going numb, though."
Fred nodded. He'd barely left her side since they'd arrived at St. Mungo's four days ago, and neither had most of the rest of the Weasley family, which was why George chose this moment to go take a walk.
"See ya later," he said, giving Fred a pointed look before he walked out the door.
'Well, now's as good a time as any,' Fred thought.
"You up for a chat, love?"
"Of course," Y/N smiled up at him.
Fred pulled his chair closer. "There's something I've, well--" he paused to clear his throat. "I've been wanting--"
He was interrupted by a knock at the door, followed by a cheerful, "Hello!" And Kingsley Shacklebolt's smiling face poking through the doorway. "Up for a visit?"
"Come on in," Y/N waved him inside, then looked up at Fred. "Talk later?"
"Absolutely," he ruffled her hair. "Think I'll go catch up with George."
"Good idea. It'll do you good to get some fresh air."
Fred gave a quick nod to Shacklebolt and headed out. 'Dammit.'
"They're releasing me tomorrow," Y/N said. "I can come back to work the day after."
Shacklebolt chuckled. "I appreciate your tenacity, but you need to rest and recover."
"I'll be fine. I have medicine. I have a wheelchair," she explained. "You've got to be swamped. There's so much that needs to be sorted and cataloged concerning the war."
"The Ministry's brought in some temps."
"No one knows your system better than me. It'll take forever to train someone new."
"I'll manage," Shacklebolt said. "You're taking time off whether you like it or not, Y/N. I'm not replacing you if that's what you're worried about."
"What about the Weasley's mortgage?"
"Their payments will still be covered," he assured her. "Now stop worrying so much and use that energy to heal, please."
Y/N had started to respond when someone cleared their throat, making Y/N jump.
Arthur was standing in the doorway. "What are you talking about? I was told that I'd paid our mortgage off."
"It was the least I could do to thank you--for everything you've done for me," Y/N explained to Arthur and Molly. "You took me in when I fell out with my family and had nowhere to go. You didn't have to do that, but you did. And you've become my family now. Please, just let me do this one thing for you."
The family was headed to the Burrow, but first, George wanted to grab a few things from his and Fred's apartment, and Molly needed to stop by Potage's Caudron Shop. The rest of the family, craving some semblance of normalcy, decided to tag along.
Fred and Y/N hung back a bit so they could talk. "Mum told me what you've been doing," he said. "About the mortgage and everything."
Y/N nodded. "They're not entirely comfortable with the concept, but I think they understand why I'm doing it and have agreed, albeit reluctantly, to let me continue paying half of it."
"So that day dad came home saying there had been an accounting error and the mortgage had been paid off a few years earlier than he expected, that was all you?"
Fred was not one to get weak in the knees. But in that moment, he was very glad he had her wheelchair to hold onto. Y/N kindness and generosity staggered him, and if there was ever a time he thought he couldn't love her more, today she proved him wrong.
"You two coming in?" Ron called back when they got to the shop.
Fred looked down at Y/N, "What do you say we soak in the sun instead?"
"Mhmm..." Y/N smiled. "I'd really love that."
"We're just gonna hang out here," Fred replied.
Ron gave them a thumbs up and followed the rest of the family inside.
Rather than pushing her wheelchair beside the little bench outside, he positioned it so they could sit face to face.
"There was something I wanted to tell you yesterday," Fred began. "But then Shacklebolt conveniently showed up."
"I remember," Y/N giggled. "He has impeccable timing."
Fred snorted and took her hands in his. "I'd like, if it's okay with you, to talk about things now."
"You have my rapt attention," a smile spread across Y/N's face.
"Okay, so there's this thing I've been wanting to say for a long time," Fred began. "But I didn't know how, because I'm not very good at this sort of thing. And I should've told you before now. And George said‐‐"
"Freddie," Y/N cut in. "You're rambling."
"Oh, right." Fred's face turned a brilliant vermillion. "Umm, so. The thing that I want to tell you is that I love you. I've loved you for a long time and I really hope you love me too."
"I--um--oh," Y/N stuttered, looking down.
Fred bit his lip, watching her for a few moments before speaking. "Does this mean you don't--"
Y/N's head snapped up, eyes wet with tears. "No, it's not that. It's just‐‐"
"Just what?"
She shook her head, looking away again. "It's just things are different now." She glanced down at her legs. "I--I'm broken now. I don't want you to have to, you know, take care of me. I can't let you--"
"Love, stop right there." Fred interrupted. "You're not broken, Y/N. Do you understand me? You. Are. Not. Broken. Ok?"
Y/N nodded, wiping at her tears.
"And I wouldn't be sitting here telling you I love you if I didn't want to take care of you."
"Well, yeah but--"
Fred clasped her face in his hands and pulled her into a kiss, drowning out every other thought in her mind except the heat of his lips on hers.
"Well, it's about damn time." A shadow fell over them. Fred pulled back, letting his mouth hover over Y/N's for just a second before turning to his twin.
"Don't you have something better to do, Georgie?"
"Nope. I've been waiting for this to happen for a long ass time."
Fred cocked an eyebrow.
"Ok, ok, I'm going!" George laughed and headed toward the cauldron shop.
Y/N and Fred watched him go before they turned back to each other.
"So, what d'ya say? Give us a try?" Fred asked her
"Y-yeah. If you're sure."
"I've never been more sure of anything in my life."
Y/N nodded, a smile spreading across her face. "Then I guess I should make it official." She leaned toward him, pausing just before their lips touched. "I love you too."
If your url is crossed out, I'm unable to tag you.
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @imshiningjustforyou @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @fredweasleyyyyy @hufflepuffie @alexistonks @princess-paramour @anvaaryn @lastwandastan @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight
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sailtomarina · 11 months
Please don't
Five years, six months, two weeks, and three days had passed since Hermione had started work at the Ministry. 
She thought she was being so noble when she opted out of taking her NEWTs and accepted Kingsley Shacklebot’s offer to hop into the workforce immediately following the war. The boys had both gone to the DMLE, their adrenaline from fighting still running high. She went towards the DRCMC, hoping to continue on her long held dream to help others.
It was a decision she regretted almost every day since.
She didn’t regret her reasons—of course she wanted to champion rights for all magical beings. There wasn’t a day that went by that she didn’t look back on Remus Lupin for inspiration. She just hadn’t banked on the road being so heavily blockaded by the very same prejudices she’d fought so hard against. The statue in the entrance might look pretty, but it was a lie.
The truth was that she had made very little progress. Her first focus had been on House Elves, then Werewolves, and currently Centaurs. It had been five years, and not a single proposal she’d written had made it past the initial planning stages.
Hermione was done.
No more fieldwork in remote locations on short notice. No more sidetracking her with magical creatures whose case files were oddly sparse in detail. No more listening to her superior hemming and hawing over her ideas, only to deny them.
She held her resignation letter in her hand, back straight and chin up. If she couldn’t do what she had always dreamed of doing at the Ministry, then she would go somewhere where she could.
“I pity the fool who has to face you with that expression.”  
Hermione scowled as she lamented the fact that coming in as early as possible still hadn’t helped. It was exactly her brand of luck to bump into Malfoy of all people.
“Yes, well, they’ll only have to bear with me this one last time,” she said bitterly. 
He followed her into the elevator and she realized with continued annoyance that they were alone.
“Level four,” she barked, still refusing to look up at him.
“I know.”
She stared resolutely at the golden doors, willing them to open up to her floor.
Please don’t talk.
“What do you mean by ‘one last time’?”
Nosy git.
“I mean exactly that. I’m leaving the Ministry and finding a place where I’m actually wanted and what I do matters.”
“You don’t think what you do here matters?”
His follow-up question had her peering up in irritation. “Are you going to take everything I say and turn it into a question?”
Malfoy turned to fully face her, his back to the button panel, and leveled her with his cool grey gaze.
Hermione didn’t see him often in the building—for all she knew, he didn’t even need to work. The Malfoy wealth had withstood the ravages of war just fine, and the family had even donated substantial amounts in reparations as part of their sentencing. Other than filling his family’s seat on the Wizengamot, Hermione wasn’t sure what purpose his presence served other than starting her morning off on another terrible foot.
“I only ask because I am concerned.” 
His expression remained somber and Hermione realized with a healthy amount of shock that he was serious.
“But, why?”
Hermione was so aghast that not only did she not even notice that the elevator wasn’t moving and never had been; she didn’t realize Malfoy had positioned himself to purposefully block any moves for the control panel.
“I’m concerned because I think without you there will be very little movement towards true progress otherwise.”
His eyes searched hers and she stood there, trying to absorb his words. Objectively, she thought it was a very nice thing for him to say. Realistically, she felt burdened by the expectations it laid upon her.
“I’m not a packhorse, Malfoy.”
If he was bothered by her retort, he didn’t show it. He simply shifted in place, then started twirling his wand between his fingers.
“No,” he agreed, “but you are a symbol, whether you want to be or not. And please don’t take my observations as attempting to influence your decision in any way.”
“Why not? Lucius would have.”
He flinched at his father’s name, and she felt a twinge of remorse.
“Father likely would have, yes, but I am not him.”
His fingers had stopped moving and he now held his wand awkwardly at his side, tapping his thigh.
Tapping. Rhythm. Time.
They had been in this elevator for entirely too long.
Hermione looked above the doors in alarm and realized they were still on the Atrium level.
“Malfoy! I asked you to hit my floor!”
“No, you didn’t.”
“I distinctly recall doing so!”
“You told me your floor, yes, but you did not ask me to push it for you.”
She gaped at him.
He tilted his head and smiled.
Hermione lunged around him to try and hit the button, but he smoothly sidestepped to intercept her. She met with the warm, very firm, wall that was his chest, and it was only his hands on her hips that prevented her from toppling over.
“Unhand me, you, you—”
He gently pushed her back to standing and removed his hands, holding them up in supplication. “If you’re looking for some monstrous name to call me, might I suggest ‘dragon’?”
He rolled his eyes at the juvenile moniker, and she flushed in embarrassment.
“Look, Granger, I only kept you here because you looked like you could use a listening ear.” He raised a hand as she opened her mouth to interject, and she stopped. “I also wanted you to know that I’ve been waiting every day for one of your proposals to come through. I’ve read several of your publications and fully support everything you’ve been fighting for.”
She couldn’t help the way her jaw dropped at his confessions. Draco Malfoy had been tracking her work?
“Given that I haven’t even heard a whisper over the past five and a half years from your department, I believe it’s safe to assume that the blockade is intentional.”
She hated hearing the truth she’d already come to accept for herself from someone else’s mouth.
“I’m going to turn around and press your level now, but before I do, I want to offer my own proposal.”
Hermione narrowed her eyes at the man who had so easily derailed her plans, allowing herself to fully appreciate the sight before her. The signature icy blond locks were swept away from his face in an effortless look belying their perfect placement. Grey eyes, darkened with intent, bored into her willing her to listen. He stood a good foot taller than her, but his height and broad shoulders could still move incredibly quickly as her recent experience had proven.
“I’m listening.”
“Take on my family as a client and I will ensure that you get all the materials and personnel that you need to build a case that you will not only win, but will set you up to tackle even bigger projects in the future.”
“By take on your family, you mean…”
“House Elves, Granger.”
The Malfoys employed one of the largest personal retainers in their household. Hermione knew this from her very first foray into creature rights, but hadn’t been able at the time to pursue that avenue. Hogwarts had seemed the friendlier choice, but, even then, she’d gone nowhere.
“I want to meet them,” she announced. She needed to see the Malfoy Elves firsthand and see if there were others like Dobby. Lucius was no longer around, but who knew the history behind those dreaded walls?
“Come to the Estate this Saturday and stay for supper.” His face remained completely serious.
“This isn’t supposed to be a date, Malfoy. I’m there to see the House Elves, and see them only.”
He chuckled a little at her scathing reply, but explained further, “Staying for supper will allow you to see how they operate around one of their daily routines. You’ll arrive early enough in the afternoon to catalog their other tasks, and can leave immediately following dessert. Unless, that is, you’d like to stay for drinks after?” His voice lilted up at the end and he smiled at her in a manner that others might have labeled charming.
Hermione, however, would not be tricked.
“Excellent.” With another one of his winning smiles, he turned around and the elevator jolted in movement.
Onward, and upward.
WC 1428
Twitter prompt “Please don’t” from DramionePrompts
Cross-posted on Tumblr and AO3
Just go ahead and ignore the fact that moving from the Atrium on the 8th level to the DRCMC on the 4th level means they’d actually be going down. I also really struggled with this prompt because I wanted to avoid the obvious smutty angles and for something a bit different, then ended up wanting to insert way more story than typical flashfic lengths would allow.
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dhr-ao3 · 1 year
Solemn Promises
Solemn Promises https://ift.tt/GYkJgZc by Gbl0ndy1256 It has been close to five years since the Battle of Hogwarts. While a lot has changed, much of the old prejudiced sentiments remain the same. With a contentious election coming up, a missive is sent to Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy, summoning them to the office of Kingsley Shacklebot, the current Minister of Magic. He offers a proposition that, if fulfilled, would give each what they truly desire. For Hermione, it is a chance to be liberated from wizard society. Untraceable. Draco and his mother could be freed from their imprisonment at Malfoy Manor and with a full pardon for his mother. Political intrigue abound as Draco and Hermione are forced to collaborate and promote a new legislation that will change the face of Britain's Wizarding World. Their new alliance brings a return to wizarding society where they will reunite with many wizards, witches and creatures from their pasts, with intriguing results. Being confronted with the memories of their individual trauma, they discover they have a shared craving for a release from their pain. Acting on pure physical attraction and a hunger they could not ignore, their needs are met in ways they never could have imagined. Words: 4261, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M, Multi Characters: Blaise Zabini, Ginny Weasley, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Charlie Weasley, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Lucius Malfoy, Andromeda Black Tonks, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Minerva McGonagall, Original Characters Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Explicit Sexual Content, Political Alliances, Smut, Workplace Relationship, Multiple Pairings, Light BDSM, Post-Hogwarts, Developing Friendships, Sexual Tension, Kink Exploration, Power Dynamics, Werewolves, Vampires, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Childhood Trauma, Giants, Dirty Talk, Ministry of Magic (Harry Potter) via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/hlcQt6y September 13, 2023 at 04:41AM
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rosie-love98 · 6 months
Plans For The Second Wedding:
Constance Hardbroom: So, let's gather the plans, so far. The official ceremony shall take place at the Cackle's Academy's Great Hall from 11:45 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. Afterwards, we shall all head to Hogwart's own Great Hall to start the reception with the traditional wedding waltz. Now, for the wedding, Chief Wizard Egbert Hellibore and Minister Of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebot, will be the officiators. It shall be done to combine Imperium and Ex-Codice cultures in a meaningful manner.
Severus Snape: Not to mention Mr. Shacklebot will rescue us all from Mr. Hellibore being "Helli-Boring".
Constance Hardbroom: *should be mad at Severus but can't be*...Yes..Now, Nicholas, as the our beloved son, you are to be the best man with Ethel Hallow as the maid of honor.
Nicholas Hobbes: Right.
Constance Hardbroom: And, now, the bride's maids will be:
-Claire DeLune-Hardbroom, my sister-in-law.
-Imogen Drill.
-Jenny Wendy.
-Astoria Malfoy.
-And *shudders* Mildred Hubble...
Nicholas Hobbes: *sighs* Mum...
Constance Hardbroom: *eye-roll* If you've spent five years teaching that girl-
Severus Snape: Tell him off later, Connie. We need to complete these plans.
Constance: *sighs* Fine. As for the groomsmen, they shall be:
-Clyde Hardbroom, my brother.
-Serge Dubois.
-Andrew Starfinder.
-Draco Malfoy.
-And Ben Stemson.
My nephew, Artemis Hardbroom, shall be the ring-bearer with the flowergirls being Mona Hallow, Crescentmoon Winterchild, and...*shudders again* Henrietta Hubble...
Severus Snape: Constance...
Nicholas Hobbes: Mum...
Constance Hardbroom: Alright! Alright! Prof. Flitwick, Davina and Lavinia shall be in charge of the orchestra for the ceremony. Amanda Honeydew, and the Wyrd Sisters shall preform for the reception with Tim Wraithwright, Azmat Midari, Ruby Cherrytree and Sybil Hallow working as the technicians. Prof. Sprout and the Blosom brothers will be in charge of the floral arrangements, while the catering will be done by Mrs. Molly Weasley, Maria Tapioca and Flaminia Semolina. And, for the decorations, that shall fall onto Deirdre Swoop, Indra Nightingale, and Myrtle Widget.
Severus Snape: And what of possible trespassers such as Miss. Skeeter.
Constance Hardbroom: Security shall be placed onto Mr. Filch, and Veronica Dewdrop. Now, is there anything else I have forgotten?
Nick Hobbes: Yeah; are you going to allow kids to attend?
Severus Snape: Certainly not, son.
Constance Hardbroom: We're already spending more than enough money on this.
Severus Snape: And heaven only knows how many grandchildren the Weasleys have!
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ashwinderslegacy · 1 year
Les familles
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Vous trouverez ci-dessous les familles du canon qu'il est possible de rejoindre sur Ashwinders-Legacy !
Viendront s'y ajouter dans les semaines à venir certains noms présents uniquement dans le jeu vidéo
Famille de sang pur : Abbot, Avery, Beurk, Black, Bulstrode, Carrow, Crabbe, Croupton, Fawley, Flint, Gaunt, Greengrass, Lestrange, Londubat, McKinnon, Macmillan, Malefoy, Nott, Ollivander, Pallow, Parkinson, Prewett, Rosier, Rowle, Selwyn, Shacklebot, Shafiq, Slughorn, Travers, Weasley,Yaxley(modifié)
Famille de sang mêlé : Famille Bellchant, Bones, Diggory, Dumbledore, Faucett, Flamel, Goldstein, Lovegood, Mcgonagall, Pettigrow, Potter, Vuchanov
De plus, quelques places seront disponibles pour créer ta propre familles dans ces catégories !
Rejoins-nous !
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Wait wait wait wait shackle is actually a noum that means a restraint and was used on slaves? And jkr named a black character shacklebolt ? I’m so done with this woman
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guilded-roses · 3 years
Alright, hear me out. Lucy AU
Snape as Lucy
Sirius as Richard
The Drug Dealers as The Death Eaters
Lucy's bestie as Lily
Morgan Freeman as Dumbledore
Just imagine. I kinda wanna draw this but...heh.
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gretehart · 7 years
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Sketch- Platinum and Shacklebot
Meant to post this earlier lmao.
My OCs, Platinum and Shacklebot. Shackle is an older bot character I made for a story I’ve had in my mind for about 3(?) years now. I hope to work on something more with him & the others soon c:
But I had to draw this lol. Shackle has a thing for girls with big arms (Fun fact: when I drew him, his first “crush” was Vi from LoL xD)
Will be posting more doodles eventually ~
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So, Shacklebot really asked Lupin to call him the specific racial slur he was called during school to check if it was really him uh?
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hippogrif · 8 years
I’m back?
 it’s me! I’ve been wondering if after all these years you’d like to meet. . .
seemed fitting since I haven’t really been on this blog for about, at least a full year I think (but it can also be almost 2 years. . . ), I left quite suddenly because of some bad things that life threw at me which made me not able to handle anything really and I haven’t come back here until now.  This post turned out much longer than I expected however, so for those of you who don’t want to read my whole life story here’s the (also quite long) short version first :P
Just recently, for no real reason, I decided to visit here again (actually the reason was that I had a momentary grieving episode and I needed a place to vent and this seemed like a good place to do it) and I found out I kinda miss it. Not the blogging per se (although I kinda want to fangirl over Supergirl with people xD) but more the people I met on here and the community. 
And that’s why I’m making this post, for all of you amazing people. I tagged everyone I can remember knowing on here that I am grateful for having talked to, but I am sure I forgot people so if you’re reading this and we talked, I am also talking about you! I know 2 years is a long time, and I don’t know if you are all still on tumblr (or if anyone wants to even read this) but I just wanted to say thank you for everything, it meant a lot to me and I am genuinly sorry I stopped talking. 
The other part of the message is that I feel like tumblring (is that a verb?) again and so this is my hi I’m back message :P I’m different than I used to be (and following new tv shows and stuff) so I am not sure what I want to tumblr about yet (feel free to give me suggestions ;) ) or how frequent I’ll be here, but I do know it will remain a positive place and it will be active again :)
and now for the long version of my hiatus under the cut :P : 
now comes the (probably too) personal story and waaay too long story of why I left, and what I’ve felt/did since then. It was actually really cathartic to write this, so I am not gonna apologise for the length.
I had a really rough time 2 years ago, My father got cancer and needed surgery, I was failling all of my classes at uni (making me doubt myself) and to top it all off the plane that my aunt and uncle where in was shot down above ukraine (mh17. . .) and so my father was sick and miserable, my sister had a break down, my mother was left to pick up the pieces and I was at the other side of the country alone in my dorm room. It was the worst year of my life, it literally felt like all the air had been blown out of me and the ground had disappeared. And there was a period where I was genuinly depressed I think, even though I never really let myself feel it because I needed to be there for my sister (and my mother, and my father) and I needed to pass my classes during my last chance at uni and I just knew that if I gave in to that feeling that I would never stop crying. And because of that I couldn’t be on here anymore.
I didn’t know how to be the sad one, or how to ask for help. I have always hated feeling like I was burdening someone with my problems, and I’ve never been good at sharing my grief and I did try, just because I couldn’t do it alone and I hoped it would help, but it didn’t. I couldn’t bring up the energy for it, and there was a time where I locked myself away from everyone really (not just tumblr) because I couldn’t give anything but anger and I couldn’t receive anything either and if I couldn’t be good, I’d rather be nothing.
Which was enhanced by the fact that I felt like a cheat, I had always told everyone who needed it that everything eventually works out and life is worth living and to just have faith and love, and then here I was not believing that anymore. It felt like I had lied to everyone I had ever helped (including myself in a way) and it made me feel like I didn’t deserve help (as much as I know it’s ridiculous and if anyone told me that I would tell them that’s bullshit, and hit them in the head before hugging the hell out of them). But I guess that’s just what being depressed feels like. And just being sad I could’ve handled, I’ve been sad before, it was the anger I couldn’t deal with. The only way to get rid of anger is to forgive, and that is precisely what I couldn’t do.
This was my happy place, and I did it not just for myself but for everyone else, I always loved sending nice messages and making people happy and reblog funny things and  just making this a nice place to be, but I couldn’t do that anymore. And because the only things I wanted to reblog where sad things, or rants, and I didn’t want this blog to become a depressing place and so I just stopped altogether. 
I instead focused on helping my sister, like doing everything for her could make up for not helping anyone else (and it helped, as much as my support helped her recover, it helped me recover myself just as much) and I focused on gaining my bachelor degree. I had a weird time at school, because I didn’t feel really motivated and I largely also felt that learning wasn’t the most important thing in life, not if everything else was falling apart.  But I also didn’t want to throw away 3 years of studying because life decided to become unfair. And also maybe because a small part of me did still believe this wasn’t gonna last all my life and so throwing away my future because of the present seemed like a bad idea, not to mention it pissed me off that external events could fuck everything else up so much that I wanted to prove that at least this I could still do. And because I stopped caring about it as much as I used to, I stopped having failure anxiety, it was almost a “fuck it I’m doing it if it kills me” vibe and it got me through, despite everything I (finally, after 6 tries) passed my classes. This year I will hopefully get my bachelor degree and after next year I’ll have my master and I’ll be an honest-to-god engineer!
 And it finally felt like I was at the other end of the storm, I felt proud (and maybe a little shocked) at my own strength, at the fact that I made it. I started enjoying my classes again. I started talking to people again, making friends, being happy-ish. I say happy-ish because the grief isn’t gone yet, sometimes it comes back and hits me like a freight-train. It also changed me and I am still trying to figure out what that means exacly. I am less naive, I stand up for myself more and I know what I want more. But I am also less forgiving, which I don’t like but my friends and family say is not a bad thing.
I am stronger now, there are things I learned from this that have made me better but I still feel like I was fine before too, and I’d rather not have gone through it all (or at least later in life, I am 23 and I have lost more people than some people lose in an entire life time). So as far as acceptance I still have some way to go I guess :P 
But I can see myself getting there, I am still scared the pain and the anger are never gonna go away and maybe they won’t, but I can feel grateful again about my life, I can be happy. And so now I am here again, on tumblr, spilling my guts to all of you :P which is actually a sign I am doing great (or better, let’s not get carried away) because I have always been better at talking about feelings/situations after I stopped feeling them :P 
anyway, for anyone who has read this far, I wish I had some profound findings or wisdoms to give you about all of this. But I don’t, I'm still not sure what it all means, or if it means anything at all, so for now I’m just gonna say thank you for reading this entire novel and I hope you have a nice day :)
x Fay
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tedwardremus · 3 months
who are your top 20 hp characters
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thank gang @siriuslychessi @petalsthefish @nena-96 @takeariskao3
I can always count on you.
Turns out Regulus didn't even make the top 50 (I love so many of these characters equally. The ranking means nothing)
Harry Potter 
Ron Weasley 
Hermione Granger 
Neville Longbottom
Remus Lupin
Ginny Weasley
Lily Potter
James Potter
Sirius Black
Peter Pettigrew
Alice Longbottom
Frank Longbottom
Minerva McGonagall
Albus Dumbledore
Arthur Weasley
Molly Weasley
Percy Weasley
George Weasley
Fred Weasley
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Angelina Johnson
Rubeus Hagrid 
Lavender Brown
Kingsley Shacklebot
Lee Jordan
Luna Lovegood
Oliver Wood
Fleur Delacour
Cedric Diggory
Arabella Figg
Justin Finch-Fletchley
Hannah Abbott
Ernie Macmillan
Augusta Longbottom
Alastor Moody
Madam Rosmerta
Poppy Pomfrey
Seamus Finnigan 
Pomona Sprout
Rolanda Hooch
Gilderoy Lockhart
Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank
Cho Chang
Muriel Prewett
Rita Skeeter
Filius Flitwick 
Now I challenge you all to do your top 50 Harry Potter characters
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adeoetregina · 6 years
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INSTAGRAM AU>> the Harry Potter Series >> the Order of the Phoenix (selection)
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openupandsay-ahh · 7 years
So we are in 2018. It’s been more than four years since the last update of TLAT but I still believe in Jules.
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adlucemgossip · 7 years
FMK: Frank, Alice, Kingsley
I want to marry Kingsley. He’s too precious for this world. I like Alice, she’s feisty- so I reckon I’ll shag her. And kiss Frank just because I know these three can’t live without one another.
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