#shades of scott/uhura
cauldronoflove · 10 months
Spotify challenge let's go with Uhura and 77
"The Galatea Conclusion"
"Lieutenant Uhura," Captain Kirk calls, casting a glance over his shoulder toward her station. "A word, please."
She pushes back from the calm, for once, comm panel, smooths the skirt of her dress. It's four well-trod steps to the conn, where she rests a manicured hand on the back. "Yes, Captain?"
When he looks up at her underneath his pale brows, fingers pressed into the side of his face from chin to temple, he looks like a little boy playing cowboys. Impish and attentive, eye on the target. She can almost imagine a cap pistol on his hip, the long string of a wide-brimmed hat dangling against his chest. He shifts in his seat, uncrossing his legs one way so he might cross them the other, able to lean closer, away from prying ears. His eyes remain on the view screen so his words come as an aside. A hushed exchange shared by two. "If I were to ask you to assemble a landing party to investigate the signal from Nereid Alpha, who would you choose?"
She inclines her chin slightly, turning her eyes then to the pale blue planet that seems to ebb beneath them like a foaming tide. The message had been badly degraded; beginning as a strong, clear voice and fading to almost nothingness within a 12 second transmission. Of what they had been able to recover, it was clear the inhabitants were under threat and requesting intervention. What kind of threat, what kind of intervention, remained unclear.
What had been gleaned from the science division's scans was straightforward. Primarily water-based, with small, island-like land masses that began in a belt and flared outward, gradually losing size until the barren stretches of the poles, where the sea stretched uninhibited--uninhabited was another question, unanswered, so far, but not of immediate concern. The signal had come from the denser gathering of islands.
With land underfoot, however, there was no doubt the atmosphere would support human life. The concern about catastrophic weather systems was being debated by the meteorological team, but the consensus seemed to be if timed right, an exploratory venture was not out of the question nor extraordinarily dangerous.
Tucked away in the data banks, however, was the answer she suspected Kirk wanted her to alight on. Nereid Alpha was a matriarchal society of interconnected village communities. Visited very rarely by off-worlders, with even fewer firsthand accounts available, it was not unreasonable to assume they would prefer a similarly structured group calling on them.
"Nurse Chapel, Lieutenants Keil and Riva. Dr. Võ, as well."
His smile is close-lipped and shining, the kind that dons the dimple in his chin. He gives a tiny, appreciative nod. "And if I were to ask you to lace up your hiking boots and report to the transporter room to lead them?"
A smile spreads slow across her face. She straightens, bringing her feet together in approximation of parade rest. "I would ask you inform Commander Scott to warm up the transporter, as he has five to beam down. Sir."
They beam down with only three Standard hours until dark. A tactical decision posed by Lieutenant Keil; Yvonne, she insists, after the first swell. Hacking clear blue water and bile into the ember-shade sand, she tells them her name is Yvonne Pettiman Keil and while she thanks them for hauling her sorry ass to shore, she utterly refuses to die anywhere that isn't dry land. It's hardly the strangest proclamation Uhura has ever heard; certainly more believable than most.
They have to cross a sand bar to the next island, and it's there they stumble--quite literally--into the first signs of life. Chapel stops Uhura with a fleeting hand on her elbow almost the moment they cross the threshold, pointing to something half-obscured in the sand.
"Lieutenant Riva," Uhura calls softly, an unsettling bristle lighting the hairs on her neck, up her arms. "Bring your tricorder."
Buried in the sand is a face of gut-wrenching clarity, fashioned from a stone unlike any Uhura has ever seen. Ruby and emerald and onyx all at once, a depth of color she suspects their human eyes cannot comprehend in all its many highlights and shadows. And yet what they can understand, what transcends planet and language and code, is plain as day. Pain. This young woman had been in terrible pain.
"It's almost reminiscent of a Terran death mask," Dr. Võ observes quietly. "But the expression, the clarity...." She wipes her forehead with the sleeve of her blue jersey, sweat pacing her hairline. "Someone cared for her very much. I fear that here, as in any place of life, that was not enough."
Shaken, they continue forward, pinging the origin of the symbol with a jury-rigged communicator Uhura grips until the tips of her fingers are numb, holding it high above her head when the tide stretches out for them, pleasantly warm and inviting. When it recedes, they slog through wet sand two-by-two; Uhura and Võ out front, Keil and Riva behind, and Chapel cordoned between the pairs. VIP treatment, she calls it with the smallest laugh.
They travel away from the setting sun, which works quickly toward its rest, blurring pinkgreenorange until there is only starlight, faint and red-rimmed. Millions of tiny, perpetual eclipses that shade the landscape oddly, each step like walking through a funhouse, each distant landscape shifting grotesquely before their eyes.
There are a few more faces along the way. Young and old, eyes open and shut, some with crystalline tears forever half-shed on their cheeks, but none without the terrible truth of pain. Riva solemnly takes recordings, indecipherable as they are, and Võ shakes her head with each, becoming almost frazzled as she tries to make sense of them. No other clues, no other detritus. Are they grave markers? Warnings? Premonitions? The time and dedication of the work, surely they would not be left to disappear. Items of such clear value would be taken care of, honored.
Some six hours after they first beamed down, Uhura hails Captain Kirk while Võ reports back to Mr. Spock, each explaining what they have seen and, most notably, what they haven't. While they had expected life signs to be sparse, villages to be far apart, they hadn't expected to be met with desolate loneliness at every mile.
She knows, better than some, that space and time are not equal. That just as you can look out on a star long gone, you can hear voices so real, so full of life, that perished long ago. Why she could not be content that was the case here, she was unsure, but the nagging feeling in the back of her mind refused to abate.
"Lieutenant Uhura, I'd like for you and your team to beam back aboard Enterprise for the night. I'm sorry to say I don't believe time will make much of a difference for the Nereids. A full scientific team can be sent tomorrow to gather the necessary readings. You've done well."
She touches a steady finger to her eyelid, feeling the warmth of her own blood and the flutter of her eye searching out an answer in the darkness. "Sir, I won't ask anyone to stay who doesn't wish to. However, I'd like to request you let me remain."
He hums. She can almost imagine his expression, neither accusatory nor angry. Thoughtful, curious. "On what grounds?"
"I'm afraid I don't have any, sir. None that I can explain. I feel there's still...something I can do here."
Her communicator goes quiet for some time, and she watches the tittering light of the other. She can't help but think of it as the last vestige of the fires of Nereid Alpha and she the hearthkeeper.
"All right," comes Captain Kirk's voice. "I'll authorize whoever of your party wishes to remain to do so for another twelve hours. Check-ins with either myself or Mr. Spock every two. We can return to this discussion then, however if anything goes sideways, Scotty has my order to beam you out as soon as he gets the lock. Whether you're ready to or not."
"Understood. Thank you, sir."
"Thank me when you're back aboard, won't you? Stay safe, Uhura. Kirk out."
Nyota is aware, in the way humans sometimes are, that she is dreaming. She cannot feel Christine's shoulder against hers back on the beach, cannot hear Riva's patchy snores, but she knows, all the same, this is not a waking world.
Vegetation lines her vision, creamy white stalks that bloom immense red leaves the size of throw pillows. When her fingers glance across the spidering veins, they're warm to the touch.
She climbs a path that has already been worn, dry sand so dark it looks as freshly-turned soil. Her calves ache from the almost imperceptible incline, but she travels forward, something in the back of her mind urging her that way and no other. It does not settle until she stands before a flat-faced stone structure crouching in the overgrown brush.
Flanking the entrance are two full-length figures cast from the same material as the faces on the beach; one on their knees, digging their fingers into the folds of their face, the other with arms spread to the sky, mouth open in a shout.
There are more, the closer she looks. Slumped under leaves like storybook fairies, sobbing into their hands so their faces are obscured. She has to turn to the side and hold her breath to squeeze between the two at the door, a sob clutching the base of her throat. So much sadness.
Inside they line the walls like sentinels. The stalks of the plants outside woven into circlets that rest upon their heads, their arms firm at their sides. She can only see the fear in the downturn of their lips, the occasional half-clutched fist, the tears pooled along the rims of their eyes. She wishes she knew their language, their song, that she might offer something of comfort.
At the far end of the chamber there is a large basin, curved delicately up at the edge. A woman slumps over it, long hair a dizzying scene around her shoulders, in the basin, twined in her tense fingers. It's impossible to determine her age in comparison to the rest, and yet a thought, shaped like an answer, crosses Uhura's mind. Age and wisdom, a lengthy life line.
Uhura drops down at her side, hands hesitating over the form, bending light and shadow with her fingertips so that it almost looks as though the woman is breathing. She retreats her hands into her lap and inhales deeply, sharply, to steady herself.
Why, then, does the woman's back still rise and fall?
Fine strands of hair scratch the basin, fingers flex. With an enormous effort, the woman turns her face toward Uhura, baring the fine touches of a life spent close to the sea. The stone shifts remarkably, teasing the acutest of movements. The flare of her nostrils as she exhales an amused breath from her tall, bumped nose. Thick brows that pull together as if trying to recall something from long ago. She is young to the old and old to the young, sure and patient.
Her lips upturn very gently, smile lines crowding each end, striking an impossible warmth in her slightly down-turned eyes. "It was you who received the message. Then I need not ask the common languages. You already know. Pain, and love, and dream. I am grateful you chose to listen, there is much to say. Perhaps, by the end, you will understand why."
#77 - Electric Light Orchestra's Turn To Stone
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ao3feed-spirk · 2 years
The Final Frontier: An (Eventual) Love Story
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42770817
by the_mythologist
Space was the final frontier until these knuckleheads decided to explore it. ... If exploring it is even the word: Spock struggles with the knowledge that Jim is his t’hy’la, and Jim is distracted with a dangerous discovery of his own. Bones can’t quite tell what is keeping them all alive, and the rest of the bridge crew is more interested in all the drama than in exploring new planets. ... Or, a modernized rewrite of some of my favorite Star Trek episodes, with threads of a long arching romance that tie up the whole.
Words: 4092, Chapters: 1/14, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek), Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Nyota Uhura, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Assorted Randos from episodes
Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock
Additional Tags: episode rewrites, Slow Burn, Romance, Drama, Humor, mortal peril, Bridge crew friendship, Check each chapter for warnings/triggers, Here be kisses (eventually), Dramatic and searching eye contact, The profound bonds of love masquerading as friendship, Lots of eyebrow raising in chapter 8, much shade is thrown
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42770817
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daraoakwise · 3 years
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Uhura is our Queen! Continuing with episode 2x4, Mirror, Mirror. Another classic episode of Trek, a fantastic alternate-reality “what if?” and a great episode for Uhura.
We open on a planet with Kirk negotiating for mining rights. And hooray, Uhura is on the away team! We don’t see her doing much, but she is the only person holding anything. This is a delicate diplomatic mission. Maybe there are language and translation issues. I love the idea that she is there to make sure that the communication isn’t knotted up by a translation error.
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The planetary leaders turn the Federation down, and Kirk accepts this. The away team beams back home, but there is a storm that interferes and they step off the transporter pad into a ship that is not quite their own. Uhura looks down at her suddenly barely-there uniform, her expressions and gestures clearly an unspoken “what the hell?” (And I know we are meant to be appreciating Kirk’s biceps or whatever but … whoa those abs, Nyota. We are looking respectfully.) She steps toward Scotty, the two of them trying rather unsuccessfully to wordlessly work this out.
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She and Scotty look at one another, confused and worried as Spock calls up to the bridge to order preparations to destroy the planet. Then, as Spock tortures the transporter officer for his error, Uhura leans into Scott, hiding her face in his shoulder, upset and disturbed at both the torture and the fact that Spock is the one doing it. And if she isn’t actually touching Scotty she is definitely very close. Scotty half-turns toward her and looks down at her in concern.
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Which … can we pause for a minute? This is the very next episode after Uhura was mind-wiped and Scotty died trying to save her. We are probably just a few weeks from that event. And I know that 60s TV didn’t follow up on these things, but that doesn’t stop us. There was serious trauma there, and recovery, for them both. The effects have got to still be lingering, even if they both have been getting appropriate mental health treatment; Uhura’s reaction to this violence—she can’t even look at it! is certainly suggestive to me that she is suffering from after-effects from the violence so recently inflicted on her.
And she leans into Scotty. That too is suggestive. At some point, I’m sure they let her see the bridge security footage, which was the first time she really realized the scope of what happened. And I imagine Uhura—equal parts grateful and pissed as hell—grabbed a bemused Scotty, shoved him into an empty storage closet, and shouted at him for being so reckless with his life. And for his part, he told her that dying wasn’t his intention (and besides, he got better) ….but he’d do it again. There is a change in their relationship, starting about here and moving forward into the movies and the almost-something that eventually develops between them in a decade or so. They stand closer. They talk more. I don’t read the two of them of being capable of (or compatible enough for) any sort of exclusive arrangement, but it is possible to read this as the start of an on-and-off, half-wistful, friends-with-benefits thing. At the very least, I see the relationship between these two intensifying considerably. And I think it flows from what happened with Nomad. Not everyone agrees with that, and there certainly isn’t anything written that way until the movies, but since we are picking apart brief scenes and micro-expressions, I choose to see something there.
The away team escapes into the hall, and both Scott and Uhura do an immediate “what the hell, Captain?!?” Kirk shushes them until they can reach sickbay. The four of them walk down the hall, Kirk doing his best to blend in as he is saluted. Once in sickbay they work out that they have arrived in an alternate universe. “Another Captain Kirk, another Doctor McCoy, another ….” Uhura cuts herself off before she can complete her thought; she was about to say another Uhura, and the thought clearly rocks her. Kirk send Scott out to do some sabotage to try to buy them some time on killing the planet below, and sends Uhura up to the bridge to see if there is any wiggle room in their orders from Starfleet. “Yes sir,” she says, her usual confident and competent self, and then suddenly she pauses.
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It occurs to her that she is about to be alone against monsters. “Captain, I’m ….” she’s afraid, is the word she doesn’t say. Kirk sees it in her eyes, and reaches for her, his hands on her shoulders, and his confidence grounds her. (In a later episode, where she is also afraid, she’ll tell the Captain that his steady courage takes away her fear.) She always looks so young here. “Uhura, you’re the only one who can do it,” Kirk says gently, and assures her that he will be there soon. She “yes sirs,” and heads out.
She walks into the bridge and …. this isn’t a good place. Her friends are not her friends, and she can feel it. She sits down at her station, and a dangerous, scar-faced Sulu immediately heads over for some sexual harassment.
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She slaps his hand away, and Sulu starts toward her in fury. Whatever was about to happen is interrupted by the Captain walking onto the bridge. As with Spock casually torturing a man, seeing Sulu like this is horrible (and Chekov, the would-be murderer in a few scenes.) Kirk swaggers onto the bridge, doing his best to play the brute, and demands communication status. Uhura loudly tells him there is no damage, and then more quietly tells him that their orders are to destroy the planet if the planet doesn’t comply. No wiggle room in the orders. She opens a channel to the planet where Kirk, although sounding like a hard-ass to our ears, offers the planet unprecedented time to reconsider their decision. Kirk tells Uhura to contact Scott and McCoy and send them to his quarters. A look flashes over her face—she wants to be there too. She does NOT want to be alone on the bridge, but it would be deeply strange for her to be there as well. Kirk gently shakes his head at her; she has to stay.
Uhura spends what has to have been an agonizing shift on the bridge until the Captain calls up. Scotty is going to be tapping into power, but Sulu can’t be allowed see it. They need a distraction, and Uhura knows what she need to do.
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On Scott’s signal she summons her courage and then flirtatiously walks up to Sulu. He isn’t playing by the rules, she purrs at him; she was supposed to protest and then he was supposed to come back. She has her knife out, toying with it, but it is the smallest bit of protection in this very dangerous situation. Sulu pulls her in, groping her, head between his breasts. If this was a darker show he’d already have his pants unzipped. The heavy implication is that sexual violence is common on this awful ship. Uhura lets his groping continue, her eyes on the security board, until it reads clear, then backhands him hard. “I changed my mind, again,” she says. When Sulu comes for her she threatens him with her knife, and backs off the bridge, ordering a red shirt behind her to take over her station, which he immediately does (and the look on his face suggests he might be of Mirror Uhura’s henchmen.)
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Earlier in the episode, back aboard our Enterprise, we saw a very brief glimpse of the Mirror Uhura, behind bars with the Mirror Kirk, Scott, and McCoy, gesturing and shouting at our Spock. Our Uhura here does a very good job at playing at what that woman is probably like, powerful and brutal in her own way. Uhura has looked down at the clothing she has been wearing, more sexually aggressive than any one else that we see. She’s been able to watch how people respond to her for a shift on the bridge. I suspect she knows exactly what that woman is like, the worst of herself. And to have to play that woman—and to do so only weeks after actually losing herself to a mind wipe—is really a worrisome thing. I’m concerned about the nightmares and sleepless nights that have certainly got to follow her after these compounding traumas.
Uhura calls down to Scott, all clear, and heads down to sickbay. But Spock is onto them, and there is a brawl that Uhura absolutely participates in, jumping in to give and take blows from the strong Vulcan. Quickly thinking, she grabs a … lamp? something .. and hands it to the Captain, who smashed it over Spock’s head. She looks on with some concern while McCoy treats the severely injured Spock. They finally make their way down to the transporter room, and the Captain is confronted by the Captain’s, uh, girlfriend, who wants to come. They can’t, and she whips out a phaser, pointing it at Kirk and Scott as if Uhura isn’t standing right behind her. And then Uhura, in a moment that I absolutely adore, jumps the woman and disarms her, taking her phaser and knife. It is glorious.
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They finally beam home safely, and Uhura looks around the familiar transporter room, home, in sheer relief.
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This is a fantastic episode in general, and a truly great Uhura episode. And then, after two of the best Uhura episodes, we don’t get any Uhura at all in the next two episodes, 2x5 The Apple and 2x6 The Doomsday Machine. And of course this is merely a writing or scheduling issue, but in-universe Uhura has just had one hell of a month. I like to imagine that she requested, and was given, some leave time to take care of her mental health. Because in the future we all know that mental health and health are the same thing, and we make sure to take care of ourselves when we need it.
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banditaxstich · 3 years
Pattern Masterpost
Teacher’s Stitch Kit
First Lines:
A Christmas Carol
A Wrinkle in Time
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
The Hobbit
Pride and Prejudice
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Boldly Go:
The Original Series
Captain James T. Kirk
Dr Leonard McCoy
Lt Commander Montgomery Scott
Lt Nyota Uhura
Lt Hikaru Sulu
Ensign Pavel Chekov
Top 10
Season 1: 
The Man Trap
Charlie X
Where No Man Has Gone Before
The Naked Time
The Enemy Within
Mudd's Women
What Are Little Girls Made Of?
Dagger of the Mind
The Corbomite Maneuver
The Menagerie
The Conscience of the King
Balance of Terror
Shore Leave
The Galileo Seven
The Squire of Gothos
Tomorrow is Yesterday
Court Martial
The Return of the Archons
Space Seed
A Taste of Armageddon
This Side of Paradise
The Devil in the Dark
Errand of Mercy
The Alternative Factor
The City on the Edge of Forever
Operation: Annihilate
Compilations: Pt I / Pt II / Pt III
Season 2
Amok Time
Who Mourns for Adonais?
The Changeling
Mirror, Mirror
The Apple
The Doomsday Machine (Bonus)
I, Mudd
Journey to Babel
Friday’s Child
The Deadly Years
Wolf in the Fold
The Trouble With Tribbles
The Gamesters of Triskelion (Triskelion emblem)
A Piece of the Action
The Immunity Syndrome
A Private Little War
Return to Tomorrow
Patterns of Force
By Any Other Name
The Omega Glory
The Ultimate Computer
Bread and Circuses
Assignment Earth (Detail)
Compilations: Pt I / Pt II / Pt III
Season 3
Spock’s Brain
The Enterprise Incident
The Paradise Syndrome
And the Children Shall Lead
Is There No Truth in Beauty?
Spectre of the Gun
Day of the Dove
For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
The Tholian Web
Plato’s Stepchildren
Wink of an Eye
The Empath
Elaan of Troylus
Whom Gods Destroy
Let That Be Your Last Battlefield
The Mark of Gideon
That Which Survives
The Lights of Zetar
Requiem for Methuselah
The Way to Eden
The Cloud Minders
The Savage Curtain
All Our Yesterdays
Turnabout Intruder
Compilations: Pt I / Pt II / Pt III
The Next Generation
Captain Jean-Luc Picard
Commander William Riker
Lt Commander Data
Dr Beverly Crusher
Deanna Troi
Geordi La Forge
Lt Natasha Yar
Ensign Wesley Crusher
Season 1
Encounter at Farpoint
The Naked Now
Code of Honor
The Last Outpost
Where No One Has Gone Before
Lonely Among Us
The Battle
Hide and Q
The Big Goodbye
Angel One
Too Short a Season
When the Bough Breaks
Home Soil
Coming of Age
Heart of Glory
Arsenal of Freedom
Skin of Evil
We’ll Always Have Paris
The Neutral Zone
Compilations: Pt I / Pt II / Pt III
Season 2
The Child
Where Silence Has Lease
Elementary My Dear Data
The Outrageous Okona
Loud as a Whisper
The Schizoid Man
Unnatural Selection
A Matter of Honor
Measure of a Man
The Dauphin
The Royale
Time Squared
The Icarus Factor
Pen Pals
Q Who
Samaritan Snare
Up the Long Ladder
The Emissary
Peak Performance
Shades of Gray
Compilations: Pt I / Pt II / Pt III
Season 3
Ensigns of Command
The Survivors
Who Watches the Watchers?
The Bonding
Booby Trap
The Enemy
The Price
The Vengeance Factor
The Defector
The Hunted
The High Ground
Deja Q
A Matter of Perspective
Yesterday’s Enterprise
The Offspring
Sins of the Father
Captain’s Holiday
Tin Man
Hollow Pursuits
The Most Toys
Menage a Troi
The Best of Both Worlds Pt I
Compilations: Pt I / Pt II / Pt III
Season 4
Best of Both Worlds Pt II
Suddenly Human
Remember Me
Future Imperfect
Final Mission
The Loss
Data’s Day
The Wounded
Devil’s Due
First Contact
Galaxy’s Child
Night Terrors
Identity Crisis
The Nth Degree
The Drumhead
Half a Life
The Host
The Mind’s Eye
In Theory
Redemption Pt I
Compilations: Pt I / Pt II / Pt III
Season 1
Broken Bow
Fight or Flight
Strange New World
Terra Nova
The Andorian Incident
Breaking the Ice
Fortunate Son
Cold Front
Silent Enemy
Dear Doctor
Sleeping Dogs
Shadows of P’Jem
Shuttlepod One
Rogue Planet
Vox Sola
Fallen Hero
Desert Crossing
Two Days and Two Nights
Shockwave Pt I
Compilations: Pt I / Pt II / Pt III
Star Trek Aliens: 
Prayer of St Patrick
Naw Ruz
Easter: Matthew 28:20
Earth Day
Mother’s Day: La Cage aux Folles
Semicolon Project Pride
Love is Love Pride
Sapphic and Achillean Pride
But I’m a Cheerleader! 
Q quote
Barclay quote
Lore Olympus
Due South
TNG alphabet
Unnamed alphabet
All that is gold...
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
At Tara in this fateful hour...
Brooklyn 99
The Chicken is not amused.
CWU Wildcats
Dopamine poster
Good Omens
Jackson Family Crest
La pluie de vos injures...
Martin Luther
Maya Angelou
Mullet Dress
On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand
Robert Service
Sherlock review
Terry Pratchett
Tutorial Pattern
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iwannaban0nym0us · 4 years
Women in Star Trek Art
I found this amazing link from this post and couldn’t resist going through and pulling out a few(maybe more than a few) of my favorite pieces. I pulled out my favorites, but I encourage you to check out the rest and find your own!
Rico JR | Nyota Uhura “Star Trek”
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“I love the character of Uhura, already since the TV series and this unforgettable kiss with Captain Kirk which is the first interracial kiss on television. That is something important. But I even more adored the interpretation of Zoe Saldana in recent movies. He strength of character and her relationship with Spock was, to me, one of the highlights of JJ Abrams films.”
— Rico JR
Tom Ralston | Guinan “Star Trek: The Next Generation”
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“If the recurring character of Guinan appeared in an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation you knew you were in for several things. First-off you would be in store for a thought-provoking episode, often with a profoundly moving payoff. Many episodes of TNG accomplished this, but Guinan’s character guaranteed a certain level of emotional engagement, as she allowed us to learn about the deeper issues of the crew of the Enterprise; their fears, desires, hopes and dreams. You would glean insight into the inner narrative of one her fellow shipmates, as she offered them her guidance and wisdom. A Guinan appearance also meant rich costume designs and the possibility of one of her enormous hats. Who doesn’t want to see Whoopi Goldberg in a giant hat?! Guinan’s character is over 600 years old and a refugee of an endangered race scattered across the universe. She has a sixth sense and there is a tonne of mystery surrounding her back story. But despite her elaborate origins, her role on the enterprise is designed upon a simple and age-old trope of the of the bartender / therapist. Yet Guinan transcends any tired cliches through Whoopi Goldberg’s masterful performance in which she exudes kindness, compassion and a good balance of strength and vulnerability. Guinan was supposedly the final character Gene Roddenberry created, and as such, seems appropriately emblematic of the entire franchise — emphasizing kindness, compassion, strength and vulnerability and the willingness to listen and support those around her.”
— Tom Ralston
Alan Fore | Tasha Yar “Star Trek: The Next Generation”
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“I’ve always been drawn to Tasha because she was an early example in my life of a strong female character. The glimpses we got of her backstory were so compelling and I’ve always felt there was so much more to the character than we got.”
— Alan Fore
Laz Marquez | Warship Yar “Star Trek: The Next Generation”
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“I remember watching “Star Trek: TNG” for the first time & seeing the character of Tasha Yar represent strength and an important role as Chief of Security on the bridge. This was enough to make me immediately enamored with the character and her story. Then, the spectacular episode “Yesterday’s Enterprise” was released and we saw shades to Yar that weren’t truly explored. The character is strong but she’s also driven by doing what’s right, even if it means sacrifice and facing grim circumstances. Her backstory, explored in bits in Season 1, tells the story of a survivor who joined Starfleet to create a better world. While she was on the Enterprise-D, she did just that and helped each of her fellow team members & friends grow as a result.”
— Laz Marquez
Scott Saslow | Rachel Garrett “Star Trek: The Next Generation”
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“I chose Rachel Garrett, captain of the Enterprise-C, portrayed by Tricia O'Neil in the classic TNG episode "Yesterday's Enterprise." While we don't get to know a lot about her in those 44 minutes, she proves to be a charismatic and capable leader. When faced with the horrible truth of her situation, she finally decides to take her ship back in time in order to restore the timeline and save billions of lives.”
— Scott Saslow
Jamie Fay | Kathryn Janeway “Star Trek: Voyager”
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André Barnett | Seven of Nine “Star Trek: Voyager”
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“I grew up with the original Star Trek series, and I was, at first, a little leery of the later series. But, my daughter Christa was a big fan of “The Next Generation” and “Voyager” and we watched them together, and doing so helped me to appreciate the actors, writing, and character development of these new shows. The Seven of Nine character of course was visually stunning and brought with her the drama of the Borg back story, but at the same time, the writing and character development explored the meaning of being human as the Seven of Nine character attempted to regain back her humanity. It was a storyline that was compelling to me and is why I chose to illustrate this female character.”
— André Barnett
Kristin Wilkinson | Seven of Nine “Star Trek: Picard”
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“There are many characters in the Star Trek universe that I am fond of and have created fanart of. One character I’ve always loved was Seven of Nine. Watching her journey/story has been one of my favourites. Seeing her over the years accept and try to rediscover her humanity after her rescue from the Borg has been one of my favourite story lines. She’s strong, and, well, cool, but also has a vulnerability. She has always been an outsider, trying to fit in, which is something that is so very relatable.”
— Kristin Wilkinson
Andrea Davies | Raffi Musiker “Star Trek: Picard”
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“I have chosen Raffi from the wonderful and almost overwhelming list of choices. My day job is Assistant Head in a special school for teenagers with social, emotional and mental health needs. Many of our kids have challenging and chaotic homelives. Pupils, and often their parents and siblings are fighting circumstance and often addiction. My message is always that our demons, mistakes and bad choices don't have to define us. Raffi is fighting that fight on screen. She shows us that it isn't easy, and most importantly flawed people can still do amazing things. Michelle Hurd gave us an imperfect, but inspiring character. 'The wreckage of a good person' is a line I have adopted. I see that wreckage every day, and know it can be fixed.”
— Andrea Davies
Phil Dunne | Michael Burnham “Star Trek: Discovery”
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Jeanne Delage | Tilly “Star Trek: Discovery”
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“Tilly is my favorite character from Star trek: Disco because she is highly intelligent but seems just like a normal and flawed person, like you and me. She cares about others, is funny, also silly and dorky. A good friend you can have a great and fun time with. In serious situations, she came up with smart solutions and takes charges when needed. Overall an awesome character wonderfully portrayed by Mary Wiseman.”
— Jeanne Delagenote
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ao3feed-uhotty · 4 years
Shades of a bussiness man
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2YnO3IP
by SpaceGuardianlover1997
Spock is the CEO of his million dollar company, Grayson Corp. Jim is hired to be his personal assistant. They start to develop feelings for each other.
Then Spock asks Jim to join him to travel to Paris france for work. Then something happens between them.
Then Jim finds out Spock is engaged and misunderstandings ensue.
Will they get past this misunderstandings and get together or will Jim dissappear forever?
Words: 1368, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Shades
Fandoms: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek), Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov, Amanda Grayson, Sarek (Star Trek), Montgomery "Scotty" Scott
Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott/Nyota Uhura, Christine Chapel/Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Amanda Grayson/Sarek
Additional Tags: Boys Kissing, Boys In Love, Developing Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Jim, Jealousy, Misunderstandings, Wedding Planning, Wedding Night
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2YnO3IP
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assenterprick · 6 years
Now I'm curious, what GOT Houses do you think everyone else would be in? Bones is definitely a Stark or a Tully
SCREM.  anon, i love you.
so.  um um um, where to begin.  i could go about this so many ways, so uhhhh.
JIM KIRK --> House Targaryen.  Be it in Dany’s shoes or Jon’s, although I like it from Dany’s POV more at the moment.  I already mentioned a few parallels between Dany and Jim that make this fit really, really well, but point blank, Jim is a major player.  He’s the captain, the guy who rallies the troops for the cause.  There’s been a lot of things around lately about whether you could do a Trek movie ( with the original crew ) without Kirk.  And honestly, you could do it, but would you?  Yes, Trek is about the group as a whole, this disparate group of people coming together because one person’s strength is another weakness.  But that doesn’t work as well without a rallying point.
LEONARD McCOY --> House Mormont.  Mormonts are stubborn and incredibly, deeply loyal, and Bones is also the Most Stubborn and incredibly, deeply loyal -- there are so many examples of that okay.  Also, Mormonts aren’t one of the Great Houses, they’re more on the periphery of things.  They serve the Great Houses ( their alliance with the Starks. ) –  in a lot of ways, the secondary Houses are the backbone of the Great Houses and that just. really fits Bones.  He’s a major player, but more so on the periphery of things.  He doesn’t need all the pomp and circumstance when he’s just doing his job as a doctor, and he prefers it that way.
SCHN T’GAI SPOCK --> House Greyjoy.  But sent off as a ward of House Stark.  I originally wanted to say he was a Baratheon bastard ( ah-la Gendry ), but thought the idea of being born one house and sent off to be raised under another better exemplified Spock’s struggles in balancing his Vulcan-ness with his humanity.  Jon ends up telling Theon that he doesn’t need to choose between being a Greyjoy and a Stark, that he can be both.  If I got anything out of ST:B it was a sense of peace in Spock due to the realization that just because he’s one thing, doesn’t mean he can’t be the other.  Now, I don’t think Spock would make the same decisions that Theon’s Greyjoy characteristics led him to make.  Spock, like all the goodies in Trek, isn’t cruel like a Greyjoy.  Nor is he overconfident like Aeron, Balon, and Euron, but he is intense, adventurous, proud.
NYOTA UHURA --> House Martell.  Ahem, warrior women who take shit from no one?  All hail Queen Nymeria.  And, okay sure.  The Sand Snakes are one extreme when compared to Doran’s patience, and, yes, Oberyn is dangerous, aggressive, and insulting in all the ways Ny isn’t, but Ny’s a good balance between the two.  She’s intense, doesn’t take shit from anyone, is brave as hell and is a woman of action, but she’s tactful about it.  She’s a professional.  And, also, relating this back to Jim’s ID as a Targaryen -- the Martells are the only house that didn’t fall to the Targaryens the first go around, much like Ny was all ‘cute try, but boy bye’ the first time she met Jim in XI.
HIKARU SULU --> House Tarly.  TBH, I really struggled with Sulu.  I originally stuck him as a Baratheon, but it didn’t feel quite right.  Tarly doesn’t feel quite right either, but I think he’s somewhere between the two and closer to Tarly on the scale.  And he’s for sure more Sam than Dickon, but I don’t see a universe where Hikaru Sulu would turn down Heartsbane if it was offered.  It wouldn’t be because he’s ruthless, but because he wants to be prepared.  And, okay, the fencing thing influences that too.
PAVEL CHEKOV --> House Tyrell.  I may have based this one on looks more than anything and I’m not even sorry about it?  But, in all seriousness, Chekov sure as hell isn’t as innocent as a lot of people make him out to be just because he’s so much younger than his crewmates.  Reading this ( scroll to #3 for Tyrell. ) just screamed Chekov to me.  I’m 90% sure Olenna Tyrell would adopt Pavel Chekov in 0 seconds flat.  If you can’t see him sitting around, throwing shade with Margaery and Olenna, and then being fighty with Loras then that’s really just on you.  Chekov’s ambitious just like Margaery, licentious, and boasts about Russia just as much as the Tyrells brag about Highgarden.
MONTGOMERY SCOTT --> House Tully.  Another one I kind of struggled with.  Tully doesn’t feel 100%, but nothing else did either.  Ultimately, I went with Tully for similar reasons to why Bones is a Mormont: the Tullys aren’t in the spotlight, and Scotty, if left to his own devices, would probably 100% like to only ever stay down in his own world in engineering.  It’s not because he doesn’t care because he does and we know he does.  He cares a lot, but, in his own words, ‘I’d rather not take sides’ unless absolutely needed.  Tully’s #7 on this list, and that all, imo, fits Scotty.
CHRISTOPHER PIKE --> House Stark.  Do I need to explain this one?  He’s Ned, but like at least 109842934% more Done.  Like, he’s Boromir ‘One Does Not Simply’ level done compared to Ned Stark on the Sean Bean character scale.  But, he’s good, honest, and loyal.  In AOS, he’s stern with Jim and isn’t afraid to let Jim know when’s he’s disappointed as all get out, but he still sticks his neck out for Jim in the way Starks do whatever and stick up for their family.
CAROL MARCUS --> House Lannister.  Honestly, I think this one comes more from the action’s taken by her father in ST:ID than her own, which isn’t exactly fair, but Tyrion and Jaime haven’t turned out half-bad.  But, Carol’s cunning and got the head for strategy given that she forged her transfer onto enterprise and then, when needed, revealed her presence to her dad in an effort to save the enterprise and her crew from his wrath. 
JAYLAH --> Craster’s Keep.  So, basically, she’s a Wildling, but I specifically grouped her with Craster’s creep ass because she spent an unspecified amount of time as Krall’s prisoner with her family.  And, then, it isn’t until the enterprise crew crash lands on Altamid that she’s, truly, able to orchestrate her escape.  Am I saying the enterprise crew is her Sam Tarly?  I’m saying the enterprise crew is her Sam Tarly.
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ao3feedchulu · 6 years
50 Shades of Grayson
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2J7ZVd2
by TexMex007
Jim Kirk is many things-he's loyal, intelligent, handsome (so his Mama says anyway), and most prominently, he's a good friend. When a sick Chekov asks him to cover for him and give an interview to the CEO of Grayson Incorporated, he agrees. What he didn't agree to (although he's definitely not complaining) was the intensity and attention of the mysterious Mr. Grayson- a Vulcan with a Human last name and a penchant for staring into his soul.
Words: 4162, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, F/M
Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek), Pavel Chekov, Hikaru Sulu, Gaila (Star Trek), Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Nyota Uhura
Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock, Gaila/Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott/Nyota Uhura, Pavel Chekov/Hikaru Sulu
Additional Tags: I Can't Believe I Wrote This, I blame this on a youtube video i watched that gave me the idea, Alternate Universe - 50 Shades of Grey Fusion, First Meetings, Aliens Still Exist, Jim is a pretty boy, Jim is too nice, Suave Spock, Spock in a suit, Spock's got a strong hold of his Human side, Lust at First Sight, and then it turns into something more, Jim has self-worth issues, Virgin!Jim, experienced!Spock, you will probably cringe with how cute scotty and Uhura are, and Bones and Gaila, and Chekov and Sulu, Seriously they're all so cute and perf, borderline sugardaddy!Spock, are you reading these?, comment your favorite fruit if you read these, will tag more later
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2J7ZVd2
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impalaanddemons · 7 years
Libertatem - Part 2
Summary: A Science Station goes radio silent - when Scotty and his engineering team are sent to reestablish communication, things go south fast and hard.
Wordcount: 1500
A/N: I miraculously found 2 hours to write today. I don’t know what happened. It’s still dark, but I hope you like it.
Warnings: angst, injury, combat
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Day 1
„We’re easy to love, when we’re down on our knees.“
He woke up to darkness and a throbbing pain in his head. Prying his eyes slowly open the darkness around him started to take form as he got accustomed to his surroundings - small filthy looking rays of orange light split the room before him into shades of grey. Wether the orange tint came from the planets sun or an artificial light, he could not say. Somewhere in the distance a machine hummed and buzzed - a sound his subconscious mind immediately took in and stored away for later analyzing. The black and grey differentiated further - the orange tint glowed through a small window, maybe a man’s height above his head. There was the weight of cuffs around his wrists - subtle and lightweight, only noticeable because they were a strange feature for a man usually devoid of all jewelry.
„Shit“, he muttered and his voice sounded hollow even in his own ears. His throat hurt, raw from the smoke and yelling, prompting him to cough until tears welled up in his eyes.
„Shit“, the Enterprises CE muttered once more and lifted his hands, staring at the cuffs. Standard Issue Starfleet Equipment. With a bit of time on his hands and a few tools he’d be able to break them in no time. Time was, he figured, not his main problem though. He fumbled for his tool belt, just in case, but his captors weren’t that stupid. What a pity. As his senses returned as well as his common sense, there was another thing that caught his attention. It was a soft sound, so soft and gentle in fact that he had first taken it for part of the machines humming in the distant and only now realized that it originated from much closer. Almost … human. „Hello?“, he asked softly in return, as if talking at a sacred place, trying not to disturb the silence and solemnity. The other sound stopped and only the machine’s humming stayed. He narrowed his eyes, a stupid thing when trying to pierce the darkness in front of him, and the orange tint swayed just enough to the left to capture the glistening of eyes in the corner furthest away from him. The eyes belonged to someone - or something - else, a creature huddled,muscles strained and tense. Maybe a humanoid wrapping it’s arms around knees pulled close, maybe something entirely different and unknown to him. The only thing he was sure of was the defensive stare he was given, a hard glint like steel, obfuscated by the darkness around the. He looked up to the window, now very sure that the light outside was artifical, listening to footsteps or anything else, then looking back to the creature and considering his options. What could or should he say? Was it wise to state his name? Was it a trick, a deception to con him into giving away information? He felt awfully misplaced, a sense of dread spreading in his chest, born from a situation he felt utterly unfamiliar with. Situations like this were the Captains expertise. „I’m Montgomery Scott. USS Enterprise.“ A whimper. He was not bound to the ground, only restricted in the movement of his hands. He could get up and closer. Get a closer look. He listened again. No footsteps no nothing. His sense of time had abandoned him the moment he fell unconscious. „Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott. Yer human? Ya speak standard?“ Again only silence and the humming of machinery which he would’ve found comforting everywhere else. „Probably not, then“, he sighed and leant back against the wall behind him.
Enterprise „Results, Captain“, Lieutenant Uhura turned around on her chair, concern spread across her face. Her eyes caught Spocks, just for a second, before landing back on Kirk. The man looked strained, the mischievous glow in his eyes had dimmed down, he was a captain today, one that had lost several members of his crew without knowledge of how and why things had happened. Not lost, she corrected herself, only missing in action. Nothing was determined yet. „Let’s hear them, Lieutenant.“ he straightened up in his captains chair. „I have cross referenced data with Mr. Spock. We found some interesting wavelengths not usually in use by Starfleet or any known allies. It seems our transporter signal had been blocked the moment the second team went down. That’s why it appeared as if we’d lost our people.“ „Had been blocked?“ Kirk caught on, pressing the transporter rooms intercom button almost instantly. „Ensign Chekov, scan for life signs and transport anyone up you can find. We’re not going to leave anyone up there.“ - „Aye, Keptin.“ Without awaiting further questions from Chekov he released the button and turned around to Bones. His dark eyes were right there. The CMO just nodded and grabbed his Comunicator, hailing Medbay: „Chapel, prepare everything for incoming injured crew members, 4 nurses down to the transporter room, please hail M’Benga to stand by just in case.“
The transporter room was chaos for the few seconds it took Doctor McCoy to descend upon the scene with furious intent. The first few chaotic seconds after the arrival of several injured crew members quickly turned into efficient prioritizing. Kirk watched his CMO work from the corner of the room - he saw a few broken limbs, someone who was immediately carried away on a biobed despite looking unharmed at first look. Issuing a few more orders, McCoy hurried after a second and third biobed. He counted seven injured, two dead and one missing. Scotty. „Lieutenant Uhura“, he lifted his communicator to his ear. „Anything knew? We’re missing Mr. Scott.“ „Nothing yet, Sir. Communications is working on it.“
„Au’e“, a voice laughed outside, probably male with an unpleasant sound to it. A door opened and that orange light flooded the room - the scotsman was fast enough to turn around his head, face the other side of the cell and not be immediately blinded this way.
Human, he thought as he saw the huddled figure, even if barely so. The man behind the voice - a tall figure that was nothing more then a shadow against the light, threw two bowls into the cell, splattered what was hopefully replicated mush around and shut the door again with a bang that made his ears ring. Footsteps became distant and silence fell again. „Yer human, lass.“ Scotty grabbed the bowls, trying not to spill the rest of their contents in the room and got closer to the hunched cell mate. „Looks like we’re in this together now,“ he added and put one of the bowls just close enough for her to reach for it. He then sat down on the opposite wall, now closer, able to watch her without squinting through the darkness. Her hands were bound too, but the electric cuffs looked like they had lost charge and should’ve been exchanged at last a few weeks ago. She did neither seem to notice, nor to care anymore. Blank eyes staring at him with fear and repulsion and what he discerned as rejection of another being close to her. „Didnae care for a real cook here. Could at least cook something decent for a lassie like ya.“ he sniffed at the bowl and knew in an instant that only hunger would bring this stuff down his throat and only pride would keep it there. „Ensign Y/N“ at first he did not recognize her speaking. It was such a raw sound, shivering and clinging to some strength hidden deep below, that he had difficulty discerning her voice and the human sounds she made. She spoke Standard. „Security Division, assigned to Station Utara Delta. Starfleet Number 22/76/21.“ He sighed and swallowed down one bite of whatever they were giving him. At best, they’d just poison him. „See, we’re getting somewhere“, he whispered more to himself then anyone else. „Just say Scotty.“ She moved slowly, deliberately grabbing the bowl and watching him, the expression of her face not changing. „Ensign Y/N, Security Division, Starfleet Number…“ The scotsman eyed her and forced the kindest smile he had on his face. „Yer a fighter. Tha’s good. Ya’ll see, lass.“ Captain, get me out of here fast, he thought, listening hard for footsteps on the bare concrete outside. Whatever happened here, it was best not to find out personally.
@engineeringtrashcan​ @webhoard @inaugural13 @thebloody3agle @sassymissmyra @flowerbunbunny @anotherotter @theleonardmccoy @thewalkingdeanisdanielhowell @dirajunara @mustanglegends @elinanve @klingons-on-the-starboard-bow
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thefanficfaerie · 7 years
Star Trek Fancasting Princess Diaries 2
Leonard McCoy - Nicholas Devereaux
Jim Kirk - Mia Thermopolis
Chris Pike - Queen Clarisse Renaldi
Phil Boyce - Joe
Hikaru Sulu - Andrew Jacoby
Pavel Chekov - Ladies Maid
Keesner - Ladies Maid
Nyota Uhura - Charlotte Kutaway
Spock - Security Guard Shades 
Alexander Marcus - Viscount Mabrey
Jaylah - Security Guard Lionel
Cupcake - Captain Kip Kelly
Commodore Paris - Prime Minister Motaz
Montgomery Scott -  Lilly Moscovitz
brought to you by me and @auduna-druitt
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Uncertainty Blooms Ch1
So I’m going to be working on a multi-chapter fic series for my gal Jaylah and I just finished the first installment.
So, uh... This is going to get angsty pretty quick, but I wanted to set it up a bit first. This first chapter is just a bit of what goes on between Jaylah and the crew hanging around on Yorktown and them parting ways when she leaves for the academy and they go back to the black.
I absolutely have no even done a cursory read-through for errors and I regret nothing.
Tag list: @thevalesofanduin @mccoymostly @emmkolenn (feel free to let me know if you want to be added in future stuff)
Repair the ship, protect her home from outsiders, hide, run, hunt, sleep, and when it was all done repeat. Survive. That was Jaylah’s entire life beginning the day her father helped her escaped Manas and his attempts to aid Krall. And then Montgomery Scott stumbled into her little world of solitude and flipped it all upside down in an instant.
Everything flew by in a whirlwind from the second Jaylah met the Enterprise crew. Her whole world went from isolated survival to watching, consumed in anxiety, as Jim risked his life to save the lives of everyone on Yorktown. In that moment, she had pushed away the thought that she might lose someone else she cared for because if he failed? They were all dead. Nothing would matter if they were all too dead to know the difference.
She’d never admit it, but there was still a piece of her that wanted him to make it.
When all was said and done, she still didn’t have time to do anything other than eat, sleep, and attend meetings; Starfleet had so many questions. When Starfleet didn’t have questions, she was being dragged around by the crew.
According to them, she was part of the family now. That knowledge struck a chord somewhere inside her that she chose to ignore in favor of trying to think her way through her next steps. Jim’s party came and with it her decision was made for her. The opportunity to rejoin her newfound friends in a few years is more than enough to make up for the fact that she’ll need to wear one of those uniforms; at least she would be able to wear the pants and not be forced into the dress.
Questions, questions, questions, and even more questions followed that day. Who was she? Where did she come from? Why had Starfleet never heard of her planet? Who, where, why, how?
It frustrated her that the only answers she could give them were what she remembered from her days as a child. She was so young when they took to space, and she suspected that her parents hadn’t told her everything about why they even left.
With each new day of questions, Jaylah found herself increasingly jealous of her friends who seemed able to ‘take the edge off’ with the alcohol they were all fond of. She was looking forward to the day she could leave for San Francisco and get to studying, but that wasn’t for another month.
“Ah, lassie… Y’might wannae just find somethin’ else t’distract you,” Scotty suggested one night a few weeks into their stay. He motioned for her to follow him and brought her to the workshop he was given to work in while the new ship was built. “I can teach ya some things. Makin’ distracts me when I’m bothered.”
That was how she decided to take on the engineering track. The equations she learned were easy enough to learn, and it meant that if she ever found herself stuck on a planet she should be able to fix it herself and go back home. The way the bits and bobs pieced together to make functioning equipment had always fascinated her. Scotty watched on with extreme pride as she picked everything up so quickly he had flashbacks to his first days discovering a love of machines and what makes them go.
This new distraction was a blessing. Jaylah no longer noticed that tug at the edge of her mind that tried to steer her toward thoughts of the past. She didn’t want to think about the past. All she wanted was to focus on her future on the Enterprise (because no one, not one single person, could convince her that she was going anywhere else after graduation).
It worked for quite a while. She spent as much time as possible learning everything Scotty would teach her. When she wasn’t doing that, she was spending time with the rest of the crew; drinking with Sulu and Chekov, shopping with Nyota (she now had more clothing than she really knew what do with, but she learned that purple apparently suits her- whatever that means), quizzing Spock about the workings of his experiments in the labs, practicing her combat maneuvers with Jim and Leonard, or even just going out with the group as a whole.
Then the new Enterprise was finished. Everyone except Bones seemed eager to be back among the stars, but Jaylah found herself longing to follow them instead of stepping onto the shuttle set to bring her to Earth.
“We’ll check in whenever we can,” Jim assured her with a smile.
“Aye,” Scotty agreed. “I’ve got plans te com ye weekly when I can.”
Uhura stepped in to give her a tight hug that she reluctantly returned. “And we’ll see you whenever we visit Earth. Promise.”
“How often are you visiting Earth?” She hated the uncertainty in her voice, but after spending so much time alone she wasn’t looking forward to diving back into an unknown place with unknown people.
Jim sighed and rubbed at the back of his neck a bit. She noticed immediately that he was avoiding eye contact as he spoke, “Not a lot, honestly… But we’ll try to stop in when we can okay?”
She knew that would be the case, but it still sent strange and unfamiliar feelings out to every corner of her being. Instead of acknowledging them, she just nodded and accepted hugs from everyone.
Before she stepped onto the shuttle, Scotty snagged her by the forearm and handed her a smallish box. “Jus’ a gift from th’ lot’ve us for your room.”
The bright paper tempted her to tear into it immediately, and she obliged that desire. The bridge crew, McCoy, and Scotty watched on with varying shades of amusement as she pulled out a framed photo of the group from Jim’s birthday. Everyone had crowded together with Jim at the center; each had a smile on their face ranging from Spock’s subtle upturn curve of the lips to Jim’s full-blown, brighter than a sun smile.
Jaylah easily recalled that moment. They were all battered, bruised, and still reeling from the events on Altamid, but they were glad to be alive. She remembered the deep bruises on her arms, legs, and torso aching until McCoy had time to heal them for her; she hadn’t been able to trust anyone else to do it.
Her fingers traced across the frame and she couldn’t help but smile. For the first time, she felt with a keen clarity that this group of people really had become more than just friends of necessity.
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vanvelding · 6 years
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As I was going through some old files, I found this. I wanted to commission seven pieces of art for the original 17 to 01 podcast (Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scotty, Uhura, Sulu, and Rand). I got as far as weeding through a half-dozen artists on Elance until I found one who could deliver.
I’m 90% happy with this. It’s fits the style I wanted for the series. I needed the option of putting any of the pieces on a colored field that would match the subject’s shirt, reducing them to a collection of symbols and iconic elements (ears, earrings, hair, rank, etc) placed on a background that matched their color scheme and allowed me to crop the image to meet a variety of art needs.
Budget/communication problems popped up and I didn’t get to finish the series, but maybe some day.
Full art descriptions below.
I need one image for this project. You may choose from any member of the crew, in the pose and with the prop listed. Image files will be provided. Each image should be in a minimalist style; no shading, no facial expressions (except where noted otherwise). Characters can be identified by their shirt colors, hairstyles, skin tone, and rank braids on their sleeves, all of which should be provided in the reference images for that character.
Most characters will have a prop, which should also have an attached reference image, if necessary.
We’d like it if all images could be used for ad banners, social media icons, or other uses. This means transparent formats and appropriate resolutions/formats. Most of these images should be vertical, except for Chief Engineer Scott’s.
Please contact me if you have any questions. 1) Captain James T. Kirk Kirk stands in a heroic pose reminiscent of a samurai. A broken tree branch is his sword broken closer to the grip than away from it. Jim Kirk Shirt Rank stripes Hair in profile A branch Samurai pose
2) Doctor Leonard H. McCoy McCoy with a drink that’s garnished with a mind control flower from This Side of Paradise. Mccoy Shirt Rank stripes Hair Flower from This Side of Paradise (this is a very specific form of flower. Please see reference image)
3) Commander Spock The image of Spock is that of the actor who plays him, Leonard Nimoy, in Spock regalia. He has a relaxed pose, leaning along an unpictured fence. His right arm trails away from us, holding a cigarette. Closer to us he’s reading a fan letter in his left hand. He is the only character with a facial expression and he’s smiling. Spock Hair Rank stripes Shirt Letter
4) Chief Engineer Scott Scotty is in a literal Mad Men pose (see reference). Instead of reclining on a couch, he’s leaning on one of the red guardrails of the bridge, facing away from us. His image is horizontal instead of vertical like everyone else’s. His left arm is stretched out holding a drink while his right arm is folded in, concealing his right hand in front of his body. (The rails are not actually high enough to reach up to someone’s back, but it’s okay.) Scotty Shirt Rank braid Red guardrails the same color as his shirt Mad Men pose Simple wiskey glass with a pale green fluid in it (no ice)
5) Lieutenant Sulu He’s shrugging and holding a smoking revolver in his left hand because WTF, Sulu? Sulu Shirt Hair Rank braid Revolver Some grass under his feet 6) Yeoman Janice Rand Rand has her arms crossed and is rolling her eyes (ideally they aren’t pictured, but her posture and head angle should indicate this). Her “prop” consists of hands hovering around her, but not touching her. She has no rank braid. Rand HAIR Shirt/skirt Hovering hands 7) Lieutenant Uhura Uhura is standing, leaning forward, chin up, her hand curved back in and gesturing at her throat to indicate singing. There is a word bubble to indicate her singing, but it’s mostly erased. Hair Shirt Rank braid
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ao3feed-spirk · 4 years
by SpaceGuardianlover1997
Spock is the CEO of his million dollar company, Grayson Corp. Jim is hired to be his personal assistant. They start to develop feelings for each other.
Then Spock asks Jim to join him to travel to Paris france for work. Then something happens between them.
Then Jim finds out Spock is engaged and misunderstandings ensue.
Will they get past this misunderstandings and get together or will Jim dissappear forever?
Words: 1383, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Shades
Fandoms: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek), Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov, Amanda Grayson, Sarek (Star Trek), Montgomery "Scotty" Scott
Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott/Nyota Uhura, Christine Chapel/Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Amanda Grayson/Sarek
Additional Tags: Boys Kissing, Boys In Love, Developing Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Jim, Jealousy, Misunderstandings, Wedding Planning, Wedding Night
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Wild Mountain Thyme
Summary - Scotty has to say goodbye to a good friend. Word Count - 1432 No smut but quite sad and does involve death and quite angsty. Notes - My first fic, please let me know if I've horrendously made his mistakes or committed some etiquette crime! And please feel free to ask me for any ideas you have! I posted the song too as some may not know it! Also I'm using my phone for this so some of my editing skills are limited! ❤ ----------------------------------------------- Scotty heard the clatter and bang, followed by a scream from your mouth and turned, immediately filled with panic. He ran over to where you were working, each step seemingly taking him forever. “Y/N?” He called, trying to sound calm. He stopped at the pod you had been working on. You weren't there. His eyes darted round for you, as he called for you again. His eyes fell slowly to the barrier where you had been leaning, trying to fix the large pod like he had asked. He gasped and leaned over the metal bar as he saw you. “Y/N” he said. “Shit!” Where you lay, your leg was twisted, you were on your side and your red dress was hunched up. He started to climb over the barrier trying to get down to you. Your long hair had fallen over your face and there was blood pouring at the side of your ear, pooling in your long ponytail. Scotty shouted for you again, praying that you would just move or groan or wake up or anything. “Please lassie come on!”he muttered as he climbed down the safety steps. Finally he got to you, his heart stopped as he saw you up close. Was your neck broken, surely not, no please God no. “Y/n Christ will you answer me!” Tears filled his eyes as he tried to get you to wake up. Slowly he picked up his communicator. “Urgent medical assistance required in engineering. Dear God, please hurry up.” His voice was shaky. As he looked up he saw his friend Keenser stare through the metal barrier, he could swear his little friend was a paler shade of green than usual. “Go get help, come on! Go.” Keenser ran out of engineering, his little legs trying hard to keep himself steady as he tried to get someone to help save his friend. Bursting out onto the ship’s main corridor he ran straight into the legs of Commander Spock and Dr McCoy, followed by the urgent medical team. “Keenser, what is the issue?” Commander Spock asked, his voice calm and matter of fact. Keenser just pointed to the engineering and squeaked “Hurry. Y/N fell”. McCoy and Spock exchanged a worried glance and quickened their step. As they reached the area where you had been working, Dr McCoy shouted trying to find where the accident was. “Scotty, where are you?” His southern accent was serious, his voice authoritative. “We’re down here Bones” Scotty replied. He was sitting by your side now, holding your hand. “She fell over the barrier, I don't…I don't know Doctor, she isnae moving I don't know”. Spock and Dr McCoy had reached you by this time, McCoy shouting orders at his medical team. Scotty sat in silence holding your hand. “Come on lassie please. You need to wake up, do you not remember what we've to do?”. He has tears in his eyes. “That's good, Scotty, keep talking to her” Bones’ voice was soft this time, encouraging scotty to talk to you as you lay unconscious. “We’ve got the core to sort out, don't we lassie, cos if we don't there's no ship and captain will he raging won't he, and we cannae have that so we need you back safe and sound”. Scotty voice began to quiver. “And there's the matter of your birthday lassie, and don't think I didnae ken about it, cos I do. And I know you say don't make a fuss but I will lassie, we all will cos your part of this family, and…I…..I….” Scotty stopped taking as he realised everyone was looking at him. Bones had tears forming in his eyes, which he tried to blink away. “Scotty….” He said, his voice barely above a whisper. “I'm sorry it doesn't look good. I need to get her to Med Bay”. “Please Bones, please just fix her……we need her…..I need her…..please….” Scotty felt a strong hand of support on his shoulder. Commander Spock spoke gently. “Mr Scott, why don't we let the medical team get on with helping y/n?” “I cannae leave her Spock” Scotty replied. “Just take a step back, let them in to get her moved” this voice was new. Scotty turned. He didn't even realise the captain had appeared by his side. Scotty nodded and slowly stood up. His face was tear stained, and Jim was sure his friend had aged around ten years since he last saw him only hours ago. “What if she's dead Captain?” Scotty asked, his Scottish accent tinged with sadness and fear. “What if I've lost her, what am I gonnae do?”. Jim simply put a reassuring hand on his friends shoulder. He couldn't reply, he didn't know what to say. After a while of working on you, Bones and his team managed to get you lifted up over the barrier and transferred to Med Bay. Jim and Spock had taken Scotty up to Bones’ office as he refused to leave you. The three men sat in silence waiting on word of their friend. A gentle knock on the door and Lt Nyota Uhura stood in the doorway, her face said. “Any news?” She asked. Spock shook his head and Nyota sat down beside her boyfriend joining the waiting game. Silence filled the room until there was another knock. All four turned their heads. Bones came in and leaned against a desk. His face was filled with sadness and his voice was forced when he spoke. “Scotty, we've done everything we can. Y/n has a head injury, we think she's fractured her skull when she fell. She isn't responding to anything we do. I'm sorry, I truly am.” Nyota cried, burying her head into her boyfriends shoulders. Scotty stared at the wall, not responding. “Did you hear what I said, Scotty?” Bones asked. “Aye I did.” “Scotty…do you want to come say goodbye?” “No, no I'm fine here”. The Scotsman replied, still staring at the wall. “Scotty…” this time the voice belonged to Jim. “Y/N is dying. You need to say goodbye”. “No I don't, cos if I walk out there I'm admitting she's going and I cannae do that laddie so I'm fine here”. “Scotty you need to do this. We all do.” One by one they all stood up, except Scotty, and walked through to where you lay. Each of them said goodbye, and Bones called for Checkov and Sulu to come say their goodbyes and even Keenser came in to kiss your forehead and say goodbye. You had made so many friends but none like Scotty. You two had sat for hours chatting and laughing, sharing stories of engineering disasters, Scotty sharing his knowledge with you, and you eager to learn from him. You talked about music, arts, and Scotty told you of his homeland, and it's beauty. He told you he'd take you there one day, to show you the mountains and lochs, and let you smell the heather. He had admired a knitted cardigan you had worn once in engineering as it was cold and you had tried to knit something for him, the results being hilarious. You were his best friend on this ship and he couldn't say goodbye to you. He just didn't know what to say. Slowly he approached your bed, as the bleeping and coldness of the room seemed such a contrast to your bright personality that he loved. “Y/n, I don't know…..I don't know what to say lassie. I cannae say goodbye to you, not to you.” The room was silent as Scotty felt a tear fall down his cheek. He remembered a time when you were both fixing a broken panel, and Scotty had started humming a tune. You had asked him what it was and he tried to teach it to you. You had loved it but you enjoyed hearing him happy and singing the song as he worked. During the time you spent together you'd ask him to sing it often, and he would, loving the fact he could share it with you. “Oh the summertime is coming And the trees are sweetly blooming” Scotty began to sing this to you, his voice breaking as the words choked him. "And the wild mountain thyme Grows around the blooming heather Will ye go, Lassie go?” He leaned down to kiss you on the forehead, before starting to whisper the song to you. You had loved this song. “And we'll all go together To pluck wild mountain thyme All around the blooming heather Will ye go, Lassie go?” “Will ye go, lassie go?” Scotty repeated whispering the words. “Goodbye y/n”. https://youtu.be/MagG8J--BBI
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Conflicted Consuming Feelings like Chains Wrapped around One, Keeping One Chained to the other they Love”
by UnknownMusing
“Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. It’s continuing mission to explore new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilisations, to boldly go where no-one has gone before”
Star Trek – Main Opening Quote from all the TV Series Collection and Movies
Words: 3652, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of "How can you choose not to Feel?"
Fandoms: Star Trek
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek), Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Khan Noonien Singh | John Harrison, Pavel Chekov, Nyota Uhura, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Jaylah (Star Trek)
Relationships: James T. Kirk & Spock, Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Khan Noonien Singh
Additional Tags: Bond is actually four-way, Pon Farr Bond, Pon Farr: when Vulcans experience during this time sexual violent awakening, feelings and more strong empathic abilities., Slight BSDM, mixed with dash of Fifty Shades of Grey, Sexual feelings and intercourse, Pining James T. Kirk, Khan is out of the cryotube
read it on the AO3 at http://archiveofourown.org/works/17906858 via AO3 works tagged 'John Harrison' http://archiveofourown.org/works/17906858
Remember to check out the John Harrison fanworks community on livejournal and dreamwidth. Follow ao3feed-johnharrison for all your John Harrison needs including fanfic involving the character in any pairing, crossovers, fanart and links.
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ao3feed-culmets · 6 years
The Shade of A Coolabah and Jacarandas' Bloom
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Q84qrt
by LauramourFromOz
Christmas on The, Intrepid Class, USS Matilda: an advent calendar.
This will make a lot more sense if you've read the other stories in this series. I also have a meta post for this series, so check that out.
This assumes (fairly basic) knowledge of Star Trek canon. Knowledge of the other fandoms isn't really necessary as I have only borrowed characters.
Words: 545, Chapters: 1/25, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Star Trek: All Stars
Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Enterprise, Star Trek: Discovery, Bernice Summerfield (Big Finish Audio), UNIT: the New Series (Big Finish Audio), Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, Doctor Who
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M, F/M
Characters: Jean-Luc Picard, Beverly Crusher, James T. Kirk, Spock (Star Trek), Julian Bashir, Miles O'Brien, Elim Garak, Keiko O'Brien, Molly O'Brien, Wesley Crusher, William Riker, Harry Kim, Tom Paris, Malcolm Reed, Charles "Trip" Tucker III, Hugh Culber, Paul Stamets, Pavel Chekov, Hikaru Sulu, Jonathan Archer, Travis Mayweather, Kira Nerys, Odo (Star Trek), Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Joanna McCoy, Data (Star Trek), Geordi La Forge, Jadzia Dax, Worf (Star Trek:TNG/DS9), Alexander Rozhenko, Elizabeth MacMillan, Kate Southon (OC), Charlotte 'Charlie' Beaumont (OC), Bernice Summerfield, Jayne Eastick (OC), Katrina Cornwell, L'Rell (Star Trek), Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, Petronella Osgood, John Benton, Mike Yates, William Bligh (OC), Gabriel Lorca Prime, Nyota Uhura, Demora Sulu, Demora Sulu-Chekov (OC), Anton Pavlovich Sulu-Chekov, B'Elanna Torres, Philippa Georgiou, Chakotay (Star Trek), Michael Burnham, Tommy Eastick (OC), Samantha Wildman, Naomi Wildman, Vikram Shindi, Josh Carter (Doctor Who), Sam Bishop
Relationships: Beverly Crusher/Jean-Luc Picard, James T. Kirk/Spock, Julian Bashir/Miles O'Brien, Julian Bashir/Elim Garak, Keiko O'Brien/Miles O'Brien, Wesley Crusher/William Riker, Harry Kim/Tom Paris, Malcolm Reed/Charles "Trip" Tucker III, Hugh Culber/Paul Stamets, Pavel Chekov/Hikaru Sulu, Jonathan Archer/Travis Mayweather, Kira Nerys/Odo, Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Data/Geordi La Forge, Jadzia Dax/Worf, Elizabeth MacMillan/Kate Southon (OC), Jayne Eastick (OC)/Bernice Summerfield, Katrina Cornwell/L'Rell, Kate Lethbridge-Stewart/Petronella Osgood, John Benton/Mike Yates
Additional Tags: Advent Calendar, Advent Calendar 2018, USS Matilda, Archaeology, Archaeologists, Coolabah Tree, Jacaranda Tree
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Q84qrt
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