#shadowheart this is robbery
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brekkie-e · 1 year
Im not saying we were robbed.
Y'all we were robbed blind. Highway robbery. Full blown burglary.
Our party is made up of three posh noblemen, all of whom discuss the former parties they've attended several times. And not once do we get to attend a ball or a gala or a soiree in this game.
We can attend Gortash's coronation, but not infiltrate the super fancy celebratory ball afterwards? With our squad that for some reason forces the bard to play in the band and Karlach to try and pass off as a waiter while Astarion and Shadowheart infiltrate the guests? Oh no! Gortash realized youre there, now you're dancing to intense regency era music while you try to out maneuver eachother in a battle of wit. Your love interest is stressed for your life and also jealous as hell it isnt them.
Wyll is the son of the Grand Duke!! You can't put him in a political soiree that absolutely takes advantage of all the trauma he's been trying to bury because 1. Attending a ball full of patriars after being banished for 7 years??? Awkward and painful. 2. Attending a ball full of patriars after being banished for 7 years but showing up as a devil??? The poor man.
Astarion flat out says Cazador would have lavish balls! Can you imagine a pre-ritual infiltration quest where you have to sneak in to one of his balls to try and make a "take Cazador down" plan with the other spawn? Or figure out where the ritual would be held. And oh nooo along the way you find out so much about Cazador and actually have your own conversation with him as opposed to just the 15 seconds we ended up getting in the end.
Bonus points all of these scenarios involve the opportunity to dance with your love interest in cute outfits. Also no rules AGAINST a masquerade twist to it.
Dont talk to me, I'm mourning what could have been.
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frantic-fiction · 7 months
Hey you.
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Pic: Cuddlelion on steam
Astarion x gn!Tav
Summary: Young Arabella comes to stay at the camp during the trip through the Shadow-Cursed Lands. Her curious questions affect Astarion more than it should.
Based on this post by the-phantom-otaku
Thank you to my lovely friend Ayselluna for requesting this fic sorry it took me so long. Hopefully you like it.
Word Count: 1.5k
The camp is as lively as it always is. Gale is working away on the group's supper, Wyll giving him unwarranted pointers. Karlach is trying to sneak spoonfuls of the unfinished stew only to have her hand slapped away dramatically with a spoon. Shadowheart is in her evening prayer, and Haslin sits beside her in contemplation. Scratch and the owlbear cub are playfully wrestling in a mud puddle. The grinding sound of Lae'zel sharpening her sword echoes through the camp.
Astarion clenches his jaw, hands tightening against the leather binding of the book Tav had gifted him last week. He hated this time of evening the most when it was too late to keep moving on their journey but too late to hide away in his tent. Not that it would have stopped him before, but things have changed. Or maybe he had changed because he was waiting for them instead of tucking himself away.
Because they should have been back by now, Tav had said they would only say hello to the skeleton. Something about 'Not wanting him to feel lonely.' It's a thing only Tav would think about because who cares about a reanimated skeleton besides Tav? But that was almost thirty minutes ago, and these woods left a sickly feeling lingering in the air. Astarion was familiar with darkness, but these shadowlands were filled with malice and evil, still not fully comprehended.
Astarion should find them. Ensure they're not trying to bring home an orphaned squirrel, stray cat, or whatever Tav seems to get up to when he's not watching. Make sure they're safe so he can quell the fire of anxiety that's eating away at him.
But as Astarion is tossing his book down to leave, Tav emerges from the red foliage. Their face is stretched into a soft, beaming smile, and the moon's glow cascades down in dim rays. Gods, they're always so breathtakingly beautiful that he doesn't think he'll ever get enough.
Tav shakes their head and speaks down. That's when Astarion notices the small tiefling child holding their hand. He recognizes her from the grove, Arabella. He smirked when he remembered her attempted robbery of that artifact from those testy druids. Then the images of her parents lying stiff in those dirty cots press forward into his mind, and he has to look away.
Now that he knows Tav is safe, he tries to focus back on the book. It wasn't anything special, just a romance novel about a dashing pirate and a blushing maiden. But Tav had gone out of their way to keep his collection filled with new material so he would not complain about the lackluster writing.
Astarion was halfway through the chapter by the time someone had approached. By smell, he knew it wasn't Tav, so he ignored them and hoped they would take the message and move along.
They didn't because soon there was a tug at his sleeve and a small clearing of one's throat.
"Hey, you!"
Astarion lowered the book and looked down to find Arabella looking expectantly up at him.
"Yes, hello," Astarion says cordially before pressing his face back into the book.
If he was being honest, children unnerved him. After being entombed for that long, painful year trying to save that young boy, he did everything in his power to steer clear of them. Astarion's hoping if he ignores the young girl long enough, she'll get bored and move on to bother the next party member.
However, the little tiefling wouldn't be swayed so easily.
"You look sick."
Astarion freezes and stares unblinkingly at the girl. "Excuse me?"
"Yeah, you're pale, sickly pale. You have dark circles under your eyes, and even your cheeks look kinda hollow. Are you okay?"
Now Astarion is thoroughly offended. Scoffing, he crosses his arms and sticks his nose in the air.
"I'm a vampire. I can't get sick." However, Astarion betrays his confidence by bringing one hand up to his face to prod at the skin under his eye.
"Really?" Arabella says in surprise, causing Astarion to snap his gaze down to the child. "Aren't vampires supposed to look young?"
Now fuming and outright pissed, Astarion sees the ghost of a smirk on the tiefling's face.
"Listen here, you little sh–"
"Astarion!" Tav interrupts, walking up behind and touching the girl's shoulder warmly.
"What? The little shit started it!"
Tav gives him a pointed look that he knows means he needs to calm down, or he will be in the dog house tonight.
"I didn't mean to upset him, ma'am," Arabella says, all sickly sweet, playing into your caring side. "I was just curious. I've never met a vampire before."
"No, the little devil-"
"Astarion," Tav warns, forcing him to bite his tongue. "Don't mind him, Arabella. Let's get you something to eat. Gale made a beef stew tonight."
Tav offers the young girl her hand, and as the two walk away, Arabella sends a smirk over her shoulder and sticks out her tongue, taunting him. Astarions hand twitches towards his dagger, wanting to teach the twerp a lesson, but he takes a deep breath and turns on his heel, storming into the tent.
By the time Tav retires for the night, Astarion is tucked away in the corner of the tent. He's glaring daggers at the hand mirror grasped tightly in his hand, willing the glass to show his reflection. Nimble fingers are poking and prodding and pulling at the skin under his eyes and around his face, trying to pick apart any details he could not see.
A deep frown pulls at his lips and creases his brow. Astarion's shoulders are slumped, betraying how much Arabella's words have affected him. It wasn't a secret the man was vain and took pride in his appearance. To have a child pick apart his insecurities left him upset and wanting nothing more than to see his face just once more.
Astarion is pulled from his brooding thoughts when he feels two arms snake around his middle and the soft press of kisses peppered up his neck. Instinctively, he melts into Tav's touch, still astonished by the simplicity of this new relationship.
"Hey, handsome," Tav breathes into his ear, pressing one more fleeting kiss just below before pulling away to get ready for bed.
He absentmindedly greets them, still too focused on his internal conflict. Out of the corner of his eye, he watches Tav strip bare and move around, tossing random bits and bobs to find their night clothes. Once they're dressed, Tav stops and stands in the middle of the tent. He can feel them staring at him as he's transfixed on the empty mirror.
"Do I look sick?" He drops the mirror and turns to face Tav. "Do I look hollow and pale…old?" His voice trails off at the end, and he's unsure if he wants to know the answer, but it's eating away at him.
Tav's eyes soften. "Was that what Arabella said to you?"
Pity. He could see it in Tav's eyes, and he recoiled, disgust curdling in his gut.
Astarion scoffs." Please, Tav, I don't need your pity."
Tav grabs his hand and pulls him close. "There is no pity. Understanding yes. But not pity."
"It's all the same." Astarion looks down.
"No, but that's beside the point. Arabella is a child Star. They will say the most insulting things without realizing it or just because they know it will hurt. Do you want to know what I see?"
Astarion nods softly, holding onto the hem of Tav's shirt. He knows he's being foolish, but Astarion wants the reassurance that Tav is happy to give.
Tav cups his cheek, forcing him to meet their eyes. "Your face might look hollow to Arabella, but I see your high cheekbones and sharp jawline," Tav emphasizes their point by trailing a thumb against his jaw and pulling Astarion into a fleeting kiss. "Not to mention everything those lips and tongue have done to me."
Astarion smirked and chased after Tav's lips, pouting when he was denied.
Tav's hands trail down his chest and slip under his shirt, splaying against his cold skin. Astarion lets out a shaky breath. "Yes, you are pale, perhaps at times sickly. But I love it because after you've finished feeding, I see that beautiful flush covering your body."
"Maybe you have laugh lines and forehead creases that a little girl would consider old. But if you ask me? Astarion, when I see you smile and laugh, gods, it's the sexiest thing in the world. Because it shows me that you're happy and safe and here with me."
Tav has now thrown their arms over Astarion's shoulders and has pulled their body flush against his. Astarion is at a loss for words, especially when Tav looks at him with such love. Tav kisses him softly, and he tightens his hold, wanting nothing more than to meld into their body.
"So, who cares what a child thinks? You are beautiful, and between the two of us. I'm going to be the one worrying about wrinkles, not you, mister immortal vampire."
"Thank you, my love," Astarion whispered against Tav's lips, smiling into another sweet kiss.
"Let's lay down. I think it's time to cuddle, don't you think?"
Astarion's insecurities fade for the night because how can the darkness stand a chance when he has Tav as his guiding light?
Just something short and sweet while I'm in the middle of moving. Sorry if anyone felt ooc. Let me know what you guys thought of it.
Taglist: @heartfully10@ayselluna@marina-and-the-memes@anixson@canonicalchaoticneutral @toadsbitch @meulinkitten-blog @ambr4armr @lotusandcrystals @venussakura @synapticjive @skittleabyss @asterordinary @lariatbunny @whispering-depths @butchboi-chihuahua-slumlord @darkest-part-of-the-forest @queenofcarrotflowers-s @sessils @d20bunny @cherifrog @ophelia-ophelian @bgthree @darlingxdragon @mothynyx @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf @babyqnn @mmendez0124 @kokoyu-art
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hwathwugu · 5 months
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Sister Shadowheart, bringing her goddess to this godless land.
Wanted: Dead or Alive, for being an agent of Shar, Fraud, and Robbery.
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spicyraeman · 4 months
Can you tell us some fun fact about Vir I love them 👀
Thank you for taking an interest in Vir <3 here's a bunch of lil facts I scraped out of my notes and docs 🤲
- They spoke very little as a child and were selectively mute for a few years after the traumatic death of their father which led to them having a noticeable lisp in their mid-late teens and early 20s. They underwent some pretty extensive vocal training to get rid of it and now have an impressive amount of control over their voice
- In their 30s they used to be an escort for the higher nobility of Baldurs Gate, and a very sought-after one at that (they love listening to weird men info dump about their weird interests over free dinner) It was also a convenient way to scope out potential robbery targets and their gateway into becoming an information broker later in life
- The movement range on the left side of their face is limited by their scar, so their smile is always a lopsided smirk
- Their prosthetic eye is made of onyx and enchanted with see invisibility
- I haven’t drawn them yet but they do have a raven familiar named Quoth, they’ve been best friends since childhood and she’s saved Vir’s life more than once
- A regular weed smoker, They took it up to relieve the lingering pain of their eye injury and scars
- They are obscenely good at reading people and phishing for information, a useful trait for scoping out targets but can get them into trouble with people who know their prying tricks (shadowheart)
- Less of a “fun” fact but before the Tadfools they were a part of a different group of found family weirdos. 5 of them all grew up orphaned and thieving on the bad side of Baldurs Gate and eventually became the founders of a pseudo thieves' “guild”. This story, unfortunately, has a tragic ending as a betrayal leaves the guild destroyed, two of them dead, one missing, and the last two left to deal with the shattered pieces of their life and family (truly an epic tale of how the road to hell is paved with good intentions)
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ghostwise · 10 months
mors omnibus communis :: 1,088 words tags: act 1, cleric of shar, cleric of kelemvor, discussions of death and mortality and also how hot women are, shadowheart x tav
Zirahuén can feel it, if she focuses: a pressure, a tiny heartbeat like a faint twitch of a muscle. The presence of the parasite invites dizzy spells, flashes of light, mood swings… It's something she can ignore, most of the time.
But at night, when it's her and the glow of the campfire, and the smoke stretching up to the heavens in a serene column, it's more difficult. A lot more.
Ceremorphosis. It's not only her life, but her very soul which is at stake. So, if she's crying it is only proof of its stubborn persistence. A display of weakness, sure, but it is hers.
(Oh, let her indulge a while longer. Existence is bittersweet. Let her feel it, while it lasts.)
She doesn't let up crying—won't do anything to stem any genuine expression her heart comes up with, no, not while she can still feel it—not even when footsteps sound nearby.
They are light and even in their stride. Zirahuén listens. The footsteps skirt the edge of her camp, and then come to a halting stop. Whoever it is does not speak. Who is it, lurking in the shadows?
With a shiver of her shoulders, she sits up.
But already the figure is gone, leaving her alone in the night.
The following day is better. There is a funeral.
Gale discovers the murdered man in a thicket of trees. He has been hastily concealed; perhaps a victim of some highway robbery, as they are far from the nearest settlement. The perfect place for a crime.
Zirahuén crouches near the body. She sniffs the air gently. She runs her gloved hand through the dirt; little insects teem through the soil, already well on their way to consuming the corpse. She can spot the discoloration of the hands, and the eyes.
"A day," she says. "Perhaps two."
"Seems about right. How unfortunate," Astarion sighs. "They've a rancid taste at this stage. Although… eugh, no, nevermind."
"Poor man," Gale hums. "I propose we move on quickly. I would hate for us to meet a similar fate. After all, whatever factors precipitated his death could very well remain in the area."
"You all may move on," Zirahuén says, unclasping a pouch from her belt. With a smooth flick she unrolls it, displaying her funerary tools: Incense and sweet oils, prayer scrolls, and more, the sight of which make Lae'zel groan and roll her eyes.
"Again! What is the purpose of adorning a stranger's death in this manner?" she asks.
"All deaths are holy," Zirahuén replies.
"So you have said," Lae'zel states in a tone which is perhaps less derisive than usual. "But we know not of this man's identity, his merits nor his achievements. We cannot judge his life aptly, so-"
"You all may move on if you wish," Zirahuén interjects. "I'll catch up."
The breath leaves Lae'zel in a hiss. She shoulders her bag and starts down the path without another word, while the others follow suit.
"You sure?" Wyll calls out.
"I am," Zirahuén assures him.
"I'll stay with you," Shadowheart says.
This earns a sidelong glance from Astarion as Lae'zel picks up her pace, aiming to be out of earshot as quickly as possible. But Shadowheart comes to kneel beside Zirahuén, and gestures to the funeral supplies. "I can ensure your safety while you tend to him."
Zirahuén meets her gaze, dark brown eyes framed by thick lashes. Dark brown, nearly black. She nods.
Then, without waiting a moment longer, and as the retreating figures of their companions disappear into the distance, she lulls her mind into that magic sliver of space between Here and There. Where the dead can converse with the living. Where the gulf between them is not very wide at all.
The sunlight casts sharp shadows on Zirahuén's face when she finishes. It's nearing dusk.
The man is washed and buried. His spirit can rest, having been given the chance to rage, to question, to weep, to share all about his life and about the villains who brought it to its (in his view) premature end. But the epitaph on his makeshift headstone simply reads his name.
Shadowheart, in all this time, has spoken not a word. Giving the deceased his privacy seems only right to her; she pictures the roles reversed, and understands it is not her business to know a thing about him. In fact, she has no interest. But she has watched Zirahuén with an utterly unreadable expression all the while.
There is so much certainty in what she does. There's not even a hint of a flinch or a tremor. Not when the man first seethed his angry words at her, accusing her of pilfering his things. Not when a grub slid from the wound at his side, when she buried him. In fact, she'd moved it out of the way kindly. It hadn't done anything wrong. It was fulfilling its natural role.
Zirahuén is utter calm, utter quiet. At least, when it comes to death.
The tiefling seems renewed when she comes to sit beside her. The funeral has stirred something within her. Is it catharsis? Is it love? There is an energy about her that Shadowheart finds—surely Shar understands—compelling.
(She will not call it enticing. Compelling is the proper word.)
But she cannot rightly say, So what is your relationship with Death? You seem very at ease. One could say you are all aglow. One could even say it suits you. Death. And dying.
She cannot say what she thinks, or Zirahuén will surely take it the wrong way.
So she doesn't say anything.
For a while they sit in silence. The breeze picks up, bringing the scent of flowers from far away. It tousles Zirahuén's hair in dark curls, like a nighttime river. She shuts her dark eyes—
"I hope," Shadowheart speaks, her heart doing an odd sort of skip in her chest, "I hope you are the one to do my funeral."
Zirahuén slowly opens her eyes and turns to look at her, a tiredness to her gaze, yet also something curious and inquiring.
(Orchids. New moons. Forgotten pantheons. Shadowheart swallows the feeling down.)
"You are marvelous at it. People so often fight against the end, yet you… embrace it." Shadowheart hopes her explanation makes sense. It is quite out of her comfort zone, but she finds the words leaving her all the same, in a breathless rush: "I admire that."
Zirahuén smiles.
It seals Shadowheart's fate, but neither know it yet.
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lanaevyssmoved · 1 year
helloooo Afhiri sounds SO lovely. can you tell me more about how they feel at the start of act 1 about her predicament with the tadpoles, her companions, etc etc if you want!!
it might be cruel to say that they're pretty damn simple . actually no its not ive decided theyre pretty damn simple. literally wakes up and has a panic attack because where is flute?? where flute?? WHERE. FLU TE? flute was no where to be seen (depression). a very sad clown exploring this ship literally with minimum interest because flute :( flute :( this is a child who has lost their autistic hyperfixation toy.
lae'zel is hot. the sword scene is hot. hiri has immediate gay panic and forgets flute for 2 whole seconds. asks lae'zel if seen flute. lae'zel doesn't even know what a flute is.. smh. sticks around because was told to. does whats told (for now........ ominous.) so to start lae'zel is literally party lead this clown is NOT a protagonist (for now...... no im not making that joke twice)
SHADOWHEART IS HOT... absolutely ignores lae'zel to free shadowheart. literally dumbass tries to pull the door off. lae'zel ends up being the one like "maybe u should look around if u INSIST on saving this HALF ELF." frees shadowheart :) oh my god you have an autistic hyperfixation too?? your rock is so cool!!!!!!!
the flute is not rescued. please F's in chat for the lost flute of afhiri's childhood. her father made her that flute and it's DEAD. AND THERE WASN'T EVEN TIME FOR A FUNERAL.
the first thing they do after hoarding all of the fish on the beach like a little goblin creature is find gale's portal. shiny. Oh My God is that an arm without a body? that is Soooo cool...... high fives. they free him of course!!! used bard Magicks to calm that shit down and free the silly man. she finds him SOOO silly. he is such a silly little guy. his lil expressions and hand movements are SO funny. she wants to get acting classes from him so she can be just as funny and then she'll rank up in Clown. she's sure of it. (he is a clown to her. a truly excellent clown. there's real talent..........)
after that she gets knife throat by astarion :( not very nice of you :( i would have given you money if u wanted :( oh not a robbery? OH WE'RE WORM BUDDIES? friendship acquired :) they genuinely don't have any more thoughts rly at the start because he is mean and she doesn't understand its mean and looks at him stupidly like a dog who cannot understand the new word u just said. tilts head :)
their friendship stat is SO high all of a sudden. this clown has had NO friends their entire damn life (weirdo coded) and suddenly they've got SOOO many best friends oh my god they're so excited for the campfire stories hehee :)
next is oh my godd its the hot. gi..gi... Girlfriend? :) no its gith u stupid clown. get pied. ANYWAY tells the tieflings some absolute BULLSHITERY. this clown is So good at lying (this is a positive. their moral code is kinda messy.) and frees lae'zel :) shadowheart doesn't trust lae'zel but how can you Not when she's Also Green? I'm Green? You're Green? Da Ba Dee
after that its oh my god is that A GOBLIN? never seen a goblin before. finds them extremely cute. they're also kind of green (positive). and A WARG? can i PET IT? No? It'll eat me? bite off my hand? chew up my suit? this is supreme sadness. wait- flute still gone. that's supreme sadness. ALSO WYLL IS FUN!!!! wyll gives her fairytale hero prince vibes and is absolutely fascinated and thinks as a bard should sing of his tale because hes so cool (please don't trust them. they will make him sound like a fool.)
hearing about the spooky scary teeth-ling from wyll is super!! exciting!!!! a devil?? fought in devil war?? fire?? death?? epic story . we must find out more (not to kill. to talk to. must have some REALLY COOL STORIES!!!) very easy to convince wyll not to kil- OH MY GOD HOT?? HOT? ?? literally hot. this is the most Supreme Gay Panic. afhiri never thought about girls (or boys) like this before. none of the Lads give the Panik.. but these girls are a little too much (fainting vibes) also karlach is so fun :) daydreams about karlach throwing her like a javelin into battle
the tadpole though :/ they don't know!! everyone keeps saying. bad! evil! bad! removal! death! kill! and they're like :/ idk guys.. worms are kinda cute. u ever seen a worm do a lil wiggle on some mud? its so cool.. i wish i was a worm..... everyone is concerned. do not trust them with decisions (they trust them with decisions. they are All stupid.) they name the worm. the worm is named little buddy. it's not creative. it's not a name. but this is Little Buddy and she talks to her little buddy sometimes. she even wrote it a song. (she doesn't consume more little buddies. that's weird.. this is HER little buddy and those are OTHER little buddies. there's only one little buddy for her....)
extra: GUARDIAN. oooohhhhh my god .. never seen someone soooooo CLOWN. (this is false. guardian looks nothing like a clown. theyre projecting HARD. guardian plays along because this is clearly going to work better than being Hot and Mysterious). trust them explicitly (reminder: not smart), treats like another Best Friend like the squad. gets sad they don't ever join them in camp for her performances. does private performances sometimes :)
DOUBLE EXTRA: the possession.. of Flute 2.
a daring tale of (gale takes some of the squads money and buys them a flute. cannot bare to see the sad puppy dog eyes any longer.) AN INCREDIBLE ADVENTURE OF PERIL AND DANGER... THERE WAS GNOLLS AND GOBLINS AND MAYBE A BEHOLDER!!!!! gale.. an incredibly brave adventurer.. this is going in his next song
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kmenkea · 1 year
Bloodlust - Part 2
Summary: For once, Astarion and Leeith are away from fights and constant danger, so of course they would use this time to rob a small shop together, as friends do! so while Shadowheart and Lae'zel are away, doing some dirty job, the vampire and the drow have their fun among the druids of the grow. Astarion realises this is also the perfect moment for his proposition. Mostly fluff, character building and showing a slice of their life. A bit of flirting and innuendos (and chapter 4 will be a proper smut)
A/N: I've been told by my beta reader that sometimes some details might be missed if you haven't played or are familiar with the game. I'm not sure this is something I care too much about fixing tbh, but I would say that as long as you have a general idea, you should be fine.
Also, as always, I'm open to all kinds of feedback, be it a mistake I didn't catch or if Astarion is too ooc or whatever.
Word count: 5.3k (wtf, when did I write this much. I wish writing a thesis was this easy)
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I didn't doodle anything for this entry of the fanfic, but I wanted to show my Tav's and Astarion's matching fit from the start of the game. (I've got Minthara's armour now and he's got a slutty crop top with funny boots, but the stats are just too good to care about style)
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Attention spoilers for act 1 and a bit of 2
Leeith and all her companions were sitting in a circle on the ground, a map sprawled in front of them, with various heavy objects pinning the edges: Lae’zel’s sword, a bottle of wine, other trinkets, some were scattered around, indicating where they were and some places of interest around the region. Their best bet was finding this Karlach Wyll and some others had spoken about. Slay her if she proves dangerous… though what Wyll defined as evil, could have very well been one of her allies. The drow had taken the decision to avoid the blighted village for the time being, concentrating on exploring as much as she could before jumping head first into a cove of goblin. They might have been weak when alone, but she wasn’t sure of how many there were around and she didn’t want to find out anytime soon, not through direct approach at least. She had only edged on that area, noticing not only bodies lining the streets, but also archers atop the roofs. Encircling them from the north was going to be a lot safer and less expected. But first, they needed supplies and to take care of some matters. 
“Gale, Wyll. Gather supplies for camp. We’re running low.” She didn’t even look up, moving a small stone on the map. 
“Oh, again? When will we be allowed to join in? I’m tired of being a maid.” Erupted Gale, slamming his hands on the ground. 
“You will once I’ll be in need of a wizard. Besides, I need someone to defend our belongings here at camp. Some of the children of the grove seem to have taken a liking to robberies.” She turned her face to Shadowheart and was about to speak, but Wyll interrupted.
“They’re just children, Leeith. It’s probably a game.” The drow was about to explain her reasoning, when Gale, almost screaming, barged in the conversation.
“Will you have us defend the camp from children? That’s ridiculous, most don’t plot or scheme from birth like your people.” The drow looked up from under her brow, staring at him with a gaze that could petrify bears. 
“You know the reputation of my people well, don’t you? Then you’d do your best not to make me repeat myself.” The wizard huffed and got up. Wyll looked between the two and, with a sigh, ran after him. 
“Good, he is gone. Wizards cannot be trusted.” Hissed Lae’zel, crossing her arms.
“I don’t know. We shouldn’t anger him or have him on our bad side. We need all the help we can get to deal with this and wizards are powerful people.” Shadowheart shook her head in disapproval. 
“I am not so sure I trust him. The man is too full of himself, I’m afraid he might turn on us if a chance to gain more power presents itself.” Leeith took a deep breath, glad the situation was over. She hated having to deal with in-group fighting. She glanced at Astarion, giving him the chance to comment, but he was just staring blankly at the map. 
“Well, better keep planning. So-” Leeith took a moment to reorganise her thoughts. “Lae’zel and Shadowheart, without going at each other throats while I’m not there, I want you to deal with the druid’s corpse. What was her name, Nattie? I’d rather the druids didn’t find out we killed one of their own.” The drow remembered how that bitch tried to “cure” them. Ceremorphosis or not, she wasn’t going to let a tree fucker even think about killing her. 
“What should we do with the body? We can’t really drag it outside.” Whispered Shadowheart, looking over Gale and Wyll. 
“Feed it to a bear for all I care- actually don’t. The druids can speak with those.” Leeith massaged her temples, trying to think of a way for her companions to remain hidden in the middle of the whole settlement.
“That goblin cave.” Chipped in the Gith. “There was a tunnel connecting that room with a cave. We can enter from the outside, throw the body in there and come out from the same opening without even putting foot in the grove.” 
“That’s genius. Even if she’s found, the fault will go all to the goblins.” Leeith smiled, nodding in approval. “Astarion and I will also go gather some supplies. If it all goes well, we won’t even spend a silver. We’ll meet back in two hours, here.” She folded the map and put it back in her bag. From another pocket, she pulled out a few vials with a red liquid inside. She gave two to each of them. “I brewed these healing potions this morning. Hope you don’t need them.” They both collected their gift. Lae’zel sheathed her sword and, without one more word, began walking away. The cleric cursed and ran to catch up. The drow waited for both of them to be gone, fumbling stuff inside her backpack. Once out of sight, she took out a bigger vial, handing it out to Astarion.
“This is a much more potent brew. It will kick the wind out of you, but it’s almost strong enough to bring you back from the dead. I only had the ingredients for one, so don’t waste it.” The drow was back on her feet, offering her hand to the elf. 
“Maybe if you’ll give me enough my fangs will fall out and my heart beat again.” He accepted it and graciously stood up, light like a ballerina. “I assume you kept the lion’see share for yourself?” 
“No, I don’t plan on getting hit, I don’t need potions.” She walked towards the forest. “But if you tell me there’s a chance you’ll stop being a vampire, I’ll gladly take it back. I’d rather have you with fangs.”
“I see you're taking a liking to being bitten.” 
“No, I wouldn’t say so. My whole right shoulder hurts from yesterday night.” She extended her arm, unable to straighten it upwards past her head. “My reasons are my own.” she gave him a wink.
They walked quietly from that moment on, both taking great care in making as little noise as possible; both their ears attentive to any noise. This zone should have been safe from goblins or wild animals, but it didn’t hurt to stay on alert. As of now, the only thing they could hear was the chirping of birds: the drow listened in, but they weren’t speaking of anything that interested her, just of nests, berries, worms and annoying squirrels. The green foliage was casting its shade over them. The green tint wasn’t noticeable on her, but Astarion’s skin and hair blended with nature, capturing all its colours. Leeith remained in the shadows, annoyed at how strong the sun was, how it made her eyes squint in pain and her cheeks burn. The vampire was scared of it, flinching when a strong ray of light hit his eyes, worried that at any time he could turn to dust. But then he’d look up and smile, enjoying the warmth hitting his face. The light of the sun looked pretty on him, bouncing off his perfectly sculpted curls; it was so hard to believe he hadn't seen it in more than two centuries. 
They were nearing the main path now, soon they would have seen the gate that divided the grove from the rest of the world. The first thing they felt was the stink of rotting carcasses. Walking closer, one could see the corpses of the goblins they had slaughtered still lingered on the sides. The druids didn't care enough to bring them somewhere else since the whole place would shut down soon; the tieflings weren't going to do anything for the people that wanted them gone. 
The pair waited a few seconds while the guards lifted the gate up. Some tieflings smiled at them as they went about their day, bowing their heads in respect to the people that saved them. She ignored them and turned right towards a lift. 
“Leeith, the merchant is that way.” The vampire pointed down the main street, both his eyebrows were raised in a dumbfounded expression. 
“Thank you for explaining the obvious. I want to visit someone first.” She urged him to follow her. “It flashed in my mind just now.” 
“I hope you don’t get more of these unplanned flashes in the future.” They jumped on the wooden platform and, after some threatening sounds of broken machinery, they reached the grove where the ritual was taking place. The ancient humming of druids was powerful. They could feel the magic on their skin, making their hair stand up. Even the nature around them was greener, attracted by the chanting, every living being fused together by the spell. It felt like one slip of the mind would have united them with everything around them, forever lost to the forest. She shivered and walked forward, focusing on her breathing and the rocks below her, shielding her ears from the song of nature.
They walked past the lift, following a broken down path towards the beach. That was their destination. It was a small little bay surrounded by cliffs, barely large enough to fit four people standing side by side. Some dead fish were on the sand and, more importantly, a bear. Leeith had talked to him once before, but couldn’t go to visit him again since time was strict, always running from one fight to the other. Finally, after days of obligations and chores, she had the perfect excuse for a day off. The animal was lying down, head between his arms, barely acknowledging her presence.
“I don’t think we should walk up to a bear.” Hissed Astarion quietly, grabbing her elbow. “Are you mad?” 
“Shh. Stay back, alright. It will be fine.” She freed herself and, after taking a few steps, kneeled down on the sand. 
“Hey.” Her voice was soothing as she whispered to the bear. “How are you doing, friend?” The bear looked back at her, raising his ears. 
“Still nothing… still nothing.” Cried the bear, shaking his large head. Leeith extended her hand, but the animal withdrew, groaning a warning. 
“He’ll be back I’m sure.” Leeith glanced at Astarion, waiting behind her with a hand on his crossbow, ready to fire. She glared at him and pointed at the weapon, urging him to stop.
“No… the woods have gone dark. There's too many predators lately - even for master.” The bear hid his face again. “He’ll never be back.” The drow moved a bit closer, scratching the animal behind the ear. He didn’t respond, his grief too strong to bite her hand or enjoy the pet. She let out a sigh of defeat yet again, and scooted away before the beast could snap. Leeith had figured out that the master he was talking about was probably the first druid that was missing and everyone wanted back. She wanted more information about the guy and, more importantly, what he could do - or would do - if they did save him. On top of that, she would hate to leave the poor animal sad like this. Slowly, She stood up and walked backwards, putting some distance between her and the bear. 
“We can go. I just wasted time.” Mumbled the drow, annoyed that the bear didn’t tell her anything. 
“Who would have thought talking to a bear wasn’t the best of flashes.” Complained Astarion, marching past her. “I’ll be directing this affair now, less you go and start chatting with every spider in this forest.” 
“That’s where you’re wrong, elf. Animals can be where they want, no one caring about their presence, overhearing the most important of discussions. My queen used her abilities to talk to spiders, that’s how she managed to rule for centuries in the underdark: she knew who in her court was going to go against her first.” She paused her rant, turning her face to one side in a frown. “Not this bear but… few things tug at my heartstrings like animals and beasts.” She murmured on her shoulder.
"Aw, a drow with a big fuzzy heart. How cute. Just like a tarantula."  He placed a hand on his heart. Leeith scoffed, letting the argument fall. She didn't want to say that one of the reasons she enjoyed the vampire’s friendship was because he reminded her of a feral cat that everyone threw rocks at. 
Swallowing her pride, she got close to his side again to go over their plan and make sure everything was ready. The lift was still as shaky as they moved upwards. No matter how convenient it seemed, she was not going to use it anymore. Her legs were worth much more than the five minutes she would save by not walking. In any case, they were near their destination now.
"Good luck, blood sucker." She slapped his shoulders and casted a guidance spell, then he moved away, slipping unnoticed in the shadows. Leeith entered the cave system. Every object was covered in a thin layer of brown dust, from all the feet and tails kicking the ground. The waterfalls were a constant grumble in her ears, deafening almost. The voices of the people couldn't hope to surpass the noise, no matter how many there were. It almost reminded her of home, with that humid air and low light. The only thing missing were the horrible screeches of an unknown animal coming from the blackest recesses. Not that there wasn't anything to fear, mostly those children, eyeing everyone's purse and the merchant, after the same prize. Though, It was going to be a very unlucky day for the halfling. 
The drow moved closer with a smile. There was a small group of tieflings stocking up on supplies and trying to sell off some of their scraps. The merchant was bored of hearing them banter, trying to lock him in an unfavourable deal. It was the first time in her life that someone smiled upon seeing her. 
"Ahh, my favourite customer, how can I be of help?" He opened his arms and showed an earnest smile. The tieflings scoffed at her for having cut the line. She eyed them, almost about to ignore them, but this many eyes around would have proved a challenge even for the rogue. 
"Look at me another time and I'll be sure to find out if tiefling tails regrow like lizards." She placed a hand on her rapier, and motioned them to go away. Most of the group started walking away, but one of them moved forward, unsheathing his sword. Before anything could happen, the halfling stepped in.
"Hey, hey. I don't want blood spilled here. I'm sure she'll be quick and then I'll be back to you, ok?" He said at the tiefling, as his companions were trying to make him move away. He spit on the ground, at the drow's feet, then turned around. Leeith was seconds away from blasting his head off, but she remembered about Astarion. 
"I need new weapons. This simple steel we carry is starting to prove weak." She said, pointing towards a rack, where some weapons glowed with magic. 
"Of course. This is what remains of my finest stock." He walked there with a smile and turned towards her. She looked at her surroundings: no, from here the merchant would have seen Astarion. She needed to be behind the rack, so that he wouldn't need to turn around to his counter. Leeith moved forward, caressing the swords and axes gingerly. She lifted one up.
"What does this do?" As the merchant started to explain all the blade's greatest property and enchantments, the drow glanced past him. There was the vampire, silent as a cat. No one was around to observe what he was doing and, to the tieflings dwelling deep in the cave, he would have looked just like any other customer, interested in the wares the halfling was peddling. 
"So are you interested?" He said, capturing her attention again.
"Not really, it doesn't fit my friend's style. I need something more brutal. She uses a shield though, so nothing that cannot be wielded with one hand." Responded the drow, bored. The merchant kept going about a nice dagger he had. 
Astarion was grabbing everything he could, shoving potions down his backpack and promptly substituting them with empty bottles and vials. He was very interested in the arrows the man was selling, so he switched them with some normal arrows. 
"Is that more to your style?" Interrupted the merchant again. 
"No, a dagger is very much too small. I need something like a hammer."
"Oh I've got the perfect one, just behind my counter, let me pick it up." He pointed behind himself with a thumb, then his heel started turning. Panic washed over her for a moment, as Astarion was still well in view. Without thinking, she hit a spear off the rack, so that it fell between them. The halfling kneeled to pick it up, looking at the drow confused.
"Sorry, it just grabbed my attention. I miscalculated the trajectory of my hand." She chuckled, grabbing back the spear. "Could you tell me what this does?" Astarion was nowhere to be seen. He had fled faster than a scared cat. Hopefully he managed to grab something of value. 
"Well, this is actually a… normal spear. It's a fine spear, but it doesn't hold any enchantments." Explained the halfling. 
"Uh, I guess the glow just came from the stuff around it. Have you got any light armour?" She asked at last. 
"Yes actually, this blue gambeson will serve you well. It's protected with magic." 
"How much for it?" 
"Two hundred gold, last one in stock."
"Mh, a hundred fifty. You wouldn't be here peddling your swords without my group saving your ass at the gate." She touched the gambeson, testing its quality.
"I… one and seventy, I can't go lower." 
"Alright, I don't have the time to fight over coppers." While she counted the money, she whistled to grab the attention of the group of tieflings. If the merchant was occupied, he wouldn’t have noticed some of his wares missing. "Oi devils, I'm done here, you can come back!" She screamed. They looked at her suspiciously. 
"Aye! All yours again!" Added the halfling, pocketing the gold. The group moved back in only when Leeith went away. 
The rendezvous point was the path behind the grove, which led to a beach. They had fought some harpies back there once, but otherwise it was quiet and, more importantly, isolated. She proceeded forward in the caves: at least the sun wouldn’t have burnt her skin nor was there a risk getting stuck on that damned wood contraption. She passed in front of the tiefling child that had tried to scam them with a fake magic ring. Leeith winked at him and raised her thumbs, mockingly. The child scoffed and almost growled, remembering  how the drow had stolen his ring as “lesson”. She would have loved to stop and teach him how to properly burglarise and pickpocket, mostly just to rub in his face that she had just sacked the halfling. She picked up the pace a little, still trying not to look suspicious. The drow wasn’t as good as Astarion at slipping between shadows, but her feet were still light and fluid enough to go by. She passed the columns that marked the exit: on the right there was a bard, Alfira or something,  the path on the left instead sloped down towards the sea. After a quick glance behind her, she followed it. 
Upon arrival on the shore, she didn't see him. Her eyes scanned the harpy feathers still around and the clear waters, with no sign of the vampire. She turned around, sure that he just hadn't arrived yet, but a glimmer, like sun on snow, captured her eyes. There he was, standing high on a small hill, dagger in hand. He smiled, showing his fangs. 
"You should pay more attention. I was ready to stab anyone coming in." He rolled the knife between his fingers. She couldn't mask her uneasiness.
"Good luck explaining that to everyone else. I don't think they'd look at you too kindly anymore." She raised her voice lightly. 
"True. Few people are as willing as you to trust a vampire." Astarion hid the dagger, then jumped down to her. "This is all I got." He opened his backpack to show many arrows imbued with elemental magic, two or three scrolls and vials of potions or poisons. It wasn't the best loot she’d ever got, but the merchant wasn't carrying much more and they didn't really have a discreet way to carry around a maul.
"It's not a great heist, but we'll make do." She reached into her own backpack. "I bought this for you. Your clothes might look fancy, but I'd rather have them stop blades." The drow showed him the light blue gambeson she had. Astarion smirked and, after taking out a few bottles, he showed her an exact copy of the armour.
"Seems like yours wasn't the last in stock." He said, comparing the two. "I suppose I won't need to give you your money back since I got one on my own." 
"I wouldn't have wanted them back anyway. Guess I'll just use it for myself." She shrugged and stuffed it in her backpack. "We'll wear matching outfits, so you won't complain about my fashion sense anymore." She smirked. 
“Tks, please. The only thing you can give me that I wouldn't complain about is drow armour, that does look stylish.” 
“If we ever go to the underdark, I promise to get you one. But,” She grinned and began walking away. “I’ll go to my house and get my band leader armour, from when I was in service. You’ll be just one step below me, as it should be, surface dweller.” They bickered for a bit more, both insulting each other’s skills and lineage, in a way that could pass as flirting only in the underdark.
“Knowing your people, you probably were a leader only because you’re a woman.” Said the vampire at last. 
“And? Yes, I admit, part of the reason I was a squad leader was because I’m a woman, but don’t think I was sitting comfortably at home while shit went down. My rank wasn’t high enough for that.” Her memories went back to those ominous caves and dirty streets, when she had to dodge daggers at every step. Home.
“I imagined an officer would know how to use a sword a bit better than you.” He pointed at the rapier in her scabbard, which to this day had been left unused.
“Your first mistake was thinking I was an officer. I am a-” She stopped, not knowing how much to say. This wasn't something she wanted to share willy-nilly, not even to him. “Let’s say I was in a criminal ring. I operated very much outside of standard law and needed better skills than sword fighting.” She raised her hand, conjuring a small amount of magic. “My commander gave me powers and I pleased her enough to make me a leader.” 
“And now that you’re finally free of your boss, you can bark orders at us. How sweet.” 
Freedom. It was a strong word he had used. She wasn’t free here. She was supposed to be back. The queen was surely searching for her now. Was the tadpole protecting her from being found, like Astarion? Or was the queen just waiting for the perfect moment to strike and bring her back. The thoughts hurt her head and her anxiety was spiking up. All of this was horrible. The sun hurt her eyes once more. Shit. The drow clenched her fists and jaw. She was going to be back. She had to. All she needed was strength and Lolth’s favour. Fear wasn’t going to twist her heart once more. Her queen had freed her from fear.
“Take my spot if you want. Believe me, staying on top of everything and everyone sucks. Plan rations, plan paths, plan actions, plan strategy… augh. I thank the Spider Queen everyday for making me one of her daughters, because at least I don’t need to waste time sleeping.” 
“I think that’s just called being an elf, I don’t sleep either.” He grabbed her shoulders and hunched down to her ear. “Don’t worry, I would be a fine and benign master to you.” He hummed. The drow didn’t flinch, nor redden, though the prospect did sound enticing and, in all fairness, sent a shiver straight down to her core. 
“You’ll have to fight for the title, prove that you’re stronger and better than me… times and times again. Backstabbing is second nature where I’m from.” She turned around to face him, pointing his own dagger at his throat. “You should pay more attention.” She gave the knife back from the handle. 
“HA! Haha! A dangerous brat, I see. Makes it more exciting.” He put the dagger back under his doublet. The drow studied his face, but his intentions were safely hidden behind a pompous smirk. They stared into each other's eyes for a while. The sound of the waves falling, breaking on the shore filled their ears. Leeith started to grow uneasy, her heart skipping a beat. She was drowning in those waves, her mind lost forever to the waters. Her feet were unsteady, the tension on her shoulders growing and threatening to make her fall. Astarion clearly wanted to say something, the way his lips were slightly parted. Had she done something wrong? She took a half a step back but, quick as a swatting cat, his hand grabbed her wrist. She wanted to pull away, half expecting to get punched in the gut, but… his touch was extremely soft, more like a caress. 
“You’re a cheeky pup, are you not?” With that, the tension was broken. Leeith breathed a sigh of relief, until a realisation set in. 
“Cheeky pup?” She repeated, bewildered. "I've been called many things: slut, brat, mistress, mommy by one weird guy, but cheeky pup? And here I thought you were about to stab me." She giggled for a bit, covering her mouth with one hand. The elf sucked on his teeth, looking down with a somewhat irritated, but amused, expression.
"I might just call you that more, it fits better than expected.” His eyes lingered on her body, with a gaze that spoke of one thing: desire. She knew it all too well, for the same was written in her eyes. 
“I quite liked blood sucker, but I’ll have to find something else. Pet, maybe?” Continued the drow, in an effort to regain her territory and dominion over the conversation. Astarion wasn’t having it, instead both of his hands lingered on her forearms, moving down the palms of her hands. Fuck it, what did she have to lose from letting go of pride for once? 
“You know, darling, I’ve been thinking more and more about you. Remembering our time together, the things we shared - and I don't mean just that lovely neck of yours.” His index flew upwards, tickling her throat with a soft touch. “I’m growing to like the whole package, honestly, and you clearly like me too, so…” 
“So…” She raised her eyebrow; her face was anything but timid. 
“Come now, don’t be coy. Your body has already given you away.” He leaned down, so that his lips were barely brushing against Leeith’s ear and neck, grabbing her elbows so that she couldn’t move away. 
“I could feel it, you know? As I was getting lost in your neck, your little shakes of excitement.” His fangs barely scraped the skin, earning an exhale from the drow. “You enjoyed it, didnt you?” 
Her thoughts went to that night, when she was awakened by a shadow suddenly looming over her during the trance. The revelation of him being a vampire wasn't particularly mind blowing - the only thing the guy was missing was a long bat-like cape -, but it was welcomed. Vampires were as feared in the underdark as in the surface: she would have been able to go a lot higher in the ranks with a creature that powerful to help her. 
What she wasn't expecting was the rush of adrenaline that followed the bite. Blood. That was blood. Not of a rat or other beast, but real sentient blood. It filled his mouth and throat so sweetly, like an avalanche of honeyed wine. His mind, his body, all was getting clear as more and more red poured from the drow's veins straight on his tongue. Gods that was spectacular. He wanted to run, fight, gauge someone's eyes out with just his fingers. Pure power was cursing through his long dead veins for the first time in two centuries. He was at peace, content, he wanted to laugh and stare at the sun. Nothing around him existed; he had all that he needed and more. Yes, more. Why stop? He could have killed everyone at camp, satiate his hunger and be free forever. He bit harder and, like ripe grapes, more juice exploded in his mouth. Fear? What was that? He certainly wasn't afraid. He was on top of the fucking world! Fear. Red eyes looming below him, demanding to stop, reaching up to him. Cazador? No matter what, he was still here, still holding him hostage. The hand reached up again. It was pushing him away. He glanced down: the drow's red eyes were pale, half lidded. Dizziness and feebleness overtook him, as her grey hand didn't have the strength to hold onto his shirt anymore. The vampire let go, smiling. The drow's body was shaking under him. She panted heavily, coming down the same high he felt. 
The faintest of grins was on her lips when she finally sat up. The vampire was radiant in front of her. She was as blood-drunk as him, having felt his same emotions and thoughts for those few minutes; now they were turning fuzzy and dark, but still the excitement remained.
With a roll of her eyes, Leeith chuckled, returning to the present . She had enjoyed it greatly both the first and second time he had fed on her. “A lady never tells.” She responded, acting believably coy. 
“You don’t have to say a thing. I already know how you feel, because I feel it too.” He let her go, straightening his back again to look in her eyes. “We could take an evening to ourselves, get away from camp - get some privacy. I know somewhere quiet, somewhere intimate. Somewhere we can… indulge in each other.” As he spoke, his voice got lower and more soothing. 
“A less trusting person might think this all sounds very suspicious.” An earnest smile painted her lips. She absolutely knew she had him in her grasp, but wasn’t expecting the pieces to fall her way so quickly. 
“Haha, thank goodness we’re all such good, trusting friends, then. On my honour, the only thing in my mind is depraved, carnal lust.” He grinned, placing a hand on his chest as if to swear an oath.
“I suppose one night, no strings attached… that sounds good to me.”  
“Wonderful. I just hope we don’t have to wait too long before we can steal away.” The vampire whined, before returning to his hushed, sultry tone. “But once we can, I promise you a night you’ll never forget.” 
“Quite the big commitment. I hope you won't change your mind.” She crossed her arms 
“I wouldn’t dare. I told you, you deserve a reward. I am so very pleased with what you gave me.” Astarion got hold of her hand and raised it to his lips, placing a silky kiss on her knuckles. “Shall we go back, Lover?”
17 notes · View notes
shadowfalllen · 9 months
Biggest robbery is not letting romanced Shadowheart join in on either the Harleep scene or the Mizora one
I doubt she would be down with Haarlep 'cause the whole thing is so sussy, but she might with Mizora - or not with her either 'cause in that one act 1 dialogue (after first Raphael encounter), it's pretty clear she doesn't trust devils - at all. Alas we have our daydreams. Here, something to help you imagine it:
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4 notes · View notes
mybg3notebook · 3 years
Astarion Analysis
Disclaimer Game Version: All these analyses were made up to the game version v4.1.101.4425. As long as new content is added, and as long as I have free time for that, I will try to keep updating this information.
“Morals are all well and good, but power always wins.” 
“If all I want is shallow praise? Hardly, there is also gold, sex, revenge, quite the list, really. But failing any of those, I will always settle for shallow praise.”
The majority of sources used for this article are in the game itself (including Astarion-solo playthroughs) and the dev’s notes and datamined information provided by pjenn. Astarion as origin is (almost) not taken into account since it’s not finished and is highly unpolished. 
The itemised list will show some instances of approval or disapproval as seen in the game. To make the reading of this article easier and shorter, you can skip them since they are basically the proof I use to sustain the introductory concept of each block. 
We can infer a lot of Astarion by analysing what he approves and disapproves of. Sometimes, we can even lightly infer some information from his neutral reactions, but let’s be honest: this way of analysing a char is pretty poor since it leaves everything to speculation. Neutral reactions can only be analysed by contrasting the same situation in other contexts, and seeing what other options Astarion approves or disapproves of. With these considerations in mind, we can proceed to describe this character.
Disclaimer: this is a meta with my personal interpretation of the character, sticking as much as possible to the facts and leaving little to “desires” or “projections” of what I want him to be. If I do so, I will state it explicitly in the text for the sake of analysis honesty. I want to be clear about what is canon (facts shown in bg3 EA), from what’s personal interpretation with little proof.
Also, this list is extensive, gathering as much as I could in my many playthroughs, but I’m sure it’s not absolutely complete. Some details may have escaped to me, but honestly, I believe they will be easily fit in these blocks once the pattern has been seen.
Understanding Astarion by enumerating his reactions
Astarion is usually seen as a character whose behaviour is the embodiment of “randomness”, and after several Astarion-solo playthoughts, I began to see the patterns that showed little randomness in my opinion. 
We can say that he likes gratuitous cruelty and murder. He has a special taste for animal cruelty too. He is greedy, but mostly if it leads to murder or to make little people suffer. Sometimes this greedy side comes from the fact that he doesn’t like to “work for free”: most quests should have a reward for him to be neutral to them. Accepting them without asking anything in return tends to earn a disapproval. He is more reticent to humiliate or outsmart NPCs that may be potentially stronger and more powerful than him. 
[[1]] Situations showing his greed:
He supports the robbery of the fishermen that were helping the mind flayer (MF) after the crash. 
Astarion supports stealing the “magical” ring from the tiefling kid (Mattis). This could be seen also as a gesture of outsmarting a person or mere trickster behaviour (see below).
He supports asking for compensation from the deep gnome we saved at the windmill.
He agrees to force Tulla (dying gnome in the myconid camp) to give you her magical boots.
Denying Baelen the scrolls because “they don’t come cheap”.
He approves pickpocketing Mirkon while being lured by the harpies.
[[2]]Situations displaying plain murder or violence:
He supports joining Lae’zel against the tieflings if you persuade them to free her, since this means killing (which is always an entertainment for him) creatures he considers lesser.
He supports killing Gimblebok and his gang near the Jergal ruins if you avoid any attempt of persuasion. This can be shown as a demonstration of power. (see below)
He supports killing Kagha without trying to persuade her or change her ways, not because he thinks Arabella’s death was an aberration (he enjoyed the show, as his approval and later comment confirm it) but simply because he enjoys murder.
He supports attacking the goblin camp. It’s a great spectacle of murder combined with his personal dismiss towards goblinoid races.
He approves of joining Minthara and massacrating the tieflings. It’s another great spectacle of murder, but in this time, of weak people (He detests weak creatures, and despises Tieflings in general).
He approves of killing Lae’Zel in the scene where she attacks Tav during the night, out of fear of turning into MF.
He approves of killing Rugan in the hideout. 
Still related to this level of violence and cruelty, he supports learning more about Shar once Shadowheart explains Shar’s teachings, all about violence and death, fighting against the illusion of safety.
He approves killing Ellyka, the tiefling spying on the Gith patrol, if Tav is a Githyanki (true or disguised as) and chooses “Attack.”
He approves of helping Glut in massacring the whole Myconid colony.
He approves of sacrificing one of the companions to the fish-people who worship Booal.
He approves fighting the fake god Booal because it’s a massacre; where there is bloodshed, there is Astarion’s approval. 
For the same reason he approves killing the Githyanki patrol: pure bloodshed.
[[3]] Situations of gratuitous cruelty: I understand that a lot of people confuse this trait of his personality as a “trolling attitude”. There are different archetypes of tricksters in DnD, and he is not particularly the silly-funny one (e.i. Jester in Critical Role), but the cruel-funny one. His “pranks” don’t cause annoyance or silly troubles, they usually end up in murdering the person he is pranking, or causing them great pain. What he considers “funny” is always related to a lot of blood and suffering. Examples of this:
He disapproves of diffusing the situation between Aradin and Zevlor after the first goblin attack. He is “missing” his show. This situation is also related to enjoying humiliation of others (see below).
After letting Arka kill the goblin and take her revenge, Astarion will approve the comment that refugees are desperate and they will do anything. He is enjoying the show of despair of weak creatures. And he is also expecting for some of them to become survivalist beasts.
He approves of telling Kagha that you enjoyed the show of Arabella’s death as an answer to her question about if she is a monster.
He also approves of telling Arabella's parents that Kagha will release their daughter when the Rite of Thorns is completed (while Arabella, in fact, has been killed by Kagha's snake). This is another example of Evil Trickster, a prank with a really dark taste. This also shows that Astarion likes to give false hopes [One of the most iconic characteristic of Cazador]
He approves of telling the tiefling kids training with Wyll that they are going to die, inspiring that despair he enjoys to see in weak creatures. (see below)
He approves of breaking Alfira’s teacher’s lute, leaving the tiefling heartbroken because that had been the only memento she got from her teacher, and could not finish her tribute song.
Astarion approves of interrupting the goblinoid couple having sex, which he considers disgusting. After killing them, Astarion will support the idea that it was funny. Another example of Evil Trickster where the prank ends up with the death of the pranked one. But we also know Astarion despises goblinoid races.
He approves of killing Crusher after humiliating him.
He supports Tav who volunteers to torture Liam at the goblin camp.
He supports of laughing at Lorin (the elf trapped in Ethel’s house) after pretending to be the monster he sees (psychological torture). This example can be part of the list of humiliation too.
He states that seeing Mayrina’s horrified face after resurrecting her husband was funny. Another example of false hopes [One of the most iconic characteristics of Cazador] On the contrary, if Tav kills the undead afterwards, Astarion will disapprove, since he missed the “fun” of seeing Mayrina tortured. 
He enjoys every state of Abdirak’s torture upon Tav. This can be seen as a fine bloody show he is enjoying, or as a way to put Tav in a humiliating situation (as he approved the dung-smearing or the foot-kissing instances)
Using the leader gnoll Flind to attack her own gnolls earns his approval. Asking her to devour herself increases approval once more. This situation could also be seen as enjoyment of animal cruelty (since gnolls are considered animals by Astarion too) but also as the reflection of Astarion’s inner desire of becoming a Master of bending wills.
 Probably the most innocent prank so far we saw, he approves of doing Baaa at the redcaps in the Bog.
[[4]] As I said previously, he suports any form of animal cruelty:
He approves of kicking and killing the squirrel Timber in the Druid Grove. According to the dev’s notes, he is “shocked and annoyed” because “you stamped a squirrel to death when he could’ve eaten it.” (DEN_General_Squirrel)
He supports prodding to death the bird that Nettie was healing during the dialogue (you need Speak with Animals for this).
He supports freeing the Owlbear cub at the Goblin Camp, and feeding it later, because he wants to bite the owlbear cub eventually (he uses the word “delectable” to describe him, and when the owlbear escapes, Astarions states “You‘ve scared off the little snack.”)
When we find Halsin in his bear form, Astarion will have two instances of approval: the first one when Tav tells the goblin kids that throwing stones with sharp edges would hurt the animal more, and then when Tav themself joins the goblins in throwing rocks at Halsin. 
We can also add the confrontation with Flind, the Gnoll leader, as another example of animal cruelty since he approves a smart yet twisted way of killing her by double-using the tadpole. First to command her to attack the gnolls, and then to devour herself. However, since Gnolls are considered aberrations lore-wise, this point could be left aside in this particular case. 
If we take into consideration that Astarion sees Goblins, Kobolds, and Gnomes as animals, killing them always increases his approval. This happens when we kill, out of the blue, most goblin NPCs, or simply attack the camp. (Datamined content) He will also approve of killing slave gnomes in Duergar Encampment (place you find after the boat). All these moments can be also seen as “animal” cruelty if we take into account Astarion’s perspective.
He approves of killing Priestess Gut in the Goblin Camp. It could also be interpreted as his usual dismissal towards goblins (he sees them as animals), since he never believed that she could help them in the first place. Or this approval can fit perfectly fine the cruel, murderous aspect of Astarion. As I said, many approvals overlap different aspects of Astarion, but all seem to fit his patterns either way. 
I suspect that the reason behind this particular kind of cruelty comes from those two hundred years of torture, in which he had to drink animal blood. Considering he was such an unfair magistrate, directing his rage against the ones who are not the root of the problem seems fitting. 
[[5]] Astarion is filled with racial bias and prejudices. 
He only sees elves and humans as the only creatures capable of thinking. (Scene after the bite)
However, he has strong biases against a particular ethnic group of humans: Gurs. He thinks they are all cut-throat, and probably would approve the rest of stereotypes that Gandrel added in that scene. (Scene of meeting Gandrel)
He mocks halfling and dwarf Tavs, who he thinks are naturally weak, until they prove him wrong. (Stargaze scene for short-sized Tav)
He supports the idea that tieflings have demonic powers just because of their heritage. (Speaking with the Grove halfling seller). During the party, he compares the lives of the tieflings with the lives of the goblins as something of similar value (which we know he considers as animal).
He sees goblins, kobolds, and gnomes as animals. (Scene after the bite)
After killing the goblinoid couple which was having sex, if Tav choose to say that the situation made them scrub their eyes, Astarion would add and extra “dehumanizing” comment against gnomes. “I’ve seen worse. Gnomes can be… ughh.” (Scene of interrupting sex)
[[6]] He finds pleasure in humiliating people or in outsmarting them, especially if they are trying to outsmart Tav. He dislikes weakness and loves to humiliate weak people in particular.
He approves telling Lae’Zel to say “please” when we met her again in the cage, humiliating her. 
He disapproves of diffusing the situation between Aradin and Zevlor after the first goblin attack. We know he is “missing” his show where one of them is being humiliated.
Astarion approves of telling Elegis that she is pathetic for being scared of a few goblins. Once more, humiliation due to weakness. 
He disapproves of telling Arabella's parents that the Druids overreacted when speaking in the Druid Grove’s stairs. He is disapproving for defending a weak and silly creature who was not smart enough to survive on her own. 
Astarion supports stealing the “magical” ring from the tiefling kid. This is another situation of humiliation of a weak person and outsmarting them. This could be considered a prank of a more silly-funny trickster doing an innocent prank.
He approves of telling the tiefling kids that they are going to die.
He feels disappointed when Lae’Zel did not kill Zorru, the tiefling that she forces to kneel and confess where he saw the Gith patrol. He approves the psychological torture of the interrogation.
He enjoys interrupting the goblinoid couple having sex. This is an example of the prank cruel-funny trickster. This “prank” ends up with the goblinoid couple being killed.
Astarion approves of smearing dung in the guard's face at the goblin camp entrance. The show of seeing someone being humiliated is satisfying.
He supports booing and humiliating Volo off the stage in the goblin camp. 
He supports licking the goblin’s foot (It could also be considered a prank).
He supports kissing the goblin’s foot while stealing the ring. This situation puts two things he enjoys in the same place: the humiliation experienced by Tav and how the Crusher was outsmarted in the process. Astarion will approve if Crusher is the one humiliated and forced to kiss Tav’s foot. 
He approves of laughing at Lorin (the elf trapped in Ethel’s house) when the elf is scared of Tav who pretends to be the monster that’s torturing him.
Humiliating “low people'' is an important aspect of Astarion’s personality, since it’s a small petty pleasure he can have now, when during the last two hundred years it had been done to him. Humiliation has to do with power as well, another symbol tight to Astarion’s personality. Through humiliation Astarion can taste a little bit of power, that power he lacked for two hundred years. That power that, if his backstory is not retconned in future versions or in the full release game, he had before turning into a vampire, abusing those groups he considered less.
[[7]] If we think in power, we also have to think in manipulation. And of course, Astarion is a great master of it. Sometimes the events that stand out his taste for manipulation overlap with the ones displayed in the humiliation section.
Since the moment we meet Astarion, we know he keeps working in turning himself into a pleasant and useful companion for Tav. Astarion knows he has bigger chances to succeed and survive staying with this group. A lot of his “neutral” behaviours respond to this goal: he doesn’t want to enrage Tav to the point of being kicked out of the party, it’s not about a hidden gentle side inside he is showing with an apathetic neutrality, it’s, once more, raw preservation and survival. During the first scenes of the game, when we don’t know he is a vampire, Astarion tries to avoid taking a position in the situations we face: he is just feeling the ground all the time: with Sazza and with Arabella’s death is clear. He doesn’t judge hard, he is testing Tav, he is trying to understand their mind, and acting as pleasant as he can according to what he sees. It’s a natural use of manipulation to guarantee his survival in a group of strangers. During the bite scene—when this façade finally ends—he is truly nervous of being killed for his vampiric nature, and tries to convince Tav of keeping him in the group using arguments that go from seduction to practical usefulness. 
The scene of stargaze also shows his usage of seduction as a manipulative tool to guarantee his survival (he weponises seduction and sex). Although he says mostly the same, he reacts very differently in tone depending on Tav’s approach. If Tav is wary, Astarion will act encouraging their ego and enumerating several feats, while getting uncomfortably closer. If Tav is already interested in Astarion, the elf will use softer manners to keep the seduction into a more intimate tone. This is a scene of a predator tasting his future prey as well (Dev’s notes are pretty clear about his manipulation). In this scene, also, Astarion is light-headed because he has not drunk blood in a while, and has “his head foggy” (something we can repeat during his origin as a personal tag). Exact words he will use as a narrative hint during the bite scene. Therefore, this scene has little of “Astarion falling for Tav”, and has everything of vampiric hunger combined with a raw sense of survival and usage of seduction to guaranteed it.
(potential interpretation) He approves when he is persuaded into sharing his dream with Tav. In any other character, we usually would understand this as an approval for caring about the character himself. In that scenario, failing the approval doesn’t cause a penalty (unless the character understands this failure as prying, as it happens with Shadowheart). In Astarion’s case, when you fail this persuasion, you are penalised with a disapproval. We can understand this in the same way we see it with Shadowheart: this is his annoyance for prying into his personal business. But there is another interpretation in this disapproval: he recognised a bad execution of persuasion as a manipulative attempt, and Astarion is in particular very sensitive to manipulations and mind games (see point [12]). 
Most of his “romance” is manipulation as well, keeping in mind the first point of this section: he becomes pleasant for Tav, using whatever shape he needs, so he can survive (this is especially noticeable with a good-aligned Tav). Astarion has weaponised seduction and sex without any hint of subtetly for the player (As the Dev’s notes say: “For Astarion, this is a game of power - one he’s played many times before in the taverns of Baldur’s Gate, trying to lure people back to his master. He’s an old hand at seduction, very self-assured at first, but the player might not go along with the script he expects them to follow.”) We can assure that Astarion will find more satisfaction in having “fun” with a high-approval Tav rather than a low-approval Tav.
If Tav is not evil enough (and therefore has a low approval), Astarion will need to be the one inviting Tav to have sex (to be sure the control is still in his hand, still pushing for “catching” Tav). If a low-approval-Tav invites Astarion, he will decline saying that he “has standards'', implying he needs to be the one controlling the situation (he is basically playing “hard to catch”. Astarion already knows that he “caught” Tav in this scenario since Tav was the first one showing their interest). If Tav is evil-like (and has enough approval), Astarion will not only weaponise sex, he may express some degree of personal desire in having “fun” with Tav. After all, evil characters can like one another. In this case, he would accept Tav’s invitation for more hedonist reasons such as personal pleasure and not mere survival. Still it’s always present the layer of using this situation as a manipulative tool to have control on Tav.
Approves persuading Crusher without a fight, understanding it as an approval earnt for the good manipulation tool used. Of course this scene is combined with the natural approval that Astarion gives when outsmarting creatures he considers lower or animal-like (See point [6]). 
Successfully persuade Lae'Zel to "play along" when meeting the Githyanki patrol, and pull off the deception.
I personally found funny that Astarion, without the intention of the writer, is so good in his manipulations, that he broke the fourth wall and ended up manipulating a good amount of players as well into believing him. 
[[8]] He supports revenge in all its forms and degrees, which is not strange since it’s his main motivation against Cazador.
He approves of letting Arka kill Sazza in the cage as revenge for her brother’s death.
He approves of the attack against Nettie when she poisons Tav.
He approves of telling Edowin's siblings to find the beast that attacked him as a way to avenge the True Soul.
Astarion approves of Arabella’s mother killing Kagha at the party.
He approves of helping the Sovereign to take revenge against the Duergars that killed their young. However, it’s not clear if Astarion approves the revenge itself or the method proposed, which is, according to his own words, “a bit genocidal” and therefore more entertaining for him (we need to remember he enjoys the display of murder and violence in all its forms, [2,3]). 
He approves of helping Glut in massacring the whole Myconid colony, since according to Glut’s words, they saw Glut’s circle being killed by the Duergars and did nothing, so Glut is looking for revenge. 
[[9]] He doesn’t like to get involved in anyone’s problems unless you can obtain a benefit or a reward for it (this is directly connected to his greed aspect [1])
He approves of telling Mayrina’s brothers that they are on their own, and actively disapproves if Tav agrees to help them find Mayrina.
He approves of declining to help Halsin in killing the Goblin leaders.
He disapproves of helping Wyll to save the Tiefling refugees in the Grove.
He disapproves of helping Zevlor.
He disapproves of finding evidence that confirms that Kagha is working with Shadow Druids. He will additionally disapprove again if, after exposing her, Tav asks her to change her ways. From Astarion’s point of view, Tav is basically meddling too much in the Grove’s problems for free, and ruining all the instances where murder could happen. 
He also disapproves if Tav agrees to help the two Zhentarim humans that are attacked by gnolls without asking for compensation.
He approves of not getting involved in the rescue of the Duke when Tav speaks with Florrick
[[10]] Despite having been a slave, he lacks of empathy for those who shared his fate and, instead, he supports slavery:
If we take into consideration what Swen said about his background in one of the first playthough he showed, we know that Astarion, as a magistrate, used criminals as food for local vampires, and in an attempt to outsmart them, he began to sell them into slavery (we can see in this brief background that Astarion has been greedy and cruel before turning into a vampire).
Although he disapproves paying for Oskar, the painter in the Zhentarim Hideout, he does it because of the money. When Tav buys the painter and demands him to stay silent because “slaves should speak when they are spoken to”, Oskar will think this is a joke (which is not the case, since none of those options has, in this patch at least, a (performance) tag). When Tav reinforces the idea that this is not a joke, and Oskar is now a true slave, only then, Astarion will approve. 
When seeing one of the servant Duergars of the Myconite Colony, Astarion will comment on how useful they are, and how Underdark drows should learn about these creatures, since these slaves are more efficient than the standard ones. If Tav brings awareness about the contradiction that those thoughts cause coming from an ex-slave, Astarion will justify his thinking saying that they are husks without mind, claiming that his feelings “may be different, had they been conscious beings. Or maybe not.” He emphasises in this dual possibility. And we can be sure that he certainly would not care slavery on conscious creatures, as we confirm it later with Oskar (A human who is not a Gur, and therefore, a creature that Astarion consider thinking acceptable beings). 
(Datamined content) When reaching the Duergar Encampment, once Nere is rescued, there is approval for killing the slave gnomes when the True Soul orders it. One can interpret that Astarion minds little for these slaves because they are gnomes, and therefore, animals.
[[11]] He looks for power and dominance, to have control over others and also as a way to guarantee his own freedom. 
In the discussion after every dream, Astarion supports the use of the tadpole's power in every opportunity, dismissing their effects. He is thrilling for the ability of bending everyone’s will (curious note, this is one of Cazador’s characteristics most hated by him)
He approves of letting the Koa-Toes bow before them as the Booal's chosen. This scene can be understood as a typical prank of a trickster, but also as a taste for being adored as a master/entity with more power. This scene shows that he and Tav are placed in the “Master” position. This reinforces the idea that Astarion wants to be a Master/Cazador, eventually. (Check post about Astarion and Power 1 and 2)
If Tav claims that the worship to them as True Souls can be useful after letting Edowin’s siblings leave, Astarion will approve. He shows in every instance more delight for having Cazador’s powers, making emphasis in the mind control ability, again.
Astarion approves of keeping the Necromancy of Thay tome. As we see later in his scene, he believes that there is something powerful hidden in it that may help him against Cazador. He wants to muster all the power of any kind he can.
Astarion approves of sparing Auntie Ethel’s life when she surrenders during battle because she will grant them power in exchange. He wants to muster all the power of any kind he can.
[[12]] Astarion is particularly sensitive to mind control. His expressions and the tone of his voice against any type of mind control are filled with feral ire (video here): 
He is angrily affected by the movements of his worm in his own head, 
He screams against Ethel’s control when using the mask, 
The insults at the harpies when he is lured, 
The way he is annoyed by the telepathic spores in the Underdark, 
He disapproves failed attempts of persuasion (understood by his character as failed, obvious attempts of manipulations). 
And, potentially, this is the reason why he disapproves of Priestess Gut cleaning Tav’s mind.
[[13]] Because he likes power, he also likes the demonstration of power whether his own or his allies’, therefore he likes most intimidation options in general
He approves of intimidating Gimblebok and the gang near the ruins. 
He approves of intimidating or provoking both Aradin and Zevlor at the Druid Grove.
At camp, when discussing preferred methods of death, he approves if Tav tells him "If I die, I'll take you with me." (after first picking "Try it and I'll spill your guts") . He also approves if Tav chooses a method of death (decapitation, knife, poison). Both options show resolve, strength, and freedom in deciding one’s fate. Since Astarion died at the hands of strangers, he values the freedom of choosing how to die. He will disapprove picking the option of letting others decide your death.
He approves if you intimidate the mirror into allowing passage.
[[14]] He is a survivalist character, and therefore, a lot of his approvals are related to elements that will guarantee his life, such as looking for his own freedom, the acceptance of his vampire nature, and the encouragement in looking for strong alliances or keeping alive strong individuals that can be useful as allies. 
He approves of being accepted with his vampire nature and allowing him to feed on Tav’s blood. He keeps approving if Tav defends him during the exchange of opinions in the camp. 
He approves if he has permission to feed on enemies. 
He approves of killing Gandrel. This approval is also mere raw survival.
He approves if during sex, Tav allows him to drink their blood. 
He disapproves of promising Nettie to take Wyvern Poison if you feel symptoms of the Tadpole, since it goes against his survival instinct.
When Lae’Zel is killed by the Gith patrol, he will state in banter that it was a waste since Lae’Zel was a powerful/strong specimen, so clearly he is lamenting the loss of a powerful ally. 
Despite appreciating his freedom, he has explicitly stated that he “would choose servitude over oblivion any day”, showing how extremely survivalist he can be.
[[15]] He likes to find a solution to their tadpole problem using unconventional ways, or at least, using options that may lead him to the twisted solution he needs (which is not exactly being cured of the tadpole, but to control it, he certainly needs more exceptional means)
He approves of telling Auntie Ethel about the tadpole in the Druid Grove simply because she “looks lunatic”.
At first, Astarion disapproves of Raphael's invitation to remove the Tadpole, claiming that he would not change one master for another. However, when the situation starts looking dire, he will approve of the idea, because anything “may be better than Cazador” adding later that he “would choose servitude over oblivion any day.” 
A bit contradictory when he was the first one claiming that Raphael used mind games similar to Cazador’s, games they know they have won before starting.
[[16]] He has a “soft spot” for helping people to escape their masters or killing/rejecting people that can be seen as Masters. However it’s requirement that those escapees could be seen by Aastarion as strong and capable creatures. He would mind little for creatures he sees as underlings. (Weak concept, seeing it with squinted eyes)
He approves of helping Karlach to get rid of the Tyr followers, since they are in fact working for Zariel, Karlach’s previous master. With all what Karlach explained about her past, she certainly qualifies as a strong person who is trying to get rid of her master.
He disapproves of Tav who tells Raphael that they would do anything to remove the Tadpole. This is probably resounding in Astarion: his past bad choice when he was at death's door due to the Gur attack and Cazador appeared to “save” him. He knows that going to that extent has poor results.
Astarion approves of Tav if they say that they won’t become Raphael's pawn (conversation in the camp after the encounter with Raphael). It’s true that when the other options narrow, Astarion starts to consider the possibility of changing a vampiric master for an infernal one.
This post was written on April 2021.
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