#shadowhunters to the night children
Alec breaking out "becoming the Consul" news to Magnus and Magnus's reaction to it. Also, some flirting and fluff surrounding it.
The first official task Alec fulfils as the new Consul of the Clave- In Exile is to ensure that everyone finds a place to sleep for the night.
Their world is currently burning, and tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that is going to be another crisis in itself.
But for now, they all need to rest.
Some of them shift into the New York Institute temporarily. Some shadowhunters have families across the world so they go there. Clary opens up a few portals for the ones remaining to move to other institutes.
So many of them are still left adrift and Clary alone cannot open this many portals. Alec sees the worry and exhaustion on her face and decides that this is it. They would need a few warlocks to get this process done.
But they don’t have anyone right now. What happened in Alicante, is still between the shadowhunters. The rest of the shadow world does not know yet.
Alec has decided that tomorrow morning, they will announce it to the world. And then the rest of the Downworld can decide which Clave they want to be a part of.
He knows, with a guarantee that would stand with him. The downworlders have decided not to be part of the council meeting because of the registry.
It’s not a question of who they will choose. But albeit, everything needs to be official.
As they wind down, even amidst the chaos, Alec had requested his siblings and friends to not inform Magnus about it.
Alec wants to be the one to tell him. He’s dying to witness the look on his face.
Izzy had whined because she already had a party planned at his loft. But she’d understood.
From tomorrow onwards, Alexander Gideon Lightwood will belong to the world.
Tonight, he just wants to be Magnus’s.
“Clary, you okay?” He asks her softly.
She smiles at him. “I am, boss man.”
He blushes, “Shut up.”
Clary peers at him and he sighs because he knows that she knows that he wants to ask something from her.
“What do you want?”
“A portal.”
“To the loft?”
He shakes his head. “No. Paris.”
Clary raises an eyebrow, “Why?”
“Can’t tell you.”
Her face changes, and a grin appears on it. In moments like this, he loves her like anything. She reminds him of his siblings. Of people he’d sworn to protect.
And people who annoy him more than anything.
“If you want a portal, you need to spill.”
“I hate you.”
“I’ll live,” she grins.
“Fine,” he accepts defeat because he needs that portal right now. He shifts closer to her and tells her everything. He’d assumed she would act cocky, but a gentle and soft smile appears on her face.
“You two deserve this,” she breathes and opens up a portal for him.
“Thank you,” he kisses her head and enters through the portal.
“Alec!!” She says loudly as he’s about to leave.
“Get that dick.”
Alec rolls his eyes and turns back.
He’s at Parc des Buttes-Chaumont, a small park situated in North-Eastern Paris.
They came here for an evening stroll last year. There’s no specific reason Alec chose this place. Just that it was in Paris.
There’s a whoosh behind him and he turns, and Magnus enters through a portal.
As easy as breathing, not even voluntarily, his face breaks into a smile as his eyes land on the man.
“Hi, baby.”
Magnus closes the distance and stands infront of him.
“Everything okay?” He asks. “Why did you call me here? Not that I mind a late-night picnic here. But how did the meeting go? You told me you will tell me all about it when you come home.”
Before he tells Magnus all of it, he needs something else. Alec throws his arms around Magnus’s neck and breathes him in.
The image of Cohort children with swords in their hands still haunt him. It’s been a terrible, terrible day and Alec needs to just feel Magnus for a few minutes.
“Sweetheart?” Magnus speaks softly against his neck but he wraps his arms around his back and pulls him closer.
Alec relaxes against his body and revels in the comfort.
The world might be going to shit but Alec’s world stands as perfect as always.
They pull back a few moments later and Magnus cups his cheeks. “Hi, my love.”
He smiles back. “Hey.”
“Is everything alright?” Magnus asks, raising his hand and brushing Alec’s hair with gentle fingers. “I can’t imagine everything went well today.”
“It didn’t.”
“How did it go?”
“You want the long version or the short version?”
Magnus replies sufferingly, “I cannot pretend to care about Clave politics so the short version.”
Alec chuckles softly, “The Clave broke-up.”
Magnus raises an eyebrow, “Broke up?”
“Like the Backstreet Boys?”
He chuckles before nodding. “Sort of?”
“You said you wanted the short version,” Alec replies, entwining his fingers with Magnus as they start walking next to each other.
“About boring political stuff. Not the clave breaking up,” Magnus yelps.
He briefs Magnus about what the Cohort, led by Zara Dearborn did.
“That’s awful,” Magnus’s voice sobers up and be clenches Alec’s hand in support.
“So half of the Clave is in-exile here. And the other half is there.”
“And there are two Consuls. And two governments ruling the shadowhunter now.”
He nods his head.
Magnus sighs dramatically, “So, twice the drama? The world has to deal with two Consuls now?”
A huge grin appears on his face, then. “Well, you would only have to deal with one. The exiled one.”
“Bold of you to assume I wouldn’t want to side with the Clave in Idris,” Magnus challenges.
Alec raises an eyebrow.
“Okay, fine. I would bleach my hair blonde before doing that.”
Alec pictures Magnus as a blonde and he wants to tell him that Magnus could pull off even that.
“So, tell me. Which new oppressive tyrant am I going to be dealing with for the next few years.”
“Oppressive tyrant?” Alec says with a mischievous smile on his face.
“Well, Jiya was fine and it was not unbearable to work with her. But you never know with shadowhunter,” Magnus says. He turns towards Alec and then adds, “Present company excluded.”
“It’s someone you know.”
“I know a lot of people,” Magnus says offhandedly.
“Someone you know very intimately,” he teases.
Magnus pauses. “Why does this feel like a trick question?”
It’s a new moon night so there’s absolute darkness everywhere. But standing next to Magnus, there’s always so much light.
Magnus twirls him around easily and Alec’s body moves into a circle as he giggles.
He can’t contain his happiness.
“It might be a trick question.”
“I knew it.”
“So, who is it?”
Before Alec tells him, he wants to tell him something else.
“You know it was here, in Paris, when I realised that we need to change the Clave.”
Magnus furrows his brows.
Alec shakes his head and fond memories flood his brain. “I was with Helen and Aline. During your whole cult fiasco.”
“Not my cult.”
“Anyways,” Alec breathes. “I realised then that the Clave needed to be changed from within. And then we couldn’t wait for someone else. It was us who was going to fix it.”
Magnus brings his arms around his waist and kisses his mouth softly. “And you are doing that. With the Alliance. And everything you do. And I am incredibly proud of you.”
A huge blush appears on his face. He cups Magnus’s cheek and sighs, “So much of it was because of you.”
“You could have done all of that without me,” Magnus assures.
The thing is that; maybe Alec would have. Maybe he would have been the man he was even without Magnus.
He’s just glad he doesn’t have to.
“I did it for everyone,” he exhales. “But especially for you.”
Magnus narrows his eyes at him. “What’s got you in this mood?”
Alec smiles. “I know your history with the clave and the consuls has not been easy. I just hope you have a good one with the new consul.”
“Can’t promise. Which brings me to my question again?,” Magnus asks. “Who is this new guy?”
He pulls back a little and lets out his hand. “Magnus Bane, High Warlock of Brooklyn, I wanted to introduce myself.”
A confused smile appears on Magnus’s face, knowing Alec is gearing up for theatrics.
“Please do, shadowhunter,” Magnus smirks. “Who are you and how do you know me?”
“Everyone knows you,” Alec replies before a confident smile appears on his face. “I’m Alexander Gideon Lightwood, new Consul of the Clave in-exile.”
Magnus pauses as the confusion on his face grows before it breaks into a huge wonder.
“Are you—“
“Yes,” he nods his head frantically.
“You’re the Consul.”
“I am,” he giggles.
“Alexander Gideon Lightwood,” Magnus shrieks as he pulls Alec’s body against his. “You brat.”
He throws his head back in laughter as Magnus kisses his face. Over and over and over again.
“I am so proud of you,” Magnus breathes a few minutes later, when they’re done dancing and kissing. “There is no else better suited for this.”
“I love you.”
Alec already has plans for a hundred new laws. He’s not naive enough to believe that all of them will see the light of the day. But there is one, that Alec would lay down his entire life for.
He’ll tell Magnus about it tomorrow.
“I love you, too,” Magnus kisses him but they’re both smiling so hard that it’s a little difficult to be able to kiss.
“I can’t wait to tell the kids.”
“They will be so happy.”
“They don’t even understand what it means,” Alec chuckles.
“And yet, they will be happy.”
“I am happy.”
“You are?” Magnus raises an eyebrow, still smiling, still wrapped up around Alec.
“Very much so.”
“I like you happy,” his boyfriend, and if he’s able to do what he wants to do tomorrow, his future husband replies and Alec closes the distance between the two.
Alexander Gideon Lightwood, Consul of the Clave sounds nice.
But Alexander Gideon Lightwood-Bane sounds better.
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tsc-malec · 3 days
“I was curious,” said Magnus, his cat eyes glittering. “I’ve never seen one of the Night Children rise.”
Raphael glanced at Jace, who was lounging against a tree trunk. “You keep surprisingly illustrious company, Shadowhunter.”
“Are you talking about yourself again?” asked Jace. He smoothed the churned dirt with the tip of a boot. “That seems boastful.”
“Maybe he meant me,” said Alec. Everyone looked at him in surprise. Alec so rarely made jokes. He smiled nervously. “Sorry,” he said. “Nerves.”
“There’s no need for that,” said Magnus, reaching to touch Alec’s shoulder. Alec moved quickly out of range, and Magnus’s outstretched hand fell to his side.
—City of Ashes
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lawsofchaos1 · 9 months
Shadowhunter Promptlet: The Piano
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A young Alec, overwhelmed by everything Maryse and Robert have dropped himself into his lap, runs away from the Institute- just for a few hours- to see what it would be like to be a mundane child. To see what it would be like to live with no responsibility, without parents who leave their bruises on his skin.
Somehow, Alec accidentally finds himself in a piano lesson with a bunch of other children and he discovers music.
Having learned the basics, Alec knows better than to ever reveal it to anyone at the Institute. But, over the years, he sneaks away a few careful hours at a time. He finds public pianos in the parks or he slips into unlocked middle schools, or, later, unlocked high schools or colleges, blending in and sneaking into their practice rooms to bring the music in his head to life.
Alec never tells anyone, not even Jace, about his escape. Jace has always been different and just because it's okay for him to play music, doesn't mean it's okay for Alec.
One day, Magnus and Alec are visiting one of Magnus' warlock friends and Alec, with permission, goes to explore a few nearby rooms while Magnus and his friend catch up. He doesn't dare even sit down on the bench when he finds the piano, but he knows that this room is too far for them to hear, so he plays.
Magnus walks in without Alec noticing at first, but when Alec catches movement out of the corner of his eye and turns, he's frozen.
[Teenage HOTI-Alec with his mundane accidental-piano-friends below the cut]
Imagine a fifteen-year old Alexander Lightwood, overwhelmed from his recent installation as Acting Head, sneaking into the local high school band room to practice on their piano. Imagine Alec meeting this group of kids who basically adopt him and keep claiming him as their brother/visiting cousin/best friend from another high school whenever anyone else pops into the practice room and asks who this random kid is who definitely doesn't go here.
The tattoos and leather jacket make Alec incredibly popular with the teen girls going after the bad boy and Ryan, Haley, and Alison find Alec's total and utter obliviousness to them absolutely hilarious.
But, the little trio also sees his constant injuries and how exhausted he is all the time and one day Haley kind of snaps and pulls a fuzzy blanket out of her backpack and demands Alec take a nap while she practices Braham's lullaby.
(Alec acquiesces and the trio subtly collates a list of the songs that Alec will sleep through while they play. A few times here and there Alec will creep into the practice room, shadows both in and under his eyes, and he won't even try to put fingers to piano- just tentatively pulls out the blanket from Haley's backpack that is now undeniably his and curls up in the corner to sleep fitfully while Ryan guards the door.)
They see how lonely he looks sometimes, how burdened, and the trio drags him out for milkshakes and tell horrible jokes until Alec truly laughs - looking honestly surprised that that sound even came out of his mouth.
And Ryan doesn't make a big deal of it, but he sees how Alec keeps stroking his Haley's blanket between his fingers, enjoying the softness. The next day, Ryan starts keeping a large black hoodie he found made out of the softest material he's ever felt in his tuba case, waiting for the next time they walk into what has become their practice room after school to find Alec lurking in the corner.
(Ten years later, Alec still wears that sweater whenever he needs some extra comfort.)
The night after the wedding-that-wasn't and before Malec's first date, Alec climbs up the fire escape to the 34th floor of and apartment building in Queens and knocks on Haley's window. He then proceeds to have a Gay Panic on her and Alison's couch before they calm him down and convince him to go woo his man.
A year after that, Alec is a groomsman at Ryan’s wedding and Ryan is suddenly stuck trying to explain to his wife why they have a lovely package of custom daggers as a wedding present.
A few months after Magnus finds Alec hardly daring to touch his friend's piano, Haley, Ryan, and Alison are invited to the loft for dinner. Magnus can barely contain the joy and love in his heart as Alec and the trio recount the stories of their meeting and the blatant shenanigans they got up to over the years. Yet, Magnus' heart is somehow even more full as he watches the four friends troop over to the newly installed piano in Alec and Magnus' living room, trading off playing each other's favorite songs until long into the night.
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bluecr0w · 1 day
Well here is part two of the books that the DBD characters would read:
First we have Jenny, I think she would read horror classics like Mary Shelley's Frankenstein or Dracula, she would probably enjoy black and white movies. I also think she read Harry Potter or Maze Runner and likes to complain about the mistakes in the movies (and about JK, because we can't stand a transphobe in this house). Caliban and the Witch by Silvia Federici would be an interesting read for her too.
Now, the night nurse would probably get bored waiting for the kids between cases so she would start reading to learn about humans. I feel like she's going to find "those who leave Omelas" and she will be moved and angry by the suffering of the children, and how the book shows some aspects of today's society, she would start reading more books of this type and she would come across Almond. Niko would recommend Miss Peregrine's home and the Peculiar Children because it would would remind him of her, and Charlie would say yes just because no one can say no to Niko.
The cat king, Just like with music, I feel like he would read a lot of books about cats or with catslike Alice's adventures in Wonderland or the black cat by Poe, I mean, the chesire cat reminds me of him. She and her cat by Makoto and Naruki He would read it after what Edwin told him and he would identify with that feeling of loneliness. As for books not related to cats, I would say the Shadowhunters saga, I'm the only one who finds it similar to Magnus?.The Alchemist by Michael Scott, It is also a book that he would read, also Bastet the goddess of cats is a character in this book.
Finally, Monty, I obviously must have recommendations with stars or astros, First the star boy by Chris Pueyo A gay boy's journey of self-discovery as he finds love and faces the world's hatred and prejudices. Narnia (? simply because it has magic, talking animals and the white witch reminds me of Esther. Another book would be what the stars tell by Osied Kelsey It is a book that tells us about the different stars, constellations and other interesting facts. I think if he had had more time to enjoy his life/adolescence he would like reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and learn about what teenagers feel or experience.
Okay, here is the final part of book recommendations, once again I hate you Netflix and please renew DBD.
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1indigoisles · 7 months
So we all know this Shadowhunter children's rhyme, right? We wouldn't be true TSC fans if we weren't.
Black for hunting through the night
For death and mourning the color’s white
Gold for a bride in her wedding gown
And red to call enchantment down.
White silk when our bodies burn,
Blue banners when the lost return.
Flame for the birth of a Nephilim,
And to wash away our sins.
Gray for knowledge best untold,
Bone for those who don’t grow old.
Saffron lights the victory march,
Green will mend our broken hearts.
Silver for the demon towers,
And bronze to summon wicked powers.
And remember that short story, where Jace proposes to Clary the first time, and quotes, "Green will mend our broken hearts," and how it makes sense because Clary's eyes are green and she mended the person Jace used to be and made him a happy man? In this scene here:
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Well, what if that's applicable to other TSC characters as well? Specifically the ones coming up in TWP?
Because, for starters, Ty has gray eyes: as in Gray for knowledge best untold. And we all know how smart Ty is, and how much he wants to learn. He's a freaking Centurion for the Scholomance by the time TWP rolls around!
Secondly, Kit has blue eyes, as in, Blue banners when the lost return. Because Kit is a loss to the Blackthorns, especially to Ty. And because in TWP, Kit comes back, the lost returns. And he has blue eyes? Coincidence, I think not.
Now Dru is a bit complicated, because her eyes are blue-green, so she can mend broken hearts, and she is someone who is lost herself. But it makes sense if we think about her and Ash together. Ash has green eyes; Green will mend our broken hearts, and as we all know, Dru suffers from trauma that she talks about with no one. She's going to basically be the one hot badass goth girl with closeted PTSD trope girl, and Ash is going to put her back together. It can also be seen as a nod to Dru ending up with Ash, and her eyes, being a mix of blue and green, could represent an initial confusion over her affections, what with the JaimexDruxAsh love triangle we all know is coming.
Is this anything?
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bookishjules · 3 months
Hi hi!!!! I saw your sizzy HCs and I would love it if you did TMI gang HCs for the future when they have kids and all💗 How do they all interact with their kids/each other’s kids? That ask about Jace’s kids made me laugh I feel like his kids would have a jar for him to put money in whenever he’s too cocky, kinda like New Girl with Schmidt
simon and izzy are the go-to babysitter couple of the bunch for sure, given that they aren't running an institute or, you know, the entire clave. they're also the most likely to have a movie or game night, which the kids absolutely love
because the cousins span over a decade in ages, there seems to always be a baby to hold, and clary is always the first one to reach for them (followed by alec)
jace is stricter as a father than might be expected. not in a harsh way, but in a protective way. in a 'i want you to learn how best protect yourself and your family' way. he's definitely a teacher, in a very physical way, and loves spending time in the training room with his kids and niblings (not that this makes him any more mature or less ridiculous at his core hehe)
creativity and expression are very well supported by all members of the tmi gang, and their children develop a good amount of confidence when it comes to being themselves and not necessarily folding into shadowhunter (or warlock) norms
magnus loves taking the kids on adventures and showing them things they might never have gotten to see if they didn't have a very powerful warlock for an uncle, but he is also very protective, moreso than some of the other parents. he's seen too many people die to knowingly bear witness to human/shadowhunter recklessness in these kids he cares so much for
alec is the first one to suggest they let rafe go out on patrol, not without alec ofc. that first patrol is a fun one. jace is there too. he's muchhh less strict with his niblings than he is with his own kids, and he tends to treat them much more like how he treats kit. hence the fun hehe rafe has a blast, and the whole time alec's anxiety is through the roof.
all the cousins are scared of izzy's cooking. even if she's gotten better as the years have gone on, their parents have ingrained in them too much fear for the food she makes not to be wary when she holds out a wooden spoon with a questionable substance on it. usually the kids ask for pizza. or a delivery of chinese food (like parents like kids hehe)
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elleejayy · 6 months
The rules are simple: Complete all requirements for a generation to advance onto the next. Cheats to be used at your own discretion, though it’s more fun without.
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TRAITS: Over-Emotional, Dramatic, Brave, Family-Orientated, Hopeless Romantic. Any LTW, Any Career - Do NOT have to complete either.
Start in a fresh, untouched save.
Have 2 Best Friends.
Fall in love with a sim
Then fall in love with their sibling.
Have 2 children (2 boys) with second sim.
Die as an Adult. Accidental or on purpose.
Following your death, your partner has a One Night Stand that results in a baby.
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TRAITS: Good Sense of Humour, Family-Orientated, Supernatural Sceptic, Flirty, Brave LTW: Surrounded by Family Any Career
Start as a teen, in a new town.
Never develop any close relationships with anyone except your younger brother.
Have a negative relationship with Father.
Meet your Half-Sibling as a Young Adult.
Move out with your younger brother.
Meet the love of your life at a bar.
Have 5 Children with her.
Have a One night stand with a Werewolf, results in an affair baby. (This will be your heir!)
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TRAITS: Mean Spirited, Brooding, Supernatural Fan, Kleptomaniac, Unstable LTW: Leader of the Pack No Career Allowed
Start as a teenager.
Have a negative relationship with father, step-mother and half-siblings.
Earn all money through collecting/hunting as a werewolf.
Have an affair with a siblings partner, affair baby comes from this. (This will be your heir!)
Adopt a teenager, turn them into a werewolf.
Only have a close relationship with your children.
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TRAITS: Brave, Charismatic, Good Sense of Humour, Athletic, Daredevil LTW: World Renowned Surgeon CAREER: Medicine
If a werewolf, get cured. You don’t want to harm anyone.
As a young adult, disown your werewolf parent.
Meet the love of your life at work.
Have 2 children.
Have 2 children who are siblings, your adoptive family.
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TRAITS: Shy, Hydrophobic, Family-Orientated, Hopeless Romantic, Clumsy LTW: Resort Empire No Career Allowed
Start as a teen, ideally in Isla Paradiso.
Make 2 best friends.
Find the abandoned resort, buy it.
Fall in love with a visitor to the resort.
Have as many children as you desire.
Optional: Become a mermaid.
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TRAITS: Party Animal, Perceptive, Inappropriate, Flirty, Great Kisser LTW: Pervasive Private Eye CAREER: Private Investigator
Move town.
Master Mixology skill.
Become a Casanova/Natasha OR Slimeball.
Throw a party as least once a week.
Have as many children as you desire.
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TRAITS: Charismatic, Born Salesperson, Diva, Proper, Perfectionist LTW: CEO of a Mega-Corporation CAREER: Business
Master charisma skill.
Max Business career.
Throw a dinner party once a season.
Own 3 different venues in town.
Have 5 children, 4 boys & 1 girl.
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TRAITS: Athletic, Born Salesperson, Disciplined, Unlucky, Over-Emotional LTW: Master Romancer CAREER: Criminal
Master Athletic Skill.
Take up gambling, a few times a week. [Sims 3 Store]
Endless failed relationships, until you meet the one when you’re days away from being an adult.
Have a set of twins.
When the twins are teens, one must die (or disappear).
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TRAITS: Unstable, Great Kisser, Irresistible, Neurotic, Rebellious LTW: Super Popular Any Career.
Be best friend with your twin before they die/disappear.
Own a motorbike.
Max Rebel social group.
Final love as a young adult with another rebel.
Have as many children as you desire.
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TRAITS: Genius, Hydrophobic, Loser, Computer Whiz, Socially Awkward LTW: Perfect Student CAREER: Science
You’re smart, attending university is a must.
Honor roll as a child and teen, A+. Always complete homework.
Perfect GPA.
Master Science skill.
Master Logic skill.
Master Gardening skill.
Master Handiness Skill.
Master Fishing Skill.
Master Arcade Machine skill. [Hidden]
Have a Plant Sim baby.
Scientifically engineer a baby.
Have an Alien Baby. [This is your heir!]
Die a virgin.
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TRAITS: Athletic, Brave, Genius, Ambitious, Hot-Headed LTW: Become an Astronaut CAREER: Military
Live in Lunar Lakes, or a Custom Alien World
Master Athletic skill.
Master Handiness Skill.
Find love with a Supernatural Sim.
Have as many hybrid children as you desire.
Have a Holo disc pet.
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TRAITS: Brave, Genius, Family-Orientated, Loner, Light Sleeper LTW: Alchemy Artisan CAREER: Alchemist
As a child, you’re sent to boarding school.
As a teenager, you focus on learning more about your supernatural abilities.
Master Alchemy skill.
Earn money from selling elixirs at the Consignment store.
Have as many children as you desire.
Accidentally leave a Bottled Curse of the Lycan out for your heir to drink.
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TRAITS: Grumpy, Brooding, Night Owl, Perceptive, Good LTW: Leader of the Pack Any Career.
Become a werewolf as a teenager.
Turn a few people on Full Moons.
Master Lycanthropy Skill.
Buy Alpha Wolf Lifetime Reward.
Have a single child later in life, as an older adult.
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TRAITS: Ambitious, Charismatic, Dramatic, Snob, Family-Orientated Any LTW CAREER: Education
Optional: Cure Lycanthropy
Move to a new town after your parent has died of old age. (You can speed this up with Trigger Age Transition)
Have 4 Best Friends
Date and marry one of your best friends
Adopt one child, due to fertility issues.
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TRAITS: Star Quality, Snob, Natural Born Performer, Excitable, Diva LTW: Vocal Legend CAREER: Singer
Live in a New York-style world.
Master Singing skill. [Hidden]
Have 3 friends.
Be a 5-Star celebrity.
Marry someone with the Athletic trait.
Have as many children as you desire.
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TRAITS: Brave, Charismatic, Brooding, Heavy Sleeper, Fmaily-Orientated LTW: International Super Spy CAREER: Law Enforcement
Move to a small town world.
Master logic skill.
Master Athletic skill.
Have 1 best friend.
Get married to a townie.
Have 1 child with the townie.
Your partner has an affair with your best friend, resulting in a baby.
Raise the baby as your own.
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demy85 · 11 days
Drawing you in
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This fic was created for the Shadowhunters Reverse Bang 2024: Presented by the @malecdiscordserver
It was inspired by @kasper-tag beautiful art and betaed by the lovely @maplemachiato
If you'd like to read it on Ao3 you can find the first chapter here.
Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV)
Warnings: Rated E.
Relationships: Alec Lightwood x Magnus Bane
Words: 28,366
Chapters: 8/8
Magnus, a student in the theater/dance department, was close friends with Isabelle. He had been infatuated with her older brother Alec ever since he met him at a party. When the art department was looking for nude models for a course, Magnus saw it as an opportunity to get closer to Alec.
Chapter 1 is below. You can find the other chapters here:
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 1 - First Impressions
Ever since the night Izzy had persuaded Magnus to accompany her to one of her parents' dull parties, he simply couldn't get her older brother out of his head.
Alexander Gideon Lightwood was, inarguably, the most beautiful human being to have ever graced the face of the earth.
But Magnus realized sooner than he would have liked that Alec had no interest in getting to know him better. Even though it was evident that Alec did find him attractive, after that evening Magnus was sure that Alec was struggling with his own sexuality and that he might never follow through on his instincts. Definitely not at his parents' house and certainly not at a party where not only his parents were present, but also many of their business partners.
It was clear to see that Maryse and Robert were extremely unhappy with some of their children's decisions. You could read it in their eyes, gestures and facial expressions when Izzy and Alec introduced themselves to their business partners and told them about their studies.
Magnus couldn't imagine how difficult it must be for them to deal with their parents' apparent disapproval. But he didn't have to wait long to find out what it felt like to be under the scrutinizing gaze of the Lightwoods, which was laced with contempt.
It was by no means a pleasant experience when Izzy introduced him to her parents, and he swore to himself after that evening that he would never accompany Izzy to such an event a second time. 
His decision wasn't just due to the fact that Alec had given him the cold shoulder, no, it was rather because of the disdainful look Izzy's parents had given him when she had introduced him and he wanted to avoid meeting them again at all costs.
He knew that the Lightwoods were deeply involved in the history of Idris, the college where he studied. They were descendants of one of the founding families and therefore had great influence. Magnus just hoped that they wouldn't make his life at college more difficult now that they had actually met him.
Alec had no idea why he had agreed to attend the annual Christmas party organized by his parent's law firm. He knew he would regret it, as these parties were always strenuous. He always ended up feeling drained.
However, Izzy had mentioned that she was going and that Magnus had agreed to accompany her.
Now that Alec knew Magnus would be there, how could he possibly resist?
Izzy hadn't stopped raving about Magnus since her first day at university and Alec was fascinated by all the things his sister had told him about Magnus.
Magnus was apparently two years older than her, had taken a sabbatical after high school and had been exploring the world.
She had told her brother so much about Magnus that it almost seemed as if Alec himself was friends with him.
However, that wasn't the case. Alec had difficulty making friends, especially with men.
So far he had successfully managed to avoid Izzy and her wonderful fellow student on campus, but that night he would be coming face to face with Magnus Bane and he wasn't sure he was prepared.
Magnus was at a loss as to why he had agreed to accompany Isabelle to her parents' party. He was feeling rather nervous, after all he had seldom heard any nice stories about her parents. But at least it gave him the opportunity to visit his father in New York, or rather both his fathers.
Ragnor Fell had adopted him from the orphanage,taken him in, and raised him with much love and affection. Together with two other children, Raphael and Catarina, Magnus spent a wonderful childhood with Ragnor.
He had never felt a desire to find his biological father, even though Ragnor had assured him that he would help him if he wished to do so. But Magnus would prefer to forget his past. Forget finding his mother’s lifeless body and what his stepfather had done to him as a result.
Looking for his biological father at that time would only have created another wound 
But  the decision was snatched away from him one day when a man suddenly appeared on their doorstep.
Asmodeus Yeung.
Asmodeus got along well with Ragnor  from the start which allowed Magnus to open up to him more quickly than he would have thought possible.
Even though he had decided to keep his name and continue to live with Ragnor, he was still in regular contact with his biological father and the relationship between the two of them created many opportunities for Magnus and his siblings.
Magnus was well aware that without Asmodeus, he would probably never have been accepted into Idris.
He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard someone say, "You look quite handsome, son." Magnus turned to see Asmodeus standing in the doorway with a wide grin on his face.
"I hope you have a wonderful evening with Isabelle Lightwood. I'm sure you'll enchant them all with your good looks and charm," Asmodeus said, giving his son a hug before bidding him farewell and retreating back to his study.
After that, Magnus was convinced that the evening would be a good one. After all, Izzy would finally introduce him to Alexander. He had been waiting for this ever since he had first seen him on campus.
So he made his way to the venue in high spirits.
For Alec, being introduced to Magnus by Izzy was a truly life-changing experience. It made him wish for the floor to open up and swallow him as he noticed the heat creeping into his cheeks.
Magnus seemed to be enjoying the sight, which only made Alec all the more nervous.
Izzy was beaming brightly at him as she began to address him, "Hey, Alec. I want you to meet Magnus, my dance partner."
Magnus gulped as he let his eyes roam over Alec unfiltered for the first time. Of course, he had seen him in passing on campus, but never up close.
He was tall and had dusky brown hair that seemed to fall over his forehead as if he'd been running his hands through it. His pale skin stood out against the dark clothes he wore, and when Magnus looked at him, it was almost as if his brain blanked out. 
As he finally lifted his gaze to lock eyes with him, he saw beautiful hazel colored eyes staring straight back at him, making his stomach twist with excitement, and a smile that made Magnus weak in the knees.
Alec couldn't help but stare at Magnus. He exuded so much confidence and appeared to be comfortable in his own skin. Alec admired and envied him at the same time.
He held out his hand and when they made contact, it was almost as if an electric shock shot through his arm.
Alec hoped they wouldn't notice what was transpiring in his head as he literally squeezed out the words, "Nice to finally be able to meet you, Magnus."
It was a mystery to him how he had managed not to make a complete fool out of himself and to be able to utter a full sentence. The elation didn't last long, however, and when he saw Magnus' smug grin, he knew that he had revealed more of his inner turmoil than he would have liked.
He had no intention of appearing rude, but Alec was well aware that there was a good chance that if he remained in Magnus' immediate vicinity for much longer, he would be unable to hide his feelings.
Instead of speaking to his sister and Magnus, Alec excused himself and proceeded to find the only friend he had made among his parents' fellow attorneys.
Jem Carstairs was a young, sympathetic man who was very different from all the other attornies that worked for Alec's parents. Alec could talk to him about anything without fear of condemnation or disapproval.
But that evening, as Alec made his way through the crowd in search of Jem, he found him in a heated discussion with some of the older partners at the law firm. Alec didn't want to intrude, so he decided to back off and get through the event alone.
He found a quiet corner, away from the noise and the stares of the other guests. Leaningagainst the wall and watching the crowd, his gaze constantly drifted to Magnus and Izzy. He couldn't deny that Magnus had an intriguing personality. He was charismatic, charming and had a special way of moving, as if he was dancing to a tune that only he could hear.
Alec couldn't help but to wish that he could be a part of that melody.
Yet , he was aware it was impossible. He just knew there was no way he could come out, not in front of his family and certainly not in such a public setting.
Jem caught a glimpse of Alec walking towards him out of the corner of his eye and immediately reversing his direction when he noticed the person Jem was deep in conversation with.
If he was honest, he could hardly blame Alec for not wanting to be part of their conversation. A talk with Valentine Morgenstern was certainly not a pleasant experience. That being said, he was a very close friend of Robert Lightwood's and therefore it was best not to offend him.
However, Jem was more than relieved when Morgenstern finally dismissed him after a few more minutes and turned his attention elsewhere.
He didn't hesitate and set off in search of Alec.
After finally finding him, he momentarily hesitated as Alec seemed oblivious to the world around him. His gaze was fixed and when Jem followed him, he understood what must be going on in Alec's head.
Alec was staring unashamedly at a flamboyant young man who was engrossed in conversation with Izzy. 
Jem could see the longing in Alec's gaze, the conflict going on inside him, and his heart broke a little for Alec, because he could empathize with how Alec must be aching inside.
He wanted to help him, to show him that it was okay to not conform with the established social norms and an idea began to blossom inside him.
Christmas had slipped past them in a blink of an eye. Alec had spent most of his time holed up alone in his room and had even avoided his sister. His parents were once again working on an important case, so it wasn't surprising that they were hardly ever seen.
If he was honest, he couldn't even remember the last time his family had spent Christmas together, especially when they had all been living in the same house.
One of his parents was always busy with work, and since Jace had left for California, he hadn't spent Christmas with them either. Jace played for the USC Trojans, the University of Southern California’s football team, and his excuse was that his training schedule wouldn’t allow enough time to come home to New York for the holidays. 
Alec and Izzy tried to make the best of it. They usually spent a lot of time wandering around New York, stuffing themselves with all sorts of goodies they found at the various Christmas markets.
Alec had always really enjoyed spending quality time with his sister, as they rarely got to just relax during the semester.
But this year was different, because Izzy was pissed and still hadn't forgiven him for the way he had treated Magnus at the Christmas party. He could hardly  blame her. However, he was also unable to tell her the reason why he had been so short with Magnus.
And so, she had given him the cold shoulder until the moment when she had walked into his room on Christmas morning and stared at him with sorrow in her eyes.
He had a sheet of paper lying in front of him and had started to sketch a person. And even though the drawing was still in its early stages, it was clear to see which person he was drawing.
Alec observed as Izzy began to open her mouth and he was already expecting the worst. Thinking that she was going to reprimand him again for his behavior towards Magnus, he was surprised when he heard what she said to him instead.
"Hey, Alec. Something's bothering you, hasn't it? You seem unhappy, do you maybe want to talk about what happened at the party when I introduced you to Magnus?" said Izzy as she came into the room and sat down on the bed, commenting casually, "The drawing is beautiful, you know."
Alec turned the paper over, he didn't like people looking at his art before he'd finished it. But obviously he hadn't turned it around fast enough, because Izzy had seen it. 
Shyly, he averted his eyes from her. "Nothing's happened. You introduced me to Magnus and I joined the crowd afterwards to socialize like our parents expect me to," he said. 
"Alec, I can see that something has happened."
"Nothing has happened, Izzy. You're reading too much into this. Please, just let it go." 
Ever since he'd seen Magnus at the party, he hadn't been able to stop thinking about him. And at night, while he slept, his dreams were filled with Magnus. But he couldn't afford to tell his sister about it, because it would mean revealing a part of himself and he wasn't ready for that, not quite yet.
He gave his sister a pleading look on his face before pleading with her again, "Just please let me be, Iz. It doesn't matter. Besides, even if something had happened, it really wouldn't be any of your business." 
Alec witnessed the exact moment his words stabbed straight through his sister's heart, and he would have wanted to slap himself for the harsh words.
Izzy shook her head, she couldn't believe Alec wasn't able to open up to her, but she knew when it was time to back off and stop bothering him. Still, she was unable to hide the hurt that his words had caused her from her expression. 
"I love you, Alec, and I hate seeing you like this. If you don't want to talk to me about it, then maybe you should talk to Jace. You might find it easier to confide in him and I'm sure he can help you," she sighed as she stood up. Izzy walked over to Alec and gave him a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room again.
Relieved, Alec lay down on his bed and wished that the time until the start of the spring semester would pass more quickly.
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Okay! So I don't have an official bracket yet, but I finally got every character written down and determined who will be automatically going on to Round 1 and who will have to compete in preliminaries. Everyone automatically moving on to Round 1 had more than 1 submission, while everyone in the preliminaries only had 1 submission.
I will put together an official bracket tomorrow, but here's the list of competitors!
The characters automatically going on to Round 1 are:
Alex Fierro from Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard (4 submissions)
Shi Qingxuan from Heaven Official's Blessing (2 submissions)
Cheery Littlebottom from Discworld (2 submissions)
Nimona from Nimona (2 submissions)
Elle Argent from Heartstopper (2 submissions)
Eolo from The Raven Tower (2 submissions)
Anthony J. Crowley from Good Omens (2 submissions)
Kade West from Wayward Children (2 submissions)
Kel Brezon from Machineries of Empire (2 submissions)
The characters that will be competing in the Preliminaries are:
Rafe from Viscera
Rafe from The House of Whispers
Ash from DIE
Ash from Girl Haven
Jerico Soberanis from The Toll
Nadir from The Thirty Names of Night
Holly from The Mellification
Petrichor from Saga
Kazuhito "Kirito" Kirigaya from Sword Art Online
Aster Vanissen from Witch Boy
Sherlock Holmes from Sherlock Holmes
Vess from Invisible Kingdom
Tonkee Innovator Dibars from The Broken Earth Trilogy
Ben Van Brunt from Horseman: A Tale of Sleepy Hollow
Shuos Zehun from Machineries of Empire
Villy from Basil and Oregano
Valentine Weis from World Running Down
Howl Pendragon from Howl's Moving Castle
Hero from Something's Not Right
Dominic Seneschal from Terra Ignota
Firestar from Warriors
Enjolras from Les Miserables
Beatrice from Umineko no Naku Koro Ni
Axolotl from Wings of Fire
Isa from Transmuted
Inspector Javert from Les Miserables
Addy from Basil and Oregano
June Egbert from Homestuck
Alto from Your Mind is a Terrible Thing
David from Dark Currents
Monique from The Worm and His Kings
Viola Carroll from A Lady for a Duke
Will Avery from Names for the Dawn
Qven-and-Reet from Translation State
Syd from The Heartbreak Bakery
Claire/Claude from Baker Thief
Cersei Lannister from A Song of Ice and Fire
Will Treaty from Ranger's Apprentice
Starflight from Wings of Fire
Yadriel from Cemetery Boys
Zila from Aurora Cycle
Kaladin Stormblessed from The Stormlight Archive
AR/Lil Hal from Homestuck
Zoe from Sleepless Domain
Sera from Angela: Queen of Hel
Max Owen from Magical Boy
Jonathan Harker from Dracula
Diana Wrayburn from The Shadowhunter Chronicles
Abraham Van Helsing from Dracula
Never from Skulduggery Pleasant
Benji/Benjamin from Hell Followed With Us
Brick from Warriors
Sidra from Wayfarers
Sascha Vykos from Vampire: The Masquerade
Penfield from Future Feeling
Sallot Leon from Mask of Shadows
Ieshwi from The Stormlight Archive
Vriska Serket from Homestuck
Orlando from The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Spencer Harris from The Passing Playbook
Jane Crocker from Homestuck
Lupe from Four Leaf
Trina Goldberg-Oneka from The Seep
Cassandra Igarashi from The Wicked + The Divine
Aya Burnstein from Dancing in the Devils Auditorium
Lucus from High Class Homos
Merlin from The Left Handed Booksellers of London
Nightheart from Warriors
Sol from Dead Collections
Max from Magical Boy
Artemis Fowl from Artemis Fowl
Teo from The Sunbearer Duology
Wanda from The Sandman
Tal Smithson from Time to Orbit: Unknown
Petey the Cat from Dog Man
Captain Artemisia Blastside from Piratica
Rosa from Threads That Bind
Alter Boi from House of Whispers
Wegg from Be Kind, My Neighbor
Loki from Loki: Agent of Asgard
Scorn from Emergent Properties
Alanna of Trebond from The Song of the Lionness
Marcia Overstrand from Septimus Heap
Sage from Strawberry Seafoam
Jules from The Chromatic Fantasy
Peter Parker from The Amazing Spider-Man
Razia Khan from Stealing Thunder
Dipper Pines from the Gravity Falls comics
Mel from Something's Not Right
Hero Shackleby from American Hippo
Kino from Kino's Journey
The Marquis de Carabas from Neverwhere
River Runson from The Melting Queen
Jonathan Morgan from All the White Spaces
Leigh Hunter from Grey Dawn
Xada from LoveBot
Ienaga Kano from Golden Kamuy
Viola/Cesario from Twelfth Night
Silas Bell from The Spirit Bares Its Teeth
Let me know if I accidentally have a character on this list twice! Also let me know if you see anything misspelled or under the wrong book or series. Basically, let me know if I've screwed up lol
Thank you all for your continued patience!
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warstudy · 8 days
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drawing  influence  from    :    baldur's  gate  3's  shadowheart  /  jenevelle hallowleaf,    呪術廻戦's  gojo  satoru,    the  shadowhunter  chronicles'  jace  herondale
🐉     emma d'arcy  &  non-binary  &  they/them     |     beliar eisner, the member of  squad 3 bonded with melusine for the past twelve years. they're twenty-nine, quite a contrast to the seven hundred twenty-five of their curved-horned blue blade-tail. they’re known to be quite reliable, charming, and easy-going, but on a bad day they can be kind of blunt, crass, and arrogant. if separated from their dragon, beliar relies on a morningstar to protect them.     |     once, god rained meteors, earthbound dragon scales of repulsion and repentance. the eyes of wisdom, one closed to the past and the other opened to the future. the gradient of twilight to gentle, sleepless night. blind faith twin to justice in unseeing certainty. euripedes' medea, neither a she-lion nor scylla on the tuscan crag, but a 'partner in misfortune.'     |     norb  +  25+  +  he/they  +  pst
name.    beliar (  BEE-lee-ar  )  eisner  (  EYZ-nur  ). age.    29. birthday.    3rd  of  the  2nd  moon. nicknames.    bee    /    lee. gender.    non  -  binary. orientation.    bisexual. weapon  of  choice.    morningstar.
father.    seir  eisner.    mother.    viné  eisner  (  née  engels  ).    siblings.    none.    significant  others.   none.    children.    none.    extended  family.    -.
height.    171  cm  (  5'  8"  ).    weight.    53  kg  (  117  lbs  ).    hair  color.    white  (  born  platinum  blonde  ).    eye  color.    blue.
positive.    thorough.  reliable.  honest.    negative.    arrogant.  blunt.  self-absorbed.    mbti.    entp.    enneagram.    8w7.    temperament.    choleric-sanguine.    tropes.    arrogant  kung  fu  guy.  blood  knight.  lonely  at  the  top.  break  the  haughty.  i  just  want  to  be  loved.
name. melusine. nicknames. the comet in cobalt / the winter queen / the cold rasp. age. 725. birthday. the 7th day of the 12th moon. horns. curved. color. blue. tail. blade. length. 190 m (  623'  ) wingspan. 210 m (  689'  ) roar. resembles. physically, the gamordan stormrider ( dragon age: inquisition  ). sonically, the female m.u.t.o ( legendary's monsterverse  ). previous riders. seir eisner.
their mother likes to say that their eyes are so blue because they spent so much time staring up at the sky ⸻ as though beliar’s sheer adoration sucked some of the azure above into their little face, bug eyes they would later grow into. a silly story meant to make them more likable, they suspect. but not wholly incorrect. it’s true that their small fingers reached ever upward, trying to snatch their father and melusine from the sky. in a sense, beliar had. a difficult birth that left their mother bedridden for half a year, beliar’s childhood was marked with promises that they held no blame in viné losing the use of her legs, or in seir’s early retirement as a dragon rider to care for his wife and only child. beliar was a blessing to them both. yet, as with most things oft repeated before a child, both of these things stuck: beliar irreparably harmed their mother by being born, but they were a special child deserving of endless love. add onto that the lamentations that seir stormbreaker should have become commander ⸻ would have, if he had chosen career over family ⸻ and is it any wonder that beliar’s path was already decided for them ?
so much of it is based on chance, on the mercurial nature of a dragon. they are not tamers so much as they are partners, seir reminds his child. pets to the dragons, even. ( a poor jest that makes beliar roll their eyes ). but if they truly wish to become a rider, then of course, their father will help them. a horse is a poor substitute for a majestic beast of flight, but the maneuvers and saddle come close enough. seir warns beliar not to have their sights set on melusine; the comet in cobalt is notoriously fickle, and another dragon might suit them better yet. beliar nods and agrees, as is expected of them, but they all know the truth. all that’s locked away and hidden in their chest is the belief that this will be a redemption of some sort. if seir lost out on becoming the greatest dragon rider in history for them, then they will repay the favor by doing what he could not. waiting to reach the age of majority is agony, but beliar finds it all worth it as soon as melusine shakes the earth with her landing, meets eyes as blue as her scales, and sees something in them that she once saw in their father so many years ago.
beliar is not so naïve as to believe pedigree alone is enough to grant them authority. they’re not a royal, after all. ( no, they’re not bitter. why do you ask ? ) this indignity mediocrity is rationalized as the understanding that one simply cannot hoard greatness. and the acknowledgment that they’re not much of a team player; surely that plays some part in this too. to those even mildly acquainted with dragon and rider, it seems almost a miracle that two gigantic egos can not only coexist but cooperate with each other. yet, perhaps, this symbiosis occurs precisely because they are the same level of arrogant ⸻ the utter certainty in their respective skills and superiority means that no one else could forge as strong a connection as they have with each other. whatever the case, beliar and melusine function on the belief that they were made for more than this. so when refugees crying of smoke and ruin come pouring into lyris, it feels like destiny is calling. while it may seem callous of one sworn to defend, this does not mean that they care more for glory over lives saved. all it portends is that such conceit must be met by a swift and calamitous fall.
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In traditional lore, Nephilim are giants. AU where the average Nephilim is 7-8ft tall.
hey babe, ily and ty for the prompt <3 i'd say enjoy but you already told me you did when you read it ^_^
The thing Magnus has always detested the most about nephilim, is that they think they can use their size to intimidate others. 
And for some, a seven or eight foot warrior heaven-bent on exterminating you for your birth can be a bit unnerving. Especially when they’re trying to kill you for something you have no control over.  Magnus, however, is a royal, no matter how much he and his father fight. 
It shouldn’t be considered a luxury that Magnus has no such fears or worries, but it is. 
Because even eight feet of muscle and angelic grace and adamas cannot compete with the gifts his father has given him.
Yet, Magnus muses as he eyes a very specific blushing, eight foot tall shadowhunter who is very much pretending not to be enamored with him, there is something to be said for height.
It takes Magnus several nights of debates with both Ragnor and Cat before he decides he’s going for it. The worst Alexander can try to do is try to kill him, and it will be a disappointment but not necessarily a surprise.
Alexander is a surprise, however.
He stutters when Magnus compliments him and trips over his own boots when Magnus steps close and touches him, hand to his arm or back.
He’s like a giraffe, all long limbs and while he’s definitely a predator, he’s not a lumbering force despite his size. He’s cautious and steady, prone to quiet tracking and long distance marks.
Their relationship starts slow and it takes time but it grows.
Alexander is hesitant with Magnus, not because he thinks Magnus will break under his touch, but because he still marvels that he’s allowed to touch.
Alexander is rare, even for a nephilim. Taller and broader than any in his family or his Institute. 
And he’s gorgeous and lovely and he’s so sweet, delicate even,  despite his size.
He seems awed by soft touches, as if Magnus’ gentleness is something he’s never been allowed.
Alexander crumbles under Magnus’ touch like it’s a blow and he shivers under Magnus’ kisses like they’re an avalanche of pleasure.
And Magnus loves it, the way Alexander shudders and surrenders and gives all of himself over to Magnus. 
His large form under Magnus’ and the way he lets his limbs be pinned for Magnus’ delight and perusal. 
He’s cold and hard like marble sometimes, when Magnus binds him down and teases him until he’s writhing at the bonds. 
And Alexander’s anger strikes inwards, not outwards. Magnus seethes every time Alexander pushes his own emotions aside and bows his head at a reprimand.
“You could just kill them, all of them.” Magnus mentions idly one night, from where he’s lying on Alexander and kissing him softly, the day too exhausting for anything else.
And Alexander smiles, something dark and dangerous that Magnus adores and murmurs, “where’s the fun in that? I learn so much more this way.”
Magnus watches closer, after that. The way that Alexander’s hunters began to close ranks, around Alec and around their relationship. 
Robert shows up once and leaves as fast as he arrived. He’s a measly six foot compared to his heir and whatever business he had, he regrets it as he turns tail.
“The clave lost the soul sword.” Alexander tells him that night, “he thought he could manipulate me into not telling you.” And Alexander smiles, sharp and vicious, “I showed him the error of his ways.”
And Magnus, Magnus can’t take it and he pouncesand, as always, Alexander goes where Magnus wants. 
It’s only the cushioning of magic that saves his muscles from bruising but Alexander doesn’t care. Not with the way he’s reaching out to hold onto Magnus and the way he’s pliant and sweet when Magnus tells him to be good.
“My darling, my sweet boy.” Magnus croons and Alexander looks at him with wonder and awe. One of Raziel’s own children, worshiping demonspawn more devotedly than he does his own divine sire. 
The first time Alexander is injured, Magnus shows actually what he thinks of other nephilims.
He lets loose his power, throwing every single shadowhunter no matter their size and angelic grace into the walls. He strangles one of them with angry red magic, lifting all seven feet of them off the ground before throwing their still form to the ground.
“I suggest,” Magnus says, cold and fierce and covetous, “that you open those doors.”
The clave has tried to prove their influence and if Alexander’s Institute is to be forcibly taken from him — because of the actions of others. 
Then Magnus will simply take Alexander, who has dedicated and promised the entirety of himself to Magnus, by force. 
The infirmary wards shatter with a flick of magic and Magnus throws the medical team surrounding Alexander out the windows.
Which was not how he’d planned it — Cat always gets upset when he’s rough on medical personnel but he thinks she’ll forgive him this once— and he’s at Alexander’s bedside in a breath.
Alexander is furious and heaving and fighting with inhuman snarls against the bonds holding him.
He’s breaking them, Magnus realizes, by sheer force of strength and will. Fighting against the straps like he’s never once tried to with anything Magnus has tied him down with.
“Sweetheart,” Magnus says and he cups Alexander's jaw, unafraid of the snarling and snapping maw of needle-sharp teeth.
Alexander goes still instantly, the eerie and inhuman glow of his eyes fading.
“Magnus.” He gasps and suddenly there is a snap as a strap breaks and he’s reaching out, large hand trembling as he places his hand over Magnus.
It’s large and calloused and shaking as he clings to Magnus and Magnus croons and leans down to kiss his forehead. 
“Darling, here. Let me help.” Magnus says and snaps away the remaining bonds. He’s marveling that Alexander just snapped through what looks like adamas and leather just because he wanted to touch Magnus. 
That Alexander wants Magnus enough to splinter and shatter angelic and divinely blessed metal. 
Is whispered like a prayer and he’s being hauled down like he weighs no more than a feather.  Alexander keens as they kiss and his arms wrap so tightly around Magnus that it hurts and Magnus wants him to never let go. 
“I have you, my darling.” Magnus whispers, tender and true as he nuzzles Alexander's jaw. 
And then they’re gone. 
And a few weeks later, Magnus watches his extremely tall, giraffe of a boyfriend climb a palm tree in three body lengths and he hums in contentment. Alexander is shirtless and Magnus is very much enjoying the show he gets every time Alexander insists on fetching a coconut rather than Magnus using his magic. 
Truly, a little extra height can be quite enjoyable.
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cece693 · 8 months
What Fandoms I Write For/Interests
Hey, if this is your first post of mine, I shake you warmly by the hand :) This space is where I will post fanfics and imagines I come up with since I'm too lazy to do so over at Wattpad. So without further ado... I introduce to you, friends, the fandoms I'm currently writing/am eager to write for (TAKING REQUESTS):
Anything Slasher/Horror
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Shadowhunters/The Mortal Instruments
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The Hunger Games
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The Vampire Diaries
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Interview with The Vampire
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Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
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The Outsiders
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Fast and the Furious
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Night at the Museum
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The Adams Family
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Titanic (MOVIE)
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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (ANY MOVIE, ADULTS ONLY IF REQUESTING)
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malec-ao3feed · 7 months
The Past Bleeds Golden
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ZucPwGK by Foodsies Some days, Magnus almost convinces himself he remembers his mother's voice, the warm joy in her eyes when she spoke of soul marks and twisting gold. But then, red would seep into his vision and water into his lungs and he should be getting better. Alexander is healthy, Madzie is safe and Magnus should be getting better. He doesn't know why he isn't because Alexander is. Alec is. Throughout the day he is. But at night, when fantom pains and his mother's disappointment haunt his every breath, Alec asks himself the same. Words: 1949, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of All Was Golden - main, Part 6 of All Was Golden - extended universe Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV), The Shadowhunter Chronicles - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Magnus Bane, Alec Lightwood, Isabelle Lightwood, Jace Wayland, Ragnor Fell, Catarina Loss, Madzie (Shadowhunters TV), Max Lightwood, The trainees, Jessica Hawkblue, Valentine Morgenstern, Maryse Lightwood Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood Additional Tags: Magnus Bane & Ragnor Fell Friendship, Magnus Bane & Catarina Loss Friendship, Alec Lightwood & Andrew Underhill Friendship, Good Parabatai Jace Wayland, Good Parabatai Alec Lightwood, Warlock Alec Lightwood, Shadowhunter Alec Lightwood, BAMF Magnus Bane, BAMF Alec Lightwood, Alec Lightwood Deserves Nice Things, Magnus Bane Is a Nice Thing, Magnus Bane Deserves Nice Things, Alec Lightwood Is a Nice Thing, Sassy Max Lightwood, Adorable Madzie (Shadowhunter Chronicles), Madzie is a Lightwood-Bane, All of the trainees are a Lightwood-Bane, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Alec Lightwood is suddenly in charge of too many children, Magnus is too, No Beta we die like Dot: Again and again and again read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ZucPwGK
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lawsofchaos1 · 1 year
Malec Prompt-let: Nameless Nephilim
What if nephilim aren’t given names when they’re born? Shadowhunters are an incredibly communal society- all glory is to your family and your people, not to you, and so the idea of names is considered too individualistic. Instead, children are given a Line Name and a Blessing Name, a title. 
For example, Alexander means ‘Protector of Men,’ a suitable title for the first-born son of an Old line, while Isabelle is ‘Pledged to God,’ typical for a daughter, and Jonathan is ‘Gift of God’.
(It’s also telling that Maryse and Robert’s Blessing Name for Alec is one of the few options that isn’t a thanksgiving or a description of devotion to the Angel - it’s a task. It’s a statement that he was born for and lives for a single purpose - that he is only made worthy in the eyes of his Line through accomplishing his title, not through simply being.)
Young nephilim often play with shortening their names as a way to differentiate themselves and make something approaching a name, but you cannot truly name yourself.
(It’s even considered slightly rebellious that Alec, Izzy, and Jace are fully grown and still go by their short-names, Jace particularly so given that it’s so different from his Blessing Name.)
Izzy and Jace have quietly been given personal names over the years- ones used only by the closest of loved ones. Alec uses their True Names occasionally, but only in the most personal and private of times. (Neither Robert nor Maryse know their children’s True Names.)
Alec, however, has never been given a true name. He never lets on how much it hurts that both his siblings think nothing of commenting on how much Alec’s Blessing Name fits him, how much he lives to uphold his mandate. 
Alec, however, just wants a name that’s his, something that tells him he’s worthy of existing for himself and not just in relation to what he does for others. 
When Alec meets Magnus, it’s the first time he’s ever heard his Blessing Name in full and not loathed the sound of it. When ‘Alexander’ rolls off Magnus’ tongue, it feels like a Blessing and not a a command that has shaped his entire life, for better or for worse.
Magnus has no idea of this custom of the nephilim, however, until one night after a visit from Maryse, when the stress and the pain and everything just get to be too much and Alec breaks, unexpectedly snapping to not call him that when Magnus pulls him against his chest to murmur ‘Alexander ‘ into his hair.
Magnus freezes, hesitant, and Alec can’t bare to let Magnus think he’s done something wrong, but he also can’t bare to see Magnus’ face when he tells him that he doesn’t even have a name, so he keeps his head buried in the cool silk of Magnus’ shirt as he haltingly explains the concept of Blessing Names to his boyfriend.
Later that night, tears dried and emotionally spent, Alec and Magnus are curled up together in Magnus’ sheets when Magnus whispers a name, a true blessing into Alec’s hair.
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ghoulie-67-baby · 1 year
Shadows - Lightwood siblings
Summary: You have vivid nightmares but you’re family is there to soothe you.
Warnings: Nightmares, angst, blood, graphic dream description, crying.
Pairing: GN!Reader x Lightwood siblings (platonic).
Word count: 1,642.
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Shadows. Always with the shadowy demons. No breaks, no mercy, just Shadows.
That was my nightmare, day in and day out, it never changed. I was born into a Shadowhunter family but I couldn't help thinking this life didn't agree with me. Whether I failed in training, got injured in the field or couldn't escape my dreams, life just never seemed to go the way I wanted it to. It was tiring, draining and I wasn't sure how much longer I would last.
My family had worked at the institute for centuries so I had grown up alongside the other children whose parents worked here like the Lightwood children. Alec and I were the same age and as we'd all grown, they became my siblings. When Jace joined the family it was no different, I just had an extra brother now. He was my family, just as much as the other three and that would never change.
Every day seemed to pass in a blur of lights and sounds, without ever seeming to become clear. Colours seemed to get blander as though my energy and colour were being drained from the world until all that remained were purple bags under my eyes, pale gaunt expressions and bruises from countless failures to dodge hits. If it wasn't for the loyalty of my family, I doubt I'd even be allowed to stay anymore. I was a liability to everyone especially my siblings and the thought of them getting hurt because of me, shattered my very soul. I lived for my family and the nightmares knew exactly that, perfect fuel to torture me.
Like right now, I knew I was dreaming, knew the street I was running down wasn't real, and the distant figures of my four siblings were actually tucked nice and warm in their beds but it felt so real. The dark, gruelling world in this dream had no end, just suffering and I was in for a night full of it. I tried to force myself awake, to see I was in the comfort of my own bedroom, Izzy just next door and the boys a little further down but my body refused to see it.
And so I was stuck suffering, barely hanging on, trying to pinch myself awake with the fear of being a failure looming as I watched them laughing together.
Shadows beneath my siblings' feet began to swirl and I hauled in a deep breath to prepare. Claws emerged from the shadows, scratching and scraping at their clothes and skin. Though I knew I would never win I tried to run, faster than I ever could but never seemed to get closer as the floor seemed to become treadmill-like. Eventually, my shadow sunk its claws into my arms, holding me back, locking me in place so I had to watch as the claws drew blood, splashing in rivulets on the floor, as it all mixed into one growing pool.
Alec's face was painted with determination as he tried to grab his siblings and Parabatai though his calves and ankles were shredded. Jaces was one of horror as it dawned on him that he couldn't save them. Izzy was in shock as she clambered to hold little Max and lift him away from the horror. Max was pure terror, the pain on his childish features as shadows morphed around his body and ripped his body into ribbons of flesh and muscle. I couldn't move, I was paralysed by the sight and no amount of willpower could make me escape as the shadows screeched taunts of my fauliure.
My jaw ached, my chest convulsing, with the scream of anguish, pain, loss and anger, red hot tears scorching my face like lava.
"Y/N! Y/N please." Izzy's voice called to me through the screams, a fresh wave of pain dousing me and taking my breath. Her shouts seemed to unlock my senses as the stench of blood and suffering filtered through as the fight seemed to leave my siblings' bodies. My knees caved under me, stopping me from getting closer to save them.
"Y/N," Alec's voice was gentle and calm, an awful contrast to the bare bone on his arms and the tortured look on his face. "You're safe, you're okay, just come back." I shook my head as dark rivers of blood oozed from his mouth, lips moving in time with the voice. I couldn't squeeze my eyes shut as their eyes started to dull and they sank to the floor in the huge puddle. "Come on, wake up, we're here." The reassurance echoed in my ears despite the dead eyes of my four siblings staring up at me.
I knew this wasn't real, but it seemed like it was. From the expressions of pain, the way they fought to protect each other and the way their life force seemed to drain before me. But, my siblings were shouting for me, calling me back to them, back to the land of the living.
"Y/N, you're scaring me." I struggled in the direction of Max's voice, towards my baby brother who sounded as if he was on the verge of breaking. Slowly but surely, feeling started to seep back into my body. The bed around me dipped with the weight of the four of them. I could tell by each touch who was where and it warmed my heart. Izzy's fingers were laced with mine, Jace sitting near my legs with a hand on my calf, Alec's Hand brushed my hair from my face and Max was just to my side, his small hands shaking my arm.
"I'm here little guy," my throat burned as I muttered to the child. "Didn't mean to scare you, Maxie, I'm here." He usually protested he was too old for the nicknames but right now he was a scared little boy and couldn't care less. I shakily slid myself up so I could face him and he buried himself in my chest. No matter how big he was, he had his moments where he was an ordinary child who got scared and sometimes just needed reassurance and a cuddle. I could never deny him that.
"It's okay, just a bad dream, I've got you." I lifted his chin, wiping his tears before he shuffled to lay beside me with his face on my chest and little arms wrapped around me. I couldn't tell if this was comfort for him or me but nonetheless, it was more than welcome. We all waited patiently for him to settle down, hiccups fading into long deep breaths and muscles relaxing as he went back to his own dreamland. I wouldn't talk about it in front of him whilst he was awake, id scared him enough for one night.
Once I was certain he was sleeping, I let out a long shaky breath, staring up at the ceiling as tears filled my eyes.
"Hey," Jace cooed, his thumb rubbing my calf to comfort me. "You're okay now." My chest ached as a few tears fell, squeezing my eyes shut for a moment. "Shadows again?" I nodded silently before opening my eyes.
"It seemed so real, it was awful. I knew it wasn't real but it seemed like it was." I shuddered, trying not to jostle Max too much. "Guessing I woke you guys up?" I already knew the answer, and judging by the movement in the hallway they weren't the only ones I had woken up.
"I heard you and woke Jace and Alec, it was worse than usual," Izzy admitted with a small smile. "Max heard us rushing in and followed us. He refused to leave until he knew you were okay." Her words melted my heart a little and I smiled down at his sleeping form.
"Every time, no matter what I try, I can't save any of you. I'm not strong enough, not good enough to fight them off and every time I watch the life drain from you, it's like I lose a piece of myself." My head pounded as I tried to hold in my sobs, comforted by the feeling of them around me. "I'm so sorry I woke you all up." I knew it wouldn't be the last time it happened but I still hated disturbing their sleep.
"You are good enough Y/N, you can't help what you dream about. You'll always be good enough." Alec's voice was tight, as though he was holding back his own emotions and I smiled up at him, taking hold of his hand with a squeeze. "You don't have to apologise for waking us, we're always here for you no matter what time of day it is, just like you always have been for us." I nodded and pressed a kiss to Max's head as the effects of my dream caught up with me, making me slump in exhaustion and stifle a yawn.
"I think we're gonna stay the night. Max isn't for shifting and you might sleep better with us here. Plus, I'm comfy now." I peered down at Izzy as she huddled under my arm and rested on my shoulder. I didn't mind them staying, my bed was sure big enough for a cuddle pile and I wouldn't complain about the company or warmth. We all scooted around getting comfy, my head lay against Alec who curled up on my other side, Max resting against us both and Jace manoeuvred himself to lay against my thigh without being kicked in the head by Izzy.
"I think I could do with the cuddles." I joked, huffing out a small laugh as sleep started to take hold. "Y'know I would do anything for you guys, right? You're my family and I love you all so much."
"We know Y/N," Izzy whispered sleepily. "We love you so much too. "
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khaleesiofalicante · 7 months
holy shit
“Arthur, I want everything with you,” Kincaid said, laughing helplessly. “By the angel, how could you even think…I…I dream about you. About touching you like that.”
Arthur had a lot of dreams. But never like that. It made him feel incredible to know that Kincaid had dreams like that. He bit his lip and looked up through his eyelashes. “Really?”
“They’re for me. I like looking at wedding dresses,” Arthur said, dreaming of himself dressed in gorgeous white silk.
reference to his death???
Arthur often dreamed of Harry living in the institute. Maybe even in Idris. It made a lot of sense to him. Harry would make an excellent shadowhunter. He was brave and kind and very intelligent too.
“I missed you so much,” Kincaid whispered in between the kisses, still clutching at the boy’s waist. “I missed you, Arthur.”
“I missed you too, Kin,” Arthur pressed a kiss behind his ear. “I dreamed of you every night.”
“Oh my god. You bought me flowers,” Arthur gasped and grabbed the bouquet from him. “Gosh, they are so beautiful, Kincaid. Thank you. I love it.”
Oh no.
“You are so romantic,” Arthur said shyly, burying his face in the roses and inhaling the scent. “I had a dream like this.”
death again??????
Arthur had so many things he wanted to do if he ever got to go on a date with Kincaid. Sometimes he dreamed about it before bed.
dream dream or summa dream?????
“What are you doing here?” Arthur looked around incredulously, making sure this was real and not another dream. “You’re supposed to be on a date with Theia.”
He had never dreamed of living in a place like this. He’d never really dreamed of living together with Kincaid or marrying him or anything like that.
He didn’t know why. Maybe he was just too afraid to think about it.
“Just because someone is trying to kill you, it doesn’t make them the villain,” Hermes told him. “Maybe he is trying to kill you because you’re the villain.” hermes been knewwww
His son had always been a little whimsical that way – living in a dream world and protecting himself from all the ugliness of the real one. 
He wished he could dream. Just once.
So that he could Arthur again. Now wouldn’t that be nice?
It still felt like a dream. HHGTGTGH
He didn’t want Lance or Kincaid to get hurt. He often dreamed about them crying. Both of them. His nightmares plagued him now, reminding him of what could happen if he didn’t take the risk.
so that "crying " is indeed a typo and kincaid is going to die ha ha what is real
Arthur had nightmares all the time. He came running to the master bedroom saying he saw things and heard things and felt things.
Max and David had explained to him – or did their best to do so – that what he so was very much real, and he shouldn’t be afraid.
“Hm,” Arthur said and smiled. “Daydreamy.”
Kincaid smiled at that.
He supposed it suited the boy. He did look very dreamy. Like something out of a picture book for children
“We will see each other again,” the boy smiled at him. “We’re destined to be together, Kincaid.”
Arthur, on the other hand, had always been a dreamer.
He dreamed about the things he wanted in life. He dreamed about the things he wanted to come true.
do i have important tests to study for? Yes. did just spend three hours rereading lbaf? Also yes
I made a list of most of these before I got this ask so I guess we both wasted time today.
Well done with this, btw. Nicely done 💜
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