deadpoet-skull · 4 months
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sure, maybe not everything is about gay sex but coriolanus by william shakespeare absolutely, unequivocally is about gay sex, actually
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janeeyreofmanderley · 2 years
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shakespearenews · 3 months
We learn that in the mid-17th century Shakespeare came to be associated with the Royalist cause after King Charles read and annotated his folio of the plays as he awaited trial. According to the staunch Parliamentarian John Milton, Charles drew inspiration from Shakespeare’s villainous Richard III. Next to a copy of Milton’s Eikonoklastes (1649), we find an exhibit dedicated to The Misery of Civil War (1680). An adaptation by John Crowne of Henry VI, Part 2 and Henry VI, Part 3, it was performed after Milton’s republic had collapsed, the monarchy had been restored and the theatres had reopened. The hurly-burly’s never done.
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thepariahcontinuum · 11 months
Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio. A fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy.
Also: Clown....And hear me out but, the mask with the hat and shades is giving 'If Easy E joined the Insane Clown Posse' vibes
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thehamletdiaries · 1 year
Hamlet and Ophelia themed candle. This one is very sweet smelling - almost too sweet.
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shyphantomfury · 1 year
"If I were to kiss you then go to hell I would. So then I can brag with the devil I saw heaven without even entering it".
-𝙒𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙖𝙢 𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙨𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙚
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Consunto da fatica, corro presto a letto
caro ristoro al corpo distrutto dal cammino;
ma allor nella mia testa s’apre un’altra via
a stancar la mente or che il mio corpo ha tregua.
Svelti i miei pensieri da lontano ove dimoro
volgono in fervido pellegrinaggio a te
e tengono spalancate le mie palpebre pesanti
scrutanti quelle tenebre che il cieco sol conosce:
ma ecco che la vista immaginaria del mio cuore
presenta la tua ombra al mio sguardo senza luce,
che, simile a diamante sospeso nel buio più nero,
fa la cupa notte bella e il suo vecchio volto nuovo.
Così di giorno il corpo, di notte la mia mente
per colpa tua e mia non trovano mai pace.
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desmondsprettyface · 5 months
Shakespare conferences are fucking bonkers. I just got out of a plenary panel on accessible humanities pedagogies in ecological crisis and now I've got an hour break before the drag show.
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iamnmbr3 · 11 months
> be me
> get bored
> decide to read some shakespeare since you've seen quite many posts about his plays on your dashboard recently
> pick macbeth
> get to the prophecy of the second apparition
> read it in the translation
> in your language "the power of a man, for none of woman born" is translated the way that it also reads as "for none born as a woman"
> you were lured into shakespeare by tumblr, so naturally overlook the correct meaning in the favour of the second one
> read till the end and realize you're a total idiot
> delete tumblr
the staging we deserve
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richesthermit · 8 months
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A mumscarian moodboard! ❀ requested by anon ┈ with themes of soulmates, space and sparkly things! none of the images belong to me 🌌 art credits
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“what is hamlet about?” it’s about love, bitch
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biskykruegers · 2 years
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Game Changer - S5.E05 (A Game Most Changed)
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ilovejudestfrancis · 1 year
“I hate you because if I didn't, I'd love you. But love, love is weakness, and I'll never be weak again.” sometimes the dialogue in supernatural fucking slaps
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vaguely-concerned · 2 months
after all these years of listening to his voice my nicholas boulton radar is so powerful that I clocked him one sentence into his role in this radio play adaptation of lady windemere's fan (he plays cecil graham and I'm fairly sure it's the naxos production, for anyone who might be interested! martin sheen is also in it as darlington and does a great job)
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typingwithmyhandstied · 4 months
I like the name Lepidus actually. It sounds cool.
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