#shakespearean tommy
If someone failed their pilots exam 3 times would you trust them to fly your plane? If someone failed their anesthesiologist test 3 times would you let them administer you, anesthesia? No because if they fail 3 times they failed. WHY WOULD YOU WANT ME TO DRIVE IF IVE FAILED 3 TIMES THE EXAM HAS DONE ITS JOB. ITS KEEPING ME OFF THE ROAD. IM NOT TAKING IT AGAIN. Not even Kim can make me try again.
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rysko · 8 months
my request would be literally anything with luca changretta x shelby sister that pairing in this fandom is so my guilty pleasure love your writing so so much, whether you make it into a drabble, hcs or a mini fic i would be happy — gotta love that forbidden enemy lovin 😋
Too old for this - Luca Changretta x F!reader
summary: Keeping secrets, lying to your family, sneaking out...All to see a man, god, what are you? Seventeen again?
OR three times you snuck out to see Luca, and one time he snuck out to see you.
Warnings: Peaky-typical swearing, very minor violence, this is just romantic-comedy-themed fluff,
A/N: Special thanks (and a big fuck you) to @red-riding-wood, next time we race in writing we're making rules.
Aaaaaaanyways, So Sorry this took so long anon! This writing slump was horrible. I really hope you'll enjoy this silly thing!
tag list (yay i have one finally!): @red-riding-wood @peakyswritings
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This was stupid. This was so dumb.
Coat hung loosely around your shoulders, shoes in your hands as if to not make more noise than necessary, you snuck through the Small Heath Shelby house corridors. Almost cartoonishly so, when your frame passed one of the occupied rooms. If you had to guess, the last time you did that was years ago, when you were just a teenage girl with overprotective brothers, now you're an adult, rough-around-the-edges woman...with the same overprotective brothers.
Though, this time it's not a nice stableboy you're sneaking out to see. Now it seems like your brothers would have every right to threaten the man you're seeing with a blinding.
You slowly go down the old, wooden stairs, wincing at every crack and whine that echoes. The whole house is dark, the room illuminated only by the street lamps outside.
Before you reach for the doorknob, you clumsily take the keys into your teeth to put your shoes on, which puts you in quite an embarrassing position when a table light behind you suddenly turns on.
"Aren't you a bit too old to be sneaking about Y/N?" Polly asked with a smugly raised eyebrow, nursing a glass of whiskey, legs crossed on the velvet red armchair. You spit out the keys.
"I'm not sneaking." You try to compose yourself as best as you can. "I'm going for a walk."
"Very conspicuous behaviour for a walk, love." The glass muffles her chuckle. Was she just...waiting here?
"I just don't want Tommy to get in my hair whenever I even look in the doors' direction." You whine. "I'll go crazy in this house soon." This seemed to soften Polly up just a bit, or maybe activate the part of her brain which insists on the 'fuck them' mentality when it comes to obeying Tommy's orders.
"Just don't get into trouble. God knows i need to tell you that." She dismissed you with a flick of the wrist, and you just nodded before rushing out the door, as if Polly could change her mind any second.
Street after street, the tension slowly eased off your shoulders as you were exiting the tight Shelby territory. It was a close call once in a while, someone almost recognizing you before you could cover your face more. A group of men whistling after you before you could disappear in a dark back alley. Slowly, you closed in on the place you agreed to meet a man by the name you even feared to say in your head, as maybe Tommy would sit there by sheer coincidence, resulting in you getting cut, or him, or both of you, how Shakespearean...
How has it gotten to the point where you are happily fucking the enemy? Devil knows, honestly.
In the back of your mind, you always had a nagging feeling Luca only started seeing you to spite Tommy. This wouldn't be a problem, of course, you regularly told yourself. You're spiting Tommy yourself!
No, that honestly didn't help. The truth is, whatever Changretta's intentions were, or, still are, you found him irresistibly captivating. Like a substance you just can't resist, one that soothes and pleasures, but at the same time comes with a fifty-page warning label. You can see this blowing up in your face from a mile away, in a million different ways. Yet, every visit, every phone call, hell, every sneakily delivered note shuts off any sense you have left in yourself.
And now you feel like losing it again, when just in front of the speakeasy Luca asked to meet you, a very familliar set of hands gently rest on your waist from behind.
"Took you long enough doll." A kiss on the cheek accompanies the low foreign drawl of Luca's voice, sending shivers down your neck and spine. Shit, if all of you will die soon, you might as well have some fun until then. It's not like Tommy's staying celibate in mourning.
"You're saying that to a doll that has to endure my brothers mythering about town. Sneaking out in the middle of the night isn't as easy for me as it is for you." With your arms crossed, you motion to one of the alleys you emerged from just moments ago. "There's all sorts of shady blokes out and about."
"M'sorry, i got impatient, that's all." You could feel his thumb gently rubbing against your waist "Anyone gave you trouble? You got the gun I got you?" Luca pulled back, looking you over, the slightest hint of concern visible in his dark eyes.
"Yes. To the second thing. I'll be fine." You sigh, relaxing your shoulders. "Are we going in?"
"Right this way cara." Luca's lips curled into a small smile. He linked your arms together and in a nearly over-the-top way led you down the stairs of the high-class Speakeasy.
You might as well have some fun, that's all this is after all.
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The loud whistle of the conductor woke you up from an on-and-off slumber, the train from Birmingham to London wasn't exactly the comfiest place to rest your head in. From outside the window, the ever-so-lively London train platform came into view.
To be honest, it surprised you when Luca invited you to spend the weekend in London, even more so when you managed to form quite an elaborate story to justify the trip to your family, or more accurately, Polly. Tommy seemed preoccupied with fighting the Italians, chasing the May lady around town, and making quite mediocre gin to even care what you were up to. Needless to say, officially you finally found a friend that you just have to visit. Polly seemed to pay it little mind, but the sly look in her eye, as she saw you off at the door, made you just a tad paranoid that she might have caught on.
Like always, this will bite you in the arse sooner or...sooner.
Up until now, every 'visit' you paid Luca hadn't lasted for more than half a day, only once reaching a full 24 hours when, to your horror, you managed to oversleep. That was a morning of sloppily put-on clothes and numerous muttered 'shits' and 'craps', of course, accompanied by a very amused Luca doing everything in his power to distract you.
What you were doing right now seemed like a step up from the usual routine. Two days aren't going to fly by with just sex, though, that wouldn't be so bad. But lately, you realized you just wanted to...ugh, spend time with him. However sappy this sounded. But that's not what this is. What even is 'this'? When you and Luca met, what happened was purely driven by want, maybe with more than a touch of curiosity of the 'forbidden fruit' in the form of the enemy. Sweet, with sour at the back of your tongue.
Lately, you realized, you only feel the sweet when you kiss Luca. And though you'd never admit it, you dread him not feeling the same.
You two have your moments. Pillow talks with topics never discussed with anyone before, coffee filled with banter worthy of an old married couple, and non-sexual touches that linger for just a bit longer than they should. It's addicting and confusing at the same time.
And that addiction and confusion just led you all the way to London.
Stretching out of your seat, you reach for your bag in the luggage compartment, only for a stranger to take it instead.
"There you go, Miss." The man, looking maybe a decade your senior smiled handing you the bag.
"Thank you, sir." You muster a polite smile, praying internally that the stranger isn't from the same place you are. "I could've done it myself though."
"It's really nothing, common kindness it is..." The longer he spoke, the more his voice trailed off. His eyes widened, studying your frame and most importantly, your face with a new approach. "You're-"
"Thankyougoodbye." You rush and almost run out of the carriage, running into multiple people and throwing rushed half-assed apologies their way. You're stopped by a strong, painful grip on your arm, the man from before pushing you further down the platform, more secluded from people.
"I knew you were familiar." He grabbed the collar of your shirt and pushed you into a pillar roughly, knocking a bit of air out of your lungs. "One of those Shelby devils!" The man's gaze was furious, almost seeing red.
"Let me go." You ordered, trying your best not to attract attention to the both of you. "And we can both forget about this." You're trying your best to speak sternly and diplomatically, yet more than a hint of fear is hearable in your voice. He seems to notice.
"You ruined me!" The Brummie spat. "I'll cut your pretty face just like they cut me brothers." A rough, callous hand cupped your jaw to hold it in place, the other reaching into his jacket. You feel a mixture of panic and adrenaline make its way to your veins.
"Get the fuck off me!" All your strength goes towards your legs. You kicked him back a foot or two, which only seemed to infuriate him more. Before he could take even a step towards you, he's violently grabbed by... Wait, Luca?
"How 'bout you let the lady go, hm?" His grip on the brummies' collar turned red, almost lifting the man off the ground. That wasn't reflected at all in the way Luca was speaking however, for the first time he seemed...calm, condescending even. That only changed when the man didn't seem to take no for an answer. "That wasn't a fucking request." Luca's voice became a gravelly threat, which resulted in the attacker promptly looking between you and Luca as if weighing the risk and reward. Finally, he nodded his head frantically.
Luca didn't need to be told twice. He almost threw the man aside, letting him limp off into the distance. The Italian was almost immediately by your side, gently cupping your face, checking for any sign of hurt or damage. You feel his thumb caress a small spot next to your brow, despite you being almost sure you hadn't been hit anywhere near there. You take a look behind Luca to see the man at a larger distance.
"Wouldn't think you'd just let him go like that." You raise an eyebrow at Luca, not in a teasing way, it just feels oddly out of character for him to just let him go.
"Because I ain't gonna." He turns to a seemingly unaware civilian reading a newspaper, mumbling something that sounds like Italian, his head only slightly motioning towards the direction in which the Brummie fled. Ah, one of his men, cousin maybe. Just as he left, Luca stopped him for just a second more. "Alive." He let him go.
"Look at you, my knight in shining armour." You smile up at him while catching your breath and trying to calm down.
"Yeah yeah." He doesn't play into your teasing this time. "You alright?" He rubs your upper arm as if dusting off any remaining trace of the event before.
"Just a bit roughed up, had it worse after playfighting with Ada back in the day." You shrug. "I was prepared for you to bash his head in right here."
"That can wait a few days." His gaze followed a pair of men dragging the attacker off the station, his voice almost a promise.
"A few days? What happened to the vengeful, impatient Luca I know?"
"This Luca-" He holds out his arm for you to take. "-Is going to starve him a bit before giving him the mercy of a pipe through his skull."
"How romantic." You sigh in an exaggerated, lovesick voice. "Talk more like that and maybe I'll lift the 'no shop talk' policy." You wink at Luca as you link your arms together, his shoulder becoming the perfect pillow for your head. This time, Luca welcomes it happily.
"How gracious of you." His low chuckle meets yours as you head off to the London center. A fun weekend out is due, after all.
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Now, this was definitely an unusual location. 
At first, it seemed to you that Luca must have just confused locations when calling. Yet here you were, on the outskirts of a local forest, your only companions in the form of singing starlings and rustling trees.
All this seemed like a rope that was being pulled from only one side. You were the one to stress about being found out, evading family, hell, call sometimes. You felt like a brat, honestly. Technically, there was nothing Luca did that should have upset you, he couldn't have if there were no rules. Was that the thing though? Did you want there to be rules?
With every visit, you want to stay longer, talk more, and Luca seemed to entertain all of it. It confused you. What plan did he have with all this? Did Luca want you to catch feelings and lure you into a vulnerable state, resulting in killing you? Maybe he counted on you as a potential ally against Tommy, trying to manipulate you. Maybe he's just incredibly dense?
He can't want an actual relationship. Luca came here to kill your whole family, including you. The fact that he also likes to play with his prey is another thing, hell, he probably has a wife or girl back in New York. There has to be a wedding band under one of these tacky rings and signets.
"What the hell is he planning?" You kick a pebble down the dirt road in frustration. "A damn Picnic?" You finish off with a groan as you squat down.
Your answer came in the form of the sound of a Rolls Royce engine heading closer and closer toward you, the black car kicking up a hefty amount of dust and rocks. As it slows down next to you and ultimately comes to a halt, you see the familiar face of Luca's right-hand man.
"Get in." Matteo nodded in the direction of the backseat, though you didn't take it into consideration, and immediately headed for the shotgun seat.
"What is all this?" You look around the car as it backs up and starts speeding off in the same direction it came from.
"Luca asked me to get you to him safely," Matteo explained, not taking his eyes off the road. "He didn't want any uhh, repeat from last time."
"How sweet." You answer sarcastically. Ah, of course, he couldn't bother.
"He was definitely sweet when he put the bozo out of his misery." He laughed, looking to the side, as if seeking approval for his joke, but didn't get any. Matteo's laughter dies into an awkward cough.
"How long's the ride?" You try to position yourself as comfortably as possible in the stiff leather seats of the car.
"About an hour." He answers, and you visibly deflate in your seat, deciding to spend the time looking at the sights outside, fields, and occasional houses passing by.
A long, awkward silence passes between the two of you. It seemed to bother the man to your right, who tapped his index finger against the steering wheel while stealing the occasional glance. He looked like he was debating saying something.
"So..." He begins, almost like a father starting a conversation with a child he doesn't quite get. "Did you finish Ulysses yet?"
"Did..." You do a double take, studying Matteo for a long second. "...Did Luca give you conversation starters?"
"What if I made them up?" He blurts out.
"We've spoken twice, Matteo." You raise an eyebrow at him, arms crossed. "I never told you what I read."
"Maybe I just guessed what girls like nowadays." He smirked at you, feeling triumphant.
"I'm sorry, but you're the least qualified person to talk about girls." You say with a chuckle.
"Touche." He smiled, then looked back at the road, letting the silence sit only for a few seconds. "But you're right, we've only spoken twice."
"So?" You raised a brow.
"Sooo." Matteo draws out. "We have about an hour to catch up."
You're genuinely confused as to why Matteo was being so personal all of a sudden. Usually, as in, in the last few weeks or so, you've had two separate, short conversations with the man. Once, when you accidentally came into his room instead of Luca's during one of your 'visits'. The other time, when both of you had quite a boring and awkward conversation about English meals in a lift. "On what grounds should we 'catch up'?"
"On the grounds that you're fucking my cousin Miss Shelby." The way Matteo said that was surprisingly casual. "And family is important to me."
"It's not like I'm married to him." You reply faster than you'd want to.
"He damn well acts like you are." He chuckles, and you feel yourself stiffen, looking at the Italian like he just told you the earth is flat. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"What do you mean by 'acts like I am'?" The question leaves your lips in an uncertain tone, almost shy.
"Never seen him so distracted by someone he's known for such a short time." He says with a shrug "Foolish if you ask me, but who am I to judge, at least he's happy."
He's happy??
"Uh, yeah." He throws you a pitiful smile, as if he could see how perplexed this information made you. "At least from what I can see."
Oh, of course, you said that out loud.
You quieted down, gaze resting on your lap. Now this was new information you had no idea how to process. You bit your lower lip in thought, unsure if the emotions you're feeling right now are uncertainty or... giddy, immature happiness.
You sit like that for a good few minutes before a small, sly smile graces your lips.
"Cousin, huh?" You ask, looking out the window, your good humour slowly creeping back in.
"I'm not telling you his secrets," Matteo says almost immediately as if he somehow knew that you were going to ask that.
"And I'm not asking you." You clarify. "But you probably have some nice stories."
"About what?"
"You knooooow..." You draw out, cocking your head to the side. "What was he like, back in the day?"
"Same as now, I guess. Only longer ago." It seemed like that was the end of your prying on Luca, but after a longer moment, Matteo mused more to himself than anyone else in the car. "More chipper in New York though..."
"Chipper? I'd like to see that."
"Oh yeah, and stupid."
"Now we're talking, tell me more." You lean forward in your seat, elbows resting on your thighs.
"No, I already told too much," Matteo says like he's telling his friends he's had enough drinks for the night. "He's going to skin me alive if he finds out I told you about this."
"Oh come oooooon. I won't tell." You shuffle your feet excitedly. Matteo looked forward, focusing on the road ahead, but after a moment of looking between the steering wheel and you, he let out a defeated sigh.
"...Back in New York, when we were just goons for Spinietta, Luca came up with a new con to scam people with, a really fucking stupid one..."
"And then, THEN it turned out the other guy was from London, and when he heard Luca speaking in a shitty Birmingham accent he-" He paused, but only to wheeze in laughter. "He beat the fucking shit out of him." Matteo finishes the story, on the verge of tears.
"No!" You gasped, though not hiding your laughter as well, leaning forward in your seat.
"Yes!" Matteo wipes a stray tear from the corner of his eye, still trying to calm down his laughter. "Never seen Luca on his ass faster in my life, ti giuro. "
"Oh god. And I'm supposed to NOT tease him about it?" You say in amused disbelief. "When he's all 'Look at me, I'm mister smug and aloof, I've never gotten beaten up like a bitch before'." You put on your best impression of the Italian, even going to the lengths of putting a match between your lips and exaggerating your words with excessive hand gestures.
"Hey, we're all hiding behind something principessa." Despite Matteo defending his cousin, he still couldn't help but laugh along with you. After a moment, both of you calmed down, this time falling into a pleasant, comfortable silence before you spoke up again.
"What about you?" You turned to Matteo again.
"What do you mean?"
"You said you want to catch up." You lean against the leather seat, bringing your knees to your chin. "We've got an hour, you ever played two truths and a lie?"
It was a nice ride.
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Everyone and their mother thinks the Small Heath home is haunted. Random objects flying off the wall at night, specific items appearing in places they weren't before, the occasional crooked painting.
Footsteps are definitely new.
The boys and Polly are dealing with business outside of town for once, while Ada just went out and should be here any minute. But that definitely isn't Ada.
Slow, almost wary footsteps cause the floorboards to creak on the ground floor. You're sitting next to the stairs, knees tucked to your chest and spare pistol in your hand.
Another step.
You press your ear to the floor, trying your hardest to pinpoint how many people were inside just by footsteps... Just one?
They appear to be coming closer, and you internally brace for confrontation with whoever broke into your home. As the intruder passes the corner you were hiding in, you stick out the gun and press it to the side of their head, making them immediately freeze in place.
"Luca????" You blurt out in shock, your voice becoming at least a few octaves higher.
"Hey, you actually kept it," Luca says, sizing up the gun he gave you that's now pressed to his head. "Though I'd rather not die by it sweetheart, no offense."
"FUCKING hell Luca! You scared me half to death!” Your arms drop next to your hips. putting the gun on a table nearby.
“Relax, who would it be if not me?” Luca moves towards you, probably to say his hellos in the form of peppered kisses.
"Who would it be? What do you MEAN who would it be?!" You rub your eyes, not sure if out of frustration or as a way of trying to wake yourself up. “Police? IRA? My own bloody brothers?!” Somehow, this is exactly what you wanted. Luca being the one that sneaks through Small Heath and avoids the blinders, instead of it being always you. Though now, instead of it being a late-night fantasy of the charming man sneaking into your bed despite the dangers of doing so, it's a real-life nightmare of this idiot trying to get himself killed.
“Yeah well, it’s not them.” He shrugs, glancing around the house. “I’d like to see anyone try to stab you in the back in this house. I figure before I’ll get to them you’ll just kill them yourself.” 
“Yes, I am quite amazing.” You muse to yourself before snapping back into reality. “Don’t think you can butter me up and I’ll drop it, what are you doing here?!"
“I’m seeing my doll.” 
“Need I remind you you’re inside my idiot brothers’ territory?”
"Relax, we'll manage."
You two did not manage.
Who knew Luca Changretta had a talent for knocking down hanged pictures and stepping on the creakiest parts of the wooden floor.
“Shush for once in your life.” You hissed at Luca as you led him through the tight corridor, internally begging whatever made-up deity may be watching over you to please not let Arthur or Polly magically appear out of the corner.
“Please, it’s not like-” You can practically hear Luca roll his eyes, and despite you usually letting him release whatever condescending thoughts he had on the daily, you think you just heard a door open in the distance. You practically drag him the remaining meter to your room's door and push him inside, shutting it way too loudly.
As it turns out, the deity listened to you, but only to half of your half-assed prayer.
“Ada! Heyy!” You try to stay nonchalant as you lean against the door.
“...Hey?” Ada's pace slows down next to you, “What’s got you so pent up?”
“Pent up? Pshh.” You're really not good at this. “Well, I guess I’m just tired, I better get to bed.” Your thumb points back towards the door of your bedroom.
Ada stays put, looking at you puzzled and suspicious.
“Are you going?" She asks.
“Yes.” You blurt out. ”What about you?”
“Y/N, cut the crap. I heard something.” She looks at you for answers, but only when she looks at the door again it's almost as if a light turns on in her head. “Are you…Sneaking someone in?” She reached for the doorknob only to be stopped by you slapping it away.
“Ada no!” You shield the door with your whole body.
“Ow! Hey, come on, I’m not judging. God knows you deserve some fun once in a while.” She rubs her hand. “So who is he?” Your sister looks between you and the door excitedly, her voice now hushed, like all these years ago when the two of you spent hours under the covers giggling about the stupidest of things.
“Uhh, just-” You stammered, struggling to find the right words. or any words for that matter. “You don’t know him.”
“I trust he’s not afraid of Tommy since he followed you here.” She threw a wink your way. “Reminds me of Freddie and I back in the day.” A fond smile graces her face as she looks to the side.
“Oh he’s not, that’s for sure.” You laugh nervously, internally waiting for the sweet release of death. Ada seemed to notice.
“All right, I’ll get out of your hair.” She laughs at her sister, squeezing your cheek as she walks past you. “Don’t get her knocked up Romeo, then maybe I won't have to tell Tommy!” She calls, walking off down the corridor. Only after Ada completely vanished from your periphery you opened the bedroom door just a few inches and slid in. The door locked, checked three times, and you finally released a big sigh, hands sliding off the door to rest next to your hips.
You turn around to see a very out-of-place Luca. Almost everything about him clashed with your small childhood room, the humble interior looking somehow even cheaper next to him. After the company took off, the family never bothered to fancy up the place, instead, everyone went their separate ways into apartments and stylish homes. Yet somehow for you, no king-sized plush bed will ever replace the old, creaking twin you have right here in Small Heath, always ready for you with open arms.
Luca took his sweet time taking in the place. Picking up and then putting down every insignificant object, from small toys you never bothered to throw out or sell, to numerous books lying around the room. He spends the most time looking at an old, framed picture sitting atop your windowsill. Luca's thumb brushes off a heavy layer of dust from 10-year-old Y/N in her year 5 uniform, while the actual Y/N takes her place beside him, leaning her head on his shoulder.
"Adorable." Luca nudges you, a sly smile on his lips as he puts his other arm around your shoulders.
"Oh hush, I'm sure I can find a picture of little Luca if I sneak into your home." You stab a finger into his arm playfully, smiling fondly at the picture.
"Wishful thinking, doll. Wishful thinking..." Luca sets down the frame and focuses his attention on you. A kiss on your temple leads to his lips softly trailing down to your nose and meeting your lips. Now the stress of the whole damn ordeal seemed to start slipping away, and the sweet taste is there once again.
The sound of a door crashing on the far end of the hallway takes both of you out of your trance.
“So, that…was Ada.” You turn your head to try and hear any sounds of your sister leaving her room, but Luca doesn't seem to pay it any mind.
“She seems nice.” He hummed against your skin, his lips trailing down to your collarbone, biting down gently.
“What are you doing Romeo?” You turn your head slightly to squint your eyes at him, a distrusting smile gracing your lips.
“Breaking my promise to your sister.” His sly drawl is muffled against your skin as both of you step by step head towards the bed.
“Did you want to come here only to sleep with me under Tommy’s nose?” You sit down on the bed, your brows furrowing.
“I always come firstly to you and because of you,” Luca emphasizes every word as he slowly gets on his knees, never taking his eyes off you. “But yeah, being here does come with its satisfaction. If only they’d see you now, cara.” His hands push up your dress, finding their way to your thighs, fingers getting busy with the garters holding up your stockings.
“Yeah, maybe cut it with the Italian. My sister could be listening in.” Luca only seems to respond in a musing hum. “You never know.” 
“Should I put on my best Birmingham accent?” He looks up at you, his signature smartass grin more endearing than annoying.
“Not now. You’ll ruin the mood.” You murmur just mere inches from his lips, laying back into the old, creaky bed, Luca following put. “But definitely save it for later, I need to hear that."
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exhuastedpigeon · 6 months
Tommy being both Buck and Eddie's bisexual awakenings would be SO delightful.
Tommy not realized he's just walked into the middle of whatever the fuck is going on with Buck and Eddie would be even more delightful. He just thinks he's going to get to hang out with and maybe hook up with these two dudes (separately) and he's going to end up in the middle of a Shakespearean drama.
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barbieaemond · 8 months
Hello hello! Some of you may have noticed this blog is on hiatus. I’ve decided to take a break due to personal reasons concerning my family and some health issues which fortunately for now don’t seem to be issues.
I said nothing cause I didn’t want to bum you out especially after the latest heavy weeks. I feel better now, although I have strange ways to cope with anxiety. I’m at my second rewatch of Peaky Blinders in a week, my mind is all murder and cigarettes lol
Anyway, I hope you guys are well. I’ve missed you and I should come back soon, maybe next week, or as soon as I solve the Shakespearean dilemma on who’s hotter between Tommy Shelby and Alfie Solomons.
Love you❣️
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jumping off this post but hot take: Izzy is acting just as much as Stede (and Ed) is, he's just acting an entirely different role. like, dude knows how to be dramatic. there is no non-dramatic reason for showing up for a confrontation flanked by two goons under a single light source like you're in a mobster movie, or for slicing your opponent's shirt with your sword all swishily and then being like "this is how you die," or for "plumb the depths, man," or "you will rue this day, Edward! you will rue it long and you will rue it hard!"
like. my honey my dude my guy. that's some theater kid shit.
Izzy's just acting like how he thinks a pirate is supposed to act. he is full on LARPing. he has decided to be a plain-dealing villain and by God he is going to put 110% into his role. I don't think he's aware that he's doing that, but I truly think that his issue with Stede isn't that he's pretending to be a pirate, but that he's pretending to be a pirate badly. like, stealing shit through trickery is definitely pirate behavior. pirates do not need to play fair. but Stede's "unprofessional" because he's not acting correctly! he's not following the script!
incidentally Izzy is ALSO bad at following scripts that aren't in his specific Shakespearean villain wheelhouse. he Does Not Have The Range. that's why his attempt at jocular crew morale boosting shit goes so fucking badly.
tl;dr: Izzy isn't more professional at piracy than Stede, he's just upset that Stede is somehow succeeding at piracy (and seducing Edward) while also being the piracy equivalent of Tommy Wiseau.
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ohnotheybombadidnt · 18 days
Met Rings of Power's Tom Bombadil. I wrote a blog post, so needless to say, I ain't happy.
As a reminder, Tom Bombadil has been called, "...one of the most enigmatic characters in J. R. R. Tolkien's novel." He was there. They raised a couple of questions. He was a weirdo in the woods. Not my charming Tom. Anyway. Let's dive in, shall we?
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I am trying not to be big mad but I am all-around displeased with this representation of one of my absolute favorite characters in all of literature.
I've been racking my brain trying to figure out how to make a live action version of Tom palatable for me.
I came to this weird realization that if they were going to interpret him in this medium and give him this vibe that I wanted so badly to like because IT'S TOM, I could have possibly accepted Squirrely Dan from Letterkenny (actor Trevor K. Wilson) and probably actually had a DRAMATICALLY SHORTER LIST of things to grumble at.
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But instead, we got this presumably nice man, Rory Kinnear, a Shakespearean actor. To look him up he is very clean-shaven, in several James Bond films, and honestly, that's it. Nobody knew what to do with this character. Same dude below on either side. Nothing in that face says ENIGMATIC and UNFORGETTABLE TO THE SEASON to me. He must have come cheap. That's the only thing that makes sense.
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The dialogue they gave him was so lackluster too. His singing has no wow factor. He's barely mumbling tunes under his breath. Just. Ugh. Do they not want people to fall in love with him because he's a momentary side character and then poof, he's gone? In the trilogy, he is featured in book one a few times. During one of these reunions, the hobbits meet Tom and take off all their clothes and run around in Tom's field, chasing each other and just guys being dudes. Just dudes being guys. Nothing weird happens. I know Gandalf had ties to the Hobbits, particularly the Bagginses, but TOM WAS RIGHT THERE THE WHOLE TIME. I know he didn't volunteer or want to get involved, but this dude's powerset is unreal. HERE'S HIS WHOLE SCHTICK:
1. He's older than dirt but still a pretty sprightly fellow. Always singing and doing his thing, dancing, hanging out with his hot wife (which I think they're implying is some kind of sentient water being or something weird in the show?), living in his awesome house on this beautiful piece of property that's all his. He's doing pretty gosh darn well for himself. But let's just call him old, excuse me, "The Eldest," and leave it at that, Rings of Power.
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2. Oh, he's immortal. Nbd.
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3. "Master of wood, water, and hill." I'm just going to take this metaphorically since it was spoken by Goldberry, River Daughter. Tommy B is the OG Clarence Carter. But real talk. Bro lives in a forest. He's around all those things that he has mastery over and he can weaponize it at will? Sweet power, but I don't buy that THAT GUY we just met can do it. I want to, but I just don't feel it. Now Galadriel during that one battle this episode- HOT DAMN! Slay while you slay, girl!
4.  "He is impossible to capture or imprison." WHY ISN'T THIS GUY DOING SO MUCH MORE?! Why WOULDN'T we want a Houdini?!
5. Ordinarily described as whimsical/nonsensical, but he could be serious if the need arose.
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6. THE RING HAD NO POWER OVER TOM. But Tom was just a guy who sets things down and then immediately forgets where he left them, like most of us. Gandalf recognized his "organized chaos" and recognized that TB didn't have as much order as he thought he did, had a 99% chance losing the ring, and our favorite wizard went Shire-bound. Not what I would have done, but whatever, Gandalf, go off.
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7. Tom's greatest revealed power was in his singing. With song he exercised authority over Old Man Willow and the supernatural Barrow-wights. He did it LIKE IT WAS NOTHING. What are the true extents of his powers? Who all could he take on and wipe the floor with? We'll never know. Because poor lil powerless Frodo got suckered into the task thanks to Bilbo and Gandalf. Tom could have been majestic.
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Okay. I admit that's a much less entertaining story, but don't give me a God-man like Tom and then not use him, then give me a gorgeous show like Rings of Power, put him in, and make him meh-looking and kinda mysterious but people who know about the lore and the endgame know he's not really going to do anything. They could have at least made him more, I don’t know, ENIGMATIC, cooler, and a little more magical. (Entwives and Barrow-wights were *chef's kiss.*)
Really miniscule and bland beginning for old Tom. Hopefully it improves. The one thing I liked: he raises goats. However, that is not enough, so still he remains, #notmytombom
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strangeduckpaper · 6 months
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Omega Interlude
This is when the Death Ranger stuff goes down, only with the Aquitar Rangers instead of the MMPR Rangers.
Jason is disconnected from the Morphin Grid, Trini becomes Omega Red, Kevor becomes Omega Yellow, all that stuff.
Though I imagine Zack and Trini are also going to retire soon and go to college.
Meanwhile, Zedd, Rita and Rito are a little worse for wear after the Ranger's attck, but still alive and ready to formulate their revenge…
But then the Machine Empire arrives, taking advantage of Zedd’s weakened state to seize the Zeo Crystals, forcing them into exile across the moon.
As for the Machine Empire themselves, they have a bit of RPM and Beetleborg aesthetic.
Zordon sees this and calls on Tommy, Adam, Rocky, Tanya and Kat, giving them the Zeo Morphers.
To tie everything together, the Zeo Morphers are Triforia’s rangers but the initial Zords might be sourced from an entirely different team of rangers.
As for the Triforians themselves, they have three eyes (Think the Puram from Boom! Comics)
The Gold Ranger powers aren’t meant to be wielded by one person, which Trey circumvents via his curse.
When he leaves, the Gold Ranger powers are split between a rotating cast of returning rangers, including Jason, as the powers allow him to circumvent his interrupted connection.
Tommy and Kimberly do break up, but face to face this time. In the aftermath, Tommy decides to leave and pursue his own life.
In turn, Billy, returned from Aquitar with Cestro, dons the mantle of Ranger once more.
During all of this, Kay has been plagued by nightmares and visions, courtesy of Rita, taking advantage of the vestigial connection from the mind control plot.
The OG Zeo Zords/Super Zeo Zords are shepherded to Earth by Trey, who takes the powers back to Triforia once the threat is over
Speaking of threat, the Royal Family basically tears itself apart when Louie Kaboom, a Machine Empire mage hunting Rita & Zedd, is convinced to take power and assassinates Mondo, leading to Gasket’s arrival.
Rita capitalizes on her connection to Kat by creating Cog Changer for Louie to present to Mondo, destroying the Zeo Megazord and jet cycles.
Mondo, now overconfident, attacks them personally, only for Trey to arrive with Pyramidas and squash him flat.
Cue Impursonator to keep the rangers occupied and try and kill Kat. Thankfully that part fails.
Rita and Zedd eventually take advantage of this chaos, storming the castle while the Zeo Rangers are engaged in their final battle with Gasket, and massacre most of the inhabitants, but Sprocket escapes with Venjix’s help to enact a Shakespearean revenge.
The Zeo & Omega Rangers once again race to the moon…only to find the castle abandoned, Zedd and Rita having left for parts unknown.
Still, with the primary threat defeated, the Rangers disband, going their separate ways.
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gazellefamily · 11 months
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"Dim dum almost-crosseyed Kaz Black and her shakespearean gin-marinated hubby Ollie Reed pay the price for renting way too much house and it's their own damn fault. Red flags pile up: Decrepit incesty sibs offer you the crib for a steal but they're like, 'Our mom is an invalid in the attic and you just gotta feed her but no worries otherwise.' Um. No. Also they put WAY too much work into this house that they're literally staying in for 2 months. Like filling up the pool...polishing the silver...etc. A proto-Air BnB nightmare that Rikki and I once again watched with smug satisfaction about the fact that we stay at the White Lotus instead." -Tommy Gazelle
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While we’re on the topic of Lizzo playing flutes what if I let her use the dagger flute and summon the dragonzord, shit would sound so immaculate. Would I get in trouble? Yes. Would it be so worth it to have a classically trained woman use it? Yes.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
We have a few ideas one of them is to revive our entertainment center complex idea and Tommy Allen wants to order one for LA area and we'll probably come in and do maintenance and upkeep and help manage it and we did it before so he knows about it. He wants to order one now and we said why not no look where to put it and check the area and we're getting ready to talk to them it is pretty big facility requires a lot of room and he wants us to move it in this weekend so we'll have to talk to him and hopefully he won't mess around with New Vegas it's kind of a similar type place so hopefully he'll get that and he doesn't allow very many accent if any and that's the idea and we don't want them really to go to New Vegas either or your armies your people can go there. Hey we're saying how can we move an entertainment center out if you're trying to move armies up there it says I can't tell what it is okay we can put a sign up and put a developer sign and we'll put some of the entertainment companies because they're going to be running the casinos we have a casino company actually not the entertainment ones but the entertainment companies are going to be up there too construction sign and it's on site but people see it I think we should do that now it's easier than moving the buildings in and having them come up and attack it's a better thing is it better idea and when we go to the meeting we can have the casino company card as well and it'll put the two together and it's just in time and he's trying to think of these things he thought of something that led to it he wants to make a brand new entertainment center and he says not necessarily and see that's great and he would put a Disney type Castle next to which would be part of the entertainment center and it's probably going to be the lookout towers and spacious and you would think you're in the medieval period it would have a courtyard inside for doing plays and concerts and things for people who are guests just like we planned and he wants to make one of the blocks before it starts he wants Hera to be involved somehow even if she's not able to come down and he wants to put it in a form even if he's not figuring out what he's doing. We want to do that and we'll show him the castle it's already planned it's pretty damn big though it's around 80,000 square feet but that's not the floor area each floor is 20,000 it says that's not that big the one in Disney world is a 10,000 ft foot print because of the comments for a large concert he would have an outdoor area amphitheater the way that Dave used to build them and the way he's seen them but really the way it was built there would be like a Shakespearean amphitheater and he wants to be part of that cuz he wants to see what we're going to make it out of. He says we're going to have some electric vehicles there too cuz it's just concrete. He's smiling and laughing and says that's great and you know this is like a special method and you make it high strength and you trial it and it's got like a coating and that's different too but you know it's something to look at.
And he said the castle is going to come with him and it's only part of it that's why it's going to be a little bit bigger and taller it's about 80 ft taller than Walt Disney world it's not really that big it's pretty big but that one is about 300 ft tall and we can't make a castle too big is a footprint 20,000 ft is a footprint of Walmart marketplace that's not big is it I think I should look at the drawings cuz he says it's a lot bigger because it's a hotel and it is just the area that looks like the one in Disney someone says 80,000 square feet and that's eight times the size it's about 500 ft tall so tell me Allen wants it in there and he says it's going to be his first house part of it and the other parts are going to be in different areas some of it will be in New Vegas as part of the Olympus casino and we plan to build it
DJ a is laughing uncontrollably and snorting like he used to at the house and her son is saying boy he's getting some new life breathed into him lol and no he's in horror thinking it might be that it's from the old areas and they were stored below or something so he's giggling and laughing and his tearing up and other people are starting to chortle and Mac is almost throwing up it says don't worry about it it's going to be another what 50 years before you figure out if it's real or not and now they're starting to get sick had to build it up on a hill somewhere or mountain really sounds kind of funny cuz he kind of had to do something
Thor Freya
So he knew about the idea and he's singing someday by Prince Will come like one of these girls is always bothering him and then he says it's like this chorus coming from our hotel Castle and they start arguing I mean it's kind of funny
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'Peaky Blinders became such a huge hit, transcending television to cross into the worlds of music, fashion and even dance, that it's difficult to recall its origins as a low-key drama about Birmingham gangsters. And it's also difficult to recall that its star Cillian Murphy had a career before he played Tommy Shelby, much of it on the big screen.
Now Murphy is back in the cinema with the release of the film Oppenheimer, telling the story of the father of the atomic bomb and what happened to him after his creation was used to such devastating effect.
Directed by Christopher Nolan, the film is a cinematic version of Robert Oppenheimer's life as told in the book American Prometheus by Kai Bird and Martin J Sherwin. We talk to Murphy about how he inhabited his latest role, and we also hear from Kai Bird about how Oppenheimer's career ended during the era of communist witch-hunts in the USA.
Oppenheimer is Murphy's sixth film with Nolan and easily his biggest cinema role to date. It's also that rarity these days of a film that is released in the cinema long before it goes on television. A big-budget retelling of one man's life, combining elements of horror and thriller, it's a Shakespearean story of triumph and tragedy.
Read our full interview with Murphy in this week's Radio Times magazine – out now…'
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bkoneproductions · 1 year
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We are so happy to host our favorite collaborators! TICKET LINK IN BIO! This month, Dialogue with Three Chords ends its TWELTH season and begins its residency with brooklynONE Productions at the Tom Kane Theatre at Industry City in Brooklyn! The Tom Kane Theatre is located at 51 35th St, Brooklyn, NY 11232 (Industry City, Building 5, ground floor, next to St. Mark’s Comics) D3C and BK1 have collaborated many, many times over the past decade and we’re thrilled to be presented by them! We are closing out our season with the start of a new serialized play called “A Brooklyn Arcanum.” “A Brooklyn Arcanum” will mark a return to the world of our last serialized play, “The Major Arcana or The Fools Journey” where-in we followed The Fool on his journey through the entire Major Arcana of the Tarot, culminating in the end and rebirth of the universe. “A Brooklyn Arcanum” will tell a new Tarot themed story set in Brooklyn featuring gods, monsters, and famous Brooklynites. Each play can be enjoyed separately with no need to see any others, while those who come to every night of season thirteen will get to see the full narrative play out. On May 25th we will present “Hope Often Tricks a Fool” a night of theatre featuring three new plays: The Jester Or Do I dare? Do I dare? Turn my back on the world, and stand upon a wooden chair? In which a Jester climbs onto a wooden chair and tells jokes into the void. The Holy Fool and The Wise Fool or Some Strange Music Where-in a stand-up comedian and a street corner prophet discus their respective crafts. The Goddess of Folly and The Shakespearean Fool Or I Did Not Come Crying into The World; I was Born Laughing In which the fairy, Puck, attempts to cheer up the Goddess of Folly. With live music from Tommy Lombardozzi! ⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #brooklyn #brooklynnets #brooklynny #dumbo #dumbobrooklyn #indietheatre #instagramlive #interactiveart #newyork_instagram #newyorklife #newyorknewyork #nycphotography #playwright #screen #d3C #bkONE #indiearts #industycity https://instagr.am/p/Csj_HMTrD8Y/
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reivenesque · 6 years
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Daniel, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry.
Brown VS. LaRusso, All Valley Karate Championship semi-final.
For the biggest Bobby fan on the internet, @thatsweetbobbyfacetho
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the-fandom-abyss · 2 years
In This Universe and Every Other
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff ♡
Word Count: 2,146 words
Gif: here
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The room crackled with energy as a star shaped portal split the living room in half. A gateway to another universe opened with ease, allowing a version of Wanda to walk through. At the sight, you ran towards Billy and Tommy, noticing her eyes fixated on them. When she noticed your quick movement, she tilted her head, easing her hand in defence. Before you could reach them, a red tendril wrapped around your body.
"I'm their mother! Get away from them!" Her voice cracked, deeper than her usual tone. It caught you off guard, it was unlike the Wanda that you know. Her tendrils threw you across the room, your body slamming against the wall, causing you to crumple to the floor. The sight of Wanda was a blur but you could make out the frazzled hair, the deranged look in her eyes and the snarl she emitted. Her attention was brought back to the boys, as their screams filled the room. Riddled with concern, their eyes trained on the woman on the floor.
"Don't worry about her, mother's here" she dared to step closer to the terrified children, arms outstretched for a hug. Instinctively, they stepped back, closing themselves into a corner. Shuffling could be heard to her side, your broken figure limped towards the boys. She sighed, turning around to finalise her attack, only then did Wanda take in your appearance. The gravity of the situation hit her and it hit her hard. She didn't throw a version of Wanda, like she had thought. She had hurt a version of you, sweet, innocent, you.
"Y/N?" Her facade crumbled, the air had been ripped from her lungs. An immense pressure collapsed on her heart as she broke down. "It's you" tears began to fall down her rosy cheeks, her lip trembling with emotion. The thought of her children pushed to the side, for only a moment.
"Who else would be taking care of our children?" Even through the pain, you offered her lopsided smile, cutting the tension with humour. Your hands clutched to your side, pain emanating from the wound. Worry swirled within her eyes as you leant against the wall, clearly in pain. Her body ached to be closer to you, so she succumbed to the feeling. She moved towards you, until Billy and Tommy shouted in defence.
"Stay away from our mama!" Their little feet ran towards you, creating a barrier between you and the woman they didn’t recognise. Her heart swelled at their protectiveness, even faced with a more powerful foe.
"It's okay boys" you reassured, trying your hardest to keep them calm in their panicked state. Without a second thought, you wrapped your arms around them, offering reassurance and safety. That's when you took notice of the warm liquid that coated your hand, eyes trailing back to your wound. Wanda followed your line of sight, when she saw your outfit drenched with blood she gasped. She rushed to your side, ignoring the quiet protests of the children. Her own hand clasping over the wound, applying pressure. Once darkened fingers mixed with the crimson of your blood. The moment was Shakespearean, she had blood on her hands but she never thought it would be yours.
"I'm so sorry" her words in an endless loop of regret. It continued to repeat when she pressed harder against your wound.
"It'll be okay" you reassured, your hand providing warmth over hers. Even under these circumstances, your soft touch will always be enough to calm her down.
"I shouldn't have done that" she refused to look up, in fear of discovering love that she did not deserve. Especially not after hurling you across the room.
"You were just protecting our children" your words were spoken with such softness, a stark contrast from the venom that escaped her lips.
"Our?" It was phrased as a question, confusion and uncertainty laced her tone.
"Well you're Wanda, aren't you?" To you, it was the easiest question in the world, like you knew all the answers. To Wanda, it was the hardest question she had yet to face. After her struggle with the Darkhold, it was had to find the line between Wanda and the Scarlett Witch. Then it hit her all at once, she was not their Wanda and she never will be.
"But I'm not their Wanda" It broke your heart to see her so broken, so lost amongst her head, heart and power.
"Doesn't matter, they are yours. In this universe and every other. You are their mother" Wanda parted her lips, ready to interject but you were quick to cut her off. "Don't argue with me Maximoff. They may not recognise you in this, and please don't take offence, terrifying outfit. But deep down, you are their mother, they know you" she took this time to truly look at her boys, your touch having a similar effect on them. Their stares were wide in anticipation, for them she was an intruder but they couldn't help the love they felt in their hearts. "I know you" her eyes were drawn back to yours, a loving smile gracing your lips. You rested your forehead against hers, taking deep breaths, relishing the moment. A fuzzy feeling tickled your skin, dancing around your wound. Red wisps smoothed over the gash, tiny fibres of magic healing what once was broken.
"Thank you" was but a whisper, relief flooding your senses. She retracted her hand, creating distance between you. Even though you have your version of Wanda, you could tell that she was missing a version of you. She seemed hesitant, unsure of herself when it came to interacting with you, there was no confidence in her movements. She seemed guilty for a lot more than her actions today, like she was the one at fault. Curiosity began to rise at the thought of your counterpart.
"Do you have a version of me?"
"I do" her smile matched the hope that swirled inside. From her reaction, you could tell just how in love she was with you. If her version was not dead, then she must have been the reason.
"And let me guess, you let me go?" Her body stiffened, she couldn't help the wave of guilt that overtook her.
"You wouldn't be starting anew, if you had what you wanted back home" she was surprised at how calm you were, how easy this discussion rolled off your tongue. It was odd to see how content you were in that moment, even faced with her darkened state. “Boys, why don’t you get comfy in mamas bed?”
“We don’t want to leave you” they trembled at the thought of leaving your side. They snuggled closer into your arms, their grips tightened around your body.
“Do you remember what I said?” They shook their heads, their eyes screwed shut in fear. “There’s a secret password that only your mother and I know” at this their heads popped up, their eyes deeply focused on yours.
“But won’t she know?” Tommy was the first to speak, his eyebrows creased in confusion.
“Yeah, if she’s the same as mum, then she would know the password” Billy titled his head, the action reminding you of Wanda, a subtle nod to her genes within the boys.
“Hmm, you got me there. When did you boys get so smart?” A playful smile graced your features, Wanda swooned at the domesticity of it all. It was a glimpse of a life she had always dreamed of.
“We always were mama, we’re the brains, remember?” Their smiles matched yours, little giggles escaped them.
“And I’m the braun, and mum is?” You puffed out your chest, imitating the strength you possess. Before waiting for their answer.
“The beauty” their eyes sparkled at the thought of their mother. Wanda could hear the sincerity in their voices, they truly believed every word.
“You will be safe, I promise” you placed a gentle kiss on both their heads, squeezing them extra tight, only releasing them when they pleaded for air. They ascended the stairs, looking back at you every so often. It wasn’t until they were at the top of the stairs, looking down at you and the woman who destroyed their house, that they felt somewhat at ease. Without a second to lose, they carried their legs as fast as they could, entering the bedroom and shutting the door behind them.
“As you were saying?” You turned around to face Wanda, giving her your undivided attention. Something that she hasn’t had the pleasure of experiencing in awhile. You offered her a seat at your kitchen island, as you searched for a viable food source. She watched closely at how you moved within the room, soaking in your presence. When you returned with a plethora of cereals, she let out a deep laugh, one that tickled her stomach and reached her eyes. The sound was magical, there would never come a time where you wouldn’t enjoy the sound.
“I haven’t gone grocery shopping yet, this is the best I could do” you shrugged your shoulders, pouring yourself a bowl of cereal. She was not surprised to see a giant serving of pure sugary goodness, some things never change. “Okay I’m ready” you had made yourself comfortable just across from her, waiting to hear this Wanda’s woes. She let out a defeated sigh before starting her story.
"I was foolish. I let my emotions get the better of me and I pushed her away” the moment she left you replayed in her mind. The defeated look on your face, how your eyes glazed over with never ending tears, the way your body shook with despair. It was an image that would haunt her every waking moment, it even seeped into her dreams. “She no longer wants me" her words were barely a whisper but you caught ever last word.
"Now you really are the biggest idiot in the universe" In surprise, she raised her eyebrows at your antics. She could sense the playful undertone in your words, completed with your goofy smile. "Now don't get me wrong, you are a wise woman but sometimes you can be so - dense"
"You watch your tone L/N" she wriggled her finger at you, a flash of red swirled in her iris’. All you could do was laugh, the sight before you was absolutely adorable.
"All I'm saying is that, it's not too late for a second chance" such pearls of wisdom spoken through a mouthful of food.
"You have no idea how badly I messed up"
"You're right, I don't. But I know how I'd feel and my heart would not stop beating for Wanda Maximoff. I will forgive you, after all I am understanding, patient and kind” you tossed you hair from side to side, as a way to emphasis your words. A little cringeworthy but just the right amount for Wanda to enjoy.
"Is this an uplifting speech for me or for you?"
"A little of both, you did just throw me across the room" Wanda sadly nibbled at her bottom lip, her gaze drawn to the ground. It wasn’t until your hands caressed her cheeks, that her gaze drifted up to you. Without hesitation, she leaned into your touch, nuzzling into your hand.
"What I'm trying to say is that she is waiting for you with open arms. She loves you just as much as the day she first met you"
"And how do you know?"
"Like I said, I will love you in this universe and every other. You just have to let me in" Wanda knew she should pull away but you were so alluring. She had craved these moments with you, wished upon every star to have you back. Now that she was faced with a version of you, that couldn’t be described as any word other than infatuated. She allowed herself to be pulled into your orbit, her lips brushing against yours. It was intoxicating how soft your lips were, how you treated her with such care. She wanted more, she needed more. Her tongue swiped your bottom lip, which you allowed with ease. Her tongue found yours, discovering the taste of you. All she could do was moan into the kiss, her hands reaching up to tangle in your hair. When your lungs were burning and air was vital, you pulled away. Only to allow room for fresh air, not enough to pull completely away.
“You could have all of this, you know” slipped out through laboured breaths, chest heaving together.
“Hmmm” her mind was hazy, all filled with happy thoughts of you. She couldn’t seem to lift the clouds that coated her thoughts.
“If you just had the courage to tell her” this seemed to knock Wanda back to reality. She was kicked from her fantasy, to find a version of you staring deeply back at her.
“I will”
“You promise?” Lifting your pinky finger in between you, hoping that she would accept the motion. Joy graced your features when she raised her finger and linked it with yours.
“I promise” she had found a new surge of confidence, she would be a fool not to listen to you. Perhaps you would be by her side, if she had just listened to you in the first place. As much as it pained you to ruin the peaceful atmosphere, your Wanda would be home any minute.
“I hate to do this but Wanda will be home soon. She’ll freak if she see’s me kissing another woman, even if it is you”
“You don’t think she’ll freak over her living room?”
“Oh that too” with an understanding, Wanda’s hands glowed scarlet as the room began to shift. All that was broken was now fixed and put back into its original form. “Thank you” you would never get used to her power, it left you in awe every time.
“You helped me, it’s only fair” it was her turn to talk with ease, like she had performed this trick millions of times before. She placed one last kiss to your lips, before making her way towards the portal.
“Good luck” you called out, watching her retreating frame. You couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sadness as you watched her leave. Even though your Wanda would be walking through the front door any moment now. There will always be something tethering you to Wanda, in this universe and every other.
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zablife · 2 years
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Banner: @sunsetmourners
My 600 follower celebration is now closed. Tysm to everyone who sent requests. You can check out everything I wrote as well as all the amazing fics written by my lovely moots below the cut. Happy reading!
☎️ Reference desk: Request character headcanons. Choose character as a professor/student/roommate. (If you can find the character on my masterlist I will write for them.)
∙Professor Thomas Shelby requested by @shelbydelrey and @cillmequick
∙What the Shelbys Study at Uni requested by @notyour-valentine
∙Roommate Michael requested by @peakyswritings
∙Professor Alfie Solomons requested by @madame-wilsonn
∙Roommate John requested by @rikki-b-lake
∙Professor Luca Changretta requested by @the-makingsofgreatness
∙Student Alfie requested by @sunsetmourners
🗣 Study session: Distract me from my WIP list with a gif blurb request. If you don't mind, send with an encouraging note telling me what you enjoy about my writing.
∙Breakfast with Art History Prof Changretta requested by @christinasyellowflowers
∙The Affairs of Professor Shelby requested by @l1-l4
∙Study Date with Tommy requested by @l1-l4
∙Y/n and Tommy Consider Dropping Out requested by @runnning-outof-time
∙Tommy Flips A Coin requested by @look-at-the-soul
∙Mr. Andrew's Perspective on Education and the Potential of Bright Young Ladies - Tommy x Ruby requested by @retromafia
🎧 AV Room: Request a moodboard for a character + subject OR a short playlist your favorite character would listen to as they study.
∙The Art Student-John Shelby x Latina art student requested by @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
∙Jack Nelson x criminology student requested by @peakyswritings
∙Tommy x Eva in Business School requested by @evita-shelby
∙Michael x Gina as Music Students
∙Michael's Playlist requested by @magicalxdaydream
🚨Overdue book fines: Send an ask about my writing, opinions about the show or get to know me.
∙Question about my Tommy x daughter fic The Stable Boy
📚 Book return: Content creators write a fic using library/uni/dark academia as inspiration. (Aug 15 cut off date. Please be sure to tag me in your creations and use #zablife600.)
∙The Witch by @evita-shelby
∙The Library by @noforkingclue
∙Naive by @peakyswritings
∙Shakespearean Lullaby by @gilmoreslorelai
∙At Last by @madame-wilsonn
∙Aristos Achaiōn by @notyour-valentine
∙Whisky, Cologne and Books by @little-diable
∙Research by @runnning-outof-time
•Teach Me by @peakyblinders1919
•Trapped by @shelbydelrey
•Great Libraries of the Ancient World Part 1/2 by @solomons-finest-rum
•Great Libraries of the Ancient World Part 2/2 by @solomons-finest-rum
•Have it All by @look-at-the-soul
🪪 Library card: Help me get my blog organized! I am going to be assigning tags to my mutuals so send a message and I'll reply with your new tag.
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