#shakky x you
alexa-fika · 9 months
okay hold up I just a.. unique idea
Im rewatching OP and im at sabody arc, n Laffy jist knocked the shit outta the noble
Idk who to ask this for but id love to see how'd you'd write a character reacticing to a noble trynna BUY child reader..
Or perhaps how mihawk would react with them trynna buy winged!child!reader?? IDK IT JIST SPROUTED
Do with as you will👹
Embracing Feelings and Family (Rayleigh x gn!winged!child!reader)
A/N: Not sure how to feel about this one., I think is really mid, maybe it’s just because of the dark nature of the piece itself but idk. I think this goes without saying based on the request but beware of the dark undertones of this piece as it portrays human slavery and auctioning. I couldn’t come up with something for mihawk so I went with our favorite grandpa
Dividers by @/saradika
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“Up next, we have ourselves a true rarity! This one will blow your minds; we have a winged child! You can fly it around as you want or even have them carry you around the skies! They can even deliver you special things in a fraction of a time!” The announcer enthusiastically explained
“Let us start the bid at 10 Million Berry! Who offers 10 Million Berry?!”
“Let me go, you Jerks! Im not an item!” The child growls, banging on the cage’s bars
Charlos awes childishly before throwing out the first bid
“It’s a big Bird! It’s a Big Bird! 50 million Berry!” He yelled out joyfully before waving happily to the child in the cage
“Grandpa will get you all! Grandpa will save me, you gross creeps!”
The bidders ignore the child’s threats, continuing to bid
“60 million!” A man in the back screams
“80 million!” Another man hollers back
“I’ll do 800 million!” Charlos shouts back while waving his arms frantically in the air excitedly
“D-Does somebody bid any higher?”
“800 million….” “Awe, man, I was excited to have it too!” The crowd mutters
“Going in 3!
Going in 2!
Going in 1!
The winged child goes to Saint Charlos for 800 million berry!”
Reader screams as they open the door to their cage and begin pulling on the chains, trying to pull them out and take him toward Charlos.
“Don’t touch me!” They sneered, throwing a kick toward the handler that was closest to them
The handler dodges out of the way and gives them a look.
“Rude little one, don’t bite the hand that feeds you!” The handler growls
“You have just been bought for a very generous amount of money for no one less than a Saint himself! A nobody like you should be Grateful!” They turn towards The Saint and bow
“A-Apologies for its insolence Saint Charlos; if I may, I’ll gladly teach it some manners for you; no need to trouble someone of your status to teach slaves some tricks.”
Charlos groans, sticking his finger in his nose.
“Could you hurry it up? I want to fly it!”
“Yes, Yes, of course; im sure you must be extremely busy, Saint Charlos. I promise not to take more time than is needed!” they assure him, turning around towards the child
“Now come here, you stupid brat,” they growl, raising a baton towards them.
“You will learn to listen!" the exclaim, bringing the baton down, but instead of receiving a blow, the man before them falls to the ground, knocked unconscious.
Reader sighs with relief when the man falls to the ground, the people in the auctioning house following the familiar pattern they have come to expect from their grandpa’s powerful Haki
“Grandpa!” They say, trying to flutter their way to Rayleigh but are cut short due to the chains binding them, causing them to plummet to the ground
“Geez, Reader.”
Rayleigh sighs calmly as he wrenches the chains from them easily, not paying any mind to the explosions that followed once they were removed.
“You seem to be able to get yourself in all kinds of trouble,” He says calmly as he sets the child back down
“Haven’t I told you not to get near this place and much less showing off those wings of yours?”
“What was it this time?” He asks as he looks them over for injuries
“I tried to fly higher…but a wind current caught me, and I couldn’t get myself out from it; it dragged me here, and they brought me here.”
“A wind current?” Rayleigh asks curiously
“One strong enough to drag even you, that’s pretty surprising, to say the least,” He says as he continues to look them over
“Are you alright? Have you sustained any injuries?”
“Im okay.”
“Alright, good to know,” He says as he scoops them up and leaves the wretched place.
“That must have been scary, huh? Im sorry it took me so long to get there; my body doesn’t move the way I want to anymore.”
“I wasn’t scared,” they mutter
“It’s okay, you know.”
“To be scared for one’s life from time to time it’s not something one should be ashamed to admit; it doesn’t make us any less brave; you have the right to be scared, just as much as you have the right to be brave.”
“Your feelings are real; you shouldn’t deny them,” He says as he continues to carry them
They stare at him as their eyes begin to water
He smiles gently
“Just let it out, Reader; no one will think less of you for being scared.”
They hug him tighter, diving their head in his shirt as sobs start escaping them
“T-They kept calling me ‘it,’ they kept saying how they would fly me around like I was a kite,” they sob
He ran his fingers through their hair while he let them continue to cry, hugging them back tightly as he did.
He couldn’t help the anger he felt rising when thinking about what had happened inside the auction house
He rubs their back gently as he continues to walk
“Nothing that they told you in it is true; Reader, do not listen to their words; you are invaluable and your own person, not someone to be owned,” He says
“I -I know b-but the way they said it, they meant it, Grandpa; I was nothing but an item for them to use in their eyes.”
He pulls them a bit more tightly as he did
"I know, some people are like that, wretched beings who enjoy stepping in other people and causing them misery simply because they can."
“You are someone special to me; always remember that; you are the biggest treasure for me and your grandmother,” He says gently as they rub their back
"Now what do you say we go back to the shack and ask Grandma to make you your favorite drink?" they offer, chuckling when they feel the child nooding
"Can we add extra chocolate to it?"
"Anything you want, Reader," he smiles, knowing that it would take a long time and effort to build their confidence and sense of security back to where it was after everything that had happened, but they would get there together.
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Ya’ll I have summoned my choice wheels to do some platonic!reader x character, not child reader, normal age reader but still platonic 👀 Had to fight to find some good roulettes.
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lale-txt · 2 years
💝 One Piece women and how they would realize they have a big fat crush on you (PART 7)
[part 1 w/ Law, Zoro, Shanks & Smoker]
[part 2 w/ Sanji, Sabo, Kid & Rayleigh]
[part 3 w/ Ace, Izou, Marco & Thatch]
[part 4 w/ King, Yamato, Denjiro & Who’s Who]
[part 5 w/ Roger, Luffy, Rosinante & Killer]
[part 6 w/ Usopp, Crocodile, Katakuri & Kaido]
a/n: casually abandones a favorite series of mine for 8 months and returns to finally offer you women ♡
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Shakky has been running her bar for over 40 years and knows her regulars well… and there’s one that really sparked her interest
She catches herself giving you drinks on the house, despite her bar being called Shakky’s Rip-off Bar
And you gladly accept them, taking every chance to spend some more time with her before you walk home alone, thinking about the lipstick marks on the cigarettes you shared with her 
At night Shakky won’t be able to stop talking about you, telling Rayleigh every little detail she noticed about you that day, from the way your fingertips trace the shape of the glass to how her name sounds out of your mouth 
Rayleigh listens and just smirks, patiently waiting until she’ll notice herself what he saw the moment you walked into the bar for the first time
The realization hits her slowly, but then all at once
She rolls over to her side, a hand on Rayleigh’s chest as he watches her with an amused smile 
“I have a crush, don’t I?” - “Massive one.” - “Oh… it’s been a while.”
The following night the lipstick marks won’t just stick to the cigarette but will trail down your neck and further below…
Robin is very protective of her heart and doesn’t give it away that easily
Yet she still feels you tugging on her heart strings the moment you and her meet for the first time
Calm. That’s how you make her feel. Like there’s no obstacle too big to handle, the quiet confidence that things are going to be okay, maybe great even
She will actively seek your presence, whether it’s when you’re exploring a new island or just reading in the ship’s library together. Just being close to you is enough to make her heart feel warm and fuzzy
Of all the books she read about love and the myths of it, nothing could have prepared her for the feeling of actually being in love
Whenever you cross her mind (which is often) Robin catches herself smiling, maybe darting stolen glances at you across the room 
Don’t be surprised when she confesses in the midst of a battle or in the eye of a storm – moments when she feels the most alive, her heart drumming in synch with yours
And when she finally wraps her arms around you, listen closely, because the there’s love dripping from every syllable when she whispers out your name
The Ghost Princess isn’t one to hide her true feelings. She can be very blunt at times but when she’s around you? Watch her get flustered
Okay, you’re cute. So what? Being cute alone doesn’t grant you access to her heart, it’s what she’s telling herself over and over again. But it’s not just that…
Perona feels herself drawn to the sound of your laughter and wanting to be in the same room with you all the time
She finds herself setting out a plate for you at the breakfast table and drawing sweet little faces on your omelet, hoping you will compliment her 
And when you do she’ll be blushing from ear to ear, flying off as if it was nothing, but she can feel her heart racing long afterwards
It’s the night when you fix one of her plushies, stitching it up carefully, holding it so tenderly in your hands, that the realization hits her 
So this is love. Sitting together in front of the fireplace, little acts of devotion, your gaze seeking hers and all the unspoken words falling out of her mouth before her lips meet yours, desperately almost, begging to love and be loved in return
Black Maria
The way to Black Maria’s heart is plastered with spiderwebs, careful or you’ll get lost and eaten alive maybe
Rumors say that those who foolishly tried never saw the broad daylight again 
And still, she can’t help but admire your bravery, how you strut around completely unbothered by her power and the myths people whisper about her
It’s as if you had laid your eyes on her and your heart decided, yup, that’s her, she’s the one
At first she doesn’t think too much about it, but is jusr excited about a new toy to play with for a while. But the way you lay down beside her and play with her hair, running through your fingers like liquid gold… she can feel her heart soften
Almost as if it is sighing in relief that someone really sees her, not just her outer shell
It’s when your kisses start tasting sweeter than any sake that she realizes you might be more than just a pastime but someone she could let into her heart
She’ll bite still – if you’re into that, hehe. Otherwise prepare to be plastered in kisses as you sit in her lap, her lips close to your ear as she whispers sweet nothings in a low and raspy voice, something about forever even…
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a11sunday · 1 month
👥 ( weatherw1tch, for perona & drucilla, robin & drucilla, iselda & law, zephyr & nami, rayleigh & shakky, luffy & shanks, ace & rouge, and/or anyone else <3 )
perona + drucilla
one way perona bonds with drucilla is grooming her; whether it’s braiding and combing drucilla’s hair (she loves her hair), or even washing her fur in her cat form, or even just combing through her fur and getting any pesky pests out that she’s picked up in her strolls. usually, she’s yapping away while she does so, but she appreciates that drucilla lets her without telling her she’s noisy or too much. she knows she can be too much (it’s a matter of not really caring), but she likes that drucilla really listens to her.
robin + drucilla
i like to think that robin and drucilla often just missed each other during their travels and in some way, it’s almost like fate that they meet given their shared history with ohara. robin had to hop around a lot since she was a child. it could be that they were in the same sea, the crews that robin’s joined have been in alliance or in battle with the siren pirates, and it could be that they were often after similar artifacts or within the same island looking for different things.
iselda + law
sometimes, when the navy was getting too close to tracking down the heart pirates before law became a warlord but had become one of the established rookies in the worst generation, iselda would falsify reports of where they'd been spotted. she couldn't do it every time because it would soon draw suspicion. but, she would throw them slightly off course or send in false reports to send the navy on a wild goose chase. she never tells him this because she feels he would hate the idea of her trying to protect him.
@weatherw1tch , meme.
zephyr + nami
when nami was a baby, zephyr would love to try to make her laugh, pulling funny faces and doing all sorts of antics just to hear her bubbly laughter. when they meet much later on, before nami sails off or when they're seeing each other off, he makes a silly face at her regardless if it makes her laugh or not.
rayleigh + shakky
i feel like in a modern au, rayleigh + shakky are those cute older couples that coordinate their outfits (same color scheme, details, fabric design, etc.). they're just in love with each other like that, and i could see rayleigh being a fashionable guy in a modern au. shakky elevates his outfits a lot more though or balances them out, and they have fun doing that together.
luffy + shanks
luffy is very much looking forward to fighting shanks. i think at the back of his mind, he knows it's going to be a serious battle. it's not really gonna be friendly, there will be bloodshed. but, he wants to show shanks how strong he's gotten and to not be underestimated anymore. of course, he was a child when he was asking to be on shanks' crew, but he wants to show him that he's capable of even surpassing him. i think out of every emperor, he believes shanks will be the strongest.
ace + rogue
in an au where rogue lives, i can see ace being protective of her, but also knowing that if anyone wrongs her, they're definitely the ones who should be scared because rogue can 100% handle herself. i think he tells scary stories of her just to freak people out, especially to luffy and sabo. while half of them may have some truth to it, ace embellishes a lot.
nami + sanji
whenever nami is feeling tense or has had a long day in the map room, sanji offers to give her a massage. his hands are strong from all the work he does in the kitchen, but precise as well and can be gentle when necessary. it's a little treat she looks forward to when she's had a particularly long day.
kaya + chopper
chopper and kaya stay up late together every now and then doing research and testing medicines. when kaya develops poisons, chopper helps create antidotes in case her materials were ever used against them / in case of emergencies. they have started a catalog together of all the medicines they've created.
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eternalmoonlight18 · 5 days
Hi! Can I request a shanks x fem reader where she’s a famous doctor who shanks is trying to recruit and he locates her in Sabaody. He thinks she’s like an old man or something but it turns out she’s shakky and rayleigh’s daughter (love at first sight situation)
thank you🩷🩷
WOAHHHH i love this request! thank you for requesting it anon! i hope i did it justice, i really enjoyed writing this hehe
An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away
Akagami no Shanks x afab!reader
CW: mentions of doing the naughty if you squint. otherwise sfw!
wc: 2.4k
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A rumour spread across the Grand Line Paradise and into the New World that an infamous doctor poisoned and killed a Celestial Dragon on Mary Geoise. The doctor fled, of course, and the World Government was chasing that individual all across the seas.
While others argued that it was nothing but a rumour, Red Haired Shanks believed that it was very much real.
Leaning against the rails of the Red Force, he looked at his first mate, Benn Beckman, who was lighting up a cigarette.
"Say, Benn, I wanna meet this doctor. He's got the balls to poison and kill a Celestial Dragon and get away from it, so he earns my respect." he started.
The first mate gave a huff of smoke. "You believe someone did that? And even if he did do it, do you believe he's still alive?" he asked.
The red-haired captain hummed. "Ya know something, Benn? This world is full of surprises. I mean, look at Luffy! Who would've thought that little twerp we knew back then would become one of the most notorious pirates in this day and age?"
Benn chuckled. "I guess you're right. I have some intel from your fleets near Sabaody that the doctor is in hiding there. Shall we set course?" he asked.
A bright grin flashed on Shanks' face at the proposal. "Men!" he shouted. "Let's head to Sabaody for some fun!"
The bright morning sun seeped into the room you were sleeping at. You groaned and tossed your head away from the light, hoping to go back to sleep. However, those plans were tossed out the window when you heard a gentle knock on the door.
"(Y/n) get up. Time for breakfast," a deep voice gently reprimanded.
Moaning in frustration, you kicked your sheets off the bed and sighed. "So early, old man? I wanna catch more sleep,"
A hearty chuckle echoed. "At your big age, and you're a freeloader, aren't you? Your mom isn't going to be happy that you're overstaying."
"Hey, I'm helping with the bar, okay? Unlike you, you drink every day, you damn alcoholic of a father." you snorted as you got up to open the door.
There stood your father, the infamous first mate to the Pirate King himself, Silvers Rayleigh. A small grin appeared on ur face as you looked up at your old man.
"You do know I'm on the run, right dad?" you pouted.
Rayleigh put a gentle hand on your shoulders and sighed. "You know, that was pretty reckless of you for killing that Celestial Dragon. You barely escaped."
A giggle passed through your lips. "That prick got what he deserved. What can I say? I'm the daughter of the one and only Silvers Rayleigh!"
"You may be my daughter, but it seems like you got your recklessness from your uncle Roger instead," he said, grinning as he remembered his old friend.
A soft sigh escaped your lungs. "I wish I was able to meet him; he would've been a great uncle."
Rayleigh and Shakky weren't your biological parents, but they found you stranded on the shore of Amazon Lily when you were ten years old. They decided to take you in as their child, and you've been with them ever since. Crocus, Roger's doctor, taught you everything you knew about medicine. You decided to use that knowledge to treat Celestial Dragons, much to the dismay of your parents and Crocus, but your underlying mission wasn't to heal them but to kill them off secretly. You managed to keep your relations with your parents a secret and created an alias for yourself, The Beaked Doctor, due to the dark robe and beaked mask you donned while you were a doctor on Mary Geoise.
And now you were no longer a doctor, on the run from the World Government, and leeching off your aging parents.
"I'm sure Roger would've loved you. Now, head down; your mother is waiting for you," he demanded.
You reluctantly listened and started to make your way downstairs before you heard some commotion from outside. You paused on the stairs and listened closely. The CP0 was in Sabaody looking for you. One of the Celestial Dragons was able to provide a brief description of your face unmasked. You groaned.
"I've overstayed my welcome. I'll leave tomorrow, but I need to gather some supplies before I leave." you sighed.
"It's fine. Just be careful out there later on." Rayleigh said as he made his way down the stairs. You followed suit and made your way to Shakky, who was behind the counter cleaning shot glasses.
"Hi, Mom," you greeted.
"Y/n, go eat breakfast," she said kindly as she took a huff from her cigarette.
"Maybe later. Gotta run some quick errands since I'm leaving tomorrow," you said.
Shakky put her hand on her cheek. "Leaving soon? I did enjoy your help around here, my dear."
You shook your head and laughed. "CP0 is here. As much as I'd love to stay, I can't stay and get you and the old man involved in my shit."
Your mom hummed as she continued to wipe shot glasses. "Alright. Take a robe and cover your face if you can. Don't worry about Rayeligh and I, we'll be okay."
You quickly grabbed a large robe and put the hood on. Before leaving the bar, you glanced at Rayleigh. "Hey, old man, tell mom to quit smoking. Gonna damage her lungs one of these days." you chimed.
A rumble of laughter escaped the man. "You know she won't listen to me. Besides, I've got a daughter who's an excellent doctor."
Shakky simply smiled and laughed at the conversation.
You laughed as you left the bar.
As soon as Shanks stepped foot off of the Red Force, he could sense the tension in the air. Although usual business continued, the Red-Haired Pirates could sense that something was going on.
"Hey boss, just spotted a bunch of Marines near Grove 47. I also saw a CP agent wandering, too." Yassop lowly informed the captain.
Shanks briefly scanned the area and confirmed that Yassop was right. It only solidified his suspicions that the doctor was here.
"Alright, men, go stock up and enjoy yourselves. Since Marines and CP are here, we're only going to stay here for a night," he ordered.
Once the crew dispersed, the Red-Haired man started to stroll around the markets of Sabaody. As he looked around, he saw a hooded figure make its way into a Pharmacy. Intrigued, Shanks quickly followed them into the store and hung by the open entrance to listen in.
The shopkeeper with a weirdly long square nose greeted you with a hello once you entered the pharmacy. You quietly greeted back.
"Do you have any empty pills? I'm a medical student, and I need some for practice." You quietly asked.
The shopkeeper took a glance at you and nodded. "Sure thing, miss." He promptly headed to the back to get the supplies you needed.
You let out a soft sigh as the breath you were holding was let out. You noticed that someone had walked in and started browsing the shelves, but you paid no mind. Soon, the keeper came back out with the supplies in his hand and began to ring up the total. Once you placed the Berries on the counter, you began to promptly walk out of the store before the keeper spoke up.
"Have you seen the Beaked Doctor around here? Everyone's looking for them," he asked inquisitively.
You froze but didn't turn around. "Nope, no idea who that is." you squeaked.
You heard footsteps nearing you. Your heart started beating fast, and you wanted to run, but your feet were glued to the ground.
"That's a shame." the man called as you heard a revolver click. "Because there's a poster with her face plastered across town, and it looks exactly like you, doctor.
Before you realized what was happening, a strong arm pulled you down as you heard a gunshot ring throughout the building and into the streets of Sabaody. Stumbling on the floor, you saw a red-haired man glancing down at you with wide brown eyes.
Oh, he was gorgeous.
As soon as he saw the shopkeeper, he knew that he was a CP0 agent. But what he couldn't understand was why the agent was undercover.
He quietly walked into the pharmacy and started to browse the shelves in an attempt to get more information. Once the keeper was back, the hooded figure and he made an exchange, then the hooded person proceeded to make their way out. But within a few seconds, the atmosphere went from relaxed to tense as he watched the keeper pull a gun at the mystery person.
"That's a shame." the man said as Shanks heard a revolver click. "Because there's a poster with her face plastered across town, and it looks exactly like you, doctor."
Shanks shot his head up in realization and acted fast. As soon as the undercover agent pressed the trigger, he quickly shoved the doctor down to the ground. The woman groaned, then looked up at him.
Shanks' breath hitched at the sight. The doctor wasn't some old man or careless, ugly medic; she was a breathtaking, stunning woman.
It felt like time had stopped as the two of you were looking at each other. A light blush appeared on your cheeks once you realized that you were staring at the red-haired man for too long. But, your mind clicked once you realized who your savour was.
"Red-Haired Shanks?!" you gasped.
The shopkeeper froze once he heard the name. "What?! Red Haired-Shanks?!" I gotta call backup! He sputtered as he ran out the door.
The two of you watched the keeper run out.
Shanks offered you his arm and hoisted you up to the ground. He flashed a bright smile your way. "Wow, and here I thought that this infamous doctor was an old geezer. Turns out you're a gorgeous woman." he smoothly said.
You scoffed as you brushed the dirt from your pants. "Save it, ya womanizer. We gotta get out of here, now that they've seen my face, everyone's gonna come after me."
You grabbed Shanks' only hand and sped out the door and into the streets. He couldn't help but laugh as he followed you.
"Aren't we moving too fast? At least take me out on a date first!" he joked.
"This isn't the time Red-Haired! Ugh, you're just what the people say you are!" you groaned.
He chuckled. "You seem to know everything about me. But yet I know nothing about you." he pondered.
"Oh, trust me, I know you well, even if this is our first time meeting. Now, come on, my dad would want to see you." you urged as you picked up your pace.
"Your dad...?" he questioned.
Soon after, the two of you stopped in front of Shakky's Rip-Off Bar. Shanks glanced up and let out a surprised grunt.
"Hold on, if you say we're seeing your dad, and he's here, that means-!" he started before he was cut off by Rayleigh.
"Ah, Shanks! Good to see you! I see you've met my daughter Y/n!" your father greeted at the doorstep.
The red-haired man let out a laugh and looked at you. You glanced up and gave Shanks a sheepish smile. "Yeah, my old man is Silvers Rayleigh. Surprise!"
"Oh, sweets, you're full of surprises, aren't ya? Let's head inside before other people see you," he said as he led you in the establishment.
You saw that the Red-Haired Pirates were drinking away at the bar, and your mother was busy making drinks. Loud, rowdy laughter echoed through the bar as you, Rayleigh and Shanks proceeded to sit at the bar table in front of Shakky.
Your mom took a look at you and smiled. "You made quite a commotion, dear. I can see the Marines are flooding the archipelago right now," she said.
You rubbed your hand behind your head. "I tried my best to stay low, Mom. Good thing Shanks here saved me."
The man you spoke of who was sitting behind you gave a smile. "Believe it or not, I was looking for your sweets. I heard what you did at Mary Geoise, and I gotta say, I want you to join my crew!" he laughed.
"Hey, captain!" Hongo spoke up from a table. "Did ya forget that I'm already part of your crew?" he argued as he guzzled down a pint of alcohol.
The crew burst out into laughter, and you couldn't help but laugh along.
"Hey, now!" Shanks chided, "What's wrong with having two doctors? Hongo needs all the help he can get, especially when we're all hungover!"
He faced you once more and smirked. "Whadd'ya say, sweets? You've captured my heart already. Why don't you come along with us?" he proposed.
Your father chuckled. "Shanks, you've got balls to flirt with my daughter in front of me." he joked as he took a swig of alcohol.
"What can I say? Didn't Captain Roger say that I was going to steal your future daughter's heart one day?" he laughed.
You felt yourself heat up. "Hold on, you big flirt. What's in it for me if I join?"
"Easy! Since you're probably the most wanted woman right now because of that awesome stunt you pulled, I can give you protection!" he said. Then he leaned and whispered in your ear, "Plus, protection is not the only thing you can get."
He pulled away and winked at you, leaving you as a blushing mess. Shaking your head, you smiled softly towards the man beside you.
"You make a hard bargain, Shanks. Alright, I'll join. But before you try anything, you gotta take me out on a date first." You teased.
"I might have to put a raincheck on that date, sweets, there's nothing romantic about the Red Force, and these idiots would ruin our date night." he chuckled.
You got up to head up to your room. "Alright then, guess I have to gather my stuff." you declared as you hopped off the chair.
You patted Shanks' cheeks and gave him a soft peck on the cheek before you walked away with a wink. The red-haired man gave a toothy grin as his heart started to pick up.
The crew saw the interaction and made wolf whistles.
"Don't you worry, Rayleigh, Shakky, I'll take good care of her," he said as he softly smiled at the couple.
Shakky simply smiled and continued making drinks.
"You better keep your word, you punk. Or else you'll meet Roger very soon." your father grunted jokingly. Shanks couldn't help but laugh. Shanks couldn't help but laugh. Who would've thought that this infamous doctor was a beautiful woman, who also happened to be the Dark King's daughter?
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luffysinterlude · 23 days
summary: in which Luffy’s been your sanctuary as you grieve the loss of your sworn-soulmate — his brother.
pairings: luffy x reader / ex!ace x reader | the request
warnings: post-marineford, one sided love, slight angst/comfort, reader grew up with ASL, no gendered terms
an: haiiii!!! i’ve been working on this on the side as i’ve been reading nana. i really didn’t know how to tackle this request + song with Luffy especially, but I really tried my best. please leave feedback, it’s always appreciated!! also, as always, there’s another a/n at the end ^.^
inspiration: ghostin’ | word count: 2.2K | tip jar!
“i’ll always find a way to protect you, promise .ᐟ
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PORTGAS D. ACE IS DEFINITELY, YOUR OTHER HALF. Some might call him your lover, but to you, it was more than that. You had known the hot-headed boy since you were two were children; some say your calm and quiet demeanor balanced him out, but was just as evil and devious, which you couldn’t help but agree with that. The two of you went around the village causing trouble for fun and sometimes you’d help him with his tasks in the mountains.
Ace has always been your ray of sunshine. With everything he’s gone through — which, you were a witness to — he’s still able to light a room up with a single conversation. Literally.
When Ace informed you that he finally got a devil fruit, you thought it might’ve been a God themself that handed the Mera-Mera no Mi to Ace, because still to this day, his presence remains the brightest and captivating —
even though he physically isn’t with you anymore.
It’s been almost two years since the day the Heavens took Ace back. Years that were full of utter silence in your world; the pain weighing heavy on your body and soul. You’ve remained under the watch of Shakky and Rayleigh, asking that you get to spend as much time with Luffy as possible; the last bit of Ace you have access to.
Following the War at Marineford, you had asked Rayleigh if it was okay for you to stick around. He agreed after recognizing who you were — a childhood friend to both Ace and Luffy — figuring you didn’t have anywhere safe to go anyway; you’ve become infamous due to Ace’s influence on you during your childhood, and with your reputation, you’re not sure of what consequences you’d face if you were even near pirates or marines.
You’ve been with Shakky the most during this time: her giving you haki training in exchange for you to help her out whenever she needs it. You can’t complain though. You enjoy the feeling of having a maternal figure in your life, especially right now. You’re unsure of how to control your emotions, and Shakky’s been helping you navigate through them, and use them to your benefit.
Luffy has too. Whether the rubber boy knows it or not, you appreciate his gimmicks whenever you get to visit him on training days. He always has a bright smile on his face when greeting you, your body grows with warmth every time he sees you; like right now, you feel like the heat has gotten ten times hotter, yet his embrace just feels so familiar and welcoming, you almost forget that you have to pull away.
“Hey! You said you’d visit me two days ago! I got finished with my training early and expected to see you, but Rayleigh said your plans changed! What happened?” His voice is loud yet soft, and the way he’s looking at you makes you feel guilty. You avoid his gaze immediately, the small smile you’d painted on your face fading.
You don’t like talking about Ace to Luffy. It’s been like this since the two of you were children, but especially now. You know he’s trying his best to keep your mind astray from the grief, and he’s been doing so, so good at that. But every now and then, Ace visits you as you sleep, and the following day is so hard, you want to be left alone.
Luffy’s not stupid — or at least, he knows how to navigate his feelings. It’s what helped observation haki come easy to him, and instantly he feels your demeanor switch; the sun reflected in your eyes, then suddenly disappeared. He knows when you’re having a tough time. In fact, he thinks he knows everything about you.
He’d probably never find it in him to voice it, but somewhere along the way, he thinks he’s found love within you. Even with the entire ocean separating the two of you for years, the feeling only blooms at the thought of you. He thinks this is how Ace must’ve felt.
Without hesitating, he grabs your hand and drags you into the jungle that’s served as his temporary home for the past year and a half. These days the jungle is quiet, so Luffy’s able to spend more time in it without having to worry. Plus, he’s a hundred times stronger than he was when he first reunited with you.
He giggles at your confused and shocked state, wanting to tease you about how you’re not used to his antics at this point. Instead he just basks in your flushed expression, admiring the beauty that graces you.
After the most unwanted and unexpected marathon of your life, Luffy stops. You’re barely able to process your surroundings when you’re suddenly flying. Screams leave your throat immediately, only for you to be situated on a branch seconds after.
Luffy sits next to you, his left arm wraps around your waist securely and he nestles his head into your shoulder blade; it’s almost as if he’s clinging onto you like a koala, all while you’re nearly dying to catch your breath. He’s always been this close and clingy, especially on days you’re quiet, but over the years, you’ve grown accustomed to it this trait of his.
Your breathing goes back to normal after a couple of moments, and soon your eyes find the boy staring up at you, eyes wide and curious, sending a gentle shiver down your spine.
“Sooooooo…you been thinkin’ about Ace?” Luffy’s bluntness is something you should be used to by now, but sometimes you wonder how his crew’s able to deal with it.
You sigh as you lean into him, staring out in front of you: the clear sky was painted a pretty shade of pinks and blues, the sun was saying its final goodbyes, and the ocean — a symbol of your will — sang peacefully as the two of you settled in each other’s presence.
“Yeah,” you breathed softly. “Ace visited me again, the other day — It was kind of sudden, he hadn’t done that for a while now.”
“Well did he say anything?” You don’t want to answer, but the way he’s looking at you has your chest fill with warmth.
Ace lays next to you in the sand, his gaze fixated on yours as his fingertips softly grazed the features of your face. It was silent as it always was, and you felt yourself relaxing into his touch. Although it was all in your head, it felt so real. As if the two of you were just taking a vacation, without a care in the world.
And for the first time in a long time, Ace’s voice reaches your ears.
“Ya know, Luffy’s always had a thing for you,” You’re taken back and your brows furrow in confusion. Ace has never actually talked to you in your dreams, so for this to be the first time makes you question your sanity. “He always asked me about you whenever we were kids. He never wanted to do things unless you were there to watch him. He cried whenever you leave. I always thought he was just overly dramatic, but even now, as I watch him, his eyes water.
He’s hoping to ask you to join his crew,” Ace pauses to chuckle, a sound that you had almost forgotten. You bite your tongue as you feel your eyes water, not wanting to move incase you’d wake up. “The boy asked me for advice. Mentioned the times you’ve denied him before, when we were kids, asking on how and what he could do to get you to join him.
He believes in himself more than ever now, and he told me he feels like he owes you something for not only taking care of him, but Sabo and I as well. I always thought it was a weird-one sided obsession, but then thought about how I feel the same way about you too. Like a treasure that must be protected — even though you’ve done well on your own already. I used to think you were a witch.” You roll your eyes at his nickname for you, slowly processing what he’s telling you.
“I’m not asking you to date him or anything — But I think you should consider joining the Strawhats. They’re promising, and I believe you’d make their crew so much stronger. Now that I’m gone, who’ll watch over my crazy little brother? If only Sabo was here, then maybe I’d have him do it instead of asking you — but you’ve always been the best of taking care of us, and Luffy’s attached to you. He’ll listen to your insight, because he thinks you’re the smartest person in the world. I agree, but only because I’m not on Earth anymore.” You scoff at his self-compliment, knowing it was just something to tease you about, but appreciating the fact that the boys always knew you were the smartest of the bunch. You roll on your side to face him, eyes widening when you notice he’s staring you straight in the eye.
He looks like the same hot-headed boy that left you those years ago. As if he was seventeen again, waving a see-you-later to you and Luffy as the ocean carried him and his tiny boat away. Nothing’s changed since then, even when you’d run into him at ports when you were venturing the sea as well.
“Again, you don’t have to feel any kind of those feelings towards him, but I think Luffy will help you ease the pain and eventually grow from it. If anything, he looks up to me. Find me in him if it helps. I’ll watch over the two of you and try my best to help you both out, but for now, please enjoy your youth and life for me — surrounded by love. You have so much to live for and so much willpower. You’ve always been the epitome of freedom to us, so please go and enjoy it.
I won’t visit you for a while now. I’ll let you go and handle business. But please, as always, be safe. Don’t go crashing out on everyone now. I love you, thank you for allowing me to grow with you.
I’m sorry that time and distance separated us, and I’ll make sure you’re always protected, just as I promised.”
You’re silent as he just smiles at you, words wanting to spill from your lips, but none of them feeling right. Your bottom lip wobbles as you stare at his face and features, blinking tears away so you can engrave his face into your brain.
“You know how to get to me; I’ll always be here for you. I’ll see ya later, hot stuff. Can’t wait to watch what trouble you make happen.”
You sigh as you bring yourself back to reality, breathing in the air surrounding the two of you. It was fresh, the breeze was nice, and the sea remained humming her song quietly.
“Well, he might’ve let it slip that someone wants me to be apart of their crew,” you tease, feeling the boy suddenly jolt.
He chuckles nervously as he rubs the back of his head awkwardly, clearly not expecting to be outed by his own brother. “Huh?” He feigns innocence, “Well who?”
You roll your eyes and raise your brow, arms crossed as you stared at him, challenging his gaze to see if he breaks. When he doesn’t, you decide to mess with him.
“Shanks,” you tease; you’d met the infamous Red-Haired pirates around the same time Luffy did, and he was your first ever haki teacher. Although it was a small lie to tell, it wasn’t hard for Luffy to believe it.
His expression fell dramatically, his voice whiney as he pouted and looked towards the sky.
“ACE, YOU DIDN’T TELL ME THAT SHANKS ALREADY BEAT ME!” You giggled as the Luffy sent curses up to the Heavens, silently hoping none of the Gods cursed you for Luffy’s outburst. You grabbed his hands suddenly, and for a split second, shivers went down your spine. He turned and looked at you, an unreadable expression on his face that almost looked like regret.
“Hey, hey,” you coo to him. You’d always comfort Luffy after his brothers would tease him, and over time Luffy’s grown to love your touch and words. “‘M just teasin’. He told me that you were hoping I’d join your crew. Honestly?” His fingers intertwine with yours as he patiently waits for you to finish your thoughts; his hands are warm and soft, despite his constant training, the way they’ve always been. The way he’s always been. “I’ll do it, if it means I can help you reach your goals. I told you I’d see you off as pirate king when we were younger, didn’t I?”
Luffy gasps and wraps his arms around you tightly, burying his face in your shoulder. The sudden embrace takes you by surprise, and you feel his mouth moving but you’re unsure of what he’s saying. You welcome his embrace, thinking of all that’s happened since Marineford. Luffy’s been with you since, helping you grow stronger and stray your mind away from what you’ve lost. He’s been doing so well — he makes you laugh about the stupidest things, he’d always defend you from the former monsters of this jungle, he tells you stories from his adventures and you do the same. These past few months, it’s gotten easier to accept and let go of the grief, thanks to him.
“Promise I’ll make it worth it for ya! Thanks for trusting me! Took you such a long time to say yes,” he says as he pulls away from you, smile accompanying his lovely facial features. “We’ll have so much fun! You remember the crew, right? From that time in Alabasta?”
As you and Luffy sit and escape the world around you, you feel a new excitement grow in you. You’re just as ready as he is to reunite with everyone, even if you weren’t a Stawhat before this. For the first time in a long time, you feel free. You don’t feel this way because Ace let you go, but because he pushed you to finding your freedom. And all you can do now is live and hope to achieve all that’s waiting for you.
an: i’m thinking about a part two because this felt more like it was centered around Ace and Reader’s relationship T^T. but honestly i wouldn’t mind. plus i think reader might subconsciously love Luffy the way he loves them. so maybe i will write a part two to satisfy myself, idk. it’s been a while since i’ve written and have been able to get any creativity out of my body, thanks to work 😻. anyway, please do leave your feed back!!! i’ll enjoy it. thank you so much for reading!!
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penkura · 5 months
knowing [4/8]
Summary: Sanji knew you were the one the moment he met you.
Pairing: Sanji x Reader
Warnings: None really. Normal One Piece stuff I guess.
Note: Timeskip time! I do really gloss over Fishman Island yes, I just had to lol. Slightly shorter too, but longer chapters are coming up!
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[Ch. 1] ● [Ch. 2] ● [Ch. 3]
Arriving back in Sabaody caused you to take a deep breath while you watched the various people from the shoreline. Finally, you were going to see your crew again, and though you had been so welcomed by the kunoichi village and were grateful to them, you couldn't wait to see your found family again.
You couldn't wait to see Sanji again.
Promising to keep in touch with your temporary home, you left the kunoichi who had brought you back to Sabaody and started making your way towards Shakky's bar, watching the vivre card in your hand to keep you from getting lost.
Every now and then though, you'd catch sight of blond hair and have to do a double take, making sure you weren't completely passing by Sanji, only to be fully disappointed when you saw it wasn't him. You'd even see people with orange and blue hair, wondering if it was Nami or Franky, once again disappointed to see it wasn't either of them.
You were, however, beyond excited once you finally saw one of your crewmates, shouting to them and running to hug them.
You threw your arms around her while Robin laughed and greeted you. You were the first person she'd seen as well, having the same problem where she saw people that looked like your other crewmates but weren't them.
“I wonder who else might be here.” You thought aloud while walking with Robin to Shakky's bar, anxious to see the rest of your crew.
“Well, Brook is definitely here. He's hosting a concert.”
“Oooh yeah! I've got one of his TDs, it's not bad,” you grinned a bit at the thought, “think he'd sign it for me?”
“I'm sure he'd be delighted to.”
You both laughed a bit, before you saw another head of blond hair, stopping and turning quickly to see if it was him. When you saw it wasn't, your shoulders slumped and Robin gave you a smile.
“Looking for someone?”
You were quite obvious about it, even you knew that.
So you turned back around, smiled, and linked your arm with Robin's before continuing onward.
“Just the love of my life.”
You and Robin laughed, despite you're being serious, talking about your two years apart on your way to Shakky's. You'd see Sanji soon, whether once you got back to Sunny or while you were on Sabaody.
You'd see him soon.
"What, the moss head was the first one here?!"
Shakky laughed and nodded at Sanji's surprise. "Franky arrived ten days ago, but left to go check your ship."
Duval bragged about how he and his crew protected Sunny, while Rayleigh reassured Sanji his coating job was perfect, the Sunny was fine, and you'd all be able to leave for Fishman Island as soon as you were ready. Ignoring Duval, Sanji was more than glad to hear Nami had made it to Sabaody and had gone shopping a few days ago, then Usopp arrived three days prior, and Chopper did so as well, while Brook had a concert that day. The only ones left had been himself, Luffy, Robin, and of course, you.
Hearing you hadn't arrived yet slightly concerned Sanji, he'd expected you to arrive much sooner, maybe even before Zoro, but definitely before you all were mentally scheduled to meet up. He knew you'd be fine, he trusted you and knew how strong you were, but still Sanji was worried your ride to Sabaody may have been late. Luffy would never leave without everyone there, but it sure would be easier if you had a way to communicate that you were near.
"Have you…heard from [Y/N]...maybe?"
Smiling slightly, Shakky shook her head no and watched as Sanji slumped down a bit hearing that. "Sadly no, I haven't heard from your girlfriend."
"W-What. How–"
"You aren't exactly subtle with that lovesick look on your face, young man."
She laughed a bit at him, watching as Sanji stood up from the bar and excused himself, saying he was going to search for ingredients to stock up the Sunny's fridge for when you all left. The whole time his face was bright red and Shakky knew she had guessed right. You and Sanji were practically hanging off each other the whole time you were in Sabaody two years ago, she just knew you were together from the little bit of time you'd been around.
"What a lovestruck cutie."
"Was that…Sanji?"
Smiling at your antics, Robin let you hide behind her and look around for your lover, although she wasn't entirely sure why you were hiding. She knew the two of you were together and in love, maybe you were just nervous about not seeing him in two years. You had ended up cutting your hair while you were training, deciding it would be better for fighting. You had changed your outfit to a well fitted tank top and loose, knee length shorts with your basic ninja sandals (like from Naruto ok). You were sure Sanji would love your new look, but it made you nervous to think about seeing him again.
Hopefully the two years apart hadn't made him rethink your relationship or anything.
"Rayleigh, Shakky!"
"Aah, Robin and [Y/N], you're both here!"
Robin nodded while you stepped out from behind her and waved.
"You both just missed Sanji."
"Oh, how unfortunate." Looking over at you, Robin gave you a knowing smile and you did the same, your nerves calming down just a bit. You may have missed out on seeing him just then, but maybe it was for the better. You two would see each other again soon enough, more than likely unable to stay away from each other or keep your hands to yourselves (not in a sexual way you pervs) for a while once you did see each other.
You and Robin stayed for a bit to catch up with Rayleigh and Shakky, thanking Duval and his crew for their help in protecting Sunny as well as they could, before the two of you decided to separate for a bit. Robin would head right for Sunny, but you wanted to do some shopping for some clothes and to maybe find Sanji. When you were in Sabaody last, you'd barely had a chance go look at the vendor stalls before the events with Camie and the Celestial Dragons, and then being sent off like the rest of your crew of course, you didn't have much of a chance to shop around and find anything you wanted.
You ended up buying a mini transponder snail and a few clothing items, deciding you should start heading towards Sunny when you saw a vendor selling kunai and shuriken, and you were instantly drawn in. You were running low on funds, but desperately wanted some new knives to use for any upcoming fights. You were so engrossed in looking and working out the math in your head on how many you could afford, that you nearly jumped three feet when someone wrapped an arm around you and told the vendor to let you get whatever you wanted.
If you hadn't recognized the voice, though slightly deeper than you remembered, and the smell of tobacco mixed with a familiar cologne, you would have whipped around and punched the guy in the face before placing a knife at his neck. Instead you turned around so quickly, coming face to face with the one person you'd been so anxious yet excited to see again.
"Hey there, beautiful." Sanji gave you a smile and brushed a bit of your hair out of your face, noticing you were tearing up. "I've been looking for you!"
"Sanji!!" You threw your arms around his neck, letting him lift you up and spin you around while you cried out of happiness.  "I-It's you! You're r-really here!!"
"Of course I am! Couldn't leave you with that moss head to get lost or anything!"
Once he set you back down, you got to take a good look at Sanji and see how he'd changed over the last two years as well. He'd swapped his bangs from the left to the right, he'd grown out his goatee more, and even had a mustache now. Even if he still looked exactly the same as two years ago, you'd still think he was handsome and be in love with him.
Of course, Sanji still thought you were beautiful, he'd even say drop dead gorgeous now. He didn't have the chance to tell you so before you kissed him and hugged him again.
"I missed you so much."
"I missed you too, love," Sanji hugged you close, thankful that his two years of hell and running on the Kamabakka Queendom were finally over, and that he was back with you in his arms, "you have no idea how much."
After all of you were finally together again, you and Nami had spent so much time hugging and giggling over the boys being themselves, once you began your course down to Fishman Island, all you really wanted was to stay near Sanji. Knowing you were going to the land of mermaids, it worried you a little that Sanji might start rethinking your relationship, considering you were apart for two years.
You couldn’t have imagined that your crew would be separated once again, so quickly due to the volatile nature of the ocean depths. Waking up in Camie’s place a short while later, you were glad to see Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, and Sanji were all with you, being escorted elsewhere by your friend, until you met more mermaids who were close with Camie.
Sanji tried, he really did, to not let it get to him, especially with you around, to not fall over himself around the mermaids, unfortunately, despite it all, he still ended up nearly bleeding out from all the other pretty girls around. You chose to stay with him and Chopper after he’d been given a blood transfusion to keep him from dying, and once he woke up, Sanji was almost on the floor in front of you apologizing.
“I’m so sorry, my love! I’m such a fool of a man!”
“Uh, Sanji—”
“Please forgive me!! I love you more than anything!!”
Before he’s able to say much else, you take his face in your hands and shut him up with a kiss, allowing you both to get your thoughts straight before you say anything in response to his groveling. Honestly though, he should know you better by now.
“I’m not happy about the situation—”
“I’m so sor—”
“But, I’m not going to be mad at you anymore. You’ve apologized enough and I believe you’re really sorry,” you give Sanji a smile, before rubbing your nose against his and making his face turn bright red at the affection, “I’m sure you went through a lot while we were apart, so I’ll give you a pass this time.”
“Mon amour, you’re the only one I love that much.”
“Yeah, I know, so if you do that again, I’ll have to clean my kunai.”
You laughed a bit at Sanji’s reaction, which made him relax and smile in return, before he kissed you again.
“I swear, you’re the only one for me.”
“And the same for me, cutie.”
After you’ve all helped to put a stop to Hordy Jones and Luffy prevented the ship Noah from destroying Fishman Island, you’re glad for a reprieve that turns into a party with food and drinks. Every member of your crew, all the Fishmen that can fit in the palace, had a blast and the party continued on for so long that you and Sanji had to step away for a few minutes alone.
Somehow, luckily, you found an empty closet that you could sneak into, finally getting some time alone after everything that happened. You started out just talking and holding each other, before Sanji started kissing you all over your face and making you giggle, every now and then quieting yourself if you heard footsteps. You were still trying to keep your relationship a secret, so Sanji understood you silencing your giggles for a moment wasn’t because of him, it was to keep someone from opening the door.
“Hey,” Sanji kissed your cheek again, smiling at your giggle while you gave him a questioning look, “What if…what if we told everyone?”
“About us. I mean, its been a while and part of the crew knows already.”
“Only if you want to!” He kissed you again to make sure you knew he wasn’t going to force you to tell everyone if you weren’t ready. “We can wait until you want to, I just—”
“Sanji,” you have to take his face in your hands to make him stop before he rambles too much, forcing him to look at you as you smile at him, “I think it’s fine if we tell everyone. We’re both in this for the long haul, I don’t think they have to worry about us making things weird by breaking up or anything.”
“You’re sure?”
“Mm-hm!” You nod and give him another kiss, causing Sanji to hug you tightly. He really was a little worried you’d reject the idea, but if you tell everyone, it’ll make it easier. You won’t have to sneak around and keep everything to yourselves.
“I love you so much!”
“I love you too, Sanji!” You giggle when he starts to kiss you face again. Sanji really is the sweetest man you’ve ever met, you feel so lucky to have him as your boyfriend, maybe future husband and father to your children one day, if he wants that with you too.
Unfortunately you’re interrupted when someone opens the closet door, and the sigh is familiar enough that you feel your face heating up.
“Can you two stop being gross for one day?”
“Zoro!” You shouted while Sanji pulled away from you to give a glare to your swordsman. “What are you doing?!”
“I was looking for the bathroom!”
“This obviously isn’t it!!”
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 4 months
A Straw hat Pirates x Past Roger's Pirates Crewmember!Mitsuri Reader. Mabye, when they came to Sabaody Archipelago Reader was talking with Shakky and they met the Reader.
-You had been with Shakky, wanting to see Rayleigh again, as you would wander the world, seeking out your old crew members, at least the ones who were still alive, to visit them, to see how they were doing.
-Those you visited all knew this, knowing of your kind and caring nature, as they all adored you for it, even if they didn’t always say it, like Buggy, who was always so shy with you for some reason?
-You were much like Shakky, very well put together and you didn’t look like your actual age, which led to lots of surprises when people would hit on you, and you would tell them your actual age. You thought it was rather cute when they got surprised.
-Shakky was a good friend of yours, and she adored seeing you, she would always tease Rayliegh that you liked her better, which would cause some amusing arguments, but you knew they were just poking fun at each other.
-When the door swung open, revealing a group of younger looking pirates, including a talking skeleton and a talking reindeer.
-Instantly you had Chopped in your arms, “You’re so cute!!” at first, he was struggling to get free, but you smelled like something sweet, the Sakura mochi you were always eating, fighting a losing battle before you handed him a cotton candy stick from Shakky who couldn’t help but smile, thinking you were just as adorable.
-Brook, after he introduced himself to you, was amusing, as he wanted to be hugged like that too. He nearly melted when you let Chopper go and you opened your arms, a huge smile on your face, “You’re so sweet, wanting a hug too!”
-The moment his skull rested against your chest, which was mostly bare, he melted, blood coming from the holes of his nose, falling to the ground, overcome with elation.
-You liked the vibe of Luffy, as you knew of him through Ace, whom you knew was Roger’s son, you were one of the few who knew that secret, as you met Ace years ago, when you were visiting Roger’s grave, and you found him there as well.
-The two of you bonded, once he realized that you were one of Roger’s crew members, and you held him when he broke down, crying harshly, ashamed of his lineage, feeling responsible for the death of his mother, after he found out the truth of his birth.
-Luffy was elated to meet you, after he took some time trying to figure out where he knew you from, but once he did, he leapt up, hugging you close and you squealed, spinning him easily around.
-He could easily tell that you were incredibly strong, despite not looking like it, but hugged you back, feeling so warm and safe in your arms.
-When Luffy told you that they were looking for Rayleigh as well, needing him to coat their ship so they could get to Fishman Island, you offered to show them to where he likes to hang out.
-You could have never imagined that this fated meeting would have led to this, watching Luffy punch out a Celestial Dragon, then helping them fight against the marines, only to watch them be blown away by Kuma.
-When you tried to attack Kuma, he let you hit him, throwing him back against a tree before he got up, ‘accidentally’ dropping something, and left, going after other pirates.
-You found it was a note, one that made your blood run cold, ‘Ace will be executed’ NOT ON YOUR WATCH!!!
-Despite the rivalry the Roger Pirates had with Whitebeard’s own, they welcomed your help, knowing that you were very soft on Ace, and you weren’t going to let a child be executed just because he’s Roger’s son.
-You quickly showed why your bounty was so high, taking out many of the marines, including several of the giants, by yourself, giving the pirates an edge.
-When Luffy arrived, you couldn’t help but smile, seeing that he was alright before you cleared a path for him to get to Ace.
-You nearly lost your life in that battle, holding Aikinu’s hand away from Ace, letting it burn you, your eyes like fire as you surprised him by not melting or burning, as your passionate love was keeping you safe.
-When Shanks arrived, stopping the war, he was the one who took you on his ship, while Law and Marco took Luffy and Ace.
-You cried loudly when you learned that Whitebeard died, remaining so everyone could get to safety, feeling like you had failed him, but Marco, who had healed your severe burn, as your skin had melted, after a while, down to the bone.
-Shanks was pouting, jealous as you were hugging Marco who was trying not to cry, after you snatched him into your arms while he was healing you- he wanted hugs too!!
-Ace, once he knew Luffy was stable, rushed into your arms, and you smiled as Luffy ran to you as well, hugging you as well, which made you smile, happy tears slipping down your cheeks, happy that you were able to save Ace, and keep Luffy happy.
-Rayleigh, who was nearly, wanting a hug as well, his arms folded across his chest, glaring daggers at Ace and Luffy, pouting comically that they were hogging you, in his eyes, which caused laughter to go around.
-They all loved and adored you just as you all adored and loved all of them.
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dreamcatcheratdawn · 5 months
Can you write something about Shanks x reader? Like, the reader was teleported by Kuma, now she's on Shanks's ship and he offered himself to train her. (Can be fluffy with a little bit of angst. And slightly of age gap)
I loved the idea✨. Shanks is one of my favorite OP characters (after Luffy, Kid and Zoro, of course). And I wrote this while marathoning One Piece (I'm still in the Punk Hazard arc 😭) one eye was on the caption and the other eye was on the writing.
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"Let me help you"
Pairing: Shanks x gn!reader
Warning: slight angst, fluff most of the time.
W/C: 18.1k
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You, as a resident of the Sabaody Archipelago since birth, are good friends with Rayleigh and Shakky. Ever since you were 7 years old, you would sneak out of your house to visit Shakky's Rip-off Bar just so you could listen to Rayleigh tell several of his adventure stories from when he was still a pirate while Shakky prepared his favorite juice. It was like a hobby, and you loved it.
You just didn't expect that on another calm, sunny day, a seriously injured fish-man, a mermaid, a talking starfish and a group of very strange pirates would show up at Shakky's bar.
At the bar, as you sipped a beer, you watched the scene unfold in front of you, seeing what looked like a pet bandaging the fish-man.
"A raccoon?" You said, tilting your head to the side. The animal in question looked furious and turned its head towards you. "I AM NOT A RACCOON, I AM A REINDEER!" the reindeer exclaimed, blowing smoke out of its nostrils. He went back to what he was doing, muttering quietly.
Rayleigh, smiling, came to his side, taking a seat in front of the counter.
"What happened while you were out?" You asked Rayleigh, as Shakky offered him a glass of beer.
"Oh, I was almost sold into slavery," Rayleigh said, as calmly as if this happened to him often. "EHHHH?" You were shocked, not that enslaving humans shocked you, as much as you found it disgusting, but who in the world could capture Silvers Rayleigh to be sold! That didn't fit at all.
"How did they catch you? And how did you escape?" You kind of already knew the answer, just the use of the King's Haki was enough for Rayleigh to get away.
"I had the help of that little guy over there" He pointed his chin at the boy with a straw hat on his head who ate like a pig, if not worse. Rayleigh was now talking to Shakky, while you brought the glass of beer to your lips, feeling the bitter taste of the cheap drink. "Ah, did you know that he faced a Tenryuubito?"
Immediately, you choked on that information, beer coming out of your nose.
"Ahhhh, a lady!" A blond man came up to you with hearts in his eyes, offering you a handkerchief. "How could I not see you there? With this beauty that blinds a man, forgive me miss, you don't deserve such disgrace." You ignored the chatter of the blond man with the strange eyebrows and walked over to the boy in the straw hat.
"EI" You caught his eye and that of the rest of the people present. "Are you crazy? Do you want to attract the attention of the navy by taking on a Tenryuubito?" You snorted next to the boy. You, in your thirties, had never heard such an appalling event.
Swallowing the piece of meat he was eating, the straw hat said, "I'm not crazy! And I only did it because that idiot shot Hachi, so of course I'm going to fight back!" He exclaimed, looking at you with a kind of determination. That shocked you to some extent. You sighed heavily "Still, who are you to stand up to a protégé of the World Government?"
"I'm Monkey D. Luffy, and I'm going to be the King of the Pirates!" Luffy exclaimed once again, taking the large piece of meat into his mouth and swallowing.
"Ah, so you're that pirate with a 300 million berry bounty," you said, leaning against the counter. "But that won't solve anything, the navy will surely strike back."
"Actually, it's likely that they're already on their way here" Rayleigh said "Hey Shakky, I want some more beer" He said, indignant that his drink had run out.
You sighed once more, feeling the pangs of a headache when too many bad things were happening at once. After a while, the Straw Hat pirates left the bar, saying they were going to stay in the archipelago for another three days to throw off the Navy. The place was now silent, leaving only you, Shakky, Rayleigh, Hachi and his friends, whom you knew as Camie and Pappag. In your mind, the events of now were running wild.
A few hours later, Rayleigh stood up, heading for the door of the bar.
"Where are you going?" You asked, crossing your arms.
"I'm going to help Luffy" He left before you could say anything else. "Tch, what a stubborn old man" You exclaimed.
"Come on, he can take care of himself, you know that" Shakky said smiling as he cleaned the counter
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Hours and hours passed and no news about Rayleigh or the Gang of Straw Hats.
You paced back and forth, anxiety running through your mind as you bit your nails. You stopped, looking at the door. Making up your mind, you headed for the exit, ignoring Shakky's protests for you to stay.
Running through the mangroves, you followed the sound of explosions, the smoke filling your lungs every time you got close. Arriving at your destination, you saw that the place was a zone, pirates everywhere, navy soldiers firing into the wind. Scanning around, you found Rayleigh fighting Kizaru, a navy admiral you knew only by face. Before you could get to Rayleigh, a familiar shout made you stop, turning in the direction of the sound. It was Luffy shouting, while his companions were fighting Kuma, one of the Navy's seven Shichibukais. When Kuma's hand touched one of Luffy's companions, one with orange hair, she disappeared in the blink of an eye.
On impulse, you went over to them, wondering if you could help them. You barely knew Luffy, but the short time you spent together was enough for you to judge him as a man of good intentions.
As you ran towards them, you saw that some of Luffy's companions were missing. You guessed that they had been defeated, probably by Kuma.
"Luffy!" you shouted, pulling him out of the way of Kuma's hands, but this only resulted in one thing: you tripping over something you didn't identify and falling to the ground. You turned to Kuma, pulling a gun from your waistband as you fired wildly at him, but it had no effect.
"A friend of Luffy from Straw Hat?" The Shichibukai said, staring at you for a few seconds before his giant hand touched you, the power of his Akuma no Mi taking effect, his body disappearing. You felt an enormous pressure in the room, causing you to faint immediately afterwards.
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You felt trapped in something soft while you were lying down. It was as if you were lying on a pile of clouds. Opening your eyes slowly, small pains spread through your body. On closer inspection, you were flying in the sky, but you couldn't feel the breeze and, incredibly, you didn't feel short of breath because you were wrapped in a kind of bubble. Dramatically, the memories returned to your mind, making you feel pathetic.
"Damn, I couldn't do anything useful" you thought to yourself, mulling it over as the bubble carried you across the vast sky. You still had the gun in your hand, so you put it in your waistband, not that it was any use without bullets. You didn't know how many hours or days you had slept, but you wanted to know what your fate would be. Before you could think of anything else, the bubble protecting you landed, startling you. What if it fell into the open sea? You knew how to swim, but sea monsters could appear anywhere.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you fell into a ship, hitting your back on the wooden floor.
"Damn…" you cursed, then got up and opened your eyes, only to find a bunch of men around you. A pirate ship, your senses alerted you, making your hand go towards the gun you always carried, pointing it at several of the men.
"Boss, come and see this." A portly man with a piece of meat in his hand spoke up. As the men around you moved away, you could immediately feel an overwhelming presence. Turning in the direction of the presence, you could see a man with red hair and a scar on his face coming towards you. Immediately, you recognized the man. It was impossible not to recognize the pirate in question, given the fact that both his person and his deeds were notorious and circulated widely on people's lips. It was Shanks, The Redhead, a name that made many people shudder just to hear it.
Your body trembled, the gun in your hand wavering as you pointed it in the Redhead's direction, bitterly regretting your decision, but you were too proud to turn back.
"Well well, looks like we've got a scared kitten here," Shanks laughed, looking over at you. He crouched down very close to you, leaning his forehead against the barrel of the gun. "Aren't you going to shoot?" A faint smile appeared on the pirate's face as he stared into your soul.
"Don't play games with me," you said, with great difficulty, trying to sound strong, but coming out more like a cry for help.
Shanks stared at you for what seemed like an eternity, before bursting into laughter, his body tilting backwards, his men doing the same. You, not understanding anything, blushed intensely with embarrassment. "Ouch, scaredy-cat, how the hell did you get here out of nowhere, huh?" Shanks asked after wiping a tear from the corner of his eye.
You, seeing no point in hiding the truth, (not as if you could, Shanks would get the truth out anyway) told him the truth. He understood, saying that he knew Luffy, then smiling, saying that the boy only got into trouble.
"Well, what if I taught you how to fight for real?" He came up with the idea out of the blue, while sipping sake sitting on one of the ship's barrels.
You looked at him, surprised by his proposal. You looked at the ground, remembering how pathetic you were to try to fight a Shichibukai when you didn't even know the basics of anything. You looked at Shanks again, determination shining in your eyes.
"Please teach me how to fight!"
Shanks smiled, setting the sake aside as he stood up. "Looks like the scared little kitten has guts. I like that about you."
You blushed slightly at his words, standing up too. "Well, I'll teach you everything I know."
Days and days went by as Shanks taught you the most varied fighting techniques. Months later, he saw that you were strong enough to learn how to use Weapons Haki and Observation Haki. A year and a half flew by and you didn't even notice. Along with fighting and teaching, you developed feelings for Shanks.
It started with the nicknames; kitten, shawty, cutie. Then there were touches here and there. As well as the time you spent together without fighting or learning the theory of anything. Just the moments Shanks spent recounting his adventures with a twinkle in his eye in the dead of night when most of the pirates were too drunk to sober up. And you listened to every word that came out of his mouth with admiration, secretly happy for the adventures he had been through. There were also the times when he and the crew tried your sweets, from the first day you started making them, with the excuse that it was payment for his teaching and temporary hospitality. But you couldn't deny to yourself that the reason was just to please him as much as possible, so that you could receive a pat on the head or a mess of hair, followed by compliments from the redhead.
Oh, and let's not forget the flirting. The damned flirting that he would give you with that mischievous little smile, to which you would respond back with rosy cheeks, not wanting to be left behind in any way, especially when it came to Shanks.
And on this night in question, it seems he was loaded with flirting to try and embarrass you while everyone drank and ate outdoors, partying for nothing.
"Hey Y/N." The sound of the redhead's sweet voice caught her attention, her head turning in the direction of the melody that called her name. Seeing him sitting next to Benn, sipping a sake, you smiled, putting your hands on your waist. "Yes, Shanks?" You answered the man, already preparing yourself for what was to come.
"If I happen to drown, do I get a mouth to mouth breath from you?" he asked, his damn winning smile opening the door for your heart to skip a beat.
Her legs turned to jelly for a moment, never getting used to the feeling of receiving the slightest bit of attention from Shanks.
"Well, try your luck and I'll be happy to do it," you replied, putting a false smile on your face, but you didn't know whether to throw yourself into the sea out of embarrassment or kiss Shanks in front of everyone.
Shanks, being the flirt he was - very professional, so to speak - didn't expect you to be able to respond to his flirting, or even better than that, which caused the man to have a total meltdown, leaving him speechless.
"HAHA, Y/N dismantled the boss" Lucky laughed out loud, his companions laughing next, bringing Shanks to attention, his cheeks slightly flushed. He hid his smile as he turned over the sake bottle.
After an hour or so, the crew of the Redhead Pirates were too drunk to even stand up. Some went to sleep in their rooms, others blacked out in whatever corner of the ship was considered "comfortable".
You were washing the dishes that the men had soiled during the party. Living with men wasn't easy, since Benn was one of the few who cared at all about the cleanliness of the ship. So you did the cleaning, since you couldn't stand living in the mess and dirt.
You started thinking about your home in Sabaody, missing Rayleigh's stories, Shakky's cheap booze, the cotton candy from the Archipelago that tasted special. You felt a pang in your chest from nostalgia. You were so absorbed in your thoughts that you didn't feel the presence of Shanks behind you, only sensing when his arms were wrapped around your waist, his chin resting on your shoulder. The man's sudden movement made your body shudder. "Shanks?" You looked at him, confused.
He looked at you, while smiling faintly. "Yes, kitten?" he purred softly, his nose sinking into your clothes, his eyes closing as he inhaled your perfume deeply.
In that situation, you felt stagnant, not knowing what to do. Your heart was pounding like crazy, your hair was standing on end, and the desire to kiss him right then and there was greater than anything in the world.
You swallowed dryly, dropping the dishes from your hands as you wiped your hands on the cloth on your other shoulder. "Are you even sober?" You asked, apprehensive of his answer.
Shanks opened his eyes, squinting at you for a few seconds, then immediately turned his body so that you were facing him. Shanks' muscular body pressed against yours, making you breathless. "Enough to answer for my actions." Shanks said, their faces very close together, Shanks' lips almost touching yours as his eyes roamed over your lips, without any shame in facing them.
You were losing your sanity and along with it, your patience. "Kiss," you said, drawing his attention instantly to your eyes. "If you have the courage, of course." You challenged, your breathing pausing for a moment to see what he was going to do.
"You asked for it," Shanks said before attacking your lips, and what began as a sloppy kiss, saliva spilling out, continued with a kiss of dominance from both of you, tongues and teeth clashing, making you both lose your breath, while his hands circled your waist, squeezing lightly from time to time, and you snaked your arms around his neck, stroking his soft hair. You separated so you could breathe.
That didn't stop Shanks from sprinkling wet kisses all over your face, which you gladly accepted, not letting any opportunity pass you by. "Be part of my crew" he said breathlessly "I like you. I like you a lot. I can't let you get away from me." The redhead's statement made your heart leap, longing for this moment since the day you realized you liked that man. "Please?" He asked, his pleading eyes looking at you while his face was a pure mess, and you were probably on the same level. It stirred you, a chill in your stomach settling in.
"Yeah," you didn't have to think long. God, it was Shanks over there, begging you like a puppy to stay by his side. "And I like you too." Both the statement and the quick acceptance surprised Shanks, making him blink a few times. "That easy? I thought women played hard to get at times like this." His arms encircled your body even more, bringing you closer to him.
"Well, I'm a straightforward woman. But I need you to stop by the Sabaody Archipelago. I need to know how Shakky and Rayleigh are doing after all that mess with the Navy," you said, your hands on Shanks' bare chest. Shanks' eyebrows rose. "You know Silvers Rayleigh?" he asked, surprised.
"Yes… he's like a father to me" You said, tilting your head to the side. "You've never said that to me," the redhead uttered, indignantly.
Instead of just replying with a simple "sorry", you decided to be mischievous. "Do I have to?" you said, a little smile playing across your face. Shanks sighed in shock, then smiled and pinched your nose. "You little brat, respect me, I'm older than you"
"It's only nine years apart," you smiled, joining in the fun as you enjoyed your evening, knowing that you had made the right choice from the start.
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If you've made it this far, I take off my straw hat. Jokes aside, but I got too carried away writing this, sorry if it's too long. And I hope you enjoyed it, I really do.
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onepiece-polls · 28 days
One Piece Crack Ship War - Round 2 Side G
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KataSan edit made by @fivedayslater
RoRayShaRou edit made by @naniguini
Propaganda under the cut.
They both have Terrible Family Trauma that they deal with in different ways + insecurities about being seen as monsters + a chef and a food enjoyer = what's not to love. Also I'm convinced Sanji secretly wants to be carried around in a purse like a little dog and Katakuri is the man who could make it happen.
I like to imagine the what if scenario where sanji is arranged to marry katakuri instead of pudding and the shenanigans that would inevitably ensue.
RoRayShaRou: I think it would be cute seeing all of them together raising all the kids they adopted/had in cannon.
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galamalion · 9 months
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꒰ა໒꒱ ‧₊˚ ass, tits, or thighs? (ft. one piece characters)
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⋆ * ˖ ⤷ ass﹕
the kind of people who can't keep their hands or eyes to themselves. they constantly need to grab or slap your butt, taking every opportunity that presents itself without a moment's hesitation. they love the way it ripples when they slap it and the bright pink hue that arises when they spank it. if they have a free hand, you can bet it's going straight to your ass.
zoro, jimbei, franky, kidd, yamato, smoker, sakazuki, lucci, doflamingo, crocodile, thatch, kaido, shanks, benn, roger, rayleigh, garp
‧₊˚ ⤷ tits﹕
there's so many reasons as to why the prefer your breasts. the soft, yet firmness of them make for excellent stress toys and pillows for those long days. the motherly aspect of them as well leaves them thinking of their future with you, wondering how big they might swell one day. slipping a hand down your shirt is a near constant day dream, and when you're not looking they're always trying to catch a glimpse down your shirt.
sanji, usopp, nami, vivi, ace, law, penguin, shachi, killer, hawkins, koby, kuzan, borsalino, perona, hancock, katakuri, corazon, marco, king, rayleigh, buggy, shanks, roger
⋆ * ˖⤷ thighs﹕
they've always got a hand caressing the inside of your thigh, slipping further down if you let them. they love the softness of your thighs, and if you'd let them, they'd spend the rest of their days buried between them. they'll kiss and leave hickeys on your thighs as they make their way closer to your core, a hand gripping each one as they finally dive in.
luffy, usopp, zoro, robin, law, sabo, killer, x drake, mihawk, crocodile, shakky, izou, daz bonez, issho, garp
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alexa-fika · 7 months
Hello! A couple more ideas for you to have! *Pls don't feel pressured to make them :(
• Rayleigh and shakky finding out child!reader is being bullied
•Marco/whitebeard pirates trying to give child!reader a check up but as normal kids will be kids
These little stories provide me with such comfort so thank you for that and remember to take care of yourself before anything♡
His One-Piece ( Whitebeard Pirates x gn!child!reader)
A/N hey hey! So I have something kind of similar to what you describe but not exactly, but the same concept but not really but at the same tome it is but not at the same time Got it? 👍🏼 Thank you so much for the kind words 🥹. I went ahead and did the second one and I Think I COOKED 🫦
Here Reader is Replaced by Dokusha which stands for Reader in Japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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Izou sighs, still trying to get the struggling child in his grasp to stop moving
“Dokucha, it’s just a checkup,” sighs Marco
“We won’t do much, just going to take your temperature and weight, maybe see if you have any issues,” Marco sighs as he tries to calm the squirming child down
“Dokucha, we just want to make sure that you are okay,” grunts Izou, struggling to keep up with the abrupt and constant movement of the child
“Last time, you told me it wouldn't hurt, and you stabbed me!”
“It was a shot,” the doctor says, exasperated
“You shot me?!” the child screams
“I trusted you, Marco-nii!, Izou-nii!”
“H-Hey! “ Izou protests as the child manages to wiggle his way out of his grasp and run out of the door, leaving the clinic and the two men behind
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Dokucha pouted, hiding in one of the kitchen’s cabinet
They look up as the doors of the Cabinet open
“How did you find me?” they mutter
Thatch sighs while Ace simply huffs at their statement
“You always hide in the same spot when you get scared,” he answers
“I appreciate that my station is the one you like to hide in, but I would prefer if you stopped sneaking into my Kitchen.”
“It’s alright,” Thatch sighs
“You know you can’t hide from him forever, right?” Questions the flame-man
“Marco simply wants to do a regular checkup on you; it’s a quick procedure,” The Chef explains, trying to ease them into it
They shake their head
“Okay, Okay, can you come here?” Thatch asks, trying to coax the child out of the Cabinet
They look at him suspiciously
“I promise I won’t take you to the clinic until you are okay with it,” he assures them
They stare at the commanders a few seconds longer before eventually crawling out of the cabinet and nuzzling into Ace when he picks them up
Ace chuckles warmly as he tries to make them comfortable in his arms
“Why don’t you get the checkup and be done for?” Thatch asks softly
They shake their head, digging their head deeper into Ace
The men glance at each other, both coming to the same solution to coax them into completing the checkup
“Hey, Dokucha, how about we make a deal?” Ace asks
Dokucha lifts their head from his shoulder, looking up at them
“How about if you get a checkup done, you get to do something special with us?” Thatch offers
“Like what?”
“Like getting to help me finish making dinner?” offers the Chef
“And maybe take a lap on the Striker,” Ace suggests
The child perks up at their offers
Thatch smiles. “of course, but you have to get your checkup done first,” he states
Thatch smiles and looks at Ace, who nods as well
“Of course, promise.”
Thatch ruffles their hair
“So, how about we go to the clinic first, then?”
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Dokucha turns around to glance at the two men, who smile and gesture for her to enter the clinic
They turn back around, walking through the clinic door
“There you are!” exclaims Marco, his eyebrows furrowed in worry
“Where have you been? I got worried.”
They fidget in their spot
“It won't hurt?”
Marco tilts his head, confused until he realizes that Dokucha is asking about the checkup, and he shakes his head
“It won’t”
They nod
“But no shots!”
“You don’t need any, so no, no shots.”
“Okay, but if you give me a shot, I’ll…I’ll…” they pause to think, suddenly thinking of a threat that was acceptable in their little mind
“I’ll be really Mad at you!”
Marco chuckles warmly, lifting Dokucha up and gently putting them on the table
“Sure, Sure”
As soon as Marco turns around to grab his stethoscope, they inch farther away from him, sitting at the far end of the examination table
Marco turns around, narrowing his eyes at the Child
“It’s a little hard to do the checkup with you over there. Could you come over here?” he said, gesturing to the spot in front of him, where he had initially placed them
“I’m good.”
He sighs
“How about I tell you what each tool does?”
…okay” they say, scooching to their original spot
“Okay, the Stethoscope is what I use to listen to your heart and lungs,” he said, showing them said tool and placing it near their chest
They squeal as soon as he does
“It’s cold!”
Marco chuckles fondly as he moves the stethoscope around
Once finished, he offered the earpieces to the child
“Would you like to hear?”
“Yeah,” they say, smiling as he gently places the stethoscope over their ears, putting the chest piece in place
“Is that mine?”
“Your heart,” he confirms
“My heart?”
“Are you ready for the next one?”
“Can I listen a little longer?”
He smiles and nods
“How about you keep listening while I finish your checkup”
They nod absentmindedly, smiling at the steady beating
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“Grandpa Grandpa!” the child screams happily, running towards the giant man
Whitebeard grins as he places the bottle he had been drinking from down and lifting them to meet him eye-to-eye
“What are you doing here, Dokucha?” he asks warmly
“Grandpa, I got my checkup done! And Marco-nii gave me a sticker!”
The captain smiles gently and pats the child on the head gently
“Gurarara, did you?”
“Yeah! And I listened to my heart and...
Newgate smiles, hearing the small child rambling about their checkup, his chest swelling with happiness as he realizes he had finally accomplished his goal; he had created a family, his family, his one Piece
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Idk I lowkey thing is all over the place but I really wanted all my bois there, but try as I might I couldn’t fit Vista : ( What we thinking? Were the scene changes smooth ish?
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lale-txt · 2 years
♡ 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐛𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐲, 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬/𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐲 𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐲
@starblazer124 asked: Hi Lale! Hope you're having an awesome day! I was wondering if you'd be interested in doing a few headcanons for Rayleigh, Gaban, Shakky, and Denjiro where they have a bubbly, outgoing s/o that still gets flustered and shy easily. I just love the "socially adept person turns into a mushy puddle of goo for their lover" trope! Could be sweet, spicy, whatever you're in the mood for. My only favor would be to ask for a gender neutral reader so everyone can enjoy the gilf/dilf/milf of their dreams~
↳ 𝐰/ 𝐑𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡, 𝐆𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐧, 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐤𝐤𝐲 & 𝐃𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨
a/n: Blaze, your choice of characters is just -chef's kiss- i love little headcanons like these, so i was happy to write this request for you (after all i can never resist the gilfs/dilfs/milfs of my dreams) - hope it's to your liking! thank you so much for the idea.
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even after all these years it still never failed to amuse Rayleigh how your personality switches whenever he was around
he just had this effect on you that made your brain short-circuit in the best way possible
you could be happily chatting with the crew, entertaining everyone with a story about how Roger sleepwalked once and ended up dangling upside down from the crow’s nest, swaying softly and unbothered in the wind; only for you to stutter and blush once Rayleigh’s gaze meets your from the other side of the ship 
after all, Rayleigh thought it was kinda cute and he’d tease you often when you were alone, asking you if he made you nervous while he trailed kisses down your spine to which you could only groan and bury your flushing face in the pillow
not your fault that he was just so charming and had completely captured you in his presence; the presence of a king and a lover to which you could only bow and bathe in his energy
and no matter how flustered you are, Rayleigh would always make sure to let you know that you had the same effect on him – he was just a little better at hiding it
all it needed was a subtle touch, whether it was a hand resting on the small of your back or your pinkies linking, and your heart felt like it was about to jump out of your chest and your trail of thoughts went down the gutter
Gaban’s sunglasses would hide the mischievous twinkle in his eyes, but just knowing it was there was already enough for you to get a little flustered
at first it irritated him – how you suddenly went quiet and avoided eye contact whenever he was around, when minutes prior you’ve been your usual bubbly, outgoing self around your crewmates
that was until you stuttered out a heartfelt confession late at night, catching him off guard completely and having him turning into a puddle of goo in return
ever since the two of you have been inseparable, making each other feel like you’ve never crushed on anyone ever before
and while it sometimes was nerve wracking to react this strongly, you wouldn’t want to trade those weak knees and fluttering hearts for anything in return because it made those sweet kisses from Gaban even more exciting
slumped over the counter, your face buried in your hands, you could still hear her soft chuckle as she patted your head affectionately
Shakky really didn’t mind that you were so easy to fluster, no, quite the opposite
sometimes you wondered if she even tried to do so on purpose: when you were in some deep conversation with other bar visitors and she’d lean in close to you, whispering something in your ear, her breath hot and heavy on your skin, her fingertips at your nape
you melted every. single. time. 
it’s something that surprised you because usually you had a loose mouth and never had any troubles with starting a conversation or entertaining a group of strangers in a smoky bar 
but with Shakky… it’s like she put a spell on you that made little hearts swirl around your head whenever she was around 
and the way she pronounced your name felt like being dipped into syrup, like a sweet prayer that made you fall down on your knees - but you wouldn’t want it any other way
this man loves to fluster you to a point where your heart feels like it’s about to burst
he just thinks it’s cute how someone who is so bubbly and and outgoing all the time has a complete personality switch once you are alone
he’d pull you in his lap, his chin resting on top of your head, his fingers entangled with yours as he holds you close and feels your heart race in your chest
and there’s no way you can resist him, it’s like your legs turn into pudding whenever he’s near… and it’s not like you want to escape his embrace
your poor heart calms down eventually… until he starts whispering silly little things into your ear and it spikes again, making him chuckle
you can get back to him though by running your fingers through his long, blue hair and telling him how pretty he is, turning the tables and watching him blush now
after all, what’s love without a little teasing and banter until you shut each other up with dozens of kisses?
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nocturnalrorobin · 1 month
(Mihawk x reader x Shanks)
cw: homelessness, mentions of stalking
Summary: Lilly works at Shanks' bar and finds herself in a hopeless situation thanks to her father. When she accepts his help to live with him, she soon learns things are not as normal in Grand Line City as they seemed.
AN: Shanks has both arms at the beginning of the story. While I named Lilly I will not describe any of her looks.
This chapter has no smut in it, but this story, will be very smut heavy so what I'm saying is. Minors DNI!
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Chapter 1: Somebody is watching
“Lilly, Shanks wants to see you in his office, I can take over the bar.” The tall ravenette informed her. “Are you ok? You seem… off?” Shakky eyed her worriedly. 
“I just have a cold. I think, no worries, well I'm heading to his office then. Thanks Shakky. She didn’t know why, but everytime she was supposed to talk alone to Shanks her heart skipped a beat and she was sure he knew he had that effect on her. 
She took a deep breath as she walked back to his office, of course his door was open he never once closed it. He was talking to Rayleigh when he saw Lilly standing awkwardly in the door frame. “Lilly come in and have a seat.” He waved her in with a warm smile and Rayleigh excused himself, nodding at her on the way out. She took a seat in the chair opposite of him and looked at him with big scaredy cat eyes. “Aww don’t look at me like that, you are not in trouble. I’m worried about you though, the old man said you didn’t look well out there and if that’s true if you aren’t feeling well, maybe you should go home and take it easy for a day or two?” He sat down on his desk in front of you now peering down at her. 
“Oh is it really that obvious? I tried my best to hide it.” She nervously played with her working attire as she suddenly felt a big cold hand on her forehead. This felt so nice so she leaned into it, without thinking about it. 
“Lilly, you have a fever. Go home and get some rest. I don’t want you to collapse. I can even give you a ride if you would prefer.” His tone was serious and so was his look. 
She looked down at her knees, hesitating to answer. “If you think it’s best I won’t argue with you Boss, but I will pass on that ride.” She finally answered with a sad forced smile and got up to leave. Shanks watched her leave with a concerned look and let out a deep sigh while running his fingers through his hair. 
As Lilly walked through the dead of night she felt as if she was being watched,  not the first time,  ever since coming to Grand Line City she felt as if there are constantly eyes on her, talking to her father about it didn't help so she started with Kendo. This time was different though but she couldn’t walk any longer and sat down on a bench at a sidewalk and hoped her fever was messing with her head. 
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“Not gonna follow her?” Rayleigh walked back into his office and eyed Shanks curiously. 
“Whatever do you mean old man?” Shanks looked at him with a smug expression. 
“We both know you like her. You got all your bad habits from me brat, when I helped raise you. And I know you wanna go after her. Go ahead tell me, if I’m wrong.” The old man looked at Shanks while enjoying a drink. 
“I can’t really argue with you old man. Will you and Shakky close up the bar?” Shanks didn’t really wait for a response as he knew they would do it. He quickly left the bar through the backdoor and made his way to his car. It was another freezing night outside so he had to take care of his car windows first. He was so frustrated when he finally could start the car. “Alright Lilly what are you hiding?” Shanks mumbled to himself as he drove the route you would walk everyday. He didn’t have to drive very far when he saw her sitting on a bench at a sidewalk. He stopped the car and pulled down the window. “Get in Lilly. “  He was clearly agitated, and he didn't like feeling this way about her.  Lilly’s eyes widened when she saw Shanks and heard how upset he was. She slowly got up and got into his car and tense silence surrounded them as she shut the door. “Why are you sitting here out in the cold in freezing temperatures? Why aren't you going home?” He turned to her to look her straight in the eyes with a concerned look. 
“Because this is my home.” Lilly’s lips quivered. “I got kicked out by my father two days ago, because he didn't approve of me working in the bar or my love for Kendo.” Tears now freely running down her face, Shanks of all people wasn't supposed to know this. “Please don't fire me Shanks. The job is all I have.” She begged. 
“Silly girl! Why didn't you come to me? Instead of dealing with this by yourself? Put on your seat belt, you are coming with me. So tell me what's there to disapprove of Kendo? I get the bar, even though I should be offended,  but seeing as it was first run by Rayleigh and then me, he might have heard things.” Shanks tried to make her feel more at ease with smalltalk.  
Lilly tried to laugh, but was too weak and too sick. “You know it's not so much about the sport. He honestly doesn't care about that, but he found out I'm in love with my sensei and just the fact that he is considerably older enraged him.” She looked at him and just saw him shaking his head with an eye roll. “You don't need to say it, I know it's stupid. Fun fact he hates the bar for the very same reason.” Lilly just slurred the end of the sentence as she drifted off to sleep. She completely missed how Shanks’ eyes widened as she said that. 
“Just ten more minutes. Hang in there baby girl.” Shanks saw her looking really unwell and was getting frantic. Under normal circumstances the drive to the mansion could take up to an hour as it was outside of town, but that late at night no one is on the streets. As he drove past Sabaody Park that was at the end of mainstreet he increased the speed to its fullest, as he wanted to get home as quickly as possible. All that was left to do was getting through this little alley that had thick forest on both sides of the way and the huge iron gate that opened automatically.  He finally reached the big black mansion and let out a sigh while looking you over.  “Do you have any idea what you are doing to me? You truly bring out the worst in me.” He growled possessively while caressing her cheek. He sighed one more time before getting out of the car and going over to the passenger side to pick her up bridal style. “Let's get you inside so you can rest.” Shanks somehow managed to open the big door without putting Lilly down. 
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After Shanks gently laid Lilly down in the guest room right next to his room, he tucked her in and gently kissed her forehead. Oh how he wanted to wash off her sweat caused by the fever, but his sanity that was hanging on by a very thin thread, wanted to make sure that what she said before passing out wasn’t just a misunderstanding. He silently left the room and made his way down the long dark hall to the library where music could be heard.
“Dracule we need to talk, it’s urgent.” Shanks sat down next to him on the couch. And poured himself a cup of sake. 
“This might not be a public library, but I still prefer it to be silent Shanks! What do you want?” The ravenette closed the book in annoyance. “Does this have anything to do with your latest obsession?” He swirled red liquid in his glass as his golden orbs seemed to pierce Shanks’ soul. 
“Yes it is. She needs your help. She got kicked out by her family, because she is in love with the guy that teaches her kendo. That’s so absurd I can't wrap my head around it. And maybe me as well?!” He revealed with a confused expression.
“That is indeed absurd. What dojo does she go to? I know you know that.”  Mihawk stared at Shanks.
Shanks didn’t want to say it, but he had to. “Yours.” Shanks paused for a second and took a deep breath to explain further. “She has a really bad fever, and her body is all sweaty. You used to be a doctor once, could you take a look?”  
“It’s been a long time, but bring me to her, I’ll see what I can do.” He quickly stated mostly because his curiosity was piqued as in his dojo he was the only one giving lessons so he wanted to know who it was and hoped it was Lilly. She was so promising, but lately she stopped coming, even though she clearly enjoyed it. They both walked back to your room without saying another word to each other, after Mihawk got his bag filled with utensils he needed to take a look at her. As Mihawk entered the room and saw you laying on the bed he felt himself smiling which he hasn’t done since you stopped coming. “Shanks tried to enter as well, but Mihawk was quick to stop him. “I don’t think so. This is gonna be private. Don’t you dare enter this room without her permission Shanks. This is my only warning!” Mihawk, who usually doesn’t care about Shanks’ obsessions, did care this time. 
“I would never do that to her Dracule!” Shanks exclaimed before leaving. 
After Mihawk closed the door he sat down on the bed and shook her softly to wake her. As she opened her eyes sleepily and saw Mihawk sitting on the bed she almost let out a scream, but then rubbed her eyes instead to see if she was seeing correctly. 
“Where am I and why are you here?” Lilly eventually asked, confused, while her eyes nervously avoided eye contact. 
“You are at Shanks’ and my place. Shanks is outside and worried sick. He asked me to check up on you as I used to be a doctor and if you don’t mind I really wanna wipe off all that sweat.” He smiled at her wiping hair out of her face. 
“Shanks didn’t say he was living with you. Um, you can do your check up.” She answered bashfully. 
“Well I’m sure he had his reasons. You didn’t tell me you knew Shanks either.” He winked at her and poked her nose. “Ok darling, lift your head a little. Any pain here?” He gently felt under her lower jaw area. Lilly just shook her head. He wanted to complain, but since she was sick he let it slide. “Ok show me your tongue and say A.” He pushed a tongue depressor on her tongue as he shone a flashlight down her throat. “Your throat looks good. Do you have any problems breathing? Do you mind taking off that shirt so I can listen to your heartbeat?” Mihawk held the hem of her shirt in his hands and tugged at it, before leaning down to take his Stethoscope. Lilly hesitated for a second but did it, after all this is not how she imagined the first intimate moment with him to go. “Ok darling, breathe in.” He stopped for a second and lifted her chin up to force eye contact.”Are you ok? Your heart is racing.” Mihawk pointed out although it was more to tease her. 
“I-I’m fine. It’s just I did not expect this.” She said honestly.
“Shanks told me about your situation and everything surrounding it.” He still held her chin, even though she so desperately wanted to look away. 
“E-Everything?!” Tears started to pick at the corner of her eye.
“Yes darling everything and you and I will talk once you are feeling better. I’m gonna get you pajamas so you don’t have to sleep in dirty clothes and then I will just wash you. Ok?” Mihawk quickly left the room to give Lilly some privacy. 
He quickly returned with one of his satin pajamas and went to the guest bathroom to bring a damp washing cloth. He gently washed over all of her body except the private parts and chest area, he turned away so Lilly could do them herself. He helped her in his pajamas and softly kissed her forehead. “Don’t worry you're gonna be alright. It’s the stress that’s eating you alive. Next time you have a problem, come and talk to me darling. I’ll come check on you tomorrow. I would say good night but Shanks insists on drinking tea with you first, but please kick him out after. Understood?” Mihawk eyed you
“Yes sir.” You said which you felt was fitting.
“Hmmm good girl!” Mihawk hummed and left.  
Shortly after Mihawk had left Shanks entered with a cup of lemon tea for her and sake for himself. “This isn't tea Shanks. I was told you wanted to drink tea with me.” Lilly scolded him, while blowing on her tea. 
“I could share your cup, then we both drink tea together.” Shanks argued with a wink and a smirk. “Is that a smile on your face?” He asked after she involuntarily smiled next to him. 
“Yes. You have that effect on me Shanks, I can't help it.” Her reply was quickly followed by a yawn. “Would you mind staying until I fell asleep?” She asked him, looking at him with big puppy eyes. 
“There really is no need for puppy eyes, not from you anyway.” He sighed. “Do you want cuddles?” He smiled down at her and she nodded, wondering what he meant by that. Shanks crawled into the bed and gently pushed her head onto his chest. She draped her arm over his stomach as he slowly ran his hand up and down on her back in a soothing manner. There was a lot she wanted to tell him, but listening to his heartbeat and breathing slowly but surely worked like a lullaby for her and soon enough Shanks heard her quiet breathing. Unfortunately for him that meant he was stuck for the night, not that he particularly minded. 
As Lilly awoke the next day she noticed she felt a lot better and since she was alone in her room she assumed Shanks managed to leave at some point during the night. She got up and took a much needed shower, luckily the guest bathroom had everything she needed. She even found clothes on the old desk in her room which she assumed were Shanks’ clothes that he prepared for hereafter she put them on and giggled to herself how ridiculous she must look, she left the room to find the men. 
Her eyes widened when she saw the sheer size of the mansion. There were so many rooms and it was all dark, all the windows were covered in curtains. She found the stairs down to the left of her room, they were dark wooden stairs of course they creaked when stepping on them. “Darling you are up? Are you feeling better?” Mihawk appeared at the end of the stairs waiting for you, his expression turned into a deep frown when he saw your attire.
“I-I am feeling better.” She answered bashfully nervously rubbing the back of her neck. She let out a “eep” as he pulled close to feel her forehead with his hand. 
“Your fever seems to have broken, but I’m not sure if you really should be out of bed so soon darling. Are you hungry at all?” Mihawk eyed here.
“I-I’m not really hungry to be honest, but I probably should eat something and I really don’t wanna go back to bed. It's boring just laying there by myself.” She whined. 
“Don’t be a brat darling. Come with me.” Mihawk took Lilly by the hand and led her through a big hall, she couldn’t really focus on anything as she was perplexed by the fact that she was holding hands with Mihawk. At the end of the hall he opened two big doors leading to the Master bedroom, his room. “If you don’t want to be alone in bed all day that’s fine, but you need to be in bed.” He turned to her as he saw her nervousness. His hand cupped her cheek. “No more arguing, get in the bed. I’ll get something to eat.” He turned on his heels and left. 
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As Mihawk returned he found her staring at the bookshelf in his room. “Why are you not in bed? Get into bed so you can eat your oatmeal and drink your green tea.” He said in a commanding tone and she quickly listened. He got into bed with her and sat across from her. “Why did you stop coming to kendo practice? Because of your father?” He got right to the point.
Lilly almost choked on her food when he asked so bluntly. “Well in part maybe? But I..” She paused for a second and took a deep breath. “.. I think I just couldn’t bear to be around you knowing nothing would happen. If that makes sense.” She sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck. 
“Hmmm. It honestly doesn’t. Have you ever considered that I might feel the same?” Mihawk asked pointedly. Lilly could feel the heat rush to her cheeks and ears. 
“D-Do you?” She barely managed to look up at him only to find his golden orbs looking fondly at her. 
“You are so innocent it’s adorable. Yes I do darling. I’m yours if you’ll have me.” Mihawk answered in an amused manner. She nodded shyly and Mihawk took a mental note to try and teach her to be more vocal. As soon as she was done eating and drinking, he took the tray and took it back to the kitchen and when he returned he closed the bedroom door. 
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“Do you know where Shanks is? I haven’t seen him yet.” She asked nervously, not really sure what to do now. Mihawk slowly crawled up on the bed, his eyes piercing her soul. 
“Tell me darling, do you really wanna talk about the mutt right now?” Mihawk gently caressed her cheek while his lips hovered over hers.
“N-No.” Lilly squeaked, feeling her heartbeat in her ears. 
“Then what do you want darling?” He asked, barely being able to contain himself.
“I want you to kiss me.” She felt as if her heart would explode, she had never been kissed before. 
“Good girl.” Mihawk said before his lips finally found hers.
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cozage · 11 months
The Daughter's Return Part 3
Chapter 17: The Old Man in the Bar
Start From Beginning | Next Chapter | Table of Contents | Read on AO3
Characters: female reader x Portgas D. Ace Word Count: 2.5k
Marco must have moved you in the night, because you woke up in the bed, tucked under the covers. 
The empty bed. 
“Marco?!” You tried to keep the panic out of your voice when you called for him, the fear of being left again overtaking your rationality. 
“Good morning to you too,” he groaned. Your body relaxed at his voice, grateful he was still with you. 
“When is our meeting with Pops?” you asked, trying to think of how today would play out. It would either result in giving you a chance to save Ace or killing everyone. And their fate was in your hands. 
“After breakfast,” Marco said. You heard him sit up, and he let out a soft sigh as he stretched the sleep out of his muscles. 
“Let’s go eat, then.” You got out of bed and flipped on the light so you could see his room better. 
“Always in a hurry,” he mumbled, but he got up and started getting ready. 
He gave you clothes without you having to ask, which you were thankful for. When the two of you were dressed and Jinx was fed, you grabbed breakfast to go and the two of you went to find your father. 
When your father noticed you and Marco standing in the doorway, he commanded everyone to leave. You got a few nervous glances towards your shackles, but you ignored them. For Ace, you'd wear a thousand shackles if you had to. 
“I’m against you going to Sabaody,” your father started. “For several reasons.”
“I understand.” You kept your voice even, your panic to a minimum. “But you have to understand that we won’t make it to Marineford if we try any other way.”
Your father sighed. “Who is this mechanic? And how do you know him? Why didn’t you and Ace use Blinky like usual the last time you went through?”
“Blinky was sick when we went through,” you explained. “He recommended Shakky’s Rip-off Bar and the mechanic there.”
“Rip-off Bar,” your father laughed. “Quite a name.”
“He does good work.” 
“Fine,” he said, and you were shocked by his immediate willingness to let you go. “The two of you go. The shackles stay on, regardless of who gives you funny looks. Be back by tonight.”
“Thank you!” You said, jumping out of your seat and giving him a tight hug. “Thank you.”
“Be quick about it. Before I change my mind.”
You took off before he said another word. 
“Are you sure this guy can do this?” Marco loaded the boat, skeptical of your confidence. “We have a lot of ships. It’s a tall order to get that done.”
“I’m not sure.” It wasn’t worth it to hide secrets or exaggerate anymore. “But if anyone can, he can.”
At Sabaody, you went straight for Grove 13. You were desperate to get there. A moment away from him was a moment wasted.
“Shakky!” You called, looking around as you entered the bar.
“Where are we?” Marco whispered. “Y/N, this doesn’t-”
“Hey there pretty girl,” Shakky’s smooth voice cut through the air as she emerged from the back. “Weren’t expecting to see you here so soon again. And with a new guy.” Her eyes moved over to Marco, watching him with calculating precision. 
“Is he here?” You asked, trying to peek in the back room. “I have a big job for him, but we’ll pay whatever you want.”
“Whatever I want, huh?” The old man emerged, grinning at you. 
“You must really want that boy back.”
“Please, Rayleigh.”
He sighed, shaking his head. “How many ships?”
Rayleigh let out an impressed whistle. “And you want it done in…?”
“Six days.”
Shakky raised her eyebrow, looking at Rayleigh.
“You know what you’re asking, right kid?”
“I’ll do anything, Rayleigh. Please. He’s-“
“I know who he is.” Rayleigh was shaking his head still. “I’ll do it. But I want to know a few things first. And I want that guy out. Go tell your captain to bring his ships to Grove 13. I’ll keep his daughter as insurance.”
Marco glared at you, but you shook your head. 
“I’ll answer anything you want, Rayleigh. But I can’t leave Marco’s sight while we’re here. It’s the rule.”
The old man adjusted his glasses and chuckled. “Ah, so that’s why you’ve got those cuffs on. Got in trouble, huh?”
You gave him a sheepish grin. “Maybe a little.”
“We’ll, deal doesn’t fly if I don’t get to talk to you privately. Sorry kid.”
“Stay here,” Marco gritted his teeth, but he knew this was the only chance to save Ace. “If you leave, Y/N. I swear I will-“
“I won’t leave!” You promised. “Rayleigh wouldn’t let me anyway.”
Marco looked at the old man skeptically, but he nodded. “We have your vivre card. If either of you try to pull anything-“
“You’re wasting time,” Rayleigh said, tapping his foot. “Better hurry.”
Marco looked at you one last time, silently begging you to behave. You gave him a nod in agreement, and then he dashed out the door, leaving you alone with Rayleigh and Shakky. 
The moment Marco was gone, you shot a glare at Raleigh. “You never told me you were Silvers Raleigh. The Silvers Raleigh.”
“So?” Rayleigh looked you up and down. “You never told me you were pregnant.”
Your eyes widened, your gaze moving down to your stomach in horror. 
“Relax, girl, you aren’t showing. Not obviously, at least.”
Your arms crossed over your stomach self consciously. “Ace is-“
“The father,” Rayleigh finished. “Yes, I assumed so.”
“Did you know?” You asked. 
“That he’s Roger’s son? Or that you were pregnant last time you were here?” Rayleigh chuckled. “Either way, I had my suspicions.”
“Is that why you wanted to talk to me privately?” You asked. “To confirm all of that?”
“No,” he said. “It was to do this.”
He grabbed the shackles around your wrists and pushed inward. They clicked open, and the shackles fell to the floor. 
“Hey!” You shouted. “I can’t take those off! My dad-“
“Doesn’t want you involved in the battle. But they won’t win unless you’re there. Fighting.” Rayleigh picked up the shackles and handed them back to you. “I hate to say it kid, but you’re a big factor on if they win this or not. I know that ia a lot of pressure to put on you, but something tells me you’re used to it.
“I can’t offer my support during the war that will inevitably happen during Marineford. But I can offer you the ability to make your own choices. And I will coat all of the ships you bring me. As long as you help me do it.”
“Deal.” You clicked the shackles back into place, but you found that you could easily take them off if you knew where to press. Your decisions were finally going to be back in your hands again. 
“Then let’s get to work.”
It was hard work. Raleigh snapped the chains off your shackles so you could move easier, but you still kept them on around your wrists in fear of Marco’s return. 
You had just finished the fourth batch of coating material when ships began to arrive. 
“Y/N!” Your father’s voice boomed across the grove, and you flinched at the rage in his voice. 
“You really have pissed him off,” Rayleigh muttered, laughing at your misfortune. 
“It’s a long story,” you grumbled. 
You could see his giant frame marching toward the bar, Marco leading the way. The first division commander looked nervous. You couldn’t blame him. You hadn’t exactly been the most reliable recently. 
You raced out the door and waved to his small approaching army. “Dad! It’s okay! I’m still-”
“I told you to stay with Marco!” He shouted in rage, his anger increasing when he saw the state of your shackles. “I told you to follow-“
You took a step back in fear, but a hand clasped onto your shoulder and steadied you.  
Rayleigh stood behind you, waving to your family with his free hand. “Sorry about that, Ed! My fault! Had to catch up with your girl, that’s all!”
Your father stopped mid stride, staring at the man behind you in disbelief. 
The old man smirked. “Long time no see, old man.”
Your father waited a beat, and then burst out into laughter. “You’re the one that can coat the ships?”
Rayleigh smiled deviously and chuckled. “For a price.”
“I’m guessing you’re also the one who broke my daughter’s chains there?”
“She’s been working very hard for me,” Rayleigh said. “Had to make use of some free labor. Couldn’t have her sitting around all day.”
“Ah Rayleigh,” your father wiped a tear from his eye. “It’s good to see you.”
“Don’t get sentimental on me now,” Rayleigh laughed. “We have work to do.”
You never complained. Whenever things felt too hard, you just thought of Ace, sitting in his prison cell. Was he alone, or surrounded by people? Had anyone been to visit him? Surely Garp had. It would be cruel for him not to visit. 
You thought of Luffy as well, and wondered where he was in all of it. Did he even know Ace had been captured? He wasn’t good at keeping up with news events, but you hoped someone in his crew would’ve informed him. 
“Don’t let your mind wander off,” Rayleigh scolded. “I need you present with me or you’ll mess up a batch.”
Every day you had the same routine. In the morning, you fed Jinx and went with Marco for a checkup. Then you went ashore with Rayleigh, and worked for hours at a time to help coat the boats. The two of you fell into a rhythm, and by the third day you had gotten more than 80% of the boats done. 
In the evening, you went over strategy plans. You let your ideas be picked apart by everyone at the table without complaint. Elmy was your biggest critic, but you didn’t let it bother you anymore. If it meant saving Ace, you’d listen to Elmy for the rest of your life.
At night, you fed Jinx again and you all slept together in Marco’s room. You couldn’t bring yourself to sleep in your room without Ace. The bed felt too big, and Marco wouldn’t let you out of his sight overnight anyway. 
You ate at some point during the day, meals that Marco had tailored just for you. But you didn’t taste anything. It was all bland and blended together. But you didn’t complain or argue. 
You were perfect by everyone’s standards. You always did what you were told. Someone gave you a task and you completed it, and then you waited patiently for the next one. 
Everyone was waiting for you to break. They expected you to go off the rails and go rogue. But you kept your composure. Rayleigh had given you one chance to make a move, and you refused to sabotage it. 
By the fifth day, you and Rayleigh had finished the boats. On the sixth day, you got ready to depart from Sabaody. 
“Are you ready?” He asked when the two of you were alone. 
“What if it’s not enough?” You whispered, looking at him with fear in your eyes.
“Did you do the best you could?” he asked. “Will you do the best you can?”
“I did,” you said, looking up at your father’s ship. “I will.”
“That’s all you can do. The rest is up to fate.” Rayleigh grabbed your head and pulled you into his chest. “I hope it is on your side.”
Your bottom lip trembled, and tears threatened to spill out as you hugged him back tightly. “Me too.”
“Regardless,” he said. “It’ll all be over tomorrow. So go. Prepare yourself.” 
“Thank you, Rayleigh.” You hesitated. “Can you do one more thing for me?”
“What now?”
You left Jinx with him, with the promise to return with her true master. Jinx didn’t like the idea, but she seemed to understand, and took to Rayleigh quite nicely. 
Marco had finished up his nightly check up on you and your child when he let out the sigh you knew all too well. The lecture sigh. 
You had been waiting for it. You knew it was coming. He was going to scold you, warn you what would happen if you tried to take part in the battle. He was going to attempt to guilt trip you using every play in the book. 
“If you decide to use your ability, your baby-“
“I know what will happen, Marco.” Your voice came out much more snippy and irritated than you had meant, but you had to get your point across. 
“It’s not just your life you’ll be risking if you leave the ship tomorrow.” He looked up at you, his eyes full of concern. He knew you too well. 
“I won’t leave the ship.” You were careful not to make any promises. “I’ll make any sacrifice necessary.” You methodically put your hand over your stomach, as if you were implying you’d sacrifice anything for your child and their future. 
It was just a show for Marco, though. In reality, you’d make any sacrifice necessary for Ace, not this child. But you hadn’t specified that. Whatever inferences Marco was making was up to him. 
Did you love this child growing inside you? Of course. And you would do almost anything for it. Almost anything. 
Ace, though-you’d sacrifice the world for him. You’d easily sacrifice yourself and this child inside you if it meant he would walk away without being harmed. Loving him was more instinctual than breathing. And you wouldn’t stop fighting until he was free, no matter who was against you. 
But Marco couldn’t know that. He had to believe it was your child that you cared most about now. If he knew it was Ace, they’d kick you off the leading ship; they’d kick you off this whole mission. 
“Do you think it’s a boy or a girl?” You asked. You had to make baby talk to convince Marco that you were genuinely invested in this baby, but part of you was actually curious. 
“I hope for your sake it’s a girl.” Marco gave a light chuckle. “Can you imagine another Ace running around here?”
You groaned thinking about the possibility. 
“Although another hard head like you won’t be very easy either.” Marco had a playful smile on his face as you shot him a glare, and the two of you burst out laughing. 
“I don’t think it’ll be easy regardless, given their heritage.” You smiled down at your stomach, thinking about it. “A family full of troublemakers. I can’t wait to see who they become.”
And a part of you was truly excited to think about your future child and what they would accomplish. But you had to push it from your mind. You had bigger, more imminent things to focus on. 
War was just over the horizon. You would see Ace soon. You would save Ace soon, no matter the cost.  
You went to bed that night, stomach churning in anticipation. Marco had given you the bed, but you were tossing and turning, unable to get comfortable in any position. 
“Marco?” you whispered into the darkness.
“Hm?” Marco hummed back. It was clear he was still just as awake and alert as you were. 
“Will we win tomorrow?” you asked. “Will this all be worth it?”
“We’ll win.” He was so confident, you almost believed him.
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differentpostrebel · 27 days
Lost and Found: A Pirate's Promise
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Chapter 4: Heart on the Line
A/N: Chapter 4 is here you guys! I think I am going to continue writing two stories and then post them, that way it's easier versus doing the whole day at a time. If you haven't checked out Chapter 3 along with the other chapters they are linked down below. Without further ado. Here’s Chapter 4. 
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 (here)
Y/N is an established pirate and a formidable warrior, with the third highest bounty in the Straw Hat crew. She's not just another member; her strength and skills have earned her a respected spot among the crew.
Sanji, our favorite lovesick cook, falls head over heels for Y/N almost immediately. True to his nature, he tries every trick in the book to catch her attention, from cooking her favorite meals to showering her with compliments. On the other hand, Y/N may have a small crush on Sanji, but she’s cautious and focused on her goals as a pirate.
As the story progresses, that small crush gradually blossoms into something more profound, but their journey together won't be easy. With the chaos of the New World looming, the dangers they face will test their bond and loyalty to each other. Will their love be strong enough to survive the trials ahead, or will the perils of their pirate life tear them apart?
Get ready for an emotional rollercoaster filled with angst, action, and a dash of romance. I'm thrilled to take you on this adventure with Y/N, Sanji, and the rest of the Straw Hat crew!
Word Count: 4.1K 
Sanji x Y/N, OP x Y/N
You notice a bright yellow light from a distance as Luffy wraps his rubber arms around your waist. Your body aches, and all you want is to take off these dirty clothes, take a hot shower, and rest. Suddenly, you hear Luffy's voice.
"Hey, Y/N! I'm gonna throw you in the air and catch you so we can carry you. That okay?"
Barely paying attention, you mutter, "What?"
Luffy, taking that as agreement, grins. "She says yes! Alright!"
"Wait, Luffy!" you exclaim, but it's too late. You're already soaring into the air, screaming and yelling, "Luffy!"
Just as you're bracing for a rough landing, a pair of familiar arms catch you with ease. "Oh, my sweet Y/N," Sanji's voice is smooth and reassuring. "Don't worry, your prince is here to carry you."
You look up, and your eyes meet Sanji's warm gaze. A small blush creeps onto your cheeks as you nuzzle closer to his neck, wrapping your legs around his waist. "Thank you, Sanji," you whisper, laying a tender kiss on his neck.
Sanji's breath hitches slightly at your touch, but he quickly recovers, his voice softening as he speaks. "Anything for you, my love. I’d never let you fall."
You can feel his heart racing against yours, and it brings a smile to your face. "I knew I could count on you," you murmur, your lips brushing against his skin.
Sanji chuckles, his voice low and filled with affection. "Always, Y/N. You're safe with me."
As Sanji carries you, you begin to drift in and out of consciousness. The pain is fading, but exhaustion is catching up with you. You think to yourself that the effects must be wearing off.
Finally, you reach Grove 13, and Shakkys Bar, Sanji gently sets you down. Chopper is already there, carefully tending to your wounds. Sanji is nearby, his worry still evident, but there’s a softer expression on his face now that you’re safe.
The rest of the crew gather around Rayleigh, who is seated at the bar with a thoughtful expression. They’re deep in conversation about the legendary Pirate King, Gol D. Roger.
Luffy, eyes wide with curiosity, asks, "So, Rayleigh, what was Roger like? You were part of his crew, right?"
Rayleigh nods, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Yes, I was. Roger was... quite a man. Charismatic, fearless, and incredibly strong. He had a way of inspiring those around him." 
As the conversation continues, Usopp turns to Robin with a hint of excitement. "Robin, don't you think we should ask Rayleigh more about the One Piece? This is a huge opportunity!"
Before Robin can respond, Luffy’s eyes narrow, and he raises his voice. "No! We’re not asking about the treasure! There’s a reason so many pirates risk their lives for it, and I don’t want to make our adventure boring by digging into that mystery!"
Luffy’s declaration is punctuated with a dramatic flourish. "I DON'T WANT TO GO ON A BORING ADVENTURE LIKE THAT!!!"
Usopp, taken aback by Luffy’s intensity, quickly apologizes. "Sorry, Luffy. I didn’t mean to stir things up."
Rayleigh watches the interaction with a bemused smile and then turns to Luffy. "So, Luffy, do you really think you can conquer the Grand Line?"
Luffy grins, his eyes sparkling with determination. "I’m not really aiming to conquer it. I just want to be the King of the Pirates, which means being the freest person on the ocean."
Rayleigh’s smile widens, and Shakky’s eyes twinkle with admiration. "You’ve got a good head on your shoulders, Luffy."
Rayleigh then informs the crew, "I’ll have your ship coated in three days. Until then, you’ll need to avoid any trouble."
With that, the crew decided the best course of action is to split up and draw attention away from Rayleigh’s shop. Shakky hands us each a Vivre Card for safety, ensuring they can reunite with Rayleigh once the coating is complete. She also moves the Thousand Sunny to a safer location.
As we prepare to leave, we bid farewell to Hatchan, Camie, Pappag, and Shakky. They head back into the groves, ready to lay low for the next few days.
“Well, what do we do now?” Usopp asks, glancing around at the group.
Luffy, with his usual enthusiasm, pipes up, “I think we should go to the amusement park!”
You let out a weary sigh. “Fat chance. I’m not going through that again.”
Sanji notices the tremble in your voice and gently takes your hand, bringing it to his face. He places a soft kiss on it, his gaze full of reassurance. “Don’t worry, Y/N. I’ll protect you now. No harm shall come to you.”
You smile at him, feeling a surge of adoration. “Thank you, Sanji. It means a lot.”
As the group heads towards Grove 12, an unexpected bright light flares up, startling everyone. You all look up to see Bartholomew Kuma, his imposing figure casting a shadow over the area.
Zoro narrows his eyes, confused. “What’s he doing here?”
Luffy’s face pales as he recalls the encounter. “Wait, Kuma? Didn’t we fight him before?”
Sanji’s grip on your hand tightens, his concern evident. “Stay close, Y/N. We don’t know what he’s up to.”
Kuma stands still, his gaze sweeping over the crew, and the tension in the air becomes palpable as everyone braces for whatever comes next. 
“This can’t be the same Kuma we fought, right?” you say, staring at the Pacifista in disbelief.
The crew quickly springs into action, each member fighting with all their strength. Chopper uses Cloven Roseo Metel slamming into Kuma, enraging him. Kuma retaliates, attempting to blast Chopper, but Franky intervenes with a powerful Strong Hammer, smashing into Kuma with force.
Kuma sends Franky flying effortlessly, but Robin swoops in with her Spider Net, catching Franky mid-air and preventing a harsh fall. Meanwhile, Brook tries to strike from above, but Kuma turns to blast him. Just in time, Usopp uses Atlas Comet, a precise shot that distracts Kuma and draws his attention away from Brook.
It seems Usopp’s attack has struck a nerve, causing Kuma to stagger. Franky observes closely. “Looks like this Kuma is just a clone, like me. We can take him down!”
You attempt to join the fight but feel too weak from earlier. You stay close to Nami and Robin, who are determinedly protecting you. “Stay back,” Nami says firmly. “You’re in no condition to fight.”
Robin adds, “We’ll keep you safe. Just hold on.” 
Kuma aims a powerful laser from his mouth, intending to blow everyone away. But before he can fire, Robin uses her Devil Fruit powers to clamp his mouth shut, causing the laser to shoot back and hit the Pacifista.
Nami seizes the moment and charges in with a Thunder Tempo, striking Kuma with a crackling bolt of electricity. However, the attack only seems to push Kuma further into a berserk state. 
Sanji, Zoro, and Luffy, each showing signs of exhaustion, prepare for their final techniques. Sanji unleashes a powerful Flambage Shot, his fiery attack scorching Kuma’s metal body. Zoro follows with a decisive Kiki Kyutoryu: Ashura, combining his swords in a whirlwind of slashes. Finally, Luffy, fully charged with Gear 3, delivers a colossal Gomu Gomu no Gigant Rifle, landing a devastating blow.
Kuma collapses under the relentless assault, and the crew, panting heavily, gathers to catch their breath.
You call out, your voice strained. “We need rest, you guys. This Kuma has drained almost all our energy!”
Before anyone can respond, a voice rings out from above, echoing through the air. “You guys got some real nerve, look what you've done!”
Everyone looks up in shock as a new figure descends from the sky. Throwing his axe with deadly precision towards the crew.
“Look out!” Usopp yells, scrambling to dodge the incoming weapon.
The mysterious figure lands with a heavy thud and reveals another Pacifista—a new Kuma—standing beside him.  
The mysterious figure looks at the defeated PX-4 with a sneer. “I’m disgusted. The Navy isn’t made of money. Building just one of these Pacifistas costs as much as an entire warship!”
The crew, already worn out from their previous battle, reacts with shock and dismay.
As the crew stares at the mysterious figure and the Pacifista, everyone wonders the same thing: is this the real Kuma or not? The tension is palpable until Franky breaks the silence. “Alright, axe guy, just who the hell are you?”
The figure tries to maintain his composure, but the pressure is too much. “I’m Sentomaru,” he finally admits, the words coming out like a confession. He gestures to the Pacifista next to him. “And this here is PX-1.”
Before anyone can react, PX-1 raises its arm and fires a powerful blast at the group. The explosion sends everyone flying, crashing into the ground with a force that leaves them winded. You land hard on Zoro, hearing him grunt in pain. Realizing the severity of his injuries, you quickly scramble off him.
Luffy, shaken but determined, quickly assesses the situation. “Guys, split up! Run!” His voice carries an urgency that makes the crew look at him with worry.
Usopp and Chopper, always quick to react, yell out in agreement. “Sounds good to me! RUN!” they shout, their arms flailing as they start sprinting away.
As the crew begins to scatter, Sanji pauses to check on Zoro, who’s struggling to his feet. “Are you going to be fine on your own?” Sanji asks
Zoro shoots him a glare, gritting his teeth. “Shut up and go. I can handle this.”
With a nod, Sanji turns to join his group, which includes Nami and Franky. As he sprints to catch up. he calls out, “Wait up, Nami! We should stick together!” His voice softens as he reaches her, heart eyes practically glowing. “I won’t let anything happen to you, my sweet Nami! 
Nami, still running, throws a quick glance over her shoulder and says, “That’s great and all, but what about Y/N?”
Sanji’s heart skips a beat as the realization hits him. He frantically scans the chaos around him, finally spotting you with Zoro’s group, being carried by Usopp. Panic and guilt flood his chest as he yells out, “Zoro! You better take care of Y/N!”
Zoro glances back at Sanji, his expression unimpressed. “Shut up, curly-brow. Your fault for leaving her behind in the first place,” he retorts sharply, his tone dismissive but protective.
Sanji clenches his fists, frustration and worry battling within him. “You idiot moss-head! If anything happens to her, I’ll—”
Zoro cuts him off, his gaze steady. “She’s safer with us right now. Focus on keeping Nami and Franky safe.”
Sanji grits his teeth, hating that Zoro is right. He turns back to his group, determination burning in his eyes. “Just make sure she’s alright, moss-head,” he mutters before focusing on Nami and Franky, ensuring their safety as they continue to evade the relentless attacks. 
As the chaos intensifies around them, Luffy’s voice rises above the noise. “Everyone, listen up!” he shouts, his tone commanding. “Promise to meet back here in three days! No matter what happens, we’ll all be back together!”
His words cut through the fear and confusion, a beacon of hope amidst the turmoil. Each member of the crew locks eyes with him, determination solidifying in their hearts. They all know the gravity of the situation, but Luffy’s unwavering belief in their bond fuels their resolve.
Usopp notices PX-1 closing in on them, and a wave of urgency hits him. “Brook, take Y/N and find a safer spot!” he commands, his voice tight. He gently hands you over to Brook, who immediately begins moving you to safety.
Usopp takes a deep breath and pulls out his slingshot. “Special Attack: Smoke Star!” he yells, releasing a barrage of smoke pellets to create a temporary barrier. But as the smoke clears, PX-1 blasts a bridge ahead of Sanji’s group, cutting off their escape route. The looming figure of PX-1 steps through the debris, blocking their path.
Your heart pounds in your chest as you watch this unfold, desperation taking over. Ignoring the pain coursing through your body, you try to get off Brook’s back, your thoughts consumed with only one thing—protecting Sanji. But as soon as your feet hit the ground, your legs give out, and you fall, the severity of your injuries making itself known.
Brook kneels beside you immediately, concern in his hollow eyes. “Y/N, you’re in no condition to move,” he says, his voice gentle but firm.
Tears start to well up in your eyes, frustration and fear gripping your heart. “I can’t let anything happen to Sanji,” you say, your voice trembling with emotion. “Please, Brook, I have to help him.”
Brook’s expression softens, and he places a comforting hand on your shoulder. “Y/N, I know how much you care for him,” he says softly, his voice tinged with understanding and sorrow. “But you’re too hurt to fight right now. Sanji wouldn’t want you to risk your life like this.”
Your tears spill over, and you choke back a sob, the helplessness you feel crushing you. You want to protect him, to be by his side, but your body refuses to cooperate. “I just... I can’t lose him,” you whisper, the pain in your voice unmistakable.
Meanwhile, Luffy turns to see the commotion with Sanji’s group. His eyes widen in alarm as he spots Sentomaru charging toward him and his own group. “Gomu Gomu Gatling!” Luffy shouts, unleashing a flurry of punches toward Sentomaru. But Sentomaru deflects the attack with ease, sending Luffy flying back into a tree with a powerful blow.
A sudden explosion nearby halts the fighting. You and Usopp both cry out in alarm, your voices echoing in the chaos. Luffy, dazed but still determined, quickly scans the area. His heart skips a beat as he realizes Zoro’s group is in trouble. 
Zoros Group.. 
As the blinding yellow light fades, both you and Usopp cry out in horror. Zoro is on the ground, a grimace of pain etched on his face. The previous injuries he’s endured have left him vulnerable, and now, struck by the mysterious light, he lies helpless.
A figure emerges from the light, looming over Zoro with an air of arrogance. “Roronoa Zoro,” the man sneers, his voice dripping with disdain. “A bounty of 120 million berri, and yet, you’re no challenge at all.”
Zoro grits his teeth, trying to muster the strength to move, but his body refuses to obey. The taunting words cut deep, but he’s powerless to retaliate. Brook, seeing his fallen comrade, shouts out in anger, “Just who the hell are you?!”
The man smirks, his eyes gleaming with cruel amusement. “Me? I’m Kizaru, an admiral of the navy.”
The revelation sends a chill down your spine. Your eyes widen in shock, and a sense of dread washes over you. “This can’t be,” you mutter, struggling to comprehend the gravity of the situation. Kizaru’s presence means they’re facing one of the Navy’s strongest forces.
But fear quickly turns to anger as you see Zoro’s condition. With defiance burning in your chest, you glare at Kizaru, your voice shaking with fury. “You bastard, leave Zoro alone!”
Kizaru turns his gaze towards you, a mocking smile playing on his lips. “Ohhh, what do we have here?” he muses, his tone dripping with condescension. “If it isn’t Miss Y/L/N , Y/N. You’ve made quite the headlines back at the auction house.”
His words make your blood run cold, but you refuse to back down. The memory of the auction house, of the Celestial Dragons and the chaos that ensued, flashes through your mind. You clench your fists, anger bubbling to the surface. “I don’t care who you are, Kizaru. You won’t get away with this!”
Kizaru chuckles, almost amused by your defiance. “Such bold words from someone so injured,” he says, taking a slow step toward you. The air around him crackles with energy, and you can feel the immense power radiating from him. “But you’re in no position to make threats.”
Before you can respond, Brook steps in front of you, his sword drawn. “I won’t let you harm Y/N!” he declares, his voice steady despite the fear coursing through him.
Kizaru’s eyes narrow as he assesses Brook, but the admiral’s smile never wavers. “Brave, but foolish,” he remarks. With a blinding speed, Kizaru vanishes and reappears behind Brook, his leg raised for a devastating kick.
“Brook, watch out!” you scream, but it’s too late. Kizaru’s foot connects with Brook, sending him crashing into the ground with a sickening thud.
As Kizaru turns back to Zoro, his intent clear in his cold, calculating eyes, your heart races with fear and determination. You watch in horror as he raises his leg, prepared to deliver a fatal blow to Zoro. Desperation surges within you, and despite the pain coursing through your body, you force yourself to move.
“No!” you cry out, pushing past the agony as you lunge forward, throwing yourself in front of Zoro. With your arms spread wide, you try to shield him from Kizaru’s impending attack. “I won’t let you touch him!”
Kizaru’s expression remains impassive as he stares down at you, his leg paused in mid-air. “How noble,” he muses, his tone dripping with mockery. “But do you really think you can stop me?”
You don’t respond, your body trembling with both fear and determination. You know you’re no match for an admiral, but there’s no way you’ll let Zoro be taken out without a fight. If this is where it ends for you, then so be it—you’ll protect your crewmate with everything you have.
Kizaru’s eyes narrow, and for a moment, time seems to slow as he prepares to finish what he started. Just as you brace yourself for the impact, a sudden, powerful force intervenes.
A flash of silver cuts through the air, and in an instant, Kizaru’s leg is halted by the tip of a sword. You blink in shock as an imposing figure appears between you and Kizaru, his presence radiating an aura of calm yet undeniable strength.
“Now, now, Kizaru,” a familiar voice drawls. “Isn’t it a little unfair to pick on the wounded?”
Your eyes widen in disbelief as you recognize the man standing before you. It’s Silvers Rayleigh—the Dark King himself. The legendary former first mate of the Pirate King Gol D. Roger has come to your aid, his blade effortlessly blocking Kizaru’s attack.
Kizaru’s eyes flicker with surprise, but he quickly regains his composure, a small smirk playing on his lips. “Rayleigh,” he says, his tone betraying a hint of respect. “You’re as meddlesome as ever.”
With a swift movement, Rayleigh pushes Kizaru back, forcing the admiral to retreat a few steps. The sheer power in that single motion leaves no doubt that Rayleigh is still a force to be reckoned with, even after all these years.
You collapse to the ground, the adrenaline draining from your body now that the immediate danger has passed. Zoro groans beside you, still struggling to stay conscious, but a faint smile touches his lips as he sees Rayleigh standing there.
“Old man,” Zoro mutters, his voice barely above a whisper. “You sure took your time.”
Rayleigh glances down at the two of you, his expression softening. “Apologies for the delay, but it seems I arrived just in time.”
Luffy, who has been watching the scene unfold, knows that they’re still in grave danger. The admiral, Kizaru, is not someone they can take on in their current state. “Everyone, run! Don’t fight! We have to get out of here!” he orders, his voice filled with urgency.
Usopp, understanding the gravity of the situation, quickly moves to lift Zoro over his shoulder. “Hang in there, Zoro. We’ve gotta get you out of here,” he mutters, struggling under the swordsman’s weight but determined not to let him down.
Brook, despite his own injuries, pushes through the pain. He gets back on his feet and gently lifts you onto his back. “I’ll carry you, Y/N. We’ll make it through this” he says, trying to sound lighthearted despite the dire circumstances.
As they move to retreat, Sanji is pulling at his hair in frustration. The guilt of not being able to protect you or the crew gnaws at him. “I should have been there! I should have done more!” he berates himself, his voice filled with anguish.
“Sanji, we have to focus! This isn’t your fault,” Nami yells, trying to snap him out of his spiral. “We need to stick together and get out of here!”
Franky, sensing the need to create distance, quickly readies his Coup de Vent. “I’ll blow it away!” he shouts, unleashing a powerful blast of air to push PX-1 back and give the group some breathing room.
The powerful gust sends PX-1 skidding back, but it isn’t enough. The Pacifista regains its footing with terrifying speed, reappearing directly behind Zoro’s group. “Damn it,” Sanji curses, his fists clenching as he sees the danger his friends are in. His body tenses, ready to spring into action.
“I have to save them!” Sanji yells, his resolve clear as he prepares to launch himself at PX-1.
“Sanji, what are you doing?!” Nami screams, her voice laced with panic. “You can’t take on that thing alone!”
But Sanji’s mind is made up. The image of you being carried by Brook, wounded and vulnerable, fuels his determination. He won’t let anything happen to you or the others, not while he still has the strength to fight.
Sanji dashes toward PX-1, his heart pounding with urgency. He launches a kick at the Pacifista, but the force of the impact reverberates through his leg, and he stumbles back in pain. The injury he sustained earlier makes it impossible for him to fight at full strength. Gritting his teeth, Sanji forces himself to stand, but his body betrays him, and he falls to his knees.
Usopp, running ahead, turns back and sees Sanji on the ground, the Pacifista’s targeting system locking onto him. Panic floods Usopp’s senses. “Sanji, get out of there!” he yells, desperation evident in his voice.
“Moron, why aren’t you running?!” Sanji shouts back, frustration mingling with his concern. But before he can say more, he notices your voice cutting through the chaos.
“Sanji, look out!” you cry, your voice strained and weak. You see the deadly glint of the laser charging up, aimed directly at him. Time seems to slow as you watch in horror, your heart pounding in your chest.
The laser fires, and the world erupts in chaos. Zoro’s group is blasted once again, sent sprawling across the ground from the impact. Sanji, disoriented and hurt, looks around in a daze, his eyes landing on you. He sees your injured self, struggling to stay conscious, your breaths shallow and labored.
“Hey, hey, Y/N,” Sanji calls out, his voice trembling with fear. “Look at me, don’t leave me.” His usual bravado is gone, replaced with raw emotion as he pleads with you to stay awake.
You try to fight off the exhaustion, but your body feels heavy, the pain overwhelming. Your vision blurs as you meet Sanji’s eyes, his desperate gaze burning into your soul. You want to stay awake, to keep fighting, but everything is slipping away.
Usopp, seeing the situation spiraling out of control, grits his teeth and raises his slingshot, trying to distract PX-1. “I won’t let you hurt my friends!” he yells, firing another attack. But the Pacifista is relentless, and just as another laser charges up, ready to fire at Sanji and the rest of you, a commanding voice cuts through the air.
“Stand down, PX-1,” the voice orders with an air of authority.
The Pacifista halts its attack immediately. You manage to lift your head, your vision clearing just enough to see the source of the voice. Standing before you, Sanji, Usopp, and Brook is the real Bartholomew Kuma, his massive form casting a shadow over the battlefield.
The tension in the air shifts dramatically as Kuma’s presence registers. Sanji’s eyes widen in disbelief, while Usopp and Brook exchange wary glances. The overwhelming sense of danger that had filled the air moments ago lingers, but now there’s a new, uncertain calm that settles over the scene, as everyone braces for what might come next.
Guys!!! It's about to get real in these next chapters that I got! Chapter 5 will be uploaded tomorrow. But yall I was tearing up at one of the paragraphs. As always thank you so much for following, liking, sharing and reblogging. As always I'll see you tomorrow for more Lost and Found: A Pirate's Promise.
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nathscalet · 2 months
The price of a soul
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Hello guys, I’ll be posting here my fanfic, as many of you saw I posted q lot of fanarts of Dracula, but he’s only one of the love interest in this fanfic.
This fanfic it’s a crossover between a lot of fandoms but mainly Baldur’Gate 3, One Piece and castlevania.
This fanfic will follow the cannon story of one piece, so, I hope y’all like it.
The love interests
Boa hancock
Dracule Mihawk
Brook - Soul king 🛐
Sir crocodile
Nico Robin
Kento Nanami (Yes, he’s in the story.)
Astarion (The diva revived my Preminger obsession.)
Vlad Drácula Tepes
Platonic love interest
Nezuko chan (trust me on this)
Law (Y'all thirsting over the Emo boy, but I only see him as my protected child)
Luffy (Luffy's true love it's meat, he's aroace, I won't change the plot.)
Tony tony Chopper
Mereoleona (trust me)
Lúcifer Morningstar (AGAIN TRUST ME)
This will be a x reader fanfic that will portrait a lot of sensitive and explicit scenes involving violence, sex, language and gore(I’ve never written anything of the sort involving that so I’ll try my best)
Its also posted on Ao3, but I’ll also post here because I like to add comic relief in form of memes.
First Chapter
Second Chapter
Third Chapter
Forth Chapter
Fifth Chapter
Sixth Chapter
Seventh Chapter
Eighth Chapter
Nighth Chapter
Tenth Chapter
Eleventh Chapter
Twelfth Chapter
Thirteenth Chapter
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