#shaligram stone
musecoven1322 · 1 year
Wondering about the Shaligram stone benefits? Before that, let's know about the stone. Shaligram stone is a sacred stone found in the sacred river Gandaki in Nepal. It is considered a powerful stone with many benefits and is used for various purposes. This precious stone is associated with Lord Vishnu and is believed to bring peace, prosperity, and good luck to the person who possesses it.
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rudragram9 · 1 year
What is White Pearl Stone and Price ?
The white pearl stone is a natural gemstone that is highly valued for its beauty and rarity. It is formed inside certain species of oysters and clams, and is harvested by divers from the depths of oceans and seas. The stone is characterized by its smooth, lustrous surface and its milky white color, which can range from pure white to slightly yellowish. White pearl stones are often used in jewelry making, and are considered a symbol of purity, elegance, and sophistication. They are also believed to have healing properties and are commonly used in alternative medicine. Due to their rarity and beauty, white pearl stones can be quite expensive and are considered a luxury item. The price of white pearl stones can vary depending on various factors such as size, quality, and origin. Generally, larger and higher quality pearls will be more expensive. We at rudragram provide 399 INR only. Know more about the white pearl stone visit https://rudragram.com/products/white-pearl-stones
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vineetakamal · 2 years
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tantraastro · 2 years
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astrovastukosh · 3 months
Shaligram Puja Niyam: घर में शालीग्राम रखने से पहले इन बातों को जान लेना है बेहद जरूरी, वरना पड़ सकता है भारी
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Vishnu Shaligram Puja Rules: शालीग्राम को भगवान विष्णु का रूप मानते हैं. विष्णु पुराण के अनुसार जो व्यक्ति शालीग्राम को अपने घर में रखता है और रोजाना उसकी पूजा करता है उसे भगवान विष्णु के साथ-साथ मां लक्ष्मी का आशीर्वाद भी प्राप्त होता है. हालांकि इसे घर में रखने से पहले इससे जुड़े नियमों का पालन करना जरूरी है.
Shaligram Puja Niyam: हिंदू धर्म शास्त्रों के अनुसार शालीग्राम को विष्णु का विग्रह रूप माना जाता है. विष्णु पुराण के अनुसार जो व्यक्ति शालीग्राम को अपने घर में रखता है और रोजाना उसकी पूजा-पाठ करता है उसे भगवान विष्णु के साथ-साथ माता लक्ष्मी का आशीर्वाद भी प्राप्त होता है. ऐसा घर तीर्थ समान होता है जहां सुख-समृद्धि, खुशहाली की कभी कमी नहीं होती. अगर आप भी अपने घर में शालीग्राम रखना चाहते है तो सबसे पहले इसे जुड़े नियम जानना बेहद जरूरी है. तो आइए विस्तार से जानते हैं कि शालीग्राम को स्थापित करने से पहले किन नियमों का पालन करना जरूरी होता है. घर में शालीग्राम रखने से पहले जान लें नियम
ज्योतिष शास्त्र के अनुसार घर में कभी भी शालीग्राम को स्थापित करने से पहले इस बात का ख्याल रखें कि इसे हमेशा खरीदकर ही अपने घर में स्थापित करें. किसी से उपहार में ऐसे कभी नहीं लेना चाहिए.
- ज्योतिष शास्त्र के अनुसार घर में शालीग्राम हमेशा एक ही होना चाहिए. यदि आपके घर एक से ज्यादा शालीग्राम है तो इसे क्षमा मांगते हुए नदी में बहा दें.
- ज्योतिष शास्त्र के अनुसार शालीग्राम की पूजा करते वक्त अक्षत का इस्तेमाल न करें. यदि आप अक्षत चढ़ाना चाहते हैं तो हमेशा पीले रंग के अक्षत का इस्तेमाल करें.
- ज्योतिष शास्त्र के अनुसार जिस घर में शालीग्राम स्थापित होता है उस घर में मांस, मदीरा, गुटखा आदि नशे से जुड़ी चीजों का सेवन वर्जित माना गया है. इससे इसका नकारात्मक प्रभाव पड़ता है.
- ज्योतिष शास्त्र के अनुसार शालीग्राम को तुलसी के पौधे के साथ रखना चाहिए. इससे माता लक्ष्मी का आशीर्वाद भी प्राप्त होता है.
- ज्योतिष शास्त्र के अनुसार शालीग्राम को रोजाना पंचामृत से स्नान करवाना चाहिए. ये शुभ माना जाता है. इससे घर में सुख-समृद्धि का वास होता है.
ऐसे करें पूजा
शालीग्राम की पूजा करने से पहले सबसे पहले स्नान आदि से निवृत हो जाएं. अब शालीग्राम को पंचामृत (दूध, दही, शहद, गंगाजल और घी) से स्नान कराएं. इसके बाग चंदल, फूल आदि चढ़ाएं. अब घी का दीपक जलाएं और भोग लगाएं. भोग में तुलसी का पत्ता जरूर रखें और अब विष्णु भगवान की आरती करें.
इस तरह करें पूजा सुबह स्नान आदि से निवृत होकर सबसे पहले शालिग्राम को स्नान कराएं। इसके बाद चंदन, फूल, भोग आदि अर्पित करें और घी का दीपक जलाएं। भोग में तुलसी दल जरूर डालें। इससे वह प्रसन्न होते हैं, जिससे साधक के जीवन में सुख-समृद्धि बनी रहती है। अंत में परिवार के साथ विष्णु जी की आरती करें।
इस तरह कराएं स्नान भगवान शालिग्राम को रोजाना पंचामृत से स्नान कराना चाहिए। पंचामृत बनाने के लिए दूध, दही, जल, शहद और घी को मिलाएं। स्नान कराने के बाद इस चरणामृत को प्रसाद के रूप में ग्रहण करें और अन्य लोगों में भी बांटे।
इन बातों का रखें ध्यान शालिग्राम की पूजा में इस बात का ध्यान रखें कि शालिग्राम जी की पूजा का क्रम टूटना नहीं चाहिए। इस बात का विशेष रूप से ध्यान रखें कि घर में केवल एक ही शालिग्राम रखना चाहिए। एक से अधिक शालिग्राम रखने पर वास्तु दोष लग सकता है।
जिस घर में शालिग्राम जी की पूजा की जाती है, वहां मांस-मदिरा का सेवन नहीं करना चाहिए। इसके साथ ही शालिग्राम की के पूजा स्थान पर साफ-सफाई का विशेष रूप से ध्यान रखें और उनके साथ विष्णु जी की तस्वीर या प्रतिमा भी जरूर रखनी चाहिए।
Shaligram Stone : अयोध्या में रामलाल की मूर्ति बनाने के लिए नेपाल से शालिग्राम की खास शिलाएं मंगवाई गई हैं. सनातन धर्म में शालिग्राम पत्थर को साक्षात भगवान विष्णु का स्वरूप माना गया है और प्रभु राम विष्णु जी के ही सातवें अवतार माने जाते हैं. शालिग्राम को कुछ लोग अपने घर के मंदिर या पूजा के स्थान पर रखते हैं. इसे घर में रखने से न केवल भगवान विष्णु प्रसन्न रहते है, बल्कि धन की देवी माता लक्ष्मी का भी आशीर्वाद मिलता है. लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं कि शालिग्राम को घर में स्थापित करने के बाद कुछ खास नियमों की अनदेखी इंसान को बर्बाद भी कर देती है.
अक्षत न चढ़ाएं - ज्योतिषियों का कहना है कि शालिग्राम महाराज पर कभी भी अक्षत यानी चावल नहीं चढ़ाना चाहिए. हर महीने आने वाली एकादशी भगवान विष्णु को ही समर्पित होती है और इसमें भी श्री हरि को अक्षत अर्पित नहीं किया जाता है.
मेहनत की कमाई लाएं शालिग्राम - अगर आप अपने घर में शालिग्राम को स्थापित करना चाहते हैं तो हमेशा अपनी मेहनत की कमाई से ही इसे खरीदकर घर लाएं. यह न तो किसी गृहस्थ इंसान को उपहार के रूप में देना चाहिए और न ही किसी से लेना चाहिए. आप या तो इसे अपनी कमाई से खरीद सकते हैं या फिर किसी साधु-संत से ले सकते हैं.
एक ही रखें शालिग्राम - शालिग्राम के उपयोग से घर के सभी वास्तु दोष दूर हो जाते हैं. शालिग्राम करीब 33 प्रकार के हैं, जिनमें से 24 को श्री हरि भगवान विष्णु के अवतार के रूप में देखा जाता है. शालिग्राम जिस घर में होता है, वहां कभी लोगों पर संकट नहीं आता है. हालांकि ज्योतिषविद कहते हैं कि हमें घर में सिर्फ एक ही शालिग्राम रखना चाहिए. एक से ज्यादा शालिग्राम भूलकर भी न रखें.
घर में मांस-मदिरा का सेवन- यदि आपने घर के मंदिर में शालिग्राम रखा है तो आपको मांस या मदिरा-पान के सेवन से परहेज करना चाहिए. अगर ऐसा करना आपके लिए संभव नहीं है तो कम से कम गुरुवार के दिन ऐसी चीजों से बिल्कुल दूर रहें. यह दिन भगवान विष्णु को ही समर्पित होता है. अगर आप इस नियम का पालन नहीं कर पा रहे हैं तो शालिग्राम को किसी पवित्र नदी में प्रवाहित कर दें.
पूजा का क्रम न तोड़ें- ज्योतिषियों का कहना है कि घर में एक बार शालिग्राम की पूजा का क्रम शुरू हो जाए तो इसे बिल्कुल नहीं तोड़ना चाहिए. यानी नियमित तौर पर शालिग्राम की पूजा जरूरी है. शालिग्राम को नियमित चंदन, पुष्प, मिष्ठान आदि अर्पित करते रहें. पूजा के समय अगर आप तुलसी दल भी अर्पित कर पाएं तो ये बहुत ही उत्तम होगा.
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chardhamyatra1 · 3 months
Immerse Yourself in Faith: Top Haridwar Tourist Places for an Unforgettable Pilgrimage
Haridwar, nestled amidst the majestic Himalayas where the sacred Ganges River descends from the mountains, beckons pilgrims from all corners of the globe. For centuries, it has served as a revered Hindu pilgrimage destination, offering a deeply spiritual and transformative experience. This guide explores the top Haridwar tourist places, specifically catering to those seeking a journey of faith, cultural immersion, and profound connection with the divine.
1. Har Ki Pauri: The Heart of the Pilgrimage
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Undoubtedly the most prominent among Haridwar tourist places, Har Ki Pauri is the sacred bathing ghat (series of steps) along the Ganges. This revered site serves as the focal point for pilgrims, offering a chance to perform sacred rituals and bathe in the holy waters believed to cleanse sins and bring blessings. Witness the awe-inspiring Ganga Aarti ceremony, a captivating evening ritual where hundreds of flickering diyas (earthen lamps) illuminate the river, accompanied by rhythmic chants and prayers. Take a dip in the Ganges, participate in a puja (prayer ceremony) with a local priest, or simply soak in the serene atmosphere and witness the vibrant life unfolding on the ghats.
2. Mansa Devi Temple and Chandi Devi Temple: Seeking Blessings on Hilltops
For a breathtaking experience and a chance to seek blessings, a visit to Mansa Devi Temple and Chandi Devi Temple are must-see Haridwar tourist places. Located atop Mansa Devi and Neel Parvat hills respectively, these temples offer a thrilling cable car ride or a traditional trek to reach the temple complex. Mansa Devi Temple, dedicated to the wish-fulfilling goddess Mansa Devi, is a popular pilgrimage site. Offer prayers, seek blessings, and admire the intricate carvings and architecture of the temple. Chandi Devi Temple, dedicated to Goddess Chandi, the consort of Lord Shiva, is believed to bless devotees with strength and courage. Both temples offer panoramic views of the Ganges and the surrounding landscape, making the journey itself a rewarding experience.
3. Sapt Rishi Ashram: A Haven of Serenity
Seeking a tranquil escape within the bustling city? Sapt Rishi Ashram, nestled amidst lush greenery, offers a haven of peace and serenity often sought after by pilgrims visiting Haridwar tourist places. This ancient ashram, believed to be the place where the seven sages (Sapt Rishis) meditated, exudes a calming energy. Explore the ashram complex, participate in yoga sessions and meditation sessions, or simply sit by the Ganges, allowing yourself to be enveloped by the peaceful atmosphere. Sapt Rishi Ashram provides a perfect opportunity to rejuvenate the mind, body, and spirit during your pilgrimage.
4. Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Temples
Haridwar boasts a multitude of temples beyond the prominent ones. As you embark on your pilgrimage through these Haridwar tourist places, consider incorporating these hidden gems:
Daksha Mahadev Temple: Explore this ancient temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, believed to be the site where Sati, his consort, sacrificed herself. The intricate carvings and architectural style of the temple offer a glimpse into India's rich heritage.
Ganga Temple: Dedicated to the sacred Ganges River, this temple houses a unique idol carved from a black shaligram stone. Offer prayers and participate in rituals dedicated to the life-giving river.
Maya Devi Temple: An ancient temple dedicated to Goddess Durga, this site is believed to fulfill the wishes of devotees. Offer prayers and witness the unique architecture of the temple.
5. Spiritual Experiences Beyond Temples
A pilgrimage to Haridwar extends beyond visiting temples. Immerse yourself in these enriching experiences to fully embrace the spirit of the city:
Attend a Satsang (Spiritual Discourse): Many ashrams in Haridwar host satsangs by renowned spiritual leaders. Attend one of these sessions to gain insights into Hindu philosophy and deepen your understanding of the pilgrimage.
Participate in a Yajna (Fire Ritual): Witness or even participate in a yajna, a sacred fire ritual performed for various purposes. Observe the chanting of mantras, the offering of oblations, and experience the spiritual significance of this ancient practice.
Volunteer at a Langar (Community Kitchen): Many ashrams and charitable organizations in Haridwar operate langars, offering free meals to pilgrims and the underprivileged. Volunteer your time and contribute to this noble cause, experiencing the spirit of selfless service.
Planning Your Pilgrimage to Haridwar Tourist Places
The ideal time to visit Haridwar for your pilgrimage depends on your preferences. The winter months (October to February) offer pleasant weather, while the monsoon season (July to September) can be more budget-friendly but humid. Festivals like Kumbh Mela and Diwali witness an influx of pilgrims and vibrant celebrations, adding a unique dimension to your pilgrimage experience.
Accommodation: Haridwar offers a wide range of accommodation options to suit all budgets and preferences. Choose from luxurious hotels overlooking the Ganges to simple guesthouses and spiritual ashrams that provide a truly immersive experience. Many ashrams offer dormitory-style accommodation and meals at a minimal cost, catering specifically to pilgrims.
Getting There: Haridwar is well-connected by rail and road to major Indian cities. Jolly Grant Airport in Dehradun is the closest airport, located approximately 35 kilometers away.
A Journey of Transformation
Exploring Haridwar tourist places for a pilgrimage is more than just visiting temples and performing rituals. It's a journey of inner transformation, spiritual awakening, and connecting with something larger than oneself.
Embrace the Simple Life: Pilgrimage in Haridwar encourages a simple and mindful way of living. Focus on your spiritual journey, detach from material possessions, and appreciate the beauty of simple things.
Connect with Fellow Pilgrims: Haridwar attracts pilgrims from diverse backgrounds and walks of life. Strike up conversations, share experiences, and learn from each other, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose.
Respect Local Customs and Traditions: Dress modestly, be respectful of temple rituals, and follow proper etiquette at the ghats. Observe and learn from the customs and traditions practiced by local pilgrims.
Memories that Endure
A pilgrimage to Haridwar tourist places is an experience that will stay with you long after you return home. The spiritual connection, the cultural immersion, and the sense of peace will leave a lasting impact. Embrace the journey, open your heart to new experiences, and allow yourself to be transformed by the magic of Haridwar.
So, embark on your pilgrimage to Haridwar today and create memories that will nourish your soul and inspire you on your life's journey!
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safeearthjewelry · 5 months
Understanding the Shaligram Stone: Benefits, Potency, and Recognition - Best Astrologer in Delhi, Best Astrologer in India
Enveloped in spiritual reverence, the Shaligram stone is a sacred fossilized ammonite discovered along the banks of the Kali Gandaki River in the remote northern region of Nepal. These revered stones from Nepal are regarded as pure manifestations of Lord Vishnu and play an integral role in numerous rituals. While primarily housed in temples, they are also kept in homes, albeit with extreme…
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shrikrishnastore · 9 months
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We deal in different kind of bracelets like Sterling Silver Bracelet, Rudraksh Bracelet , Chandan Wood Bracelet , Original Tulsi Bracelet and Shaligram, Stone .
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buzz-london · 10 months
There are 2 famous rape incidences in the scriptures.  One is of Vrunda by Vishnu and the other is Ahalya by Indra.
In both, one of the participant becomes a stone. 
In the 1st instance, Vishnu, the perpetrator, becomes a stone. In the 2nd, the victim, Ahalya becomes the stone.
Indra rapes Ahalya to satisfy his own carnal desires. Vishnu commits the rape to weaken a danava king who was strong because of his wife.  It could be that her relatives were supporting his rule, making him invincible against his enemies.  Maybe the rape of Vrunda (also called Tulsi) broke the marriage alliances and weakened the king enough for Devas to attack and defeat the danavas. 
Vrunda cursed Vishnu for her fall from grace and widowhood that followed.  In the society of that era, widowhood was considered to be the biggest curse for a woman.  It deprived her of all joys in life and reduced her status to a lowly dependent.  Because Vishnu had acted in a cold, stone hearted way to assure the victory of Devas, Vrunda cursed Vishnu to become a stone.  Vishnu being Vishnu, he took the curse calmly and understanding the reason for her anger, married her so that she would not fall from grace and would not have to live out her life as a widow.  Infact, Vishnu declared that Tulsi is his favorite person and no offering to him will be considered complete without an obligatory Tulsi leaf added to it.
Unlike Indra, who abandoned Ahalya after the rape, Vishnu did not abandon Tulsi.  His marriage to Vrunda is celebrated on Prabodhini Ekadashi at the end of Autumn season.
In memory of that incidence, when in ancient times a woman wronged was given full reparation, we still worship Shaligram and Tulsi together.  
Maybe that is the main lesson of this lila.
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cavenewstimes · 1 year
Shaligrams, the sacred fossils that have been worshipped by Hindus and Buddhists for over 2,000 years, are becoming rarer because of climate change
(The Conversation) — For more than 2,000 years, Hinduism, Buddhism and the shamanic Himalayan religion of Bon have venerated Shaligrams – ancient fossils of ammonites, a class of extinct sea creatures related to modern squids. Originating from a single remote region in northern Nepal – the Kali Gandaki River Valley of Mustang – Shaligram stones are viewed primarily as manifestations of the Hindu…
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story-spectrum · 1 year
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The Divine Marriage of Tulsi and Shaligram: The Eternal Bond of Love and Worship - Once upon a time, there was a girl named 'Vrinda', who later became known as 'Tulsi'. According to ancient stories, Lord Vishnu was destined to marry Vrinda in the form of Shaligram. This belief led to the tradition of Tulsi being married to Shaligram on the Ekadashi day of the Kartik month.
The tale goes like this: Vrinda was married to a powerful demon named Jalandhar, who derived his strength from Lord Shiva's blessings. Jalandhar's power was so great that he had defeated all the other demons and even challenged the authority of the gods. He established his own kingdom ruled by demons.
Vrinda's unwavering devotion to Lord Vishnu made Jalandhar invincible. No one could defeat him because of her dedication. The gods were troubled by Jalandhar's tyranny and sought Lord Vishnu's help. They asked him to find a way to defeat Jalandhar.
It was difficult to break Vrinda's commitment to her husband. So, Lord Vishnu came up with a plan. He took the form of Jalandhar and approached Vrinda. Seeing her husband's form, Vrinda didn't realize that it was Lord Vishnu in disguise. This broke her purity as Jalandhar's wife, weakening his power.
With his powers weakened, Jalandhar was eventually defeated by Lord Shiva. When Vrinda discovered the truth and the illusion created by Lord Vishnu, she became very angry. She cursed Lord Vishnu to turn into a stone called Shaligram.
Witnessing this, the gods and goddesses were filled with fear. Goddess Lakshmi intervened and requested forgiveness from Vrinda. Moved by her plea, Vrinda released Lord Vishnu from the curse and transformed into Sati.
Lord Vishnu named Vrinda as Tulsi and she emerged as the sacred Tulsi plant. Lord Vishnu placed the Shaligram stone next to Tulsi, signifying their eternal bond. He declared that no worship of Lord Vishnu would be complete without Tulsi leaves. Since then, the marriage of Tulsi and Shaligram is celebrated as a divine union during the month of Kartik.
This story highlights the power of devotion, forgiveness, and the significance of Tulsi in Hindu customs and rituals.
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gkinstitute-gauri · 2 years
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This two massive Shaligram Stone has a amazing significance in the Hindu Mythology . From which Ayodha Ram Mandir decided to make Lord Ram and Sita Idol . This stone covered a 1100km journey from Nepal to Ayodhya . Milliones of people are awaited to see this beautiful sculpture of Lord Ram which attached from their hearts and a devotion
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rudragram9 · 1 year
What is a Shaligram Mala, and what is its significance in Hindu spirituality?
The Shaligram mala holds a deep significance in Hindu spirituality, which encapsulates a sacred relationship between the devotees and the divine. This is a garland of prayer beads made of Shaligram stones, which are naturally occurring fossilized ammonite shells found in the Gandaki River in Nepal. These unique stones are revered as representations of Lord Vishnu, one of the principal deities of Hinduism.
Shaligram mala serves as a powerful tool for meditation, prayer and mantra recitation. Each bead is a tactile reminder of the presence of the divine, and the act of counting them helps to center the mind and create a sense of spiritual discipline. The stones are believed to emit positive energy and vibrations, which enhance the spiritual experience of the practitioner.
Through Shaligram Mala, devotees establish a direct connection with Lord Vishnu and seek his blessings for protection, guidance and spiritual growth. It is a symbol of devotion, humility and submission to the divine will. The circular form of the mala symbolizes the cycle of birth, life and rebirth, which guides the practitioner towards self-realization and liberation from the cycle of samsara.
By using the Shaligram mala in daily practice, Hindus invoke devotion, meditation, and a sense of inner peace. It becomes a medium of communication with the divine, leading to a deeper connection with one's spiritual journey. To experience the profound significance of the Shaligram mala, consider incorporating it into your meditation and prayer routine. Let its sacred energy overwhelm you, allowing you to explore the rich tapestry of Hindu spirituality and draw closer to the divine presence.
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762175 · 2 years
Ram Temple Trust yet to decide whether main idol will be carved from Shaligrama stone from Nepal
Priests and local people offer prayers near the holy stone Shaligram (a representation of Lord Vishnu in Hindu religion) after its arrival from Nepal, at Karsewak Puram in Ayodhya, on February 2, 2023. | Photo Credit: PTI The Shri Ram Janmanbhoomi Teertha Kshetra Trust (SRJTKT), overseeing the construction of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, is yet to take a call on whether or not the main deity of…
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tantraastro · 2 years
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arun-pratap-singh · 2 years
Ram Temple trust yet to decide whether main idol will be carved from Shaligrama stone from Nepal
Priests and local people offer prayers near the holy stone Shaligram (a representation of Lord Vishnu in Hindu religion) after its arrival from Nepal, at Karsewak Puram in Ayodhya, on February 2, 2023. | Photo Credit: PTI The Shri Ram Janmanbhoomi Teertha Kshetra Trust (SRJTKT), overseeing the construction of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, is yet to take a call on whether or not the main deity of…
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