#shame on me XD)
nats-uvi · 6 months
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Angst time :D👍
You can read my rambling about her in the tags
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loopyarts · 4 months
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Day 5 Royalxknight Sanami.
The sexiest scene in animation. XD Okay, okay jokes aside Nami is an undercover thief who is posing as one of the knight/solider of the kingdom of Germa, so she can steal as much of their valuable treasures and sciences as she can that faithful night. Who would she encounter but one of the princes in the dead late of that night and quite the charming one at that. Perhaps, she will add a certain blonde prince as one of items to steal away from Germa.
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mangofanarts · 7 months
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What if we were both immortal and you represented life while I represented death and you noticed that the blue has gotten worse on my face and you want to ask me more about it.
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zoideramy · 1 month
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Zoids HMM Wild Liger
This kit was much simpler of a build than I was expecting, and a very fun one! Maybe I'm just used to Kotobukiya's over engineering when it comes to their cats, especially their early ones, but I was really surprised by the range of motion it has, as well as the lack of overly fiddly bits and pieces. Overall, a smooth and satisfying build!
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shiroganeryo · 7 months
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I think very often about what kind of father Chuuya would be and with how considerate he was with Akutagawa in the drama CD, it's safe to say he's great at taking care of others 😌
I'm also very weak for this one particular kind of setting, of a parent taking a nap with their child, so I decided to be self-indulgent. It's the cutest thing ever 🥺
If anyone's interested, there's more info on Fumiya here!
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snickerdoodlles · 7 months
Any headcanons about Chay and Khun? We have very little of them interacting in canon but what's there is SO interesting to me
ahh, my two beloveds!!! yes!!!
the first time Khun shlorps Chay up for craft night, Chay's beyond annoyed by Khun never asked and just assumed he had no plans (which, he didn't, but Khun didn't know that!). he sticks as many heart sequins on the furniture as he does the craft cars until Khun notices and bolts laughing while Khun yells he's an ungrateful brat behind him. Khun kidnaps him again the next day for lunch (again! with the no asking!!) and unloads a bottle of glitter on Chay's head to "make you fabulous enough for my presence, hmph," and Chay laughs and enjoys lunch despite himself.
weeks go by and Chay actually begins to relax more with Khun and appreciate his company. he asks Khun when his next craft night is and Khun lights up with glee. it's at this craft session that Chay goes to grab a brightly colored box he assumes is washi paper and gets his hand smacked away by Khun and scolded, "no touching the bombs!!"
Chay blinks. "the what."
"those aren't bombs," Arm says absently as he carefully positions two paper cranes on his motorized car, "didn't want to scare the kid, i'll add them later. those are just the fuses and some spacers."
"bombs??????" Chay insists again, louder.
because the thing is, Chay doesn't like violence. he doesn't like his self-defense lessons, he doesn't like violence on his doorstep, and for all that he can appreciate and even admire Porsche and Kim's fighting to protect (provided they don't get hurt), Chay really doesn't like fights happening around him.
but this is mafia. moreso, this is Korn's mafia, and Korn likes things messy, bloody, and chaotic, and Khun of all people understands the need to protect your loved ones even when your ability to do so is severely limited. so Chay's going to participate in Khun's coping mechanisms like making glitter bomb cars for home defense until Chay can figure out his own ways to look out for and support his brother and his boyfriend without physically fighting, because it's important to Khun no one else suffer the feeling of helplessness like he did.
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Was anyone else’s first thought when they announced a DuckTales reboot was “Oh, great. Another reboot.”
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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Dancing with the devil...
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@estelletheskeleton forgot to add this here but here you go >:Dc
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cienie-isengardu · 2 months
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Mortal Kombat 1 Behind the Scenes AU: The problems with Smoke's powers
Author’s note: I only wanted to make (another) joke about fire alarms but somehow it went much more serious than I planned. Tomas doesn't want bother his older brother because Sub-Zero, as the eldest and heir, is already way too busy with his Lin Kuei duties and helping on the film set. He is not afraid of Bi-Han or his reaction to Madam Bo's opinion on the matter, but I like to think there is some self-doubt on his part, that he is burden to the much more battle-experienced brothers. So he would rather not admit he still has not full control over smoke powers. You can see that as tie-in to "Favorite brother" when Madam Bo is already complaing that someone set fire alarm again and prequel to "Smoke's Fall" in which Tomas' life was put in danger due to not mastering fully his powers.
[Cage’s Mansion] [Waiting for Liu Kang] [Special Bonus] [Grandmaster’s commentary] [Climbing scene] [Madam Bo’s Inn] [Cage’s Mansion 2 (fire extinguisher)] [Medic] [Shang Tsung’s sad face] [Smoke’s Fall] [Scenography (1)] [Scenography (2)] [Show off!] [Favorite brother] [Climbing on the wall (nonsense)] [Tomas’ commentary] [Perfectly fine] [Sexy, sexy man~♪] [Brothers between filming - Scenography(3)] [Wrong team!] [Since when you two are friends?!] [I like being evil sorcerer more] [I forgot my line, sorry!] [Read the script Kuai!] [Get. Lost.] [Dating] [Permission] [Why date a punk like him…] [Panic (Mom is visiting)] [Decapitation then] [Deep in trouble (Mom is visiting #2)] [Cultural differences (paid leave)] [Why date a punk like him… (Lin Kuei Mom)] [Why date a punk like him… (General Shao)] [Stop closing your eyes!] [There is never a god around when you need one] [(Over)protective brothers, p. 1 - upset Tomas] [(Over)protective brothers, p. 2 - Control your anger] [(Over)protective brothers, p. 3 - the perfect solution] [A mother knows best, p.1] [A mother knows best, p.2] [Good at multitasking] [One moron to save] [(Over)protective brothers, p. 4 - BUT ARE YOU SURE?] [It’s bad enough there is three Shang Tsungs + BONUS] [Tolerate, maybe] [Losers. I’m Lin Kuei + bonus] [Shao learns about Paid Leave (p. 1)] [Not paid enough for this nonsense…] [Brothers between filming (4)] [Brothers between filming (5) - the last ice cream] [Why Liu Kang always must omit me?] [Shao learns about Paid Leave (p. 2)] [Johnny's complaint]
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sinvulkt · 7 months
writing patterns tag game
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Thank you for the tag, @ravenite-void !! 🎶✨️ I had lot of fun doing this :3 (although i didn’t notice a particular pattern except that my WIPs are too old to appear here and maybe i should get out of hiatus xd)
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1. Sēċan (Star Wars)
Everything began when Luke went to fetch a wasted Ben in Anchorhead’s only tavern.
2. The Monster and the Child (Star Wars)
The dragon slept, curled on itself in the cold cell that was its home.
3. Batman’s Downfall (To Stand Alone) (DC)
There was a new killer in town. He called himself 'Red Hood'. Had he been clownier, Batman would have bet on a new scheme from the Joker part.
4. Ahch-To Soul, Korriban Body (Star Wars)
The hound - for it had no name but hound, beast, mutant - collapsed in the dark alley, its small paws folding underneath it.
5. A Nightinghale in a Golden Cage (Star Wars)
I had left the Gruyère to explore, the break on planet finally allowing me to stretch my wings after spending so long cooped up in the ship, when a cry in the Force alerted me.
6. A Feather's Fall (Star Wars)
I walked alongside the young Togorian that had recently become my ‘Padawan’, glancing proudly at the green crystal that shone in his fist.
7. Scales of Ember (A:tLA)
Everything burned. His body felt strange, his nerves raw, as if liquid fire was spreading through his veins.
8. À La Croisée Du Temps (Le Visiteur du Futur)
Renard se réveilla en sursaut. Son front rencontra un mur. Il poussa un juron et, plus lentement cette fois, il se releva.
9. Flightless (Star Wars)
It had been her mistake.
10. By each other we pass by, our meeting as fleeting as the brush of wings (Star Wars)
There had been a disturbance on Canyon. Vader was called to deal with the issue.
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Now, tagging time~ !
@fanfictasia @kefalion @bluntblade @doctorgeekery @pat-the-togorian @purple-iris @beguilewritesstuff @linzerj @cinderfeather @kuraiarcoiris @wendingways @gasmeros @renegadeoftheworld @threebea @batsimph @metellastella @chickadeechickadoo @aimportantdragoncollector @in-company-of-misery @udekai @purpleopossum don’t hesitate to join if you want to! (Although no pressure). I’m pretty sure you can interpret the rules as ’last chapter posted’ instead of last fic posted xd (like several chapters of a same multichap fic).
Anyone who see this post and want to join in on the fun, do so!
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hazelpuff · 1 year
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So I took a break from posting here since May due to the fact that -again - I had a problem making my Cudlow hood playable (whenever I entered the hood I got pink flashig). So I guess I would had to restart most of it AGAIN. I tried various solutions and nothing worked so propably next time I have to include even less cc, especially when it comes to decorating hood. Till now I don't really know how to do that while being happy with how my custom hood would turn out. I just wanted to play so I moved to TS4 for a while, since I didn't focus on every aspect of my gameplay and just created some sims (I just go to TS4 whenever I'm burned out on TS2 - mainly performence-wise). I played it for about 2 months and now I'm back to playing Sims 2, but taking it easy for a time being. I downloaded a mystery/drama-filled custom hood Jeans Shaker Oasis by Sokisims. It's packed with a lot of sims. It's really a well-made hood, I'm just starting playing it but I wanted to recommand it since I want to post some random pics of my gameplay from time to time here :D. As as I can see, it's still getting some updates but I think it's good to go when it comes to playability.
I want to go back to Cudlow (I spend too much time on sims/build-making to let it all go to waste), but for now I just want to enjoy Sims 2 again and be somewhat active on Tumblr ^^.
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nekrophoria · 7 months
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...I apologize for this.
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bleed-more · 18 days
I found your blog because of your ask blog and have been keeping up to date with Tim's asker antics. I just felt the need to get out some opinions in a place I know someone will hear it, and my brain is telling me I can't do shit about Marble Hornets on my own blog until I post my own art about it, so I hope you're fine with me rambling about it here. (If I'm somehow crossing a line of sorts, please let me know.) Also, fair warning. This is long. Very long. I put a TL;DR at the bottom.
I feel like this fandom should appreciate Seth as a character more. Most people kinda just use him as the secondary butt to "brought the dog" jokes, and while that is an amusing line, I feel like Seth has a lot of untapped potential as a character that isn't really thought about because of that joke being spun into his only personality trait. From what I've seen, people seem to entirely forget or ignore a little something about him being the founding member of ToTheArk. He and Brian are the only two characters throughout the entire story to work together successfully. Tim and Brian? They fell out. Jay and Alex? They fell out. Tim and Jay? You guessed it, they fell out. Seth and Brian are the only ones who could actually work together in a functional partnership until the end, but because people only really bring up Seth as the guy Alex yelled at for bringing his dog, that leaves a lot of untapped potential with their dynamic. What kind of person was Seth to be the only person able to collaborate with someone successfully while under the Operator's influence? Were him and Brian already close before it all happened? Was he just the only one with decent communication skills?? Plus, he's the one who started guiding Jay on the path towards answers, which implies that he knows quite a lot about what's going on. I personally imagine Seth to be a similar person to Jeff from EMH. He's calm and collected, good with tech, and quite good with solving and creating puzzles. Intelligent and very caring, wanting to see all the people he cares about make it out alive, so he's doing his best to help get this stuff sorted out for good while trying to maintain a level of anonymity so nobody else he loves gets caught in the cross fire.
TL;DR: People should really start thinking about Seth's dynamics and him as a character more beyond him bringing his dog.
I have an entire novel's worth of headcanons I've collected about Seth because listen listen hear me out...
90% of the loose ends and plot holes left in Marble Hornets, when filled by Seth, make for an EXTREMELY compelling story that opens up an entire second off-screen plot line with Seth and Brian going parallel with Jay and Tim.
I feel like Night Mind said it best on his "Marble Hornets Explained series":
"When you finally stop to think about everything we've revealed, you begin to realize Marble Hornets was never actually a horror story."
"It was a revenge story."
I actually plan on digging into this fully through Act 3 of @ohgreat-moretapes 👀👀👀 and until then if you guys send headcanon asks here I will answer them!!!! (Just keep in mind some theories I propose about Seth might technically be "spoilers" if you wanna wait for the reveals over at the ask blog. I'll don't think ask blog spoilers will happen too often but just in case I'll put a spoiler warning above posts like that).
@sunnytheopossum is also working on a comic detailing the off-screen rise and fall of ToTheArk which I am SO HYPE for, so go send him lots of love and support too!!!
We need more Seth advocates out there!!! We shall canonize him the way he deserves!!!!
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frozenhi-chews · 11 days
If I had a nickel for every time someone drew me a Starlo and forgot his glasses I think I'd have three nickels. Yall know the joke at this point but it's so funny. And not inherently a bad thing? But yeah Starlo has glasses XD
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He's my nerd fjdjdjd
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druizard · 4 months
I am living for all of the thirsty tags you guys add when you reblog my shit. Absolutely unhinged. Never change, friends.
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lxstfathier · 1 year
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Mark Hamill as The Trickster • The Flash (1990 - 1991)
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