#shams al ma'arif
xnitkov · 1 month
defense for spiritual warfare
*dealing with voodoo and energy draining
Ajeti i sure za zaštitu od spiritualnih napada i crne magije (iz knjige "Veliko Sunce bića tvoga")
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iza sabahnamaza pročitati pa puhnuti u ruke i protrljati se po glavi i cijelom tijelu. znači, sabahnamaz ja neradim...(i know) ali treba prije čitanja temeljito se otuširat, oprat uši, oči, stopala, ispuhat nos, oprat zube i nakon tuširanja nemoj se mazati nikakvim kremama ni uljima i nemoj stavljat dezodorans. I nakon što opereš usta nemoj ništa glupo/ružno govorit/psovat. I prije tuširanja se naravno, moraš israt.
E sad se možeš namjestit za čitanje ali prvo;
Klekneš na tapitić (nemoraš na tapitić, možeš na suho), posoliš oko sebe te stvoriš čarobni krug u kojem si zaštičen od svih negativnih sila i entiteta. Poprskaš unutrašnjost tog kruga kako bi ga zaštitio od svakog zla i napada.
To sve izgovaraš u sebi dok radiš.
Onda možeš počet čitat:
3x pročitaš - puhneš to što si pročito sebi u ruke i protrljaš se po glavi i prsima. po gotovo srčanu čakru.
jer ovaj je ajet je za lupanje srca i duševne bolesnike (ansioznost i depresija, beznadnost itd.) tako piše u knjizi (Veliko sunce bića tvoga). Piše da si ovo možeš čitati sam, ili ti netko drugi može ovo čitati nad glavom.
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sistersatan · 1 year
The Most Feared Islamic Sorcery Grimoire (Shams al-Ma'arif)
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cryptotheism · 7 months
Are you familiar with the infamous Shams al Ma'arif text? What's your opinion on it, if you don't mind me asking 🙏
YES. it's so fucking cool. There really isn't a good parallel for the western world. The Shams al Ma'arif is THE islamicate grimoire.
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ome-magical-ramblings · 3 months
A Wish-fulfilling power of Verse of the Throne
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Whoever recites Ayat Al Kursi 17 times after Asr Prayer on Friday will find a state in his heart that he never found in his life/normally and if he pray for anything at that moment then it is instantly fulfilled. (Allegedly from Al-Buni's Shams Al Ma'arif)
from Benefits of Verse of the Throne, Al-Fawaid fi al-Salat wa al-'awaid ( Benefit of Prayers and Rituals by Sheikh Shihab Al-Din Ahmad Ibn Abd Al-lateef Al Sharji Al-Yemini may allah give him peace. )
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Shams al-Ma'arif - The Most Dangerous Book in the World?
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btessadaty · 10 months
Shams al-Ma'arif - The Most Dangerous Book in the World?
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Shams al-Ma'arif - The Most Dangerous Book in the World?
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thorraborinn · 2 years
I do understand the issues with edred thorrson, but what is your opinion on the efficacy of his practices of visualizing the runes in a three-dimensional space and using them similarly to sigils? thanks!!
Efficacy for what? You gotta at least give me some page numbers or a summary or something. I don't know Thorsson's system off the top of my head and I don't like reading any more of his shit than I have to. I also don't really know anything about sigil magic. As someone who blogs about actual Nordic traditions this question really has nothing to do with me, and only intersects with my knowledge at all insofar as I'm an antifascist and Thorsson promotes and popularizes völkisch mysticism.
If you're doing sigil magic but with runes rather than some other letters than there's no reason you can't just use the other letters. What's that have to do with Thorsson? Maybe he wrote about it, I dunno, but why wouldn't you read literally any other source about sigil magic? He seems to think that visualizing galdrastafir increases their magic which seems to be pulled out of his ass, or wherever he got it from it has fuck-all to do with any Icelandic tradition. This comes along with his lying about galdrastafir having continuity with pre-Christian magic. The truth is they are more in-context with, like, Shams al-Ma'arif than with the Eddas, which is fine, and the only reason to lie about that is if your system is built on a nonexistent ahistorical "purity."
The only effect that visualizing runes would ever have is increasing your visualization skills, which is fine, but you can do that with anything else; and possibly reinforcing the incorrect idea that runes have fixed shapes. If you absolutely must use runes then... don't? Keep learning until you know enough to stop wanting to do it with runes?
Generally in Thorsson's system visualization has a different purpose, and he also didn't make that one up. He got it from Spiesberger's Runenmagie. I'm not sure if it was fully-formed before Spiesberger or if he synthesized it himself, but boy he sure does cite a lot of Nazis in that section -- Wirth (co-founder of the Ahnenerbe), Marby (the inventor of Rune Yoga), Kummer, Peryt Shou, and of course this all ultimately goes back to Guido List who is said to have started his system with a mental image dumped into his head. It's one of a set of practices that one is supposed to do, like write or paint the rune, chant its name or sound, and do "rune yoga" poses and "mudras," the result of which is supposed to that pure eternal knowledge of the cosmos is beamed directly into your consciousness from the Runenströme. This is just an extremely shitty, shallow parody of Kabbalah, supplemented with a little shitty, shallow parody of Yoga meditation (as in, like, Patañjali, not your local hot yoga studio). Unlike the Jewish cosmology where there are reasons and explanations for why meditation has certain effects, there's obviously nothing like that in a Nordic cosmology, though there is in a Nazi mystic cosmology. In Spiesberger it all makes perfect sense according to the fake scientific-sounding terminology invented over the previous several decades by Völkisch occultists -- it works because you're increasing your automagnetism, allowing... I dunno, resonance with the cosmic rune-currents or something. Thorsson couldn't mention all that (because he'd be rightly laughed at), and he isn't creative enough to come up with a new explanation that fits the expectations of his audience, but fortunately for him people are so gullible and unquestioning that he actually got away with just not saying anything at all. If this practice has any efficacy it's to make you more disconnected from reality with a side of antisemitism.
If this doesn't cover what you mean then feel free to follow-up but if I have to actually flip through his books again I'm going to die of a heart attack and be unable to respond.
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theredpharaoah · 2 years
Is there no english pdf of the “Shams al-Ma'arif”(the Book of the Sun of Gnosis and the Subtleties of Elevated Things) anywhere online? I’ve been wanting to read it for years.
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Invocation of Light report
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[Note: This will be a continually updated post! and I will make sure to update it as I go. You the reader, I invite you to use this prayer and work with it however you want, with a candle, without a candle, one recitation, three, seven, 21, 28, 40 recitation, I am honored to have your experience shared here with your consent ] Some people might wonder why I particularly focus on involving other people than just me in these operations or experiments, but I always wanted the sphere or benefit of these techniques to reach a far wider audience and for it to be accessible to people. For people to see, what people can get with these methods. This is the first official post where I acknowledge my original "platform", where I translate materials and books. If you find this blog and my other publication nice I appreciate any help in "exposure" or by throwing a dollar or two in my ko-fi. It help with Grocery and with buying books/manuscripts when I find them. https://www.patreon.com/Ruhaniyatandsihr https://ko-fi.com/ruhandsihr First...What's the invocation of light, I will be copying it verbatim from my Patreon post:
This is a prayer that's overlooked and the version I would be translating isn't in Shams Al Ma'arif but in a manuscript called "Majmu'at al-Khawas" I hope that people benefits from it.  It have many usages including might, acceptance, love, obtaining wisdom, etc. One of it's unique virtue is that if you're in the middle of the night, in a dark room, with your eyes closed and prayed using this prayer for 28 times you will start seeing "Wonderful lights that fill your heart, and if you continue you will see the worlds of unseen"
"My god, plunge me in the sea of your might until I merge wholly with you outwardly and inwardly, until I get out of it within my face a ray of your light's might that steal the vision of the envy from the jinn and humans that blind and bind them from throwing their arrows of envy in the fate of my blessings.
Shield me from them with the shield of light made out of your light, and I ask you with your name, The Light(Noor), by your face the light that lit by it every other light.
O light of light, I ask you to shield me with the light of your name a shield that protect me from all ignorant tyrants and strong oppressors, protect me from every deficit that merge with me a essence or projection. You're the light of All. lit up everyone with your light, Ya Allah Ya Al-Haq, Ya Mubeen, Ya Noor Al-Noor Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. His light is like a niche in which there is a lamp, the lamp is in a crystal, the crystal is like a shining star, lit from ˹the oil of˺ a blessed olive tree, ˹located˺ neither to the east nor the west, whose oil would almost glow, even without being touched by fire. Light upon light! Allah guides whoever He wills to His light. And Allah sets forth parables for humanity. For Allah has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of all things."
رب اغمسني في بحر هيبتك حتى أمتزج بجميع كليتي ظاهرا و باطنا،حتى أخرج منه و في وجهي شعاع من هيبتك يخطف أبصار الحاسدين من الجن و الإنس،فتعميهم و تمنعهم عن رمي سهام الحسد في قرطاس نعمتي،و احجبني عنهم بحجاب النور الذي باطنه النور،و أسألك باسمك النور، و بوجهك النور،النور الذي أضاء به كل نور،يا نور النور أسألك أن تحجبني بنور اسمك حجابا يمنعني من كل ظالم غاشم،و جبار عنيد يحرسني من كل نقص يمازج مني جواهر أو عرضا إنك أنت نور الكل، و منور الكل بنورك،يا الله يا حق يا مبين،يا نور النور ۞ ٱللَّهُ نُورُ ٱلسَّمَـٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضِ ۚ مَثَلُ نُورِهِۦ كَمِشْكَوٰةٍۢ فِيهَا مِصْبَاحٌ ۖ ٱلْمِصْبَاحُ فِى زُجَاجَةٍ ۖ ٱلزُّجَاجَةُ كَأَنَّهَا كَوْكَبٌۭ دُرِّىٌّۭ يُوقَدُ مِن شَجَرَةٍۢ مُّبَـٰرَكَةٍۢ زَيْتُونَةٍۢ لَّا شَرْقِيَّةٍۢ وَلَا غَرْبِيَّةٍۢ يَكَادُ زَيْتُهَا يُضِىٓءُ وَلَوْ لَمْ تَمْسَسْهُ نَارٌۭ ۚ نُّورٌ عَلَىٰ نُورٍۢ ۗ يَهْدِى ٱللَّهُ لِنُورِهِۦ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَيَضْرِبُ ٱللَّهُ ٱلْأَمْثَـٰلَ لِلنَّاسِ ۗ وَٱللَّهُ بِكُلِّ شَىْءٍ عَلِيمٌۭ  Patches بَشوش of www.WayOfHermes.com , shared his rewritten version of the prayer with me: Invocation of Light My God, plunge me into the sea of Your might until I am wholly merged with You outwardly and inwardly, and until I receive of it, a ray of Your might’s light upon my face, to steal the vision of envy from the jinn and mankind to blind and bind them against throwing their arrows of envy into the fate of my blessing. Shield me from them with the shield of light made out of Your light. I ask You by Your name: “The Light (Al-Nūr).” From Your face came the light that lit, by it, every other light. O Light-of-Light, I ask You to shield me with the light of Your name — a shield that protects me from all ignorant tyrants and strong oppressors. Protect me from every negative aspect that tries to bind to me through essence or by projection. You are the light of All. Light up everyone with your light! Ya Allāh! Ya Al-Haqq! Ya Mubīn! Ya Nūr Al-Nūr! Allāh is the light of the heavens and the earth. His light is like a niche in which there is a lamp, the lamp is in a crystal, the crystal is like a shining star, lit from the oil of a blessed olive tree, located neither to the east nor the west, whose oil would almost glow, even without the touch of fire. Light upon light! Allāh guides whomever He wills to His light. And Allāh sets forth parables for humanity. For Allāh has perfect knowledge of all things.
What follows is the experience of the people who tried this prayer/invocation and their experience with it. I thank everyone for sharing their experience and contributing to this: Achsun Hathna of https://almitralodge.wordpress.com/ Shared the following: In those three weeks that I've been using this prayer, I would say there were three effects which - all things being equal as far as I can tell - I would potentially attribute specifically to its influence: 1. My sleep pattern changed quite unexpectedly - I'm not really a night owl, but I'm not a morning person either, and yet I have been consistently waking up quite a bit before sunrise. Whether I need to or not, and really, whether I like it or not. 2. There's a greater sense of clarity in my thinking - it's not that "a fog has lifted," but rather it feels like it doesn't have time to form, even with all my natural overthinking and despite all sort of uncertainties. Feels like there might be a little bit more to it than just my newly-found morning person thing. There's a lot of decisions I have been able to make, a lot of plans I have been able to devise much my satisfaction, with a kind of speed and with confidence in the clarity of my appraisals beyond my usual experience. 3. In my relationship with Divinity, there's been a subtle sense of what I can best describe as a kind of "effortless closeness." This might "just" be the effect of the poetics of the prayer, as the plunging in the sea and the lamp niche evoke that sort of feeling for me (while, on the othe hand, the imagery of the shield feels a bit martial and a lot more energetic) - still, it does feel that this prayer helped me (to paraphrase the Gospel of Philip) enter through the image/feeling and step into the reality behind it. Even if "just" in a very subtle way. Patches بَشوش of www.WayOfHermes.com said the following: I absolutely love the invocation of light prayer. After the second or third recitation I decided to smooth it out into better flowing english. The first section is beautiful, asking God to baptize oneself into a sea of pure light.
Next we recognize one of the names of God: al-Nūr as we ask for more protection
And then the chanting of His Divine Names and the italicized section are definitely my favorite part and a great way to end the invocation. A poetic description of Allāh and then ending in some attributes of God.
This prayer will be staying in my recitations for the coming future. Thanks again! [new as of 15th of March, 2023] After some time of using this prayer I have been feeling more optimistic and fulfilled in general, but especially right after recitation. I recently started doing 3 times in a row.
Moonlit Hermit of...https://moonlithermit.blogspot.com/ said the following: The way I approach performing this invocation is I recite the invocation 7 times on my mala each day. (Except one in which I was so busy I didn’t realize I hadn’t done it until I was getting ready to go to bed. That was a quick, single recitation.) More often than not the Invocation of Light precedes the invocation of the Mansion spirit for the day. Today is day 11. I plan on a run of 40 days or longer. In terms of results, they have been subtle. The first couple of days we got a bunch of snow and the weather after the storm was clear and bright. The snow made the sunny days almost blindingly brilliant and I found the coincidence notable. I have also had some movement on a long term project and an urge to expand my knowledge of the I Ching. At work I seem to be treated as if I have more authority. My intuition is strengthened and I feel I am getting insights into magical pursuits with an increased ability to understand and talk about them. I am definitely going to keep doing this invocation. Thank you for sharing the Invocation of Light. A Friend of mine who didn't want to share their information, shared the following with me: I performed the prayer you gave me only once and woke up at almost 3 am and saw vivid auburn colors And felt a warm sensation and that I was beginning to rise
Then I opened my eyes and it ended
I went back to sleep and woke up feeling great This was the colour I saw:
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New Update: 19th of March 2023, new friend who didn't want to disclose his name said the following, I'm taking my time with this, but I can say this prayer has plenty of benefits. So far it has been a success for me to open myself up to the unseen. Im going to delve further into it for it sure is a lovely prayer --------------------------- I will add other people's experience as time goes on, but so far I am happy, excited, and honored by all the people's results with this prayer. It is a very wonderful prayer that I myself found a noticeable difference with it, like a blessing of divine light is given with each recitation. Thank you everyone for sharing your experience, my sincerest gratitude.
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bettiebotsford · 5 years
SUBSCRIBEDshams al-ma'arif | Victims of shams al-ma'arif | Ahmed Bin Ali Al-Buni History has recorded several strange references filled with mystery and confusion, including the Book of The Sun of Knowledge and the most dangerous 8 books in history and sometimes harmful to its readers or those seeking its esoteric symbols, such as the Book of The Sun of Knowledge by Ahmed Bin Ali Al-Buni, which dates back to earlier times
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ajmanae-blog · 5 years
Magic, Monsters and the Search for the Real Necronomicon
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camfoc · 6 years
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 شمس المعارف الكبرى     Shams al-Ma'arif al-Kubra
Il Sole della Grande Conoscenza
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Closed Practices, Initiation, and gate-keeping practices.
One of my friend was discussing the idea of using a mantra from a lineage and how to approach it, he said the following: {start quote} I don't get why people practice Vajrayana mantras without initiation. I'm fully aware that one can gain initiation without human help, however literally every Tibetan tradition will tell you that you are wrong for doing this Because on the other hand there are sects that actually want people to use their mantra
And encourage it I'm not some gatekeeping Tibetan monk
It's just that in my experience doing anything from Vajrayana requires empowerment from a monk
It personally really makes me doubt the entire vehicle
Every time I touch Vajrayana it seems more like a money making grift than anything else
[...] Whenever I encounter a tradition that is fundamentally broken, rather than try to scavenge the pieces I just leave it alone and keep on moving When you're working with a machine and are trying to skip 1000 years of lineage holding guru. It makes me wonder if it's worth getting involved with at all We have living traditions right now, living gods and masters, that don't come with baggage attached {end quote} Honestly! it makes me think where I do stand in this whole thing. This morning I saw this image that a different friend shared for me about the topic, from Hoodoo Moses:
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Which is true, it makes me think about these people who says "closed practice this, closed practice that" and they don't even consider the rift between them and their own cultural practices. I as an Arab know for a fact that there's a huge rift between the practices followed by modern Arab magicians, Arab magicians in the 1900s and the magic talked about in older grimoires, it doesn't even need to be asked when you think about it that there's a huge rift between these 3 but they're all performing and working legitimately. There's this idea that the religion or practice being done is verbatim to the text, which is a good idea in theory but practically or at least culturally there's also modification and changes within own community and that could come as surprising. I know I was shocked when I realized the rift between what people worshipped in modern Thailand compared to the image in Thai Buddhism in text. Same goes for Arab magic in something like Shams Al Ma'arif compared to how it's done by arab magicians. The time difference doesn't really drill down into people's head possibly because they don't have the conceptual grasping on what I mean by that, I will give an example in the
Mahāvaipulya Sūtra of the Tathāgata Store, Translated from Sanskrit into Chinese in the Eastern Jin Dynasty by The Tripiṭaka Master Buddhabhadra from India We see a list of attendee to the dharma discourse and one of the attendees is Fragrant Elephant Bodhisattva, why fragrant elephant... That's possibly culturally related to ancient Indian culture. It makes you think about these practices from the point of view of a modern buddhist would know how to perform this Mandala in the Usinsa Vijaya Dharani's Sutra:   “Those who desire to perform this maṇḍala rite should, on the fifteenth day of a waxing moon, mix perfumed water with yellow soil and cow dung and smear the ground with this mixture. The square maṇḍala measures four elbow lengths on each side, and it should be surrounded by three tiers of gemstones from the Laṅkā Mountain, which are in five colors. An ancillary tier of white Laṅkā gemstones marks the boundary on the four sides. Scatter flowers inside the maṇḍala and place four vessels of water on the lotus flowers painted in the four corners. The vessels should be the same in size. Reverently place a bottle of holy relics and cow’s bezoar on the center lotus flower. In the maṇḍala, scatter various flowers and burn incense and various kinds of fragrances, such as camphor, saffron, agalloch, and so forth....[]
Other than that, people are so hinged on the living gods or living traditions currently not looking into how they're approaching the world themselves. How do you know the living gods are gonna accept you and not the persumed "dead" gods, What do you bring to the table for the living Masters? We see the twelve disciples leaving their homes to follow Jesus and to teach, suffer, and die in his name. We see Marpa demanding that Milarepa build and demolish three stone towers before he would teach him.  Or maybe Lisiewski who built and shipped a furnace to Albertus for use in some special alchemical work, and photocopied the entire Crowley collection housed at Penn State University and mailed it to Regardie for his research.  Are you willing to follow in their footsteps?[link] I know that there are grifters and guru who larp to exploit people, but that's not the main issue here. If your practice is only on the level of face-to-face/physical basis then you need to go deeper. You can knock on the spirits door and ask them, you can ask your local spirits to help you, sages and saints of the tradition you're seeking, the world is living, breathing, and haunted with spirits that you can talk to. Coming back and wrapping all of that back to this point, how do you know a closed practice from an open practice? You in your infinite wisdom have a certified "stamped" approval from some person who's gonna tell you yea that's practice for everyone. That's the thing tho, it brings me to a topic of refinement culture touched upon by @on-the-pechka 's here , welp it is basically related to the Lindy effect and refinement culture. We are seeing it in occult, magic, and spirituality lately, when everything become so samey, all occult discord servers require introductions, technique merge and mingle without a say or word and the emergence of "suitable" for everyone practices appear. You have to really get your mind thinking about this, the practice become so accessible that it reach the lowest common denominator and then what? You're gonna look at me in the eyes and tell me that they are 1:1 to the fractured and fragmented pieces we find, The PGM(Greek Magical Papyri) isn't one single system, Shams Al Ma'arif isn't Ahmad Al-Buni only, and when you look into the preexisting systems before us there's also precedent of syncretism, Jake Stratton Kent in his Testament of St Cyprian mentioned it well: All this places considerable responsibility with the reader, but also circumvents the limitations implicit had I approached the project differently; saying ‘these are my gods, these are my spirit superiors and spirits, work my system by rote and you won’t have to think very hard.’ That approach has been employed extensively and has not provided much by way of insight; reinforcing differences rather than revealing underlying patterns and their syncretic basis. If anything misunderstandings and artificial elements have proliferated by this means. Invention without attention to the underlying principles has had many failings. You have to drill this into your mind, the current living traditions didn't live because they are the best suitable for you. They survived because they contained the most accessible tools to the "masses", the harder the entry gate, the more obscure, fragmented systems often hold keys to unknown territory that we often don't know...Maybe you should knock on these doors? what is the worst that can happen? shouldn't we take it from the horse mouth itself and ask the entities of the tradition if they accept our entry into their system or not? If you approach them respectfully the worst that can happen is that they say "no" or block you from contacting them.
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theredpharaoah · 3 years
Anyone know where I can find an English translation of Shams al-Ma'arif (Book of the Sun of Gnosis)?
Update: I don’t think an English translation exists - still feel free to send me anything though if you got it. But if anyone knows any book in English that explains magical squares - the combinations of number and letter that cause magical effects - please send it my way. I’ve always read books with magical squares, but I don’t know or understand how ppl use numbers in magic. As far as I know Numerology primarily deals with divination, I’d like to know how numbers were understood in relation to the sort of magic done in the grimoires.
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A CD containing scans of a beautiful copy of Shams Al-Ma'arif by al-Buni. Manuscript scans on Occultism. The item listed here is a digital copy of a ... from Google Alert - Numerology https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.ebay.com/itm/SHAMS-AL-MAARIF-DIGITAL-ARABIC-MANUSCRIPT-ILLUSTRATED-OCCULT-NUMEROLOGY-MAGIC-/283876691142%3F_ul%3DIN&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjcwZDI0MTZhMWNlZTk0ODI6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AFQjCNGUj-XY0eHlEeJMwPMdoZRWup4Cjg via IFTTT
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