filmhabits · 4 months
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Kill Bill / Beatrix
Art by Sharanya D || Twitter
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indizombie · 2 years
Unhelpful unclepan is probably an upper-caste affliction but it does not necessarily have a gender or age group. Many of the domineering behaviours described by the women I interviewed were displayed by young men. Years of socialisation in patriarchy, self-doubt, age-based deference, and internalising a feudal structure that props up upper-caste privilege and pits women against each other for men’s affections, implies women are as likely to display the bigoted traits of uncledom as men. Many prominent supporters of abusive men’s rights groups are female. The corollary is that not all middle-aged men are unhelpful uncles. The biggest victims of unhelpful uncles are men they raise as sons or nurture as mentees at the workplace. One of the most moving pieces of media content churned out in 2022 was a brutally honest conversation on modern masculinity between podcaster Amit Varma and mental health activist Nikhil Taneja. Taneja highlighted how middle-class homes and institutions in India raise boys to believe that competitive achievement can singularly confer affection. Such a belief system invariably leads to lonely, angry and mentally unwell men. The fact is that the traits of an unhelpful uncle lurk in each one of us in positions of any power and economic privilege. Before we point fingers and outrage at others, defeating the pandemic of pettiness in our economy and polity will require us to defeat the tyranny of the insecure uncle within ourselves.
Sharanya Bhattacharya, ‘The tyranny of the Indian uncle’, Mint
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biowikifacts · 1 year
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banglakhobor · 1 year
আয় কমেছে ৯০%, অর্থসংকটে পরিবার, ChatGPT-র ধাক্কায় অথৈ জলে কলকাতার ২২ বছরের মেয়ে
যন্ত্রের ‘বুদ্ধির’ কাছে যেন দাম পাচ্ছে না মানুষের মাথা। আর সেটার পরিণতি যে কী হতে পারে, সেটা প্রতিটি মুহূর্তে অনুভব করতে পারছেন কলকাতার মেয়ে শরণ্যা ভট্টাচার্য। মার্কিন সংবাদমাধ্যম নিউ ইয়র্ক পোস্টের প্রতিবেদন অনুযায়ী, একটি এজেন্সিতে কপিরাইটার হিসেবে কাজ করে একটা সময় যেখানে মাসের শেষে ২০,০০০ টাকার মতো উপার্জন করতেন ২২ বছরের মেয়ে, সেটাই এখন কমে ২,০০০ টাকার কাছে ঠেকেছে। কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তার…
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allwikibiography · 2 years
Sharanya Pradeep All Wiki Biography: Sharanya Pradeep is an Indian film actress and anchor. Also, check Sharanya Pradeep Instagram & Facebook
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longreads · 1 year
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Meals for One
Preparing food is an act of care for oneself and others. For Longreads, Sharanya Deepak writes about the joys of learning to cook for herself:
“Now, when I cook, it is after I have read Rebecca May Johnson’s Small Fires, which teaches me to focus on my gestures. I avoid the need to text her every time I am moved by how she recalls action. Instead, I slice a malta orange. I watch my hand dip into the cut-glass box with chaat masala I stole from my mother and watch the masala emerge, tucked into a small steel spoon. I watch myself take the cluster off a head of garlic, I watch myself heat butter and mix honey in with it to put on toast. I watch myself. 
In these gestures, a new person emerges, a person that understands sensory preferences, who can witness herself move. I have never known this person. I like her. I tell her about how I always thought that pleasure belonged to someone else.” 
Read Meals for One by Sharanya Deepak
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talonabraxas · 28 days
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Lord Surya ☀️ Talon Abraxas
Lord Surya is the chief of the Navagraha, the nine Indian Classical planets and important elements of Hindu astrology. He is often depicted riding a chariot harnessed by seven horses which might represent the seven colors of the rainbow or the seven chakras in the human body. He is also the presiding deity of Sunday. Surya is regarded as the Supreme Deity by Saura sect and Smartas worship him as one of the five primary forms of God.
Surya or the sun, often identified with Aditya, Savitr and Pusan, is another important Vedic deity. He is compared to a bird that flies in the sky and is described as the jewel of the sky. He gives light, produces day and night, gives power and strength to the living beings, makes them active and destroys their laziness and disease.
Surya had three wives, namely, Sharanya (also called Saraniya, Saranyu, Sanjana or Sangya), Ragyi and Prabha. Saranyu was the mother of Vaivasvata Manu (the seventh, i.e., present Manu) and the twins Yama (the Lord of Death) and his sister Yami. She also bore him the twins known as the Ashvins, divine horsemen and physicians to the Devas. Saranyu, being unable to bear the extreme radiance of Surya, created a superficial entity from her shadow called Chhaya and instructed her to act as Surya’s wife in her absence. Chhaya mothered two sons Savarni Manu (the eighth, i.e., next Manu) and Shani (the planet Saturn), and two daughters, Tapti and Vishti. He has two more sons, Revanta or Raivata with Ragyi, and Prabhata with Prabha. Surya is the father of the famous tragic hero Karna, described in the Indian epic Mahabharata, by a human princess named Kunti.
Surya’s sons, Shani and Yama, are responsible for the judgment of human life. Shani provides the results of one’s deeds during one’s life through appropriate punishments and rewards while Yama grants the results of one’s deeds after death.
Karna from the Mahabharata is also believed to be a son of Lord Surya.
Different Names Of Lord Surya
Lord Surya is hailed by 108 names – Surya Ashtottara Shatnamavali. The commonest among them are Aditya, Adideva, Angaraka, Arka, Bhaga, Brahma, Dhanwantari, Dharmadhwaja, Dhatri, Dhumaketu, Indra, Jaya, Maitreya, Prabhakara, Ravi, Rudra, Savitri, Soma, Teja, Vaisravana, Vanhi, Varun and Vishnu.
Lord Surya in Hindu Scriptures
In the Ramayana, Surya is described as father of the King Sugriva, who helped Rama and Lakshmana in defeating the demon king Ravana. He also trains Hanuman. The Suryavanshi dynasty of kings, Rama being one of them, also claims descent from Surya.
In the Mahabharata, Princess Kunti receives instruction for a mantra from the sage Durvasa; by reciting which, she would be able to summon any god and bear a child by him. Incredulous of the power of this mantra, Kunti unwittingly tests it on Surya, but when Surya appears, she gets scared and requests him to go back. However, Surya has an obligation to fulfill the mantra before returning. Surya miraculously causes Kunti to bear the child immediately whilst retaining her virginity so that she, as an unmarried princess, need not face any embarrassment or be subjected to questions from society. Kunti feels compelled to abandon the child, Karna, who grows up to become one of the central characters in the great battle of Kurukshetra.
In astrology
In Vedic astrology Surya is considered a mild malefic on account of his hot, dry nature. Surya represents soul, will-power, fame, the eyes, general vitality, courage, kingship, father, highly placed persons and authority. He is exalted in the sign Mesha, is in mulatrikona in the sign Simha and is in debilitation in the sign Tula. Surya is lord of three nakshatras or lunar mansions: Krittika, Uttara Phalguni and Uttara Ashadha. Surya has the following associations: the colors – copper or red, the metals – gold or brass, the gemstone – ruby, the direction – east and the season of summer. The food grain associated with him is wheat.
Surya Mantra
Surya mantra in Vedic astrology is the ultimate mantra to please Surya Deva. It helps people get rid of all kinds of diseases and gain mental and physical strength along with happiness and well-being. Chanting Surya Mantra daily shall also help the people attain prosperity and abundance. Not only does it develop a sense of assurance in the people, but also, helps overcome self-doubts and other mental distress.
The Surya mantra is:
।। नमः सूर्याय शान्ताय सर्वरोग निवारिणे आयुररोग्य मैस्वैर्यं देहि देवः जगत्पते ।।
Namah Suryaya Shantaya Sarvaroga Nivaarine, Ayurarogya Maisvairyam Dehi Devah Jagatpate
Meaning- Surya Deva, ruler of the Universe, you are the remover of all diseases, the repository of peace. I bow to you, and please bless your devotees with long life, health, and wealth.
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lunar-serpentinite · 8 months
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Hariharan Nalin Potter
Heir of House Potter
Faceclaim: Anirudh Pisharody
Hariharan Nalin Potter, commonly known as Harry and famously as the Boy-Who-Lived, is the eldest child and only son of the Potter family's Head couple Lily and James Potter and their husband Regulus Potter. He is the older brother by four years to a younger sister named Madhuri Potter, as well as the godson of Sirius Black and Sharanya Patil.
More information below the cut
What's in a Name?
Hariharan ஹரிஹரன்
— from the the fused Sattvika characterisation of Vishnu (Hari) and Shiva (Hara)
Hari – the one who takes away (sins)
Hara – Remover of sins
Nalin நளின்
— means close, abundance, pride; also a synonym for lotus
Follows the Evans tradition of naming their children after flowers
Also calls back to James’ middle name (Mooriyan, pride)
Picked by Regulus. In ancient Egypt, lotuses represent rebirth and the Sun and by god did he feel his life beginning anew the moment he laid eyes on baby Harry
The Snake With No Self-Preservation Instincts
When Harry entered Hogwarts at the age of 11, the Sorting Hat was torn between Gryffindor and Slytherin for him. Maybe even Ravenclaw if the Hat was feeling particularly experimental. In the end, the Hat put him in Slytherin, much to the delight of his baba Regulus.
Slytherin won the Hat over by just a small margin. In this universe, Harry was raised not with scorn nor contempt but with an overabundance of love and support. Many of the influential adults in his life inspired him to be as driven and goal-oriented as they are. Additionally, the inclusion of a third, Slytherin-to-the-core parent also influenced Harry's own personal choice in Houses.
Slytherins are also defined by their tendency to stick close to family traditions. Harry was raised completely immersed in his South Indian heritage of Tamil and Telugu and he's very proud of it. Thus he is completely dedicated to preserving and following the cultural and familial traditions he was raised with.
Finally, he has a brilliant and clever mind as well as a knack for leadership (regardless of how much he denies that himself). Growing in a house of love and positivity allowed Harry to fully lean into his gifts instead of focusing on survival. In this universe, Harry was allowed to shine and shine he did.
As per the hierarchy of Slytherin, Harry is naturally the most influential half-blood as the Boy-Who-lived and is considered by his half-blood and Muggleborn yearmates as their leader the same way the Purebloods consider Draco Malfoy theirs.
"You're a bloody Slytherin, why do you lack self-preservation?" "Maybe if you dig your pointy nose into my business some more, you'd find it."
One thing that does set Harry aside from his Slytherin cohorts is his apparent "lack of self-preservation". Sense of self-preservation is a signature Slytherin trait that is far outweighed by Harry's natural "saving people thing" that is apparently in every Potter's genes.
Harry simply doesn't hesitate to lend a hand whenever he sees that he could. He helps even when it is detrimental to himself, which gives him a sort of reputation as one of the more eccentric Slytherins of his year. This resulted in him gaining a close social circle that is composed of several non-Slytherins which is an unusual sight within the House that Keeps to Themselves.
Escaping from Death's Clutches
Harry's main claim to fame is his apparent survival from being hit by the Killing Curse at point blank when he was four years old. The incident was widely publicized by Voldemort himself who had kidnapped Harry as a child after years of failed attempts to pierce through the powerful wards of Nagaraja Hall. Voldemort had wanted to publicly execute Harry as punishment for his parents who had thrice defied him.
This backfired on the Dark Lord as not only did Harry survive his Killing Curse but the knockback from the protective Magics weakened Voldemort enough for a furious Lily Potter to land the killing blow on him, ending the First Wizarding War. Because of this, Harry and Lily share the title Lord Voldemort's Vanquisher, a title that both despise.
Harry sports a seemingly permanent lichtenberg scar above his left eye. According to all the Healers that have examined him, it may very well be the first and only known occurrence of a curse scar borne from being hit and surviving the Killing Curse. The scar runs deeper than it looks and has rendered Harry half-blind in his left eye.
He has little to no clear memories of the incident owing to how traumatic it was but the trauma has left its own imprints in him, namely his scar, partial blindness, and a certain discomfort whenever someone points a wand at him without any warning.
Collected Miscellany
Little bits of extra information/headcanons for him. This section will be updated from time to time.
As per the tradition of Nandhini's descendants, Harry is bonded to a boa constrictor and a Basilisk
Harry has Lily’s temper, James’ compassion, and Regulus’ pride
He has been said to be a promising talent in flying, combat magic, and transfiguration. He claims to have an “easier time” at performing wandless magic. He was also personally tutored by his grandmother Euphemia in the art of pearl-based magic.
Excels in the Seeker position but does pretty okay in other positions.
Produced a corporeal Patronus at age 13. His Patronus is an Indian sambar stag which is the same as his appa James
While he’s absolutely brilliant in the kitchen, he unfortunately didn’t inherit Lily’s talent at Potions.
This is because he was taught how to cook before he was taught how to brew. Potions requires precision and accuracy but he’s used to measuring ingredients “by heart, soul, vibes and the voice of his ancestor whispering in his ears”.
He’s surprisingly good at anything related to snakes, be it brewing antivenom potions or working with venom or any snake-sourced parts
Aside from English, Harry is fluent in Tamil and Telugu, and conversational in Sanskrit, Middle Tamil, and Classical Sanskrit. Regulus is teaching him and Madhuri Masri (Egyptian Arabic) and Demotic (a very, very late descendant of Ancient Egyptian).
Childhood friends with Ron Weasley since they were babies through the friendship of Lily and Molly
He is also friends with the rest of the Weasley siblings by extension
Also friends with the other children of the Magical Indian diaspora families, notably his godsiblings the Patil twins Padma and Parvati
Met Hermione Granger at King’s Cross Station where his mother befriended her mother, Monica Granger. Hermione then became Lily's protege and Hermione would spend a portion of her holidays at Nagaraja Hall
Met Draco Malfoy as a baby during the wedding of his parents to Regulus Black and made him cry
Particularly fond of Luna Lovegood who he met at a young age as she was the daughter of Pandora Lovegood, who was friends with Lily
Buddies with Neville Longbottom who is the son of Alice Longbottom, who is also friends with Lily
Paired with Blaise Zabini in Potions so they are within the acquaintances to casual friends range
Spent his childhood going back and forth between the Potter’s Nagaraja Hall and the House of Serpents
More information on the Descendants of Nandhini / the Potters Back to the family directory of this AU
Please feel 100% free to drop some comments in the reblogs, replies, my askbox etc. ! 🥰🫶
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lisaalmeida · 10 months
Fais-moi l'amour avec tous les poèmes de la terre rouge et de la pluie battante.
Et je serai à vous.
Sharanya Manivannan
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* AU of my Jere x OC ‘fic,
‘it’s always summer (steeped inside your smile)’ *
Three years after her whirlwind romance with Jeremiah Fisher went up in flames,
Sharanya Narang is in a new city,
in a new college,
with a new boyfriend.
She has no intention
of ever seeing Jeremiah again, but when a familiar face jumps out
at her from the crowd,
everything in Sharanya’s newly-ordered world
threatens to spin out of control.
Will she give him another chance?
Will fate conspire to see them together again?
(Check out my Jeremiah x OC 'fic!)
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emmaanddani · 4 months
El Cine durante de La Movida Madrileña
La movida madrileña fue un movimiento artístico social que empezaba a dejar atrás el franquismo. Más que un movimiento fue una suma de talentos y personajes que confluyeron en el Madrid de los años 70. Fue una manera de expresarse al fin en un país que comenzaba a recuperar su voz, su identidad y su futuro. Por estas razones, no es sorprendente que las películas se hayan convertido en una forma para que los jóvenes expresen su voz. Un ejemplo de un cineasta es Pedro Almodóvar. Almodóvar no tenía ninguna formación formal porque Franco cerró la Escuela Oficial de Cine durante los años sesenta. El cierre de la escuela fue una forma de evitar que los críticos del franquismo tuvieran voz. Franco pensaba que el cine era una herramienta poderosa para hablar de la realidad. Por lo tanto, durante el franquismo, era muy difícil ver películas en España. 
Pero después de la muerte de Franco y la restauración de la democracia, la cultura del cine creció con La Movida Madrileña. Almodóvar pudo mostrar sus cortometrajes en el cine y finalmente recaudó más de 3.000 dólares. En septiembre de 1980, estrenó la película que se llama Pepi, Luci, Bom y que creó un escándalo. Pero España estaba en medio de un cambio y nunca antes se había proyectado una película así en España.
Las películas durante este período de tiempo también representaron muchas identidades marginadas en la pantalla por primera vez. Por ejemplo, el documental Vestido de Azul presentaba a mujeres trans, y fue considerado uno de los trabajos más radicales de su época. La película también sitúa La Movida Madrileña en un contexto más amplio, con entrevistas a sujetos mayores que describen cómo habían cambiado drásticamente las cosas para su profesión antes y después de la caída de Franco. Las películas creadas durante este período de tiempo muestran un momento revolucionario y preparan el escenario para el trabajo revolucionario futuro. Similar a la fotografía y la música del movimiento, el cine representó el cambio de gobierno del franquismo a la democracia y cómo los jóvenes y la gente de Madrid expresaban su libertad. La música, la fotografía y el cine trabajaron juntos durante este período de nueva libertad para crear cultura y rebelarse contra el estricto régimen franquista. 
Si quiere leer más sobre otros movimientos de protesta en países de habla hispana, me recomendó el blog de Sharanya y Amaris, específicamente la entrada que se llama “La obra de Néstor Osvaldo Perlongher.” Similar a los jóvenes durante de La Movida Madrileña, Néstor Osvaldo Perlongher utilizó la literatura para expresar los problemas a los que se enfrentaban los hombres homosexuales, inspirando a la gente a través de sus escritos. Además, me recomiendo el blog de Aydan y Maddie si quiere leer más sobre el cine. Específicamente la entrada que se llama “La Narrativa No Lineal” es muy interesante. La entrada habla sobre los aspectos del cine mexicano y su importancia, que es similar a la película creada durante La Movida Madrileña.
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meikuree · 1 year
the lightness of a foreign sky by meikuree
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, Gen Relationship: Jessamyn Teoh Min/Sharanya, Jessamyn Teoh Min & Her Parents Additional Tags: Post-Canon
Summary: After her business in Penang with the Black Water Sister was settled, Jess set off for the skyscrapers and new vistas of Singapore.
wrote this for bethefirst, a challenge to create the first fanwork for a fandom. this wound up as a chance to write some setting porn. thank you to @bothzangetsus and @pretty-rage-machine for the kind beta!
black water sister is, paraphrasing wikipedia, a diaspora fantasy novel about a malaysian chinese lesbian who gets tied up in supernatural hijinks involving her grandmother.
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ramayantika · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers 🎶✨ <33
*me realizing sare dance music hi hain*
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lgbtq-en-argentina · 1 year
¡Bienvenido a Nuestro Blog!
Hola, me llamo Sharanya y estoy muy interesada en la música. Este año estamos haciendo un blog que analizará la música latinoamericana. Especialmente en Argentina, la música ha cambiado desde hace muchos años. En este blog, mi compañero Amaris y yo hablaremos sobre cómo cambió la música desde los años 1960 hasta los 2000. En cada post analizaremos cómo ha cambiado la música en Argentina en los diferentes años. Hablaremos de diferentes cantantes y escritores y su impacto en el pueblo argentino.
Estoy emocionada escribir sobre música porque me ha encantado la música toda mi vida. Ha sido para mí una forma de expresarme y una forma de superar las emociones. Mi hermano hace música y siempre me ha animado a aprender de forma independiente. En mi opinión, la música puede cambiar las creencias de la gente e incluso cambiar cuestiones políticas. En este blog hablaremos de cómo Argentina hizo eso. Esto demuestra que la música es una herramienta muy poderosa. La letra puede ser muy impactante y ayudar a muchas personas. Estoy de acuerdo en que la música puede ser curativa. Creo que las letras pueden ser identificables y pueden ayudar a las personas a sentirse vistas. Eso también es muy importante para mí. Quiero escribir sobre cómo la música ha cambiado a la gente por lo mucho que me ha ayudado a mí. A través de este blog, Amaris y yo esperamos contar la historia de cómo la música cambió a Argentina.
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Party Time
“Dignity is not built on possessing honors, but on the awareness that you deserve them.” Aristotle
A MESSAGE from Founder/Executive Director, CYNTHIA BRIAN
Evidently, for the past year, the principal of my high school had been campaigning his club organizers to invite me to speak about the time when I was named The Outstanding Teenager of California, selected from a pool of over 10,000 young people with proven potential and promise of future leadership. My high school principal, Dr. Sam Tracas, had nominated me, and winning the honor was a shock and thrill to all of us. The award was presented in a grand ceremony by the former Governor of California and President of the United States, Ronald Reagan. WOW!
This past week, wearing my letter sweater, I joined Dr. Tracas to recall that historically significant time and the recognition that winning bestowed upon the school and the town. I was delighted to reconnect with Dr. Tracas, a legend in education, and a mentor to many. Together we spoke to the attendees about that important occasion and the positive effects that resulted.
Since I was a teen, my mission has been to inspire and uplift others. My goal is to shine a light on the stars that burn brightly within each individual so that she/he will realize her/his potential. We are not born equal. We are born something far better…we are unique, we are special, and we each have the ability and the responsibility to share the gifts that are distinctive to us. 
Help each other to shine. Be kind. Be a mentor. Thank you, Dr. Tracas for believing in me. I pass the torch forward to elevate others. We are all outstanding. We are all deserving of honors.
Congratulations to everyone for being YOU!
PS: Come party with me and our Be the Star You Are!® volunteers and supporters at the Parade and Pear and Wine Festival on September 28th as we celebrate our 25th anniversary of serving the world and being honored as the 2024 Nonprofit of the Year.
Be aware. Be the spark. Shine brightly! You are the STAR!
Cynthia Brian
Founder/Executive Director
Be the Star You Are!®
PO Box 376
Moraga, California 94556
DONATE: https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
Parade, pears, and party at the park! CELEBRATE OUR 25th ANNIVERSARY at the PEAR and WINE FESTIVAL on Saturday, September 28th. The town of Moraga is turning 50. Be the Star You Are!® is celebrating 25 years of volunteer service to the world as well as being honored as the 2024 Nonprofit of the Year.
Our parade and party chairperson, Ella has been working to make the event fantastic and fun. BTSYA volunteers will be ready to march at 9:30 with the parade leaving from the Serbian church on School Street at 10 am.
At 11 am our two festival chairpersons, Keerthi and Sharanya, welcome the public to our Be the Star You Are!® booth where activities for kids including our popular Plant the Seeds of Literacy project, a reading circle, book giveaways, book signings, and more, will be offered. Expect lots of freebies, too.
At 1 pm, come cheer for our volunteers who will be recognized on the stage for their dedication to BTSYA and for winning the 2024 Nonprofit of the Year award.
At 2 pm. the Chamber of Commerce Executive Director and Board members will perform a ribbon cutting at the BTSYA booth to celebrate our 25th anniversary.
The party follows with delectable treats from Ella and Julia.
Thousands of people enjoy the Pear and Wine Festival featuring food, wine, beer, music, crafts, pear pies, and tons of activities for kids.  It's going to be a super-fun event, so we hope to see you there.
The Moraga Commons Park
1425 St Marys Rd,
Moraga, CA 94556
The event is FREE and the festival is fabulous!  Let's party!
Tune into Express Yourself!™ Teen Radio on Sunday, September 22 when our teens talk about the plans for the parade, party, and festival. Chairpersons, Keerthi and Sharanya, videographer, Sean, parade and party planner, Ella, and treats from Julia.
We are proud to announce that Be the Star You Are!® 501c3 is a certified organization for 'The President’s Volunteer Service Award'. The President’s Volunteer ServiceAward is an opportunity to honor the most outstanding volunteers and recognize the impact they make in our world.
BTSYA is approved to recognize its volunteers who meet the requirements in terms of volunteer service hours and apply for the award.
In 2003, the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation founded the President’s Volunteer Service Award to recognize the important role of volunteers in America’s strength and national identity. This award honors individuals whose service positively impacts communities in every corner of the nation and inspires those around them to take action, too.
The PVSA has continued under each administration, honoring the volunteers who are using their time and talents to solve some of the toughest challenges facing our nation.
Led by the AmeriCorps and managed in partnership with Points of Light, this program allows Certifying Organizations to recognize their most exceptional volunteers.
Detailed requirements can be found here: https://presidentialserviceawards.gov/eligibility#volunteers
For more information on how to apply, contact our PVSA Certification Coordinator, Eraniyan Gunaseelan by email: [email protected]
Proceeds from the sale of our books benefit Be the Star You Are!® outreach programs. Volunteer videographer, Sean, created the video. 
All proceeds benefit Be the Star You Are!® charity. Buy autographed, first-edition signature books today and receive extra freebies at https://www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store
Looking for books for the family? Read the reviews by teens for teens at our Be the Star You Are!® Creative Community. 
Thanks for reading StarStyle® Empowerment! This post is public so feel free to share it.
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sharanya-farms · 27 days
Invest in Quality with Sharanya Farms: Your Premier Farmland Partner
In today’s dynamic investment landscape, farmland stands out as a secure and lucrative choice. For those seeking to invest in agriculture, Sharanya Farms offers unparalleled opportunities that cater to both seasoned investors and those new to this stable asset class.
Why Invest in Farmland?
Consistent Returns: Farmland has historically provided reliable returns compared to the volatility of stock markets and cryptocurrencies. As land value typically appreciates over time, it represents a stable long-term investment.
Tangible and Valuable: Unlike intangible digital assets, farmland is a physical asset you can visit and manage. Its inherent value and tangible nature provide a direct connection to your investment.
Sustainable Growth: Investing in farmland supports sustainable agricultural practices and strengthens local economies. It also diversifies your portfolio with a productive and stable asset.
Rising Food Demand: With the global population on the rise, the demand for food continues to increase. Investing in farmland allows you to tap into this growing demand and benefit from the expanding agricultural market.
Why Sharanya Farms is Your Top Choice
Located conveniently near Bangalore, Sharanya Farms offers exceptional farmland investment opportunities. Here’s why we are the ideal partner for your investment journey:
Strategic Location: Our farms are situated along the Shravanabelagola and K.R.Pet Highway, providing easy access from Bangalore. This prime location not only offers convenience but also enhances future development potential.
Superior Land Quality: At Sharanya Farms, we offer only the highest quality farmland. Our properties are meticulously selected for their fertility, topography, and suitability for various agricultural practices.
Customized Investment Solutions: We recognize that every investor has unique goals. Whether you’re looking for small plots for personal use or larger expanses for commercial farming, Sharanya Farms provides tailored investment options to meet your needs.
Expert Guidance: Our team of seasoned professionals is dedicated to supporting you throughout the investment process. From selecting the perfect plot to managing your land, we offer comprehensive assistance to ensure your investment thrives.
Commitment to Sustainability: We are devoted to sustainable farming practices that not only protect the environment but also enhance land productivity. Investing with Sharanya Farms means contributing to responsible agriculture and a greener future.
How to Begin Your Investment Journey
Getting started with Sharanya Farms is simple. Follow these steps to embark on your farmland investment:
Explore Our Listings: Visit our website to browse available farmland options. Each listing provides detailed information on size, location, and pricing.
Contact Us: Reach out to our team to discuss your investment goals and preferences. We’ll provide personalized recommendations tailored to your needs.
Visit the Properties: Schedule a visit to see the land firsthand. We value transparency and want you to make an informed decision.
Secure Your Investment: Once you’ve chosen your ideal farmland, we’ll guide you through the purchasing process to ensure a smooth and efficient experience.
Investing in farmland is a strategic and rewarding choice, and Sharanya Farms is here to facilitate that journey. With our premium land offerings, strategic location near Bangalore, and commitment to sustainable practices, we provide everything you need for a successful investment. Explore the possibilities with Sharanya Farms and secure your place in the future of agriculture today.
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