thrushppelt · 11 months
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fake cover
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morayofsunshine · 11 months
btw i (has not played baldur's gate but is a dnd nerd who has suddenly gotten super into the story by watching playthroughs) want to make a bg3 warriorcats au but i want deities to be former leaders in starclan or the dark forest, and "sharstar" is the most ridiculous name ever.
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duartegazzola · 1 year
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After generating a few names I landed in Mossclan; also, I selected grotto to fit with the name
The leader is:
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The young and naive leader, her raise into leadership was and is very controversial. She was select by Bluebellstar in her deathbed after her previously deputy died. Some say that Seasong or Shadowrunner should have been the leader instead of her. Shardstar agrees herself with that sentiment often doubting herself and being very insecure of her decisions. She chosen Seasong as her deputy in order to appease the clan and also because she thinks Seasong should have been the leader.
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Seasong the Mossclan deputy, a very wise and respectable member of the clan ,she is regard as the true leader of Mossclan, despise that she is very humble and see Shardstar as great leader in the making find her to be a already amazing cat. She is a lovably presence that cares deeply about everyone, sometimes to her own detriment.
(she is not Shadowrunner mate btw, I made them date accidentally)
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Here is the other members of moss clan so far.
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star-blighted · 2 years
um I do not have an excuse for not posting and I'm not sorry
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Take an extremely rushed doodle of my old lady Shardstar
I'll try to post more in the future I promise (lie)
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shatteredblaze09 · 4 months
(These are my own clans I have made years ago on another app. Please do not use them.) Warrior Cats: Shadesong's Story
Leader Berrystar- white she-cat with a dark pink nose, black patches on her pelt, and green eyes.
Deputy Speckletooth- large black and white spotted tom with golden eyes.
Medicine cats Tanglepelt- long-haired tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes.
Apprentice Goldenflight- pale gray tom with white paws, white chest, white underbelly and yellow eyes.
Thrushlake- dark gray and white tabby tom with light green eyes.
Dewbreeze- gray-blue tom with blue eyes.
Swiftstone- skinny, dark brown tabby and white she-cat with amber eyes. Apprentice Mosspaw.
Blazedawn- pale yellow tabby she-cat with dark stripes on her pelt and green eyes. Apprentice Rainpaw.
Heatherdrop- gray she-cat with yellow eyes and white paws. Apprentice Snakepaw.
Riverheart- pitch black thick-furred she-cat with dark green eyes.
Cloudtooth- strikingly beautiful dark brown fluffy she-cat with dark brown eyes and a white dash on her throat.
Cottonwood- calico-and-tabby mix she-cat with short fur and light green eyes.
Snakepaw- dark gray tabby she-cat with yellow eyes.
Mosspaw- gray and white she-cat with blue eyes.
Rainpaw- blue-gray she-cat with light blue eyes.
Clearstorm- calico she-cat with green eyes. Mother to Fallenkit (white she-cat with a black and orange patch on her spine and a black spot around her left eye), and Shadowkit (black tom with orange patches on his pelt and amber eyes).
Mouseflight- gray tom with yellow eyes.
Smallstep- small tan she-cat with amber eyes. Retired due to failing eyesight.
Pikefoot- very old and very pale gray tabby tom with black stripes and green eyes.
Leader Shardstar- silver tom with dark stripe going from the top of his head down to his tail-tip and green eyes.
Deputy Gorsewind- dark gray tabby tom with green eyes.
Medicine cat Windfur- tall skinny brown tom with yellow eyes.
Amberstride- brown and white tom with amber eyes(photo shown above).
Talonstreak- sleek, short haired tan and white tom with green eyes. Apprentice Sootpaw.
Hawkstripe- fluffy white tom with gray patches on his pelt and green eyes. Apprentice Molepaw.
Eagletail- sleek, dark brown she-cat with golden eyes.
Tallfoot- long-legged tabby tom with yellow eyes. Apprentice Whitepaw.
Oakwing- thick furred brown she-cat with hazel eyes.
Lightning- very tall, large and long short-haired, dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes, massive paws, and broad shoulders. Apprentice Moonpaw.
Thunder- black tabby tom with yellow eyes. Apprentice Brightpaw.
Ginger- gray, thick furred she-cat with green eyes.
Sootpaw- dark gray she-cat with green eyes.
Molepaw- brown tom with yellow eyes.
Whitepaw- fluffy white tom with green eyes.
Owlpaw- tall and long muscular white tom with dark brown tabby markings on his face, dark brown tabby patches on his back and legs, dark brown tabby stripes on his tail, and light green-yellow eyes.(based off my three-year old cat Thor)
Moonpaw- small, dark gray and white tom with a light gray tabby patch on his left foreleg, a light gray tabby patch on the inside of his left hind leg, a dark gray dash and spots on his chest, and a light gray tabby patch on his right foreleg with light green-yellow eyes.(based off my three-year old cat Aries)
Swallowpaw- sleek, pale gray tabby she-cat with pale yellow eyes.
Brightpaw- cream, gray, and white she-cat with green eyes.
Flamefrost- cream she-cat with white paws, a white chest and a white underbelly with green eyes. Former kittypet named Miracle.
Heidi- short-haired tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes. Mother to Shadekit(very small, fluffy tri-colored she-cat with amber eyes.)
Silver- small, dark gray tabby she-cat with green eyes. (She was my grandmother’s first cat)
Ripplewing- smokey-gray she-cat with orange and white patches on her pelt and green eyes. Mother to Foxkit (small, long-haired, red-and-white she-cat with white paws and very light colored eyes).
Cats outside the clans
Falcon- thick-furred calico tom with green eyes.(father to Shadekit).
Panther- large black tom with green eyes.
Kit- fluffy, gray-and-white she-cat with bright green eyes.
The forest was silent. A breeze had been blowing earlier but deep in the heart of the forest, the wind never touched the area nor the camp that lay in the center of it; surrounded by a couple large boulders and thickets that created a barrier to keep out any foxes or wandering dogs who strayed far from their twolegs. In the middle of the camp was a fallen log that lay across others, piled high above the forest ground. That was where the leader called to have meetings and it was also his den; a shallow dip in the ground underneath the branches of the fallen logs. To the right near the entrance, which was a tunnel of thickets, was the warrior's den; boulders had been placed in a circle, but after much digging, the cats had created a well-hidden resting place underneath the ground that protected them from leaf-bare, nests in different sections but each one was lined with moss, feathers, and leaves.
Across from the warrior's den on the other side of the camp was the queen's den. It had been built in between five large boulders that sort of made a cave, well sheltered from any wind and it kept the queens and their kits warm. The nests were made from the feathers of eagles or large buzzards that the warriors or apprentices had caught which was soft and secure for the kits to play-fight in without getting hurt.
The medicine cat's den was positioned in between the queen's and the leader's. There was a nest inside the hollowed-out oak tree at the bottom; small little pockets in the tree's bark were where the medicine cat stored his herbs. If it ever rained, the ground that dipped down outside was a good source to collect the water that the medicine cat used in great times of need.
A feline shape moved at the edge of the camp, padding silently across toward the entrance. It stopped once, its tail-tip twitching back and forth as if it waited for something, its eyes gazing out into the darkness of the forest before it turned its head to the camp and stared slowly around. It blinked and then slipped quietly out of the camp, padding along the pine needles that littered the forest floor. The cat was a skinny tom, his brown pelt turning silver under the moonlight that shone overhead as he trekked through the tall pine forest, his yellow eyes glinting.
"We weren't sure if you would come tonight." a voice was heard to his right suddenly. Turning towards the soft mew with his hackles raised and teeth bared, he quickly relaxed as he recognized the long-haired tortoiseshell pelt and amber eyes that gleamed in the darkness from beside a small pine tree. Next to the tortoiseshell was another cat; his white paws, white chest, white underbelly and yellow eyes the only things that were visible.
"We have to speak with our ancestors on every full moon as we have always done.", the skinny brown tom said calmly, though he shifted his paws uncertainly.
"Must we take this way. It would be easier and faster to go along the river.", The tom with the white paws hissed in annoyance once the three of them had arrived at a small opening in the ground which led down to the tunnels below.
"We would risk being seen by your clan. Have you forgotten they have turned their backs on our ancestors Goldenflight?" the skinny tom hissed at him, his hackles raised and his fur standing up on his spine.
Goldenflight narrowed his eyes as he stared at the tom.
"No, I haven't forgotten, but going by the river would be a lot quicker than getting lost in the tunnel Windfur." he snarled.
"Will the both of you be quiet? You're going to wake up all the prey and both clans with your mouse-brained arguing. Tonight, is the only night when we can speak directly to our ancestors." The tortoiseshell snarled at them before she padded down into the tunnel.
Goldenflight and Windfur exchanged cold glances but they both followed the she-cat into the tunnel, their eyes taking a moment to adjust to the darkness as they followed the scent of the she-cat up ahead. Neither tom really liked going this way, but it was a lot faster than following the river to the east which separated the two clans; Thistleclan and Brambleclan. The river sometimes grew larger when it rained, and the banks would be flooded. Underneath the ground in the tunnel, the water never got any higher than their bellies. Luckily though, no rain had fallen tonight.
Weaving their way through the tunnel, which twisted and curved with the earth, all three cats finally came to an opening; a small cavern deep underground that had a pool which was always filled with water. Beside the pool were dips in the hard rock like dens. The tortoiseshell she-cat padded over to one and crouched down in it, curling her tail over her nose as she closed her eyes.
Goldenflight moved to another one and did the same; tucking his paws underneath his chest as he shut his eyes.
Windfur padded to the pool and lapped at the water which was cold on his tongue and as it went down his throat before he walked to a dip in the ground and made himself as comfortable as a cat could on hard rock. Closing his eyes, he soon fell asleep.
"Windfur, wake up." came the voice of Goldenflight. Rising to his paws, Windfur stretched his limbs and then blinked as he stood in the forest again with Goldenflight and the tortoiseshell she-cat. He knew though that they were all dreaming, but it was still an awe to him to see the forest bathed in the starlight of Starclan.
"They're already expecting us. We should not keep them waiting any longer." the tortoiseshell she-cat meowed as she set off through the forest, leaving Goldenflight and Windfur to follow her yet again.
Windfur and Goldenflight bounded after her to keep up, their longer legs making it easy for them to catch up to the she-cat. They slowed down and walked behind her, their ears pricked for anything even though it was Starclan.
The tortoiseshell she-cat veered off to the left, heading away from where Windfur and Goldenflight knew the camp of Thistlelclan lay sleeping in their nests, and weaved between the thickets until she stopped in the middle of them and sat down on the boggy ground.
Windfur and Goldenflight joined her and both toms sat on the ground next to her. In front of them was a single cat, his fur shining; a dark brown tabby tom with brown eyes.
"Welcome Tanglepelt, Windfur, and Goldenflight. I have a message for you. When night falls, shade will disappear into the darkness as is foretold." the dark brown tabby tom spoke, his voice deep.
"Talonstar, what do you mean?" asked Tanglepelt as she looked at the tom.
Talonstar said nothing though and rose to his paws, looking at each one before he turned around and disappeared into the thicket.
All three cats woke back up in the tunnel, each one stretching their sore limbs as they climbed out of the dips in the rock. Tanglepelt looked at Goldenflight and then at Windfur.
"What do you think it means?" Goldenflight asked as he looked at the two.
"I don't know what it means, but we must keep an eye out for any signs." Tanglepelt meowed as she turned and headed back the way they had come.
Windfur followed her. What could it mean? he wondered to himself as he padded up the slope of the tunnel and then back through the forest to his camp.
Chapter One
“I got you!”, exclaimed a young, but very small fluffy tri-colored she-cat as she pounced on a leaf that landed on the forest floor outside the nursery den. Her small size had been an issue when she was first born, but she and her mother Heidi managed to survive this past Leaf-bare along with the rest of the clan. Finally, it was Newleaf and she felt happy that she could explore the camp a little bit.
The only other kit that was in the nursery was Foxkit; a very lovely red-and-white she-cat with very light colored eyes. But Foxkit was currently sleeping in her nest with her mother Ripplewing and Shadekit hadn't wanted to disturb her when she had woken up this morning.
Movement at the camp’s entrance caused her to sit up straight as she grabbed the leaf she had successfully landed on in her tiny mouth, turning her gaze to the thick tunnel. She watched in awe as warriors from Brambleclan were led through by Thistleclan’s deputy Gorsewind along with Talonstreak and Hawkstrike. One of the Brambleclan cats was a strikingly beautiful dark brown fluffy she-cat with a white dash on her throat who stood silently beside her clanmates, the cat's dark brown eyes focused on her own deputy and other warriors.
Unable to contain her excitement at seeing other cats in the camp besides her own, Shadekit sprang up to her paws and ran across the camp, her little legs moving as fast as she could get them to go.
“Shadekit! Now isn’t the time to meet other cats from outside the clan! You must come get washed!”, Heidi, her mother called from the Nursery den thus alerting every cat in camp and the ones from Brambleclan.
Shadekit skidded to a halt as fast as she could manage, but it wasn’t quick enough and her tiny body bumped into the dark brown she-cat's paws and side making the she-cat jump and her fur rise along her spine as she hadn’t been expecting that to happen.
“You need to be more careful.”, the she-cat said to her sort of harshly before looking down and seeing the little kit. Her fur flattened and she relaxed, although she felt a bit embarressed to have been so easily startled by some kit.
“I’m sorry. I had only meant to come say hi to all of you. I’ve never met cats outside of my camp before.”, Shadekit replied as she took some steps backwards only to have Heidi come up behind her and lift her by the scruff of her neck, making her squirm and hiss angrily, “I can walk on my own two feet! I’m almost six moons old!”
“Almost, but not there yet. Until you are and until you act more mature, I’m going to keep doing this.”, Heidi said around her fur as she dipped her head to the Brambleclan warrior and said as much as she could, “I’m Heidi and I apologize for Shadekit’s behaviour, she doesn’t have any siblings.”
“I see. Well, it’s alright. She didn’t hurt anyone and we all were kits once. I’m Cloudtooth.”, Cloudtooth replied as she dipped her head and blinked down at the kit before looking at Heidi.
“I better get this one back to the nursery before she tries to get away and ends up in the Leader’s den again.”, Heidi said, turning around and walking back to the nursery den with Shadekit in her jaws.
Cloudtooth watched as the tortoiseshell carried the kit away and looked back to her deputy before they left the camp.
Heidi set Shadekit down once they got back to the nursery den and Shadekit huffed after she had been placed on the ground. She flattened her ears against her head in annoyance and moved away from her mother. At this point Foxkit finally woke up, her eyes glinting in the darkness. They seemed to shine with happiness upon seeing Shadekit.
"Shadekit! You're awake!", Foxkit exclaimed excitedly as she jumped up and hurried over to the other kit.
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m00nf0xxie · 2 years
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Warrior Cats leader OC! Hope y'all like it!
Have an awesome day!
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hinterland-clans · 5 years
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The founders of the mountain clans! After a catastrophic earthquake destroyed the lake territories and shattered the original five clans, the remainder of them came together to go on a second Great Journey. Along the way, three cats rose to become the leaders of the new clans.
Sorrelstar: Originally the deputy of Thunderclan, then named Sorrelfoot, he was kind, helpful and tried to see the good in everyone. He spent the journey coming to terms with his many personal issues; these included bad blood with his brother Pinetail who grew up in Skyclan and guilt over the deaths of his mate Quailheart and young daughter Mistlekit. He was the first to claim a home for his Clan, and the last of the founders to die.
Shardstar: Once a Tribe Prey-hunter named Shard of White Stone, Shardstar was sent to Clan territory with a small patrol in response to an omen the Stoneteller was given. It said that the cats who had helped them seasons before were in need of aid, and those who would be sent would not return. Shardstar took to Clan life hesitantly, and preserved the ways of the Tribe by building a Clan on the mountainside and teaching the cats everything he and his tribemates knew. RiftClan holds these traditions to this day.
Aspenstar: A ShadowClan warrior named Aspenbreeze with a natural knack for leadership. Following the earthquake, her Clan was taken over by the former leader’s power-hungry son, Crowmask. The struggle for unity within the Clan ended with the death of Crowmask and the disbanding of his followers during the first battle of the new Clans. Aspenstar worked to keep PineClan from mirroring ShadowClan’s violent past, and was the first founder to die in her pursuits. Her memory is revered within PineClan.
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grumpywaterfalls · 7 years
Black Shadows
Black Shadows by Shardstar
Bungou Stray Dogs 
Length: 54,278 (in progress)
Rating: Teen & Up
Warnings: Violence 
Pairing: Chuuya/Dazai
Author Summary: 
Atsushi didn't know what to think of the person he had met that day on the riverbank. The man was frighteningly strong despite his height. Had small alcohol tolerance despite his love for wine. Was bright and friendly despite his cursing. Was gentle and nice despite his dark past.
Most of all, Atsushi didn't know what to think about the massive darkness that followed Chuuya.
The shadow that came to Chuuya at night, whispering gentle and loving promises.
The shadow that came to Chuuya at mornings, carving a path of blood.
The shadow that gave Chuuya freedom, yet bound the man tighter and tighter in chains.
A single twist of fate changed everything.
The last person Oda Sakunosuke talked to wasn't Dazai but Chuuya.
The person that left the Mafia wasn't Dazai but Chuuya.
The person that met Atsushi at the bank that day wasn't Dazai but Chuuya.
Chuuya embraced the light while Dazai shunned it.
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ardraaah · 3 years
hugs phor @shardstar
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soukoku-fic-recs · 5 years
Black Shadows by Shardstar
Words: 105440
Status: unfinished [21/?]
Rating: teen and up audiences
Additional tags: Romance, Action/Adventure, Violence, Obsession, Mafia Dazai, Mafia! Dazai, saveChuuya2k16, ADA Chuuya, Yandere! Dazai, Yandere Dazai
Main pairings: Dazai/Chuuya
Atsushi didn't know what to think of the person he had met that day on the riverbank. The man was frighteningly strong despite his height. Had small alcohol tolerance despite his love for wine. Was bright and friendly despite his cursing. Was gentle and nice despite his dark past.
Most of all, Atsushi didn't know what to think about the massive darkness that followed Chuuya.
The shadow that came to Chuuya at night, whispering gentle and loving promises.
The shadow that came to Chuuya at mornings, carving a path of blood.
The shadow that gave Chuuya freedom, yet bound the man tighter and tighter in chains.
A single twist of fate changed everything.
The last person Oda Sakunosuke talked to wasn't Dazai but Chuuya.
The person that left the Mafia wasn't Dazai but Chuuya.
The person that met Atsushi at the bank that day wasn't Dazai but Chuuya.
Chuuya embraced the light while Dazai shunned it.
Oh boy where to begin with this one.. it gets dark, very dark.
The roles are reversed, Chuuya is trying his best to become a good man and joins the agency while Dazai stays in the mafia and obsesses over him, the only person he cares about after Oda’s death.
Chuuya wants Dazai to leave him alone, but also craves him and the characterisation and the feels, just.. whoa, so beautiful (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
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ao3feed-skk · 6 years
by Shardstar
“Dazai this, Dazai that!” Atsushi yelled out in anger, “Is that all you ever think about? I respect the man, dammit! But why the hell are you so obsessed with him? What’s so great about Dazai-san anyways? ”
There was pure silence as everyone in the near vicinity froze. The Mafia members looked at the ADA member in horror while ADA looked at the frozen Mafia members in confusion.
“How dare you… say such things about Dazai-san!” Akutagawa suddenly screamed, breaking the tension. “What’s so great about Dazai-san? EVERYTHING?! From the way he wraps his bandages to the color of his hair to the sound of his voice to the smell of his shampoo, EVERYTHING!”
-- or-- The story where Akutagawa shows his insane worship for Dazai and the rest of the Armed Detective Agency are the unwilling (and traumatized) recipient for it.
Words: 1534, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Edogawa Ranpo (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Armed Detective Agency Ensemble (Bungou Stray Dogs), Port Mafia Ensemble (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Relationships: Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Additional Tags: Akutagawa's obsession with Dazai, Dazai's number one fanboy, Sorry Not Sorry, I prolly just spat out my soul, Yes I'm thirsty for Dazai, Don't Judge Me
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thrushppelt · 1 year
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lays on. the floor
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marshjster · 6 years
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StreamClan leader | 52 moons
Known previously as Ivythroat, Ivystar is a very ambitious molly who uses honeyed words to get what she wants in every situation that she can. Perhaps this is what lead her to become deputy at just the right time. She takes on favors for other cats to gain their trust and support, but she often pawns the tasks themselves off to cats who are already devoted to her. She and her mate have had their eye on leadership since they were young warriors, even though they had a litter of kits together. While angling for the position of deputy, Ivythroat ignored the needs of her kits, causing them to grow up with very little attention from her.
Her ambitions seem to have paid off, however, as she has ahold of StreamClan, and she aims to steer it in a more aggressive direction than her passive predecessor, Shardstar. She has an eye for perfection, and if she doesn’t see it, she’ll do what is necessary to line reality up with her vision.
Mate: Bearstep Kits: Twigtail, Pikeface, Pebblepaw Kin: Hazelstrike (father), Sleepysong (mother) Apprentice(s): Ottersplash Mentor: Dogstep
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duartegazzola · 1 year
Shardstar! clangen
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Previous name: Shardice
Shardstar is: a doe eyed cat, with long ears, small body, messy but soft fur. She has gray fur, with lighter under side and dark upside, she have dark gray (almost black) spots, blue eyes and a skinny tail.
Design notes:
fluff chin, kinda like a beard but very subtle
black muzzle whiskers and white forehead whiskers
Mossclan is at 10 moons old, some interesting updates coming soon ;)
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shardstar1827 · 7 years
Black Shadows: A Soukoku Fanfiction
Atsushi didn't know what to think of the person he had met that day on the riverbank. The man was frighteningly strong despite his height. Had small alcohol tolerance despite his love for wine. Was bright and friendly despite his cursing. Was gentle and nice despite his dark past.
Most of all, Atsushi didn't know what to think about the massive darkness that followed Chuuya.
The shadow that came to Chuuya at night, whispering gentle and loving promises.
The shadow that came to Chuuya at mornings, carving a path of blood.
The shadow that gave Chuuya freedom, yet bound the man tighter and tighter in chains.
A single twist of fate changed everything.
The last person Oda Sakunosuke talked to wasn't Dazai but Chuuya.
The person that left the Mafia wasn't Dazai but Chuuya.
The person that met Atsushi at the bank that day wasn't Dazai but Chuuya.
Chuuya embraced the light while Dazai shunned it.
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fy-soukoku · 7 years
Got any good Soukokou fic? Preferably with ADA chuuya, dealing with the lovecraft fight or set around the time Dazai leaves the mafia? I've hit a wall and need some inspiration. Thanks love!
I am so sorry for taking so long! I was reading reddie fanfiction doing homework! I don’t have many ADA!Chuuya, but here’s one plus a DoubleAgent!Dazai!
Black Shadows by Shardstar | WIP | Teen | 23k
A single twist of fate changed everything.
The last person Oda Sakunosuke talked to wasn’t Dazai but Chuuya.
The person that left the Mafia wasn’t Dazai but Chuuya.
The person that met Atsushi at the bank that day wasn’t Dazai but Chuuya.
Chuuya embraced the light while Dazai shunned it.
Drop the Act by writingfromtheshadows | Explicit | 5k
If Dazai’s fingers slid any further down Chuuya’s restraint might completely collapse, and he grasped for something to say that could be a valid excuse, “Why would I want you anymore? Your goody two-shoes act puts me off.”
“It’s just an act.”
(or the one where Dazai’s been a Port Mafia spy all along)
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