#shasta college
sonyachristian · 23 days
Relationships ..... the joy of life
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w1f1n1ghtm4r3 · 4 months
eventually i want to post so much about shattered staccato but like. its so much of a wip. the curses of making ocs with four other people and each person being in charge of one of them. its hard to coordinate times to work on things for them. but if anyone wants to see my art of them so far...? i can post that i guess?
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During my conversation with Richard Hanania about the 2019 Academy Award-winning film Parasite, I talked about how viewers and critics were quick to assume that Parasite was about a rich family and a poor family.
It shows how little people know about class.
This is how the director of the movie, Bong Joon Ho, characterized the Kim family:
“The father has accumulated numerous business failures, the mother who trained as an athlete has never found particular success, and the son and daughter have failed the university entrance exam on multiple occasions.”
This is not the profile of a poor or working class family. The Kims are not poor, they are failed middle class.
This is why, in an early scene in the movie, they were so bad at folding those pizza boxes.
In high school, I worked at an Italian restaurant as a busboy and dishwasher.
In his terrific memoir on slum tourism, Down and Out in Paris and London, George Orwell uses the French term plongeur—a person employed to wash dishes and carry out other menial tasks in a restaurant or hotel—to describe his occupation as he was struggling in Paris.
Plongeur sounds much better than “bus boy.”
Anyway, my coworkers in the pizza station were, like the rest of us in the back of the restaurant, guys from fucked up families. They drove beat-up motorcycles and had long hair and tattoos, or were stoners or community college dropouts whose highlight of the week was getting paid on Friday and drinking away the weekend.
The girls mostly worked as servers, and were generally more put together. Though there was plenty of binge drinking and drug use among them as well. Many restaurants function like this, with sweaty guys in the back cooking food and scrubbing pans and the cheerful women up front, serving food and interacting with patrons.
Guys I worked with could fold a pizza box with their eyes closed while stoned out of their minds.
So the Parasite scene didn’t make sense to me at first, until I realized what I was seeing.
Working class people would figure out how to fold pizza boxes and do it fine. Bitter middle class people think they’re too good for it.
The Kims middle class origins also explains why they were able to seamlessly interact with the well-to-do Park family (more on them soon).
Skeptical viewers have questioned why the Kim son had a friend who studied in a university. And why the Kim son was able to teach English to the Park daughter so well despite his poor background.
And astute critics have wondered how it’s possible that the Kim daughter who is obviously adept at graphic design (forging her art credentials) and interacts easily with the Parks came from a poor family.
The Kim son and daughter were raised by middle class parents, that’s why.
The Kim family represents a great fear of affluent people, including film critics: Downward mobility.
The Kims are middle class people who slipped down the economic ladder. The Parks are middle class people who ascended the economic ladder.
The Park mother is easily duped by the Kim daughter’s discussions of art and its therapeutic powers. This is because the Park mother is a philistine who doesn’t actually know that much about art. She’s not from some well-bred old money family. She and her husband have only recently arrived at their current economic station.
Parasite is not about entrenched class divisions. It’s not about a poor family and a rich family. It’s about a downwardly mobile middle class family and an upwardly mobile one.
Which is why resentment builds and explodes into violence. Envy is reserved for those who are similar to ourselves.
Working class people are generally not envious of the very rich. Nobody I knew growing up hated Bill Gates or Hollywood celebrities. They mostly envied well off people in town. People who had big houses or had a boat docked at the Shasta Marina.
Who envies the actual rich? Upper middle class people.
People tend to envy and resent those close to their social strata.
In his fascinating book Envy: a theory of social behaviour, the sociologist Helmut Schoeck wrote:
“The best means of protection against the envy of a neighbor is to drive a Rolls-Royce instead of a car only slightly better than his...overwhelming and astounding inequality arouses far less envy than minimal inequality.”
There are a couple of reasons for why resentment and envy are strongest for those nearest to us.
First, there's proximity.
Working class people work for, and take orders from, upper middle class professionals. This (sort of) describes the relationship between the Kims and the Parks in Parasite.
But upper middle class professionals work for, and report to, the very rich. We never see the father of the Park family at his job, interacting with much wealthier colleagues.
The second reason people reserve scorn for those close to our social strata is that they remind them of their failings.
When people have expectations for their lives that are not met, but they see others similar to themselves achieve the same things they desire, they experience resentment and anger.
This is why people feel the most schadenfreude, joy from seeing others’ misfortune, when the person experiencing the misfortune is similar to themselves.
Other research has revealed that similarity and domain relevance are key predictors of malicious envy.
This means that a person who is similar to ourselves and who is successful in a field we also aspire to do well in is especially likely to trigger feelings of resentment and a desire to take destructive action to sabotage them.
This is why critics and the chattering classes loved Parasite. The film allowed them to identify with resentful middle class people who are down on their luck, under the guise of sympathizing with the poor.
Parasite allowed identification with resentment and envy to masquerade as compassion.
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artdcnaldson · 1 month
i just went to menards to get my starter supply of shasta soda for college. 4 cases. i got a cherry cola, a lemon lime, root beer, and orange creme soda. im literally the happiest girl ever rn!!!!
YUMMMYYYY i looove orange cream soda so much <3 I’m jealous!!
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aleclawler1 · 4 months
Alec Lawler - Dedicated CAD Engineer
Alec Lawler, a CAD Engineer, graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Shasta College. His academic excellence and practical experience through an Engineering Internship reflect his passion for design. As a Freelance CAD Engineer, Alec provides tailored design solutions, demonstrating strong communication and problem-solving skills. Outside of work, Alec enjoys sailing, golfing, hiking, and baseball, activities that nurture his creativity and resilience. With his diverse skill set and passion for innovation, Alec is set to make meaningful contributions in the engineering sector.
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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is and always will be the weakest of the four currently extant Indiana Jones films but I will say it’s kind of neat how it’s the only one you can confidently date to a narrow range of possible dates beyond just the year without reading the novelizations or any of the script drafts just based on real world historic nuclear testing in 1957. Which I’m about to get kind of needlessly into so I’ll put the rest of this under a read more:
There’s only nine tests as part of Operation Plumbbob (which by dint of being the series of nuclear tests that covered the summer and early fall of 1957 are the ones I am using as the basis of all of this assumption) that featured nuclear weapons being detonated on towers and only six of those were before the 1957-1958 school year rather than right at the ass end of the ‘56-‘57 school year or well into the first couple months. If you want to assume a time skip of a few months then the opening is anywhere from May 27 1957 to August 31 1957 (given the opening starts on an evening); however going by the franchise’s usual implied “Indy is back to the university within a week or two” it’s really narrowed down further to either August 18’s Shasta test or August 31’s Smoky. Maybe you can push it back to the Diablo test on July 15 or the Kepler test on July 24 if you want to assume that Marshall College has a relatively early school year start.
Kinda odd to realize that the upcoming Dial of Destiny is also going to be the only other one you can confidently date to a specific day thanks to it featuring the New York ticker tape parade for Apollo 11 which interestingly also makes for an August setting, and actually now that I think about it since said ticker tape parade was August 13 1969 that kind of retroactively makes for KotCS’s opening to be one of the July tests instead of one of the August tests unless the rumors about Indy now teaching at a third distinct college that he’s retiring from is true in which case I’m still going to assume Marshall College had a more typical mid-late August to early September academic year start rather than an early August one, unless whatever university stuff we see in DoD is meant to be summer courses which makes that issue moot anyway?
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strongermonster · 2 years
willow works at a bar/nightclub and i went to see her last night, and when i was waiting outside for her they were kicking out some semi-wasted white girls who were dishing the most specific-ass insults at the security staff.
this stone-faced lad in probably his late 20's, in a black shirt and khakis had to put up with "you look like human grocery store sushi. you look like you're still sad that sears went out of business. seniors-discount-ass-vibes. you probably go to military recruitment offices for the free haircuts. my boy here buys the exact same pair of shoes every 4 years."
kelliegh, shasta, brittaneie, my ladies. props for nailing this guys milquetoast vibe so accurately, but you're being kicked out of a bar smack in the middle of at least 2 universities and 3 satellite colleges. this is probably the most shenanigans-friendly place you can step foot in on this here earth, and you were being so annoying they're making you leave. i do not think you should be casting these weirdly specific stones.
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tehloserprince · 8 months
I was tagged by @santacoppelia - thank you! 🥺🧡
1. were you named after anyone? Michael Jordan, ha ha. No, really, my mom's a huge fan. She's followed his career ever since his UNC days. I love telling people that's how I got my name. For the record, although I have an obligatory fondness for my hometown team and a nostalgic love for the Bulls in their Jordan Era, I'm currently a Bucks fan.
2. when was the last time you cried? It's really difficult for me to cry. It's such a relief at times, tho. I cried a few weeks ago, when I realized my special needs dog was having some epilepsy-related issues. I've mostly accepted that I'll probably never see him with a grey muzzle, but I really hope we can share more time together. There are still so many things I want to show him.
3. do you have kids? Nope. Sorta did, once, but I don't really talk about that much. It was a good experience, and I still love/think about her. But my kids are all the critter variety these days ;) I enjoy hanging out with my friends' kids, but they're all growing up too quickly :/ What even is time
4. what sports do you play/have you played? I never really played anything professionally, but I liked soccer, basketball, and running when I was younger. I got into boxing and Muay Thai when I was a little older, and also did a lot of hiking. Unfortunately I'm crippled, so I'm limited in what I can/should do. I try to go on lots of walks with my pup and swim whenever I can. Sometimes I still wrap my hands and hit the bag, which is fun.
5. do you use sarcasm? No, never. (/s obvs)
6. what's the first thing you notice about people? The way they treat other people - especially the most vulnerable - and animals. Physically, eyes and smile. I'm more impressed by people who can be genuinely kind without ulterior motivation.
7. what's your eye color? Hazel.
8. scary movies or happy endings? Depends on my mood! In terms of scary films, gore feels lazy and boring to me. I need a film to get inside my head in order to be scary. But I'm a sucker for happy endings too, which is a lot of projection on my part, ha ha.
9. any talents? Err. Uh. Writing, I guess? Remembering a lot of random info? Friends are consistently surprised that I'll remember so many little details, especially if it's like ... me surprising them with something they mentioned liking at some point. Funny enough, I'll frequently forget why I walked into a room these days, but I'm glad some parts of my memory still excel! I'm also told that I'm extremely patient, if that counts as a talent.
10. where were you born? Charlotte, NC.
11. what are your hobbies? Writing, reading, watching movies and television shows (mostly with the BFF), random crafts, DIY home improvement stuff (I painted my entire house despite my health worsening over the years and I'm very proud of that), canine behavior/training, and playing video games. I don't have as much time for games, but I still enjoy it. Started a new game of Red Dead Redemption 2 this winter, and I've been spending hours just roaming the land with my horse.
12. do you have any pets? Ha, yes! I do a lot of animal rescue and have some life goals related to that, so hopefully I'll always be surrounded by critters. My beloved dog (Skippyjon) passed away in 2022 (old age and CHF). I had a cockatiel for 21 years - a birthday present when I turned 8. We basically grew up together, and the house is still way too quiet without him. I had other dogs (Smokey and Locke), and a lot of fish. In college, I had an "illegal" hamster, Kai (Kaizoku). He was fat and wonderful. I chose him because he squeezed past his siblings, sat in their food dish, and started shoving food in his mouth. King behavior tbh. I had a rat named Stevie in my late 20s. Currently, I have a deaf special needs dog (Oscar aka Ozzy), a cat that I hand-raised because she was found abandoned shortly after birth (Swayze), and a rabbit (Shasta aka Bad Bunny). At some point, I decided that all my rabbits would be named after soda brands, ha.
13. how tall are you? About 5'10".
14. favorite subject in school? Literature, Spanish, Philosophy, sometimes History, Classical Studies, Art. Anything that wasn't math, because I always struggled with that.
15. dream job? If I could make a living off of writing and spend a lot of my time doing animal rescue, I'd be content. Even if I was wealthy, I'd ultimately pursue a simple, cozy life without a lot of fanfare. I'd love to have more money to invest in animal rescue and local community welfare (kids should always have basic necessities imo). Maybe someday ...
Tagging anyone who feels like doing this! Feel free to reblog or tag me if you wanna let me know that you did it. Thanks, this was fun :3
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cornyonmains · 9 months
While The Midnight Club might be my least favorite Flannagan project, I have to give it up for how well he wrote Ilonka. She's a textbook smart teenager. She's smart, but it hasn't turned into intelligence, as evidenced by her Mary Shelley rant, which had a lot of opinions that weren't quite her own, but good points she'd heard other adults make and memorized.
She'd have been brought back down to Earth in college, but she never had the opportunity. She went straight into a hospice, with no reason to think anything other than she's the smartest smarty that ever smarted and can smart her way out of this situation with smarts, because she's smart. She's insufferable, and it's one of the best written teenagers I've ever seen. Because ONLY a teenager could be so insufferable even a terminal illness makes it hard to stymie your distaste.
Even her story about the witches highlighted how Ilonka saw herself in the beginning, as special and powerful. Even the wardrobe in her store reflects that, lots of billowing fabrics with nature prints evoking the feeling of a goddess. The lights on her forehead when scrying highlighting her pride, her mind, and how she sees it as this superior thing. Even Shasta knows puffing her up about how smart she is is how to manipulate her. The depths of Ilonka's denial knows no limits. Her willingness to drag the other kids down with her really highlights this pride, because Ilonka doesn't know what it is to be wrong.
While I wasn't overly fond of the Midnight Club, I do think it's a shame Ilonka's journey was cut short. I think where this story was ultimately headed, where the horror of it was headed, was in teaching that sometimes the real horror isn't what lurks in the dark, but the inevitability of darkness itself. I feel like Ilonka's journey for season 2 would have been finding peace with the inevitable, the same as Anya managed to do. And accepting death.
I also have a fan theory that the janitor guy is death, because I was getting some major William Bludworth in Final Destination vibes off him, just less ominous. Also, if it is death, what's doubly hilarious is that Ilonka even managed to tell him how smart she is. God, I see too much of my 18 year old self in her, and I don't like it.
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watasemasaru · 9 months
Uuurhhhghghghhhffhrhghhh, Tell me about the Days Sisters!!! I want to know about themmm....
I have, a big chunk of stuff for you. And a couple photos to get their sense of style
Paternal Grandfather: Sean O. Days
Paternal Grandmother: Hanamaru Days (nee Yamato)
Maternal Grandfather: Yasuyuki Ono
Maternal Grandmother: Caroline Ono (nee James)
Father: Oisín M. Days
Mother: Chieko Ono
Aunts: Jyou Ono, Junko Ono(✝)
Cousins: Wakaba Majima, Kyrie Kashiwagi, Ryuko Makimura
1st cousins once removed (mother's cousins): Otoha Hojo, Aomame Hojo
Shasta Shizuka Days
April 1, 1968 • 4’9” • AB
Spouse: Julio Sanchez
Children: Mana Rose, Shiho Ramona, Mamoru O., Mark Jarvis (adopted)
Likes: Cooking, finding old and inane laws, Ingrid Berman movies
Dislikes: Going Home™, beaches, Rafael Barba
Personality: Shasta as an object is dry ice. You have to insulate yourself against her cold and unyielding demeanor. She is direct, matter of fact, and usually always right and she is graceless in that fact. At work the entire building has dubbed her the End of Days. Despite her frigid temps she is still passionate in what she thinks is right and her unwillingness to back down aids her well. Her best and probably only friend will tell you that Shasta is a very kind person, but is not a nice person…at all. But Shasta didn't always used to be so frigid and domineering. As a girl she was a serious tenderfoot about pretty much everything and sweet. As for why, well good luck getting me to finish anything ever.
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Dahlia Eiko Days
July 7, 1973 • 5’11” • B
Uh…we have a thing: Peter Stone
And a whole kid: Kou
Likes: long drives, cigarettes, fast food
Dislikes: formal clothing, cleaning, rock ballads
Personality: A loveable asshole. She's that butch jock chick that you befriend at the bar who doesn't start fights but she finishes them. Dahlia has always been a whatever blows your hair back type of person, rowdy, and bullheaded. She and Shasta will never admit but they're both the exact same kind of asshole when they think they're right about something. Dahlia co-parents her son and if you ask her the hardest part is not being able to smoke in the house anymore.
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Sunny Miyu Days
December 13, 1978 • 5’7” • AB
Partner: Rachel Brooks
Children: Yuck
Likes: Carpentry, being outside, eating
Dislikes: Winter, spiders, kids
Personality: Charming with plenty of sass. Sunny is as tomboy southern girl as they come. Unlike her sisters who went to the coasts after college, Sunny after graduating from Ole Miss came back home and hasn't left without any intention to. When she's not working she works on her house, a never ending I'm bored with these cabinets let's build something else renovation project. Rachel hates it. Sunny is of the sisters the most morally wobbly. Where her sisters there's usually a noble cord strung through their actions. Sunny thinks more in literals than concepts.
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Ian Hibiki Days
December 13, 1978 • 5’0” • AB
Husband: Antonio Dawson / Rafael Barba (depending on the timeline I'm playing in. I’ve got aus of aus out here. help.)
Children: Alvie Rhian, Ennis Miyabi, Eva (stepd.), Diego (steps.) / Yui Catalina Barba
Likes: Dumas’ works, older jrpgs, 90s movies
Dislikes: Cooking, jewelry like necklaces and bracelets, math
Personality: Like her twin Ian is willing to cross a line, but in pursuit of what she believes to be right or just. Ian is the more even tempered and ingratiating of the four. She's intuitive and observant and tends to make friends easily along with being loyal to the point of devotion. Ian is the wordy type and uses 40 words when 4 will do, most people think it charming. Ian is a homebody but does make a habit to go see a movie once a month and she never misses a local Shakespeare production.
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novembertwentynine · 1 year
Soda pop, my efferevescent energy
I have 5 names. My middle name, Shasta, has been, quite literally, a source of my identity, personality, and insecurity for my entire life. It is the name the people closest to me use, from my family and closest friends.
However, as will be further discussed below, in college, I started avoiding introducing myself with my middle name Shasta and began going by my first name. This allowed me to save time, for both others and myself. Namely (no pun intended) myself. I have never felt that my first name fit me or my personality, but because of it, I have been allowed to code switch and control how people react. It saved myself from embarrassment.
Because of my middle name, teachers, new friends, strangers, and others alike have paused to make sure they heard it wrong. When I introduce myself, most people fall into two categories. Category 1: the best people and the type of people anyone should have around are those that say, "Shasta? That's beautiful," and comment on how it is unique.
Category 2: "Like the soda?" We can divide this into subsection a) and b). In a), "oh, that's interesting," and don't say anything further. In b) people -- often men, even those who try to flirt with me -- will often quite literally chortle at me. "Haha, like the cheap soda!" (Like that's going to get a girl to take a drink with you.)
Speaking of drink....
Yes, like the soda.
I have always accepted my name, because my parents have instilled in me a sense of pride in my name. My parents think it is a unique and beautiful name, and have always told me so--and for parents to instill pride in you at a young age is a rare thing. Expected, but stlil rare, and affects you for the rest of your life.
Even so, it has been a source of my insecurity for the people in Category B.
My husband, however, grew up with me, and I remember it being the most comforting, reassuring feeling when he called me the first time nine (9!!!) years after our high school graduation. It felt safe and accepted. He never once has made fun of me in school and to this day has always commented on how my name has flowed.
I now go by both my first and middle name. Both have been an avenue that I can use to control a conversation and perceptions in both professional and work settings. It also depends on my mood. in my experience, most people do remember the name Shasta. I barely remember my first name. But it allows me to avoid the embarrassment and having to answer, "yes, like the soda"
I know I could choose not to respond, but more often than not, people have been rude and insulting.
Then I ran across the word "effervescent" on Tumblr's homepage description and it makes sense. Lively, bubbly, enthusiastic. Again, bubbly. Everything just makes sense. I am bubbly, like the soda.
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sonyachristian · 2 months
July 27th and 28th, 2024 - a special weekend
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wakabahan · 1 year
I love the Days sisters. But I'd like to know what regrets they have? If any, of course. What do they lie awake at night thinking about? What they could've done differently?
Dahlia wishes she had known that loyalty meant more than just not being a snitch. Her purposely being blind caused people to be hurt. Not being more aware of the people around her in general is a hefty regret of hers. And any time Hailey brings in Greek for lunch and she doesn't take a tums beforehand.
Ian - depends on the timeline...well no not really they both are about Antonio so LOL. Until she was out of college she didn't really do anything to warrant regrets...at least that she's aware of 🙂
Sunny - no regrets, we fuck up and keep moving
Shasta - her existence
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lesterplatt · 4 days
Shasta College - Anthem Video (Directors Cut) from Mateus Inke on Vimeo.
Agency: Diamond View Director: Daniel Mallek DP: Wes Eldridge Producer: Vanessa Rao Grip/Gaff: Jason Blanc AC/Drone : Charles Meyers Editor: Mateus Inke
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stubobnumbers · 1 month
CFB Promotion and Relegation - The PAC-10
PAC10 Tier One - The PAC-10 (FBS): Washington Washington State Oregon Oregon State Arizona Arizona State California Stanford Southern Cal UCLA
PAC10 Tier Two - Mountain West (FBS): Hawaii Fresno State San Diego State San Jose State Boise State BYU Utah Wyoming Air Force Colorado State
PAC10 Tier Three - Western Athletic Conference (FBS): Idaho Idaho State Montana Montana State Nevada UNLV Eastern Washington Sacramento State UC Davis Northern Arizona
PAC10 Tier Four - Big Sky (FCS): Southern Utah Weber State Northern Colorado Colorado Mines CSU-Pueblo Western Colorado Colorado Mesa Fort Lewis Adams State
PAC10 Tier Five - Pacific States Conference (D2): Cal Poly SLO San Diego Portland State Lewis & Clark Southern Oregon Eastern Oregon Western Oregon Central Washington Puget Sound Whitworth University
PAC10 Tier Six - Frontier Conference (D3): Carroll College (MT.) Montana State-Northern Montana Tech U of Montana-Western Rocky Mountain College College of Idaho Snow College (UT.) Pacific Lutheran (WA.)
PAC10 Tier Seven - Western Football Association (D3): Everett CC (WA.) George Fox Linfield Pacific (OR.) Willamette U. Claremont-Mudd-Scripps Pomona-Pitzer California Lutheran U. of Redlands Whittier College
PAC10 Tier Eight - Western Colleges Conference (D3): Arizona Christian Ottawa U. (AZ.) Chapman U. U. of La Verne Simpson U. (CA.) Saddleback College Feather River College Orange Coast College Moorpark Coll. (CA.) Palomar Coll. (CA.)
PAC10 Tier Nine - California Metro Conference (D3): Los Angeles Southwest College West Los Angeles College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Pierce College Los Angeles Valley College East Los Angeles College Sacramento City College Fresno City College San Diego Mesa Modesto JC
PAc10 Tier Ten - California Football Alliance (D3): Pasadena City College Santa Monica College San Bernardino Valley College Santa Barbara City College Santa Rosa Junior College College of San Mateo American River College San Joaquin Delta College College of the Siskiyous West Hills College – Coalinga
PAC10 Tier Eleven - California Football Conference (D3): City College of San Francisco San Jose City College Laney College College of the Sequoias Shasta College Chabot College Contra Costa College Monterey Peninsula College Mt. San Antonio College Foothill College
PAc10 Tier Twelve - Golden State Conference (D3): Long Beach City College Riverside City College Bakersfield College Butte College Chaffey College De Anza College Diablo Valley College Victor Valley College College Of The Canyons El Camino College
PAc10 Tier Thirteen - California Colleges Conference (D3): Cerritos College Fullerton College Gavilan College Hartnell College Grossmont College College Of The Desert Golden West College Compton College Glendale CC Los Medanos College
PAC10 Tier Fourteen - Small Colleges Conference (D3): Merced College Antelope Valley College Citrus College Allan Hancock College Community Christian College Mt. San Jacinto College Reedley College Santa Ana College Sierra College Southwestern College Ventura College Yuba College
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riverthylacine · 3 months
Finally had enough money to get a refurbished laptop! I got a Dell Latitude (I forgor which model) because I had one before but sold it to my lil bro and bought a crappy laptop but I regret the decision, I’m gonna gift that laptop to my little sister cause I don’t want to have a random laptop I’ll never use laying around ya know? Plus I have a hoarding disorder so I gotta keep the stuff I have down in fact I actually have to downsize a lot cause I’m moving back to Detroit to help my mom and little sister cause my mom is in art college and is busy, also they have two dogs and a cat (hopefully mip gets along with her) so I can help take care of them, FUN FACT mip is from Detroit, that’s where I adopted her so she knows the house :) also FAYGO COLA!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite cola in fact it’s better that Shasta cola and RC Cola imo,
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