#shattered peace
ari-skycotl · 3 months
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This was an art trade I had the honor to do with @serene-sky-kid we exchanged each other's skykids ^^ I had the privilege to draw Serene.
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A beautiful headshot was done of my skykid Ari! LOOK HOW GORGEOUS!!!
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ebi-skycotl · 1 month
Undo Animatic | Feyra
Song is Undo by Sanna Nielson
This was a week long project, simply because I did full rendering lol.
This frame is by far my favorite though:
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If you'd like to know context ( aka the lore ) it's under the cut since it may involve spoilers for Shattered Peace ( which is probably gonna be released before the year is over 👀 ).
So, for the lore, Feyra lost all of his first family in the Fall of Eden. While he may have Nova and Euri now, he's never forgotten his first family.
First, let me introduce the characters in that frame, from left to right:
Lora ( Feyra's twin sister )
Thyme ( Lora's lover and Feyra's sister in law )
Ajal ( Feyra's best friend and basically brother )
Feyra used to have long hair too ( which is why I drew him that way in the "memory" frame ). Also he's hot with long hair.
The scars by Feyra's core are from darkness, because he was corrupted by it when Eden fell. He's been suppressing painful flare-ups and trying to hide the growing cracks ever since, because he doesn't want his new family to know that he's dying. ( My boy does not know how to ask for help at all. )
In the final three frames, I drew something I've always imagined Lora doing; watching over her brother even though she's dead and he can't hear or see her. I think she might not be able to move on, because Feyra is suffering and still hasn't grieved her death and the death of everyone else he knew back in Eden.
Side note, the earrings Feyra wears belonged to Lora. He's worn them since he found her body, because it's all he has left of her now.
Anyway, that concludes the context, thank you for reading and I apologize for any tears that are shed because of me :D
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jammiedoggo · 2 months
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Hero labelled villain done this on me
Description: "Inspirational" "For greater cause" "Punishing evil"
Blood on yours hands, No pride in domestic abuse.
When a hero especially idol or celebrity reveals to be fake and villain for committing evil on their victim. All it's left is in name of greater cause despite nothing has achieved from it. It's all about the hero, never the truth, the victim nor anyone and anything. Do not support them at all cost!
Journel: One of my expression sketch made into digital. The "" phrases are symbolised manipulation and gaslighting that became haunting in mind while also represent as intrusive thoughts and PTSD. The smashed out glass where the hit point is located on the head symbolised fractured from trauma. Wol symbolised as misunderstood animal whom feared as monster. The blue color symbolised as too good to be true villain provokative attack. The blood symbolised the damaged self esteem cause by the villain's violant behavour. What's Hero labelled villain means; The villain who too good to be true or good reputation and morally correct turn out to be twist villain, the true evil among us. It could also mean actual hero or idol nor celebrity as example; a minor been sexually groomed by person who is national hero and celebrity, an idol quantities of those who look up, trust and feel safe with.
Victims of domestic abuse from fake heroes, there voices will be heard and unforgotten.
If anyone a victim of domestic abuse, please seek SOS helpline when the oppuntuntity. It not your fault and don't worried if the police involved, ignore the anti police propaganda that it was said by the domestic abuser themselves. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_domestic_violence_hotlines
If anyone has mental illness and PTSD, please seek help in theropy and medical. When trauma left unrecover can resolt in disaster, chance of responsablity and more insult to injury. You need to recover and come and spoke out about it. I don't want any victim became domestic abusers themselves.
Bite back wolf pack!
Please refrain from leaving creepy perverted NSFW, use my past mistakes against me and hateful (prejiduce) comments.
There be no tolerance of condemed and harresment, They make me uncomfortable and will be removed.
[!CAUTION]! Otherwise, beast unleashed (aka go nuts).
If any problem?, please calm down and touch grass to think before you act. Try to be polite and calm, adress the problem, the reason about the problem, express the feeling and solution advice that will help me improve. I want to stay pacifist and don't want drama, shame, witchhunted and get cancelled culture.
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divinitysmuse · 3 months
remembering the crush I had on that one friend when I was still the new kid that would've absolutely shattered my current friend group
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linhzard · 2 months
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steady breathing now, jojo!
(this is a redraw hehe)
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clownsuu · 1 year
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Small detour of what I usually post, but I absolutely wish (other) clown the best of luck during these confusing and almost hopeless times- nobody knows how to deal with such amount of attention in such short amount of time- a blessing and a curse to behold
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Bell of Peace/Gong of shattering
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childedisliker · 1 year
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"chu wanning had absolutely no reply to that"
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vikanightlightcomic · 6 months
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Day 6
Shattered Dream by @galacii-gallery
Cross Sans by @jakei95
Dream and Nightmare by @jokublog
Aim Sans and Dark Cream week 2024 by @zu-is-here
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ari-skycotl · 4 months
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Ever since Bea was little she's always loved putting flowers and ribbons in her brother's braid. Sura would never admit he likes it ☺️
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ebi-skycotl · 3 months
Feyra was happy once...
But happiness is difficult to keep.
Small rant on how I came up with this under the cut, though it includes very mild spoilers for Shattered Peace.
I've seen this trend going around, and I know it's an old one, but I couldn't help but notice that everyone who did this trend would usually depict their characters happier after their hair was cut or changed. It would be like healing for these characters, letting go of the past and the pain haunting them.
But then I looked at my character. Feyra. He had long hair in his youth, when he wasn't corrupted. Those years were the happiest times of his life, even though he has Nova and Euri now.
For him, those strands of long hair held the happy memories of when nothing was wrong and the world wasn't being destroyed by the darkness.
He's not happy now. Not often. Not without sorrow tainting it. He's let go of happiness, he's accepted he's never going to feel genuinely happy again.
Ah I've made myself cry TT
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clonesimpextra · 6 months
Popping by for the first time in months to say the Wolffe Bad Batch episodes ignited something inside of me and now I've outlined the aftermath of episode 7 from the perspective of Amara and Wolffe. Including how they navigate the effect the chip's had on Wolffe's loyalty and his future paranoia.
This is great for Future Danielle, but Present Danielle needs to finish this part of ASP before she moves on!!!!!
OK bye, see you when I see you <3
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writtenendings · 1 year
just finished the song of achilles by madeline miller. also just finished an hour of loudly sobbing while the audiobook played. i love multitasking.
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sainz100 · 5 hours
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2024 Singapore GP | x
#hi everyone I'm sorry I vanished for a few days#this weekend has been ao hard both irl with family and in my heart in the world of F1#I feel so so so so much for Daniel and I keep riding a roller coaster of anger that RBR let this happen and sorrow if this is it#then I swing back to hope#not just in 2025 (which I still believe in!!)#but that he can find joy and fufillment and love somewhere better#he deserves so much better than the callously cruel weekend from a sport he's given so much of his life to#I'll be a Daniel fan no matter where he goes next#but my trust in RBR is irrevocably shattered as it is for many (not that I had much to begin with!)#but he was thrown to the wolves and I'm just so angry and heartbroken this happened#but then the possible last lap of his potential last race given to Max#thank you Daniel#and I'm hopeful til the end#I hope he gets what he wants but he deserves so much love#and seeing the love from fans and the people in his life who DO care#I'm a newer fan but I have become so fond for Daniel so much and the anticipation is killing me#let him and fans have peace (even if the goal is Checo retiring after the Mexico GP then at least give some closure for the month between)#just a hard weekend#and the FIA absurdity with Max too ugh#and Carlos' crash in quali ahhh just an awful weekend#with that and an overwhelming family weekend I just couldn't bring myself to post anything#but thank you everyone for this space#I need to catch up but I have seen so many folks echo how I feel#it is upsetting and needless and uncerimonious and cruel#I'll be hopeful forever there is a chance#but Daniel deserves to be happy and RBR proved how heartless of a place they can be#I'll savor the silver linings of Max and Daniel's bond and those on the team who lifted him up#I'll be away again for a work event today but I looked around insta a bit last night#I'll post and tag for the GP if anyone wants to not see it!! still hurts but it'll all be okay in time I know it ❤️#autumn posts
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fireladybuckley · 9 months
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I have been dreading this day for years.
Today, I had to say goodbye to my best friend.
Leo has been with me for 13 years. He is the best companion I’ve ever had. A total Momma’s boy, he followed me everywhere. Even if he was fast asleep and I was just going to the bathroom, within 30 seconds he’d show up. I had never had a cat so affectionate before him. He always loved @firemedicdiaz too, and took to her like a second mom when we moved in together, but I was always His Momma.
He was always so funny, so playful, so affectionate. He loved his sister, and when she passed after ten years together, he was lonely, despite all the love I gave him. Six months later, we got Buck, and it was like he was a kitten again. Buck brought out the youth in him for a while and I will always be grateful for that. They played and hung out together for a good two years before Leo started to decline.
For the last year or so Leo has been having health issues. He was diagnosed with diabetes in May of this year after months of losing weight and being sick. By the middle of September, he’d already beaten it and gone into remission. But he’s been having problems ever since. He lost so much weight and no matter how much he ate, he couldn’t gain it back.
He developed feline dementia last year, but it got significantly worse after the stress of his illness. For weeks now he’s been confused, having bathroom accidents all over, crying and wandering aimlessly. He also clearly had some arthritis, as he stopped jumping up on most surfaces, walked gingerly and hesitated when lowering himself down.
He still was having some good days, but they were decreasing, and the digestive issues were constant. Poor guy couldn’t go a day without issue, and he was always hungry no matter how much he ate.
He was not at death’s door, but I know he was headed there. I had that horrible feeling about a week ago, that intuitive premonition that long time pet owners just… know. I made the decision to put him to sleep now, before it became a time where there was no choice left.
I chose to have in-home euthanasia for him, and it was the best thing I’ve ever done. He had an amazing morning, filled with all his favourite treats, all the love he could ever want, and a nice long nap on his favourite cushion in the sun. He ate his favourite treats just two minutes before the sedative kicked in, and then I held him until he fell asleep. His passing was quick and peaceful and I could not have asked for more for him. I wouldn’t have wanted him to go any other way. His two moms will miss him more than he will ever know, but at least he is at peace now.
So long, my sweet boy. You were the best friend I could ever have asked for and then some. I will never forget you. Go find your sister; I’m sure she will have lots of stories to tell after 3 years apart.
I’ll see you again when it’s time, and you can regale me with all of your stories and purrs and aggressive nuzzles. Love you, buddy. Til we meet again. 🌈❤️🤍🖤
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