hoardingpuffin · 2 years
Autistic Person rates Autistic Characters in Media
In this post, I will be rating some autistic characters in media (specifically TV and movies) based on how well represented I feel by them as an autistic person. Keep in mind that this is thus a subjective list since autism is very individual and no two autistic people will have the same experience or opinions. I would also like to add that I am what would be considered a Low Support Needs autistic person, seen that I can generally live without too much assistance or accommodations, which means that my experience is going to not be relatable to autistic people with higher support needs than mine. On that note, also please keep in mind that “low functioning” and “high functioning” are harmful labels and that they are not the same as “low support needs” and “high support needs”. Also, obviously, since this is subjective, I am not saying that nobody else on the spectrum can’t like or relate to any of these characters; this is my own opinion, not a purely objective rating. Finally, whilst I will be rating these characters on a scale of 1 (worst) to 6 (best), I will not be ranking them in this post.
This list includes characters that are explicitly named to be autistic or that are widely accepted to be autistic, for example because the creators or actors confirmed it in retrospect or because the canon very strongly implies it and the creators have not spoken out in denial of it. Also I can obviously only rate the media I have actually seen so if your favourites aren't on this list, this is why.
CONTENT WARNINGS THAT APPLY: mentions of antisemitism (briefly), mentions of Autism Speaks, mentions of ableism, mentions of an autistic male character acting creepily towards women.
I will be signalling Pros/positive points with a + sign and Cons/negative points with a – sign.
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Dr. Isidore Latham (Ato Essandoh) – Chicago Med (2/6)
- “curing autism” theme in the episodes centric on his personal experiences
- usage of the outdated and antisemitic term “Aspergers” over “Autism” (this is especially harmful considering Dr. Latham is Jewish)
+ Black autistic representation (which is rare seen that most autistic characters tend to be White) and Jewish autistic representation
+ whilst Dr. Latham is shown to not be the most social man and to be very direct, he isn’t outright rude or unprofessional
- as far as I could find out online, the actor is allistic (it is always better to cast a disabled actor for a disabled role)
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Dr. Shaun Murphy (Freddie Highmore) – The Good Doctor (0/6)
- the show collaborates with Autism Speaks, who are known to be a hate group not actually looking to help or listen to autistic people
- allistic actor
- extremely stereotypical in its portrayal (extremely antisocial, no friends, always literal, no social awareness – even though autistic people struggle with allistic tone patterns, usually they would be able to pick up at least somewhat what other people consider rude behaviour and would try to avoid it, something Shaun never seems to do)
- transphobia from the one autistic character, implying directly that autistic people are unable to understand the concept of a transgender identity (when in truth, studies show that many people on the spectrum also often identify as not on the gender binary or as transgender)
- Autistic Savant trope (portraying autistic people as geniuses when in fact, less than 5% of all autistic people are a Savant and even if we are very interested in a topic such as medicine, we still need to learn and study just as allistic people)
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Abed Nadir (Danny Pudi) – The Community (4/6)
+ writer of the series is on the spectrum
+ PoC autistic representation
+ whilst not clearly being labelled as autistic, the character is recognizable as an autistic person without hitting all the stereotypical tropes such as being antisocial, never joking, always being literal or being a “genius” without ever studying etc. - allistic actor
- whilst generally not labelling a character as autistic is not a bad thing, it makes it harder for autistic people to definitely say “this character is autistic”, meaning that allistics can ignore the coding if they wish to cling to their own, often stereotyped idea of what autism “looks like”
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Dr. Alfred Jones (Ewan McGregor) – Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (3/6)
- allistic actor
- stereotypical, but not as badly as other portrayals
+ avoids the trope of autistic people not having emotions, instead showing Alfred’s struggle expressing and understanding tone and emotions
+ generally good portrayal of a special interest being made part of the life via the job (salmon and fly fishing)
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Music Gamble (Maddie Ziegler) – Music (0/6)
- creator Sia has openly shown ableist behaviour, putting down autistic people, not listening to autistic voices and criticism etc.
- allistic actress
- collaboration with Autism Speaks
- extremely stereotypical portrayal and infantalization of autistic nonverbal people
- harmful techniques such as restraining being shown on screen
- graphic meltdown scenes being shown
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Sam Gardner (Keir Gilchrist) – Atypical (1/6)
- allistic actor
- in-universe infantilization of autistic people (via Mother Elsa)
- having the autistic character act dangerously, for example locking someone in the closet because they annoy him or borderline predatorily pursuing his therapist, sheds a harmful light on autistic people
- as far as is known, no autistic people were included in the production or writing process
- many instances show autistic-related habits or traits, for example wearing noise cancelling headphones, but frame it in a way that the audience is supposed to find it funny or laugh at the protagonist
- instead of making Sam sympathetic, he is largely just shown to make everyone around him uncomfortable
+ the ongoing portrayal of Sam’s special interest is generally well-done
- an ongoing theme is Sam’s girlfriend Paige restricting his info-dumping and by extension his special interest (something autistic people get active joy from) to three “dumps” a day so he can act “more normal” – this might teach allistic viewers that this is something they can do to their autistic friends
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Sara Eriksson (Frida Argento) – Young Royals (5/6)
- usage of “Aspergers” both in the show and by the actress
+ actually autistic actress
+ autistic traits like mirroring, struggling with social context or tone and directness/bluntness as well as a special interest (horses) are shown whilst tropes like Sara being entirely unempathetic, rude and antisocial being avoided
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Isadora Smackle (Ceci Balagot) and Farkle Minkus (Corey Fogelmanis) – Girl meets World (2/6)
- usage of “Aspergers”
- the original title of the episode centric on autism was “Girl Meets Normal”, implying autism is something abnormal, which is a potentially very harmful rhetoric
- autism is shown as something bad, with Farkle’s friends actively trying to fight over him being not autistic, insisting he is “normal”, generally treating autism as something they don’t want their friend to be associated with – a very harmful take in a show for kids and young teens
+ Smackle is a major, long-term autistic character rather than a One Episode throwaway character, even though she is generally quite stereotypical (but given that this show generally has every character act over the top and often fitting in specific categories this is not as bad, it just makes her fit in the framework of the show; she is not the only one who is largely stereotypically portrayed)
+ actor Ceci Balagot is themselves autistic (according to their twitter that is)
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Renee (Madison Bandy) – Loop (6/6)
+ PoC nonverbal autistic character portrayed by a nonverbal autistic voice actress
+ in production, an active effort was made to make the actress feel comfortable, so that her experience working on the film would be accommodating and positive rather than unnessicarily stressful
+ generally very well-done portrayal of both sensory seeking and sensory overstimulated behaviour and the experience as an autistic person
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Matilda (Kayla Cromer), Nicholas (Josh Thomas) and Drea (Lillian Carrier) – Everything is gonna be okay (6/6)
+ autistic actors playing autistic characters and autistic writer
+ very realistic portrayal of autism and how it differs in different people, as well as how it can affect interpersonal relationships (also having the sister mention that she thought she understood autism as a whole but later realized she only understood her sister's autism specifically because it is so individual)
+ realistic portrayal of sensory overload, stimming, communication between different autistic people etc.
+ queer autistic people – gay and asexual autistic main characters
+ autistic people joking, showing emotions, humour without the autistic people being the butt of the joke
+ empathetic portrayal of an adult realizing they might be on the spectrum and the denial and questioning that comes with that
+ portrayals of autistic special interests and autistic joy
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Quinni (Chloé Hayden) – Heartbreak High (5.5/6)
+ autistic actress playing an autistic character
+ autistic queer representation
+ themes of ableism are included but dealt with sensitively and without making the ableism seem harmless
+ realistic portrayal of stimming, struggle with abrupt change of plans, overstimulation, meltdowns, autistic joy, info dumping etc.
+  autistic character having genuine friendships and friends who support her and know her sensory needs etc.
- because it is set in high school, this is a very specific group being represented so it is possible that the largest part of the autistic community won’t see themselves completely accurately portrayed, but chances are they can relate to Quinni nonetheless at least in aspects.
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charlessmiths-wife · 7 months
I’ve realised that my accounts display is highly RDR2 centric, specifically Charles - yet I haven’t made any posts in any way pertaining to either of them! And they’re my greatest loves!
So without ANY FURTHER ADO I present a few of my nearest and dearest headcanons for the gang (most of them are probably incredibly basic… also so biased to my big three of Arthur/charles/sadie)
CW!!!!!! mentions of violence
Under the cut if you’re interested!
-> Arthur has a small barely noticeable scar on his neck, just below where his beard finishes. He tells everyone he simply got it one day when he accidentally nicked himself whilst shaving - only John and Hosea know the truth. He got it when a member of an enemy gang held a knife to his neck too hard once, threatening him. It didn’t go on long enough to cause any lasting damage. Suffice to say Hosea took care of things before it reached that point.
-> Throughout his whole life, Arthur struggled to differentiate the kinds of love he felt. He loved Mary and Eliza, I truly believe it was romantically, in Mary’s case and he was aware of this, though there’s less to go off of with Eliza - but in terms of his relationship with members of the gang, that’s slightly more difficult. He knows he loves John like a brother, Dutch and Hosea like a father, and Sadie like a sister. His love for Charles is… different to all those, very much so less familial. But he died before ever figuring out what it was.
-> Charles and Sadie visit his grave every year. John also does, but not with them, he prefers to go alone.
-> After Arthur dies, Abigail tries so hard to get John to open up. He never really does. The closest he gets to doing so is when he kills Micah.
-> Sadie never EVER forgets Jake, as much as I would love to be a sadigail truther (and I truly believe there’s certainly a lil fruit in Sadie’s punch if you get me) Sadie never finds the connection she had with him anywhere else.
-> I’ve already touched on Charthur, whilst I certainly think the possibility of feelings developing was right there, I don’t think it could ever have materialised within the time frame of RDR2
-> in some hypothetical and beautiful universe in which Arthur lived, it takes years for Arthur to realise his feelings - even more so to actually act on them.
-> that is, if he chose to act on them. Something tells me Arthur would stay silent, and opt to let Charles make the first move if he wished.
-> When Arthur got sick, Sadie actually silently believed he would get better. Somewhere deep down she knew that was likely impossible - but she wanted to believe it wouldn’t happen again, she wanted to believe someone she cared for wouldn’t be taken from her for another time. It was easier for her to believe than accept reality at times.
-> John also believed silently he would get better, the gang had always pulled through, no matter what - it was hard for him to comprehend Arthur might not be around anymore.
-> out of the three of them, Charles was the only one who I believe truly accepted Arthur’s fate before it happened.
-> I think Dutch did care for John and Arthur, and the whole gang at a point. But Dutch, in my opinion, has an innate desire (more than anything) to feel in control and protect himself and his leadership. A combination of the death of Hosea and the manipulation of Micah (as well as Dutch’s own personal desires and characteristics) are what I believe led to his care for the gang dissolving into care for only himself.
-> not rlly a headcannon, more of an opinion - but Javier gets too much hate. He chose to stand against John and Arthur, but in my opinion, this seems understandable if you look at it from his perspective? His loyalty lay with Dutch because Dutch, in his mind, SAVED him. He gave him family, support, food, and, well - life, for want of another word.
-> I firmly believe that, if Shaun was still alive, he would’ve done the exact same thing as Javi.
-> (coming from the most DIEHARD FAN so please recognise this is no hate) but sometimes I think Arthur gets well.. watered down too much as being presented as a good man who was living in unfortunate circumstances. And whilst I’d say this is largely true, at least on a good honour play through - I’d also say it’s largely true for many of the other members of the gang? Sadie, John, Abigail, Javier, Charles, Lenny… I’d say they’re just some of the examples of characters who would also fit such characterisation and deserve the same sympathy as Arthur
-> John was the BEST at playing cards back in camp, Arthur never knew how. It infuriated him.
-> “Goddamn bastard… fool at damn near everything else… but a goddamn wizard at poker…”
That’s all! Feel free to add any you have yourself in the comments :)
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gingerteaonthetardis · 10 months
the thing about me is... i will write little vignettes. putting rose tyler in situations and whatnot. via dimension hopper, naturally.
this takes place right before that ending scene in the garden in the giggle. rated g, gen. rose-centric, guest starring the best dad, shaun temple. to read on ao3:
the happy landing
The scrapes and aches of the warzone she left behind—a world falling out of orbit, a catastrophic end after eons of civilisation—are fresh, and so are the smudges around her eyes. Tears still mingle with days-old mascara. And yet, when she jumps again, it's into the most beautiful summer day she can imagine.
She doesn’t know where she is. She doesn’t even know where she expects to be. But the sky is scrubbed clean by recent rain, the forgiving soil dark beneath her boots. In her periphery, all is green.
Her first breath is dizzyingly rich, verdant and sultry with growth and flourishing. Not even the lingering taste of ash can taint its wholesomeness. As she sucks in oxygen like she's been starved of it, her legs give way with the force of her headrush, and she manages to catch herself against a nearby stone wall.
She is in a garden, somewhere.
Ivy tickles her fingertips, and she wants to dig her hands into it. Wants to fall to her knees and bury herself in this clean, perfect dirt. Instead, she takes several more measured breaths. She swipes away her tears and stands straight. And when she finally feels she must, Rose moves.
The garden is sprawling, bigger than the kinds she’s seen attached to posh city houses, so she can guess this must be the countryside. A countryside, anyway.
All her senses—even the ones she's only just begun to explore—tingle with the sense that this is right, this is Earth. This is home. But she pins down fledgling hopes before they can take flight. She’s been wrong before. Can’t be too careful.
Her nose pricks with the realisation that there's a fire somewhere close; she mistook it, at first, for the staleness of the world she's just left behind, but this is a warmer, more cheerful fire. It sizzles with a different kind of burning. A barbecue, her nose identifies before her brain can properly catch up. Someone is close, and cooking outside.
Her stomach pangs with hunger. The last thing she can clearly recall eating was a ration bar, guiltily nicked from a bunker on her way to the last human outpost. That was more than a day ago. Possibly longer.
As she walks through the expansive garden, following an emergent trail of smoke, she toys briefly with trying to identify the flowers she sees: there are so many, a vivid patchwork, and they'd certainly tell her something about where she's landed if she knew them. But she never had the chance to become a green thumb, in her past life or this one. She recognises the plants only vaguely, pausing at intervals to tip her nose toward one open bloom or other.
The sweet scents tickle her nose until she sneezes. It's loud, ricocheting all over the stone, echoing in the big open sky.
Rose goes perfectly still.
Over the garden wall, she hears a voice. “Hello?”
Wincing, she follows the curve of the wall for a few more steps, but the path has turned to gravel, and each crunch just makes her more aware of her own noise.
There's a scraping sound, probably tongs or something over a grill. “That you, Mel?” It sounds like a man. “If it is, you've come too early. Sylvia won't let me open the wine ‘til the brisket's done, and I can't get the brisket done ‘til I manage to scrape this infernal tofu off the rack. No idea how you’re s'posed to barbecue the stuff—it's like glue!”
By the time he's done talking, she's had time to round the bend more fully, where she comes upon an open wooden gate, waist high, looking in on another smaller garden.
It's a lovely, sequestered place, more tame and shaded than the relative wilderness she's wandered so far. There's a kind of pergola up overhead, laced through with vines. Grapes hang from them in bunches. And she's never been a particularly religious person, but she is imaginative, and this is not totally unlike how she used to picture the Garden of Eden.
Except for the barbecue, of course.
And the man in an apron that says Kiss the Cook, tongs in hand, staring blankly at her.
“Hello,” she says, giving a little wave. She tries and fails to imagine how she looks to this stranger, with tear tracks still down her face, coated in another planet’s dust.
“Hello.” He doesn't seem particularly suspicious of her. More like… curious. His eyes are dark brown, and kind, and observant, too. He looks like someone's father.
“Sorry, I was just… I was on a walk, and I got a bit turned around. What street is this?”
The man snorts. He looks less like someone's father and more like Mickey when she's bothering him now. “Oh, I dunno, probably la rue Something-or-Other. France, my wife says, she wants a little cottage holiday in the south of France. Mind you, none of us speak a word, and I need a map to find the nearest petrol station, it’s embarrassing! Would never happen to me in London.”
“France,” she repeats, smile blooming in wonder. “This is France?”
“Where exactly did you walk from?” His laugh is less baffled than she might have expected.
“Long way off,” she replies. “I'm on a sort of… journey.”
“Ah,” the man says wisely, with a shake of his tongs at her. “Gap year, is it? You're on walkabout. You lose your duffle?”
She nods. “Fell in the sea.” The lie comes easily, because it’s something she supposes she would do. Or something the Doctor would do, she thinks wistfully. Get caught up in an adventure and lose all his gadgets to the depths of the Mediterranean.
“Oh, that's rough luck. No offense, though, but don't say anything like that too loud near my daughter—it’s my worst fear, honestly, my Rose wandering off with nothing but a pack and a map.” He gives a visible parody of a shudder. “Not that she's exactly the type, you know, but kids change as they grow up, don’t they? You can never tell.”
Her smile only brightens further. So he is a father. And a good one, far as she can tell. She can tell by how his eyes crinkle up.
She asks, “Your daughter's called Rose?” He nods, and really, what are the odds? “So am I!”
The man isn't quite finished in his examination of her, that much is clear, but at the sound of her name, his eyes undergo a further softening. He sets his tongs aside and rubs his hands together.
“That's a funny coincidence,” he says. Then, in another moment, he seems to settle on something. “Look, why don't you join us for dinner? My family's all here, and I don't know how long you've been walking, but you're a pretty long way off from anywhere. I'm Shaun, by the way,” he adds with a self-deprecating smile at his own perceived rudeness. “Shaun Temple.”
Rose doesn't hesitate a bit. She is drawn by the scents of home, by a home more home than home. The effortless clarity of the sky, and the bees buzzing mildly... It’s like paradise.
She begins to feel every moment like the past few days of blood and loss and darkness are really going, gone, slipping off her shoulders, leaving her almost—very nearly—light.
“It's lovely to meet you, Shaun,” she says. It’s true. He is lovely to meet. She’s sure his wife will be just as lovely, and his daughter Rose, and whoever Mel is. “I'm Rose Tyler.”
And she steps into the garden.
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wingedcat13 · 5 months
Either way it’s going to be a fem sole survivor and probably snippets from various points in the game. The Polycule would involve Hancock and probably also Valentine, Danse, Macready, Piper, and potentially cameos from others.
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economy-wonderglue · 5 months
It’s my birthday! If you’re bored with nothing else better to do on this Friday, consider reading some of my writing that I’d like more eyes on:
If you followed me for Fire Emblem, there’s the Fatherhood of the Holy Knight series, Sigurd-centric with a little bit of plot in the latter half; and Dagger in a Thicket of Flowers, a Rafal-centric story about him slowly becoming a brother to Alear and Veyle.
If you followed me for Fallout, there’s The Moon’s Gone Mad, about Sole Survivor Celeste and how he handles his revenge against the Institute for taking Shaun; and Chase the King Across the Chessboard, an AU where Lone Wanderer Riley escaped the Capital Wasteland with Arthur Maxson and the Brotherhood continues chasing them five years later.
If you followed me for my interactive fiction, there’s REVIVE, an interactive story about the semi-immortal knight Ghost whose repeated deaths are worrying his friends.
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Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Major Character Death
Category: M/M
Fandoms: Doctor Who (2005), Doctor Who (Big Finish Audio), Doctor Who & Related Fandoms
Relationships: The Doctor/The Master (Doctor Who), Fourteenth Doctor/The Master (Simm), Tenth Doctor/The Master (Simm), Fourteenth Doctor/Missy (Doctor Who), Fourteenth Doctor/The Master (Dhawan), Fourteenth Doctor & Donna Noble, The Doctor | Theta Sigma/The Master | Koschei (Doctor Who: Academy Era)
Characters: Fourteenth Doctor (Doctor Who), Donna Noble, The Master (Simm), Rose Noble (Doctor Who: The Star Beast), Wilfred Mott, Sylvia Noble, Shaun Temple, Death (Doctor Who), The Master (Dhawan), Missy (Doctor Who), The Master | Koschei (Doctor Who: Academy Era), The Doctor | Theta Sigma (Doctor Who: Academy Era), The Toymaker (Doctor Who), mentioned Bill Potts - Character, mentioned clara oswald - Character, Mentioned Rose Tyler - Character, Mentioned Amy Pond, Mentioned Rory Williams - Character, Mentioned River Song - Character, Mentioned Martha Jones - Character
Additional Tags: Post-Episode: 2023 Special 03: The Giggle (Doctor Who), The Master Has Issues, The Master (Doctor Who) Needs a Hug, The Master (Doctor Who) Centric, The Doctor (Doctor Who) Needs a Hug, The Doctor (Doctor Who) is a Mess, Saxteen, I'm making dilfs meets bc I can, I'm also making them as miserable as I can, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Doctor Who Big Finish Audio References, Audio 049: Master, Porn with Feelings, eventually, Angst and Porn, Bad BDSM Etiquette, Dom/sub, Sexual Tension, Mild Sexual Content, BDSM, it's silver fox simm master and extra-whumpable ten what did you expect, Whump, Character Death, Domestic, Strangely enough, The Flux (Doctor Who), Canon Compliant, The Doctor & Donna Noble Friendship
Chapter summary: The Hermit - he yearns to be alone. He knows that the only way to process what is happening in life is to withdraw from the noise of the world and create a quiet space of solitude. When The Hermit comes up in your reading, the answers you need will come from within. Be very still, and listen...
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vintage1981 · 1 year
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Vinegar Syndrome / Distribpix Press Release: A Home Video Merger of Epic Proportion
Bridgeport, Connecticut - Vinegar Syndrome is excited to announce an exclusive distribution partnership with legendary NYC-based exploitation and sexploitation producer and distributor, Distribpix Inc.
This partnership will bring Distribpix’s extensive catalog of close to 300 feature films to Home Video, including countless never on disc titles as well as classic exploitation films from genre masters such as Michael and Roberta Findlay, the Amero Brothers, Joe Sarno, Chuck Vincent, Radley Metzger, Ron Sullivan, and Shaun Costello, among dozens more. Additionally, Distribpix’s unprecedented archive of key 1960s and early 70s exploitation rarities, many of which have been completely unavailable since the VHS and early DVD era, will at last be making their return to disc, all newly restored and presented in the type of deluxe, collector-centric editions that both Distribpix and Vinegar Syndrome are known for creating.
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Vinegar Syndrome co-founder Joe Rubin, in describing the collaboration said, “Vinegar Syndrome and Distribpix have worked together before Vinegar Syndrome existed. This venture has been a long time coming and I couldn’t be more excited to be working on preserving, restoring and releasing this collection. So many of the best and most significant sexploitation and early hardcore features were produced by Distribpix and it is an honor to finally be able to consider them part of the Vinegar Syndrome family.”
Head of Distribpix Inc, Steven Morowitz responded “The gang at Vinegar Syndrome is wonderful; they opened their doors and welcomed me into their family. I am honored and grateful for this opportunity and together we are going to produce some absolutely amazing packages. Vinegar Syndrome is the best at what they do, from the highest quality restorations, to top-notch physical releases, so this really is a perfect match and the best spot for Distribpix. Our companies not only thrive on excellent restorations and releasing, but there is a major emphasis on film preservation and archiving, which was equally attractive to me.”
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While schedule specifics are still being worked out, Radley Metzger and Gerard Kikoine’s, The Tale of Tiffany Lust (1981), starring Veronica Hart, Vanessa Del Rio, Desiree Cousteau, Samantha Fox, George Payne, and Dominique St Clair, will be making its world 4K UHD and Blu-Ray debut late this summer, while Michael Findlay’s notorious Flesh Trilogy is being prepared for a Blu-Ray release this fall, in partnership with Something Weird Video. Additionally, the Command Cinema line which has been distributed by Distribpix for the last several years will also be joining the Distribpix/Vinegar Syndrome family and will see both Blu-Ray and 4K debuts of producer/director, Cecil Howard’s acclaimed erotica.
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This monumental merger coincides with the launch of Mélusine, a new online marketplace for premium home video editions of sexploitation and hardcore cinema primarily produced during both genres’ golden ages: the early 1960s through the late 1980s. In addition to serving as the new retail home for Command Cinema, several other brandings will be launched:
Mélusine, which will serve as the flagship brand, will offer deluxe 4K UHD/Blu-ray combo pack editions of some of the landmark works in hardcore theatrical features, with an emphasis on works by the genre’s most acclaimed filmmakers.
Quality X, the name of which pays homage to what was one of the most esteemed early home video distributors of erotic entertainment, will offer single film Blu-ray editions of standout and hidden gem theatrical hardcore features from around the globe.
Distribpix itself will become home to all things sexploitation, pulling from both Vinegar Syndrome and Distribpix’s vast libraries and ranging from the earliest nudie cuties all the way through the tail end of theatrical softcore. Releases will be single, double and triple feature Blu-rays.  
Finally, Vinegar Syndrome’s acclaimed hardcore feature branding, Peekarama, will continue to offer double feature Blu-rays of hardcore films in all genres.
In keeping with Vinegar Syndrome and Distribpix’s focus on film preservation, releases under all branding will meet the highest standards in presentation quality and the most comprehensive available extras.
The union between the two companies will produce the widest and most diverse catalog of exploitation, sexploitation and classic hardcore features, available on disc anywhere in the world.
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lingeringscars · 6 months
top 5 yellowjackets episodes
2x08 is soooo special to me as you know. i think part of it is also...this episode to me was the most gripping? I forget that yj is technically a horror show sometimes despite Everything but this ep really had be in that psychological horror anxiety state that i LOVE. the card picking scene and everything that followed is the primary reason for this being so high because i really was So Anxious watching this (in the best way possible) (i love u horror) but i also love any ep where the adults are reunited and talking
1x08 also an episode of all time. these two episodes just Hit for me in every single way. this one doesn't miss a beat in either timeline. it solidified love for laura lee in an extreme way (what are you gonna do about it coach). shaun/atai both timelines EVERYTHING.
1x07 we have everything i could possibly want between the expedition and adult shauna x nat x tai
1x03 tai in every timeline ep <333 the lake + cabin discovery also <3 love the introductions to the chars this ep too as we move outside the crash and the beginning of the person-centric ones (shout out to tai and nat)
2x04 this was hard deciding on the last one but i do think it needs to go to this??? i love how lottie is just forced into this quest that she Did Not Ask For and we get to see different sides of her and nat because of it. it was the ep that sold me on lot/tienat because of the bathtub scene. it gave me shaun/anat bathtub scene. adult shauna & callie everything to me in this ep / sadecki family in general. we get our first glimpse of adult!van and tai passes out. this one gets the biggest explanation but i do think i agree with it being 5 because of this.
ask me my top 5 anything // always accepting
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jinxedshapeshifter · 1 year
i might end up making a side blog dedicated to the good doctor
anyway here are a few reasons i love it so much.
yes the autism representation is good. there are some incredibly subtle representations of autism that are represented that aren't brought up even in autism centric spaces much and that fact makes me incredibly happy (for example, i don't see a lot of discussion about shutdowns, but as someone who experiences shutdowns more than meltdowns, seeing an autistic character shutdown because he's overstimulated, then see another character refer to it as "falling apart" made me feel represented because it can feel like you're falling apart, and from the outside, it looks like you're falling apart). like at the very least i feel represented.
i swear to god lea has adhd. shaun and lea give me audhd couple vibes and i love it. at the absolute least, lea is definitely not neurotypical.
the good doctor made me want to pursue a medical career again. not just "oh, something like bioengineering where i'd be working in the medical field would be super fun!!" no. i want to get a bachelor's in biology, go to medical school, and do a residency in either neurology or surgery (possibly something else, i'm not entirely sure yet). if i can get some structure in my life and find a place to live in salt lake city (where they have a university that doubles as a med school and a teaching/research hospital) i can absolutely start the journey to being a doctor at an actual hospital as soon as next fall.
im learning about actual conditions i didnt know about. did you know theres a real congenital deformity of the spinal cord that leads to your spinal cord being split in half at a certain point, leading to what basically results in two functional spinal cords? or that your heart can develop outside the ribcage, and protrude outside the chest? or that just getting a surgery, no matter how sterile the operating room and surgical tools are, can give you sepsis, because cutting you open can leave you vulnerable to bacteria regardless of sterility of the surgical environment due to the bacteria inside your body (risk goes up depending on the surgery; for example, your risk for sepsis goes up if you get surgery on your intestines for obvious reasons)?
theres what i perceive to be a realistic balance between personal experience/empathy and objective medical knowledge when it comes to the doctors in the good doctor. for example, morgan not wanting to fuck up a patient's chances of playing violin in the future, and this resulting in the patient's arm getting amputated. on the other hand, shaun's objectiveness means in that same situation, he was trying to convince morgan to do testing, something she was hesitant to do. i think that experience helped morgan find a middle ground between being empathetic and being practical about what tests and such she needs to do in the future; as melendez tells her, one day, she will kill a patient. all doctors eventually do; mistakes are made, surgical errors are made, signs and symptoms are missed, things get misdiagnosed, and a patient dies. i feel like that's a very grim reality in medicine that people don't like to acknowledge (especially people who practice medicine) and adds some realism to the good doctor that isn't seen much in shows centered around anything medical. it's something i'll have to accept if i do decide to go into medicine. yes, the goal is to save people; but i can't save everyone, and in my career i will almost be guaranteed to make mistakes that result in someone dying. the earlier i can accept that (before residency is best), the better off i'll be as a doctor, no matter what specialty i decide to go into.
most of shaun's colleagues are super accommodating when it comes to shaun's autism. it's just a detail i appreciate. they also figure out what helps him out of meltdowns/shutdowns fairly fast, which is another thing i can appreciate.
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watchyourdigits · 1 year
4 9 10 and 23 for the otp asks? Hier sind kekse.
These are all going to be Evelyn/MacCready-centric because I'm LOCKED IN on those two rn
Long post because brevity is not my strong suit & I got carried away again, as I do with most things.
OTP ask game
4. What do physical trait do they love the most about each other?
MacCready wouldn't openly choose a favorite, but it's definitely her hair. He loves playing with it, and getting to do so means they're in a situation where they can relax and just be. It does as much for him as it does for her. Touch-starved couple things. Also on a monkey-brain bonding type of beat.
As for Evelyn, she loves Mac's eyes and his hands. I think choosing between the two would kill her. He always looks at her so softly, and it makes her feel like she's drowning in him. Disgusting! With his hands, she likes watching them, specifically watching him work with them, but generally as well. It's something of a fascination/fixation for her. Whether he's cleaning his rifle, running his fingers through her hair, or writing something, he's always very gentle about it. To her, his hands are like a breath of fresh air. Like aloe to her burns. Like learning that cotton and thread counts exist after only knowing sand paper and its varying grits. This metaphor is getting weird now sorry, I've been looking at getting new sheets recently lol
9. Do their friends and family like their significant other(s)?
MacCready doesn't have too many friends in the Commonwealth. They're all mostly mutual friends that know/love Evelyn already. Duncan LOVES her, though - he's a very social kid. They have a lot of fun together. Eve will often use a stealth boy while giving him a piggy-back ride so they can scare MacCready. He hates this because he startles easy when his guard is down. He learns to keep an ear out for them when he notices it's gotten a little too quiet, but he hams it up when they do the reveal just to hear them fall into giggle fits. Nothing sounds more like pure bliss to him than that.
As for Shaun, he was very hesitant at first about Mac, but he came around when MacCready introduced him to the world of comic books. They'll sit in a room with a huge spread in front of them and just read together in silence, handing off comics to each other as they finish them. They could discuss them for HOURS on end, too. MacCready is very impressed with Shaun and his interpretations of things and often consults him for his viewpoints on different lore aspects. Shaun is also helping Mac with his grammar/spelling. This leads them to collaborate on various writing projects, with the ultimate goal being to write a comic of their own. Evelyn is in fucking shambles over them both being such huge nerds.
10. Have they had romantic partners before?
Yes and no. MacCready had Lucy, but Evelyn's past partners were all sexual. Except that one time she was married (we all know how that ended *ominous cryogenic crackling sounds, gunshots* smh), but it wasn't really a true relationship despite the legal paperwork. Points for both of them trying though ig.
Side note: Evelyn isn't jealous of Lucy. Sometimes MacCready talks about her and I feel like Evelyn has the potential to be the jealous type, but she's really not. Idk why I feel the need to clarify that because the distinction is important to me: she's more the type to mark her territory tbh
23. Is there top/dom and bottom/sub energy?
Evelyn has the dom energy without a doubt. Day to day, she definitely LOVES having MacCready on a leash and he is more than happy to be dragged around by the scruff of his neck. She gives him head pats as needed for reassurance of course. No one is shocked by this.
(*cracks knuckles* buckle up, we're about to get nsft with it)
The surprise is entirely behind closed doors because they lose a lot of that energy in the bedroom. That, for these two, is a safe space where they escape to the quiet intimacy of one another. THAT'S where their soft sides can freely come out and they can give/receive the comfort they both desperately crave. Not to say they don't get down and freaky with it from time to time (see: below), but their sex life is more like a Hozier song as in it's deeply passionate & there's lots of worship and affirmation/TLC given. Total opposite to their public life, but they deserve to be treated with gentleness.
When they do get freaky with it (drop everything and fuck after clearing out a building of enemies kind of deal), it's usually quick and dirty. The idea that they don't carry those dynamics into the bedroom continues during their more public, fuck nasty stints. They're both pulling each other's hair and biting and scratching, both equally as desperate and domineering. It's mostly fueled by adrenaline, partly by the need to affirm that they're each okay, to basically be like "that was close, don't you dare fucking do that to me again". Plus, they're both oddballs and something about the way they work so seamlessly together and hardly need to communicate really gets the blood pumping/makes them feel really close. Work is very intimate for these two, especially when a job is done right. Fucking after a job is the same as a cigarette after sex to them, with the added bonus of burning off the rest of their adrenaline.
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ao3feed-timkon · 1 year
Assassin's Creed: the Legend of the Blood Butterfly
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JsLSKe2
by error_404_cannot_connect_to_fic
She felt like hell's freezing over. She wants to cry. She wants to hit, to hurt. She wants to destroy these people. Because how, how dare they wear her parent's faces. How dare that woman softly smile and walk towards her like nothing happened, when she had cried and broke and screamed herself hoarse on Kaachan's puddle of blood? How dare that man laugh boisterously, picking her up and spinning her around like he knows her, when she had felt and held Dad's hands and whispered little promises to him until he kissed her one last time and left this world?
Timothea suppressed the hot resentment and pure hate that bubbled in her stomach, nearly forcing itself to show up in her eyes. No. She cannot fail now. Not when her parents, her real parents, ones she knew loved and cared for her had died to make sure that she won't get taken away. Kaachan has stories and her loving warmth, and Dad has tales and his protective frost.
These people? They are nothing to her, nothing but strangers in this giant Manor that's supposed to be home, spies that the enemy planted to ensure her obedience.
Timothy just giggled and smiled from ear to ear, happy that his parents are actually letting him say goodbye to them for once.
Words: 2038, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Random AU's I came up with in the middle of the night
Fandoms: Assassin's Creed - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Tim Drake, Desmond Miles, Batfamily Members, Superfamily Members (DCU), Brotherhood Assassins (Assassin's Creed), Eivor (Assassin's Creed), Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, Edward Kenway, Jacob Frye, Arno Dorian, Ratonhnhaké:ton | Connor, Ezio Auditore da Firenze, William Miles, Shaun Hastings, Rebecca Crane (Assassin's Creed), Lin (Assassin's Creed), Moussa (Assassin's Creed)
Relationships: Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Jack Drake/Janet Drake, Tim Drake & Owens & Zeddmore Washington & Prudence Wood
Additional Tags: Genius Tim Drake, Female Tim Drake, Tim Drake-centric, Tim Drake Has a Bad Time, Hurt Tim Drake, Tim Drake Has Issues, BAMF Tim Drake, Tim Drake is Not Okay, tim drake is called timothea, this whole thing's a mess, so basically f!tim is called timothea, and witnessed her mother kill herself from aided suicide, with help from her dad, Desmond Miles Lives, he got booted out of the Grey long enough to have a daughter, and gain some memories before going back in anyways, desmond miles is tim's dad, and he 'dies' sometime after Haly's Circus, thea is in hiding as a boy, and lives with her parent's clones that the order of templars sent, Magical Tim Drake, thea doesn't actually have a last name, but will use her mother's if anyone asks, magical Janet Drake, Bad Parents Jack and Janet Drake, the clones anyway, Good Parents Jack and Janet Drake, the OG!!!, THIS ENTIRE FIC IS THE RESULT OF MY BRAIN THROWING THE MOVIE; CANNON AND DCU INTO A MIXER, Janet Drake was originally Janiko Gekkōchō, no knowledge of cannon needed, most of the characters are OOC because I don't know cannon, Canon? Don't know her.
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JsLSKe2
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pearwaldorf · 2 years
Fanwork roundup 2022
NSFW fics are indicated with an asterisk. All OFMD is Ed/Stede unless indicated.
(take for joy) from my outstretched palms (Ninja Assassin, Mika/Raizo)
the ravening clouds shall not long be victorious (OFMD, gen)
we've not yet lost all our graces (Good Omens/Hannibal, Will and Aziraphale)
siren (OFMD, companion ficlet for Pond's Monstrous May art)
[vid] western wind (OFMD)
fight off the light and stay with me (Good Omens Pacific Rim AU, Aziraphale/Crowley)
in the shape of things to come (too much poison come undone) (OFMD)
[vid] gay bar (OFMD, gen)
when the lights come on I'll be ready for this (Shang-Chi; Katy-centric, pre-Katy/Shaun)
* all the variations you could do with me (OFMD, Ed/Stede/Blackbeard)
until I saw you in my thunderstorm (Oxventure: Blades in the Dark, Alice/Peter)
* take me to the limit, hold me down there (OFMD)
there's a storm you've started now (Oxventure: Blades in the Dark, Alice/Peter)
* our bodies fear that this war won't end (can't live without the ache) (Malevolent, Arthur/John)
both have sharp teeth (Interview With the Vampire, Grace and Lestat)
* don't look in the mirror look into my eyes (Critical Role/Legend of Vox Machina, Percy/Orthax, Percy/OMC)
I took no time with the fall (Glass Onion, Blanc/Phillip)
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31298 and 5:27 of vids!
by fandom
Ninja Assassin    1767
OFMD    13745
Hannibal    1123
Good Omens    4747
Rivers of London    202
Shang-Chi    266
Ox: BITD    2900
IWTV    1289
Critical Role    1892
Glass Onion    1239
Malevolent    1261
I took last year off from writing because I had a lot going on (new jorb, getting on ADHD meds, pursuing other creative endeavors, I just didn't feel like it), but it's really good to get back to it. In a lot of ways it's like learning how to do it all over again. Having an approximation of neurotypical function has been interesting, because I can just… stop? And pick up the next day? And not have to try and keep pace with my hyperfocus to finish before I got bored like I used to? It is wild, and I’m still figuring out how it works.
And because I took last year off, there was a lot of going through unfinished stuff and finally getting it out the door (hence all the Good Omens). That was satisfying, but I'm glad to have a mostly clear plate now.
And what is now apparently perpetual copypasta: If, despite everything, you were able to produce work this year, congratulations. And if you couldn't, that's okay too. Next year will hopefully be better.
A tossup between when the lights come on I’ll be ready for this and in the shape of things to come (too much poison come undone. Shang-Chi is a movie that is close to me and my experience and it was extremely gratifying to put so much of things I know and value into it. And because I am always contrary, I wanted to write a not-really fix-it for Ed and Stede. It’s prickly and uncomfortable and emotional, but not without hope, and I like that.
But honestly I felt like I leveled up as a writer in general this year. idk if it's the meds, but everything felt really good to write. Of course I still ran into trouble, but it didn't feel horrifically insurmountable or frustratingly despairing in the same way. Here's hoping it continues.
Vids never do well on AO3, so I'm not surprised they have low hits and/or kudos. And I worked really hard on them, so go watch them (on AO3, YouTube, whatever).
We've not yet lost all our graces is also extremely niche, and I do want people to read it and tell me if they like it.
Unsurprisingly, the OFMD porn was top in both hits and kudos. But both have sharp teeth got kudos disproportionate to hits. Apparently people want stories about Grace de Pointe du Lac.
Take me to the limit. Is there anything hotter than a guy with rolled-up shirtsleeves? Yeah? Yeah.
I think I did a good job of writing whatever the fuck I wanted this year, and I had a lot of fun doing it. And people seemed to like some of the more random stuff I threw up on Tumblr, so that was an added bonus. It may be recency bias, but I had an absolute blast writing Blanc. It's always delightful to write characters with distinct voices, and his is extremely distinct.
A toss-up between in the shape of things to come and we've not yet lost all our graces. The stuff was all there, but I could not figure out how to make it flow not just coherently, but in a manner satisfying to me. So that was frustrating and made me grumpy, but I figured it out.
For sure, the Oxventure: Blades in the Dark stories. A non-D&D TTRPG run by a bunch of randos for a UK gaming website? And about two NPCs we never see again? There was no way I could have expected that one.
Like I say every year, I'm pretty sure all my shit is out in the open. But I will say I took no time with the fall has a surfeit of things I personally find interesting/have been thinking about. For once the whisk(e)y is the least of it.
He wants to crawl into that feeling and memorize it, that specific sense of comfort, belonging. Of bone-deep certitude even monsters can be—are—loved. (we’ve not yet lost all our graces)
“What did you say to my brother?”
“That I missed his company and wished to see him.” To Grace’s surprise, there is no affectation. “I realize now it was a poor time and place to do so, but sometimes the yearning, the desire to be close to… a friend. It can make even sensible men stupid. And I am not a sensible man.” (both have sharp teeth)
He rolls up his shirtsleeves, cuffing them neatly just under his elbows. It is practiced, easy in a way that makes Edward wonder what else he can do with those dexterous hands. (take me to the limit, hold me down there)
“Now that I’m to get a lecture it’s Phillip?”
“Lecture is such a stuffy word. Call it a gentle reminder of things that should be more prominent in your memory.” Blanc’s kind of a shit too, and god help him, Phillip is into it. (I took no time with the fall)
As always, a look at previous goals:
Finish thicker than water, stronger than wine
I'm still gonna! I've even picked at it a little! Maybe when they finally announce a date for Good Omens S2. Although I'm sure everybody who was interested in it has given up hope of it ever getting finished, which is fair.
Make a working version of the transcription and captioning tool
That totally did not happen and I intend to pick this up again. And now that work has given me more knowledge of AWS, I'm hoping this is something I'm better equipped to tackle.
Learn Davinci Resolve. Like for reals this time
A year later than expected, but yes! As I mentioned in the vid notes for gay bar, the sheer ridiculousness of the vid made it easier to fuck around and experiment. I am trying to carry that mindset into any vids I may make next year.
Things I want to do next year:
Make two vids. I have a lot of ideas kicking around for more OFMD ones, and I would like to make at least one IWTV one.
Make a working prototype of the transcription/captioning tool
I am aware neither of these things are writing related, but oh well. I'll figure it out.
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theultimatefan · 10 months
National Lacrosse League and Marvel Team up to Promote Lacrosse’s Legendary Origin Story
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To close out this year’s Native American Heritage Month, the National Lacrosse League unveiled a new, multi-year program with storytelling giant Marvel, focused on honoring and popularizing lacrosse’s Indigenous origin story with game-specific promotions starting in the upcoming 2023-24 NLL season.
The central theme of the collaboration, the history of lacrosse, will be at the core of a custom comic book written by Paul Allor, in close collaboration with the NLL’s Indigenous consultants, drawn by Indigenous creator Shaun Beyale, and a cover by JL Giles.
“With NLL-style sixes lacrosse enjoying heightened global momentum with the IOC’s recent vote to add the sport to the upcoming LA28 Summer Olympic games, the NLL wanted to celebrate lacrosse’s fabled beginnings with our rapidly expanding worldwide fan base,” said Kurt Hunzeker, the NLL’s Executive Vice President of Commercial Operations. “Great stories are the heartbeat of the Marvel Universe, and the NLL is honored to work with Marvel to bring the legend of North America’s original pastime to life.”
The custom comic book will only be available at designated Marvel Super Hero™ themed games every NLL team will host each year of the program. The same core story will be offered in each market, and Marvel will produce variant covers featuring star players from every NLL team that will be given out at their respective games.
The collaboration was facilitated by AthLife, Inc., Marvel’s longtime sports-centric agency of record.
In addition to the comic book premium distribution, each NLL team will wear special edition Marvel Super Hero-inspired jerseys on floor during its designated game. NLL fans can expect more Marvel-themed activations throughout the year.
Each NLL team has designated its Marvel Super Hero theme night for the upcoming 2023-24 season:
Albany FireWolves: Saturday, March 2, 2024, 7pm ET, vs. New York
Buffalo Bandits: Friday, March 8, 2024, 7:30pm ET, vs. Saskatchewan
Calgary Roughnecks: Friday, March 22, 2024, 7pm MT, vs. Albany
Colorado Mammoth: Saturday, March 2, 2024, 7pm MT, vs. Saskatchewan
Georgia Swarm: Friday, April 19, 2024, 7:30pm ET, vs. Rochester
Halifax Thunderbirds: Friday, February 16, 2024, 7:30pm AT, vs. Buffalo
Las Vegas Desert Dogs: Saturday, April 13, 2024, 7pm PT, vs. Colorado
New York Riptide: Saturday, February 10, 2024, 7:30pm ET, vs. San Diego
Panther City Lacrosse Club: Sunday, March 3, 2024, 3pm CT, vs. Rochester
Philadelphia Wings: Saturday, March 2, 2024, 1pm ET, vs. Calgary
Rochester Knighthawks: Sunday, April 21, 2024, 3pm ET, vs. Philadelphia
San Diego Seals: Friday, February 23, 2024, 7pm ET, vs. Georgia
Saskatchewan Rush: Saturday, February 24, 2024, 7pm CT, vs. Halifax
Toronto Rock: Saturday, March 23, 2024, 7pm ET, vs. Halifax
Vancouver Warriors: Saturday, February 10, 2024, 7pm PT, vs. Saskatchewan
The 2023-24 NLL season will commence with NLL Faceoff Weekend tomorrow with a “NLL Game of the Week” doubleheader on TSN in Canada as Saskatchewan travels to Halifax at 7pm ET and Panther City opens up in Vancouver at 10pm ET. ESPN2 will carry the first “NLL Saturday Night Showcase” this weekend with Philadelphia battling New York starting at 7:30pm ET.
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shaunstenning2020 · 1 year
Why Did Shaun Stenning Start 5 Star Marine?
A talented entrepreneur with nearly two decades of professional experience, Shaun Stenning is a multitalented entrepreneur living in Phuket, Thailand. 
Since 2003, Shaun Stenning has been working as an investor, operating on his own to offer financial support. In 2009, Shaun Stenning opened 5 Star Marine, where he currently serves as an Investor, Founder, and CEO of Phuket’s largest Private VIP Speedboat business. Visitors to the islands can take in the natural scenery and explore the region, and with the help of 5 Star Marine’s expertise, affordability, flexibility, and safety, you can truly plan an unforgettable experience. 
Since opening 5 Star Marine, Shaun Stenning has grown the business from a single speedboat into an ever-expanding fleet that currently consists of 15 fully customized private VIP Speedboats and Luxury Cruisers, each of which is TAT SHA Plus approved. Designed with the highest level of comfort in mind, you can book these boats for a day or multi-night trip to one of 5 Star Marine’s unforgettable destinations. Currently, visitors can book a private boat tour to Phi Phi Islands, James Bond Island, Krabi Islands, Raya Islands, and Khai Islands, with custom boat tours available for those looking for more of an adventure. With 5 Star Marine, Shaun Stenning, and the team can help you snorkel in crystal clear reefs and relax on white sandy beaches or get up close and personal with some of nature’s coolest creatures on a dolphin spotting tour. 
We have built 5 Star Marine as a family business, I don’t know how many staff we are now, almost a hundred staff, but we have managed to keep that family feel because we wanted to invest, invest in what is the most important part of a team which is “The Team”. That’s the most important part of our company, and so we invest in them, we spend time with them, and we train them, but we do more than that, we care for them, they are our family. We have family dinners, we have staff parties, we have training events and everything that’s going on in our staff lives we want to know about, so we can help them to go on to the next level.
My goal in this business is not for me to be the leader, I want to build leaders in my business, Thai leaders, male leaders, and female leaders and I want them to step up and I want them to show them that there’s a new way that you can run a business in Thailand, that is customer centric focused, that is all about the experience. Our tagline is “Experiences the 5 Star Marine difference” and the reason is that 5 Star Marine is all about the experience.
Our team takes care of you all the time, they will be in the water with you pointing out the different coral, pointing out the fish, serving you fresh fruit, whatever you want, whatever you need, we have requests from honeymoons to proposals, to 50th wedding anniversaries, to 40th birthdays, we have post-wedding parties, you name it we have done it. We want you to go back with an experience that you’re never going to forget, that’s what to me is the goal of 5 Star Marine.
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Your Heart Beats Louder When It Rains
Hey everyone!! 
Well, upon being recommended this show by a friend, I watched the pilot, and I AM DEFINITELY WATCHING MORE! 
Shaun is so sweet and we were given so much insight into him... It’s incredible. And all the other characters provided their own relevance to the show, but I hope to understand them more. 
And so... Here’s a fic. I’m planning to write one or two more just on the pilot alone... 
Autism and savant syndrome both go hand in hand, making the smartest young doctor that the world had ever seen, so it seemed.
Or, a fic based on some of the the pilot of The Good Doctor, 'Burnt Food'.
^^ Here it is!!
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primordialwhale · 4 years
♫ mr gilmore crit role & also whatever zer0/axton is called.. zaxton axt0n... zer0n..
bro i don’t even know what zer0/axton is called kjdfhglkdfg
OK idk if u mean vaxilmore or just gilmore so u get both
Vaxilmore: Church by Fall Out Boy
Gilmore: Bleed Magic - I Dont Know How But They Found Me
OK I”M GONNA BE HONEST haven’t put much thought into axton/zero songs but i will offer you a House Of Wolves - My Chemical Romance in this trying time
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