boxoftheskyking · 8 months
@shayvaalski FRIEND
I'm so excited to talk to you
So I saw this play, which was really lovely, and it's essentially about the writer and their relationship with their father, who was emotionally withdrawn and never really connected with his child, never talked to them, impossible to please, etc. Not a good relationship, caused a lot of harm. And as a result, the writer and their family did not have a memorial for the father when he died. So the play kind of functions as the memorial, dealing with the realities of who the man was, but also enacting a ritual - with the writer playing their own father in the piece. And at the end, he gets a really lovely and moving sendoff into death. There's acknowledgement of the harm that was done and never resolved, but then there's still this acknowledgment that this person has died, and a reverence and tenderness about that.
And I also have been seeing some arguments on the internet about certain characters in fiction who continue to have relationships with family members who have harmed them. People saying "characters should be allowed to just cut these people off, it should be normalized to not interact with people who have harmed them." Which, I mean, I feel some kind of way about bc they are fictional characters and cutting of the source of the major conflict in the story seems.... antithetical to storytelling. But whatever, I get the thing that they mean in terms of real life.
But then in engaging with this play, I saw this writer wrestling with the contradictions of this very harmful and painful relationship, while also feeling a need to acknowledge the death of a person in a ritual way. And it's Not "forgiveness" (which is not a thing I believe in personally - I get that the framework is helpful for some people, but to me it's super Christian and not useful for me, it's not the same thing as "healing" or "picking up and moving on" to me). And it's not really about the person who did the harm, it's about the person dealing with how to think about that person. It's not about the father, it's about the writer - the father is dead and is not watching the play.
But it really made me think about the principle of the Inherent Worth and Dignity of Every Person. And it's so easy to frame that is "it means unhoused people and people who are different from you." But it also means Assholes and Dipshits. And people who do harm.
And like even the person who has committed the most vile acts has inherent worth as a living being. And it actually makes the actions worse, I think? Because you have this spark of the divine in being Animated Meat and THIS is what you do with it? You have the tools to do good and all the potential in the world to nurture and wonder and care and you choose to hurt instead. But even after the action (since I don't believe in sin), the badness is not Inherent. It's chosen, sometimes repeatedly. And so when a villainous person (or abusive person, or person who has harmed willfully) dies, there's still a body-to-body instinct to acknowledge that the body that once had life no longer does.
It doesn't excuse and action and doesn't mean you should be Sad about it, but I think a thing religion does for me is challenges me to live with uncomfortable questions and in ambiguous spaces. Where maybe I'm not sad that a person is gone, or that they hurt, but I still believe that they are not Worthless, and that the fact of life within their pile of cells is still divine.
And to me it's different from like a Martyrdom thing where we suffer and say You can do bad things to me and I Forgive you and it makes me Shinier. But we can be like "What the fuck are you doing you dipshit, cut it out" and still believe that they have capacity to make other choices. Engage with the reality of harm and reduce the ability to harm people, but not decide that this still-living person is fully defined forever and could never act differently. Because harmfulness and callousness and all these negative things aren't inherent and born into people, they're actions chosen. Which we all have the potential to choose and need to work at not choosing. But the life and sentience itself is worthy of acknowledgment.
I don't know, I guess it's kind of basic when you think about it, but it's a challenging thing for my mind to hold, and makes me pull away from easy good/bad thinking, which I think is good for me. Which is I think what this old minister of my church from before the UU days mean by "freedom, fellowship, and character in religion," which I've always liked.
ANYWAY I always tell people I'm religious but not spiritual bc I don't really care about anything metaphysical/truths of the universe but I do find religion helpful as a way to make choices and spend my time and pursue integrity.
Blah blah
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schmirius · 2 months
tagged by @nadsdraws! hello! What a good meme!
First lines game:
Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway!
The weather was fucking awful.
The Little Mershark: an ongoing calamity (19k words, complete) which is a Little Mermaid 1989 pastiche written for this year's Reverse Big Bang. @nadsdraws' very romantic and very silly MermIzzy art kicked this one off and really set the whole tone.
Easily my favorite part of OFMD season 2 were the opening episodes.
OFMD season 2—the Mad Ed remix (3.5k words), a not-fic where I am boiling mad that (1) the arc about Ed's breakdown was incomplete; (2) Ed/Stede wasn't great for that and other reasons; and (3) why the fuck did my show with fast travel and and "boing" noises for violence kill Izzy!!!
It's a shit stretch, is the thing.
Full Fathom Five (3.5k words) where Ed doesn't really know or care if he's attempting suicide. but it's definitely happening in real time, and it hurts.
Izzy's probably about a minute away from genuinely losing his shit on the main deck in front of absolutely everyone, and Ed thinks: well, it's as good a time as any.
Dressing Down (10k words) Ed and Stede arrange a wildly elaborate roleplay with Izzy in a dress and remember to let Izzy know, like, three hours in. Featuring: soft body worship! Ye olde car sex! Erotic misogyny! Two very sappy men fucking Izzy Hands' hysteria right out of him!
Anybody want to do this? I'll go ahead and tag (alphabetically) @brigdh, @focusfixated, @internerdionality, @napneeders, @shayvaalski and/or @andthebluestblue . Original fic also seems fun, and I'm not sure who's writing lately, so I've clearly missed folks. I would LOVE to see what y'all have, mutuals or no. <3
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wweassets · 2 years
Really really sexy of this man like he deserves it all
LOVE that
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hibernia-1 · 3 years
Little tag thing
Tagged by @shayvaalski - thanks! Sorry for the delay!
favourite color palette: green, purple, black.
last song: Out of Control by The Rolling Stones.
currently reading: Working with Winston - the unsung women behind Britain’s greatest statesman by Cita Stelzer
last movie: Kung Fu Panda 2. That peacock Shen... strong fucker vibes, man.
sweet/savory/spicy: savory
currently working on: knitting an ace-pride scarf for myself, knitting a green scarf for a friend, knitting knittens, knitting a dachshund. And many many very self-indulgent fan fics. No, you can’t have a snippet. No, really, you can’t. 
I never tag, but if you want to do this. go for it!
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skaldish · 5 years
shayvaalski replied to your post “Did some research with some pals the other day and discovered Jötnar...”
I'm not Heathen but this was definitely in my like, childhood versions of Norse myths, which themselves were in quite dated books. Perhaps it's come up in multiple iterations because everyone thinks of that area of the world as Very Cold, All Ice?
Perhaps. A quick glance at the Marvel mythos tells me that ice giants first appeared in the Marvelverse in the 40′s and reappeared in the 60′s, so it’s possible the mix-up could go back that far. I’m not sure how old your books are though.
But you might be onto something anyway, considering that Jotun are more like...personified forces of nature (and think of how the Scandinavian countries look!). But while the mythos sometimes makes it a point to distinguish those personifications, like with the fire giant Logi (not to be confused with Loki), many times they’re pretty vague.
Our need to categorize things into neat little boxes is a Victorian thing anyway, and likely didn’t feature in the Norse worldview like it does in Western society.
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vaspider · 5 years
Hi. Thank you for being another queer nonbinary butch who's just as grouchy as I am about being told they can't be that without being a lesbian!
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fth2018offerings · 7 years
Teddy - FTH Contributor Page
See Teddy’s works here and here!
To contact the seller before bidding, please email [email protected]
If you have a very specific prompt and are not flexible, it’s best to contact the seller before bidding, even if it fits within their listed parameters. If you are asking for a specific kink, always ask first.
Charities these auctions benefit: Bidder's choice of any of the listed groups
(See full list)
Teddy’s offerings:
Teddy Auction #1
Type of fanwork: fanfiction Subtype(s): N/A Fandom(s): Sherlock (all), Tortall/Tamora Pierce, His Dark Materials/Phillip Pullman Highest rating creator will work with: E (explicit) Length: 5 -10k words Especially interested in: Transgender and queer characters/plotlines are the things I love the best! Found family is right up there, and I'd love to take another run at Moran/Watson, or at parentlock (especially Moramori parentlock, but I'm excited to play with Rosie). I'd also love to work more in the Tamora Pierce fandom (Tortall universe), or in His Dark Materials -- by the time this goes up, I'll be conversant in all the Lyra stuff, and have finished The Book of Dust. Unwilling to address: Incest. Notes: I also like crossovers (I will cross anything with His Dark Materials, y'all). If you're a crossover fan, I would also love to take take a crossover run at Cat Valente's Fairyland books, or the Young Wizards series.
Minimum Bid:
Auctions run from 8 January 2018 (Midnight, EST) to 14 January 2018 (Midnight, EST). Bids before or after this period are invalid and will not be counted.If you would like to bid on this auction:
Step 1: Check the bidding spreadsheet to find out what the current high bid is. (Note: It may take up to five minutes for a bid to appear.)
Step 2: Fill out the seller’s bidding form with a bid that is higher than the current high bid. If you want to make it harder for someone to outbid you, bid higher! You will NOT be notified if someone outbids you, so please bookmark this page and check frequently. You will only be notified if you are the high bidder after the auctions end.
Thanks for participating in Fandom Trumps Hate!
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pasiphile · 7 years
shayvaalski replied to your post: shayvaalski replied to your post: Sunday Six37K..
It has taken me TWO YEARS to write a 50k original piece
how do u do this
I actually don’t really understand how anyone not does this. I mean, I know I’m a bit unusual when it comes to writing speed, but for me when I start writing it just... flows out? I go all hyperfocused and the story just comes, and if it doesn’t I might as well give up because I can’t force it out. Like, if you give me a whole day and a new thing to write I can churn out 5K raw content without that much trouble, I reckon. Of course, it’s first draft stuff so there’s still masses of editing to do, but it’s so much easier to edit and add to something that’s already there than to start from scratch.
Not gonna lie, I get kinda smug about my monster-writing. Otoh, whenever I get too smug all I gotta do is remember @saxifraga-x-urbium, who writes like 100K in two weeks and fucking publishes it, so. 
(And that finishing-thing is a big part of it. I may be able to write a lot in one go but it takes ages before I’ve got it all edited out to postable content.)
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doctornerdington · 7 years
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Siobahn counts magpies in the tree
One is a sign of mischief Two a sign of mirth Three is a sign of a wedding, Four is a sign of a death Five is a sign of rain, Six is the sign of a baby born Seven is a child without a name.
Siobahn feeds chicks with fierce, cold glee
One is sorrow Two, shame Three you know Four, a sign of death Five is pain Six is laughter uncontrolled Seven is love you cannot hold.
Siobahn can hear the magpies sing
One, a wish Two, a kiss Three, a girl Four, a boy Five, heaven Six, hell Seven, the devil’s own self.
Siobahn kills magpies with a string
One is a sign of anger Two is what you’re worth Three a hanging Four a birth Five for silver Six for gold Seven for a truth never told.
Eight you live Nine you die
Siobahn breaks the bodies when they grow cold
A Wits on Tap remix of @shayvaalski’s fascinating and haunting Tell Me Ma. I’ve never read a fic quite like it. I hope this little poem lives up to it.
Image source.
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andthebluestblue · 5 months
Me, not knowing how to convert 200 cubic feet to yards but still extremely confident: yeah, we need 67 yards of dirt
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manicpixietrashbag · 7 years
whom else on the hellsite wanna smoke a bowl with Marilla Cuthbert
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schmirius · 11 months
WIP Ask Game!
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I was tagged by @brigdh!
I had terrible WIP paralysis in the run-up to s2; stuff that I had been working productively and leisurely on for months suddenly became a stressful race against time. I'll probably finish most of these, at some point. A couple of them I might rework a little to fit s2 canon. Maybe.
It's About The Toe Thing (edizzy somno.doc)
Edward is too much in the sun
... Port Royal earthquake thing, formerly part of the above
dressing UP YOURS (Dressing Down sequel.doc)
an Ed/Izzy collar match
Better Season 2 episode summaries I've been tinkering with which also have a couple of scenes attached at this point
(and ofc WIPs from the last 10 years which are basically wistful ideas at this point.)
I feel that many people have been tagged? but I will suggest this meme to: @nonelvis, @shayvaalski, @napneeders, @onlinestill, and, genuinely, anyone seeing this who wants to chat with me about fic. I like fic.
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Shayvaalski - FTH Contributor Page
See Shayvaalski’s works here and here!
To contact the seller before bidding, please email [email protected]
If you have a very specific prompt and are not flexible, it’s best to contact the seller before bidding, even if it fits within their listed parameters. If you are asking for a specific kink, always ask first.
Charities these auctions benefit: Bidder's choice of any of the listed groups, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Lambda Legal, Planned Parenthood, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), Standing Rock, Trans LifeLine
(See full list at our FAQ)
Shayvaalski’s offerings:
Shayvaalski Auction #1
Type of fanwork: fic Subtype(s): n/a Fandom(s): Sherlock (ACD or BBC), WTNV, His Dark Materials Rating(s): Explicit Length/size: up to 5k words Especially interested in: queer and trans themes are my favorites! Will not: I am not up for rape or incest.
Auctions run from 12 January 2017 (Midnight, EST) to 19 January 2017 (Midnight, EST). Bids before or after this period are invalid and will not be counted.If you would like to bid on this auction:
Step 1: Check the bidding spreadsheet to find out what the current high bid is. (Note: It may take up to five minutes for a bid to appear.)
Step 2: Fill out the seller’s bidding form with a bid that is higher than the current high bid. If you want to make it harder for someone to outbid you, bid higher! You will NOT be notified if someone outbids you, so please bookmark this page and check frequently. You will only be notified if you are the high bidder after the auctions end.
Thanks for participating in Fandom Trumps Hate!
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shayvaalski · 6 years
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Incidentally, you can find me and these handsome idiot children (unphotographical mouse child #2, sulky buck rabbit, and best husband not pictured) all over the internet under either shayvaalski (AO3, my mostly-forgotten Dreamwidth, and the doubtful-looking Mastodon) or vaalski (Instagram, Twitter, Discord, and possibly other places -- it's defs me though). I'm archiving my alternate blogs (Teddy Talks, Raptor Red, Social Justice for Dragons, and Riverwalk) at WordPress; details to come.
Word is that pillowfort.io might be a worthwhile place to land, and I'll be under one of those names if so.
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Cecilos Fic Recs : Shorter
Shorter (-5,000 words) non-smutty cecilos fic recs!
I've Been Waiting To Smile : Mixxy
Inhuman : Twigwise
Positions Available; Do Not Apply : Psilent (HereThereBeFic)
Sugar, Pink, Pop! : mothergoose
Sertraline, 100mg : OctoberSpirit
Listen : bendingsignpost
Redefine Perfection : theimprobable1
All About Your Heart : messyfeathers
Thunderstorm : jeffcatson
Worthless : Eclaire-de-Lune (RoyalHeather)
only skin : sappho
Casualties in War : Dangersocks
Bad Moon Rising : blackmariahlee
Not Broken; Just Bent : punkrockgaia
What We've Got Here : Margo_Kim
As Gay as Pink Ink : glittertech
Vignette in a Bathtub : chess_ka
Excerpts from a Personal Journal : sentimental_animals
Municipal Regulations Regarding Sartorial Discretion : Shayvaalski
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boxoftheskyking · 7 years
Last line written meme
Agh I thought I posted this but it didn’t save
@janoda tagged me to do this, and since I need all motivational pushes I can get, I’m going with it. The idea is to post the last line you’ve written on a WIP, and tag as many people as there are words.
from my Ben/Anna/Ben/Caleb fic:
“Don’t, Caleb. Don’t make me survive it.”
@rosewindow @msculper @happiest-little-sourwolf @cabeswatersbf @shayvaalski @bootsnblossoms @halffizzbin
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