#she always meets up with them when they're in Hyrule though
silverpsychedelic · 1 year
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One of the Arctic royal family members and a younger sister of Siluk! This is Qaiyaani (Yani for short) and is the smallest of the Arctic siblings. She was born fairly small and sickly and never grew nearly as much as her siblings, so the cold was always rough on her. Because of her stunted growth she never developed the darker pigment that most Arctic Zora have, so she's far more brightly coloured than her siblings!
Being that the extreme cold is still rough on her body, she tends to stick to the mainland Hyrule area and works as a mercenary for hire (though she doesnt particularly like to flaunt her royal status). Even though she is small in comparison to other Arctic Zora, she is still very tall and towers over most Zora in the Hyrule Domain. She's based off a Minke whale 🐳
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wayfayrr · 11 months
This is the last set of headcanons for my 200 followers event! these are for @h4wari and they're for a reader asking the links for affection <3 I hope you'll enjoy them! writing them going soft for affection was so fun to write <33
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✦ After the initial meeting with the chain, once you’ve gotten comfortable with them enough to in your eyes gain a close relationship with them and close enough for them to fall. If you’re the one to initiate affection? They’re going to fall so much deeper into their obsession, taking it as you reciprocating their twisted love whether that’s your intention or not
✦ Some are far more than willing to give you it in public than others, not saying that they won’t love giving you affection they just don’t like all the looks they’ll get in public. Asking them then means you’re just gonna have to wait a moment longer before being spoilt with more affection than you could’ve bargained for. 
✦ Twilight would jump at the opportunity to give you affection, from even the smallest things like holding your hand or giving you a light kiss on the cheek. If you gave him the go-ahead to smother you? Yeah, you’re not getting away from him for a long while. He’ll give you the warmest hugs, if you really want to fluster him though just ask for anything by leaning close to him and whispering it into his ear. It’ll turn him redder than Legend’s tunic. 
✦ Time would be willing to always give you some kind of affection, unlike Twilight though he won’t always bring you into a bone-crushing hug not because of not wanting to, he just feels like it’ll be uncomfortable for you when he’s in full armour. Twilight’s strength does come from somewhere so he’s just as capable of it. His favourite thing instead of hugs, when he’s in his armour, is to pepper you with feather-light kisses all over your face. 
✦ Wild gets flustered at the idea you even possibly like him back so you asking for anything? He’s just falling even deeper for you every second you’re close to him and you don’t even know that you’re making him so much worse. Every single time you ask for something as small as holding his hand in his mind you’re telling him that it’s okay for him to press his luck further because if you’re like that then surely you aren’t bothered by the reports of villagers going missing. If everything he’s doing only pushes you closer together then… why should he ever stop? Besides that though one of his personal favourite things to be asked is to cuddle while the both of you sleep, you’re asking him to hold you when you’re most vulnerable? Sign him up.
✦ It takes the captain a little bit to get used to being affectionate with you, he’s petrified of how Cia will react if when she sees the both of you together and it absolutely kills him to turn down your requests for any. After a trip back to his Hyrule however, most of that discomfort is gone like he’s stopped considering her an issue little do you know that she won’t be bothering either of you ever again.  
✦ You don’t have to ask wind for anything, the kid is constantly hollering for your attention, whether that’s playing a game or having him ramble to you about anything and everything. The rare chance you ask him to play or if he wants to know about your past he’s literally bouncing on his heels. He gets that his older sibling might want focus more on the others seeing as they’re all significantly more touchy with you compared to anyone else, so for you to want to be with him? Your little brother, over any of them? He’s ecstatic.
✦ Hyrule turns into a flustered mess whenever you ask for attention. He just seemingly shuts down as his brain tries to come to terms with the fact that you want him over the others just doesn’t make sense for him. When he does reboot though he’ll give you the gentlest kisses as he does whatever it was that you decided he would be the best to go to for, one of his favourite things to do is slow-dancing with you, swaying together in a field as he hums a light tune? He would die for it.
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lightningqueen11 · 6 months
Got these lads some better references! Not complete ones, but they're still pretty good.
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Here are the 8 Links I'm planning on including! I have general characterization concepts for all the others, but they were being kinda annoying designs. I might include em as I continue to figure out this AU, but for now here's what I got!
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Our very first hero! I don't really consider the SS prequel manga canon here so Sky's the very first holder of the Hero's spirit. He's a very kind soul, protective of those he cares for and holding the endless determination and courage of any hero.
After the end of Skyward Sword, Sky's taken up a bit of an 'ambassador to the surface' type role, educating those who've come down with while Zelda spends as much time as she can with her family on Skyloft. Though the scars from his fight with Demise still twinge, Sky's happy to move forward with his life on the surface.
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Minish is our youngest member, but that doesn't mean you can underestimate him. Minish is quiet, playful, and endlessly curious. He's the best spy this chain has, able to shrink down to the size of a mouse and be completely invisible to everyone but fellow children.
After saving Zelda from being encased in stone and having her light force drained, Minish simply seeks to spend his time enjoying his childhood with his best friend and learning to forge a sword as good as the four sword.
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Mask is our resident angst, his life has been far too hard. Mask is mysterious, closed off, and talented. With the body of a teenager and the mind of a young adult, this lad has plenty of tricks up his sleeve.
Resuming his travels after Termina, Mask finds himself looking for somewhere to belong. He's travelled to Labrynna, Holodrum, Koradai, and yet the only place he really felt any sense of family remains in that strange war with Tune and Captain. Perhaps, someday, he'll find his way back to them.
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Tune's our resident navigator! He can read and create maps and starcharts like no other, plus he knows his way around a boat. Despite the more pirat-y aesthetic, Tune's really a sweetheart. Sure, he enjoys finding abandoned treasure and sailing, but he's hardly a ruthless bounty hunter or thief. He just loves meeting people, and wants to help anywhere he can. A trait practically required for the hero life.
After his adventures, Tune's living a life of travel on the Great Sea. He has his own boat, but broadly he sails with Tetra, the two finding buried treasures from Hyrule. He's always had that itch to go somewhere, to do something, and maybe he's about to get exactly what he wants.
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Wolf's a bit of a mysterious edgy man himself, but this time it's all appearances. Our resident furry is just a big huggable rancher with a protective streak when it comes to his family. He's amazing with animals, and with the help of a certain amazing nose, he can track basically anything.
I'm diverging from canon a lot here. Midna's never shattered the mirror of twilight in this universe, she's just not around in the light world because it would hurt to be anything more than a shadow there. Instead, after their adventure Wolf and her hang out frequently. Wolf's pretty content with his lot in life, he's got his family, his home, and his best friend. Really, what more could he ask for?
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Unabashed favorite character alert, Four's a bit of an asshole. Like, they're very heroic and frankly, often right, but they've still got an arrogance problem. They're fiercely loyal and incredibly smart, and will take the role as supposed leader because frankly, no one else wants the title.
After returning the Four Sword with Vaati and Ganon completely obliterated, Four's gone back to their life as a knight. There's still a fierce purple ache in their chest for a certain Shadow, but the teal confidence easily shoves that to the side in favor of being the perfect warrior. Now, Four's rising through the ranks of Hyrule's guard, ready for whatever challenge comes next.
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Wild fits their name very well. They're quick to explore every mountain and valley, loot every chest, and find every korok. Incredibly different from the Link from before the Calamity, they share memories but not so much experiences. Wild is the best archer in the group, even without their champion ability.
I can't quite decide whether I want Wild to be pre or post TOTK, but it doesn't make too terribly much of a difference. After his adventure he continues to explore Hyrule and the lands beyond it. He's verrryyy close with his Zelda, and the two like to do a bit of mad science with Purah every so often. He's happy with his new lease in life, but if the chance comes to explore something new? Well, Wild's definitely going to take it.
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Cap's here! And he's a bit of a mess. Traumatized from his fights with Cia and Dark Link, Captain has trouble being confident in himself at all anymore. He's always been naturally confident, but ever since that first battle with Dark, Captain's been suppressing that part of himself. He's a very skilled leader and tactician, with the most experience working with a large group.
After the war Captain.. didn't really know what to do with himself. His friends had left, and there was no longer anything to fight against. He decided to dedicate himself to being a guard, but he still felt a little empty. He's never really moved on from the events of the war, but maybe soon he'll return to some old friends.
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draxeanlxia · 7 months
More LU!Warriors headcanons!
I decided to also post (and repost when it wasn’t coming up on the search bar) this. I'm sure some of us LU!Warriors lovers have seen @sirassban's post on Albino!Wars and I'm sure a lot of us adopt it as our own. Some because it's so cute, and some because that means new ways to torture him. Don't even try and deny it, we love to angst that boy. So here's my own headcanons on Albino! Wars though this is mostly about his backstory that I created. Though it also works in other universe where he isn't albino.
Note that I did do some research on albinos to try and make this accurate. If lif it turns out I am wrong, well whoops. Also note, I am going to add more military ranks than the normal Hylian captain and general we see in the game.
Link and Linkle are fraternal twins but with a bit of makeup, some heeled boots for Linkle, and some clothes, they look identical. Only Link is albino, Linkle is normal blonde self.
The twins were actually separated when they were a few months old. Their parents were very wealthy, kind nobles but their father died the day they were born. Their mother was killed on the orders of other corrupted nobles, who wanted their wealth despite the laws saying they would have to wait about two decades, in order to claim that wealth if there are no heirs. The servants save them at the cost of them being separated.
Linkle was given to an old farming couple who adopted her as their granddaughter, as they had no children and grandchildren, but always wanted some. (They're basically Hylian versions of Eustace and Muriel from Courage the Cowardly Dog.)
Link was first adopted by a retired knight turned baker and his Gerudo seamstress wife. They loved and raised him as their own until he was 13 when his town was burn to the ground by bandits. He is the only known survivor.
After that, he somehow managed to find his way to CastleTown. More specifically the stables of Hyrule castle by CastleTown. He hid in the stables due to not trusting people because of the bandits.
Before his village was destroyed, Warriors loved helping out at the local farms that had horses and became quite adept at taking care of horses.
He helped take care of the horses in the stable when the stablehands weren't around. They didn't know he was there.
He took great care of Epona when she was born. Especially since her mother rejected her and the stablehands decided this was a good enough reason not to take care of her, saying there must be something wrong with her if her mother rejected her. Epona was born completely healthy. Her mother rejected her due to stress and being a first-time mom. Which is unfortunately not that uncommon.
When Epona was a few months old, she alerted the stablehands and her sire's rider to Link's presence due to the fact that Link fainted. He suffered severe malnutrition to the point the stablehands thought he was dead. Epona's sire's rider thought otherwise and took Link to the castle's infirmary.
The rider eventually decided to foster Link once he learned about Link's situation.
He's the Lieutenant General, I mentioned in the other post.
Link eventually made a full recovery. He was weary of his foster father at first but grew to accept him as his father. He never forgets his adopted parents and honors them and his birth parents when he learns who they were.
After the war started and meeting Linkle, the twins learn about their birth parents and managed to claim their inheritance before the time limit ends. The twins are now incredibly wealthy.
Out of the Chain, only Wild is richer than Warriors. But he's not allowed to spend lot in one setting because he will ruin his Hyrule’s economy if he does.
And I'm ending it here. Enjoy!
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bokettochild · 9 months
I know you mostly write legend and fable as siblings but do you have any fable/legend headcanons?
(Fable/Legend content below. Do NOT read if you dislike the ship. They are not siblings in these headcannons. This is your only warning.)
As partners, Fable is the more possessive of the two. Legend's high anxiety ass is too busy worrying if he's even worthy of her to actually be bold enough to get mad at people for hitting on her (besides, she's amazing! of course ppl are hitting on her!). Fable, however, is the sort to definitely have words with anyone who makes eyes overlong at her boyfriend. Sure, he's gorgeous, but he's her boyfriend and not up for grabs, so be respectful!
Legend's love language for receiving love is mostly physical touch, but he expresses love through gifts and acts of service. Since he is a hero though, acts of service are sort of par for the course, so gifts are his go to with Fable. He agonizes about what sorts of things to get her, and actually will write down anything he hears her say she needs (new pens, better shoes, lotion for her cracking hands). Granted, she's the princess/queen, so she's rich and can buy her own stuff, but Legend's well traveled and has connections, so he knows where to get the best quality items for her! Only, he just... leaves them where he knows she'll find them rather than making a big deal about presenting them to her. He can't wrap presents for crap after all. Fable always knows it's him of course, and she really appreciates them.
Fable's main love language for receiving love is actually acts of service! She expresses love through praise/compliments though, although generally speaking she loves cuddling as well (they both do). Unfortunately for Legend, he does not react well to praise or compliments and they actually fluster him to the extreme. Fortunately for Fable, she finds this adorable and loves it when he turns red and hides his face. She will go out of her way to compliment him in public as much as possible during events, partially to make the event tolerable, and partially to drive home how very much hers the hero really is.
They love getting dressed up together. They coordinate their outfits for everything. Cabinet meetings? They're matching. Celebrations? Matching. Addresses to the people? They're standing side by side most of the time in corresponding outfits. At this point, the tailors just always make a matching get up for the vet if they make Fable anything.
Legend hates doing public events (introvert), but he suffers through them because he doesn't want Fable alone, nor does he want to risk someone trying to hurt her without him around. Fable is well aware of this and makes sure to thank him for his efforts afterward with either a long cuddle or just doing something nice together.
She's the big spoon.
They spar together at times, and while Legend is easy to fluster, he is good at flirting back as long as he isn't thinking too hard. Putting a weapon in his hands adds to his confidence though, and makes him focus more on the fight than what he's saying. Quite frankly their sparring matches outshine most any witty romance novel anyone in Hyrule can find. They both give it their all, there's never any holding back just because it's their partner. Usually Legend wins (he fights dirty), but when Fable does get a win in, it's because she managed to pin the vet down somewhere, which usually has him speechless even after they've put their weapons away.
Legend tends to linger around the castle in his spare time. Fable has much less spare time, but it's not uncommon to find her using it flopped over across his lap and complaining about something or other, or plotting, while Legend plays with her hair.
She doesn't bring him to council meetings if she doesn't need to, but she consults him about everything that happens in them both before and after sessions.
They're both clingy. Usually, they remain in each other's proximity, and they're touching at all times, by it her hand resting on the crook of his arm, his hand on her waist/shoulders, holding hands, or just leaning against each other.
They love dancing together. Less so at gatherings of state, and more so in private or just while out traveling in the country together.
Fable loves visiting the vet's home. He visits her all the time but both enjoy the countryside far more, away from prying eyes and servants and knights all the time. She loves helping him in the orchard and while she's not very good at it, Legend appreciates the effort. She knows better than to try and help in the house though, and is more content to let him follow his rhythm and do things his way. They both know he won't ask her for help, not in hi own home, but she's aright with that.
She loves getting him books. Gifts aren't her strong suit, but Legend loves reading, so she's one step from gifting him the royal library. The only reason she hasn't yet is that if she does, she'll be out of books to give him.
He's her quirky, nerdy, adorable boyfriend and she's his badass queen. He's basically the only person not scared of her (what they've been through hardened them both, but in different ways) and she's one of the few he trusts enough to let down his walls and relax around. He trusts her to not need his protection all the time (although the more people around, the more he wants to be there as her backup) and she takes a certain pride in being able to defend him when and where she can (mostly verbally).
They're both worry-worts. After everything they'e seen, it's no shock to anyone. She tends to check in on him telepathically somewhat frequently, ad he welcomes it because it acts as an assurance for him too.
They shit-talk people telepathically at matters of state.
She has trouble not showering him in affection/gifts/praise. She doesn't want him to ever doubt her love, and she's got a lot to give. He's wary still about affection in general though and needs to back out and get his space from time to time or else he gets overwhelmed with it. She gets it though, and they've established a system of signals (items placed in certain places or particular gifts spawning on her desk) to signal what's alright or if he's overwhelmed. Legend asked if she wanted a similar system, but she's far more verbal about things than him.
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fourswords · 7 months
tell me ur thoughts on minish cap link plss. u have such good takes
oh my boy....i have so many of them. for starters i think his serious/angry demeanor is something he's had his whole short life. like do you know how there just seems to be a specific brand of children that are like little walking talking professional adults. i think he's been like that since the day he was born. i also think he lost his parents when he was too young to remember them (probably to a disease or smth that passed through hyrule town) and that's why it's just him and his grandpa and people tend to think that that's why he's so serious all the time but no. he's just like that. he doesn't even really care about not having parents outside of idly wondering what would be different if they were still there sometimes but i think he's one of those people who just has a sort of "if it's not something i can fix then there's really no use in thinking about it when i have other things i could be doing" mentality. he's got grandpa and that's always been enough for him.
since he and zelda canonically went to school together i really like to think it was one of those things where zelda basically just attached herself to him like a leech and refused to be shaken off because everyone but him was too intimidated by her princesses status to be her friend. and also because since grandpa smith and king daltus are good & old friends ("He and King Daltus are friends and enjoyed a pleasant rivalry as youths.") i think that she actually would have met smith before when he came to visit the castle (link didn't want to go because the thought of hanging around a castle while his grandpa hung out with his friend sounded boring) so she meets his grandkid and she's like "!!!!!! NEW FRIEND" and meanwhile link is just sitting there like. Get off my arm. What are you doing. which is so far removed from the "uhhh yes princess zelda no princess zelda bye princess zelda" treatment that she was getting that it just motivates her even more. and obviously eventually they do become great friends!
speaking of link and school though... in the game when you go to the school the teacher mentions that she hasn't seen link in a long time and that it was good that he came back which makes me think. okay either link is skipping school solely for the sake of this adventure, his grandpa is LETTING him skip school for some reason or another, or link is skipping school in general (maybe because of something like zelda getting pulled out to study more in-depth about princess things with her private tutors?) and grandpa decidedly Does Not know about it. and since link and smith live in south hyrule field instead of in hyrule town itself it may just be very easy for link TO skip school. either way i think it's hilarious. maybe he sneaks into the castle to visit zelda sometimes like how zelda sneaks out of hyrule castle to go visit him? that one sounds likely.
AND speaking of zelda sneaking out to drag him to the picori festival i think that this is something she continues to do for their whole lives. link is bound and determined to hole himself up and do nothing but work on swords sometimes when they're older (or he just forgets that he's a person who needs to Eat and Drink and whatnot) and zelda just kind of. kicks down the door like HEYYYYY YOU'RE COMING WITH ME TO GO LOOK AT THIS COOL ROCK I FOUND IN THE GARDENS <333 and link is like. couldn't you have just. brought it here? and zelda is like NO <333333333 and drags him there. like so
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(the minish cap manga isn't something that i think really Adds anything to the story like the four swords adventures manga or the skyward sword prequel manga and as such i focus more on the game and its storyline instead, but it was nice to finally read through the manga and see So Many Of My Ideas For Link Reinforced. VINDICATION)
as for his adventure.... i really do think link took zelda getting turned into stone and him failing to do anything about it really really hard. especially since his grandpa told link before they left the house to look after her but mostly because she was his first and only friend and he failed her. his inner dialogue is so genuinely distraught when you (as the player) interacts with zelda-as-a-statue and it's genuinely so sad to see. like the equivalent of when ss link started crying when ss zelda sealed herself away to sleep for thousands of years. and tbh i think that's really when his angry-looking demeanor turned into more of an angry personality. or maybe not angry, per se, but definitely determined to a fault. i think he did all the game's sidequests but he always did so (at first at least) in kind of a rushed manner, y'know? and tbh i think ezlo kind of helped to slow him down a little bit despite the fact that ezlo was always the one to be urging him onwards—ezlo would be like "hurry up you lazy boy!" and link would get so irritated that he would slow down on purpose. like a sort of "WELL NOW THAT YOU TOLD ME TO SPEED UP I'M NOT GOING TO DO IT >:(" and it goes a long way for cooling his Rage levels down to just Grumpy levels.
meeting with the minish helps him out as well to act less like a Haggard Adult and more like the kid he is! they're all so warm to him that he literally can't find it in himself to deny them when they invite him in for a cup of berry juice or something. one thing i liked about the manga is that it had link help out with the restoration of the broken pieces of the picori blade into the white sword, and i'm absolutely integrating that into my mc link belief system. i also think that he nags melari and his disciples like crazy because he doesn't know whether or not he'll ever get the chance to ask them about things again. immediately after his adventure, without ezlo around, he can't shrink down to their size anymore BUT he can still see them even when he gets well past the age limit. he's not called the hero of the minish for nothing! and i love to think that eventually he figures out a spell to shrink on his own.
as for him and the four sword....i think one big thing about the four sword that not enough people take advantage of in writing about it is that it's an elemental sword. the master sword is a sword of the divine but the four sword is made from the pure essences of the earth and wind and fire and water and even the gods themselves know the power of the elements and all that they bring (did demise not call down lightning from a storm of water and wind to aid him in his battle, instead of using his own dark powers? did the golden goddesses not use water to flood hyrule to wipe out the darkness staining the land? was the power of the master sword not granted by the sacred fires?). so i like to think that when link finally brought together all four elements and the picori blade finally became The Four Sword it was something he could feel all the way down to the core of him—the earth under his feet, the wind in his lungs, water in his blood and a fire in his heart. it's how he was able to get to vaati so fast when the time limit part happened—the elements themselves were aiding him, in their own way. and i like to think that some part of him can still feel that same sort of guiding sway even after sealing vaati away and leaving the four sword behind—it's more distant, but he always knows the moment his fires reach the right temperatures to work with in the forge, and if he closes his eyes while walking on land or on the cloud tops or while swimming in the water he always somehow finds himself at his intended destination no matter what.
but also, and i've brought this up before a few times (and it's an idea that isn't set in stone for me, just something fun to think about), but i reallyyyyy think it'd be so fucking interesting if the four sword's splitting of its later wielders came not from any interference with its magic from vaati but from it reacting to a wish from mc link: that he didn't have to fight alone. no matter how brave or scrappy or angry he is, he's still just one very young kid against all these monsters (and VAATI, who was, at that point, very close to matching the strength of a god as a result of absorbing so much of the light force. he even transported link to a Special Place that went on seemingly forever for the final battle, just like demise did with ss link). i think there would be some tiny part of him that wished that someone was there to watch his back, no matter how capable he might have grown to be. maybe he looked at the identical, transparent copies of himself while fighting vaati and went "why do they always have to disappear the moment they get hit?! why can't they be solid like me and actually help me FIGHT?!" and the four sword heard that and was like "you got it little man 👍" and then because it's just made up of the elements and doesn't actually have any sort of conscious spirit like the master sword and fi it just. split the four-who-are-one and fs and fsa link's entire souls into four HAHA
back to thinking about him and zelda, i think that they would be kind of nervous at the next annual picori festival because of the way things went down the year prior, but once the festival goes off without a hitch this time they start to relax again. i also think they hold hands the whole festival but it's not because of what the surrounding townspeople are thinking ("ooooh they're such a cute pair <3 the sweet little princess and her stoic little hero <33") and more because it's a reminder to both of them that zelda is no longer a damn statue lmao. i think it was as bad on zelda's side as it was on link's side because zelda literally admits she was having visions of link during his adventure in both the game and the manga. she was conscious for that whole thing to some degree. i think she gets even MORE energetic (which didn't seem possible to people before) after the whole shebang just because she can move around again and i think that link puts up a LOT less of a fight when it comes to letting her drag him around places too. and he smiles more often after his adventure! to the great wonder of the townspeople and the great relief of his grandpa LMAO. and i think zelda starts nagging him about wanting to go climb the giant vines that touch the sky and meeting zeffa and visiting the wind tribe and so that's exactly what they go do. one of the greatest joys in life is chasing your best friend around on top of a cloud with the wind at your back!
eventually he outgrows the hat ezlo made for him and i think he gets so so so sad about it (not outwardly but. zelda and his grandpa can still tell) so zelda asks him if she can turn the hat into another article of clothing for him instead and he agrees. and she makes him another hat in its place that actually fits him now and he gets so happy about it.
i do think he also wears that roc's cape of his all the time too because thinks it looks super cool. not that you can tell because. again. he's still got the world's angriest resting face <3
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breannasfluff · 1 year
Hi I would like to kindly request some cute Wing Boi hcs if you got the time
Of the "how people deal with them at home" variety
Like Time/Malon dealing with hay in their primaries or cows trying to chew on the ends of their wings while they're working, if sky/sun were competitive about who had bigger wingspan when they were growing up together like when little kids conpare whose growing taller first, Legend and Ravio continually stealing each others' stuff because they are both absolutely collector bird types, etc.
Got any fun ideas?
I haven’t picked a bird for Ravio yet, but it’s got to be something that collects things. Even if they share things, it belongs to whoever is having the conversation. “My bedroom”, “my bowl”, “my staff” etc. Whoever is on the opposite side keeps pointing out it's “our bowl”, but they totally going to claim it next. If Ravio collects something, he’ll give the red stuff to Legend. 1) he likes him. 2) it’s not worth the fight.
Wild collects…a lot of food, but at least he’s good with sharing. Zelda would sometimes stage an intervention to clean out the food before it got old in Hateno. Wild started picking up a habit of cooking feasts for people when he got full on food. With the Chain it isn’t a problem anymore because they go through food fast enough. He trusts very few people around his wings, which is a topic of a oneshot I’ll post sometime. He is a very social bird but tends to hold himself back around the others. Poor boy has trust issues. Hyrule and Legend weaseled their way in and once they firmly landed in the “safe” category, he loosened up a lot. He LOVES spending time with them and doesn’t like being alone. Hyrule might sometimes want a little space, but Wild is always up for a wing around Legend, or tucking himself under the other’s wing.
Sky in particular steals food, although he sometimes gets embarrassed about it. Oh boy, ok, so Sky and Sun were in a constant battle about food growing up. Sky would enact elaborate, over-the-top plots to take her snacks, and she started ramping up ways of hiding it. It was always in good fun, but to this day they cannot eat a normal meal together in peace. Wind is easygoing enough that he’s fine sharing, and Wild gives him a little extra with this in mind.
Time absolutely adores Malon. I haven’t picked a bird for her yet, either, but that flock instinct of Time’s meshes well with his wife. He’s the type of person who will fly out and pick wildflowers to surprise her. Or get up early and do the chores so she can sleep in and he’ll make her breakfast in bed. He’s a very touchy bird; likes to wrap Malon up in his wings whenever he gets a chance. He does have an archnemesis: Frank the billy goat. Time thinks it’s the stupidest name, but Malon named him so he’ll never say anything. And Frank hates Time with a burning passion. He’ll charge when he tries to go bring the goats in for milking. You ever want to see a full-grown man with the wings of a raptor run screaming like a little girl? Yeah, Malon laughed so hard she cried.
Warriors may be a solitary bird, but he’d really like to meet someone and fall in love. He’s good at the military, but it’s not his passion. He’s actually pretty crafty, which a lot of the birds don’t know. Warriors isn't sure what he wants to do after the military, so he just keeps doing it for now. He doesn't like others see him failing at a new skill, which is why most things end up hidden.
Twilight really likes to play games, but is worried others won’t want to indulge in childish play when he’s normal. They have no problem playing with Wolfie, though, so he transforms when he’s missing playtime. Wind especially will play fetch for ages with him. Twilight would really like Time to engage in some more games with him. While he follows what Time says, usually to the letter, playtime would give him a chance to loosen up from following a hierarchy.
Four’s favorite activity is a dirt bath (good for his feathers, bad for his body). He’ll compromise with rolling around in leaves in the fall. It doesn’t leave him clean at all, but it’s so fun to send up mounds of leaves with his wings and thrash around. Four has a lot of interests and will randomly pick up a new one. Lots of info dumping from our colorful bird, but they try to keep from going overboard. All they really want is someone to listen to him, though. He and Zelda/Flora get along because she’ll share research and details. The Chain was not pleased when Four regaled them with the worms-in-fish information, though. Even the seabirds started looking for something else to eat. They got over it, but Four has all sorts of weird details that are 75% true to pull out.
Legend’s default expression seems to be “annoyed” but he’s usually not. Instead of RBF it’s RAF. He’s such a softie for Hyrule and Wild. He feels like he spends half his time wrangling the two of them which is…partially true. Honestly, he’s happiest when he’s cuddled up between them, the center of attention. He’ll puff up a little if he’s extra pleased, which the others think is super cute.
Hyrule is really a “pair” bird, and he paired with Legend. When Wild came along, though, something in their personalities connected and he decided Wild belonged in their group. He’s very flexible; good at getting in tight spots and will do stretches in the early morning. Legend will be huddling under Wild’s wing, grumbling about it being cold, and Hyrule is doing some ridiculous yoga pose, cool as a cucumber. He also bites. It’s self-defense…probably. He definitely will bite when he’s mad, and he’s a very good sword fighter.
Wind is a very sunny bird boy. One of those always optimistic ones. He likes independence in the air, but on the ground, he sticks close to Sky. He views him as a big brother more than the rest of the group. He also taught Aryll to fly, with questionable success at the start. He tends to hover around her in the air after she got kidnapped.
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totkdaily · 7 months
Day 48: Fashion Drama
I'm almost at Hateno with my neat little korok cart… when a chuchu sets the cart on fire and my wheels roll away. I carry the korok the rest of the way and whistle for Pumpkin to follow.
I'm starting to think I should keep a towing harness on him always, in case of meeting koroks. 
I stop at Addison's sign to give the guy a hand. Then we finally head into town mid-afternoon.
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There's a kid guarding the gate - Teebo. His dad's at Lookout Landing, apparently. 
Nack is in the Pumpkin patch. He says people used to come here for the vegetables, but now they come for Cece's fashion. That's what Claree mentioned in Kakariko - her sister was coming here to study fashion. I wonder if she's made it?
Everyone in town's wearing these mushroom hats. Ivee at the general store says they're Cece fashion, and points me at the clothing store across the way. There's a crowd of people, all with mushroom hats. They're waiting for tickets to go into a shop? Baffling. 
It looks like Cece's sister Sophie is running the shop. Or… not a shop. I can just look at the things? More like an exhibition. That explains the tickets.
Cece is certainly bold. She's made an extraordinary hat. 
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A man bursts in - Mayor Reede. The sculptures are… bothering the plants? Even his wife Clavia thinks some people must like the art. The argument is avant-garde vs quaint. Cece wants to run for mayor to see which is more popular. I can't help but feel like there are bigger problems - but you can't even see Hyrule Castle from here. Those troubles must seem distant. 
I tell Cece I support her - no point making enemies - and she asks me to give mushrooms to Reede's supporters. Anyone who isn't wearing a mushroom hat, basically. But not Reede's family, children, travellers or researchers. That leaves eight people. Fine. 
I should check with Reede to see if he wants me to do anything to drum up support for him, too. 
Sophie says Cece has been sneaking off in the middle of the night. She asks me to tail her and find out why. Intriguing.
There's a guy called Manny who's infatuated with Ivee. Didn't he used to be infatuated with the woman who worked at the inn? I think she's married now...
He wants to know what Ivee likes - I ask her, and she says frogs. 100 frogs. He'd like help gathering them, and asks me to get ten hot-footed frogs. Sure, if I come back this way one day and happen to have ten frogs, he's welcome to them. He needs to learn that this is not how you get girls to love you, though. 
In the dye shop, Sayge, Senna and their son Sefaro. Sayge gives me some Cece brand fabric I might like to use for my paraglider. 
Uma, who tends the fields out by the school (there's a school?) accepts a mushroom and says she just wants the young people to stick around. 
Cece leaves the shop at 10pm - I almost miss her sneaking out. She heads to a nearby silo - and secretly indulges in eating vegetables!
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Reede will enjoy this, if he finds out.
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ghirahimbo · 2 years
What do you think of the title: "Passing Glances"?
Last one! I like it a lot, actually :D
This one's gonna be... revalink, Zelda+Link+Champions Succeed AU, gay runaway with me trope :D Everyone lives, Zelda's powers unlock just in time, Calamity Ganon is defeated. There's all the hubbub of success—feasts, celebrations, processions—and though Revali drinks it all in, he keeps a close eye on Link through it all, allegedly out of spite. Link doesn't seem to be enjoying any of it—looks more shell-shocked than anything—and Revali becomes gradually convinced that Link is trying to catch his eye, even if he only has the same blank stare he's ever had.
A couple weeks later, the news is made public: the princess and the hero are engaged. Zelda seems happy enough, even if Link’s expression when they're together is the same blank face he always wears—but without quite understanding why himself, Revali reacts resentfully. Refuses to meet Link’s eye now each time Link tries.
He can't keep from watching when Link isn't looking, though, and finds Link growing more wooden by the day. The night before the wedding, Revali’s walking through the Champions' quarters (they've all been invited, of course), and overhears Zelda crying in Mipha's room. She's certain that Link doesn't want this and feels like she's trapping Link, but her father won't be persuaded otherwise, and Link himself will never go against the king. Mipha, sad herself, is comforting Zelda... but Revali goes stalking off towards Link's room.
Sure enough, when Revali bursts through his door, Link is curled up in the corner all alone, panicking. Revali confronts him—accuses him of going through with a marriage he doesnt want, and asks why he's been trying to catch Revali’s eye. Caught with nothing to lose, Link reluctantly speaks. He doesn't have a problem with Zelda—he likes her just fine now, actually—but he felt like a trap was closing shut. From then on, he'll always be on display, always beneath the public's eye. Revali asks why he's still going to follow some old man's whims, reminds him that he's already (helped) save Hyrule, asks if Link doesn't deserve something after all that... but Link is resolute. Then Revali asks again why Link has been trying to catch his eye, and when Link looks him in the eye again... Revali understands. Realizes he reciprocates.
So the accusations become an invitation. Revali opens the window, offers to carry him away. Rito Village is out of the way, or Lurelin. They could even leave Hyrule entirely. Link protests that neither of them will be able to return once they're found out. Revali doesn't care to ever come back... does Link? Link, weakly: "you don't even like me." Revali, leaning in closer, nuzzling his beak along Link’s neck: "You're absolutely right. In fact, give me a chance to show you just how much I don't like you." Link is, in the end, convinced. He gets on Revali's back, Revali summons his Gale, and they fly off into the night.
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lozriftsintime · 10 months
Songs of Peace
October 16: Singing One Another to Sleep (Flufftober)
It's well known that Marin has a beautiful voice. A voice that people will stop what they're doing to listen to. Ravio thinks he's lucky to get to hear her voice more than others get to. Marin thinks she's the lucky one.
A 0 on my whump scale
Marin had a beautiful voice. This was a well known fact to just about everyone who had the luck to meet her. And a welcome blessing to all she chose to share her voice with. Marin’s songs had uplifted many downed spirits and soothed many hurt souls over the course of the war. Everyone who heard her sing knew they were blessed to do so. 
But as far as Ravio was concerned he was the most blessed when it came to hearing Marin’s voice. He did share a living space with her after all. And, with the war finally over with, the two of them spent a good deal of time in each other’s company. And being in Marin’s company for extended periods of time meant hearing her sing. Marin spent a good part of her day singing, or at least humming, under her breath. No matter what she was doing. So there was no getting away from her songs. Not that he wanted to of course.
But, if you were to ask Ravio he would be quick to say that his favorite songs of hers were her lullabies. Lullabies were a type of song that far fewer people got to hear from her, but Ravio was one of those lucky few. And the one who had likely heard them the most. Seeing as they lived together and she liked to sing to help get rid of nightmares. Of which he, unfortunately, had his fair share of.
But, unbenounced to the majority of people in Hyrule, Marin wasn’t the only member of their little household with a good voice. Ravio’s might not be quite at Marin’s level, but few were. And his voice was still soothing and sweet. Marin counted herself as extremely lucky to be only of the few people to have heard it. The only others being his spouse (Link), his (deceased) uncle, his sister Hilda, the Captain Link, Tune, and Sprite. Ravio typically didn’t feel comfortable singing in front of others, but he wasn’t against bringing out a soothing song if someone was having a hard time sleeping. Or needed help calming down from a bad dream.
So, as it was, it wasn’t uncommon for the unlikely pair to end their day curled up in bed, getting ready to sleep and one of them to ask the fated question.
“Would you sing for me?” Who was doing the asking varied from night to night. Often coinciding with how each of their days had gone. But it was asked almost every night.
And that was how it went one night, around a year after the war had ended. Two bodies laid out on the bed, dressed and ready for sleep, covers pulled up and wings settled comfortably. The day had been alright for the most part, but Marin had been hit by a bad set of homesickness that evening so, as they settled in for the night, she looked over at her partner and asked, like so many nights before.
“Will you sing for me?” Ravio had been expecting it. She’d had a rough evening after all. And he was always happy to try and help her sleep after a bad day. So, without further ado, he shifted one wing to settle over her and began to sing a quiet song. Marin had heard this particular song many times before and by this point she knew what the words meant as a general thing, but the language was still foreign for her. Old Lorulian had its differences from Hylian after all. She didn’t mind though. If anything, the lack of understandable words helped settle her mind all the better.
So, with the low, quiet tones of a familiar song about warm beds and loving parents wrapping around her and a soft wing laying over her, Marin allowed herself to drift off to sleep. Safe and loved. No matter how far she was from where she once called home.
It didn’t take long for Marin to fall asleep like that. And, soon enough, Ravio followed her into peaceful unconsciousness. Neither knowing how important the next day would be. 
But that was tomorrow. For now they rested, safe in the knowledge that, if nothing else, they had each other. And the songs they brought to one another.
Read on A03 here
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Local Cryptid Loves His Wife
Time and Malon feel like one of those couples that, even though they're not technically canon, a lot of people have a very set idea of — especially if we look at them individually
Here's my current take on them (minor changes may still occur):
Weird relationship with Wars and Linkle — during the War, Wars was very much a paternal figure (thought Time, then called Mask, didn't always appreciate that), while Linkle was the fun aunt — meeting again, with Time now being the older one, they'll have an interesting time figuring out their new relations (though they're definitely still fond of each other);
feels responsible for Twilight and Wild, like he should be parenting them? but has no idea where to start with any of this, so he does his best, and tries to take notes from Wars (who actually does know what he's doing);
kind of wants children of his own? maybe?;
doesn't think of himself as a leader, but is very good at listening and making decisions;
feels an intense kinship to trees, especially the old ones;
gets weirdly well along with Wild (even Twilight is concerned);
chaotic at heart;
prayed to every deity and goddess he could think of that, around the time of his and Malon's wedding, a portal would bring Wars and Linkle there, so he could have the closest he could get to "his own" family there;
Loves His Wife Very Much;
improved Malon's archery and taught her basic sword fighting skills;
after Termina, he spent several more years travelling, mostly through woods and woodlands, and lost track of time — he genuinely doesn't know how old he is anymore, but guesses he's about thirty;
returned to Hyrule in his mid-teens, spent some days drifting about Castle Town, and eventually made his way to Lon Lon Ranch to ask Talon for a job;
had to basically relearn how to interact with people, and became close friends with Malon in this period;
didn't realise he had a crush on Malon, and thought he was ill (Malon had to explain it to him, and she has yet to let him live it down);
they only got married some 3-4 years before the Links Winter AU takes place;
moves soundlessly;
has used the Fierce Deity mask enough to absorb the powers of the Fierce Deity (which is why the mask is more or less empty in Wild's era) — the scar is from the last time he wore the mask, when it refused to release him and he ended up slicing it in half to get it off — the personality died with the mask, but the powers stayed;
looking at him, you wouldn't think him married and living at a ranch (imagine a younger smilier version of LotR's Aragorn);
if you're out for a walk in the woods and encounter a tall soundless humanoid with glowing white eyes who moves at an even pace, run;
has Cryptid Status
Seems like a Mature and Collected Woman, but very much enjoys playing up her husband's Cryptid Status (she may even be partially responsible for it, but he also finds it hilarious);
has now become better at archery than Time;
keeps all the stories he has told her of his adventures tucked away in her heart;
likes her tea with a hint of brandy (as opposed to Time, who thinks it's too bitter and is very much a lightweight);
keeps track of the Ranch's finances, what time of year they need to hire additional hands, where to deliver their products and when, and is overall a good business woman;
merchants fear her haggling skills;
taught Time everything he knows about looking after the animals, keeping the house and property in order, and cooking — they generally divide the labour according for the week according to what needs to be done when, but as a rule of thumb, Malon takes care of the animals while Time makes deliveries, and the rest is fitted in around that;
will get very well along with Linkle and Legend;
will also get surprisingly well along with Ravio (they enjoy swapping stories about their husbands while preparing dinner, and Malon very much enjoys babysitting Mitchi — Linkle is sometimes included in the group, since she knows both Ravio and Time from the War);
wants children, but is determined that Time will handle his fair share of the childrearing;
often sings while she works;
is a fearless woman who would march into battle at Time's side;
part Gerudo (half? a fourth? not decided yet);
wears trousers under her skirts and ties her skirts up when needed;
skilled horserider — up there with Twilight and Wars;
knows her card games (and isn't above cheating at them);
physically strong (if she wanted to, she could probably wrestle with any one of the Links — without their magical items — and have a fair chance of winning, though Twilight is up for debate — she's not overly fond of wrestling, however, so she doesn't really bother)
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wutheringmights · 3 years
In your Spirit tracks headcanon's post you said that the Engineer/Spirit's come's from a large family. ("That everyone has at least six aunts and uncles on all sides of the family and they can trace back how they are related to Aryll.") That makes think Aryll made quite a few children during her life time, like around 5 - 6 children. Who in-turn had many children and descendants of their own.
If Spirit ever lets this information slip (either intentionally or unintentionally) around the Chain, I would see Wind having a blue screen of death or a Wind.exe is not working moment. And once his Big Brother Instincts kicks in, I could him vowing to chase off any boys or suitors Aryll might have once she comes of age.
I can't help wonder what would of happened, if Aryll had lived to see Spirit's birth and see him grow up during his first few years of life. In this AU she dies when Spirit is around five years old. How would she deal with the reailty that not only is her great grandson named after her late brother, but he is also his spitting image.
As much as Wind is a protective older brother, I don't see him getting too huffy over the idea of future Aryll being wooed and courted. He's always been very not interested in romantic relationships (I headcanon him as aro), so the idea that tiny little Aryll could ever get married and have kids is a bit of a nonissue. He's never been interested in dating or the like, so why would she?
Of course, when she gets older and it does become an issue, he's not as protective as you would imagine. He trusts her to make smart decisions with whoever she dates, and she knows that if anyone does break her heart or cause her harm, he will be there to hunt them down if she wants. Ultimately, he respects her decisions so he wouldn't scare away any suitors.
But that is all in theory. New Hyrule is discovered when Wind is about 19, which leads to his falling out with Tetra and his eventual disappearance and assumed death. Once he and Tetra have that fight, no one hears from him again.
Aryll is about two to four years younger than Wind, which means he's never around to see her come of age. He's gone. He's bot there to judge her suitors, though I bet she wished every day that he was.
If Spirit ever tells Wind about Aryll's huge family, Wind might be surprised at first that Aryll ever got married before moving on to how excited he is that their family got so big. He would want to know what Spirit would tell Aryll's descendants about meeting Great Uncle Link.
Then Spirit would have a choice to tell Wind that no one in the family knows that they're related to the Hero of Winds or that the Hero of Winds had disappeared a long time ago. If he told Wind, would it be cruel? Should a thirteen year old know that his years are numbered? Would he accidentally stop Wind's premature death, alternating the course of history, or would he triggering a series of decisions that would guarantee Wind's early demise?
(This has gotten a little sad).
(Uh... let's move on).
Aryll was very old by the time she died, and she probably wasn't all there. She was most likely told that her newest great grandson was named Link, which may have caused her some pain before she forgot about it. Link is a very common name here, so the name-sharing was a sheer coincidence.
If Aryll was still alive as Spirit got older and still had her wits about her, she would have doted over him. Seeing her brother's face on a new person would hurt, but it's a bittersweet sort of pain. Spirit would have become the undisputed favorite of her great grandchildren. She would have gladly taken him in when his father died and encouraged him to become an engineer.
She would say over and over again that he reminded her of her brother, and for the first time in decades she would start talking about her brother again. The Macaryll family would know at last that they are the relations of a great hero.
But I think this would have caused Spirit issues growing up as he would have always existed in Wind's shadow. He might feel pressured to live up to Aryll's expectations and struggle to have an identity separate from Wind. He would become bitter when he has to be a hero as now it seems as though his life has been predetermined for him.
The feeling would be made worst when he learns about the Hero's Spirit. He wouldn't be able to trust his own interests. Does he like trains and engineering so much because Wind would have liked them? Is he just Wind's spirit in a new body, or is he his own person?
(Ah.... this got sad again) (cool, cool, cool)
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
horrible awful idea i got after reading copious amounts of omori lore
so uh. okay dont kill me let me explain
what if player but omori au but also
(hey uh. spoilers for omori. player does not take the place of MARI, but they are not SUNNY either. everything is mostly the same, but a little to the left.)
so what if player was like. dead? but only in their world. they come to hyrule completely human, alive and kicking, but when the chain arrives in player's world, they aren't here.
they speak still, in telepathic whispers, but their body is nowhere to be seen.
with her direction, they end up at a town, and then at a house. it is nighttime, and they go inside. player instructs them to go inside, upstairs, and into the door furthest to the left.
inside, they find a closet. the player tells them to open it. inside, there are 2 safes, and a large stack of green papers. player says to take it. its money.
it's stealing, but player says they need it to survive- their money won't work here. besides, player knows whose money it is- they won't need it anyway. they tell the chain to stay there, and spend the night.
when asked about the red sign on the yard, player says the person sold it, and is now moving away. that they are leaving something behind.
before they leave that morning, player instructs them to take off their armor. leave only their undershirts and the like on. don't attract attention.
they walk out, and they meet someone. a girl with pink hair and teal eyes. she carries a bat, bent and rusty nails driven into the wood.
when asked what to do, the player is silent.
they try to say hello, but the girl is not pleased. they try to ask around for player, their friend, but she only gets more bewildered.
she asks if they're fucking with her. they're not.
"did you know them before?"
before what? the chain asked.
"before they died."
a pulse echoed through their minds.
dead? how? why?
they try to ask more, but the girl is tired, and leaves with only a vague acknowledgment.
stairs. something is at the bottom, shattered and unusable. music, discordant notes and keys, yelling and frustration.
an argument. screaming. why are you yelling? why would you do it?
why did you push me?
they head to a building. time says it looks like a church. dead people are usually buried here.
they enter, and circle around the back. a row of graves greet them, each as somber as the last.
a flower sits, atop the stone of an unassuming tomb. a white egret orchid, in full bloom.
my thoughts will follow you into your dreams.
the stone was simple, but the words engraved on it were not.
19XX - 20XX
player is mari confirmed? anyway i am suffering immensely. help - mold
Mold, I've never seen Omori but I always welcome new aus, so for those who enjoy this game, please feast your eyes upon this masterpiece! (I'm sorry I can't appreciate it for it's full glory1=!)
Seriously though THIS IS AMAZING MOLD!
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luimagines · 3 years
I am not a writer. Nor am I a person who posts stuff online,if at all rarely. But I am capable of typing and I am legally allowed to say that I have won a high school writing contest in my 3rd period English class in Sophomore year.I am still,what they call,VERY RUSTY.Take that as you may,but never in my life have I read an anonymous ask that has made me be burts into a desire to want to write down a bunch of story ideas of a dream that stranger had and then share it to another stranger online, to reply to publicly to about 100 more other strangers online. But none the less I STILL want to share to you sone of my--headcanons??--ideas??--bullshit dream story plotline??--(idk)-- I'll try to keep it limited because i don't want you to end up reading a rant novel-
I like to think that this //reader link? I'll just use y/n as a stand in i guess for this character or reader ??sorry if you dont like it,you can change it if you want?//before meeting The Chain Links *tm,she use to have a lot of problems being a #femaleheroinduringmediaveltimes but not in a way that most might see?I don't believe she would have really care for other people's opinions on the matter because she sees it as something very trivial and people will alway find a reason to look down on you and she also wasn't exactly let off easy for it during her training to be the hero of her kingdom.Even if she didn't want it,she was already destined and chosen for this path regardless of any possible sexist belief anyone had to offer.Her being the destined hero and needing to be strong enough to fight against Ganon was the utmost important thing on the to-do list,So bullshit like that was not accepted and they made sure it was in grain into her brain.
"Don't believe your enemies will ever go easy on you no matter what you are".
Most of the problems she would struggle as female I think ,would be on more on the biological side of things,for example like getting her period but being forced to have to truck though them anyways because she was a hero and it meant that you couldn't just take time off from your responsibilities and duty as Hyrule's saviour "just for some bad cramps" when you have lives to be saving and a world that needs to be protecting.So she would just not show any sign of complaint to the others about it or even let alone tell them about it and it just always seemed like from the outside that she would randomly just get super quiet and little withdrawn for no reason every month or so with a sort of tired/vacant look in their eyes?Anon also mentioned them having more of a military knight background and assuming she had been trained to or at least has lead troops into war/battle before,she could definitely be one of the teams best strategist along side with Warrior Link.I can definitely see them getting closer because of this as they're usually chipping in plans together and coming up with ideas/plans with what the best ways to use everyone on the team's special skills for certain position/roles during possible future battles.But a little bit after the whole "river" scenario i can definitely see legend sort of yell at her like
"wtf you is a girl and did not tell??? eXPLANaTiOn?????" "Because i didn't think it mattered??" "iT DoSe MaTtEr! ThAtS a bIG tHiNg!!"
There would definitely be a bit of an intervention with everyone to talk about the issue from "before". Maybe some what after everyone had gotten redressed and suddenly didn't feel like bathing anymore. After that everyone seem...awkward. No one knew exactly how to continue on with the revelation,so they all just stayed quite.At first she mistook this as a sign that everyone handled it well,she tried to continue business as always.While everyone was packing up to head out,she'd suddenly feel everyone's eyes.... Looking at her. When she turned she everyone just minding their own business.Maybe it was all just in herhead.The rest of the walk seem almost dead quiet.The once cheer mood of chatter was now replaced with an awkward tension filled with only small side glances,little quiet whispering from behind and an inability to look her in the face when she tried chatting with anyone.Is this what it was going to be like from now on?No of course not.They wouldn't let something as trivial as this get in the way of their relationship,right?they were still friends,right?
If you have the ability to but the stories in your head into recorded words then that makes you a writer.
No, I will not take any criticism on this matter.
This is beautifully thought out and it was a joy to read. I had to read it out loud out of fear that I would miss something entirely but I'm glad I did.
I would imagine it to be difficult to be on her period simply because when you're traveling there's no supplies to help out or lessen the situation! No cotton, no pain killers, not a lot of hot water to begin with... And yeah, she wouldn't say anything about it because a soldier wouldn't have the time to take care of it, let alone a hero.
She would also be the most used to blood on her clothes out of the group I think at this point. Just takes it upon her self to clean their clothes because they never seem to be able to get all of it and they don't know what they're doing even if she were to tell them how.
The boys think it's some magic technique but no.... it's just experience.
But the reader here that you mentioned would have had good teachers for burning it into her brain that it doesn't matter what body she has or what other people say because she the hero. She was born for this and there's no pleasing any one anyway. the best way out of this is to do the job and make sure you can get out alive.
What I want of the last paragraph is for her to get a little mad and question what the hell s wrong with everyone and then for someone to reply that it would have been disrespectful to look without direct permission because she would have deserved better than that. Like, they're fine with each other because they all have the same parts so like no big deal, but for them so openly show her themselves, verses her being seen openly.
I think it'll be a mixed bag of them being embarrassed that they were seen and that they saw her.
I think the ones least effected by it would be Wind, Warrior and Hyrule. Hyrule, because there's no like no people in his world so he doesn't have the same perception as the others, verses Wind who would probably be weird in the beginning but promptly not think too much on it because he has a sister at home and would help her bath when she was younger, verses Tetra who has had multiple shirts torn in the middle of battle- so who cares?
I was originally going to put Warrior as one of the most effected but I've played the game.... There are so many female warriors so if they got hit in the boob and needed attention then you take care of it. no questions asked and you move on with your day end of story.
The most effected would probably be Time, Twilight and Sky.
Time and Sky because- holy cow, I have a significant other, what am I going to say if they find out I saw another naked woman? Nothing. That's what. I'm a dead man if they ever find out.
Twilight because he was raised with his respect woman juice for breakfast and would have gladly turned away and oh my god- my mom is not going to like that I just didn't do anything this entire time and she's going to think that I just stared like some degenerate and what do I do now?
I think this is a fun concept and I don't mind exploring it more, but I'm beginning to suspect that I'm going to need a tag for the dream saga aren't I?
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Hey boo! I just looove your blog. It's perfection👌 I hope requests are open, because I have one? It's totally fine if they're not, just ignore this. Maybe you could write a scenario for Sodom meeting his mermaid s/o for the first time? It's fine if yo u can't do this. I just love you and your blog. Bye 😙
(Oh boy, you guys already know how much I love mermaids so of course I can’t say no to this one~ Thanks for the kinds words and my requests are always open~ Enjoy!~)
Catch of the Day
Word Count: 1126Warnings: Fluff, The usual sweet stuff, Mermaid!S/o
“This is quite a ways to for for some rupees, my friend.” Sidon steps over the trunk of the fallen tree, following close behind the blonde hero. “You know, I could always loan you whatever amount you required, it would be no trouble.”
Link pushes a branch aside allowing the Zora to pass through with ease. “Fun this way,” He signs once his hands are free.“You have a very interesting definition of fun.” The Prince chuckles watching as Link shrugs then scurries ahead once again. He seems rather eager to get to whatever mystery destination they are heading for.
Never had Sidon ventured so deep into this section of the forest so he was rather unfamiliar with the terrain. However, his small guide knew exactly where they were heading, making the Zora wonder how often he came through the area. Surely the Champion of Hyrule did not need to seek out money that often.
Further and further they move into the trees the sound of rushing water growing ever clearer until they finally came upon an opening. A clearing where a small waterfall cascades into a lake of dazzlingly clear waters. The outer edge of the crisp green grass has colorful flowers sprouting, curling in different directions, leaves seeking out the sunlight shining down from above. Sidon found himself looking around in awe seeing the small spot of respite hidden amongst the many layers of bark and foliage. It was a marvelous sight to witness, but what could it possibly have to do with the Hero’s money troubles.
Link approaches the bank of the lake setting down the satchel that he had been carrying the entire journey here. The prince had tried to ask what the bag contains but the only answer he got was a sly grin and a, “You’ll see.”
It was probably best to leave it be, though that didn’t stop him from being curious. As Link is opening it and setting the contents upon the ground, Sidon couldn’t help but lean over the Hylian for a peek. His friend caught him, however, and waves his hands shooing him back.
“Your secrecy is beginning to worry me, my friend, should I be concerned?” Sidon chuckles but still he obeys and stands further back. Link shrugs with a smile then opens his pack and continues arranging the items on the grass one-by-one.
First comes a piece of jewelry he must have picked up from Gerudo Town given the ruse of such exquisite gold and sapphires. Then comes a small pouch that which the blonde hero opens and proceeds to dump a bunch of shimmering seashells from. A jar follows shortly after, glowing from the light of the two fairies floating around inside. A wooden carving of a bear, a horse, and a wolf comes next - the biggest being just a little bigger than the hero’s hand. Finally, he reveals an animal skull with sharp teeth likely from either a small wolf or some kind of large fox. It was a very odd array of items but easy to collect if you knew where to find them; for someone who travels the land on a daily basis finding so many trinkets and souvenirs it must not have taken long at all.
With his collection now laid out on the grass he tosses the empty bag to the side then gave a sharp whistle. Sidon almost didn’t catch what emerged from the water, his eyes still studying the collection. But the lake gave away with a brief splash and suddenly there was a person leaning over the bank.They were drenched from head to toe, the water making their wet hair cling to their body. They wore very little clothing, made of a shimmering, glossy fabric; bracelets, rings, and necklaces of different metals and gems tossed on with not much care for a uniform appearance.
“Link! Did you bring me more treasure?” Their eyes fall upon the items before Link can even answer. They light up and raise the jar off the ground, pressing their nose to the glass, observing the fairies inside. “Pretty. So these are fairies, I love them!” Link sits while the beautiful stranger bounces back and forth between each item. “More pretty shells! Ooh this one has a little friend inside! A skull?! Those are sharp teeth, scary!”
Their energy seems boundless and every new thing encouraged another chipper reaction, it was like they’d never seen any of these items before yet they knew them by name. To them it was like Link had brought them a collection of wonders and miracles; ones that had to be cherished.
“Hello stranger! What are you?” Sidon blinks when his eyes met the mystified person now gazing at him with the same glimmer of wonder. Though the odd question is what really took the prince off guard.
He glances at the blonde hero who was smiling just a tad bit wider as he gestures for Sidon to come closer. “I hope you will pardon my presence, my dear friend Linked invited me to accompany him. I am Sidon, Prince of the Zora.”
In amazement, they coo, “Wow, I’ve never met a Zora before, Let alone a prince! Can I touch your scales?”
Sidon smiles finding the abrupt innocence rather sweet. He gladly kneels muttering a quiet expression of gratitude to Link who moved his items aside to make room for the Prince. “Have you really never met a Zora before?” He asks offering a hand out and they quickly takes hold pulling him forward.
Shaking their head they curiously run their hands over the rough red scales and the softer underside with absolute marvel. “Nope. I don’t get lots of visitors aside from Link. Ooh, these ones are rougher than mine!”
Blinking puzzled, Sidon turned his hand at their guidance. “Forgive me, but do you also possess scales?”
“Well, of course, I’m a mermaid after all. Oh pointy!” They looked up at Sidon’s mouth where his sharp and pristine teeth were prominent. A jingling sound distracts the supposed mermaid and she hurriedly looks toward the jar with a small whine. “Ah Link, the fairies must be getting cramped. I’ll buy them, I’m sure they’ll like all the flowers you brought me!” Pulling away from Sidon they turn and dive into the water. And it was the Zora’s turn to be in awe when a tail, like that of a fish vividly colored scales glimmering in the light of the sun.
The Zora quickly turns to his companion for his reaction, but Link is completely unfazed by the display. In fact, he seems to be smirking rather smugly at the Zora’s surprise and it occurs to Sidon that Link did not come here for rupees.
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liv-andletdie · 7 years
Ooh awesome!!! Tysm! I always thought that they become 100 percent more willing to do impulsive crap when they're together so maybe having a quiet secret wedding at Telma's with their friends right before their royal wedding??? Idk something like that!
Nonny you genius! I’m setting this in the same universe as my Zelda sneaks out of the Castle to go see Link fic you don’t have to have read that one first to understand this one
 This took way longer than I thought it would, and ended up being way longer than I thought it would.
 Hope you enjoy.
It took him a few months to realise it, but Link hated weddings.
Not the act of joining two people in matrimony, he thought that was quite beautiful. It was the whole pomp and circumstance that surrounded it. The needing to choose a venue, the endless hours spent on deciding a menu, the never ending wave of things to prepare, the monotonous fittings for the three outfit changes! The whole thing was a logistical nightmare and he hated every second of it.
 The only thing that made the whole ordeal bearable was the wedding night.
 The idea of being able to hold his wife in his arms, tangled in their sheets with loving smiles on their faces, was the only thing keeping the Hero of Twilight sane!
 He’d proposed to Zelda during one of the now regular outings they shared. With Ashei, Shad, and Auru remaining in Castle Town to work before setting off on other adventures, it had been easy to arrange a time for the resistance to meet up in Telma’s bar. Rusl would often visit too when he was in town, preferring to stay with his own wife in Ordon.
 They’d been sitting at the table, Zelda having long since abandoned her own chair to take a seat in Link’s lap (not that he minded) Ashei and Shad had shared a funny look when the Queen of Hyrule made herself comfortable, an arm draped over her Hero’s shoulder whilst his snaked around her waist to keep her from falling; To anyone else the action would have been scandalous! It wasn’t right it wasn’t proper!
 But Zelda always felt more courageous in Link’s presence.
 Link had quickly found himself lost in the moment. The sounds of the bar, the drunken patrons, the cheers and songs, and the laughs drowning him in their embrace. The soft amber light from the oil lamps and candles casting dancing shadows across Zelda’s face as he looked up at her. The way her eyes twinkled like starlight, the utter joy he saw there. He got lost in the feel of her body pressed against his, the way her hand absentmindedly played with the loose stitching at the collar of his tunic.
 He’d relished the domesticity of the moment, as she reached for the table, stealing some of the salad he’d neglected to eat from their meal. He’d watched as she’d laughed at something Rusl had said, Link hadn’t heard it. He’d been too distracted by the odd feeling welling up in his chest.
 He wasn’t sure what possessed him in that moment. He’d taken the hand she’d been using to pilfer his salad, gently prying the fork from her grasp so he could lace her fingers through his. She’d given him an inquisitive look, watching as he brought their joined hands to his lips. He’d watched her blush as he pressed a kiss, that lingered entirely too long to be innocent, against her knuckles.
 “Zelda” he said, the two having long foregone titles and ranks.
“Yes my love?”
 His mouth went dry, his heart hammered under her gaze. Her blue eyes carried a wisdom beyond her years. He prayed silently, begging Farore to bestow upon him the courage to ask the beautiful, amazing, woman in front of him the most difficult question he’d ever had to ask anyone.
 “Marry me?”
 She’d struggled to hear his voice above the sea of noise in the bar. His eyes pleading gently. She’d felt her heart swell to almost bursting when he ran his thumb over the back of her hand.
 For a second he had been terrified that she would say no. That she would leap off his lap and call him an idiot, that she’d be disgusted by the idea of marrying a goat herder such as himself. He braced himself for the inevitable heartbreak as she slipped her hand out of his.
 He’d been surprised when that hand moved to cup his cheek, bringing him closer to her as she swooped down and stole his lips in a kiss. The soft feel of her lips against his, the velvet of her skirts beneath his fingers as he held her close to him, The beating of his heart pounding against his chest eased his fears.
 Pulling apart, Zelda rested her forehead against his. Her eyes shining with unshed tears of joy as a wide smile blossomed on her lips. Link moved his hand to brush her hair behind her elegant pointed ear.
 “Is that a yes?”
“What do you think? Hero”
 Her smile transformed into a smirk as he pressed his lips against hers once more, capturing them in a passionate kiss.
Getting the council to agree with their marriage hadn’t been as hard as Link was expecting. He’d braced himself for a battle, to fight tooth and nail to be with the woman he loved. Yet thankfully he met very little resistance.
 Of course there were some members of the council who disagreed; Claiming that his status as a low born was detrimental to the running of a country, they were silenced as soon as Zelda stood up in his defense. She argued that, as Hero, he’d shown great loyalty to the Crown and to Hyrule, risking his life to save and protect. He was loved by the people of Hyrule, and most importantly he was loved by her. She had the utmost faith that he would prove himself to be a natural and noble leader and a loving husband.
 The council seemed unanimous after that, agreeing wholeheartedly with their Queen and showing a new enthusiasm for the upcoming nuptials.
 This was Link’s first clue that things were not going to be easy.
 Within what felt like mere seconds, Link was swept up into the world of royalty and politics. Members of the court all seemed to rush forward, showering him with compliments and congratulations. Now that he was the future Prince Consort to the Queen, they seemed to be falling over themselves in an attempt to get close to him. They offered him gifts of jewels and clothes, invited him to dances and parties, all in order to win some kind of favour. Link wasn’t stupid, he knew exactly what they were doing. He’d listened to Zelda complain about the court often enough during their long walks together in the gardens to understand that the gifts he was receiving were bribes and nothing more.
 He didn’t have time to worry or feel offended though, for soon his days were filled with pointless questions and inane blather on topics he didn’t care for and problems he didn’t know much about. When his days used to be filled with training the royal guards and meeting with the generals about security and safety, now they were filled with meetings about table runners and flower arrangements. The whole situation was incredibly fatiguing to the Goat Herd turned Prince.
 Zelda, for her part, took the planning and preparation in her stride. She joked that ruling a country had prepared her for anything. As Link sat on her bed, exhausted after a day of inactivity, watching her brush her long auburn hair as she read through pages and pages of legal documents and wedding RSVP’s he was inclined to believe her.
 He let a lazy smile settle on his lips as his eyes traced over her seated form. He admired the way the candle light shone against her skin, her eyes sharp and focused on the letters in front of her, her soft hair falling through her fingertips. His heart swelled with pride, in only a few short months he would be able to call her his wife. He could hardly wait! Getting up from his perch on her bed, he walked over to where she was sitting.
 She didn’t hear him coming, his footsteps silent against the polished floors. Harvest reports and seating plans swam behind her eyes, but she remained determined. Glancing over the pile of RSVP’s in front of her. There’s still so much to do she lamented It’s going to take years to sort this out. Calloused hands on her shoulders ripped her from her thoughts. She snapped to look at her reflection in the mirror, Link’s handsome face smiling back at her.
 “Rupee for your thoughts?” His soft voice causing a chill to pass down her spine.
She could tell him, she reasoned. She could tell him just how stressed she was, how bored she was of the constant questions. She could tell him about the ladies at court who seemed more excited for the wedding than she did, of the lords who bickered behind her back claiming it was unfair that Link had won her heart. She could tell him everything.
 “What are weddings like in Ordon?” she asked, leaning tiredly against him. A confused look passed over his features. His hands moved to run down her bare arms feeling the slight goosebumps that rose at his touch. His gaze met hers in the mirror.
 “Why do you wanna know?”
 Zelda shrugged, reaching for one of the hands on her arm. She laced her fingers through his, enjoying the feel of his rough skin against hers.
 “I’m just curious is all. I wouldn’t think they’d be too different from the weddings we have in Castle Town”
 A sardonic laugh escaped Link’s throat. The noise took Zelda by surprise as he kneeled down beside her, wrapping his arms around her waist and enjoying the feel of soft silk beneath his fingertips. He buried his face against her shoulder blade, his hot breath ghosting against her back.
“They’re nothing like weddings here”
She fought back a shiver as he began peppering her shoulder with kisses.
“Tell me what they are like?” She reached a hand up to play with his soft golden hair, eyes falling shut as she relaxed in his arms.
“Small” he murmured, trailing his kisses up her slender neck “simple. No one really does much. There’s a big meal but that’s about it, it’s more about the people getting married than it is about the spectacle of it all.
They share simple vows and then the Mayor pronounces them Man and Wife. They’re given good luck charms, usually made from Goat Horns decorated with flowers, and that it. They’re married”
Zelda let out a relaxed hum as his lips found the sensitive spot beneath her ear
“That sounds heavenly my love” she signed, feeling him smile slightly against her skin “absolutely heavenly”
Months had passed since that peaceful night, and Link found himself in an uncomfortable situation.
He’d been kidnapped, forced against his will to sit on an uncomfortable chair, in an uncomfortable suit, and listen as an uncomfortably posh man droned on and on and on about weddings and parades. Stifling a yawn behind his ridiculously frilled cuff, he tried his best to appear interested for the benefit of the beautiful woman next to him.
Zelda was as poised and as elegant as ever. Her expression was schooled into one of distant interest as she cast a quick glance at the different designs of china set out in front of her. She appeared the very image of a Queen, the golden crown she wore shone against her skin, giving her an ethereal glow.
Her presence beside him was both a blessing and a distraction. A blessing in the sense that he did not have to sit through this cruel and unusual torture alone. And a distraction in the sense that it was impossible to concentrate on anything but her!
“What is your opinion Sir Link?” the posh gentleman asked, drawing his attention away from the Queen. What’s his name again? Link asked himself Sir Joan? Sir Jorah? No that’s not it  
“My opinion?” Link asked, trying to act like he’d been paying attention to something other than his fiancee.
“Yes Sir Link, your opinion on the series of events that are to take place on the day of your nuptials” The expression in his voice was that of controlled snobbery. Link decided he didn’t like him. Zelda shifted next to him, pinning the obnoxious noble with a blank stare. She said nothing, but her silence said volumes. Like watched as the noble shrank back under the Queen’s cold glare. 
“I think it’s…very good” Link ventured, though in truth he had very little idea what he was talking about. He’d have to ask Zelda about it later, when they were alone.
“I agree with my fiancee” Zelda spoke up, her hand inching closer to his on the plush velvet couch they perched on. “The three hour service to our divine trinity before the wedding ceremony is an excellent idea. However it breeches the tradition of hiding the bride from the groom’s view until the sharing of vows. How do you plan on rectifying this?”
Link snuck a glance in Zelda’s direction. She couldn’t be serious? Three hours spent praying before the actual wedding was ridiculous in his opinion. A wedding should be about the people, not how long and ostentatious they could make the ceremony.
“We could erect a screen, Your Majesty, in order to shield you from Sir Link’s gaze”
Oh great he fought the urge to roll his eyes three hours spent praying and I don’t even get to see my wife.
Zelda seemed to consider it, giving Link’s hand a slight squeeze. He could tell she was apologizing, for what he wasn’t sure. It could be anything related to the wedding. He’d been getting more frustrated the closer they got to the big day, more and more people seemed determined to know his opinion on what centerpieces would best suit the occasion or what colour the carpets should be or anything else that he deemed utterly pointless.
The wedding was a week away.
It’ll be over soon He told himself every day. It’ll be over soon and you’ll be married to the woman you love. Just a few more days.  
He squeezed her hand back, letting her know she had his support. He wasn’t sure but he thought he saw her shoulders droop ever so slightly. He hoped it was relief, but given their current situation he knew it was more likely stress.
I have to do something about this he thought, mentally running through their itinerary for the day. After this meeting they needed to talk to the florist to confirm that it was indeed white roses they wanted, then they had a meeting with the tailor for their final fittings, and after that they were wanted at the kitchen to confirm the dinner selection for the esteemed guests.
He debated whether or not they both needed to be present to confirm the dinner selection. He would be happy to relay their decision, giving his wife to be the chance to rest.
 The rest of the meeting dragged on, Link struggled to focus on anything except the feel of Zelda’s silk covered hand against his. He lightly traced the top of her knuckles with his thumb, delighting in the way her cheeks seemed to pinken slightly. Hopefully she’s as distracted as I am.
After the stuffy noble left, taking his china selection with him, the couple made their way to the greenhouse where a selection of flowers was blooming. Link always enjoyed visiting the greenhouse, the perfume of all the flowers was heavy and suffocating, it made it difficult to think at times. But he enjoyed it nonetheless. The bright colours seemed to glow, the soft petals shining, a rainbow cast against Zelda’s skin. He watched as she breathed deep, inhaling the floral scent, trying in vain to relax.
She traded civil words with the florist, who scuttled off deeper into the bouquet they were standing in, before letting her exhaustion show on her face. Link slid an arm around her waist, pulling her close to him, letting her rest against him. Zelda wrapped her arms around him. Resting her head against his neck.
“Are you sure about white roses?” she asked, playing with the elaborate embroidery that decorated his doublet. She felt Link chuckle beneath her, his hand coming up to softly stroke her hair, carefully avoiding messing up the complicated braids.
“I’m sure about white roses if you are” was his answer. That was always his answer. I’m sure if you are oh please Zelda thought It’s your wedding too Link! She forced down the annoyed feeling in the back of her neck, concentrating on how right it felt to be in his arms. She’d almost gotten herself to relax when his soft timber cut through the silence.
“What were the options for the dinner again?”
“Cucco or Beef”
“… not Reekfish?”
Zelda pulled back to look at him, her confused expression matching his own.
 “Why would we serve Reekfish?” She asked, struggling to keep the incredulous tone from her voice.
“Because Reekfish is your favourite”
“Well that’s hardly fair. Goat is your favourite and that’s not one of the options”
“You said you wanted Reekfish” Link countered. His own tone growing hard to match hers. She watched as he turned his face from her, focusing on the flowers beside them. It was clear something was annoying him.
 “Just because I said I wanted Reekfish, does not mean they’re going to serve it. Besides the majority of the nobility dislike the smell never mind the taste”
 She felt, rather than saw, his quick change in emotions. His arms tightened around her, his breath became deeper. She knew he was trying to calm himself, but for what reason she wasn’t sure.
 “It’s not their wedding. You should get to eat what you want” He muttered, pressing her tightly against him.
 Immediately Zelda felt all frustration leave her body. A Realization came over her as she squeezed him back, tracing light circles over his spine with her fingertips. All these months spent planning she thought, All these months getting frustrated, all these months wishing Link would make a decision about what he wanted, He’s a fool. My Hero is a selfless fool.
Zelda moved to rest her head against his shoulder, the action causing them to sway slightly. Smiling to herself she pressed a light kiss against his covered collar.
“It’s your wedding too, you should get to eat what you want. You’re picking the deserts”
She felt his deep chuckle reverberate through his chest, delighting in the way he turned his head to hide his smirk in her hair. His response was muffled by her braids but she swore she thought she heard him murmur “I want you for desert”
Before his comment could register properly, the florist returned confirming that they did indeed have enough white roses.The two jumped apart, uncomfortable with being caught in such a “scandalous” position. The Florist gave the couple a funny look as Zelda fought to hide her blush. She quickly and politely thanked the florist before almost running from the room. Link’s warm chuckle still ringing in her ears.
Just a few more days, she told herself. Just a few more days and you’ll be married to that man.
The fitting was a nightmare. Link had had the brilliant idea of going to speak to Chef about the food selection whilst Zelda was being poked and prodded with all kinds of needles and pins.
“I’m not meant to see until the wedding ceremony anyway”
While she praised his quick thinking, confirming the meal plan now would free up part of their afternoon later, she cursed him as well. He’d abandoned her to deal with the stab happy seamstress alone! Zelda bit back a yelp of pain and another pin pricked her skin The dress will be pink with the amount of blood she’s attempting to draw from me!  
Thankfully the seamstress wasn’t an overly talkative woman, Zelda had suffered through enough pointless blather to last her a life time. However the silence that hung in the room gave the young Queen the chance to ruminate on her earlier realization.
Link was deliberately putting in as little input as possible. Not out of lack of excitement or a hesitation to marry her, he was trying to ensure that everything in the wedding was what Zelda wanted. She was touched by his actions, that he had given up so much in order to give her her dream ceremony. But a small wave of guilt washed over her.
Her mind drifted back to that peaceful night months ago, when he’d held her in his arms and told her about the weddings in Ordon. She remembered the way his eyes lit up, the way his voice softened as he described the paper lanterns they would use to decorate the river. He’d held her tighter as she pictured the small social gathering, a family who cared for each other, breaking bread and singing songs.
She hadn’t been lying when she said it sounded heavenly.  
“Ouch!” a small jab to the back of the neck broke her out of her concentration “Melinda I do wish you would be a little more careful with those pins please” Zelda tried to keep the tired edge out of her voice, annoyed at being ripped from her daydream about Link’s treehouse and a small gathering of friends.
 Forgive me your majesty, but the fabric it a little difficult to pin. It’s so thick your majesty” Melinda, the seamstress apologised.
That’s another thing Zelda thought, who’s idea was it to create a gown that was so heavy?!
The ceremonial wedding gown was to be worn in the drafty sanctuary. Zelda had requested that it be made of a warm material so that she wouldn’t freeze as she was saying her vows, however her request seemed to get confused and she found herself in the heaviest gown she’d ever worn! The bodice was encrusted with sapphires and diamonds from the mines near Zora’s domain. They had been a gift from the young king to celebrate her wedding. And while they looked stunning, reflecting the light and casting rainbows across the room, they made the bodice quite stiff and clunky. The skirts werent that much better either. The thick layers of petticoats hung from her hips, putting a strain on her back, and the itchy netting scratched her legs making it uncomfortable to walk two steps.
Looking at herself in the mirror, Zelda couldn’t deny she looked beautiful. But she also looked uncomfortable.
The Prayer dress wasn’t any better. It seemed the dressmakers had all but ignored her request for warmth, fitting her for a lightweight dress made of a thin soft cotton. The clunky gold ornamentation did little to help her discomfort, the gold metal chilling her skin through the fabric. Three hours of worship in this and I am likely to succumb to hypothermia she reasoned.
The only dress that was somewhat suitable was the reception dress. It was based off of a dress she already owned, the fit and style made her feel comfortable. However the heavy gold trim at the hem made tripping a much more likely threat, not to mention the abundance of petticoats she was being forced to wear.
Zelda tried to slip back into her daydream, the image of Link smiling and happy in the starlight caused her heart to skip a beat. She longed to make it a reality.
Suddenly, Zelda straightened, looking at the ridiculous dress in the mirror. She had a plan, but it could not be carried out in such a cumbersome gown.
“Melinda. I have a request of you”
“Whatever you want Your Majesty”
The night before the big day.
Link’s favourite and least favourite day. Favourite because in just a few short hours, he would be married to the love of his life. Least favourite because he had to spend the entire day and the entire night separated from her.
As was tradition, the couple were kept apart until the actual ceremony. The time before that was to be filled with laughing and drinking, making merry and celebrating the end of an era. And while Link wasn’t one to drink (especially when he had an early start in the morning) he was more than happy to indulge his friends in their desires. 
The evening began to drag on, the smell of stale beer, and the rowdy cheers of the drunken soldiers began to grate on the Hero’s last nerve. The knights of Hyrule had all gathered in one of the larger taverns in Castle Town, determined to get as drunk as they possibly could. It wasn’t a tavern Link frequented often, and the unfamiliar territory put him on edge. He’d promised to catch up with his family from Ordon, however the knights had gotten too him first. They’d practically kidnapped him, bundling him into the back of a carriage and riding through town at top speed.
Link cursed himself for not being more aware of his surroundings, and lamented the fact that he probably wouldn’t see his fellow Ordonians until after the reception. As much as he loved his life in Castle Town with Zelda, he still missed his family down south. Ordon was where he grew up and where he had awoken as the Hero.
Growing tired of the nights and their antics, Link searched for an opportunity to sneak out. He’d spend the rest of his night curled up in bed, waiting for the sun to rise. Waiting for the knights attention to be diverted elsewhere he snuck out the back entrance and into the cold night air.
He’d made it about halfway back to the castle before he was stopped.
A soft voice called out his name. His heart froze in his chest. He wished he was properly armed, the Knights hadn’t given him much time to think before they’d dragged him off, the only means of defense he had was the small silver knife hidden in his boot.
Turning sharply, Link found himself face to face with the source of the sound 
Before him stood a hooded figure, cloaked in darkness. It was impossible to discern anything about them. Link tensed as they stepped closer, the light from the moon casting dim shadows against their black cloak. Link made to reach for his knife, when something caught his attention. 
He knew that cloak. He’d seen it before, years ago when he journey began.
Even hidden in the near complete darkness her smile still shone brighter than the stars.
All the fear and worry vanished in that instant as he stepped forward, an invisible rope pulling him towards her. His hands reached out, wrapping around her waist and pulling her into a bone crushing hug. He could hear her musical laugh in his ears and he lifted her of her feet and twirled. Her own arms came up to wrap around his shoulders, steadying herself as he placed her back on the ground in front of him. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked, breathless from his short burst of energy. He refused to let go of the hug, the irrational fear of her disappearing clouding his mind.
“I came to see you” She whispered pulling him closer “I missed you”
“It’s only been a few hours”
“Are you saying you didn’t miss me?” He knew it was a joke, knew that she was teasing him. But in that moment he realized he really had missed her.
I’m weak, he thought, We haven’t even been separated for a day and I’m acting like she was gone for months!
“I missed you more than you could imagine”
The contented giggle that escaped her throat made his heart soar.
Zelda moved to pull away, but Link held on tight stopping her from moving.
“Don’t” he whispered “Don’t move. I’m not meant to see you remember?”
He heard her frustrated sigh as she moved her hands to brace against his arms.
“Let me go I need to talk to you”
“Link please”
“It’s tradition”
“To the gods with the tradition! Let me see you Link!”
Link’s jaw dropped at the curse. It was incredibly rare to hear the Queen blaspheme in such a manner! Using his surprise she pulled back to look at him, pushing her hood away from her face. He was struck by the way her hair looked darker in the moonlight, the soft almost blue glow making her porcelain skin shine. Her smile was the most hypnotising of all. It took Link a second to realize she was giggling at him.
He tried to be irritated, annoyed that she’d gotten the better of him, upset that he’d broken a tradition. But when he looked at her he found himself unable to do anything but smile back at her. Pulling her back to him he pressed a kiss against her forehead, his eyes falling shut.
“Link” Zelda breathed, her smile evident in her voice, “Marry me”
Wait what?
Link pulled back, a confused expression crossing his features. He lifted a hand to cup her cheek, tucking her hair behind pointed ear.
“Zelda… I am marrying you. Tomorrow”
She rolled her eyes, her hands absentmindedly running up and down his arms. 
“No Link, I meant marry me now”
“Don’t. Link I know you’ve been stressed with the planning and the preparation-”
“I don’t mind”
“Link listen!”
Zelda let out a shaky sigh. She closed her eyes, a habit she had when she was trying to choose her words. Link knew better than to disturb her, waiting for her plan what she was going to say. His heart raced, fingers lightly tracing the top of her cheek bone. Stunning blue eyes opened to meet his, starlight shining brightly.
She licked her lips, preparing to speak. He felt her hands tighten slightly around his arms.
“Link, I know that you don’t want the wedding to be like this, Let me finish. I know that if you had a choice we would be getting married in a small and simple ceremony in Ordon. That it would just be us and the people we love”
Quilt settled in his stomach. Was I really that obvious? He thought casting his eyes downward, suddenly ashamed to look at her She must hate me now. Soft fingers tilted his chin upward, blue eyes searching his.
“I’ve been blind to what you want Link. I was caught up in the dazzling lights and the excitement. I wanted to call you my husband. But nothing about the ceremony is what you wanted”
“I just want to be with you Zelda”
“And that is why I want you to marry me tonight”
Her smile was dazzling. Pure joy shone on her features.
“I want you to marry me tonight Link, a simple wedding. Just us. Just as you want. Just as I want. Then tomorrow we can have the big wedding. Let the nobles celebrate in their own way tomorrow. But for tonight, let it just be us. I’ve got everything planned already you don’t have to worry. Just meet me at Telma’s by midnight”
There’s a reason why she holds the triforce of wisdom he thought, pride welling up in his heart as he pulled her close to kiss her cheek, arms wrapping around her in a hug.
“I can’t wait”
Zelda hadn’t been lying when she’d said she’d planned everything. 
Stepping into Telma’s bar, Link took in the sight. White paper lanterns hung from the ceiling, their soft glow illuminating the room. The tables and chairs had been pushed to the side, giving the patrons room to dance. A small altar had been set up in front of the fireplace, red tulips decorating the mantle. Link held back a gasp when he saw his family standing waiting. All the resistance, the Ordonians, waiting for the bride and groom to walk through the door.
Rusl stepped forward, arms wrapping around Link in a warm hug. He felt tears well in his eyes and willed himself to stay strong. Link was passed around the guests, each one more happy to see him than the next. They showered him in hugs and congratulations and in the first time for a long time they felt truly sincere.
Soft footsteps were heard behind him. All attention was drawn to the stairs as Illia and Ashei stepped down, scattering tulip petals on the ground before them. Matching smiles worn on their faces. Behind them Zelda emerged and Link felt his heart stop in his chest.
She wore a simple white gown, devoid of heavy sapphires, absent of cumbersome gold ornamentations and trim, decorated only with small fabric flowers. Her face was hidden by a simple lace veil, but Link could still see her beautiful overjoyed smile peeking through the netting. In her hands she held a simple bouquet of tulips and daisies.
He couldn’t help but smile as she walked down the makeshift aisle towards him. She handed her bouquet to Illia, taking Link’s hands gently in her own. He ran a thumb over her knuckles, resisting the urge to press a light kiss against her hand.
He barely listened as Bo recited the vows, his attention fixed on his bride in front of him. Her musical voice setting his heart a light.
“I do” she said, joy and love clear in her gaze.
“I do” he replied squeezing her hands in his.
“Then, with the power vested in me by the town of Ordon, and her Majesty Queen Zelda the XIV of Hyrule, I know pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride”  
Those are the words I’ve been waiting for Link thought as he lifted the veil from his new wife’s face, taking in the white ribbons she’d braided in her hair, and the small white flowers contrasting against her blushing cheeks.
“I love you, my darling wife” He murmured pressing his forehead against hers, hands coming up to gently cup her cheeks.
“And I love you, my dearest husband” She replied moving forward and catching his lips in a passionate kiss.
The happy couple were deaf to the cheers from their family, deaf to the call for dancing and drinking. Content to be in each other’s arms.
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