#she came in the house telling me 'hey guess what?' and than pulled out baseball Kirby saying 'i guess we're both autistic'
core4writes · 1 year
Heyy , can you plz make a 'sam and colby x reader' , serial killer fic . Like the ghostface types from the movie scream . Sam and colby are the killers . Like they're yandere for her or something ? :) THANK YOU SO MUCH
did i make you scream?//sam and colby
A/N: @/golbrocklovely made a fic like this called we went mad just minus the yandere part but i will attempt this, also i LOVE scream!!
|| non-famous!sam and colby x reader
|| she/her pronouns
trigger warnings: mention of murder, curing, mentions of sex, mentions of Voyeurism, blood and slight gore,
Here I was at a police station, in an interrogation room. I have been sitting here for the past hour doing nothing, they just put me in here and said they will be with me “shortly”. I put my head down on the cold sliver table, it was refreshing to feel something cold as it was hot in here or was it just me? I put my head up again and look at the chair in front of me, that's where the guy or whoever is supposed to sit. The silence was thick, as I have not said a word in like an hour.
Someone walks in, a girl and a guy. The guy was wearing a baseball cap with a Plano T-shirt, and a badge on his cargo pants, the girl was wearing a yellow blouse with regular old black skinny jeans. She had a clipboard in one hand, and a water bottle in the other.
They sit down, “listen you're not in trouble, we just wanna ask you some questions.” the lady in yellow said, she sat down the water bottle “This is you, I'm Detective Drew and this is Detective Mike we are going to just be asking you questions.” Drew reassured, “What's your name and date of birth?”
It took me a sec to take this in, this is really happening. “My name is Y/n y/m/n Y/l/n, and my Date of birth is January 1, 1997.” now after a couple of questions about me they started to ask the real questions, why I was here and what got me here.
“What happened on February 14?” Mike asked.
“In order for me to tell you, you have to understand what lead up to it.” I say.
January 1st, 2020:
It was my birthday, and a new year too I guess...Anyway, I am known for having big parties but only on my birthday any otheroccasion I will be at someone else's party. For my 23rd birthday, I wanted to make it big so I told my friends to invite their friends even people I didn't know. Me and my friend Misty went shopping, we went to an alcohol store to a Walmart back to an alcohol store.
Now when the party started there were like 100 people than 200, I couldn't let more people in cause my house is not that big. 40 minutes into the party my friend Jake walks up to my with two of his friends following behind him, “yo, y/n what's up!” he yelled over the music “hey what's up, do you wanna shot?”
He takes the shot of alcohol out of my hand and downs it with no shame, I take quick notice of the two boys behind Jake, o ne had black hair and was wearing a loose tank top with black sweatpants and Converse. The other r one had a loose big purple T-shirt with white pants.
I look back at the one with dark hair is and lock eyes with him, I could tell his eyes are really blue. My eyes snapped back to Jake, “Oh, you said I could invite anyone so I invited Sam and Colby.” Jake said pointing to them.
I went in and hugged them both, Sam first then Colby last but Colby's hug lasted longer than expected it was like he was smelling me, Sam pulled him off me and pulled have im away into the crowd of people. I look at Jake “That was...weird.” Jake giggles.
A few days later I got a package. the package  came at midnight, a knock on the door happened and I didn't answer at first cause I thought it was a ding dong ditch so I didn't answer. Then it happened again so I answer, expecting it to be my boyfriend I empty the door swiftly with a smile but all I see is nothing.
I look down at my welcome home mat and see a box placed on top of it, I pick it up thinking maybe it's my ring light that's presumed to come in but the box is light. I bring it in and put it on the tabletop “What the fuck is this.” Misty said I shrug my shoulders and open it, it was a notebook with my name on it. The notebook was wrapped in plastic wrap, I rip it open to read and maybe my boyfriend did something sweet for me.
The first page was a link, a link to a video of course. So I move away from Misty and the kitchen to go to my office by myself, I open my computer and type in the link to the mystery video. Oh my, it was a 5-minute video of me and my boyfriend having sex.
This was confusing, it looked like someone was recording us from a window, the video went in and out of focus. You can even hear moans from the background, but our window was closed so who was that deep voice whimpering?  all of the sudden the video cam goes down to show a man jerking off to us having us. My heart dropped when I seen the tiny hand tattoo, it looked like that boy that I met from the party. colby.
I close the tap quickly and I take a deep breath I open the book to read the rest, but the rest was all pictures of me. Every single page, I got out of my seat in a rush to see Misty to show her this hell show of a book.
But the  lights turned off, or as some of you would say the power went out. I turn my phone flashlight on, and I yell out Misty's name. “Misty! Turn back on the power and look at this book!” but no answer, I went to the kitchen because that's where she last was but no sign of her. I looked up in her room even in the living room she was nowhere so I decided to turn the power on myself. I went down to the basement and as soon as I was close to the last step, I see Misty's head hangin g in front of my face, her chopped-off hat that had exes on each of her eyes, her blonde hair was messy, and God knows where the rest of her body went.
I screamed and ran upstairs, rushing to call 911 on my phone  but every time I would call it would send me an automatic voice message " Sorry the Kansas police station cannot reach you right now we are currently busy. Try another time." and I kept calling and kept calling and kept calling but no answer so I decided to ask my neighbor for help.
trying to leave my house was a big mistake because as soon as I open the front door I see Sam holding a knife I automatically – and head for the back door until I see Colby at the back door, holding a vase. "why are you doing this?” I asked.
“ Because I love you.”  he throws a vase at me, but I managed to dodge and try to dash upstairs to hide, but Sam catches up to me and cuts the knife into my back.  I scream and screech in pain.  As I fall to the floor, both men standing in front of me, watching me, bleed out, probably to my death, and they ask me one thing .”
“ did I make you scream?”
and now, next thing, I know, I'm walking up in the hospital and now I'm in a police investigation room. That night still haunts me to this day will haunt me, even more, is that they're currently out there and the police are looking for them but they're not trying their best. 
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ilivelikeimtrying · 2 years
My sister went out to buy a bike chain and came back with a baseball Kirby.
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1986harrington · 2 years
hi! can i request steve with, “It’s pouring rain why are you here?” + “I love you.” “Tell me that when you’re sober.” from the prompt list? (maybe reader randomly shows up to steves drunk?) <3.
Hey anon! I'm so sorry I'm such an awful human being and this took so long, but here it is! It's over 3k so hopefully worth the wait ahssnndks
“What d’you mean you don’t know where she is?” Steve demanded, incredulous. 
It had been no more than twenty minutes since you’d called him, words slurred down the phone and practically incoherent over the sound of music blaring from a stereo in the background. He managed to determine that you were at yet another of Chelsea Carlton’s parties, which shouldn’t have been hard to guess since all you seemed to do these days was hang around with people you never used to be able to stand, and get drunk in the process. 
He wasn’t sure if you’d been asking him to come get you, the call cutting off before he could really make sense of why you were calling. But if there was even the smallest chance that you needed him there, he couldn’t risk not showing up.
It had been almost a month since you’d broken up, and it definitely hadn’t been a mutual thing. Steve had walked around in a perpetual daze for at least 48 hours, trying to make sense of everything you’d said.
“I love you so much, more than anything. But it’s not enough if you don’t feel the same.”
“You know everything there is to know about me. There’s nothing I wouldn’t tell you, but you’re holding something back from me, and I need to know what it is.”
“I can’t do this anymore if you’re not gonna be honest with me.”
“If you really loved me, you would tell me. If there’s someone else, please just put me out of my misery. Please.”
“I'm done. We're over, okay? I can’t do it anymore.”
Those words lived inside his head on a constant, tortuous loop. Three, four, five times a day since, he’s considered telling you the truth. 
About the Upside Down; about what really happened to Will Byers; how Barb and Chrissy really died; how he got those scars he could never explain to you; why he slept with the hallway light on and woke up in the night, sweating and panting and scrambling for his baseball bat he kept under the bed. 
But he couldn’t be that selfish. 
He couldn’t turn your whole world upside down, drag you into the danger that came with knowing about all that stuff, the fear that would plague you once you knew the truth.
He’d have done anything to keep you.
Anything, except the one thing you needed him too.
He wouldn’t ruin your life. 
So he didn’t deny it when you said he was keeping something from you. He didn’t object when you implied he didn’t love you enough, and fuck, he didn’t correct you when you asked him straight to his face if there was someone else. 
He just stood and watched you fall apart, let you sob and hit at this chest with frustration when he couldn’t even do you the courtesy of answering out loud. He hoped the look in his eyes would be enough; a silent, unspoken apology for everything he was putting you through. But you still left his house that night in tears, car tearing off down his driveway only to pull in a couple hundred yards down the street, head falling back against the headrest - eyes closed and streaming with tears as your hands beat at the steering wheel.
Steve smashed up his house that night - his fist through the bathroom mirror, the desk by his window flipped over and contents scattered across the floor, beside lamp smashed with a swing of his bat, until he was sitting amongst broken glass and splintered wood wondering how the hell he had fucked this all up so badly.
He’d been a little surprised that first weekend when he heard you were at a party. Sure, you’d always been up for a good time with your friends - but Chelsea Carlton and her minions? Those people weren’t your friends. 
Curiosity had gotten the better of him that night and he’d shown up at Chelsea’s house, loitering in the doorway trying to catch a glimpse of you. 
And he did. And you looked beautiful. And he felt his chest crack open at the sight of you. 
Then he watched on as half the basketball team circled you like sharks, all bright smiles and dark eyes that raked over you and Steve felt his keys dig into the palm of his hand as his grip around them tightened. 
You may have been drinking, but you still had your wits about you and he’d be lying if he said his heart didn’t swell a little with pride as he watched you shut them all down, a sweet but stern smile on your face as each of them cut their losses and moved along. 
By the next week, word had reached him that you were going on a date, and he was almost sick then and there over the counter at Family Video. Robin being Robin made an excuse for him to dip, and he made his way to the bathroom, hands on his knees and back against the door as he caught his breath.
The following Sunday, he was at work again when he overheard that the date hadn’t gone well at all. Two girls, who didn’t even know you, were giggling over the fact they saw you storming out of Drew Kellerman’s truck at the drive-in, door slammed behind you and tears in your eyes. 
His first instinct had been to reach for the phone, to call you and make sure you were okay. To ask if that asshole had hurt you or touched you or so much as looked at you in a way you didn’t like. But Robin had caught his wrist, told him she’d already checked and you were fine - just embarrassed by your own public outburst but totally okay. His shoulders sagged in relief, but he still set the receiver back down with a bang, cursing under his breath as he headed outside for some air.
What Robin didn't tell him was that you also told her the only thing wrong with her date with Drew Kellerman was that he wasn't Steve.
The next weekend, by some miracle, both Steve and Robin had the Saturday off and Nancy and Jonathon were both back visiting from college. 
They were heading out for a day on the lake when Steve realized they needed to stop for gas. He was so preoccupied trying to fish his wallet out of the glove box that he didn’t realize the car in front was yours. 
You had just set the pump back into place and turned around to head inside to pay when you spotted him, only a few feet away. Your chest felt tight, like suddenly there was no air and all you could smell was gas and all you could see was Steve and you were sure you were on the verge of passing out. He cleared his throat then, shifting awkwardly on his feet and you darted around him, legs moving on their own accord and taking you inside.
The cashier was serving painfully slowly, so you were still in line to pay by the time Steve joined the queue behind you. He kept a safe distance, but it was still too close. He could smell the faint strawberry scent of your shampoo that used to cling to his pillows and the coconut body lotion he used to help you smooth over your shoulders. Your breath hitched, and you swore you could feel the heat radiating from his chest onto your back. Your knees felt shaky, like any second now they’d just give out. You thought about what would happen then - how you had no doubt Steve would catch you, strong arms wrapped around your waist, mouth against your ear asking if you were okay, and suddenly you wanted to run out of the gas station and risk the repercussions of skipping out without paying.
That was the last time he’d seen or heard about you, until the phone call.
“What d’you mean you don’t know where she is?” Steve demanded, incredulous. 
His eyes scanned the crowd of bodies surrounding them in the kitchen of Chelsea’s mansion, the air cloudy with cigarette smoke making it hard to see and the music thumping from the stereo system one room over making it even harder to hear and he couldn't think straight.
“Like I said, one second she was here, the next? Poof!” Robin explained, a typically exaggerated hand gesture accompanying the ‘poof’.
“And you didn’t think to call me?!” Steve worried, one hand running anxiously through his hair, the front pieces falling into his eyes.
“I didn’t exactly know you two were on speaking terms now!” Robin yelled back, defensive and kind of offended at being so out of the loop.
“We’re-” Steve started, exasperated at not being able to finish the sentence because quite frankly, he didn’t know what you were to each other now. 
“We’re not.” He finally settled on. “But she called me. And if she called me, of all people, then something must be wrong.”
Robin sighed, a sympathetic but frustrated expression on her face. “Look, Steve, I get it. You’re in love with the girl, and you’re miserable without her, and she’s miserable without you - but you're both my friends, so until you get your heads out of your asses, do me a favor and leave me out of it?”
Steve knew it was unfair to put Robin in the middle like this, so he didn’t argue when she turned her attention back to an unusually tense game of flip cup that had drawn in quite the crowd, mumbling something about how you probably just caught a ride home with someone and she’d call you in the morning.
By the time Steve had searched every room, closet and outbuilding on the Carlton property and confirmed you were nowhere to be found, the weather had taken a turn. The already dark sky was thunderous, raining falling harsh against the sidewalk as he made his way back to his car. He hadn’t been driving more than five minutes when the first flash of lightning forked across the sky, cursing under his breath at the thought of you wandering around on your own drunk on a night like this.
He went to your house first and parked two houses up, like always, to avoid waking your dad. The single-story layout made it easy for him to look in through your window, your bed still made and room in darkness.
“Shit,” He muttered, wiping rain from his face and heading back to the car.
He spent the next hour driving around the streets of Hawkins, stopping off at any place he thought you might be until he decided to go home and try to call you again.
As his car rolled up the driveway, the headlights illuminated his front porch, and all the air left his lungs when he saw you sitting on the bottom step.
The rain was still falling, hard and fast, but you were already soaked and so was Steve. He yanked the keys from the ignition and climbed out the car, leaning his forearms on the top of the door and dropping his head down on to them.
He stood like that for a second, letting the relief settle in that you were okay - that all the worst-case scenarios of you being hurt or in trouble that had been running through his head for the last hour and a half hadn’t amounted to anything.
You stood up before he moved, taking a few tentative steps towards him, the car door he was still leaning on separating you both.
When he finally lifted his head to look at you, he could tell you'd been drinking, and he was instantly angry that you’d walked all the way across town so out of it and in this weather. Your dress was clinging to you, the once floaty skirt of it stuck to your mid-thighs, tendrils of hair plastered to your face and droplets of rain dripped from your lashes. He could tell you’d been crying, eyes rimmed red and make-up smeared around them from where you had rubbed at it.
You pulled at the collar of the jacket you were wearing, it having slipped off your shoulder with the weight of the rain, and when you pulled it tight across your front, Steve realized it was one of his that he thought he’d lost a few months back.
It swallowed your frame, but the look of comfort that swept over your face as you clung to it made his chest hurt and all he could think about was how you were still the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. 
“‘You alright?” He asked, pushing off of the door and stepping around it to close it.
You nodded, eyes fixed on his and fingers tugging anxiously at the sleeves of the jacket. 
“It’s pouring rain." He stated, as if it wasn't obvious. "What're you doing here?”
You swallow hard, taking another step forward.
“I found it in Chelsea’s guest room closet.” You finally speak up, gesturing to the jacket as if he didn’t know what you were talking about. “You must have left it behind the last time we were there-”
Your voice caught in your throat when you realized the other reason it could be there.
“I mean, unless…” You trail off, head swimming with the idea of Steve with Chelsea, or Steve with any girl that wasn’t you, and suddenly you feel that familiar sensation of being about to pass out wash over you again.
You begin to pull it off, and Steve knows you well enough to know exactly where your head is at, so he reaches forward and takes a gentle but firm hold of your wrists, stopping your hands in their tracks. 
“Look at me,” He says, and it's halfway between a command and a plea.
Your eyes lift slowly from where they’d fixed themselves on his hands around yours until you're staring up at him.
“I know I’ve made it hard for you to trust me,” His voice is barely above a whisper, and if you weren’t so focused on clinging to his every word after not hearing his voice for so long, you’d probably struggle to make it out over the sound of the rain. 
“But I need you to believe me when I tell you there’s no one else. Never has been.” He says with a shake of his head as if the very idea was ridiculous, because to him it was. “And I never should have let you think for even one second that it was ever a possibility.”
You release a painful, jagged breath you didn’t even know you’d been holding, and suddenly his grip on you is the only thing keeping you upright.
His eyes feel like they're burning into yours and you want desperately to look away because it's too intense with his fingers still pressing into your skin, but you know instantly he’s telling you the truth. 
You swallow and nod, and you're almost relieved when he finally drops your hands back down by your sides and you can think half-clearly again.
“You never answered the question,” Steve presses, filling the silence that’s swallowed you both whole.
“What question?” You ask, head still cloudy from the alcohol and just being near him again, although you’re mostly sober now from the long walk you took in the rain.
“What’re you doing here? At my house. Why’d you call me at all?”
He seems genuinely confused, as if there’s no possible reason why you’d still give him the time of day, and you know it’s because he doesn’t feel like he deserves it.
And then you take him by surprise, and you laugh.
It’s short at first, one huff of air from your chest that shakes your shoulders, and then another until your hands are running through your hair before falling down at your sides with a shrug.
“I love you.”
You say it as if it’s so obvious, so simple. And it is.
“Don’t say that.”
“I love you.” You repeat, walking towards him. “I was at Chelsea’s, and I was sad. Even sadder than usual, and so I drank more than usual. But that didn’t help. It just made me miss you more. And all these people were talking to me and crowding me and I couldn’t breathe because none of them were you, and that’s all I wanted. You're all I ever want. When I’m sad, or happy, or lonely, or scared… and I just had to get away from them all, y’know? So I went upstairs to the guest room, and I found your jacket and it smelled just like you and when I put it on it was like I forgot every bad thing that’s ever happened. All the reasons we don’t work just didn’t matter anymore and I needed to hear your voice. So I broke. And I did the one thing I swore I wouldn’t do and I called you. But it was so loud and I couldn’t hear you, and I needed to hear you, Steve. So bad. And I didn’t know if you were coming, so I came here-”
“Can you do me a favour?” He asked, cutting you off mid-ramble and you just nod, taken aback.
“Can you tell me all this when you’re sober tomorrow?”
“Steve, I walked 30 minutes in the rain. I’m sober.”
And just like that he’s on you, all around you, and you feel the horrible, suffocating weight that’s been holding you down for the last month just disappear.
His hands are cupping your face, thumbs grazing your jaw, fingers tangled in the wet knots of your hair and his mouth is warm and familiar against yours. You’re clinging to his wet t-shirt, pulling at it in an attempt to get him closer to you, but his chest is already flat against yours. He drops one hand from your face to tug at your waist and you gasp into his mouth, his tongue slipping in and pulling a moan from you that he can hear even over the rain that’s still falling around you both. 
His hand slams down on the roof of the car as your back collides with driver’s side door, arms tangling around his neck and fingers pulling at his hair. 
When you’re forced to tilt your face to side, away from his lips to catch your breath, he plants a trail of open-mouthed kisses the length of your throat until he’s met with the wet material of his jacket still hanging off of your shoulders.
“I can drive you home,” He mutters against the warm skin of your neck, face buried in the crook. 
“Or?” You ask, breathless as you use both hands to pull his face up to meet yours.
“Or you can stay here.” He offers, and your face lights up, bottom lip pulled between your teeth to try and contain the smile at the thought of spending the night in his bed again.
“With me. If you want. We don’t have to do anything.” He clarifies, hand pushing wet strands of hair out of your face before you lean up and kiss him again.
“I wanna stay. With you.” Your arms loosen from around his neck, hands sliding down his chest until you reach his wrists and pull him towards his front porch.
He lets you lead the way, only dropping your hand to fish his keys out of his back pocket and he laughs so contentedly when your arms wrap around him from behind, your cheek pressed between his shoulder blades as he fumbles with the wet keys in the lock.
You both stumble into the door as it opens, immediately pulling your wet clothing off and letting it drop to the floor. You're back on him instantly, pulling and kissing him towards the stairs to his room and it takes all his strength to take hold of your shoulders and push back lightly.
“Baby, baby, wait,” He breathes, chest heaving as he stares down at you. “There’s a reason this - we didn’t work. There’s so many things I want to tell you, but I can’t. And I don’t wanna go backwards and do anything that’s gonna hurt you or confuse you or-”
“Steve, please,” You cut him off with a shake of your head. “I know all of that but- Can we talk about it tomorrow? I just, I need to be with you. Please?”
“You’re sure?”
You nod, hands bringing his lips back down to yours again, and you feel him give in against your mouth before he pulls away from you, taking your hand guiding you in front of him and up the stairs.
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ohbuckie · 3 years
Summary: Bucky’s a douchebag frat brother, but Christ, is he delicious.
Warnings: smut, bathroom sex, drinking (both parties are sober and able to give consent), mention of drugs
Word Count: 1.7k
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Bucky Barnes. Conceited, loud, irritating. Built like a Greek God—with that perfect jaw, and those thick forearms, and that firm chest. All of his t-shirts are a size too small, and he’s never been caught wearing a baseball cap forwards, or without a protein shake in his hand.
“Hey, Y/N,” he jogs to catch up with you, “what’s up?”
“Walking.” You answer dryly. It’s unsurprising, really, that he just randomly bumped into you. He always seems to.
“To class.”
“I won’t keep you long, then.”
“Please don’t ‘keep me’ at all, Bucky. What do you want?”
“I’m having a party tonight. Thought you could come. Wear something cute.”
“Don’t be gross.”
“I’m not-”
“Yes, you are.” You step up to the building that your class is in, and turn to him to speak. “I’ll come if I don’t have to bring anything.”
“Perfect. Beach theme.”
Of course it is. Any excuse for every girl there to be wearing the smallest outfit possible.
“Okay, whatever.” You step through the door, and hear him again before it closes behind you.
“Wear that blue bikini top you have!”
“You’re a freak, Barnes!”
You show up in the bikini top he mentioned, but only because your roommate, Natasha, told you it looked better than the other ones. You’re wearing an unbuttoned tropical shirt over it, and shorts on the bottom, which is a lot tamer than some of the other girls in the house, dressed in only bikinis, or a t-shirt with just bottoms. You won’t allow Bucky to see you like that without working for it first.
He greets you at the door, dressed in only swim trunks and sunglasses and holding a can of cheap beer. His best friend, Steve Rogers, steps up behind him to greet Natasha, who he so obviously wants to fuck. He takes the bowl of veggie dip that she insisted on bringing from her hands and gestures for her to come inside. You roll your eyes.
“What, you got a crush on Stevie?”
“He makes it so obvious how badly he wants to bang her.” You explain, thinking maybe he’ll take the hint. He doesn’t. “Where are the drinks?”
“I’ll show you.” He waves you inside and leads you to the counter through the sea of people already in the house, pointing to where all of the containers of mixed drinks are, telling you about what’s in them. You’re really only paying attention to the way the muscles of his back interact, how they tense and move as he moves his arms to point and turns around to look at you while he speaks. “You listening?” He grins.
“Wha- uh, yeah, of course.” You feel your cheeks heat up, and you hate that he caught you staring. If he wasn’t so insufferable, you’d have slept with him by now, but he insists on being the biggest douchebag anybody’s ever met.
“You want me to get you a drink?”
“No, thanks. I’m perfectly capable.”
“Yeah, okay. Alright, I’m gonna go find Sam. Maybe he doesn’t have a stick up his ass.”
You scoff and find a cup, filling it with whatever the last thing Bucky showed you was; sangria, probably. It’s much too strong, but you don’t mind so much—it’s not like you came here to be sober.
It doesn’t take long for Natasha and Steve to loosen up enough to be grinding on each other—Steve’s chest pressed against her back, his hands on her waist, his lips on the side of her neck. Bucky and Sam are playing beer pong with a few other brothers, yelling everything they say and spilling drinks on each other.
You’re only a couple in—far from drunk—but the way that Bucky’s personality takes up the entire room is far more intoxicating than any alcohol in this house. He has streams of beer dribbling down his chin and chest, and perhaps it’s a little unhinged. but you want nothing more than to lick it off.
You step over to him and he instinctively puts his arm around your waist. “You wanna do this one?”
“Oh, no, I’m not-”
“No, no, come on, I’ll show you.” He stands behind you and takes your wrist in his hand, pulling it back to where it needs to be. “Be gentle with it. Use your wrist more than your elbow.” He places the ball in your hand, and trusts you to do the rest, standing back with his arms crossed over his chest. You flick the plastic towards the gathering of Solo cups across the table and, miraculously, falls into one. Bucky throws his arms up and cheers for you, watching Sam drink across the table.
He looks down at you with a smile on his face, and it goes straight to your stomach. You stick to him for the rest of the game, taking his turns and letting him keep his hands on you. You realize his hands have never been on you before, but you very much like it; he knows where to keep them.
When you win, you take the opportunity to kiss him, feeling overly confident from the adrenaline that comes with an entire room of people cheering for you. His lips are soft, and he holds you close, with one hand on your back and the other on your waist. He’s a decent kisser—not too slobbery, like most other frat guys—and can keep his tongue to himself, for the most part. One of his friends shoves him playfully, and you pull away from him, giggling.
“You’re not drunk, right?” He asks, pushing some of your hair behind your ear.
You shake your head. “Are you?”
“Nope.” He takes your hand and brings you to the hallway near the bathroom, pushing you against the wall and pressing his lips to yours again. His hands cup your cheeks, and this time, his tongue makes an appearance. It moves along your bottom lip, making its way into your mouth. He tastes like beer and smells like Irish Spring, but it acts as a pheromone of sorts, and makes you want him even more.
His knee slides between your legs and presses against your core, and you wrap your arms around his neck to try to get closer, if that’s even possible. His breath fans over your cheek and his thumb rubs your cheekbone, but before anything allows this moment to be sweet, somebody pats Bucky on the back and informs him that the bathroom is now free.
He wastes no time in pulling you through the door, nearly slamming it behind him. Your lower back hits the counter and sends a pain up your spine, but you quickly forget it when his hands move down your torso and stop at your ass. He kisses down your neck sloppily, holding your head back by your hair. He pushes your shirt down your shoulders, urging you to shimmy it off of your arms, which you do.
“Turn around.” He breathes, running his fingers through his thick hair.
You stare at him, distracted, before processing his words and doing as he asked. You bend over the counter and feel him reach around you to unbutton your shorts, letting them fall to the floor.
“You wore the matching bottoms?” He chuckles, hotly kissing the nape of your neck.
You shrug. “They’re cute.”
He responds only by saying “Uh-huh,” and tugging them down past your thighs.
“How many girls have you fucked in here, Barnes?”
“That’s not relevant.” He mumbles, and you hear his belt hit the floor. “Drawer next to you is condoms.” You open it and find what you’re looking for, holding your hand behind your back with the packet between your fingertips.
He unwraps it quickly and takes a moment to roll it down his cock before he rubs the tip against your pussy, earning a surprised gasp from you. Slowly, he breaches your entrance, and he’s a lot bigger than you expected, with how big of a douchebag he is.
“Fuck, Bucky.”
“I’ve been telling you we should fuck.”
“Shut up.” You moan. “You’re ruining it.”
He grabs onto your hips and pulls you backwards, bottoming out completely. He starts thrusting shallowly, and you can feel him staring at where your bodies meet, watching himself disappear inside of you like he’s wanted to for so long.
“Jesus Christ, you’re so hot.” He moans, deepening his thrusts and picking up the pace.
You look down at your hands—pressed against the porcelain, slipping back and forth every time Bucky fucks himself into you. There’s powder beneath your fingers, but you decide you won’t try to guess if it’s cocaine or something else.
You hear his skin slapping against yours, echoing off of the walls, surely loud enough for anybody outside to hear. “God, Buck, it feels-”
“So fucking good.”
You nod. “Uh-huh.”
He continues fucking you, so that your pelvic bones dig into the counter in front of you, and your toes just barely reach the floor. He takes a fistful of your hair and yanks your head backwards so that you’re staring at the mirror.
“Look at me while I fuck you.”
It makes you swallow hard and clench around him, and it’s probably the first time you’ve ever done something he’s told you to do without any hesitation. You look at his concentrated face, the sweat gleaming on his forehead and chest, his teeth digging into his lower lip to keep himself quiet. He’s never been so dedicated to something in his entire life.
You feel him hit a spot inside of you that’s never been touched before, and it makes you cry out. “Goddamnit, Barnes! Fuck, I’m close, don’t stop!”
“Was not planning on it.” He says, snapping his hips until your knees buckle and shake, and you tell him you’re cumming. He fucks you through it, and finishes in the middle of your orgasm, pushing himself all the way into you until he spills everything he has into the condom. “Fuck.” He mutters, and pulls out of you, tying the condom and tossing it in the trash can next to the toilet.
You stand straight and gather your things from the floor—your button-up, your swimsuit bottoms, your shorts—before putting them back on and turning to face him. “I didn’t think you knew how to do that.”
“How to do what?”
“Make a girl cum.”
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COSMIC - S1:E2; Chapter Two, The Weirdo On Maple Street - [Pt. 2]
A Will Byers x Male!Reader Series
𝘠/𝘯, 𝘓𝘶𝘤𝘢𝘴, 𝘋𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘔𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘮𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘴𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯.
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|| 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
Lucas, Dustin and I take our seats once we get to class.
"Oh, that can't be good." I sigh, gesturing to Mike's empty seat.
"Yeah, he's never this late," Dustin added.
"I'm telling you, his stupid plan failed," Lucas stated.
"I thought you liked his plan?"
"Yeah, but obviously it's stupid, or he'd be here."
"If his mom found out a girl spent the night—" Dustin began.
"He's in deep shit right about now."
Dustin shifted in his seat, and leaned forward, whispering loud enough for us to hear. "Hey, what if she slept naked?"
"Ugh!" My face screws into a sour, disgusted look aimed at my brother, unintentionally speaking at the same time as Lucas. "Why would she do that, Dustin?"
"Oh, my God, she didn't."
"Oh, if Mrs. Wheeler tells our parents..."
The thought of Mom finding out was enough to elicit an anxious groan from me, and I let my forehead fall against desk where I buried my face.
"No way. Mike would never rat us out."
I hesitantly looked up, making eye contact with Lucas. He gave me a reassuring smile, knowing I worry easily.
"I don't know." Dustin said warily.
"All that matters is, after school, the freak will be back in the loony bin, and we can focus on what really matters, finding Will." I frown at his specific choice of words for El, thinking back on how scared she seemed last night. I desperately want to say something, but decided against it, not wanting to get in a fight. Fighting won't get us any closer to finding Will.
|| 𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ||
Mike Wheeler rides his bike down the small slope of grass towards his front yard. When El refused to let Mike's mom know she was there, Mike had no choice but to resort to plan b. He had led his mom to believe that he had ridden to school when in reality he had stopped around the corner until both his parents were gone.
When he got to the driveway, he dismounted his bike and led it into the garage, however something caught his eye. He stared in awe as the once withered and frankly the most miserable looking plant he had ever seen in his life, was now a beautiful lush green and stood as tall his knees. 'How had Y/n done it?'
It took a solid moment for Mike to gather his thoughts and focus on the task at hand. He parked his bike and made his way inside.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"You want anything to drink?" Mike decided to take advantage of the empty house so that he could show El around. "We have OJ, skim milk... What else? Um, we have..."
Mike trailed off when he saw that El was more fascinated with the things in his living room, mostly his TV set.
"Oh, this is my living room. It's mostly just for watching TV."
El lightly traced her fingers around the frame of the TV as she examined it.
"Nice, right? It's a 22-inch.
That's, like, ten times bigger than Dustin's."
El turned her head and said quietly.
"Well, yeah of course. Y/n too."
"Y/n. Brother?" She asked, making sure she remembered correctly.
"Yeah!" Mike smiled, then lightly shrugged. "Well, technically adopted. But yeah, they're still brothers."
El's brows furrowed in confusion.
"Yeah, um, it means that he came from different parents. Mrs. Henderson adopted him because his parents were unable to take care of him. It's funny actually, Y/n is from Hawkins. Or at least that's where they found him. They didn't used to live in Hawkins; I don't know much about it cause Dustin was so young he doesn't remember any of it, but I think him and his mom were visiting family here and they just... found him, I think? I'm pretty sure that's why they moved here, or something."
El seemed to understand as she thought about it. She then turned to look at the all the pictures on top of the fireplace. She slowly walks to the fireplace and steps up onto the brick platform. She gazes at all the family photos. Particularly, the photo beside the one of Mike; of a smiling girl, a little older than herself, with long brown hair and a pink sweater.
She smiles longingly and speaks in a soft voice. "Pretty."
"I guess." Mike's face is contorted in confusion and a little in disgust.
"That's my sister Nancy. And that's baby Holly." He said as she moved to the slightly larger photo of a young baby. She then moved along to a photo with Mike, Nancy, and Holly, along with two other people she didn't recognize.
"And those are my parents. What are your parents like?" As usual, El says nothing and she steps down from the fireplace and walks up to a large green chair.
"Do they live close?" Mike continued. He notices El run her hand along the top of the plush green chair. "That's our La-Z-Boy. It's where my dad sleeps. You can try it if you want." He offers. El looked up at him, intrigued. "Yeah." He assured her, with a warm smile on his face. She cautiously sits down as Mike kneels down beside the chair. "It's fun!"
She looked to Mike, wondering what he is up to.
"Just trust me, okay?" She gives a quick nod, and braces herself, not knowing what to expect. She is taken aback by the sudden collapse of the chair, she is now laying down and the chair is rocking back and forth. She lets out a gasp, and then a nervous chuckle.
"See? Fun, right?"
With one hand on the back of the chair, and the other on the front, he brings the chair back into its default position. "Now you try."
With a small smile on her face, and feeling more confident she leans over the side and pulls the handle, letting her entire body go flying backward into a slow rock. Mike and El both look at each other and laugh gleefully.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Some random rock song on the radio that Jonathan barely recognized came to an end as Jonathan Byers drove to his dad's house. His eyes darted to the radio unit in his car for a moment as his heart fell when the familiar sound of "Should I Stay or Should I Go" rang throughout the car.
"Darlin', you got to let me know"
Jonathan is sat on the edge of the bed next to his younger brother Will. The two of them are in Will's room, bobbing their heads along to 'Should I Stay or Should I Go' by The Clash.
"Should I stay or should I go?"
"You like it?" Jonathan had to raise his voice so he could be heard over the loud song. Will looks to his older brother and grins.
"Yeah, it's cool!"
"All right, you can keep the mix if you want."
"Yeah, really. All the best stuff's on there. Joy Division, Bowie, Television, The Smith's... It'll totally change your life."
"Yeah, totally," Will says with a smile. However, the smile is quick to leave when the two boys hear their mother yelling on the phone.
"Where the hell are you, Lonnie?"
Will slowly turns his head to the door, listening to his mother yell at his absent father.
"I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear it." Jonathan mimics his brother's actions and looks to the door. Finally, he gets up and walks towards the door.
"This is ridiculous! I'm so sick of your excuses.
"One day is fine and next is black"
Before Jonathan sits down, he lowers the volume on the stereo.
"He's not coming, is he?"
"Do you even like baseball?" Jonathan asks softly.
"No, but... I don't know." He shrugs sadly. "It's fun to go with him sometimes."
"Come on. Has he ever done anything with you that you actually like? You know, like the arcade or something?"
Will shrugs his shoulders weakly. "I don't know."
"No, all right? He hasn't. He's trying to force you to like normal things. And you shouldn't like things because people tell you you're supposed to. Okay?"
Will only looks down at his feet sadly.
"Especially not him."
Will silently nods his head in understanding.
Jonathan decided to change the subject.
"But you like The Clash? For real?"
Will nods his head eagerly with a smile. "For real. Definitely."
"So... is Y/n a fan of The Clash?" Jonathan asks, genuinely curious.
A faint blush dusts Will's cheeks as he looks down at his hands. "Um, yeah, I think so."
"Maybe you should show this to him. I bet he'll like it."
"Maybe. You think?"
"Yeah, from what I know, he has great taste. He's pretty cool."
A loving smile spreads across Will's face. "Yeah, he is pretty cool."
There's a small pause filled only with the now dulled melody of drums and guitar drifting through the air. They had talked about it before, but only vaguely, never fully addressing it and it dawned on Jonathan that there was probably still loads of fear for Will because of it. He looks down at his brother who he loved more than anything and sent him an encouraging, honest smile.
"Will, you guys are best friends. You two are just too close to ruin the friendship. Why don't you think about asking him to the arcade or something? Just the two of you, maybe come back here for some mac and cheese or something if that'd make you feel safer, and you could " he shrugs. "let him know how you feel?"
Will looked up at his brother, shocked. But his body was flushed with relief, he could feel the air in the room hitting his sweaty and clammey skin giving him chills. Not quite knowing how to handle his brothers reaction, his eyes simply fall to his hands where they fidgeting in his lap.
"But what if that does ruin the friendship? What if he doesn't feel the same way, and decides to stop hanging out with me. Or if someone finds out- I just- I just can't. I'm not ready."
"That's okay. All I'm saying is, he is way too nice to be the kind of person who would do that. And you are way too important to him. And hey, if you ever do feel ready, or you guys do go out in the future..." Jonathan trails off, sensing the awkwardness creep up. He chuckles and looks back to his brother.
"All I'm trying to say is, I'm here for you. Always."
Will smiles gratefully and Jonathan leans forward to the volume back up.
"Should I stay or should I go? So you gotta let me know, should I stay or should I go?"
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jj-babebank · 3 years
Room 107 // chapter II // JJ Maybank (smut)
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The story picks up where season 2 leaves us.
TW: Contains mentions of drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, sex and violence.
CHAPTER ONE can be found here.
Chapter 2 - La Realidad
The lobby was surprisingly big and it matched the interior of the diner to a T. Everything was rustic and cheesy-looking, mimicking what Americans imagined people in Spain’s houses to look like. The black and white tiles from the diner went on into the foyer, covered in plants. The ceiling was very high and you could see the roof from the middle of the lobby. Four sets of sofas and tables were spread around, but all of them were vacant, much like the ones in the diner.
Samara was leaning against one of the many columns supporting the arches on which the upper parts of the walls were resting, waiting for the group. JJ smiled at her but she didn’t smile back, only turned around and motioned for them to follow her up a wide set of stairs. “Seeing as we’re almost fully booked tonight, you’ll be staying on the first floor,” she said, stopping at the first floor’s landing where a hallway of doors revealed itself, “With me.” The sound of that excited JJ a little too much for his liking. “Fully booked?” John B mumbled under his breath, “Yeah right,” he scoffed. “Don’t jump to conclusions too quickly, friend of JJ,” Samara said, obviously having heard him regardless of the fact that she was a good few feet ahead of them, “There is more than meets the eye down here in La Guardiana.” She stopped in front of a door, placing a key inside the keyhole, “Room 103,” she said, opening the door to reveal a scarcely furnished small room with hideous red wallpaper on the walls and a double bed situated between two Spanish windows, “Obviously only two can sleep here, so who’s it gonna be?” Sarah volunteered first, “Me and John B can have it,” she said, quickly adding, “If that’s okay with you, of course…” “Alright,” Samara said, turning the lights on in what JJ guessed was the bathroom, “This is your bathroom, there’s shampoo and soap in there, I’m guessing you’ll need it, enjoy.” She said, leading the others out of the room and down to the next one, 105. She unlocked the door, revealing an almost identical room to the previous one with the only difference being in the wallpaper colour - it was blue. Kiara and Cleo agreed to share this room, which left JJ with Pope. “And room 107,” said Samara, unlocking the second to last door down the hallway, “It’s right next to mine, how lucky,” she said sarcastically, handing Pope the keys. He ran into the room, laying on the bed with a look of pure bliss on his face. JJ turned to Samara, “Hey, uh, thank you so much again, I-“ “Meet me in the lobby at midnight.” She interrupted him, turning on her heel to walk away, “Don’t be late.” JJ’s pants suddenly felt awfully tight with excitement as he nodded, “Okay!” He said enthusiastically, “But… What time is it now?”
The good thing about 100 degree temperature was that everything dried quickly. Whether it was hair or clothes or underwear - it dried up in no time. This was exactly why after taking what felt like the best showers of their lives, JJ and Pope washed their clothes and let them air dry on the window sills. Both boys were currently laying in bed in their towels, staring at the ceiling with only the sound of the big wall clock ticking away in the background. “She wants to meet up, you know?” JJ suddenly broke the silence. Pope snickered next to him, “You know what, JJ? I’ve gotta give it to you, man. Even smelly and dirty, you still manage to get the girl. How do you even do it?” JJ smiled proudly, “What can I say? I guess I’m just irresistible.” Pope laughed at his friend’s words. “So what time are you going to her room?” He asked. “Oh, she wants to meet me in the lobby. Probably wants to have a couple of drinks to, uh, you know, break the ice. Little does she know that JJ Maybank is more than just a pretty face and a man of few words,” JJ said cockily, “Come here, baby, I can recite you the whole dictionary” he wiggled his eyebrows. Pope was laughing hysterically at his friend’s cockiness, “What would we ever do without you, man?” “I’ll tell you one thing you wouldn’t have done without me,” he said, sitting up at gesturing towards their surroundings, “Sleep in a bed, at a hotel, for free,” Pope nodded, “Dude, I still can’t believe this is happening, this girl’s practically saving our asses,” “Yeah and you just wait ’til I get a hold of hers,” JJ wiggled his eyebrows once again. Pope scoffed, “What time are you meeting?” “Midnight,” JJ responded, looking at the clock. It was currently 8pm. The sun was still out and oddly enough, the street was beginning to sound a bit more lively. JJ and Pope peaked through one of the windows to have a look at what was happening outside. Sure enough, as the sun began to set, the streets of La Guardiana began to fill up.
One positive about being a castaway - ending up in a cool new spot where a hot girl was practically giving herself to JJ.
One negative thing about being a castaway - having nothing to wear to impress said hot girl.
JJ was known to be an attractive guy and he knew it. Pulling girls never posed an issue for him back in the Outer Banks, yet here he was, standing in front of the long rectangular mirror in the hallway of his and Pope’s shared room, sighing at his reflection. He tried combing his sandy blonde hair back with his fingers, failing miserably as the soft strands just wouldn’t cooperate and stay in one spot. He looked down at his clothes, the same set of clothes he’d been wearing since that day, and rolled his eyes, throwing his head back in annoyance. “At least they’re clean…” he sighed to himself, tugging at his top. Pope was sitting on their bed, smirking at JJ’s reflection through the mirror, “Is it just me or do I sense nervousness?” JJ turned around to face him, his face expression both sad and annoyed, “This is all I’ve got, it’s not like I can do anything about it.” Pope shrugged his shoulders, “I mean, look at it this way - if she offered to help all of us after having a five minute conversation with you, then she must like you a lot.” Pope’s words made JJ’s lips curl into a small smile. Maybe he was right, why else would Samara willingly offer to house not only him, but his friends too, in her family’s hotel, for free? She must have liked him, right? Right?
The blonde boy sighed as he turned to look at the clock. In 10 minutes he would have to make his way downstairs to the pretty lady who asked him to meet her there, and to say he was excited would be an understatement. He took a seat next to Pope on the bed, keeping him company in watching some baseball game currently playing on their little TV, engulfing the room in light. JJ was tapping his foot on the ground nervously, checking the clock every few seconds, not focusing on the TV programme at all. Time seemed to be passing dreadfully slow all of a sudden. The street in front of their window was now full of people chattering and laughing, there was music playing from several different spots, one melody overlapping with the rest and smells of all kinds were filling the boys’ room, the one of marijuana particularly tickling JJ’s fancy as all he could think about was how much just one, not more, drag would help him ease his nerves before his much anticipated date. Was it even a date? He was so nervous at this point that he decided to just head downstairs without wasting any more time.
The short walk down to the lobby was filling JJ’s already nervous brain with even more nerves. What was he even nervous about? He was never like this around girls. Although, he had to admit he hadn’t really flirted with anyone in a while now, even before the day of the incident. He was so engulfed in mourning his best friend and Sarah, whom he believed to be dead, that he had completely neglected his own needs and fantasies, sex being the one he had pushed to the side the most. The past few months were hard for JJ, what with everything going on in his life - from John B to his dad, to the gold, and now the cross; almost being tossed in jail on more than one occasion, getting into numerous fights, hiding on numerous occasion and not to mention all that running that him and his friends somehow always had to partake in, being chased by anyone and everyone wherever they went. JJ had been so busy doing all of this, he had forgotten how to be a teenaged boy, how to fix his hair, how to talk to girls - hell, he was sure that if Samara took him up to her room, he’d have to have at least three of those whiskeys he drank earlier, just to know where to touch her - that’s how much he had neglected his sex life.
Making his way down to the lobby, he saw her. She was sitting on one of the couches, not yet aware of his presence there, a glass of wine resting in her delicate hands and another one sitting on the table in front of her, presumably for JJ. Her silky chocolate hair cascaded down her tanned shoulders, covering her voluptuous breasts, making JJ gulp. She was wearing an off white dress that seemed to hug her in all the right places and the contrast between her dark hair, bronze tan and the light coloured material made her appear even more alluring to the young boy, if that was even possible. Samara was truly a sight to behold and JJ couldn’t believe his luck quite yet. Somehow all of this seemed too good to be true. People never usually just gave stuff away, it wasn’t in their nature. Being from the cut, JJ was used to only receiving things that he was expected to work for. Good things never came cheap, and the girl sitting before him who had put a roof over his and his friends’ heads for the foreseeable few days, definitely didn’t look like the type who just gave things away. JJ was simply hoping that the wine she had prepared for him would be enough to soothe his nerves before what he imagined would be a night of hot, raunchy sex. He wanted to rip her clothes off and make her whimper beneath him and he was so set on that, that he had turned it into the only logical thing that she could ask for in return for the massive favour she was doing for him. It only made sense, right? She knew he had nothing - what else could he possibly offer her?
“Hello, JJ,” Samara spoke when she finally saw the boy approaching her. He sat down on the sofa next to her and picked up the glass of wine that was waiting for him on the table. “I heard about a certain gold you have,” she simply said, her plump lips twisting into a smirk and her black eyes boring into JJ’s blue ones, “How about I help you get it back and in turn,” she reached for his knee, “- you share some of it with me.”
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softspideys · 4 years
Average (Frat!Tom Holland x reader)
summary: tom holland is the handsome, popular, and charismatic king of your campus. so why has he taken an interest in you?
warnings: none
word count: 3,000
pairings: frat!tom holland x reader
a/n: I personally prefer respectful frat boy tom to jerky frat boy tom. inspired by this glorious photo. I hope you you like it:) 
When Tom Holland first spoke to you, your immediate instinct was to assume it was a joke.
You’d just arrived at the party his frat was throwing and immediately made a beeline for the kitchen. You were never totally comfortable in situations like these, but after a couple drinks you tended to be more social and easygoing.
“Hey,” a voice said as you finished pouring yourself some of the suspicious-looking Jungle Juice. You turned around and almost did a double-take.
You knew who Tom was; his roommate Harrison was friends with your roommate Jess, but you’d never spoken to him. He was popular, but there were no rumors about him being a player or an asshole or a creep like there were with some of his frat brothers.
Now he was smiling at you, looking casual in jeans and a black t-shirt, a baseball cap pulled over his curly hair. “Hey,” you answered, once you were positive he was talking to you. There was no one else around you, but still.
“Can I get you something to drink?”
“Um, no thanks,” you said, gesturing to the cup in your hand. “I’m good.” You figured he was just being polite, but then he continued to speak to you.
“You’re Jess’s roommate, right?” he asked.
You nodded, a little surprised. You honestly didn’t even think he was aware you existed. But then it hit you—he must be looking for her and probably recognized you from one of her Instagram photos or something. “Yeah. I don’t know where she is, though. I just got here.”
“Cool,” he said. “I’ve only met her a couple times—she’s friends with my roommate Harrison—but she talked about you a lot. I’m Tom.” He held out his hand.
Slowly, you shook it. “Y/N.” This was weird. If he wasn’t being polite and he wasn’t looking for someone else, then why was he talking to you? You had to get out of there. “Um, I have to go now. It was nice meeting you.”
“Oh, okay,” he said. “See you around, maybe.” You smiled a little instead of answering before practically fleeing the kitchen and joining the party. The rest of the night passed uneventfully and you didn’t see Tom again.
You thought about him briefly afterwards, but decided not to dwell on it. Maybe he was just bored. Maybe he saw you by yourself and took pity on you.
A few days later, Jess ambushed you while you were doing homework in the library. “You talked to Tom Holland at the party on Saturday?” she whispered excitedly.
“Yeah, for like a minute. It was before I found you. Why?”
“Harrison told me he was asking about you. Want me to pass along your number?”
“No!” you said quickly, feeling your face get warm. “Wait. What do you mean, he was asking about me? Asking what?”
“You know, just like . . . what your deal is, and whatever.” She shrugged. “He probably wants to hang out with you.”
“Me? Why?” The thought made your heartbeat quicken.
Jess rolled her eyes. “Oh my God. Why wouldn’t he? You’re a total catch. I don’t know why you’re so surprised.”
The conversation was making you more and more uncomfortable. Tom was good-looking and popular and probably had tons of people lining up just to “hang out” with him. What was so special about you?
Despite your doubts, you found yourself giving in. “Okay,” you said finally. “I guess you can give him my number.”
Jess smiled, her eyes sparkling. “Awesome. I’ll tell Harrison.” She leaned closer, suddenly serious. “And look, I wouldn’t push this if I didn’t think it was a good idea, okay? You know I got your back. Tom is really nice.”
She had a point. “I know,” you said grudgingly. “We’ll see if he even texts me.”
~ ~ ~  
Tom texted you the day after Jess passed your number on.
hey it’s tom, we met at the party on saturday :) i got your number from jess. i was wondering if you wanna hang out sometime?
You spent almost an hour reading it over and over, trying to figure out if there was any hidden meaning in the short message. Finally you wrote back: sure.
You expected him to invite you to another frat party or something similar, but instead he asked if you wanted to grab coffee and do homework. Midterms were coming up, after all.
So you met him at a cafe on campus on a chilly Thursday afternoon. He was there when you arrived, sitting at a table in the back. He looked cozy, all bundled up in a hoodie and sweats. You bought yourself a hot chocolate and sat across from him. “Um, hi.”
“Hi.” He smiled at you. “How’s it going?”
“Good. How are you?”
“Pretty good.”
You looked around. He’d picked a two-person table, but that didn’t mean someone else couldn’t pull up a chair. “Is it just going to be us?”
His smile faded a little. “Uh, yeah. Is that okay? I thought—I mean, you can see if Jess is around or something, but—”
“No, no,” you interrupted, wanting to kick yourself. “No, this is fine. I was just asking. I don’t mind.”
“Oh, okay.” He relaxed. “I’m glad you came. I didn’t think you would.”
He shrugged. “You just didn’t seem very, uh . . . excited.”
You cringed inwardly, clearing your throat. “Oh, sorry. I’m not very good at texting. Ask Jess.” You smiled a little at the thought of your best friend. “She’s always mad at me because I take hours to respond and then it usually just ends up being one word.”
Tom laughed. “Oh man, my brother Sam is the same way. I have to send a message to him in all caps that says SOS EMERGENCY PLEASE ANSWER NOW if I want him to answer within the hour.”
“You have a brother?”
“Yeah, three actually. There’s me, then the twins Sam and Harry, and then my youngest brother Paddy.”
“Wow,” you said, raising your eyebrows. “Your house must’ve been pretty crazy growing up.”
“You could say that.”
Before you got to the cafe, you told yourself that you only had to stay for an hour. One hour, and then you could make up some excuse as to why you had to leave. But as time went on, you realized you were actually enjoying yourself. The conversation flowed naturally, and Tom was a good listener. He didn’t seem to mind when you eventually lapsed into silence to get some studying down, and the two of you worked quietly for a while. He even offered to refill your drink when he went to get another for himself.
“Got any plans for dinner?” he asked finally, breaking the comfortable silence you’d grown used to. You looked out the window and saw it was getting dark out.
At first you thought maybe he was going to ask if you wanted to get something to eat with him. But as quick as the idea occurred, you shot it down. That was silly; he’d already been here with you for a few hours now. Maybe he was meeting other people after this and wanted you to take a hint.
So you lied, “Yeah, I’m meeting Jess at a dining hall. I should probably get going, actually.”
“Oh, right,” he said, glancing down at his homework. “Uh, same here.” You both quickly packed up your stuff and left the cafe, pausing before you officially went your separate ways.
“That was fun,” Tom said. He hesitated, and you braced yourself to hear some excuse as to why he would never talk to you again.
You certainly weren’t expecting him to ask shyly, “Would you want to hang out again?” You blinked, certain you hadn’t heard him right. But he just looked at you, waiting for your response, and after a pause you nodded.
“Yeah. I would like that.”
Tom’s answering smile was practically blinding. You couldn’t help but return it. “Awesome,” he said. “Um, I’ll text you?”
“Okay,” you said. “See you later.” He smiled at you for a second longer before he turned and walked away, a happy sort of bounce in his step.
You couldn’t help it; you walked home with a dumb grin on your face.
~ ~ ~
True to his word, Tom texted you a few days later to ask if you wanted to hang out again. This time you accepted readily.
At first, the two of you just got together to have coffee and do homework. Then he somehow managed to figure out part of your schedule and would meet you on your way to class. Even if he had a lecture on the other side of campus, he insisted on walking you all the way to yours.
He started texting you more, sometimes sending you funny videos or memes, but also sharing random thoughts and asking questions. Now you checked your phone frequently, trying to get in the habit of responding quickly or initiating conversation with him first. You followed each other on social media and you noticed he’d liked all of your Instagram photos. Just to be funny, you liked a couple of his too, but then wondered if he would find it weird.
“We’re friends,” you told Jess when she noticed you smiling at your phone. “That’s it.”
“Yeah, and I’m the Queen of England. Are you kidding me?”
“I’m serious,” you said, because you knew what she was insinuating and there was just no way Tom Holland would be into you like that. Sometimes you saw him around campus, always surrounded by a laughing group of friends and admirers. He was like the sun, and you knew you were lucky to even be in his orbit.
“We’re having a party on Friday night,” Tom said to you one afternoon. The weather was nice, so you’d claimed a sunny spot out on the quad to do some homework.
“Cool.” You were more focused on the essay you were writing than the conversation.
“Are you gonna go?” he pressed.
“I don’t know. Maybe if Jess goes I’ll come too.”
“Well . . .” He trailed off, and you looked up to see he was fidgeting with the cuffs of his sleeves. “What if we went together?”
You stared at him. Of all the things you were expecting him to say, it certainly was not that. “Like . . . me and you? Like . . .  as your date?”
Tom was blushing now, steadily avoiding your eyes. “Um. Yes?”
Alarm bells were going off in your brain. If Jess were here she’d be throwing a parade, but you knew there had to be a catch. Out of all the people on campus, why was he asking you?
You opened your mouth to say no, but then he finally glanced up at you. His expression was so earnest and hopeful that you found yourself saying, “Sure.”
“Really? You want to?” he said, like he couldn’t believe it.
You nodded. “Yeah, it sounds fun.”
There was that goofy grin again, lighting up his entire face. “Okay,” he said. “Cool.”
You knew you should be excited, but there was a nervous pit in your stomach that just wouldn’t go away. It was still there when you arrived at Tom’s frat house that Friday. You didn’t recognize the brother at the door on security duty, but he took one look and waved you inside, no questions asked.
You were a little confused; you came by yourself last time too and had to say you knew Harrison. But the brother merely said, “Tom put you on the list.”
The boy in question was in the kitchen, talking to a few of his brothers. He noticed you walk in immediately and his eyes lit up. “Hey! You’re here!” To your surprise he gave you a hug, and you tried not to focus on how good his cologne smelled.
“You look nice,” he said when he pulled away. In an attempt to feel more confident, you’d worn your favorite pair of jeans and a cute top, even allowing Jess to do some hair and makeup magic on you.
“Thank you,” you said. “Um, so do you.” He was just in jeans and a purple flannel, a black baseball cap twisted backwards on his head, but he still managed to make it look effortlessly cool.
“Thanks.” He paused. “I’m, uh, really glad you came.”  
“Me too,” you said quietly. He smiled at you and the knot in your stomach tightened.
Tom barely left your side the entire night. He introduced you to some of his fraternity brothers, whose names you forgot as soon as they said them. A few of them had brought dates too, and while they were all friendly and welcoming, you couldn’t help but feel frumpy and plain standing next to them.
It didn’t help that there were some not-so-friendly girls coming over too. They gave Tom hugs and kisses on the cheek before eyeing you critically. You could practically see the invisible thought bubble forming over their heads each time they looked at you: why is he here with you? You wanted to tell them that you were wondering the same thing.
The longer you thought about it, the worse you felt. It just didn’t make sense. Tom had practically half the campus falling at his feet; why wasn’t he with someone more talented, better looking, charismatic? Why had he picked you? You were so . . . average.
Maybe it was some kind of prank, some kind of fucked-up tradition in his fraternity: find a shy girl, get her to fall in love with you, and then break her heart. That had to be it. There was no other explanation.
“Are you alright?” Tom asked, tearing you from your thoughts. You realized you hadn’t spoken in several minutes, just staring off into space.
You swallowed. “Could we, um, go somewhere quiet? Please?”
He studied your face for a second before he nodded. “Of course.” He put one hand on your back, gently guiding you out of the crowded room and up the stairs. You followed him down the hallway until he stopped at a door with a sign that said TOM & HARRISON.
Oh. This was his room. 
He ushered you in and you noticed he left the door slightly ajar, so you could easily leave if you wanted to. Still, you immediately took a seat at his desk, not wanting to even go near the bed. Tom didn’t seem to mind, falling onto it with a loud thud and a content sigh. Neither of you spoke for a minute. Finally you glanced over at him and saw he was already watching you, a tiny smile on his face.
You couldn’t take it any longer. “Is this, like, a prank or something?”
“This. Like,” you gestured vaguely between the two of you, “all of this. Is it a joke?”
Tom’s smile vanished. He scrambled to sit up, scooting towards the edge of the bed. “What are you talking about? Why would you even think that?”
You shrugged, avoiding his eyes. “I don’t know. I’ve just been trying to figure out why someone like you would be doing all of this with someone like me.”
He looked lost. “Doing what?”
“You know . . . hanging out with me, texting me, inviting me here . . .”
He stared at you for a second before he let out a short, disbelieving laugh. “I mean . . . I like you. I thought that was obvious.”
“But why?” You were frustrated to find you were near tears. “You could have your pick of anyone on this campus. There are so many girls in this house alone right now who are prettier and funnier and more interesting than me. So why . . . why me?”
Tom slowly stood up and came over to where you were sitting, kneeling in front of you. “Because I think you’re pretty and funny and interesting,” he said, looking at you unflinchingly. “None of those other people matter to me. I don’t know why you keep trying to convince yourself that you’re, like . . . not good enough or whatever, but it’s not true.”
You bit your lip as he took your hand. “I’m just . . . not used to this. Usually people tend not to notice me.” 
“I did,” he said simply. “And I really, really like you.”
“I really like you too,” you said quietly. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry,” Tom said gently. “Just trust me, okay? I would never hurt you like that.”
He was being honest. He always had been, but you believed him now. You took a deep breath. “Can I kiss you?”
Tom blinked in surprise before he nodded. You leaned in and kissed him softly; his lips were a little chapped and tasted sweet and sort of fruity, like the juice from his drink. His hands came up to carefully cup your jaw, holding you in place. It made your head dizzy and your knees weak; it was perfect.
It was like a dam broke. Suddenly you couldn’t get enough of him, couldn’t figure out what to do with the happy, fizzy feeling in your stomach. You pulled back a little, pressing kisses to his cheeks and his nose. Tom giggled like the touch made him ticklish and you thought to yourself, You were so silly to deny yourself for so long, to think you didn’t deserve this.
You knew better now. You knew you did.
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wandering-travesty · 3 years
Off To The Races
 Zeke’s life wasn’t supposed to be like this. His father would have a spontaneous brain aneurism if he saw the daily goings on of the younger Yeager’s household on his days off. Horrid amounts of smoking outside, snow or shine, day-drinking without a second thought, and lonely, not by choice. He had honest-to-god tried to live the life his father wanted for him. He married a woman straight out of law school and knocked her up a few months after. They raised that kid for a year then repeated the process. They lived, laughed, and loved for a few years, then, as a surprise to no one, the divorce came along. His wife had run off with a lump sum of money and started a new life out of state. He got left with two kids, substance abuse issues, and a law firm to run. He was stressed, depressed, and by the holiest powers above, was he horny. 
 Ignoring the horniness for a moment, everything changed when you came around. Every inch of his world brightened, almost like a light at the end of a tunnel. You gave him some form of hope, and reminded him that life wasn’t all doom and gloom. You were still in college, looking for some extra funds to help pay your tuition; a lawyer that doubled as a father of two was the perfect target. You had shown up in your prettiest outfit, almost as if you were showing off for him. Being the kind of man he was, Zeke couldn’t help but hire you. Some sweet, fetching little thing coming up to his decadent doorstep in a tiny little tennis skirt and begging to take care of his kids? That was something he could never turn away. 
 So, you became the official caretaker of Zeke’s little angels. You truly adored looking after them while their, admittedly handsome, father slaved away at his big, important law firm. You rang the doorbell right as the kids were waking up, Zeke greeting you at the door already dressed in one of his repulsively expensive suits. You talked over scones and coffee and made the kids just about anything they wanted. He would leave, and you would get the kids dressed and out the door with ample time to catch the bus. You’d clean the house, make yourself some lunch, play with the family dog. The golden retriever was just another cliche. But you still loved the mutt, especially since every family member loved him, too. You could tell because Zeke had named him after some long-dead baseball player, meaning he would be enamoured with the thing no matter what.  
 It was fun, picking up on little details about Zeke, or Mr. Yeager, as you called him. He loved baseball and would talk about it for hours on end if you let him, and he hated strawberry icecream for some unexplained reason. He was the face of success for his entire life, from being a star pitcher on his little league team back home to captain of the debate team in high school; he had never really failed at anything or gotten robbed of what he wanted. He was a winner in everything he had ever tried. He had mentioned how high-strung his parents were, and how they’d gone through a divorce of their own when he was young. He and his step-brother never got along that well, and had actually turned out to be very different people. His family life was anything but smooth, and he feared his kids would look back on their childhood in the same light. You guessed that’s why tonight was happening. 
 “Alright, I’m entrusting my children, dog, house, and painfully expensive belongings to you for the night.” He was dressed to the nines, hell, the tens. He wore an umber sport coat, mustard turtleneck sweater, a thick black belt, grey slacks, chestnut oxfords, and the most expensive golden watch you had ever seen. His flaxen hair shined perfectly in the low light of the entranceway; it was official: you wanted to fuck him. Rather, you wanted him to fuck you. You wanted him to fuck you stupid and make you squirt all over that pretty watch, and his even prettier face. 
 “I’ve got it covered, Mr. Yeager.” His youngest son wrapped his arms around your legs as the dog rubbed his head into your palm. “Knock ‘er dead!” You gave him your cheesiest smile and thumbs up. He chuckled at you as his eldest son grabbed your free hand. 
 “You’ve got this, Dad!” He cheered, starting to drag you to the living room. 
 “Thank you, Atticus. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He gave a weak smile, turning to leave through the large oak door. It was awful, how badly he wanted to stay there with you and the kids. He wanted to chase Atticus down the hall as the rest of you ran after him, laughing all the way. He wanted to put on some old, boring movie only he wanted to watch and feel your breath on his neck as you fell asleep just after the kids and dog sitting on the floor below you. He wanted to feel your warmth in his bed. He wanted to see what you looked like backed up against a wall. Heaving after an especially passionate kiss. With your legs over your head, screaming his name. The sweat dripping down your face as you came undone beneath him. The little whimpers you’d make as he pulled out of you and cradled you in his arms. He wanted you, not this random woman off of some shitty dating site. He didn’t really want the booze, or the men, or the women, or the money, or the white picket fence, or his father’s approval; he just wanted - no - he needed you. Your game of cat and mouse, seeing which playful “sweetheart” or coy little “Mr. Yeager” would be the one to tip you over the edge of more than friends.  
 “Zeke? That’s you, right?” The tall blonde woman in a sleek black suit walked towards him with an outstretched hand. She could’ve easily been a full foot taller than him. Interesting.
 “Yes. Yelena, correct?” But she wasn’t you. He just wanted to get this night of false wining and dining over with so he could come home to you. You in his big, expensive house. Better yet, his big, expensive bed.
 You sat and watched the clock after the kids went to bed. It ticked and tocked, back and forth, over and over. It had been about an hour since you’d put them down for the night. You couldn’t wait for Zeke to get home for much longer. Butterflies buzzed through your stomach when you heard the doorbell ring.
 “Mr. Yeager?” You opened the door to the sight of your employer with his shirt halfway unbuttoned, glasses falling off his face, and hair an absolute bird’s nest. 
 “Hey, beautiful.” He purred, slumping onto your shoulder, trying and failing to be smooth. “What’s a pretty thing like you doing in my house, huh?” He looked up at you over the rim of his glasses. The way his eyes glimmered a dark shade of teal lit your entire body on fire. Feeling his full weight on top of you only made it spread farther.
 “Babysitting your kids, for starters.” You maneuvered your bodies to have his arm wrapped around your shoulder as you dragged him back into the house. “Apparently I’ll be babysitting you, too.” You mumbled, just then realizing exactly how muscular he was. You sat him down on the leather couch and started to walk to the kitchen to get him a glass of water. You didn’t have much experience with alcohol, but you believed water helped with it somehow.
 “Damn. Loving the view from back here, gorgeous.” He leaned forwards with his elbows on his knees, licking his chapped lips. You jumped at the sudden compliment. You couldn’t remember him being so…dirty before. You walked a little faster than you already were, wanting to get away from him before you made a stupid decision. You poured a tall glass of water, walking back to the couch where Zeke was now lounging, legs spread far enough to leave barely anything to the imagination.  
 “Hey there, doll. Got somethin’ for me?” He giggled, lowering his head from where he had been resting it. His eyes were something to behold, and the deep rooted confidence and downright cockiness behind them only served to make you shiver. You shuffled closer, a bit skittish at the sight of the beast before you. 
 “It’s just water.” You sat down on the table in front of him. “It’s supposed to help with your metabolism, I think.” Your voice was a higher pitch than usual, feeling an odd pressure in your throat every time you spoke.
 “What a smart little thing you are.” He praised. It felt genuine, and you started to feel hotter. You handed him the glass, trying your best to avoid eye contact. He took the glass, and almost as if he had sensed your intentions, took your chin between his fingers and forced you to look into his deep, ocean eyes. He leaned back a bit, giving you a better view of his exposed chest. There was a light layer of golden hair overtop of his expansive chest, and it seemed to trail down the rest of his body. You wanted to find out if that was true. Still holding eye contact with you, he tipped the glass and send the water spilling down his shirt. You knew that wasn’t just drunken clumsiness, but a calculated measure to get in your pants.
 “Whoops.” He said, eyes cold and emotionless as his words. “You better clean that up, sweetheart. We both know I can’t take care of myself in this state.” You moved closer to him, hands unsure of where they were going. You were shaking a bit, and you didn't have a towel on you. You decided the best course of action was to unbutton his shirt the rest of the way. You felt down his chest, gently tugging on his nipples. He let out a soft groan as you continued to feel him up. 
 “You’re gettin’ a little handsy there, baby. You want something from me?” He pet your hair as you moved further down on his chest. You kissed and gave kitten licks, appreciating every inch and curve of his muscular form. You couldn’t get enough of him, try as you might.
 “I fuckin’ knew it.” He pulled you by your hair to force you to look at him.
 “Filthy little harlot.” He squeezed you cheeks, forcing your mouth open. You looked confused until you felt a glob of spit hit your tongue. You swallowed like it was second nature. 
 “You’re just here for my dick, huh?” You continued to kiss and lick down his abdomen, savoring every ounce of him you could; the smell of cinnamon, menthol, and saltwater hit your nose, intoxicating you further and further the more you breathed him in. “I bet it’s all you think about. Especially when those fingers rub that pretty little cunt until you cum all over yourself.” You let out a whine, signifying exactly how right he was.
 “Yeah.” You dragged your tongue up his six-pack, savoring the slightly salty taste. “Think about you every night.” You licked a stripe down the same line you had just gone up. “Only way I can get to sleep.” He smiled the warmest smile you had ever seen him produce. Such a sweet little thing for him, getting off to thoughts of him railing you silly in order to have a good night’s rest. Your submissive, horny mind was so focused on him you couldn’t get to bed without him. You were perfection in human form. Truly a goddess sent from above. He would worship you in the most degrading way possible.
 “I knew you were dirty, I just needed to force you to show me.” He continued to pet your hair like you were some kind of beloved family pet. You felt so small under his touch; so fragile, as if one touch could blow you away forever. You loved the feeling more than life itself. You felt like you could never live without it again. Touching yourself while thinking about him wouldn’t do the trick; not after you had felt the real thing.
 “That’s it, honey, kiss me like you mean it.” He teased, knowing exactly what was running through your head. Sure, he was no master of seduction, but he had bedded plenty before, and he knew exactly how talented he was. He had learned from years of experience; years you hadn’t yet lived. You would learn it all from him. Those little college boys he could smell on you every so often wouldn’t cut it anymore. He was meant for you, and you for him. He knew he already had you trapped, but playing with you was so fun. Poking and prodding and mocking you all while you worshiped him like he had hung the moon in the sky.
 “You love this body, don’t you, slut?” He pulled your hair suddenly, earning a yelp that went straight to his aching cock. “You know, I’ve only been keeping in shape for you. I knew from the moment you saw me that was the main appeal, and lord knows I’d go through hell to keep you around.” That was true. He knew others would settle for mediocrity, but a flawless little angel like you deserved better than mediocre. You needed someone to match your talent, beauty, and wit. He didn’t believe he equaled you in anything but maybe wits, but still, he was good for you. At least, you seemed to think so, considering you were giving tiny kitten licks to the tip of his recently freed dick. The tip was red, swollen, and leaking a sinful amount of precum. You sucked it all up, taking the engorged head between your plush lips. You felt like heaven, but the ache in your pussy felt like hell. You slowly began to go the full length down his cock. Zeke was right: you had messed around with college boys before, but none were as big as him. Your gag reflex wasn’t prepared, causing you to choke and sputter on it. Zeke grinned slyly.
 “Say my name, sweetie.” He wanted to treat you right, but it was so enjoyable to indulge his sadistic side.
 “Mr. Yeager.” You choked out. You knew how much he enjoyed that title; the feeling of authority it brought him made him hard as a rock every time. He groaned in pleasure, sending shivers down your spine. That knocked him off his rhythm for a moment, but he was right back on you the minute he regained some sense of self.
 “The kids are right upstairs, peacefully sleeping, while you choke on my dick like a dumb little slut.” The thought made you feel so dirty. You shifted on the ground, squeezing your thighs together and trying to get some friction. “And you do it so well, baby. I couldn’t ask for better.” He sighed.
 “That’s it, pretty girl, don’t hurt yourself down there.” He slowly pulled you off his cock by your hair. He didn’t want to admit it, and really didn’t show any signs, but you had him on the verge of cumming down your throat. But he didn’t want his precious seed there. Hell no! He wanted you stuffed to the brim and properly bred.
 “I’ve wanted you for so goddamn long, you don’t even know.” The look on tour face was something beyond pleasure or pain. It was a mix of both with a side of...fear? “What, scared of taking something this big, doll?” You shook your head.
 “Don’t worry, daddy’ll get you nice and wet for him.” He slowly came to hover over you, lifting you up and sitting you down on the couch. He spread your legs, undoing the button of your shorts with his long, thick fingers, bringing his mouth to your zipper and pulling it down with his teeth. He pulled them down your legs, bringing his face to your core. You felt hot on his mouth and nose. He licked a wet stripe up your clothed core,
 “God, you taste like honey, sweetie. I’m so fuckin’ lucky.” He pulled your panties to the side, relishing in the sight of your puffy pussy. You were beautiful in the murky yellow light of the room. You folds shimmered with slick and he could see your cunt clench around nothing, so obviously desperate for his dick. That’s right, his dick. Only his. From now on.
 He dove into you, savoring your tangy flavor. Pussy was a taste all its own, each having new, intense, rich tastes he could barely describe. To be perfectly honest, Zeke was a sucker for a wet little cunt in his mouth, and you were the perfect subject. Every suck to your clit, every kiss and lick to your folds, every darting flick of his tongue into your aching little hole; it had you moaning and whimpering like a ditzy little slut. Your mind was hazy with ecstasy.
 “Don’t get too loud now, dollface. Don’t wanna wake the kids now, do you?” His words brought you back to Earth, forcing you to remember you were being eaten out by a father of two. It felt so filthy to know you had been bringing up his kids, acting as a faux wife, and now you were being treated like one, eaten out of your mind and promised a thorough breeding.
 “Not that I don’t believe you would get off on being watched. I bet you love that idea, huh?” You jolted at the words and the sensation of another kiss to your cunt. “It might sound a little sick, but I could invite my brother over, see if he has as good a taste as mine.” He’d be willing to invite Eren over for a test run of…you? You knew they didn’t get along, so it was surprising, but that only turned you on even more. Imaging them fighting over you like hungry wolves on the hunt. They’d ravish you without even thinking. If this was Zeke, held back, on his own, you could only yelp and whimper at what kind of monsters the two of them would be together.
 “Nah, that little shit doesn’t deserve you.” He smirked into your sopping wet core. Eren never appreciated the finer things in life, still to young to understand the joys of pussy eating. No, he was more for the fuck and chuck kind of lifestyle. You deserved better aftercare than a point towards the door. “Some of the guys at my firm, however. Bet they’d turn you out real nice. They’re all just about as big and pent up as me. We could all show you a real good time." That would be about…three, four, even five of him? All fucking you at once with the same vigor and deep seated intensity. You head buzzed at the thought. "You’d like that, wouldn’t you, whore?” You couldn’t keep up with him in this state. You were completely fucked out without even being fucked at all. Before you knew it, you were cumming all over his gorgeous face and beard. He was taken slightly aback, but he licked it all up in five seconds flat. He was a professional.
 “Answer me, doll.” He delivered a harsh slap to your thigh. He enjoyed the ripple it gave and the red mark his hand had left.
 “Yes, Mr. Yeager.” You stuttered out, barely above a whisper. Torturing you would be fun, but not tonight. No, he needed to be thorough with your pleasure and ensure you would never leave his side again. He gave a few light slaps to your slippery pussy, making your thighs shake and mouth move without making a sound.
 “That’s what I fuckin’ thought.” He slowly stood up, giving you a perfect view of the shining god before you. His body was something sculpted by the old masters; a true work of art. Before you could fully appreciate the image of perfection in front of you, he bent down just a bit, pushing your thigs back as far as they could go, squishing your tits under them. He enjoyed the way your pudgier parts stuck out, giving him more parts of you to pinch and suck on as he fucked into you. His was no doubt the biggest cock you’d ever taken, and it wasn’t easy to have inside of you at first. Your walls clamped down on him so tight it was almost painful. But as he slowly pushed in and out, pleasure began to overtake the pain and you started to loosen up just a bit.
 “Just relax, sweetie. Daddy’s got you.” Of course he had a daddy kink. It made perfect sense, as did yours. Hearing him say that in that truly comforting tone made your head spin with pleasure.
"God, you are so fucking tight." He continued to fuck into you at a savage pace, not seeming to care if you screamed or cry, rather relishing in the fact that you were. You were so young and tight and sensitive, it drove him mad. He was sure he could never go a day without your pussy again.
"You fit me like a vice, sweetheart. You trying to milk me dry? Huh?" Your mouth was hanging open, drool spilling out. It gave him ample opportunity to spit in your mouth once again.
"Swallow it you filthy slut." He lightly tapped your face.
"This is exactly how I wanted you." You could barely hear him, blanking out at the intensity of his continuous pounding of your poor little cunt. "Been thinking about this for months."
"Might just knock you up, sweetie. You already take care of my brats so well, what's one more?" You squealed at the thought. He wanted you to have his babies. He wanted you to be his new, permanent play thing to fuck and fill up every night.
"Yeah. I wan' your babies." You slurred your words, inebriated by the feeling of his cock filling your tight little cunt. He gazed down at your fucked out form, finding a sick sense of pleasure in how far gone you were all thanks to him. You moaned far too loud for someone in a house full of kids. You couldn't hold back, he just felt too damn good.
"You gonna cum, little girl?" He had almost a mocking tone when he asked that. You nodded your head, squeezing your eyes shut. He kept up the pace, abusing your g-spot, not letting up for even a second. He set out to make you feel incredible; like the perfect little plaything he knew you to be, and he wasn’t going to let his slightly aged stamina get in the way.
"That's it, you look so pretty, baby. What a good little slut." He looked down at you with heated intensity. "My little slut." He continued his brutal pace almost as if you had never cum at all.
"Oh, 'd you think I'd quit just 'cause you finished? No fuckin' way." You squealed as he continued to thrust inside you, still drunk on the idea of being full of his cum. You wanted him more than you had wanted anything in your life.
"'M gonna make you squirt all over me. Ruin this nice, expensive couch." You were screaming his name at that point, unable to form a thought that wasn't Zeke and his perfect dick.
"Such a fuckin' cocktease all these months. This is what you get for it. Tummy full of my cum." He slowed his pace as he looked into your eyes with the intensity of a man drunk on desire.
"All those times you flipped your skirt up so I could see your cute little panties." He thrusted into you harder than he had before. "All those times you called me Mr. Yeager in that innocent tone that drove me up the wall." He thrusted harder than you had ever thought possible. You felt him hit your cervix. "Every time you acted like you didn't know what you were doing. Like you didn't know what I wanted." He continued to pound into you. You felt so full, so good.
"You're getting tighter, baby. You gonna squirt while daddy fills you up, huh?" His pace was brutal and you were seeing stars.
"That's it, pretty baby, cum all over me. Let me fill you up." He humped into you a few final times before shooting his load into your cunt. You screamed at the feeling of your cum squirting out of you as his cum squirted into you. You were so dizzy and so full. You were happy. You were safe and taken care of and filled to the brim by the man you loved most.
 “Hey.” You saw Zeke’s stunningly handsome face look down at you. His cheeks were flushed, forehead sweaty, sculpted chest heaving. But his eyes were transfixed on you with a look so filled with love and passion it made you feel like you were floating. “How you holding up, princess?” That was a new name…not that you minded. “Didn’t go too rough did I?” He panted in between his gentle words, the main drawback of giving it your all.
 “Actually.” You huffed a bit, just then realizing how difficult it was to talk, or move, or breathe. “Think you coulda’ gone harder.” He chuckled, the same look of complete infatuation lingering in his oceanic eyes.
 “You sure?”
 “I’m tougher than you’d think, old man.” He laughed at you, appreciating how you could still be the sweetest little thing he’d ever met after being pounded half to death.
 “Alright, I’m not even thirty, you little minx.”
 “Calling me a minx isn’t helping your case, Zeke.” His eyes lit up with recognition.
 “First time you’ve called me that, angel.” He smiled like an idiot in love, because he was one.
 “Maybe it’ll be the last, if you keep acting like such an animal around me.” You slapped his shoulder with as much strength as you could muster, which was basically none.
 “Well, if you don’t like the rough treatment, how about I treat you like the perfect angel you are? Treat you to a nice, warm shower and a cuddle session with yours truly. How about that?” He gently rubbed your cheek, taking in how wonderful your afterglow was.
 “Sounds nice.”
 “Alright, let’s go, angel.”
 “Okay, Mr. Yeager.” You giggled at how quickly his face darkened and lips tightened into a frown.
 “Ever the tease, you are.” He carried you to his shower bridal style, no doubt a sign of things to come.
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Love in the 21st - Jay Halstead Fic - Two
"Alright, Halstead, Dawson, Lindsey, you guys breach first, the rest of us will follow behind." Voight instructed receiving nods from everyone as the first three made there way up the metal staircase of the old motel. Just as they reached the top bullets started flying as three men burst out of the room and ran for it round the back of the building, residents screamed and tried to duck to avoid being hit in the crossfire.
"Everyone move out and find them, Platt, you're with me!" Voight yelled through the coms, everyone holding their guns up as they raced to catch the shooters.
Following Voight's lead we made our way to the room that was our original target, I kept my gun up as Voight slowly pushed the door open fully and stepped inside, me right behind him. The rooms were covered in blood, noticing a trail on the floor I motioned over to Voight who nodded and began to follow. The trail led us to a bathroom where the body of a man was laid over the bath tub that was full of blood, but his head was resting on the sink, he'd been decapitated.
"Jesus Christ." I whispered to myself as the rest of the team came in after losing the suspects.
"That's Rev." Jay spoke as he took a closer look at the lone head sitting and watching.
"Get forensics down here, let's head back to base." Voight instructed walking out of the room. I started to follow until I heard what sounded like a sniffle coming from a closet in the hall.
"Hey, anyone checked in here?" I asked raising my gun as I received shakes of the heads from my team. Keeping my gun raised I slowly opened the door only to find a teenager sat in the back corner, looking scared out of his mind. "Hey, it's okay, what are you doing here?" I asked reaching out and watching as he slowly took my hand pulling himself up.
"They just barged in, I ran and hid in here, I could hear him crying man, he was begging for his life." The boy said as he stared at the ground, almost like he was reliving what just happened.
"What's your name kid?" Voight asked coming up besides me.
"D'Anthony, I'm just a runner, I swear!" He said holding his hands up in defense.
"It's gotta be a cartel, beheadings are their thing." Antonio said as he walked over to the three of us.
"Alright, lets head back to base, you're coming too kid." He instructed patting the boy on his shoulder.
As we arrived back at the district Voight and Al took D'Anthony down to an interrogation room and came back up all of half an hour later with the name of a Columbian cartel hitman, Pulpo. That was an hour ago and since then we've got no closer to finding this guy's real name, let alone where he is.
"I gotta go talk to a CI, keep on digging and find me something on this piece of crap. Everything we do stays in-house, you tell me the truth so that I can lie for you." Voights loud voice carries through the bullpen as he walks away without a second look.
"This guy is known as Coop," Voight starts as he slaps another picture up on the board. "My CI says that this guy will know where Pulpo is, lets move out." He says, everyone rushing to the armory to get their gear.
As we approach Coop's place with our guns raised Jay signals that the door has been left open slightly, slowly and quietly making our way inside we clear the house room by room and it's empty, except for the body of man laying in a puddle of his own blood whose head sits on top of the counter lifeless, its own smaller puddle of blood slowly dripping down onto the floor.
"I guess this is Coop." Erin says taking a closer look at the lone head.
"Someone's cleaning house." I thought out loud receiving nods of agreement from my team members.
"Hey Officer Platt, how's it going?" My Aunt's voice makes me jump as I walk past her desk towards the stairs leading to intelligence.
"Hey Sarge, how's it going?" I asked turning and leaning on the front of her desk.
"How's intelligence treating you?" She asked handing a patrolmen a set of keys without looking at them.
"So far so good, well, other than the cartel cutting peoples heads off." I said sarcastically just as the patrolman Kim, that I'd met earlier walked in looking rather pissed.
"Listen, I got a cousin in the morgue downtown, I need you to go and grab me something." Trudy started as she wrote an address down on a slip of paper before siding it over the desk towards Kim. "It's a small gold ring with a diamond, he wears it on his pinky finger of his left hand, get it and bring it to me." She instructed apparently not realising just how weird that sounded.
Kim turned to me looking just as confused as I felt. "I'm sorry Sarge, what?" She asked in disbelief as she looked at the address on the paper.
"The man owes me money, he's not getting out of it just because he died. Now go." She spoke shooing her away, with another odd look between me and Trudy, Kim slowly walked away looking back over her shoulder at me with a raised brow, I shrugged since I didn't have a clue what was going on right now.
"What cousin exactly?" I asked as I looked back at Trudy.
"On my mothers side, you wouldn't have met him, he borrowed four hundred bucks a couple of years ago and I want my money back." She said nonchalantly shrugging and going back to her computer.
"Right." I said slowly nodding. "I'm gunna head back upstairs, we do have a Colombian hitman to catch." I sighed turning and walking up to the hand scanner to buzz myself up to intelligence.
"Be safe!" She called just as I went through the gate.
"You know I will be!" I called back without turning around.
"I pulled Coop's phone records, there's multiple calls to the same number in the last week or so, problem is it's a burner phone and it's gone dead." Jay announced just as I got to my desk.
"Can you find out where the phone came from? There could be security footage of the guy who brought it." I said looking over at Jin, intelligence's resident tech guy, who nodded his head.
"Give me two minutes." He said before disapearring back to his tech cave, as I like to call it, Jay right behind him.
"The phone was brought in a store down on the south side, known territory for the Columbian Cartel." Jay says as he comes back up from the cave.
"Take Platt, go get me a name." Voight nodded before walking back into his office.
"Let's go mini sarge." Jay smiled as he walked past my desk. Narrowing my eyes at him I couldn't hep but laugh slightly, grabbing my coat and following him out.
"Ready?" Jay asks as we got out of the car and started walking to the store that sits on the corner of the street.
"You know I am." I grinned cheekily at him before pushing the door open and walking in. "Hey, we need a name of a guy that came in here just over a week ago and purchased a burner phone." I said getting straight to the point shrugging when Jay raised an eyebrow at me.
"I don't know what you're talking about." The guys said shrugging his shoulders and avoiding eye contact, a lone receipt apparently much more interesting than the two intelligence officers stood in his store.
"Come on man, we know it was brought from this store, so we aren't gunna leave until you give us the name of the guy who brought it." Jay told him motioning between the two of us only receiving a shrug in reply. Alright, we tried talking, let's do it my way.
"Hey Jay, a lot of stores round here get robbed quite often, right?" I asked looking over at him, leaning against the counter casually as the store keeper watched me with caution in his eyes.
"Uh, yeah, almost everyday." He nodded going along with me with a slight confused frown.
"And most stores keep a weapon of some sort behind the checkout right?" I asked him again receiving a nod and a confused look in reply. "I'm assuming you've got something behind there, am I right?" I spoke turning to the shopkeeper this time.
"Um, yes I have a bat, but it's totally legal man, it's only for self defense, I've never even used it." He admitted holding his hands up with wide eyes.
"Can I see it please, Sir?" I asked holding my hand out for the bat. With a sigh and a slight nod he reached down under the checkout and pulled out a wooden baseball bat that, like he had said, didn't look like it had been used.
Nodding my head slightly I held it by the handle tightly and suddenly swung, knocking down a display of sweets that was at the front of his store. Ignoring his yells for me to stop I took another swing, knocking bottles of this and that off of the shelves, he's lucky they were plastic or he would've had quite a problem there.
"You got to stop her man, come on." The guy yelled at Jay who was watching with a slight grin on his face, shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders at the man.
"Give me a name and I'll stop." I told him shrugging while slightly swinging the bat by my legs.
"I don't have a name." He yelled looking between me and Jay, who just raised an eyebrow at me.
"Alrighty then." I shrugged before I swung the bat into his shelves once more, only aiming to knock things off the shelf, not cause any real damage, but he didn't need to know that.
"Fine! Omar! Omar Rojas!" He yelled just as I raised the bat to swing again. "Just stop! Please!" He pleaded.
Nodding his head Jay patted the owner on the back. "See, wasn't so difficult was it?" He asked sarcastically as he stepped over packets and bottles that were littered over the floor to get to the door.
"You might wanna tidy up in here, its a bit of a mess." I smiled sweetly at the man before throwing his bat on the ground and walking out to be met by Jay.
"Hey, don't get me wrong that was real badass, but not exactly by the books." He laughed as we made our way to the car.
"Yeah well, what is it Voight said? Tell him the truth and he'll lie for me?" I asked with a laugh climbing into the car, him following with a laugh of his own.
Hey guys! So, I don't actually know how to creat links and what not on here (I'm on mobile) so I've tagged the series as 'love in the 21st One/Two/Three etc..
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pinkhairedlily · 3 years
Chapter 11 - Student Council President Sakura / Graduation Chapter
Youtube playlist for your reading accompaniment
They held a run-through of the graduation ceremony on the last day of class and technically the last day of the trio’s high school life. Unlike their first general assembly, Uchiha Sasuke was to deliver the graduation speech but not without great sulking from Haruno Sakura who landed a close second despite ranking first in their final exams.
And obviously, not without Sasuke trying to give up his speech privileges by campaigning instead for Sakura.
In the end, all three of them were granted speech slots – one for Sasuke as valedictorian, Sakura as student representative, and Naruto as the school’s first national MVP. It was this debacle that led the three of them to brainstorm in an empty AVR after the dry run.
“Done!” Sakura yelled like the diligent student she was. “Let me look at yours!”
Sasuke presented her a blank paper while saying, “It’s all prepared in my head”, and Naruto showed her his baseball doodles.
“Oh God, you’re all so hopeless.”
Then the electricity suddenly got cut off in the AVR. Sakura expected the boys to screech in surprise and cling to each other, but she only heard silence in the dark. She jumped in her seat when the doors opened with a loud bang, a confetti splash, and the lights coming back to life.
Sasuke and Naruto were still in front of her, holding two bouquets of irises and yellow roses. Behind them were the old and new student council members with other students holding a large banner saying Thank you, Student Council President Sakura!
She started to leave her seat to come to them, but they gestured for her to stay on her seat. In front of the room, the large monitor beeped and showed a compilation of videos.
Sukehiro Aoi, an alumni and currently an intern in an animation studio. “Hello, Ms. Pres. You once asked the body to submit a publication material for an event of the student council, and I sent mine through a dummy email with no expectations of winning. I wasn’t comfortable with the public seeing my art. I was afraid of the unsolicited remarks so sending it anonymously gave me some relief. You chose it however, and you knew how big a credit was to an artist. I was really scared when you were able to hunt me down just by my watermark, but my name in the info blast caught the attention of a school board member and referred me to this animation studio. It was the littlest thing, but you handed me my dream.”
Watanabe Kota was a year below them. He has a small frame, round thick glasses, and battled with face acne. “Ms. Pres! People never had much confidence in my physical appearance, so I don’t know what you saw in me when you asked me to take over the school radio. But here we are – we’re airing daily and we even produce documentaries and radio programs. Thank you for seeing what I didn’t.”
Ito Amanaya, a typical jock in the football team, muscular and came across as intimidating, but he had the gentlest cadence. “I was bullied by the same group that bullied your dynamic duo. When you ran them off, you also saved my life. Thank you, Haruno.”
Kimura Shinze, a classmate in third year, beautiful, popular, and the captain of the cheering squad. “Hope you’re having a great day, Ms. Pres. Remember that time when the class was guessing who were our crushes and I blurted out that it was a girl, you told me thank you for telling us. That was…a big deal to me. Thank you for that gesture.”
Himurata Aoi, president of the koto club. “Sakura, I know you had many people come up and confessed to you so when I did try, I was glad that you didn’t give me a bullshit reason like you’re not into girls. You turned me down because you have someone you already love. I am thankful for your honesty.”
The biology teacher, Takahashi Kande. “Student council, thank you for your mental health program. As a single father to twins, I don’t have the luxury of time to sit in a couch and sort out my issues. To be able to do that in my workplace during breaks is a heaven-sent gift. You saved me and my family. Thank you.”
Many more messages came on, from a classmate she lent spare change to, from a staff she helped clean, from countless students who she wasn’t aware she gave kindness to.
“Why….” She asked breathlessly.
“You’ve been beating yourself lately. We thought you needed some reminding,” Sasuke muttered, under his breath, the bouquet still in his hands. “You left some pretty big footprints, Ms. Pres.
“You might not have noticed,” Naruto jested. “But this is always innate and natural to you, isn’t it?”
“Why did you bother so much?” She was reduced to tears.
“It was Naruto’s idea.”
“Huh? You did all the compiling though!”
“Shut up, it was me,” yelled the current president.
“Thank you, everyone.”
It was a weekend, but Sasuke requested Sakura and Naruto to meet him at the school gates. He only gave the time and place, and he knew well enough that they would be there – no questions asked.
They stood there, minutes earlier than planned, a first but nothing more unusual than homebody Sasuke asking them to go out on a weekend. Sakura wore an oversized rust shirt over a pair of muted cotton blue trousers tied with a brown leather belt and tan fisherman sandals, her long hair kept in one single braid at the back. Naruto probably expected a fancy lunch with his outfit – black silky long sleeves over gray pants and black loafers.
Sasuke, high on impulsive decisions, wore bright colors, a complete departure from his usual neutrals; mustard vest over a deep violet polo, baggy pants, off white converse, and a white fanny pack. “Well, we’re mostly dressed for comfort, except for that idiot beside you.”
“What do you mean dressed for comfort? I borrowed these loafers from my vice-captain and my feet aren’t used to them,” Naruto whined. “Besides, aren’t you taking us out to a five-star meal, Mr. Valedictorian?”
“Wow, what a way to show off.” Sakura pursed her lips in annoyance. “Don’t worry Naruto, I got your next café order.”
“Ah no. It was just something we heard from the grape vine.” Naruto scratched his head and carefully glanced at Sasuke. “Grumpy got his trust fund today.”
In bated breaths, they waited for him to respond with a scowl or a retort, but he just nodded. “Come on, we’ll miss the train.”
They traveled for three stations and disembarked on the fourth, Sasuke sandwiched in between the two, his shoulders pillows again to their heads and yet such burdens were light as cotton. The surfacing emotions since last week were taking hold of him, but he needed to pull through somehow because breaking down while commuting was one thing he did not really see doing.
“Word just got in. The house was turned over this morning,” Itachi told him over the phone.
“Impeccable timing when I’m also moving abroad next week.” Sasuke pulled out his Bleachers vinyl and anticipated another lonesome lull for the night.
“Do you miss the cream puffs?”
“Nothing comes close.”
“Hmm. I’ll pay for the rental fee of your car.”
In Itachi’s defense, while he was an afficionado of escapism, he also knew how to read between the lines. “Watch me get a Mercedes-Benz.”
“I have a good driving playlist.” This only meant math rock, and Sasuke wanted something to scream his lungs too.
“Don’t need one.”
“Treat your friends to dinner, okay? Gotta go.”
“We’re walking?!” Naruto almost limped out of the train. Sasuke took one look at his heels and saw that they were bruised red. He took off his converse and socks and gave them to him.
Sakura whipped out a small first-aid kit and covered the rash on Naruto’s heels. “Hey don’t look at me like that. Brought it just in case we’re going on a day survival tour. A camping would be nice too.”
“Did you scrub your feet, idiot?”
“You think so low of me grumpy. Of course – last week!”
With Naruto now comfortable, the three resumed walking on the unfamiliar residential area. Sasuke gestured for them to enter a bamboo forest on the far side of the main road. Hidden in the shadows of the clumped stalks were a small opening, the growth hampered and ground rid of grasses and weeds; many people have also chosen this shortcut, walked through the forest, did a little nature bathing, and emerged behind the bakery, still there, still standing, still operating.
Sasuke tapped on the large glass window cum counter on the front and bought three sets of cream puffs.
“Oh, it’s you,” the old baker greeted. “You brought your friends over? You always buy one set.”
Sasuke offered her a smile, briefly glancing to his periphery where Sakura was fussing with Naruto’s feet, and nodded as he accepted the paper bag. “It’s on the house, kid.”
“You brought us to stalk someone’s house?” Sakura dug in one paper bag, bit the puff in one bite, and with full mouth, she sighed. “This is heaven.”
“It’s our old family house, before the accident that is.” Sasuke also took out one puff and munched on it, ruminating on the sight before him, a two-story house with an imposing façade, his mom’s climbing hydrangea gone and cut by the new owners, beds of roses and daisies already withered, but the wisteria tree on the vacant lot beside continued to grow and shade what he supposed were the children’s rooms. It was in his third bite that he saw the tomato fruits he planted, alive and full with harvest. “Do you think my parents know?”
Naruto slid an arm across his shoulder and grinned sheepishly. “Then they would be happy ghosts or maybe they would voluntarily move away to give the new owners the opportunity to make it a happy a home like yours.
“What part are you gonna miss?” Sakura asked, halfway through her set of puffs.
“The sight of the wisteria before I sleep and after I wake up, and the sunlight in my parents’ room. My dad liked to make these suncatchers for my mom. The play of light was a good morning greeting, she said.”
“What’s your funniest memory?” Naruto sat on the grass, uncaring for the stains that would taint his good pair of pants.
“It was probably Christmas when I was seven, and Itachi had this big idea to bake a cake, but he swapped the sugar for the salt and we were wondering why it wouldn’t make a custard. Our parents still ate it, saying it was a very salty version of dark chocolate cake.”
“It was a good home,” Sakura patted the space between her and Naruto and Sasuke sat down cross-legged too, dipping his hand on the paper bag with the last cream puff.
“It was a good home,” Sasuke agreed as he bit into the last vestige of his family memory. He was suckling the powdered sugar off his fingers when he realized he was already crying, and the two were downright sobbing on his either side.
Such an embarrassing sight to see; he wondered what would the new owners feel if they looked out their windows this instant and saw three teenagers breaking down on the road across. It was honestly stupid and laughable to a point, considering how funny it was for grief to become lighter when someone else cried with him.
Naruto was sniffling so much that he had to offer his handkerchief to him. “I forgot to tell you guys. Hinata confessed to me during the cultural festival.”
“Oh my god. What did you say?” Sakura took a tissue out of her bag and dabbed her eyes. She flashed an apologetic look to Sasuke who already offered his hanky to Naruto’s fluids.
“Ah, what else? I had to reject her.” Naruto sneezed on Sasuke’s handkerchief again. “I told her I was in love with someone else.” He slyly glanced at his raven-haired friend and pursed his lips which Sakura quickly caught.
“Who is it?”
“Sasuke also likes someone.”
“Shut your mouth, blondie. Point is already moot. Besides, we’ve already been rejected.”
“Who are these people and why don’t I know them?” Sakura genuinely looked offended. “I could have vetted them!”
“Exactly why it was fortunate you didn’t meet them,” Sasuke said as an excuse though he pegged Sakura for not being that naïve. She, thankfully, let it go and gathered their trash. She dropped the bomb as she was brushing the grass blades from her trousers. “My parents are divorcing. Such a travesty not to have them show up on graduation day, and I thought I did a great job.”
The two, ever so sure, held onto her hands in case she was trembling again.
“Let’s get that five-star dinner,” Sasuke suggested, “and we need to rent a Mercedes-Benz.”
Graduation Day
“Let’s welcome to the stage, class valedictorian, Uchiha Sasuke.” Kakashi was the officiating faculty today so she expected difficulty going through the event, but for some reason, he slipped into her mental back burner, no longer taking up room in her active consciousness. That was a good step, she smiled to herself. Her smile became wider as Sasuke got up the stage.
His fans club’s cheers were heard outside the auditorium, and the graduating class chuckled at the quick interruption. He cleared his throat and started his piece.
“Please get it on record that I was coerced to do this speech. Then again, I also had a hand on the turn of events that led me here today, in front of you. And it’s a little too on the nose, but I came to high school with a clear set of goals – have high grades and lead an uninteresting life. I accomplished the first one rather easily, and it’s a good metric for the future that’s upon us right now. Good grades land us good colleges. Good colleges land us good jobs. Good jobs land us good life.
But it’s not the sole benchmark as I have learned lately. You see, my second goal really missed the mark. Good life can also mean good friends, fun experiences, a caring environment, a complete family. If you ticked off each one, then that’s very notable. You have the four-leaf clover, and it’s a rare blessing. I only ticked off three, but that goes without any regret. If you only have one silver lining in your high school memory, then that makes us all the more human. And if there’s none, there is still is still a whole stretch of possibilities we can discover to find one. Thank you for your kind attention.”
Sakura was pretty sure she heard several sniffles across the student body. “The bastard delivered a good speech,” she muttered to herself.
“We would like to welcome our first national MVP, Uzumaki Naruto.”
Outside, the school band played the cheering anthem for his last national games. The cheerleaders also did a routine in tribute to him. That made him well up when he got to the podium.
“Wait oh my god, I’m tearing up so much.”
Sasuke grunted loudly and went back the stage to hand him a handkerchief which Naruto quickly used to wipe his snot.
“Thanks Sasuke. How can Kakashi-sensei let me follow after that rousing speech, and before Sakura too. It’s kinda evil.”
Laughter broke out.
“Well, this one’s a bare minimum. I didn’t have any goals or expectations, unlike genius grumpy over there. I just wanted to live my life like an ordinary boy. Someone said that how you spend your day is how you live your life so I did just that – ate ramen, slept in class because I am a growing kid, and played each arcade game until I won them. I also believe in serendipitous – thanks Sakura for this word, for the spelling and meaning – serendipitous coincidences. I just pitched and batted for former captain Haru one afternoon and now we landed in the national finals. I had loneliness for a friend, but now I’ve got all of you. And you know what else, the magic of working together. We wouldn’t have stepped foot in the nationals if it weren’t for your collective help. When we work towards a common goal, that also gives us common happiness, right? It’s infectious, a bouncing energy that gets thrown around and still makes it one piece. So wherever you will be after this, believe it!”
When Kakashi called her name next, she thought she was deaf, the noise around her collapsed in muted decibels. It took a minute before her fellow classmates shook her and motioned for her to quickly come up the stairs. Her silver-haired teacher looked so concerned in the shadows, but for what it was worth, she was civil and calm enough (at least in the matters concerning him) to nod at him in quiet exchange of assurance.
It was because she saw both of her parents at the side with a bouquet of roses. She struggled with the paper she brought with her although she had it memorized in her head; she even went through it flawlessly for three times last night. Tears blurred the words and the mere shock of the sight of their togetherness disabled her mental function to string coherent thoughts. She also started hyperventilating, her breaths coming faster than what her lungs could pump.
Then she felt Kakashi’s hand on her shoulder, a steady presence, and it reeled her back to reality. He tapped the mic and the feedback echoed. “Ah, Ms. Haruno had some technical issues. Again, let’s welcome former student council president, Sakura.”
Sasuke and Naruto in the front were almost standing, but she flashed them a smile as if to say she was okay now. “Hello, good day to our honorable guests and graduates. I think it’s safe to say that Sasuke and Naruto provided really good words of advice. So I have nothing more to offer, but to share my gratitude. Everyone was saying the student council did a good job in its programs, but it was actually the lot of you who made this possible – from your activity suggestions to participation and feedback. After all, you were the makers of your memories.
Earlier last week, my councilmates and friends reminded me how small actions go a long way – a smile, a wave across the hallway, a short exchange of good morning and see you soon, and I thought, aren’t we all just an accumulation of these small, little things? As such, it was what you think your insignificant moments were that pushed us to deliver you the best. It was the passing comment, the top-of-your-head tips, the interlude stories we hear during lunch breaks that allowed us to give you grand gestures and memories we hoped were worth keeping. And if we could start to use that perspective as well in our lives then maybe the uncertainties of a future wouldn’t be so heavy on us. We will face tomorrow with a lightness in being.
In behalf of the student council, thank you for allowing us to serve you.”
She bowed at a level where her torso was almost aligned at her hips, and she was confused with the lack of reaction. Sakura sighed, mulling over the deficiencies in her speech, but she straightened her back to a sight of a standing ovation and a thundering applause.
Then, she let her tears fall.
“Why would you let Kakashi-sensei take the pic?” Sakura hissed at them.
“Just this one time, Sakura!” Naruto grinned.
“Sakura, you’re out of the frame,” Kakashi remarked. “Okay good. Say cheese.”
In spite of her recent heartbreak with him, she permitted herself to bask in fleeting cordiality. “Cheese.”
“Idiot blondie.”
Kakashi took three more shots and handed the camera to the trio. He almost turned away when Sakura caught his sleeve.
“Just one more,” she said. “With you.”
Sakura shifted to the front, almost kneeling with the camera angled for a selfie, her two friends beside her looking equally annoyed as the other, and Kakashi behind them, his hands on either head, smiling with his deceptively charming beauty mark.
It was the last picture of their high school life.
The three were rushing through the airport crowd fifteen minutes before the immigration closes gates.
“Here!” Sakura slid a folder on the large pocket on Sasuke’s bag. “It includes your passport, your flight details, your valid IDs, your itinerary, and letters from us! Don’t forget our Friday video calls!”
“I can’t see. These tears are bullies,” Naruto said through tears. He was continuously wiping his eyes with his sleeve.
“And If I don’t get on my flight because you made us eat ramen for one last time and the orders took too long, I’m gonna have you cursed by a witch and a shaman!” Sasuke growled. The guards were starting to close the gates when a sobbing Naruto sprinted and basically tackled the guards on the floor.
“Sasuke come on, hurry up!”
“Drink your vitamins! And if you miss cream puffs, I’ll teach you how to make them.” Sakura was trying hard to keep pace with Sasuke’s brisk walking, but she ended up breathless anyway.
The three of them finally reached the immigration entrance, and Naruto was profusely apologizing to the guards for the interruption. Sasuke showed his documents, wheezing as they looked at it. They gave him a thumbs up and opened the gates.
The two were already slumped at the floor, waving without words, and exhausted from the clock race. Sasuke was almost through when he remembered something he forgot. He muttered a quick sorry, ran through the opening, and hugged his two friends.
“I’ll miss you.”
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luvspence · 3 years
prom night
synopsis: you and spence both never got your own prom, maybe this makes up for it
{a/n: i’m projecting a little bit bc i missed my prom, but i hope this isn’t too cheesy}
the east coast was your home
born and raised in dc, school in new york, work in virginia
you wouldn’t have it any different
except for the fact that you lived less than 20 mins outside your childhood home
you loved being able to be close to your family, but it had its downsides
“y/n can you pick up your brother
y/n can you run to the store for me
y/n can you pick up my dry cleaning”
and it was like you were in high school all over again
on one occasion you were at home with your mom and your baby sister, delaney, she was 17, so not much of a baby anymore
“so what’s the hot gos” you said taking a bite out of your gronola bar and looking your sister down
“dont ‘ew’ me”
“well i got asked to the prom yesterday”
your mom nearly dropped her pan
“yes way, is it so hard to believe that someone would like me? i’m not y/n for crying out loud”
you gave her a light punch on the arm
she wasn’t far from wrong though, you were the classic “nerd”
15 years ago when you were in her place, at the exact same high school, you were never asked to prom, you were too busy in math olympiad or physics club to ever want to attend prom
but that was 15 years ago, now you lost the braces and the acne, got 2 degrees, and had a very lovely boyfriend of your own
“it is though, you’re lucky you found spencer, two dorks made for each other” she said taking a sip of her water
“you’re such a bitch”
15 year age gap aside, you were still very much, sisters
“y/n, do you mind chaperoning? that way we don’t have to pay for a ticket” your mom asked
your sister blurted out “oh my god NO”
you were laughing so hard, usually this is the kind of thing you’d pass on, but it torturing your sister was so so so worth it
“okay i’m game, see you prom night”
“spencerrrrrrr” you trailed on as you sat next to spencer on the couch, staring deep into his hazel eyes
“yes my love?”
“do you love meeeeeeee???”
spencer rolled his eyes, he knew this is how you asked him for a favors
“to the moon and back, why??????”
“okay look, my baby sister, delaney, is going to the prom and i’m chaperoning her, and she called me and you dorks so we have to get back at her by embarrassing the hell out of her at her prom”
spencer laughed
“you’re no better than a petty 17 year old”
you rolled your eyes “so can we?”
he looked at you, than his eyes trailed from the calendar to his watch to you again
“of course”
“yes!” you gave him a hug and planted a kiss on his cheek
“i love you so bad spencer reid!” you said as you ran around the apartment
“even more!” he replied
“incoming call from spencer reid”
“hey y/n?”
“yes love?”
“what color dress are you wearing tonight?”
“green, why?”
“no reason...”
he said before he hung up
you laughed to yourself “what a dork”
you continued to brush the mascara on your eyes, getting ready for your very first prom night
you came running down the stairs in a dark green ankle length dress, while spencer waited to pick you up
he was wearing a suit with a matching bow tie to your dress
“that’s why you asked the color! you look dashing by the by”
you said as you leaned over and gave him a cheek staining kiss
“and this” he said as he handed you a beautiful green corsage arrangement
“spencer! for me? this is gorgeous”
you said as you slipped it onto your wrist
“yeah, penelope knows a guy”
“of course she does, and thank you! i can’t believe you’d go through all of this for me on fake prom” you said as he started driving toward your parents house
“hey this prom is not fake at all to me, i’ve never been to prom before”
you shrugged “me neither, i always thought it was dumb anyway”
“this is sort of embarrassing” spencer said scratching his head
“come on spencer it’s just me”
“okay, you know i went to highschool very young, i hadn’t even gone through puberty. i was the smallest guy in the class and that wasn’t purely based on my age. i was scrawny. but i had this grand idea of going to prom with the most beautiful girl. and i’d be all tal and handsome at that point, and i’d walk into that dance and stick it to all my bullies”
“that not embarrassing! i wish i wanted to go to prom like that. i guess i was too pretentious to go, i was an all star intellectual, there was no way i’d show my face at an event like prom”
“yeah, so i guess we both get do overs. and i get to live my prom dream. now i’m tall, and i have a beatiful girl by my side” he said as he smiled at you
“have i ever told you i love you?”
“not enough” he smiled as he pulled into your parents drive way
you got out of your car to wait inside with your sister for her date to arrive
eventually a tall girl with a equally as beautiful corsage in her hand ended up nervously swaying on the front door and she rang the door bell
spencer answered
“h-hi, mr. y/l/n” she said in a nevrous tone
spencer laughed out loud and you went to intervene
“oh my yeah he’s just my boyfriend, hi i’m delaney’s older sister y/n. no need to be nervous, there’s no dad around here. just a lot of siblings, my mom and my boyfriend!” you said as you welcomed her into the house
delaney went to take the corsage from her date, melanie
your mom lined you spencer and your sister and melanie up for what felt like 800 pictures before you finally decided to get into spencers car to the dance
in the car you turned around to the girls
“sooooo, how’d y’all meet”
delaney burried her head into her knees in embarrassment while her date explained
“well she was in my physics class, and it all went from there”
“physics!!! i love physics, is mr. scott still there?”
“yup he’s our teacher”
“sick” you said to yourself, reminiscing about your days in high school
eventually you pulled into your highschool parking lot, hooking arms with spencer as you walked toward then gym
“god does this bring me back”
you said to him
your sister whispered to her date “god she’s so old”
she gave you the stink eye and whispered in your ear
“please get as far away from me as possible”
all you did was nod as you watched the two of them skip into their dance
you looked up at spencer
“god you’re so cute, i wish i had you here in high school”
“i’m sure you had your boys”
“from the physics club? right”
you walked into the fully decorated gym, wandering around from the punch bowl to the photo booth, you and spencer watching the floor of kids dance to their hearts content
“i think i know why i skipped this in highschool”
spencer laughed
“ i would have killed to be in this very position when i was in high school”
you wrapped your arms around his neck and looked him in the eyes
“killed to be in prom in the first place or to be here with me?”
“with your of course”
he said as he met your lips for a kiss
obviously bringing spencer was a bad idea for your sabotage delany plan, because you got way too distracted with spencer by your side
you spent the entire night talking to him, dancing with him to the slow songs, taking funny pictures in the photo booth
high school stuff you guess
eventually when all the kids were slow dancing, you looked up at spencer
“wanna make a break for it?”
he didn’t know what that meant, but if it was with you he’d do it, so he just nodded and followed you outside
you buried your head into his shoulder as you walked around the campus you grew up on, pointing to the points of interest
you pointed to a big oak tree with seat like roots under it
“that’s where we used have physics club meetings”
then you pointed to a hidden patch behind all the bushes
“this is where i traded homework for money”
he just nodded as you told the stories of your high school experience
you pointed to some old looking railings with a tree standing view it
“that’s where i had my first kiss”
“HUH! i thought you said you got no boys, physics club and all”
“yeah you’re right” you said as you settled on one of the bleacher, overlooking the field and the night sky, spencer joining you
your fancy dress hitting the dirt of the baseball field, the cold april night making you shiver, and spencer putting his blazer coat over you
“you’re right, i didn’t get any boys in high school” you sighed as you cuddled into his arm
“my first kiss was with dylan watson, he was mr blue eyes blonde hair, baseball and perfect social status. and you know i was, braces glasses and physics”
he laughed as you continued to tell the story
“but yeah one day he slipped me a note, i figured he just wanted homework. but he said to meet him there after school. so i did, and he confessed tht he loved me, and wanted to be my boyfriend. and of course i said yes. and the he kissed me. it was the best moment of my life up until then. but as soon as he pulled away he yelled ‘you got that?’”
“oh no” spencer said, listening intently
“oh yes, his buddies had be filming, then they put me on plays all around the entire school, showing the video to everyone. so yeah, that’s why i never want to the prom. i guess it might have been bc i was a nerd, but also because i never wanted to show my face to those kids anymore” you said as you sighed
“you know, i had a similar experience where a pretty girl told me the same thing, but instead the entire school stripped me to my underwear and tied me to a pole. it was awful”
“oh my goodness that’s terrible” you said
“well i guess high school bullying makes great profilers?” yoy laughed
“maybe. i think it also develops character well i’m general too. and hey! you got your first kiss out of it”
“yeah, but high school was the worst, i wish i could tell my 17 year old self that it would get better”
“me too” he said
he said as he tucked his chin into your head and looked up at the stars, faint music echoing from the gym and the sound of your cold shakey breath
“y/n, i’m just glad we got to spend our prom night together”
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wonder-kid-pugh · 4 years
The Bet - (Kelley O'Hara x reader) part 3
"Please tell me you didn't"
I scrunch my face and look at the forward, "Hey Chris. I'm good thanks for asking, how are you?" I guess she isn't in the laughing mood as she shakes her head at me, "This is serious Belle. Please tell me you didn't". "I didn't what?" I ask. The forward sighs exasperatedly, "Please tell me you didn't sleep with Kelley". My head snaps to her as I slam my locker shut, "What!"
She tugs on the hoodie I'm wearing, "That's Kelley's hoodie. She always wears that hoodie". I tilt my head at her before looking down at the hoodie and my eyes widen as I see she's in fact right, "Shit. I forgot to give it back to her and I was in a rush this morning that I just grabbed the nearest one". She narrows her eyes at me, "So you did sleep with her?"
"No! I did not sleep with Kelley" I whisper shout at her before calming down a bit, "Look she came over to my house and we ended up hanging out and going for ice-cream. On the way back it was raining and she gave me her hoodie. I must have forgotten to give it back to her. And like I said today I was in a rush and grabbed the closest thing to me on the way out the door".
"How does she know where you live?" Christen asks. I snort, "Guess who's my new neighbor". Her eyes widen, "No way!" I nod with a chuckle, "Way". Christen let's out a breath as she runs her and through her hair, "Look I'm sorry. But I'm really only trying to look out for you. Kelley's one of my best friends but she doesn't have the best track record when it comes to dating and I just don't want to see you get hurt".
I smile at the green eyed girl and hug her, "Thanks Chris. I'm so thankful to have you as my friend". She hugs back, "I'm glad your my friend too B". When I pull back I look at her with a smirk, "Now tell me about your date with Tobin this weekend".
Kelley's Pov
"Are you sure about this Kels?" Tobin asks as I put my books into my bag, "I mean it Kel. Your playing a dangerous game". "You talking about the bet?" I ask. She runs her hand through her hair and let's out a heavy sigh, "This is serious Kelley! This isn't just some girl anymore, this is our teammate". Tobin nods her head down the corridor where I turn and see Christen and Belle both smiling and laughing about something, "Christen is getting really close with her. She will kill you if you play her like every other girl you've ever had".
I keep my eyes on Belle watching her smile and giggle as Christen tells her something, her hands waving all over the place. Her eyes had this certain sparkle in her eyes as she listened to her which made her eyes shine. "It's just a bet Tobin" I say. I shut my locker closed, "Besides" I start, "she'll never know". I look back at her and smile as I see my hoodie she's wearing, "I'll make sure of it".
I walk towards the two but just as I reach her it seems Christen leaves to head to class, the idea of being late is unbearable for the girl. "Hey Beauty" I grin as she chuckles and nods back at me, "Hey Beast". I smirk and look her up and down, "Nice jumper...I could have sworn I've seen it somewhere before though". She blushes slightly and crosses her arms in front of her, "I didn't even realise I brought. I was in a rush this morning and grabbed the closest thing. Do you want it back?"
But I shake my head, "Nah it's fine. It looks better on you anyways..." She licks her lips with a hint of a smile but quickly shakes her head, "What's up so?" I raise an eyebrow at her, "Well I was wondering when I could bring you on our date?" But she furrows her eyesbrows at me, "Did we not go on our date?"
"Funnily enough when I got home I found money in my back pocket that magically got there" I say making her grin with a small smirk. "So because I didn't pay that means it wasn't a real date so that means I still have to take you out for our deal" I smile cheerfully.
She playfully groans throwing her head back, "So if I ask for the money back does that mean we don't have to go on a date?" I shake my head, "Nope! I already spent it so no take backs! We are going on a date". She sighs with a roll of her eyes, "I guess there's worst things...." "Admit it, you love me really" I tease but she rolls her eyes and nudges my shoulder, "Cmon we have class".
"Let's go Beauty"
But as we sit in class my head was anywhere but. All I could think about was the conversation I had with Tobin and I look at the girl beside me furiously writing notes next to me. I knew she hated the reputation attached to me. She never hid that from me she was very vocal about it. So I knew how much it would hurt her if she knew about the bet. Especially after her opening up to me about her family life at home. Something like that you don't just tell to anyone.
The thought of hurting her made me feel a pang in my heart. But I had to shake it off. Everything would be fine. It's no big deal. As long as she never finds out nothing will happen. But who was I trying to convince?
Tobin or myself?
"I don't understand you" she tells me as we sit in her room doing homework and just hanging out really. It's become a daily occurance really. We share a few classes so I usually come over to her house so she can watch Peter while we do homework. Then on the weekends I was just hang out here or we would walk around or do something.
Today though we had the house to ourselves as Peter was at a friend's house and her mom was at work like usual. "What do you mean?"
She sighs and looks at me hard as if she's studying me, "You act different when it's just the two of us like this. Yet when we're at school your all cocky and arrogant and live up to your reputation. But when it's just us your revert back to your dorky goofy self which I can actually tolerate". I scoff, "I would hope you would more than tolerate me if we hang out this much".
She gives me a look, "I'm serious Kelley. Why?" I scrunch my face at her, "Why what?" She groans frustrated throwing her hands up, "Why me? Why do you act different with me? You flirt but you make sure not to cross the line. We constantly hang out but your careful to make sure to keep in line and not do anything I'm not comfortable with. And I'm not the only one who hasn't noticed that you haven't slept with anyone in months. So I'll ask again, why me?"
I bite the inside of my cheek as she stares back at me expectantly. I open my mouth trying to say anything but no words come up. I sigh as I look back at her. Not knowing what to do and in a moment of complete impulse.
I kiss her
But as I realise what I'm doing I immediately pull back and start spluttering out an apology, "Shit! Belle I'm sorry! I shouldn't have-" But I'm cut off my her lips meeting mine. I slowly kiss back. Her hands cup my face as mine trail down her back before finding purchase on her waist pulling her closer to me.
We continue to kiss until I pull back both of us breathing heavy. "Because your different" I answer as she stares back at me, "I don't have to live up to this reputation when I'm with you. When I'm with you I just get to be me and I like you for that. You got to know me without my reputation. Why would I want anyone else when your here?".
"No games?" She asks and I could hear how vulnerable she sounded as I nod, "No games". She nods and cuddles into my side hugging me, "Just....please don't leave". I hug her back and kiss her head, "I won't. I promise". We stay like that just laying with each other.
And it was then I completely forgot about the bet
"So I guess you won the bet" Ash says as we walk to training with Tobin and Allie. I shake my head, "No I didn't". Allie looks at me, "So your saying..." But I nod, "We haven't slept together". Tobin narrows her eyes at me, "What are you playing at O'Hara?"
"I'm not playing at anything! I genuinely like her. I know this started out as a bet" I say but I smile as I start thinking about my girlfriend, "But at some point it stopped being about the bet. I really like her guys". Ash coos, "Awe our little squirrelly has finally grown up!" I roll my eyes at her, "Shove off". "Does she know about the bet?" Allie asks. I bite my lip and shake my head, "No. She doesn't".
"You need to tell her Kel" Tobin says. I frown, "I can't". "Why not?" She asks. I think back to what she told me about her family. If she knew about the bet she would be destroyed and she would never trust me again. I shake my head, "I just can't Tobs". Tobin sighs as we come up to the field, "Look Kels you need to tell her soon before she finds out from someone else. Imagine how much worst she'll feel if she finds out from someone that isn't you. She doesn't deserve that Kelley".
I nod, "She doesn't but if I tell her she'll be hurt anyways and she'll never want to be with me then". "Well shouldn't that be her choice?" Tobin challenges but before I could answer the team spots us. I go over to Belle and wrap my arms around her waist, "Hey Beauty". She giggles and leans back into me, "Hey Beast". "Do you want me to walk home with you and pick up Peter? We can pick up food on the way?" I ask as I rest my chin on her shoulder.
But she shakes her head, "No it's fine. One of Peter's friend's mom is dropping him here and then we'll walk home". "Cool. Still up for movie night?" I ask. "As long as your fine with Disney cause I promised Peter could choose then sure" she laughs. She turns her head to the side so I can peck her lips and I hum, "Sound great".
"How do you do that?" Mal asks. We both look at her confused before she points at us, "You have Kelley whipped. How did you do that?" The team and my girlfriend laugh as I glare at the younger forward, "Shut it before I go and tell a certain baseball player about your crush on him". Belle detaches herself from me and walks over to Mal hugging her, "Don't you dare come at my Mal Pal"
I stare at her shocked, "Your my girlfriend! Your supposed to be on my side!" She just gives me a cheeky grin, "But she's my Mal Pal". Mal grins as she hugs her back, "Yeah!" She sticks out her tongue at me as the rest if the team laugh. "But!" I try but she shakes her head and walks back over to me, "Nope!" "Belle!" I whine but she just mocks me back, "Kelley!" We hold each others stare for a minute before I sigh and cross my arms, "Fine!" She smiles and pecks my lips again quickly.
"Oh my god the power" Sonnet teases but is bonked on the head with a ball that Belle throws, "Hey!" But my girlfriend just shrugs, "Only I can tease Kelley". As Belle starts to mess around with I smile as I watch them.
"She's good for you"
I turn and see Christen coming up beside me and I nod, "Yeah". "I still haven't decided if your good for her" she says. "Chris" I sigh but she shakes her head, "I'm allowed be cautious Kel she's my best friend. I just don't want her to end up like all your other girls. I don't want her left heartbroken after you". "I really like her Chris" I whisper as I watch her and Mal team up against Sonnett and Lindsey. Christen sighs, "Just don't hurt her Kelley she's too pure for that". I smile as Mal and Belle cheer as they're able to knock the two blonde over but quickly stop and run as they start to chase after them, "I'll try". But Christen shakes her head, "You better do more than try O'Hara". But as I open my mouth to protest I'm cut off by a loud shout.
I turn to see the small seven year old running towards me, "Petey!" Once he's close enough he jumps up and I catch him before playfully spinning him around making him giggle. I can see Belle over talking a woman probably one of Peter's friend's parents who agreed to bring him here. "You training?" Peter asks me as I hitch him up on my hip. I smile and nod as I start tickling him, "Yup! Wanna play with me for a bit?" He nods rapidly as I put him back on his feet as I grab a ball and roll it towards him. We pass the ball back and forth for a little while before Belle comes over and joins us, "You being good Pete?" He nods but I grin, "No he isn't! He keeps megging me with the ball!"
Peter grins widely as Belle crouches down beside him and and high fives him, "Good boy". I hold my hand over my heart in mock hurt making them giggle even harder. As Belle picks him us the rest of the team starts to surround us. "Who's this little guy?" Christen smiles as she looks at Peter in Belle's arms. Belle smiles at the team, "Girls this is my little brother Peter. Pete these are my friends that I told you about. The ones I play soccer with". Peter flashes them a toothy smile paired with a small cute wave which makes the youngsters awes.
"He's adorable" Mal squeals making Peter's smile widen even more. "How old is he?" Rose asks and I just look at Peter who counts it out on his finger, "7!" "Wow that's big!" Ali smile as Peter nods. "Why didn't you tell us you had a brother?" Tobin asks. But Belle just shrugs, "Guess it just never came up". "How come he already knows Kelley?" Sonnett asks. But before either of us could answer Peter's face lights up, "Kelley comes over a lot. She does homework with Bells and she plays with me and gets me ice cream. She's Bells best friend!"
But as soon as he says that Christen shakes her head, "Oh hell no". She plucks the seven year old out of Belle's arms and carries him off toward the stands. "Uh Chris? What you doing?" Belle shouts after her. "There's no way in hell your brother is going to like Kelley more than me!" I scoff as the rest of them giggle before following Chris towards the stands leaving me and Belle alone.
"Did they just kidnap my little brother?" Belle asks while I nod, "Yup!" "So what were you and Chris talking about before I came over?" She asks as she tangles her fingers with mine as she interlocks both our hands together. I smile and spread our hands out wide so she comes closer to me, "Just how I'm not good enough for you". She sighs and frowns a bit, "I'm sorry Kels. I'll tell her to lay off". But I shake my head with a tiny smile, "No she's right I'm not good enough for you". Her frown deepens as she watches me but I give her a small smile back, "Your amazing and I know my previous relationships have been less than stellar. But being with you makes me want to be better. So yeah I know I'm not good enough for you".
"But one day I hope I will be"
I was grabbing some books from my locker when I felt arms wrap around my waist. "Well hello" I chuckle. But I'm surprised when I'm grabbed my the shoulder whipped around and pulled into a kiss. But I don't kiss back knowing that Belle isn't usually like this and it doesn't smell like her. And I'm right as I push her off of me instead of seeing my girlfriend I see Reagan.
"What the hell are you doing?" I ask as I wipe my lips on my sleeve. But Reagan just smirks at me. "What's going on here?" Belle asks as she comes up behind me. I put my arm around her, "She just came out of nowhere and kissed me!" But she doesn't back down, "Cmon baby you can drop the act now". I step back away from her as Belle scrunches her face at her in disgust, "What are you even talking about?"
At this point a crowd begins to gather obviously trying to see what's happening. But I can feel my stomach drop as Reagan's smirk only grows as she crosses her arms. "Didn't your girlfriend tell you?" Belle glances at me, "Tell me what?" "That your nothing more than a bet. Do you seriously think that she actually cared about you? The only reason she's dating you is to win a bet" Reagan announces to everyone listening.
And just when I thought things couldn't get any worst, Reagan twists the knife in the worst possible way.
"Why would the biggest player in school want you. Hell not even your dad wants you"
It's a deafening silence as I don't even know what to do. I don't even know how she knew about that. But I can see Belle tense up as she clenches her fists. But just as I think she's about to launch herself at Reagan she instead pushes herself through the crowd. "Belle wait!" I follow her pushing past people. She has a head start on me but I follow her into the locker room. When I enter I see her throw a soccer ball against the lockers her back to me, "Belle?"
"Tell me she's lying" she says. She turns around and I frown as I see tears well up in her eyes. "Tell me it's not true and I'll believe you. Please tell me it's not true" she pleads. For a split second I think about lying to her but I keep my mouth shut knowing that will only make this so much worst and I guess she can tell as she glares at me, "Goddamnit Kelley answer me!" I wanted nothing more to tell her it was all a lie, that she was just sprouting nonsense and we should just forget about it. But I can't lie to her. "It's not what you think" I say barely above a whisper.
She lets out a bitter chuckle as she wipes her hands over her face, "Of course. I should have known". "Please just let me explain" I beg stepping towards her but she whips around on me, "No! You don't get to try and fix this. I don't think there's anything you could say that can fix this".
She glares at me, "Did the team know? Did Chris know?" I'm frazzled as I try to answer, "No-I mean yes but-" She doesn't let me finish as she scoffs, "Oh fucking course. Of course they fucking knew". She runs her hands frustratedly through her hair, "All of you were probably having a big old laugh behind my back right? What did you tell Christen to warn me to make it more of a challenge? Thought it would make the game more interesting? See if I was dumb enough to still go for you even after she warned me about you? How could I be so stupid?"
I shake my head, "No Beauty please it wasn't like that!" "Don't call me that!" She shouts at me. "You don't get to call me that" her voice cracks. "Belle please" I say tears starting to well up in my own eyes. She shakes her head, "I can't believe I was so stupid to actually think you could change. That I could change you. I should have known I wouldn't be enough to change you. I never am". She swipes at her face not allowing the tears to fall.
I wanted to scream at her. Yell, shout anything to tell her she was enough. That she was so much more than enough. But I don't know why but it was like I couldn't move. But honestly I don't think it would have mattered at this point. I had broken her trust.
And there was nothing I could do to make her believe a word I'd say
I just stood there not wanting to say anything that could make everything impossibly worst. She just sniffs wiping her nose on her sleeve before crossing her arms around her almost as of she's hugging herself, protecting herself. I have never seen her in a more vulnerable state. I could feel my heart crack as she looked me in the eye showing me her blood shot eyes all red and puffy, "I never want anything to do with you ever again Kelley O'Hara".
Without another word she swiftly leaves the locker room. Carefully not to even brush past me, not wanting to even touch me. I wanted desperately to run after her and tell her everything. I just wanted to run after her and hold her. Reassure her that this was all a misunderstanding and she had everything twisted. I just wanted to tell her she was so much more than enough. I wanted to tell her that I love her. But I knew I couldn't. She was heartbroken.
And it was all because of me
A week
It's had been a week since Reagan told the entire school about the bet. It had been a week since Belle found out. It had been a week since she pretty much broke up with me. It had been a week since I had experienced my first heartbreak. It had been a week since I had last seen Belle. It had been a week since she blocked my number after numerous attempts to call and text her.
It had been a week since she left my hoodie on my front door step
She left school immediately after what happened and hadn't returned to school since. She didn't come to class or training. Everyone on the team tried to reach her especially Christen and the youngsters but no luck. I didn't even see her at her house. I tried going to her house. But the blinds were drawn with no sign of life and when I tried to knock I would get no answer.
But whether she was there or not I don't know but either way no one was answering the door.
When Chris heard what happened she was furious. She practically launched herself at me ready to attack me for hurting her best friend and I pretty much let her but the rest of the team pulled her back off me before she could do any real damage not accounting the bruise I had my back from when she shoved me into the lockers.
Everyone could tell things were different. The team was falling apart. The dressing room was buzzing with talk or life as it usually was. The youngsters weren't joking or laughing as they use to. The team didn't play the same. We could barely string a series of passes together. There was a big massive hole missing in the midfield that was missing someone to call for passes and to slot if through for the forwards. There was no one praising the youngsters for a good practice. There was no one lift team spirits.
But just when I thought things couldn't get worst, they did.
After another dreadful practice we all dragged ourselves into the locker room only to notice something had changed. The locker across from mine was cracked open. In-between Mal and Rose's locker everything was bare. I slowly open the door only to find everything had been emptied out. The locker that was full before training had been cleaned out and stripped bare. The locker that always had extra prewrap incase her teammates needed any. The locker that always kept a speaker in case we wanted to lift team spirits and let loose before a match or a particularly hard training session was now gone. Even the sticker on the front of her locker had been ripped off but not entirely only leaving behind her number.
Actually that wasn't true. As I reach inside left folded neatly in her locker was her jersey along with her key to the dressing room and locker. Which could only mean one thing.
Belle had come and cleaned out her locker while we were training and she had no intention of coming back.
I trace my hand over her number looking down at it sadly before I hear a locker slam. I barely get to turn around when Christen pushes me back against the locker. The whole room is shocked as they have never seen Christen like this as she holds me against the locker glaring at me furiously. "Chris!" Tobin breathes out as she moves up behind her but Christen ignored her. "This is all your fault O'Hara!" She growls at me, "you promised me you wouldn't hurt her and you did it in the worst possible way". She looks at me hard as if debating what to do next but thankfully she releases her grip on me. But she still glares at me, "Just when I don't think you could get any lower, if usual Kelley fashion you prove me wrong".
She doesn't even wait to get changed as instead she snatches her bag from her locker and leaves but not before hitting my shoulder on the way out. Everyone looked at me to see what I would do. All of them probably expecting me to do something. But I can't find it in me. As instead I as well grab my bag and walk out of the locker room in defeat to start the long walk home. As I'm walking home though I pass the park that I brought Belle and Peter to for the first time. The place we would come so often so Peter could play or even for us to mess around with a ball together. I change my course to park myself at the bench where we had our first real conversation and I just sit there wishing I could turn back time to that moment.
I don't know how long I'm sitting there before someone sits beside me. I turn hoping to see her but my shoulder slump slightly as I see it's only Becky. We just sit there for a while before I sigh, "Why don't you hate me?" She just looks at me with a small smile, "Now why would you think I hate you?" I shrug stretching out my legs in front of me, "Well I wouldn't be surprised. I single handedly destroyed the team. Christen hates me, the youngsters don't know how to act around me, Chris and Ali lost it when they found out Tobin and Ash knew about the bet. I didn't only ruin my own relationship, I dragged their relationships into it as well. The team has never been so divided. So I wouldn't be surprised if you did hate me".
Becky shakes her head at me, "I don't hate you Kel". I look at her as she looks at me sympathetically, "It may have started as a bet but I could see how much you cared about her. Everyone could and I think that's why everyone was so upset. Because they genuinely thought you were done with everything and everyone else. That you were happy with Belle. And then when everything went down they didn't know which side to take". She sighs as she leans back, "I don't know if you remember but before we met Belle. When we first heard about the new student coming I told you I didn't like your lifestyle per say and I told you one day it would come back and bite you in the ass and you would regret it later".
I scoff, "Are you really going to tell me "I told you so" right now?" She snorts but shakes her head with a smile, "Maybe later but right now no". She looks at me seriously, "Look you can't change the past. But that doesn't mean you can't do anything right now. If you really care about her, show her she was so much more than a bet. Show her that you love her". I bite my lip as I look down at me shoes kicking a lonely stone on the ground, "Do you really think I could fix everything?" She shrugs as she gets up from the bench, "You don't know until you try". But she gives me a smile.
"But the Kelley O'Hara, since when do you give up on something you believe in?"
I stare at the door in front of me. I bite my lip as I rock back and forth on the balls of my feet as I try to talk myself into knocking on the door. I knew it shouldn't be this hard. I been here so many times that I didn't usually have to wait for someone to answer the door usually just use to walking in. I had been acting like I haven't been here for everyday for the past week waiting outside her house hoping to catch a glimpse of the girl I've fallen for. Wait to pounce at the chance to talk to her. But I knew fear was hold me back this time. This time I knew I had to make it up to her and the overlying fear that she would completely reject me wanting nothing to do with me after everything that's happened which would be understandable.
Letting out a heavy sigh I quickly knock on the door before the fear overwhelmed me entirely. I prayed that this time it would be different. That someone would open the door. That I would at least have the chance to explain. "Beaut-" I start but I catch myself and correct myself, "Belle? Can you please open the door? Can I please just explain?" As usual there was no reply. "Please just....open the door. Please take one more chance on me" I beg through the door. I wait for a second hoping for any sign of life.
But still no one opens the door
I sigh and run my hand through my hair as I turn about to walk back to my house when I hear the small click of the door opening. I whip around but tilt my head when it's not the person I expected to see, "Petey?" He waves at me happily. But he quickly stops as he sneezes into his elbow and pulls a blanket tighter around him. I frown as I see him sniffle with the tip of his nose bright red.   I open my mouth to say something to him but I'm cut off by a shout, "Peter! What have I told you about opening the door to strangers?"
But she stops once she sees me. I lick my lips as I look at her for the first time in over a week. She isn't smiling like she use to. It's more like how she was when we first met. Not smiling but not frowning so I guess that's something. Peter now frowns, "But it's not a stranger. It's Kelley!" "Might as well be a stranger" she mutters harshly making me wince and Peter looks at her confused. But she quickly shrugs it off as she ignores me and kneels down in front of Peter as she fixes the blanket around him and puts her hand to his forehead, "I told you, you should be in bed". He sniffles again, "I know but I wanted cuddles and then I heard Kelley at the door".
She sighs and glance at me before picking the small boy up on her hip, "Let's get you back to bed little man". He looks at me before looking back at his sister, "Can Kelley read me a story?" She sighs as Peter lays the puppy dog eyes on thick but I quickly step in, "I-I don't mind". She barely looks at me out of the corner of her eye but sighs, "Fine". Peter cheers while I smile slightly as Belle quickly waves me into the house. Belle carries him up to his room as I follow behind them. She tucks him into the bed before she turns to me, "I'm going to go get his medicine". I barely have time to nod before she leaves. I sigh but shake it off before turning to Peter with a smile, "Okay what book are we reading?" He hands me a book from beside his bed and I start reading. As I'm reading I can see how he's not really listening, "Hey what's wrong?"
He plays with his fingers, "Is Bells okay?" I frown as he looks at me, "She's seems sad and she doesn't smile as much". He lets out a small whimper, "She was crying one day in her room. Was it because of me? Did I do something wrong?"
My heart broke as looked down at the boy how was worried about his sister. And what was worst was he somehow thought it was his fault for something I did. "No you didn't do anything Petey". His eyes drooped as he leans back into the bed, "Is she going to be okay?" I just hum and nod as I watch him start to nod off, "I hope so". Barely a minute or two later he was out like a light. I brush some hair out of his eyes before I bring the blanket up over him. Belle then walks in with the medicine but stopped when she saw Peter asleep. She leaves the medicine on the desk, "Come on let's just let him sleep".
I nod as we leave and head downstairs letting the kid sleep. She goes back down to the kitchen and I follow her not really knowing what to do. I just stand at the door awkwardly as she moves around the kitchen obviously trying to keep busy. She starts bring dirty dishes to the sink stacking them with small clinks filling the silence. I hated it to be honest. I had practiced endlessly what I was going to say to her but now my mind just went blank at the sight of her.
I mean what do you say to the girl who thinks completely destroyed your trust?
But it seems like while I was about to go into a mental downward she was the one to break the silence, "You need to stop talking to doors". Getting myself out of my thoughts I scrunch my face at her confused, "What?" She sighs and turns and leans against the counter with a hint of a smile, "People are going to start talking if they keep seeing you talking to a closed door". I let out a small breath as it feels like all the air was knocked out of my lungs. The entire time I thought she was listening she was, "You heard me?"
She scoffs, "Of course I heard you. You kept showing up outside my door and just started talking to a closed door. That's not something you can ignore". I knew I shouldn't but against my better judgement I can't stop myself before it comes out if my mouth, "Why didn't you open the door?" Any sense of a smile disappears as she narrows her eyes and crosses her arms at me, "Oh yeah cause I was definitely going to open the door to the girl who played with my heart. Why not give her another crack at fucking me over?"
"Belle" I sigh but she shakes her head, "It's hard enough trying to explain to Peter why your not around anymore? I just can't anymore Kelley". "Please just let me explain Belle" I beg with tears starting to well up in my eyes, "I know you think you know everything but you don't know the full picture. Just let me tell you everything and then if you still want me gone....I'll go".
She pursues her lips while I look at her pleadingly until she eventually relents, "Okay". I let out a huge sigh of relief and I try to step towards her but she immediately steps back making me falter again. But I push it aside and take a deep breath before I start explaining, "Look I won't deny it that it did start out as a bet". I can see her glare at me hard so I keep going, "But! That was before I got to know you. Before I even knew you were on the team or even before Peter. So yeah it started out as a bet but it became so much more. The more we hung out the happier you make me. I enjoyed being with you. The happiest part of my day would always be coming over and doing homework with you or even playing with Peter. I guess I ended up liking you more than I planned".
She scoffs but I can see the small hint of a smile making me smile before I sigh as I run my hand through my hair, "I don't know exactly when but I didn't care about the bet. All I cared was being around you. I knew you would never go for me so I thought I would be happy with just being your friend". I smile as I play with my fingers, "But then we got together and I couldn't have been happier. And for a brief while I forgot about the bet". I look straight into her eyes hoping to show her how genuine I am, "When everything settled I knew I had to tell you. I should have told you....but I got scared. I was scared that you would want nothing to do with me once you knew. I was scared to lose you..."
"Well how did that work out for you?" She bites back which makes me physically flinch. "I know I should have told you..." I start but Belle scoffs, "Yeah you should have". She lets out a frustrated sigh, "You know what's the wrong thing about all this?" I could see her crumble slightly as her shoulders slump the tiniest bit and slight tremble in her bottom lip.
"The worst part was I didn't even hear it from you"
I suck in a short breath and bite the inside of my cheek as she keeps going, "I knew I shouldn't have gone anywhere near you. Everyone knew who you were and I had been warned so many times. But I couldn't help it. That day when you brought Peter and me for ice cream and how you were more worried about us than yourself I knew there was a side of you that everyone else didn't see. I got to see the two sides of you. The you at school and the softer side of you with Peter and I. Now I don't know whether any of it was real or not..."
I immediately shake my head and step towards her taking her hands in mine, "Everything was a hundred percent real. I have never lied to you. There wasn't a minute that wasn't real between us. Every minute, every hour, every second it all was all a hundred percent true". I rubbed my thumb over her knuckles as I nudges my forehead against her own. She let out a breath which fanned against my face making me shiver slightly. I look into the bright blue eyes than I missed so much, "I lo-"
But she's quickly to cut me off shaking her head, "Don't. Please don't. I don't think I could take anymore, it's hurts too much". I slowly pick my head up spreading around her face. Peppering her face with feather light kisses on her cheeks, her jaw, her temples, her forehead before finishing on her nose which makes her smile lightly. "I love you Belle Rose. You are the only person who has ever made me feel this way. There is no one on this entire planet who could make me feel the way you do and that terrifies me. But I'm totally unapologetically in love with you".
Tears start to slowly slip down her cheeks as I gently wipe them away with the pad of my thumb. "I don't want to be hurt again" her voice cracks. "I promise I will do everything possible to make it up to you. Just please give me the chance to". She studies for me for a second before she barely inclines her head. I can't stop the smile on my face as I lean in closer to her, "Can I kiss you?" She lets out a soft laugh, "Wow eagar much Beasty".
All I can do is laugh before I lean up on my tip toes and kiss her with all I have before pulling away.
"Always for you Beauty"
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prettyboyjackhughes · 4 years
-Maybe it wasn’t meant to be- |J. Hughes| [Part 2]
Jack lay in bed, by himself, for the first time in weeks. They had won last night in a shootout, Jack having the winning goal and winning the series. But it still didn’t feel like enough. He still felt empty. Whether it was because he didn’t have her or because he knew she didn’t care or love him anymore, he wasn’t sure. The fact that he still blamed this feeling on Charlie made him sick to his stomach. He rolled over, grabbing his phone off the bedside table and ignoring the 3 text messages from Mallory, the model he had been hooking up with. He had a few texts from family, telling him congrats on the series win. But the one text he was most concerned about was from Alex. Jack had seen the news about Alex’s trade and had been meaning to text him but with all his “extracurricular activities”, he had forgotten and never texted him. So seeing Alex’s name in his phone brought a smirk to Jack’s face.
Alex-I just got done talking to Charlie
Alex-What the hell did you do to her
Jack’s stomach dropped again. He sat up in bed, his sore muscles complaining. Alex had gotten traded to Colorado, meaning Charlie was in Colorado. With Alex. Jack didn’t even think twice and pressed the call button. It rang a few times then Alex’s voice broke through the silence.
“What the hell are you talking about, Turcs?” Jack says, trying not to snap at Alex.
“I guess you got my text huh?” Alex says. Jack shifts, crossing his arm over his chest and grabbing onto his shoulder.
“Obviously now please explain to me what the hell you’re talking about. Charlie is in Colorado?” Jack’s chest tightens as he says her name for the first time in 3 years.
“She’s in Colorado. Tell me what you did to her.” Jack swallowed hard and let his head fall back against the headboard of his bed.
“I messed up Turcs. I made her feel like she wasn’t enough and that I didn’t want her. I was confused and wasn’t sure that I wanted to keep all the promises I made to her. I wasn’t sure that what we had was love, I mean we were only 18. But I look back now and I know, she’s the only one I can ever love like that. She’s the only one. But it’s too late.” Jack’s stomach churned. Alex was silent on the other end of the phone.
“So you’re telling me, you gave her up? And since she didn’t want to get hurt, she left? She ran away from you, Jack.” Jack’s head dropped.
“I know. And I shouldn’t be holding on to her after this long. She’s probably forgotten about me and moved on. I wouldn’t blame her if she did. I deserve that.” Jack said, running a hand through his hair.
“Jack, you made her drop all of us. She shut everyone out of her life that reminded her of you. The last time I had talked to her was 3 years ago! None of knew what happened and then you started to spiral. We had all figured you guys had broken up when she disappeared. I mean, come on man. This wasn’t just about you.” Alex’s words played in his head over and over again.
“So what are you saying? Do I try and reach out? Should I text her?” Jack asks.
“I didn’t say that. It’s been 3 years. She told you not to come after her, which was a stupid move you idiot. I’ve watched enough romance movies with Madi to know that when a girl says that, the guy is supposed to go after them.” Jack smiles a little, thinking about all the nights Jack, Alex, Charlie and Madi, Charlie’s best friend, would spend in the basement of his parents’ house back in Plymouth when he and Alex were in the NDTP, watching every movie from The Notebook to Miracle. It seemed like a lifetime ago.
“I was a stupid kid then. If I had the chance to go back, you know I would go after her.” Alex moves the phone to his other ear and clears his throat.
“Jack, I think you need to think this through before you do anything. I’m going over to Charlie’s later. I might try and get her to talk about all of this. I know she talked to Madi about it at the beginning but with Madi being in Germany for the last year and a half, they haven’t talked much. Who knows, she may just shut down if I even mention your name.” Jack nods, agreeing with Alex. It had taken him 3 years to even say her name. When she had first left, Jack had gone back home for a week. It had worked out that the team had a 3 game series against Detroit. He had sat in his childhood room, looking at the pictures on his walls. Most of them had her in them. They had been friends since they were kids. He had fallen for her the day she had looked at him, rolled her eyes and bet him 3 dollars and a piece of gum that he wouldn’t eat the sucker they had found stuck to the pavement in the cul-de-sac. That had happened when they were 11. She had been his neighbor, 3 houses away from his on the cul-de-sac, since he was born. Their families became friends because of the two of them. Charlie’s older brother went to college at the University of Michigan with Quinn, actually finishing his degree, unlike Quinn who ended up going to the NHL. Charlie’s younger brother played hockey with Luke for a couple seasons before deciding he liked baseball better. Every memory he had, she was apart of. Every birthday party since he was 7, every school dance; every little memory that he had from his childhood and into his NHL start, she was there. He didn’t want to let go of her because he thought it would make all those memories even harder for him. But sitting there, in his childhood bedroom, crying over something he had messed up, his mom had walked into his room. She had sat down on his bed, rubbed his knee and comforted him as best she could. But out of all the things she said, one thing still stuck with him, even now. She had picked up the picture of them from homecoming their freshman year. Homecoming had been about 3 months after Jack had asked Charlie to be his girlfriend.
“I see how you two are there. So happy and definitely in love. You loved her, and she definitely loved you. But honey, sometimes people love someone but it isn’t the right time for them to love each other. It’s just, right person, wrong time.” And that’s what he had held onto. That he and Charlie were just the right person, wrong time. Maybe they’d find each other in the future and things would work out.
“I guess it’s really her move. Not anything I can do. You can talk to her if you want, you don’t have to. I’ll talk to you later, Alex. Thanks for listening and letting me know. See you next time we’re in Denver.” Alex says bye and Jack ends the call. He falls back against the pillows and stares at the ceiling.  
Charlie looked down at the pictures and clothes scattered around her on the floor. The day she had left, she had thrown all of the stuff she had of Jack’s into a box. Every picture, every sweatshirt and t-shirt, every piece of jewelry that he had gotten her since she was 14. At first, she couldn’t even bring herself to look through the box or to even have it anywhere she would see it on a daily basis. But now, she was getting better. The box had moved from the hall closet to the corner of her room. When things got really bad and all she could think about was Jack, she would pull something out of the box, usually one of the sweatshirts or t-shirts, and think back on how things used to be. She knew she still loved Jack but how long could she go on loving him? Did he even remember her? Did he still think of her as much as she thought of him? Honestly, she probably would never know the answers to those questions, which hurt, but there wasn’t anything she could do about it because she wasn’t going to go after someone who had pushed her away all those years ago. He had decided she wasn’t worth it and never came after her. As she sat on the floor, staring at the promise ring he had given her when they were 17, Alex knocked on the door to her apartment. She quickly threw everything in the box and got up, running to open the door. She threw it open and Alex looked up at her from his phone with an amused look on his face.
“Excited to see me?” He says as he walks into the apartment behind her. She shuts the door and locks it behind him.
“Oh hush, Turcs.” She says, rolling her eyes. She and Alex had fallen right back into how they were before, with him constantly teasing her and her taking it but giving it right back.
“So how do you like the new apartment?” Charlie asks, walking in front of Alex who follows her into the living room. He sits on the couch as she collapses on the floor.
“You always liked sitting on the floor better than the couch, you weirdo.” Alex says, nudging her with his foot. She laughs and gets on her phone. Charlie scrolls through instagram, pausing for a second on a picture of Jack from the All-Star game a few weeks ago. Alex watches over her shoulder, trying to decide whether or not to tell her about his call with Jack.
“Hey Char...I talked to Jack before I came here.” He says, tapping on her shoulder. She stiffens for a second then turns to look at Alex.
“You...You talked to Jack. Did you tell him...that you talked to me? That I was here?” She asked, something that looked like fear but was more concern and interest than anything.
“I mentioned I had talked to you and that you were here. We talked about what happened.” She picks at her lip and watches Alex. Alex is being careful with his words, trying not to cause a breakdown.
“As in...why I left? You guys talked about why I left?” Alex nods, moving down to the ground to sit next to her.
“We talked about it. He explained what he thinks he did to cause you to leave. It all makes sense, Char.” Charlie nods, her head staying down.
“I know it makes sense Alex. Why do you think I did it?” She says, pushing her hair back out of her face and looking at him hard.
“It wasn’t the right choice though. I loved him and I knew he wasn’t going to hurt me. Why did I think it was a good idea to let him go? If we’re being honest, I still love him.” Alex’s eyes stay on Charlie, trying hard to hide his slight excitement.
“Charlie, have you ever thought about maybe trying to reach out to him? I mean, you two were friends before everything. You were best friends.” Charlie shakes her head.
“Alex, I can’t. I decided I wasn’t going to go after someone who had pushed me away all those years ago. He had decided I wasn’t worth it and never came after me.” Alex places his hand on her knee gently, distracting her from picking at her fingers.
“Char, you told him not to come after you. If he loved you, you told him not to come after you. So I understand what you were thinking but you wanted him to come after you, didn’t you?” Those words shatter Charlie. She starts to cry and Alex pulls her into a hug.
“All I wanted was for him to come after me. I wanted him to show up in Colorado and take me back home with him. Say I belonged with him, in Jersey. I wanted the whole dramatic movie reuniting. But instead he never came and I stayed in Denver, heartbroken. I don’t understand. I thought he loved me.” She chokes out the words, sobbing into Alex’s shoulder. Alex hugs her to his chest, his heart breaking for his two best friends. 
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rainy-day-gracie · 4 years
America’s Sweetheart 1
This was an idea I had that I couldn’t walk away from, more chapters to come :)
YFN YLN catches the eye of a Dr. Spencer Reid. The only thing is... he has no idea she’s America’s Sweetheart, Oscar winning actress, and a Hollywood phenomenon. Truly a tinsel town tale of love, crime, and gossip.  
I was on a beach. Just some random beach. The waves lapped against the sand, and no one was there but me. 
A storm rolled over the ocean, sheets of rain beating down on me, giant waves crashing against my body. I tried to run, but my feet were sinking into the sand, and saltwater stung my eyes. 
Just as I was about to drown on the water beating down on me, I wake up in my own bed in Washington DC. 
In the few weeks after I had moved to DC, I would give the city a 7 out of 10. It was a good random place to hide from the flashiness of Hollywood, but it was honestly overrated. That was until I met Dr. Spencer Reid. 
I kept my eyes low as I ordered my coffee, pulling my baseball cap down over my face even though it wasn’t very sunny outside. As I went to pay, the barista shook her head. 
“Someone’s already paid for your drink, ma’am.” She pointed to a tall man slouched over a book in a booth, seemingly not paying very much attention to anything else in the coffee shop. 
“Um, thank you anyway,” I said as she handed me my coffee. My feet carried me hesitantly towards the man in the booth, studying him as I approached.
“Um, excuse me?” The man looked up, and my breath almost caught in my throat. Dark brown eyes peered up at me, and soft brown curls made him look extremely youthful. I cleared my throat, trying not to get distracted by his beautiful high cheekbones. This man was gorgeous even with the elevated standards Hollywood had given me. He could be a movie star if he wanted to. “Thanks... for the coffee.”
He looked confused for a moment, then he smiled. “Oh, of course. Um... anything for a lovely lady.”
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, waiting for him to ask for a picture. But he didn’t. He just peered at me, trying to read my face as I tried to read his.
“What’s your name?” I asked, surprising even myself. 
“Spencer. Just... Spencer. What’s yours?”
He was being vague, and I wasn’t completely sure he knew who I was, even though that sounded completely vain. “YFN. Just YFN...” I waited for him to put the pieces together, but he didn’t. Instead he just nodded with a small smile on his face. 
“Well YFN, I hope to see you getting coffee around here more often.”
A strange smile came to my face. “Yeah, I think I will be.” I took a napkin lying on the booth, quickly scribbling my personal number down and tucking it into Spencer’s jacket pocket flirtatiously. “Well… call anytime, I guess.”
The BAU 
Spencer didn’t realize leaving his phone unattended at the BAU was such a risky decision. The team had noticed Spencer’s upbeat mood and buzzing phone the past few weeks. One day, when Spencer left his phone on his desk while he got coffee, JJ glanced over to see who was making the good doctor so happy. 
JJ gasped when she saw the contact name come up on Spencer’s phone, and immediately ran to Garcia’s office. “Penelope!”
“Ah! What- what do you want?” She spun towards JJ in her chair. 
“I think... I think Spencer is going out with YFN YLN.”
Garcia’s jaw dropped. “Like... the YFN YLN? The most renowned young actress in Hollywood right now? The Oscar winner?”
“That’s the one.”
Garcia looked around her office, not totally sure on what to do. “Well, we have to tell him right? Reid doesn’t keep up with the modern day Hollywood stuff, there’s no way he knows who she is.”
JJ nodded. “We need to tell him.”
“Tell who what?” Morgan asked, walking in the room with a stack of files. 
JJ and Garcia looked to each other then back at Morgan. “Spence’s dating YFN YLN.”
Morgan dropped the files on the floor in shock. “Reid? As in pretty boy? Dr. Spencer Reid dating Oscar winner YFN YLN?”
The women nodded, and Morgan just stood there, the files on the floor completely forgotten. 
Later that day, the team was lounging around the office, Spencer smiling at a text he received on his phone. “Hey, Spence?” JJ asked from across the desks. 
“Hmhmm?” Spencer said, not looking up from his phone. 
“Who’re you talking to?”
“This girl I met at a coffee shop… she’s amazing. Beautiful, kind, intelligent...” 
JJ took a deep breath. “YFN YLN?”
Spencer furrowed his eyebrows. “How did you know that?”
“She’s… famous. Like really really famous. Movie star, award winner, America’s sweetheart famous.” JJ broke the news softly, not wanting to raise a big scene. 
Spencer just looked more confused then he was before. 
Reader’s POV
We had met for coffee about five times in the last two weeks, and I learned there was much more to Spencer than a lanky handsome exterior. He was definitely a genius, a doctor three times over, and worked for the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit. I thought I was impressive, but he takes the cake.
But today something was wrong with Spencer. I could see it in the way he fidgeted with his hands more than usual or how he couldn’t seem to meet my eyes for more than two seconds. “Alright, Spencer, what’s wrong?”
He was also a minor technophobe, which probably explained how he didn’t recognize me. 
Spencer seemed startled by my question. “Well, my friend… she saw your name come up on my phone yesterday and told me that you were some kind of celebrity. You told me you worked in the film industry, but the way my friend told it… you’re super famous, like a household name famous.”
My heart sank and I subconsciously pulled my baseball cap lower on my head. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.”
“Is that why you always wear a baseball cap? So you won’t be recognized as easily?” He asked, and I nodded softly while keeping my eyes down on my coffee.
Spencer looked downtrodden. “Then why are you interested in me?”
“Are... are you kidding?” I asked incredulously. Spencer shook his head, and I almost laughed. “I’m interested in you because you don’t have this preconceived opinion about me. You don’t want anything from me. We can just be normal people, I can be a normal person. Do you know how rare that is in my line of work?”
“That sounds... lonely. And stressful, not knowing who to trust.”
An image of my dream came back to me, my feet sinking into the sand and drowning in waves of seawater. “It is. But... I think I can trust you.”
He still looked confused, but a glimmer of a smile appeared in his eyes. “Why are you in DC?”
I rolled my eyes. “To disappear a little while from all the cameras and flashiness of Hollywood. I’m staying in a town house until I have to fly out to wherever my next project is, and who knows when that’s going to be.” 
Spencer looked completely mesmerized. “Tell me more… about Hollywood, movies, award shows, everything. I want to know everything.” His hands touched the tips of my fingers, and he grinned ear to ear. Leave it to Dr. Spencer Reid to want to learn about the ins and outs of shallow Hollywood life. 
I laughed, thinking maybe once in the four years I’ve worked in Hollywood, someone was truly honest with me. 
The rest of the day went by in a blur. Photoshoot across town, meeting with my agent, talking over movie roles I may or may not get. 
My mind kept coming back to Spencer. Spencer with his wild curls and thoughtful brown eyes and astonishing brain. My heart fluttered and I smiled just thinking about him, the impressive doctor with a heart of gold and mind like no other’s. 
My mind and body were completely spent from the long day, and I practically sleepwalked up the steps to my house. I was so tired, I almost missed the gift waiting for me. Flowers were left for me on the front porch, blood red roses with a note tucked inside of the petals.
I wonder if all of your fame and awards will protect you from a knife between the shoulder blades, Miss America's Sweetheart?
Part 2 !!
TAG LIST : @squirrellover1967 @yomama-umbridge @tiktokslut @sknnymnne @pinkdiamond1016 @vixengustin88 @lexshead @briannareneea985 @thatsonezesty13 @april-14-blog @baby-i-am-fireproof @mollyann14 @andiebeaword @oldspirit @rottenearly @cyndagoaway @peculiarinsomniac @ithinkilovetruecrimetoomuch @mjloveskids666 @aberrant-annie @stardream14 @radkryptonitepeanut @sercyan  @deni-gonzalez @matthewreid @emilouu
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
Home Bound (Part 3)
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Summary: Dean has finally moved out with Sam to Lawrence and is beginning to move on for himself when a chance coincidence changes everything for him...
Pairing: Dean x reader
Word Count: 2,100ish
Warnings: language, angst, injury, mention of character death, mourning, supernatural events
A/N: Written entirely in Dean’s POV. Enjoy the final part!
Two Months Later
“Hey,” I said, popping into the kitchen in Lawrence to see Sam and Eileen both eating greasy breakfasts. “Hangover?”
Eileen nodded and squeezed her eyes shut, Sam giving me a careful look. We’d only moved out the week before and he was still watching my every move carefully. 
“A bit. We got plenty of bacon left over,” said Sam.
“Nah. I’m gonna run into town and get some coffee, see if I can find out if any garages or construction crews are hiring,” I said.
“Yeah. I shouldn’t be gone more than a few hours. Want me to pick up anything?” I asked. They shook their heads and I grabbed my keys from the front table. Sam stood up as I put on my jacket and I watched him from down the hall. “Yeah?”
“There’s a garage over on Henderson. Small place. They got an opening,” he said.
“I’ll check it out,” I said. “I’ll be back by lunch.”
Ten minutes later I was parked on a side street and walking along main, hands in my black winter coat Samson had shipped back to me. Sammy had been right on that front. Back when the leviathans were trouncing around with our faces on, his parents had shown him that was the Winchester boy apparently. He said his sister was doing good and he was planning to come out soon to get to know her again. They talked most days and she was staying with her parents, not too terribly far away. He had a sneaking suspicion that she’d snapped and killed the man that took her but the evidence pointed to a home intruder that had hit her on the head and that’s what was causing the memory loss. 
I told him I’d look into it if he wanted but at the moment he was simply happy to have her safe again. And that I was keeping the coat. 
At least I’d convinced him to let me buy him a drink when he did come out for a visit.
I tugged up my collar as a light snow filtered down on the March day and spotted the coffee shop that apparently had the best pie in town. God, I hadn’t had pie in months and I was so looking forward to bringing some home.
It was around nine so the morning rush was gone when I stepped inside, the little bell going off. A few people were eating pastries and sipping on drinks at the tables but there was no line and I walked right up to the counter, taking a look to find something called cinnamon death pie on the menu. Well that was definitely on the list.
“What can I get you?” asked the girl in the baseball cap, her back to me as she wiped up some spilled coffee from the back counter. The voice sounded so familiar and I stared at her, looking her over. She stood and turned around with a smile, my eyes wide. “Coffee? Baked good? It’s all fresh.”
“Y/N?” I said and she smiled again.
“That’s what my name tag says. Wow, you are really attractive,” she said. I kept staring and she shook her head. “I’m sorry, that was...what can I get you?”
“Dean. It’s Dean,” I said. She grabbed an empty cup and jotted down my name at the top, glancing at me. She looked happy and warm and she had no idea who I was. “Um. Black coffee. I’ll take a blueberry and cinnamon death pie to go too.”
“Full pies each?” she asked, marking off the cup.
“Yeah,” I said with a thick swallow.
“The death pie is the bomb. It’s so good on cold wet days like today,” she said. She put in the order and I watched her get my coffee together. Someone brought out two boxed pies in a bag and set it on the front counter. She brought back the coffee and hummed. “Alright. That’ll be fifteen dollars even.”
“Thanks,” I said, handing out the money. I stuffed a fifty in the tip jar and her jaw practically dropped.
“Sir, that’s too much.”
“Take it. Go to school. Buy a house. Go on vacation. Just...be happy,” I said. I grabbed my things and left, ducking out the front door. I skirted around to the alley and leaned against the brick. “Fuck.”
“Dean,” she said. She was standing there in her waist apron and a t shirt, getting soaked and goosebumps covering her arms. 
“Just take the tip,” I said, trying to head down the alley when she caught up and grabbed my arm.
“Before...I thought you knew who I was. You know, the Whiltiston girl that was kidnapped,” she said. 
“What?” I said.
“I know. But...you ever just meet someone and you just have a connection? Some part of you just knows that’s the one? I know I sound nuts but the way you looked at me back there...maybe you understand what I mean,” she said.
Shit. Fucking shit. Exactly what I wanted was right in front me. When I’d finally, finally, just started to have a glimmer of not feeling like crap all the time. My first day out and of course she’s there all happy with a real family and having no idea all the horrible things she’d been through. I’d have to push her away and fast.
“Lady. You’re nuts,” I said. She frowned and bit the inside of her cheek like she did when she was upset and didn’t want anyone to know.
“I know it sounds crazy but you sounded like you knew me or something. I don’t know. I just want to talk to you for five minutes. Please. I don’t remember a lot of stuff so well. I do but there’s all these gaps. It’s like I know you. I don’t but I do. Do you understand?”
Her shirt was soaked through now and she was shaking a bit. I’d have to be mean if I wanted her gone, wanted her to forget the fuck about me.
“No,” I said, stepping up and getting right in her face. “I think you’re crazy. I don’t blame you for whatever it was that you went through but that’s not how the real world is. You’re delusional and you need serious help.”
Her eyes watered a bit and she swallowed.
“I am not crazy. I have head trauma but I am sane. I don’t even show signs of PTSD that’s how little I remember of whatever was done to me. You’re just a cruel person who wants everyone else to be as miserable as you are.”
“Fuck you,” I said. She glared at me and I knew I’d made a mistake. She was still upset but now she was pissed and for Y/N that meant no backing down. “Listen. I-”
She grabbed my collar and kissed me. Hard. After a split second it softened and she moved away, staring at me. I blinked and then she was pounding her fist against my chest.
“What the fuck is wrong with you! You were just gonna leave me here!” she said, hitting me a few times before she was kissing me again. She slid her hand down and rested her head against me, taking deep breaths. “Dean Winchester I could kick your ass right now.”
“You remember?” I asked. She nodded and looked at me. I squeezed her way too tight, hearing the gasp of air escape her as I picked her up. I set her down after a moment, shaking my head at her.
“How…” I said and she smiled.
“You know my evil parents? Apparently the witch that gave them those powers or taught them at least...she put a little curse on them. If they used their powers to harm a child and that child died before them, they’d die not too long after. A few months was all. When my old piece of shit father croaked, I came back very confused. We know that witch, De. Red head. Queen of Hell. We might be friends with her and she always was leery of people hurting kids I guess so Ro had my back I guess. I think she did magic so I wouldn’t say anything on accident to the cops.”
“So you’re okay?” I asked.
“Oh, I’m livid with you for nearly walking away from me but I’ll get over it,” she said. She shivered and I set the bag and coffee down on the ground, taking off my jacket and tugging it over her. “I like your coat.”
“Your brother gave it to me.”
“You know Sunny?” you asked. I cocked my head and she smiled. “Samson? We call him Sunny cause son.”
“Yeah. He picked me up when I woke up in the middle of Colorado. We never did quite figure out why I came back or why there.”
“It’s not a coincidence my brother was the one who happened to find you,” she said.
“No, I don’t think so either.”
“When did you come back?”
“January 8th, about midnight. I had a dislocated shoulder.”
“I dislocated my shoulder that night. I slipped on some ice when I was coming home from a late dinner with my parents. You know it took the fake dad two months to die after I had. January 8th was two months exactly after I came back.”
“You think I came back because you did?”
“I don’t know. Apparently I can still tell you’re my person even with no memories. It’s sounding more likely. We can always ask Rowenna.”
“Yes, dearie,” she said, suddenly beside us both. Y/N jumped into my side and I wrapped my arms around her. “Sorry. If I’d known...I’m a different witch now. You’re both fine. You could have called though Winchester and I would have cleared this up. Also, that smells delicious and I’m taking it.”
She bent down and took the pies before disappearing, Y/N starting to giggle.
“She took my pie!” I said.
“She did kind of bring us both back,” said Y/N. “Come on. I’ll get you some more.”
She grabbed my hand and walked me back inside, ducking behind the counter in the back. Ten minutes later she walked out with three pie boxes, her coat on and mine tucked under her arm.
“I told them I’m not feeling well,” she said, handing me the coat. I put it on and took the bag in one hand, using the other to take her hand. We walked down the street aways until we got back to Baby and she slid in the passenger seat. “There’s forks in the bag too.”
“Come here,” I said as I sat down behind the wheel, setting the bag in the back for the moment. I moved over and pulled her into my lap, brushing off a bit of melting snow from her cheek. “Don’t go away again.”
“You were ready to walk away not ten minutes ago.”
“Because I thought you’d be better off not knowing about everything you’d been through,” I said. She smiled, that soft little smile that always made me feel better.
“Some parts were bad. But it wasn’t all terrible. Some parts were really, really good,” she said. She kissed my cheek and bumped her nose to mine. “I’ll take it all if it means I get to love you again. I don’t want to ever forget that I love you, Dean.”
“Me either,” I said, holding onto her tight. “I don’t know what we’re gonna do now but you’re not going anywhere.”
“Good,” she said. She was quiet, tucking her face in my neck and I smiled for the first time in months. She was happy and safe and mine again. “Want to drive to the park and eat pie in the backseat like we used to on rainy days?”
“Absolutely, sweetheart. That sounds like the best day ever. I’m so happy you came home to me.”
“Me too, Dean. Me too.”
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theunknowncryptid · 4 years
Chapter 26 - Friends
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If you want to read this chapter without the ~dirtyness~ stop at the bolded line.
Taglist: @mygukandonly @cherrys-andnightskies @lovelymultiwrites @chogiyeol-utopia @deolly @agustdpeach @friendly-neighborhood-michelle @igotarmyofarohas @s0228 @illtakeoneofeverything-please @ancailinaerach @mayumioutloud @thefiresfromheaven @l4life @nerdycookiemonster-1222 @lilacsmoon @krissykiwi @taeissoadorable @brinascorpio @tyraparker @yn-dere @karissassirak @in-p1zz4-we-cru5t @mrcleanheichou @kuroiyumi @alhissrasha @tiddieshakeshownu @pink-blink @super-btstrash-posts @complicatedjules @novastarpie @losverslane @hereforaus @400ft @infiredbychogiwa @apurpledheart @xxxanimangxxx @jiminals @i-dumb-bitch @chiquifibaby1208 @sterynlis @scvkjin @yijela @naajix @ephyra1230 @barbikatherine @kelitt
~     ~     ~
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?” Jimin asked, throwing himself down on the couch next to Y/n. “I feel bad leaving you here all by yourself.” 
“You don’t have to babysit me, I’m fine!” Y/n insisted. “It will be nice to have some alone time.” Jimin looked at her doubtfully. Y/n really didn’t want to be alone, but to stop Jimin from going and spending time with his boyfriend would be selfish.
“I just don’t want you to be lonely.” Jimin frowned at her. The corners of Y/n’s mouth twitched up. 
“You’re sweet,” She smiled. “But, get the hell out before I make you.” Y/n shoved Jimin away from her on the couch and rutted herself further into the plush cushions. Jimin laughed lightly as he got up. 
“I might not be back until the morning.” Jimin said, turning towards the door of their shared brick apartment. Y/n nodded.
“Be safe. I love you!” She yelled at his retreating back. Jimin flashed a bright smile over his shoulder before running out into the drizzling rain. Y/n sighed and pushed herself impossibly farther into the couch. She tried to bring her attention back to the tv which played reruns of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, but as it had been for weeks, Y/n could only focus on one thing. She shut her eyes tight as if that would close off her mind to the abusing memories, but thoughts of Jungkook continued to consume her. She missed him. The thoughts made her angry, happy, and sad. It made her feel hated and loved simultaneously. 
“Stop” Y/n murmured to herself. Jungkook couldn’t be a part of her life. At least not romantically. It wasn’t in the cards and the world had made that clear. Thinking about him would only make Y/n lonelier than she (and Jimin) knew she already was. 
~     ~     ~
An hour later, the smell of brewing coffee filled the small, brick kitchen. Y/n stood leaning against the counter, wrapped in a large quilt. She had changed into plaid pajama pants and an oversized, black Ramones t-shirt. Rain poured hard against the window facing the street. Lights blurred behind the water droplets so that low light filtered into the kitchen. Y/n thought about the conversation she had with Jungkook the day before. His reaction after finding out Y/n’s mom died stuck with her. He seemed worried and concerned. Y/n wished her mom was here. Somehow, she would know exactly what to say and do. The silence in the kitchen was almost eerie, but the familiar room comforted Y/n. Looking at the oven, she thought that she should bake some bread for Yoongi and Hoseok.
The loud, sudden noise of knuckles on wood made Y/n gasp and reach for her heart. 
“Geez” Y/n said, shaking her head at herself. Dropping the heavy quilt on the couch, Y/n rushed to the front door. Y/n wasn’t expecting anyone, so it could only be Jimin. “Did you forget your keys?” 
The rest of the sentence died in Y/n’s throat. Standing under the awning, dripping slightly from rain, was Jungkook. 
“Hey,” Jungkook shouted over the rain. He smiled awkwardly. “Can I come in?” He gestured past Y/n into the apartment. Realizing her mouth was hanging open unattractively, Y/n shut it and stepped back to make room. Jungkook came in and shut the door behind him, leaving the apartment uncomfortably quiet. The scent of fresh rain and teakwood cologne surrounded Y/n and she pushed down the urge to take a step closer. Jungkook shrugged off his grey rain jacket, leaving him in a black sweatshirt and blue jeans. He looked down at Y/n and smiled again. Rain collected at the ends of his hair and dripped onto the sweatshirt and the floor. Unfortunately, it reminded Y/n of the last time she had seen Jungkook soaked in rain. The first time her heart broke. 
“What are you doing here?” Y/n asked, thankful her voice was steady.
“After we talked yesterday, I remembered something..” Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck and a light flush covered his cheeks. “I’m sorry I didn’t return it sooner, I didn’t know what it might mean to you..” Jungkook reached inside the pocket of his sweatshirt and pulled out a battered, slightly dirty, blue baseball cap. 
Y/n’s eyes widened as she took the hat in her hands. She opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out. The hat was torn on the brim and on the large, red patch at the front that said Motors Racing Team. It wasn’t cute and people had told her so, but all through high school Y/n had worn the beaten hat. Her mother had even offered to buy her a new hat or several new hats, as long as she stopped wearing the old monstrosity, but Y/n refused. She liked the hat because it belonged to her mom.
“You left it at my house before we broke up in high school and I held onto it.” Jungkook explained. Y/n clutched the hat tightly.
“Thank you,” She said, hoarsely. She couldn’t bring herself to say the words, but the old hat meant the world to her. Y/n hastily wiped at her eyes. “Um, do you want some coffee?”
“Yeah, that would be great.” Jungkook nodded. He followed Y/n into the small apartment and watched silently as she poured two cups of coffee. Y/n handed Jungkook a mug and gestured for him to follow her into the living room. Jungkook sat on the far end of the couch and Y/n curled up on the opposite side. She brought her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them loosely. Y/n sipped at the brown liquid. It was bitter and burned her tongue, but it forced her muscles to relax slightly. 
“Where’s Jimin?” Jungkook asked. He looked at Y/n over his mug. 
“He’s at his boyfriends house tonight.” Y/n answered. Jungkook frowned at her. 
“You’re here all alone?” He asked. Y/n shrugged. Why did everyone think she couldn’t handle being alone? “It’s almost as quiet as my apartment in here.”
“What do you mean?” Y/n laughed. It occurred to her that was the first time she laughed in weeks.
“Well, Jin moved out of our apartment to be with his wife, so it’s always quiet there. I assumed your house would be loud and bright, I guess.” Jungkook explained. Y/n raised her eyebrows as he spoke.
“Is it too dark and scary for you?” She asked. Jungkook let out a barking laugh. 
“No, it’s just quiet.”
“It was quiet when you were here before.”
“Yeah, but it didn’t feel like it,” He said quietly. Y/n didn’t question him. “Do you remember the day your mom caught us making out and she was so mad she banned me from your house for a week?”
Y/n laughed again. “I had to beg her to let you drive me to school.” Jungkook chuckled. The laughter died and the two were left in silence again. 
“I’m really sorry for not being there when she died.” Jungkook said, somberly. He met Y/n’s eyes and she could see true regret and sadness. 
“It’s okay.”
“I wish I would have been.” He said. “I should have been.”
Y/n forced down the lump in her throat. “I know.” Her voice was merely a whisper. Jungkook looked down at his coffee.
“You know, we were always friends above anything else.” He said. “We could still be friends.”
Y/n felt her heart tug. Her whole body wanted to fling herself into Jungkook's arms, but she kept herself under control.
“Yeah, okay.” Y/n said. Jungkook looked up at her in surprise. “We can be friends.”
Y/n thought that the smile on Jungkook’s face could be her own personal sunshine. Y/n tried to force down her own smile. 
“Great.” Jungkook set his cup down on the coffee table and wiped his hands on his jeans. “I should probably get going. It’s late and I have to work in the morning.” He stood from the couch and Y/n followed him to the front door. She turned awkwardly to face Jungkook. Should she hug him goodbye or just let him leave?
“Uh,” Y/n stuck her hand out awkwardly. “I’ll see you later.”
Jungkook scoffed, but shook her hand. “Yeah, see ya.”
He took off running into the rain, trying to reach his car without becoming completely soaked. Y/n shut the door and locked it. She padded over to the kitchen and picked up the discarded hat again. Friends, Y/n thought. She tried to convince herself that she was okay with this. This was enough and Y/n was perfectly happy being just friends with Jungkook. She could ignore the pounding in her chest, the heat of his skin, and the butterflies in her stomach that were trying to force her to the front door. 
“It’s for the best,” She said aloud to herself. “We’re not meant to be together.” 
Even if every piece of her heart told her she wanted to be with Jungkook, there was too much bad history.
But, he made up for the history.
But, the law was expelled. There is no reason to be together.
But, you love him.
I do not love him!
You want to be with him.
“I am talking to myself!” Y/n yelled in frustration. There was no one in the kitchen to tell her she was crazy.
For the second time that night, Y/n jumped at the sound of knocking on the front door. 
“Oh, what now?!” Y/n stomped over to the door and threw it open. Jungkook was soaked to the bone and out of breath. His eyes blazed with determination and he shook his head.
“I can’t be friends with you,” Jungkook said. Y/n made a noise somewhere between a sob and a laugh before Jungkook rushed forward and kissed her. 
Jungkook wrapped his arm around Y/n and pulled her to him completely, slamming the door behind him. Her heart was beating faster than Y/n thought possible. In a second, Y/n’s internal battle was won and Jungkook was holding the trophy. Everything she was belonged to him and, for the life of her, Y/n couldn’t think of a reason not to give it to him. 
She felt her bones melt when Jungkook traced the seam of her lips with his tongue. He pulled back to look at her, and only then did Y/n realize her face and clothing was soaked from the rain on Jungkook’s clothes.
He didn’t say anything. Jungkook just looked at her as if waiting for Y/n to tell him to stop. Y/n lifted her arm from his neck and brushed the wet hair away from Jungkook’s forehead. Jungkook looked at her seriously.
“Come to bed with me.” He said. Y/n’s breath caught in her throat.
Time seemed to stand still. Nothing moved and no one breathed. But, she didn’t need the time. Y/n had decided that everything she could give him, she would. 
“Yes,” Y/n agreed.
Jungkook smiled. Then, he planted a quick kiss to her lips and lifted Y/n up into his arms. Y/n let out a squeal. 
“Hey!” Jungkook laughed and started carrying Y/n down the hallway toward her bedroom. 
“Let me have my old-fashioned ways.” He didn’t bother to turn on any lights, leaving them to walk in darkness. Using his foot to nudge open the bedroom door, Jungkook set Y/n carefully on her feet. Streetlights lit the bedroom in a yellow glow. He looked her up and down with a hungry look. Y/n immediately felt heat pool in her belly.
“Don’t move.” Jungkook demanded. He walked around her, so he was standing at her back. He gathered Y/n’s hair and brushed it over her shoulder. With her neck exposed, Y/n became clearly aware of what she was wearing. Pajama bottoms and a huge t-shirt. She cursed herself.
Jungkook’s hand grabbed her neck and lightly massaged the muscle there. Y/n bit her lip to keep from moaning. A feather light kiss made goosebumps erupt on her skin. 
“Get on the bed.” Jungkook’s voice came out hoarse. Without even thinking, Y/n moved to the bed and sat facing him. Jungkook’s words were demanding, but the way he spoke was like he was begging. He was asking and praying for Y/n to follow his commands. 
She watched Jungkook pull off his sweatshirt, his gaze never leaving her. Then came his t-shirt, jeans and shoes. He left his black boxer-briefs. Y/n clutched at the sheets on the bed. He was full muscle. From what- Y/n had no clue. As far as she knew, the man spent most of his time behind a computer. 
Gracefully, Jungkook walked forward and joined her on the bed. He reached for her shirt and pulled it over her head. Y/n watched his Adam's apple bob at the sight of her bare breasts. Jungkook threw the shirt across the room, onto the floor. 
“Lay down,” Jungkook said in a voice full of lust. Y/n did and Jungkook sat on his knees by her feet. Slowly, he reached, lifted her hips and pulled Y/n’s pajama pants off, leaving her in just panties. 
Y/n watched as Jungkook began to massage her calf and then her thigh, bringing his fingers closer to her core. Just when his massage reached the apex of her thighs, Jungkook removed his hands and switched to the other leg. Y/n scoffed, breaking the silence. Fucking tease.
Jungkook smirked as he massaged up her leg again. The fingers dug into her, relaxing Y/n and sending pleasure straight into her. If this went on much longer she was going to be panting for him. He used his finger to lightly trace the seam of her panties.
“Jungkook,” Y/n moaned in annoyance. He only chuckled in response. Y/n shifted her hips against the bed. “Stop teasing.”
Jungkook looked at her from where he kneeled above her. His eyes trailed over her body as he spoke.
“I’ve been waiting five years for this. Let me take my time.” After a moment, Y/n nodded. Jungkook continued tracing the seam of her panties. 
“You’re so wet, sweetheart.” His thumb stopped directly over her clit. Y/n gasped and arched her back as Jungkook applied the lightest pressure, then pulled his hand away. 
“Jungkook!” She moved to sit up in frustration, but he moved before she did. Jungkook straddled her hips, pinning her to the bed. Y/n could see the large bulge growing in his boxers. 
“Patience.” He growled. He reached and cupped her breasts. Y/n squirmed at the feeling.
“This isn’t fair.” Y/n complained stubbornly. Jungkook smiled at her.
“No, it’s not.” His fingers rolled over her hardened nipples, sending her reeling. Y/n tried to stifle the moan that fled her lips. Without hesitation, Jungkook lowered his mouth and brought one breast into his mouth while his hand continued ministrations on the other. His teeth grazed her, sending a bolt of shock straight to where she needed him most. 
“I know, sweetheart.” He pulled forward and kissed her deeply, proving to her how much he needed and wanted her too. Then, moved down her body, kissing and nipping the skin. Y/n moaned again when he kissed the lace of her panties. 
Moving so slowly that it made Y/n want to scream, Jungkook pulled the lace down and threw it across the room to join the rest of her clothing. Y/n didn’t move. Stupidly, she thought that a sudden movement might scare Jungkook away. Then she felt his shaky breath ghost over her. Y/n focused her gaze to the ceiling. Then, his tongue was on her. 
Her entire body jerked in pleasure and Jungkook reached forward to hold her wrists in his hands. His mouth moved over her, pulling and sucking.
“Jesus, Jungkook.” Y/n gasped. She was close already and he had barely touched her. He moved to lap at her clit and she cried out. “I’m gonna come.”
Jungkook shifted and pushed two fingers inside her. Immediately, her orgasm crashed down on her and her body shook uncontrollably. He worked her through, kissing her gently. 
When she regained her senses and focused her vision, Jungkook was kissing his way back up her body. Y/n pulled him up to her and kissed him gently. 
“Stay with me tonight.” Y/n begged. Her eyes locked on Jungkook’s with force.
“I’m not going anywhere.” he answered, kissing her again. Once again, Y/n felt a hard bulge moving against her thigh.
“I want you. Now.” She demanded. “No more teasing.”
Jungkook shook his head in agreement. “No more teasing.”
Moving back slightly, he slid the black boxers down and discarded them. His cock was aching for her. He laid back so that most of his weight was held off of Y/n, but they were still as close as possible. He placed quick kisses up her neck and to her cheek. Then, using one hand, he lined himself up with her entrance and pushed in. 
“Christ, Y/n” Jungkook moaned, already panting. His maintained, in-control facade was gone and replaced with the true, needy, grunting Jungkook. He gripped the bed sheets tight. He wanted to thrust into her hard and fast, but he was determined to take it slow. He would have this night. Gone was the awkward virgin, fumbling with bra straps. Jungkook was ready to show her everything he wished he could have for years. “You’re so tight.”
“You feel so good.” Y/n moaned. She arched her hips to reach his at every thrust. Her nails carved half moons into Jungkook’s back and he groaned from the sensation.
“I swear, I’m never letting you go.” Jungkook growled. “You’re mine.”
Y/n nodded in ecstasy. She couldn’t form words. Hell, she could barely form a coherent thought. 
Jungkook hooked Y/n’s legs over his hips as he thrust harder into her.
With a guttural scream, Y/n threw her head back. Jungkook tried to hold on and watch every second, but it was too good. He lost control and pounded into her as he followed her over the edge. 
Y/n clung onto him as she came down from her high. Heavy breathing and rain was the only sound. Jungkook rolled on the bed next to Y/n. Gently, he grabbed her chin and tilted her face toward him.
“You’re mine.” He repeated. “Understand?” 
Y/n nodded. “Yours.”
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