#she coule have stayed like that forever and i still would have supported her
fedorah-the-explorah · 8 months
i don't personally think carmen did anything wrong in the final episodes of the series, but since I'm reading a fic where she's getting down on herself for it, i just have to say... i support women's wrongs! carmen was soooo right to beat up several people and then commit attempted murder!!! she looked sexy while doing it too! gray deserved a little zappy zap idc
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lov3nerdstuff · 4 years
Voluptas Noctis Aeternae {Part 7.27}
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*Severus Snape x OC*
Summary: It is the year 1983 when the ordinary life of Robin Mitchell takes a drastic turn: she is accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite the struggles of being a muggle-born in Slytherin, she soon discovers her passion for Potions, and even manages the impossible: gaining the favor of Severus Snape. Throughout the years, Robin finds that the not quite so ordinary Potions Professor goes from being a brooding stranger to being more than she had ever deemed possible. An ally, a mentor, a friend... and eventually, the person she loves the most. Through adventure, prophecies and the little struggles of daily life in a castle full of mysteries, Robin chooses a path for herself, an unlikely friendship blossoms into something more, and two people abandoned by the world can finally find a home.
General warnings: professor x student, blood, violence, trauma, neglectful families, bullying, cursing
Words: 5k
Read Part 1.1 here! All Parts can be found on the Masterlist!
"Never." His voice stayed surprisingly steady even as he moved up the two steps towards the bed and into the growing darkness. "But carefully setting you down should be alright, I presume, because otherwise we would be sitting on that sofa until morning. Again."
Robin nodded into his shoulder, unable to speak without making a fool of herself, and a moment later her back touched the surface of the bed, soft linen sheets grazing the naked skin on her legs so lightly her breathing hitched in return. But when Snape pulled back after putting her down, withdrawing from her grasp way too soon, she couldn't help but refuse to loosen her hold on him in return, refuse to let him leave her, and all it took was a little tug on his shoulders to make him lose his balance and fall forward. A tiny smirk found its way onto Robin's lips in an instant; He really should have seen that coming now, shouldn't he? He'd known Robin long enough to.
And yet a faint gasp escaped his lips as he barely caught himself on his forearms, framing her entire body and keeping her down as he couldn't help staring at her face with that look of startled awe now rawly showing in every of his features. He really hadn't seen it coming… but there was no denying that the surprise had been a pleasant one. A liquid lightning struck Robin's heart again, then roared through her in waves of racing heartbeats. It really was the way he looked at her that said all there was to be told, all focus and overwhelming intensity, and she didn't dare blinking to not lose a single second of what she hoped to be seeing for the rest of forever.
It was only when he started breathing again that her attention was drawn to all the little things that made up their current reality as well. His hair was falling down onto her like a black waterfall, tickling the sides of her face enough to draw another smile to her lips as she raised her hand in a vain attempt to brush it out of his face at least. She liked seeing his features way too much to leave them hidden. Then the way he was supporting his own weight on one knee between her legs, making her wish he wouldn't put so much space between them, but she also couldn't quite mind the way it made her yearn for him all the more. With her hand still caressing the side of his face, she pulled him down to her slowly enough to leave him a choice, but he seemed only too happy to submit to her silent lead, and her smile was claimed by his lips the briefest moment later.
There still was that space between them however, too much, too far, and his warmth drew her in like a moth to the flame in the cold now more than ever. Robin's back arched off the bed as her mind no longer reigned over her body, barely reaching up enough to feel his heartbeat in her chest, chasing her own to new heights and new depths at once. It drew a low moan from him that seemed as involuntary a response as hers had been, while the arm wrapping around her waist at the given opportunity was very much intentional. His hold on her tightened, her fingers dug deeper into his shoulder blades, and everything between space and time ceased to exist as it made way for matters beyond dimensions.
When Robin eventually managed to pry her eyes open, when they had to part to breathe and his arm next to her head started to quiver, she took notice of the darkness around them that had grown to extinct even the last of the fire's golden glow. How long had passed? Without dimensions, more was gained then that time was never lost.
"It must be terribly late…" She breathed, in careful observation of the brushes of silver moonlight that now fell through the window behind them and reflected in the depth of the onyx eyes gazing down at her. If at all, she had only ever known beauty as serene as this in paintings and distant dreams.
"Or terribly early, depending on the perspective." He replied in equal quietness, but with an easy amusement to his tone that had Robin smiling again in an instant. "Are you tired?"
"Very. You?"
"I'm afraid so. I can stay on the sofa, if you wish."
"No you can't." Robin protested in a huff and held onto him even more tightly to put emphasis on her point. "I won't let you as much as consider such an inane thing. Didn't you say once that you sleep better when I'm near you?"
"I did."
"And don't you enjoy being like this? Close to me?"
"I do."
"Then I don't see why you would have to be anywhere but right where you are. Stay here with me."
"I will." His lips quirked up for but a second, as he seemed to be thoroughly amused by her flawless and insistent line of argument. "But you surely can manage a mere five minutes without my presence, can't you? I would hate to sleep in my dress shirt and trousers."
Robin had to snort, then rolled her eyes exaggeratedly up at him in equal teasing sarcasm. "Fine. But I'm counting."
Her words brought a not-smirk to his lips, and she did let him pull back then indeed to go and change. While he moved down the steps and vanished in the bathroom two seconds later, Robin sat up on the bed and took a few deep breaths to realign with reality. Yet nothing changed, she was still sitting on Snape's bed on top of the covers, brushed in fading moonlight and unadulterated happiness. The smile on her lips broadened, purest brightness and comfort, into a grin she couldn't tone down even if she tried. For a moment she looked out the window, looking but not seeing really, until the sound of the door falling shut made her turn around. Now it was rather the opposite; no matter how long she stared through the darkness and observed his movements, all she could see were too few flashes of pale skin as he exchanged the dress shirt for a t-shirt and the trousers for flannels. The smirk was on her lips before her mind even properly thought out the reason for her amusement.
"Any particular reason why you would ogle me like that?" He inquired in feigned scorn, more a tease than a question, but it made Robin chuckle nonetheless.
"Hey, you ogled me plenty tonight. It's only fair, really, that I return the favour now."
"Fair enough."
"Nice choice of sleepwear, by the way. Oddly familiar." She smirked at him while he made his way back towards her at last. "I have always wondered what you wear at night when I'm not around."
"Have you, really?" He raised an eyebrow at her, but couldn't help his amusement as he leaned against one of the bed posts and looked down at her with a smirk. "I never had much left to imagine. But I must admit that I was quite irritated when I first discovered that we prefer the same type of pajamas."
"Is that why you looked so horrified back then?"
"No, I think that was rather due to the saucepan you attacked me with."
"Right…" Robin laughed, shaking her head to herself at the memory. It was both relieving and odd to be laughing now about what probably still was one of the darkest nights of her life. But that was in the past, and the present was now. With a soft sigh, she climbed under the covers at last and couldn't suppress the immediate chattering of her teeth that followed upon the sudden coldness of the fabrics. She laid down nonetheless, on the window side of the bed where she had woken up that one time weeks ago, turned towards the middle and curled into a ball to keep at least some warmth in her body. Snape however merely kept looking down at her with the most enigmatic expression, and she quirked an eyebrow up at him in return. "What?"
"I am dreaming, am I not? And in a moment I will wake up alone and cold like always, and everything will only have been a construct of my imagination and wishful thinking. Like always." He said in an easy yet remorseful sigh, and something about his words made Robin sadder than she could bear right now. In an instant she was in front of him again, up on her knees and with her arms wrapped around his shoulders as tightly as she could. With her entire weight she pulled him down onto the bed with her and he didn't protest, only wrapped his arms around her waist in return so that they lay in a tight embrace of racing hearts and tangled limbs.
"I'm not a dream, and neither are you." She mumbled into the crook of his neck where she kept her face buried in his t-shirt and hair. "I don't think it's possible for a dream to make me feel so passionately and intensely alive. Only you do that, the real you. That's how I know this is real… because dreams could never make me feel the things you do. Perhaps, in a way, you know what I mean."
"I do." He replied in a low drawn out breath, then his hold on her tightened to an almost painful degree for a short moment only. "You are real… as real as I am. You have to be."
"I am." She breathed, a small smile rising back to her lips along with an almost unbearable wave of affection. Perhaps it was the lateness of the hour, the dark of night, or this deep down fear of his she also recognized in herself… but she couldn't help pulling back just enough to lay her head down on the pillow next to his and look at him with every last bit of emotion clearly written out on her face.
"I am real… As is my love for you." Her words were only a whisper, and yet they managed to fill the entire room with the striking intensity of all the universe's greatest answers at once. For a moment he only held her gaze in return, not speaking, not breathing, and Robin almost smiled at the thought that she had once again managed to leave the great Severus Snape entirely speechless. Had he really not known that, after everything that had been tonight and all the years before? Either way, she would say it as many times as it would take for him to believe her, and then as often as he would let her after that. "I love you, Severus. With all the intensity and passion you know me to be capable of."
"Why me? You could have anyone you want." He finally said in words of quiet wonder, words that now came freely from the deepest and most guarded corners of his being. "I do not deserve your passion, nor your love."
"You're the only one who does. The only one I ever wanted to give it to." She returned that kindest of smiles she always had reserved for him, as his words did only serve to make him all the more deserving of all there was for her to give. "It's entirely yours either way. And so am I."
"You are... so much more than anyone could ever deserve, and you deserve far more than I can give you in return." He stated in the most serious sincerity, in admiration but not a spark of doubt. "I know I am not good enough for you, Robin. But I promise to you that I will never stop trying to be."
Silent seconds trickled by, for now it was her who was rendered absolutely speechless, breathless to a haze, unable to do anything but watch the calm sincerity in his eyes light up and dance in relentless flames. He was absolutely serious about every word he said, every single thing he did. He must be, if he made a promise like this in the first place. And he had promised indeed. If this was the everything he was ready to give, it was bigger, better, brighter than any universe could ever be. If Robin was the answer yet unasked for, he was both universe and question. He was already giving her so much more than she thought she could ever have, and yet he was dead set on trying to be better. For her. A shiver ran all over Robin's body while her throat closed up with a lump, but she willed it all away with a rising smile of .
"I thought you don't make promises." She said the first words that came to her mind, and her heart soared when the corner of his lips quirked up in return.
"I do to you." He replied in deepest ease, and even though he did not say more than that, Robin could feel in the back of her mind just how much he loved her in return; how when he said he would never stop trying, he inevitably declared his utmost dedication. She knew, because he wanted her to know. As always, he was saying the most important things without saying a single word at all.
Smiling now to answer just the same, to let him know all there was to know, feel in much the same way he had let her feel, she finally curled up around him once again, and closed her eyes at last with her head resting on his shoulder. This was incredible. And yet this was terrifyingly, beautifully real. A soft sigh escaped her lips, a drawing of breath and life to start. "Who needs dreams when one can have a reality like this."
"Who needs reality when one can have you."
"Smooth, even for you." She chuckled softly, then hummed when he started drawing small circles on her back again. It lured her closer into sleep's warm haze within seconds, but perhaps it simply was the closeness, or him. Incredible, terrifyingly beautiful.
A humored huff, yet followed by gentle lips brushing against her forehead. "I try."
… … …
Robin woke up to too much light when her eyes fluttered open, too much brightness and a gloomy white. With a small frown, she squeezed them shut again. She was lying on her side to face the large window, undoubtedly the source of the dreaded brightness, but that really was the only thing she could possibly complain about. Everything else was pure warmth and calm and comfort, perfection in its essence if anyone had asked her, something even better if she was not asked to put it into words.
The main reason for that allconsuming happiness lay currently curled around her, snugly pressed against her entire backside as his slow breathing threatened to lure her straight back to sleep as well. A small smile tugged on her lips; he was impossibly warm, warmer than she had ever thought any human being could be, but yet he was, in all the best of ways that promised nothing but safety and comfort. She had never thought that waking up with someone you love would be quite this exquisite. His face was buried in her neck, soft breaths brushing against her heated skin just so that it tickled pleasantly. One of his legs was tugged between her own, and every time either of them moved no matter how little, the fabric of his flannels caressed her skin in a juxtaposition to the linen sheets below and above their bodies. Robin could've sworn they had fallen asleep on top of the covers last night, while now however the heavy fabrics were pulled up almost to her chin to keep out the morning-chilled dungeon air. Not that coldness even was a thing on her mind currently, her skin was positively searing wherever it came in contact with his. Most prominent was one of his hands that lay splayed out across her stomach where her shirt had ridden up, spanning almost all across and barely grazing her hip bones as he held her close. Robin's heart skipped a beat, and she smiled at the realization that he most likely would have moved his hand to safer territories if he had been awake enough to; still she hoped he wouldn't even then. This was incredible, the way he still held her so close even while in the depth of sleep. It made her feel incredibly loved, so much so that she couldn't even bring herself to tease him about it later, even if he surely would do just that if it had been the other way around. One thing was for certain though: she wouldn't mind waking up like this every morning yet to come.
When the allure of going back to sleep wouldn't cease even after a few minutes, she finally gave in and buried her head in the soft pillow beneath her for some more minutes of comfortable darkness and slumber. Screw what time it was, screw breakfast at seven thirty… if Snape could still sleep, so could she. They deserved this little time of peace to themselves before going back to a world that would never accept all there was between them. But Robin could in all honesty not care any less about what anyone else thought. This was precisely what she had wanted for years on end now. And it was absolutely bloody perfect.
… … …
A tickling on her face was what lifted sleep's haze for the second time, and caresses as light as a feather all over her back brought her closer to an actual waking state. Breathing deeply, she smiled at the familiar scent that long was the essence of home to her, then wrinkled her nose when the movement tickled even more on her skin. When her eyes opened at last, she found no brightness but the very opposite, strands of raven hair surrounding her face and inevitably explaining the tickling sensations. Her smile broadened, but she didn't say a thing and merely hid her face deeper in his chest while the patterns on her back continued, even as she shifted closer on instinct.
"I can tell that you are quite awake, you know…" He said in subtle amusement, and Robin heard his voice both as a rumbling echo in his chest and an almost soft sound filling the quiet room.
"Good morning to you too." She replied with a sarcastic smile to the grumble of her voice, then took another deep breath and finally pulled back just far enough to look up at him while stifling a yawn. "Calling me 'awake' is a bit exaggerated though, wouldn't you say?"
"And what do you suggest we do about that?"
"I just so happen to have an idea in mind." She returned his small smirk for a second only, then the kiss she had quite obviously prompted for was finally granted to her without further efforts. Just like the day before, it started oh so slowly but was inevitably destined to grow. Yes, this was most definitely addicting.
"Can we do this every morning?" Robin finally asked, a small but happy chuckle escaping her lips as she took deep breaths to calm down her heart and wake up her mind. Gods, kissing was a workout.
She was lying on her stomach now, propped up on her elbows on the pillow, and she once more had to admit that looking down at Snape had quite its appeal. Looking at him in general, really. The way his cheeks were surprisingly flushed, hair splayed out all around him like a black halo, quirking an eyebrow up at her like always… it was a sight to behold. A sight she wanted to see every morning indeed.
"As tempted as I am to say yes, you know as well as I do that it would be too dangerous. Even more so than the late nights we have fallen into over the past few weeks." He sighed in return, almost a little remorseful and clearly not content with his answer either.
"Dumbledore only said to keep it behind closed doors, and honestly I don't know a single door in this castle that has more wards to keep it closed than yours." Robin protested mildly, but of course she understood his point. Knew it perfectly well even. They were in a difficult place at the moment, and even if Dumbledore turned a blind eye to them, other people would certainly not be so gracious. She sighed in defeat. "However, I unfortunately agree. We shouldn't do this every morning, not yet at least. Perhaps some day when we won't have to worry about other people anymore… perhaps then we can do this every morning."
"Obviously. For as long as you will bear with me." His reply had that ease to it again that made Robin smile, her skin tingle and her heart skip a beat. She could bear half a year of difficulty for all the time to come together after that. Obviously he could, too.
"And until then? What shall I do about all those sleepless nights, all those cold mornings that would be better spent with you?" She asked with a small smirk, teasing more than asking, for she knew that they would never be able to truly refrain from repeating last night's events anyway. Not entirely, at least. Not when both of them had gotten the first good night's sleep in eternities last night.
"I believe you have recently discovered the perfect way to bribe me." He finally couldn't keep the small smirk off his lips, nor his hand from reaching out to play with a stray curl of hers. "You can always make an effort to convince me to let you stay after a long night in the lab or the office."
"I have a vague idea that bribing you shouldn't be too hard these days."
"We will see about that. Humour me by trying though, yes?"
"I will."
"I know."
… … …
It was ten minutes after lunch had started when Robin finally entered the great hall, positively out of breath for entirely different reasons for once. After Snape and her had realized just what time it was a little less than ten minutes ago, they begrudgingly had gotten out of bed and more or less ready to face the world. She had used every hidden passageway and every shadowy corner upon that to get back to her dorm unseen, before anyone would catch her still wearing her ball gown. They hadn't really thought about that last night… there had been more important matters after all.
To her luck, the dorms were practically deserted during lunchtime, and thus she could sneak all the way into her room in no time and finally change into some ordinary jeans and a jumper. Hair thrown back into a messy bun and secured with her wand, she was ready to head back out eight minutes past lunchtime. Fuck… at least they wouldn't be arriving at the same time if she was running late. Later than him, at least.
And indeed, when Robin hurried along the aisle in the great hall towards where her friends were seated at the Slytherin table today, Snape was already in his usual spot at the head table and raising an eyebrow at her in feigned reproach, probably for being late. She almost would've laughed out loud; as if he wasn't the very reason for that! Insufferable idiot…
"Hey guys." Robin sighed when she finally dropped down on the bench, perched now between Jorien and Gideon. "Sorry I'm late, I got caught up in something and forgot the time… You know me."
"Aye, the woman in black shows up at last!" Gideon nudged her in the side with a smirk. "We thought you'd perhaps gotten lost somewhere."
"I did, in my own head as always." She shrugged in feigned ease, then eyed the others on the other side of the table. They all looked well rested, happy and not too bothered by her previous absence. Good.
"If anyone's working on new year's day, it would have to be Robin." Michael shook his head with a snort. "You're a real workaholic, you know?"
Robin just smiled and shrugged again. They weren't wrong, really, and there was no need to rectify something that wasn't even untrue. If things hadn't turned out like they had, she probably would have spent the morning with work indeed. Her easy answers and nonchalant behavior seemed to suffice as a distraction though, and half a minute later everyone was as engrossed in a conversation about their plans for the afternoon as they were in their meals.
"The boys asked about your whereabouts during breakfast, you know… After they noticed that Snape wasn't there either." Jorien commented quietly, turning to Robin so that nobody would overhear, but the rest of the group was far too caught up in their own conversations to listen to the two girls anyway. "I made a point of enumerating every student and professor I know who wasn't present, to prove a point. That made them shrug it off, but you really should consider going to breakfast next time. One of you, at least."
"I hadn't realized that anyone might draw a connection between that… We've both been absent so often for entirely different reasons than this one now." Robin replied in sincere surprise about why people would start to notice that of all things, now of all times. She'd given up trying to keep things from Jorien, seeing as it wouldn't work anyway, but that was about as public as her whereabouts of this morning ought to become. "Thank you for keeping them off my heels though. I very much appreciate it."
"Of course I'm having your back! You've had ours for four years now, and you did save my life, I won't forget that either." The girl gave Robin a pointed look, then started smirking and lowered her voice even more. "So tell me, how was it?"
"How was what?" Robin's brows furrowed, and she took a bite of her vegetables even though she really shouldn't have.
"You know… The only 'it' I won't name in public." Jorien raised her eyebrows at Robin, an image of innocence and mischief alike, and Robin started coughing desperately when her meal hit the wrong pipe.
"You-... I, no, I mean-, we didn't…" She was torn between turning beet red, coughing and frowning deeply at the girl in front of her, until she could finally breathe again and put two and two together. This wasn't a Jorien question… not really. "You just wanted to get me all flustered in public, didn't you?"
"I must say it worked quite wonderfully."
"You-…" Robin's jaw dropped, but then she just had to smile and shake her head to herself nonetheless. The girl was playing with fire, but she couldn't even blame her for it. "You might know my one weakness now, but don't doubt for a second that I too know a fair amount of yours. I've been playing this game for far longer than you, Jorien."
"I know. But you've taught me well."
"Too well, it seems."
"Hey, who will do your job as swot number one around here when you're gone in half a year, huh?" She laughed, quirking an eyebrow at Robin in both humour and honesty. "I need to practice with the number one expert!"
"You'll do the job every honour, that's for sure." Robin sighed with a smile, and a small part of her thought it sad that she had a mere half year of school left. Then again, there was so much to look forward to afterwards. Either way, it was time for a change of topic. "So, when does your work with McGonagall start?"
"Once term resumes."
"Lucky you. Getting on the deputy headmistress' good side will certainly open some doors for you."
"It's not about that for me."
"I know. It never was for me either." Robin's smile broadened, as she thought back to her first days of assisting Snape. "You'll do great if you do you. She will be proud of you, don't worry."
"Who will do what with whom, when and why?" Cas suddenly barged into the conversation, and in return everyone else started to listen again as well. Oh well… at least they hadn't overheard the start of it, only the end.
"You'll finish your lunch now instead of talking poor Simon's ear off, because I'll strangle you in his place if you don't." Robin was quick to reply with a not-smirk directed at Cas, then continued on with her own lunch as well.
"I don't mind, actually. I love to listen." Simon shrugged, giving both girls a small smile that made Cas grin and Robin roll her eyes.
"Yeah, sure, stab me in the back, why not…" Robin sighed in feigned disappointment and indifferent sarcasm, then gave Simon an equally exaggerated glare. "I won't try to save you again, pal."
"I don't think he needs any saving." Gideon grinned, looking first at Simon and then at Cas while wiggling his eyebrows.
"Yeah, never underestimate the lengths to which a man in love would go." Michael added with a chuckle, then a smirk. "Even if it's listening to Cas."
"Hey!" Cas complained in an instant, but when everyone else couldn't help laughing, she finally gave in and simply laughed along with them. After all, it really was a happy new year. Yet.
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writer-or-whatever · 6 years
09.02-09.08: Fics I Read This Week
this is coming two days late. i had it typed up on my computer and i just... forgot to post it? oops. anyway, last week i decided to systemically make my way through the cisco/barry relationship tag on ao3 (though i’m not done) so not only has that significantly lengthened this list but also it’s the first time i’ve read fics from The Flash fandom, even though i’ve religiously followed the tv series since it started in 2014. 
Also i am super into Cisco/Barry/Caitlin fics but there are a whole two of them that i could find so if you have any please send them to me, i’m desperate and am going to have to write some of my own to fill the void. 
anyway, fics recced below the cut by fandom then by pairing, as always, with fics from the flash fandom at the bottom because there are very very many fics. 
Harry Potter Fics:
A Good Boy by bafflinghaze
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Draco’s work goes a little overtime. When Draco returns home, he finds that Harry’s gotten started without him—but only a little, since Harry is such a good boy.
Word Count: 1k
Gilmore Girls Fics:
The Best Of It by dollsome
Paris outs herself and Rory during a televised argument with Michele Bachmann. Peskiest of all is the fact that Paris and Rory aren't actually dating. A documentary crew wants to make Paris And Rory's Modern Stars Hollow Family anyway. Meanwhile, Rory goes slowly and quietly nuts. (And doesn't like Paris like that -- why would you even suggest such a thing?? Not that ... anyone did.)
Word Count: 73k
Notes: One of my all time favorite fics. It’s so good and so well-written and so fantastic and I’m screaming. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry--because you’re laughing so hard.
The Flash Fics:
((if someone has any more fics than the ones listed below, pls send them to me. i am desperate))
Equipoise by trufflemores
Barry gets sick.
Word Count: 3k
Notes: I love this fic and this ship. 
Guardian Doctor by LightningLemonade
Caitlin Snow is more defensive of her boys than even she knew.
Word Count: 366
cw: homophobic language
escapes, true love, miracles by spocklee
princess bride AU. written (late) for flashvibe week.
Word Count: 22k
Notes: Top ten favs out of any fandom, easily. I mean, my favorite movie as an AU and it does it justice and non-binary!Barry and just yes.
Heartbreak Hotel by RonnieandtheProfessor
Cisco and Barry go undercover to investigate a meta-human that's been only attacking couples that stay in a certain hotel. Barry struggles with the 'pretending' aspect of their mission, as his feelings begin to grow a little too real.
Word Count: 4k
once i have you, i will never let you, never let you go by coopbastian
Barry and Cisco respond to a meta-alert but one of them gets kidnapped in the process.
Word Count: 3k
Thunderstorms by fezwearingjellybananas
In which Barry does not like thunderstorms, but Cisco is there to support him
Word Count: 300
finding you by craptaincold
“Oh, don’t play dumb, Barold,” Lisa said. “Barry,” Barry said. “Barold,” Lisa said, “A little birdy tells me that you’ve got a crush on him.” Barry was about to take a sip of his coffee, but was pretty glad he didn’t make it yet, because he would’ve choked on it. “Excuse me? I- I don’t, what makes you think that? Did you talk to Iris?” “I didn’t, but I’m sure going to now.” Lisa smirked. “I’m sure she’d have so many embarrassing stories to tell about you.” She paused and rested her chin on her hand. “Plus, she’s pretty cute. Is she single?” “She’s engaged. Don’t even think about it.” Lisa sighed, dropping her grin to a pout. “I have a proposition for you, Barry. Cisco is a sweet boy, and there aren’t too many of those in this world, you know? I’d love to have him for myself, but I hate stepping on any toes,” she said, as if she didn’t rob people for a living, “So, if you don’t step up and tell him how you feel by the end of the month, I’ll be forced to nab him up.” “We’re already dating,” Barry blurted out, mind now a dumpster fire. Oh god, why did he say that? You’d think having superspeed would make him be able to stop himself from saying impulsive things. Word Count: 2k
The Person That You Were (You Cannot Find) by Ecliptic_Fiction
When it's four in the morning When it comes without warning And the Silence drags you down under the tide.
Word Count: 2k
Notes: God, I love this. They’ve got such a beautiful relationship. 
cw: self-esteem issues
To Lean On by Ecliptic_Fiction
Tears prick at Barry's eyes at the sight of the man before him, and he can't help but smile at the thought of spending forever with him. "I do," he whispers, squeezing Cisco's hand gently. Word Count: 5k
Where Do You Go (When You Think Of Me?) by Ecliptic_Fiction
Thank God for Francisco Ramon- the saviour of the Flash. Word Count: 3k
...so could we by coopbastian
Cisco is having a hard time on the fact that Leo implied that he and Barry are a couple. Word Count: 1k
What really matters by Saluzozette
It was late at night when Cisco's voice broke the silence in the room. Barry was on the verge of sleep, curled around his boyfriend, his nose buried deep into his hair. Cisco's back was warm against his chest, their fingers glued together and really, the speedster had rarely felt as tired, comfy and happy as he was right now. His mind was already drifting away, but he acknowledged the other man's plea nonetheless. “Barry?” Cisco's voice was alert and very much awake. Far from the comfortable stillness that had filled the bedroom for the last hour. Why wasn't he asleep already? “Hum...” The speedster mumbled, trying to sound a little bit less out of it than he actually was. “I'm gonna do it.” Word Count: 4k cw: graphic descriptions of violence, homophobia, mentions of neglect and abuse
sweet creature, sweet creature by buckybunnyteeth
Cisco wakes up to the quick warm feeling of lips pressing against his own. or Cisco needs Barry to know that he loves him ... without saying that he loves him. Word Count: 3k
It's Not About Winning by st4rlabsforever (omaken)
Cisco wriggles his wrists in his restraints. In the grand scheme of things – or at least as far as kidnappings go – this one isn’t so bad. Sure, the ropes might be chafing his wrists and the blindfold might be messing with his balance, but his discomfort is at a solid three out of ten right now. Just a day in the life of Central City's premier superhero couple. Word Count: 5k
Vows and Promises by daydreamingstoryteller
Barry has made the decision to sacrifice himself to stop the Dominators' attack. But Cisco has some scores to settle with him before he can leave. Or. Another Invasion AU but with Secretly married Flashvibe Word Count: 1k
'Fake' Dates & Not-So-Shitty Acting by twelvexclara
When Caitlin and Julian need someone to go undercover for an event, they ask Barry and Cisco. The thing is, the situation is more complicated than you think. Word Count: 2k
Stars in Hiding by Neuqe
"It is getting rather confusing for all parties involved, and Cisco would prefer if his life did not resemble this much a 90’s situational comedy" Barry and Cisco decide to keep their relationship as a secret. It is not necessarily the best idea. Word Count: 5k
We will find each other by Neuqe
Cisco accidently vibes Earth-2 and learns something new about Reverb. Word Count: 1k
swimming in the sunlight by VolunteerFieryDantooinian
Cisco can feel it, he can fucking feel what almost happened, he almost lost him- But Barry came back. It took a month, but he came back. It scared the hell out of him. Then again, he had a habit of doing that. Title from BøRNS's American Money, which is a total Barrisco song tbh Word Count: 1k
You Love the Limelight Too by PoliticalBloodTea
People won't stop flirting with Cisco. Barry is not jealous. He's not. Word Count: 3k
Decelerate by trufflemores
3.12. Barry and Cisco cuddle after Barry phases the train. Word Count: 1k
That Would Be Enough by UpsideAround
Soulmarks weren't supposed to change. Soulmarks didn't change. Fate must have hated him, because Barry's soulmark had been erased once when he was eleven, and brutally slashed out when he was in his twenties. Word Count: 2k Notes: I love this so much, tbh
Duration by st4rlabsforever (omaken)
“Hey! So,” Cisco says, pulling out the dark blue package from his shopping bag, “I was thinking we could try this tonight.” He tosses it to Barry and tries his best not to blush. The slogan ‘Last Longer. Stay In The Moment’ stares back at him in big, white letters. Or: in which Cisco buys Barry an endurance enhancer, and Barry is not amused at all. Word Count: 1k
Trademarked Kisses by aldergroves
(The first) five times that Barry and Cisco kiss. Word Count: 1k Notes: NON-BINARY CISCO!!!!!!!!!
Mach 1 by RedelliaValentinos
"Can I ask you something? It's just out of curiosity," the boy spun the chair around. Harry gave a hum of approval to go ahead and scooped up his coffee mug. Nothing this kid could possibly say was going to interrupt his consumption of caffeine. "What would happen if Barry went Mach 1 during sex?" Word Count: 838 Notes: Harry isn’t the only one who choked on their coffee because of this.
Another One Gone by superallens
6. “You can’t die. Please don’t die.” Word Count: 873 cw: major character death Notes: only read it if you want to cry
Locked in the closet by graveltotempo
Hartley and Snart get locked in closet and accidentally get a first row view of Barry and Cisco going at it Word Count: 2k
Insomnia by VenezuelanWriter
Barry can’t keep losing so many hours of needed sleep because he’s too busy feeling like this: hollow inside, weak and anxious. Word Count: 2k
All That Glitters by dancesontrains
The glitter had settled all over his cowl, so he was still breathing it in, and he began to remove it. Might as well remove the already unzipped jacket too...and the trousers, what if they had the particles on them? Clearly whatever was in them wasn't good for him, he could tell that much. Why else would he blurt out something like that to his friend? Word Count: 2k cw: rape/non-con elements
Work by coopbastian
prompt: “I’m singing along to this song and you can’t stop me, so either deal with it or join me.” Word Count: 623
The Hysteria Games by st4rlabsforever (omaken)
Barry and Cisco discover Pokemon GO. Naturally, everyone loses their minds. Word Count: 2k
Gold and Metallic Red by Mikkal
No one can know he likes painting his nails. And, so far, it’s working. No slip ups. Of course, up until recently, he didn’t have a superhero for a best friend. A superhero best friend who can vibrate through walls and forgets sometimes that it’s rude to not knock, damn it, Barry! Word Count: 815 Notes: You can read it as gen if you want, tbh.
So No Memory Remover Machine? by Magicaltally
Team Arrow ships Barrisco, and even if they're not in Central City that won't stop them from playing match makers. Word Count: 1k
Forbidden by unsernameinuse
Dr. Wells has rules about romance in the workplace. No one agrees with him, but especially not Barry and Cisco. Word Count: 808
Ransom by pennflinn
Inspired by the tumblr post, "Imagine Cisco getting nabbed by a villain and they want him to call the flash and he has to explain why he’s saved in his phone as 'Bae.'" Cisco is kidnapped and held as ransom for the Flash, who he has yet to confess his feelings for. Things get awkward fast. Word Count: 1k
It was just a dream by demflashvibefeels
Barry dreams about something terrible Zoom could've done. Good thing Cisco was around Word Count: 194
Side Effects by trufflemores
There are complications when Barry and Cisco share a bed. Word Count: 965
Whenever you need me, I'll be there by PunkyRaticate
Cisco and Barry have been dating for a few months now and when they finally get a day to themselves they're pretty stoked. What happens when Mrs. Ramon decides to call and invite her son over to his folk's house in the middle of their Mythbusters binge-watching session. He agrees to it and now he wishes he hadn't. Word Count: 2k
Ride or Die or Fake Dating by Ihateallergies
Barry needs a favor from Cisco. Word Count: 3k Notes: ICONIC
Barry and Cisco's Love Story by VenezuelanWriter
Cisco recovers from his past relationship with Barry's help and they finally get to a place where they can be together. (I recommend you reading the first two stories for the series before reading this one so you enjoy it even more) Word Count: 7k cw: past relationship abuse
Protection by Neuqe
Barry and Cisco get kidnapped before their date night. Cisco is pissed off for multiple reasons. Word Count: 2k
Vibe-y Patronus by LadyOrpheus
prompt: hey how about flashvibe with barry helping cisco get more comfortable with his powers? Or Barry helps give Cisco the proper motivation. Word Count: 1k
Whoever The Flash’s Stupid Little Heart Desires by TwirlsWrites
At this point, they're just glad that they know there's a way to wake him up. Unfortunately, finding out who exactly Barry's heart considers to be his one true love is a lot more difficult than one would have thought. Word Count: 2k Notes: I fucking LOVE this fic
Cisco Keeps Getting Flowers From A Secret Admirer - You Won't BELIEVE What Happens Next! by TwirlsWrites
“Cisco, look,” Caitlin said, pointing at the Cortex computer. Cisco stepped closer; there was a single yellow flower with a ribbon tied around the stem. “Huh,” Cisco muttered, picking it up, “It has my name on it.” the soft red ribbon had ‘Cisco’ scrawled on it. “Well don’t grab it, what if it’s a trap?” Caitlin said, rushing over.
Word Count: 2k
Notes: The title is a little eh, but the work is AMAZING!!!!!! TwirlsWrites is an iconic writer. 
You and I Were Meant to Be (Ain't No Doubt About It) by spoopy_dragons
Francisco Ramon was born with the name "Flash" scrawled across his wrist. The story of Cisco Ramon falling for someone besides his soulmate, but maybe, just maybe, it'll all work out in the end. Word Count: 4k
"Are we soulmates?" by supercala_docious
Cisco started to get memory-flashes of him and Barry as a couple. Word Count: 927 Notes: I love, love, love this
we can work from home, oh, oh, oh-oh by buckybunnyteeth
“You’re not gonna electrocute me are you, dude?” A different, much more pleasant shock goes through Barry’s body when a warm weight settles on his lap. Barry’s head snaps back up and he feels his jaw drop at the sight that greets him. Cisco has plopped down into Barry’s lap, miles of beautiful brown skin on display as he is wearing only a pair of very short yellow shorts and a smile. A smile that is curved around a grape Sucker. Word Count: 1k
Sledgehammer by Neuqe
Barry gets hurt and the heart monitor is betraying him or the one where Caitlin is the smartest of them all. Word Count: 3k Notes: I love this and Caitlin and Barry being brotp is canon.
Laundry Day by RedBowBuddha
After Cisco and Barry move in together, Cisco is worried that it was a bad choice for their developing relationship. Barry sets out to prove that it was a perfect choice. Word Count: 4k
((find my other weekly fic recs here.))
10 notes · View notes
sweetmemories2606 · 6 years
Unforgivable: Gruvia and Jerza pregnant fanfic (chapter 9)
It’s been a while, but I’ve finally remembered to post chapter 9.
I decided to include Alzack x Bisca here since they’re such a great coule and I’ve never written them before.
There are also some CRUCIAL answers at the end; mostly about the prophecy and the whole reason why Erza is pregnant in the first place.
Happy reading!
"Feelings are connection. They surpass time, and find their way back to the people you love."
-Lucy Heartfilia
                                                   The Savior
July 7th, X791
"As long as they're alive, it's bound to happen again." Future Rogue said as Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Wendy, Carla and Loke were trapped in the Mercurious Palace.
"I don't have a clue what you're talking about, so just spill it. Who's this person you're after anyways?" Natsu told him, arms crossed over his chest while he stared suspiciously at the older man. Something wasn't right.
"It's you, Lucy Heartfilia!" Rogue yelled with clear rage and before anyone could react, he had sent a dark shadow Lucy's way.
The blonde was paralyzed in place due to shock and even Natsu's scream for her to move didn't wake her. The dragon slayer tried to reach her before she was hit, but couldn't.
"No, Lucy!" He yelled in fear as he was about to lose her.
Due to a struck of luck, there were two Lucys present that night. The future version, without a second thought, jumped in front of the present one and took the shot.
"Oh no, are you okay?" Lucy asked her future self, as the latter lay on the floor.
"Goodness, no." Carla muttered while Wendy stared in shock at the scene. The poor girl was so young to be witnessing something so terrible.
"NO!" Happy screamed as he flew towards the two Lucys. Natsu was the one frozen in place now, shaking with anger and fear. The image of future Lucy being shot and falling to the ground was forever carved into his mind. He would never forget it.
He would never forgive himself for not being able to save her, for failing her. How could he call himself her best friend, her protector, when she had died because he wasn't fast enough?
His brain was barely registering that his Lucy was still alive, that she had been saved. He missed the moment her future counterpart discreetly passed a note to her present self just before passing away.
All Natsu could think about was seeing the woman he loved-for he knew now exactly how he felt- lying motionless on the ground. Not moving, not breathing. Gone. Forever.
Sure, he and Lucy had gone through some hard times before. They had faced more danger in a few months than most people do in their lifetime. They had fought agaist dark guilds, monsters, evil people. But they had always come out unscathed, unharmed.
In the end, they had always rejoiced in being alive despite whatever injuries they might have.
This time was different. Even though Lucy was still alive, a version of her had died. Right in front of his eyes. And both knew they would have a hard time recovering from that.
Moving on, Natsu wasn't even sure if it was a possibility. But he had pulled himself together, even if he was broken at that moment. Because he couldn't let her sacrifice be in vain, couldn't let everyone he loved down when they needed him most. They were facing a crisis that night, so he had to pull his feelings aside and focused on defeating Rogue.
However, that doesn't mean losing Lucy hadn't hurt him beyond what he thought was possible. Doesn't mean his heart wasn't shattered and quite possibly, could never be pieced back together. But he had promised to try, for Lucy. He had vowed to himself to keep her safe and never let her out of his sight.
That's why he had been glued to her side for the past few days, much to her annoyance. He couldn't lose her again.
July 14th, X791...
Gajeel arrived in the inn where Fairy Tail Team B had been staying just a few moments later; it wasn't too far from the palace. Letting out a sigh as he stood before the door of their shared room, he stared at the unconscious girl in his arms.
Juvia's face was pale, concernedly so. Her skin was much colder than usual and there was a frown on her face as she slept. He could also still feel her true powers even though the necklace was concealing them.
"I always knew there was something different about you, you know?" He told her even though she couldn't hear him; while opening the door.
Luckily, the room was empty, so he didn't need to worry about having to explain what had happened. He was still having a hard time understanding it himself.
"But I never would have guessed any of this." Thinking back to the Phantom Lord days, Gajeel realized just how good she had been at infiltrating it.
He would've never suspected that she was spying on the guild. Never.
She had done a great job at pretending to be some weak link who eventually rose due to the long and hard training sessions that Jose provided. Even when she became a part of the Element 4, he wouldn't have thought of her as threatening.
Juvia always had this air of innocence and sadness. That's what drew him to her in the first place; somehow her loneliness and unhappiness tugged at his hardened heart and that's why he had opened up to her. Why they became friends and then best friends.
She had been the first person in his life that he had ever trusted enough to share his past and Gajeel would forever be grateful. Without her, he would've never joined Fairy Tail and met the petit bluenette who never left his thoughts.
"I am so mad at you right now." He whispered while placing Juvia on her bed, as gently as he could. "But I know that I'll forgive you in the end, cause you're my best friend."
Smiling, he placed the covers on top of her and, since there was no one watching, allowed himself to press a soft kiss to her forehead.
"You'd better some rest, cause tomorrow we'll be talking about all this. And I still have lots of questions." That said, he stepped away from the bed and went towards his own before picking out a notebook and a pen.
If there was one good thing that came out of that night, it was that fact that he was really inspired to write some new songs.
July 20th, X791...
"Are you sure about this, Lucy?" Natsu asked while him and the blonde stood just outside of the guild hall.
"No." She shook her head. "But I have to do it."
"You don't have to." He disagreed and she stared at him, brown eyes filled with fear.
"I need to know, Natsu. Even if everything changes, I can't just ignore it." He nodded.
"Future Lucy didn't want you to ignore it, so it must be important." Once again, Lucy took the note from her pocket and reread it for the millionth time.
"She says that I'm not who I think I am. I need to know what she means." Placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, Natsu gave her a reassuring look.
"I'll stay by your side, whatever you decide." She smiled gratefully.
"Thanks, Natsu. You're the best." In that moment, as she looked so beautiful with that smile that lightened his world, Natsu wanted nothing more than to confess. To tell her what he had known ever since Future Lucy had died: that he loved her.
Even if it took him a long time to realize it, now it was clear. No doubts were left in his mind that what he felt towards her was more than friendship.
However, he restrained himself. He knew this wasn't what she needed in that moment. With her life falling apart, all Lucy needed was his support and so he would give it.
He wouldn't tell her how he felt until the time was right.
"Shouldn't we get going?" He asked, shaking the thoughts away.
"Yeah." Lucy put the note back in her pocket and took a deep breath. "It's time for me to go back home."
Meanwhile, inside the guild hall...
"Is everything okay, Erza?" Bisca Connell approached her longtime friend, who was sitting on a table on the corner of the guild. By her side was Jellal Fernandes, disguised as Mystogan.
About two days before, the red head had convinced Master Makarov to allow him to infiltrate the guild. While at first he had been reluctant, unwilling to get in trouble with the Council, after she explained their…situation, the older man agreed to help.
"I can't eat it." Erza said, pretty much ignoring her friend's question. In front of her was a piece of strawberry cake, her favorite dessert. However, as she stared at it, her complexion was suddenly pale and sickly.
"Why not?" Jellal wondered, confused. Bisca settled for watching them, seeing as the couple wasn't paying attention to her anyway.
"Can you get this away from me?" The red head pushed the plate in his direction and he raised a brow.
"Are you serious, Erza?" Like the rest of the world, he was well aware of how much she loved cake.
"It's making me sick." She swallowed hard, appearing ready to throw up.
"Okay, okay." Jellal quickly picked the plate and walked away, taking it back to the bar counter. Mirajane, who was behind it, stared between him and Erza with worry.
"What's wrong with Erza?" He shrugged.
"Don't know." Back on the table, the red head was taking deep breaths while attempting to look normal, but it was clear that she wasn't.
"So, is there something you want to tell me?" Bisca asked while sitting in Jellal's previous place.
"Why would you ask that?" Erza nervously wondered, relieved that the urge to throw up had passed.
"Come on, Erza. I know." Silence followed that statement as her face paled even more.
"What?" She tried appearing clueless, but Bisca only smiled.
"I've been there, so I can tell the signs." Erza's eyes widened.
"What signs?" The sharp shooter eyed her firmly, arms crossed.
"For one, the morning sickness. I noticed you haven't been eating well, but only in the mornings." The red head looked away.
"Then there's the fact that you and Jellal are being too sweet and adorable when I remember you told me he had pushed you away." Bisca looked in the direction of the mage approaching them. "There had to be a huge reason for that to change."
"I changed his mind." Erza tried, but once again her friend just laughed.
"I might not know him well, but I can tell he's not the type to be easily convinced." Then Bisca looked back at her just as Jellal reached the table.
"It's no use hiding it, you know? Soon enough you'll have to tell everyone, so you shouldn't wait too long." He looked between the two women in confusion while sitting down by Erza's side.
"Is everything okay?" The latter frowned, turning to Bisca.
"You're too smart for your own good." She shrugged.
"I'm not being smart, I just know what it's like." Then a smile came upon her face as her hands rested upon her own stomach. "If it makes you feel any better, I am too."
"Really?" Erza's eyes widened.
"Yeah. Alzack and I were going to wait until I completed 3 months to tell everyone, but I thought you should know." The red head smiled brightly.
"I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!" Bisca's own smile enlarged.
"I guess I should say the same about you two." She looked between the couple. "Right?"
Erza stared at Jellal for a moment, unsure, and he smiled before taking her hand. "Right."
Her expression relaxed at his reassurance and she removed his green mask so that they could kiss. For a moment, the couple completely forgot where they were; not that it mattered since everyone in the guild knew those two were together anyways.
Meanwhile, Bisca watched them with a smile, remembering a time when her and Alzack were in the same situation years before.
The year X785…
"Just get this away from me!" Bisca yelled at her now husband and Alzack frowned.
"Sorry, Bisca." She had been trying to convince him to take the plate with eggs and sausages away for quite some time, and eventually lost her patience.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you." She apologized once he returned to the table after giving the plates to the waiter.
"It's okay." Forgiving as always, Alzack cast her a smile.
"I don't know what's wrong with me." Bisca shook her head, sighing.
For the past few weeks ever since they had arrived at the Inn where they'd spend their honeymoon, something had been off with her. She wasn't sure exactly what it was, but something had changed.
"Maybe you're just ill like you thought." Her husband suggested.
"But I've been like this for weeks. No sickness should last this long." She disagreed.
"Do you want to go back to Magnolia? We can get you to see Porlyusica." Alzack suggested, taking her hand.
"No, this is our honeymoon. We're supposed to enjoy it." Bisca sighed once again while he smirked.
"We are enjoying it. I remember very well how much we did last night." A small blush appeared on her face before she paled.
"That's it." While Alzack was confused, she almost jumped in her seat as the realization finally sinked in.
"What?" Ignoring him, Bisca went over all the symptoms she had experienced over the past few weeks: morning sickness, tiredness, unpredictable mood changes, increasing appetite.
"Of course. How didn't I notice this before?" She shook her head, feeling stupid for not noticing it sooner.
"Bisca, what's going in?" Meanwhile, Alzack was still staring at her in confusion and worry.
"I think…" She swallowed hard. "I think I'm pregnant."
His eyes widened. "Wait, what?"
"I'm not 100% sure, but all the signs point towards it." Looking back at her husband, Bisca frowned at his reaction. "Pregnant? Are you…what?"
"I'm sorry. I know we agreed to wait until we've been married for at least a year." These words broke him out of his shock and Alzack shook his head.
"Don't you dare apologize for this." Once again taking her hand, he squeezed it tightly. "It's a lot to take in, but don't think for a moment that I'm mad at you."
"You're allowed to be mad. This changes everything. All of our plans…" He interrupted her.
"Things don't always go according to plan; that's alright." Alzack smiled, causing her to relax a bit. "I know we'll get through this just fine."
"Thank you." He stood up from his seat and walked over to her side before extending his hand.
Bisca took it and he helped her stand before wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug. "I love you, Bisca. Don't expect that to ever change."
She smiled against his shoulder. "I love you too."
Present day, in Magnolia park...
"Can I have ice cream? Please?" Little Asuka pleaded while fixing Juvia with her famous puppy eyes.
"Sure. I could go for ice cream." Taking the child's hand, she led them towards the ice cream place on the middle of Magnolia Park.
Once the two of them held onto their chocolate and strawberry flavored cones, they walked towards the forest, since Asuka had requested they do a trail.
Along the way, the child practiced with her toy gun with one hand and Juvia had to admit, she truly was Bisca's daughter.
"You're so much like your mom." She told the little girl, who smiled.
"Daddy always tells me that." Smiling brightly, she shot at another target that the water mage had created, hitting it perfectly.
"Well done." Juvia praised once again.
"This is fun! Thanks for training with me, aunt Juvia." Asuka turned to her with those big purple eyes shining excitedly.
"Of course. I'm having fun too." It was true. Taking care of the little girl and training with her allowed the bluenette to take her mind off what had happened a few days ago and the difficult conversations that followed.
It was good not to be wondering whether Gajeel would ever not be mad at her, if Gray would ever come back to the guild or if she would ever forgive herself for almost killing Erza.
The news of the latter's pregnancy still left her with mixed feelings. Shock, surprise, anxiety, regret, guilt. Happiness.
She couldn't deny that the prospect of becoming an aunt had her excited, even if she felt like she didn't deserve to be a part of the child's life. Of course, Jellal had made it clear that she shouldn't feel that way; he had forgiven and supported her like the wonderful brother he was.
However, it wasn't enough to erase all of the negative feelings and Juvia worried they might never go away.
"Why did you stop, auntie?" Asuka's soft voice brought her back to reality and she realized that she had suddenly stopped in the middle of the forest.
"Sorry, I was distracted." The little girl frowned.
"What's wrong?" Even though she was only 5, she could pick up on the adult's sadness.
Juvia knelt down in front of her before placing both hands on her shoulders. "It's nothing you need to concern yourself with, okay? Just focus on having fun."
Asuka seemed unsure. "Really? Cause mamma always told me when I'm sad I should talk to someone about it."
"She's not wrong, but I just…" Juvia stopped talking the moment she felt it. A familiar energy; dark and powerful.
"No. Impossible." Her face lost all color and the ice cream cone dropped to the ground. In one swift movement, she had stood up and got into a defensive position.
Sensing danger, Asuka also got defensive and pointed her toy gun towards the empty forest. "Asuka, you need to get out here, okay?" The little girl shook her head.
"No! I can't leave you, auntie." So young, yet so brave. She truly was a Fairy Tail member.
"I'm serious. Your parents would never forgive me if I let something happen to you." Looking back at the child behind her, the water mage pleaded.
"Please, go back to the guild. Warn them that…" Before she could say the enemy's name, a dark blast came from no where and hit her right on the head.
The last thing Juvia heard was Asuka's worried yell before everything faded away.
In Tartarus' base...
"Welcome back, lord Zeref." Alison told the dark mage while curtsying as she always did in his presence.
"It's good to see you again, my friend." Zeref smiled at her. "Have you been well?"
"Yes, milord." The bluenette nodded eagerly.
"Where is your daughter? I assumed she would be back after completing her mission." He questioned, looking around the empty room in confusion.
"About that…I'm afraid the mission didn't go as expected." His eyes flashed red for a moment and she gulped.
"What do you mean?" Zeref asked, calming down.
"Juliet was tricked; they made her believe that she had just killed Erza Scarlet while it was, in fact, an illusion." Alison explained, making sure to emphasize how her daughter had indeed followed his orders.
"An illusion?" The dark mage wondered, pensive. "It takes a lot of magic power to create one. Who did you say tricked her?"
She looked away, ashamed. "I don't know." He knew she was lying, he always did.
"You're lying. It was your son, wasn't it?" Her eyes widened.
"How did you know?" Zeref chuckled.
"I am well aware of just how powerful Jellal Fernandes is." Then his eyes narrowed. "But I suppose you didn't come back here just to tell me that the mission failed."
"No, milord." Alison sighed. "After I realized that Erza was still alive, I went after her. I was ready to kill her myself, when I felt it."
"What did you feel?" Zeref asked, curious.
"A magic stronger than anything I've felt before. It was hard for me to actually realize it since Erza herself is incredibly powerful." He raised a brow.
"Why did that stop you from killing her?" Her answer couldn't have been more unexpected.
"Because the magic was coming from her, lord Zeref. She is pregnant." Silence. Moments passed as Zeref took it in.
"Are you certain?" Alison nodded. "If what you're saying is true, then this changes things."
"What do you want me to do?" Zeref stared at her, determined and firm.
"Bring me Erza Scarlet. Until I've made sure whether her child is the Savior, no harm must come to her. Do you understand?" Once again, she just nodded.
"I'll be on my way." After giving another curtsy, Alison disappeared, leaving behind a silent mage.
Zeref didn't move from his spot by the window surveying Tartarus' Hell Core, mind overtaken by thoughts of the prophecy that was his whole motivation.
The words spoken by an unexpected ally almost a century before returned to him as they usually did: "A child, a girl, born from light and darkness shall become the strongest mage to have ever lived; or the Savior. Enhanced by true love's kiss, her magic will be able to reverse any curse or spell and only she shall manage to defeat the ultimate wizard of darkness."
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yourjughead · 7 years
Reader x Sweet Pea x Little Did You Know ~ Alex & Sierra songfic
Warnings: death//grieving, fluff
A//N: it feels so nice to have something to post for you guys, thanks for supporting me on my little histus. I'm glad I had the energy to write something for you cuties even if your don't like it. My love always.
“C’mon ynn please stay”
“Pea, I'm not having this conversation again, please let me pack, I have to go with him” he stalked you closely around the room like a shadow, not wanting to be ever more than a few centimeters from you.
“You don't have to go yn”
“Yes I do pea, he's my fiancee and the army want him to move for training, we've been through this” you packed your stuff as he unpacked your stuff.
“Just, just stay with me” he grabbed both your wrists from the duffle bag and held them to his chest, his voice desperate to match his eyes.
“Sweet Pea” his eyes shifted from your mouth to your eyes as you breathed his name.
“Please ynn we could be together again we coul-”
“Pea. Stop. Please” you began to slip your wrists from his grip as it seemed your heart was enduring the heartbreak from a few years ago all over again.
“i know I can't make you forgive me for what I did and i hate myself for what I did to you more than you know, please believe me, I don't want you to go. I still love you” he searched your eyes as they brimmed with tears, a lump in your throat. You completely pulled your hands from his grasp, still holding eye contact.
“I love him Sweet Pea, I do and I'm going to go with him wherever that may be. I just can't forget what you did even if I've forgiven you. I need to move on and so do you” the threatening tear committed it's offense and ran streaming down your cheek. There was nothing left to be said between you both so he left, once again Sweet Pea left you hurting in your trailer as the sound of your fiancees ignition outside the trailer hummed and stopped.
5 years later.
Riverdale hadn't changed much, few new buildings, faster cars, same charm. The south was still forever at war with its northern counterpart. Not much had changed, well except a few things.
Sweet Pea allowed the energy in the Whyte Wyrm to course through his veins, he let it consume him, thrive in him, become him. He was the Serpents, they were him, it comes with the territory of being the leader, all he's ever wanted. Well, almost everything.
You stepped into the musty bar, suitcase in hand, scarf in the other. The commotion continued around you uninterrupted until Toni ran at your side, arms spread, capturing your frail stature in her arms.
“Yn! I'm so happy you're home!” She pulled her face from your chest to meet your seemingly forever sad eyes with a smile. It faded away immediately.
“And such unfortunate circumstances that land you here, I'm sorry for your loss ynn, he was a great soldier and even better man” you swallowed hard at the familiar tone of sympathy tinged with pity. You nodded in thanks for her condolences. It's all you could do at this stage. Every form of solace from others just accumulated in a ball of half hearted commiseration from those who would never understand. You felt eyes burn into the side of your head, turning to see they belonged to Sweet Pea, you gave a small smile and he returned a nod, taking a drag from his beer across the way.
The night continued and you had counted 56 of your former almost family to come up and sympathise with you. You ran away to Riverdale to escape this and now found yourself in the thick of it. It was at number 58 that you couldn't take it anymore. You abruptly stood from your stool and bolted from the bar to the outside. Toni went to follow, Sweet Pea signaling for her to stay sat, he would be the one to help you even if he hadn't spoken to you since you left.
You were pounding the pavement as the rain took its own shots at you, the street light only just able to cut though the sheets of water. You weren't sure where you were going, your trailer long sold and the majority of your old friends were in the bar you just escaped. You didn't find yourself crying either, you had almost run out of tears at this stage.
A light grew alongside you as it made it's attempt to slice through the rain. It slowed next to you, gaining your attention. You grew up here, well aware you were walking alone in an gangland so naturally you were ready to defend yourself from your shadow.
“Yn, come on it's pouring” Sweet Pea held out a helmet with a shaky hand, water cascading his own viser. Your arms were wrapped around your drenched body, your clothes now more water than fabric at this stage. Your equally shaky hand took it from him, slipping it on over your dripping hair, droplets racing down your spine. You cautiously wrapped your arms around him and yet you both seemed to slot into each other as he launched into the night in the direction of his trailer.
You stood shyly by the front door of a trailer you never thought you'd ever grace again. Sweet Pea hadn't really spoken yet, only searching for dry clothing for you. You shouldn't have stormed off... or at least you shouldn't have stormed off without your things.
“So, things are going well?” You finally broke the silence as a picture of Sweet Pea surrounded by his chosen family framed on the walk caught your eye. You smiled at it, a family you probably should have stayed with.
“Yeah, I uh kind of threw myself into my work when you left and I'm now kind of the boss” you shuddered at the thought of what that meant, choosing to ignore it.
“Wow everything you've ever wanted”
“Yeah..I guess” that was a lie for your benefit, he was handing the thing he always wanted a shirt to sleep in. The Serpents were a distraction from your absence, he'd never admit that to them though.
He sat on his bed while you changed in the adjacent bathroom. His old t-shirt drowning you in fabric and scents of pure Sweet Pea.
He buried his smirk at the sight of you in his clothes again when you reappeared in the doorway. He stood from the bed, pulling back half the covers for you to slot in.
“Good night Ynn, I'll be on the couch if you need me” panic ran through you at the sight of a double bed with an empty half. It had been 6 months since you lost your husband and since you slept on the floor of your bedroom, just to escape the feeling of absence alongside you.
“Umm you can just sleep next to me, it's okay”
“Emm alright, if you're sure” you weren't but it would be better than seeing your shadow reflect off the empty space. You both laid flat on your back, staring at the ceiling like it was the most fascinating thing ever.
“He was a good guy ynn, I'm glad to have known him” even though your husband was a divisive point in your relationship with Sweet Pea, they did like each other briefly. They were friends before he fell for you and Sweet Pea messed up. You sighed lightly in response, rolling into Sweet Peas side enjoying not being alone for once. He turned to you and held you in closer, missing this feeling.
For the next three month you lived like this, slipping back into an old life that made you happy and then guilty for doing so. You just felt calm and peaceful around Sweet Pea, the demons of a traumatic loss being kept at bay. You continued to live together, still sharing a bed and not really talking about it, Sweet Pea even reducing his Serpent hours just to be around you more. You weren't quite ready to delve into that world again and he knew it. You still spent some nights breaking while he was fast asleep though, the guilt of being near him still rang strong in you. You were just trying to pick yourself up piece by piece and he just sped up the process. Your eyes were no longer forever seemingly sad and finally one night Sweet Pea cracked when he felt your tears on his chest as you were cuddled into each other in the middle of the night.
“Shhh ynn-ie what wrong honey?”
“N-nothing Pea”
“Yn I know you're hurting and I can't fix it despite how much I want to and that all my mistakes are slowly drowning me and I will do anything and everything to fix them. I love you and I want you to know that I always will and you can trust me” he gently and cautiously kissed the top of your head, the first kind of contact of that variety in more than 5 years.
“Pea, I can't tell you” it was a shaky whisper at best.
“Yes you can, please”
“I-I'm still haunted by the memories, underneath it all I'm held captive by the hole inside and I know you love me and it hurts me that I can't say it back but I can't, not-not right now, I need more time” he sat up as you pulled from him, the all too familiar feeling of you slipping from his grasp all over again.
“Yn, I will wait for you forever, I will be just your friend forever if that's what you're comfortable with. I promise you don't have to be afraid.
I'll wait. The love is here and here to stay no matter what form it's in” he pulled you into his chest and you clung to him.
“I'm trying to make it better piece by piece. I know I'll never be Him and I'm not going to try to be. I just want you to know because even though I've said it you really can't even comprehend how much I love you. I love you 'til the sun dies and forever after that and you don't m need to say it back, it's okay, it'll be okay ” he felt your heart rate slow and your warm breath against him, guilt drained you and you couldn't have felt more at peace in the moment.
“I miss him Pea”
“I know sweetie”
“I missed you too” he kissed the top of your head again before feeling you drift off against him, no longer able to fight the emotional exhaustion.
In the time that followed you and Sweet Pea slowly began to melt together once again, becoming more, how it should have been. You slotted seamlessly back into the world of the Serpents, you slotted back into the shadow of yourself and you were happy, still in love with someone that would never be there again but also falling for someone who always would.
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