#she didn't deserve that asshole axeman
sawyerconfort · 1 year
Hi can you write Fiona Goode x fem reader using prompts #4, #8 and #19? Thank you <3
Sorry for the inactivity and request delay, anon, here it is!
and for other interested readers, yes, I'm back!
Hope you like it!
requests are currently closed, but news is coming and I hope to be able to reopen them soon!
I was really looking forward to write something about Fiona Goode (she's mother, she solos, she is the supreme and she's in charge everywhere!)
*fem!reader but you can change if you feel comfortable too!*
4. "you okay?" 8. "yes, you can hold my hand, sweetie." 19. "yes, you can cry."
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Fiona wasn't a patient person, nor was she very sentimental, but oddly enough, there was something about her that woke up when she was with you. Maybe it was the age gap and the constant worry of having someone who wasn't a witch in the middle of so much violence, magic and power. Maybe it was, who knows, the idea of being able to start over, of being able to create a successor like she had never created Cordelia, maybe a way for Fiona to redeem herself from previous sins and guarantee a place in Heaven.
Or maybe it was just a good feeling, a genuine love that someone like Fiona Goode probably never felt. Not with such intensity.
But she was, when you stopped to look at her, extremely tough, cold and cautious. She didn't smile at you, she didn't even show that she loved you back, while you only knew how to admire that woman, the Supreme, the most powerful witch in the entire coven.
It was late at night and for some reason you couldn't sleep. Maybe the shock of having a ghost of the LaLauries alive and working as a servant in the house got to you. Deciding to go back to sleep, you just went down to the kitchen to get some water, taking advantage of the fact that Delphine was sleeping peacefully, and, when you were almost finished emptying the glass, the door opened and scared you more than it should have.
Suddenly, when you least expected it, Fiona was passing through the room, and was about to go upstairs when she saw you, turning those piercing eyes right in your direction.
"What the hell are you doing up at this hour, (Y\N)?" she asked, her voice altered but low, with a surprised intonation.
"I could ask you the same thing," you replied, bluntly.
She raised an eyebrow. "It's none of your business, you moron."
You waited for Fiona to turn and go to her big, beautiful room, and she did. But before you hit the stairs together, one after the other, she let out a huge sniff, which startled you.
"You okay?" you asked, not expecting her to answer. And Fiona didn't answer until you were in her room, standing in the doorway. "What were you doing out there, Fiona? I care about you, I need answers."
She sighed. "Don't tell Cordelia, she couldn't stand it. I went… well, I went to the hospital, had chemo. I can only go out at night, which is when I'm sure you, and she, are asleep."
You widened your eyes, taken by surprise. Not entirely impressed, of course, because without even knowing it, Fiona had already hinted to you that she was running out of time. And honestly, it was either you or Myrtle Snow - and Fiona would kind of do anything not to tell Myrtle Snow -.
"I'm sorry, Fiona," you said, opening her bedroom door for good and letting her sit on the bed. Left with no choice, and feeling compassion for the Supreme, you sat down beside her and sighed. "Want company? I'm not very sleepy…"
She nodded and sighed too, letting you sit closer to the side, letting your bodies almost stick together. She looked tired and sad and lonely, and again, your pity for her was greater than any hatred and indignation at the Supreme's indifference.
"Please (Y\N), promise me this will stay between us…"
"How much time do you have left?"
She shrugged. "I don't know. But what worries me isn't even the disease. I know I can lessen its effects, and it has helped me, even if it doesn't seem like it. What worries me is, in reality, the time that will pass, time is short for me. I will not die of common causes, I will be forced to leave because a Supreme will be in power after me… And you know who she is."
You looked at her. "Why don't you tell her the truth? Why do you keep all these mysteries to yourself?"
"Cordelia is more fragile than she looks, darling. If I tell her, she might internalize the powers, and everything will be even more ruined for me."
Her eyes were getting smaller and smaller, lowered, dilated, almost closed. Fiona really was fading away, little by little, and if you didn't do something, you'd have less time than you wanted.
"Could I just…"
"Yes, you can hold my hand, sweetie." She replied, smiling, as if she read your mind. Automatically, Fiona's hands sought out and reached for hers. She was looking into her eyes when she whispered, in a thin voice. "You are special to me, (Y\N). I'm a terrible person to you and I don't deserve someone like that…"
"You're not a bad person, Fiona. You just don't know how to show feelings, but I know all that even without you saying it out loud…", you smiled, squeezing her hand even tighter. "You'll never be alone again. This is just between us, and I promise you'll have me until the end, right?"
"I definitely don't deserve you, sweetie…", she laughed, hugging you and letting your head rest on her chest. "You're unlike anything I've seen before, and that intrigues me so much…"
Her voice was suddenly shaky, and you could tell she was holding in her tears. Fiona sniffed again and you looked up, smiling.
"Yes, you can cry." You whispered, still looking at her, and just as two tears fell, you used your fingers to wipe them away.
Fiona smiled, closing her eyes, and then gently leaned in to kiss you. A quick but meaningful peck.
"What was that?", you whispered, confused, laughing.
"I don't know. But I felt like it. And I wanted to try this before something happened to me."
You laughed and patted her arm lightly. "Nothing is going to happen, shut your mouth. We still have a lot more time to explore and experience other things…"
She laughed and then used her advanced strength to throw you onto the bed, getting on top of you.
"Oh really? Does that mean I can try again?"
You laughed, and kissed Fiona harder now, letting the rest of the night become history. And, well, to be honest, all you guys did least was sleep that night…
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