#jessica lange x reader
Stepmom and her friend
𝚂𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚑 𝙿𝚊𝚞𝚕𝚜𝚘𝚗, 𝙹𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚌𝚊 𝙻𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎
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Tw:dark!fic,stepcest-stepmom,g!p, smut (reader is asleep), stepmom's friend
Sarah Paulson, Jessica Lange
Sarah was so proud at the way you could swallow her, she couldn't keep this all to herself, she has to tell someone. And who better than her friend Jessica. Knowing Jessica would be more than happy to see that Sarah was able to find the perfect little pet, their little plaything. Praising Sarah for how great of a job she did with choosing you.
Inviting Jessica over in the middle of the night, whilst you and your mother both lay dead asleep. The pair of women sneaking into your bedroom finding you snuggled up in bed. Sarah had Jessica sit in the egg chair in your spacious room, giving her the perfect view as Sarah began tugging the blanket uncovering your nude body. Jessica made small comments about how you must have known they'd be here, causing the both of them to laugh.
Jessica watches as Sarah began slowly filling you up with her cock, your small hands reaching up to grasp your pillow as you begin to stir awake. Whining her name, pushing back up against her, Jessica can't help but laugh at your barely awake state and already you're trying to fuck yourself on your step-mother's cock, like a needy little slut.
It's just a short minute before Sarah begins cumming slowly pulling out of your sensitive cunt. You mumble a thanks mommy and love you, starting to fall back asleep, Sarah plans to wake you reaching out to grasp your shoulder when Jessica's hand lands on her elbow as a sign to stop.
Jessica begins telling her how she wants to feel just how tight you are passed out, wanting to abuse your used cunt.
"Plus isn't it always much more fun when they awake squirming on your cock right, Paulson?" Jessica asked cockily
"Of course, Lange" Sarah smirked
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Omg please write something with Sister Jude🌻 Like secretly dating her as younger nun
Judy's Girl (18+)
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Content: Homophobic times, mentions of smut, hidden relationship
Word Count: 5822
You were one of the younger nuns at the asylum, but you were also the most outspoken too, wanting nothing more than to improve the overall wellbeing of the patients you were there to help. But being outspoken has its consequences, and unfortunately for you, that meant being caned- or at least, being told you were going to be, but never actually receiving that harsh of a punishment. You see, Sister Jude, or Judy for you in private, had quite the soft spot for you, the older woman always looking out for you in one way or another as best she could without telling the world your dirty little secret.
When you first arrived at the asylum, you were freshly released from the convent to go out into the world to spread the Holy word, and it just so happened that the asylum was looking for new staff, so, you had applied. You were worried you weren’t going to be accepted due to your minimal experience, but that minimal experience was seen as a bonus- it meant you were more willing to learn other things. You were taken straight to an office after you stepped out of the cab, your little suitcase clutched tightly in your hand as you make your way up the steps. The spiraling staircase made your head spin, grateful for your free hand gripping the railing as though the stairs would turn into a slide, and you’d spin your way all the way to the cold concrete below. It was cold inside, your vestment was barely keeping your body heat in, but you were sure you’d get used to it, even as you saw the puffs of air escaping your mouth forming little clouds in front of you.
Once you made it to the top, you were embarrassed to admit that you were slightly puffed, your cheeks flushed a light pink although you were grateful for the warmth that the minimal exercise provided. You make your way down the hallway, stopping when the guard gestures to a door, grunting, “Sister Jude is in there.” You thank him quietly before knocking on the door, waiting for her to respond then entering, closing the door behind you.
You set your suitcase down then make your way over to her, bowing your head slightly, “Thank you for accepting my application, Sister Jude. It’s an honor to work for someone held in such high esteem.” You straighten up, smiling softly at her. You suck in a breath when her mahogany eyes meet yours, if your cheeks weren’t already pink, they certainly would be now. You see, although it went against how you were brought up, you had a preference towards the fairer sex- while in the convent, you were surrounded constantly by temptation, by beautiful women whom most thought lesbianism was a sin. You must have been staring as the older woman smacks your arm with a folded-up newspaper, startling you, “Forgive me, Sister Jude,” you rush out.
“Brilliant,” she mutters, “Another ninny with barely two braincells to rub together.” She takes a breath, putting the newspaper down on her organized desk before looking at you once more, “There are rule you will have to follow here, girl, and I expect you to follow them well. You may have been the perfect little angel at the nunnery, but here you are starting fresh.” She runs her eyes over you, your vestment was in pristine condition, it told her that you take care of your belongings, there wasn’t even the slightest hint of hair peaking out from your veil, you were no whore. If she was being honest with herself- No, she couldn’t. No, it wasn’t right. Her fair cheeks take on the slightest hint of color before she looks away, busying herself with tidying the documents on her desk.
“I understand, Sister Jude. Rules are what make the world go round after all,” you say with a smile. You bite back a giggle at her sudden need to do something, you thought it was rather sweet, endearing even. You bring your hand up to play with your crucifix that hung from your necklace, running your thumb over the smooth metal, “So, Sister Jude, where are my quarters? I can’t imagine I will be sharing a room with a patient. Or are you and I sharing?”
Jude’s eyes dart up immediately, “Share? No,” she answers quickly, “No, most certainly not. You will have your own room. It will be small, but I am sure you are used to cramped quarters.” She straightens up, looking at the time on her watch, “I will tell you the rules on our way. Follow me, if you will.”
You let her pass before picking your suitcase up and following her, your eyes couldn’t help but wander, following the seam down the middle of her vestment to the barest hint of her behind which moved elegantly with her hips. Sometimes you felt no better than a man with the way you ogled women, but you remind yourself that you weren’t so easily swayed by temptation, you were a good Christian woman and the allure of an older woman’s body wasn’t going to change that. You do a silent prayer- it wasn’t that you thought lesbianism was a sin, no not at all, because why would God create you that way if he didn’t want you to love other women? You just didn’t want to be so obvious that you get caught and perhaps even punished if Sister Jude thought it was a sin, but you sincerely hoped she wouldn’t- Maybe that is the devil talking.
“Do you understand?” Jude asks, stopping outside a door and looking at you with a perfectly shaped brow. She lets out a sigh when she sees the look of surprise on your face, had you even heard her at all? She was told you were a smart young woman, devout, just what she needs here, and now here you were behaving like a shock patient. “What were you doing this whole time? Dancing with the fairies?”
“I- I was admiring the surroundings,” you try but when she raises an eyebrow, you’re quick to avert your gaze, mumbling an apology. You look up again, your cheeks burning crimson red, “I will endeavor to learn the rules, Sister Jude, I promise. Come tomorrow morning, I will know them like the back of my hand.”
Jude doesn’t say anything, pushing the door open and gesturing for you to enter before following you, “This is where you’ll be staying. The lights are out at 8pm sharp. If you are to use a candle, blow it out before you sleep, it is common sense although I fear with you, you are severely lacking in that department.” She watches as you set your suitcase down by the wooden drawers- there was a little writing table, a small cot pushed up against the wall, a barred window, and a single light dangling from the center of the ceiling. You should be used to the simple setting considering you spent so long at a convent, and you should also have no desire for anything more than- it was a sin after all, desiring more material things. “Also, I would advise against engaging in any illicit activity such as giving into your own carnal desire- it is strictly forbidden, and I will know if you have done such a thing. Sins always have a way of coming to the surface.”
Your cheeks turn pink and shame floods your system, you certainly had given in to temptation many times before, but to do so now? It seemed unfathomable, almost illegal- You had taken your vows, you were now supposed to live a sin-free life, not give in to it because an uncomfortable heat was burning between your legs. “I-“ You clear your throat, a stammer now would look bad, “I understand, Sister Jude. I wouldn’t dare to do such a thing.”
Jude runs her eyes over you like she was checking if she could see if the sin was oozing out of you, but she sees none, so she lets out a little breath of air from her nose, “Good. Get settled in, someone will be by to take you to the kitchen when dinner is to be prepared. Your duties will include helping bake and make meals.” She looks you up and down again before leaving, the heavy wooden door clicking shut behind her.
You weren’t going to lie, the way she had looked at you did things to you, and you could feel the heat blooming across your chest and daring to move lower- if the room wasn’t as cool as it was, you would have needed a fan to try and lower your body temperature, perhaps even blow away the thoughts that had started to form in your mind. But you couldn’t deny it either, mainly because of the small smile that had formed on your face at the thought, the mere idea of kissing her- you wondered what her lips tasted like, if they would be soft upon your own. You shake your head, clearing the thought from your mind as you unpack your suitcase into the drawers provided for you, “You’ll get yourself in trouble thinking like that,” you say to yourself.
Later in the evening, you were led to the kitchen where you saw Jude already working on the dough. The older woman was skilled at it, working the dough with precision, and in no time, the dough was kneaded into a perfectly smooth ball ready to rise before the bake. She dusts her hands clean, the flour falling onto the ball before she turns to look at you, “Good, you’re here. You can start chopping the vegetables for the soup-“ she gestures to them, the blade of the knife standing out in the dim lighting of the kitchen. “Well? Don’t stand there like an imbecile, we don’t have all evening.”
You hurry over to the chopping board, starting to cut the vegetables and put them in the awaiting pot that already had ham hocks in it, “Do we do this every evening, Sister? I can imagine that it is quite time-consuming. What about in the morning? What do we make then? Pancakes?”
Jude laughs at that, “Pancakes? For these sinners? Absolutely not. No. Never would I consider wasting something like that on them, they wouldn’t appreciate it. They hardly appreciate the soup and bread as it is.”
“Oh, well, maybe it’ll improve morale, you know? The sisters and Mother Superior thought the same at the convent, but when I made them pancakes one Sunday after service, they admitted that it did bring them joy and seemed like something nice to have every so often so it wouldn’t be greedy,” you say, adding the last of the potatoes before looking at the older woman who was almost flummoxed you’d talk back so brazenly. “It- I- I didn’t mean any disrespect, Sister Jude.”
The older woman goes over to you, a hand either side of you on the bench, her hot breath intermingling with yours, “You didn’t mean any disrespect,” she repeats, chuckling slightly, “Yet you did. When I say no to something, Yn, I expect you to agree. Your suggestions may have worked at your little convent, but they won’t work here. Not with me. I alone run this place, the mouthpiece for the monsignor although everyone knows I call the shots.” She runs her eyes down you, letting out a derisive sound- she wouldn’t admit it, but her gaze lingered on your lips for a second too long, she had always had that problem. She had always found herself fawning over the fairer sex, their lips were softer, so were their hands, and they never left her feeling disgusting the following morning. Her lip curls and her nose scrunches as she steps back from you, she wouldn’t fall for the devil again, no matter how gorgeous you may be. “Don’t do that again.”
Your face flushes a deep red, pressing yourself hard against the bench to create a little more distance between the two of you even though that part of you wants to move closer to her- to feel her vestment against yours, but that was the devil talking, wasn’t it? You didn’t really believe that, but you knew she did. “I won’t do it again, Sister Jude,” you whisper, although you wondered how far you could push. Would you get punished the way you’d heard about? A cane against your pale cheeks until you were free from sin? It almost sounded thrilling; you press your thighs together to quell the heat that formed at that thought. “I will get back to making the soup,” you continue, taking the pot over to the stove, turning it on and lighting it with a match.
Jude could tell you were going to be trouble, perhaps not in the same sense as the patients, but for her- tempting her, pulling her into your web. She does a silent prayer before shaping the dough into a loaf and putting it on to bake. She wouldn’t give in to temptation, no matter how beautiful you are. The allure of you was just a phase, and soon the shine would dull, and she wouldn’t give you a second thought.
It took two weeks for you and Judy to find yourselves in a predicament that left both your cheeks burning. You had found yourself locked in one of the supply closets while trying to get more flour to make bread, and you were only discovered when Jude had opened it to get flour after thinking you’d wandered off. She chuckled and shook her head, stepping in to grab it, but you were so distracted by the beautiful sound that you forgot to put your foot in the doorway so the door wouldn’t click shut. “I was wondering where you’d gone, but it’s much more humorous that you got yourself locked in here.”
“It is hardly my fault the door locks once shut.” You watch her try opening the door, the blonde letting out an annoyed huff, “Looks like I am not the only one getting themselves locked in supply closets, Sister Jude.” You giggle softly when she glares at you, leaning against the wall by the door as you watch her try to get the door open, “It won’t work, Judy.”
The nickname slips from your tongue before you could even register you were thinking it, both of you staring at each other in shock for a moment before the blonde scoffs, “Judy,” she lets out a huff, “Who do you think you are, girl? Calling me so casually. Do you think your little jokes are going to magic the door open? No.” She looks you up and down, reaching out to fix the way your necklace sat, her thumb running against the center of it, muttering, “They did say the devil would be tempting.”
“I- I wasn’t joking, Sister Jude. I just- I like how your name sounds, it’s pretty. You’re pre-“
“Stop talking,” she says firmly, although her cheeks where flush with color, “You can’t go speaking that way. It’s- It’s abnormal. A sin. Did you learn nothing at your convent? Or did it go in one ear and out the other?”
“It’s not abnormal, nor is it a sin. God wouldn’t have created me this way were it a bad thing. Have you ever thought about that? Why would he create me this way if it were a sin?” You notice she hadn’t pulled back, that her hand hadn’t let go of your necklace, her thumb still stroking the center. You wanted to hold her hand, but you didn’t want to spook her more than you already had, so, instead, you grip the skirt of your vestment.
“Those are the devil’s words,” she whispers, her breath fanning against your lips, “They have to be, or everything I have done would go against God’s wishes. To inflict suffering upon others for something they cannot change- It is- It goes against everything.”
“You can still make up for what you have done, Judy. I’m sure Ms. Winters would be receptive to an apology, to a reform- a change for the better. It won’t make up for what she went through, but it will be a step in the right direction.” Only now do you gently wrap your hand around hers, looking into her beautiful chocolate eyes, “There is no shame in that.”
Jude’s cheeks color and she looks away, your gaze, although soft, was still too penetrating and she didn’t like it. “It would mean everything I have been taught was a lie- my whole adult life, a lie. I cannot accept such a radical change so soon. It’s too much, too fast.”
“Change takes time, and you can take this one day at a time,” you rub circles lightly on the back of her hand- it was so soft and warm, and you wondered what it felt like cupping your cheek, if the tenderness would be as comforting as you imagined while you lay in bed awake at night. “I won’t judge you, and I certainly won’t tell anyone either.”
“I think I can accept that,” she replies quietly, looking at you again before stepping back and clearing her throat. “How do you suppose we get out of here? Knock on the door until a guard unlocks it for us?” And that is exactly what you and Jude do, taking turns knocking and calling for a guard- thankfully you were rescued shortly after you started, the man grunting a “you’re welcome.”
It was another two weeks before you two were alone again. It was a late night, and you were both in the kitchen getting dough ready for the following morning, the flickering light from the fireplace illuminating the room with a warm glow. “This dough just isn’t coming together, Judy. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong,” you say defeated, slumping against the floured workbench.
Jude dusts her hands off and goes over to you, leaning over your shoulder she prods the dough with a finger, “You just need to keep kneading it, dear.” She takes your hands and uses them to work the dough, pulling and folding it, “Like that- You have to use force, this isn’t a brioche where you need to be gentle.”
Your cheeks go pink at the closeness, it could be easily passed off as flush from the heat of the kitchen, but you knew Jude would know the truth, “Maybe I’m not cut out for making bread like you are, Judy,” you whisper as she keeps manipulating your hands to knead the dough.
The blonde chuckles by your ear, “Or maybe you just wanted me this close to you, dear.” She finishes working the dough, letting go of your hands then stepping back just enough so that you could turn to look at her. Her eyes dart to your lips, soft pink and perfectly plump- how could she have resisted for so long? If it wasn’t the devil tempting her, then what is it? It couldn’t be her own desire, could it? After this many years, she thought it had faded into nothingness.
“Maybe I did,” you reply quietly, your own eyes shamelessly staring at her own lips, the same thought in your mind, how could you have resisted her for this long? It was simple really, you didn’t want to scare her off, frighten her mentorship of you by forcing yourself on her. “I- Think I want to-“
“I would like you to,” she whispers, only just loud enough that you could hear it over the crackle of the wood in the fire. She closes her eyes in anticipation, and there it was- that spark coming to life when she finally feels your lips upon her own. Your soft, floured hands cupping her cheeks so tenderly almost like you were afraid of hurting her, or worried she would flee, but she doesn’t. She doesn’t flee. She stays. She stays in this embrace, enjoying the warmth that radiates from the kiss, the butterflies in her stomach that she hadn’t felt in so long.
You wanted to squeal in excitement, but you temper that down, quell it so you wouldn’t scare her off. Your thumbs softly brush against the swell of her cheeks, your head tilting ever so slightly to deepen the kiss. You keep your tongue confined to your mouth for now, this was your first kiss with her after all. You only pull back when she does, and although you wanted to chase after her lips, you didn’t want to overwhelm her. You bite back your smile, your cheeks pink, “Are you okay, Judy?”
Jude smiles a little and covers her mouth with her hand, “Oh- That was-“ She turns her head away, letting out a soft giggle and shaking her head in disbelief. It had been a long time since she had kissed another woman, but she was certain that she would want to do it again soon, “We should finish making the dough, dear.”
“Of course, Judy,” you giggle softly, turning to finish kneading the dough and putting it with the rest before you start tidying the kitchen up. You scrape the caked-on flour off the kitchen bench, blissfully unaware of the way Jude was watching you- her eyes fixated on your behind and how good it looks in the black vestment. She hadn’t found a need to punish you since your arrival, and while there were moments she was tempted to, she ultimately decided against it because it would only frighten you into conforming. What excuse would she have to come up with to see your shapely bottom freed from the cloth? The thought brings color to her fair cheeks and shame washes over her for thinking such things. Surely these were only thoughts men had towards women, not thoughts women should have towards one another.
“You should bathe after,” she blurts out, although in her mind, she said it so casually, “The bathroom in my chambers has a bath with running water, it’ll be warm. You could even open up a new bar of soap if you wish.”
You look at her, “Do I smell?” You ask, tilting your head slightly. It was such a bizarre thing for her to say, and surely she wouldn’t have any other reason to say that other than if you were particularly odiferous. “I- I suppose I could do that, thank you?”
Jude lets out a pleased hum, “Come along then, dear.” She gestures for you to follow her, leading you to her chambers which you had yet to be in, only ever going as far as her doorway. Now it was your turn to ogle her behind once more, almost hypnotized by the sway of her hips- She always moved so gracefully, so effortlessly and it captivated you. She captivated you.
When you arrive at her chambers, she lets you in, leading you through to the bathroom where she lights a few of the candles before turning the tap on in the bath. “Are you sure you want me to bathe in here, Judy? I don’t want to impose on your space. I also don’t have a towel.”
She checks the water is getting hot before putting the plug in, shaking the water from her hand, “I wouldn’t have offered were I unsure, dear. Good personal hygiene is important in a place like this, I couldn’t let you go to bed with sweat clinging to your skin.” She straightens up, fixing her vestment then looks at you, “I will fetch you a towel from my wardrobe. You can get in the bath now if you wish, it won’t take long to fill.”
Jude sets a small box that contained a bar of soap on the floor next to the tub before leaving the bathroom, the door ajar so she could hear if you needed anything. She wouldn’t leave it open for any other reason, she certainly wasn’t perverted enough to watch you undress and bathe, although she does turn her head to have a quick look- Her cheeks go red when she sees you in your underclothes folding your vestment. She looks away quickly, doing a quick prayer before sitting down at her desk to do her nightly bible reading.
“Judy?” You call out once you’re seated comfortably in the bath, “I can’t reach the soap, my arms are too short and I don’t wish for the cold air to get to my skin.”
The older woman sits up straighter, surely you hadn’t called for her to aid you while you’re in an undressed state. She thinks nothing of it until you call for her again, a slight whine to your voice that she finds rather adorable. She pushes back from her desk and heads in, keeping her gaze downcast as she crouches down to open the box of soap, handing it to you soon after, “There you go, dear.”
Your hand brushes against hers as you take the soap bar, a soft smile on your face, “Thank you, Judy.” You start to lather up, usually you would feel entirely bashful being so exposed with another person present, but you found this feeling lacking with Jude. Now that wasn’t because she wouldn’t judge you, she certainly does on certain things, but she was too shy to ogle you or comment on your body while you’re in such a state. “I won’t bother you again, although I do think a towel would be nice if I want to dry off after I’ve bathed.”
“A tow- Of course, yes, how could I have forgotten?” She straightens up again, desperately trying to not look at you in your unclothed state, her eyes piercing yours before she leaves quickly, muttering about how you were tempting her. She didn’t really think you were, and she finds it repulsive when people blame women for tempting them into doing horrific things, but she was finding it difficult to maintain composure. She goes over to where her linen was kept, pulling out a fresh towel for you before returning to the bathroom, “Here you go, dear.”
You hum, rinsing the soap suds from your body before standing up and stepping out of the tub. Jude’s eyes go wide and her face flushes a deep red, the blonde barely managing to unfold the towel so you could wrap it around yourself while trying to look anywhere but you. How could you be so brazen? So comfortable in your sexuality that you could reveal yourself like that? You thank her for the towel, placing a delicate kiss on her cheek.
“Are you trying to- to seduce me with your wicked ways?” She manages out, still unable to look at you in case you pull another stunt. Her skin felt hot and she worried for a moment if she was coming down with something, but if her memory was serving her correctly, this is what happens when there’s desire simmering under the surface.
“No, Judy, I am not. They’re not wicked either,” you say softly, padding over to your clothes to start toweling off. “I apologize if I have made you uncomfortable. I just thought that we’re both women, and there’s nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to our bodies. I won’t do it again.”
And you didn’t, although every time you came to use her bath, Jude longed to see you again in such a bare state. You had shared a number of chaste kisses since then, and it had left her feeling rather light-headed, giddy even in a way one would when they have a crush on someone. It wasn’t until one year had passed that she finally worked up the courage to share a bath with you. She was encouraged by your comfort in your nudity to try and be so herself like she had when she was younger, but she did ask that you refrain from looking at her until she was situated comfortably in the tub.
“You may look now, dear,” Jude says softly, a shy smile on her face when you open your eyes. She did worry that you would think she was too old, her skin wrinkled, her breasts no longer perky like your own, but from the look in your eyes, she had nothing to worry about in the slightest. “Quit looking at me like that,” she says with a giggle, her cheeks going pink, “You strange girl.”
“I’m just admiring you, Judy,” you reply, a smile on your face too as you take her in all her glory. She really was beautiful, timeless, and you could easily picture her being a star of the silver screen- a lead actress working with the greats like Steve McQueen. “I wish I had a camera so I could capture your beauty.”
“Oh,” she chuckles softly and shakes her head, picking the bar of soap up and starting to lather it up, “I don’t think you should waste your film on that, dear. I’m much too old to be a muse.” She wasn’t sure she would have the courage to pose for you, or even let you capture her in candid moments, but if it was something you truly wanted then she would certainly try for you. It had been a long while since she’s received such attention, and it was far nicer than what she used to receive- it wasn’t superficial, and you weren’t doing it just to sleep with her. Did you even want to do that? Just because you’ve kissed doesn’t mean you want to engage in that kind of intimacy.
“It wouldn’t be a waste. Not to me. Not if it’s you,” you reply, “not a waste at all. I think you’d look gorgeous.” You take the soap from her once she’s done, leaning back as you start to wash, “We could have our own little picture book full of memories, keep it locked in our drawer so no one could catch us.” You rest your leg against the edge of the tub to start washing it, “Then maybe when the world is more accepting, we won’t have to hide it away any longer.”
“A memory book,” Jude repeats, watching you as you wash, “I do like the sound of that, dear. Just for the two of us. Oh how wonderful.” She lets her fingertips dance across your calf, “That might be wishful thinking, but it certainly does sound lovely. No shame. No hiding. I think I could find myself getting used to that, dear.”
“It’s not wishful if you do things to try and make it happen,” you lean back, enjoying the way her touch felt on your skin. You had held one another in bed before, dressed in your evening slips, but her hand had brushed so tenderly against your back and you found yourself wanting more. You never expected anything further than that, it wasn’t something you actively sought in relationships, and you certainly weren’t going to make Judy feel like she has to engage in such intimacy. “The next time we have to head into town to get things, I will purchase a film camera. Oh how exciting, Judy.”
Jude can’t help but smile at your excitement, your youthful joy, “It is exciting. I will see if the monsignor needs us to go tomorrow- I know we are running short of a few things that won’t get delivered by the grocer. Perhaps we could have a drink at the café, you always mention how much you want to go there. I don’t see why we couldn’t treat ourselves to something nice for once.”
“Look at you, Judy Martin,” you say with a giggle which makes the older woman blush, “I never thought I’d hear you say we should treat ourselves, and I am rather glad that I have. I will pay for our little treat tomorrow, then if we decide to return, it’s your turn.” You lean over and kisses her cheek, enjoying the way you could feel her smile grow at the gesture.
After the bath, you and Jude change into your nightgowns before doing your evening prayers. Once those are done, you cuddle into Jude who’s fingers idly run up and down your arm while she reads, her glasses perched on the end of her nose. She would often read out passages she found particularly interesting, and you would always listen because you loved the sound of her voice. She didn’t mind you would fall asleep either, if anything, she found it sweet that you felt comfortable enough to do so with her.
The following morning, you and Judy head into town to get a few things from the store that weren’t included in the bulk grocery items- just little things that made the asylum a little more bearable. Since a holiday was coming up, you convinced Judy that some little chocolates would increase the morale of the patients and staff. Now, you are only saying convinced because you both knew, at this stage of your relationship, that Judy could seldom say no to you. You add a few other holiday themed items before you both head to the check-out.
After you had returned your purchases to the car, you head to the little café to have, as Judy said, “A little treat.” You order yourself a hot cocoa while Jude gets a coffee with milk and two sugars, as well as a blueberry muffin to split. You carry the muffin to a table by the window and sit down, using the knife to cut it in half then into quarters, “We should try making these one day, Jude.” You never called her Judy in public because it made her uncomfortable, and as much as you love saying her name that way, you respected her boundaries far more. “I think they will be quite popular with the patients.”
“Blueberries are rather expensive, Yn. I am not sure it could be an all the time baked good, although I am sure we could try for once every few months.” She takes a piece of the muffin and bites it, letting out a pleased hum at the taste. She picks out a blueberry from the remaining pieces and eats it too, chuckling at the gasp you let out, “What?”
“You can’t do that, Jude,” you say with a huff, almost pouting at the piece with one less blueberry, “Now there’s not enough blueberry to muffin ratio.” You huff again and pick the sad little muffin piece up and eat it, the sad look on your face only spurring Judy on to laugh- the sound enough to make you smile even though you were still a little upset. You go to say something nice about her laugh but the waitress comes over to deliver your drinks, your eyes lighting up at the sight of the marshmallows floating on the surface, “Oh it’s been so long since I’ve had any marshmallow. They’re my favorite.”
“I haven’t had any since I was a child,” Jude admits, her eyebrows raising when you immediately scoop one out with the teaspoon and hand it to her with a smile on your face. “Oh, dear- I-“ She couldn’t say no to you when you looked so excited to share with her, the blonde shaking her head with a shy smile as she eats the marshmallow off the spoon. She was surprised by how sweet it was, the soft chew bringing back memories of when she was a child and would get them in her hot chocolate as a treat on holidays. How different her life would be if- She couldn’t dwell on that because one change in the past would mean she might never have met you, and that was a terrible thought. “Thank you, Yn. I think we might have to return to the grocery store to pick some up to have on the odd occasion, what do you think?”
“You’re welcome, Jude,” you smile and nod, sipping your drink before responding to her. “I think that is a wonderful idea. They’ll love it. Anything to make them feel a little more human.” You both enjoy your drinks and the remaining muffin before leaving, your hands itched to hold Judy’s but you understood how much danger that would put you both in, and how uncomfortable it would make her. You head to the camera store where you pick one you’d had your eyes on since before you were even a nun, taking it to the counter and getting a few extra rolls of film, “Just this, thank you.”
The man takes the money from you, writing your receipt before packing the items nicely in a well-protected box for you. You thank him again before leaving, a big smile on your face as you and Judy head back to the car for the last time- having already picked the marshmallows up on your way back. “I can’t wait for you to be the first picture I take, Judy,” you almost squeal when she starts driving back to the asylum. “Oh this is so excited! You’re going to look so beautiful even though we won’t be able to see the photos until the film is developed but I just know you’re going to look beautiful. I just know it, Judy.” You ramble for most of the car ride back, Jude doing her best to not giggle or chuckle at how cute you were.
Later that night, you were both getting ready for bed when you snap a picture of Judy running a brush through her hair, a soft smile on your face and if it were possible, you’d have hearts in your eyes, “Beautiful,” you whisper, “Absolutely beautiful.”
Jude’s cheeks go red and she shakes her head with a soft smile, “Sometimes I think you’re lying, dear, but with a smile like that- I know you’re not.” She puts the brush down and heads over to you, a soft chuckle leaving her lips when the click of the camera happens again, “I think that’s enough for tonight, honey.”
A new pet-name and your cheeks go bright red, quickly putting the camera down when she loops an arm around your waist to pull you close, a giggle escaping you, “Whatever you say, Judy.” You smile as she kisses you, your hands coming up to tenderly cup her cheeks. You let out a content sigh, nothing ever felt more perfect than her lips against your own, the way her fingers flex against your hip as she pulls you closer to her so your bodies pressed together.
When you two finally made it into bed, Jude pulled you firmly against her, her hands roaming over your curves, “I do wish you didn’t have to leave so early in the morning so we wouldn’t get caught. Just one morning I’d like to wake up with your head still on my chest- I want to see what your skin looks like with the early morning sun dancing across it.”
“Oh Judy,” you whisper, relaxing under her touch, “I wish for that too, and maybe one morning we can have that- I can stay in. Perhaps when the monsignor has gone away for work, I can stay. I just don’t want you to get in trouble, your job means so much to you and I’d feel terrible if it was taken away because of me.”
She moves a hand to gently stroke your cheek, her beautiful brown eyes meeting yours, “I may have been nervous about what I was feeling when we first started, honey- But now I wouldn’t change it for anything. If- If it meant losing my title, I would, as long as I knew we had somewhere safe to go- a roof over our heads and food in the cupboards, that is all that would matter to me. I have seen and done so many terrible things in my life, but I won’t let this one good thing be taken from me.”
“Judy,” you sniffle, leaning into her touch when she softly wipes your tears away, “We will save our money, okay? We will and- and we can find a nice little cottage in the countryside to live in. We will have chickens and goats, and grow vegetables to sell at market. It’ll just be you and me, Judy. You and me.” You meant it too, you would save every dollar, every nickel if it meant one day you and Jude could live peacefully without fearing you’d be kicked out on your asses. But for now, you two would keep things hidden, you would leave before the sun rose and the stars were still out so that no one could catch you. You would steal kisses in the hallways, stolen glances in the common area, and enjoy each other’s warm embrace in the evening once duties were done.
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cabensonsgirly · 1 year
Danger — burning higher
Where there's desire
There is fire
And it's hot. (18+)
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It's here, bitches.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
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sawyerconfort · 11 months
Hi can you write Fiona Goode x fem reader using prompts #4, #8 and #19? Thank you <3
Sorry for the inactivity and request delay, anon, here it is!
and for other interested readers, yes, I'm back!
Hope you like it!
requests are currently closed, but news is coming and I hope to be able to reopen them soon!
I was really looking forward to write something about Fiona Goode (she's mother, she solos, she is the supreme and she's in charge everywhere!)
*fem!reader but you can change if you feel comfortable too!*
4. "you okay?" 8. "yes, you can hold my hand, sweetie." 19. "yes, you can cry."
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Fiona wasn't a patient person, nor was she very sentimental, but oddly enough, there was something about her that woke up when she was with you. Maybe it was the age gap and the constant worry of having someone who wasn't a witch in the middle of so much violence, magic and power. Maybe it was, who knows, the idea of being able to start over, of being able to create a successor like she had never created Cordelia, maybe a way for Fiona to redeem herself from previous sins and guarantee a place in Heaven.
Or maybe it was just a good feeling, a genuine love that someone like Fiona Goode probably never felt. Not with such intensity.
But she was, when you stopped to look at her, extremely tough, cold and cautious. She didn't smile at you, she didn't even show that she loved you back, while you only knew how to admire that woman, the Supreme, the most powerful witch in the entire coven.
It was late at night and for some reason you couldn't sleep. Maybe the shock of having a ghost of the LaLauries alive and working as a servant in the house got to you. Deciding to go back to sleep, you just went down to the kitchen to get some water, taking advantage of the fact that Delphine was sleeping peacefully, and, when you were almost finished emptying the glass, the door opened and scared you more than it should have.
Suddenly, when you least expected it, Fiona was passing through the room, and was about to go upstairs when she saw you, turning those piercing eyes right in your direction.
"What the hell are you doing up at this hour, (Y\N)?" she asked, her voice altered but low, with a surprised intonation.
"I could ask you the same thing," you replied, bluntly.
She raised an eyebrow. "It's none of your business, you moron."
You waited for Fiona to turn and go to her big, beautiful room, and she did. But before you hit the stairs together, one after the other, she let out a huge sniff, which startled you.
"You okay?" you asked, not expecting her to answer. And Fiona didn't answer until you were in her room, standing in the doorway. "What were you doing out there, Fiona? I care about you, I need answers."
She sighed. "Don't tell Cordelia, she couldn't stand it. I went… well, I went to the hospital, had chemo. I can only go out at night, which is when I'm sure you, and she, are asleep."
You widened your eyes, taken by surprise. Not entirely impressed, of course, because without even knowing it, Fiona had already hinted to you that she was running out of time. And honestly, it was either you or Myrtle Snow - and Fiona would kind of do anything not to tell Myrtle Snow -.
"I'm sorry, Fiona," you said, opening her bedroom door for good and letting her sit on the bed. Left with no choice, and feeling compassion for the Supreme, you sat down beside her and sighed. "Want company? I'm not very sleepy…"
She nodded and sighed too, letting you sit closer to the side, letting your bodies almost stick together. She looked tired and sad and lonely, and again, your pity for her was greater than any hatred and indignation at the Supreme's indifference.
"Please (Y\N), promise me this will stay between us…"
"How much time do you have left?"
She shrugged. "I don't know. But what worries me isn't even the disease. I know I can lessen its effects, and it has helped me, even if it doesn't seem like it. What worries me is, in reality, the time that will pass, time is short for me. I will not die of common causes, I will be forced to leave because a Supreme will be in power after me… And you know who she is."
You looked at her. "Why don't you tell her the truth? Why do you keep all these mysteries to yourself?"
"Cordelia is more fragile than she looks, darling. If I tell her, she might internalize the powers, and everything will be even more ruined for me."
Her eyes were getting smaller and smaller, lowered, dilated, almost closed. Fiona really was fading away, little by little, and if you didn't do something, you'd have less time than you wanted.
"Could I just…"
"Yes, you can hold my hand, sweetie." She replied, smiling, as if she read your mind. Automatically, Fiona's hands sought out and reached for hers. She was looking into her eyes when she whispered, in a thin voice. "You are special to me, (Y\N). I'm a terrible person to you and I don't deserve someone like that…"
"You're not a bad person, Fiona. You just don't know how to show feelings, but I know all that even without you saying it out loud…", you smiled, squeezing her hand even tighter. "You'll never be alone again. This is just between us, and I promise you'll have me until the end, right?"
"I definitely don't deserve you, sweetie…", she laughed, hugging you and letting your head rest on her chest. "You're unlike anything I've seen before, and that intrigues me so much…"
Her voice was suddenly shaky, and you could tell she was holding in her tears. Fiona sniffed again and you looked up, smiling.
"Yes, you can cry." You whispered, still looking at her, and just as two tears fell, you used your fingers to wipe them away.
Fiona smiled, closing her eyes, and then gently leaned in to kiss you. A quick but meaningful peck.
"What was that?", you whispered, confused, laughing.
"I don't know. But I felt like it. And I wanted to try this before something happened to me."
You laughed and patted her arm lightly. "Nothing is going to happen, shut your mouth. We still have a lot more time to explore and experience other things…"
She laughed and then used her advanced strength to throw you onto the bed, getting on top of you.
"Oh really? Does that mean I can try again?"
You laughed, and kissed Fiona harder now, letting the rest of the night become history. And, well, to be honest, all you guys did least was sleep that night…
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fight with jess
smut warning
jessica and you have been fighting all day. the fight started because you thought she was cheating. which she isn’t.
“i haven’t fucking cheated on you!! why would i ever fucking cheat on the one goddamn girl who makes me feel like i’m not lonely for once in my fucking life!! i wouldn’t give up everything we have just for a one night stand.” jessica yells.
“maybe we should just get a goddamn divorce.” you say
“fine! go get the goddamn papers and i’ll sign them right now!” she yells with tears in her eyes.
you walk towards the door and then she yells
“walk out that goddamn door and i will kiss you until you beg me to stop.”
you walk out the door and she runs after you and grabs your arm and spins you around so your facing her and she smashes her lips onto yours. she picks you up so your legs are wrapped around her and she doesn’t break the kiss as she brings you inside and pushes you onto the couch. soft enough not to hurt you but hard enough to let you know she’s not fucking joking. she kisses your neck
“oh jess..” you moan as she kisses your neck
“right now i want to rip that goddamn dress off of you and take you for hours..” she whispers into your ear. god her voice is so sexy
“then fucking take me jessica lange..” you say
she rips your dress off and takes your bra and panties off and kisses down your body until she reaches your thighs. she then kisses and makes hickeys on your thighs “god your wet for me.” she says before licking up your slit and sucking on your clit
“oh my fucking god jessica.. that might just be your fault..” you moan
she then slaps my thigh
“fuck!! it was my own fault! oh god don’t stop!!” you moan
she then continues sucking on your clit and then she slides a finger inside of you you then moan loudly. after about 10 minutes she slides another finger inside of me and her teeth grazes your clit. “oh god jess!!” you moan out loud. “fuck im close jess..”
she chuckles and fingers you harder
“cum for me my sweet girl.” she says. then you cum as you moan her name. after you cum she swallows it and makes sure there’s none wasted. she then lays next to you and pulls you on top of her. you rest your head on her chest “i love you jess..”. she smiles and kisses the top of your head and wraps her arms around you and holds you. “i love you too sugar.”. she then held you the entire night. and you realized this is where you belong. with the woman you love.
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michaelangdonsslut · 5 months
Hi!! Can I request an angsty / dark themed fic about Kit Walker in Briarcliff pretty pls? <3
heyy! I've had so much Inspiration from this request as I rewatched asylum not too long ago :) here u go luv !
word count; 600 warnings; dark themes, angst, violence, kit trying to escape lol
Trapped In Briarcliff
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The air in Briarcliff hung heavy with the weight of despair, the whispers of tormented souls echoing through It's dimly lit halls. Among the inmates, Kit Walker stood a solitary figure, accused of crimes he did not commit, trapped in a nightmare from which he could not escape.
It began on a fateful night, when the body of a young nurse was discovered within the confines of Briarcliff. The authorities wasted no time in pointing their fingers at Kit, already marked by the shame of his past. Despite his protests of innocence, sister Jude did not wanna hear anything, locking up the man in an underground dark cell with nothing but dampened walls, his pleas falling on deaf ears.
As the days turned into weeks, Kit found himself captured in a web of suspicion and deception, his every move surveyed by those who saw him as nothing more than a monster. The true killer remained at large, lurking in the shadows, their identity shrouded in mystery. Alone and isolated, Kit was consumed by a sense of helplessness, his spirit broken by the relentless onslaught of accusations and scorn. But amidst the darkness, a flicker of hope remained--a glimmer of defiance that burned bright within him.
Kit sat alone in the dimly lit corner of his room, the cold stone walls closing in around him like a vice. The echoes of distant screams reverberated through the air, a haunting reminder of the horrors that lurked within Briarcliff's walls.
His mind raced with thoughts of escape, a desperate longing to break free from the suffocating grasp of the asylum that held him captive. With every fiber of his being, Kit yearned for the open sky, the feel of fresh air against his skin, for the chance to reclaim his freedom.
Despite the risks, Kit could not shake the burning desire that smoldered within him--a fierce determination to defy the odds and forge his own path to freedom. With each passing moment, the urge to escape grew stronger, fueling his resolve to break free from the chains that bound him.
Kit's heart pounded with fear as he crept through the dimly lit corridors, his every step muffled by the oppressive silence that hung heavy in the air. The taste of freedom lingered tantalizingly on the edge of his lips, driving him forward despite the gnawing sense of dread that gnawed at his insides.
But just as he reached the main doors to freedom, desperately trying to get out of this hell-like place, a sharp voice cut through the darkness, freezing him in his tracks. "Where do you think you're going Walker?" It was the unmistakable voice of one of the guards, a hulking figure whose mere presence sent shivers down Kit's spine.
Before he could react, strong hands seized him roughly, dragging him back into the suffocating embrace of Briarcliff. The orderly's eyes burned with fury as he delivered a punishing blow to kit's stomach, the force of it knocking the breath from his lungs.
Pain exploded through Kit's body as he crumpled to the ground, gasping for air as the world spun dizzily around him. But even as he lay broken and defeated, a defiant spark flickered in his eyes, refusing to be extinguished by the darkness that threatened to consume him.
As the guard raised his hand for another blow, Kit braced himself for the inevitable onslaught, steeling his resolve against the torment that awaited him. For in that moment, he knew that no matter how hard they tried to break him; his spirit would remain unbroken, a beacon of defiance in the face of oppression.
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demxnicprxncess · 1 year
GxG Smut "Can't Sleep"
YALL IM FEELING OVERLY CONFIDENT IN MY SEXUALITY RN AND ITS 1 AM I HAVE SCHOOL TMR BUT I HAD THIS SCENARIO PICTURE WHOEVER TF YOU WANT, I managed to imagine both Sarah Paulson and Lady Gaga during different moments. (Don't ask.)
Taglist: @kitwalkersgfff, @ppawmpkin, @yes-divine-ruler, @quicksilversg1rl, @charsdunkie, @eddiemunsonsbitch69, @dahmevan, @sultrysullen dm me to be added or removed dears. (idk if you guys wanna be tagged for my wlw stories sorry js lmk!)
CW: WLW cs im gay, cursing cs im popeye the sailor, overly detailed because im hyper, scissoring and tribbing, dirty talk, titty worship cs its women, no men, purely porn with no plot, MAKING LOVE, ITS SEX!
Rolling around against the soft sheets that wrapped around my half nude body as I practically whimpered at the things my girlfriend did to me in my dream, only to be woken up by my actual girlfriend. "Baby, are you okay? You're all sweaty and whiney..." I looked at her squinting to read her expression in the dark room, before leaning over to cut the light on. "What?" She laughed softy before pulling me into her chest, I felt the side of my sweaty face being pressed against her pillowy boobs, I felt like I was in heaven. "What were you dreaming about pretty girl?" I looked up at her and smiled bashfully before pushing her down onto the bed and sitting on top of her each of my thighs on the side of her waist. "Just how good it feels when you eat me out." She looked up at me and smiled before bringing her hands to my thighs and then my waist. "Oh yeah?" I leaned down close to her lips barely letting them touch before mumbling a soft "Yeah." into her lips as I kissed her. I slid my hips down so my pussy was in line with hers. I slid my hand down in between us and slipped it into her panties, tracing figure eights along her clit feeling as her body stutters against mine. "You like that?" I pull back from this kiss still moving my fingers before using my free hand to push her hair out of her face. "Alot." I smiled once more now removing my finger and pulling down her panties and mine. "As much as I'd love to recreate my dream I can't. Cause damn, I really fucking need you." I pushed her legs up to fold her knees in reach with her still covered breast whilst I undid my bra and then laid myself at the perfect angle to where her clit was lined perfectly with mine. I gave a gentle testing grind to make sure that whilst stimulating myself I could stimulate her, her somewhat loud moan being everything I need to tell me that I was doing right. But before I could start, I had to remove her bra, I reveled in the sight of her boobs, bare or not. I placed a hand on her boob before grinding with a bit more force now, the pleasure striking from my core all the way down to the tip of my toes. I sped up the little pushes feeling her body quiver in pleasure undermine while her moans grew in volume and intensity. "Shh baby, we wouldn't want the neighbors to hear now, would we? Let 'em hear how good I fuck you in the middle of the night?" She shook her head no, and I leaned down to kiss her, swallowing every moan she sent my way and pushing my hips against hers even harsher before moving my finger to massage her scalp through her tangled hair that flung around her head and clung to her sweaty face. I pulled back feeling myself getting close knowing she finishes before me she must be holding it, I pushed with more force feeling my arousal pool out and mix with her that had also started pouring out of her hole. "You're so needy for me princess." Her moans got louder, I could feel her body shake as she reached her highly anticipated orgasm following in her footsteps, I reached mine, moaning her name out in pure ecstasy. "I have a feeling we're going to sleep well tonight.
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inmyfxith · 2 years
First Love, Part. I
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Pairing: Jimmy Darling x reader
OC: None
Warnings: None
Words: 2k7
Part. II, Part. III, Part. IV
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Living in Jupiter, Florida, proved to be no picnic. Especially when your family found herself among the most respected in the community. Recognized as a small settlement, Jupiter appeared to be a crowded town. Many people in the community seemed to have known each other for decades. Rarely would you find a single inhabitant who did not share a blood connection with another.
We must go back in time to acknowledge where these connections originated. The first settlers moved to the area in the eighteenth century. At that time, some Indian tribes were living there. In order not to lose the pure blood of the white man, many of them united themselves through marriages. Thus, the births linked to the intermarriages created the community of Jupiter.
You came to be no different. Your parents' relationships grew out of their high school years. Because they lived in the same neighborhood, their exchange intensified over the years. A wedding soon followed, and soon, Jupiter welcomed a new little soul. The blowing of your fifth candle featured the entry of the USA into World War II. Like many other men of his generation, your father suffered from the mobilizations. Yet, he soon found his way back home.
Your calm and respectful nature strengthened your parent's conviction to extend the family. Three new faces appeared to the delight of your father, for whom a large family meant prosperity. He received three boys who would carry on the family name with pride and continuity. Soon, your role as the eldest took a new meaning.
Growing up, you learned to look after yourself and your brothers. While your father worked, your mother attended a lot of Tupperware meetings. Police detective, he rarely found himself at home. No one could follow your mother to the meetings. She claimed you tended to be too young or that you would get bored.
So, to make pocket money, you dedicated your free time to babysitting. With your hard-earned money, you gave yourself a weekly treat. Every Wednesday, you enjoyed going to the local diner. There, you could eat a mixed salad and read the newspaper. Your break could, sometimes, include a walk by the Jupiter Lighthouse.
Like the other children of Jupiter, your future seemed set. From your future career to the man you would marry. Yet, some areas remained unclear. Unfortunately for your parents, their plans were about to fall through.
The first obstacle to your success involved a man named Jimmy Darling. He used to show up at the diner on Wednesday afternoons. The first few times, you walked past each other without noticing each other's presence. Well, without him ever noticing you. The young man sat opposite you. His favorite pastime was flirting with the waitress. Carol's greatest dream tended to be fleeing from Jupiter. To achieve it, she worked at the diner five days a week.
The reason Jimmy didn't notice you remained simple. You usually arrive before him and hide behind the Jupiter-Tequesta Inquirer. But this time appeared to be different. Due to a delay, the young man took his seat a few minutes before you.
As you pushed open the door to the diner, you greeted Carol with a pleasing smile on your face. The waitress stood behind the counter, close to the man with the gloves, as she called him. When she heard you, she straightened up to respond.
"I thought you wouldn't come in this week!" Carol flashed a smile at Jimmy before handing you the day's newspaper. Your attention went immediately to the cover of the newspaper.
Your father's work as a detective with the Jupiter Police Department never made it past the door. He never talked about his investigations or what was going on in town. So the newspapers turned out to be your only source of information on the subject. A murder happened recently. A milkman had found a woman dead in her own home. According to the police, the only suspect appeared to be a girl with two heads. The headlines mentioned a two-headed freak. Curious about it, you turned the pages with great attention. At some point, your elbow bumped into your neighbor's. By the time you got there, no one was next to you. Thus, you excused yourself.
"First time?" your neighbor came out to be Jimmy Darling. Besides the delightful smile on his lips, dimples formed on her cheeks. The black leather cap matched his jacket and gloves, which he never seemed to take off.
With round eyes, you found yourself unable to answer his simple question. His gaze roamed on the newspaper you were holding before Carol came to your rescue. The waitress brought your salad. As you blushed, she took the initiative to answer.
"Y/N comes in every Wednesday for lunch. Always at this place, she orders the same meal." Carol offered you an understanding smile as she leaned toward the two of you.
Not used to these exchanges, you put a lock of brown hair behind your ear.
"No way! How could I have missed such beauty?" Jimmy tended to be a smooth talker, and you knew it. Yet, your body kept expressing discomfort as you blushed even more.
Still speechless, your eyes met Carol's. Jimmy understood your discomfort and, like a gentleman, he jumped out of his seat. The young man exchanged some words with Carol. He speculated he would be back the following Wednesday since he now had something to look after. Raising your eyes toward him, he threw you a ravaging smile. Jimmy also winked at you before leaving the diner.
That brief interaction filled your mind for the rest of the afternoon. And your imagination allowed itself to invent the next meeting. Jimmy hadn't lied. The following Wednesday, he showed up for dinner again. But also those that followed. He allowed himself the pleasure of coming to make conversation by buying you a drink here and there. Jimmy revealed himself as reserved when you asked him about personal subjects.
Over time, your shell broke, allowing him to discover what kind of woman you were. "What if we went for a ride together? We'll take my bike!" Jimmy suggested, on a whim, when you had finished your salad. If he had made this proposal on the previous Wednesday, there is no doubt that you would have accepted it. Unfortunately, the timing could not have been worse. One of your father's colleagues had asked to see your mother at the police station. As a result, you had to watch your brothers for the rest of the afternoon. Without refusing his proposal in its entirety, you offered to pick you up at your school the next night.
In front of your house, a police car parked as if the driver came in a hurry. It was not your father's car. You would have recognized it by the little bear that hung under its rearview mirror. Approaching the front door, Detective Jack Colquitt emerged from the house. His face bore an overwhelmed look. Colquitt knew you since you were born, he had never been the best policeman in Jupiter, yet he would do his job. Once he passed you, he shook his head before getting back into his car.
"Jack came to ask me if I'd heard from your father in the last few days." Ready to go to bed, your mother wore a mustard yellow bathrobe to hide her faded nightgown. Her arms crossed, the expression on her face detailed anxiety.
"Don't tell your brothers." As said before, your father rarely goes away for very long without giving any news. He used to call the police station or even your mother to inform them where he was. But this time, Robert Bunch left only a family and colleagues in a state of worry and incomprehension. Things must have been important enough for Jack to go on his own when the meeting got scheduled at the police station.
The next evening, you waited for Jimmy for almost an hour, but he never showed up. So you walked home, telling yourself how stupid you were to think that a boy like him could be interested in you.
The following Wednesday, you didn't show up at the diner. You changed your day to ensure that you wouldn't run into him, yet you did. He immediately sat down beside you. His face showed a guilty expression that you missed right away.
Jimmy stood so close to you that the fabric of his jacket almost caressed your arm. With a wave of his gloved hand, he motioned for Carol to bring him what he used to order before turning back to you.
"Look, doll, I wanted to come to you, but there's..." Jimmy started before you cut him off, which wasn't something you used to do.
"You don't need to apologize... because I'm not mad at you." you continued, but your intervention didn't manage to convince him. He moved closer to you, so close you could feel his breath caressing the side of your neck.
"There was a problem where I work. That's why I couldn't pick up my angel for a motorcycle ride." His comments made you grin against your will. You wanted to forget about this smooth talker, but he was good. So, you turned to him, a slight smile on your lips.
"Tell me where you work, and I'll come to see you since you can't get away." Flashing his charming smile again, Jimmy still seemed to hesitate for a moment. He ended up writing it on the small piece of paper you had handed him, where you could find him.
A little bit naive, and even if you didn't recognize the address, you showed up there one morning. You cooked a full plate of pancakes to sweeten the deal with Jimmy's coworkers. When your mother asked where you wanted to go, you lied, pretending of a meeting with a classmate. She called a taxi but ordered you to come back early because she needed to see her own friends.
The smell of hot pancakes wafted into the car, and the driver asked for one as payment. Closing the door, your plate in your hands, you couldn't believe your eyes. Tents stretched as far as the eye could see. Large banners praising the merits of frightening personalities were floating in the wind. These elements raised doubts about the truthfulness of Jimmy's words.
Observing your movements, a young woman approached you. In an aggressive tone, she informed you that the ticket office did not seem open before yelling that you should not stay. Taking courage, you asked her if she knew Jimmy Darling. The young woman looked at you from head to toe before asking you to wait.
So you did, taking care not to let your eyes linger where they shouldn't. At some point, your knight in shining armor appeared. His leather gloves still protecting his hands. The expression on his face made him glow, as did the dimples on his cheeks as he smiled at you.
"You came!" He exclaimed while his appearance had brought a stupid smile to your face. He observed the dish you were holding in your hands and relished the faint smell of rum from it.
"I didn't tell you I was coming, so to make up for it, here are some pancakes!" Jimmy pretended to have a surprise for you too. He then led you to the center of the camp, his hands resting on your eyes to prevent you from cheating.
Still holding your plate, you groped your way forward to avoid falling. After some steps, both of you stopped. You took a moment to listen to the sounds and assumed people were around you.
When Jimmy removed his hands, you stayed stunned by the vision. A small group of people sitting around a wooden table stared at you with round eyes. Among them, a woman of above-average proportions took a sip of water. Next to her stood a shorter man with arms that looked malformed. As she slid down the bench with her arms, your body took a step back when you noticed that the woman in front of you had no legs.
A young man appeared to polish chicken eggs with great attention. Your back hitting Jimmy's chest made you realize how unwelcome your behavior was. Embarrassed by it, you finally tried to break the ice.
"If I had known, I would have made more pancakes." Your peculiar comment made Jimmy chuckle. He turned away for a few moments so you wouldn't think he could be making fun of you. The man with the malformed and tattooed arms approached you. With a lot of sympathies, he shook your hand. After introducing himself as Paul, he took your plate. You met Amazon Eve and Suzi. Jimmy introduced you to Meep, Pepper, and Salty before inviting you around the table. His face seemed more relaxed than when he met you next to the cab.
Once seated around the table, they enjoyed your cooking as if it was not something usual.
Some of them let out slight groans after the first bite, and when the dish ended up empty, many of them seemed pained. You stood there for a long time talking and getting to know people you don't get to meet on the street.
A little shy at first, you eventually relaxed. They were different from the descriptions people were giving of them. And you ended up blaming yourself for ever believing what they said.
"I have an uncle who became a clown in a freak show. My mother found him very friendly. But he left Jupiter a few months after I was born. I don't know what happened to him."
Discussions continued throughout the afternoon. It wasn't until you saw the sky turn orange that you realized what time it was. Your mother would worry about your absence. It was inconceivable to torture her any further after your father's unexplained departure.
"I promise to come back as soon as I can.." you announced as Pepper had wrapped her arms around you and didn't want to let go. But Eve managed to convince her to let you go. Jimmy called you a cab. On the way to your starting point, you announced that you might be coming back with your brothers. Such animation in town could only be positive for their morale, and especially yours.
Letting your eyes wander one last time, the decoration of a caravan caught your attention. Attached to Jimmy's first and last name was a nickname that made you frown, "Lobster Man". You stopped, forcing your friend to ask you what was going on. Not wishing to appear rude, his gloves appeared as your way of finding out the truth.
"You're not wearing your gloves because you're cold, are you?" You asked with a slight smile, you had never believed his story but you gave him the benefit of the doubt. Your remark seemed to bring up anxiety in him, the same you had already felt when he took his hands away from your eyes. You approached, wanting only to reassure him.
“Whenever you’re ready,” your voice was identical to the one you used with your brothers. When they came to you whenever they had some kind of problem your parents couldn’t solve. Plunging your gaze into his, you didn’t notice that he was about to tell you his most shameful secret. Jimmy dropped his gloves to the floor, but you hadn’t even glanced at what he was hiding underneath the cloth. Your heart had started beating faster. Your own hands were sweaty, and before you knew it, your faces were dangerously close. And your lips ended up touching.
It was both gentle and violent. Gentle because neither of you wanted to hurt the other. Violent because it was the thing you had both been dreaming of doing for some time. Jimmy’s hands quickly grabbed your waist as one of yours found refuge in the lobster man’s hair.
The cab driver’s horn, yet, made the moment that seemed almost dreamlike stop. It was the first time you kissed someone like that, the first time you kissed someone. Opening the cab door, Jimmy placed one last kiss on your lips as a goodbye. He begged you to promise to come back and see him. Which you obviously did.
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marchtomydrums · 2 years
Run For Your Money
Cordelia Goode x Wilhemina Venable x Fiona Goode x Reader(Daughter/ Granddaughter)
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“Come on honey you’re going to have to try harder than that.” Fiona chuckles baiting you into fighting her.
“I don’t want to hurt you, Fiona.”
The older woman laughs. “Oh, child you can’t hurt me. I’m the supreme. Now come on let’s get to it.”
You sighed to yourself looking around for your mothers. Cordelia would be able to talk Fiona out of this while Mina would threaten her if she hurts you. But they’re nowhere in sight so now you must fight your grandmother.
Taking a deep breath you channel your magic waiting for the right moment to release. Finding that moment you do so sending a wave of energy Fiona’s way. The older woman blocks it easily sending it back your way and sending you flying into the bushes.
“Mother!” Cordelia screams running down the front porch steps of the academy.
“Delia. You’re just in time.” Fiona chuckles.
Cordelia sighs as she helps you out of the brush.
“What is the meaning of this mother?” She asked glaring at the older woman.
“I’m simply trying to train her so that if she has to fight someone she won’t get killed. Believe it or not, I am rather fond of your spawn.” She says with a smirk.
“So fond of her you sent her into the brushes. Yes, that makes a lot of sense Fiona.” A voice calls out from the top of the stairs.
Looking up you see your red-headed mother glaring at Fiona. You smiled looking back at Fiona.
“This doesn’t concern you, Wilhemina.” Fiona draws.
“She is a child Fiona,” Mina says.
“She's seven years old. And again this matter doesn't concern you.” Fiona says challenging the redhead.
“Shes a child nonetheless, and I will not watch you bully her when we all know your magic is much more powerful than hers. Or should I say was..” she says looking at Fiona.
You didn’t exactly know what she meant by that but Cordelia tensed beside you. Fiona glares at Mina as she walks forward.
“Listen here you Frankenstein Bitch. I will do as I please with my granddaughter. And if you don’t like it well you can kiss my….”
“Ahhhhhh!” Fiona screams as she goes flying across the yard. Once she lands she looks up in shock seeing both Cordelia and Mina staring in disbelief.
A figure hovers above her as she looks up into your eyes.
“Apologize to Mina.” You said glaring at Fiona.
Fiona smirks “Well I'll be damned. I knew you had it in you sugar.”
Fiona smiles as she finds her footing. “Cordelia this one is going to give you a run for your money,” she says smiling at your mother.
Fiona tries to walk past you but you block her glaring up at her once more.
“Apologize grandmother.”
Fiona sighs looking past you to address Mina.
“I’m sorry Wilhemina.”
The redhead smirks “Thank you, Fiona.”
“I need a drink.” Fiona huffs as she walks past you.
You smiled running up the stairs to Mina.
“Did you see that Mina?!”
“I did little one. Your powers are growing.” She smiles.
“Which means you need to be attending more classes to learn how to control them.” Cordelia chimes in as she walks up the stairs.
“Are you mad at me mommy?” You asked looking up at the blonde. She smiles shaking her head.
“Of course not sweetheart. Fiona got what she deserved. But we can’t have you throwing people around everytime they say something you don’t like.” She chuckles.
“I know. I’m sorry.”
Cordelia smiles as she picks you up settling you on her hip. “Don’t be sweet girl. Your grandmother was very impressed by your power. I think you might have even scared her a little.”
You giggled hugging her neck tight as she and Mina walk back inside with you.
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Getting caught- Fiona Goode
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𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝙽𝚘𝚗𝚎
Suddenly the door swung open, you blushing a deep lobster red, knowing fully well that you'd been caught. Fiona didn't seem to mind to say the least, but by the way Cordelia had just looked at you up and down made you want to shrink back and hide. ''Your lipstick is smudged all over her face,'' Cordelia accused, obviously not pleased with what she had just found.
''Well I didn't hear hear complaint,'' Fiona shot back, pushing past and making her way inside
''it's not like she could talk with your tongue down her throat'' Cordelia mumbled to herself
''I honestly don't understand what you see in her,'' Cordelia whispered shaking her head before allowing you inside
''Heard that'' Fiona yelled from somewhere inside the house causing you to giggle.
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caplanbuckybarnes · 1 year
Scott Lang & Jessica Jones & Luke Cage Drabbles
hello and welcome to my masterlist! This little space features nothing but Scott Lang x Reader & Jessica Jones x Reader, & Luke Cage x Reader. I do hope you enjoy! Please Don’t Forget to reblog the fics you enjoy!
Fics with 🤓 are favorites of mine!
Fics with 🔥 smut
Fics with 😡 angst
Fics with 💕 are fluff
Fics with 🍯 200+ notes
Fics I could possibly consider continuing 🧐
Ao3: caplanbuckybarnes
Tag my side log in fics y’all write!! @caplanreads
bear with me as i am adding fics to my new masterlsits very slowly!
updated March 27 2024
-----Luke Cage----
A Bloody Betrayal Summary: You try to defuse the situation after Cottonmouth killed your mother. But instead, you receive a surprise [LINK WILL BRING YOU TO AO3!]
Always His Cuddles Summary: it was always him that made you feel so safe at the end of a hard day. [LINK WILL BRING YOU TO AO3!]
Little Bites Summary: on the way home one brisk night, you get attacked. [vampire!luke Cgae x reader] [link will take you to ao3]
-----Scott Lang-----
A Dream Worth Forgetting Summary: You walked into a scene you had no business barging into. [vampire!scott lang x reader] [LINK WILL BRING YOU TO AO3!]
----jessica jones-----
A Broken Heart Summary: Jessica doesn’t know how to deal with the break up from you. [LINK WILL BRING YOU TO AO3!]
Misery Again Summary: Jessica doesn’t want to remember you. [link will take you to ao3]
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cabensonsgirly · 2 years
Infect me with your poison. (18+)
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Fiona Goode x fem!reader
Word length: Short
Content: 18+, magical restraint, degradation, dirty talk, allusion to strap-on
"Oh of course. No one's greater than you, Fiona," you roll your eyes and pick up a piece of sushi, eating it. “At least you got the spirit.” She says, taking a sip from the vodka before pouring it into her glass. "I was being- You know what, I don't know why I'm bothering." You eat some more then take a sip of your juice.
Fiona lights another cigarette and drops a few olives into her glass. "Great. Silent treatment. Didn't know I was dating a child." You pick what's left of your food up and your drink, heading into the lounge where you sit on the couch and turn the tv on.
“I don’t need to remind you that you’re the child.” She points at the cartoons you’re watching.
"Oh please," you laugh, changing the channel, "I'm not the one who's pissed off at her daughter over something stupid. Nor am I the one who started using the silent treatment while she drinks herself into a stupor."
“I wasn’t giving you the silent treatment, you fool. I didn’t have anything to add to your ridiculous accusations.”
"Oh of course. Of course. Forgive me for wasting your precious time," You smile before returning to finishing my meal.
“Why do you have to be so dramatic? You all act like I’m going to murder Cordelia. We have our differences and she knows this.”
"We both know you would if you could. Especially when you were so focused on staying as the supreme." You put the empty containter on the coffee table, "Plus you always say very hurtful things to her. Why is it so hard for you to be proud of her? Scared she's going to steal the attention from you?"
“She’s the supreme, obviously the attention is on her.” Fiona huffs, “i just love her differently.”
"And you hate it, don't you?" You get up and go over to her, stealing the olives from her drink, "You hate not having people fear you anymore, not having so many people tremble when you enter the room." You put the toothpick back in, "Now the only one to fear in this wicked world is Cordelia."
Fiona laughs, “Cordelia, fearful? Oh please, her entire “I am your supreme-“ is no better than a Highschool theater performance.”
"She gets that from you." You say simply, "If that's no better than a highschool performance, then yours is no better either."
“Good thing no one asked you.” She sips her martini, “you have a problem with anything you can leave.”
"Good thing I don't need anyone's permission to speak." You falter slightly, "You know I don't want to leave, Fiona."
Fiona laughs and looks at you, her eyes twinkling darkly, "Oh but my foolish little girl, it seems you've forgotten who you're talking to." She barely moves her finger and you're flung against the wall, pinned to it by an invisible force. You go to speak but find it impossible to make a sound, your eyes looking at her with fear. Fiona moves closer to you, "Looks like you do need permission to speak, little girl."
Your face flushes and you focus your powers to loosen her hold on you, but it's no use because she's just that much stronger. "I bet you're regretting talking to me that way now, aren't you?" You nod your head slightly, while part of you regretted it, the other part loved when she used her powers against you. She chuckles and moves even closer, her lips almost touching yours, "I can smell you from here, pet. I forgot how much you enjoy my power just as much as I do."
Fiona runs her hand down your body and into your pants, teasing you over your panties, "Is this why you ran your mouth, hm? You wanted me to snap and force your submission?" She leans and whispers by your ear, "Don't think I've forgotten what you told me when you thought I was sleeping. I bet you'll feel so good around my cock, pet."
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sawyerconfort · 11 months
Sorry guys, I'm still alive, but unmotivated to write! yes, the writer's block crisis really got to me and I didn't know how to let you know because of the requests that were going on and on and on…
I will definitely go back, again. my school holidays ended this week and, even with my busy routine, I'll try to post something for you.
for now, I just came to let you know that requests will be closed for a while until I recover well and manage to organize my life!
I'm looking forward to writing about ahs and other fandoms (heathers gang, i'm back!)
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meeting jess 💕
as your walking down the streets of new york you bump into a tall blonde lady because your clumsy. you drop everything you were holding and she drops her coffee.
“oh my god im so sorry!” you say softly
“it’s alright i didn’t like that coffee anyway.” she helps you pick up your stuff. “sorry i’m very clumsy..” you say. “oh it’s alright honey don’t worry about it. i’m jessica by the way.” she says with a smile. god she’s beautiful
“i’m y/n.. it’s really nice to meet you.” you say. “do you wanna go get coffee?” she says. “of course..” you say. five minutes later your in a cafe drinking coffee with a woman you just met. “so. y/n. do you have a boyfriend?” you almost spit out your coffee. “uhm.. no.. i don’t.” you say.
“ah. well. can i have your number?” she says. she’s very flirty. “sure..” you write down your number on a paper and hand it to her. “thanks. i have to go but i’ll call you later alright?” she says. “okay..” you say back. she leaves.
once you get home your phone starts ringing. you answer “hey doll. it’s jessica.” she says. “oh hey..” you say shyly. “so. i was thinking. how would you feel about going on a date with me?” your heart skips a beat at the question “id like that..” you say. you give her your address. “okay.. tomorrow i’ll pick you up at 8.” she says before hanging up.
the next day your getting ready and you hear a knock on the door. that must be her. you walk downstairs and open the door. she’s wearing a really pretty black dress and matching heels. “you ready?” she says. “yes..” you say back. she holds your hand and brings you to her car. she opens the door for you and you get in. she walks around the car and gets into the drivers seat and starts driving. “so where are we going?” you ask. “well it’s a surprise darling.” she says back with a smile.
once you get there it’s a really fancy restaurant. and she rented it out for the night. she gets out of the car and walks around it and opens the door for you. she takes your hand and you go into the restaurant and sit at a table.
5 minutes later your eating and learning things about each other. she tells you things about herself and you tell her things about yourself. you look at her. god she’s so beautiful..
after the date she takes your hand and brings you out to the car. she opens the door for you and you both get into the car. “you know i think id like to do this again.” she says. “me too..” you say. 20 minutes later she gets to your house. before you get out she kisses you. you kiss her back. she tastes like wine and cherries. a few seconds later she breaks the kiss. “goodnight y/n..” she says. “goodnight jessica..” you say before getting out and going back into your house.
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Thank you for this wonderful prompt @paperclippedmime - here's my best shot for now, chapter one of two.
The Language of Love
a Defender Strange x Sorceress Reader romance
rating: general audience; fluff and pining
word count: 1.7k
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Oh, sii ancora il mio cuore! Words that sprung to mind as Stephen watched you approach him from across the courtyard. Of all the languages at his command, he most often fell back upon Italian when he allowed himself to give into the softness that filled his chest in your presence. Oh, be still my heart! Il mio cuore. You had laid claim to it months ago--without even trying--and he had done his damnedest since that time to keep his love and unfulfillable longing, secret. Especially from you.
Initially, Stephen had questioned himself ‘why Italian?’, rather than one of the other dozens of languages in his repertoire. Yes, it was a romance language in the classical sense—as were French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian—but he soon realized there was more to his choice than that.
Though you didn’t look at all like her, you somehow evoked the image of his first serious crush, the woman who had subtly set his standard for feminine beauty when he was still a boy. Sophia Loren as Dulcinea in the film Man of La Mancha.
The movie had been one of his mother’s favorites (as she adored Peter O’Toole) and she had taken him along to a 20th anniversary showing at The Rubicon, the local 99-cent theatre that often featured oldies which catered to a mature audience. Beverly Strange had thought young Stephen might enjoy the tale of an idealistic knight tilting for justice in a world grown cynical. She couldn’t have anticipated he would view the leading lady with stars in his eyes. Stephen ended up crushing on Loren and crushing hard until his heart moved on to another big screen icon--Jessica Lange—a year or so later.
The bright, midday sun lent additional luster to your thick, dark hair, worn in a long, loosely woven braid over your shoulder. He had never seen you wear it unbound, though in his fantasies when you came to him at last to confess your love and desire for him, you gladly loosed it to lavish upon the bare skin of his arms and chest and…
Stephen closed his eyes a moment and took a long slow breath, re-squaring his shoulders. Cool it man; these are the exact thoughts you can’t give play to outside your quarters! You are the Sorcerer Supreme, and such musings compromise your ability to properly perform your responsibilities. Yet when he opened his eyes, they immediately sought yours. Exotic, almond-shaped, deep jade eyes, made pale and crystalline by the sunlight. Your precious lips pursed in a mischievous smile when you realized he saw you drawing near. He dipped his head in greeting, admonishing himself not to gape at the grace of your movements and your unapologetically voluptuous curves; the simple robes you’d selected when you had achieved the rank of Master couldn’t hide the supple fullness of your figure.
Intellectually, Stephen understood he saw you with the eyes of a man hopelessly in love, but found no fault in his idealized view of you. Of course you had become the most beautiful woman in the world to him; wasn’t that as it should be when a man’s heart had fallen irretrievably for that one special person? Few in his life today knew he was at heart a genuine Romantic, and it felt like half a lifetime at least, since he’d allowed that part of his nature to breathe and return to life. It felt so damn good to feel this deeply in love again—especially in the wake of his failures with Christine Palmer—but it couldn’t have come at a more inopportune stage of his life. As Sorcerer Supreme, his commitment to the protection of humanity and the universe at large was absolute, and he could see no path forward that would allow him the glorious distraction of building a future with the woman who felt to him like a soulmate.
In the initial flush of his infatuation, Stephen had toyed with the idea of assigning you to serve at one of the Sanctums, so to remove the temptation to confess that his feelings for you had grown well beyond the friendship you shared. But each time he resolved to send you away, he couldn’t carry it through, for he couldn’t bring himself to give up the exquisite torture of having you near—though you remained perfectly unaware of how keenly he wished for you to see and know what you meant to him. Let alone return his feelings in kind. And so now as ever, he composed his face and braced himself to greet you as his friend, and nothing more.
You smirked as you looked him over, head to toes, and nodded your approval. “Welcome back, Stephen. That was a quick trip and I see you’re no worse for the wear. For a change.”
“Guess I got lucky this time…” he conceded with a wee grin, daring a fresh endearment, this time in Romanian, “…porumbelul meu dulce.” My sweet dove.
Planting your hands on your hips, you rolled your eyes, daring him, “Hmmmm. That’s a new one. Care to share what it means?”
If only you knew, he thought opting for the little white lie, “By sweet fortune blessed.”
You narrowed your eyes a moment as if testing the truth of his statement, mulled his translation over a few moments more and then answered, “I’d agree with that, Stephen. Every day you return safe and whole from your battles are blessed ones.” Your gaze fell askance, and Stephen felt breathless; his instinct at such times—when your voice grew softer than ordinary speech and you suddenly couldn’t hold his gaze--insisted that you bore at least an echo of the affection he felt for you, though the hopeful moment passed too quickly. Eyes still averted from meeting his, you added modestly, “And I…I mean we…the ranks of those committed to the same mission are…are blessed to have our brilliant leader back among us…” The slight blush that filled your cheeks was pure and softly becoming, and of course his heart seized upon it, as another hint that you cared for him beyond the strictures of shared service and friendship.
“It’s good to be home,” Stephen nodded, his fingers tingling with the urge to cup your jaw and draw your face close and finally put an end to the façade he’d built between you two. One of these days I won’t be able to keep this secret any longer. That day is coming soon, my darling. Just give me one little sign…a single nudge…that you want me to claim you as mine.
But that day was not today, it seemed, so instead he exclaimed heartily, “And I’m famished—feels like it’s been a week since I’ve had anything decent to eat! Have I missed lunch service?”
Your shyness passed—on his behalf, as he knew it would—and you grinned up at him. “I think you’re in time to catch the tail end, Stephen.” You slipped your arm through his to pull him along to the dining hall. “And if not, I’ll scare you up a meal fit for your victorious return.”
“I was counting on it, mon chouchou,” he replied, patting your hand as the two of you strolled back across the courtyard. Stephen sometimes wondered if you had a clue that this endearment meant more than ‘dear friend’—but if that was the case, you gave him no indication. “And I expect you to fill me in on how life in Kamar-Taj has been going in my absence, so I hope you don’t have any pressing plans this afternoon.”
“As I’m free for the next couple of hours, I’m sure I can catch you up,” you assured him, and it seemed to him that you had subtly nestled against his side (unless that was just wishful thinking), “And I expect to hear all the details of your latest exploits. Which Defenders joined you this time?”
Stephen cleared his throat, preparing to tell his tale. If he painted himself the hero of his adventures with the Defenders, you never seemed to mind, and rarely questioned if he had exaggerated the role he played in victory over the enemies he faced as their leader. You were wise enough to allow him to wear the hero mantle, but also bold enough to remind him, when necessary, that though you accepted his tall tales for the sake of your friendship, he needed to remember to temper his retelling when it came to recounting it with any other Master. “Well, it was almost a solo mission,” he began, silently reveling in your undivided attention, ready to prolong the tale however he might, just to remain in your company. “But lucky for me, I managed to convince Banner, Sam Wilson, and Valkyrie to join me. Without them…well…I probably would’ve needed to portal straight to the Infirmary.”
You gasped softly at that, and Stephen could have sworn you shivered. As much as he prized your concern for his safety, he vowed right then not to give you cause for worry. At least in this telling, as you sat him down in the empty kitchen and busied your hands by making him a heaping plate of leftovers and cool cup of fresh squeezed lemonade, he softened his tale enough to ease your mind that he had faced any real danger.
He had never known an interlude of true domestic bliss in his adult life and given his current responsibilities, he never expected to--but for that brief while in the compound kitchen, Stephen got a glimpse of what it could be like to be a simple man bound to the woman of his dreams. Wherein the only service they would be committed to was to love and comfort and cherish one another. Oh amore mio--he was thinking--se solo potesse essere cosi!
Oh my love, if only it could be so!
(to be continued)
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tagging some fellow Defender fans: @paperclippedmime @fanartka @harlekin6 @strangelockd @doctorstrangeaskblog @cerene-ciderr @wolfstarhufflepuff @veryladyqueen @wint3r-h3art @ironstrange1991 @sanctumsanctorumshenanigans
buy me a coffee?☕
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inmyfxith · 1 year
First Love, Part. III
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Pairing: Jimmy Darling x reader
OC: None
Warnings: Sexual innuendo, Alcoholism
Words: 2k7
Part. I, Part. II, Part. IV
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Because of your studies, but especially because of the curfew imposed by the local police, you took your time to go back to see the others. In the usual cab that took you there, a form of anguish had awakened deep inside you. The last time, Jimmy had left your side because you had obviously hurt him. But that had never been your intention. So rather than show up in the middle of the afternoon, you waited for the dawn to come.
Jumping out of the cab, you ran through the camp as fast as you could to his trailer in the hope of finding him still in bed. Although it was relatively early, some of the performers were awake and, on your way, you still took the time to discreetly greet them.
Lying on his back, your image of Jimmy warmed your heart. He was still wearing his white tank top which, let’s be honest, was starting to turn a bit yellow. You were so happy and eager to see him that you took off your dress, letting it slide down to the floor, before sliding in beside him. With your head on his chest, it didn’t take him more than a few seconds to wrap his arm around you.
“I was beginning to think you’d forgotten about me” his voice was sleepy, you stuck it out a little more, letting your eyes close as the sun’s rays came in through the window and warmed your skin.
You stayed like that for most of the morning. Relaxed, holding each other, safe, thinking of nothing just enjoying each other’s presence.
But the shared moment came to an end when Elsa's voice rang through the camp. The matriarch wanted the tent ready for practice, and Jimmy had to be there. When he didn't answer, Elsa knocked on the window next to the young man's bed. He shook his hand out of it to prove that he was still alive, and that Morpheus had not taken him away.
The light summer breeze brushed against your dress as you stood leaning against one of the beams under the tent where everyone was eating their meals. Jimmy had decided to take some of his mates into town, to the diner you both liked to frequent. Your first action was to try to dissuade him. Obviously, he wanted to show the world that he was like them, that his difference didn't make him a monster. But the population of Jupiter was very closed-minded. Who knows who he might run into on the road? Who knows what might happen to him.
"What? Are you afraid your college pals will see us in town together?" Your remarks did not please Jimmy at all, and he took it as a personal attack.
"That's not what I said, and you know perfectly that's not what I think either!" Regardless of your opinion, Jimmy was the stubborn type. When he had an idea in mind, he would go all the way to achieve it even if it meant putting his own life in danger.
"Everyone will love to admire the beauty and the beast!" This was your first real argument since you met so, not really knowing how to react to an obviously very angry Jimmy, you ran off before joining Ethel.
“Your son is the most stubborn person I know.” You said to her as she prepared the tray for Elsa.
“What did he do this time?” The woman asked you, a slight smile on her lips. You knew Ethel liked you. At first, things had been a little complicated between you because you weren’t part of the troupe and you were “normal.”
“He yelled at me because I didn’t agree with him.” You exclaimed, finding a seat around the wooden table. Ethel simply let out a chuckle.
“Don’t worry, he’ll come back when he calms down.”
Taking his advice, you waited for your boyfriend to return, worried that he wouldn't. After helping Ethel prepare dinner, you waited for him to return on the stairs of his trailer. His silhouette suddenly appeared on the horizon, he walked with a determined step towards Elsa's tent. Worried about the state he was in, you walked towards him. Horrified to see his injured face, you tried to stop him to ask what had happened and to take care of him, but his strong arm only pushed you aside. It was as if you were just an obstacle in his path. Jimmy eventually disappeared under his boss's tent.
"What happened?" You asked Eve, who sounded just as angry as you.
"It was Dell. He didn't like us leaving the camp." She replied. So you waited, in his trailer, sitting on his bed.
After several minutes, Jimmy finally came in. The anger still showed on his face.
"I tried to tell you, to warn you, but you just went along with it. Now you have to move on." With your arms crossed against your chest and your eyebrows furrowed, you wouldn't budge. He had to apologize for the way he had addressed you earlier in the day. Without paying attention to what you had just said, the young man sighed as he looked at the damage on his face in the mirror. So, when he didn't react, you continued, poking him as you could until you got what you wanted.
Clearly annoyed, Jimmy turned to you. The look on his face startled you slightly before his lips crashed violently against yours to silence you. With firm hands, he grabbed your hips before lifting you off the bed as your legs naturally found their way around his waist.
When you got up from the bed, your first instinct was to try to put your underwear back on, but all you found were white, misshapen pieces of fabric. In the fury of the moment, Jimmy had ripped off everything in sight, including your dress. So, to remedy this and not let you go home in the simplest of clothes, he went to get one of his old T-shirts from Eve, which, given the measurements of the young woman, reached your knees. Tied to the waist by a cord, the leather jacket of your boyfriend came to complete the outfit while, by positioning you in front of the sun, the rays transpierced the fabric of the clothing and let glimpse your forms which were drawn underneath.
You had done your best to gather your hair into a messy bun, yet it was easy to see what you had been doing for the past few hours. Sitting on Jimmy’s lap, himself sitting on one of the camp’s wooden benches, your head rested on his shoulder as he stroked one of your thighs.
But this little moment of respite was quickly interrupted by the arrival of several police cars. Detective Colquitt, whom you knew as one of your father’s co-workers and colleagues, entered the camp with a grave look on his face, appearing before the owner of the Freak Show with a search warrant. Hearing your father’s name, you approached before being recognized by the two detectives.
“Y/N? What are you doing here? There’s a curfew” The policeman threw you as several performers gathered around him, including Elsa. Taking Jimmy’s hand, you looked at him with a concerned look.
“I’m not risking anything here.”
“Are you sure?” After exchanging a look with Eve, then your boyfriend, you frowned, unsure of what he was getting at.
“Is there a problem Jack?” You asked him as more police officers emerged by the dozen from the police cars that had invaded the camp.
“We received an anonymous tip. We have reasons to believe Detective Robert Bunch was murdered here. Doll, which one of these tents belongs to Dell Toledo?”
You didn’t listen to the rest of the conversation, for you, it was totally unthinkable that your father had ever even set foot here. You had confided in so many people about this story, including Jimmy. As the police officers ruthlessly searched the performers’ tents, Jimmy squeezed your hand a little harder to reassure you. However, you felt him tense up when the officers found nothing in Dell’s trailer.
You came back to reality when one of the police officers exclaimed that he had found something.
“This can’t be right, there must be a mista..” holding Meep firmly by the arm, Detective Colquitt soon found himself in possession of your father’s police badge.
“This is Detective Bunch’s badge” unable to take your eyes off the badge, your body froze in place as your eyes gradually filled with tears. Letting go of Jimmy’s hand, he tried to take it back, but to no avail. Your hands were shaking. So did your whole body. And your knees finally gave out.
“Take this freak to the station.” The world was crumbling around you. It wasn’t the news of your father’s death that put you in this state, no, it was the feeling of betrayal. It became increasingly difficult for you to breathe as Jimmy knelt beside you.
“Don’t touch her.” Pulling Jimmy back, Elsa let Detective Colquitt help you into his car.
“My mom always said, never befriend monsters.” He probably thought that would make you feel better, but it was quite the opposite. With no other place to go, you had to settle down next to poor Meep, who you knew was innocent. Only a few people could have been capable of murder, Elsa, but she wasn’t getting her hands dirty herself, so you almost instantly crossed her off the list. Eve and Paul wouldn’t have had the strength to look you in the eye. Dell? Desiree? They weren’t even in Jupiter when your father disappeared. So there was only one person left. But your mind refused to face the truth. It wasn’t until you got home that you realized you were still wearing his leather jacket. You smelled it one last time before tossing it into the back of your closet with the clothes you no longer wore.
The days after the detectives came to Elsa’s house were the worst of your life. Despite your mother’s complaints, you wouldn’t get out of bed even to eat something. You had cried so much that by the fourth day you were unable to continue. Your youngest brother had slept with you for a few days but had to go back to school.
After a week and a few days, your mother decided to take matters into her own hands. Not having been told of the conditions under which your father had disappeared, she simply went to where Elsa’s troop was. Walking through the camp, in the middle of the afternoon, she clearly denoted the other people there and unintentionally became the freak.
“The show is at 3 p.m, come back later.” Dell nonchalantly tossed to her.
“I’m looking for someone named Eve.” Standing behind her, Ma petite in her arms, Amazon Eve’s towering stature almost horrified your mother. She was almost on the verge of fainting as she saw Paul approaching. With a trembling, unsure voice, she questioned the tall woman about your condition, wanting to know what could have happened.
“A broken heart, nothing more” Ethel had entered the conversation after bringing a pot of soup back to the wooden table.
“My son is in the same condition.”
“Your son? Is he…is he like you?” Your mother asked, receiving only a disappointed expression in response from the bearded woman who, for a moment, had had hopes that your mother was like you. Turning to Eve to change the subject, the discussion turned back to you.
“She’s depressed you know… I read your name on her clothing label so I thought maybe you could cheer her up a little.” Despite her inappropriate remarks, the performers realized that your mother was only trying to take care of you, and because you had been so kind to them, they met to decide how best to cheer you up and cheer them up after Meep’s death. Eve then offered your mother a ride home with her, to bring you back to camp with the intention of giving you something special.
Both women were uncomfortable throughout the drive, your mother because she wasn’t sure what people would think of a large woman entering her house, and Eve because of the size of the car. Once inside the house, your mother pointed the performer to your room before leaving to take care of your brothers.
“I told you I wanted to be alone!” You screamed thinking your mother had knocked on your door again, you were even ready to get up and shut the door in her face when you heard the door open. Seeing Eve, you frowned as your eyes were still swollen and red.
“What are you doing here?” You asked her, trying to sound more aggressive than you were. Taking a seat on your bed, the tall woman remained silent for a few moments, dipping her gaze into yours before you began to cry again. As she did with Ma Petite, Eve settled you on her lap, rocking you as if you were her own child. After a few minutes, she walked to the bathroom adjacent to your room to run the water in the tub. Taking your hand, Eve led you into the bathroom before releasing you from her old t-shirt.
“I’ll go get you some clean clothes” you watched her disappear behind the door as you sat in the bathtub, your knees pulled up against your chest. Trying to find something to make you look good for the performance, Eve came across Jimmy’s leather jacket lying in the back of your closet. The tall woman had finally opted for a dress whose color brought out the color of your eyes. She brushed your hair before you left together, in a cab, to a destination that was unknown to you.
Memories flooded in as the cab got closer to the camp. You weren’t stupid, Eve would never have tried to take you anywhere but Elsa’s camp. You had no desire to cross Jimmy, it was too early, too painful. Throughout the journey, Eve had held your hand, pleading for her friend. She also told you about Meep’s disappearance, which made you instantly lose the thread of the conversation. Meep was an adorable little fellow, if a little strange around the edges, no bigger than your younger brother, and he loved it when you put your hand behind his head when you spoke to him. When the cab stopped, you had a hard time getting out, afraid of something. But Eve still managed, with her comforting words, to push you out.
The camp was empty, nobody on the horizon, silence. The movement of one of the curtains of the tent drew your attention before Eve pushed you to enter. She invited you to sit on the only chair that had been installed in front of the stage. After a few minutes of waiting, your surprise started.
The show was incredible, the best you’ve ever seen. They had all come together to give you a show you had never seen before. The sight warmed your heart more than you could have imagined.
“How did you find it?” A voice behind you, familiar, made you tense up in your chair. Jimmy stood in the tent’s doorway, a bottle of alcohol in his hand and looking oddly sad. “They did a good job” You stood up to face him and before you even had time to respond, the young man fell at your feet. Completely drunk.
You quickly moved to help Jimmy stand up, but he recoiled your hands, his gaze suddenly grave and serious.
"I killed him," he declared, his tone impossible to ignore. You felt the unsteady of reality, your heart racing faster than ever before. "I was protecting my family", he added, his eyes filling with tears. You stayed silent, your mind racing to put the pieces of the story together. You let him explain what had happened, as he slowly began to understand the consequences of his own actions.
You remained silent, processing his story before finally asking why he had kept all of this from you.
"I knew you wouldn't forgive me," he whispered. You wept, your tears forming a river of grief and sadness. Taking his face in your hands, you looked into his eyes and told him that nothing had changed, that you still loved him. With trembling shoulders, he collapsed in your embrace, and you held him as you both cried together.
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