#fiona is so good i wish she was real
sawyerconfort · 1 year
Hi can you write Fiona Goode x fem reader using prompts #4, #8 and #19? Thank you <3
Sorry for the inactivity and request delay, anon, here it is!
and for other interested readers, yes, I'm back!
Hope you like it!
requests are currently closed, but news is coming and I hope to be able to reopen them soon!
I was really looking forward to write something about Fiona Goode (she's mother, she solos, she is the supreme and she's in charge everywhere!)
*fem!reader but you can change if you feel comfortable too!*
4. "you okay?" 8. "yes, you can hold my hand, sweetie." 19. "yes, you can cry."
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Fiona wasn't a patient person, nor was she very sentimental, but oddly enough, there was something about her that woke up when she was with you. Maybe it was the age gap and the constant worry of having someone who wasn't a witch in the middle of so much violence, magic and power. Maybe it was, who knows, the idea of being able to start over, of being able to create a successor like she had never created Cordelia, maybe a way for Fiona to redeem herself from previous sins and guarantee a place in Heaven.
Or maybe it was just a good feeling, a genuine love that someone like Fiona Goode probably never felt. Not with such intensity.
But she was, when you stopped to look at her, extremely tough, cold and cautious. She didn't smile at you, she didn't even show that she loved you back, while you only knew how to admire that woman, the Supreme, the most powerful witch in the entire coven.
It was late at night and for some reason you couldn't sleep. Maybe the shock of having a ghost of the LaLauries alive and working as a servant in the house got to you. Deciding to go back to sleep, you just went down to the kitchen to get some water, taking advantage of the fact that Delphine was sleeping peacefully, and, when you were almost finished emptying the glass, the door opened and scared you more than it should have.
Suddenly, when you least expected it, Fiona was passing through the room, and was about to go upstairs when she saw you, turning those piercing eyes right in your direction.
"What the hell are you doing up at this hour, (Y\N)?" she asked, her voice altered but low, with a surprised intonation.
"I could ask you the same thing," you replied, bluntly.
She raised an eyebrow. "It's none of your business, you moron."
You waited for Fiona to turn and go to her big, beautiful room, and she did. But before you hit the stairs together, one after the other, she let out a huge sniff, which startled you.
"You okay?" you asked, not expecting her to answer. And Fiona didn't answer until you were in her room, standing in the doorway. "What were you doing out there, Fiona? I care about you, I need answers."
She sighed. "Don't tell Cordelia, she couldn't stand it. I went… well, I went to the hospital, had chemo. I can only go out at night, which is when I'm sure you, and she, are asleep."
You widened your eyes, taken by surprise. Not entirely impressed, of course, because without even knowing it, Fiona had already hinted to you that she was running out of time. And honestly, it was either you or Myrtle Snow - and Fiona would kind of do anything not to tell Myrtle Snow -.
"I'm sorry, Fiona," you said, opening her bedroom door for good and letting her sit on the bed. Left with no choice, and feeling compassion for the Supreme, you sat down beside her and sighed. "Want company? I'm not very sleepy…"
She nodded and sighed too, letting you sit closer to the side, letting your bodies almost stick together. She looked tired and sad and lonely, and again, your pity for her was greater than any hatred and indignation at the Supreme's indifference.
"Please (Y\N), promise me this will stay between us…"
"How much time do you have left?"
She shrugged. "I don't know. But what worries me isn't even the disease. I know I can lessen its effects, and it has helped me, even if it doesn't seem like it. What worries me is, in reality, the time that will pass, time is short for me. I will not die of common causes, I will be forced to leave because a Supreme will be in power after me… And you know who she is."
You looked at her. "Why don't you tell her the truth? Why do you keep all these mysteries to yourself?"
"Cordelia is more fragile than she looks, darling. If I tell her, she might internalize the powers, and everything will be even more ruined for me."
Her eyes were getting smaller and smaller, lowered, dilated, almost closed. Fiona really was fading away, little by little, and if you didn't do something, you'd have less time than you wanted.
"Could I just…"
"Yes, you can hold my hand, sweetie." She replied, smiling, as if she read your mind. Automatically, Fiona's hands sought out and reached for hers. She was looking into her eyes when she whispered, in a thin voice. "You are special to me, (Y\N). I'm a terrible person to you and I don't deserve someone like that…"
"You're not a bad person, Fiona. You just don't know how to show feelings, but I know all that even without you saying it out loud…", you smiled, squeezing her hand even tighter. "You'll never be alone again. This is just between us, and I promise you'll have me until the end, right?"
"I definitely don't deserve you, sweetie…", she laughed, hugging you and letting your head rest on her chest. "You're unlike anything I've seen before, and that intrigues me so much…"
Her voice was suddenly shaky, and you could tell she was holding in her tears. Fiona sniffed again and you looked up, smiling.
"Yes, you can cry." You whispered, still looking at her, and just as two tears fell, you used your fingers to wipe them away.
Fiona smiled, closing her eyes, and then gently leaned in to kiss you. A quick but meaningful peck.
"What was that?", you whispered, confused, laughing.
"I don't know. But I felt like it. And I wanted to try this before something happened to me."
You laughed and patted her arm lightly. "Nothing is going to happen, shut your mouth. We still have a lot more time to explore and experience other things…"
She laughed and then used her advanced strength to throw you onto the bed, getting on top of you.
"Oh really? Does that mean I can try again?"
You laughed, and kissed Fiona harder now, letting the rest of the night become history. And, well, to be honest, all you guys did least was sleep that night…
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kr-cube · 3 months
read a post that said chappell roan's music was boring as fuck and thought they were just being annoying on purpose. Sad to learn this person was right
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lyricailove · 6 months
Does it ever hit you that because of Frank and Monica's emotional detachment, all of the Gallagher's seek out affection from romantic partners? But like to an almost obsessive degree.
Fiona's is obvious. She's hypersexual and falls in love easily. She will downplay her issues with Frank as something she's grown used to, but it's clear that it still affects her. She also does the same when it comes to Monica but I feel like her hostility towards other women comes from how she doesn't trust Monica, doesn't really trust herself, and sees those insecurities on other women. Ex: Her treatment of Mandy and distrust of her around Lip.
Lip is a classic case of a man dealing with his mommy issues by making it every woman's problem. He's hostile towards his romantic partners when they want a real commitment from him and he talks to women with so much disrespect that it's a wonder someone hasn't stomped his ass out yet. He's especially harsh towards his own sisters even though they've been the one's who have been there for him. He may hate Frank but he's noticeably giving and extremely forgiving towards men, even those he's only known for a short while. Almost like the story about the turtle was just as much about him hoping that he could fix Frank as it was about Frank crushing his hopes of a real father figure.
Ian being groomed is in no way his fault and is the fault of the creeps who pursued him. But I can't ignore the fact that Frank's abuse and neglect opened him up the further abuse he suffered at the hands of Kash and Ned. It's no coincidence that both Kash and Ned shower Ian with gifts and compliments about how impressive, smart, and mature he is.
Debbie 1. deals with comphet in the first few seasons, and 2. Feels ignored by her family so she tries to create her own family. Debbie is visibly the one most affected by Frank's issues and even when she for all intents and purposes gives up on him, it still affects her. Frank's hurtful words about her only finding love with someone "just as fucked up as she is" pushes her to put consider a dangerous situation with Heidi. She's also someone who struggles with control issues because she needs to help other people. She's a problem solver by nature. It's just that the two problems she wishes she could solve more than anything are out of her hands (Frank and Monica). She can't fix Frank's addiction, his selfishness, or his abusive tendencies. She can't fix Monica's wanderlust, her avoidance, or her aversion to long-term commitment.
Carl is so good at masking his emotions. It's easy to miss. But then you notice things like his attachment to Fiona, his absolute devotion to the girls he likes, and his need to protect. Carl is hypersexual, even though I've seen it rarely brought up in fandom, and longs for a long-term girlfriend. When he does get girlfriends he's all in from the beginning. When Carl loves someone he is all about them. He's so casual when it comes to talking about Frank and Monica, but that doesn't mean those feelings aren't there and they aren't affecting him.
Liam is still young so we don't get to see him in a relationship. He's the one Gallagher who's consistently treated like an actual kid. Probably the one who has the best chance at healthy emotional attachments. But then again, Fiona leaving most likely did a number on him and we weren't privy to what that looks like for him because the latter seasons forgot how to do long-term storytelling and emotional payoff. All we know is that he doesn't remember Monica, Frank being gone makes him an orphan and he's worried about where he's gonna live because Lip forgot that Liam was technically under Frank's care. We didn't get to see it, but I'd say Liam's first emotional crash is probably on the horizon.
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bittrlys · 2 months
The Dragon Prince season 6 is like watching people write themselves into a corner in real time. Exciting! Massive spoilers ahead, of course.
Opening on Aaravos crying was a very strong choice, this is the actual 'Mystery of Aaravos' type content I've been waiting for
Terry picking up Viren while they're excited about him being alive is very cute
As ever, Terry being extremely ride or die is 👍
Terry taking care of Claudia was very sweet; Terry cutting Claudia's hair and Claudia's new haircut in general. Cute.
Viren and Claudia on the beach, "No parent wants their child to suffer for them." Oof.
In general, I was quite happy with everything Viren, Claudia, and even Soren, and I actually wrote a note of "i hate soren" at the start because I thought we were gearing up for another season of him just being a bad joke machine with no real character or feelings to speak of. But then they gave him, like, actual pathos! They let him interact with people in a way that feels human! They let him be resentful and complicated! Wow! Magefam is so back baby!
Viren trying to reconcile with Soren and be a better example for Claudia really got to me. His final sacrifice (OMG CRIMINAL BY FIONA APPLE JUST CAME ON SHUFFLE.......WHAT I NEED IS A GOOD DEFENSE CUS I'M FEELING LIKE A CRIMINAL.......AND I NEED TO BE REDEEMED TO THE ONE I'VE SINNED AGAINST.....) is tied so strongly to his children and that feels like a natural place to leave his character. Now, I've been saying forever that he was going to get a redemption via death, and figured Aaravos would be the one pulling the trigger, so none of that surprised me, but I thought the actual execution was generally good. I do have some more negative thoughts but I'll save those for later.
Viren is very good at justifying himself, and I like that you see him falling back into that, at times struggling with it, at times not even catching himself doing it. It feels very real. At the same time, I don't think he's ever seen himself as a hero, so it was interesting to let him go out on such a heroic note.
Viren's kind of abuse-coded (not actually abusive, IMO, but I understand if this makes people uncomfortable in a similar way) act of forcing Lissa to cry into the vial is interesting. It echoes him taking Sarai's last breath.
Him writing out his whole confession on this subject and then burning it because he realized it was only going to do him good was also very nice.
Though I wish Claudia had stuck by her 'I'm going solo' guns a little longer, I still think there's something to how she is so incapable of being alone, of thinking for herself, and desperately seeks direction. She is literally just like her dad, and it makes them both easy targets for Aaravos.
Like, Viren being such a force that Claudia easily followed him, then Claudia being such a force that Soren and Terry both easily followed her, and Aaravos being a supreme force Viren and Claudia both easily follow because at heart, they're more followers than leaders despite the force of their personalities and ambitions -- it's interesting.
Aaravos using Sol Regem to casually destroy a kingdom and kill Viren just as a small step in his plan is pretty fun. We love a grandiose villain!
Looking forward to Claudia and Aaravos. She's in some ways even more unequipped than Viren to handle Aaravos's manipulations, but at the same time, she's a lot more unpredictable than Viren. If this leads up to a confrontation between them, I think that could be really cool.
Aaravos tragic backstory with deleted child was really not on my bingo card at all -- I never thought 'noble revenge' would be his motivation. I like how this parallels him to Viren.
Aaravos crying enough to fill a sea is great imagery
The lore of the startouch elves being actual stars that descend is SO COOL. This is like, the first bit of worldbuilding in this show that's actually seriously impressed me. I love it.
Actual lore as to why humans don't have magic. Well. Not entirely. But it's better than what we had.
I liked Amaya and Janai's wedding looks. Cute.
Janai like Ehe I'll bring out my armies after I get married 😜 is funny. She isn't a very good queen but she is the moment! The gossip blogs would love her.
Ezran eating shit and not having his """diplomacy""" work out. LMAO.
SOL REGEM DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Kinda getting a y'know vibe from Soren and Corvus. I wouldn't mind that. I like that Corvus feels a little more tolerant of Soren than everyone else. It's funny Soren is like finally I'm away from my shit family but his new friends don't seem to care about him at all. Go and be totally free of all this, dude, or get a boyfriend.
Runaan back just when I was starting to think this show really hates gay males.
Rayla correcting her assumption about the sex of the diary's author was cute with the voice over changing. (cont...)
(... cont.) Did unfortunately then make it feel like "Had to be a woman because the author will be pining for a man."
Why is Zym STILL just a dog. Bro. It's like if all through Avatar you had to be aware Appa was going to be king someday. STOP BARKING.
Waiting for the whole cast to become vegetarians and somehow I suspect that will not be happening
When Claudia is listing the spell ingredients she could harvest from that cat thing I was just desperate to have Terry go, "Well, some of those could be ethically harvested, right?"
I find prophecies fairly corny as a writing tool and I get why they're going there -- predicted futures are the source of the anti-human oppression -- but still, I sighed.
Luna Tenebris putting a collar on her pet feels like, weird, right? Right? Right? She's not human and dragons otherwise seem so Respect all magical creatures. (Allegedly.) What is the uneven treatment of animals in this universe.
Naming your episode Red Wedding and I don't see a bloodbath ... oh, come on.
That ramble about ships from Caleb. Shudder.
Jeez, who is Rayla going to save? Her uncle who is an actual character or her backstory parents who are obviously happy and at peace? God forbid one of our main heroes has an actual hard choice to make.
Related: Caleb's 5 second rehab from dark magic.
Making his inner truth being about one other person is ... well ....
Cutting from Viren's rapidly cooling corpse to Lujanne receiving a sensual back massage was certainly a Choice.
Viren missing his wife THIS MUCH when he's barely mentioned her up to now was a little weird. I honestly think they saw the homoerotic interpretations of the very intense dynamics he had with Harrow and Aaravos and have been steadily backpedalling from that. Don't get me wrong, I can believe he loved her and he misses her, but the degree of it feels totally unearned.
I get children's media will have mascots for the children, normally I don't mind them, but dear god this show is hitting critical mass on annoying sidekicks (Zym counts as a very big one and he's already nigh unbearable.)
I can imagine that the descendants of the human children Leola granted magic to are now able to do magic naturally and this could be the lore behind either Caleb or Ezran's abilities. I actually don't mind this as finally being in-universe explanation for this disparity that isn't just 'they want it more' or whatever, but it doesn't help this show's "Better People Are Born Better" messaging. Now, in that vein ...
King Ezran is a KING. Have we mentioned this? He's a king. He's divinely ordained to be above everyone else. You must show him respect because he's KING. Even Rayla emphasizes what a KING he is. BOW BEFORE HIM.
Ezran's idea of """diplomacy""" is just going "Be nice, please." (Followed by a threat LMAO.) "Go live somewhere else." WHERE. What if they try to occupy territory that isn't theirs? Xadian society seems quite separated and territorial. Ezran doesn't consider this. He doesn't consider anything. He has no actual diplomatic skills because he never offers anything, he just expects people to listen to him because he's KING.
You know in Parasite when they're like Of course the rich people are nice, they can afford to be? When Ezran was going I'm a king and I can choose kindness I was like, You're king because of an accident of your birth, and all your privilege and people looking out for you allows you to operate the way you do.
(Janai having an evil brother who is Not The True Heir To The Throne and Trying To Steal It is just part of the show's overall obsession with this narrative -- see also Viren coming from a less privileged background.)
Of course it's still funny to see Ezran be continuously characterized as So Compassionate, So Loving but when it comes to say, Not burning his own people alive or Extending the hand of kindness to one of his oldest childhood friends or her father, he just turns that shit off. This could be interesting hypocrisy if I thought the show was trying to intentionally paint him this way, instead of just wanting him to not be a total pushover because he's THE KING!!! ALL BOW BEFORE THE KING!!!!
The unbelievable frustration caused by a scene where Claudia is begging to not have to use dark magic -- Terry coming in and saving the day with natural magic -- Claudia staring at the peaceful solution and realizing she needs to change -- BUT IT'S STILL A FUNDAMENTAL DISPARITY IN HOW HUMANS CAN EXIST IN THIS WORLD? Is Claudia supposed to die because dark magic is too wrong to use? Now we have the reveal that humans are being actively denied magic I'm hesitantly hopeful they may get some justice in this regard, but it doesn't change the reality of humans right now. What are humans supposed to do? Rely on others for help? Oh, sure, most of the elves and dragons we meet now are just so nice and helpful to humans, because of the show's 'bad apple' approach to prejudice I've mentioned before, but we know that wasn't always the case.
Like, this actual reminder that the difference in power between a single dragon and a human settlement, and unlike the last time we're on the side of humans this time so you can better appreciate the horror of it ... it's depressing to feel like "Only by grace of your betters do you survive." It's echoes of Janai's 'forgiveness' of the human who put out the fire of that elf who assaulted her. "Aren't you lucky we're so NICE?"
This is all compounded by what I meant at the start of my review, that they've written themselves into a corner, especially wrt dark magic. In universe Soren sees no choice but to ask his father to do dark magic, something all the characters scold each other for constantly. Out of universe, the writers had a huge fuck off dragon come along to commit genocide against the humans and the only realistic solution is .... having Viren do dark magic, something the narrative constantly reinforces as bad. They ultimately frame this act as heroic, and according to a writer (I believe) on the discord, he speaks the spell forward to represent how this act of inherent good overcomes the "inherent evil" of dark magic (quotation marks theirs, interestingly.) I think the writers, for the most part, clearly like Viren and Claudia a lot, and like giving them 'big moments' with dark magic ... but this is part of the reason why the show has continuously reinforced a NEED for dark magic without giving any viable solution for the average human who doesn't have natural magical powers or is friends with dragons and elves like our main heroes. Ultimately, it feels hypocritical of the show to keep going on about the evil of dark magic (now very firmly an addiction metaphor) while having no solution for humans in tricky situations that aren't "magic you and only you can do, for some reason" or "queen dragon who somehow still isn't dead dear god coming to save you" or, y'know, "dark magic." Only one of these is really viable for the average person.
Like, you make it an addiction metaphor, but where's the alternative? Vampires need to drink blood to survive but vampire series often show vampires refusing to drink human blood as an addiction metaphor ... they drink animal blood instead, or something, and you get the metaphor. Right now, in TDP, it's either, do dark magic and suffer, or don't do dark magic and ... suffer more? Okay. I'm not saying life has to be fair or that there isn't value in accepting loss, but when Viren scolds Kpp'Ar for having all his fun with dark magic and then very callously dismissing Viren's fear for his son, I felt that. Viren isn't begging for a beer here. He's begging to save his son. Addiction metaphors need to match the scale and reality of what is being shown to you.
Sorry, I'm now going to harp on more about the Your Betters Are Born Better stuff now because I was actually enjoying (you know, tearfully so) Viren's death until his final lines. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GASPED!!!!!!!! HOLD ON!!!!!!!!!!! Like, let me get it out of the way, I get it echoes his last exchange to Harrow and his loyalty to Harrow is tied to his loyalty to Katolis, and they're saying "He was power hungry but now he is acting in a way that is purely, totally selfless for maybe the first time in his life," which is fine. The problem is, I have sat through six seasons of this show kissing royal ass. I have seen Aanya (shudder) mock him for not being a real noble-born ruler. I have seen Ezran's divine authority be reinforced time and again, and seen Viren throw himself submissively before his King to submit to his judgement as King, not as someone he once hurt. I have been reminded time and again that less privileged people who want the power necessary to succeed in a world biased against them are power-hungry lunatics unless they submit themselves enough to the Supreme Order of the world. So to have Viren's last words be him reinforcing that the most heroic thing he can ever be is A LOYAL SERVANT is just ... horrible. If they'd just kept the framing of Viren's death on his love for his family, it would have been way, way better.
Altogether I uh guess the season was mostly fine. They actually did a better job tying disparate narratives together with common themes which I appreciate. I liked the magefam stuff. I hope Soren eventually learns the stuff Viren chose not to tell him. I hope there's realistic forward growth on the attitude towards dark magic and why humans feel they need it, like some acknowledgement that Katolis was only saved because of Viren (make that two nations he has explicitly saved.) Maybe even Ezran can take a break from being unbearably sanctimonious to properly acknowledge his sacrifice. That would be nice!
I really hope humans get some justice for how they've been actively denied a valuable resource. It seems a self-fulfilling prophecy (they punished Leola for giving humans magic, this made Aaravos go darksided, Aaravos gave humans dark magic, humans are very set against the magical community for the way they've been treated so they're more callous about using dark magic) so I hope the ultimate lesson won't be "humans don't deserve this" but "humans only ended up here because they were treated like they don't deserve it, but they do, by right of existing as beings in this world." If Callum (+ Ezran) end the series as the only or some of the only humans with magic powers, I'm going to eat drywall.
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On Baz and unconditional love
Baz has a better understanding of love because, unlike Simon, he grew up being loved. But you can see something in Baz's responses to Simon's reaction every time the kidnapping incident is brought up: Baz doesn’t know what to do when he receives unconditional, unapologetic love. One that, when dealing with arguably the most traumatic moment of Baz’s life, doesn’t avoid vulnerability, doesn’t chastise him for “letting it happen” because “he’s a Pitch, he should be stronger than that” or awkwardly offers therapy but lets it all go like it never happened when Baz doesn’t take the offer on the first try.   
Baz has experience feeling unconditional love, but I don’t think he has much experience receiving it, perhaps to the point he doesn’t even expect it... Which doesn’t mean his family doesn’t genuinely love him, but he doesn’t perceive their love like it comes with no “buts” (and the adults are pretty bad at expressing it). All of them had made him feel small, shamed, and otherized in one way or another, like there wouldn’t be a place for him if he were to be himself and not conform to their wishes and expectations. It says so much that he wonders whether his dead mom, who he only remembers as loving him, would want him dead if she knew who he was. While Daphne seems to generally make his life easier, she’s not without fault (says much that Baz doesn’t know whether she means “the gay thing” or the “vampire thing” when speaking about being cured iirc, and his surprise when she wants to invite his “friend” Simon) and seems like a weaker figure. (Baz’s nuanced understanding of said adults screams of “child forced to grow up and mature too fast.”) 
When Simon says things like “I’d found you sooner, sparring you pain,” and “I’d slaughter anyone who hurts you” Baz doesn’t know how to react. He can’t believe it, and he tries to deny/downplay it with “nah you hated me then, what are you talking about.” Even after he has seen Simon go nuclear and kill because he was being sexually harassed, after having had this conversation with Simon in his house and already hearing Simon saying he would’ve saved him then, and after already hearing Simon says he loves him: Baz still “jokes” that Simon would’ve “just sent them a thank-you card, actually.” This upsets Simon, and with good reason: it’s fucked up to assume anyone would make light of someone they love getting hurt, and Simon is one to take this kind of thing very seriously... but this is pretty in line with the fucked up kind of “tough love” Baz is used to receiving from Fiona. She did slaughter his captors, but she also implies he should be embarrassed for being captured like that in the first place. She’s very unserious in a pretty messed up way with the whole “back seat” business. He gets no real reassurance from her. Baz wants to be loved gently, but “rough and unserious” in a delicate situation involving his well-being is what he got from her. Simon wants to do what Fiona did (slaughtering Baz’s captors) but unlike her, his first reaction (after he tellingly stops eating) is “why wasn’t I informed? I would have been faster and more efficient.” With this, Simon is criticizing the people who were in charge of protecting Baz. He’s saying he would have done a much better job of protecting him.  
When Simon tells Baz “there’s nothing about you I don’t want” it’s massive, and we don’t get Baz's reaction at all. The scene cuts there, with Simon running off. I don’t think Baz knew what to do with himself then, with that information. Until that point, the adults in his life have loved him despite certain parts of himself, pretending those parts don’t exist. So when he hears that Simon knows and loves every single part of him, he’s... blank. We don’t know how he feels then, and I don’t think he himself knows either. 
Simon expressing love
When Simon first tells Baz he loves him, he also tells him that murder is basically a love language for him (“I have killed so many things for you”). It sounds unhinged as hell, but makes perfect sense when you see his examples. Simon grew up unloved, and through the role that shaped half of his life, he learns to express love by being a protector (killing). With Baz, who has special dietary needs, he expresses love by also being a provider (also killing). As he works on himself and their relationship, as he becomes better at identifying and managing his feelings, he tells us that he can’t stand to see Baz unhappy, and that he wants to be the person who takes care of him and makes him happy. He specifically finds it thrilling to be the person who can do that for him. 
However, with everything Simon has done in his hero days, with all his power and training etc, etc, etc... when the love of his life needed to be saved, Simon “was useless” because he didn’t know. He looked for Baz everywhere he could, but he never got a real chance of finding him because no one knew shit.  This is the kind of thing that Simon avoids thinking about because it would fuck him up too much. His “I would have saved you” stands out to me, because the way he says it conveys the one way he knows to express love: murder (ha). (Considering Simon isn’t good with words, with voicing his feelings and what’s on his mind, he only starts communicating and voicing things after Baz lets him know he needs to hear it, after Baz lets him know the wordless ways he’s been conveying his love are not reaching Baz, they are getting lost in translation, etc)
It’s there in CO, even before Simon realizes the full extent of his feelings for Baz, in the way he stops eating (food is connected to love in the series) in his frustration with not being informed, in the way Penny can tell with a glance that Simon must be fantasizing with killing numpties. In awtwb, as Simon begins to work through his issues, we see how he can’t stop putting his hands on Baz. As Simon feels secure in their relationship, he’s a very touchy person (not being able to touch Baz is linked to torture and touching him to sustenance in SFC). And not all his touch is sexual. There are a lot of affectionate, playful cheek kisses, for instance... I bring this up because I noticed that in awtwb, when they talk about the numpties again, Simon incorporates touch. Alongside emphasizing he would’ve slaughtered his captors, he holds and kisses Baz, as if he could soothe and kiss the pain away. In both CO and awtwb, when the numpties incident comes up, Simon expresses love in the way that comes naturally to him, in the only ways he knows how. 
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noveratus · 1 month
I just watched Fairly Oddparents a new wish, and here are my thoughts.
I love this show. Genuinely, this is my probably my favorite reboot/sequel show that I have ever watched along with Fiona and Cake. It is fantastic and if you have not seen it yet, I recommend you do.
The best way to describe this show is that it feels like someone took the concept of Fairly Oddparents and applied it in modern times, and it works so well. The original show was wackier and full of more hijinks, while this show follows the trend of modern cartoons being more mature, with characters feeling more realistic and human. Yes, there are still plenty of cartoon shenanigans, it is very funny, but it is also so good at writing characters. No longer does it need to rely on over the top cartoony satires. It uses its modern setting and its realism in its favor, blending it with the shenanigans and magic that the show is known for.
I have seen some people say that Peri is the only good thing about the show and I couldn't disagree more. Yes, I do think the show is stronger in its second half, once he appears, however, I think he is alright. To me, the real star is Hazel and her relationship with Cosmo and Wanda as well as her own parents. It is so refreshing to see genuinely good parents trying their best, but who sometimes screw up instead of idiots who treat their child as trash. Dev is also a highlight, he is a very deep character for a show like this. But yes, I love that Hazel feels like a character more mature for her age, because that allows her to have issues that relate not only to kids, but adults too. It is incredibly smart. And those are the best episodes, the ones where things that things that are actually important, like dealing with anxiety (which is explored several times in the show), learning to appreciate your age, and accepting who you are are beautiful.
The first part does have the slight issue of having episodes whose main purpose seem to be introducing new characters to potentially explore them later and very little more, but those are just a couple of episodes and they do learn pretty quickly how to mix character introductions with life lessons. It is an overall brilliant show.
There were some episodes that were a little boring to me- or rather random since they didn't really deal with any characters learning anything truly, but if the writers were having fun with their concept I don't mind.
I think that my real biggest issue was the last episode of the show that felt a little rushed with Dev and Irep just taking over Fairy World like that and then getting it back felt too easy, but I won't complain too much. Having Dev lose Peri after he said he cared about him, the only thing Dev really wanted hurt. It does lead to the issue with fairies, because, for Hazel, losing Cosmo and Wanda will be sad, but she still has loving parents and friends, and even her teachers love her. She will be fine when the time comes. But Dev is in a similar spot as Timmy, where their fairy is all they have. That's their entire family and you will take that away from them, potentially leaving them to end up as Crocker.
I wonder if they will explore that at any point. I have hope. Speaking of exploring, I do hope that we see more of the side characters, like I would love it if Hazel took a step back for a few episodes and let Winn shine (fuck yeah, nb rep), or another one of the kids or even Cosmo and Wanda. I do want to know how they feel about their retirement and their relationship since it is so much better than it was before. They are a genuinely great couple in this show and incredibly funny, too. Their love is contagious.
Now, for ships, because so far I have seen some, uh, let's say interesting ships for this show, and yet, I have not once heard the mention of what is my personal favorite ship (which is technically a crackship but shhh) and that is Peri X Anthony. Anthony is shown to maybe be having relationship issues, and I think Peri is incredibly queercoded, not to mention, I think they would really get along. Also, Anthony is the only adult who can't forget fairies. Here is my fanfic: together, they create a place to help people who lost their fairy godparents and have no one left, much like how Timmy was most likely left when we last saw him. As for what happened to Timmy, I'm honestly not too fussed about him. If they want to bring him back, I hope they do with the intent of developing him further rather than just a cameo. And even then, I think that it would be far more interesting to bring back other characters first, like Trixie or any of the female characters who were done so dirty in the original. But if I had to bring him back, I'd do so by having him be working for AJ as a paranormal investigator. Much like crocker, he never grew past his fairies, but he knows how to mask it better. Deep down, he is trying to fill the hole he fills he still has deep down, which stops him from fully growing. That's just my fanfic, though. For now, all that I ask is more focus on the side characters.
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sofy-tofy · 9 months
A lil talk abt Jennifer and Fiona
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Note: this was originally planned to be posted on twitter, but due limits ill do so here. Not my usual kind of post but I planned to share my views around media on this site too more so... ill start here with this aha.
A mutual of mine recently posted an amazing artwork of Fiona crying blood and... that made me re-think a lot around Haunting Ground, especially on Fiona. During these troughts i felt a lot so many ideas, like "something is missing on this game" and I think i realized what is... a moment of true anger, sadness... a moment of "THATS ENOUGHT".
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Let me explain a little bit using my beloved Rule of Rose as an example: When Jennifer discover what Wendy did to Brown (especially after we saw her dealing with all the Aristocrat Club "games"), she vent and fast to having a little "rage" on the matter. She put all her negative emotions on Wendy, making the Red Princess "feel" her entire true and crude emotions about what she felt because of her "stupid little club of nobles". This moment is knowed and considerated by many the most iconic of Rule of Rose and i feel there is a good reason why, with Jennifer we experienced her pain and that "thats enought" scene was needed for her and us to go into a moment of "leave" and "move on" such horrible mess. What i learned by more than 20 years of life is we all have limits, and Wendy did managed to "wake up" Jennifer ones.
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After all of this you might wonder... what about Haunting Ground? Well, thats what i feel is missing with Fiona... lets thinks about it. Like Jennifer, she losed everything (not really due she still have Hewie compared but listen) and... i kinda wished it was more explored with her parents this feelings. I do feel this game did in a way "robbed us" on not giving Fiona a moment of she processing all the hell she withness and well... reacting on a pretty negative matter about it. Im not saying all games needs to follow a specific step, simply i do feel Jennifer felt more real around the idea of "losing everything you love" over the simple fact she goes and we see it in our eyes how the world (and Wendy) were unfair to her. I truly wished something "complete" was given as well to Fiona. She have Hewie yes but idk, maybe im asking too much? Who knows.
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Btw i want to be clear how i love dearly both Games. They are my favourites from the PS2 era, simply I wanted to share some lil troughts I had in my mind about something I truly wished was explored more in Haunting Ground. What you think about it?
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maxiemumdamage · 6 months
So this turned into basically all of my immediate reactions, I will say more in depth when I have time which may not be until June:
It’s occurring to me now how devastating even thinking he lost Weiss must’ve been for Whitley.
Sooo Winter handling her grief VERY well, honestly I am a little worried for her
Oh yeah, the refugees from Atlas would’ve just drawn a ton of Grimm towards Vacuo. I’m sure that was great for relations with a country that already colonized them and was now a massive burden on the economy.
Like Oscar straight up used the world Colonization we are NOT hiding it
People flinching at Nora’s scars noooooo
Oscar saying he wishes he could borrow Ruby’s certainty when we KNOW she’s never certain and just tries to put on a brave face
Even just in outline Shade academy is SO cool
Ren just immediately peeking up at the sight of Nora made me so happy, and seeing him visibly bury his emotions for the sake of supporting her (because he can see she’s doing the same) made me much sadder
Mercury tries so hard to act all scary and evil but he clearly looks miserable with Tyrian
“No Place for Royalty” is the Crown coming back? I thought for sure that the novel plots would be self contained!
I realized after a minute that MEH was Marrow, Elm, and Harriet, but I LAUGHED MY ASS OFF when I first saw that label
(Also Qrow being grouped with the Happy Huntresses…?)
I guess if Salem is going North to South it makes sense to trample Vale all over again on the way from Atlas to Vacuo, but also, HAVEN’T THEY BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH????
Qrow and Willow recovering alcoholics together!
Marrow and Fiona’s uncle!
I loved Qrow’s little speech about how small kindnesses are often all it takes to restore your faith. Even when you can’t make a huge difference, doing something good, however small, will end up helping someone.
Also he’s still wearing Clover’s pin!
Robyn and Qrow friendship HECK YES
The Ruby mural!!!! The quiet little faith in her! The ironclad belief she has made a difference!
I didn’t think the portal was Ruby and co at first, I thought it Raven showing up while Qrow was brooding alone and it made me laugh
But Raven did show up, which then made me feel confused
I realize the idea was one unified kingdom against Salem but uh. Mistral is still fine isn't it?
They even added concept art!
Real question: how did the Ruby muralist know what her boots look like? She was only visible from waist up in the broadcast!
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sageandred · 4 months
The way Shameless fans have always argued in favor of their faves and against their least favorite characters to be worse than them is so funny. You can't judge Shameless characters too hard on a moral basis. You just can't. The show is called: Shameless.
Mandy- tried to s.a. multiple times, but grew up with learned behavior around an abusive dad who s.a.'d her himself (she walks around with no pants for god's sake; that's sad because she doesn't even realize it's not normal); oh and almost forgot - ran over Karen, but had history of repressed anger problems, learned fight not flight retaliation responses, and jealousy after repeatedly being treated bad (and not just by Karen)
Fiona- made 10000+ mistakes, including almost killing her brother, but never had a childhood and was forced into parenting while never learning how to parent in the first place
Lip- #1 screw up for his own life (I guess it's his life, you can't blame him), because he hates himself and is self destructive also due to his upbringing; was angry and rude more times than I can count to Fiona, but he is angry due to his exact same feelings towards his (non) childhood
Ian- what did Ian even do...? cheat on anyone but Mickey? (edit: dang he did that too - but it doesn't count) ...be too serious for seasons 6-9?? (< jk, i love him; that's taken from real critiques.) be transphobic? (I hate, but it's valid he's uneducated - my memory is bad i don't even think he was transphobic just clueless on some things)
Carl- be the worst runner when trying to escape cops? a messed up child taxidermist?
Debbie- We can hate Debbie, jk! I do wish her storyline unfolded better, because it totally makes sense the need to grow up too fast and try to emulate Fiona (that's all I'll give her 'cause I understand, but I'm not trying to write an essay on my complicated feelings on how they could've portrayed Debbie's character arc better)
Recognize their shameless flaws. And have your faves, I agree. But to compare them and be on your moral high ground about why fans should recognize more individual actions as bad is void at the start of the argument.
Because Monica VS Frank - They both suck as much as I can recognize they both are sad, vulnerable, childlike lost causes at the core. But people always argue Monica is worse. Why, because she left? Honestly, good she spared them as opposed to mooched off and sat around doing nothing. Frank is funny (which I think is the only reason people like him more), but they're both the same level of shitty parents. WHICH IS THE POINT...to understand the kid/y.a. characters' bad trauma responses
"I think we as a society, should acknowledge how [blank] shouldn't be praised." That's like saying: "the Joker is villianous, guys did you know??" like why am I getting recommended arguments for why certain characters suck more?! In the year 2024, for god's sake?!?
Terry Milkovich, tho, is GOD AWFUL; hate on him all you want. x
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 11 months
i think that we didn’t get enough information on mickey’s arrest.
i mean, we literally didn’t, they didn’t confirm that he and sammi had both been arrested until the recap in 6x01- so they literally chose not to add the footage in 5x12. but i think that there’s more to the lack of information than just not seeing him handcuffed.
why did sammi know that mickey had tried to kill her, but not debbie? could sammi hear them plotting? i could see her coming after debbie more than i could see her coming after mickey, even if she did despise him. she knew debbie was more valuable to the gallagher’s (no hate to mickey, but fiona and lip weren’t too fond of him), so if she did hear, i could see her plotting against debbie. and in 10x08, we do hear terry talk about how no matter what, people are always going to assume it was a milkovich even if it wasn’t, so it’s likely that she just pointed it on mickey and they went with it. however, sammi and multiple other people would be able to confirm that mickey, debbie, and liam were home at the time (not like anybody would suspect liam of the crime, but regardless). i could see mickey, fiona, and sean all lying and saying that debbie wasn’t there, but i don’t know. i think that they’d still interview her, and maybe she’d use her lying skills from aunt ginger, cousin patrick, and the pregnancy she was then hiding, but maybe she would be bad at it. that’s the thing, we don’t know.
but fiona had to have known, right? all of this talk about torturing sammi, debbie basically confirming that she and mickey were going to go torture sammi, and then a week or so later sammi shows up claiming that mickey tried to kill her? how could she have not known? did ian ever find out? i feel like season 6 ian would be upset, but also tranquil (trying to hide that he still cares, as we see in 6x01), however, i could see season 11 ian being upset if he hadn’t known until just then.
also, mickey was originally set to be released in 2023 with good behavior. who knows what sammi’s sentance was, but knowing her, she probably didn’t have good behavior. i could see her seducing someone to get out, though, just like mickey. i honestly don’t think she’s currently in prison and i wish that they had visited the storyline again because maybe she was even out in season 11.
and i know that the real answer as to why we didn’t get a lot of info on what happened to mickey, sammi, and debbie was because noel wasn’t being paid enough and he wanted out. still, it’s something in the storyline and shameless struggles with writing characters off/finishing storylines, making it so that the fandom ends up explaining it better than they do.
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You're right about the other villains not having as much depth as Octavian. With most of them, we don’t even know their backstories!
Oh yeah, I said that.
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I should make a list of the villains that have somewhat of a backstory/motivation:
Dr. Hare: Dr. Harvey Hare was the lead scientist for NISS (National Institute of Silly Sciences). There he engineered a top-secret mind control device. The device malfunctioned during testing on a bunny rabbit, fusing him with it.
Copy Cat: Copy Cat made millions selling illegally copied music, but she was caught when she offered a bootlegged computer game to an undercover agent.
Sir Rebral: Sir Rebral believes he is descended from royalty. He was apprehended while stealing the crown jewels from the Queen of Arturus from Astro-Knights Island.
Speeding Spike: Spike was a car thief, and loved speeding.
Ratman: Ratman used trained rats to help him steal money and jewels, but his pets "ratted" on him, leading to his imprisonment.
Crusher: Crusher once stole a monster truck and smashed cars in a parking lot for fun.
Betty Jetty: Betty Jetty was a pilot who flew without a license.
Director D: He is bald and is embarrassed that he is bald, so he wants everyone to be bald too.
Vince Graves: Vince is a renegade archaeologist who is often found in Egypt looking for rare artifacts, and is willing to steal artifacts if necessary. When he finds something valuable, he quickly sells it to the highest bidder and then leaves.
Binary Bard: Mordred (Binary Bard's original name) brought technology to the Kingdom of Arturus. His unnatural experiments (aka cyborgs) led to his imprisonment. Mordred escaped prison and fled into space. His unfinished ship crashed on Pewter Moon, where he was gravely injured. He rebuilt himself as part man, part machine in order to survive, becoming the space tyrant Binary Bard.
Gretchen Grimlock: Gretchen Grimlock is the wealthy owner of Gretchen's Beauty Products, Inc. Her company uses endangered plants and animals in its products. One day while searching for a rare orchid she was attacked by Bigfoot, which caused her to start hunting cryptids.
The Shogun: He and his brother Basho trained as Samurai, but Basho decided to become good and left to be a ninja. Basho was angry at his brother for leaving, and stayed with the Samurai, eventually becoming a tyrant ruling over old Japan. 
Mr. Silva: He wanted to be a fireman. But now he's stuck as a science teacher.
Holmes: Holmes was a robot created by the scientist Dr. Harold Langley to compete in game shows. Eventually he became resentful that Langley was getting all the praise.
Henry Flatbottom: Henry was best friends with Valiant, but he also had a crush on Valiant's girlfriend Fiona. Years after Fiona rejected him, Henry used his power (he's the magistrate) to organize Valiant's death so Fiona could choose him instead.
Count Bram: He was turned into a vampire, and tried for years to come up with a cure for it. Eventually his wife died (because she's a human) and Bram lost his mind.
Mark Hertz: Used to work at Poptropica Headquarters, but left for MegaFightingBots because Poptropica wouldn't allow children to type anything in order to chat with each other.
Ringmaster Raven: Bird Boy was an orphan who was born with avian-esque features. He was used as a side-show attraction in a carnival until he was left behind at a town (accidentally or intentionally). Some time later, Bird Boy was accused of burning down a shop, although it is very heavily suggested that he was most likely framed by the real arsonist. He went into hiding until he was caught, and was driven out of the town as a result.
Myron Van Buren: MVB is the last living descendant of the legendary Van Buren hunting family. He became obsessed with proving his worth.
Scheherazade: Scheherazade and her father were poor traders. One day, her father found a genie lamp, and wished to be a sultan and his daughter a princess. The Sultan became obsessed with the genie and his new wealth, forgetting about Scheherazade, causing her to eventually run away and form the Forty Thieves.
Chthonians: The Chthonians were at war with the Mole People for centuries, but only because the Moles took one of their eggs (the Moles not knowing what it was).
Rumpelstiltskin: The Red Queen captured him and kept him locked in the treasury/prison for years.
Dr. Gramston: Dr. Gramston was a dentist on the Blandside, but her business was failing because half of the townspeople (the Goofside residents) refused to brush their teeth. One day Gramston fell through a hole in her office into the sewers, where she discovered the magical crystals that could turn things goofy or bland. She created a plot to turn the entire island bland.
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Kinda random question, but I'm just curious. What's your opinion on what happened to Nica at the ends of season 1?
(In most AUs I've seen, it's basically not accepted as canon. Tiffany just drugged Nica so much that she hallucinate that)
As Tiffany would say, “I don’t know, that’s an interesting question!”
I’m so torn because the stronger Nica gets and the more she goes through/pushes through the more I ADORE her. But it also breaks my heart.
In a weird way I’m glad they did it for the arc of her character through the second/beginning of the third season but I almost wish there was a voodoo way to almost undo that aspect because the longterm effects of it (especially outside of Tiffany’s captivity) are still so undiscovered and pretty damn irreversible. I’m also a sucker for some amazing acting and Fiona’s rent was DUE filming that storyline/the fallout.
I am ALL for AU’s where she was just drugged and hallucinating, though, cause it gives a lot of potential to the other found family storylines us fans like to cook up that are only hinted at (and hopefully seen in the future!)
if you’ve heard at all of shifting (the belief/practice of shifting your consciousness to other universes/etc), scripting yourself into whatever world you want is important and though I haven’t shifted I LOVE to script things out and in my world with them Nica still has her limbs because I could NOT put her through that.
I dunno I’m probably babbling 😂, but I think my less-complicated answer is that in the context of what we get in the show I think it’s interesting and raises the stakes and is part of the only real “horror” we get, but outside of that I would save her and prefer a good AU where my girl is whole ANY DAY 🥰🥺
My apologies if that was complicated/didn’t make sense 😂
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fandomofisolation · 5 months
My own internalized misogyny pisses me the fuck off sometimes, because I NEVER give female characters the same understanding and compassion I give male characters.
I love Sam and Dean Winchester of The CW's "Supernatural" (2005-2020). I love Ed Teach and Stede Bonnet of HBO Max' "Our Flag Means Death" (2022-2023). I love Marvel's Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, and Loki. These characters have done some really fucked up shit. These characters have killed people. Most of them have killed without remorse - often for reasons that I personally cannot see as justifiable.
But I forgive all those characters. Don't get me wrong, I don't just love them because they're well-written, three dimensional, compelling characters. I love them like I care about them. Like they're my fictional friends. Like if I knew them in real life, I'd want them to be proud of me. I think that in their universes, they are good people.
I know that it sucks that we don't have as many female characters like that. But what sucks even more is that when we do I hate them! What is wrong with me??
Katniss Everdeen from Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games. I read those books in high school and I hated her because I thought she was selfish. Selfish! Like, what? Who do I think I am?
Clarke Griffin of The CW's "The 100" (2014-2020). I had beef with her because I couldn't agree with some of the decisions she made, so I disliked her whole character.
Fiona Gallagher of Showtime's "Shameless" (2011-2021). *Season 4 spoilers* After Liam got into the cocaine in Season Four and was hospitalized for an overdose, I was so mad at her. I was like, "You stupid bitch! How could you just leave cocaine just lying around when you have a three-year-old in the house? That is so dumb and irresponsible!"
What stands out to me is that Katniss, Clarke and Fiona are facing circumstances every bit as difficult as any of those male characters I mentioned previously. They've lived through immense trauma. They're up against insurmountable odds. But I don't give them the same grace that I do Sam or Ed or Bucky.
I hold women, myself included, to a much high standard than men. It's ridiculous because that double standard is itself part of the very same systematic oppression that creates so many obstacles for women already (before you even ask, yes I'm including trans women. "Women" always includes trans women. Women are women are women. Genitals and chromosomes do not determine gender. Terfs go fuck yourselves).
It's not fair. It's not fair to the people writing female characters. It's not fair to female actors. It's not fair to the women and girls all over the world who need to see themselves represented in well-written, three-dimensional, complex, imperfect characters. It's not fair to me. I am part of the problem!
So anyway. Not cool, self. I gotta work on undoing those unhealthy thought patterns. Wish me luck!
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chessmaton · 4 months
Tess, Erikah, Fiona and Rosamund pretty please 🥺
I absolutely ADORE her. She is imo, the most interesting serial killer solely because of her methods and just how her mind works in general. i wanna put her under a microscope and study her lmaoo. She's one of if not,, the best s1 character as the game was honestly really lacking something until she was put into it. You make me appreciate her so much more than i did, too.
I'll be totally honest. I'm not entirely too sure about her. She's absolutely stunning, really, really beautiful, dont get me wrong. But as a person, im not so sure,, i feel more bad for vanessa and the other girls. Absolutely, if people love her, I will support you. Give her the love I can't is how I usually go about it.
Fiona. Fiona is wasted potential, which SUCKS because a well done motp serial killer would've been super interesting. I'll also admit that the way they went about Fiona's killings and her victims wasn't amazing at all in my eyes. I wish that the murders were done were something new, something fresh. Not how they're based on actual women who brutally lost their lives to Jack the Ripper. I love the concept of Fiona being a serial killer and I wish it was explored in a much much better and more fleshed out way. You can tell they were trying to juggle the gang war plot as well as the Scarlet Slayer AS WELL as corruption in the police force, all at the same time, which let's be real wasn't going to end well at all.
Again, I adore the woman, I love her despite a lot not which again completely fair, she's not a good person at all. But again, wasted potential. Copycat killers being explored rather than kind of shoved in as a first district thing isn't exactly helpful to give them a fleshed out character and a motive. Not to mention the fact that Nathan's death was already the first case, which COMPLETELY outshined Rosamund entirely. Because let's be real, when you hear people talk about the first district of the conspiracy, what do you hear most? Nathan. People don't really talk about the other events in the first district, just Nathan's death. It was a ridiculous idea to start off in such a way, then expect people to just immediately move on and investigate a serial killer. Now, if she was introduced a few districts later and they put her over multiple districts, that would've been superb as they could explore her character better.
She's beautiful and I need her so bad I am so down bad ARF ARF and I love how she came back in case 52 bc she imo was even hotter ok ignore me anyways. I wish she was explored better and had a better chance because they just, really did not give her one.
Bonus: I haven't played s7 or know anything about it but Abigail is so pretty and I feel awful for her. Duncan is interesting but could've been handled better as it just seemed more insensitive than anything, would've loved to see him kill miriam icl. Freddie is bald.
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obabashut · 1 year
in which I talk about Sapnap streaming on Kick...
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Because of stuff like this. Fiona is an amazing content creator. Former Achievement Hunter at Rooster Teeth, G4 Programing and has had several independent productions under her belt. But she isn't good enough. Just because you are a PoC, LGBTQ+ and female does not mean you will have a better chance on Twitch. So what does this have to do with Sapnap?
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He did talk to the CEO about his concerns. He had stipulations. He cut a deal. He had made Kick install guidelines that can make it better for his community. A real competitor for Twitch instead of the shittier alternative. Just imagine if Kick becomes viable. All the Twitch streamers are going to look at their contracts and reconsider. That they get the 30% of the revenue they work for. That they have to beg for subs AND run ads AND ask for donos too instead of just streaming content people want to see. Like, how many people were on board when JustinTV was a thing. Bit of a free-for-all in content. It was no different than Kick. So we are in a situation in which a new platform has come in as a challenger. If they too want the quality of creators that Twitch has, they will evolve to make that space. to whatever benefits them the most. As to the attack on Sapnap personally, that he should ask Dream what to do or that because he is a cis white male, he doesn't care that his community will be uncomfortable there. Come off it. Really?
People still sleep on Sapnap and treat him poorly: Calling him a 3rd wheel to DNF and saying he can't do anything without Dream's help.
Sapnap has actually accomplished more ON HIS OWN, as a content creator, than Dream or George. Certainly has streamed more. He is more of a variety streamer. He is the one that is a co-owner at NRG. He still codes his MC videos. He just broke the record for the fastest checkmate in the POGchanps tournament. He is currently tied for his MCC wins. Squidcraft 2 Champion. Plays violin and had top grades in school…
And It pisses me off that people just don't see him, unless its in relation to what Dream and George are doing. He's a grown man making a business deal. He got them to change their ToS, IN ONE DAY! Cause he knows his community wants a safe space. If he wants to instill that change. I wish him luck.
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houseofthelilypads · 1 year
Shrek isn't just a movie picking at of Disney, it's a movie picking at white supremacy.
Notice how all the villains were white people? Excluding Goldilocks & Death, who were antagonists/rivals, the villains were all white humans with a high status, wealth of power (figuratively and literally) who weaponized the status quo to erase, attack or manipulate marginalized groups. They weren't these powerful entities of death (heh) they looked like people we could meet in real life. Charming especially is the Perfect "Aryan" Man: blond haired blue eyed good-looking and white.
Farquad exiled all fairytale creatures from their homes and even implied to have killed some of them. He doesn't even go save Fiona himself, at least Charming made it that far. Instead he expects her love then turned on her when she embraced her true self.
Godmother talked over Fiona by trying to sell her an American Dream type wish, only to ignore her needs and desires. She runs her magic like a business. A testament to materialism and how it is a shallow replacement for genuine relationships. She also raised Charming to feel that he is so special he is above consequences, which sadly led to his downfall. It's also an allegory to how racism/yt supremacy is taught. Tow kids eagerly embrace these prejudices without question or truly thinking for themselves.
Jack Horner was jealous of not being famous like the others without fully understanding the reality magical creatures go through due to the prejudice they face. Instead of being thankful for hus very successful pie company he tries to steal everyone else's things. Showing how greedy people will never be satisfied. But also how racist white people would be jealous of another ethnic group for a naive lens of being "special" without fully understanding the struggles the ethnic group goes through.
Rumple treated the witches like servants than equals, and tried to eradicate a resistance made up of mostly ogres to keep his crown. While I classify him as a fairytale creature he doesn't have that solidarity and only thinks of himself. Showing how some would eagerly throw their own kind under the bus to enjoy the benefits a horrible status quo brings.
Charming wanted to keep his privileged lifestyle by taking over Far Far Away under the guise of helping outcasts, when it was just him nursing a broken ego. He doesn't even entertain the thought his mother is wrong, just that Shrek stole a happy ending he thinks he deserves. Again a reminder of how yt supremacy often fails the very people groomed to uphold these values, and how some simply refuse to change their ways despite suffering their doomed ideology.
They were members of the aristocracy, businessmen, who were already living it high but wanted more & keep things as they were, regardless who got hurt.
Shrek represents the marginalized adopting love and allowing themselves to love and be loved without being forced to fundamentally change themselves. Shrek believed himself unlovable because society already deemed him as a threat. But the interesting thin is Shrek never exactly defeats the villains on his own or by brute force. The villains are taken out by their actions or or by somebody else (a character who is also a victim of the oppression). The villains meet their ends at the same item they used to weaponize the status quo.
By Shrek never directly defeating the villains, it dismantles the preconceived notions of ogre being inherently brutal and violent. It also shows how fighting oppression isn't just through brute force or snark but thru love and community.
Artie & Fiona represent white people who acknowledge their privilege and uses it to help others. That even yt folk suffer under the same conditions they put in the first place as they fear or subjected to the same mistreatment if they stray out of line even an inch. For Artie it's being a softspoken dork and not the hypermasculine warrior; for Fiona it's being an ogre/tomboy & not a dainty princess. These flaws prove to be great gifts, & help them see those expectations for the harm they really are.
Shrek and Fiona's romance are the biggest aspect of the franchise,but another important aspect is community. By building solidarity with other fairytale creatures, they're able to more support then just having only each other. Without Donkey (and Dragon) Shrek and Fiona wouldn't have their happy ending; without the fairytale critters Shrek wouldn't have had the power to stop Fairy Godmother. Without connecting with Artie, there'd be no one to sympathize with the story villains. Without the Ogre Resistance Shrek wouldn't have been able to restore the timeline.
That's also why Charming's takeover failed: he hadn't formed any true solidarity with the villains only really viewing them as props for his happily after. He was so blinded by hate and jealously he failed to actually HELP the villains accomplish their dreams or their needs. He failed to acknowledge his own complicity in the way villains/outcasts were treated. Artie talked to the villains, not talked down to them.
Overall, Shrek offers a very good look at the harm white supremacy inflicts on EVERYONE and the ways to combat it. Remember, you can hate your oppressors/society but it's also important to recognize your privilege, and show up for the oppressed. That marginalized groups do have the power to make their dreams come true through love, community, action and solidarity.
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