#she doesn't reveal in that fact and instead feels guilt over it
ghostsfruit · 6 months
Mfs be kinnin' A.B.A when you should be gettin' therapy
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lightandfellowship · 19 days
An aspect of Hoder's death that I find pretty compelling outside of just the effect her death had on the cast + the events of the game is the fact that her brother and friends seem to just be guessing at what she would have wanted or what she would have done in their shoes. And quite possibly guessing incorrectly. Which highlights one of the many tragic elements of death apart from the death itself: the dead not being able to speak for themselves.
Vidar turns to Kingdom Hearts because it might save Hoder's brother and he thinks that's what she would want. After all, her brother is someone precious to her who she's willing to protect with her life, as she demonstrated in Enchanted Dominion when she sacrificed herself to save him. But saving her brother via Kingdom Hearts means potentially harming the worlds, their residents, and the entire universe in general, and considering Hoder chose to confront a super powerful fairy all by herself to try and save Aurora, a random stranger she had only just met, endangering innocents for personal reasons sounds like the kind of thing she might seriously disapprove of. But it seems like Vidar, Vala, and Vali never considered that possibility, assuming that it was just a given that Hoder would risk the entire world for her brother.
And while Baldr's motivations are kinda complex and can be interpreted in a number of ways, it wouldn't susprise me if part of the reason why he wanted to purge the world and kill the upperclassmen was for the sake of getting revenge on Hoder's behalf. We know he blames the upperclassmen for not saving her, and it was the evil of the world that drew Hoder to the castle and got her killed in the first place. (There's also the element of "Baldr blames himself for her death but he can't handle the guilt so he's going to blame everyone else instead as a coping mechanism.") Once again, someone close to Hoder is risking the lives of countless others for her sake, ostensibly (though I'm sure Baldr is just telling himself that he's doing it for her when really he's mostly doing it for himself, unleashing his grief and wrath upon the world that wronged him.) And it's not just strangers at risk this time, her friends are getting killed one by one, all because her brother thought they deserved it for failing to save her. I don't think it's a stretch to say that Hoder didn't blame her friends at all for what happened to her and had no interest in getting "revenge" on them.
What makes Hoder's situation interesting/unique though is that she technically does get several opportunities to speak for herself after she dies, unlike most characters who die suddenly and prematurely. Once in the Underworld after her spirit gets temporarily brought back to meet with Xehanort and Eraqus, and several times after that when she's hiding in Xehanort's heart. But for most of these scenes she chooses not to speak, and when she does finally reveal herself and speak, it's during a scene where all of her dialog was potentially just a ruse to get closer to Baldr in order to take him out, and thus it's hard to say exactly how genuine her words were. Even when given the rare and precious opportunity to express her true feelings and desires post-death, she remains quiet, or chooses to speak but potentially with ulterior motives. Which actually fits how she acted in life as well. So maybe dying was never the problem, maybe part of her tragedy is that she never would have made her feelings clear even if she were alive. Which I think is a pretty interesting character trait for her, a character who values actions over words, a character who doesn't seem to be too concerned about explaining herself or being understood by others, a character who would rather just take matters into her own hands instead of clarifying her wishes to others who could act on her behalf...and the tragic accidents + miscommunication that occurs because of those secretive, proactive, and independent aspects of her personality.
Anyway, I have to imagine she kinda resents seeing her loved ones do these really terrible things in her name. Especially since she probably thought that her sacrifice was going to be the only one, no blood on her hands except for her own, only for that death to cause ten others. And as I've seen other people speculate, this probably contributed to her choice at the end to intervene. All of this tragedy happened because of her, because of her reckless actions and because of her friends and brother's love for her, and she needed to take responsibility for it.
"Dying was the worst decision I ever made." <- Hoder, probably
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halfassaultedbrain · 4 months
'Am I suffering beautifully?'
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One of the things I find so remarkable about them is that Zisheng always returns to reason with Shaoshang. He doesn't leave her hanging, he's always right around her corner. Sure, he doesn't tell her everything; just enough. He's trying to protect her, she cannot know too much so he reveals just enough to express and foreground his sincerest feelings for her. Unfortunately, however, his rather inadequately sufficient facts and figures culminates into this immense mountain of errors in communication from his side to his equally headstrong and stubborn fiancé that it tears them apart.
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And this time he cannot reason with her. Even though she understands the objective of his actions. It doesn't matter how much he pleads for leave to explain; she needs him to let her go (he abandoned her once, won't he do it again?)
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What's so aggravating here is that Empress Xuan asked him to talk to her nicely and Shaoshang will understand. He said he will, but he doesn't.
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He gets the opportunity right after. But he doesn't. He wanted to talk to her but he chooses not to.
Because he has decided to let her go. He has hurt her enough. Besides, Zisheng is well aware that once Shaoshang makes up her mind, no one can alter her from her resolve. Moreover she's not the same Shaoshang he knew. Our lovers have changed bits & quite over the past five years.
It is indeed soul breaking that they haven't healed in the lonely long period of five years. It seems as though only they themselves are capable of healing each other. Not time or family or the Empress or new love. They didn't even talk properly after the 'feral Zisheng' incident. And the conversation in episode 54 while stargazing (oh love) is a cathartic moment of mutual concession. Something, even the stars were anticipating with bated breath. Perhaps they will imprison themselves in their sorrow all solitary and beyond reach but gods they cannot do it together. They need to let go. Hope is that in ten years their souls will be liberated enough as they gaze at each across the pavilion, willing to forgive and accept the love they have been denying each other.
And let me just drop this by Jane Austen here: "There could have never been two hearts so open, no tastes so similar, no feelings so in unison, no countenances so beloved. Now they were as strangers; nay, worse than strangers, for they could never become acquainted. It was a perpetual estrangement."
Zisheng cannot plead his heart, constricted in guilt, unless Shaoshang takes a step towards him which she doesn't do till faced by the very possibility of existing in a world he (is literally blown away from) doesn't exist.
I find it exquisitely tragic that Shaoshang locked herself in the palace with Empress Xuan for 5 years with the solace in her heart that Zisheng is somewhere in the world, alive and breathing. It's like when Dostoevsky said: "I can see the sun, but even if I cannot see the sun, I know that it exists. And to know that the sun is there - that is living."
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She desperately needs that they both live well. And he understands that. He's still in her heart. (Five years of separation is not enough to expunge him and his memory which has marked her life with love and sorrow). She wants to be with him. But she can't. Just can't.
And they part ways.
What is it that brings them back together then?
Well, when Zisheng (almost) dies while trying to save Shaoshang it breaks some kind of mental block within her and so instead of taking a step she runs to him. She realises it's better to live with him and suffer than suffer alone? Something like "Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" yes?
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rolotouto · 4 months
More translations (June)
Translations and opinions, too.
・Rolo: I will (protect) Brother! Kallen: The one from that time at Babel Tower? ・V.V.: You were a failed product, you know? Rolo: I'm not a tool! I really like seeing Rolo defending himself before V.V.. For a 63 year old, V.V. sure doesn't have many intelligent things to say other than throwing the same insult over and over:
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V.V.: Rolo was a failed product. For his life to be shortened whenever he uses his Geass... "defective" is putting it mildly. Well, guess he can be used for assassinations at least. Is it that Rolo's life was shortened each time he used his Geass, or that each time he used his Geass for too long he could die? Because, if it's the latter, then provided that he was careful, arguably using his Geass didn't affect his health long term, but if it's the former, Lelouch sure didn't mind making Rolo have to sacrifice his life span for trivial things like protecting him from girls during Turn 12... Opinion time: Even though I want to believe that Lelouch wouldn't actually knowingly allow Rolo to shorten his life span, as I'm convinced that he cared about Rolo during all that time he told himself that he hated him, I wish Rolo acknowledged that it was very cruel of Lelouch to manipulate his emotions, and that Rolo's only reference to how Lelouch hurt him wasn't just a vague 'Brother used me' (which is always quickly followed by 'but he made me human' so that the audience doesn't have to think much about how Lelouch did wrong). His Home or Trust lines in Lost Stories would have been the perfect place for Rolo to show us more of his point of view, but instead, as I complained last time, he sounds a little too repetitive with the 'Brother made me human' and 'I will protect Brother' lines. In the anime, because there's no time for more, proportionately Rolo gets much more focus, as in a few minutes he: -Rescues Lelouch against Lelouch's demands -Monologues out loud despite having no listeners -When Lelouch wants to know 'Why did you save me?', he makes Lelouch have to change that lamenting tone and join him in pretending that everything is okay by giving Lelouch an answer that Lelouch didn't expect Rolo is the one in control during those scenes, while Lelouch temporarily becomes a "secondary" (passive) character. And because we don't see what he was thinking between Lelouch yelling at him and him deciding to save Lelouch, it's possible to interpret that Rolo *was* in fact hurt and resentful that Lelouch never even attempted to give him (<-a child who had only known abuse throughout his life) that future he promised, and that Rolo giving up his life to save him was, partially, his own way of forcing Lelouch to always remember him (plus he also called Lelouch a liar, which, even though at first glance he only does to protect Lelouch from feeling guilt, could also be an accusation Rolo wanted to make and get off his chest). Lost Stories even depicted Rolo still asking Lelouch to keep his promise around Turn 16, but then we see Turn19!Rolo's thoughts and there's no hint of shock or anger after Lelouch reveals he was manipulating Rolo from the start? I think that is too selfless to the point where it becomes lack of self-respect... Well, back to the video: ・Rolo: I won't let them kill (Brother)! No matter what! Lelouch: Please stop! Do you want to die? Battle interaction between Turn5!Shirley and regular!Rolo (not Turn19!Rolo): ・Shirley: Hey, do you know where Lulu is? Rolo: You are going around wearing that...? ?! Why would someone like Rolo care what she wears... How does he even have a concept of what kind of clothing is appropriate or not?! Love his formal Japanese though. A different login bonus line: ・Rolo: Excuse me, did you see Brother? He left without me realizing it... And teacher Villetta was looking for him. Yet another Home line that I'd never seen before, but that he started using around a couple weeks ago (used by any of the 3 Rolos): ・Rolo: There are still things I don't understand (lit. "can't read") about you. I wonder if I'll end up understanding them if more time goes by. June line (any of the 3 Rolos): ・Rolo: Come to think of it, I have not ridden the motorcycle lately. It's probably the same for you, right? You know, seeing as it won't stop raining...
Yes!! Thank you for remembering Rolo's life contains more activities than just thinking about niisan!! I did not translate that as "my" motorcycle because I think he only ever drives Rivalz's and doesn't own one... Home line that isn't part of the in-game archive (Turn19!Rolo only): ・Rolo: This locket... It's okay if I keep it until the end, right...?
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snailchasers-den · 6 months
How does starclan reacts to Spottedleaf's lies?
Super sorry for answering this so late, I've been super busy LMAO I try to answer asks as quickly as I can, so thank you for being so patient!
This will contain some spoilers for my fic, even if I might tweak some things before then, so know this is subject to some possible changes! It'll also contain some mild horror and themes of being watched, so fair warning!
It's nothing big at first, for a while she actually flies comfortably under the radar, the problem only really starts getting recognized by Starclan once they tell the clan the false prophecy, uncomfortably close to before whenever Spotted receives the 'Fire will save our clan' one, and gets worse once Yellowfang gets there and starts working alongside her. A lot of the plan hindered on the only other medicine cat around being her and her apprentice, so Yellowfang appearing threw a massive wrench in things. Yellowfang does agree not to reveal the fact she's faking her and Tigerclaw's prophecy, but can't promise she'll be able to keep her safe from everything that may come her way because of it.
She starts to avoid the night sky after that, doing her best to only go out during the day, or when the stars are hidden by clouds. But that doesn't always help her when she starts to feel watched near constantly. She's not exactly sure if it's a manifestation of guilt or Starclan themselves, at the time, but she starts to have dreams if not hallucinations of silent starclan cats, just... Watching as she tries to gather herbs. It's extremely rare for Starclan to decend from the sky, much less for no good reason. They don't tell you how dead and lightless an otherwise glittering Starclan cat's eyes can look when they stare at you so blankly. Nothing proves they're no longer alive more than that.
Yellowfang tries to comfort her through the days, but she out of anybody can tell it's starting to weigh on her- She does her best to make her feel a bit more secure, but having another cat with Starclan's gifts so nearby only makes things more unsettling.
Starclan is very different in this AU, being a lot more reserved and ominous, much closer to a coalescence of all the spirits of their ancestors that started having their lines between eachother smudged long ago. The clans have this image of ethereal starry passed family members who watch over them and keep them safe, but if you look deeper, there's something beneath the surface. They don't actively try to stop Spottedleaf, since this is likely a new type of crime, faking a prophecy not for power, but for something as simple and small as love, so instead they just judge. They know she knows they're watching her, and they plan to keep doing it until she dies, even if she tries to shut Starclan out of her mind later.
She does start trying to shut out Starclan once she realizes she's pregnant with Tigerclaw's kit. She knows the clan will see them as something special due to the prophecy that allowed them to be born 'within the code', and she doesn't need twice the stress with Starclan still lingering around her during the whole thing. Unfortunately, with her having such a strong connection with Starclan, and Tigerclaw having his own ties to it for wildly different reasons, their son ends up having a much, much higher connection than a majority of medicine cats do, even from a young age. Spotted isn't sure whether they passed it down to him, or if Starclan felt a bit sadistic and decided to play along for now, but for a while, the starry figures that stalk her through the forest seem to dissipate. She can't tell why, though, but she can feel in her bones that they'll be back for her.
Tigerclaw doesn't have a direct link with Starclan, but he does actually get his own glimpses of them, though his seem to be more based in malice. They've obviously never been too fond of him, and since Pinestar refused to kill him as a kit, they've let that demand go, but a lingering distaste for him never faded. He's been plagued with nightmares his entire life, but something about the ones he started getting once Starclan discovered their lie seemed to be less copy-paste with a few adjustments, and more personal. Deeper cutting and more unnerving. Ones he couldn't shake even with Spottedleaf at his side every night.
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twothpaste · 10 months
fic snippet about emotional labor, and weeping children, and how it does in fact take a village 😢
Sheep ain't the best with tears.
They remember Lucas, n' their comrades, n' all sorts of folks sobbin' their guts out, in the wintry months that followed the Dragon's rise. How they themself'd slink away to their shoebox, at the very back of the Yado Inn. Try to gulp down their guilt, with a watery bowl of canned soup. There was a time, ages later, when Dr. Westwood needed their internal battery ripped out and swapped with a new one. An ordeal so deathly precarious, it choked a snivel or two from Sheep's former Commander. Andnonuts'd kicked the bucket, though. Far be it from them to leave the kid hangin', all over again. They recall him covering his face, with a tooth clenching cringe. And them tellin' him it was alright, in a cracking voice. While they politely minded his exposed wiring, instead of his red eyes. Sheep was at his side, too, the first time a Capyburra passed. A hand on his shoulder's some sorta progress. Probably. Never mind how they froze up, when he snagged them in a tight, trembling hug. The way their stalwart colleague's chipper veneer shattered, in all of an instant. Revealing what really lay beneath. Just some poor, stranded, cryin' kid. Who'd already borne far too much loss, in so few years.
Yeah. Sheep'd been paralyzed, then. Stunned stupid. Beyond words - much less any helpful ones. When Claus thanked them for bein' there, they could scarcely fathom why.
With that big psychic brain of hers, Abelle seems to catch onto the electrician's cowardice. And honor it. As she marches through the gore and ruin, with her head held high. Holds a tough front, tears locked up tight - 'til the moment she's back in Bronson's arms.
Sheep resigns themself to a can of chicken noodle, tonight.
Bronson, of course, is just as much a coward. Though far more practiced. He'd weathered all manner of sobs and storms, at the White Ship's helm. N' all sorts since, when those tall sails crept back through the fog, into the memories of he n' his people. The un-blacksmith, clumsy as ever, had offered Abbey a drink. She shook her head, softly. Said she never touched the stuff. Preferred to feel her feelin's, no matter how dreadful. Sipped a tall glass o' water, while Jackie cast pensive frowns from the bar. Bronson paced himself. Meagerly nursing a scotch. She must've been ten or eleven, she told him. Clutchin' his hand for dear life. He recalls carryin' her. The deserter turned liferaft. How heavy she felt upon his shoulder. Though tiny, gaunt, and half-starved. Hardly bigger than her stuffed animal. It was a lion, he was pretty sure. She thought so, too.
Abelle doesn't ask that much of him. She sniffles quietly, with both rain boots planted firm in the bloodied rust. He catches himself glad of it. If only for one selfish, shameful moment. Then hugs her closer, as if to make up for it. The geezer who's seen it all. The whippersnapper who's seen not a damn thing. No worse than a skinned knee. 'Til here n' now.
She turns, peeking between his grasp, when Hox calls Kumatora's name. Shakes herself free, and comes running, at the first sight of hot pink. Buries herself against the strongest motherfucker here. N' lets the wailing take her at last. Telepathic torrents of red, pouring relentless from sundered seams.
"Aw.. Aw, hey. Shh," Kuma shushes. From those same, chapped, good night lips. Patting her raincoat-slick back. With a half-mitten of gauze and band-aids. The night's dim obscures her eyes' baggy bloodshot.
When she was girlie's age, a cryin' kid in her arms'd been yet another coward's gauntlet.
By now? It ain't nothin' novel.
"Thaaat's it… Cry it all out for me, that's it.. Heh. S'over n' done with, lil' miss. We're alright, see? We're all here, on the other side…"
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Hello here is my crackpot theory with no evidence 😎👍
Meryl Mei will be the ultimate big bad of the part
She has a lot going on and nobody knows everything about her. She is a principal, business owner, fashion designer, wife, mother, and leader of a small crime family. How. How is she doing this. Is she ok. There is something here and I hope it does get more elaboration.
And then there's Usagi. I do not think he'll be a traitor, but if he is... ohoho.
Meryl Mei hired him, a 17 year old drug addict. Why. Why did she do that. He doesn't have experience, he's not been shown to particularly smart (besides the raft thing which is very interesting), he didn't have relationships with the others besides Jodio kind of, and his stand is useless when he's alone.
What does Mei see in him? Why did she send him on this mission? I hope there is more elaboration eventually.
There's also the fact that she just HAPPENED to hire the gang to steal from the man with the lava rocks. That's a very very very interesting coincidence, is it not?
Anyways I love Meryl Mei and I need her to have a larger role in the story, I hope this was coherent, bye.
Meryl Mei will be the ultimate big bad of the part
It makes the "I wouldn't trust your friends" warning more shocking. Unless the translations were wrong, Rohan was rather vague when he advised Jodio to be careful of his companions. Meryl Mei is a very beloved principal of McKinley High, the main three trust her judgment, and she treats them almost as if they are her own children. She is very similar to Polpo in that both give off the appearance of being a well-respected, admired public person overseeing their underlings, but are very different when the performance drops. Polpo acts like this sophisticated, worldly, and trustworthy Caporegime revealed to be a slob who betrayed Giorno's trust and sees his underlings as mere pawns. Meryl Mei gives this girl-boss vibe of being a crime boss, designer, and principal but we know she is making kids commit crimes for her- even if it means they could be injured or arrested. It could set up the gang to feel betrayed the way Giorno was with Polpo.
As the possible big bad? I don't think so. I don't think she would be a direct main villain. Instead, if we have Meryl Mei involved with the big bad, I think we would have a DIO&Pucci dynamic where someone else is the main villain because they were following a legacy or unaccomplished dream Meryl Mei had. Whether Jodio and his gang killed Meryl Mei or a completely different group kills her, it sets the other main villain up to go against the former.
Meryl Mei hired him, a 17-year-old drug addict. Why. Why did she do that... What does Mei see in him?
I actually made a headcanon about Usagi's backstory that explains why he's a drug addict but is considered a good student prior to his current backstory.
Looking at it now with what we know, there is two scenarios that could explain why he's not a drug addict but he was first seen buying drugs:
He's buying the drugs for his mother. It's possible that Mrs. Aloha'oe is still grieving over her husband's death and became addicted to drugs as a result. Usagi could have been guilted or coerced into buying drugs for her. It would explain how he mentioned the family was living off life insurance but his mom has seemingly tight control over it, which is why he took the job.
He's buying the drugs for himself but he never took them. I'm speculating he's a very sheltered kid, like the one being bullied in Chapter 1, and wanted to rebel or have more friends by deciding to buy drugs to try them out but chickened out. It's all an act and his attempt at finding friends and it led him to join the gang.
Meryl Mei seems to take on kids who are extremely troubled so that she could act as a savior who could convince them to do her bidding. If you think about it, all four characters are very impressionable and vulnerable: Usagi is a drug addict, Paco was abused to the point where he was mutilated while suffering from kleptomania, Dragona is gender non-conforming (they/them, trans, whatever you interpret) and has that used against them, and Jodio is diagnosed with ASPD. I have a whole theory about the psychotherapy test and how that connects to Meryl Mei as well.
There's also the fact that she just HAPPENED to hire the gang to steal from the man with the lava rocks.
I think this was all a coincidence and nothing more to dive into. Pretty much throughout JJBA we've seen how Stand Users are connected and attract one another; we see this especially in the second continuity. However, Meryl Mei could still know that the lava rock exists but not aware of who owns it or plan on getting it while the diamond heist occured.
I love Meryl Mei as well, and I do miss her. I hope she appears more soon!
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crimsonlyinglilly · 11 months
Familiar Faces - Calm before the storm Part 2
Summary: Elijah Gilbert has been haunted by dreams of other lives as long as he remembers, but now with the appearance of the Salvatore brother he may finally get some answers.
Stefan loved his brother, even if he knew he couldn't leave him free, but he was also tired of him.
“Do they still wear ties at this thing?” Damon asked as he admired himself in the mirror.
“Why are you even going?” He asked.
“It's only fitting. We were at the very first one, remember?” Damon told him.
Stefan did, going with Katherine, catching the sight of his brothers in the corner of eye, Damon being pulled by an over excited Elijah, watching as Eli tired over the night until they both left, Damon carrying Eli.
“I think it's better if we don't draw attention to ourselves.” he tried.
“So you should stay here.” Damon offered, “I'll see to it Elena has a good time.“ Stefan took a drink before he could say anything to entertain Damon anymore, his brother was apparently wait as he spoke again, “Besides I can't leave Elijah without a date now.”
He swallowed the wrong way, choking on the drink.
“What!?” he managed to choke out,
“Oh yeah, Caroline’s mom wouldn’t approve of me, can’t imagine why” Damon shrugged, “so she asked Elijah to take me.”
“You can’t!” he couldn’t stop the word escaping him as he knew they’d do nothing, but please Damon at his helplessness.
“Why not? it’s fitting, I took him to the first and hundred years later he’s taking me.”
They were cut off by the sound of a phone, Damon pulled a mobile free, letting out a laugh as he read the text.
“Seems he’s meeting me here.”
Stefan stared at his brother’ smug face and wanted to scream
He should have asked more questions, he thought as he stood at the front door of the Salvatore's house, dressed in his suit suddenly hyper aware that he hadn’t ever met Damon while he had been trying to deny it, his mind was almost sure Damon was Dam.
He thought meeting him here would give him time to get to know him, so Elijah could separate them in his head so he wouldn’t mess up at the party.
So there he was at the of the Salvatore House, waiting for the door to open to reveal either Zach, Stefan or Damon.
His cousin, or his brothers.
The door opened to show an older man.
“Zach.” he smiled, ignoring the flinch Zach couldn’t quite hide as he looked at him and noticed the white bandages wrapped around his hand to where they vanished under his cuff.
Ah, he would be the one other person to remember that, wasn’t helped by the fact he was only just older than he was as EJ.
He doesn't wonder how much he looks like his body did on the-
“Elijah what are you doing here?” Zach asked, Elijah frowned at the slight panic he could hear in his voice.
“Damon.” he answered, “He’s coming with me to the Founder’s Party.”
“You’re What?” Zach’s voice rose as did the panic.
“That’s not a problem, i thought you-”
“No not that, it’s just Damon he’s-” Zach tried only to be interrupted.
“He’s what? Uncle Zach.” a voice drawled, Zach froze.
‘Not an uncle,’ he thought as he had when Elena had told him Stefan was staying with his uncle ‘Zach’ Elijah knew the family, he was very aware of that, as if they had had more relatives he wouldn’t have felt as guilty about leaving Zach alone.
Instead of letting himself think too much of that guilt, Elijah leaned slightly forward to see the source of the voice. 
He looked the same, suit more modern, but as Damon looked from Zach to him there was a soft fond look in his eyes.
Damon knew him despite the fact they hadn’t met before.
Part of Elijah is nine and wants to throw himself in his older brother’s arms, explain everything because Damon would be able to fix it.
He smothered that feeling, he was seventeen and didn’t know him, throwing yourself at your friend’s boyfriend was also just not done, he reminded himself as he took a breath and smiled at Damon.
“Hello, i thought we could get to know get other on the way,”
“Caroline, already told me.” Damon smiled widely as he stepped around Zach, slipping an arm over his shoulder to start to turn him away.
Elijah let him.
“E-” Zach started,
“It’s alright, Z.” he waved as he allowed himself to be led away, he wondered if he was the only person to notice Zach’s wide eyes. Elijah didn’t let himself wince, he had been so careful before.
He may have written Zach in his letters but Z was what he called his cousin during their phone calls.
Damon was staring at him with interest and glancing back every so often, so one person likely noticed but Damon had similar issues, seeing as Elijah rarely let anyone this close.
“We’re taking my car.” Damon told him as when he noticed Elijah staring back. ���Sorry but mine’s better.” he added before Elijah  could say anything.
“I wasn’t going to get anything fancy for my first car, was I?” he shot back, Damon laughed.
Zach swallowed around the lump in his throat as he watched the pair get into Damon’s car.
Damon had to be dealt with, he wasn’t going to let history repeat.
EJ’s body looked too small on the table, white sheet covering him.
“I swear Z, I'm never going to be free of white.” he had been told during one phone call.
Zach had made sure EJ was buried in a black suit with a deep blue shirt, no white there, it was the least he could have done.
Elijah Gilbert’s suit was a deep blue with a lighter blue shirt, no white either. 
“Zach?” Uncle Stefan’s voice called him back to the present.
“Don’t pull Elijah Gilbert into this.”
“I won’t.” Stefan tells him, “after tonight he shouldn’t have to worry about Damon.”
Damon was fighting against his want to stare, Elijah was nearly exactly the same, older, free for the fragility his health had left him with but other than that the same. A haunted maturity and charm, clearly comfortable in his formal suit more than others his age would. 
However the more he learned the more he was sure Elijah remembered far more than he was pretending too, the fact Elijah hadn’t once pulled himself free when Damon rested his arm on him was only part of it.
He was also growing to see that the memories were affecting him more than he wanted to let anyone show.
They met Caroline outside the Lockwood’s house, Damon watches as Caroline tells Elijah that she had left Bonnie inside to meet them here.
Elijah hadn’t had friends in their life, either too ill or their father refusing to allow it, taking Eli’s sickness as a slight to his pride no doubt.
He was right, clearly he couldn’t kill Caroline as he watched Elijah smile at her fondly, he crushed the feeling of relief at the excuse, he didn’t care.
He allowed her to claim his arm, almost disappointed he could place Elijah under the other, it was brilliant to be able to feel him living, breathing in reach, however instead of going too far, Elijah stepped up beside them.
“I thought you brought Bonnie.” the hostess said as she noticed their joined arms
“Oh I did.” Caroline replied, “Damon is Elijah’s plus one.”
Her smile faded as she looked between them, Damon waited for the outburst, he had forgotten the troubles of a small town.
“Hello Mrs Lockwood,” Damon watched as Elijah brought her hand up to kiss it, a greeting as old fashioned that it should be conically yet Elijah pulled it off as the Mayor’s wife blushed ”pleasure as always.”
“Oh you,” she laughed lightly, before finally granting what he had needed, “Come on in.”
He smiled as he stepped over the threshold.
They lost Caroline shortly afterwards, as she left them to go to the woman in uniform
“That her mother?” he asked Elijah.
“Hence, I'm the alibi,” Elijah told him with a slight shrug, “She took us in for some time after our parents died.”
“So she wants you and Caroline together?” he mused looking for information, so far he had gotten nothing on his relationships, Caroline hadn’t known much and he had wondered if it was due to him having feelings for her.
“No,” the boy chuckled at the thought “I'm just the responsible one.”
“Oh?” he hummed “So Caroline is hoping seeing me with you will get her mom to trust me more.”
“Probably, so don’t do too much to stain my reputation.” Elijah warmed him with a crooked smile.
“I’ll try not too,” he said before adding “too much.” delighting in the small surprised laugh he got out of him.
Caroline reappears shortly after to claim him leading Elijah to step away from them.
Damon watched Elijah from a distance as he flickered between people, using his better hearing to caught them asking about his parents.
He could hear his heart speed up in likely anger yet Elijah kept an empty flat smile on his face that Damon remembered always being directed at their father, or hovering over his Aunt who looked as happy as Elijah felt to be there facing the same questions about her sister.
It wasn’t all that different from the first party when little Elijah barley up to his chest but had charmed the adults until his health started to fail and Damon had taken him home to wait for Stefan and Katherine.
It was the life he had wanted for him, and if it wasn’t for the fact he knows from nights outside the Gilbert house that Elijah was still haunted by the dreams he didn’t understand, he might leave him.
But he can’t, not when there was still a risk that this life could be cut short by an episode like the life before his brother had.
It was in the quiet in the aftermath of Salvatore's history, that she asked the thing that she had wondered since seeing Elijah’s name following Damon’s ancestor.
“What about Elijah? You were all named after your ancestors?”
Damon turned his eyes back to the paper.
“It seemed history repeats itself, he died not long after the party, poor health claimed him.” he told her.
She suddenly realised why it had struck her.
Elijah Salvatore, the same name she remembers Elijah writing, when they were much younger normally followed by EJ, and Eli.
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toku-explained · 6 months
The Door to Darkness
Hagane wo Tsugu Mono: With Souma enslaved by the darkness forced into him, he attacks Ryuga. Mutsugi notes she had nothing against Ryuga as she prepares to attack him, but Koyori stands in her way. Incense at her pupil's defiance, Mutsugi launches explosions at her, but Koyori then manages to surprise her by attacking from above, refusing to let Mutsugi disrupt Ryuga. Souma yells out, a small sign of awareness, but then his perception is warped, and he sees Ryuga as Ron, mocking him for being just a HAGANE. Mutsugi forces even more Jaki into him, and then he now sees Ryuga as Koyori, mocking him for the fact he'll never catch up to Godou. Ryuga has to knock Souma down, and recalls his words with Godou, that to him Souma is "GARO", he will not let that hope die. Koyori refuses to stop defying Mutsugi until she returns to her old self, Mutsugi mourns her pupil's failure to understand, and uses brutal attacks on Koyori, who loses her Madou Brush after throwing it, and is knocked down. Mutsugi revels at seeing the Gate of Destruction opening, but Koyori uses the distraction to reopen the gate using her own Brush, and force Mutsugi and herself back into ARIVIS. Mutsugi compliments her reaction. Koyori, who knows Mutsugi's kindness, wants to know why she is doing this, Mutsugi argues there work doesn't bring peace because of the evils of humans who have not become Horrors, thus she intends to eliminate those people. Koyori knows that won't solve anything, and that they should believe in humanity while fighting. Still fighting, Souma makes Ryuga realise he is now seeing him as Godou, still belittling him. He gets knocked down, and sees Ryuga properly, telling him he doesn't understand his father and to fight to shake off the darkness. Koyori tells Mutsugi that she's wrong, and is blasted dispassionately by her mentor. Souma and Koyori both rise to find their respective mentors stood over them. Koyori still refuses to give in, enhancing her strength to fight. The image of Godou continues to taunt Souma, but Ryuga's voice encourages him to see through the darkness and cut it out. Souma focuses, and begins to fight back against the image of Godou, but finds himself restrained by Inga, and the image of Godou instead becomes Souma as it prepares to cut him down, but with Ryuga's encouragement, Souma cuts it down, cutting away his Inga and awakens. Restored to his right mind, Souma and Ryuga face the Gate of Destruction, when Mutsugi returns to the chamber, now having Koyori captive, when Souma declared he has shed his darkness. Before anything more can happen though, Shinmetsu Jushin ZANGO vanishes, fully unsealing the Gate, Souma takes the moment to lick Iruva, who appeared on the ground.
New Generation Stars: With Yuka demoralised after feeling inadequate compared to other scientists, the robot reminds her of her ingenious method of getting Windom working, motivating her again.
Gotchard: Greyon uses the captive Chemies, and the DreadDriver, to create an Ouroboros that is the Door to Darkness, and knows the last key is right behind them. As the heroes arrive, Greyon reveals to them the completion of his work will end the Chemies' lives. Iron Gotchard, Madjade and Valvarad confront him, and he uses SteamLiner and DaiOhni himself to become Dread Type Two. Atropos and Clotho decide to deal with Sabimaru and Renge, while Greyon, only concerned with Hotaro, creates Repli-Malgam to occupy the others. Renge and Sabimaru resist Atropos' control thanks to ZukyuMpire based alchemy, and Valvarad and Madjade defeats their opponents. Dread adds UniCon to achieve Type 3, and as the Sisters defeat the seniors, is able to defeat the 3 Riders, noting Hotaro fighting has perfects the GotcharDriver, as he uses it to open the Door to Darkness. Minato can see this, and is caught by Kyouka, who condemns his current status and encourages him to honour the loss of that class Greyon killed, not be paralysed by his guilt. Greyon revels in his victory, but is annoyed when Ichinose expresses shock at how simple his goal of making the world into gold is, preparing to kill him, only for Minato to save him at the last second. While getting the rest of his students to help hold off the villains, they send Ichinose to the Chemies, he is able to encourage them to resist to fight back. Hopper1's voice manages to be transmitted via Isaac, before the Level 10 Chemies' give Hopper1 their power, changing her into CrossHopper, and retrieves the GotcharDriver. Iron Gotchard scatters the rest of the Chemies, ruining the ritual, then fights Dread, before using CrossHopper to become Platinum Gotchard. In this state he can channel Chemy pairs, starting with WrestlerG and SaboNeedle, then X-Rex and UFO-X, KaiserBee and MechaniChani, X Fortress and OdoRippa, RaiDenji and CatchUla, RenkingRobo and WarpTera, before finally defeating Greyon. He mourns his El Dorado, before an entity beyond the Door to Darkness grabs him, dragging him through before the Gate closes. The Chemies return to their partners as everyone reunites, preparing to create their own Alchemist Academy, and Kyouka, seeing it is over, takes a moment to thank Lachesis for helping her make sure Minato made it. Clotho retrieves Greyon's cube, proclaiming it isn't over, as to Atropos' discomfort, the cube starts to beat and pulse.
Bunboomger: Taiya and Bunboom are working on Bunboom Classic when Mira comes with a delivery, having promised a colleague's son to deliver his (broken) handmade mirror to his grandmother. Taiya accepts the job, but won't let her take the Car. Mad Rex is not impressed with the current levels of Gyasoline, so the Hashilien's create a new Kurumajin from a grandfather clock, with a grudge against anything moving. With a long way for Mira to go, Genba provides her a bike, while Chassiro notifies Taiya of the Kurumajin. Wile Mira gets lost riding past the battle multiple times, the others try to stop the Kurumajin and defend the patrolman, who makes an ill fated attempt to fight the monster, which chases Mira. Taiya believes she decided to lure the Kurumajin so no one was hurt, but when they catch up it turns out she assumed the plan was for them to deal with it so she could complete the delivery. Nonetheless the 3 Bunboomger defeat it, then run Yarucar off the road, and Bunboomger Robo fights the Kurumaju. Unfortunately, their existing strategy doesn't work, so Taiya calls in Bunboom Classic, which becomes a sword for the Robo's free hand, allowing them to counter and defeat the Kurumaju. With that done, Mira completes her delivery. Patrolman Akusu Jou returns to HQ, with yet more work to report given his broken bike, only to be approached by an official looking woman, who knows of the Bunboomgers, and jad questions for him about them.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Not werewolf Anon but I had an idea...
What if when she was still little Mirabel tried to still be close and help everyone but her closeness with Alma had them jealous and envious and pushed her away? And Mirabel just... doesn't understand and she's upset that no one but her Abuela wants anything to do with her and thinks it's cause she doesn't have a gift.
"Not now Mirabel. Go talk to your Abuela." Pepa almost snarled, she wasn't in a good mood before but seeing her mamas little favorite made her in a worse mood. Why? Why was Mirabel the giftless wonder Abuela's favorite?! Over Pepas two kids who had gifts and were useful! Over Pepa who had a useful gift and did her best to get her mother's approval!
"I just-"
"Go away Falsa Madrigal!" Pepa thundered and she regretted the words as soon as she said them, seeing how the six year old looked heartbroken and had tears in her eyes.
"Sorry for bothering you Tia...happy mother's day...even though you don't want it." Mirabel whispered as she dropped a carefully wrapped present on the floor before she turned and fled the room. Pepa started raining immediately, upset with herself for losing her temper on the girl...
Mirabel avoided her Tia for weeks after that and wouldn't be alone with the woman or meet her eyes.
Pepas dismay and guilt over her actions soon turned to sorrow and then anger and annoyance when the girl continued to avoid her and never gave her another mother's day present.
"Why did you never tell us?" Pepa asked softly once Mirabel and Alma came back after the truth was revealed.
"I was going to. When I was six on mother's day." Mirabel said softly and Pepa felt as if she'd be in a downpour if her cloud was still around.
Oh...she knew something between them had broken that day...if only she hadn't lost her temper then....
It’s not your fault I promise <3333 Though I will say Pepa can be upset, it’s not right that she. I don’t know. Snapped at a 6 year old (who mind you is not only giftless, but also cursed) and called her a fake Madrigal. That’s kinda messed up bro, I can see why Mirabel avoided you, I would to if one of my aunts said something like that to me 💀💀
I think Mirabel would have tried to tell Alma, and Alma was like
“They’re just adjusting to you not having a gift. Give them time.”
And Mirabel does! But as a result, she upends up just kinda of avoiding them all, starting with Pepa. She thinks ‘give them time’ is the same as ‘give them space’. So she does. While she still does attempt to talk to them, they all always seem slightly annoyed or irritated, so Mirabel kind of just backs away, and eventually goes back to following Alma around town and helping her instead, which, unfortunately, just makes things worse.
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Now the other family members think she’s purposely spending more time with Alma, as if to say she’s better because she’s giftless. For some reasons, they got it stuck in their minds that Mirabel immediately has Alma’s approval because she doesn’t have any magic, and so she doesn’t have to do much to impress the woman. Alma isn’t really aware of this because the family never really brought it up. Never tried to confront Alma; in fact, especially in later years, they confront Mirabel, and ask her why Abuela likes her so much.
ANYWAY werewolf anon what do you think of this (amazing) snippet 😼😼 how we feeling
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Hi 👋 👋
Firstly, I love you and your blog very very much ❤
So I just wanted to ask you to write something for me if you can...
Ok so and fr/enemies to lovers with Harry and Y/N where they are roommates and Harry has like a date and he asks her to clean the apartment but she's sick like can't move, can't talk sick but he doesn't listen to her, says she's making excuses but Luke after the date when Harry realizes he was a bit harsh and like he didn't see her all day so he just like goes into her room to apologize but then he sees that she's very sick and then Harry feels guilty and he like um helps her and all and they just like um cuddle and fall asleep all fluffy and a bit angst 😊
ISorry if that's too much.
the one where y/n gets sick
a/n: so sorry it took me a while but here you go babe!! thank you for your support <3
word count: 1k
warnings: none
Being Harry’s roommate wasn’t all that fun. (Y/N) didn’t understand what she had done for Harry to dislike her so much. He was always cold, demanding, and stand offish when it came to her.
The worst part?
She liked him. So much. (Y/N) could see past all that bitterness. She’d seen how he treats his mother and sister, it absolutely melted her. Harry was a beautiful man, too. It was just torturous to like a man that could barely withstand her presence. At least that’s what she thought.
Harry on the other hand did like (Y/N). He just wasn’t the best at showing it. So, to his knowledge, ignoring her was the best thing he could do to get over his crush. Did it work? No. But he continued to try.
Like tonight. He decided to ask a girl out from one of his classes, wanting to show off his good cooking skills and watching some movies even while they had dessert.
Harry and (Y/N) had an agreement. (Y/N) cleans the apartment and Harry takes care of the cooking and dishes. It had been about a week and a half since she last cleaned but despite it being time to clean this weekend, she had come down with a bad cold that could barely allow her to get out of bed.
She decided against telling Harry because it wasn’t his problem anyway. He doesn’t come close to her often so it’s not like she’d be getting him sick.
“(Y/N)! This apartment needs to be cleaned and I have someone coming over tonight. Please.” Harry yelled out from the living room, picking up his books and notes from the coffee table.
(Y/N) sighed, clearing her throat to try and respond but her voice was failing her. “I can’t move, Harry. Can you please clean this time?” Her voice came out weak and raspy. She grabbed her phone to text him instead.
‘To Harry: I’m really sick, Harry. Can you please clean or wait until I feel better?’
Not even a minute later, he replied.
‘From Harry: Whatever. You and your excuses.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and threw her phone across the bed before grabbing the box of tissues to blow her runny nose.
Harry ended up taking about two hours dusting and cleaning the apartment and kitchen before cooking himself and his date their dinner.
Besides the fact that (Y/N) was too sick to move, she didn’t want to come out while Harry’s friend or whoever was over. The last thing she needed was Harry getting angry at her for coming out while he had visit.
A couple of hours later, Harry’s date left, and he could not be more thankful. The girl was awkward and way too quiet for Harr’s liking. He just felt bad telling her to leave sooner.
While picking up the kitchen, Harry realized that (Y/N) hadn’t come out of her room the whole while. Suddenly, he felt shitty because maybe she was sick and he was being an asshole. Harry dropped what he was doing and walked to (Y/N)’s room, knocking softly and waiting for a response.
“Come in.”
He couldn’t hear her well but he could make out her words from her raspy voice, opening the door to reveal a very sick (Y/N). Guilt and embarrassment quickly washed over Harry as he approached her bed.
“I- God, (Y/N), I’m so sorry. Let me help you. Have you eaten all day?”
The sudden change in Harry startled (Y/N). She watched him with curious eyes as he picked up the soiled tissues around her and touched her forehead to check for a fever.
Her raspy voice came out as she spoke, and it only made Harry feel worse. “No. Body hurts too much to move.” Harry frowned and sighed. “M’ gonna make you some soup and we can watch a movie. Have you had any medications?”
(Y/N) loved this caring side of Harry but she was afraid it’d be over once she was feeling better. Can she be sick forever?
Harry promised her he’d be back before scurrying off to the kitchen to make (Y/N) some chicken noodle soup, making sure to grab her a glass of water and some cold medicine as well. He left it on her nightstand for a second to change himself into some more comfortable clothing, finding (Y/N) sitting up to grab the bowl of soup.
“No, no. Don’t move. Let me help.” (Y/N) giggled and looked at him wide eyed. “Should I be concerned? Maybe you’re the one that’s sick…” Harry sighed and took the bowl from her hands. “Take his as my apology for being harsh and also as gratitude for being nice to me always no matter what.”
(Y/N) had two perfectly functioning hands but Harry insisted on helping her eat and getting her comfortable in bed. He clicked on her favorite romcom on Netflix and scooted in beside her, daring to rest one arm around her to share his warmth. He caught her shivering from the fever, and he couldn’t help himself.
“Harry?” (Y/N) looked up at him as she sniffled, Harry looking down to her as well with a hum.
“You don’t hate me, right?”
Harry frowned and brought his hand up to her hair, brushing away the ones that had fallen to her face. “God, no. M’ so sorry for making you believe that with how I’ve been behaving. I promise I don’t hate you, love. Truly sorry.”
A wave of relief filled (Y/N). Maybe he would change from now on and (Y/N) wouldn’t have to feel like she’s walking on eggshells whenever she’s around Harry. She liked this Harry a lot better and she’d do whatever to keep it this way, but as long as he’d give in the effort too.
(Y/N) felt comfortable around Harry’s warm touch, feeling much needed sleep was over her and she didn’t even care if she fell asleep. It’s the most comfortable she’d been in a while.
taglist: @mouthfulloftoothpasterry @imavirginhoe @camflowervol6 @evanjh @peaceandloverry @majasophieanna @msolbesg @julietteand-romeo @handsomerry @harrysddtittys @lollypopsx @damnasstyles @gucci-hazza @awesomebooklover17
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kstewdeux · 2 years
June 15th, 2022 - Scars
Summary: One man’s guilt trip causes his wife to feel insecure.
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Sighing heavily, Kagome blushed and tried her best not to cry when, upon disrobing, Inuyasha's face contorted in disgust and he immediately left the hut. After the first night, he couldn't even stand to be in the same room with her when she was in the nude and...
Well, despite the fact that he was affectionate and constantly seeking out excuses to hold her during the day...
It just...
When it came to him fulfilling "husbandly duties", he was not only uninterested but utterly opposed to the idea. The sight of her clearly grossed him out. He found her ugly. Undesirable. Hated the sight of her. Where that left their relationship, Kagome didn't...
She didn’t...
A choked sob escaped her as she sank to her knees and buried her face in her hands. Ears ringing, eyes bogged down with tears, she didn't notice the half-demon who immediately burst back into the hut and slid to a halt in front of her.
"What's wrong?" came a soft terrified whisper as his much stronger hands effortlessly forced her hands down and away. In response, she clenched her eyes shut - oblivious to the tears streaming down her cheeks.
 "Kagome, please, tell me what's wrong. I can't fix what I don't know," he breathed shakily as two fingers hooked her chin and tried to force her to look at him, "Please."
"W-why don't you w-want me?" she sobbed miserably before whining and pulling her hands back up to her face, "I-I don't..."
"Seriously? That's why you're crying? Of course I want you," Inuyasha sighed exasperatedly as he tried and failed to pull her stubborn form into his lap, "Don't be..."
"You w-won't even l-look at m-me," Kagome continued to convulsively cry, "A-and I..."
Giving up on moving her, Inuyasha instead knelt and dragged her trembling form into his chest.
"S'not you," he promised thickly as he buried his nose in her hair and held her tighter, "I..."
Huffing in frustration, with himself or her it wasn't quite clear, Inuyasha firmly pressed his lips to her temple before running the tip of his nose against her skin.
"S’just...s'not you, okay?" he repeated lamely before sighing heavily and letting out a soft groan. A moment later, he made a soft noise - like something had clicked - and he pushed her away before quickly pulling her robes off her shoulders - an action that startled and worried his wife.
"J-just watch," he instructed firmly - his eyes trying to communicate something she didn't understand. Taking a shuddering breath, Inuyasha reached over to her shoulder with trembling fingertips before running them over the four deep groves he'd left behind so long ago. A second later he moved his hand to grip her bicep - lifting his thumb and revealing a small puckered blemish. Releasing her, he then ran his finger tips down her chest to the largest puckered mark where the jewel popped out - his hand resting on her waist as his thumb gently stroked the scar.
"Like I said. S'not you. There are a lot more than just these. Even if you can't see them," he  promised sadly - his face a mixture of longing and despair, "I-I...seeing what I've done...what I put you through...I can't...I could hurt you again. So easily."
Wiping away a few tears, Kagome wanted to believe him but...
"B-but the first night you..."
"I didn't notice them," he admitted shamefully - dropping his hand and pulling her into his chest again, "Or I didn't care. I dunno. But after I..."
"S-so what now?" Kagome asked tearfully and she felt Inuyasha flinch in response to her words.
"You stay safe," he offered hoarsely - reaching up to tuck her head securely under his chin, "S'not bad to...to not do that, huh? We never did before and...and I still loved you. So much. And you still loved me too, right? I’m just trying-“
"I w-want to though," she tried to explain - her voice cracking and her nose sniffling loudly, "I...I don't want to live the rest of m-my life w-with someone who d-doesn't want to touch m-me o-or..."
Inuyasha whined and held her so tightly it was somewhat hard to breathe.
"Please don't go," he pleaded - his entire being trembling and his breath coming out in short panicked bursts, "I'm sorry. Whatever I did, I'm sorry."
Trying to push back proved impossible as Inuyasha refused to let her move an inch.
"M'not going to..."
"Please. I just don't want to hurt you," Inuyasha continued to plead - once again pressing a very firm kiss atop her head, "I love you. So much. I c-can't go back to...to....just please..."
Sniffling loudly, Kagome was torn between being hurt and wanting to comfort the incredibly insecure man holding her in a vice grip. On the one hand, though, she technically did imply that she'd leave him - if not now maybe someday - which was not what she meant. After all, nothing on this green earth could keep her away from him but that didn't mean she wanted to spend the rest of her life wondering why she wasn't good enough. If he hadn't wanted her, truly didn't want her, she...
Honestly, she didn't know what she'd've done but that was beside the point. The problem was that Inuyasha did want her but he was traumatized upon seeing the very visible evidence that once upon a time, when he had no control over his body, he had hurt her. Bad enough to leave a multitude of both visible and apparently invisible scars. All of which he saw with high definition humans could never hope to achieve.
"You are the most...most beautiful thing I've ever seen," he offered with no lack of desperation - giving her another tight squeeze for good measure, "Believe me. I j-just don't...what if I lose control? Hurt you again?"
"But i-if you really need t-that, -maybe if...if you wore the firerat?" he interrupted awkwardly - his adam's apple bobbing as he tried to control his emotions and overcome his fear of abandonment, "Should protect you and...and I wouldn't-“
"Can I talk?" Kagome sighed heavily and she felt Inuyasha flinch. Wilting, he released her and sat back on his heels, his expressive amber eyes screaming defeat and self-loathing. As she tried to think of the right thing to say, she watched him set his jaw to keep it from trembling and square his shoulders like he was bracing for impact. Probably because he was expecting her to hit him in some way - whether it be emotionally or physically.
 "I love you and I will never leave you," Kagome started - clearing her throat to move some of the phlegm away from her vocal chords, "I want you to know that...that I forgive you for hurting me those times but..."
Inuyasha’s set jaw twitched and his amber eyes betrayed how he was screaming internally. She shifted in her seat and cleared her throat again.
"But I want you to love me," she tried lamely before holding a hand up when he immediately tried to speak, "In every way. Let me finish."
Amber eyes watering slightly, Inuyasha nodded curtly and let out a shuddering breath.
"These scars? They are evidence of how much you love me," Kagome offered and blinking once, Inuyasha furrowed his brow in confusion so she elaborated, "These are proof that you will protect me at all costs. Of a time where you knew you were out of control and with the limited control you did have, you tried to force me away from you. Because you and I both knew I wasn't going to leave willingly."
Not seemingly entirely convinced, Inuyasha merely nodded weakly and waited for her to continue.
"I know hurting me is your worst fear," Kagome sighed as she reached out and cupped his cheek - smiling softly when he leaned into her touch, "Because of that, I know you would never hurt me. Especially..."
"I could though," he interrupted - turning his face to nuzzle her palm with a faint whine, "Without meaning to. Doing that...I...something could happen. My fangs and...and claws..."
"I think the fact you're afraid to hurt me will make you careful enough not to," Kagome countered - her voice still hoarse from her ugly cry - and Inuyasha's face crumpled.
"I don't want to take that risk," he whispered miserably, "You don't understand how..how much that scares me. And what about babies? In your time it might be different but here...here it's...it's dangerous. I could lose you."
Leaning forward to kiss his cheek, Kagome tried to impart her trust and love but instead of feeling more assured, he looked even closer to crying himself.
"Do you even know how much you mean to me?" he breathed miserably, "What would I do without you? I just...doing that? Nothing is worth losing you."
While his words were endearing and touching, they were also annoying. Given how his life had gone thus far, his fears were understandable, sure, but Kagome knew her saying that everything would be fine would fall flat. There was no predicting the future and Inuyasha, for all his aggressive demands that others stay positive, tended to be pessimistic when it came to himself. That, however, was mostly a self-esteem issue.
"If it really scares you that much, there are other things we could do. Less risky things," Kagome finally offered and reaching up to rub at his eye, Inuyasha sighed heavily as he waited for her to explain, "If you wanted."
A long moment of silence followed before curiosity - and frankly repressed lust for his half-naked wife - got the better of him. Despite his fears, not touching her or being touched by her was slowly driving him crazy. Yes, every time he saw the scars it killed whatever confidence he built over time but underneath all the demonic traits and trauma, he was still very much a man who wanted his wife.
“Like what?"
"Lay down and I'll show you," Kagome offered - her puffy, blotchy face attempting to be coy. Blushing heavily, Inuyasha chewed his lip for a second before cautiously complying. There was something hypnotizing about his wife in the nude - a fact he'd stubbornly ignored in the name of protecting her - but with her entirely in control, maybe whatever she had in mind would...
Any rational thought fled his mind as Kagome set about demonstrating things he never knew were an option. Her mouth and hands making him forget that he had anything to be afraid of. In no time at all, whatever fears he had were officially wiped from his mind and so it was dawn found two utterly sated and nude individuals sprawled out over the futon. 
That was, until amber eyes blinked open and landed squarely on a splattering of bruises on his wife's neck. For a brief moment, regret and panic flooded his system - especially when his eyes instinctively darted to the parallel scars on her shoulder before he realized exactly how she got those little marks.
And where he'd seen something like them before. 
Worry melting away, a small smirk played on his lips as he reached out and drug his wife closer - secretly proud that he'd managed to give his wife love bites and even better than that? He now felt a little more confident. Love bites were nothing and, in fact, proved his fangs weren’t an issue. The skin hadn’t broken and what was left behind was something even human men left behind. 
His soft smile faded as he dipped forward to press a light kiss atop his slumbering wife's temple and reached up to trace the scars on her arm. As much as the prospect of doing this more both excited him, the thought of children chilled his blood. He wasn't lying or exaggerating when he said it was dangerous. Women died all the time in childbirth and pregnancy itself was a crapshoot.
 Then again, Sango had managed to survive having twins and one extraordinarily fat baby boy. Without any problems. It could be okay and, worst case, if it wasn't...
Well, there was always Sesshomaru. 
Wrinkling his nose, Inuyasha sighed heavily and rolled his eyes at himself. Maybe he needed to just take a page out of Kagome's book and see the good in everything. Have a positive attitude towards life and assume that everything would work out. After all...
How often does someone fall five hundred years into the past just to be with you? That had to be a sign everything was going to be easy from now on, didn't it? Surely, surely the gods wouldn't be cruel enough to play one final joke and take her before her time. 
"Good morning," Kagome mumbled and focusing back, Inuyasha saw two warm blue eyes blinking sluggishly at him. In that moment, he knew, beyond any doubt, that everything was going to be okay. 
All he had to do was not fuck up the best thing to ever happen to him. Which he had, admittedly, been doing by being the one thing he hated above all others.
A coward.
"I think I can make it a better one," he offered then - a heated smirk making an excited smile bloom on his wife’s lips. Sure enough, after a few quick movements, he made it the best morning Kagome had had since falling back into his life. 
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i-got-the-feels · 3 years
NMCU showing how a good v/s bad Psychotherapist
can and do positively/negatively impact an individual's life and their mental health.
After seeing Daredevil Season 3 with Mercer's portryal of a rather accurate Psychotherapist (which was a breath of fresh air, honestly) , I couldn't help but compare the journey of these two characters.
Knowing techniques and clinical terms (something Krista emphasises by saying "that's not the clinical term for it") is not all that is required to be a therapist.
Being a psychotherapist requires a certain kind of attitude. An attitude of objectivity, non-judgement, genuineness and empathy to create a safe-space where client can think and work on their own issues by themselves. Emphasis on their own issues- Psychotherapy is FOR the CLIENT to work THEIR issues and NOT for the therapist to work out theirs - objectivity comes in here-but Krista wasn't objective the moment she let Billy inside the first time and didn't call the cops and even Billy understood that and that was seen when he said "See, this isn't all about me, is it?" because no she wasn't objective and was working through her own trauma of almost dying as a child by a father who loved her so much and clearly needed help and the guilt she carries over it and even anger at what transpired.
Hence, the moment she lost her objectivity and let him in to her home and didn't call the cops, she wasn't a therapist to him (in true sense of the profession and word)
Read below to further she the wrong choices she made as a Psychotherapist.
Krista Dumont and the actions that make her a bad Psychotherapist
1) Her hiding Russo - not once but twice.
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The first time - you can give her a benefit of doubt that after all she is human too.
But then when he tries to leave, she stops him from leaving by saying "you think I will let you use me?" "the ones who left behind are always blamed" and "I will not be the reason you die" showing that she doesn't see what's happening to Billy as what's happening to Billy, only. No, it is coloured by what she saw happened with her father. The frustration and guilt she couldn't understand his health, his pain and couldn't help him. The sense of blame and guilt she carries. The anger that her father had used her like that to hurt his wife - even if it meant his and his child's death.
And she didn't take her time to acknowledge this or process it, even if her note shows that she sees similarities between KM and Russo "I wonder why stronger the man, the lesser they are to admit their pain and ask for help".
How when Russo said that he also maybe in the wrong and "not who he thought he was" when exploring his memories she doesn't even explore it and instead puts forward her own opinions of what Frank did to him was cruel, unfair and wanted him to suffer. By doing this she took the chance from Billy to explore his thoughts and feelings that could have helped him make different choices, this time around and could have helped him in redemption.
She should have refused him as a client from beginning, if she thought she could handle it earlier and later discovered that wasn't the case, she could have referred him to another Psychotherapist. However, she chose not to and that says a lot in itself.
2) Confidentiality
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The information shared in a therapy session between client and therapist is strictly confidential and not revealed to third party unless there is a risk that client may harm themselves or others. In fact, during such instances therapist are obligated to report it required authorities.
Krista broke the clause when she let Jake- a vulnerable individual's thoughts and emotions be heard by another person. Another person being Billy Russo - who in his past has shown tendency to manipulate and exploit vulnerable people to make Billy feel better, something she knows because of his past history even if he himself doesn't know it. Yeah, see therapist don't choose favorite clients.
The other time she screwed up confidentiality clause was when she didn't reveal complete files she had on Billy to Brett Mahoney, you know a cop from NYPD. Some information that could have helped police understand him better and maybe get him caught sooner.
3) How she treated Madani
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She knew Madani wasn't in a good mental space after with happened with Russo, how she came in twice into the hospital to see his plastered and masked face.
IN SPITE of knowing that a person isn't holding up well, she called the said person and lied and pretended about not hiding Billy and asked a question by which Madani is haunted about how if she feels responsible for people and afraid they will create more problems by holding her responsible when she says, " I don't know how you live with it. Not knowing that someone you arrested or convinced may comeback at you someday and fixate on you as the cause of their problems. Its so easy to build that up in your mind until it becomes a reality you were afraid to come true" and further asks "Am I being ridiculous?" to convey how shaken up she is or how she choose to call out on Madani's habit of drinking to cope by saying "Scotch? Is that your choice of medication" and then proceeding to give her wine.
All of this exploitation of a vulnerable person's mental health so that she could make her "patient"/ lover happy and boy did she.
4) Helping Russo commit crimes and harm more mentally vulnerable people
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She exploited Madani (a mentally vulnerable person) to cause a break down in Frank (another mentally vulnerable person grieving the loss of his entire family that was aided by a man he thought was his family, brother and best friend) so yeah, all chills, no biggie
So she told Billy to "Take away the one thing he has left. That somehow he is better than you" break his sense of morality that is central to his code as a vigilante and to identity of an individual.
And he Billy did that- he murdered three innocent women just to hurt Frank and even he acknowledges what they did was dark- his roundabout way of expressing empath or semblance of that feeling but Krista?
"It was a dark thing... that we did. How do you feel? I mean, those women, they're... they're dead because of you."
"I didn't know them" - she couldn't even muster enough empathy to find it in herself to hold herself accountable and admit what she did was wrong.
5) Not trying to make it right even at the end
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In the end when Madani lets Krita know her jig is up she doesn't surrender herself - because she does not think she did wrong by aiding in murderas, by leaving her clients vulnerable to exploitation (Jake), exploiting Madani for her own gain, mentally harming Frank- no instead she physically attacks Madani, trying to burn her and stab her.
Mercer and the actions that make her a good Psychotherapist
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In the first session itself, right from the first moment she shows Dex unconditional compassion and respect that probably no one has showed him when she said "Oh, my mistake. Dex it is. That's a good name. Makes you very unique" when he corrected her and said "Dex. My name is Dex" when she called him Benjamin.
After Dex confesses to her about harming the coach she says "it is your fault but it also isn't, confusing isn't it?" and goes on to explain from his drawing how he is in the corner surrounded by emptiness around him and that now they could work together to get people on his side.
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And then this scene- when Dex wants to kill her for leaving him- even then she explores and asks "is because you don't want to see me in pain and suffer?" she could have easily asked him to kill her- end her pain and suffering but she didn't because she knew doing that would kill the small light that there is there in him.
Instead she tells him "Death will aways win. Eventually. Death when it comes naturally can be a beautiful event which is why one must never hasten it with violence"
We may have seen two scenes with Mercer and Dexter however, her impact is seen throughout the show. And that is because of therapist-client bond and alliance they established in therapy.
A good therapist- client bond is essential for client's good recovery and positive psychotherapy outcomes because for therapy to work not just inside the therapy room but even outside in the real world where there are multiple variables that cannot be controlled and the only thing you can control is how you react to it in an adaptive manner with the skills you learned via psychotherapy.
It's because of this bond that Dex lived for a long time by her words
"Your internal compass isn't broken, Dex. It just works better with a North Star to guide you."
"What if I can't find one?"
"Then you'll rely on our structure. A tidy physical space. A disciplined vocation. You will build your life on pillars of order"
It is seen he lives by this words by keeping a tidy and clean physical space - something Matt att and Ray comment on- place is tidy and orderly, by having a disciplined vocation as a soldier, as a FBI agent, when he tells the lawyer who ray bought that he doesn't care anout payback salary but needs this job.
How he reached out to Julie again after what he did at Bulletin because he still wanted to change.
And Fisk took this away from him when he murdered Julie and sent a message as her asking to never messags him again, when Fisk sakd he would never abandon him and that he should be himself, how he said that "I am sorry true heroes aren't valued today and that is shame" the same thing Dex said when he said "if i did what i did with a mask and costume on (killing the Albanians even after they surrendered) I'd be applauded" which I bet Fisk knew because of the CCTV's and/or one of his paid FBI agents.
Concluding Remarks:
In conclusion, Mercer was a good therapist because she always gave Dex the chance to keep fighting to continue choosing a better version of himself and didn't bring her own issues into therapy.
Krista on the other hand, in a lot of ways made choices for Billy because she didn't see Billy as soley Billy, she saw him as opportunity to correct her past mistakes and heal from the trauma she experienced- essentially making her the focus of therapy.
A note- if you want to read more about my take on Dex's diagnosis and psychotherapy - here you go.
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insomnishnik · 3 years
pairing : obsessive! dom eren x god complex reader *wink* *wonk*
rating : smut, 18+, fluff, crack (?)
wc : 53k
cw : degradation, choking, semi public sex, art student! eren, cockwarming, pussy spanking, mention of bruises and injuries, breeding kink ish, obsessive behavior, stalking, borderline yandere 😁 also pliz I'm new so if this bad lemme know
summary : at the very end of graduation, it's time to say goodbye, college is over, now off to the real world. But before the farewell, you as the student president arrange the one last time after party as a sweet goodbye message, little do you know eren have other plan.
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“DO WE HAVE TO?” you murmured as Hitch pushed your back while both of stepping inside of a coffee shop. Fragrance of coffee bean, vanilla air freshener wafted to your nose, the comforting wooden minimalist arabica design greeted your eyes for its pleasing aesthetic scenery.
"Yes, we have to i mean how bad could it be?" she grinned, pulling your arm to her clutches while both of you scoured inside, "besides, the past must stay as the past, it was just a silly president election it's not like he would hold grudges against you for getting elected," she continued, referring to the big college event far ago before the senior year. 
That one time when you and Eren Jaeger applied to be the student council president, and like how history spoke, the winner rejoiced, and nobody really care about what happens next to the loser. It was a though fight, you were quite determined to take that core position with your persona, you believed that you could bring greater goods for the community, and you DID do good, but Eren fought back passionately, and you remembered you could see fire in his eyes during his speech at the debate election, he may not smart but he's clever, maybe a little aggressive but hell does he moved so many people's heart, you remembered when he was standing tall and brave on that podium while his sea green eyes glued the room together, the intimacy that is fiery and optimistic, but as the whole world know destiny said otherwise, without your own anticipation 
you won. 
And since then your reign begun. You rule well, you made plenty achievements as student president and you never been so proud of yourself, since then you never lose your dedication for your people, and the feel of being a victor, and oh how you loved the feel of being powerful. 
You and Hitch walked upstairs to the second loft of the coffee shop after you both ordered the drinks you wanted, "I dunno Hitch, i don't think that this is a good idea," you mumbled to the girl next to you, while you scratching the back of your ear, "when Armin said not to mess with Eren i think he meant it."
Sure you were delighted with your victory, but you still couldn't help yourself to feel bad for Eren, there's this strange tingle of guilt vine your stomach when you, the possessor approached your ex rival far a month ago, he gave you this bitter dirty look as you waved him a polite good morning, then he stormed off without a single word, you felt like he was prestige to look into your eyes since then. 
"And when i said he was a wuss, and a man child for going all off emo after that election i also meant it," Hitch rolled her eyes, she pat your back as a reassurance before you two finally found the person you've been looking for, almost unrecognizable from the last time you guys bumped to each other, for a moment your eyes widened to the now Eren Jaeger.
 There he was sitting all pretty at the smoking area, his hair was pulled onto a messy bun with a few loose strands on his nape, he was far more built than the boy you used to know, his bushy eyebrows looking furrowed to a sketchbook, the charcoal pencil he's holding dances on top of it. He was styled in a thin knitted black long sleeve top that hugged his muscular body tightly, army green cargo pants, and combat boots — you know, those kind of boots you wear to a rock concert just to kick someone — his rolled sleeves, revealing his veiny arms that covered with tattoos. His long legs is stretched to the chair next to him while he is leaning against the wall. 
Hitch glanced at you, she cackled noticing you googling at Eren, she pulled you by your wrist approaching the brunet, "you'll be fine," she snickered, while you could only let out a soft sigh, here goes nothing. 
Hitch signal her presence to Eren with a light cough, a small thud hit the surface of his sketchbook after he dropped his pencil. His gaze shifts to both of you who were standing by his side, he raised his left brow when his eyes met yours, you stared back at Eren and he outstared you blankly, "Jaeger," you hesitated. 
About time you finally came to me.
"Y/N," he replied, calling you by your first name. His expression never change, they're rather cold, unimpressed, he studied both of you, then back to you, he lift his chin up as he locked his eyes on you, "you brought a friend." Intruder, he finally said after a brief silence, Eren closed his sketchbook and then cracked his knuckles, Hitch pulled you, taking a seat in front of Eren. 
"Now let's skip the chit chat, because by the way Eren, you smells musty," Hitch waved her hand in front of her face, she's not wrong though, he smells like tobacco and axe body spray. Furthermore when Hitch explained the reasons of hers and yours arrival to Eren, his gaze never really left you, sometimes he would spare Hitch small glances and nods as confirmation of himself still listening, but his attention was on you. 
And you willingly stares back, you still couldn't read his expression, they're as calm as the morning blue sky, they're just so empty it sucks you in, maybe it's the blunt hatred and envy from him for your presidential position, or maybe it was something else, you even almost think that you two are basically eye fucking each other. 
You extended him the proposal and the selected material details to him, it's almost graduation, and you're running out of time to find someone who could make an exclusive design for the jackets you are planning to make as a gift for the after party event. The other councilor members and you also haven't decide the theme yet, it has to be perfect. Your last hope is Eren, the fine arts student all the girls in school droll over, even though his charisma was slightly dimmed after his loss at the election, he still got his charm, and you really prayed to Goddess Fortuna because you don't want to risk looking for someone else to customize this specific special item and just to get disappoint by the erratic result, at least when Eren agree to take the work, someone could watch over.
"No fucking way," Eren let out a smug chortled, "the president needs my help," he added in a sneering tone. Cute. 
"So you agree or not Eren," you try to suppress your nerve, and you really try not to punch his cocky face, the way he throw his head back a little so he gave you this kind of kubrick stare, gazing into your soul as if he wants to eat you alive, and just like they said, if looks could kill, you're probably be ripped apart by now. 
"What if i say no?" he continued, tapping his boot's toe on the wooden floor. 
"You'll waste your talent," you gift a thin smile that hides a very big urge to stab him repeatedly. 
Eren chuckled, he looked away towards the window before he lean forward to you, "What happen to the other art students, L/N? Did they finally acknowledge your overly perfectionist bossy self or what?" 
"And what about it?" you argued, leaning to his face, he wanted to humiliate you, he wanted you to get on your knees and beg, but you still have your dignity. 
"Uh, what is this," Hitch hesitated, "i am highly uncomfortable with the atmosphere we created in this room," what's with the eye fucking? Hitch thought, she felt like she's interrupting a really heated make out session but instead of kissing it was exchanging pure hatred, Hitch nudged you by your elbow, giving you a look. 
You gritted your teeth and pursed your lips together, leaning closer to Eren's face, "Alright, if this is about that stupid president election we had together grow up Eren! The world doesn't evolve in your stupid drama queen head, so please since i'm asking you nicely before i could fu-" You stopped your bust as a waitress came over with the drinks you ordered earlier, you glared angrily at Eren as you caught a tug of amused smirk at the corner of his lips, it was the fact that you desperately needs his help but still play all bitchy, he found it funny. 
Sure you have your dignity, and he is willing to destroy it just because he can.
After the waitress left, you tasted your fresh latte angrily, making Eren chuckled under his husky breath, while on the other side Hitch is silently witnessing the tense between you two. 
"Fine," Eren broke the silence after a few minutes since the waitress left, "i'll take the work." he sat up, you nodded and watched as that key necklace of his dangling out from his collar, and when your eyes laid on the toned chest that peaking under his shirt, you gulped your saliva and quickly looked away, "good, thank you for your understanding."
You clasps your hands together and you could hear Hitch's faint sigh of relief, "great so now i think we have our deal, you know Professor Levi's tea shop right? tomorrow we're doing a gathering, be there before 8, and if-" 
who says that i'm finished doll? Eren tug another smirk, "but with some condition."
"For real? No party organizer available until next January?" you groaned in frustration, frantically flipping through pages of your journal, Hitch and Armin walks by your side to the long table area.
Chaos everywhere, you feel like your head is going to explode, your blood boils, and there's this uncomfortable anxiety under your skin, crippling under you and devouring you slowly. You've been overworked yourself the entire night after your meeting with Eren, you were brainstorming for your graduation speech, activity recap, and of course other ornaments for the very last project you're having in your senior year, you cried for three hours while listening to montgomery ricky then cried again over the document you accidentally deleted. 
You're exhausted.
Mentally and physically, you woke up with puffy eyes and wrecked brain, but you knew that everything must go on, and no, you won't back down, everything has to be perfect, 
It has to be perfect. 
Hitch pouted as she watches you typing on your laptop, she snakes her arms around your waist and leaned her head against your shoulder, watching you making some kind of budget recap, "sweetie you should rest and lay down." She spoke with a soft smile. 
You pursed your lips together before you leaned your head on top of hers, not leaving your eyes from your laptop, "thanks Hitch, but i'm alright, i'll just finish this and i'll take a break for a bit." You just can't really trust anything without yourself being under control or watching over, you're afraid that everything would astray far from your definition of 'perfection,' this empire you've been building, and this is your last legacy the next generation will remember, and you wanted it to be remarkable. 
"No dumbass, the last catering service was too expensive and apparently our university was filled with cheapskates." argued a voice from across the room.
"Well we have no choice???" other voice argued back, "Or we can rely on your very bad cooking skill Kirstein, just pray nobody's gonna die from food poisoning." 
You huffed at the sight of Ymir and Jean who was sitting face to face on the floor, both are on their phone scrolling on google, you looked around and found Sasha, Marco and Connie, chatting across you, and you looked over to the three people next to you, your vice president Hitch, your treasurer Armin, and your secretary Mikasa. You couldn't help yourself but smiling at your team, they works so well. 
Then you frowned as your realized something, "Have Eren-" 
A short blonde girl with a tray of drinks and snacks entered the room, "Y'all snack time!" she called out with a large grin on her face.
Ymir's face lit up as she walked up to her girlfriend, Sasha sprinted towards Historia, going feral over food as usual. 
"Ugh finally," you chuckled to Jean's mumble. Soon, half of the room crowded the blonde girl, reaching for snacks and drinks, your eyes fixated as you slowly notice the presence of the familiar sea green eyes, you watches as Eren strolls inside of the meeting room, he yawned before he took a seat on Hitch's place, your frowned slightly, "excuse you?" 
"Excuse me?" he replied, plastering that damn cocky smile, he looked to you up and down, definitely mocking you under his degrading gaze, dammit y/n did you overworked yourself?
"Well have you look at yourself, President." he snickered, suddenly a sketch design laid in front of you, you shift your eyes to Eren, before you took the papers on your hands. Soft grazes of colored pencil and ink, the art was delicate yet firm, "what is this?" you asked dumbly to the design of two bomber jackets, each of the jackets has their own scrawled side notes of the color details, embroidery, and even fabric material.
"Both jacket will be make from satin, no argument, satin," Eren spoke, he pointed his polished finger nail to the design, "the girls will have the yellow one, the boys will take the red, it'll have our Uni symbol and our number," he explained, "should be ready as soon as possible," Eren watches you closely, waiting for you to say something. Part of him.....just wants you to react, just anything, just any reaction exclusively for him. 
You blinked slowly, wow. Honestly it's beautiful, looks like it was Harajuku style inspired, you can't wait to touch the final craft, you glanced at Eren, "thank you," you spoke finally, "it's really beautiful."
I'm glad you like it. "Of course it's beautiful, i made it," he replied with a smug face, he cracked his knuckles then tapped his fingers to the wooden table, "now now, what do we have here." 
It was part of Eren's condition. One, he wanted to be fully involved in the graduation ceremony prep and the after party. Two, most importantly nobody touch his creation while he have full control of it, you reluctantly gave him the responsiblity to handle the venue decoration and the theme, most of the people in your team weren't really pleased with that decision, but like you all have time to think? But after considering it, you felt like it would be good idea to have extra hands helping. 
To reach the absolute perfection.
"I'm so glad, that this is almost over, because i could not bear drinking another monster and espresso or i might get caffeine intoxication," you grinned as you earned chuckles through the dinner table, it was all paid off, and the grand event was right in front of your eyes, you could already imagine yourself standing on that podium, delivering your grand speech, high and god like.
But now, celebration first. 
The admiration looks from your team and the last year student council team — who decided to join for the gig — feeds your ego, there's Zeke, Nicolo, Reiner, Pieck and her girlfriend Yelena, Porco and Bertholdt. Your friends really look up to you, from the day you earned your position, they knew they could count on you. "Thank you, thank you for all of the hard works this season, i would never ask for a better team, you guys are the best that i could ever wished for," you grinned and picked up the can of beer from the table, everybody raises their drinks, and you looked at the edge of the table, where your graduated senior, Zeke Jaeger sitting down, giving you a proud look, he was a student president before you, "this is for everyone, our community has never been this great, because you all dedicated your hearts." As you cheers together, you looked around, something is missing, you can feel it, yet you can't find any solid answer for that feeling. 
It was a simple outdoor Korean barbecue party in your house's backyard, after all done, you wanted nothing but to treat your friends, because that's what they deserved for serving you right. It was returning favor, while waiting for the meat to be cook perfectly by your senior Nicolo, you sat besides Mikasa as you both chats, while Armin was next to her, busy with his phone. In the distance, chaotic guitar strums and jams from drunk Connie and Jean cracking the air together with everyone that hyping them up. You pressed your chin against Mikasa's shoulder while both of you giggling over a twitter thread. 
"Eren said he's coming over," Armin announced to both of you, he looked down to his phone and let out a heavy sigh. 
So that was the missing piece. 
"Why's the sigh?" you asked Armin.
Armin hesitated, he looked around everywhere that isn't you, he rubbed his hand through his undercut, it feels like watching someone having a very conflicted mind war with themself, he then finally impaled you with a mixed expression, "Y/N," he started, "i don't know how to say this but....." He glanced over at Mikasa, and you followed him. 
The dark haired girl rather gave him a surprised expression, a some kind of you did not! look. You exchanged the utterly confusion to both of them, Mikasa nodded slowly, "She needs to know, Armin." 
"I need to know what?" 
"What are you guys talking about?" you turned around and sees Eren standing right in front of you, bruised up and bleeding, his knuckles was fucked in a shade of dark red and purple, strands of hair falling in front of his face, Mikasa quickly stood up, "Eren did you—"
"Yes i did," he shot her a cold glare, you could see from the corner of your eyes that Zeke started to approaching, Eren's eyes then finally found Armin, who's looking scared and nervous more than ever, "tell me, what's the interesting story Armin?" his tone was striking and icy, under his husky voice, you could track hints of slurs because of alcohol. 
Armin went quiet, he gripped his knuckles, what is this? something must happened and you didn't know, and you hated that. You hated when things was out of your reach. "It's okay Eren, you should check your wounds, they look pretty bad," Armin swallowed, his words came out more threatening than he anticipated. 
"No, no, no, i wanted to know what you gonna say to Y/N," Eren moves closer to Armin, "you are not trying to tell her anything bad about me right?" 
They looked like they're ready to throw hands, but Zeke was already slips between them, holding the both boys's chests with his flat palms, "come on now guys, let's not." he hesitated.
"No, let's." Eren insisted, he slapped his brother's hand, you quickly pulled him down by his arm, he flinched when he felt your touch, Eren glance at you, and for a split second his eyes went soft, it was that soft that you felt nothing but pure affection from his sea green eyes, then something took over his body, he suddenly pulled you by your collar, lifting you up, moving your face closer to his.
His eyes were bloodshot, you squeezed his wrists while kicking your feet on the air, "you," he growled, his warm breath smells like alcohol, you blinked slowly, scanning Eren's animalistic glare, but there is no hate in his eyes, you found yourself trying to look for it but there it none, instead there's this raging desire, he looked at you like you were his prey, "Eren-" you choked, for the first time, you feel powerless.
"I hate you," he hissed, but all you could sense was lie, his mortal fingers squeezing you so deadly but you feel the comfort of it, the bizarrely embracing lust, and his existence blurs all the noises around you, just you and Eren Jaeger. "you took everything from you," he continued, "i woke up everyday wishing you dead." 
You knitted your eyebrows, and you feel your godly ichor rushes back through your veins, a disgusted smirk appeared on your face, belittling him for lying, "liar." 
Then huge arms pulled Eren from you, tackling him to the ground, Mikasa caught you before you hit the ground, Hitch stepped in front of you, shielding you from Eren who was struggling under Zeke, "Eren what the hell!" she shouted. Mikasa helped you up and pulled you close to her chest, "Y/N are you okay?" she sounded so scared, questions and assumptions popping in your head about what happens between Mikasa, Armin, and Eren. You looked up, finding Reiner helping Zeke restraining his own brother. You knew a minute ago that guy attacked you, but seeing Eren in that position just feels so wrong, you never thought you'll get drew by a guy like Eren Jaeger, but here you are finding yourself shoving aside your pride while approaching the two blonds. You put your hand on Zeke's shoulder, squeezing them gently, "it's okay," your delicate tone shocks him, "let him go Zeke." 
You could feel everyone giving you a jaw drop, but when all eyes on you, you find yourself only looking at Eren. 
After a tense moment, Zeke and Reiner finally let go of the brunet, you pulled Eren up then you put the tip of your fingers to his chin, examining his wounds, he scoffed and avoided your eyes, dropping his eyes to the ground. "Let's get that clean up," you mumbled and dragged him by his hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. Leaving everyone in a ambiguous silence. 
"Why are they leaving? the wagyu is ready."
You walked upstairs to your room, no words exchange both of you before you finally entered the bathroom with Eren, you let go of his hand, your heartbeat strangely skipping inside your chest, while you were searching for the medicine kit in the cabinet, when you finally turn around, you found Eren already sitting on the toilet seat, you kneeled down in front of him and you opened the medicine kit, you pulled a towel from the drawer and stood up, wetting it in the sink, "what happen?" you finally spoke. 
Eren let out a deep chuckle, he wiped his bloody nose with his thumb then wiped it off on his jeans, gross. "Why do you care," he asserted. 
You rolled your eyes and kneeled back in front of him, with dripping wet cloth on your right hand, "please you stormed on me, lifted me up and looked at me like you wanted fuck me against the table while also wanted to burn me alive at the same time." you gave him a judging look. You took his hands, and then slowly pressed the dampen cloth on his bloody knuckles, he didn't flinch, Eren remained silence while he watches you. You could feel his smirk while you were treating his wounds. "Have i told you how hideous you look tonight?" he asked quietly. 
"No, tell me." 
Eren then moved his left hand away from you, extending them, he caressed his thumb on your cheekbone, made you froze, his hand then traveled to your ear, it tugged your hair behind them, "i cannot." He whispered softly. 
You looked up, and put the now reddish cloth on the floor, you moved closer to the burnet in front of you, you intertwined your fingers with his once again, the tense on his shoulders visibly relax while his pupils widened to the presence of you, "now would you tell me what happen?" your voice sweetened, melodic in his ear, and it seems like he's lured enough by it. 
Eren huffed a chuckle, he looked down to both of your hands, "Had a fight with Pops," he shrugged, "took the anger on the wall." You moved closer to his face, close enough to smell the liquor in his breath. Eren stared at you, he never imagine he would have the blessing to be this close with you, he was always watching you from afar. Those interrogation towards Armin regarding you, questions after questions on your personal life, forcing Armin to dug deeper and helped Eren fulfilling his needs on you, he'd followed you after school, to your favorite coffee shop, your home so he'll know your address, to where ever he could reach you, man... he'll go after you to the edge of the world if that's where you're heading. 
"Do you still hate me?" you asked, and to be honest the question kind of scares you, because after these past few weeks of spending more time with Eren Jaeger, you finally caught in his fire, his flaming intimacy you thought was long gone, and you also surprises yourself for not getting pissed off by the feeling, because it makes you feel vulnerable. 
Eren grazes his thumb on your jaw as if you were made of glass, he kneeled down to the floor with you, so you both could be equal, no high ground. "The truth is my darling, i never was," he confirmed, "after you won that election it was my last straw because from the first time i laid my eyes on you, Love.... You have bewitched me body and soul," he's been watching over you from the distance and you still as pathetic as he could remember, maybe it's the way you stole glances at him, the way you would secretly checking him out but little did you know that he notices everything, he's been reading you like an open book without having to flip through every pages, because you already spread open for him, "you have became the very thing that is out of my reach, Love. And for i have fancy you, and you'll be mine not just in my mind but fully," and he is itching to taste you. His warmth envelopes you to a sense of safety, he trails his hands to your waist, pulling you closer to him, and you melt like a candle on fire. Right above you stand an entity greater than yourself, the essence of mystery that fold itself in front of you, and with the universe speak between you, everything is a clarity. 
And you, you don't get it, you thought it was all envy to the position you have, and for the first time, you crave something other than power, "Did you just quoted Pride and Prejudice for me, Jaeger?" you snakes your arms around his neck while his growing bulge strokes on your clothed cunt, the rough material of his jeans made your arousal grow thicker, "my, my, my i used to think that you were just a pretty face with zero common sense," you teased, nuzzling your nose against him. 
His husky chuckle vibrates against your skin, without warning he pushes you up against the wall and you immediately jumped onto his waist with your legs, you gasped as your back hit the cold surface, Eren kneading your butt cheeks as he was holding you up, his chest pressed on yours, warm breath mixes together, "ouch, did you just call me dumb?" you snickered, Eren tilts his head before he smirked, "maybe we could be equally dumb after i make you babble nonsense with my cock." His mouth devouring yours feverishly. Frantic gestures rid you and him of clothes on your body, while you helped Eren unbuckling his belt, his teeth grazes yours, tongues fighting for dominance with each other, he latched his lips onto yours, hungry for more taste, you started to sucking his bottom lip while Eren savor your taste, he pushes more for a deeper kiss, his hand fondling your clothed boob, then it slipped under them, as he found your stiffened nipple, you felt his smirk between your kiss, and a moan escaped from your lips, they're already swollen and you knew you needed air soon, but without your realizing, you already breath through his air through the kiss. 
You unhooked your bra while Eren pressed you harder against the wall, his cock was already free from his jeans and boxer, his beautiful tip was coated in precum, when you finally exposed your breasts in front of him, the animalistic side possessed him back, Eren kneads your breasts greedily causing you to mewl, shivers running down your spine, and you unconsciously grinds you drenched cunt against his waist, Eren cackled. 
"What a fucking whore, you looked like a cat in heat." 
You whined when his flat palm hit your cunt, he rubs the dampen clothed surface of your clit, Eren brought his mouth to your breast and started to circling his tongue on your nipple, making your back arched and you grinding to nothingness of his waist, "whore," he spat, a string of saliva bridge between your skin and his lips, "is this what you called a student president? i don't think so." Eren grip your throat and slowly adding pressure to your air circulation with his index finger and thumb, his other hand has been stroking his own cock for awhile, he uses his precum as lube and your eyes twinkled to the beautiful sight. 
Your lips parted, he let out a throaty groan to your ear just to tease you, "what if i just jack myself and leave you like this?" the menacing grin appeared on his face, your desperate look just pleased him even more, he groaned under his breath as he feeling himself twitching, and your drooling pussy just looking tastier than ever, Eren inhaled and faked a pout, "aw, what is it? don't you want to walk around with my cum dripping from your slutty hole aren't you? that is sinful my Love, won't it gonna stain your pride, Miss President?" 
You cursed under you breath, and another slap landed on your cunt, you threw your head back as Eren squeezed you against the wall, "nu uh, bad words," he growled, "what do you want, Y/N? Use your fucking mouth if you want something, did your parents never tell you?" another hard slap on your cunt made you gasp, you cried louder, and Eren shushed you while peppering kiss on your naked shoulder, "careful darling they might hear you from downstairs." 
He pecked your nose before he finally aims his cock to your entrance, stroking his tip to your dripping cunt, "what do you want, Y/N? say it." He repeated.
"Your cock!" you whimpered, "please pound me with your cock.... please Eren.. i just want it inside.."
He slammed into you, causing you to let out a sharp noise, "Oh, like this?" Eren felt your soft warm walls hugging him so tightly, as if you guys just fit so perfectly together, he held his hand on your tummy to prevent you from grinding your greedy self, letting your cunt clenching him by itself, "fuck you're so tight my Love," he groaned subtly. 
"E-eren please move..... i'm begging you...." you sobbed so pathetically. Eren moved his face close to yours and pinned your wrists above your head, "this will need an outcome don't you think?" he tilted his head, making you wept for his cock to move even more, suddenly an idea popped in his head, "I will move," he said, "i'll shoot my loads in you and then you'll be mine, i want you to want me so badly, i'm going to imprison you, and then.... just then...it'll be just you and me, always and forever," he dug his face on the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent so they'll stay in his head, but he knew it won't, you're his own personal drug anyways, "promise, Darling?" Eren whispered against your skin.
You shivered under him, your eyes rolls at the back of your head, your pussy is aching with lust, so needy for his cock. You quickly nodded your head, "p-promise." 
Eren kissed your neck, sucking them briefly, leaving a visible mark on your soft skin, "good girl."
He pulled his cock from you, leaving just the tip, before then he impaled, filling you up with his length, he slide so easily onto your meat, your legs shivered as he endlessly pushed deeper inside you, and you could feel his tip kissed your cervix, Eren then started to moves at a quick pace, "you like that so much hm? taking my cock like a little slut," he said velvety, turning you on even more. He buried your moan into a deep kiss, his big arm scoot your hips close to him as he ramming his cock with no mercy onto your walls, his other hand still pinning your wrists, as if you're gonna escape from him. You started to rolling your hips on him, making him move more faster, you're both skin to skin, grinding onto each other desperately, "Eren....s'big...so deep..." you moaned. He continues to pound into you.
"Fuck, that's right baby say my name."
After a minute he completely stopped, you opened your eyes and your face shows confusion, before you could ask any questions, he suddenly slams all of his length into you, causing you to yelp both in pain and pleasure, the lewd sound of skin slapping made you curl your toes, he pounding into you like there's no tomorrow, you threw your head back, your tongue lolling out from your lips, he slamming all his length in and out of you repeatedly until you're a shaking panting mess, an amused look plastered on his cocky face, and his hips didn't stop dipping on you, not letting you think straight or put up any fight, "come on, fucking take it like the cumslut you are."
You choked on your breath as the knot in your stomach getting tighter, "E-ren... hugs...hugs....?" you purred to him, he finally let go of your wrists and let your head fell against his shoulder, he increases his phase that you didn't know was possible, you warped your arms around him as he did to you, and you dragged your nails through his sweaty back, Eren started to whisper sweet nothings as he felt himself twitching, he slurred curses underneath his groaned, his veins popped as he gripped you tightly, his muscles flexes at each moves.
You didn't dare to question him when he said that he'll fill you up inside, because no matter what your answer is, he'll do it anyway. The sight of his hard rock abs and v lines sent you over the edge, “Eren i’m gonna cum—“
“cum with me, Darling.” 
You tasted the bitter tint in your tongue as you started seeing stars, you vision went black as Eren rides you to your orgasm while fluid started dripping down your thighs, your body is shaking uncontrollably, Eren let out a loud groan as he riding himself to his own high using your abused cunt, he shot his warm thick load onto your womb, making sure you take all of it, you buried your face on his neck, he slowly pulls out his cock and watches the white liquid oozing from your hole. Eren lifted up your chin, he cupped your cheek and pressed a soft kiss against your lips, mixing your pants together, “mine.” he moaned to your soft plump lips.
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
Season 1 episode title meta
Pilot - Generic first episode name, doesn't really seem to have any deeper meaning beyond referencing the fact that it's the first episode of a new show
Fastest Man Alive - References Barry's new tagline and his growing confidence in himself and his powers. Probably also a reference to one of the comics.
Things You Can't Outrun - trying to 'outrun the past' is a fairly common turn of phrase, but in this episode the past catches up to a lot of people - Kyle Nimbus' roaring rampage of revenge gets a lot of people killed; Joe starts making good on his acknowledgement of Henry's innocence by facing his past mistakes head on, reopening the case, and apologizing to Henry in person; and Cisco struggles with the survivors guilt he feels with regards to Ronnie's death when he's forced to return to the accelerator pipeline.
Going Rogue - A comic's reference to the Flash's Rogue's gallery and Leonard Snart in particular, since he was often seen as the leader of the Rogues. Can also be seen as a reference to the Cold Gun being created by Cisco as a failsafe in the event Barry ever 'went rogue' and Barry arguably 'going rogue' in the episode by going off comms and risking himself in a fight without backup.
Plastique - A reference to Bette's code name in the comics as well as her powers - turning things to bombs - and the source of her powers - the bomb fragments she was in surgery for at the time the accelerator exploded.
The Flash is Born - I'm pretty sure this is another comic book title reference. Also refers to Barry finally getting Iris to use the name 'the Flash' instead of 'the Streak' and him being officially established as a superhero in her eyes.
Power Outage - A direct reference to Farooq's powers as Blackout and his ability to cause power outages. Also to Barry's loss of his powers and confidence during their initial fight. Could also be a reference to the outages in the city on the night of the accelerator incident, which caused Farooq's powers in the first place.
Flash vs Arrow - A literal reference to Barry and Oliver's fight while Barry's under Bivolo's influence. Could also refer to the contrast between how Team Flash and Team Arrow operate, with Barry being more open with his teammates compared to Oliver's need for operational secrecy.
The Man in the Yellow Suit - The Reverse Flash finally shows up to fight Barry after being last seen when Barry was a child and the audience has it confirmed that the shady Dr. Wells is the Reverse Flash. This episode's reveal places a number of events in previous episodes in new context and sets the tone for the latter half of the season.
Revenge of the Rogues - Firmly establishes thematic 'Rogue' naming for episodes with Snart in them. Also includes the addition of classic Rogue Heatwave - Mick Rory. No one is really getting revenge here, but Len chooses to drag himself, Mick, and Barry into the limelight of supervillainy and superheroism for maximum dramatic effect.
The Sound and Fury - A reference to some of the earliest Pied Piper comics where Hartley was part of a criminal duo. Also refers to Hartley's use of sound as a weapon and the rage currently fueling his attacks on Team Flash, Wells in particular.
Crazy For You - Refers to self destructive actions taken out of love throughout the episode: Shawna's love for Clay lands her in the pipeline, Cisco's love for Ronnie has him making a dangerous deal with Hartley, Caitlin's desire to get over her love for Ronnie leads to hilarious drunken escapades, and Barry's desire to move on from his love of Iris leads him into a relationship he's not actually ready to commit to.
The Nuclear Man - Comic book title reference alert! Refers directly to Ronnie and Stein as Firestorm and the concern that splitting them could cause nuclear fallout.
Fallout - Continuing the thematic naming of the episode before, while there is no literal nuclear fallout there are still repercussions to splitting Ronnie and Stein leading to a confrontation with General Eiling.
Out of Time - Barry runs out of time to save the city from Mark Mardon. Cisco's amateur sleuthing has him 'run out of time' when Eobard chooses to kill Cisco to preserve his secret.
Rogue Time - Len returns, with Mick and Lisa, and wins basically everything he wants through kidnapping, manipulation, torture, and blackmail. Very much a 'the Rogues win' episode.
Tricksters - Most literally taken as a reference to the two Tricksters - James Jesse and Axel Walker - who cause havoc throughout the episode. Also refers to the Trickster archetype, often depicted as shape shifters, which Eobard embodies during flashbacks to him stalking, killing, and shape shifting to replace the original Harrison Wells.
All Star Teamup - Comic book title reference alert! Ray Palmer and Felicity both show up to team up with Team Flash, both to help Ray with his shrinking problem and Team Flash with their electronic bee issues.
Who is Harrison Wells? - Cisco and Joe learn definitively that the man they think is Harrison Wells is not. Plays off the episodes themes of identity theft, as Hannibal Bates has stolen so many identities that he no longer knows who he is.
The Trap - Team Flash sets a trap for Eobard Thawne. Eobard Thawne sets a better trap for Team Flash. Shenanigans ensue.
Grodd Lives - Grodd is used as Eobard's distraction for Team Flash while Eobard attempts to sew discord in Eddie's mind about his relationship with Iris since Eddie is Eobard's ancestor, but Iris is not. Grodd lives because Eobard is trying to ensure his own survival too.
Rogue Air - Barry chooses to depend on Leonard Snart for help moving the pipeline metas to what is supposed to be a flight to ARGUS's secret prison facility, leading to what was heavily implied to be the official formation of the Rogues as a group. This is never followed through on.
Fast Enough - Barry is forced to face the fact that no matter how fast he gets, there are some tragedies he'll never be fast enough to prevent. And while Eobard Thawne ultimately loses, Barry is unable to save his mother or Eddie and still requires the help of Firestorm to stop the singularity threatening the city.
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cryo-regalia · 3 years
the girl with the hourglass
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"i’ll repeat these months over and over again if it means i’ll can be in your arms once more.”
— warning for “mystic messenger” and “when the stars align” spoilers !
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name — yeona cheong [ENG] — cheong yeona [KOR]
alias — ahri dae [ENG] — dae ahri [KOR]
age — twenty-four [24; ENG] — twenty-five [25; KOR]
gender identity — female — she/her/hers
occupation — yeona is an author, publishing a bestselling novel called ethereal blossom several months before the events of mystic messenger. she primarily focuses on fantasy-romance and is attempting to work on her second book through a bad case of writer’s block. instead of using her given name, yeona uses a pseudonym: ahri dae. until a route is set, she is referred to this throughout the messenger until she reveals it. seven is the only one who knows the truth and respects her wishes that he doesn't reveal her true name. — before the events of the game, yeona had a job at a bookstore called treasure arc in the underground mall connected to the subway station. she worked there for almost five years. however, due to declining sales from a lack of customers, it was forced to shut down and was replaced with a nail salon. — in the original run, yeona adopted the life as six-o-six (606): a secret agent who worked alongside seven. she left the life of yeona cheong and ahri dae behind when she did, leaving the whereabouts of both versions of herself behind. however, this didn’t last very long due to an unfortunate accident.
pets — su-won is yeona’s loyal companion. he’s a jindo about three years old, with all white fur and average size for a dog of his breed. she adopted him when he was just a puppy soon after moving into her apartment in seoul. she brings him almost everywhere she goes and, although subconsciously, uses him as a means of comfort and evading her loneliness.
routes — yoosung kim | yoosung and yeona’s routes are purely platonic and they see each other as really close friends by the end of it. being told that she reminded him so much of rika caught her off-guard and she was a bit uncomfortable with that, but continued to gently tell him that while she was flattered her thought so highly of her that she wasn’t his cousin. while she hasn’t gone through a similar experience, she is very empathetic with his grief and tries to help soothe him in whatever way she can. yeona is a sky alumna and takes a great interest in what yoosung plans on majoring in, telling him that she’d be happy to pass down her textbooks whenever they’re able to meet in person. she also tries to ease him into focusing on studying but never forces him, especially when he realizes why his grades have slipped and he’s created a gaming addiction. she reveals that she’s the one who wrote ethereal blossom and realizes that he’s serious when yoosung says that he’d love a signed copy, which she gives him at the party. he’s the one who introduces her to lolol, something she takes a quick interest in.
she’s very knowledgeable about gaming and took a bit of amusement in the fact he was so shocked that she knew different terminology. she promises that once she’s able to get a gaming computer that she would be happy to join the shooting star guild as long as he’s there to teach her the basics. throughout different routes, they become very close and he’s like her wingman. as well as very supportive if she reveals to him through private messages that she has feelings for someone. when he injures his eye, she’s incredibly worried over his well-being and feels guilt over being the indirect reason he received it in the first place. she holds him close, telling him to never do that again out of worry for him, but thanks him for being so brave and assisting seven. in their after endings, yeona attends his graduation and is incredibly proud of his journey academically and emotionally. she wholeheartedly supports his career as a veterinarian and works as his receptionist between writing her book as ahri dae.
— hyun ryu / zen | zen and yeona’s routes all have familial tones to them as they see one another as siblings rather than lovers. he’s like the big brother that she never had and he’s incredibly supportive of her like she is of his career as an actor and as a person. yeona is a massive fan of zen, as seen when she first joins the messenger and she’s shocked to see that she’s talking to the real zen. they have met prior to that by a quick accidental run-in with one another where he was sweet and apologized, telling her to be careful to not bump into any creeps before going on his way. puts some money off to the side to be able to see him perform in person and meet him, but never got the opportunity to do so without her anxiety getting involved. zen helps teach her better coping mechanisms for her anxiety instead of just bottling it up and outwardly gives her the support for her book that she never got from her family very often or at all. he helps her deal with social situations that she would have normally avoided and is right there every step of the way. she jokingly says that she has own little zen at home and sends a picture of su-won.
during the echo girl incident, yeona does whatever she can to help him despite their distance and constantly comments that she shouldn’t be touching him without his consent. she understands that he has a public image, but echo girl isn’t respecting his boundaries and that makes yeona a bit fired up, much to her embarrassment when someone takes note of it. she gives him compliments on his appearance, but also who he is as a person and thinks that his loyalty to the rfa is incredibly sweet. they do get into playful fights, but nothing serious or personal and jaehee has commented on how much they’re like siblings, especially during the party. while taking on a new job elsewhere, yeona still supports him as a widely successful actor in their after ending and spends her days off cheering him on (quietly, of course) during his practices and he’s the one who offers her ideas and helps her develop what is revealed to be her fourth book.
— jaehee kang | jaehee and yeona’s route varies between runs. sometimes they’re just close friends and others they’re lovers. yeona takes a clear interest in jaehee’s life not only because there’s another woman part of the group, but because she wants to learn more about her as she doesn’t often hear much. she respects any boundaries she makes but is happy to listen to anything she has to say, making it obvious that she’s listening and interested. she does admit that she was a bit hurt by her suspicions, but knew that the circumstances were odd and that it was natural that someone would be. at one point, yeona comments that she’s beautiful the way she is now and asks if she would ever grow it long again, and if she does that she has a few brands that she likes that keep her hair fluffy. she even asks that she is like her muse in an attempt to try to get closer to her fellow rfa member and to make some progress in the planning of her book. she expresses concern over jaehee’s amount of work and what she has to do in order to get it all done, often asking jumin to take it a bit easier on her because he could lose a valuable employee.
she often offers to have food sent to her home to make sure she eats (which she has done on one occasion, but didn’t want to be pushy by doing it again unless asked) and turns the tables by asking jaehee if she ate. they both get along over zen’s musicals and have long conversations that go into depth about the performance and the story itself, and yeona becomes excited to meet another fan. they also get along over having excessive amounts of animal fur stuck to their clothing. when jaehee opens up her cafe in her after ending, yeona works alongside her. she mentions that she’s horrible with cooking and asks if it was really fit to work alongside her, worried about affecting business and sales. she is comforted by jaehee’s words when she’s told that she wants her there with her and that they can handle anything that comes their way, but to focus on the present rather than the future. it’s mentioned that yeona is taking a hiatus from writing to focus on her new career and her implied romantic relationship.
— jumin han | almost all of jumin and yeona’s routes are as lovers, but others have them as very close friends, similarly to her route with yoosung. when they first meet, she’s a bit intimidated by him, but is polite and kind to him all the same and tries to be someone he can talk to. she thinks elizabeth is absolutely adorable and gushes over her, but tries to reign it in when zen’s around as to not make him uncomfortable. she sometimes shares pictures of su-won with him and refers to her companion as her “fur baby”. yeona still thinks that jumin should be a bit more aware of how much paperwork he gives to her and how that could affect her, such as getting to be too much and potentially losing not only a friend but a valuable employee. yeona often tries to relate to him, or at the very least understanding of his struggles and that there’s more to him than the calm corporate director than what’s seen at first glance. she’s patient and tolerant with him, doing whatever she can to not only understand him but help him. she tells him it’s okay to be emotional and that he isn’t all alone, that she’s here with him and isn’t going anywhere. when elizabeth escapes, she’s there to comfort him and expresses guilt for being the reason she got out in the first place; that if she didn’t come when she did, maybe elizabeth would still be safe at home.
she’s embarrassed of herself when they meet in person, commenting that she’s not as confident in person as she is in the messenger and hopes that doesn’t change the way he views her. jumin takes an interest in her novel, even if he doesn’t understand it, and she’s excited to be able to ramble on to someone, and he’s able to give her ideas and help her with her writer’s block in whatever way he can. in their after ending where they arrive home from their honeymoon, jumin asks her about her hourglass and comments that she seems to take it everywhere with her. yeona mentions that it’s a special gift from someone, but she can’t remember from who. she reveals that it has a unique power and he first thinks that she’s playing with him, but thinks otherwise at how serious she is. before it ends, she tells him that if it wasn’t for this, they wouldn’t be together and she’d reset as many times as it took to be with him again.
— saeyoung choi | seven and yeona’s route is always as lovers. while yeona’s memory of the runs are fragmented, seven’s are still intact. she comments that there is something familiar about him and his reply that they must have met before can be taken as him being playful, when it’s nothing but the truth. they relate over their use of alias’ (as she does with zen, but to a bigger extent) and she expresses curiosity of what his could be, but never tries to pry too much to make him uncomfortable. it ends up slipping during a phone call and she’s confused, apologizing for calling him that when she doesn’t think she knows anyone of that name before the conversation resumes. they get along very well and he is able to easily bring out the yeona cheong she’s always wanted to be, the two swapping inside jokes with one another and frequently calling and messaging one another. she does comment to him that if he ever has something going on and needs to talk, that he can talk to her, as well as su-won one day. by the seventh day, her memories of her and seven start to return and she’s confused by what is going on and the fact unknown not only broke in, but knew the rfa’s resident hacker. seven keeps his space from her to focus on his hacking and eventually finds her in the bathroom, breaking down with the hourglass in hand because she’s so confused and scared and upset with herself. she doesn’t know what’s going on and she wants to help but feels so useless being unable to help seven despite her efforts, as well as humiliated for being found covered in tears.
over the next couple of days, he tells her the truth about everything. himself, the resets, the hourglass. he confesses that he doesn’t believe he deserves happiness and seeing her happy with everyone else only proved that to him, on top of her as 606 dying because of his mistake, which she vehemently refutes and says that she would lay down her life if it meant keeping him safe. seven’s the one who gave her the hourglass during the original run, coded with freewill but bugged in the section where she’s meant to recall past routes. it’s only until she does his route again that he’s able to fix it. she also accompanies him to mint eye and misses the party, but tells them that it was an honor to be the coordinator before turning her phone off so she and saeyoung can focus on getting saeran back. in their after ending, they focus on helping saeran get out of mint eye and heal from the trauma he’s endured there and during his childhood. ahri dae goes silent and no one has heard any news of her as yeona focuses on the people who need her in the moment, ending with the two held to her and promising them a wonderful life that they both deserve.
trivia — yeona went to sky university for a major in literature emphasizing on creative writing — yeona’s hourglass gives her ability to reset the game from square one, although she has yet to learn how to control it until she finally returns to the messenger and romances seven. — yeona has a habit of knowing things she shouldn’t from past runs, such as quotes that were said to her or occurrences. she doesn’t remember everything, but specific situations may trigger brief memories. — yeona’s bangs that cover her left eye are kept that way in all cg’s, excluding some in seven’s route and in the after endings. in seven’s, many have it pushed out of the way with his hand while he holds her face, and the after endings with him and the other characters have it pulled behind her ear to reveal her other eye. — yeona’s awareness of being in a video game varies between routes. in the casual routes, she makes vague allusions to it that are brushed off as her being playful while the deep route has more blatant references. the rfa brushes it off as her picking it up from seven, but he’s the only one who understands it. — yeona’s story is heavily inspired by the reset theory. — when she first enters the messenger, her name is “606″ before being quickly changed to “ahri dae”. it is implied to be seven who changed it and that the former name remained from the previous run. — yeona’s pfp is a picture of su-won as a puppy.
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