#she express his love their own way sksksk
kraken-pint · 1 year
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berniecranes · 2 years
🤥,👪,🍧,⏳,💔 for any ocs you want of course!!!!!
*giggles* I don't know what came over me, sorry these are kinda long!!! Thank you bestie for the ask!!
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
Andy: Erm no. He would not be a good liar. I feel you can tell he fidgets more when he's nervous. Tangling his fingers together, tugging on his sleeves or even readjusting his glasses. 'Cause they're his little nervous ticks I'd say more rampant, if that makes sense.
Frances: To an extent. But she truly doesn't like lying and doesn't do it often. I think she'd be able to hide it better because she was already taught to be very prim and proper and she can use that kinda as a mask. That's usually used for more emotional things she tries to hide, but definitely could work for a lie. BUT— when she can't hide it, you can tell. She'll just have a lil bit of a pained expression sksksk
Richard: sksksk I don't talk about him much because he's like my own character not rlly tied to anything. But he's a great liar. And you won't be able to tell he's lying. He's got the businessman ability to be a piece of shit and look you directly in the eyes, knowing he's getting the better end of the stick, even if that means a lie or two mixed in there.
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
Andy: His family is a great lil average family. They don't have much, work with what they have, and love what they're able to have. His family is genuinely close to their neighbors, not in a just neighborly way, but in a legitimate friend of the family way. They come together and have Barbecues, help out with yard work and what not. Oh and I'm not gonna talk abt his extended family. It's fucking big.
Andy is very close to his mom. I feel she tries to never let him feel left out for being the middle child and truly tries to treat all of her kids with proper love & affection and respect. His mom may have a specific soft spot for Andy though, as he was the softer one of her boys.
Andy has two other siblings!! He has an older brother Julio who is in college, and a younger sister named Yolanda!! Andy and Julio have had to share a room practically their entire life and have butted heads from time to time. But he really looks up to Julio and loves him dearly. And Yolanda and him!!! They are the closest!! Andy loves hanging out with her, showing her the plants he's learned to identify through boy scouts and leading her around. They are probably only a year or two apart, whereas I think him and his brother are maybe 3 years? I'm still working them out.
Richard: Ohhh....this guy loves his family. He'll tell you they are his absolute priority. Everything he does, it's for them. He is utterly in love with his wife, Kathleen. And Emily, his daughter is daddy's little girl. She honestly could get anything she wants! She still follows her dad's strict rules, while knowing how fun and playful he can be. Emily is around 8 years old. Richard's biggest issue family wise is his work! He is a workaholic to the max, and constantly either late, or bringing the office home. He has to go on business trips from time to time, sometimes his family can join, sometimes they can't. When they can't, it's definitely rough. Richard misses his family a ton, and maybe that's why he goes out and has some fun. Yes; Richard is a cheater, which his family is unaware about. I hope that first part makes a lil more sense now.
Richard is an only child and has a little rocky relationship with his father. He respected him, but sometimes that is all there felt there was; just respect. When Richard started growing into his own him and his father worked out a lot of stuff. His father helped him become the stern, proper man he is. Richard was always close to his mother, making sure to help around the house so she didn't have to do anything all on her own, as his father, too, was a hard working businessman.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Andy: He still has a toy airplane that is hung from his side of the room's ceiling. He's had it since he was a baby. He's never pulled it down, he's just use to it there, he likes it. He's always thought planes were cool. Andy likes looking at it because apparently his dad picked it out for him. Andy doesn't have much things like this, so he holds it dearly to him.
⏳ HOURGLASS - are they usually late or on-time?
Andy: Tries to be on time. Mom says is disrespectful to show up late, that person is giving you their time. But for family occasions not hosted at his house? His family is coming in a lil late. Sksksksks
Frances: Shows up early, but in a normal way. It's the proper thing to do. She would never come an hour or so early, she feels that is dropping in the hosts time, and doesn't think that is fair.
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
Frances: she would be heart broken to find out he was a cheater. I think that is rather obvious and common, but she just would be devastated. All she ever wants to do is be the best she can, and that means giving her all in a relationship. And a bit more specific one for her, which I won't elaborate on, but be like Dante. That would send her into a little bit of a crisis.
Andy: If I'm being real; probably their first fight. Andy is already getting ready to lay in bed for the next week after it happens. He's never had a girlfriend yet, so he really thinks the first fight is gonna be the end. Talking to his mama about all the things he should have or could have done, when in reality it rlly was neither of their fault and will probably end up realizing they were just better as friends sksksksk.
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babyboibucky · 3 years
The Match - Part 10
Pairing: CEO!Bucky x Fem!Reader
Summary: Sam helps you out in planning for the launch while Bucky is away.
Word Count: 4.2k (woopsies)
Warnings: SMUT is back, angry unprotected sex, spitting, a tiny hint at scratching and choking, some hurtful words thrown in yada yada yada, kinda intense asjkcackansk
A/N: STRAP THE FUCK IN BECAUSE WE BOUTTA RIDE A DAMN ROLLERCOASTER OMG I’m nervous for this because I found this part very intense while writing it. And I hope it comes across as that to y’all as well because my fingers ached from how hard I was typing this part lmfao. Team Bucky vs Team Reader/Team Sam here we goooo sksksk enjoy
The Match Masterlist || MAIN MASTERLIST
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You didn't accept Sam's invitation to connect in LinkedIn. Not yet. But it did give you several ideas, like maybe submitting a resignation letter? Get away from Bucky and his toxic ass? He has Mackenzie now, he can easily have her take over your position anyway.
However, you were also torn because you loved your job at Bucky's company. It paved way for you to improve your skills and you experienced a lot of growth too. And well, Bucky's there too but god, you hated him right now. As much as you wanted to wave the white flag, you didn't feel like it was the right thing to do.
You wanted Bucky to learn that not everything he wants, he can easily get. And Mark was right, that you weren't just a trophy employee or whatever. You were so much more than what Bucky probably thinks of you.
And you were going to prove him that.
"Hey, Bev. Can you ring up your boss for me? Tell him I want to go over some of the plans I made for the launch before I discuss it with Mackenzie tomorrow." you asked.
Beverly was about to lift the phone up when an unexpected visitor arrived. None other than Sam Wilson himself.
"I didn't mean to eavesdrop but did I hear you correctly? You've already made some plans for the launch?" he asked with interest.
You chuckled, "Sort of. Well, it's a rough draft of my ideas. I just thought it would be nice to get a headstart." you admitted.
Sam nodded and was about to say something when Bucky stepped out of his office, his brows furrowing upon seeing you and Sam conversing. Bucky eyed you before glancing over at Sam, patting his shoulder gently as a greeting.
"You checking up on us or what?" Bucky teased with a chuckle.
Sam shook his head, "Not really. Well, kinda. I figured that another presentation would be unnecessary, I mean. I'd love to work on the launch with your team instead of being on the sidelines for approvals." he admitted.
You shrugged, "I think that's a great idea too. Less time to waste, less back and forth." you pitched in.
Bucky frowned a bit, his jaw clenching at how you backed up Sam immediately. "That's fine, but I have a meeting in a few. Might last the entire day. Mackenzie won't be here until tomorrow too." he said.
"She and I can discuss her plans today and maybe I can pitch in some of my ideas too. She can present them tomorrow to you and Kenzie." Sam suggested, gesturing over to you.
Bucky stared at you and Sam alternately, his hands balling into fists at his sides. You could see his internal struggle about leaving you and Sam to discuss about the launch, without his presence.
You lifted up the folder in your hand, "I wanted to go over these plans with you but I didn't know you have a meeting. Sam and I can just refine these today, would save us a lot of time. We don't want to be rushing anything for this project at the last minute." you told him.
Bucky swallowed but nodded anyway, albeit with hesitation, "Yeah. Of course. I'll just catch up on the both of you later."
And with that, Bucky walked away but not without sparing you and Sam one final glance. His eyes met yours for a brief moment and you weren't sure, but you saw a flash of worry in his eyes before it was immediately replaced by his usual stern, ice-cold gaze.
You turned to Sam with a smile, "We can discuss in the conference room." you said and led the way.
The planning was seamless and you were surprised that you had so much fun exchanging ideas with Sam, to the point of almost forgetting about lunch break. It was quarter past noon when the both of you realized that it was way past lunch time.
"Do you want to grab lunch or order something instead? I honestly hate working lunch, just so you know." Sam said with a laugh.
You groaned, "I hate that too, honestly." you admitted with a chuckle.
Sam nodded, "Great, we can head out for a quick lunch?" he asked.
It didn't even cross your mind to hesitate, so you immediately agreed and even asked if you can take Beverly with you. You'd grown somewhat attached to her in the short time you've known her. Poor kid was being treated like an outcast by the other office girls. She always waited for you to have your lunch break too, especially that Mark has been pretty busy lately.
Sam was kind enough to agree about including Beverly for lunch. The two of you were about to head out of the conference room when Beverly peeked in, worry etched all over her face.
"I need your help." she whined, "I think I messed up Sir James' schedule. Mister Nakajima is on the phone and said that he's going to be an hour late for a meeting today. I forgot about Sir James’ meeting with another company today!" she explained, almost close to tears.
You rushed over to her and held her shoulders, "Hey, calm down. Did you tell Mister Nakajima?" you asked.
"I did and he got mad at me! Today is his only free day and he said that if he doesn't meet up with Sir James, the deal is off." Beverly said, stomping her foot on the ground.
You heaved out a sigh, knowing that the deal was very important. Mister Nakajima owned an auto manufacturing company which produces world-class materials for cars. Bucky had been working on convincing Mister Nakajima to be his permanent supplier for quite a while now. Big fucking deal.
You looked back at Sam, "Hey, I'm sorry. Can you give me a couple of minutes?" you asked with an apologetic expression.
"Take your time." Sam nodded with a smile.
You went over to Beverly's desk and took over the phone call, without knowing that Sam trailed behind you. He watched you carefully as you talked to Mister Nakajima, your demeanor calm yet confident.
"Hi, Mister Nakajima. I'm the company's Marketing Head and I would like to apologize for the mix up. Bucky has been working really hard on improving the quality of our products, he's been in meetings in and out. That being said, would it be alright if I take over this afternoon's meeting instead? Bucky worked on an amazing presentation and I honestly would love to go over it with you and just show you how this partnership would be beneficial for both our companies." you asked.
Fortunately, you were able to appease Mister Nakajima while also saving Beverly's ass for her honest mistake. As soon as the call was done, you reassured Beverly that everything was fine now and that you'll take care of Bucky. By the time you looked back at Sam, he was merely smiling at you.
"You're really good with people."
Lunch break passed by quickly, with you, Sam and Beverly engaging in all sorts of conversations. Even Beverly felt comfortable being around his presence. He mainly talked about his experiences at his first job, giving Beverly a couple of tips on how to navigate through the corporate world.
Sam was very kind.
The planning resumed after lunch and by the time Mister Nakajima and his associates arrived, the launch plan was pretty much refined with a lot of details. Sam excused himself to give you time to meet with Mister Nakajima, however, he said he'll be staying until Bucky comes back.
Presenting to Mister Nakajima made you nervous as fuck, especially that he didn't really work closely with you which might affect his decision. Luckily though, you knew Bucky's presentation like the back of your hand due to the fact that he had gone over it with you for a couple of times back when the two of you were still, well, fucking around.
Ah, the good old days.
The meeting with Mister Nakajima went perfectly well because as soon as you were done with the presentation, the old man simply asked for the contract to seal the deal. Although it wasn't you who actually worked on the deck, you had a sense of fulfillment. You were proud of yourself and you couldn't wait to dangle it right in front of Bucky's face.
"Thank you so much, Mister Nakajima. We are excited for this partnership." you said happily as you led him and his associates out of the conference room, just as when Bucky arrived.
He looked confused when Mister Nakajima greeted him happily, shaking his hand and telling him how good his presentation was. Bucky looked over at you, as if asking what the hell was going on. You merely shrugged and headed back inside the conference with Sam.
Bucky followed shortly and for some reason, he looked agitated. He was about to speak up when Sam beat him to it, giving him a hard pat on the back.
"The launch event is gonna be really good." he said confidently before glancing at you.
"You're lucky to have her, Bucky." he said before bidding goodbye, giving you one last look and a wink as well, something that Bucky immediately noticed.
When Sam left, so did the light atmosphere inside the conference room. Bucky turned to you with a scowl, his footsteps rushed and heavy as he approached you.
"What the hell happened with Mister Nakajima?" he asked gruffly.
You smiled as you handed him an envelope, "The partnership is a go. He signed the contract and his team will be keeping in contact with us and our factory soon." you explained proudly.
Bucky took the envelope from your hand and went through the contract before placing it back on the table. "I thought my meeting with him isn't until Friday."
"Beverly mixed up your schedule and before you even reprimand her, give the girl a break. It's her first job and with the amount of meetings you've been having, mix-ups are inevitable. What matters now is that I took over the presentation and Mister Nakajima signed the contract." you explained with nonchalance.
Bucky shook his head, "The end does not justify the means." he said. "Beverly should have been careful. My schedule is not a joke and if I miss another important meeting, that can fuck up the entire company."
You rolled your eyes, "Calm down, Beverly surely learned from today's mistake. It's done. The deal is on. Everything is peachy. The launch details have been planned out, Sam is happy with it. All I have to do is to secure your and Mackenzie's approval for it and then we can start with the execution. You're welcome." you said all in one breath, handing Bucky a USB containing the details of the launch.
You brushed past Bucky to leave the conference room but you were immediately pulled back with his hand around your arm. He looked down at you with an angry look on his face, almost fuming. You couldn't understand why the fuck he was so aggravated with you today. Sure, he had been testing your patience lately but it was the first time he actually looked like he was going to snap.
Not at the situation, but at you.
"Are you trying to impress Sam? Taking on my responsibilities while he's around?" he asked, eyes narrowing at you.
You scoffed, unable to believe what Bucky was accusing you of. Pulling your arm back, you took a step back and looked at him with disgust. "You're unbelievable, Bucky." you said.
"Had I not stepped in, we would have lost the deal. You promoted me for a reason, and I believe part of it is my leadership skills. And no, I'm not trying to impress Sam. I'm simply doing my fucking job." you hissed and tried to side step Bucky, only for him to block your way.
"Did he offer you a position in his company? What the fuck was the wink all about?" Bucky accused yet again.
"Oh my god, Bucky! You're blowing things out of proportion. He didn't. We talked about the event. That's it." you explained, pinching the bridge of your nose because Bucky was getting on your very last nerve.
Bucky had been fucking with you too much now and you could feel the last bits of your composure slowly slip away with every word that was coming out of his mouth. Coming for your job was one thing, but accusing you of flirting your way to another company? That was a low blow.
"Don't lie to me, I saw the notification on your phone the other day. Seems to me like Tinder matches don't work for you anymore, you moved on to LinkedIn now to find connections instead?" he asked and that particular statement struck a certain nerve.
You let out a bitter scoff, "Do you even hear yourself, Bucky? At least Sam was being professional and didn't use Tinder to hire a fucking consultant to threaten my damn job!" you slipped, unable to hold back.
The look on Bucky's face was a whirlwind of emotions-- shock, wrath, exhaustion-- and you felt like you were supposed to get scared. Gone were the blue orbs that used to make you feel safe, his eyes only held anger in them. And the thing was, your eyes looked the same as you held Bucky's gaze.
You were so fucking tired of everything, of Bucky.
"How did you-- it doesn't matter." Bucky said, shaking his head. "How much did Sam offer you?" he asked.
Your jaw dropped at the implication of Bucky's statement, "You are a fucking asshole, Bucky. Sam didn't offer me a fucking job. You really don't listen, Bucky. You never listen." you huffed out exasperatedly.
"Okay, maybe he hasn't laid down his offer yet. Perhaps, you let him fuck you too?"
Your vision blacked out upon hearing that and by the time you regained your senses, all you could feel was how your palm stung. You had walked up to Bucky and slapped him right across the face, hard enough to make the corner of his bottom lip bleed. Your entire body was trembling from rage as you stood in front of Bucky.
He tilted his head as he wiped the blood off from his lip, looking up at you with lust-filled eyes. And then his hand gripped your neck, tugging you close for a bruising kiss. You grunted against his mouth and pushed him away, slapping him again. Before Bucky could even recover, your fingers wrapped around his tie pulling him down to you for another kiss.
Walls crumbled down, tension was broken and needs were being fulfilled. The rush of emotions blurred the line between fury and lust with the latter obviously winning. All you could think about was the throb that you suddenly felt within your core begging for relief.
Relief that was denied from you for the past few weeks of playing cat and mouse with Bucky.
And with the way Bucky was kissing you, you knew he felt the same. It had been too long and both your minds were too hazy to even care that it was only five in the afternoon and that there were employees working just outside the conference room.
Was the fear of getting caught going to stop you? No, not now. Because you needed release and you were sure as hell going to get it. This wasn't like the other times you and Bucky fucked. You didn't care about Bucky at the moment, how he felt or what was going on in his mind. You just needed to release all your pent up emotions and you were going to use Bucky to get what you need.
Bucky pushed you against the table, your tailbone hitting the edge with such force that made you groan from pain.
"Yeah, why don't you make some noise so everyone can see how fucking needy you are for me?" Bucky growled, gripping your face with one hand, forcing you to keep your eyes on him as his other hand bunched your skirt up to your waist.
You let out a chuckle, "I'm not the one going to make noise here." you warned before reaching down to palm his erection.
Bucky hissed and bit his lip hard to prevent himself from eliciting a moan. His jaw ticked as he squeezed your face tighter, forcing you to open your mouth as his eyes scanned your features.
"Watch your fucking mouth, baby. I still own you, you're fucking mine." he said through gritted teeth, his eyes lidded as he looked down at you like a predator.
You kept your mouth closed but as soon as Bucky's fingers found your damp panties, you weren't able to stop your whimper. Bucky took the opportunity and spit in your mouth before crashing his lips against yours in a messy kiss. It was all tongue and spit, the way he kissed you as his fingers rubbed at your folds through the thin fabric of your underwear.
He kissed you like he owned you.
"I'm not yours, Bucky." you said as your hands quickly unbuckled his belt, unzipping his trousers and pulling out his hard cock from the confines of his boxers.
The groan that reverberated from Bucky's chest as you stroked him made you smirk. His hand on your face slid down to your neck, holding you tightly as he pushed aside your underwear and then he slid into you with no prior warning. The lack of foreplay made it hurt when he bottomed out, but the pain quickly turned into pleasure when Bucky started moving his hips against yours.
No words were further exchanged from then on. Only soft whimpers and hushed grunts could be heard. However, it was clear that even up until now, there was competition. You didn't want to make noise, didn't want to lose to Bucky. You didn't want to give him the pleasure of knowing how fucking good he was making you feel right now, with how each drag of his cock was making your toes curl inside your heels.
Your hands held onto his broad shoulders as he fucked you against the table, the fabric of his suit bunching up against your fingers. Bucky kept his gaze on you and not once did you falter, not even when the tip of his cock hit your cervix, almost punching the air out of your lungs.
Bucky held the back of your thighs and lifted you up, sitting you on the edge of the table and bending forward so he could angle his cock in a way that you would feel it deep within you. Your legs automatically wrapped around his waist, one of your hands scratching at his jaw as he continued to pound your sopping cunt.
"God, fucking missed this pussy. Can feel you clamping down on my cock, you gonna cum soon?" he asked, pressing the tip of his nose against yours.
You clamped a hand over your mouth, muffling the wanton moan that Bucky pounded out of you. Not wanting to be the only one to make noise, you clenched around him hard. Bucky let out a growl at how your walls squeezed his cock, his balls tightening as his own orgasm approached.
"Cum for me, Bucky." you whimpered, tipping your head up to lick at Bucky's mouth as your legs tightened around his waist to pull him deeper into you.
Bucky exhaled heavily through his nose, the veins on his neck popping out as he fucked your harder on the table. He kept his hand wrapped around your neck while the other held onto your waist so tight, you could feel his fingers digging deep into your skin. Even with your clothes on, you were sure that you'll be getting bruises from how hard his grip on you was.
"Go on, Bucky. Want your cum inside, want to feel you fill me up again." you moaned against his parted lips, darting your tongue out to taste his mouth.
The needy tone of your voice sent Bucky to the edge first. He uttered a string of curses under his breath as ropes of his cum painted your walls with their warmth with triggered your orgasm. Your body convulsed as waves of pleasure ran through your veins, starting from your fingertips down to your toes. Bucky kissed you and swallowed your moans as his thrusts slowed down.
It took a while for the both of you to recover from the intense fucking. Bucky nuzzled your neck with his nose, his heavy breaths warming up your sweaty skin. There was a short moment of peace that followed, the tension gone and was replaced by a heavy feeling.
You swallowed hard and slowly regained your senses. The release cleared your mind and the memories of the heated exchange from earlier were quick to come back. Bucky's accusations echoed in your ear and they were so clear it almost felt like he was saying them to you again.
Suddenly, you doubted Bucky's intentions when he promoted you. Was he really impressed of your skills at work or was it because you let him fuck you?
"Get off of me." you said, pushing at Bucky's chest until he straightened up.
Ignoring the emptiness you felt when his cock slipped out of you, you hopped down from the table and started fixing yourself. In the many times you had slept with Bucky, it was the first time that you felt disgusted with yourself.
You turned your back to Bucky as you adjusted your underwear, pulling down your skirt and pressing your palms against the fabric to iron out the creases. Your breath was heavy as you processed what had just happened. And just like that, your reserve broke and the strong facade you had built crumbled down into pieces, leaving you vulnerable.
"Hey, are you okay? Did I hurt you?" Bucky suddenly asked when he heard your sniffing, the darkness in his features gone.
His eyes were back to blue and there was nothing but genuine concern when he saw the tears in your eyes. Bucky tried to approach you but you quickly backed away from him, your arms wrapping around yourself as protection.
"Did you hurt me?" you scoffed. "In more ways than one, Bucky." you quickly added, wiping away your tears hastily with the back of your hand.
You were about to walk out of the conference but decided that it was probably time for you to actually speak up about everything. How you felt for him and how much you hated him for coming at you like that.
"I was going to admit that I like you. I thought about it and figured that I was too proud and a bit selfish for not considering your feelings when I rejected you." you explained.
Bucky blinked in confusion, "What? When?"
You shrugged, "The day you brought in Mackenzie. And I was more hurt than mad that you did that. Because you knew how much this job means to me and you had used it against me. You basically took advantage of my weakness, for what? To get me to cave in? Even when I clearly told you how fucking scared I was of the consequences of whatever kind of relationship we have?" you huffed out.
You didn't allow Bucky to speak, not yet. Not until you were done making him understand why you had been so hell-bent on keeping things professional.
"I wasn't born into a rich family like you, Bucky. I had to work my way up to where I am. Unlike you, I have a family to support and if I lose this job, it's not only me who would suffer. And it won't be easy for me to find another one, not after the reputation I'd have once we get busted." you further explained.
"I told you about it so many times and I wish you listened. Because maybe we could've figured shit out. Or I don't know, maybe the fucking was too good and you only wanted me for that." you shrugged.
Bucky quickly shook his head, "No. God no, you're more than that."
You chuckled again, a fresh wave of tears flooding the corners of your eyes. "It most definitely felt like it when you accused me of fucking Sam."
"Fuck, I'm sorry. Let me explain, please? I didn't mean to, I was too--"
"No, Bucky. You didn't listen to me when I told you how I felt about us. Now you're going to know how it feels to not to get what you want." you sternly said before walking over to the door.
You turned back at Bucky and refused to let his expression get to you. He looked devastated, his eyes glassy from the tears he had been holding back, his lips parted as he finally realized what he had done.
"Expect my resignation letter by tomorrow. As soon as we're done with the launch, I'm out."
The Match Special Tags:
@marvelslag @weird-mumbling @propertyofpoeandbucky @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @mostly-marvel-musings @squishybabies @megzdoodle @suchababie @annathesillyfriend @xhollycowx @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @5-seconds-of-mendes @gogolucky13 @countonthesun @iloveshawnieboi​ @learisa @borikenlove @scarlet-natasha89
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii @jessou893 @stealapizzamyheart @bagelofthelord @mxnt @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @jeeperky @ohladymacbeth @wildflowergubler @supraveng @twinerd14 @buckysmar @bakugouswh0r3 @sweetcoldharmony @wintersfilm @charminivy @amelia-song-pond @iamvalentinaconstanza @mcubqrnes @im-squished @tcc-gizmachine @sipsteacasually @prettyintopeerpressure @weloveyasmin @est19xxshit @bloodhon3yx @dressed-in-prada @lizette50 @thatfangirl42 @sunflowerbunny2 @unmagically @okiegirl24 @sugarpunch-princess @enlyume @vvipgotbb @slimeyderp @lyoongx @just-deka @nobody-will @jaziona92 @elisebuitron @dpaccione @suvikamahes98blr @buckybarneshairpullingkink @earthtonav @x-judyjude-x @nani-kenobi @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @belladonnabarnes @iloveangstposts @weenersoldierr​ @asemistablehundredyearoldman @reidbuck @lizzarooni @girlfriday007​ @bonkywobble​ @lost-in-the-stars03​ @its-yasbxtch​ @whoth3hellisbucky​
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ᴀ ᴅʀᴀɢᴏɴ’ꜱ ɪɴꜱᴛɪɴᴄᴛ | ɢᴇɴꜱʜɪɴ ɪᴍᴘᴀᴄᴛ ; ᴅʀᴀɢᴏɴ!ᴢʜᴏɴɢʟɪ x ᴅᴇᴍɪ ɢᴏᴅ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ | ⚠️NSFW [19+]⚠️
Heyoooo!!! It’s been a second hasn’t it? Lololol my bad uwu;; I’ve been doing a lot drawing lately, so I’ve been focusing a lot on that instead of writing— mainly since it requires less brain power for me SKKSSKSK anywho, in celebration of crowning Zhongli in game, I’ve decided to sin—- after talking with Admin T for a bit LOLOL thus, another Femdom fic is born SKSKSK 
As always, thank you all so much for the love and support~! We really appreciate it~!
Art is from my Art Blog: @ko-ffeine​
TW: BDSM ; Chains ; Flogging ; Overstimulation ; Blindfolds ; Shackles ; Collars / Leashes ; Muzzles ; Bondage / Restraints ; Riding ; Face Sitting ; Marking ; Vibratiors ; Breath Play
》》Admin Ko
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Decades. It had been decades since her arrival to Teyvat. Thinking back to it, (y/n) hadn’t even realized the bonds she’s made after awakening in the depths of Dragonspine. Though it was best for her to not dwell on the past. After all, she learned early on with her revival that sticking to the past only brought unwanted trouble. 
The sound of chains clattering against marble awoke her out of her thoughts as she peered back to the bundle of chains on all fours. A long scaly tail whipping back and forth impatiently as heated glowing amber orbs bore deeply into her own (e/c) ones. 
A soft sigh escaped her as she made her way over to the former archon. The loose hanfu that danced along her smooth skin had the dragon keen in want. The metal cage strapped to his mouth prevented his fangs from sinking into her supple flesh. The desire to mark and claim what was rightfully his was strung up high in his head as he strained against the enchanted chains that bound his wrists together. The hefty weight of the gold collar around his throat only further added  to his inability to surge forward as the chain attached to the device around his throat only allowed him so much distance. 
“You were being so good earlier. What’s gotten you riled up?”
Though soothing in tone, (y/n)’s expression was anything but as she marveled at the way the Geo Archon was presented before her. The night before his heat had gotten a hold of him, he had given her permission to be just as rough with him to ensure her safety—- and well, she wasted no time in taking advantage of the opportunity presented to her. 
In a flurry of motions she had skillfully wrapped the archon’s body in beautiful golden ropes. Each one accentuating the toned muscle from eons of war and battles. The delicious flush of red that painted his skin as she continued to further restrain the male only set her belly a flame. 
After all, the initial restraints were only mild. It wasn’t until the late evening did she realize how intensive she had to truly restrain her lover. Enchanted chains shackled him down. A leather muzzle had initially been placed to keep him from biting her, but was quickly forgone as he had ruined that within the span 15 minutes. Thus resulting in the current metal cage that adorned his haughty features. 
The collar and leash combo? That had only occurred when she had attempted to leave for the bathroom— only to be slammed into the floor with a lustful dragon dry humping against her as he snarled and growled at the fact he wasn’t able to sink his teeth into her flesh. 
The end resulted in the intensive flogging that only further fueled both party’s lust. 
“Little one~….”
A pang of warmth hit her as she broke out of her memories from last night to meet his impatient amber orbs.
“I should’ve attached the one with the bar in between just so you wouldn’t distract me.”  
Shaking her head, she made her way over to the male, and once she was within reach his tail immediately latched onto her leg. Easily trailing up to press against her cunt as he fervently surged forward to press himself against her. Yet of course, due to the damn muzzle in his way he could only be tantalizingly a breath away from his goal. 
The pressure his cock held did little to alleviate the pain as the desire to breed into her deeply sprang forth.
A hefty growl came from him as he pushed her even more until she tumbled onto her back. The morning sun only added to the ethereal effect as he pressed himself as close to her as he could. 
“Let me fuck you, Little one…wanna breed you until you’re full of my seed…bearing my children…”
A blush dusted across her features as he continued on before he was suddenly yanked back. A choked gasp came from him as he struggled against the Dendro vines that appeared as the vineyard appendages held him still. Each intimately wrapping around him to keep him seated in a frog tie. The leash having been jerked enough to keep him still as he let out a garbled growl.
“So feisty…this is getting interesting little one…”
“I think it’s time for you to stop talking Morax. I’d rather hear the sounds you truly want to make.”  
“Oh ho? How do you plan on doing that?” 
Taunting and ever so prideful, the mighty dragon refused to back down as he strained to get as close to her as he could. Her nearing form did little to deter the desire to fuck her thoroughly. Though before he could even do much the vines came forth to hold his head still. Smaller ones easily kept his lips open as he struggled to chomp and tear the greenery away. Yet with this, he failed to notice her swiftly remove the muzzle before replacing it with a strong and sturdy ring gag. His mouth now forcibly open as drool began escaping down his chin. 
“Not so tough now huh? Like the chains, my lovely Archon, this was also enchanted~. I had the chance to put some of my former power into this device. So I’m confident that it won’t break~.”
Grinning, she watched as the funeral consultant tested the new device before grunting as a flare of his nostrils showed his displeasure in the newly placed device.
“Now that that has been settled, I do believe you should be put to use.” 
A guttural sound of confusion came from Zhongli before darkness overcame him. Leafs? He wasn’t sure. All he knew was that his sense of touch was beginning to heighten and his sense of smell was driving him over the wall as he could practically taste how wet her cunt was. 
Almost as if a learned reaction, the dragon’s tongue fervently searched for her as he reached out. His once ‘normal’ tongue now long and thick as his fangs extended ever so slightly over the metal ring of the gag. Freedom from the device was so close, yet as this occurred…
“Guh?! Haah..nnn ”
The metal shifted to accommodate the change Zhongli brought on; and as if to spite him, the device seemed to meld to form a stricter grasp around his face as a metal band formed over his nose bridge, further enforcing the fact that the device was not coming off.
“Ahhh, is, ish nah wha ah wha—ed” 
“Oh? You’ll have to use your words more clearly, love~”
Her tone only further fanned the flames of lust in his belly as he continued to obscenely drool all over the marble floors. Though his attempts at reprimanding her were stilled as he let out a muffled grunt before an animal like moan and growl tore through his throat as he finally got a taste of her juices. 
Oh how he wished to sink his claws into her supple flesh. Mark the terrain with his love bites and scent. Yet with all the restraints scattered about his body, all he could do was eagerly lap at her pussy with his tongue to the best of his abilities. 
And by the sounds she was making, he was doing quite the job. Easily, with his long tongue he teased and taunted her slick walls. All of her weak points, the secret little motions that he knew brought her immense pleasure. 
Though (y/n) couldn’t see it, she knew that her lover’s eyes had rolled up into his head. Especially when she could feel his tongue stutter as she not only buried his face into her wet cunt, but as the heel of her foot began to grind on his weeping cock. 
Muffled moans and grunts came from the man eating her pussy as he strained against the various layers of restraints she bestowed upon him. Just the very sight of him dressed in her materials had her groaning before cumming against the male’s face. 
As she stepped back, she couldn’t help but admire the state she left her lover in. Panting, drooling with a dash of her cum splattered in and an angry red cock. 
A sadistic cord snapped within her as she cupped his cheek. 
“Mmmm…you’re my good boy, aren’t you Morax?”
“If you can handle my game well, you can fuck me and fill me with your seed~.”
The mere mention of being able to sheath himself into her had the dragon’s tail whipping back and forth quickly as he leaned into her touch even more.
“Let’s see how well you can hold your breath. If you do well, then you win~.” 
Immediately a twitch of his cock was enough to spur her forth as she searched for the last couple of items she needed. With a grin, she easily worked a plug into the ring. Easily, the object filled the dragon’s mouth as his loud pants became muffled grunts and moans. 
Though before she decided to attach the smooth leather muzzle over his mouth and nose, she went to work with laying him on his side. The action causing a confused muffled grunt to come from the dragon before a gasp and moan came from him as he squirmed and struggled at the sudden intrusion of the vibrator up into his ass. 
“I didn’t say that it would be easy, Morax.”
A teasing lit came from her as she watched how the dragon’s hole greedily ate up the vibrator before she turned the toy on low. The reaction was immediate as  the dragon flinched from the sudden motions as mewls and lewd moans continued to leak out from his lips. 
“Ah~ You’re so cute…so weak and pliable just for me~.” 
Cooing, (y/n) gently ran her fingers along the beautiful horns adorning her lover’s head. Now that they were in full bloom and not stumps like yesterday, she had the ability to properly gaze at them. Though as she got to the base of his horns a muffled cry came from the dragon as spurts of cum splattered against her and his abdomen. 
“Ho? I didn’t realize your horns were an erogenous stimulant Morax.”
More muffled whines and growls came from the trembling dragon as he impatiently flicked his tail against the marble. In response, the Demi god pressed a kiss to his forehead before humming.
“Let’s begin our game then~.”
With a grunt and some of her former strength, she sat Zhongli up before she grabbed the leather muzzle. The smooth homeless mask glistened back at her before she placed the item over the dragon’s plugged mouth and nose. The straps behind now buckled securely as silence— save for the vibrations— filled the room. 
Smirking, she tested the waters by lightly rubbing her fingers along the tip of his cock. The motion resulting in a highly muffled moan as the dragon trembled. The flourish of his scales along his arms only further served to show how much control he had lost. 
“My, my…so sensitive. Then…let’s do this~.”
Immediately, she positioned herself over his weeping cock and in an instant sheathed his cock. The motion causing the bound dragon to writhe and buck his hips immediately up into her as his cheeks reddened with the lack of oxygen going to his brain. 
If only she could see his expression. His eyes rolled so far up his head as nothing but pleasure and pain hit him as he felt the burn of his lungs for oxygen and his voice sound so meek amidst it all. Of course that high went away as she tugged lightly at the tip of the mask. Fresh air immediately streamed in as he coughed and sputtered with pleads and moans for more as his cock twitched inside of her. 
“S-Shit…easy there baby…”
The pet name only further fueled his whines as he leaned forward into her as he pressed his face the best he could into her neck as she struggled to keep the mask away from his nose to ensure he got enough oxygen to his brain. 
“Let’s see if I make you cum first or if you make me, how about it Morax~?”
Before he could even try to answer the mask was pressed tightly over his nose again and the slow tell tale sign of their game began as he could feel her hips work their magic. Her heavy panting and groans only seemed to egg him on as he began to partake in the game. His hips meeting hers evenly as the foggy feel from the lack of oxygen began to pull at his lungs again. 
The feeling of helplessness and being an all powerful god tamed by a Demi god had his mind reeling from the pleasure of humiliation as he came hard into her. As he did so, he could feel her walls tighten around him only further over stimulating the male after his high as he struggled to keep up. 
Soon he was met with the lovely breath of air once again as the mask slipped away and he could finally smell her intoxicating scent. Sweat mixed with his musk never failed to fan at his belly as he fervently dug his face into her neck. Quickly chasing after the high, yet a gasp and muffled broken moan came from the male as he felt her move her hips once again. 
“Oh, you thought I was done baby? Not yet~. Didn’t you mention that your heats lasted a week?”
As she mentioned this he couldn’t help but feel his cock swell inside of her again, yet he couldn’t help the keen that came out of his throat at the overstimulation he was about to receive. 
“I’ll take good care of you, love. Even if it means me drilling into your dragon mind that I’m the one who is in control~.” 
Again, the slapping of skin filled the room as muffled whines came from the dragon. His claws straining against the binds as he wanted nothing more than to sink his claws into her hips to cum into her again. 
Yet no, he was at his lover’s mercy; and honestly he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
It wasn’t until she turned the vibrator on high that he came again. A large load coming from him again as he filled her full. His seed seeping deep into her as he  rubbed his cheek against her neck even more refusing to allow her to leave as he wished to keep her plugged up. Just as she did to him.
“I suppose I’ll stay like this….but only for a moment. Then we try to feed you…alright?”
Softly murmuring against his hair she couldn’t help lovingly caress his hair as she basked in the moment of calm that a momentarily tired out dragon could bring. After all, she still had to deal with this for the next 6 days. 
606 notes · View notes
Can you write a scenario of Aizawa wrecking his female s/o and realizing, while they’re in a heated kiss, that she likes to be choked? Maybe it happens when his hand slides to her throat because he’s lost in the moment? He’s on top, and thinks he’s completely in control of his restraint, but the moan she lets out while clenching on him nearly drives him wholly insane
Oh anon
My sweet anon
Buckle your seatbelt and enjoy the ride
Word Count: 890
CW: daddy kink, smut, choking, dirty talk, you know the drill, also not beta read bc im a gremlin sksksks
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"Fuck, that's it, take it."
Aizawa wasn't one to get too crazy with you. He was a simple man who was satisfied just being inside of you and getting to feel your warm cunt squeezing him. Of course he loved fucking you in a number of different ways, but he would still be happy with missionary once a week.
But he couldn't deny that he loved when you asked him to be rough with you.
One of you usually had a hard day. Either he was worked to the bone or you were frustrated with your own job and just needed a break. Regardless, it left the two of you aching for something more, something heated and passionate and dirty.
The minute the two of you were home, it was off to the bedroom, your clothes discarded in the hall.
"Fuck, Shou! Oh my God, oh my fucking God!"
You weren't one to be too loud. It was a treat having you like this, folded in half, your legs on his shoulders, your disgustingly loud moans making him throb. He savored these moments; it was like you were his own personal pornstar. Maybe he could suggest filming each other next time just so he could hear your pretty moans later on.
"Yeah, you like that? You like when I fuck you hard?" You whined, nodding quickly, nails scratching along his biceps. He huffed, leaning down, cupping your cheek. "Of course you do. You're such a needy little slut."
God, the way you clenched around him made him see stars, a low groan escaping his throat before he captured your mouth, pushing in his tongue without warning. You moaned into him, letting his tongue explore your mouth, running over your teeth and flesh. You could feel your slick gushing out of you, loud squelching noises coming from between you two.
Aizawa released your lips, gasping as he moved to your neck, leaving sloppy open-mouthed kisses. Your skin was so soft there, so sensitive and tender that he couldn't help but leave a bite. You whimpered, throwing your head back into the sheets, causing his hand to move down to your throat.
He really didn't mean to do it. He was so focused on fucking you silly that he didn't realize his hand was on your neck, thumb pressed against your jugular.
He didn't realize what he was doing until he added more pressure than he realized, squeezing your neck just a bit.
The moan you let out was positively sinful, loud and decadent. Your cunt squeezed around him as well, suffocating his cock and almost pushing him over the edge. He moaned, hissing as he propped himself up to look down at you. Your eyes were glazed over, mouth hung open, drool and tears threatening to spill. He slowed his pace, eyes searching you.
"Kitten... did you..."
The flustered expression on your face made him melt, your eyes darting away, too embarrassed to look at him.
"Sorry, I... I didn't mean to—"
His hand enveloped your throat properly, fingers digging into your pulse points, making you gasp. He groaned when he felt you clench again, confirming his suspicions.
"Kitten. Do you like being choked?" You didn't answer, eyes squeezing shut as you bit dangerously hard on your bottom lip. He huffed, leaning down and pressing harder against your neck. "Answer me, kitten. Do you like when daddy chokes you?"
"Yeeeesssss," you whined pitifully, bucking your hips up into his, silently begging him to keep fucking you. He chuckled, pressing his forehead to yours, hot breath fanning over you.
"Good girl."
He pulled out, thrusting back into you harshly. You gasped, eyes widening, mouth falling open into a delicious moan as he started fucking you harder than before.
"Fuck, you're good, you're so fucking good to me, Jesus Christ—"
"Sh-Shou! Fuck, Shou, fuck—fuck—fuck!" Each curse was accentuated with his thrusts, his own grunts and growls mixing in with your wanton cries. You were squeezing him rhythmically, nearing your peak, and he could feel it.
"You wanna cum?" he breathed, pressing his nose into your cheek, teeth grazing over your skin. "You wanna cum on my cock?"
"F-Fuck, yes, yes!" He growled lowly, curling his hips, his pelvic bone brushing against your clit with each thrust.
"Then do it. Cum for me. Cum for daddy."
You moaned so loud that he was certain the neighbors would complain tomorrow, but he didn't care. How could he when you climaxed hard, spasming on his dick as he kept thrusting wildly into you. He fell over his peak soon after, burying his face in your neck and groaning deeply. His cum spilled inside you, coating your velvet walls.
He released your neck, letting your legs fall around his waist so he could wrap his arms around you. You panted against each other, endorphins wearing off as you came down from your highs. You could feel him leave gentle kisses along your neck, moving to your cheek and finally your lips, sighing softly. You weren't sure how long you stayed like that, but eventually Aizawa released you, pulling himself out with a soft grunt and falling on the bed beside you. He pulled you to his chest, tucking his chin on top of your head, sighing.
"We should do that again sometime."
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binunus · 3 years
afk | yoon sanha (m)
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a/n y..oon...sanha...really do be acting up...also idk why but whenever I think of husband!sanha I can’t seem to write anything which is why I’ve been staring at this request literally for the longest time, but when I think of like just bf!sanha I get so many ideas...is it me? am I just weird?? maybe it’s bc I’m literally not in a headspace to think about marriage or commitment sksksk but uh yeah thank you for coming to my ted talk
{request: anther sanha husband smut please? 🥺 the one u wrote was so good ‘m not a creative person so the plot coulld be as you wish 😼}
→ pairing: idol bf!sanha x f!reader
→ genre: fluff, smut
→ tw: unprotected sex (conceal before you feel loves), reader riding sanha as he’s playing his game oops...and 00 line is on the other end hehe, dirty talk?? well...sanha tried okay, multiple orgasms, slight overstimulation, embarrassment
→ word count: 4k _____________________________________________
*afk → away from keyboard* for all my non-gamers :) I’m not a gamer, I just live with them...
Your POV
You were ecstatic, a little jump in your step as you neared your boyfriend’s dorm. You haven’t seen him in almost a month due to his busy schedule and comeback preparations. You were excited for him and his group, one of the perks of dating an idol member was knowing the secrets and spoilers of his plans long before they were revealed to the public. But with those perks also came the disadvantages of not being able to see your boyfriend as much as you’d like to, or even be open with your relationship in general. 
Anyway, you were excited to see him. The text messages, phone calls, and FaceTimes could only satisfy you for so long, seeing Sanha in person was a completely different story. The last time you saw him was before he dyed his hair from black to the sleek dark red that it was now. 
As soon as you received the text from your boyfriend asking if you were free to come over, you literally dropped everything that you were doing and got dressed to leave your apartment. You arrived at his dorm within thirty minutes, not wasting any precious time that you could be spending with him.
You were warmly greeted by their eldest, Myungjun’s excited tone alerting the others about your appearance. “y/n! We haven’t seen you in so long!”
You laughed and wrapped your arms around him in a hug, giggling as he lifted your body and shook you around, “I know, oppa! It’s so good to see you! You look so good! I’m excited for your album to come out.”
“Oh you cutie, stop it.” He beamed, patting your head as he set you down. “Sanha’s playing games in his room right now. If you get bored of him, just come find me and I’ll entertain you.”
“Will do oppa,” You chuckled as you bounced in the direction of Sanha’s bedroom. Your heart rapidly beating in your chest as you opened the door, revealing your 6′1 sweet boyfriend who was sitting intently on his gaming chair. You felt the oxygen knocked away from your lungs as he turned his maroon head of hair to face you. You almost had to do a double take from actually seeing his new hair color in person. Sure he’s sent you a bunch of pictures as soon as he dyed it and you’ve seen it through video calls, but wow...was this good looking man really your boyfriend?
He held his hand out to you, smiling as you approached him. He moved the mic away from his mouth before kissing the back of your hand, “Hey baby, I’m just playing a match real quick and then I’m all yours, okay?”
You nodded excitedly and leaned in to press a kiss on the cheek which wasn’t being covered by his headset. Sanha squeezed your hand affectionately before you hopped on his bed, pulling out your phone to pass the time while you waited for him to finish his match. Every now and then, you would look over to observe him and his game. You noticed that even his gaming setup has changed in the past month you haven’t seen each other, he was finally using the light-up keyboard you gifted him for your one year anniversary.
You could vaguely hear his friends through the headset, chuckling at his conversations with the esteemed ‘00 line. You found yourself grinning as Sanha furiously clicked away at the keyboard, even though your boyfriend is a famous idol, at the end of the day he was still just a regular young adult at heart who loved playing games.
You understood that this was probably one of his only ways of de-stressing as of recent, so you were pretty lenient about his gaming habits...
Until one match turned into two, which turned into three, and before you knew it, you’ve been waiting on his bed -- affection-starved -- for almost two hours. 
Your lips pursed in annoyance, huffing as you locked your phone and tossed it aside somewhere on his bed, standing to get some water. Sanha turned his head at your movement, his mouth opening a bit in shock as he watched you leave his room. At that moment, he knew your patience was running thin.
You saw Jinwoo and Bin in the kitchen, the two smiling as you joined them. You found yourself pouting as you waddled into Jinwoo’s arms which opened in a welcoming hug. With dating Sanha, you also had the opportunity of getting to know his group, gaining five older brothers who treated you like one of their own. You got babied by the five of them a lot since you were dating their baby.
You let out a sigh as you retrieved a glass of water, resting your head on Jinwoo’s shoulder as you took small sips. You’ve received more affection from the rest of Astro than you have from your own boyfriend during this whole visit so far. Bin cooed as he pinched your cheek, “Why do you look so upset?”
You rolled your eyes as you took another sip, “Sanha’s been playing his game for the past 2 hours, I don’t even know why he asked me to come over if he wasn’t at least going to talk to me.”
Jinwoo gave you a sympathetic smile, patting your head as he nodded, “You know how he is y/n. When he doesn’t have a schedule or practice, he’s practically glued to his computer chair.”
You groaned and finished the rest of your water, placing the glass in the sink before you rested your hands on your hips, “If he doesn’t stop playing after this match, I’m literally leaving.”
The two elder boys laughed, respectively patting your shoulder and rubbing your back. Bin chuckled, “You do what you have to do. You know, scold him for us too. His eyes are gonna go bad from looking at that monitor too much.”
You nodded, asking them to wish you luck as you went back into Sanha’s room. When you opened the door, you noticed his chair turned around so that his back was to the desk, the monitor on the loading screen, and Sanha on his phone. He looked up with that big puppy expression on his face when he knew he’s did something wrong. He quickly placed his phone on the desk, pulling you in towards him as soon as you were in arm’s reach. He gently squeezed your hands as you stood in between his legs, resting your weight on one foot. “I’m sorry, baby.”
You narrowed your eyes in the slightest, “And what are you sorry for?”
“For ignoring you and just playing my game...” Sanha said quietly hugging your waist. He nuzzled his face against your stomach as your hands went up to play with his hair, all annoyance fizzling away in an instant. Damn, he was too cute for you to stay mad at him. You sighed and kissed the crown of his head, “Sanha, we haven’t seen in each other in so long because of your comeback. If you want to invite me over, I sort of hope that we’re spending time together and I’m not just watching you play...is your game really that much more interesting than me?”
He shook his head against your body, his voice muffled as he immediately said no. The tiniest of smiles crept its way onto your face, endeared at how cute your boyfriend was.
And then you heard his best friend through the headset, ruining the soft mood in an instant. “Sanha load up, c’mon where are you?”
You let out a sigh, God dammit Bomin.
Sanha lifted his head to meet your eyes, he sensed your frustration again immediately. You pursed your lips, reading the conflict swimming through his pupils. You knew that he wanted to keep playing, but he didn’t wanna make you mad. And in Sanha’s perspective, he did honestly plan to spend time with you when he invited you over, but then Daehwi asked him to play a round and when he gets immersed in his game, he needs to play until he’s literally sick of it for the day. “Baby..?”
You averted your gaze for a moment in thought, an idea popping into your head. Humming, your fingers twirled a strand of his hair, “You can keep playing, baby.”
Sanha blinked at you in surprise, his eyes widening, “Really? You won’t get mad if--”
“But! I’m sitting on your lap. I haven’t gotten any cuddles from you in at least three weeks and I’m not going back to your bed without you.”
He nodded eagerly, satisfied with the win-win situation. Sanha grinned patting his lap as he spread his legs to give you room. You chuckled, maneuvering your body through the space of his chair as you got seated atop his thighs, both of you face to face. By habit, Sanha’s hands rested at your waist, smiling as he pulled you into a sweet kiss. You felt the butterflies flutter in your stomach at the action, responding instantly. Your lips formed a little pout when he pulled away, your boyfriend smiling cheekily as he nuzzled his nose against yours, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” You said before resting your head on his shoulder, leaning your body weight on his chest as a means to get as close to him as you possibly could. Sanha rubbed the skin of your waist affectionately before reaching for the headset and unmuting himself, “Bomin, I’m here.”
“Hey! What took you so long?”
“Chill, y/n’s here.” He said, glancing at you with a smile, “She can hear you by the way.”
“Yeah so watch your mouth, Bomin.” You said jokingly, turning your head briefly to speak into the microphone. Sanha grinned, pressing a kiss to your cheek as Bomin laughed through the headset. You heard Bomin -- along with Sanha’s other friends -- greet you, chuckling as your head returned to its spot on Sanha’s shoulder. 
You let your boyfriend play one match peacefully, still enjoying finally being in his embrace. You closed your eyes, taking in the comforting scent of Sanha’s detergent and let yourself relax for a short while. When he got killed during the first match, his arms immediately wrapped around your waist, squeezing your body tightly as he kissed your temple. You hummed, listening as he watched and conversed with the others who were still alive.
It was then that you noticed the slight new definition of his muscles, the gears in your brain turning as you thought about how to proceed with your plan. Although you were literally on top of him right now, the majority of Sanha’s attention span was focused on his monitor, so you knew he couldn’t sense the growing arousal in your mind. 
Early into his second match, you subtly shifted your ass around on his lap, making it seem like you were trying to readjust into a more comfortable position. At the same time, you moved your head to his other shoulder, pressing a kiss to his cheek as you did so. Your boyfriend smiled at you, still oblivious to what you were trying to do. 
And then your hands gently started rubbing at his sides, the touch featherlike as you began to press kisses in the crook of his neck. You felt Sanha tense in the slightest as he quickly pressed the mute button on his mic, “Baby...what are you doing?”
“Hm?” You asked not even bothering to lift your head, “I’m kissing you, can I not?”
The male closed his eyes as he let out a muffled groan, his body reacting immediately to your ministrations, “y/n, are you trying to make me moan into the mic while I’m playing with the guys?”
You chuckled dryly as you started to start to suck on his skin, not hard enough to leave a mark because you knew his stylists would literally kill you if you did, but enough for him to get affected. And he did. 
Sanha let out a breathy moan, subconsciously tilting his head so that you had more access.
“You ignored me for two hours baby. Since you wanna keep playing your game while I’m here, you’re gonna have to do so while I’m making you feel good. Now unmute and keep doing your thing.”
He bit his lip, narrowing his eyes at you as you moved your ass directly over his crotch, which was quickly getting hard. He was about to say something, but was cut off by Daehwi asking him where he was, Sanha cursing internally as he pressed unmute and responded. You smirked against his skin, still trailing kisses along his neck and intending to move up his jawline -- which had definitely gotten sharper since the last time you saw him.
Sanha tried his best, you could see how hard he was fighting against your temptations. Admittedly, you were a bit impressed with how well he was masking what was going on to his friends. 
But you were a brat and you wanted to see your boyfriend’s self-restraint crumble. He managed to get through one match, trying to compromise with you once the display showed the loading screen, “Fuck, baby, I’m done. I can’t play anymore.”
You smiled at him as you got off his lap, going over to lock his door. Sanha sighed in relief, getting ready to tell his friends that he was logging off for the night, until you held your finger up at him, confusion on his features. Casually, you pulled down your pants and underwear, placing them to the side as you leaned down for a kiss. Your hands reached for the waistband of his sweats, Sanha lifting up his hips to help you pull the fabric down his legs.
“You’re gonna play one more game, baby.” You whispered against his mouth, the boy sighing in frustration as you climbed back onto his lap. His cock was already hard from all your grinding, he could not believe you were teasing him like this right now. 
You were soaked, you knew that Sanha would slide right in without any resistance. You let out a sharp inhale as you lined yourself up with his cock, burying your face in his shoulder as you sat down in one go. The two of you let out a synchronized groan at the feeling, it had been too long since you last had sex. “Shit, y/n, you’re so fucking tight--I-fuck can’t we just take this to my bed?”
“No,” You said, voice shaky as you tried to calm yourself down from the initial intrusion. “This is payback for making me wait so long.”
Sanha’s hands gripped the meat of your ass, squeezing as he thrusted into you just once, “God, you do realize we’re both gonna suffer if you make me play another round.”
“You’re going to suffer more than I am,” You said devilishly as you unmuted his mic, “Sorry boys, Sanha went to the bathroom but he’s back now.”
He shot you glare, reluctantly removing his hands from your ass as he wore his headset again, “Guys, I think this is gonna be my last game, I’m getting pretty tired.”
“You know, I can’t believe y/n really just let you play with us this whole time. That’s love right there.”
“You’re a real one, y/n!”
“Sanha doesn’t deserve you, y/n!”
You laughed into the mic, sweetly responding to Sanha’s friends as you clenched your walls around his cock, watching with a lustful glint in your eyes at the contortion of pleasure on his face, his teeth harshly dug into his bottom lip to prevent any sounds from escaping.
“C’mon, start game.” Sanha said shortly, the grip on his mouse tightening as you clenched again. You stayed still for the first couple of minutes, letting Sanha adjust and play his game so that his friends wouldn’t be able to tell that something explicit was happening on his side of the screen. 
Of course all Sanha could think about right now was the way your walls just sucked him in so nicely, wanting nothing more than to pin you to his bed and fuck into you with no restraints. But he knew that you wouldn’t let him do that until he finished his match, so he tried to focus on completing this game as fast as he could. 
He felt himself freezing as you started to kiss his neck again, mentally telling himself to stay calm and not make a noise. As soon as his guard was down, you lifted your hips so that only the head of his cock was in your cunt before slamming your ass down on his lap, a loud slap sounding from the contact of your skins. Sanha lurched forward, a strangled moan fighting in his throat as you tightly clenched your walls, squeezing his cock. 
“Woah-are you okay, Sanha? What happened?”
“Y-yeah, I hit my knee against the d-desk,” He stuttered a lie, one of his hands gripping your waist as you started to slowly fuck yourself on him. It was getting harder for you to conceal your moans, burying your face in his shoulder as you tried to chase your high, this position allowing Sanha to hit so deep in your cunt.
His eyes flickered back and forth between the screen and you riding his cock, his legs subconsciously spreading as far as the chair allowed him. Sanha knew it was over for him when you lifted yourself off his chest, your eyes blown wide with lust as one of your hands fisted the bottom of his shirt, the other sneaking down to where the two of you were connected, making contact with your clit. You threw your head back at the added sensation, your mouth opening in a silent moan as you clenched your walls again.
“Sanha, where are you? Why are you standing still--”
“Fuck--AFK guys, AFK!” Sanha said hurriedly, throwing his headset off as he muted his mic. He pulled you in for a searing kiss, moving his lips fiercely against yours as you grabbed at his shoulders. “You’re fucking evil.”
“That’s what you get for not paying attention to me,” You panted against his mouth, sluggishly getting off his lap. Sanha practically kicked his gaming chair back as he towered over you, removing both of your shirts before he pushed you down on his bed. He pulled your thighs open, positioning his cock at your entrance. “Fuck, do you know how hard it was to not fuck you while I was playing?”
You whined as he moved his tip up and down your slit, tapping the head at your sensitive bud. “Now you have all my attention, baby.”
The two of you moaned loudly as he sheathed himself in your cunt, momentarily forgetting that there were five other inhabitants of his dorm. Sanha started a brutal pace from the beginning, thrusting into you with no restraints. Your hands tangled themselves in his hair as you pulled him down for a kiss, muffling your moans against his mouth.
“Mmmf, Sanha--”
He groaned, biting your bottom lip before lifting your thighs so that your legs hung from his shoulder, allowing him to penetrate even deeper in your cunt, “Shit, I missed your pussy baby. You’re fucking dripping on my sheets, God.”
His hands flew to your chest, roughly groping your breasts as he used it for leverage to fuck into you at a faster pace. The sounds in his room were obscene, the squelch of your arousal and the smack of his balls hitting your ass drowning out anything else. 
Sanha felt like he was drunk on your cunt, breathing heavily as he tried to get more sounds out of you, your moans music to his ears. He hissed as your nails clawed at his arms, a telltale sign that you were nearing your end. “S-Sanha, I-fuck!”
“Are you close, baby?” He asked authoritatively, his heart swelling as you nodded with a whine, your hands scrambling to feel every inch of his skin. You keened as he called your name, commanding you to look at him as you reached your orgasm. 
The tension in your stomach snapped when he snuck a hand down to play at your clit, rubbing it between two of his fingers as he tweaked your nipple, fucking you through your high. Your toes curled in pleasure, legs convulsing as you let out a high-pitched moan. You tried your best to maintain eye contact, but the dizzying euphoria made your lids flutter close, Sanha harshly sucking hickeys in your neck as he too, chased, his high. 
He cursed, still drawing circles on your clit as he rutted his hips into yours. You screamed as you were forced into another orgasm, your tight pulsating walls around his cock enough to push him to the edge. Sanha groaned gravelly, his nails digging into your waist as he released his load in your cunt. 
Sanha pulled out when he felt his cock fully flaccid, sitting back against his palms as he watched both of your cum leak out your entrance. Your chest heaved up and down as you tried to regain your breath, meeting his eyes from where you laid. Sanha chuckled, kissing your knee before standing to get some tissues, coming back to carefully wipe your cunt clean. 
You reached your arms out for him to lay down next to you as soon as he threw the soiled tissue away. He smiled lovingly, joining you on the bed and wrapping his arms around you in a hug. 
“Are you upset with me?” He asked cutely, pecking your nose. You grinned and buried your face in his chest, kissing the space between his collarbones. “No, you’re here with me now.”
Sanha giggled, stroking your hair as he tapped his fingers at the small of your back, “’M sorry for ignoring you, baby. I love you.”
“I love you too,” You said, humming as you closed your eyes, sleep slowly overtaking you. He tutted, removing his arms from your body as he sat up, “No! y/n, you have to pee first before you sleep.”
“But I’m tired,” You whined, reaching for him again. Sanha shook his head, gently pulling you up, “Baby, if you get a UTI, you’re gonna hate yourself. Now c’mon, peeing only takes a couple seconds.” 
You grumbled as he found one of his oversized t-shirts, dressing you before finding a pair of shorts for himself. You let out a woah as you stood, holding onto Sanha for support as your legs started to wobble. Your boyfriend chuckled smugly, squeezing your waist as you regained your balance, “You good, baby?”
“Shut up.”
The two of you glanced at his computer, which was now at the main screen of the game. “Do you think they heard, baby?”
“No way,” Sanha said, though he couldn’t deny the slight fear in the pit of his stomach if his friends really did hear you and him having sex. “I muted myself...right?”
You shrugged, not really minding before going to open the door, leading the two of you out of his room. Your face flushed, your feet stopping dead in their tracks as you came face to face with the rest of Astro, all five of them giving you and your boyfriend knowing looks as they sat dispersed around the living room.
“Ah hyungs!”
“I really hope you two used protection,” Eunwoo lectured, though you saw the smirk on his face. 
“I’m--bathroom--peeing...yeah.” You said embarrassed, scurrying off to the direction of their bathroom, yelping as your legs almost gave in.
“Woah, careful y/n,” Rocky snickered sending a wink in Sanha’s direction. The boys began teasing their youngest as soon as you closed the door to the bathroom, Sanha hiding his face in his hands, “Are you really going to do this every time y/n comes over?? It’s been more than a year!”
“No, we only do it when you two kids are loud as hell.” Bin said bluntly, slapping Myungjun’s arm in amusement. Jinwoo chuckled, lightly pointing a finger at your boyfriend, “You better have this much energy during promotions, Sanha--”
“Hyung!” ______________________________
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meenah-chan · 3 years
A Smear of Blood
A Mammon x F! MC fanfiction
Genre: Angst
1.38k words
Trigger Warning: Lots of blood, mention of death & violence. Read at your own discretion.
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You two were just sleeping together in your room. It's the same old night. Yet for some reason, when he woke up that day, the one beside him is not you, but a smear of blood.
Everytime he wokes up he will usually see you still asleep in his arms. Or sometimes you staring at his sleeping face, which never fails to send his visage into flaring.
But that morning is different. The space beside him is empty.
He shouldn't be thinking of it as you may only be doing your business in the bathroom.
But no...
That morning is different. When he lifted the blanket covering him and the space beside him, an ample amount of blood, as large as his two stretched palms, spreads across the sheet.
His mind went blank for a second. He froze, sitting on his spot as if time went on a total halt. His own blood drains from his face. And in an instant, everything came back, rushing through his veins. Thousands of thoughts he never wished to have invaded his senses.
Did something happened last night? Did someone attacked her? Is it a grudge towards his human? No, there's no way that's possible. She's way too kind for anyone to held any ill intent towards herself. Is it because she is a rare, appetizing human? Or maybe the monster want to settle past misdeed he committed and chose to attack the most important person in his life?
No, he should have felt any danger if that's the case... Or... Could he?
Mammon is one of the strongest in the Devildom. He also have been alive for who knows how long. He barely experienced some lesser demons attack him in his sleep, much less in the House of Lamentation.
No. No one aimed for his head in his own abode. Entering the den of the most monstrous beasts in the Devildom is a suicide for any assassins to test their luck.
It doesn't make sense! It doesn't...
Yet... That blood... That metallic scent invading his sense smell right now... He'd be dumb if he could ever forget such scent. He knew it so well. Why does he knew it so well? Of course he...
The image of that day flashed through his mind and he never knew his heart would sink deeper than it already has. The image of her lifeless body in his arms, soaked with her own blood and bruises. Limp. Breathless. Cold. Too cold. With her lifelessly gentle eyes staring at his useless self, who couldn't do anything to protect her. It's too late. His tears and screams won't bring what she have lost.
His loss. He lost her once already and swears he'll protect her this time around. He'll protect her with his life. He'll... Protect her?
A lightning strucks his system as he force his stiff limbs to motion. He wants to scream but a lump in his throat blocks all the sound he want to gouge out.
He flails out of the bed. He reach for the knob only for it to move a few feet away from him and his hand.
When he raised his unfocused eyes to the person who opened the door, he gasps for air he didn't knew he's been holding.
"Ahh. You're... Awake." His human peeked inside the room for a second. "And you saw that..." She sighed.
But the demon stood there motionless. He scans her with his eyes for any visible wound and blood stains. Any trace of blood on her. Yet he saw nothing but her sweaty self gasping for air, holding what seems to be a comforter.
"...mon... Mammon? You don't look so good." A touch of her warm fingertips is enough to push his last button to tears, which he did. "M–Mammon?! W–Wha, H–Hey!" Tears streams down like falls on his cheeks to the back of her hands as she held his face.
"What... the hell..." They both melted to their knees as Mammon start sobbing. "Hey, Mammo—" her palms slid past his slippery wet cheeks as he pulls her to tight embrace.
"'Ya idiot... human... Ye're killin' me." He whimpered in a muffled voice, face buried on the crook of her neck.
His words snapped all the dots connected in her head of what is actually happening. It probably is because of that incident. The day she died... or atleast her other self. It was a sight, to see herself bathing in a pool of blood, as if it was a different person. It was a sight, really. But it was not the one that sparked her emotion. It was the demon that held her so tight as if she'll slipped away from his grasp. It was Mammon.
She couldn't really comprehend what happened when she was attacked by the youngest brother. She was stranggled, passed out and woke up under the staircase.
It never left a mark on her. She held no ill will towards him. But as the demon with the strongest bond with her, Mammon, was so devastated that time. He cling onto her. He wail with his futile pleads for her to hang on. To not die.
Seeing him like that made her regret the event she have no way of ever predicting. The event she have no control of.
The only thing she could do is to protect him from the ghost of the past. She have to give reassurance to the second oldest— her first demon.
So she hugged him back as firm as he did, caressing his hair lovingly. "There, there... I'm here. Everything's going to be alright."
He squeeze her tighter she could hardly breathe. But even if it's hard, she let him because right now, she could finally feel the grip her other self felt that time. She's be lying if she said she didn't felt a hint of jealousy oozing out within her that time. "Don't you dare leave me like that ever again."
"I won't. I'll be with you as long as it takes. This won't happen again."
She gave him featherlight kisses that soothes his pain. A gentle yet firm embrace to gave him assurance and warmth. And within a few moments, Mammon pulled himself back, his eyes and cheeks dusted with shades of red.
"But wait... Are you really not hurt or something?" The white-haired demon close his eyes as she wipes his tears with her thumb.
"You wanna check with your own eyes?" She smirks and wiggle her brows at him, earning a darker flush on his tan face.
"Then what the hell's with the sheet? That isn't your blood, right?" Now it's her turn to blush.
"Uh... Can we just forget that..." Azure orbs glare through her soul. "... or maybe not." She nervously laugh while evading the piercing looks towards her.
"Ugh... This is embarrassing. How should I put this..." She scratch her nape as she search for the right words. "Well, it is mine." Mammon's eyes widen and without hesitation, he lift her shirt and frantically check her torso.
"H–Hey! Sto– Wait! I'm not hurt! That time of the month just came a bit too early is all!" She hastily pulled the hem of her shirt off his grip and down.
"W–What time?" He stares at her, confusion and worry evident on his expression.
"I'm on my period, okay. I woke up with it staining the covers. I panicked and run out after changing to search for a replacement. And yeah, I was late." She pat the sheet on her side. "You saw it before I arrive." She look down to hide her flustered face.
"... Seriously..." Mammon's forehead drops to her shoulder.
After a few seconds, he cups her face and face her to him. "Why'd'ya have ta hide it? And from the Great Mammon? Really?"
"Well, it's embarrassing you know..." She pouts.
"Like hell it's embarrassing. It's normal. It's a part of being a woman. If somethin' like this happen, don't hesitate to ask for the Great Mammon's help... Well it's not like I'm worried or anything. I just wanna help ya. Ye're my human after all." He squishes her face as he grin from ear to ear tinted with pink.
"Yes, my tsundere demon." She also smiled like he did as she held the hands on her cheeks.
"Huh?! Who're ya callin–" he protested, only to be silenced with a peck on the tip of his nose.
"I love you, my Great Mammon."
I was too hyped yesterday I just finished 2 fanfics. That OM! anime announcement left me on edge.
And to anyone waiting for my series Quintessence, I'm on it hahaha 😅😂 I'm torn between two twist and still can't decide but I'll surely post it as soon as I finished it. Please bear with me for the last 2 chapters.
P. S. To anyone who watch BL Romance and haven't seen Given yet, I highly recommend it! A real tear-jerker with amazing plot and masterpiece songs 😭💖💖 I won't go with details but there's something really unique with it and you wont regret watching it sksksk 😚😚
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datin-ronpa-v3 · 3 years
Teddy Bear
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Ryoma x Reader (reader is in first person) Pre-Trauma Ryoma as well just cuz I like him happy Has some headcanons, be warned!
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
You excitedly walk up to the door. You can't help but have a big, goofy grin on your face. You get to spend a whole night with your boyfriend! The two of you have been looking forward to tonight for a week or so and you've prepped everything you'll need in your big bag. Soft blankets, soft pajamas, soft pillow, snacks... You've got it all. You let out a soft squeal of excitement and take a deep breath as you knock on the door.
The door unlocks and... There he is. Ryoma looks up at you with a big smile on his face. "Hey." You grin down at him and go in for a hug, which he immediately reciprocates. His embrace is comforting and warm, just like it always is. A wordless way of saying "I love you."
He leads you inside, offering to take your things but you tell him you've got it. You're immediately greeted by his parents, both of which seem very excited to see you. They give you a hug each and welcome you to their home. His mother nudges you and mentions that you're practically all Ryoma wants to talk about, which causes him to poorly hide his now beet-red face under his hat. You tinge a bit too but laugh it off, smirking at him. He sticks his tongue out at you.
After a brief tour of the house he takes you to his room. There's tennis paraphernalia everywhere and quite a few motivational cat posters. A grey kitty is curled up on his bed. There's also what appears to be an air mattress at the foot of his bed. He spreads his arms out and faces you. "This is where you'll be staying."
"It's perfect," you reply enthusiastically.
He smiles and hugs your leg before taking your belongings. "You get the bed since you're the guest of honor," he says as he plops your things on the covers.
This spurs a mini argument between the two of you as you try to argue that he should get to sleep in his own bed while he argues that you deserve the real bed because he loves you. You're both very stubborn in wanting the best of the other so it doesn't go anywhere. You agree to discuss it later at bedtime as you're called to dinner.
. . .
After a wonderfully made supper and some board games with his family you and Ryoma retire to his room to get ready for bed. Neither of you are particularly tired but you're both very eager to spend a whole night together. You go to the bathroom to change into your jammies. You specifically chose to where you cat pjs just because you thought he'd like them. The top is loose and has a cat face with text reading "Meow are you?" The bottoms go about halfway to your knees and are covered with cat faces.
As you re-enter his room you see him in his jammies. A loose shirt that reads "REAL MEN LIKE CATS" and checkered bottoms. He looks absolutely incredible. You knew he'd be adorable in his sleepwear and yet your expectations were still exceeded. You have to cover your mouth in an attempt to hide just how much you love him right now. Fortunately for you, he seems to react pretty similarly to your pajamas. His face pinkens as he grins. "You look so adorable." Your face flushes and the only real answer you have is to run over and pick him up. He laughs and hugs you close.
After a small bout of cuddling you plop him onto his bed and begin going through your things, distinctly moving everything to the air mattress.
"I wanna sleep on the air mattress."
"You get the real bed, we already decided."
You give him the stink eye with a smirk. "I want to be able to look up when I wake up and see a cute guy."
He blushes at that and doesn't have an argument against it. You have won.
As you get the air mattress set up a dreadful realisation dawns on you. You stare at your stuff, horrified.
Ryoma is quick to notice your distress and sits up, immediately serious. "What's wrong? Are you okay? I can run out and get you something from the store if you need it-"
You shake your head. This is... Embarrassing. "I-It's nothing. I'm okay." You try to give him a reassuring smile.
He is not buying it, arching a brow in response.
With a defeated sigh, you sag your shoulders and look away. "I... Forgot my teddy bear." He seems a bit surprised by that. You decide to elaborate for his sake. You can feel your face heat up as you continue, "I don't know why, but... I need something to hug when I'm sleeping or I'm just restless. I found a teddy bear that was the perfect size and shape a few years back and I've been able to sleep peacefully with it."
You can feel him staring at you. It makes you want to curl up and hide under something. Ryoma reaches out and gently sets a hand on your shoulder. "Dunno why you're acting like that's something to be ashamed of, kitten." He offers a reassuring smile. "It's honestly really cute."
You turn a bit more pink but let out a sigh of relief. Thank god he didn't find that too weird. You lean into his touch and he lifts his hand to stroke your cheek.
"You said it was the perfect size and shape for you, right? What'd it look like? We might have something lying around you could use instead."
His willingness to help you out with something so silly makes your heart thump. He's always been the sweetest guy you know. "Well... It was a kind of big teddy bear... About the size of a my pillow, actually. So a pillow would work if you have a spare."
He smiles and nods. Then he chuckles softly. "I didn't know you had a me-sized stuffed animal you hug every night. I'm honestly a bit jealous."
It had never once occurred to you, not for a second, that you cuddled a Ryoma-sized bear every single night. Those words alone put the idea of cuddling Ryoma all night long in your head. Your face flushes a deep red as you stare at him.
He blinks before turning red himself. "Sorry- I didn't think about what I was saying. I am not actually jealous of an inanimate object, that would be weird-" His words are rushed and he can no longer maintain eye contact with you.
You look away as well, unable to shake the idea of twelve hours of cuddles from your head. You gulp before squeaking out, "I never thought about it like that before."
You hear him shuffle. "Sorry if I ruined your teddy bear for you..."
You whip around to face him, appalled by his statement. "You made cuddling my bear so much better! Now I get to think of you every time I go to bed!"
He stares, wide eyed and red-faced. He seems to be at a complete loss for words. "Oh."
You look away again, immediately getting embarrassed about your passionate outburst about how you could now think about him every time you went to sleep. The two of you sit in a deeply awkward silence that is only interrupted by the yawn of his cat.
Ryoma is the one to speak up. "We could try it if you want..." His voice is quiet and uncertain.
You look back at him, confused. You're brain is too frayed to comprehend his offer.
His shoulders are hunched, hands balled up in his lap. He's staring at them with an embarrassed expression. In an even softer voice, he continues, "I could... Be your teddy bear. If you want-"
You don't need to think twice about your answer. "Yes. Please."
After some readjusting and moving things around you sit on the other side of Ryoma's bed. You look down at him. He glances up at you before leaning into your side and nuzzling you. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to," you remind him.
He looks up at you, eyes determined. "I want this."
With that you gingerly wrap an arm around him and pull him closer. He's much warmer than you expected and it's kind of comforting. He scoots himself a bit closer so that his back is right up against you. Your heart flutters and you hold him even tighter. You bring your knees up and rest your chin atop his head. His short, orange hair is delightfully soft, albeit a bit tickly. You peek down at him. "Are you comfy?"
To your surprise, his eyes are already closed and he's got a wide smile on his face. "Mhm." He takes the arm around him and cuddles it, rubbing his cheek in your palm. He seems very content.
You smile and crane your neck to give him a kiss on the cheek. His eyes shoot open at that and he rolls onto his back, making grabby motions with his hands. You chuckle and lean in again, this time sharing a kiss with him. He makes a happy noise as he gets back into snuggling position. The two of you chat for a bit, flirting and joking around. Despite having not been that tired before you both find yourselves growing steadily drowsier as time goes on. More and more yawns fill the gaps between talking. Ryoma's cat hops onto you and curls up, purring contentedly. He grins and comments she only does that with people she really likes. You feel honored.
It doesn't take long for sleep to overtake you both. Both Ryoma and yourself have a warm smile as you hold each other. The night passes by and you get the most comfortable rest you've ever gotten in your life. So does he. His cat seemed pretty comfy, too.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ Author's notes: WOO I did the writing! Of course I wrote about Ryoma first sksksks. This idea popped into my head and I had to. I'm sure this is riddled with typos and not fun to read but it's a step forward to improvement! If you made it all the way through... Thanks! Feedback would be appreciated!
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jenoptimist · 4 years
your mom did always say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach
Nosiness was something that ran in your family. You could distinctly remember an incident that occurred in your neighborhood that involved two ambulances, and how your mom pretended to hoover the trunk of your car and how you and your older brother stood by the window in your room to watch the scene play out. Every time you thought about it, it brought on a small chuckle because it lasted for at least an hour and your mom hadn’t let up her act of cleaning her car once, even though it was plain as day that she was barely paying any attention to it. 
It was a character flaw, really, and everyone had one of those so you weren’t too ashamed. 
Although as you stood in front of apartment number 117, gripping onto the three lunch boxes that you bought from IKEA as you waited for your knock to be answered, you had to remind yourself that it wasn’t because of your nosiness that you found yourself there. No, it was because your neighbor seemed to have an unhealthy obsession with ordering food. If you saw him carry up another goddamn plastic bag in the janky elevator that reeked of takeout you would surely combust. You swore it. It was absolutely unclear to you how the man was still alive and how he maintained his slim frame with all the unhealthy foods that he was consuming.
Earlier that day, you promised yourself that you would cook him some food that would last in the fridge for a while before going off after you and him had thrown your trash at the same time. The incredulity in your gaze was obvious as he threw away the numerous foil containers and soda cans encased in a clear trash bag in the community dumpster. When he caught it, he smiled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck. You didn’t even have time to say anything before he was dashing back inside the building.
Once the door opened up, you were greeted by your neighbor’s messy brown hair and surprised face. In any other circumstance you would have found his wide eyes and slacked jaw funny but as it were you thought it best not to laugh. A silence took over as he looked from the containers stacked in your eyes repeatedly.
When it was clear that he wasn’t over his shock, you thrust the containers out towards him. “Take them. You’re going to die one of these days if you keep eating takeout.” Although your heart pounded with nerves, you smiled in satisfaction when he took them from you, curiosity taking over his expression. 
“I– What?” There was a beat of silence and then, “thank you?” You gave him a cordial nod and spun around to head back to your own apartment across the hall but turned your head to look at him before entering. 
You found him still standing at his doorway, eyeing the lunchboxes. “Drink lots of water, alright? Drinking too much soda is bad for you.” And with that you entered your apartment.
There was no change in your relationship after that, the two of you remained strangers although every now again when you happened to pass by each other, which was often seeing as he literally lived right across from you, he would smile brightly at you. His smile was a very beautiful one, all pretty eyes and shiny teeth, and it would bring out one of your own without fail. That was about it though.
The containers were still in his possession and more often than not you found yourself wanting them back so that you could press him for feedback as well as cook other things him. Things like the recipes that you were experimenting with and the different ingredients that you bought recently that had your bank account weeping, just so you could have an opinion.
It was what you were currently thinking about as you were kneading the dough you whipped up only a few minutes ago. The previous night was a cold one that had you deciding to make some soup for dinner the next day. The thought that followed that was baking some fresh bread in the morning that you could pair it with. Kneading was something you found calming and fun, even if it did make your arms tired and back sweat a little. 
Just as you finished kneading and placed the dough in your oven to proof, there was a loud knock on your door. You weren’t sure if they would hear you if you were to shout at them that you would be there soon, so you quickly washed your hands and wiped them on the hoodie that you were wearing. When you opened the door, you found your neighbor rocking back and forth on his heels as he held onto the lunchboxes that you had given him a week prior.
“Hey,” you greeted, offering him a welcoming smile. 
“Hi,” he replied as he handed you the lunchboxes. You were pleasantly surprised to find them void of any food when you took a quick glance at them. “Thanks for the food. You didn’t have to do that.”
“Better than you eating all that junk.” You remarked with a shrug of your shoulder. 
“I–” Your neighbor huffed out a small laugh, rubbing the back of his head as he looked at his shoes. “Yeah, you’re right.” A moment of silence passed that consisted of you internally cooing at how cute he was before he looked up to meet your eyes again. “Um, well, I should probably head off”–he jabbed his thumb behind him in the direction of his apartment–“the water in my kettle is probably cold.”
“Okay,” you said and when neither of you moved, you added, “or do you maybe want to come inside? We can have some coffee together or tea if that’s what you like.”
“Really?” You nodded, pulling your lips back to form a smile. “That would be nice, thank you.”
Xiao Dejun was a bit of an enigma to you. 
Ever since you invited him into your apartment, the smiles that you tossed to each other whenever you bumped into each other in the hallway evolved to loud chatter that was usually filled with laughter as you shoved at one another. That then morphed into seeking out each other randomly, be it when you wanted him to taste something you whipped up or him excitedly playing you something he recently created. A positive thing that stemmed from your friendship was that he barely ordered takeout anymore since you had always invited him to your apartment for dinner.
Throughout the short time you had known him, you learned that he loved eating food as much as he loved to read, sometimes speaking some of the lines out of the blue, and compose music. He spoke fondly of his friends and had an obsession with Harry Potter. In the two months that you have known him, he has continuously surprised you and never failed to coax a smile from you. It didn’t escape your notice that he was breathtakingly handsome, either, and you didn’t know what to do with that information other than to shove it in the depths of your mind.
You were torn from your thoughts about Dejun’s pretty eyes and melodic laugh when your phone buzzed in your hand. The incoming text was from none other than the man himself.
from: junjun
to: y/n
dinner at mine instead of yours tonight! 8pm don’t be late!!
from: y/n
to: junjun
ooooo what’s the special occasion???
from: y/n
to: junjun
wait, don’t tell me. is it another lao gan ma themed dinner??? sksksk
from: junjun
to: y/n
that was one (1) time!!!!
from: y/n
to: junjun
one time too many AHAHAHAHAHAHHA
from: junjun
to: y/n
i had something extra special planned but never mind then i guess >:(
from: y/n
to: junjun
from: junjun
to: y/n
yeah that’s what i thought >:) 8pm, alright?
from: y/n
to: junjun
okay! see you then :)
from: junjun
to: y/n
The heart that he sent you had you smiling stupidly at your phone for a few minutes, blood filling with anticipation as you thought of possible reasons as to why he wanted to host your nightly dinner at his place. It probably had something to do with his composition being used in an advertisement, he had been raving about the opportunity to you for weeks and you sincerely hoped that he got it because you knew how hard he worked on it. That and you couldn’t bare to see him be sad about not being chosen.
You jumped up from your bed and made your way towards your wardrobe. If Dejun had planned something extra special, you wanted to look nice for the occasion. If he had invited anyone else you definitely wouldn’t be able to show up in your usual attire, which was normally just a pair of joggers and a hoodie. When you found something you deemed suitable, you set an alarm for seven o’clock and took a quick nap to pass the time.
After you wrapped your knuckles on Dejun’s apartment door, you smoothed down your outfit. You were going to buy a bouquet of flowers from the florist a couple of minutes away but you didn’t want to be presumptuous, just in case he didn’t get chosen after all. 
“Oh,” Dejun said quietly when he opened the door, eyes roaming your frame. Feeling self-conscious, you ran a hand through your hair and shot him a shy smile. “You look beautiful.”
The smile you held grew as you forcibly tampered down the butterflies that erupted in your stomach. “Thanks,” you allowed yourself to soak in his appearance too, eyes skirting across the collar of the white shirt he wore where his collarbones were peeking out. “You clean up nicely yourself.”
You stepped into his apartment and waited for him to close the door so that the two of you could walk over to his small dining table together. When you reached it, something inside of you fluttered when you saw how it was laid out; the plates, cutlery and glasses were meticulously arranged, different food was placed in between that smelled absolutely mouthwatering and there was even a candlestick in the middle. 
“This looks amazing,” you complimented as you allowed him to push in your chair for you, too dazed at the sight in front of you. “Did you do this yourself?”
“I wish I could take all the credit,” he said as he sat down, “but, no, the boys helped me out a little.”
“You guys did a spectacular job! You know, if I didn’t know better this sort of seems like–” you stopped yourself before you could finish the sentence, not sure if you would make him feel uncomfortable. Would it be weird if you still considered it a date though? Yeah, it probably was and you definitely should not allow your mind to stray there. 
“Seems like a date?” Dejun finished for you, piling food onto your plate with an easy smile. There was nothing you could do but stare at him, eyes wide with surprise, with your mouth agape. Your reaction was enough to cause him to snicker but you could tell that he was nervous by the way he gripped onto the spoon that he was using to serve the food.
“Yeah,” you whispered, “like a date.”
Dejun chewed on his bottom lip. “And if I said it was?” He asked cautiously, eyes searching yours as he patiently waited for an answer.
You cleared your throat, shifting in your seat. “I’d say, that’s great because I was hoping it would be as soon as I saw the set up.”
Dejun’s smile, you realized as he shot you another one, brightness surpassing all those that he sent your way before, was something that you were sure that you would never grow tired of no matter how much you saw it.
“Then it’s a date.”
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finn-shitposts · 3 years
Just a random l*ki rant so i get the annoyance out my head dont rb lmao
Obviously this post isnt about every loki stan i just keep seeing posts that piss me off so i had to yell. This is a bit generalized but know its probably not aimed at you, its at a small but loud minority of frustrating marvel stans
You know im over it, im done lookin for memes and gifs to rb after each episode cos everyones arguing so much sksksk
Like a solid chunk is alligator memes and pretty gifsets which is nicr but theres just so much twitter flavoured arguing and like opinion based arguements cloaked as morality that i jsut. H.
For me, id be just as happy seeing loki find recognition and self love through sylvie and learn that hes capable of change from mobius then remain platonic them both as Id be seeing him date either or both of them (ot3 usually solves all problems for me). I just enjoy the way the interpersonal bonds are written between them all no matter the flavour of it yknow sksksk?
But people online are calling it disgusting to even ship sylvie and loki for either "heteronormativity cos bisexual ppl that come out on screen should date ppl of the same gender or theyre not really bi after all" (as a bi man. This is just utter bullshit im too tired to get into it) or "i interpret them as siblings so if you ship them youre automaitcally into incest" and im sat here w past trauma regarding that like. Hm. Really bad take just an awful take guys. Like i get that most relationships or bonds are forced into het romances 90% on tv and its frustrating when all you want is a friendship or a siblinf type relationship but like you can express that without sending death threats to the actors and yelling at casual watchers who kinda like the ship. Plus yall gotta stop playing the 'its more moral to ship mobius and loki, cos theyre not siblings' bitch neither are loki and sylvie theyre the same person, not related and also clearly distinct individuals only with similar experienves. You can dislike somethinf and just say you dislike it you dont have to assign a moral righteousness to it.
Also i shipped loki and mobius before i did sylvie and loki, and i love them equally but like. Do you ever get the thing where when you were younger and had gay ships that were massively popular in fandom and it was super fun but then like 4 years later when you actually come out as queer youre like huh, the fanon surrounding that ship was mostly made by straight 15yr old girls that found mlm hot and its not Great. Cos i just get annoyed reading deep analysis posts like "when sylvie is mentioned loki doesnt react he clearly doesnt like her much but when mobius is mentioned here are all his micro reactions and the meanings of it that prove that theyre in love" and like. I get reading into subtext and i get wanting canon gay ships, I mean i fucking put up w supernatural skskksks but this is bordering more on the vibes of like when ppl ship idk like idols/rpf and read way too much into every glance and find any way to dismiss and explain away the actual person theyre dating irl? Or like when you read fanfics where someone clearly hates a female character just cos she gets in the way of their fave gay ship and you just have to sigh like guys. Please.
All this being said, i ship lokius i love mr dilf owen wilson i just get frustrated that people have to shit on one character or relationship to uplift their faves, pls can we not all just get along and be civil i beg this isnt twitter act normal. What am i saying these are marvel stans ,.
Anyway from now im just gonna enjoy loki on my own and sit with my personal thoughts and headcanons without checking tumblr cos yall are acting like twitter and its unbearable, i dont need that in my life. Like I thought itd be fun cos tumblr is usually all about selfcest and poly ships and whatnot but yall are just spewing bad takes lmao
Ill be memeless but ill be much happier not getting pissed off at every third post on the tag, im just gonna ship loki/mobius/sylvie in my own corner and avoid the internet on wednesdays, ✌️
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joontier · 4 years
“One-Love”| CH. 3 - Wealth in Volumes
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–> Summary: Love translates to zero in the tennis scoring system – the only thing keeping the scoreless player on the court is his love for the game.
–> Pairings: jung hoseok x female reader; kim seokjin x female reader
–> Rating: NC17
–> Genre/warnings:  FLUFF ASDFASJLDKF; a day in the life of a rich ass family basically; your cliché teenage crush feels; swearing; y/n forgetting her own period sksksk; Hobi being a slight perv; suggestive language; 
–> Words: 6.7k
–> A/N: good lord this hasnt been proofread bUT MY IMPATIENT ASS COULDNT WAIT; dunno how i managed to poop out 6.7k but here ya go i guess
“One-Love” Masterlist
Chapter 3: Wealth in Volumes
A sigh escapes your lips when there’s nearly no space left from the condensation that has formed on the container lid from all the patterns you’ve drawn for the past few minutes. Hoseok has never been this late before and neither did he miss a day at school. First period is starting soon and you’re starting to worry if something came up.
Hoseok arrives exactly two minutes before first period. The boy looks disheveled with unkempt hair and the top button of his uniform left open to complete the look. Hiro Yamada lets out a loud whistle the moment Hoseok steps in class. “Damn Hobi, never knew you were the kind to take quickies this early in the morning!” The boys snicker at Hiro’s comment while the girls vocally express their disgust towards the crudeness of it all.
“Seems like a tempting idea, whatcha think, _______?” Nadia whispers from behind, chortling louder when you miss at your attempt to smother her with your book. Hoseok seems disinterested by Hiro’s remark, but his lips curve into a small smile as he replies, “Jealous?” as Jimin and the others lose it at Hoseok’s response.
The daily classroom chaos continues, only ceasing when Ms. Chamber enters the room and greets the class a good morning. She’s a substitute teacher that will temporarily take over your Business & Management subject while your actual teacher, Mr. Santiago, is on his sick leave. It’s eerily quiet when she steps in, but your class is usually like this with relatively new teachers.
“Mock research paper.”
Three words is all it takes before a collective groan erupts from the class, complaints and protests, easily drowning out Ms. Chamber’s gentle voice. She taps a whiteboard marker against her desk. “Hey! I know, I know…” she sighs, resting against the table. “Try to think of it this way, you’d have additional reference for your papers next year, plus you have three months to accomplish this.”
The rest of the class continues to groan in objection. “On the bright side, I’ll let you work with partners. Go and take your pick.” Exhales of relief are heard throughout the room. Turning around to face Nadia, you wriggle your eyebrows suggestively. No spoken words are needed to express your intentions of choosing her as partner. She declines though, much to your surprise. You raise an eyebrow when Nadia nods her head toward Hoseok who’s sitting quietly beside you. Then she points to the Tupperware on your lap. You sigh. “Besides, I’m sick of your useless ass! I’m not flanking this subject because of you.” “Hey!” you cry indignantly at the accusation. She shrugs you off, giving you a double thumbs up before standing from her seat to approach someone else.
‘It’s now or never’, you think, contemplating on how to approach your seatmate. Without much thought put into planning, you place the container on his desk. He looks at you with wide eyes then onto the Tupperware in front of him. “Be my partner?” His eyes turn into small crescent moons at your proposal. Before he tries to look at what’s inside the container, your hand stops him.
“But before anything else, I didn’t get to say thank you for yesterday…”
“Yeah, for your cheering and all… I don’t think I would’ve survived the game if it weren’t for your support. It really helped me. A lot.”
“______. Listen to me. You survived and won because you’re you, okay? You are a smart player. And besides, like I said, if it were easy, I would’ve done it instead.” He snorts, those tiny dimples above his mouth peeking out to say hi.
“Now what do we have here?” he asks, trying to look through the condensation on the lid. “It’s bibimbap. I’ve heard once that it was your favorite. So I made it for you this morning… It’s probably gone cold now and I know you don’t like eating food that’s gone cold so I can just take this back if…” your hands are slowly creeping up the container, and this time it’s he who stops you.
“______ it’s fine. You really didn’t have to but I truly appreciate this. Thanks.”
No other word comes out of your mouth but the monosyllabic expression. You probably should’ve been used to it at this point, after staying long enough at Thames. The subtle normality of everything for them that is extreme to you is something that will most likely take some time to get used to. The expensive cars, the more extravagant hobbies…hell, the tuition fee alone was enough to make your knees turn to jelly.
You and Hoseok both agreed to start the paper as early as possible so here you were on a Saturday morning, trying to figure out the maze that is Hoseok’s residential village. To your luck, Hoseok suggested that you come over to his house to talk over your assignment, else he would’ve lost himself in the mess at your home.  
“Which street was it again? Your father asks, diverting your attention from the mansions lined up along the street. “Uh, it was Harrison I think…” you recall, grabbing your phone to check the address. “I’ve been here a few times before for Hobi’s training but the clubhouse was just a block away from the village’s entrance. Now, I’m not even sure if we’re still in the same country.” Your lips press into a firm line at your father’s lame attempt at a joke, but you also had a hunch that you had driven yourselves out of the village, or worse – straight to another one.
Your father rolls down his window to see the street signs clearer, also on the lookout for potential help. Driving over to the side, your dad puts the blinkers on as he tries to assess the directions that Hoseok had previously given you. “I’m pretty sure we followed it,” he mumbles, taking another glance outside the car’s window.
Before you offer to try calling Hoseok, a van behind you honks and stops beside your car. When they roll their window down, you instantly recognize the pair, Tita and Adit who both work for Hoseok’s family. “Sir Hoseok told us you were nearby. We figured we might see you on our way home.” Tita says, waving at you while Adit tells your dad to tail them.
A street and a relieved sigh from your father later, your dad finally drops you off in front of the house and a black steel gate slides open at your arrival, revealing a contemporary wonder of a mansion. “Remember to always be on your best behavior. I’m sure the Jungs are nice and all, but don’t take advantage of it. Please don’t touch anything, god knows what sort of eccentric antique they might’ve spent their money on. And no funny business!” He repeats your mother’s endless reminders that by the time he finishes, you’re already standing outside the car, fingers tapping against the car door impatiently. “Yes dad, I knowww-“ His eyes squint at you, “Fine, but don’t come home crying when you’ve accidentally broken something worth more than our lives combined. You’re selling your own kidneys, kid.”
With a curt wave, he rolls the window back up and drives away. Tita waits by the gate to walk you to the front door. Suspicions confirmed, this house spoke wealth in volumes. She chuckles at you as you take your time with every step, pebbles crunching underneath your weight while your eyes marvel the alluring abode. Waiting for you by the threshold, she beckons you over with a wave. “Sir Hobi has been waiting for you all morning.”
You quicken your steps, cheeks flushing with embarrassment. She must’ve thought it strange to have you gawking all over the place. You’ve gone to Nadia’s place a few times, but there really wasn’t anything to compare since she lived at an apartment, albeit a luxurious one, it was still different having an actual house and property. Considerably, foreigners didn’t exactly have rights to own residential property in the country which is why it came as a surprise to you that Hoseok lives in this elite village, more so when you realize he resides in an actual estate.
The mansion is beautiful beyond description. With the interior looking like an actualization of a designer’s 3D floor plan, your eyes take a good sweeping look at the place while Tita asks you to take a seat as she calls for Hoseok. You wonder how lovely it is to come home to this every day. It’s spacious enough to practice a floor exercise yet somehow it feels homey with the serenity that comes with the place, despite being situated at the heart of the city. You notice a perfectly mowed courtyard outside the glass walls and the glistening water of the swimming pool at the far edge.
A lady carrying a glass of water and something else wrapped in a plastic bag. Placing the glass on the table, she kneels to where your feet are rested and unwraps the bag. She pulls out a pair of disposable slippers, slips them on your feet and takes your shoes away before you could get a word out.
“_______!” Hoseok calls from above before scurrying down, his own slippers flicking against the staircase noisily. His arms reach out for a hug but pulls them back just as fast, realizing it would’ve been too awkward this early in your friendship (that he secretly hopes will blossom into something more). You don’t put much thought into it, waving at him in greeting instead. “Have you eaten breakfast yet?” You give him a nod in reply.
“Oh…you should eat breakfast again then!” You decline his offer, assuring him that you just had a heavy breakfast. Okay, you may or may not have grabbed a single sandwich off someone else’s plate on your way out, after spending too much time trying to look presentable. Hoseok won’t have any of your protests, so he drags you to the kitchen by the hand, “Hobi!” There’s a slight chill that runs through you when his skin touches yours, his slender fingers enveloping your short ones.
Hoseok leads you to the dining room where there’s enough food prepared for a family of ten. He checks each container then back at you, inspecting your features like he’s morphed into Gordon Ramsay. Hoseok is still holding your hand by the time he brings you to the kitchen and quite frankly you don’t want him to stop.
Another lady in the identical scrub suit greets him as you both enter, her lips forming a small smile when she sees your hands together. Her eyes meet yours when she asks Hoseok if he needed anything. “Just wanted to see what ______ wanted to eat.” Your head shakes to say ‘no’ but Hoseok sees this as the complete opposite. “She’s just shy.” You send her an apologetic smile when he drags you once more around the marble countertop to face a four-door fridge that towers the both of you easily.
This damn thing is a whole supermarket! The stored food could make up the whole color wheel. He points out five different cheeses, fruits cut into bits and stowed away in containers, multiple bottles of water, milk, and juice. Hoseok even lets you inside their pantry, where stacks of food and beverages make up at least seven full shelves inside. To Hoseok it seems like he’s just offering you food, but to you it feels like he’s taking you to the grocery.
The curious voice at the back of your head is telling you to give in to the temptation but your mother’s voice appears out of nowhere, her voice ringing in your ears – “They’re nice, but don’t abuse their generosity.” Your stomach grumbles, voicing its opinion so you settle on a compromise. “Um, there already seems to be plenty of food at the table and unless they’re for someone else…” “Are you sure? Mom felt homesick so she cooked all of those this morning. Although I doubt you’re familiar with Korean food – they can be a bit spicy. I know you don’t like spicy food.”
Your heart warms at the thought of him remembering the little things but then you recall how his mother made all those just because she felt homesick – your mom won’t even cook two dishes for dinner and Mrs. Jung is out here cooking a whole feast for no one in particular just because she wants to lift her spirits. “I don’t like spicy food but it doesn’t mean I can’t handle it,” you start “and I’m sure you mom’s cooking is lovely.”
“Breakfast it is then.”
You agree on Mrs. Jung’s specialty – her kimchi fried rice while Hoseok asks the lady for bibimbap. She nods curtly, returning to the kitchen to reheat the food. When the lady serves Hoseok the steaming bowl of his favorite dish, Hoseok consequently whispers in your ear, “Don’t tell them, but I like yours better.” He follows that with a roguish wink. You blink owlishly in return, unsure whether your cheeks are burning because of the steam from the bowl in front of you or because of Hoseok’s comment.
The lady serves Hoseok a steaming bowl of bibimbap, to which Hoseok consequently whispers in your ear, “Don’t worry I like yours better.”
Hoseok tiredly rubs at his eyes, deeming he’s done enough schoolwork for the day, taking a turn on his swivel chair. When you check the time displayed on the upper right corner of your laptop, it’s been three hours since breakfast with Hoseok. And, surprisingly, the amount of schoolwork you’ve done is twice as much as you achieve when you’re partnered with Nadia. You’ll have to rub this in her face on Monday.
Hoseok’s habits had prevailed over your cramming and you’re glad that time had passed in productivity. Then again, you had been too shy to open up about other topics when he’s right beside you, typing away furiously the whole time. When you take a glance on his screen, it seems like he’s already written a whole page while you’re stuck with a paragraph that screams disappointment.
“_______, you okay?” You hadn’t realized you’ve been staring at your paragraph of shame for so long.
“Uh, yeah, of course.” Closing your laptop quickly before he gets a peek, you move your own chair away from his desk, stretching out your limbs. Suddenly, you feel an all-too-familiar ache in your lower abdomen and you panic, checking the mini calendar on Hoseok’s desk. Damn, how could you not have realized it’s the last week of the month? And on top of all that, you had to be in another person’s house of all days, wearing a bloody dress! (pun may or may not have been intended)
“Um, can I use your toilet for a minute?”
He looks your way and nods. You panic a little bit when his eyes never leave yours, ensuing a staring contest between the both of you. A beat passes and he shrugs at you, returning his attention to his phone.
You don’t realize you’ve been holding in your breath when he door finally clicks behind you. Twirling in your dress, you search for any stain. There’s a small one, perhaps a few inches long, the red taint an obvious contrast against your yellow dress.
Grabbing a roll of tissue nearby, you place a few sheets under the water until it’s wet enough. Hastily, you rub it against the stain until the tissue tears into pieces. You repeat the process, jumping in victory when the stain starts discoloring. You even squeeze a dollop of liquid soap on your dress in the hopes of making the stain go away.
All your efforts prove to be in vain when the stain doesn’t lighten any further than the very visible brownish spot at the back of your dress.
Your hands are turning red from all the scrubbing and your chest is heaving with painful, ragged breaths that come forth. The tissue breaks apart for the nth time now and you try to grab more sheets but your eyes are already blurry, wet, fat tears coating your cheeks.
God, you’re so fucking stupid. How could you not have foreseen something that happens to you on a monthly basis?! All the tell-tale signs were there: abdominal pains, ache, sensitivity… you feel yourself sliding down the wall in embarrassment, an unwanted loud sob escaping your lips.
You hear footsteps padding along the wooden floor of Hoseok’s bedroom. No, please. “________?” You don’t answer. You don’t want to answer. Another sob escapes your lips. “_______, I’m coming in, okay?”
Hoseok instantly crouches down when he sees you sitting on the floor. “Hey, what’s wrong?” You still don’t answer; instead, you look away as you fiddle with your fingers. “You know you can tell me anything right?” He adjusts his legs, now fully seated on the floor. You both stay there in silence, before Hoseok pulls your head to rest on his shoulder, he can’t see your face like this, what could’ve possibly made you so upset, so he just holds you there, his other hand blindly reaching your face to wipe at your cheeks.
Figuring there’s no other way out of this, you gather up your courage. “I-I am on my period…” Your voice is small, yet it reaches Hoseok’s hearing perfectly clear. He still doesn’t get what’s possibly made you cry while on your period. Some girls tend to be more emotional than usual, perhaps, head tilted to the side as he recalls his lessons on human anatomy.
You can practically feel the clogs in Hoseok’s head so you give him a little more detail. “On my back, there’s…something. And I don’t have any extra clothes – gosh, this is beyond embarrassing. You must think I’m gross” Hoseok finally catches on, body stiff at the realization. It wasn’t like he was disgusted (because that would be totally immature) but it was more of lack of knowledge on how to approach situations like these.
He asks if it’s okay for him to call Tita so you can tell her what you need but not before reminding you that such natural process of life was nothing to be ashamed of. “Besides, better late than pregnant, right?” He scurries away afterwards, informing you that he’s going to be picking a nice outfit for you because you’re both going out to meet his mother for lunch at one of his favorite restaurants.
You both decide to sit on a nearby bench as you wait. There’s room for at least four people yet Hoseok decides to sit right beside you, your thighs touching, the proximity not lost on you. Surprisingly enough, you don’t feel any awkwardness lingering around, instead, you feel more secured with him beside you like this. Both basking in comfortable silence, save the buzz of the people walking around, Hoseok notices an elderly couple stand close by and he stands abruptly, offering the seat to them. The old lady gushes over him and praises how courteous the young man was. Hoseok stands by your side and looks around the area while the same lady closes the distance between you two. “He’s a keeper,” she whispers, sending a wink your way. Opening your mouth to clarify that you two are just friends, a loud ring from Hoseok’s pocket startles you.
“Hi mom! Yeah, we just arrived…she’s here beside me…what? Okay hang on…” He pulls the phone away from his ear as he presses on the speaker button on the screen. “You’re on speaker now, mom.”
“Oh, hi! _________, sweetie are you there?”
“Hello Mrs. Jung!”
“Great. Um, I’m really sorry about this darling but I really really need to finish this meeting. Hopefully it’ll end in less than an hour though, I hope you don’t mind. I really wanted to take you kids out to lunch today, but if you’re really hungry you can go ahead…I’ve already made reservations at Samwon under Hobi’s name…”
Your eyes widen at her proposal, head shaking vigorously to say no. Surely, it’d be rude to not wait for the person offering you a free meal right? “I really don’t mind waiting Mrs. Jung. Besides, we’ve had plenty of your lovely kimchi fried rice this morning so…”
“Ah, it’s really nothing love, well, at least, if you compare it to my brother’s restaurant. But anyways, I have to get back to the meeting now. How ‘bout I’ll have Hobi treat you to some ice cream or froyo or a something to snack on while you wait, alright?”
“You really don’t have to Mrs. Jung!” Your protests fall into deaf ears.
“Oh shush, darling. Don’t worry about it! And please, call me Auntie from now on, alright?”
“O-okay auntie.” You’re unable to control the slight tremble in your voice from the pet names she’s used and on making her call you auntie. You’re even surprised that she even apologized for not being able to make it on time. Hoseok ends the call soon afterwards. “Come on, I’ll treat you to my favorite frozen yogurt.”
There’s a sudden increase of mall-goers so Hoseok’s hand reaches out to grab yours, another wave of electricity shoots up your arm. Jesus. You’re pretty sure you’re old enough to not lose him in a crowd like this, so all this hand holding isn’t exactly necessary. Not that you were complaining though. You just hope, this time, you’re reading the signs right. The last time this happened, you ended up heartbroken and friendless, and you weren’t willing to go through the same pain again – not with Hoseok who’s genuinely nice and smart, and all the good things you can think of.
You cling onto his hand nonetheless, the crowd increasing because of lunch time. On the bright side, with your heartrate rapidly increasing, you get to miss out on cardio.
Arriving at a small outlet with ‘Sour Sally’ written on top of the shop, Hoseok pulls out a chair for you to sit on while he ponders on the menu plastered on the wall. What in god’s name have you done in your past life for him to torture your poor heart like this. You gaze at Hoseok, he seems unperturbed by his actions while you on the other hand… you internally applaud yourself for maintaining such calm demeanor but in reality, there’s a raging turmoil of emotions inside your head.
Following where his eyes are glued at on the wall, you try to distract yourself from the dangers of a brooding crush. God, you can’t possibly like like him because he opened the door for you, or pull out a chair for you, right? Were you really this…deprived? Just thinking about it gives you a headache. But then again, Hoseok is everything every woman could ever ask for. He’s polite, funny, courteous, smart, and he absolutely adores his family. Admittedly, he’s fucking wealthy too on top of all that but you don’t stick around him because of his money. Then again, it’s the 21st century and life isn’t getting any easier. In case you have a family in the future, it would be nice to know you’re children will be secured for quite some time. Wait, why are you thinking about families in the first place??
You barely notice Hoseok waving a hand in front of you. “Hello? Earth to ______?” he chuckles, his brackets shining under the lighting. “Oh yeah sorry!” you squeak. “You’ve been spacing out since morning, you sure you’re okay?” He bends forward a little, your faces merely inches away from each other. “You know you can talk to me right?” Searching for any doubt in your eyes, he tucks a stray strand of your hair behind your ear.
Fucking hell.
Does he even realize what he’s doing to you?! Your cheeks are practically on fire right now. You’re falling way too deep at an alarming pace. “You know you can talk to me right?” His words echo in your presently empty brain now, unable to think about anything rational. How are you supposed to talk to him when it’s him you want to talk about?
“Do you want anything from the menu? I’d personally recommend my own usual, but I’m really not sure about your froyo preferences…”
“Um don’t they have anything smaller than these?” you ask, pointing to the cups display for size references. “Nope, none really. I guess we can share if you don’t mind, I’ll just get one of the bigger sizes…”
“Good enough for me.”
“You have any particular flavor or topping in mind?”
“I really haven’t been to this place. So I guess I’ll have what you have.” You reach for your purse, grabbing cash amounting to half of the frozen yogurt. “What are you doing?” Hoseok points to the bills you’re holding. “Um, paying for my half?” The boy in front of you shakes his head in refusal, pushing the money towards you.
“It’s on me, _______. No more arguments. Consider this a da-“ Hoseok chokes on his own saliva purposefully, unableto finish his sentence. “A-a day in your cycle right? Don’t girls usually eat ice cream when its that time of the month? I mean this isn’t exactly ice cream, but it’s still frozen right? Ha ha ha. Okay, I’ll just place an order now.” He turns around abruptly, feet quickly moving towards the counter.
Rendered speechless, you just nod in reply. Seconds after he left, you’re still nodding thinking about what just transpired moments ago. He couldn’t have meant it as a date, did he? He did point out about Aunt Flo making a visit today. Perhaps, he meant dare? Who knows if he had been dared to treat someone out? You know you’re blindly grasping at straws here so you just try to divert your attention, and of course, you fail miserably at that as well.
Hoseok takes his wallet from his back pocket and hands a black card to the register. With a few nods, the staff swipes the card through the payment terminal and hands it back to Hoseok. ‘Sugar daddy Hoseok. What a fucking sight.’ Your shoulder devil whispers, drawling out every syllable like her final words. She has your shoulder angel in a headlock, arms flapping around attempting to remove the vice-like grip on her neck.
Thankfully, you manage to get ahold of yourself before Hoseok returns with a large cup with two spoons on either side. “This is the best froyo ever!!” He exclaims, buzzing with excitement. You oblige when he tells you to take the first scoop. You’ve only had the dessert once before this and after that incident, you were totally unwilling to have it for a second time. The first froyo you had was so bad which pretty much clouded over any positive review the dessert had.
Surprisingly enough, Sour Sally’s wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be. Sure, it looked unappealing at first with the amount of toppings Hoseok included but you reckon it wasn’t so bad after all, plus it looked like a healthier option than ice cream. Hoseok chuckles at your sudden interest and takes his phone out, pretending to respond to someone’s message but he quickly presses on the camera button, snapping a photo of you enjoying the frozen dessert.
He smiles when he goes over the photo, saving it as his home wallpaper.
Once you finish the final scoop of the yogurt, Hoseok asks if you can both visit a store he’s been meaning to drop by. There’s really nothing else you wanted to do anyways so you say ‘yes’, resulting to Hoseok excitedly clapping as you exit Sour Sally’s.
You both walk towards the opposite end of the mall, the area prominently less crowded than where you came from. You don’t wonder why. You just passed by Gucci, Versace, and Louis Vuitton on your way and now you’re greeted by Hermes, Alexander McQueen, and Balenciaga when you rounded the corner. You’re not even surprised at this point. In fact, when he told you that he wanted to shop for new shoes, you had already expected this was where you were heading when he made you wear a full Chanel two-piece ensemble that his sister “barely” wears.
Hoseok makes a beeline to Balenciaga. Of course - the boy was basically its brand ambassador. When you enter, some of the staff greet him by his name. “Mr. Hoseok, welcome back!” They astonishingly greet you with the same level of enthusiasm with Hoseok. You figure it’s probably courtesy of Hoseok’s fashion choices. He tells you to look around while he approaches someone who looks like the store manager.
The manager and Hoseok already seem to share the same brainwave and without talking, the former leads to Hoseok to a corner where the sneakers are displayed. Realizing you were probably looked awkward, standing stiffly by a display, you let your feet move you around, stopping to look at a few hung clothes.
While carding through the clothes, you discreetly check the price tags, your stomach dropping every time. 1,500 dollars for a bloody jacket?! They had gold sewn into the denim perhaps? Or diamond - encrusted collars? A girl’s voice startles you from your supposedly ‘discreet’ inspection. “Can I help you with anything, miss?”
“Oh, I’m just looking. It’s my friend who’s doing the shopping.”
“Oh, okay. By the way, I’m not sure if I should be doing this, but you seem so nice and approachable compared to the other girls that usually visit our shop… I really like your outfit and I think you and Mr. Hoseok look really cute together,” she squeaks before walking away to tidy a few displays. When she meets your eyes again, you send her a small smile and you see a faint blush coloring her cheeks.
You hear Hoseok call you over, colossal shoes occupying both his hands. “Which colorway should I pick?” You do a double take at the pairs he’s holding up. They honestly looked like a stack of pancakes that toppled over. Undoubtedly, they definitely looked striking, like a rebellious fashion statement. He holds up his left hands, clutching onto a brown pair with shades of blue and red and his other hand holding another with hues of green and white.
Choosing the one on his left hand, Hoseok nods in agreement mumbling something about how great minds think alike. He tells the manager to get him one in his size. The manager complies and, in the meantime, Hoseok brings you to a display near the one you were checking out earlier. He asks you to help him pick out an outfit to go with the shoes. It doesn’t take much for Hoseok to decide on choosing the clothes. You tell him your honest opinion that he would literally look good in anything, resulting in a rosy-cheeked Hoseok heading to the register to check out his items.
Soon after Hoseok collects his purchases, his phone dings, so he puts down the three bags before fishing his phone out of his pocket. “Mom says she’ll be there in five. Shall we?”
Three floors and a long walk back to another of the mall’s annexes later, you finally arrive at Samwon Garden. “Hi. We have a reservation under Hoseok Jung.” The maître d goes over the list, brows soon furrowing in confusion. “I’m really sorry Sir, but the table reserved for you had been given to another customer an hour ago. We only allow an extra of fifteen minutes when your name gets called. If you’d like, I can write your name on the list again, but that would probably take another thirty minutes before you get seated.”
“Oh, really? I guess…”
“Mr. Hoseok!” A man in a suit approaches you with hurried steps. “Mr. Hoseok,” he repeats with a breathy laugh. “I truly apologize for that. Please come with me, your private room is ready.” The man lets you take a few steps forward as he momentarily stays with the maître d. “That’s not how you treat the nephew of the owner of this restaurant, unless you want to lose your job today.” He whispers harshly, and your eyes widen. You’re unsure if Hoseok heard that but he seems too preoccupied with the other staff that welcome him to the restaurant.
The manager rushes forward after scolding the maître d. He offers to carry Hoseok’s shopping bags and leads you two to a secluded area. “Your food is already being prepared Sir,” he bows, setting the bags down and pulling out the chairs. “Is there anything I can get you miss?”
“A glass of water would be nice, please.” “Of course, Ma’am. Would you please excuse me.”
Hoseok’s mother arrive a few minutes later. Once again, she apologizes for making you wait. The three of you don’t waste any more time, going straight to eating. “I love your outfit, dearie,” Mrs. Jung compliments, flipping the searing meat on the grill. “Um Hobi actually made me wear this.” Confused, she looks at her son for an explanation. “She uhh…Her um…she had to change, lady problems…” Her mouth forms an ‘o’ in realization, thankfully picking up quickly. “Are you okay sweetheart? Do you take painkillers? They have great ice cream here; I’ll have it served for dessert later.”
She bombards you with questions that you don’t get the chance to answer all of them. You assure her though that you’re fine, that Hoseok has helped you plenty earlier this morning. She beams at her son, even teasing him that he’ll be the best boyfriend any girl could ever wish for. Hoseok turns crimson at his mom’s teasing, stealing the slice of meat she’s been cooking as revenge.
The three of you continue eating and sharing stories like that for almost an hour. For the most part, she’s mainly told you of Hoseok’s most embarrassing moments, sharing at least ten years’ worth of blackmail content. Hoseok, who’s sat beside you the whole time continues to crumble in his seat with every story. Your stomach was aching so much, both from laughing and eating. After the ice cream dessert Mrs. Jung promised you, she calls for the bill. Trying to stop your eyes from bulging out of their sockets, you look away from the receipt – 400 dollars staring back at you in big, bold numbers on the narrow sheet of paper. You wanted to cry.
Mrs. Jung says she doesn’t intend to stay any longer for she has another meeting to attend to today so she leaves you both with a kiss on the cheek and a reminder to drive back home safely. “Shit, I think I ate too much!” Hoseok sighs, rubbing at his tummy and letting out a loud burp in the process. Both of you stare at each other for a second before bursting into peals of laughter.
Yours seem to die down far longer than Hoseok’s and he takes the time to truly take youin today. He was nervous for the most part, that he had to admit. He tossed and turned in his bed last night, seemingly unable to sleep when the thought of you coming over has preoccupied his mind. He’s even tried drinking two glasses of warm milk, read a chapter from his history book, and in complete desperation, he’s even counted sheep, literally. It doesn’t help either that he woke up incredibly early today, only acquiring three hours of sleep the previous night.
He’s cleaned his room when he came home from practice yesterday and he’s cleaned it again this morning, not that his room needed cleaning anyways. He also asked his mom if she could help him cook breakfast this morning to which she happily agreed. So, the whole ‘homesick’ thing was only half a lie. Well, it was because she was homesick that she made way too much, but the idea was initially Hoseok’s.
He wasn’t supposed to drag you to breakfast that morning but the treacherous grumble of your stomach told him you were still hungry so he held your hand and showed you around the kitchen, asking you what kind of breakfast you’d prefer. Hoseok particularly enjoyed having your hand in his and he knew he was talking too much earlier that day but he had to divert his attention to prevent his hand from trembling.
When he heard you sniffle in the toilet earlier, he panicked; worried that something might have happened to you out of the blue. You wouldn’t take your eyes off the floor from embarrassment and he couldn’t help but wrap his arms around yours. It wrenched his heart to see you sob like that, so he just kept you close until you finally told him your dilemma.  
He totally understood that it was a natural occurrence for girls and even reassured you that it was totally nothing to be embarrassed about. He didn’t ask you for any word after that, immediately sending one of their house helpers to help you out. He didn’t have the guts to go through his sister’s toiletries so he left that dilemma with someone who could handle the situation better aka Tita. He did pick out an outfit for you to wear though, going through endless hangers of Dawon’s clothes.
Picking something comfortable and warm, he pulls out this Chanel turquoise wool tweed two-piece and a white top to go under the blazer. ‘This’ll probably look cute on her,’ he thinks, carrying the set to Dawon’s beloved vanity mirror and spraying an adequate amount of her Estee Lauder perfume all over the clothes. When he grabbed the ensemble, he was thinking something along the lines of a fluffy-cute-girlfriend style going on but when you came out of the bathroom, he found it impossible to take his eyes off you.
Turns out, the white top he gave you was a crop top, the garment exposing a little bit of your midriff. And those shorts! Jesus! He’d taken a mental note to spoil you with Chanel if…when you become his. He’s already seen you in shorts during practice before but he really didn’t have time to appreciate the beauty of it all. Your skin contrasts beautifully against the bluish-green wool, and it’s hem is enough to display your toned thighs and calves in all its glory. Years of tennis had definitely done you well.
He turns away, internally scolding himself for his behavior. He feels sick for having perved on you like that, pushing away all the indecent thoughts before they consume him whole.
His heart was soaring the whole time you sat next to him inside the car, the whole scene making him giddy. You were quiet at first, Hoseok being able to steal glances during red lights. Moments later, when Celine Dion came in the radio you were belting out the lyrics to “My Heart Will Go On” with notes he’s never heard before. The boy even pulled over just to capture this iconic moment with his phone, not long before you goad him to join you as you both scream like lunatics inside the vehicle. His voice teacher will be disappointed, surely, but it all worth it just to see you this happy.
Hoseok knew he was falling in deep. Being with you just felt…right. Even with you doing the most mundane of tasks, he found you incredibly endearing. It was driving him close to madness. He wanted to ask you to be his, to make him the happiest guy on earth, for the rest of his life. Most times it felt like he was crazy for thinking about this while you both still had a life ahead of you - that it was too serious to think about for a teenager, but then he ponders on his cousin’s wise words. “What’s the point of being in a relationship if it’s not going to end in a wedding?”
“What are you thinking about Hobi?” you question, putting him out of his thoughts.
It was your turn to ask him this time as you can’t tell why been staring at you for the past minute. “Nothing,” he chuckles, scratching the back of his head. “Ah! Which reminds me, wanna check out the new laser tag place they opened last week?” You’re unsure about this, after having eaten like a starved caveman, but with Hobi looking at you with a pout, you can’t say no.
“Come on,” you give in. “We gotta burn everything we ate for lunch!”
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emybain · 5 years
The Mall
im not gonna lie i lowkey based this off of my own (very few) experiences going to the nasty old mall in the next town over with my friends. lets just say: very worried parents, sticky atmosphere, and great people watching but also pedophiles left and right sksksks. the movie is also based on a movie I saw with friends when I was thirteen, but I saw it at the nice, trustworthy outlet mall closer to my house lmao. anyone else ever seen the boy? anyway, enjoy me projecting my awkward young teen experiences on the AU where Nova’s parents live. this is unedited as well:)
Part of the Nova’s family lives AU***
Masterpost of all my Renegades Fics 
    Nova was practically vibrating with happiness. She bounced up and down in the passenger seat of her mom’s car, leg jiggling in excitement. Only half paying attention to the radio, she hummed along to the music playing. Today was a new day. A breakthrough in Nova’s thirteen years of life. 
    For the first time ever, after countless hours and years of begging, Nova was being dropped off at the mall to hang out with her friends. 
    Her parents were what most would call overprotective. By this point, Nova was used to it, but it was still annoying when she had to miss out on fun activities just because Mom said no. They never even gave a clear answer when she asked why, too. It was always “Because we’re the parents and we say so,” usually followed by them telling Nova to go clean her room or entertain her siblings. Even with this new experience, Nova hadn’t been completely honest when her parents grilled her on the details. As far as they knew, Nova was just seeing a movie with a few friends and would not be venturing into the main mall. They were under the illusion that Adrian Everhart, Nova’s best friend and the only boy her parents trusted, was going to be the only male present. Not that it mattered much, anyway, seeing as Nova had expressed her attraction to girls as well at dinner one night about a year ago. Still, according to her parents, adolescent boys were trouble. All except for stupidly perfect Adrian Everhart. He was the kind of kid that everyone and their mother couldn’t help but be friends with. The kind of boy that, after leaving someone’s house, the mom would say “I always liked him. Good kid.” The same couldn't be said about Nova, his partner in crime since they were six and seven years old.  
    Her mom parked the car along the curb outside the movie theater entrance of the mall. Leaning back from the wheel with a heavy sigh, she looked over at Nova. “Just a movie, right?”
    Nova nodded firmly, hand already reaching for the door in her hurry to escape. She could see the silhouettes of her friends, waiting in line for tickets. 
    “Hold on there, young lady.” Nova heard the clicking of the lock and groaned. “I want you to text me once every hour, okay? Stay with Adrian no matter what. If anything happens, call me or your father immediately.” Nova inched toward the door again, this time trying to unlock it subtly. Her mother still noticed. “Don’t talk to anyone you don’t know.”
    Nova felt an evil smile creep onto her lips. “But what if they’re selling candy?”
    “I mean it, Nova Jean.” She swore she saw the flash of fear in her mother’s eyes. “No funny business. You know how I feel about leaving you, and here of all places.” She gestured to the building before them. “Be on your best behavior. There are-”
    “Eyes on me at all times, I know.” She rolled her eyes, thinking back to all the times those words had been repeated to her whenever she went anywhere. When she was younger, they confused her. But now, Nova knew her mom meant the media and how the older Nova got, 
the more people watched her every move. After all, her family had a reputation. “Can I go now? Adrian’s already coming over here.” 
    Closing her eyes, Tala Artino nodded. She reached for Nova’s hand when her eyes reopened, now soft. “I love you, sweetheart, Be safe. I’ll pick you up at 10.” 
    “Love you too, Mom.” Reaching over, Nova pressed a kiss to her mom’s cheek. Then, she was finally allowed to exit the vehicle. Adrian, waiting outside, greeted her with a hug. Nova couldn’t help but notice his growth spurt in recent months. She had always been the short one, but there had been a time once where she didn’t have to tilt her head up to look at him. Now, her neck stretched more and more each time she saw him. She should’ve seen it coming; his mom had been tall, and he was a spitting image of her. 
    “Hi, Mrs. Artino.” Adrian waved as the passenger window rolled down. All traces of a stern parent vanished from her mother’s face when she waved back. 
    “Hi, honey. You’re going to make sure my daughter doesn’t do anything she’s not supposed to, right?” 
    But Adrian laughed and simply nodded, putting on his dumb charming smile that won over every parent. They said bye to her mother. Nova watched until the car had disappeared from view before turning to face her friend. 
“Where should we go first?” 
Adrian frowned. “Are we not seeing the movie? Everyone else already has their tickets.” 
“They can see it if they want.” Nova wrapped an arm around Adrian’s and pulled him forward. “But it honestly looks boring. All horror movies are the same.” 
But Adrian didn’t look convinced, and while Nova wanted nothing more than to explore the mysterious place her mother hated with a passion, she could tell he wanted to see the movie. Well, the movie was only an hour and a half. And it was only 5 in the evening right now. They had plenty of time. 
Nova let out a sigh, then pulled Adrian in the direction of the ticket line. “Fine, but you’re staying in line with me to buy a ticket.” 
Adrian snorted. “Just as long as you sit next to me in case I get scared so I can hold your hand.” He seemed almost shy in saying that, despite trying to be nonchalant and joking. Nova glanced over at him and noticed how his cheeks and neck had darkened. A flutter twirled in her belly, but she pushed it aside. Those feelings were nothing new by now. But for whatever reason, she only felt them when she was around her best friend. 
“That movie was terrible!” Nova said as soon as she exited the theater with her friends. A few people glanced over at her, shooting disapproving looks before recognition dawned on their faces and their eyes flitted between her and Adrian and the linked arms between their bodies. Nova had to refrain from making faces at them, remembering her mother’s warnings. 
“It wasn’t that bad,” Ramona said with an eye roll. “At least it wasn’t the same as every other horror movie.” Ramona was a Renegade, like Nova and Adrian. She had been chosen by Nova at the last trials a few months before to be a part of her team. Usually, the Council didn’t let the younger Renegades participate in the trials other than to watch, but they gave Nova an exemption at the ripe age of thirteen. Why, she wasn’t fully sure, especially when Adrian’s dads were on the Council and still wouldn’t let him create his. She suspected her parents had a bit of a pull in that, as well as the Council recognizing the amount of time Nova put in every day for the organization. After all, she was dedicated to righting the wrongs her uncle had done in the past. Her team couldn’t do much anyway. Patrols were too dangerous, so they were forced to stick to duties inside headquarters, something that quickly grew boring but at least helped Nova’s team bond. 
Benton, Nova’s other recruit, shook his head. “No, I’m with Nova on this one. Possessed dolls? C’mon, it’s been done like, fifty times already.” 
Nova headed the group as they ventured into the main part of the mall. The aroma of pretzels and stinky children pierced her nostrils. Nova hadn’t been inside a mall for some years. Her mom tried to avoid the place as much as possible, as it wasn’t the cleanest place on earth. Usually, if they had to go to a store in the mall, they would spend time only in that store, parking near an entrance by the store in order to spend the least amount of time in the main mall as possible. Tala had practically drilled Nova every single day leading up to her mall escapade on what to do and what not to do, as well as reminding her of the dangers of the media and of course, the splotchy-faced pedophiles who camped out in the food court all day watching teen girls pass by in crop tops and cut off shorts. 
“Okay, but you have to admit the creepy dude at the end was a surprise,” Adrian countered, pushing his glasses up over his nose. Nova bit back a smile; she had promised not to make fun of his scratchy, changing voice. Even if he did squeak every other word. “Living in the walls?” He shuddered. “Spying on her that entire time?” 
Ramona muttered something under her breath in Spanish. “No wonder his parents left. I honestly would’ve left sooner if I were them. Screw his feelings.” 
“Yeah, he was weird, but that kind of came out of nowhere.” Benton ran a hand through his blond locks. “The plot holes are endless. Why didn’t his parents just up and abandon him? What was keeping them there? Why was he in the fucking walls to begin with? Why didn’t they get him mental help sooner?” 
Nova gasped, quieting the group. She had spotted one of her favorite shops, a small store that sold band and other nerdy merch. Her mom wasn’t a big fan, seeing as they sold goth and emo type stuff, and their workers were ‘scary looking’. She grabbed Adrian’s hand in her excitement, missing the way his gaze widened at the gesture, and tugged him in the direction of the shop. 
    “There’s a shirt I’ve had my eyes on for the longest time,” she explained to him as they halted in front of the wall lined with band t-shirts. Benton and Ramona trailed off from them, drifting over to the racks and cubbies of fandom merch. 
    Adrian hummed in understanding. “The West Side?”
    “East Side,” Nova corrected, glaring at his teasing shit eating smile. “If you’re going to their concert with me in November then you better learn their name at least, you asshole.” 
    Adrian bumped her shoulder lightly, but helped her look for the shirt after she gave him a brief description. Just when she was beginning to think they didn’t have it, Adrian let go of her hand to reach forward and to the left. When he turned back to her, he had the shirt, and in a size medium, just as she liked it. The baggier, the better. She grinned and accepted the shirt, wrapping an arm around him in a loose hug. 
    That’s when she saw a flash in the corner of her eye. 
    Flipping around, she saw a girl a few years older than her, the phone in her hand dropping awkwardly. Her group of friends all giggled and whispered to one another. Based on the way they were dressed and were acting, Nova could tell they had followed her and her friends into the store. 
    The girls entire face turned beet red, but that didn’t stop her from tearing her gaze from Nova to look at the photo she had taken. Before Nova could even open her mouth to ask her to delete the photo, the group of girls was gone, flocking out of the store quickly as if they hadn’t even been there.And that was when Nova noticed the hidden phones of quite a few shoppers. One was held in crossed arms as the lady pretended to look at a pair of shoes, another behind a clothing rack. One didn’t even try hiding their camera, or even bother to whisper to the person beside them. 
    A chill ran through Nova’s body, and suddenly she didn’t feel very well. Well, her few minutes of freedom were fun while they lasted. She closed her eyes and practically leaned against Adrian, jaw clenched as she pressed the shirt back into his hands. 
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ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀᴘʜʀᴏᴅɪᴛᴇ | ᴋᴜʀᴏᴏ ᴛᴇᴛꜱᴜʀᴏ x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ | 𝘏𝘢𝘪𝘬𝘺𝘶𝘶!! NSFW One-Shot
So-- uh can y’all tell I’ve been on tiktok? SKSKSKKS This is inspired by many things, mainly Yagami Yato--- but many things have come together to the point this happened so-- uh--- enjoy? SKSKSK and yes, he be in college in this fic--
TW: Dirty Talk ; Man-handling ; Eating reader out--; The amount of teasing man ; Chibi-chan--- askjifhaieg
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A shiver ran down her spine at the sudden intrusion of personal space. Despite the mocking tone he held, the playful and joyous look on Kuroo’s face set her heart at ease as she gently elbowed the taller man. A coy roll of her eyes as she took a shifted away from the other as she went back to her assignment.
“Ah! Why do you hurt me so? You’ve been stuck on that assignment for the past couple of days now, babe~.”
The whine that came out of his throat had her chuckling lightly as she paused briefly to give him an exasperated look. It was true, as the finals for the first semester began to roll by, the amount of work and assignments that were given had increased tenfold. Thus diminishing her time with her mischievous boyfriend of 2 years. 
“Unlike someone I know, I actually took more classes than the norm. So sorry that I can’t give my apparently, touch starved cat affection.”
It was meant to be a tease-- more like a prod at his ego and feline tendencies. Though that thought backtracked the moment he pressed his chest against her back. His arms caging her to the desk as he slowly leaned down to nip at her earlobe.
“But what about your kitty, Chibi-chan~?” 
“W-What? Tetsu!” 
A scandalous gasp came from her as she turned once again to shove him off of her. Yet, before she could even completely shove him away, her wrists had been grabbed by his larger hand. 
“Looks like I caught ya, Chibii-chan~.”
Despite the mocking tone in his voice, the lustful growl that laced itself within his words had her tremble and chew her lower lip as she gave him another glare. She knew that despite his dorky and quirky self, the confidence and sly emotions that interlaced into her boyfriend’s personality had practically exploded the moment he became a college student. (Much more so after feeling exponentially confident in himself.) 
“Tetsu, let go. I really need to finish this assignment.”
The edge in her voice had him chuckle as he leaned forward, his free arm now lifting her up with ease as he held her close to his chest. The other hand that held both of her wrists pulled them towards his awaiting lips. A mischievous grin now plastered on his face as he slowly kissed and nipped at her fingers. Slow and sensual, her cheeks couldn’t help but darken as he met her gaze. Dark lustful honey brown eyes practically boring deep into her own (e/c) eyes before he suddenly spun.
The movement eliciting a sharp gasp from her as her back met the plush mattress. The sheets now strewn about beneath her as he caged her in. His eyes roaming over her form before he dipped down to capture her lips in a slow and desperate kiss as his tongue began to prod and tease at her lower lip, practically prying for entrance into her mouth to get a sweet taste of her. 
“Fuck....you taste so good Chibi-chan...so addicting...”
The raspy voice that left his throat had her shivering as she felt her body begin to succumb to her own hormones. A subtle shift and before she knew it her legs were pried apart by his thigh. The muscle beneath her had her shivering as she couldn’t help but appreciate all the definition and build her boyfriend had after joining the university’s volleyball team. 
To say the least, the sight was absolutely delectable; and as if sensing her thoughts he leaned over to once again nip at her ear as he kept her wrists pinned above her head. His thigh now pressing up against her clothed entrance before slowly rubbing against her as a wanton moan left her lips.
“Look at you...always looking so adorable for me Chibi-chan...absolutely stunning... your cute little expressions... those noises... it makes me not want to hold back.” 
The words had her whine softly as she craned her neck up to look at his coy expression. A playful glint in his eyes before he began to tug at her clothes, slowly pulling off the minimal amount of clothing she wore as his fingers then replaced the heat of his thigh as he couldn’t help but let out a low whistle.
“My, my...look at how utterly soaked you are baby...I haven’t even gotten a chance to touch you that much and you’re this wet? Does my voice do that to you, Chibi-chan~?”
Again, another whine came from her, much more from embarrassment as he continued to compliment and tease her, though of course she wasn’t able to hide her flustered and subtly teary expression as he began to rub and tease at her clit. The motion jerking her body towards his as she balled her fists up from the teasing pleasure he gave her. 
“F-Fuck...Tetsu... you t-tease...” 
Breathless and subtly angered, she couldn’t help but weakly glare at him as his own grin widened as he watched her. His eyes hooded as he basked in the sight before him.
“Can’t say I don’t love seeing you like this... a mess, whining and crying out for me.” 
His mocking and teasing tone had her grit her teeth as she desperately tried to push herself down against his fingers; only to fail as he slowly pulled back. Another gasp and whine was pried from her lips as she tightly clenched her eyes shut at the loss of motion before she felt the weight on her wrists disappear.
Quickly opening them, she found that the warm presence that was above her was now much more lower. Utterly embarrassed to see where the fluff of messy black bedhead went, she found that instead of hovering over her, the messy bedhead was at her thighs. 
“T-Tetsu? What are you---AH~! F-Fuck!”
A sharp cry came from her as she felt soft lips and a teasing bite to her inner thighs. Heavy and calloused hands firmly gripped down on her hips before splaying her legs open as he slowly brought his gaze up to look at her as he began to leave hickeys and love bites along her thighs. The mischief in his eyes practically glowed with the reactions she gave him as he slowly trailed his lips closer and closer to her throbbing entrance. 
His breath fanning against her fold briefly before he slowly blew warm air against her, eliciting a cry as her hands found purchase against the sheets, desperate to grab something for the moment as she could feel his tongue outline her folds. Digging and prodding her, mapping out everything inside and outside of her as he practically buried his face into her, forcing his tongue as far as it could go inside of her as he indulged in the sweet sounds she made as he teased her.
The warm pink muscle working to find the sweet little spots that made her gasp in just the right way, and just as he reached the perfect spot, he felt her hands grasp at his hair as he let out a grunt from the rough tug she gave him. Though of course this didn’t deter him, rather it egged him on.
Just as she thought she was going to cum from his tongue alone, he pulled back. A gasp and desperate moan escaping her lips as she gave him a pleading look as he gave her a wicked look, he leaned over to the side to grasp a condom, slowly ripping the foil open and working the rubber over his cock. Making sure she was watching the entire time as he gave her a teasing grin before he caged her once more. His arms resting on either side of her head before he leaned down.
“Wanna taste of yourself, Chibi-chan~? Aren’t ya curious about how you taste when I’m the one who makes you this wet?”
Without even thinking, she leaned forward, mashing her lips against his own as she could taste the intoxicating taste of Kuroo and her own juices on his tongue. The thought of being only his sending her on edge, and his comments hadn’t really helped as he practically had pulled her up close against him. His hard erection rubbing and pressing against her aching folds as she began to grind against him to the best of her abilities.
“Impatient as always, aren’t ya? Can’t say I don’t fucking love it though....just wait Chibi-chan...I’ll fuck you nice and good okay~?”
As much as she wanted to say, nothing came out except desperate pleads and broken words as her fingers worked their way into his hair as his own hands found a hold on her waist, and the other into her hair as he gave an experimental tug as her head was suddenly pulled back. The canvas of her neck now exposed to him as he gave a pleased moan.
“Listen here Chibi-chan~... I’m gonna fuck you real good...and I’m gonna leave you some nice lovely marks so you can show the whole world..mmkay~?”
Before she could even retaliate, his cock slowly began to prod and push into her. His movements slow and taunting as his lips mimicked the teasing setting. Light yet sensual kisses beginning to litter her neck, and as he began to pick up his pace, the more the sensual light kisses became rougher and possessive. 
Eventually, she found herself screaming his name as her fingers roughly tugged at his hair as he pounded deep into her, savoring her sounds as he continued to kiss and suck at her neck, though that became messy in it’s own right as he felt his gut coil with heat as he let out more moans and groans against her neck. Their panting filled the room as broken words and the slur of pleads bleed throughout the air. 
Suddenly, a spark and a shock of blinding pleasure overwhelmed them both as she came. Her walls tightly clenching around him as he cursed before cumming himself as he tightened his grip on her. Now spent, he slowly pulled out of her, wincing at the sound before laying himself next to her as she curled up against his chest.
“....I fucking hate you sometimes Tetsu...”
Despite the comment, her actions told otherwise as she pecked his cheek, his dorky smile on his face as he pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“Can’t help myself if my little Chibi-chan is overworking herself and needs some...stress relief~.” 
Another roll of her eyes and she felt sleep slowly succumb her as she let out a slow sigh. 
“Love you, asshole...”
“Love you too, my Chibi-chan~.” 
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mowmowmice · 5 years
Secret Santa!!
🥺🥺 originally this was on a google docs because i don’t really write much, but hey I decided to post it to tumblr since it would be easier to access.
there’s no real title to this, just some nice adrienette fluff for my secret santa! @gryffindorcls
also @chatnoirinette if u wanted it SKSKSKS
Wearing a fancy holiday outfit as opposed to her usual outfit for school was, in hindsight, not the greatest idea when the temperature was a mere 20 degrees outside. Being completely honest, Marinette had been on the fence to begin with about the outfit, but Alya had assured her that it would be worth it.
‘Worth it’ wasn't the phrase Marinette would use. Discarding her usual pink and gray color scheme, she found herself wearing a bright red and white dress, ending just above her knees. Underneath the dress she wore regular black tights, and small black heels to match. The outfit itself wasn’t a problem-designing it herself had been a fun challenge, and showing it off to the class had made the effort pay off nicely. The problem was that it was practically a blizzard outside. Walking home, Marinette was positive she’d be stuck at home sick by tomorrow.
Still, the day was a success in her books. Well, mainly. Of course, Adrien wasn’t there to see it-hardly a surprise. He had said the day before that his father had planned a photoshoot the day before Christmas break, but Marinette held onto hope that just maybe…
Her hope was in vain. Marinette enjoyed herself immensely, but she couldn’t help but feel a pang of disappointment that Adrien couldn’t have celebrated with the rest of them. If anybody deserved to, it would’ve been him. She hoped that wherever he was, he was having fun. Letting out a breath that was visible to the naked eye, Marinette wrapped her arms around her body and began the long trudge home, absolutely wishing she had thought to bring a jacket like her mother suggested the night before.
Before she could get far, headlights in the distance caught Marinette’s attention. The girl was puzzled. Why would anybody be driving in this weather, much less in a car that looked as though it was brand new? Marinette hoped whoever it was in the car would pass by quickly. It was always so awkward having strangers pity you for not wearing a warm enough coat on a walk in winter. And Marinette dealt with that enough for today-Alya and Rose both berated her the entire time for not bringing a good winter coat-.
As the car approached, Marinette stared at the ground to avoid any unneeded eye contact. What she wasn’t expecting, however, was the car to slow down right in front of her. When Marinette first noticed this, she immediately began to speed up without looking from the ground. Was someone after her? Was she going to get kidnapped? Or robbed? Her worries were unfounded though, because pretty soon a voice-a familiar voice-cut out over the gusting wind.
“Marinette! Hey, Marinette!”
The girl looked up, barely believing it. The car-no, the limo stopped in front of her, that was..that was Adrien’s car! Her cheeks flushed bright red, and not because of the cold. Marinette pulled strands of her bangs out of her eyes, pausing in her steps to turn around and look at him. Unfortunately, she couldn’t stop the violent shivers sent down her back, her hands clutching at her arms and crossed over her chest.
Adrien had gotten out of the car, in a very fitting coat only the best designers wore. He had gloves on, but his blonde hair was freely whipping around with the wind. When he spoke, he had to shout to be heard. “What are you doing, Marinette? It’s freezing out!”
If Marinette wasn’t already embarrassed, now she was absolutely mortified. He probably thought her so strange, wearing such a dress in the dead of winter. Trying to find her voice (and also remain calm, because Adrien) Marinette spoke out against the wind. “I-Well, uh-“ Oh no. She was rambling now, rambling and she couldn’t stop. “No ride home! Have to walk. Um, bye!” Turning around on her heel, Marinette began to speed walk the opposite direction, already cursing her bad luck. Why, oh why whenever Adrien was around she just couldn’t get anything done!? It was so unfair!
Before Marinette could get far, a tight but warm grip on her arm stopped her. She looked up at the hand, face to face with Adrien. Up close, you could see his cheeks and nose begin to get red because of the cold. He wore an expression of puzzlement, but also something akin to amusement. “I can't just leave you here to walk home! You’ll be an icicle by the time we get back.” He laughed, though it was barely heard through the warring wind around them. “Let me take you home. I already asked Gorilla when I saw you.”
Marinette let out a soft squeak, trying not to look too panicked at the idea that Adrien-Adrien, was offering her a ride home! The very idea was something that she could barely even process in her mind at the moment, but it seemed that her silence was taken as a hearty acceptance for Adrien. “Great!” The blonde’s words barely reached her ears, and as soon as she heard them he was already pulling her back towards the car. Marinette made no move to remove her arm or resist his gentle tugging, but she also seemed to be frozen in place at the moment, and probably couldn’t have done either of those things if she tried.
Adrien shot her a cheeky grin that made Marinette’s already inflamed cheeks burn, but before she could respond appropriately (like faint, for instance) he had already opened the car door and slowly let go of her hand. Marinette, for a moment, allowed herself the despair of feeling his warm grip slowly slip away from her hands, until she realized she was being silly and quickly stepped into the car. Adrien got in next to her, nodding to Gorilla, and immediately turned his attention to Marinette.
“You look really pretty today, Marinette. Was the party really that fun?” Marinette seemed to barely hear him, as her heart had soared at his word choice and she seemed lost in her own headspace. Finally though, regaining a sense of composure (as much as she could muster around Adrien anyways) Marinette offered an embarrassed, though a fairly confident smile. “Yes! It was really fun-I..well, I thought it would be nice to dress up for a bit. Not for any particular reason, of course, but because I wanted to! I think everyone there liked it but, maybe I should’ve saved it for a warmer day.” Through her rambling Marinette got increasingly more fidgety, worried that with every pause she was saying the wrong thing over and over. Eventually her gaze fluttered towards the shoes that she was wearing, determinedly staring there instead of anywhere else.
“I bet everyone thought you looked amazing, Marinette.” Adrien said kindly, looking at her with warm, sparkling green eyes. Marinette dared to look up again, her face glowing, but a small smile managed to worm its way out of her. “T-Thank you, Adrien. That means a lot coming from you.” For a moment, the two stayed in silence, before Marinette realized her mistake. “I-I mean because..because you’re so famous! And Gabriel Agreste’s son! Not-not that I wouldn’t value your opinion if you weren’t, but-oh I’m going to shut up now.” Marinette buried her face in her hands, avoiding anymore confrontation. Of course she had to screw everything up. What was even worse was that Adrien had stayed silent throughout her entire babbling, reaching forward to whisper something to his bodyguard once she finished.
He’s going to kick me out. I just know it. Her miserable thoughts were little comfort to her right now, but she knew she deserved them all. She just had to mess everything up. Tikki would be amused by this, for sure, but Marinette knew that the kwami would also harbor a fair amount of disappointment. Marinette had been working so hard on trying to talk to Adrien normally, and now she was back to square one. Even worse, Adrien probably thought she was such a loser.
The silence wore on for a few more minutes, until Gorilla stopped the limo. Marinette lifted her face out of her hands, avoiding Adrien’s eye completely and reaching the handle for the door. “Thank you for the ride ho-“ She stares at the window, blinking comically. This..this was not her house. This wasn’t even near her house.
This was Andre’s ice cream cart.
Marinette looked at Gorilla, her mouth agape. “I’m sorry sir, I didn’t know you needed my directions. You just take a left-“ Adrien’s soft laughter cut her off mid sentence, and she turned to look at him, completely puzzled. After he stopped laughing, he looked at her with a dazzling smile. “You seem a bit stressed out. I thought we could get some ice cream before you go home.”
There were loads of things that Marinette could’ve said at the moment, and her brain chose the worst possible option. “It’s the middle of winter.” She stammered, then immediately clamped her jaws shut. He was trying to do something nice, and once again she had to put to question every possible thing he did. Was she trying to make him hate her? Adrien suddenly looked bashful, rubbing the back of his neck and not looking at her. “Well-yeah, I know. I just thought that, well..ice cream always make things better, no matter what season it’s in. But if you don’t want it, that’s completely fine! I just thought..” He trailed off, shrugging and shooting her a small smile.
Marinette, bless her heart, had been extremely aware that she would not mess this up a second time. Before he even finished she had stumbled the words “I’d love to!” Out of her mouth, and was too preoccupied with getting that ice cream to even wait for him to respond back. Marinette quickly shoved the door open and stepped out, the wind whipping against her hair and skin. She shivered, but she knew that she wouldn’t take this opportunity for granted, no matter how cold she was. Adrien ran around the back to catch up, tugging his scarf more securely over his neck. He took one look at Marinette, then quickly grabbed his scarf (the one Marinette designed) removed it from his neck, and wrapped it around her neck. Marinette let out a soft squeak, but if he heard, he didn’t say anything.
“You looked cold.” Was his only response to the look she gave him (which, unfortunately did not answer her question of “please marry me”)
With that, Adrien had moved forward to Andre, greeting the vendor with a smile so perfect that it had to have been practiced for years. Marinette followed, trying to focus on getting through the snow and not burying her face in the scarf and practically living in his perfume. Between the cold and the fact that he had put his scarf around her, Marinette scarcely noticed the faint scent of Camembert lingering around her neck.
Andre looked at them with bright eyes, as if he were waiting all day for some customers to come by. “Ah-two of my favorite customers! What will it be, yes? Ah-just kidding! I already know you two exactly!” He waggled a scooper in their faces, and Adrien let out a hearty laugh. Marinette could scarcely believe this was happening, that she was getting to eat ice cream with..with Adrien! And alone too!
“Blackberry and peppermint! An explosive and rare mix, that’s true. But often times opposites attract, and you do too!” His wording left Marinette practically red at the ears, but to her surprise when she looked at Adrien, he also looked a bit taken aback. Finally though, he seemed to regain his senses and smiled. “You know best, Andre.”
The two of them got their ice cream (two separate cones) and Adrien began heading back to the limo. Marinette looked after him, quickly deciding to take a chance and be bold. Do something Ladybug would do. “Wait! Why don’t we eat outside?” She called out. At first, she was worried that he wouldn’t hear her, but he turned his head and looked at her, eyes bright. “Are you sure? You look like you’re about to fall over!” His voice was teasing, and Marinette had to laugh at it. “I’m sure! We can sit on one of those benches. We wouldn’t want to get your limo messy, anyways.” Adrien nodded and quickly ran to tell Gorilla, while Marinette took a tentative taste of her cone. Andre was right-the taste was bold, and strong. But at the same time the flavors blended together nicely. Marinette took a second lick.
The two of them sat together at the bench Marinette had pointed out, and with frozen hands, Marinette took out her phone. Her parents were probably worried about her-and Alya had asked that she tell her when she got home. Marinette quickly sent a text out to her mom to assure her that she was okay-and that she had gone out with a friend for a few minutes. Alya, however, was a bit harder to please.
Alya: Girl, who are you WITH? All of our classmates went home!
Marinette: Adrien came by and offered me a ride. Not a big deal, really.
As soon as she sent those texts, she knew she was in for a long night. And given the way Alya had immediately tried FaceTiming her, she was absolutely right. She declined (because it would be extremely rude) and focused on eating her ice cream, savoring the taste while also ignoring Alya’s constant buzzing on her phone. Adrien was also eating his ice cream, but his gaze was focused on something in the distance. When Marinette followed his line of sight, she also saw a small shape running across rooftops. It’s probably just Chat Noir patrolling. She thought, glancing at the snowy ground. Adrien seemed to think the same thing, looking satisfied after a moment of hesitation, and turning to Marinette. Before he could open his mouth to speak, Marinette let out a huge gasp. A large, crazy large shadow had just dropped over Adrien, and before she could call out a warning, the branch that had piled on a huge chunk of snow for the last hour and a half, snapped in half and fell right on top of him.
Despite the horror she felt that he could’ve been dealt a serious injury, Marinette had begun laughing. Hysterical laughing. She was covering her face with her hands, trying not to let laughter spill out of her mouth like a waterfall. But Adrien’s dumbstruck expression was too much, and she ended up crouching over, giggles erupting her like a volcano. Adrien, meanwhile, had also begun to laugh, shaking his head and scattering snow everywhere. He was looking at Marinette with a warmth she couldn’t describe, but pretty soon his gaze held mischief to them. “You think my pain is funny, Marinette?” His voice quieted, and was gentle against the rushing wind.
Immediately Marinette hushed. She looked at him, her eyes wide and horror struck. Had she just offended him? She meant no harm-but maybe he was really hurt, and maybe he thought she was just laughing because she was evil and mean. Before she could say anything though, Adrien had gently thrown a snowball right at her, not enough to seriously hurt her, but enough to make her feel mass discomfort. Marinette gasped, though when eyes were shining. Adrien looked at her with a familiar grin on his face, and quickly got up, using his ice cream cone as a shield.
Marinette already began to plan. She took one last lick of her ice cream cone, before plopping it on the ground. She would need both hands for this. Adrien seemed offended by the waste of the cone, looking at where she dropped it with a playfully indignant expression. Marinette used the temporary distraction to quickly scoop up a ball of clustering snow, throwing it right at his ice cream cone and hitting it dead center. The ice cream got shot off and fell to the floor, and Adrien let out a loud gasp that even Marinette could hear over the blowing wind. “You’ll pay for that!” He cried, dropping the rest of his cone and beginning to scoop up some more snow. Marinette let out a squeal as he threw one right at her dress, running away from him as fast as she could.
Marinette wasn’t sure when Gorilla had come outside of the car and stared at them until they managed to go back inside. She knew it must’ve been longer than she thought (the sun had begun to go down, and it was getting dark fast) She couldn’t believe that the two had lost track of time so easily. Adrien didn’t look too bothered, getting into the car with a grin plastered onto his face.
The car ride home was warm and lively, nothing like the small talk that filled it up on the way there. Marinette got to hear about how Adrien never really got to do this before, and how having ice cream in winter was never something he did before today. Marinette also explained her own experiences, and how her parents would’ve never let her have a snowball fight wearing nothing but a dress and tights. (Adrien looked a little guilty at that, but pointed out that she was also wearing his scarf) Marinette almost forgot. She looked at the scarf, gently grabbing it with her frozen fingers and beginning to peel it off her neck. Adrien reached out, his gloved hand gently brushing over her own. “Keep it on for now. Just until we get to your house.” He smiled again, the same warm smile he showed her before, and Marinette felt obligated to keep the scarf on for just a bit longer.
When they came to her house for real, Marinette stepped out. The wind died down a bit, but it was enough to make her shiver still. She quickly gave her thanks and holiday wishes to Gorilla, and would’ve done the same for Adrien if he hadn’t insisted on accompanying her to the door. She smiled, feeling emboldened by the new level of comfort she felt around him, and walked along step by step until she got to the bakery door.
Marinette turned to Adrien, her cheeks still a pretty pink. “Thank you for this. Really-I had a great time.” Her eyes were gleaming, but Adrien looked a bit worried. “I guess my plan kinda backfired. I offered you a ride to keep you out of the cold, and I think we spent more time in it. I’m really sorry about that.” He looked at her again, his intense green eyes meeting her bright blues. Marinette looked away for a moment. “It’s okay, really! Running around warmed my up a lot. Much more than walking would’ve done.” He looked relieved by her insistence, and was about to leave before she remembered the scarf. “Oh! Adrien! You forgot this!” She quickly pulled the scarf off of her neck, feeling a sudden spurt of wind hit the back of her neck. Ignoring it, she held out the scarf for him to grab.
He had turned back to look at her, walking back over to grab the scarf. But in the middle of heading over he stopped dead, staring at a spot above Marinette’s head. Adrien looked conflicted for a moment, before he seemed to make up his mind and walk over to grab the scarf. Marinette hadn’t bothered to follow his line of sight, assuming he saw a bird or something, and instead handed the scarf to him with a smile.
He gently took the scarf, leaned down, and kissed her cheek.
“Happy holidays, Marinette. I hope we can hang out again like this.” And then he was gone, walking back to the limo, getting in the car, and leaving. Just like that.
Marinette didn’t remember walking through the bakery door, she didn’t remember trudging you her stairs. She definitely didn’t remember reading through Alya’s 100+ new messages, nor Tikki trying to persuade her to patrol as Ladybug one more time before the break began. Instead, as she reached a hand towards her cheek, a rush of memories ran through her brain. Adrien in the snow. Adrien in the limo. Adrien at Andre’s with her. And Adrien outside of her bakery door, leaning down to plant a kiss on her cheek.
On second thought, maybe wearing that holiday dress wasn’t so bad after all.
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moonmunson · 5 years
bucky nsfw alphabet
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a/n: i love nsfw alphabets jfc! working on the request i got but wanted to write something in the meantime 
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Bucky sometimes takes a while for himself before he can take care of you. When he gets into his dom headspace he needs to calm down before being able to be  loving with you again. But once he cools down, he’s immediately cleaning you up and whispering sweet nothings in your ear until you fall asleep
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Bucky loves everything about you, but if he had to pick something he’d say your mouth. He knows you can be snappy and bratty but when he shoves his cock in it to shut you up, you wrap your lips around it willingly and suck
He loves his hands. He loves using them on you and watching your expression when he plays with your clit. Bucky didn’t want to touch people when he got back into normal life, because he was worried he’d go all Winter Soldier on them. You’re quick to reassure him you want him to touch you, anywhere and everywhere
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Bucky’s favorite place to cum has always been inside you, but he has an appreciation for the way his cum lies on your stomach when he pulls out on the rare occasions you don’t use protection (don’t be silly, wrap your willy!)
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
After really tough missions, Bucky doesn’t enjoy being dom. He’d spend the whole day being rough and frigid, and when he comes to you, he needs to blow off steam, but he’s too tired to be in control. You’d carefully undress him on nights like this, kissing your way across his frame and treating him with so much care. You’d ride him, but he’d still have his hands on your waist, controlling the pace.  
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Bucky was obviously a ladies man in the 40’s, but after coming back and being in the present, it takes him a while to get the hang of things again, but once he does it’s pure bliss. He remembers exactly how to move his tongue through your folds, exactly how to move his fingers to hit that special place that has you writhing and squirming under him
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Bucky prefers to have you under him, but he does also enjoy you riding him when he’s tired from a stressful mission
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Bucky is a very serious person. Only you can make him laugh during sex and that really only entails a quiet chuckle when you make a bad joke or pick up line
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
While he knows that women in the present usually prefer a man who grooms himself, Bucky neither cares nor has time for things so superfluous
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Bucky’s usually rough during sex, because it lets him blow off steam, but he also likes the occasional sweet sensual round. During these, he likes for you to call him James. It’s incredibly intimate
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Bucky only jerks off when he’s on a really long mission without you, and even then, you’re involved in the process either on facetime (it takes an entire hour for you to teach him how to work it before he calls and the real fun begins) or with pictures and videos you send him
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Obviously Bucky likes being in control sksk
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Your shared bedroom is your and his sacred space so definitely anywhere in there for sure. Bed, shower, sksk even the closet (don’t ask)
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
You, mostly. I mean, yeah, he loves when you do shit to him but my god, when he sees your face twist in pleasure and he feels you come undone around him, that’s what it’s all for
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Bucky doesn’t like tying you up, the restraints remind him too much of HYDRA
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Bucky was known amongst girls in the 40’s for his mouth’s skills. That doesn’t change in the present. He knows how to nip and lick and suck at all the important places (When showing him f.r.i.e.n.d.s. and Monica goes through her “7, 7, 7,” thing, he knows exactly what she’s talking about)
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
I like to think Bucky’s somewhere in the middle. He’s hard and fast, but also slow and deep at the same time? You can unravel in minutes
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
When Bucky needs to leave for a mission without you, you always are able to drag him back into bed for a sweet goodbye
He prefers being able to take his time with you, but when the need arises, he’s fine with a quicky
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Bucky’s up for trying mostly anything once, except sharing. You’re his and only his. The only person he’d be willing to even let near you is Steve, but he’s not too keen on bringing it up anytime soon
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Being a super soldier definitely has its benefits. Bucky can usually last at least three rounds tbh
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Bucky doesn’t think you need any toys while you have him to please you basically whenever you want, but you do have a tiny silver bullet vibe you hide for when he’s gone
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Bucky love taking his time with you and making you squirm before he dives all in like a man starved for years sksksk
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Bucky’s all low grunts and whimpers, but when you suck him off and do the thing he loves with your tongue, he strangles out a rather pornographic moan
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Honestly? He loves occasionally smoking a joint after missions and then having slow high sex with you. It relaxes his muscles and heightens his senses tenfold.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Hung as fuck, sis
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
You really don’t have to do anything in particular to get Bucky in the mood. He loves being inside you and being intimate, and he does it every chance he gets.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He definitely makes sure to clean you up and lull you to sleep before he wraps his arms around you and drifts off himself
On some nights though, he’s more vulnerable than on others. He pull your arms around him and relishes in the feeling.
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xiaomomowrites · 5 years
well if u want some ANGST what about mikasa dying in the trost battle early on in the series and eren's last words to her were some aggressive shit and oof
Introduction: I’ve been thinking about this encounter for awhile now lol. Man I’m so glad you requested it, I was waiting for some angsty shit sksksk this was really fun to write, I hope you enjoy! - u.n.
Oh and, just a warning, this one isn’t pretty. It gets a little graphic. Might be a bit much if you can’t stomach a little blood/death. This one was wild haha. Read at your own risk! -s.a.
Alright here we go Battle of Trost
Takes place shortly after she gives up and lays down her life
She stands up when the titan decides to come fuck w her and prepares to fight
As we all know, titan boi comes into save the day
Except he doesn’t lol
He steps right next to Mikasa and she goes flyin’
The way she falls back isn’t as graceful as we have seen. Instead, she flies back and hits her head against the concrete, landing on her arm wrong and somehow accidentally impaling herself on the small blade she was holding moments before (don’t run with scissors, kids)
The blade is deeply seated in her abdomen, but she doesn’t take it out. It’s the only thing stopping her from bleeding out
She’s suffering from traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (tSAH). Blood is filling into the space that surrounds the brain and it’s no bueno
Suddenly Mikasa feels the urge to vomit, and becomes very dizzy. Despite the adrenaline rushing through her veins moments ago, she feels extremely fatigued
The hard concrete floor has never felt so comfortable
She’s losing vision. The last thing she sees is Eren’s titan pounding the other titan’s head into the ground, and the sound of his roar
The last thing she thinks, though, is, “I love you, Eren. I wish I had told him sooner.”
Mikasa blacks out, and because the bleeding had been so severe, not to mention the blade in her stomach, she dies before anyone can find her
Let’s take a moment to take in consideration Armin’s perspective: he thinks he lost Eren to a titan, and then he stumbles across Mikasa’s dead body only moments after her “I’m stronger than all of you” speech
It leaves a bitter taste in his mouth, and he wants nothing more than to shut down and die at this point. The rest of the 104th won’t let him. But! While he’s being dragged away, Armin takes her scarf from her neck and covers her with his jacket
Movin’ on down the road, Eren is pulled from his titan
Mikasa isn’t there to cry on him. This time it’s Armin, grieving the FUCK out of the situation, and feeling nothing but guilt 
Right after the situation with Kitz and the Cannons™, Eren lands himself in the infirmary to be looked over
He notices the scarf on Armin’s neck, and no Mikasa in sight. He frowns. It’s horribly out of place
“Where’s Mikasa?” Eren asks. Armin had been silent the entire time, sitting in the chair next to him but staring at his hands blankly. 
Wordlessly, Armin begins to unwrap the scarf from his neck and puts places it in his hands. Eren doesn’t wanna touch it. He doesn’t want to accept the possibility that she’s gone. 
Armin takes his fingers and forces it closed to where he’s gripping the fabric. They both are.
“Eren,” he starts, not even believing the fact that he’s able to speak. “Mikasa… Mikasa isn’t- she’s not-”
“You think this is funny?” Eren speaks. His eyes are wide and blank. Armin can pinpoint the exact moment anger begins to override his entire being. “Not a fucking joke, Armin. Where is she?” 
“Eren,” Armin cries, “Eren, I’m sorry-”
“No, no. Fuck, no, I’m being serious-!”
“So am I!!” Armin yells and brings his face closer, choosing his next words very carefully. “Mikasa is dead.”
Eyes are wide and unblinking; his gaze shifts down to the scarf in his hands. 
“Who did it?” his voice is dangerously quiet.
Armin’s face contorts, depicting the five stages of grief all in five seconds. “Eren…” 
“Who did it, Armin? Was it a Titan?”
“Yes,” Armin swallows hard. He was technically telling the truth.
Eren lets out a choked noise, balling the scarf in his lap. Tears are running down his face. Hot, angry, fat tears roll down his cheeks and onto his neck. They fall into the scarf
“She’s not… no she’s not. Mikasa can’t be…”
Dead. The word sits with him heavily. The fact sits with Eren heavily, refusing to mix into his being like oil and water. 
He has a whole crisis about her being gone, never being able to see her again
Eren suddenly felt his stomach sink and the urge to vomit was at his throat, remembering his last words to her.
“I’m not your child or your brother!” 
“Don’t die,” Mikasa had said. Eren laughs bitterly; look who ended up dead. 
Ew he hates it, he hates himself. 
“I’m gonna kill them all,” Eren vows. 
Armin winces. “Eren…” 
“Every single one of them.”
“Eren that would include you,” Armin interrupts, here goes nothing. “Your titan… it killed Mikasa.”
“How did it happen?” Eren’s voice echoed in the empty room, though his voice was barely above a whisper. His eyes were dead set on the hands in his lap and his entire body was unmoving. 
“I don’t really...think we should be talking about this right n-”
“How did it happen, Armin?” this time he was looking right at him, and the emotion behind those eyes was almost too much to handle. Armin shifted uncomfortably under his gaze and focused his gaze on the scarf in his lap. 
“I...I don’t think you meant to do it, Eren.” the blond’s voice was soft, afraid  of the volcano of anger erupting in his best friend. This kind of anger was different; it was boiling, brewing, it was a silent anger, it was laced with an ugly hatred that Armin couldn’t quite put his finger on. It was truly harrowing..
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
Armin studied him, sympathy filled his eyes. It was misdirected anger; it was understandable. Of course this would hurt him, but there was something else in Eren’s expression that was telling him what his words wouldn’t. They must have fought before this all went down. 
“I mean, she wasn’t eaten, if that’s any consolation.”
“It’s not.”
“Okay,” he eyed the way Eren’s grip on the scarf tightened. “She died of blood loss and head trauma. When I... when I-I saw her…” Armin’s gaze shifted down at the memory, bile creeping back up his esophagus and his eyes began to water.  “God, Eren, when I saw her...it wasn’t pretty. I’m sorry. I couldn’t stay long enough to see. Not that I wanted to. I think...I think she might have fallen on her blade and hit her head.”
Eren breaks eye contact, but doesn’t move a muscle. 
He wants to scream, he wants to throw up, he wants to get up and go on a destructive rampage. 
Suddenly he hears more of Armin’s quiet apologies somewhere off in the distance, underneath all the weight he’s feeling on his shoulders. The room is spinning. He feels absolutely numb, and his chest feels so damn tight. It becomes hard to breathe, and the next thing he knows, his best friend is beside him, reminding him to inhale and exhale. 
He thinks he’s doing it. It sure doesn’t feel like it, since the room still felt so tight. The walls were closing in even tighter with each breath, and no matter how much he squirmed, there seemed to be no escape. He felt a hand take his and squeeze in an attempt to remind him of the present, but time seemed to just be an enigma as his mind played back every single time he had fought with her. Or maybe it was just the important parts. Maybe it was some good memories. He saw her face, her smile, her tears.
And then he was retching, and it was a little ugly. He wanted to vomit, and Armin was crying again. What a fucking mess. 
It might have been ten minutes later, or an hour, but once the room became still again and both boys seemed to have found a solid grasp on their sanity once more, Armin cleared his throat. 
“She loved you, Eren.” It seemed like the right thing to say. 
Eren nods, and he thinks that’s the only reaction he’s gonna get. But then he shakes his head, and grips the scarf in his lap, “I love her, too.” 
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