#his noodle brain blorbos
kraken-pint · 1 year
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gioiaalbanoart · 2 months
Writer Questionnaire
Thanks to @wyked-ao3 (X) , @the-letterbox-archives (X)
How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr? A fast and loose estimate is fine!
As in my bio this account was silent for years. I toke it back and I've been active about (counts....) : since may 2024?
What led you to create it? (take it back in my case)
I've been cursed with Banana Fish story so I landed to AO3 last year out of despair and started writing there.
Also AO3 posted mainly here, but I was still silent.
Then around april this year a lovely author (@the-golden-comet 💫💫💫) left a bunch of comments on my writing on AO3 and almost simultaneously followed me here 👀 👀 👀👀 👀 👀)
I got curious too, read and fallen in love with his work (ref below 👇 ) and interacted here more, so I met new people (again, ref below 👇 ) and here I am.
What’s your favorite thing about the Writeblr community?
Tips and advices, sharing experiences, sharing the fun, the snippets and other writings and characters. The quality and amount of good writing here is pretty amazing!
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
Well, this might sound haughty but I'll take the risk. They probably know me as an enthusiastic reader, and I am, I tend to go wild with comments 😅
But I also get bored and snap out pretty easily, and probably end up being very selective. If I follow and stick to an author is that I really believe in them, I don't do half a way 💗
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
I'm already seeing a lot that I love, mainly my mutuals. Then, of course, the more the better. One day I'll read it all........
WIP it Good
Which Works-in-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
I have one (big) wip that is living in my head since already one year.
I've worked on and off for several months but since a couple of weeks now I'm fully committed only on this one (My OC is actually glaring at me)
How long have you been working on them?
One year...👆👆👆 (it will take a while I'm a 🐌)
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
Ashley Knox, my main OC, came in my brain, curly blond, blue eyes and scars and said : write about me!
There have been more or less subconscious inspirations from Banana Fish, Omar little from the Wire, past women as gang leadears and others.
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
A lot....which doesn't make me go faster in writing 🤣
When someone asks the dreaded, “What do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
Very few not on line know....and they don't ask 🤣
I don't really have a gender neither. I would say I mix reality/existential/magic/healing in a sort of fiction.
What do you want to say (if it’s different from what you do say)?
We can walk through fire
Let’s Rotate Blorbos
Name any characters you created.  Side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who’ve never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you’d like!
So far : Ashley Knox, Amy Salinas, Carlos Herrera, Frank Morales, 'The cook'.....
Who’s the most unhinged?
I would say Ashley.....but it's not the perfect term actually.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Ashley and Amy. But it goes from moments to moments.
Do you ever cringe at them?
Until now not that much but I know I will....
How much control do you feel you have over your characters?  AKA, do they ever “write themselves,” refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn’t expect? To what degree? Are some less cooperative than others?
Same answer, for the moment they're relativeley nice.....
But I do struggle a lot until I don't feel it's right, they don't leave the grip so in a way they're already a pain in the ass.
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? And do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? For example, as Asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on AO3, etc.
I love it. Whatever way is ok.
On Writeblr Engagement
What makes you want to follow another Writeblr account? Do you follow ‘em as you see ‘em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? Do you follow based on WIPs, or vibes?
It depends, sometimes it's someone that I see around for a few times and get curious. Sometimes it's interest at first sight and I give it a try. Quite a few are mutuals from mutuals.
What makes you decide against following?
If I cringe for some reason.....mostly vibes.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
I don't know about "often" but yes, then I love when they actually become mutuals.
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
I tend to get obsessed easily 😅.....
All OCs of @the-golden-comet (my safety blanket) 💫💫💫
All OCs of @fortunatetragedy (even if my heart bleeds like....a lot!)
The upcoming crew of "The Pirate king of deaths redemption" by @wyked-ao3 💗💗 I'm so waiting to read them
Nat and Ron from The Reburial of Natalie King by @saturnine-saturneight , just started and I'm already doomed 😅
....and I stop here for now.
Tag np : @alinacapellabooks @bookish-karina @fortunatetragedy @saturnine-saturneight @aintgonnatakethis + open tag and a drink 🍻 🍻🍻🍻 🍻🍻
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As me and my mom left the pub today, there was a fancy ass car (that looked like a funeral car tbh) pulling up where the driver, who was dressed in a whole ass waistcoat, jumped out and opened the doors for the two passengers which like, genuinely what the fuck?
Like, this pub used to be half pub, half Wacky Warehouse and it's the Wacky Warehouse where the staff had to get bolt cutters out to get the door open when I got stuck in the toilet stall at my uncle's birthday meal. Like to give you a reference for how fancy it is round here.
Anyway, once we drive off, we end up behind him and as my mom's about to pull into a car park that's got a McDonald's and a B&M and like a Heron, like that kind of place, Mr Fancy-Funeral-Car indicates he's turning in there too.
Even more fascinating than outside the pub. As we were driving, we were talking about what the situation is. My mom reckons he works at a funeral home and he's dropping his mates off at the pub and that he has to open the door for them because the backdoors have child-locks because, to quote, "well, they don't want anyone getting out." Meanwhile, I'm working with the assumption that it's like a fancy version of Uber.
And so when he turns into the car park, we're both like "who the fuck could he be picking up here?", especially as he drives towards McDonald's. Like now our assumptions are: 1) someone fancy is sitting in McDonalds, 2) someone bad with money is sitting in McDonalds, or 3) he's going to McDonalds before picking his mates up again.
This is a mystery and we are hooked, but first we have to grab some stuff from B&M, which again, indicates the general income level of people round here. We're buying ravioli and noodles in B&M; this is not an area where people have personal drivers.
Once we're done in B&M, all thoughts of Funeral Car Fancypants have left my brain because I have been reminded of the whole Quite Disabled™ Thing.
But then as we're driving past, we see him leaving McDonalds with a coffee in his hand and suddenly I'm on tenterhooks again, and me and my mom are like cooking at this point, just making up this entire backstory for this guy.
And so by the time we get home, we've basically invented a blorbo who inherited a block paving business from his dad but by stroke of luck won the lottery and decided to hire a butler to cater for all of his wants and needs, but hasn't bought a new house with the money because he's a hustle grind bro who has either invested it all in the stock market and/or cryptocurrency which means he only has a butler (and doesn't really know what a butler is meant to do) and his butler lives in a spare room. He has had his house renovated though so he has an obnoxiously large conservatory, and one of those baths that's up like three or four steps. He also has like the car equivalent of a figurehead for his Tesla, which he never drives by the by, that he is constantly replacing because it's constantly being stolen because he is not going to park his Tesla in his garage, no sir, this is a status symbol, it is on the drive. Also he looks like Steve from across the road. No matter who you are, he looks like Steve from across the road to you.
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Jax is my blorbo now. He has overtaken my brain and started crawling through my brain wrinkles like the noodle boy he is.
He is my boy, my man, my lover, my enemy, my vice. He is my awakening to an aspect of life that has been hidden from me. He is bnuyy. He is urple. And he is my downfall. A downfall I will embrace with open arms as the sky crumbles around his gravity.
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gemmahale · 5 months
Hi!! 💕 for the fruit asks!
Please and thank you! 🙏
Fruit Fic Ask Game!
Taylor! Hi friend! 💚
🍊 Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more? (They’re so interesting! But maybe you have trouble pinning them down, or keep getting distracted by another blorbo…)
I want to get back to some of my Pedro Boys. 😖 Especially Marcus Moreno and Ezra and Marcus Pike. I just need to sit down with them again and see where I'm at. 😏 Otherwise, I struggle writing Ghost/Simon from CoD- I don't have any individual fics with him yet. I want to, but I have nothing that's really sparked my thoughts yet beyond having him in addition to at least one other character. But I'll have whole bits of him in some of my universe-building fics, when I get there. Eventually. Maybe. I'd also like to write more Price x OC, but again, he'll get parts in my universe fics, so I'm okay with it right now. (And Useful Girl is still giving me fits.)
🍑 If you could make a connection between your favorite character and another work you care about (whether a crossover/fusion or a wonderfully “pretentious” literary reference) what would it be? How would it work?
Ooh, this is challenging to think of. I think it'd be interesting to put Pedro's characters and CoD together, especially the civil servants - Moreno, Pike, Peña, (I know I'm forgetting some). I don't know how I'd do it though, but that's going to noodle in my brain now lol.
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
We're watching a YouTube channel of a guy in Japan getting food from claw vending machines. While his odd game of 'only eat what he wins for 5,000 Yen daily for a week' reminds me of US poverty and eating disorder culture, it is waking up memories of me as a child watching characters on TV and wanting to eat something. Like mirroring.
Charlie Brown and his sandwiches, Ninja Turtles and pizza, He-Man and She-Ra with fruits, you get the idea. If it was food on TV, it was like a gentle nudge from my brain.
"Eat because your blorbos are eating, you need to eat more." Because my hunger signals were fucked up. But we didn't really understand. It was the fucking 1980s and Nancy kept insisting we say no to drugs while Ronald murdered our loved ones. I remember drinking chocolate Ensure often.*
Dear gods was I ever autistic.
Anyway, now I'm craving soba noodles. Which we have! But husband is currently making garlic bread for sandwich so I'll have soba another time.
Living with a creative cook who was offered a half scholarship to Culinary Institute Of The Arts in the 90s has many benefits.
Heh. My friend just commented "Watching Food Wars has made my partner and I both intensely better chefs due to this same mirroring need."
And I finally realize how much I was mirroring throughout my childhood and adolescence.
(*the doctor who invented the original Ensure treated my husband's brother, who was born too early, developed cerebral palsy due to medical negligence, needed most of his intestine removed and 44 years later still can't eat solids.)
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Agent Yoric Headcanons
yoric headcanons that for some reason I never fucking did despite him being one of my top blorbos-scrungly hybrid.
Heads up. It's long because I have a lot of lore and thoughts about him.
For some reason, Yoric is hard to perceive. Unless he's the one calling you or standing directly in front of you, it's hard to notice his presence. He's like a walking anti-memetic.
Because of this, he's a really, really good agent for undercover missions, stake outs and espionage.
The only reason why he was found by the Foundation was that he accidentally got into one of their vans and while escaping through a door, walked right into someone.
His difficulty to perceive also extends to David's clairvoyance. When David tries reading into Yoric, all he gets is very muddled and darkened vision with nothing identifiable.
Despite being a mere level 2, Yoric knows a lot more than his rank. The nepotism in the Bright Family is a factor but also because higher ups favour sending Yoric to gain intel due to his ability.
Jack and Clef are the only people who can fully perceive Yoric like normal. Jack because he functions outside of the universe (SCP-963 reasons) and Clef because he's a Reality Anchor.
Yoric also has a lot of skills that he picked up while trying to blend into a crowd. He can speak over 8 different languages, play 5 different musical instruments and can also do acrobat and juggle flaming knives.
Really into entomology and insects! He keeps a few bugs around his apartment. He's got an ant farm, 3 different tarantulas, a scorpion, a giant centipede and some roaches.
He also has taxidermy insect collections. Specifically beetles.
Yoric wants to keep some bees but they're not really suitable for a two-bedroom apartment in the middle of a city so it's something he's looking forward to when he gets his own house.
He's tall and very skinny. It's a wonder how he gets into places, especially the vents, with those fucking noodle arms and legs.
Despite his knowledge and skills, this man has nothing in his brain. It's empty. He's very stupid and reckless. Zero braincells. Gets into trouble a lot. On accident though!
Has a pretty big beetle tattoo on his back (wings out and coloured). It was the first beetle he ever caught and raised. Sadly it's dead and couldn't be taxidermied so Yoric got another way to remember his first bug.
He's Asian descendant and mostly human. There's a theory one of his parents is of a fae which is why he's hard to perceive (the whole name-identity-curse-thing.) (This is totally not because of my OC Not at all. Nope. Nu-uh. I definitely don't have an OC here which explains his thingy. Nope. What are you talking about?/j)
Family cryptid. Not as much as TJ but still a cryptid. Also his eyes slightly glow in the dark. Slightly. Yes, it means he can see better in the dark too.
He was actually raised in the Chaos Insurgency where he met Claire once. That's how he found out he's part of the family. He then left the Chaos Insurgency around his late teens and went around before joining the Foundation in his 20s
It's not that he's distant with Jack, his grandfather. I mean, he visits and helps him frequently and they're definitely on good/casual terms but there's this weird gap between them that they don't really want to work on. They both have issues. Well technically, the whole family have issues.
He's chatty with Sera and doesn't mind having her around too. Thinks she's refreshing from the other Brights and they have an understanding on being raised by an Organisation.
Has a particular sharp eye on shiny objects. Can spot pennies on the ground from far away and tries to get his hands on many shiny things. His jacket and coat has a lot of metal and enamel pins on the inside.
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gladiator-gladiolus · 2 years
My prejudgement of the engage cast: Firene edition
This is as of before I venture into chapter 3, so obviously I don’t actually know ANYTHING about anyone except what I’ve accidentally absorbed through fanart. This is all purely based on their appearance and the vibe. I’ll reblog with what I actually think of them after I’ve finished the game, or have sufficient enough exposure to them (*☻-☻*)
(These are probably really harsh, I have unleashed my full prejudice)
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Probably going to be my blorbo
Husjshsja pretty little noodle, very scrunckle
A wet lettuce
Dimitri but make him cottagecore
Major pathetic Alear simp
Too kind for his own good
classic Lord
i want to put him in my washing machine
gay coded but all the ladies want him
allergic to mud
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I already know I’m not gonna like him
Friendly neighbourhood patriotic buff man
Probably obsessed with healthy eating
popular with the gorls
looking at him makes me a bit angry
no personality other than to serve a trope
looks like a carpenter
donates food to the orphans then tried to “hide” it
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Likes MLP unironically
A bit of a snobbish pretty Princess that’s going to complain
But we like her for that
Will have a crit line something like “yOu ruinEd mY bOw”
im going to end up liking her a lot
Cold hearted and apathetic until you get to know her
Ed sheeran’s sister
very intelligent when you give her the chance
will commit war crimes
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Cliche waifu sweetheart
popular with straight people
She’s going to annoy me
the worse version of Etie
Nice for no reason
Sings all the time and won’t shut up
Is a Dead mother but has no children and is also alive
Has a slow, soothing voice but to the point that it’s dull
Has no personality beyond being upper class and naive
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Is always late
wish version of Linhardt
loving the bed head
just a happy little guy awwww
I will love him and I will squeeze him
trying his best and it’s good enough
doesnt want a lot from life
has a tragic back story that makes him want to help people like his sister was tragically stabbed to death on the ides of march
Not that clever but has all the brawn
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Looks like Erika
is Erika
the comic relief
surrogate older sister
Very considerate and compassionate
likes Hatsune Miku
The one with all the brain cells
given responsibility over the children
Murder is okay
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Reminds me of Rune Factory
pretends he can see but actually cant for shit
Has some sort of debt to the royal family
Is overworked
curious but doesn’t want to overstep
Has an anxiety disorder
good with handiwork
quiet and reserved
looks up to either Chloe or Alfred
Probably an orphan
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trashhole · 10 months
get to know 9 people ask game
tagged by @deadlysoupy hi. prepare for the oversharing because I love to hear my own voice but written and have zero restraint when it comes to shutting the hell up <3
last song listened to: homiefkinbet by sunday cruise currently reading: N/A but my favorite literary work is probably jackalope wives because it's fuckin weird, really based, and I have the attention span of a goldfish. also, jackalopes are awesome. sweet/spicy/savory: probably a combination of sweet and savory because mm kbbq marinade. and pad thai. and creamy carbonara buldak ramen...and I could really go on. the only reason I don't pick spicy is because SOME people (you know who you are irls) forced me to eat fire noodles and it was an awful experience. obsessions: (prepare for big paragraph!!!) my fandoms/blorbos (it rules my life a bit TOO much), art and making art of all kinds except baking which I am notably awful at unless it's pizza, trains but mostly from a cosmetic perspective, I'm superficial that way sorry/jjj, not obssesed but friends are a big part of my life, I can get very paranoid and hysterical about my friends well being (i cried when my besties moved away because what if a meteor hits them and I never see them again I wish I was kidding rn), my chicken gf pharma obviiii, staying up until 5am and getting 4 hours of sleep because I'm nuts and have zero sense of self-preservation, tetristetristetristetris, sorry I think I forgot to say Tetris I love Tetris did I say Tetris because I love Tetris btw korobeiniki metal version slaps, loudish music, especially surf punk/surf rock, shit bangs like you wouldn't believe, anti-fascism I hate fascism passionately, LORE for anything really but especially for original work(oc's, au's original stories, fan continuities, ect), it's so cool to see what peoples brains come up with, and probably more things but I think I'll stop here so I can sleep within the hour. relationship status: single, but a funny story is once in 10th grade I decided amino dating would be a good experience and got dumped because I didn't have Roblox after like 2 weeks of dating 💀 last thing I googled: ao3 (I accidentally deleted all my Google tabs on my phone) currently working on: catching up on homework, ratchet doodle, starbee, fixing my life schedule which has been flipped upside down (i woke up at 7pm the other day 😭😭😭), being more positive, being more social, learning social skills, being cringe and free!!!!, oil painting ok end bean spilling. I don't know people so I'm just going to tag @leefyberrybread ty for the ask soupy, hope you have a great week ^^
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arlathen · 1 year
hiiii carly if it’s not weird to come in here, I would LOVE any extra details on marian you haven’t talked about (her Lore or history or her relationship with gale or whatever comes to mind) because she’s so NEAT. blorbo from your brain on my dash to me ❤️💕❤️
she is my wettest, most pathetic little girlie. she is SOOO unused to communicating. like at all. it isn't like she's being secretive -- it just never occurs to her to tell people things. (also she has crazy high charisma bc teehee but really that's just -- like she's so bad at expressing her emotions that she's hard to read. is she lying? you don't know!). anyway really the only way the party -- gale and others -- learn a SCRAP of information about her is when she like has a panic attack and the wormies so kindly feed them scraps of whatever it is that's upsetting her. whole party sitting around after she's gone to bed trying to piece together the latest scrap of Marian Lore from what they can remember.
kind of related but gale goes out of his way to take such good care of her. like it's a point of pride for him. his wife is a shaky little abused chihuahua but he treats her so well that she would never growl at you <3 and it especially starts with feeding her, like early act 1. she's soso skinny, she doesn't have an ounce of fat on her. she looks like she'd die if she missed a single meal. and he doesn't even think about it that hard, he just takes note of what she eats a lot of and makes extra, makes it more often, gives her extra in her bowl. and by act 3 she's nice n soft n healthy and there's color in her cheeks. she had one set of robes for her entire life and had to maintain them magically or wear dirty, torn, too-small clothing? hmmmm well. now she gets anything she so much as looks at too long in a shop window. and she doesn't expect this, of course. oh my god, she'd never consider asking for anything, ever. needing help is a failure state, don't you know? but only for her. it's okay if other people need help. but not her. but we know mister grand gestures over here is DOTING on her.
aaaaaaand her older sister is a self-taught bard and taught marian some music when she was, like, a very young child. and it's something that she'd completely forgotten about until gale died (lol) and she had to use that stupid flute to resurrect him. like, that night in camp she noodles around with the flute and manages to work out some old folk song, and she has no idea where it's from, but it makes her feel some type of way and makes her remember a feeling she can't even remember having felt before.
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pain-suffering-even · 2 years
headcanons: Choi Jongin
so sorry about this being late... i know i promised it forever ago, but i've been really worried about whether or not people will like these headcanons until i realized it doesn't really matter lmao. though here's a disclaimer anyway: i've absolutely used my creative liberty with these characters, and you'll probably have one or two moments where you go "they would never fucking say that," or something along those lines. these are just. blorbos that have been rotting in my brain and i have finally given them their poor little meow meow backstories that have absolutely nothing to do with canon. so :) just keep this in mind with these headcanons, and any future ones i post. i'm just throwing my 2 cents into the fandom, even if they are a very niche 2 cents.
last thing. this is long. i've done my best to shorten it. rip to mobile users.
content warning for mention of drug abuse and attempted suicide.
Quick headcanons -
Name: Choi Jongin
Age: 28
Gender: Male
DOB/Place: May 3rd, 2032 in Seoul, South Korea 
Rank/Type: S Rank Mage
Guild/Occupation: Hunter’s Guild Leader
Past Occupation(s): Fiend Guild 
Skills: Fire go boom 
Weapons: Rings, Gauntlet
Family: Smith Seunghee (mom) (alive) 
Kang Donghyuk (biological dad) (unknown) 
Choi Jeonghan (stepdad) (alive) 
Core headcanons - 
Hidden talent: pencil/charcoal/oil pastel art
Favorite food: Deep fried chicken drumsticks 
What motivates them: Protecting those he loves, even if it means sacrificing himself + proving others wrong (others being Yoonho and Hwang Dongsuk) + giving his cat Kiwi a good life
Treasured possession: Jintao Brown’s red flannel jacket 
Deepest secret: He used to be addicted to ecstasy and has relapsed once already 
Best/Worst thing to happen to them: Lim Taegyu taking a chance on him/Getting sent to that boarding school 
Random memories: Finding Kiwi as in the rubble of Jeju and smuggling her home in his cape; having too realistic of a nightmare when he was a child and watching the sunrise from his window; Taegyu yelling at him for smoking inside his office; meeting Yoonho for the first time at the testing center, and the fight that followed; the first crush he had on a guy that was in his high school class; riding bikes with Jintao Brown to the track during the summer and having a picnic nearby as their weekly not-date-but-kinda-date;  
Best friend/Worst enemy: Lim Taegyu/Hwang Dongsuk
Good/Bad traits: Smart, dependable, funny/Competitive, arrogant, independent, distant, protective, 
Things they’ve done/like to do:Lit his kitchen on fire trying to make maruchan noodles, collects candles, 
Personality type: “Defender” ISFJ-A (22% extraverted, 78% introverted; 43% intuitive, 57% observant; 46% thinking, 54% feeling; 92% judging, 8% prospecting; 65% assertive, 35% turbulent) 
Nervous habit: Clenching his hands/teeth, twisting his rings, 
Things they’re afraid of: Sleeping, as he usually has nightmares, lighting his cat on fire,  
Things they want to accomplish: Building a cat tree for Kiwi his cat, learning to at least boil an egg with his powers, finish a decent portfolio of his oil pastel works, draw more portraiture of people around him (Taegyu, Haein, Jinchul, Yoonho unfortunately, etc) 
Additional headcanons -
Doesn't like kiwis because of their texture. Also, they are hairy 
Goes with maroon and blood orange, but that's because hes a fire mage - he actually likes blue
Has a habit of manually sharpening pencils from his artist days 
He really like dinosaurs, especially the brontosaurus 
Very interested in true crime, he was originally in college to be a forensic scientist
His fingers are usually dirty whenever he's stressed, as he draws when he can't sleep. He also smells a lot like pencil shavings and oil pastels 
Has tried to quit smoking 3 separate times but it never seems to work 
Their Timeline -
Age 12: leaves for boarding school 
2 years pass
Age 14: does ecstasy for the first time
Age 15: starts “dating” Jintao Brown
Age 16: learns he isn’t his stepdads son 
Age 17: unsuccessful suicide attempt + graduates 
Age 18: gets his rank + joins the Fiend Guild + attempts to sober up 
Age 19: his parents divorce 
Age 20: Taegyu confronts him about his addiction 
3 years pass
Age 23: fight with Hwang + sobers up 
Age 24: creates the Hunters Guild 
Age 25: first Jeju raid + gets Kiwi 
Age 26: second Jeju raid
Age 27: third Jeju raid
Age 28: now
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dedkirsch · 2 years
1 &9 for everyone you want to talk about please ^^
Tee hee :3
Kirsch (my beloved <3333)
1.     Why they are your favourite?
Because my brain saw Zora/Kirsch and decided to hyperfixate. /lhj
but like apart from that. He's just such a fun character! He's a ridiculous idiot and I want to fucking smoosh his cheeks and kiss him and uushshjajssjdja <33
9.     Is their outfit in, or out?
this depends because from an artistic standpoint, OUT OUT OUT OUT I HATE DRAWING THAT STUPID FUCKING ONESIE WHY MUST HE TORTURE ME LIKE THIS 😭😭😭 but apart from that it's pretty cool and he pulls it off really well!!! so it's about 50/50. Hell to draw but MAN he looks so pretty I can't fault him for it too much 😭
Zora (Kirsch’s beloved <33)
1.     Why they are your favourite?
I've always liked him tbh, his attitude is really fun to me and I love how he basically came into the Royal Knight exams, disrespected everyone, proceeded to kick their asses and managed to get in. ITS SO FUN IDK WHY
and of course I can't talk about him without mentioning his boyfriend (zorsch is canon guys it's true they kissed in front of me /hj) who my brain just said "BLORBO"
9.     Is their outfit in, or out?
He's... he's definitely got the "I hate you for making me draw that" factor. I can't draw it that well. And why all the leather????? Man I feel bad for him in summer??? It's also kinda weird because his legs are entirely covered by like, 3 different layers, and then he just has "lol no shoulders" with an ENTIRELY exposed chest and- huh??? /aff he's gonna be sweating on his lower half and fucking freezing on his top half 😭
I gotta say though I like the aesthetic. And how he modelled it after the doll his dad made for him. So it's like... 50/50 as well. Torture to wear but man I can't hate it 😭
Henry (my other beloved <3333)
1.     Why they are your favourite?
FERAL BARKING HES SO CUTE AND PRECIOUS AND I WANT TO GIVE HIM SO MANY HUGS AND SO MUCH LOVE 😭😭 I just!!!!! HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HIM?!??!?! He's a lovable little (not really little he's TALL) skrunkly and I want to hug him and brush his hair and GOD JUST LET ME BODY SWAP WITH MERCY FOR A DAY SO I CAN GIVE HIM A HUGGGG😭
9.     Is their outfit in, or out?
In. Gotta respect the pyjama grind. If I could I would also walk around in pyjamas 24/7. He looks cute in them and they're easy to draw. There is nothing wrong with his outfit. (gives him a kiss for having the best outfit score)
Snatcher (beloved #3 <3333)
1.     Why they are your favourite?
HES JUST SO COOL MAN like you're telling me he got fucking murdered by his girlfriend and just became a fucking loveable asshole ghost?!?#*(@(@ Also his neck floof looks so FLUFFY I WANNA BURY MY HEAD IN IT AND UGHHHH <33
He really just said "if I can't live, neither can anyone else" and started stealing souls for his breakfast THATS SO FUCKING?????? i would like his claw in marriage pls
9.     Is their outfit in, or out?
See now this is awkward because he technically doesn't wear anything uhhhhhh lmaoooo he's just a noodle ghost
I did once draw him in a pink princess dress and that was a 100/10 he rocked it
Moonjumper (stupid smug bitch /aff)
1.     Why they are your favourite?
Because he got cut and it pains me to see his potential wasted. Plus its so fun to insert him into fanfics because he's so freaking fun to write! He's essentially a blank slate apart from a few bits of trivia from the beta version of the game and it FASCINATES me. I love researching about him and finding out about what COULD have been if he didnt get cut! Wasted potential to its HIGHEST (possibly even more than my boo Kirsch 😭)
9.     Is their outfit in, or out?
In. I love how he kept his Prince outfit. He looks so cool, especially with the broken monocle and the chains. Which is like a super fun nod to his past (monocle because he studied law, and Subcon Kingdom was likely around when monocles would be in fashion; and chains because he/the Prince died chained to the wall). He rocks it!! It fits so well with the rest of his design, too. He just gives off super weird vibes in a good way and YES
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wispforever · 3 years
ask game!! soul eater
got two anons for soul eater, so here it is:
Blorbo: Stein, obviously. He is just too queer and mentally ill to ignore. I've made more in-depth posts about him under the "ask" tag.
Scrunkly: If anyone is shape, it's Crona. They are SO gender. canon nonbinary they/them LEGEND. Oh to be a pink-haired bendy androgynous pool noodle of a meister (the trans dream).
Scrimblo Bimblo: One character I think is underappreciated is Mifune, definitely. We love one (1) samurai dad and his chameleon daughter. He's so god damn cool with the swords and the caution tape. Fuck me up
Glup Shitto: I've never spoken much about Whitestar. I don't think I've ever even drawn him. But I really wish we could've learned more about the starclan and what kind of man Whitestar was. I love a good villain; especially one who spirals. If we knew more about him, it would give more insight into Blackstar's character, which is something I would appreciate.
Poor Little Meow Meow: ah spirit. the most pathetic man alive. you insufferable bastard you. you disgusting unvirtuous cheater. do better
Horse Plinko: Spirit Again (see above)
Eeby Deeby: may medusa rot in super turbo hell, burnt into my brain as one of the most despicable villains I've ever had the misfortune to observe. die by fire
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pluckyredhead · 2 years
Hi!!! I'm a huge fan of ur writing. Do you have any stories/wips in mind rn to look forward to? No pressure, I just rlly love what you write!!
You are so sweet!
I will be honest, friend: writing has been A Struggle lately. I have been slowly trying to get back into the swing of things, and I do have a bunch of WIPs that I really want to finish and share. Here's what's on the front burner, working titles and all:
roy comes back fic take 2: I already wrote a fic where Roy comes back from the dead and Jason Suffers (TM), but once was not enough. This one also co-stars Lian and everyone cries multiple times. You're welcome?
thad/match: I have been threatening this for years now. Thad and Match team up for EVIL and definitely not smooching and growing as people and found family shenanigans, how dare you suggest that.
garth/koryak: You can see we are journeying ever deeper into the realm of "maybe one other person will read this." I'm sorry, the obscure blorbos just speak to me.
This isn't actually a WIP yet but my brain has been noodling over an Al Rothstein/Toni Monetti fic, because again: the obscure blorbos. The obscurebos.
jayroy shifter au: I signed up for @wipbigbang with this one so it WILL be posted by August at the latest. It will happen! I decree it!
grant/tommy no capes au: OBSCUREBOS.
(And if you can't wait that long and/or want to read about a character with more than 20 appearances total, reminder that I have a story in Red Lights, Dark Knights, the NSFW Jason Todd zine, which you can preorder now!)
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lichfucker · 3 years
ted lasso for the blorbo meme <3
ksdfj thank you jack
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
trent. obviously. I'm slurping his brains like a bowl of noodles. I'm living in his walls. I'm wearing his leopard-print loafers. I'm making him listen to music my mom liked. I'm growing a sixth finger on each hand so I can get knuckle tats that say 'trent crimm.' I'm keeping track of how often he appears in my dreams
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
sam. maybe isaac. no wait it's phoebe. phoebe my beloved please continue elbowing people in the neck it's what you deserve
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
nora!! love this baby dyke. big middle school tess energy
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
moe my friend moe bumbercatch he makes me :3
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
supremely fucked up that he even fits the criteria but nate. he's wrong but he's also extremely right and I will protect him with my life
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
I regularly put trent through the horse plinko because I cannot love a thing without harming it, but the Correct answer that I feel in my soul is coach beard
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
jamie's dad. fuck that guy for real
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silverislander · 3 years
arcane for the fandom ask
hell yes anon let's GO
blorbo: vi, to nobody's surprise! she has been semi-permanently living in my brain since december now, i am stealing her gender and i would also like to kiss her on the mouth. i'm so predictable istg, you show me a lesbian who could beat the shit out of me and i'll imprint on them like a duckling
scrunkly: ms caitlyn kiramman,, she has such a good heart and she's trying SO hard and she's doing so well considering all the shit from her upbringing that she's learning from... and she's very cute........ love her lil tooth gap, love the fact that she is Six Feet Tall(!!!!!), love her stupid little cop hat
scrimblo bimblo: mel!! i hate how people think she's Evil and this manipulative witch bc she just. is not! she's smart as hell and in the end she does the right thing, and i think that in particular is what matters. she isn't evil that makes me so frustrated (also my god her DESIGN)
glup shitto: hmmm idk... not as much of a background character but i think sevika is pretty cool! i feel like she's going to be the one to fill the power void in zaun after silco's death considering she's his second in command, so hopefully we'll see more of her in s2 👀 plus EVERY fight she's in fucking slaps
poor little meow meow: ofc it has to be jinx... yeah she's a sweetheart yeah she's a serial arsonist/career criminal yeah i love her w my whole heart. the explosions and murder are ok bc she's small and sad. if you had told me last year that the next character i would be wishing the best for would be jinx leagueoflegends i would have physically attacked you but here we fuckin are
horse plinko: silco! i'm fascinated with him in a "he's a terrible person but he's clearly a Person with thoughts and motives and morals and i want to understand him so bad" kinda way. he's so plainly wrong about every method he uses and yet so many of his actual goals are pretty solid. loving your new adopted crime daughter? great! maybe try it without the manipulation and get her a lil help for her severe mental illness/childhood trauma! standing for the independence of zaun? awesome! why did you flood the lanes with shimmer you dumb fuck that does the opposite of help
eeby deeby: jayce. i'm sorry he's shady as fuck i just get weird vibes and i don't trust him as far as i could throw him (which is not very far bc i have the worst noodle arms and he is a Big Man)
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