#she got a tiny pride pin and got to mention her two moms but had to sacrifice her entire personality in exchange
ladyloveandjustice · 2 years
well, got dragged to see the doctor strange movie, due to my mom wanting to see every movie and wanting me to ‘explain’ it to her and I love her or whatever, and can confidently say that was the worst movie I’ve seen all year, and possibly  in the last five years.
made me really want to see everything everywhere ect again though.
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lokis-army-77 · 3 years
If You Please
Chapter ten
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 5700
This is technically a reader insert but without the (y/n) and all that. She also has no name mentioned so feel free to imagine as you please.
Follow the reader through the events of the Captain America movies and experience her love for Bucky Barnes.
Warnings: canon typical violence
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The next morning, after a late flight to the Austrian Alps the night before, we readied ourselves for the attack on HYDRA’s head base. I made sure my two guns were loaded and secured in their holsters. I did the same for my bo staff. Everyone had been keeping their distance from me since I had entered the meeting room yesterday. The only one who never really left my side was Steve. He didn’t hover around me like I was incapable, I was grateful for that, but he was always within an arm's reach. Right now he stood a few feet away putting things into the saddlebags of his bike. I walked over to him and leaned up against the bike without saying a word. He looked up and patted me on the shoulder then went back to what he was doing.
I reached my hand up to a small golden heart locket that was clasped around my neck. I fiddled with it mindlessly for a minute or two before I took it and pried it open. A small picture of Bucky in uniform was staring back at me from the right half and on the left was a picture of him with his eyes scrunched up as I gave him a small peck on his cheek, we were both drenched in water. I let out a small laugh, remembering the events of that day.
It was a very sunny October day in 1941, which had started like any other. Breakfast had been eaten and I had gotten ready for the day ahead. Steve had gone off doing God knows what. He never tells me where he’s going. Bucky was coming by after a while for a quote “ Very special date” he had planned. While I waited for him I cleaned the house a bit and read a few chapters of a book Bucky had given me to read called ‘The Hobbit. I had only agreed to read it if he read ‘Pride and Prejudice’, which was my favorite book, but this book was very interesting. I had just gotten to chapter 7 when a heavy knock rattled the front door. I sprung up and raced to the door. I swung it open and there stood Bucky in a pair of dark khaki slacks and a white button-up collared shirt. His hair was slicked back and he held out a single red tulip.
“Well, aren’t you all dressed up. I feel underdressed now.” I said grabbing at the fabric of the light blue pinafore dress.
“You look beautiful as always, Doll. Here, I picked this on the way here, it made me think of you.” He stepped up and gave me a kiss then handed me the flower.
“Thank you, Buck. Let me put this in a vase and then we can head out.” I turned to walk into the kitchen, Bucky right on my heels. There was a small vase already on the counter sitting by the sink, so I reached out for it, filled it with water, and gently placed the stem into it. I placed it on in the sunlight that hit the window sill. I turned around and reached over to my purse on the dining room table.
“Are you ready?” He asked, grabbing the apartment keys from the hook by the door.
“Let's go, I’m starving.” I grabbed his hand as we went out the door and waited for him to lock up. We walked down several blocks and finally came to a stop at my favorite small community Italian restaurant. We had been coming here since we were kids before mom had died. It held a special place in my heart, like everything that held her memory.
We ate and talked for an hour or two before leaving and just walking down the street. We came to one of the small parks scattered around close to the Brooklyn Bridge and stopped to take a seat on a bench.
“I know I tell you this all the time, but I love you so much,” Bucky let out.
“I love you too, Sweetheart.” I looked over at him. He was bouncing his left leg vigorously up and down, and he bit at his bottom lip nervously. “Is everything okay Buck?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine, it’s more than fine actually, I just have to figure out how to say this.” He said then took a deep breath. I watched him curiously as he slipped off of the bench and onto one knee. When he started to reach into his pants pocket was when I realized what he was doing. “Doll, from the day Steve brought me home from school to meet you and your mom I knew I liked you, then that like grew into admiration, and quickly after that, it turned into love. The strongest love I have ever felt. I hope that you will allow me to experience this love for the rest of my life, and give me the greatest honor you could ever give by becoming my wife.” When he had finished he pulled a small golden heart locket attached to a tiny delicate chain from his closed hand. I let my hands snap up to my face before he could see me cry. All I could do was nod furiously, in fear that if I spoke now nothing would come out. He carefully pulled my hands from my face and peered into my eyes. He was giving me the biggest smile I had ever seen.
“Yes,” I croaked out finally. “I’ll marry you.” I wiped my tears off with the back of my hands and then held my hair up so he could fasten the necklace around my neck. When he had it secured his hands clasped around the back of my neck and head and I was pulled into the most heated yet loving kiss I had ever experienced.
That's when I felt a drop of something wet hit my forehead. Pulling away from the kiss, we both looked up into the sky. It had gotten cloudy suddenly and sprinkles of rain had started falling down steadily. I let out a hushed giggle before pitching myself up off the bench and helping Bucky back onto his feet.
“Come on, we need to find somewhere dry before it really starts pouring,” Bucky said, not even a second afterward, the bottom fell out and the rain came down in hard sheats.
“You were saying” I called out over the loud rain. He made a gesture to the sky to say ‘why now of all times, then he started running and pulling me along.
It didn’t take long for us to find shelter in a small photo booth. I was surprised to see one here, they were still so rare outside of Manhattan. We both stood in the small booth sopping wet and catching our breath.
“Bucky, do you have twenty-five cents?” I looked up at him.
“I think so, why do you need twenty-five cents?”
“Don’t you see where we are? I want to preserve one of the happiest moments of my life.” I put out my hand, palm up, he shook his head and reached into his pocket for his loose change. Once he found the two dimes and nickel he dropped them into my open palm. I gave him a quiet “Thank you,” in a sing-song voice before turning around to dispense them into the coin slot. “Now when the light in that square comes on you have to be still and look into it okay,” I instructed him while pointing to the large square in the center of the panel in front of us.
The light came on a second after and we both stood smiling. When the light went out Bucky let out a breath. “You do know you can breathe while taking these pictures right?” I asked, laughing.
“I know,” He gave me a dirty look. The light came back on for a second time and caught the moment. “Look now it's going to be messed up because you were moving”
I ignored him and leaned up close to his ear, “Smile big,” I said then pressed my lips to his cheek for the third picture. When I backed away he looked at me lovingly. He turned slightly and leaned down to my height to press his lips to my cheek. I smile the biggest smile I could for the camera. When the fourth light finally went off, we waited a minute for the photos to develop. When they were tossed out of the slot I grabbed them quickly to look at them. Bucky peered over my shoulder at them as well.
“I’m taking those two,'' he said, pointing at the one where I was laughing at him and the one where he was kissing my cheek.
“Good because I’m putting this one in the locket.”
I came from my daydream when Steve shook my shoulders. “Hey, kid, you okay?” I shrugged in response. “We’re fixing to head out, so I will get everything situated.” I turned from him and closed the locket then stuffed it back under the collar of my suit.
“I’m ready to go,” I said quietly as I straddled the back of Steve’s bike and waited for him to do the same.
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The closer to the HYDRA base we got, the more my heart pounded. I could hear the rising of my blood in my ears over the loud hum of the bike and the wind. I was itching for a fight, and I knew I would get one very soon.
The vast woods kept us concealed for a while until we came upon an outpost a few miles away from the main entrance to the base. Steve drove the bike as close as he could to the building, hoping to attract as much attention as possible. It must have worked because not even a minute later a group of six men on high-tech bikes came speeding after us.
“Step on the gas Steve, they're on our tail,” I shouted out. Steve didn’t respond, he just hit the throttle harder. In order for me to sit on the back of the bike comfortably, I had his shield strapped to my back, and I was thankful for it when the HYDRA men started shooting at us. Several shots ricocheted off the shield before Steve maneuvered us out of their sights.
Looking back at the group of men, Steve pressed a button on the handlebar, allowing a long cable to shoot out and attach itself to two trees. When the line pulled taught, two of the men hit it and were thrown from their bikes. Soon after, Steve ignited a flame thrower from the back of the bike, which took two more men off our trail.
Speeding down the dirt road I watched as the last two men sped through a separate trail and came out in front of us. Steve hit the gas and we raced in between them. I took one of the unscrewed sections of my staff and gave the guard to my right a good hit to the head, knocking him off the bike. Steve reached over to the left guard’s bike and pulled out the pin to a grenade that was attached to the man's bike. We bolted forward to get out of range from the blast. I looked back to watch. Looking back in front of us, the entrance was there, tucked into the bottom of a mountain. A tank sat between the two ramped gunman stations.
“Hand me the shield.” Steve held out his hand and I unclasped the shield from around myself and gave it to him. He placed it on the front of the bike. The tank started shooting at us but missed us by several feet. As the bike carried us closer, Steve pressed another button and sent out two small missiles, which decimated the tank. Swerving around the debris, we headed up the left ramp. When the bike launched from the top into the air, I swiftly jumped off, doing a sort of backflip in the air before landing on slightly bent knees. I took out both sides of my staff and quickly joined them together.
I watched closely as I was flanked by three guards. I waited patiently, staring them down until a man on my right made the first move. I swung out the staff, striking him in the neck. Before he fell to the ground two more men with guns came at me from behind. Taking the staff I swung it around my neck, catching it with my opposite hand, and used the momentum to hit one of them in the chest. He stumbled backward into one of the trucks that surrounded us and hit his head, knocking him out. The second guard grabbed onto the outstretched part of my staff and yanked. I went with it, just enough to latch my other hand onto the end so I was holding it with both and then stood firmly. When he pulled again I let myself be moved. I followed the motion and continued going forward into him. He stumbled in surprise, which gave me the time to pull my arms back and swing them back again, hitting him in the side of the head.
I brushed the loose hairs out of my eyes before running to meet up with Steve. He had thrown his shield to hit a guard and it bounced off in my direction. I caught it and held it in front of myself to take oncoming fire. I backed my way up to Steve and I noticed the firing stopped. Handing him his shield back I noticed why. Two large men were standing on either side of us, encircling us with jets of fire. They let off the triggers and a whole unit of men closed in on us.
Two men came up and took my staff, guns, and Steve's shield. Then four more men came to hold each of our arms down. They began to walk us through the giant doors that Steve had managed to blow open with the bike, and up into the base. We ascended several flights of stairs before we were forced into a large open room with a desk in it. I could only assume it was Schmidt’s office.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him. His bright red skull was hard to miss. He was saying something that I couldn't hear, I was so angry seeing him that I couldn't hear anything but a loud ringing. The ringing was made worse when I watched him strike Steve across the face and forced him to the floor by punching him in the stomach. If I wanted to I could have easily forced my way out of the grasp the two guards had on my arms, but even though all the anger I knew now wanting the time. We had a plan and I was going to stick to it if I was going to see this whole organization burn to the ground. As Schmidt pulled a gun from his belt, everyone suddenly looked to the large window at the other end of the room. Several small figures were ziplining towards us. I smiled, it was time. Schmidt was frozen in shock as Falsworth, Dugan, and Gabe came flashing in through the window.
Using the distraction I effortlessly ripped away from the two guards and tackled Schmidt. Even to his surprise, he was able to hit me hard in the nose with the grip of the gun. I flew backward, landing on a guard. I tried scrambling to my feet but the guard I landed on had a hold of my left leg. I started kicking at his hands with my free leg in hopes to loosen his hold. He quickly let go after I bent one of his fingers so far backward that it broke. I crawled up to where his head was and started punching until he was unconscious.
Coincidentally he was the guard that had taken both my staff and guns, so I reached around his back and grabbed the staff he had somehow attached to himself and retrieved my pistols from his belt. Standing up, I looked around to try and find Schmidt in the chaos.
“Where’d he go?” I shouted at Falsworth. He looked over to me and pointed down the hallway.
“That way, Steve already went after him.”
I started running, faster than I ever had before. I followed the sounds of gunshots through the twists and turns of the gray halls.
“Steve!” I yelled out, hoping he could hear me calling for him.
“I’m here!” I heard him loud and clear, he must be in the next corridor over. I kept my pace as I rounded two more corners then stopped as I saw Steve trapped in a corner by another one of those men with flamethrowers.
The flames were so big that the man hadn’t seen me sneak around him. I pounced on his back but he threw me off. I landed on the ground across from Steve, before I could get back up to try and take the man out again, he was shot down. Steve and I both turned around to see Peggy standing in the middle of the hallway. I picked myself up and jogged over to the door where the shield was stuck. I yanked it out and the doors slid open. Steve wasn’t far behind me. We ran down the hallway with several other soldiers into a large air hanger. The only aircraft in the place was whirring to life and starting to move.
“Steve, he’s in there. We have to stop him from getting away.” I started running through the chaos of the battle, no caring if anyone was in my way. I pushed them back and swung out my staff at a few before finally making it into the clear. I was running fast but the aircraft was faster. I slowed to a stop and a few seconds later Steve stopped beside me. We looked to one another in worry, but before we could think of another plan, Colonel Phillips and Peggy drove up beside us in a fancy car.
“Get in, we don’t have much time.” The Colonel orders. We both hopped in quickly, Steve in the front and me in the back with Peggy. I unscrewed the two ends of my staff and places them in their holsters so I could have my hands free to jump.
“We’re not gonna make it!” I said worriedly as the aircraft kept getting closer to the hangar door.
“Like hell we are,” Philips stated as he pressed a button next to the steering wheel. The car jolted and was propelled forward. We were gaining on the aircraft now. Steve started to stand up in his seat as we got closer and I did the same.
“Keep it steady,” Steve instructed.
“Wait.” Came Peggy’s voice. I watched as Steve turned to look and she grabbed onto one of the straps around his suit and pulled him in for a kiss. I smiled, happy for him. He turned shocked at me and I just shook my head.
“Don’t look at me, I'm not kissing you” Philips said as Steve gave him a look. I let out a laugh.
We were inching closer to the underside of the aircraft and Steve was slowly maneuvering his way to the front of the vehicle. I let out a gasp as one of the propellers scratched the shield on his back. Philips maneuvered the back end of the car between the propellers, allowing me to crouch up onto the trunk without being hit. We were nearing the end of the hanger when Steve jumped as the aircraft left the ground. When Philips drifted around in order to not fall off the side of the mountain, I jumped, using the force of the sharp turn to propel me forward and grab onto the tire right under Steve. I held on for dear life as Steve struggled to reach down and pull me up. When I was finally righted up on my feet atop the wheel, they started to be pulled back up into the hull of the aircraft. I carefully made my way off the wheels and onto the sturdy floor without any help and waited for Steve. Looking around I noticed we had a big problem.
“Steve, you’re gonna want to see this.”
“What is it?”
“Bombs. Labeled for different large cities in America. We have to stop him and fast.”
Just then a door slammed open and four men in gas masks ran in. Steve and I hurried to hide. They came jogging down the catwalk. When they got close to us Steve knocked one done by swinging into him. I stayed where I was, waiting for a moment to attack. Steve fought the men in unison before one of them ran off to get into one of the bombs. I quickly made my way over to the control panel, before he could get inside, I opened the shoot and both he and the bombing plane fell into the abyss. Steve threw another one of the men out the hole as well. I noticed another one going on one of the other planes, but before I could do anything I was tackled to the ground. I hit my head against a rail and blacked out for a moment. When I came to moments later, Steve, the guards, and the bombing plane were nowhere to be seen.
I looked out of the shoot to see if I could spot anything and I did. The plane was flying under me, but I saw Steve dangling onto the wings. Thankfully he hadn’t fallen to the ground. I left the railing and made my way to the door. There was no time to wait for Steve to make his way back inside the larger aircraft, I had to go.
It didn’t take me long to reach the cockpit. The inside of the plane was simple, the cargo hold and the cockpit were connected by just two doors. Before I entered the second door I reached for one of my guns and checked the ammo just in case. I took a deep breath and kicked the door in.
“It’s over Schmidt, I’m here to kill you.” I heard laughter coming from a dark corner to my left.
“Do you truly think you can beat me? You’re just a child, what could you possibly do to me?” HE walked out of the shadows holding a large gun. “If you know what's good for you, you’ll throw your gun down.”
“No, I won't.” I made a start to turn to him, but he shot the gun right from my hands and stalked towards me. He grabbed the back of my neck and shook me hard.
“You forget, I also have a version of your super-soldier serum running through my veins. I’m stronger than you think. If you struggle it will only end worse for you, now be quiet and stay still.” He commanded as he took his hand from my neck and wrapped it around my head to cover my mouth. He drug me with him back into the shadows.
I kept trying to wiggle out of his grasp, but he was right, he was strong, probably stronger than I was. Every time I moved his hand clamped down harder and he shook me more roughly. That was until Steve came through the door. I was walked back out of the shadows and watched as Schmidt raised the gun to shoot at Steve. Steve whirled around and when he caught sight of me he went wide-eyed.
“You don’t give up, do you?” asked Schmidt.
“No, I don’t. Now let her go” Steve replied.
“I don't think I will. She’s my leverage in this situation.”
I looked at Steve, hoping he could see what I was planning in my eyes. All I needed him to do was walk to Schmidt and I could use that to break free without being hurt. HE gave me a short nod before he started at us. Schmidt started shooting, but Steve blocked him with his shield. I used the distraction to grab Schmidt's hand with both of mine, I ducked under and twisted myself around, still holding his hand. I felt the bones in his arm fracture, this made him drop his gun in pain.
I backed off, gaining my breath back, and watched as Steve took over the fight. They were all over the place and before I knew it they had fallen into the control panel and the aircraft started to descend rapidly. I held on tightly to one of the beams closest to me. I looked over and Schmidt had gotten away from Steve and was fixing the flight path. I landed back down on the solid ground after that.
“You both could have so much power if you joined me. You are fighting for a flag, in what you think is a war of nations. Well, I have seen the future and there are no flags!” Schmidt walked around the platform, waving his gun around. He gave off two shots in Steve's direction. I hurriedly grabbed for my second gun, still in its holster. I held the gun up in my hands and pointed at his chest. I let my finger pull the trigger and the bullet missed his heart and hit his shoulder, thanks to Steve hitting him with his shield. Schmidt flew backward into some type of power converter directly in the center of the room. Blue wisps of light started to flow out from where he had crashed.
“What have you done!” he cried holding his bleeding shoulder with one hand and reaching from a glowing blue cube with the other. When he held it up in front of himself an image of the galaxy appeared out of thin air. All I could do was stare as the light of the cube started to consume Schmidt. As it reached his face, he started to scream until he was wholly encased in light. That same light was sent beaming into the space image and then quickly dissipated into nothing. All that was left behind was the cube, tumbling to the ground. It started belting through the floor before I could get a good look at it.
I looked to Steve, “What the hell was that?”
“I have no idea, but we have to stop this plane.” I followed him to the control panel, he sat down and looked at all the buttons and switches. “We’re headed straight to New York.”
“This plane is more advanced than anything I’ve ever seen, we may have to contact Stark, he might know what to do,” I said studying the panel. Steve took out his radio and brought it close to his mouth.
“This is Captain and Agent Rogers, do you read?” The line was quiet for a moment before Peggy’s voice came through.
“Steve? Is that you? Are you both alright?”
“We’re fine, Schmidt is dead.”
“What about the plane?”
“That one is a little harder to explain. It’s so advanced, neither of us knows how to safely land this thing.”
“Well, I can send you some coordinates for a safe place to crash land. We can bring in Stark to try and talk you through the landing.” Her voice sounded a little shaky.
“Peggy there isn’t going to be any safe landings, we don’t have the time. We have to put it in the water, that's the only way.” I looked wide-eyed in his direction.
“Steve, we have time to figure this out.” Peggy pleaded.
“We are in the middle of nowhere right now, but if we wait any longer a whole lot of people are gonna die.”
I butted in then, “If you’re going to do this, you need to put her down now. We have about twenty-five minutes before we make it to the States.
“Peggy this is my decision” He stated and she never gave a reply. He looked over his shoulder at me. I moved closer to him and placed my hands on his shoulders. “I’m sorry you got dragged into this.”
“Don’t be sorry, this was my choice as well. I’d rather go down with you than live by myself without you and Bucky.” I felt him place his left hand on my right and squeeze before placing it back into the control column. I braced myself as the aircraft descended rapidly. The icy ground was getting closer every second, I couldn’t look away. The only thing that kept me calm was my grip on the locket around my neck. Memories flooded my mind as we descended farther and farther.
As the aircraft made contact with the ice, I was thrown back into the far wall behind me and then everything suddenly went black.
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I woke up to the sound of a radio in the distance. My eyes fluttered open but I instantly shut them again because of the bright sun beaming in through the window. I brought my hands up to rub the sleep from around my eyes and tried to open them again, this time I kept them open. The room I was in was small, Steve was in the cot to my right and there was a window looking out at some buildings.
Getting up out of the small bed I stepped closer to the window to look down at the street below but found no street. The buildings just stopped at the floor. I looked side to side and the image stopped after a few feet. I held my breath as I turned and ran to Steve. I placed my hands on his upper body and shook violently.
“Steve, wake up,” I whisper yelled. He jumped slightly before springing into an upright position.
“What is it. Is everything okay?”
“I have no clue what is going on, but something isn’t right. Those buildings,” I pointed to the windows, “Those buildings aren't real, they’re being projected somehow onto a screen that ends just out of view.”
He took a second to think before looking over at the radio. “That game, isn’t that the one we went to in forty-one?”
I listened intently to the broadcaster calling the score; the Dodgers and Phillies were tied four to four. The whole thing sounded like I had heard it before. Suddenly the doorknob turned and a woman came in. Even if I hadn't seen the screen out the window or recognized the game on the radio, with one look at her outfit, I would have known something was up. Her skirt was too tight, too straight, and the look of her bra under her blouse was not something you should have been able to see. She was also wearing black tights in her uniform, we were only ever allowed light or dark tan. Any woman from the forties would have known she looked a little strange.
“Good afternoon you too. Glad to see you’re both awake.” She stepped further into the room.
“Where are we?” Steve and I said in unison.
“You’re in a recovery room in New York City.” Steve and I gave one another a skeptical look as she said this.
“Where are we really,” Steve interrogated further.
“I'm not sure I understand what you’re asking.”
“The game is from May of 1941. I know, because we were both there that day.” Steve informed me, standing up from the cot.
“Those buildings you have out the window aren't real either, so tell us where we are,” I added in. I watched as her face went into complete shock.
“Who are you?” Steve almost shouted at her. She backed away and immediately two large guards came through the door. One came at me and the other went for Steve. I barely had time to think before I was grabbing hold of the man's arm and throwing him through the wall to the left. I started running, leaping through the hole the man had created in the wall, I stopped in shock looking around me. We were in a large room, void from anything other than the screens and the room we had escaped from. Steve was beside me now, pulling my arm as we ran through the nearest doorway and into a crowded lobby. I spotted the front door and moved for it. We ran, barely escaping all the men that came running at us.
Outside the building, I was overwhelmed with noise. Steve pulled me out into the road where we were almost run over by what I could only assume was a weird model of a car I had never seen before. Sprinting further down the street, we made it to a larger area with more people. The buildings were tall and had lots of flashing and moving pictures all around. We stopped running, confused about where to go next. That’s when we were surrounded by more of the strange model cars.
“At ease Soldier, Agent.”
We turned sharply, looking to who had called out to us. A tall dark-skinned man with an eye patch covering his left eye stood a couple of feet away. He came strutting towards us at a fast pace.
“I'm sorry about that little show we put on, we thought it would be best to break this to you both slowly,” he said in a straight tone.
“Break what slowly?” I demanded.
“You both have been asleep for the past seventy years.” My eyes went wide at that, my breath caught in my throat. This couldn't be real. That was impossible, no one could sleep for that long. Steve looked like he had not aged a day. I assumed that was the same case for me as well. “Are you two gonna be okay?”
I nodded, looking all around me at whatever this future New York was. This was going to take a lot of getting used to.
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Tag list: @ginger-swag-rapunzel @underc0vercryptid-reads @geek-and-proud @intothesoul @leyannrae
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olligreen · 3 years
No Bad Student | 1 -- Prologue: Ex-Degenerate
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Pairing: Lawrusso (Daniel x Johnny) Genre: Angst Warnings: Blood Word count: 1303 Summary: KK2 AU in which Johnny ends up living with Miyagi and Daniel for the summer. Inspired by nadianecromancer’s comic, but I’ll try to avoid making any scenes similar to the ones they already did! Notes: This was originally posted on Ao3 here. I’m much more used to that format than this one, but I’ve seen a lot of people post their fics here and thought I’d give it a shot. First chapter of three I’ve already written and will post shortly.
Next Chapter
He didn’t dare to look up from the pavement on that day. Voices called from around him, but none of them held any meaning at that moment. Even as Bobby set a hand on his shoulder, the feeling was like smoke in the breeze. He didn’t dare to look up, because he’d see one of two things -- LaRusso was there, looking at him, or he was already gone. After what he’d just seen, either option could kill him then and there.
Instead, his eyes were trained on the thin layer of shattered glass that covered the parking lot. There were tiny, bright red dots sprinkling the cement among the glittering white shards. It wasn’t the first blood he’d seen that day, but all but this was drawn from the losers, the ones that didn’t try hard enough. They didn’t commit. Sensei isn’t a loser, is he?
His eyes shut tightly. Some dying part of him still held on. It told him that all of this was his own fault, or LaRusso’s fault, or that crazy old man’s fault. It couldn’t be Sensei. He should just shut up and get back to training. Or, better yet, get up and show that old man what a real fighter looks like.
And still, his heart faltered. He let out a long, still-pained breath and let defeat keep him pinned to the ground below him.
“Johnny, come on man, let’s get outta here.” Johnny let his eyes come up just a bit, trying to ignore his peripherals. Bobby was on one knee in front of him, a hand still resting on his shoulder. 
“Are you breathing alright? Do you need to see somebody?” Tommy said as he took a seat on the curb beside him. His voice was quieted -- he knew Johnny’s pride better than anyone.
“I’m alright, I’m alright.” Johnny insisted promptly, pushing himself upward, though he still watched the glass’s reflection. 
Bobby gave him a pat on the back, forcing up a little smile. “C’mon, let’s do something fun, huh?”
“Could go steal one of the golf carts again. Find some ramps.” Dutch came walking into view, his arms crossed. Jimmy couldn’t help but scowl at him as he approached from behind.
Johnny shook his head. “Nah, let’s just--... Let’s go for a ride. Down to the beach, the usual place.” He said hoarsely, already making a beeline for his bike. The others followed behind, as always.
He took a seat on his bike, resting on it for a moment. The vibration of the engine hummed against his fingers as he gripped the handles. His sharp breathing slowed. The feeling was familiar. It brought back memories of normality, him and the boys getting into trouble, midnight conversations at the beach that always got a little more emotional than intended. That beach seemed to hold onto those feelings, like a storage place for their thoughts. Ali did the same, really. He could still picture her face the first time he let himself cry in front of her -- that took a while, didn’t it? Could he ever do that again?
Not after him. His jaw clenched at the image, the proud smirk of the bastard that changed his life for the worse and stole Ali away from him forever. The worst thing about it was that he could do nothing to stop him. It was over. He lost.
His sensei’s words echoed in his mind.
Bobby tapped on Johnny’s shoulder, his brows raised in concern. “You alright, man? We’re ready to head out if you wanna…” He trailed off.
Johnny nodded tacitly, revving the engine again then speeding away from the arena for what would seem to be the final time.
 “Just gimme it, man!” Tommy pleaded as he chased after Dutch, kicking up clouds of sand.
Dutch chuckled, a big, malevolent grin on his face as he swung around Tommy’s bag. “Not until you admit you got your ass kicked.”
“I scored a point, same as you! Not my fault LaRusso cheated!” He grumbled out, capturing one of the straps, though this only allowed Dutch to begin swinging his arm around along with the bag.
“How’d he cheat?” Bobby asked, incredulous, sitting on a towel and sipping a warm beer beside the other two.
“He--...” With a quick, aggressive motion, Tommy managed to slip his bag out from Dutch’s grip, leaving him to fall into a laughing fit on the sand. “Well, he must’ve, right? A guy like that couldn’t have really beaten all of us, could he?”
“Nah, you’re right.” Dutch said as he climbed back onto his feet, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes. “I mean, you saw him. He hardly threw a punch. Just blocking over and over, the annoying little bastard.”
“He wasn’t cheating, man, we just weren’t prepared for whatever that Miyagi guy trained him to do,” Bobby admitted, his voice low.
Jimmy stood from the towel, starting to pace. “Well--... Well, we can train up and kick his ass next year, yeah? I mean--... I mean he won’t even get to Johnny.”
Dutch grinned. “Damn right. We’ll teach that kid a lesson he won’t forget.”
Bobby smiled warmly, turning to Johnny for confirmation. The smile dropped promptly. “Johnny?”
He sat facing the ocean, watching the moon’s reflection morph with the waves, his eyes empty. After a second of silence, he looked over at Bobby, his brows raised. “Huh?”
“We were saying how we’re gonna kick LaRusso’s ass next year.” He said cautiously, attempting a smile.
“Oh… Yeah…” Johnny’s words trailed off as he turned back toward the moon.
Silence permeated the group for a few long seconds.
“Well uh…” Bobby started, “I guess we gotta find a new sensei, huh?” 
“Oh, well my mom told me about this place in Glendale.” Jimmy sat in the sand in front of Bobby, grinning brightly. “It’s kinda small, but it seems nice, so she says.”
Tommy sat beside him. “ We should definitely go to the same dojo, can’t split up this crew, right?”
Johnny sighed and they all turned their attention. “I don’t really wanna do karate anymore.”
That silence returned to take all of them once again, holding for quite some time.
Tommy hesitated, then spoke. “Are you serious, man?”
He nodded.
Everyone had the same thoughts simultaneously, albeit with different orders, different priorities. Dutch’s lip curled in anger, Tommy’s eyes darted in fear, Bobby looked to Johnny with compassion, and Jimmy hid his despair the best he could. All the while, Johnny sat there still staring at the water, void of any reaction at all.
“It’ll be alright, Johnny,” Bobby said softly. “We don’t need karate to keep being friends, y’know?”
A smile twitched up on Johnny’s face but failed to fully appear. “Yeah. I hope so.” He felt a surge of pain through his chest. His eyes welled up, but he widened them, shifting his focus to keeping a tear from falling.
Bobby patted his back, then hugged him around the shoulders. “I know it. You don’t have to worry about stuff like that, man.”
Each boy nodded, offering their own versions of compassion to their friend. Even Dutch gave a little confident smirk in an attempt to bring up the same in him.
“Thanks, guys.” His voice trembled slightly as an evasive tear fell, despite his best efforts; though, the others wouldn’t mention it, certainly not now.
The group ended that night at Bobby’s parents' house -- the last thing Johnny wanted was to spend it at home. They killed time distracting each other with arguments about nothing and impromptu competitions held for no good reason. It was a good ending to a horrible day, but no matter how much he tried to hide it, there was an empty space in Johnny where something once was.
Next Chapter
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alias-b · 4 years
sins of my youth. 019
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Billy Hargrove x OC! Evie Fenny~ Also posted to my AO3
Summary: It was common knowledge that Billy Hargrove hated Hawkins. Hated Cherry Lane. Even loathed the strange girl next door. Evie Fenny wasn’t too fond of the chaotic Cali transfer either. An awful high school tradition sparks a chain of events that changes everything, ultimately bringing two frayed souls together.
A/N: Hey everyone!! I know it's been quieter around here, but enjoy the chapter I hope! Sort of sweet filler. Billy nurses a hungover Evie back to life as they reach a common ground with their relationship. Evie returns to school as the new Keg King. Chp title is after that Depeche Mode song. TW: Light light mention of a past r*pe/abuse & Pica. Smut!!
***My tag list is wide open, just shoot me a msg to join it! Chat with me about the chapter if you have the time! Enjoy! xoxo
Chapter 19: One Caress
   Death. Hot, swampy death. Somehow mixed with frigid chills. 
   Evie cracked her eyes to light and moaned. Loud enough to wake the body spread on his back next to her. Billy spied her. Curls spiraling endless directions. Knotted all over. 
   Face pressed into the pillows, Evie held her thudding brain. Figured it might be unspooling around a cracked skull. There was movement as Billy reached over her to pull the curtains further closed and block the early morning sun. 
   “You seriously woke up at seven with that bad a hangover. Figured you’d sleep in longer. Must be a pride thing.” Billy hummed and draped his arm over her. Casual as can be to tuck back in. He made this rumbling sound into her shoulder blade and sighed out.
   Evie realized finally she wasn’t alone and scrambled up, almost tumbling over the bottom edge of the bed if Billy hadn't snatched her wrist.
   “Easy!” Came the sharp hiss. “Take a moment to remember last night if you can.” Brown eyes squinted to blink at him. Blurring the gold honey of him together. Billy made a face. “Jesus, you’re looking at me like I’m taking a dump here, Evangeline.”
   “Oh, jeez,” Evie fisted her curls so he let go. Her eyes began to dart, finding the events and piecing them. Little by little. “Jesus Dolly Parton Christ.”
   “That’s some poetry I like.” Billy reclined, covered in a loose sheet looking his insufferable cupid self. One hand behind his head while he tapped a rhythm into his abs. Evie moaned again, curling up toward the curtains.
   “I did a keg stand…”
   “Oh, yeah, you did.” Blue eyes rolled. “Your highness.”
   “Did I puke on anyone?”
   “Just some sorry ass purple primroses.” He’d snarked with some amusement. “You almost got me, but I aimed you just fine.”
   “Shit. I’m-”
   “You’re gonna piss me off if you apologize again. That’s a stupid girl habit you need to shake.”
   “Stupid girl habit, pfffs. I’m Billy Hargrove. I'm perfect and glowy with the face of a damn cherub. Know-it-all.” Evie huffed and mumbled to mock him but Billy continued.
   “You just did to me what I did to Harrington. Figure I had it coming. I’m still Billy-The Shit-Hargrove. Smoke and mirrors as you think.” His chest rose and air blew out his mouth. “We didn’t do anything, I just helped you home as you poured your tasty heart out.”
   “Yeah, uh… It’s all coming back. Argh...” Evie rubbed her face and aimlessly waved for him to stop talking. She noticed Billy still had his jeans on, no shirt. Then, spied her own outfit under the robe. “The hell are we wearing?”
   “You were keen to flash me those Fenny wiles so I tied you into the drunk girl straitjacket. Took some wrangling, but I think I earned the gold,” he blinked, “and I didn’t wear anything under the denim. I figured jeans were better than you waking to my huge, raw morning wood...unless you’re into that.”
   He winked which earned him that scrunchy scowl he loved to see on her face.
   Evie collapsed back on her front. Cursing daylight. Lingering black makeup still smeared around her eyes.
   “Okay, well, I can die now. Officially. Thank you, Billy, for bearing witness.”
   “No, no, I’m nursing you back to health today. We both smell like party. Get up. Water. Pills. Shower. Gonna shower at my place and then I’m coming back for breakfast. I’ll make your birthday up to you if you’ll let me. Hope you let me, cause I’ll bug you another two months until you don’t.” Fingers tugged for messy curls until she grumbled.
   Evie poked those bright eyes up. 
   “There was talk of a couch day. I remember.”
   “You remember everything?” Thick lashes batted the vulnerability away. She softened.
   “Everything. Feel like death,” she said, “but waking up in your arms wasn’t so bad.” Billy brightened, liking that. Maybe too much because he looked smug. “So, the couch. You and me. Us. Can you manage that? Relaxing with casual stimulation.”
   “Oh, say stimulation again. Slower,” Billy uttered and Evie rolled her eyes. “Gonna let me come back over?”
   “Maybe.” She hitched and whined, ruffling her curls. “Knowing my mom, she’s gonna stay until closing. Around six or seven tonight, she might go party straight from the shop. She's made that a habit on weekends. I don’t know, as this year is going she’s just home less. City friends. Dating. And I feel bad cause it’s almost easier.”
   Billy didn’t comment.
   “My throat still hurts from last night and we do smell pretty ripe...gonna shower. Clean these sheets too.” 
   “We haven’t even made a proper mess of them.” Billy came up on his elbows with a suggestive look. They shared another beat before his tone changed. “I should have stayed.”
   “I wish you did. But, I also wish I didn’t run into Fredrick’s arms after that dance. It was stupid. We can both make idiot decisions. Still young, I guess.” Evie turned her eyes. “But, you’re here now and we’re not yelling at each other.”
   “It’s a whole new world. Keg King.”
   “I need to forget that.”
   “School won’t. None of the schools there will forget it. Betcha even Tannen knows.” Billy pushed up and Evie followed, stretching until something cracked delightfully. “Heard from him?”
   “Something with a DUI or two… I don’t know. He made his threats already.” She stopped to pet Blue, shifting the kitten off Billy’s coat while he snagged his shirt. “Tell Max I said hi if she’s around.”
   “Give me thirty.” Billy took his coat, gave her ass a pat, and waltzed out. Unworried. Evie dragged into the shower. Stood there under the warm spray with her head pressed against the cool tiles. Swallowed some aspirin down and slid her eyes to the container of cherry red pins.
   There wasn’t a melancholy welling inside her empty gut, but she found it odd. This craving to indulge. To swallow sharp objects and let them click around musically inside her. Make them part of her routine. Eat artificial things until she was made from them. A doll on the top shelf threatening to take a tumble.
   Wet curls hung over her shoulders and breasts. Evie closed the mirror and looked at her body there. Head tilting. Towels fell around her feet. She opened her palms, arms slighting lifting in a submissive motion. Evie thought to cover herself but didn’t. Imagined a shell opening so the world could look at her. Admire her. Pluck her free and decorate her with tiny diamonds and opals. Maybe seaweed and shells like a pretty siren.
   The mirror lights washed her flesh out as they would an old starlet. Flash. Romancing Evie as she blew kisses to an empty lens, hoping to be loved beyond it. She might die if they don't all love her. Want to screw her. Want to open her up and peek inside. Flash. Keep her at arm's reach if they don't like what they see. Flash. It doesn't matter because she's still a wondrous thing to covet.
   She imagined several hands piecing her parts together. Painting them with deft brushes. Evie could sit on a shelf still. She could also let them loop red strings around her broken limbs. Contorting fingers walking her upon a empty stage with the same washed-out lights. Evie would be anything for them. Give anything for eyes and lights and brushes that caress her.
   Hands pushed her curls back over her shoulders. Evie really looked at her body. No shame. No sex. No fear. No disgust. Just flesh and blood and muscle wrapped around bones with marrow made of that electric stardust. Flesh that offended the world, they had to fetishize her to stand her. Nothing really mattered if the lights washed her away though. The lights would tell them to love her regardless because she was the next great thing.
   Lips pushed into the mirror's reflection, breath ghosting to leave an imprint that faded as she leaned back. Her neon demon flitting out to curl and poison the world so she wouldn't have to choke it down alone.
   “I don’t want to be them,” Evie sneered there, “they’ll want to be me.”
   They’ll claw. And scrape. And scream. And die. Just to be a second rate version of Evangeline. Steam rose around her, placed adoring kisses upon her skin.
   A kiss and a promise wrapped in that vengeful neon demon she fed and hid from the world that had ruined her. Broke her parts to pick and choose the best. A demon she still kissed and tried to preen with kindness because Evangeline tried. She tried.
   Evie hadn’t been cruel. She told lies. She made messes. But, she tried and she had always hoped that would count for something. It didn’t with her father. Or Mona. Not even Fredrick, he liked her mutilated. But, Evie tried to hold onto that kind girl with fire and hopes to create music that rained to make flowers grow even bolder. She deserves something. Anything.
   She was already carved out by this life. Felt like she might hit bone if she dug any further. Piles and piles of ash spilling out longing veins. Organs delectable enough to feed on from souls that sapped her vitality away. What else was there to do but scream until someone heard her? Scream for the girl she lost. The people who would never care to understand that. Scream until they were forced to scream over her. Until they were all roses falling at her feet.
   As she looked at herself here, Evie wondered if that girl was even alive anymore. And if she’d already let her down. If she could be forgiven. If she could forget a specific howl of thunder that came after crackling lightning. Lips near her ear to preen so sweet.
   "My little mouse-"
   Hands shaking, she thrust the mirror open and pricked her finger on a cherry pin. Blood beading before she settled it upon her tongue to devour it. 
   It didn’t make sense. She was happier. Today, she was better. She was in control. But, this... It was built into her. Settling comfortable with everything else. A need. A hope. A cycle. An addiction. Girlhood was a horror story written by a true romantic. This, she knew well.
   Just once, Evie figured. She could wean off it. She could gather her parts and sew them back together without help. Carve the person she lost to the world in something stronger.
   It’s fine. This is fine.
   Unable to see whoever was in the mirror now, Evie shut the lights out and hurried away. She pulled a long sleeve tee on with a faded floral design. Decided leggings were a god-like invention and was stuffing socks on when Billy let himself back in.
   At the sound, she clenched her stomach as if he’d walk in and see the artificial fragments that made her up now. A softer breath puffed. Everything was neatly hidden inside. Soon to be a part of her shelf collection. Footsteps came to her while she bent over to toss her wet towels in the hamper.
   “Can’t knock-?” Evie was spun around into an oncoming hard kiss. Lips colliding before Billy hitched and pulled out. Fireworks burst.
   “Hey, I waited for that.” He winked and went into the kitchen. Owned the space. “You look like hell still, Evie. Couch. I’ll make you something greasy to eat.” 
   “Ugh, I won’t even fight you on this...and you’re well aware of that.” Evie fell onto the sofa. Sagged. Heard Billy clicking around. “You’re not gonna make a mess, are you?”
   “Quit worrying, let the master work.” He peered at the kitten eagerly eating from her dish.
   Evie heard something sizzle and flipped TV channels. Turned the brightness and volume a little lower while she draped over the sofa's arm. Tried to distract herself as the meds kicked in. Melting around her pricking pin. Billy padded back in with a paper plate. Something stacked high on it.
   “What did you…?” Evie blinked and sat up to make room for him so he put the plate down. Still warm and steamy, gooey cheese oozed from fresh bread. “Grilled cheese. Oh hell, that actually looks really good.”
   “I made a bunch. Stuff that hangover.” He spied her and stole the remote. Evie was too busy leaning over to pull a cheesy sandwich apart to fight him. Readily, leaning into Billy’s shoulder, Evie got comfortable there as they shared a silence. A hot, greasy meal that was perfection. Even a few laughs over the TV. 
   She forgot about pretty made up dolls. About that girl she lost. About whatever was trying to take its place. About screaming and thunder.
   “I think we should set some ground rules for this thing since we’re obviously avoiding labels,” Evie said during a commercial, wiping her fingers on a napkin before she pushed up. “Water?”
   “With ice if you really wanna impress me.” Billy kicked back and heard her scoff. “What do you mean, rules?”
   “I mean,” the sink started running from the kitchen, “just...you wanna be with me and I wanna be with you and we’re not gonna bring a third party into that. Basic ‘don’t screw this up’ rules.”
   “Unless you’re into it.” Billy cracked his cheekiest smile as she returned. Ice clicked in two glasses. Billy put one arm up on the couch to gesture so she tucked in there. Cups clicked and they hydrated as if a mission was afoot. 
   “Ah, use the coaster.” She leaned forward so they could set the drinks down. Billy rolled his eyes and sat back, legs spreading.
   “You worry too much, I know how to tell people I’m seeing a girl.”
   “How public can we be? If I try to kiss you or, god forbid, hold your hand at school...will you be weird about it now?”
   “No, and just give me a slap if I get weird on you again.” He shrugged. “If I wanna slip you my tongue or smack your ass, are you gonna get all squirrely on me?” Billy tipped his head back when he felt her chuckle.
   “Depends on who you do it in front of. I figure you’ll use your brains for that judgment. I hope.” Came the softer reply. Evie curled into the warmth of him. Stared at his neck and watched the muscles and veins shift under tanned skin. Wondered about sinking her teeth there. “You can get handsy within reason. Do that thing where one person slips their hand into the other’s pocket as they walk.”
   “I’ll give you the John Hughes fantasy if you throw me a little pornstar now and then.”
   “Bet you think every nasty thing you say makes me blush.” 
   Evie wiggled down and settled her head in his lap. Eyes snapped down to see her face crinkle with a brighter smile, still only somewhat fatigued from the night before. Curl spiraling long over her shoulders and his thighs. He caught one around his finger. Twirled it with a thoughtful expression before he looked at her eyes.
   “You are beautiful, Evangeline Fenny.” Billy had to sigh it. A fierce and tender proclamation. A stunning spell cast over her like a thin veil. Twinkling jewels. Flash photography.
   It became clear that they held power over each other and that this was the closest she’d ever gotten to her name in lights.
   And Evie did blush. She didn’t look away from his eyes. For once. Not when they flickered to catch her gaze. Lost in Billy, she rose and turned over on her hands and knees. Leaned toward him carefully. Billy inhaled her perfume, got this fluttered look as she took his chin and tipped it to place a delicate kiss upon his throat. Another touched the line of his jaw.
   One muffled sound fused them together. Evie’s back hit the couch. The remote fell with a clatter. Fingers laced, Billy shifted her hand next to her head. Saw her pause to kiss his knuckles. Tough with scars from too many fights that burst them open. 
   Fingertips gave this gentle caress of Evie’s hairline with his free hand. Careful as if something here could shatter. Thick lashes fluttered so she turned to look up at him there. Words crushed in her throat. Almost pleasurably.
   “Open your mouth.” Billy longed to taste the fragmented syllables. Lips parted. A finger swept the kiss-puffed swell of them. “Little wider.” His own mouth curled. Thumb rubbing a circle into her chin before he came down. A vaguely sweet-salty kiss. Tangy, almost reminding him of that balmy California air.
   Evie matched him. Pushed back. Cupped his face. Made a heavenly sound that vibrated into him.
   And she leaned out as if struck by lightning.
   “What’s your middle name?”
   “What?” He laughed, watching her lashes flutter. Hand midway to touch her breast.
   “Your middle name.” Evie fingered the metal pendant when it hung down from his neck. Traced a line across his collar before tucking spun gold behind his ear. 
   “So suspicious.” She tugged his tee so he’d kiss her again. Slower this time. “This, Billy, is totally a date. So, I’m asking about you about you.” Frankly, Evie wanted to know every little, silly thing there was to him.
   “Feels like that perfect, lengthy ending of a date to me.” The snark had Evie pouting. Stopping anymore kisses he dared to plant. Billy gave pause. “It’s stupid. My middle name.”
   “Well, now you have to tell me.” She shifted so he could drape his weight across her, one elbow planted near her head. Billy rolled his eyes. Cringed.
   “Seamus.” He mumbled, sparking. “Don’t laugh. Mom chose it after an ancestor on her side.”
   “Just smiling cause you told me. That’s not bad!” Evie pressed her lips when they trembled. “William Seamus Hargrove.”
   “Yeah, I sound like a creepy lighthouse keeper who's really into masturbating.”
   “One out of two.” Evie squealed as he pinched her side for that. “Marie!”
   “My middle name. Marie.” Arms looped loosely around Billy's shoulders. They wrapped each other up, spoke intimately of casual subjects. All too easily. 
   “Evangeline Marie Fenny.” He gave it a taste. Liked it.
   “Uh-huh.” Evie’s fingers twirled idle into Billy's curls, massaging circles into the back of his warm neck. “My mom got the middle name from this famous Voodoo Queen in New Orleans. She thought to name me Christine, Wendy, or Beatrice but when I was born, she changed her mind at the last minute because she saw me and said the name just came to her from this epic poem. Said it was star-worthy so she plucked it down from the night sky and kept it as her own.”
   "A star?" He panned to focus on her expression relaxing.
   "It's a lot to live up to." Something to grieve deeply in that.
   “Hm. Voodoo Queen. So, do you like to turn boys into creatures when they cross you? Frogs, goats, and bats maybe? For sacrifice?”
   “I mean, that’s the first thing they teach us, obviously. Voodoo is actually peaceful and balanced, it just has a violent misconception because of racism. It’s an even exchange of life and energy. A relationship you build with actual effort. Signature.”
   “My mom might have liked it, she was spiritual-like.”
   “My aunts know more. They were pretty worked up when my mom branched out. I like to think she balances a couple religions to get by. She does the same thing with hair styling…and boyfriends.” Evie puffed, eyes elsewhere. “Just a jukebox, she changes the song by whatever is gonna comfort her most that week. I just tell people she’s open-minded and she is.”
   “My dad hates your mom more than he’s hated any neighbor we’ve ever had. And we used to live across from these guys he didn’t like me talking to. Said they were living in sin. Well...he used worse words.” Billy admitted, vaguely entertained because Neil loved to spit words only when backs were turned. He was a coward. “They were always nice to me. Owned this fancy cake shop so they sometimes gave me a truffle if I was playing on the apartment steps.”
   “I can picture you small. Face all messy with chocolate.” Evie gushed there. “Probably the cutest thing. Bet Neil hated them more for being sweet.”
   “The one and only time he spat the word out in the open, one of those guys broke his nose. I got the brunt of that anger later, but it was worth it. Just makes me like Mona more.”
   “I’m sure.” Evie blinked, sighing elsewhere under Billy’s gaze. “My mom and I have a disconnect, but I am proud of her. She’s so educated despite having me young even if people don’t know it. She’s marched for human rights and she’s braver than she knows. She always stands for something and I hope I can one day too. Even if her big, noble causes distract from her home life.”
   Evie paused with this searching look. Unsure if she should indulge the thought that swept her eyes. Gently, she continued.
   “I don’t think her mom ever loved her. Nana was always so cold to her, not like with the older sisters. I noticed that young. She might have liked me only cause I was her one and only grand-baby.”
   “Why’s that?”
   Evie flickered her brown eyes again, frowning.
   “You can’t repeat this, not even to me.” A sigh followed when Billy nodded. “When my mom and dad got divorced...that Christmas break she took me back to N’awlins. They live in this big place, I used to think it was a castle. Her three older sisters, growing old together. Nana was with them until she passed away. I used to hang out in the attic when I wasn’t at their store. Going through boxes of memories.”
   “Yeah.” Billy nodded for her to go on.
   “My mom wasn’t supposed to be born. Nana had her sisters. She had this husband. Perfect life. A shop to pass down. One night, she was closing and a man attacked her. Held her down and…” Evie swallowed. 
   “He hurt my Nana bad. I don’t think she was ever the same, how can you be? But, she got pregnant with his baby. Kept it and that was my mom. I think my mom spent her whole life trying to make up for it. I’m sure she knew.”
   “How so?”
   “My grandfather left not long after she was born and..my Nana wrote him this letter I don’t think she ever sent. It was begging him to just take Mona and love her right. It was full of apologies and, I think she was gonna kill herself. I don’t know what changed her mind. But, I found that letter and read it. It was in my mom’s things. Under the floorboards of the first dollhouse she ever made herself. She must have found it all the same. Maybe when she was my age.”
   “Probably wasn’t an easy thing to find for her.”
   “Right. Might explain why mom can only handle the dainty things in life. She just wanted to be loved. So, I think after that...I tried even harder to be perfect for her. I know she loves me and her mother never loved or wanted her. She tried so hard for everyone even if she’s bad with the negative. We’re friends. She always tells me I saved her life so I’m scared of letting her down. What if I can’t save her one day?” Her voice cracked so Evie swallowed a lump down to level herself. 
   Billy felt that prick his heart. Deeper than he liked. But, the advice still came out clear.
   “That’s not your job, Evie, you need a mother. You have plenty of best friends.”
   “I thought she married my dad cause she loved him, but really I think she married the first person who promised to care for her. Who whisked her away from her mother’s cold house. It worked out that he was always traveling for work. It feels like everything I thought I knew about my life wasn’t real.” Evie caught herself, eyes on Billy’s pendant. She hoped it protected him. Well enough. “But, my dad. I bet he thinks about me every day. I know it.”
   It was always striking and peculiar how Evangeline spoke of her father. Billy pictured a string being pulled from her back to rattle the same peppy sayings. Over and over again until perhaps she believed it too.
   Evie paused to stare at Billy thoughtfully. With the pull of her string, she switched modes to become something else. 
   “What kinds of things to do you like to write about?” She asked with this dreamy sort of expression crossing as if the words before were all imaginary. She was fine. Her mother was fine. Her father, he…
   It was all fine. Picture perfect. Paparazzi flashing to send her into a sea of spots. Memories wiping.
   “I don’t know, anything to not be here.” Billy caught himself, both of them still wrapped around each other. “Not here, I mean. I’m here.” 
   Billy seemed to realize how present he was and shifted off her.
   “The words almost don’t sound real.” Repetition. A mild chuckle. “I’m here.” He sounded them out carefully. Evie pulled up. Stared at Billy sitting on his knees between her legs.
   “That’s it.” She said. “Labels and rules aside. As long as we’re just here, I think we have a handle on this. I can manage that, can you?”
   I’m here, Billy gave this closer look and nodded. Earring dangling. Fingers twisted his ring around.
   “Are you going to tell Neil or Susan about this?” Evie’s question made him pale noticeably.
   “Hell, no. It’s better if my dad doesn’t figure it out. Don’t like him talking to you.”
   Evie didn’t argue with that.
   “I don’t think I want to tell my mom, she’s just a lot when I’m seeing someone or liking anyone point-blank.” Evie winced.
   “Don’t freak on me if I pull from you around my dad. I don’t trust him near you. He’ll say shit and you don’t need that.” Billy peered aside until Evie took his hand, shaking it almost officially.
   “Deal. Screw Neil.”
   “Oh,” Billy laughed, “you're still a funny girl, Evie.” Eager as can be, he cupped the back of her head. Kissed her into the couch. They forgot the dull aches that kept them so grounded. All giggles, she squirmed out to escape him. Left Billy breathless and tugged as she got up. “Wait, where ya going?”
   “Um. My room. Duh.”
   He lit up and tried to play cool which melted the second he scrambled to scoop her from the floor.
   “Ah!” Evie wiggled and clung to him. Feeling his muscles bulge and strain as they always did. Made her heart sing. “We didn’t discuss this!”
   “If I can lift it, it’s mine. You spent all last night challenging me, what do you expect?” Billy jostled her which had Evie wrapping her arms tighter around his shoulders. Barely squealing.
   “Okay! Don’t drop me!” She squeezed into his arms and balled up. Billy laughed all the way to the bedroom. “I didn’t wash the sheets yet.”
   “Even better, let’s make a bigger mess of them.” Billy dropped her playfully into the covers. Pulled his shirt off as Evie sat up. Eyes falling to the hard contours. He relished that she liked to look at him. Fingers wrapped around her wrist, encouraging the cool palm into his skin. Up the deft lines in his stomach. “You can touch, I won’t charge you for it.”
   She dropped the awe and pushed from him. Laughing back into the pillows.
   “You’re such a pain.” Evie stiffened because Billy dropped down to crawl up her body. Pretense gone. One hand cupped her jaw. Urged it open as fingers stroked the silky cheek. Thumb curving the swell of her parting mouth. Evie kissed the pad and let the digit slip along her tongue. 
   “You’re so good.” Billy shuddered when he felt her tongue whirl obediently around his thumb. Breathless. Evie reached down to undo his belt. Sly as can be. 
   “You’re eager.” She whispered coolly against the wet thumb tracing a line down her chin.
   “I haven’t been laid much the past few months, I’m collecting. Times I tried didn’t work. Sue me.”
   “Poor thing.” She cooed, working his zipper down until Billy bit his lip. Hips shimmied between her spread legs. He jerked her hips up to get the underwear and leggings off in one expert pull. “Did you think about me when you tried?”
   Billy narrowed on her. Sighed as a hand slipped into his jeans. Moaned.
   “Yes.” He stole himself a kiss. “Couldn’t even measure up to that kiss in the street.”
   “Remind me how that went.” Evie hitched a laugh and he smothered her down. Scared the syllables with his tongue.
   Billy pulled her hair for good measure, pushed his open fly into her bare skin. He didn’t waste time this hour as she moaned and pulled for him. Adjusted to find her core. Hips snapped together, both of them mostly clothed in disarray. A good ache built as he moved. Hard and intent like he was making an impression into her flesh. Into her marrow. 
   Evie would remember him and this time and how he played her. Totally. Neither of them would be running. This moment was about the long haul together. They kept slowing to just look and breathe. Noses nuzzling. Soft exhales in turn. Billy broke kisses to push his face up against her hair and jawline, arms sliding underneath her to cling. He let Evie whisper sweet things into his flesh. Let her hold him just as close.
   At the sweetness of her coaxing, he spilled inside her. Earlier then he meant.
   “Shit.” Billy started to push up when Evie’s legs caught his hips.
   “Stay,” she puffed, “stay like this for a bit.” She prodded and pawed, openly needing him. So very bad.
   “I’m crushing you.” He mumbled into her cheek. Trapped in heat.
   “I like it.” Evie’s arms looped his shoulders. Both of them got the shakes. “I like how you feel right here.”
   “You didn’t come yet.” Hot breath ghosted her neck.
   “It’s okay.”
   Billy blew air into her jaw. Kissed the line of it before he reached down to finish her.
   “Ngh, yes.” She mewled out silently. "Oh, Billy." That was his favorite song in truth.
   “Atta girl.” Billy kept planting kisses. Evie twisted with nowhere to go. Whimpered until she was locking under him. Mouth back open for his slow tongue. She reached a peak and let him slowly bring her back down.
   Lips muffled into her collar. He stayed there inside her. Took every piece of comfort she offered. One hand reeled up to pet her curls. Arms kept him firm against her so he could listen to her twittering heart slow and lull. Fingers danced too delicate across flesh.
   Evie whined as he pulled out. Felt the absence burn hot. 
   They messed the sheets. She was still pulling for him until he pushed her over. Wrapped himself around her after fixing his jeans back up. Leaving them open. Evie shifted, restless until Billy kissed behind her ear.
   “Just sleep. Not going anywhere.” Billy’s words lulled her back to relax. “Quit squirming about it.”
   She stilled, fingers trailing up the hair on his arm before she dropped her head to the offered bicep. Evie tilted Billy’s wrist to see the watch, groaning.
   “It’s not even noon.”
   “Maybe you’ll think next time before you get up hungover on a weekday before eight,” Billy mumbled into the curls. 
   “Only did it for the Hargrove grilled cheese.” Evie closed her eyes to sigh. "You fell for it."
   “Guess we’re both screwed.”
   “Mm-hm.” She let her mind flutter. Felt Billy’s hand stroking her bare thigh. 
   Fingers moved up her hip. Kneading the flesh. His palm trailed over her tummy and she didn’t stop him. Didn’t clam up at a boy touching her fuller areas. Billy worshiped her skin. Breath hot into dark curls. She almost wondered if he was trying for another round massaging her hip like that with dancing fingertips. 
   “Hard to nap when you...when you touch me.” She sounded breathless.
   “Like touching you,” Billy mumbled. “Gonna figure out a way to prove it to you without the label. This thing.”
   “For a boy who likes to talk, I notice certain words are hard for you.” She felt the arm under her wrapping tighter, pulling her further into his fire. “Not judging. I have problems words too.”
   “Still good with my mouth.” Billy shifted hair from Evie’s neck and jaw. Settling his lips there, lazy as can be. “And my hands. But, you still have something nagging you tell you I’m not being truthful about the exclusive thing. Gonna figure out how I can make that up to you.”
   “If I really didn’t trust you, Billy, I wouldn’t have let you stay here.” Evie shifted around to face him, still laying on his bicep. There was plenty of fear. Fear of exposing her heart and vessels and nerves to be plucked. Fear she'd like him more than he liked her. Fear this relationship would be such an easy thing to fall into.
   "That's honest." He decided, lashes batting. Evie reached up and traced this curving line near his mouth.
   “Just be with me cause you want to be and try not to raise your voice if you’re upset." She dropped her hand. "It’s okay if you’re upset, you can tell me. It just freaks out when men raise their voices. It’s like thunder and I...I’m scared of thunder.” 
   Evie recalled the passive-aggressive way Fredrick would slam things when he was upset with her instead of outright telling her. How he’d wait until she was near tears and begging his forgiveness. Billy studied her eyes. Saw lightning flash within them. Knuckles came to her cheek. Gave an idle caress. His soft lips found her brow and lulled her heavy eyes until they began to flutter. Billy laid there and watched Evie fade, let her sleepy frame tuck into him. Under his chin. She found solace. 
   He thought of the men in her life and his life who raised their voices. Who hit. Who broke them down to a series of parts they can pick and choose from to make a doll that suited them best. This image they placed up carefully for protection, it may have shattered them both distantly. Billy didn’t want to be a piece of thunder in Evie’s life. Striking to make his points so she wouldn’t forget them. 
   But, Evie slept so soundly in his arms. Barely twitching while his hands roamed her body. Under the shirt down her bare back. Threading into fluffy locks of thick hair. These little caresses that were her lullaby. It made Billy believe with all his soul that he’d never be like them.
   And it made it so easy for him to follow her in darkness.
** ** ** 
   “You’re awfully quiet, Max.” Evie turned her head in the seat. Trees whizzed by illuminated with little flits of the morning sun. 
   “Just a test today, I guess.” Max had her backpack clutched close in her lap. Almost hiding behind it. She hinted a smile. “I gave Billy shit this morning.” Billy snorted in the driver’s seat, nodding. One hand idle on Evie’s knee. Hot through the denim.
   “She did. Neil wasn’t around.” 
   “Hey...I told Will and them I’d go to the arcade. Just to hang out after school. I’ll be home before dinner.”
   “Does Neil know?” Was all Billy asked.
   “Yes, he thinks I’m just going to see El. Stays quieter if I’m seeing the Police Chief.” Max plucked up her skateboard. “I won’t need a ride so you guys can make-out.” She snickered while Billy swerved to park at school.
   “Yeah? Beat it.” He shifted his seat, patting Evie’s knee to make her wait there. Max jumped out and hopped on her board.
   “She does seem off,” Evie remarked more so to herself.
   “Things at home are off, it’s making it weird for her and her friends.” Billy shut the door with a hard look. Exhaling out his nose. “It was bound to.” Evie watched Max skate down the hill around other students. Seemingly isolated. She didn’t push the subject and wiped the frown aside. Mauve lips upturned when she peered to see Billy staring at her face. Not reaching for a smoke yet.
   “Got something for you.” He said instead, fishing into the front pocket of his denim jacket. “Tried to figure out how to make this official for you. Here.” 
   Billy dropped a silver chain in her hand without ceremony. The silver ring he wore on his middle finger hung from it. Evie wondered what he’d fidget around with now when he was deep in thought.
   “I don’t have a class ring or Letterman jacket for you because I’m not a douche. But, guys do this. Don’t they?” Billy peered at Evie eyeing the ring before she met his gaze. 
   “It’s perfect.” She turned, gesturing so he could help her put it on. It sat lower than the little music note she usually wore. Evie debated it and pulled her dad’s necklace off, looping it around her wrist as a bracelet because she wasn’t ready to part with it just yet. Maybe it not being in plain sight would make her easier to look at for Mona. “Thank you.”
   “My mom got it for me. She had it in the family and said it would fit me one day. That and this chain.” He fingered the saint pendant. 
   “I’ll be careful with it,” Evie promised him. 
   “It sits exactly where I wanted it to.” Billy flashed some pride.
   “Over my heart?” Her eyes glimmered.
   “Over your tits.” He laughed when she shoved at him, tugging his collar in for a kiss. 
   “You’re gross,” Evie mumbled, pecking him once more. She fingered the ring and beamed. 
   “You’re into it.” Billy turned her chin for just one more. She could live in this. 
   Just one more kiss.
   Deciding to join the rest of the student body, they got out. Evie slung her strap over one shoulder while Billy held his bag in a wad at his side. They met each other around the car before Billy slipped his arm around her waist, bringing Evie into him. Fingers delved into her back pocket.
   Every teen around them took note. It was official. Comments piled in as they passed into school.
   “Great party, Evie.”
   “Looking good, you two!”
   “Love your outfit, Fenny.”
   Whistles cast and overlapped suggestively. 
   “This is weird.” Evie leaned into Billy as they got to her locker. Students looked at them together. Offered winks or smiles. Students who never addressed her much before.
   “You’re the keg king. What’s that saying?” Billy had shrugged. “Heavy is the head… Fine is the ass.”
   “I regret you already.” Evie broke to laugh at him. “Pure poetry, Billy.” She shut her locker, paused to see Heather headed her way looking apprehensive. Another smile crossed, even fuller than the last. Heather seemed to respond and follow it.
   “So, I heard I missed a piece of history.”
   “Hardly, I puked everywhere.” Evie swept curls behind her shoulder. “Billy, can Heather and I have a sec?”
   “Depends, am I still an asshole prick?” He leered over Evie’s shoulder.
   “You’re back down to normal prick status.” Heather beamed even sweeter while Billy caught his tongue between his teeth, seeming to like that. 
   “I can work with that, princess.” He tugged Evie’s curls and went around them to head to his locker before the first period. Evie shifted on her feet so they walked along together.
   “I know...things have still been kinda weird.”
   “I just figured I’d let you and Carol work through your stuff, you know?” Heather looped her arm into Evie’s.
   “Can’t without my best friend there. Sure, Carol and I are bonding, but that doesn’t… You and I went to dances together, Heather, we stayed up eating junk food and watching terrible movies. We bought our first bras together.”
   “Our mothers made that day so mortifying, I think I’m still messed up from it.” Heather giggled with Evie snorting next to her. “And you got a real B bra while I basically bought a damn bandage.”
   “We’re repressing the memory together.” Evie tugged her down the next hallway where Steve scrambled to snatch her into an unexpected bear hug.
   “Tell me it’s true, oh my god, Evie.” He was near howling with laughter. Evie, shocked that Steve lifted her feet from the floor, stammered through the broken train of thought.
   “What?” She got spun around with a cry as Heather cackled. Students hurried around them. Steve wasn't strong like Billy, but credit was due.
   “You’re the keg king?” He shook her by the shoulders. “You smashed Billy’s record in front of him. In front of everyone?”
   “I’m never drinking again.” Evie dropped her head to his chest, hands covering her face.
   "You're my absolute hero, Eves, I hope you know that." Steve gripped Evie tighter, got close like he thought to kiss her but resisted.
   “Yeah, you’re going to have to fill us in on everything at lunch.” Heather decided, grasping Evie’s hand. “Jesus, Steve, get it together.”
   “Let me have this, Holloway. She's mine.” He squeezed Evie’s amused frame back into him. “He made my life hellish.”
   “I’ll dedicate the win to you. How’s that?” Evie slipped from Steve, laughing now. “Lunch. We’ll give Billy shit about it together.” A wink that Steve matched, thoroughly enjoying this momentous day. Evie rejoined Heather to hurry toward class. “How about a sleepover? Us, Carol, and Max. I think she needs more girls in her life. No boys invited.”
   Heather hugged her books close to grin easier.
   “I’d like that.” 
A/N: Letting these two finally just be intimate is everything to me. Thank you so so much for reading. Comments and rbs are well loved and appreciated!! Feel free to chat with me, pretty please! Tag list & ask open. xoxo :)
TAGGED:: @80sbxtch @nottherightseason @alagalaska @alongcamedolly @kellyk-chan @10blurredsmoke10​ @charmed-asylum​ @unmistakablyunknown​ @lukespatterson​
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celestialflamesme · 4 years
| KARMA AND CRAZY MIDGETS | A Venai One-shot Modern AU | Fairy Tail Next Generation |
Ships: Raidyn Dreyar x Venetia Redfox
Dedicated to @primaverafrog @luna-chan00 @biorckstudios18 @animaration-fts @cxndy-stxrs (Lol, I can't believe that no-paragraph breaks worked😂 I fooled Tumblr, y'all!😎😆)
You'd think having a town overtaken by the mafia would make people more apprehensive, if anything. But if Magnolians were anything, they were huge (and he simply could not stress this enough) idiots.
Raidyn prided himself in not partaking in anything Fairy-esque which was more than what he could say about some of his colleagues (Yes, they named themselves Fairy 'Tail' of all things! How no one in this town even got the spelling right was beyond him....)
"Did you hear about Fullbuster and that Fernandez chick? They're together now!" Some red head he'd forgotten the name of (What! It was too late to ask her now!) stage-whispered.
"Who? Storm?"
The entire cafe burst into laughter. "Like Storm would even look at a girl that's not Nashi."
Point proven. They!! were!! on!! first!! name!! basis!! (He bet no one in this room even knew his last name, let alone first. Not that it mattered. He liked slinking in the shadows, although it was practically impossible with his snow-white hair)
Geez, did these people have no lives? They were talking about delinquents for Pete's sake! And ones that sure loved messing up the town in their infamous brawls. But did the people care? Nooooo.
Ugh, one more year and he'd be out of this whacked up place. Wiping a tabletop, he forced a smile on his face and pretended to be interested in the topic.
"Cass, I'll have a black and a burger with fries," a voice interrupted. A voice he was very familiar with.
Did he happen to mention that the most annoying one of them all had made this her hangout spot?
At 5'1, you'd think Venetia Redfox would be the least intimidating person ever. But with crimson red eyes and a Devil-may-care attitude that made up for it, no one dared mess with her. She also caused 75% of the fights in town and had a smirk straight out of a Wattpad Bad-boy fanfic.
Boy, did he hate her.
"You're gonna chip it off with that grip, Blondie."
Oh my god, she did not just-
Raidyn shot her a glare and strode to the back of the register, faintly registering a chuckle (Who the hell did she think she was?) before picking up another order.
Little Miss Redfox however sat at a corner table and continued doing whatever the hell she usually did every Tuesday and Friday for 3 hours in a row (he should know, he was there glaring at her at closing time).
But the kicker this time was, at that moment, her phone rang. You have never really seen your world end right before your eyes if you haven't seen a 5 foot psychotic looking delinquent decked in leather that drove in a motorcycle there by the way (How does one willingly ride on a metallic death-trap like that?!) mumble the words 'Cha cha real smooth' and pick up a call with the most deadpan look ever.
Raidyn almost cried. Almost.
"Are you kidding me? Do it yourself! I swear to God, you always do this shit, Dragneel!" She got up from her seat and walked out, just like she looooved doing smack dab in the middle of her classes back at Magnolia High.
Good riddance.
He jinxed it. Karma was such a bitch.
Though no sort of karmic revenge could explain the shit he had to go through that week.
First off, he had 4 assignments due in by the end of the week. And turns out that was the exact week his dear red-head colleague decided would the perfect time for a vacation (It's the middle of September, where in hell's name was she planning to go to?)
Guess who had double shifts now?
This clown.
Ugh. Talk about chivalry and all that loyalty shit.
And yes, of course his car had to break down, and the local bus had to change it's schedule, which left him with his last resort: walking 4 and a quarter miles to school (Oh, he found that out the hard way all right) to college. Nashi and the Fullbuster kid (He sure loved walking around shirtless a little too much) decided to brawl (again) and bam, his locker got caught in the crossfire.
In fact things were so overly shitty that he became skeptical come Thursday when the day seemed relatively normal.
"You've been scowling all week, Dreyar. Anything the matter?"
Raidyn snapped out of his reverie and groaned. "Dad, why not just call me by my name like any normal person would?"
"Because that doesn't build-"
"CHARACTER!! WE GET IT!" His mom, Mirajane mimicked with a scowl. "Well, we're just going to get two Happy meals and then we're off, honey!"
He faintly registered Hunter snickering in the background (How immature. Raidyn wasn't one to get embarrassed by his parents. Plus, none of it would ever compare to the Disco Fiasco of 2001. How else do you think he got his car? Sweet, sweet guilt-tripping....)
The day buzzed past but his suspicions only intensified tenfold. (Call him a pessimist, he didn't care) And like a bull in a China shop, a tiny midget Redfox (the one and only) strut in.
Now, he was behind the counter at that moment handling the red-head (he really ought to learn her name someday) so he didn't notice 5 feet of brute strength that climbed up behind him and dragged him (poor, unsuspecting him) into the supply closet.
Oh no, he was not kidding. The supply closet. Of all the places the perpetrator could've-
The lights flickered on and he screeched (What? Any human would!) at the red irises staring determinedly into his own non-red eyes. (Seriously, were those even real?) Raidyn wasn't scared of no judgement, what did scare him (maybe not that much, now that he knew who those belonged to) was Satan's minion and her RED AS FUCK EYES! LIKE SERIOUSLY-
Clearing his throat and trying to salvage some faux dignity after that dramatic display, he grunted, "Touch me one more time and you're-"
"Yeah, yeah I get it, big guy. Look, I need a favour."
Venetia Redfox crossed her arms and stood threateningly in front of the entrance.
Who was she kidding? "Nope," he muttered and swerved right around her and made his way to the counter. (Pipsqueak. She really should've seen that coming.)
And right as he turned right towards the display case, he found her leaning against it with her shoulder, looking bored. "Yes. And now."
"Parkour." She deadpanned.
Raidyn gave Venetia a long, long look and sighed, striding towards her. Her smirk widened in anticipation as-
He picked her up like a sack of potatoes and tossed her over his shoulder.
"Technically, you cornered me first," he stated matter-of-factly and dropped her on her feet (she looked like a hissy kitten, hmm.) Then proceeding to close the doors at her, he picked up a poster of her (he kept posters of all of them for a day like this. Ah, foreboding luck. He could feel it.) and pinned it onto the front door.
(Was he even allowed to do that, you might ask, but bah, who cares? Rabid girls are a nationwide threat.)
As he wrapped up and prepared to leave, Raidyn had a niggling feeling he forgot something very, very crucial. Uh-
A body collided onto his own and climbed (I kid you not) him (THE FUCK KIND OF ANIMALS DID MAGNOLIA OWN?) before a tiny, rough hand muffled him. Oh no.
"Yoph kiphing mmph!" Raidyn groaned.
"I need you to teach me how to solve a Rubix Cube."
What. Excuse Raidyn for not knowing, but was Rubix cube some mafia codeword for mafia stuff? Stealing a car, fighting goons, skipping classes or drug dealing? Raidyn Dreyar had a long jail-free life ahead of him, mind you.
(Some might say he really had to stop reading those novels his mom bought. Some might be right. Whatever.)
Back to the topic on hand, he mumbled inaudibly. Her cropped hair tickled the sides of his face as she squinted at him, "What?"
Was she kidding right now? He pointed at her hand covering his mouth and her eyes widened as she let out a nervous laugh. (Geez, talk about stupid.)
He took in a deep breath and shook her off him. She stood there patiently (As patiently as a Redfox could, anyway.) as he straightened his shirt.
"First things first, NO!" And he stalked away.
He registered a groan from behind him and quickened his pace. However, the midget in question managed to propel herself at break-neck speeds and no joke, TACKLED him.
Karma was such a bitch.
Macao, the guard standing by the parking lot, huffed, "They don't pay me enough for this."
The only reason he was doing this was because she offered to fix up his car. (How did she even know it wasn't starting?) Also because it had been a while since he brushed up on his Rubix skills. Also because he wanted to get rid of the midget before she followed him home. (He figured his mom and dad would ENJOY her presence and replace him with her. He had crazy parents.)
Everyday she'd make sure to meet him (mostly by cornering him in the hallways) and in exchange for these classes, she'd work on his car at the weekend.
The first time she came over to his house (to work on his car, but he didn't know that) was rather embarrassing because he kinda sorta thought she was a burglar and locked his garage, yelling at the top of his lungs. His dad, Laxus came out with a taser (Dad sure loved his tasers.) Of course, when he finally opened the garage doors, he was met with an unimpressed look from the Redfox in question. (God, he was such a drama queen.)
The midget had a lot of trouble twisting her hands at the beginning of her sessions and he loved teasing her about her 'butter fingers' every time she accidentally flung the cube across the room or out the window in one rare occasion.
You know, she was kind of fun to have around.
"And that's the algorithm! You're all done!" He cheered, glad to have this behind him.
"Geez, you don't have to sound that excited to get rid of me." Venetia teased.
"What? No....." He feigned innocence.
"D'aww, admit it, you enjoyed my company."
"Please, more like I was scared for my life." He mumbled. She snorted.
"Catch you later, alligator."
Did she just- "NO WAY, JOŚE!" (That was lame even for him. Gosh dang it, she was laughing at him....)
Fricking Redfox.
That weekend, Raidyn thought he deserved a good ol' evening out with his friends/colleagues (technically it was the manager that suggested it and he tagged along for the heck of it. He wasn't much of a social person, per se.)
He guessed Karma was still on a streak when Venetia Redfox entered the very same place they'd chosen for karaoke night and sat herself on one of the tables in front of them. And proceeded to order nothing.
The raven-head didn't even have her notebook (that always made her look disarmingly tiny) or her phone. Oh well, she must've been waiting for someone.
As the hours passed, he found himself exceedingly irritated for no reason.
"Who in their right mind would stand up The Venetia Redfox?" His colleagues whispered (rather loudly, according to him) and she just tapped her fingers away, oblivious to it all.
Fine, whatever.
"Sup." He towered over her and greeted, moving to take a seat next to her.
She blinked at him.
Okay, you couldn't exactly judge him. She was a regular and tipped good and people were being annoying about her and oh, her tapping was distracting and he had a massive headache coming. That's all. Simple as that.
"Don't you have better shit to do?" Red irises stared at him impassively.
"What are you doing here by yourself?" He asked coolly.
"Well, Nashi was supposed to-"
"I'M HERE! I'M HERE! I'M-" Both tilted their heads just in time to see Nashi ram into the glass doors. The now groaning pinkette was sprawled on her butt in front of the entrance. "Fricking doors."
"That's her." Venetia deadpanned. Raidyn shook his head sympathetically.
"Heyo Ven! Heh, kinda lost track of time beating Frostbite at Mario Kart," her doe eyes scanned him. "Raidyn! I didn't know you guys were friends!" She grinned.
Raidyn gave her a two-finger salute in greeting.
Nashi's eyes suddenly widened in realisation. "YOU'RE TEACHING HER THE RUBIX?!"
"Yup." Venetia smirked. "He's a great teach. His parents have taken me in as their own."
"Just like that, Blondie. What can I say? It's the charm," She grinned at his bewildered face.
"You guys are all ready for the challenge then?" Nashi wiggled, now nervous, "Ven, I didn't mean to drag you into this, but Clint was-"
"It's cool, dumbass." Venetia shrugged. "Ain't your fault that they're dipshits."
At his confused look, Nashi clarified, "People like picking on us just because we're Fairies and held to the same standards as our parents. This frat dude decided he had to prove he was smarter than the Fairies and decided to pick a Rubix cube challenge of all things." She rolled her eyes. "Bet he taught he was real original thinking that one up."
"Bet he did." Storm scoffed. (Wait, what?)
"From- the front door?" Storm scratched his head in genuine confusion. (As if Raidyn was the weird one that sneaked up behind people like a stalker!)
Nashi facepalmed. "Why the heck are you here, Frostbite?"
"Just like that."
"Gosh, you're so annoying."
"Wanna say that to my face, Flamebrains?!" Storm yelled. (Oh, not again....)
"Guys, please don't...." Raidyn said, but both didn't seem to be paying attention to him.
"I SAID YOU'RE ANNOYING! FIGHT ME!" She threw a punch at him and before he knew it both were throwing napkin holders and vases at each other.
Venetia seemed to be enjoying the show, and pulled him to the back of the room, "This might take a while," she stated. "Wanna grab a milkshake?"
Well, he was kind of craving one. "Why not?"
Today was the day of Venetia's challenge and Raidyn found himself nervous.
"You sure they won't wreck the place?" He grumbled for the umpteenth time.
Venetia groaned. "Do you have no faith in my abilities, Dreyar?"
"Nope. None whatsoever."
She raised an eyebrow, "Shame on you, then. I wouldn't let a good friend lose his job on my behalf. Dally ho, now!" She cheered.
He blinked at her, giving her a small reluctant smile. "Kick ass, Ven."
She tilted her head toward him and gave him a grin that knocked the breath out of him. "Thanks, Raidyn."
Shit. When did- when did she get so pretty?
"Look who we have here. You sure you're in the right place, Redfox?" A voice condescended. The owner of the voice was a grimy looking kid that looked like one of those middle-school spelling-bee losers that bragged about it whenever they met someone new.
"Clint." Venetia deadpanned.
Raidyn broke out into a fit of laughter, making 'Clint' (What kind of sad name was that?) glare at him. (Oh please, Little Clint was totally quaking in his boots! Why'd he even bother coming?)
"Let's begin then! Pick a shuffler." Clint drawled.
Venetia picked Nashi while Clint, after a moment of deliberation, picked one of his gang-mates (What did they call it? The Math club?)
"You may begin."
Both Nashi and the grimy dude shuffled for the better of 15 seconds. Clint just scoffed and clicked like a pretentious know-it-all, making comments like, "You're making it easier by shuffling harder, you know. Make it tougher for me, Nashi dear."
Raidyn had to give it to the pinkette, he would've smacked the teen by now.
"Okay," the referee, Storm cheered, (even though he looked like he was ready to kill Clint) "Timer starts, NOW!"
Both twisted and turned the cube furiously, Venetia sticking her tongue out in concentration while the teen twisted his arms like a man possessed.
"I'M DONE!" Venetia dropped the cube with a thud onto the table. "How's that for a Redfox?"
"E-excuse me? That's insane! It's only been," Clint checked the timer like the sore loser he was, "31 seconds!"
"Too bad," she smirked. (Well shit, that was hot...)
"I demand a rematch!"
Nashi moved to protest, but Venetia silenced her with a hand, "Whatever you say, kid..."
"This time, we swap cubes!" He whined like the little weasel he was.
3 minutes later, the rematch began and Venetia plopped her cube on the table with a glare.
"You think you're smart giving me a faulty cube, don't you?"
"And I'm done!" The weasel had the nerve to say. "I don't know what you're talking about Venetia, I used the same cube and it worked just fine. Maybe it was a stroke of luck on your part the first tim-"
He couldn't finish his tirade because Raidyn took that opportunity to check the cube (He didn't have to though, he believed Venetia enough to know she wouldn't make up excuses.) and yeeted it at his face like he'd been itching to do from the moment he saw the turd.
"OH NO, YOU DON'T!" Nashi growled, "I'M ALL FIRED UP NOW!"
Oh dear.
Okay, maybe the fight wouldn't get too big, these were scrawny kids after a-
Yeah, Nashi Dragneel just flipped a table on them.
There goes his job.
"GO, NASHI!" His manager cheered. (Okay, thank God this town was crazy.) "Raidyn! You can take the day off, kid. Have fun!"
Storm chose that moment to enter after his momentary toilet-break. "I WAS GONE FOR 3 MINUTES, WOMAN! WHAT THE HELL?!"
Venetia, unbothered by the chaos behind her, pulled him by the arm, her eyebrows furrowed at him, "Well, I tried. But hey, looks like you still have your job. That's a win, right?" She scratched her neck, laughing.
He sighed, putting caution to the wind. This was Ven after all. "Ice-cream date? My treat for today's win."
A smile erupted on her face, "Only if we take my bike there."
Bonus (That no one asked for):
"Okay, so you have to grip it right. Not too tight. Just enough to nudge it in the right direction." Venetia explained, from where she was seated in front of him on the death tra- bike.
Raidyn nervously laughed, "I've got this in the bag, I don't know what you're worried about." The tilt in his voice gave away his panic, however. She raised an eyebrow.
"Humor me then."
"DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES, YOU IDIOT!!" Venetia screeched. She reached over and took over the handlebars just in time as they nearly crashed into a tree Raidyn was headed for.
He got off the bike and tripped, falling face-first on the ground. Fricking Jelly-legs. "I am never riding that death trap again." Raidyn groaned.
"What the heck?!" Venetia questioned, bewildered. "How'd you even get your driver's ed with such sucky basics?"
"Fight me Ven, I'm never getting on that thing again!"
"Too bad, I have to drop you back home too." The sneaky devil dared smirk at his plight.
Fricking Karma.
He wouldn't have it any other way, though.
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rosierocks30 · 4 years
Hidden: Ch. 14
Chapter 14: The Game Changer
(Eren and Connor)
After the duo found outfits to blend in with the locals, they walked around town to hear any information about the commanders. It was becoming hopeless, until when they were having a drink at a bar at night. 
A group of random men were chatting and drinking with joy as they were celebrating something. 
“Tomorrow men. I will be a married man.” The groom raised his mug of ale to give a toast. His friends toasted after him. 
“For your future!” They cheered. One of the men whispered next to the other. “Hey, so what happened to all of the military regiments?” 
“I heard they all got killed in action.” Another man joined in the conversation. 
“Hey isn’t a cousin of yours in the Survey Corps?” The other said. 
“Yeah, but my family believes he and the Commander Hange and the rest probably escaped before getting hunted down. I mean the new king had their faces as bounty. This isn’t the first time the Survey Corps were being hunted.” One of them said. 
“What do you think of the new king? Our graceful queen had chosen him as her husband.” the other continues.
“Pfft, he looks like a fucking pansy cunt. Our good queen would have picked someone better to rule beside her.” The same man scoffed at the thought of the new king. Many people of all three walls were not pleased with the marriage except the noble families who weren't thrown into prison. 
“Shhh not so loud. There’s eyes everywhere.” the groom to be hushed his friend. On the other table, Eren sipped his ale. Connor was about to lose interest in the conversation as it was about to go nowhere. 
“I don’t believe Queen Historia had a choice. Look at the massacre in the capital. At what cost will our beloved queen let blood shed happen? I say that snake caused a de coup. This is injustice!” The same man frowned. 
“I understand your frustration, my friend. I heard from an old woman that the queen gave birth to a prince but poor lad, he didn’t get to live. I saw two or three men with the garrison uniform today morning. I’m surprised they are still alive.” The groom to be said. 
Connor perked up when the groom mentioned the garrison soldiers. “We’ll question him once he’s alone.” He told Eren which the Eldian nodded in agreement. 
As a couple hours passed, they watched the groom get up and leave the bar alone. Now, both assassin and titan shifter made their move to follow the other. The streets were dark and cold. The soon married man felt someone following him. He turned his back to see no one. Huh? Maybe walking home drunk was not a smart idea. Paranoia gets the best of him. 
He was about to turn around to resume walking when he felt two hands grabbed him to drag to the alley and pinned to the wall. “Please please don’t hurt me. Take my money. I got to be there for my girl at our wedding in the morning.” the man whimpered from the fear. 
“Quiet, we just want to ask a few questions and you’ll walk away free.” Eren said. 
“Huh? What kind of questions, sirs?” The groom was wary. 
“Important ones like are you sure those soldiers were the garrison regiment?” Connor begins to question him. 
“Yes, yes they are. They had the rose symbol on their back jackets. T-they were talking to a woman with platinum blonde but short hair. She had glasses.” He gave some details. Eren figured who he just described. Rico Brzenska. The current Commander of the Garrison Regiment. 
“Where did you see them?” Eren asked. 
“I saw them at the meat shop. They walked into the shop then later came out. My boos usually say they go into the shop everyday around 9 in the morning.” Finally, he was let go. His body was shaken from thinking he would not make it home. 
“Go home, but you will not tell anyone about seeing us. I suggest you forget what you saw.” Before the man can say anything. Eren placed his hand on the man’s head to erase his memories including  seeing Rico and her soldiers on that day. Both Eren and Connor left the man alone as they walked into the dark streets. 
“In the morning, we’ll go to that meat shop.” Connor said while Eren nodded. 
The following morning, Eren and Connor were waiting by a flower stand where they could see the meat shop in front. They got here earlier to check if they will see Rico and her garrison soldiers entering the shop across the street. The green eyed man leaned against the cart, but saw a particular flower that reminded him of Eve. He stared at the fresh plucked of lavender and blue winter roses. 
Eren was walking the busy streets of Trost District with his girlfriend. He smiles seeing her looking around the area. He looked away to see a man hold flowers. 
The flower man caught Eren and smiled. “Ah, you good sir! Care to buy a flower for your pretty lady?” 
The titan shifter stopped to look at so many kinds of flowers. Eve looked at him then at the flowers. Eren nodded at the man and paid to get one. He was about to get the lavender, but Eren got the winter rose instead. 
“Here Eve, for you.” He gave the rose to her which she took and smiled. 
“Winter rose…” She said softly. Carefully, her eyes stared at the blue flower. 
“They are supposed to bloom only in winter or in the icy mountains. My dad used to get them for my mom everyday. When he laid his eyes on her, he would give one. He had stopped when he passed away. Mom had always loved them, so she grew them in a mini greenhouse back home as a memorial for my dad and the love they shared with each other.” She inhaled the scent as it remembered her.  
“I didn’t know...but  they are rare here like you.” He blushed as Eren trying to be romantic. The emerald green eyes man noticed her smirk. “What?” 
“Aww baby, you’re blushing; it's cute.” She coos at him which Eren playfully rolled his eyes at her. She chuckled then pecked his lips. “Thank you. I’ll keep this rose forever.” 
“Good because it’s the only one you’ll get.” Eren plays it off cool. Eve punched his arm playfully. “Meanie.” 
The flower man gave another flower to Eve. “Here, miss. This one is on me.” 
Eve smiled happily as she grabbed the lavender flower. “Now this is my favorite. Thank you sir!” 
“No probably young lady. Both of you have a lovely day.” The old man smiled at them. Both Eren and Eve had left to continue walking. 
“That old man likes you too much.” Eren scoffed, which his girlfriend can sense a hint of jealousy. 
“Really Eren? Really? He is just an old man who’s kind and appreciates a beautiful lady like me.” She teasingly grinned. 
“Humph, I’m not jealous if that’s what you’re thinking?” He looked away as trying to hide his obvious expression. 
The titan shifter smirked and wrapped his arms around her from behind. He leaned to her ear and whispered. “But I’ll show you, why you’re mine; babe?” His voice made a husky tone. 
Eve is now the one blushing from his action. “E-eren, people are watching.” 
“Perfect, so they can know you’re my girl.” his tone hasn’t changed. 
“Well, if you want this gorgeous face then you have to catch me first.” Eve said with mischievousness. She began to run from him. Eren chuckled as her playful mood showed. He went after her to play her little game.  
(End Flashback)
Eren looked away as the memories were becoming painful. Connor tapped his shoulder to get his attention. Eren glanced at his ally to follow the other’s finger where he was pointing to. 
They noticed three familiar figures. One of them was Rico Brzenska, Commander of the Garrison. Both Connor and Eren ran across the street to reach the meat shop as the three figures entered. Once they entered the meat shop, no one was here. Connor looked at the over the counter to see some figures below the shop by using his eagle’s vision. 
“There’s a small entrance on the floor that has an underground room or something.” He said. Already Eren goes around the counter to pull the string cord as the lid lifts open. Connor jumped into the hole then Eren followed along. 
It was dark but there was a mumbling sound. They walked to where the sounds were. Right around the corner, a huge open space where several figures discuss things. Both Connor and Eren found the missing Commanders of the Garrison and Military Police, Rico Brzenska and Nile Dok. 
London, England
March 16, 1535
What the fuck? Where am I? Why is it dark again? Levi was questioning to himself. A brightness appeared to see tiny hands and a loud wailing coming from him. Is he a baby? 
“Your Majesty. It’s a boy. Congratulations, England finally has a prince!” the midwife said. 
The mother cried with joy from seeing the baby crying loudly. Once the midwife and the helpers cleaned and wrapped around the baby with a blanket, the baby was placed on his mother’s arms. The infant opens to show his blue-grey eyes to his mother. His mother smiled with warmth and pride. She did it. Her king has a male heir. 
“Anne, he looks like you, but he has Henry's handsome face structure.” A woman next to the queen cooed at her nephew.
The doors opened suddenly as the notorious King Henry VIII barged in. “Is it true? Did you give birth to a son?” He stand next to his queen to see a baby boy in her arms. 
“Yes, my love. I’ve given you the son that I promised you.” Anne smiled as she presented the child to her husband. Henry carefully held the baby to admire it. 
“My son, how I long waited for you. You shall be….sweetheart, what name do you have in mind? Since you have kept your promise, I will allow you to pick a name.” He said. 
Anne contemplated for a bit until she found a perfect name. “Arthur, after your beloved deceased older brother and the legendary warrior king Arthur.” 
Henry nodded. “Arthur it is.” 
April 2,1556
Little Arthur was playing his toys on a cool spring. He had a curious mind by observing the bocks. Suddenly, a ruckus noise was heard which made him whimper frighteningly. Now the one year old glanced at a figure wearing in black. The figure picked him up then quickly took him away. Prince Arthur cried hoping one of his nannies would come save him. It was too late. The news of the kidnapping of the crowned prince had reached the king and queen. This led to the downfall of the Boleyns.  
Eldia Empire
January 15, 1557
Ever since the kidnapping, Arthur had been transporting different locations from horses to  boats. He saw many landmarks until his kidnappers reached a port in an unknown world. The men who took him away from his home, got off to walk into a busy area where merchants, slave traders, and farmers came to sell their goods. 
The blue-grey eyed infant was in his cage crying while being carried on the top hard surface. Already a seller began the auction. A man and woman frown looking at the poor child. 
“Husband, how could they put a baby into the slave market?” The woman said to her spouse. The husband glanced at his wife. 
“It’s just a cruel world, my dear.” He sighed. The disgust he saw the slave traders promoting. 
“How much do you have with you? I want to save him.” The blonde haired woman felt eager to rescue the infant. 
At first, the husband was reluctant since they were here buying materials for their farm on the outskirts of this busy village. He took out his pouch of coins. His wife couldn’t stop staring at the poor little thing. He knew she had a strong desire to be a mother, but both couples had struggled to have children. Maybe buying this baby to raise as their own will help satisfy his wife’s desire to have kids. On the other hand, he doesn’t mind not to have kids, but he loves her and that in some way he’ll make it happen. 
“Enough to make you a mother.” He said that she felt tears forming in her eyes. Maybe for once the gods had answered her prayers and led them here on this day. The little boy in the cage was gorgeous and crave for love and safety from a mother and father. The woman wondered if his real mother grieved the loss of her baby somewhere in this big world. 
“Oh my love, thank you. Thank you.” She hugged him with gratitude. 
The man hugged back his wife then went towards the slave traders and asked to buy the crying infant. 
“Sir, my wife and I want to buy the baby. How much?” He said to a random slave trader. 
“Hm, usually I would sell 5 gold, but the brat is scaring the customers away. For you, I’ll lower to 3 gold?” The slave trader said with a grin. 
“How about 10 silvers and 1 gold?” The husband began to negotiate. 
“2 golds and 5 silvers. That’s my final price.” The other man said. 
The husband sighed then took a glimpse at his wife. “I’m sorry but that’s all I have.” 
“Then I can’t sell the brat to you.” Just as the husband was about to turn to give his wife the bad news, the baby started to wail which the customers started to leave. The other slave traders tried to convince them to stay. Another man marched to the two men. 
“You sir, you want the crying kid? Take him please. He won’t shut up. You can give us whether you have.” the slave trader who was negotiating the husband scoffed. “We can just sell the brat almost free?!” 
The other slave trader glared at the other. “Do you want to be the one explaining to our boss why we weren’t making our usual amount of money because you didn’t want to get rid of this brat who’s scaring our customers away?” 
The other grumbled annoyingly. “Fine! Sir, just give me the money you have and you can take that little runt with you. Good luck in shutting him up.” The husband smiled and gave the money to the slave trader. Then he went to open the cage to grab the crying baby. As the little boy cried, he realized a different man held him but gently. 
“Shhh it’s ok. You’re safe now. Come, you will meet your new mother.” The husband gently cradles the baby while walking towards his wife. When the wife saw her husband with the baby, she felt overjoyed and went to them. 
“My darling, oh he looks so precious.” She gently caressed his little chubby cheek then wiping his tears. 
“Come my sweet child. You have nothing to fear. We will be your family. You’ll grow up with love and happiness.” When the baby listened to the soft voice of the woman, he slowly stopped crying. 
It didn’t take long for the infant to finally go to her. She smiled as the child became comfortable towards her. 
He holds on to the woman with his dear life. The baby was scared they would change their minds and leave him here alone and cold. He missed his nannies and governess who showered him with love and praise, but the most important being showered with love by his mother and father and sisters. 
“Let’s use my shawl to warm you up.” The woman gestured to her husband to take off her shawl to wrap the baby so he could be warm. Once the baby was wrapped with the shawl, the little one yawned and nuzzled on her chest as he drifted to sleep. 
“What name should we give him?” The husband whispers while walking beside his wife to go back home. 
The wife looked at the baby with surprise. This is truly a blessing from the gods. Maybe this is the reason why she was barren for many years because this little boy will need a loving mother and father to give the best unconditional love he deserves.  
“Arne Ackerman.” She said. The Ackerman couples continue walking on the dirt road to go back to their farmland. 
The lights started to get bright again. Levi opened his eyes to see the same shit face with excitement. 
“This is a historical ground breaking!” Dr. Andersen started writing down on his notepad. 
“What do you mean?” Levi grumbled annoyingly. His ancestor was born a prince so what. He doesn’t care at all. 
“Of course you don’t understand. You grew up here without the knowledge of learning history. I will happily explain it to you. You see Levi. In history books, Anne Boleyn and King Henry VIII only had a daughter, the Queen Elizabeth I of England. They say Anne had many miscarriages but it looks like she managed to give a prince to the king, but I guess after the kidnapping of Prince Arthur, things went south between them that led the king to behead her.” He then grabbed a tablet to show a general biography of both historical icons. Levi barely can understand English but learns enough to read what the tablet said. 
Levi frowned at what he read. This fat ass king was a shitty father and husband to not just with Anne but most of all his wives and his two daughters. The image of Anne Boleyn shows some resemblances to his mother. The eyes are what bring him back to those days as a little boy in the brothel. He had been cradled and loved by his mother, Kuchel. He can see from the memories of his ancestor embracing the love his mother gave when she visited him. Her eyes are the same exacted shade.  
He wanted to give his own son the love he deserved. Already the women in his bloodline had dealt shitty things and paid the price. He needs to get his own wife out of here. Hw doesn’t want history to repeat itself. For now he’ll “cooperate” to know more of Arne Ackerman that changed their bloodline destiny. What surprised him was that his ancestor was not Eldian that started the Ackerman clan. 
“Put me back in. I want to know more of this brat. Tch.” He said. The scientist nodded eagerly and resumed the machine to continue. Slowly, Levi goes back into reliving Arthur Tudor/Arne Ackerman’s life. 
(Sasha and Atticus)
The strange flying object finally landed on the ground. The brown haired soldier was holding the baby. Luckily, Atticus was a quiet one. He rarely cries unless he’s hungry, tired or pooped/peeped his diaper. As Sasha got off the plane, she looked around with wide eyes to see tall building structures that reached so high to the sky. She heard loud noises which Sasha preferred the sounds of the mountains than the cities. 
It still amazed her that this place looked so advanced that not even Marley cities couldn’t impress her anymore. It’s a good thing Sasha was good with babies. Back at her village in the mountains, she helped babysit small kids and babies when the mothers needed to go to a nearby town to get more supplies. 
“Miss Blouse, welcome to New York City. I’m your coordinator for your stay. My name is Melissa Hawthrone” A woman with blonde hair but with pink colored on the tips of her hair. Her personality was bubbly. 
“Oh you can call me just Sasha.” Her thick Eldian accent was showing as she spoke in English. Yes, those months of training all her squad members were educated in a few languages like English, Spanish, Arabic and Italian. Those days were hell since she wasn’t strong in academics, but when she learned a new language; she was grasping better than few of her friends did. 
“Alright, Sasha it is.” Melissa nodded. 
They walked to enter the airport building. Sasha became jumpy when the doors slid open automatically. “Woah! The door opens like magic.” She forgot that Atticus was a bit sensitive since he’s not used to the outside world. He began to whimper. “Oh sorry Princey, don’t cry. We’ll go somewhere quiet.” 
Just as they reached where the food court, Sasha stopped and sniffed the delicious aroma of food. Then her stomach growled. “Can we stop by to get meat? I’m so hungry.” She drooled from thinking of food like meat. Melissa nodded and led her to the food court. To Sasha this is heaven. There are so many options but these kinds of food are foreign to the food she usually eats.  
“What would you like to eat?” Melissa said. 
“Oh wow, is it possible to try it all?” She grinned as Melissa didn’t know what to say. 
Sometime later after trying all the chain restaurants in the airport, Melissa was driving to the new home where Sasha and baby Atticus will reside temporarily.  Alright the infant prince was wide awake which Sasha played peek-a-boo to entertain him. The car was filled with his giggles. 
“Is your stomach a video or something? I never met someone who can devour cheeseburgers like you.” Melissa said while driving. 
Sasha chuckled awkwardly. “I appreciate food too much. I got in trouble a lot back in my cadet years. Heck, even when I joined the Survey Corps.” 
Atticus stares at Sasha then begins to make a concentrated face. Next thing you know, the car started to stink. 
“Oh god! What did you feed him?” Melissa’s nose wrinkle from the awful scent from the baby. Sasha carefully lifted him up to sniff his bottom and made a disgusted face. “Seriously, this little guy can make titans smell like floras.” 
“How far are we to the house? He’s gonna need a bath when we get there.” Sasha is still wrinkling her nose from the smell.
“We’re already here.” The other woman parked by the curb of the street. Beside them, there’s a row of similar style buildings. Melissa turned off the car then unlocked the doors so Sasha can open the passenger’s door. Sasha held on to baby Atticus to get out of the car then closed it. 
“They all look the same.” Sasha said as she glanced at the row of buildings. They all have reddish-brown colored. There’s stairs that lead to the front door. 
Once Melissa got out and locked the doors of the car, she walked to the building with a golden number 333 on the blue-green door. The pixie haired woman took out the keys to unlock the door and opened them so they could enter the building. When Sasha entered the place, the interior looked very cozy. The walls were painted with cream yellow. The floor had wooden tiles with shine. On top the floor, a black and light grey pattern pathway rug contrasts the hallway. On the left side, an open wide space where the living room was located. The sunlight shined to make the room bright and aesthetic.
“This place is sooo pretty! Are you sure it’s ok for us to stay here? I’m worried I’ll break some of the place or the baby when he begins to crawl. It just looks so fancy.” She said while looking around the living room. 
“You’ll be fine, Sasha. This room is the living room and I can show you Atticus’ room so we can get rid of that awful smell.” Melissa led Sasha to the baby room. 
When they reached Atticus' room, the interior design looked like a jungle theme with silver colored walls. The crib was placed next to a wall. The animal stickers were attached to most of the walls except where the crib was placed. Instead animals on that wall, a big tree that reminds Sasha of the Path. 
“It’s so pretty. Oh if only Historia was here to see this room for her son…” Sasha frowned from thinking of her friend. She hopes her friend is alright, but knowing what she heard of her, it was hell what Historia is going through. 
“I assume that’s Atticus’ mother? What had happened to her? Did she die?” Melissa said.  
“No, she’s still alive. She’s in a situation where political schemes are lethal. She had her own son to be sent away to protect him because a certain nobleman wanted to kill his father’s bloodline for good.” The Eldian soldier explained to the New Yorker woman. 
“Will didn’t explain much about what had been happening over there. I’m sorry what your friend is going through. I hope our allies rescue her before it’s too late. This cutie deserves to have a mother. So what happened to the father?” Melissa already holds the baby to place him on the changing table.  
“Captain Levi had to stay there since he is our trump card. We called him Humanity’s Strongest. He low key hates that title. Sometimes, he mumbles at us when we say it.” Sasha chuckled at remembering those good old days when their squad were relaxing at the Mess hall eating and talking in the Headquarters of Mitras. 
Melissa helped out changing Atticus’ diaper. Sasha throws away the stinking diaper into the dispenser. “Levi Ackerman? I heard a little bit of the Mentor’s grandson. Is he really that short?” She said. 
Sasha nodded to respond to her question. “Yeah, but don’t mention or say anything about his height unless you want a good beating or make you clean every inch of a building everyday. He’s just plainly scary.” 
“I’ll keep in mind not to pissed him off. You know what they say about short people? They are hella scary when they're pissed especially if they are sweet and kind.” Melissa said. “Anyways, let’s get this cutie a nice warm bath.” 
“Yeah, I don’t think he got a bath when we left from Paradis.” Sasha said. Both women went to the bathroom to take Atticus a warm bath. 
What a disaster the evening was? Luckily, he and the templars had caught Historia and Levi from escaping. Damn that street rat Ackerman! It would be easier to just execute him. What so special about him and the Ackermans bloodline? All they are the true devils that obey and serve to royals like him. That’s all they were meant to do. Since their purpose had been unless; it’s best to eradicate them from their existence. 
Nathaniel walked to go to his chamber. When he opened the doors, Gilbert was waiting for him on the bed in a very seducing position. His lover was laying naked. The silky bed sheet only wrapped around his waist and some of his legs, but everything else was exposed for the king to see. The king sighed. He would love to give his precious lover the attention he deserves. With dealing of almost losing his wife and capturing the peasant, Nathaniel didn’t have the energy to give his all to Gilly. 
“My darling, I’m sorry but I’m not in the mood. A lot happened in one day. I’m too tired.” The King sat on his bed beside his lover. 
“But you had time for that whore, right?” Gilbert frowned as he sat up. 
“It’s not like that...you know that.” Nathaniel tried to explain. 
“Then please don’t neglect me, my love. I missed you. I haven’t spent time with you since you married her. It kills me seeing you with her. I feel like you’re changing your heart slowly and don’t deny it. I noticed the way your eyes stared whenever she roamed around the castle.” Gilbert said with anger. 
“Don’t be ridiculous, Gilbert. She’s just a mare to be bred so my bloodline can remain on the throne. I love you. Nothing will change us. I’m too exhausted. Can we talk about this later?” Nathaniel was not having it right now. He understands that Gilly was jealous and feeling insecure about their relationship, but he doesn’t need to worry about it. Right? What is there to fall for that bastard? Beside her golden hair flows like a silky river of gold as the sunlight shined on her. The way her pink lips becomes a smile when she’s happy. Her blue eyes spark with life. The crazy thing was all that happened whenever she looked at Levi Ackerman. Their relationship had been a secret right under everybody’s noses. Probably, they were together before she became queen. Just like her mother, she took into a similar path. 
“Maybe for now, but I warn you. The more you get closer to her, the more you’ll walk on dangerous waters especially Levi Ackerman is still in her heart.” Gilbert gets up as he begins to put on his clothes. “Just remember, she will always love him but not you.” Before Nathaniel could say anything, Gilbert stormed out of the room.  
Love is beginning to get complicated. Nathaniel had always dreamt to be a king. Long ago he was supposed to marry Historia’s older sister, the late Queen Freida Reiss. Now that woman was a true royal. Her pedigree matches with his. Both their parents made the betrothal agreement. When Wall Maria had fallen by Titans, everything that Nathaniel had dreamt of in the fairytale had died. Zeke Jaeger's father Grisha had killed his fiancée and her entire family expected that fat coward father of hers and the hidden bastard child, Historia. He had wished it was Historia who was killed and  not Freida. Freida was perfect. She was kind and caring. She was so ladylike. It’s a shame that she had to hide her position as queen that time. 
Yes, Frieda was his first love. Nathaniel may be into men, but he had made an exception because to him Frieda was a goddess that hasn’t had the chance to shine publicly. He remembered his last conversation with her before she died. 
It was night. Nathaniel was looking for Frieda in the palace until he spotted her in the private garden that only the royal family are allowed unless they invited guests.
“There you are. I was looking for you everywhere Freida.” Nathaniel smiled as he walked towards her. The raven haired woman turned around to see her fiancé. She gave a warm smile at him. His heart made a jump whenever she gave a smile at him. He sits beside her. 
“Everyone was looking for you. Are you alright?” He said in a concerning tone. 
“Hm not really. I’m just admiring the stars one last time before something that will change our history even though there will be deaths.” She mumbled. 
“Huh? What are you talking about? I’m sure there’s nothing to be worry about. Beside, our wedding will be tomorrow. We’re finally going to be together as husband and wife.” He tried to cheer her up. 
“I wish it was that simple, but being the holder of the Founding Titan; you just learned secrets that nobody here knows about. These secrets are my burden now. Is this what my uncle had to get used to it when he inherited the Founding Titan? Would you still love me if I wasn’t a royal?” Frieda glanced up to Nathaniel. This got his attention from what she said. 
“Frieda, my love. I love you for who you are. I don’t care anymore if you're royal or not. If you want to live in peace, say the word and by tomorrow after our wedding; we’ll live in the countryside of my family’s estates where no politics or royal duties determine how we should live.” He meant it. He’ll do anything for her. 
Frieda smiled and placed her hand on his cheek to caressed. “You’re one of the kind, Nathaniel. Please don’t ever change. I love you so much.” 
Nathaniel embraced her affection and smiled back. “I love you so much too.” 
“Can you make a promise to me?” Frieda said. Nathaniel nodded. Yes, he will keep whatever the promise was. 
“I have a little half sister. Her name is Historia. She’s the natural child of my father, but she’s such a cutie. Promise me you will look after her. No matter what, can I trust you to have her under your protection? She’s my light. I won’t forgive myself if anything happens to her.” Her eyes looked pleading. 
The young lord was shocked from finding out his fiancée has a half sister, a bastard. Yet Frieda doesn’t care. She loves her little sister no matter what. Usually, Nathaniel would scoff at anything related to bastards. After all, his father had sired a few of his own which broke his mother’s heart. The infidelity his father had committed. His father brought his bastard children to be raised along with him. This had made his mother throw a fit. His father didn’t tolerate her behavior and punished her. As a boy, he was scared for his mother whenever he watched her being punished by the late Lord Evans. 
He had begun to hate his father and especially his half siblings. His poor sweet mother died when she got an infection from the slashes she got on her back from being misbehaving. Of course, Nathaniel blamed his father and those bastards for his mother’s death. 
Once he got a bit older, Nathaniel did the unthinkable by making his father die in an “accident”.  As his heir, he became the new lord of the Evans family. His siblings were scared for their lives when he became lord. Only one actually did escape when he killed his siblings. Nathaniel didn’t feel remorse. In his view, they are low beings that destroyed his happy family. When he met Frieda, he felt like a monster because a sweet lovable Frieda doesn’t deserve a man like him. She was his light to his sins. 
“I will promise you that your half sister will be under my protection, my love. Historia will be safe. You and I will raise her if that’s what you wish.” He said. 
Frieda felt tears falling from her eyes. She hugged the man she loves. “I know you don’t like people like my sister, but it’s not her fault for her existence nor your half siblings…” 
He knows where this is going. When they were a few months into courting, he told her his dark secrets. At first, she was horrified. Later, she rant of what he did was inexcusable. How his half siblings shouldn’t be punished for his father’s sins. His mother, if she was alive, would not agree what he did to his siblings and his father. In the end, Frieda slowly begins to warm up to him again. 
He sighed. “I’m only doing this because it sounds like she's very important to you and you’re important to me so in a way she’s important to me now. You have nothing to worry about. Everything will turn out fine as we planned.” 
She nodded and gave him a tender kiss. The following day, he heard his Frieda died and his heart grew darker. 
(End Flashback) 
The thought of missing Freida still pains him. He may love Gilbert but Frieda will always have his heart. In a twisted way, he did keep his promise to Frieda. Historia is under  his protection. When he met Historia, something in him hasn’t shown in years since being with Frieda. The girl reminded him of Frieda. Like her, she’s caring and sweet. She is kinda ladylike but with a spunk. Historia is very passionate and fair. His now wife can be a bit aggressive when she gets pushed to her limit. He can see how compatible she is with the criminal Levi. They both don’t take shit from others. 
In a way, he does feel something for his wife. Gilly is right….he is changing. That’s what angers him the most. A girl who reminded of his first love is capable of taming his cruel heart. Just like her older sister once did. The Reiss girls do have a way taming monsters. It is in their blood. He had been trying not to acknowledge. When his first night with Historia happened, a part of him died for committing an awful act. He can accept him as a cold blooded murderer but a rapist? All he had heard after the act was her voice screaming at him.
You promise. You promise that you will protect her. Why my love? Why? 
She’s my light. You’re tainting my light…
Tears fell from his eyes. Her voice had haunted him since then. He couldn’t fall asleep from seeing Frieda in his dream accusing him. Fuck, he really is a monster. 
Maybe he should go check on Historia? Slowly, he gets up to wipe his tears then goes to open his door to leave his chamber to go to his wife’s. 
Gilly knocked on the doors. He waited for Alexander to answer. 
“Come in.” The Italian man granted permission to whoever entered his room. 
“Grandmaster Di Lorenzo, I’m sorry for disturbing you. I just need someone to listen.” He said shyly. 
“Ah, sweet Gilbert. No, you’re not disturbing me at all. Please make yourself comfortable.” The templar guided the other man to the couch. He poured two glasses of wine then handed one to Gilbert. 
“Tell me what does it seem to bother you?” He said while sipping his wine. 
“I think Nathaniel is falling for that whore- I mean the queen. I don’t understand what makes her so irresistible? The king is into men, the only reason he married her because she has royal blood and will give heirs.” Gilbert mumbled but his tone gave off a venomous feeling. 
“Mio caro angelo, don’t let jealousy ruin your beauty face. If he is falling for her then he’s a foolish king to let that happen. He should be lucky that a man like you still loves him. If I was in your situation, I would have left him.” Alexander sat next to him a bit too close. 
“I can’t leave him...even if I did; I can’t. I’m his servant in the end.” He looked down as disliking his birth status. 
“You don’t need to be anyone's servant. You have so much potential in you. All you need is to have someone from not holding you back.” The foreign man let his silky words enchant the younger man. 
“What are you saying? Nathaniel does bring out my potential. We have been through so much together.” Gilbert was getting defensive.  
“If he does, he would have long ago or as now released you from your servitude status and ranked you a bit closer to him. A person who claimed they loved would not hesitate to do so. So what’s your excuse to not find what you truly deserved?” Alexander pointed out. 
Gilbert was contemplating what his new friend had said. Yes, his king would have freed him to be more like a true lover not a slave to pleasure and love because they have too. Instead, he still hasn't made his first promise to Gilly. Maybe he needs to consider what makes him happy. What does he truly desire?
“I- I get I have been too comfortable with him that nothing would come between my position as his interest. I adore the affection and being worshipped by a deity. I always had the craving to be someone important...someone with influential power.” Gilbert felt the epiphany of the desire to be important. 
“You can have all of it if you join me, mio caro.” Alexander holds Gilbert’s hand to have his complete attention. 
“But aren’t I already part of your group?” Gilbert said. The grandmaster templar chuckled the way the younger man naively sounded. 
“Not as part of my inner circle yet. I can give you what you desire. Power, importance, and freedom.” He whispered to Gilbert’s ear. 
Gilbert couldn’t help it but blushed from how close the other man is towards him. He could imagine being part of something big and important. 
“If I accept your offer, what do you want in return?” He said cautiously. 
“You.” The man said in a huskily tone. 
Gilbert knew what he really wanted. Before being in a relationship with Nathaniel, he had so many offers from other men to be their nightly companion. The young man was worried that if he did accept it, he would break his current lover’s heart. What the little voice in his head whispered was: It won’t matter if you do break it. Nathaniel will never keep his promise as long that slut is still alive. Take it. All your dreams are right in front of you. 
That’s true. What’s the difference? In both, he still will be pleasuring one of them, but the differences: one of them will make him feel important and powerful. The other, still a shadow...being hidden. Gilbert is tired of the constant heartache of not being open to be showered by someone. He tried to see Nathaniel’s point of view. He did, but at the wedding feast, he just wants to yell and cry.  
“Will I be the only person to you and not have other lovers or a wife just to have a family?” Gilbert uses this as an ultimatum. He doesn’t want to make a decision that in the other promise had not kept. 
“Oh mio caro, you don’t ever need to worry about anyone else but you. I have no desire to have children. I prefer a life long partner instead. So will you accept my offer?” Alexander said. 
Gilbert placed his glass of wine on a table stand. He took a shallow deep breath as he made his decision. He made way to unbutton his shirt and let it slide off from him. Of course, Alexander smirked as the other had accepted his offer. Gilbert had already stripped down exposing all of him. He goes to straddle on the grandmaster’s lap which Alexander gladly accepted by wrapping his arms around the other’s waist. 
“I accept your offer.” Gilbert said in a soft tone. 
“I’m pleased to hear that you did. Just imagine, once the war is over; we’ll have half of the world in our palms. Soon the rest of the world. Everyone will bow to us as their rulers. You have jewels, riches, and power. Mio caro angelo.” Alexander whispered with sweet words that drove Gilly into a bliss of ecstasy. 
“Mmmm y-yes I want all of that and you.” Gilbert panting harder as he felt the other’s lips brushing on his skin like a tease. He gasped when his nipples were being pinched and played with. 
“What a gorgeous sound you make, mio angelo.” Alexander chuckled. He begins to leave kisses on the other’s neck. Now Gilbert began to buck down his hips to press on the older man’s cock then started to grind on him. 
“And you’re teasing me..” He whimpered. Gilbert moaned softly from the new sensation he was receiving. 
“Don’t you mean you are the tease?” Alexander groaned then he pinned Gilbert on the couch. He began to undo his pants to pull down enough for his cock to be free. Once Gilbert felt the other’s cock pressed on his entrance. 
Alexander watched how Gilbert squirmed underneath him. “Please I want you inside me.” Gilly begged. The grandmaster grinned then slowly entered into him. He began to thrust slow and steady to put the other over the edge.  Gilbert let the guilt and shame be buried deep as he wanted to once make a decision for himself even if there's a chance he’s going to hurt the person he cared for. 
Historia for the rest of the night, she screamed and cried on the other side of the guarded doors. The queen was scared for Levi’s life. She can’t lose him. SHe needed him. Their son needed his father. Of course, no one listened to her, especially when she almost escaped  earlier or was it yesterday? Historia doesn’t know. Her curtains were covering the windows for her not to know if its alright this morning. 
For once the blonde woman prayed to any deity listening to protect the man she loves and her son. She prayed to have the strength in order to defeat her enemies. All they do take everything that she holds dear to. SHe tried to be strong not just as a queen but as a mother, wife, and friend. Oh Walls, Nathaniel better not come for wanting to perform his duty. The thought of him doing it again made her sick. Most of the time, she hears whispers in her head from her old demons the queen used to bury them when she had met Ymir long ago. 
“Y-ymir….I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry for being unable to keep your promise.” She said while sobbing. 
As she stared at a wall when her sobbing had calmed down, the petite woman heard a familiar voice in her head. 
Stop crying. Krista or show I now call you Historia? Remember what I told you that day. Live for yourself. Don’t be afraid to fight for what you want. I know you are capable of showing your fury to anyone that is across your path.  Underneath that angel face, you’re similar like Captain Hobbit. Fight or Fly, Historia. Fight to survive.
“Y-Ymir? Is that you?” Historia whispered confusedly. 
It’s me. See, did I tell you I would always be with you no matter what. By the way, I forgive for crawling into his pants after I left with those two dumbasses. How would have thought Captain Levi would fall for someone. 
Historia’s eyes widened in shock. Ymir is in her head. She can feel her presence in her. When her old flame mentioned about that day when she lost her virginity to Levi, her face became red with embarrassment and shame at the same time. After all the things Ymir did for her, Historia slept with Levi right after coming back from the betrayal of Reiner and Bertholdt. Maybe she is her mother’s daughter. 
Oh for fuck’s sake stop with your pity bullshit. Where’s that badass girl I fell in love with when you told your dad to fuck off? Now, that’s the real you. The Historia I admired. Levi also fell in love with that girl too. So, don’t hide your true self. Show the world who you really are?
Historia got up then glanced at the reflection of herself. Her hair was messy. Her face had tear stains, but she saw the fire in her blue eyes. Ymir was right. She needed to stop getting pity and crying since it’s not doing nothing for her. 
“What should I do now?” She said with determination. 
Like what the assassin man said. Pretend you will behave like a good girl but not too obvious. He’s not stupid. Play your part if you want to save Levi. This time you're the hero and he’s your damsel in distress. 
Historia let a small smirk. She will play the act. 
A/N: So what do you guys think about Nathaniel’s background? I decided to give him what made him to be like this. Just to be clear, he’s bi but more lean towards men. He was groomed to one day be married with a wife and have kids but with what had happened to Frieda, a part of him died. When he met Gilly, buried all his feelings and painful memories of his first love as Gilly did motivated him to rise to power to be king for not the bright reasons. Now, Gilly. He’s something else. He reminded me of how Historia’s mother would be if Rod Reiss continued the affair after the birth of Historia. 
So, I don’t know much about how their relationship was or ended but let’s be safe in this AU, Lord Rod stopped favoring her when their daughter was born. This is one of the reasons Alma, which I think that’s her name, despises Historia. To her she’s just a mistake that didn’t get her to where she wanted to be, her Lord’s paramour. Also, we finally get to see the birth of the Ackermans and where they came from. Yes, I added very familiar historical icons. Remember this is an AU. So, imagine if Anne Boylen did give birth to a son, but things still didn’t turn out the way she had hoped for and got executed. Don’t worry, you’ll see more of Arne’s life through Levi’s genetic memories. But I’ll let you guys think how you see these characters. I mean that’s the beauty of it!lol 
Thank you guys for the reviews and kudos. I appreciated them. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have the rest a wonderful week. Until next time, see ya!
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aweebwrites · 5 years
(Soooo here's another part to the Rejected Prophecy Au. Creds for the AU goes to @mostlysunnydays and @cakeking-cole and the idea itself goes to @ceata88 ! Hope you all enjoy!)
Things have been strange between Lloyd and the ninja. It may have something to do with his father's last words to Wu and Misako before he sacrificed himself for his sake.
'Nya, you have always looked out for my son. I hope I do not burden you by requesting you continue doing so.’ Garmadon had requested, from where he was floating mid way to the portal to the Cursed Realm above.
“It would be an honour.” Nya says, head lifted defiantly under the looks Wu and Misako tossed her.
Garmadon nodded then looked towards his so called brother and wife.
‘Know this Wu.’ He spoke, his tone dark and vengeful. 'I sacrifice myself for the sake of my son's future. Not for you, not for Misako, not for your ninja and not even for Ninjago. You pride yourself as a great Sensei when you are no better than I was with the Devour's venom running thickly in my veins! You should know more than anyone else here that destiny is a fickle thing. Destiny decided that my son would be Ninjago's savior and no matter the torment and ridicule you, Misako or the ninja cast upon him will change that! And for that, I will never forgive any of you. I pray it rests upon your conscience until each of your dying days, the horrors you have all inflicted on my son. And know Wu, that our father's judgement awaits you.’ He hissed at his brother before nodding at Lloyd who couldn't stop the tears that fell into the opened book.
‘Sono, hokido, bo-rock!’ Lloyd had yelled, completing the spell.
'I will always love you son!’ Garmadon had yelled as he was launched upward into the portal, the general flying down afterwards.
After it was all over and done, Lloyd had left, taking Nya with him who had refused to interact above the necessary courtesies with her brother and the other ninja.
They had spent some time in a tiny apartment in Ninjago that worked out well considering that there was just two of them. Since Lloyd looked older, it wasn't too hard nabbing a small job stacking shelves in a small grocery store and Nya picked up her old job working at the auto body shop. It worked out. Until a week or so after the whole incident, they got a letter from the others. (Nya knew Zane and P.I.X.A.L were to blame for finding their location.) Apparently they're building a tea shop where Sensei Garmadon’s monastery once was.
It took an hour to calm Lloyd down after that. Just to know his and his father's home was destroyed for some shitty tea shop sent him off the rails. It took another hour for him to stop crying after the initial anger past. Nya was pissed. Rightfully so. His father's death had already been so hard on him. The night terrors haven't even begun to cease. Why in the name of the First Spinjitsu Master would they destroy their home?! They discussed their offer to return and live with them in the Bounty and help them run the shop. Nya didn't want him 10 feet near any of them and while he didn't want to be anywhere close to them, the shop was built on his father's grounds. They had to keep the business open or else they'd have to sell it and he would lose even more.
Nya agreed to go and assist, knowing they had enough savings for her to be able to take a few short weeks off. But she would not be staying at the Bounty with them. She used her old Harley she left in the auto body shop oh so long ago as her means of transportation to and from their apartment, keeping lloyd updated on everything that has been happening. Soon enough, the shop was done and opening day was here. He decided that he had been hiding long enough. Since he apparently had the third biggest share, he decided to at the very least help out somehow.
On arrival with Nya, he noticed that the Ninja had just returned, looking spiffy in their new gi, riding their elemental dragons. He didn't care too much. His father had taught him that not everything should matter to him while rebuilding his self-esteem.
“Well well. Look who finally decided to show their face.” Jay says as they hopped off their elemental dragons.
Lloyd didn't need to look to know Nya was glaring something fierce.
“Watch it lightning mouth.” Nya says, standing protectively before Lloyd.
“It's ok Nya.” Lloyd says with a find smile, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“Don't act so friendly with my sister you-”
“That's enough Kai.” Zane says firmly, shooting the fire ninja a glare but he kept glaring at Lloyd.
“It's nice to see you guys.” Lloyd says and that was sadly the truth.
He had barely seen them over the course of these months. Despite how they treated him, it was nice to know they were healthy and ok.
“Let's go Lloyd.” Nya says, tugging him away once Zane opened his mouth to respond.
Zane sighed as he looked down, guilt eating at him. They had been nothing short of horrible to him from the very first moment they met him. Not to mention when they went back in time to try and prevent him from becoming the green ninja…
“Don't you have better things to do than feel sorry for yourself?” P.I.X.A.L prompted him, crossing her arms and tapping her foot in the right corner of his vision. “Like making it up to that poor boy you your friends have all but tortured these past few years?” She says pointedly.
“Of course.” Zane sighed, following behind Lloyd and Nya, the other Ninja wearing unkind expressions on their face.
“I don't care what Sensei says. Once a brat, always a brat.” Cole huffed.
“I'm with you.” Kai nodded.
“Me too.” Jay agrees.
Inside the teachop, Misako had just finished stocking the shelves then turned around at the sight of footsteps, gasping a little as she saw her wary son.
“Lloyd.” She whispered, walking out from behind the counter and walking over to him- but Lloyd backed away completely, pressing his back against the shelving of teapots.
“Hello.” Lloyd says with a small, formal bow, face carefully blank and something in Misako shattered.
She caused this. Her son can't even look her in the eye. He doesn't even call her mother. She turned away, covering her face as Nya went to his side, asking if he was ok and if she need to kick any ass. Wu came out then to see Misako quietly crying into her hands and Lloyd looking uncomfortable nearby.
“What did he-” Wu cut himself self odd as he stopped mid step.
Shame washed over him as his brother's word and his actions towards his young nephew returned to his mind. He was so quick to assume, to pin the blame on Lloyd, who had done nothing wrong. Wu took off his rice hat as he walked towards his nephew.
“Close enough.” Nya says, holding a hand out to stop Wu from getting any closer.
“Lloyd.” Wu says and he looked on, both lost and uncomfortable as his uncle knelt from his allowed distance. “I have come to realise I haven't been the best uncle.” He began as Nya took a call from her cell.
Lloyd on the other hand was confused and wary. What was he trying to do? Was there another baddie out there he needed him to defeat? What could it be? He already gave up his golden power at their insistence and they all have their powers back from Chen, what else does he need?
“I know-”
“Sorry Wu.” Nya says, cutting him off. “Lloyd, there's been a break in at the museum.” She says, turning to him and he almost sighed out loud in relief.
“Nothing we can't take care of. After all, we're the ones-”
“They requested for Lloyd specifically.” Nya says flatly, cutting Cole off.
“I'll see you later then Nya.” Lloyd says then went to take off- only to bite back a groan once Zane called after him.
“Your gi.” Was all he says, presenting the updated one to him.
Nya took it and inspected it before nodding at it and handing it over to Lloyd.
“Go. We'll catch up later.” She told him and he nodded before taking off.
“What are you? His mom?” Kai asked with a scowl.
“I'm his friend. And if I act like his mother then it's because someone has to be.” Nya says, glaring at all of them before walking behind the counter. “I only agreed to help you guys with Steep Wisdom if you keep things strictly business wise and right now, we need customers.” She says, walking out with the box of uniforms and fliers before shoving them into Kai's arms.
“So why don't you and your friends make yourselves useful Kai.” She says, glaring up at him as he gritted his teeth.
She then turned away, going back to the counter.
“What? You want us to hang out fliers?! No wa-”
“Why did you think I ordered them to begin with?” Wu asked, slipping his hat back on and resting a comforting hand against Misako's shoulder. “Nya is correct. We need customers. I need you four to advertise. And no powers.” He says firmly, making three of the four of them grumble.
Lloyd just couldn't catch a break, couldn't he? First it was the weight of becoming the green ninja, then, it was the weight of being the green ninja, the pressure of defeating his father then the Overlord times two, then being guilt tripped into heading to Chen's island with the other ninja, then losing his father, all of that topped off with his uncles, mother's and 'fellow ninja's’ oppression and now this! A ghost who has possessed sand of all things, wearing the allied armor.
“You can't have the allied armor!” Lloyd yelled at the sand figure before him from his place slumped against the ground.
“The armor's nice, but it's not the only thing I want to possess…” Morro says, looking down at the chest plate before looking back at Lloyd with a smirk.
“What else do you want?” Lloyd asked, warily.
“You!” Morro yelled, lunging at him and Lloyd yelled as the ghost entered him, leaving a pile of sand in his lap.
“N-no! Get out of me!” Lloyd yelled as he gripped his head, the Night Watchman stepping back, horrified.
Morro only laughed as he took full control of his body, standing up now.
“Foolish ninja. I own you now!” Morro yelled then laughed loudly as the Night Watchman ran for his life.
‘You won't win!’ Lloyd yelled in his own head, unable to control himself any more, no matter how much he fought.
“Oh? Won't I? And who will stop me? The ninja that hate you so much for being the green ninja? Or is it your little girlfriend?” Morro mocked as he walked out of the room, towards the exit.
'Wait… You want to be the green ninja?’ Lloyd asked, picking it up from Morro's mind once he felt his jealousy at the word.
“I was meant to be the green ninja! Me! Not you or anyone else!” Morro hissed, stomping angrily out of the museum.
Lloyd was silent, watching from his place firmly in the back seat of his own body. Yet another person who wants to be the green ninja. Yet another person to hate him. Yet another blow waiting to be struck at his new defences he put up around himself, to protect himself. The blow can't land if he let him in, now can it?
'Then by all means… Be my guest.’ He says, surprising Morro as he allowed himself to sink completely under his possession.
Why would he not fight him? Morro sneered, taking to the air.
‘So you think you're so much better than the title of green ninja huh? You're nothing but a fool! You will only make my plans run through more smoothly!’ Morro thought both bitter and triumphantly.
'You'll learn on your own that having the title of green ninja is far worse than being possessed.’ Lloyd's voice echoed, barely there.
He closed his eyes as he let himself float under the deep waters of possession. Nya will be upset and his father too if he were still here. But they should understand. Here Morro was, inadvertently offering him a break from being the green ninja. A break from all the pain and anxiety. He would be a fool not to accept. If Morro wanted to take his place, fine by him. For now, he can rest…
“Sensei!” Zane yelled as they rushed into Steep Wisdom where Nya was serving their first customer, Misako busying herself with unnecessary dusting.
“Yes?” Wu answered, coming from the back with a sachet of tea herbs.
“We were getting the word out- “And there was this wind!-” “And our powers disappeared!”
“You were using your powers?” Wu asked, looking at them disappointedly.
“Yeah, yeah. We're bad students and whatever but what happened to our powers?!” Jay yelled when a sudden gust of wind blew into the shop, setting off alarm bells for Wu.
“If your powers are gone, something must have happened to…” Wu says, a feeling of dread washing over him.
“Of course.” Kai says, facepalming. “Lloyd.”
“It’s Lloyd!” The customer's daughter yelled, pointing him out as he walked through the gates to Steep Wisdom.
“I know that wind… That's not Lloyd.” Wu says and Nya looked at him alarmed.
“Not Lloyd?! Then what happened to him?!” Nya asked as the ninja all ran out to meet him.
“No time.” Wu says, turning to Misako, instructing her to take the customer's away.
“Step aside.” Morro says as the ninja a stood before the shop.
“Why don't you step aside and tell us what did you do to our powers!” Jay yelled at him and Morro was unimpressed.
“I want a word with your master.” He demanded.
“Floyd must just be going through puberty.” Jay huffed, crossing his arms.
“Enough playing around and give us our powers back! They aren't yours!” Kai yelled at him as Zane analyzed him.
“What? Being the chosen one isn't enough for you?!” Cole yelled too.
“Stop.” Zane says, throwing out a hand towards them, gaining their attention. “I’m sensing a foreign entity has taken over his body. Someone else is controlling Lloyd.” He warned them.
“What? The brat got himself possessed?” Kai huffed and Zane glared at him. “Serves him right for being so weak. But now it's our problem because our powers are linked to the punk.” Kai says, cracking his knuckles.
“You're wasting my time. Move before I make you.” Morro says annoyed.
“Make us?” Jay scoffed.
“I never had a problem kicking your ass before you were possessed and I ain't got one now!” Cole growled but the words struck deep inside Lloyd's possessed body.
Lloyd opened his eyes in the abyss of possession, fury he never knew he possessed waking up with him as well. His eyes shone with raw fury and it showed outside as well. He always reasoned that it was for the good of training the beatings he took from them, that it was to make him a better person. Now he realises that it was all out abuse. He should have realised back then but he was no longer the fool he once was. Now, now he wants revenge.
'What the hell do you think you're-’
“No problem kicking my ass huh?” 'Lloyd’ spoke, his voice mixing between Morro's and his own. “I'd like to see you try that now.” He says, throwing his arms open and Cole growled before charging at him.
“Cocky little- woah!” Cole yelled as he was hoisted high in the air by green tinged wind.
He was then sucked down towards the ground hard, grunting once he made impact.
“Get up.” 'Lloyd’ mocked, more Lloyd than Morro right now.
“Don't you hurt Cole you-”
“Or what?” Lloyd asked, walking towards them, green energy and wind in one hand. “You'll make sure I regret it? Call me names? Hurt me?” He asked, hoisting both Jay and Kai up in the air, using Morro's wind, ignoring said ghost's attempts to recover his possession.
“Guess what?” Lloyd says, tilting his head to the side. “The pathetic little Lloyd you all knew is dead and gone!” He yelled, slamming them both into the ground then blew Zane back as he ran towards him.
“Please Lloyd! We are sorry! Let us make things right with you!” Zane yelled as he was swept up in a whirlwind.
He grunted once he was slammed out of it by a burst of green energy.
“Make things right?” Lloyd whispered, looking down at them all as he rose off of his feet by the green whirlwind around him. “You all had your chance to make things right.” He says, watching them all struggle to get to their feet.
Morro blinked once he suddenly found himself in control again.
'Do whatever you want with them. But leave Nya out of it.’ Was all Lloyd said to him before letting the possession wash over him again, pulling him under.
Morro growled as he reached his hand towards the windmill once Zane pulled out his shurikens.
“Don't think you can get in control so easily next time, Lloyd.” He growled to himself as he slammed the windmill down on the four.
Lloyd didn't comment. He was sick and tired of them and of everything. Let someone else save the day. Let someone else suffer. Let someone else be the green ninja.
Nya looked out from the shop's entrance, horrified. She promised to protect him... Lloyd...
'A s  l o n g  a s i t i s n ‘ t  me , t h e n
I ‘ l l  b e f i n e.’
(So I know for a fact that I will be writing another piece for this to fill in some blanks. Tomorrow at best. I kinda mushed together bits and pieces of everyone's suggestions and this happened! 😄 I hope you all liked it!)
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tacitwhisky · 6 years
Fic: Tipsy in a Push Up Bra, pt 4
Jon x Sansa - Tipsy high school Sansa in a red push up bra. What could go wrong? / Part 1 / A03 Link
It’s Christmas Eve when Sansa wears the push up bra again.
It isn’t something she plans. She’d been careful picking her outfit for a day with the family, more careful than she had been for that night at Margaery’s: skinny jeans again, but in place of the tank top she goes with a sleeveless top she found on sale, a red cardigan over it, and a plaid scarf looped around her neck. It’s closer to how she used to dress back in the old house, before the crash, before she came to live with Lysa. And it’s why when Sansa looks in the mirror she pauses for a long moment until Lysa shouts something from outside her door, then quickly strips off the top and fits the push up bra under it, replaces the scarf with a thin black choker.
She regrets getting rid of the scarf as soon as she steps outside, but she’s timed it so she’s only left to stand shivering at the foot of Lysa’s driveway for a few minutes before Jon’s battered Chevy pulls up. He frowns at the chatter of her teeth as she opens the passenger side door and slips inside. “I could’ve parked.” He says.
Sansa shrugs and cups her hands around the warmth gusting from the air vents on the passenger side, relishes the tingle through her fingers. Jon has only a vague idea of the horror that is Lysa, and Sansa’s stomach squirms with embarrassment at the thought of him meeting her. She changes the subject with a rosy cheeked grin. “How much did the tires cost you?”
“Too much.” Jon shakes his head and shifts gears. “They’ll get us there ok though.”
Sansa settles deeper into the seat as Jon pulls out of Lysa’s neighborhood, nervous energy thrumming through her. It’s the first time she’s seen Jon since that night weeks ago at Margaery’s party, and she is all too aware of the shape of him in the corner of her vision, the easy way he leans forward and flicks on the wipers as droplets begin to spatter the windshield. You’re going to embarrass yourself, a part of Sansa hisses, and she glances away out the window and to the grey sky whipping by overhead.
The cold had come on early in the week, a chill creeping in from the east coast, and she hadn’t looked forward to riding the train. She tells herself that the feeling that shivered through her when she first saw Jon’s text a few days before offering to give her a ride up to her family was relief and refuses to question it more than that, because she wasn’t that girl anymore, had sworn she never would be again.
Arya always invites me, he’d texted, but I never feel like it’s my place. She says Bran’s inviting a couple of his friends though… It’s not the first time they’ve texted. All day after Jon had dropped her off after Margaery's party Sansa had told herself she wasn’t going to text him, a ball knotting in her gut each time she glanced at her phone’s screen and remembered how she’d embarrassed herself. But the day had worn on, and by ten Sansa couldn’t keep her fingers away from her phone any longer. Thank you, she’d tapped out, instantly regretting it as a little green check mark popped into existence beside the words.
It’d felt like hours but was probably about thirty seconds before her phone chirped. Don’t mention it, he’d texted back, and Sansa had heaved an internal sigh of relief. That was it. They stumbled into each other, she’d embarrassed herself, and now it was done. He would go back to being a stranger from another life, and she could just be the weird clingy girl he’d had to help that one time. And if the feeling that was welling in her chest was something other than relief then she’d swallow that down like she had so much else. She’d tossed her phone facedown on her pillow and tried to focus on the homework spread over her duvet that needed to be done by morning if she didn’t want a B in algebra.
But then her phone chirped, and Sansa’s heart leapt into her throat as she flipped it over. Theon won’t shut up about the girl he hooked up with, it read. She’d worried at her lip with her teeth, a hundred different replies flitting through her mind as she stared down at the phone screen, then eventually typed: guess we’re lucky he didn’t come back with her last night. It wasn’t funny, wasn’t witty, and she’d hated it as soon as she tapped send, but Jon responded a minute later and it was easier after that.
She’s texted with guys since Joffrey but this was different, giddy and exciting in a way it wasn’t with them. Don’t be pathetic, she’d tried to tell herself. Jon would never look at a dumb high schooler like her, and she’d sworn to never be that girl again, the one that threw herself at guys, let them do whatever they wanted to her like she had with Joffrey: but it’s hard not to, hard not to look over each new text a few times to make the most of the giddy thump in her stomach before responding. She’s never been more acutely grateful that the person she’s texting can’t see her face, because if Jon could see hers she’d shrivel and die. They’d spent the night going back and forth until Sansa had fallen asleep with the rectangle of her phone screen shining on the pillow next to her.
“You sure you’re good to ride the train on the way back tomorrow?” Jon asks, startling Sansa in her seat. “It being Christmas.”
Last year a guy who was twice her age had sat next to Sansa the whole ride, close enough for her to smell his rancid breath, eyes sliding over her in a way that made her skin crawl. But Jon doesn’t need to know that. “I’ll be fine.” She pats the overnight bag she’d slung under her seat when she slipped into the car. “I’ve got earphones.”
“You may need them sooner than that.” Jon frowns at the old radio set in the dashboard and leans forward to fiddle with it. Sansa bats his hand away, tries to ignore the tingle through her fingers as they bump his. Don’t be pathetic. “You can stay the night, you know,” she tells him, voice carefully careless as she takes over. “I’ll talk to my mom about it.”
Jon gives her a sidelong look. “Your mom hates me. Really, it’s ok. I know Christmas morning is a thing. I’ll drive back tonight, and I already picked up an extra shift at work for tomorrow.”
Sansa bites her lip as she manages to tease out a trickle of pop music from the worn dial of the radio. Christmas morning is a thing. It had been in the Stark household ever since Sansa was old enough to totter down the stairs as a child. Once she was older she’d always taken special pride in getting up before her siblings and helping her mother heat up steaming mugs of hot chocolate as Robb and Arya and eventually Bran and Rickon came yawning down the stairs. Her father had always been last, and his face would wrinkle in a smile when he saw her. He’d draw her into a one armed hug and kiss the crown of her head as he took his mug. Thanks, sweetheart, he’d say in his warm, gravelly voice. You’re already all grown up, aren’t you?
And even though that girl is long gone, for a moment Sansa can again smell hot chocolate, feel the rough warmth of her father’s arm drawing her snug, and it’s like a knife is carving white-hot through her chest, splitting her breastbone in two, and she can’t shrink from it, can’t run, can’t-
“What about your mom?” Sansa blurts, voice tight in a way she prays Jon won’t notice. “Won’t you miss her if you’re working?”
“I talked her into going skiing with some girlfriends of hers.” Jon shrugs. “I want her to have something of her own. She gave up a lot raising me.”
“It was just the two of you, right?”
“Yeah.” A smile tugs at Jon’s lips. “We used to get that we were brother and sister all the time. It used to irritate me so much, though I can’t remember why now.”
There’s something steady and warm in Jon’s voice, and Sansa latches onto it as she leans back in her seat. “Maybe you wanted them to know. Didn’t want to plaster over what happened with your dad.”
Jon tilts his head to the side and gives her a strange look. “When did you get so wise?”
A pang swells in Sansa’s chest fat as a red balloon ready to pop. She hadn’t been horrible to Jon as a child: that would’ve taken acknowledging his existence in the first place, and the most she’d ever done was feel embarrassed about the weird kid Robb brought with him everywhere. It makes her want to shrivel how shallow she’d been, how self involved, how little she’d known just how hard life could truly be. Would it really have cost her so much to be friendly to Jon? To smile at him now and then without turning up her nose?
They talk for the rest of the drive, an easy back and forth with the radio crackling out pop tunes in the background. Sometimes Sansa dials the sound up when it’s a song she likes (to which Jon will dutifully groan in protest), but for the most part it’s just him and her and the murmur of rain and tires outside. It’s nice, nicer than Sansa wants to admit, the longest she’s talked to anyone in months and leaves her strangely warm and prickly at once, like a cat with its fur ruffled.
It’s drizzling as Jon pulls into the driveway of her mother’s house. It’s smaller than the old house, with a tall oak in the front and an unevenly trimmed lawn. “Arya’s handiwork,” Jon says pointing it out, “she’s constantly whining about it.”
They’ve both barely stepped out of the car before the front door of the house flies open and a dark haired blur is streaking down the steps and launching itself at Jon. Jon laughs and rocks back as Arya throws her arms around him. He steadies himself and wraps her tiny frame in a tight hug. “Careful or you’re going to crack my ribs.”
“You’re such a butthead.” The fierceness of Arya’s voice is muffled by her face pressed into Jon’s chest, and she pulls away with a bashful grin and punches his shoulder. “You never come.”
Jon grins back and something childish twinges in Sansa’s chest at the expression, the fond way he’s looking down at Arya like he’d die for her on a pin drop. They’ve always been like this. You just always thought you were better than them. Sansa reaches back into the car and slings her bag over one shoulder. “Mom inside?”
“Hey Sansa,” Arya says without looking at her, still grinning up at Jon. “Yeah, she’s doing cooking stuff.”
Sansa purses her lips, but tries to ignore the prick of irritation. She closes the car and starts up the path to the front door, Jon and Arya falling in behind her, Arya already beginning to chatter about her soccer team.
Sansa mounts the steps and pushes open the door, and suddenly it’s like there’s a knife lodged in her chest again. It shouldn’t hurt, but it does, a sudden and violent ache. This isn’t the old house, isn’t her home, the one where her father would smile and hug her hello, where Robb would call her little sister: but that only makes it worse, like this is some version of the world where neither of ever existed to begin with.
From around the corner Bran wheels into view, tall and lanky in his chair. “Hey, Sansa. How was the ride?”
“Good.” Sansa leans down and hugs him, tries to push down the clawing ache threatening to drag her down. She tries to think of something to add, but it’s been such a long time since they spoke that she doesn’t know what to say. “Mom says you’re inviting friends this year?”
“Yeah, Meera and Jojen.” Bran gives Jon a pleading look as he steps though the door. “Can you talk Arya and Rickon into not teasing Meera too much that she’s the first girl I’ve invited over?”
Jon grins and shakes his head. “I would if I could, but I’ve been a guest enough times to know teasing is a Stark family tradition.”
“Jon!” Shrieks a new voice, and Rickon slams into Jon’s legs. Jon laughs and musses Rickon’s hair as he falls back onto the couch. A smile plays at Sansa’s lips as she drops her bag behind the table. She should be jealous she supposes, but it’s a relief in a way not to be the center of attention like she was last year. It had been a long pair of days filled with awkward silences with her mother and passive aggressive spats with Arya. Sansa crosses to the door where Catelyn has emerged from the kitchen, a thin layer of flour dusting the same auburn hair Sansa had before she dyed it.
“Hey sweetheart,” her mother says absentmindedly. Her lips thin as she catches sight of Jon wrestling with Rickon, a line forming between her brows, and Sansa can feel something bitter already beginning to well under her mother’s tongue. She’d never liked Jon: not when Robb first brought him tagging along one day, not when he’d hang out after school, not after the crash. “Arya said you’ve already started on dinner,” Sansa breaks in before whatever’s on her mother’s tongue can find words.
Catelyn glances towards her and frowns faintly as her eyes tick over her clothes. The bra isn’t as ridiculous under her current top as it had been under the tank top at Margaery’s party, but Sansa still stares at her mother, silently daring her to comment on it. Catelyn’s lips purse as if she’s going to say something, but seems to think better of it at the last second. “You don’t need a minute to settle in?”
Sansa shakes her head and slips past her into the kitchen, away from where Arya has piled on top of Jon and Rickon. “What are you working on?”
She doesn’t see Jon for the next hour as she works beside her mother slicing pecans and mashing potatoes for dinner. As a child Sansa had loved nothing more than working with her mother, but that was before, and this is now: twice she asks about Sansa’s hair, and twice Sansa has to shrug as though she can’t remember why she dyed it. She tells her about school, about the teachers of hers she can remember the names of, about her progress on the Vale High transfer scholarship, but the list of safe topics is a little shorter each time they see each other and after only an hour silence has begun to seep into the hollows of their conversation.
They put the chicken in to roast, and as her mother changes clothes Sansa pours herself a cup of cider and sits on the couch with her legs folded under her. The drizzle from earlier has turned into a full blown storm, rain beating the roof like a drum. It gives the house a cozy feel like the kind she’d loved growing up, rainy afternoons that were a chance to curl up with a book warm and safe against the gale outside.
She’s sipping the cider and checking her phone when Jon emerges from Arya’s room and flops onto the couch opposite her. “What?” He asks after a minute as she watches him with a faint quirk of her lips over the rim of her glass. Sansa shrugs, the shoulder of her cardigan slipping down as she does. “You look different.”
“You too.” Jon’s eyes fall to the bare curve of her shoulder. His eyes flick up to her face guiltily. “You look… happier.”
Sansa slips the cardigan back up and gives him a shy, defiant smile. “What’s not to be happy about?”
The corner of Jon’s own lips quirk in answer, and Sansa wonders why she never noticed when she was young just how handsome he is. He’s not what she wanted when she was growing up: not some pretty boy with dreamy hair like Joffrey, but now that she’s older she finds it impossible not to notice the scruff shadowing his jaw, the broadness of his shoulders, the faint pearl line of a scar above his eye from the crash she hadn’t noticed at Margaery’s. It’s not breathtaking like in bad romance novels, but Sansa’s chest is tight and she can’t but be utterly and helplessly aware of how little space there really is between them, how easy it would be just to lean forward despite how she swore after Joffrey she’d never be that girl again, the girl that let a guy do whatever he wanted with her, the girl that-
“Why are you two sitting together?” Arya breaks in loudly. At some point she’s come into the room and is now standing in front of the couch looking back and forth between the two of them with a frown. “Why are you two talking?”
“Hush,” Sansa snaps glancing away from Jon, instantly irritated in the way that only Arya can make her. Don’t be pathetic. “We can talk. We’re adults.”
“No you’re not. Jon is an adult. You’re still in high school.”
Sansa flushes. The cider left in her cup nearly sloshes over as she sets it down too fast and stands abruptly. “I need to check on the chicken,” she says, and refuses to meet Jon’s questioning look as she leaves the room.
A03 Link
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Returning the Flash Drive
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): DC/BatFam - Jason Todd/Red Hood
Rating: PG
Original Idea: An AU prompt list I found on Pinterest but was from Tumblr.
Notes: (Masterlist)(By Character)(About Me) The italic blocks of text are parts of the original project. And that original project is actually an actual original project of mine. @welovegroot @batboys-and-other-messes Posting way early today because why not and I have no self-control
Jason plopped down at the library computer, fully intending to just search the catalog for Sense and Sensibility, check it out, and leave.
But he got distracted by the bright blue flash drive sticking out of the USB port. There was a piece of blue masking tape on the side, with a heavily worn-out name written on it. But it was so worn, all he got was a T and maybe an e. Though it could have been a g. He wasn’t sure.
Curious, he clicked out of the library catalog window, and found the drive on the desktop. It was named, “Bat-Drive.” He couldn’t help but snicker as he opened it up.
There was a long list of Microsoft Word docs immediately there with weird file names. Angst Galore, Crimson Poison, Duct Tape and Safety Pins, For What I Love, and Winter Went Down to Georgia as some of the ones he noticed. At the very top, though, was a file that read, !!!IF FOUND PLEASE READ!!!
Jason clicked it open.
“Hi there, stranger! If you’re reading this, that means you found my flash drive. This thing is my life. Thank you so much for finding it. Please text me at ###-###-#### and say you found it and where I left it. I’ll promptly come back and get it! Thank you so much! I appreciate it!”
Jason blinked and got out his phone, already typing the person’s number into a new text message box. He closed the file.
Another file name caught his eye.
Knowing he shouldn’t, he opened it. The person’s little note for whomever found the lost drive didn’t have a name. Just a phone number. But the file name implied it was some form of fiction. Maybe there would be a byline.
Supernatural High
By: Me
Well that wasn’t helpful. Jason narrowed his eyes in frustration.
Chapter 1—My Roommate is a Vampire
“Welcome to Supernatural High School!” the banner read over the huge front door. I looked at it, reading the same five words over and over again.
“Wow,” I said to my mom. “I’m here.”
Jason tilted his head, attention caught. He leaned forward, laced his fingers under his chin, and started to read.
He knew he shouldn’t be reading this. He knew that someone else’s writing was a private thing until made public, but it was good. The writing style felt like someone around his age wrote it—probably a girl if the main character being a first-person narrator female character was anything to go on—and it was engaging. Creative and with an interesting premise.
Jason poured over the third draft of the story—and glanced at the page count. 102. Single-spaced. Wow.
Enraptured, he continued reading.
Vicky pulled open the A-G Freshmen filing cabinet. It took her three seconds to find Adamaris, Aaralyn (the name of the protagonist) in the front of the drawer.
Vicky snatched it and flipped open the light-yellow file folder.
“What in Hades is an aquatic hybrid?” Vicky hissed to Carrie and Vinnie.
“What?” two voices asked quietly. Carrie left the computer where she was trying to erase Aaralyn’s name from the teachers’ rolls and Vinnie left the door so they could both look at the file over Vicky’s shoulders.
Species: Aquatic Hybrid.
“Huh,” Vinnie grunted.
“Yeah… what is an aquatic hybrid?” Carrie whispered.
The light flicked on. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” a voice said from the doorway.
Jason paused reading for a moment. Who was writing this? He needed to return the flash drive to its owner…
Opening the file explorer window again, he scanned down the file names.
Me—Facebook Profile.jpeg
Jason opened the picture.
Weirdly, the girl looked like the kind of girl who would write the piece of fiction open on his screen. A wide, sparkling smile. Eyes full of sweetness and intelligence. A few wisps of hair caught in a breeze. She was standing on top of the Wayne Enterprises tower on the observation deck, arms thrown in the air and one leg popped behind her, obviously excited. A Batman beanie was hanging out of the bag on her shoulder.
Jason smiled and looked around the library. He couldn’t see around corners or shelves, but in his line of sight, the girl in the photo was nowhere to be found around him.
So he kept reading. When he was done, he’d turn it in to the lost-and-found or go searching for her through the shelves—and maybe even down in the children’s section in the underground level.
He was so entranced by the words that flowed so naturally, so casually, down the page that he really didn’t notice time was even passing. He didn’t notice his back muscles growing stiff or the occasional buzz of his phone in his pocket.
When he finally reached the end of the document—“Kalen’s arms found my waist as the disco lights swirled over our skin and the music beat its gentle rhythm into the floorboards and our hearts. I smiled and”—he almost flipped the desk over. Why did it end in the middle of the sentence? Why did it end at all?! Where was the rest of it? That couldn’t be the end!
In a frustrated state, he closed the document, and the picture, ejected the drive, and yanked it out of the computer. He logged off and roughly shoved his chair back. Holding the drive lightly in his right hand, he started to wander the library, looking for the girl to return it to.
I’d been sitting in the same spot in the library for hours. My apartment’s electricity was off for the day while some wiring was getting fixed and my laptop had broken. Not to mention the library was the only place my sister wouldn’t look for me and I’d been avoiding her for two days. Long story.
I was sitting in a worn-out old velvet armchair with Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Titan’s Curse in my hands. My water bottle was halfway empty—I’d need to get up and refill it before I left… if I ever left.
Something hit me in the chest.
“What the—?” I muttered, looking down.
It was my flash drive. Bright blue with my smudged-out name in masking tape on the side.
“Why did you stop there? How’s it supposed to end?” a voice hissed.
I looked up, one hand closing around the drive.
The man in front of me was so ridiculously handsome that my mind went blank and my breath went away. Tall, muscular, black-haired, blue-eyed, chiseled face with a jaw sharp and strong enough to cut glass. Wearing skinny jeans that showed off exactly how powerful his legs were, a white T-shirt with what appeared to be Red Hood’s red bat symbol on the chest, and a red hoodie.
I didn’t even process that he’d asked me a question. My brain was going more along the lines of, “Oh hot dang he’s handsome. How is a man that handsome even allowed to exist? Wait. Hang on. Did he say something? Shoot.”
When I didn’t answer, and just stared blankly, he sat down in the long-vacant armchair across the tiny coffee table from me, and continued, “Your Supernatural High story. Why did you stop writing in the middle of a sentence?”
I realized what he was talking about. “Oh. You read… my story…” I trailed off.
“Yeah, missy. And listen, I get that Kalen and Aaralyn totally have a thing goin’ on, but c’mon lady! He’s too old for her at that stage in their lives and he may be the hot, bad boy type but she’s so bright and sweet! What about Conan? I know he and Zurie seem to have a small flirtation but everyone knows werewolf-vampire romances are doomed so why not just give him to Aaralyn? Though, I do appreciate the whole Romeo and Juliet, star-crossed lovers vibe they have since you mentioned that the Wolfes and the Addingtons don’t get along,” he ranted.
I blinked but didn’t say anything. This handsome stranger wasn’t finished yet.
“I also really liked the Pride and Prejudice, Much Ado About Nothing feel between Aaralyn and Kalen. Especially with Zurie, Lyric, Conan, and Ryker contriving to set them up in a very Lady-Beatrice-and-Lord-Benedick way while the Mr. Darcy and Lizzie Bennet thing can be slyly represented by the fact that he’s a pureblood fairy and therefore more respected in the community while she’s a hybrid that others distrust for being half-human. What’s she even a hybrid of? A-hundred-and-two pages and you still haven’t revealed what her other half is.”
Someone in the library shushed him.
I opened my mouth, trying to come up with something to say. I hadn’t really intended for there to be all those classic literature parallels, per se, but it was nice to know someone could pull something out of what I’d written.
“I don’t even know your name,” I finally managed to say, whispering because we were in a library.
“I'm Jason. And why isn’t this published?”
“It’s not done, genius. Why do you think?” I retorted.
“Fair point. But seriously, what’s Aaralyn’s other half? What even is an aquatic hybrid?” he asked.
“A-hundred-and-two pages of implications and you can’t figure out what she is?” I joked. “With everything I’ve mentioned and every not-so-subtle clue. From her singing at the dance to getting pushed in the pool to what happened when those three boys drowned at the school decades before she even attended and you have no idea?”
Jason thought hard for a second, trying to puzzle through everything he’d just read. To be fair, he’d read quite a lot in a short time and it had almost overloaded his brain.
He glanced down at the book in her hands. He’d never read the PJO series but he’d heard a lot about it. His eyes also searched the ceiling, as though still reading the text on the computer screen up there.
An idea popped into his head. He looked back down at the writer girl.
Realization dawned on the man—Jason’s—face. His jaw dropped. He mouthed one word. I smirked.
“There you go. You got it,” I said, a little louder than I intended.
The librarian shot us a dark look.
“Look, I don’t even know your name, but I have to read the rest of this story. Please. It’s really good and I was really enjoying it and you ended it in the middle of a sentence!”
I smile lightly. “Thank you,” I said before offering him my name. “And if you really wanna read it, give me your email and I’ll send it to you as I work on it. I’d love a beta reader.”
“Absolutely. Please. I have to know what happens,” Jason said.
I pulled my notebook out of my bag and passed it to him, tucking my flash drive securely into a zipper pocket and zipping it up. Wasn’t going to lose that again.
He handed me back my notebook with his email address scrawled over almost an entire blank page.
“Can I take you out to lunch or something and you can tell me more about your stories? Especially this one but what else do you write? I saw a bunch of titles on your flash drive but I only read the one.”
My jaw dropped open. “Uh—I mean—yeah. Sure,” I said.
Jason got to his feet and offered me his hand to help me up. “I'm sorry if I'm freaking you out. I'm just a… voracious reader—” I could tell by that vocabulary word. “—and I’ve recently been getting into more contemporary stuff. There’s only so much classic you can read. It’s a finite genre.” He pulled me to my feet. I scooped up my bag and put PJO back on the shelf. Before walking next to Jason out the door.
“It’s okay. You freaked me out at first because you never expect someone to approach you accusing you of not finishing your story when you don’t know them and don’t realize at first how they even read your story, but I'm so unused to having someone so enthusiastic about what I’ve written that I was just surprised,” I replied. He smiled.
“I really look forward to the finished product,” he said.
“Thank you. I'm excited to have someone who’s excited,” I said as we left the library.
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kingfisherunion · 7 years
Chapter 3
Read on Ao3
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
Katsuki Yuuri & Victor Nikiforov
Katsuki Yuuri
Yuri Plisetsky
Victor Nikiforov
Makkachin (Yuri!!! on Ice)
Katsuki Mari
Yakov Feltsman
Phichit Chulanont
Christophe Giacometti
Katsuki Toshiya
Katsuki Hiroko
Additional Tags:
Domestic Fluff
5+1 Things
nonbinary Yuuri
Nonbinary Character
Established Relationship
sex mentioned/implied
Established Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
POV Multiple
Character's Name Spelled as Viktor
Long-Haired Katsuki Yuuri
Language: English
“Katsudon, are you r- oh Jesus Christ.” With the demeanor and the force of an overbearing stage mom, Yurio licked his thumb and marched over to the vanity, brandishing the damp digit like some sort of magical weapon. Yuuri feared for a moment he was going to claw their eyes out. His frenzied scrubbing punctuated his words as if he were carving them into their skin. “You! Shouldn't! Wear! Eyeliner! You! Emotional! Fuck!”
Yuuri gulped as they examined their hair in the full-length mirror in Mari's room of Hasetsu Yu-Topia, mindlessly brushing out the ends even though it had been shiny and tangle-free long ago. They removed the pins that held it back from their face and changed to a side part. They'd been growing it out since their first gold a little over a year ago. It wasn't long enough yet to pull back into a ponytail, or a single braid, without everything falling out in strands around their cheeks - looking anything less than put together would be an insult to the flawless ensemble they knew Viktor would be sporting that afternoon.
"Mari-neesan, I don't look sloppy, right?” they mumbled, trying to arrange their bangs so that they cascaded attractively over their face without obscuring their eyes. Mari peered over their shoulder at their reflection for all of two seconds before returning her attention to the orange she was in the process of peeling.
“You look fine, Yuuri.”
No, no, no, that wasn't good enough. Something was off. They whipped off their glasses and dabbed some aloe on the little red spots on either side of their nose, hoping fifteen minutes was enough to even out their skin tone before Viktor saw them for the first time. Squinting, they turned back to the mirror. What could they do?
They pulled out their makeup kit, sky blue and printed with poodles, and fished around for the shimmery dusty rose eyeshadow they had used to hint modestly around their eyes. Perhaps they had been a little too subtle with the accent. They filled in just a little bit more and topped it off with a clean, thin black liner. No wings, this time. Phichit would be disappointed.
They left their glasses behind on Mari's vanity.
Everything had been so exciting and romantic up to this point. Their decision to buy the ring. The papers for a work visa Viktor had waiting after the Grand Prix banquet in Barcelona. Moving in. The mind-blowing sex. The process of planning and orchestrating everything wedding-related... Yuuri had felt so at home. They were finally starting to see a sense of direction in their life, a connection between work and love and home and friends that got them out of bed in the morning.
They'd spent the past year under blankets, snuggled together with Viktor, some new project coming to fruition on the laptop positioned between them: skate programs, travel bookings, the search for the perfect brand of dog food, color schemes for the decorations, birthday presents for Yurio... two and a half years ago they wouldn't have even believed they could achieve a life this good. Training with Viktor was vigorous and fast-paced and exciting; life with him was relaxed and comforting... and just as exciting.
But now, here, Yuuri was about to put on the biggest show for all of their friends and family - and they had only this one chance to pull it off. And Viktor wasn't there to help them prepare because "it's bad luck to see each other before it's time." They could feel the pressure of everything they had planned up until now bearing down on them, threatening to press all of the air from their lungs, dampening their bangs and the collar of their powder blue suit with sweat.
Mari set down her orange and hovered beside them with a towel.
“You'll be fine, I promise,” she soothed as they dabbed at their forehead. “and you don't even need to worry about impressing any of his family since...”
“Oi, neechan,” Yuuri chided with a dark laugh. The two had still never really approached the subject of the parents he never had or life in the orphanage. Yuuri still couldn't tell whether his silence on the subject was born from avoidance or acceptance.
“He has always had Yakov. And the team. And... well... us, now, I guess.”
Mari smiled wide with a gentle squeeze of her sibling's shoulders.
“Yuri,” she breathed, “you're marrying Viktor! The Viktor! The same Viktor we clipped from magazines and turned into a paper doll when we were kids! I have watched him make you happier than I've ever seen you, even before you'd met.” She thrust a handful of orange wedges into their hand and began adjusting their suit in tiny ways here and there as she spoke. “Here. Eat. Look. I told you when you came home that no matter what you did, I'd support you. So no matter what happens...”
Yuuri couldn't keep a hold on her words; the emotions welling up inside them were causing their pulse to pound, heavy and commanding, in their ears. She squeezed them tight with all the power of a sister's pride and they realized that maybe the black eyeliner had been a mistake. A brief glance in the mirror confirmed their suspicion; they yelped and shoved Mari back down into her chair.
“You idiot,” they cried, dabbing under their eyes at the little black streams that had started down their cheeks. “Oh my god, what if I don't even make it through the ceremony?”
Mari's expression of helplessness, her gaping mouth trying to find the correct words to soothe her sibling, was interrupted by the banging open of her bedroom door and Yuri Plisetsky's heavily-accented impatient drawl.
“Katsudon, are you r- oh Jesus Christ.” With the demeanor and the force of an overbearing stage mom, Yurio licked his thumb and marched over to the vanity, brandishing the damp digit like some sort of magical weapon. Yuuri feared for a moment he was going to claw their eyes out. His frenzied scrubbing punctuated his words as if he were carving them into their skin. “You! Shouldn't! Wear! Eyeliner! You! Emotional! Fuck!”
After a thorough baptism of slick makeup remover on scratchy cotton pads, Yurio deployed his quickest makeup skills, pulling out cosmetics Yuuri was sure hadn't even come from their own collection and working with swift precision. The way he held the brushes he wasn't using between his teeth would have made Yuuri cringe any other day, but then again, he'd already smeared their face with his spit. And mostly, they just wanted to look their best. Primer, eyeshadow, clear mascara, powder, setting spray. It all took two minutes, max. The young Russian scratched at his newly-clipped hair and leaned back to admire his handiwork.
“Hell, you almost look presentable,” he grumbled. “Ready to go get married?”
The wedding party was assembled at the entrance of the inn. As Mari and Yurio ushered them in, Yuuri just barely caught a glimpse of charcoal suit and silver hair being led away by Phichit and Chris. In the lounge, their parents and Yakov were deep in discussion – or rather, their parents were deep in discussion while a rather unamused and overwhelmed Yakov sipped his drink. When he caught sight of Yuuri, his face – if it was even possible – lit up. He sprang – if it was even possible – to his feet and caught them in the crook of his arm.
“Katsuki,” he growled. “You look... Ah. Viktor will...” He pressed his lips into a thin line, jaw set in its usual stern scowl but eyes soft and pleading. Yuuri laughed and thew their arms around the old man.
“I'm so happy you agreed to be here for Vitya,” they sighed. Yakov flashed a rare smile.
“You've stolen my best student from me. His scores are shit because of you. But I would not trade you for ten more seasons of gold medals. He chuckled. “I am not heartless. Желаю вам обоим море счастья.”
“My Yuuri! Move, oh my god, move! Yuuri!” An onslaught of flashes from a camera phone announced Phichit's return; the Thai skater slammed into Yuuri hard enough to knock them off-balance before cupping their face in his hands and kissing their forehead. “You look absolutely stunning!” He continued to fawn over them as he pulled them back into the lounge. He cornered them behind a menu board and craned his neck in the direction of the banquet room down the hall. “We're starting the procession! Once Viktor goes in your dad will come get you, okay? Breathe! You're going to do great! You are beautiful and Yuuri? Viktor. Is. Beautiful. You two are going to have beautiful, amazing, disgusting sex tonight and every night for the rest of your life, and if you need moral support at any point today you just reach back and squeeze my hand, okay? Okay! I have to get ready!”
Phichit disappeared beyond the menu board and, for the first time that day, Yuuri was alone. His frantic energy was resonating through them like the lingering tones of a bell; it was happening. Now. It hit them that Viktor – The Viktor was theirs today, now, and for the rest of their life. They heard the processional through the walls and went boneless. The overture from The Marriage of Figaro seemed to go on for hours. Yuuri dabbed one more time around their neck with their sleeve.
When Toshiya appeared around the corner, Yuuri's insides went cold.
Here it goes.
Mom and Dad on either side of them were both whispering their love and support as they slid open the door to the banquet room.
And there he was.
Forget the guests, the wedding party, everyone arranged in front of them with heads and shoulders twisted around in their seats to see their entrance. Nevermind Minako's and Yuuko's bawling, the collective gasp as they walked in, the enamored stares from their fellow competitors all grouped together on one side.
All they saw was him.
Viktor – his slender frame perfectly filling out his Armani suit, his eyes sparkling with tears – was waiting for them, blushing cheeks visible even beneath the trembling hands steepled over his face. Their groom... their husband. With every step Yuuri felt the room melt away around them, until nothing else existed outside of the soon-to-be spouses. They couldn't even dare themselves to blink; no way could they miss a single moment of Viktor's face.
And then they were at level with him. Standing right next to him – right in front of him, looking up into the cloudless skies in their lover's eyes. Viktor heaved a heavy, shuddering breath and raked his fingers through his hair.
“Yuuri,” he gasped.
“Hi,” they breathed.
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diyunho · 7 years
The Joker x Reader - “The Promise” Part 1
The Joker never saw it coming; he left his guard down for a moment and it all went to pieces. Nothing to hold on to now except his son and the memory of you. But maybe there is something else that won’t let him go either…
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Read Part 2 here: http://diyunho.tumblr.com/post/164128124236/the-joker-x-reader-the-promise-part-2
“Would you like me to tell you where her body is?” the voice taunts as soon as The Joker answers his cell.
“You…you son of a bitch!! I’m gonna kill you!!” he gulps, his hand shaking on the phone.
“I don’t care, I had my revenge; that’s all I wanted. You took someone I loved away from me and it’s only fair I returned the favor,” the man replies. “Do you even care? Does it hurt you?… Does anything ever hurt you?”
“Shut the hell up!! Where is she?” J closes his eyes, panting.
“The new construction site on Nesley Avenue. Fourth floor. I left her eyes open: you’ll have the privilege of closing them forever. Be grateful: I wasn’t allowed the luxury of doing the same for my woman. I’m here too, waiting. Do your worst, I won’t stop you. I have nothing to live for now.”
The man hangs up and The Joker sits in the middle of the living room, still holding the cell to his ear. He can’t move, he can’t think. For the first time in his life he’s terrified – The King of Gotham knows his Queen is gone.
The heavy steps resonate on the concrete hallway, the plastic curtains being moved aside as J is getting closer to his destination. He feels dizzy while squeezing the gun in his hand, petrified at the thought of what he knows he will certainly find in the building. Another plastic curtain gets moves out the way and The Joker freezes when he notices your body on the floor, only a few feet away.
He takes a deep breath, already incapable of keeping at bay the terrible pain scratching at his heart.
“Jesus…” he mutters to himself, slowly approaching. He sees your handcuffed wrists and ankles, the glossy eyes blankly staring at the ceiling. You seem so peaceful he hopes for a second you’re not dead. A fool’s hope; J knows it himself. He kneels by you, analyzing every single detail of your body, sniffling when he realizes you still have the ring. And The Joker is aware there’s someone behind him.
“I think you had a pretty woman, Clown. More than you deserved, that’s for sure,” the man softly laughs.
The Price of Crime growls, every single fiber in his body tense to the maximum.
“At least I didn’t take it on your kid, I’m not that low. I have to say it gave me great pleasure to do this to her. Revenge is always swee…”
The first gunshot hits the man’s chest. Then another one and another one echo in the stillness. J gets up, turns around and continues to aim at the collapsed man until there are no more bullets. His pupils are dilated, taken aback by today’s events.
The Joker can’t bring himself to gaze upon you again. He glares at your killer, numbness taking over. What is he supposed to do now?
J wasn’t used to people smiling or look him in the eyes, especially not when they first met him. But you did just that. The other guys at the gathering tried to get your attention, asking a million questions and offering a great deal of money for your hacking services yet you caught yourself interested in the strange, green haired self-proclaimed King of Gotham.
You continued smiling and looking at him throughout the night; J found it annoying that he actually chuckled at one of your jokes. His fingers tightened on the cane numerous times, fighting with himself while checking you out. He didn’t want to but for some bizarre reason couldn’t help it.
The Joker remained stern, frowning for the rest of the evening, totally hating the fact that you stopped in front of him to say goodbye. You were the last one to leave the VIP room and you reached your hand for his, unaware he never shakes hands. Frost was behind his boss, getting ready to tell you how things work when the unthinkable happened: Mister J took your palm into his for just a second, snarling as you told him you’ll have the passwords he wanted first thing in the morning.
“Yeah, whatever. That works,” he bitterly replied, preoccupied by what was going on in the club.
He kept on needing your services and you kept on providing them. He even let you touch him when he came back from a heist with an ugly cut on his shoulder. Frost almost started his speech about how his boss doesn’t like to be touched when J willingly gave you his arm to be patched up. You sent Jonny for more supplies and carefully cleaned the wound in the meantime, gently blowing on top of it.
“Better?” you asked, soothing the pain and he bit on his cheek.
That’s all he said. Then you smiled. Why did you have to smile like that? Made him feel so odd. And you kept on looking at him, unable to resist those blue eyes. J didn’t see it coming when you leaned over and kissed him, quickly parting from his lips when you heard Frost outside the office. You weren’t sure what he was going to do.
The Joker didn’t do anything, pretending nothing happened. You couldn’t sleep all night, thinking about him and trying to get the stupid crush out of your mind. 
– It was almost dawn when you managed to doze off and the doorbell made you jump. You rubbed your eyes, tired as hell and barely made it to the door, ready to yell at the person that woke you up so early. As soon as you opened the door, J sneaked inside without a word. He stood in front of you, pointing towards his injury.
“Do you…need clean bandages?” you guessed, suddenly alert.
“U-hum,” he grumbled and after closing the door, you signaled him to follow you in the kitchen. You changed the dressing in perfect silence, then handed back his jacket and watched him head towards one of the bedrooms downstairs.
You followed him, curious about his behavior.
He stopped in front of the bed, waiting.
“Would you like to stay?” the question came and his answer made you happy.
– You had so many fights and you would just disappear. The Joker always brought you back. The truth is you didn’t make it hard to be found. He knew it too.
“Let’s go,” J would urge, irritated he had to step on his pride again in order to go out there and search for the pain in the ass he couldn’t live without.
“I’m leaving you,” you had the nerve to reply sometimes. “I’m not coming back.”
“Interesting concept, Y/N,” and you stared at each other, you upset and him mad. As soon as you started to cry, he would grab your hand, dragging you after him. You didn’t fight it.
“O-one of these days I w-won’t come b-back,” you stuttered, bawling and wishing you were that strong.
“Save it for later, Doll. You will always come back.”
– Besides the fights, there were also good moments; you enjoyed them so much. Those instances made you remember why you loved him and why it was impossible to break free.
You two liked to stay in bed for hours, talking about stuff. All alone in the Penthouse and still covered your heads with the sheets, whispering. The Joker was addicted to the intimacy of your little world, secrets and thoughts no one knew about.
“If you leave, promise you’ll always come back,” he once found the strength to actually say it out loud.
“I can’t prom…” and the blue eyes got darker. “Fine, I promise,” you gave in and he tucked your hair behind your ear, pleased to hear it. Afterwards, he dug under his pillow and showed you that beautiful diamond ring he wanted you to have.
“Look what I found in the seif last night! Stealing from the mayor was the best idea ever; the guy is loaded.”
“Wowww, no kidding,” you gasped, amazed. You’ve seen a lot of diamond rings in your life but that was so unique and beautiful.
“I’ll give it to you for safe keeping, OK? I don’t trust all these assholes working for us,” The Joker sighted, slipping the jewel on your finger. He saw the emotions and had to mention:
“It’s not what you think, you crazy woman. I told you I just want you to take care of it, got it?”
“Yes,” you nodded, choosing to believe otherwise.
“You can keep it with one condition: promise you’ll never take it off,” The Joker surprised himself with the demand.
“I swear,” you were quick to vow, hugging him so tight he had to emerge from under the sheets to breathe better.
“I told you it’s not what you think, I wanna make it clear,” and you smiled through tears and he couldn’t say anything anymore.
Why did you have to smile like that?
– After your son was born, he became a regular member of your little club.
All three under the sheets, careful not to wake Kase up.
“You think we should keep him?” J used to tease, not being able to take his eyes off his baby boy.
“I think he’s a keeper,” you giggled, caressing the tiny tummy. “He will either look like you or like his real dad,” and you had to cover your mouth so you won’t laugh to loud.
“Cut it out!” J would reach over to slap your waist, grinding his silver teeth. ”Or do you hate me that much?”
You used to trap his hand until he calmed down.
“I don’t hate you,” and you got on your elbow and scooted closer to his body. “You gave me my son so I can’t hate you now.”  The statement made The Joker’s heart beat faster and he ignore it. The most he allowed himself to do was purr under your touch until he fell asleep.
– When things were bad, you would take Kase and try to leave. J would stop you before you made it to the elevator.
“Going anywhere?”
You were so exhausted from being a new mom plus dealing with your rocky relationship.
“I need to get out of here,” you tried to flee but he blocked your way.
“Then go, but my son stays!”
“I am not leaving without my baby,” you kept on attempting to walk towards the elevator and got frustrated when your plan failed.
“Then you stay too,” he would mumble, pinning you against the wall. “What is it? Can’t handle me anymore?” he used to mock, distressed.
Kase would fuss, not happy with the commotion.
“Gimme,” The Joker would take him in his arms, gesturing for your company. “Let’s go back to bed, I’m tired. Hey, where’s my smile, hm?” and you sulked even more. “ So I take it you only save that for his dad? Who’s the other guy?”
You would pass your fingers through your long hair, trying not to give him the satisfaction but finally smiled and he loved to win. But somehow it felt he was losing.
Why did you have to smile like that?
He hears the little steps thumping on the hardwood floor and gets out of daze, lifting his head up to look at his 5 year old son holding his stuffed giraffe.
“Daddy, why are you crying?” Kase asks, frightened and his father signs for him to approach. The Joker is sitting on the floor and the little boy rushes in his arms, starting to sob, not understanding what’s going on.
“Your mom…” and his voice breaks, “…left me and she’s not coming back…Not this time…You’re stuck with me, kid.”
“Where’s mommy? I want my mommy,” the child keeps on repeating, sensing there is something wrong.
“She left…It’s just you and me now,” J mumbles, crushing his son with his embrace.
He said he stole that ring from the mayor’s mansion. The King of Gotham actually had it custom made for you and never told you. It always had just one owner: his Queen. Before he buried you, J took three diamonds out of your ring, one for each member of his family, and had them encased in his favorite ring. It’s the only jewelry he wears now. And the ring he gifted you was the only treasure in your coffin since you promised you’ll never take it off.
– “Hey, handsome.”
He feels the kiss on his cheek and opens his eyes as he mutters:
“Hey pretty girl.”
Another dream; he’s all alone in bed, groggy from the sleep medicine. J sighs, then shifts his head to peek at Kase who’s playing on the floor with a bunch of toys, not realizing his father is awake. The Joker gets under the covers, eager to share his thoughts but there is no one besides him. No one to tell.
“Kid, com’ere,” he makes a gap for his son to crawl in. The boy snickers and jumps in bed, glad he’s getting some attention. “Do you have any secrets to share with your dad?” J pecks his forehead, gazing in his son’s eyes.
“Ummm…I broke my truck,” he admits, familiar with the game he played so many times with his parents.
“Shame on you,” J scolds but caresses Kase’s face. “I’ll get you 10 more, ok?”
Ah, that smile. Just like yours.
“Ok, daddy,” and the child suddenly cuddles to J’s chest, wiggling. “Mommy says she loves you.”
The Prince of Crime gently spanks his kid, admonishing.
“I told you to quit talking like this! Don’t you listen?! Uhhhhh,” he growls, exasperated. The little boy keeps on saying random things like this since you died three months ago.
“But she gets mad at me if I don’t tell you,” and his lower lip quivers, on the verge of crying. “I don’t want mommy to be upset with me.”
“You’re such a brat! Stop tormenting me,” J squishes his son to his chest, not wanting to lose his temper.
“Mommy says that…”
“Shut up, would you??!!” he snaps and Kase is one step away from bawling.
“Mommy says that…”
“You’re pissing me off, what’s wrong with you??!!”  J cuts him off, really straining to keep it together.
“Mommy says she knows you made the ring for her!” his son blurs out and The Joker holds his breath, confused and stunned at the same time.
“W-what?” He’s finally at a loss of words.
Nobody knows about that.
Kase starts wailing and his father wants to calm him down.
“M-mommy says she doesn’t like it w-when you y-yell at me,” he whimpers, clenching to J’s t-shirt.
For once, the great Joker has no reply.
– Terrible storm outside; Gotham is on lockdown. Must be 2am or so.
“Daddy… daddy, I’m scared,” his son pulls on his arm, eager to get a reaction. J is such a heavy sleeper now since he takes sleeping pills all the time. Otherwise, he can’t rest.
“Go back to your room, it’s fine,” he grumbles, not in the mood for parenting.
The little one sniffles, really wanting to stay with his father.
“I want my mooommyyyyy,” and the crying immediately starts. The Joker blows his green hair off his face, irritated and moves towards the center of the bed, helping his son up. The little arms wrap around his neck and the small body shakes with anxiety.
“Daddddyyy, I’m scared.”
“Don’t be scared, I’m here,” J choses to take it down a notch and hugs his son back. It feels so comforting that Kase stops crying after a few minutes.
“Mommy says she loves you,” the muffled voice at his chest lets him know. “She always says that.”
“Cut it out, kid…”
“Huh?” his son turns his head to look behind him, just as he was listening to someone talking.
J pouts, forcing Kase’s head back to his chest.
“Stop your nonsense, brat!”
“Mommy says she promised you she’ll always come back.”
The Joker covers his mouth.
“SHUT …THE HELL UP!!!!!!” he screams so loud it resonates over the sound of thunder from the crazy tempest outside.
His 5 year old utters with teary eyes:
“Mommy says she doesn’t like it when you yell at me; she loves you less… But she can’t hate you.”
The King of Gotham bites on his lower lip, intrigued.
Nobody knows about that.
“Go to sleep and stop talking…” he remorsefully strokes his son’s cheek, not wanting to think about it. “Hey, would you give Daddy a smile?” he alleviates the tension, aware the poor kid has no fault in anything. “Let’s be friends again, yes?” The lighting illuminates the bedroom as The Joker lifts his son’s chin up and a shy smile flourishes on the child’s face.
Why does he have to smile like that?
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It had been four years before Eleanor dug up her camera again, marking the next tape buried deep in John’s closet; Announcement #3.
She held the camera up to her face, smiling softly. Her hair was cut to her shoulders and parted to the left then but still curly as ever, her nose crinkled as she grinned, knowing what she was going to do.
“So.” She said, her voice smooth and sweet, her eyes bright and happy. “It’s time again. I know you guys might be embarrassed about this later, but you might thank me... So, I’m pregnant again.” She whispered, pointing the camera down to where she had her hand over her belly, wearing those same red Disney pajamas.
“Jack and Patsy should be home soon with Junior and James... I can’t wait for their reactions! I hope they’ll be happy.” she giggled, then smiled at the camera. “See you then.”
And so, when John got home with his siblings and walked through the door, calling to see what parent his home and quickly getting a response from Eleanor upstairs. “Upstairs, baby! Can you guys come up?”
The children all looked confused before heading up. John was fifteen at this point, Martha ten, Henry Junior six and James four.
They found their mother in the spare room John and her had turned into a little art room for he and his mother a year ago. She was sitting in the old paint stained once white couch in front of the giant window. The perks of having so much money you didn’t know what to do with.
“What’s up, mom?” John asked, raising his hand when James peeked out from behind him, letting it rest on the four year old’s head. Eleanor looked up at them and grinned, reaching over the side of the couch and pulling out the camera, quickly taping the way John and Martha’s eyes went huge upon seeing it.
The kids knew damn well that camera only came out when something important happened. “What’s up, mom?” John repeated and Eleanor giggled, watching Martha’s somewhat nervous face as she linked her index finger with John’s and held tight, the boy doing the same to her.
“Well, I have an announcement.” The obvious tension quickly faded from the children. “Are you ready?” She asked, letting them calm down with her kind smile. Her face softened as little James stepped beside John properly, hugging his hand to his chest. “What is it, mommy?” Her heart melted and she finally said it. “I’m pregnant again.”
You could’ve heard a pin drop in the silence that followed. Their faces didn’t change from shocked and Eleanor kept that smile on her face as she asked, “You guys still with me?”
Then James was on her. He ran over, grinning wide and hopped beside her, hugging her tightly. “Yay! I’m gonna be a big brother!” The boy cheered, which spurred the others on. John and Martha actually teared up and shared the sweetest smile with each other as Junior ran over, cheering, ‘me too, me too!’.
It went well over all. They were obviously happy, it was the best! The kids all teamed up and took care of their mom in their own little ways, between John and Martha getting her things she needs and helping her around when she got big, Junior behaving far more than usual, and James even offering to read her stories at night to help her sleep.
They were happy, and it was amazing! When the time came, John was sixteen, Martha eleven, Junior seven and James five as they waited impatiently in the hospital waiting area while Henry stayed with their mother. Hours later, they were allowed in and got to meet their baby sister Mary Eleanor.
Henry himself had taken care to bring the camera, video taping the scene. They were all dressed nicely, and John even had his curly hair down as he gently accepted Mary from Eleanor without hesitation when she was offered. Martha leaned over, cooing and giggling as John bent down for the children to see their sister.
Junior looked so exhilarated, Martha could not have looked happier, John was in tears and James gently took her tiny hand in his, swearing he’d be there to help take care of her like John did in his own video. John sat on the ground and pulled James into his lap carefully before showing the five year old how to hold his sister, watching the amazement and wonder in James’ eyes.
One month later, Eleanor was said to have some disease John didn’t care to remember the title of. No one worried; they had the money to pay for any necessary treatments. Three months later, the family was in the hospital, the kids and Henry in the waiting room while the doctors handled Eleanor, Mary being babysat at home.
John Laurens hugged James, Henry and Martha tight when the doctor announced her dead. He left. No one went after him. John held his siblings as they cried and cried and cried, tears streaming down his own face but he didn’t dare say a word.
Henry changed from then on. He acted more cruel, quiet and frankly domineering. He snapped easily and he was stern. The air of their kind father was replaced by a cruel man that cared only for appearances. Nothing John screamed in his face one day could change that, the bruise on his cheek the next day proving it.
It went on like this for years. The kids were submissive and quiet around their father, doing what he wanted when he wanted so as to not anger him further. No one ever spoke of the incident where John got in a more noticeable physical fight than the others that led to bruises and scratches and ruined pride.
The incident where John left home, ran as far away as he could. Got his best friend Lafayette to take the first flight out and help him. On his encouragement, John set Lafayette as his emergency contact while his best friend held his hand tight and the doctor at the hospital handled John’s broken collarbone.
No one told anyone what happened on John’s request. He would never admit to the abuse he endured to spare his siblings.
Then one day, everything changed for the worst.
When James was ten years old and twenty one year old John was home from college visiting, he got a phone call from his father when he was out at the store with Martha on the weekend, shopping for groceries. His father informed John in a low tone how there was an accident and James was pronounced dead.
No one, especially not Martha, could ever forget how John fell to his knees in the middle of the store, an anguished scream tearing through his throat as he dropped his phone, bursting into tears right there. No one stopped him or dared bother him as sixteen year old Martha crouched down and hugged him tight.
John didn’t speak another word for three months.
It was the hardest thing any of them went through. Mary - bless her heart - sweet five year old Mary didn’t understand, asking question after question and the family tiredly answering. Twelve year old Henry didn’t speak of the incident.
When time came for John to go home two weeks after the incident and the funeral, Martha gave him a kiss on the cheek and reminded him to call her occasionally. Henry gave him a tight hug and a nicely drawn picture of all the Laurens siblings plus their mother and father.
Mary asked him why he had to go, and he broke down sobbing and crouched down, hugging his baby sister tight, but he still didn’t utter a word.
When he was back at college, he was a shell of his former self for two years. One day, three months after the funeral, John approached his best friend when they were on campus where everyone could see them. John didn’t look sad, or scared. He looked broken.
“I miss him.” He choked out, and Lafayette caught him before he fell. They sat there with John sobbing into his shoulder for three hours, Hercules joining them on the one hour mark and not leaving their side since.
John never cried harder in his life than he did in those three hours. Never felt so exhausted from his own sobbing before - Hercules carried him back to his room. Lafayette tucked him in, and the two checked in with him periodically, Lafayette even texting Martha about how he spoke finally, how he might finally be back with them.
He kept consistent contact with Martha since then, ensured her he was still there, he was himself once more. She panics whenever he takes longer than two days to respond to her texts. He only forgot once when he was twenty-two four days after the anniversary of their mother’s death. He received a call from Martha in the middle of classes that he explained he had to take. He never wanted to hear that choked, broken tone to her voice when she asked if he was okay and explained her worries.
When John was twenty-three, he learned his roommate he didn’t bother to learn the name of was changing dorm rooms, couldn’t handle John’s strange personal sense of time where he woke up at six every day and went to bed at twelve in the morning at the earliest.
He was at lunch when he finally met his new roommate. The boy hesitantly approached him, long dark hair tight up behind his head and bright brown eyes eyeing them curiously as they grew loud with their debates and teases. Finally, Aaron Burr said something that caused John to snap and this kid sided with John quick.
The moment John and this kid - Alexander Hamilton - got to talking, they were inseparable. Best friends from the get-go. But anyone could tell you how John watched Alex with such longing in his eyes if you looked close. Anyone could tell you how when the corner of John’s lips twitched up as Alexander ranted, it wasn’t entirely because he agreed with the rants.
It was because he loved to see the passion burning in those gorgeous eyes as he ranted and raved about things he cared immensely for.
John returned home eventually, but he was quickly turned away with the fact his father learned of something John never mentioned; his ex boyfriend Francis Kinloch. With help, John returned home to New York and got himself an apartment instead.
The fight between he and Charles Lee was expected by everyone a month later honestly. Lee bad mouthed Mr. Washington, their main professor that had taken Lafayette in as a baby and raised the Frenchman. John would not stand for that, but Alexander was walking on thin ice as it was. John offered to fight and no one stopped him.
Out in the courtyard, the fight began and John tackled Lee. He broke four of Lee’s ribs and Lee broke John’s nose and landed a few good hits to leave his body bruised.
John went back to his dorm bloody with a sense of pride for having supposedly ‘won’.
He still occasionally had to go home on school breaks and face his father. He still returned with bruises and cuts until he was twenty-four. When Martha was 19, he convinced her to take what she could and run. She did. She took out what money she could from their father and ran with Junior and Mary before Henry had a chance to figure out what happened.
After going to court armed with Lafayette and Hercules and a lawyer Henry’s credit card paid for, Martha and John got restraining orders against their father and the two avoided returning to South Carolina for the longest time.
It was difficult, but John managed to push through and graduate, becoming a doctor at Lenox Hill Hospital. Now at twenty-seven, he was somewhat content with his life once more, living in his apartment happily, working at the hospital and saving lives.
His sister - now twenty-two - moved back to South Carolina with the kids, having the help of friends so she could still graduate, majoring in engineering and medicine with flying colors and getting a job at Mayville Engineering. Henry got an apartment of his own when he turned eighteen, studying hard to become a lawyer like he’d always wanted.
Eleven year old Mary stayed with Martha, ever so well behaved as she studied, more interested in art than anything just like her older brother John. He truly couldn’t love them more than he already did.
He made absolute sure to keep up with Martha though, both of them preferring letters to texts when it came to each other. But when they were too lazy, texts and calls of course happened more often than not, but they keep every single letter, treasuring them.
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