#she is a reflection of lil me and thats sad
maybebi47 · 5 months
man everytime i get mad at kristen for something i remember that i have done that exact thing before
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dateamonster · 3 months
longass monster high liveblog: season 2 edition lets gooooooo
rule school
very first thought of the new season: i want a doll of clawdeens wereruler armor so bad. also im excited for more worldbuilding lore stuff, and more varied werecreature designs! part of me gets a little irked sometimes that there seems to be disproportionate attention payed to werecreatures and the inner workings of their society over other monster species, but i cannot deny, i love a funny lil furry.
especially this side character bear dude who keeps showing up
rly feels like there should be a clause in were-society for what to do if ur wereruler is a fuckin kid. she should not have to be doing all this.
when she finally gets that armor off its gonna be like rock lee with the weights
i love these cunty old werewolf ladies ngl
damn speedreader clawdeen
that painting of foxford is soo cute clawdeen i loove u
toralei!! toralei HUG!!!!!!!! hug AND a pun!!! shes sososososo cute
oh and shes maaaad that she showed affection where other people can see lol the Dynamic.. it is unfolding before my very eyes..
oh damn the fox guy is a sneaky motherfucker? who could have foreseen this....... granted the whale plushie is unexpected
new witch in town
draculauras gay lil witch friend <333
lol is humans using monster slang a microaggression? much to think about.
im really interested in this developing plotline about draculaura being pressured to be like the model of Good Witchcraft. it works well with her established character and arc of like trying to live up to her fathers reputation and status in the monster world. poor girl never seems to be able to just fucking relax.
skelita! i love that shes trying out witchcraft, and the art-based magic is a fun angle too! i can totally see where this is going tho. drac is super serious about magic because theres all this pressure on her while skelita is just trying it out in a casual way so theyre at odds. its an interesting dilemma because i can def see both sides.
im really happy the writing seems like empathetic to both positions here. skelita deserves to try magic her way on her own terms, but its also totally understandable draculaura would feel protective over witchcraft when any misuse of it is ultimately going to reflect on her since she was the one working to legitimize it. respectability is a double edged sword fr!
play it again clawd
aw clawd is such a sweetiepie mamas boy. i def feel a little bad for him. imagine if ur little sister became the queen of ur entire society and ur just like. hangin out there.
oh were doing a groundhog day? im not a big timeloop plot person but ill try not to be too biased
this is also how me and my roommate act when theres a fly in the house
aw im rly glad they acknowledge that selena had like a whole life in beheme that she had to leave behind when she came home.. idk if theyre planning to actually do anything more substantial with that but yea when you think about its kinda fucked up! they probably had friends and stuff! clawd was *born* there! i get why theyd choose to stay here with their family and all even if they could easily go back, but like, its gotta be sad at times!
ok not bad as a timeloop ep goes. still not my fav but like clawds so cute and its so nice seeing him do stuff with his family <3
thats all for tonight i think! see u next time!!
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simpymf · 6 months
Word count: 2,152 words
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wanted ta post this lil piece because it sad, and i like sad tings. no smut, only pain.
This is a piece for the classic timeline... meaning, June n Lune are now back to their human selves and not their monster selves. Uhhhh... long story short, Lune bad, June good. June did Pacifist run first. Lune RESET, now bad. June n Lune can interact in their mindspace. Uh... thats it.
TW: blood, gore, angst, and just total despair. :(
enjoy this lil fic, y'all. cha cha <3
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I took what I had for granted... didn’t I?
Happiness... that was asking for too much...
At least... f̷̵̫̞̉͢ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚r̶̷̲͍̭͐̾̀͟ y̯̤͑́́̓́ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚û̶͙̽̿͆̈....
You just... can’t stand the thought of me getting a happy ending...
₴Ø Ɽł₱₱ł₦₲ ₳₩₳Ɏ ฿Ø₮Ⱨ Ø₣ ØɄⱤ ₵Ⱨ₳₦₵Ɇ₴ ₣ØⱤ Ø₦Ɇ ₩₳₴ ɎØɄⱤ ₦ɆӾ₮ ฿Ɇ₴₮ ₵ØɄⱤ₴Ɇ, ₩₳₴₦'₮ ł₮?
          ᶦ ʲᵘˢᵗ ʷᵃⁿᵗᵉᵈ ᶠʳᶦᵉⁿᵈˢ···
₴ⱧɄ₮ Ʉ₱.
ł ₲Ø₮ ₴ł₵₭ Ø₣ ɎØɄ ₩₳₴₮ł₦₲ ₮ł₥Ɇ.
ㄚㄖㄩ尺 几卂丨ᐯ乇ㄒㄚ 丨丂 山卄卂ㄒ Ꮆㄖㄒ ㄚㄖㄩ 卄乇尺乇.
Standing in the middle of a vast corridor, veiled by a radiant golden glow, is a woman. A human... s̩͙͖̋͛͟û̶͙̽̿͆̈p̶̸̨̺͊̍̒̓̀p̶̸̨̺͊̍̒̓̀ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚s̩͙͖̋͛͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊d̸̡̩͍̔ͥ͜ḻ̸͈ͧ͑̓̓̀͡y̯̤͑́́̓́. Her pale face is cloaked by numerous strands of raven black hair, hiding away any possible glimmer of her demeanor.
Held in her trembling hand is a hatchet. Entirely pristine.
Her arm twitches, the blade reflecting shards of light against the aurelian pillars lining the perimeter of the hall. Between her disheveled strands of hair, her golden eye peers out to glue her gaze onto the single individual standing in her path.
Keeping his hands in his pockets, the skeleton adorning his signature blue jacket and black basketball shorts stands wordlessly, though both of his radius and ulna give a subtle shake beneath his sleeves. His eye sockets are entirely stuck onto 卄乇尺, denying himself even a fraction of vulnerability by tearing his gaze away.
Sans stiffens in his spot, but he refuses to move. He can dodge anything she throws his way. He’s exhausted confident. All her efforts—although manic and likely out of pure adrenaline—become in vain the instant Sans sends her a last second surprise attack. Occasionally, she swung her weapon... and nearly managed to slice his bones.
Luckily... he’d summoned a bone straight from the floor to shoot straight up into her neck, her skull cracking as the sharpened end emerged from the crown of her head. Blood gushed down her chest and splat on the floor, her eyes rolling to the back to expose their whiteness, then she’d come back.
Again. And again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
A n d  a g a i n.
Sans doesn’t know how long he’s been here. Certainly longer than the time the kid tried until they finally gave up and RESET. This human, however...
S̢̼̼͖̺͖ͪH͇͇̹͊ͪ́̕ͅE̢̢̻ͮͧͦ͋͞͡ I̡̨͙͙̪̹̾͟S̢̼̼͖̺͖ͪ I̡̨͙͙̪̹̾͟N͔͔̥̺̞̿͊̇T̼̼̖̾͟͞E̢̢̻ͮͧͦ͋͞͡N͔͔̥̺̞̿͊̇T̼̼̖̾͟͞ Ơ̷̴̪̪̝͈̥͈̆̀̚N͔͔̥̺̞̿͊̇ F̼̼͓̙ͤ̋̅̚͞͞I̡̨͙͙̪̹̾͟N͔͔̥̺̞̿͊̇I̡̨͙͙̪̹̾͟S̢̼̼͖̺͖ͪH͇͇̹͊ͪ́̕ͅI̡̨͙͙̪̹̾͟N͔͔̥̺̞̿͊̇G̯̯̩̙͆ͣ͟ T̼̼̖̾͟͞H͇͇̹͊ͪ́̕ͅI̡̨͙͙̪̹̾͟S̢̼̼͖̺͖ͪ.
Again, they faced each other.
A bone carved itself into her sternum, shredding her lungs and piercing the nerves in her spinal cord.
Again, they fought.
Her flesh left a gruesome scent as it torched underneath the ray of pure energy from the gaping mouth of a contorted skull.
Again, she came back.
She coughs and hacks up the blood coagulating in her throat, every muscle in her body quivering as she is propped up in the air with countless ivory poles penetrating her back. Bones emerge from the breadth of her chest, squeezing past her creaking ribs. Flesh encapsulates the circumference of each bone skewered through her body, viscous crimson fluids dribbling around her back and slipping down the length of each pale bone keeping her elevated.
Sans’s slippers are quiet even as he approaches her, lifting his left hand, preparing to end her life for the nth time before he freezes in his spot. He looks at her expression—her face upside down—unable to shake away an uneasy feeling spiraling in the depth of his ribcage. The corners of her cracked, bloodied lips begin to stretch, practically tearing through the skin of her cheeks in order to widen her grin.
H i s  S O U L  i s  p o u n d i n g.
“Y-ou... think... ɢʜᴄᴋ- yo-... ‘re in c-control... ʜᴄᴋᴋ-...”
LUNE bends her head further back, crunches fill the atmosphere, but her features remain stagnant. Crimson dribbles up her face, immersing into one of her eyes, staining the once clean white color. She cackles but it almost comes out as a gurgle instead.
“-ou think... ɢʜᴋɢ- you’re... do-ing this... ᴋᴄᴋᴋ- f-for... the ɢᴄᴋ- good of... the people...”
“乃ㄩㄒ 丨 Ҝ几ㄖ山 ㄚㄖㄩ'尺乇 ᗪㄖ丨几Ꮆ 丨ㄒ 乃乇匚卂ㄩ丂乇 ㄚㄖㄩ 匚卄卂丂乇 ㄒ卄乇 ㄒ卄尺丨ㄥㄥ ㄖ千 Ҝ丨ㄥㄥ丨几Ꮆ 丂ㄖ爪乇ㄖ几乇.”
“...” Sans says nothing.
His hand hangs in the air, though no tingle of magic flows through his bones. His sockets are empty as they stare at Lune. His grin almost appears forced...
Wincing, Sans blinks, his arm shaking even as it hovers.
“丨 Ҝ几乇山 丨ㄒ. 丨 Ҝ几乇山 ㄚㄖㄩ 山乇尺乇 フㄩ丂ㄒ 卂丂 山ㄖ尺ㄒ卄ㄥ乇丂丂 卂丂 爪乇-!”
Even after the blaster shuts its mouth, Sans is speechless. His entire being quakes beneath his baggy clothing. Dread fills his SOUL as Lune’s words echo in his mind over and over and over...
And over
and over
and over
Ȧ̶̵̗̳N̰̜͉͔ͬ̽͢Ḋ̤͇̮͙ͥ O̵̷̪̰ͩ͆ͅV̷̬̈ͫ͢͢͝E̸̖̪̱͚ͨ̀͜Ŗ̴̪̈̄͞
They’ve been fighting for countless times.
Sans isn’t sure if his legs are still attached to him.
Lune stands with 01 health. Her grip on her weapon falters, yet her bottomless eyes stare directly into Sans.
“maybe... let’s... ʜғʜ-... re-think this... huh?”
Lune’s subtle panting slows, her shoulders no longer quivering like they were before.
“i-... i know there’s-... there’s a good person deep down... a person that... tried to make things right... a person that wants to be better... i know they’re inside... you just gotta let ‘em out... so...”
Lune’s eyebrows briefly furrow, witnessing the skeleton withdraw his hand from his pocket and stick it out for her to grab for a handshake.
“whaddya say? can we go back ta bein’ buddies?”
          ᴴᵉ’ˢ··· ʰᵉ’ˢ ˢᵖᵃʳᶦⁿᵍ ᵘˢᵎ
... A subtle grin plays on her lips.
JɄ₦Ɇ, who rests deep down within Lune’s SOUL, frantically rushes herself to her feet, her poofy pink hair hysterically flopping over her hopeful expression. Shaking on her legs, JɄ₦Ɇ gazes through Lune’s eyes, her hands slowly fisting themselves before tenderly pressing against her chest, where her pure white SOUL beats eagerly.
          ᴸ⁻ᴸᵘⁿᵉ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉᵎ
Within her consciousness, Lune gradually turns to face her expectant alter, watching as her wide lemon-yellow eyes twinkle with desperate longing. Lune, however, stares back blankly, lashes brushing against wisps of choppy black hair hanging over her forehead.
          ᴸ⁻ᴸᵘⁿᵉ ʰᵉ’ˢ⁻ ʰʰ⁻ʰᵉ’ˢ ˢᵖᵃʳᶦⁿᵍ ᵘˢᵎ ᵂᵉ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵃⁿᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ᶜʰᵃⁿᶜᵉᵎ ᵂ⁻ᵂᵉ ᶜᵃⁿ ᵍᵒ ᵇᵃᶜᵏᵎ
JɄ₦Ɇ glances back at her alter with a worried expression, her SOUL shuddering upon recognizing Lune’s empty gaze. Her arms quake, remaining pressed up against her pounding chest.
Are you s̩͙͖̋͛͟t̴͕͖͓̀û̶͙̽̿͆̈p̶̸̨̺͊̍̒̓̀i̵͓͙̱͚̎͟d̸̡̩͍̔ͥ͜?
Whimpering, JɄ₦Ɇ watches as Lune creeps up on her, an ominous shadow hanging over her face. The pink-haired woman flinches, nearly stumbling in her attempt to walk back, but she is unable to evade the dark-haired woman who launches her hand to grab her hair.
JɄ₦Ɇ yelps loudly, tears instantly springing in the lines of her eyes as she is forced to bend closer toward Lune. She shakes violently, sobbing and stretching her arms above her, hysterically reaching Lune’s and digging her nails into her skin—a pitiful glint of hope to escape tormenting her. The evidently weaker alter repeatedly shrieks and sobs during her attempts of fighting her assailant, but it is of no use.
Lune’s stare remains even as she gawks down at her pathetic alter, feeling her nails pierce her hand. Her features still. Lune would grimace in disgust if she could feel it in the moment... all she CAN feel... is a bottomless pit digging in her chest. She does not care if this stupid skeleton’s sparing her.
          ᴾᵘʰ⁻ᴾˡᵉᵃˢᵉᵎ ᴸᵘⁿᵉᵎ ᴸ⁻ᴸᵉᵗ ᵍᵒᵎ ᴾˡᵉᵃˢᵉ⁻ᵎ ᴴᵉ’ˢ⁻ᵎ ᴴᵉ’ˢ ˢᵖᵃʳᶦⁿᵍ ᵘˢᵎ
          ᴾˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ˢˢ⁻ˢᵗᵒᵖᵎ ᴵ ᶜᵃⁿ’ᵗ ᵈᵒ ᵗʰᶦˢ ᵃⁿʸᵐᵒʳᵉᵎ
Gasping, JɄ₦Ɇ feels her gravity dramatically shift, a solid force ramming into her rear and back. She quickly realizes she’s been thrown down onto the ground, her lungs forcibly releasing every ounce of air they once held. Writhing on the ground, JɄ₦Ɇ weakly pushes herself to rest on her side, sections of pink hair now wildly scattered over her front.
...you’re a fucking fool.
Lune hears another whimper break through her vocal cords—refusing to acknowledge it—as she steps closer to JɄ₦Ɇ. Her boots thunk until she’s looming over JɄ₦Ɇ’s shaking body, piercing yellow eyes staring her down.
Do you really think... he’s going to spare us?
After everything we di—
          ᴬᶠᵀᴱᴿ ᴱⱽᴱᴿʸᵀᴴᴵᴺᴳ ʸᴼᵁ ᴰᴵᴰ⁻ᵎ
Lune’s lips sew themselves shut.
Tears spill over JɄ₦Ɇ’s flushed cheeks, her breathing labored, quiet coughs interjecting her crying. She weakly lowers her head, squinting her eyes, drops of her tears slipping from her cheeks and plopping on the ground.
          ᴵ⁻··· ᴵ ᵈᶦᵈⁿ’ᵗ··· ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵃ⁻ᵃⁿʸ ᵖᵃʳᵗ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᶦˢ··· ᵇ⁻ᵇᵘᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ᶠᵒʳᶜᵉᵈ ᵗʰᶦˢ···
          ᶠᶠ⁻ᶠᵒʳᶜᵉᵈ ᵐᵉ⁻ᵎ
Overcome with silence, Lune does nothing but stare.
          ᴬ⁻ᴬˡˡ ᴵ ʷᵃⁿᵗᵉᵈ··· ʷᵃˢ ᶠʳᶦᵉⁿᵈˢ··· ᵗᵒ ᵇᵉ ʰʰ⁻ʰᵃᵖᵖʸ···
          ᴮᵘᵗ ʸʸ⁻ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵒᵘˡᵈⁿ’ᵗ ᵃᶜᶜᵉᵖᵗ ᵗʰᵃᵗ⁻ᵎ
          ʸ⁻ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵒᵘˡᵈⁿ’ᵗ ᵃᶜᶜᵉᵖᵗ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ʲᵘˢᵗ ᶜᵃⁿ’ᵗ ᵉᵛᵉʳ ᵇᵉ ʰᵃᵖᵖʸ⁻ᵎ
          ˢˢ⁻ˢᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ᵈᵉᶜᶦᵈᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ʰᵘʳᵗ ᵉᵛᵉʳʸᵒⁿᵉ ᵉˡˢᵉ⁻ᵎ
Another yelp leaves JɄ₦Ɇ when a web of pain surges on the top of her head, quickly realizing Lune grabbed her hair yet again. She breaks out in another sob, looking up with tears overflowing in her eyes.
Nothingness stares back at JɄ₦Ɇ, a blackhole destined to swallow SOULs whole. Lune tightens the clasp she has on JɄ₦Ɇ’s hair, ignoring her squeak.
If you want your happy ending so badly...W̸͈ͯ̾̒̿h̶̯̰̝̻̿̓͢y̯̤͑́́̓́ d̸̡̩͍̔ͥ͜ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚n̷̶̯͉̊̽̐ͦ͘'t̴͕͖͓̀ y̯̤͑́́̓́ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚û̶͙̽̿͆̈ g̴̶̛̮̣͙͠ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚ g̴̶̛̮̣͙͠ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊t̴͕͖͓̀ i̵͓͙̱͚̎͟t̴͕͖͓̀?
JɄ₦Ɇ struggles to keep her gaze on Lune, her hands gripping her wrist in hopes of subsiding her pain. JɄ₦Ɇ winces.
Lune bends down uncomfortably close, acidic eyes wide with ominous intent that burns through JɄ₦Ɇ’s optimism. Her strength is firm, keeping her digits interlaced with JɄ₦Ɇ’s fluffy pink hair, practically tearing up her scalp.
Go ahead.
If you can convince this clown...
To SPARE us...
I’ll do it.
I’ll RESET...
I’ll let you live your happy little ending...
But let me tell you now...
Quietly squeaking, JɄ₦Ɇ watches as Lune hovers close, fearful of what may happen if she dare let her gaze go astray.
Y̵̷̛̤͍̅́̕ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚û̶͙̽̿͆̈r̶̷̲͍̭͐̾̀͟ c̷̹͖͋́̃h̶̯̰̝̻̿̓͢ă̶̸̝ͦ͊̿͋͞n̷̶̯͉̊̽̐ͦ͘c̷̹͖͋́̃ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊s̩͙͖̋͛͟ ă̶̸̝ͦ͊̿͋͞r̶̷̲͍̭͐̾̀͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ p̶̸̨̺͊̍̒̓̀ă̶̸̝ͦ͊̿͋͞p̶̸̨̺͊̍̒̓̀ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊r̶̷̲͍̭͐̾̀͟ t̴͕͖͓̀h̶̯̰̝̻̿̓͢i̵͓͙̱͚̎͟n̷̶̯͉̊̽̐ͦ͘.
The next thing June knows, she’s standing in the golden corridor with ⱠɄ₦Ɇ’s hatchet in her hand. Her legs waver, threatening to buckle if she twitches too hard. June, although maintaining the appearance of ⱠɄ₦Ɇ, quickly lifts her gaze to look at the skeleton, who remains offering his hand.
A glint of hope flashes in her eyes, remembrance of what feels like a distant memory dancing around her SOUL. June’s eyes almost tear up when she thinks about the life she once had.
She thinks about the laughter that rang within the sultry atmosphere of MTT Resort, laughter shared between her and Sans as they exchanged ridiculous jokes and puns. A fluffy excitement sang within her SOUL... along with a glimmer of fondness, perhaps?
I can bring it back-!
I-I can make things right, Sans-!
I can make everything go back- b-back to the way it was-!
I̶̴̗̗̦͍ͨͭ̉͢͟f̷̵̫̞̉͢ ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚n̷̶̯͉̊̽̐ͦ͘ḻ̸͈ͧ͑̓̓̀͡y̯̤͑́́̓́ y̯̤͑́́̓́ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚û̶͙̽̿͆̈ c̷̹͖͋́̃ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚û̶͙̽̿͆̈ḻ̸͈ͧ͑̓̓̀͡d̸̡̩͍̔ͥ͜ p̶̸̨̺͊̍̒̓̀û̶͙̽̿͆̈t̴͕͖͓̀ y̯̤͑́́̓́ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚û̶͙̽̿͆̈r̶̷̲͍̭͐̾̀͟ t̴͕͖͓̀r̶̷̲͍̭͐̾̀͟û̶͙̽̿͆̈s̩͙͖̋͛͟t̴͕͖͓̀ i̵͓͙̱͚̎͟n̷̶̯͉̊̽̐ͦ͘ m̶̷͔ͪ̽͡ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊!
Gradually, her digits uncurl around the dingy handle of a weapon that never belonged to her. She listens to it clank in the hall, but her gaze is fixated on Sans. He also refuses to glance down at the hatchet.
                          well, that’s not somethin’ i expected...
June is oblivious to the way glistening trails emerge down her pale cheeks, a hesitant smile growing over her cracked lips. Soreness travels throughout her beaten and bruised body, though she shows no sign of discomfort. All she merely does is lift her arms with a sad smile, almost as if inviting a hug, hands extended out to Sans.
Please, trust me.
A sharp pain shoots through June’s chest, eyes wide with terror slowly falling down, recognizing the end of a bone now pierced through her chest. Her SOUL violently trembles in her chest, barely maintaining the will to remain whole. She gasps quietly, lowering her hands only to hover them over her wounded chest.
“Hh-hahh... ah... I—...”
More tears flood June’s eyes, despair rooting deep in her SOUL as it crumbles apart before her very eyes. She sharply breathes in, weeping to herself, knees instantly hitting the floor. June directs her glistening gaze back up at Sans, eyebrows twisted above her nose and her lips parted, yet no word slips out.
Sans stares back at her, his left hand hovering by his side.
“...no... p-please...” June croaks, “This... can’t... be how... it ends...”
His eye sockets slightly squint.
“see you in hell, human...”
T̷̫͉̰͕̒́h̶̯̰̝̻̿̓͢i̵͓͙̱͚̎͟s̩͙͖̋͛͟ i̵͓͙̱͚̎͟s̩͙͖̋͛͟n̷̶̯͉̊̽̐ͦ͘’t̴͕͖͓̀ m̶̷͔ͪ̽͡y̯̤͑́́̓́ h̶̯̰̝̻̿̓͢ă̶̸̝ͦ͊̿͋͞p̶̸̨̺͊̍̒̓̀p̶̸̨̺͊̍̒̓̀y̯̤͑́́̓́ ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊n̷̶̯͉̊̽̐ͦ͘d̸̡̩͍̔ͥ͜i̵͓͙̱͚̎͟n̷̶̯͉̊̽̐ͦ͘g̴̶̛̮̣͙͠...
𝐅𝐈𝐍. (1/1)
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sopebubbles · 1 year
omg ur reply got me all giggly & jumping up n' down on my seat!!
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tnx u 4 takin' your time to reply & esp to talk more abt the inner voices of y/n & explain all the details,differences & origins of them!!🥰🥰🥰
& now that ik it's a thing,i'm super excited to see how u will write the development of her voices & how her relationship w/ her inner child will change & what is going to be the catalyst of that shift in her!!
also how the voice in bold,the one that comes from having to internalise bigotry to learn her way around it in order to keep herself safe as much as possible,the one that "tells her not to do things that she needs but knows will get her in trouble, like nesting" that she needed up untill now to kinda protect herself in her specific toxic environment, i look forward to seeing how it will change from smth that she needs & depends on 4 her safety,to smth that she slowly learns to leave behind bc is actually holding her back from actually healing & finally being truly safe & happy
dw,i'll wait till the end of times to get to the point in the story where we get to see more of tae's sad past & jin's development & all the beautiful creative things u have /will have in store 4 us,at your own pace & w/ your own timing ofc!!🤗
i absolutely love hobi w/ all my might, but if he doesn't realise he needs to change some things in his dynamic w/ jin as to not indulge jin in feeling like his care & love 4 hobi justify any reaction & treatement he may have towards others,i'm gonna do it myself & put that alpha in a corner to reflect abt what he's doin'💀👉🚪
"Thats exactly what this story is about! Its bts so i feel like they’re perfect for a Love Yourself journey!" BTS fits perfectly this concept ofc,but it's the mastery of your execution & how well your able to mold a whole universe around it that is selling this story!! this concept already wrks nice bc it's bts, but the story is so succesfully immersive & captavating tnx to nothing but your own writng ability & how your mind wrks & then is able to put that down on a keyboard,to create such an amazing story!
the amount of thinking,details, parallelism, sensitive & intersectional topics treated very well & included smoothly into the plot & depth given to each character & their interactions is at the base of this story & it's a constant in your writing, which i'm sure i couldn't even catch all of it(srry 4 that😭) is what makes reading your wrk so mesmerising, like actually seeing the lives of the characters unfold & being a part of how they progress! it puts me in a position in which i can't help but be impressed by your talent & be passionate abt your creation & process behind it!!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
ps. i didn't bring him up cause i didn't want to turn half of my ask in me screaming abt how u wrote him!! cause i'm definitely madly in love enough as it is but u took it to a whole 'nother level.🤣
pps. saving ch 7 as a lil' treat 4 later^^
take care of your precious self & i hope you'r doing well!!💜💜💜😊
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This ask just made me a blushing mess. Idek how to respond but i really appreciate you saying such nice things about my work 🥺 Im just so happy that it engages you and makes you think deeply about it. I honestly couldn't ask for more. And just thank you so much for generously sharing your thoughts with me.
You've really made my day and i hope you have a great one as well you beautiful human. 💕💕💕
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8aji · 1 year
Do you any books recommendation??⁉️
OKAY SO !! i gotta start by saying that i havent read many books and thats one of the reasons i didnt respond to this ask aside from me taking a break i was a lil embarrassed ngl BUT my response is finally here and i hope you enjoy my rant/rec list !!
all quiet on the western front - erich maria remarque
when i tell you this book destroyed the view i had of life and then built it back again...im not exaggerating. its so beautifully written, and the characterization is wonderful. the narration felt very personal to me, like the story was a little secret between me and paul (the main character), and i don't think it was bc it was written in 1st person pov. ofc im sure it influenced my perception of the story, but the language that was used and constant contradictions and the way paul would go on long, eloquently put together, tangents about his thoughts and emotions and opinions to then disregard everything he said with a sudden wave of doubt and hopelessness — i think it made him very human. i felt very connected to his character, and i do think it was bc i had grown fond of the version i saw of him in the 2022 film (which has nothing on the book, can't even compare em really), the already preexisting feeling was only amplified by the narration and the intricate sentences AND AND i saw my own writing be reflected on the book — for instance, i noticed there were very long long sentences, which is something i rlly like doing. all in all, it showcases the ww1 soldier experience very crudely, in a very beautifully sad way; you can feel remarque's pain and anger in every sentence — his opinion about the war and its futility are very clear, and it honestly makes the book a 100 times better. though i do think my opinion is VERY biased when it comes to this book so please do take it with a grain or a spoonful really of salt
everything i never told you - celeste ng
i read this book a while ago, but even so it remains as one of my top 3 i dont read a lot bear with me TT the book has a very catchy opening line, which instantly had me hooked — it narrates the story of a mixed-race, chinese-american family in the 70s and how they navigate the disappearance of their daughter. i think the book does an amazing job at juggling multiple povs without neglecting any character. it develops each individual storyline very well and the way it delves into the internal conflicts and psyche of each character is just 10/10
little fires everywhere - celeste ng
i gotta be honest, this book didnt "hook" me as much as the other two did, but i still think it was very good and definitely worth a read. i think celeste ng has the tendency to start her books very actively? what i mean with this is that she opens up the story with a very shocking fact or occurrence (?) and then ties everything back to the beginning — almost as if she started writing the story backwards. i think that's really cool, bc even though we as the reader know the "climatic" event, we dont exactly know what happened and are left at the edge of our seats wondering what exactly went down for this to happen, ya know?
the metamorphosis - franz kafka
now, this is also me being biased bc i have the biggest and greatest, most softest spot for kafka and this book. in short, and i mean in very short, the story's about a man who suddenly turns into a bug — the beauty of simplicity in summaries. i read it when i was 16 in literature class and i was absolutely smitten with the story the main character...i really wanted to fix him, kay?? at the time i wasn't at my bestest in terms of mental stability, so im sure that influenced my love and understanding for the book, but analysing it in class and delving into the context behind the book and the author, and interpreting it from my own pov just sigh it was so good.
like water for chocolate - laura esquivel
FUCK i can't express how fun this book is. its a romance book, and also a perfect example of magical realism. AND IT DOES IT THROUGH FOOD !! tita (the main character) has a very deep bond with cooking, and because of this, the food she makes is a direct reflection of the emotional state she was in while she did so — cook the food that is. and, if im not mistaken bc i also read this book when i was 16, each chapter starts with the recipe that tita will prepare — i loved that detailed so much because i love cooking as well, tho i prefer baking. and though it is technically a tragic-romance novel, it is very lighthearted (and i mean this in the bestest way possible) and very funny imo. i would recommend it to anyone in the blink of an eye.
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lolexjpg · 5 months
dts s3 e9-10
e9: -bahrain is such a beautiful track btw i love her -damn they just jump straight into it boom explosion -before logan was the sad wet lil meow meow......2020 alex was the ORIGINAL -the way reporters are asking abt checo->red bull before he even won that race, makes me curious how much he was seriously in the conversation for the seat beforehand. anyone who was on tumblr at the time i'd love to hear what the gossip mills were like at the time 👀 -dany's "please tell me he's okay" always GETS me bc i know dany's the car he crashed with and it was 100% a racing incident but i cannot imagine the guilt he was feeling in the moment. i'm so fond of him he definitely deserved better by the red bull machine -gunther talking about how fire is the worst thing you can have in a crash--and thinking about how guanyu said his biggest fear in his silverstone crash was the car catching fire. we're really lucky that his car didnt honestly -the music design on this in INCREDIBLE like they really did an INSANE job here. cacos "thats an act of god" always gets me. really summarizes how improbably lucky he was to survive that. i'm so glad he did -gunther sucks but the way he insists he has to meet the rescue guys to thank them personally 😭😭 -ALBODIUM MY BELOVED (when will she return) -i didnt write anything down for the grosjean post crash self reflection bit. i just wanted to sit and experience it and not think :) -one can say this sakhir crash was the original checo third wheeling lestappen -when ppl ask how to get into f1, i always bring up the inside story series on youtube, and TOP of recommendations is the inside story on this race! it is truly insane what he did here, cant wait to see this race in full -i just think it wouldve been SO iconic if george had won this race. first ever mercedes race win before he even got a mercedes seat? wouldive been ICONIC. ppl talk abt the domino affect of alex's appendicitis but if mercedes didnt fuck up BOTH their drivers pit stops, checo wouldn't have won (probably), would he have been signed then? new butterfly affect to discuss -I THINK. i know the idea of checo leaving the sport soon is being discussed a lot, and even in this episode he discusses that if its the end for him he is proud of what hes accomplished and thankful for as long as he had to drive in f1. his red bull seat really was a lifeline, a second chance, and he has added to his legacy significantly with red bull. if he loses his seat on 2024, no matter what mean things i've said about him in the heat of the moment, he has a LOT to be proud of. if its his time to go, its his time to go
ep 10: -i think AD is a BANGER of a race track. i'm glad its the finale race -ok so lets see daniel gives renault their first podium in 9 years......then gives mclaren their first win in forever as well.....hmmmm.....washed up who? -cyril getting a tattoo youtube video is So Important 2 ME. cyril calling his wife to tell her the details while daniel dies silent laughing is the instant seratonin boost for me -every time zak & lando have a lil clearly staged chat it has the most sugar baby energy ever why do they do this -lando says so many nice things abt daniel here yet the dando antis choose to ignore them and insist lando does nothing but distrespect him 😡 anti-lando daniel girlies r my least favorite -NOT DANIEL HITTING THE BEAM ABOVE HIM IN THE GARAGE TOO the dando agenda continues -damn i hope they give this much dts attention to the battle for 7th last year too -lawrence rly hired seb to mentor his son huh -aston martin colors Do Fuck we all must admit -frothing at the mouth over the 4433 moment here. its mental illness innit -i've always felt. like the lewis racism segment was a bit shoehorned in here. like they went oh fuck we need to include this somewhere lets just slap it on the end of the episode. i think it would've been so much better and more impactful in a fully lewis focused episode. but ya kno? i'd rather they do it this way than not at all, so i suppose i shouldn't complain too much
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archer3-13 · 1 year
"l i have my problems with fates," which are ?
more a problem with fandom really but i feel conquest gets overhyped for what it actually is on the gameplay angle. which is to say its not bad just that its not nearly as difficult as people make it out to be. case in point, cqch10 is actually pretty simple when ya get down to it but it has something of a killer reputation in fandom, which frankly i find confusing.
well ive grown to have a higher appreciation for fates a story, and its characters and to lament the botched translation, at the end of the day fates is still kinda stupid as a story. conquest is able to better skate by that issue thanks to its strong emotional heart, but it makes a lot of compromises to wring that emotion out to the point that it stretches credulity. why does azura only use the magic crystal ball she conveniently has that reveals garons true form only infront of corrin? because we need this mechanically for the plot and themes to function regardless of any issues it might open up elsewhere in the narrative [say needing to convince takumi of corrins cause on revelation, but no we can just have izana croak it so a square peg can go in a round hole].
I've just never been into the hoshidon royal family. at its worse when i first had the game shortly after i came out i felt ryoma was a tool, takumi was annoying, hinoka was aggravating, and sakura vexing. my opinion on them has definitely cooled since then, but i've still never really been able to get much of an appreciation for them as characters. i like hinoka/xander because it can be really cute and really tragic in their dynamics and well takumis a lil shit i feel it can be rather adorable in a try hard 'i am the prince of all saiyans rawr!' kinda manner. sakura i'll probably never be into cause the sad wallflower type only appeals to me in very specific circumstances, and ryoma remains a tool.
not a fan of the weapon system. originally i thought it was cause of their being no weapon durability but on reflection i feel its just because the weapons of fates arent particularly well balanced for what they were trying to achieve with it. the royal weapons stick out the most to me on this being strong enough with basically no drawbacks that your guaranteed to gravitate to them over a more colourful cast selection without consciously choosing not to. its kinda like engages smash weapons effectively but across the whole lot, cool idea in theory but a botched execution.
i wish the effort that had gone into the kids had instead gone into additional chapters for each route with larger base casts to recruit. instead we have... the children characters of fates.
the beginning tutorial section is large enough and broken into enough pieces that it chokes out time and breath the game could have had on each route instead. you could cut out 2 chapters before the route divergence and not miss anything vital to teaching the player on whats what. but then thats honestly more of a problem with fe on a whole ever since fe7 threw in a 11 chapter long tutorial section with lyns story [a very nice tutorial section but still]. im not saying throw the player in blind, but its very possible to teach these things as they become relevant without throwing us into the kiddypool for a fifth of the game on average. engage does a better job then other fes on this incidentally.
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last-answer · 1 year
okayyso i dont Know what the name for most body parts are on english Uhh uhh almost. a little below my ears. ITS JUST THAT SHORT GAAAAAA FJWRJJWMRNFNF i had the biggest jumpscare ever because she did it on the morning and i was like half asleep so i didnt even notice how odd it was that she was cutting so much of my hair (i kinda just assumed she was cutting extra bits??? ignoring how much of my hair was falling out???) and then i looked at my reflection on the window on the car when i was leaving for school and DEAR GOD ITS SO MUCH SHORTER NOW RJSJGNWNGN aaa my hair also gets curly as hell JDKANFNSN part of the reason my grandma and my mom like it so much and insist on not cutting it ever So Yeaj actually i think i should feel grateful about the hair cut because now i don't have to ask for a hair cut again in like. a lot of time. hooray ? FJSJGJWN
OHHH MAN i haven't gotten out of school yet so my grandma hasnt been as annoying about cleaning stuff these days but i fear she might be once i get out of school and im SO SCARED GAh actually i also got my phone taken away for like a bit because i did bad on my grades (i got two 60's and that was really it) so nowadays i have to put in extra effort into school aaa LUCKILY FOR LIL OL ME MY TESTS HAVE BEEN GOING VERY WELL!!! i just have like two kinda annoying ones on the way and im done!!! with the tests that is. im still going to school. for some reason. Man. ALSO GOOD LUCK ON FINISHING YOUR GAME kiss that guy a lot you can do this 🎉
WOAH that's pretty short :O !? i too wld be pretty surprised if i saw that happening to me first thing in the mornign WNSKDFJSJ also i suppose thats a good part abt getting ur hair cut question mark i think i need a haircut soon actually bc ive noticed i have a ton of split ends el oh el
ALSO GOOD LUCK ON THE REST OF UR TESTS !!! getting out of school is always exciting but then the Horrors of doing cleaning that was ignored during the school year comes up . . . so sad :[ hopefully uu dont have too much to clean tho if ur grandma does ask uu to clean !! alsoaslo yippee thank uu !!! im not even on takerus route ( since i alr finished it ) but he's super relevant in the route im currently in so like. everytime he talks im just like holy shit can we kiss right now man. please
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shotosprincess · 3 years
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♡ dating the bnha boys — hcs
。・:*:・-: ✧ :,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・-: ✧ :,。・:*:・゚☆
➪ shoto todoroki
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pls you’ve prolly been terrified of him for a while prior bc of how ?? talented ?? the mf is ??
but mans prolly saved you at some point and there was this lingering stare you two shared before he left you at recovery girls’ office; were you reading too far into things ?
spoiler alert: you weren’t.
he’s the kind of boyfriend to tenderly brush your hair for you and attempt to learn how to tie and braid your hair up in cute ,, simple designs !!
he’d always be ready with little things you’re constantly forgetting; extra snacks,, water,, a fully charged portable charger ,, trust me when i say that man is pREPARED- after all ,, he needs to be ready with everything to take care of his little sweetheart ,, does he not ?
at some point he’d find you sitting on the roof by yourself late at night,, only to stay with you and let you fall asleep on his chest as he drapes a blanket over you and heats it up a lil with his quirk
prolly bc he just wants to prove to you that he can be useful
pls just let the man know he’s useful and important he never shows it directly but he needs the reassurance—
he’d give you a warm massage w his quirk whenever you’re in pain :”)
loves heating//cooling things for you ,, like instant noodles or ice packs !!
surprises you w jewelry that have his initials on them !!
would hold an umbrella for u while you loop your arm into his as the two of you walk home through the light rain :”)
cries into your chest sometimes after youve fallen asleep bc it’s late nights like these when he reflects on just how lucky of a guy he is to have you— it’s hard for him to articulate it directly ,, but when he does fully open up to you ab it ,, you end up crying too .
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➪ katsuki bakugou
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prolly got with you initially bc of a dare ( and he nEVER passes up a dare ) ,, but eventually those feelings started to become real and honestly ? it kinda scared the shit outta him . he didn’t know why ,, but for some reason he didnt actually want to leave .
teasingly-mean nicknames = his love language . enough said .
makes you wear his hoodie whenever you show even the sLIGHTEST hint at being cold
he just rly wants to see you in his clothes
he’s so clueless on how to do this whole boyfriend thing ,, but he’s definitely trying bc it’s for you :”)
watches and tries so desperately to copy all the cute couples in the movies you guys watch together
“ roses...do you want roses ? “ “ what ? “ “ the guy in the movie gave her roses...do you want roses too ? “
but at the end of the day you just appreciate him for who he is and that’s more than enough for you :”)
will take any and every opportunity to show off his strength and quirk to you <3
now we all know this man gets jealous hella easily ,, and its no different w relationships :”) he’d constantly make it a point to hold you extra close to him in public ,, show you off on social media and call you by a nickname//petname whenever possible just to reiterate to ppl the fact that you’re his and he’s yours
pls i could rly see myself doing that i wont lie
honestly sometimes he forgets himself and his temper gets a little out of hand ,, but the second he sees his feral reflection in your fearful eyes,, he pulls you to his chest and apologizes profusely :”))
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➪ denki kaminari
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one tiny kiss turned into two ,, which turned into three ,, and before you knew it ,, the both of you were spilling out the pent up feelings you had for one another all this time—
mina never shuts up ab it ,, she’s so proud of her matchmaking skills
when the power goes out during a storm ,, he holds onto you tight and plays w your hair as he uses his quirk to turn things back on ,,, “ shhh it’s ok,, i’m here “
will do anything and everything to make you smile <3
he has a lil album in his camera roll with all his favourite pictures of you ,, which is practically just all of them tbh ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
super energetic n bubbly but at the end of your dates he passes out right away in your arms
you make sure to wrap him up in blankets and give him an overload of kisses after he’s rly asleep though
will work embarrassingly hard to win you stuffed animals at the fair !! it doesn’t always work ,, but it’s cute nontheless <3
some of the staff and children at the fairs get pissed off but oh well ,,, what you do for love
pls he prolly makes you lil bento boxes for lunch every now and then ( ESPECIALLY DURING EXAM WEEK ) w tiny notes and designs taped on them
constantly calls you “ shawty “ lowkey un ironically and dice rolls in ur direction whenever he sees you ,,, you just end up laughing and playfully punching him
you both agreed that at home cozy netflix dates w microwave popcorn and fuzzy blankets >>> movie theatre dates
110% made a playlist for you at some point when he crushed on you from afar and shared it w you after you started dating
he made a collaborative playlist for yall AND multiple playlists of songs that remind him of you afterwards
pls i just kNOW this man’s love language is making playlists
theyre prolly all categorized by mood or smth too w the cutest covers ever pls
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➪ ejirou kirishima
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you initially met him bc he was hella upset and alone this one time and you were the only one to notice and be there for him bc he ran away from everyone else to hide the “ uNmanLy “ tears :”))
takes you w him on his lil gym visits ,, hypes you up with every little thing u accomplish !!
constantly teasing bakugou with how he’s able to pull you and how lucky he is to have you
bakugou gets hella annoyed most of the time and just blasts him away-
idk bro i just feel like kiri prolly calls you “ adorable “ alot i wont lie-
LOVES HAND HOLDING,, takes any opportunity to hold ur hand and trace lil casual patterns across your knuckles w his thumb
sometimes he’ll even draw lil hearts on your hand
play fighting but sometimes the two of you get too carried away and he actually loses half of the time-
LATE NIGHT GAME NIGHTS WITH HIM AND THE BAKUSQUAD,, he loves being on the team against you so he can get all competitive
mans gets hella insecure ab himself sometimes ,, so he loves doing lil things for you !! opening a can ,, pulling the blanket over you ,, zipping up your jacket <33
lets you dye his hair—THATS HOW MUCH HE TRUSTS YOU BYE
pls yall prolly aggressively play wii sports and just dance against one another on a regular basis;; it’s literally your thing and you cannot tell me otherwise ahjdjfj
pls i just KNOW this man’s an overly passionate wii player
will wrap his arms around your waist and hug u from behind as you make breakfast
slow dances in the living room at midnight w you !!
eventually as you spent more time together ,,, you were able to change his idea of “ manliness “ ,, and he was able to realize that manliness is not equivalent to stoicism and that expressing ur feelings is still totally manly and totally valid !! <33
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minecraftmodus · 3 years
the constant 4th wall breaking in the dream smp by overusing the words lore, canon, and canonically does the content creators a disservice in their own performances.
I’m aware the dream smp is mostly just a bunch of minecraft creators who arent super familiar with acting or even role-playing but there is such potential in their characters that, i feel, they accidentally nerf by drawing hard lines in ‘what is canon’ to the larger story. A lot of them have this distinction that ‘lore’ has to a plot relavent piece of performance that has more than one person involved and while it can be, it doesn’t always have to be. One character’s canon actions don’t have to even be sad or conducive to the larger story, it can just be a small bit of their character’s interests or personality that flesh them out to the audience, giving them a deeper look. 
 I think thats why I enjoy both ranboo’s and tommy’s streams so much, because there’s always some level of staying in character with them. cc!Ranboo notably doesnt use the word lore in his titles and refuses to give direct answers to whether his livestreams have anything ‘important’ to the main story because theres always a possibility (example being the inventory message he did while still vcing tubbo). The only time he really breaks character is during mining trips and interacting with his donos, where any personal revelations about his character would be lackluster in nature. cc!Tommy also does a really good job of staying in character, especially during the exile arc where he still lamenting and reflecting while alone for long periods of time. Even when dealing with dubiously canon people like mexican dream, mamacita, and drista, he still maintains an air of loneliness and desperation for contact with others. Its just good roleplaying! 
cc!Eret does a pretty good job at this sorta thing by having the museum, a project that both cc!Eret and c!Eret care about for different reasons. On a practical level, cc!Eret has the Museum to preserve the history of the SMP for the audience watching and documentation of larger events. c!Eret has the museum because on some level, they’re grasping at any way to preserve L’manberg as a way to deal with the regret of betraying the country so long ago. c!Eret’s museum is a love letter to L’manberg’s citizens while cc!Eret’s museum is a love letter to the audience of the dream smp. It’s relevant to c!Eret’s character by giving us a real sense that she still cared about the land she betrayed without being overbearingly sad or even involving other people and its in character! I just think little moments where the content creators of the SMP give their characters ‘canon’ interactions without them being major revelations is kinda good because I wanna hear more from some other characters without being bonked over the head with plot or angst! I just wanna see a day in these characters’ lives and how they go about themselves without being absorbed into something beyond their power. 
but yeah this post isn’t meant to be seen as an overall negative post about the dream SMP or about me bitching about ‘not being in character blub blub’ or demanding more canon shit. I still deeply enjoy the dream smp I’m just a lil sad with the direction of some characters are taking when they have so much potential!
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blonde-toddy · 3 years
Random and Not So Random thoughts while watching Bridgerton: Season 1, Episode 2
Childbirth scenes are always fun right?
I'm guessing this is the Dukes mother.
Oh he's one of those 'give me a son' types.
Yep they the Dukes parents.
Lady Danbury laying down the law wherever she goes....y'all gonna let her see her friend!
His mother died in childbirth.....fucking hell.
At least he got a son, I guess.
Simon ......... Bassett
Sad, pensive Simon....still hot.
The queen needs all the tea!
Who's that your Grace? Tis not Daphne. You better go promenade mf!
Violet and Danbury still plotting.....
"Only five minutes alone with you in a drawing room...." Jesus! Honey she felt that....and he knew he flexed a lil too hard on that one. But fuck me, it was hot!
Yes Eloise, you're a Jo March. We fucking get it. Womaning is hard and societal expectations are bullshit. They really laid it on thick with her and I hope she becomes a bit more multidimensional.
Hold up. These poor girls don't even know where babies come from. Oh the chastity of it all.
Not that Penelope out here telling Marinas business low key.
Damn....her non-hoe brothers are lightweight roasting her. Ya sis is a baddie! Get with it.
They really don't tell these women shit about sex. Lil brother out here trying to spill the tea though. VIOLET! TALK! TO! YOUR! DAUGHTERS!
Awe shit. Daphne got fans again.......oh and here comes creepy fucking Berbrooke.
Damn Anthony you really calling her disrespectful while you out here trying to sell her like cattle to Berbrooke. Fuck. Off.
Oh it's definitely immaturity. I can't keep on with Anthony's ass. Something has got to shake.
Oh, Violet....you want it to be the Duke.
Shirtless Duke! Yes, please.
"A great deal goes on in a mind as quick as mine." Gawd help me. Kick his ass Simon! Protect your situationship partner!
Poor baby Simon can't speak so well......oh and his daddy is EVIL evil.
Penelope trying to be friendly with the expectant. She needs answers. But DAMN! Even Marina won't explain sex. Somebody help these women. Love does not impregnate. I fucking can't.
The queen of shade appears bored by a lack of new tea.
Get your eggs Daphne!
Violet gets to have tea with the queen....so that means Daphne wears diamonds to tonight's ball. Okay.
Ok Queen Danbury. Get the Duke in line.
Aww Lady Danbury and little Simon! She's here to give that boy the love he deserves. Look at this Queen Fairy GODMOTHER! I just adore her. She really is the queen to me.
Danbury blocking Anthony's attempts at cockblocking is big energy. I want Ratafia now. Let me go Google what in the hell that is and where to find it.
I feel like that lil spin Simon did was a bit of improv, but I liked it.....and you can't tell me they weren't having a real life ball dancing together in that scene. That was legit laughter between friends. I'm here for it. They brought the energy in that dance.
Here goes Anthony's ass trying to fuck it up again. This time he wants middle brothers help. Middle brother just wants to chill, not dance with his sister, bro. I like middle brother. Yes I know his name is Benedict.
Simon shading Berbrooke is gold. Calling him the fuck out was even better.
Oh Anthony....took you long enough.
Daphne is not here to have her honor protected by ANY MAN. I love this bitch. Simon was just trying to help though.
Danbury planting her lil seeds. This is her world. We just wish we lived in it.
Simons going to take the air....ah walk home. Because nothing bad ever happens on a dark walk home.
This mf Berbrooke just will not stop. He gets more disgusting with each interaction, I swear. But what you're not gonna do, is keep disrespecting Daphne. The Duke out here growling at this mf.
Ooooh I love a good head butt!
I stan a fake couple who beat up the same perv.
Oh now this EVIL mf.
You trying to prove yourself. Poor baby.
Old dogs. New tricks. We all know the saying. That mf man is awful. I see some daddy issues coming to the story. That's probably why he stopped himself from completely pulverizing Berbrooke. He doesn't want to be cruel like his father.
Sad reflective Simon.....hiding his pain literally and figuratively.
Damn, Whistledown, Daphne does not want Berbrooke. Everybody knows that. Stop trying to make it a thing.
"It does not matter what the Duke thinks, Rose." Sure, Jan.
I'm sick of this basket weave haired bitch.
Oh Portia.
Penelope and Eloise still knowing nothing about sex is depressing.
Fuck off Anthony. Daphne is done with your fuckery...and she's calling you tf out. I'll say it again, Daphne is my bitch.
Heyyyyy Simon!
Oooof Daphne sees that bruised up hand. You really gonna lie and say boxing. Boy bye.
Oooooh the cuff-buttoning and banter with instense eye contact. KEEP FEEDING ME!
Oh here comes this mf Berbrooke. Duke, you're busted. Simon ready to throw hands again. This hoe ass mf is really trying to force a wedding.
Daphne really just gonna give up. Aw naw.
Violet, God bless you, but your vague ass speech does not help.
Ooooh smoking Eloise. I love a good vice.....oh and sibling bonding. This is nice.
I think Simon likes getting knocked around. There's something very masochistic about the way he seems to enjoy it. He's sad about Daphne having to marry Berbrooke and can't express that in the way he should or would like to....More on this later, I'm sure.
Violet and the queen.....and the queen likes nose play. Okay then.
Ohhhh the queen is basically telling Violet that Daphne better get things rolling with the Duke for the notoriety and popularity it would provide her family.
So why tf are you inviting Berbrookes raggedy ass mama over for tea? This bitch. You can definitely see why her son is so fucked up.
Kippers on Rye. No ma'am.
Ahhhh Violet was fishing for a scandal to stop the Berbrooke marriage. Makes sense.
Well, mission accomplished. No thanks to Anthony.
Violet stays at his neck though.
I really don't like Marina being all confined.
Sisterly bonding maybe? Daphne dropping knowledge and optimism on Eloise.
Well shit, deflate that balloon.
*In My Blood (Instrumental) plays*
Aaaand she's back on the arm of the Duke.
Their chemistry is mind blowing. Like they could melt my screen just looking at each other.
"Call me by my name" because 'Call me by your Name' could never.
Gawd the way he says her name. That's it. I want Daphne to be my name now.
The intimacy of that bruised hand on her bare shoulder - ICONIC.
Lady Danbury knows all and jealous Simon has entered the room.
Not his evil ass daddy again.
Oh fuck Simon. Why would you make a promise like that?! Thats OBVIOUSLY coming back around on you. Who tf are you really hurting in avowing never to marry or have children?!
But the "Speak, you fucking monster," was everything. Full circle.
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jougogo · 4 years
mascaras the haikyuu queens would borrow from my bag
based on my unhealthy obsession with mascaras (pls someone sponsor me)
also there’s a crack drabble at the end please read it im wheezing
shimizu kiyoko
bombastic by doucce: HAVE YOU SEEN THIS GIRL'S GORGEOUS LASHES im so jealous, anyways this mascara has a good wand and it's really good for achieving a more wispy/voluminous/full look IN LIKE ONE SWIPE WTF THIS IS A GODSEND. literally looks like lash extensions, i could go on and on about this mascara. not flaky and this will survive through workouts! doesn't give you raccoon eyes so it's good ! (coming from an athlete with an oily eyelids so dw i gotchu covered) a personal fav of mine teehee, ranked #1 in my bag.
hitoka yachi
it's real! benefit: this mascara is so so good at lengthening and giving off that natural look, which i think yachi would appreciate because she doesn't like too much attention and it's natural so she can sneak this by her mom nope def not speaking from experience it's really great for beginners, and also very reliable and trustworthy. this lil thing will get the job done, guranteed.
tanaka saeko
better than sex by too faced: this mascara just screams I N T E N S I T Y. it's super voluminizing and gives off the appearance of a fuller lash. on the more dry/creamy side so it's super great for beginners or if ur really hungover. also it's v v reliable, will give you wispy lashes every time! my go to when im late which is everyday but we don't talk about that
michimiya yui
bad gal bang! by benefit: another really natural one, good at separating, very VERY lengthening. dramatic enough so that it'll make you look more awake but still not enough to get daichi's attention rip.  but this shi!t will stay all day until you take it off. a little more liquidy so you get some time to fix any lashes that are stuck together. also, thin wand so great for bottom lashes as well! 10/10, very much recommend. 
shirofuku yukie
waterproof lights camera lashes by tarte: i feel like she's the type to be drinking her water but then when she puts it down too quickly the water just splashes right back in her face?? LMAO or does this only happen to me, but she needs her mascara to be waterproof! also bc of all the steam from the yummy food contests she's conquering! anyways the queen deserves the whole spotlight so she gets the beloved lcl by tarte! the wand is pretty thin but don't let that fool you, because this wand is so good at lengthening and separating lashes. really good at holding curls. 
suzumeda kaori
lash sensational from loreal: pls give this poor girl a break i cant even imagine running around the fukurodani team with bokuto's antics, they've definitely broken into her bags more than once and messed up her stuff. so she had to get the cheap drugstore mascara just in case </3 but its okay because this is one of my top 3, the consistency is really good and the wand is so amazing gahh, it has like different combs on different sides so if you have that one pesky pair of lash that just sticks together it'll be super easy to fix. perfect for on the go
misaki hana
kush mascara by milk makeup: you can't convince me that this girl isn't exhausted from the antics of johzenji, which makes this mascara perfect for her! the consistency is on the creamy/dry side so a couple quick swipes will get you the full lash. plus it's infused w some cannabis oil so it makes ur lash healthier (but terushima will definitely try to do some experiments w this so please hana guard it safely)
amanai kanoka
lash next door by brooklyn and bailey: ok ok so my fav thing about this mascara is that it's not waterproof so it's easy to take off, but it's water resistant so that it won't come off when you're all sweaty!! literally perfect for intense practices, and the wand is similar to lcm by tarte so they wield pretty similar results; sweet, curled, lengthened lashes!! and DOES NOT FLAKE it's literally a life saver
alisa haiba
liquid lash extensions by thrive: this mascara definitely the one i use the most! It’s unique in the sense that it’s a tubing mascara, so it’s water resistant which is great for alisa because she keeps tearing up every time lev messes up a serve (we stan a responsible sis) BUT it’s also very easily removed! just splash some warm water and the mascara literally slides right off im not even kidding. she definitely takes really good care of her appearance and will be sad even if she sees one eyelash fall so this is really great for her bc waterproof mascara is such a pain in the ass to remove. also very lengthening
yamaka mika 
lash multiplier by revlon: mika is a baddie!! but daishou makes her cry so much she has to rebuy a tube like every month. so our lovely mika gets something easy, cheap, and has a good effect for puppy eyes. this mascara is just like the liquid lash extension; a tubing mascara,,,HOWEVER this one is WAY CHEAPER. u can def find this at ur local drugstore for like 6-8 bucks. great for on the go since it's easy to apply super fast, will get u a nice full fringe in like 3 swipes.
nametsu mai
damn girl! by too faced: how could i forget our beloved date tech manager,,,mai is def the scariest on date tech and she will let you know!!! this mascara is essentially a sequel to better than sex; your lashes will be bigger, fuller, and more glamorous! also the formula is literally so light it's like whipped cream,,, you will not feel a thing guranteed. it's like extensions but m a g i c
after being scolded by yukie for not getting dinner on time, the boys of the 3rd gym strolled through the dimly lit hallway on the way to the cafeteria. "yo, you know, i heard the girls bathrooms have couches or whatever," kuroo said, noticing the girl's bathroom as they walked past it. 
"what! thats not fair!" bokuto whined. "how come the girl's stuff are always nicer? the boy's bathroom always just stinks, and there's always pee on the ground for some reason. like why can't you just aim? it's not that hard." 
"well, im sure for short people, like maybe yaku-san or shoyo it's easy. but it's hard to aim when you're very tall!" lev explained brightly. in the onsen somewhere, morisuke yaku felt shivers go up his spine and a sudden urge to punch someone.
"lev, are u sure ur not the one peeing the floor? c'mon, man this is why we don't get nice things in our bathrooms!" kuroo groaned, flicking the first year’s forehead.
"well, it's just a rumor," akaashi explained, lifting the hem of his shirt to wipe off the sweat on his face. "there might not be a couch in the girl's bathroom."
"why don't you go find out?" tsukki taunted with a devilish grin on his face. 
"i don't think this is a good idea," akaashi remarked, albeit a bit too late as hinata, kuroo, lev, and bokuto already sprinted down the hallway. 
"aww, no couch" bokuto disappointedly wailed when he stepped into the girl's bathroom. 
"well, this is a school bathroom after all," kuroo admitted as he flipped on the light switch. the bathroom was cleaner than the boy’s, for sure, but after all the outrageous tales they had expected to find at least a little something out of the ordinary.
"hey, what's this?" hinata was pointing to a bright pink makeup bag that was lying open on the counter.
"ooh, one of the managers must’ve left it behind! whose bag is this, is there a name on it?" lev rushed over to the bag and turned it upside down. dozens of colorful tubes and compacts fell out, splayed across the counter.
"whats this tube?" hinata asked, holding up a metallic pink tube.
"well, what does it say on the tube, dumbass?" tsukki smirked from the door frame he was leaning on. akaashi hesitantly stood behind him, questioning if entering the girl’s bathroom was a good decision. 
"better..than sex!" hinata read aloud, a bit louder than he had intended to. everyone froze, and stared at the little pink tube.
"wait what the fu- hold up lemme see that," kuroo aggressively grabbed the tube from hinata's hands and twisted it open
"oh it's just macasara," bokuto said. they shouldn’t have been surprised, considering it did come out of a makeup bag.
"do you think the name is true?" kuroo was actually curious about this. is the little pink tube of innocent looking mascara the reason that girls were refusing to go out with him?
"let's see," bokuto snatched the tube out of kuroo's hand and started swiping on the pigment on his lashes, his mouth agape and head tilted back as he intently stared at his reflection in the mirror.
"it's been 10 minutes since we called the boys, should we check up on them?" yachi said nervously. the other girls turned and looked as if she had just made a revelation. "you're right, bokuto always sprints up for dinner and he looked pretty eager when we gave him his notice," kaori said nervously. "and everyone knows that the nekoma boys shouldn't be left alone, they're chaotic," shirufuku remarked. "that's so true...lets go find them," the rest of the managers agreed, taking off their aprons and stepping out of the cafeteria.
however, they heard the boisterous laughs a floor away. cautiously, kiyoko led the group down the stairs and followed the sound. imagine their surprise when they found the noise coming from inside the girl's bathroom. 
"um, we're the only girls here…" yachi whispered. they crept up closer and closer until they were right outside. kiyoko put her finger to her lips and motioned for the girls to line up against the wall just in case. "okay, we'll open the door in 3…" she put her hand on the knob. "2…" it seemed like time was in slow motion as everyone's heart pounded loudly. "1!"
kuroo and hinata have mascara on their eyebrows, streaks of black pigment under their eyes and all over their cheeks like some kind of war paint. akaashi is holding an eyelash curler, trying to curl bokuto's eyelashes all the while bokuto is smacking akaashi's hand away.
"it looks like a torture device!" he cried.
"bokuto-san, it's suppose the enhance the lengthening effect,"
lev is trying to give himself a mustache by swiping on hair-like strokes with the mascara wand, and ever the opportunist, tsukki is in the corner, taking blackmail pictures
"oh, hi!. . . girls" hinata trailed off when he saw the horrified managers through the mirror. every face in the room paled white as a sheet. 
extra no.2:
"wait how do i take this off, it's not coming off with water!!" bokuto wailed, slumping against the sink
he had unfortunately, picked the waterproof mascara.
the managers agreed that they have all conveniently ran out of makeup wipes
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swamplatibule · 3 years
starwritten society “season one” summary in bullet points
The Starwritten Society is a secret organization dedicated to rescuing children with paranormal abilities from those who would manipulate or weaponize those abilities. They also specialize in training those children to control their powers, if need be.
But forget about that let’s get to the cool stuff
fox exists
everyone is either kinda in love with him or fucking hates him
or both *coughwilsoncough*
also he’s a bastard
and he looks like pedro pascal but that’s whatever just focus
he gets back from a mission
and is immediately called into Iara’s office
they’re the head of the Society btw
he thinks he’s in trouble but NOPE
turns out he’s a mentor now! yayyy!
wait no he doesn’t want to be a mentor oops
especially not to this... sassy child
who by the way seems WAY too young to be an agent
and he knows that you need a recommendation from a higher ranking agent to be a mentor and so he asks who recommended him
turns out it was wilson
who’s the head of the high risk rescue division
and also the character that almost the entire made-up fandom ships with fox but they don’t expect it to actually happen because the amount of queerbaiting in tv is RIDICULOUS
but jokes on them everyone in this goddamn show is gay as fuck lol
anyway he confronts wilson bc he doesn’t want a trainee wtf dude
and wilson goes
”I thought having another life to worry about might make you a little less reckless.”
yeah they have a very passive-aggressive rivalry as of yet
and so fox is stuck with a trainee
her name is hollister btw, aidan hollister, she’s the paraself
anywho hollister n fox do NOT get along at first
fox makes it very clear that he doesn’t think hollister is cut out for this kinda shit
like even though she was able to hack into the society's security systems which is basically impossible
she doesn’t know how to hold a gun or fight a bitch
AND she’s like 14, most agents don’t start training until they’re like 17
so shes too young for this shit
and hollister is pissed because she earned her right to be here and this motherfucker is just fuckn UGH
also she has a hidden complex about not being good enough or “worthy” but shhhh that’s a secret
but they‘re stuck with each other though so
then we meet Kennedy, she runs the tech devision and was very impressed Hollister managed to hack the system (that she made! Kennedy made the system! She’s by far the most vital person in the Society and don’t you ever forget it)
Kennedy and Fox are also really good friends they’ve known each other since they were trainees
kennedy immediately takes a liking to hollister
she slowly grows on Fox too but he won’t show it
well he has to adopt train this kid so there’s like a solid three episodes that’s just them going missions and him teaching her how to do agenty stuff
then we meet The Bad Guy
Her name is Eleanor Sylvidas
which is the same name as the first bad guy Fox ever faced bc she‘s that lady’s daughter and has the same name
turns out her mom raised her to continue the family business
if you know what I mean
so Eleanor is giving the Society a lot of shit to deal with
fox and hollister’s mission is to get any sort of information on her, try to find her location but DO NOT GET INTO A FIGHT WITH HER bc they won’t let hollister get into fights yet
anyway turns out eleanor is in the building at the same time as them
they get split up
hollister gets into a fight with her
of course
because shes Like That
hollister loses but fox saves her and they get the hell out of there
the bad news is that Eleanor is now targeting these two specifically
she recognized fox as the guy who got her mom arrested and since hollister’s his trainee she’s roped into the mess too
so a few episode pass that i haven’t fully daydreamed yet
just a few training things and dangerous shit and fox teaching Hollister how to steal a car
and we have a backstory episode duh
every good show has some backstory exposition
long story short fox‘s parents died in a murder-su•c•de and also his sister got kidnapped and he spent a year in foster care before running away and joining the circus and eventually the Society
hollister never met her parents and has spent her entire life in the foster care system
and tragic villain backstory! That’s the heroes don’t know!
Eleanor’s mom basically made her feel worthless or like she wouldn't be good for anything if she couldn’t carry on with the plan thing.
And she doesn’t actually want to be doing any of this! She just acts like she does and wears this sadistic twisted mask to hide any doubt
but enough sad shit get ready for...
there’s one in each season, where the characters have to sneak into a very rich-people black-tie event
and also sneak in as many weapons as they can fit on their person
so they go to this party
and they split up in order to find eleanor
and fox SPECIFICALLY tells Hollister “if you see her don’t engage, just let me take care of it”
hollister sees Eleanor and tries to get Fox’s attention but eleanor is going somewhere and she doesn’t have time and-
so she just follows Eleanor without Fox’s help
and then they get into another fight
and it’s a pretty even fight bc hollister’s a quick learner and stuff
and so she’s gotten pretty good at fighting
but then fox finds them and hollister’s distracted and eleanor gets away
and so they’re back where they started
there‘s a long scene of him arguing with her because she put herself in danger and could‘ve gotten herself killed
and her arguing that she had it, she could’ve just ended the whole thing right there and they wouldn’t have to deal with this lady anymore
but NO because fox had to interrupt
it ends with hollister storming out of the room and Fox just sighing and leaning against the wall
and then realizing suddenly that
well shit
maybe he does care about this kid
thats not good
but of course he’s not gonna say it out loud bc he doesn‘t want to admit that attachment
in the end it’s after a long talk with Kennedy that he admits it
partially because she locks him in her office because she KNOWS something‘s wrong and she also knows that he’ll bottle it up land deal with it silently unless someone makes him talk about it
Kennedy is absolutely not gonna have that shit because that’s not ✨healthy✨
she’s a good friend like that and also just a badass in general
anyway so fox admits that mayyybe yeah he cares about the kid and possibly hypothetically sees her as a daughter and such
Kennedy seems satisfied so she tells him to go find Hollister
wherever she went
And it turns out!!!
she just straight up left the building and went for a walk to clear her head
which is dangerous, dumbass, what are you thinking someone’s trying to kill you
Hollister is a reflection of myself so it makes sense that she’s an idiot tbh
but anyway a few people who work for Eleanor attacked her and captured her and such
fox doesnt know that yet so he’s walking around looking for her
and after a while he starts getting worried
because where the hell is she? where the fuck is his kid dammit
and then
he gets a text
from hollister's phone
with a series of coordinates
and so being the impulsive dumbass he is he just goes to those coordinates as fast as he can without any sort of backup
and it turns out!
Eleanor was trying to get both of them in the same place, yknow
two birds with one stone n shit
hollister is still alive don’t worry!
she gets plot armor because I like her
so there’s a fight, there’s blood and grit and also there’s...
✨eleanor having a mental breakdown✨
and so she’s talking about how she HAS to do this and she’s losing her composed cool persona and just going wild
and fox tries to calm her down but it doesn’t work, she just wants to kill them both right now and she’s not gonna stop until either they’re dead or she is
and so they fight, although the main two don’t really have a choice in it
Kennedy shows up with backup bc shes a bad bitch like that
and eventually, after a long fight, Hollister and Fox take down Eleanor
They don’t kill her, obviously, but they are Getting This Bitch Therapy
I think she might be important later in like
season 4 or something
that’s the one I just started daydreaming
but forget about that there’s sappy stuff happening! :D
they’re both on the floor, hollister’s kinda hugging herself and she looks like she‘s about to cry
”I thought you didn’t want me around. I thought I wasn’t good enough.”
and then fox just hugs her
and now they’re both crying
and the viewers are crying
and the sky is also crying
because it’s raining when they get outside
and they’ve become this lil family duo
and BOOM there you go season one in bullet points
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summoner-kentauris · 3 years
What does your interpretation of Zacharias think about Líf and Thrasir? (You can either just answer or write a lil story if you feel like it)
OOOO now i have thought in my free time a fair amount about what líf thinks of zasha but, and i cannot believe this, i have not thought about what zacharias thinks about líf and thrasir. full disclosure, book III happened to be going on when i formally stopped playing feh. i kept up with the story after that but, theres my obligatory knowledge base disclaimer.
also minor cws through this whole thing because i talk here and there about zacharias and his... mm, canonical relationship to death/selfharm
so, i spent a lot of time thinking about this one, and i keep coming back to my gut reaction, which is that i don't think zacharias would like them very much. i dont know why i think that, though.
i think a lot of it would depend on how they approach him, which is maybe why i've spent more time thinking about the reverse of this ask, come to think of it. see, i think zacharias could go any which way in terms of what he thinks of them. i think he could hate them, as two people who killed versions of everyone he ever loved, including metaphorically killing off the two people closest to him.
i think he could love him, having seen the hell (ha ha literally) that they went through. understanding what that feels like. given the way he talks about his suicide attempts, and honestly that he spent most of book I trying to get people to kill him, really his whole relationship to death. i mean the man talks a lot about death and killing. he might not be the feh OC who best understands how manipulative and... whats a good word. alluring? what im trying to say is that besides eir, he might be the one most likely to understand why Hel and hel's offer appealed to líf and thrasir. i feel like this bit has a place here: "With his dying breath...he begged for his life. He called out your names! "I'll do anything you ask! Just let me live!" excepting of course that i still am not sure if i think he said/thought that or not. ive never been sure who really is in control of speaking right then and there. Anyway. Probably he could come to understand Líf and Thrasir's stance, enough that he could care about them the same ways he cares about his versions of Alfonse ann Veronica
on the other hand, i can see him being fully horrified by the choices those two made in response. this bit: Not anyone... This dark god...seeks death. And it cries for the destruction of Askr. Like. Líf and Thrasir are intentionally enacting the same thing as the dark god's desires, in order to correct a mistake they made that, uh, also enacted the same thing as dark god's desires. talk about awkward. and i think Zasha, who has lived with this nightmare in his head for so long, might recoil from people who are so directly aligned with it. who wants to be around someone who has become, who has chosen to become, everything you ever feared you'd be? especially when you're nearly drowning from the effort of fighting to stop yourself.
i could also see him meeting them and it being incredibly, incredibly bad for him. i feel like, he puts a whole lot of... mm. what am i trying to say.here:
Yet it is you that says this, dear friend, and so I must consider it. I see the faith reflected in your eyes. Perhaps it is possible...
You never change. All you see is a lofty goal, even if you lack the means to achieve it... The idea that gods would fall by the hand of man is a fantasy... and a preposterous one. This is a goal that even our ancestors Líf and Thrasir could not achieve.
setting aside the obligatory wtf zash i know you know your lore (fuck, maybe there is no killing the gods, maybe all Fire Emblem victories are temporary at best and Zenith is the only one who knows it. but i think, probably not), i think you could spin a very believable scenario where zacharias takes one look at these two ambitious, arrogant posers and absolutely refuses to speak to them any further.
so, part one, i think that zacharias could think any number of things about líf and thrasir. which i suppose means that i think he's fairly neutral on the subject of líf and thrasir. makes sense to me, i suppose. i feel like zacharias | bruno has practice (regardless of whether he's any good at it or not, or whether its any good for him) at holding and maintaining separate personas, so I don't think the fact that líf and thrasir were alfonse and veronica would necessarily be all that important to him.
which brings me to part ii
what happened to dead zenith zacharias
if zacharias is neutral on the subject, I think a lot of their relationship is going to pushed in one direction or another by líf and thrasir themselves.
and, complicating matters (when do I make things simple?), i think their approach to zacharias would of course depend on what happened to their zacharias. correct me if im wrong, but i dont think we have even a hint what happened to him.
there are three ish options I'm seeing. one: as dead world zenith is further along in its timeline and as zacharias claims he's almost out of time with his curse, other zacharias died due to that before the war with hel. i feel like scenario one is the most likely to lead to a good relationship between main zacharias and líf and thrasir.
two: mr. professional "knows plot relevant things out of knowhere" was the one who found out about angrboða's heart in the first place. especially given "As destruction took hold, we joined with Embla to seek the forbidden heart...", which to me sounds a lot like, "hel was kicking our ass then zacharias showed up and said we should go get this mystical plot object from embla". thrasir even says she and líf weren't allies before the world went to shit. anyway. hear me out here:
Yes. The heart is sealed within an Emblian blood temple. If that seal is broken, someone will die each time the heart beats... Those who perform the rite are the first to die.
Now. Líf claims he was the one who broke it open, but he also was present for the war that followed and only after was he killed and inducted into hel's army. so. both of those things can't be true. i propose that the magic mcguffin located in a sealed emblian blood temple was unlocked by our dear zacharias and thats what killed him in other zenith. i think its possible that other veronica was the one who did it, but you know. its all imagination at this point. also, and i forgot this, but thrasir does go off about how she can't lose until she saves her brother, so. something especially tragic happened at least. and oh boy is scenario two a nice fresh tasty tragedy. so that's scenario two. other zacharias directly died as a result of attempts to fight hel
number three thing that could have happened to zach is boring. he's always off doing things, he could have just died off screen. i mean. everyone did, eventually.
frankly he could still be alive for all i know. the heart appears to take the lives of people in the world, not of the world, or else the summoner would have been fine. so, if zacharias was on one of his off world jaunts, he could conceivably be a-okay. well. as okay as someone who's whole world died. i don't think that's what happened, because thrasir is pretty clear about feeling that she failed him, but yknow.
líf and thrasir's reactions to the above
thrasir is i think the most straightforward. i can't really see her approaching main zacharias with anything but positive intent. even if she's only a little bit open, i think thrasir and zacharias will probably have a decently tolerable relationship. if zacharias can come back to a country that exiled him as a kid and let his mother die in a dungeon and then go on to not just befriend but protect and care for a half sister he didnt know before then, then i think he'll find a way to care about thrasir. you know, intsys could have had fun making another perpetual older brother character. as i understand it, xander gets brother'd a lot, he and zach could have talked. could have been fun. a whole, zacharias, a historically traumatized child: *arrives in a world* every currently traumatized kid in a five mile radius: oh shit this one's ours now. you know what im saying? found family except zacharias would very much like it to stop finding him. he's got important brooding to do. but anway, they didn't go that route and its a tragedy.
líf is... more complicated. i think scenario one creates the most positive outlook. i can see him still having guilt over zacharias' loss, but i think any of it would be overshadowed by everything else that happened. in this scenario, líf finally gets back a piece of the world he'd lost. yeah, it's not his zacharias, but still. it is a zacharias, who is living and breathing and frowning and asking why you are staring at me, knight. i think the two of them could get along rather well, although i see them having significant issues with pessimism. inch-restingly enough... the dark curse bades its hosts to kill askrans. and líf is, well. dead. so... perhaps... perhaps líf wouldn't trigger the curse like alfonse does. in that case, not only does líf get someone back he thought he'd never see again, but so does zacharias.
scenario two is just a nightmare. frankly, i initially thought this scenario would lead to líf just ignoring zacharias (out of guilt, pain, etc), but i was rereading the scripts looking for the spelling of angrboða and this came up:
Tell Hel. She'll erase those memories. She'll erase them all...
so, honestly? i think that in scenario two líf just straight up gets hel to remove his memories of zacharias (as an aside maybe this is also why he never ever ever talks about other anna >:{ )
in that case, líf wouldn't really have any reason to talk to this man, who causes this empty deeply sad feeling to well up in him for now discernible reason. and zacharias has no reason (or time) to talk to this standoffish general of the dead. so. that's a real ships in the night moment.
number three i think líf would still hold the same guilt as in number two, but i don't think it would be as horrifically tragic, so i think it's more likely he'd be willing to approach zacharias. he does appear to have even worse of a thing than alfonse about not opening oneself up to people, but i think that even if he's líf, he once was an alfonse, and being that this is me answering this, i don't think any alfonse can really keep away from a zacharias for very long. its a version of the person who once knew him as well as any other person in the world. like líf can't really seem to stop himself from associating with main sharena, i don't think he could stop himself from reaching out in his own way to main zacharias. and god does that man need some more friends. i think zacharias would probably be a little frightened of líf, and of what an alfonse could become. but i think probably... i feel like a lot of book i issues stem from the fact that, justified or not, zacharias thinks alfonse would risk anything, any harm to save him. i don't know that confronting an alfonse who literally risked everything and did all harm to save his world would be a comfort, but i do think zacharias would get a lot out of having someone who's already done the worst they can do. been there, done that, got the tshirt. i think zacharias would be a little afraid of what an alfonse could become, but i think he would no longer have to be afraid of... no, anxious about it. i think there's a kind of calm in having something confirmed that zacharias could appreciate. healthy? unhealthy? fuck if i know. i also think that in líf, zacharias has a friend who he can't physically hurt anymore. lífs already dead. been there done there got the.... glowing gel torso. i think, curse nonewithstanding, zacharias will always have some degree of tension and fear about hurting people he's in a relationship with, be that because of his issues with abandonment, of abandoning, of harm, etc. but you know. líf's kind of a rock. and he's already hit his rock bottom, now that i'm thinking about rocks. i think that kind of steady, placid deathness could really help zacharias. and i think he would find it soothing, whether or not he knew why.
plus he will be able to know that if the curse gets him, if he dies... he'll still have a friend in the realm of the dead. he doesnt have to be so afraid of leaving and getting left
so there we go! lots of musings. i have been thinkin about why my headcanons are less that and more elaborate branching theories, and i think it is because i would change my opinion depending on which story i wanted to tell or hear or see.so yeah. dunno which one of these answers belongs to the question, what does your interpretation of Zacharias think about Líf and Thrasir?, but hopefully at least one of them is interesting to read about!
OH also. i think he would be petty-ly annoyed about them cribing líf and thrasir's name. like full on scholar petty. probably showed up to the order in a nerdy huff excited to meet the actual factual líf and thrasir and turns out its just those two, sitting around glowing and reciting death metal lyrics like they're spoken word ballads. dont think he'd get over that ever.
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evans-heaven · 4 years
Oh look more notes on Defending Jacob (ep. 5 this time also still not spoiler free)
As per usual I'm not a pro this is all in good fun I'm biased blah blah blah hope y'all enjoy 💕🤣
The moment I heard the song the episode opening with I was like "really? 🤨" why is this dark ass show opening with a bunch of singing munchkins lmao BUT it all made sense once I saw it was graduation. Of course upon learning this fact i was then sad, cause it meant Jacob was missing it. Poor kid is missing out on a pretty big milestone and who knows how many others in the future because of the murder, and that's sad (keep in mind this was before he called Sarah a sl*t so he still had a lil bit of my favor/sympathy but now fuck him) 😭😔
Kinda side eyeing Joan now cause she spat on Laurie (more on that later) but damn if she didn't make me tear up with how much she was struggling to give her speech. Idk what it's like to lose a kid, especially your only kid, but I couldn't imagine having the strength to even get up, let alone face his entire class that I know he should be with. Mad props to her 💕
I'm gonna honest, just as Andy was looking at Billy before he sat and they started talking, my immediate thought was "ugh he looks like such a doll 😭" Andy is v distracting don't blame me ANYWAY.
The grey/blue tones of this scene set the mood perfectly, paired by the expressions and amazing acting. Here we have a father and son that haven't spoken in decades. There's gonna be tension, there's gonna be a bite in their tones, especially given the circumstances. No smiles, unless you count Billy's halfway smirk and Andy's sarcastic laughing. I adore how it was portrayed because I imagine it was pretty realistic.
No hate BUT I still feel like Laurie could have told Andy about her encounter with the reporter. Even if theres nothing that could have been done, it would have still been a good idea to brace him for the article's release. He shouldn't have had to find out about it via Joanna shoving the magazine towards him. I ain't saying her lie was as bad as his but...it still happened. And meeting a reporter, even if she was ambushed, is a big deal. Who knows what was said and done and what could be twisted?
Can't a woman spontaneously buy 4th of July shit without getting spit on? I know Joan is grieving, I know her heart is broken and I know her mind is all over the place. But spitting on people isn't gonna fix that. Even if it makes them feel bad.
Backtracking here I actually thought she was gonna slap her but anyway
Duffy is so done w this man and shes a whole mood lmao. Andy's gonna get thrown in jail for stalking and harrassment if he keeps this shit up and his ass gets more and more risky. I can't for the life of me get how Derek's mom didn't blow his ass up for even talking to her kid. He looked uncomfortable af 😭 also puncturing her damn tire? In broad daylight? You wanna tell me no one saw him? Either way, bad Andrew.
I know I said the quote "our memories are often unreliable" could tie into Laurie's memory about Jacob at the bowling alley. Even so, I have a hard time seeing how it could be viewed differently. Unless her memory is twisting itself and making her remember things worse than they are given the circumstances, what was the actual backstory? Laurie is going down a dark path though, so who knows what else her mind is gonna do to her.
So who's gonna help me keep Sarah away from these messy ass boys?? Poor girl already knows some shit (a little or a lot) about Ben's murder, I think that's enough drama for her to be involved in. She doesn't need Derek being a creepy stalker thinking hes superman or Jacob sl*tshaming her like the ungrateful little prick he is. On that note, Ben is also a little prick for the way he treated Sarah before he died. So I maintain, get her away from these messy ass boys. Also maybe I'm biased but I dont think shes the murderer and anyone who does can suck it. If I'm wrong I never said this but i know I'm right lol okay but seriously don't quote me if I'm not.
I spoke enough about the closet scene so scroll through my ask tag for all my thoughts lmao 🤣🥴
I spoke a little about the cutter p*rn here but real talk, Andy's response shouldn't have been to take Jacob fishing. Even if he deleted it from his search, he still found out and still investigated for himself. So why not confront him? Like I said, it may or may not be a big deal. 
I been through this before but...Andy Barber is a good fucking dad. To a fault, maybe, but he loves his kid so damn much and that's heart warming to see-in their more casual moments of course, not when hes making these dumbass moves lmao. I know damn near any parent would want to take their kid's place, and Andy said so. Even if he can't actually do that, hes still willing to put himself in danger if it means protecting his kid.
Andy's face when Laurie told him he has Billy's eyes said a lot. He doesn't wanna hear the similarities between him and that man. Not given their relationship (or lack thereof) or the way they last encounter went. Also, similarities between them could directly mean similarities between Billy and Jacob, which is exactly what they're trying to avoid. I made fun of the murder gene I know, but they could still be concerned with it.
Lil post on the final scene here cause I still feel the same lmao but also Matt you had a big fucking mouth when you were telling your mom to shut up weren't you? So why so quiet now?
Some more shorter notes:
Laurie's smile when she saw Sarah was so precious 😭
Andy Laurie absolutely did not feel the same but idk where those present day scenes are going lol
Also fuck Neal
Man you could put a grey filter over this damn show and it wouldn't make a difference lmao
I love the little pop of color Sarah's work shirt gives, definitely reflects her character and how bright she seems to be in Jacob's life (before he called her a sl*t) and in the show overall.
Laurie's look after Joanna told him good work said it all 🤣🥴
That "hey...hey. Listen to me" in that voice...just fuck me okay.
Andy's laugh after Jacob told him "tell your face" tho 😭🤣 also nice callback to the first ep. with that line!
Thats all for now, til episode six lovelies <3
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cherrysunflowers · 4 years
nsfw for kiss the canvas babes 👀👀
kiss the canvas babies
• who kissed who first?  
n&m: okay sO I feel like nicky PLANNED on kissing mo first??? but every time he tried during their first date, something would come up and the mood would just DIE and he'd get so frustrated abt it??? but lbr mo would’ve honestly just been like ‘fUCK IT’ and kissed him im cackling
j&m: i think jesse did?? bc it was during the power outage when margo was over rmr, and they were surrounded by candles and :’(( 
• who made the first move?
n&m: why,,, do i get the feeling mo did,,,, bc lets face it even tho nicky wants to fuCK he would most definitely wait until mo gives him a sign that she's down?? like yea they'd joke abt fucking and stuff like that, but he would most definitely not do anything crazy until she shows signs that she wants it, and even then, he would’ve asked for consent bc he is a Good Boy
j&m: okay so since jess is also a Good Boy, I feel like he would’ve also waited for margo to make the first move. and I feel like after lots of reassurance and affirmations, she would've finally gotten enough confidence to make the first move?? it wouldve definitely been a little thing tho, like maybe setting a hand on his chest, or nibbling his bottom lip or smth as they made out. just small things.
• what’s the relationship like?
n&m: ridiculously adventurous. spontaneous. not much is planned between the two of them. I feel like they wouldn't even plan dates, nick would just pick mo up at her apartment, and they just see where it goes. but they can also be rlly lazy and domestic?? like, when mo’s slammed with work, and nick is busy at the warehouse, they have date night at home and do takeout and a movie while wearing pyjamas y’know??
j&m: soft, really domestic and sweet. since jess’ got danny, it kind of already feels like they're married, really. since margo takes care of danny like she's his mother, and they already kind of have the whole family dynamic. so I feel the relationship consists of small acts of affection, like knowing smiles, and gentle touches, stuff like that. and since they aren't able to go out as much, their date nights mostly consist of home cooked meals, watching netflix and falling asleep on the couch at 11pm.
• who’s the most possessive?
n&m: nicky. definitely. he knows that girls like mo never ever give guys like him a chance. he doesn’t fuck around when it comes to guys flirting with her or trying to make moves. she’s the most special thing he’s ever had in his life, and hes absolutely terrified of her leaving him, even if it doesn't show.
j&m: I feel like its jess. since he knows everything about margo’s past, he’s dead set on protecting her. and that shows whenever he sees someone trying to talk to her in a way he knows isn’t all that innocent, or something like that. and all he'd even have to do is shoot them a look and thats it. 
• what is their favourite way to kiss?
n&m: ok lbr when they kiss, they fucking mAKE OUT. like fuckin’ all tongue or nothing, nicky does Not Fuck Around okay he thinks pecking is for pussies
j&m: softly. I feel like they wouldn't feel the need for all that passion and craze. margo would love leaving little kisses all over jess, whether its his shoulder, or back, or cheek, or lips. anywhere she can reach to show him her affection.
• who tops during sex?
n&m: I wanna say it’s pretty even? like before mo, he'd definitely be used to topping but when he and mo are together, I feel like both of them are good with whatever, and its pretty even on that front. just whoever wants to top goes for it lMAO
j&m: we’ve def talked about this and I think your answer to that was that jess always tops bc hes a dominant lil shIT !! but I feel like every RARE moment, margo would playfully roll them over and try to top, bc she just wants to tease him and :’)
• thoughts on sex toys?
n&m: nick would joke about using ropes n handcuffs n shit but I feel like mo would b the one to be like ‘listen buddy I hope ur fuckin serious and if not imma be pisSED’ 
j&m: the thought of sex toys would fLUSTER THE H E L L OUTTA MARGO??? like even though she ain’t a virgin, she's still !! such a lil prude !! and whenever the conversation comes up, she’d just get all flustered and would blush up a storm and !!!!
• most sensitive areas?
n&m: for nick, I wanna say its his neck and the spot right behind his ear, or where his jaw connects to his neck???
j&m: for margo, it would most definitely be her hair. if jess tugs her hair even the slightest bit, bITCH IS ON HEFJNK but also she would most definitely have a thing for him biting her lower lip while kissing :))
• do they shower/bathe together? if so, how far does anything go?
n&m: lets be real, they've fucked in the shower and the bath, these kids are like bunnies ok I stg. but there are times where its just soft and tender, and all they wanna do is be cute and wash the other’s hair yknow??
j&m: I feel they’d def shower and bathe together, and maybe yeah they'd fuck in the shower, but I cant see them having sex in the bathtub?? like I feel like margo only ever rlly takes baths when she's stressed or sad, so whenever jess joins her, its to cheer her up yknow??? iDK LMK WHAT U THINK OF THAT
• how do they like their sex?
n&m: I honestly feel like sex for them is a reflection of who they are as people. super passionate, exciting, full of love and affection for the other person. like, nicky would do nothing but try to please mo, and I feel like that would be the same thing the other way around. 
j&m: margo is lowkey plain as fuck when it comes to sex, just bc she's so nervous about trying new things?? jess probably has to suggest that they try new stuff bc she would’ve been brainwashed by v*nce that sex isn’t fun and that its a way for the guy to take out his frustrations and ://
• how rough can sex get before its taken too far?
n&m: okay honestly, nicky would be really careful when it comes to getting rough, bc even though hes been fighting for this whole life, he still doesn't know his own strength, and he would keep himself on a tight leash when it comes to that. like, when he feels himself getting out of hand with spanking, or just plain gripping her, he would have to pull back and take a breather, bc the last thing he would EVER wanna do is hurt her. but back in his fighting days, he wouldn't have cared, nor realized how rough he was bc baby boy was always on drugs. :// thats why hes so careful with mo, I feel like.
j&m: once again, this is a doozy bc like I said before, margo is pretty nervous when it comes to sex already, so I feel like she wouldn’t be able to handle too much rough stuff before getting triggered and having a panic attack. she’d be able to handle ur average groping and light spanking and would like having her hair pulled, but anything more rough than that, and she would freak out.
• favourite sex position
n&m: when mo is on top :)
j&m: margo tryna playfully get in control n topping but then jess rolling them over to show her who's boss :)
• if they could have a threesome, who would their third choice be?
n&m: jeSsE, obviously !1! lmAO im kidding. but I honestly don't know if nicky would wanna have a threesome?? like, to him, sex would be such an intimate thing, and he wouldn't wanna share that ( or mo ) with anyone else. hes definitely had threesomes in the past during his addict days tho oop-
j&m: def don't think margo or jess would’ve ever thought of having a third person join them? like nick, margo def believes that sex is a super intimate thing between two people ( unless they're poly, homegirl is an lgbt+ ally don't get it tWISTED ), and she wouldn’t wanna share jess with anyone else.
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