#having adhd is hard
maybebi47 · 8 months
man everytime i get mad at kristen for something i remember that i have done that exact thing before
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minjimunji · 3 months
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Obligatory battle of the labyrinth kiss scene
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natjennie · 8 months
something about "your anger isn't scary to me" is making me so emotional. something about as above so below, cassandra as a mirror of kristen. something about "I've been dropping the ball a lot lately" and kristen's struggles with adhd. something about teenage girls and rage and fury and justice. something about adaine's vision of ruining fallinel and the sylvaire looking for revenge. something about sadness and doubt and anger and love. something about "I choose to understand" being the absolute core theme of d20 in general. something something.
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fandomsandfeminism · 3 months
A reminder that food is morally nuetral.
That unless a food is literally poison or an allergy, it is not a bad food.
Your body needs carbs.
Your body needs fats.
Your body needs calories.
Maybe you struggle with moderation or getting the variety of nutrients you need to feel your best, but that does not make the foods you regularly eat bad.
Put the dressing on your salad. Add the cheese to the sandwhich. Grab a cookie to have with lunch. Add an egg to your instant Ramen. Mix M&Ms and teddy grams and roasted peanuts into your cup of yogurt. Put whipped cream on your coffee. Add frozen strawberries or Boba pearls to your iced tea. Sprinkle tajin onto your fruit cup.
Food must fuel your soul as well as your body. It is doesn't need to be a battleground. It can be a joy.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy.
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dragonpyre · 3 months
Psych au where everything’s the same but Shawn and Gus are early early twenties and Gus is in college but Shawn keeps dragging him out of lectures and internships to solve crimes.
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lonelysheepling · 1 month
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Recently read @queenofthequillandink ’s DPxDC crossover fic Unearthed, Reborn
I got inspired to draw character sheets for Danny, Sam, Jason, and Jazz’s vigilante personas. Here’s a link to the author’s drawings of their outfits (these were a vital reference for me when doing this so thank you so much for sharing them Quill) More commentary (like 7+ paragraphs plus 2 images) about this project and the designs below the “keep reading” line.
None of these thoughts I have for each character are in order, but I have a lot of commentary for these since this project was a lot more conceptual than my normal work. I also just like talking about my art/design process. If you ever find yourself wondering at some point why an element from the original design wasn’t included, the answer is that the removal was completely intentional and part of my grandmaster vision for this work and wasn’t because I just forgot about it entirely during the design process.
Aconite (Sam)
This was the first one I sketched out, I wasn’t even sure at the time if I was going to fully commit to drawing all of them. I thought that Sam was gonna be the hardest since her description was way longer than the others, but then bird boy beat her out. I took a lot of creative liberties with her design, the bag was added bc I couldn’t figure out how to add pockets to the skirt. I was trying to avoid a joker color scheme so I had a lot of ref images that I got by searching like “purple green aesthetic” on Pinterest. The dark purple and dark forest/blueish green won out in the end. I desaturated a lot of my colors for her just to get as far away from the neon Gotham rogue aesthetic. I also added the bdsm harness over the armor to add more punk elements to her design, I know that in real life that would be very uncomfortable to wear over scalemail armor but sometimes we take creative liberties when they look sick as fuck. Also, I didn’t realize until I went to look for a reference for aconite flowers that aconite is wolfsbane! That was neat to learn! Also, the font I used for Aconite is called “zai Art School Calendar 1931”, I’ve used this a few times for other projects, it’s one of my favorite fonts. The ‘zai’ fonts the creator has are all very good.
Shade (Danny)
There wasn't much to add to this page. His outfit is pretty simple (besides the patterning). I wasn’t sure how to pull of an optical illusion pattern but I was reminded how I sometimes get an eyestrain induced headache when looking at someone wearing a patterned shirt with really thin stripes so I just leaned into the idea of a small/detailed hard lined pattern. I originally made 5 separate patterns for him and then turned them into stamp brushes in procreate. I only ended up using three of them, the one on the chest, the one on the legs, and the one on his hand. But, I imagine the patterns fade and shift when he moves, sort of like a lenticular print. I gave him constellation freckles and stylized the hair’s fade into white. The hair was inspired by how time-woods draws Martin Blackwood’s hair (linked: time-woods’s fanart of Martin Blackwood). Also put way too much effort into the teeth on the mask. I just like the chunky teeth design. Oh yeah and the font I used for him is called “Typewriter_Condensed_Demi”
Erinys (Jason)
Repeatedly ran into the issue of not having enough canvas space bc of my fervent need to thoroughly document and plan out how the wings worked. I also reversed the colors for the bodysuit & armor so the under layer was black while the armor plates were red. I only realized afterwards that I may have been inspired by the red centipedes in Rain World (linked: gif of the red centipede, don’t click the link if you’re unsettled/afraid of bugs/insects), artists subconsciously draw inspiration from other artists all the time though so I’m not like upset about it. I stand by it because it looks sick as hell. Also leaned into the magpie theming for the wings. I think the vigilante form was supposed to be reverse magpie coloring? I can’t remember, but I stuck with normal magpie coloring. The anatomy of how the wings connected to the collarbone was inspired by JayEaton’s Magpie Bridge Project. Reference image link. Link to the article the image is from. I didn’t draw the wing armor because I couldn’t figure out how to would work with the wing anatomy and I ran out of canvas space. Finally, the font used for him is “DIN Condensed” this is a default font, I would’ve used something more punk but I needed the text to be legible.
Insight (Jazz)
I did Jazz after I’d already finished the initial trio, so I had to switch to a new canvas for her bc I’d hit the layer limit multiple times on the previous one. I really do love doing that spiked under-eyelash thing with characters. Don’t know when that started. Anyway, I added the shoulder pads to her outfit to help break up the empty space. The golden eyes were a nice accent color since her design is very overwhelmingly green. Honestly the braid hairstyle and gold eyes really do obscure her identity, multiple times when drawing her I was worried that she didn’t really resemble Jazz enough. There wasn’t a drawing from the author for her so I only had the text description to go off of. I just realized that she sort of reminds me of a forest ranger and I don’t know what to do with that realization. I copy/pasted my drawing of her eyes when gold and recolored them to match her normal eye color. There were two layers for that, a hue shift and a hard light layer to emphasize the shadows.
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Here’s what it looks like without the hue shift: 
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It looks really cool and I’m 100% that color combo in another drawing down the line. Oh yeah and the font used for this sheet was “Euphemia UCAS”. It comes with Apple’s operating system, I use it as a neutral default text most of the time bc it’s nicer than helvetica but not overly fancy like Times New Roman—and why am I talking about fonts. ——————————————————————— Anyway, this project was very fun to work on. The alt text for this was its own endeavor, hope the folks using screen-readers don’t mind 4-5 paragraphs of description text. Also, I cannot remember for the life of me if Dani got a costume description, but if she does I’ll make sure to update this image set with a sheet for her. And to the author, QueenOfTheQuill, if you’re reading this message that I’ve left at the very bottom of this post below a read more line, thank you for the fic. It’s very good and I’m glad I caught it during my slow decent into DPxDC brainrot. I love the interactions between Jason and Tim, it’s nice seeing a revived Jason that’s not bogged down by pit rage. They definitely seem like they could’ve been good friends if not for the unfortunate circumstances that led them to meet in canon. Also, I’m sure Jazz will love interacting with Batman and Nightwing. So much psychological & childhood trauma to unpack with them. Feel free to use/share these images if you so desire and thanks again for your work.
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foone · 8 months
I need more than infinite time. Like, give me a sideways timeline where I can spend forever on a specific project without time passing in the main world, but I don't need just one of those.
I need like five. I want to splinter into a bunch of different directions, all somehow at right angles to the timeline, only to slowly angle their ways back to this timeline and drop masterpieces of arbitrary amounts of work spent in these little atemporal cloisters
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vero-niche · 1 year
when you tell your therapist something from your past and it leaves them speechless
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infiniteorangethethird · 10 months
"oh but talking with people is so easy and emotionally rewarding!" well maybe your brain comes equipped with "ability to read social cues" and "automatic supply of appropriate responses". I have to do that shit manually and let me tell you, not only is that more exhausting, it also gives space to a lot more fuckups for which I have to clean up the mess afterwards
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vodid · 2 months
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zero's pressure
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jude-us · 10 months
There really needs to be more conversation about how hard it can be to transition when neurodivergent. Learning new social rules, buying new clothes, remembering to take meds ect. Sending hugs to all neurodivergent trans people ily.
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helyeahmangocheese · 9 months
another thing that gets me really emotional about annabeth's adhd in the show is how she so often gets sucked into her own brain, thinking 6 steps ahead, or trying to follow her plan which she has yet to voice out loud, and then unintentionally is a little bit mean on the outside. like, she put percy under the impression that they couldn't be friends because of how she was treating him. she was literally just so in her own head that she didn't notice. she was cold on the bus and snappy on the satyr path because she was working with a lot more context and understanding of the mythical world than percy... which was probably too overwhelming in her own head to sort out and express out loud, too. she was snappy at grover at the arch because they were still trying to find sanctuary from echidna and she was their navigator to the temple. she became conscious of her attitude only after she could somewhat get out of the headspace of navigating. you can SEE on her face that she doesn't even fully understand these moments and that she doesn't mean any harm. you can tell that she was really hurt when percy made that comment about never being friends. if she could control it, things wouldn't be this way, and that's exactly how disorders work.
it's not just some superpower that she can think so quickly and critically--she also pays the price in other ways because this thinking is constant. the reality she experiences is then different from what's going on outside, and that can be so confusing and exhausting to manage. it's a toll on her, and so many of leah's little facial expressions make it easy to believe that annabeth's had her moments of "my brain is broken" too.
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black-quadrant · 1 year
ADHD isn't silly or quirky. it can hinder productivity, create a cycle of overcommitting and overextending to keep up with life, can give rise to feelings of guilt for things like resting and overall impacts relationship health (just to name a few). it's hard to manage and it's miserable.
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essektheylyss · 4 months
Look, I don't mean to be a broken record but my God, do you understand how much Essek's arc means to me?
Have you ever been so certain that there was one thing alone that you were meant to do, and you were encouraged to do it, and you put in the time and effort to learn and feel confident in it even beyond whatever measure of talent you'd started with, and then realized that no matter what your parents and your teachers said, the circumstances of the world were not going to let you do that? Have you ever had to leave the one place that had the resources and means to do that thing because those circumstances had become untenable and if you stayed you were going to be crushed under the weight of them? Have you spent years reckoning with the fact that you are so foundationally unsatisfied with anything else but you are not going to have this in the form you thought you'd have it, if at all, and instead had to force your way through appreciating the little things you do have—your partner and friends, who might not be there everyday but are there enough; what small work you can do, even if it's not exactly what you want to do, but it helps someone; the fact that there is a garden that you can tend to and cats to pet—and hope that those small things can amount to enough that the void that lives in you feels small enough to ignore? Have you found yourself surprised to realize that, while that will never quell it entirely, you can have that thing in piecemeal sometimes and maybe one day you'll have it again, and in the meantime somehow, miraculously, the rest is enough?
Like, do you get it? Does anyone hear me?
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natelia-aldelliz · 2 years
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1 : Soap never had any idea that woman wanted him carnally, he's not the most observant on that front (he never noticed Ghost flirting with him and thought his love was one-sided for the longest time, but tbf Ghost was also very discreet about it)
2 : He sewed the hat, eyepatch and hook himself, because he's the best uncle and then got distracted as he was wrapping it up, so now he's watching a tutorial on youtube about how to build a voice box. Honestly how hard could it be, he builds explosive devices as a hobby (listen, Price doesn't have to know)
3 : He is out to his family, but doesn't want his mum to know he has a boyfriend because he knows she'll insist on meeting him and welcoming him to the family and making a big deal out of this, and he knows that Ghost isn't ready for that.
4 : Christmas is obviously a very hard time for Ghost, but he is very very in love with Soap and some days still can't believe that it's mutual, but then his Johnny does something like that and his head gets quieter while he's melting a bit.
5 : For the people that didn't see my other post : the bird is a Caique parrot, and they're supposedly very energetic, a bit loud, medium sized, unintelligible, very friendly to what they consider their family, adventurous and danger prone, with an explosive personality and a hate of boredom, so basically the adhd bird.
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