#she is also a dmpc in my dnd campaign
talontheacedragon · 6 months
constantly torn between
wanting to play good girl characters who just want to help everyone they come across sometimes to the detriment of themselves who over the course of her story learn to love herself a little bit and say no and figure out that she can't always please everyone but that is okay and she can put herself first
wanting to play as evil stinky bastard man that somehow everyone likes and believes is redeemable who only truly cares about what he wants and will do anything to get it at the expense of everyone else who learns that being on the outside and alone in the world is not what he wants and all the riches of the world cannot make him happy when he is so deeply alone
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slymewizard · 1 year
The “Adventure Time is a dnd game” is one of my favorite cartoon theories so heres some of my headcanons about it:
Finn, Jake, and Marceline are the only consistent players, PB is a dmpc, and bmo is also an npc but when Finn and Jake’s players’ little sibling wants to play they pull out his character sheet. Marceline is dating the DM which is why she was the only one to read the entire lore document and use it in her character.
Flame Princess and Huntress Wizard are also PCs played by the same person, who is also Finn’s players’ irl gf. She tried getting into it after her boyfriend convinced her that it would be fun, but didn’t really like it. But they already committed to a plot with FP and Finn being together so they made an agreement that Finn would take a moral nosedive to resolve it. Around a year she decided to try again with a new character that she liked playing much much more.
The game wrapped up when The DM and Marceline’s player had to go off to college. All the players got together for one last session fighting against an ancient evil being named GOLB that the dm pulled from her ass at the last second.
Distant Lands were continuations of the story set in the same universe. BMO was Finn’s player setting up a game for his little sister and one of his friends, Obsidian was a surprise oneshot by Finn and Jake’s players as a gift for Marceline and the DM (who played PB as a pc for this) when they came back from college for the summer. Wizard City was the DM setting up a game for her college friends. And Together Again was a game the DM tried to set up online for Finn and Jake’s players years later. Marceline’s player played the villain for this one.
Because Together Again actually worked out well, the DM decided that maybe they should pick up the game again online, even just for a few sessions, but wasn’t sure what to base it off of. Then one of the players brought up that time they drew their characters genderswapped and the Fionna and Cake campaign. Marceline’s player co-dmed. Huntress Wizard’s player decided to come back but she didn’t want to play the character she made and wanted to focus more on rping and less on combat, because thats what she really liked about the game. So the DM slid Simon’s character sheet across the table and she said “understood.” And she prepared to do the most heartwrenching roleplaying any player had ever seen.
Marceline’s player would also go on during college to start her own campaign with her friends about alien rock women and their little human brother.
Finn’s player starts a much shorter and less well remembered campaign about a team of space faring warriors with a half bug half cat as a pet.
Jake’s player starts a campaign set in the far far future where his favorite recurring npc is a morally challenged robot. (He also played a game before adventure time with the same DM with a pirate theme where he played an angry sea captain with an obsession with candy)
And BMO’s player many many years later would start a campaign about a magical robot girl and her pet alien cat dog thing.
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ankoku-teion · 1 month
I’m one of your mutuals, I voted on the poll, so it’s slightly unfair that I get a second vote. That being said, I like all 3 of them a lot, my personal favourite is Lily. While I love a reference to any bit of Greek mythology, especially Cassandra, her fate was quite tragic (Not that Lilith’s fate was sweet either, but still). I can really understand your attachment to your first D&D character though, even though I haven’t played (also, it’s quite telling that your first character was a woman [I assume]). But in my personal opinion, the other options should better. It’s still only your decision in the end.
Attention Anon
Sarah was my first character who was a woman. I played 3 other male characters before her.
Yarny. - a halfling bard, in late middle age who loved stories and collected folklore from everywhere he went. He was my first ever.
Red - a middle aged dwarven merchant who got side-tracked and wound up on a quest when he was supposed to be returning home.
And a young elf shadow sorcerer who's name I can't remember.
But Yarny and the elf were both DMPCs because I was running the campaign, so I didn't really get to play them.
Sarah was different. I was playing on a discord server with strangers because my friends weren't available for real DnD. So I was able to put time and energy into fleshing her out.
She was a warlock/fighter who grew up on the streets, had a complicated friendship with a guardsman, and was forcibly adopted by an abusive drunk who just wanted her for free labour.
Turns out the man who adopted her is a fence who traffics in stolen goods, antiques, and questionable magic items.
One day she accidentally knocks over this valuable ancient pot and smashes it, unleashing an ancient devil that was trapped inside. The devil was weakened by it's long confinement so it latched onto her. She unknowingly made a deal with it and it granted her warlock powers in exchange for living in her head.
So now she has a grouchy, hateful, resentful voice in the back of her mind constantly passing commentary on everything she does, criticising and gaslighting her, telling her everyone wants to use her and nobody else can ever love her. The thing is, it also gives her solid advice that keeps her alive and safe. And she's too young and naive to tell the difference.
The devil is called Malthus and he's very much a metaphor for my depression, among other things.
Sarah herself is saddled with a lot of repression, and while Malthus constantly shits on her, he's also the one pushing her to try new things. Mostly so he can live vicariously through her, and then guilt her for it. The two have a complex, toxic, co-dependent relationship.
Most of this was not deliberate at the time, but something I created by accident and only discovered by playing the character.
Playing her on that server was the first time I was ever gendered as a woman because the other people couldn't tell me apart from my character. I realised immediately that being called she/her didnt upset me the way I thought it probably should have, and I made the conscious decision not to correct them, and accepted the pronouns. That was way back, like 5 years ago. And I still play with some of the same people.
Sadly Sarah had to be retired, it's a happy ending tho. Her fiancé was kidnapped and she left on a quest to go save him. They eventually settled down and had 3 kids.
One of my current characters is her granddaughter, Saccharine. 😋
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severevoiddragon · 1 month
Do you have a funny natural 1 story from your D&d campaign? :D
(Or any other story really I just love D&d)
You get TWO stories and a background story bc I love talking bout my DnD campaign
So, to begin, the cast of PCs (all level 3 atm):
Hecate, a Tiefling Monk/Druid (she/her), the party's braincell but also notorious low roller
Nivaira, a Sun Elf Bard (they/them), deadpan and sarcastic but a prolific spellcaster
Izumi Luthien, a Half Elf Rogue (he/him), the party's angsty teen boy
Important NPCs:
Bella Banducci, human Sorcerer (she/her), joined the party at the party's request (I didn't WANT her to be a DMPC but the party insisted on her coming along-), used to live in a morally dubious circus
Ammon Luthien, Elf Wizard/Sorcerer (he/she/they), Izumi's half-sibling, childhood friend of Hecate and Nivaira (but separately), in love with Eiwin
Eiwin Tamiel, Human ? (He/they), works at an artefact store, in love with Ammon (I ship them sm <3)
Kilvar (he/him), Dwarf smith, one of two people to look after the bounties of the town they are in.
Relania (she/her), Human wizard, current antagonist for the party.
The party became a party at the request of Ammon, who mailed them a letter asking them to look for an amulet of Ammon's. He is currently hidden from an "evil presence", and the party are awaiting Ammon's next instruction. The town they are in now is Mytheas, a town by the sea. It's the kind of town where everyone knows everyone, and is just generally a pretty nice place to be. In the party's first adventure, Relania tried to be a friend, but ended up revealing herself as trying to steal the amulet, so the party tied her up and went to sleep, leaving her in a different room. She escaped and ran away. She is now trying to get the amulet.
The Bear Story:
The party, while working out what to do, decided they wanted to take up a bounty (I. Don't remember why now??? My party members on Tumblr pls help). The bounty they took was a small bounty (like. 50gp I think? I don't have my notes w me) for a big bear in the forest. The party talked with Kilvar about the bounty. The terms were to kill the bear, and bring 'proof of death'.
The party got there, killed the bear no problem. The problem came when they tried to carry the bear to Kilvar. You see, they misinterpreted proof of death not as a head or a paw or something, but. The whole. Bear. So, they all rolled Strength to try and carry it. Nivaira rolled very high, and carried most of the weight of the bear all the way from the forest to Kilvar's. Izumi rolled fairly well, so carried like. The back paw. And nothing else. Hecate rolled so badly that she tried to lift a paw of the bear and struggled so much that she walked alongside, giving motivation to the others, much to Izumi and Nivaira's disappointment. They got back, and they sent Hecate in to talk w Kilvar, since she didn't help carry. She rolled badly on the charisma check, and Kilvar responded with essentially "you idiots I just wanted the head". And Hecate just asked him to come outside to take the bear. He repeated what he said to the party, meaning Nivaira and Izumi were fuming. The players are still fuming to this day.
The Wolf Story:
Another bounty !! This time, for Aarpol, a huge wolf in the forest. He had two wolves that helped him. Nivaira, as a bard, can do poison spray, however they didn't cast many spells up until I reminded them they can cast spells. Poison spray, if you don't know, casts a 15ft cone of poison, and you take damage if you fail a constitution save. They cast the spell, and then we realised that Hecate was in the firing line. This was because Hecate had jumped on Aarpol and sat on its back, to punch it in the neck. Hecate and Aarpol had to do a con save. Aarpol failed. Yay ! Hecate....
Failed. She failed. She lost a lot of hp, and iirc she went unconscious? So there was Hecate on the back of a wolf, unconscious. Izumi (iirc?) killed the wolf, and Nivaira I THINK healed Hecate so she didn't have to death save.
Bonus story:
The party are currently on a quest in an evil mushroom place, and I do sleep rolls. 1-5 is bad sleep, barely slept. Useful if there's a goblin raid on your camp, but too many bad sleeps in a row cause exhaustion (3 in a row). 6-14 is moderate sleep. Normal sleep. Woke up if there's a goblin raid, but no exhaustion. 15-20 is amazing sleep, didn't wake up at all. Useful for no exhaustion, but slept right through the raid. Izumi has failed 2 sleep rolls in a row :>
Oh and Bella may or may not be poisoned by evil mushrooms I don't remember
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ramblerogue · 2 years
I wanna know more about tiller she’s amazing
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AW! Thank you so much! :') I'm so happy others get a kick out of my sweet pirate girl! I'll put a general summary of her under a read more because I tend to ramble about her hehe! If you have more specific questions after reading, feel free to send those along!! I love talking about her!!! <3
SO! Tiller Jakobie is my character from a DnD 5e pirate-themed campaign I play with my friends, called "Cape Curiosity"! She is a druid, navigator, and, of course, a pirate! She travels with the main party as apart of the crew for The Triumph, captained by Jacques Calico, and accompanied by her new best friends; Aveline Blackwood, Frath Hornraven, and Patrick E'Choux! (And many others!! But those are the DMPC and the other PCs respectively).
Tiller is 23, so young in her pirate career but already excited by all the things ahead of her! She is extremely extroverted, and quick to make friends (both of the human and animal variety). She has a curious and humorous view of the world, and loves exploring and spending time with those she cares about more than anything.
For a little history: Tiller was adopted by her two dads, Jimmy and John (lol). Her dads own a restaurant on Nassau (just guess the name), and Tiller grew up there and helped them with the family business. After taking an interest in sailing and navigation, Tiller joined the Royal British Navy to get out on the open seas and help finance her dads business. Fast forward 3 years, Tiller realizes the Navy fuckin sucks, and mutiny's with the help of some pirate prisoners on her ship!
Those pirate prisoners turn out to be her first pirate crew!!! A crew called The Sea Dragons. Now would be a good time to mention that Tiller has had a ~ mysterious ~ tattoo of a sea dragon on her arm since birth, and her dads claim that it was there when they adopted her. So Tiller joins immediately in hopes of solving this tattoo mystery. (And also The Sea Dragons rule, and are nice to her! And they become her second family! Yay!!!)
Tiller eventually links up with The Triumph crew in hopes of deceiving them into trusting her, and then robbing their ship under Sea Dragon orders. However, she has a change of heart a couple weeks into the mission, as these Triumph people are really cool! AND The Sea Dragon crew has gone MISSING! :0 *gasp* Cue 4 arcs of trying to find them and rescue them from a fate most foul.
SO! That's a VERY quick spark notes version of Miss Tiller! Turns out when you play someone for like 4 years, you... add a lot to their story PSDJGLH:SGKSHGSG cause we didn't even scratch the surface on a couple things, like:
Tiller has a girlfriend named Mayday that she met on a similar deceitful Triumph-like mission. They did the whole friends > enemies > friends > lovers song and dance, and Mayday is staying with The Triumph crew at the time while we search for HER crew which is ALSO MISSING.
ALSO ALSO! Remember how I said Tiller was adopted and had that sea dragon tattoo since birth? Well it turns out there is an ocean deity that is a REAL sea dragon, and created Tiller from the ocean (per request from her dads who wanted a daughter :') So Tiller is more of a water spirit rather than a human, and that's the source of her druid magic as well. AND her mom is a dragon.
And there’s so much juicy story outside of Tiller! The main story arc with the Triumph crew is traveling across the seas in search of 7 keys which will unlock a map that leads to the reader’s greatest treasure.... And I’m sure all of the crew members have different ideas for what they would use that power for.
That's all I got for now! Here's some speedy Tiller fun facts to tide y'all over: - Her birthday is June 8th (she's a gemini) - She was the first to drop to 0 hit points in the party (don't worry she got better) - She is slowly making friendship bracelets for the party - She has a pet jellyfish named Snapchat - Her middle name is Kickflip and she invented skateboarding - Her favorite ice cream flavor is cookies and cream - She is a HUGE gossip - She speaks English and Spanish - She loves singing shanties and having karaoke night with her crewmates
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marmett · 7 months
i came up w/ some rlly fun concepts for NPCs in my dnd campaign. under the cut to make sure my players dont look 👀
theres a wizard tower in the campaign setting that im using, but the wizard was kind of... a harmful stereotype so i decided to replace him w/ a nonbinary cat girl (tabaxi) sorcerer, who's beefing w/ the hag who lives in the cursed forest, and if my players encounter them they'll give the party a quest related to that. their appearance is based on a sand cat and theyre kind of chaotic and a lil unethical but in a fun endearing way.
i guess i also have a dmpc, but i made him a cleric who only has support spells bc my party desperately needs someone running support (theres only 3 players rn, but we may get a 4th). anyway despite being a cleric, he isnt religious at all and he insists that he's a warlock. there is a story reason for this and its fucking wild. i havent decided if he knows hes a cleric and hes just insisting hes a warlock as a cover story, or if he truly believes hes a warlock. theyll probably meet him around session 3 or 4.
theres a mysterious goth elf woman. itll be quite some time before they meet her, but shes plot relevant, and will be hinted at around session 2 or 3. shes heavily inspired by the people of midian from the novel cabal/movie nightbreed, and she kinda wants to die real bad bc shes been alive for too long.
and lastly i have two paladin characters who serve the god corellen, but theyre probably going to be antagonistic to the party. just w/ the way my players think, i am anticipating them to not be on board w/ the paladins' agenda. i love taking lawful aligned characters who are usually on the side of good and complicating things.
anyway i LOVE making OCs, dming is fun bc i can shove in my OCs even if the players only talk to them for five minutes.
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bitter-like-coffee · 3 years
i know i almost never report here for anything but...we killed strahd in strahdborne (a loose adaptation of bloodborne w strahd elements in dnd our dm homebrewed)!
ilya, @mithryl-ninja‘s level 10 swashbuckler, had been geas’d by strahd after our opening oneshot where everyone’s characters tried (and barely failed) to kill strahd. the rest of the level 10 squad had been slaughtered, and @wayanayaw‘s paladin, evalina, had her body stolen and taken over by strahd.
fast forward, we’ve had two deaths in our level 3 party and we’ve climbed all the way to level 20 (with hyper-accelerated levelling).
alala, my leonin battlemaster, friend, @thefandomcassandra‘s firbolg/hexblood druid, puck, mith’s changeling bard, and celia, wayan’s hexblade/sorcerer (and evelina’s younger sister)...made it to strahd. By now, puck and celia were the only two remaining of the original group. We were joined by @neonchapel‘s dmpc/npc kingsley, who friend had recruited as the result of ...basically an item-triggered wild magic surge. kingsley was very stupid and very strong, and a good aim. he was also very fragile.
so....friend cast freedom of movement on alala. this is a surprise tool for later.
we start fighting strahd, and ilya/mir. puck gets counterspelled over and over but still manages to cause trouble and get things done, and doing his best to...be puck in all that entails (being a nuisance to enemies and a very good healer, lifter of spirits, and absolute bastard). strahd tries to start gunning for celia, but celia uses blink...and puck starts to really piss strahd off... repeatedly, strahd tries to grapple alala, because she’s strong as fuck and deals a lot of damage, aided by purple worm poison puck had duplicated using an item...and consistnetly fails to land many hits, and ther’s some wild trading of blows happening. and then strahd grapples puck...who has -1 strength.
puck, it is important to note, has a mask. we never saw him remove it. puck, it is important to note, is a changeling. puck’s mask, as it turns out, never came off for a reason. strahd’s “bite” attack was ripping off the bony carapace that covered his face. due to everyone’s careful work (and some good damage dealt by celia), strahd dropped him, but not without cost. she cut him from toe to tip.
celia used her aasimar radiant consumption to burn strahd as revenge.
alala lost it and slashed the shit out of him.and then friend shapechanged into an abishai. friend absolutely destroyed him....and then celia staked his heart.
we got...so much fucking money for killing him and ending the horseshit going on in barovia. so much so that friend true rez’d puck, and then contentedly went on to become a hag as they had intended. puck and celia travelled together...and alala bought a cabin in the middle of the plains to desperately try to avoid anything that could possibly force her into that hell again.
it was sad i cried. one of the first campaigns we’ve ended in a long long time
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chilltouch · 4 years
Finished Campaign Overview
It’s Murder Time (Tag: #imt):
Roughly a 3 year campaign in which a gang of adventurers + one (later two) teens explore the country finding/stumbling into various crimes and plans to gain power done by this Vampire Lady necromancer in an act of service for this Horrifying eldritch being called the Knowledge Eater
I played a water genasi ex-pirate named Ritalin Caspian Barnstaples Gleevec [He/She/They] (Level 1-10). Their class was transmutation wizard.
I feel like you can tell what tumblr dnd trends were going on with my character name choices
This was the party where I was Not a healer and lowkey Hated That because I have worried too much whether or not this party will live. 
The Only healer of the party was our DMPC, a sweet teen boy named Eoin who still had faith in his god despite the absolute Horrible shit he lived through by both his church and his birth family (his sister is the one exception tho stan his sister)
The campaign ended with the party being: with 1 wizard, 2 rogues (1 rogue/warlock), 1 magus (homebrew class), 1 cleric (DMPC) and 1 fighter (also DMPC that came in later in the game because he was Important (boyfriends) to our cleric boy). 
Honorable mention to our 1 scholar (homebrew class) who was the unofficial leader + driving force against the BBEG for most of the campaign. 
She went through a Lot of trauma from the start of the campaign to the point that the player herself stated that she had to retire the character because she could not find a fitting path for her to heal and also be a part of this party. 
She was definitely the heart of this party, and our characters dedicated our final battle to her.
Also shoutout to that same player making me cry when we had our epilogue session. Her scholar’s final letter to my character was So Sweet, and it makes me emotional to this day remembering it
This is such a bad summary of the game, but also So Much did happen in the span of 3 years
Sounds of Silence (Tag: #c: SoS):
Short irl campaign that spanned 1 year in real time. Post-apocalyptic genre that took place down in the California redwoods, specifically in an abandoned camp. It was very good, very emotional, and since we the players voted on the tone of the ending, very bittersweet.
I played Dr. Pandora Juniper Rockthrush [They/Them], a Kenku Circle of Shepard Druid (Level 1-5). 
Before the apocalypse, they had recently finished their doctorate in plant science down in California. When the news of the apocalypse hit, they were deep into their work, isolated from both their family and literally anyone else 😔
The party was 1 drow ranger, 1 rogue, 1 fighter and 1 druid. 
Because of the the apocalyptic event, there was no more divine magic left in the world. 
I think my friend intended for this game to have No Healing, but was not able to find worldbuilding reasons to justify why certain classes of magic were allowed (like their warlock BBEG that was revealed to have magic in the last session) and others were not past the divine magic.
I’m pretty sure this was the game where I realized that my thoughts about dnd and the genres and topics it covers are Wildly different to my friends’
Bullet-Bitters (Tag: #c: BB):
This was another short campaign that ended this year. My Curse of Strahd group played this game as a break for our DM since it was exam season for them. It was a space-western game that was co-DMed by two of the players with one of the DMs being a sort of DMPC. Those two have been friends for over a decade, and have written and played in countless settings together. This was a wonderful setting that those two have done other games in and is rich in lore.
The setting is heavily homebrew with 4 race options and added classes to fit with the genre.
I played Opuntia Robusta [She/Her], a Yoni (Nomadic Plant people that are usually various cacti and other desert plants.) Artillerist Artificer (Level 5). 
Yoni always move in the direction of the sun. To linger in a place means that a Yoni is not placing their value most on life, but rather something else.
She left her clan of Silver Dollar Yoni to pursue her ambition of being the best gunmaker in the galaxy. She funded her own experiments by becoming a loan shark, calling herself “The Banker” and traveling from city to city, her pouches full of currency. In this setting it was bullets which is Very fun when pretty much everyone wields a gun. 
Even more fun when you play an artificer who makes her own bullets, and is sitting pretty on a pile of money while everyone has to worry abt using too much of their money on a fight
The party consisted of 1 artificer, 1 rogue, 1 cleric, 1 fighter, and 1 gunlord (setting-specific homebrew class). The gunlord, or closest to gunlord possible because I still have no idea what that player’s class was, joined mid-campaign, but due to real life stuff was not able to appear in most of the sessions past their introduction session.
I tried playing a callous person who only cared about herself, and failed miserably the second the co-DM’s PC shared his horribly tragic backstory. She adopted him on the spot.
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