#named Yru
talontheacedragon · 6 months
constantly torn between
wanting to play good girl characters who just want to help everyone they come across sometimes to the detriment of themselves who over the course of her story learn to love herself a little bit and say no and figure out that she can't always please everyone but that is okay and she can put herself first
wanting to play as evil stinky bastard man that somehow everyone likes and believes is redeemable who only truly cares about what he wants and will do anything to get it at the expense of everyone else who learns that being on the outside and alone in the world is not what he wants and all the riches of the world cannot make him happy when he is so deeply alone
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grave-st0ned · 1 year
*screaming crying throwing up*
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friday cannot come soon enough i swear i’m so excited for these shoes
*alt text is the shoe names
**EDIT: these will be going up to size 12 according to yru !!!!!**
***4/27 EDIT: should be dropping around 9a PST tomorrow***
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popatochisssp · 2 months
Could we get some romance headcanons for your gaster boys? And maybe also the undergloom boys if you feel like it? I'm rereading sweat treats and it's making me feel very soft<3
Somehow I’m always surprised when someone asks about my weirdos, but hey!
Some romance hcs about Sunny (Gastertale Sans), Aster (Gastertale Papyrus), Ash (Undergloom Sans), and Yrus (Undergloom Papyrus)!
Starting with Sunny…much like his (nick)namesake, he brightens up every time he lays eye-sockets on you.
Sure, sure, most everyone will get a smile on their face and little thrill of happiness when they see their partner, but he takes it to the next level. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been out of his sight for five days, five hours, or five minutes, it’s the same reaction every time. He perks up and grins big, eye-lights aglow like he’s just so excited that it’s you!
And he is, that’s exactly what’s going through his head—there you are, that’s you, he’s so happy to see you and it doesn’t matter if he just saw you, the thrill is fresh for him every single time.
That might be at least part of the reason that he’s always dragging you around, introducing you to everyone he knows and then some.
Whether you’re shy or a social butterfly yourself, it seems to be one of his favorite activities to bring you around with him and as quickly as possible, jump to the part where he gets to say, “hey, have you met my partner?” and tell his friends your name and what you do and stuff you’re good at.
Is he bragging? Well, maybe a little, but mostly he’s just trying to showcase you, all the things about you that he thinks are cool and that all his friends and acquaintances should know so they’ll see how cool you are… and maybe they’ll be your friends and acquaintances too.
He wants you to be comfortable and appreciated in all the circles he runs in, because more places you fit in means more time he can have hanging out with you in those places, and obviously he wants that!
He shows a lot of his affection with closeness, and if that weren’t already obvious to people from all of the above, they’ll definitely get the message when he always seems to have a hand on you somewhere whenever you’re together.
He loves the hand-in-the-back-pocket thing, sliding up under a jacket to touch your back, fingers riding up a shirt hem to hook into your belt-loop… Believe it or not, there’s nothing possessive or even lusty in the way he does it. His intention is purely about making contact, mingling the two of you and making a package deal that can’t be pulled apart as easily as taking a step back.
It definitely adds a few seconds of disentangling every time you need to go to the bathroom or something, but it’s a hard habit to try and break him of since as soon as you’re in range he just wants nothing more than to reach out and touch you.
As for his twin, Aster…
Well, he’s not quite as touchy-feely with his partner, but he has plenty of ways of his own to make your relationship status abundantly clear.
For example, the pictures he’s always taking.
He loves taking photos—occasionally just of you, but preferably of the both of you—pretty much anytime you go anywhere together. It can be as special an occasion as an anniversary dinner or as casual as coffee by a nice fountain and either way, inevitably, he’ll try to draw you in and snap a quick pic.
If you’re camera-shy and need a bit of prep to be sure you’re ready, that’s fine, and he has no intention of posting anything for anybody else to see. He wants the photos more for himself than anything else, getting to pull them up whenever he wants and think fondly of the time you spent together; a visual record of times you enjoyed each other’s company.
He's a far more sentimental and emotionally-driven man than his demeanor might suggest, which is to say that it maybe shouldn’t be as surprising as it is that he’ll often sing to you.
Admittedly, he’s not…especially musically inclined. He rarely stays on key (and occasionally flubs lyrics to whatever he heard that makes more sense to him), but aside from that he has a pleasant-sounding voice and he likes to use it to woo you, when the mood is right.
It’s nothing like a full serenade, rarely more than a romantic lyric or two crooned in your ear or belted out to you across the kitchen, but it usually does the trick to make you smile or get warm in the face, so he counts it as a win.
That sentimental nature of his even bleeds through into his unconscious, so you may also find a whole slew of sweet nothings waiting for you if get him talking while he’s half-asleep.
Granted, you probably won’t understand it, since it’ll be in Wingdings—glottal, guttural, sounds that seem incompatible with any kind of language and probably nothing human vocal chords can replicate…but he’s a skeleton, and it’s the first language he ever spoke, and he hasn’t forgotten as much as he’s pushed it down.
But, he’s the sort of person who takes awhile to really wake up when he wakes up, and before conscious thought gets involved in the whole matter, a whole lot of romantic, poetic nonsense can slip through the gates: that you’re brilliant, wonderful, more radiant even than the sun and he’d gladly suffer years—no, decades—no, centuries more in darkness if he only had you by his side…
You may not find that out, though. If he hasn’t totally forgotten what he’s said by the time he’s alert enough to switch to a tongue you understand, he might be too embarrassed to repeat it. 😳
Moving onto Ash…
Well, it’s not a secret that he’s a tired guy, actually chronically so, and that keeps him seated or reclining pretty often.
So ‘pretty often’ is how much you’ll find him leaned up against you, or laying on top of you, or just otherwise smooshing his way into your space. Consider yourself his favorite personal pillow—because you are—and anytime you’re sitting or laying close enough to where he’s doing the same, he’s bound to remind you of that.
To him, you’re comfort and support and safety all in one, so it’s really just natural instinct for him to flop over into your lap, or rest his skull on your shoulder. He can fall asleep on you real quick too if you’re not careful, so be wary of getting trapped if you have anything urgent you might need to do!
Another things about him is that he’s very cozy, rarely without a couple layers of sweaters and/or hoodies. You’d think that’d make him a prime target for the time-honored tradition of boyfriend-hoodie theft—y’know, since he has so many.
You’re in for an Uno Reverse, though, because he’ll be stealing your hoodies if you ever make the mistake of leaving him unattended with them. He’s got a million and one excuses for it, if you protest—he was cold, he thought it was his, he just wanted to see if it’d fit—and a pair of entirely-too-effective puppy-dog eye-sockets when he asks if you want him to give it back, so you may not get some of them returned until laundry day at the earliest.
He’s not unreasonable, though, and can certainly be negotiated with. It might be worth proposing a partner-hoodie hostage exchange program to get some of his in return for the ones he nabs from you. He wouldn’t be opposed to making some kind of arrangement there!
And speaking of arrangements…
He loves music. He loves you. It makes perfect sense to him to combine his loves together somehow, and his favorite way to do that is by making mixtapes for you.
Anyone can make a Spotify playlist and send you a link, but he’s a traditionalist. If he’s going to cobble together a collection of songs that make him think all the best warm and fuzzy thoughts about you, he’s going to do it right—CDs burned on his own laptop with notes in sharpie scrawled atop the disk, set in jewel cases plastered with stickers and all the badly-doodled hearts and stars and clouds you could ever ask for.
It may be cheesy, but he puts a ton of thought into the song choices and what order they play in, to the point that each disk is pretty much a love-letter in polycarbonate plastic form, so be sure to listen close every time he adds another to your collection.
Last but certainly not least, Yrus!
He’s fantastic for your ego, for one thing.
No matter how long he’s been with you, he’s always affected by you—deeply, intensely, visibly. A simple touch to his hand is enough to make him start stumbling over his words, and even just a little peck on the cheek will turn him into a blushing, flustered mess.
You’re just so attractive, and so wonderful, and the thing you want to spend your time and attention and affection on…is him?! Oh, he can’t get over that, and he never will!
Your love is like a sunrise to him—just because it happens every day doesn’t make it any less miraculous, or him any less lucky to be able to see it.
He feels so lucky every moment he gets to be with you, and because of that, he wants so badly to be able to make you happy, to provide for you and make you feel as seen and cared for as you deserve.
Cooking is probably the biggest way in which he tries to do that. Probably one of the first things he ever tried to learn about you was your favorite meal, so that he could make it for you and not only that, but perfect it.
Whether it’s the most time-consuming, complex dish to make or a quick and easy snack, he’ll learn it and go through as much trial and error as needed to get it exactly how you like it the most.
He wants his version of whatever it is to be your favorite, and to be able to make it for you whenever you need it the most.
It’s just how he loves…
You might not realize it right away, but the truest measure of how much he loves you won’t be in anything he does for you, or how he reacts to you, or even in what he says.
It’ll be in silence.
He spends so much of his time trying to help everyone, trying to do everything and be cheerful and positive and entertaining, all the time.
But with you…maybe he doesn’t have to.
Maybe with you, he can just be, without having to fill every silence with conversation, without having to constantly try to impress you, without having to stay on his feet and play host to you, because you’re no longer a guest in his home—you are his home.
When he starts allowing those slow, quiet moments to happen, that’s when you’ll know this thing is forever.
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ange-la-ange-ootd · 2 years
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Refilling the outfit queue.
Heavenly Sky stretch top - Listen Flavor LOVESTRUCK heart buckle dress & tote bag - Dreamily Apparel Matrixxx shoes - YRU Anise choker - Creepyyeha You’re Pretty Fly dragonfly earrings- Kikay Pop! Star Acrylic Hearts necklace - Puvithel star ring - Holley Tea Time
[ID: A black and pastel blue and purple casual outfit. The main piece a heart buckle black tired dress layered over a black and pastel long sleeved top. The dress has white embroidery detail on the front with the brand name “Dreamily” inside a heart. The top has a night sky print with clouds and moons. The rest of the outfit consists of dark navy blue tights and chunky black platform sneakers. The accessories include a pastel blue heart pendant necklace, a purple star ring, and a black O ring choker.]
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leefi · 1 year
The Flower that Bloomed Nowhere Read-through | Part 7: 90-100
Part 1: 1-14 | Part 2: 14-22 | Part 3: 22-34 | Part 4: 34-64 | Part 5: 64-80 | Part 6: 81-90 | Part 7: 90-100 | Part 8: 100-127 (caught up here)
Bal is soooo funny for choosing to simply sit out and wait the loop. If that were me I’d be acting out. I’d be skipping around the sanctuary acting mischevious and committing hooliganry. Hey does Fang have loop memories
raises hand. I have another question. did samium also fuck that old man
Shiko is so sweet oh my goddddd 😭 I wonder if Kuroka fell in love with her...
I hadn't even realized how much of a fan I was. That another me had been growing on those lonely nights, only waiting for someone to draw it out.
Even though it was such a small thing, for the first time, I felt like I was able to be someone other than myself. Someone who shined brightly.
"Fang, Su, have you still got enough eris for barriers?"
Fang looked at their scepter, making a thoughtful hum. "Yeah, for a few minutes."
I thought Fang didn’t have their scepter?
Another thing I'd failed to understand at the time was that this was largely by design. Replicating high-quality food was impossibly cheap, and a low-hanging fruit in terms of helping people's quality of life. It was the politics of spite, or 'tough love' if you wanted to be charitable; choosing not to help others for no reason other than them having not earned it, or at least treating it as not worth the infinitesimally minor inconvenience to their betters.
oh i dont like this worldbuilding that much anymore
“Nowadays you can get your nutrition managed with pills anyway. It's not like when we were kids, when it actually mattered what you ate."
"There's still no long-term research into the subject," [Shiko]’s mother replied, frowning. "And besides, it's not simply a matter of health. There are social consequences to having a limited palate."
“social consequences”? lets kill her
"I'm just saying, it wouldn't hurt to be a little more conscientious," Shiko's mother insisted, holding up a hand. "And I know I've only been here for a couple of years now, but I really don't think it's that bad. Some parts in town seem a little deprived, but the theater is nice, and I've never had any trouble finding anything from the shops. It's hardly Altaia or Old Yru, but it's not as though we're eking out a living on the Lower Planes."
Shiko’s granddad and Samium were conspiring to use her???? “Get the drop on her”???????? I mean this isn’t anything we didn’t already know but hearing them speak so plainly and shamelessly about it IN HER HOUSE is repulsive
I'd done a lot of stuff for a person my age, especially if you counted the stuff from-- Well, you know. I'd traveled by carriage, bus, tram, vacuum tram, boat and airship. I'd been to seven different countries and lived in four. I'd played in an amateur sport team (assuming chess counts as a sport).
it does not
Ophelia had been unspokenly left out as well; she apparently produced such an aura of eternal femininity that our minds had just silently registered it as the correct call after we'd only been able to find three shovels in the greenhouse.
also me if im being completely honest. *the gorillas get released* sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry
Hey while they’re digging I’ve been thinking. using the dying gods as their proxy has me wondering if this really is an integrated pneuma in some person enacting its long thought out (hehe) revenge. But that doesn’t explain multiple culprits especially considering they’ve been referring to death with different gendered pronouns
She looked between us. "Questions?"
Linos looked to the side. "Uh, do you see any problems with the plan, Zeno?"
There was a pause, then an approving thump from the luggage pile.
funniest character
a possible explanation for many of these contradictions was that there wasn't just one 'mastermind', but competing groups.
One calls it 'master'. The other calls it 'Her'...
YES YES YES YES YES YES YES. It's almost like...a battle of wills? A battle of competing ideologies?
"I think I-- I think I have a hernia," I said weakly.
"What you have is a case of the weeny-whinies.” THE WEENY WHINIES!!!!
KAMRANSU SWEEP!!! im doing yuri multiplication in my head rn
hum. "Indeed, you've stumbled upon the fundamental issue. After all, if what we inhabit is not the true reality, but merely the product of a physical process within another, it seems very improbable for our 'creators' to be playing with tools akin to our own. Our very conception of inter-dimensional spacetime - and the associated concepts of entropy, movement, and finite energy - could be nothing more than an amusing fabrication, with no bearing on actual physics."
Kind of like how a two-dimensional creature can only interpret a 3-dimensional world from a 2-dimensional perspective, and a 3-dimensional creature can only interpret a 5th-dimensional world from a 3rd and simplified 4th dimensional perspective…but what defines “actual?“ is any of your universe “actual”, for that matter? You have no confidence that your reality is real beyond the myths you’ve heard of the ironworkers. I don't mean to explicitly suggest this is a simulation by any means, but rather...I'm thinking back to Zeno's question. "Why turn back the self when you can turn back the world?". Well, if you're conflicted on what a "self" constitutes, it only follows to reason that the nature of the world around you too would also fall into question...
Well, that depends, Utsushikome. Do you believe a pawn is destined only to look across at its rival pieces for eternity, by its very nature?" She stabbed her fork into a tomato, spilling its red fluid. "Or, perchance, might it learn to crane its neck towards heaven?"
My eyes drifted from the tower towards the ceiling of the bioenclosure proper. The blackness.
She nodded several times, like I'd said something profound. "Yes. That's it exactly." She exhaled. "It's cowardice. People are afraid of death, so they try to turn it into something it isn't. Something beautiful and cathartic, something symbiotic with humanity, just like Grandmaster Melanthos was talking about. So they don't have to face the truth that it was all for fucking nothing. That being mortal is an accident of material circumstance, just as much as hunger or, or-- I don't know, going *bald*.” 🦍
"When people think of truly eternal lives, of sticking not just a few more centuries on the pile but outlasting the lifespan of stars, the scope of the proposition is harrowing. What would we become, in trying to achieve true stability as creatures of chaos and change? Could we?" Her voice grew a little quieter; solemn, almost. "What would we do, without that option to simply fade away?" She looked towards me. "What do you think, Su?"
I went for a third round of blinking, just to emphasize the point.
Why does [Kam] always single me out in these conversations?
big ass crush on you
Ohhh Kam is a 60 year old minor! Cool!
Even though she'd dismissed questions on the subject with an affect of far-sightedness back in the transpositioning chamber, the fact of the matter was that people our age getting stressed out about their own mortality was freakishly rare; I'd literally never met another person quite like [Kam].
This trait she and I share. I was having existential breakdowns at the tender age of 5
Ohhh Su is in her early-mid thirties! Okay yeah that checks out with her mental illness
You're only 32, Su," she said, frowning. "It's a little early to making world-weary statements like that, don't you think?
*looks at su* *looks at orv*
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*looks back at su*
Of all the years I could live, could thrive, until all those regrets are nothing more than a single drop in a vast lake. I'm sure the same is true for you, too."
This really was out of character for her. I felt a complicated feeling in my chest. "That's, uh... Kam..."
"Is this really the right time for this?" Ran asked flatly. "The philosophy was one thing, but this is getting weirdly romantic."
Kam scoffed, making a gesture of distaste. "Don't be peculiar, Ran."
"Perfect," Kam said, stepping towards it immediately.
"Feels a little weird to be looting the dead," I said, glancing around.
"This is no time for sentiment, Su," Kam replied. She walked up to the cabinet in question and, after unsuccessfully trying the lock, took the butt of her refractor rifle and shattered it, before casting it aside and sliding the larger weapon out.
this actually became a COD lobby im crying
saw Samium lying down in the bed, eyes half-open, staring at the ceiling. Other than the fact that there was a book by the side that seemed to be gone now - fiction, probably, the cover depicting a ship - that felt a little confusing. So he could read a novel, after all? Or maybe someone had left it here?
Ship of Theoseus chan?
Why did the playwright just look at me
"Okay, so. Here's the thing," they said. "The monster might be, uh, real."
Okay for all my excitement about the beast is there any way to check if that’s actually the phantasm conjuring arcana they talked about earlier? Could explain the grim reaper but I don’t remember if it could produce sound or not…or how big it could get. Could also just be a really advanced golem since the power was active while this was happening? (And that was the negating factor when they were debating COBD (cause of Bardiyas death before))
I’m pretty sure the beak thing is actually real though, so many people have corroborated it. The beast only showed up while people were panicking
Man I wouldn’t be surprised if this conversation with Samium we’re seeing over the logic thing concluded with Su pushing him out the window. my rationale towards this is would that be fucking crazy or what
So, this sounds like it's coming from way off in the distance-- Like really far down the hall, or behind a wall, or something. Now, I'm getting a really bad vibe at this point,
Have i mentioned yet how much I love fang
Ann says we should just gun it." Anna's eyes narrowed slightly at her name being shortened, but didn't interject.
Have i mentioned yet how much i LOVE fang
I said something stupid about hiding up in the armory, maybe grabbing some of the grenades, so we went all the way up
they are addicted to those grenades
If Ptolema thinks the beast is fake then I believe that it's fake. She’s consistently proven to have the best observational skills of the entire group, picking things up that other people don’t see. As she says, she's got the mind of a surgeon. She knows how a body is meant to be built and interact with its environment. Believe women!!!! Ema sweep!!!!
Can I be honest. Creepy children’s stories scare me so much and I could barely get through that one barn quest in Cyberpunk 2077 and this children's slideshow with the piglet is reminding me of that. I literally couldn’t sleep for a few days after playing that. Anyway. Animal Farm? because there is a farm with animals
no i'm being deadass was that an animal farm redux. it felt like an animal farm redux
It would be so funny if Fang acted the way they do because something was wrong with them. But it would be even funnier if they're just like this
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fluttershiesworld · 2 years
browsing YRU sale is always a bad idea $50 platforms calling my name
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Mh fans, someone pls tell me the name of the yru abbey boots!! I need to find them!!!
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sunloveskel · 4 months
yru,,i...yur,,...yuri,... <3
is this yuri from deli or something else
Or is it that weird art thing that’s like names Yuri or sum
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bbg100 · 2 years
Also if I get the Qozmo checkers I'm relacing that shit into a better pattern! Looks fuck ugly ngl. But the base shoe is more than good enough. Ughhhh I'm saving money for an identical copy of my favorite dress rn tho so I can't spend ~50 on some shoes. Fyi I did just name drop like a bunch of rich people shoes- yru does a shitload of deals including doing half off of sale items regularly, so it's completely reasonable if you're patient.
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fallowfield · 3 years
i was just gonna make a character that didn't have a surname but now they're named Callisto Lovechild because fuck you
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bonelyheartsclub · 2 years
I love Poplar as a character but as a homeowner I hate the poplar tree type so bad. It's very resilient but it NEVER STOPS. Is this why you chose the name?
jgkfledwekofih we chose the name bc it's a tree to match Ash and has the same "Pop" sound you get from the first 2 syllables in "Pap"yrus. I hope you're not implying you hate Poplar the character too /j
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bloodmooncc · 4 years
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❝Decora Platforms❞
The only thing I like about Valentine’s Day is the cute pink aesthetic, so I made transparent platforms and filled them with candy hearts!! Named after Decora kei.
16 swatches - the last 4 are iridescent!!
Teen to elder
2 versions: empty and full in a merged package
Feminine, enabled for all genders but looks weird on male sims
Use with high heels slider or platforms will sink in-game
Reference: YRU qloud platforms
DOWNLOAD (dropbox)
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kiokodoodles · 2 years
Choose any of your boyos for this! Which is preferred, soft or crunchy cookies? 🍪
For a reminder on who’s who since I don’t talk about any of them as much, here’s a link to their names!
For this one, I’ll do my main boys, horrorswap, horrorfell, SF! Cyan, FS! Neon, and FS! Ruby
Soft cookies: Jayce, Ruben, Bane, Paru
Crunchy cookies: Papyrus, Pine, Mal, Cyrus, Yrus, Spade, Juniper, Bass, Sycamore
No preference: Comic, Aspen, Paps, Pyre, Rus, Lux, Aster, Pyrus, Spruce
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honeycomb-ferret · 3 years
Today's takeaway from this here Room of Swords Sunday:
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Gyrus is a fucking dumbass and I love him. My Yrus buddy. Did y'all know my name was partially inspired by his? Was thinking of what i wanted people to call me after my trans realization and i'm like "Well I always liked Gyrus' name and he's a fellow queer man tit enjoyer...hmmm..." Actually Gyrus gave me gender envy and that led to my realization. Fuck ok thanks room of swords for that.
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popatochisssp · 4 years
ok poppy i'm rereading some of your stuff and reading about proposals and my hopelessly romantic ass needs, NEEDS, to know how the new bois would propose to their s/o.
*cracks knuckles*
Romance ahoy!
Ash (Undergloom Sans): Pretty mundane, all things considered, he’s not really an over-the-top sorta guy. By the time he proposes, you’ve almost definitely had at least a handful casual conversations about getting hitched, just to make sure you’re on the same page about the idea. And then, you find the ring, hidden at the bottom of a basket of fries at Grillby’s (because of course it’s at Grillby’s) and the question in his eye-lights when you look back up at him. He won’t say it out loud, he wants you to have the out of shoving it back at him or maybe just quietly taking it if you’re not up for a scene--but if you lick the grease and salt off that puppy and slip it on your finger, you’re already in the best place to celebrate your engagement with all your friends and family!
Yrus (Undergloom Papyrus): Paralyzed by indecision on how to ask you, quite frankly. You’re his s/o, and very special and important to him, so he wants it to be perfect, exactly what you want... but how??? He spends months looking up proposal ideas, asking friends and family for advice, practically stressing himself to tears over how much he wants this to happen but just can’t decide on how to do it! You’re almost guaranteed to find out about it before he follows through on anything, and honestly, you should probably propose on his behalf. The tears will finally come then, but they’ll be happy ones, and hopefully the two of you can laugh about it later that it was his idea and he had everything ready, but you had to be the one to ask just to make it happen.
Brick (Horrorfell Sans): Once he’s decided that he really wants to be with you on a permanent basis, he’d like to make the proposal really special and memorable for you… but he doesn’t really have any ideas. He’s…not the most creative, or spontaneous, and everything he’s come up with feels boring or clichéd… In the end, the only thing he can think of is to just... rehearse and memorize a little speech-- the usual pre-proposal stuff, like what you mean to him, how much he loves you, the future he wants to have with you... He writes it all down, everything he wants to say to you, and drills it, over and over until he’s got every word down perfectly with no pauses or wrong signs or stand-in-words for what he actually means, like there usually are when you talk to him. When the time comes, it’s the skeleton-equivalent of muscle memory and he delivers his speech perfectly, flawlessly for you, ending on the classic ‘will you marry me?’ and watching carefully for your answer. (If it’s ‘yes,’ you can bet he’ll still remember the speech, word for word, years later and be able to repeat it to you whenever you ask-- your fifth, tenth, twentieth anniversary and beyond.)
King (Horrorfell Papyrus): Probably disappointing, honestly. He’s a very restrained and understated type of person, not the type to make a fuss, even about this. Honestly, you’ll be with him so long and so harmoniously that everyone you know will be assuming you’re already married before he’s ever said anything to you about it. And then, one day... he tells you that he’s looked into it and that it’d be relatively easy to make things official, he already knows the forms to fill out and the pieces of identification you’ll need, if that’s something you’d like to do. Not...very romantic...definitely not much of a wow factor... but you might feel at least a little flutter if you agree, because he’ll take your hand and press the back of it to his teeth and follow it up with, “GOOD. LET’S GET ON WITH FOREVER, THEN.” And he does mean that-- he only plans on marrying once, and you’re it for him.
Merc (Horrorswap Sans): You’ll find him in the kitchen, getting a little baking done. He’ll tell you, straight-faced and straight to your face, that he’s making a proposal cake...and ask if you’d like to help. You’ll probably assume it’s a paid project of his, for a client, and he’ll encourage your misunderstanding every step of the way. (Bonus points if you happen to have any comments--positive or negative--about the guy who’s proposing to his datemate with a cake!) The two of you will be flirting and cooperating and having a nice afternoon together making this cake--mixing the batter, putting on the frosting, carefully decorating it-- and it probably won’t occur to you that every part of it, from the flavors to the colors are exactly to your tastes... at least, not until he’s piping ‘Will You Marry Me’ on top and then spells out your name. The cheeky son of a bitch got you to help him bake your own proposal. He’ll slide the cake over to you with a patient smile while he waits for it to click, and to hear your answer to the question.
Ell (Horrorswap Papyrus): He’s definitely going to take a long time to get around to it, lots of hesitating and talking himself into and out of it. You’ll mostly likely be cuddled together, in the middle of the night, when he can’t wait anymore and nudges you awake to ask how you feel about doing something stupid. (It’s a prime opportunity for an ‘I’m doing you, aren’t I?’ joke, and honestly that might loosen a little bit of the tension for him if you’re quick enough on the draw to make it.) He’ll hem and haw and talk around it for awhile if you choose to probe into what he had in mind, but he’ll go for broke sooner or later and say that it’s marrying him, that he was thinking about. The stupid thing. That he...wondered if you would...do... He has a ring, which he fishes out from underneath the pillow, but the self-consciousness will start hitting him around then, and he probably won’t be able to look you in the eye as he sheepishly nudges it at you, waiting for your answer. If it just so happens to be ‘yes,’ well... he’ll probably be smiling into your shoulder all night and well into the morning.
Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans): He wants an organic moment and he’ll wait as long as he needs to for a natural, intimate moment where it just feels right to ask. It’ll probably be a morning, early but not so early that the sun isn’t coming through the windows and making everything feel warm and pleasant as you start the day. Domesticity in its purest form, he’d most like to catch you getting some chores done with a little music playing, the perfect excuse to sweep you into a playful, spontaneous waltz across the floor... And somewhere between the twirling and the laughter and the kisses ruined by smiling, there it is--“MARRY ME...” No ring, no collar, and no real plan for what you might say after, but you can figure that out together, can’t you?
Nemo (Horrorswapfell Papyrus): He pops the question as far from home as possible, out in the great big world. The specific location isn’t important to him, it could be anywhere as long as it’s beautiful and new to him and he’s all the way out there with you. He may not have intended to come on vacation just to do this, so he’s definitely not prepared, but it reminds him how far he’s come and how he never could’ve predicted he’d end up here, with all this, and that inspires him; giving him the confidence to propose without hesitation. He’ll take your hand in his, look you in the eye, and just ask: “will you marry me?” He just...knows that it’s something that he wants and he hopes that you feel the same way.
Sunny (Gastertale Sans): Guaranteed to be a spur of the moment thing, completely off-the-cuff. After you’ve been together awhile, after it’s clear that you two are a Serious Thing and probably in it for the long haul, it could happen pretty much anytime, anywhere... but probably on some adventure you’re on, whether that’s an aimless drive to nowhere, a ‘hey I’ve never done that before, let’s do it’ outing, or even just hitting up a convenience store for snacks in the middle of the night. You’ll just be laughing, having a good time together, living in the moment, and he’ll catch your eye and… “hey. let’s get married!” Spontaneous, but not thoughtless-- if he says it, he means it completely, so there’s no need to worry about him taking it back. He’s just too excited about the idea to not tell you about it immediately, as soon as it pops into his head. Still, he won’t be offended if you doubt the offer at first, and he’d be very happy to talk it out with you--where it came from, how he feels about you, why he wants it-- until you believe him and can maybe start thinking about an answer to give him. Take your time, he can wait, as long as it’s with you!
Aster (Gastertale Papyrus): His is very much the Traditional Romantic Proposal-- a meaningful location for the both of you (where you met, first date, first said ‘I love you’, take your pick) where you can recreate that lovely evening with each other’s company and your fond nostalgia. You’ll probably have the sense that it’s coming long before he ever actually asks, but he won’t be hurried along for anything. You’re making memories here and everything in its own time! The biggest difference from his and the Traditional Romantic Proposal is that when it is finally time to pop the question, he won’t go down on one knee. He won’t do anything that might draw unnecessary attention to himself and to you, and won’t involve anyone else in this—no friends and family, no helpful waiters hiding rings, no spectators gawking at you in passing. This moment isn’t for sharing, it belongs to just the two of you: no pressure, no judgment, and no expectations, just a very simple, earnest question, asked with your hand in his. Before you’ve decided, he wants you to be comfortable enough to choose wholly without influence... and if your answer to the question is something to be celebrated, if your choice is him... Well, he’s happy to share that with anyone and everyone you please.
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horrorlesbians · 3 years
what’s the name of your demonias? they look so good on u <3
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if you mean the first pair they are these pair from demonia and if you mean the second pair they are from YRU, not sold anymore (iirc) but you may be able to find them second hand like i did
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