#she is just WAY too helpful and motherly to charlie
anthurak · 8 months
Just watched Episode 7 and am about to go into the finale, but I felt like mentioning this now:
Rosie is ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY an incognito LIlith.
(Alternately, she could also be Eve. One of those two.)
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syddsatyrn · 7 months
Omg your requests are open. I've seen some of your work and it's amazing❤️
Can you do a smut with Lucifer. He's become my new obsession.
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⛧Idle Time is the Devil's Play⛧ By Sydd Satyrn
⛧Pairing: - Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
⛧Warnings: Shameless smut, fingering, swearing, fluff
⛧Words: 2.5k
⛧Notes: This was actually rather fun to write, thank you for the request! My head canon in this one is that Lucifer wears reading glasses.
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The day started out on the wrong foot from the second you woke up. The dishes are piled up, laundry needs to be done, and how is there so much dust in here?! Nifty does her best to keep up but she's only one tiny person. You begin with the dishes, stack and stacks of plates and bowls, cups and flatware cover the counter. You let out a sigh of disappointment. After working for a short while, Angel Dust walks in with a surprised look on his face. “I thought you were dating the King of Hell, why are you wasting your time with chores?” The tall spider asks, holding a stack of dishes from his room. “Angel, I work here. I don't know how many times I have to tell you…” You reply with an eye roll. “Yeah, yeah, Charlie’s dreams, blah, blah, motherly nonsense. I’m just sayin’ you could totally slack off and get away with it.” He says, placing more dishes on the counter. You give him a side eye, and Angel laughs. “Chill out toots, I’m just playin’.” He says and heads back to his room. He’s right, you could slack off if you wanted to, but you felt the need to try for Charlie. You and Lucifer have been dating for a little over 6 months and within that time you’ve become rather fond of his sweet daughter and her dreams to rehabilitate sinners. So you took on a role at the hotel and did what you could to help make it possible. You wanted to impress Lucifer's daughter, maybe one day she might even see you as family, if you’re lucky.  You finally finish the dishes and take a step back and admire your handiwork. A clean sink, and counters, all the dirty dishes are now washed, dried and put away. It took a good chunk of the morning but it was worth it. The kitchen looks spotless and you decide to move onto the next chore. You tidied a few empty rooms and then delivered clean towels to each room with an occupant. You’re already running out of energy and it's only noon. “You look like you could use some coffee.” Husk says from behind the bar while wiping down the countertops. “You read my mind, Husker.” You say and take a seat at the bar. He pours you a cup of black coffee and sets it in front of you. “Thank you, you have no idea how much I need this.” “Don’t mention it” He says and returns to his countertops. Husk may seem grumpy all the time but you’ve come to know him as a rather genuine and helpful person.
You drink your coffee slowly and contemplate what you should do next. There are so many chores that need to be done, where should you even start? Nifty should be cleaning the bathrooms or taking out the trash by now. You decide to start dusting next, it shouldn't be too hard. 
After dusting the common areas, you begin on the hallways. You start at the top floor and work your way down. You hum quietly to yourself while wiping the window sills. As you turn a corner, you run into Angel Dust, and spill dusting spray all over his jacket. “Shit!” He says while wiping his jacked off with his hand, Angel looks frantic and upset, you’ve never seen him so scared. “I’m so sorry! Are you okay?!” You immediately apologize. “Y/N, I can't find Fat Nuggets anywhere! I took my eyes off of him for one second and he disappeared! My poor baby!” Angel says, clearly in a state. He looks like he might even cry. It’s gonna be okay, we just…need to split up! I’ll head downstairs and you stay up here.”You say, trying to remain calm. Angel nods, and you both go your separate ways.
You search all the rooms on the first and second floor, the lobby, the bar, and even the basement. There is no sign of the little pig. You were sure you would find him rooting around somewhere in the kitchen but still, no Fat Nuggets. You notice the back door is slightly ajar, you definitely didn’t use that door when you were down here earlier. You open it, expecting to have solved the mystery, but still nothing. You lean against the wall and let out a defeated sigh. “Dammit, Fat Nuggets, where are you?” You say out loud. Suddenly there is a rustlin noise inside a tipped over trash can. You lift the lid and inside is a very happy looking little pig. You scoop him up and give him a big hug, he must have gottens stuck out there looking for a snack. As you carry Fat Nuggets upstairs you hear a shriek of joy coming from Angel Dust. “My baby!” He cries as you hand him over. “Don't you ever leave my side again!” He says, baby talking to the little pig while giving him a snuggle. “I owe you one, Y/N.” Angel says with a smile. “Dont worry about it, I’m just happy we found the little guy.” You gently boop the little pig’s nose. —------------ As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of pink and orange across the sky, a sense of tranquility settled over the hotel. The warm glow of the fading sunlight painted the walls in soft, golden hues made the place feel somewhat serene. Finding Fat Nuggets took up the rest of your afternoon and you were feeling unusually exhausted. 
 You head down to the lobby and see Nifty cleaning up the last of the dusting you did earlier.
She greets you as usual. “Good Evening, Miss Y/N! How was your day?” She pauses her cleaning and stares up at you with her single cyclops eye. “I am so worn out, Nifty. How are you?” You return, smiling down at her tiny figure.
“I’m okay. There aren't as many bugs in the hotel to squish anymore so I’m getting pretty bored.” You smile at her, Not entirely sure how to respond to that statement. She always says the wildest stuff, but you’re used to it. Alastor says she's always been pretty quirky. “You should go spend time with your boyfriend.” Nifty teases,”I’ll deal with the rest of the chores.” “Thank you, I could really use a break. Today was a mess.” You say with a sigh of relief. After walking down the long, lavish hallway to Lucifer's room. You open the door slowly, you don't want to wake him if he is asleep. The King is already in bed wearing nothing but a robe and his reading glasses. The lamp next on the bedside table is the only source of light in the room. The blonde haired man is reading a book and glances over at you when he hears you come in. “I was wondering when you’d be here.” He says with a smile on his face. He closes his book and sets it on the nightstand along with his gold rimmed glasses. “Sorry I’m late, I’ve had a really long day.” You admit as you sit on the edge of the bed. “Oh? What did you get up to today?” He asks and crawls toward you. “There was a lot to do around the hotel today, a mountain of dishes and so much cleaning. Like seriously, where does all this dust come from?! Then Angel lost Fat Nuggets and he was outside…” You ramble on and Lucifer listens intently. “Fat Nuggets?” Lucifer chuckles and cocks his head to the side. “His pet pig.” You remind him. “Oh, I see…” Lucifer places his hand on your cheek. His warm touch sends shivers down your spine. He pulls your face closer and kisses your lips gently. Your heart flutters and you kiss him back, blushing slightly.
“Well, I’m glad you’re here now.” Lucifer laughs, knowing exactly what he's doing to you. “Sounds like you need some time off. I notice you do a lot around here, you shouldn’t wear yourself out like that.” “I just want to show Charlie that I support her dream and believe in her.” Your words make Lucifer’s heart swell, the fact that you are trying so hard to impress his daughter is quite possibly the cutest thing he’s ever seen. He smiles at you, his expression full of love and admiration. You return his smile, your face bright red. He pulls you in for a tight hug, burying his face into your hair. “You’re doing just fine, my love. You can let up a little.” He whispers in your ear, “You should let me take care of you for a couple days.” Lucifer's voice is sticky sweet, you can see why Eve was so easily swayed. You melt into his arms and he kisses the top of your head. “I know exactly what you need…” Lucifer days, his voice laced with a mischievous tone. “Do you…?” You ask and giggle at his bold statement. He reluctantly lets go of you and takes off to the bathroom connected to his room. You can hear him turn on the faucet to fill up the tub. Lucifer walks out of the bathroom a few minutes later, he grabs your hand and pulls you close, his eyes half lidded. He kisses your cheek and wraps his arm around your shoulder. “Come with me, my dear.” He leads you to the bathroom, the tub is filled about half way with warm water. The room is filling with steam and the lights are low, a few candles are lit. The ambiance is warm and charming just like he is. Your eyes widen and you feel Lucifer hands tug at your clothes, silently telling you to take them off. Your face feels hot as you start to remove your clothing, piece by piece. You leave them in a pile on the floor, trying your best to keep your composure. “I have to admit I wasn’t expecting this…” You say, Lucifer smirks, pleased with himself and your reactions. He removes his robe, revealing his perfect body. He steps into the tub and turns to you.
"Well, are you coming or not?" He teases, you take his hand and slowly get in the tub with him. He sits behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you just a bit closer. Together, you both leaned back against the edge of the tub, letting the warmth of the water soothe your weary muscles. The stress of the day melted away, you could feel your muscles relax, you lean the back of your head on his shoulder, breathing him in.
"See? Isn't this much better?" Lucifer purrs in your ear.  
You nod and let your eyes close. You can feel him kiss your temple and you can't help but smile. “I definitely needed this…”You murmured, Lucifer's hands begin to roam your body, his hands trace down your arms. 
"You have the most beautiful skin...I can't help but touch it." He whispers and kisses your neck, you sigh softly. "And you always smell like vanilla, I adore that..."
“You flatter me, Lucifer.” You reply. He kisses the back of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. His hands begin to massage your shoulders, "Are you cold?" He asks, noticing the goosebumps forming on your skin. With gentle hands, his fingertips traced delicate patterns along the contours of your skin. In the hushed ambiance, time seemed to slow, as if caught in the embrace of the moment. “No, I’m fine.” You assure him.” You’re just really good with your hands.” “Is that so?” Lucifer says with a playful tone. He can barely contain himself, the way your body responds to his touch is fascinating to him. Lucifer's hands travel lower down your torso and gently cup your breasts. You hum softly and push your body closer to his.
"My, you're a needy one tonight, aren't you?" He chuckles and runs his thumbs over your nipples. "I think I know exactly how to help you." His hands travel lower and lower until they reach your core. Your breath hitches and your face turns a bright shade of red and Lucifer notices. "Is that okay, my love?" He asks, making sure he's not overstepping his bounds.
"Y-yes, it's more than okay.”
Lucifer's fingers explore your folds, teasing and prodding. His movements are slow and deliberate, as if he's trying to memorize every inch of your body. You gasp as he enters a finger into you. You moan softly and your back slightly arches. "That's it, my love, just let go, let me take care of you." The King’s tone is lustful and alluring. Lucifer adds a second finger and starts thrusting in and out, his thumb rubs your clit. He moves his fingers faster and harder. “Luci…fuck…” You swear followed by another moan, the pleasure is overwhelming. You can feel him smile against your skin, his hand working wonders between your thighs. You bite your lip and whimper, gripping the edge of the tub. Lucifer bites the tip of your ear and quickens his pace. “That’s it my dear, are you gonna cum for me?” Lucifer groans and pushes his fingers deeper inside you. You let out a whimper, a feeling of warmth growing deep within your core. Between the steam from the bathtub and all the stimulation you start to feel a little dizzy. Lucifer groans and buries his face into the crook of your neck. He focuses back on your clit, his middle finger massaging little circles, picking up speed with each second that passes. You can't stop the moans from escaping your mouth, the pleasure is too much. You can't hold back any longer and your body is rocked with wave after wave of pleasure. Lucifer's fingers move slower, helping you ride out the waves of your orgasm. Your chest rises and falls rapidly, your face is bright red. Lucifer pulls his fingers out and wraps his arms around you, hugging you tight.
"Are you alright?" He asks, kissing your neck. You nod and completely relax into Lucifer's body. You lay in the bathtub together, his fingers caress your arm, he presses another kiss to your temple.
"I think it's time you got some rest." He says, barely above a whisper. You both get out of the tub and Lucifer wraps a towel around you.
"You're absolutely perfect." He says with a grin and kisses your nose. You smile at him, continue to dry off and wrap your hair in a towel. Lucifer loans you a pair of his silk pajamas, they are just slightly too big for you. But all that does is add to how comfortable they are. You lay in bed next to him, the covers pulled over your shoulders. He pulls you close and runs his fingers through your hair.
"So, tomorrow you will do no chores, no errands, just relax and take it easy.” He says, with a slightly demanding tone. You lay your head down on his bare chest and he picks up his book. “Yes sir…no chores…” You murmured against his skin. “He chuckles, "Good girl. That's what I like to hear.” He praises while putting his glasses back on. You're exhausted from the day and can barely keep your eyes open. Before long, you fall asleep in the arms of your love, ready for a trouble free day tomorrow. 
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deadghosy · 7 months
hey, can I request vox,alastor and vaggie meeting elder sister!reader ?
Characters: Vaggie, Vox, & Alastor
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She meet you through Charlie as you were just visiting the hotel to see your only niece. And she must admit you were very angelic pretty. No wonder why her girlfriend got good genetics in the family.
Her impressions on you were sure rolling on her at how you entered the hotel having a straight posture and a stern look until your eyes shined down at Charlie who was happy to see you
First impression: scary, stern, and resting bitch face
Later impression: sweet and nice to have advice from. Very loving.
Friend status: close friend, because of your motherly nature and aura around you. She feels safe to know her girlfriend’s family loves her and cherish that Charlie has someone.
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Like VAGGIE, you meet through the hotel as he narrowed his eyes at you. You felt a pair of eyes on you as you turn around to face the radio demon who is smiling at you with a huge grin. You smiled back softly and gave him a respectful nod towards him.
Alastor’s eyes widen at how much calmer you are than your brother but he nods back still watching how you are. And he must say, you are the complete opposite than your brother. The way you are graceful even in talking and walking made him feel, relaxed?
His impressions are sure known on you.
FIRST IMPRESSION: a nuisance, overconfident, too gracious, scared you would be like your brother.
LATER IMPRESSION: calming, a pretty graceful, relaxing energy
FRIEND STATUS: Mutal/friend, he would be your friend if he wanted to but you guys are mutually fine with another as you didn’t know your brother didn’t like him.
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You guys meet as you were walking through pentagram city on a stroll away from Lucifer and his duck soap opera. You loved your younger brother, but some you wonder about his mental health.
You accidentally bump into him he got knocked back while you stood there confused at what “pest” knocked into you. You helped him up and immediately he knew who you were. As you dusted him off he stared at your face. It looked like Lucifer’s but a girl version and more mature.
Lucifer announced that you were a Morningstar related in family as soon as you fell. So of course Vox made it his intention to broadcast about your angelic appearance in hell.
But he never knew you were so calming that you picked him up with one hand and kept walking.
FIRST IMPRESSION: angelic, snobby kinda, pretty, calming.
LATER IMPRESSION: still calming, angelic, pretty, but not as snobby he thought you would be in his head.
FRIEND STATUS: strangers, you guys didn’t even talk. You kept walking as you had somewhere else to be than to start a conversation with a complete rando.
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kinopio-writes · 7 months
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A/N: Decided to answer these two in one go. Screenshotted, lol. 3rd POV and the reader is referred to as they/it like last time. Also, I’m gonna be honest with you, after the last Adam post, I started to find his relationship with Sera and Lute intriguing. They both make an appearance (separately).
I just found out. Apparently, Sera and Emily are sisters (just with huge age gaps)? Well, I never viewed them as actual mother and daughter, but I was leaning more towards motherly-figure Sera. Kept it vague.
Words: 1,404 (not including the bullet points)
Warnings: Swearing (surprisingly not as vulgar as pt.1)
More Adam w/ a Child!Reader
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• to solidify my statement that Adam wouldn’t just give the child away to someone else—along with the points I said in the previous Adam post—is because he didn’t want to seem incapable and, God forbid, ask for help?
• uh-uh. No way
• also, I don’t really see their first word being “papa”
• because of Adam, the kid cursing as their first word seems pretty on-brand
• not to mention that I don’t think they were with many people other than Adam, Lute, possibly Sera, and maybe his friends, too
• if he even has any
• and this isn’t even slander (when Charlie said, haven’t you had a night of drinking with friends after a rough night, he neither confirmed nor denied it. Not exactly the most reliable proof, but I take whatever I get)
• so, yeah, they were stuck with Adam’s vocabulary, unfortunately
• but for the sake of it, I’ll do “papa” as their first word (“fafa”, actually. You’ll get it when you read it)
Also, uh, heavily focused on Adam. Again. I mean, you can’t really do much with a child!reader in regards to personality, so.
Adam sat comfortably on his chair outside his balcony, his hand carrying Adam Jr. while the other was mindlessly plucking at his wings’ loose feathers. He would let them fall onto the floor after collecting a pile of them on his lap, finding that to be the only source of entertainment he could do without his kid crying.
Before he was going to push his feathers off his lap, a gust of wind blew them off for him and they flew over the edge of his balcony. All of his previous feathers slipped through the railing’s gaps as well.
His hand lingered mid-air as he looked up to see Sera land next to him. “Holy shit.” He instantly became more animated, a grin forming on his face as he stood up. “Y’know, I keep forgetting that anyone can just waltz in here.”
“Good evening to you, too, Adam.”
He bit back from replying rudely, instead choosing to place his hand on his hip while he held Adam Jr. closer to him. “Yeah, whatever.”
Sera then went on to dramatically stare down at the scenery above the city of Heaven, hands folded in front of her as Adam waited for her to say something. He got impatient after a few seconds.
“What’s up your ass?”
She turned her head to face him and furrowed her brows. He only rolled his eyes, the corner of his mouth twitching downward into a grimace as he slightly turned his head away from the head seraphim. Her attention was instantly directed to the baby in his arms. “Do you mind if I hold it?”
Adam jerked back at the sudden ask. “Uh, weird request…but you do you.” When he didn’t attempt to move, Sera leaned down and took the sleeping child from his secured arms, standing back to her height as she observed their peaceful slumber.
Quite a surprise, frankly. She didn’t think Adam was capable of handling something so fragile as life for more than a day, let alone a whole year.
The feeling of a baby in her arms made her reminisce about the time when Emily was just as little.
“The concept of birth is astonishing…”
“Having a child is one of God’s greatest blessings...”
“You must be very proud…”
“Uh, yeah…sure…”
“It even has your wings.”
“Y’know, this is starting to feel a little one-sided right now.”
“What I’m trying to say is—” Sera seemed to have gotten out of her sentimental trance and narrowed her eyes at the man below her, “—you are fortunate to have this child, Adam.” She slowly returned the child to its father and watched as Adam held them back securely in his arms. “Children grow up faster than you think. Spend your time wisely. It’s not as if you’ll get any older yourself.”
“Mhm, yeah, got it.” The seraphim only hardened her gaze. “Okay! Fatherhood is the best thing ever, time is faster than the speed of light blah blah blah.” He swayed his head from side to side to emphasize each word, shoulders slumped. “Sheesh. Don’t have to be so sensitive over a kid that isn’t yours.”
Sera tightly shut her already parted lips and deeply breathed out through her nose, turning her back on the man and pushing the hair that strayed on her face. She didn’t say anything more and simply stared at the view on his balcony again.
Adam only raised a brow at her unusual behavior.
“So, not that I care or anything, or about your weird touchy-feely icky vibes, but you never told me why you’re here, so, if you could just tell me what I need to know and leave, that’ll be really great—”
“Okay. Fine.” He held up a hand and lifted his shoulders. “Wallow in your melancholic—whatever this is. It totes ruined my vibes. I’mma dip.” Adam flapped his wings to get himself on the railings as the head seraphim watched him gently fly down with his child.
Sera speculated he would most likely come back after ten minutes. That would hopefully be enough time for her to have a composed mind to have a discussion with the first man.
“Say, ‘fuck’.”
He was told that it was smart to teach his kid how to start speaking at this age with pictures and shit. Adam, however, went with his method and sat Adam Jr. and himself on the carpet floor, repeatedly saying what he wanted it to say. He’d been like this for half an hour.
He blinked.
“That’s not what I fucking wanted you to say, but, close enough.” He shrugged. “Now say, ‘di—”
It was only after Lute came over that he realized what his kid just said.
“Yeah, so my kid just called me his dad. First words,” Adam spoke with drawled-out speech, inspecting his lack of nails. “Pretty dope,” he accentuated the ‘p’ in ‘dope’
“That’s not what we were talking about, Sir.” Lute had her hands on the edge of the table as they both sat on the carpet floor.
“Uh, does it look like I care?” He had his kid on his lap, playing with it by holding its hands in his and making them punch thin air. “ʼSides, we still have a week to finish this shit.”
Lute only deadpanned at her leader going off-topic to talk about his kid but said nothing more, deciding it was best to let him run out of things to say so they could get some work done without interruption.
“Yeah, you little piece of shit, slash ʼem!” Adam’s maniacal and obnoxious laughter bounced around his living room space as Adam Jr. punctured the heads of hand-made figures of sinners with their fake angelic spear (he couldn’t get a real one, unfortunately. They’re only obtainable during the extermination).
Lute happened to walk in on the scene. Adam always left his balcony door open. His neighbors, despite being come-and-goers, continually complained about his loud guitar sequences. He always responded with something about how he was being generous and that they should be happy—heck, blessed that they were getting a free concert without having to pay.
He hasn’t had those arguments lately, though.
She observed him sitting on the cardboard-littered floor with his HolyPhone in hand, assumably recording his child slaughtering the wretched sinners.
He had the biggest smile she’d ever seen on his mask.
“Sir, what are you doing?”
“AH!” he released a guttural yell as he snapped his head over to the source of the voice. “Jeez, Lute—what does it look like I’m doing?”
The lieutenant immediately answered, “Playing with your offspring, Sir.”
“I’m not playing! I had tons of cardboard lying around from my fan mail, and throwing them all away’s a bother.” he defensively retorted. “And, ew, don’t call it offspring. It’s Adam Jr. now. Check it.” Adam clumsily messed with his phone, muttering curses until he found the video he was looking for in his endless album of blurry photos. He showed the screen to Lute, not realizing it wasn’t even playing. “This kid will grow up to be such a badass!”
“But it isn’t meant to be an exterminator, Sir.”
“Uh, so what?” He placed his hands on his hips.
Lute missed a beat when countering, “Sera won’t allow it.”
“Pftt, what? No.” Adam refuted with a wave of his hand. “She so would. I have the proof.” He lifted his phone and shook it for emphasis. “And it’s my extermination, so I do whatever the fuck I want.”
Lute turned her head away momentarily before perking back up. “When it grows up eventually, it’s a possibility.”
“Ah, what? I can’t wait that loooong,” he whined, slumping onto the floor. “Bummer. I mean, imagine a tiny cunt-born exorcist! How cool is that? The first in history!”
She nodded. “With it under your wing, I know that it can learn our ways just as quickly as we slaughter those wretched sinners.”
Adam tapped a finger on his chin, face scrunched in thought before he placed his hands on his hips as he kneeled on the floor. “Hmm, yeah.” He spread out his wings, too lazy to stand up on his own two feet. He then plucked Adam Jr. from the floor by their armpits, deciding to bring them along without much thought. “Let’s go pitch the idea to Sera. And let’s get takeout on the way.”
“Right beside you, Sir.”
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ratcash-wasgud · 6 months
𝚂𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚕𝚎𝙼𝚘𝚖!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚗!𝙼𝚒𝚣𝚞
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Hey heyyyy. I know I'm not doing the shit I'm supposed to, but this has been on my mind for so long, and I CANNOT get it out.
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Mizu hated her job. Working in a busy restaurant as a waitress is honestly exhausting, especially when someone is kind of masculine presenting. Sometimes she thinks that college isn't worth enough to suffer through this. Rude comments from middle aged customers about how she's not feminine enough, no tips from men since they usually think she's one of them until she speaks up, and little kids asking "are you a boy or a girl" are part of her daily rutine. But still, there is one good thing about her job. You.
She usually shares a shift with you, and you happen to be her polar opposite. You're cheery, optimistic and seem to be always shining. You're always there when she drops a plate, apologize in her place, and help her clean it up. You seem to be young too, almost her age. During some of the shared breaks, you told her you're four years older than her, and never managed to finish college. Why? You got pregnant.
You briefly told her about it once. You did really well on an exam, and went out to celebrate. You got really, reaaaaly drunk. Since there was this guy, who was paying for your drinks, you went all out. The next thing though was that you woke up in an unfamiliar apartment, naked. You did a test the moment you got home, and found out you were pregnant. You dropped out to get a full time job, to afford this baby, because you weren't able to get rid of it, and when your snob parents found out, they cut contact with you. Now you're still raising your two year old daughter, Charlie.
You're stronger than anyone Mizu ever met. When she learned that you're a mother, she suddenly understood why are you so motherly. Why are you so warm. You have practice in treating children, and even if Mizu doesn't know it, she is still one on the inside. And an angry one at that.
And with the though that you are a mother, she fell in love with you. Your gentleness, your kind nature, the way you unintentionally coo at her when she's grumpy...it all just made her crave your presence. You never gave her more than a hug though aside from those rare pets on her head her when she does something really well.
She knows she shouldn't think about stuff like this, and it's not even her place to even have the though, but...you were with a man once. You never talked about anything else that could give her a hint about any of your previous or ongoing romantic interests, and that frustrates her. Akemi always tells her when she meets a guy, or Taigen when he manages to hook up with a girl...even Ringo told her about this pretty girl at the local bakery he really likes visiting. So why not you? Do you not have anyone? Ever? You probably don't like raising your kid alone, so why don't you try dating? Or dating her, to be specific. But, to cut this short, as far as she knows, you're straight.
"Oh God, we're sorry." You give a customer an apologetic smile as you kneel down on the ground to pick up pieces of a cup Mizu had just dropped. "The next drink is on the house. Again, we're sorry."
Mizu crouches down beside you, and she starts collecting shards too in silence. When the both of retreat to the kitchen, Mizu stops your hand when you're about to add a drink to your own tab. "What are you doing?"
"I told them the next drink is on the house." You say, raising an eyebrow. Mizu feels your pulse as she holds your wrist.
"Yeah, so why are you writing it to your name? I dropped the cup." She says, her tone harsh and unfriendly as ever.
"Because you already had to pay for that rude man's stew the other night. I can't let your paycheck get reduced to a single penny." You give her a slight smile and a small chuckle. You're too good to her. She keeps messing up, and you're the one cleanig up her mess.
Still, Mizu takes the pen from you and writes the drink under her name. "Buy Charlie something on your way home instead. Tell her it's from the weird woman from work." She sighs.
It's worth it. Completely. The smile on your face after she does that is just too much for Mizu to handle. "Why don't you give her the treat yourself? The daycare is close to the bus top you usually wait at, so you could come with me to pick her up."
So, that's how she ended up here, holding Charlie's small little right hand as you hold the left while the little girl literally toddles, on your way to your apartment.
Mizu was never good with children. She found them annoying and useless. But she had to admit...Charlie was adorable. The little girl was really your kid. She had the same mannerisms, even if she was barely able to speak.
"Then, the bug...got on my face. And then, I was screaming. Mean bug." Charlie mumbles endlessly as they walk. You, on the other hand, seemed to be really invested in the story, as you smile oh so sweetly at Charlie, and nod along to the story.
After that, Mizu ended up at your place somehow. She didn't want the moment to stop, so she just...kept walking with the two of you. It was so comforting, she couldn't let it go.
She watched you coo at your child as you fed her, waited obedientlyin the living room when you gave her a bath, helped you pick up her toys, and even did the day's dishes.
But it has gotten late. She should go home now...home. She feels like she found home tho. She doesn't want to leave.
"Hey..." Mizu starts as she picks up her bag. "Thanks for...you know, introducing me to Charlie." She murmurs.
You chuckle at her. "She really likes you. She was even more chatty from usual."
"What about you?"
"Do you like me?"
She slowly takes your hand. She can't stand this endless longing anymore. She wants to be by your side, to help you raise Charlie, to make your life just a little easier. She wants that more than anything.
"It's okay if you don't like me yet...I should earn your love." Mizu says, looking down at the ground.
"Mizu..." Your gaze softens, your fingers wrapping around hers.
"But I will earn it." She says, now determination filling her eyes. "I will show you how good I'd be for you. And for Charlie. So wait for me, until I can prove myself. But be ready for me."
And with that, she's out the door. Her steps are light and fast as she enjoy's the night breeze hit her face. She can't help but smile. She feels free.
She now, has something in her life...something to look forward to. She can't wait to be part of that family.
You look at the now closed door that she just walked through, and smile softly to yourself.
"What a child..." You whisper to yourself with a small chuckle.
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al1fers-haven · 6 months
Platonic hazbin hotel cast and gn!teen!reader with the personality of loona from helluva boss 👀
It could be a list of hcs or a oneshot. Either way is fine ^^
Hazbin Hotel x GenZ!Reader Headcannons
Imma do this as headcannons because...I can't really find any storyline for this lol CHARLIE
one of the things that Charlie seemed to actually figure out the most was why you were so moody lol, she went through that emo phase too but...yours was sticking a bit too long to be a phase.
She had mentioned a couple times that they were going to focus on your issues separately to keep you from feeling bad, but she never actually went for it. Scared it would set you off a bit.
outside of that, she thought you were adorable, treating you more like a younger sister than a normal hotel attendee.
Sees more of herself in you than she would like to admit, and doesn't truly understand why you are in hell but...she doesn't push.
Oh god, you and vaggie DO NOT MIX. It's one thing to put two demons together, but Vaggie already acts like a depressed teen at times.
She doesn't really...demand respect but she tries to act motherly towards you and just fails miserably.
You think she is trying to be controlling because you are younger and don't know as much.
Genuinely thinks you can be redeemed, and that if anyone has shot at it, it would be you.
Despite the fact you two don't get along, you come to her for some issues that you know she would be good with, like trying to get better and maintain friendships. that doesn't happen often tho.
You and her mixed is awful for boardgames too, talk about competitive.
You and her definitely got a lot of bad blood on, especially if you get all mean with charlie and yell.
Oh god, it's a beautiful friendship.
You and angeldust get along more than needed, despite both being assholes at times, you both love each other and think a lot of one another.
You are usually the one taking care of him (along with Husk) Whenever he gets too rowdy at clybs, not only that but he takes care of you when you are unstable as well.
You don't do well with men, or any sort of family figure that is a man so as much as you try you always blow up.
You deeply care for the spider porn star but sometimes your personality makes it harder than you'd like. And he is one of the people inside the hotel that understands this the most, it's what you guys bonded over.
He thinks your absolutely hilarious and wishes that when he was your age he had half the courage to say the shit you say. Watching you tell Alastor he was a braindead prick? Oh it made his day.
But that worried him a little bit, while he was happy you hadn't been roped into any sort of deal or contract, he was worried you'd say something to the wrong person. And if you ever did he would be there in a heartbeat
you two usually get drunk together since he doesn't want you going to any bars alone (Which you hate, but understand) So he won't help you with the hangover, but he will be right next to you throwing up in the sink as you throw up in the toilet :) HUSK
If you had to have a father bond with anyone? It would be Husk. He refuses to give you drinks for no reason and even has late-night talks with you.
scolds you for not being careful and respecting yourself, and usually just sits there as you yell at him till you say something truly horrible to him.
(Which isn't a lot, this guy can take more than he admits.)
But at the end of the day, he's there to give you advice and let you ramble on about the shitty stuff going on in your life,
hell he even lets you drink if it's truly bad
he's more scared of you ending up like him than you getting drunk young, you are in hell.
definitely helps you to bed and takes care of you when you are drunk or after you are drunk. Seems like the type to have a soft spot for emotionally troubled drunk teens. ALASTOR
Oh god, he hates you.
if it wasn't for the fact you were a part of the hotel or one of Charlie's favorites. He would have killed you by now due to the comments you threw at him.
He couldn't tell who he would rather be in a room with, velvette? Or you.
Despite all of that he had an open mind to your behavior, understanding you were an emotional teen.
but that did NOT make the whole 'fossil' joke suddenly funny to him.
You two have bonded over a couple things, suits, food, and your insomnia. At the end of the day you still hated each other.
But he would totally cover you up if you fell asleep on the couch or something like that.
If you listen to his radio show he actually might start being nice to you, he's a sucker for teens as well. Especially if you are a girl.
"So what's it going to be? Mean comment? Or long sullen silence." "....you got me in a corner here." NIFTY
you two were an odd duo, usually, you sat through her horrible roach puppet shows and tried to hype her up, but in the end, you just couldn't.
she still appreciated you watching them and not booing.
Definitely tries not to get on your bad side, but ends up being annoying on accident,
you can't be mad at her though... SIR PENTIOUS (or however you spell it.)
This man obviously had cried multiple times because of your attitude and yelling.
He is a softy at heart, and you try to feel bad but he just makes it so easy.
the snake jokes are never-ending, especially if you two decide to form a bond? but I doubt that would ever happen...man is sensitive.
Didn't catch him during the trust fall, instead gagged about how slimy he was and called him a rude name.
Might make a part 2 to this, it's adorable
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libby-for-life · 5 months
I uh, I need more of the Yandere Hazbin hotel x Adam PLEASE!!! Maybe how they came to love the little lamb, I mean we know how Lucifer fell but I’m also interested in the rest
Hm. Well, it would have to be short snippets because I don't have the stamina to write all of them in detail. Let's go!
Angel Dust:
Angel Dust began his infatuation when he came home from a long day of work and ran into Adam in the kitchen looking for a snack. Adam would immediately notice that he was hurt and ask if he wanted anything to eat. It would delve into Adam making sure the spider demon was okay, making sure he was eating, and giving him some pain killers.
Angel Dust had never really had someone look out for him like this. Sure, Charlie sort of did, but she needed him. His soul depended on him making it to Heaven due to her efforts. Adam held no such obligations.
He...cared. So, when Adam set a steaming chocolate chip cookie down with a shy smile and a cute little tail wag of his lamb variety, a spark erupted. It only grew from there.
Husk began his infatuation when Adam fell asleep on a couch near the bar. He looked so peaceful. Innocent. Beautiful. Husk couldn't help but stare. Adam had always been cute, he wasn't blind, but seeing him sprawled on the couch, for anyone to see him, made Husk's heart beat faster then normal.
Then Adam woke up, yawned, and smiled sleepily at Husk. "Hi. How are you?" His head tilted and eyes sparkled. Yep. That did it. The obsession started then.
She began her motherly, borderline obsession when she found out how hurt Adam was. Her heart had always yearned for others but seeing Adam hurt this badly and to have seemingly no one care for him up in Heaven, well, it awoken a beast in her she didn't even know she had.
How dare they hurt him? Her sweet little lamb? Heaven didn't deserve Adam. She would make sure that they no longer hurt her lamb.
She began her obsession with perserving the rest of Adam when her father-figure forgave her for Vaggie hurting him all those years ago. She sees this as her second chance. Her way of protecting Adam when she was too weak to stand up to Heaven.
It gradually grew into an obsession with making the perfect family with her and the hotel. She wants it very badly. And she'll go to any lengths to make it happen. With the hotel involved of course.
She was already semi-obsessed with him when he first came in, but she had her heart set out on bad boys. Until Adam hurt himself accidentally by slipping on her mopped floor, dirty foot prints littering the floor.
She was furious at first because she thought that she would have to do it all again. But, seeing Adam on the floor and begging for forgiveness with tears in her eyes made her heart move in a way she hadn't had in years. It was like seeing a kicked puppy. Or lamb in this case. She soothed his worries, dried his tears, and made sure that he had a nice cup of tea before cleaning again. But that was the start. The obsessive need to see Adam okay. She would even watch him through the vents and make sure he wasn't plagued with nightmares. Just to be sure. Not because she might want to see his tears again so she can be the one to sooth him.
His obsession started when Adam ate his cooking and genuinely loved it. The Radio Demon was a sucker for praise and admiration, but when it came from Adam, it was like a drug. Especially when he smiled.
He became obsessed with seeing Adam smiling. He cooked, bought gifts, and even stomached a few hugs if it meant he could his lamb's beautiful smile....that was his smile. His smile to protect. And Heaven forbade anyone to make Adam frown or even cry.
Well, his radio show had much more gruesome screams that night....
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little-sleepy-owl · 7 months
ᴄʜᴀʀʟɪᴇ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
the reader is a sinner woman, who starts to act all motherly around the princess of Hell.
platonic, fluffy and wholesome.
originally I was going to publish this after Alastor x virgin!reader thingy. but holy hell, this weekend wasn't kind to me, and it seems this work week will not be kind either. so while it's still in progress, i offer you this little thing.
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she's very quick to pick up on what's going on. she's is in so much doubts and mixed feelings it drives her crazy.
yeah, her mother wasn't around for seven years, but still… how can she betray her? how can she let another woman fill this role just like that?
but you're so good to her. she can't help, but feel safe and secure and happy, when you ask about her day, care for her and fuss over her in this way.
you support her on every step she takes and it sometimes genuinely makes her cry of joy.
oh, how she missed that feeling. she missed being a little girl in her mother’s arms.
sooner or later she'll definitely have a talk about this with Lucifer. a heavy one.
he's not happy with the whole situation at first, but still supports her feelings and urges to let her heart guide her.
she doesn't have to give up on her real mother to accept the found one, right?
she thinks of how your hands are so warm and welcoming. and how your eyes are so gentle when you look at her.
maybe... maybe it's okay to allow herself this happiness.
deeply nervous, yet somewhat exited, she'll come to you and ask if it's okay if she calls you “mom” sometimes.
and the warmth that spreads in her chest the moment your face lights up tells her that she made the right choice.
ooh, she wants to do so much stuff together now!! all things she was scared to allow herself before with you. go shopping, have little silly sleepovers in her and Vaggie’s room (you basically get two daughters for the price of one), draw each other, read books by roles, and go to Lu Lu Land of course! yaay, rides with hell's horses!!
she loves engaging in the silliest things. you gotta get used to this.
at one point Lucifer will come to have a talk with you. he sees how much genuinely happier and relaxed Charlie has become, and mostly now approves of your new role. still, he has to be sure you understand that he won't tolerate it if you hurt her.
“you're taking care of my little girl? Ỳ̴̲͈̻̒͊o̷̬̗̙̦͒́̇̂ͅŮ̸͍̺͝ ̵̣͎̼̖̝̞̋̒̃̾͋͘B̷͔̹́̐̉͌̚E̶̼̺͗͋͛̌̕t̵̛̛̜̮́͛͆Ṯ̵̡̢͉͕͉͇̋̈̋̏͝͠e̸͍͖̅͐̐̂́̊̊̌́ͅR̷̰͚̩̜̲͖͍̈́̓̃͗̐͆̀͐͘̕ͅ ̸͚̌̀͒̈̃̉̈́̃̋̕b̵̯̥͓̦̺͈̫̑É̷̩̤͕͈̂̂͒̕͠͝ 👹” basically.
don't worry, if there's ever some little dispute between you and Charlie, he won't just kill you for it on the spot. probably.
(the man will develop some soft feelings for you, so really. it's fine. he can't help, but be fond of someone who Charlie adores so much.)
Charlie will want a new portrait with you and her together to hang inside the Hotel.
just choose the place and pose, and a painter will be ready to start! you two can also drag Vaggie with you for this one.
maybe even Lucifer, too? or you can have a separate one with all four of you.
ah, what a nice family.
congratulations, now you're practically a new Queen of Hell, but by adoption of the Princess, instead of a marriage with the King.
although it only serves as a matter of teasing by other staff/patrons of the Hotel, still, kinda cool.
long live the Queen and her adorable loving daughter!
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highonakuweeds · 5 months
Mama's Boy (Alastor and motherly!reader)
(A/N: I would just like to add before this that mother deers like to clean their young to remove their scent from predators. And that Alastor is severely ooc here, no matter what I do)
POV: Reader is an overlord whose main schtick is mothering every. Single. Demon. In their path.
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Your eyes scanned the outside of this Hazbin Hotel that some of the sinners were making fun of down on the street. “Redemption, my ass. I’d rather die a second time,” one of them remarked.
So, you helped them with their wish. They should be more careful about what they say, and you made sure to give them sufficient punishment.
How you reveled in their screams.
With a smile, you knocked on the door, politely waiting for someone to open it. They were muffled, but you could hear some shuffling and excited voices, squealing and giggling like a high school girl.
A woman with long blonde hair and a red suit practically swung the door open, the grin on her face twice as wide as yours. “Hi! I’m Charlie Morningstar; welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!” You admired her eagerness and her energy, stepping into the threshold calmly. “(Name), darling. Pleasure to meet the owner of the hotel.” You put your hand out for her to shake, in which she accepted with a flustered smile. 
“Oh, thank you!”
You nodded at Charlie courteously before glancing around the interior; it could use some work, but it felt homey enough, nothing you couldn’t enhance.
You turned to Charlie, allowing yourself to speak before her. “Now, before you say anything, I’m not here to be a resident.” You noticed the way her face slightly fell, so you quickly added, “I’m here to assist you, sweetheart; don’t worry. I have…” You let out a deep breath. “Faith in your cause.”
At that, she beamed. “YES! Thank you so much! Who knows, maybe you could get redeemed, too!” 
You laughed at her words. “I think it would take more than just a simple helping hand to redeem me, but if that’s what you believe, then who am I to defy? You are the princess of Hell, after all.”
“Yes, thank you!” Someone with long gray hair and an “x” over their eye exclaimed, residing beside Charlie. “This is what I was talking about, Charlie; people don’t take your authority seriously!”
“Ooh, but it’s feels so mean to–”
The both of them realized that they left you hanging, and quickly shot you an apologetic look. “I’m sorry. This is Vaggie, my girlfriend!” Charlie introduced, and you, in turn, shook Vaggie’s hand. You were surprised and quite pleased at how firm and secure she gripped your hand; it wasn’t new to you but it did feel good to know that there were people in Hell that could do such a thing.
“Hello, Vaggie. It’s nice knowing you.” You acknowledged before looking at the other sinners scattered around the first floor. “Would you mind introducing me to the others? I mean, if I’m to help here, I should know them, right?”
Charlie winced slightly at her forgetfulness and nodded. “Yes, of course, of course! This is Husk, our bartender,” she led you to the bar (which you were pleasantly shocked about; you didn’t realize that alcohol was allowed in being redeemed, but you assumed it was for celebrations) where a cat demon stayed behind the counter, cheap booze in his grip. He nodded at you respectfully, a gruff look seemingly plastered on his face.
Good God, he looked absolutely messy.
You couldn’t help yourself when you licked your thumb and pressed it against his fur. You tutted, shaking your head. “Take care of yourself, good sir! Looking good is one of the main aspects of self-sustenance.”
Husk hissed at you initially, though almost immediately, his tense body relaxed, slightly giving into your grooming. He noticed what you were doing just as quickly, though, and jumped out of your touch, a scowl on his face. “What the fuck was that!?”
“You had dirt on your face, sweetie; what was I supposed to do? Let it stay there?” You reasoned before sighing. You turned to Charlie, your voice coated in sincerity. “I apologize for interrupting you. Please, continue.”
She grinned at what you did to Husk before leading you to the parlor, where a lanky spider demon draped himself across the couch. “This is Angeldust, one of our residents!”
“Your only resident.” He corrected, sitting up properly (if you count the fact that his legs were on top of one of the armrests as “sitting up properly”, that is). 
You raised your eyebrows; this hotel continued to surprise you more. “Yes, I know you. You’re quite famous where I reside.” A small smile graced your lips to assure the porn star that you didn’t mean it in a degrading way.
“Woa-hoh, didn’t expect you to live somewhere where I’m famous but,” he shrugged, a small scoff escaping him. “Where am I not?”
At that you laughed, closed fingers covering your mouth. “I like your poise, Angel, dear. Please keep it up; you would’ve made your mother proud.”
He snorted at your words. “What, by being a porn actor?”
You shook your head. “By believing in yourself.”
It sounded corny, Angeldust knew that, but somehow it gave him a pang in his heart. He laughed, his grin turning genuine. “Thanks, toots.”
Charlie’s smile was practically blinding you as she attempted to contain her excitement. Though by the way she was holding back her jumping, she was failing. “You’re going to help so many people! Gah, you’re going to fit right in.”
You cupped your cheek in a slight flush, lips curled up bashfully. “Why thank you, dear Princess; such a charmer.”
Suddenly, a shadow traveled from across the room, and behind Charlie materialized a deer demon. She noticed his presence and turned to look at him. “This is Alastor!” She stepped back so that Alastor could shake your hand, and you were quite pleased by how he initiated it. “Our facility manager.”
“Pleasure to be meeting you, my dear, quite a pleasure! May I know your name?” He grinned (as if he wasn’t before), resting his hands on top of his microphone. You bowed your head courteously. “I’m (Name), darling.”
You glanced at his hair and sighed. “Your hair is going to irritate your face, Alastor.” You walked towards him until you two were close enough for your to touch his bangs, and the other two sinners you were with held their breath at it.
He tensed, sure, but as you swept his hair away from his eyes as much as you could, he let out a small chuckle. “You’re just like my mother, my dear.”
You quietly laughed at that. “Well, I do tend to exude a motherly attitude, according to some people. Hold still.” You did the same thing to Alastor as you did to Husk, licking your thumb and wiping his cheek. There wasn’t anything on it, but you felt the urge to do so.
Alastor’s smile softened, his brows knitting at your actions. “Do you do this with everyone?”
“More or less.” You placed your hands on your hips and nodded at yourself, proud of your own work. You clasped your hands, smiling as you glanced around again. “Well, I can’t wait to be a part of your team, Your Royal Highness!”
She blushed at your words, giggling slightly. “Please, just call me Charlie!”
“Whatever the princess says.”
It had been around 3 months since your unannounced and unsolicited aid, and so far everyone had been enjoying your presence. You would constantly cook for the hotel members alongside Niffty, that cute little thing that apparently cleans the hotel. You admired her ability to be able to take care of the majority of the house work, but you wondered how much she could actually take. Why not help her lessen the load?
You were also there whenever anybody needed some motherly advice, or a brutally honest opinion structured in constructive criticism. Charlie went to you the most about that matter, asking you what “exercises” the hotel staff + Angel should do to help them get redeemed. Vaggie would ask for your judgment about certain things, but more specifically about Charlie and how she could support her. They were incredibly tight-knit; it almost made you jealous.
Angeldust went to you to rant, your company too comfortable for him to not do so. You knew who Valentino was long before he started talking about him, but the more Angeldust talked to you about him, the more you wanted to discipline his moth ass. 
You found yourself attempting to groom Husk on multiple occasions, too. You would always have a handy brush by your side, ready to smoothen the knots and mats in his fur that would occur overtime. Husk used to try to stop you, but grew too fond of your care to give a fuck anymore.
The only person that hadn’t changed since your appearance was Alastor. He was always so polite to you, but kept his distance. As if you were just an acquaintance. 
You decided to pay him a visit.
You knocked on his door with one of your knuckles, your ear close to it. “Alastor, dear? May I come in?”
“Of course, (Name)!” You heard his muffled voice say, and with that you entered. You hadn’t ever been to his room before, so imagine your surprise when you saw the outdoors taking up half of his room.
“Is there anything you need?�� He asked courtly, sat down on one of his cushioned chairs beside the fireplace. You shook your head, closing the door behind you. “Not necessarily,” you replied, tilting your head towards the chair across him as a silent way of asking. 
Alastor nodded, and with his consent you sat down, crossing your legs. “Then, may I ask why you decided to visit me?” 
You just smiled sweetly at him, your eyes sharply scanning his appearance. “How are you, sweetie?”
“I’m doing quite well, dear, thank you for asking.” He responded, his tone cheerful. But before he could reciprocate the question, you interrupted his attempt. “No, how are you feeling? Anything you need to…” you shrugged. “Get off your chest?”
His eye twitched at your words, and he strained a chuckle. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, my dear (Name); there is nothing to get off my chest!”
You nodded slowly, your brows creasing in fake thought. “Alright, then. So, your need to help this hotel and its cause not because of your own personal needs, like what you want people to assume, but because the others are slowly growing on you isn’t something you’d like to admit? To talk about, perhaps?”
Alastor immediately stiffened at your words, the atmosphere around the two of you suddenly thickening as your vision seemed to get darker. “Aha, what are you talking about?”
“Oh, nothing in particular.” You grinned, a hand on your chest. “So, your fear of actually being vulnerable in front of people that could potentially be the death of you doesn’t sprout from something that happened when you were alive?”
His figure towered over you almost immediately, as if threatening you. “You don’t know what you’re saying.”
“I do, darling. You have much on your mind, and I can tell.” You blinked at him, unconvinced and unbothered, crossing your arms. “You were a mama’s boy, weren’t you?”
The air stilled around you as the demon that controlled it did the same thing. “I loved her dearly,” was all Alastor said.
“I know.” You softly replied, watching as his body morphed into its original state. “Do you miss her?”
He hesitated. Alastor shouldn’t be telling you all of this, and yet it felt right to do so. “I would kill to see her again, but I’m certain that she’s living the happiest afterlife in Heaven.”
You nodded in understanding. “I know. I’m sure she would want to see her son as well. I could tell just by how she raised you that she loves you as much as you love her.”
Loves. Present tense, not past. 
He laughed at your statement, sitting back down on his chair. “Would she love who I became?”
“Alastor, a mother’s love goes beyond everything else.” You stated, a warm smile playing on your lips. “You should know that. Was she a single mother?”
He scoffed at your assumption, his body slightly relaxing. “How do you seem to know everything?”
“Well,” you lifted your shoulders briefly. “One might say a mother knows all.”
Alastor’s laugh was bittersweet, his shoulder lifting at each chuckle. As it died down, though, you stood up, your arms opened wide.
He narrowed his eyes at you, his sincere smile straining. “What are you doing?”
“Come on, Alastor, you know what I’m doing.”
He froze, contemplating what he should do. He wasn’t fond of physical touch that wasn’t initiated by him, nor was he fond of people assuming he was. But your presence felt… different.
He sighed, shaking his head as he lifted himself off of the chair. “Alright, fine.”
If Alastor were to be honest, he had fully expected a half-hearted hug. He had just told you some vulnerable secrets, after all; maybe an embrace was obligatory afterwards. But as your hand cupped the back of his head gingerly as the other clinged onto his back, Alastor felt his heart sting.
He hadn’t felt something like that in decades.
He laughed faintly, his arms wrapping around your waist like a child whose mother had been on a trip for the past week. “You’re just like my mother, my dear.” He whispered, his chin resting on your shoulder.
“I know.”
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dryadsiren · 8 months
Mkay so Hazbin Hotel’s got me in a chokehold. And honestly, I have my own theories, mainly pertaining Lilith and Eve.
One, I don’t like the idea Lilith and Eve are the same person. Nor do I like the idea that Eve is secretly Lilith/ Eve took over Lilith’s body.
Personally, I love the idea that Lilith made a deal with Adam to pardon Charlie and hellborn kind from extermination. Yes, I’m aware Lute said it was Lucifer, but what if she was lying because no one’s supposed to know about Lilith being in heaven and her deal? I don’t think she made a deal to be in heaven, I think Heaven was Adam’s bargain. In exchange for the pardon on Charlie and hellborn kind, Lilith must come up to heaven and be with Adam. Thus, also this helps the theory of her making a deal with Alastor to ensure Charlie’s safety since she is gone and needs someone strong to watch over her daughter. A motherly sacrifice of Lilith to make. Now, I say this because this is to bring in my Eve theory. I believe Eve is in fact in Hell, but she’s doing her own thing.
Eve is known as the first sinner, therefore she does not get into heaven. Persuaded with promise of dream and free will, she is damned to Hell. Thus, her anger both to Heaven and Hell. Now, Cain being the first murderer, I believe he’s there too. Now, a personal theory of mine, due to Eve’s rage and hatred against Heaven and Hell, she is Satan, the ruler of Wrath. (I mainly like this idea because we haven’t seen the Ruler of Wrath yet and plus I just was a cool cowgirl character so I adapted Eve into a personal headcanon of mine to be the Ruler of Wrath mkay cool). Angry at Heaven to deny her a spot to be with her children one day, angry at Hell (Luci and Lilith) for damning her to Hell with promise of free will. Cain too is down in wrath, if not Envy. I dunno, I just like the idea of seeing Eve as a super angry woman but getting a whole “I forgive you” sweet moment between her and Lilith and Lucifer. And, I want that girl to just have a place she can have control over and have just a slice of having her own identity.
Now, she could also be Wrath because perhaps she is angry because after Lucifer and Lilith were damned to Hell, she didn’t know what happened to them. She saw them as friends (if not lovers for my polyamorous Lilith/Lucifer/Eve shippers), and she thinks they’ve abandoned her. She is stuck with Adam, who we know is a dick, and grows to resent God, Lucifer, and Lilith for leaving her to be in what I’m sure was a toxic and abusive relationship with no hope of a way out.
Now if Eve is in fact in Hell, despite her being a leader or not, this would solidify Adam’s want for one of his wife’s to join him in Heaven. Perhaps he knew he couldn’t convince Eve after their awful marriage to join him again, so he aims for Lilith and her weakness; the safety of Charlie and her people.
All in all, I don’t want to villainize traumatized women in Hazbin Hotel for the sake of drama and plot. Now I do like the idea of Roo (Root of All Evil) being the absolute MAIN antagonist, but I might do a separate post on that later.
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allastoredeer · 3 months
Curiously for me it was obvious that in any of these au Lucifer had to be Hades, logic has all the subtlety of an anvil.
Ruler of a group of dead souls who is normally seen as evil and who can actually be argued to have gotten the short end of the stick compared to his brothers? ✔️✔️✔️
Hades!Lucifer with all the ways to play with the trope practically writes itself.
Now, Persephone! Alastor took me a little longer to watch and get over my critical barrier.
There is an implication that there are gods more associated with the city (Hera, Apollo...) and gods more associated with the wild (Dionysus, Artemis...) then I had an instinctive reaction to say nope, because Alastor as a radio host and Rosie as the leader of the cannibals not exactly a 1:1 resemblance, both are too associated with things in the city for me to see it (if you ask me what kind of goddess is the 1:1 equivalent of Rosie I would say it's Hera or Hestia actually)
But the thing is that Alastor already moves between both sides because Alastor in some ways is a walking contradiction (as p Persephone! Goddess of spring, Life,and lady of the Underworld, Death)and there is something in the idea of seeing a goddess of spring and a goddess of the hunt cannibalistic and quite bloodthirsty which is like mmmm.... Why do I suddenly need more of this?
But I'm really curious who Demeter would be in this scenario. It doesn't even have to be a motherly role, but who is the person who realizes that Alastor is missing without knowing what happened and wants to get him back? Because we have two options: whoever has Alastor's soul... And Charlie, Alastor was helping her with a project and now he's gone!
I can understand people's reservations about Alastor being Persephone, the goddess of spring. They're not exactly the most similar characters. But that's what I love about him being Persephone - it's so far removed from who you'd think he'd be that it's immediately intriguing to imagine how you would merge the two together.
Alastor is the god of spring, but he is still Alastor. He still hunts and kills, it's just usually hunters or deplorable mortals who wander into his territory (which is still accurate to Alastor, because according to Viziepop, Alastor in the show has his own moral code, and Viv compared him to Dexter Morgan, who was a serial killer notorious for murdering other murderers and serial killers). He's still whimsy and all about entertainment, he's just off on his own most of the time (with his equally crazy tree nymph Niffty, and the god he swindled into a deal, Husk). He's still clever and a smooth-talker, he can talk circles around nearly any other deity, he's just going to do it with flowers in his hair. He's still dangerous, he just likes planting now too.
The more I think about Artemis, the more I see her as Rosie. Artemis had her exclusively female hunters, she protected them, they were loyal to her, and even if Rosie wasn't as physically aggressive towards anyone in the show, she's still skilled in hunting and killing (obviously, she IS a cannibal), and I can totally see her hunters being the cannibals from the show as well. Her hunters don't have to be a small group in this AU, it's bigger and more like a community.
Obviously, I'm not keeping this AU 100% accurate to the Greek myths. I've found that when writing AU's it's better to change the trope to fit the character, instead of changing the character to fit the trope.
As for Hestia, well, honestly, I see Em being her more than Rosie (or maybe Carmilla could be Hestia O.O with how dedicated she is to her family and home). I mean, the goddess of the Hearth, home, family - I can see where Rosie would fit in, but with how caring, sweet, and loving Em is while still having a strong back-bone for standing up for injustice and how people are treated, she fits the role of Hestia really well (honestly, I'm also really liking the idea of Carmilla being Hestia).
I'm still not sure who I'm going to make Demeter, as Alastor didn't really have a protective, maternal figure looking out for him in the show. Some might argue that Rosie could fit that bill, but I've always seen her as ride or die friends with Alastor, and not so much a motherly figure.
So, I'm thinking of just making Demeter Alastor's mom. We don't see her in the show, nor do we know anything about her, but she's the closest character I can think of who can fit, well, his mother LOL.
I am tweaking the myth a bit so that Alastor ends up taking on more of her duties as goddess of the harvest (she was also the goddess of agriculture, fertility, and sacred law - with the last one, I think Alastor gets a lot of his moral principles from that, in the sense that he doesn't tolerate mortals (or immortals) damaging sacred ground, fields, nature, animals etc... which is another reason why he hunts the people who transgress through his fields and forests).
And the reason Alastor takes on more of Demeter's/his moms responsibilities is because, previously, he'd been attacked (see all the scars in his design) and it took a long time and a lot of power from his mom as she nursed him back to health. It took a lot out of her, so once he was healed, she stepped down to build her strength back up, and he took on more duties with the harvest, agriculture, and sacred law in her stead.
As for Charlie, well 😈I already have a character in mind for her.
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the-daily-slasher · 1 year
The Butcher's Daughter [pt.1]
This is a multi-part slow burn with Thomas Hewitt cause I needed something to write on my off day. There will be spice at some point, and of course: general trigger warnings. Don’t like 18+ scenes/horror/blood/ etc.? That’s ok, just don’t read this one, friend. It will be rather upsetting to you.
Time-Line and Continuity: Sticks mainly to the reboot duology: Texas Chainsaw (2003) and Texas Chainsaw: The Beginning (2006). This story takes place pre-1969. The story will have elements of Texas Chainsaw: The Beginning (2006) and Texas Chainsaw (2003 Remake). The story takes place in the abandoned town seen in those movies, but is an hour drive outside of Harlow, Texas (as seen in Texas Chainsaw 3D) for purposes of plot.
Summary: After your mother's death, your father, driven down a bottle with grief, loses his butcher shop to creditors. Wanting to escape his debts, he chooses to move back to his hometown. Not wanting to lose your last family member and being hopeful of a new start, you go with him. It's a ghost town, but he appreciates the solitude and it allows for enough space to start a small cattle farm. He's happy his old drinking buddy Charlie Hewitt is still in town. His mother, Luda Mae is very happy to have 'neighbors' down the road and feels motherly towards the girl, hoping to take her under her wing. She also can't help but think of the potential for her boy to finally have the chance at a friend.
Note: Reader age is unspecified but reader is of age. I keep hair/skin/body descriptions vague [without sacrificing quality of writing] so everyone can see themselves in the story.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"This place is really out there." You say. Your father is taking his turn driving the old pick-up out to his hometown.
"Use to be farmers out here. Lots of space, no one in your business that you don't want there. You'll like it." He says, hoping you weren't regretting joining him. Though you had lost your job when the family business went under, you didn't have to come with him. "Besides, after a couple weeks I should be able to get a farm hand or two. You could move to Harlow or go finish that degree you were working on."
You smile. "A farm hand out here?" You look out over the dry fields of what used to be sunflowers.
"Sure." You dad says, a playful grin on his face, "I'm sure there's an armadillo or two that could use a steady job." The two of you laugh a little to ignore the weighted reality -- your father needed your help to make this work and there was no way you would be able to avoid the creditors if you moved anywhere else. You told him many times this was your choice, that you wanted to help, but you knew you really had no other option. At least not at the moment.
Your father was not a good man and was not often plagued by guilt for his actions, but he cared for you. The two of you spend the rest of the ride talking about the old house your father had inherited from his parents when they passed away. It's a classic farmhouse layout, a full upstairs you'll get all to yourself. A wraparound porch would be the perfect place to sit outside and watch the sunset. You knew he was painting a picture that was too good to be true, but he seemed happy.
It's mid-afternoon by the time you're pulling into the dusty drive of the house. It's far from the road and the yard surrounding is green and overgrown. The fence around the house has fallen down in several places and remnants of a vegetable and herb garden have grown unchecked and un-weeded in the back of the house.
You help your dad take boxes into the house, taking your things upstairs and your father's things into the bedroom on the ground floor. The house was big but needed cleaning. Everything was covered in a thin layer of sand-like dust and it was obvious no one had been in the house for years.
In the process of getting everything out of the truck, you notice the garden in the back had several, late-season vegetables. Once the boxes are all inside, you go about picking what you can while your dad works on the house's generator. It'd be nice to have something other than bologna sandwiches for dinner.
You found some old baskets in the kitchen pantry, you've already been able to fill two baskets with mustard greens and sweet potatoes and small green pumpkins by the time the sun starts to go down. As you pick up the last basket you watch the lights of the house flicker on and an excited shout from your father as you hear a generator come to life. A smile plays on your features. Perhaps this would be alright.
You go inside the house, setting the basket on the counter next to three others. You start washing the dirt off your hands in the old sink when you hear a car pull into the driveway. A door opens and you hear a gruff voice call your dad's name. "Charlie! You old son of a bitch- you're still here?" You hear your father reply to the man and you peek outside the front room window. An older man with deep features gets out of a beat-up pickup and your dad walks towards him.
"Who the fuck you callin' old, you old cocksucker?" The old man laughs heartily and your father embraces "Charlie".
The two men talk for a few minutes. Your father comes back in, the old man "Charlie" getting back in his truck and leaving.
"Hey, you feel like going out for dinner?" He asks.
"Out?" You ask, confused. You're getting dirt off a basket of sweet potatoes when he comes in.
"That was an old friend of mine, Charlie Hewitt. He and his folks still live around here. Their house is a half mile down the road and his mama is doing a roast tonight." He goes to the sink to wash his hands, dark oil staining the fresh bar of soap by the sink.
You hesitate, but smile, "Sure, dad. Sounds great."
Your old man splashes water on his face and runs his hands through his hair before drying his hands. "Go clean up and we'll head over on that way. Gonna change m'self."
"Like Sunday dinner kind of clean up or just 'no dirt on my hands' clean up?" You set the basket aside and dust your hands off on your jeans.
"Nothin' fancy. His mama's just old fashion- likes dinner to be a little more proper. 'Specially if it's guests." He starts to walk away. "Let's leave in a few, alright?"
You wash your hands, fix your hair, and find an old, corn-yellow dress. It's modest, the hem going down to your shins and the collar buttoning up to the base of your neck. Linen and tailored at the waist, it ruffles in the light breeze as you stand on the porch of the Hewitt household in dusty, white canvas shoes. The air has cooled but you still feel heat coming off the wood of the porch when Luda Mae answers the door.
"Bill! It's good to see you, hun." Luda Mae smiles and opens the door wide and her eyes go to you. "My god she looks just like Beth." You're surprised to hear your mother's name out of the mouth of a stranger but smile politely. Luda Mae smiles, "Luda Mae Hewitt, sweetheart. You must be y/n. I knew both of your parents long before you were born. It's nice to meet you." She welcomes you into the house with a hug. "Come on in Bill. Charlie's having a beer on the back porch with Monty, why don't you join them? I need a little time to finish getting supper ready." She looks at you, "Would you mind? I need a little help getting the table set." She smiles kindly as she leads the two further into the house. It's modest, a little dirty, but everything around this town seemed to be a little grimy.
Your father nods and follows her, making sure you were trailing behind. "The house looks great, Luda. Your boy still helping you around the house?"
"Tommy mostly works at the slaughterhouse nowadays but he still does the heavy lifting around the house and the store when I need him to." She lets him out onto the back porch where he's greeted with friendly, though swear-filled jeers from Charlie and Monty.
"Um how-how can I help?" You ask.
"There're some blue and white plates up on the top shelf of that cabinet. Get them down and set the table for six, dear."
"Yes, ma'am." Luda Mae smiles at your manners. You do as she asks as she gets a roast out of the stove. You carry plates to the dining room and set them out. You hear the side door open and heavy footsteps in the kitchen when you walk back in.
"Excuse me, Miss Luda Mae? I set the plates out. Where do you keep the silverware?" You look up to see a very tall man in a leather, half-mask and slaughterhouse apron. He's splattered with blood and his hair is matted. You shrink back a little when he turns his head and see you. His eyes were intense.
"Y/n this is Thomas. Tommy, this is Y/n, Bill and Beth's daughter. Y/n and Bill moved in down the road. They're staying for dinner so go get cleaned up." She tells her son.
"Nice to meet you." You smile politely and he stiffens slightly before nodding to you and heading up the stairs quickly.
"Don't mind him, dear. Terribly shy." She laughs a little bit and hands Y/n silverware and napkins.
You get the table set and Luda Mae brings in the roast, mashed potatoes, rolls, and a few other things. You help with the last few preparations and Luda Mae calls the men into the dining room. Monty, Charlie, and your father were all different levels of drunk but Luda Mae scares them into acting pretty sober. Thomas comes down in clean clothes and his hair brushed and sits at the table. Luda Mae makes sure he sits next to you. He doesn't say anything the during dinner but Luda Mae is charming and talks to Y/n.
Your father, Charlie, and Monty ignore you for the most part, happy to jeer at each other, cuss, and make off-color jokes just tame enough not to get hit with Luda Mae’s wooden spoon. That’s not to say the two friends of your father don’t recognize your existence. Both men’s eyes wander every part of you, lingering for a little too long. But that’s as far as they go. Bill was a son of a bitch, that’s why they liked him, but he cared fiercely for you. Charlie and Monty knew a single stray comment towards you was a guaranteed ass beating.
“You work at the slaughterhouse?” You ask Thomas, not really expecting an answer. You were alright with a one-sided conversation, but you needed something to tune out the drunk laughter on the other end of the table. “That must be interesting. I’ve never been in a slaughterhouse. Dad and I used to do something similar, though it was just a small butcher’s shop we ran.” You smile charmingly, doing your best to be the kind guest. “Working in a slaughterhouse sounds more interesting, honestly. ‘Specially since you wouldn’t have to deal with some of the customers dad and I would have regularly.”
Thomas tilts his head towards you to listen better as you talk. He offers a confirming “huff” when asked if he works at the slaughterhouse. His eyes stay on you. You were small compared to him, and utterly adorable. You really were interested in his work? More than that, you’d worked in a butcher’s shop? You weren’t a weak build, you had some muscle on you from the work you did. But still, he couldn’t imagine the girl in front of him enjoying what he enjoyed.
Everyone finishes dinner and Luda Mae asks you to help clear the table so you do. All the windows in the bottom floor of the house were open to let the cool, evening breeze through. Your dress ruffles when a stronger breeze blows through and Thomas catches a whiff of your light perfume. He watches as you help his mother, not realizing he was staring until his Uncle Monty points it out, laughing drunkenly.
“Well shit, Bill. Better keep track of your daughter.” He laughs.
“ ‘Fuck you talking about?” Your dad laughs a bit, finishing another beer.
“Ol’ Tommy here can’t keep his damn eyes off her. Got a crush there big boy?” He slurs out and is met with raucous laughter from Charlie.
Bill takes a second and looks Thomas up and down. “Good luck.” He says, “She’d kick your ass.” He says through building laughter.
Luda Mae comes back in the dining room with a cake and you trail behind her with plates. You see the three men laughing and Thomas sitting silently. Charlie and Monty make a couple more cutting remarks towards Thomas and you realize they’re all laughing at his expense. You see your dad open his mouth to join in the jeering.
“Dad.” You say, voice low but firm. It catches his attention immediately and he looks at you. “Don’t.” Thomas looks at you again. Having anyone besides his mother be on his side… it was unusual, but it was nice.
“Sorry kiddo. We ‘ere just havin’ a bit of fun.” He slurs a bit, but he does looks genuinely sorry. Charlie and Monty start to jab at your father when Luda Mae puts them in their place.
Everyone enjoys dessert and you help Luda Mae and Thomas clean up the dishes.
“Dinner was great, Luda Mae.” You say, putting away the last of the dishes. “Thank you so much.”
“Anytime, dear. It was nice to have company over. I enjoyed myself.” She sets the dish towel down that was in her hand. “Do you need help getting Bill back home?”
“I can just drive him home, it’s not a big deal.” It’s then you realize that during the course of doing the dishes, the dining room had gone quiet. You peek back in and see all three men slumped at the table, passed out.
Luda Mae chuckles. “Maybe so but you might want some help loadin’ him up in the truck and dragging him into the house.” She looks at Thomas. “Tommy, get Charlie and Monty upstairs then help Y/n get Bill home.”
Thomas nods and goes and picks up Charlie and his uncle, one under each arm and hauls them upstairs. A few minutes later he’s putting your father in the back seat of the truck and sitting in the passenger side as you drive down the road towards your new home. You can feel his eyes on you, even in the dark of the cabin.
“…I’m sorry if my dad said anything awful.” You say finally to break the silence. “He’s not always like that.”
Thomas huffs quietly in acknowledgement.
“And thank you for helping me get him back to the house. It’d’ve been quite a sight if I’d tried to drag him into the truck myself.” You laugh a little bit at the thought, trying to make light of it all. Thomas feels the smallest twinge of a smile on his face when seeing you laugh.
Once at the house he carries your dad over his shoulder and into his bedroom setting him on the bed. He walks back out into the foyer where you stand, “Here, I’ll give you a ride back home.”
This surprises Thomas a bit but he nods. You really were one of the kindest people he’d met. He walks out to the truck with you but gets to the driver side first. He reaches and opens the door and waits, watching you. After a moment you realize what he’s doing.
“Ah. Thank you, Thomas.” You smile and get into the truck and he closes the door behind you before getting into the truck himself. Your smile causes his heart to tighten. Every smile he could get, he wanted.
You drive him back to his home, making a little more pleasant small talk, and Thomas listened contently. He liked your voice.
Once back, he waits for you to put the truck in park and gets out.
“Goodnight, Thomas.” You give a small wave and drive away. He watches you drive away, raising his hand in a small wave, a barely audible grumble coming from his throat.
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Elvis comforting you cause you’ve got period cramps?
Fandom: Elvis Presley, Elvis Movie RPF, RPF, American Actor
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader
Characters: Elvis Presley, Female Reader, Gladys Presley, Minnie Mae Presley, Dodger Presley
Word Count: 2435
Rating: Gen
Summary: Gladys and Dodger give Elvis a biology lesson.
Tags/Warnings: Requests, Requested Fic, Periods, Period Cramps, Menstruating, Spooning, Arguing, Fighting, Established Relationship, Old Fashion Views [kinda]
Notes: Here you go honey.
PSA I’m working through my inbox and trying to update my ongoing series <3
Updated 8/23
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Elvis Tags: @literally-just-elvis-fics @caitlin1996 @notstefaniepresley
Elvis sat stewing, a pout on his face. He was sitting in his living room with the TV on though it was mostly playing to itself as his mind, as it often was, was on you, though this time was different. This time he was annoyed, no not annoyed, not really, he was just hurt. Since the pair of you had started dating it had been nothing but bliss and though he was used to lover’s spats in his previous dating history it had never happened with you two. Well until today.
And it had hit him like a freight train. He didn’t even know what he had done but from the moment he had picked you up you had had a sour look on your face that no amount of sweet talking or handholding could take away. That had frustrated him which had in turn frustrated you which had led to the two of you yelling at one another until you had stormed off into his bedroom slamming the door behind you as a quite clear signal you were not to be followed. If he was honest with himself he wasn’t entirely sure what the pair of you had been arguing about it had snowballed out of control so fast. Hence why he was sitting on his couch unsure of what to do for the best.
He wondered what you were doing. Had you been crying? Were you cursing his name? Or were you sitting in his room contemplating what the hell you had been fighting about like he was? His thoughts were cut short as he heard noise from the front door and his mother and Dodger came in arms laden with bags. He jumped up to help, taking the groceries out of Dodger’s arms first and rushing them into the kitchen before he doubled back for his mother’s though she was already in the door of the kitchen as he took them out of her arms.
‘Thank you darlin’,’ Gladys said as he placed the bags on the counter and moved out of her way so she could start to unpack.
‘No problem. Was it busy out?’ he said, resting back on the counter as he watched her.
‘Not too bad. We stopped for a rest at Charlie’s though. Your Grandma’s knee was playing up again,’ she said as she moved around the kitchen placing various items in their new homes.
‘That’s too bad,’ he said though it wasn’t as receptive as normal. Gladys glanced around, noting the mopey look on her son’s face straight away.
‘I’d ask how your day went but from the look on your face not so good,’ Gladys said. Her movement slowed as she placed some items in the cupboard they belonged in and then turned around to look at him completely. He looked up from where he’d been staring at the faded linoleum flooring at his mother’s kind eyes. He could feel the urge to tell her the truth, she always pulled whatever it was out of him but he couldn’t this time. He didn’t actually know what was wrong.
‘It’s nothing. M’fine,’ he said.
‘Tell that to the pout on your face,’ Gladys said. She folded her arms across her chest making him sigh. He could feel that tug of her motherly gaze yanking the truth out of him.
‘It’s Y/N,’ he sighed.
‘Is she okay?’ Gladys asked, her movements returning once she knew he was going to open up.
‘I don’t know,’ he said, ‘we had a fight.’
‘Ah,’ she said, ‘what about?’
‘That’s the thing, Mama,’ he said, ‘I don’t know.’
‘What do you mean you don’t know?’ Gladys asked sceptically.
‘What don’t Elvis know?’ came a familiar voice as Dodger appeared in the doorway. She winked at him as she passed him, heading to sit at the kitchen table which she dropped into with a sigh of relief as her hand instinctively went to her knee.
‘He and Y/N had a fight and he doesn’t know what it’s about,’ Gladys said, ‘though I don’t know how you can argue and not know what you’re arguing about.’
‘He’s a man, Lovie,’ Dodger chuckled making Elvis roll his eyes.
‘It’s not my fault,’ Elvis said coming to sit in the chair next to her.
‘The fact you can't recall what you’re at odds over don’t bode well for ya in my opinion,’ Dodger said.
‘That’s the thing I can’t pick out one thing we were talking about that got us arguin’,’ Elvis said.
‘Well what were you talking about,’ Gladys said.
‘Not much,’ he shrugged, ‘but she’d had a face on her all day. Nothing I did seemed to be right and it just got under my skin y’know.’
‘So you got annoyed with her for being annoyed with you?’ Dodger asked.
‘Well yeah,’ he said, ‘I mean I hadn’t done anything for her to be mad at. Then she just storms away into my bedroom like I’m just supposed to know what the hell’s wrong with her.’
‘Well I’m sure she’ll come around,’ Gladys said coming to stand beside him and placing a gentle hand on his shoulder which made him smile, the first time he had all day.
‘I hope so,’ Elvis said.
‘Maybe she’s just having a bad day,’ Dodger said.
‘Bad week’s more like it,’ he mumbled.
‘What do you mean?’ Gladys asked.
‘Well today she’s mad at me for no reason and yesterday she cried at a damn advert on the TV,’ he said, ‘I can’t keep up.’
Gladys and Dodger shared a look that Elvis didn’t miss though it caused his eyes to narrow as he looked between the women.
‘What?’ he asked cautiously.
‘Nothing,’ Gladys said though Elvis didn’t look convinced. Gladys sighed, ‘it’s just…has Y/N been like this for a couple of days?’
‘I guess,’ he shrugged.
‘And has she said anything else?’ Gladys asked.
‘Well, she said she was tired but we were out late the other night so I just figured it was that,’ Elvis said, ‘why?’
‘It’s just that well…there might be a reason she’s not feeling too great,’ Gladys said slipping down into a seat beside him.
‘What you mean like she’s ill?’ Elvis said.
‘No, no, not ill…’ Gladys said glancing at Dodger who rolled her eyes.
‘What your mother is skirting around is that well, ladies, like Y/N, can often not feel themselves at this…time of the month,’ Dodger said. Elvis was watching her intently trying to digest her words the best that he could. As they sunk in he tried to wrap his head around what she was getting at and the way both of the women were watching him told him it was perfectly evident. Memories of an 8th-grade science class punctuated his thoughts making his eyes go wide.
'Oh, oh, girls’ stuff…right,’ he said uncomfortably. Both women heaved a sigh of relief as he finally got on the same page though his confusion hadn’t gone far, ‘wait why didn’t she just tell me?’
‘Because you men ain’t always right nice about a girl in her…situation,’ Dodger said.
‘Well I can't be nice about something I didn’t know was happening, can I?’ Elvis said feeling a tad like a scolded child.
‘Well now you know,’ Gladys said trying to de-escalate the situation. Elvis nodded thinking about the argument once more. It was easier now he knew it wasn’t something he had done rather something that was neither of their fault but he still didn’t know how to fix it.
‘What do I do? I mean to fix it-’
‘Ya can’t fix it,’ Dodger said making him frown before she followed up with, ‘it’s not broke. Look darlin’ she’s not some devil you gotta tiptoe around and she’s not some fragile thing that’s gonna break over a bit of blood.’ 
‘I’m lost,’ Elvis said.
‘You just gotta treat her like a human being,’ Gladys said.
‘Acknowledge you both got a little outta hand and admit that you’re sorry,’ Dodger said.
‘See if there’s anything you can do for her,’ Gladys smiled.
‘But don’t coddle her,’ Dodger chimed in.
‘Okay you two are confusing me,’ Elvis said.
‘Just go talk to her, okay?’ Dodger said. Elvis looked between their motherly gazes and then nodded standing up from the table. They watched as he headed out of the door, though they didn’t feel the panic inside him as he neared his own bedroom door. He lingered outside it, unable to hear you moving around which made him worry even more, until he worked up enough courage and tentatively knocked on.
There was a moment of silence and he was almost going to knock again until he heard your voice call out softly. He unlatched the door and stepped inside. You were sitting on the floor, your eyes puffy and red from crying though it appeared to have long since stopped. Elvis felt his heart flip flop. He didn’t come any further inside though still too unsure of what you would say.
‘Hey,’ he murmured nervously as he dropped his gaze to his hand on the door handle.
‘Hi,’ he heard you reply.
‘Can I come in?’ he asked.
‘It’s your room,’ you mumbled and though it didn’t reassure him he decided not to flee and instead closed the door behind him and came to sit beside you. Neither of you spoke for a moment. When the silence was broken it was you who spoke.
‘I’m sorry,’ you said.
‘What for?’ he asked finally looking up to find you watching him.
‘I didn’t mean to get so upset with you…you didn’t deserve me arguing with you like that,’ you said.
‘I mean it takes two to tango,’ Elvis said, ‘I shouldn’t have argued back…I mean I don’t even remember what we were arguing about.’
‘Me either,’ you said with a slight giggle.
‘Well it can't have been that important then,’ he smiled.
‘No you must be right,’ you smiled back. Elvis looked like he was debating what to say first which made your eyes narrow as you said, ‘what?’
‘Elvis,’ you said.
‘It’s just…Mama and Dodger they kinda told me why you’re…I mean why y-y-you might not b-b-be feeling yourself…this week,’ he said tripping over his words as he felt redness rush to his cheeks.
‘Oh, right,’ you said feeling a similar flush come to your own face. You didn’t know why. It wasn’t like you were a novice at this but Elvis was your first proper boyfriend and so far your time of the month hadn’t been much of an issue until this week. This week you had felt unusually horrendous. Your moods were all over the place, you’d had a flare-up of acne and migraines and to top it off you had been gifted a horrendous bout of cramps [the worst you’d had in a while]. Which meant your tolerance for your sweet and loving boyfriend had gone out the window. You’d found yourself being annoyed at him the moment he had picked you up until finally, you had ended up screaming at each other for some unknown reason.
‘Are you okay?’ he asked after a moment. You weren’t. Your back was aching, and you had a migraine growing but the look on his sweet face made you feel better. He looked as though you were on death’s door, the worry burned into his pretty features.
‘I’m fine Elvis,’ you said.
‘B-b-because you can tell me,’ he said, ‘if you’re not.’
‘I’m fine,’ you said, ‘well I’ve got cramps but it’s nothing I’m not used to.’
‘Cramps?’ he asked.
‘Yeah,’ you said.
‘Is there anything I can do?’ he asked.
‘Not really,’ you shrugged, ‘I mean sometimes I have a hot water bottle.’
‘Right,’ Elvis said immediately standing up.
‘E what are you doing?’ you asked.
‘I’ll be right back,’ he said leaning in to press a kiss on your cheek, ‘get on the bed and I’ll be with you in a minute.’
You watched as he dashed out of the room like a man on a mission a smirk on your face. You slipped your shoes off and shimmied onto the bed, eagerly awaiting his return. You could hear him knocking about the house for a while until he finally reappeared at the door with several things in hand though he put them behind his back before you could see what he was holding.
‘What are you doing?’ you giggled.
‘I’m helping,’ he said with a beaming smile.
‘Oh yeah?’
‘Yep,’ he said.
‘And how are you going to do that?’ you mused pushing yourself back towards the headboard until you were sitting up against it.
‘Aspirin,’ he said handing you a little a couple of small white pills which you took from him.
‘No drink?’ you asked though before you could finish your sentence he was offering you a glass of water.
‘Thank you,’ you smirked as you popped the two little tablets into your mouth and swallowed them down.
‘Chocolate,’ he said handing you a little wrapped packet. Ding dongs, your favourite.
‘E,’ you smiled.
‘And finally,’ he said producing a hot water bottle from behind his back. He offered it to you and then gestured for you to lie down as he moved to take his shoes off so he could climb in bed beside you. He came to lie behind you, wrapping his arm around you as you lay in amicable silence for a moment. It was the best you had felt all day. The feeling of him holding you and the warm relief of the hot water bottle at your front was like heaven.
‘Thank you,’ you said after a minute of enjoying the moment.
‘No problem,’ he mumbled quietly, ‘though can I ask you something?’
‘Sure,’ you said puzzled at what he was going through his mind.
‘Next month will you just tell me…if you’re not doing so good,’ he mumbled, ‘cause I didn’t know.’
‘Well it’s not always like this,’ you said.
‘I know…but if it is…you can tell me. You know that right?’ Elvis said.
‘I know,’ you said with a smile.
‘And I hate fightin’ with you,’ he mumbled.
‘Well that’s something both of us can agree on,’ you said.
‘And..’ he said kissing the piece of exposed skin on your shoulder.
‘And?’ you asked, able to feel his smirk against your skin.
‘This ain’t half bad either.’
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bubbysawyer · 6 months
Hello! I'd like to request a slasher matchup if you're still taking requests :)
I'm 5'7", INFP last time I checked, I'm fairly pale with freckles dusting the bridge of my nose and cheeks, I've got wavy (curly on a good day) darker auburn hair that sits past my shoulders a little, brown eyes, and 0g stretched ears. I'm very "y'allternative" both music and clothing wise. I grew up on a farm and have lived on farms most of my life. I'm a cat parent to three adorable kitties. I enjoy gardening, baking, and watching (horror) movies. I also have an unhealthy obsession with big, beefy, country men. My default summer outfit is a pair of handcut jean shorts, a tank top, and my boots. Most of the time though, I'm usually in some very comfy pajamas/sweats, drinking sweet tea, and relaxing/napping (I'm God's sleepiest soldier). I've been told I'm very sweet natured, caring, and motherly. I'm kinda quiet around new people, but once I'm comfortable I never shut up and I have a tendency to act childish and silly and just have a good time in general.
i am matching you with...Thomas Hewitt! (i got no clue what those tests mean sorry)
he loves your freckles. sometimes when you're both tired he'll pretend to trace them with his fingertip; and when he's comfortable after a while, tug his mask down to kiss them.
you're shorter than him but who isn't in this family? he's enormous
you got a thing for big beefy men? welp, thomas. he's one of the beefiest. and the cutiest.
luda adores you as well! you're a fine conversation source, as well as help around the house
charlie loves you too. in his way.
you're basically luda maes favorite, hands down. you keep her young.
she will often make you and thomas accompany each other with farm chores
he will absolutely show his strength off to you during chores but pretend like he isn't doing that to impress you
When things aren't being prepared or anything he will insist on letting you sleep in. He's even snuck in to shyly give you an extra blanket more than once. He thought you looked beautiful in your sleep.
Thomas is very reserved by default so your silly nature kind of broke him out of a shell he did not know he had at first, so he nervously tried something else with you
Good thing you never stop talking, Luda loves that
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stusbunker · 9 months
Spotless: Rest
Chapter Three
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader
Other characters: Annie/Bobby, Sam, Charlie, Bela
Word Count: 3050
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining, allusion to Dean's bisexuality, mention of past drug related death, responsible alcohol consumption, buried feelings, Bela is Reader's longtime bestfriend. If you dislike her, please turn back now, she's around for the long haul, unbeta'd
Series Masterlist
Divider courtesy of @cafekitsune
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Your Uber left you in Bobby and Annie’s driveway just after six the following evening. It was a casual invite for an otherwise wide open Saturday night. Just steaks on the grill and cheap beer, the promise of a Midwestern kind of night in the middle of Malibu. You’d been in California since college, but there was a part of you that needed to slow down and really connect with people. And of course Bobby and Annie got it, they were real people and practically your surrogate parents at this point.
Phone on silent, you walked around the house and let yourself into the side gate that led into the backyard. Which was small and more of a patio with a small pool and hot tub, but big enough for a grill and a set of lounge chairs and a small glass top table to eat around. Bobby waved at you as you arrived and you placed your cheek against his in passing, your usual non-business greeting. He twitched his mustache at you in his semblance of a proud smile and you headed inside through the French doors at the back of the house.
“There she is!” Annie greeted you, spinning to give you a tight squeeze as you dropped a six pack on the kitchen island to share. She had been a rockstar in her own right, an 80s sensation, but had left the stage behind when addiction had taken her bandmate before you had even reached elementary school.
“Hey, Annie. Thanks for having me over.” You beamed at the contact, as tough as Annie was she gave good hugs, nothing on Ellen back home, but you took what motherly affection you could get. It had been too long since you felt safe and welcome in that way.
“Are you kidding? Of course, girl, especially when you know to bring my beer and not surly’s.”
“Need any help?” You offered.
“Nah, just grab the plates and I’ve got the rest,” Annie pointed toward the small stack of plates with forks and knives stacked on top as she scooped up a bowl of fruit salad in one arm and a bowl of garlic mashed potatoes in the other.
You settled down with a beer apiece as Bobby finished on the grill, letting the darkness of an autumn night hover over their well lit patio. The food was delicious, but the company was better. Annie complained about her job at the animal shelter and you and Bobby griped about the label. It was cathartic and easy.
“So, spill. I can tell you got an idea about how you’re going to ‘sway public opinion’ and all, but I haven’t heard your pitch yet,” Bobby read you like a book. 
You set down your beer and swallowed, looking at the former roadie and figured it was now or never. “I think— Dean needs a good woman to help him shape up.”
Annie chuckled. 
Bobby scowled. “Something tells me you aren’t talking about yourself.”
You rolled your eyes. “No, nobody knows me and that would just be weird.”
You ignored the look Annie and Bobby shared. “I’ve got a friend who is semi-famous— was famous as a kid. And I think she would be able to help us sort of ‘rebrand’ Dean’s image.”
“Who is she?” Annie asked as Bobby watched you with growing suspicion.
“Bela Talbot,” you answered honestly.
“Bela Talbot? Why do I know that name?” Bobby looked at Annie.
“Like big eyes and pigtails Bela Talbot? From Red Sky in the Morning?” Annie guessed right.
“Yeah, I mean, she’s my age now. But, I figured she’d be wholesome enough on the grand scale of things.”
“Child actress, huh?” Bobby considered it.
“Yeah, she was my roommate at USC, wanted out of the limelight and has just done some modeling and fashion collabs since,” you explained, hoping neither of them had any legitimate reasons to shut you down.
“She cute?” Bobby asked after the plates were cleared and you had moved onto the beer they kept in a mini fridge on the deck.
“Gorgeous,” you replied immediately.
“But?” Bobby asked, knowingly.
You exhaled before replying, “she can be a bit testy at times. Though I know Dean would be able to keep up with her snark.”
“That all?” Bobby huffed.
“Do we need to pay her?” you asked warily.
“Anything official would come back to bite us in the ass— and I’m sure whoever is in her camp would want a cut. Even though by the sounds of it, she’d be benefiting from all the press too,” Bobby figured.
“Probably,” you agreed. “So unofficially.”
“Dean’s a big boy. Lord knows he can find his own arm candy if he wanted to. But I really don’t want to deal with asking him to start looking because you know what’s gonna crawl out of the woodwork,” Bobby said dejectedly.
“You think she would keep it civil, even if Dean is slow to come around?” Annie asked pointedly. “I trust you know what you’re doing, but we are kind of a tight bunch.”
“Not to mention overprotective,” you said, smirking at Bobby now.
“See what she says first, then we’ll tell him.”
“We will?” you asked hopefully.
“It was your idea, wasn’t it? I think it should come straight from the horse’s mouth. But I’ll back you up, don’t worry about that,” Bobby agreed.
You sighed. “Figured that was easier than I deserve.”
“You sure you’re gonna be okay plastering their faces everywhere and all the build up you do with your friend semi-dating your other—friend?” Annie made the last word sound like a slip of the tongue.
“It’s my job. Plus, it’s not like Dean’s gonna see most of it— dude hates social media,” you replied as if any of it were things they didn’t already know.
“Well, let’s just hope he doesn’t break another paparazzo's nose,” Bobby tilted the neck of his beer in your direction, a toast and almost wish in one.
“Here here,” you agreed and clinked his bottle with yours.
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An hour later, after assuring Bobby you didn’t need a ride, you waited for another Uber with a tupperware full of leftovers in hand and almost an entire twenty four hours ahead of you without any real work to do. Besides your semi-regular brunch with Bela whenever the both of you got out of bed and bothered to meet up tomorrow.
As you waited, you checked your phone. And of course, it was full of texts, mostly from Charlie but Dean and Sam had texted too. By the time you read through them all, they had you suckered in for a night of Mario Kart, you just had to swing home to change before heading back out to Sam and Dean’s place in Laurel Canyon.
Okay, you didn’t have to change. You chose to. You wanted to be comfortable, because odds are you and Charlie were crashing on whatever stretch of couch you could find. Though, you didn’t want to look sloppy either, not that anyone there would even notice what you were wearing, but you felt better about yourself when you put some effort in. So, you went through your loungewear drawer and found an old USC hoodie and the leggings that made your butt look best.
You checked your hair and then grabbed a bag of kettle corn out of your pantry, knowing there’d be no lack of beverages at Casa Winchester. You climbed back into your waiting ride and settled on the fact that the radio was out of your control. Slowly you let the miles pass by in a somehow relaxing anticipation. You already had a good time at Bobby’s, now you got to see the rest of your people. And forget about the hows and whys of your latest business decision.
Because first and foremost, Dean and Sam (and Charlie) were your friends.
You stepped into Sam and Dean’s driveway behind Charlie’s rickety Gremlin, having tipped your driver well after the change of plans. Their attached garage was big enough for Dean’s inherited Impala and Sam’s newer Charger, plus all the crap Dean kept around to keep them both in the best shape. You punched in their security code, slid past their cherished rides and in through the mudroom after making sure the garage door closed behind you.
The sounds of the race were evident already and you couldn’t help but smile at their unabashed competitiveness as you walked through the house. There was a small entryway between the mudroom and the back stairway where you tossed your flip flops and your bag in a heap. You tucked your phone in your pocket and fisted the oversized bag of popcorn.
“Who’s winning?” you called out towards the living room as you made your way into the kitchen. A chorus of groans and greetings met you.
“Who do you think?!” Charlie beamed, snickering as she passed Dean’s Koopa on the track.
You chuckled as you plopped your contribution to the snack bar that Dean’s kitchen island had been transformed into. You popped open a container of grocery store cookies and stole one before heading over to watch the match wrap up. Dean, who was closest, was sitting on the longer end of the couch, his elbows on his knees, baseball cap backward and barefoot, heckling Charlie as he trailed behind her Peach on the last lap.
Sam was standing in sweats and an old Celine Dion tshirt Dean got him as a joke, but he always wore it with pride. He was barely hanging on, nearly an entire lap behind Charlie and Dean. Charlie was sitting crisscross applesauce in the corner with her specialty controller in her lap, her eyes never leaving the screen. You dared not interrupt and block anybody’s view of the obscenely large television above the fireplace, so you slinked onto the arm of the couch on Dean’s right, finishing your cookie and watching as Charlie took first despite Dean’s last second shell attack.
“EAT IT, DEAN! Bow to your queen!!! YEAH!” Charlie whooped, as Dean dropped his controller and stared at the ceiling, hands drooping in defeat.
Sam finally crossed the finish line and the standings were posted on the screen for all to see. “This is ridiculous,” Sam groaned, before turning to you and offering an arm up for a side hug. You fell against his muscular side and hugged his waist.
“How was Bobby’s?”
“Good, Annie says hey.”
Dean, turning his back on a gloating Charlie, asked “she tell you the news?”
You grew stiff and asked warily, “what news?” Sam patted your back in reassurance before leaving to grab a drink from the kitchen. 
“She’s coming in to do a track with us. This coming week, I’ll get her in the box with me.”
“Are you serious?! Dude! I have only heard her sing on the radio, I didn’t know she still did,” you gushed, which was exactly what Dean needed to hear, apparently, because his face completely lit up talking to you about the new duet. 
“She didn’t even tell Bobby until like Tuesday, when I sent the sheet music home with him,” Dean confided.
“So that means she’s gonna tour with you guys? God, Bobby is going to be fussing over everything,” you said, dropping onto the couch between him and Charlie. You smiled at your red headed friend and changed the subject. “Drink?”
“Please!” Dean begged. “Need something before I get my ass handed to me again.”
Charlie smirked and then batted her eyes at you. “You making? Or do I have to get up from my very comfy spot?” 
“Fine! What is your highness drinking tonight?” You said as you stood and joined Sam in the kitchen, with Dean on your heels.
“Something with tequila!” Charlie shouted after you.
“Oh, boy, I’m not having what she’s having,” you muttered and made your way to the corner of the kitchen they had made into a wet bar.
“Why? Get too sloppy?” Dean teased.
“No, tequila makes me slutty, and I’m just not really dressed for that,” you said, playfully sad, even as the mischief sparked in his eyes. 
Sam laughed and handed you a pair of pint glasses. “Yeah, that’s okay, I don’t think we need to hear you proposition Warluigi tonight.”
“Hey!” You laughed, hip checking him. “It would be regular Luigi at least!”
Dean sounded like he choked on his spit behind you. “Yeah, Sam, she’s got standards.”
You looked over your shoulder and tipped your head, “you’re damn right.”
Dean held your gaze and you instantly regretted the entire conversation, because his eyes were saying things you knew he didn’t really mean. He didn’t see you like that, to Dean, you were like a kid sister. But to you, Dean hit all of your standards and ruined them for everyone else. You rolled your eyes and sighed, turning back to the alcohol and tried to keep the mood light.
The heavy pour of rum in your coke, the palate cleanser you needed before the next three hours of high stakes gaming with the man you would always be in love with, his not-so-little brother and the friend you could always depend on. You fell asleep with your feet in Charlie’s lap, somehow better at the game than Sam but still not able to top Charlie’s experience. You woke just after nine with a blanket tucked around you and a glass of water left out on the coffee table. 
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“Then the little weasel tried to split an Uber, honestly!” Bela groaned, complaining about a bad date as you sipped mimosas in the Sunday sunshine. “What about you, darling? Please tell me you’ve at least entertained the idea of dating again. It’s been too long since you’ve had that well-fucked glow.”
You rolled your eyes, blushing, Bela’s bluntness was one of the reasons you loved her. “Tell me about it. But, its what happens when you’ve got no time or fucks to give. Um, I do have a potential target for you, though.”
“Oh? Pray tell, lord knows I need some fresh meat.” Her teeth gleamed and if it was anyone else you’d feel bad about throwing him to the lioness, but you knew Bela could be trusted with things that actually mattered.
“So, the label doesn’t trust Dean going into the current album, after, well everything,” you started, stabbing at your eggs.
“Okay?” Bela replied, unsure of where you were going.
“But I, genius that I am, assured them that I could spin his image, make some positive noise out there and all in all insure that the next tour is going to be huge. And to do that—”
“No!” Bela gasped, you smiled back at her apologetically, but desperate was probably more accurate.
You trudged on. “How would you feel about some social media smooching and public dates with a hot guy who is trying to rebuild his career?”
Bela composed herself, but the flare of her nostrils told you everything. She thought about it and let you simmer in your own anxiety as the waiter checked on your drinks. You smiled politely and sent him on his way.
“How is he doing, really?” Bela asked sternly, her eyes piercing into your soul.
You exhaled. “He’s good. It’s been a long year, but he has calmed down— left behind the bad influences. Hell, Sam’s even got him into meditation. Which is something I’d never thought I’d see. So, if you’re asking me if he is stable, the answer is yes. If you’re asking me if he’s on board with the idea—- I haven’t told him yet. I wanted you to make the first call, because no matter who it is, Dean’s not going to like it.”
Bela huffed.
“But I trust you. And I think— it’d be kind of fun to hang out more. Might even be able to tack another zero onto your follower count,” you pushed the sale. 
Bela smirked, reading you and not bothering to deny the appeal. “He does clean up nicely, right? I’m not going to have to hire a stylist to keep up appearances or anything.”
You nodded, hope igniting in your belly. “I’ll talk to him, he’s got the closet he just needs to use it.”
She took a sip of her drink and looked around the patio, squinting as she drew out her decision. “Is he straight? Am I a beard here?”
“He likes girls. But I’m not entirely sure he’s completely straight, though,” you admitted, probably for the first time out loud. 
Bela hummed in consideration.
“We can pay you, off the books. I’m not saying you need it, but it won’t be easy and—”
“I might be entitled to compensation,” Bela teased. “Look. I’ll think about it. But if you breathe a word of this to my mother, I will kill you. She would die before letting me date somebody as seedy as a musician. Let the old bat stay in the belfry.”
“Oh, yeah, good call, don’t want to send an old woman to the hospital,” you nodded, completely forgetting about all the people Bela would have to appease to make this happen as well.
“Y/N? Relax.” Bela eyed you. “I’m honestly considering it, if anything it would be a break in the monotony. And if I can make some idiot exes jealous along the way, all the better.”
You grinned. “That’s the spirit!”
“Another mimosa? I didn’t drive and I know you, it’d take a few more before you have to be careful,” Bela changed the subject and drew your attention back to the approaching waiter.
“Sure, why not?”
Just after eleven that night, Bela texted you that she was in. You don’t know if it was the loneliness of her apartment or the looming threat of another work week that pushed her over the edge, but you would take it. You thanked her and promised to touch base on schedules once Dean was in the loop.
You put your phone down and stared at your ceiling, it was actually happening. Something told you that Dean would go along with it, even if just for a little while. And with that thought, you slept soundly for the first time in ages.
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Tagging: @deans-spinster-witch@mrswhozeewhatsis@cosicas-cuquis@fics-pics-andotherthings-i-like@suckitands33@ladysparkles78@deans-baby-momma@stoneyggirl2@sassy-pelican @leigh70
Chapter Four: Bravura
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sailtomarina · 10 months
A Family of Their Own
Draco x Hermione | @hp-yuletide-bliss Day 12: “Wait for me!” | WC 1456 | Rating: T
“Wait for me!”
Hermione turned just in time to see flailing arms, a skid of snow, then the sight of Leo Malfoy falling flat on his face in the fresh snow. Snowflakes continued to fall from above and she couldn’t help but liken the scene to a snowglobe shaken up and its inhabitants falling topsy-turvy within the glass confines.
She rushed forward to help the small boy up. 
“I’m sorry, honey, but I need you to stay home, okay?”
Hands brushed at the clinging ice and cupped the reddened cheeks of his face. Leo's big grey irises, so like his father’s, begged for permission, his lip jutting out like a slice of clementine.
“But-but, I wan’ go, too!” He hiccuped, and Hermione’s heart clenched at his cuteness. How did two ridiculous human beings like them bring him into the world? He was the best of them both, Draco’s white blond hair and light eyes, her freckles and impossible curls.
“We’ll both be home before you know it, little lion–”
“I’m not little anymore!” He protested, face screwing up in disagreement.
“You’ll always be my little lion, Leo, just like your papa will always be your gran’s little dragon.”
He blinked as he processed her reasoning, and Hermione took the opportunity to smooth back the hair she knew would spring forward the second she let go. Hermione still couldn’t help the motherly gesture, as compulsive as it was futile. Even now, her own wispy curls escaped their pins and twirled around her face in the cold wind.
“Why can’t we stay together?” he continued to push. Hermione was convinced most of his stubbornness came from his father. She knew when to listen; she just chose not to.
“Because St. Mungo’s is too busy at this time of year with all the holiday mishaps of other foolish wizards and witches. I’m just going to pick him up, and then we’ll be home before you know it.”
Leo’s hands gripped her shoulders with surprising strength. Maybe someday he’d become a Quidditch player like Draco, though she hoped he’d be far less prone to stunts that ended like they had today. She did not need two wizards in the family turning her into a frequent visitor who might as well have her own dedicated room. Given Leo’s current obsession with dragons, which had been preceded by kneazles, gnomes, and giants, she wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up following Charlie some day. 
Godric, she hoped not.
“I’ll stay out of the way, promise.” Even the way he pleaded was just like Draco, not that the man would ever admit it. If it were any other day, Hermione would have been sorely tempted to give in. How difficult would it be to just take Leo’s hand and make him promise to stay close?
“Don’t you want to stay home and help Scorpius with the gingerbread houses?”
She knew he’d been over the moon just yesterday when she’d presented him with a bag of candies and supplies. The last she’d heard, the boys were planning a dragon-topped mountain with an attacking army.
So, it was to her extreme surprise that he shook his head hard enough to nearly throw himself off balance once again, and she quickly grabbed onto his waist to steady him.
Her boys would be the death of her.
She knew parents weren’t supposed to have favorites, but Leo prompted her protective side in a way that Scorpius never had. The older boy took after his father, while Leo was his mum’s son through and through. Scorpius craved Draco’s approval; Leo sought Hermione’s affections. Part of that difference in personality probably had to do with Scorpius not actually being her biological son, but that had never stopped her from loving her like he was her own, and vowing to never let him want for anything. Still, Scorpius retained an independence born from Astoria’s loss and his own determination to grow up as fast as possible. Hermione sympathized as much as she wished he would slow down and savor his childhood before it was gone forever.
With Leo, she was free to coddle and really come into her own as a mother. She wouldn’t be able to give him her full attention in the hectic halls of St. Mungo’s.
“I’ll tell you what. You stay home, help Scorpius, and when your father and I return, we can all curl up by the fire and plan our perfect Christmas Day.”
He perked up at the idea. As long as he’d been alive, they’d always followed the same holiday routine set out for them by the combined efforts of their many aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Christmas Eve was always spent at Malfoy Manor with Narcissa, Lucius having passed away while Leo was still a baby. Christmas morning, they took the Floo to Andy’s and shared morning breakfast with her and Teddy. The rest of the day they spent at the Burrow amidst a chaos of ginger hair and Molly’s overflowing kitchen. It was glorious, tiring, and traditions they followed without fail every holiday.
Now that Hermione had suggested it, she warmed to the idea of a Christmas with less structure and more them. Leo seemed to agree, his eyes sparkling in that way that always alarmed her and Draco; it often meant trouble as much as it did laughter.
“Pinky promise!” The digit poked out at her, and Hermione shook on it with the utmost solemnity.
Once he’d been returned to his big brother’s exasperated company, their nanny house-elf Minnie in supervision, she spun away with a crack.
That was two children taken care of. It was time to rescue the third.
“Draco Lucius Malfoy, what did I tell you about broom stunts? We’re not 15 anymore!”
Her husband turned a blissed-out grin her way, the resemblance to the children she’d just left behind uncanny. He laid on the hospital bed in nothing but a white patient gown that washed out his already pale features.
“Ah, Minister Granger, we’ve been waiting for you.” A Healer bustled forward, notes in hand. “We’ve repaired Lord Malfoy’s broken bones as well as treated his concussion, but you’ll want to make sure he doesn’t exert himself over the next few days–”
She absorbed the information he provided, keeping her flight-crazed husband in her periphery. He might be drugged up on all manners of potions, but it would be just like him to get up and attempt to sweep her into his arms. Draco must have sensed her ire, because he stayed quiet, his eyes never leaving her form.
Once she’d signed off on the paperwork and was given leave to take him home, she finally approached.
“Hi, love.” He reached out a hand to tug her down beside him. She obliged. “How are the boys?”
“They’re back home with Minnie building a gingerbread kingdom. You owe them an apology for scaring us half to death.”
He bent his head, contrite. She couldn’t help but feel touched at the motion. It wasn’t that long ago when another Draco would have spat insults or shut down rather than admit wrongdoing. He’d changed so much over the many years; they both had.
“I won’t ask you to stop flying,” he looked back up, face brightening, “but I don’t want you to forget that you have a family who will always be waiting for you to come home. Think about us before you go diving on brooms or chasing down dark wizards.”
Yes, she knew about his inclinations when on the job. Harry never could lie to her very well.
His mouth popped open, likely with some excuse, but she shut him up in the best way she knew how. Gently cupping his jaw, she rested her other hand against the back of the metal bed frame. His lips met hers eagerly, like he’d been waiting to kiss her from the moment she walked through the door. He probably had. 
He tried to tug her closer, but she maintained her position. The last thing she wanted to do was cause further injury to his still-tender state. He huffed into her mouth and she couldn’t help the smile that slipped out.
“Behave, you. We have children back home waiting.”
“Help me dress?” She pulled back to look him in the face. There was a telltale upward quirk of his lips and that glint in his eyes. It was a look he used on her often. It was the look that got her to say ‘yes’ to him in the first place, and the look that gave them Leo.
Sod it. 
They were in a hospital and Minnie had the kids well in hand. What was another half hour or more?
Cross-posted on Tumblr and AO3.
I really, really love the name ‘Leo’ for a potential son of Draco and Hermione’s and I’ve seen it used many times before elsewhere in the fandom. Whoever used it first was brilliant. That and ‘Lyra’ are up there among my favorite Dramione kid names.
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