#Hazbin Headcanon
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my own alastor headcanons…
warnings: discussion and mention of abuse, hell, killing, racism
note: i am also getting through my asks. i promise. ☺️
second note: these are just my own head canons. things i’ve noticed, how i write alastor, what plays into why i write al the way i do… etc. purely my own opinion.
- you know the whole thing hurt people, hurt people… at the core that’s who alastor is.
- he was a mommas boy and loved his mom so much
- his father was abusive, physically, mentally and emotionally
- his father would hit his mother and alastor
- many people turned a blind eye, this taught alastor to never trust anyone and that it’s just you for yourself at a very young age
- finally, alastor was tired of seeing his mother upset and hurt so while his father was asleep he killed him. alastor was 13-15 at the time.
- i believe that alastor’s mom is in heaven
- i also believe that she helped alastor hide the body of his father. in the same bayou that alastor used when he buried his victims
- his mom never knew there was anyone else alastor killed after his father.
- after killing his dad, he started down a slippery slope. he liked the power he felt when he had control over someone’s life or death. it was all in his hands
- but alastor has been said to have a unique moral code
- so i think he would kill any adult, but it was those that were distasteful
- the fathers who were abusive, the men who preyed upon women, the women who tore families apart just because, the mothers who were abusive
- he’s the equal opportunity killer and if you’re a shitty person you were on his radar.
- he got into voodoo to help his mom
- his mom got sick, nothing could cure her, he felt helpless, weak, so he turned to something that could help when praying didn’t. voodoo didn’t help either, but it was already too late… you know what they say about power corrupting you and when you make a deal… they stick
- ladies man, little fucking flirt, charming, suave, disarming. you’d want to take him to meet your momma
- he never married in his human life, chalked up to never finding the right girl.
- no one met his momma when he was alive. like girls just weren’t brought, people just weren’t brought to meet his momma. if you met her through alastor, you were very very special to him
- never happened though!
- he had the most gorgeous southern accent when he was a young man before getting into radio.
- he was told to loose it after the first broadcast. so he adopted the transatlantic accent we hear, to be more palatable to white listeners in the south. i mean, he was given an opportunity of a life time “especially for someone like him.”
- he went to church every sunday with his mom until she died. he’s very very knowledgeable about the bible
- just intelligent over all. likes reading, very meticulous, detail oriented, sharp and quick witted.
- he is deep deep deep down insecure. buried under years of acting like he’s the shit; pretending he’s amazing and the self assured confidence needed to be the radio host he was. this only became buried deeper when he went to hell.
- having someone who is supposed to protect you tear you down when you’re a kid does shit to you. (his dad)
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nomore-will-it-be · 4 months
i have this silly little idea that lute will become so unhinged and obsessed with avenging adam that she'll start hallucinating/going crazy
like she'll have visions of adam berating her for not being able to save him and how much of a failure she was in doing her job
and this is all brought on from her constant thoughts of regret and having herself think that she was the cause of his death
but these visions and thoughts dont sadden her, they anger her and she has it all directed at the people in the hotel
but with sir pentious being redeemed and proof that the beings of hell can go to heaven, the exterminations will stop and lute will no longer be able to accomplish what she had planned for a 2nd attack on the hotel with a full army
she will then go rouge and take matters into her own hands as she will single-handley be the one to attack the hotel again, although this time the attack she laid out for herself is a lot more brutal and violent than the inital one she fought in.
EDIT: i was doing some research and i found out that she does not have the power to open portals to hell
so because of this, i have 2 possibilites of how she would get down there
1. she gets someone else to open one for her, which i may guess is through force
2. she makes herself become a fallen angel through whatever means to gain access to hell so she can carry out her assault (this would be ironic considering she became the thing she hated the most (cliché lol))
(well this became a lot more elaborate than i thought it would be lol)
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bapple117 · 2 months
hazbin + undertale thoughts
how many of you currently in the hazbin fandom also existed in the undertale fandom?? I feel like there's so much crossover potential. I feel like the characters would gel really well together, the undertale gang would blend into hell so well TIBIA HONEST
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Some of my headcanons if they crossed over:
Mettaton (EX) dancing with Angel Dust and them being fab together
Sans chatting with Husk at the bar as if he's Grillby
Papyrus and Sir Pentious being aspirational goofy weirdos together, making contraptions and being adorable and lame
Undyne and Vaggie comparing spears and bonding over being badass lesbians
Frisk running around with Nifty and Keekee like chaos gremlins
Charlie being mothered by Toriel and healing from it
Alphys sitting awkwardly in a corner and being approached by Lucifer and then them geeking out about special interests together
Alastor watching all of this through narrowed eyes but then being like "hmm all these new sinners are interesting" and then he has like a weird rivalry with Gastor when he eventually shows up lmao
Sans being WAY more OP than Alastor and it being HILARIOUS cause Sans is so sloppy and unrefined and Al hates it but then they eventually team up together in a fight against smth else and it's SUPER FUCKING COOL
Napstablook just floating around the hotel and making Angel jump all the time
I could literally come up with these forever honestly. I wanna so much draw crossover art so bad PLEASE
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dryadsiren · 4 months
Mkay so Hazbin Hotel’s got me in a chokehold. And honestly, I have my own theories, mainly pertaining Lilith and Eve.
One, I don’t like the idea Lilith and Eve are the same person. Nor do I like the idea that Eve is secretly Lilith/ Eve took over Lilith’s body.
Personally, I love the idea that Lilith made a deal with Adam to pardon Charlie and hellborn kind from extermination. Yes, I’m aware Lute said it was Lucifer, but what if she was lying because no one’s supposed to know about Lilith being in heaven and her deal? I don’t think she made a deal to be in heaven, I think Heaven was Adam’s bargain. In exchange for the pardon on Charlie and hellborn kind, Lilith must come up to heaven and be with Adam. Thus, also this helps the theory of her making a deal with Alastor to ensure Charlie’s safety since she is gone and needs someone strong to watch over her daughter. A motherly sacrifice of Lilith to make. Now, I say this because this is to bring in my Eve theory. I believe Eve is in fact in Hell, but she’s doing her own thing.
Eve is known as the first sinner, therefore she does not get into heaven. Persuaded with promise of dream and free will, she is damned to Hell. Thus, her anger both to Heaven and Hell. Now, Cain being the first murderer, I believe he’s there too. Now, a personal theory of mine, due to Eve’s rage and hatred against Heaven and Hell, she is Satan, the ruler of Wrath. (I mainly like this idea because we haven’t seen the Ruler of Wrath yet and plus I just was a cool cowgirl character so I adapted Eve into a personal headcanon of mine to be the Ruler of Wrath mkay cool). Angry at Heaven to deny her a spot to be with her children one day, angry at Hell (Luci and Lilith) for damning her to Hell with promise of free will. Cain too is down in wrath, if not Envy. I dunno, I just like the idea of seeing Eve as a super angry woman but getting a whole “I forgive you” sweet moment between her and Lilith and Lucifer. And, I want that girl to just have a place she can have control over and have just a slice of having her own identity.
Now, she could also be Wrath because perhaps she is angry because after Lucifer and Lilith were damned to Hell, she didn’t know what happened to them. She saw them as friends (if not lovers for my polyamorous Lilith/Lucifer/Eve shippers), and she thinks they’ve abandoned her. She is stuck with Adam, who we know is a dick, and grows to resent God, Lucifer, and Lilith for leaving her to be in what I’m sure was a toxic and abusive relationship with no hope of a way out.
Now if Eve is in fact in Hell, despite her being a leader or not, this would solidify Adam’s want for one of his wife’s to join him in Heaven. Perhaps he knew he couldn’t convince Eve after their awful marriage to join him again, so he aims for Lilith and her weakness; the safety of Charlie and her people.
All in all, I don’t want to villainize traumatized women in Hazbin Hotel for the sake of drama and plot. Now I do like the idea of Roo (Root of All Evil) being the absolute MAIN antagonist, but I might do a separate post on that later.
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jonesy-squish · 2 months
I think Vox's name while he was alive was Charles(That or Vincent).I have no reason for thinking this but I think it just makes sense.
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porgatino · 3 months
CW abuse mention
Thinking about how Valentino gifted Angel Fat Nuggets. And it was probably after a fight and Angel’s face was still bruised while he was packing to leave. Then Val comes in with the sweetest apologies and most sugar-coated promises, all presented with this little gift. And how could Angel say no to Fat Nuggets and the hope of “he won’t do it again”? So again, he stays and thinks it’ll truly be different this time.
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nixie-writes · 2 years
Headcanon that Alastor when dating his s/o would try to play it off that he's not obsesed with all the gushy mushy stuff ciuples seem to do, but internally he had grown to love it, and finds himself wanting to get all cure with his s/o.
He leaves you little love notes by your bedside signed eloquently. He leaves you gifts, may it be a knick knack you found or a bone. When you're alone with him he covers your face in kisses and acts gushy with you but that's your secret.
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kayashe-art · 2 months
So, since posting the last two headcanons made them quiet the fuck down (not shut up, but I'll take it), have one more. This one's just silly, but it's ... insistent.
Stella and Valentino must never meet.
The singularity of stupidity they would create would be too powerfull to contain even if all of creation tried to do so.
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hazbinheadcanons · 2 years
Hazbin headcanon
before the yearly extermination began some demons made replicas of the angels outfits and pretended to be exterminators and began to go around the pride ring killing angels until they eventually leave at the end of the extermination
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liquidcatt · 10 months
What if every sinner who dies during the yearly Extermination, their loved ones in heaven forget about them. Kind of a dark thing to think about.
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nouverx · 4 months
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"I want to eat you" is their love language and you can't change my mind
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nomore-will-it-be · 4 months
A theory as to what lilith's deal might have been with adam/lute/heaven:
(fyi i made this like rlly late at night so it may seem a bit hazy 😝)
7 years earlier, lilith, for reasons and ways unknown as of right now, left hell to go to heaven.
Lilith made a deal with heaven stating that if she is not allowed to stay, then she will command all of hell to rise against heaven and destroy it. But if she is allowed in heaven, she will not revolt and as a way of keeping her word, she allows heaven to conduct mass exterminations in hell to ensure there is no uprising, as Lilith has threatened.
On the other hand with Adam as well as Lute, after she learned that he is head of command during the exterminations along with Lute, she makes a deal with them on the terms that he and Lute will not hurt her family in any way (due to their behavior, she saw them as a likely bunch to do this), of course, the deal was broken and Adam actually comes close to killing her and the glitch in his mask signifies that (another theory i heard about). Lute kills Dazzle and since Dazzle and Razzle can both be considered part of the family due to their long history and position as bodyguards to the Morningstars, the deal with Lute, that was also bound to Adam, was broken as well, which can explain why her mask also glitches.
EDIT: This deal was possibly what Sera was refering to in You Didn't Know. The lines "It was such a hard decision" and "The anguish it takes to do what was required" are the ones I believe are realted to Lilith's deal. These lines can infer that this deal Lilith made with heaven seems to be connected to Sera. This "hard decision" she made (allowing exterminations to happen) was purely out of fear that hell would revolt against heaven and doing "what was required" looks like another case of paranoia in which she was so afraid of the possibility of an uprising that she made herself think that the killings were "required" to protect her sister(?) and the rest of heaven.
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mythbringer-mayhem · 4 months
Misunderstanding - RadioApple comic
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(This is pretty messy, but eh, that's how I do comics ig)
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nanami1chu · 3 months
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Someone please write about Cursed Cat Alastor!!
He’s so ugly but funny looking at the same time it’s cute! I want him lmao ❤️
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thishazbinathing · 4 months
I love Alastors dip dye I wonder what flavor of kool aid he uses :)
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notherpuppet · 4 months
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Angel tries to find Husk’s contract
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