#she just doesnt like tragedy but we can pretend!!!!!!
kohiandie · 11 months
i may be able to get kohi to read all the young dudes 🫡 i showed her a few parts as prompts for her to explore drawing wolfstar and she said MAYBE
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Ultimate Genshin Tournament: Finals
[Mistake poll, go vote in the new one]
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Propaganda below cut
Hot Evil Woman.
#the duality of arlecchino is so well done #Also her design is insanely attractive (via @rinrinlovee)
#women driven by their own agenda #implied to be fucking insane #people were disappointed she didn't actually kill the kids in her story but listen #that would make her no better than dottore #she's a bad bitch she refuses to run the house on anyone’s terms but her own #i love morally grey characters guys #arle has mystery and intrigue there is no telling what her next move might be #and she has her fair share of tragic yuri #the fact that she is harsh #that there is inherent immorality in her character since she trains orphans to be child soldiers #but the fact that she still cares deeply for her charges #and arle thinks the doctor is despicable and refuses to make deals with him #except one that allowed her to set the children free to take their own path #like i cannot emphasize enough how much depth is in her character #freminet reports that she doesnt like when the children cry #but she still brought him back an emblem of his mother #and told him the truth about why he is in the House #in fact she's deeply appalled when she finds out he's been lied to and told his mother no longer wanted him #she is incredibly perceptive and forward thinking #and fine ill say it shes hot #and she's ridiculously powerful #in her boss fight we dont even kill her. we don't even come close #she was just entertaining us as a test #also i really enjoy a character who can suffer such tragedy and carry it with her in her life #but then is afforded the agency to make it better for herself and everyone who comes after #no child will die for wanting to choose their future #wanderer saying that those who have seen through her cordial facade have disappeared #like how can you NOT be interested in her #i want to know desperately what her grand plan is #i think we as a fanbase moved on way too quickly from the fact that teenage arlecchino #KILLED A FUCKING HARBINGER #also the question of where is arle actually from still remains #what exactly *is* she? (via @stormyrainyday)
girl deserves therapy and hugs and the best life in the WORLD because she went through a lot!!!! wouldn't pretending to be a god for 500 years with no support mess you up? and yet she still kept on going for her people!! she wanted to save her nation from a doomsday prophecy and she DID
After act 5 she deserves the world :(
“If all the people of Fontaine are on one side, and I am on the other…is it not obvious where the scales of suffering should tilt?” NO IT ISNT YOU’RE JUST ABNORMALLY SELFLESS AND INCREDIBLE AND PERSISTENT. Even the Archons praise Furina’s name and say she is a human with strength and capability worthy of an Archon. That’s not even to speak of Focalors. She snapped at Arlecchino when she implied that Furina had done nothing to preserve her people from the flood. Meanwhile every minute she was working to prevent the prophecy. A month after we took her to court and almost got her killed she agreed to help us direct a play, a favor for a favor
Guys, she deserves to win. She endured 500 years of torment and suffering. No hope in sight, just the knowledge that a trial, any trial, might signal the start of her life as herself. She sacrificed herself again and again: her reputation before the people of Fontaine, her happiness during the 500 years of her rule, and her very own divinity. Her trailer is literally just her worst nightmare coming to life. She is finding the joy in life again, slowly. Let’s be a part of that joy. Vote Furina!!!! 
Your honor, they're married and Arlecchino would want her wife to win.
she literally gave up her entire sense of self and sacrificed everything just to save Fontaine… all without ever knowing that she was the human side of the archon. She did everything because of her own sense of justice, because of her love for the people, because even she had to do her all for a chance for them to live on. Furina is the perfect example of what a leader should be, while also being so so very fragile and just…so very human. needless to say, Furina is perfect through being imperfect. So she absolutely deserves this win FURINA SWEEP REAL!!!
she managed to fool an entire nation and even the hydro dragon for 500 years. She literally put up the greatest act in all of history. All for one singular goal. The survival of Fontaine. And what did she give? Everything. Her soul. Her life. She is the epitome of the most amazing character design. And so she absolutely deserves this win!!
she literally was almost assassinated by the one she is up against right now. She literally almost was killed by arle. Literally WHY would you let arle win over our beloved queen Furina? Furina is a victim who is suffering trauma from her. She deserves the win more than arle! Payback for arle traumatizing sweet, innocent Furina…!!!!!
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(image via @deityofhearts)
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dekusleftsock · 1 year
Hi! I wanted to talk a little bit about something that pissed me off, so if you dont want to deal with that then feel free to ignore the ask! There are mentions of SA.
I accidentally ended up seeing this anti toga post that talks about how she is terrible queer representation using 1. the loving animals line and 2. her killing others because of her impulse.
Basically they argue she is a sexual predator as killing would be like being denied to have sex with her or a representation of her SA others, and that the resolution seems to be feeling sorry for her and giving her what she wants, and that it leaves queer ppl in a bad look as sexual predators and even zoophilic (them saying they already had a bad vibe from the intro of the little bird?? Thinking its directly sexual confirmed by these leaks). Im so angry at this.
I think its clear Toga feels confused about what love means, as she says she loves many people but its clear every single one of them makes her feel and act differently -she doesnt love Jin like she loves Tsuyu, or the bird, or Stain, or Deku, or Uraraka.
Is it so strange to think she can be confused about it WHILE being queer?? Also seeing her love as a sex driven impulse is weird in my opinion -yes blood and cannibalism r used this way in media but she's not looking for sex ever, just to be liked and loved.
I swear I have seen yandere characters get a better treatment than her even when they end up causing more harm without reasons backing them up even.
What do you think of that perspective?
So I actually think that the zooiphile thing actually adds to the queer allegory. No i dont think toga wants to fuck animals and no I don’t think that’s she’s ACTUALLY a zooiphile.
But I do think that the REASON horikoshi made her that way is because… zooiphilia is a dirty thing that people don’t like to talk about. Toga is the same; she’s the dirty conversation her parents don’t wanna have.
And she’s attracted to blood! I don’t think that she wants to date or have sex with a bird or something, just that she’s attracted to it because it has blood and she can’t change that. I don’t think togas love is misplaced or anything, in fact I think she’s got the best handle on her love at all. I think that she just generally uses the very forward term of “love” for everything because that’s just how she is. A forward, blunt, and extreme person. She’s exploding with feelings even different types of love!
Personally, I’m surprised to see all these toga haters randomly appearing out of the wood work—and it’s probably because she’s actually got a chance with Ochako. It just surprises me yk, like people either didnt really care for her before or they thought she was a cool villain. Now that she’s herself and NOT a cool villain… you all suddenly wanna chase her down with pitchforks? Hm. Interesting.
People LOVE a queer tragedy; and toga is in the perfect situation to be one. Togas boob grab wasn’t even intended to be predatory/sexual towards ochako, she was angry and using it to grip onto her and stab her repeatedly. It was a symbolic way to describe Togas feelings of “becoming a real villain”, or in the sense of the allegory, “becoming a real queer predator”. The fact that people have taken this and actually made it about her BEING a queer predator is SO IRONIC!
Also… sucking blood doesn’t equal sex what. It’s intimate in the way kissing is intimate, it was literally compared to it.
ANYWAY… monsters and vampires and the horror genre as a whole has ALWAYS been queer, it’s always been about being deviant and exploring topics like cannibalism and, yes, zooiphilia, because we CAN TALK ABOUT THEM. GUYS ITS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. Toga isn’t fucking animals, she’s not pretending she’s in relationships with animals, she’s vaguely attracted to them.
I saw this yt video a while ago talking about this whole Twitter debate about whether zooiphilia was as bad as eating animals. And personally, I’m not vegan or vegetarian, but it’s something I never really thought of before. And he brought up a good point that originally went to my head when I heard this question asked!
My thought was “Well zooiphilia isn’t natural, but eating animals is”. Well, being a PARASITE is also natural, we naturally want to consume, we naturally want to be selfish, and the fact that we have the foresight and intelligence to STOP ourselves from being those things is important for our survival. And there’s a ton of other arguments to be made and points to be had, but really, we should be able to ASK THOSE QUESTIONS AT ALL! We should be able to confront those things instead of shunning it away and putting it in a little box we aren’t supposed to talk about.
I just think anyone who is trying to label toga as “bad queer representation” or as a “sexual deviant/predator that Ochako is afraid of” have other biases/reasons to believe those things. That, or they have a very narrow mindset that doesn’t allow them to question the morality of cannibalism or any unconventional love for that matter. Unconventional ideas at all tbh.
Jeffrey Dahmer went crazy because he was eating people raw a lot of the time, and also he was just generally fucking crazy and a bad person. How about we consent to your body being eaten!
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part 2 for the lovie-cutie!! well its cute but just dont touch the yellow snow... 'DO YOU HAVE EGGPLANTS ❓❓❓❓❓❓❓' we do. 'im sure some of them are older than me' well im wearing my moms coat thats older than me. maybe your age HGJDJFG SORRY. sorry, catmom. oldie but goldie. im impressed by such a great collection. 'im hungry T_T' bon appetit ig TT 'i used to have a crush on my philosophy teacher' awwww. ive read a fic like this... idk if i ever had a crush but i absolutely had some strong feelings to my rus lang teachers and the math one bc of the mommy issues ig... sorry, im back to your story. no but its a kinda cute story. but the ending is ??!!!?!! hajffk if it makes sense. writing poetry abt smn sounds nice. i used to write some poems abt my first idk sympathy? too. it was a more dramatic story (not underestimating your feelings!). if youre glad these feelings went away, im glad for you. all experience is an experience to have and liking smn worth of being felt. 'ARE YOU TUMBLR' you never know.... ITS SUCH A CUTE STORY WITH THE BLUES CLUES TT its delightful that content that can stimulate childrens interest in science exist. 'and i remember learning that mars had 2 moons' deimos and phobos! deimos is pronounced just as daemon dont you see any like.... OMG i was going to talk abt the moons but!! targaryens are said to be more like gods but if an au with them as greek and roman gods? daemon as the god of war anD! aemond as the hades who marries persephone and cherishes her like nothing else. theres probably smth like this on tumblr but ive just thought abt it. so. these 2 moons was literally the only thing i remembered and ALWAYS said during my astronomy lessons. to the point my teacher was like 'oh katyas going to like this question' and i was like DEIMOS AND PHOBOS my babes TT SORRY i got carried away. 'they have two nights' AAAW these cute childrens assumptions on how the world works TT i lovelove them so much. theyre so cute and amusing TT but its a good logic! big baby brain! its good your brain didnt explode!! it wouldve been such a tragedy to loose THE genius brain! 'a post which was like you cant think of a color' oh this provoking shit! ig the fact that i can make out the constellations has smth with the tilt of Earth? my hometown is pretty very very close to the border of the North Pole so atmosphere there is thinner and basically? it means? sky is closer? smth like this. tbh the northern sky is the sight to see. both in winter and in the summer. bc in winter the constellations are visible and yk the polar night while in the summer its the polar day and the sky is so white-ish, the sun never sets down and the airs so fresh TT omg i miss it. also this cute dream abt stars TT its so touching that you wanted to see constellations that much. 'ok then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sandman fics it is' OK now YOURE provoking. ok maybe next message. 'i imaged her to be younger' me too but doesnt she deserve it? 'BAD INFLUENCE BUT ALSO BRILLIANT MIND' THANKS im trying my best. im glad you liked it! hope to see it one day in your blog. anything, actually. so good luck with your queue! im finally gonna sleep YEY. have a nice day/evening/night!! good luck! love you! take care <з
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i watched an ep of doctor who with my mom T_T it was a mistake to pick a random ep i was very ? confused i was pretending i understood it and just watched til the end because i was tryna commit to it T_T HAHHAHAH
anyway heres a kitty for good luck
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omg this reminds me of this stray that went up to our house and i pet him and he was so sweet and he laid in front of me and i was like i want to pet you but if i pet you im going to have to feed you and i have no food im so sorry so its a no for me 😩😞 it was a dark day for humanity
well its cute but just dont touch the yellow snow...
'DO YOU HAVE EGGPLANTS ❓❓❓❓❓❓❓' we do.
very good
'im sure some of them are older than me' well im wearing my moms coat thats older than me. maybe your age HGJDJFG SORRY. sorry, catmom. oldie but goldie. im impressed by such a great collection.
im not offended by that at all i wear my moms clothes that are older than all of us sibs so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you dont have to apologize for it. i dont think ill ever be offended by being called old at least i hope not. ill always be old to someone and young to others
'im hungry T_T' bon appetit ig TT
im hungry again but i cant eat cos im going to sleep and i cant sleep with a full stomach it hurts when i do T_T or ok not hurt its just uncomfy
'i used to have a crush on my philosophy teacher' awwww. ive read a fic like this... idk if i ever had a crush but i absolutely had some strong feelings to my rus lang teachers and the math one bc of the mommy issues ig... sorry, im back to your story.
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im glad you find my cringe cute HAHAHAH 🤢🤢🤢
no but its a kinda cute story. but the ending is ??!!!?!! hajffk if it makes sense.
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writing poetry abt smn sounds nice. i used to write some poems abt my first idk sympathy? too. it was a more dramatic story (not underestimating your feelings!).
lol HAHAHAH im not offended by things like that MY GOSH DO YOU THINK IM PETTY i am BUT NOT THAT PETTY
if youre glad these feelings went away, im glad for you. all experience is an experience to have and liking smn worth of being felt.
im so glad 😩💅😬🤢
'ARE YOU TUMBLR' you never know....
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ITS SUCH A CUTE STORY WITH THE BLUES CLUES TT its delightful that content that can stimulate childrens interest in science exist.
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omg i think this is it im going to cry
i dont remember it being like this entirely but i think this is it. HELP PLUTO MY PLUTO T_T im going to cry
'and i remember learning that mars had 2 moons' deimos and phobos! deimos is pronounced just as daemon dont you see any like.... OMG i was going to talk abt the moons but!!
HAHHAHAH i have no idea what the mars moons are called but if you say so i trust you i might remember this this time around because i dont have a kid brain anymore just a large kid brain HAHAHH
targaryens are said to be more like gods but if an au with them as greek and roman gods? daemon as the god of war anD! aemond as the hades who marries persephone and cherishes her like nothing else.
theres probably smth like this on tumblr but ive just thought abt it. so.
ur such a bad influence who cares if theres smth like this you nor i have not written it so thats all that matters
these 2 moons was literally the only thing i remembered and ALWAYS said during my astronomy lessons. to the point my teacher was like 'oh katyas going to like this question' and i was like DEIMOS AND PHOBOS my babes TT SORRY i got carried away.
HAHHAHA THATS FINE <3 its so fun that we have a shared interest with space!!! LOVE THAT FOR US. go off my deimos and phobos queen she like me for real reciting and stuff HAHAAH
'they have two nights' AAAW these cute childrens assumptions on how the world works TT i lovelove them so much. theyre so cute and amusing TT but its a good logic! big baby brain! its good your brain didnt explode!! it wouldve been such a tragedy to loose THE genius brain!
T_T IM GLAD YOU THINK MY SUFFERING WAS CUTE you have no idea how frustrating this was for me i was like so if a day is 24 so half of that would be day half would be night but then i was like then that means they have ... 1 night.... and just really short days T_T HLAKHLKASHFLSAFLSAFASF im glad i didnt lose my brains either
'a post which was like you cant think of a color' oh this provoking shit!
it was i cried like literally literally bawling cried
ig the fact that i can make out the constellations has smth with the tilt of Earth? my hometown is pretty very very close to the border of the North Pole so atmosphere there is thinner and basically? it means? sky is closer? smth like this. tbh the northern sky is the sight to see. both in winter and in the summer. bc in winter the constellations are visible and yk the polar night while in the summer its the polar day and the sky is so white-ish, the sun never sets down and the airs so fresh TT omg i miss it.
i think it has to do with light polution as well. i live in the city so the lights are never off, never fully. also damN IS THE SKY CLOSER WTF THERE ???? damn. i mean i can see the stars here i just ??? idk which is which
also this cute dream abt stars TT its so touching that you wanted to see constellations that much.
[kicks can] im such a fucking nerd dude HAHHAHHHA
'ok then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sandman fics it is' OK now YOURE provoking. ok maybe next message.
'i imaged her to be younger' me too but doesnt she deserve it?
but it isnt about deserve its about tradition. rhaenys deserved to be heir but nah
'BAD INFLUENCE BUT ALSO BRILLIANT MIND' THANKS im trying my best. im glad you liked it! hope to see it one day in your blog. anything, actually. so good luck with your queue!
HAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHAH i hope to see it to T_T i always like your ideas! and yes my queue T_T my loooong queue
im finally gonna sleep YEY. have a nice day/evening/night!! good luck! love you! take care <з
same my back hers as per usual
im luv you so much my dear
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trans-squim · 2 years
*Manga Spoilers
AAAAAA just knowing loid's backstory with his family is making me recontextualize all of his interactions with anya and like AAAAAAAA
like anya saying she wants to be with her parents forever when both loid and yor lost their parents at a young age from the war.
or how loid rents out an entire castle for anya when his dad shot him down for wanting toy soldier gear.
or just the fact that when anya asks for a silent pistol and castle in the beginning, he says, "oh we'll see if we can get it." to which he simply allows her to fantasize about it, while also not promising anything to her. this also contrasts to how his father just shot him down for wanting to join the army and saying there will be no war.
similarly, loid's father as an adult knew of the tragedy of war and thus discouraged loid to dream about join the army or even to play pretend as a soldier. meanwhile, anya has shown a liking to playing spy and although loid knows of how difficult being a spy is, he doesnt restrict her from playing pretend. (not that i would encourage my child to join the army, but the way loid is handling the situation in context to his upbringing is interesting.)
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kiefbowl · 3 years
What're your thoughts on Stannis? What did the show get wrong?
Stannis is emotionally wounded by perceived (and probably some real) attacks on his rights and honor by his brother Robert. He is right in a sense that he is next in line for the king, and he is unwilling to compromise with others because of this fact, most notably his brother Renly. The tragedy of the Baratheon brothers really is that if Renly had taken Stannis’ offer to be his hand and his named heir, Stannis would have won blackwater with Tyrell bannermen (as is proved by the fact that Tywin comes and wins blackwater), sat the throne, and probably would have died without a son and Renly would have been king next. Catelyn’s little jab about putting them in a room until they get along is well deserved, they’re acting like children Lol
in the book, it’s not really clear if Stannis and Melisandre are having sex. you can see how they might, but Stannis is so dutiful and honorable to a fault (similar to Ned Stark), he seems to be the one man who could not be enticed by sex to make his choices. It makes the relationship between them more compelling. She truly believes he is Azor Ahai. He truly believes he is the rightful king, and it doesn’t even matter to him if he wants it or not, or what would be good for the realm. Stannis is furious he wasn’t given Storm’s End (as is his right) nor given due for holding the siege of it during the rebellion (as he believes he should). he’s like the kid who doesnt like when other kids dont play the rules right and gets his feelings hurt when no one likes him because of it, but pretends he doesn’t care that no one likes him because rules are most important than friends
Show Stannis is like…eh? I think it comes across that the actor is confused by the characters motivations bc I don’t think D&D found Stannis’ storyline compelling enough bc it’s not very sexy. He’s constantly pissed, losing, rigid, dogmatic, and we see it all through Davos’ pov and he’s not even with Stannis in every chapter. But I love Davos chapters, I think most book fans do. but the show makes him like just this selfish guy Who wants to be king and fucks a sexy sorceress and that he’s is all in on the magic when the book is more ambivalent if he believes in rhollr and the prophecy, it’s just a not oft bend in his rigid code he’s making because the throne is his RIGHT and he’s been pushed to (his) extremes (unjustly!!! in his mind) by using magic. his wife brought him Melisandre, it’s not even his idea!!
idk he’s not my fav character but I do appreciate him and in the show I’m like omg move these scenes along he just seems like a maniac who is quietly seething all the time and is totally into Melisandre instead of a wounded man who can’t grasp the idea that life can and should be pleasurable
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crowsent · 4 years
tales from the smp: the village that went mad ft. salt losing his goddamn mind
“im jack. and. im a farm person, and i like p o t a t o e s”
starting the stream well i see. ponk coming in with generic potato boy and i love him for it
“my name is helga, wife of badboyhalo” QUACKITY
karl: “bad, explain your character other than person that beats up their wife”
bad, immediately: “well, i do declare that my name is jimmy and im the mayor of this town”
and then bbh just fucking starts spinning around when hes asked what the name of this town is, theres a pause, and then he fucking hits us with “not a very good town, town” like BAD
this is why i love this man
this is why i fux with this man
he is unparalleled
but as much as i love bbh and would literally murder god for him, he still canNOT match the quiet theatricality of mr corpsehusband saying “im gonna turn around and itll all make sense” and then he has a fucking CAT TAIL
corpse “choke me like you hate me” husband is a fucking CATBOY ladies and gentlemen
hes a fucking catboy which further proves something which we already knew was true all along: furries exist in minecraft and are, in fact, accepted in society and treated no less differently than humans
this is why fundy and antfrost can just walk around without anyone telling them shit
this is why wilbur can fuck a salmon
corpse “catboi” husband paved the fucking road and drove down in a custom vintage jaguar so every other furry on the smp could fucking drive behind him in a second hand porsche
i salute you mr corpsehusband
truly amazing
miles memeington, connoisseur of steak and bob, “bob the builder” need no explanation
tubbo with the very cute ‘i am robin, i am an orphan child” being IMMEDIATELY ruined by karl sayin
“dont let technoblade hear about that”
i love this already
i love this already
feed me technoblade lore. the man never fucking uploads so i have to get content adjacent to him
i wanna hear about technoblade the orphan killer. i want that backstory lore
and also i wanna protect robin the orphan boy because hello???????????
that skin???????
let me adopt you mr orphan boy
i love quackity just very casually going “my husband and i had intercourse” at the fucking TOWN MEETING BY THE WELL
quackity’s comedy is unmatched
“hes into lots of weird stuff. he taught me this one thing called dunderhead”
and IMMEDIATELY someone (cant tell who, i have auditory processin issues) fucking goes “i DO NOT know this woman” and tbh if i were in that fucking town hall listening to my fucking weirdass neighbour casually lay out all her family secrets, id fucking say that shit too. id fucking disown this bitch as my neighbour. id fucking pretend she doesnt exist
imagine your fucking next door neighbour siddling up to you in the fucking w*lmart while youre just minding your own goddamn business trying to buy a fucking banana and your next door neighbour helga is dressed in a fucking bikini going “my husband fucked me so hard i couldnt walk” and even though you are clearly not interested and trying desperately to get away from her and her wackass gossip, helga goes ahead and fucking LISTS OUT HER HUSBANDS KINKS IN THE FUCKING FRUIT AISLE AT FULL VOLUME
id die
id just fucking die
id uninstall life right then and there
id pack my fucking bags and take a fucking extended vacation to guatemala and never return. id fucking change my goddamn name just to ensure that people never associate me with this woman.
thats what quackity is doing and i am very thankful this man exists and has given us the treasure that is helga
cOuLd iT Be iN ThE nAMe oF SaTaN???????? 🤔
bustin out the fucking OLD conspiracies huh
“or could it be in the name of content on karls stream”
and hes just casually breaking the 4th wall too huh
kinda stealing techno “ill read donations in the middle of rp bc i need a distraction” blade’s go-to method there huh
its fucking funny tho. hes narrating this all serious-like but then he just goes “content on my stream uwu” and unrepentantly shatters that suspension of disbelief (in a good way)
but it wouldnt even matter bc apparently, satan and karls content have no difference
does protection exist in the smp? im worried for helgas health
the woman visited 3 different fucking houses in one night
i love how the rp just stops dead in its tracks around the campfire
no one was using any of the names
corpse was out here calling everyone by their actual names and not the names of their characters
this might just be bc im a pathological liar whos seen and heard shit but
i love him but
i mean
bbh cant lie
the man cannot lie
his voice is off, pitch wrong, tone sus
he is deffo a murderer
being accused of something hes not would make a person defensive/angry and bbh is not either
the man is LYING
and his argument/defense was LITERALLY tubbos
man cant lie
send this murderer to hell
tubbo can lie, but imo hes not. his voice is the voice of a person whos telling the truth
man is legit the doctor
a doctor who chose to fucking lay on the LORE
father killed in the red-eyed village wars????? mother taken from a young age?
motherfucker brought the LORE
motherfucker brought the SOB STORY
motherfucker legit said “here is my canonical in-character reason for being a doctor fuck you”
and honestly
what is bads defense?
karl asked if the town should kill an orphan over a mayor and there is legit no right answer to that
there is no good rebuttal
so bad straight went “you make a great point. just execute me”
idk who said it but “orphans just suck up resources” whoever you are i love you
i was eating my chips in peace but then i almost choked
his voice did not match
my bets on fucking ponk
its fucking DREAM
my respect for this man
shouldve known
he was kinda quiet at first but then he suddenly started talking a lot
son of a BITCH
gg dream
round 1 wasnt very rp heavy but
i can excuse that
who in the FUCK is making choking donald duck noises
bbh got a new skin cool
corpse, about dreams death: “they killed him in front of me”
the town: “who was it corpse?”
ladies and gentlemen corpse, without a moments hesitation: “im also blind”
so the murderer is deffo not corpse. deffo not tubbo. probably not lazarbeam probably not bbh
that leaves quackity, george, and ponk
i knew corpse was a catboi but i didnt know that mr dream “i went on a date and almost married a fox” wastaken partnered with a fucking catboy
what is this
dnf is out, dream corpse is in /j
the tragedy
standing up for tubbo like that
my heart cannot handle this
okay so its deffo not corpse and tubbo. most likely not quackity after that fucking disaster at the campfire. probably not lazarbeam or bbh. still think its george and ponk
he got executed trying to console tubbo who legit WENT IN THE PRISON TRYING TO LOOK FOR HIM
technically its robin but
he lost his father so quick what the FUCK
i will murder god for robin
the little shaking head he does after corpse got killed. going completely silent as he lost the one family he had left.
robin bby no
im sorry
was wrong about lazarbeam/george tho
what the fuck
tubbo/robin honey i am so so sorry
catboi corpse i am so so sorry
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variousqueerthings · 3 years
oof googling for trans men and/or transmasculinity in film is uh... hmmm
With trans people involved
Documentary - 10 movies:
The Brandon Teena Story
A Boy Named Sue
No Ordinary Man
One Of The Guys
Instructions For Survival
Shinjuku Boys
Southern Comfort
The trans list
- I’d honestly recommend all of the above, although there are a couple I haven’t seen, but just because it feels important to hear people speak to their own experience, even if sometimes the structure around them isn’t always... inspiring. The Brandon Teena story is about his murder, so TW for that. I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch it yet, so I don’t know if he’s misgendered in it.
Feature films - 5 movies:
By Hook or by Crook (an experimental film about two petty criminals - a movie I wish had a bigger budget, but fascinating in what it attempts to do and the artistry of the leads! Also the only one of these four I’ve actually seen yet)
52 Tuesdays (about the transition of a parent, filmed over the course of 52 Tuesdays)
Rurangi (came out 2021, I haven’t seen it or spoiled the narrative - I know “there are trans people in it” shouldn’t be enough to sell a move for me, but friends... there are four feature movies on this list)
Open (2010 - um... okay I feel like I’ll mis-represent this film if I try to explain it, especially since I haven’t seen it yet. But it’s not about transitioning or hatecrimes, wahay!)
Adam (NOT the 2019 Adam movie. This isn’t technically a movie, it’s a play, but I wanna add it, because for anyone who has BBC Iplayer or can get it, it’s a play based on the real life of Adam Kashmiry, who also plays the lead. It’s about Adam trying to navigate the UK immigration system as a transgender asylum seeker from Egypt and it’s Intense, but so so good and beautifully shot. 1 hour)
Movies with cis people playing trans people
About kids “questioning” or “transitioning” / about the parents
3 Generations (no.)
Tomboy (I will watch this film, because I’ve heard it’s actually quite sympathetic and well-made)
Minor character is trans
Adam (2019) (so everything I’ve heard about this is bad. If I’m correct: Cis boy pretends he’s a trans boy in order to sleep with lesbians? Which is... wrong. On so many levels...)
Itty Bitty Titty Comittee (I’ll watch this at some point, it’s about lesbians and it’s by Jamie Babbit and I love But I’m A Cheerleader)
Boys Don’t Cry (lol, we all know this one)
Vera (this one was made in the 80s. so I might actually give it a go. I think it’s about a real person, which will at the very least will introduce me to a real trans person, even if it’s through a very distorted lens)
Misc cis actors
A good man (A trans guy offers to carry the baby, because his cis partner can’t. See this sounds so good, why not cast a trans guy in this? It doesn’t have good reviews)
Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls (even vaguer, it’s unclear if this character – who’s a villain – is a transgender woman or a transgender man)
Pierrot Lunaire (I will not watch this movie. I watched the trailer and... no. I recommend the trailer for anyone who wants to figure out if they want to watch this, because I think the aesthetics will be the breaking point. A cis girl introduces her trans boyfriend (who she doesnt know is trans) to her dad. He Suspects Something Is Up).
Two4One (uh, so it’s a comedy... I think it’s a cis guy playing the lead trans guy, so at least it got that part right. Idk I was just very uninspired by it, sorry, if anyone tells me it’s actually great I’ll eat these words).
Romeos (I was actually gonna watch this and then I read it’s just full of transphobia? Why would I subject myself to a bunch of that if it’s not even considered that good and there are no trans actors in it. Pass)
If there’re any beyond this, let me know. TV’s doing... so much better, truly fascinating how far behind film is lagging. 
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fredheads · 3 years
I would like to hear your thoughts about parentdale and the new killers album
thank god i have many!!!!
all the songs about opioid addiction.... enough said on that point
wow i rly thought i could answer this without a read more but i have LOTS TO SAY!!!!!!! everything else under the cut:
quiet town... how it's about the dark underbelly of this small town and how people willfully look away from tragedy and how tragedy manifests itself in that kind of community and how it does or doesnt fit the narrative already scripted for this place... "things like that aint supposed to happen in this quiet town, families are tight, good people still dont deadbolt their doors at night" like shut up!! parentdale... this one to me is about the generational trauma handed down from their own parents and how it repeats itself... and how the narrative of "this is a good town nothing bad can happen here" existed for artie and bunny and prudence and everyone too and some of them (fp) know that was always bullshit but others (fred) were fed the narrative that the good old days were better and bought into that to an extent until they couldnt anymore... its about all the bad shit that happened to them when they were kids and how it was swept under the rug. oscars death comes to mind too...
terrible thing.... would it be unkind of me to call it fps song... i mean really its all of them when they were teens locked away in their bedrooms fucked up and the terrible things they were on the verge of were many (the abortion alice didnt get comes to mind but there were much worse things too) and also the way the first lyric ("the parking lot is rammed with shotgun pickup trucks/ at the jones rubber plant where all the guys end up/beer-drinking boy scouts living life like they ain't stuck") HITS!!! for fredsythe. and its a masterpiece of 'this town is a machine and spits you out into this hopeless mold where you just drink with the boys after working all day' and how thats fps story but also how its subtly about masculinity and the failure to fit that mold is also a failure to live up to a masculine ideal... much to think about.
cody is almost my favorite track off the album I love it so much. there's no character I think of specifically for it but the way Brandon flowers said it was an amalgamation of guys older brothers he knew is making me go batshit feral. "Bottle rockets on an August night/Raid the coolers in the trucks/If we're lucky, we'll get loud and we'll drink/Whiskey from a plastic jug" is excellent parentdale small town tomfoolery imagery too...
when sleepwalker said "everyone is afraid of something even the strongest man alive" that was for hiram lodge 🥺i cant say more its just a feeling
runaway horses can be any of their relationships that almost worked out but did not
in the car outside is another of my favourites FRICCKK the first 2 verses give me halice (especially "She's got this thing where she puts up the walls so high/It doesn't matter how much you love/It doesn't matter how hard you try") and then the 3rd is fremione ("I dropped a line to a flickering high school flame/We laughed about all the ways that our lives had changed/She’s up the road, about thirty-five miles north/Got two little boys in school, just had a real bad divorce/And in a moment of weakness/I told her if she ever needed a helping hand/I would lend, swear to God") wow glory days who... and then "it's like the part of me that's screaming not to jump gets lost in the sound of the train its a lot" ... footloose screaming at trains hours
in another life.... is so deeply parentdale it hurts!! its for all of them realizing they turned out these small town cliches because they didn't have a choice and looking back on all their missed opportunities... ("I passed a couple of kids holding hands in the street tonight/They reminded me of us in another life" could literally be any of them..) ("When that jukebox in the corner/Stops playing country songs of stories that sound like mine" SCREAMS SHUT UP!!! its about class too....) and then the killer... "I spent my best years laying rubber on a factory line I wonder what I would have been in another life" that's FOR FRED ANDREWS BABY! and to an extent artie... like how his father made all these sacrifices for him and might have been anything in another life but fred carries this guilt around.... it runs so deep...
desperate things gives me such bruce springsteen state trooper ballad type vibes but I skip it every time anyway lmfaoooo.... that said...... sierra and tom??? ok....
pressure machine is for all of them!! the way it's about having your hope slowly crushed, ("hope will set your eyes agleam" is them when they were young teens so hopeful.... fp thinking he could be on the football team and pretend to be northside, Penelope thinking she was being adopted by a loving family, alice thinking she could overcome her roots, fred thinking he could play pro ball, etc) growing up in this small town where everyone expects something different of you and you lean into some expectations, you fight against others, but either way your surroundings and upbringing and that pressure forms who you are and then you've lost your innocence and your life is just slipping away faster and faster ... i think this is the best song on the album by far I adore her
and then the getting by ("I know some who've never seen the ocean" ) and these small town people, how there's dignity in this simple living that their parents had and all they can do is get up every day and "hold on till the getting's good" and that's what they've always done... tis parentdale
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Dimmed Lights (Pt.2)
It had been about a month since Remus' wedding, Roman was starting school soon.
Roman despised school.
Soulmates kissing in the halls, marks so bright it was almost blinding. Students asking him why he hadnt found his soulmates yet, asking why his markings were oh so dull.
But his least favorite thing about the school, was the school's favorite power couple.
Roman had known for a while that goth kids were going to end up taking over one day, but this just proved it.
Janus Belgrave was a year above Roman, he was tall and he had heterochromia and canines that were so sharp they might as well have been knives. He always seemed to know everything about a person by looking at them. He was always wearing a hat or a cape, regardless of dress code formality. He had a soul mark shaped like purple and black flowers down one side of his face.
Virgil Liddell was in the same grade as Roman. He was short and shy but he could probably drop kick someone if they made him feel even the slightest bit threatened. He had bright lilac eyes and darker purple hair. His soul mark was in the form of a two-headed snake that wrapped around his neck and collarbone.
The two of them always wore much more clothing than Roman would have deemed necessary, and would get very defensive when asked about it. But, goth kids were weird, so he wasnt going to judge.
Roman sat on his bed, staring at the rows and rows of clothing in his closet. He supposed it was a good thing he didnt have to try fitting himself in there to. After a long while Roman finally decided on a red hoodie with two white stripes in the middle as well as stripes down the sleeves, a pair of shorts, and black boots.
"Roman! Breakfast!" Roman's mother called from downstairs. Roman let out a sigh that wouldve been worthy of an oscar had the timing been convenient. He rushed down the stairs and stuffed his face quickly.
The bus ride wasnt much different than usual, Roman head his head pressed against the window, that way it was much harder to see any of his classmates soul marks.
It was stupid that they were able to find soul mates so young in his opinion, why didnt the marks just develop over time instead? Why couldnt they just be kids without having to worry about who their soulmates would be? But of course, Roman had decided that his lack of understanding for soul mate ages must have just been his jealousy talking. After all, how was a boy with no soul mate supposed to know anything about finding one.
He also supposed that having no friends didnt help that. After all, people with soul marks tended to avoid the Soulless like the plague, it was incredibly rare for someone to be born with no mark at all, and they didnt want to risk that spreading.
So Roman sat alone, every day, during class, lunch, breaks. And he pretended not to care, pretended he didnt notice the suspicious glances the others gave his tattoos, or the rumors or the laughing or anything else that the school tried to throw at him.
"Is this seat taken?" Roman looked away from the window. In front of him was a person with short pastel blue and purple hair, a white dress with a mint green belt and sleeve-straps, and white boots, as well as round glasses with clear frames.
"No, of course not," Roman said simply. The person sat down, fixing their hair slightly.
"I'm Hestia, she/her," Hestia smiled.
"Roman, he/him," Roman said, and then he noticed what seemed to be white lines etched across Hestia's skin.
Hestia seemed to have noticed the staring, because she pulled a jacket over the markings soon after.
"They arent soulmarks if that's what you're thinking, I dont have any, these are from something else," she said, looking away slightly.
"Oh- I didnt mean-" Roman rubbed the back of his neck slightly. Finally, he pulled down the side of his jacket and shirt to show off the tattoos. Hestia's eyes widened and she smiled slightly.
"Are they nicer here? The middle school was never very nice about it," Hestia said, Roman bit his lip slightly.
"Well, they arent rude necessarily, but of course you must know how it is for us," he said sadly.
"Yeah. . . It's so stupid, we can still have relationships, even if we dont have soulmarks, after all they're just for relationships that or more than ordinary friendship, it's not like having no markings means I cant make someone a cake or something," Hestia said bitterly, scratching at the lines on her arms.
"Yeah, and does it make sense to you that we have them from birth? Like why do children have to worry about suddenly glowing in the middle of the playground. It seems a bit contrived if you ask me," Roman said.
"Yeah! I know a person who found their soulmate when they were in sixth grade!" Hestia said. People on the bus were giving the two of them scandalized looks, but at this point Roman didnt really care. He finally had someone to talk to who was like him, who agreed with him and didnt think it was a brutal tragedy that he had no marks.
As the bus ride neared its end Roman and Hestia exchanged numbers, she was a freshman and he was a junior so they knew they were unlikely to have any classes together, but both had agreed that they would meet up after school when they could manage.
But now that he was off the bus, it was back to acting like a terrified gazelle in a jungle of stripes and spots.
Of course, Roman was used to that feeling.
What he wasnt used to was being shoved against a locker by a man a little less than a foot shorter than him, kissed, and then left standing confused in the middle of what seemed to be a very intense argument.
"See! I told you I can catch people off guard! I'm not that loud!" From the looks of it, Goth² was having a very intense debate, and Roman seemed to have found himself right in the center.
"I didnt say you couldnt at all, I just said you're not very good with subtlety," Janus replied, smirking. Virgil's face seemed to be going redder by the minute.
"Oh like you're so good at sneaking around with your- height!" Janus let out a laugh.
"Aaawww, is the chihuahua mad because the Great Dane's better at pranks?" Janus said, ruffling Virgil's hair.
Roman coughed slightly, he hadnt meant to do it, but it seemed to get the two boys attention very easily.
"Ah- yes, Virgil, mind explaining so the damsel you've distressed doesnt think hes ruined a relationship?" Janus said, Roman's face went scarlet.
"Sorry- yeah I couldve probably gone with something else but I'm not exactly a quick thinker ok!" Virgil said, pouting.
"O-oh its alright-" Roman said, trying to cover the rapid blush spreading across his face.
"How about this, to make it up to you, why dont you sit at lunch with us? You're always sitting alone and I highly doubt that its healthy for you," Janus said, smiling.
Roman froze like a deer in headlights, all he could think to do was nod and accept the slips of paper handed to him by the two boys.
"What. The fwuh. Just happened." Was all he could say when they left.
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megashadowdragon · 4 years
why ben solo deserved better
comments on youtube: 
You may think Ben Solo did not deserve mercy, but let's all remember this is a FICTIONAL universe and fictional characters. It's ok to indulge in wishful thinking, even if Ben would not be received with welcome arms on Earth even after his redemption. Dealing with a complicated character like that and trying to find a way to give him a future in the story is hard, I will admit. It's hard to know where someone's role in society is after they've betrayed and murdered since our answer usually ends in their execution or incarceration. But imagine an ending where Ben Solo is willing to answer for his crimes, Rey contends for him, and the future of the galaxy has hope. What we were given was NOT hope. Ben Solo simply deserved a better ending than he was given. He wasn't a soulless monster like Palpatine. He had remorse. He hesitated. His anger was fueled by his mistreatment and feelings of abandonment from his family. Comment below and tell me why/why not Ben Solo deserved a better ending. Even if you don't agree, do you think his abrupt death was satisfying?
I agree with a lot of your points. He 100% should have survived and it doesn't make any sense to me that they killed him off. Ben should have been given a chance to live and atone, he could've spent the rest of his life being a better man, despite other people scorning him at first. Ben and Rey are so powerful - they are stronger together and could've helped so many people in the galaxy. Surely there would still be pockets of the First Order out there - or whole planets of innocent people still enslaved that need their help. ( I have to point out that it was never clarified how many people knew kylo ren was ben solo and its quite likely that  only a small group knew ben was kylo ren so you wouldnt even need to consider the galaxy at wholes reaction for they could just claim kylo ren was dead while ben solo was still alive  (people didnt know anakin was vader for years )   and poe in resistance reborn talked about ex imperials atoning for their actions so  poe and the people who knew ben was kylo ren would be willing to accept ben   coming back and atoning for his  actions  . no prison  or exile  he would ahve a happy ending  with rey on naboo the place where anakin and padme would have raised luke and leia anidala being torn apart was the original sin  ) ( I am sick and tired of redemption equals death it sends the message that if you mess  up and go down the wrong path the only out is death that the most you can expect is finding a cause to die for its bs the notion that he had to die is bs
“the redemption = death bs doesnt give hope to anyone its like if you mess up you cant just make up for it
 ben deserved better because in the 30 years he lived he wanst truly happy and calm until his last 20 seconds of his life”
Western story writers and directors are too set on the idea of redemption of villains through death, it's an unhealthy all too common message I don't agree with, Vader's sacrifice meant something because he saved his son, but what about Leia? What does her sacrifice mean? Why is the final shot just a lone Rey in the desert with a robot? I'll never understand these decisions, it just doesn't work.
The whole Rey replaces Ben in the Skywalker line is just disgusting. Ben was "bad" so he didn't deserve the name but Rey is perfectly "good" so she does? Kids, if you ever do anything bad watch out because your family will find a good kid, replace you, and act like you never existed. Love Disney for that message.
. There’s a clear reverse Anakin/Padme thing going on for me as is. I just think they could have gone for that full reversal, where Ben lives instead of dies like Anakin essentially did when he became Vader. And then I’m always reminded of how little Ani wanted to “free the slaves” ... and while he didn’t have to take that literal route, atonement, or working to break broken systems, would have been a wonderful close to that part of the story as well. I thought it would be nice to tie his and Finn’s stories together a little in that regard.
I don't think they ever understood what they had story wise or character wise.  I don't think they ever knew what message these movies were supposed to have. TROS kept making strange story decisions without thinking through their implications.  With regard to Ben Solo, they give us two fake deaths after multiple characters sacrificed themselves for him, then kill him off for real.  That's the kind nonsense you find in the D-grade movies mocked on MST3K, not a Star Wars film.  Worse yet, they offer the audience no catharsis for Ben's death.  It happens suddenly; Rey had already given her "life force" to both the giant snake and Kylo/Ben and she's fine.  So the audience doesn't expect Ben to die when he gives his "life force" to her.  Then after his sudden death, he's not mourned.  Rey barely reacts.  He's not mentioned and his sacrifice is never discussed.  Then we don't even see his Force ghost.  The air got sucked out of the movie and it just ends with a thud.  It's like if Titanic had ended with Rose saying, "Oh well, I guess I'll just marry Cal" and it's "The End."
Ben Solo definitely deserved better & I truly thought we would get a happily ever after, a reversal of Anakin & Padme’s fate. I also thought the stormtroopers would side with the Resistance & that the reason Leia’s allies didn’t respond at the end of TLJ was because most were disguised as stormtroopers & mingled among the First Order. 🤡  I think the Skywalker saga has ended but the Solo saga will continue. 🤞🏻 The majority of fans LOVE Kylo/Ben and that’s a fact. The general audience loved & rooted for him without ever knowing his heartbreaking backstory & that he had been targeted by Palpatine from conception. Let’s hope Disney/Lf has an ace up their sleeve.
I actually thought Ben was going to live because JJ kept marketing the film as being happy, uplifting, hopeful, and Ben's arc being "fun." In 2015 he called Star Wars a "fairytale."  I had been waiting for Ben to reunite with his mother since 2015 & since 2017 to end up with Rey. Neither really happens because Ben dies, thus turning Star Wars into a tragedy that pretends it's not. We didn't even get a mother/som forceghost visual reunion as a "consolation prize". I was so sure we'd get an actual living redemption arc because I thought forgiveness and the healing of the family was their intention , but nope, just a complete annihilation of the Skywalker family. I left IX feeling depressed for all of Christmas break. ...And don't even get me started on the retcon of TLJ's Rey Nobody background setup and theme.Show less
You have to ask yourself this when thinking of Ben and Anakin. If Anakin fell to the dark side because he had an unhealthy selfish love for Padme but Ben rose from the dark side because he had a healthy selfless love for Rey. What message does it send to have both characters have the same fate when it comes to being with the women they love? (Split apart) What's the point of the saga if nothing anyone does means anything? JJ and Chris failed to ask themselves these important questions.
the theme of the original trilogy was love, hope, family, forgiveness, redemption 
lucas described the star wars as a space fairy tale soap opera    about love, family , hope forgiveness, redemption  the skywalker saga is a family saga about the skywalker family killing off ben breaks that for it ends the saga in tragedy where every last skywalker has died   the line has ended palpatine won bens abusers won 
george lucas quote about story being a family-oriented fairytale of hope, love and redemption (not to mention he hates killing anyone unnecessarily bens death wasnt necessary and goes against star wars themes
George Lucas: *talks for forty years about fairy tales and HEAs and not wanting to kill characters
( this is why lucas didnt kill any of the main cast be they the trio or otherwise and chewbacc killing off ( killing off ben goes against that ( ben was a mc he was part of the narrative trio ( no matter how many antis try to claim otherwise and claim it was rey finn and poe when no ) or act like bendemption wasnt set up from day one.  ( ben, rey, and finn were all main characters
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on the comparison  between benVader died as a middle-aged man in ill health with two living children who would carry on in the light after a golden period in his life where he was a prosperous jedi knight, Ben died a healthy 30-year-old with no family or good phase in his life, plus Vader's sacrifice was instrumental in his redemption while Ben's sacrifice happened after redemption out of narrative contrivance, they are not the same
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neverdoingmuch · 4 years
okay! tma au time!
so i’m gonna start off by saying jgs is elias in this au. i dont care what you say about elias’ sexy voice or charisma or whatever, they’re both slimy and evil. also gertrude, so to speak, is wen chao. (bear with me pls)
most other people are assistants. i think? i mean lwj, wwx, jzx and a few others are?
(my brain says it would be funny to have lwj as sasha and su she as not!sasha but lwj deserves better than that)
i’m not really gonna follow the plot of tma bc rip
the assistants are just kind of vibing in the archives when they discover that wrh, who’s like the chief of police and is an avatar of the slaughter, is actively killing people for the fears bc acab
does he have a deal with jgs and that’s why wen chao is the archivist? yeah probably. wen chao is the archivist bc daddy had connections. wrh put jgs in charge and sent wen chao to make sure everything was running how wrh wanted it to be
yeah, wrh wants to have control over all the fears or something idk
so wen chao is the archivist. but unlike gertrude who purposefully made things really messy and a nightmare he’s just really incompetent. wen zhuliu is the avatar of the distortion and theyre tight bc zhuliu owes wrh or whatever.
so the wrh stuff comes out and a bunch of people band together to try and bring justice to him and thus we have the sunshot campaign
maybe all the families have their own fears? the lans are the lonely and the nies are the hunt. jfm and yzy are avatars of the bad parenting idk. 
anyway, before they took any action, wwx had already started investigating bc wen chao is a lil bitch and very suspicious
while investigating wwx gets sucked into the archivist stuff and ends up being thrown into the tunnels under the institute with wen zhuliu who then proceeds to do distortion fuckery for three months
he finally escapes and kills wen zhuliu using the powers he’d begun to develop in the tunnels (it’s so strange that he stumbled across a tape recorder which he’d named chenqing and after that he kept finding statements,,, so strange)
he’s killed wen zhuliu so he goes off and kills wen chao and now he’s the archivist whoo
he joins up with the others and they go kill wrh, sweet it’s all dealt with but jgs starts spreading shit about how all the wens are terrible and must be killed (including wen qing’s family who are like paramedics who work ed with the police, so not cops but forced to work w/ them)
while jgs is touting that bs jgy is in the background slowly manipulating wwx into getting all the different marks (idk what they were called) from the different fears
he gets kidnapped by xue yang who is nikola and spends a month getting moisturised by him and told that wow he’s so impressive killing the other avatars,, im gonna follow in your footsteps (let’s say that avatars have a truce not to kill each other in this world. like they’re all equals and pretty much the same strength so there’s no real point in killing each other or trying to kill each other)
wwx escapes and im kinda annoyed we dont have enough bad guys for wwx to properly get his marks but whatever
he goes back to the archives and they come up with a plan to kill xue yang and they go off and do it
imma let you pick what happens here. does jzx die? do we let xxc and sl have the spotlight and this is where their story comes into play?
whatever happens, wwx goes into a coma for thirteen months and enter extremely hot avatar of the end who helps him wake up (mo xuanyu?? mo xuanyu.)
he goes back to the archives and lwj has been taken by the lonely while he was gone so he’s working with his uncle again (the lans are the lukases and i take no criticism)
side note: in this au wwx gets two phobias! (gee wwx! how come you get to have two phobias?)
so mr spider was definitely a thing and so were the dogs
while wwx was on the streets he found this book and he’d just started learning how to read so he decided to practise but then some other kid stole it from him and he ended up watching him get eaten by a giant spider also the dogs attacked him bc no rest for wwx
does wwx pretend not to be aware?? i’d say yes. if not bc of trauma then bc it’s super obvious and the look on lwj’s face when the jane prentiss equivalent attacks and wwx says wow those worms were a lil weird huh? is so funny to him
anyway lwj was in the know the whole time and he probably moved out of his family home and joined the archives so he could investigate jgs but then wwx dies and hes like aight yeah imma feel real lonely right now
so wwx comes back and jc, who had been the host of ghost hunt CW (cultivation world) and was attacked by an evil ghost, tries to kill him
after their fight and subsequent freedom from the slaughter and the eye (sans eye removing bc fuck that) jc moves in with jyl
im sorry that what the girlfriends isnt a thing here but i love the idea of a jyl who just isnt scared of anything because she’s seen death and just can’t get scared anymore
she still dates an archives employee though. it’s jzx, who is kinda like tim in this au i guess? did he die in that explosion? (i want to say no so jyl would be happy but if he dies and she’s mourning him and jc and wwx fought,, well now wwx is alone for bad decision times)
one day wen qing comes up and is like pls help my brother, he’s been taken by the buried so wwx runs off and finds breekon and hope (su she and jin zixun), kill jin zixun and steals the coffin
the rest of the wens are in hiding atm so he doesnt have to like monkey chain all the wens out of the coffin 
so wwx goes inside the coffin and rescues wen ning (bc jon and daisy’s relationship was super sweet)
they get out and immediately run away with wen qing and the rest of the wens
where do they go? wen qing’s cute cottage in scotland (or cultivation world equivalent)
so they’re living as farmers and wwx is getting sick bc he can’t get statements from here but he has to protect them bc the jins keep attacking (what are the jins working for?? idk. the vast? the dark? who knows, not me)
anyway lwj comes and is like you have to come back to gusu/the archives and wwx is like no! bc he has to protect the wens
so lwj is like fuck ive gotta move my timeline up and find a way to off jgs
jgy ends up doing it and lwj is like /: my revenge,,
everyone is happy! jgs is dead, wrh is dead! but then jgy starts stirring up rumours about wwx and lwj is honestly so tired of this shit
and bc people keep attacking the wens, wwx manages to collect the rest of the marks from the other fears
jgy sends his letter: dear wwx sorry for the deception yada yada yada
but wwx is aware of that shit and just kills himself before he can finish reading it
whoo apocalypse averted but lwj comes to help with the wens just in time for his burial so not whoo?
anyway we know wwx isn’t dead and he’s just vibing in another coma or something equivalent (why does he die twice in this au? bc idk how s5 will end but it’s a tragedy horror podcast and i want them to be happy so he gets to die twice)
anyway, the avatar of the web, mister manipulation and secrets extraordinaire nie huaisang is very pissed after jgy manipulated his brother into becoming an avatar of the slaughter and decides to just expose the dude
lxc kills him bc he deserves to kill jgy tbh,,, manipulative toad
nhs also restores wwx’s rep bc they were besties in uni and i refuse to accept anything else
he rocks up to the cottage/farm and is like hey guys i helped clear wwx’s name and wen qing is like hes fucking dead what help were you? and nhs is like ?? he’s not dead
so they unbury him and lwj wakes him up through the power of love and all that jazz
anyway, wwx manages to do *insert super cool thing here* and gets rid of all the fears and they get a happy ending bc i really want them to have a happy ending
do they stay living on the farm/cottage with the wens?? no but they buy a cottage nearby and happily live there together raising rabbits and growing idk pumpkins
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Ultimate Genshin Tournament: Finals
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Propaganda below cut
Hot Evil Woman.
#the duality of arlecchino is so well done #Also her design is insanely attractive (via @rinrinlovee)
#women driven by their own agenda #implied to be fucking insane #people were disappointed she didn't actually kill the kids in her story but listen #that would make her no better than dottore #she's a bad bitch she refuses to run the house on anyone’s terms but her own #i love morally grey characters guys #arle has mystery and intrigue there is no telling what her next move might be #and she has her fair share of tragic yuri #the fact that she is harsh #that there is inherent immorality in her character since she trains orphans to be child soldiers #but the fact that she still cares deeply for her charges #and arle thinks the doctor is despicable and refuses to make deals with him #except one that allowed her to set the children free to take their own path #like i cannot emphasize enough how much depth is in her character #freminet reports that she doesnt like when the children cry #but she still brought him back an emblem of his mother #and told him the truth about why he is in the House #in fact she's deeply appalled when she finds out he's been lied to and told his mother no longer wanted him #she is incredibly perceptive and forward thinking #and fine ill say it shes hot #and she's ridiculously powerful #in her boss fight we dont even kill her. we don't even come close #she was just entertaining us as a test #also i really enjoy a character who can suffer such tragedy and carry it with her in her life #but then is afforded the agency to make it better for herself and everyone who comes after #no child will die for wanting to choose their future #wanderer saying that those who have seen through her cordial facade have disappeared #like how can you NOT be interested in her #i want to know desperately what her grand plan is #i think we as a fanbase moved on way too quickly from the fact that teenage arlecchino #KILLED A FUCKING HARBINGER #also the question of where is arle actually from still remains #what exactly *is* she? (via @stormyrainyday)
girl deserves therapy and hugs and the best life in the WORLD because she went through a lot!!!! wouldn't pretending to be a god for 500 years with no support mess you up? and yet she still kept on going for her people!! she wanted to save her nation from a doomsday prophecy and she DID
After act 5 she deserves the world :(
“If all the people of Fontaine are on one side, and I am on the other…is it not obvious where the scales of suffering should tilt?” NO IT ISNT YOU’RE JUST ABNORMALLY SELFLESS AND INCREDIBLE AND PERSISTENT. Even the Archons praise Furina’s name and say she is a human with strength and capability worthy of an Archon. That’s not even to speak of Focalors. She snapped at Arlecchino when she implied that Furina had done nothing to preserve her people from the flood. Meanwhile every minute she was working to prevent the prophecy. A month after we took her to court and almost got her killed she agreed to help us direct a play, a favor for a favor
Guys, she deserves to win. She endured 500 years of torment and suffering. No hope in sight, just the knowledge that a trial, any trial, might signal the start of her life as herself. She sacrificed herself again and again: her reputation before the people of Fontaine, her happiness during the 500 years of her rule, and her very own divinity. Her trailer is literally just her worst nightmare coming to life. She is finding the joy in life again, slowly. Let’s be a part of that joy. Vote Furina!!!! 
Your honor, they're married and Arlecchino would want her wife to win.
she literally gave up her entire sense of self and sacrificed everything just to save Fontaine… all without ever knowing that she was the human side of the archon. She did everything because of her own sense of justice, because of her love for the people, because even she had to do her all for a chance for them to live on. Furina is the perfect example of what a leader should be, while also being so so very fragile and just…so very human. needless to say, Furina is perfect through being imperfect. So she absolutely deserves this win FURINA SWEEP REAL!!!
she managed to fool an entire nation and even the hydro dragon for 500 years. She literally put up the greatest act in all of history. All for one singular goal. The survival of Fontaine. And what did she give? Everything. Her soul. Her life. She is the epitome of the most amazing character design. And so she absolutely deserves this win!!
she literally was almost assassinated by the one she is up against right now. She literally almost was killed by arle. Literally WHY would you let arle win over our beloved queen Furina? Furina is a victim who is suffering trauma from her. She deserves the win more than arle! Payback for arle traumatizing sweet, innocent Furina…!!!!!
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(image via @deityofhearts)
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dekusleftsock · 1 year
I think if hori wrote toga better more people would like her but he hardly gives a shit about her so her story and personality and thoughts are messy (as in badly written) and nonsensical. I wanna like her but you have to do a lot of leg work to make her interesting and worth the time and love, Hori doesnt love her enough to but a lot of effort into her, unlike the other two male villains who he wont shut up about. Togas always just been (for me personally) an underutilized, underdeveloped waste of what could have been a cool idea. The Anti-toga people are not unfounded in most of their criticisms (MOST), shes the only seemingly queer person and of course shes a lustful blood sucking pervert psycho murderer with no real depth.
(btw you are more than welcome to both ignore this and LOVE toga I am not saying for you shes not worth the time or energy, this is just me reflecting on her and how hori has treated her, i appreciate and value fanon and the effort fans will put into loving her, thats so cool and based, im glad you can find joy in something like that, for people who like her- I wish she was cared for by her writer 💕)
Uh… what I see or believe isn’t fanon broski.
Look Horikoshi has always had a problem of pushing aside the women in his series, the worst of this case has ALWAYS been ochako. Do I think that’s because he wanted to write a gay love story? Yeah, I do. Does that make it okay? Absolutely not. I will be the first person to shout from the rooftops that horikoshi does not write women as well as he should. He has fan service abundant, he makes crude jokes using women that really aren’t all that funny, he’s pushed aside his women and their moments in order to forward bkdk’s development.
But you can absolutely not come into my ask to tell me that she is an, “underdeveloped wasted idea”. Because she’s just fucking not.
People think toga is just “the blood sucking bisexual who likes animals too”, but she’s just fucking not. That’s never been her defining trait or character.
Toga is a subversion of the yandere trope. That sadly means there will always be misogynistic rhetoric because that’s what the trope is. At least BEFORE the subversion happens, which is now! Where Ochako DOESNT FIND HER CREEPY!
She’s going to be creepy and weird and have issues because she’s a villain. She’s a queer villain. Her entire story is one that defies the tragedy of carmilla and refuses to let her identity be anything but “Himiko Toga”. She has always been a character about identity. She’s never been “possessive” or “jealous” over Izuku for this purpose. It’s the reason why she’s bisexual, why she just “has an attraction to blood”. It’s a queer story wrapped in metaphor and it always has been. Why is THIS monster/villain queer story any worse than, idfk, the joker and Batman. I haven’t found a single person able to genuinely voice that to me in a way that is convincing! Horror and unconventional ways of love and ESPECIALLY blood has always always ALWAYS been a part of queer coded stories for a LONG TIME. We are the unconventional. We always have been. And that’s not me “bending over backwards” HER PARENTS LITERALLY CALL HER A DEVIANT AND SHE ASKS WHY NO ONE ELSE STRUGGLES WITH THE URGES SHE DOES.
I’ve said this before, and I’ll fucking say it again, Toga is horikoshi’s most well written and thought out female character. Ochako got kicked over and over again, same with momo, Tsu, Mina, and whoever the fuck else.
And I’m sorry, but writing a queer villain inspired by the lesbian vampire trope isn’t homophobic or bad writing.
She’s HAD depth. Idk if you read her backstory or her feelings on Ochako, twice, hawks, or even Izuku but she’s HAD depth. And I’m tired of pretending she hasn’t.
Normally I wouldn’t engage with shit like this but you reached out to me DIRECTLY. So let me make this clear: you can have whatever opinions you want on toga, and I will not get angry or express anger in any sort of way. But this account? This is not your fucking space and I will ABSOLUTELY meme on you for it.
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julibf · 5 years
I told in some of my past metas, that I wrote after the show was done, why the ending was so unsatisfying and I am going to try to explain why here in some point. Its not because it was sad and heartbreaking, or some of our theories never really turned out to be true.
I am afraid to say, Its George RRM who is letting me down, not Benioff and Weiss. So lets start with the points that are making my head spin.
If accept Bran Stark as the final King of this story, I have to pretend I didnt read the past books A CLASH IF KINGS and a FEAST FOR CROWS, where we had very good contenders fighting for the Throne (Rob Stark, Renly Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon, Joffrey Baratheon, etc) Yes, some of those men were not so good from a moral point of view, but they brought strength, militar support, militar and political alliances, legitimate claims to the Throne...
I could go on and on and on. There is absolutely no reason for why would Yara Greyjoy would bend the knee to Brandon Stark and accept him as her leader and ruler; or the Prince of Dorne, or the Lords from the Westerlands. This choice is absolutely absurd and if you read the books you would know that picking a boy king, with no claim to the Throne or no powerful armies makes any sense at all. Whe we add the fact Bran had hardly any experience ruling or leading people during the 7 years of this story, this pic gets even more and more bizarre.Not to mention, I really dislike the idea that humans are incapable to control their own emotions, and because of that we must pick a God like creature with no emotions.
 I understand George wanted a surprising ending and he wanted to go against the expectations, but this choice is an utopia. I cant get behind this choice. I am sorry.
Again, do I have to pretend I didnt read the books and actually know that being a Kingslayer is a very terrible sin to carry on Westeros??? Tyrion is not a beloved figure in this story, even before he killed his own father, Tywin Lannister.
Tyrion decision to kill his father, not only started the downfall of House Lannister, it also made the entire region of the Westerlands political weaker and more vulnerable to future attacks.He must be a very despised figure in the entire realm. Yet, he will be the second person in charge of Westeros??
At this point I am at loss of words. I have no idea what George is planning with this.
Awful, terrible, horrible idea. Any way you slice, this was a terrible idea to end such amazing novel. Its corny, outdated and down right dangerous, considering we live in a world where females are at risk of being murdered by their male partners all the time.
This is such underwhelming decision, in a sea of underwhelming decisions that I am starting to think George was simply trying to make us all hate this ending.
We could have the realm raising in Rebelion against the Queen of Ashes; we could have second Dance of Dragons; We could have Arya using her underused superpowers as a Faceless men to kill Daenerys. No, we will have Jon Snow, still making excuses for Daenerys terrible behavior, begging her to start acting better???? telling her she will always be his queen while putting a dagger into her heart!!!
Again, this ending is coming from George himself. I cant really blame the D’s for this mess.
Awful, terrible, horrible idea. Any way you slice, this was a terrible idea to end such amazing novel. If you dont believe Political Jon theory, then Jon Snow is just a completely fool, who fell in love with a tyrant, closed his eyes to all her terrible behavior and in the end was forced to kill the love of his life to save humanity. He is a idiot. and it breaks my heart that this is how Jon Snow will be remembered by audiences.  Some people keep on telling me. “Oh, by, I dont think this is how George will write him, I think its going to be much better” But I have to say, I dont think it will.
I do believe Jon was playing Dany in the beginning of their romance and was manipulating her in order to use her dragons and armies to save the North, but I also believe that once he finds out she is his family too, he became a little torned between his Targ and Stark family. He is a family man in the end of the day and he must feel some sort of guilty for his actions towards D@ny.
I think that George will keep Political Jon hidden between the lines, just like the show did. He may write much better and be more obvious, but I dont think it will ever be revealed explicit to the audience. And this is what kills his character. If he doesnt reveal to the audience that Jon was playing Daenerys, than it seems Jon Snow never really learned anything from his past 10 years and it sucks!!
No matter how you slice it, if George will keep Jon’s actions hidden and make the audience believe he is madly in love with this entitled monster and will keep on defending her until the very end and this is the character assassination of Jon Snow.
If, he is madly in love with Dany and has to be told several times that he must kill her to save the world from her tyranny, he is an IDIOT who never learned a damn thing in his life. If he DOESNT love Dany, but out of duty still is loyal to her, and has to be told several times to kill her in order to save the world, he is an IDIOT who never fucking learns anything. I dont get what George is doing here. He is destroying the character he spend so much time bulding as a hero, but that's exactly what he wants to do it. Maybe there are NO HEROS. (what a shit message).
I wished Jon and Dany had been just allies and later became enemies. This would be a much better ending for both characters.
Jaime can not put Cersei behind him and comes back to die with her in the end;
Jon Snow can never, ever, ever learn with his mistakes and is still struggling after so much pain and misery in his life, over duty and honour.
Jon Snow years and years learning to be a leader and ruler is absolutely pointless and he is sent back to the Wall, where he started???
Sansa, who dreamed about love and family all 5 novels, ends this story completely alone;
Arya, who desperate wanted to go back home since season 1, leaves once again, this time for good??? leaving her younger brother alone in the South (where Stark men dont do well), her sister alone in Winterfell and Jon all alone at the Wall. WHAT THE FUCK?????
Daenerys can never overcome her family tragedy of Fire and Blood, and becomes the monster her father was;
In fact, it seems that its impossible for humans to evolve and become better people than their parents, a God like creature must rule us all, otherwise we are lost. (I can not repeated enough times, what terrible message this ending is, and its no even true!!!!, we live in a world of no magic, and we were able to produce rules who brought us peace, progress and humanity.)
What really got me by surprise in the end, it was how sterile and hopeless this entire story felt. George once said that he writes so much violence, deaths and rapes in his novels because it is part of real medieval life and would be a lie to avoid those themes in his books, but you know whats also real part of medieval life?? Marriages? Marriage alliances, happy normal ones, who produce children, heirs, LIFE, FUTURE!!!
Oh we had weddings on ASOIAF, but most of them ended in slaughter, death, rape, misery. I dont think we had one happy birth inthis entire story? Gilly had a child from her father rapist and Edmure was able to produce a child too, but his bride Roselin was actualy in tears when they had sex (because she was aware of the Red Wedding plans) 
What a miserable tale this was. Our heros never really get to experience real joy. They never get to fullfill their childhood dreams. But they do get to be raped and abused, so, maybe thats ALL IT REALLY happened in the medieal times. Oh wait, its not tue, The War of the Roses ended with the marriage of Henry Tutor and Elizabeth of York. They had a very happy marriage and produced several children. 
In our story, we dont get to have laughter, joy, happiness or hope for a future. We do get several pages of Theon being tortured and dismembered in the books; or Sansa being physically and mentally abused; or Jon being consumed by loneliness and grief. But I guess, thats all it happened in the medieval times, so..........
Funny thing is, you see, before the story started, marriages and children were a common occurence in Westeros. Ned and Cat had several children; Cersei and Robbert had 3; Lysa was able to produce a child too; The Tyrells keep on making babies, even God damn Lyanna Stark, who only spent a few months married to Rheagar, was able to had a child. What miracle, its almost like those events were normal facts in those days.
In our story, no House can produce children, even bastards!!! Jon, Theon and Tyrion had quite lots of sex during this story, yet no children was ever produced. Maybe all men in Westeros became sterile, once ASOIAF started it. 
By the end of the day, I am disappointed in George, not really the TV show, which is even more sadder. I think he wrote a very beautiful story, but his ending is taking away all my joy for those characters and this novel. I know he wanted avoid the expected and subvert the expectations, but he is shooting his own story in their foot. And its braking my heart.
What terrible way to end such fascinating tale...
“[Bran] will be a good ruler bc he’s inhuman - which is a very depressing message. GoT was always about the struggle between human good & human evil w/in each person. Bran being king suggests that the solution to human evil isn’t human good, it’s being not human.”  
ALT SHIFT X described in great words, how I felt about this ending, and you could sense his disappointment in the final message of this story too. It's was an extremely nihlistic ending. Westeros hasn't changed in facts it's worse politically. 
Now, lets compare this to LORD OF THE RINGS ending, who also got a bittersweet ending. Remember, George RRM is always comparing those stories and believes he is having a conversation to Tolkien. 
Honest to God, in comparison LOTR looks like a Disney movie. It has a beautiful coronation ceremony, humanity came together to save the world from evil, and THEY TRIUMPHED!!!! There is JOY, LOVE, HOPE. Aragorn is King of the Reunited Kingdom, the people love and admire him (can we say the same about King Bran?) . 
He marries his childhood love, Arwen and produce an heir. This brings hope and a sense of future for the reader. This story is uplifting, its inspiring, its quite frankly, a good story. 
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Its impossible not feel good about this story and the ending is one of the reasons this story has touched so many people, from all over the world and has remained a classic. Because, the tale of humanity coming together to defeat the evil is a theme that its always occurring in our life times. This is something that Tolkien experienced personally, having to fight in the WWII.
The nazis were defeated because several countries, put aside their differences and fought for the good of humanity and yes, it is possible. And after WWII we actually managed to achieve a lot of humans rights for several people who were considered less in the early century. 
In GOT there was no joy or celebration, no weddings to form new alliances; to make peace; no births to bring new heirs, to bring a hope for the future. In fact, most wedding in the show were always associated with death and pain. Death and pain, yes, there was a lot of death and pain in ASOAIF. Thats all it has to offer the reader and viewer? Death, pain and misery??
I understand that George wanted to do the different and not give what the reader really wanted. But I have to be honest to you, in my opinion, this was a unfulfilling, uninspiring, unpleasant story. I said a few times, i have no desire to re read those long books. This story brought me no joy. And I understand that, stories are not obliged to bring us joy, but, they are supposed to make sense. And, I just dont think the ending made a lot of sense for those who read the books. Hey, maybe that was our mistake. Hee
What sad story :/
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sodasyrup · 5 years
I love,,,,, domestic lava au... You should do more of it. I'd love to know more about reka and monty too!
Okay as I said it’s an au with kittie (6kuro) so I’m gonna grab the things it said and I said lmao
warning its a LONG disjointed post bc im too tired to make. a good post fdhghdf
lovelypeaches08/28/2019cole and kai would settle down real late like....in their late thirties because they want to keep their children as safe as possible, being elemental masters and having enemies and all
at first wu wants them to fight longer and shit but hes OLD so who cares and theres probably conflict on thatbut kai and cole are old enough to realized they dont have to be controlled
so they get married, symbolically if anything, because they've been dating for probably a little over a decade now and known each other even longer, AND been living together for the same amount of time
theyre the first of the ninja to settle down, and they buy a small house in a village thats maybe an hour away from ninjago city
the tininess of the house is made up for by the largeness of the yard, where cole likes to garden, especially fruits and vegetables
cole works as a stay at home free lance artist, doing stuff like commissions, book covers, comics, etc for moneykai does something that puts his charisma to use, probably something in business that lets him advertise and talk a lot..he could never settle down for a stay at home job or anything, even with all his thrilling ninja stories
they have enough money from donations and awards to thrive off these jobs, and ninjago probably pays them kind of like retirement
cole cooks for kai so he always has a meal ready when hes home, so then kai cooks on the weekend
anyways, they have two kids, about 3 years aparti haven't figured them much out yet, but kai and cole cook and bake with themcoles parenting style is very protective and rather spoils them, while kai lets them do whatever as long as its not immediately dangerousthey balance each other out well, so their kids grow up loved and well rounded
lovelypeaches08/28/2019coles always buying them sweets and treats and Kai pretends to be annoyed but thinks its really cute
the kids go to a small school on the outskirts of ninjago city, and get asked about their parents a LOT. they kind of like the attention but it gets irritating
moving on to the other ninja who also start to settle down,jay doesnt really want kids, so he passes on his powers with ~science~ or something, but only when hes a lot olderhe does engineering at borg industries or something, and he messes around a lot but gets away with it bc hes the blue ninjahes like kai and coles kids Fun Uncle, since he lives in a big apartment in downtown ninjago city, with a bunch of cool techkai and coles family often take elongated road trips therejay thinks hes a cool relative but besides being super lenient hea actually kind of embarrassing lol
nya settles down a bit later than the rest of them, because she wants to live her ninja days to the fullesti could go on about my domestic samurai au but her and pixal have a kid who gets nyas water powersnya is much more eager to train her kid than cole and Kai are (they want to start properly training thwir children when theyre like 16, much to wus disappointment)nya doesn't force anyrhing on her kid but she doesnt protect her kid from the fact they'll have to train sooner or latershes determined on still changing the world, so she's a strong political leader, with innovative ideas who doesnt approve of ninjagos government and wants to change it for the betterShe also lives in downtown, but isn't as fun as jayher kid is younger than kai and coles, but kai and coles kids look up to them because they're very independent and skilled! their mom is also super cool, but not in a silly way. she rocks leather jackets and drives her kid around on a motorcycle
lovelypeaches08/28/2019zane is tricky for me...i like to imagine him sticking with lloyd to being a ninja or whatever, since hes going to be alive a lonnggg timehe also wants to respect wus wishes, so he teaches students and fights alongside lloydhe does so much less however, and finds a lot of time to visit his friends
kai and coles kids are shy around him at first, him being a nindroid whose still a ninja, but hes so much nicer and softer than expectedhe always brings them presenrs and enjoys quality time with them, so he's basically their favorite uncle
now lloyd continues his master training, to become the next master after wu dies. hed be the one to guide the next generation of elemental masters as well as their parents in training thembut don't worry, he gets a break too, since the other ninja help him out. hes much less burdened then wu was in the later years of his lifeok thats all i think
My commentary now
little boy whos like 3 and super wide eyed and excited and loves pink (when he foudn out zane at one point had a pink gi he asked if he could get one too)older girl around 6 whos a big daddys girl and loves to garden with cole and make mud piez
the little girl is the fire em - she had temper issues linked to autismz which they worked through her with early and never thought of it but she has a big passion for gardening they mistook for elemental connection when rly she just LUVS IT
little boy is em of earth - hes a natural born leader and stubborn, wide eyed and excitable. again bc they worked w both their kids about their tempers and such they never realized he was just naturally good at keeping his composure. also a lot like jay keeping morals upnaturally strong but both their kids are and i hc the super strength doesnt come in until peubertyz
shes a bit of a late bloomer with em powers but one day their little boy accidentally makes a pot hole inside the kitchen bc he was excited over zane cookingthey took too good of care of their kids and his true potential was simple bc he was a litol kid which was im going to live my best fcuking life with friends and family *rips a hole in the ground
kai and cole are the gross sappy parents that trade kisses n their kids are like thats DISGUSTING youre DISGUSTINGLY IN LOVE
Kittie pointslovelypeaches08/28/2019YEAYEYAYAYYEYAYAYEoh god the little boy is part scenecorelikenot full on scene but like punk y2kwhich is a part of scenealso at first cole and kai are super concerned being a ninja will be as mentally damaging and ack as it was for them at times, but lloyd and zane are genuinely good mastersbutnot to get sadbutwhen tragedy does happen somehow, since neither Lloyd nor zane can ease that, cole and kai are so good at helping their kids e thatthey help them recover from it without downplaying their kids concerns and feelings amd give good advice and loveand make being elemental masters a lot easier for their kids than it ever was for them
me again.....
they always get so fucking scared thokai custom makes weapons for themarmor too he spends hours upon hours making sure its perfect and even prays over them to keep their kids safe
anyway when kai n cole visit w them (idk if theyr just adopted at their current age or like.... adopted as babies or surrogate or?? idk but) they visit lloyd and kai softly says "Look! its uncle lloyd" and lloyd starts SOBBING hes just fucking bawlinghis eyes out and when kai offers to for lloyd to hold him lloyds just like are you suure arre eyyuuu thherye so smsmm all kaiii are yoruur suureee thheyrey babbeises
nya is hesitant but ends up being a really good aunt, i meanshe took care of kai /j
zane is a fav uncle and hes always making sweets for them jay is. also sorta a fav bc where zane comes jay follows and jay has a sweet tooth and also makes Cool Toys + hey wanna prank your dadsalso im dramatic and likekai and cole sitting down and having a convo about master wubc he was sorta a shitty mentor and they really REALLY dont want their kids going through any self confident issues nor over stressing bc theyr KDISeventually kai and cole talk to master wu and actually has wu face his terrible practice towards kids and wu accepting he was.............................a bad 'parent' in a senseblebleblelelelelelellekai works but cole absolutely watches over any training when wu is there at first but lloyd is the master now and lloyd is like..........................i dont want kids to go through what i went through kai is like i trust you but also i will murder every single one of you in this dojo if you ever hurt my little girlim doing what i do and taking an au and running im sorry ghdghdfhJACK RAMBLES....their son refuses to wear shoes he lieks dirt on his feet they never really think much of it but its actually really comforting for him to feel the earth under his feet and feel stablethey think its just a stim thing maybe? theyr unsurebut! turns out him Element(also a fear of heights)lloyd tries to be a serious master but hes a big ol goof and can easily be manipulated
ironically.......its the lil boy who often is like HEY!!!!!!!!!!! WE GOTTA TRAIN!
kai and cole agree not to tell anyone what theyre thinking of naming their little boy until he arrives so when the day comes kais holding this tiny little boy and holds him out gentlyand lloyd is already EMOTIONAL because this is a BABY and lloyd softly asks his name n cole cuts in like "hes named after a really brave dude, montgomery. but we're thinking monty as a nickname"lloyd, choking up:(hc garmadons first name is montgomery)
the girl is Reka which means sweet in maori (a personal headcanon for cole) and shes their sweetheart
lovelypeaches09/04/2019bhrnrng this is in domestic au but col and kai teachign their kids instrumentscole and reka wud play piano duets togetherand monty doesnt like instruments much but he likes to singlike a LOT he belts out a song for everythinghe just lieks his own voice
lovelypeaches09/04/2019YEAAAHhes like the type who makes a song for everythingmonty voice we rr goinggg to the parkkkkk and the grass isss.........GREEENNNNNNN and there are LOOK THERE ARE SQUIRRRELSSSS and a playground and the skyyyyy isssssssssssss...*deep inhale* BLUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE1E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!kai and cole: you are literally so talented
jay tries really hard to be the Cool Uncle at firstbut Monty just :^TReka gives him an awkward chucklewhen jay stops being Cool ™ hes goofy and thats when they start giggling and liking him more
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