#she likes dolling you up and keeping you fulfilled in bed
spirit-lanterns · 4 months
Are we perv!robin’s pillow princess? I wouldn’t mind her eating me out 24/7 to the point it’s just for her own pleasure rather than mine due to the overstimulation
Perv! Robin does have the teeny tiny need to completely dominate her girlfriend! Why do you think all her PH searches are “Dommy Mommy Halovian pegs her good girl” or “Mistress Halovian spanks her whiny brat” or something along those lines 😅
She’s very sweet and does not mind having gentle, vanilla sex with you, but Robin has that tiny craving of wanting to tap into her inner dominant side, so this is a little secret she keeps in her PH tabs. When you find out about it though, oh you’re more than ecstatic to “experiment” with Robin. She’d probably go on an online shopping sex toy binge, buying all the kinky sex toys she was too afraid to buy in the first place and waiting anxiously by the door. 💕
Expect like 14 packages delivered at your doorstep with the strangest shaped dildos, the most aesthetically pleasing handcuffs, and most intricate outfits ever. All that money from being Penacony’s golden star is being put to good use it seems…
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candycandy00 · 7 months
The Doll House - A Gojo x Reader Fanfic Part 1
You sell yourself to the Doll House to pay your mom’s medical expenses, only to discover your trainer is the guy who bullied you relentlessly in high school: Gojo Satoru.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Read Geto’s Part Here!
Read Toji’s Part Here!
Read Nanami’s Part Here!
Read Sukuna’s Part Here!
Read Choso’s Part Here!
Note: Please remember that these stories don’t take place at the same time, or even one after the other! Consider each one its own timeline. So if you see Geto and Toji with other dolls, don’t be alarmed lol. I had to do it this way because if I don’t, by the time I get to the last trainer, there won’t be any other trainers left to interact with!
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On the outskirts of town, there stands a particular shop called the “Doll House”. Inside its walls you can find a “doll” to match any taste you might have. All your desires will be fulfilled, no matter how depraved. Satisfaction is guaranteed! The dolls are exceptionally high quality, thanks to the skillful trainers who work with them twenty-four hours a day, molding them into perfect toys for your enjoyment.
Each trainer has a specialty that they focus on, and they all take great pride in their work. Their methods differ greatly, their approaches vary, but they all follow one rule: never get attached to a doll. After the training is complete, they hand the dolls over to their new owners, and never see them again. However, just once over the course of their careers, trainers are allowed to pick a doll they’ve personally trained and keep her as their own.
AU! Each trainer will get their own story! This is Gojo’s. If you’d like to be tagged in future parts, let me know! You must be an adult to be tagged! Any feedback whatsoever is adored!
Smut. 18+. Fem Reader. Chubby Reader. Dubcon. Pet Play. Bullying. Collars/Leashes. Fingering. Anal sex. Gojo being an asshole.
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You stand nervously in the welcome room of the Doll House. The owner is looking you up and down. “Alright, we’ll take you,” she says. 
“Really?” You’re surprised. When a friend suggested selling yourself as a doll to pay for your sick mother’s exorbitant medical expenses, you initially laughed off the idea. Dolls are all slim, sexy women… right? But you’re desperate, so you decided to check, just in case. The Doll House has a reputation for being fair and treating dolls well, so it’s the first shop you went to. 
“Of course,” the owner says. “Tastes vary. We often get requests for… softer women.”
That was a very polite way of putting it. You’ve been of the thicker variety since high school, with more curves than you’d like. But the owner must know what she’s talking about. Still, you’re quite insecure, and the idea of a strange man seeing you naked, seeing every little roll and flaw, was frightening. 
The owner gives you a price, what she’s willing to pay for you. It’s way more than you expected, and plenty enough to cover the medical bills and then some. You think of your poor mother sitting in a hospital bed, waiting for an operation she can’t afford, and your choice is clear.
“Okay, it’s a deal,” you say. 
A contract is signed, money is transferred to your mother’s bank account, and you’re left standing in the welcome room, waiting to meet your trainer. The whole experience is embarrassing, but you did this in secret, telling no one in your family. You instructed your friend to explain things to your mother when she’s well enough to understand, but to tell everyone else you moved far away. At least you’ll be able to maintain a little of your dignity. You don’t want anyone to know you’re in such financial trouble that you had to resort to desperate measures to help your own mother. 
You’re standing in the middle of the room, looking at the floor, when you hear a voice that is horrifyingly familiar. 
“Chubby Bunny? Is that you?”
Oh no. Please no. Not him. 
You slowly look up. Standing in front of you is the tall, gorgeous guy you had a crush on in high school… until he started bullying you relentlessly. 
“Gojo?! Why are you here?” you ask. He was a pompous rich boy in high school. Of course he’s probably here to buy a doll. You’re just mortified that he’s seen you here. 
He smiles as he pulls off his sunglasses. Ugh! Those eyes are so bright, they’re practically blinding you! 
“Looks like I’m your trainer,” he says. 
You feel like someone poured ice water down the back of your shirt. “What?!”
He laughs. “I was surprised when I saw your name on the file, but here you are!”
“I can’t do this,” you say, looking around frantically for the owner. “I’ve changed my mind!”
“Huh? But you already signed the contract,” he says, his smile dropping. “Isn’t it better to have a trainer you already know?”
No. It’s way worse. Indescribably worse. Maybe if it was someone else, anyone else, but not Gojo. 
You met him in high school. Initially, you had a crush on him, like every other girl in the school. He was so tall, with soft white hair and the most beautiful blue eyes you’d ever seen. There wasn’t a soul in the school who didn’t go weak when Gojo looked them in the eyes. 
But you were so shy, and totally certain that a guy as hot as him would want nothing to do with you. So you avoided him. If you saw him in the hallway, you went the other direction. When he said something funny in class, you held back your laughter. When he pulled some stupid stunt for attention, and the rest of the class was cheering him on, you focused on your school work and pretended not to notice. 
Until one day he actually spoke to you. Gojo Satoru, the hottest, most popular guy in school, spoke to you! Unfortunately, what he said was hurtful. He walked by your desk and noticed the cute, round, bunny-shaped keychain attached to your bag and said, “Your keychain looks just like you! You’re both Chubby Bunnies!”
He’d smiled when he said it, making the words seem even more cruel. A few of your classmates heard him and started laughing. From that point on, your nickname was Chubby Bunny. Everyone in class called you that, especially Gojo, who seemed to get a kick out the fact that he’d started the whole thing. 
Every day after that, Gojo teased and bullied you. He made rude remarks about your clothes, “accidentally” knocked your books out of your hands, took your belongings and hid them in his own desk or pockets, just to force you to come and beg him to return them, and even purposely embarrassed you in front of other boys. When you started to like another boy from a different class, Gojo caught you trying to slip a love letter into the boy’s locker. Gojo grabbed the letter, opened it, and read it out loud in front of everyone. That was particularly traumatic. 
The worst part of all was that you had lingering feelings for him that wouldn’t go away, no matter how badly he treated you. Throughout your entire first year of high school, you nursed a pretty serious crush on him. You might have even been in love with him. So when he started bullying you in your second year, it was hard to simply turn those feelings off. 
Now he’s standing in front of you, as your trainer. The very idea of it is unthinkable! Being intimate with him? Being naked in front of him? Who knows what sort of cruel bullying and mockery he would subject you to?!
“Uh, is there another trainer available?” you ask, trying to keep yourself from freaking out right in front of him. 
“Nope, everyone else is occupied,” he says. “Why don’t you want me to be your trainer? That kinda hurts my feelings.”
His feelings?! After everything he did to you? Unbelievable! But you keep your voice as steady as possible and say, “It’s just kind of awkward, you know? Since we went to school together.”
He puts one hand under his chin, as if he’s thinking it over. “Hmmm, I guess so. By the way, Suguru works here too. You remember him, right?”
You feel like crawling into a hole and never coming out. What are the odds that you’d end up at a doll shop where two of your high school classmates work?
“Oh, and Nanami too. He was a year under us but he was pretty popular.”
You turn around, putting your face in your hands. “This is my nightmare come to life,” you mutter. 
Gojo laughs behind you. “Come on, it won’t be so bad. It’ll be like a high school reunion! We can catch up on old times! And besides,” he says, his voice dropping to a lower tone, “you already signed. The owner hates it when people back out of contracts. She’ll destroy you financially. And that would be bad, right? Your file says you have a sick mom.”
You turn to look back at him, and he looks so smug, just like he did back then. But he’s right. You’ve already signed the contract. Backing out now would make your situation a thousand times worse than it was before you came here. 
“The training only lasts six weeks, right?” you ask him. Maybe you could stand it for six weeks. Then someone would buy you and you’d never see Gojo again. 
“Right,” he answers, grinning. “Unless I just keep you!”
A chill runs down your spine. “Haha, very funny.”
You’ve heard about the fact that trainers at the Doll House can keep a doll they’ve trained, but Gojo would never keep you. He treated you like shit in high school. He hated you. 
With a heavy sigh, you lower your head in defeat and say, “Okay. I guess I don’t have much choice.”
Gojo looks happy, and you can only assume it’s because he’ll get to bully you even more. 
“Great, let’s go to my room and get started,” he says, starting down the hall. “Oh, but don’t expect any special treatment just because we’re old friends.”
Friends? That’s laughable. But your fate is sealed, so you can do nothing but follow after him. 
Gojo can barely contain himself as he walks down the hall. His Chubby Bunny is here! And she’s all his for six weeks. For six long weeks, he can do whatever the fuck he wants to her. He’s already getting hard at the thought of stripping her, exploring those curves with his hands, burying his cock in that plush round ass. 
The first time he saw her in high school, he wanted her. He’d always been drawn to soft, cute things, and she was the softest, cutest girl he’d ever seen. He was the most popular boy in school, so he couldn’t understand why she never seemed to notice him. No matter what sort of antics he got up to, she wouldn’t even look his direction. The way she ignored him only made him want her more. He wanted her to look at him, to acknowledge him. But he couldn’t bring himself to directly approach her. 
Then one day he noticed an adorable keychain hanging from her bag, and it reminded him of her. It was a cute, fluffy bunny with big round eyes. Without really thinking, he blurted out that her keychain looked like her, and called her a Chubby Bunny. In all honesty, he meant it affectionately. He thought it was such a cute nickname, and it suited her perfectly. But the other kids in class laughed, and she looked hurt. 
Most importantly of all though, is that she looked at Gojo. For the first time, her full attention was on him. Her eyes were wet as if she were about to cry, and her face was flushed in embarrassment, but she was looking at him! 
The next day, Gojo noticed another boy in class staring at Chubby Bunny’s soft tits, straining against the tight white button up of her school uniform. Gojo didn’t like that. So when she walked by him later, he said, “Don’t they make shirts any bigger than that? Yours is busting off you.”
She looked at him with a shocked expression, but it quickly changed to embarrassment and then anger. She ran out of the room as if someone was chasing her. Shoko, who was standing nearby, slapped his arm. “Don’t be a dick. You shouldn’t make fun of a girl’s weight.”
“Huh? What does her weight have to do with anything?” 
Shoko stared at him. “I’m trying to figure out if you’re being mean or being stupid.”
It didn’t take Gojo long to figure out that the one surefire way to get Chubby Bunny to pay attention to him was to make her mad. So he knocked her books out of her hands as a prank, then enjoyed the sight of her ass in the air as she bent over to pick them up. He took things from her bag when she wasn’t looking, but let her know it was him so she’d have to come over to him and ask for them back. He liked it when she spoke to him, said his name, glared at him. Any interaction was fun for him. From his perspective, he was simply teasing her, getting reactions out of her. 
But it all changed one day when he saw her trying to slip a love letter into another boy’s locker. He’d seen her staring at the boy from afar, and it bothered him. He couldn’t let them hook up! So he snatched the letter from her hand. She’d looked at him with anger. “Give it back, Gojo!”
He looked at her for a moment, not even sure what he wanted to do with the letter. He just didn’t want her to give it to the other boy. On a whim, he tore the letter open. 
“What’s this? A love letter?” 
She tried to reach for it, but he jerked it out of her reach. She was so desperate to grab it, she had pressed her soft body against his in her attempts. He wondered if she saw the blush on his face when he unfolded the letter and began reading it. The more he read, the more desperately she struggled to reach it, and the closer she pressed against him. Then, all at once, while he was still reading it out loud, she stopped reaching for the letter and backed away.
Tears streaked her cute face, causing Gojo to pause. “You’re an asshole,” she said, and then she turned and walked away. 
He hadn’t intended to make her cry. He just got caught up in the moment. He suddenly felt guilty, realizing he’d gone too far. After that, he stopped teasing her. 
It was nearly a year after graduation that he was out with Shoko. She was drinking and Gojo went along to make sure his friend got home okay. They got to talking about high school and Gojo mentioned Chubby Bunny, wondering what she was up to. 
Shoko had given him a dirty look. “I don’t know why you had to be so mean to that poor girl. She liked you, you know.”
He perked up. “She liked me?”
Shoko took another drink. “Our whole first year, she was always staring at you longingly when you weren’t looking. It was really obvious that she had a crush. Then you had to go and bully her.”
Gojo was still absorbing the fact that the girl he’d liked so much had also liked him. And he’d blown it by being a jerk to her. 
Now, several years later, fate brought her back into his life. This time as his personal toy for six weeks. He’s so excited he can barely breathe. He can’t wait to hear what sorts of cute sounds she’ll make when he fucks her, what sort of face she makes when she cums. He’s going to enjoy this. 
Gojo leads you to his room, and once inside, he closes the door behind you. He stands a few feet away, facing you, and says, “Okay, go ahead and take your clothes off.”
You give him an incredulous look. Is he serious? That’s literally the first thing he tells you to do? 
“What’s wrong?” he asks. “You’re not shy, are you?”
This sarcastic asshole! He has to know how insecure you are! He made fun of you for years! He couldn’t know it, but you’ve never been fully intimate with anyone before. Partly because of your own insecurity and partly because you’ve been so busy working various jobs to support your mother. You dated one guy for a few months and he never even saw you naked. You gave him a few blowjobs and that seemed to keep him happy. Until you broke up at least. 
“A little,” you say. 
He steps closer to you. “I can help you,” he says, his hands moving to the hem of your shirt and beginning to slide the fabric up. “Raise your arms.”
Numbly, you do as he says, letting him pull your shirt off. He doesn’t even take a moment to look at your bra before he’s reaching behind you and unhooking it, sliding the straps off your shoulders. His hands seem to fly to your skirt, quickly pulling it down as if he’s in a hurry. Then he jerks down your panties, sliding them off your feet. It all happens so fast, you barely have time to be shocked. 
Once you’re fully naked, he steps back and stares at you for a moment before he circles you, like a shark. You feel your face burning. Those beautiful blue eyes are seeing every inch of you, and you hate it. You would have preferred Geto or Nanami. At least they never made fun of you. Being stripped and ogled by your bully is mortifying. 
After making a complete circle, he stops in front of you. There’s a strange look in his eyes. Excitement? Hunger? Is he looking forward to bullying you that much? You use your arms to cover as much of yourself as you can, deciding you’ve given him enough ammo to mock you with. 
“Oh! I have something for you! Hold on,” he says, walking over to his closet. He digs around for a minute before coming back with a small box. He sits it on a nearby table and opens it, then pulls something out. 
You almost wince when you realize what it is: a pair of white bunny ears attached to a headband. They’re high quality, looking rather realistic. These didn’t come with a cheap Halloween costume. He places them on your head and grins. “Wow, so cute! Now you really are a Chubby Bunny!”
This. Fucking. Guy! You glare at him, and in return he just smiles and says, “You’ll get your tail later.”
Tail? You don’t have time to question that before he returns to the box and comes back holding more items. He holds up a pink leather collar with a silver heart shaped ring in the center, then places it around your neck. It’s a little tight, but not overly uncomfortable. He hooks something to the heart ring, and you realize he’s holding a silver chain with a pink leather handle that matches your collar. Is this a fucking leash?! 
Of course Gojo is into some freaky shit. Of course! 
“What is this?” you ask, touching the collar with your fingertips, lightly pulling it from your skin to see if it stretches at all. It doesn’t. 
“I never told you my specialty, did I?” he says, stepping toward his bed. “It’s pet play. Which means you’re my pet for the next six weeks.”
Oh God. This is going to be worse than you imagined. 
As he moves to his bed, he lightly tugs on the leash, pulling you along with him. When he sits down, he pats his lap. “Sit,” he says. You don’t know if it’s a suggestion or a command, so you just stand there, still trying to cover yourself. He pulls on the leash, a little harder this time, and says again in a deeper voice, “Sit.”
You don’t think you’ve ever had real physical contact with him before. Maybe when you were trying to retrieve something he’d taken from you, but that was so quick and frantic, you don’t think it counted. But you have no choice, so you step closer and slowly lower yourself onto one of his thighs. You’re bracing yourself for some kind of joke about how heavy you are, but he just grins at you as one of his hands, the one not holding the leash, begins rubbing and groping all over your body. 
“You’re so squishy,” he says, squeezing one of your breasts. His hand is warm, but you can’t help cringing. You’ve been groped over your clothes before, but this is the first time a man has touched your bare chest. And it had to be fucking Gojo. 
He moves his hand down your stomach, and you stiffen in his lap, hating that he’s seeing and touching everything you’ve ever wanted to hide. But those thoughts evaporate when his hand slips between your legs. If you were stiff before, you’re absolutely frozen now. You close your eyes tightly, turning your face away from him, but he tugs on the leash and says, “Look at me. Look me in the eyes.”
You open your eyes and glance at him, only to find yourself locked in his gaze. God, those eyes. He knows they make people weak. He knows exactly what he’s doing. It feels like he’s staring deeply into your soul as one of his fingers slides between your folds and strokes your clit. 
Your body jolts, and you instinctively try to scoot away from his hand, but he’s holding you firmly in place. Your clit has always been extremely sensitive, so much that you can’t even bear to directly touch it while masturbating. 
Gojo notices immediately. “Have you always been this sensitive?”
He gives the leash another tug, making you look him in the eyes again. You nod. His finger keeps rubbing you, making you whimper. 
“Why are you acting so scared of me?” he asks. “We’ve known each other for years. You know I’m not going to hurt you.”
You just then realize you’re trembling, still trying to get away from his hand, pathetic little sounds coming from your mouth. Of course you’re scared! This man hates you, and he’s currently playing with the most tender spot on your whole body! But you can’t say that out loud. You shake your head and say, “I’m just… not used to stuff like this…”
His finger switches to rubbing circles around your clit, which gives you a small bit of relief. “Oh come on. Your old boyfriends must have had a lot of fun with such a sensitive little clit.”
You’re still shaking, and you try to look away, but he tugs the leash again. 
“Hey, don’t break eye contact!”
You look back at him. You hate looking at those eyes. They take you back to a time and place you’d rather forget. And even worse, they awaken feelings in you that you’ve fought hard to bury. 
“So?” he asks. “Didn’t any of your boyfriends know how to pleasure you?”
“N-no,” you answer. 
“Really?” He has a confused look on his face for a moment as he regards you, his finger still circling your clit, his eyes watching your reactions. “Wait. Have you ever even been touched like this before?”
When you don’t answer, he tugs on the leash again. 
“No,” you finally say, feeling like you want the ground to open up and swallow you. He’s just getting more and more material for making fun of you later. 
His eyes widen, and he says under his breath, “Oh fuck.”
His finger begins rubbing your clit directly again, causing you to jerk and gasp. He’s staring at you, forcing you to maintain eye contact through this whole degrading situation. “Someone told me something interesting a while back,” he says, his face suddenly looking serious. “They said you had a crush on me in high school. Is that true?”
“No!” you yell, tearing your eyes away from him. The only possible way this situation could be worse is if Gojo knew how you felt about him. He’d never let you live it down! He’d mock your feelings mercilessly! 
“What a reaction!” he says, making you look at him again. “Don’t look away now. Look me in the eyes and tell me you never had feelings for me.”
Locked in his gaze, words fail you. You can feel your cheeks heating up, and you know the truth must be written all over your panicked face. 
A grin spreads over his face again. “Say it,” he says, giving the leash another tug and rubbing your clit harder, faster. 
You cry out, squirming under his touch and his stare. Your breaths catch in your throat, but he’s not going to stop until you answer him. 
“I did! I did… have feelings for you!”
His finger slows but doesn’t stop. He gives you a strange look, one you’ve never seen on his smug face before. “Oh man. I wish I would’ve known back then.”
Why? So he could’ve made your life even more miserable? You feel tears coming on, but you’re still being forced to look him in the eyes. You can’t imagine how any of this could possibly be more hellish. 
“But, hey, you’re here with me now,” he says. “We can make up for lost time. I’m gonna make sure you remember these six weeks for the rest of your life. I bet you’re excited, huh? The guy you had a crush on is gonna be fucking you every day! You’ll be sucking my cock all the time. I bet you can’t wait for me to cum in that cute mouth! And I’ll play with this suuuuper sensitive little clit every day!”
You sniffle as tears start to leak out. Why is he saying all this? Just to torment you? All the while, you’re feeling the most intense pleasure you’ve ever felt in your life. You’re going to cum right here while your bully watches, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. 
Gojo is still watching you intently, those accursed eyes almost glowing, not allowing you to look away. “I know, I know it feels good,” he says in a soothing voice, his finger relentless. “I bet you’ve never felt like this before, huh? It’s okay. Just ride it out. You’re gonna feel this same pleasure every day from now on.”
It’s all too much. His heavenly eyes locked onto yours, his sultry voice in your ear, his hand at your pussy, him pulling the leash so that your face is almost touching his. You can’t hold back any longer, and an earth shattering orgasm washes over your body. The moan you let out turns into a sob, and you’re left crying freely, your body shaking. 
Gojo watches the whole thing, and once you finally go still in his lap, he removes his hand and wraps his arm around you. “Now wasn’t that fun?” he asks, either oblivious to how totally overwhelmed you are or just sadistically enjoying it. Then he suddenly jerks the leash forward, causing your mouth to crash into his. He kisses you deeply, his tongue in your mouth, his hot breath melding with your own. It’s the kind of kiss you share with a lover, not… whatever nightmare this is. It’s probably his idea of a sick joke. 
“Now,” he says after breaking the kiss, “want me to fuck this virgin pussy?”
You feel dazed, like your mind is going blank. You don’t even care any more. Let him mock you. At least his touch feels good, physically. It’s not like you have a choice in any of this. 
“Yeah,” you mutter as he eases you off his lap. 
“You have to say it properly, Chubby Bunny,” he says, standing up. 
Numbly, you lower your eyes and say, “Please fuck my virgin pussy.”
“Okay, Bunny. Get on the bed.”
You stand there for a moment, feeling lost and vulnerable and uncertain. You don’t even know what you want anymore. Once upon a time, you daydreamed about the idea of losing your virginity to Gojo. You fantasized about him making love to you in some unrealistic romantic setting. So yes, some part of you does want to be fucked by him. But it’s a part you hate. 
While you hesitate, Gojo unbuttons his pants, not bothering to take his shirt off. Then he pulls his dick out, and all the fog from your brain instantly clears. 
Holy shit. Oh fuck. That dick is unnaturally huge. It makes your ex boyfriend look tiny by comparison. How the hell is that monster of a dick going to fit inside you?! 
He notices you staring and gives you the smuggest grin you’ve seen yet. “Like it? This is the cock that’s gonna pop your cherry. Take a good look.”
You hate to admit it. You really really hate to. But that is one beautiful dick. The color, the shape, even the extravagant size… it turns you on.  So fuck it. Let him do as he pleases. You start to climb onto the bed, and he adds more instructions. 
“Get on your hands and knees, and face away from me.”  
He’s going to take you from behind? On your first time? You’re not sure how you feel about that, but you do as he said. After you get into position, he scoots you back closer to the end of the bed, and stands behind you. You feel his hands groping your ass as he says, “I know you want me to fuck your pussy, and I will. But right now, I really want another one of your firsts.”
“What?” you ask, turning to look back at him. 
He has a bottle of some kind of liquid or ointment in his hand, and he squeezes some out. You feel it hit the crack of your ass, and then his fingers spreading your cheeks and rubbing it in. Wait, is this lube? 
“H-hey! What are you doing?!”
He gives you a dazzling smile. “I’m prepping you, Bunny. I told you I wouldn’t hurt you, remember?”
“This is definitely gonna hurt!” you screech. “There’s no way that huge dick will fit!”
He gives your ass a light, playful smack. “Calm down. I have a lot of experience with this stuff. It’ll feel great, I promise. Now take a deep breath.”
“Here we go!”
Your body tenses up as you feel his tip pressing on your asshole. It starts to slip in, and you shudder as you feel the first inch. 
Behind you, Gojo rubs and squeezes the fat of your ass. “Hey, you have to relax. It really will hurt if you stay so tense.”
You take several deep breaths, trying to force your body to loosen up. He slides in a little more, slowly, and then stops. It doesn’t feel like he’s all the way in, but he starts making shallow thrusts. 
It’s uncomfortable, even unpleasant, but it’s not painful. After a while, you hear his voice again. “I’m going in a little deeper, okay?”
You squeak out an “Okay” just before he pushes further in. You feel your ass stretching to accommodate him, and the first hints of pain as he goes even deeper, then starts to pump in and out of you. 
He moves slowly at first, but gradually speeds up, and goes deeper still. How big is he?! It feels like he’ll never be fully in. 
“Ahh… fuck… you said it wouldn’t hurt!” you cry out. 
Gojo suddenly yanks on the leash, pulling you up, arching your back. His free hand reaches around to grab your tit. “I said to relax,” he breathes into your ear. “Just enjoy it. Stop fighting your feelings.”
Again, you try to relax your ass as he continues thrusting into you. It helps, but it’s still uncomfortable. You close your eyes and try to think about how you felt in high school, how you felt the day you first saw him. He was so beautiful, you almost thought he wasn’t human. He surrounded himself with other beautiful people, and you knew those gorgeous eyes of his would never even look your direction. 
Now that impossibly beautiful person is fucking you, not in the way you’d hoped, but he’s still inside you, still gripping your flesh, still grunting out lusty sounds with each thrust. He’s enjoying this. It’s probably just because he gets some kind of thrill from doing something humiliating to you, but the fact remains that Gojo Satoru is enjoying fucking you. 
Thinking these thoughts makes his cock in your ass feel good. It makes your pussy wet. Eventually, it makes you cum, your body going weak as Gojo releases his hold on the leash and you fall face first onto the mattress. Your ass is still up, and Gojo is still pounding it, over and over until you hear him sharply inhale, and then his pulsing cock releases a stream of cum inside you. 
After he’s completely empty, he pulls out, and you fully collapse onto the bed, exhausted. 
Gojo pants as he looks down at Chubby Bunny, at the plush ass he just came inside. Fuck, she’s so cute! 
He lets her rest for a little while before he goes to the corner of the room and pulls out a large, round pet bed. He places it on the floor beside his own bed and waits until she sits up and looks at him. 
“You’ll be sleeping here,” he says, pointing to the pet bed. 
She stares at it as if she’s taking a moment to process it. Then she shrugs as if nothing surprises her anymore. 
After they both clean up in the bathroom, Chubby Bunny curls up in the pet bed. She’s wearing adorable pink pajamas, and Gojo gives her a blanket before getting into bed himself. Before turning out the light, he hooks his end of the leash onto a knob he’d installed on the side of his nightstand. 
“What if I have to go to the bathroom?” she asks. 
“Then wake me up,” Gojo says with a smile. 
“You’re not going with me, are you?”
“Nah, I’ll just unhook your leash until you come back.”
She looks relieved as she makes herself comfortable. Gojo watches her until she seemingly falls asleep, still not quite believing she’s here, with him. He really wants her to sleep in his bed with him, to feel her soft, squeezable body against his all night, but he is still her trainer. He can’t neglect his duty. So he goes to sleep, excited for tomorrow. 
Tag List:
@suguguro @kaedear @onyxsphynx @poopoobuttsy @butterskyy @collectionofdolls @akaotv @witchbybirth @bloofinntoona @wasurenagusaa @tclbts @tojirin @lucyrocks86 @badbyeyoongi @97britt @aydene @lzaj19 @lyn-lotte @missthatgirl @peachedtv @ladytamayolover @nanam1nx @deegausserr @voids-universe @hinata7346 @maflorex @issracollen
If I missed anyone who wanted to be tagged, please tell me! 
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 6 months
So uh I saw the words “human sized doll’ and my brain completely shut off. That sounds fucking delicious and I kindly ask you to elaborate. Are you able to move at all in your new body or are you just a silent thing for them to play with now? Do you have ball joints or are you not articulated beyond the basics? Does the doll look like how you used to when you were alive, or is it completely different? Do they just keep you in a pretty display case as their favorite prize, or do they leave you out so they can use you whenever they want???? My brain is on horny overdrive, I beg of you to give us more of Demon!141 and their little prize!!!!!
hello!! so here's how I think reader's life is after she's dead and get put into a doll! hope this can answer your questions and fulfill you hunger(?) :D Word Count: 1040 CW: 18+, mdni, humping, mention of double penetration, oral (m received), mention of death (not TF141), a bit of dark fic maybe? Demon!TF141 thoughts Reader becomes a demon instead
Your new body, to your surprise, isn’t that much different than your human one. You can talk, you have ball joints that allow you to move your limbs, and even you’re a doll now and you don’t think you will have mortal needs anymore, you still got genitals like humans. (You know why but you refuse to admit yet)
Usually, you aren’t confined and can move around the mansion you live in. They aren’t afraid of you escaping, the entire house is under their control, and they’re able to know where you are at any time, needless to say they have Soap who always insist on sticking around you. There rarely are visitors, sometimes Laswell or Nikolai will come to stay by, and you will sit on Price’s lap, listening to them chatting with his fingers drawing circles on your thigh, sitting quietly like a pretty thing you are.
You’ve asked Price what kind of doll they would put you in, he told you not to worry, so it was left as a secret until your afterlife. Now you get carried in Soap’s arm, who is standing in front of a mirror.
“Ye look divine, bonnie.”
Your new body looks totally the same as they first met you, from every birthmark to every mole. beautiful, flawless. That’s what you first heard when you opened your eyes in this new body.
The only difference is that now you have four men’s patterns on your wrist. The symbol of who you belong to.
You could move around by your own will, but not now, because every time you try to wriggle out of Soap’s grasp when he makes you stay in front of the mirror and look at yourself, so he makes you unable to move now by the power of agreement.
You can feel Soap trailing kisses down your neck, your eyes forced to stick on the mirror, watching yourself dressed in a sumptuous dress, strips of ribands draping down from the headband on your head, silky clothes bring out how your perfect skin shines under the dim light.
Soap’s lips touch the crook of your neck, and his diamond-blue eyes meet yours in the mirror. 
“Let’s get ye to bed, aye?”
He picks you up, and the bound forbidding you from moving disappears when he looks at you staying obediently in his arms.
- - - - - -
When you're still alive, you are their master, but after you die, your soul belongs to them— especially Price. You knew this since the day you were forced to create a bond between you and them.
Which means you need to be submitted to all of their commands.
That’s why you are kneeling in front of Price now, his cock stuffing your mouth full without any gap.
“You’re doing so well, love.” His hands caressing your cheeks like he always did when you were still a human.
“We’re getting you a new body... fuck...!” He sucks in a gasp during his words when you take him in, until his tip hits the back of your throat “Miss how your beautiful face stain with tears when you’re sucking my cock, doll. They will finish it in a few days, can’t wait to see her face flush when you fuck her from behind, right Kyle?”
Your hands don’t stop when the man sitting behind you shuffles closer, and Gaz presses his chest against your back, if your mouth isn’t busy sucking Price’s shaft now, you sure you will moan loudly to Gaz’s voice, who’s groaning directly into your ear while he stroking his leaking cock.
“‘f course, capt.” Gaz replies, and now he starts humping his hips against your ass. The nightgown they put on you gets ripped to pieces by him, but it’s not a big issue, there’s tons of dresses in the closet, and they could make you wear whatever they want.
Both men laugh when they see you rub your thighs together. 
“Too needy under Kyle’s voice, eh?” Price chuckles, and you immediately back off when an “off” leaves his mouth, and without any request, you spontaneously sit on Price’s lap, his tip nuzzling at your folds.
“Don’t worry, we’ll take care of you, baby.” A pair of hands maneuver your hips higher. Gaz coos softly as his shaft prods at your other hole.
You know the night is going to be very long when they push into you simultaneously.
- - - - - -
You wake up when you feel someone’s playing with your hair. The light’s too bright for your hazy mind, so you narrow your eyes instantly.
The person holding you in their bosom shifts, and the room becomes darker.
Now you’re able to see who you’re lying on.
“Ghost.” you murmur.
The masked man lets out a hum in recognition. Ghost’s hand is still fiddling with your hair, fingers threading through them and massaging your head.
“Where's the others?”
“They went to take yer new body.” 
You look into his brown eyes, and he doesn’t avoid meeting your gaze.
You swear to God that you hear someone arguing distantly, but you don’t question Ghost, staying unmove on his body.
Ghost’s fingers now trace down to your face, caressing your chin like you’re a cat or some animal, his stares at your face, like he’s taking in any detail and engraving them in his heart.
His heart beats steadily, as if it’s a march song. Ghost’s expression is too serious, you can’t dare to interrupt him, so you count his heartbeat instead.
The quarrel outside becomes louder, and Ghost takes a glimpse at the door, then he speaks again.
“You must be tired, love, go back to sleep, yeah?”
You aren’t tired by any means, you just woke up from your slumber, but suddenly, all your energy flows out your limbs as Ghost croons with his low voice. 
You let out a big yawn, and before you fall asleep, you ask him again.
“When will they come back?”
“They’re almost done. They just need to make sure your new body’s alright.” Ghost holds you tighter, the noises outside muffled when he covers your ears with his hands. “Now sleep, good girl.”
Nodding and burying your face in Ghost's chest, you drift into a peaceful dream, unlike the tragic scream piercing through the air outside the window.
what I hc is: Doll!reader’s first body can’t cry/blush/form natural lubes(?)/bleed etc. (yeah they forgot to make her able to), so they make her a second one which is more similar to human, but the joints are still ball joints. (if there’s any bug it’s 100% because I didn’t think that far, pls tell me lol!)
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lasirenatarot · 1 year
{18+}What turns them ON about you?❤️‍🔥
Pick -a-card reading.
*intended for your specific person in mind, but can be used for future spouse if you modify the question. If traditional gender roles don’t apply to your situation convert the words to feminine&masculine energy.*
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->Pile 1
{Brad and Angelina}
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{cards that fell: king of fire; mirror; justice; the world;5 pentacles;ace of swords; 7wands; ace of swords;2 wands}
This pile is really interesting, this person loves earning you in a way, feeling emotionally $ubmi$$ive, like you have control over them in all aspects without even touching them.
You may be bossy,this is definitely a turn on for your person. Ironically you chose the Brad&Angelina pic, and the situation being painted with those cards is exactly Mr and Mrs energy.
They enjoy a push and pull dynamic. If you try to dominate them I feel like they would also enjoy it👀 (even if they seem sceptical at first).
Arguing may be a turn on of theirs, puni$hing them with your absence or other ways when they don’t act accordingly; (that includes the makeup $£x after.) May sound toxic for some, but they may be one of those people that start little arguments for the smallest things sometimes, on purpose, so you two can ‘make up’ and they can ‘apologise’ by being good and pleasing you however you want (you know how) after..
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They like when you’re acting kinda bitchy & like you’re ‘the prize’ they need to earn, but the key here is to do everything in moderation and not be mean&rude 24/7.
Your confidence may be a turn on for them. When you’re seducing them on purpose and then pulling away &acting like they can’t have you..(yet), because they should work more and ‘be better’ to get your attention. Your person needs constant passion to feel stimulated.
->Pile 2
{Vincent and Monica}
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Cards that fell: 2fire,the punishment,earth,the priestess, 9water,king of water, 9swords,10chalices,knave of chalices,9pentacles,2pentacles }
This person loves the fact that you seem to have no restraints around them, you are quite open emotionally, in tune with your emotional side and know how to balance it well. (earth sign moon/venus energy).
Getting dolled up for them is sth they would probably appreciate- nice dress, hair & makeup done..
It may be a turn on for them knowing only they can have you in ways other people cannot.(you can tell them some bs like ‘yOu’Re tHe bEst I eVer Had..’ etc😂😂 it doesn’t matter if it is actually true, it would make them feel like a God.)
Praising them may be a turn on as well, it would make them feel more dominant, more in their power. Letting them take the control in bed, as well as non-$€xu@l situation would also be a little turn on for them, again, it would make them feel appreciated.
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Knowing they can be the person that is capable of fulfilling all your needs is something very important to them. This pile is heavy on the praise k/ink, they need to feel desired&needed.
When you attend to them & their feelings, have obvious feelings for them ( i feel like this is important to mention, they may have been in a relationship where they’ve felt unappreciated, unwanted, not desired enough by their previous partner. The partner might have used them in a way.)
$€xting and writing notes to keep the anticipation during the day when u’re not together may work on them.👀
->Pile 3
{Jane et Serge}
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Cards that fell: the moon, justice, the tower, 8pentacles, 10wands, 8fire,6air, 4swords, the world, king of air, ace of fire, temperance }
It will be hard to explain this energy but bare with me:
This person probably likes what I like to call more « bright » women- women who are confident&feminine, such who love the spotlight and getting lots of attention. ( in my mind is this scene where Jessica Rabit where she performs..)
People who are sensual & confident but not arrogant may be just their type.
A situation where they can feel turned on by you is for example if (hypothetically speaking) you’re in a group setting with some ppl who do not like you, they are passive aggressive with you, but you choose not to reply with the same energy and remain kind&graceful.(they may feel the urge to protect you and stand up for you in such situations) When you act like a « damsel in distress » basically, and they can be your « savior »..
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A turn on for them I feel like it would be a situation where you’re ‘feeling yourself’, for example if you’re dancing in the club and they happen to be there as well and see you doing that.. $educing them in public places where you can get caught (or public $\€x)
Another turn on for them would be for you to ‘put on a show’ for them (you can decide yourself how, ex. give them a lap dance or sth, beautiful lingerie, a special dress..). They probably like the concept of « femme fatale » type of women who can ‘turn their life’ around.
This may not resonate for all, but if you are from a different culture/country, this may also be a turn on for them.
Decks used: ‘$£xual magic’ oracle deck by Lo Scarabeo; ‘Manara’ €rotic tarot deck by Milo Manara/ Lo Scarabeo;
That was all from today’s PAC.
thank you for reading! Hope it resonated.💞 Don’t forget to follow for more.
-La Sirena.💋
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safination · 4 days
Mother Of Mine
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Pairings: Alastor x Reader, Velvette & Mom!Reader CW: Alastor, foul language, talks of murder, (Hopefully not, but possibly) OOC
Requested by: @thill20712 My inbox is still currently open. Feel free to keep requesting.So I just did a headcanon format for this. It was pretty fun. Listen, is this my best work? No, but that’s fine because it was actually very entertaining for me, and that’s all that matters. Tbh, I would actually like to turn this into a series but undergrad studies are killing me rn, so maybe in the future. I can like already see so much fun shit around this concept. Imagine the family dinners, or like Alastor going to an Overlord meeting and just unknowingly being slightly less of a chaotic shitlord to Velvette because there’s something faintly familiar or like Vel and Al just both doting on you.
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Your husband died.
Everyone found out what Alastor had been doing. The city had no compassion for a monster’s grieving widow. Ha! Alastor would have a kick of your current situation, that’s for sure. It should have been you and him running for your life as the city chases you out of his mother’s home.
That’s how it should have been.
There wasn’t even time to gather all your belongings before those who wanted revenge go to fulfill their goal. Just a measly change of clothes, some emergency money, and documents. Photos never made it to the list. It’s funny how a single piece of film could pack the most weight.
As your ran for your life, cold and frightened, you heard muffled wailings.
And they called Alastor cruel. Who would leave a baby inside a dumpster? You thought about it . . . . Just for a second. The baby’s shrill cries were getting on your nerves, and there’s no way it will survive the night. And an orphanage is no place for a child to grow—you know that much.
So . . . why not? You could just end it’s suffering—Right here, right now.
Compassion isn’t your strongest trait. It’s why you never said anything about all those people who fell under Alastor’s pursuit of self-righteous justice. Who were you to care for someone you don’t know?
You don’t hate children, far from it, actually. Children are the light of this world, and they were the path to bring a better future into this world.  Such pure creature shouldn’t be stained by you. Especially, because you’re not sure if you could ever fully love a child the way it needs to love. Children deserved care, and you refused to bring a child into this world without the assurance that it would be loved.
It was an easy decision that Alastor wholeheartedly supported.
The world took away the very few things you truly loved. Maybe, you could return it ten-fold. . . but you’ve been cold and frightened before, just like this baby. Actually, you’re cold and frightened, right now. Also, just like this baby. Two cold and frightened souls.
So, with the clothes on your back, and no home to call, maybe¸ you’ll find warmth and safety together.
There’s always the option to give it—no, the child, just for a night. Drop the baby off on a porch of some nice couple’s home.
Tomorrow, you’ll give this baby girl away.
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• Tomorrow never came
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People keep assuming this baby girl is your daughter. You don’t bother correction them. Why should you? It’s not like you’re eager to say that you skipped state lines because of your dead, murderous husband, and basically kidnapped her.
It’s easier to let people assume.
And you can’t keep calling the baby, ‘that baby’. She needs a name eventually, and Alastor always spoke fondly about his mother.
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Tomorrow never did come, and tomorrow never will come. Despite this, the sands of time trickled down.
The baby turned into a girl and the girl also grew. Part of your misses the days when she would raid your closet, and dress you up like a doll with a sharp tongue and a demanding attitude. Gone are the days when you’d be sleeping on the same bed, and gone are the days when you would tell her about Alastor.
You would tell her about the flowers, and how Alastor drove around the city, with you right next to him. The sun went down, the moon rose high into the night, and that sun eventually appeared once more. Yet, neither of you were ready to leave each other’s presence.
That girl grew, and took up a weird hobby of wanting to be called, ‘Vel’:
Vel walks into the room, her nose high in the air as she sharpens her tongue against you. “Mother, you cannot walk around looking like this!” she tells you. “The colors look absolutely atrocious. I will burn that shoes the next time I see it on your feet.”
Daughters can be quite judgmental. Maybe, you really should have left her in that dumpster.
“I’ll change my shoes if you stop calling yourself, ‘Vel’,” you tell her, smiling. “I gave you such a nice name, and it makes me sad that you aren’t using it!”
“It’s a stage name,” she says, rolling her eyes at you. So judgmental, that girl. “It’s what I’m going to be called when I finally get out of here, and such a drabby, old name like mine won’t get men anywhere.”
“Well, Vel, I got a call.” You tap your fingers across your knee, staring her down. “Apparently, Mister Joseph doesn’t appreciate being called a, ‘Pathetic and blind fool who goes to work looking like dog poop’.”
“I did not say fool or poop,” she says. “And that old fucker knows it.”
“What I want to know now is—Why?” You stroke your forehead. “What was he wearing too much brown?”
“No.” Vel crosses her arms. “Because my mother was called, ‘an unmarried whore, and who knows where that child come from?’”
“I am married!” You press a kiss on her forehead, chuckling. “It’s just not my fault my husband died not was it my fault your parents didn’t want you.”
Vel rolls he eyes, and sticks out her tongue.
You flicker her nose, and stick out your own tongue.
But time goes on, and as they do. All came to dust and all return to dust.
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Of course, you’d end up in hell. It would be a shame that Alastor would never get to meet your daughter. It eventually all blurred into one. And if you didn’t give a flying fuck about others on Earth, why would you give any more fucks to care in Hell of all places?
Building kept growing higher and higher. Bright lights and television shaped morons came into picture. If you could find Alastor, surely, you would have a laughed together. Radio will always be superior. So, you kept your distance from that part of town.
More years kept passing. Alastor was nowhere to be found.
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When enough time passes, things tend to loop. Like how you’re hearing cold and scared cries from an alley way. Something posses you to step into the alley. Piss and death and a sweet perfume all assault your nose. You keep walking and . . . somehow, your daughter ended up with you in hell.
Daughter really can be so cruel to their mothers.
Maybe, you actually should have left her in that dumpster. You were destined for Hell, and it seems you dragged your daughter down with you. If you did leave her, surely, Heaven wouldn’t turn away such a new soul.
You squat next to your sobbing daughter in this random corner in hell, and watch her tears with a small smile. “This is exactly how I found you all those years ago,” you tell her. “Although, you were much cuter.”
Her head snaps up, and through her tears, she glares at you. “Mother.”
“Yes, dear?
“Mother,” she says again, and fat tears streams out of her face. “What the fuck are you wearing? It’s soooo ugly!”
“I’m going to leave you here.” You blow a strand off your face, and lean against the wall, next to her.
It’s a lie and you both know it. If you cold leave her, cold and frightened next to a dumpster . . . Well, you would have done it a long time ago.
“Why are you even in Hell? Actually—Don’t answer that,” she says, that same sharp tongue somehow even sharper. “You were a nasty bitch in life. It’s no wonder you’re here.”
“Oh, fuck you!” Vel slumps on you, curling around your shoulder. There’s a scowl on her face even as she settles her body next to you. “You really are nasty. How come I’m only seeing you now! I’m sure even a recluse like you should have heard of me.”
“What am I doing here?” you parrot, matching her scowl. Actually, she got that scowl on you. That’s your scowl on her face. “What are you doing here? I raised you to be a good person worthy of Heaven!”
You pat her hair a bit, glad that she couldn’t see your face. Did you really drag her down to hell with you? Was it a mistake to love when your very love condemned her?
“That’s bullshit,” Vel says. “The decisions I made are my own. I’m here because it’s what I decided to do.”
You flicker her nose and laugh when her scowl deepens. “Please, please! Tell me you’re still not going by ‘Vel’.”
“It’s ‘Velvette’ now, actually.”
“That sounds like a stripper name,” you say, barking out a laugh. “I gave you a nice and proper name! Your name came from—”
“Mother! No one goes by their real names here!”
So that’s how you, sadly, found your daughter in Hell. Daughter, yes. Husband, no.
Oh, where is your Alastor?
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Clothes are thrown everywhere. Your daughter has an eye for fashion and surely, you’re capable of remembering anything she’s tried to tell you. And granted, Velvette did tell you quite a lot of things about clothes . . . a bit too much.
Maybe you should call her, but you wouldn’t want to inconvenience her, especially since she has that show coming up. She’s worked so hard, and you’ve learned to accept that she works in such a noisy and bright place. And you have thought about those co-workers of hers, but that’s not important right now.
The door bangs open and Velvette stands there irked. “I’ve been knocking.”
You grab her and ask her about the clothes. “What do you think?”
“You know what I think about your clothes,” she says. “You haven’t been answering my calls.”
“Is that the thing that keeps ringing?”
“Mother!” Velvette says, irked. “Answer my calls, and put that down! Neon is never a good color on you.”
“Then help me then!”
“I can’t help you if I don’t know where you’re going.”
You pause to think, dropping the clothe around your arms. “I . . . I found my husband,” you say. “We’re going on a date.”
 “Are you sure about this?” she says, slowly . . . carefully. “It’s been so long. What if he’s just trying to get your soul? If you finally tell me his name, I can take a look at him. I mean, there could be other –”
“No, there’s no one else,” you say with a small giggle. It’s like you’re back to being a love sick-teenager. “There will be no one else. I’ll chain him to my basement if I have to.”
 “You keep that shit to yourself.” Velvette sinks on the couch. “I don’t want to hear about this.”
“Oh sure, but when it comes to those little co-workers of yours, suddenly, every detail –”
Maybe it’s a good thing you didn’t leave her in the dumpster because with a snap of her fingers, you look beautiful.
Velvette crosses her legs. “I’ve never seen you this happy.”
“That’s not true.” You approach her, and press a kiss on her forehead. “I’ve had my happiest moments because of you. Maybe, you just weren’t watching.”
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Apparently, Alastor and Velvette are familiar with each other. Unfortunately, they aren’t on very friendly terms. Actually, your house would say that they were on very hostile terms. It would be a drag to have to find a new house, but luckily, your daughter is an Overlord, and it seems your husband is also an Overlord.
Those two things overlapped, and when Velvette opened the door to see Alastor at your door. Well, the house couldn’t withstand their argument. Thing settle down, eventually.
Velvette is off showing her frustration on your poor neighbors.
Alastor stands proudly next to you, a constant and intimidating smile on his face despite the dirt and tears on his clothes. He watches Velvette curse and shout into the air. “Ours?”
“No, not at all,” you say, smiling as you watch your daughter. “Mine.”
Velvette stomps back, clothes also as dirty and torn. “I would rather skin myself than share the same blood with this tacky, old joke,” she says, hissing at him. “You’re not wanted here. It takes another level of pathetic to be shot while trying to hide a dead body.”
Alastor’s eyes twitch, and there’s that long, tried look on his face.
Maybe, hell isn’t so bad. You’ve got your daughter, and you’ve got your husband. A happy, little, chaotic family.
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holylulusworld · 3 months
Every breath you take (6)
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Summary: There is a shadow following you. He doesn’t know what he got himself into.
Pairing: Stalker!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Warnings: stalking, being stalked, loneliness, a man out of time, secret admirer trope, longing, drugging, kinda home invasion
A/N: You all made me do it! Here’s the series to this random idea: Stalker Bucky & Crazy Reader
A/N2: This is a Bucky centered chapter.
Catch up here: Every Breath You Take (5)
Every Breath You Take Masterlist
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“How was your week, Mr. Barnes? Did you leave your apartment to meet people?” His therapist watches Bucky closely. “Last time you talked about Sam Wilson, and that you helped him with a boat.”
“Sam came around and we ate together,” Bucky chooses his words wisely. He keeps out, that he was busy watching you change your curtains before Sam dragged him out of his apartment. “It was nice…I think.”
“Good, that’s good,” she clicks her pen and glances at the clock. Twenty minutes gone and Bucky barely said anything. “What else can you tell me about your week?”
“I bought a new bed for Alpine,” he explains for a few minutes Alpine ignored the bed until Bucky put it next to his mattress. Again, he leaves out that he still has no bed, and that he sleeps on a mattress on the ground. “Oh, and the vet said the little punk is healthy. A good week.”
“What else?” She presses on. There is a change in Bucky’s behavior, and she wants to know what caused the change. He’s less tense and doesn’t avoid answering questions.
“I—” he drops his eyes to his hands. Bucky wrinkles his forehead, asking himself if he can tell her about you.
“What is it, Mr. Barnes?” She leans forward to look at his hands. “You are safe here. Nothing you’ll tell me will leave these walls. I’d never break your trust.”
He inhales deeply to prepare himself to tell her about you. Of course, he cannot tell her that you’re his obsession and that he’s watching you from afar.
“I met a nice woman,” he splutters before he chickens out. “It’s…uh…we didn’t have a date yet, but I bought her flowers. She’s really nice…”
“Oh,” that picked her interest. She leans back in her chair to take more notes. “What else can you tell me about her?”
“She likes fluffy things,” he smiles softly, remembering how you cuddled the plushie he bought for you. “Flowers too. She has a lot of orchids and just got new curtains.”
“That’s…” she considers her next words. Bucky finally opens up some more, and she doesn’t want to ruin his trust. “She sounds nice, you’re right.”
He nods eagerly while wringing his hands. “I want to take things slow,” Bucky immediately points out. “I still need to get used to my new life. Being a burden to my doll is the last thing I want to do. She deserves the world, a stable man, and a nice home.”
“You already thought about this a lot,” she concludes. “Does she want to take things slow too? Did you talk about it?”
“I,” he exhales sharply. “I told her a few things, and she agreed that we can take things slow.” Bucky lies. He cannot reveal that you don’t even know who he is. “She’s an angel, doc. I’m sure about it.”
She nods and takes another note. “You shouldn’t put her on a pedestal. If she fails to fulfill your standards or fantasy you’ll disappointed.”
“She could never disappoint me,” Bucky frowns deeply. “Why are you saying things like that? She’s a beautiful person. Inside and outside. Why would I ever be disappointed in her? If someone will disappoint, it’s gonna be me!”
“I believe you, Mr. Barnes. I only wanted to tell you that people often make the mistake of thinking too highly of a new partner,” she tries to calm Bucky. He’s worked up and she changes her tactic. “Do you have an idea for your first date?”
His eyes light up. “Yes. I’m going to invite her for dinner. My dating skills are a bit rusty, but I think I still know about the basics.” He grins. “Pull a chair, compliment her outfit, not staring at anything but her pretty face.”
“I know a nice little restaurant if you need a perfect place for a date,” she doesn’t give away that she believes it’s too soon for Bucky to date.
“Uh—if the time has come, I’ll ask you about the restaurant. We agreed on exchanging letters and chatting. As I said, we want to take things slow. She doesn’t need a mess in her life.”
“You’re not a mess, Mr. Barnes. Given the circumstances, you are holding up just great. There’s a lot in this new life for you to discover, but I have faith in you.”
He nods and puts a fake smile on his face. Bucky could hear his therapist’s heart beat faster when he first mentioned you. He knows she’s not happy with his choice to bring you into his life.
“I bought a table and two chairs,” he tries to change the topic. “My walls are still almost naked, but I’ll take care of that problem too.”
“Very good!” She encourages Bucky to turn his apartment into a home. Her eyes drift toward the clock and she sighs. “Oh my, look at the time!” She taps her watch. “This was fruitful, Mr. Barnes. You are making great progress.”
“Thank you, doc,” Bucky hastily gets up. He’s got plans for today. Plans involving you…
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“The white one, please,” you say, and point at the white orchid at the flower shop. “One of my orchids died. The white one.” You sniffle. “I don’t know why.”
“Sometimes plants just give up in the wrong environment,” the owner of the flower shop carelessly says. She doesn’t know that her words feel like a stab to your heart.
“B-but I did everything for her! All of my other orchids are fine,” you wrinkle your nose to push the tears away. You’re close to your period and your emotions are all over the place. “How can you say something like that?”
You look away, eyes roaming the small flower shop. The only other customer looks at you for a second before he drops his gaze to look at a rubber tree.
He’s hiding behind a ball cap, tugging at it as you watch him. One of his hands is covered by a black glove, and you wonder if he’s hiding a scar, or a missing digit.
“Miss, did you hear me?” You tear your eyes off the man to turn your attention back toward the woman. “Do you want anything else? Fertilizer, maybe.”
She gives you a sugar-sweet smile, but you know, mentioning the fertilizer was another jab. “No,” you square your jaw. “I got more than enough fertilizer for my orchids. I only want the orchid, nothing else.”
You pay for the orchid, take the plant, and leave the flower shop. That woman ruined your mood, and you want to get back home as fast as possible.
“That wasn’t nice,” Bucky angrily glares at the woman as he steps closer to her, the rubber tree tugged under his arm. “She lost a flower she liked, and you blamed her. Sometimes pretty things just die. There is nothing she could’ve done to save the flower.”
She huffs and snatches the rubber tree out of Bucky’s hands. “I guess this one will die soon too. You’re all the same. You want pretty plants only to let them die.”
Bucky inhales sharply. If he could, he’d tell the woman to rethink her attitude, but he’s got better things to do than fight with a random person he’ll never see again.
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“Shush, doll,” Bucky gently runs his hand over your hair. He murmurs your name while settling behind you to wrap his arms around your body. He buries his face in your neck, inhaling your scent deeply.
It pains him that he had to spike your water bottles, but he cannot hold you if you are awake. You’d freak out and hate him. Bucky wants to do this right. Even if he actions lately are the opposite.
“I know you needed me today. The pain meds and heating pad will help you relax, and I’m here for you, doll. Soon we’ll never be apart. I just need to prepare our new home first. Everything must be perfect for you, Y/N.”
Part 7
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imedited · 2 months
After the fight (Gojo Satoru x reader)
warning: NSFW, smut
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You had just another argument, like you always do. You two were having a nice dinner at a restaurant that night and the waitress that served you was obviously flirting with him, and he knows that. He didn't even say anything about it and played along with the waitress, as if you weren't there in front of him, watching the whole thing.
And when you finally got home, you broke out into an argument and his defense? 'She was just being friendly'. Friendly my ass, you thought.
So now, you two lay down on your bed in silence. No one dares make the first move. You were adamant on keeping quiet and to ignore him. You just laid on your side with your back on his as you scroll through your phone.
It was only a few minutes later when you felt Satoru's hand on your hip and him trying to get closer to you as  he nuzzled on your neck and whispered. "I'm sorry, doll. Can we please not fight anymore? I don't like it when you're angry at me. I need you tonight, doll."
You know what he means by that, since you can feel the growing erection pressed on your ass. It's always like this and you already know that this will happen. For some reason, he gets really turned on when you get angry at him and when he begins to plead with you, you'll start to give in to that cute face of him, begging for you to do it with him.
But not tonight, you were really angry and you're sure that you won't give in this time.
"Leave me alone, Satoru. I'm not doing it with you tonight." You said firmly as you pushed him away and went back to ignoring him.
"Babydoll, please? I really need you." Satoru continues to beg, almost whimpering, but you stand your ground and you're firm with your decision.
After your rejection, there was a moment of silence, until you could see him moving on the bed, he's definitely doing something. You could hear his soft grunts and heavy breathing from behind you and when you turned to look at him, there he was, pants down with his hand on his dick, jerking off on your bed.
When he noticed that you were watching him, he looked at you with a flushed face as he spoke in between soft moans and heavy breathing with that stupid smirk plastered on his face. "You won't do it with me, so now you get a free show and ramblefap, doll."
He continues to pleasure him, his hand stroking his dick up and down relentlessly as he rambles mindlessly while he was staring at you, “Ugh fuck, how would I love that tight little cunt bouncing on my dick right now. You know how good that feels, don’t you? Having you on top of me, having control and dominating me as you take me deep inside you.”
“The way your insides clenches on my dick, milking it like a greedy pussy, wanting my cum inside you. I know that’s what you want, I know you crave my dick fucking you senseless, so why don’t you come here and fulfill that, yeah? Let your good boyfriend fuck your anger away.”
His voice was tempting and it literally feels as if it was seducing you. The sight of him jerking off while thinking of you, saying his thoughts out loud to you was definitely getting you all riled up and the next thing you knew, you were under him, moaning, whimpering and screaming his name as he held on your waist tightly, keeping you in place as he fucks you roughly. You couldn’t even remember what you were angry about, all that is in your head is how good he feels as he ruins your insides.
“Oh yeah, that’s my good little girl, enjoying how her daddy fucks her like a bunny in heat.” Satoru cooed as he began to thrust harder. On a normal occasion, the word ‘daddy’ would surely cringe you out, but right now, it sounds so hot. “Come on, tell daddy what you want, tell me what you want, baby?”
“M-more,daddy, please fuck me harder, I need you…” You whimpered in between loud moans, your mind slowly getting hazy, being flooded by the feeling of the overwhelming pleasure.
Satoru chuckled at you for your reaction, his pace not slowing down.”That’s it, baby doll, let daddy fuck you senseless. Let daddy take care of you.” 
You didn’t know how many times you’ve done it and how many times you’ve passed out and waking up with his dick still fucking you, all you could feel in the morning is your whole body aching and the soreness in between your legs, your body full of hickeys and bite marks while Satoru laid besides you,sleeping comfortably with a smile on his face. This motherfucker.
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yelenasdiary · 4 months
Hello 👋
I saw your requests say open, but I know you're struggling with motivation to get content out so no worries if you cannot or don't want to fulfill this but I'm having a surgery soon so I'm requesting from some of my friends/fav writers hoping it helps me out in recovery.
Anyway sorry for the rambling lol, here's my idea. I was thinking like something with BuckyNat and R where Reader has to undergo surgery for something (maybe an old injury became too bad to deal with or maybe something happened on a mission that needs attention) and they're super nervous about it and hesitant to agree so Nat and Bucky sit down with them and just offer lots or love and support (even though they're both nervous too cuz that's their girl) so when Rs getting the surgery they're a bit of a mess until they know she's alright and then they help her settle into their room and help care for her as she starts to mend.
If you decide to write it I thank you lots in advance ☺️
Drabble || It's All Gonna Be Okay
Pairing: BuckyNat x Reader
Summary: When a mission goes wrong, you're told you need realignment osteotomy surgery, the idea of it makes you worried and full of nerves in which your partners help you overcome.
Tiny Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Medical talk, she/her pronouns used (I hope that's okay!!), This is not corrected or proof read. | 0.6K
Translations: detka (baby),
AC: I hope your op goes well!! I also hope this helps, sorry I made it a Drabble, I wanted to get this posted asap for you x
Bucky smiled softly at you, "what's on your mind doll?" he asked seeing your mind was a million miles away. Natasha sitting on the right side of your hospital bed, she looked up at the two of you.
"The thought of being put to sleep and some stranger playing around inside my body and touching my bones is freaking me out" you replied honestly. Bucky let out a soft chuckle, "doll, they are professionals" he reminded you.
"Yeah, they're not even thinking about how weird it is that they're touching somebodies bones" Nat pitched in. Sure, they had a point the thought of it was still uncomfortable. "Okay but what if something goes wrong?" you questioned. Nat placed her hand on top of yours, "detka, I promise you nothing is going to happen"
"That's right doll, nothing is going happen to my darling. You'll be in and out in no time and Nat and I will be waiting by your side" Bucky added. You looked over to him on your left side, "do you promise?" you asked.
"Have I ever broken a promise to you before?" he questioned with a soft smile. The support from the two of them did help ease some of your nerves and finally you agreed with your surgeon that you'd have the surgery on the condition that both Nat and Bucky were able to watch from the viewing room. At first your surgeon wasn't onboard with the idea but with a little sweet talking from Bucky and the two of them were sat in the view room watching the surgery unfold from above.
"She'll be okay" Natasha places her hand on Bucky's knee when she noticed the worrying look in his eyes. "I know but still, that's our girl down there, I can't help but worry" he replied. Nat rested her head on Bucky's right shoulder, "I know love, I'm worried too" she admitted.
They watched for what felt like forever until the operation was a success and you were returned to your room when both Nat and Bucky waited patiently for you to wake up, both of them holding your hand. When your eyes finally fluttered open, smiles filled the room. Bucky was relieved and Nat was just happy to see your beautiful eyes once more.
"How are you feeling detka?" Natasha asked, placing a kiss on your temple. "Tired" you replied, struggling to keep your eyes open, the last of the anaesthesia winning the battle making your partners lightly chuckle.
"I'll go get us some dinner, what do you want?" Nat asked Bucky knowing full well he wasn't going to leave your side for a second. "Burgers?" he replied, looking up at Nat as she placed a hand on his left shoulder, "you've got it soldier" Nat said, placing a kiss on his cheek.
A few weeks after your operation you started PT. Natasha made her it mission to make sure you had the best physiotherapist in the county, although you told Natasha it wasn't necessary but Bucky was on team Nat and you lost that battle.
Bucky basically waited on you hand and foot, he just wanted to make sure you were okay and in no pain. Night was one your favourite time of day because Natasha would somehow have dinner ready, by somehow you mean you were sure that Wanda cooked and Nat took the credit but you thought it was sweet she wanted to do something nice each night and let it slide.
After dinner, the three of you would snuggle up in bed, carefully of your knee of course but with the two people you love the most beside you, the pain from your knee was the least of your worries.
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fluffysucker · 1 year
4. In my defense, I have none
Bucky Barnes x Reader (AU)
TW: Talk about miscarriage. illusion to smut.
A/N: Written in Third POV. No use of Y/N. However, the reader is referred to as a female.
If you can't tell already, this chapter is heavily influenced by Folklore by Taylor Swift. I used so many song lyrics throughout the chapter. Lmk if you found them all.
PS: it's folklore. Get ready. Also, I'm NOT defending Bucky
Likes, comments, reblogs are VERY VERY highly appreciated. Opinions really matter to me
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You should have never let it reach here. It should have been just a one-time thing. A mistake. A slip.
However, you found yourself stuck in this dilemma more times than you wanted.
After that day in the house, it happened more frequently. Whenever the kids were asleep. If the kids were having a sleepover at either of their aunts or uncles. Even as far as when the kids were at school.
Both of you were missing each other too much. It was making up for lost time. All the time, you should have been holding each other, but you weren't even talking.
The fire between you was burning flames. Not caring, it might burn you instead.
You were happy to have a part of him back. Every time, you would tell yourself, This is the last. Yet you would fall in bed with him.
And he wasn't helping at all. Saying all the things you want to hear. Fulfilling all your needs Knowing exactly how to get you so pouty in his hands.
"You're doing so good for me, doll."
"Look at you. So beautiful and pretty."
"The best mama, my woman."
"Mine. All mine."
All the stuff you so desperately missed from him
And it wasn't just this. Every time you were done, he wouldn't leave right away. From the first time, he would stay for a bit longer. Holding you. Cuddling you to his chest Drawing circles on your skin Praising you.
He satisfied every need you had. The need to be touched. The need to be loved. The need. to be taken care of. The need to be with him.
Despite not having any real conversation about your current situation, you fooled yourself into thinking that it was Bucky's way of telling you to start over. That he always belonged to you.
It was just so pretty to think that all along there were some invisible strings tying you to him.
However, whenever your mind took control again, you would see how messed up the situation was. You were divorced for a reason. He didn't want you anymore. So why were you keeping his bed warm?
That is why every time you said you would stop, you would reserve some of your dignity. You would end it, but he would show up and look at you like you had hung the moon and the stars. You would fall again.
Bucky didn't know any better either. Letting his feelings take over. His primal need to have you be his
He was aware of how selfish he was. But the reason he left was never you. He never stopped loving you. He could never stop loving you. He would die for you in secret.
Would it be enough if he could never give you peace?
This predicament was what led you right where you are. lying on his chest after he tore your body apart at his new apartment. Rebecca, Bucky's sister, planned a trip for her kids and yours. You suggested tagging along, but she refused, telling you that you needed the break. She didn't think you would spend your break with her brother.
If you closed your eyes right now, you could imagine what would happen if nothing had changed. Bucky was still your husband. Your man. The intimacy was so familiar. The feeling of his arms around you and his breath over your face, the soft kisses on your hair Your own little heaven
The buzzing of the phone scattered your peaceful bubble. Bucky reached for his phone, and a little laugh erupted from him. You shouldn't have asked him about it. Nothing could have prepared him for his next words.
"Clint is making sure I won't stand this girl he has been so bent over setting up together."
The blood ran cold in your vessels. Dreed filled your body. You could hear the sound of your heart breaking into a million pieces.
Have you really meant so little to him?
Bucky was the love of your life, and he was planning dates while you laid with him. How did it get here?
Bucky had the audacity to pull you closer to him after putting his phone down. With what little is left of your dignity. You pushed him and got up to dress up and leave. Every fiber in your being was begging you to crawl on the bed and cry, but now wasn't the time.
"Where are you going?" Bucky asked, confused about the change in mood. He wanted to hold you a bit more.
"I'm leaving. So you could get ready for your date." You were proud of yourself for disguising the bitterness in your voice. You had shown him enough.
"It's not until 7 in the evening." The audacity was infuriating. Is he acting stupid, or is he really clueless?
You couldn't be in the same room with him anymore. You took your bag and rushed to the front door.
"Doll, what's wrong?" He followed you and reached for your arm, but you moved away quickly.
"Nothing. Have fun on your date." This time you couldn’t help it. 
"C'mon, doll. I'm just going for Clint. I already plan to tell her it won't work." This was your last straw.
"And why won't it work?" You turned to him, hurt in your eyes and venom lacing your voice.
"Because you're sleeping with your ex-wife and your kids' mother." The pain was too much for you to stay quiet for longer.
"Well, in that case, you should try to make it work because it's not happening again." You finally said it.
"Wait. Why?." Bucky never wanted this to stop. He didn't want to lose you. Again.
"Can't you really see what's wrong here? Do you really think what we are doing is normal?" You couldn't believe him. Is he that delusional?
"But I want you." It was the truth. But it was a harmful one.
"You want me, or do you want to keep sleeping with me?" The question, which you tried so hard to keep at the back of your brain, rushed into your words.
"Of course not. I only ever wanted you." Bucky never meant for you to doubt yourself. His actions weren't helping, but his intentions were to never hurt you.
"You left me."
"Not because I stopped loving you."
"And that's way worse."
You were finally having this conversation. The one you delayed for so long
"You left because you got bored. The role of the husband got too much for you."
"And how do you expect me to believe you loved me when everything tells me you were going to leave anyway?."
"I wasn't. I just couldn't do it anymore. I thought I was able to get over my old issues and keep going, but I couldn't."
"You couldn't talk to me. Couldn't reach out. Couldn't try to figure out a way to solve it. No, you chose to walk out on me because you couldn't commit anymore. Yet here we are. Look at us."
"Because I can't let go."
"But you can divorce me."
Bucky had no answer to this. His commitment issues got the better of him. He shouldn't have married you in the first place if he was going to leave anyway. He shouldn't have promised to stay forever and then walked away. And he was aware of it all. He could hear it all. But nothing could have prepared him for your next words.
"I was pregnant."
It fell from your tongue. It's so hard to say. So hard to listen. But he had to know. He had to know the sacrifices you made for him.
"I was so happy. I thought this was our chance to mend what was broken. And I didn't even know what was broken. When I went to tell you, you said you were busy and left. When you came back. You didn't even bother to ask me what I wanted."
"I thought you learned to read my mind. You noticed nothing. Not the morning sickness. Not the fatigue. Not the mood swings. Not my first trimester meal. Nothing. I gave so many signs. You didn't even see the signs."
"So when you brought out the divorce, I agreed. I was so hurt."
Bucky didn't want to believe you. He knew he was distant in the last months of your marriage. But was he really that bad? To the point he couldn't hear his wife's distress calls? He was so focused on his own problems that he almost neglected your presence. The only person who truly loved him
"If you had told me, I..."
"You would have stayed. Because you got tired of being a husband and not a father. You would have stayed for the kids, but you would have hated me. We would have been miserable. I had to make the choice. I had to choose for my kids to have a good father over anything."
It was no surprise how selfless you were. Choosing him and the kids over yourself was second nature to you.
"I was going to tell you after the divorce. I was going to tell you that I just found out. So even if you asked, I would turn down getting back together."
"But the pain was too much. The stress of losing my husband The self-doubt. There were too many questions I didn't have answers to. Along with the act that I was fine with the divorce. It was so hard. I lost it."
Maybe if you had told him, it wouldn't have happened. You will never know. And it will always haunt you.
All you knew was that either way, you weren't going to win.
"I had to go drop the kids off at Nat's first before going to the hospital all by myself. I couldn't call anyone because no one knew, and the last thing I wanted was fake sympathy."
"You know what I needed, my husband. I got back to an empty house. I had to get through this all by myself. Alone. "
"I wanted you to hold me. Let me cry. Let me grieve. I needed you. And you weren't there. I had to pick up the pieces because the kids needed their mother. And I did."
Bucky's heart was shattered by how much you suffered because of him. Because he let his fears control him. Hurting the person he cherished the most. Damaging the only real thing he ever had. Your marriage.
"I tried so hard to hate you. Only remember the agonizing pain. You left me broken and bitten. You, the love of my life. The man I have ever loved. You, who drew stars around my scars, and now, I'm bleeding. "
"But the moment you touched me, it was all down the drain. You are all I ever wanted. I forgot about it all."
"Every time I say this is the last time, then I still come back to you. I love you too much to have common sense."
"I convinced myself we were changing for the better. Wanting was enough. For me, it was enough. To live for the hope of it all. Maybe there is a chance for us."
"I was wrong."
"You had me wishing you were a bad father, so you would've abandoned all of us. You had me wishing you stopped caring for the kids so I could hate you. So I can stop seeing you. You had me wishing pain on my own kids. Because I can never understand how you can be such a good dad but so afraid of being a husband."
"Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me. Look at this idotic fool that you made me."
At this point, you were in a hysterical state. Tears running down your face. Sobs shake your body. Your fists collide with his bare chest. letting your anger out with the crushing pain. The last four months are finally showing. The hurt you have kept inside is out in the open.
You couldn't fight anymore. You rested your head on his chest as you sobbed. Mourning your broken heart
He hesitated to wrap his hands around you. Letting both of your tears mix together. The fact that he was the reason for your breakdown killed him.
His hold felt like a cage. Keeping you trapped because you can't let go either. You would never be free.
You stood there for a while until your sobs became sniffles. You broke from his grasp, looking at him with your puffy red eyes.
"The kids deserve better than this. They deserve the best parents. And that's where we are now. Parents. Nothing more."
You walked to the front door. You turned to look at him. Silently begging him to say something. Do something. But you got nothing. And that was it.
If your feelings for each other were too strong to handle, too complicated to solve, too damaging to save, then you never stood a chance to exist again.
Now, both of you dream of some epiphany. Just one single glimpse of relief. To make some sense of what you've seen
"See you next weekend." You said this as you closed the door behind you.
You left Bucky to face the consequences of his actions. He wanted to leave. So you left. Here, he pushed the only person who ever mattered to him. The person who loved him to the moon and to Saturn
How could he let his stupid mind get him here? He let his insecurities take over. How self-centered did he have to be for this to happen? Ruining his family and his world just for the sake of himself And he wasn't even miserable. He got into his own head. Dark thoughts that pushed him here. Thinking he couldn’t commit anymore, when all he ever needed was always going to be you.
With tears streaming down his face, all he could think about was how he got here. Why did he become the villain? His mind was running thousands of miles a second. 
I didn't have it in myself to go with grace
And so the battleships will sink beneath the waves
You had to kill me, but it killed you just the same
Cursing my name, wishing I stayed
You turned into your worst fears
And you're tossing out blame, drunk on this pain
Crossing out the good years
And you're cursing my name, wishing I stayed
Look at how my tears ricochet
Taglist: @lethallyprotected @almosttoopizza @ragingrainbowshipl @dexter99 @xdarkcreaturex @nash-dara @paarthurnax59 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @unaxv @missmielyhoran @wintermischief @kandis-mom
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blackdollette · 1 year
if ur requests r still open and u rnt overwhelmed AND if youre okay with what im abt to request...
heres a thought. euronymous and like opposite style innocent reader (mb i love dark guys and innocent bimbo-y girlfriends)
so theyve had sex before obvi. and typically she just lays there and is disinterested because frankly.... he has a little fear of breaking her and shes like "this isnt enough for me :((" so one day she just looks up at euro like "smack me." and it shocks him ! and when he does it opens a door for both of them. they like impact play 🤷‍♀️ and sprinkle a little bit of euro breeding kink but not rly breeding just more like "im cumming in u coz ur mine and i want everyone to know it when your bellys full and round" not rly like "i want u to have my babies" coz i think he wouldnt like babies.
mb that was a bit tm ranting woopsies
i love opposites attract type of stuff, im obsessed!!
"he dyes his hair black, i dye mine platinum blonde" | euronymous
me & my boyfriend. - lana del rey
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p.s. this story has nothing to do with oystein aarseth. this is rory's portrayal of the character.
bimbo!female!reader x euronymous
contents: spanking, p in v, unprotected sex, creampie
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you two were as different as could be. you were like day and night. he went around trying to instill fear into the souls of all who made the mistake of looking in his direction. and you always looked like a child's doll, the way you were always dolled up making you extremely pleasing to the eye.
you never showed any interest in the dark and evil stuff that euronymous invested all his time into. you revolved your life around looking good and geting everything you wanted, giving the impression that you were soft and fragile.
that's why euronymous always tried to be as gentle with you as possible when it came to sex. he would go painfully slowly, always asking if he should stop. you had always appreciated him being so kind to you, but you couldnt help but yearn for something more than all that.
so the night you asked him to completely have his way with you, he was completely taken by surprised. "a-are you sure? i wouldnt wanna hurt you or anything, y'know." you continued to insist, but he kept on resisting. this went on for a while before you snapped and decided to take matters into your own hands.
without any further communication, you took off your miniskirt and tight shirt, throwing them to the side. you sat on the bed, only in your hot pink thong and matching bra. he attempted to speak, but his words got caught in his throat as his eyes wandered down your beautiful body. no matter how many times he saw you like this, his reaction would never change.
you turned around and stuck your head into a pillow, putting your ass in the air. "spank me." your voice was slightly muffled, but he heard you loud and clear. he hesitated, but seeing that you were actually serious made him want it almost as badly as you did.
you got behind you, his hands on your hips, gently rubbing your soft skin before he raised his hand and laid the first slap. you winced in pain, but you kept yourself together. you heard euronymous chuckle, and you knew that it was about to get a lot worse. finally, your fantasies were being fulfilled.
he lands another hard slap on your ass, this on stinging even more, making you whimper enough for him to hear. it sounded like music to his ears. he continued to spank you, each slap getting more and more painful. you could tell that he was enjoying this. this was something that he'd been dreaming of for a long time.
your hips got a little sore from keeping them up for so long, so you lowered them a little. euronymous started to unbuckle his belt, throwing it to the side. he slapped your ass once more. "ass up, whore." he said, his voice lower than usual.
you whined as you stuck your hips back into the air. euronymous undid his pants and pulled out his already hard cock out. he ripped your thong off of you, your little pussy aching to be fucked. he smiled at the sight, thinking of all the things that he was going to do to you.
he rubbed your slit gently with his thumb before stuffing you with his cock. you let out a loud, slutty moan. euronymous had never heard anything like it before considering how gentle he always was with you.
he wasted no time quickly thrusting into you, his hips coming into contact with yours making a loud slapping sound each time. you started falling apart instantly. you had never felt this way before. he was being so rough and wreckless with you, but you loved it.
your moans got louder and louder, along with the sounds of euronymous slapping your ass. he fucked you at an inhumanly fast pace, finally letting out all these years of sexual tension. he had always fantasized about being able to destroy your insides and make you go completely dumb on his cock.
he kept a firm grip on your hips as he pounded into your sore little pussy, whispering things that couldnt be heard underneath the sound of your moans and whimpers. you felt you pussy tightening around his cock, signalling your orgasm coming.
his groans became more audible as he felt you getting tigther around him. he wanted to make you cum harder than you ever have before. he reached a hand forward and started rubbing fast circles on your throbbing clit, sending you over the edge.
your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you came all over his cock, which was still pounding into you at lightning speed. you felt your vision going blurry as he started to overstimulate you. you sobbed as you started cumming even harder, making his cock throb inside of you.
he started speaking to you in between strained groans. "a-ah... gonna fuck my cum into you... gonna fill you up real good..." you felt your body completely surrendering to him as you felt a second orgasm about to him.
with the feeling of your pussy squeezing him, he started releasing his hot cum into you, making you feel so warm and full. his nails dug into your skin as he reached hit orgasm, throwing his head back as he continued to fuck you. he kept going until you were leaking his and your cum.
he finally pulled out of your sore little cunt, flipping you over so he could see you. your mascara was completely ruined, your lipgloss was smudged, and your cheeks were flushed, making you look like a total mess.
euronymous grinned before giving you a kiss on the forehead. "such a pretty girl... i think i like your makeup better this way." you rolled your eyes. euronymous spread you legs and sat himself right infront of your pussy.
he used his fingers to spread your lips so he could watch all the cum drip out of you. needless to say, sex got a lot more entertaining from then on.
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author's note: so sorry this took a while to come out, i can procrastinate for the olympic i swear. im working on another request rn dont worry yall :))
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hello love your writing :))
I wanted to ask if you could write a story either about Larissa or Lucifer, they need to punish their partner and they use „longterm“ denial over a whole weekend and reader is just yearning for release after the weekend and Larissa/Lucifer gets soft after the fulfilled punishment and give them the best orgasm ever :)) you can involve other punishment methods as well :) but some cute fluff and praise at the end would be great :) thank you 🔥🥰
Be my good doll 18+
*Authors note~ i choose Larissa purely bc I don’t feel I can write lucifer well but may I highly suggest my darling friend @littledollll who will be able to handle a luci version <3*
Trigger warnings~ long term orgasm denial, mommy kink daddy kink shifted cock oral very smutty smut
Prompt~ see ask^^^^^
For the past two days all you could think of was her. No one but you would’ve been brave enough to be a brat towards the headmistress of Nevermore, and that’s why you landed up being tied to the bed, a ruthless vibe working diligently between your legs as Larissa watched on. Her intense gaze at your leaking cunt truly should’ve made you feel embarrassed but it was having the opposite effect. Larissa would bring you right to the edge only to rip you away from it. If you wanted to act like a whore then you’d certainly be treated like one.
Larissa did this till your brain was nothing but a pile of mush, your whines of need being strictly ignored as your cunt clenched against thin air. “If you want to act like a whore doll then mommy will treat you like one” she all but purred at you, laughing slightly as a few stray tears fell from your eyes, “now now pretty dolls don’t cry, you brought this all on yourself. You’re not to touch or cum until mommy lets you, understood?” Truly her tone alone was leaving no room for any kind of arguments, you nodded and attempted to gain control over your emotions. You knew you could safe word, but this was a punishment and safe wording just to avoid it was wrong. Larissa untied you and cradled you in her lap, wrapping their arms tightly around you in comfort.
That was two days ago, you were feeling like you’d explode if you’re honest. Nothing you did would quell the burning pit of need within you. You need her to fuck you until your brain was nothing but mush. Larissa didn’t make things easy, every night she mad the habit of teasing you, making sure you thought your punishment was at the end before fucking herself right in front of you, fully on display with ample amount of sound, almost as if she was trying to get you to fail your punishment. You wouldn’t. You shouldn’t t. And you most definitely couldn’t.
Two whole days, you were near enough exploding with need, that’s when you came back into your shared chambers to find your lover in a new lacy set bought specifically for your eyes only. You tried to keep your gaze on her face, you couldn’t allow yourself to fail here. Looking like an angel from heaven she crooked her index finger seductively, her gaze anything innocent, a complete contrast to her Lacy white set. “Mommy?” You whined, your need more evident than you wanted it to be. “Oh my doll, you’ve taken your punishment so well darling. Mommy is so proud of you that she wanted to give you a special treat. Do you like it?” She purred gesturing to her hardly clothed body. “Yes mommy. Thank you” you choked out finally allowing your gaze to run all over her body.
You knew how this would go, Larissa would follow the same routine as any other punishment, it’s something that calmed you. You instantly kneeled next to the bed and looked at your lover, “I’m sorry mommy. I won’t be bratty again in that way. I’m only mommy’s girl I’d never stray” you whimper and you see the way her eyes darken at the last part. “Say it again doll” she teased and you instantly complied. “So you can be a good girl” she mused as if it was the first time, “get up here doll, you know what you need to do to show mommy just how sorry you are.”
After climbing up on the bed, watching Larissa shuffle back into the pillows you gave her a sweet kiss. As the kids deepened the need grew but you knew she had to cum first, to show how truly sorry you were. Larissa allowed you to take her set off piece by piece as you showered her with love and kisses. Only when you made your way down your body did she bring a hand to your hair and tug your head upwards, “mouth only my sweet doll” she warned before allowing you to continue.
When your breath hit her core she gasped, truly the two day punishment was driving her just a mad as you. When your tongue swiped at the wetness there you saw Larissa could’ve cried. You knew just how to please her. Her hands gripping the headboard and her bucking her hips against your face, practically fucking herself on your face, she was able to approach a very much needed climax. When you felt her legs tremble you knew she was close so you gripped onto her hips hard enough to bruise as you guided her movements and moaned around her sensitive clit. With a cry from the older woman you rewarded with a gush of cum from her pretty pussy as it spasmed around your tongue, you making sure to get every last drop.
She caught her breath before managing to move from your face, chuckling at you as your tongue darted around to get any remaining cum it could. “Look at the little cum slut. Are you needy precious girl?” She purred trailing her fingers lightly over your body. “Mommy need so bad” you mumbled trying to stop your voice from quivering as badly as your thighs were. You watched as Larissa surprised you by shifting her female anatomy to male. Truly, the sight was nothing short of magnificent. “Oh fuck mommy? Daddy? Oh fuck” you whined confused on what your girlfriend would prefer.
“Either baby, I don’t mind just pick one” she murmured answering your unasked question. “Daddy please” you whimpered eyeing her cock. “Are you sorry doll?” You whimpered watching her stroke her impressive length, “I’m sorry daddy, I won’t do it again” you pleaded and she could see the truth lingering in your eyes. “I know doll, you took your punishment well baby” she reassured you while lining her cock up with your leaking hole. “Doll, I’m going fuck you okay? It’s a little bigger than the toys because it’s more realistic. I don’t want to hurt you baby. You remember safe word?” She truly meant this. “Yes daddy. It’s red” you stated and she nodded before pushing her length into you slowly.
Tears prickled at your eyes, your inner walls stretching around her even though she stilled her hips allowing you to adjust. “Daddy” you whimpered as a few stray tears fell. “You’re doing so good for me doll, such a good girl for me” she kissed the tears away. Soon enough pain morphed into pleasure and you subconsciously your hips bucked upwards causing your girlfriend to chuckle, “such a needy girl for daddy aren’t you? “
When she started to move, you truly wondered if anything would feel as good as her inside of you. Actually her and not some plastic fake dick. “Oh god doll, so tight for me. Fuck so warm and wet doll, making daddy feel so good” she panted out her, the thrusting of her hips and moans tumbling from her lips stealing her breath. All you could do was whine and mewl at the sensations she provided as you came close to your peak embarrassingly quick. “Daddy please I can’t I need” you whimpered your train of thought jumping around manically. “I know doll let go” she murmured coming to kiss and such on your pulse point. You came with a scream of her name, your cunt squeezing her cock in its vice tight grip as your cum coated it and leaked slightly onto the sheets.
You thought she’d stop there, but she didn’t, she kept fucking you despite the whimpers of “no please daddy no sensitive” you were repeating. “Come on doll give daddy one more” she all but moaned out. And that’s what you did, you came again, squeezing her dick as she spurted cum up into your needy cunt causing an almost pornographic moan to tumble from your lips. And the sensation of peeing ? That was new. “Isa? What oh god did I pee?!” The panic rising through you. “No darling, you squirted love, it’s okay it’s perfectly natural and now I know you can do it I’m going to have so much fun with you” she murmured eyes seemingly transfixed on your sensitive core.
You flopped back against the bed and held an arm over your eyes, “god I’m so embarrassed!” You whined causing Larissa to chuckle at you, “it’s okay baby. Let me change the sheets and then me and my good girl can have a bath can’t we.” A quick kiss placed on your lips as she set about running a bath and changing the sheets, just letting you have your space to come back down to earth. That was one hell of a reward.
Word count~ 1598
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honeybounty · 8 months
sorry if this makes no sense (if anyone is even reading this), i was edging myself while writing it 🤫 based on events that happened minutes ago
edging myself for hours already and go to the shower to keep edging but so i could drool all over my tits and down to my already drippy cunt and it felt so good to rub my clit to the edge nonstop until im dripping slut juices all down my leg. all of this is over the fact i’m shoving fingers down my own throat so i drool and choke until my whole body is covered in my own spit and at one point my bf came in the room just to tease my little clit and tell me he wants to fuck when im done with my “shower” which sets me off and im desperately edging my needy cunt in the shower bc of it.
the whole time im just thinking of how much of a needy slut i am and how everyone, even my bf, is aware and actively takes advantage of it. i finish up and go to our bedroom and while he’s finishing some things up i take hit after hit after hit of my pen until im shaky and even more desperate. i try not to touch myself so he can edge me instead and it’s so hard bc im so fucked up and such a desperate little whore.
he joins me in bed and goes down on me until im dripping all over his face and the sheets and he’s slapping my thighs and calling me a good girl 😵‍💫 i get close a couple of times but then he makes me beg him to fuck me, so i do, bucking my wet pussy up and down his thigh like a bitch in heat while he strikes himself off to the sight of his personal little fuck doll humping him.
he fucked me deep, telling me how he can feel me dripping down his balls and how fucking desperate i am for cock while i moan and cry into the pillow, in absolute bliss and fulfilling my purpose of being a wet little edgeslut for him. he makes me fuck him back and calls me a slut and a good girl until i started begging him to choke me.
he decided to take pity on me and wrapped a hand around my throat, immediately cutting off the oxygen to my brain and making me even dumber. he’s putting the perfect amount of pressure and i start bucking my hips and gasping for air until he gets impatient with my clumsy light-headed attempts at fucking him and started pounding at me, shaking my neck a little with his hand, pushing thee back of my head further into the pillows which only made me tighten up around him more.
he called me his fucking cockwhore, a needy little slut who loves cock so much she’s dripping everywhere over it. he kept telling me to be quiet and when i couldn’t he choked me even tighter and said “what the fuck did i say? be fucking quiet” and slammed into me again, face shoved into the pillow next to me. i begged him to please keep his cock in my cunt and cum deep inside me please please please and like the good boyfriend he is, he bred his hungry little cockslut 🥰 im so so sooo lucky!!
once he came he stood up while putting on his underwear and said “we need to get you a ball gag.. you’re too fucking loud” and my pussy clenched so tight i could feel his cum so deep inside me beginning to leak out of my still edging cunt. he moved on to other things so i went to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror, one leg propped up on the counter so i could see my cunt all swollen and dripping cum. i held my hand under it so the cum could drip into it and i could fuck it back into myself. for a while i just rubbed my clit and edged myself again (im on day 5 or 6. hard to keep up when my brain is always leaking out my drooling cunt yunno??) i kept fingering allll that cum right back into my clenching hole, over and over so i stay nice and full of love :)❤️
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star-xxx1 · 1 year
Hey! It’s me! G!p Agatha x reader please ☺️ maybe jealous Agatha 😍 have a nice day 🫶
Thank you Aggie
Warnings: G!P Agatha harkness, jealousy, mistress kink, magic use, wetting pants, love bites, dom Agatha, fluff.
A/n: Sorry, this took so long. I've been very busy. This definitely isn't my best, but enjoy! P.s kinda short sorry.
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The neon lights of the club flickered in patterns on the crowd of people, casting shadows and reflections against the walls and ceilings. The music blasted from the speakers, filling the air with the infectious beat. The dancers danced, moving in harmony to the music, and they others sipped from their drinks, trying to keep the beat in their own way. The place was a sea of bodies, all moving together in rhythm. The club felt alive with energy, and the atmosphere was electric. There was a certain freedom in the air, a sense of excitement that anything could happen, and a feeling that the rules of civilization no longer applied. The club was a place where boundaries were blurred, and people's true selves could be revealed. It was a refuge from the outside world, a place where people could let loose and have fun without judgment or restraint.
Agatha held your hand tight, navigating through the sea of people. She sat you down on a chair and quickly left you to get some drinks. With a kiss to the forehead, she dissappear for around two minutes. You got bust chatting to your friends. She came back, but she didn't look as happy.
"Aggie, what's wrong?" You asked, tilting your head to the side.
"Nothing doll," she responded, her eyes where focused on something else, tracing whatever with precision. "Let's get back to it, shall we?" She said, ushering you back to your friends. You nodded and allowed her to guide you back towards your group of friends.
You laughed and chatted but realized agatha was still looking at something. You looked in the direction and saw a group of men looking directly at you. The feeling of uncomfortable and nervous fulled your body. You quickly broke eye contact and looked right into your lovers eyes. She saw your emotions and put down her drink to hug you. During the hug, agatha waved her hands, a dark purple wrapping around them. Unleashing chaos on the group off hyenas. She wasn't having this. Jealousy engulfed her heart. Panic and water could be heard in the distance. Breaking the hug, you looked over to see the group off men grabbing there crotch as puddles of pee devolved on the floor beneath them. Silence filled the air, so quite you could hear a pin drop. The sound of murmurs slowly rises. As one voice of laughter broke into the hole room. You didn't get the chance to react before. Soft, loving hands were on your back, guiding you out.
The car ride home was peaceful and sweet. Music played softly for the speakers. The sljncr was comfortable.
"Are you okay, my love? You know the club?" She questioned her hand on your thigh tense up a bit.
"Thank you, Aggie," you said, smiling at her. She knew that you knew what she did.
"No problem, hunny."
Getting in your apartment through the door felt so good. A sigh of relief escaped your lips. Your little bubble was burst by Agatha, pushing you up against a wall. Her lips instantly connected to your neck.
"Agatha?" You almost moaned out.
"Baby, no words, just please let me love you?" She yearned out. You looked into the witches' eyes and saw insecurity swim around. You nodded. "Of course, baby."
"Are you sure with this? Do you want this?" Agatha asked.
"Mhm, yes, please."
"Good girl." She cooed, kissing your cheek.
The next few minutes were a blur. Your lips were connected in a firey passion. You both rolled on the walls, struggling to tear each other clothes off. Agatha hands roamed your body. You could feel her need and wanted to fulfil it. Agatha finally opened your bedroom door and pushed you down onto the could like bed. You both were naked, your clothing littered around the house. Her hard on standing proudly in front of you.
She quickly spread your legs and place her self in between them. She was too desperate for foreplay. She spread your slick all over your pussy. Her precum and your juices mixed together.
"You're dripping, sweetheart." She said. All you could do was moan as a response to far under her loving spell that she somehow pulls you under every time.
"Mistress, please." You whimpered out.
"Yes, baby," she came up and kissed your neck Sucking and bitting roughly. She pushed her hips forward and slowly entered you. The deepest groan in pleasure escaped your lover as she slid into your tight hole.
"Fuck!" You moaned out, nails clawing at her back, leaving deep red marks in there wake. Your back arched at the penetration, slightly stretching you out.
She started a slow pace, slowly building up her pace. Agatha grip tightens around your waist as she thrusts deeper into your pussy.
"Yes! yes, that's it! Just like that!" You screamed out. You could feel agatha smirk against your neck as she continued to leave marks all over your neck. Agatha held your waist firmly, keeping your squirming form down. Her love bites got more aggressive as she pounded into you mercilessly. Whorish moans escaped your mouth, screaming 'mistress' over and over again. Each thrust shook the bed, your body jolting up and down, as your breasts bounced. Agatha ravished your body. To her, you were the most beautiful woman in the world.
"Am gonna cum! Mistress!" Your voice is rough from screaming and pleasure. That coil your stomach was close to snapping.
"Go on, baby cum" she said. Your muscles tighten around her member hard. Triggering her own orgasm, she quickly pulled out as your body shaked with pleasure. Her load of semen splattered onto your stomach. Her body shutters with pleasure, and she rises her head from your neck and places a loving kiss on your lips.
"Thank you, baby," she whispered out. Agatha looked at you all fucked out on bed, marks covering your beck entire. Cum dripping out your gaping hole. She proudly smiled at herself.
She took you into her loving arms, both of you resting before you, and she would take you off to the bathroom for aftercare. Arms intertwined as your eyes locked in a tender gaze. With each passing moment, you grew even closer until it seemed as though there was nothing in the world but you and agatha and the love you shared.
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Not a queen (8.5)
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Summary: You are no one. What if fate makes you queen?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Maid!Reader x Nick (Fowler) Barnes
Warnings: dystopian world, modern royal au, shy reader, arranged marriage, implied smut, fluff, cuddling, a little time jump (4 months)
A/N: Another shorter chapter. I wanted to cut out this scene and make a bigger time jump. I decided against it. So were are getting chapter 8.5.
This series takes place in the Two kings universe, at the same time. I recommend reading this story first to understand this universe better.
You can find all arcs here: Of Kings and Queens Arcs
<;< Part 8
Not a queen (Arc 2) masterlist
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That night, they told you…everything. About the revolution, the second sons are planning. They also told you that Nick, Bucky, and their friends want to change the world.
Bucky told you that once everything is prepared, war will shake the world you know. 
You don’t know if that’s a good thing. People will die. And if they lose the fight, you will mourn Bucky and Nick too. 
If this happens, you don’t know if you will survive. Losing your family was painful. But losing the men you fell in love with, will shatter you.
They revealed the truth and their plans four months ago. In the meantime, so much happened. You got closer to both men. Very close.
It started with soft kisses, and little touches and lead to so much more. Lingering touches, passionate make-out sessions, and love confessions. 
Until your wedding night arrived and you ended up between the brothers. 
At first, you shied away. Afraid they will hurt you or do something you don’t want. 
Nick took away all of your fears. He fulfilled his promise and went down on you. Finally putting his mouth to better use than calling you mouse. When you trembled, his mouth on your leaking cunt you chanted their names.
Bucky let his brother have this. He let him touch you first to make sure Nick knows, they are equals in this relationship.
After that night, you never want to leave the secret chamber again. If it was up to you, you’d spend your days hiding in the room, wrapped up in your men.
If only you’d have the choice to decide on the world’s fate. 
“Mouse, what are you thinking about?” Nick wraps his arms around you from behind. He pecks your neck, humming as you lean in his touch. “What is my beautiful wife up to today?”
“Our beautiful wife,” Bucky corrects. He smirks, but a hint of jealousy flashes in his eyes before he blinks it away. The prince learned to share your love and attention over the last months. It was hard for him to accept that you are in love with his brother too. “So, what are we going to do today, doll.”
“I want to sit on the bed and read another book. It’s getting chilly and maybe, you can keep me warm while I read my book,” you glance at Bucky. “Only if you got time, of course.”
“Our friends left in the dead of the night again,” Bucky pecks your cheek. “We got all the time in the world. I like your idea.”
“I like it too,” Nick nuzzles his face in your neck. “Maybe there is time to cuddle in between reading books.”
You chuckle. Nick has something more than reading in mind. He can barely keep his hands to himself. The prince always needs to kiss, hug, or nuzzle you.
Bucky loves to touch you too. But Nick is the needier man in your life. Maybe it’s because he always came second. Or that he fears losing you to his brother if he doesn’t shower you with affection all the time.
“We can cuddle too,” you whisper, making Nick groan. ”Cuddle, my prince. I didn’t feel well this morning.”
“You didn’t feel well? Why didn’t you tell us so?” Bucky immediately looks you up and down. He presses the back of his hand to your forehead. “No fever. Good. That’s good. Uh-did you cough, sneeze, vomit?”
“Bucky,” you scrunch up your nose, “don’t ask things like that. I was just a little dizzy and…uh…I had to vomit a little. I’m fine now, though. I drank some tea and ate toast.”
“A stomach bug, maybe?” Nick looks at his brother for help. “She should lie down and have a rest.”
Bucky nods. His eyes drop to your middle and he wonders if his dream came already true… 
>> Part 9
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Not a queen 
Bucky Barnes/Sebastian Stan Tags
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lilacliquors · 1 year
❝  i don’t want to have to think or have control.  just,  do what you want with me.  if something is too much i’ll let you know.  trust me.  ❞ with pillow princess Nancy wheeler or Jonathan pleeease
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your doll
pairing: nancy wheeler x reader
prompt: ❝  i don’t want to have to think or have control.  just,  do what you want with me.  if something is too much i’ll let you know.  trust me.  ❞
word count: 566
contents: 18+ minors dni, dom!reader / sub!nancy, strap on sex, penetrative sex, praise kink, begging, pwp
notes: omg we're back!!! tumblr has kindly fixed my issues on my blog so i can see asks on my laptop and my posts are appearing in the tags again! and we're back to 1000 followers <3 i missed you guys sm <33
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you and nancy didn't get much alone time. but when you did, you made sure to spend it wisely. and spending it wisely meant that your parents were out for the weekend, so you could spend the weekend in bed, with the door locked, and nothing between you two.
the way she looked up at you made your heart race. no one had ever looked up at you with such loving, yet lustful, eyes. she was your little pillow princess, and it was just how you liked her. you loved making her feel good, it was all that mattered to you. she worked so hard, dealt with shitty men all week, the least you could do was provide a few orgasms ...
you had your hands on her hips, just massaging her skin ever so gently. she looked spent, and yet she begged you for more.
"nance," you whispered, your thumbs rubbing over her skin. "you need a break? you look exhausted."
she shook her head as she gazed up at you.
"i've had the shittiest week at work. you have no idea how much i need this," she whispered.
"you sure?" you asked?
❝  i don’t want to have to think or have control.  just,  do what you want with me.  if something is too much i’ll let you know.  trust me.  ❞
you bit your lip, and then you nodded. if that was what your naughty princess wanted, that's what she would get.
one of your hands left her her hips and wrapped around the silicone cock attached to the harness around your hips. slowly, you pushed into her, her little gasps and sighs music to your ears.
when she nodded, you began to thrust in and out of her, setting a steady rhythm with your hips. she moaned quietly, her eyes fluttering shut and her back arching off of the bed. god, she was gorgeous.
"such a good girl for me," you whispered, leaning down to kiss and suck on her neck. "you take my cock so well, don't you?"
"mhm, mhm. oh shit ... harder, please ... " her voice was breathy, and you smirked. you nodded, and while keeping your rhythm, you applied more pressure to your thrusts.
she whimpered and whined as you fulfilled her request, and she nearly squealed as you reached down to tease her clit with your thumb.
"aw, what's the matter, baby? too much?" you taunted, and she shook her head. you chuckled, and you continued to thrust into her, kissing along her neck as you did so.
"mm, such a pretty girl. my pretty girl," you purred.
"your pretty girl," she echoed, and a soft moan left her lips. you could tell by the way her chest rose and fell that she was close. you teased her clit as you thrust into her, her gasps turning into whines, turning into panting breaths.
"oh ... oh my god ... oh my god — !"
"cum for me, princess. cum for me," you whispered.
she cried out, her hips lifting off of the bed as she came around the silicone cock. you caressed her face as she came undone, stroking her cheek with your fingers while her eyes shut.
"how's my girl doing?" you asked, leaning down to peck her lips.
she was quietly for a moment, and then she looked up at you.
"ready for more."
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goldenchunkycat · 2 years
A mother's love | Sequel to (Not so)Great
Pairing: Neteyam x Ao'nung's little sister!Reader
Summary: After Neteyam's death you found out that you were pregnant. But it's hard to raise a child when you're just...numb.
Warnings: ANGST but like fr (forced pregnancy ?, Reader tries to miscarry, non graphic depictions of self harm, both families kinda argue, very bad parenting, no happy ending), not proof read.
A/N: Ngl I kinda cried at the end while writing this. I know that it's not as great as the other angsts that I wrote but I don't know why, I cried at Ao'nung's part eheh. Reader's parents are a lot different than in the happy ending but I think that they would not be happy about the news ? Liken have you seen ronal, she's very strict TT So that's their 'official' reaction in the real trope. - If you want to understand ➪ (Not so)Great
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"I am- What..?"
"Pregnant, Tanhì, you are pregnant."
You remained silent , trying to process the words that came out of your mother's mouth. You felt like throwing up, you wanted to scream, tp trip your hair and scratch the walls, just like a crazy person would do. But that was what you were, right ? A crazy person.
"I don't want to keep it." you whispered, laying on your bed and showing your back to your mother, inviting her to leave you alone. Just like you were for the last months. Without anyone approaching you, thinking that you would be mad if any of them, any of the murderers, as you once called them, tried to approach you, or talk to you.
"It was Eywa's wishes, you can't go against her." your mother hissed, warning you. "You will keep that baby." she concluded, getting up to leave the Marui.
"Eywa let Neteyam die, didn't she ?" you whispered to yourself, frowning as you wrapped yourself in your blanket. "I don't care about her wishes..."
You tried to get rid of the baby. You poisoned yourself, fell on your belly and many others things that made your family think that you definitely were crazy. Their once bubbly and living daughter was becoming crazy, she was trying to hurt herself, to go against their goddess wishes. What did they do wrong ? How did they get to this point ?
But you knew what you were doing, you knew what you wanted. And that child was not a part of your future.
"I don't want it ! I don't want it !" you yelled at your mother, throwing the beverage she gave you to the ground, laying back in your bed and turning your back on her.
"I-" she said before sighting heavily, deciding that it was better to leave the tent rather than lash out at you. You were fragile enough, you were not in the right state of mind, you would come back to your senses, right ?
You heard her stomp out of the room and sobbed, sad, broken, misunderstood. Why were they trying to make you do something that you did not wanted to do ? Did they really thought that you did not wanted that baby just because you did not wanted to be a mother ?
You did not moved and remained looking at the walls with glossy eyes, ignoring your sister.
"I just- I swear I just want to understand." she whispered, sitting on your bed, speaking carefully, in a soft voie in order to not anger you.
"They don't understand." you whimpered, tearing up. You bottled up your emotions for so long, talking about what you really wanted was hard, but you really wanted someone to understand you. You wanted to scream at everyone, to tell them what you really think about the situation, about how you hated them for forcing you to keep a baby that you did not wanted. ut they did not let you speak up. On top of feeling numb, you were now feeling like a doll. A shattered and broken doll that they patched up in order to fulfill their wishes.
So you cried when your sister hugged you and hold you close. You let the tears flow but never blinked once. It was just spilling from your eyes. Your body was crying, calling for help, but it was like you were not there. It was...soulless. "They won't understand..."
"No !" a voice called out to you and you stopped your movement. It has been a while since you heard this voice. You waited for him to speak, refusing to look at him.
"Please." he begged, approaching you carefully, "Please don't do this."
In the numbness you felt a spark of emotion. Sadness. Or was it ? Were you sad ? It has been a while since you felt something.
"Why..." you spoke so softly that he almost missed it.
"This child, it's what's left of him." he said, his voice shivering at the thought, "I don't- I know that I'm selfish, I know it, but please. It's the only thing-" he stopped talking and moving. He knew. He knew how selfish he was, he heard what was happening in your family, Tsireya told him about you, how you changed, how you were not the sister that she grew up with, how your body was there, but your mind was not. He once heard Ronal call you 'brain dead'.
"I don't want it !" you cried out, briefly looking at him. Your mate's brother. Despite not having the same features as him, he still was just like him. That weird blue color, that weird tail, those same green-yellow eyes. Another spark of emotions light up in your eyes. Longing. "They do not listen to me ! I- I love him, you know ? I know that it is his heirs, a gift. But- I can't keep it. I don't want my child to be raise by someone like me !" you sobbed, on the verge of busting out crying. "Have you seen me ? Look at me, look at my face, my body. I know that people in the village says that I've become mad." you pathetically laughed, gazing at the ocean. "I want my child to be loved, y'know ? But I will not love him enough, I don't want to keep it just because he's 'what's left'. I will not give birth to a Na'vi for my own selfish desires, or anyone desires."
Lo'ak opened and closed his mouth. What could he say after what you told him. You were right, everyone wanted this child for their own selfish desires. He wasn't different. And yet, he wanted to be selfish. He needed t one selfish if it meant keeping his dead brother's child.
"We will take care of him. My family will leave the village. We will take him with us. Please. You will never see him again, if that's what you want."
He nodded, taking the knife out of your hand. "Yeah. I promise."
"It's a boy. He looks like...his father." your mother said, holding the new born baby carefully as she was gently rocking him. "You wanna hold him ?"
You did not answered and chose to turn away from them, refusing to look at your child. It would hurt, too much.
"Are they done ?" someone said from outside the Marui.
"Yes, just...wait." You recognized your sister's voice and immediately knew what was happening. You stand up straight and look at the hall of the tent, waiting for someone to come in. And you did not waited a long time as Lo'ak came into view with your sister, accompanied by his mother.
"Get out of here, right now." your mother hissed at the two Sully, holding the baby closer to her chest.
"I suggest you to not anger me." Neytiri hissed back, making her way toward you. She swiftly sat on the bed and caressed your cheeks, smiling softly at you. "You did so great, thank you so much."
You felt a lump in your throat. You were in pain, both physically and emotionally, you just wanted to go to sleep and to never wake up. But this woman, your mate's mother was so nice to you, this sentence alone was nicer than how your mother treated you after knowing what happened with Neteyam.
"You... You would have been such a great mother-in-law." you muttered, managing to smile at her. The first smile since a long time, and probably the last one.
She hugged you tightly under your mother's disapproving eyes and get back up, walking towards your mother.
"What do you think you are doing..." Ronal growled, warning her.
"Don't." she shut your sister, glancing at her.
"No ! You don't !" you said, having enough of all of this. This whole circus where your child was the star of it. "You forced me- your daughter ! To keep a child that I did not wanted. He's my son ! And he will leave with them. He will not stay here, he will learn their ways and never know what happened here. He will never know about me or his father !" you yelled, trying to get back on your feet only to fall on the ground. You felt so weak, so pathetic. But it was not because you were not in full possession of your abilities that you were going to let your mother treat your child like a puppet.
"Pardon ?"
"Let him go."
You all turned your head towards the door. Ao'nung was standing here, looking at the baby in his mother's arms.
"Let him go with them. It's her wishes, isn't it ? She gave birth to him because you forced her to do it, now let him go."
Your mother snarled, eventually giving in, passing the baby into Lo'ak's clumsy arms, who just looked at his brother's baby with tears in his eyes. "Yeah, he looks like his father..."
As he was about to leave the tent with his mother ad your sister, Ao'nung grabbed his arm, preventing him from going farther. Lo'ak looked at him, silently questioning him.
"Just- Take care of him."
"We will."
Your big brother looked at the baby, getting lost in his eyes. "He has your eyes, Tanhì." He gently stroke his forehead with his thumb, whispering so softly that only Lo'ak heard him, "I'm sorry, little one, so sorry."
He let go of Lo'ak, allowing him to leave with your child, with his nephew.
Disappearing in the corner, you only saw a glimpse of your baby's thin and striped tail. Giggling to yourself, you got back on your feet and on your bed, wrapping yourself in the blanket. You knew that what you did was right, your baby was going to be loved and cared for. You knew that Neytiri would provide him what you could not, a mother's love. And yet, Neytiri was proud of you for making this decision. It was your love, his mother's love that saved this baby, even if you denied it.
As you were about to fall asleep, you muttered loud enough for your brother to hear you "I still don't hate you, Ao'nung."
And it still kills him.
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