#she likes to hang out on them like a little loaf because she is adorable
ratwars · 2 years
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Calm kitty hours now
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nekohime19 · 3 days
Heart behind the lie # 20 : Past pain
Therapy session doesn't go well
Sun Wukong was standing outside, frozen in front of the pig's restaurant. He stared at the neon sign made to attract the passerby, tail flickering behind him, the limb overtaken by nervous twitches that shook his entire body. He was hidden in his hoodie’s shadows, fist thrown haphazardly in his pockets, lips bitten by his own fangs. He didn't have much time, with each second that ticked by the time to meet at Sandy's for another therapy session approached. 
The sage wasn't one to wander in the city. The bustling streets and the towering buildings weren't things he was fond of, he prefered the simplicity of his mountain, monkeys were creatures of nature after all. But he has to talk with his mentee about his scheming with the little Bull and the dragon girl. He tried to breach the subject the past week, but MK had been frustratingly hard to catch. Each time the King tried to initiate the talk, MK would leave, not able to stay because of “others matters”. Even by phone, the boy was still elusive, not answering texts, and declining invitations to hang out. 
Sun Wukong wanted to approach the situation with delicacy, he didn't want to blame MK for anything, nor made him uncomfortable. He wanted to ease his mentee into the talk. But with each failure, the sage's restlessness grew, worry gnawing at his bones each time he closed his eyes. Without the comforting presence of his lil lady, he would have barged in the kid's house to demand answers long ago. He recently discovered she looked like a loaf, sometimes, when she was sleeping. It was adorable enough to clear his mind, and not let worry overwhelm him. 
Sun Wukong took a deep breath, tasting the morning chilly winds, and opened the restaurant's door. If MK wasn't coming to him, he would come to MK. He was greeted by the pig and the scholar, both already around the kitchen countertop. The King awkwardly cleared his throat to catch their attention and asked, in a quiet whisper : 
“Is MK here?”
The pig looked at him up and down, as if checking if he was really standing there, before answering with a sharp “no”. Sun Wukong hid his disappointment and awkwardly shuffled on the ball of his feet. 
“oh…well I better go then. It was nice to see you both.” Chuckled the sage, but before he could leave the pig put a bowl on the countertop and nodded at him. “I don't have any money?”
“On the house.” Huffed the chef with crossed arms. 
“What!? Pigsy, you never did that for me!”cried Tang as Wukong took place beside him. 
“Thank you.” Mumbled the sage as he dived in the noodle, tail wagging each time he swallowed one bite of the dish. 
“Look, we never really got to talk. But I wanted to thank ya, for being there for the kid and all.” Sighed Pigsy, face softening the second he mentioned the kid. 
“Oh, no, I'm just doing my job.” Carefully replied the King, he let silence embrace them for a moment, thinking deeply about his next words, and added : “Also, sorry about the whole samadhi thing.”
Pigsy nodded, something sharp, but meaningful in its own way. Sun Wukong peacefully ate the rest of his noodle, listening quietly to the scholar's retelling of past legends, and the pig's annoyed groans, chiming in from time to time with his own knowledge. He left them with a lightened heart, encouraged by this brief moment of respite. He didn't find the kid, but the moment had been pleasant, he promised himself to come by more in the future. 
He reached Sandy's submarine easily, used to the paths that led to the docks after so many visits. The tea-lover welcomed him warmly, inviting him in with his trademark smile. Sun Wukong crouched down and greeted all the fluff balls running towards him, he petted each of them, cooing at their cuteness. After a few minutes of pets, he stood up and followed the tea-lover in the kitchen to help him make the tea. Macaque appeared just after they finished the teas. The two monkeys sat on the couch and took their usual cups. 
“Hello to the both of you. I hope everything is going great. Do you both still want to do what we talked about?” Asked the tea-lover as he put his cup down. 
“Those last sessions were nice, but I think it's time we breach the subject.” Answered the macaque, sure of himself. Sandy turned towards him, like always waiting for his input before deciding. 
“We're here to talk about our problems after all.” He awkwardly answered. If he was honest, he didn't want to talk about their downfall. He knew it was inevitable and that they both needed it to move on. But he also knew it would end badly, he wasn't naive enough to believe they wouldn't hurt each other, their wounds were still weeping even after thousands of years, it was bound to hurt. 
“Alright. I want the both of you to know you can stop at any moment, and that I will be there to diffuse anything if you both get too heated.” Gently explained the tea-lover while petting Mo. “Now, do you have somewhere to begin with? Or do you want my help with that?”
“I guess we can start with the beginning. It'll be easier”. Shrugged the macaque. 
“Which is?” Asked the sage, wanting to be on the same page as the other for this dreadful talk. 
“You becoming King.” Replied the warrior. 
“Oh, okay, the beginning beginning then.” Awkwardly chuckled the sage, he didn't think they would go this far in their past. A tense silence fell upon them after his input, it was as if neither knew how to breach the matter, as if it was some unseizabke thing they couldn't express properly. Both afraid of their own words. 
“So, Mister Wukong became King. How did that make you both feel?” Bless Sandy for breaking this quietness, it was too suffocating for Wukong. 
“I was glad. Felt nice to be recognized by others and all”. Easily replied the King. 
“I was glad for him, he seemed happy with it and it didn't bother me.” Once again silence fell, a tense, suffocating quietness on the verge of blowing up like the strained string of a bow. 
“But Mister Wukong becoming King caused some problems, didn't it?” Guessed the tea-lover. 
“It didn't cause problems, it just… triggered the whole thing.” Mumbled the warrior, Sun Wukong raised an eyebrow at that, this was the first time he heard such a thing. 
“What did it trigger?” Asked the sage. 
“You leaving.” The King flinched, surprised by the bitterness of the other. He turned away, eyebrows furrowed. 
“You left the mountain, Mister Wukong?” 
“I just…to find immortality and all.”
“At first.” Cut the macaque with crossed arms. 
“What do you mean by that, Mister Maquawke?”
“That… You didn't just leave one time. You left for the Diyu, you left to explore our borders, to see others' kingdoms, making allies and then Heavens… ” Explained the warrior in a quiet whisper. 
“Well yeah, because I needed to.” Carefully retorted the sage. 
“I'm feeling that those outings frustrated you, Mister Maquawke. Am I wrong?” 
“I just… I didn't like to be left behind.” Sighed the ebony monkey. 
“I always asked if you wanted to come with me, you always said no.” Mumbled the King, saddened by the other's tone. 
“Because someone had to protect the monkeys and the mountain.” Hissed the macaque. 
“I trained them to take care of themself.” Refuted the King. 
“And that worked so well.” Muttered the warrior. “Remember Havoc? The hunters? Heavens? Hell, even Erlang ? The monkeys are defenseless without us, that's the only truth.”
Sun Wukong grabbed one of the couch sides, claws slightly tearing the fabric. He cleared his mind with a few breaths, not wanting to let his emotions drown him. 
“I sense a great bitterness in your words, Mister Maquawke. Perhaps, you wanted to leave the mountain too?” Carefully asked the tea-lover, the warrior flinched, tail tightening in his ankle. Sun Wukong turned towards him, curious about his answer. 
“I thought about it…” whispered the warrior. 
“Why did you never tell me?.” Sighed the sage, heart shattering with the mere thought of depriving his friend of what he wanted because of his own selfish desires. 
“I just… I didn't want to burden you.” Softly replied the macaque. “I missed you too.”
“awww, bud.” Cooed the sage. 
“Whatever.” Groaned the warrior. “I guess it felt bitter. To deal with everything. I had to deal with the borders, the food, the newborns, the houses, the weapons. And… I liked to take care of the monkeys, but I didn't… each day that's all I ever did, take care of them, I couldn't even take care of myself. Sometimes I felt used, I did everything, but all the credits went to you. And while I worked my ass off for us, you were just… leaving… always leaving.”
“Macaque I…” The sage gulped, throat tied by sorrow. “I'm sorry… I wasn't… I never knew.”
“I know. I didn't want you to know.” Sighed Macaque, eyes downcast. 
“You know, at this time I didn't understand what it meant to be King. I just liked the title. It wasn't fair to impose those burdens on you. I should have… I'm sorry.” Sun Wukong approached his moon and carefully put his hand on top of his. “I'm grateful for everything you did for me. Thank you, my warrior.” Macaque flinched, he yanked his hand out of the sage's grip and held it carefully, as if it was burned. Sun Wukong painfully repressed the cry on the tip of his tongue. 
“Were you bored of us? Of me? Is it why you left? Because I wasn't enough?” Asked the macaque as he curled on himself. 
“No! No, no, no, never.” Answered the sage. “I left because I was curious… Because I wanted glory, recognition. But I… at this time, if I had to choose between you and my titles, I would have chosen you, always you. All I ever did was for us.”
“Are you sure of that?” Spat the macaque, shoulders quivering. 
“I promise-”
“Don't promise me anything ever again!” Hissed the other, tail lashing on the couch, frightening the nearby cats. 
“A-alright, I promise nothing. But it is the truth… I wasn't bored of you. I never could be.”
They stayed frozen for a few minutes, each brewing with their own emotions. 
“How about we take a little breather before going on, if you both still want to go on.”
The monkeys nodded, each already drained by the talk. They nibbled on the tea-lover's snacks in silence, trying to appease their respective hearts. Wukong left the couch and rolled around with the cats, playing with their tiny paws with glee. Macaque drew something on a piece of paper, each stroke of pen harsh and loud, imbued with his feelings. 
They resumed the talk after an hour, both retaking their respective places, before the tea-lover. 
“I think, maybe, we should talk about the brotherhood.” Quietly proposed the sage. 
“What is the brotherhood?”Asked Sandy. 
“They were our friends, we shared common ideals.” The macaque scoffed at his words. 
“Yeah, friends.” Groaned the ebony monkey. 
“You didn't like them, Mister Maquawke?”
“No. I didn't.” 
“But they were our brothers.” Replied the King, chest tightening at the other thundering voice. 
“Don't be naïve. This wasn't friendship, it was a power play, they only wanted us for their stupid rebellion.”
“Don't say that. I liked them!” Exclaimed the sage. 
“Well, I didn't.” Mumbled the macaque. “Peng was a little shit. Yellow Tusk never made an effort to befriend us. Azure was blinded by his ideals. And I guess DBK was nice but he wasn't fond of me. And you were just accepting all of it because you wanted attention.”
“Then why did you never tell me!?” Cut the sage. “ I wouldn't have invited them so often if I knew you felt this way.”
“I told you I thought the plan was stupid!”
“No! You told me you had doubts about it, not that you felt uncomfortable with them. It's not the same.” Sighed the King. 
“I didn't… you liked them.”
“So you never told me because I liked them?” Quietly asked the sage, heart shattering all over again. “How much of yourself did you sacrifice like that? Why did you never tell me anything?”
“I just… Well, yeah, it sucked that you seemed to brush me aside when we hung out with them but I… I liked to see you happy.” 
“You…” Sun Wukong took a deep breath to calm his nerves. “I'm sorry I never listened to you before, especially with our attack on Heaven. I… I know it sucks. It sucked when I wasn't listened to and I know how it hurts. But I wish you'd talked more.”
“...I'm sorry I never told you anything. That I let it fester inside of me.” Mumbled Macaque, tail coiling on himself, eyes avoiding the sage like the plague. 
They both stopped talking for a while, trying to catch their breath after letting their emotions run wild. The more he learned about their past, the more Sun Wukong felt guilty. He felt like a failure. A failure of a King, who let his warrior take the burden of the crown instead of owning it like he should have. A failure of a friend, who brushed aside his moon for the brotherhood and never saw the pain he hid, never saw how much he sacrificed. A failure of a man, who let his own selfishness and his own fear dictate his way of life. 
They called him the intelligent stone monkey and yet, now, he felt like a fool. 
“Are you alright, Mister King?” Asked the tea-lover, perhaps he noticed his pale face. 
“I feel horrible.” Mumbled the sage. “I'm horrible! I feel like my whole life is a lie now! I thought you were happy…” He turned towards the warrior, eyes glistening with tears. “I thought you were happy with me. And now I learned I made your life a living hell because I was a fool! You mean so much to me and I… I let you down.”Macaque turned towards him with fire-like eyes, and cut him before he could say more. 
“I was happy.” He said with the utmost sincerity. 
“No, you weren't. I was horrible to you.”
“No, Wukong–come on, don't do this.” Macaque scoutched closer, tail tentatively brushing against his own. “I was happy with you. Why do you think I never told you anything? Because I… I was afraid I would lose you, because you mean… meant so much.”
“You shouldn't have felt afraid. I should have told you how much I lo- liked you.”
“Stop thinking like that.” Muttered the warrior. 
“Like what? It's the truth, I made you so unhappy-”
“Stop making assumptions about what I feel!” Hissed Macaque, fangs lightened up by the house warm lights. “If I'm telling you I was happy, it means I was happy. Stop doing that!”
“I… sorry.” Whispered the King, eyes closed, perhaps to escape the warrior's heated gaze. 
“Why do you think Mister Maquawke was unhappy, Mister King?”Gently asked Sandy. 
“Because… then… It would explain why he abandoned me under the mountain. He was sick of me.” Muttered the sage, claws firmly planted in the couch, as if he was trying to keep himself there, and not flee far away from this room. 
“What are you talking about?” Asked the warrior, and it pierced his chest, that he could, once again, brush aside his 500 years of solitude as if it was nothing. 
“What do you think I'm talking about!?” Roared the King, heart hammering loudly, almost painfully. Years of pain, of tears, of hatred, of despair, crashing upon him at once. “You left me.” He curled on himself, hiding from the other eyes. “After our fight, you left me alone, for so long.”
“I… I had to return to the mountain.” Explained the warrior. 
“But you could visit, it would've been easy with your powers.” Muttered the King, throat tight, filled with an old venom that festered in his skin for too long. 
“Wukong, the whole world knew of your imprisonment. It was a mess back home, I had to fight back all the cocky demons that wanted your territory.” 
“Still, I felt so alone, it was so hard. I couldn't stop thinking about you. I waited for you.”
“You screamed at me the moment I went to see you!” Spat the macaque. 
“Because I was hurt! I wanted to apologize but you never came back.” Groaned the King, hands trembling under the force of his emotions. 
“I… Your prison was eyed by Heaven, I couldn't risk them finding me, and taking me, the monkeys, the mountain needed someone. They needed their warrior-”
“You're all-hearing, Macaque! You could have sneaked in so easily, you did it once! Just admit you were sick of me, that you never cared. I was hurting so much, I just… I began to hate you for leaving me.”
“I cared! That's my problem! I cared about you too much!” Screeched the warrior. “I care so much I never took your place as King even when they pleaded me to. It would have been so easy, and it would have solved everything, all the demons would have backed off if the mountain had a King. But I knew how much you cared about that title, how much it meant to you! So I was never able to steal it. So I just endured, endured and endured everything. Fighting off demons and hunters. Dealing with the mortal monkeys. Trying to find them homes, to find them food! I has to deal with every fucking demons you pissed off, everyone that seeked revenge on us! Then I had to deal with Erlang! The mountain was dead, and it needed its King to heal! I had to deal with sickness and starvation! And when I think I can be free of this fucking nightmare because you're not under the mountain anymore, I learn you're joining a monk!?? You joined Heaven! Did you even think about us!? How it would've affected us! We were surrounded by demons' territories for God's sake. What do you think they did when they learned of your betrayal!?? Don't you dare say I don't care about you! Yeah, maybe I was also afraid to see you too, but I did so much for you, Wukong. I dedicated so much to you, don't talk to me about selfishness. If anything, you're the selfish one, it's always me, me, me, with you!”
“I'M SORRY” Roared the sage, cheeks strained with burning tears. “I'm sorry you had to live through all of this! But all I asked for was a word, an explanation! You left me alone to rot while I was tortured by Heaven's lackeys! What was I supposed to think!? I just needed a word. A visit once a year would have been enough! It would have been better than 500 years of fucking silence!! Did you think I had a choice when I joined the monk !? I was under a mountain for 500 years, I didn't have ANY choice! And then, when I see you again, you're trying to kill my fucking master while talking about “saving me or whatnot”-
“I thought he was hurting you!!” Replied the macaque.
“I told you he wasn't! I told you to leave me alone!!”
“Ohhh, that's so like you!! So you killing me wasn't a mistake, so you never regretted it!? I GUESS I JUST DESERVED IT DON'T I-”
“DON'T YOU DARE!!” Screamed the sage, he jumped on his feet, breath struggling to pass his lips, eyes blurred by his own tears. “I FUCKING LOVE YOU OF COURSE I REGRETTED IT!”
“WELL IT DIDN'T SEEMS LIKE IT WHEN YOU PUT YOUR STAFF THROUGH MY EYES JUST AFTER I TOLD YOU I LOVED YOU!” Screamed the warrior as he jumped on his feet, Sun Wukong felt something vile rising within him, all his emotions clogging his throat. The memory of it was unbearable. He rushed to Sandy's bathroom, throwing himself on the toilet and puking everything inside of him. “Don't hold me back! I'm out!”Screeched Macaque, the sage heard him leave the house, his tail lashing at each of his steps. 
Sun Wukong cried above the toilet, regretting ever trying to talk about this. 
This was a mistake. 
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snarkylinda · 1 year
*Slams table* Spencer's Cowboy AU on 15x7 is living rent-free on my head so I decided to expand on it cause it's literally so wholesome and adorable- take it as a sort of celebration of me finally ending the show? I guess?? I had yet to watch Face Off and In the End but that is technically the finale so-
Spencer only mentions what he, J.J, Rossi and Penelope's roles would be in this tiny little town, so I will go ahead and assume that the rest of the guys are fellow cowboys and cowgirls, because I am imagining the aesthetic and uh-huh, it's serving.
I am pretty sure the AU is meant to be the modern version of cowboys, who had mostly evolved to using trucks but Spencer Reid is Spencer Reid so he goes full old style and uses a horse (well, "uses" is really loose here, he mostly just walks beside it and ride with the other guys lmao think of the very few times we see him drive in canon for reference), so does Luke, because I am convinced he has a soft spot for every animal and horses are cool as shit; the rest uses cars or motos for practicably's sake but when it comes to it all of them can ride like crazy. Yes, even J.J. with her silly lil flower shop.
Emily became this sheriff-ish person shortly after Hotch stepped down to live on the camp with his son in peace, but she is mostly at Rossi's drinking everything he has and making jabs at the town's politicians and how much they take out of her- a really wasted sheriff ends up being taken back to her home in a horse as her roomies watch with concern.
And yes, Emily and Spencer are roomies on this. Everyone that is not married and/or with kids (tho I made an few exceptions-) is someone's roomie on this, actually. Because it would be CUTE and the whole thing on Spence's mind is that everyone is on the same small town and he is so right- On 13x15 Spencer is loafing around Em's apparent like is his damn house so lmao, more to who is who's roomie down below but let's just say that Aristoteles (Spence's horse) had been riding (riden?? I dunno english is dumb) by a really wasted Emily that by his actual owner. The fucking thing rolls his eyes at her.
Rossi works with Ashley Seaver, who until before he re-married Chysta was the only other occupant of his saloon/home- and even after he ties the knot still is, don't worry. I just think in canon that their bond is really sweet and I can't really see her as another cowgirl- so an fellow bartender it is.
And speaking of minor girlies- On J.J's shop, she works with Jordan Todd who takes care of everything when she is on matertiny leave (or just busy with the kids in general) and -after a bad experience with a violent robber- ex-cowgirl Elle Greenaway. Before meeting Will and stuff, JJ and Jordan were roomies but ever since she became a family woman, Jordan moved to Elle's (and they kiss because that would be cool-) a little, modest house near J.J's shop. Pretty much everytime some of the Cow-fellows got hurt or something doing their job they would work for a while at J.J's or Rossi's, but Seaver, Jordan and Elle stayed there cause they preferred that life.
And speaking of former cowboys/girls- there had been a number of them that had retired and sold their cattle and bigger lands to settle in and have a nice little family. As I mentioned before, Hotch was the Sheriff before deciding to devote his time to being with Jack most of the time, so he is enjoying that sweet retirement money on an lil house near J.J's shop so his son can grow next to his "cousins".
Kate was a similar case- after getting pregnant, she hang the rope up and started to work on the little market near her home, selling her friend's farms products.
Alex was a cowgirl for an while and actually taught Spencer some things, but after an stressed cow almost kick his fucking head off his torso she went full "nope" and started teaching at the town's one and only's college, she and James lives near Spencer and Emily's tho so occasionally they read together.
And finally Derek was something like Hotch's second on command for an while but after finding love and stuff he became something like the town's handyman, so he could spend more time with newly born Hank. He was Spencer's roomie before Emily but the night he left, Reid gave him one of his cows as an "never forget me" present so lil Hank could be raised near these critters they had loved so much and raised together for 11 years- everyone is all ".....he is literally moving next door- you can WALK to everyone's house here!" but that don't stop the not very straight hug and tears.
Yes, Gideon is dead on here too- sorry but Spencer without some kind of trauma ain't Spencer- he just fell out of his horse after it got scared by thunder. (hehe, giving lore to what Reid's deal with ridding Aristoteles is-)
Stephen is alive tho. He plays Jazz with his band on Rossi's and is overall living his best life.
Luke and Tara are roomies. He used to be Matt's but *points to the Derek and Spencer's segment* family and kids happened, so Tara moved in shortly after she left her fiance. They live on a farm on the other side of town- (the Spen&Em farm is near the congress, theirs is closer to the dessert's part of it) They mostly have sheep instead of cows tho, since Roxy here is a herding dog and Tara used to be a veterinarian before moving to town. She didn't knew she wanted to be a cowgirl in one of the Spen&Em's cows escaped and went wild on town and she didn't fucking hesitate to take Luke's rope and handle the thing- since she decided to make girlbossing with cows and sheep her whole path in life. Luke also does patrols across town to keep order and stuff, but his night duties are mostly.... trap cows that a very drunk Sheriff had accidentally let out of her own farm. Look she is trying ok? and it's really funny. During the day, since Tara looks after the farm when she is not serving cunt, he helps at Penelope's, which brings me to...
Like Reid said in the famous scene, she works in an animal shelter. PG looks after literally anything that moves- since dogs and cats to that one snake that Tara brought with her from her first job (much to everyone's horror but she loves Noddle so everyone can suck it) and while she didn't "like" Luke at first (quote "this town is not big enough for two cowboys" ignoring the fact she is friends with 3 active cowboys- cowpeople?....cowboys.) but after he brought her his dog and horse, they started to bond over it and she pretty much goes to his home every single night since his farm has the most animals (remember that Tara is a former vet-) and also because that ever since Derek got an life and Emily moved out of her little coon she had been feeling a bit lonely and there is so much that dogs and cows can help with that.
Matt is the only active cowboy with family- But that is because he is more on the rescuer side- like a firefighter, the cow on the name is just the aesthetic lmao- so his horary is way more flexible since he doesn't has to actually watch for a herd or an alcoholic roomie.
An overall, despite the constant storms and other incidents, because the general population is really fucking dumb, despite the occasional tragedy and how many times that fucking cow leaves the farm and makes everyone's lives harder- at the end of the day, Cowboy Spencer just sits on the grass, a horse that is more of an assigned driver that an actual horse by his side, a stressed Sheriff with a killer hangover that is begging him to help her fill the taxes and a book on his lap as he is trying to explain the depth of the Odessey to his cow Mildret, and everything is good.
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bottomhaztoplou · 1 year
Tabby's Writing Game: Day 28
Soft Sunday!!
I bring you more witchrry. Mostly because I didn't know what else to post. Hope you like it!
On the morning of the nineteenth, Louis woke early, even earlier than Harry for once, an odd feeling filling his chest cavity. He stayed in bed, wrapped around his partner’s warm, sleep-soft body for a few moments, but he kept feeling odd, like he was being… pulled, somehow.  He kissed the back of Harry’s curly head as he departed their bed, tucking the duvet around Harry’s clothesless form so they stayed warm without him. He hurriedly got himself dressed, too, shivering a bit. The temperature was colder today.  As he made his morning cuppa, he jumped at a plaintive meowing, faint as it was outside and he was in. Without bothering to dress for the weather, Louis hurried to the door, hoping it was the Interesting Kitten.  And it was. They sauntered right in, twining around his legs and purring loud enough to feel. “Hi, love,” Louis cooed, crouching down to pet them. “It’s good to see you. I’m glad you came in.” The kitten bumped their frigid little nose against his hand. “Sure is cold, isn’t it?” “Meow,” answered the kitten.  “My Harry and I don’t have any cat food anymore, but we do have some tuna somewhere. Would you like some of that, love?” The kitten meowed at him again, eyes bright. “Come along, then,” Louis said with a smile. He went back to the kitchen and found a can of tuna, scooping out half of the can onto a small white plate with a golden rim and small golden decorations on the outer portion. Harry collected a lot of pretty mismatched dishware, this white and gold one just one of many.
They settled at the island together, Louis with his tea and current book and the Interesting Kitten with their tuna, which they lapped up happily. By the time Harry rolled out of bed an hour or so later, looking adorably sleep rumpled, the kitten had curled up into a loaf beside Louis’ cup, half-full of now-lukewarm tea. Their tail wrapped around the ceramic and the tea inside the cup vibrated slightly with the kitten’s purrs. “Good morning, darling,” Louis greeted them as soon as they entered the room, but he quickly noticed that their gaze was caught on the kitten before they met his eyes.  “Good morning, Lou. Where did she come from?” Harry nodded toward the kitten.  Louis’ brows raised. He hadn’t known the kitten was a she. He scratched behind her grey ear. “When you got irritated the other day and wanted me out of the house to clean, I went to the cafe and she ended up following me home that evening. Same thing the next day. She’s been hanging around here the last few days, too, but she decided to come in today. I was kind of hoping I could give her to you for the Solstice? You’ve never really mentioned if gift-giving is a thing for Witches on the Solstice like it is for Christmas, but she seems sweet and it would be nice to have a cat around again, you know?” he rambled, gesturing occasionally with his book-filled hand. However, Harry barely seemed to hear him, having caught the gaze of the Interesting Kitten, their green meeting her yellow-gold. Louis watched as they stared at each other in silence for a whole moment after he’d shut up, both eerily still, that is, until the kitten un-loafed and elegantly strode across the island, from Louis’ end to the end Harry was standing near. She sat primly at the end, curling her white-tipped tail over her bicoloured paws, waiting patiently for something Louis didn’t understand. “Astraea,” Harry whispered after another moment, almost gasping. At that, the kitten leapt into their arms, walking across their shoulders and settling atop them like a cat-shaped scarf. She nuzzled into their face, closing her eyes and purring. “What?” Louis asked, bewildered. What the hell did I just watch?  Harry just smiled shyly at him. “She told me her name. Or, I sensed it, rather. She’s one of Shadow’s great, great grand-kittens, and she’s… she’s my Familiar,” they explained, their voice soft in a way Louis hadn’t heard in years.  That explains the disappearing acts, Louis thought idly. Shadow had had that uncanny ability; apparently Astraea did, too.  He smiled at them. “I’m glad that you found each other,” he told them, genuinely. He was happy for them in a way he didn’t know how to express, so he got up and embraced them, holding Harry’s narrow waist and scratching behind Astraea’s grey ear. He kissed each of their foreheads, smiling tenderly at them both.
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can i request a childhood friends to lovers with annie and gn reader? :)
Of course!
Also sorry if you wanted a fic, this just worked out a lot easier in headcanon form haha
Also also, I also accidentally wrote some implied fem reader but it’s a little too late to take it out now, whoops. It’s still 90% GN though hahaaa
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Annie with a childhood friend S/O: HCs
AU: Canon
Warnings: Season 4 spoilers
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It had all started with the fall of Wall Maria
You lived with your parents inside of Wall Rose your whole life, so the sudden influx of people following the attack on Shinganshina was a bit to get used to
But then you met Annie
She was twelve, the same age as you
She didn’t talk much, and especially not about her life before the attack, but you did know that she was supposedly orphaned in the chaos
When you talked to her at first, you had felt pity for her
After all, she had lost her home, her parents, and was now abandoned in the middle of the overcrowded and overpopulated cities
And even though she remained mostly emotionless, there was a slight tug on her features that made her look quite... sad
So, with much convincing from you, your parents agreed to let you take the poor girl in for a few weeks, until the panic had died down and an orphanage would take her in
You weren’t exactly abundant with food, shelter, money, or really anything, but you made it work
And Annie, though dedicated to her cause, couldn’t help but find herself indulging in your presence
Even with Reiner and Bertholdt, she truly longed for a close friend that she didn’t associate with through the Warrior Program
So, even after Annie was eventually taken in to an orphanage, you two remained friends
You would always walk up to the front door of the building she stayed at, and the second the lady would answer, you would ask for Annie
Nearly every day the two of you would hang out
You’d take her with you as you ran out to get groceries for your parents, and you would always buy an extra loaf of bread behind your parents’ backs to give to Annie—since you knew the kids at the orphanage were never fed enough
You’d talk to her excitedly about whatever was on your mind, and even though she seldom talked much, she’d listen patiently to every word you said
And, whenever some kids started to pick on you, they’d be on the ground in a flash, noses bloody and crying out obnoxiously
Even though you appreciated the sentiment, you’d usually have to pull her off them so she wouldn’t go too far
And, after the first few incidents, you were practically invincible. Nobody wanted to touch you in fear of retaliation from Annie
Slowly, as the two of you grew closer, she told you more about herself.
Her father was the one who taught her to fight like she did, and she strived to one day make him proud
It made you quite sad, to see her talk about family with such a sad smile, whilst you had a perfectly healthy and intact family
In the very rare instances where she would vent and cry to you, you’d hold her and reassure her that her parents love her no matter what, and that you’d always be there for her
You swore that the two of you would do everything together.
So, when Annie signed up for the military to get revenge for her parents, you signed up too, to follow her and keep her safe
She paled when you told her, telling you to stay home where you’d be safe, and that she promised she’d visit you whenever you could
But you just smiled and told her that you promised to stay with her no matter what, and that you weren’t gonna leave her alone
It was there, fifteen years old, that she realized she had fallen for you
Being in the Cadet Corps together only further strengthened the bond between you two
Not only did it give you the chance to meet Bertholdt and Reiner, who were her other best friends she met in the orphanage
But, by some miracle, you and Annie were selected to share a bunk, much to your delight
It took a few days of convincing her, but eventually she started sleeping in the same bed as you
You had told her, “We’re just friends, it isn’t weird!”
And you were right—partially
It wasn’t weird when you were twelve and oblivious, but now that she was hard crushing on you, it was much different to her
When it came to daily life and training, the routine was almost always the same
You’d wake up and get breakfast with Annie, sitting with her in silence since you were usually too sleepy to make conversation, but sitting close to her nonetheless
Occasionally, you’d be so tired that you’d lean your head on her shoulder and take a quick nap before practice
She tried to look indifferent, but her red cheeks always betrayed her
Then you’d go out and train for hours with your assigned training partner, Mikasa
She’d almost always destroyed you in combat, but you learned a lot from her, and came to befriend her over the months
Annie would always get jealous of yours and Mikasa’s friendship, so you’d occasionally have to talk to her about it in one of your many late night talks
You’d see her facing away from you—opposite of what she’d usually do—and you’d know something was wrong
You’d tap her shoulder, and when she turned to face you, you could always tell something was wrong
So, you’d ask her what it was, and once she finally spit it out that she thought you and Mikasa were getting really close, really fast, you’d be quick to reassure her
You’d grab her hand and pull her closer to you, always causing her to blush, but you’d thankfully never noticed it due to the dark lighting
“Annie, I know how you feel. I get it. I’m close with Mikasa, yes, but she’s nowhere near your level. No matter what, I’ll always be your closest friend.”
And it always felt so bittersweet to her.
She was glad you held her so dear in your heart, but the word “friend” was like an arrow to her heart
She treasured you so dearly, your friendship alone already filled her life with joy and fulfillment
But she wanted to be closer to you
Even if it compromised her mission
Which is something that came up more than once with Reiner and Bertholdt
They could tell she was crushing on you, and were less than pleased
Bertholdt tried to reason with her, to coax her out of it gently by telling her how getting close to her would only end up in pain. Because, in her own words, she was a traitor, someone who’s done such unforgivable sins that they’ve become unlovable
Reiner, though, has a much harsher approach. He knew how protective she was of you and your wellbeing, so he often threatened your safety if Annie ever tried to get closer
Once, in an argument, he suggested “getting rid of her permanently,” but the terrifying glare she sent him proved that that option was completely off the table, unless he wanted to face a furious and grief induced Titan shifter
Which, he didn’t. So, he never brought it up again
Despite all this, she was very hesitant to confess to you. Bluntly put, she didn’t think you liked her back.
You acted the same as you did when you were child, and she was the same as she had always been to you—a close friend, but nothing further
Of course, you always loved her, but how was she supposed to know that?
Still, as time went on, it became more and more obstructive
Her thoughts and insecurities kept her up at night, yearning to love you while you lay sleeping mere inches away from her
It ended getting so distracting that she just decided she didn’t care if you reciprocated or not, she needed to get it off her chest
Even if there was a tugging feeling at the back of her mind that you would say no, and the friendship would be ruined
Still, she couldn’t bear to hide her feelings, so she came up to you one day after breakfast and shyly asked to meet her behind the barracks after afternoon training had finished
You casually mentioned this while training with Mikasa, but she only laughed
She knew Annie had a crush on you—it was obvious to anyone who was paying attention to how she acted around you, really—but decided to keep quiet, encouraging you to see what she wanted
So you did
When you walked around to the meeting spot, you saw her leaning against the wall biting her nails, a habit that only came out when she was really stressed
She didn’t seem to notice you at first, so you called out her name and smiled and waved when she saw you
“So what is it you wanted to talk about?”
She clammed up at first, staring at the ground nervously
You found this behavior really odd for her, considering she always appeared so confident and put together
And here she was, blushing and fidgeting like a schoolgirl
In an effort to ease whatever her concern may be, you grabbed her hand in your own, running your thumb over it
“It’s fine, Annie. You can tell me anything.” You smiled warmly
It gave her the final little confidence boost she needed to confess
“I... Y/n, I’ve always treasured our friendship no matter what. I feel like no matter what happens, you’re always there for me, and I couldn’t be more grateful for that, for having a friend like you.”
She paused and took a deep breath before continuing
“I don’t wanna make anything weird between the two of us, but this has been weighing down on me for ages. Fuck it... I love you Y/n. And I— I know you don’t like me back, that’s okay, I just want—!”
“Annie.” You spoke calmly, cutting off her panicked mumbling
Her flustered-ness was adorable, you thought, and you couldn’t help but giggle a little bit
And Annie’s heart dropped
Poor girl thought you were about to reject her
But, after a moment, you spoke
“I love you too, Annie.”
And those were the best five words anyone had ever spoken to her.
Although it wasn’t apparent on her face, she was absolutely overjoyed that you returned her feelings
She felt like, for just that moment, no matter what happened, she would be happy because she was with you
She immediately jumped onto you, wrapping her arms around your neck and lifting her feet off the ground, nuzzling her face in your shoulder
You returned the affection, moving one hand to her lower back, and the other one tangling in her golden blonde hair, undoing the messy bun she always kept it in
After that, the dynamic certainly changed between you two
In a good way, of course
She no longer felt weird about cuddling closer to you at night, waiting until you had gone asleep to press her chest against your back and spoon you
At mealtimes, whenever you went to nap on her, she would always carry you to bed instead, and claim you weren’t feeling well when Shadis asked her
And she’d totally share some of her food with you if you were feeling extra hungry
You two technically were keeping your relationship a secret, but everyone knew anyway
Especially because, every morning, you two were always the last to get up, so all the other girls could see the two of you cuddling and sleeping together so comfortably
So when the two of you eventually announced your relationship on your three-month anniversary, everyone was just kinda like “was it supposed to be a secret?”
But the two of you spent your years as Cadets together, and the both of you couldn’t have been happier
Then, one day, it came time to pick a regiment
Since you both made the top ten, Annie tried to convince you to join the Military Police with her
You two could live peacefully together inside of Wall Sina, safe from all the titans, and paid handsomely enough to live comfortably
But you were hell-bent on joining the Scouts
You said that you were gonna help protect society from the titans, and now that you had Eren on your side, saving humanity actually seemed possible
She was horrified when you told her, however
The Survey Corps had such a high, high mortality rate, and the chances of you being dead within a year of joining were alarmingly high
She almost considered joining the Scouts with you, to keep you safe
But she knew she had a mission to carry out, and that mission couldn’t progress without her joining the Military Police
So, she swore that she would write letters and visit whenever she could, but she was going to join the Military Police
It was hard for both of you, at first
Neither you nor her had slept without the other in well over four years, so the sudden shift was incredibly lonely
You’d always spent time together during your days off, though
You’d go back to your hometown and visit your parents for the day, courtesy of the horses provided by the Scout regiment
Hitch would also constantly tease Annie about constantly writing letters to you, but Annie would always snap back “At least I have a partner.”
And it always shut her up
When the time came, and she had to shift into a titan to attack the Scout regiment, per Reiner’s instructions, she was terrified
She knew you’d be one of the little soldiers out there, and she doubted she could tell you apart at a glance
If she accidentally hurt you, or god forbid, killed you, she wouldn’t know what to do with herself
Still, she had to go on with it
She never had a chance to check whether any of the countless bodies that day were you, so you can imagine the pure relief she felt when she received another letter from you in the mail
But upon reading the contents of the letter, her heart dropped a little bit
Sure enough, the “abnormal titan” you had encountered was all over it
You detailed seeing it up close, and watching helplessly as she crushed your comrades left and right, and how lucky you were that the titan skipped over you
A twinge of panic came over here on realizing that she was this close to accidentally killing you
But, she bit the bullet and wrote back, the letter reeking of faux concern
But, when the day came that the idea of Annie being the Female Titan was brought up, you were distraught
They made a good point, though. The titan looked quite like her, for starters
When you had first seen the titan, chasing behind you, you recognized the icy blue eyes right away
You pushed the thought to the backburner of your mind, but you couldn’t deny that when you looked at the titan, the first thing you saw was Annie
They brought up other things too, such as fighting style, her apparent absence that day, and others
All overwhelming evidence of her being a traitor
But you argued
Of course you argued
Why wouldn’t you argue?
Annie was your everything, she was there for you for years
You had known her from the day she was a lost, lonely orphan, spirit trampled just like the walls themselves
She was always so loyal to you, she would do just about anything to keep you, and her friends, safe
But, the responsibility fell on you to corner her
Hange had given you an ultimatum that day
“If you truly believe she is innocent, then you should have no problem helping us investigate, no? Lure her into a corner, and we’ll see if she truly is a titan.”
At first, you weren’t sure what to do
Part of you was appalled by the idea
Incriminating your lover? Out of the question. On the very very slight chance that she was a titan, you weren’t gonna be the one to pull the trigger
But the other part of you was filled with blind faith in her
She would never do something like that. There’s no problem in clearing her name
So, you agreed, and one day, you pulled her aside from her Military Police duties and told her to take the day off with you
She agreed in an instant, following you around town to the “destination” you had in mind
But she froze when you tried to lead her down the tunnel
A small seed of doubt planted itself in her mind
‘Is Y/n... trying to lead me somewhere where I can’t transform?”
So, she stalled, trying to make up her mind whilst spouting out excuses of being scared of the dark
But then a sound rang out
A shout, or a whistle of sorts
And all of the sudden, countless soldiers ran towards her at all angles, holding her arms behind her back and putting a cloth gag in her mouth
She didn’t piece it together right away—or rather, she didn’t want to piece it together—that you had, in fact, set her up
It wasn’t until you stood on the steps to the tunnel, staring into her eyes
And you didn’t move to help her
You had promised, back when the two of you were little, that you would always follow her and always protect her, no matter what
She realized at that moment that you weren’t there to save her
You were there to trick her
So, she pulled out the spike on her ring finger and cut a small gash in her finger, and lighting sparked and materialized out from her, before a puff of smoke and flesh manifested
Your mouth was agape the whole time
So she was the Female Titan...
A traitor...
You had known her for so long, and this is what she really was?
You couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that the sweet little lost girl was truly a heartless murderer
But the evidence of that fact was standing right in front of you, 15 meters tall
You were frozen in place, still standing on the stairwell
You expected to be squashed like a bug without hesitation
You couldn’t imagine Annie ever doing that, but at the same time, you couldn’t imagine Annie being any bit of what she was right now
But, to your surprise, she didn’t
She kneeled down as delicately as she could, given the confined space of the street
And brought her thumb to your back, rubbing it gently a couple times in a comforting matter, almost like she was trying to say “It’s okay, don’t worry.”
But another quick flash of lightning brought her attention away from you
Another shifter
You watched in shocked horror as the two of them wrecked through Stohess district
They fought, and fought, and fought, destroying buildings and sending wreckage everywhere
But, at the end of it all, she was reduced to a mere doll stuck in a crystalline prison
You were able to recognize one thing, though
Her face, mere moments before crystallizing
She was crying
You longed so horribly to reach out and stroke the tears from her face, yet two feet of impenetrable glass separated her from you
You visited her crystal every day
Waiting for something, someone, anything, to break her free and return her to you
You were so sick and tired of the war, of the fighting, of the heartbreak
But the universe showed no signs of giving you a break, though, as you were always called upon to fight again and again
To fight the titans, and then to fight the other traitors, Reiner and Bertholdt, and to fight Marley, watching in horror as Paradis repeated the actions the Warriors had done to Shinganshina so long ago
Yet, still, you visited Annie through it all
Checking up on her, updating her on your adventures and how the story was unfolding
And you knew it was mostly pointless—after all, she couldn’t hear you at all
But you stayed and talked, waiting indefinitely for her to wake up
Because, all those years ago, you had promised to be by her side and protect her no matter what.
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
More Bunnies!
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"Ladies, gentlemen, and those who have yet to make up there minds." y/n smiled sitting on her sofa Thomas' beside her with his head on his hand
"Is that a kinky boots quote?"
"Yes it is, did you finally get around to watching it" "Yes I did"
"It's good, not as fun as rocky horror but"
"Nothing's as fun as rocky horror, you'd be good if they ever make another movie of it"
"Yeah? would I make a good rocky sweetie darling?" "No, I was thinking riff raff"
"...well fuck you too"
"Anyway, the point of the video"
"Yes, the point"
"This may be the first video where I'm doing something, and you have actually wanted to be involved, I haven't bribed you, you know what we are doing, and your still here"
"Because this is a good video"  he says "That I very much wanted to be a apart off"
"Because you love them"
"I do, I don't know how anyone can't love them"
"My ex boyfriend hated them
"Yeah well I hated him to"
"You did?"
"We both know I hated joe, he was a dick. that lacked dick Ironically"
"He did, too much dick in the personality, not enough dick in the pants" she giggled "But anyway this video is not about dicks" "That's next week" "will you... shut the mouth. make me tea"
"Then just shut the mouth"
"The point! of this video. Is that tomorrow is a very very special day, Now I think before I really explain we need a bit of back story" she smiled "My dad owned a vintage car garage, he had been a mechanic all of his life, he learnt though just constantly going to work my his dad in a little garage up in Norfolk, But he opened the garage when he was about eighteen fixing classic cars up for people. and Everyone worked in the business, My dad met my mum because she owned a little  AJS Motorbike that she constantly needed him to fix. My brothers all worked there, and of course I worked there. When we lost my mum, we kinda just... I would say floated like we survived and I very much kinda became the mother being the only girl in the family. And that is something I do say with family businesses you need and out because you work all day with your family and then go home to your family you sort of never leave the dynamic. and As we all likely know as we have told this story, Thomas started working at our garage when... I think you where like sixteen? fifteen then you started?"
"I was fifteen but imminently about to turn sixteen when I started"
"But... the weird thing Is we met when I stated, but we didn't really... know each other" "Yeah it was that weird like, we work at the same place we see each other a lot but we rarely talk to each other"
"I was in the office a lot I did a lot of paperwork and ordering then, and you just constantly had like your head in Morris minors and mini's"
"I think the first time we really spend any time together was when your dad was away, and your brothers where away and it literally was just me and you in the garage, I was tinkering with this little Rover, and I remember you just coming over"
"You had like oil and dirt all over your face and hands from this shitty little rover, so I went over with a little cloth and like did the-"
"The like lick the cloth wipe the dirt off my face"
"I did, and from then on just... bestest friends"
"Yeah, Best friends"
"With crushes on each other"
"I did have a crush on you at that age that's something I have admitted to." "I don't think the situation helped though, like I was one girl in a garage where you worked, at some point you where going to get a crush on me"
"Ummm, You had a crush on me too at one point?"
"I did, I think because you where like the only person who worked there who wasn't part of my family, but it never went anywhere," she shrugs "Anyhow, and then when I moved out of my parents house into my first little apartment I kinda... felt weird I moved away from my family I suddenly felt very lonely and unneeded" she explained "there was more going on at that time that I will put in a video at some point. but I wasn't great emotionally and at that time my best friend Lisa, had a pregnant bunny rabbit named lopple. Now Lisa didn't know still doesn't know how she got pregnant, she thinks the rabbit who was like nextdoor or something got out and somehow got to lopple we don't know all we know is that I was over there helping her prep so making the beds up helping where Lopple was nesting all that kind of thing, and we sat in her garden giving lopple some very soft pets and we just saw something move and saw she was giving birth." she explained "She had six rabbits in her fluffle" "Her fluffle?"
"yes thomas, its called a fluffle" "Is it?"
"Yeah, a litter of kittens, a fluffle of buns"
"That is adorable" "yes it is, but she had six, now Lopple was a very chubby black lion hair and we don't know about the dad but all these buns where black and white and the one who looked most like lopple was this little bun that had white paws and a white tail, a white nose and then just black all over and Lisa's plan was that she was going to keep the babies until they where old enough and then sell them on to other people" she explained
"That didn't happen"
"I didn't, I basically went over every single day and watched these little bunnies grow up to where they could function on there own, and I grew very attached to the one we had nicknamed socks because of her white feet and Lisa just kinda asked me if I wanted her?" she smiled "I had never had bunnies before, or really pets before but I couldn't leave her so I instantly said yes, went to a pet store that day and bought all the stuff she would need and took her home to my apartment set her little hutch up at the end of my bed, and I renamed her hen I got her home to Hopscotch" she smiled
"About... maybe a week later I came over to your apartment and Met hopscotch" "she loved you, Immediately" she laughs "I was expecting her, like when she had met other people that she would hide in her house, or she would come and burrow into my back like she still does, or maybe bite I was worried about biting, but you sat by her house she came wondering out with her little soft feet, walked right over to Thomas sniffed him jumped in his lap and feel asleep"
hopscotch ran across the wooden floor to where Thomas sat cross legged
"Hello? small rabbit"
"okay, Hi hopscotch"
"she's thinking about it, she's giving you a sniff"
"Give me an investigate, nose pat down"
"seeing if you got any contraband, Like carrots"
"I don't have any carrots I'm sorry"
she then jumped onto his lap getting comfy in a little bunny loaf, closing her little eyes and going to sleep "Awwww you have been chosen"
"I have?"
"You have been chosen this is your life now Thomas. you are not a bunny bed"
"I am fine with this, this is life now, Hey... Hey little girl," he chooes petting her fur  
"and she still loves me"
"she does, and I don't know why. it's maddening to me" she laughs "Hopscotch, come here darling" she called picking up the soft bunny who instantly walked over the sofa to Thomas' lap "You see what I mean"
"I cried the first time"
"You did, I remember you just like in tears as she slept on your leg because she was just too cute" she laughs "and then, when I got this house and moved here she came with me, and we very much became a family, like the three of us."
"I think we kinda did when we first moved next-door to each other we just basically lived together, more then we do now, we've put some .... kinda rules and boundaries in now but then we really where just basically living together" he explained
"and one day, we where shopping together and we had to go to the pet store to get food for hopscotch, and we walked in going to the rabbit section to get the food and..." she smiled picking up jellybean from the floor "This little boy was there, in a little pen of rabbits they had for sale all of them where playing and bouncing around but this little boy was just sat by the glass chillin' eating a dandelion leaf" she smiled "Now people think I squealed and had to get him but-
"I went to buy rabbit food for hopscotch and I think..."
she then showed the pet shop with the glass pen of bunnies where a little one sat playing with thomas though the glass "I think thomas' found a friend"
"look at him! He's so fluffy"
"Like you"
"He is like me! we have the same hair" He laughs
"The sign says you can pet but not pick up"
thomas happily leant in petting the bunny that instantly nuzzled into his hand
"what is happening right now? are you some sort of bunny magnet Thomas?  where you a rabbit in a former life?"
"You are fluffy, horny and like veg. Fuck you are a rabbit"
"that makes way more sense then I like"
"Is this happening? are you going to get a bunny Thomas?"
"I might, but if I do we can't hang out as much as we'll both have animals in our houses" "Or I could just keep him at my house, him and hopscotch could be best friends?"
"Yeah?  should we do it? should we get Hopscotch a brother?"
"I did" "Yeah, you pointed him out, and sat like waving at him though the glass for like ten minuets, they said you could pet them just don't like pick them up so we both gave this little boy some pets, petted his soft ears and I couldn't leave him there" she smiled "so I bought another rabbit, and came home very nervous very worried how hopscotch was going to react to him, introduced them slowly and all that so they wouldn't fight but"
"They mewed" "And rabbits rarely mew"
"They don't but the minuet jellybean got in here he started mewing, hopscotch was a little more tentative but thats because its her house and she sniffed the box he was in and you could hear them mewing at each other trying to like talk to each other though this box, and you could see them trying to give each other kisses though an air hole in the box"
"it was so fucking cute, I wish I filmed it," she says "and then we let him out and they sniffled each other and licked each other and just they where so happy together, I assumed they would sort of bond like brother and sister. Because they are both my babies but... I was dumb because of course they didn't" she laughs "We know very well from lots of videos' that hopscotch and jellybean and very in love"
"They are very in love, like if you take one just into another room without the other they'll start crying, and stomping until there allowed to be together again"
"I take them both to the vet. if one has to go, because it's way less stressful for them both to just be together" "It's weird how much... like us they are" "Ummm, but the news!"
"Yes, news"
"There is going to be... some more life in this house" she smiled "Someone, is preggo"
"Not you!"
"OHH fuck no, no, no I am not pregnant. thank the devil. but another little fluffy lady is." she smiled "we got it back from the vet last week, she's pregnant, she's going to be having a little fluffle of kits of her very own. " she smiled
"Our babies having babies" he smiles cuddling hopscotch
"Lopple has been notified about the up and coming grandchildren." she smiled "Hopscotch is on a nice preggo diet, and jellybean is in trouble. I'm sure there will be a video where we shall met the fluffle. I don't know what the plan is, I think it depends on how many she has on weather or not we keep them"
".... you are not getting rid of them, No. I will not allow it"
"Thomas' I can't afford to keep like ten rabbits"
"the money is not an issue I shall fund the bunnies"
"I lack the house space for like ten rabbits thomas" "Guess we'll have to move house then"
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ilovecookies576 · 3 years
I Met You In A Forest Chapter 6
Here is chapter six and enjoy
Summary: kiba has made a bet with naruto and now he is struggling with the punishment.
Disclaimer: I do not own naruto I only own Luna and kumi.
Today everyone was hanging out in a nearby valley and it was a perfect day to play outside. Kumi was playing hide and seek with choji and temari while everyone else was chitchatting about things. “Hey shino” “hmm?” “I’m glad I met you” “me to” he said looking back at luna.
“Hey guys! Come play with us!” Yelled kumi as everyone nodded and got up and started playing. Before kiba and naruto started playing naruto called kiba over to talk to him“Hey kiba!” “Yeah?” “Come here for a second!” He said as kiba walked over to him “what is it naruto?” “Wanna make a bet?” “Sure it’s not like you will win!” “Ok then who ever gets found first the winner will decide what the losers punishment is!” He said as he held out his hand “your on!” Said kiba shaking naruto’s hand.
The game had started and tenten was it as tenten covered her eyes and started counting everyone else ran off to go hide. “Ready or not! Here I come!” She yelled so everyone could hear her as she ran into the forest to go find them.
After a while tenten found over half of her friends and now she is looking for the rest of them. As she jumped though the trees she saw neji and decided to sneak up on him but before she could catch him he started to run away so she ran after him. Soon tenten had lost sight of neji but she knew he was still in the area “come out come out wherever you are!” She said as she walked around looking for him.
After a while tenten had just found kiba and now she was bringing him back to the others. “Oh hey! You found kiba!” “Yep!” “Hey where’s naruto?” “He hasn’t been found yet” said choji as he pointed to tenten running back into the forest to go find him “dang it!” Kiba said underneath his breath knowing now he had lost the bet and now he had to wait for naruto to get back so he could get his punishment.
When naruto and tenten got back naruto had pulled kiba aside to talk to him “well you know what this means!” “Yeah yeah I got found first just hurry up and tell me my punishment!” “Let’s see….. you have to go without food for the rest of the day!” “What!?” “Hey! It’s not my fault you lost!” Naruto said as he walked off. Kiba knew this was going to be hard because it was seven in the morning and he didn’t even eat breakfast and just before he had made the bet with naruto he was supposed to be going with Kankuro and Luna to buy some ingredients for tomorrow. “Hey kiba! Come on! Don’t wanna get left behind do you?” “O-oh! Coming!” He said as he ran after them.
As Kankuro, Luna, and Kiba walked by food stands kiba’s stomach growled at the smell of the delicious food. “Hey kiba can you grab some bread while me and kankuro go get some rice?” “Oh ummm sure” “thanks here’s the money for the bread” she said as she gave kiba the money and walked off with kankuro. As kiba and akamaru walked past more food stands they finally found a stand that was selling bread kiba could smell the freshly baked bread as he walked up to the stand “excuse me may I have one loaf of bread please?” “Of course! Here you go young man” “thank you! Oh yeah here is the money” “oh no keep it the bread is free for today!” “Really? Thanks” “your welcome young man” she said as she waved to him.
When kiba and akamaru got back kankuro and luna was waiting for them “we’re back” “oh just in time! Come on let’s go” she said as she grabbed his hand and pulled him along with her.
As they walked along the streets of the village kiba was walking in the back because he didn’t want his stomach to growl right in front of them and being laughed at. Soon his stomach growled and akamaru heard it “hey kiba” akamaru barked as he looked at him “huh? What is it akamaru?” “Was that you’re stomach?” “Yeah” “why don’t you ask them can we stop and get something to eat? “Can’t, made a bet with naruto and I lost so I have to go without food for the rest of the day” “pffft” “not funny akamaru” “ya know maybe I should have fun with this!” Akamaru thought inside his head.
Akamaru walked up to Luna and rubbed his head on her leg to get her attention “oh! What is it akamaru?” She said as she picked him up. Akamaru barked saying “can we stop and get something to eat” he asked her with a smug look “of course! Kankuro” “yeah?” Let’s stop and get something to eat” “sure how about dango?” “Sounds delicious! Let’s go! Come on kiba!” She said as she grabbed kiba’s hand and pulled him along with her.
Soon they arrived at a small restaurant and ordered some dango. “Jeez akamaru! What did you do that for!?” Kiba though as he sat down “4 orders of dango!” “Thanks” “your welcome!” Said the Lady as she walked off. “Let’s eat!” “Kankuro no!” “Huh?” “What do you say first?” “Oh yeah. Thank you for the meal! Now can we eat?” “Mhm!” She said as she took a bite of her dango. As kiba watched Kankuro, Luna, and akamaru eat his mouth was watering just at the site of food. But he was pulled back into reality when someone called him name. “Kiba?” “O-oh yes kankuro?” “Are you going to eat your dango?” “Oh ummm no here you can have it” “really? Thanks!” He said as he bit into the dango.
Later on kiba was walking back to his house while trying to calm down his starving tummy “jeez can you just shut up already??” He said putting a hand on his stomach “maybe I should just try to sleep it off” he thought to himself so he sat down and rested against a tree and closed his eyes. But soon he was awakened by his noisy tummy “great now I can’t even sleep because I’m so hungry” he said as he just closed his eyes and tried to relax.
As kiba was sleeping he awoke to someone tapping him on his shoulder so he opened his eyes to see who it was “hello kiba-kun” “o-oh! Hey hinata! What are you doing here?” “Well I saw that you were here so I thought maybe I should come say hi” “oh well thanks I was kinda lonely” “ do you mind if I sit with you?” “Sure” he said as she sat down beside him.
As they sat in silence hinata started huming a soft song. Kiba turned to look at her and smile as he listened to the beautiful tune. As hinata was huming the tune she was interrupted by a loud growl. Hinata stopped huming and tried to find out where the noise came from. “Kiba did you hear that?” “H-hear what? I didn’t hear anything” but as soon as kiba said that there was another loud growl “There it is again!” She said as she stood up in a battle stance “come on! Please be quiet!” Kiba thought inside his head as he held his stomach and blushed in embarrassment. Soon hinata notice that something was wrong with kiba “kiba-kun are you ok?” She asked as she got on her knees “o-oh! Y-yeah I’m ok. Where are the others?” “They went out to eat” said hinata but when she mentioned food kiba’s stomach gave a loud growl. Kiba sighed and said “they get to have delicious food but all I get is an empty belly” as he closed his eyes. “Well then why don’t we go get something to eat?” Asked hinata “I can’t. I made a bet with naruto and I lost so now I have to go without food for the rest of the day” replied kiba as he put his hand on his stomach trying to soothe it.
Hinata felt bad for kiba but then got a idea “kiba-kun?” “Yes hinata?” “Would a belly rub make it a little better?” She asked with a smile. Kiba’s face lit up with embarrassment “N-NO NO! ITS OK! I mean…. unless you want to because I don’t remember the last time I’ve had one” he said as he blushed. Hinata smiled and waved her hand to tell him to lay down on his back. When he did she unzipped his jacket and pulled up his shirt and started to rub his belly. Kiba forgot how good it felt to have his belly rubbed. Kiba started to relax as he had his belly rubbed and hinata asked “do you feel better?” “A lot better” he said. “His tummy is so soft and his face is so adorable!” Though hinata as she continued. Soon kiba ended up falling into a deep sleep and hinata noticed so she smiled and laid down next to him and cuddled him and fell asleep.
That’s the end and I’m so so sorry for taking so long on this! Because of my school work I will be delaying on this but I hope you enjoyed and have a great day!!
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third-rail-vip · 4 years
20 OTP Questions
Tagged by @tarberrymentats​ thank you so much for the tag! <3
I’m going to tag @minuteminx​ @asaara-writes​  @pchberrytea​ @mayihavethisdanse​ @potatocrab​ @laurelsofhighever​ and anyone else who wants to, tag me because I’d love to see your OTPs!!
I might have gone a bit overboard, so I’ll put most of this under the cut…
Mac x Ivy
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1. Who can outdrink the other?
Oh, definitely Mac.  They learnt that the first night they met, not that she was trying to keep up it’s just Ivy is a thorough lightweight.  He didn’t like questions, she can’t help but ask them, so the deal was one shot per question.  She is smol and cannot hold her booze.  Two centuries on ice and she seems to have lost some of the tolerance she built up in college.  Magnolia had to tell Mac to make sure she got to the Rexford ok.  Of course, en route she picked up multiple jobs and talked Fred into giving them 500 caps for going to Hallucigen.  Mac was gobsmacked, it was the beginning of a beautiful if unexpected friendship.  
These days if you give her too much, you’ll find her sat on the floor in the corner of Railroad parties with Tinker Tom talking conspiracy theories.  
2. Who says “i love you” more?
Probably Mac, but not because he loves more, but because he’s definitely the more vocal of the two of them.  Words are one of his main love languages.  Plus, he’s lost a partner before (which Ivy hasn’t) and there were things unsaid in that relationship that he’ll always regret, so he knows the importance of telling the people you love how you feel, and telling them often.  Ivy is more of a show than tell, even though she’s the type to fall first, she’s been hurt before by exactly that so she’s slower to use the words and breaks them out less often.  She shows she loves him through her actions.
3. Who has trouble sleeping alone?
Very much Ivy, not that Mac doesn’t to some degree, but this is a scary new world for Ivy and she feels very much safer having someone there.  She was a wreck when he was away in the Capital Wasteland and really struggled to sleep at all.  She is more likely to not be able to get to sleep if she’s alone.  Mac is more likely to have a disturbed night, waking up feeling an absence.  
4. Who swears more?
Ivy.  She may look sweet but she really can have a foul mouth.  She will basically swear for Mac as well.  He’ll cut himself off and she’ll fill in the blank.  She resists the urge, or at least desperately tries to pick other words at the last second when the kids are about.  It doesn’t always work well.
5. Who does more of the housework?
It’s shared.  Ivy makes more mess though, she’s clean but untidy.  She seems accumulate way more stuff than Mac does, and boy does she spread it around the house.  She’s also very distractible, so he can get back and find a half-risen loaf in the kitchen, which she’ll have left, having had a thought about something she wanted to draw while it was still in her mind.  So, the sketchbooks are out in the living room, but then she’ll see a sketch of Mac and remember she was going to fix the arm on his duster again.  And so on and so forth.  Mac isn’t without guilt, there are always comics on various surfaces, left open (taking up maximum room) to show Ivy or the boys the best bits.  If Codsworth had lungs, he’d hyperventilate.  She will tidy up after herself though, when she realises she’s left everything all over.  I mean, nobody wants to hear a Mr Handy cry pre-recorded tears.
6. Who forgets their anniversary?
They don’t technically have an anniversary, actually getting together was a bit of a messy and protracted process.  The easiest date to remember is Halloween when they first met in Goodneighbour.  Maybe one day they’ll have an official anniversary for something else, but for now.
7. Who steals the duvet in their sleep?
Sometimes they can have a bit of blanket tug of war going on depending on who got into bed first.  Ivy was nesh even before the war, but two hundred years on ice has done her no favours.  She gets criminally cold hands and feet.  If they were just sharing a bed before they got together, Ivy would 100% steal that duvet, but these days she just wraps around her mercenary and they sleep like a little two person blanket burrito.  
8. Who keeps the other awake at night with their snoring?
Neither keeps the other awake.  Mac is the one who snores, but they are little damn kitten snores, like his sneezes.  If anything is going to keep Ivy awake, it’s him falling asleep first and her just silently going “awwwwww” at her adorable boyfriend.  
9. Who finds stray animals and begs the other to let them keep them?
This is totally Ivy and cats.  They have dogmeat of course, but he’s his own man and he’s always welcome with them, but he’s not really theirs.  Ivy love cats, she will sneak off to play with settlement cats when she should be doing far more minutemen type activities.  They are definitely slowly accumulating cats at their most regularly visited settlements.
10. Who usually makes dinner?
Ivy enjoys cooking most out of the two of them, and she’s rather good at it.  Getting better all the time as well since her and Codsworth are doing their best to remember and collect pre-war recipes, or at least work out how to make equivalents.  Mac is a reasonable cook, but over the years he’s generally been happy to exist on pre-war ‘just add water’ kind of food, rather than cooking from scratch, which is definitely Ivy’s jurisdiction.  But if she’s cooking, and if he can persuade Codsworth to leave them to it, he loves to cook with Ivy.  Even more so when the kids want to get involves too.  
11. Who plays their music out loud?
Oh god, they both do.  The pipboy radio is always going.  Turning it right up and singing along is almost mandatory. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, you might catch Ivy playing the guitar or the piano and singing.  She’s usually shy about it, but she’s good.  She’s performed once at The Third Rail as a birthday present.
12. Who hogs the bathroom?
Given the opportunity of a hot shower in Vault 81, you will lose Ivy for so long you’d think she’d drowned.  Drenching herself in enough scolding hot water to supply a minor settlement, truly is the most self-indulgent of self-care.  Mac isn’t the biggest fan but he can be persuaded.  The only time he’ll hog the bathroom is when it’s time to keep that goatee in tiptop condition.  He’s very particular about it.  
13. Who gives the most compliments?
Like with saying ‘I love you’ most, Mac is definitely the one who lays on the compliments.  He learned early on that Ivy isn’t used to being complimented like that, or at least, it’s been a very long time since she was treated that way.  He’s almost made it a personal mission to set that right.  How easily she blushes at them is just an added bonus.  
14. Who usually starts/causes arguments between them?
They aren’t an argumentative couple, from past experience, Ivy does not cope well with that kind of confrontation within a relationship.  They are more likely to snark if something has annoyed them, but are actually really good at reading each other’s body language for when something they’ve done has upset the other.  But if it comes down to it, Mac is more likely to be the one to get into a more heated discussion about something that’s upset him.  Ivy is the one to calm a situation.  The only time they’ve had an actual stand up row was during Blind Betrayal.
15. Who isn’t afraid to embarrass the other in public?
They aren’t afraid of a bit of public bantering, and will definitely play up for an audience if they’re in the right mood.  Ivy is a little more inclined to publicly tease Mac in one way or another, but that might be more because Mac suspects she can deal it out better than she can take it, rather than her being the more equipped to do it.  Although when it comes to quietly flustering her in public, that is very much Mac’s jurisdiction.  
16. Who gives the other cringeworthy pet names?
There’s a definite teasing edge to most of the nicknames they call each other, they’re both more comfortable with being called them when there isn’t too big of an audience around.  But I guess Mac would be more embarrassed by Ivy’s habit of calling him anything beginning with ‘sweet’ – it’s not good for his tough mercenary image, you know.  Mac doesn’t care who hears him call Ivy ‘angel’, he’s being calling her it for so long (way longer than they’ve been together) but he might draw the line at shouting ‘kitten’ across Diamond City marketplace.  Most other names they call each other are more along the lines of compliments or abbreviations of their names.  
17. Who fusses over the other when they get sick?
Ivy is definitely the more diligent medic, and a very well qualified worrier.  So when Mac is hurt, she’s all over that, and he regularly jokes that she carries enough gear to set up a small field hospital with her at all times.  Not that that habit hasn’t saved their asses on multiple occasions.  Mac is more likely to get genuinely scared if Ivy is badly hurt or sick because of past experience.  When it comes to just being a little bit poorly, Mac will milk it like an absolute drama queen.  Ivy is a soft touch and will let him.  But she’s also very good at telling when he’s better and is just looking for extra attention.  She’ll make up ‘treatments’ to see if he’ll keep up the charade and how committed he is to being waited on hand and foot.
18. Who finds it impossible to stay angry at the other for long?
For a guy who can mature a grudge like a fine wine, Mac has never ever been able to stay mad at Ivy.  Not even in those early days when she was ‘useless’ and they barely knew each other.  Mac melts at those big brown eyes, even if he tries to keep the frowns on the surface, all the anger goes in an instant.  It’s rare for her to get angry at him, but if the hurt is real then she can hang onto it until he’s shown that he’s earned back her trust.  It took him a while to win her back after coming back from the Capital Wasteland having not sent word at all since he left.
19. Who clings to the other for comfort when they’re sad or scared?
Ivy would be the first to cling to Mac when she’s scared, in fact she was, after very early close call.  That experience rather reinforced Mac as a safe place for her, bearing in mind she’s known him from just a week after escaping the vault, he’s definitely been a grounding presence for her.  When something is wrong, the first place she will seek comfort is in his arms, even from long before they were together.  Mac doesn’t break down until they’ve known each other for a lot longer, but he feels safe enough by then being that vulnerable with Ivy – it’s difficult because he has always had a habit of putting himself in a protector role in so many of his relationship with people that allowing himself to be seen as scared or even sad is difficult for him.  But once those floodgates are open, nothing would stop him from seeking comfort from her, even when things are awkward between them.
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20. Who is more ‘physically passionate’? (hugs, kisses, or maybe more…)
When it comes to big public displays, it would probably be Mac (not in the early days though, he was definitely more private then) but he likes it known that they’re together – especially to that one dude from diamond city security who keeps hitting on her.  Ivy is more for subtle displays in public; holding hands, cheek kisses etc.  Although there was one incident…anyway.  Privately they are equally likely to be all over each other.  
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poc-movie-supremacy · 4 years
My Fancy Boy
After a late night at work, Andrew comes home to a sleepy husband and daughter. As they relax, Steven gets Andrew to tell him his favorite story: How they got engaged. 
This is the final instalment of the Hello Sunshine universe. Hope you guys like it!
The apartment was dark when Andrew opened the door. Work at the restaurant ran a little late so Andrew was just happy to be home. He toed off his shoes and hung up his jacket before silently padding his way throughout the house. When he reached the door to the living room, he noticed a dark blue light flooding through from the crack in the door. Andrew smirked and opened the door. 
Ratatouille was playing on the screen to a small audience. Steven was laying on his back on the sofa half asleep. Methodically, he rubbed his hand over his daughter’s back as he watched her sleep. Her hair was mused as she clutched Steven’s necklace in her tiny hand. Andrew’s heart fluttered at the scene. Quickly he bent down to press a feather-light kiss to the top of his husband’s head. 
Steven preened at the touch, smiling up at him. “Hi honey.”
“Hey sweetie, I’m home,” Andrew joked. Steven smiled up at his husband but didn’t say anything. Moments like there were better fit for quiet reverence than sugary sweet compliments. Slowly, as to not disturb the sleeping child, Steven lifted himself up to let Andrew slide in. He quietly settled himself, one hand in Steven’s hair, the other on their daughter’s back. 
“She really likes your engagement necklace, and ring,” Andrew noted. Her grip on the special piece of jewelry was tight. Steven hummed. 
“She likes the clinking sound the ring and the sun make. Multi-purpose gift,” Steven joked. Andrew rubbed a certain spot in Steven’s hair eliciting a happy noise from the lavender haired boy. “Do you remember the day you gave me it?” Steven whispered. 
“Of course, it was the best day of my life.”
“Tell it to me again.” 
A few years ago…
Andrew paced around the room worrying his bottom lip. Niki, Annie, Rie, and Adam watched him curiously waiting to see what was making him so upset. Niki kept shouting out possibilities but Andrew just ignored her. Finally, Adam got fed up and forcefully asked Andrew why he wanted them at his apartment sans Steven.
“Oh my god are you breaking up?! I won’t be apart of this, Steven’s my friend too.” Niki immediately asserted. That got Andrew to stop his pacing and stare confusingly at Niki. 
“No, no, Steven and I are not breaking up. Quite the opposite actually, I wanna propose.” 
“Oh that’s great! Much better than breaking up, this I can help with.” Niki said, relieved. Annie started laughing at Niki’s comments. Rie gave an encouraging smilte to Andrew who was frankly starting to lose his mind. 
“Why do you need our help. He’s your boyfriend, and he did a worth it: lifestyle episode with Kristin about engagement rings so you already know what he likes,” Adam points out. 
“But a proposal is special, he needs to plan out something great for his fancy boy.” Rie contended with Adam.
Niki snorted. “Andrew could be in his boxers telling Steven the worst pun imaginable and feeding him cheese and Steven would be head over heels.” The quartet frowned in various stages of disgust at the image that sentence invoked. “I do mean that, but man do I regret saying it.”
“This isn’t helping.” Andrew groaned into his hands and resumed pacing. 
“Well, Adam is right, you do know him very well. What does Steven like?” Rie gently asks him. 
“Basketball and Video games, he likes period dramas for the yearning, and anything food related. He likes going to the beach right as the sunsets because he swears swimming and walks along the Riviera are best at night. He hates going to parties, preferring to stay inside and perform science experiments. He’ll rarely get drunk, but if he did it’s only on red wine. He’s such a fancy boy.” As Andrew talked a soft hush fell onto the room. The audience quietly listened to Andrew wax poetic about Steven. A light blush tinted Andrew’s cheeks and a small, dopey smile graced his lips. Liquid adoration pooled in his eyes as he thought about his boyfriend. That’s who I wanna spend the rest of my life with, his brain decided, my sunshine boy, my fancy boy. 
The romantic mood was broken when Niki not so quietly whispered to Annie, “Geez and I thought I was a romantic,” which made Annie snort loudly. 
Slowly, Andrew blinked out of his daydream of happy days with Steven lim to the sad kind of Steven less reality. 
Adam gave him an unimpressed look. “Like I said, you already have everything you need.”
Two weeks later, Steven and Andrew were walking hand in hand along the beach. As of today, they’ve been dating for two years. Andrew’s special gift was tucked in a nice pouch in his pocket since he, for the life of him, couldn’t come up with an excuse to wear anything baggier to the beach. Nerves quietly ate away at him as Steven rambled beside him. His hands swung around wildly as he told him some long-winded story that happened to Marielle, Ryan, Shane, and Sara.
When they neared the destination, Andrew gently guided Steven onto the beach towards the picnic basket. Thank god no one stole it, there was some expensive wine in there. Steven’s face lit up at the sight before him. “Sunset beach with the good wine! You know me too well, Andy.” Steven gave his boyfriend a kiss on the cheek before plopping down onto the blanket.  
Not well enough to know if you’ll say yes, Andrew anxiously thought. He sat down next to Steven side to side, and asked, “Eat now or swim now?”
“Eat now, nothing like a nighttime dip, Drew.” Steven reasoned. Andrew smiled and set about unpacking the picnic baskets. He made them a plate of lasagna and a loaf of garlic bread. Steven licked his lips excitedly at the sight. They don’t bother with plates, choosing instead to eat straight from the tupperware. 
The sun has finally set and the moon is starting to peak out, bathing them in silvery light. It made Steven seem paler, like a silver statue. Andrew thought that the golden jewelry he picked out would offset him wonderfully. 
He turned up some soft music as they set about eating. They fed each other more than they fed themselves if they were being truthful. Whispered words and light giggles danced around them. When they couldn’t eat anymore, Steven absent-mindedly ran his hands over the planes of Andrew’s body. They waited for their food to digest before they went into the ocean. 
They raced in hand in hand, until Andrew picked up Steven and tossed him into the ocean. Shrikes and giggles filled the air. The water was icy cold and chilling to the bone. Shivers and goosebumps raced over the boys. Steven got back at Andrew by dunking him in the ocean. They swam together for a while until Andrew got too tired. He left the beach to dry off and re-rehearsed his speech. Nerves were shaking him to the core. Steven was sad for him to leave the water, but he was having too much fun swimming to leave as well. 
Andrew watched quietly as Steven trekked back from the ocean. His dark blue, almost royal blue hair was wild, half in a cowlick half matted to his forehead. Water droplets slowly made their way down his bare chest. A big smile shone on Steven’s face, brighter than the moon itself. Andrew’s breath caught in his throat. He knew if he was ever going to do it, now was the time. 
“To celebrate our two year anniversary, I got you something. I know jewelry isn’t your thing, but I thought it suited you.” He got out the necklace from his back pocket and held it in front of Steven. It was glittering gold with a sun hanging at the end. Etched onto it was the words: My Fancy Boy.
Steven’s breath was caught in his throat. Tentatively he ran a finger along the gold chain down to the sun. The rays were thick squiggly lines and the sun was a shiny, smooth ball. “Put it on me?” Steven whispered hoarsely. He turned his back to Andrew and nervously played with his hands. The air around them was tense like a glass sheet. Steven could feel and hear every slight difference to the norm. He felt heat radiate off Andrew as he kneeled above him. His fingers were warm against Steven’s. 
Once the necklace was on, Steven fingered it a little before pouncing on Andrew. The glass tension broke. 
Andrew smiled as Steven deliberately placed loving kisses on his boyfriend’s face. His whole face was concentrated, like this is how he would repay Andrew and he had to do it right. 
“Perfect, wonderful, mine,” Steven almost growled into Andrew’s ear. 
“If you loved this gift,” Andrew said with a laugh, “you’re going to love what else I have for you.” A sense of seriousness washed over Andrew. It made Steven sit up, confused, and sit beside Andrew instead of on top of him.
Andrew sat up and patted his pocket to make sure the ring was still there. Reassured, he softly cupped Steven's cheek. “You are the best thing that’s happened to me. Your giggle is music, the scrunch you do when you're happy could make an atheist believe in god. I’ve lived without you and it’s been torture. Something so awful I never want to experience it again, so” Andrew pulled out the ring and got down on one knee. Steven’s eyes were as wide as saucers and shining. Andrew wondered if he’d stare long enough he would see stars and galaxies. 
“Steven Lim, would you do me the honor of becoming my husband.” It was a simple gold band with a single diamond in the middle and two rubies surrounding it. Steven, usually so energetic, was dead still staring at the ring. Andrew was starting to get nervous, wondering if he’d done this too soon or asked him wrong. 
His grip on the ring was lax, loose enough for Steven to slip it onto his finger. As he silently admired the ring, he whispered, “Steven Ilnyckyj does have a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?” His eyebrow quirk at the pun stirred Andrew out of his self-deprecating thoughts. As fast as a bullet, he picked up Steven and twirled him around. 
“I was worried you were going to say no.” He admitted into the crook of Steven’s neck. 
Steven hummed sympathetically and ran his hands methodically through his fiancé’s hair. His nails were growing out which felt good on Andrew’s skull. 
“I’d never say no, this is all I’ve wanted for a long time. I’m not letting you go, neither will this ring or necklace. I’m a very lucky man Ilnyckyj, to have gotten a boy like you.” Later on, he would take off the ring to put it with his necklace. Taking care of a baby was hard work, having his keys, and ring in the same place was a blessing. Plus the baby loved the jingle it made.
“You tell that story so well honey.” Steven sleepily murmured.
“It’s my favorite story to tell.”
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car-on-the-stairs · 4 years
Lucie Herondales Pet Duck.
I had this headcanon that Lucie tries to adopt a duck and then I ended up writing this, sooooooooo... I may or may not have already written multiple chapters? I tried y’all, but its been a long time since Ive written fanficition. I might post more if people seem to like this. 
“Why, he’s adorable James! You are just cruel and heartless.”
Lucie gave a dramatic flair of her arm as her brother glared at her. 
“Yes, I'm the problem, not the bloodthirsty beast that has lulled you into a false sense of security in order to gain our trust and then, when your back is turned it will sneak into our rooms in the middle of the night and-” 
Lucie was barely listening, she had already begun to break off pieces of the bread loaf she was carelessly grasping and scattering them on the ground. The handsome bird was rather greedily gulping down the bread crumbs and she was having trouble keeping up with its appetite. 
“You aren't listening, are you. That thing is like a siren, I'm afraid it is already too late for you, dear sister” James was edging slightly further away from the duck with each word “why, I'll have to inform Cordelia her future parabatai has fallen under the spell of a horrid creature, a terrible beast, an evil-” 
“It's a duck, Jamie.” 
“Don't speak its name! You may summon more,” 
Lucie knew her brother was mostly joking. He didn't really think that ducks were evil but he was genuinely afraid of them. That much was evident by the way that he was placing her between the duck and him, as though he may need to be shielded from such a fluffy, lush looking thing. She was beginning to think that the duck may even let her pet it if only she fed it more. It looked so very tame. 
“I think I'll name you Herbert,” She murmured softly at the newly named duck. 
It was such a lovely day for this. Such a lovely day for Lucie. The light breeze blowing its way through Hyde Park was revitalizing. The sound of trees rustling softly, water lapping gently on a faraway shore. It was a gorgeous day. Truly lovely. James was even here taking this walk with her. They had even found Herbert, just sitting there happily. A lovely, lovely day. 
Lucie wasn't fooling herself. Recently, she hadn’t been feeling great and she really wanted to be very happy today. She wanted to be completely overjoyed that her brother was joking with her like this. That she had found a duck to feed that was so tame. 
Here was the unfortunate thing, Lucie was having a hard time fully appreciating this day. She was meeting with Grace later to discuss Jesse, as they did nearly every day. They hadn’t been having too much luck with the necromancy lately and Lucie couldn't help but feel down because of it. There were simply too many intrusive thoughts that try as she might she could not banish. 
What if Grace and I never bring him back? What if... He is a ghost forever? 
Those were bad thoughts. She didn't like to admit how terribly she missed Jesse sometimes. how many times she'd thought of something to tell him and then felt strangely awful and tired afterwards because she had remembered that it would be hours, sometimes days, before she could next speak to him. It really did not help that he was currently avoiding her. He was a ghost and he was somehow avoiding her. She didn't even know why. 
The truth was that Lucie was trying so hard not to let this affect her. Today was beautiful and she would enjoy it, Jesse Blackthorn be damned. 
“Alright James, that's it. I'm keeping him,” Lucie put her hands on her hips and stared up at her brother. 
“No no no Lucie you know how da feels about ducks! And mam will have a fit when she sees that thing in her house!” James sounded a little bit too rushed, too panicked. As though he was grasping for reasons why Lucie couldn't keep little Herbert.
“I have made up my mind. Herbert is now my duck you cannot convince me otherwise” Lucie knew that she was being stubborn. That was exactly her intention, as James knew to pick his battles wisely when it came to Lucie. Once she set her mind on something near nothing would stop her. She knew this was not a battle he currently had the energy to fight. 
“Here Herbert, Herbert. Herbert bach, come here,” she called waving the remains of her bread in front of him. He just sat there, looking innocently at her. 
She then proceeded to throw the bread at poor James, who was looking on in horror. 
Her advances didn't seem to be alarming Herbert so she tried to pick him up and to her immense surprise, it worked and he did nothing. 
James seemed so tired when she looked back at him like all the fight had gone out of him and the jokes had dried up. There had been so much drama lately in his life, with Grace and Cordelia. But then, there had been so much drama in all of her friend’s lives recently. So many demons and so many deaths. The joking may have been a short reprieve; but Lucie thought she mustn’t forget to make sure her brother was doing alright. 
She was rather sick and tired of it. She really just wanted her friends to be happy. 
It sounded rather contradictory, really, how fed up she was with the danger and how adamantly she searched for it now, if only it meant she could help Jesse. But Jesse was one of her friends. She'd come to trust him and care about him and his well being. He deserved happiness as well. He deserved a life. Or, at the very least, to be put to rest. 
She imagined it was not much fun being a ghost and knowing that, although now there were people alive who you know, who you can look after, that one day they will die and you will remain. To know one day you will be alone and you will fade into the background. To dim and dim but never truly disappear. It occurred to Lucie that that was what her mother would have to suffer through, eventually. She was a warlock and therefore immortal. She would remain young forever while her husband and her children aged and died. She would outlive them all. 
“James,” she murmured 
“What do you think will happen to Jessamine when we die?” Her voice sounded small and worried, like a child seeking reassurance. 
He frowned for a moment, considering. 
“Hang around our children?” 
“What of when they die? When our grandchildren and great-grandchildren die? What of when the Herondale line has been going on for so long they've forgotten her entirely?” 
After that James was quiet for a great deal of time. 
“What, exactly, is the point of this question?” 
“Just a thought.” 
After that, they walked home in silence. James never did answer her question.
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rhetoricalrogue · 4 years
31 Days of Wayhaven, Day 17
Prompt: AU Rating: PG for Nicky’s language Words: 2,222 Characters: Unit Charlie, brief mention of Units Alpha and Bravo, as well as Detective Aubrey Miller. Summary: What happens when the coffee shop co-worker and the University co-worker get tired of their partners sighing over the other and decide to take matters into their own hands.  
For the @31daysofwayhaven event.
Penny rolled her eyes as she came into work, hanging her coat on the nearby staff coat rack.  Nicky had gotten there earlier than she had, which meant that he got to pick the music for the day, which also meant that she was going to be in for a day of listening to him sing along with Dean Martin.  Not that it was a bad thing, but they’d done an entire shift of the Rat Pack the other day already.
“You’re late.”
She grimaced as she pulled on a dark brown apron and quickly pulled the strings around her waist to make a tidy bow at her hip.  “Yeah, car trouble.”
Nicky shook his head.  “You really ought to sell that thing, get you a new one.”
“With what money?  No, the car trouble was because my brother decided to borrow it without asking me.  I woke up to a note and had to grab the bus.  Then the bus wasn’t on time, so I walked the rest of the way.”
He poured her a drink, a smooth hazelnut latte with a dusting of chocolate on top that he made perfectly to her tastes.  At least that was something to cheer her up on a rainy morning, especially since he was practicing his foam art and made her a graceful looking swan on top.  She caught a glimpse of herself in the stainless steel overhead countertops and winced.  The soft, drizzling rain wasn’t  enough to soak her or anything, but it had played hell with her long, silvery blonde hair.  The sleek braided bun she had put it in earlier was now a frizzed out mess and her cheeks were unnaturally red from practically running to the cafe in order to be there on time.
Penny hated being late to anything.
“You’re too soft on Lars,” Nicky told her, pushing half a toasted bagel loaded with cream cheese her way while eating the other half.  “He needs to have some responsibility, especially if he’s couch surfing at your place.”
Penny chewed on her bagel.  “You don’t understand, he’s my baby brother.  It’s my job to look out for him.  Besides,” she took a sip of her drink.  “He was going out for a job interview.  Hopefully this one takes.”  She adored her youngest brother to pieces, and she understood that he was in a rough patch, but at the same time, she was quietly frustrated that he showed up at her doorstep without calling first, ate all her food without shopping for replacements, and left his dirty laundry on the bathroom floor.  She was going to have to have a talk with him once they were home to set some boundaries down.  If not, then she would happily call their eldest brother Andreas to see if he could help out before calling the big guns in and contacting their mother.
She hated to jump around in the family pecking order, but enough was enough. 
“I can relate, seeing as I have a little sister, but I still say you’re being too soft on him.  There’s a fine line between older sibling responsibility and being a doormat.”
“I know, and you’re right.  Taking my car without my permission and making me late for work is definitely something I’m going to talk with him about.”
Nicky made a mmhm noise as if he didn’t quite believe her.  “Don’t worry, Pen.” Nicky told her, changing the subject as he made his own cortado and leaned against the counter to sip on it.  “You didn’t miss him.”
She was glad that her red cheeks could hide the sudden blush that she felt rush up from her throat to her face.  “Miss who?”
“Oh, don’t play coy with me, donna forte!”  He elbowed her in the side.  “The Tall London Fog with the soft Scottish accent.  The one who looks like a golden retriever if a golden retriever was over six feet tall and had dimples when he smiled.”
“Careful, you make me think you’re the one with the crush on him,”  Penny muttered as she sipped on her drink.
“Please, I know I’m handsome and charming, but I’m not an asshole.  I wouldn’t steal anyone from my dearest friend and co-worker.”
“You’re not stealing anyone from anybody,” she grumped.
“Maybe if you actually got off your ass and asked him out.”
“He’s a customer!” 
“Like that’s ever stopped anyone that works here!  I mean, have you seen what the Bravo shift is up to lately?  There’s good money on when Adam’ll get the courage up to ask Miss Grande Half-Caff Nonfat Latte with Caramel Drizzle out before the end of the month.”
Penny rolled her eyes.  “Adam?  Admitting he has feelings for anyone?  I give him a year, minimum.”
“Hello, Pot.  I’d like to introduce you to Kettle.”  He turned to wash out the things he’d used to make their drinks and kicked at her calf.  “Speaking of not admitting feelings, here comes London Fog and Dirty Chai.”
Penny masked the sudden lurch in her pulse by twirling around and grabbing the loose leaf tea from an overhead shelf and measured enough into a French Press, adding a spice mix and a little bit of fresh ginger before pouring in hot water to steep.  She grabbed the canister of lavender Earl Grey she knew he liked and did the same in a separate French Press while Nicky called out a greeting, confirming that they both wanted their usuals.
“Actually,” London Fog said, coming up to the counter.  “Could I add something a little more substantial?  Perhaps one of those sausage rolls and a slice of pumpkin loaf?  I fear today is going to be a long one, seeing as it’s grading season.”
“Oh?  You’re a teacher then?”
“He’s a professor,” Dirty Chai interjected, already setting up her laptop.  She’d moved from their usual two-person table to a larger four-person one so the both of them could spread out.  “Don’t let him get modest; he’s brilliant in his field.”
Penny looked over her shoulder as she brewed a double shot espresso to add to the chai.  “Where do you lecture at?”
The soft question had him looking up at her with an equally soft smile before he quickly looked down, suddenly very interested in the counter’s bakery display.  “Wayhaven University.  I’m one of the Professors in the Folklore and Ethnomusicology department.”
Nicky took over building their order when another person came in and distracted Penny.  “What a coincidence,” he all but purred.  “Our dearest Penelope is studying on that campus!”  He caught the sudden interest London Fog gave and leaned conspiratorially against the counter. “She’s going back for her master’s degree, if I remember correctly.”
“Oh?  What study?”
“You know, for the life of me, I can’t recall.  Sounds like an interesting question to ask her though, Professor…?” Nicky trailed off, realizing that neither he or Penny knew their regulars by name, only by order.
“Buchanan.  Cameron.”
“Call him Cam,” Dirty Chai said, taking her order and sipping with a happy sigh.  “I’m Winona.”
“Nice to finally meet you both.  I’ll go warm up that sausage roll for you.”  On his way to the back kitchen, Nicky nudged Penny with his shoulder, silently winking at her.  She turned her face so Cam and Winona wouldn’t be able to see her expression and narrowed her eyes at her partner before going back to helping the short line of customers that had already started to form for the morning, shaking her head as the first heartfelt strings of Come Back to Sorrento could be heard coming out of the kitchen, Nicky’s smooth baritone making one of the ladies in line sigh dreamily.
Penny transitioned from building orders to taking payment while Nicky bustled in behind her on cleanup and prep duty, the two of them working well.  Every so often, her eyes would stray to Cameron and Winona’s table, the two of them with their heads down and fingers clacking over their laptops. Two hours later, Cameron was looking at his watch and cursing under his breath while quickly packing his things away.
“Thanks for letting us stay so long,” he said, sticking money in the tip jar.
“It was nothing,” she told him, fiercely hoping he didn’t catch the way the tips of her ears were a bright pink.  “I’m glad you could stay with me - us long enough to get some grading done.”
He smiled and she couldn’t help but mirror the same smile back.  “I’d have loved to spend more time, but my office hours are going to be starting soon and I usually have a few students wanting to talk around this time of the year.”
“We’re always here in the mornings!”  Oh, smooth one, Fisher, she thought, mentally kicking herself for forgetting how to talk to people when the person in question was one she had a silly crush on.  Don’t flirt with customers, it’s just an awkward experience for everyone involved!
Cameron nodded.  “And stopping by is always a great start to my day.  Your partner mentioned you were studying at the university?”
“I am.”
Cameron shouldered his laptop bag and smiled again.  “Maybe we’ll run into the other on campus then.”
“I’d like that.”
“I would too.”  He blinked, as if he had been reluctant to break eye contact.  “Well, I’d better get going, or else I’m going to miss some student appointments.  I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
“Bright and early!”  Or so she hoped.  She really was going to have to speak with Lars about him getting his own transportation.  Penny sighed as the bell over the door chimed and tried - and failed - to not watch as Cameron walked down the street.
“He’s not that old.”  
Penny jumped at the sudden appearance of Winona at the counter.  “Pardon?”
“Cam.  He’s not that old, just in case you were worried he was some stuffy professor with a really good skin regimen.”
She let out a nervous laugh.  “I wasn’t…” Penny nervously tucked a stray bit of hair behind her ear.  “I mean, I didn’t want to presume…”
“Like I said, Cam’s brilliant in his field and made career moves way before the usual timeline.  I’m guessing he’s around your age.”  She put more money in the tip jar.  “You know, if that was a deal-breaker for you.”  Before Penny could say anything in response, Winona waved and left.
Penny ran a hand down her face before frowning.  There was something other than money in the tip jar.  Curiosity getting the best of her, she fished it out, finding it was a business card with all of Cameron’s information on it.
FYI, a woman’s loopy handwriting in bright red ink read at the bottom, your partner wrote down your phone number on a napkin when he gave Cam his order.  Thought I should even the playing field and give you his too.
Penny’s eyes widened as she flipped the card over.  And BTW, he thinks you’re cute too.
“Whatcha got?”  Penny all but jumped out of her skin at the sound of Nicky’s voice unexpectedly at her ear as he tried to look at the card in her hands.
“Nothing!” she yelped, clutching it close to her chest before sticking it into her apron’s pocket.  Turning around, she grabbed Nicky by the ear.  “And what are you doing, giving strange men my phone number!”
Nicky winced, leaning down as he tried to wiggle away from her grasp.  “He’s not strange, Pen!  He’s a regular!  Practically family!  Ow, fuck!”
She let his ear go.  “You could have asked me if it was okay first!”
Nicky rubbed at his ear and rolled his eyes.  “Yeah, and at the glacier pace that either of you were moving, you may have gone out for drinks when you were both eighty.”  
She washed her hands at the prep sink and started making sure that everything they’d used was washed and ready for a new order.  Lunchtime was a sort of quiet lull, they got a few regular orders in, but it wasn’t anywhere near the morning rush.  She checked the schedule.  The Alpha shift was coming in for the afternoon to evening times, which meant that she needed to come in a little earlier tomorrow morning to make sure that things had been properly cleaned and organized and that the morning breakfast items were fully stocked.  She loved them to pieces, but Tane and Maaka weren’t the most organized of duos.  She made a mental note to check the to-go cups as well: Tane had a habit of using a marker to black out the Warning, your contents are extremely hot and make it read Warning, you are extremely hot instead.
The good thing is that on dead nights, the brothers would come up with some interesting off the menu recipes and leave notes for her and Nicky to try in the morning.  Maaka was more organized than his brother and the notes were always fun to read, especially when he added his own commentary.
“You never know,” she told Nicky, the business card in her pocket weighing far heavier than it ought to.  “I just may surprise you.”
Cha cha cha d'amour
Take this song to my lover
Shoo shoo little bird
Go and find my love
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smarmykemetic · 4 years
I will be starting the discord chat in the Mourners of Outlaws discord (message me for the link) probably around 3:30pm The ritual will officially start at Saturday May 16th 4pm MST (time zone converter). The plan is as follows:
Start the voice chat, wait for the friend who requested the Catholic rite to join. Recite Catholic prayer to the best of my ability.
Make offering to Anubis, and pray to him as a psychopomp to watch over the ritual and make sure that all the souls who don’t want to go to the Duat are ferried to their appropriate afterlives.
As close to 4pm MST as possible, begin the ritual.
Personal prayer/adoration of the Outlaw Dead.
Music and singing.
Discussion of what spells I am willing to ask the OD for help with on your behalf (the ones that have consented/will consent to the job, that is) in exchange for a charitable donation to living Outlaws (especially to ones affected by the virus). I’m planning on researching a handful of charities to suggest, but I’ll accept donations to a charity of your choice as well.
Reversion of offerings and generally hanging out in the voice chat (for fun and so that I can relax and ground myself). Me and my irl friends are probably gonna play a drinking game afterward, and it would be really fun for yall to participate with that, since I bet we’ll all appreciate something goofy and fun after this.
This is going to be an emotionally intense event, as it is every time I do the full rite, especially since the whole point is for us to collectively mourn and, hopefully, begin to process the collective trauma of this awful shit we’re all going through right now. Especially since I know from experience I tend to get a little errmm carried away when doing magic or rituals, I want to warn anyone that this will very likely be triggering to some; I’m not entirely confident in my ability to stay calm once I get going with this. I am definitely going to cry like a baby like I always do can we get an f in the chat, and then I’m gonna get tipsy on the ritual alcohol, so as a perk to helping honor the beloved dead, you get to giggle at me acting drunk and foolish lol. (My bf and a friend of ours, both Norse pagans who don’t really use Tumblr, will also be listening in in person, and you’ll likely get a chance to chat with them too, in case that sweetens the pot for anyone.)
If you want to participate rather than just listen, you’ll need to set up a space to offer stuff to Set, and a separate space to offer to the OD. You don’t absolutely have to use icons for either of them, but consider using the sigils I made to represent different factions of the OD 
You will also need: two candles, lighter, incense, water, two cups, something to give for an offering (one for Set, one for the Dead). The OD aren’t picky, but they love alcohol and music; most of the rites I do for them end up having more of a friendly gathering/party vibe, after the serious and/or magical stuff is done. I think it’s because part of the offering is the company and attention of the living, not just the offerings themselves; basically, after we let ourselves get really sad and angry on their behalf, I’m expecting them to pivot it to a more positive and camaraderie-focused vibe, as they usually do. 
Finally, I want to encourage yall to not stress too much about getting all the details right in your own rituals, and to branch out to invite your own gods, or apply your own traditional methods for such a situation, if you so choose. I highly recommend at least making an offering to Set and asking him for protection before doing anything with the OD, since this whole thing is his project and that means he’s more liable to sufficiently supervise people trying to help him with it, but you can likely ask your patrons/trusted psychopomps to help you with it just as well.
(Ritual under the cut)
Approaching the Shrine:
Awake in peace, Lord of the Red Land, awake in peace.
I come to you, your servant, your son, I come to you.
Your beautiful scent, it calls me forward.
And upon you filling my nostrils
I, your servant, your son, I come to you.
I have made my way and I enter into your presence.
I am one of you.
Do not repulse me on the god’s path.
My feet are not impeded, I am not turned back from the god’s place.
I have looked upon you. I know you.
Your mighty Sha have enclosed me.
I have entered this place with ma’at in my heart
In order to honor each and every Akh in the Duat upon this day.
*Step forward, or open the shrine, depending on your setup*
I open your temple. I come to you.
Your warmth and beauty surrounds me as I enter. I am not repulsed.
Behold, I have come to you to offer Ma’at,
to make sound the Eye for its lord.
Presentation of Light:
The torch comes to your ka, O Set, Lord of the Oasis.
Here comes he who promises the night after the day;
Here comes the two sisters from Ra;
Here comes she who was manifested in Abdju.
For I have caused it to come to you.
Even the Eye of Horus comes to you
Because I have made it so.
*Light first wick*
Come to this Eye of Horus, Great Set.
Let its light renew your youth in peace.
*Light second wick*
 Come to this Eye of Horus, O Numerous Akhu who reside in the Duat.
Come to this light and let it renew your youth in peace.
 The Eye of Horus is your protection, O Weary One.
It spreads its protection over you; it defeats all of your adversaries.
Truly, your adversaries are fallen.
 The Eye of Horus is your protection, O Akhu.
It spreads its protection over you; it defeats all of your adversaries.
Truly, your adversaries are fallen.
 The Eye of Horus comes intact and shining
like Ra on the horizon.
The four torches go to your ka, O Set.
The four torches are your protection, O Lord of Ma’at
You are truly Enduring because of their protection.
 It is Set who causes a torch to be bright for the potent Bas in the Duat.
May you make the living Ba of each and every Akh within your Domain
to be strong with their torch so that they will not be
repelled or turned back from the portals of the West.
 Through your Rebellion and Strength,
Each and every akh in your Domain flourishes.
They are restored to their true shape and form
As sure as the sun crosses the sky every day.
 Purification of offering space:
 *Take up water bowl/pitcher*
 O water, may you remove all evil,
I give you essential water, O Destroyer of the Damned One, a tide in your time.
I bring the flood waters to purify your sanctuary.
I bring you the flood waters to purify your temple
and your statue in your place.
*wet your finger and touch the four sides of your shrine, offering table or plate, etc.*
O Set, your altar is cleansed by the water;
Your altar is purified by the incense;
You are cleansed by Horus;
You are purified by Thoth.
Water invigorates your body;
It is I, your servant,
who comes to you in the palace where you reside.
Presentation of Libations:
 These your cool waters, O Set
have come from your nephew, Horus.
I have come to you having gotten Horus’s eye,
So that your heart may become cool with it;
I have gotten it under your feet.
Accept the outflow that comes from you:
So that your heart will not become weary.
 *Pour the water into first cup or bowl*
 This water is the Eye of Horus,
take it to your countenance,
that it may brighten your face.
 O Set, take this Eye of Horus
Which has been given to you by your son
So that you may live in Eternity
Glorious and pure.
*Pour the water into second cup or bowl*
 O Glorious Spirits, take this Eye of Horus
It parts your mouth so that you may you taste its taste
Accept this Eye so that you may live in Eternity
Glorious and pure.
Presentation of Offerings:
Oh He Who Commands the Riot, stand up and sit down to a thousand of bread,
a thousand of beer, roast meat, your rib-meat from the slaughterhouse, “pulled” bread from the broadhall.
*place first offering*
 As you are provided with a god’s-offering, these akhu are provided with bread.
You have come to your ba, Set, ba among the akhs,
in control of all that he sees, whom the Ennead tend in the Official’s Enclosure.
I have given you Horus’s eye, I have allotted it to you: may it endure for you with you.
 *place second offering*
 O Glorious Akhu, stand up and receive this your bread from me.
O Great Spirits, I will be an attendant for you.
O Enduring Akhu, accept Horus’s eye, your bread-loaf, and eat.
 As everything is for those under your protection,
let everything be for the bodies of the Blessed Dead.
 Grow aroused, you Great Akhu
Take this Eye of Horus and become uplifted.
In your place of Completeness you do not hunger. You have no thirst.
Your contentment is all you know in the land of the Duat.
Your heart becomes awash with joy
And your hearts fill with ma’at.
 As you take in the Eye of Horus
You shall become as complete as every NTR:
your head as Horus of the Duat—an Imperishable Star;
your face as Eyes-Forward—an Imperishable Star;
your ears Atum’s twins—an Imperishable Star;
your eyes Atum’s twins—an Imperishable Star;
your nose as the Jackal—an Imperishable Star;
your teeth Sopdu—an Imperishable Star;
your arms Hapi and Duamutef—when you demand to go up to the sky, you go up;
your legs Imseti and Qebehsenuef—when you demand to go down to the undersky, you go down;
your limbs Atum’s twins—an Imperishable Star.
O Great Akhu, become clean through Horus’s Eye and
Make your bones firm.
O Great Akhu, become Whole through Horus’s Eye and
All of your obstructions will be removed through Set’s mighty Sha.
 You will not perish, your ka will not perish
As Set lives, you shall live.
As you live, Set lives.
 Sun and Thoth, take each and every akh with you,
that they may eat of what you eat of,
that they may drink of what you drink of,
that they may live on what you live on,
that they may sit where you sit,
that they may grow powerful from what you grow powerful from,
that they may sail in what you sail in.
The booth of each and every akh is plaited of reeds;
the flood of each and every akh is in the Marsh of Offerings;
their feasts are among you, gods;
the water of each and every akh is wine, like the Sun.
They will circumnavigate the sky like the Sun,
They shall course the sky like Thoth.
And both akhu and NTRW shall live in peace in the Duat.
Whole and Complete. A million times effective.
 Reversion of offerings:
 O He Who Makes the Sky Tremble, your enemies withdraw from you.
Heru has turned himself to his Eye in its name of Reversion-of-Offerings.
These your divine offerings revert;
They revert to your servant for life, stability, health and joy.
So that you may flourish for eternity.
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What do Short Hat and Acylius do their first Christmas? If they do gifts, what do they give to one another? Past Coffee Shop AU 😏
🤔 First present
Black Hat can see Acylius and Cruentus putting up all these decorations like he has some rough idea that in this holiday people eat and get together, he's seen humans running around like mad people on the brief occasions he's visited the human world.
But like he only knows one thing about it.
It's a holiday to celebrate the birth of Gods son...and well he and Acylius and Cruentus are demons... So what in the literal fuck is going on here.
Acylius is currently up a ladder helping to hang some decoration or other, so Black Hat climbs up the ladder behind him and is starting to worry Acylius will be affronted he is even about to ask this... But if there's one thing he knows, it's how to appear cute to Acylius, he's been learning that he can literally turn the prestigious demon into putty at times.
Tugging gently on the tails of Acylius's jacket he waited for him to turn at look at him, as he did Black Hat took off his top hat, fluffy cat ears laid back as he looked up at him.
He could practically see Acylius melt into a goopy pile of just wanting to pick him up and give him the world...it made the shorter demon just love him more if he was honest.. But at this point he still wasn't brave enough to even tell him he was head over bloody heels for this ridiculous tree.
"Yes Black Hat?"
Oh how warm and soothing his voice was, he could read instructions to from a manual a and make it sound like a novel.
"Why exactly do you celebrate Christmas... We are demons and well...this is a holiday about..."
He pointed up, pretty much a universal statement for upstairs / heaven.
"Well yes it is... But there are aspects even us down here can appreciate...not all of us can love but those who can...well we find it a time to spend it with those we care for and... I decorate our home like this because it looks pretty, there are festivities to enjoy like making the Christmas meal together, presents and mistletoe...but the best part is getting to spend it with people I love. "
Cruentus was watching them, hoping the shorter demon would finally friggin catch on his master was just as head over heels for Black Hat, but alas both of them were bloody clueless, adorable and frustrating.
"Oh...presents is that part of the tradition?"
Hat answered, though he seemed a little distant, inside he was panicking as much as that scene in spongebob where in his mind he couldn't remember his name, thinking WHAT DO I GET HIM, WHAT CAN I GIVE HIM WHAT WOULD BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR HIM.
"Yes it is but you do not need to worry yourself, or feel the need to partake in what we celebrate, but I do hope you will join us for the meal at least."
Acylius smiled and Hats heart skipped a beat it was always so kind and genuine, a rare thing to see in this world amongst demons who usually were always grasping for things.
"I would be honored to...may I be excused?"
"Of course you silly bastard, I have told you before you have free roam of the house, just not Cruentus's room, after all that is his placr and we respect others privacy."
The taller of the two chuckled.
Hat nodded and managed a smiled before climbing back down the ladder only to keep his gaze up, Acylius was hanging decorations once more but Cruentus saw out the corner of his eye, Black Hat checking out Flugs rear and only smiled to himself, idiots...the both of them he thought affectionately.
So for Days Hat listened and paid ridiculous attention to everything Acylius said and looked out for every detail anything the demon might want or need, but what the hell did you give a demon who could buy everything! Could get anything he wanted at any time!
He was face down on the kitchen table one night when Acylius had gone to bed practically giddy, they'd even hung him a stocking over the fireplace, they made him feel so welcome... He'd made Cruentus some ear warmers, after all he'd taught himself how to become a tailor and most ear warmers were never properly made he'd learned just so customers would have to pay more by going back and getting them fitted.
He personally didn't like when his ears were cold so thought the hell hound humanoid would appreciate the gesture.
But what did he get the demon he adored.
Scrubbing his hands down his face he heard Cruentus coming down the stairs.
The hell hound looked at Black Hat, he really was short sitting at the end of that large oak table with a candle burning.
Sighing he came and sat beside him.
"What is the problem short one?"
"You are not much taller yourself."
Black Hat huffed, folding his arms but he could not stay offended, he was too tired from worrying what to get Acylius.
"I... I do not know what to get him...I want to show my appreciation...and..."
"He likes useful things...or things that just made you think of him...he does not care if it was a coin or found on a side walk, you could literally pick up a stone say you thought it looked pretty and you thought he might like it and the fact that you felt that way would make it worth more to him than those stupid presents rich suitors will try and give him."
Cruentus looked side to side and whispered
"We usually donate them to charity or burn them...another tradition heh."
That made Black Hat stall before he had to cover his mouth to stop himself from letting out a loud laugh and possibly waking Acylius.
Well he had heard Acylius complaining about one thing and thanked Cruentus before running off upstairs to his room.
Cruentus leaned back and put his feet on the table smiling, they really were bloody idiots, he was rooting for them so hard it was like when people watched their shows on Earth and shipped characters in a show or series.
The next morning.
Acylius knocked on Black Hats door and barely gave him a chance to answer before bursting in with the biggest silliest grin, oh god was he actually being this... Stupid cute, seeing a six ft seven demon jump excitedly onto the bed like a child was...adorable.
Why, why, why weren't they together he wanted to kiss that big silly smile of his he also heard a squeak sound from the thing he was carrying and blinked as he saw Acylius cooing over the box saying it was alright and apologising... What the hell.
He tilted his head in fascination and watched him
"What is that?"
Black Hat inquired, pointing at the box, coming forward like a animal curious about the new thing in the home.
"This is your present, I really really hope you like it...if your heart does not melt you have no soul."
Acylius giggled, pushing the box into his hands
"But I don't have a soul and nor do you... Do you?"
"I do actually...because my mother...who we do not speak of in this home was human... Anyway present, look at it now please please!"
How could Hat resist and also...that was...what could he say about Acylius having a soul for a demon that was rare as you could possibly get.
He opened the box and inside he found the fluffiest black kitten staring up at him wearing a red bow...
"I found her, being bullied by children for her colour...she was alone and helped her to get better...she reminded me of you..."
"Because of my ears?"
Hat asked flatly
"No silly, because despite the world treating her poorly, she survived, she will grow into a strong huntress, sleek and elegant, and show that she is far more than a sign of bad luck, she is just as worthy of being cared for as anyone else...just like you are. "
Hat swallowed and feigned that fur had gotten in his eye before reaching out, letting her sniff his hand, her tiny nose booping his finger tips before nuzzling into his palm.
"No doubt you gave her a ridiculous name?"
"It is not ridiculous, it is cute..."
"What is it?"
"Mew mew loaf."
"Why that?"
"Because cats mew and do that thing where they lay down and tuck their legs under them, people call it loafing so...that is why...you can change it if you want..."
Flug explained, voice trailing off and ears going down a little
"Never...that explanation was too perfect a reminder of what a ridiculous demon you are...also I love this tiny loaf creature you have given me...she is perfect."
Mew mew loaf was already climbing on Black Hat and sitting in his lap mewing and playing with the tassel of the shorter demons night cap.
Damn it she was so.... Argh he felt disgustingly gooey.
He loved her already.
"I made you something but I am currently trapped under this tiny thing... I somehow feel guilty if I move now... It's under the bed."
Acylius's ears perked up again, happy to see her loved the little kitten, though the fact Hat had something for him was certainly a surprise.. He bent over the bed, ass up in the air, night shirt sliding up, revealing more than he realised as Hat's eye went wide... Hoooolllly is.. Was that his.... He covered Mew mews eyes, she should not be seeing that.
Acylius retrieved the gift and gently poked at it, oooo it felt soft, it was wrapped in news paper at first Hat started to internally panick because it wasn't in some fancy paper but he soon found Acylius was too busy unwrapping it and clearly didn't care what type of paper it was in.
There was silence all apart from Mew mew loaf purring contentedly.
Acylius was looking over a beautiful blue scarf, long thick warm, knitted with cat ears resembling Black Hats knitted at either end, he held it and nuzzled it.
"Finally a scarf long and thick enough...and in my favorite shade of blue...you made this?"
Acylius asked gently
Hat couldn't believe how the tree was reacting to the scarf as if it were some sacred treasure, he was ready to apologise for It being a terrible gift and was now deflating like a balloon as all the tension left him.
"I did..."
"I adore it, thank you so so much for this.. I know there is no mistle toe above us but would you mind awfully if I kissed your cheek?"
Hats pupil dilated so wide it made his eye almost seem black, ACYLIUS COULD KISS HIS WHOLE DAMN BODY IF HE WANTED and he was asking permission...it, how was he...maybe he could try his luck.
"No... But perhaps I might accept a kiss on the lips..."
He smirked inside was screaming what if that insults him what if he says no and what if... Oh... Oh his lips were warm...he could feel the scars, how the skin dipped a little, it wasn't even a peck, Acylius was holding his face gently, the kiss was tender, lingering touch and their eyes closed.
It may not have been quick but it ended far too soon, he would dream of that kiss for the rest of his life.
If that was all he ever had, he knew he'd felt heaven in that touch.
Acylius was silent and still staring, was he going to kiss him again... Please... Please...
But the tree only pulled the shorter demons night cap down and ran off
"I will see you downstairs for pancakes!"
Black Hat fell back against the pillows huffing
"That...insufferable...wonderful idiot."
Mew Mew loaf simply mewed but the demon had a feeling she was agreeing with him.
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idyllicstarker · 5 years
saw your post asking for prompts, so I have this idea but I’m too lazy to write about. tony owns a ranch in New Mexico, and is known as the grumpy old man with the grumpy old horse that’s almost as much as a jackass as him. Peter stays with his aunt over the summer, ends up wandering to Tony’s ranch, and Tony finds him leaning over the fence petting his horse. so they go on trail rides and shit and end up making out under a tree as the watch the sunset. sappy I know
Very sappy, but I love sappy, so thank you for the prompt. I hope I did your idea justice!
Warnings: Uhh, foul language? Peter is 18!!
 “Good morning Ms. Scout!” Peter Parker’s soft, friendly voice floated in the air like a sequence of bells, much like his spirit. His scuffed boots kicked a cloud of dust up to his shins as he walked past the old woman’s house. His usual welcoming smile lit up his face, and his slightly pink cheeks seemed even brighter today.
 “Good morning Peter dear, would you like to come in for some lemonade?”, came the croaky, but no less gentle reply of Ms. Scout. Like every day, as Peter passed her house, walking down the trail leading from that of his aunts, the woman was out on her white porch, slowly rocking in her chair, and a book in her lap. Peter wondered if the woman ever really read that book, because whenever he did call out in passing, he seemed to be knocking her out from her daydream, rather than any reading. 
Despite the offer of that sweet cool liquid tempting his dehydrated mind, Peter declined with a shake of his head. “Aunt May wants me back with this bread as soon as possible, but thank you Ms. Scout, I’ll see you later”, he called out, giving her a small wave. It wasn’t exactly a lie. A loaf of bread in a brown paper bag was swinging from his left hand as he kept up his hurried pace. But the last time he’d stepped foot into the woman’s house he didn’t manage to leave until nightfall. He wasn’t complaining, it’s just that, talking about antique plates wasn’t the most interesting thing for the young male. 
Peter had only been here for three weeks, and already the people around here knew him by name. It might have something to do with the fact that his Aunt May knew pretty much everyone and anyone. And as soon as he introduced himself as her nephew, the new face was suddenly no longer new. He loved it up here. May’s small cabin was peaceful. Close enough to the town to take a short walk up, but isolated enough to just be alone for a while when needed. He enjoyed it here. And the New Mexico weather was currently a lot better than anything he could get up at New York. 
He hadn’t been so excited to come here at first. Spending the whole summer away from his best friends Ned and Mj wasn’t ideal. But when he came, he figured he didn’t mind all too much. Even though he was surrounded by a predominantly older population, it was a nice change from bustling New York life. Plus he got to spend some time with his favourite aunt, and out on the trails when he wasn’t. Nothing was bad out here at all. 
He’d left early this morning, having used up all of May’s bread last night as he strangely craved toast at three am. So to make it up to her he went out to get more. As he walked back along the trail, his gaze settled on one of the most beautiful flowers here in his opinion. A blanket flower. He moved to carefully pick it, twirling the stem around his thumb and index finger gently as he continued on his way. 
Jogging up the steps of the cabin, he pushed open the door and moved to put the bread away. “Aunt May?”, he called out softly, confused at the silence of the house. With a few quick steps to her room, a soft laugh escaped his plump lips as he settled his eyes on her sleeping form, all sprawled out on the bed. He stepped inside, laying the flower down on her nightstand, pressing a soft kiss to her head, before moving out of the room. After a quick drink of water, he practically ran out of the house, eager to get some more of that fresh air in his lungs, and the energy out of his muscles. 
Tony Stark was unlike Peter Parker in many ways. He wasn’t as spirited and lively as the boy, he didn’t have such a lovely personality, and he sure as hell didn’t go around greeting his neighbors with a smile and a soft tone. In fact, he barely even spoke to his neighbors. Or that of anyone within a few miles of his ranch that is. To put it lightly, Tony was the moody old grandpa that everyone hated. It was quite ironic considering he wasn’t /that/ old. At least not yet old enough to be a grandpa. Not that he ever would be. He seemed to have a special kind of hatred for anyone under the age of thirty. His ranch and his horse Friday, were his prized possessions. At least that’s what everyone presumed. Whenever people saw the grumpy man, which wasn’t often, he didn’t socialise much, he was almost always with his horse. He treated the stallion with such care and gentleness that it was shocking. Though what was even more shocking, was the way the horse responded. 
The beautiful creature was a little shit. It would stamp his feet at exactly the right time to ensure that people always got covered in dirt. It would bite you if you tried to feed it. And if it wasn’t Tony’s famous bitch face that scared people away, it was the way the horse seemed to glare at you. 
Peter had never properly met Tony. At least not yet. He’d heard of him, but didn’t know too much about him. Only that if he wanted to stay as happy as he was he should stay away from him. Tony wouldn’t be excited to see him. Peter didn’t understand how anyone could be so harsh. He’d laughed it off, but had yet to go and actually see the man. Not that he thought he would ever. 
As he walked down the dirt track, kicking a stone at his feet, he bit into a bright red apple he’d plucked off a tree further down the trail. Juices dribbled down his chin in which he lifted his arm to wipe away. And then his interests were suddenly captivated by the most beautiful horse he’d ever seen. He recognized the area as Stark’s ranch, but didn’t think much of it as he stepped up to the gate. He didn’t know how he made his way over her, but he wasn’t complaining. 
“Hey there sweetie”, he spoke, his tone soft and airy not wanting to scare the creature away. The horse didn’t know the stranger at first, but the moment it heard the voice his head lifted, to look over the boy. It’s coat was as black as pitch, shiny and clearly well-cared for. Peter had to step up onto he bottom rung of the gate in order to reach its head. Peter looked down at his apple, before holding it over, trying to build up trust. He didn’t seemed fazed by the look in the horse’s eyes, the one that always prevented people from ever going close. 
No, Peter was determined. For a moment the horse seemed hesitant, but soon it took a step towards the by and moved to eat up the apple. Peter grinned, gently moving to stroke over the soft, kitten-like coat that made up its head. His soft giggles rose up in the air as the horse nuzzled against his hand. And that’s how Stark found the boy. His hat tipped low over his eyes, and a piece of straw hanging from his lips he watched over the boy for a moment.
 Peter was slightly hunched to reach the horse, his light blue denim jeans clung well to his figure, and Tony couldn’t help but appreciate the curve of his figure under his red and white flannel, that seemed far too big for him. In reality it was one of Uncle Ben’s old ones, the top two buttons missing revealing Peter’s milky collar bone. Tony stood there, the boy clearly wasn’t from here. None of the kids from around here would dare to actually lean over the fence and pet Friday out of fear of Tony coming and shouting at them. Yes, it had happened before. But Tony didn’t feel the need to scare this one away just yet. 
He moved to shove his hands into the pockets of his own jeans. His own chest was bare of any fabric, his tanned skin on show, slightly sweaty and dirty from sitting outside all day. But that didn’t matter, what mattered was the fact that Friday was currently allowing himself to be pet. That never happened. The only person he trusted was Tony. And if it was anyone else, Peter would surely have been nicked at by now. A gruff clearing of his throat and Peter gasped quietly, falling down from the fence with unsteady feet. 
“Can I help you?”, Tony asked the stranger. He certainly didn’t seem all too friendly. Friday pawed at the ground in response, letting out a whine of sorts as he trotted closer to the fence. He’d clearly taken a liking to the boy. 
“H-Hi.. umm.. I don’t believe we’ve met, I’m Peter, Peter Parker”, the boy stuttered, holding out his hand with a shy gaze. His skin was quite pale, but a soft brown was beginning to form from his long days outside. Yet despite that, Tony could still make out a blush that has appeared on his cheeks. He let out a low chuckle, moving his own hand out and shaking Peter’s quite intensely. 
“Tony”, he greeted, his tone dry and unwelcoming. His gaze moved to Friday who was looking over the fence at the two of them. He rolled his eyes a bit. “You like my horse?”, he asked, letting go of his hand as Peter shyly nodded and looked up to the taller man. Oh, so this was the famous Tony. He didn’t seem a grumpy to him.
 “She’s quite beautiful. I hope you don’t mind me petting her, I couldn’t resist”, he said with a soft smile. And it was that smooth curl of his pink lips, and the doe-like eyes that he held, that had Tony melt into sickly sweet honey. He nodded his head. 
“She is”, he agreed, stepping past Peter to gently stroke over his own horse. “It seems she’s attracted to people just like her..”, he muttered. It took, Peter a second before he register the implication to Tony’s words, but when he did, those golden brown eyes widened in the most adorable way as he moved his small hand to rub at the back of his neck. 
“Oh.. I, uh, thank you sir”, he said softly, causing Tony to laugh loudly and throw his head back. The situation wasn’t all that funny, but Peter was. 
“You ever ridden a horse Peter?”, he asked after a moment, pulling away from the fence and moving to to turn around to the boy, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched him. 
Peter, who still seemed to be recovering from the unexpected compliment, shook his head. “No, Sir, we don’t exactly many of them in New York”, he said. His words were received by Tony, signifying his slight amusement with an eyebrow raise. 
He knew he recognised that accent. The man nodded his head. “You want to?” 
Peter seemed surprised by that, as he ended up nodding his head eagerly. “I’d love to before summer ends”, he admitted. Tony went silent for a moment, before turning around to look over Friday and let out a slight sigh. 
“Come back tomorrow morning and I’ll teach you”, he said simply. He seemed like he almost didn’t want to give the offer. Peter was about to ask if he was sure, but Tony was already walking away. Peter shrunk back, letting out a soft breath as he blinked, his long eyelashes fanning over his cheeks. “Thank you Tony”, he called out weakly. He was only met with silence. 
As promised, Peter arrived at Tony’s ranch the next morning. In fact he was so earthly, that the sun was only just beginning to break through its confinements to greet the world. Peter wasn’t sure if he should knock on the door, or if he should just stand here. But it seemed like in the end he didn’t need too. 
“Jesus Kid, you’re early.”
Again, Peter was startled by the voice, whirling around to be met with Tony. He was wearing a shirt today, much to Peter’s disappointment. The crisp white material tucked into some black jeans, boots on his feet. He was carrying a bucket in his arms, having just gone out to feed Friday herself. 
Peter blushed slightly at the observation, Tony had noticed he did that a lot. But his attention was currently elsewhere. If Tony was dazed by the small showing of the boys neck and collarbone yesterday, well, he should be dead by now. Peter was wearing another flannel, except this time, it seemed to have been jaggedly cut (Tony knew because the bottom was frayed) so that it was cropped, revealing the boys smooth mid riff. Tony’s gaze raked over his stomach, his tongue licking at his bottom lip. The boys shorts did nothing for the imagination either. They were skin tight, ending just below that round, perk ass. Yeah, maybe Tony didn’t regret to doing this at all.
“Sorry sir, you didn’t exactly give me a set time, and I just..”, Peter began, not really knowing how to justify it. He shrugged, looking up at him with a hint of embarrassment in his expression. 
“I can leave if that’s-“ But Tony was quick to deny that with a sharp “no!” He caught himself afterwards, letting out a long breath as he shook his head at his own eagerness.
“No kid, it’s okay”, he repeated. “I’ll just go get you a saddle and a helmet. Don’t want you cutting your head open”, he said, giving him a small nod as he moved over to the stables. Peter let out a long shaky breath, his inner conscious cursing him out for being so stupid. Tony wasn’t all that bad, and he didn’t want to mess this up. 
Tony returned back within a few minutes. He was leading Friday, who was all saddled up, she didn’t look too happy about it either. If horses could have a bitch face, this one definitely did. Tony was used to riding her without the gear, so she wasn’t exactly thrilled with this change. But when she saw Peter, her demeanor seemed to change slightly. Tony led her up to the boy, who seemed once again in awe. He stretched out his hand, the horse instantly nuzzling against it. Tony didn’t even wait for permission, moving to fasten the helmet on Peter’s head, much to the shock of the boy. His movements were rough, but not violent. Peter figured it was from the heavy work. 
Tony barely noticed. “Okay, get on, and I’ll take you on a small walk around the pen so you can used to the feeling”, he told him. Peter blinked his eyes, those beautiful brown orbs looking over Friday as he swallowed nervously. He didn’t speak, only attempted to do as he was told. He placed his foot in the stirrup, and tried to hoist himself over, but he couldn’t quite make it. His foot got tangled, and with a small shriek, he was falling. However he didn’t quite hit the ground. Before he could register it, strong arms were wrapped around his waist, keeping him upright. 
“It’s alright kid, I’ve got you”, came the voice by his ear, a shiver running over Peter’s body at the soft roughness it held. Tony lifted him up gently so that he was seated properly on the horse, a small, amused smile on his lips. “There we go”, he spoke, the teasing evident in his tone as he patted at Peter’s thigh. Peter’s ears turned red. Avoiding Tony’s gaze as he grabbed onto the reigns. At the boys quietness, Tony ended up laughing. 
“It’s okay Kid, you’re not the first person I’ve seen not be able to get up on a horse”, he said. His words of encouragement didn’t seem to help though, as Peter’s neck flushed as red as his ears, causing the older male to laugh harder. He shook his head, deciding to put him out of his misery as he lightly patted Fridays rear. “There we go girl, easy now”, he said, as the horse began to move in a slow walk. 
Peter yelped at the sensation, turning to look down at Tony with a grin. “This is so cool..”, he muttered. 
That’s the way the day passed. Slowly but surely, Peter became more confident until Tony didn’t even have to walk along beside him anymore. There was a lot of laughter coming from Friday’s pen that day. And anyone that passed had to take a second and stop, and make sure that yes, they were in fact passing Tony’s ranch. It was such an unusual sound to come from his side of the trail. And yet they knew by the sound of those sweet giggles, who exactly had caused it. By the time they ever actually finished up outside, it was evening. Peter was burnt raw by the sun, so Tony ushered him inside without a fight. 
They ate dinner together, Tony having made burgers on the grill. They sat on the porch eating, Peter with a glass of lemonade, and Tony with a beer. He drove Peter back to Aunt May’s cabin in his truck. As they pulled up outside, only the lights could be seen from within the walls. Everywhere else was black, save for the stars that shone in the sky like lanterns. Peter turned to Tony and thanked him. And before he slipped out from the truck, he pressed a gentle kiss to the man’s cheek, his chin brushing against his scruffy beard as he pulled back with his innocent little smile that should be illegal. As he ran up to the door, he gleefully gave a small wave, before stepping inside. Tony drove back that night with an unusual smile on his face. 
Peter coming down to the ranch soon became a regular occurrence. 
The first time it happened, it was totally on a whim. It wasn’t arranged. But he moved up to pet Friday at the fence, and Tony called out to him, for him to come in. They didn’t go riding that day, but they did play card games beside the fire Tony had made. The third time happened much like the one prior. And so did every other time after that. Peter would show up unexpected. But Tony didn’t mind. In fact on the rare days that Peter didn’t show up, he actually found himself missing the boy. Although he’d never admit to it. 
Some days they did go riding. And once Peter was more confident. No longer wearing the helmet, Tony stopped walking and moved to take another one of his horses. He was biased towards Friday of course, his girl was his girl. But now he had his boy to think about. 
They spent most days on the trail. Peter told him about school, and in return Tony told him stories about when he was his age. Usually Peter found them types of things boring, but he could listen to Tony’s voice all day without getting uninterested. The fact that Tony was quite literally the most attractive man Peter ever had the honor to lay eyes on, helped greatly as well.
The air was hot that day. It was sticking to them uncomfortably, and yet somehow, they couldn’t he sitting any closer under the shade of the tree.
 The horses were grazing casually on the grass, Tony’s shirt discarded beside them, and Peter kind of leaning against his arm. Peter’s outfits had only ever got more provocative. His shorts seemed to only get shorter, so that when he walked, Tony could quite clearly see the bounce of his ass. Not that he was complaining. 
He had a shirt on, but again, it was far too big for him, and this time it wasn’t done up. His smooth chest and stomach was exposed in all of its glory. Had Tony been using every excuse just to touch him? Of course he had. 
They were pretty silent today. But it wasn’t a heavy silence. It was the kind of comfortable silence in which they were just enjoying each others presence. It was still pretty light out, but in the distance, they had the perfect view of the sun setting. A kaleidoscope or colour thrown against the sky to form such a beautiful painting. 
“I wish I could see this everyday”, Peter muttered quietly beside Tony, resting his chin on his bicep mindlessly. His fingertips brushed against his palm, causing Tony’s fingers to twitch, but he didn’t give much more of a reaction than that.
 “Maybe you can, once you’re done with school. You can move down here”, Tony suggested, shifting slightly in his spot so that he was more leaned against the back of the tree. He moved his arm after a second, wrapping it around Peter, who in response laid his head to his chest, and cuddled against his side. You know, how normal friendly individuals do. 
Peter smiled softly at that, biting down on his lip. “Yeah I guess I could”, he said softly. “Will you wait for me? So we can go on more trail rides together…?”, he asked, completely innocently as he titled his head to look up at Tony. His gaze was sweet, and Tony’s heart pounded at the sight. 
Taking the hand that wasn’t wrapped around the boy, he gently moved to caress his cheek. “Of course love, i’ll wait for you”, he promised softly. But Peter actually let out a small laugh at that. “You will? Or will you find another young boy to swoon with the help of your horse.” 
He was being playful, it was obvious, but Tony could hear the slight bitterness in his tone, along with fear. Peter was genuinely scared that once summer was over, he’d leave, and Tony would forget all about him. And despite his best efforts to not let it happen, he’d realised, he’d fallen bad for the older man. Tony seemed almost shocked by Peter’s words, shaking his head. “Why would I do that when I’ve already found you?”, he asked softly, a gentle smile on his lips. 
Peter turned quiet, seemingly trying to think over it. He sat up, looking down at the ground between them. Tony rolled his eyes slightly, and with a small gentle tug, pulled the boy into his lap. His large hands made the skin over his waist flare up with an enticing heat. The same way Peter always felt whenever Tony brushed against them. 
“I’m not going anywhere kid. And when you come back, I’ll be right here waiting for you. Who knows, maybe I’ll even come and visit you in New York”, he said softly. Peter laughed, but it didn’t take long for him to realise that Tony was being serious. 
His smile turned softer in surprise, biting down on his lip. “I’d like that”, he whispered quietly. 
Tony chuckled, looking over the boy with a loving expression. His gaze was soft and gentle. He truly did mean what he said. Instead of replying, he figured he’d just have to show him. He moved to press their lips together, soft but hesitant at first, not wanting Peter to freak out. But Peter didn’t. No, he couldn’t. He’d been waiting for this for the longest time. 
He let out a small whimper against Tony’s lips, his hands moving to rest on his chest. What started out as a sweet, gentle kiss, soon turned into an eager and hungry endeavor. Tony couldn’t help but explore the boy in his lap, and Peter sure as hell didn’t mind. And that’s the way it stayed. Nipping, biting, and passionate kissing. Peter’s soft groans filled the air as they kissed, the sun still sinking behind its curtain in the background. 
When they did pull away, Peter was a blushing mess. His lips were pink and swollen, but he looked over Tony with the most loving expression. And the older man returned it. 
“I love you kid…”, he whispered softly after a moment, moving to gently brush some of his hair away from his forehead with a gentle touch. Peter practically beamed, biting down on his lip as he let out a slight giggle.
“I love you too Tony.”
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crystalninjaphoenix · 5 years
There’s a Cat Now
A Switch AU Story
Welp idk how this happened but it did and it’s cute so here we are. A short drabble about Marvin, JJ, and a cat.
“I don’ recognize t’is part of town,” Marvin muttered, staring out the car window at the streets whizzing by. Not too intently though, he still wasn’t used to how fast cars went now. “Are you goin’ t’finally tell me what we’re doin’ here?”
“Hang on a moment, we’re almost there, just let me park.” JJ carefully maneuvered the small car into an empty space, turning it off with a twist of the keys. “Alright, here we are!”
Marvin looked out the front window at the store they’d parked in front of, reading the name emblazoned on the sign. He squinted. “Is...is t’is a pet store?”
“Surprise!” JJ smiled, accompanied by a joyful fluttering of fingers. “I wanted to get you a pet!”
Marvin blinked. “Why?”
JJ’s smile faltered a bit before he recovered his cheer. “Well, I thought it would help you adjust to this new...environment. And also...” His joyful expression fell once more, becoming serious. “I sometimes worry about you being home all by yourself. It might get lonely, you know, and I can’t keep asking the others to stop by even though they keep saying they’d be happy to.”
“Oh, so you’re saying t’at I can’ be alright wit’out you?” Marvin chuckled as JJ suddenly started stammering excuses. “It’s alright, I know what y’mean. Are you sure about t’is? Pets can be difficult to take care of. I’m okay wit’out one.”
“Well, yes, but also...small animals are cute.”
Another chuckle. “Alright. I s’pose I can’ change your mind once you’ve got it made up. Lead the way.”
JJ paused. “I’d hoped you be a bit more enthusiastic, to be honest.” Marvin didn’t answer, just shrugged. JJ exhaled a puff of air, then continued. “Well, we can’t do anything just sitting in the car. Come on.” He opened the door and stepped out, and Marvin soon followed.
The inside of the pet store was about what you’d expect, a main reception desk and walls covered in cute posters about the adoption process and how to take care of your animals. A few workers wearing blue shirts and nametags were milling about. One immediately walked up to JJ and Marvin. “Hi, can I help you?” she asked.
JJ looked over at Marvin, who gave an indifferent shrug. “Well, we’d like to adopt today,” JJ explained.
“Oh that’s wonderful! Do you know what type of animal you’re looking for? We have dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, snakes, hamsters and gerbils—”
“Cat,” Marvin jumped in before she could list every possible pet that existed. Yeah, cats could take care of themselves. He didn’t have to devote himself to that.
“I’m a cat person, myself,” the worker—her nametag read Kendra—said with a laugh. “If you would follow me through this door I can show you our cat kennels.
Marvin was expecting walls lined with cat carriers, and there were a few side rooms of that. But Kendra instead led them down a hall to a large room with wide windows that was entirely taken up by cat condos and trees, multilayered carpeted platforms with scratching poles and little houses to hide in. There were even a few mounted on walls. Around the perimeter of the rooms were benches for visitors and baskets of cat toys. Naturally, there were cats everywhere, of all shapes and sizes. Brown, white, black, tabby, calico, short-hair, long-hair, and every -hair in between. There were already some people inside interacting with them; what looked like a mom and two kids and an elderly couple.
“This is our playpen. Not all our cats are out right now, but this is a good place to get to know them,” Kendra explained. “If you don’t find one who appeals to you, I can take you into their actual kennels. We also have a selection of toys, beds, and other entertainment items, if you want to check those out.”
“Well,” JJ started, “we might not—”
“Jems, you can go look at those,” Marvin interrupted. “I’m goin’ t’stay in here for a while and see what happens.”
JJ gave him a look, but then said, “Okay, if you insist. Come get us if you need anything. Miss, if you can show me where that is...”
JJ left the room with Kendra, and Marvin immediately walked over and sat on a bench in a corner, near one of the cat trees. He watched the others in the room play with the cats, petting them and picking them up and dangling cat toys in front of their faces. That all seemed well and good, he supposed. But he didn’t really feel any urge to join in himself. So he just watched.
There was a slight movement in the corner of his eyes. He glanced over at the cat tree nearby. There was a pair of green eyes hidden inside the shadows of one of those little house-structures that sat on the tree. They were looking at him. Marvin stared at the eyes for a while more, then looked away, turning back to the room at large. He watched the pair of children entertain a black kitten with a laser pointer for a while. Weren’t they supposed to be bad luck? A cat like that would need a home, maybe if he had to get one he could pick that one up. But didn’t kittens require special care?
There was another movement. Marvin looked back over to the cat tree to see one had climbed out and hopped to the ground. It was mostly shades of brown and tan, with some darker brown stripes. Its muzzle and chest were white. Marvin presumed that its belly and paws were white as well, but given how it was sitting in that “loaf” position, and how its fur was extremely long and poofy, Marvin couldn’t exactly see its paws. Overall, it looked a bit like a burnt marshmallow. A marshmallow that was staring directly at Marvin.
Marvin, in turn, blinked at it. “What is it?” Obviously, the cat did not answer, and after it didn’t move for a while Marvin turned away again. But only a minute later, there was a warm, soft ball pressing next to his leg. He startled, and looked down to see the cat was now a ball of fluff sitting next to him on the bench. He raised an eyebrow. “What? D’you want attention? I can’ really tell, I don’ speak cat body language. I have trouble enough with the human kind.”
The cat kept staring at him with its big green eyes. After a moment, he gently set his hand on the cat’s back. When there was no reaction, he slowly began petting the length of it. The cat squinted its eyes, and after a while, started purring. “You wanted t’at? Well, I don’ mind. You’re very soft, a lot of fluff. Pleasant to touch. And you’re a han’some cat as well.” After a while of petting, Marvin stalled. He hesitated, then started petting the cat’s head.
With a stall in the purring, the cat opened its mouth wide and yawned. Then it shook itself, causing Marvin to sharply withdraw his hand, and climbed to its feet, stretching. Marvin thought it would leave next, but instead it padded even closer and clambered onto his lap, standing there. “Oh!” Marvin gasped, surprised. “Y’could warn a man first.”
The cat kept eye contact, sitting on his lap. And now that it was out of the “loaf” position, Marvin noticed something. He was right about the belly and paws being white, but also...while its left front leg was as expected, its right front leg ended in a stump. Marvin blinked. “Oh, I see. Y’have trouble in t’at area, then? Well, you’re not alone in the world, Mr. cat.” He reached out and scratched the cat below its ears. It squinted its eyes, then it stood up again, walked closer, and vaulted onto its two hind legs, placing its front paw on Marvin’s chest. “Hey! T’is is a nice jacket, don’ get your fur all over it,” Marvin chuckled, maintaining the ear-scratching.
Another slow blink from the cat. This time, followed by a soft sound, a small “mrrp.”
“Oh my goodness,” Marvin whispered, eyes wide. “T’at was the best sound.” His chest was suddenly light and bouncy inside. “Okay, you’re comin’ wit’ me.” He scooped up the cat, which didn’t wiggle at all as he carried it across the room, out the door of the playpen and into the hallway. From there, it was luckily only a short wandering before he found an open archway that led to a room full of various pet products, and as he walked inside he caught sight of JJ and the worker from before, Kendra. She was holding what a leash and talking to him. “—once they’re harness-trained you can take them outside for walks, like you can with dogs. But of course, training takes—” The worker glanced over as Marvin walked inside the room. Her eyes widened. “Sir, you can’t take the cats out of their kennel area!”
“Why not?” Marvin asked. “T’is one is doin’ fine.”
JJ looked over, and the moment he saw the bundle of fluff in Marvin’s arm his face lit up. “Did you find one you like, Marvin?”
“Well, I’d say t’is pretty kitty found me, act’ally.” Marvin bounced the cat a bit. “Walked up to me.”
JJ gasped, covering his open mouth with a hand. “That’s adorable,” he whispered.
Kendra seemed to have recovered from the shock of seeing a cat in an area it wasn’t supposed to be. “That’s Trio,” she said with a smile. “He’s a rescue. Got hit by a car, unfortunately, and a stranger brought him here. He’s a five-years-old Siberian, and he’s a pretty quiet cat. Liable to snuggle with you while you’re sitting, or even sleeping in bed. He’ll go after laser pointers and other toys, but not as enthusiastically as other cats.”
“T’at sounds wonderful,” Marvin said, distracted by the fact that the cat was now pressing his face into Marvin’s neck. “Trio’s an odd name, why is it?”
“Well, because of the...ah...you know...his, ah...situation...” Kendra seemed reluctant to continue, especially when Marvin’s head shot back toward her with a hard stare.
“I understan’ t’at people often name cats after t’eir features,” he said slowly. “But you didn’ see any problem with t’at particular name?” You know, like the only thing unique about this cat was his legs. Like that was the only thing about him that mattered.
“I didn’t name him,” Kendra hurried to say. “And it’s only temporary, if you adopt him, you can change it.”
JJ looked at Marvin, clearly trying to keep a calm expression. “Do you want to? Adopt him, I mean?”
Marvin looked down at the cat’s tiny face. “Y...yes,” he said, his voice a bit softer than normal. He looked back up at JJ’s excited face and frowned. “You knew this would happen, didn’ you?”
“That you’d get emotionally attached to one and love them? Well, I hoped it,” JJ said, a big grin on his face. “I know you were reluctant, but you’re reluctant about a lot of things, Marvin. A cat’ll be good for you.”
“Yes, yes, alright,” Marvin rolled his eyes. “Let’s finish t’is process so we can take him home already.”
About a half hour later, Marvin and JJ were back in the car. There was now a cat bed, a scratching post, and other cat materials in the back seat. Marvin, in the passenger seat, had a cat carrier on his lap with a burnt marshmallow-colored ball of fluff inside. The ball of fluff had a new green collar with a silver label, and was meowing intently at Marvin. “It’s only for a little while,” Marvin responded. “I t’ink we live close by. T’ough don’ ask me how we get home, I don’ know.” More meowing. “Calm down, Mister, it’ll be fine. I can give you a new toy to distract you, if ye want.”
“Did you just call the cat ‘Mister’?” JJ asked, amused, as he started the car.
“Yes, his name is Mr. Fluffington, and he deserves your respect,” Marvin said without even looking up.
“I see. Well, tell Fluffington it’s nice to meet him.”
“Mr. Fluffington, who do you t’ink you are?”
JJ laughed. “Yes, alright then, Mr. Fluff.”
Marvin looked back down at the newly christened Mr. Fluffington. “Jems says it’s nice to meet you. Ye’ll be seein’ a lot of him.” Fluffington meowed. Marvin grinned. “He likes you.”
“I’m glad. And I’m glad you like him too.”
“I wasn’ expectin’ it, if I’ll be honest.” Marvin unzipped the lid of the carrier just enough to reach inside. “But...I t’ink I’ll be happy to have him around.”
Mr. Fluffington nuzzled Marvin’s hand and he laughed. JJ smiled as he watched. He knew this would be a good idea. These two seemed like they would get along perfectly.
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cagcdbird · 4 years
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@milteine​ queried: Luci/Fleur ! ♥
send me a ship and i’ll tell you
who hogs the duvet fleur. she’s always cold and, despite her small stature, has a tendency to steal as much duvet as physically possible.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going fleur is getting to grips with voice to text dictation; it stops her from interrupting his business conduct. luci habitually rings back rather than text.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts luci. he has a keen eye for the lavish things. not that fleur is difficult to gift to; everything is a novelty to her. everything.
who gets up first in the morning fleur is a chipper early bird. her days in the project facility were strict and regimented, and that carried over. she often tries to pull luci out of bed far earlier than he’d like.
who suggests new things in bed luci 100%. fleur is... clueless. so very, very clueless.
who cries at movies fleur. she’s a softie.
who gives unprompted massages fleur. she sees the world through touch, and consequently likes to touch him. majority of her touches are simple and innocent in nature, intended to soothe.
who fusses over the other when they’re sick luci. fleur has a weak immune system from spending her life in such an extremely sterile environment. she doesn’t like being fussed over, though, and would much rather be left to ❛die a death❜ (read: she’s a drama queen) in a mausoleum of duvets and pillows.
who gets jealous easiest luci. i imagine he does not like it when other people take an interest in the lab rat.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music god fleur definitely.
who collects something unusual fleur likes smooth pebbles, she finds it enjoyable to run her thumbs over them. she has a jar full of them.
who takes the longest to get ready luci. i imagine he prides himself immensely on appearances.
who is the most tidy and organised fleur. she insists on things being neat and orderly so she can a) find things, and b) she doesn’t trip over said things.
who gets most excited about the holidays fleur. her excitement is reminiscent of a child’s; understandable, when you take into account that holidays were never celebrated in the project facility.
who is the big spoon/little spoon luci is a very big spoon. fleur doesn’t mind being snuggled, rather than being the snuggler.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports luci, probably. fleur is much too laid-back and doesn’t really understand why things have to be a competition. she just wants to have fun.
who starts the most arguments fleur. it usually involves her having to stand on a chair to argue with him face to face, by which point he’s already laughing and her point is moot.
who suggests that they buy a pet fleur. with pets, it’s always fleur.
what couple traditions they have traditions? too early to tell. luci likely has to explain to her what those are, and what the point of them is.
what tv shows they watch together fleur loves documentaries, particularly historical and astronomy ones. i’m sure luci entertains her wishes purely to watch the fascination unfold on her little face as she listens.
what other couple they hang out with hang out? with other couples? how about no.
how they spend time together as a couple fleur lives and breathes to play piano, and will frequently serenade luci. i imagine they like to people watch, because the human race is as strange as it is interesting. and if it helps them expose their weaknesses? all the better.
who made the first move luci. fleur has the social skills of a loaf of bread, and zero understanding of cues. of course it was luci.
who brings flowers home luci. fleur adores the scent of fresh flowers. she has several flower baskets dotted about.
who is the best cook neither. don’t let either of them in the kitchen.
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