#she loooooves to put herself in situations
figofswords · 7 months
is midna the kitten named after midna from the legend of zelda
yeah and it turns out that was a mistake because she’s a mischievous little imp who big time lives up to her namesake
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somewillwin · 6 days
Pondering Seven and MC again and I think it's soooo weird that the fandom tends to put the blame for the vote on MC when a) the band ambushed both of them and b) there's so much variation when it comes to how MC reacted to the vote...? Seven ghosted them for 2 weeks just to break up with them at a party of all places without even trying to have a conversation and actively making sure MC COULDN'T have that conversation with them. MC is not blameless but Seven's expectation was that they choose them over their other friends and the music career they've built so far (such as it was at the time) and to me that just feels like a messy and loaded situation where everyone should have sat down and talked it out... but again, Seven just went no contact immediately after the vote. MC is not a blameless angel but the people around them do tend to place impossible expectations on them with no regard for how MC might feel about it. And tying that back to MC's loveless childhood and how it's possible to play an MC that's so starved for love they put up with endless bullshit from their loved ones really explains why the author herself is a big fan of the single MC route. Idk I love Seven and I love SevenxMC but I hope Seven will come to the realization that they are not just owed an apology — they owe MC one, too :/
Tbh I hate both extremes! I hate when people blame the mc for everything and the other way around when the fandom act like they are blameless in this situation.
Tbf, the mc was put into an impossible situation by their friends (and at least nico resents them a bit over how it all ended with seven). I try not to dwell too much on the whole band fall out and who is at fault yet, I will reserve my judgement until we know what happened at the party and we can play all that scene and really see how it all went down and what was really said in that party
And tying that back to MC's loveless childhood and how it's possible to play an MC that's so starved for love they put up with endless bullshit from their loved ones really explains why the author herself is a big fan of the single MC route.
YESSSSS I’m playing nico exactly like that. But the seven Valentine’s Day special gave me hope that they can learn this lesson togayther. That they can be mature about it even if it’s hard, and that they will both learn how to set boundaries 🥲
Nico is so starved for love she just tries to fill it with being a people pleaser and flings (and alcohol and drugs).
Im so glad jazzy knows the mc so much that she sees what she is going through or what she will go through and expects the mc to just suck it up and play the part even if it’s killing them, and already told her that she will always have the mcs back and to call her whenever.
I LOOOOOVE the part when we get to talk in ch 3 and there is an option after jazzy says she didn’t get to watch their song, that days something like “it’s ok I know you are busy” and jazzy jumps like “NO!” Jsjsjsjjd
I know she just had a war flashback of all the times the mc made excuses for their parents not showing up for whatever reason.
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infectiouspiss · 4 months
Rosy killjoy au is soo good I'm sending you my headcanons please respond with your own :3
Party's the only person who can understand Rosy fluently because they're a master at non-verbal communication thanks to Kobra, even though he can't understand her sometimes. The only word Rosy knows is mama (for a long time), and even then she only says it very very rarely. The first time she said it is when she curled into Party's bed after the desert noises scared her and Party cried silently for the next three hours and didn't sleep that night.
Rosy doesn't know how to write or spell words but she can read if there's pictures to help her. She has a drawing of Party (and the word Mommy written by Party themself) for when she wants them, Fun Ghoul crossed out when he's being to loud for her (sensory issues gang), normal Ghoul, Kobra, Jet, The Girl, Food, Water, Bed etc. She hits Ghoul with the bed one when he's giggling too much at bedtime.
She loooooves cars. She hides in the car (The car has a name right. I forgot it) a lot when she's overwhelmed, and it causes an hour long panic and search party for her everytime. They never learn. Rosy's always in the car.
Her favourite drink is apple juice, but she hasn't had it in so long. The first time she has it in the killjoys' company, she squealed and giggled and rocked back and forth and kicked her legs and she was so excited that The Girl gave Rosy her carton to have (and Party cried again because they love their daughters).
Rosy is autistic to meee... Maybe dyslexic. She gets very distressed when Party isn't close by. One time she woke up and Party wasn't there (they were out with Kobra and Ghoul) and Rosy cried so hard she threw up and neither Jet or The Girl couldn't calm her down. When they asked her what was wrong she kept showing them their drawing of Party and saying "Mama" (which shocked them both an made Jet realize how serious the situation was) and she didn't calm down until Party, Kobra and Ghoul came home. She didn't let go of Party's hand for days.
When Party had top surgery and had to rest for a few weeks Rosy did not leave their side once (unless it was to go potty) and drew them a lot of pictures. She also said her second an third words ever which were "Love You." and Party cried. again. Rosy would eventually be comfortable enough to say it to everyone and then she wouldn't feel any discomfort saying it at all. She starts telling friends and strangers alike "LOVE YOU!!!" when she runs back to the car as a way of saying thank you. One time though Ghoul yelled "Fuck You!" at someone and she repeated it for hours. Baby's first and only timeout. Party felt so guilty looking at Rosy in the corner by herself though so they put Ghoul in timeout also.
anon i love you do gou want to get married
i apparently made such a severe typo that my phone wants me to watch dragon ball
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archonadeptus · 2 years
helllooo could i rq hu tao & tartaglia w creator reader who's been having rly rly vivid night terrors from their prev life ?? if that makes sense , if not im so sorry lol😭😭
Genshin x Creator nightmares
A/N: I actually love this idea very very much so I really hope that I did it justice! Thank you so much for requesting! But honestly you can request whenever! I adore all ideas hehe I looooove creator reader content!! But can you tell I'm a Childe simp?👀
Summary: You're having bad nightmares about your Previous life, you have your acolytes to pull you out of them though.
Characters: Hu Tao & Tartaglia. (Separate.)
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Vivid Loss.
No. Not again. That alarm... You're usually just woken by one of your acolytes, so why is that dreaded sound of the alarm blaring through your sleep induced haze?
Opening your eyes, your old room came into view with genshin playing on a screen across from you.  Dread rapidly filled you, hands clutching onto the soft sheets laid against you. It's happening again, you're back to that absolute hell. Standing up, you moved over to the screen that held genshin within - trying to log in. Why wouldn't it let you in? It was a dream, wasn't it? Where you were free.
Free from education and work, free from your past horrors and current ones. Where was Venti when you needed him? Couldn't he make this horrible place as free as Mondstat? Shutting your eyes tightly, everything swirled in your mind. All of the horrible responsibilities and situations you were in, all of the horrible feelings returned tenfold. This was it, wasn't it? You were 'home'. That horrible ringing began once again - pitchy and annoying. The signal of always waking up forcefully day after day to endure utter hell. You couldn't do this anymore. You couldn't do it - 
"Take me back." Your voice was but a whisper clawing against your throat daring to turn itself into a scream. 
"Take me BACK!" 
"... -ace." Sounds… so familiar.
Hu Tao.
"Your Grace!" Feels too real. So real. A hand was soon upon your shoulder, shaking you ever so gently. The words continued to spill from their mouth, concern etched upon their face. Yes… they used to call you that when you were there. When you were within your true home. Wait, this is your home. Is that… them?
"Hu Tao?" She instantly sighed in relief, helping you sit up against the mountain of pillows you had obtained within your adobe. 
"Finally! I kept trying to wake you, Your Grace." She smiled widely at you, oh how you missed that smile of hers. That twinkle in her eyes always warmed your soul, you knew she adored you. "You were having another nightmare! It's not good to have so many, you know." Sighing and shaking your head a little, your eyes gazed around the room trying to once again gain stability. During the silence she shuffled herself to sit beside you, a curious gaze in her eyes. "Sometimes it helps to talk about it - would you wanna?" It wouldn't hurt to talk about it, would it? Even if it's just a little, maybe it'll help the dreams subside and all connections of your past will leave you to your new life in Teyvat.
Gently you took her hand within your own and her lighter attitude soon turned into a  more serious one. She adores you after all and promises to always listen.
"My dreams have been plagued by the time I spent in the life before this one; just the thought alone is enough to make me feel sick. Thinking I'm there again without you fills me with more dread than I can even begin to express. Please don't leave me…" She stayed silent for a moment, eyes wide before she regained her usual composure. Taking a light breath in, she began to speak.
"Huh, so your remembrance of your past life really won't leave you be will it? I think it's about time we give it its own funeral - dont you? To finally put it to rest and to allow you to move to your life truly and fully here! A good idea, right?" Hu Tao grinned at you before continuing. "I'm here! If you need some assistance, I'm here to give it my all to the very end, your grace! Shall we do this?" With your approval, she's soon standing and grinning. "Well then, are you ready to say goodbye to it?"
"Ajax!" His name in the form of a scream ripped from your throat as you sat up breathing heaving and trembling beneath the covers. The door soon finally burst open and a worried Tartaglia stood there with his weapon gripped within his fist along with a Serious yet angry look etched upon his face. How dare something upset you? His love - his divine creator. Seeing no immediate threat, he rushed over to your side with a softer gaze within his eyes.
"My love - another nightmare?" Nodding softly, his fingertips found themselves brushing soft patterns against your hand to try and coax you to lessen your grip on the blankets. "That's okay, I'm here now." His voice was so soothing yet so grounding. However tears soon began to pool within your eyes and once your gaze met his own? Even though he too could practically hear his heart shatter, it took everything in him to not bring you into his arms right there and then. "May I hold you, my grace?" All it took was a gentle yes to be within his protective and warm embrace. "Nobody can take you away from me, my love. Nothing will ever take you away from this world or my arms." Sniffling, you buried your face against his neck.
"But what if it does? And... and then what if I wake up and this is just a dream?" You felt his grip tighten a little around you all whilst his heart hammered against his chest at the thought. These thoughts... How dare they upset you? He will do anything to help you and soothe your mind.
"Then I will tear Teyvat apart to get to you. I will destroy every realm and bring them to their knees if it means I could hold you safely once again." Exhale. "Don't you see, my love? There isn't anything that I won't do for you." A smile was soon upon your lips at his words and loyalty. "Let's try and sleep again my divine, you'll be right in my arms when you awake."
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
ARC Review: Forget Me Not by Julie Soto
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4.25/5. Releases 7/11/2023.
For when you're vibing with... a Julia Roberts-era romcom, wedding planner romance, gruff but swoonworthy, lovely heroes, and messy bitches who can't do emotion right.
Workaholic Ama has booked a celebrity wedding that will skyrocket her notoriety as a planner. The only problem? The florist is her ex, quiet, grumpy Elliot Bloom...who is none too happy to see her after she broke his heart. Determined to make the situation work, Ama and Elliot try to avoid one another as much as possible--but there's unfinished business between them, and it could push Ama to question everything she believed about herself.
Oh, this is a good one. Emotional and reminiscent of the 90s/early 2000s romcoms I love, this book wears it heart on its sleeve. The Reylos know how to do a romance novel, dude.
Quick Takes:
--I love a wedding backdrop for romantic stories, and this book milks it. It gave me My Best Friend's Wedding and The Wedding Planner energy; there's the high emotion that comes with wedding planning, plus the drama and the inherent wistfulness that occurs when you're not the bride but maybe, just maybe, you really want to be a bride. Forget Me Not nails that energy, and it's also just a lot of fun in that sense. Plus, I really believed that Ama loved her job, and that's kind of a lynchpin of the plot.
--Our leads were a great match. Like I said, Ama is all about work; whereas Elliot is very good at his job, but it's more about family legacy. She lives to work, whereas he works to live. It's a good conflict. But at the same time, they give each other something. She pushes him out of his shell, he gives her a safe place to land. They fuck like rabbits and hold each other sweetly. There's a real sense of "oh they are in looooove" in this book, and it made my heart warm.
--I mentioned this author is a Reylo. For me, that's not something I actively seek (I have nothing against the ship, I've read really good Reylo fic, I disagree with some interpretations of the ship and agree with other, darker takes, I love Adam Driver as an actor and Daisy Ridley does nothing for me--I'm very "middle of the road" on it) but I'm also happy to see it. And let me tell you, I could seeeee the "things we project onto Adam Driver as a man who wishes to not be perceived on the internet" vibe to Elliot, in the best way. He's shy in a way that comes off as stern, he's struck by Ama but doesn't know what the fuck to say, he'll put her on her hands and knees in his car and then, when he realizes she's been knowingly driving a car about to fall apart for months, glare at her and competently take care of it. God... he really does it. He does it. The competency, the suppressed emotion, the floral tattoos! Damn.
--I feel like Ama might be a heroine some don't respond well to, because she is unabashedly forthright about her wants and needs--or at least, what she thinks she wants and needs. At the same time, she clearly pushes for things with Elliot without being willing to follow through, sending him mixed signals. To me, she was extremely relatable and human. I love a commitment-phobic heroine, and I sure would love to see more of them. To me, both Ama and Elliot make mistakes in this novel, but never because they want to hurt each other. They're just... people.
--We have a classic romcom-type villain in this book, and that is something I personally love.
--I will say, the format is unusual--sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. Ama's POV is largely in the present, nearly three years after she and Elliot broke up. Elliot's POV is largely in the past, during their relationship. The timeline for both eras is relatively short-ish, and you see a lot more of Elliot and Ama interacting romantically in the past than you do the present, because the present is about like... working towards a reunion. It's realistic, in a sense, because these two really just should be together and their conflicts are internal. But I did wish that we could've seen them interact a bit earlier in the novel, and it did take some getting used to. It's interesting, I just think there could've been a bit more flexibility in the structure. I will say, it did add to the MAX ANGST of the present in Ama's POV.
The Sex Stuff:
Oh, it's hot. We bemoan the state of sex in many traditionally published contemporaries at the moment, but this one is really sexy. I was pleasantly surprised by how their sexual relationship began--you don't see that vibe in a lot of contemporary trad romances. And Elliot is, again, kind of the ideal man: he's a lovely sweet baby who will fuck the absolute shit out of a woman. Also... they talk flowers during. Like, "recite these flowers until you come" kind of talk.
I'm excited to see what Julie Soto releases next, and honestly? I could totally see this as a movie. It's a really solid, truly romantic debut, and it did in fact... give me the feels.
Thanks to Netgalley and Forever for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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shinraapologist · 2 years
im coming into your askbox now...! whats yr fave thing abt shinra? and do u have a fave official art of him? :3
I LOOOOOVE SHIIIIIIINRAAAAAAAAAA. I LOVE SHINRA. hes so handsome and perfect hes the most pathetic man alive i want to eat him i want to put him in a jar and shake him. he is the blorbo of all time. THIS IS SOOOOO LONG, THIS IS MY SHINRA THESIS. this is my shinra apologism bible. this is my shinra loving conversion propaganda.
shinra, at his core, is someone who loves so deeply and is so fucking traumatized and has such bad odds of overcoming it. he's been raised solely by shingen (someone remind me to talk abt test tube shinra) who has. no interest in shinras genuine care or wellbeing beyond an.... experimental context. hes trying to make a child into an accomplished surgeon.
this has consequences on the child.
i hc shinra as autistic (someone remind me to talk about who all in drrr is autistic. short answer they all are); specifically that he struggles with social cues, expectations, reading tone and situations, and emotional regulation and expressing his emotions "correctly". specifically, he over-emotes, to the point of theater at times. his neutral expression and tone of voice are overly excitable and positive, and he feels all his emotions very strongly and reacts as such.
already having trouble understanding what is and isnt socially acceptable (and the differences between different situations), being raised by shingen really fucks him over because he's given a rather.... broken moral and social framework. all the things you normally teach a child about right and wrong... shinra did not get those conversations.
as a child this doesnt bother him. he literally does not know any different. hes generally effervescent, hes a bright child and he loves his dad and he loves learning and he loves how cool shizuo is. he's never seen an operation done on someone who isn't under anesthesia and it bothers him in a way he doesnt have words to describe and his dad wants him to do it, and his dad is smart and he's supposed to listen to his dad and his dad says its okay, so its okay right? he doesnt like it, doesnt like how it feels to hurt the person he found on the boat- doesnt like how his dad doesnt think shes a person when shes right in front of him doing all the things a person does. but he doesn't know how to process that. the person from the boat seems a bit afraid of him after, even though she doesnt have the language to speak to him yet. he doesnt like that, either, although he cant put the words together to explain why.
he likes the girl. shes pretty, in a way he had absently found other girls and women pretty, the same way a flower or a very nice teapot is pretty. but this time, it catches a spark in him- she's captivating in a way none of the others ever have been. he likes how she carries herself, the way she interacts with the world, and he wants so badly to talk to her. so he does. he follows her all around their little house, although at first she's always in the room that used to hold a bunch of spare medical equipment but now holds a thin mat and a black motorcycle. he lets himself in without bothering to announce himself or ask, because hes never had to ask to go in here, and doesnt see any reason he shouldnt be now. sometimes, she shoes him away without fanfare. other times, she allows him to talk to her, chattering a million miles an hour about what hes learned in school or with his dad or what he's been doing out in the yard. she seems like shes listening, even if she never replies. she couldnt, obviously, she had no head. after a few weeks she begins to sometimes come with him when he tries to pull her by the hand around the house.
shinras not the type of kid to want to draw, so it's a few weeks before they reach a point in school where he has homework to take home. theyre learning to write, and although shinra has been reading at a level a few years above his age for a while, he hasn't written any- he's never had any need to. he drags the homework with him into the spare room to go bother his friend after school. she's interested in what he's doing; he can feel her watch him write his shaky pencil strokes as he traces the hirigana outlined on the paper. he explains them to her as she watches, having no idea she can't understand him yet. he proudly holds his finished assignment out to her and beams when she examines it closely. her hand hesitates as she reaches for the pencil; she pulls it back almost as soon as she begins. he thrusts it into her hands, excited that his friend wants to be part of what he's doing. he brings her a spare piece of copy paper and watches as she carefully copies his hirigana. he's happy, pointing to each one as she draws it and telling her which one it is. to him, it seems like a fun game. the next day, he steals a copy of yesterdays homework from the teachers desk when she isnt looking, and begins grabbing an extra copy of each assignment he gets. he and his friend do their homework together every day after school. she sits with him at the kitchen table to do it, now. each day, he does his first and tells her all about what it means. she picks up quickly- within months they both can write simple sentences, and now shinra can really talk to his friend.
once they begin being able to talk, the two are inseparable. shinra grabs an empty moleskin from his dad's office for her to write in, and the more she writes, the quicker she learns. she points to every new object they encounter, and shinra is happy to tell her what each one called. he wants her to come out with him into the yard, and she gestures at the wispy smoke rolling from her neck. he gathers a few hundred yen from random drawers and the pockets of his dad's laundry and the sidewalk on the way home from school and buys her the biggest sunhat they have at the department store the next time he and his dad go. she's happy, when he shows her.
shinra grows far too quickly into a teenager, still wickedly smart and still so deeply, wildly infatuated with celty. he tells her everything, and she tells him more and more, too, as the years go by. he's careful, now, to do all his homework with her and explain the concepts to her as he goes. it's extremely effective studying, and it motivates him to fully understand the material. he's beginning to understand the way he loves her, beginning to realize how lost he would feel without her. he knows he needs to keep her in his life. he also knows now his dad sometimes says and does things he dislikes. shinra operates entirely of his own desires, listening to his father when what shingen asks of him suits him and ignoring him when it doesn't. izaya had asked him once if he had any idea of right and wrong, and although shinra remembers the face izaya made when he told him he felt that anything that felt right must be right, he doesn't know what to make of it.
within another two years he knows he's in love with celty, has already confessed a dozen times. she always brushes him off, but he sees the way she's beginning to smoke up more when he says it. it reminds him of the blush he gets when she says something funny or is particularly cute to him. his love is big enough that it feels like it could burst from his chest. he has no idea what to do with it, how to show it in any semblance of a healthy way. he tries, he stumbles, and gets up and tries again. conversing with humans still confuses him- still cant read facial expressions, still cant understand the vocal inflection of others- but can read celty like an open book. he's beginning to feel less and less human, but he's not upset by it- he's never felt all too human to start.
the longer shingen is gone, the more shinra realizes how badly his father affected him. he begins to resent the man- resents him when he fumbles a social interaction and loses a well paying client, resents him when he does something he feels is right and sees celty hurt or sad. the resentment eats him, leaving him lost and adrift. every time he looks in the mirror he sees his father. his life, his passion, his income, his reputation- its all intertwined with shingen. he hates his father so much he begins to hate himself.
seeing celty come home from the first dollars meeting breaks something in him. he starts to blame his father, if only the rotten bastard hadn't done this to her- and pauses. shinras continued to lie to her too, he's just as responsible now as his father. the feeling makes him sick. he almost tells her then about saika, but the words catch in his throat, and they taste bitter when he swallows them.
that changes something in shinra- he's trying to be better, be kinder, question what he really feels is right and wrong. trying and stumbling and trying again. he forces the truth from his throat, tells celty what his father did, knows his four year old self couldnt stop shingen and his twenty three year old self does not need to continue to cover for him. the truth tastes just as bitter on his tongue as it did in his throat.
he begins standing up to shingen, bit by bit, always feeling he's falling short, always realizing too late when hes crossed a line. trying and stumbling and trying again.
when the stranger kisses him, and he feels a pinprick in his shoulder, all he can think of is the way celty jumped. her shock and pain swirl inside him as violently as she's chasing them- his celty, his celty- he needs to get back to his celty. saikas voice buzzes in his ears like a swarm of wasps but all he can think is celty celty celty-
he needs to find her. when his father hands him the sword the swarm of wasps in his brain swells to a roar and reverberates around his thoughts. celty celty celty- love celty- love- celty- love love love- his broken bones and torn ligaments scream against the flight of stairs to the rooftop backed by an orchestra of celty celty celty love you celty love love love love celty-
it was never a question of following her. shinra would have begged shizuo to throw him after her whether he'd had a plan or not- the sword that had slipped into his body was burning inside him and screaming a chorus, pulled itself to his palm and the sea of love love love celty- guided his arm, guided his thoughts, guided his heart and his soul. trying, and stumbling. doing what his father would have done- what his father already had. he cant help but to get up and try again. i love shinra because hes. fucked up and traumatized and still loves. loves imperfectly, loves messily and loudly and is loved in return. hes a work in progress, hes a horrible little man, hes a poor meow meow and a pathetic wet rat and i could talk about him for ten years. i could talk about his and celtys relationship for ten years. i think shinra as a character is massively underappreciated and massively mischaracterized. this only scratches the SURFACE of my thoughts. PLEASE feel free to ask me abt him he is my little bratz doll im rotating him in my mind at all times. i need to reblog this with my favorite official art tumblr is either overworked or my post is too long-
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dinoburger · 2 years
I have to come back to Mother as an antagonist and my ultimate realization about why there are absolutely no stakes in Eastward
also I'm sorry to bring up LISA but the parallels in terms of how they handle their respective plots just goes to show how fluffy and frictionless Eastward's plot is comparatively
both Sam/Mother and Buddy are in a similar position of being the ultimate decider of humanity's fate. In fact this is hugely hugely a theme LISA plays with and discusses, its a huge factor of the plot. Buddy's autonomy is hugely played up.
This couldn't be less true of Sam. Sam never has to grapple with her autonomy in the face of humanity's fate. Mother essentially was forced to give up her body for the society that dictated she would be humanity's savior, she had her autonomy stripped away. Sam gave up her life to be humanity's savior, this was not a choice she ever really had to grapple with so much as something she "had to do".
I think this is the crux of what makes Sam and Mother's internal conflict so repetitive and uncompelling compared to Buddy's, Mother is never truly a part of Sam's human wants but a separate entity inhabiting her, never truly an influence on the choices she ultimately makes.
Sam never even has the option to try to talk down Mother or otherwise resolve their situation - whether or not that would have worked or made things worse. She is given the one choice, the only choice she can truly make free of Mother, she takes it and kills herself.
Sam has no autonomy in the story, her only choice is to die. We're not ever given a good reason that she might turn her back on humanity. Not even in that long, goading speech Mother gives at the end - it basically means nothing, because aside from at Crockpot Isle every town they visited on their journey was welcoming of Sam, places where she made friends and was cherished.
It has no impact, it just seems contradictory to the life Sam has been living as opposed to the one Mother experienced.
... this is more fanfiction territory but you know what I think? Mother would have more impact if she'd been able to turn John and Sam's wants on each other.
Who does have a reason to save Sam and turn his back on humanity? Who would do anything to protect Sam? Who lived in a cave for 40+ years, was put down for being poor, taken advantage of, ground down through hard labor and continued to be mocked and scorned for his lower-class status throughout the journey?
Who is haunted by the people he's lost before?
If Mother could convince anyone to spare her and therefore Sam, John would be the guy she could convince. If she was a smart villain, like we're supposed to believe. Having arguments with a child about "why killing is good actually" isn't going to get you very far, but a downtrodden, out-of-luck adult man who's been treated like the scum of society?
Now THAT would be conflict!
This is just one way it could actually have like, some meaty conflict going on and have the characters who're supposed to be doing good actually have to contend with their wants vs. the good of humanity. It is very "LISA" to have the father figure go rogue and lay waste to humanity to protect his adoptive daughter, yes, but I would looooove to see John freak out and go apeshit rather than be entirely passive throughout the game.
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seethesunny · 22 days
Tell me the unraveled/undone lore! What got you writing it? How did the idea come up? That shit still haunts me and is why I adore you as a writer.
I always looooove when people bring up the fic™️ (listen, Koku never stops bonking me in the head for it bc I broke her heart, and I still haven't put all the pieces back together) because it was a two month spiral until I anxiously posted it one day lol
I'm gonna rant a bit so fairly warning beforehand haha
I'm gonna be really honest and as transparent as I can be:
I knew that absolutely no soul (except Koku) cares about pregnancy denial as a fic concept, which I understand why that happens for several reasons that are all true and valid and the fic landscape wouldn’t be as varied without it, right.
But this was a personal plot bunny that had been roaming around in my head for some time, and writing it for Tess and Joel felt right.
If you have read it, you know that it's inspired by flutterings written by Raff and AMB. Back when 5 people enjoyed this pairing I got really into their stuff, but flutterings was the one au that really stuck with me and haunted me for years and that's something that they've done magnificently in all their fics I'm 100% giving a fic rec here they’re the reason why I started writing J/T myself. I'm getting off track, so this fic was hitting all the right spots because this is a very specific type of unresolved angst to explore between them, and that's what got me to write it.
It was a very "No one will write this so I guess I'll have to do it myself FINE" moment lmaooo I posted some snippets on my twt account and got a positive response, it won the poll for it to be the next fic I focused on during April (we're not gonna talk about the other 2 that haven't been posted yet) and that's how I ended up actually posting it after years of it floating around my brain.
As for the idea, like I said, it was inspired by the concept of flutterings and how, instead of dealing with their fragile situation, both Joel and Tess walk on eggshells and simply do not bring up ever which puts them at odds.
The first ever scene I had for it was the one when Joel caught Tess, and then everything else molded around the dynamic of that specific moment (Joel being so spiteful while Tess retreats to herself to escape her body, then being flipped by the end), and it wasn't always easy to maintain that tone so I would get frustrated then come back.
I divided it into acts so I wouldn't lose the plot, and the first one is the calm before the storm (the denial), the ice breaking (the reveal), the aftermath (the resolve), the lovers quarrel (the climax of the story, and then closure (the anticlimactic ending/bittersweet aftertaste).
There were some scenes that didn’t make the cut (see: the alternate extended ending) like Joel hunting that's only mentioned in passing, Tess’s nightmares getting darker and worse the more time passed, Joel getting arrested by FEDRA while a very pregnant Tess pulls some favors to get him out, Joel coping with Tess’s absence aka abusing substances, Tess’s giving birth + what she did in the time spent after that, the actual scene when Joel previously told Tess to get rid of it, also another what-if dream sequence that's not the one with Sarah!! I almost scraped that one, but I managed to make it work.
That one was nonsensical, and it would've thrown the Canon compliant out of the window, BUT it was sort of an alternate universe where you can understand that they got together and had Sarah AND Ellie, that was a thing that was really going to happen bc I only ever told this to Koku but a hidden Easter bunny was gonna be Ellie being the baby lol if you ignore the dates it could've been a thing, yet now I don't think it makes any sense.
Maybe one day I'll explore those as oneshots, but my idea only extended to what was posted as in their conflict and "closure." I'll revisit this verse when the right time comes, aka when y'all least expect it 🤝
If you do reach the end, I'm sorry and thanks for letting me know my writing is haunting that's 100% my #1 priority when writing. Seriously thanks for all the love <3
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mayraki · 4 years
⋆⁑lost in HALLOWEEN TOWN ⁑⋆
jj maybank x witch!au
~chapter one~
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✶ The mortal world is a weird place. Or at least that’s what Cordelia Cromwell, better known as Lia, thought once she stepped inside that world for the first time. She was excited to have her first assignment out of the academy. She wanted to do great, that’s what was expected of her after all, being the descendent of great and powerful witches and wizards wasn’t the best thing in the world. High expectations that she was afraid of not being able to accomplish, having to always be the best, and following into her family’s name were things that were always going to follow her and she had to learn how to carry them. But that was not all, unfortunate events would be the best way to describe her life. To almost caughting a classmate on fire because of a potion badly prepared, or just being chase by giant black bird out of nowhere. You could never guess the next bad thing that could happen to her, it was all unexpected.
But what was going to happen to her this next time, she definitely didn’t expect.
Outer Banks. That’s the place she had to live for the whole year. It happened faster than she ever imagined it could go, she tried to keep herself in her homework, since she had to do her mortal and magical to not seem out of the ordinary on her days at the OBX high school. But with a couple of tricks (literally) under her sleeve, she was able to do everything she had to do in time and do it perfectly.
A lot of people had questions about the new girl. She did appear out of nowhere with no family or old friends. She was the quite girl that didn’t talk in class, she was always writing in her old brown notebook, but if you came closer to her and tried to talk she was the sweetest girl with a smile on her face, but then being the nicest (and weirdest) she would walk out of the conversation, somehow leaving you confuse.
That’s how JJ Maybank felt everytime he tried to start a conversation with Lia. He had to be honest, it was weird for him to not be able to stop thinking about a girl. He was known to be the womanizer of his high school, always having a girl around his arm or ending up the party on some tourist room. But since Cornelia Cromwell appeared for the first time on that first of October last year, all his ideas and thoughts went flying like crazy and ended upside down.
The first time talking to her, he tried to do his “famous” flirt on her, but at his surprise it didn’t work, she just walked away with a smile on her face after kindly rejecting him. That caught his attention even more. He always tried to take every opportunity he had, that’s where he was on that moment: ready to ask Lia if she was going to go the Kegger he and his friends were preparing to start the weekend.
With his backpack hanging on one shoulder and his favorite red hat, he was looking at Lia taking some books from her locker. She had that sweet little smile she would always have on her face and those dark clothes that made JJ wonder how was she not burning from that heat with them. Another thing that made JJ curious.
He slowly but confidently walked over to her while his hands where on his pockets. Once he was next to her, she didn’t even look at him since she was too focus writing something on that old brown note book she would carry everywhere.
“Hey.” JJ said to make her look up.
“Hi!” She did a quick look to him without taking the smile out of her face, but then went back to her note book. All that confidence JJ had when it came to talking to girls was all gone, he felt like his tongue was twisting itself and his heart was starting to beat faster.
He noticed that she closed her locker with the intention to walk away, it’s now or never! His conscious screamed at him, so he spited his next words quicker than he wanted to. “Are you coming to the Kegger tomorrow night?”
Lia suddenly stopped to turn around and face JJ. “Unfortunately, I cant. I’m moving tomorrow.”
Suddenly the smile that JJ had disappeared from his face. “What? You’re moving?”
Lia nodded. “Yeah, back to my hometown.” Lia said with the intention to end the conversation but what JJ said backfired for her.
“Where’s your hometown?”
Lia looked with her eyes down but her head stayed put. “It’s far, far away. You won’t know it.” She noticed JJ got a little bit confused and before he would ask anything else, she added “I have to go. See you.” She gave him a little smile before walking away and leaving JJ behind, with a strange look on his face and following Lia with his eyes until she was out of his sight.
⋆ ⋆
“She’s leaving?” JJ asked once him and his friends, Pope and John B, sat down with their lunch at one of the tables. “I mean, she comes here for a year, has no family or friends, VERY weird, and then leaves? Who does that?” JJ sounded more frustrated than he wanted to.
“A lot of people do that, JJ.” Pope said. “Maybe she’s an exchange student.” He said giving the situation as little importance as possible.
“Maybe, but have you seen any old student that was here that left?”
“JJ, we don’t know everyone who goes here. I think the thing that’s bothering you is way more than just the fact that it’s weird that she’s here and why.” John B said before taking a big bite of his sandwich.
“Then what’s that, genius?” Pope and John B let out tiny laughs before giving each looks. “What?” JJ asked confused.
“C’mon, your practically been trying to get closer to her every day since you saw her for the first time.” John B said.
“No, I haven’t.” JJ quickly shook his head.
“Yes. Inviting her to parties, asking her for the homework, sitting next to her.” Pope was naming while counting with his fingers. “It’s not news that you have a little crush on Lia.”
“What?” JJ asked with a high pitched voice and then cleared his throat. “I don’t. I just- want to make her feel welcome.”
“Yeah, that could count if it was the first week she came here, it’s been a year. That’s not normal for the JJ we know, something weird is going on there.” Pope pointed at his head once JJ rolled his eyes and was about to say something, but then closed his mouth once he noticed Lia walking into the cafeteria looking down to her brown note book.
“Oh! It’s like he’s under a spell!” John B let out a loud laugh once he saw the state of his friend. “This is more serious than we thought, Pope. Our friend is in looooove.”
“Shut up! I am not!” JJ complained while his friends were laughing.
“Ow! Look! She’s walking, she looks so pretty!” Pope said trying to imitate JJ’s voice. “I wish she could look at me like that old book!”
“Hey! I don’t sound like that and I would definitely never say something like that!” JJ complained but John B and Pope couldn’t stop laughing and there was nothing he could do to stop them, so he got up from the table with his unfinished meal.
“Oh! C’mon! We’re just messing around!” Pope said but he still couldn’t stop laughing. John B tried to stop him too, but it was too late, JJ was already leaving the cafeteria behind.
Unbelievable! JJ thought on the way to his next class. He didn’t have to attend yet, since lunch wasn’t over, but he didn’t want to hear any more of his friends stupid words. It’s not like JJ was deeply in love with this girl, he just wanted to know more about her! Keep her close and make her feel comfortable. Of course, he thought she was pretty, it was the first thing he thought the first time he saw her... BUT HE’S NOT IN LOVE! Or at least that’s what JJ was telling to himself on repeat.
“Yes! I can’t believe I’m going back today. Can you? A year! It happened faster than I tought it would.” JJ heard Lia say before he stepped inside the classroom, but once he noticed the girl facing him with her back and a very bright light coming from the other side, he quickly left the room and stood outside next to the door. What the fuck?! He thought. Then, a boy talked but he didn’t fully understand what he was saying, he was trying but then Lia talked again. “I miss you too.”
Great. After feeling down about her leaving he now had to hear about her talking to some guy about how much they missed each other...
“Yeah, I have the stone.” She said.
Stone? JJ furrowed his eyebrows confused.
“Yes, I already prepared everything so I won’t miss the time. I’m going to go after school... I really want to see you Jervis.” Lia said. JJ let out a tiny sigh. Who was this Jervis? Was he Lia’s boyfriend from back home? And what time she didn’t want to miss? All those questions were going on on JJ’s mind but no answers. He was so into his head, that he didn’t realize that Lia was now out of the classroom and was staring at him and his very weird and confuse expression.
“Are you alright?” She asked.
“What were you doing there? I heard you talking.” JJ said and soon realized how crazy he sounded. He looked like a stalker.
“Oh? Back there? I was just talking to myself.” She said like it was normal, but when JJ looked at her even more confused, she added “What? You don’t do that?” She shrugged her shoulders. “Then you’re the weird one.” And just like that, again, left JJ behind confused as ever.
⋆ ⋆
“I’m telling you guys!” JJ said while the Pogues were going back to John B’s house, the Chateau. “She wasn’t talking to herself! I heard the voice of a guy. And that weird light I saw? What the hell was that?”
“Ok, JJ.” Pope said. “This is getting out of control, you’re stalking her now?”
“I wasn’t stalking! I just- I just happened to be there resting against the wall while she was talking.” JJ defended himself, but Pope just rolled his eyes. “I’m just saying! It’s not normal.”
“Dude! Get over her!” John B slapped JJ’s shoulder. “She’s leaving, c’mon! We have a party tomorrow, you’ll get drunk and end the night with a girl around your arms like you normally do.”
Even if that sounded like a good plan for JJ, he didn’t want to. All he could think about was Lia and those words and that strange light he saw. Curiosity was killing him, he wanted to know more. That’s why on the next day of school, he got up quicker than he ever did from his bed to go to school and wait for her to walk through those big doors of the school. But, she never did.
Class after class passed and she was nowhere to be seen. The thought of maybe her leaving already crossed his mind, but then remembered her saying that she wasn’t going to go after school. So, what was she doing now?
He didn’t want to go to his last class, he spent the entire day looking for her and thinking so much that he found himself getting tired. It’s not like it was something new for his teachers to not see him in a class, so he walked out of the doors with his backpack on his shoulders. He looked up once he was finished walking down those long stairs to find the principal outside a couple of steps away from him. So he quickly walked away to the side of the building, making sure no teacher was around, he kept walking hoping to lose the principal and finally be free. He kept walking and walking back but then once he found himself touching some old branches and looking at some huge trees he furrowed his eyebrows confused since he never noticed those trees at the back of the building. But figured, if he wanted to escape the school, what better way than to go into the creepy little forest that he never saw.
He took some steps inside, ready to find his way back to the Chateau to wait for his friends, but when a light hit his eyes that made him almost close them entirely, the remembered the light that was coming from when Lia was talking on the classroom the day before.
Yeah, JJ. Follow the mysterious light that’s coming from the deep of the forest. Great idea. He thought, but it was too late, since he was way more deep inside. That’s when he heard a familiar voice too, Lia’s voice. But he couldn’t understand what she was saying, so he tried to get closer to it. Once she was on his sight, he hide himself behind a tree to try and understand what she was doing by herself in the middle of forest. She had her backpack on her shoulders but that’s all he noticed, since the bright light was making him squint his eyes. He felt the need to see more, so he took some steps to get closer to her and be able to see what she was doing.
Her hands were holding something, while her eyes were closed. A little wind started to blow and move her hair and black skirt. He then felt some leaves touching his bare legs and that made him look down, but when a sound hit his ears, like some sparkles exploding he looked up and what he saw made him moved back from the tree he was hiding behind.
A big gold circle was now infront of Lia but she wasn’t looking up just yet, she was still concentrating with her hands touching each other. But after a couple of seconds, she opened her eyes with a proud smile on her face.
“What the hell?” JJ said still surprised and confused. But he got the courage to get closer to her and the big circle. He noticed that Lia took a deep breath before letting her hands drop to her side and that’s when JJ noticed that she was holding a purple shiny stone. The stone. That’s what she was talking about yesterday.
He looked up to her face and then at her feet when she took some steps closer to the circle. “Wait!” JJ yelled. He didn’t know why, but for some reason he quickly ran towards her and grabbed her hand, and on that moment he felt like the air was getting tighter around him. He closed his eyes when he felt himself jumping, but he wasn’t hitting ground, he felt like he was... flying? The air was getting thicker and thicker to the point that it was getting harder and harder for him to breathe. He didn’t want to open his eyes afraid of what he might see. So he just waited and waited for that horrible sensation to be over.
Suddenly, his knees and hands touched ground.
“Ugh, I’ll never get used to that.” Lia said with her eyes still closed. She took a deep breath enjoying the lovely smell of her town, Halloween town. That smell of leaves and trees, of old wood and the noise of children walking around. “Don’t stress Halloween Town, i’m ba-AH!” She yelled once she opened her eyes and a boy was kneeled down next to her while looking around confused and scared as ever. His eyes were wide open and his mouth was slight opened. He was surrounded by trees and what looked like a giant pumpkin on the middle of a park, the air was thicker and the people around him definitely weren’t the people from Outer Banks.
Lia felt a burning coming from her hand and the stone shaking faster and faster. “Oh no no no no.” She dropped the stone to the floor once the burning was getting unbearable, and on that moment, the stone exploded leaving little pieces of it along the floor. “The stone!” Lia said kneeling down.
JJ couldn’t find anything to say. He was just to speechless and afraid. Where the hell was him?
“You!” He heard Lia pointing at him and then walking quickly towards him. She was angry, JJ noticed since it was pretty visible on her eyes. “What the hell?!” He got up once she got closer to her and grabbed the neck of his shirt.
“What!? Don’t touch me!” He said freaking out once he fully understand what just happened to him. “WHERE THE HELL AM I?” He yelled but Lia quickly covered his mouth with her hand.
“Shut up!” Lia said. “You’re in Halloween Town.” JJ tried to speak but her hand was making it impossible. “Do you promise to me that you’re not going to scream?” JJ nodded before calming a little bit. She slowly took her hand before JJ spoke again.
“What the hell is Halloween Town and what the hell was that?”
Lia quickly shook her head. “No, I’m going to be the one who’s going to make the questions now-”
“Really? I’m the one who’s in a different town after going through some weird shit and you’re going to do the questions? Yeah, sounds fair.” JJ said sarcastically but Lia didn’t care, she just rolled her eyes before continuing.
“Why the hell did you walked with me?”
“Oh, let me think...” JJ said pretending to think. “I got it! If a girl makes appear a circle in the air out of nowhere, that can make a boy wonder. You know? I don’t know why I followed you!” JJ said. “I just did!”
“You idiot! You clearly weren’t thinking! Oh my god, now what am I going to do?” Lia started to rumble more to herself than with JJ. “I have a mortal with me and I don’t have the stone to take him back, how the hell do you repair the stone!? Jervis has to know! Yes, Jervis. He’s going to kill me! The people! They can’t see you!”
“Wait wait wait.” JJ stopped her. “A mortal?! What the hell are you?!”
Lia covered his mouth again. “If you don’t stop screaming I will pull a spell on your mouth and I can’t guarantee you’ll speak again because I didn’t quite managed it yet.” She said quickly and when the word ‘spell’ came out of her mouth JJ’s eyes went wide open.
She slowly took her hand off his mouth and then he let out a tiny breath before saying in a loud whisper. “YOU’RE A WITCH?!”
Lia quickly nodded. “Yes!” She said in the same tone. “I thought that was pretty clear by now!”
“Oh my god. I’m with a witch in a strange town.” JJ said once his breathing was getting heavier. “What the hell?” He said while looking to his surroundings again. “WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?” He yelled once a guy with a pumpkin head started to walk with a women to the park. The guy stared at him confused and offended.
“Ha! Ha!” Lia faked a laugh. “He’s just kidding! Happy Halloween!”
“Glad you’re back Lia!” The woman yelled with a smile and after waving at each other the couple went back to doing their own thing while JJ was staring at them with his eyes wide open and a terrifying look.
“You know, maybe I don’t care that I can’t manage that spell yet.” Lia said more to herself that to JJ after letting out a big sigh. “Please, stop freaking out!”
“Ok, answer me this. Where the hell am I?” JJ asked still freaking out but trying to be discrete with his tone.
Lia was about to answer but when the blue sky turned black, they both looked up and then she said almost in a whisper. “You’re not longer safe, c’mon. I’m going to take you to my house.”
⋆ ⋆
The moment that JJ stepped inside the front lawn of a giant old house, he noticed it looked like those houses that you only see in horror movies that’s almost everytime abandoned, with green and orange bushes around, and a big stair that would lead you to the, also, big black door. With a dark forest behind it and no houses next to it, even if they only walked for ten minutes from that park he felt like he was in the middle of nowhere.
He thought the exterior of the house looked old and antiquated, but once he stepped inside the old furniture and dark red curtains made the place look even more scary than before. The living room was bigger than his entire house, he wanted to see more since it was the biggest house he stepped in in his entire life, but once Lia grabbed a tiny bottle from her backpack and started to spray it around JJ, all his focus went to her.
“What are you doing?” He asked confused, but she didn’t answer since she opened the front door and started to spray the perfume around the front lawn. JJ just stayed there, at that point he couldn’t be more confused than he already was, so he just waited for her to come back and answer his million questions.
“Alright, that should do the trick.” She said once she closed the door and started to close the curtains to leave the place even more darker than before, the yellow light coming from the chandelier was the only thing illuminating the house. If JJ didn’t felt more awake than ever, he would’ve just thought he was just having a very long dream. “Please.” Lia turned for the first time since they came into the house. “Do not touch anything.” She pointed at him with a serious look, he quickly nodded.
“Ok. But why?”
Lia took a deep breath before saying: “I think it’s best if I tell you everything from the beginning.”
“Alright, were am I?”
“I told you before, Halloween Town.”
“What the hell is Halloween Town?”
“Is in the name, JJ, a Town.”
JJ quickly nodded but then he furrowed his eyebrows confused. “How do you remember my name? I think I told you once.”
Lia shrugged her shoulders. “I have a pretty good memory.”
“Ok..” JJ nodded biting the corner of his lower lip. He had so many questions he didn’t know where to start, so he continued with the simpler one. “Where exactly is this Halloween Town?”
“Far.” Lia said after trying to come up with a word to not confuse JJ even more.
“Far from what?”
JJ widen his eyes at the surprise. “Earth?! Are we in another planet?!”
“No, Halloween Town is not a planet.”
Lia thought for a second before answering. “Yes, but at the same time... no.”
“Nah, uh uh, I won’t ask any more questions about that. My head is about to explode. Alright, let me get my thoughts straight, first of all,” he started to count with his fingers “you’re a witch.”
“Correct.” Lia said innocently.
“A witch in Outer Banks. Sure, normal. A witch who makes a portal out of nowhere and after crossing it, it takes you to... Halloween Town.”
Lia nodded again. “Yes.”
“Totally normal, Yeah, that’s great. An everyday thing.” JJ quickly nodded trying to somehow convince himself.
“Lia?” JJ heard a male voice coming from the upstairs.
“Jervis!” Lia said in a loud whisper.
“Jervis?” JJ asked and then remembered hearing that name when she was in the classroom talking to the male voice. Does she live with her boyfriend?
“Lia!” A talk guy with huge dark hair appeared on the living ready to give Lia a big tigh hug. He was so excited to see Lia that he didn’t even notice the blonde guy that was also in the living room. “I missed you so much! How was the mortal world? You have to tell me everything!” Jervis looked dark and mysterious so the way he talked to Lia totally surprised him, since it didn’t go with his appearance. He felt invisible on that moment since neither of them were acknowledging him in the room, so he widen his eyes at the idea of Lia somehow making him invisible, but that idea went away once Jervis looked behind Lia and finally realizing JJ in the room. “Hi?” He asked confused while looking at JJ but then went back to Lia. “Who’s this?”
Lia let out a tiny fake laugh before walking closer to JJ and saying with an innocent smile. “You know me so well, cousin,-”
Ooooooh, cousin. Got it.
“You know how it’s not normal for me if I don’t get in some kind of... mess.” Lia said and Jervis face completely changed.
“What happened?”
“Weeeeell...” Lia said with a high pitch voice. “How do I explain it? Ok... this is JJ. And he saw me opening the portal to come here and accidentally touched me when I was crossing and well... he’s here.” Lia said with a smile trying to take the situation less dramatic than it really was.
“What?!” Jervis asked. “But... the stone! At that hour it couldn’t have taken the energy of two people...!” Lia noticed how Jervis connected the dots on his own and then said after letting out a sigh. “It broke, didn’t it?”
“Yeah...” Lia nodded.
“How...? Lia!” Jervis was getting more frustrated. “How can you let that happen!? That’s very irresponsible!”
“I know! It’s my fault, but you have to help me get him back to Outer Banks. Help me with the stone.” Lie begged but Jervis wasn’t getting more calmer.
“Help you!? Lia! The stone isn’t just simple! It’s very advance magic that only the most powerful witches and wizards can do!”
“I know! I know! But I’m pretty sure there’s a book than can tells us about the stone! We just have to find it.”
JJ for the first time felt guilty for what he did. He appreciated Lia taking the blame for him since in reality it was his fault for taking his nose where it didn’t belong. Even if he didn’t understand a word they were saying he just stayed there listening to every word they were saying carefully.
“Find it? If there’s a book on the stone it has to be on the forbidden part of the old library. You’re a minor! You can’t go in there.” Jervis covered his face with his hand trying to calm himself and think of a better solution, but then Lia talked again.
“Cousin, I’ve been to the forbidden part of the library before.” Lia said like it the easiest thing in the world but when Jervis looked at her surprised, JJ noticed that maybe it wasn’t.
“Alright.” Jervis said after letting out a big sigh and then turning with his head to look at JJ. Jervis’ dark black eyes were making JJ feel a little bit intimidated, like he never felt before. Well, only with someone else- “maybe you should tell your friend here, JJ, if I’m not mistaken, what is going on. He looks like he’s seen a ghost. But believe me, this is nothing compare to those creepy things.” Jervis shook his hands around his body like he was pushing something away.
“Yeah, JJ.” Lia called him and he turned to her. “Maybe you should sit down.” The three of them walked to where the big dark red couch was in the living room. Lia pointed at it to tell JJ to sit down while she and Jervis were in front of him, on the other couch. “Ok. To take you back to your home we have to repair the stone that gives me the ability to open the portal, it broke since that particular stone didn’t had the energy to teletransport two people at once.” JJ noticed some anger in her voice but then she took a deep breath and then continued. “We have to fix it immediately, because once October is over, you won’t be able to go back.”
“What?” JJ asked shook. “But today’s October 31st!”
“Yeah! No shit!” Lia said. “That’s why we hav-” she was saying but was cut off once the room became even more darker and the window started to shake a little bit. “Oh.” She said almost in a whisper.
“Shit.” Jervis said before getting up and walking away from the living room.
“What?” JJ asked confused and a little bit scared at the sudden change of the room.
“There’s something else.” Lia said looking back at JJ. “There’s a thing that’s going to be after your while you’re here.” She said innocently before letting out a tiny smile to not scare JJ, more than he already seemed to be.
“What?!” JJ quickly got up from the couch and started to look around.
Lia did the same to walk closer to him. “Don’t worry! They’re extremely powerful and they can smell you faster than any creature in the magical word... but, they’re not as powerful in the day as they are in the night.” She said trying to comfort him but that didn’t help him, since he started to look around even more scared.
“Yeah, that doesn’t help me much.” JJ said.
“They’re called Tenebris.” Jervis said once he walked into the living room with a big book on his hands. He quickly opened it after leaving it on the coffe table at the living room. “They’re very awful creatures, and they... look like this.” Jervis pointed at a drawing on the book so JJ could see it. He noticed that the said creature looked like some kind of thick smoke and a pear of red dots in the middle of it. “And like my cousin said, they can smell you. But I have a potion that could take away your sent for almost eight hours.”
“Can we just go to the authorities or something!?” JJ asked when his heart started to beat faster.
“Calm down, will you?!” Lia said. “We can’t, if we go to the authorities to say to them that I brought a mortal to our world they would easily take you to the Tenebris themselves.”
“Yeah, they don’t like outsiders even if this stupid thing can’t hurt us and a mortal is practically harmless. They only care about them and themselves only.” Lia let out a tiny sigh. “Welcome to the real world, my guy.”
“I’ll prepare the potion so you two just... do something and don’t bother me.” Jervis said before grabbing the book but then quickly stopped. “Grandma!”
“Shit! When is she coming home?” Lia asked widen her eyes.
“Later, so if you see her make sure to hide him.” Jervis pointed at JJ and then left the room.
“What?” JJ asked. “Is she with the authorities or something?”
Lia quickly shook her head while letting out a tiny laugh. “No, over her head body. She’s just.... a lot to handle.”
“Yeah, she’s not just called like the wicked witch of the east for nothing.”
“Wait... What?” JJ asked. “What’s her name?”
“Evanora. Now, c’mon, let me take you outside. We have to make sure you’re not in a single place for too long, otherwise your smell is going to spread even more quicker.”
JJ closed his eyes trying to process everything but then quickly opened them because Lia had already left the room. “I don’t know if I can be impressed anymore.” He said while following Lia to the front door. “I think that if you tell that you had lunch with Satan I would just nod and say ‘ok!’” JJ said expecting Lia to say that he was being ridiculous but once she opened the front door to walk outside she said like it was the most normal thing in the world.
“Oh, I had tea with Lucifer once. And, guess what, he’s still biter about getting kicked out of heaven. Like, c’mon! Get over it dude!” She said with an innocent smile and that got JJ’s heart drop to his stomach while swallowing a big chunk of saliva.
“I was wrong. I could still be impressed... and confused.” JJ said before following Lia outside, and with the thought in his mind... he was right. There was definitely something weird going on with the new girl.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆taglist ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
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- and I took the liberty to tag those who liked the masterlist: @5sosbands @goldensk-es @behind-the-bleacherss @badbitsh13 @abbym2022 @kenzie-rivers101 @raconteuxr @katy-barrett @allcopsarebussies @adiaryofasimpykid @beeeee06 @ilovethiswitchytimeofyear @nuwanda-greaser @crazyforsnow @ayo-its-vicki @dharma-babe @but-nice-butt @rudysbay @gryffendorqueen011 @angel-earth @noturpoet @luvtonystark @purerepelsdirt @tmbquirky @idealmai @blueegansey @bloodthedevil @laurendaruler @cilorawr @sunneedazze @bhadlatina @xmmxlxlxtrx (+)
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mldrgrl · 4 years
Mulder realizing how much he loooooves kissing scully
Honestly, he realized that before he even kissed her.
A Lot A Lot A Lot
By: mldrgrl Rating: R
(1 - 19)
Sunday is his favorite day now.  It’s the day they’ve agreed upon is theirs to waste and do whatever they want with.  Together.
He always wakes earlier than she does and lets her sleep in.  They’re at his place this weekend and when he rolls over, she’s sprawled adorably across the left side of the bed like a frog, limbs akimbo.  Her hair is mussed, frizzing at her temples and back of the neck from the humidity of last night’s lovemaking.  He can still smell and taste the salty tang of sweat and passion on her skin as he presses his lips to the back of her shoulder.
As gently as he can, he brushes the hair off the back of her neck and puts his lips there as well, branding her cool skin with his warm mouth.  He kisses her between the shoulder blades and then stretches his neck to kiss her cheek before he rolls away and slips out of bed.
He grabs his running clothes and gets ready in the bathroom with the door partially shut only to block the light from waking her.  Before he leaves, he crouches by the side of the bed and nuzzles her neck.  She grunts softly, lifts her fingers and catches his chin.  He kisses her all over the exposed side of her face, whispering to her at the same time that he’s going for a run, to go back to sleep, he’ll be back soon.  She grunts again and he moves back to take her hand and kiss each one of her fingertips.
(20 - 33)
She’s still sleeping when he gets home and he doesn’t feel so bad about waking her now.  She’s curled on her side, hugging his pillow like a teddy bear.  He lays down diagonally across the bed and kisses her bottom lip, repeatedly, until she scrunches her face.
“Mulderrrrrrr,” she groans.
“Hm?” he answers, peppering her face with soft kisses.
“What time is it?”
“After nine.”  He tries to capture her mouth again, but she turns her head.
“Morning breath,” she protests.
“Don’t care.”  He holds the back of her head and manages to snag the upper curve of her mouth.  She scrunches her face again and he kisses the wrinkles at the side of her nose.  “I stopped at the deli on my way home.”
“Don’t tell me.”
“Egg and cheese.  With bacon.”
“Mmm…”  Her hand moves into his hair to pull him closer, but he backs off.
“I need a shower.”
“Don’t care,” she whispers, bringing back to her mouth.
He manages a few deep kisses before her stomach growls.  She groans in embarrassment and he chuckles against her mouth.
“Guess you don’t want to keep the egg and cheese waiting,” he says, crawling backwards off the bed.
“Where are you going?”
“I was serious about the shower.”
“Have breakfast with me and I’ll join you later.”
“Now there’s an offer I can’t refuse.”
(34 - 67)
She makes good on her promise and stands naked at his sink, clipping her hair up and off her neck as he adjusts the temperature of the taps of his shower.  He’s first in and she’s just behind him.  She makes soapy circles on his back as he washes his hair.  When he’s finished, she presses herself against him and he presses one hand to the tiles as she slides her hand around his hip and starts to stroke him.  He pulls her other hand up from where it rests on his chest and holds it to his mouth, occasionally sinking his teeth into her palm as he moans in pleasure.
They switch places and then it’s her turn.  He kneels down behind her, apologizing to his knees and at the same time assuring them it’ll be worth it.  He kisses her ouroboros tattoo, licks it from head to tail with the tip of his tongue and she puts both hands on the wall and spreads her legs like she’s about to be frisked.  He kisses her hip, moves lower and sinks his teeth into the plump swell of her right buttcheek.  She jerks in surprise and he sucks the sting of his bite away.  He has her writhing before he even turns around and buries his face between her legs.  
The great care she took to try prevent her hair from getting wet is all for naught.
(68 - 72) She blow dries her hair in her bra and panties as he sits on the closed toilet in his boxers and clips his toenails.  He throws on a pair of jeans and stands behind her, rubbing her hips and telling her about a flea market he thinks they should check out as she applies a thin layer of eyeliner and mascara to her lashes.
“Yeah sure,” she says, shrugging him off her shoulder as he lifts her bra strap and kisses her.  “Stop jostling, I’ll ruin my make-up.”
“You don’t need it anyway,” he mumbles and drags his bottom lip across her shoulder to her neck.
“Just a little.”  She shrugs again and he places a hard kiss in protest to her neck before he lets her go.
They keep wandering away from each other at the flea market.  Not on purpose, just by nature of browsing.  They always end up in the same place eventually though.  Mulder finds her admiring a glass vase that’s such a dark color of blue that every time she shifts it in her hands it looks purple.
“How much?” Mulder asks the man at the stall.
“Twenty,” he answers.
“I was just looking,” Scully says, setting it back on the shelf.
Mulder already has his wallet out and is passing a twenty dollar bill over to the little stallkeeper that reminds him of Frohike.  The vase is wrapped in newspaper and put in a plastic bag, which he gives to Scully.
“Mulderrrrr,” she says.
“I think vases are the traditional one month anniversary gift.”
She blushes and chuckles at the same time, dipping her chin to hide her face from him, but only for a moment.  “Thank you,” she says, and puts her hand on his abdomen, thumb dipping into the waistband of his jeans as she lifts up onto her toes and gives him a kiss.  He grins at her and slings his arm around her shoulders, tucking her against him as they continue to browse.
“I should find something for you,” she says.
“You’re more than enough,” he answers.
(74 - 77)
He pulls over suddenly on the way home and stops abruptly.  
“What’s wrong?” she asks.
“Nothing.  Be right back.”  
She’s unbuckling her seatbelt, ready to act as backup for whatever situation he’s about to run into, but she quickly realizes he’s stopped in front of a sidewalk florist.  His back is to her, but she can see him pointing and nodding and gesticulating.  He’s back in the car only a few minutes later with a bouquet of white and yellow daisies.
“Can’t let the vase go empty,” he says, as he hands them to her.
She places the flowers on her lap and rests her hand on his cheek as he leans across the seat to kiss her.  Three kisses later, he finally starts the car to keep heading home.
(78 - 100+)
There’s a creature feature marathon on TV, but they’re both drunk on pad Thai and each other and hardly pay attention.  Scully is flat on the couch, her feet in Mulder’s lap, accepting a well-deserved massage as he slouches with his head back and eyes closed.  The vase full of flowers and water and a tab of aspirin that Scully said will help them last longer is sitting on his desk.
“I should go.”  She sighs.
“You can’t.”  He wiggles one foot back and forth.  “I haven’t gotten to a hundred yet.”
“A hundred what?”
She raises one eyebrow.  “You’ve been counting?”
“I figure, we’ve known each other for seven years.  I definitely owe you at least one kiss a day for lost time.  That’s 365 times seven.  And plus leap years.  Which is...you know, a lot.  A lot, a lot, a lot.  If I can make it to a hundred every Sunday, maybe, just maybe, I can make up for it.”
“Mulderrrrr…”  She smiles and flexes her toes.  “That’s absurd.”
“It helps that you’re so damn kissable.”
“Oh, am I?”
He stops rubbing her foot and pulls on her calf, sliding her down the couch closer to him and then pulling her up so she’s in his lap.  She wraps her arms loosely around his neck and cocks her head at him.
“How many more do we need?” she asks.
He squints one eye and wrinkles his brow.  “22,” he answers.
“Good thing you’re also so damn kissable,” she replies, taking his face in her hands.  “I intend to surpass that goal.”
“Then, I very much intend to let you.”
He loses count after a hundred and twelve.
The End
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buttercupart · 3 years
can we ask about ocs? because im really curious about your oc azlynn ^^
yarr ofc, im busy w/ schoolwork usually and take a while to get to asks but i love talking about my guys of the world
so heeeeere's azlynn. warning this may get long + may make you cringe
Tumblr media
her full name is just Azlynn Invidia (Invidia family is mostly Italian and they don't do middle names so she doesnt have one). shows up as Azlynn NMN Invidia on legal documents and she likes to pronounce it as "M&M" despite that not . being correct
her father + his whole family is (mainly) Italian going back a bunch of generations, mother is Irish/Welsh/generally Northern European and she gave Az her first name
(her father is also Argentinian but lies about it, unbeknownst to her she's a 2nd or 3rd cousin to Ingrid Montello on that side)
cis woman, she/her, super (like really) bisexual
long time (cowboy voice) PARDNERS with Elijah
was first + former girlfriend of Marina, who her family tore her away from. (she doesnt like calling Mari her ex because its not like they broke up or anything - situation was out of her control, so hence the wording of 'former')
born June 16th, 1988, at 6:16pm
...so that makes her presently 33, almost 34 years old (jesus christ) but she was 30-31 during the main story!
despite that, you can see she loooooves wacky over the top colorful fashion. she lost a lot of her youth to depression and being forced into a boarding school so shes making up for lost time by channeling obnoxious mall teen energy into her fashion choices
she was a MENACE as a kid, constantly getting into schoolyard fights and breaking into abandoned buildings and sneaking into concerts she didnt pay for. she was a wild child but she had fun
her parents were very stuffy and oldfashioned and did nottttt like this abt her and so they sent her off to a boarding school that a distant relative was the headmistress of to try and get control of her. broke her spirit a lot but didnt break her completely
was the first human host of Envitia Iradine
bc of that, her magical signature is altered even though she's no longer bound to Envitia nor any demon, and it will be recognizable to anyone sensitive to that sorta magic for the rest of her life
so, bc of that, she and Elijah (who she took with her when she fled) had to go into hiding and have been living low since they were like 18 yrs old, lest the multiple different magic-sensitive organizations come after them. neither can go out into public much. its like the witness protection program of magic affected people. Forever quarantine if you will
she's picked up a ton of crafts over the years to keep herself busy. can handsew, makes candles?? does resin stuff... random skills to entertain herself with
also has a youtube channel where she posts stuff under the name "Azzie Dreams". its to sooomewhat conceal her full, real name - Azlynn, which means "dream", and she made it yeaaaaars b4 UT released, but it's led to ppl making inevitable joaks jests and japes that her real name is Asriel Dreemurr which is deeply funny to her
in a better life she'd LOVE to have been a costume designer or an SFX makeup person in the entertainment industry. you can really see that come out in her crafts + makeup videos. its like kind of sad to think about though
(for that reason though she's awesome at putting together costumes for halloween or cosplay for cons, shes more than willing to both help out and participate)
she was a figure skater in her youth!! she misses it so much. sometimes she'll put on instrumental music and choreograph a whole elaborate routine in her head
really likes dusty pinks + that iridescent purpley color, but her favorite color is akshully hunter green!! one of her most important possessions is a hunter green bomber jacket Marina got her yeaaaars ago in her early teen years and its still in good shape
mom friend... kind of. she takes on a mentorly, guiding role to younger people (namely the main cast) bc she so badly wishes she had that when she was young. wine aunt with a soft side
aauuuhhh i guess thats kinda it? if you wanna know anything else you can ofc ask but thaaaaats the most important stuff
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nastasyafilippovnas · 4 years
Thoughts on Simon x Marina?
I LOOOOOVE THEM. Honestly, it's my favorite Simon ship, even more than Simon and Siena. I think there are lots of parallels, with Marina being shunned by her family and sent away to London and Simon's relationship with his dad and living all alone in the country. They were both considered failures by their families and their shame had been hidden. Also, I think both of them feel very lonely in the world and yet can still put a mask on and charm people when needed. 
Also, Simon would've been kind to Marina. He would've understood what impossible situation she is in. And he would've admire her strength, her fire, her pride, her will to survive and to not content herself with less. To rather be unmarried and alone than marry a guy 40+ years older than her that treated her like cattle. Honestly, I can see Simon's heart just becoming full of admiration for her and he would be in love without even noticing. And Marina, she would've seen someone who is kind, who doesn't judge her, who is always willing to help. And it doesn't hurt that he is so handsome and dances so well.
I'm obsessed with the idea of Simon figuring out Marina is pregnant (maybe seeing her vomit outside one of the balls) and attempting to help her find a suitable match as quickly as possible (like with Daphne, but with Marina is so much better). And when the scandal breaks out anyways and everyone knows she is pregnant, he offers to marry her.  And she doesn't want to - because Marina is way to proud to accept charity and he always said he didn't want to marry anyone ever, so how can she accept him now? Then Simon tells her about his dad, the abuse he put him through, and how he vowed to never have kids. But, if he and Marina were to get married, it wouldn't be his kids, and nothing would've made the late Duke of Hastings more enraged than seeing a bastard carry his precious title. So, you see, it's not only charity, he tells her, he has his own reasons. Marina marries him and it soon becomes it's more than just friendship between them.
And yeah, anyways, just all to say I love them as a pairing and they would've been so much more interesting than their actual storylines.
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loliwrites · 4 years
we all agree that oral sex feels extra intimate so that’s probably addi’s go to when she fucks up with alex. we know she’s good with words but maybe they fail her when she really needs them. so after a forgotten date or an argument where she went a harsher on him then she intended to, she’d go extra soft and make him boneless using just her mouth.
Ooooooh, Lord have mercy 🥺 Dear sweet Anon, thank you for this little thought. Because it sent my brain for a loop of contrasting possibilities.
Future Loli coming to tell you that Past Loli loooooves a good bit of angst so this became quite (and unashamedly) lengthy.
Warnings: nsfw-ish, brief oral sex (male receiving), if you think I’ve missed one let me know so I can add it.
•   •   •
I think this is Addi’s go-to when she feels like she’s fucked up so badly -- whether or not Alex agrees with that. And it’d have to be something really, really bad. Because if it was something as “simple” as forgetting a date or being a little bratty and short with him, he’d respond with a punishment conducive for their dd/lg dynamics. And oral sex isn’t what Alex would want to use as a punishment. He doesn’t want her to associate blowing him with a negative feeling. 
I imagine it’s the arguments where she’s gone so far off the rails (for whatever reason) and even if Alex gets over it and moves on, she feels the need for “self-flagellation”, if you will, for repentance or purification. In this way, she doesn’t look at the act as a punishment, but a way of managing the guilt she feels for the outburst. Whether Alex allows her to do it or not, I think depends on the nature of how it’s being performed. For instance, if she’s choking herself on his length (and he gets the inkling this is a little more about the argument and less about an act of pleasure), maybe he puts an end to it. I dunno, THOUGHTS.
So, the fight...
Addi’s like pissed. She’s seeing red. If she was a cartoon, steam would be spewing from her ears. And across from her, Alex is like... the epitome of collected. She’s sure he has a temper somewhere, but she hasn’t seen it, and she’s still not seeing it, and maybe that’s what fuels her anger a little more. The fact that he just seems so chill about it all. To the fire within her, his coolness about the situation is just stoking the flames because it feels like he doesn’t understand... is unconcerned with her feelings... doesn’t care enough to have an emotional response. And while yes, Addi can be extremely unemotional in conversation with others, she and Alex have built their relationship around trust and mutual respect, so she doesn’t feel anxious about emotional outbursts -- whether they be positive or negative emotions.
And this -- this is hill she’s ready to die on. 
Here’s the thing (and this is something Addi knows but hates), work and success in the film industry is an odd beast. There are some wonderful Cinderella stories like Steven Spielberg who gets in because he’s just so damn talented and creates an amazing movie. But for most people, getting a foot in the door means utilizing -- and almost exploiting -- working relationships for employment. Every job Addi has ever had was made possible because she knew someone who got her the job. Even when she wrote and sold her first script. It got bought because someone she once worked for got it into the right hands. Nothing has ever been solely based on her own merit or talent. And she despises that. She despises it more when someone, like her significant other, inserts himself to try and wrangle her a job. 
Alex has a lot of clout and an extraordinary reputation in the industry. He can get into a lot more rooms than Addi can. But maybe this argument came about because Addi had a meeting with someone for a writing gig, and she was waiting to hear back because it was between her and a couple other writers. And Alex thought ‘I know a way to help her get the job’, and called up the executive producer.
Now, yes, this could’ve been done with the best and purest intentions on his part, but for her spiraling sense of self-confidence and worth, it’s a knife in the back. Because to her this seems like Alex doesn’t believe she can get the job on her own talent and merit. So... the fight ensues.
“I’m Alexander fucking Skarsgård!” She billows and puffs out her chest in an imitating kind of way. “I have to save my damsel in distress because she obviously can’t do it on her own!” All the while, Alex is just standing across from her on the other side of the kitchen island, stone-faced, arms crossed over his chest. “Let me go big dick swinging into a conversation that doesn’t involve me! She’s so goddamn lucky to have me. Her career would be jackshit without me,”
The scowl on her face is etched so deep, she’ll be amazed if it ever leaves. And Alex is still just standing there, not giving her anything. It’s lighter fluid to the bonfire thrashing inside her. She cuts deeper, “she’ll be so grateful. I’m sure to get some serious pussy out of it.” She glares at him, eyes throwing daggers, and turns away from the island. She leans her hands against the refrigerator door, spreads her legs apart, and pushes her ass out. “Have at it, big boy,”
She couldn't see it at her new angle, but this was about the point where the muscle in Alex’s jaw started to go haywire. It pulses as he clenches his teeth and releases. She’d found his line. Hell, not only did she find it, she looked at it and ran right past. He knows she’s trying to bait him into a response -- an angry one. And while he won’t give her that, he can give her the sort of response she’s not expecting.
“Whenever this demon is exorcised from that body and my girlfriend returns, we can have a civil conversation.” He growls and waits until she turns back to face him. She still looks beyond pissed. “I didn’t do it to assert my dominance or power over you. I didn’t do it to prove that you need me. I did it because you deserve the job. And I didn’t want you passed over for a stupid reason like nepotism. Despite what you think, I don’t enjoy whoring myself out or using my name to get me things. But if that’s what it takes to ensure you get the opportunities you deserve, then fuck-all.”
His tone was firm and steady. But it wasn’t cruel as her’s had been. And he didn’t raise his voice like she had. After that, Alex just leaves the kitchen and goes into his office. He slams the door shut behind him, and in that moment, they both know they need time to reflect and sort out how they can work this out definitively. But now certainly isn’t the time.
And this is where I imagine the “self-flagellation” to begin on Addi’s part. Hearing Alex’s rationale and logic, she’s got far less bite, and the guilt starts to take root in her brain. Maybe even that night as she decides to go to bed, she leaves the door open as an invitation for Alex. But maybe, also that night, after he breaks down the barricade of his office door, he ignores the white flag of a bedroom door, and sets up the couch to spend the night there. As calm and collected he appeared to be during the fight, he’s actually livid. That she would decide to blow up and lash out, and believe that he’s got so little faith in her, instead of coming to him to talk about it. He knows she values her independence, and it’s never been something he’s tried to take from her -- or even asked her to give him. So yeah, he’s pissed that she could talk herself to a ledge based on a belief that was faulty at best.
Alex is sitting on the couch, glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, as he watches the news the following morning. A night of sleep, no matter how fitful, has served him well. He’s cooled off. He thinks he understands her reasoning, and while he doesn’t like how she reacted, he sees his error and knows he could’ve gone about it another way. 
But the night didn’t do Addi any good. She stayed awake for most of it in a small, vulnerable headspace where two main thoughts coursed through her hyperactive mind. The first, was the glimmer of hope that Alex would walk through the door and come to bed. Even if he didn’t cuddle up to her, just the act of coming to spend the night in the same bed as her would’ve helped soothe her mind. The second, was that she was responsible for demise and end of the best relationship she ever had.
The bedroom door creaks open a little wider and hesitant footsteps approach. When her figure appears in the room, he shifts his gaze to her and offers a slight smile. It holds no animosity but also offers no apology. And she, like a deer crossing a meadow, walks to him with the utmost caution. Neither are yet offering any words and Addi just sinks to her knees in front of him. He stares at her, but her eyes are cast downward. In fact, because of that, he has little time to figure out what’s going on when she reaches for his boxer briefs and tucks her hand beneath the waistband.
He pinches his eyebrows together. Confusion washes over his face, and while he tries to sort that out, she has the time to pull his length out of his underwear. “What’re you doing?”
But she doesn’t answer. Eyes still cast downward, she sits forward on her knees and angles him into her mouth. He’s just... stunned. Is that the right word? He doesn’t quite know what sort of headspace she’s in -- considering they haven’t actually spoken since the outburst. But now she’s just lowering her mouth on him, and not giving herself time or patience. Then, she gags.
And, honestly, I think this is where Alex ends it. Because it’s not the type of gag like ‘we’re playing around and this is sexy and rough but pleasurable’. This is like ‘she's physically choking’.
“Stop!” He yells only to get her attention, but her persistence causes him to grip onto her hair in order to actually yank her head off him. “Enough, alright? Enough.”
And she’s got tears in her eyes because she’s overwhelmed and now her brain’s got her thinking that she really fucked this all up. That the relationship is going to fail because she decided to jump to an angry conclusion before giving him the opportunity to explain himself. So, she claws at his thighs and fights his hold on her, trying to get her mouth back on him. But he’s determined and frankly has the upper hand. Since she can’t reach him, she cries a little bit harder.
“I’m sorry. Please. I’m sorry,” she tries to reach again.
While he ended it when she gagged, this is the point when he realizes what it’s all about. Alex bends forward and gets down in front of her face, forcing her to make eye contact with him. “No, slugger. You’re not blowing me because you feel guilty. That’s not how this works.”
She whimpers and lowers her gaze to her lap.
“I’m not angry. I won’t insert myself into your business affairs unless you ask me to. But ask me, kid. I can help and I won’t think less of you,”
Although she doesn’t lift her head to look at him, the whimpers cease.
He releases her hair and moves his hands to affix his fingers beneath her chin, raising her head so their eyes can meet. “And giving oral sex is never going to be used as a punishment. You don’t owe me that. Ever.” He allows her to break free of his gaze when she nudges her head to the side. “You hear me?” 
Addi bows her head again. She knows he wants a verbal answer to his question. “Yes. I hear you,”
Alex lets out a breath. He rests his elbows on his knees, still leaning in towards her. “What was it really about?”
Her cheeks and chest turn a shade of red as a mixture of frustration, embarrassment, and sadness course through her body. “People already say that I’m using you to better my career. I don't want it to be the truth,”
Now he almost feels bad for the way he reacted, no matter how calmly. And had they had a civil conversation from the start, they both could’ve been heard. Alex reaches for her hand and tugs her upward, “come here, sweetheart.”
She goes willingly, tucks herself into Alex’s lap. Her head rests on his chest just below his chin, her legs curled in to the side of his body. “I’m sorry, I was really mean,”
“Yeah, you were.” He looks at her when she tilts her head back to catch his gaze. “But I understand it better now, and I’m sorry for stepping in without consulting you first. I’m good if you’re good,”
Addi nods. She’s exhausted from the past sixteen hours and just wants it to be over. She stretches upward as Alex comes down to her, kissing softly. It’s a nice contrast to the fury that was coming out of their mouths the night before. When they separate, she lowers her head to his chest. Every bit of her is soaking up his touch since she went without it while she slept.
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prrplwtch · 5 years
How about smut fic where MC and Satan have a chance to get it on before Beel interrupts their picnic? Btw, looooove ur writing.
Ah, nonnie you are a person after my own heart 💜under cut because mostly smut. mild spoilers for satan’s new devilgram story 
“Forest love.” Satan x f!MC
Though lost in the forest, they still manage to have an absolutely delightful picnic. As they sit side by side on a warm blanket, MC knows that there’s nowhere else she’d rather be.
Once they are done with food, Satan turns to MC and says, “Though I’m sure my brothers will come to look for you, that doesn’t mean that it will be soon. So until then, how do you want to pass time?”
Perhaps it is all the wine that she had with lunch – or, maybe, the delightfully flushed expression on Satan’s face – but before MC could even think about what she’s saying, the words escape her lips, “Want to mess around?”
Immediately, bright blush spreads across her cheeks. She had never meant to be so brazen. But it’s far too late now, and Satan is looking at her with a mixture of surprise and indignation.
“Wh-why would you even suggest something like that?” he asks, frowning, “Don’t you realize that we are in a serious situation right now?”
MC doesn’t know what to say. What does he think about me now? she wonders. Though it was clear that they were romantically interested in each other for quite some time, they haven’t so much as kissed before this afternoon. And now I pretty much propositioned him… Suddenly, the expression on Satan’s face softens.
“I mean, I’m not saying I don’t want to,” he says, and MC notices slight blush on his cheeks, “If you are really sure that you want to do this, then…I hope you are ready.”
Emboldened by the wine, instead of answering Satan’s question MC leans in and kisses him, passionately, hungrily. Satan’s arms are around her waist the next moment, pulling her closer, as he deepens the kiss. MC’s fingers tangle in his blond hair, as she eagerly responds.
When they pull away for a moment, they are both completely flushed. MC can feel her heart race in her chest as pleasant warmth spreads through her body. She gently pushes Satan onto his back on the picnic blanket, then leans in and kisses him again. His hands travel across her body, as MC trails kisses along his jaw and down his neck. She can feel his hand slide up her thigh just under the hem of her skirt. His touches are light, yet the set her very core aflame. His hand moves even higher, and, as he touches her heat, a quiet moan escapes her lips.
While he continues to caress her, MC snakes her hand down Satan’s body, until she can feel his arousal through the fabric of his pants. As her fingers graze lightly against his length, Satan gasps and bites his lip, leaving MC to enjoy the absolutely delightful expression on his face.
Before she even realizes what has happened, he moves, and, suddenly, she is on her back and Satan’s leaning over her, kissing her deeply. Slowly, he trails kisses down her body, making MC ache for his touch.
Once he is between her legs, Satan pauses and looks up at MC before gently kissing her inner side of her thighs. One kiss follows another, each soft and painfully slow, as MC shudders under his touches.
“You are so impatient,” Satan smirks, as he continues littering her thighs with kisses.
“You are clearly enjoys tormenting me…ah,” MC’s voice trails off, as Satan tastes her.
His mouth is hot, and his tongue is eager against her, and soon MC is writhing under his touch in search of pleasure. As Satan continues to caress her, MC’s fingers snake through his hair, pulling him closer. With every movement of his lips against her, heavy pleasant pressure pools in MC’s lower stomach, leaving her gasping for air.
Soon the sensation becomes overwhelming, and MC buckles her hips against Satan’s touch, desperately craving release. When it comes – it’s sudden and overwhelming and leaves her absolutely breathless.
As she catches her breath, Satan moves back up to her face to kiss her. There’s a smug expression on his face – he’s clearly pleased with himself. Not for long.
A moment later, MC pushes Satan onto his back and makes a quick work of his belt and pants. He gasps, as she slowly puts her mouth around him, and begins to move. He has even less self-restraint than MC does – as soon as she tastes him, he aches to move against her mouth.
“You are so impatient,” MC says with a smirk, reminding Satan of what he said just a few minutes prior.
At first, she moves slowly, enjoying the soft moans escaping his lips, but soon MC picks up the pace. Satan’s hand is in her hair, guiding her. By the raspiness of his breath, MC can tell that he is close, but, before she has a chance to bring him over the edge, Satan stops her.
“I…need you now,” he murmurs.
As much as MC would like to see him come undone from her taste and touch, she does not have it in her to refuse him. She nods, then moves up, straddling Satan. For a moment, she moves against him, teasing him, allowing him to feel her heat, but not letting him slide in. His hands move up her thighs, then grip her hips, trying to keep her in place.
“So eager,” MC laughs, leaning in to kiss Satan, as she sinks onto him.
The feeling of fullness is suddenly overwhelming, and MC pauses, steadying herself against Satan. For a moment, they enjoy the sensation of being that close to each other, but soon staying still becomes unbearable. It does not take them long to find a pleasurable rhythm, and soon MC feels the pressure pool in her lower stomach yet again.
His hands are on MC’s hips, helping her keep the right rhythm. Soon, Satan’s breath grows raspy, his pace quickens, and movements become more frazzled, and MC knows that he is close to release. With every thrust, the pleasant pressure becomes almost too much, and MC leans in to kiss Satan’s neck, trying to stifle her moans. Her name sounds like a desperate plea on his lips, and that’s almost enough to bring her over the edge.
As he sinks deeply into her, she can feel her very core shake with release, as she collapses on top of him. His release follows instantly, and for a moment the two of them lie still, trying to catch their breaths.
As MC rests on Satan’s chest, she can feel his’s fingers run through her hair, as he slowly leans in to kiss the top of her head.
“That was quite the picnic,” she smiles, as she looks up at him.
“Indeed,” Satan replies, as he takes her hand into his, “And you know what’s the best part?”
“What?” MC asks, as he brings her hand close to his mouth, kissing her fingers.
“We likely have time for round two before anyone will look for us,” Satan tells her with a wicked grin, “If you want to, of course.”
“How could I ever refuse you?” MC smiles, as she kisses him.
However, before they have a chance to do anything more, suddenly MC can hear loud steps. As she looks up, she notices Beel, walking down a path, approaching the clearing where they had the picnic.
“Satan, MC,” he seems surprised, “What are you doing here?”
MC sighs. Round two will have to wait.
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gothamcityneedsme · 4 years
Character questions for girls! 17+18 for Akane, 22+29 for Sennestra, 32 for both. (38 for Tav because I don't want to leave him out :p)
SORRY I FORGOT TO ANSWER THESE.  From the post located here.
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
Akane is really big on the photo reel.  She’s definitely the kind of person who goes through her photos when she’s bored to delete the ones she shouldn’t keep so that she has more space.  She also definitely uses a computer to store them because they accumulate over the years.  She only takes pictures with her phone, the digital age is kind to her lol.
She takes pictures of things around her, she definitely has a few shots of the places she goes most (her room, her house, places she walks often outside).  She would take pictures of things she sees (pretty buildings, fountains, nature, cute animals).  She would also take selfies, but usually only whenever she’s wearing a new outfit or if she’s with friends.  She definitely likes taking pictures of herself when other people are in it as well, she likes gathering memories.
I can totally see her making scrapbooks when a time or event really strikes her, but she probably keeps those to herself.  She would only share them when she really trusts someone and wants to be very open with them.  (and when a right time happens for her to show them as well).
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else 
Akane loooooves romance novels.  Big epic ones or trashy silly ones, she adores them all with the same amount of love.  She especially loves medieval-themed romances.  Music-wise she would probably listen to mostly pop songs or classical music.  I can’t really see her enjoying any “harder” music.  TV shows is similar to her book loves, she would love shows like Merlin.  For films she would like foreign artsy films, I think.  Aaand for video games, I don’t usually see her as a gamer, but if she’s going to do anything, it would be to play healer in an MMO with her friends, lol.  She makes her character look pretty and sweet.  I MAYBE could see her getting into rp, which, if that was the case, she would have at least two characters.  One a sweet magical girl and the other a valiant but shy male knight.  She’s baaaaaasically projecting hardcore lol.
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back? 
If she isn’t swearing, Sennestra would probably call people ‘coward’ a lot, or just literally spit at them.  She definitely bitches both to people’s face and behind their backs--when something bothers her she can be a bit Queen Bitch about it.  I see her using a lot of universe-appropriate swear words when she has something specific to insult too.
Sennestra is definitely the type of person where you’re safe from all perceived slights if you’re her friend, but if you’re her enemy you never escape her glare.
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective? 
For this, I think it depends on the gravity of the fear.  If it’s something small that the person is sort of brushing off themselves even as they confess it, Sennestra would poke fun at them.  Gently, if she’s friends with the person.  This is especially the case if it’s spiders or something little that’s more a minor phobia than a true fear. (And, for these minor things, as long as the relationship wouldn’t be too harmed by it, she’d be the type to do like leaving a rubber spider on the back of someones chair to surprise them later, etc).
If it’s a more serious fear though, especially if it’s the fear of someone she really cares about, Sennestra would be overprotective.  She wouldn’t TALK about it, really, and she’s not good at that kind of close comfort kind of way of addressing fears, but she would be sure to put herself between that fear and the person who is afraid.  Once she’s aware, she would always try to shield them from it, as much as she can.
If it isn’t a physical fear, then she HAS to talk, and while she’s inelegant about that, she would try to do her best to assure the person who is afraid, and would try to reassure them with her own strength.
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like? 
I’m going to limit myself to a modern universe for this ask or I’ll never get through it.  I’ll start with Akane.  Akane dresses very very femme, lots of pretty dresses and bright colors moreso than dark.  She likes accessories and makeup and prettying herself up.  She buys clothes from stores that sell more clothes for women than men, the sort of store that really has a lot of different fashion-lines to choose from.  She LOVES the clothes she wears.  To sleep, she would wear cute pjs with patterns she likes.  Her pjs would always match.  Her hair is a very dramatic bob, with her hair longer in the front and shorter in the back.  She usually wears it down without much else done to it, but sometimes she will but barrettes or headbands on for fun.  She almost never ties it back at all and would only do so if she’s doing yardwork or something extremely physical like that.
Sennestra is a mix of practicality and goth and while she would dress fancy when the situation calls, for the typical day she wears clothes that she can move quickly in.  When she was younger I think she leaned more heavily into the goth thing, but as she grows older the color scheme remains, but the clothes would change.  She probably buys her clothes from stores that sell clothes for professionalism or sports.  To sleep she probably just wears a big T-Shirt and that’s it.  She’ll wear shorts if other people are around but typically probably wouldn’t bother.  Sennestra wears makeup but she doesn’t change it up very often, but she likes wearing heavy eye makeup and lipstick.  Sennestra’s hair is short, and she styles it to line up with her jawline, but it’s very coarse.
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had? 
Tavon admires people who are sure in their ideals and goals, and while he does have those himself, he actually tends to hide his own insecurity about his choices.  He wants so deeply to be sure of his path that he sort of projects the questionlessness he thinks he has onto others and admires it, even when he assumes he possess it as well.  Later, he does possess it, but he does still admire it, especially when someone’s goal does not align with his own--he finds differing perspectives interesting.  (A side note, but he is more often to lessen or remove his own goals in the face of other’s, though--but sometimes that is a good thing).
He also admires practical skills, especially combat-related ones in most universes.  He admires bravery and daring, those who are willing to push for what they think is right.
He wishes he was better at connecting honestly with people--an honest connection is something he struggles with.  Falsely, it is easy for him, he’s a spy, he can play the game perfectly, but trust and true connection often evade him, or are quite difficult.  He looks to people who truly care for and love each other and admires those deep feelings.
He also generally admires any specific skillset that isn’t one he’s particularly trained in--even as a spy its not like he can be a master of everything, so sometimes he needs a specialist.  It depends on universe, but Tavon Prime would wish he had better mechanical technological aptitude (as his skills lie mainly in slicing).
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sgtbuckyybarnes · 4 years
3, 6, and 16 for the wip game!!!
3. Perfect Disaster
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“He’s really not that bad you know.”
Asha’s right eyebrow raised as she glanced up from her vodka and coke, straw still resting between her lips. 
“Honestly!!” Marlene laughed, nudging her friend with her elbow “You can’t hate every person I’ve dated.”
“I can and I will,” Asha said with a scoff, turning and placing her drink onto the bar behind her “Remember Brie in our first year? I still hate her.”
“Well she did cheat on me,” Marlene mused “So I’ll let you have that one.” 
Asha smiled across to her friend triumphantly “If you didn’t have terrible taste in human beings maybe I wouldn’t have to carry all this hate around with me,” she said with a faux sigh as she reached for her drink once more and raised it to her lips.
“I can’t help it,” Marlene whined, jutting her bottom lip out “Do they have a stable job? Emotions? Home life? Boring! Give me the guy with mummy issues or the girl just let go from her job any day!” 
“You’re a nightmare, you know that right?”
Marlene fluttered her eyelashes and linked her arm through Asha’s, leaning her head on her shoulder for a second “And you looooove me!” she exclaimed, nudging her friend in the ribs and nodding to an approaching figure “But he’s coming over so please be nice.”
“Nice? I’m always nice!”
Marlene rolled her eyes, putting on a smile for the guy now only a couple of paces away from them. 
Asha had to admit he was good looking, dressed in a crisp black suit with his hair pushed back and just the right amount of scruff decorating his chin, but that didn’t mean she was going to be nice to him. Not after all the things Marlene had told them about the friends with benefits situation the two of them had found themselves in. 
“Asha Masters, this is Sirius Black.” 
6. Ordinary People
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Closing her eyes, as the rocking of the train caused her stomach to churn, she pressed her face against the cold metal she was gripping onto. She hated starting her day disorganised. If she had stayed at home she would have been opening the store by now - 
Her eyes snapped back open as a noise echoed through the subway “You are kidding me,” she grumbled beneath her breath as the train juddered to a halt and the coffee she had been so carefully protecting splattered down the front of the crisp white shirt. 
Opening up her bag she dug through the contents until her fingertips grasped onto the packet of tissues Ruby had teased her over the previous night. As the lights flickered on and off she rolled her eyes and opened it up, tugging out a few sheets and attempting to wipe away what was already beginning to stain. 
Pulling her phone from the back pocket of her black skinny jeans she winced as she caught sight of the time, swearing beneath her breath when she realised she had no signal. 
“It can’t be something on this train can it?”
“Maybe we’ll catch a glimpse of him!”
“Tyler, get your camera out!”
16. End Up Here 
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“Hot chocolate with extra cream for Meghan!” 
She smiled gratefully as she took her drink from the Starbucks barista before she turned away to find herself a table “Oh! Sorry!” she exclaimed as she dodged around a much smaller boy with a head of dark blonde curls.
“Gray c’mere, stay out of the way!”
“Oh no it’s-” she paused as she glanced up to see the owner of the voice. There was a half smirk on his lips as he reached out for, who she assumed was, his little brother “-fine. Honestly,” she said hoping her face wasn’t as red as it felt before she sat in one of the free chairs at a nearby table and pulled a book out of her bag.
“Staring at her won’t help you one little bit Zach.”
Meghan wanted the ground to just go ahead and swallow her up when she heard the boy. Allowing her gaze to quickly wander over to where they were standing she slid down in her chair slightly and hid her face behind her book.
“What kind of dork reads a history text book on holiday?”
When she glanced back up she was met by the two brothers staring down to her. The irritation from before bubbling back up “The kind of homeschooled dork who gets to spend six weeks doing work experience with dinosaurs,” she clapped back watching as the younger of the two grinned in excitement and pulled the seat opposite out.
“You work with the dinosaurs??” he asked with wide eyes as he sat himself down “Which ones? How many teeth do they have? Are they herbivores or carnivores?” 
“He’s a little excited,” the older one, back at it with the half smirk, said adding a roll of his eyes.
Meghan smiled as she closed her book and placed it on top of the table beside her drink “Well I’ll answer any and every question he has I don’t mind,” she said glancing to the older brother out of the corner of her eye. He may be nice to look at but she wasn’t so keen on the personality that came with the shiny outer shell “I’m Meghan by the way. Meghan Cruthers.”
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