#vals interactive fics
valsdelulucorner · 28 days
Imagine MC taught Diavolo Gen Z slang and trends
Its really short and really shit but idk, enjoy =^..^=
Diavolo, doing a really strange dance : Lucifer look! Im doing what humans call hitting the griddy
Lucifer : ...... Me and MC are having a talk when I get home
Barbatos: My lord, you have to understand that you cant just leave your paperwork to the last minute. Its not productive
Diavolo: Thats not very poggers Barbatos
Barbatos: Do I have to tell you again my lord?
Diavolo:..... I'll start on it now
Mc and Diavolo singing "karmas a bitch" back and forth to each other:
Barbs and Luci about to loose it:
No one
Diavolo trying to be trendy:
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Lmao its so bad but its late and im working on another thingy, hope you enjoy<3
Im gonna fail all of my college classes lol
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lucy-ghoul · 4 months
i think i finally found a semi-famous (?) blog that blocked me lmao
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jyoongim · 3 months
ok but what about alastor with a reader like angel dust in the sense trapped and abused by valentino maybe they have a different sort of personality than angel dust but in a similar situation how would he react to seeing his s/o in that sort of a situation maybe they have to interact with valentino infront of him.
warnings: fluff????sexual trauma! mention of SA! Val is a perverted dick! Fem!reader, Alastor not letting shit slide but caring about your wellbeing first!
Think of this as an extension of the Alastor x retired!pornstar reader fic!
You and Angel took a beauty day from all the hustle and bustle of the hotel. The day was filled with spa appointments and shopping.
Angel laughed as you asked his opinion on lingerie that Alastor would like, blushing when he teased about the Overlord having the hots for you. You were having a great time; until Angel’s phone started blowing up.
The perverted bug was calling Angel in for a shoot and on his day off.
You grimaced, but you understood. 
Valentino didn't understand the word ‘No’.
Thats why you stayed away from the industry.
Consent did not matter. At least to Val. 
You shuddered at the unpleasant memories.
Angel apologized,  but you shook you head, looping your arm through his to walk him to the studio. You at least wanted to see him off.
You felt your ears flatten as you entered the studio, your palms getting sweaty as the two attendants opened the double doors to Val’s studio.
”Annnngeelll baby I missed you!” Val exclaimed, taking a puff of his cigarette as he approached the two of you.
His red eyes shifted to you, a purr rumbling through his chest
”ooooh Angel you didnt say you were bringing an absolute gem!” His large hand wrapped around your unwilling hand, bringing it to his lips and instead of kissing it…Val licked up your arm.
You immediately recoiled, giving a nervous smile “pleasure as always Val,  but I fear that I am not here for any…ugh entertaining purposes, just seeing Angel off before heading home”
That’s right home.
 You considered the hotel home.
Everyone was so nice and no one judged you for your past.
You didnt have to put on a persona for a camera and could just be yourself. You could laugh and cry and be comforted for it.
And you were treated like a person. By an evil Overlord at that.
Val chuckled darkly, looking you up and down “oooh really? Because Angel could use a few pointers, you might dress differently but you can’t fool me cara…” A slight burning sensation had you wince a bit, clutching your belly.
cursed womb mark. Damn you Valentino.
 “You’re nothing but a little cumslut” Val leaned down to whisper in your ear.
You narrowed your eyes, glaring up at him. Angel gave a nervous laugh to ease the tension “Why don’t you stay to watch one shoot eh? I don’t mind being criticized by a true professional” he tugged you under his arm, away from Val and to give you a wink.
You sighed “one shoot. Ill stay to watch one shoot”
Val grinned as he whisked you to sit in a director chair as he handed you the script.
You made a face of disgust as you looked over the script. Rough, demeaning sex and no buildup at all.
You shuddered. You were happy to have left all this behind but you knew everyone wasn’t lucky.
”ACTION SLUTS!” Val shouted to begin the scene.
Your eyes roamed about the scene and you felt sweaty.
Uncomfortable and anxiety. These were emotions you usually had when you were around Val, but they normally ran this rapid when you were in a shoot yourself.
But you weren’t…so why were you so nervous?
”What do you think about that angle?”
”You could have made that work”
”None of them are gonna reach your level!”
”Ugh they can’t even get that right!”
You barely listened to Val’s rambling until your lower belly burned, you clenched your teeth, eyes looking over at the smug pimp.
A smile was on his face, but it didn’t match his words.
”Why don’t you be a doll and show ‘em how its done babygirl” he tilted his head smiling knowingly.
It was like a light switch went off.
A warm feeling spread throughout your body and you found yourself moving towards the scene.
The script was rather raunchy;  ‘victim blindfolded and bound taken advantage of by gang’
”watch and learn” Valentino purred watching as a demon blindfolded you and settled you into a low arch.
You were surrounded. The warmth and heavy scents surrounded you as the demons touched and probed at you.
A whimper escaped your throat as a tongue licked at your cunt, dipping into you to give you some prep.
No No No No No No NO! You were screaming in your head as several cocks entered you.
Your lips parted to scream but a cock was shoved down your throat, a moan erupting from the demon who thrusted into your mouth.
Your body burned as you were worked into an orgasm. You kicked and thrashed to get the demons off of you.
They couldn’t cum in you, they just couldn’t.
Tears streamed down your face as you thought of the red demon.
How would be react when he found you smelling like other demons?
You had given up this lifestyle. You weren’t a whore who needed to flaunt her pussy to the world for a quick buck.
”G-get off-” you tried to say through the haze.
Your blindfold fell as you were pounded into, your eyes frantically meeting Val’s; a smirk was on his lips as he puffed his cigarette 
Go on and cum baby he mouthed
No! Nonononono!
Your body tensed as you cummed around a stranger’s dick.
A sob escaped you as the demon groaned before spilling his cum into you, the others cumming on your body.
Long arms wrapped around you, pulling you off the bed and you sobbed into a fuzzy chest.
”What the hell Val!” Angel hissed, wrapping a robe around you.
The tall demon snapped his finger and your womb mark ceased burning. “I’m sure the public would love to see such a diamond return to the spotlight. After all, she’s my best investment”
He looked over you, clicking his tongue and waving the two of you off as he shouted out commands for the next scene.
”I can’t believe that asshole did that to you. Oh toots don’t worry well get you cleaned up and good as new once we get to the hotel” Angel tried to reassure you.
You immediately ran to your room, getting in the bath and scrubbing at your skin.
Tears ran down your face as you scrubbed. You wanted the scent and feeling of those demons off you.
Your skin was red and you didn’t even realize how hard you were scrubbing until a clawed hand grabbed the sponge.
”Darlin scrub any harder and your skin will be raw” a radio-filtered voice chirped.
You jerked away, eyes wide as you watch Alastor drain the tub.
”now what’s got you so raddled?” He tilted his head in question.
Your lip quivered, head down, unable to meet his eyes.
A hand gently cupped your chin to make you look at him. Alastor had a very stern look on his face, despite the smile on his face.
”I-I-I’m sorry Al!” You bursted into sobs as you wrapped your wet arms around his neck.
He patted your back to soothe you, waiting for you to calm down so you could tell him what disturbed you so much.
”I was out with Angel and he was called to the studio a-and Val h-he h-he…I did something I vowed to never do I’m sorry I’m so sorry” you sobbed.
Alastor stiffened.
He knew what your occupation was before you came to the hotel. You had given that up to better yourself.
He never once thought that you would be dragged back to be a former version of yourself.
He could smell the scents of others on you, no amount of soap and fragrance could hide the fact he knew what had transpired.
”Oh my dear it’s alright” he cooed,pulling you to stand. To assess the damage that had been done.
Claw marks and an intricate mark on your lower belly.
He grimaced.
But he had more important matters to attend to, you.
He cautiously lathered you in lotions, put ointments on your wounds and dressed you for bed.
”Don’t worry your pretty head my dear, I don’t think of you any less. I know you wouldn’t have done something like that on your own free will” he hummed tucking you in, pressing a reassuring kiss to your forehead.
He waited until you fell asleep to slip away and once your bedroom door closed behind him, his aura darkened.
The hallways lights flickered and the building shook as his shadow angrily ripped at the wallpaper and figurines.
He made his way to his radio tower and smiled wickedly.
He wouldn’t let this offense go unnoticed. Oh no no one dared to lay a hand on his darlin and get away with it.
Oh he was going to make the Vees live a fucking nightmare
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skullhorn59 · 5 days
Heavenly Hell
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A/N: the story inspired by a daydream, and the name by @hazelfoureyes (sorry not sorry for the tag :P), I cooked up another fic. sinners - enjoy. >:3 Tags/Warnings are added progressively, design changed/fixed with time. mostly proofread! Summary: you have always been a fan of the show Hazbin Hotel in your life - and as you are spawned in a Hell identically matching the Show, you can't believe your sheer luck. you're immediately on your way to eagerly meet the celebrities (at least they are in your world), but your arrival hadn't gone unnoticed... Pairings: Lucifer, Valentino, Adam, Alastor, Vox, Angel Dust, Sir Pentious, Husk x Fem!Reader Tags/Warnings: self aware and insecure Reader, Spoilers for the Show
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Minors DNI 🚨🚔
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The moment you open your eyes, you see red. red above you, red around you, red everywhere.
Are you dreaming..?
Your other senses begin returning to you, and you groan in pain. your entire body aches as you force yourself to stand up. where were you? you sure weren't dreaming, judging by your physical pain.
Wait a damn minute. your body changed. you can feel more muscles aching, in places where none have been before. testingly moving those muscles, you are taken aback. the position of your ears changed. and you even... have a tail?
Looking around, you seem to be in a city, glamoured by a red pentagram in the red sky. lights everywhere, a familiar tower in the distance, and you can even feel the bass from the music of the clubs that are all around. wait. your eyes shoot back, and you squint at the tower in the distance. are those three V's at the front..?
You've seen that tower before.
In one of your favorite shows.
Hazbin Hotel.
As the realization hits you like a freight train, your blood runs cold. but with more excitement than dread. did you die and spawn in the Show??? was everyone from it gonna be here, alive (well - undead rather) and kicking?? when did you spawn here? before the extermination?? after?? who was gonna be there??
You take a deep breath to try and calm yourself down. but who did you want to find first? Valentino? Vox? Lucifer? Alastor? someone entirely different?
You do think about going to the Hotel first, but judging by where you've stranded, it would be a lot quicker to go take a look for the Vee's first. and knowing good ol' Alastor, you think with a scrunch to your face, he would likely snatch up your soul right away, should he find out you've only just gotten here.
Nah - no way you are risking that.
At least for now.
And so - you have a makeshift goal. doing your best to keep your excitement at bay as you begin walking towards the Tower, you think about what kind of excuse you'll make up to be able to even see one of the Vee's upclose, let alone get away without having to sign a contract in the end.
Offering them your soul? - immediate no. suggesting to work for them? - as bad as the first, so hard no.
Glancing in between buildings from time towards the Vee's Tower to make sure you're still on the right track, you furrow your brows in thought.
Hmm.. there has to be a way.
Coming to a stop infront of your destination before you could think of something, you feel your heart flutter against your chest. a rare occurance - but all the more fitting. looking up and along the tower to the three V signs, you give your braincells another kick. and suddenly - they kick back.
Yes! that's it, you can give all of them valuable information! and in return.. ohoho. so many things you could ask for. you are definitely gonna go see Vox first. you have so much to sell him, it's almost depressing. but Val..? you don't have very much that's of use to him. maybe you can somehow convince Vox to get you a... talk... with his fellow Vee. surpressing a smirk, you look forward again, internally preparing your introverted body and mind for the upcoming social interactions.
The doors glide open quietly, as expected, and you step in, immediately being hit by a wall of cool air from an air conditioner above. it's like entering a store, you think.
With a rather fast glance around, you're greeted with a Luxurious Lobby. snuggled into the far right corner, there's a reception, with a bored looking demon behind it. a camera is seated in the corner above it, with Vox's signature line on it. you can spot another one placed in the opposite corner as your eyes search around the ceiling corners.
Red Armchairs instead of regular Chairs are generously placed in the three leftover corners of the room and a few along the left wall too, low coffee tables in between. as your gaze rises along the wall, you see lots of Voxtek advertisements as well as a few screens that almost lazily switch between even more ads. you can't help but take a step closer, your eyes flitting over each and every one of them with barely held back interest, trying to take it all in at once.
Until the sound of someone clearing their throat brings you back to where you were. oops. you turn your head to where it came from, and you see the receptionist almost glare at you over their glasses. you can't tell their gender at first glance - and you aren't gonna assume it.
So you walk over to them, your eyes somewhere near their face, but not actively looking into it, you're still exploring your surroundings a little. you start speaking, insecure from the moment they laid eyes on you. "uh, hello.. I'm uhm.. here to see.." what should you call him? best to go with the most polite one you can think of. "Mr Vox." taking a deep breath, you fiddle your hands together while you continue. "I have information for him that he's.. gonna want to hear."
The Receptionist raises an eyebrow at you, but before they can respond, you hear a noise that reminds you of electric current, and you feel a cool hand on your shoulder, sharp claws firmly placed on your thin clothing, but they aren't piercing through. and before you can process everything, you hear a very familiar voice speak. you gulp.
"Information, you say? sounds like something we should discuss in my office, privately."
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─❲♡❳▷Hazbin Masterlist ─❲♡❳▷Main List
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itgirl-cad · 4 months
I kept seeing tiktoks about an AU where the characters are actors and what their blooper reel would look like… so I made a lil fic from the idea :) lmk if I should make this a mini series cuz I have so many ideas!!
Valentino was sitting on his couch, waiting for the scene to start. It had been 5 takes deep into the first few lines of his scene and he had to continuously restart. As soon as they had the greenlight, they started the scene. He sat up with rage.
“Fuckin’ finally!” He smashes the sugar glass cup he was holding right on the floor. He finally managed to hit it on the spike they put on the floor. “Kitty, another drink!” One camera followed the extra Valentino was interacting with, the other stayed focused on his close up.
“Can you believe what that piece of shit did?” He held out his hand without moving his head to look. The extra placed it in his hand but Val got a bit too into character and moved too quickly. The drink hit his hand and was tossed onto the ground below. “Hijo de perra!” Val swore as he picked the prop up and sighed.
Vox chuckled from the other side of the room “This scene is never gonna end.”
Take 6.
“Can you believe what that piece of shit did? The ungrateful whore!” He yelled and fake threw the glass. Vox had to laugh. He was trying to stifle it but it ended up bursting out of him. “I’m sorry but you look so stupid.”
Val rolled his eyes, “You try fake throwing something.”
It was take one of Lucifer and Alastor having their first scene together. They have had the most success with their lack of mistakes. Charlie was watching them, almost in awe when she heard her cue line and made her way towards her father as he turned to speak to her in an unimpressed tone.
“Who is this? Are you the bellhop?” He gestured his cane over to the taller man.
Alastor let out the most perfect fake and sarcastic laugh ever. He really did amazing with sarcastic roles. “No! I am the host of this hotel! You might have heard of me from my radio broadcast.” He leans on his cane, slightly bending down to his level, just even to make a point.
“Hmm. nope! I guess that’s why Charlie called it the HAZBIN hotel hahaha-”
“Ha ha ha…” His last ha dragged out for a bit then the radio effect was gone from his voice, “What the fuck’s my line?” He asked and started to chuckle.
Charlie let out a laugh as the crew told him his line.
“I do apologize, your performance was rather captivating.” Alastor adjusted his tie and his ears moved a bit. He was getting a bit frustrated working with Lucifer. Usually he makes no mistakes.
They ran the scene again.
Hmm. nope! I guess that’s why Charlie called it the HAZBIN hotel hahaha-”
His laughing got cut off by Alastors fake bullshit retort “Ha ha ha. It was actually my idea.” nHe looked at his nails like a sassy ‘mean girls’ like character.
Lucifer’s eyes got more bloodshot as his laugh got more insane and his dialogue speed up “Haha well it’s not very clever-”
Ha HA…” Alastor got down to lucifer’s level and up in his business “Fuck you”
Charlie got in between the two of them “Anyways.. Dad, look at this lovely parlor!” She dragged him away to carry on the scene.
Alastor appeared behind them as Charlie spoke his name. He never missed a cue. He made his way over to her, minding the spot on the floor that is spiked with red tape, for him. “Charlie has a very unique vision. I am happy to fulfill her bizarre requests.” He rests a hand on her shoulder.
“Oh, thank you, Alastor.” She smiles sweetly and places her hand on his. Lucifer was fuming. Alastor looked back over to his face and his shit eating grin got bigger.
“Quite an impressive young lady,” He placed a hand on her chin. Charlie decided to be a prankster and gave him a kissy face and puckered her lips. Alastor, not expecting such an action, drops his hand from her chin and the radio static picks up. Charlie roared out with laughter, Lucifer following suit.
“Al! Your fucking face!” She had tears in her eyes.
“You traumatized him!” Lucifer was having too much fun with this.
Alastor just looks right into the camera with a traumatized smile and pained eyes. The director yelled cut and Alastor’s smile immediately drops. He frowns and his radio effect is gone from his voice.
“Awh no he's frowning!” Charlie felt kinda bad, but it was a funny prank.
“It was worth it.” Lucifer gave her a high-five.
In the recording studio, Vox was recording his lines for “stayed gone” alongside Alastor. They both had their scripts in front of them and stood in front of microphones.
Vox started his lines “Top of the hour, and we're discussing a certain has-been Who has been spotted cavorting around town After a seven-year absence. Did anybody miss him? Did anybody notice? More on tonight's program So, the Radio Demon is- holy fuck I talk a lot..” He exclaimed, running out of breath.
Alastor chuckled, “I have been telling you that.”
“Oh literally go fuck yourself” He rolled his eyes and started from ‘top of the hour’ once again
They tried different callouts between the lines to see what would fit best. Most of it was improv because Vox couldn’t remember the actual script. He was too engaged with yelling at alastor and looking at the cocky son of a bitch in the booth beside him.
“Yes, I know it's been a while Since someone with style treated Hell to a broadcast Sinners, rejoice!”
“What a stupid voice!” Vox yelled. Vox just did a string of those, looping Alastor’s track so he did have to repetitively sing the same cue line. “Such an irritating voice!” “What a lousy voice!” He could’ve gone all day long if the sound director let him. All those shower conversations had prepared him.
“Instead of a clout-chasing mediocre video podcast” Alastor sang and let Vox have multiple retorts
“Come on.. No, that one is so boring. Lemme try again” Vox sighs and thinks of better retorts, “Oh piss off!” “Excuse me?” “up yours!”
“Is Vox insecure, pursuing allure? Flitting between this fad and that, is nothing working?”
“Ignore his chirping!”
To be honest, Vox could have written a disstrack.
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prince-liest · 1 month
Been thinking about Vox (as one often does) and his very obvious type, especially in 666 and now the new fic. At some point you have to assume that Vox ENJOYS having to talk down psychopathic egomaniacs. I think part of that is that he must be good at it, either through practice or a natural talent or else he wouldn't like SURVIVE these relationships.
But I also think a large part of it is that he gets to pretend he's the only sane person in the room for a bit, and there's a bonus of the really fun kick that The Overlord Vox can get these fucking weirdos to do what he says, WITHOUT hypnotism, thank you very much. I dunno something like a fun mix of his control freak nature and what I'm sure is a fuckton of pride that only HE can get these fantastic lays to keep coming back to HIM (nevermind that no one else in their right mind would be putting this much effort into a relationship with Val or Alastor).
Anyway, you have me thinking about Vox all the fucking time now. I blame you for making him one of my favorite characters when at first I didn't think much of him. The charismatic loser that he is
I majorly agree with you, hahaha. I think Vox is an egomaniac with control issues who's on a massive power trip whenever he exercises his manipulation muscles on Valentino (and Alastor, in my fics). He gets away with seeming fairly pathetic at times when I write him, because I enjoy writing radiostatic and, to quote a comment, Vox's common sense flees any room Alastor enters...but that doesn't mean that he's not still a manipulative, paternalistic asshole as well as an overlord and the CEO of VoxTek. Even when he's down bad, he still thinks he's smarter, more clever, and more capable than anyone that he interacts with, in one way or another. Liking a person doesn't mean that he respects them - at least not always, or not in all capacities.
I actually think that every single member of the Vees spends a significant portion of their time thinking they're the only sane person in the room, hahaha. But Vox is particularly bad about it because he's put himself into a leadership position even among the trio, and a lot of his modus operandi is exercising control over every single person underneath him, including his friends.
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wanderingaldecaldo · 9 months
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Two Vals, Two Years of Fem V Friday
107 weeks ago, which is just over two years, I made the first Fem V Friday post. I didn't expect it to take off. As a fic smut writer in rarepair hell, I ran a tiny blog. I had barely started taking VP, if you could call it that. I've talked before about bootcamping my MacBook Pro; I did unspeakable things to that poor machine.
I'm """old""". I know I'm older than some of your parents, a fact which inflicts serious psychic anguish at times. I didn't grow up with women as playable characters in video games, or with women as video game characters at all, really. I never got into Lara Croft because I believed she was created for the male gaze, something I could never get past, though I absolutely understand why so many women love her! A woman as the playable hero of the story! At last, someone on the screen who looks like me! Kinda! (Side note: I recently learned from a huge Lara fan that the creator was unhappy with how she became sexualized, and that makes me feel better. Maybe I'll finally give it a try.)
It wasn't until Bioware that I finally got to play the badass women of young Wash's dreams. Given the option, I haven't played a male character since. This past Pride I wrote about my complicated relationship with gender, and having the ability to play as a female character — especially ones that allowed me to express my butch side — is key to my journey.
107 weeks ago, the week that Masc v Monday began, I made a comment or tagged something about being sad there wasn't such a thing for fem Vs. At the time, my dash was full of masc Vs because of who I followed: people who posted male OCs. I was still new to tumblr and hadn't met all of my friends whose Vs wives you see me regularly reblog. So many of the fem Vs who crossed my dash looked like more of the same sexualized characters created for the male gaze. I wanted the ones out there who looked like my own Val; fem Vs who looked like real women.
That following Friday, August 12, I started the tag at someone else's suggestion. I thanked him genuinely for it whenever he commented on the post or reblogged it or however the interaction occurred.
107 weeks ago, I posted Val, and many people responded. Many people reblogged and added on their fem Vs, while others posted separately. I was overwhelmed. I never expected the response I received.
107 weeks later, I still love Fridays. I love seeing all of your fem Vs in all shapes and forms, because I will never get over seeing this representation. I will never tire of seeing all the different female characters that people make.
This is why I made the first Fem V Friday post. I love Fridays, y'all.
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snezario · 4 months
Technical Difficulties; Vo//x
A/N: The Ha/zb/in Hot/el hyperfixation continues... For the longest time, I struggled with how snz with a television screen for a head would even work but @stormyweaver solved that instantly ty friend (I don't even talk abt it in this fic lol)... Anyways I'm throwing this out into the world and hibernating for the next year!! Here's some very self-indulgent tv demon Suffering
You’ll have to try harder than that next time, old pal.
Alastor’s last words to him play again in his mind. The pompous freak. Which brings Vox to his current situation, standing in front of the stained glass doors of the Hazbin Hotel. He straightens his bowtie and raps on the door three times. Charlie opens the door just as his hand lifts from the third knock. Her shock at seeing one of the Vees at her doorstep is quite apparent. Vox smiles widely and extends his hand.
“Your majesty, I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced. I’m Vox, head of VoxTe-”
“YOU! You gotta lotta fucking nerve coming here!” Before Vox can finish, Angel Dust appears by Charlie’s side stabbing an accusatory finger towards him. Ah yes, Val’s favorite little whore. Almost immediately after, Vaggie is also standing before him, scowling. Vox maintains his sharp grin despite the intrusion and scoots away from Angel’s finger.
“I sincerely apologize for our previous interaction, Princess. Val, Velvette, and I have given it some thought and we were hoping to develop a mutually beneficial relationship. You see, the whole reason we even sent Pentious is because of your current sponsor-”
“Alastor?” Charlie interrupts, tilting her head.
Just the mention of his name is enough to send a volatile surge of electricity through his circuitry. Vox quickly unfurls the fist he unconsciously made and smiles.
“Yes, we seem to have got off on the wrong foot so to speak. Alastor (Vox says his name with such venom that Charlie shrinks back slightly), and I haven’t always quite seen eye-to-eye, but that’s no reason for the two of us to have any quarrel. In fact, we have a few ideas that we’d like to run by you and modernize what you’ve got here.”
Little Miss Bleeding Heart’s eyes light up, her positivity and compassion almost makes him fucking vomit, were he capable of such human vulnerabilities.
“Ohmygod, we would LOVE to have more Overlords on board with the Hazbin Hotel. Come in, come in! Let me show you around,” She beckons him in while Vaggie continues to glare at him suspiciously as he steps over the threshold, pointing her spear at him.
“One wrong move and I’m shoving this spear through your chest,” she threatens.
This is actually the first time he’s stepped foot in the building. It’s not nearly as hi-tech as his VoxTek building, probably that radio fucker’s influence. Husk flips him off from the bar in the back. A small black cat weaves between his legs, purring before settling in on a nearby couch.
Before he can comment on anything, an unmistakable shadow glides along the floor before his rival manifests in front of him. Vox’s blood pressure spikes as he stands face to face with Alastor. The radio demon is wearing his almost patented grin (the smiling freak), seemingly unperturbed by the Vox’s presence at the hotel.
“Ah, if it isn’t my so-called ‘rival.’ Trying your hand at redemption?” Alastor smirks, twirling his staff nonchalantly. Vox’s hypnotic eye swirls with momentary fury. He takes a deep breath and instead of rising to the barb, Vox flashes his own demonic fangs.
Charlie begins the tour in the foyer, showing him every minute detail. Of course, he’s not really listening at all. His attention is momentarily diverted when he feels an unusual tingling in the back of his screen. It passes just as quickly as it appeared. Not giving Vox much time to contemplate it, Charlie drags him off to another room in the hotel.
As they walk around, Princess Morning Star continues chattering excitedly about having sappy conversations in the parlor. Despite Alastor’s insistence that he has better things to do than babysit his media rival, Vox can feel him following close behind them. Not only that, but it’s becoming more clear to him that something is wrong. The fuzzy feeling is starting to become more than just a minor inconvenience. He tries to ignore the rising wave of panic in his chest. He just updated his software not too long ago.
“Soooo what did you think?” Charlie’s looking at him with puppy-dog eyes. He looks around and realizes that they’re back in the lobby. Apparently they made an entire loop of the hotel and now Charlie is expectantly awaiting a response. He opens his mouth to speak but it’s at this moment that the fuzzy feeling becomes outright unbearable. And, unfortunately for him no amount of ignoring it seems to do the trick. The buzzing sensation crests and the veneer of self-control crumbles. His screen glitches out as his body snaps forward as he is overcome by the feeling.
The hotel lights dim during Vox’s expulsion, causing the residents to glance around in confusion. As the lights flicker back on, Vox realizes that the hotel has fallen completely silent. He finds that he’s also teleported 5 feet from where he was previously standing. Everyone is staring at him, their facial expressions a mix of annoyance, bewilderment, and amusement (from Alastor, the bastard). Angel is the first to speak.
“What the fuck just happened?”
Vox mentally repeats the same question to himself. What the fuck did just happen? Did he just… sneeze? He didn’t even think it was possible, at least not in his new form.
“Seems like our little video friend is experiencing some *technical* difficulties.” Alastor chimes in, the pleasure he seems to have derived from Vox’s predicament is quite apparent. Smug piece of shit. What he wouldn’t give to punch him in his perfect teeth.
His resolve wavers as he senses another prickle at the back of his head. Sparks generate along his frame as Vox tries to fight another surge of the unwanted feeling… to no avail. Vox’s screen dims as he involuntarily sucks in a sharp breath.
hh’zZZSHh! ihh..ihh’ZZSSHhoo!
The outburst causes another surge of electricity in the hotel, as well as leading a couple of the overhead light bulbs to explode. By the time he straightens up Niffty has already sprung into action, sweeping up the shards of glass that now litter the hotel floor.
“WHATTHEFUCK,” he spits out, unable to maintain his composure despite the fact that he had an audience.
“Hmm, persistent,” Alastor muses, thoughtful tapping his slender fingers on the top of his staff. While everyone else is still processing the most recent events, Alastor surveys the damage to the hotel. As scans the lobby, his gaze falls on KeeKee. Realization dawns on him. Ohoho, this could be quite entertaining, best he keep this bit of information to himself for now.
“I– ihh… I have to go,” Vox manages to say through clenched teeth. The less he said the better his chances were if he were going to keep the feeling at bay. He prepares to teleport out, but not before the sneeze he was so desperately trying to hold back, slips out.
ih’ITZZSSHhh! Godfuckingdamnit. To save himself what little dignity Vox has left, not that there’s much remaining at this point, he departs in a flash of light.
“Talk lat-” Charlie trails off as she realizes that Vox has already electorported out of the hotel.
“Well that was quite interesting,” Alastor spins his staff around before magick-ing it out of existence. He seems to have something on the tip of his tongue, but ultimately decides to keep the thought to himself, humming nonchalantly as he walks away.
Sitting on his couch, Vox groans and flops back. Well not only did that fail miserably, Vox embarrassed himself in front of the entire Hazbin Hotel family. He sinks deeper into the couch cushions as the entire fiasco plays in his head. His rumination is interrupted by a straggling tickle.
Dragging a hand down his screen, he sniffles (really?! this just got better and better) and sighs. This was quite an unpleasant experience, one he would not like to deal with again anytime soon. Somehow he felt this was Alastor’s doing, no he knew the radio demon fuck definitely had something to do with it.
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rocksibblingsau · 29 days
I just watched manager Poppy. And now I'd like to ask if Vals very energetic prep for her concerts is going to be referenced ever?
If not what would think Branch's reaction would be?
I'd imagine he'd be horrified. Or if he learned this after knowing her for a while, worried but believes she knows what she's doing.
Yep! As the fic goes on I'll cover more and more about Val, Demo and Petra since a lot of the fic will just be exploring their personalities and how they interact with Branch!
Branch is very worried about safety, but he also lives with Barb, so he's learning a bit what Rock Trolls can and can't handle.
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valsdelulucorner · 30 days
Imagine MC gets a deadly familiar while down in devildom
Imagine Mc goes for a walk around the devildom after classes one day and they hear a small sound coming from a thorn bush. Inside they find a creature completely made on thorns, bush and beautiful blue devildom roses. There was little flower buds starting to grow along its body, indicating it was still just a cub. Now imagine it took a liking to you and refused to leave your side, clinging to your leg while its thorny tail dug into your ankle. It looks like you have no choice but to take the creature home, it looked so helpless and so looked like it wanted to come with you
Once you bring little Juniper (Little buddies name) home, the reaction from the brothers was something you did not expect. Every single one of them hid behind Lucifer while lucifer held up a chair, apparently this creature excreted spores and flowers lethal to demons. Now the question is, will you keep it?
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New OM! Fic
Lucifer x Unnamed Gender-Neutral MC
[ A sequel to my first ever om! fic : The Thing About (Demon) Families summary: In which Lucifer reflects on one of his six annoying baby brothers while a human not-so-silently judges him. a.k.a. the one where Lucifer is trying his best to be a good big brother but in all honesty he probably needs therapy (they all do)]
Tags: • Parental Lucifer • Protective Lucifer • Angst •Hurt/Comfort •Canon Compliant •Obey Me! Nightbringer Spoilers • can be read as either platonic or romantic
The face that follows it, though, is new, and yet... so achingly familiar. It takes him a moment, like always, to brush aside the shadow of fond and painful nostalgia that should not exist but still continues to colour any interaction he has with their new attendant – their new human attendant.
Tag List (if you want to be added like this -> post. If you want to be removed lemme know);
@mxsunnybop @betta-phish @anxiously-sidequesting
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 1 year
To Call You Mine
Chapter 9.5
Authors note: New Years special!! 🎉
PSA: This will be the last update for a bit as I will be focusing on getting my requests out. But breaks will still be had to update this and my other fics
Warnings: none, all fluff!
Word count: 1650    Nat Masterlist    Marvel Masterlist     TCYM Masterlist
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  As everyone gathers in Maximoffs living room, watching the tv in anticipation you can’t help but gaze at your loving mate and pup instead. You can’t believe how much your life has changed this year, these last few months specifically. You've gotten everything you wanted. Natasha was yours now, Dima was too and now he has a sibling on the way. You almost couldn’t believe it, but the way the Omega looks at you constantly reminds you that it is indeed true.
  “What are you thinking about moya lyubov'(my love)?” your mate asks as she catches the way you're looking at her
   You smile and wrap an arm around her waist, pulling her and your pup closer, “Just that I'm extremely lucky to be able to call you mine”
   She practically melts at your admission and a small purr erupts from her, “I’m the lucky one”
   Yelena rolls her eyes at the two of you, “Ick, you're both being so gushy again” 
   Wanda elbow her, “Stop testing them, it’s incredibly cute to see them interact”
   “Maybe for you who doesn’t see them too often, but I see them all over each other almost constantly” the blonde retorts, causing your Omega to blush 
    Carol laughs, “Still so easy to fluster when it comes to Y/n, eh Romanoff?”
   You look down at your mate, “You used to get flustered over me?”
   “Only all the time” Clint adds with a smirk causing your Omega to groan
   “Oh leave them be. Wanda and Vis are always off somewhere cuddling and Carol, you're always sneaking off to spend time with Val and Maria” Jenn reminds them
   A blush settles on Wanda's cheeks as Vision rubs his neck in embarrassment, and Clint laughs at the stunned expression the police Captain wears and the glare she sends his way has no doubt scared many a criminal she's had in interrogation.
   “Shut it Barton. Don’t even get me started on how bad you are with Laura” 
   He huffs and playfully crosses his arms, “I am not”
   “Sure, that's why you had two out of three pups so soon after each other” you tease, earning yourself a giggle from Nat and a sour look from her best friend
   “Alright alright” Vis says with a raise of his hands, “If we keep up with the playful banter we’ll all miss the reason we're all gathered here in the first place.”
   “Vis is right” Jen agrees, turning her attention back to the tv
   Carol nods, “Right, we watch the ball drop, then get back to annoying the shit out of each other.”
   “You're terrible Danvers” Nat says with a smile that says otherwise
   You shake your head at your best friend, “You get used to it”
   “Guys” Wanda reprimands, reminding everyone to put a stop to the teasing for now and everyone settles down, their attention back on the screen as the countdown begins.
   10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1, Happy New Year!!
   The mated pairs all share loving kisses as the others cheer to greet the new year, and your mate giggles as her sister rolls her eyes and takes Dima from her.
   “My poor plemyannik(nephew), let me get you away from your parents for a bit”
   “I don’t hear him complaining” your mate teases
   Yelena scoffs, “Only because he can not talk yet”
   “He can talk” you retort, “He calls us Mama all the time”
   The Beta glares, “You know that is not the kind of talking I meant. Now shush and let me take him for snacks and apple juice” You both laugh as she heads off to the kitchen, Wanda and Vision following her in order to grab the gathering some drinks of their own. 
   With her arms now free Natasha loops them around your waist, pulling herself closer to you. You hold her tightly as she purrs and she's nearly overwhelmed by the love she feels between the two of you. The pup growing inside her is further proof of this love, and she honestly couldn’t be happier. Especially so considering Bruce still didn’t seem to know her location, and even if he did Jen made sure that Nat had a restraining order against him. She knew if he found her and came anywhere near then not only would you beat his ass and have Carol arrest him again, but his own cousin would have him put away for at least a few years and this gave her a sense of peace. 
   She's brought from these thoughts as her sister and the Maximoffs return to the room. Yelena takes a seat with her nephew, allowing him to sip on his apple juice as she shares some of the snack she brought out for them and Wanda begins to dutifully pass out the drinks. By the time she gets to the two of you you're now sitting on the same couch as Yelena.
   “Here you guys go” the Omega says with a smile, handing you and your mate your glasses
   “Thanks Wans” Nat says, only taking the drink to be able to partake in the traditional toast your friend group does
   Once everyone has their drinks the brunette heads back over to her Alpha, he smiles and loops an arm around her shoulder before looking around the room at all his friends, “Thank you everyone for joining us again this year. Wanda and I are very glad you could all make it. So here's to our friendship, our relationships with our mates, the health of the Danvers, Barton and Romanoff pups, and to this new year together”
   Everyone clinks their glasses together and takes a sip of their drinks, with the exception of two people. Wanda and Natasha. This goes unnoticed by your mate, she's too busy trying to get you to not chug your drink in order to drink hers as well. Wanda however notices right away and quickly determines that her best friend isn’t drinking for the same reason she isn’t.
  “Oh my god, Nat!” she practically squeals, running over to the redhead, “Are you with pup again?” Everyone's gaze turns to your mate and you don’t miss the look of excitement in Yelena's eyes.
   Your Omega smiles and grabs your hand, “I am, Y/n and I are expecting”
   Everyone cheers in congratulations, though Nat can hardly hear it as her best friend's body embraces her tightly. Wanda can’t help the few tears that form in her eyes, not only because of her happiness for her best friend finally getting the life she has always wanted and deserved, but also because this means their pups will be the same age.
   She pulls back enough to be able to look at your mate properly, “Vis and I are expecting too” 
   Your friend group cheers again and Nats eyes go wide, “You are? Really?”
   “Yes!” the other Omega says with an excited nod, “This is so wonderful Nat! I thought my pup would only have Dima as a friend, but now they’ll have two friends”
   Your mate smiles, “Our pups will all be best friends just like us”
   “What am I then, chopped liver?” Clint teases 
   “Oh hush Barton” Yelena chides, “Sestra(sister), I’m very happy for you. And you too, Y/n.”
   “Thanks Lena, we couldn't be happier” you reply, letting your hand come to rest on Nats barely there bump
   “Do you hear this plemyannik(nephew)?” the blond asks, looking down at him, “You're going to be a big brother!”
   The pup excitedly babbles as if he understands his Aunties words causing you all to laugh and smile at him, which in turn causes a smile to spread across his face as well.
   “He’s going to be an amazing big brother”
    Around an hour later you finally pull into your garage, and your mate chuckles softly at the snoozing pup in the back seat.
   “Poor little guy” you exclaim as you unbuckle him, “We kept him up so late tonight”
   Nat nods, “We did, but hopefully that just means he’ll sleep in tomorrow”
   You nod in agreement before taking him upstairs and tucking him in. Once you make your way back downstairs you're surprised to see Natasha not in the bedroom, but standing there in front of the still decorated Christmas tree that Liho sleeps under.
   “Everything ok Natty?”
   She turns to you, a tearful smile on her face, “Everything is so perfect Y/n. Thank you for giving Dima an amazing first Christmas, and giving me the best Christmas I’ve ever had”
   You don’t hesitate to kiss her, “Of course baby, but you don’t have to thank me for that. It’s my pleasure to do such things for you both”
   “I know” she nods, “But you deserved to be thanked for taking such good care of us and loving us so well”
   You smile softly and wrap your arms around her waist, “I love you, my Omega”
   “I love you too, my Alpha, always will.”
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   Unbeknownst to you however, in a car across the street someone watches this interaction through your open blinds, and what he sees both angers and disgusts him.
    “I knew it” the Alpha grows to himself, “That lying bitch. She had my Omega and pup this whole time. And if Nat thinks I’m just going to sit here and let another, less able Alpha raise my son then she has another thing coming.”
   He takes out his phone and quickly sends off a few texts to an unsaved number before he glances back in your house's direction. He seethes with rage as he sees you both embrace in a heated kiss causing his grip on the steering wheel to tighten. But what he sees next is nearly enough to make him snap the thing in half. There, plain as day on your neck is a mark. You were claimed. His Omega claimed you, not him.
   “You're so fucking dead Y/n.”
Taglist: @wandaromamoff69 @mmmmokdok @nataliasknife @natashasilverfox @when-wolves-howl @danveration @naomi-m3ndez @sheneonromanoff @sayah13 @likefirenrain @nighttime-dreaming  @readings-stuff @chaoticevilbakugo @crystalstark02 @wackymcstupid @xchaiix @iaminluvwithnat @lovelyy-moonlight @blackwidow-3 @mistressofinsomnia @that-one-gay-mosquito @yomamagf @yourfavdummy @justarandomreaderxoxo @scoutlp23-blog @whoischanelle15 @lissaaaa145 @eline03 @wizardofstories @imthenatynat @marvelonmymind @fluffyblanketgecko @bitch-616 @dakotastormm  @zoomdeathknight @rayeofmoonlight @naslt @lattayhottay16 @yelenabelov-ed @thatonebrazilian @marvelwomen-simp @wannabe-fic-reader @tashakink
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lixxen · 6 months
I like to talk about my fics, so here's a list of my currently uploaded Danny Phantom fics from AO3:
Haunting of A Vivisection: a longer ongoing fic that is slowly expanding on the show and rewriting certain parts. Meant to be read as if episodic like the show. I am currently (at the posting of this) writing the final expansion chapter on Season 1. It has about 30(?) chapters planned, so I have so much to cover and it drifts away from canon and into more story as it goes. Currently has 13 chapters published. Also has a playlist!
Danny Was A Friend Of Mine: based off of The Killer's song, Jenny Was a Friend of Mine. A one off of Haunting of A Vivisection that can be read seperately. Val fully kills Danny by accident.
Note to self: always disinfect ghost bites: Danny gets ghost rabies. Is technically a one off of HOaV. Protective and feral Danny
Cops and Robbers: Ongoing since I haven't written the second chapter. Danny interacting with the APPD. Can fit into HOaV if you squint
Over and Over: Dash and Star accidentally kills Danny, to which he comes back. And they kill him. Over and over. Eldritch Danny vibes.
Necropsy: a vivisection/dissection fic that is biblically accurate. Danny gets captured and cut open. He also embalms himself. I had to pull out my mortuary science textbooks to write this. If you want semi-accurate dissection and medical talk, this is for you.
Whispering Willow: silly goofy Ectoberhaunt fic based off of botonamancy
I Miss You More: hurt/comfort fic for Ectoberhaunt prompt of Haunt. Danny is a supernatural style ghost haunting the house.
Danny Fenton and The Abomination: crack fic based off of a purposefully horrible looking stuffed Danny doll I made for a friend.
your face: Another hurt/comfort fic where Danny doesn't have any memories and is haunting the woods. Graphic descriptions and apparently this one made people cry!
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prince-liest · 2 months
oh my god…. prince……. you can’t do this to me. you’re saying next fic has vox getting fucked, focuses on vox’s transness (AH), AND ALSO HES ON THE OFF SEE SAW OF HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH VAL?????? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL MEE?!!?!!????? I THINK I MIGHT ACTUALLY COMBUST. and bc another anon asked abt how alastor views the violence in voxval’s relationship, i have Another thought on the matter. as much as alastor looks down on vox, they can be Very similar sometimes. they are both egomaniacs and very prideful. i don’t think vox, without outside interference, would ever ADMIT that the violence he faces is 1) something he truly hates AND 2) out of his control. he can’t admit he hates it, because then why isn’t he stopping it? that would be admitting to not being powerful enough or strong enough. and hello, 50’s toxic masculinity coming through, he CANT be a victim of domestic violence. he’s a powerful, rich, and important man. it all comes down to perceived weakness. so, the solution is to pretend he’s mostly fine with it. sure, he can act disgruntled and upset in the moment, but i don’t think he’d ever let himself take it seriously. because then he has to start drawing lines in the sand, and what happens then? will val look down on him? will he lose val? yeah, he is not risking that over a problem he mostly refuses to acknowledge exists. and as you said, this is all happening in the setting of hell, where ultra violence IS the norm, and vox himself is excessively violent. it’s the most delicious 50 layer cake of fucked up-ness.
RANT ASIDE THO. i have a question. 2. do you ever plan on having vox interact with the hotel crew outside of angel? ANDDDD what would charlie’s reaction be to their friendship/situationship/ kinda love affair. i think she could add SOOOOO much hilarity and Intense Emotions to this series. not that the boys haven’t been doing their part in that so far. charlie just intensifies everything she does, god bless her. -🌓
The "getting fucked" bit and the trans conversation bit are directly related to and relevant to each other, and frankly I'm just very happy to be out here writing the specific flavors of deeply queer shenanigans that I'm writing, and to have people actively enjoy that. It genuinely means a lot to me that I've strayed so goddamn far out of the bounds of good old top/bottom yaoi archetypes that introduced me to fandom and yet have a wildly enthusiastic audience nonetheless. So, that was my long way of saying that you bring me a lot of fucking joy, anon, hahaha.
As for everything you're saying about Vox, power, and masculinity: YOU! points dramatically at you YOU GET IT! YOU GET IT!!!!!! Everyone just read this, this is it, this is the thing. I have no notes to add. There is a reason that the main point he raises the moment he actually says something vulnerable about it (before he immediately cuts himself off) is a complaint that he's an overlord, so why—?
And with regards to your questions: I'm not gonna lie, my actual planning for 666 is usually, like, extremely by the seat of my pants. I plan nothing except, "Oh, shit, had an idea for the next one. Lesgoooo—" and that's been the case for literally every single installment. It's all just been evolving naturally and building on top of itself. So! I can't say that I plan to have Vox interact with the hotel crew or Charlie, but I also will never say that I'm actively opposed to it.
That said, I do think a lot of this fic is kinda structured around hitting specific topics that come up in intimate settings between Vox and Alastor specifically, with occasional tag-ins from Angel Dust, so I don't really know if there's anything in particular I'd like to write that I think would work better in this series if more characters got involved. But, hey! Never say never!
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xxavengingangelxx · 1 month
Behind Blue Eyes 1/1
Summary: What exactly happened to Val between days 6 and 10 after she was captured? Why did she suddenly become so compliant? From Graves’s POV. Because, well because Val doesn’t remember. For the simple reason that Graves doesn’t want her to. Maybe out of kindness (because those days were rough), but maybe because generally, a brainwasher doesn’t want their target to remember being brainwashed. 
Inspired by one of my fave YouTubers, Dark5.
I thought about titling this Your beauty never really scared me, a line from one of my favorite songs, Mary on a Cross by Ghost. Just because reader is gorgeous (yes, all y'all are gorgeous!) and Graves wants her but while her beauty might have intimidated other men, of course it didn't intimidate Graves cuz he's a narcissistic used to getting what he wants ;)
Warnings: Torture (nothing graphic), brainwashing, threats of harm, general mindfuckery, etc. This is sadistic Las Almas Graves, a heartless mercenary, kk? ;)
Tags! @unicorngirly1, @c0d-lvr, @bellgraves. I had a taglist when I was posting more often but I lost it so please let me know if you'd like to be added :)
This is connected to my fic Long Way from Home, link to the first part below. It's a fic where Graves captures 141's translator in Mexico thinking she has valuable information. She undergoes torture enhanced interrogation techniques thanks to Graves and Shadow Company. She holds her own much better than Graves thought she would.
It took 6 days to finally break Val. She finally let go of information that wouldn’t have harmed anyone anyway. Those homing beacons we got from her were old, and she knew that. She refused to give them up for the simple fact that she was defiant. Shepherd’s happy she broke. But he said he’s still flying down. He said he wants her actively working for us.
He told me I have 4 days. 4 days to bring her to our side. I told him that’s impossible, that it took a lot longer than that to essentially brainwash someone. Yes, she’d broken but not willingly.
He told me I knew what to use to do just that. Brainwash her. I know what he was referring to. But no. I didn’t want to. It might kill her.
“Ten Minutes to Midnight,” Shepherd told me.
He told me to do it or he’d kill her. In front of me.
So I relented and went to a computer with some heavily encrypted files. The kind of computer that had a case designed to live through nuclear war and electromagnetic pulse attacks. I pulled up something I learned from the CIA in my dealings with them.
The file titled 10 Minutes to Midnight: The Brainwasher’s Handbook.
The below might sound brutal but just remember I did it to save her life.
Val had no idea where she was. The last 24 hours had been a blur and her life had been turned upside down. Everything had changed…everything. Well, her life had changed since Las Almas, I’m certain. Pretty sure she’s never been held captive before.
She’d broken. And that’s what mattered. She was still sedated, somewhat. I couldn’t tell if she was passed out due to exhaustion or if she was still drugged. Maybe both.
But I only had 4 days so we had to fast track this.
She was dead weight when I picked her up. She was definitely lighter than the last time. She was clearly choosing not to interact with me (full on scowled at me before I picked her up and it was hard not to smack her) so when I got back to my barracks I sat her up on my bed, against the wall.
I told her, “We’re not done yet.” And the terrified look in her darker eyes told me that this just might work. Poor thing was still so tired and weak.
We had to be careful here because we didn’t exactly want to erase her entire identity. We needed Val to keep her identity. But she just had to want to work for us. She had to be more violent. Just not towards us like had been for the last 6 days. Seriously, it was getting annoying and exhausting having to be on edge in case she took a swing at me anytime I was within arm’s reach of her. She knew it would result in her getting her ass beat but she seemed to think it was worth it, saying she liked seeing me bleed (she scratched a lot, too).
I tried, really tried to do things the easy way.
I asked told her to come work with me.
And, well, she said fuck you. So disrespectful.
I walked away. Because I wanted to fucking hit her, push her into the wall. But there was a better way to start things. She wanted water and who was I to tell a lady no? I just added a benzo to it. She was out like a light. It was comforting, just watching her sleep, listening to her breathe.
I moved her to what we call one of our soft interrogation rooms. It wasn’t a cell, it wasn’t a concrete cube like she’d been locked in before, but it certainly wasn’t comforting. Just your basics, nothing else: somewhere somewhat comfortable to sleep and less harsh lighting than the rooms (yes, rooms as in multiple because we’ve been moving her to base after base every day) she’d been in before. With one main difference: have you heard of white torture? Everything in that room was white, everything she was allowed to wear was white. It was a form of sensory deprivation that made people easier to brainwash. I made it clear to my men: Val doesn’t leave this room. This is the only room we’d convince her to work for us in. And after she came around, she was never to see this room again.
Because it might trigger memories of how she used to be.
Brainwashing is easy. And it’s not like I have to spend 24/7 with the target. A few of my men were trained in CIA techniques so they knew where to pick up when I needed a break. Val would be worked on 24/7.
Step 1: Assault on identity          
Telling the target they’re not the person they think they are. I told Val she wasn’t who she thought she was. She thought she was an inseparable part of 141. She saw Price as a father figure and the other boys as older brothers. Well, except for Johnny for the simple fact that she used to fuck him. I’d make sure he stayed extra far away from her. He might be a potential trigger for her.
No, you’re not a part of 141. No, you hadn’t known them for years. No, you could not trust them with your life. They’ll kill you if the catch you. Or help lock you up in a military prison the rest of your life. No, they’re not going to forgive you for betraying them, even if you told them it was under torture.
She put up one hell of a fight against this and it was certainly admirable. She even attempted to escape two hours into the ordeal when one of my boys opened the door to that room. But if the first step doesn’t get accomplished, the nine other steps won’t either. So every time she would deny my statements, I would hurt her. Nothing too bad, of course. I couldn’t leave too many new injuries on her. Just stress positions, pressure points, and keeping her awake. I feel like she’d had enough physical abuse coercion.
After 12 hours of repeated verbalizations and some pain she became noticeably less cocky and sure of herself. Hour 14, she sounded confused for lack of a better term. Granted, she had been kept awake for more than 14 hours but she appeared really confused. I asked her to confirm her identity and she seemed even more confused. She whispered her name, but it sounded as if she was asking a question. But I could tell she was doing it only because she was scared. She wasn’t turned yet but this is only the first step so of course she wasn’t.
Her beliefs and her identity were weakened. Not broken yet but weakened. And so I moved onto the next step.
Step 2: Guilt
This step is generally more violent. It has to be. This is where you convince your target they’re the scum of the earth…a horrible person. I told her that 141 were war criminals and that she had helped them. I had to do this step in full uniform to add to the effect. She always showed more fear when I showed up in uniform. I was the only thing with color in that room so she was dead focused on me. She was desperate to look at anything that wasn’t snow white, even if it was her tormentor me.
Yes, Val, you’d helped war criminals. And you resisted my men and I, who were not anything close to war criminals. That we only killed when we had to. And that we certainly didn’t take advantage of females in our group like Soap had done her.
Predictably, she got violent.
So, unfortunately we had no choice but to respond in kind. Of course, no serious injuries. But she felt pain nonetheless. The more hours that ticked by, however, the more exhausted she became and the less she fought. She wasn’t even trying to cover her ears and scream over us to go the fuck away or to shut the fuck up anymore after about another 12 hours. She stopped just screaming into the dark void of her room. She just listened.
But one thing that she would not stop reacting violently to (as in swinging, scratching, kicking, biting, you name it) was the suggestion that the Scot of 141 had taken advantage of her. That was fine, we could drop one or two items off our list. So we left that one alone.
She still hadn’t slept by the way.
Step 3: Self-Betrayal
I told her to admit that she was bad. I told her over and over amid physical okay and sexual threats. Although she, as always, resisted, under the threat of breaking her arm, she agreed in a desperate tone of voice. Because I promised her she didn’t want to have a serious injury on-base, that it would lead to misery. She agreed that she was a bad person because of her job and the people she worked for.
I forced her to admit that her parents were bad people, clearly, and maybe that had been passed onto her. Genetics and all that shit, right? She admitted, on demand, that she was a bad person.
And after she did that, I let her sleep. Only for a few hours. Just long enough to where she slept deeply enough to where a simple ultrasonic wave caused a concussion without leaving marks or making her any the wiser. But weaking her to the next part.
Step 4: Breaking Point
Psychic driving: Strap a someone (preferably concussed) down, give them paralytic drugs and make them listen to a repeated statement hundreds if not thousands of times. Then, you just break them down with something called depatterning which uses drugs, electric shocks and sensory deprivation. The result? It destroys your target’s personality. Then you get to replace the personality with whatever you want.
The only issue we ran into is that we couldn’t quite erase her entire personality or identity. We still needed Val to be Val. Just anti-141 Val. Maybe a version of Val that was a little more trigger happy. A version of Val where maybe, just maybe, she’d kill for us. The CIA would do that shit to people for days, sometimes weeks, we just did it for 36 hours.
And after about 36 hours of that shit, she was almost totally different. After she had been unstrapped, she seemed numb. She gave me this look, this broken, shocked look and then she just broke down. She started screaming and crying about how she didn’t know where the hell she was, who she was, what she stood for. She actually begged me to tell her who she was. Later that night she was convinced she was back in Las Almas. She got psychotic. She wasn’t there. She had fallen off the brink and it was time to pull her back.
Step 5: Leniency
This is kind of like the Stockholm syndrome building stage. She heard me come into her room and she instantly backed up, retreating against the wall, eyes focused on the floor. So I soothed her, promised I wouldn’t hurt her. I mentioned that because she was making progress in trying to make up for all the bad she had done and that I wouldn’t hurt her. I asked her if she wanted something, anything to eat. She told me she wanted a burger and fries. Simple enough. So I got them for her. It was the first time she’d something other than white rice in days.
But I made sure she knew that the only reason I was doing this was because she was making an active effort to make up for all the bad she had done beforehand. I started showing up in civilian clothes. She agreed to make an effort to right the wrongs she had done in the past. Later that night, She got to sleep in a warm room, a normal room for the first time (i.e. not a white torture room). She got to sleep in a warm bed all because, I kept telling her, she was changing herself for the better.
While it may not seem like much, after days of torture and interrogation followed by now days of brainwashing techniques, these small acts of kindness make her think I saved her life and that she owes me. She even said she felt obliged to me and so clearly there was increased trauma bonding.
Step 6: Compulsion to Confession
Next I told her that she could do something for me after everything I had done for her. I told her she could help herself feel better, too. How? By confessing that her past life had been a mistake full of bad deeds. I told her she could confess to me. And while she resisted at first, a little prodding eventually convinced her.
She confessed that her whole life she had lived a lie, that she had been brainwashed by the military to believe she was doing good, but that in reality, she had done horrible things. Her job had turned her into a horrible person. She confessed all of this.
And the best part? She thanked me.
Step 7: Channeling of guilt
Val started this stage on her own.
“I feel bad,” when I asked her why, she gave me this perfect answer about how she had done bad things with her life. She didn’t know how to fix things, she told me. How could she fix things, she wondered, if she had been doing them for such a long time?
She couldn’t have said it in a better, more perfect way. When I asked for the specifics of what she had done wrong, she had no idea. It’s not uncommon for subjects to be confused as to the specifics of what they’ve done wrong. So I told her that her previous identity and belief system were the source of her agony. What she had believed in were the cause of her pain. And I told her that if she wanted to alleviate her guilt, that she would reverse her identity and her beliefs. She could still be saved, I promised her. I told her she wasn’t a bad person but that her beliefs were bad. Easily fixable, I promised her.
While I didn’t take into account how many hours each stage took, the stages lasted shorter and shorter.
Step 8: Releasing of Guilt
This step involved convincing Val that it wasn’t she that was bad but that her previous beliefs were. She smiled for the first time in days and asked if this meant that she could fix what her past beliefs had made her do. I promised her that’s exactly what it meant. All she needed to do was denounce the people she had worked for and denounce that belief system.
To test her, I handed her her dog tags (we’d taken them from her to prevent a third suicide attempt). She wanted to melt them down because she said it reminded her of her 141 days.
I told her not quite because we might have to work with them again in the future.
This was when she realized that she wasn’t a bad person but that her previous beliefs had made her bad. And that she could make up for it by working with us and for us.
Step 9: Progress and Harmony
The path to ‘good’ was helping my cause, I told her. If she really wanted to make up for the things her past beliefs and dedications had caused her to do, she would follow the instructions I gave her. She agreed and this is where generally, the abuse use of force stops. I don’t need to hurt her anymore because she’s agreeing. She’s so far gone that abuse is unnecessary and might work against me. I gave her the illusion of choice (when in reality I’m not giving her a choice) in that she can choose between going back to her bad, evil ways or that she could choose a better path. I reminded her that her old ways had burdened her with so much guilt that they had led to a mental breakdown.
Remember that breakdown you had a few days ago? I had asked her. She nodded. I told her that her guilt had been so overwhelming that she had broken down and I had saved her. In order to prevent another breakdown, she would choose my way. Needless to say, she made the right choice.
Step 10: Final confession and rebirth
Who are you? Still Val, just a better person (she’d actually forgotten her first name as a result of this and maybe the almost week of torture we dealt her before). She said she was more than willing to work with me.
To make sure, I told her I needed to try something.
Downers and Uppers is what the CIA called it back when they did it.
My medic 10-4 and I got ahold of amphetamines and benzodiazepines. He set up an IV of each on each arm.
I watched as he drugged her with the ‘downer’ until she was almost asleep. Then he injected her with the ‘upper’ which jolted her awake and sent her heart rate skyrocketing.
Round and around it went, up and down. And holy shit did she reveal more information about 141. Some theories of downers and uppers that suggestions made during this interrogation technique seem to…for lack of a better word…stick.
She couldn’t lie during this hellish cycle. Literally could not. When I asked her if she’d work with me, without hesitation, she said yes.
And that’s when I knew we were done.
Well, almost done. The only thing left was to use ultrasound to re-concuss her and erase or bury the memories of the past 4 days deep.
Then I carried her back to my room. 10-4 said she should be able to sleep it off.
I told Shepherd it’s done. With a few hours to spare. I got her changed into more comfortable clothes I’d kept with me from one of prior nightly liaisons.
So then I picked her up again, led her back to that cold, sterile, cell. She’d wake up here and remember being tortured but she wouldn’t remember us coaxing her to our side.
She continued sleeping it off until I decided to really test the waters. I knew that because we did a shortened version of Ten Minutes to Midnight (its supposed to take weeks, ideally), there were going to be some kinks.
And that was confirmed when she watched me step into that cell.
“What do you want?” she whispered. At least she wasn’t charging at me or yelling at me.
“How long have you been here?” I asked her.
“I don’t know. You’re using all kinds of sensory deprivation.”
“10 days,”
And she snapped up at that. “No way,” she claimed.
So I pointed out how far along her injuries were healed. “Surprised you don’t remember screaming when we stitched ya up seeing as we didn’t use anesthesia.”
“Val, you were gone,” I paused before adding, “You don’t remember ripping that IV outta your arm and saying you wanted to die?”
She shook her head.
“You’re lying,” she said. She then pulled up her sleeves and saw the numerous IV track marks and the slices into her skin from her suicide attempts (One from a piece of glass, like seriously? And the other from ripping that IV out of her arm).
“You’re lying!” She yelled. And then she shoved me. For a second there I thought I was gonna have to drag her back to the drawing board. So I issued one warning: “Next time you put your hands on me I’m gonna break your arm,” and where before she would have dared me to, swung at me, scratched me, she complied.
I stepped closer towards her and she muttered I not get any closer. “When did you get here?” I asked again. I tossed her my watch. The look on her horrified face almost made me feel sorry for her.
“Havin’ a rough night?” I easily took my watch out of her trembling hands. “Tell you what. Come hang out with me tonight.”
She gave me this scared look. So I promised that as long as she wasn’t violent, I wouldn’t be either. She was also apparently terrified of my boys so I promised they wouldn’t lay a hand on her either.
She full on flinched when she heard me lock the door to my room. So I told her to relax, that we weren’t doing anything she wasn’t comfortable with. She was so confused. She had no idea she’d broken and she had no idea she’d been brainwashed.
So I wasn’t totally taken off guard when she walked up to me and kissed me. And I sure as hell found out that night that she was definitely on our side.
The clock just ticked one minute closer to midnight for you, 141.
Learn more! This fic was also inspired by a video from one of my favorite YouTubers, Dark5.
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
Hi!! Same anon with a foot in the fandom and the shipping servers of hazbin here! (The one who told you about how everyone of the creative side that ISN'T always blowing steam up Dani's ass, HATES HER GUTS). Literally, SO MANY active people in the fandom have her quietly muted. Another fun fact, Husker//dust is actually one of THE MOST DEVISIVE ships in the fandom. Hazbin fandom is sort of broken up into ships. Husker//dust is the loudest but NOT the biggest: just look at AO3: Radio//dust fics: 2,024 Husker//dust fics:  809 
Val//vox: 583 Radio//husk: 504 It's not overwhelmingly more popular than any other ship.
Here is the issue, for as many people that ADORE Husker//dust, it is as many people's ALL TIME NOTP. I can't tell you how many creators i know who have had both the word and tag blocked for years (and have been PISSED the last year how the husker//dust people stopped tagging their ship because they were "sure it was cannon so everyone just has to deal with it."
It isn't just a petty ship war reason, most hazbin fans are very pro multiship. It's the fact that the spindle crew's love of husker//dust lead to all of the fandom's number 1 bullies and bootlickers to hop on that bandwagon. The husker//dust fandom is UNBEARABLE to interact with because it has captured all of the cloutchasers, Viv ass blowers, fandom police and 13 year olds in the greater hazbin fandom and put them in one place. It is single handedly the most toxic section of the Hazbin fandom. By having it blocked people like dani just DISAPPEAR out of your feed. (unless you also follow sto//litz) A lot of creators have had very personal negative interactions with the Husker//dust fandom and it soured the ship for them (even if they were once into it). They used to regularly hop onto other ships' fan art and say "do husker//dust next!" there was an OVERWHELMING wave of fandom harassment in 2020-2021 lead by people with husker//dust bios explaining why all other ships that weren't cha//ggie and husker//dust were problematic and bad (and they did this by harassing some of the BIGGEST artists and writers from other ships. Constantly. In call outs, in the comments of their works, using their ship tags, etc) Tiktok was FULL of videos making fun of all ships but Husker//dust while literally stealing fanart of creators to make fun of their ships. (examples of videos: a HUGE radio//duster's gorgeous ship art over a soundtrack of barfing noises or with cartoon edits of characters like sponge bob pointing at the art and freaking out about how hideous it is)
I see a lot of people upset with the art style of the new show, a lot of people upset about the voice actors, a lot of people upset about the direction of the plot but you'd be surprise how many people are okay with all of that but their ONE straw for dropping the series was 'if husker//dust became cannon or teased and I can't avoid it's fandom anymore on twitter' So tl:dr: promoting one ship after letting the fandom go unchecked and wild for 4 years wasn't the great show promotion they thought it was either. I think they thought it was THE favourite ship of the fandom simply because they are the loudest and most drama prone and because Viv only follows the accounts that idolize her and therefore ship Husker//dust because it was the 'most likely ship to be cannon compliant and GOD FORBID you ship something that isn't cannon or part of Vivzie's grand vison)
Well...shit! Looks like we're about to get Stolitz 2.0
Everyone cross their fingers and pray that the comparison ends exactly there, because if one of these characters extorts sex out of the other, I don't know what we're all going to do.
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