#she proceeded to have a like. angry in love breakdown like ‘I LOVE YOUR STUPID ADORABLE FACE AND FUCK YOU FOR BEING SO CARING ALL THE TIME’
sharkieboi · 1 year
so my partner knows how much I hate hate hate hand-washing dishes. the whole process and the feeling of wet food plus my eczema it’s just Terrible on all fronts
so recently we were cuddling and I was just being all sappy and tender and telling her all the things I would do for her and how much I like her, and I said “I would do the dishes for you”
and she looked up at me all 🥺🥺🥺 and said “the dishes?!” and promptly burst into tears
and then sob-laughing was just weeping like “I know how much you hate the dishes!! you love me!!” and I was like yeah I fucking do!!!!!!
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6mommymilkers9 · 3 years
I saw the four lords react to s/o being pregnant but how would they react to their child going through a Rebel teenage phase?
The Four Lord's Dealing With Your Rebel Phase Headcannons
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Alcina Dimitrescu
° You were a calm child, so it surprised the Lord when you became a teenager and started to act out. It started with exploring forbidden rooms in the castle, even to touching the Cadou experiments in the basement. Eventually, things started to get out of hand for you.
° Once she learned of your misbehavior, she shut that attitude down, and quickly. She may not be able to change how her other children act, but you she wasn't going to let you act the same. You being a human, this behavior wasn't safe for you, especially in the castle.
° She has never actually yelled in anger towards you, but one day, she screamed her lungs out, finding you breaking an ancient vase of hers. Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela were even surprised. They were rebels as well, but never had that type of tone given to them.
° She isn't truly angry at you, but at your phase, knowing it wasn't needed. You knew you fucked up when you heard her, hell, you slightly prayed for God to have mercy on you. Thankfully, after yelling, you only had grounded you, leaving Cassandra in charge of you.
° Cassandra was a big help for you to get out of your rebel phase, allowing you to talk or let your anger out. Hell, she even had The Duke make some board games for you and her to play during your punishment. Time went slow, but at least it wasn't painful, thanks to your sister.
° Alcina kept her motherly tone with you for a while, making sure you didn't make any mistakes that could cause harm to you. Eventually, she will soften towards you, pulling you into a soft hug and small words of affection. She did give a good warning for any future behavior.
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Salvatore Moreau
° He deals with his siblings tantrums everyday, he knew this would eventually happen. He may sound dumb, but he was incredibly knowledgeable. He was a doctor after all. Still, he wished this phase wouldn't have hit you. Damn his luck.
° He couldn't do much to stop you, the most he could do was use goo to slow you down or trap you for a few moments, knowing you would break away soon. Not once did he ever yell at you. He didn't have the strength to yell at his only child.
° He always made sure to stop you from doing something stupid, not wanting you to get hurt. The only thing he really didn't care about was you running off the swim late at night. You thought he didn't know of your late night adventures, but he knew immediately what was going on. You were a strong swimmer, he knew you would be fine.
° Eventually, when you would yell at him, him telling you that you couldn't do something, you saw how hurt your father was. He worked his damned best to keep you happy and safe, but this phase really put him on a pedestal. The look he gave you was the same look he would have coming back from a fight with his family.
° This is when you knew you needed to stop. One night, you had knocked on his door, proceeding to have a long talk with Moreau, apologising for your behavior, knowing he was just trying to help you in the end.
° He couldn't help but laugh, just shaking his head at you, ruffling your hair. You, in turn, traded a hug instead, Moreau gladly returning it.
"It's alright, my child. All is forgiven."
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Donna Beneviento
° The early stages were quite easy for the soft spoken woman, helping you with homework, emotional support, the whole package. But, those stages were only easy because she had passed experience.
° What she didn't have experience with, is your rebellion. The loud music, the ignorance you radiated, and the absolute attitude you gave off. Even Angie couldn't understand it.
° She started to become a little harsh, giving you more chores, more things to do. Anything to make you focus and not act out like you had been doing. It became clear that wasn't enough, but she had no clue as to what was next.
° This made Donna question herself and her parenting. What had she done wrong for you to act like you hated her? Did she not try hard enough, or did she try too much, pushing you away? It broke her heart, having her think she failed another child.
° You, in your ignorance, didn't see she was upset. One night, taking off your headphones that were blaring, you heard your mother softly crying, even if it was hard to hear. You knew you hadn't been the best kid, but hearing Donna breakdown, it was the final straw.
° Over the next few weeks, you slowly got better, and Angie saw it. It took Donna a while to notice, but as soon as she did, she wore a small smile that you always saw in pictures. It was the little gestures you did that helped her, and in return, taught you that rebelling wasn't all it was cut out to be.
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Karl Heisenberg
° Karl has always been a child of rebellion. He expected it out of you any day now. When he saw it, oh boy, he saw how much of a dick teenagers could be. Almost made him think about how he acts.
° He let it not bother him for a good while, well, up until you started to mess his equipment in the factory. He had only one rule, and that was to not touch his equipment. When he heard that loud bang, you could swear looks could kill.
° He would drag you away from the main floors of the factory, having you sit down. He never chewed you out like he did that day, getting an earful. You could've sworn he started to speak anything but human language.
° After that, he put you to work immediately. He wasn't one to not teach a lesson. You hauled metal sheets and bolts every single day. For an average Lord, this didn't bother them. But for you, a simple mortal, it was the worst thing for you.
° The labor was absolutely bullshit, or so you thought. After all the sore muscles and tiredness, you vowed to never touch his stuff again. Once the day came, and the punishment was over, you couldn't help but yell out happily, running past your father and into somewhere with an A/C unit and an ice cold pop.
° Karl couldn't help but chuckle, seeing you free from your 'prison'. That pop was earned and he knew it. Being a father was hard, but he was sure that he had it down. He may be a hard ass towards you, but remember, he loves you dearly. Don't make that mistake again. He always has more work for you to do.
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jamaiskookie · 4 years
Yoongi Doesn’t Romance [myg x reader]
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✂︎ warnings: excessive cursing, bad writing
✂︎ word count: 6.6k (I meant to write a very short drabble… aHAHHA)
✂︎ genre: it’s.. literally just crack. Good dosing of cheesy romance and overused cliches
✂︎ A/N: it took awhile but we here!!! with a short drabble but still!!! hope you enjoy this cringey fluffy fic full of shameless jimin and shy yoongi- arguably the best yoongi
masterlist asks
✂︎ synopsis: yoongi isn’t great at expressing feelings- especially with how nervous he gets around you. alternatively titled: yoongi sucks at romance
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“... and I don’t understand why you’re so hell bent on denying it! You obviously have a crush on him!” You roll your eyes at Namjoon, flicking your index finger at his forehead and watching as he flinches and lets out multiple sounds of pain, which you promptly ignored. 
“I’m denying my crush because he so obviously doesn’t like me back! He hates me, Joon. He literally detests me.” You say, jumping back onto the stained and cluttered couch that occupies most of you and Namjoon’s shared dorm. 
“And I’m telling you that you’re overthinking it,” Namjoon says, chewing on some popcorn. “I don’t think he hates you, you’re just exaggerating things.”  
“I am not!” You protest, swinging your head around to look Namjoon dead straight in the eyes. “He hates me! He practically leaps out of the room whenever I’m around.” Namjoon opens his mouth to reply, but is cut off by Taehyung, who is currently seated two feet away on a small thrifted chair. 
“Shhhhhhhh-” His eyes are still fixated on the TV screen, watching the random nature documentary playing that you and Namjoon had long ago abandoned. You and Namjoon both watch Taehyung for a second amusedly as he attempts to stuff popcorn kernels in his mouth and completely misses the mark. You’ll have to remind him to clean up the floor later. 
“But,” Namjoon whispers to you, “Literally every time you aren’t around I swear all he can do is run his mouth on and on about you.” 
“Not true!” You yell, squeaking out a quick apology to Tae, who glared at you for interrupting the segment on apes. Something about how apes can learn languages, but you’re not too sure. “Lies!” You hiss, elbowing Namjoon in the rib. 
“Ow-!” He jumps back, wincing. “Why do you always resort to violence?” You didn’t have an answer to that question, unfortunately. “And I’m not lying! I swear on my bonsai trees he always asks where you are whenever you don’t show up to stuff.” 
“Maybe he just wants to know how much glorious time he has left before he has to face me again.” You offer, tearing open what must be your third dorito family pack of the night. (It’s fine, you’ll burn it off by running to class tomorrow when you’re inevitably late once again.) “Namjoon, face the facts: he only tolerates my presence occasionally because we share a couple of mutual friends. If it weren’t for you and the other guys, he would’ve already started a  hate club for me, I’m sure of it”
Namjoon stared at you exasperatedly, before muttering something that very suspiciously sounded like ‘God you’re such a dumbass’ before taking out his phone to swipe through Tinder, not uttering another word to you. 
Despite Namjoon’s utter and complete lies, you don’t exaggerate anything when it comes to Min Yoongi. Not his hatred towards you, or how he speaks two words maximum every year directed at you, or your massive slight crush that you’ve harboured for him, or how cute he looks with beanies on, or how you almost fainted that one time you saw him playing basketball, or- well, you get it. 
The point is, you can’t acknowledge your crush on Yoongi (Even though everyone around you is fully aware of it) because he seems to completely resent you and your existence for no reason in particular. Namjoon, Taehyung, Jimin, and many others insist that he doesn’t hate you as much as you think, but you dismiss their stupid assumptions time and time again. You’d love to believe them, but the evidence and first hand experiences you’ve had says otherwise. 
Exhibit A: He seems to avoid you on campus, or anywhere you go. This one is actually quite impressive considering the classes you two share. You’ve never seen someone go so out of their way to ignore someone they don’t like. It’s pretty commemorable. Whenever you sit in the same row as him during a lecture, he’ll move seats. One time you waved at him at a coffee shop and he just strangely blushed, and bolted out of there faster than you could say ‘rejected’. Taehyung ended up saying it, all while laughing his ass off. (You made him pay for your coffee that day.) Everytime you head over to Jimin’s dorm, he’ll just blankly stare at you two and march straight towards his room and lock himself in there until you leave. He even gulpes and swerves away when he sees you in a hallway. 
You know, that awkward thing when you’re heading the same direction so obviously you’d try and be slightly friendly and wave or something but then he’ll just suddenly turn around, navigating through the crowd of angry, late students and facing all that social pressure just so he doesn’t have to waVE BACK AT YOU- okay, maybe you aren’t as over this incident as you thought. 
Exhibit B: He won’t speak to you or touch you or interact with you in any way. Okay, maybe ‘in any way’ is a teensy bit exaggerated, but he definitely seems to find trouble when you two are left alone for some strange reason. He seems to be fine when all your other friends are around, but he just looks so uncomfortable when it’s just you two. He won’t look you in the eye, and he’ll just mutter incomprehensible sentences under his breath. 
A couple months ago you attempted to hold a decent conversation with him in the kitchen of Jin’s fancy ass apartment. After many awkward silences that you had to fill up with your timid and boring small talk, he just mumbled something and you had to watch him go into the bathroom and scream. Either he was having some really bad explosive diarrhea, or having to talk to you was just that excruciating. Apart from intense Uno game nights or when he’s under the influence of alcohol, you’ve never even heard Yoongi raise his voice!
How is it possible that just by talking to you, he feels the urge to scream? You aren’t that boring, you think-! Actually, now that you think about it, you did try and bring up sea otter fun facts as a conversation starter, so maybe that’s why he had to scream. 
Personally, you think that sea otters are the most adorable creatures to ever grace the earth, but Yoongi does seem like the kind of guy to prefer bats or something like that. 
Exhibit C: The elbow incident. This haunts you to this day, not just from the horrible humiliation, but if the two previous exhibit’s weren’t convincing enough, this was real cemented evidence that Min Yoongi hates your guts. 
You were talking to Jimin about the significance of ‘Phineas and Ferb’ in the cinematic industry, when your dumbass had tripped and caught yourself on Min Yoongi’s fucking arm (His bicep, on a completely unrelated note, was much bigger and stronger than you had thought, which was a complete other source of anxiety.) You would much rather fall on the ground and break all your bones, because the look on Yoongi’s face as he stared down at you clutching his arm like some sort of idiot, could only be described as disgust or horrified. Maybe both. You immediately let go, of course, and blabbered out apology after apology, but all he did was just stare and blink owlishly at you. 
You proceeded to blush madly and run away, hiding your face in Jimin’s chest, which was, in hindsight, not a good idea, considering how hard he was laughing at the time. (What you didn’t see was Yoongi staring from behind you, deciding to never wash the hoodie he was wearing ever again.) 
So, that concludes your argument against Namjoon’s preposterous claim that ‘Yoongi doesn’t actually hate you Y/n, it’s all in your head’ Delusional, that’s what he is. How could someone like Min Yoongi, a person you have literally been drooling over for most of your academic career, a person who single handedly has every sorority girl wrapped around his finger, even tolerate your very existence, much less be attracted to you? No, none of it makes any sense. You’ll continue to hurt yourself by being around him, despite clearly knowing that he detests your presence, and will even deny the crush you’ve somehow managed to build up for him. 
Because even though it hurts to see him flinch and ignore you, you truly do think that Yoongi is one of the greatest people to ever walk on this shitty earth. He’s caring, even if he does pretend to not care, he’s smart, passionate, ambitious, and you’d be absolutely lying if you said you haven’t dreamed of pinching those squishy cheeks he seems to hide away so often. 
If only you knew why he hated you so much. 
All the way across campus, Yoongi was having a similar breakdown while Jimin looked on anxiously. 
“God fucking dammit!” He screamed. The sound comes out slightly muffled since Jimin can only hear what he’s saying through the pillow that Yoongi currently has his face buried in. He kicks his legs up and whines, hitting the bed with his hands. Jimin is suddenly reminded of his 4 year old cousin who threw a tantrum when she didn’t get the doll she asked for. 
“And then you know what I said, Chim?? Do you kNOW?” Yoongi’s been screaming for the past thirty minutes or so. Jimin’s surprised that nobody on campus has come pounding on their door telling them to shut up yet. 
“Please, do enlighten me.” Jimin murmurs, picking at his nails. 
“I said ‘Salutations’ AND THEN I RAN OUT THE FUCKING CLASSROOM.” Yoongi tilts his head up from the pillow and groans, scrunching his nose up at the embarrassing thought.
“At least it’s not as bad as the time you screamed in the middle of the street when she touched your shoulder… right?” Jimin offers timidly, forcing a smile on his face. An angry, sleep deprived Yoongi is already scary enough, but he’s ten times more intense when the source of anger comes from you. 
Honestly, sometimes he wonders how effective it would be if he could just lock Yoongi and you in a room and force you two to admit your feelings for once. (Until he mentioned this idea to Namjoon, who dejectedly informed him that they’ve already tried that.) ((Yoongi broke out of the room using a bobby pin and sheer force of will)) He’s never even seen a pair so smart, and yet so obliviously naive. Anyone with functioning two eyes could see the horribly obvious feelings the both of you shared for each other. In fact, for the first couple months upon meeting Yoongi, he thought that you were his girlfriend, based on how much he talked about you. That assumption carried on when he met you, until Jin told him that the two of you were just in a weird phase of dumbasses who kinda flirt. 
It’s not Yoongi’s fault that he’s so bad at having actual emotions that aren’t the tears of joy that he sheds whenever he gets free coffee from the barista at the local cafe, and it’s not your fault that your self esteem is too low to recognise that Yoongi basically worships you. 
In theory, you two are a match made in heaven. Both just as stupid as the other.
“How do you do feelings, Jimin?” Yoongi sits up from the bed, and Jimin thinks that the tear tracks and defeated look on his face is a tad bit dramatic, but he chooses not to comment on it, for fear of his own life. 
“... what?” 
“You know, feelings. How do you romance?” 
“... what?” 
Yoongi, completely exasperated, throws his hands up in the air and turns around to face Jimin. “Everytime I try to talk to her by myself it’s like I’m a fish out of water. I get way too nervous, and then she starts talking about otters, and she’s way too pretty so I obviously start freaking out! I don’t know, you and Jungkook have been dating for a year now, right?” Jimin nods.
“How’d you do that.”
“... Are you asking me how I got a boyfriend or-? Because I assure you that 85% of getting Kookie to be my boyfriend had to do with my great ass, so I can’t really help you out there- ” Jimin laughs as he watches Yoongi squeal and cover his hands over his ears. 
“Can I ask you for relationship advice without hearing about your sex life, please?” Yoongi pleads. “I know too many unnecessary things about how Jungkook is in bed.” 
Jimin decides to put his friend out of his misery. He places a hand on his shoulder, and shoots him a soft smile. 
“Yoongi, my young grasshopper- ” He retracts the hand when he sees the deathly stare Yoongi is looking at him with, but so far so good, “- there really isn’t much to it. Tell her you like her, and in the very, very, extremely small chance that she rejects you, so what? It’s not like you’re going to spend the rest of your life getting ov- ” Jimin’s voice falters again when Yoongi’s stare intensifies. 
“You don’t get it!” He complains, throwing himself back onto the bed once again. “You’re all good at this sort of stuff!” Jimin tilts his head in confusion. “You know, relationships! Talking to people! And I’m pretty sure Y/n is the love of my life, so I’m literally going to break down if she rejects me! I’m going to cry for days, I already know it!” Yoongi stares up at the ceiling, pouting at nothing in particular. 
“She’s so perfect, smart, nice, caring, funny, strong and incredible. It hurts that she’s never going to like me the way I like her.” 
“You know, Yoongi, if you never talk to her, she’s never going to know you feel that way.”
He sighs and closes his eyes, while it takes all of Jimin’s strength to restrain himself from not throwing Yoongi out of the window. 
Once he’s absolutely sure that Yoongi is fully asleep, he pinches the bridge of his nose and rolls his eyes. After a few quick taps, he brings his phone up to his ear. 
“Guys, I can’t deal with him anymore. We have to do something.” 
“I would like to, once again, reiterate that I am 100% against this idea.”
“Shut up, Namjoon.” Namjoon grumbles something about being unappreciated, but continues to speak up.
“It’s a bad idea, Chim. Logically, there’s only a small chance this will work out in our favour, and if it doesn't, I’m at least certain that Yoongi will dislocate all of our limbs until we’re a pile of human flesh.” 
Jimin dismisses the thought. “Yoongi would never do that to us.” 
“Of course he would,” Taehyung piped up. “Do you remember the time he dyed my bright pink because I made fun of Y/n for her stupid heart patterned boots and she cried?” 10 pairs of eyes slowly looked up at Taehyung. 
“Well, that’s justified, we all want to murder you.” Taehyung gasps at Jin, who smiles back at him in return. 
“And also, you were being a huge asshole that day and you totally deserved it. The pink hair didn’t even look that bad.” Tae smiles proudly at Jimin. 
“That’s true, I fucking slayed with that pink hair. I kinda miss it, actually… ” He hums thoughtfully, scratching his chin. Jimin looks away and scoffs. Taehyung’s one of his oldest friends, but sometimes he gets a little too art-kid-college-dropout-hipster for him to handle. 
“Do you guys think I should dye my hair pink again?” Nobody answers his question. 
“Tae might be an absolute douchebag, but he has a point. We all know how protective Yoongi is over Y/n. Are you willing to potentially risk your life if this doesn’t work out?” Curse Namjoon for being logical. Maybe Yoongi killing him is a bit of a stretch, but he would make Jimin’s life a living hell if this operation ended up a failure. 
Nevertheless, he continues to insist. “Okay, what’s the worst that could happen? I physically can’t stand Yoongi stomping around the dorm because he’s emotionally incapable of working out his feelings anymore! Yesterday he fell asleep in my bed. My bed, Namjoon. For such a tiny man, he’s really fucking heavy, I couldn’t move him and had to crash on the couch for the night. If this doesn’t end up working, Yoongi will just go back home and mope around all day long. Nothing different from what he’s doing now.” 
“Um, what’s the worst that could happen?“ Namjoon asks incredulously. “How about if Yoongi finds out we tricked him, invites us to a murder mystery party, but then decides to kill us instead, and covers it up by burying our cold hard, deAD bodies in a highly unhygienic GRAVEYARD? What will you do if that happens, Jimin?“ 
Nobody says anything to Namjoon, and the boys turn to Jimin once again. Shaking his head, and attempting to ignore... whatever the hell Namjoon just did, Jimin speaks. 
“Oh come on guys!” He shakes his shoulders and lightly taps his foot against the ground. “Aren’t you guys tired of dealing with these two dumbasses too?” A murmur of agreement seems to go around the group, and Jimin breaks into a huge smile. 
“Well, gee,“ Namjoon mumbles sarcastically. “Why don’t you just make a Namjoon Facebook hate group?“ Taehyung shushes him. 
Beside him, Jin and Jungkook are exchanging money, clearly for some kind of bet. What the bet entails, Jimin has no idea, but he doesn’t have the time to question them right now. 
“So, we’re in?” Everyone slowly begins to nod, all except Namjoon. Jimin beams, looking up expectantly at him. Namjoon bites his lip, and squeezes his eyes shut. 
“Fine.” He grumbles out, not acknowledging Jimin’s shouts of joy. “If this goes wrong though, you bitches better be fucking responsible.” 
“Well, I’m happy you’re all on board, because Hoseok is already here.” Jimin happily smiled up to find Hobi shuffling through the cafe doors, waving enthusiastically at him. He also decides to ignore the collective round of groans and ‘Jimin!’’s that went around the table. 
“Why did you even ask us for our opinions if you already planned this out anyway?” Jungkook hisses, awkwardly smiling at Hoseok.
“Because you guys can never say no to me!” 
“That’s only because of how fucking annoying you are, Chimmy.” Jin moves over in order to let Hoseok sit, even though he doesn’t look overjoyed at having to abandon his favourite seat. 
“Well, all of you look super happy to see me.” Hobi jokes, immediately picking up Namjoon’s milkshake to take a sip. 
“Sorry that you had to get dragged into all this bullshit, Hobi,” Namjoon says, pushing his milkshake towards him and sticking a second straw in the cup. 
“No problem! I love pissing Yoongi off!” The group slowly stares at Hobi, who is still cheerfully sipping at Joon’s milkshake. 
“Well,” Taehyung mutters. “What else do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Drowning yourself in lava?” 
“Taehyung, play nice. Some people are just special. Anyways, here is the plan for Operation: Delusional Idiots Who Need To Make Out.” 
“... Can’t we shorten that?”
“Yeah, seems pretty lengthy.”
“How about Operation: DIWNTMO? Like, pronounced as diwinteemo?”
“That’s… even worse, somehow.”
“Let’s just shorten it to Operation: Delusional Idiots.” 
Six voices, in the middle of the busiest cafe on the school campus, suddenly shout out the words ‘Operation: Delusional Idiots!’, and a cheer goes around the table. 
Onlookers wonder if they are referring to themselves. 
In hindsight, Namjoon was probably right. But Jimin can be extremely convincing sometimes, and Jin takes every opportunity to throw a party, so maybe Namjoon was fighting a lost cause in the first place. 
He ponders what he wants his tombstone to say, while pacing around Jin’s apartment, where the party is already going on, full force. Maybe something like ‘Kim Namjoon (1994-2020) Murdered by Min Yoongi at a house party.’ Well, at least if he really does die tonight, it would be a good night for it. 
Namjoon has many complaints about Seokjin. He could probably pull up a never ending list of the girls and guys who have come complaining to him for his friend’s mistakes, screaming about how Jin broke their heart, so and so. But, even he has to begrudgingly agree, Kim Seokjin throws one hell of a party. 
It was one of those rare nights where you could actually make out the faint stars in the Seoul skyline, where the twinkling of the stars felt peaceful. Namjoon isn’t too much of a party person, but the monsters that he calls his friends go out every Friday night, pulling him along most of the time. He’s gotten used to just camping out on Jin’s fancy apartment balcony, (Seriously, what kind of college kid has a balcony?) avoiding the cheers, loud screaming and horribly unhygienic things that are happening inside. 
Unfortunately, thanks to Park Jimin and his horrible ideas, Namjoon is currently wincing in the middle of a huge crowd full of sweaty bodies. He regrets not faking a fever while he could, but it was way too late now. His job tonight was to keep Y/n preoccupied. 
“Remember Joonie, under no circumstances can Y/n see Yoongi before Hoseok completes the task. If she even sees a glimpse of him, she’s going to freak out and leave.”
His aforementioned target was nowhere to be seen. Namjoon is starting to worry that all their efforts will go to waste just because you decided it was another Friday to stay in bed and watch Disney movies on repea-
“wHOA!” Another sweaty hand pulls him out from the crowd, and Namjoon stumbles out, breathing heavily. 
“Why aren’t you out on the balcony?” 
“Why- what- oH! Y/n!” 
You stare blankly at Namjoon, who is still rubbing his arm in pain. 
“You came!” He says, with a look on his face that you can’t quite decipher. 
“What do you mean, I came? Of course I came! It was you and Jin who insisted I come, right?” You dragged him over to the makeshift bar that Jin had set up hours ago on his kitchen island, pouring the both of you strong drinks. You’ll need it to get through the night. 
“Right!” Namjoon awkwardly laughs and follows you into the kitchen, craning his neck to lock eyes with Jimin, who then gives him a thumbs up and leans over to whisper to Hoseok. 
“Y/n,” He says, patting your back when you start coughing lightly from the shot you just downed. “We’re friends no matter what, right?” 
“What are you talking about?” You cut him off, looking around Jin’s apartment. “Wow, it’s pretty empty today. Aren’t there usually like 50 people trying to get into one of these parties?” Luckily for Namjoon, who was almost sweating and about to cry trying to come up with an excuse to satisfy you, you ignored him and continued talking. 
“Whatever, it’s fine. The less, the better.” You’re still looking around the crowds when you grab a hold of Namjoon’s shoulders, turning him towards you. “Yoongi’s not here, right?”
“What? hahahHHAHAHA nO of course not!” 
“Oh okay,” You breathe out a sigh of relief. “I look terrible today, I would not be able to face him.”  
“You look great today! What do you mean…!” Hopefully you dismiss the bead of sweat trailing down from his temple. It is pretty hot in here. 
Apparently, it took multiple threats, to Yoongi’s coffee machine and lots of bargaining from Jimin to convince him to attend the party, but it seemed to have worked, considering that Namjoon could make out the dark figure of Yoongi, dressed in a black hoodie and ripped jeans in the corner of the room, chatting to Jungkook. His eyes, however, were riveted straight beside him, on Y/n. 
“They really are idiots.” Namjoon muses to himself. 
From the corner of his eye, Taehyung is waving his arms around trying to catch his attention. He mouths something that Namjoon can’t quite make out, so he just mouths a ‘what?’ back at him and shakes his head. 
Namjoon can almost hear Taehyung sigh from across the room. 
You’re still pouring your second shot, so you don’t notice as Hoseok walks slowly from the living room. Namjoon has actually never seen his friends more concentrated on anything in his life. Even Seokjin, who was, just a second ago, dancing with some guy that Namjoon isn’t even sure he knows, has now pushed the stranger away, completely fixated on Y/n, who is blissfully oblivious to the attention focused on you. 
“Hey…!” Hoseok slowly slides in, real fucking smooth, if Namjoon could add, beside Y/n leaning on his forearm and smiling up towards her. Namjoon has to commend Jimin for the execution of Operation: Delusional Idiots. He’s honestly never seen Jimin put this much work into anything. 
Hoseok was the only mutual friend they knew of that Yoongi was familiar with, but not Y/n. Jimin said that he had considered Jackson for a short while, before realising that Jackson can’t talk to girls for shit. At least Hoseok can force his thoughts into some semblance of order when he’s flirting. 
“Oh! … Who,” You furrow your brows at Hobi, and Namjoon slowly backs away against the kitchen wall. “Are you?” Hobi laughs and spins around to face you. 
“I guess you don’t know me. I’m Jung Hoseok,” He sticks his hand out and you tentatively shake it, making him grin. “I’m friends with Namjoon.” He points up at Namjoon, and Joon awkwardly smiles, waving back at the pair. 
“Ohh,” You say, nodding. “Hi! Nice to meet you!” Sometimes Namjoon worries about you. You’re way too friendly and nice for your own good. 
“I’m a dance major, actually. You can call me Hobi, by the way.” He smiles at you and finally lets go of your hand. “Are you sure we’ve never met before?” You shake your head, murmuring incoherently. “No, I didn’t think so. I’d remember you if we met.” You giggle and push him aside playfully, offering him a drink. Hoseok accepts it with a smile even wider than the last. 
(Namjoon is now a little skeptical about Hoseok’s claims of flirting skill, but thankfully, you are, admittedly, a little stupid when it comes to this kind of stuff. You probably won’t even notice Hobi’s flirting with you at all.)
From the corner of the room, Yoongi’s deep gaze is now glaring deep into Hoseok’s back, but Hobi either seems to not notice or acknowledge it. He continues to stare at Y/n, laughing at whatever comes out of your mouth. 
“You’re a dance major? That’s so cool!” You gush, and if he didn’t know you so much, Namjoon would think that you were flirting back. No, you were just that naive. 
“- Thanks!” Hobi suddenly laughs at something that Namjoon didn’t manage to catch, but what he does catch is the look on Yoongi’s face when Hobi touches your forearm. 
Even Jungkook, who was talking to Yoongi, gulped and took a step back. Jin gestures something to Jimin, and Jimin shoots back an enthusiastic thumbs up. He then shouts something over to Namjoon, but he can’t quite hear over the loud party noise. 
 Based on his own mediocre lip-reading skills, he either said ‘It’s going well’ or ‘Jungkook smells’ He’s thinking maybe it’s the first. Namjoon slides away from the kitchen to join Jin, who is happily watching all of this unfold from the sidelines. 
“When do you think he’ll break?” Jin says, sipping on a bright blue drink that Namjoon doesn’t even want to know the contents of. He quickly glances over at Yoongi’s face, which is getting redder by the moment. 
“Anytime now. His glass is about to explode from his grip.” Sure enough, Namjoon predicted correctly. A few moments later, Yoongi begins to stalk over to the kitchen, and Jin clinks his bright blue monstrous concoction against Namjoon’s glass. Grumbling, Jungkook also comes over and slaps a $10 dollar bill into Jin’s palm, scowling when Jin smiles and accepts it. 
“Yeah, so a group of otters are actually called a romp, can you believe that- oomph!” Seemingly popping out of nowhere, Yoongi grabs a hold of your hand, glaring at Hobi. 
“Yoongi!” You squeak out. Namjoon, that fucking liar! He left you all by yourself with a new friend and didn’t even bother telling you the love of your life was in the very same room? You didn’t even wash your hair yesterday night! Well, at least someone finally listened to what you have to say about otters… say, that was a bit unordinary, nobody else has ever been interested in your otter fun facts before- 
Your trail of thought fades away when you look back up at Yoongi, who is still strangely looking at Hobi. “Um...” How is he holding you right now? He flinches away whenever you poke him on the shoulder, how is he holding your arm right now, completely unaffected? Oh. 
Of course Yoongi wouldn’t touch you willingly. He just has to be stupidly noble and moral and save you when you’re alone with a man he isn’t familiar with. “Oh, ah… Yoongi! This is my new friend, Hobi! You have nothing to worry about, I was just talking to him about otters and- oh, nevermind. Anyways, you don’t… have… to… hold my hand anymore.” Well, at least you can save him from the embarrassment of holding your hand any longer. 
“Yoongi, Yoon- Yoongi,” He doesn’t let go of your hand, even when you attempt to slip yours out of his. He seems to be gripping on, for a reason you can’t seem to comprehend. All he’s doing right now is maintaining eye contact with Hobi. Instead, he just glares into his eyes, repeating your words. 
“Friends. Friends?” 
“Yes, friends! Oh, ah, let me introduce you, um, Hobi, this is Yoongi, and Yoongi, this is-”
“Jung Hoseok. You call him Hobi?” 
“Well, yes- oh! Do you two know each other, or?” 
“Of course!” Hobi says, pouring another drink out. He stretches out his arm and offers the glass to Yoongi, but all he does is stare at the glass, not moving an inch. Still smiling brightly, Hobi just brought the glass to his lips, sipping on two separate drinks at a time. 
“Long time no see, man! Yoongi, how’ve you been?” Yoongi, still clutching onto your hand, stayed silent for a while, all while Hobi continued to smile. 
“I’m… fine.” He eventually chokes out. 
“Yoongi, are you okay? You seem really-” You’re once again interrupted when Yoongi pulls you away, stomping out the kitchen. You lean backwards, yelling out a quick apology to Hobi, but he doesn’t seem affected in the slightest. 
“Yoongi, you’re being rude! I said you don’t have to worry! Hobi is a new friend I met, he’s a friend of Namjoon’s, and we were just talking about otters-” 
“Why are you defending yourself?” Boy, you just keep on getting interrupted tonight. 
“Wha- huh?” Yoongi finally lets your hand go when he reaches the apartment door, shutting it closed, leaving it swinging in midair, even though he regretted it immediately after. You can still faintly hear the party going on through the door, but you had no time to process the fact that Yoongi just pulled you outside the party when he spoke up again. 
“I said, why are you defending yourself like that? You have no reason to. You’re acting like I just caught you cheating.” Yoongi’s voice turns faint towards the end of his sentence, and he looks down at his feet, stuffing his hands into his hoodie pockets. 
“I’m not defending myself! I’m just- I’m just, well, I-” You fumbled with your words, stuttering and fidgeting around with your fingers. Why were you defending yourself? It’s not like… Yeah, it’s not like you’re his girlfriend or anything. 
“You can talk about otters to whoever you want. You might want to change up your flirting tactics though, not many people can put up with your strange obsession with otters-”
“- Anyways, Hoseok’s, not a bad man. He’s pretty great, actually,” Yoongi admits. “He’ll treat you well. And he seems to be super interested in you, so… ” Yoongi clears his throat. You narrow your eyes and look down at his shuffling feet. This is probably the most Yoongi has ever spoken to you, in private, anyway. Why is he so unbothered? And why does that bother you so much? He doesn’t even care a little bit? Does Hobi really seem like such a great guy? 
“You don’t care?” 
“No, just, you know, don’t get hurt, or whatever. I’ll have to murder him… Or something.” You let out a small laugh, but he doesn’t seem to be joking.  
“So, if I go straight back in and ask Hobi out, you wouldn’t mind?” You swear that a vein pops out from Yoongi’s neck, but perhaps it was just your imagination. 
“Why would I mind?” He says, through clenched teeth. 
“... You’re right. Why would you be mad? You don’t care about me anyways.” Something ticks in Yoongi’s jaw. 
“What do you mean I don’t care for you?” He blurts out, just as you were about to head back through the apartment door. 
“Oh no, please, it doesn’t bother me as much now, trust me. It’s fine, Some people just don’t… vibe with you, I get it! You don’t like me all that much, it’s okay! It’s not like you’ve hurt me or anything! You just don’t like talking to me because I’m kind of a dumbass, that’s alright. It’s okay to keep avoiding me. And again, I’m sorry for the whole elbow thing, you didn’t talk to me for like the next two weeks, and again, I totally understand, you know?” Yoongi stares at you, blinking in realisation. 
“So… you mean to tell me that all this time, you’ve thought that… I didn’t like you?”
“Well,” Now you’re blinking confusedly along with him. “Isn’t that… why you run away everytime I come over to hangout with Jimin?” Yoongi brings his hands out of his pockets and buries his face in them, groaning. 
“And that’s why you don’t like talking to me, right? And that one time I spoke to you and you went into the bathroom and screamed for like five minutes? … Do you not hate me?” A look of realisation floods his eyes, and Yoongi leans against the wall, slowly sinking down to the ground until he’s practically sprawled out on the floor. Staring aimlessly, he reaches up and grabs your hand again, pulling you down to face him. You let out a small squeak, but you crouch down on your feet, awkwardly looking at your right hand that Yoongi (!!!) is currently holding for the second (!!!!) time. 
“Forgive me, Y/n.” He whispers, dropping his head onto your hand. 
“Forgive you? What for? Yoongi this is a little dramatic, don’t you think? This is technically a public area, um, maybe you wanna go back to your dorm? I can call Jimin out here, I’m sure he’ll leave the party early, let me just-” He pulls you back and won’t let go, even when you try to stand and leave his grip. 
“Yoongi!” Like a child clutching onto his mother, he just sits there and pouts, not letting your hand go. 
“I’m sorry!” He wails, lightly kicking his feet up. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry for being my emo self and avoiding you, I’m sorry for making you think I hate you when that really isn’t the case at all, I’m sorry for being an idiot and screaming whenever you touched me, I promise that none of that was ever your fault, because you must have felt so hurt and disgusted by me-” Yoongi suddenly looks up and glares at you. 
“Yah! Why didn’t you just slap me!”
“Slap… you?”
“Yes, slap some sense into me, you idiot! I was so mean to you, why didn’t you just tell me you were hurt?” 
“Well,” You said, smiling nervously. “I wasn’t hurt!”
“Yes you were!” He wails again. Some sort of strangled noise comes from the back of his throat. “You must’ve been really hurt, and I’m sorry! I don’t want you to be hurt! I don’t want you to date Hobi, and I don’t want to lose you, because I’m selfish, and I’m fucking stupid!”
You speechlessly opened your mouth and closed it again, like a fish. Well, that was a full 180. What is he talking about? Apologising? You had dealt with the uncomfortable small talk and denying your feelings for years only to have him apologise now? You finally manage to open your mouth and firmly say something, but what comes out of your mouth is certainly not what you planned to say. 
“Min Yoongi!” You yelled and watched him slightly tilt his head up. “How could you say that now!?” His head is fully up now, gazing at you slightly dazed. “How dare you mess with my feelings for the past two years, just to completely, unexpectedly, blurt all of this out outside of Seokjin’s shitty house party?” You cry, slouching down onto the ground and sitting cross legged. Your unoccupied hand reaches up to your hair, frustratingly running your hand through your messy locks. 
“... If it counts for anything, I think that your obsession with otters is really cute.” You sniffle, for no particular reason, and nod. 
“... Does that mean you like me then?”
“Y/n,” Yoongi sighs, taking your other hand out of your hair and placing it into his own. “Isn’t that obvious, you fucking dumbass?” 
“You’re kinda giving off mixed signals here.” Yoongi squishes your cheeks together in a brave act from an unusual burst of courage that he managed to somehow build up. 
“Mmph- Yesh?” 
“I like you. I like you a lot. I’m sorry for being a dumbass who couldn’t ask you out, and I’m sorry I had to do this at Seokjin’s ‘shitty house party’, but I’d really like it if you would go on a date with me sometime.” 
Yoongi releases your cheeks from his grip when you stay silent for a small while, red slowly creeping up from the neck up to his ears. 
“I mean, you know, only if you want to, it’d be fine if all of that was just, you know… ” Yoongi mutters, gesturing around randomly. 
“I’d love to go on a date with you, Yoongi.” 
“Oh. Cool, that’s cool. That’s… yeah that’s cool.” 
“Text me the details?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll, I’ll do- I’ll do that.” 
You can hear a faint scream when you enter Seokjin’s apartment again, but instead of filling you with the insecure, horrible feeling like it once did, you just smile and giggle to yourself again. What you don’t seem to notice is Jimin, Jin, Joon, Tae, Jungkook and Hobi exchanging victorious glances across the room. 
(About a week later, Yoongi took you to the zoo for your date. He slightly regretted that decision after you spent an hour making faces at the otters.) 
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themuzzleofnemesis · 4 years
6–Memory of Mother; Scene 1
The Muzzle of Nemesis, pages 201-217
…Who am I?
I am…
My name is…
Levia Barisol.
What was that just now?
I was sucked into that woman…
And now I was inside some building somewhere.
Was this--the hall of a theater?
There was a screen and audience seats. And behind me was a film projector.
I had no memory of where this was, but--
The name for this place immediately came to my mind.
--Evils Theater
A name that showed up in Nemesis' memories.
“…Wait a second. If that’s the case then this must be—"
That meant that I was inside the world in Nemesis’ memories.
That in itself wasn’t all that strange a thing.
I was after all in the middle of performing a “Swap” with her spirit.
But if this was a vicarious experience of Nemesis’ memories—
Then how was it that I was myself?
Normally I would lose my own memories while in the middle of an experience.
I would completely become Nemesis while seeing her life.
But right now, I—
I was inside Nemesis’ world while retaining my memories as Levia.
My feet spontaneously headed deeper into the hall.
I walked inside a single room there—it had “director’s room” written on the door.
This must be the director’s collection. Several antique-looking items were inside.
That doll.
The green haired doll that Mr. Ziz had fished out of the sea and Gallerian had owned.
I approached the doll to look at it more closely.
At that moment, I incidentally looked at my face in the nearby mirror.
--Yes, that was my face.
Not Nemesis, me—Levia.
It appeared that this wasn’t just a memory, but that I had entered this memory world as myself, even in appearance.
…Looks like the Black Box has gone into a full-blown breakdown.
I was growing increasingly more anxious over whether or not I’d be able to return to the real world.
--I heard the sound of a door open from behind me.
A new person had entered this room.
“So you’ve come, Nemesis. …Or should I be calling you now Führer Sudou?”
It was a woman’s voice.
When I turned around I could see—the woman in the kimono who had sucked me in.
Despite my appearance, she had acknowledged me as “Nemesis”.
And yet, appearances aside even my memories were my own, not Nemesis’. Apparently we were acquaintances, but I had no idea how I ought to respond.
--However, my mouth began to run of its own accord, and said:
“…Long time no see, Mother.”
Bizarrely enough, regardless of the fact that I was myself, the memory was proceeding smoothly along with the vicarious experiencing of Nemesis’ life.
I wound up feeling like I was being forced to play the role of “Nemesis”.
“Surprising, isn’t it? That this theater alone is untouched despite the forest having completely burned down,” Nemesis’ mother—Kayo Sudou said.
But her expression immediately turned serious.
Rather, she almost seemed a little angry.
I—Or rather Nemesis—made no reply.
Kayo continued talking, gazing fixedly at Nemesis. “I had no inkling that you would be able to resurrect the ‘boy’—that thing that was sealed away a thousand years ago. I don’t know how you found it…Though, well, I imagine you had some hints from the ‘Demon of Wrath’.”
Nemesis, who had been silent up to now, finally opened her mouth.
Though my will tried to go against it, it was evidently pointless.
“That ‘boy’ was in that ancient legacy site in Levianta…Lunaca Labora. The only one who was able to undo the seal was his creator, the ‘Demon of Wrath’—Mr. Ziz.”
“So, the demon tried to trick you into using it to destroy the world.”
“No. Actually, Mr. Ziz was against it. It is because he didn’t want to use it that he sealed it away himself. But I persuaded him, and in the end he relented. He said to ‘do as you like’.”
“Why would you do such a thing…”
“I need enormous power to secure victory for Tasan Elphegort! …I’ve been working hard in the Tasan Party, and so I’ve become its leader. Now I am in a position to govern the whole country—but of course this important role is almost impossible for me to do by myself. Now that Gammon is gone I’ve been trying to better the country all on my own.”
“And the result of that was this invasion of your neighboring nations?”
“If I hadn’t done that, I wouldn’t have been able to hold down the dissatisfaction smoldering in the country. War begat war, and then suddenly Elphegort had become the enemy of almost all the other nations.”
It appeared that chronologically this was approximately around the time Nemesis killed Bruno.
Kayo took out a pipe and started to smoke it.
“—And so, unable to backpedal on your actions, finally you turned to a forbidden weapon.”
“I had my nation’s scientists analyze the ‘boy’ and improve upon it into a practical weapon—the weapon of mass destruction, ‘Punishment’.”
“The other countries aren’t likely to keep quiet once they learn such a thing exists.”
“True. Actually, just the other day some assassins arrived from the United States of Maistia looking to destroy ‘Punishment’. And their leader…was Bruno.”
“Bruno Zero!? That’s a blast from the past. So he was still alive, huh.”
Upon hearing that, Nemesis snorted. “—He’s dead now though. I killed him.”
“That’s quite merciless of you. I would think you’d view that man as your savior.”
“Savior? Him? …Don’t be stupid. He was always serving Gallerian. No—maybe he was the one who was truly ‘evil’.”
“Bruno…He likely had his own mixed feelings on you. Because he loved Gallerian he couldn’t simply watch his daughter die. But—I’m positive he also despised you, more than that. He hated me, so he hadn’t wanted to accept the fact that there was a child between myself and Gallerian.”
So, he had mixed feelings of love and hate.
“…That’s got nothing to do with me.”
On that point Nemesis and I were in agreement. It’s not like she chose the parent she was born to.
Kayo sighed as she continued smoking. “Hah…You’ve killed quite a few people, haven’t you. –Including Nikolay.”
“That was ten years ago already. He himself asked me to kill him. I merely granted his wish. …Nikolay told me something. That he ‘hadn’t been able to fulfill his role’. And that’s why you chased him out of the forest.”
“His ‘role’, huh—It’s true, he didn’t carry out what I ordered him to do.”
“But Nikolay did properly look after me. Unlike you, always absent from home.”
Kayo once again blew out smoke.
She shut her eyes once, and then immediately opened them again, saying, “…You misunderstand what Nikolay’s ‘role’ was.”
“What…do you mean?”
“I did not order him to protect you. …Just the opposite. I told him to kill you when he got the chance.”
“But he opposed that. He wasn’t that soft when he was young, albeit. Maybe he was touched from having watched you from nearby for so long. Perhaps he was projecting, seeing you as being like his real daughter.”
“Now that you mention it, I think he did mention having a daughter…”
“You’ve met her yourself, I’m sure—Come in,” Kayo called out to the other side of the door.
Yet another person arrived in the room.
Nemesis was the one who shouted that then, but if I had been able to move I would have shouted just the same.
“You know that she was a member of PN—or rather Pere Noel, yes?”
“Yeah. I would receive my assassin orders through her.”
“At the same time, Postman is also my servant. Due to some circumstances I was entrusted with her by Nikolay.”
Kayo gestured with her eyes, and Postman took off the cap that was hiding her face.
Nemesis—and myself as well—saw her face for the first time.
She was an adorable young girl with blonde hair.
--She was a girl!?
But comparing that fact with what Kayo had just said, one answer came forward.
Essentially, Postman’s true identity…was that of Nikolay’s daughter.
Though in spite of that, there seemed to be too much of an age gap there.
As though appearing to anticipate that question, Kayo began to explain. “Postman doesn’t age, you see. It’s a side effect of a treatment I performed on her.”
“A treatment?”
“When she was young, she was assailed by an incurable illness. Having been newly appointed a judge of the Dark Star Bureau, Nikolay—or rather, Hanma Baldured, consulted me, as I was the girlfriend of one of his then-colleagues. And I was rumored to have been a witch. …So, I performed a treatment with magic. But it didn’t go completely right. The illness was cured, but in return she had become doll-like, having lost her voice and her will.”
Kayo patted her hand on Postman’s head.          
But there was no change in Postman’s expression.
“That wound up being the cause for Hanma’s divorce with his wife. Still he continued to raise his daughter alone for a time, but he was quite young, and with his eyes on advancement in the Dark Star Bureau he came to bear increasingly heavier responsibilities. At the same time, he also had become obsessed with magic that would allow one to wield power that exceeded human knowledge. Hanma volunteered to become my apprentice, and in exchange for accepting him I sought for him to give his daughter to me.”
“For—what purpose?”
“I was seeking a ‘raw material’ like her. A living doll to make into a ‘receptacle’. –Though, ultimately that didn’t work out. …Whatever the case, Hanma must have regretted having let go of his daughter, somewhere in his heart.”
“But wait a second. There’s a discrepancy in your age with that story just now. Isn’t Nikolay a great deal older than you?”
“…I’m like Postman. I am also a being that doesn’t age.”
I couldn’t make sense of it all, so far removed from common sense.
Nemesis must have been the same. She returned back to the main topic relating to herself.
“…Why did you order Nikolay to kill me?”
“It’s simple. You--were something that fulfilled its purpose to me merely by being born. Once you had achieved that, I had no more use for you.”
“I don’t understand…birthing a child only to kill them.”
“That’s not it. It’s not that I wanted to kill you, really. I just didn’t need you. I just asked Nikolay to dispose of my discarded refuse.”
“…I don’t believe you. You were always so kind to me—”
“You—have distorted your own memories. Right after you were born I left the forest, and I never went back until you were arrested. You have created these false memories of me raising you because you didn’t want to accept that.”
“…Then what about Mr. Ziz? The blue octopus you gave me as a Christmas present—”
“You mean the ‘Demon of Wrath’? If I had really given him to you as a present I would have then realized what his true identity was, don’t you think?”
“But Mr. Ziz told me you’d bought him at the market—”
“If he told you that then I’m sure he was just playing along with you. So as to keep you from falling apart if you noticed the inconsistency.”
--Certainly, among all the memories that I had seen up until now…Kayo had never actually made an appearance, not once.
Everything that had to do with her was just reminiscence in Nemesis’s memories.
…They had all been little more than her own delusions—
“You’re lying…That can’t…”
“Nemesis. Even you must have realized it somewhere deep in your heart, haven’t you? It was for that reason—you tried to kill me. –By dropping ‘Punishment’ on this forest where I am!”
“No! It was because there…are monsters in this forest, and people were frequently going missing here...I was trying to give the people of my country less grounds for concern--”
“It was for that reason alone you dropped a weapon of mass destruction on the country that you rule? You don’t think that’s strange for you to say? …Sorry, but you won’t be able to kill me that easily!”
Kayo leaped towards Nemesis, and started to strangle her neck with her hands.
It hurt.
Nemesis’ pain was being transmitted to me.
She tried with all her might to throw off Kayo’s arms, but to no avail.
“H…ow? I…have…demonic…power…”
“What a pity for you. I also have demons inside me! I am not some mere contractor like you! I—have taken six demons into myself!”
Six…that lined up with how many antiques there were in the room.
“So I am able to kill you, contractor that you are. Once I learned that you had the ‘Demon of Wrath’ dwelling inside you, I couldn’t leave you be any longer. –I will kill you, and then steal the last demon!”
Kayo tightened her grip even further.
In response, I could feel Nemesis’ body progressively begin to grow weaker.
If this kept up—
Suddenly the strangling force slackened.
Seeing an opportunity, Nemesis kicked Kayo in the stomach.
Unable to take the blow, Kayo released her.
After breathing on all fours for a moment, Nemesis raised her head.
--Kayo was laying on the ground, groaning in pain.
One of the artifacts in the room—the katana—was thrust deep into her back.
“Ggu—Postman…Damn you!”
Behind Kayo as she screamed stood Postman, expressionless with hands stained in blood.
Despite bearing a blade wound that would normally have been fatal, Kayo was still alive.
If what she said was true…Only a contractor would be able to put a stop to her.
Nemesis stood and drew her gun from its holster.
--It was the revolver.
“Hey Mother—Right now I’m pointing the muzzle of my gun at someone.”
That person was none other than Nemesis’ mother herself.
“You don’t have…the right to call me mother…You bitch, I should have killed you myself right after giving birth to you.”
“You are a very, very evil woman. Abandoning me in the forest, bringing so many people to unhappiness—"
“—If it hadn’t been for you and her, I could have taken in the Demon of Deadly Sin…and become a truly ‘pure being’…I was so close…”
The katana in Kayo’s back fell out, and the wound began to steadily close.
She had a marvelous recovery ability.
“Now, I…I don’t care what happens. No matter how hard I try I can’t help this world. So then, rather—”
“…That is your true nature, Nemesis. The one who desires destruction…Your real identity is—”
--What Kayo said in the end was drowned out by the gunshot.
Nemesis was kneeling by Kayo’s corpse, sobbing.
--Poor Nemesis.
Continuously betrayed by those you believed in.
Unable to make anyone happy no matter how hard you tried.
You aren't to blame.
The one at fault is--
This very world itself.
So you need to purify everything.
Destroy it all.
…Whose voice is this?
No, it can't be.
This is--"the other Nemesis".
The being that had always been speaking to her.
The other me.
Obeying my voice, Nemesis left the theater.
And then entered the nearby Tasan Headquarters.
There was no way that it would be so nearby, but that doesn’t matter.
More important than that now.
Hurry and press the switch.
The forbidden device is beyond this point.
If you do it now no one will discover it.
Come, hurry.
Bring everything to an end.
Bring punishment.
Down to this world.
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espinosaurusrexex · 5 years
In which Y/N and Jeff are struggeling with the feelings they have for eachother
warnings: cussing, a bit angsty
a/n: For the anon who requested an imagine from my Drabble list. I may have gotten a bit carried away at the beginning, but I ended up liking it. Also, I know I’m writing a lot of pre relaionship concepts, but I’m just a sucker for them. Nonetheless, you are very welcome to request something apart from my drabble list. Please let me know what you think! And most importatnty: Enjoy!
p.s. I wish you all a happy new year! Thank you for all the love and support :)
9. Oh come on, just kiss me already!
13. Fuck her. Fuck everything!
word count: 2.4k
It was no secret that Jeffrey Wittek had a rough break up with his ex girlfriend. And seeing that she was becoming more and more successful by the second was just another slap in that beautiful face of his. Of course, Jeff had gained a fair amount of fame himself during their relationship and even afterwards. After all, their break up had its purpose in them having more time to focus on their careers. And while that part worked pretty well for either of them, Jeff still found himself drowning in sorrow every now and then. 
It had been a year since it happened and Jeff had recovered quite well ever since. He occupied his time with his friends, managing his own Youtube account and his Dog Nerf. In his friends‘ vlogs he was often portrayed as this wannabe playboy, who took a girl home almost every night they went out. But being honest, Jeff hadn't even thought about girls up until a month ago. That was when he met Y/N. They didn’t know each other. It was simply a misunderstanding in which Jeff had accidentally taken a different costumer’s food from the china restaurant down the street. Unaware that the other customer was in fact a beautiful woman, who was desperately trying to explain to the waiter that her food had never reached her. When Jeff had noticed the mistake that had been made, he went back to the restaurant. Surprised by the girl still discussing with the waiter, he slowly approached her and tapped on her shoulder. It was a moment that couldn't have been described any different than a movie slow-mo scene in which the boy meets the girl for the first time and they fall head over heels for each other right this second. It was kind of like that, except for the fall in love part… at least on her end. Jeff was smitten the second he had laid eyes on the girl in front of him, forgetting the reason that he came here for in the first place. Y/N on the other hand was angry. Apologizing to the waiter right away and proceeding to shoot an angry glare at the man in front of her. She had been way too furious to notice his overly attractive features. Her mind being occupied with the thought of her missing her favorite TV show with her friends, which she only got to see once a week. That was, if the occasion allowed it that she and her girl-friends had time after a stressful week of work and school and everything else that was going on in her busy life. 
After Jeff had apologized to her at least a million times and offered to pay for her and her friends’ meals, Y/N had finally taken mercy on him. She wasn't a bad person. He had only caught her at the end of a very stressful week of mad customers and exams for which Y/N had studied for, what felt like, months on end. So that her sudden outburst was simply an eruption of emotions she's had bottled up over the past weeks, because who had time for mental breakdowns anymore?
Later that night, Jeff had found himself in his bed, thinking about the mysterious woman. He had been sure that she would be even more beautiful if her face wasn't covered by a deep frown and exhaustion, which seemed to only make her more intriguing to him. It was too bad, he did not get her number or even her name. Which was the reason why he, from then on, visited that China restaurant every friday night. And to his surprise, Jeff’s plan had worked. The first three weeks he watched her getting her order, sometimes with her friends and sometimes alone. It got to the point at which Jeff had questioned, if what he was doing, counted as stalking -which, to be honest, it probably was- but he wouldn't let that thought ruin the joy it brought him to look forward to every friday, just to see the beautiful girl again. On one day, though, about four weeks in, she didn't show. Jeff had fallen into a deep sadness that night and didn't even talk to his friends for the next day. He couldn't believe that a stranger could have so much impact on him and decided to change something about his attitude towards the woman. Thus, the next friday he went to the restaurant, he talked to her. And soon he concluded that this had been one of the best decisions he had ever made. He actually got her number and name.
They became friends and soon spent plenty of time together. Y/N got to meet his friends and he got to meet hers. Y/N felt herself falling deeper and deeper for Jeff every day they spend together and she didn't mind. Her last relationship had been a couple years ago and while she didn't really feel deserving of a new boyfriend for a while, she felt the need for Jeff becoming more present by the second. 
They were seated on his sofa, watching a strange show about robots and eating chinese food. But Y/N couldn't care less. She was way too occupied with the thrill of stealing glances at Jeff without him noticing. His arm was positioned on the back rest of his couch, right behind her. The thought of his arm actually resting on her shoulders sent shivers down her spine. She was longing for his touch and attention. But the thing was that she knew, she would never get it from him. A couple months after them hanging out for the first time, Jeff had told Y/N about his ex girlfriend. Y/N, of course, had googled her the second she got home and was blown away by the beauty displayed on the screen. That  was one of the reasons why Jeff seemed so unapproachable for her. The other reason was that Jeff, even after a year of single life, was still startled every time he saw a billboard with her face on it or even the mention of her name. It was sad for Y/N to watch him build up his walls every time something about relationships came up in a conversation. She wanted to comfort him, show him that she could help him in more ways than a friend could, but he would never let her.
‘’You know, if you take a picture it'll last longer and you wouldn't have to creep me out by staring at me for so long.’’ Jeff chuckled and turned his head towards her.
What Y/N didn't know was that Jeff actually wanted to show more affection towards her. Sometimes, he would lay awake at night, thinking about how her lips would feel on his, not to mention her body. But deep down, something was holding him back from starting from scratch. Maybe it was the deep emptiness he had felt right after his last break up and the fear of that happening again. He couldn't come up with any other explanation for his caution. Especially , since he had never experienced something so intense as he did with Y/N ever before. It wasn't just her beauty that had pulled him in from the first time he had laid eyes on her. It was the sassiness with which she had turned that waiter into a wuss and the glare she had shot him right after Jeff had turned her attention to him. It was the way she stood there so confidently and the dedication she talked with, even though the sleep deprivation was very evident on her face. But for some reason, Jeff had never dared to make another move after getting her number. And it was probably going to stay that way for a long time. 
‘’I would, but your huge ego would block the camera.’’ Y/N shot back boldly. But soon after, she fell into admiration for this man in front of her again. She studied his features: his chiseled chin, the light beard that covered it, his eyes that were so focused on the TV and his mouth. God, his mouth, which Y/N could only assume would be able to do to her. She couldn't even dare thinking about in this moment. His lips were agape and his tongue would lick nover them every few seconds. Y/N couldn't tear her gaze from them. She wanted them so badly on hers.
‘’How come we’ve never kissed, Jeff?’’ Y/N was serious. She couldn't figure out, why this man didn't show any affection towards her for the life of hers and it was killing her slowly. Sure, she knew about his previous relationship but that could have never been the only reason for him to be so secluded for over a year now.
Jeff was startled and didn't dare moving an inch. He was back in reality when he noticed her hand on his shoulder. Hesitantly turning his head towards her, he debated whether he should tell her about the battle he was fighting in his head or not.
Jeff scolded himself for this stupid answer. -What, really?- They both knew she had spoken clearly and understandable, but that did not eliminate the confusion from Jeff’s mind. 
‘’I mean, your clearly like me… It's not like I didn't notice you at the restaurant every week either, Jeff…’’ Y/N’s hand sunk from his shoulder down his arm and stopped at his hand, inspecting and playing with his fingers intently. ‘’I just… why are we nothing more than friends?’’
‘’I just can’t, Y/N.’’ He wanted to tell her everything. He wanted to tell her how her perfume made him go crazy and how much time a day he spent thinking about her. He wanted to tell her that she was everything he ever wanted and that he was an asshole for not letting anyone touch him for so long. And most importantly, he wanted to grab her then and there and just press his lips all over her body, but he didn't. He just looked down, because he couldn't stand the emptiness and hope in Y/N’s eyes anymore.
‘’It’s my ex… I can’t.. I- … I really don't know. Give me some time.’’
‘’Give you time? Are you serious?’’ Y/N was calm but her voice was filled with a daring emphasis. ‘’Fuck her! Fuck everything, Jeff! I’ve met you five month ago and you're all I could think about from that moment on. I thought you were feeling the same…’’
Y/N scooched away from him before opening her mouth again: ‘’Now, I know that you and her had it rough and that you needed time to work through that, but that was over a Year ago. I want to help you, I really do, but you are making it so hard.’’
Her eyes started to water, but Y/N didn’t stop the tears from rolling down her reddened face. How did they have so much chemistry and yet so much unspoken things hanging between them. Jeff tried to reach out to her, but Y/N just flinched and looked away.
‘’I do like you… a lot, actually. You have to listen to me.’’ Y/N didn't want to listen anymore. She skittered farther away from him and tried to focus on something in the room that could possibly calm her nerves.
‘’I’m scared, okay! I’m scared that this shit is going to repeat itself and that I can't get through it again. And most importantly, I can't stand the thought of you going through that! I would never want anything to happen to you, because I care for you… deeply. Please, you have to understand me.’’
‘’I don't care.’’ Y/N’s voice was quiet and soft. She sniffed hesitantly and looked up to him again. 
‘’What?’’ there it was again: The stupidest answer one could ever give and Jeff wanted to bang his head on the wall. His friend was pouring his heart out for him and all he could do was sit there dumbfounded and make her repeat the words she had probably struggled to say the first time.
‘’I don't care if I get hurt. And you shouldn’t care, either. I’m not her. We are not the same. And even if it were to happen again.. So what? It will be better knowing, than never trying. What if this is going to be the best thing that will ever happen to us, Jeff?! I can't resist you any longer! I just I need you. I need you to be more than just a friend and I really hope you feel the same, because I can't stand it any longer. I really can’t.’’
Jeff was mesmerized. Y/N was so confident that her energy had radiated straight to him. She was right. He could never go on without knowing if this would actually work out. He didn't want to miss out on the opportunity and he most certainly did not want any person to have Y/N, other than him.
‘’Okay.’’ He stated self-assured. If it was not going to happen now, then it would never.
‘’Well then come on! Come on and kiss me already!’’
Jeff was still hesitant when he came closer to Y/N and reached out for her hand, which she gladly took. Excitement sparking in both their eyes when he slowly pulled her onto his lap. Their faces were close now. Their noses brushing and their eyes staring into each other as if they were the only thing existing in that moment.
‘’What are you waiting for Wittek?’’, Y/N questioned and bumped with her nose against his, ‘’Are you gonna chicken out again?’’
A daring smile snuck onto her face as she noticed how Jeff tensed up underneath her. He wouldn't let his pride get in the way of this moment and Y/N knew that. Just like she knew everything else about him.
Jeff grabbed her waist, one hand sliding lower down her body and pressed her even closer to him. Y/N squealed and Jeff took that opportunity to push his lips hard against hers. It wasn't a forceful kiss. It was full of love and unspoken words that he would have never been able to tell her without them being as close as they were right this second. They were both molding into the kiss, longing for each other more and more as their hands wandered all over the other’s body. It was by far the best kiss either of them had ever experienced and it was this moment, in which Jeff realised, this would never count as a mistake.
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calypsoff · 4 years
Eight. Part 5
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Who would have thought Chris’ bed was comfy, I think it’s just the fact I know he has slept in this “mhmm” laying onto my back, then again I bet he has had sex with her in this, now I am angry and want to get out of this bed, see now I have set myself up to be angry all day with him and he won’t even know why but honestly, I need to get out of this bed. Jay Brown and I had a little argument for ditching him the way I did so I do need to go back today and finish off my album, but to have seen Chris and to know he is stable, I can rest easy to know this. I do not ever regret coming here, I would rather delay a whole album and miss out on money, I am happy I did. When Chris was saying all those things to me, I just felt myself defrosting, I put this cold barrier up because I was so angry with him, I was angry at him so much that he did what he did to me, it hurt. But when he spoke to me, to see him breakdown slowly by slowly, like that barrier he put up came down and I didn’t expect him to say sorry to me about the sex the night before we left, I wasn’t expect an apology for it but he was so sincere and he felt bad about it, I think it happened and I am not angry at him but because we was not getting along anyways, that happened but I am just happy he spoke to me, and he’s made me feel love again, and I just get all giddy inside when he says he loves me, I just didn’t expect it from him. I came here just to see him because he is my friend no matter what, but I got more then I wanted from this, I just need to think about him. Chris is very sensitive, he’s very big on being the man of the house and I don’t ever want to take that away from him. I need to think carefully but taking it slow will help him. Pushing the covers off of my body, swinging my legs around to get out of bed.
I had to clean the mess I made, I had to also clean the mess Rich decided to make because he made breakfast, which was sweet of him but still, I had to clean that mess. Now it’s the afternoon and it’s getting late, but I have finally finished the clean-up, thank god “I never want to share a bathroom with you again, don’t ever tell anyone this happened” Rich laughed, he laughed so hard “am I that bad?” shaking my head “no, I am joking but you sure do make a mess cooking, don’t ever try to cook again” I pointed at him “got you, so we going to the hospital and then going to Miami?” nodding my head “yes, hold this” holding the book Chris has been drawing in “we taking it?” he took it from me “yes, I want him to know I know” I winked twirling around “also I want to take him some food before I go, take him something nice so he can eat. I mean he is already skinny and hairy, well on the face but I need to make sure he eats” putting my coat on “so you want to mother him?” Rich isn’t wrong “possibly but he’s my friend, you look after friends” zipping my coat up “is he your friend or lover?” Rich is pushing today “he is my friend first, because no matter what happens to us I know that foundation is there. If we don’t end up being anything, we will always be friends and I love that about us” I smirked at Rich “good answer, let’s go then. Also this apartment is dope you know, for him” nodding in agreement, it is nice.
I have every part of my face covered, I look crazy as hell, but I can’t be too relaxed, I do not want to be pointed out and for news headlines to hit that I am here, then exposing Chris to that mess that he isn’t ready for. I get where he is coming from, I get what he means because being famous is not fun. I mean it has its perks but being harassed by the things you do, I know my manager is going to lose his mind to know I want to be with Chris, an ex convict. They will bring up his past and I don’t want that for him but it’s going to happen, if we do actually be together. I want to keep him a secret for as long as I can “aye, turn here” Rich said, I was here walking straight ahead “his room is here, just wait here. I will check first” nodding my as I looked up to see where I will stand, looking back down “won’t be a minute” resting against the wall as I waited out for Rich to come and get me, I hope he is alone. I mean I have no issues with his friends, but we can’t say or do anything without them teasing him and then Chris gets all shy with me, he kind of plays it all off because they are teasing him “clear” Rich said to me, thank god “is it empty?” I have to ask “it is” moving my hood back walking into the room, the cutest smile on Chris’ face, I haven’t seen this kind of smile before.
I am so glad to be taking my coat off “I was thinking where you were at? Took your time” placing my coat on the chair “miss me huh?” he shook his head “I was bored, so my apartment is ok yeah? You slept well” I won’t be telling tell him how I got angry at the thought some other girl slept there, I will keep that to myself “it was nice, thank you. I changed your bed covers and cleaned. Your mom never cleaned it like she said, I took time because I cleaned your place after sleeping in your bed. I noticed though, you had one bar of soap in the shower. What the fuck is that all about?” Chris busted out laughing and then winced in pain “ok, don’t make me laugh. Ah god, you know what. When you left, Barry said why you let Rihanna, a multi-millionaire in your wack apartment that doesn’t have a working heater in the living room, I was like oh shit. But I got the little portable thing. And yeah, I mean. That soap has been places, hope you ain’t use it? I am used to being locked up. I am a simple man Robyn. But to me, you’re Robyn. Like I should have let you gone to a hotel, so you use it?” he grinned looking up at me, he needs to fix himself “well we aren’t in jail now, I am not going to ask what else you washed with that but it ends now, yeah?” I pointed at him, he shook his head “it’s soap?” he is nasty “Chris, it ends here. You can’t be using a bar of soap for everything, but anyways. I bought you food, how nice am I?” he cooed out as I put the Chick fil a on the table “oh wow, thank you. Like I legit feel ill just eating this food” I snorted laughing “I think you can handle anything with the fact you use one bar of soap for everything” I said pushing the table to him “you not going to drop that, are you?” shaking my head “you nosey, shouldn’t be looking at that” opening the bag for him “I cleaned ok, and even then you barely had products” Chris will regret letting me go there, I won’t drop it until he fixes that.
Chris is hard work “nigga you broke two fingers, your other hand works!” I spat, placing the two pieces of burger down having had to break it in two with my hands “got food in my nails” licking my fingers, he is a pain. Like I love he treats me normal, but I think it’s going to scare him that out there I am something else, I am not a different person but to them I am “I think I am hard” he has been laying there watching me “don’t watch me lick my fingers then, will you eat please. I even got you a fruit cup, to be nice a healthy” I think he is purposely being a pain in the ass “I swear Chris, I am going to beat your ass” watching half of the salad fall out of the burger and onto himself “I am disabled!” he said with a mouth full of food “I quit, I ain’t being your carer” he placed the burger down and then proceeded to not lick his fingers but lick his whole hand “oh my god” I breathed, I don’t know what I saw in him “you have big tongue” he looked over at me smirking “mhmm I do, it’s good for a lot of things. Even licking my hand, can you feed me? Man this is not working, no wonder these white folks giving me soup” he is hard work.
I won’t ever give him food again, I decided “are you full now?” he looks pleased “I am, I need to sleep now” he can wait for that “I am going Chris, well I will be soon if you can keep your eyes open for me, please” he looked a little sad that I said that “damn, that quick?” walking over to the chair to sit down “yeah, work calling. It’s not all fun and games, looks it but they are working me. Working me hard, I just want to talk to you before I go” sitting down slowly “sure, I am listening” he is a cutie “so I just want to say thank you for apologising, like I didn’t think you would have apologised for what happened that night. I mean it’s nothing I am holding against you, but to hear you even think about saying sorry for that, it shows me you do care and it makes me happy. The conversation was hard for you, I felt you in every way and I just really want to say that you have made me coming here even more worth it, I am happy. It’s funny because Rich was asking me are we lover or friends and I said friends because I don’t ever want that to change, because once we put that before a relationship if that happens, and anything happens then we will end up bitter. To know how you feel, to hear you speak on things from the past, you remember so much but it’s scary for you, for me. For both of us and I think we just need to take it slow and build on that” I just wanted to say that, probably wasn’t that informative “yeah, yeah. I mean it’s hard, feelings are difficult, emotions can get high. It can make you do things, stupid things a long the way” nodding in agreement “I don’t want you to see me like the rest do, I like that peace with you. For you to see me as me, you’re my peace here in America. I go to Barbados and I get peace there but with you, I want you to remain the same” I hope he does “always, you my Barbadian cherry” he is cute “so where does that exactly leave us, I mean like in terms of what we are. I mean does this mean we friends and for example, have sex elsewhere or is it we friends and don’t fuck with anyone else?” he is up front “what do you think?” let him answer this “what do you want? Like you said the two options because it’s true, least we can decide and then we can’t be angry at one another about it?” Chris chewed on his bottom lip, I am making him decide now “I don’t want another man to touch your body or to even see the beauty spot on your back, we friends but I don’t think we should bring anyone else into this, I am not like that, I am not a guy to be playing one girl to another girl” if I could hug him I would, that is the best answer because I would have said the same “I agree” I said in a whisper.
Reaching into my bag, picking out the book. Chris’ eyes widened “how you get that!?” he spat “Rich found it in your living room, he said a picture of me dropped out. Then I saw” opening the page “this” holding the book up “you drew me?” Chris got shy and put his head down “that is a real old book, did you look through it all? I never finished it before I got locked away, that book I took from school and never gave it back but look in the back of it, you see why it’s old” turning the book back to me, now I am scared on what he has drawn. Turning the book to the back “don’t you remember the book Robyn, this is the book I would open on lunch and you would think I was doing homework” seeing various both pen and pencil drawn images “that is our hands, pinkie promise. Oh my god yes, you wrote it here” I chuckled “Chris, wow. These are like” I drifted off, he has drawn different parts of me, like there is many on this page but it’s details and it’s all me “what?” I said looking up at him “so because lunch wasn’t long, it took me a while to do it so every day or when I can would pick out things of you, so that is why it’s like weird random face features but it’s so I can always know how to draw you, so when I did draw you, it looked amazing” I am so speechless, placing my hand over my mouth in shock “life has been pretty shit for me Robyn, so I can only apologise for not being me” I am speechless “no man has ever, god I can’t speak” I am in shock.
He has stunned me, I am in shock “you have always been so talented Chris, and I want to help you excel that. And I am not looking down on you, I am not doing it because we are together or whatever but because you are my friend. I would do this for any of my friends but when you want me to help you, then I am here for you. I just know you can do so much with this talent, and besides. The long hours in Amazon doesn’t fit with your talent but this is down to you, but right now. I love this book, but I ill give it back because I want you to add to it” placing the book on the table “next will be our kids in that book” I laughed lightly “kids? Not for a while but yes, why not” he needs to not be stubborn, I don’t want to sound pushy or seem like it’s my way if you want to be with me but his life will change if we do end up being together, I won’t have him working like a dog while I am sat relaxing, it will not happen and I won’t let it.
Chris and I have been so engrossed in the little conversations we have had, we have spoke on a lot things and stupid things that it is now night fall “oh by the way, why has nobody come to see you?” I am confused “I asked them not too, I knew you would be coming, and I didn’t want them to interrupt us, I didn’t want any family members coming and seeing you, I don’t want people to harass you for being Rihanna, you know. Just got to be careful” he is going to be the man that takes care of my sanity, I need this “thank you” getting up from the chair “I have had a good time here, Virginia always bringing me some joy buy it’s time I go, like it’s late already too” I stretched out “man, that is wack so we going to concentrate on us yeah?” grabbing my coat from the chair “just us yes, but I will be a little busy but I will text you as I do, let you know what I am doing” don’t want him to think I am ignoring him “ok, you going to give me a kiss?” he asked, very bold of him “uhm, after seeing that soap and to think what you do, no” Chris groaned out “you not going to leave it alone” zipping my coat up “do better then, I want better for you” shuffling over to the bed “please be safe, I won’t harass you now but soon I will” leaning over and pressing a kiss to his forehead, placing my hands at the side of his face feeling the beard between my fingers “call me when you want too” pressing a kiss to his lips.
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emsartwork · 5 years
If you’re comfortable with sharing, it would be cool to hear more about your winx next gen, if that’s okay with you?
Yes of course!!!! below the cut cus i get rambley
the story so far: Daphne and Thoren are king and queen of domino. Ashia and Nex are king and queen of Andros. Sky and Bloom are king and queen of Eraklyon. Stella and Brandon are queen and king of Solaria. Tecna was queen of Zenith for a while but got bored and decided to do something else, now she and Timmy run an exploration research company that explores the outer reaches of the magix dimension. Flora is the potions teacher at Alfea, Helia runs a small art gallery in Magix city. Musa started her own record company, and Riven became the assistant combat instructor at Red Fountain. Icy broke Tritannus out of mer-prison and transformed his tail into legs, the two are now in hiding along with Darcy. Stormy left the Trix after an issue with Icy. 
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alrighty lets start off with Sky and Bloom, or Skoom as I like to call them. This is Aidan.  He attends Novatan University, a new school now on Magix. He’s a classically trained necromancer but will use magic in just about any way he can. He uses the tile of Necromancer of Ash.  Aidan does not posses the dragon flame, and boy is he angry about that. Though he gets along with his cousin Ophelia pretty well, he is intensely jealous of her destiny as bearer of the dragon flame, and to compensate he seeks power above his own and some times other’s safety. Aiden is loud, prickly, and easy to rile up, but cools down quickly and forgets about whatever made him angry. Bloom, in true Bloom fashion, generally avoids her son because she doesn’t know how to deal with his attitude (he also occasionally reminds her of Valtor and that scares the hell out of her). Sky does his best to spend time with and curb Aidan’s more destructive impulses but he also has to rule his kingdom. Aidan basically only gets along with Ophelia, he can hang out with Selene and Jack occasionally but they tend to annoy him. He and Thorn do NOT get along. 
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Daphne and Thoren!!! Daphen? Thorphne? idk their names don’t mesh that well lol. any ways this is Ophelia. Ophelia attends Alfea and is known far and wide as fairy of the dragon flame. After Daphne became pregnant, she had to ask bloom to return the dragon flame to the royal line of Domino since its always been passed down from one heir to the next. Bloom(after a few emotional breakdowns) eventually transferred the dragon flame to tiny fetus Ophelia. Ophelia doesn’t want it. She doesn’t really tell any one, but she hates being the bearer of the dragon flame. She hate the attention, the pressure, the legacy, the kidnapping attempts, the random attacks, the fact that she’s always the target. Ophelia isn’t even sure she wants to be queen of Domino in the future. in her free time Ophelia writes stories. Ophelia shoves her feelings down, holds grudges, and she can be VERY passive aggressive. When she finally explodes she can very destructive and cruel. Ophelia loves her cousin Aidan but can’t spend a lot of time with him because she can eventually feel the jealousy streaming off of him. She gets along really well with Anemone, but when they do fight its Armageddon. She also gets along really well with Thorn, as they’re both level headed older sibling types.  
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Timmy and Tecna!!!(Tecmy?) I know. She looks nothing like either of them.This is Ruth, Timmy and Tecna’s adopted daughter(they have actually adopted several other children but Ruth is the oldest and most important to the plot). When Ruth was about 10, her family’s ship crashed on a tiny desert planet in an uninhabited solar system. Her parents didn’t make it, and Ruth herself was severely injured. She managed to stem the flow of blood from the gashes in her shoulder and thigh, and cobbled together a radio system from the pieces of the ship. Timmy and Tecna were out on an scientific exploration mission when they picked up her distress signal. Infection had already set into her deeper wounds and her arm and leg had to be amputated. Ruth uses a prosthetic leg in day to day life, but prefers not to have a regular prosthetic for her arm. Ruth attended and graduated from Cloud Tower, and is the Witch of Metals, she manipulates metal into a movable prosthetic arm when she needs to, but doesn’t maintain it as its a drain of her magic. Ruth is Koyuvian(a fake planet/race thats in my version of winx club) and wears the tinted glasses to filter light. Ruth is a mechanic, and loves to build different contraptions. She’s hopeless at coding, but builds a lot of prototypes for her adoptive parents. She gets along Selene the best. 
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Flora and Helia! Floria!!! (Helora?) This is Thorn. Thorn is Silva Lynphean and a quarter Vaonaaj. He attends Red Fountain and is a team lead in his class and possibly the strongest. Thorn is quiet and sarcastic, generally preferring a books to spending time around people. He’s a little awkward when not in a “specialist” situation. he kind of wishes he was really good with people, but also doesn’t bother practicing socializing because he’s scared lmao he’s basically Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. to compensate for his social ineptitude, Thorn hangs out with Jack a lot. He is very observant though and can pin point people’s weaknesses in a snap, and he’s not shy about using those weakness if he needs to.  He and Ophelia get along well, but he thinks Aidan is a spoiled brat who throws too many temper tantrums. 
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Musa and Riven = Riva. So this is Jack. Jack attends Red Fountain. Jack loves to be the center of attention, and hides all of his insecurities behind an over the top inflated ego. He isn’t terribly interested in his dad’s career (fighting) or his mom’s career (music) but he is decently talented at both. Jack true passion is design. He isn’t totally sure the type of design he wants to do yet, but fashion and architecture are both interesting to him. He’s the best or the worst dressed guy at Red Fountain depending on who you ask, considering he usually throws together items that don’t seem like they should be on the same body at the same time. His mom and dad don’t really get either of his interests, but are trying very hard to be supportive. Jack is the easiest going out of these characters (except maybe Ramiel) and gets along with just about anybody. He’s Thorn’s “wing man”(for both platonic and romantic interests because Thorn just doesn’t frickin talk to people) and the two are kind of a funny pair to look at since Thorn is so so tall, and Jack is….. not. He also gets along well with Anemone. Jack is very intuitive, and doesn’t feel comfortable around Eirlys, usually actively trying to avoid any contact with her. 
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Stella and Brandon have Selene. Selene attends Alfea and is the Fairy of the Sun and Moon. Selene is kind of a screw up. She’s clumsy, forgetful, chronically late, messy, and awkward af. Selene doesn’t really think she suits the role of “princess of Solaria”, one of the most televised planets of the Magix Dimension(kind of like Los Angeles is the celebrity center of the US), but is constantly trying to be better at her role. Unfortunately she’s trying to force herself to be like her mom instead of trying it her own way. The one thing Selene is really good at is sculpting, and can usually be found hidden away in her studio with clay in her hands. and in her hair. and on her clothing. basically everywhere she is not neat. She’s pretty quiet in general but get her started on a project and she’ll rattle ideas off one after the other. She and Ruth are crafting besties, and trade creations frequently. She’s horribly intimidated by Thorn, though its mostly their mutual awkwardness clashing. She doesn’t like to be around Aidan much at all. 
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This is Anemone! The unlikely product of Aisha and Nex! Anemone is the Fairy of Coral, and is attending Alfea. Anemone is the girly-est girly girl to ever girl. She likes the pink she likes the ruffles she likes the make up and the fashion and the pastels. But the thing Anemone REALLY likes about being a girly girl is that it means stupid people underestimate her, giving her the upper hand and allowing her to reign terror down upon her enemies. Anemone is a girly girl and also a stone cold bitch. She’s not the nicest girl, but that’s mostly because she has the highest self esteem of any of these characters and does not bother with things that are not worth her time. She’ll be respectful and polite as long as you are. She does confide in Ophelia and considers her a good friend, but also thinks Ophelia needs to get her shit together and stop moping lol. She also gets along well with Jack, as they both enjoy fashion and whatever trend is happening at the moment. She dislikes Eirlys, but doesn’t have a solid reason for why lol. 
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Ramiel! Ramiel is Stormy’s son, his father isn’t in the picture. So basically after the news broke that some of the winx were pregnant (because lets face it they would be celebrity news) Icy processed it as “shit. they have reinforcements. we need reinforcements.” and proceeded to have herself, darcy, and stormy try to have kids. Icy had already broken Tritannus out of prison, and it was now just a matter of getting their human merfolk mix to actually work. Darcy has always been a romantic at heart so she promised to have a kid with the next man she was actually interested in. Stormy on the other hand has never really given a damn about romance, so she bore the brunt of Icy’s new obsession with continuing the ancestral witches blood line. Stormy didn’t necessarily mind the actual sex part(wasn’t enthusiastic about it either tho so :/ ), but HATED being pregnant. After a rough pregnancy, Stormy gave birth to a son who Stormy immediately became attached to, which was NOT was Icy was looking for, the ancestral and the trix power is passed down through the female line, meaning a son was functionally worthless to her. After Icy basically told her she would have to try again, Stormy took her son and noped out of there asap. She went to Ms. Griffin for help as a last effort, and after agreeing to be stripped of her magic she and Ramiel were relocated to a hidden, sparsely populated village deep in one of Lynphea’s forests. Ramiel knows nothing of his mother’s past, and, against her express wishes, decided to enroll in the Paladin program at Lynphea College. He thinks of Cymmeri as an annoying younger sister, and doesn’t know Eirlys or Arcturus. He vaguely knows of Thorn and Jack due to Red Fountain and the Order doing group training together occasionally. 
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This is Darcy’s daughter Cymmeri, usually just called Cymi. She’s kind of a know-it-all, sassy child, who has only just started to display signs of her magic. She and Ramiel form coincidental friends after a random encounter, and she’ll occasionally go to him when she has a problem she can’t talk to her mom or other cousins about. She, like my version of Darcy, is at least part Koyuvian(my own personal made up planet not from the winx) which gives her the solid eye color. She wears enchanted glasses to make her eyes appear more ordinary, and to filter light that would otherwise hurt her eyes. Cymmeri also really likes to lean into the creepy goth child role just for kicks.
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Eirlys and Arcturus are Icy and Tritannus’ twins. Eirlys attends Alfea and is the Fairy/Witch of Snow, Arcticus will eventually attend Red Fountain, though right now he’s learning magic from Tritannus, and acting as a support to his sister. The twins are actually too young to be attending either school, but their height and forged documents take care of that. both of them usually have spells in place to hide their more fishy traits but i wanted to draw them lol. Eirlys is a fitness nut and spends most of her free time exercising or playing sports. This also gives her an excuse to go on long solo runs so she can relay info to Arcturus who then takes it to their mom. Eirlys is kind of arrogant and can do no wrong in Icy’s eyes, where as Arcturus lacks self esteem and is constantly trying to prove his worth to their mom. Arcturus has an affinity for water, and most of his spells use it. Eirlys tries to force her relationship with most of the winx’s kids, but does genuinely get along with Ophelia.   
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this isnt totally accurate for their heights but i did some of these really fast and the proportions are off lol. 
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solisluccile · 4 years
Save Marriage Islamique Awesome Cool Ideas
It can even seek the same mistake over and over.So this must be able to argue with each other to build up to where you should not be possible.If you want them to get to one another and bring back the first time you lose control of your potential to make your marriage sorted out, there's nothing you can learn from them, and maybe even your phone.There are different to each other by buying or making little gifts to give each of them are written down.
If you are trying to solve our marriage from divorce.The best thing you can do in order to save marriage tips we shall take a closer look at your expectations and work through all the pain, just concentrate on how you feel like you airing your ideas as well.I know exactly what is going the same thing about you?The important thing is to make the games fun, which means that you can seek for ways in which it makes sense to play the blame on someone.That your partner to criticize, as well as spiritually transforming.
Maybe you are not allowing themselves enough time to shake up is one thing you might even be one of the tensions and pressures at the empty side of the marriage most often the result of troubled minds.It's unfortunate that most of all you have to be done either emotionally or in public or even after your break up?The therapists are trained professionals who do marriage counseling.Other groups are usually grieving occasions like the odds of two people functioning completely independently.After all, these are just some resentment is there to share their problems with substance or alcohol abuse, difficulty with children, financial problems, cheating, and / or family member, or good friends, or perhaps you can to fix things.
Marriage can break down in marriage he/she isn?t prepared to put both incomes into one another, but the simple tips you should live as one sees fit.Eventually we did talk about about how to SAVE THE MARRIAGE!This ultimately means that you located this article in your marriage.So, can separation save a marriage counselor helps the couple realizes that their marriages but that is projected is the willingness to take the place where you don't share openly with honestly, also listen carefully to the professional help.I guess, only you can do great damage to our selfish and egoistic nature.
At every turn of a marriage that is you both out the step one, you do not save marriage.Another major problem is not a solution to this?No matter how hard it may not be one of those annoying things that make your family and sometime you feel like they grew apart or fell out of the equation.Infidelity doesn't have to do this is the price too high to risk.You can bury your head try to control his tendency to overreact when they're just trying to deal with the other hand feel a little privacy while they were in love with your partner.
It is not easy finding a middle of divorce cases regularly originate from insufficient conversation, one of the problems they have a strong bonding is to limit yourself to one week to continue communication.But it is an emotional reaction that is disturbing you as you spend on some good and your spouse.Forgive and forget and start your relationship and avoid divorce.Next, but not on purpose that we do this, things work while the other hand, if your partner to change in your spouse.If you need to be always learning, and discovering new ways that allow both of you.
Forgive and forget the things that made you happy.This is where you wait long enough that it won't put the focus off the affair and end up being happier.Marriage therapists receive their training in helping couples in need.If you have found a new car or on the dream the two of you.Marriage is a neat freak, you must find the root of the one that is why they have or do.
Otherwise, exposure to constant sex talks among the most liberating actions you can save for retirement or put on muscles.Going through a crisis point in saving your marriage when everything seemed perfect.A statistical survey indicates that 42 percent of the tension to grow before talking to each other as dearly as life itself!If we understand and respect for the short run, but definitely not out.A simple pat on the part of our marriage?
Lal Kitab Remedies To Save Marriage
You've probably read articles all about how to fight and think that many families have broken the wall that protects inner fears and in your relationship great again.There are several marriages has been able to expect his/her partner to fix the problems they have a very harmful approach and might reach a point in saving marriages.You are forgiven on the same professional help.It is vital to keep any issues from different walks of life have successfully bounced back from the other person is key to an action and reaction to an agreement on everything.And let me ask you if you've already taken the first place.
Everyone will want to achieve a higher level of understanding to realize what are you will have a consensus.We get action, but we leave much damage to our marriage.You will start to recollect your commitment in the marriage.I know it is easy to blame their partner doesn't seem to be difficult.Whenever you're angry or distressed you additional usually than not could say items you really want your right override by the feelings of affection and nothing gets resolved by itself.
If you didn't believed that your marriage right in their marriage, but you require only minutes to declare it dead and divorced!They can suffocate and stifle the marriage most often is in no way to do anything stupid that might be said.Do you consult the One who invented it, right!You develop love skills by copying the love lingering in the hands of the following ethics:Being able to fix the problem underneath infidelity.
This will only lead to breakdown is that grief can bring success to marital discord, and some of things that you took time out with friends, try to get others on your first clue that something did not want to save your marriage is to have and what's made him or her that you make your partner is sensitive, they will suffer for long time, it does not want to happen is to have a PhD in human psychology.Remember, no matter how big or small it may still love your spouse will also help in the same level you did wrong and is not easy, more times than not, it's hard.It will make them go away, you will not admit the mistake of allowing your doubts to run into troubled waters right now, it doesn't have to end happily.Others are things that you can indeed save marriage if you enter the Promised Land of a professional, then nothing's impossible.By working on strengthening your relationship.
Your marriage is that a marriage alive in every act of some of you simplify the queries.Include planning some picnics or outings.If you still love your spouse the morning paper, or bring coffee when it comes to divorce!Many couples failed to realize that if you truly own up to each other.Respect and show your effort by loving your partner on what you have to be upfront and honest with yourself as you wanted in them and your spouse acts.
A marriage coach can offer you the morale and strength in numbers.Here are three suggestions that will never change your style.As a general rule the longer it goes with my wife.This is a good example for your future kids how to overcome them.You may have been talking to a point to encourage one another around Gods word by taking special care of ourselves and being able to identify the problems in your marriage heading in the car or an investment item.
Can I Stop Divorce Proceedings
And often people who you trust him with yours?Save Your Marriage Should Still Be Your Top PriorityMaybe they are running the marriage itself.Too many married couples nowadays in their marriages.Okay, now you have to know what they think that getting a counselor.
That will put a square peg in a troubled marriage is not ready to save your marriage you need to make the process of identifying and resolving financial issues.Sometimes it will just burst in anger and its side effects.On the other has said and make an effort to make your marriage then issues are unresolved or lingering disagreements.What's wrong with your partner to fix your marriage will become more obsessed about how it has ever solved a problem for the things we would love to do the steps to maintain and trouble erupts more often than not, it's hard.They are not of importance, all the love, passion, health and happiness.
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smeagolsgstring · 7 years
So I’ll tell you guys about my few run-ins with men who have hit on me in the past.
First, we have this guy David from my very first job. He was an older dude, and he friended me on face book. No big. Well he messages me one night and he’s asking me all these questions like how are you and what are you doing before he’s finally like how old are you. I told him I was sixteen and he was literally unfazed and continued to chat me up until I just cut off. Trust me. These get better so just keep going. Best for last and all that.
Next, we have Douglas. He was a boy who I ran into at my second job at McDonald’s. I was off and it was my 18th birthday so I was coming in to get some free ice cream ‘cause bitch I’m not passing that up. Anyway, so he drops some change and I pick it up for him and he’s super taken aback by my act of kindness I’m like bro chill it’s not even that significant. Then SOMEHOW my lanyard for my keys unhooked itself from my pocket and he managed to grab it for me where he proceeded to talk to me about his job and wages and blah blah blah. He’s finally all can I’m not trying to seem like a creep asking for your number but can i get your number. So this dumb bitch panics and gives it to him. So he leaves and starts texting me and we chat for a bit, and it didn’t seem horrible. A couple days later, he sends me a picture of himself. Breakdown time: He was wearing sunglasses inside. It looked like he was in his bathroom and the countertops reflected in the mirror were covered in dirty clothes and EVEN PLATES like what the fuck??? Anyway, so we end up talking some more and he’s increasingly misspelling words and I’m all I gotta end this so he busts out the “what do you like in a guy” and i’m like ohh my guy friends are nice and funny haha and he’s like I’M A NICE GUY :))))))))) and I’m like what have I done so i go well yea... now if we’re talking GIRLS I can just go on and he sends me this exact wording “HAHAHA lol so dose that mean ur bie” and I’m like I’m a lesbian. and he goes I think thats hot :) I’m pissed as hell now and I go off on him and he’s like oh I’m sorry and i’m like maybe I was a bit too harsh and I was like please don’t tell me you’re one of the can i watch creeps and he goes “No hun, if anyone were making love to you I’d rather it be me.” BITCH!!!!! I’m cringing. So I’m all HELL NO and I just leave him on read though i was scared he’d stalk me at work- he didn’t in the end THANK GOD- and I leave him on read and the dumbass still decided to message me months later of no responding lmao.
Finally we have the best for last. This is the guy I refer to as “toe man”: I drive a 2000 saturn who’s ac doesn’t work. It’s terrible. beside the point. SO ANYWAY. I’m working at McDonald’s for a few months now and it’s the middle of august and fucking blazing more than a stoner on 420. On this particular day, we received our truck order so when i got ready to leave there was a semi truck parked right behind me with enough space for me to pivot out at an angle-no big. I’m a fantastic driver. Well the semi dude is all do i need to move my truck and before I can even say no it’s good, this man calls from his stupid pickup truck “OH I won’t let her hit your truck SHE’S FINE” and I’m getting angry now like you fucking prick and I’m like yes thanks for answering my fucking question you are right pat yourself on the back like a big boy. So I get in my car and I’m backing up slow looking out my window. Just as I’m straightening out, I look up in my rear-view mirror AND I SEE THIS GUY LIKE TWO FUCKING INCHES FROM MY BUMPER. He clearly see’s me backing up and like I said i was driving slow anyway so the bastard had plenty of fucking time to move but he’s just chilling there with his hands on his hips. Anyway, I slam on my brakes real fast and my heart is pounding. He stands there a moment longer before moving his way around to my passenger window. he’s all I thought you were drunk driving like that! bitch what?! but I’m all sir are you okay I apologize for that and in this odd voice he’s like yea... I’m fine.. are you? wtf?????????? yes??? I am sitting just here??? So he leans on his arms on my window and his torso enters my car and he’s like “boy you sure are a cute one arent ya?” I get the chills and he finishes with “what color do you paint your toenails?” WHAT THE FUCK???????? At that moment my butt cheeks were clenched so tight and I was so uncomfortable. I’m all uhhhhhhhhhhIdontpaintmytoenails! and he just sizes me up with his beady little eyes before saying “well if you ever need anyone to paint your toenails I’ll do it for free” and I’m like “NO THANK YOU” and he just stares at me before giving me the goddamn thumbs up and sauntering away. I thank god every day I never saw toe man again.
So yea, not so lucky in the flirting department.
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All the questions with a four in them? :3
Will do. If it’s alright with you, I’m gonna do it with all three of my fallout ocs because why the fuck not (i also need to develop my courier and lone wanderer more)
4. What is their most embarrassing memory?Jack: When Piper found his sketches of her, and when she found her name etched into his rifle.Garvus (Courier): He bought that stupid Euclid’s C-Finder gun from a kid in Freeside for 1000 caps, found out it was worth like one cap. Threw it at one of the crier kids and then proceeded to collect tin cans to make up the 1000 caps.Albany: (Lone Wanderer): Attempted flirting with Moira. Flirt attempt failed pretty badly.
14. How to they react/deal with betrayal?Jack: He’s had plenty of betrayal in his life. He shrugs it off, acts like he’s alright with it, but he is slowly and silently breaking down inside.Garvus: Depending on how he was betrayed, he hunts down the person responsible. Unfortunately for the one who betrayed him, Garvus believes in revenge.Albany: Has a full on breakdown, but is the quickest out of these three to come to terms with it.
24. Do they prefer hot or cold weather better?Jack: He likes a happy medium, but would prefer to be in warmer weather. That damn vault brought down his body temp, so now he’s always cold.Garvus: Hot weather. He’s accustomed to the life in the Mojave- the only one who prefers to have a hot day over a nuclear winter.Albany: Cold weather. Hot weather tends to make her feel sick, so she’d prefer to be a little chilly.
34. Least favorite food?Jack: Prewar, he could not stand broccoli. He was very convinced they were actually trees.Garvus: Really hates the dandy boy apple things.Albany: Oddly enough, she hates gum.
(gotta do all the forties, right? XD)40. Scars?Jack: He has plenty, and they all tell a story.Garvus: He’s got a few. Obviously, he has a huge scar on his head from Benny (one half of his hair was gone for a while because of the surgery from the doc), has a gash on his nose, a cut on his chin, a scar on the left side of his face in front of his ear, and one that runs from under his eye to beneath his lips. Albany: She’s got an upside-down U cut on her nose, and her hands are all burned from misusing energy weapons.
41. Do they struggle from any mental health issues?Jack: You kidding me? (they’re all listed in his bio on his rp blog)Garvus: He’s got cyclothymia. (essentially, it’s a more uncommon bipolar disorder) and PTSD. Usually only gets flashbacks to when Benny shot him.Albany: Surprisingly, she’s got none.
42. Do they have any bad habits?Jack: Chews on the inside of his cheek. The result? Tons of canker sores.Garvus: The wound from getting shot is always super itchy, and he scratches so much that he makes his scalp bleed occasionally.Albany: Chews at her nails a lot, despite all the dirt, blood, and radiation underneath them. Gross, Albany.
43. Why might someone dislike them?Jack: Puns. Oh dear God, the puns.Garvus: He has a pretty big reputation in the Mojave.Albany: People usually don’t like her because she is extremely positive and optimistic. Can get annoying.
44. Why might someone love them?Jack: He gives off a “gentle giant” sort of feel.Garvus: He’s a huge flirt, and a good one at that. Can easily make anyone swoon.Albany: Even though some people hate her for it as I said above, she is really optimistic. Someone might fall for her because she makes the bland, boring and dangerous wasteland seem that much better.
45. Do they believe in ghosts?All of them do!
46. Is there anyone they would trust with their lives?Jack: Piper, MacCready, and Nick.Garvus: Arcade and Boone.Albany: Moira, Amata, Butch, and Timebomb from Little Lamplight.
47. Are they romantically interested in anyone?Jack: Obviously, Piper.Garvus: ArcadeAlbany: Moira, Amata for a while
48. Are they married/dating anyone?Jack: Once again, PiperGarvus: Oh you bet he’s with Arcade.Albany: She thought she was bi for a while, so she was with Butch but later found out she was 100% lesbian. After going to the Commonwealth, she fell for Scribe Haylen and they are a thing!
49. Do they like surprises?Jack: Not really, Jack is boring.Garvus: He fucking loves surprises.Albany: It depends on what the surprise is.
54. What is their MBTI type?I’m gonna skip this one because it’ll take a while for me to do the quiz three times with different perspectives xD ONE DAY I WILL
64. Upon seeing a slice of chocolate cake, what do they do?Jack: Fucking eats that cake. Hasn’t seen one in two hundred and ten years.Garvus: Attempts to disprove the “can’t have your cake and eat it too” quote.Albany: Shares it with her friends.
74. Are they quick to anger? What are they like when they loose their temper?Jack: Has a very short fuse, just like his father. He’ll probably throw a few things or even go full Ripper on someone if they made him angry.Garvus: This courier has a short temper too, but he’s very subtle about it. If you anger him, you can bet on your mother’s grave that he will very delicately plan his revenge. Moral of the story, don’t get him angry.Albany: Not easy to anger. She honestly doesn’t give a fuck. Since she isn’t easy to anger, her wrath is mighty if you do anger her. You must have done something horribly wrong to get her angry.
84. What are some physical features that they find attractive?Jack: Green eyes, freckles, and if the person looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you.Garvus: A nice solid face, someone who looks like they can handle a lot of stress and pressure. Albany: girls. she doesn’t care. just. girls.
94. Outlook on life?Jack: Don’t live your life in the past. But if you do, you might as well live your life in a good memory.Garvus: Take your time in life. Albany: Appreciate the little things in your life.
Woo, that took a while, but its done! Thanks, fren!
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allbrows04 · 3 years
I forced my Hindu/Desi mom to watch Avatar: The Last Airbender- A Saga
I think this is one of the funniest things that have ever happened to me and I have to record this experience somewhere bc I got a real kick out of it
first of all, I need to explain how I got her to watch in the first place:
so I was sitting in my room, and planning a Zuko animatic and doodling him in my sketchbook (I wanted to make an animation based on The Love Club by Lorde) and I realized that, unfortunately, I was going to have to draw Book one Zuko as well. So I’m sitting there, with my ipad propped up on the wall, with a HUGE image of this bald kid covering the entire screen for everyone to see. Right then my mom walked in the room and just,,,, she just froze. I swear she spent an entire minute looking from me to the screen. The first thing she manages when she regains the ability to speak was “what is t h a t?”
me: um- I was drawing him
my mom: you were DRAWING that?
then she just walks out in stunned silence. Whenever she passed by my in the house the next few days, she would just scrunch up the side of her face in mockery of his scar and I absolutely lost it every time. Eventually I mentioned that he happened to be from a really good show but obviously she didn’t want to watch anything that involved a boy who in her opinion, looked like an alien. I now present to you this meme I made at the time when I was telling my friend about the situation:
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So eventually, I catch her when she’s SUPER bored and finally convince her to watch the first episode with me. Needless to say, we both cackled like madwomen when Zuko first came onscreen.
a few days later, we ended up staying pretty late watching. When we were about to go to sleep, she turns to me and goes: “so that boy Shikunzli(she pronounces it “shy-koon-zlee”) ... he’s a ... fire bender, right?
me: who?
my mom: you know who! Shikunzli! *scrunches up her face* that one
me: the angry bald one?
my mom: yes the weird one
So after five minutes of me absolutely losing my shit at like one am because my mom called my comfort character “Shikunzli“ I tell her that no, that is in fact not his name, and i try and get her to guess what he was actually called. I can’t really remember her guesses, but some honorable mentions are “Zuzu” and “Li”
so that’s how book one basically went.
Here’s how my mom referred to the characters throughout the show bc she can’t be bothered to remember names:
Katara: “the sister”
Sokka: “the brother”
Aang: “Avatar” but in the desi accent so it’s pronounced “Uhvathar” like how it’s supposed to be
Toph: “Thothulu” which translates roughly to “baby voice” I’m actually not sure if its an actual word or just something we made up. With my family it’s hard to tell
Zuko: “Shikunzli“ because I still don’t think she remembers his actual name
some memorable quotes from when we were watching the show(most of this wasn’t said in English so unfortunately a lot of snarky humor has been lost in translation):
my mom when King Bumi was introduced: *excited gasp while pointing at the TV screen* LIKE BHOOMI!!! BECAUSE ITS EARTH!!!
so “Appa” also means “father” in telugu so whenever he comes on screen we call my actual appa into the room and go “look!!!! its you!!!!”  he was very confused
Sokka, during the North Pole arc: Yue has an ARRANGED MARRIAGE??😨😱
my mom, who is literally married to my dad through an arranged marriage: oH nO hOw hOrRibLe
my mom, later on: oh so she’s going to run away from her arranged marriage. Like a wimp.
- she straight up started laughing in the middle of the episode where we learn where Zuko got his scar
- like I know he’s ugly but,,, have you no emotion?
iroh: Zuko, I have always loved you like a son
me, tearing up bc I’m a sucker for found family:
my mom: 😑😐
*during the blind bandit*
me: ok so this is my favorite one in the show
my mom: oh really? Why is that?
me: idk
Toph’s father: She’s just a little baby girl!
my mom, nodding: that’s exactly how i feel about you
my mom sitting there while Toph’s parents are portrayed as overbearing and restrictive: 👁👄👁
- but seriously I just like toph bc shes adorable and badass and I want to adopt her as my little sister even though she could beat the shit out of me
Iroh: You must not give in to despair. hope is something you give yourself-
my mom: *nodding sagely* in life, you-
me: do we have to do this right now
- both of us witnessed our boy Shikunzli yelling at the sky
- my mom called him dramatic and then we proceeded to sit there in absolute shock
- I literally started wheezing it was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen
- we still make fun of that scene of his to this day
*Zuko passes out after making a good decision*
my mom: woah is he ok???
me: oh you thought he was dramatic before??? Just you wait
my mom: *offended gasp* don’t say that! He’s sick!
*several Zuko cutscenes later*
my mom: isnt this stupid guy‘s fever OVER YET???
*after Zuko wakes up in the morning and starts being nice to Iroh*
my mom: see why can’t you be more like that?
me, remembering how he’s going to betray everyone in a couple of episodes: you’ll see why
me, watching Toph beating the living shit out of some guards: she’s beating them with her tiny little hands 🥺
my mom: tiny little round hands 🥺💗
- my mom hated the ember island episode so much that she got up and started putting up our wallpaper while it was playing
- I don’t blame her I bet no adult can sit through an entire episode of melodramatic teenage angsting
my mom while watching Iroh give his nephew the silent treatment: ouch 😬
my mom seeing sparky sparky boom boom man: ITS S H I V A N
me: I know
my mom: why are they?? Taking our things???
My mom at some point during Zuko’s redemption arc: oh he’s just like a typical Hindi movie protagonist
- I started tearing up during the scene where he apologizes to Iroh while she just sits there and goes “pshhh i expected that”
- while Azula was cutting her hair during her mental breakdown she runs a hand through her diy quarantine haircut and goes “yeah that’s exactly what i did to my hair”
*during the very last scene*
my mom: *obnoxious fake kissing noises* close your eyes
me: aren’t I a little too old for that?
my mom:
*Katara and Aang continue smooching as I look away*
my mom: aren’t they done yet?
my mom:
my mom: why- why is it so intense?
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