#she really made these big statements in front of me and now she can’t get her son married again
starfire-s · 10 months
LMAOOO so i heard from someone that apparently my mother in law is getting kicked out from whatsapp groups that are made for looking for marriage proposals and like my mother in law said to my face that “she and her son had a lot of options for proposals but they chose me and regret it” like girly we know you had no options then and you won’t have any now
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andkisses · 7 months
♡ roman holiday | sunghoon ♡
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will this bucket list trip be the thing that finally forces you to face your feelings? or will it be the thing that tears the two of you apart for good?
♡ sunghoon x gn!reader | wc. 9.4k ♡ genres/tropes: childhood friends to lovers and the fluff and angst that comes with it, college!au (not obvious but implied), road trips ♡ mentions of/warnings: arguments, references to a toxic family environment, allusions to drowning, i think that’s all but lmk if there’s smth else that needs added! ♡ a/n: this has been a wip for SOO long we’re talking YEARS and has changed muses several times but i finally sat down to finish this and im so proud of what i managed <3 truly some of my favorite things ive ever written ! inspired by roman holiday by halsey! this is also the longest thing i think i have ever written <3
♡ masterlist ♡
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The coffee ring on the counter stares back at you, warm brown against a stark egg white. You can’t tell if it’s old or new, and part of you doesn’t care. Another part wants to know, though, when the coffee stain was made and why it was never cleaned. The motel is practically empty, the older lady behind the front desk and a tired-looking family in the corner of the dining room are the only other inhabitants.
Through the windows, dressed quaintly with homesewn drapes, you see the tall mountain trees, dark green and prickly, stretching up to the crystal blue sky. The television across the room is set to the weather station, and the anchor talks about how a cold front could potentially lead to an early snow. 
A tray with various breakfast items clunks against the table, and the boy you’ve been traveling with settles in across from you, faux leather chair seat squeaking beneath in subtle “I’m hardly ever used” protest. His dark hair falls into his eyes messily, as if he only just now got up and rolled out of bed. The red flannel and vest he wears matches the surroundings, but looks absurd on your best friend.
“Sunghoon,” you start, interlacing your fingers and resting your chin on the bridge they form. Your eyes scan the tray, accounting each and every tiny portion of food. Eggs, both scrambled and hard boiled, some toast with an assortment of little jam containers, a little bowl of butter, two pancakes, half a waffle, and a few strips of bacon. “Thank you for getting everything,” you continue, leveling a stare over the top of your nose, “but you forgot the syrup.”
The boy in front of you blinks, bites his lips, and nods his head. A soft yeah, I forgot the syrup escapes his lips as he slides out of his chair, the pleather squeaking once again. “Give me like two minutes,” he says, “the breakfast bar is crazy to navigate. Do you see the things I do for you?” His smile is teasing.
“It’s no problem, Hoon—” Your voice trails off as he jogs off into the distance. You shake your head, feeling lethargic and sleepy beneath the slow-turning ceiling fan. Your gaze follows its metallic clink, and the fan seems as if it’s never been replaced in the 50-something years this establishment has operated.
You’re brought back down by a small tug on your sleeve, and when you look, it’s the little girl from the tired family across the room. She blinks up at you, not much unlike Sunghoon, innocent and full of curiosity. You nod your head, encouraging her to talk. The little girl takes a big gulp of air, dual pigtails bobbing, before, “I think your boyfriend is very nice and I like how he gets you your breakfast.”
The laugh that leaves you is easy, the statement hardly shocking at all. You’re used to it, strangers and acquaintances alike assuming the relationship status between the two of you. It’s nothing new. The little girl’s face is confused, her head listing to one side. You nod again, swallowing any additional laughter. “He’s not my boyfriend,” you reply, and you see a little bit of the light in her eyes diminish. “We’re just really good friends. He’s my best friend, actually.”
The girl’s brows furrowed together, a small pout forming on her lips. Obviously not the answer she was expecting. Then she nods, lips pursed. “Yeah, okay,” she mutters, seeming confused. Before she turns to walk back to her family, she looks back up and adds, “He’s a good friend. I would keep him as my friend for a long time.”
“That’s what I intend on doing, kiddo.” Your voice is quiet as the little girl skips back across the old, faded carpet towards her family. You see Sunghoon emerge from the breakfast bar, where everyone else at this motel must be. He waves small packets of syrup in the air. The smile that flits across your face is fleeting. You try to ignore, again, this feeling in your chest. Your voice is small, talking to yourself. “For as long as possible.”
The candy-colored Valentine stared back at you, practically mocking you. Third grade and only one Valentine. You tried to fight back the tears, attempted to sniff them back inside, but nothing worked. They fell, one by one, onto the homemade card, soaking through the pink construction paper and leaving roundly-shaped wet splotches across your only card.
You read the simple message, “Happy Valentine’s! – Sunghoon”, over and over and over again. You racked your brain, trying to figure out why, why, why no one else gave you a card. You were nice, you offered to help them when they needed it. It seemed like everyone liked you. They even let you sit by them at lunch.
So why?
The hand on your shoulder startled you, your head whipping up to face the figure standing beside the desk. It was Sunghoon, the boy who gave you the only Valentine in your possession. The edges of his dark hair curled around his eyebrows and the corners of his eyes. His brow scrunched with worry, and he ducked down to see your face.
“Are you okay?”
You shook your head, a bitter pout filling out your lips. “Does it look like I’m okay?”
Sunghoon shrugged, removing his hand to pull out the seat beside you. “I guess not.” He pursed his lips, hands clasped in his lap, before looking back at you. “What’s the matter?”
You flung the single Valentine—his own Valentine—back at him. The construction paper flew through the air before catching, floating down to land on the table by Sunghoon, who deftly picked it up and turned it over in his hands.
“It’s the only one you got?”
You nodded, crossing your arms on your desk and sinking into them. A heavy sigh left your chest and you sniffled, trying to keep the angry tears from falling again. You wished the day would end; that the bell would ring and release you so you could go home and cry somewhere comfier instead.
There was silence, then, “Does it matter if you only got one?”
You scoffed, still hidden in your arms. “Uh, duh? It means no one in this class likes me.”
“Then… why does it matter if everyone else doesn’t like you? Shouldn’t one person liking you be okay?”
You bit your lip. You can’t tell if you like his thinking or not. You decided not to respond.
You heard the chair scrape against the wood floor beside you, and you figured it was Sunghoon leaving to return to the other students. That was fine, you figured. It’s what you should expect, anyway. Even if he was the only one who gave you a Valentine, it was probably only because he gave the whole class Valentine’s. What a guy.
Then the chair was drug against the floor again, much closer this time. You popped your head up, a scowl still on your face, to see what was happening. Sunghoon had scooted it closer, and in his hands was another Valentine. You watched as he flipped the card over to the decorated side and skillfully pulled off the foam heart-shaped sticker, as if he’d had to do this thousands of times before.
His question is one you didn’t expect. “Where do you want to go?”
You look up at him, incredulous. “What do you mean?”
“Well, if you don’t have many friends here, you must want to be somewhere else?” Sunghoon shrugged, as if the thought made perfect sense to him. “Right?”
You pursed your lips, mimicking his shrug. “I guess you’re right...”
“Then,” Sunghoon began again, “where do you want to go?”
“Uhm, my house?” you answered. Crying on your fluffy bed would be much more comfortable than crying on this hard desk. Your arms were sore from resting on the edge and your back was stiff from the awkward angle.
Sunghoon shook his head. “No, think bigger. Like, vacation places and stuff.”
“Hmm... then, maybe, the big cities? The ones you always see in TV shows. And... the beach, because the ocean is really nice.”
Sunghoon nodded, diligently taking note of every place you suggested. His handwriting is a little crooked, but it fit on the now vacant front of a Valentine’s card. He looked up at you, eyes wide with question. “Anywhere else?”
You frowned, deep in thought. Then, as if someone tapped you on the shoulder and whispered it in your ear, an idea sprung to mind. “A really tall mountain, where it’s snowy all the time. No matter the season”
The pencil lead pulled across the paper, leaving information behind. Sunghoon returned to the top of the page, tapping the pencil’s eraser on the side of his cheek before scribbling a final note down. “There! It’s finished!” He slid it over in front of you.
You read the title of the list aloud: “The Wanderlist? But that isn’t even a word.”
Sunghoon shook his head. “It is now.” He leaned over, pointing at all the places you had stated. “And that’s everywhere we’re gonna go, because I’m your best friend now. We won’t be lonely, because we have each other. And we’re gonna travel all over.”
You sat up, leveling him a stare. “Well, this is gonna be expensive, you know. Trips aren’t free. They cost a lot.”
Sunghoon smiled, the kind that, even for a tin moment, makes everything seem like it’s possible. “Then we better start saving now!”
The pink paper stares up at you from its place on the dashboard, stuck with a random sticker right next to the air vent. The edges had aged, curling and warping, and your tear stains from 3rd grade are still faintly visible. You read over the list—your wanderlist, as Sunghoon had named it all those years ago.
1. Big cities (because TV) x2!!
2. The beach (because cool ocean)
3. Tall mountain (because always snow)
The big city had been marked off in 6th grade, when the class had a trip to the modern art museum, and again in 8th grade for a series of school-wide competitions, from writing and art to band to mathematics and science. Sunghoon had excelled at creative writing while you swept the math category for your region.
The beach was crossed off the day before the two of you left for college. How bitter it was that you had to be separated, together for ten years only to be settled in two different places. Yes, you weren’t that far away. A half day’s drive. But you both knew, deep down, how likely seeing each other was.
So you did something about it. The day before, you woke up before the sun. You loaded his car up with everything you would need for a daytrip, and you took off for the coast. You spent the whole day, afternoon, and evening parked at a spot on the beach. If you think about it now, you can still smell the seabreeze, imagine it in your hair. You can hear Sunghoon’s laugh, about what, you can’t remember. You do remember how happy you both were.
You remember sitting side by side, sharing a blanket over your shoulders as the seabreeze grew colder, watching the sun disappear on the horizon. You remember the thoughts you had–the ones you normally stamped down and annoyed. You should tell him. You’d been so close before. You wouldn’t even say the word to yourself, but you knew.
You didn’t say anything
“Can you believe these clouds?” Sunghoon says, slipping into the driver's seat and shutting the door. He places his keys into the ignition and turns like he always had. You watch the keychain you got him freshman year of high school swing from momentum. When you look back up, Sunghoon is watching you, leaning one elbow on the center console, hair in his eyes. “I suppose even the weather believes my sunny disposition is more than enough.”
“Oh, please,” you scoff, smacking his shoulder. You turn to look out the window, biting your lip. You’ve got to get it together. You blame that little girl from breakfast. You’d been doing just fine not thinking about Sunghoon in That Way. Now here you were, all these stupid feelings drummed up.
It doesn’t help that Sunghoon pulls out a cassette–MT-PSH-5–and pops it into the player. His smile grows wide as he turns out of the parking lot and onto the road, heading further up the mountain. “Nothing like some classic tunes.”
It was dumb. It didn’t mean anything.
It’s all you can think about.
Sneaking out late, hot summer heat still sticky and oppressing. You could feel the waves rise up from the concrete as it finally felt relief in the moonlight. You’d felt like dressing up, sneaking into your mother’s room and applying her fancy department store perfume to the nape of your neck. Your fingers gracefully found her pearls in the glass bowl on the dresser as you left, and you pulled them over your head, letting them rest against your collar bone. They’re still cool against your hot skin.
You escaped through the back patio, walking past the fist-sized hole in the drywall you wished you could forget about. The dusty edges kept raining down debris if someone walked too close to it. You let yourself out the gate in the fence, pulling it shut behind you. You felt for the keys to the front door in your pocket, and they jingled in response. You clasped your hand around the cool metal, the cuts sharp and edgy beneath your palm.
He met you at the corner of his street and yours, his dark hair swallowing up the soft moonlight. It made his features seem younger, softer. It felt like you were kids again.
You fell in line beside each other, walking the empty streets without fear. Who was to stop some teenagers walking the street at midnight? Random cars passed by, people finally returning home from the late shift but paying no mind to you two. And that was fine; you didn’t want them to care.
The black gates around the community pool glinted in the yellow streetlights, reaching out to you like a beacon. The closer you drew, the more the overwhelming scent of chlorine filled the air. You walked forward, hands in your jacket pockets, one wrapped tightly around your house keys. You took a deep, steadying breath. This was fine. You had this.
“Hey, [Y/N], do we really have to do this?”
You rolled your eyes, pulling your hands from your pockets and grabbing the top of the fence. You’d have to pull yourself up, and be extra careful of the metal pickets at the top. It’d be tough, but you could make it. “What?” you snapped back lightly, voice echoing amongst the night. “Scared of hopping the fence?”
“No, that’d be ridiculous,” Sunghoon replied, crossing his arms and shifting his weight to rest on one foot. “Jumping fences is nothing for me. Jumping fences into property that—” he pointed to a white and red sign just beside your knees. “—considers jumping fences into property after hours as illegal and trespassing? That sets me on edge.”
You sighed, rolling your eyes again. “It’s not like they’ve got police roaming around or anything, and the owner’s too cheap for security cameras. I’m sure if we tried hard enough, we could just pull the fence down instead of having to jump it.” For emphasis, you grabbed hold of the rods and shook. A loud metallic echo escaped into the night, and before you could pull back and shake a third time, Sunghoon had dashed to your side, placing his hands on yours to stop you.
His brown eyes caught the light as he shook his head back and forth and hissed, “If you’re going to do something illegal, do it quietly! Especially when I’m here.”
You leaned forward, head inching towards his, with a scowl on your face. “Then shut up and hop the fence.” You drew back, replacing your hands at the top and pulled yourself up and over with ease. Maybe mandatory PE did have benefits.. Your sneakers landed on the pavement, and when you stood upright from the landing, you stared at Sunghoon through the bars. “You can either join me,” you began, a smirk on your face, chin tilted up, “or you could just wait while I go and find my car keys.”
You turned on your heels, walking towards the lifeguard’s shack. You could have sworn the sigh you heard was strong enough to blow the fence down altogether
Your shoes scuffed against the concrete, and you felt the humid air of the pool spill over and try to reach out to you. Its arms clung and bit at your ankles as the water inside sloshed around with the teasing wind. You shook them off, changing course from the pool’s edge to the guard’s shack. The padlock on the door seemed old—really old—and you crossed your fingers before giving a giant tug and having it pop open in your hands.
The wooden door swung open and you stepped inside the dingy shack. Various lost pool toys littered the floor, and a box of deflated tricolor beach balls appeared to have seen better days. But you weren’t interested in any of that: you needed your car keys. Above you, nestled nearly at the top of the peaked roof was a loft filled with white plastic bins. One of them, you noted, was closer to the edge than the others, as if someone had lazily swung it up there.
You crossed your fingers again, reaching up to pull the basket down to you. “Please be there, please be there, please be there,” you chanted under your breath. You peered into the basket. On top, someone’s embroidered handkerchief. You pinched the soft material between your finger and thumb before tossing it aside in the basket. Someone’s crazy straw, two Rubik’s Cubes, a school ID lanyard, and—yes!
You fished your car keys out with one hand and swung the basket back up into the loft with the other. You turned to leave, ready to find Sunghoon, reunite with your car, and drive home, but before you can even take a single step back out you’ve run into something.
Or someone.
Your scream’s instantly shushed by your best friend, a single finger coming up against your lips. Sunghoon was so close, and you felt the pool humidity roll off his shoulders as he looked at you with confusion. “Are you done?” he asked. “And why are you screaming?”
You shook your head, holding up your keys. “Yes. Also, you scared me. How did you get in here? I didn’t think you’d hop the fence.”
“Didn’t have to.” Sunghoon held up a matching padlock to the one you’d pulled off outside. “Looks like the owner’s too cheap to buy actual locks for his gates. I simply walked in.”
You left the lifeguard’s shack, replacing the lock and headed for the entrance, where Sunghoon easily swung open the wrought iron gate. You walked towards your car as Sunghoon redid the lock, simply looping it through and clicking it shut.
You kissed your car keys and unlocked the doors, swinging down into the driver’s seat. Sunghoon slid into the passenger seat beside you, and as soon as his door shut, the engine was starting and you were pulling out of the parking spot.
“Let a guy put on his seatbelt first?” Sunghoon joked as he clicked his into place. “I don’t see you wearing yours, [Y/N].”
“Then you’re not looking close enough,” you replied, taking one hand off the wheel to pull at your own seatbelt. “Seems as if someone isn’t paying attention.”
“Forgive me, I was busy making sure no one saw our illegal activity. I would like to graduate high school next year with a clean record.”
You laughed something similar to a scoff as you flicked on your turn signal and made your way down his street. “You say that as if we robbed a bank. Is it really trespassing if the locks don’t even work? The wind could have undone them.” You turned to catch a glance at your friend, and what you caught was a judgmental glare in the green glow of the dashboard.
With a simple curve of the steering wheel, you pulled in front of his house. You shifted the car in park and rotated towards the passenger seat. “Thanks for breaking the law with me, Sunghoon. It means a lot. I’m touched.”
“Yeah, yeah, sure,” he muttered, running a hand through his hair. He leaned towards the door, making as if to pull the handle and open it, when he reached inside his pocket. His eyes lit up and he turned back towards you. “Oh, yeah!”
You shook your head, confused. You hold a single hand up. “Oh, yeah, what?”
“Here’s that mixtape you wanted,” Sunghoon answers, placing a cassette tape in your unintentionally outstretched hand. You scowled. You didn’t know how he had the technology to make a cassette in this day and age, but then again, you were the one with a car so old it still had a cassette player. You two were a pair, you supposed.
“When did you finish it?” you asked, spinning it around in your hands. The clear, Sharpie handwriting read MT-PSH-5 on the short white label.
“This morning,” he replied, fiddling with the hem of his shirt.
“Why didn’t you give it to me earlier, then?” You turn to look at him. The yellow glow of the streetlights blend in with the green of the dashboard lights. His eyes remained that entrancing brown color, though. Romantic and homey all at once, untouchable by any other shade.
Sunghoon shrugged. “Perhaps it was because you didn’t have a car to play it in when I finished it? It was unavailable to you, shall we say.”
“Ha, ha, very funny.” You kept turning the cassette in your hands, as if you’d find something new and exciting on each turn.
“Oh, and—” Sunghoon leaned across the center console, reaching to take the tape from your hands, like he had something to say or show you. But he stopped. His brows furrowed together, and he turned to you, face mere inches from your own. “Are you wearing perfume?”
You nodded. “Yeah. My mom’s, and I got mad at her since she got mad at me about the car so I...”
An eyebrow quirked up. “You’re showing your mom up by stealing some of her perfume?”
“It’s expensive,” you muttered, sliding down into your seat. “She’ll have to pay for it later. Literally.”
And with that, he laughed. Nice and hearty and his eyes turned into tiny crescent moons and you felt your heart flutter—something that had happened a lot as of late, and you’re not entirely sure why. Yes, Sunghoon was a good friend. A best friend. But that’s all he was. He—
“Hey.” Your attention snapped from a distance spot on the road over to him, and he felt even closer now for some reason. Your heart registered how soft he’d spoken and proceeded to beat faster because of it. His eyes searched yours, but for what you don’t know. When he spoke again, his voice was quiet. “Make sure you get home safe, okay? Wouldn’t want anything happening to the city’s greatest delinquent.”
“Yeah,” you laughed, but it was short and stilted. You barely heard what he said over the thumping of your own blood in your ears. You felt the red flush creep up your neck, dusting your cheeks and turning your ears a cherry color. When you swallowed, your mouth suddenly dry, all you could think about was how loud it seemed. Your grip on the mixtape tightened, it seemingly the only thing tethering you to the real world.
You couldn’t tell if the radio was one or not or whether you’d turned car off and left the keys in the ignition. All you could tell was Sunghoon, so close and so real he almost seemed unreal. And then it happened. He leaned in, eyes fluttering shut before placing a soft kiss on the side of your cheek, right next to your lips. It happened too fast and it was the slowest moment of your life all at once. Your heart was practically screaming now, hands rattling around the mixtape.
When he pulled back, he kept going, opening the car door and stepping out. Before closing it, he leaned in and nodded. “I meant what I said about getting back safely. Promise?”
You nodded. “I promise.” You were surprised your voice worked at all. That you were able to form a coherent, albeit a simplistic, sentence. That you could think at all. The door swung shut and you shifted the car into drive.
The whole way home felt automatic, limbs working separate from your internal instructions. When you returned home, you pulled up beside your mailbox and turned the car off, pulling the keys and letting them rest in your hand. You sat motionless, seatbelt still in place, as you stared, eyes fixated at someone mindless spot on the dashboard. The pearls were cool against your heated skin.
It was dumb. It didn’t mean anything.
It’s all you can think about.
You flip the mixtape over in your hands, reading the slightly-faded yet still legible handwriting. MT-HVC-5. You’d run through the songs already, and Sunghoon had switched to some CD mixes he had brought. Why he didn’t get a car with Bluetooth, something you’d done a while ago, you’d never know. Maybe that was part of his charm. 
You’d managed to learn to forget about that kiss, or at least ignore it. But Sunghoon pulling out the mixtape he’d given you that night pulls it back up to the surface. You aren’t even sure how it even got into his possession. The longer you recall the memory, the more you can feel the burn on your cheek from where his warm lips touched your skin. The rest of the flush comes back from how you wish so badly it would happen again.
  “What’s up?”
“Huh?” You turn towards his voice, away from the window.
“I asked what’s up,” Sunghoon repeats, looking over at you for a split second before returning to the road. “You seem like we’re on another planet.”
“Just thinking about when we were younger, you know...” Did he? What did you want him to think about? The day you’ve been obsessing over? And then what would he do about it? Pull over and confess? Kiss you, but mean it this time?
Sunghoon laughs, breaking your thoughts. He spares another quick glance in your direction. “Younger like what? Like third grade or two days ago?”
You reach across the center console to smack his shoulder. “Why would it be two days ago?”
“We were younger then. Wild, foolish.” Sunghoon takes one hand off the wheel and places his knuckles on his forehead. “The way we were is actually unimaginable now.”
“I’m done with you.”
Sunghoon scoffs. “Sure you are.” A quick beat, a hum to the music. “Anyway, what were you thinking about?”
You’re quiet for a moment. Then, “Do you think we'll change?”
“We have changed.”
“Really?” He said it so simply, it takes you off guard. You turn to look at him, even though you know he’ll keep his eyes glued safely to the road.
“Yeah,” he shrugs. “We’ve totally changed. We don't like the same kinds of music as the old us used to. We don't eat mac and cheese for every conceivable meal—except for the day after that one chem exam.”
“That final was hard!” You reach across the center console to shove at his shoulder–oh, god, why do you keep finding ways to put your hands on him?–earning a smug grin. “None of it was covered in class and you know it!”
“See what I mean?” Sunghoon asks. “We're different, but like, a good different. We’ve adapted.”
The silence that fills the car after isn’t weighty or overbearing. It’s comfortable and common, safe like a child-loved security blanket. Yet, somehow, your stomach fills with stones of dread, and all you want to do is sleep off any bad feelings.
You keep your eyes trained ahead, the curving mountain road, when you ask, “Do you ever think we'll be bad different?
Sunghoon spares a confused glance at you, brows knit together as he switches focus between you and the road. He shakes his head. “No, not us. Never us.”
“Is that a promise?”
The hand closest to you leaves the steering wheel and drifts over the center console, pinky out. “Always.”
You wrap your pinky around his, and try to ignore the heated flush you feel creeping up your neck and the backs of your ears. You focus, instead, on how real Sunghoon feels. How solid the mixtape is in your hands. How, here out in what feels like the middle of nowhere surrounded by evergreens and roadside snow piles that have started to pop up and tall mountain views, time doesn’t feel like it can get you.
Maybe he’s right.
Maybe, out here, there’s only good different.
Maybe, that’s all you need.
The clouds from the morning have turned darker, more potent. You can smell rain in the air, hear it as the wind rushes through the trees. It’s so cold though, you wonder if it will snow instead. The mountain weather you’d been looking forward to for so long.
Sunghoon knocks his shoulder into yours, cheeks pink from the cold. He swings your duffle bag towards you, letting go of the strap before you’ve gotten a good grip on it. “Your luggage,” he declares, before marching towards the hotel entrance.
You’d both decided, with your combined measly college student incomes, that wherever the last hotel would be, it needed to be the best you could afford. Standing in front of it now, styled like a fancy chateau with white walls and a red roof, you think the two of you made the right choice.
You had forgot what made such a nice place so affordable, until Sunghoon swipes the key, opens the door for you, gesturing for you to walk in first. The room is cute and delicate, with pretty yet aged wainscotting, petite floral wallpaper, a nice view of the surrounding mountains and–
And one bed.
You freeze. You can’t help it. Maybe the you from this morning, before that girl talked to you, could handle this. The you of right now? The lady at the front desk calling you a cute couple, and Sunghoon going along with it and not correcting her, didn’t help. You aren’t sure if you’re strong enough to keep everything the same.
“Rats,” Sunghoon says, and you breathe a sigh of relief. He’s not cool with this either, you think. He turns toward you with a coy smile. “I’m gonna go back downstairs and ask for more pillows. Three simply won’t cut it. Want me to ask for some fancy water?”
You shake your head, voice gone, and you don’t move until you hear the door shut behind Sunghoon.
And that’s when it starts, as you drag your feet in circles trying to think your way through this. Your hands clench and unclench, fists forming so tightly you leave half-moons from your nails in the fleshy part of your palm. Your breath comes ragged and shallow, and you feel like drowning, except from too much instead of not enough. Too many memories reminding you of too many things. Too many emotions leading to too many feelings you neither want to recognize or acknowledge.
But one keeps pushing its way to the forefront, demanding attention and definition. The one that’s been bothering you all day. It makes you dizzy, to the point you feel you need to lay down and clutch at your stomach. Maybe that’s it, you think as you sit on the edge of the one bed. You’re just sick. Breakfast was bad. But you know it’s not. It makes you angry, because how dare you feel this way about him. It makes you flustered, since you shouldn't look at your best friend's face and have your gaze wander to his lips and wonder what they'd feel like against yours.
It makes you happy, so undeniably happy that you feel like crying, because it feels so right. When you allow yourself to think more about it, and imagine what life would be like if you were able to confirm and agree with all the strangers who already think you’re dating. Lovers. It fills you up with breaths of fresh air to the point it's like floating on cotton clouds.
It makes you fearful. Its dark side claws at your heart, threatening to tear at the tender seams and leave you bloody and raw, so intensely damaged you're afraid of doing anything along the same lines. You had asked about a bad different, and Sunghoon said it wasn’t possible. Right now, you feel like you have to disagree–confessing this? Altering the relationship you’ve carefully crafted for so long?
That would be a bad different.
That’s why, when Sunghoon comes back, three more pillows and a bottle of sparkling water, you don’t answer. You roll over on the bed, curling up away from him, hiding with a pillow on your head. You hear Sunghoon say something about it being a long drive, and he gets it, you should rest. You hear him open the closet door, then feel the spare blanket get draped over you.
And, as you lay here, hot silent tears threatening to spill over and run down your cheeks, you let yourself think about it. You're in love with your best friend. Your nail-bitten palms come to swipe at your eyes, you make the mistake of sniffing aloud. Sunghoon calls your name, and you hate how much you savor the worry in his voice.
But, it’s also too much. He can’t know, you decide. Not now, not ever. That is what would be best, you decide, for the two of you. To be able to get through the rest of this trip.
“[Y/N], what is it?” he calls again. Sunghoon’s voice is laced with care, something tender and soft and so distinctly him it pulls at the tears in your eyes. How can he make this so unfair? “What's wrong?”
“You wouldn't understand,” you snap, pulling yourself to sit up, the pillow falling off. You don’t look at him, but instead at your hands, fists in your lap. Sunghoon easily notes your posture, and confusion floods his features. You hate how quickly he can figure out something’s wrong, that something is bothering you.
“Can I try to understand, at least?” You look up at him, lips pursed, tears smarting your eyes. You take him in–turned towards you in the chair, sitting on the edge, like he can jump to your rescue at any time. The confused look in his eyes hurts—you've always been straightforward with one another. But you know you can’t about this. “I can’t try to fix it if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.” 
     You shake your head, wiping one of your cheeks with your fingers, a half laugh falling from your lips. “No, Hoon it's—”
The force of the single word hits you, and it hurts more than the angry look in his eye.
   He stands, takes a step toward you, then sits hesitantly on the edge of the bed. He's close, and he's been closer, but it's still too much. The rushing sound is back in your ears and your heart pounds against your ribs, telling you to do something, anything, but you stay still.
   “I said no, [Y/N].” Sunghoon’s words are ice, colder than the breeze outside and sharper than butcher knives. His eyes, once warm and homey, that romantic shade of brown you love, are now dark and piercing. “You don't get to call me special names when you aren't telling me what's wrong. When you aren't acting like the [Y/N] I've known since third grade.” His hands come up to run through his hair, and it flips slowly back into place. His voice drops, the softer, confused Sunghoon returning. “You've been acting weird this whole trip, and especially since this morning. It's driving me insane that I can't figure it out and fix it. I know you better than this.”
   He's so close, so, so close. Much too close. Somehow he’s scooted towards you on the bed. You can smell his cologne—when did he start doing that? Why hadn’t you noticed earlier? His eyes are back to the romantic brown, the warm and homey color, the ones that remind you of so many good memories—his eyes are so pretty. Your gaze follows its past patterns and drops to his lips, redder from being gnawed on with worry. A kiss would—
   A shaky breath leaves you, and you're talking before you realize, voice so small it's hard to hear. But Sunghoon is listening. He always does.
   You blink. “Do you want to know what's wrong?”
   “Of course. I need to know if I can do anything or—”
   “It's you.”
You want to be upset, angry. How dare it come to this. But you can’t, you realize. You can’t be angry at him. Whatever energy you had coursing through your veins leaves after your pseudo confession, and you turn away, resting your weight on the headboard, hoping he’ll go away. 
This, for certain, was bad different. You can feel it, weighing you down. Here, in a chilly, single bed hotel room, you’d ruined everything. Your brain told you to shut up, to be quiet, to try and save anything you could manage from this shattering relationship. But your mouth—or maybe your heart—kept going, and going, and going.
“It’s you,” you repeat, turning back towards him. He’s still there, frozen in place, face filled with concern. “It’s everything you do. The way you... you tell me bad jokes when I’m upset over a grade or make me mixtapes because you want to share your music with me. It’s–I’m–I’m sick of it. I hate it. I hate you”
Sunghoon recoils, eyes wide. He looks around the room, as if the answers to what to say are hidden around. He stands, backing up without turning away, like you’re something he has to keep his eyes on or he’ll get hurt again.
Sunghoon’s voice is flat when he speaks, like he’s out of breath. Shaky, like he’s about to cry, too. What have you done? “I’m… I’ll go downstairs and ask about if there’s anything nice around for dinner. I’ll–I’ll wait for you in the lobby. Whenever you’re ready, you know.”
Even now, after the nasty things–after I hate you left your lips–he’s still trying to make peace with you.
What did you do to ever deserve him?
And would he even stay with you once you return home?
The door falling shut is what starts your tears again. You slump down off the bed, between it and the window. You pull your knees up to your chest, put your head in your hands, and you cry.
It still isn’t over.
You’re breathing heavy, tears still stinging your eyes, but you aren’t sure if you’ve actually cried yet or not. Your fists are balled at your sides. Years of friendship are stuck in your throat, enough to make you want to scream or cry or vomit from the nauseous feeling it induces. The pouring rain, those clouds finally opening up, doesn’t help.
Dinner had been awful, awkward. The only person either of you talked to had been the waiter. You can’t remember what the food tasted like. You can’t remember what, if any, songs played on the radio on the way back. Sunghoon hadn’t bothered to pick anything out. All you could remember, or hear, or see in your head–I hate you. The look in his eyes. How he has barely looked at you since.
You aren’t sure what you have to do to get away, but you’d be willing to make a deal.
Anything to get away from this moment.
Anything to get away from your best friend.
Sunghoon stares at you like he’s only just now met you, and maybe he has. He’d stopped you halfway between the car and the hotel’s entrance, despite the rain. He’d called your name in such a way you froze. Your angered confession from earlier hangs in the air, untouched or acknowledged. A single parking lot light illuminates you two, dim yellow casting shadows through the rain.
“Do you mean that? What you said?” he asks, daring to step forward. You don’t move, anchored in place. By fear or something else, you aren’t sure. He takes another, then a third. The gap between you has been halved. “I know you don’t mean it. I’ve been thinking about it this whole time. You don’t mean it.”
“What makes you so sure?” you spit, taking a step closer in your upset. You level Sunghoon with a stare you hope is intimidating, bitter. You hope he sees the duress. You have to push him away. “I said what I said. I hate you, Park Sunghoon.”
The boy shakes his head, hair stuck to his forehead from the rain. He seems almost incredulous, and it angers you even more. Why doesn’t he get it? There’s a small smirk at the corners of his lips, but you’ve known him long enough to recognize it as mock confidence. “You didn’t mean what you said.”
“I did!” Another step, and now you’re nose to nose with him, staring into the eyes you’ve had memorized for so long, that romantic brown even in the rain and yellow streetlight. Your gaze betrays you and you drink in the slope of his nose, see how his eyes examine you as well. Note the downturn of his lips, almost unnoticeable. Your voice is weaker when you speak again. “I did mean it, Sunghoon.”
He leans in, closer and closer until he stops–a breath away from your lips. He freezes, closes his eyes, and waits.
And you cave, despite your best interests. You find yourself tilting your head and wishing he’d do something more. This can’t be how your first kiss with Sunghoon goes? When he pulls back, and you nearly stumble forward. You look up at him, and the smile on his face is no longer mock. You know what his question will be before he says it, and you know he’s caught you in your lie. “You hate me so much–why did you kiss me back?”
You want to spit back, I didn’t! You want to argue. But the truth is, ever since you’d remembered that day in high school, you’d been imagining what it would be like to actually kiss him, and again, and again. You wanted to know what kissing Sunghoon would be like, even if it meant redefining the relationship you worked so hard to keep as is. The one you said you hated him to protect.
Sunghoon gently cups the sides of your face, forcing you to look at him, and you see worry and concern etched into the space between his brows, spilt in the color of his eyes. “Tell me,” he whispers, voice almost breaking, “what’s wrong. Let me try to fix it.”
You shake your head, trying to form words to explain everything, but all you do is shiver drastically beneath his touch. You watch as Sunghoon’s eyes grow wide, and he leads you inside, arm over your shoulder. The woman at the front desks awards you a quirked eyebrow, but that’s all you get before she returns to her clipboard.
The room is icy cold when you return, but Sunghoon adjusts the temperature in silence. “You get dry first,” he says, pointing at the bathroom. “Take a shower and get warm.”
“But about you?” You want to point out the subtle shake in his hands, and the way his breath catches. “There’s not enough towels to share.”
“I’ll ask for more at the front desk. I’ll be fine. Go.”
The shower water never feels hot enough, but you do stop shivering. You do your best to towel dry your hair. When you peek the door open to see if he’s back, and if you could get your things, you see that Sunghoon has already done it for you. Everything you could need taken from your bag, folded and placed nicely right outside the door. You have no idea when he did it–you’re thankful he did.
When he comes back with extra towels–which, surely, did not take this long–you’re curled up on the bed, similar to before. You rest your weight on the headboard, looking out the window at how the rain patters against the glass. You wish you could see the stars.
Sunghoon is fast, but who’s to say? You aren’t exactly keeping track of time. You know he’s back because you feel the mattress shift. His voice is almost silent when he speaks. “Can we talk?”
“About what?” you ask, turning towards him. You haven’t seen Sunghoon look this tired in a while. And you know it’s your fault. “How I was mean to you?”
Sunghoon smiles, looking down at his clasped hands. He takes a moment to determine what he actually wants to say. “Let’s start with…what it is about me that made you say that?”
His eyes are pleading in the dark. The room is barely lit, the overhead light off. There’s just a lamp on the desk and the streetlight from outside. The rain sound is almost overwhelming in the silence. “If there’s something I’ve done that hurt you–”
“It’s not that. It’s–” You pause, trying to find the right thing to say. You decide to start with the obvious. “There’s a reason I kissed you outside.”
Sunghoon rolls his eyes. “Yeah, because I’m charming and irresistible.”
“This is serious!” You do what you always do when he makes some kind of quip–you reach out to push his shoulder, scooting closer, but Sunghoon catches you by your wrist.
“I am serious. Do you know how much you hurt me when you said you hated me?” He levels you a stare, one that makes you want to shrink away, but you can’t. “When I left, I didn’t ask the front desk about restaurants. I went to my car and sat down and cried because the person I love just said they hated me.”
“You love me?”
“Not like that,” he corrects, and now you have to know what he means.
“Tell me how then.” You take your free hand and grab his other wrist, a mirror of what he’s done to you. “When you say you love me, what do you mean?”
“It’s not like you think, not like what it has been.” Sunghoon looks down, takes a deep breath, then carries on.  “Not like friends, or like siblings, but like–”
“Lovers?” you offer.
Sunghoon swallows, sets his jaw. Then, “Yes. Like that. And I don’t know when it happened. I don’t know if it was overnight or gradual or all at once. I do know that I woke up one morning and I realized that I didn’t want to imagine my future with anyone else. And I didn’t want to see you with anyone else, either.”
“Kinda selfish,” you say.
Sunghoon laughs. “Yeah. I couldn’t help it.”
Somehow, you’ve both moved closer to each other. The knees of your crossed legs knock into each other. You still have a hold on the other’s wrist. Sunghoon levels you another stare. “Will you tell me why?”
“Why I said I hated you?” He nods, and you take a deep sigh. “Do you remember the night we snuck into the pool to get my car keys back?”
He nods again, a small smile on his face. “You mean the first night I got enough courage to kiss you? You looked so pretty, with the pearls and the perfume.”
You blush, hearing Sunghoon talk about you like that. “That night. I’ve been thinking a lot about it. And you know how all these people always say we look like a couple or whatever. And it all just stuck together and made me realize that I haven’t seen you like a friend in a long time. I’ve seen you like–”
“A lover?” Sunghoon offers, copying you from earlier.
You smile. “I said I hated you because I was afraid and overwhelmed, and I need you away from me. I thought that if you hated me, I could get over you and just move on. We could make up, and I wouldn’t have these feelings anymore, and we could go back to being friends.
“But if I’m being honest,” you add, moving even closer. Your shoulders knock into one other. “Even though it wasn’t even that long, those hours over dinner just now were some of the worst things I have ever had to do. I was ugly to you, Sunghoon, and you’re the last person on earth who would ever deserve to be talked to that way. But if you could forgive me, I…”
You try to look down again, but Sunghoon lets go of your wrist to place a finger under your chin, tipping your head up to his gaze. “You what?”
“I love you. I’m in love with you, I’ve been in love with you. I love you, Park Sunghoon.” You take a deep breath, just as lightning strikes somewhere far away and the thunder rumbles through the room. 
Sunghoon reaches out for you, his hands reach cupping your face again. It’s the most reverent you’ve ever seen him. His eyes roam over your every feature, as if you’ll break if he breathes too hard. It’s thrilling. “Genuinely?” he asks, voice fragile. “You love me?”
“Yes,” you whisper. It feels wrong to be too loud right now, like someone else could join in this moment between the two of you. “And if you would have me, I’d like to love you for a long time after this.”
Sunghoon pulls you to him, resting your forehead against his. He takes a deep breath. Then, “We’ve both just been really, really stupid about it, haven’t we?”
You laugh, savoring his touch and his warm and his smile. You stare into his eyes, those romantic brown ones you love so much. “I guess so.”
“Can I kiss you?” he asks, and your heart jumps. “I know we did outside, but that’s a terrible story for a first kiss.”
“And the one from so long ago doesn’t count, because you just gave me a kiss then,” you say, not sure why you’re rambling when you have the opportunity to just kiss him already.
So, you shut up, and you do.
This kiss is reverent, unlike any that came before. You probably shouldn’t even bother comparing them. Maybe it’s the intentions behind the kiss—that you both want to be here, doing this, for the sake of just being, not proving. Maybe it’s because it hasn’t followed any dramatic late night outings or arguments. Maybe, it’s how you shiver closer to his frame, hands on his shoulders, and his own find the small of your back. You feel his smile against your lips, and the butterflies against your ribs.
Maybe, you should have said something a while ago. You could have avoided the whole I hate you stint, but then would anything else have been dramatic? Some couples are like puzzle pieces, perfectly fitting together with no stress. And maybe you two are a puzzle, one that fits together with ease, but you both intentionally hid pieces from the other, making it difficult to complete. Maybe airing grievances is the only way to get all the pieces back on the table.
You sigh as Sunghoon’s lips travel from your own down the line of your jaw, tickling in a delightful way. You feel safe in his arms, a safe you’ve always felt, but now it feels like something more, something even greater. Your heart jumps, and you throw your arms around his neck, pulling him close. Sunghoon instinctively holds you tighter, his hands against your shoulder blades.
“What is it?” he asks.
You shake your head, finding any words to be incredibly difficult. “I’m just—I’m glad.”
Sunghoon pulls back gently, quirking his head to one side as he looks at you. He uses the pad of his thumb to gently wipe away a stray tear. “Glad for what?” he asks, still cupping your cheek.
You lean into his touch, feeling dizzy with excitement and relief. “Glad that it’s you,” you say, your voice quiet. You lean in, placing a chaste kiss against his lips and, for once, he’s the one to shiver. “I’m glad you’re the one I love. Glad we’re here now, finally.”
Sunghoon pauses. His eyes dart between yours, your lips, and back. He rests his forehead on yours again, and you can already imagine getting used to this, and craving it when you can’t have it. “I waited so long, and I didn’t even know if...” There’s a catch in his voice, and he sounds like he’s about to cry. When he opens his eyes, there’s an honesty to them, a gaze you’ve only seen in Sunghoon’s eyes a handful of times. He smiles, his eyes going soft once more, like you are the most beautiful thing he has ever beheld. And to him, you are. “I always knew we were meant to be.”
The lady behind the desk did, in fact, look at you two like you were crazy. The night before you were acting like you were gonna tear each other to pieces. But now you’re walking out in each other’s arms? His around your shoulder, yours around his waist?
The sun is out, and there’s hardly any evidence of the downpour from last night. Maybe the earth needed to be just as dramatic as the two of you.
With the luggage in back, you two climb into the front seats. Sunghoon leans over the center console to press a kiss to your temple, just like he did when you woke up in each other’s arms and just like he did when he insisted on getting you whatever you wanted for breakfast.
“That’s not something new though?” you laugh, as he brings you small portions of everything the hotel had to offer. “You did this before.”
“Well, it’s obviously different now,” he replies. “I didn’t get to kiss you before.”
Now, Sunghoon taps at the Valentine heart on the dash–your wanderlist. What started this all. “We need a new one,” he says. “It took us a while, but we did everything on here. Should the new one be full of cringey couple things?”
“Only if you’d like to go back to being single.”
Sunghoon fakes shock as he shifts the car into gear. “You wouldn’t.”
This time, you lean over to give him a kiss, and you relish how quickly he blushes. “You’re right, I wouldn’t.” You sit back down, still turned towards him, hand atop his. “Maybe, we make the list up as we go. I mean, we’ve never been here before.”
“Didn’t stop third grade us,” he says. “Honestly, they seemed like they had everything together. We should think more like third grade us.”
“You mean complaining about how much things cost? Because I can think of so many things we could do together that would put major dents in our wallets.”
Sunghoon turns to you, a mischievous twinkle in his eye, and you know you’ve got this right, even if it took a while to get here. He reaches over, poking your cheek, before turning out of the parking lot. “Then let’s go find it, together.”
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year
sunflower, chapter one
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summary: Y/n just moved into a new apartment and meets her next-door neighbour for the first time. 
warnings: talking to a therapist, flowers, a case of the butter fingers
word count: 1185
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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“How did it go on the way in here today?” your therapist, Anna, asked you, tilting her head a bit and studying your reaction with warm eyes.
“It went alright,” you stated, not really thinking about it too much.
“Have you been outside, went on a walk maybe, since we last spoke?”
“Um,” trying to decipher if you should lie or not, you decided to be honest, ”no… Stevie is still buying my groceries, they offered! I swear, I wouldn’t make them do that for me, but they’ve told me many times that it’s no bother to help in that small way.”
“Is your amygdala starting to calm down a bit after the move?” she asked after letting you digest your last statement for a moment.
“Um, I think it’s getting a bit better?” you squinted your eyes to help decode the answer, “all of the boxes are unpacked now, so the apartment is no longer a chaotic mess, but I don’t think my body has fully realized that the whole moving part is over now. It still feels like I can’t fully relax, you know?”
“Yeah, that makes total sense. Your system has been through a lot the past few weeks, it needs a bit of time to process everything. Not to mention all the new sounds and smells and stuff that your body has to get used to,” she nodded, reassuring you, then changed the subject. “Have you started working again after the move?”
“I’ve set it up, but I haven’t really been that inspired lately, so no. Maybe I’ll paint some stills? Just to do something, get the juices flowing.”
“Oh, that reminds me,” Anna said enthusiastically, “the sunflowers in my garden looked so beautiful this morning, and it made me think about you, so I actually plucked some, if you want them?”
“You did?”
“Yeah, they’re in the breakroom. You can get them on your way out.”
“Anna, that’s so nice, thank you!” you beamed, “Oh, now I have to paint when I get home! Some sunflowers? Yeah, I’m-, yeah, I’m gonna do that.”
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The new route home had discombobulated you a bit, but you did it, you made it home in one piece. With sunflowers in your arm, up the still unfamiliar staircase, you went, looking down at your keys, wondering which one was the right one for the front door. Raising your head quickly to check if you were on the right floor, you quietly muttered the new address under your breath, just to remind yourself what it was.
Stopping and looking around to make sure you were standing in front of the right door, you just went for it. One key at a time, trying each and every one of them, to find out which one was the door’s partner.
Sighs constantly flowed out of your mouth with the rejection of each key, the sound of a different door slamming shut caught your attention and you whipped your head around to find the source.
Heart raising, you prepared for the worst, it wasn’t that at all. What your body thought was some kind of monster coming here to kill you or whatever, was instead more akin to a white knight.
Tugging his brown satchel back in place on his shoulder, he swiftly locked his door behind him. Turning to leave, he stopped right in his tracks, staring at you.
“Uh, hi,” he said with a surprised, yet chipper voice, “you must be my new neighbour!”
He didn’t move closer, giving you a chance to take him in completely. Short, yet messy brown hair, big kind eyes, and all clad in a professional, yet comfortable garb, he flashed you a small smile.
“I, um- “your sentence was cut short by the sound of your keys hitting the floor. Looking down at them, you didn’t bend down to pick them up, your brain not really processing that that would be the logical thing to do next. Instead, you just stood there, frozen in place.
Rushing over to help, “oh, here, let me,” the stranger kneeled in front of you, “you already have your hands full,” and plucked the bundle of keys off the ground and offered them to you.
“Thanks,” you said in a small voice, not moving to obtain the dropped item that he so kindly offered in front of you, but still just standing there, looking down at him. God, he was pretty.
Registering that you weren’t going to take the keys back, he stood up. From far away, you hadn’t noticed just how tall he was, but up close, it was crystal clear just how much he towered over you.
Looking down at the yellow flowers in your grasp, he stated out of the blue, “adoration”
“Excuse me?”
“Um, sunflowers, they symbolize adoration, among other things like optimism and loyalty,” he nodded, ending his sentence with a small bite to his bottom lip.
“Oh!” you giggled, letting out a nervous breath, then tilting your head slightly in a questioning manner “are you a botanist?”
“No, what I do for a living has nothing to do with plants, I just read a book once about the language of flowers,” he explained.
“Ah, okay,” you nodded, “adoration you said?”
His smile now growing, he nodded softly, “yeah.”
Feeling your body starting to loosen up by his warmth, you decided to keep going, “so, if you don’t work with plants, what do you do for a living, Mr., um- “pausing, realization hitting that you didn’t know his name yet.
“Spencer” he quickly filled in for you, “my name is Spencer Reid, um, Doctor Reid.”
“Oh, you’re a doctor?” you said, impressed.
“I am, well, not that that kind of a doctor, um, they are PhDs” he stammered, gesticulating with his hands, ”I work for the FBI.”
Only now, you looked down to notice the revolver strapped to his belt. “Really?” you asked, wanting him to keep going.
“Yeah, the BAU. I’m a profiler.”
“Profiler, that’s like psychology and stuff, right?” you squinted my eyes.
“Y-yeah,” he smiled, “it is.”
Biting your lip, you looked down at your shoes. You were still standing in the hallway. Why were you still just standing here? A minute ago, you were so eager to get inside to relax, but no, here you were, chatting up your very pretty new neighbour. Or well, you weren’t chatting him up, just the normal amount of getting to know the person you live next to. He was probably in a hurry to get to wherever he had to go, and you were holding him back. So, you reached out your hand, palm up, and smiled politely, “it was nice to meet you, Dr Reid.”
Dropping the keys in your outstretched hand, “yeah, you too. Welcome to the building, um, what’s your name?”
“Y/n. My name is Y/n Y/l/n.”
“Y/n.” he muttered, tasting your name on his tongue, “I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah, see you,” you smiled, watching his lanky frame make its way down the hall and the stairs, offering a small wave before disappearing completely from view.
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© 2022 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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filthyfluffyfantasies · 8 months
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✧ ˚  ·    . DL;DR - this fic is not meant for anyone under the age of 18 as it contains the following: unprotected p in v, teasing, oral sex, use of petnames for reader/you, breeding k!nk related dirty talk, semi public foreplay, marking, oral sex. writer does not give permission for her works to be reposted, with or without permission. ✧ ˚  ·    .
prompt thirteen - creampie / breeding kink
character | fandom - rockstar!eddie munson | stranger things
reader | original character - female reader, groupie turned girlfriend & non -or vague, description.
words - roughly 4.4k
tagging -< taglist here >
✧ ˚  ·    . you and Eddie have reconnected after the one night stand that brought you together years before. bonding with his daughter has made him realize just how much he wants to be a father and he can't think of anybody else he wants to have his kids.. ✧ ˚  ·    .
Hawkins, Indiana, December 1996
You smile softly to yourself as you pause in the door to Rosie’s bedroom to find Eddie seated on the floor, Rosie seated between his legs as Eddie tries -and fails, at French-braiding her hair, the landline phone cradled between his neck and shoulder.
❝ I’m doing that, Emerson. It’s not workin. Hold on..❞ he turns his attention back to Rosie’s braid and swears to himself as he shakes his head. It’s crooked again and he was trying so hard to get it just right for her. He laughs as he starts to talk to Gareth again, ❝I was trying to braid Rosie’s hair for her. Can’t get it right. Poor kid has my hair, man. It’s too fuckin thick t’ do anything with.❞ Eddie’s statement is enough to make you giggle softly as you step into the room. 
Eddie’s face lights up and he ends the call with Gareth, pulling himself off the floor to make his way over to you. Rosie is squeezing your legs, talking non-stop about how she spent the whole day with daddy and he taught her how to play some game called Dungeons and Dragons.
Eddie chuckles, scooping up the 5 year old as he gives her a peck on her freckled nose. ❝ Your ma was a nerd, sweetheart, she doesn’t know what that is.❞ -and he’s teasing, you know it. You pout a little and give his chest a light smack. Then you smirk. ❝ Since you think I’m so nerdy, Munson..❞ you dig around in the pocket of your leather jacket -his leather jacket, and find the tickets you stopped by the theater in town to pick up, ❝ Then I guess that means you don’t wanna go see Scream with me and the baby bat..❞
❝ Daaaaddy, you hafta say yes. I’ve been waitin a thousand years t’ see it. Please?❞ your daughter is looking up at Eddie, giving him those big begging eyes. Eddie pretends to think it over, both of you know damn well he’d never turn down a horror movie or your daughter’s begging.
❝ Are we sure she should see this, sweetheart?❞ Eddie’s just being a shit now, you laugh softly and Eddie rubs his chin as he continues, ❝ I mean.. This is Wes Craven. It’s gonna be a blood bath.❞
You laugh. ❝ Yeah but it’s also not real. Our daughter’s smart, she knows that.❞ you step up into Eddie a little more, your hand finding purchase in the front of his old Hellfire t-shirt. He’s distracted, staring down at your hand. You clear your throat, ❝ I bumped into Nancy earlier… Apparently, Will is taking both of Rosie’s best friends to see it.. With Mike.❞
Rosie’s really begging now.
Eddie pouts and pretends to be upset. ❝ I thought we talked about this, sweetheart. You were gonna marry daddy, remember? Now you wanna go see a movie with those dumb boys?❞ but Rosie is insisting. She pretends to gag when Eddie mentions the fact that she may or may not have just a little crush on little Johnny Byers or Argie, his best friend.
❝ Eww, daddy! I really meant it, they’re my friends. And if I don’t see it now, Argie’s a blab. He’s just gonna spoil th’ endin.. Pretty please? With cherries an’ chocolate?❞
Eddie snickers. ❝ Yeah, that tracks for him. Okay, alright.. What are we waiting on, huh? Let’s go see Scream.❞
As Rosie runs off to find her favorite jeans and change, you melt against Eddie and wrap your arms around his neck, your lips crashing against his in a long and deep kiss. His hands wander,settling on your ass.
❝ Dungeons and Dragons, babe?❞ you pout at him just a little when the kiss breaks a few seconds later. You’re honestly not upset, you’re just teasing him a little. Watching them together always makes you happy but lately.. Lately, watching him with Rosie has your biological clock ticking all over again. And earlier, when you were talking to one of the girls at work, she mentioned the fact that she thought she might be pregnant. And naturally, that got you daydreaming about another little mini Eddie running around. It made you stop and think too.
Everyone is always asking when you and Eddie will have more -and you do want another kid but honestly, you’ve been afraid to bring up the subject because things are still so new. The two of you only just reconnected. And there were definitely more than a few hiccups, - considering that you had no way to tell him about Rosie until last year, when your paths crossed again for the first time since 1988- and you’re just trying to enjoy everything the way it is.
Besides, you think to yourself as you hug against Eddie and breathe in the scent of his cologne and the faintest hint of those cheap cigarettes he still smokes, what if Eddie doesn’t want another? Am I really willing to mess up everything between the two of you? I’m in love with him and I just found him, I just got him back..
Eddie pulls away to look down at you and snickers at the dazed look on your face as he gets you looking up at him. ❝ What’s got you so spaced out, huh?❞ 
He doesn’t say it but.. He hopes that maybe it’s the same thing he’s spent a lot of time thinking about lately. At first, he thought it was regret, longing to see what he missed out on when you were carrying Rosie. But then, while you were snuggled up in the bed reading The Shining to her, as he stood in the doorway watching the two of you, it hit him like a ton of bricks.
He wants more kids. He wants you to be their mom. He wants a big family and he doesn’t want Rosie to be an only child like he grew up. He wants her to have the actual younger siblings that he formed Hellfire specifically to find for himself back in high school.
The problem is, he’s afraid that bringing it up now, that’s going to be too soon. And he’s driving himself crazy over it because the harder he tries not to bring it up, the more he almost does.
He almost blurted it out this morning over breakfast. Twice.
You’re the one laughing now, cupping his stubble lined jaw to get him looking down at you. You’re biting your lip as you stare up at him. Every cell in your body is dying to say something, to bring up the subject and see how he takes it but you’re also a little scared. 
❝ N-nothing.. I wasn’t the only one spaced out, Munson.❞ you mumble, swallowing hard as you melt into him just a little more. ❝ Where were you at just now, hm?❞ you’re turning the whole thing around on him because you know if you don’t, you will blurt it out.
He chuckles, a ringed hand caressing your face before kissing your forehead. ❝ You’re spacing me out, woman.. If we’re gonna go see this movie..❞ he drops his voice to a husky whisper, ❝ you might want t’ go get ready.. Before I change my mind and take you to bed..❞
You whimper quietly as he drags his tongue around the shell of your ear. Reluctantly, you pry yourself off of him and make your way down into the bedroom you’re both sharing to change.
Eddie takes several shaky breaths and leans against the wall. ❝ Emerson doesn’t know what he’s talkin about. It’s not like I can just blurt out the fact that I wanna knock her up, that I think she’s even more sexy when she’s pregnant and I wanna have more kids, there’s a time and place t’ say that shit..❞
Laughter from the doorway of Rosie’s bedroom has Eddie wanting to disappear into the floor. Rosie’s looking up at him, big doe eyes shining in mischief. She pushes the door closed behind her quietly.
Eddie tries to act as if she probably didn’t just hear every single word he said. ❝ You uh.. We all ready now, baby bat?❞
Rosie nods. After a little digging, she finds the pair of Vans she’s currently always wearing, red and black. She holds them out to Eddie. Eddie goes down on one knee, slipping the shoes onto her feet, pretending that they’re a glass slipper, making a fuss when the shoe fits her foot perfectly. She throws her arms around his neck and he breathes in the sweet and clean smell of his little girl. Every time he thinks he can’t possibly love her more, he’s proven wrong.
Even when she’s being every bit as hard-headed as he is.
The hug breaks and Rosie giggles. ❝ I wished for a little brother on my birthday candle… Remember when you were askin me what I wished for?❞ Rosie goes quiet. She’s fiddling with the sleeve edges on her favorite black longsleeve. It’s a Corroded Coffin shirt from the last music festival Eddie tagged you and Rosie along to before Corroded Coffin finally declared they were done, they were retiring to go out on a high note.
Eddie lightly grips his little girl’s jaw. ❝ You did, huh?❞ he asks. Rosie nods quietly. Drops her gaze and shuffles her feet against the bedroom floor. ❝ It’s just.. I’m glad you’re my daddy and I love mama but.. I don’t have anybody t’ play with when Argie and Johnny are being stupid.❞
Eddie nods. Fluffing at his daughter’s hair as he chuckles. ❝ Well, it was a birthday wish. Those do have a lotta power, baby bat.❞ 
Rosie smiles and throws her arms around him again, you step into the room just in time to watch the little moment. To have overheard the little conversation between father and daughter. Eddie’s reaction was so vague that you’re not sure whether it’s a good idea to tell him Rosie isn’t the only one who wants Rosie to have a baby brother or sister.. You study the two for a few seconds and laugh. ❝ Okay, you two conspiring against me already?❞ you joke and Eddie smirks. ❝ Maybe we were, babe.❞
❝ I’m gonna go play with my Legos in th’ living  room. Can I watch MTV?❞ Rosie asks. Both of you nod and Rosie goes into the living room to play. This leaves you both alone together in some thick tension.
At first, neither of you seems willing to shatter it. But Eddie can’t take it a second longer and this results in him, exploding in a passionate rant as he paces the bedroom until you think he’ll pace a hole right through the floor.
You choke on air when you hear him say that while he thinks you’re sexy, he thinks you’d be even sexier if he knocked you up but then he throws up his hands and swears in frustration because he didn’t mean for that to be the first thing he blurted out in regards to having another kid, wanting a small army of kids with you. You’re stunned. Jaw dropped, eyes wide as you watch him have his little rant and stay quiet because you’re still frantically trying to process.
❝ And I just… I never thought me, I.. Eddie Munson, would be sayin this shit. T’ anybody. Ever. But damn it,❞ Eddie trails off, going quiet as he takes a few deep breaths, ❝ I can’t even look at you lately without imagining you pregnant. All our kids rushing around the house, chaos every morning.. I want this and if you don’t..❞ but you cut off his words by climbing into his lap as you cup his face with both hands and kiss him until you feel his mind starting to quiet down, his hands roaming all over your body. When he squeezes your ass and rocks you right over the way he’s strained almost painfully against the faded jeans he’s wearing, you whine against the shell of his ear, ❝ You’re not playing very fair right now, Eddie..❞ and he just chuckles. You lean into his ear, melting against him as you mutter softly, ❝ I want all of that too.. You were saying you want to fuck a baby into me later, I didn’t hear you wrong.. Right?❞
He growls quietly. Groaning as you bare down against the way his cock is hard enough to push against the zipper of his jeans. He nips at your neck roughly and his hands settle on your ass, squeezing. He’s guiding you back and forth over his lap and you whine, nipping at  the way the tip of his spider tattoo just barely peeks out over the neckline of his t-shirt. ❝ That feel like a misunderstandin’, sweetheart?❞ he asks quietly as he stares up at you. You bite your lip and whine, the friction you were getting has slowed down drastically and you want it back. You’re desperate to get it back.
❝ How soon?❞ he asks a few seconds later. Your hand fists the front of his shirt and you pull him against you, your mouth just barely grazing against his as you laugh softly. ❝ Tonight. I.. I wanna start trying tonight.❞
❝Fuck.❞ he groans out as you rock yourself against the way he’s strained at his jeans all over again. His breath catches in his throat and he grabs your ass roughly just to slow you down because if he doesn’t, he’s going to make a mess of himself right here, right now. He leans into you and nips at your neck after he’s nosed some hair out of his way. ❝ It’s a date, sweetheart. Think you’ll be able t’ keep your hands off me ‘til then?❞ and the gleam in his eye tells you that this is a challenge.
That you’re in for it, Eddie is going to do everything in his power to make you cave…
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆ ・ 。゚ ───
It’s just getting to the part where Billy’s about to reveal the truth to Sidney when you feel the cool metal of Eddie’s rings against the inside of your thigh. You can feel your entire body as it heats up. You shoot him a little pout and some side-eye, but he smirks. Slips his hand off your thigh to grab himself some popcorn after he mumbles ❝The bucket is in your lap, woman.. You expect me to control myself?❞ and pouts right back.
Rosie is sitting in the row right in front of you both with her friends, their eyes glued to the screen, a hand paused midway to her mouth to take a bite of popcorn she hasn’t taken in over three minutes. 
Eddie’s hand creeps higher, a finger dragging ever-so-slowly right up your center. He chuckles when you squirm and shift around just a little in your seat. As his finger drags over you again, your legs clamp together, holding his hand between your thighs. 
Your ears feel like they’re on fire. Eddie bites his lip when the two of you lock eyes, two long fingers pushing the soaked fabric to the side as they make contact with your bare cunt. You shiver before you can stop yourself. Shoot Eddie a dirty look and nod to an usher that’s just wandered in, flashlight in hand.
Eddie leans into you, breath warm against the shell of your ear as he whispers quietly, ❝Fuck.❞ breathing heavily as he raises the fingers he just had buried in your dripping cunt to his lips, licking them clean as he holds your gaze. You bite back a whine and he leans back into you, whispering quietly, ❝I can’t fuckin wait to fill up your pretty little pussy when we get back home, babe..❞ as he grabs your wrist and guides your hand to his lap, letting you palm at the way he’s strained through his jeans. You bite back another whine, helpless.
❝Eddie.❞ you whine, helpless. Soaked through in seconds. He chuckles. Your hand ghosts over the bulge strained against black jeans and he bites his bottom lip. Both of you glance at the seat in front of you to make sure Rosie is okay. She’s arguing with Argie in a hushed tone about who the killer is, throwing her hand in his face when he insists a second time that it has to be Randy. She thinks it’s Billy, Sidney Prescott’s boyfriend.
After you’ve made sure Rosie isn’t too scared, Eddie turns his attention back to teasing you. Bucking himself up into you as you continue to clumsily palm at the bulge in his jeans. His head falls back against the seat and he bites back the urge to groan as you drag a finger over the zipper of his jeans slowly. He leans into you to whisper ❝Fuck, sweetheart.. All this teasin me is only gonna get you in real trouble.❞ against the shell of your ear. You lean into him to mumble back quietly, ❝Oh? Maybe I like the  sound of that, Eddie. Maybe that’s what I want.❞
The movie is coming to an end. Rosie’s triumphant outburst from the seat in front of you when the killers reveal themselves -and Johnny Byers arguing with Argie about her being right all along, is accompanied by snickering from Will, Mike and Jane. As the lights begin to come on, you pout a little to yourself but you pull your hand away from Eddie’s lap. You don’t even mind that you both missed huge parts of the movie, your heart is racing  as the two of you file out of your row and wait by the door leading out of the theater room for Rosie and her friends to come out so the two of you can take Rosie home.
❝Can’t wait to get you home, sweetheart.❞ Eddie laughs quietly as he scoops up Rosie when she starts to yawn and then slips his other arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his side closer. You look up at him and bite your lip suggestively, squeaking just a little when Eddie’s hand wanders down, giving your ass a little squeeze.
As Rosie drifts off to sleep in the backseat of your car, Eddie takes a hand off the steering wheel and skims it right up the inside of your thighs, growling before he can stop himself when he feels just how much slicker your thighs have gotten. You slip your hand into his lap and he bucks against it as you palm at the way he’s hard enough to break through his jeans and only getting harder. You’re five minutes away from home but it might as well be five thousand years and it feels like the drive is only getting longer.
Eddie’s fingers brush past the soaked barrier of your panties and bury inside of you and you give the inside of his thigh a squeeze as you just barely gasp. ❝Almost time, sweetheart..❞ he chuckles quietly as he turns down the street you live on..
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆ ・ 。゚ ───
You’ve both just finished tucking Rosie into bed. Eddie turns on Rosie’s Scooby Doo nightlight and tucks her favorite stuffed animal into bed with her. As the two of you step out into the hallway, your back meets the closed door with a soft thud as Eddie’s restraint vanishes in a split second. His hands are all over you, finally settling on your ass as he lifts you up. You wrap your legs around him and he rocks himself into you, making you whine.
❝Ready for bed, sweetheart?❞ he asks the question in a breathy whisper as he nips his way down your neck. You whimper and rub yourself against him, needy. His mouth finds yours as he carries you down the hallway, navigating forgotten toys, a box or two from his old apartment in California and other obstacles that crowd the hallway with ease. He kicks the bedroom door open carefully and steps inside with you. Clothing that litters the top of the dresser is swept off and he sits you down in the space he’s just made, eyes gleaming as the kiss breaks, a strand of saliva between your mouths keeping you connected. You’re rocking against him and moaning out his name, shaky hands tugging the old Hellfire t-shirt up over his head as he strips off your crop top and slips his finger beneath the back of your bra, unhooking the clasps with ease and speed. 
The clothing settles in a pile on the floor and he leans into you, pushing you up against the wall behind the dresser, his mouth moving down your body. He pauses at your belly button to stare up at you, tugging down your panties. You reach out and work the jeans and boxers he’s wearing down and he steps out of them, kicking them to the side. That cute little denim mini skirt you’ve been wearing is pushed up to your hips as Eddie gets caught up in the moment and decides that he can’t wait another second, he has to taste you now. He sinks down in front of you, your legs settling over his shoulder as his mouth moves up the soft dough of your thighs, licking clean the mess he’s made. Your hands tug at his hair and grip the edge of the dresser as he pushes your legs apart a little better and buries his tongue and three fingers inside your drippy cunt. Groaning as the taste of you fills his mouth. ❝C’mon, princess.. Pull harder.❞ he moans out against your sex, fingers pumping into you as his tongue swirls. You rock yourself towards his mouth and he chuckles. ❝Thatta girl.. Gettin’ nice and wet for me..❞
You can feel your orgasm building, prepared to wreck you and you tug his hair a little harder. Eddie pauses and you pout. He stares up at the way you’re about to come completely apart for him and bites his lip, ❝You’re gonna be so fuckin cute all knocked up, princess.❞ he mutters quietly and you whine, begging for him. ❝Eddie,❞ you plead, ❝I-I.. I need you now.❞
❝Not until you give me what y’ know I want, princess.❞ Eddie’s permission to get off needs no further explanation and your orgasm rips through you, soaking his tongue and fingers as he growls quietly, the taste of you filling his mouth. He raises up again, his mouth conquering your mouth as he ruts into you while scooping you off the dresser to toss you gently onto the bed. He follows suit, your bodies tangled.
Touching. Biting. Kissing. He’s marked you up, hickies and bite marks litter your skin from neck to cunt, there are even a few sore bruises lining up the inside of your thighs. 
He lines his cock up with your throbbing cunt, dragging the head down your center. When you shiver because it feels so good, he chuckles against your ear. ❝I’m gonna fuck a baby into you, sweetheart. You gonna be a good girl and take it f’ me?❞ his voice is sex, gravel and velvet all in one as he asks the question. It’s so different than the sweet things he usually says that you’re whimpering, begging him to do it, to take you already. 
He thrusts into you slow. It’s an agonizing pace and you can feel every single inch, every vein that runs through his thick cock as he pushes into you. His hips beat against yours hard enough to bruise and he’s got you caged in beneath his body, his mouth all over you. You meet every one of his thrusts eagerly and when he comes to a stop, you whine about it.
❝You feel so fuckin good, sweetheart. Your pussy clenches around me so fuckin tight.❞ Eddie growls out, ❝Can’t wait t’ fill you up.❞ as he fucks into you slower. At one point, he has to reach out an arm and push the headboard against the wall so it’ll stop banging at it. But the way you squeeze him feels so good and you’re so wet that a minute or two later, he’s fucking at you faster and he’s used his grip on your hip for leverage, angling your hips upward just a little, bottoming out. You’re seeing stars as another orgasm builds, stopped at the brink every single time Eddie feels you tense and dig your nails in his back. 
❝Fuck, princess. –ah shit, I can’t..❞ he groans out against your neck, ❝I’m gonna cum, shit. You feel too good, sweetheart.❞ and you whine, begging for it. It’s so hot that Eddie’s thrusts speed up, fucking into you faster and deeper, hips stammering as his orgasm shatters through and biting at your neck as this prompts you to pull him even deeper inside by wrapping your legs around his waist. His forehead finds your own as his thrusts slow down and he presses soft little kisses against your mouth and cheeks. ❝I love you.❞ is said in unison, the two of you laughing softly in the dark about it because if there’s one thing you’re both good at it’s doing everything perfectly right BUT.. completely backwards.
Eddie’s still fucking into you, slow and steady. ❝Don’t wanna stop, princess. Your pussy feels sooo fucking good wrapped around my cock.❞
When he’s finally finished fucking the seed that leaked out back into you, he rolls the two of you so that you’re on top. You’re both yawning now, sleepy kisses are landing against each other’s skin as he removes one of his hands from your ass to cup your cheek, dragging his thumb across. ❝Wanna go t’ sleep just like this.❞
❝Me too, baby. I love the way you feel inside me.❞ you drawl, sleep making you stumble over words, making your voice all dreamy as the two of you drift off…
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ghostofskywalker · 1 year
Can I request for Fox or Rex with a Jedi reader who goes on what’s supposed to be a cut and dry mission but they loose contact and return later than planned and how Fox or Rex react?- Curious Curios
@curious-curios you always come up with such amazing ideas, this was an absolute joy to write! i went with fox because i simply love him so much, and i hope you enjoy it!
words: 2,127
summary: This mission was supposed to easy, four rotations at the max, so Fox starts to worry when you don't return on schedule and your comms are completely unavailable. He's absolutely beside himself, and the rest of Guard gets him to finally come to terms with how he feels.
clone troopers masterlist
How to Tell When You Have Feelings For Your Jedi General
“You still in there vod?” Fox made a noncommittal noise at his brother’s question, and picked his head up from where he was staring at the comm device on his desk as Thorn stepped in the office.
“What do you want?”
“Okay, I’m guessing there hasn’t been any word from the general yet, given that you’re still acting like that.”
Fox just sighed, he should have known this would be the topic of conversation. “I already told Hound to drop the subject, not everything in my life right now is about her.”
But of course, Thorn didn’t seem too convinced. “Really? So the fact that she should have been back three hours ago has nothing to do with your sour mood? Given your very obvious feelings for her I find that hard to believe.”
“I do not have feelings for the General, and she can handle herself just fine on her own.”
“What battalion is she helping out again?”
Another sigh left Fox’s mouth. “The 501st, why?”
“Oh, maybe you do have a point being worried there.”
Despite his brother’s chastising tone, Thorn didn’t seem too bothered about what he had just implied. “Relax, you worry too much. We both know that the front lines can get hairy, and it’s only a few hours right now. If something was seriously wrong, we would have probably received a comm from the Jedi temple by now.”
“I suppose you’re right,” Fox said. “I know I’m not supposed to be this worried or hung up over it.”
“No, you should let yourself feel these things, it’s good for you,” Thorn said. “And maybe then when the General does return from her gallant mission with the 501st, you can tell her how you feel and stop making the rest of us watch you pine from afar.”
“I was on board with the first half of your statement,” Fox rebuked. “But you fell off with the last part.”
“Oh come on, you seriously think we don’t see how you look at her? I know you starting wearing your helmets to meetings more often now because you can’t hide the stupid look you get on your face when she’s around. What’s the big problem you have with admitting this to yourself?”
Fox’s ears started to burn with that comment, Thorn was right but he was not about to admit it. “I don’t admit anything like that to myself because it’s simply not true,” he responded, trying to keep his voice even. “My relationship with the general is a strong one, and we work exceptionally well together, but I do not have feelings for her in the way you’re implying, and nor would she be able to return them if I did.”
Thorn nearly burst out laughing. “If you still believe the Jedi have forsaken all attachments at this point, you’re crazy,” he said. “Just ask the 501st, because according to Jesse their general is married to a Senator, even though they won’t tell me which one it is.”
“Again Thorn, you’re missing the point.”
“Alright, alright, fine. I’ll let it go for now.”
“Thank you.”
“But if there’s any chance that you’re lying to my face right now, you should really consider what I have to say. Take a chance and tell the general how you feel about her when she comes back, I think you’ll find that your feelings aren’t actually unrequited.”
Thorn had disappeared from the room before Fox could respond, leaving the commander to worry and fret over the weight of his thoughts. Thorn had it all right when he said that Fox had feelings for you, but that was something that he would never admit to.
You had been assigned to the Coruscant Guard a few months after the start of the war, having previously served with a small company that was later integrated into the 212th. Along with your duties to the Guard and the Senate, you occasionally helped out your fellow Jedi on campaigns and missions, which is where you were at this point. This shouldn’t have been something that caused any worry. You had assisted the 501st many times before and everything had been fine, so what was the big deal now?
But never once had you been completely unreachable, and that was what worried him.
He had stood at the gunship docking area in Coruscant for over an hour today, waiting for the transport that would bring you back to him, but instead, all he got was worry and anxiety. He tried to comm you, but the line was completely static. Desperately, he reached out his batchmate, Captain Rex, but he received no response. Eventually he had to return to headquarters, and he tried not to let anyone else realize what was causing his mood to sink in this way as he walked into his office and closed the door behind him.
The truth was that he had wanted to tell you how he felt before you left, but like most things in his life, nothing ever went to plan.
“General, do you have a moment?” He had spent all morning psyching himself up for this, and he was finally going to get the weight of his feelings off his chest, no matter what the consequences were.
“I do,” you said, looking up from your datapad. “But I’m afraid I don’t know how much I’ll be able to help with whatever the issue is, because I’m leaving to assist the 501st with a campaign in about half an hour.”
That sentence should not have been surprising to Fox, it was something you had done before. But this time, ice cold worry found its way into his stomach, and he tried to maintain his composure as the feeling of dread grew. “It’s nothing too important,” he said, instantly changing his mind and chickening out of what he wanted to confess. “We can worry about it when you get back.”
“Are you sure?” you asked, eyes searching his face with a tinge of worry on your face. “I have some time before I need to meet Rex, I can-”
“General, I promise you it’s not the end of the galaxy,” Fox said, cutting you off. He was completely lying at this point, but there was no going back now. “I can handle it myself until you get back.”
He wasn’t sure if your agreement was because you actually believed him or because you were worried about your upcoming rendezvous with the 501st, but he wanted to think it was the former rather than the latter. And so he waved you off with the rest of the Guard’s command squad and watched the gunship that was shuttling you away disappear, trying to keep his face from betraying his thoughts the entire time.
He didn’t return to the barracks that night, despite the crushing fatigue he felt in every part of his body. There was a stack of files on his desk that became something of a pillow, and he rested his head on them as he tried to think about anything other than the fact that he still hadn’t heard from you yet, and there was no word on the status of the 501st’s objective.
The rest of the Guard knew enough to leave him alone once the chronometer showed that you were over five hours later than you had told them you would be, and they could tell that Fox was losing his mind over it. Thire had stopped by with some food and a bottle of water after he refused to go to the mess hall for dinner, but other than the soft reassurances that you were okay and would be back on Coruscant soon, no one said another word to him about the way he was acting. Thorn’s previous words kept echoing in Fox’s head, and there was nothing he could do to get rid of them.
Ask the 501st, their general has a wife.
Take a chance and tell the general how you feel about her when she comes back, I think you’ll find that your feelings aren’t actually unrequited.
After trying to ignore it for so long, he knew what he had to do. When you returned to Coruscant, he would confess his love to you, no matter what happened. He just hoped that you were doing okay out there, because he didn’t know how much more waiting he could take.
It wouldn’t be another day until a comm came in from one of the 501st’s ARC troopers on behalf of you and Captain Rex, apologizing for the delay but reporting that everyone was fine, they had unfortunately just suffered a crash landing which delayed the mission’s objective by a few days. Fox had fallen asleep when the message came through, the weight of his fatigue finally winning after a valiant fight, and it was Thorn that intercepted the communication. The ETA for the 501st’s gunship wasn’t for another three hours, so he decided to let his brother sleep a little more before he gave the news.
Fox was annoyed at his fellow commander for not waking him up and he did forget his helmet on his desk in the haste to see you, but he still made it to the docking area in time to watch a gunship touch down and you step out of it, troopers in 501st blue on either side of you. When you took notice of him standing there your expression changed, and a smile crossed your exhaustion ridden face. Immediately, you made your way over to him. There were a few giggles and jokes from the other troopers in the hangar as you did this, but Fox didn’t care enough to listen to what they were saying.
“I’m so sorry we took so long,” you said. “We crash-landed on some Mid-Rim planet’s dense forest and Echo’s comm was the only one that was even half functional, but then we couldn’t get any kind of signal until-”
Fox gently tried to get your attention a few times, but it was only when he grabbed your hand and said your name did you actually stop and look at him. “You don’t have to explain yourself,” he said. “You’re the one in charge here.”
“Still, I told you that this would take four rotations, and it took much longer than that. You said you had something to tell me, I was worried-”
Fox squeezed your hand, and you stopped mid sentence. There was no one else in the hangar right now, so he didn’t have to worry about what this might look like to any bystanders. “What I have to say can wait until you get some food and rest,” he said.
“As long as you get that food and sleep too,” you said. Fox sighed, you had always been able to read him too well. “Come on, you know I don’t like seeing the people I love not taking care of themselves.”
It took him a moment to register your words, and hope swelled in his chest when he did. “Do you mean that?” he asked quietly.
“Of course I do,” you responded. “And it kills me to see you like this, I can tell you haven’t slept much.”
“But you’re a Jedi,” Fox said, still a little dumbfounded. This was definitely not how he saw this conversation going.
“The Jedi Code, while admirable and logical in many ways, was never able to accurately understand how people worked,” you said softly. “It was always inevitable that some people will fall in love and become attached to one another, and I suppose I am one of them.”
You looked at him with such kindness in your eyes, and he couldn’t help the way he leaned in and kissed you. You kissed back immediately, lips melding to his in a way that implied you were nothing but perfect for one another. Any member of the Guard could walk into this hangar, as could any other trooper who had business to attend in one of the parked gunships, but Fox couldn’t bring himself to care.
When you finally broke apart, you squeezed his hand and turned towards the direction of the door. “Come on,” you said. “I want to take a nap, and you’re going to take one with me.”
Fox just nodded as he followed you, still thinking about how nice it felt to kiss you. It was the nicest way that anyone has ever told him to go to sleep (usually that was just Stone or Thire throwing a pillow at his head), and he knew that he would do anything in the galaxy if it meant he could lay in bed with you cuddled up next to him. 
- the end -
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starksbabie · 8 months
You Belong With Me
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Eddie’s got what he always dreamed of, he is passing his classes, Hellfire is going great, Corroded Coffin is sounding better than ever, Chrissy Cunningham is his girlfriend, and his best friend Y/N is right by his side.
A/N: A fic inspired by Taylor Swift’s You Belong With Me where Eddie overlooks his best friend who is completely in love with him... or does he? Hurt/Comfort. One of my fics with a happy ending.
Wordcount: 1.4k
Eddie laughs keeping his arms tight around Chrissy’s waist as she groans and stomps her foot in response to a joke he made.
“Aw, come on babe it’s just a joke!” Eddie laughs, pressing a loud wet kiss to Chrissy’s cheek, making the strawberry blonde girl gasp.
“Eddie!” She squeals.
You just roll your eyes at their antics and look back at your lunch, you still can’t really believe that they’re dating. Of course, you had known about Eddie’s crush on Chrissy forever, but never in a million years did you think the head cheerleader, queen of Hawkins High, would return his affections.
You look up when Eddie snaps his fingers in front of your face.
“Hello? You in there?” He asks, giving you an odd, slightly concerned look, you notice the cafeteria is mostly emptied out now.
“Yeah, sorry just thinking about that quiz in Ms. O'Donnell's.” You look at him and smile packing up your stuff.
“…we have a quiz in O’Donnell’s today?”
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You lay back on your bed listening to your new Van Halen album, when your window slides open and Eddie comes tumbling in.
“You know one of these times you’re going to get caught in here.” You laugh, as he rights himself and settles himself back onto your bed next to you. “Is this your new album?” He smiles, ignoring your statement, putting his hand behind his head as he relaxes next to you, looking up at the glow-in-the-dark stars stuck to your ceiling.
“Yeah, it’s really good, I think I like Sammy Hagar.” You say, looking at him, taking in his side profile, admiring the slope of his nose and the fizz of his curls as his listens to the music filling your room.
He turns to look at you, and you think you’ve been caught but Eddie doesn’t seem to notice that you were staring.
“Really? Better than David Lee?”
“Yeah. Here, Listen to this.” You get up and put on a song that you had listened to earlier for him, before laying back down. The two of you lay there side-by-side, and finish the entire album before arguing over which lead singer is better.
After a while Eddie puts on another album and breaks out a joint that he brought with him. The two of you lay next to each other smoking, enjoying the music and each other’s company without feeling the need to fill the air between you with endless conversation. Once the joint is reduced to nothing but ash and the album has been flipped to the ‘B’ side Eddie starts telling you his plans for after graduation.
“I’m gonna do it. I swear it, I’m getting out of this town one way or another. I know my uncle wants me to come work at the plant with him, but I just can’t imagine that as my future. I want to play stages. I’m going to get me a warlock and I’m going to LA and I will find someone, anyone who will take me seriously.”
You smile at him as he talks, you know if anyone deserves to get out of this hick town it’s him. His imagination, his dreams, his personality. They’ve always been too big for Hawkins.
“And it doesn’t hurt that Chrissy is going to UCLA next year either.” He adds.
There it is, the one thing that could dampen the amazing evening you’d been having, you’d almost forgotten about her.
“Oh… She is?”
“Yeah, she got the letter this afternoon. I’m going with her. She’s the best thing that ever happened to me, Y/N. I’m so lucky.” He smiles and sits up, pulling his shoes back on, “I should get going, but I’ll see you tomorrow for Hellfire.”
You watch as he climbs out the window, before closing it behind him. You sit back on the bed and put your head in your hands and wishing, and hoping and wanting more than anything for Eddie to see you as more than his best friend.
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You don’t know why you’re here. You sit next to Eddie and the rest of the Hellfire boys in the bleachers watching Lucas play basketball, at least that’s what you’re telling yourself. You know Eddie is here for one reason, who’s wearing a short skirt and currently standing on the sidelines of the game. You try your best to focus on the game but it’s hard to not notice how Eddie whistles at her after she does a cartwheel, or how he claps loudly each time she does something.
After the game everyone decides to go to Benny’s for milkshakes, but you excuse yourself saying that you have a headache. You walk home and lock yourself in your bedroom laying in your bed feeling so lonely over the fact that the man you are head over heels for, doesn’t see you in the same light at all. You don’t register the tears at first, it’s not until they are dripping down your cheeks that you realize the sound you’re hearing is your own sobs. You lay there and allow the sadness to overwhelm, and envelop you until the peaceful darkness of sleep pulls you in.
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You do your best over the next few weeks to avoid Eddie, especially if he’s with Chrissy, which seems to be all the time. The school year is coming to a close and there are more and more parties and celebrations, which makes it harder to avoid him while still enjoying time with your other friends. You decide to skip Jason Carver’s party though because you know Chrissy will absolutely drag Eddie there. Instead, you have a movie night with some of your other friends and find for the first time in a while you don’t feel so lonely.
After everyone goes home, you work on cleaning things up. You know it’s late but you’d rather get it done now than have to do it in the morning, who cares if it’s the middle of the night. You make your way up to your room and get ready for bed, and are startled by the knock on your window, opening it there he is, hair disheveled.
“Hey…” He smiles, “can I come in?”
You nod and step back giving him space to crawl on in, he tumbles through the window with as much as grace as usual and he sprawls on the floor looking up at you.
“What are you doing here, Eddie?”
“Why are you avoiding me, Y/N?” He sits up and leans against the wall under the windowsill.
You pause and look at him, before sitting next to him with your back against the wall too.
“Why aren’t you at Carver’s party with Chrissy?” you answer his question with another, two can play at that game.
He sighs and looks at you.
“Her friends are so fake. There’s not one real, genuine thing about any of them. It’s exhausting to be around them. I’d rather be here. Around you. So… Why are you avoiding me?”
You take a deep breath and look at your hands in your lap, “can’t you see, Eddie. She’s just like them. I’m the one who understands you. I’ve been here all along, so why can’t you see? You don’t belong with her Eddie. You belong with me.”
The room is silent for a long moment after your confession, before Eddie lets out a long breath and hooks his finger under your chin to lift your face so you’re looking at him.
“Do you really mean that?”
“Yes, I really mean it.”
He leans in and seals his lips over yours in a warm, loving kiss. Nothing is perfect but he knows, no one knows him better than you. You have always fit together like two puzzle pieces and if he’d realized just how much you’d loved him from the start he never would have asked Chrissy out. Together you two can make it through anything, and this, this kiss feels like perfection.
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docholligay · 26 days
Doc, I want to use perfume and cologne as characterization, and I can’t use brand names because this is set in a fantasy world. Do you know ways I can learn more about what scents can be dropped as asides to add to characterization and why?
My unhelpful statement is: You need to figure out what is signified by perfumes and scents in your fantasy world. Is it your classic quasi-European feudal thing? What not!country would it be based in? Are perfumes made using chemicals and absolutes (or magic) or are flower petals actually crushed, putting it out of reach of the average person? If it's a totally constructed universe, what sort of things are you looking to invoke?
Possibly more helpful statement that's not just a series of aggressive questions: Do you know the perfume and just don't know how to describe it? Go to fragrantica and type it in. I do NOT recommend fragrantica for everything, and I sometimes argue insanely with their metrics but for people who can Be Normal, it's a great resource. They'll usually have the description as ripped from the designers website itself (Fragrantica is a LITTLE like Perfume Wikipedia)
So like for Parfums de Marly's Herod, here's what you get:
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Okay so if I'm trying to describe that, I think about what in that would be available in my world. So, if I'm playing like, D&D Fantasy with my novel, I would say something like, "She smelled of spice and wood, and lingering on her throat, underneath it all, was the intense warmth of earth in summer*" The "Woody Spicy" in this paragraph, what I would call the 'cliff notes' of the perfume, can be really helpful if you don't want to get into the weeds.
Now, if the problem is, 'I don't know what fragrances would smell like Abrox or Daliedrow" Then just...go smell stuff! Wander into a big ol Sephora and hit up every testing strip. When you find something that smells like your character, write it down. Go look up the notes. See if any of that hits with your idea, and then you can actually go down MORE of a rabbit hole. Or, sometimes, it'll just hit you out of the blue! I smelled Oud Wood and went "Fareeha" while still standing in front of the fucking display, it took me YEARS to find something that fit for Lena, even though I KNEW what notes I wanted, and then I completely changed my mind on Minako when i smelled a new perfume with the note I liked. But smelling a lot of things will help and also expand your scent vocabulary, which makes it easier in the first place.
If this actually wasn't your question, let me know!
*This is me being dramatic about what a classic deer-style musk smells like.
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zappedbyzabka · 6 months
i don’t know why but that last picture you posted makes me think of ex!pageant johnny who did beauty pageants when he was a kid/teenager (maybe because of his mom? or because of sid?) and now is super disillusioned with them and kind of doesn’t want to talk about them UNTIL he has to because (maybe) sam? gets into the idea of winning the valley pageant (probably to maybe make a statement about it and johnny kind of is into that idea too) and he starts training her for it and anyway this is my long way of saying i think daniel should witness johnny doing pageant training and lose his mind
- landslided
So, I don’t know if any of you have seen Insatiable but that is what popped up in my mind
It’s about a girl (Debby Ryan) who used to be a big girl and lost weight after surgery (I think) and becomes “hot”. Her lawyer was an ex pageant coach who shows her how to do everything.
(Spoiler) he was lifelong rivals with this one dude for in the show before it was revealed the rival had secretly been in love with him the whole time and they make out in a bathroom BUT I do not care for an AU of this because I much prefer Johnny being an ex pageant queen beauty who helps his non-blood daughter and they bond (instead of everything Patty does to her coach YIKES.)
Johnny shows her everything he can remember—including the tips he got from the beauty queens around him despite not having the opportunity to use most of said tips.
Dark lipstick makes your teeth look whiter. Double sided tape and safety pins are your best friend. Don’t forget your rollers. The higher the heel the longer the leg but the harder it is to have the perfect walk.
One foot in front of the other, good posture, delicate hands, big smile for the judges.
It’s all a performance that you have to be great at or you have no chance at winning.
He usually wore suits as what was expected of him, sometimes themed outfits depending. He would have liked to get to wear all the pretty dresses the girls wore to see if he’d win that competition too. He is, after all, extremely competitive.
He put on some high heels to be silly once when he was cozying up to the judges before the pageant began and got told it was a shame he wasn’t a girl because otherwise he would have been snatched up by a big agency with those perfect visuals.
It pissed him off that he couldn’t do everything.
The creeps that ran the pageants and the annoyance of guys at school teasing him for his forced girly hobby had him bitter and over all of it. The sashes and dainty trophies fit beautifully next to his All-Valley trophy, but had to go. (he couldn’t bring himself to throw them away. It’d be like throwing away his accomplishments. They’re somewhere buried in a box.)
But when Sam brought it up, Johnny jumped to offer his help—cutting off Daniel’s pondering over where they’d find a coach.
Sure, Johnny had to explain to about 4 adults and 12 or so kids that he was in beauty pageants but it only dampened his excitement a little.
Daniel was…really interested in watching him demonstrate for Sam. Really interested—enamored.
He can’t believe Johnny knows nothing about makeup! No wonder his hair was always styled.
Poor Sam had to learn to strut in a room filled with tension between her dad and coach so thick you could cook it in the microwave
Johnny was all “Impress Daniel. Impress Daniel. Impress Daniel” in his mind and Sam rolled her eyes so many times they hurt.
Watching Sam thrive and use her beauty to her advantage was a gift for Johnny. He knows she’s had trouble with people not taking her seriously for it and it genuinely made his heart ache with understanding -he’s also had issues his looks. ‘Pretty boy’ always seemed to be a way of pushing him down.
They don’t let her karate skills go to waste. There are so many things she could do as a talent that it was hard to pick, but they settled for the ice chopping that she knew would make her father happy as a surprise. (idk if they would actually allow that, but that would never stop Johnny or her lol.)
cough cough catch Daniel smitten with the man that helped his daughter and kissing him in the dressing rooms after she wins. Anyone that makes his little girl that proud of herself is a goodie in his book. And MAYBE Johnny had been feeding Sam advice on how to get the angry blond girl so very similar to him and Sam’s ALSO kissed silly in a dressing room until Tory’s face is stained with all her makeup.
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Prologue Previous
Come Down That Tree ! (an aftermare story)
Chapter 11: ከትንሽ ልጃገረድ መልእክት
Geno took a breath in and pushed any remaining bad thoughts away.
He breathed out and runned the red fabric against his cheeks to remove the last of the wetness that could have lingered there.
He was there, he was alive. 
He would go along with whatever the universe had in store for him for now. Enough moping around.
 He stayed still for a moment longer, merely enjoying the gentle sun and his grass bed.
The situation was pretty good after all. He had spent much of his time so far lazing around and neither of his benefactors complained about it yet.
They were letting him stay in their “home”, giving him food and company. Despite all the troubles he brought with him.
Shouldn’t he give them something in return… to thank them? The skeleton hummed, deep in thoughts. 
But what?
He owed very little. Rummaging through his pockets only confirmed this statement: he found nothing he could use to pay “rent”. 
Just a few candy wrappers. A weird shaped key. A buzzer. A torned up tissue and a worn letter.
The letter…
He brushed his finger against the yellowish papier and silently put it back in his pocket.
His sigh rolled out in the air.
Not even one measly gold.
Should he try to find a job? He was confident in his capacity to take on any job if necessary. He did have a lot of small jobs back at home after all. 
The gentle noise of his fingers drumming against his leg filled his mind.
Where would he find a job around here? Down the village?
The drumming intensified.
That was a very very bad idea. The village had a lot of humans in it for what he understood… It would absolutely end up with him killing someone. While he couldn’t let go of his distrust of humanity, he could at least avoid doing something that would distress the twins. Like killing a villager, even if it was deserved. 
His fingers were creating a strange rhythm that was getting more and more mesmerizing as his thoughts swirled inside his skull.
There was no reset here. No need for human souls to free the whole kingdom. No past war to justify his grudge (as far as he knew). 
Only peace…
With dangerous neighbors…
His sliver of soul thrummed, following the entrancing music of bones against bones.
Ah. Where was he again? Who was he? 
Was he home?
What was home again?
A gentle smile. Red fabric he just sewed together. The warm embrace of tiny arms who grew big far too quick, without ever losing their kindness. The flutter of long forgotten black in the back of his mind.
A light thug on his arm abruptly stopped his mental vortex. Reality rushed back in with enough power to make feel dizzy and he swung back and forth a few seconds while blinking rapidly.  
A small voice made Geno look down, still a little frayed around the edges. 
A piglet monster was standing in front of him, eyes wide open and features settled on badly concealed curiosity.
“Sir, you hear me?”
The child was very small and wearing a dirty dress around her chubby body.
A red ribbon decorated her neck as if she was a very strange present.
“Are you dead?”
Geno forced himself to stop his inspection of the unknown and locked his eye onto the greenest eyes he ever saw before answering.
“I was born dead, little lady, can’t you see I’m nothing more than a skeleton?”
He must have smiled too big or something because the young girl made a small jump backward as if badly startled. Aw, did he completly lose his social skills already? The child scrunched up her little face as if in deep thoughts for a whole minute then she shook her head very hard and stared at him fiercely.
“Is mister Dream here?”
“Use your eyes kiddo, do you see anybody, beside me, here?”
She didn’t even blink before shrugging.
“My mom sent me with a message for him but I wanna go back to play now. Give it to mister Dream when he’s back!”
Geno was really itching to mess with the kid but he kept the twitch in control and just nodded silently. Best not to worsen whatever impression the villagers must have had of him by now…
“The Frog announced a big tempest tonight, if mister Dream needs a shelter we can give him a bed.”
“Just for mister Dream? And what about mister Nightmare?”
“Mom said to tell mister Dream we don’t have enough bed for him too. But he’s not here, so we have lot of beds but mom and pop say the dark one is malfr- malfu- malfaisunt… He’s bad.”
"Oh… They said that?"
He crouched down to the girl's eyes level.
She rocked and twisted her fingers in the recoils of her outfit's fabric.
"Yes. Pop said to scream and run away if “that thing” was the only one here and it tried to come closer."
Geno didn’t even twitch despite the indignation wrestling in his soul. It had some advantages to have the best poker face around.
Maybe it wasn’t that good as he thought, however, as the girl suddenly got even more agitated, stuttered a few words of goodbye and dashed down the hill.
Well, that was something.
He plopped down on the grass here and there, absently staring at the blur of colors running away.
He scratched his neck.
Nightmare… was not well liked around here. He did have the sneaking suspicion it was the case. That was only the final nail on the coffin. 
He still was unsure why, however? How could that whole village hate him? He sure is one of the least threatening monsters he ever met… Spirits he never met? Was it because of the spirit thing?
The monster hummed.
People do tend to fear what they don’t know. But wouldn’t they be wary of Dream too then? It didn’t make sense to hate one twin and not the other if the matter was their very nature. Was it just because Dream was almost always at that village? 
What did Nightmare tell him last time? “They were created with positive and negative energy”. 
Were they both an equilibrated mix of negative and positive magic or did each tended more toward a side than the other?
Geno glanced up at the supposedly magic apples above his head. Golden apples on one side. They were pretty, he bet they tasted good. He chuckled at the idea of trying to eat one and the probably explosive reaction of the “apples guardian”. 
On the other side were dark purplish fruits. Far less tasty looking. But no less intriguing. That color theme strongly reminded him of the twins. And “Dream” and “Nightmare”.
It was fair to assume Nightmare was more associated with negativity and Dream with positivity…
If that made any sense.
As if anything in his life made sense.
Orange light over the distant forest distracted him from his tribulations. The sun was setting. His hand lightly scratched the back of his skull. 
“Agh, I once again spent the day doing nothing.”
The skeleton sighted loudly before sitting on the ground, exasperated.
“At least the sunset is pretty.”
Pretty couldn’t really encapsulate how amazed he was by the phenomenon but it would go for now. A real lightshow every night here. And it was never exactly the same. If only it wasn’t so short… Geno let himself sink into a more comfy position and let his mind empty as colors danced in the sky.
The sun had almost completely disappeared when the twins came back.
He didn’t see them at first but he heard them.
Loud chatter, screeching giggles and annoyed grumbling.
Geno propped himself up on his elbows to glance at the two climbing up the hill.
He vaguely saw their shapes moving towards him because of the distance and the lack of luminosity.
His sight wasn’t getting any better, was it?
The monster just plopped back down, he was just going to wait for them to be closer. 
And closer they got.
They stopped right next to him and Geno lazily stretched and merely angled himself better to be able to look at the two.
The two bursted into laughter at the comment for an unknown raison but he didn’t mind. They must have had a good day. 
If he spent a good extra minute observing Nightmare’s happy face, nobody would notice. Right?
He didn't know why seeing the glee in his half lidded eyes, the color tinting half of his face, the arms closed around his chest while he was doubling over…rendered him utterly speechless with fascination.
Tremors shook Nightmare’s frame as he struggled to get out of this fit of laughter, legs swinging back and forth making his skirt swirl in the same way…
The other was wearing a skirt somehow and not his usual purple linen pants. 
But not unwelcome. It was well made and fit him well. He hummed and a gentle warmth made itself known in his chest.
“I hope you weren’t too bored alone here!”
Dream was now staring at him with a strange look in his eyes. Oh. He forgot he was even there.
“Meh, nope. Even got the visit of a sweet teeny thing.”
He yawned loud and clear before continuing.
“It appears that there’s going to be a tempest tonight.”
A rain drop landed right on his skull as if the weather waited for his words to be summoned.
End of chapter 11
Go to chapter 12?
@dragon-tamer-1 @shinechermont
Geno!Sans belongs to @/loverofpiggies
Nightmare, Dream and dreamtale belong to @/jokublog
Lil' piggy kid is mine
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I’ve read afraid to lose you a few times now and while I am a angst I guess you can call it enjoyer it made me so sad to read abt them arguing and her leaving him. I can’t even imagine how bad that first night without her there was like him pacing around or just staring at his phone wondering if he should call her 😭 I imagine his anger instantly kind of died as soon as she walked out the door
omg kjdhfskjdhf it even made me sad, and i knew what was going to happen😭 so i get it
you didn't ask for it, but here's how i think it all went down after she left the flat that night:
the second she stepped out of the flat Chris realised he Fucked Up. he Panicked and he wasn't really reasoning properly. now, every single one of his instincts were telling him to go look for his pretty girl and apologise.
but.... she asked for space before she left. there was no way he could just go out there and follow her without breaking her trust.
was he upset because of how she talked to him? yes. was he upset at himself for how he reacted to the entire thing? also yes.
for him, it was just so ridiculous that his girlfriend would want to turn. why would she even want to risk her life like that? did she not know how dangerous turning a human into a werewolf was? especially when she was already an adult.
he started pacing around, pulling at his hair, his heart heavy in his chest as he just replayed the encounter time and time again in his head.
Chris wasn't worried about the fact that she left. He knew were she would go. or he liked to think he knew... his best guess was that she'd try to go to her mum's, but how would she get there? she can't drive, it was past midnight.... would she stay at one of their packmate's flat?
as if on cue, someone was knocking at his door. there was a tiny spark of hope in him that it'd be her coming back, but he knew she wouldn't. there was no way she would. she asked for space, she couldn't stand to see him, she was gone.
he didn't answer. he just stared at the door. until he started hearing the beep beep beeps of the keypad and saw Changbin pop his head into the flat
"i know you gave me the code for emergencies... your girlfriend just knocked on my door, a whole crying mess. i figured this is an emergency"
oh, how that simple statement made his heart ache. his girl was crying. crying because of him. he was the Worst.
he suddenly felt angry. pissed. there was a bit of a back and forth between Chris and Changbin--it was mostly just Chris shoving Changbin around, trying to rile him up, because if Changbin got Angry, he'd Fight, and if he'd Fight, Chris could Forget, you know?
"Stop doing this! You know I'm stronger than you, I didn't come here to fight, idiot", Changbin holds Chris by the shoulders, trying to shake some sense into him, and Chris crumbled.
it all hurt so much. he hardly ever cried in front of his packmates, but it was just something he couldn't stop. so Changbin simply hugged him, gave him some reassuring pats on the back and caressed his hair a bit. "it'll be fine, Chris. I'm sure".
but what if it wasn't? what if his prettiest decided this was a breaking point for her? just the thought of it had Chris spiralling.
Changbin's phone vibrated in the pockets of his shorts. it was his spicy gingerbread telling him she was taking their pack mum to her mother's house now, which Changbin told Chris immediately.
somehow, knowing it was her taking his girl to her mum's house made him feel just the tiniest bit better. at least she wouldn't be in danger...
"do you...want me to say tonight?" Changbin asked Chris, and after a few moments of consideration, he just nodded, wiping his tears away, unable to keep Changbin's gaze at all.
"wolf snuggles?" Changbin asked again, and Chris nodded again.
they shifted into their wolf forms and curled up in a fluffy ball by the sofa (they couldn't lay on it, nor Chris' bed, they are just too big in their wolf forms).
they stayed like that for a while. every once in a while Chris would huff, or whine, and even snuggle closer to Changbin.
and in the end, he was grateful his friend came over. he wasn't really sure what would've been of him that night without Changbin.
the next day, he just glued himself to his phone, hoping his beloved would call. he'd wait for as long as necessary. for days if he had to...
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neptoons1998 · 1 year
Chapter 2: Tooth fairy
Summary: Zariah learns about the tooth fairy.
A/N:Here you go.
When Zariah woke up, everything was normal. The sun sat on top of the trees of Wakanda like normal. The young princess gave a small yawn as she rubbed her eyes as sluggishly made her way to the bathroom. The young girl started on a daily routine everything was normal, until it wasn’t. 
“Ack!” Zariah push her toothbrush away. Zariah looked at herself in the mirror as she wondered why she felt a sudden pain in her mouth. The young girl couldn’t figure out why, she knew one person who would help in her investigation. Her mommy.
“What’s wrong baby?” Riri asked as Zariah crawled up on her mother's bed. The child placed her head on top of her mother’s collarbone. Riri brushed Zariah’s twist out of her forehead.
“My mouth hurts,” Zariah stated as she continued to lay in her mother’s arms. Riri trying not to be overly alarmed, “Let me see. Say ah.”
Zariah opened her mouth to let her mother see what was in her mouth. She could feel mom’s finger brush against her front tooth. 
“Oh, that’s the reason,” Riri said. Zariah looked up at her mom  waiting in suspense, “What?”
“You have a loose tooth,” Riri said. Riri pretend to sob as she hugged her daughter tightly,” Oh my baby is growing up.”
“Mommy,” Zariah gasped out. “Can’t breathe.”
But her mother could care less as she continued to crush her daughter with her love. Riri couldn’t believe her sweet girl was growing to be a big girl now. She could still remember cradling Zariah when she was just a baby. Helpless and relying on her and Shuri for everything. Now Zariah was an independent six years old little girl.
“What’s going on?” Shuri asked she just finished the meetings. Shuri could help but smile as she saw her two favorite people. The young princess turned her head to see her mama. Zariah manages to get out of her mother’s arms. “Mommy said I have a loose tooth.”
“Oh really?” Shuri gasped out. she knew it was about that time for her daughter would be losing her teeth, she didn't expect it to happen so quickly. Riri stood up as she continued pretending to overly sadden by the news, “Our baby is growing up. Before you know it she’s going to college and getting married and..”
Shuri wrapped one of her arms around her wife, “One step at a time, love. She just turned six three months ago.”
“And yet I remember how tiny she was,” Riri said as she lends on her wife’s shoulder. “Maybe we should give her a sibling?”
Zariah not liking where this conversation was going. Zariah wants to get the attention back on her and not on her imaginary sibling her mommy maybe wants, “Who’s the tooth fairy?”
“Riri,” Shuri groaned out. Shuri didn’t like when her wife brings up some old wives’ tales. Mostly because Zariah has an active imagination which leads the young girl to have horrible nightmares.
“Shuri,” Riri mocked knowing how her wife stood on it. “This one won’t bring her nightmares, I promise.”
Shuri pursed her lips at her wife’s statement. The royal would love to have that in writing and if their daughter somehow gets nightmares Riri would have to take care of it.
“Mommy,” Zariah tried again as she tugged on her mom’s shirt. Riri smiled, “I’m sorry honey. Got side track.”
Zariah looked up at her moms, “Well who is she ?”
“The tooth fairy is a fairy that visits kids while they lay sleeping and trade their baby teeth for reward.
“What’s the reward?”
Riri didn’t think this far about the tale of the fairy, “Well when I lost my tooth, I would get two dollars under my pillow.”
“What that’s a cool reward,” Riri defend. Well, she thought it was cool since her family couldn’t spend money on a whim when she growing up. Zariah shrugged, “I guess. I thought the reward would something cooler.”
“Cooler like what?” Shuri asked as she stretched herself on the bed. 
“Like a dinosaur,” Zariah said. Shuri gave a sigh she forgot her daughter was in her dinosaur phase, the woman vauntingly remembers the little girl phase of becoming an astronaut. “That’s not the type of reward she gives. she‘s a very tiny fairy. She already struggling to put under two dollars in kids’ pillows.”
Zariah thought about it. It made sense, but how tiny was the fairy, her mama said her mommy was tiny. Was she that type of tiny? 
“When she is coming?” Zariah asked. Riri smiled at her daughter, “She comes when your tooth comes out naturally. If you force it she will not come to our house.”
Riri remembers when she was a child she would forcibly get rid of her tooth, her mother had to take multiple trips to the ER for her stupid actions, and she would very much skip that milestone.
“I can’t wait to see her,” Zariah said as she looked at both of her parents.
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twinkleallnight · 2 years
Hello everyone! I am alive. That's what you feel when you write after almost one year. This is my submission for @choicesprompts hosted by @angelasscribbles and@dcbbw . A big shoutout for both these ladies who held my hand as i took baby steps into the writing arena again.
I would also like to announce a Tag-list clean up because I have recently resurrected so there may be people who moved on. Totally fine. Please drop in a reply or message if you want to be tagged. I am going to tag only few in this who have peeped in to check on me past few months.
Book: RoE and TRR crossover
Characters: Leo, Katie
Word count: 1608
Disclaimer: All characters belong to pixelberry.
Rating: Mature
Warning: Angst?
Prompt: @choicesprompt appears in italics.
This is in future. Leo left the cruise and Katie married William. She had no idea who Leo really is.
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The cool wind pushes my hair back as I walk along the familiar path, every step taking me deeper into the past. It’s been years since I’ve been here; everything is different.
Everything is the same.
I’m not paying attention to the present as I walk, I’m too lost in memories of long ago. That’s why I don’t notice the person walking towards me until I hear a familiar voice call my name.
I freeze. It can’t be. What are the odds?
I lift my head as my eyes dart wildly around before finally landing on a face I’d recognize anywhere, even now.
“It’s you.”
“Surprise, surprise.” He shrugs his shoulders, his hands tucked in the pockets of his jacket. His attire looks expensive and pretty stylish unlike I saw him last time. One thing that hasn’t changed is his looks. Against the backdrop of the Acropolis, his charming smile seems unaltered even after fourteen years.
“What are you doing here?” I can not hide the excitement in my voice.
“Well, I told you when we first met, I belong to a small island here. In fact, I should be asking you, what are you doing here?”
“I came with my husband.” I wince inside. I should have skipped that detail.
“William Sloan.”
My eyes widen, “You know?”
He gives his signature smile and brings up the past casually. “When you are waiting for someone and that someone walks away with another man, right in front of your eyes, you know.”
“I am sorry Leo, but…”
He raises his hand cutting me mid sentence, “That’s absolutely fine, Katie. You made your choice. Everyone has the right to. I made mine.”
“Not all choices turn out to be right decisions, do they?” My eyes search his with some hope. What was I thinking?
“You are not happy with William.” Instead of asking, he just makes a statement. As if he knows it all. How does he always know everything?
“How can you say that?” I jut out my jaw defensively.
“Well, I see you walking all alone in the ruins of Acropolis brooding to yourself.”
“Even you are alone.” I try to prove my point. Mistake!
“I never said I am alone. I am with someone.”
“There you go again. Always talking in puzzles and keeping an air of mystery around you.”
“I know I did not reveal my true identity to you on that cruise. But I did plan to tell you everything that night at Captain’s Ball. If only, you would have…..” his voice trails off.
My thoughts drift to that night for a moment. If only…. I had chosen Leo, we would be walking hand in hand now, there would be a life to be happy about, some love to hold me maybe, and a child perhaps! But I cannot let Leo know that. I try to protest.
“I chose William, because he had a stable business, he would have understood my inheritance and my family background.” Why am I trying to argue?
Leo chuckles, “I must say, your inheritance and his business together must be a perfect formula for a happy life then.”
“At least I am not roaming around the roads on a motorbike like a nomad.” I say with a bite in my tongue. As if hurting him will relieve my pain.
“You are right. But sometimes wandering helps find the aim of your life. Sometimes getting out of your rich robes helps to understand the struggles in a life of a common man.”
“Rich robes, huh?” I fan out my hands gesturing at his clothes. “Mr President was surveying the life of commoners. Did you make some great amendments to the law?” I ask sarcastically.
“I can say proudly, I did.” He swells up his chest with pride.
“So, you are a President? Of Timbuktu?”
He gives out a hearty laugh, his head falling back. It’s infectious. I find myself smiling at my own joke, with him.
After a moment, he is suddenly serious and closes the distance between us. I can see his eyes turning to a darker shade of blue. When he is an inch away, he tilts his head, his gaze piercing, he questions, “What happened to the girl who followed the rules?”
My eyes well up and I break the eye contact, looking far away at a distant lone pillar. “Rules don’t work always. Sometimes they ruin what we have.”
“Then make your own new rules.”
I look at him puzzled.
“Come, let’s walk.” He gestures at the narrow muddy track with rocks on either side. I quietly follow.
“Katie, you had love in your life but the next moment you had a lot of money as an inheritance and no love. Yet you kept going.” He stops and admires me, “Even when life was unfair, you never lost hope.”
Is it me? It sounds like he is talking about someone I knew a long time ago. He starts walking again and I trudge along.
“You paved your own path. You bent some rules and faced the challenge thrown at you.” He halts again and turns towards me. “And you know what the best part was?”
I keep looking at him quizzically. He gives a wide smile before speaking again.
“In the short time I spent with you, I saw the bond you shared with your family. You ran back to them even after all the hardships. That Katie, was a lesson for me. I am glad I met you. You played an important role in my decisions and that made me what I am today.”
“I helped you?” I ask him in disbelief.
“You did! I learnt it from you.”
I flay my arms away. “No, no, no! it wasn’t supposed to be like this. I am not the Katie you knew once.” I hide my face in my hands.
Leo holds my wrists and pulls down my hands. “Look at me, Katie. Even I am not the same adventurous crazy guy.”
I raise my damp eyes meeting his gaze. He is still holding my hands in his. “The man you met long time ago was a person running away from his responsibilities, abandoning his people because he was too weak to fight against the wrongs. But meeting you made it all right for me. I carried back the memories of you, your determination to make things right, your spirit to keep it bright.”
I shake my head unable to take it all. I feel the pain I have been through. William has been through. The hurdles we tried to overcome and, in the bargain, falling apart. “I am sure you didn’t have to break the rules and hurt someone to do it all.”
“Katie, you were the one who refused to accept the rules that would harm your dear ones.” He holds my shoulders, as if waking me from my slumber, “If you are done sulking over few lost moments, get up again. If you did it once you can do it again. If you could bring a change in a person like me, you can change anything.”
“I can?”
“Only you can.”
We walk in silence along the track for sometime. He gives me time to mull over my thoughts and to revive back. We come to the part where the narrow lane meets the main atrium.
“Do you still ride on a motorbike?” My curiosity speaks out.
“No.” he grins. “I have had my share of exploration.”
“Guess your expedition gave quite a direction to your life.”
“Much more. I learnt to be a better person and embrace what I have.”
“And yet you stand alone here. Just like me?”
“As a matter of fact, I am not.” He looks at the ground as if he is trying to decide whether to tell or not. Eventually, he points at a young boy in a distance. A tall graceful lady stands with him, their backs towards us. They are busy discussing something looking at the pillars around. “I came here with my wife and son. He wanted to see this place. Curious little archaeologist in making there.” Leo’s blue eyes shine proudly as he fondly talks about his son.
My heart sinks again. He has what I wished for. A family. A family that stays together. Suddenly, I want to hide away all the sadness in my life. I don’t want him to know how empty my life is.
“So, the mystery man does have a family. Good for you.”
“Thanks to you. You see my wife, Madeleine. I was running away from one who had loved me all my life just because I was burdened with unwanted responsibilities that meant doing things that were against my principles.”
“Who are you?” I know him more today yet I don’t know him.
He smiles, “Lets keep that conversation for the next time. Today when I saw a gloomy Katie treading through these rocks, I felt the urge to come and remind her who she really is. What she can really do. And how many lives she has touched. That’s all you need to know and focus on for today. Leave me where I was and take your next step ahead. Life is waiting for you. He waved walking away from me.
I turn to face the setting sun and face my world. With newly restored courage, with newly found aim, with new hope.
I grab my phone and dial to hear the voice that has soothed me most all these years.
“Hello, Katie?”
“William…..” I do what I did the best. Rekindle the love. Get back home.
Tags: @alj4890 @anjanettexcordonia @bascmve01 @busywoman @charlotteg234 @cordonia-gothqueen @cordonian-literature @drakewalker04 @ficloverevie @gkittylove99 @krsnlove @hopefulmoonobject @hopelessromanticmonie @kat-tia801 @indiacater @phoenixrising308 @sfb123 @nestledonthaveone @kingliam2019 @neotericthemis @ntoraplayschoices @princess-geek @princessleac1 @secretaryunpaid @sirbeepsalot @texaskitten30 @txemrn @theroyalheirshadowhunter @aestheticartsx @yourmajesty09 @mainstreetreader @choiceskatie @claireloutoo @tessa-liam @tinkie1973 @mom2000aggie @sincerelyella @brightpinkpeppercorn @karahalloway @harleybeaumont
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joy-of-life88 · 1 year
Inked Temptation [a Damian Priest story] 15 Well?
Damian POV
"How are you feeling today, baby girl?" I asked as we made our way to the lawyer's office.
By now a week had passed since the fire and Ellie was able to leave the hospital. She was doing much better, but we still had to keep an eye on her breathing. The coughing wasn't quite as bad as it was at first, but her airways still hurt quite a bit. She was also dealing with headaches and nausea. All caused by the smoke inhalation. The cuts on her collarbone and arm were slowly healing and fortunately had not become infected.
It also helped that her mother was always by her side. She was the one parent she could rely on unconditionally.
That's why we were able to meet with the lawyer and the judge today. Ellie had to make an official statement that was to be filmed. Thanks to the thorough investigation and Ellie's evidence, it was clearly established that that scumbag Scott was guilty. Therefore, it was probably not necessary for Ellie to appear in court to testify.
I knew how relieved she was. She definitely didn't want to see him again. And I probably would have strangled him with my bare hands for what he had done to my baby.
"It's gonna be okay... I just want to get this over with. It's been a long week." replied Ellie.
"I know... But you're almost there. The son of a bitch is going to end up behind bars for a long time and we won't look back. I've already had a few things set up for you at home." I said, adding the last part to distract her a bit.
It worked. Immediately, her head turned in my direction. Ellie had that curious sparkle in her eye that I was very familiar with by now.
"Oh what is it?" she asked excitedly.
"It's a surprise, Ellie-Bell. Be patient." I replied.
"That's really mean. But I'm still looking forward to it. To our home..." said Ellie, then sighed.
"I know how you feel. Tell me... do you want to get some more stuff and more clothes here or do you want to wait until we get to Orlando?" I wanted to know.
"I think it's enough if I buy everything else I need in Orlando. That reminds me... I wanted to thank you again for this week. You've been so great and I love you so much for it." she replied, reaching for my hand as I brought the car to a stop.
"I love you too, baby girl. You can't imagine how much. But I'm going to show you. Always." I said as I leaned in and very gently put my hand to her cheek.
"Mmmmh...that sounds very tempting." whispered Ellie against my lips as she leaned in.
"That's not what I meant, but I like the way you think, baby," I replied softly before we kissed passionately.
Afterwards, we headed inside to put the whole issue behind us.
"Thank God we're finally here." Ellie said as we stood in front of our home, sounding so relieved. Like a ton of bricks had been lifted off her shoulders.
"I know... Alright... remember how I said I had a surprise for you?" I replied, putting my arm around her waist as I paused for a moment outside the door and didn't immediately unlock it.
"Yes and I can't wait." she giggled and hugged me tightly.
"Here's the first part of your surprise." said I, handing her a small envelope.
Carefully she opened it and took out the key to her new home. And then the little note I had put with it.
"Cásate conmigo? Wait... that's what you said to me last week... right after the...? right? What does that mean?" she asked me again, slightly confused.
I tried not to let on and to keep from laughing. But her face didn't make it easy for me.
"You'll find out when you unlock the door with your new key," I smirked.
Ellie immediately put the key in the lock and opened the door. Then she went into the living room where a big banner and lots of red rose petals and balloons were already waiting for her.
On the banner were the same written words as on the little note she had read before. Only she still did not understand what it was about.
In the meantime, I got down on one knee behind her and waited for my baby to turn around.
"D, can you maybe tell me what it means? Damian?" she finally said before finally turning to me.
"Holy shit!" she gasped, slapping her hands over her mouth.
"Ellie-Bell... I don't know if I can put into words how much you mean to me or how much I love you. But I promised to always show you. I want you forever. As my partner, as my love, as my wife. That's why I'm asking you...
Eleanor Robertson, will you marry me?" I asked.
Instead of an answer, she just threw herself into my arms and covered my face with kisses as she squealed joyfully. I thought what it must mean, but I wanted to hear it.
"Well?" I insisted a little.
"Yes! Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes! I love you so much!" she finally replied.
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grace-werethesame · 2 years
Our love still remains–Chapter 7
It has been a few weeks since she sent the invitations to her family. She doesn't know if she should be worried that she hasn't heard back since. She can't decide if she really wants them at her wedding.
Tommy wants a big wedding. He wants everyone they have relations with to be there. She thinks he wants to show off his wealth and success... Maybe he also wants to make a statement… To prove to himself and everyone that they have nothing to hide. How they met is a thing of the past. Although few people know that she betrayed him, there were rumors and her disappearance had seemed strange to many. He will not allow anyone to doubt their union. She is also very happy and very proud to marry him, but a more intimate ceremony, with only the Shelbys, would have satisfied her.
Before sending the letter, she had had to announce to her uncle that she was getting married. The call would have been less tense if she hadn't called him a few weeks prior, to inform him that she had declined to marry Clive. He had made the proposal public by requiring her uncle’s permission to propose. Forcing Grace to explain to her uncle why she wouldn't marry him.
Her uncle had always been a paternal figure to her. Even before her father died, he was very protective of Grace. She knows he sincerely worries about her. But since the murder of her father, she had taken her destiny in her own hands. She had contacted Campbell and joined the police force, despite her uncle's opposition. She had lived alone in Birmingham, New-York, London far away from her family, maintaining very limited contact with them. She has her own inheritance, she had been working for 5 years to earn her living and never had asked them for money. She feels that she doesn't have to justify herself, doesn't have to justify the choices she makes, even when they are not usual or the safest for a woman of her social rank.
Nevertheless, she was marrying a man he had never heard of before, just weeks after she refused to marry into one of London’s top families. Looking at it from his perspective, she could understand his dissatisfaction. But that wouldn't undermine her determination to marry Tommy.
When she enters his office she immediately perceives, from the way he greets her without getting up, that Tommy is in a strange mood. "I had a very awkward conversation this morning." "Yes?" She closes the door, but doesn't come closer. "Your uncle called." "Oh" she is a bit worried. "They'll come to the wedding." "Really?" "I think he fears that I'm threatening you. That somehow I have a way to pressure you into marrying me so quickly. He wants to see for himself if you're really willing. I obviously haven't told him that we met 3 years ago, not 3 weeks ago…The only thing that he seemed to approve about my resume are my medals. But he wasn't impressed when I told him they were in the Cut." "I'll talk to him". Grace takes a few steps to find herself at the level of his desk, but Tommy's gaze remains focused on the door. "It doesn't matter, he really wanted to make it clear that he despises me, despises my Gypsy origins, and despises how I have acquired my wealth." "He shouldn't have. If you don't want them at our wedding, I'll write to them. I don't need their approval." She walks around the desk to get closer to Tommy, who prefers to look at his desk rather than to look at her. "Oh, but I want them there.” He finally meets her gaze, “I want them to witness our success and our happiness." Grace is worried,"But, they'll eventually find out how we met." "I doubt it. The only ones who have known you were working for the police are the family and Harry. They are not going to gossip at the wedding. They know better." Tommy tries to reassure her, "Anyway, he seems well informed. And he is right, I'm not the most recommendable bachelor in England." "No, he isn't right. He doesn't know anything about you.” Grace is now standing in front of him, " He doesn't know what an extraordinary man you are. I take it all Thomas, the dangerous gangster, the ambitious businessman, the veteran, the superstitious Romany, the caring and sensitive man. You're the only one whose happiness matters to me." she says, holding his face between her hands as she looks him straight in the eye to convince him of the depth of her love, "You're the only family I need." "I know." he says, encircling her waist with his arm, resting his forehead against her stomach.
She barely feels Tommy's muscles relax as her fingers run through his hair, when he jerks upright. A sound of broken glass has just echoed in the lobby.
"Who was here when you came in?" "Lizzy was leaving, all the others were on lunch break." She hasn't finished her sentence that he is out of the door. She takes her gun out of her bag, takes the phone and hides under his desk. She hears shots as the call connects to Watery Lane. Tommy soon is back in his office, closing the door with a bar and placing a cupboard against it, before collapsing at the foot of the cupboard. "Come here, we're safe for now." "Who are they?" "I don't know yet" "Tommy you're hurt!" "It's ok, it's only a scratch." "But it's really bleeding" She puts her handkerchief against the wound on his scalp. "They have barely missed you." "Yeah, but they did miss me. We are safe here. They are trapped. Now that you've called, it won't be long before Arthur or John come in." They are sitting close. Grace’s right arm wrapped around his shoulder to press on his wound with her handkerchief. He lights up a cigarette. After his first inhale, she steals it from him,"Care to share?" "I'm a bad influence." "I haven't waited to meet you to lead a life my family disapproves of." He smiles. But his face quickly regains its gravity as he focuses on the sounds emanating from behind the door.
When the noises die down, he sighs as he stares at the ceiling, "We won't always live this life. We'll establish ourselves as a wealthy, influential family with legitimate businesses." "I know." "I've found a house." "Where?" "Outside of town, 30 minutes from Watery Lane. Arrow house, it's a mansion with a large estate, where our children could grow up far from the city." "When can we visit?" "I've bought it. They needed money urgently. They left everything behind.” His tone, so confident and proud, becomes a little more nervous when he feels Grace twitch next to him, “but obviously you can get rid of everything you don't want. You have free reign to redecorate everything. We'll have to find competent and trustworthy staff. I'd leave that task to you. I've told those attached to the house that they would need to meet with you." "When did you buy it? How is it that I hear about it only now?" "It all happened yesterday. I was going to tell you at lunch, it's an engagement present, but it looks like our lunch date will have to wait." Grace can't decide if she's thrilled, amused or annoyed by the news. But as she hears Arthur's summons from the street, all her energy focuses on the scene behind the door and the subject is put to rest.
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Third Time's the Charm (Starfire Drabble)
Fandom: DC, Starfire, Kory, f!reader, batsis!reader
Word Count: 706
TW: Fluff, Talks of Past Relationships, Siblings Dating the Same Person (not at the same time)
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“Dick, just drop it! I’m not a little kid anymore and you can’t tell me what to do.”
You had hoped to make it out of the manor without anyone spotting you, but, of course, that was a lot easier said than done. Your oldest brother (the one you had most wanted to avoid) managed to catch up to you just as you were heading downstairs, and he had been chewing you out for the past five minutes. Finally, you had enough and resumed your journey to the front door.
But Dick just followed you, “When it comes to this, you better believe I can!”
You rolled your eyes and kept walking. “You just don’t like I’m going on a date with a woman!”
“Oh, don’t you dare even try to pull that! You know I don’t care about that. It doesn’t matter to me that she is a woman. It doesn’t matter to me that she is an alien. It matters to me that she is my ex-girlfriend!”
“Exactly. Ex-girlfriend. Honestly, I didn’t think you would care this much. You’re back with Barbara now. And besides, you didn’t care when Jason dated her.”
Dick bristled at the thought. “Jason didn’t date her. They… made out a few times and then she started dating Roy.”
“That’s not what he said,” you muttered as you waggled your eyebrows suggestively.
“Yeah, well, Jason’s an idiot,” Dick scoffed.
“Well, idiot or not, he doesn’t have a problem with me seeing her. He just told me to be safe and have fun.”
“Let me repeat, Jason is an idiot!”
You stopped abruptly on the stairs, almost causing Dick to crash into you as you whirled around to face him. “Oh, so you don’t want me to be safe? You don’t want me to finally take some time for myself away from all the crimefighting and risking my life in order to have a little fun? Thanks, Dick.”
Dick sputtered helplessly as he tried to backtrack his latest statement. You turned back around and continued down the stairs, hiding a smile as you went. You knew, deep down, Dick only wanted what was best for you. And even you had to admit, it was a little weird going out with someone who had slept with not one, but two of your brothers. Even though none of you were related by blood, it had still been a strange thing to wrap your head around. But at the same time, you really liked her and wanted to see where this could lead.
The doorbell rang out through the manor just as you reached the bottom floor. Hurrying over, you flung opened the door and smiled. There on the other side of the threshold in all of her 6’4”, orange skin, auburn hair, and glowing green-eyed glory stood your date. “Hi, right on time!”
Starfire smiled brightly back at you, “Hello! You are ready for our date, yes?”
“Yeah, just give me one minute to grab my bag.” You quickly ducked into the next room to get your stuff, but you could still hear the conversation at the front door.
“Hello, Dick.”
“Kory,” Dick said curtly.
“You are angry. Did I do something wrong for you to feel this way?”
“You’re going on a date with my sister!”
“And that is wrong?”
“No, it’s not.” You walked back into the room with your bag slung across your shoulder and placed a big kiss on your brother’s cheek. “He’s just being a pain because he’s jealous.”
“I’m not jealous,” Dick muttered as he sulked and crossed his arms across his chest.
Both you and Kory exchanged a glance before bursting out in laughter, which only made Dick pout more. As you walked outside and started to close the door behind you, you paused. “Hey, Dick…” Your brother looked up at you as a smug smile spread across your face. You winked at him as you said, “Don’t wait up.”
Quickly slamming the door behind you, you could just make out a string of expletives being yelled on the other side. Chuckling, you turned back to Kory. She smiled at you and wrapped her hands around your waist before lifting you both up into the sky.  
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Crazy In Love
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Eddie Diaz x Reader 
Warnings: mentions of injuries, Eddie can’t do math or cook for shit, friends to lovers :))) 
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 2.1k
Author’s Note: takes place after Stuck (2x04) when abuela breaks her hip. Also, this was supposed to be for 911 readers week but I didn’t finish it in time sooooo just take it now instead :) 
The phone rang, your arm stretched over the pile of dishes on the counter. “Hello ?” you answered, putting it on speaker and setting it back down.
Eddie’s voice rang through the speaker, echoing through the empty apartment. “Hey, can you do me a huge favour ?”
“If you're gonna ask me to bake a cake, I have literally no time, honey. I’m really sorry but I need to finish this order-” Eddie sounds like he cut himself off before saying something as you explain that you’re busy.
“Eds? Are you there ?”
“Yeah- yeah, I'm here.”
“What’s up?”
“You’re busy, I don’t want to bother you.”
You can’t help but roll your eyes because no matter how busy you are, you always made time for Eddie. He sighs heavily, so much so that you can hear him thinking.
“Eddie, what is it ?”
“Can you pick Chris up from school ? I know you’re busy but if you can’t, that’s ok-” “of course I can pick him up!”
The sound of a breath being released before a feminine voice called out for him. “I gotta go, Abuela needs me but he’s off at 3. Thank you, y/n - really.”
“You don’t have to thank me, Eddie.”
He mumbles something before hanging up. You glance at the phone screen - 2:24. You had enough time to change and shove the dishes in the dishwasher before having to head out so you did just that.
You had picked up Christopher from school a million times. His teachers knew you well enough that Eddie no longer had to call and let them know he wouldn't be picking up Chris but that you would be.
Standing outside of the school, the PTA parents were gossiping within their little bubbles, talking about the other members behind their backs but smiling in their faces. You bit back a smile before walking towards the gate. The students were lined up by the door, waiting for the bell to ring.
The moment it does, the students come running out with their teacher a few feet behind them in an attempt to keep up with them. One by one, their teacher lets them out, Christopher finally spotting you and this teacher waves hello as they open the gate for him.
“Y/n! What are you doing here!?” his little face lights up with a smile.
“Your dad asked me to come get you, he's with abuela.”
The two of you start making your way back to the car when Christopher asks you what his plans for the afternoon were. Soon you realized that Eddie didn’t give you any explanation as to where to go or what to do after you picked up Chris.
“How does ice cream and then abuela’s sound ?”
“Can we take some for her and dad too?” Chris asks as you help him into the car.
“Of course we can.”
Christopher was lugging his backpack over his shoulder when you knocked on the door, two containers of ice cream in hand. Eddie opens the door, grinning at his son whose face matches his father’s.
“Hey kiddo” Eddie kneels, wrapping the boy in his arms. Christopher’s arms extend around his father, “hi dad, we bought ice cream” he points out the obvious.
Eddie glances up at you, the ice cream tucked under your arm - he flashes you a smile.
“Oh yeah?” he lets go of Chris. “Did you have any?”
“No,” he shakes his head, his hair flopping around as he snickers. Eddie pushes the hair from Christopher’s forehead. “So what’s this on your face?” swiping his finger on Chris’s chin, a little smudge of brown on his finger from the leftover ice cream.
“Paint.” Chris smiles at his father sweetly.
“Uh huh, paint.” he chuckles, stepping aside for Chris to come further into the house.
“Thanks for picking him up,” he leans on the door frame, stretching and his arms lift above his head as he does. You can’t help but glance down at the area of exposed skin - eyes glued to the man in front of you.
“Y/n?” Eddie’s waving his hands in front of you, eyes raising from their previous spot to his face - the blush was creeping up on your face whilst that stupid smug smile of his was on his.
“Would you like to come in?”
“Oh, I don’t want to intrude.”
“You won’t be.”
“Are you sure?”
Stepping in, you take in the house. You had been by Isabel’s once or twice before but you had never come inside the house. The walls were painted a warm yellow colour, the furniture was spotless as was the rest of the house. Isabel sat on the couch with Chris beside her as he told her about his day at school.
“Chris, did you wash your hands?” Eddie calls, the door shutting. Chris doesn't answer which is an answer in itself. “Go now, please.” Eddie’s voice sounds closer, glancing behind you to see him beside you.
Chris grumbles but gets up, Isabel turns her attention to you and Eddie. “How are you feeling ?”
“As well as someone can with a broken hip” she gives you a smile.
“I’m glad you’re okay, you gave Eddie a scare” giving him a playful shove. “We got ice cream, vanilla and toffee. Chris said toffee was your favourite” handing her the small container. “It is, thank you. That’s so sweet of you.” she smiles, pulling the top off.
“No need to thank me, it was Christopher’s idea.”
“Ah, well I'll thank him when he comes back out.” she says smiling, “Eddie, a spoon please ?” she glances at the man beside you. He hums, stepping away for a moment to get her a spoon.
Chris comes running back in after washing his hands. “Dad! Can we stay over? Abuela said it was okay” he’s beside his father now, looking up at him with his big brown eyes that were practically begging him to let him.
You, Eddie and Isabel all knew that Christopher had his father wrapped around his finger and would ultimately get his way but Eddie had to give him a fatherly response and say no, they should go home. Isabel doesn't usually butt in but this time she did.
“Mijo, stay. I could use the company.” She says, patting the spot beside her and Chris makes his way over to sit beside her.
Eddie sighs, if he had a soft spot, it was for the two people on the couch. “Fine, just tonight then.”
Isabel smiles, satisfied with his answer. “y/n, stay for dinner darling. Eddie’s cooking” “Yea- who said I was cooking?” Eddie butts in, shocked at the assumption. “I did, mijo. Don’t worry, I'll tell you what to do.”
“Buddy, why don’t you finish up your homework so you can relax for the rest of the night ?” Eddie calls out to Chris, who again groans. He loved school but despised homework - as did most kids.
“I have math, I need help so I can’t do it because you’re busy.” Chris says plainly, thinking his statement will get him out of his math work because Eddie can’t do math for shit.
“I can help.”
“Y/n, you don't have to-” “no, it’s fine. C’mon kiddo” Chris grumbles, making his way to the dining room table, the two of you taking a seat when Eddie helps Isabel up and to the kitchen.
You can hear them talking and her telling Eddie to cut things a certain way or not to put too much of something into the pot. It only took 20 minutes for Christopher to finish his math homework, he brought it into the kitchen to show his dad.
“Look! I’m done! Math’s easy when you understand it.” that last bit was a little dig at Eddie and his math skills. You ruffled Chris’s hair as he walked back into the living room.
“Did he just-” Eddie watches his son make his way to the couch.
You hold back a laugh,“Mhm hm” Eddie shakes his head, chuckling. “Here, taste this.” he picks up some sauce from the pot, holding the spoon over his hand before handing it to Isabel.
Her face twists when she tastes it, “Eddie, I love you honey, but that’s terrible.” you press your lips together, holding back a chuckle.
“What?” he pouts, sighing. “I swear it tasted fine ten minutes ago.” sitting beside Isabel in defeat.
You pick up another spoon and taste some for yourself, your expression matching Isabel’s from moments ago. Eddie had remembered to put everything in, except the paprika and the salt, you add a bit of both and stir the pot. Taking the spoon from Eddie, you pick up a bit of the sauce and hand it back to Isabel.
“Ah, that’s better.” she hums, making you smile as she hands you back the spoon. Eddie sighs, letting you know that he was still there.
"Why don’t you go see if Christopher wants to watch something or if he wants a snack ?” his grandmother nudged him, a signal for him to leave the kitchen. “y/n can take over for you”
“Abuela, you can’t invite them in and have them work for their dinner.” he says, making her laugh.
“It’s okay Eds,” waving him off. “I don’t mind, really.”
Eddie left the kitchen and made his way over to the couch, listening as Chris told him about his day. He glanced back to see if everything was alright but he noticed that the two of you were laughing as you told Isabel something. Eddie would be lying if his heart didn’t skip a beat.
He stopped seeking his parents’ approval of who he dated- for a matter of fact, it went out the window when he brought Shannon home the first time but seeing you with an abuela made him so warm and happy, he couldn't help but smile.
Eddie’s hand slipped onto your hip, his chest against your back. “Can I help you, Eddie?” you mumble, your eyes on the dishes in front of you.
He hums, hands coming around and arms now wrapped around your waist. Eddie felt your wet hands pull his hands off of you, “Isabel and Chris are in the other room, stop it”
His head tilted, that innocent look on his face, “stop what?”
“Eddie,” turning to face him, “shh I don’t want to hear it” he cuts you off, hands back on your waist.
“I don’t think I've ever loved someone the way I love you.” His words come off so sweet and loving but hit you like a ton of bricks.
You loved Eddie, more than anything but you had never actually told him nor did you ever feel the need too. It was always implied that as friends, you loved and cared about each other.
Eddie always knew he loved you, there was never any question about that but something about you, seeing you with an abuela and how great you were with Christopher (as you always were) just pushed him over the edge.
He had to tell you.
“Y/n, you know I love you- and before you say anything, I know I’ve never actually said it to you but I didn’t feel like I had too, you knew I did.”
“I know.”
You were still gathering your thoughts, trying to come up with the words to tell him you loved him too but Eddie’s expression changed. His brows furrowed, eyes studying your face - the worry had set in.
What if you didn’t feel the same way ? God, he’d feel so stupid if he embarrassed himself like that.
The years of friendship were enough for you to realize how he was feeling. You were lacking words and you know what they say, actions speak louder than words.
Your hands reach for his face, now cupping his cheeks. Your lips meet his, he pulls you closer to him- if that's even possible. It was a few moments before you pulled away.
Eddie smiles lovingly at you and you’re sure you have the same expression plastered on your face. “Um- I think that says it.” you hum, smiling at him.
“Doesn't mean you can't say it,” he pokes fun at you, making you roll your eyes playfully.
“I love you.”
taglist: @advicefromnixxxx @spencersendgame @keenmarvellover @beth-winchester21​ @fernandaweasley2​ @yikesyikesyikes95​ @hotchsdarling​ @duhbar1975​ @wowitsel​ @mrspeacem1nusone​ @jillys-feral-fandoms​ @alexandrianicolegrey-oc​ @hailsstormthings @averyhotchner​ @captainxholmes​ @mrs-dr-reid​ @aficwhore​
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