#she revived him so that they could die together I guess lol
I was just thinking about how in the episode The Flax, Aeryn revived John so she didn’t have to die alone…
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yuseirra · 2 months
ONK PREDICTIONS- what will happen at the B-Komachi tour
Shall I make a prediction now? This is a thought that constantly pops up in my head and it's a bit ridiculous maybe, but it DOES all add up nicely together.
It seems like things might happen at the concert Kana told Aqua to come see/the dome concert/during the tour. Some B-komachi related event.
Kana's told Aqua to keep his eyes on her but it seems like something will happen so that he can't focus solely on her (he failed to receive the ball she threw him so that'a a pretty bad sign)
I think Nino will attack Ruby, Kana will try to stop Nino, Aqua will try to protect Kana, and Kamiki will try to shield Aqua, ultimately leading to one of these characters (I'm guessing Kamiki) getting stabbed, lol... Like a domino effect. But there's a lot of foreshadowing for all this, you see.
There was foreshadowing in the movie arc that Kana would protect Ruby.
Kana mentioned that even a genius would die if stabbed early in the story.
There was a scene where Aqua was extremely anxious about something like what happened to Ai happening to Kana. (Coming to think of it, he even says he should have shielded her with HIS own body when he has these traumatic flashbacks. He might try to really go through with this if something like this happens again)
Kamiki, after seeing Ai's video and having returned to being good, will act to protect his children as it's something Ai would have wanted (I actually drew this comic earlier on that note).
But if this happens, many characters will get entangled... it’ll be chaos. Wow.. it's going to be a huge scene.
Nino would attack Ruby because Ruby must be the most suitable offering to revive Ai/bring her closer to her. I believe Kamiki and Nino have been cooperating to see Ai again. Nino doesn't only hate Ai, she's really obsessed with her and does care for her in a way, I feel? I have a feeling that she's also someone who really wants to have her back and has a sense of guilt about how things turned out (I'm not exactly saying that she's going to be redeemable). That's probably why she and Kamiki have been working together, they're probably doing something regarding Ai (from the songs, the most likely goal seems to be bringing her back to life)
However, Kamiki, after hearing Ai's true wishes, would turn a new leaf and give up when the goal is just within reach. Nino's attack will fail, and she will be shocked and wonder 'why?' as she gets arrested.
And Kamiki could get stabbed in the same way Ai was. It'll be sort of like reenacting what's happened in the first volume, with a hardcore lunatic fan of Ai stabbing the twin's parents.
Likely, this guy will probably try to act as a father at least once before the story ends. I believe this character, if he regains his conscience, would feel sorry for his children.
I keep getting this idea over and over. Will it really happen? But if it does, this character's life's just really miserable... That's why I keep saying it. Maybe he did some extremely terrible things in the past, so one might say he deserves it, (even I might think so depending on what he's actually done) but it's like he never had a chance to be happy at all except for the brief time he shared Ai. It was constant suffering. Is this right?;; I actually believe he would have loved his kids and acted like a normal parent if things didn't turn out to be as messed up as it is now. He seems to have been really focused on Ai after her death, but if she didn't pass... they could really have been a nice family of four. Of course, he could turn out to be a real dick and I'm still having that possibility in my thoughts, but now?? After all this? I say there's actually a pretty low chance of him just being reduced to a horrible psychopath at this point.
There has to be a reason Ruby is mentioned as Amaterasu. Ruby, who resembles Ai a lot, has a kind heart.
If her biological dad isn’t just a jerk and actually tries to save the kids and be a dad for once... I hope Ruby helps him.
I think Ruby inherited Ai's "blessing" from the gods and might be even stronger than her in that aspect. From the knowledge I have, Amaterasu seems to be one of the most powerful god in Japanese mythology, and she is one of the most well-known deities...
If this happens, a lot of the foreshadowing can be tied up neatly★☆! Including Ai having asked the protagonists to help their father.
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librathefangirl · 1 year
You said this was after Mel broke the curse and killed his father. When the Supreme deity got revived, she mocked the sins, especially her daughter, how they were unable to save Mel and how pathetic and ironic it is that Mel got killed by the person he loves the most.
Ohhh~ I want Tristan (maybe with the event of 4koa?) to add on the pile. When Tristan was born, everyone was protective of him because he reminded them of Mel and mostly because he was the last piece of Mel.
Tristan grew up hearing Mel's adventures with the remaining sins, but no one told him how he died because the kingdom thinks if they told him that his mother killed his father, he would grew to despise her.
Zeldris tries to visit Tristan as much as possible because his brother's son needs to know he has an uncle, and like everyone else, he was the last piece of Mel. He didn't like Eli at all, he avoids or hiss at her everytime he sees her. He still holds a grudge of her for killing his brother despite Tristan's confusion of his uncle and mother's relationship. Zeldris didn't like talking about his brother and tired to avoid the topic everytime Tristan asked because he never got to hang out nor get to know him.
I leave the rest to you because I love how you rambled with ideas, and I love them!!!
You know what even more sadder in this au?
Is that Mel never got peace after the curse broke after killing his father, he never got to live in peace with Eli and his family :(((
saharthings asked: Gowther would be giving Tristan the story of the seven deadly sins, mainly his parents. He would see how much suffering his parents have went through especially his father. Although, it never shown his death because like everyone else, Gowther doesn't want Tristan to hate his mother.
(In reference to/continuation of this and this post)
Oh, you want rambling? Well then, let's see what I can do.
First of, yes, this is after the breaking of the curse and the death of the Demon King. That is, in a way, what creates the whole heartbreak of it all - the curse being broken means Meliodas is really dead-dead with no resurrection.
(Oh damn. When I think about it, it would be interesting to explore an AU to this AU, I guess you could call it, where the events in My Love, It Burns (bad ending) happens BEFORE the curse is broken. This would present a whole different kind of angst, because we all know Meliodas would brush it off because it's not like he can actually die and they've got a curse to break, but Elizabeth would be completely wrecked with the guilt and - Yeah, I might actually write this some day. Maybe?)
Okay, I got a little sidetracked. But! The curse is broken, Meliodas is dead. This would of course change everything about the fight against the Supreme Deity. There are so many things in Cursed by Light that depend on Meliodas and his relationships. He and Elizabeth are out on their honeymoon trip when they meet Zeldris and Gelda, he "convinces" Zeldris to let them come along to the Demon Realm, they all fight together against Dahlia and Dubs and thereby learn about the Supreme Deity's involvement, then they get back to Liones in time for Meliodas and Zeldris to kill her. This story would look completely different without Meliodas. Elizabeth would have no reason to go on the trip and wouldn't run into Zeldris and Gelda, her relationship with Zeldris would be even worse off than Meliodas' is in canon, Zeldris and Gelda would be forced to face Dahlia and Dubs alone, and Zeldris and Gelda's roles in the actual fight with the Supreme Deity would look different as they would in that case come there to face her alone without any involvement from Meliodas.
It's interesting to think about (and now I kinda wanna make a fic out of that too - but I would have to figure out how to write actual fight scenes first lol). I can definitely see the Supreme Deity being absolutely cruel against the remaining Sins and even more against Elizabeth. After everything Elizabeth did, after going against the Supreme Deity and the goddesses' principles, after choosing Meliodas time and time again, she was the one to kill him. The Supreme Deity would no doubt appreciate the irony of it. And then the Seven Deadly Sins? The famed order of knights, responsible for defeating the demon threat, kill the Demon King himself and end the war, well, they couldn't even keep their own captain alive. Oh... I think her gloating about Meliodas' demise would be the cause of her own fall. Because like the Sins and Elizabeth, yeah they might accept her talking shit about themselves - hello guilt and self-blame - but not each other and absolutely not Meliodas. Elizabeth would make good of that threat she gives in canon, that if the Supreme Deity doesn't stop hurting her family and friends, she will fight her. And fight her she does! Alongside Zeldris, who came after there to confront her after everything that happened in the Demon Realm.
That would be what determined Elizabeth and Zeldris' relationship going forward. But before we step further into the future, there's one more character I wanna talk about: Gelda.
Gelda's place in this AU and the whole ordeal with Meliodas' death is another intriguing thing to think about. Because on one side, she sees firsthand the utter devastation Meliodas' death at the Elizabeth's hands causes Zeldris. On the other side, Meliodas and Elizabeth were the ones who freed her from her second seal and then saved Zeldris from the Demon King, not just when he possessed Zeldris body but also by killing the Demon King and releasing Zeldris from his influence and control. I also think she and Elizabeth have a deeper understanding for each other - she knows that Elizabeth would of course never willingly harm Meliodas, if she did that it was either an accident or because it was literally the only option she had. Gelda would be able to view the situation more objectively and not let her emotions cloud her ability to see it from Elizabeth or the Sins' perspective. I think she would push Zeldris to maintain a relationship with Elizabeth after Meliodas' death and especially after the news about baby Tristan.
Of course, Zeldris doesn't need much convincing to be a part of Tristan's life - but more about that later. First, let's talk a little about Tristan himself.
I don't know which alternative is worse: Elizabeth finding out she's pregnant with Meliodas' child after her magic kills him, or Elizabeth and Meliodas both already knowing she's pregnant when the attack happens. Ugh, so much angst, I love it. Or, third option, Bartra knew Elizabeth was pregnant because of his Vision but hadn't said anything yet because he wanted them to find out on their own and then Elizabeth had to find out alone because Meliodas' died before he could even find out he was going to be a father. So, so much angst potential in this AU.
Okay, but what about Tristan then? No matter how anyone finds out, Tristan is born and suddenly there's this last piece of Meliodas, completely free of all the pain and horror, in the world. So, Tristan grows up fiercely protected. Just like in canon, Tristan will constantly hear how much like his mother he looks. From outsiders. But when it comes to his family and even more his parents' family and friends, they look at him and they see Meliodas - which is not good for the guilt that none of them seem able to shake, and definitely makes their protectiveness of Tristan worse.
Tristan might never have gotten the chance to meet his father, but everyone around him certainly makes him feel alive. Tristan grows up surrounded by stories about his father; of how he saved the kingdom and the entirety of Britannia, of how he saved his family and friends in big and small ways, of how he was a demon and he was good, of how despite everything he went through he would always smile, of how his cooking could make even an immortal fear for his life. Tristan heard stories about the big things and the small things, the amazing things and the silly things. He heard stories about everything except how his father died. It was the one thing nobody would ever speak to him about - he was a hero, he died protecting this kingdom; never a how and never a who. Even when Gowther gifted him the story of his parents, that part was still missing.
As the years pass, Tristan gets even more stuck on that one missing story. Some might even say it turns into an obsession. But Tristan can't let it go; it's that one even that kept him from ever meeting his father. And he just doesn't get it. Why won't anyone tell him? There was definitely some horrible things that Gowther still showed him, so why not his father's death? Tristan is not stupid, with every avoided story, he realized that there's something more to it, there's something about how his father died that everyone is trying to keep from him.
(Okay, now I want to write THAT story too. Tristan's search for the truth about his father's death over the years, with a lot of focus on Zeldris' relationships with Tristan and Meliodas too. Because if anyone is going to stop treating him like a child it's Zeldris, if anyone is going to understand what it's like to never get to have a real relationship with Meliodas, it's Zeldris).
Now, about Zeldris. Like I said earlier, he doesn't need much convincing once the news about Tristan reaches them. He doesn't really want to be around Elizabeth (even if she did help him kill her own mother) or the remaining Seven Deadly Sins, but Tristan's his family. He's Meliodas' son. To Zeldris, as well, he's the last piece of Meliodas still alive in this world. And Zeldris needs him to know that he has an uncle, that his father had a family too. He wants Tristan to know about demons and see the beauty in those powers too. Most of all, he doesn't want Tristan to be ashed of his father's genes, he wants him to have the childhood and the family that both he and Meliodas were robbed of. That's what Meliodas would have wanted to. Zeldris might never have gotten to make up with his brother, to forgive him or even talk about everything they said or didn't say - he never got to have a relationship with his brother, but he can have one with his nephew. Zeldris visits Tristan as often as his own duties allow. As he grows older, Tristan sometimes visits him in the Demon Realm too. When Zeldris is in Liones he tries his best to avoid Elizabeth and anyone else of Meliodas' friends. Their relationship is still bad, but they all do their best to keep the bad blood hidden from Tristan - he still notices things. They all just want to make right by Meliodas.
At first, Zeldris is one of the only people who won't talk about Meliodas with Tristan. He will tell him about the Demon Realm and about demons, but never about Meliodas. Not even when Tristan asks him about him. It doesn't last. As Tristan grows older, the questions increases. Zeldris still tries to avoid the topic, even gets into arguments with Tristan about it, until eventually... Eventually Zeldris can't avoid it anymore. He's forced to confront his own relationship with Meliodas. Because Tristan actually thinks Zeldris hates how big brother, that he doesn't miss him. Zeldris has missed Meliodas since long before he actually died. After that, Zeldris starts telling Tristan about Meliodas as well. Not about his death and not about the Meliodas that Britannia knew. He tells him about the Meliodas before all that, about growing up in the Demon Realm together, about going dragon hunting. He tells him about the few moments they actually got to have as brothers, about the Meliodas that Zeldris grew up looking up to and admiring.
Yeah, Meliodas never getting the peace with Elizabeth is the most cruel part about this AU, and what I kinda wanted to focus on with the bad ending. "After all these years, their parents had won." Because that's what happened. All Meliodas ever wanted was to live in peace with Elizabeth, but he died and he wasn't coming back, and thereby it was a reality he never got. But not only that, with Tristan added to it all, it makes it worse. Because Meliodas never got to see the family he left behind and Tristan never got to meet him. Even if Tristan tried to get into the Necropolis/City of the Dead he couldn't, because he has no shared memories with Meliodas.
And with that I'm gonna shut up before I'm hit with even more fic ideas (I already have sooo many - I mean I love it, I love writing them, but also ahhh)
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litterateur97 · 2 years
I am going to cause riot 😌😉
Question 1, 2, 5 and 6 for death note please.
Question 8 for atla.
Lol, thank you for the ask!
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
For Death Note specifically, I'd say the only OTPs I don't really get are Light x Misa and then when Ryuk gets shipped with anybody. I'm not against anyone shipping these pairings, I just personally don't see it. The entire story of Death Note to me shows that Light x Misa are not good together, and Light doesn't love her, and Light comes across as gay or asexual in my opinion. But I guess if people are just shipping them in an unhealthy way I can understand it. And then Ryuk just doesn't make sense with anyone to me lol. I mean I'm down for monster fucking type ships (I enjoy Rem x Misa), but Ryuk comes across as asexual and I just can't see him ever being interested in anyone like that.
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
I'm not sure there's any pairing that I only see as a BroTP, but I guess I see L x Matsuda as more of a BroTP than an OTP. I like the idea of them as L as the older brother who is condescending towards his younger brother Matsuda. L does bully Matsuda quite a bit throughout the series lol so I can see them more as family or close friends in some ways.
5. Do you have a NoTP in Death Note?
I don't personally enjoy any incest type ships, so anything where it's like Light with his family or L with Watari is a no go for me.
6. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Oh boy you might get me in trouble with this one lmao. Yeah, the Death Note fandom definitely ruined lawlight for me for awhile there. When I first joined the fandom, I was really into the fanart and most of the fanfics for lawlight, but idk it felt so everywhere and in my face all the time, so I started to get bored of it. I was more interested in the crack ships or rare pairs for the series because I didn't see them as often. And lawlight never quite gave me the same emotions lawmane did anyway. But then some folks would accuse you of homophobia if you shipped something other than lawlight, and that particularly annoyed me because I am gay. I think the fandom has gotten a lot less intense about it now though, so I'm enjoying lawlight again even if it's not one of my favorite pairings, but I definitely don't have the enthusiasm for it that I could have if the ship hadn't been ruined for me in my starting days in the fandom.
8. Unpopular opinion about ATLA?
I'm not sure how unpopular this opinion is (I always feel like there's a lot of hate towards Katara for this but I don't really know for sure if there is), but I very firmly believe that Katara had every right to threaten to kill Zuko and not accept him with open arms when he first joined the gaang. I mean I think people really ignore her perspective on this. She was the first one to trust Zuko, and then he immediately betrayed her, a betrayal that led to her best friend, who she saw as the only hope for fixing her world, dying. And so many people gloss over that fact, but Aang did in fact die at the end of season 2 and was revived by her when she used the spirit water. And then it took forever (months?) for Aang to wake up from his coma and can you imagine how scary that must have been for Katara? She was probably thinking about when she lost her mother or how the world was about to lose its only hope for peace or about how she'd never have fun penguin sledding with Aang again. Of course she threatened Zuko when he joined the gaang, she couldn't let him hurt Aang ever again. And the scene where she tells Zuko "bring my mother back" is obviously her response to the trauma of almost losing Aang reminding her of the trauma of her mother's death. Aang dying in front of her retraumatized her and reminded her of her mother dying in front of her. She sees Zuko as responsible for Aang's death, which I think is fair considering the betrayal, and because Zuko couldn't bring back Aang (Katara already did that herself), she tells him to bring her mother back. It makes complete sense to me.
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Okay, so hear me out. How about I change that certain movie a bit? Let’s start right when Unicron-Megatron arrives at the field with the Predacon bones and Starscream gets an orgasm thinking his beloved abuser master is back.
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I feel so bad for Starscream. He thinks everything is going to be okay again. Megatron is his protector after all. The only one who bothers to keep him around. What’s getting punched in the face and getting ridiculed from time to time when you aren’t left for dead? At least to Starscream it’s a good deal because he is used to abuse. Sometimes I think about a scene where Unicron not only punches Starscream, but threatens to kill him. If Megatron actually had a slither of fondness for Starscream or at least remembered what a total wild card he can be in the grand scheme of things, he could have tried his mind tricks on Unicron like he did with Predaking before.  I don’t know. Just to humanize him a bit. Think more of Starscream than that he suffers entertainingly. Buuut, let’s keep it as canon as we can. Scrap that scene. Let’s focus on things that actually could and should have happened!
When Unicron revives the Predacons, Starscream flees and Shockwave stays back because he is a slow inferior ground vehicle. Well, remember that Starscream pays back his debts? Remember that Shockwave grabbed Starscream at the end of season 3 and probably saved him from imprisonment or death? (I highly doubt the Autobots would have killed Starscream if he had had the chance to “avenge Megatron”, but Starscream just expects the worst from everyone, so...)  Since a horde of zombies is scary either way, Starscream flees at first, but then he decides to help Shockwave, the bot that kept him company and was his comrade after Megatron’s demise. Shockwave is about to be overpowered, but a few missiles give him some room to move again. Zombiecons really are not much better than Vehicons, Predacons or not. Megatron revived a whole army and Optimus and Ratchet had little problem slicing and dicing them all back in season 1. Dark energon is really overrated. It’s worthless actually. Megatron is a fool.
Anyway, as a nice quote from G1 which we know TF series can’t get enough of, Shockwave climbs on Starscream’s vehicle mode and together they can escape. We know Starscream is strong enough to carry Shockwave. He had no problem flying Knock Out around. Shockwave probably thinks that Starscream’s dangerous move was illogical, but Starscream just tells him to shut up.
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What happens next? They try to free Knock Out and the Vehicons of course. The more the merrier. With Shockwave around, Knock Out thinks twice about who is gonna be the winning team here and doesn’t stab Starscream in the back over some petty thing. A petty thing I would call the emergency brake writers pull when A: Starscream gets a friend. Or B: Two male characters get some really nice chemistry.
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I personally have no problem with Knock Out basically being a spineless Starscream who believes in nothing but his looks. What I have a problem with is the way he is treated. He is fucking dangerous and came pretty close to killing some members of team Prime. However, “No Autobot except Cliffjumper dies in this series by Decepticon hand” syndrome prevented that. He doesn’t believe in any of the Autobots’s morals. He doesn’t care if humanity gets wiped out. He has no honor, no loyalty. He contributes absolutely nothing in the fight against Unicron. The Autobots shouldn’t have treated him like a longtime member of team Prime. He shouldn’t have gotten away scot-free at the end of the movie as if he was actually good! It’s so unsatisfying and completely unearned! Breakdown, Starscream, even Dreadwing would have been better candidates for the turncoat. But nah, fuck actual character, Knock Out is cute and funny! He shall be good now! WRONG! Knock Out is a chicken shit opportunist, who will follow the faction in power. He would have submitted to Unicron if Unicron wasn’t about complete annihilation. Something like that shouldn’t be rewarded. If RiD did one thing right, it was showing Knock Out to be uncaring about Autobot stuff and just racing around on earth. So. Phew. Rant over. We will have none of that shit here. Decepticons and Autobots are at a standoff. And Bee won’t pull his dumb “Do you believe me or your own eyes?” shit either. Instead we do something else.
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Arcee knows that Starscream follows somewhat of an honor code. He had saved her from Airachnid and spared her life. So she tries to actually bargain with him. While the other Autobots are more like “The heck are you trying here, Arcee?”, she starts talking about whether Starscream really wants to abandon Cybertron and lose it to destruction, this time irreversible. After all, he had put so much effort in reviving it, getting the keys and all. Bee maybe catches on and strokes his ego and Starscream is like “Whoah, what you guys say isn’t even that wrong...!” Shockwave is skeptical, Knock Out just wants to be safe, but everyone comes to the conclusion that together, Autobots and Decepticons, they might have a chance. And so they do their all to fight for their home. And with “do their all” I mean it. They use everything. The Autobots free Soundwave from the shadow zone and if there is one good thing about Soundwave, it’s that he follows Starscream’s orders. Without Megatron, Starscream is the leader of the Decepticons, just like he had been in season 1. Also the prospect of beating Unicron out of Megatron’s body might motivate him too.
So they fly with the Nemesis to Primus’s anus and get battle ready. 
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In order to give the Zombiecons the smallest attack surface, they position themselves accordingly. Every Iaconic artifact gets used. Immobilizer, phaseshifter, shield... the Nemesis’s cannons... It’s a crazy fight and everybody is contributing. And then Starscream says “I would have never thought I’d die side by side with a grounder” to Knock Out and Knock Out responds with “How about side by side with a friend?” and... Maybe we even get some nice Autobot/Decepticon teamwork. Some really nice, fanservice-y shit. But the battle is hard and even with the Predacons joining them, they are about to be overwhelmed...
Until Prime and Wheeljack show up. Unicron finally enters the battle himself and Optimus and him start an epic fight surrounded by Autobots, Decepticons, Predacons and zombies. It seems like Prime will actually win and the morale is high. Until Unicron throws him to the ground and stabs him, Megatron screaming in his head. That’s not how Megatron had intended for their eon-long fight to end. He is overcome by guilt and regret. After all, his tinkering with Unicron’s blood had caused this outcome. Him, being nothing but a puppet, killing the one he once called his friend. 
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The Autobots are devastated and unbelieving. The Decepticons are more like “Oh no, I guess...” Then Bee pulls his leader potential out of his aft since it’s time not for gods and Primes to define destiny, but for the average man! He quickly advises everyone to focus on Unicron and keep him occupied, never letting him target just one and overwhelm them, but having an advantage thanks to their quantity. Wheeljack holds Primus’s spark box like a hot potato asking what to do with it now and Bee says, they’ll get it where it belongs. So all of our good flyers are supposed to get the box to the core. Predaking, Skylynx, Darksteel, Soundwave, Starscream eye each other like “Is that a good idea?”, but there is no better plan. One of them holds the box while the others flank him, protecting him from any potential Zombiecons slipping through the now far weaker protection of the remaining bots. Unicron becomes aware of what is happening and follows them. With his super ultra speed he quickly catches up and the flyers have to throw the box from one to the other in order to get it out of Unicrons reach. Once more they show how important camaraderie, teamwork and friendship is... eh... even if all the flyers are Decepticons and Predacons, lol... Like... Like this is a GOOD moral, okay?! Different species working together, even though they were evil or kinda evil... there is worth in life, even if said life wasn’t always pure.
Eventually, one of them opens the box and throws it in a last ditch effort towards the core, reviving Primus. The sparks burst towards the sky and Unicron’s spirit is ripped from Megatron’s body, carried to who knows where... whatever Primus deems right.
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Now, everything is good, isn’t it? Well, not for Megatron. He doesn’t have a place on the new Cybertron and chooses the exile. But Starscream is having nothing of that. Cybertron is theirs to take now, isn’t it? The Decepticons agree and Bee and the Autobots are like “Really?!?”, while the Predacons are like “Whatever... don’t try shit with us, though.”
Megatron is absolutely against any more carnage and says the war had been a mistake. Starscream can’t believe what he is hearing. Everything he ever did, was for nothing? All the losses? All the beatings? He tries to convince Megatron and tells him what he had done in his name. Cloned more Predacons, tried to avenge him. He is loyal for fuck’s sake!! He is like Megatron has always wanted him to be! Now that is all wrong and he had suffered uselessly?
Megatron just says, that Starscream had wasted his time. Then he wants to fly off, but Starscream holds him back, grabbing his arm. How can Megatron leave him now?! Megatron pushes him away and hurts his wing so he won’t get any ideas of following him before he transforms and flies away. 
Starscream is devastated. He has a breakdown. He reaches for his hurt wing and Knock Out is the first by his side, hearing him cry: “I can’t be alone again!” Knock Out shakes his head, smiling faintly. “But you have us.” Indeed. Even Soundwave was just disillusioned by Megatron’s sudden antics. There is no use following such a coward.
Autobots and Decepticons form a shaky peace agreement for now, everyone having to deal with the losses of their leaders and their almost destruction. The tone is somber, but Cybertron lives again. It is time for a new beginning...
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damn.... i still haven't gotten over the neo:twewy ending:
holy hekk everything was just so good-
it took me
2 and a half days to beat the game
i started playing it as soon as it came out
and i barely slept while playing because i wanted to just binge it
and i wasn't expecting a lot of the stuff that happened-
so i just took a bit to process everything lol
here's some random incoherent all over the place rambles about my thoughts on everything since i just wanna express my feelings towards this game
it's *really* long and also heavy spoilers so imma put it under a read more:
i remember screaming when beat showed up
cuz i was already suspecting that hooded man wasn't neku
i mean cmon man neku isn't blonde and bones aren't really his style so it was pretty suspicious to me
and beat was a welcomed surprise i was so happy to see him-
i wasn't surpised when minami left the party
i was guessing that it was gonna happen since that's how it went in the past game
with having to change partners and all that
but beat staying with the group was something i wasn't expecting!
and it was obvious that shokie was gonna join the twisters like she's on the cover and everything it seemed pretty obvious to me
even the whole "oh shoka is swallow" thing i guessed pretty early on
i was still pretty happy when i turned out to be right though
oh my lord nagi's obsession with sho was hilarious to me
almost every time he was on screen you could just see her portrait gazing at him it was really funny to me
motoi's reveal of being kinda selfish wasn't thqt big of a surprise
but i was still pretty sad about it cuz he was really nice before and poor rindo man-
his death was also pretty depressing
fuya's death didn't affect me as much tho tbh
i never really liked the guy and there wasn't really much about him that i knew
though his death was a bit scary
even though i expected it
kanon's death though-
her death made me really sad-
poor fret man he was getting closer to her and they just killed her off-
she was actually a lot nicer than i was expecting
i thought she was gonna be some a-hole who just acted like some big-shot
but no she was actually really nice and was really helpful-
i wasn't actually expecting her to die so i was pretty surprised
and poor fret he went through a lot that day-
i wasn't expecting much from fret
i thought he was gonna be the basic "im the only one that nothing bad really happens to"
but no he has proper character development and sad stuff and honestly i was surprised
probably because my expectations were pretty low
nagi honestly doesn't have as much past stuff going on
but she also has some character development in which she kinda learns more about others
and her relationship with fret was really good!
she started of hating him but in the end they both grew to have a mutual understanding of each other
and i adore that so much honestly
oh ayano-
poor lady just wanted things to be like they've always been
she just wanted to stay with shoka and be happy
she didn't deserve to die-
i thought i wasn't gonna like her or shoka
but i ended up liking em both a bunch-
found family falling apart really hurts ;;;
i thought i wasn't gonna like shiba
but i actually ended up liking him a bit at the end
kubo on the other hand
i thought i wasn't gonna like him
and now i like him even less
he smells
i don't really know how to feel about haz
he's pretty mysterious and i don't really know much about him yet
he gives off josh vibes though
which i don't know if that's a good sign
i thought he wasn't gonna be in the game so when i saw him i started screaming-
it was 5 am and i was yelling about my boi nekuuuuu
i was so happy to see him i missed him so much-
i definitely wasn't expecting the whole "oh yeah im teaming up with coco" thing though
cuz coco literally *shot* him but ok-
also wasn't expecting tsugumi to be friends with coco but hey i ain't complaining-
i remember being really estatic when they showed a part of rhyme's portrait in that one scene
same goes for shiki
and i was even more happy to see them entirely like finally the group is back together again-
even josh showed up which damn has his personality barely changed why did you just teleport shokie somewhere random like that??
i mean yea you revived her but still dude she's gonna starve out there i mean she's fine now but still-
shiki just knowing neku was there even though she couldn't see him that hurts man-
ngl i was kinda hoping to see eri or somethin
but oh well lol we still got the other girlbosses so it's chill and im still very happy
susy k was a pretty interesting character
i thought i wasn't gonna like him but here we are
uzuki and kariyaaaaa
was really glad to see em again
their interactions with the ogs was really funny to me cuz they barely remembered the poor reapers and it was just really cool lol
the fact that even they have like a lil bit of character development was really neat to see cuz i was pretty much just expecting them to just sit in a corner and do nothing but that wasn't the case so im happy
the whole time travel is bad actually was a really interesting twist!
poor rindo though he suffered so much-
the whole tsugumi showing visions to rindo and neku was also pretty cool
and i got one of the secret reports (the 3rd one) and
are these written by mr h?
i'd be pretty happy if they were cuz he's nowhere to be found right now in the game and i miss him
i remember not knowing how to get the legendary outfit set that you were supposed to get from preordering the game
turns out i had to quit and re-enter
which by the time i found that out i was already at the start of week 3 without quitting the game even once
so i got pretty annoyed but oh well at least i still got it lol
when i got the preorder bonus outfit
i immediately gave them to beat because i thought that to be a funny choice
until neku came along so i then gave the clothes to him because well they're his clothes and im sad
but yea that was a thing
the soundtrack is a bop i don't think ill ever grow tired of it honestly
it's so good and just aaaaa-
oh yea and another day was pretty funny
i love the mention of tin pin since that was a big thing in twewy's another day and it's just really cool to me
which reminds me of when reaper creeper was mentioned in week 3
that was also really neat
i think
im running out of things to say
took me long enough
ok that's all for now
ill try and post some fanart soon maybe?
if i ever get the motivation to do so lol
or maybe ill be back to ramble if i realize that i forgot something
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deathchamber6172 · 3 years
Short Story: 30. Frost
I was doing more Sea of Thieves with my brothers and we were doing the Pirates of the Caribbean. I was in discord with my older brother while my other brother wasn't. He was doing to map, and though it said to go one way, there was the green portal ahead. My older brother said that he was going to get mad and join the discord call to yell at us cause we weren't going in the 'right' direction.... moments later, there was the ding of someone joining the call. lol XD
Here is some more about Alex Ridley's time as a new guardian. I have decided where she started, it's down below from Gateway in the Cosmodrome.
Destiny belongs to Bungie.
My guardian oc (Alex Ridley) belongs to me.
Repost with credit.
30. Frost
“It’s… cold.” Her jaw clinked together as she shivered at the cold wind. The hot sand had soaked up the chill from night, it no longer warmed her through her armor. She looked up at the ghost. “Where do we go?”
The ghost floated around, he looked up and scanned around. “Hm, we need to get out of here first. There are cars ahead, take shelter there.”
She blinked; the path looked steep and muddy. The guardian stood up, taking a stumble as she balanced herself. Her body still felt like it wasn’t hers- and it could not be, after all, she was revived. Who’s to say that this is really her body? She shook her head. The ghost had no reason to lie to her, and she felt nothing, but warmth from him.
“Night is coming. We have to go.”
The guardian nodded and began to walk up the path. “Wait,” she turned around to the shore, “do I have anything?”
“Huh? No. Most guardians don’t have anything when they get revived for the first time.” He flashed in front of her. “And you were buried here for a long… long time.”
“Lovely…” She bit her lip, trying to memorize the shoreline; how the waves hit the sand, the sun lit the ocean on fire. “Do I… at least have a name?”
“No. I’m not entirely sure of the process of choosing a guardian, I can feel you. It happens and we go to find you.” He tilted to the side. “This is the start of your life, guardian, you have to make it.”
Taking a step forward, she let out a sigh. “It feels like I’m a nobody. Why me? How did I even know that I was a good person before I died?” Another step. She flexed her hands and took another deep breath. It felt like she was alive. “I died here alone. What if I was a coward who fled?”
“You didn’t die alone…” The ghost floated ahead. “Look, I may not entirely know your former life, but I know you weren’t evil. I know you were a good person. The Traveler chose you.”
“...I hope you’re right.”
The guardian continued to make her way up. It was strange, she didn’t feel like she walked all the way up the hill and to the very top. A long rusty white bus was there- maybe two… she tilted her head and walked closer to the pile of vehicles. “Ghost, what is this?”
“Leftovers before the Traveler created us, Ghosts, people tried to run away from the danger… but most of them… didn’t make it.” The ghost curled back into her cloak. “I was worried… about finding you.”
“...so many cars… why wasn’t I here?”
“It could be a good thing.”
There was some part of her convinced she was a coward, she was at the shoreline while everyone seemed to be up here. Though she guessed she would never know. She slid past the cars, narrowing her eyes at the rust and tried to keep away from it. The road ended. Though there was two beams supporting a small chunk of road, cars piled on top of it.
The ghost floated out. “Jump, you can make it. Oh right.” He spun around her, going back to hover at the first beam. “Guardians can jump far, remember, you’re not human anymore.” She looked doubtful, but jumped… and jumped again. Landing on a rusty car, she slid down. “Cool, right?”
“I guess…”
They made it to the other side. She walked past the cars, going up to the grassy cliff. There she could see more of the world; she turned to the shoreline, it seemed so far away now. Her new life as a guardian started. “What now?”
“We go to the Last City, to the Tower. There you’ll meet Zavala and Ikora!”
“Zava…” a rustle had her turned around, “what was that?” Her heart started to pound and she shivered. It was like the cold followed her. “Ghost…”
The ghost looked around, both glancing to the side when there was another rustle. “I… I don’t know.” The green started to wilt and the frost grew from the wilt. “Run… we need to run!”
“Wha- why?” She ran back to the cars, stopping back a car. When she opened the door, a skeleton dropped down, and she jumped back. The air chilled, blowing on her neck. She tried another car- it was more like a van and had a sheet over the roof. The handle snapped off. Rust fell down onto the road as she pried the door open, she crawled in and slammed the door shut. More rust and dust fell.
She scooted back, the frost creeping on the window. Curling up, she pressed herself to the back and squeezed her eyes shut. The guardian kept her ghost close to her, he hid himself in her arms. “...what’s going to happen?”
“Nothing, I promise. We just need to stay here.” The ghost shivered. “Promise.”
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Bölüm 45 asks
Plus a few asks from 44, and one about the fragman for 46
Read more under the cut
Anonymous asked: I cannot believe that Ayse revived the "Kemal is Serkan's real father" theory but I think I'm down for it? At least now Kiraz has one decent grandparent and he seems like genuinely nice man. I've been wishing for him to have some scenes with Serkan because the way they set up this S2 plot, they could relate to one another and I was sad to see that he spent 5 years hiding instead
I'm down for this plot! See, now that I know they're doing the long-lost-father plot, it makes all the sense in the world why Serkan doesn't like Kemal and they didn't forge a relationship in the last five years. If they had, then finding out he's his dad would have been a lot less jarring and dramatic. Finding out now and then forging the relationship I think will be a bit more meaty story so it works for me.
To me this story works on a lot of levels, and makes sense with who Serkan is and his very strained relationship with Alptekin. It's like Alptekin sensed it, and resented Serkan his whole life. For those worried that Serkan will no longer have the last name Bolat, I'm not sure where that's coming from. Maybe I'm just not familiar with other cultures, but that is his name, Alptekin raised him, adults don't just up and change their name because of genetics. If you're adopted and you meet your bio dad as an adult, you don't change your name to your bio dad's.
Serkan's name is very much a part of his identity. Which is why this story has so much potential, because it could shake Serkan to his very core to find out who he thought he was, was wrong. He thought he was unlovable, most importantly maybe he'll finally realize there was more at play there and it wasn't at fault.
Anonymous asked: There were a couple things in the last episode that didn't sit well with me. 1. I can't believe Eda made Serkan sleep outside at night and didn't feel bad in the morning when she realized he got sick! 2. The way Seyfi announced Aydan and Kemal's secret relationship. It wasn't his secret to tell, though Aydan did deserve the way everyone reacted. So I got over that pretty quick. 3. Burak!!! He's not the one for Melo. She deserves better and if they end up together in the end, I'm gonna protest.
1. Unless you're going to put the same energy into not believing that Serkan had the gal to remove his bed on the floor as a way to maneuver himself into Eda's bed before she was ready, I really can't relate. It was done for comedy, my advice is to unclench and just giggle along.
2. Or you could look at it as being unfair of Aydan to burden Seyfi with that secret and require he lie to his other employer for five years. I mean I don't disagree that it wasn't his secret to tell, but Aydan had plenty of chances, and it was time for it to come out.
3. This one we are in 100% agreement about. MELO DESERVES BETTER. I will die on this hill.
Anonymous asked: Hi! Do you think Serkan actually believes in Kerem's abilities (he trusts Eda's faith in Kerem) or is this part of his plan to win Eda back? Either way I'm okay, just wondering what you think.
No, I do not think he gained a sudden belief in Kerem's abilities, but I do think he believes in Eda. And if Eda believes in Kerem then when push comes to shove that is enough for Serkan. Of course, he did it as part of his plan to win Eda back. Serkan is taking every opportunity to let Eda know that he respects her and believes in her and I think this was another example of that. There was also an aspect of him trying to win over another person in Eda's circle who was suspicious of him. The fewer people he has working against him, the better! He knows he has no shot with Burak or Ayfer, so this episode he worked on Melo and Kerem. But mostly it was him trying to make Eda's life easier, by smoothing over a personnel problem she was having, thus making working out of Art Life a more attractive option for her. All of those things in one!
Anonymous asked: What do you think about Eda and Piril's friendship? This episode really highlighted how close they've gotten.
Yes, they have gotten close, and I'm happy Eda has a friend, but at the same time I don't trust Piril. This is a woman who discarded Eda and embraced Selin when she was manipulating and abusing a brain-damaged Serkan.
Eda might be able to forget, but I can't. Also as a character she's just boring, rigid and humorless. One of my least favorites on screen.
That being said I do like the triad dynamic of Kiraz/Can, Serkan/Engin, and Eda/Piril, it was fun when they were calling each other at the same time.
Anonymous asked: Idk if they reached out to Maya just because she looked like Hande considering she had no acting experience, but this little girl is like the best casting I've seen. The chemistry with Hande and Kerem is amazing. She's so expressive. I am a Kiraz stan.
She's doing a fantastic job, precious thing! I have no idea how they found her, I know she was an instagram model, but the SCK casting director strikes again. This season doesn't work if we don't fall in love with Kiraz. Thankfully, we did!
Anonymous asked: Hi! Since it seems that we will have 13 episodes, do you think that Edser reconciliation/wedding will be left for the finale, 12-13 ep? Cause Ayse loves to drag and keep them apart.
I think the wedding might be closer to the end, but I think reconciliation will be a bit sooner than that.
However, I have to say that it's really not like they're apart.. is it? I mean this episode we had them living together, sort of casually planning their future together. Next episode we have them pretending to be married and ramping up the sexual tension to white-hot-sun levels, these are all good things. With episodes like this, I don't personally consider the show dragging it out.
In fandom I see a lot of peeps upset because Eda isn't getting immediately back with Serkan and I am feeling inpatient as well, do you think the writers are making a mistake keeping them apart?
Again, I guess my response to you is, by what definition was this episode "keeping them apart?"
Yes, they aren't having sex, but they are living together, working together, raising their daughter together, and I'm a-okay with having a couple of delicious episodes of that while they are still not fully back together romantically. Let's be real, they're still waking up in bed together, flirting, and having a romantic dinner together, so it's not like things aren't moving forward, they are. I'd advise putting aside your impatience, and just sit back, relax, and let the story take its course. There is no need to be anxious with this one. They are going to end up with their happily ever after together, but what we're seeing right now is delightful. It's them in family and domestic situations, them with their child. Most shippers only dream of getting to see this.
This sort of goes back to my stance on episodes 16-24, I know that was a frustrating time for a lot of fans because they were "broken up" but I've always said they may have been officially broken up, but they were in a committed relationship that entire time. And I enjoyed those episodes from that perspective, that tension of them being "apart" but still functioning as a unit and still being emotionally tied together underneath it all. There's kind of a similar situation here, they aren't officially back together, Eda is resisting him, but they are in a committed relationship and I don't understand what the need is to rush through this part? Enjoy the sexual tension of them living together, but not sleeping together. Enjoy the rom com romp of Serkan trying to get in her bed, and Eda taking steps to keep him out. Enjoy their daughter putting them in situations that force them into close proximity, and enjoy them falling into easy compatibility without even trying. Enjoy Serkan planning romantic dinners, and Eda enjoying it despite her every effort to protect her heart.
To me this is very good stuff, and spending this time being impatient and wanting what didn't happen yet, instead of enjoying what did happen is pretty much the recipe for unhappiness not just with this show, but life.
Anonymous asked: i feel like i've seen the exact same frustrations ppl have had with eda right now back around the 20s too after serkan told her about her parents' secret. it was like, now that he's told her the truth, she should automatically forgive him and get back together. same thing happening here, with him accepting his role as kiraz's father. it feels like the same impatience that's put on eda to just forgive him already bc everyone wants happy edser and she's in the way lol.. like girl needs time!
Agreed, and it makes me wonder if these folks have ever watched television before, lmao. Patience! There's a story unfolding and from the first 6 episodes it's clear they have a season long arc planned. All in due time.
Eda spent five years thinking that Serkan stopped loving her, and discarded her for work. The second time he used that excuse to break her heart. My goodness, it's more than okay if she needs a little time to adjust and learn how to trust him again. PLUS that means we get to watch him work on her, try to make inroads, romance her, forge a relationship with his daughter and earn Eda's trust back. What's bad in that?
What did you think of the fragman? It's kind of dumb and unrealistic that they have to dance for a school admission interview.
LMAO. Yes, yes it is, but my question to you is, sana ne?
I mean why do you care if the set up is dumb or not? Or if it's realistic? It's a device to get Serkan and Eda to pretend to be married before they're fully back together and an excuse for us to see Edser smash themselves together in a sensual tangle of limbs while they pretend to be unaffected, while both are being engulfed in USTy flames.
I'm not complaining, why are you?
Come on, this show is silly, it has been from day one, enjoy the fact that we are getting silly plots that force our couple into hilarious and hot situations, because Hande and Kerem are going to give us gold, I guarantee it and I'm going to smile through every second watching it.
These asks are from episode 44, they came in and I didn't have time to answer before 45 aired:
Anonymous asked: Do you think there is a point when there are too many “parallels” and it becomes more like scenes are being recycled? Because I kinda felt that way in the last episode. Like she’s just tossing in as many things as she can from those first 11 episodes but I’ve already watched those and Id rather we focus more character progression. I feel like they regressed from those honest conversations last week and were back to being petty this week.
I guess my answer is... no, I don't think there have been too many parallels. Episode 44 was partly about truth bubbling to the surface, with the biggest truth being that Serkan has been in love with Eda every minute of every day since they parted. That is a very important thing for Eda to understand and know and they really can't move forward until she does, because she felt unloved and forgotten all those years. Most of the parallels were illustrating that by showing that he held on to their history, he remembered their history and he honored it. Okay by me.
Anonymous asked: There were some amazing dialogues in the episode. I have two that tie for top. One was when Kiraz said that Serkan was her wish (when blowing her birthday candles), and the other was when Serkan said Apollo was never going to give up on the woman he loves nor on the cherries! Oh my heart had feels both times. What were your favourite dialogues in the episode?
Oh man my head is in 45 now, but both of those examples of yours were great. I loved both of them.
The other than springs to mind is while fishing, Eda telling Serkan that he didn't need to be perfect for Kiraz to love him, he just had to be himself.
That's so important for Serkan to hear, because he doesn't think he's worthy of love as himself, so hearing that from Eda is impactful.
Anonymous asked: reading your ep review, i think a big reason some people are hanging on to hate the s2 plot no matter what are just bc they hate the writer. of course not everyone, but a lot of people will just hate on anything she writes out of spite, even if objectively the episode is very good. idk why that is or when ppl decided they hated her but it's not warranted at all imo. i can understand not liking the premise of this season, but after watching it so far there has been SUCH an improvement edser-wise.
People can like, dislike, love, hate anything they want. Consuming entertainment doesn't have to be a team sport. That being said, from what I've seen I'd agree with your assessment. Teams have formed (Anti-Ayse, Pro-Ayse, etc) and the former are too invested in hating everything she does, the former possibly too forgiving at times. That's their choice, but I have to say I feel bad for the anti brigade, this is a show they loved, and most of them are still watching, but they've completely sabotaged themselves from finding any joy in any of it and I think they're going to regret it once it's over.
Also season 2 is so much better than I thought it could be. I honestly thought there was no way to get back to the early quality, but it's here. The show is really watchable and fun this season, and it's a shame for those who've let their attitudes get so negative that they can't enjoy it.
Anonymous asked: Ok so I'm aware this would be highly uncharacteristic of a dizi - but if they know there's only 6 eps left, my dream would be no more big bad events and just spend it rebuilding EdSer as a couple and a family. Would that be too much to ask lol. They've jumped from one disaster to another. Since we're at the end & they have the luxury of knowing it, I just want to see them working through things as a real unit. They've dated for like 7 eps out of 45? Can we get that above 10 at least????
Congratulations! Because that's exactly what we've gotten so far in season 2. Once we got past the trauma of the 5 year time jump, all the drama has been internal to Eda and Serkan and their relationship. The whole season so far has been about rebuilding Edser as a couple and a family. And if you're watching without the tauntruming twitter teens in your ear, you'd realize we ARE watching them work through things as a real unit.
I'll say this until I'm blue in the face (apparently) just because they are not currently sexing each other up, does not mean they aren't emotionally doing all the things necessary to reach their full potential as a couple.
They are. It's happening. Enjoy it.
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daggerzine · 4 years
Celebrity Mixtape Party #1 with Steve Michener (Volcano Suns, Dumptruck, Big Dipper) Part 1
Tumblr media
Steve (far left with Big Dipper) 
Mixtapes. They're back! Or maybe they never went away? What happens when you make a mixtape for someone who MAKES music? And then they talk about that mixtape? Well, dear reader, let's find out in..
Okay!  First song. Side A. So I'll give my impressions and then we can talk about the song. Okay? Then the reveal, when appropriate.
Thanks for this tape, Matthew, I've really been enjoying it.  However, I gotta say the first song is my least favorite.
What is it pray tell
I don't know but I usually love that style of song.  Very Love/Byrds-y but there was something cloying about that hook of 'Let's Get Together'
Oh yes. Justin Trouble.
Can't tell if it's authentic 60's pop or revival
Early '80s. He was friends with Johnny Thunders.New York City area guy
Never heard of him but I'm not inspired to search him up. Too many words.
Aw man he's just riffing
Anything you wanna say in his defense?
I mean I could. I think that song and the whole record is genius. To me it's the very essence of rock and roll.
Okay, maybe that's just one song that I wouldn't like. I'll check it out. I know you love your 60s stuff  but to me it's just too twee. But if you were using this as a "courtship tape", the relationship is over.
Since we can't "get together" on that song?
Courtship tape. I think they were called love mixes back in the day my friend.
I'm older than you. We used to bring them and play them in the parlor. So this second song is right up my Alley. Great guitar sound, great drummer.  I love that it's poppy but it takes a minor key/dissonant turn when he sings the tagline 'Solid Gold'. Kind of a Fall vibe to that hook.
So what is that second song?
Boston band....Real Kids...1974 demo...EARLY REAL KIDS
I knew you'd get a Real Kids song on there but that is very 'Unreal' real kids.  Sounds like they were way ahead of their time
Yeah. That song is unhinged. Nothing twee about it.
Amazing band.  I would have maybe guessed that but that chorus is so left field.  If I knew about that song back then, I would have had the band cover it. Real Kids sounding like the Fall. They should have been as big as the Ramones.  Worse drug and ego problems I guess.
To me it sounds like The Dolls. A little bit of Glam in there.
I saw them a few times at the Rat.  Always a reliable live band. I hear the 60's thing in there but that turnaround into the chorus is at least 5 years ahead of its time. I need to hear more of those demos.
It's on vinyl.
Next song- One thing that I know about you is that you love your 60s stuff.  This sounds like an authentic acid rock band. Roky?
I don't have the tracklist
Ah, okay.  It's by Girl Trouble-"Storm Warning'. Don't know them but I love the song.
The pride of Bellingham
Kind of like the Seeds meet Nick Cave. What year?
1993 on Empty
Love the sax and guitar interplay at the end.  Wow. I would have placed that in 1965
Yeah except for the production. I think he's one of the Great rock and roll vocalists of the '90s
Yeah, great singer.  Are they still around or mutate into something else?
Kurt Kendall. No, I don't think they really play around much anymore. There was a reunion show not too long ago but I missed it.
Great stuff, I'll check it out. Next song? Okay, this one I knew from the first note--the great NRBQ. The greatest rock and roll band ever, at least in this incarnation.
Green Lights?
I saw them around this time with the WW Horns, opening for Thorogood.
Another great vocalist
I didn't appreciate them back then cuz I was too into the alternative scene (tho still loved GT) but when I saw them in the 80's I was amazed.
This is a band that should have played the bar band in every '80s movie ever made
Exactly.  they were my template for 'a band'
That's Joey singing that one? favorite bass player ever, favorite drummer ever.
I'm not entirely sure what that guitar is in the solo. Sounds almost like a pedal steel or something.
Big Al could make anything sound like anything.  Genius band. Shoulda been huge.
The YouTube comments say Joey.
Yeah, Joey wrote the hits. Like most bass players.
Lol. The album is called nrbq at Yankee stadium and it's funny because the picture shows an empty Yankee stadium with them far away in the bleachers...a play on words...clever
I see.
I'll explain humor to you another time.
Make me a 'humor' mixtape
Okay next song
The 5th song on side A is called Buried Alive.  A 3 chord slab of brilliance.  Sounds like another Boston Band.  More Real Kids?
Should I peek?
It could be Avenged Sevenfold. Yes peek.
Oh no, it's the Nervous Eaters!  Born to Die.  I thought he was singing Buried Alive.
I knew it was Boston, can't believe I missed the Eaters.  Loved that band.
Another Boston band you didn't ID! You are 0 for 2
I wrote down it was "the Lyres without keyboards" so I get half credit.
Okay so one of the cool things about this band is it had one of the Paley Brothers. Who never did anything this "heavy" outside of this band?
I had their singles and saw them live a few times.  They were great. Just Head is a classic.
The major label debut was a bit of a disaster:  slick production, terrible cover art. I swore that I'd never let that happen to any band that I was in.
This song for some reason reminds me of Judas Priest.
I thought Saints at first but Priest would work
Next song?
This is one that I will probably miss too. Sounds VERY familiar and my first guess is Rockpile/Brinsley Schwarz.  "I'll have another drink and then I tried to crawl out the door.."
"I never did know a thing about it." It's got that Nick Lowe/Dave Edmunds vibe.
Take a peek
Status Quo-Lies
Ah yes
Wow, I don't think of SQ sounding like this. This is pub rock, I thought they were harder
Very boogie
Don't you get the Rockpile thing tho?
Oh absolutely
Great song.  I'd cover this. Was it a hit?
That status quo song is from 1980. I think so. They did it on Top of the Pops
Good. I'd be depressed if a song that great didn't get an audience.
I also don't know this and I'm not sure what the hook is but it sounds like what I imagine the Muffs sound like. Be my baby.?  Sneering female vocals, 3 chords, loud guitars.
Fastbacks - Read my Letters
Yeah, another band I completely missed out on.  From the PNW?
I've seen them quite a few times and they were always amazing. Big fan.
I'm sorry I missed them live. I don't care much for this song but I'll bet it sounded good in a sweaty club.
Did you like the Muffs?
Not really. I mean I respect them a lot but they never resonated with me. I think Kurt Bloch is a great lyricist. And I love that he didn't sing his own lyrics.
Wait, that was a guy singing?
No. The guitar player Kurt wrote the lyrics for most of their songs.
Got it.  So he left them to join YFF?
He did both simultaneously. Kim Warnick is the singer and bass player.
Too talented.
I saw the Fellows quite a few times also.
They opened for us in Seattle in 1990. I loved them but, as an east coaster, had never seen them.
Also amazing one of my favorites. During that time that both the Fastbacks and the Young Fresh Fellows were active it made me envy Seattle because Portland didn't have bands like those bands.
This is a different convo, but Seattle is a much more rockin town than Portland.
Full disclosure in the '90s I was not a fan of Portland's music scene. But I did like Hazel.
They were so cute!
Alright, let's not get distracted!   Next song I recognized easily , though I may not have a few years ago.  This is Sparks - Something For The Girl Who Has Everything. Brilliant band but one that I missed out on until recently
You know I never introduced you at the beginning of all this. Dear readers, I am discussing a mixtape with our esteemed guest Steve Michener from Skid Row.
Skid Row UK, legally. Not to be confused with those dorks from Hollyweird. Michael Cudahy was my roommate back in the day and he was way into them. I could never get past the vocals.Recently though, I have come to appreciate them and now I am a big fan.
I love the vocals. It's its own thing. Who is this Michael you speak of?
Michael was in Christmas at the time and then started Combustible Edison.  Now he does movie soundtracks.
Have you ever seen the video of Ron Mael singing karaoke to a Sparks song?
No, I'll google it.
Next song?
Well, I didn't recognize the song itself but it's hard to miss the unique guitar sound of The Wedding Present-The Boy Can Wait
Fastest wrist in the west
Trademark double strum. They're one of those bands that I just love the sound of but never bought any records.
That's a Peel session by the way.
They were around last year but I failed to attend.
I like the lyrics. They're clever. Kind of misanthropic but not in a Morrissey way. More humorous.
I'm not a lyric guy but I do love a good Morrisey couplet
The dude could pen a tune
Stephen I mean
The Moz
He should pull a Prince and just change his name to Himself
Next song is one that you would never get past me, tho I'm 0-2 with Boston bands before this.  Heading into a Boston binge here.
Ok. Just another band out of Boston
I was the world's biggest Peter Dayton fan for years.  I moved to Boston the week that LaPeste broke up so I never got to see them.  So I made up for that by seeing every PD gig for years. 'She's a Girl' by LaPeste, probably one of the best bands out of Boston ever.
I like how evil La Peste sound. They sound like they carried shivs.
It means "the pest"
"la" is "the" in french
I don't know if you knew that. Anyway, this must have been an Ocasek demo?  Sounds like they were trying to go pop. I had a live tape of them from the rock and roll rumble in 1979 that I wore out. Just a great pop punk band. Next song is also LaPeste- Die in My Sleep.Ric got involved with them later in their career and produced some demos.  Or maybe it was Greg Hawkes.  But Ocasek worked with him solo for a few years.  Dayton's EP, which came out the same time as Panorama by the Cars. It's a fun record.Better off Dead is an amazing single.
I'll check out solo Dayton.
Jim Janota on bass. I think he was in some of those early boston punk bands
But Ric was the producer guy then . Alan Vega etc
Yeah, Ocasek was cool.  He had Dayton's band open for The Cars at the Boston Garden.  Big supporter of smaller bands.
Next two songs had me stumped. I just wrote 'Sex Pistols'.
I would never put a sex pistols song on anything ever. But I do love a lot of things that Cook and Jones were on later
This just has a Pistols energy and sneer. Hey Hey! Hey Hey!
3 chords, English. Fall-like but harder.
Not ringing any bells
Ha! I looked at the list--Naked Raygun-Roller Queen.
"trying" to be british
I tuned this band out early.  Not my cup of tea.
I love the Raygun. Midwest thing
Just like Soul Asylum.  I was (and remain) a judgemental asshole when it comes to music.
Hard. Arty. Humorous.
I lump them together.  Prejudice.  But this is why I like the idea of listening to the tape blind.
Throb Throb is fantastic
It can blow up my preconceived notions  or reinforce them. I know they were hugely popular in the scene and it's probably my loss that I didn't explore their stuff. I was probably reacting negatively to the Big Black thing.  Lots of competition and jealousy-fuelled listening bias.
Eh no biggy. I never really liked Big Black. To me they were great in theory but not in practice.
I prefer Shellac
Great band
But i think BD covered 'Bazooka Joe'. Not my idea.
There was another Chicago band from that time that I like a lot called Breaking Circus.
Yes, I liked Breaking Circus.  We played with them.
Next song. 60s sounding psychedelia
Didn't recognize it, but liked it. reverby guitar,
La Luz- I Want to Be Alone. Cool sound.  What's their story?
Ah. Seattle. Then moved to LA. 4 women. On Hardly Art (label). Started in 2012. They have three lps. Saw them at The Aladdin.
Short but sweet. I'll check them out.
Very very good band
I like good bands
No bad songs. They were VERY GOOD live. Jealous of the drummer's speed and dexterity. They play with a lot of feeling.
If we ever get to see live music again, I'll check them out.
You need to.
Next song is a classic Boston number called 'No Place Like Home' by The Neighborhoods. Such a great power pop song. B-side to Prettiest Girl, which was probably the biggest indie single of the time in Boston.  That and Academy Fight Song. Both on Ace of Hearts records
Oh really? Nice that I got airplay in Boston. I mean it. I didn't get any airplay in Boston
Yes, it was huge! (sorry about your lack of airplay)  top song on WBCN, the local rock station. They should have been huge-they had it all.  Cute guys, great songs, amazing live show. I woulda bet on them
Despite looking like a reggae album I've read good reviews with their first LP. The thing with a lot of these bands is they're from a time when there were regional scenes period and if they didn't make the jump to Major label then a lot of what they were about might have been lost on people outside of their scene
Honestly, I don't remember that LP at all.  Maybe I had dropped them and moved onto hipper stuff. They were kind of a high school crush for me. They got progressively more hard rock as time went on. Yes, probably a common theme with local bands. Some focused on getting a 'deal' and making it big.  Thank god for labels like Homestead, who gave smaller bands a chance to make mistakes and grow
If you had any anecdotes about any of these guys share away.
Anecdotes? I do
'dote away
Dave and Lee worked at Harrington's Liquor, the biggest booze shop in Allston and were always in there when I went to buy cheap vodka. Then, one day, they were fired. Word was that they tried to lift some expensive champagne from the shop to celebrate a record release party or something.  They were both dating members of Salem 66 at the time and Dave married Judy.  They were very nice guys.
Lee Harrington, Beth's brother was their bassist in the late 80's. Beth Harrington was in Jonathan's band.
That's a good anecdote.
Oh I thought I recognized her voice from Jonathan Richmond records. She was a backup singer. She had kind of a classically trained sounding voice
Yes, her and Ellie Marshall. Beth married my old roommate, whose girlfriend when I knew him, left him for Steve Forbert.
Ellie Marshall was related to who?
Something related to Paley Bros. It'll come to me.  Barry Marshall.
The next song is the Office Supply song. Swivel Chair. I don't recognize the song but it's gotta be something like Fountains of Wayne or Weezer.
Nothing Painted Blue
Oops. Hope they aren't insulted!  I kinda knew of NPB but obviously didn't get into their stuff.  Sounds like a certain pop band from Boston in the late 80s. Where were they from?
Franklin Bruno. Great songwriter in my opinion. Great band. LA
Oh, I know Franklin.  Of course.  I confuse them with that band from Boise
Franklin bears a slight passing resemblance to Bill? Cool that you know Franklin.
Well, on FB at least.  Very nice guy.  He's probably gonna unfriend me if he reads this.
I can edit it out. Celebrity mixtapes is about bringing people together, not about fighting.
No, it's fine.  It's part of the process. I'll take my lumps.
I just thought it was a little bit of a novelty song.
I just think it's adorably nebbishy
Not that we didn't veer close to that sometimes. It's a risk when you are trying to write songs that have humor in them.
Singing about office supplies. One of my favorite things about Big Dipper is you guys never crossed over into parody even though you were slyly funny.
Yeah, it def sounds like something I would write. I was an office supply nerd.
Maybe I sensed that. Dilbert Rock
Thanks. It's a fine line between clever and stupid, as the Tap says. Anyway, super catchy but maybe a little too clever for me.
Next song has to be Scrawl. Apple of his Eye.
Very Gang of Four with female vocals.
I did like Scrawl back in the day though. Bratmobile-Queenie.
Ah, well they should write a check to Sue and Marcy. Sounds like early Scrawl. Catchy song but a little derivative to my ears.
Yeah Scrawl predates the Bratmobile.By a few years.
You could steal from worse.
Scrawl were an amazing band.
Pride of Columbus
Really had the goods live and on record.
Never saw them live unfortunately.I always thought they were on Homestead but it turns out no.
You had your Homestead goggles on.
"I like everything that comes out on Homestead..."
Well that was me back then too
Last song on side A.  Permanent Wave.  No idea who it is, a short, catchy, new wave song.  Mo-dettes?
I do like the Mo-Dettes but no.
Oh Ok. From Athens
Ah!  i had their single, was this on it?
Michael Stipe's sister
Sister of Stipe
Matthew Sweet was in the band for a minute too, later on.
I bought it, I think, cuz I thought I could resell it when rem got famous. Retirement investment
I think the single and the lp are both amazing
Kind of twee, to revisit a theme
The lp is not as twee
That song sounds a little thin
I like the production. it sounds live.
I see that. Okay, I've gotta run.  This was fun.
Ok. Thanks for doing it.
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Eternal Love of Dream - Episode 54
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Fengjiu is heartbroken, and when she comes back to Qingqiu, Zheyan is waiting for her at the door and he suddenly decides that he’s going to take her pulse. Just like that. She’s probably pregnant. Lol, I wouldn’t be surprised. Zhe Yan looks so serious haha. I knew it. She’s pregnant. I am sorry, but I can’t help but laugh. Like... I just can’t. Qhy would Zhe Yan suddenly decide to check if she’s pregnant and like at that exact moment? Maybe his sixth sense. Zhe Yan is like the most bad ass guy right after Donghua. Fengjiu is even more sad. Well, I would agree she doesn’t need a baby right now.
Maio Luo is free now and she entrust the demon clan to Nie Chuyin, plus increase his cultivation level as a little gift.
Chiwu gets to Bihai Cangling only to find that there is nobody but for Lian Song who’s also looking for Donghua and Fengjiu. Then Chonglin comes in a really bad state to take them to the Fanyin valleyr. When Chiwu hears that Xu Yang died, at first he wants to rush and kill Miao Luo, but then Lian Song convinces him not too, it reminds him of what Xu Yang told him about how sometimes strength resides in the ability to hold back on one’s sword. SEE HOW NICE HE WAS?
Chengyu comes to see Fengjiu and seeing how sad she is, she goes to look for Lian Song. He will know where Donghua is and why he didn’t come to his own wedding.
Donghua can’t find a way to seal the Miao Yi Yuan again and then realizes that nobody is protecting Fengjiu. Chiwu finally remembers that he didn’t go to see her. Then Donghua collapses coughing blood. Ji Heng’s poison is affecting him.
Fengjiu decided to leave for the mortal realm. Before going, she gives half of her cultivation to Ye Qingti and promises to come back when it’s time for him to ascend as an immortal.
Wait what? All of the Biyi Bird people that stayed died? Well, I knew they disappeared, but I didn’t think they really died... Xiangli Meng TT What is this drama? Why do they all die? What’s the point of all of this if no one is left alive? Jielv is now the queen of the clan and they want to help out to fight Miao Luo. Chiwu also offered that they live on his territory, but Jielv says that the demon world isn’t suitable for them, they should rather go to Qingqiu, which is where Xiangli Meng wanted the most to go. I’M HEARTBROKEN. Our Jielv is such a strong girl.
Omg. THAT GUNGUN IS SO CUTE! I don’t like the name though... What a weird name, I mean when I look at the meaning. This gun means to roll. It is also used to tell someone to get out ._____. Oh well. Anywyas, so cute. He feels lonely to be the only one with white hair. And he’s so cute “who’s Ahli?” Awww. Gungun fan here. The kids of the two fox princesses are too adorable. Riceball and Gungun <3
Lian Song goes to see Bai Zhen and Zhe Yan to learn about the whereabouts of Fengjiu, but bai Zhen really doesn’t know where she went, they are free to go wherever they want when they go for a mortal trial. Then Zhe Yan said that if Donghua really wants to see her, there’s a way.
Ye Qingti needs his ponytail back. Plus I am glad he doesn’t remember what happened between him and Fengjiu. I hope he doesn’t fall for her again. Enough of my babies getting hurt.
By the way, is it just me or... all the girls who liked Donghua become crazy evil ladies at some point while all the guys who liked Fengjiu all ended up being heroes except maybe for Cangyi? It would be nice to have for once a boy that desperate for the girl’s love. Oh wait, in Ashes of Love I guess it was like that hmmm. But still, most of the time, the girl’s love rivals, there’s always at least one crazy b.
Ok. That Gungun is just so smart. He knows Fengjiu uses the fact that they are immortals when she doesn’t want to explain. He asks her about his father, but she says she gave birth to him all alone.  This is so sad ):
Fengjiu receive notice it’s time for Ye Qingti to ascend. She leaves Gungun in the care of Xia Guchou because she doesn’t want others to know she and Donghua had a son.
Chiwu goes to fight Nie Chuyin and avenge Xu Yang. I’m still upset by the way. But then it seems Cuyin is stronger than Chiwu now... But Chiwu won’t give up. You better not die on me I swear. Oh well. Miao Luo kills Nie Chuyin because he became a little too greedy and was thinking about overruling her. Chiwu tells Miao Luo he knows about Donghua’s weakness. What the hell is happening? In don’t understand anymore? What is life? Where are we going? Who is that? Ahhhhh! Oh well. At least Chiwu is still alive.
And whaaaat? I caught up on the episodes? No? How is that even possible? I want to know what happens next? I want to see my Ye Qingti and I want more Gungun. I want Gungun and Ahli together. They would be the cutest. Now I want to watch again Eternal Love. And I have way too many shows to watch... Oh god.
This is a journey really. I can’t believe I hung in there for so long when to be fully honest, I wasn’t too thrilled about this drama when I first started it. I’ve grown to like the different characters, love the wrong ones obviously. BECAUSE THEY ALL DIED. How could you do this to me writer? At least there’s still Jielv and Chiwu. At least. And they revived Qingti, but you know, I don’t think he’s really going to be the sam guy anyways... so sad ): TT Eager to see the final of this drama. Now I have to type all of those recaps! Lots of work ahead!
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atopearth · 4 years
Fate/hollow ataraxia Part 2 - Food is Bliss (Phase 2)
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What?! So, Bazett dying is something normal? She dies, he takes her home and she starts breathing again eventually?? Or does it just restart back in this house after they both die? Wow, they can practically never die since they’ll always revive back at the house, unfairrr! Anyway, Avenger huh? I guess he’s Angra Mainyu? Since he sounds like just a culmination of all the hatred and violence, whilst also being someone that’s weak enough that he can’t physically fight and win against other Servants? I guess it’s good that Bazett is his Master then since she’s so great at hand to hand combat~ Did Bazett actually summon two Servants? And the other one was Lancer and that’s why he’s able to stay in this world even though Kotomine is gone? Actually maybe she just made a contract with Lancer? I’m not sure how I feel about Bazett as a character, in a way she’s interesting in that she fights to protect the “correct” way of life, but at the same time, it doesn’t feel like she really cares since she seems to just feel like she needs to do this rather than this is what she wants to do? On the other hand, Avenger definitely has more thoughts and feelings towards things than he lets out with his superficial personality that he shows to kinda hide what’s inside.
Anyway, is that ghost house Shirou went to the place where Bazett and Avenger revive? Omgg hahaha, I love how when Sakura and Shirou had to cook dinner for heaps of people on the weekend, they started early on the brainstorming as to what they should cook, and when they were doing it, Shirou would refer to her as Chef Matou and Sakura would call him Chief Emiya hahahaa, they’re so cute! I think it’s one of the few times you actually get to see Sakura get full on cooking guidance from Shirou rather than the usual where they kinda just help each other out cooking their own thing. I wish we got to see the reactions of everyone eating the persimmon dinner! It would have been fun! I wanted to see the fruits of their efforts~ Oh well. It’s kinda saddening to think but it’s true that above all else, Rider is a monster that can and will eat humans if it comes to it, I mean, in the Fate route etc, it was apparent that she was unnerved over killing and devouring humans after all. As she said, she’s never been a noble spirit like Saber. LOL at Shirou wondering how it could be possible that young Gilgamesh is a nice little boy hahahah. I love their after dinner antics, lmao at Taiga losing her after dinner snacks to Saber through blackjack, she really gambles everything away haha. It was cute how Shirou scolded them🤣
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Lmaoo, trust Illya to tease Saber for having a stuffed lion toy and then forcing Shirou to go buy her one too lol. HAHAHA, I love how Shirou teased Mitsuzuri’s little brother (Minori) about liking Sakura and tried to dig why he likes her🤣 Gotta love how much of a spoiled brat Taiga is to knee drop Shirou to play with her when he’s trying to sleep lmao. Honestly though, with the relationship Shirou and Taiga have, I can’t deny that I kinda wanted a Taiga route in FSN haha. Omg, I nearly died laughing at Shinji sulking at the harbour port for appearing only 3 times in the game when Sakura’s appeared so many times hahahahah. It feels like Shirou is the most smitten with Saber after all~ It was so cute when she discussed with him why bras and underwear had to have so many designs lmao. LOL, so it was Rin the troublemaker that told Saber to consult Shirou about it just because she thought it would be funny hahahahha. It was pretty hilarious when she insisted on Shirou accompanying her to the lingerie shop and Shirou ran away, but the icing on the cake was when Sakura and Rider overheard their conversation and Sakura wished her good luck on this quest lmaoo. Btw, I love how Shirou experiments making different snacks and he gets Saber the glutton to try them hahaha, so cute. Omgg Saber’s face enjoying Shirou’s baked sweet potatoes was so precious, she looked so happy🥺🥰 Lmao at Lancer picking up Makidera and them, and even saying his speciality is the javelin throw, I guess he’s not exactly wrong or lying hahahaha. Lancer being a part time florist is definitely a win win situation for him, he gets to pick up girls and earn some money haha!
I quite enjoyed Mitsuzuri’s meeting with Lancer, they got along pretty well due to their interest in martial arts etc, Mitsuzuri was so cuteee! I love how Shirou ended up bringing the party of Saber, Sakura and Rider to help clean Rin’s house hahaha, it’s true that with all her antiques and carpets etc it can be rather difficult by himself, not to mention how large the place is too! HAHAHA when Saber changed into her armour to clean Rin’s house. Lmaooo at Saber thinking all the gym equipment in the basement was what Rin tried to use as a catalyst to summon her but failed, it was so adorable when she started playing around with them all instead of cleaning hahahah, didn’t think Saber would be a bludger!🤣 It was really sweet to see Sakura’s reactions to things around the house, it was so adorable how she talked about Rin giving her the precious handmade ribbon (that’s on her hair) as a parting gift and saying Sakura has to repay it with a compounding interest rate lmao. It’s cute how she wanted Sakura to always feel connected to her through this “debt ”. Awww how cute of Saber to play with the lion plushie and even sleep with it at night!! She’s so cute!! Shirou totally deserved Saber’s wrath for teasing her about it so ruthlessly hahahah. Sakura is so mischievous! She literally just wrote down everything Shirou said in the letter to Rin hahaha, I love Sakura in this, she’s so cute but cunning at the same time hahaha. Omggg how embarrassing for Sakura that Shirou caught her hugging his jacket so lovingly hahahah! So cute though when she got all flustered. It was really thoughtful of her to notice that his button fell off and sewed it back for him.
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Aww Rider going to school just to give Sakura and Shirou their lunches (that Sakura forgot) was cute, I also really enjoyed how Shirou ended up buying her food for them to enjoy together on the rooftop, it was really sweet of him. I don’t know, but Saber welcoming Shirou home and thanking him for his hard work at his job was so heartwarming, it really made me think she was such a great girl. I can’t believe this but my love for Rin is going to be at the same level as Saber if this goes on hahaha, Rin come back soon pls. I found it hilarious that Rider is so dissatisfied with bike number two that is mainly used for casual shopping, and really wants to use bike number one which is a racing bike, but Shirou is scared that she’ll be zooming around the neighbourhood like a rocket and refuses, which is very logical!! Lmao, just imagining Rider at her superhuman speed riding on that bike is killing me hahaha. Omg hahahah, that silly drawing of him imagining Rider being chased by the police on the bike and her escaping happily was so funny and cute LOL. Hahahaha, I loved how Rider tried to use her seductive skills to make Shirou bend to her will so she can use the bike, but then Sakura appears overhearing them, so she immediately runs away and leaves Shirou to deal with the misunderstanding hahahah. Honestly though, seeing Saber and Sakura co-operate happily making pie and enjoying the fruits of their efforts was so cute. They used to be rather awkward even though they got along relatively okay, so it’s pretty nice and refreshing to see that if they had the time to bond more, they could actually be so friendly.
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I think I’m starting to see how and why some people might like Fate/hollow ataraxia more than the original game, because wow, seeing Sakura grow so much and become the captain of the archery club was so cool. I absolutely loved how resolute and strong she was, and I loved how she scolded Taiga for being a nuisance hahaha. It was so funny yet so cool to see that. And it’s not something sudden too, because Mitsuzuri stayed, supported and guided her into establishing more self confidence in herself into being a worthy captain so I’m glad it all worked out. Although it’s obvious Sakura would be a great captain seeing how she carries herself at the Emiya household haha. I also absolutely loved how she fed Shirou the obanyaki when they went shopping after, and it was honestly so beautiful and heartwarming to see how truly happy Sakura was. Not only is she now able to have a proper life where she’s spending time with people in the club and making friends with others whilst actually playing around doing other activities, she is also able to truly live for herself and not live in fear of anything in the Matou household. It’s so wonderful to see how nothing is holding her back anymore, and honestly this is the best ending for Sakura, or I guess, it’s more like a new beginning for her! I’m so glad they showed all this. Sakura used to think she didn’t have the right to play around and stuff, so seeing her enjoy all that made me feel really satisfied haha.
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Confused Caster walking around the shopping district wondering what she should buy to make for dinner was cute haha. HAHAHA, I love how Caster and Sakura became friends because Lancer was trying to pick up Sakura and Caster hates his flippy attitude so she taught him a lesson lol. It was even more hilarious when Sakura subtly kept badmouthing Rin for using Shirou like a servant and Shirou not minding it hahaha, I think it was pretty funny how Shirou didn’t even realise or he ignored the fact that Sakura was talking about him and Rin haha. Omgg snake wine with a snake in it?! Reminds me of the crazy Chinese concoctions hahaha. Anyway, I really loved how persistent but considerate Shirou was into finding out what Rider likes to eat and what she doesn’t eat. I think it was really cool that rather than giving up after she said she doesn’t particularly mind whatever he and Sakura cooks, he instead asked her to come to the kitchen and get her to choose what she would prefer to eat from the ingredients they have. I really love how thoughtful Shirou is in changing his approach several times in order to get Rider to enjoy her food rather than just feel apathetic about it all. Lmao at Saber getting jealous that she doesn’t get to choose even though Shirou asks her what she wants to eat all the time hahaha. LMAO at Saber’s reaction to octopus and not realising she’s been gobbling it up all this time when she ate takoyaki hahahah. I love how through their “fight” about the weird things they eat, Shirou gets to understand a bit more about what Rider actually prefers to eat. Rin is hilarious for making Saber wear the fancy clothes Caster sent to them hahahah, it was so cute how traumatised Saber was hahaha. Shirou imagining Issei in a frilly dress was LOL, that cursed image hahaha. Hahahaha, I love how Saber didn’t give up on eating high class food when Shirou told her they were poor, and instead said that they should raise/make the ingredients themselves so that they could cook it in the future. It was so cute when she started talking about raising ducks and pigs hahhaha. Issei being fond of sweets is cute haha.
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I don’t know why but I never thought about Kiritsugu’s grave at all lol! I never thought it would be in the forest at the Ryuudou Temple graveyard though! I wonder if Illya and Saber would ever go visit…but then again, Shirou doesn’t even go so I think it’ll be harder for them. Wow, I didn’t think I needed it, but hearing Kuzuki call Caster his wife and leave her in Shirou’s hands (to learn cooking lmao) was so..amusing LOL. On the other hand, Reikan (Issei’s brother) is a pretty cool guy! He’s chill, full of confidence but also a strict serious guy, I can see why Issei would admire him. He gets along nicely with Taiga since they were classmates so it’s pretty cute. I…feel so sorry for Shirou that he was caught between Otoko/Neko (his part time job boss) and Taiga, they’re monsters… Hmmm, the actual story part is quite short as usual. It was expected that the white hair girl was the one who restarted the holy grail war, but why does she become possessed and have claws come out of her? Poor Shirou dieddd! Is she hiding a monster inside that comes out when it meets Shirou at the wrong time? Hahaha. Anyway, I’m curious about her so I hope we’ll get more story stuff in phase 3.
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brehacrgana · 5 years
just watched TROS and i have NO WORDS... (except i also have many). what was that
at about half of the movie one guy stood up, put on his jacket and left...I don’t think he was wrong
spoilers below (the bad and the good - however little that might be). please come to talk if you’ve seen the movie
first of all...WHAT THE FUCK. what the fuck...i sat through the movie and i had to laugh at times because whatever was happening was so absurd shit i couldn’t even imagine. at other times i just sat with my mouth open and could not believe they really went there...it was that bad. how in the world is this the end of star wars
the way the movie started... in the title sequence...”THE DEAD SPEAK” lol. palpantine’s return or whatever shit announced immediatly (which i didn’t expect would happen); then the first scene of kylo ren in slo-mo killing some random people (literally who was that) in some woods and then finding palpantine’s cave or something where palps told him “hurr hurr i created snoke...i was every voice in your head...kill the girl” - sir how are you even alive. i literally don’t remember if this was explained in the movie and i don’t think so
rey - jesus christ. girl. i don’t know what they did to her character. but anyway. in the beginning of the movie leia did some jedi training with rey and i loved that...especially when rey adressed leia with “master”! but in the start of that scene rey was flying in the air while doing some meditation and that was absurd imo / i laughed lol. then kylo ren showed up because of that force bond shit and rey messed up her training which sucked
nice scene: finn and poe returning from some mission and meeting/reuniting with rey on the rebellion’s home base - rey and poe bickered a bit, rey and finn hugged...i liked that
rey finn and poe and chewie went to a desert planet where some party was going on. nice scene: rey talked to an alien being there and it was a cute, nice interaction that would have been heartwarming
lando shows up, points them to some cave, where a big snake or something was which had an injury lol...rey gave it some life power through the force  and healed it. LOL: foreshadowing...
kylo ren and the knights of ren (lol who are they even) show up on that planet. while the others try to make a ship ready to leave, rey (why...) goes and stands in the middle of the desert waiting for kyle ron to show up or whatever. he does of course and races at her with his ship, she does that jump from the trailer and cuts his ship in half. it crashes and explodes. no, kylo somehow doesn’t die from that. meanwhile poe and finn told chewie to get rey bc they have to leave (knights of ren approaching), but while rey is busy doing whatever the fuck that was, chewie gets captured by some stormtroopers and is led on their transport ship. it takes off. finn screams to rey “they have chewie” and rey uses the force to try and drag that ship back to the ground...kylo emerges and also uses the force on that ship, and they have a force battle until rey does palpantine style force lightning on that ship. it completely explodes. everyone thinks chewie is dead. i was really horrified, not gonna lie, like rey...
but lol. SOMEHOW chewie was on another transport ship (lol???? where was that) and is alive after all. they go to rescue him. while they fly to the stardestroyer where chewie is being kept prisoner, rey says that “yada yada people say they know me but nobody does” to finn and it is awful... arrived on the star destroyer, finn and poe want to free chewie, while rey fucks off to do her own thing and go to kylo’s quarters. force bond kylo appears, they fight blabla, he tells her...
“oh you wanted to take my hand, i kNoW YoU you’re a palpatine, he was your grandfather” ................................................ i read the spoilers so i knew this was gonna come, but seriously???? what a crack fucking theory. REY PALPANTINE!  I QUIT!!!
flashback to rey’s parents who look like nice people who tried to protect her by leaving her on jakku. palps killed them after they didn’t tell him where rey was
meanwhile finn poe and chewie are captured, stormtrooppers are going to execute them. then hux steps in hilariously, kills the stormtroopers, and is like “i’m the spy for the rebellion.” i laughed
who is zorii...or whatever her name was.
the trio gang goes to that planet where the remains of the death star are...they meet a group of horse riders, one of them jannah. i loved her! i really did. she was one of the bright spots for me in that shitshow. her and finn talk, she also used to be a stormtrooper and has the same story as finn
also Finn was shown very clearly to be force sensitive! loved that
rey does another solo trip and goes to the remains of the death star...where she meets dark!rey which was hilarious and absurd. they fight and at one point dark!rey hissed and bared her teeth at rey - i actually scream laughed
well then kylo ron came to that planet, the water fight scene happened, and actually rey fucking killed him!!! he died! cut to leia. she says “ben” and then somehow just actually dies too. seriously. just like that. FROM WHAT???
anyway rey feels that leia has died and lol idk she’s like oh know and resurrects kylo with the force. yeah. lol. she’s then like “yeah i did want to take your hand...ben’s hand” and cries and leaves
really...who is ben. why do you care. what
on the rebellion base people are gathered around leia’s dead body and i don’t remember her name, but lupita nyongos character say “farewell, dear princess” and that almost made me cry
back to kylo. he’s looking at the ocean in contemplation. suddenly a voice behind him says “hey, kid”. he turns around and it’s han fucking solo. LOL
they basically play out the same scene as in tfa just before kylo killed han except this time he doesn’t. han says kylo ron died and kylo yeets his lightsaber into the water.
ok, another hilarious absurd scene: rey goes to luke’s exile planet and sets kylo’s ship (which she took to fly there) on fire. she’s throwing the lightsaber in the flames but oh! a hand yeets out of the flames! it’s force ghost luke who caught the saber and is like oh you should be more careful with a jedi’s weapon.
luke then shows her LEIA’S LIGHTSABER and there’s a flashback scene of LEIA AND LUKE DOING JEDI TRAINING !!!! a good part of the movie
rey takes both lightsabers and flies to palpantine’s planet. she meets him in his cave. palps does he’s usual unimaginable power shit...”i want you to kill me...then my soul will go over to you and all the siths that have ever been will live in you”. whatever
“ben” also shows up of course, he kills the kights of ren with the lightsaber that was magically teleported to him by rey i guess
rey and “ben” face palps together. he is like oh your bond is so strong, let me take all your energy...very reminiscent of dementor’s in harry potter movies sucking out their souls lol. they drop to the ground, unconscious. palps lifts “ben” up and yeets him into a big abyss.
there was a nice scene in between of poe grieving for leia and saying he doesn’t know what to do/how they can make it, but then lando shows up and they talk about how lando and the old trio back in the day didn’t know how to make it either, but they still tried etc. and made it
ok another nice scene: while palps is doing super force lightning to destroy the rebel fleet or whatever, rey is on the ground gatherig strength and she hears the voices of old jedi masters...obi wan! anakin i’m pretty sure also!
then there’s a nice shot of her standing up and facing the emperor with lightsaber in hand.
she kills him, but dies doing it.
but wait lol...”ben” somehow crawls back out of that abyss to cry over her dead body. he also revives her with force power. they look at each other sappily and kiss.......no words. they fucking really went there
actually when that happened the people in the cinema made a lot of sounds, some said ew lmao others just laughed
then “ben” dies for good lol. people scream laughed
in the end there was a nice rebellion victory celebration scene, i always like scenes like that
rey goes to tattoine and buries the lightsabers of luke and leia who show up via force ghost. somehow rey then has a yellow lightsaber in her hand. some old woman comes along and asks who are you? rey says...i’m rey.....skywalker and then watches the sunset. the end.
in spoilers i read it was said that rey says she feels incomplete without kylo and goes to live on tattoine alone for the rest of her life. maybe i blacked out and didn’t get that, but i did not see it. it did not happen, right?
when the movie ended some people in the cinema actually started clapping.
lol. i don’t know what that was...yeah it had some good moments, but it really was the worts star wars movie of all times for me. it was wild and absurd and stupid as fuck and i am so, so disappointed. TFA i loved, there was so much potential there...but then tlj happened and somehow tros eneded up even worse than that. i don’t know what the worst part for me was, rey palpantine, leia’s death in that manner, reylo... it was a mess. it actually makes me really sad. bye felicia
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lunawings · 5 years
King of Prism SSS Episode 10 (LOUIS)
So I think one of the main reasons a lot of people were confused by this episode (well other than misleading subtitles......) was because a lot of us had our own long-time theories/assumptions about what Louis is or what a Rinne is, and this episode turned out a bit different from what we were all expecting. (I got a lot of messages that were like “But I always thought that...”) I think you have to let your past assumptions go in order to take this episode in. A few of my long-time assumptions were proved wrong by this episode as well.
Although, given this post does still include statements that are my own interpretations, if you think I’m wrong about something please feel free to speak up. (But also please include evidence from Rainbow Live if applicable, etc.) I’m afraid I may have to go back and edit this post several times, especially after whenever the director starts releasing interviews about all this. 
There is a tl;dr at the end, but I really hope most of you guys read all of this. I know it’s long, but the Crunchyroll subs for this episode are just....... so bad...... by far the worst....
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I wasn’t really able to keep track of the the scores when I was watching this in theaters, so I actually didn’t realize what a big deal Joji’s score was until this scene at this moment. It’s why I tried to start a dialogue about it earlier. 
Kinda funny how Kokoro, Mondo, Mitsuba, and Tsurugi’s scores are almost exactly the same. It makes them feel all the more like manufactured prism stars.... (not really their fault, it’s how Schwarz Rose does things....) 
I’m going to skip over talking about the scene with Jin and Sanada because I think it’s best saved to discuss in a future episode. Don’t worry, we’ll deal with Jin later.
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HE’S SO HAPPY AND CONFIDENT AND EVERYONE BELIEVES IN HIM........................................................................................ 
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The translator doesn’t really understand prism sparkle, causing a lot of confusing dialogue in the subs, but I suppose that’s kind of to be expected for anyone that didn’t watch Rainbow Live. 
I’m pretty sure the intended meaning here was: If they can’t fix Rinne then the prism sparkle will disappear, which would mean the end of the prism world, and the prism gods, etc.
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Um no, I think they said F-type here. Rinne keeps falling in love with male stars because she’s “F-type”. 
My understanding of the scene is: the Rinnes keep falling in love, which is keeping them from spreading the prism sparkle and leading to destruction of the prism world. But the gods hesitate to make an M-type prism messenger since there is a “dark history” with that. So they just change the basics (like appearance) of Rinne to be male, while keeping the rest of the coding the same, and..... 
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....Also restore the memory to hopefully “avoid problems”.
(The subs say “back up” here which isn’t so off, but a bit misleading. I believe the Japanese is 復原 or 復元 = restore and they do say lit: “memory”, not data. I guess the translator was thinking in computery terms.) 
So this explains why Louis is male and has memories of the past, even though they say Rinnes lose their memory in Rainbow Live.  
He’s a Rinne, just a different version. 
And because he has those memories, he immediately begins looking for....
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Turned? What do the subs mean by “turned”? 
The word used here was 復活 = to be revived/resurrected. 
I guess the translator thought Shine went to the dark side or something, but he went to the dark side long ago. (Either that or this was supposed to be “returned” and that was a typo.) 
This scene is taking place in the Pride the Hero-ish era and the prism gods are asking Louis WTF he’s doing awakening Shine (by giving Shin the pendant and whatnot). 
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So. I read a while back in a director interview in the “Ready Sparking” fanbook that Louis’ mission was “to kill Shin”.
Which didn’t make any sense to me. Rinne in the flashback in Pride the Hero says she’ll find Shine again, so why would she find him just to kill him again? Why would Louis go to all the trouble of giving Shin the pendant and awakening his powers JUST TO KILL HIM? 
But now in this scene it makes sense. Louis’ mission was not to kill Shin(e) to begin with. He was intended to be just a regular prism messenger trying to spread the prism sparkle UNTIL THIS SCENE when his mission changed, because he decided to divert from his mission and awaken Shine without permission.  
So the spoiler I read was technically true, but not in the way it seemed. He did not specifically come like an angel of death to kill Shin(e). (A huge load off my mind.) But in between the ending of the first movie and Crazy Gonna Crazy, things changed. 
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Once again, misunderstanding of prism sparkle. The way they subbed this, it sounds like he was told not to expand the brilliance of Shine because what “its” refers to is not clear............ It should have been more like: “Your mission now is the elimination of Shine. There is no need to worry about spreading the prism radiance anymore.”
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None of this is readable in the theater ahah... Every time I saw Part 4, I always thought I’d be able to read a bit more of it and I never did. 
But yeah, I’m not sure if we knew before that Hijiri’s mother was deceased....? (Did we?) 
Edit: Lol nevermind we did.  
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I heard some people saying that Shin(e) was a Rinne, so I just want to take a second to clarify this. 
Shine is not a Rinne. Shine is a Shine: A now defunct male prism messenger program. He’s a separate program from Rinne, and they were meant to exist together. (Unlike Rinne and June, who were both Rinnes and thus caused an error by existing at the same time in the same world in Rainbow Live.) 
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Woah. I’m not sure, but I think they cleared up his face here to make it more obvious how much he looks like Shin...... I think I remember it being too dark to see his eyes well in the theatrical version...? ??
But anyway, the rule for prism messengers not being allowed to perform before an audience (and also the reason why) is something that was previously established in Rainbow Live.  
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So I think the subs were absolutely fine for this part. My understanding of it was that after erasing Shine, Rinne gets stuck in a loop where she keeps self destructing because she’s trying to find Shine. 
This makes the prism gods decide to delete her memory. They also task her with guiding male stars as well, since Shine cannot fill that role anymore. This is why the Rinnes in the Rainbow Live era have their memory deleted, and what also unintentionally laid the groundwork for June to fall in love with Hijiri I believe. 
And because the Rinnes kept falling in love like June is why they re-wrote the program to be Louis to try and prevent this and also gave him the memories of the past Rinnes so he will supposedly know what not to do. (But the unintended effect of this is that the memories of the past Rinnes also gave him the memory of Shine, causing Louis to search for Shine again.) 
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Which is why I’m confused as to why the very next scene is Louis staring at the pendant looking confused like he doesn’t recognize it or something? Because I thought from the earlier scene where Louis was created, he immediately set off looking for Shine after the Rinne -> Louis update? Am I just misreading his expression here or did I miss something? I don’t know. 
Edit: OMFG IM AN IDIOT. THE SCARF. This scene isn’t taking place right after Louis was created. It’s taking place right after Crazy Gonna Crazy. He’s looking at the pendant which fell from Shin after their show. It’s meant to transition into the events which happen after Louis re-seals Shine I guess. They could have made this a bit more clear. 
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If you thought why the F is Kokoro here well WHY YES. YES THAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE OTOHA 
but putting that aside
I believe this scene was supposed to establish that Louis knows the Rainbow Live girls. He has the past memory of Rainbow Live era Rinne, but he can’t really do anything about it........... (It’s not like he can just go talk to them as Louis.....)
But his expression is so unreadable it’s hard to tell. 
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He gives Shin back his powers to jump geez Crunchyroll.
(But for anyone wondering how mix-ups like this can even occur in the first place, a lot of sentences in Japanese don’t have subjects in them. Therefore, if you don’t know.... the context.............................) 
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Maybe the translator chose this wording in the context of prism messengers being forbidden to be seen on stage. But as much as I appreciate that, it’s wrong. In this scene Louis is saying that he physically cannot perform. (He’s a fallen prism messenger now, so the rules don’t matter.)
Okay, I’ll take a moment to explain this just in case, since it is not explained outright:
When Louis broke his connection with the prism world and lost his rainbow feathers in Pride the Hero, he made the same decision June did when she ripped off her wings in Rainbow Live. He chose Shin(e) over his mission. He disobeyed orders and cut himself off from the prism gods in order to do things in his own way.
But whenever a prism messenger makes this decision, their rainbow feathers are replaced by the night dream feathers. The night dream feathers take life away. 
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(Screencap from Rainbow Live episode 43.)
In other words, ever since Louis pulled out his earring in Pride the Hero he has slowly began to die.....
Although this is never stated clearly within the main King of Prism series, there are several ways you could have picked up on it before this episode. 
First of all, like I said before we have already been through this with June in Rainbow Live. 
Second, across the Road to SSS events on Prism Rush we have steadily seen Louis getting weaker and weaker. At first he was just tired and fell asleep after the Schwarz Rose opening ceremony in Road to SSS 1, but then his deteriorating condition was made crystal clear in his Queen of Glass PR story from Road to SSS 4, in which Louis plans a date with Shin only to collapse and unwittingly stand him up. 
And then eventually by the time we get to Road to SSS 9, Louis cannot even gather the energy to perform at all unless it’s with Shin. And we got this whole scene with a weakened Louis begging Shin to perform with him.
But even after their performance is a success and they win the Tokyo Kizuna Beat Climax, by the time we get to Road to SSS 10 Louis is so weak they miss the finals. 
Finally, Louis being a fallen prism messenger is directly confirmed in literally the opening scene of King of Prism SSS. 
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So if you saw this scene and your reaction was something more like “Oh look it’s Louis... are his wings different?” and not “LOUIS IS DYING” then well.... That’s exactly why I’m always telling you guys to watch Rainbow Live.......................
Although, there was a bit of confusion over these feathers even for people who watched Rainbow Live so don’t feel too bad if that’s you. Some people thought Shin had the night dream feathers in Pride the Hero, or that Rinne had them in the end of Rainbow Live. 
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But no. The regular star-type feathers are dark blue too. (Generic, lower level feathers than the rainbow ones.(?))
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There are only two characters to have the night dream feathers. And they are: June in Rainbow Live and Louis in SSS. Both fallen prism messengers. 
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And buried in the midst of all this Louis drama and deep lore is my probably favorite Joji line of all time. Seriously the Joji in this scene is best Joji and I cannot not laugh no matter how much I’m suffering. 
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Okay so. Here is what I do not understand about this episode and would be thrilled if someone could explain it to me. If Yamada-san knew Wataru Hibiki, then Shine could not have been sealed that long ago. I actually searched my fanbooks/magazine collection until I found one which listed Yamada-san’s age as 24. So he’s probably 25 now. So this scene could not have taken place more than 20 years ago (and even that is generous). 
So what the heck was all that 1,000 years thing about? Is that just the amount of time Rinne and Shine knew each other? Or does time just not flow in a straight line for prism messengers when they are skipping in and out of different worlds? 
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Okay you’re just going to have to believe me on this, BUT I SWEAR Shin’s phone background in the theatrical version is a photo of his hand holding the pendant. Which seems like a weird choice for a background right? But I had a theory on it that I was gonna discuss here. And that theory is that Shin wanted some kind of a background that reminded him of Louis, and that was all he had. (He couldn’t straight up use a picture of Louis because he didn’t want the other boys to question it.)
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I can’t help but wonder why Shin still feels like he has to hide his relationship with Louis here, considering if Road to SSS is canon like it seems to be then they all saw Shin and Louis perform together at the Kizuna Beat Climax a few months ago. 
But I guess in between the Prism King Cup and the start of the Prism One tensions rose with Schwarz Rose again, so maybe he’s worried about that?
Or maybe there is a possibility that maybe he would talk about it if it was anyone but Leo asking. What with how Leo is. 
(I know the real reason is probably just because for plot convenience/the casual viewer hasn’t read Road To SSS but shhhhhhhhhhhh.)
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I’m sorry but, man I do not like this outfit. And not because it’s basically girls clothing. If Naru wore it I would hate it too. It’s just kinda ugly IMHO. (It’s not an existing Pretty Rhythm coord is it?)
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Original brand glasses Shin is cute as heck though. 
I like how he just keeps his same damn clothes he’s been wearing the entire time in SSS and just glasses + hat = done. Pfft. 
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Shin and Louis saw a PriPara movie together. 
(Prism Tours is the name of the first PriPara movie, which included different courses of Pretty Rhythm shows/flashbacks shown on different weeks in theaters back in 2015. The “flavor” Over the Rainbow animation seen in the first King of Prism movie was actually reused from Prism Tours, and increased attendance to the prism boys course of that movie including that scene was one of the main reasons King of Prism was greenlit in the first place. So I wonder if this is actually a reference to that.)
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This crazy umbrella street is apparently based on a real place in Nagasaki (nowhere near Tokyo).
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I just happened to catch a Tweet about it right after Part 4 came out.
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So..... I actually wasn’t as excited for Shin and Louis’ date as you would think I’d be. I spent a while thinking about it and I came up with a couple reasons. First of all, even though this is the first date they have had in the main series, in the side materials.... they date all the time. Like seriously! In my mind they have already been dating for years so this was like just another date. 
Second.... honestly...... I don’t really ship Shin and Louis all that much anymore. Or at least not in the way I used to. My feelings about them peaked somewhere in the Pride the Hero era, and have been quietly declining since. And this scene basically sealed it. Their relationship just isn’t what I thought it was. I know in this episode Louis realizes he loves Shin and not Shine, but he took such a long time to reach that conclusion and I’m just so uncomfortable about their relationship being originally based on Rinne’s relationship with Shine. Which was not a healthy relationship. 
Also! It wasn’t 1,000 years since they have seen each other dammit! It was like 20! AT MOST! Right????? Yeah that’s a long time for mortals, but not for a being like Louis that lives for thousands of years. 
Anyway before you send me hate, just know that I’m definitely not saying Shin and Louis shouldn’t be together and I’m certainly not saying that you should agree with me. Both of them deserve happiness, especially Louis. I’m just saying I personally am not as passionate about them the way I used to be. 
But even so....
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That didn’t stop me from going to find the location of this scene when I was in Tokyo last week! 
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So did Shin pass the smell test or not? Because Louis.... I guess technically........... (nevermind..... not gonna open up that can of worms right now...........)
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(Especially thinking about what happens next.) 
 Louis is not at his peak performance condition here. He’s not performing a serious competitive show. Heck, he’s just wearing casual clothing. 
He’s finally realized he loves Shin and not Shine................  All he wants to do is just relive his date with Shin................ THATS ALL.....................
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He says 君は僕を殺すことができない = You cannot kill me 
Shine tells Rinne (Louis) that she cannot kill him because that would erase Shin’s memories too. He knows Louis cannot stand to lose Shin.
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It took me a long time to appreciate it considering WHAT JUST HAPPENED but this YABEEEEEEEE from Sanada is pretty hilarious. 
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This is unfortunately (?) another moment ruined by the new ending music. 
In the theatrical version, this moment is dead silent and it makes it all the more apparent the.... change which has just taken place. It is terrifying. 
But regardless. Now you can probably guess why episode 11 is so painful for me and any fans of Shin..................................
*deep breath*
Okay so. Let’s review. 
Here is my tl;dr of the timeline, from my understanding:
The Rinne/Shine program is created with Rinne for female stars and Shine for male ->  Shine breaks the rules and so Rinne has to erase him -> But Rinne doesn’t erase him completely and promises to find him again -> The Rinne program gets stuck in a loop where she keeps freezing/self destructing because she's trying to find Shine ->  The gods decide to start erasing the memory of the Rinnes -> Rinne keeps falling in love with male stars since she's in charge of male stars now too ->   The events of Rainbow Live happen -> The gods decide to alter the Rinne program to make the body male and restore the memory of the past Rinnes to fix this, creating Louis -> Since Louis has the memory of the past Rinnes he goes to find Shine again -> The events of King of Prism : Louis begins the process of resurrecting Shine in Shin ->  The gods find out and order him to delete Shine again -> Louis still cannot finish the job and cuts himself off from the prism gods, becoming like June -> Louis realizes he loves Shin not Shine but.... -> Louis’ weakened state allows Shine to fully resurrect, and.....
So. There is more to this. But if you would like to come to your own conclusions about what just happened in that final scene and go into the next episode blind, this post is over. Thanks for joining me this far!! 
But if you would like me to explain some more things using spoilers not revealed until the next episode, keep scrolling. 
Obviously you don’t have to!
It’s up to you! 
I just kinda feel like I owe it to you guys. 
(Since I was lucky enough to get my major questions answered right away and not have to wait a week like you guys do.)
Episode 11 spoilers start here
So I first saw Part 4 on like, 3 hours sleep. So as you can imagine I was having a really hard time taking all this in. And when that last scene happened I was basically plunged into the darkest depths of absolute horror. To think all this time I had been worried about Louis hurting Shin. The opposite had never ever crossed my mind. 
In my first viewing what I thought happened was that Shin had just regained his memories and killed Louis. And for 30 seconds or so, I seriously considered walking out of the theater. Not that I didn’t plan to ever finish watching it, but I just felt I was not ready and needed time to cry and take this all in before continuing to the next episode at the next showing. I was so close and literally the only reason I didn’t leave was because I just didn’t want other people to see me walking out. So I stuck with it and forced myself through the next two episodes. 
And I’m glad I did. Because that’s not what happened. 
The next episode makes it very clear that Shin and Shine are two different people. Shin did not get any memories back in the final scene. Shin is Shin, and Shine is Shine. 
From what I can gather, Shin was born with Shine sealed inside him. He’s like the host. (Whether this technically makes him a reincarnation or not, I’m not sure.) Shin has never had any contact with Shine, but Shine has always been watching life through Shin’s eyes.
The Shin we see walking off at the end of episode 10 is Shine controlling Shin’s body. From the moment he says “Rinne.....” Shine is in control, and Shin as we know him is unconscious. Shin has no memory of the things he does while Shine is controlling him. 
Also, the act of Shine destroying Rinne’s feathers did not kill Louis back there. But as you can imagine, he’s in bad, BAD shape right now.....
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darlinique · 5 years
why, sam, why
a collection of thoughts from someone who is subjecting herself to the Terror that is waiting for weekly mr robot episodes. but, it’s back again after nearly 2 years, so who the fuck is excited to suffer for a few months!? Me!
s4e1 was a huge ass ride though, so here’s some organized thoughts&opinions from That Whole Ordeal last night (including spoilers, obviously, so b wary please):
1) angela! really!? fuck, i was Not prepared for that one! i guess it does make sense, though—i just wasn’t expecting price to sell his own daughter out so quickly. it really goes to show the extent of whiterose’s power, and that she did designate angela as a threat; the moment she threatened to retaliate, whiterose had to take her out. i thought we would see more of angela taking her fighting chances this season, but i guess...that’s it. wow. what a way to send off a main character. i’m upset, but i’ll accept it.
1.5) but on that note, i’m REALLY hoping she doesn’t become elliot’s “fridged girlfriend” motivation for this season. as in: everything angela did is forgotten, and everyone else who was lost is forgotten in favor of elliot citing angela as his sole motivating factor. that’d be disrespectful to both of them...but i trust that sam will do his best to avoid that trope. Hopefully.
2) regarding the pain revolving around angela’s loss, god, seeing darlene in the state she was hit hard. i really, really am hoping she can get some help. she’s been through a lot. and now i have to wonder: does her drug usage have anything to do with vera? his appearance didn’t get mentioned yet. and, FUCK, the clip of her and dom together in the preview!!! I’m So Fucking Upset! a girl is gonna have to brace herself for that confrontation!!!
3) janice? you’re a clown. my one roommate literally recoiled in shock at the threat she spit out about dom’s mother. Like, Christ.
4) tyrell, just cruising by on some apathy? can’t relate, man, i’m freaking the fuck out. i’ve been long predicting that he’s as good as dead, but since angela is dead now, i have to wonder how quickly his demise will be coming...if it is, at all. i still think it will, but i guess he’ll do something first. i’m interested in seeing what his role in this might be.
5) it really didn’t feel like a mr robot episode, and i think that’s because elliot wouldn’t talk to us. him taking down a pedophile was a nice callback to the pilot, but robot having to step in and narrate everything...? whew. that’s a new one. it’s nice to see them working together i guess, but elliot’s dedication is on a new level. i’m proud of him. but i miss him! at least we know he cares, lol.
5.5) speaking of elliot’s dedication, i also thought his reaction to dying was telling. i love that he only got caught because of a physical and human error+confrontation instead of an online one: because, of course, he wouldn’t have allowed the latter. the way he was fighting and screaming that whiterose was going to be taken down, that he had the upper hand, and that the fight wouldn’t end with him? he’s come a long way with his pride and outward passion.
6) SAM.
7) this show is slowly, i assume, going to step into the sci-fi genre. it already has (eg: angela admitting that she thought whiterose could revive her dead mother), but now it’s got me wondering if elliot was Really revived, or if he did die and woke up in an alternate timeline or something, lol. esmail has me scrambling. for now, i’ll operate under the assumption that price really did wake him up & he never actually died. but, uh, i’m nervous about how everything will turn out. yeah.
7.5) that stated, if sam plays 11 more episodes just to be like: “surprise! elliot really Did die in episode 1, and everything else has been a dream!” at the end, i’ll Never. Forgive Him. like, i don’t think he will, but. just to have that on the record. i have had Enough of these mind games!
8) whiterose (& her new assistant! bye grant, ur still in my thoughts) is shaping up to be a scary motherfucking villain. that was cemented in s3, but this episode confirmed that she is Not here to fuck around. i mean, she might fuck around with elliot, but all for her scary, unknown reasons. i will spend My Time...waiting to see what she does next.
9) overall, it was a great start to the season, but it was an emotional ass rollercoaster, too. i’m trying to stay strapped in for the ride, haha, but i feel like it might go off the rails. cheers to the next few months of agony!
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silliusssoddus · 6 years
Take Another Piece Of My Heart
A/N: I’ve been listening to "Let Me Live" from the Made in Heaven album on repeat and I got the idea of reader living with John as he’s going through Freddie’s death. Also I’m pretty new to this whole writing thing so I’m really sorry this is really bad :/
Warnings: aaangst, mentions of death (Freddie Mercury), inaccuracies, Deacy with a c (lol)
Here’s a goofy gif to ease the pain ;)
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You woke up to the familiar smell of your boyfriend’s stench that had been present for the past week. John had barely moved from his bed since the morning you both received a call from Jim, saying Freddie had died the evening before. He’d been quiet ever since, occasionally throwing in a few ‘good morning’s, ‘goodnight’s or ‘I'm not hungry’s’ here and there. You tried your best to leave him be, but you hated seeing him like this.
“Good morning, sweet.” you said as you pecked a kiss at his cheek. He buried his face into his pillow at the feeling of your lips, making you frown. You ran your hand through his hair, ignoring the fact that he flinched at the touch as well. You announced that he should take a bath.
“Bri and Rog want you to be down at the studio today, only if you felt like recording.” He nodded, shuffling and stumbling to the bathroom.
You heard him close the door and lock it. You sighed - he never locks the bathroom door. After opening the windows in the bedroom and making the bed, you made your way to the kitchen to make some cheese on toast for him, hoping that would bring him joy somehow.
While you were pouring the hot water into two cups for tea, you heard him walk into the kitchen. You turned around to talk to him, but your words were quickly replaced by stifled giggles. John had wrapped a towel around his chest, instead of his waist. He somehow found a way to wrap another towel around his head, but what surprised you the most was that the towel didn’t fall. You gave him a light smile as you wrapped the towel in its rightful place and looked up at him. His eyes were avoiding yours.
“Guess I'm too used to taking care of you.” he muttered, so quietly that you almost didn’t catch it. You pressed your lips together as your fingers traced the outline of his jaw. He didn’t like the contact and leaned out of it. You missed the old Deacy, where all he had to do was smile to make you forget your struggles. He wouldn’t sleep until you fell asleep first or get out of bed before you were awake. He’d cuddle you through your nightmares and listen eagerly at every great dream you had.
He’d been so distant lately. It was like he left with Freddie.
“Listen, I get that you just wanna be alone for now but I am here for emotional support, being your girlfriend and all, but only if you want me to be.”
“I'm fine, Y/N, you don’t need to keep asking me,” he said, rather sternly, “and you’re helping me enough.” He sat down at the kitchen counter and took a bite of his cheesy toast.
“Deacy, I know you’re not. And I'm not helping one bit. You’ve been avoiding me, Brian and Rog this whole week. Speaking of, they really wanna finish this album. It might help you clear your mind, doing something you enjoy.”
“I can’t seem to enjoy anything when everything reminds me of him! Especially playing the bass and being with those two,” he raised his voice, making the both of you uncomfortable, “even you remind me of him.” he sighed.
Of course you did. It was Freddie that made him go to a club that night, the same club you happened to be in. He made him talk to you, get your phone number and persuaded him into calling you later that night.
“I'll tell the boys you’re not up for recording today.”
“Thank you...love.” There was a slight sign of uncomfort at the last word, which caused you to shudder.
You really felt useless to him.
The phone call was made. Brian and Roger both understood his reasoning, but they expected something from him sooner than later. You said you’re trying your best and they agreed. John had made himself comfortable on the sofa, his body sprawled across it, staring at the ceiling. You gave him some clothes you found upstairs in his closet and you helped him as he slowly wriggled into them, despite him frequently mumbling that he could do it by himself and that he didn’t need help. You took a seat at the piano next to the fireplace, prodding the keys and playing a familiar tune.
“Monday, start of my holiday. Freedom for just one week, feels good to get away.”
You heard a slight chuckle and you beamed. It worked! He joined you with the second verse.
“Tuesday, I saw her down on the beach. I stood and watched a while, and she looked and smiled at me.” he sang, turning to look at you. You couldn’t help but notice his eyes, glossed with a thin layer of tears.
“Wednesday, I didn't see her. I hoped that she'd be back tomorrow.
And then on Thursday, my luck had changed. She stood there all alone, I went and asked her name. I never thought that this could happen to me in only seven days. It would take a hundred or more for memories to fade.”
You decided to end the song there as John went back to staring at the ceiling in deep thought.
“Y’know, it wouldn’t kill you to listen to your own words.”
””It would take a hundred or more for memories to fade”? Love, Freddie might be gone, but you can still continue his legacy.”
He broke into tears after that sentence. You abruptly left the piano to kneel next to his head and comfort him.
“Oh, God I'm sorry, I'm really sorry love-“
“N-no it’s not your fault it’s...it’s just the song I-“ he spoke through sobs. You’d never actually seen him cry before, not even after the phone call, and you could feel your heart shattering into a million pieces at the sight of him so broken, “I wanted to write this for you but I couldn’t find the right words. Freddie, he- he helped me so much.”
“And look at how successful this and all your other songs turned out to be. Look at how successful you all are.”
“But that was because of him.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Deac,” you said as you sat him up so you could sit next to him. His head automatically fell into your shoulder and you felt the tiniest bit of relief, “you guys are all so good at doing what you do. That’s why millions of people love you and your songs. Hell, I don’t think the name Queen will ever die out.”
“I just- I'm too scared to write a song without having the usual feedback I get from Freddie.”
You cupped his cheek, tilting his head a little to kiss his forehead. You could tell that he was trying so hard to stop himself from flinching.
“Tell you what, since I’ve inspired you before, we’ll go to the studio today and I’ll stay. You can always get feedback from the boys. Or me. Though I’m not as talented.”
He looked up with red eyes and a small Deacy smile that didn’t last long. You wiped away his tears and was about to lean down to kiss his lips, but he seemed to predict that move as he leant his head on the other side of the sofa. Just as you thought things were working out well.
“I love you.” you said as you got up to call Brian and Roger, stroking John’s cheek before you left the room. He didn’t react to that at all.
You both walked in to the studio, Deacy carrying his bass with both hands. Brian saw you walk in, frowning at the lack of physical contact between the two of you. He could definitely tell that something was wrong. You hoped he’d ask you later - he gives useful advice sometimes. Roger was standing next to him and when he saw you, he looked more delighted than John recently looked waking up.
“Y/N! Finally!” he ran over to you, kissing your cheek and pulling you into a deep hug, “and Deacy! We’re so relieved you’re here. We really need your expertise.”
“Roger and I have been fighting on how to continue "Let Me Live". It’s the only song we have left of the album, but we’re not gonna release it just yet. Better let the press settle down a bit first.” He let out a sad chuckle when you went to hug him.
“Thought we decided to drop that.” John muttered.
“Ah, we revived it. Anyway, we only have that one verse that Freddie wrote.” Brian finished, scratching his chin with the end of a pencil. John and Roger made their way over and crowded around the various sheets of papers filled to the sides with music notes.
“Why don’t we go for the same melodic structure and just change the lyrics? That way we don’t risk messing up.” John said and the other two seemed to like it. Roger patted John on the back.
“See? This is the genius we were missing.” he said grinning. You laughed at Brian rolling his eyes. John gave a small smile to Roger, but his face quickly turned poker.
“Alright then, let’s just have you improvise and we can gather up some words.” Brian suggested.
“Um, yeah sure.” John never liked singing - he’d only ever do it if it was with you or the band.
“Don’t worry, sweet,” you said, placing a hand on his shoulder, which he wasn’t slow to subtly shrug off. You saw in of the corner of your eye that Brian was looking your way, “just remember what I said. I'm your inspiration, baby.” you said playfully. Nothing. You walked into the control room where Brian and Roger was, ready to press the button and let John sing.
“Okay, "Let Me Live" additional verse, recording one...aaand go.” Brian said, pointing to John and pressing a button that started playing Freddie's vocals.
“Take your time, we’ll just loop the instrumentals and write down the lyrics until you stop.” Roger called out, holding a notebook and pen. John nodded, gluing his eyes on you as his brain visibly whirred.
As the recording of Freddie finished what was then a very short chorus, John started singing.
“Why don’t you take another piece of my…soul? Why don’t you...shape it, and...shake it...ah- um, until you’re really in control. Does that work?” he called out, breaking eye contact with you. Frantically writing, Roger nodded.
“’Good, it’s good. Let’s re-record that part with more confidence this time.” John nodded. As he re-sang the lines, Brian turned to look at you.
“Y/N?” you hummed in response, “Have you noticed that he’s been staring at you the whole time he sang those lines?”
“I told him he could look at me for inspiration. Like how he wrote “In Only Seven Days”?”
“Yes, but that was a love song. This...I'm not too sure what this is, to be honest.”
You paused to hear that John had gone on to complete the chorus and was now working on the bridge with Roger.
“I’ve noticed you two aren’t handsy. Very unnatural - well, for you.” he grinned at you when you playfully shoved his shoulder.
“Thanks for worrying. I guess we all just have different ways of getting through something like this.”
“I guess so. But for the sake of your happiness, I'm gonna call a break so you can talk it out.”
“You’re too kind. Make sure you listen through the tapes.”
“I got it,” he said with a wink, “Alright, great work Deacy. You deserve a break.”
You suddenly felt a wave of fear fall over your body and walked outside to get some fresh air, John following you.
“You alright?” he asked you.
“Those were some pretty harsh lyrics, Deac.” you whispered.
“It’s a pretty harsh song.”
“But you were staring at me while singing it. It’s like you were telling me those exact words.” You bit your lip, he didn’t seem to look guilty.
“I just sang what came into mind when I look at you.” he shrugged.
“You think I'm controlling?” you crossed your arms, trying to mask the growing pain in your chest. Tears started to well up in your eyes.
“No- well...no, that’s not what I meant. It’s just-“ he obviously had something he was hiding.
“What’s wrong, John?” you tried to sound soothing, but it ended up sounding desperate. He was startled at your use of his real name, but his forehead quickly furrowed.
“Look, I’m fine! Could you please stop pestering me!” he shouted at you and you stood in shock, not knowing what to say.
“God, Y/N, this past week I’ve had to deal with your voice constantly repeating the same sentence.” his fists were clenched. You were speechless - in the almost 20 years you’ve known him, you’ve never seen him get visibly mad at anything.
“I- I’m just trying to help-”
“Well, it’s clearly not working! I thought you’d stop after realising it wasn’t.”
“I did, I swear I tried to let you heal by yourself but...Deacy I just love you too much!”
“Yet I don’t feel the same way!” his voice lowered, realising what he said, “not anymore at least.”
You didn’t want to believe it at first. You searched hopelessly in his eyes, trying to find a sign of a joke somewhere, but you couldn’t. Your eyes fell to your shoes as you knew the truth.
“I just- I don’t feel like I can continue this. Us, I mean. Well...Queen and us.”
You felt your heart sink to your feet as the colour drained from your face. He took a deep breath before continuing.
“I’m retiring. I want to finish the album with the boys and then leave. Spend more time with myself. It’s just- it doesn’t feel the same anymore. Not without Freddie.” His voice broke and he rubbed his eyes, “I tried giving it a shot, I can’t, Y/N, nothing feels right.”
“Deacy I-”
“Stop calling me that!”
Your knees were about to give way and your bottom lip started trembling.
“John. things could still work out. You just have tell me what I need to do.”
“I need you to go.” he said sharply. Those words felt like spears going directly through your stomach.
“But John-” you pleaded.
“No, stop. Just- let me live. Leave me alone.” He walked into the studio, leaving you out in the cold.
You hesitated for a few seconds, trying to get some feeling into your legs again and wiping the few drops of tears that had fallen, before walking into the studio. You kept your head down, ignoring Brian’s questions and Roger’s snarky comments on taking a long break. You grabbed your coat and turned to look at the crew for one last time.
“Good luck, you guys. Freddie’s proud of you all.”
You flashed a quick smile to both Brian and Roger as you turned and walked out, hot tears rolling down your face. You could hear John’s voice as they started practicing again.
“Why don't you take another little piece of my life? Why don't you twist it, and turn it, and cut it like a knife? All you do is live, all I do is die…”
You picked up the pace and ended up running down the road, trying to run as far away from his voice as possible, while you sobbed out your heart’s content.
- Part 2
Let me know what you thought! Criticism is openly welcomed :) 
Tags: @notthebackchat @deakyjohns @fatbottomedgorl @fredthelegend
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abundantchewtoys · 5 years
Homestuck Meat p40-43
Page 40
So Dirk is still trying to keep Kanaya away from Rose by moving her thoughts away from her.
I thought the antidote could've been poison, but luckily not.
I thought maybe Jade's anger was going to be played humorous, regarding Davekat getting it on without her.
But I'm glad that wasn't it! When Dirk indicated Roxy would need to hear what Jade had to say, and when he was talking about Jade accessing her recent memories... I thought it meant that Jade would tell Roxy about Alt Calliope, and that maybe through her trance she merged with more than just Retry!Jade. That's still possible, but Jade's anger is pointed at Dirk!
... So did Dirk really mean to wake up an angry doggirl and point in his general direction? Did he really work himself up to be the final villain of the epilogues, like how he was the badguy in Jake's wrestling matches?
Why even. I mean, he was going to leave in T minus X hours, wasn't he? Or was that a misdirection as well?
In any case, I've found that, having achieved God Tier enlightenment, it seems Dirk has gone to absorb the worst machiavellan qualities of Autoresponder and Dave's Bro in the process.
Page 41
... I...
Well that sure was self aware enough of him.
So he knows he's become the villain, that people will try to stop him, but he thinks his designs are worth it?
What are those, then, exactly? Is Dirk trying to create a new plane of existence? Is this all so he can "free" his friends from their fate in the epilogues, and start up the catalyst for Homestuck 2, storywise?
He's also prophecizing his own death here. He's telling us he'll die Justly, and Dave will cut off his head.
... So...
Oh god.
Is Dirk going to be the tyrant minus an arm and an eye?
Is he the pimp in the crib that Dave will have to kill, dropping it like it's hot in the process? I swear to God, that prophecy's going to be fulfilled in this manner, ain't it? A pimp is a manipulative bastard who controls and extorts his victims, after all. Making them do things they wouldn't do otherwise.
In any case, Dirk has finally followed in the steps of his splinters, AR, Doc Scratch and Lord English, masterminding events behind everyone's back.
Actually, Dirk accepting his ultimate fate here is kind of Doc Scratch-like as well. And apparently, he admits here that every previous time he sacrificed himself, he did it in the good faith that he'd be restored to life afterwards. Not this time.
He also thinks of Dave as better than him, which I guess serves as a good counterweight to his aggravation about Dave's love life, lol. Ironically (Striders!), Dave meanwhile thinks (or thought) of John as a better person.
Page 42
So, Jade was awoken long enough to snap Kanaya out of her trance, break the magic voodoo shit Dirk did to her. That's good. And it was SUPERB to see Kanaya in a rage again. Hunting mode Kanaya is chillingly ruthless. She gives Karkat a run for his money, verbally, and Gamzee a groin kick, physically!
I guess Roxy and Kanaya really ARE the best candidates to go after Dirk. But it saddens me that Jade is benched again. Her eyes going dark is meant to signify Calliope's spirit taking her over, since she has dark pupiles. Not sure if I thought of this last time.
Alt Calliope might leave the characters more free, abstaining from most influence, being a passive class and all. But we know she doesn't tolerate some things - unrespectful handling of cherub artifacts, and suppressing certain feelings & thoughts and not being honest with yourself. I wonder how that is going to play out.
So Dirk really is jumping (or has jumped) off somewhere into the C Universe, not going outside it? With his talk about unmudding the water, I thought he was going off to find Andrew, confront the characters with their fictive nature! Still could happen though, if Andrew's planet is somewhere else in Universe C.
"I'm already gone" is a nice allusion to "I'm already here".
Kanaya grabbing Jade with two arms would visually probably call back to Aradia manhandling Equius, and Dream Jade manhandling Dream John!!! :D
I like how this entire page was low on narration, it felt more like the dialoglogs of old this way.
Still, if "a bunch" of people go after Dirk: a) who then? It seems this time around, the trolls (or at least Kanaya) will still be part of the party. b) when are they going to realize that there's still someone narrating their lives that isn't leaving them entirely free?
Blaperile has a good point though - Andrew's not on his planet anymore, since he died. He was last seen in the Furthest Ring during the end boss battle against Lord English. But I'm a bit confused - I'm not sure Universe C is even connected anymore to the Furthest Ring, as I would think Alt Calliope's black hole would have eaten the C Genesis Frog already? ... I swear, if Dirk goes to Andrew's apartment and has Jane revive Andrew's corpse...
I suppose Terezi is on Dirk's ship right now? But to what end? Did he convince her Andrew could grant John a limitless revival, being the author? Or something?
Page 43
Wow. Awesome.
So first, now that Dirk isn't around to steer them, the conversations can quickly turn into complete disasters again, like we're used to.
Roxy is apparently looking like a pink-colorcoded Dave, good to know!
Dave mercifully didn't breach the subject of Dirk and Rose's perceived "hookup" while Kanaya was still in earshot.
And while Dave & Karkat are truly together now, they're still somewhat embarassed when they realize just how much they've been flirting around other people, heheh. Dave called it having "character developed", which reminds me I didn't yet comment on Dirk referring to his "arc" on the previous page. Dave, you hypocrite, you're people, you don't HAVE arcs (and thus no character development)!!! :P
Jade (or really, Alt Calliope) pointed the way to Dirk (and the others) in a similar manner as Rose pointed the way to the B2 session. I didn't realize Dave was talking down to her until Roxy pointed it out, heh, but it's true.
And it's been confirmed (somewhat) that Terezi joined the others on the ship, but what for, what for? So she didn't contact Karkat & Dave, probably feeling that she couldn't lie to their faces about John's fate?
And Alt Calliope is doing us the favor of largely staying neutral narrator. Which I guess is good - so long as she doesn't still influence them too much in certain manners.
The way she described it, I guess we're back to black narrative text from the next page on. I'm relieved by the way, it's kind of tiresome being on the lookout for "OOC influences" from the narration...
It seems to me it's going to be Dave, Roxy, Kanaya & Karkat (+ Jade) going after Dirk. I suspect Jake's too upset, as is Calliope. And Jane won't leave her office.
It was VERY cool to see Karkat take up leadership though. Maybe this sudden development in his personal life has given him the extra nudge to be able to prove to himself, once and for all, that he IS a good leader.
Heheh, I just thought of something. It wouldn't surprise me if Squarewave came along on the rocketship. So are we in for a Squarewave-Dave rapoff in the distant future? :O
Still wondering about John's fate though. Alt Calliope doesn't rule out he can be revived, yet she says his current "ultimate sacrifice" cements this timeline as being relevant, true and essential and all that. I suppose it could mean that, after being revived, he doesn't have the retcon powers anymore, but still, what other things would transpire before he's allowed back into the story?
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