#she should have been in the club 💔
bookstoresmp3 · 6 months
the fact that sally jackson was 19 years old when she met poseidon…. poseidon when i catch you
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jesssssssssica · 7 months
we are never ever getting back together! cs55
part 1
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yourusername posted a story
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view stories replies!
lilymhe TRUE
username6 so real for that one
username1 #youresohot
carlossainz55 you’re being immature
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liked by pierregasly, landonorris and 321,391 others
carlossainz55 pick up the phone 📞
username2 i’m gonna take this as a breakup post 💔
username3 oh well she didn't deserve you
yourusernamerules sure thing sweetpea but he was the one that cheated on his pregnant wife TWICE.... but whatever
alexalbon this is embarrassing even for you
yourusername lmao
username6 GET HIM MOTHER
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liked by pierregasly, landonorris and 130,028 others
yourusername clubbing, play dates, exploring and love. something i never got to experience with you xxxx
p.s he is so much better than you
landonorris 🧡
username6 SLAYYYY
yourusernamerules MOTHER YOU RULE
username3 whore
username6 oh shut up
lilymhe that should be me
alexalbon um lily
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liked by pierregasly, landonorris and 231,029 others
yourusername we are never ever getting back together....
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liked by pierregasly, yourusername and 104,281 others
landonorris ....like ever
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mini tag list: @christianpulisic10 @sunnytkm23
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isabellovelaces · 6 months
Ur telling me that Alana Maxwell was 28 when she was shot during a mutiny in that space station??? She should have been at the club 💔
131 notes · View notes
violetsiren90 · 1 year
All I Haven't Said | Namjoon/Reader
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Table of Contents: Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3 (part 1), Chapter 3 (part 2)
Pairing: idol!Namjoon/f!Reader
Genre: Soulmate AU; idol AU; chapter fic; strangers to lovers; a bit of idiots to lovers, tbh; slow burn; eventual romance; eventual smut; angst (life is messy & hearts are complex); OT7 featured
Summary: You found your soulmate - or rather, he found you. Turns out he's an idol of much acclaim who needs you for very real and unglamorous reasons. What could become of two hearts so used to giving of themselves when they are confronted with needing each other?
Warnings: 18+ (minors, dni), realistic depictions of cancer and cancer treatment; mention of unfeatured character death (previous to plot); emotional health growth and development; eventual smut; feelings and dealing with feelings (no, but seriously, so many feelings)
Author's Note: First and foremost - Blame Me chapter 1 will still be tentatively dropping by the end of the week. However, this just literally wrote itself last night after a couple of drinks and several streams of Lonely 💔. It was the thing that just poured out of me and could not be stopped. It's been simmering in the back of my brain for a while, and so, now that it's out here, I'm going to be posting it in tandem with Blame Me, probably on alternate weeks (if I can manage it, 😅). I want to give credit to those whose works I have read which have come to set the stage for my concept of the soulmate au, and who are far my betters in creative artistry: Matchy, author of balls-to-the-walls masterpiece Trip No Further, Fallencairns, author of lovely work of art Turbulence, and @teenagebountyhunter , to whom I dedicate this work 💜 the author of the ineffably beautiful Namjoon soulmate fic Bloom (RUN to read this immediately) - the inspiration for what is to humbly follow below. If you're checking this out, thanks a million for reading, and please don't be shy in offering feedback should you be so inclined! (Baby fic writer here, constructive criticism always welcome!)
Without further ado, chapter one is under the cut.
P.S. Tag list is open. If you want in, let me know. 😊
P.P.S. In case no one has told you today, you're loved and worthy of love. 🧜💜
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“When your hands leap towards mine, love, what do they bring me in flight? Why did they stop at my lips, so suddenly, why do I know them, as if once before, I have touched them, as if, before being, they traveled my forehead, my waist?”
~ Pablo Neruda
Chapter 1: The Cure
Diana dipped another three fries in ketchup and popped them into her mouth.
"So, what do you need to talk about that has you desperate enough to buy me lunch?" She smiled smugly and sipped and her milkshake.
You hadn't touched the burger in front of you, even if you probably should be absolutely relishing in it, considering your future prospects. You picked up a sweet potato fry and stared at it absently.
"I found my soulmate," you stated flatly.
Diana's jaw dropped mid-chew, unpleasantly framing the masticated remains of a mouthful of turkey club.
"Wait, are you serious?" she pressed, round hazel eyes wide and unblinking.
You dipped the fry down into the little cup of ranch and swirled it around slowly.
"Actually, he found me. Well, his people found me," you continued. 
"Huh? So is he some kind of a big deal - wait...they found you? What does that even mean? Wait, no - you have a soulmate?!"
You smiled ruefully. It was kind of nice to see someone else freaking out about it for a change. You had known your little sister would react strongly, which is why you had waited until now give her the news.
"Y/n, ANSWERS," Diana demanded leaning forward to flick your forehead. 
"Ow!" you protested, rubbing the throbbing spot on your brow. "Keep your pants on, geez!"
You sighed. After having relayed this story to your mom, your doctor, a specialist, legal advisory, your best friend, your brother and his wife, and your very disappointed boss, you had gotten pretty good telling it. Yet, somehow, each time the burden of it's truth felt a little heavier. You ate the fry. It was pretty good. You wished it had sucked so it wouldn't be one more edible thing you missed the prospect of.
"So apparently, a couple of years ago a university in Switzerland found a way to match soulmates using DNA testing. Don't ask me about the exact science of it - I do not understand it. What I do know is that it's illegal to use this technology to locate your soulmate in the US."
"Why?" Diana had abandoned her food and was listening with rapt attention.
"Something about privacy rights. Though they've dealt with that issue in Switzerland - people interested in finding their soulmates join a biological registry. I'm sure our government is just waiting to find a way that big pharma can exploit it before they facilitate the process. Anyway, somehow, I ended up in a foreign registry. I guess there is a black market for soulmate data..."
"Oh my god, could I be on the black market?" Diana gasped, slapping her hands over her mouth.
"I guess anyone could, provided they've ever been treated at a hospital, or given blood, or anything of the sort...but calm down! It doesn't even matter unless you have a match, which is rare."
"So he found you on the black market?! That's so fucking sketchy, Y/n."
"It was his company, actually. I got a visit from representatives of an organization called Hybe. They are some kind of South Korean entertainment conglomerate. One of their employees, a musician, is dying of cancer. Seeing if he had a soulmate was a last-ditch effort to save his life. Now everything is banking on me and my cooperation."
You flicked your eyes up to your sister. Her expression had morphed into something far more somber.
"Heavy..." she whispered.
You nodded.
"What are you gonna do?"
You took a bite of your burger. She wasn't going to like your answer. Diana's face changed again, this time registering alarm and indignation.
"No," she murmured, "No, Y/n. You're just gonna do it, aren't you? You're gonna go be the fucking hero! You're going to traipse off to Korea and save his sketchy, ungrateful ass!"
She stood up, her chair screeching back over the concrete and drawing the attention of other diners on the patio. You glanced around apologetically.
"Diana, sit down! And how do you know if he's grateful or not?!" you hissed.
"No!" she countered defiantly, yanking her hand away from where you had reached for it. "You always do this! You never, ever think of yourself. And now you'll be gone forever...is this even safe?"
Tears had started to well up in her eyes, and the glances around you had turned into stares and whispers. You stood up and pulled her into a hug.
"Hey, hey, it's okay! Lets get out of here and I can answer all of your questions, alright?" She sniffled.
"Okay. But you're not leaving me." You smiled and huffed out a laugh pulling her toward the parking lot.
You had anticipated that Diana would disapprove of your decision, and it being as difficult a situation as it was, you had decided to make all the arrangements and choices necessary before telling her. She loved you so fiercely, she would have watched the world burn before letting you break a nail, if she could help it.
After your father's death nearly twenty years ago, you had become protector and provider to Diana and your younger brother Henry, three years her senior, in ways your sensitive and unworldly mother seemed unequipped to shoulder. If they had both not been so established and secure in the trajectory of their adult lives, you would have made it clear to Hybe that you regrettably had nonnegotiable responsibilities right where you were. But Henry was settled into a suburb with a lovely wife and year-old daughter, Diana was set to finish undergrad and head off to nursing school, and the deal with Hybe had actually allowed you to leverage for your Mom's retirement, so you were boarding a flight to Korea next week to take on a new set of cares and concerns.
You tossed your keys on the table on your way into your apartment and collapsed onto your comfy red couch. While Diana rooted around your fridge and loudly complained about the lack of hard seltzer, you sorted through the mail and made a mental note to add a forwarding address on a few of your accounts and subscriptions, including the one supplying you with Nightwing comics. You set the mail aside and took a moment to look around you.
You loved your little apartment. The kitchen was small, but the big window with the spider plant hanging in it made it one of your favorite rooms - the herb garden on the counter and the fully stocked bar above the fridge did nothing to make you like it any less. The earthy brown walls of the living space were littered with shelves full of candles and living plants and quirky curios, and in and amongst them hung framed watercolors of flowers and herbs that you had painted yourself. The record player sat at the ready in the corner by the wall dedicated almost exclusively to books and vinyl. There was a small tv over the stone-lined fireplace. Over your shoulder your soft, queen sized bed with sheer canopy cozily called your named from the single bedroom. 
The whole place smelled like citrus and cinnamon. In every corner, there was you. It was going to be hard to leave the hobbit hole you had so lovingly curated for yourself over the last half-a-decade...especially since you wouldn't be going "there and back again", but just...there.
Diana plopped down next to you,  breaking your reverie.
"So, you're NOT going, but tell me about the huge mistake you ALMOST made," Diana prompted as she side-eyed you, taking a sip of the wine she had poured herself.
You set the comic book you had been thumbing through aside and drew your knees up to your chest as you swiveled to face her impatient stare.
"Last week, a these three people showed up at my door, two men and a woman, and they said they were from a company called Hybe based in South Korea. One of their employees, a singer named Kim Namjoon, has stage 4 liver cancer. I guess they caught it pretty late in the game, so even the most aggressive treatments aren't doing much good. Back in April the doctor gave him two months to live."
"Damn," Diana interjected softly.
"Yeah, that's why all of this is happening so fast. He needs me as soon as I can get there."
"We need you, too," she whispered, reaching out to loop her finger into the top of your sock. You smiled affectionately.
"I know, Di, but you're a grown woman now and you can take care of yourself. You're going to have to and I know you can. Life really won't be that different - you'll be off to school in San Diego anyway! Most of our hangouts were going to be over Facetime...now you'll just have an excuse for a little international travel."
She heaved a stuttering sigh.
"Speaking of travel...Johnny broke up with me," she mumbled.
Your mouth hung open in shock.
"Oh my god, Di, I'm so sorry! Why didn't you tell me?"
She downed her remaining wine and stared into the empty glass, twirling it between her fingers.
"I was gonna, but when I told mom last week she said to wait to talk to you about it because you were dealing with something stressful. Now I know what she meant."
You shook your head.
"Ugh, Mom..."
Your sweet, nonconfrontational mother, while you loved her deeply, was a horrible communicator. Whenever she got involved things like this always ended up worse. You looked at your sister twiddling with her wine glass. She looked so small. And Diana, while she exuded many things, very rarely seemed diminutive. You grabbed her and pulled her to you, and she instantly snuggled into your chest.
"I'm sorry you've had to hold that in all this time," You said softly, stroking her hair, "You really could have told me. How are you doing? Was it bad?"
She shook her head against you.
"Nah, it wasn't so bad. He's going to travel before starting grad school and wants to 'sow some wild oats'," she answered, flashing air quotes.
You couldn't see her face, but the acerbic nature of her tone told you just exactly what she thought of that concept. You snickered. Atta' girl. You'd never liked that guy much, anyway.
"What an asshole," you remarked.
"Yeah, he better not hit me up in a couple of months when he's done fucking his way through Europe."
"Fuuuuuck that," you commiserated. 
"Yeah, so I thought this summer would be our last hurrah. You know, no guys, just you and me...like old times" Diana mumbled in a voice that was all sulking and bottom lip. 
"Ahhh," you said with a smile, "So that's why you are so disappointed. Well, we still have a few days - we can make the most of them!"
Diana lifted her head from your chest and glared up at you.
"Boys ruin everything!" She whined.
You smirked softly.
"Usually I would agree with you, but the one I'm leaving for seems kind of decent, actually."
Diana frowned.
"How do you know? Did he call you or something? Wait, you never finished telling me your story!"
You hummed in assent.
"I mean, there's not much more to tell. I agreed to move out there to bond with him and begin treatment. I signed a really basic contract that will be revised when he is well enough to think about the future - or in a year, whichever comes first. They were pretty quick to meet my terms, I guess they didn't really have much choice since I was the one holding the all the cards."
"What does any of that have to do with him being a good guy?"
"Oh," you blinked, "It doesn't. You see, when they met with me they talked a lot about him. It was almost like a job interview or something. They talked about his accomplishments, his net worth, the importance of his work, and his worthiness as a person. One of the guys was actually one of his bandmates, and he had come specifically as a character reference. They had initially wanted me to sign the contract right there and then - and let me tell you, that kid they brought with them almost convinced me with his giant puppy eyes alone - but in the end I had asked for forty-eight hours to consult legal advisory and think it over. The first thing I did when they left was look him up. You actually probably already know who he is - I think I might have been the only person in the world who didn't. Have you ever heard of BTS?"
Diana jumped back like she'd been stung, clutching her chest.
"Are you about to tell me that your soulmate is a member of the biggest band in the world?" she whispered, her eyes impossibly wide.
You smirked. 
"Not just a member, Di...their leader." Diana shrieked, leaping up off the couch.
"RM??? Your soulmate is RM???" 
Your sister stared at you, agape, while you threw your hands up in indignation.
"I was the only person!"
"Oh my god..." Diana staggered back, demeanor having deviated sharply from disapproval to elation, "My roommate is obsessed with them! She has all these posters - but her favorite, I'm sorry, her bias, is Suga...holy shit, I can't WAIT to tell her she's gonna-"
"Diana," you interrupted her firmly, and her eyes shot up to you.
"You can't tell anyone."
Her face fell as she leaned back against the wall beside the fireplace. Clearly this was going to be even more of an emotional roller-coaster for her than it was for you, you thought in amusement. Typical.
"Everyone who I tell has to sign a gag order. You included."
Diana slid down the wall into a slump and knocked her head back.
"This situation keeps harshing my vibes, dude," she whined.
"Well, I'm exceedingly sorry about your vibes, but I'm sure they'll recover," you rejoined sardonically.
"But woah, Y/n, your boyfriend is hot. And rich. And super famous. Your wedding is going to be fucking LIT..." 
"Woah, Nellie!" You cut her off, waving your hands as if you usher her train of thought into the landing strip of sanity.  "Slow. Down. Wedding?? What happened to 'sketchy, ungrateful ass'?! He is NOT my boyfriend. He's supposedly my soulmate. According to some Swiss pseudoscience. We haven't even bonded yet. And if we do in fact bond, that doesn't mean we're a couple."
Diana popped her head up and fixed you with the most incredulous of stares.
"Um, excuse me...soulmates have to touch each other to survive. And I heard that the soulmate connection is better than sex. You're telling me you have the opportunity, nay, the duty, to be up in the business of one of the sexiest men alive, and you're just gonna platonically kick it for the next seventy years?"
You rolled your eyes.
"I mean, if that's what he wants - if that's what I want. Soulmates doesn't automatically equate lovers. I've been reading about people's experiences and there are some soulmates who bond platonically. Some people are already with romantic partners when they meet. Some don't share a sexual orientation that makes them compatible as lovers..."
"Oh my god, Y/n, could you please not kill the sexy by going all nerd on this?" She asked you in exasperation as her finger swiped at her phone screen.
Suddenly she shoved the phone out toward you, while tapping frantically with a neon yellow acrylic nail on the image she had summoned. She was saying something humorous and complaintive but you weren't listening. You were looking at the man in the photo.
You hadn't seen this one in your superficial search-engine dives. It was a headshot. His hair was a light brown, full at the top and styled away from his face. His skin was darker than in many of the other images you had seen, emanating a beautiful golden glow. He was smiling just enough for his right dimple to softly grace his cheek. His features were strong, masculine, and incredibly handsome. All of that was already striking, but his eyes, oh, his eyes - they were staring directly at the camera, irises only half visible under his lidded gaze, warm and sincere, so incredibly intense.
The hair stood up on the back of your neck and your breath caught in your chest in spite of you. You closed your eyes and sucked in a breath. You needed to calm down. He was just a person. Good looking? Yes. Charismatic? Obviously. But you had a job to do, and no time to screw around with schoolgirl daydreams. He probably had a girlfriend. No, definitely, he definitely had one. And hey, he was just a person, like you. No need to be star struck.
Diana had been continuing her rant, completely unaware of being ignored, when she had let out a high pitched squeal of laughter.
"Oh my god...oh my god!" She shrieked.
"What?" You snapped, your hormone-wrestling train of thought cut off abruptly.
She stared at you, lips pressed together as if she was trying to contain more loud giggles.
"What??" You demanded impatiently, your limit for her antics very swiftly approaching.
"RM. K-pop superstar, probably one of the coolest people ever born, gets YOUR dorky ass as a soulmate, HAH!"
"Hey!" you deflated, unimpressed with what she considered to be so vastly comical.
"Oh that poor man!" she pushed dramatically, "That poor, poor man. You're the least graceful, geekiest person in the western hemisphere. What will you even talk about? Good thing you don't speak Korean, you'd probably bore him to death! Shit, at least you're pretty..."
You folded your arms over your chest defensively.
"Hilarious. But actually, he's fluent in English. And I read somewhere that he likes art..."
"Y/n, he's rich," she interrupted condescendingly, "All rich people like art. It's a huge flex to own an original. If I was a billionaire I'd 'like art' too. Oh my god, I just can't believe this is happening. Like he's crazy famous..."
"And very, very sick," you reminded her softly.
Her expression fell into something contrite.
"Oh, shit, I forgot," she murmured.
"I'm glad you're excited for me, Di. It really made me feel a lot better about the whole situation seeing you get some kind of joy out of it. But I can't stress enough that this isn't a fairytale. Who knows how he feels about resorting to this. I guarantee you this is as hard for him as it is for me."
Diana crossed over to the couch and skooched in next to you.
"All jokes aside, he's lucky to have you, Y/n. You love at a thousand percent. Even if you guys just end up being soul-buddies, or whatever, he hit the jackpot," she smiled at you, that sweet smile that made you rethink everything for one split second.
Now it was your turn to try to hold back tears.
"I'm gonna miss you," she murmured, "But I respect what you're doing."
"Now that he's famous?" You prodded with a teasing smile.
"Yeah, now that he's famous," she conceded. 
You pulled her into a hug. The silence that hung around you was pregnant but comfortable. Diana finally broke it with a soft question.
"So you're really going to give your whole life away for a total stranger next week?" she whispered.
"Mmhm," you hummed somberly into her hair.
"Why you always gotta be like Dad?"
A familiar lump began to form in your throat, but you swallowed it back. You always did. And Diana fell asleep in your lap one last time. You stroked her hair as you thought back, rather emotionally exhausted, over your conversation. It seemed like people thought of the soulmate connection as some kind of miracle. You didn't believe in those. People made choices, and those choices governed reality. You had just made the biggest choice of your life, and if it was like any of the other roads you had taken, it would require much of you. 
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The following day was your last at work. Your coworkers had greeted you with pizza, cake, flowers, and hugs. It was touching to realize how much you would be missed. Your boss, Shauna, hovered as you gathered you belongings from your desk. 
"Damn it to hell, I'm gonna miss you!" She mourned for the umpteenth time.
You smiled as you tucked your little philodendron into the box, placing it next to the canvas speckled with daisies that read "You Matter" in curly green letters. 
"You have an amazing team here, you guys will do great," you insisted, patting her hand where she leaned on your desk.
"Um, a great team of people you trained!" she said, consoling herself with a swipe of frosting from what had once been a beautiful red velvet cake with white buttercream.
You leaned beside her on the desk, joining her in sadly picking at the dessert remains.
After you had graduated with your degree in social work, you had landed an internship in a program which Shauna was running. The two of you quickly discovered you had similar passions and community goals, and the following year had left the program to start Magnolia Village, a one-stop shop for women's services sadly unprecedented in your area. While the startup had been rough, your passionate duo had believed in the need and refused to say die, and from your mutual blood, sweat, and tears had blossomed a cornerstone of the local community. Over the years it had grown and extended its reach to thousands in need of support. Many of the staff were women who had first come through the door seeking services, and were now your partners in providing the aid they had found empowering in their hour of need.
You were immensely proud of what the two of you had built, but leaving the Village was bittersweet, as you were more confident than ever that it had grown into a well-oiled machine powered by lovely, capable people who could keep it going at full tilt without you.
"This place basically built itself, we just propped up the scaffolding," you remarked, glancing around the building fondly - what had once been a residential fixer-upper was now a cozy space of offices, a nurse's station, six emergency beds, sanitation services, and a food pantry
"Bitch, you know very well that I am the bulldozer and you are the heart and soul of this place. We are going to feel it when you leave. You better come back and visit us. Mirabell is going to do a good job filling your shoes, though. Watching her step up to the plate has been something else." 
"It has," you nodded, "She's going to kick ass. You might just forget I was ever here by the end of next week."
Shauna turned uncharacteristically tearful eyes toward you.
"I will never forget you," she choked.
Then suddenly you were being crushed in a bear hug. You returned her embrace until you thought you might actually pass out from lack of oxygen.
"Okay, I love you, but I'm about to asphyxiate!" you wheezed, slapping her on the shoulder.
She let you go, but grabbed your arm and looked at you seriously.
"I want you to promise me one thing," she said, holding your gaze.
You cocked your head to the side. Shauna released your arm to clasp both your hands in hers.
"I want you to promise me that when you get to Korea, you find something that you're gonna do for yourself."
You started to respond but she stopped you.
"Something for yourself. It doesn't matter what it is, but it can't be for your soulmate, or your family, or anyone else however deserving...just you, okay?"
You looked at her quizzically.
"I do stuff for me..." 
"Don't get swallowed up, baby girl. Find someone to ground you, to remind you that you're worth more than what you have to offer."
You scoffed.
"I'd like to see someone try and swallow me..."
"Promise me."
"Okay," you nodded, "I promise."
Shauna squeezed your hands, then went back to chipping away at the mass of red crumbs and buttercream.
A little twinge of worry twisted in the pit of your stomach. You were strong. Resilient. No one could bounce back like you, could survive like you. People knew this - they had been telling you so since you were ten years old. So why was everyone acting like you were being cast out to sea without a life preserver? 
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You had spent the weekend with your family. Henry and Mercedes had even driven down, Elena in tow, to have one last Sunday dinner and see you off to the airport. Hugs and tears and small parting gifts had made leaving even harder than you had imagined.
When you finally boarded the plane your eyes were red and your head was throbbing. After the plane had gained enough altitude to allow you to unfasten your seat-belt, you had slipped into the restroom to rinse your face. You returned, plopping down next to the man who would accompany you during your first few days of transition.
"I'm getting booze when they wheel it by, Matt, so don't try to stop me," you huffed, gesticulating in mild threat with the book you had extracted from your carry-on at the suited figure sitting in the window seat.
The handsome older gentleman smiled, not lifting his eyes from the copy of the Korean Herald in his hands.
"Wouldn't dream of it," he responded, flipping a large, thin page.
Matt Anders had been many things to you in life. Before you were born, he had been your father's best friend. He had been the best man at your parent's wedding. He and his wife, Rebecca, had cared for you and your siblings during your mother's sanitarium stay. He had tutored you for the SAT score that had earned you a full ride to the university that had saddled you with a BS in social work and minor in English literature. Today, he was your attorney. Matt, who had an IQ of 146, had learned basic Korean so that he could translate for you and make sure that your interests were looked after as you settled in. Having him there made you feel one hundred percent more secure about the process. He, for instance, had been the one in negotiations to ask for the very cush business-class fight accommodations you were new settling into.
"Whatever you would do for him, you'll do for her. I want an equality of treatment clause added with no addendums."
You smiled to yourself as you remembered his exchange with the Hybe's representation. He had asked for things you would have never asked for yourself, and you felt better having access to them knowing that he felt you were deserving.
The flight attendant sweetly asked if you would require any refreshments. You asked for two whiskey and cokes, and handed one over to the man beside you. You took a long, refreshing sip.
"Damn it, I wish I had appreciated food more," you sighed, looking ruefully at your glass.
"What are you going to miss the most?" Matt asked before sampling his own beverage.
"Cheese. I can't believe I'm saying that, but in the end I just love cheese. And there are so many kinds I haven't tried. Do you know there's this Italian cheese that comes in the shape of a pear? It's super expensive because of the breed of cow the milk is sourced from. It's supposedly suuuuper creamy. But, hey, now I'll never know if it's as rich and complex as they say..."
You took another sip of your drink.
"Caciocavallo Podolico," Matt remarked casually, returning to his newspaper.
"Excuse me?"
"The cheese you described, it's called Caciocavallo Podolico," he reiterated.
"You know, I should be used to it now, but I'm not. Don't think I'll ever be. How on earth do you know this stuff?" you insisted incredulously.
"Read it once," he shrugged, "And it's actually pretty famous as far as cheeses go."
"Catch-a-vayo Picadillo..." you murmured.
"No," Matt interjected succinctly. "Anything you want to go over again? We have the time, Lord knows."
You sighed.
"Can't think of anything right now. What did you think of the list of questions I sent you?" 
"Very good," he nodded, "I'll be adding a few of my own, that I think should come from me, if you don't mind."
You swirled the ice in your plastic cup.
"Of course not. Thanks again for coming with me, I'd be pretty lost without you."
Matt smiled at you again, reaching over to squeeze your arm.
"You'd do just fine. But you would be flying coach."
You smirked and cracked open your book. As you flipped to your marked page, a colorful, sturdy rectangle of paper fluttered to the ground at Matt's feet. He reached down and picked it up, regarding it with a curious eye before you could snatch it quickly away and tuck it back between the pages of My Antonia.
"New bookmark?" he queried.
"Something like that," you murmured.
You thought he might press you further about the Hangul characters he had surely noted on the back, but just then the captain's voice crackled over the intercom reiterating the weather conditions in Seoul and you took the opportunity to bury your nose back between the pages. You glanced clandestinely over at Matt, who had settled back into the Korean Herald, before pulling the little watercolor card from between the pages where it had been hurriedly concealed. Your eyes traced over the purple clematis trailing elegantly across the illustration as you wondered if 12 hours was, in fact, a millisecond or an eternity.
-End Ch. 1-
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aleksa-sims · 4 months
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RL Story
7 weeks later...
Summer was coming to an end and I was back where it all started. At my grandparents.🤷‍♀️ My grandparents were abroad on summer vacation, just like my parents. I’ve been here alone for over 5 weeks. Slowly I’ve been feeling lonely... I spent the rest of the summer mostly with Sandra. S. was a great support for me.
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She was my best friend and still, our friendship has become even stronger this summer. 🌼💛This was the one positive thing I wanted to remember. Everything else that happened, I just wanted to forget.
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Daniel broke up with me 7weeks ago. He didn’t want me anymore.💔 He asked me to leave and since I was pregnant anyway, with N.'s Baby, I did what he asked of me. I was so devastated afterwards. I also missed my Cat, my little Lucky.😿 😿
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I would have been willing to continue our marriage. I loved him so much. 😢He was in the first position for me, but somehow this felt wrong. My Baby should come first, not D. But I didn’t want to upset him, so I couldn’t talk to him about my pregnancy, without fighting. We also ended up having a lot of arguments about Irma and that damn house. I wanted Daniel to be honest with me, but.... Idk? He didn't want to talk, he was constantly mad... I haven’t contacted him since I left our apartment 7 weeks ago. Since that day I expected to get back the divorce documents signed by D., but so far..... nothing came back from him. 🤷‍♀️
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Now to Nico. N. flew back to Italy, while I was with Daniel.😞... Another club wanted to take him over and pay him a.....nice sum for the change. But N. was under contract with the Italians for another year, so he flew to Italy, to his manager, to settle this matter with them. I really hoped, N. could get out of the contract and change to that new club. Bcs that would be here in Germany. So he could stay with me for the entire pregnancy. Nevertheless, the situation between him and me was still unclear. We were not together and he had been in Italy for weeks. We only spoke on the phone once a week. Mostly about soccer, his future/career and when he'll be back home. What didn’t mean, that I expected Nico to leave everything and come back to me.
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But now 7 weeks later, it was time. It was the end of August. N. was finally home. We had a date tonight. I couldn’t wait to see him again. I was so excited. I was hoping we would get together, as it was, before Daniel came back. After all, I loved him too and we’ll soon have a Baby together.... Let's see, if he still wants me?? 😟
Also, Daniel will come to me, one more time, to talk about the divorce. His timing just..... sucks, again. Yk? 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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chickensoupbmc · 3 days
🏳️‍🌈❤️‍🔥💄💔 for Chloe in the ask meme
(okay im actually tweaking 😁 i just spent nineteen minutes writing stuff for this and the app deleted it when i got a notification. im seething with rage there is fire in my bloodstream i am about to EXPLODE. but im going to rewrite it. because. i persist. but. oh my god. i’m so mad i literally can’t take this guys)
🏳️‍🌈 i like to think of her either as straight or bisexual. i think if she were bisexual she would have some amount of internalized homophobia so it would be hard for her to actually totally come to terms with it for a while? i think it’d take her definitely a bit to come out, but rich being so open about his sexuality and who is would definitely help her with it. i think she would be bi with a strong preference for men, which would be part of what made her try to invalidate herself in the first place. but i think she’d be a lot happier once she comes to term with it all. // i think if she were straight she would try her best to be a good ally but would have some amount of trouble with it at first. i think she’d accidentally act like one of those “i love gay men haha they’re so silly! but trans people and lesbians and bisexuals and nonbinary people are kinda weird” straight white girls. (a lot of the popular girls at my school acted like that. my best friend was an amab gay man and they would always be all weird and overly friendly towards him. he talked about it with me before and i saw enough of it in real time to know it was just so ??? odd ???? and it was always the same girls who would be rude to me and my trans friends.) i think chloe do it to michael specifically. like when they first start being friends-ish she’d get all over involved in his romantic life for entertainment. and like just automatically thinking anything he says about his sexuality or his presentation is automatically sooo funny and endearing!!! i think she wouldn’t realize she’s doing anything wrong in the beginning because she thinks she’s just being friendly, and if she’s not being RUDE to the gay community it’s not like she could be doing anything wrong, right? but i think eventually she’ll realize he seems sorta uncomfortable about the way she acts towards him and it’ll make her think. maybe she’ll ask brooke or rich about it and be like “genuinely what am i doing wrong in this situation ??” and they’ll help her understand that she’s kinda being. like. really weird. and i think she’d definitely try hard to fix it once she realizes how she’d been making him uncomfortable. she wants to be a good friend and she wants to be an ally, it just takes her a little while to shape up her attitude about everything. but she’s trying.
❤️‍🔥 i like to think about her genuinely being really in love with jake before the breakup. think the dialogue from that one MTS rehearsal video, where he comes up to her and is like “i think we should break up!” and she’s like “okay 😊” but then the second he walks away she’s super upset. that’s basically how i think the breakup went. i think she tried to act nonchalant about it but was really upset by it all. i like to think maybe that’s why she seemed so bitchy in canon. maybe she snapped at jenna during the scene by the lockers in MTS because she didn’t like jenna using HER breakup for attention / getting all involved in it when it had been a personal thing that really hurt her. also her being rude to christine because she doesn’t think it’s fair that jake would move on so fast and ‘dump her for a theatre girl!’ y’know. stuff like that. i think during the time that was the musical, she was really upset in general due to the breakup, and maybe that’s part of what made her seem like such a rude character ? i like to think about her and jake getting back together post-SQUIP. maybe jake only really broke up with her because he was so overwhelmed by all his clubs and extracurriculars, that he just couldn’t handle the stress of trying to maintain a good relationship with her. but maybe post-SQUIP once he’s realized he doesn’t need to do all that stuff to feel good enough he’ll ask her out again. maybe then she wouldn’t be so high-strung and rude towards everyone.
💄i think she dresses girly and modern. y’know. a lot more modern than brooke anyhow. i think she puts a lot of time into her outfits because it makes her happy knowing she looks good. I think she has a bit of a jealousy problem as well, which sorta affects how she does her hair because it’s an easy thing to change ??? i think that in 8th or 9th she had started curling her hair because Brooke’s was naturally curly and she heard some people talking about how cute it was. and maybe after Rich dyes part of his hair red and people start talking about how cool that is, she’s like. well. i mean. i can be cool. i’m cool. maybe i’ll dye mine too. it’ll look better than his anyway. which is why she dyed the bottom half of her hair blonde.
💔 i think that she has a problem with jealousy in general, adding onto what i said above. consider when brooke decided to try and ask jeremy out in DYWR and chloe joined in as well ? to me that can be interpreted as her being jealous. another thing is obviously the dialogue during DYWH. “obviously.. i am not!!!” and whatnot. i think it makes her a lot meaner than she wants to be. i think she has a hard time accepting when good things happen to her friends and not her and i think it makes her act sorta rude to them at times. i think she feels real bad about it but in the moment she just feels so upset that she can’t completely control her reaction. i feel like Chloe’s whole thing in my mind is that generally she really does want to be a good person but she just. has a hard time doing it sometimes ???? and not in a way that’s hate to her at all, i just think it’s an interesting way to think about her character ?
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crazykuroneko · 9 months
The Newsreader S2 Ep 6 (Finale)
A well-written, well-acted, and well-produced season. Anna and Sam showed their range. The whole cast is such a treat to see when they're all working together for a bulletin. Love how they wrote other characters/relationships to be a foil to Helen, Dale or their relationship, especially Rob/Noellene. The set and the fashion are impeccable. My only criticisms are I wish we could see more of how Charlie/Helen crash and burn in more than a montage and a scene and the score, which could have been better imo. Anyway, this should sweep AACTA idc idc
My unnecessary note on the episode under the cut
Sam is such a great actor, because we see Dale's acting like he's okay all smiley etc but you know he's breaking inside
Geoff looks sincere with his speech about Kay, but I bet it's Evelyn's idea to put that on the news. Idk I'm still sceptical about those two
GOD DALE he's really doing everything he's been dreaming of as if that would make him feel better about himself
that montage of Helen and Charlie doing drugs is insane. Especially when you remember their relationship started right after she covered a drug addict news
ugh yes Rob we know you're homophobic thanks
"He's turning into Helen" well more like Geoff
Oh fuck you Lindsey. he's the one without any principles at all and alway takes/turns anything into personal. He and Evelyn are my big villains UGH
Okay, Rob proposing her in Korean is sweet. A sign he's willing to learn
Don't forget Rob is someone who refuses his promotion even when he gets it because he's too comfortable in his place. OF COURSE he won't understand Noelene's ambition to develop her career. I'm so sorry Noelene. i wish you didn't fall in love with a loser
At least The Walters know when they have to pay back a favor
Helen really said don't talk about my bisexual almost-husband! She's so real for that. But I do wish we saw how the relationship with Charlie crashed and burnt in more than just two scenes.
"Just do your work" also "Do nothing" in the previous episode. Insanity
Poor Dale, no one can back him up. It hurts that Tim won't help him but it's very understandable after how Dale has been using him after all this time. Plus Tim is in a different relationship with his sexuality than Dale. He's not out, but he has embraced it and doesn't want to hide it anymore. Meanwhile that's impossible for Dale if he still wants a career in front of the camera with a good pay in that era. Which is why I don't see them get back together anymore. In my eyes, it's more like infatuation than love between them, with/without the internalized homophobia. And Tim does deserve to live free from all this drama
14 hours plus on the desk? it's insane. Dale is turning into a robot wtf
Dale Jennings disappointing the whole queer community. Where did that come from? Yes, season 1! Upon reflection, I don't think Gerry did it, but it's definitely someone from the gay club. Someone who saw he's dancing with Tim before. Could be that stranger he slept with. There's no way he didn't know who Dale was. Anyway, Dale feels like the community has betrayed him, so now like a naive child he's getting back at them. (He's still my baby though ❤️)
Oh Noelene was definitely going to say no even without Helen's problem. Of course she was. 💔
Could we unalive Lindsey pls? Like he's the epitome of a white man who only knows how to scream and take advantage of any situation. A lot of people's temper would be improved
Okay, maybe Rob does deserve some rights. The fact he has achieved his peak in sport really helps. I guess that's why he's so chill about his news career
I guess the only person Lindsey really appreciates is Dennis cos who would manage everyone if not him? Lindsey can only scream and scream. He'd really be nothing without Denis and Noelene
Dale has definitely been looking up to Geoff. So it's insane when Geoff, who has sacrificed his career for his daughter, is now congratulating Dale, who has sacrificed all of his relationships for his career. It's like the passing of the news desk trap
Why is it with this couple and believing marriage will just solve all your problems? No, I understand they know that they're the life raft to each other, so when they're in a dire moment, they want to make sure they'll have each other always. Forever. And it's insane. And it's so heartbreaking that the moment Helen realizes that Dale has always been fully committed to her and fully supported her is the moment Dale got a confirmation that he really has It to be the king of news, and he won't sacrifice that. Not right now when he's finally had it in his hand
You know, when you think about it, Dale's rejection protects Helen's principle. Because here she's about to use their potential engagement to placate the gossip writer to not publish Dale's story, which would lead to them having to feed her stories on their relationship forever. Which Helen has said before that her private life is not something she would trade. In the end, Donna only gets Dale's life.
It's insane how this episode starts just like Ep 1 and ends just like how season 1 ends.
Also, this is very unnecessary, but please know I worship Sam's and Anna's acting. They're insane throughout this season.
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br1ghtestlight · 8 months
OMG this episode was so fun!!! i feel like it'll be a lot of fun to rewatch casually and any gretchen episode is amazing obviously
was NOT expecting the subplot about bob's hemorrhoid surgery but somehow it worked LMAO??? and i knew immediately that he was lying about his hemorrhoid being gone bcuz he was scared of the needle. i can read these characters waayyy too easily no surprises for me
gretchen calling her sister her youngest/baby sister makes me think she DOES have another sister who already got married which makes sense
I GOT WAY TOO EXCITED WHEN TEDDY APPEARED we've had like two episodes without him but i reacted like an energetic dog seeing their owner for the first time in weeks after they went on vacation. TEDDY IS THERE teddy my beloved 😁‼️‼️ also any interaction between him and gretchen is hilarious knowing they have the same voice actor and its just him riffing w/ himself in the studio
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tina forcing louise and gene to play that boardgame had NO REASON to be that funny maybe its just bcuz i spent a lot of time doing puzzles and board games with my siblings but it was too real.... her saying she's in charge so theyre doing what SHE wants 😭😭
we got to see nat AND jen AND jen's hot cousin dave not to mention gretchen and gayle. love how many secondary characters they're bringing back this season after the Drought that was season 13 and as soon as they mentioned pickles was closed i was like "well jen's hot cousin dave works there right" and three seconds later they mentioned him. knowing deep bob's burgers lore has its perks i guess??
kinda disappointed they didn't mention that bob HAS driven the limo before in the road trip episode after nat was crying abt her girlfriend and everybody else was asleep like he knows how to drive it and we KNOW he does </3 and its cute that gretchen knows nat is linda's friend tbh i just love that. nat is her friend and she talks abt her to other people!! theyrr friends they're pals *starts sobbing and crying*
well at least gayle seems to be getting along with ms baker LMAO
bob trying to talk to hot male strippers on the phone oh he's hopeless 😭😭😭💔
"i think he's pretty hot" ??? what did bob mean by this
they should call the transgender sex workers from season one and ask if they could help out. marshmallow could fix this situation i know she could
"okay. i have a proposal as your babysitter. we stop playing the game, get the ladder, go into the attic, drop down into the crawl space and watch the stripper party through the vent in the restaurant" WHAT IS TINA'S PROBLEM IN THIS EPISODE 😭😭⁉️ all this bcuz she cant admit to her siblings that she isn't having fun playing the stupid board game. unhinged (ALSO CRAWL SPACE MENTION huge moment for people who watched s1ep2 earlier today <- me)
gretchen: you don't get it linda!! you're always the perfect older sister!!!
linda: i mean... im not
gayle: definitely not
linda: OKAY gayle.
gayle: she makes A LOT of mistakes. you know one time she tried to sleep with my husband
linda: no gayle that was you. MY husband and you. bob.
bob: that's true
sorry i just thought that throwback was really funny FJDMDJDKKSS when will dr yap return home from the war (he is an actual psychopath)
"big sisters are allowed to make mistakes too. we're not perfect. otherwise how do little sisters know its okay NOT to be perfect" gene and louise looking at tina right now like 👀👀
"oh THATS what you've been doing for me. thank you" "you're welcome :)" LMAOOO
not the point of this episode but now im just thinking abt tina someday throwing a bachlorette party for louise 😭😭💕 not that i think louise would want a bachlorette party or even want to get married but i dont think that would stop tina
this is reminding me of a fanfic i read where fischoeder was afraid of needles and bob went with him and held his hand because he was scared :(( bob and linda are so cute even when its butt hemorrhoid surgery
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tuiyla · 1 year
the way santana literally insulted the entire glee club at the beginning of silly love songs and i was still like baby girl 💔 when she got hurt and sad after rachel’s working on a pole comment
No Anon you don't understand SAME
First of all, Silly Love Songs, an excellent Santana episode. She's a menace, she's a mastermind, she's soggy and pathetic, she is the moment. She's so out of line. And yet.
Rachel's comment haunts me. This would be the perfect opportunity for me to truly go off about it but I don't know if I ever will be able to express all that I feel about it. Because it's so out of left field from Rachel, you know? Like obviously she's been frustrated with Santana. I actually think season 2B should have capitalized on Rachel's growing resentment towards her and in lieu of that I view this moment as a catharsis for Rachel. She really does blame Santana for her breakup with Finn. It's irrational, it's unhealthy, even. Dare I say, it's part of what comes back to haunt them in season 5. And it allows Rachel to tap into something that makes Santana's insults sting so much. She really goes for it. And unlike everything else that ND are saying, you can tell that it gets to Santana. Not just because it's what triggers her sobbing on the hallway floor but that immediate reaction.
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There's bite in it from Rachel for sure but I think it's that demeaning nature of it that really gets to Santana. I literally just posted about how she constantly gets sexualized and honestly it's such a Pattern, we could be here all day. But apart from Sue's disgusting comments, Rachel's pole line is what I think about the most. It's so layered. Seemingly simple, sure. But, unbeknownst to Rachel, it taps into so many of Santana's deepest insecurities. This comes just as she starts falling apart in her comphet ways (I'll elaborate one day I swear). Santana does define herself by her sexuality because it works and even in her inner freaking monologue she wonders if she should just marry a jock and let that be that. So depressing to think about, btw. And to hear someone else belittle her by defining her entire future like this, it cuts deep. And here we could have another conversation about Glee's concerning attitudes towards any kind of sex work, but let's not digress even more.
Idk I told you I can't express all that I feel about this. I just think about it a lot. Santana in Silly Love Songs in general (well - Santana in general) but this specific moment, too. She's so clearly hurt by it. I'm sure many people were happy to see her be insulted for once, in fact I'm just now recalling some appalling youtube/reddit comments so wishing a very terrible day to those people. But me, I'm a Santana stan first and foremost and I feel for her. Goddammit maybe one day I'll articulate why this scene just hits but I fear we might have to analyze Glee's overall view of Santana, sex work, and Santana's sexuality for that.
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magicshopaholic · 2 months
Henlo, I've missed you! 🥹🥹
I think I've made a bad decision trying to join corp at nearly 30, it sucks up all my time with just pure anxiety. 🙃 how long do I stay before I can respectfully quit? Buttt, things have also finally fall into place. Which means I finally found some time to read your fic again. 🎉🥳
Lack of Colour as a title should have been my warning. It lacks everything I was hoping for for both couples. 🥲🥲🥲 I really wonder now if Nari and Jin should even stay together. They're both SO busy with their lives. Maybe somewhere down the line, when they're both pushing 40s and life isn't as demanding, and they are finding their paths crossing again. But right now, I don't think they're even seeing things eye to eye.
Miso's situation is pure heartbreak. 💔 whoever said Yoongi's got the handkerchief guy vibe was spot on. That really was the vibe I am getting. But I do hope to see some character development from her because, boy, he looks like he'd be most patient. Lots of 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 for our handkerchief boi!
And while I know I've been so absent the past month, please know that I have and always am looking forward to reading your fics! Thank you for writing the stories. I'm excited to have them as a highlight of my week again! 🤍🤍
Omg, welcome to the corporate club where your days are on zoom and your tears are caffeine 🥲 I’m glad things are looking up though, that’s great!
Jin and Nari - you’re probably not even wrong. This is probably the farthest apart they’ve ever been in terms of being on the same page and it’s only a matter of time before one of them decides to call it a day :( Timing is a bit of a bitch - but they do still have a deal to try it out if they’re 30 and still single 🤷🏻‍♀️
Miso is trying - and she is opening up! This is huge progress for her, especially if you go back to the earlier fics and compare her cold and aloof personality to who she is now (less cold and aloof), it’s a big step - and no guesses as to who brought that out in her ♥️
I hope you’re doing well, Margo! Always lovely to read your reviews <3
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my-weird-news · 10 months
💔 Britney Spears & Sam Asghari: Unbelievable Divorce Drama!
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#BritneyBreakup: Oops, They Did It Again! Hey there, party people! Gather 'round for the latest chapter in the never-ending drama of #BritneyBreakup! So, you won't believe it—Britney Spears and her handsome sidekick, Sam Asghari, are calling it quits after just a whole year of marital bliss. I mean, I've had toothbrushes that lasted longer than that! Hold onto your hair extensions, because Mr. Asghari has packed his bags and decided to ghost Britney's abode like a phantom in a rom-com. Just yesterday, we were swooning over their wedding pics, and now they're dropping the bombshell like it's a surprise party gone horribly wrong. Let's take a stroll down the red carpet of memory lane, shall we? Back in 2016, when flared jeans and questionable hairstyles were still a thing, a young chap named Sam found himself cast as the "boy toy" in Britney's music video. Ah, modern romance at its finest! Fast forward, and before you can say "hashtag relationship goals," they're hitting the Instagram "official" button. Because, clearly, a relationship is only real once it's Facebook status-worthy, right? But wait, folks, this is no ordinary love story. Britney had a conservatorship situation going on, which sounds fancy but basically meant her dad held the keys to her life choices, even down to deciding whether she should be parting ways with her IUD. Yep, a legal entity decided whether her uterus had a future or not. Awkward family dinner conversations just took a wild turn! Oh, and speaking of turns, have you heard of the documentary "Framing Britney Spears"? It hit the scene like a meteor, leaving everyone with jaws on the floor, going, "Wait, what?" Suddenly, we all felt like we needed detective hats to solve the mystery of "What's been happening to our girl?" Enter the #FreeBritney movement, and our man Sam, rocking #FreeBritney tees like he was the president of the fan club. Talk about commitment! Then, the grand finale arrived: the conservatorship got the boot, and the lovebirds headed to the wedding chapel. Celebs swarmed in, and apparently, there were even golden-hoofed horses making a cameo. Because if your wedding doesn't include mythical creatures, is it even a wedding? But wait, folks, the plot thickens! Out of the blue, a blast from Britney's past, Jason Alexander (no, not that Seinfeld guy), crashes the party. He insists they're still married from some wild Vegas escapade back in 2004. Somebody get this guy an Oscar for best dramatic entrance in a breakup narrative! Hold onto your fedoras (I'm assuming you're wearing one), because things take a nosedive. Britney's behavior goes full-on rollercoaster meets earthquake with a side of sibling feuds and nighttime kidnapping fears. And just when you thought the party couldn't get wilder, a TMZ doc points fingers at her for substance issues. But fear not, for our hero Sam steps in, throwing shade at the documentary like a pro-level shady tree. And now, folks, brace yourselves for the ultimate twist. TMZ drops the bomb that Sam's accusing Britney of playing the cheating game! Rumors fly faster than pigeons when you throw popcorn at them, and suddenly, the town's buzzing like a caffeinated beehive. Wait, there's more! Page Six spills the beans that Sam wants a bigger chunk of change and threatens to spill all the tea. I can practically see him clutching a secret diary labeled "Britney's Most Embarrassing Moments." Reality TV, eat your heart out! So, what's the moral of this rollercoaster-on-steroids tale? Love's a bumpy ride, and celebrity love is like a rollercoaster designed by a mad scientist. And hey, if you're into weird tales and rollercoaster journalism that leaves your head spinning, consider throwing a coin to Vox. They're all about brain-teasing content without emptying your wallet. Because understanding the world shouldn't be limited to the brunches of caviar-eating elites. So, will you join the curious carnival? 🎢💸🌎#BritneyBreakup: Oops, They Did It Again! Hey there, party people! Gather 'round for the latest chapter in the never-ending drama of #BritneyBreakup! So, you won't believe it—Britney Spears and her handsome sidekick, Sam Asghari, are calling it quits after just a whole year of marital bliss. I mean, I've had toothbrushes that lasted longer than that! Hold onto your hair extensions, because Mr. Asghari has packed his bags and decided to ghost Britney's abode like a phantom in a rom-com. Just yesterday, we were swooning over their wedding pics, and now they're dropping the bombshell like it's a surprise party gone horribly wrong. Let's take a stroll down the red carpet of memory lane, shall we? Back in 2016, when flared jeans and questionable hairstyles were still a thing, a young chap named Sam found himself cast as the "boy toy" in Britney's music video. Ah, modern romance at its finest! Fast forward, and before you can say "hashtag relationship goals," they're hitting the Instagram "official" button. Because, clearly, a relationship is only real once it's Facebook status-worthy, right? But wait, folks, this is no ordinary love story. Britney had a conservatorship situation going on, which sounds fancy but basically meant her dad held the keys to her life choices, even down to deciding whether she should be parting ways with her IUD. Yep, a legal entity decided whether her uterus had a future or not. Awkward family dinner conversations just took a wild turn! Oh, and speaking of turns, have you heard of the documentary "Framing Britney Spears"? It hit the scene like a meteor, leaving everyone with jaws on the floor, going, "Wait, what?" Suddenly, we all felt like we needed detective hats to solve the mystery of "What's been happening to our girl?" Enter the #FreeBritney movement, and our man Sam, rocking #FreeBritney tees like he was the president of the fan club. Talk about commitment! Then, the grand finale arrived: the conservatorship got the boot, and the lovebirds headed to the wedding chapel. Celebs swarmed in, and apparently, there were even golden-hoofed horses making a cameo. Because if your wedding doesn't include mythical creatures, is it even a wedding? But wait, folks, the plot thickens! Out of the blue, a blast from Britney's past, Jason Alexander (no, not that Seinfeld guy), crashes the party. He insists they're still married from some wild Vegas escapade back in 2004. Somebody get this guy an Oscar for best dramatic entrance in a breakup narrative! Hold onto your fedoras (I'm assuming you're wearing one), because things take a nosedive. Britney's behavior goes full-on rollercoaster meets earthquake with a side of sibling feuds and nighttime kidnapping fears. And just when you thought the party couldn't get wilder, a TMZ doc points fingers at her for substance issues. But fear not, for our hero Sam steps in, throwing shade at the documentary like a pro-level shady tree. And now, folks, brace yourselves for the ultimate twist. TMZ drops the bomb that Sam's accusing Britney of playing the cheating game! Rumors fly faster than pigeons when you throw popcorn at them, and suddenly, the town's buzzing like a caffeinated beehive. Wait, there's more! Page Six spills the beans that Sam wants a bigger chunk of change and threatens to spill all the tea. I can practically see him clutching a secret diary labeled "Britney's Most Embarrassing Moments." Reality TV, eat your heart out! So, what's the moral of this rollercoaster-on-steroids tale? Love's a bumpy ride, and celebrity love is like a rollercoaster designed by a mad scientist. And hey, if you're into weird tales and rollercoaster journalism that leaves your head spinning, consider throwing a coin to Vox. They're all about brain-teasing content without emptying your wallet. Because understanding the world shouldn't be limited to the brunches of caviar-eating elites. So, will you join the curious carnival? 🎢💸🌎 Read the full article
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Grace, Nancy, Teddy & Gia Pt.1
Nancy: Safe travels, my lovely
Nancy: I totally understand why you didn’t want to stay until tonight, even though I’m gutted to see you go, obvs 🤍🤍🤍
Grace: ☁️🛫🤞🏽🤍🙏🏽🤍🛬☁️
Grace: you’re THE BEST for understanding TYSM & I’m SO sorry AGAIN!!
Nancy: No, don’t be silly, it’s happened to us all at one point or another
Nancy: And I looked at his socials, he didn’t post anything about you, so, that’s a positive
Grace: oh GOD why is it ALWAYS me though??! 😭😭
Grace: girl, I told you, he’s an 😇
Grace: 💔💔💔 FML
Nancy: I don’t even UNDERSTAND how you got quite that drunk… like, you were REALLY hammered 
Nancy: You must’ve had more than you remember, it doesn’t make ANY sense otherwise
Grace: idk idk 💀 what I DO remember is so so bad it’ll literally haunt me forever 😳😬
Nancy: If he’s such a 😇
Nancy: like… why did we end up here? I’m trying to understand your thought process 
Grace: it’s COS he is, I know that doesn’t make sense… 
Nancy: Because you didn’t feel good enough
Grace: 👌🏽 maybe it makes total sense, cos yeah
Nancy: Babe 🥺😭😭
Nancy: but you only ended up acting like 1000% worse than you actually are because of that 💭
Grace: 😭😭😭😭
Grace: I spiralled, I’m SUCH an idiot
Nancy: Look, he probably ended up as drunk as you when he went to the club after, he won’t remember [whatever embarrassing detail either she told you last night when wasted or Teddy did in that lil debrief]
Grace: 🤞🏽🤍🙏🏽🤍 cos I’ll wanna die if he remembers that or [something else you clearly did as bad or worse] BUT I can’t get my hopes up, like, I’m literally NOT good enough for him, last night proved it
Grace: I freaked out but I was right, still
Nancy: I bet he’s been on hundreds of worse dates, it’ll barely register
Nancy: You’re just insecure and traumatized, that doesn’t make you a bad person, AT ALL 
Grace: me too I’ve been on 1000000s & here I am 😱👻 ILY for trying to make it better but you can’t
Nancy: You should get a bloody mary on the plane, you’ve earnt it 
Grace: 💡👏🏽
Grace: ☕️ isn’t gonna be strong enough & it’s 🤴🏼 triggering now anyway
Nancy: If he actually managed to cure you of your caffeine addiction, you’d have to send him a thank you note 
Grace: 😂 he’d really be asking himself wtf is wrong with me then
Nancy: Aren’t manners very 😇? 😏
Grace: you’re asking the wrong girl, babes
Grace: I’m no 😇 if only 🥺😭😭 & me sending a 💌 would have the poor boy thinking I’m 12 now I’ve drank like it in front of him 
Nancy: He should have taken better care of you, I said it before and I’ll say it again 🤷‍♀️
Grace: it isn’t his fault, he thought I ate CARBS 👌🏽👌🏽 it’s mine I tricked him 
Nancy: 🤔🤔🤔
Nancy: Okay but who orders for someone in this day and age, that was weird, it isn’t the 50s
Grace: he was being romantic
Nancy: Oh God, you really like him, don’t you?
Grace: I’m just saying, I ruined it, he didn’t do anything wrong
Nancy: But do you like him, like actually?
Grace: it doesn’t matter, we’ll NEVER see each other again, I can’t & he won’t wanna 🙈🙉🙊
Nancy: Say he did, though
Grace: ofc I like him I’m not brain damaged
Nancy: As someone you’d like to see properly
Grace: in this, like, pure fantasyland we’re 💬 in rn, duh, but in reality there’s no way
Nancy: Stranger things have happened
Grace: mhmm & all the weird things that happen to me are BAD so
Nancy: 😔 Well, it’s over now, honey
Grace: thank god, I just wanna go home  
Nancy: 💔
Grace: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean like yours isn’t
Grace: you know that isn’t my 💭💭
Nancy: No, it’s fine
Nancy: I just wish I had somewhere I could run back to too, that’s all, that’s not on you
Grace: I should’ve stayed, none of this is on you 😔
Grace: I’m the actual WORST & you can hate me if you wanna
Nancy: You have school tomorrow anyway, you should focus on that, getting your grades to get out
Grace: idc about school I’m not getting the grades & they’ll lowkey have to keep me there forever or give up 🙄🙄🙄
Grace: you’re where my focus is 🤍
Nancy: 🥺 You’ll make me cry
Nancy: I’m just so sorry that it didn’t go better for you, I feel like it’s my fault for saying you should get changed or something 😟😟
Grace: no no no DON’T EVEN!! you did EVERYTHING right too!!
Grace: you told me not to 🤮 & I didn’t listen
Nancy: I just wish I could protect you from feeling like that, it really breaks my heart 
Grace: 😭😭😭😭
Grace: I put you in an impossible situation, I literally shouldn’t have told you, idk what I was thinking
Nancy: you can tell me anything, I always want that
Grace: it isn’t fair it’s TOO MUCH & all I’ve done is made you feel 💔 too
Grace: I’m so SO sorry
Nancy: Shh, it’s all okay, that’s what I’m here for, we get each other
Grace: I PROMISE it was a 1 time thing & I’m not gonna do it again EVER 🤞🏽🤍🤞🏽🤍
Nancy: 🤝🤍🤝
Nancy: Because you don’t even NEED to do it
Grace: I didn’t know what else to do but it’s okay cos I’m not gonna be there again, it’s over like you said
Nancy: You just can’t be with someone if they’re going to make you feel like that, even without knowing themselves
Grace: I’ll just have to die alone, at least I still have you & you’re not mad at me 🙏🏽🤍🙌🏽
Nancy: Girl, we’ll be together, because same
Grace: is THAT why you got a dog?? 
Nancy: That sounded filthy, Grace! 😲😂
Grace: UM 😂😂 I was just saying you missed the memo lonely old ladies usually get cats 😂
Grace: or dogs they can fit in their laps anyway 😂
Nancy: Wellllllll the person I know with the most cats is your mama and she ain’t ever been lonely so 😶
Nancy: It’s good to have one like Rex, living alone, he can protect me
Grace: 👌🏽👌🏽 no need to rub it in &/or bring her up rn ty
Nancy: We’re all jealous, sis
Grace: don’t I know it… me most of all
Nancy: Truly men are only good for one thing and she is so right for that
Nancy: I give up on them for anything BUT, I swear 🤞🤦‍♀️
Grace: wow, okay, cool then I JUST give up 
Nancy: Nun vibes 👰‍♀️✝️
Grace: or lesbian vibes, but no, I still CAN’T
Grace: that would be WORSE
Nancy: You are SUCH a bigot, OMG 🤪
Grace: 🏳️‍🌈 excuse you I’m an amazing ally 🏳️‍🌈
Nancy: 😂😂😂😂
Grace: whatever, how am I the freak, again, cos I don’t want the 1 thing men are good for?? it’s so rude
Nancy: You really would be better off if you liked girls, a man is never going to give you the emotional support you need, I swear
Nancy: Life is such a sick joke, honestly 🙃
Grace: I’d have to kms or date the UGLIEST girls ever
Grace: neither are the mood
Nancy: 🏆👸 is so real
Grace: UGH, this much baggage is EXHAUSTING
Nancy: and you 😴 for a thousand years, snoring SO LOUDLY
Grace: MEAN!! 
Nancy: my ears were bleeding keeping you safe, hoe 😘
Grace: IOU for not letting me die I GUESS though it doesn’t feel like a HUGE favour rn ngl 
Nancy: It’s okay, you’re allowed to be ungrateful rn
Grace: when are things gonna get better?? I wish I was gay then it’s, like, guaranteed they HAVE TO 
Nancy: When you get to train, be qualified, at least then you’ll have your business to build up and focus on… works for my parents 
Grace: cos they also have each other
Nancy: I think my mum would still be happy, without any of us, tbh
Grace: mine too
Nancy: Why did they bother, honestly? 🤷‍♀️😕
Grace: I can’t deal with how they can take for granted something I really badly want
Nancy: 💔 I know
Nancy: I’ll not do it, in solidarity
Grace: 🥺😭😭
Grace: I’d NEVER stop you though! you take SUCH good care of me, any kid would be the LUCKIEST ever
Nancy: No baby would be as cool as you anyway, even if it was remotely possible for me and the way my life is shaping up, no way
Grace: Rex is the lucky one for rn 💖👑💖
Nancy: True 😍😍😍
Nancy: My parents don’t need any more grandkids yet, I am NOT trying to compete with him on this 😷
Grace: Yeah I DON’T wanna talk about it either 
Nancy: I can’t believe they made it to now though, she must have got rid of some, right? 
Nancy: Like, she’s nearly 25, how long have they been together? There’s no way
Grace: STOP ⛔️⛔️
Nancy: I’ve got feelings about it too, babe
Nancy: She was like, my best friend since birth before they did… THAT
Grace: it’ll forever be too much to unpack, I just CAN’T
Nancy: There’s going to be a baby explosion in your family soon though, you need to prepare yourself mentally
Grace: … 
Grace: I’ll NEVER be mentally strong enough 😣😣
Nancy: It’s the reality though, AWFUL as it is
Grace: I know 😭
Nancy: Jan and Ava claimed to be more sensible but look at the pair of them
Nancy: Ugh, it stresses me OUT 😥
Grace: I’ve totally changed my mind, I wish I wasn’t going home now
Nancy: Don’t they all, like, live with you, basically
Nancy: I couldn’t STAND to watch Ava and James all loved up with his kids like they’re theirs all the time like that
Grace: I’m counting down the days til I can leave, obviously
Nancy: Yeah, I bet
Nancy: like he’s nice to look at but if that’s never coming your way it’s entirely depressing 
Grace: UGH 
Nancy: I should’ve locked it down with James whilst I had the chance, he is too intent on ruining my sister’s life with his mistakes now 
Grace: but then instead he’d be ruining yours
Nancy: She’s my little sister, I’d do anything for her
Grace: 🥺 I know, but you’re like my big sister, I can’t let you 🥺
Nancy: 💞💞💞💞💞
Nancy: I just wish I could make her see it for what it is, that’s all
Grace: me too, I’ve tried talking to her loads of times even though she treats me like I’m stupid whenever I do
Nancy: They’ve got way too much pride, they can’t see we’re trying to help but
Nancy: at least we try, however unappreciated 
Grace: I wish you were my sister, I hate the ones I’ve got, they don’t try AT ALL
Nancy: I’m more than that, it’s special 🤍🔒🤍
Grace: I should be allowed to live with you, it’s not like anyone cares if I go to school or not when I’m back there OR what else I do
Nancy: The way your school works is SO confusing though, if you were here you could already be in your last year of your beauty course instead of them forcing you to do like sixth form schooly vibes
Grace: IKR?! 
Nancy: Like, you DON’T want to go to Uni and be that girl… such a waste of time 💀💀
Grace: & when I don’t pass which DUH I’m NOT gonna, hello??! they’ll try & make me redo the year, they do it ALL the time 💀💀
Nancy: Oh babes, not you being like 20 still in your uniform, you cannot, that’s TOO much
Grace: 😷😷😷
Grace: I’ll have to walk out with no exams 👋🏽😘 idc cos I don’t need to look back when I leave ❤️💂🦁🌹🤍☔️🤍🫖🎡💷💙 
Nancy: We cannot wait 🥳🥳🥳🥺🥰🥰
Nancy: we being me and Rex, obvs 
Grace: not you & whoever you hit up last night while I was being unhinged in [whatever the restaurant is called] ?? 
Nancy: Lord no, no daddy for you yet, sorry 😌
Grace: I’m the opposite of mad about it 🥳🥳🥳🥺🥰🥰
Nancy: I would call you out but as you plan to be forever single too, it’s all good 😘
Grace: sorry not sorry!! I need you 🤍🔒🤍
Nancy: Forever and ever, girl
Grace: I miss you already & always
Grace: this is gonna be the LONGEST week of my life 🙄🥱
Nancy: I don’t even know HOW I’m going to fill my weekdays, for real 😩
Nancy: Gonna have to hit up this 🔗 even though idc about him
Grace: with dog walks ?? 😂😂😂 jk I know you would NEVER 😂
Nancy: 😆 My 🍑 would thank me but nah
Grace: ❌🐶💩🚫
Grace: … can I ask you for a favour that’s maybe almost as bad?
Nancy: … Go on
Grace: can you keep checking in on Teddy for a sec?? cos I had to unfollow obvs & I wanna make sure he’s not, like, swearing off all girls & planning to die alone too… I’d feel worse than I already do atm 💔💔
Nancy: Of course, we have plenty of mutual friends anyway, I will undoubtedly see or hear of his whereabouts 
Grace: thanks, it’s cringe to ask but, like, I have now so ✌🏽
Nancy: It’s cool, he’s not going to find out you did
Grace: yeah true 🙌🏽
Nancy: You don’t want a report back, do you?
Nancy: Like I’ll just make sure he’s cool but I won’t blow you up over it
Grace: I’ll be calm, it’s none of my business anyway
Grace: as long as he’s okay & over it
Nancy: 👌
Grace: IOU again 🤍
Nancy: [Me like, should probably come at this boy and cackle so you don’t lose your composure here hun]
Grace: [go for it gal]
Nancy: I was THIS close to losing it
Teddy: Dare I ask why?
Nancy: [just send him a screenshot of this poor gal earnestly wanting to check you aren’t heartbroken]
Nancy: See?
Teddy: That I did an incredible job on her? Yes but I already knew it 💔🧸💐 Poor me
Nancy: God, you make me sick 😏
Nancy: I thought she was joking, in a rare display of self-awareness
Teddy: I’d love to make you sick, choose your preferred method & get back to me
Nancy: Haven’t you got a noose to fill? 
Nancy: The devastation being as real as it is
Teddy: Okay, auto erotic asphyxiation it is 👀
Nancy: 🙄😘
Nancy: With the mood she’s in, my death will look like a suicide pact
Teddy: She’s gone, get in the mood I’m in
Nancy: You’re being so subtle, however will I guess what mood that is? 
Teddy: & you’re being hilarious, of course I miss you
Nancy: I miss you more
Nancy: having to listen to her holier-than-thou version of you just made me want to talk to the real you 
Teddy: Invite me over & you can do more than talk
Nancy: Do you have to be invited in 🧛‍♂️
Teddy: No, but it’ll upset Rex if I barge in, he’s protective of you
Nancy: He is 🥺
Nancy: you’ll have to be nice, if you come for a visit
Teddy: It’ll be different when I have a 🔑 but for now I’ll behave well & let him be the man of the house
Nancy: It’d be mean of you to put him in his place today, he doesn’t know he isn’t meant to be top dog yet, poor baby
Teddy: I’ve missed him too so I’ll be 😇 daddy & not 😈
Nancy: 🤏 triggering for me but I’ll let it slide, you can’t help how boring she’d like you to be
Teddy: It won’t be boring for either of us when you relay everything she said about me
Nancy: We talked about A LOT of stuff, there’s definite potential for progress
Teddy: Good
Teddy: & has your new bed arrived yet?
Nancy: Luckily after she got to the airport
Nancy: she’s already confused about the sudden appearance of the dog
Teddy: You live alone, you need him
Nancy: Yes but you know, I can’t fit it in a handbag and I’ve not made him his own social media profiles… so why did I bother ???
Teddy: 🙄 hers are full of cats, she’s hardly the authority on dogs
Nancy: She has no taste, sorry to say
Nancy: She definitely thinks he’s scary but is not gonna say that to my face
Teddy: I’m aware, darling, the disgusting clothes she tried to pick out on her own before I stepped in spoke for themselves
Teddy: but she’s correct about one thing, she should be scared of him
Nancy: You have pretty good taste in clothes, if my memory serves 
Teddy: Nothing is going to look anything but awful on her body regardless but I like that you’ve noticed
Nancy: Yeah, well, I kept the lingerie on for ages
Teddy: I still owe you an outfit too, I haven’t forgotten
Nancy: How is your head this morning?
Teddy: Fantastic, if you’d like me to make us our reservation at [the restaurant he took Grace too so they can recreate it] for tonight, I will
Nancy: I suppose we’ll have to eat at some point, true
Teddy: I’ll bring home for Rex what I ordered for her, I couldn’t possibly suggest you eat it
Nancy: You wanted to make me sick, not give me a lifelong disorder, yeah?
Teddy: I want to make you happy, baby
Nancy: You’re helping
Nancy: how comfy this bed is is high up the list too
Teddy: Are you going to show me? 
Nancy: [send him a pic on this enormous bed like omg]
Nancy: You could fit so many 🐶 in this thing
Teddy: I’ll make you 🤰 sick & we’ll see how many babies we can fit in there
Nancy: I am really in the mood to get pregnant after promising her I would never so
Nancy: good thing our moods are matching
Teddy: Because you’re breaking a promise to her I’ll make one to give you twins that aren’t mutants like your brothers, for yours & your parents’ sake
Nancy: You’re SO giving
Nancy: I’ll make sure they’re boys, for your sake
Teddy: Thank you, it would mean A LOT to me
Nancy: Anything for you seems like a risky precedent to set but I’m not scared
Teddy: I couldn’t be any prouder of you for overcoming your fear of me
Nancy: You’re even cuter than Rex, just don’t say anything
Teddy: I’m only in the mood to say your name
Nancy: let me hear it
Teddy: [SUCH a shameless voice note, me like sir you live at home, thank god you do have a rich person gaff and are probably as far away from your parents as poss]
Nancy: 🥴 Oh
Nancy: the fact you can do that as loud as you want now
Teddy: I’m determined all your neighbours are going to hate me LONG before I move in
Nancy: They’ll be begging me to throw another party instead 😁
Teddy: They’ll have to wait until I’ve finished begging you for what I want
Nancy: Baby
Teddy: It’s quite a list, they’ll probably be rather impatient, I’m sorry
Nancy: I’m not
Teddy: Me either, not at all
Nancy: I can’t leave you needy
Teddy: What kind of mother would you be if that’s the precedent?
Nancy: The only mother of your children you want
Teddy: Yes
Nancy: I’m really glad you get to give me everything you have, it’d be wrong to hold back, wrong for us
Teddy: Our moods definitely are matching
Nancy: I couldn’t have got her out the door fast enough 
Teddy: You know I’d have to trick you if you didn’t want what I want & I’d feel bad about it
Nancy: Sorry I’m as fucked up as you
Nancy: we can trick everyone else, whenever we want to use them
Teddy: I’m not, I love that you’re as fucked up as I am
Nancy: It makes me want to be with you always, how high I feel thinking about the things I can admit to liking to you
Teddy: You can tell me anything, I’m not afraid of that as a set precedent either
Nancy: I want to feel you getting hard under me when I tell you everything she said
Teddy: Okay, I’ll try & think about something else for a while so it’s how I have to become again instead of just the state I’m already in
Nancy: It’d be so hypocritical of me to expect that, but you’ll get more turned on, twitchy, trying to fuck me, it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen
Teddy: I am a new level of turned on since we started doing this
Nancy: it’s unreal, you are
Teddy: You are, it’s unbelievable I haven’t fucked you yet, the amount I’ve thought about it & the amount I’ve cum for you
Nancy: I want to feel like I’m full to the brim, like genuinely can’t move for it, that’s the only thing that would be appropriate
Teddy: You will, I woke up feeling like that
Nancy: 🤤 you should’ve woken up in my mouth, I’m so sorry
Teddy: It isn’t your fault you had to wake up to her big mouth, I’m sorry, you deserve so much better
Nancy: Her crying is foreplay, that’s as good as she will be for us
Teddy: Please tell me you recorded it 🙏
Nancy: Do I love you? 
Teddy: Desperately
Nancy: and I as desperately wanted to touch myself whilst she was, so, yes, it was necessary 
Teddy: I as desperately need to marry you right now
Nancy: the answer is yes
Teddy: You’re fucking perfect
Nancy: Boys are always too nice and I hate them for it so much
Nancy: you’re the most special, my dream boy
Teddy: Tell me about it, most girls are pathetic, it makes my stomach turn over in the opposite to a fun way
Nancy: I’ve spent so damn long being unsatisfied by everything and everyone, no matter the combination or how long I kept it all going
Teddy: I know, so was I
Nancy: We were with the same people, on the same things, it barely touching the sides
Teddy: I was beginning to feel as devastated by it all for real as Grace thinks she is
Nancy: Tell me about it, it’s exhausting, staying on their level when I want to go so much further
Teddy: & then you get reckless, do things you wouldn’t & shouldn’t otherwise
Teddy: I stayed with [the girl from the very beginning she asked him about] too long
Nancy: She’d turn you normal, I’ve watched it happen so many times
Teddy: I felt it starting to happen
Nancy: You were born for this, to be depraved
Teddy: You can’t decide you want something besides this, we’ll never find anything else like it again
Nancy: I just want more, no boundaries
Teddy: I don’t have any, my father paid a fortune every term to prevent me from being expelled from school
Nancy: As he should, how much of this is his fault
Teddy: I insist upon the majority of the credit, naturally
Nancy: You’re the one I want, not either of your siblings, so it must be true
Teddy: Nurture, or lack of, can only be blamed to an extent
Teddy: DNA the same
Nancy: Our kids don’t stand a chance
Teddy: They stand every chance of being just like us, which is why anyone reproduces in the first place
Teddy: at least your ego, unlike your brother’s, is worthy of being gifted that, because you’re incredible
Nancy: No, you
Nancy: I don’t know how I’m meant to act around all your mini-mes 😍
Teddy: However you like, they owe you everything, they wouldn’t even exist if not for you
Nancy: They’ll be the most spoilt, there’s no way to resist
Teddy: No, you will
Nancy: 🥰
Nancy: Nothing is changing this, touching what this is
Teddy: I’d seriously go insane
Nancy: Not in a fun way
Teddy: When I thought this was over
Nancy: I could feel the spiral coming, the amount of shit I’d have to do to try and replace what this has given me already
Teddy: It’s irreplaceable, I wouldn’t be able to try, I’d have to give up & become like them
Nancy: I won’t let it happen
Teddy: We can’t
Nancy: I’m done watching everyone get taken over 
Nancy: you don’t deserve that slow death
Teddy: I’m going to watch you get everything you’ve ever wanted, nothing else
Nancy: This is going to be the best week of your life, you have no idea
Teddy: I have lots of ideas
Nancy: that is what I like about you
Teddy: But yeah, it is going to be the best week of my life, no doubt
Nancy: So far, anyway
Nancy: I don’t plan on stopping
Teddy: & I absolutely don’t intend to stop you
Nancy: At least you can seem suitably subdued on your socials but still have things you can post, keep her 👀 off you
Teddy: Hers are going to be too funny
Nancy: Are we going to be genuine with how we’re struggling this week or act like we’re living our best life? 🤔😂
Teddy: Genuine isn’t something she can do, clearly
Nancy: yeah but what if you’re stalking her socials because you’re SO into her?!
Teddy: Of course
Nancy: The weird confidence with a total lack of self-esteem in general is so weird
Teddy: It would be sufficiently jarring to frighten off other boys with a different motive
Nancy: That is what she does best, yeah
Teddy: I’d offer her some tips if it weren’t entirely counterproductive & a secret how much they like me
Nancy: It’s safe to say you do not have the same type, if she was honest with what she wants and not what she wants to look like she wants
Nancy: should actually go to church to find herself a man but there we go
Teddy: She’d rather live a lie & she’s about to
Nancy: She’s so welcome 🥰
Teddy: 🧚🏼‍♂️
Nancy: You’ll really wanna ease up on the fairy stuff though, she is basically homophobic
Teddy: I can’t wait to introduce her to the family, she’ll fit right in
Nancy: Gross
Teddy: Her mother will sleep with anything with a pulse, a paid therapist isn’t necessary to recognise the correlation
Nancy: She would choose to ignore how the multiple baby daddies are the issue there 🙄
Teddy: She’d have her own by now, she obviously doesn’t see it as an issue
Nancy: It unavoidably is, kinda shocked she didn’t go that hard into her trauma once she was hammered but well done, sis 💁‍♀️👏
Nancy: She just wants to be normal, despite the fact her complete lack of defining or unique features is what makes her so easy to overlook
Teddy: She’s given me a ridiculously easy task at least, be a bore & a romantic cliche 
Nancy: 🥱🥱🥱🥱
Nancy: Thank God I’ve given you other chances to impress me
Teddy: I would’ve found & taken the opportunity if you were for some reason yet to be impressed
Nancy: I usually am but 
Nancy: I want you to change that so you better
Teddy: Is that my eagerly awaited invitation? 
Nancy: Are you really not on the way already?
Teddy: Perhaps, or perhaps not
Nancy: I’m not getting out the good paper to write you one, come on 
Teddy: There’s the dyslexic privilege I’m ready to exploit
Nancy: Focus on exploiting me, thanks
Teddy: Focus & you’ll be aware I’m on my way
Nancy: I’m very focused, I have no other plans today
Teddy: I’m very pleased to hear it
Nancy: This bed is too nice to get out of
Teddy: It should be, we worked hard to make it nice with all those decisions
Nancy: I hope you like it, enough to stay
Teddy: I like you enough to stay
Nancy: You make me feel 
Nancy: it’s like weak and dumb but in a good way, somehow?
Teddy: Well, I did insist I’d treat you better than your father & that’s what they do in the negative, so I’m on the right track
Nancy: I hadn’t forgotten, sort of seared into my brain, that one 😳
Teddy: I hated when you said you weren’t going to hold me to anything I’d said
Nancy: Yeah, I know, it was mean
Teddy: You’re not allowed to forget, it’s too important & we both know how in your face Grace & I are going to be
Nancy: Alright, I’ll hold myself to it
Teddy: I love you, remember I said it to you first
Nancy: and you’ve told me, any motive you could have
Teddy: I’ll repeat it every chance I have
Nancy: I’ll try not to be cunty to you, remember why we’re doing this
Nancy: at some point, I’ll have to turn into your biggest fan anyway
Teddy: Fighting just means making up, I’ll try & remind myself
Nancy: I don’t do jealousy, this would be a stupid reason to start
Teddy: You being jealous of anyone is laughable, over her it couldn’t be more ridiculous
Nancy: You can call me dumb about this, I’ll not fight you
Teddy: It means you care, I don’t want to fight about that
Nancy: I know you like it, you’re soft
Teddy: I most certainly am not
Teddy: [photographic evidence nobody asked for, soz as per to whoever is driving him rn]
Nancy: Oh, OKAY
Nancy: I’ve never been happier to be proven wrong 🥺🥺🥺
Teddy: Did you pick me because you think I’m soft?
Nancy: I didn’t know you were
Teddy: I’m curious what it means, aside from a blatant 🧚🏼‍♂️ slur, possibly?
Nancy: Yeah, I’m cyberbullying you right now 😉
Nancy: I’m not sure exactly what I mean… just that you’re more invested than I thought you’d be, maybe? You want more than what I assumed you would
Teddy: You expected me to be more calculating, callous, I understand why 
Nancy: Just more predictable even
Nancy: All I offered you at the start was the chance to use her and a share of a decent stash, remember
Teddy: I haven’t forgotten you owe me A LOT of K, predictable as that may be
Nancy: 😏 we’ll find somewhere not entirely predictable to take it
Teddy: One thing you should’ve already had a fixed idea of about me   is I’ll always be willing to go deeper down the rabbit hole, Alice
Teddy: the moment a better offer comes along, that’s what I want, regardless of how far away from the starting point it is
Nancy: I didn’t imagine you’d say no to a chance of hooking up
Nancy: but more like you’re ticking off a who’s who, not this
Teddy: Nobody, aside from your sister, has ever said no to hooking up, it’s not what I said yes to, I didn’t imagine that part would even be much fun
Nancy: That’s a little rude
Teddy: I’ve never been happier to be proved wrong either, darling
Nancy: You haven’t yet, no pressure or anything
Teddy: But I have, it’s been the most fun so far
Nancy: But if it’s shit now I’ll have to pretend I never said any of this and kick you out
Teddy: Oh please, I’d refuse to go anywhere until it was good
Teddy: Who do you think I am? 
Nancy: You’re the one that’s put it in my head
Nancy: You’ll have to take the spare room and start paying rent
Teddy: I’m used to being disappointed, I’ve been open about that, it isn’t a personal attack worthy of charging me rent
Nancy: 👌 roomie
Teddy: Okay, fine, I’ll add it to our roleplays
Nancy: but I know what you mean
Nancy: and can guess why you wanted to do it in the first place
Teddy: We’ve talked through our motives pretty extensively by now, but if you feel like there’s something you’re still doing guesswork on, you can ask me
Nancy: The lack of a challenge she presents is more than made up in the one I do, it’s simple enough
Teddy: If you were a challenge
Nancy: Really?
Teddy: Come on, it hasn’t exactly taken us long to get here
Nancy: Wow
Teddy: There’s no reason to be offended
Nancy: I’m not, just disappointed, so what’s new
Teddy: There’s less reason to be disappointed 
Nancy: I’m not about to play into your hand, so you have every reason to be disappointed, actually
Teddy: It isn’t a game, you know that
Nancy: but it is, and that’s why you said yes
Teddy: It was when I agreed to do this, it’s not anymore
Nancy: Alright
Teddy: What are you upset about?
Nancy: I’m not upset, you just reminded me what we’re actually doing here
Teddy: Nancy, this is silly
Nancy: You only feel it now because you reckoned you were about to achieve your goal
Teddy: No, I don’t feel it because that isn’t what my goal is
Nancy: We have no reason to trust each other, that’s stupid
Teddy: Are you seriously going to do this again?
Nancy: Obviously
Teddy: You do trust me
Nancy: That would be stupid
Teddy: You’re being stupid not to when the entire reason we’re here this fast is because we’re so well suited
Nancy: and not just how easy it was because you’re so great, right?
Teddy: How many times can I tell you I’m not playing you?
Nancy: That’s what you say when you’re trying, you slipped up, sorry
Teddy: You want me to slip up because, you said it yourself, you feel under pressure
Nancy: If it was real, of course I would, that’s intentional too
Teddy: Call it off because you’re scared, it’s nonsense to go for this angle & turn me into someone I am not
Nancy: Be who you want, Teddy
Teddy: If who you want to be is crazy I can’t talk to you
Nancy: We don’t need to talk, it’s not useful to either of us right now
Teddy: When you’ve seen sense you know where I am or am likely to be
Nancy: I’ll avoid where I imagine you’re more likely to be if you do the same for me
Teddy: I don’t promise to
Nancy: Why would you bother
Teddy: It isn’t beneficial for either of us for me to give you your own way when you’re this wrong about why you want it
Nancy: all I want now is to party and there are so many places I can achieve that, even if I have to walk out of any you might be in
Teddy: I won’t be there, I have no interest in piling disappointment upon disappointment, it’s all boring, I told you
Nancy: I know what it is, it’s what I have
Teddy: No, we have each other if you just stop
Nancy: How, you made that impossible
Teddy: Nothing is impossible, even while you’re having an insane identity crisis about this, I know who we both are
Nancy: Don’t be so bloody patronising
Teddy: Don’t behave like your clueless cousin
Nancy: Shut up, she has no backbone, she wouldn’t say any of this
Teddy: It’s the same act of sabotage with an identical end result
Nancy: If you think I’m going to sit around and cry about you like that, dream on
Teddy: I’m painfully aware of what you’re going to do & it’s as tragic
Nancy: I don’t call you tragic for being a slut
Teddy: Because I’m not going to fuck someone else instead of you in order to fake I’m still in control when I’m really losing it
Nancy: I just have no interest in fucking you now, as shocking as that might be to you
Teddy: It doesn’t shock me at all your new plan is to lie to yourself & to me
Nancy: Jesus 
Teddy: Have a blast being deluded with most of the city about one thing or another, I hope you get the chemical help you need to do so
Nancy: You’re delusional if you think anything about this is attractive
Teddy: I’m not on a mission to attract you, you’re the one who thinks I am, or was
Nancy: Just another day for you, obviously
Teddy: Believe what you want, Nance
Nancy: You’re shit at this
Teddy: Because I’ve never done it before, a fact you’d know if you dared to accept this is actually different
Nancy: Every time I try, you just remind me how it ain’t
Teddy: Maybe you’re right, because whenever you doubt my motives & question me constantly, I have to ask myself why I’m trying to change anything about the way my life is
Nancy: Nothing about this is easy, chat all you want about me wasting my time and being delusional like it’s not what you’re going to go back to
Teddy: But that’s where you’re wrong, it would be easy for me to stay with you
Teddy: I don’t want to go back, I want to go fucking forwards, together
Nancy: I don’t know what’s forward, what’s there
Teddy: Yes you do, but you don’t want it, you don’t trust me enough to let yourself
Nancy: I don’t, and I don’t trust myself
Nancy: I should already be there by now
Teddy: Then that’s it, we can stick to the Grace plan or not, whatever you like, take some time to think about if that’s something you still want
Nancy: Don’t talk to me like this is a meeting
Teddy: It more or less is
Nancy: You can fuck off then
Teddy: Okay
Nancy: Not okay, prick
Teddy: [just leave that there for now hun like the petty bitch you are fucking off despite the fact she wants to keep having a go]
Nancy: [we really fucked you over genetically for having a temper hun, keep your mouth closed though, just unfollow him dramatically everywhere you can for the petty spike of feelings that will give you at least]
Teddy: [obvs you gotta unfollow her too & most importantly you gotta interact with whatever Grace is posting even if it’s just a like or a story view or something because duh, hard same on being cruel and dramatic]
Nancy: [when Grace would definitely tell you so you’re just here seething]
Teddy: [soz not soz, well soz to Grace but you know, oh lads you do amuse me]
Nancy: Can you actually stop, thanks
Teddy: I’m having my own fun, you can’t stop me
Nancy: You said take some time so let me
Teddy: I’m likewise not preventing you from doing that
Nancy: You obviously are because what is that if not going ahead with the Grace plan
Teddy: For all she knows my finger slipped, it commits you to nothing because it can just as easily mean nothing
Nancy: I’m the one who has to discuss what it does or doesn’t mean with her, so no, cut the crap
Teddy: 🥱
Nancy: Teddy, I’m serious because I’m not in the mood to humour her about this
Teddy: I’m done, you don’t need to cry about it
Nancy: You know the damage is already done, that’s why you did it, thanks SO much
Teddy: You’re SO welcome
Nancy: You’re making the decision easier to make
Teddy: Oh good, after all, it is what a gentleman would do & I’m about to forgo the role, have to do what I can while I can 
Nancy: You’re as free to continue wooing her as I am to tell her why you started
Teddy: If I was interested in doing so for its own sake, I wouldn’t need your permission, you’re correct
Nancy: You’re that transparent, don’t worry
Teddy: Yes I am & yet here we are 
Nancy: You really had to make her talk to me though? Think of something better
Teddy: Why would I? It’s the ideal punishment
Nancy: Because I could call it all off for real if she doesn’t shut the fuck up
Teddy: I don’t care if you do, it’s you who’ll lose out
Nancy: Bullshit
Teddy: I’m not invested in Grace or in any of the rest of your family, I am in you & as you’ve pointed out, I’m wasting my time
Teddy: there’s a multitude of other things I can use to do that too
Nancy: And none of them are as fun, clearly
Teddy: Well, I’m hardly having fun with you either, so as I’ve said, who cares?
Nancy: Because I can’t wreck my family on my own and you can’t yours
Teddy: I’ll find a way which doesn’t involve you or needing anyone’s help, I’ll have plenty of time, nothing but, in fact
Nancy: Right, of course you will
Teddy: There’s no need to pretend my family will be that difficult to ruin, they’re halfway to having done it themselves
Nancy: And how long have they been like that, centuries?
Teddy: Darling, I’m not as old as you, it isn’t as pressing
Nancy: Your choice
Teddy: Yeah
Nancy: Good luck, sorry if she runs to your inbox to shout, or, you’re welcome? Whatever
Teddy: 😘
Nancy: 👋
Teddy: [that went well, go and cause a family argument IRL or something to try and feel something, I’m sure they’ll be thrilled]
Nancy: [we’ve probably likewise snapped at Grace without fully doing a tell-all and now need to have a party and piss off the neighbours again with our behaviour, thanks gal lol]
Teddy: [me like don’t you turn up at that party, boy]
Nancy: [she says don’t you do it honey]
Teddy: [like, he’s very much not above it, especially because his dog is there but it’s probably a bigger fuck you to act like you’re ignoring her entirely unless you’re gonna show purely to take said dog but then what sir, you live at home, you can’t]
Nancy: [that really makes it not the move you think it is, like where are you taking that dog, boy, yes this flat is entirely funded by our parents but at least they aren’t here lol]
Teddy: [mhmm, exactly so don’t, flop]
Gia: Why did you choose today to be a colossal nightmare?
Teddy: Why not today?
Gia: Because it is the only day I can guarantee any time spent with my family
Teddy: Noted, every day of your life is a colossal nightmare, but that’s hardly something I’m to blame for
Gia: You are to blame for Seb not wanting to do this every week now
Teddy: Please, shortening his name like that isn’t going to magically make him look or act your age, but it WILL make me gag 🤢
Gia: And here was me hoping University might make you mature slightly…
Teddy: Hasn’t ‘girls mature faster than boys’ been your entire reason to live since before I was born?
Gia: I’ve never acted the way you do, even if I’d wanted to, I’d have never gotten away with it
Teddy: 💔 I’d suggest you try it but it’s rather too late now, unless you intend to take behaving as I would as far as forsaking your husband
Gia: As I said, I have literally no desire to throw a tantrum like that
Gia: Why are you?
Teddy: Why are you acting as if you suddenly care?
Gia: Assumedly, that’s what you were after, attention
Teddy: Incorrect, but it’s always the goal to make everyone suffer as I must
Gia: Precisely
Gia: If you didn’t want the parents to have to have hushed conversations about you, you would do as the rest of us do and keep it to yourself
Teddy: Well, if they won’t have full volume conversations about each other & address the real issues
Gia: Is that why you’re sad, mummy and daddy are fighting again?
Teddy: No, but I am cheered by your slight attempt at humour 
Gia: If mocking you can be considered a joke, I suppose
Gia: Could you not find an excuse to absent yourself if you were going to be in such a mood though, it isn’t as if James attends, you don’t have to
Teddy: It’s extremely laughable you think you have any grounds to mock me, yes
Teddy: & that you would dare to comment on my mood given your spouse’s inability to do anything with his face but 😒
Gia: He’s only like that around you, actually
Gia: and who could blame him?
Teddy: I’m doing him a favour, his brats are going to be my age soon, it’s best he practises because he can’t exactly leave the supportive parenting to you
Gia: I’m not your mother, I don’t need to handhold you through your hangover/heartbreak to prove that I’m a capable parent
Teddy: You’re nobody’s mother, Gia & LONG may that continue to be the case, truly 🙏
Gia: If I had such news, I would have cut through your nonsense with it
Teddy: Such a pity he’s incapable of delivering it for you, in any sense
Gia: Do you have to be so disgusting?
Teddy: You married him, that’s disgusting
Gia: No one asked your opinion, how you feel about him is irrelevant
Teddy: & yet here you are defending yourself against my opinion, it’s obviously relevant to you if you feel the need
Gia: You defend your partner, that’s pretty standard
Teddy: When he’s so frail, of course
Gia: So instead of finding yourself a job, you’re spending your time working on your stand-up, are you?
Teddy: Oh I’m sorry, do you have news of our father going bankrupt? I would’ve given you the floor
Gia: Exactly, I was doing work experience with the firm and had my own part-time job during Uni
Teddy: But you still never got the attention you were after, did you? 🥺
Gia: I don’t want attention, I want, and have, a career
Gia: What do you want, Teddy?
Teddy: Currently, I would like you to stop boring me to tears
Gia: For God’s sake, grow up
Teddy: Like you have? No thanks
Gia: Do you want to be a joke, like James?
Teddy: You’re a joke too, don’t exempt yourself
Gia: Except I work hard for what I have, don’t sponge off of mum and dad and I also don’t embarrass them, at every opportunity I have, so, no, I’m not
Teddy: You married into what you have & mother is mortified
Gia: She is not
Teddy: She is
Gia: You’re just saying that
Teddy: She says it, drunk words are the truest, G
Gia: Perhaps she ought to lay off the liquor then
Teddy: Perhaps if she’d married better herself she would
Gia: I fail to see how she could, and this is such a tired, irrelevant fantasy of yours anyway, they’re fine
Teddy: I’m not going to open up about my newer fantasies, especially not to you
Gia: I will never, ever ask you to
Teddy: Go away, you’re making me more upset
Gia: What on earth is wrong with you? You’re behaving more strangely than usual
Teddy: You literally just said you’d never, ever ask
Gia: As a rule, don’t bring your girl trouble to the table if you wouldn’t actually bring the girl
Teddy: I would, but she’d reject the invitation 
Gia: 💔
Teddy: Thank you for your incredible contribution
Gia: You’re not serious, you aren’t serious about anything
Gia: you’ll be fine in the morning
Teddy: It would serve you right if I was dead in the morning, but I’m not pathetic, at least
Gia: You are SO dramatic
Teddy: I have intense feelings about her, you’re dismissive about anything which doesn’t involve your husband’s life insurance
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bonvoyagenoona · 2 years
BABY AMOMK TAETAE WAS A PREMATURE BABY???? omg 💔💔 must have been a scary time for both mr. and mrs. kim 😖 thank god he survived and is now a healthy man..
Aw! 🥺 Yes, don't worry, he's OK!
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3-Year-Old Taehyung runs after his brothers, but he trips and falls.
Mrs. Kim: Tae-Tae??
3-Year-Old Taehyung: (gets up, dusts himself off) I OK!
8-Year-Old Taehyung spins way too hard while playing in the playground. He gets off the carousel, dizzy. He falls to his knees.
Mrs. Kim: Tae? You--
8-Year-Old Taehyung: I'm OK!
16-Year-Old Taehyung hits the curb as he pulls into the driveway. The suspension in the car is off, so he bounces quite a bit.
Mrs. Kim: (after watching through the window, runs out to him) Tae!! Please be careful!
16-Year-Old Taehyung: (putting the car in park and getting out) I'm OK!
24-Year-Old Taehyung is slumped down, head resting on the table during dinner at the club. He's way too drunk, but at least he isn't the type prone to making a scene.
Mrs. Kim: (softly) Tae-Tae? (exchanges glances with Mr. Kim) Maybe we should go home and---
24-Year-Old Taehyung: No, no. (sits up, rallies) I'm OK. (smiles at Mrs. Kim) It's just a couple of drinks. Not like anyone's dying.
Mrs. Kim smiles fondly and appreciatively at her son. She cups his chin, and then kisses his cheek. Taehyung hums happily and snuggles a bit into her hold.
24-Year-Old Taehyung: Unless you want to go home? I can say I'm too drunk, and---
Mrs. Kim: It's fine, Tae-Tae. (she beams) I'm OK.
19 notes · View notes
iamnightduchess · 2 years
Kiss Me More #03
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A/N: This post is dedicated to the wonderful @xrocketmanx Please accept my heartfelt appreciation for the thoughtful remembrance, kind wishes & a generous tip on ko-fi for my birthday last November 💖 I know that you told me to take my time with this, but hilariously, I can't afford to take time when I have none 😢 Many, many, many 💯 apologies for this super extremely delayed post (I've had this in my drafts for more than 2 months!) but I hope this would still bring a smile to your face 😽 Thank you for always supporting my works!
A belated Happy New Year!! 🎁
Pt.01 | Pt.02
Pairing: Reiner x Mikasa (ReiKasa)
Universe: SnK Highschool Caste AU
(Feat. Quarterback!Reiner & Goth!Mikasa)
Trope: New Light
Summary: Ever since their unexpected movie date together, they both begin to see each other in a new light. From sneaking things into each other's desks or lockers to becoming stealthy supporter in each other's after school club activities, a new crush is dawning on their horizons. That crush would sooner become a refreshing distraction to the gothic wallflower when a disturbing gossip broke not only the school's internet, but also their hearts.
🍫💿🏈🎭 + 💔💔=💓💓💓-->❤?
Rhythmic Muse: Crush by David Archuleta
Mikasa is a person with a very specific routine. She had to make sure that everything was done on time and in place. That includes her stationeries, textbook, notebook and water bottle - everything needed to be in its designated place on her study space in the classroom. Nothing more, nothing less. Except that day, she discovered there was something extra which somehow had mysteriously found itself inside her class drawer.
At first she thought she might have sat at someone else's place but the tiny carved 'A'-shaped symbol at the corner of the table's surface proved that it was indeed her desk. That symbol made the other students assumed that she's an anarchist supporter when in fact, it is the ancient family emblem form her mother's side.
She retrieved the neatly-wrapped rectangle-shaped item and read the attached note.
I was at the store the other day and saw this. I remembered at the diner on how much you said you've missed them because they're so hard to find here. -R.B
She gently undo the paper wrapping of the item and marvelled as she took in the view of a Charleston Chew bar - chocolate flavour, her most favourite. She couldn't help but beam in happiness, she could almost jump on the spot even! It has been too long since she last saw one, not since the day she left Hizuru.
She didn't expect him to have even paid any attention to their conversation, at the diner or during the whole car ride there after their movie outing together. Well, she wasn't used to it at all, not when every topic she ever tried to talk to Eren seems to mostly fell on deaf ears while with Armin, it's always the boy who initiates conversation more. She immediately turned her head towards where the school quarterback's seat would be and Reiner had already sent a short stealthy salute her way, waving away any potential doubt by mouthing, 'It's no big deal.'
Mikasa immediately marched towards the older boy's desk and shook her head. "I can't accept this. You should have it back."
Reiner shrugged, replying, "It's just a small thank you for dinner that other day and I noticed you've been looking a bit stressed out with midterms lately, I thought this could cheer you up."
Mikasa couldn't believe that Reiner would actually notice all these little things about her. Things that even Eren never takes note of, despite being the closest person to her. Reluctantly, she nodded. "Thank you." The chocolate bar still tightly gripped against her chest in appreciation. "I've been having a hard time with Physics and Chemistry. I used to have a stock full of these by the dozens to help me pull through."
"So far, apart from my baby cousin, you're the only other girl I know who openly embraces your sweet tooth instead of screaming at my face because candy bars make you put on more weight."
It was her turn to shrug her shoulders in disregard, while tapping a finger against her own temple. "It won't add more weight if you burn it here first."
"Ditto." The blonde-haired student athlete nodded in agreement, yet not without a chuckle escaping his lips at the quirky meme reference from the other girl. "I could burn all these calories through one training session on the field."
"I'll accept this on one condition." She extended the chocolate bar towards his hand. "If we share this between us."
"Halvsies it is then." Reiner accepted and proceeded to break the snack into two even parts using his brute strength, earning him a stupefied but secretly impressed gaze from the goth girl. Mikasa eventually nodded before bumping her own half to his, uttering a shy, "Cheers."
When they both chewed on the shared chocolate, Reiner smacked his own lips in appreciation. "It's never too early for chocolate but damn, Ackerman. You have impeccable taste."
She shook her head again in disbelief. Eren always laughed at her preferences, calling her taste options as odd; as odd as herself. Yet here, the most popular boy in school is complimenting her choice of snack.
She briefly wondered, what would he think of wasabi-coated peas or boba-flavored popcorn?
He offered, "If you're in need of a study buddy, I'm only a text message away. I could also use some help with Calculus and Bio myself." They're both in the advanced class and none of her usual study groupmates could help her with her revision. Eren pretty much prefers to slack off on his homework and play video games more - too much gaming for her liking, sadly.
Reiner leant in for a mock whisper, attempting to convince his potential study buddy, "Bert's so quiet, the silence is distracting. I could really use a more 'proactive' group discussion."
Bertholdt, who's sitting next to where they were, only sent a confused look their way. "I'm sitting over here, you know."
That morning, they not only shared a candy bar together, but they too shared a laugh over poor Bertholdt's expense. Mikasa never hesitated to agree to Reiner's proposition, although it still puzzles her to learn that Reiner perceives her as someone that he'd be comfortable to have discussions with despite her being quiet as a mouse in most of their classes. Even quieter than Bertholdt in fact.
She'd almost always prefer to study on her own but a time-pressed revision calls for a change of revision strategy. This was for her own grades and as much as she initially thought Reiner was all brawn but the jock had shown her that there's more than what meets the eye from their ensuing close encounters.
Do you catch a breath when I look at you?
Are you holding back, like the way you do?
Each day ever since, a simple gesture of leaving candy bars inside each other's desk drawers or school bags became a fixed subtle exchange between the school quarterback and the school wallflower. A simple salute or a shy smile became their wordless greeting in the mornings.
Reiner had even been kind enough to make Mikasa a mix CD, a compilation of songs from their shared favorite metal and rock bands. It was a foreign yet very welcomed addition to Mikasa's very specific set of routine and the highlight of Reiner's day.
The raven-haired goth girl soon notices the stark differences between being in the presence of the quarterback as opposed to being in her longtime childhood friend slash longstanding crush (for as long as she could remember). She always thought seeing Eren at school is the only thing that could make her days better but Reiner's fun and quirky ways of approaching everything in life truly opened her eyes more towards viewing things much differently.
The tiny gestures of their friendship sooner turned into a daily after-school routine. On the days that Reiner has football practice, she'll secretly waits for him on the school bleachers until he wraps up his training session. While on the days that she has drama club meetings, he'll sneak into the school auditorium and sits at the secluded corner of the hall to wait until she's done. Always, afterwards he'll drive them both to her aunt's diner and they'll work on their homework or revisions together. Even Ms. Ackerman had endearingly dubbed the star quarterback her best diner crew seeing that he sometimes stays behind to help them clean the place up before closing. Reiner even received the nod of acceptance from their Additional Maths teacher, Mr. Levi, who, surprisingly he just discover, is not only Ms. Ackerman's son but also Mikasa's second cousin.
It was a fact that both Mikasa and Levi made him swore not to divulge to anyone else in school, for reasons unknown. But it somehow had something to do with some past underground family history, some questionable business associates and official informant in the family.
From snacks to mixtape CDs, they both found joy in the little things that reminded them of each other. None of them realized that just the simple thought of each other will always make their eyes light up and a warm beam to appear upon their faces. When it was only the two of them, Mikasa finds it comfortable to just be herself and be more open to conversations. She feels acknowledged.
Unlike with Eren, her words tend to be dismissed or disregarded. It even made her feel as if she is the third wheel in Eren and Armin's close friendship most times.
However, when she was in Reiner's company, even with Bertholdt around, the most popular boy in school always makes her feel heard. And seen. Despite her feeling that she's invisible to most people.
Unbeknownst to her, Reiner had been feeling the same way, as such even being in her presence had been the other best part of his day besides football practice.
It wasn't glaringly obvious at first but it was slightly noticeable to those who were closest to them, namely Armin and Bertholdt. Even Galliard, the younger one, had began to grow suspicious of their budding friendship. The football team had began to pick up on the co-relation between the goth girl's diligent presence on the school bleachers during their training and their star quarterback's peak field performance.
Porco had teased the blonde jock about it after practice. They were all in the locker room one day, getting freshened up after a long drill. The linebacker immediately caught sight of the quarterback making a fuss on his wet hair with his plain white tee half untucked from his waistband. A slow notification tone could be heard coming from the phone inside Reiner's jeans pocket, in which the latter began to hurriedly answer, "Hey, I'm heading out from practice..." Followed by a short pause and another reply, "See you in a bit, Mika-..sa." Reiner leered suspiciously at Porco, who wasn't being very discreet with his eavesdropping.
"Rushing for your date?" Porco asked, a towel drying his own dripping hair diligently and the most annoying smirk on his face.
Reiner shrugged his shoulders, eyes focused on the small tangled spot on his head and a comb in his hand, trying to wrestle the knot away. "I'm running late for my study group."
"Thought it was a study date." The younger Galliard brother snickered, shaking a body spray in one hand. "Guess you don't need this."
Reiner's face scrunched up as he attempted to sniff himself. "Shoot. Do I still stink?"
"I thought Mika liked the way you smell?"
"Shut up, Galliard." Reiner, upon realizing that Galliard was trying to make fun of him, quickly stuffed all of his clothing items into his duffle bag and made an immediate beeline towards the locker room's exit.
"Tell Mika I said 'Hi'!"
Without looking back, Reiner responded to Galliard's quip with a display of his middle finger. Earning him a loud, rambunctious guffaw from the Marley Warrior's linebacker. The soles of his Chuck Taylors squeaked against the polished floors of Paradis High as he sprinted towards his truck as if the distance in-between represents the winning point for his team. He was supposed to meet Mikasa at the diner like 15 minutes ago! Of all the days Coach Mitabi wanted to do extra drills and it happened to be on the day that Mikasa left the school earlier.
He knows Mikasa wasn't the type of person who'd be overdramatic over slight tardiness but it isn't something that he'd like to begin - a bad habit of taking her patience for granted. He's not gonna pull the same actions that Eren did.
In a secluded corner of a diner, sat a raven-haired girl, all engrossed in a Calculus workbook on the wooden table. Hard at work, Mikasa tuned out all of the background noise and voices of the other patrons with a blast of music from her trustee vintage discman; the last working possession of her late father. The edgy yet lyrical tune from Killswitch Engage helped her focus better on the required calculations at hand. It was one of Reiner's selection in the mix CD he made for her, a tiny yet thoughtful gift from a fellow metal head.
"Sorry, I'm late." A low, husky and familiar voice sounded from behind.
Speak of the devil, Reiner immediately appeared within her line of vision. His tall, muscular figure hunched slightly before scooting over to take a seat on the opposite side of the dining table. She could pick up a whiff of fresh shower gel scent coming from the quarterback and the all surprisingly homely smell of his letterman jacket the moment he settled his backpack down next to him. He pushed forward a takeaway cup towards her and said, "An apology for being late."
Mikasa took out the earphones from the player and shook her head. "I didn't even realize you were." She glanced at her watch and added, "You're only 30 minutes late. I've waited far longer than this. That is before I even realized I was stood up."
Reiner's expression darkened at the sudden reference, in particular, the incident which had led to their impromptu group movie outing almost a month ago. "Sometimes, I might not always be on time but I'll always show up."
She lifted the warm beverage cup in her hand and said, "This is not necessary but thank you." She knew a good cup of chai latté will always make her feel better.
And Reiner is well aware of that fact too. "Only the best chai latte in town for my MVP study buddy." His remark was received by an adorable smile in return. He suddenly felt a sudden surge of warmth creeping up his cheeks but he shook it off immediately.
Without wasting anymore time, they both immediately went straight down to their revisions, yet not before her offering him an adapter to hook his own earphones into her audio jack. It had by now became a natural, spontaneous action between them.
Occasionally, he'd ask her on a problem he needed help with and him, teaching her on the ones she had trouble solving. Observing her from across the table when she wasn't looking back, Reiner secretly admitted to himself that he truly enjoyed seeing the way Mikasa's face changes from hyper focusing in deep thoughts, twirling her pencil furiously to the satisfactory gleam and the tiny victory pose she would do when she had successfully solve a difficult question. The people in school dubbed her as the most emotionless girl in school, but on the contrary, Mikasa is actually a really animated and fun girl to hang out with.
Without any doubt, the one you want to introduce to your mother, your family and your bros.
Marcel was right, Mikasa is a home girl. He didn't even realize another wave of fuzziness tugging from within his chest.
Ms. Ackerman would often pass by their seats, offering a plate of fresh from the oven treats to the two high schoolers and quickly check in to see if they ever needed any more refreshments.
Reiner leant in for a hushed whisper, "I think that your aunt is secretly trying to spoil me by fattening me up."
"You're only realizing that now?" Mikasa's eyes squinted in seriousness. "We do need a human sacrifice at the upcoming full moon solstice."
His jaw dropped at the slice of terrifying information.
"Kidding." She added, still deadpan. He'd almost spitted out the ice tea he was drinking.
Their banter was suddenly robbed by a text message coming into her phone. The minute Reiner saw the light disappearing from her eyes, he'd knew that it had something to do with Eren. Yet, he remained silent, courteous enough not to prod unless she needed to talk to someone about it.
Until he saw the way she slipped her phone into her backpack quietly with disappointment, evident from a long sigh from her tinged lips.
"You ok?"
She shook her head. "Sorry. I just need a minute."
"Let's take five then." Reiner shut the workbook close and temporarily set it aside. He also took a long sip of his chilled ice tea, savoring the tangy taste of lemon in the drink. "If you need to vent, I'm your man." He nervously retracted his statement but correcting himself, "Friend. I'm your friend." He scooped his own face with a hand, trying to cover up the blunder and nervously laughed, "Shit, sorry. I almost sounded like Jean just now."
Mikasa sent him a deathly glare, disgust mixed in there somewhere. Just a mentioning of the school's bad boy was enough to trigger the goth's annoyance. Jean's persistent crush on Mikasa was old news but her obvious disinterest was what made the situation legendary. Their situation in a sense, reminded Reiner of himself and Historia, even.
Both of them crushing on a girl whom barely talk to them and the only thing they know about the girl was only on a surface level.
Maybe he'd understood that feeling more than he thought he did.
He begin to realize that maybe he's also starting to crush on the same girl as Jean do, after knowing her more and more each day.
"Are you being nervous about something again? You're needlessly apologizing."
Wait, what? Oh shit. He went still, silent.
"Eren's been ignoring me on purpose again." Mikasa eventually confided. "He said that he had plans with Armin but when I texted Armin about it, he said Eren also bailed out on him. Since last week."
Reiner looked back at her sad face, wishing that she could stop letting Eren invade the space inside her head. Just the mere thought of Eren would wipe off the endearing smile upon her face. On certain days, it would drag her down and push her into her emo mode.
'You're just too good for him.' Was what he'd wanted to say but instead he uttered, "Give him time. He probably didn't realize he's been ghosting you all this while. Besides, we've been studying together for quite some time now, maybe he understands you're neck deep with midterms."
She gazed downwards at her clenched hands, seemingly to take in his words with serious consideration. Nodding, she relented. "Okay. Thanks for listening. I really appreciate it."
He waved away her gratitude. "Anytime."
Just before they both continued their revisions, out of the blue, Mikasa nonchalantly asked, "Reiner, have you seen the movie Twilight?"
He recalled that the title is somewhat familiar, even if he's not as adept in pop culture as most kids his age do. "I've heard of it from my baby cousin. She's been asking me to watch it with her. I heard there's a sparkling vampire and a werewolf?"
"You must think it's cheesy like Eren does. He said it's too corny but I love it. Especially Jacob, the werewolf." The blush on her cheeks signified that this Jacob character is the goth girl's crush, which Reiner made a mental note of to be a potential topic of interest. Or future blackmail, depending on the situation.
"One of these days, I should introduce Gabi to you. You both would get along well together."
"I would love that."
"And she would love you."
Her eyes lit up at his remark. "Uhmm...the movie's sequel is releasing soon, maybe we could watch it together with your cousin?"
"Are you asking me out on a movie date, Mika?," asked the hunky quarterback as he leant in closer from across the table.
A crumpled piece of rough paper hit him straight on his face almost immediately.
"Now you're sounding like Jean."
"I do deserve that paper bomb."
He knew his eyes weren't playing tricks on him when he saw a glimpse of a blush and a shy smile right before she shoved his own workbook back to him, urging him to focus back on their study.
Do you ever think when you're all alone
All that we could be, where this thing could go?
Am I crazy or falling in love?
Is it real or just another crush?
The tip of her pencil tapped anxiously against her puffed up cheeks, her other hand gripped too hard against the pages of her Chemistry textbook. She swore she had the periodic table memorized at the back of her head. A long sigh escaped her lips as her mind kept on drawing blanks despite having fast computing skills and being the highest subject achiever in the whole school. She's an ace when it comes to formulas and facts. So, to have her brain stumped when it comes to something as natural as the extended chemical components, puzzled her more than the Advanced Chemistry homework did.
Why can't she get the formula of Phosphorus pentoxide right?
She exhaled another sigh. 'Why is Eren avoiding me?'
She was too lost in her own thoughts that she didn't notice an uninvited presence approaching towards her seat from the lab's door.
"Hey Mikasa!" A loud gruff voice, followed by a loud thud against the empty space on the long lab table disturbed her much appreciated solitude. She grumbled underneath her breath when she took in the form of Jean Kirschtein with that ever smug grin on his face. He didn't even give her the chance to say anything before forcing a piece of paper, written with numbers - his phone's apparently - next to her pencil case.
"What is this?" She asked, alienating the obvious answer, without even reverting her gaze away from her homework.
"My number."
"I think we should go out on a date sometimes."
"I really like you and you can do better than Eren."
She stayed silent. Hoping that Jean would take it as a sign of her usual dismissal.
"Guess you haven't heard the news about Eren then."
She looked up to Jean the second she'd heard the mentioning of Eren's name. Yet, she remained wordless and only gave the other boy the sternest look she had ever given anyone.
Jean's smirk grew annoyingly larger, as if he's proud of withholding a prized information that she'd be dying to know. "You'll find out soon enough and when you do, just know that I'll be more than happy to give you my shoulder to cry on."
She sent another discomforting glare. "No." For the love of Satan, can someone or something just walk into the room before she stab this annoying person's eyes with her pencil?
Jean lifted his head as soon as three newcomers, all clad in the high school's letterman jackets, walked into the lab. One of them spontaneously chided, "Wasted no time in making a move already, Kirschtein?"
"Piss off, Galliard."
Bertholdt appeared from behind the younger Galliard brother and offered Mikasa the formula she'd been looking. "P4O10"
She looked down, nodding. "Thanks."
The third person, Reiner, naturally took the seat on the table next to hers. Only the small dividing walkway separating their seats. He finally offered his take, more of the fact that he could see how visibly uncomfortable his classmate is upon the rather intrusive presence. "You know that she's just too nice to tell you to piss off, Jean."
Jean scoffed at his underrated remark. "I'm just looking out for her. With Eren-"
Reiner cut the other boy's word off, dismissing it. "Head to your class. The bell just rang 2 minutes ago."
Jean tried to argue with the much older senior student but he could only grit his teeth at the untimely interruption, eventually walking away. The last thing he needed was to instigate an altercation with not one, but three of the Warriors squad members.
"What was that about?" Mikasa said to herself, unaware of the subtle way the other three boys were exchanging concerned looks between them. Reiner had an inkling that since it's only first period, Mikasa has not yet to either one: met Eren and Armin yet or two: checking in on her social media profile because she would regularly keep her phone off in school. A bomb had been dropped last night on the net and the whole school's been buzzing about it since. Mikasa being oblivious to the online bomb's explosion are a blessing and a curse at the same time.
Reiner took in a long, deep breath. Maybe he should pull her behind for a quick chat during recess, just to preempt her before she meets up with Armin, or worst: Eren. He quickly wrote in his notebook and waved for her attention.
'Can we talk after fifth period?'
She was slightly surprised at his request yet she nodded.
Reiner tried to remain focus in class for the whole time but a heavy dread tugged at the pits of his stomach. Little did Mikasa know that her day would end up from bad to worst.
By the end of the fifth period, Mikasa waited at the back of the classroom for Reiner, but since the quarterback was caught up in a conversation with a few other classmates, she decided that maybe he'd forgotten about wanting to talk to her about something earlier.
She peered through the doorway and smiled when she spotted Armin from afar. She waved towards the bespectacled junior student, but her gesture was responded by a worried look on the other boy's face.
"Armin, why the long face? Have you seen Eren?"
Armin only pulled her with him, and made a mad dash towards the school hallway. She was very concerned of Armin's peculiar behavior that she'd failed to notice the sympathizing looks almost all the other juniors and sophomore students were sending her way. Armin stopped just right in front of their lockers and quickly opened his own, a grim warning from his lips. "Mika, there's something you need to know."
She placed a hand on the shorter boy's shoulder and asked, "Are you ok?"
"It's about Eren."
Mikasa gasped, almost shaking her close friend's glasses off as she began to worry at the mentioning of her childhood crush's name. "Is Eren alright? Did something happen?"
Armin adjusted his glasses before offering his explanation but a voice sooner interrupted their conversation.
"Hey guys." It was the person in question.
"Eren!" She couldn't help gushing over the face that she'd been missing for a few weeks now. "We were just talking about y-"
"There you are, Eren." Another soft voice and a feminine hand immediately latched onto the boy's arm. The golden-haired girl in the cheerleading uniform turned her head towards them and tried very hard not to let disgust shown on her face. "Oh hey, Dork. Weirdo."
Eren shook her head and softly said, "Historia, you promise you'll be nicer to my bestfriends."
"Sorry, darling." The Queen Bee covered her mouth demurely and corrected her greeting. "Arlert. Ackerman. Looking forward to seeing you guys around more. Hey, maybe we could all sit down together for lunch sometimes?" Historia's round blue eyes widened in forewarning as she gripped Eren's hand possessively in hers. "But not everyday ok?"
'What the fuck is happening?' Mikasa's heart pumped hard - too hard that she felt that she might as well just die due to cardiac arrest on the very spot she's standing in. She glanced at Armin, who's already hiding his head inside his locker. She was at a loss for words, unsure how to take in the current situation. Even she herself had never touched Eren's hands before. Or even called him with an endearment.
"What?" Mikasa could feel her voice cracking, the same way her own heart is crumbling on the inside.
"Since Eren's my boyfriend now, we'll be spending a lot of time together." The head cheerleader shook her head. "Silly girl."
Mikasa was frozen. 'Boyfriend?' She blinked rapidly, her cheeks feel heated and she could feel her eyes begin to water - either in shock or devastation, she just didn't know. Maybe both.
The other girl squinted her eyes, scrutinising, "Are you going to cry, Ackerman? Don't tell me that you like Eren too?" The heir of the filthy rich Reiss family decided that maybe breaking her heart wasn't enough. She had to publicly humiliate her too. "Sorry, I guess Eren doesn't feel the same way since he asked me to be his girlfriend first."
Mikasa decided that very instant that she's done being the nice, quiet girl that Historia and her possies can push around. What made it worst, as if rubbing salt into her wound, from the corner of her eyes she spotted Jean. He was resting against his own locker with that irritating smirk on his face, folded arms and a first class seat to the school's hottest drama of the week. And maybe use the situation to his advantage after the fiasco had wind down.
She mustered up all the courage she had and sternly urged, "Listen here, you b-"
Before she could even finish that sentence, a large, muscled arm slinked around her waist from behind and a low, husky voice greeted her tenderly. "Hey, babe. I've been looking all over for you."
She looked up towards the new presence and almost lost her grip on the books inside her arms. "Reiner..."
"Babe???" Now it was everyone else's turn to be shocked out of their wits. Armin, Eren, Historia and Jean included. Only Bertholdt and Porco stood idly by, nodding in acknowledgement. Apart from showing their support towards their team captain by doing a bro fist bump with each other and against their chest.
Eren asked with obvious disinterest, "You and Reiner? Really?"
Reiner stepped forward, his height and build towered over the younger boy, intentionally making the latter seemed pale in comparison. "You have a problem with me dating Mikasa, Jeager?"
"I mean, since when?" The brunette shrugged his shoulders. "No offense but you're not exactly her type, Reiner."
"Maybe you don't know her as well as you thought you do. FYI, we've been going out together since more than 3 weeks ago. We prefer to keep it on the DL because Mikasa knew you'll be a dick about it." They weren't entirely lies but Mikasa didn't deserve to be treated like she's a loser, especially by Eren of all people. "Mikasa's been my girlfriend way before Historia even bothered to start talking to you."
"I don't trust you. You're just jealous that Historia's dating me and not you."
"I don't give a shit on what you feel or think. Maybe you're the one who's jealous because Mikasa chose me and not you."
"Mikasa," Eren looked back at her. "Please tell me this is a joke."
All eyes were on her now. She was lost in the current situation but she knew what she had to do. She looked up at the taller jock with bated breath. "Reiner..."
She saw the way the quarterback's eyes glanced at her nervously, worried that she might expose the real truth behind his lies. Even Reiner was holding his breath anxiously.
But instead, she clenched at his much larger hand and reassured, "You're not the only one with feelings, Eren. Deal with it."
Eren had a lot more to say, "But--"
"Let's get out of here, Rein?" It was Mikasa's turn to walk away with her dignity intact.
"After you, babe."
Reiner nodded, truly relieved that Mikasa understood what he was trying to do. The moment they walked hand-in-hand across the hallways, the whole school had been talking about them. But Reiner knew all too well, the tighter her grip was on his hand, the harder Mikasa was trying to keep herself from falling apart from the heartbreaking situation.
Her day could have been a lot worse.
Making up a lie had been an easy part. Keeping up a lie though takes a lot more work and sooner or later, the line between the lie and the truth gets blurry each day.
But what happens when the lie slowly converges into a truth?
Both Reiner and Mikasa will learn that the heart is not a tool to play around with especially when their families and close friends are getting involved in their unexpected equation.
End of Pt.3
36 notes · View notes
kithtaehyung · 2 years
_Nooooooo First lines and the week is already shortened I'm so sad for them 😭😭😭💔💔💔💔
_'Almost as alluring as those eyes he’s too shy to stare into.' --- AM I READING SHY ??? HIM ?? HER EYES ??? SHY ??? OMFGGGGGGGGGGG
_"Things could end up like last time." ---Oooooow last time you said ? Are we gonna dive more into his past?? I'm curious now!
_"Because he has you now, laughing in a shirt he’s worn countless times while drinking alone" --- Waaaaaaw 💔💔💔
_“Good luck, baby,” you whisper into his skin." ---OMGGGGGG MY HEAAAAART !!!!! ITS THERE! THE SMALL POND YOU SEE ON THE FLOOR! COMPLETELY MELTED
_"you jump at the arm around your shoulder. “Hi!”“Hey, Jimin,” as he keeps his toned arm around you." ---AAAAAAAAH I CAN'T WITH HIM ALREADY 😂😂😂😂 sexy troublemaker alert 🚨
_“Jimin?”“Wait, is it him?” ---I WAS RIGHT OMGGGG her friend thinking he is the one she is seeing!!! "We saw him pretty cozy with you just now.” ---EXACTLY
_Poor OC..... that's a terrible experience... sadly, we've been there... the fact she blames her for not predicting it when it's absolutely not her fault... I'm glad she could quickly found confort with Yoongi and I feel bad for misjudging Jimin's conduct... When it was all an act to protect her ... wow 😣
I'm going to pause my reading here ! (and have breakfast!🥐) Definitely a lot to process. Again, wow, I wasn't prepared for this, you are such a great author!! From the scenario, to the Yoongi POV, the flow of emotions.... I've loved every part of it so far!!!!!
FAIRYYY HELLO LOVE! i'm so excited to dive into this commentary ok let's get it
yes😭💔 the realization about the week ending sets the tone for the whole thing! and YESSS HE SAID SHY HE SAID IT HIMSELF omfg i wanna sob into my fist. and his past may be smth we revisit! we should know in due time.
jimin being jimin what is new a ha ha.. and yES you were so right about the friends thinking it was him!! pats for you.
and the whole club experience is so gd normal that it's sickening. and it's so sad that it's a common reaction to feel like we should've prevented it when it's 1000% on creeps to not do it in the first place like?? ugh i felt for reader there. truly.
i'm so happy you like all the parts so far!! and i hope you end up liking the rest, as well. thank you so so much for the commentary i am loving this😭
4 notes · View notes
nar-nia · 2 years
Okay ur getting live update from now,, sorry 🤪🥰
and yes it is impossible for him to look bad
Wait hold up its literally been 4 days
Slay jake
It's kinda funny that she shoved him against a wall
I'm picturing that video of the enha security guards shoving the girl agsjsg 💀💀💀
Maybe pushing her in the pool was like a mating ritual
Anyways moving on
Stop not the kid interrupting their moment agsjhd
He was covered in a mix of colorful lights and in that moment you could have sworn you never saw someone as beautiful as him.
He is also in the middle of dancing some kids club dance to veo veo and that's rly funny to me agsjgsd
Pls kids and their unfiltered mouthes are the perfect cause for a breakdown
aww y/n and Jake's best friend backstory agsjdg that's so cute
:□ Aaaaaaaaaaa
It's been four days agsjsgsjsg 😭
Stop this is so cute aaaaa
I have not cohesive thoughts
Just whatever this is I'm writing rn
"In whose arms are you lying?" He grinned at you.
Awww I'm glad Jake's date when good awwww
Awwww hes so cute agsjdh
A pool kiss
Stop I'm weak
Aaaaaaaa pls nina ur raising my expectations through the roof agsjgsjd/nm
I wanna make out with someone in a pool 🥴
Pls jake fanboying >>>>
Awwww jealous-seung
that's a good movie
"I like you, y/n. I really like you."
Nooo bambi era 😭💔 I'll miss you
I really really loved it ack it made me smile sm
Such a lovely enemies to lovers and Heeseung is just 🥴🥴🥺🥺🥰🥰😭 I love him and have been deeply and thoroughly bais wreaked while reading this
Honestly you should feel so proud of urself coz this was such an amazing read and you managed to write 14k+ and it was all amazing
I love you sm and I hope this ask was actually legible
~M 🐝
HELP the video 😭😭 ngl if she would have pushed Hee against the wall like that the story would probably not have a happy ending 💔
rereading the "as beautiful as him" quote made me realize that i felt the exact same way when i saw him at kpop flex... oh no 🥲
and pool kisses 🤩 i never thought about them before but now i think they might be my weak spot? when is it our turn 😭
i'm so glad that you liked it <333 Heeseung has me WEAK and now you have 14k+ words to prove it 😩 sorry for bias wrecking you but who can blame you, it's Hee 🤧🤧
and thank youuuu 💖 i do feel very proud, i've never written such a long story and i really like how it turned out 🥰🥰
YOUR ASK WAS AMAZING, thank you so much <333 it made me really happy and smile a lot. i love you too 💖💖💖💖
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