#she should stop in to say hi to tamina
bbygirlky18 · 1 year
hey i have a request you write a jey x reader but in the beginning roman is the one who brings (yn) into the bloodline to make her his but instead she catches feelings for jey and blows roman off and whenever jey betrayed roman (yn) goes with him leaving roman even more angrier at the idea jey took his girl... anyways (yn) and jey end up having expressing themselves the night she runs after him when he left the arena for a final time and she encourages him to come back.
Betraying the Betrayer! Jey Uso
Jey Uso x y/n
Warnings: Violence, Swearing!!
Word Count: 1578
A/N: Hi everyone!! This is the longest request I have ever written that contained over 1,500 words. This was sent in by anoymous so I hope y'all enjoy.
Y/n is your name
Being in the Bloodline is anyone’s dream except for y/n who goes by y/r/n in the ring. Roman had originally brought y/n in the Bloodline to be his girl but she fell head over heels for Jey Uso and Roman isn’t having it. Let’s see what happens.
The Bloodline is the most dominant faction on SmackDown but the guy who runs it is none other than the Head of the Table Roman Reigns. While he might be the most powerful male wrestler on SmackDown there’s someone who is more powerful than he is her name is y/n. She’s the current reigning SmackDown Women’s Champion and the current reigning SmackDown and Raw Women’s Tag Team Champion with Piper Niven. She even has her own faction called RKC which stands for Raging Knockout Champions. She runs it through Raw and SmackDown. On Raw, she has the Judgement Day in her faction, along with the current Raw and SmackDown Tag Team Champions Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, and the World Heavyweight Champion Seth “Freakin” Rollins along with his with wife “The Man” Becky Lynch. 
Y/n sits in her locker room on her phone when she hears a knock on the door. “Come in,” she said looking up from her phone. Roman Reigns, Paul Heyman, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso, and Solo Sikoa walk in. 
Y/n keeps a straight face. “What do you want Roman?” Paul started speaking “Well the Tribal Chie-” Y/n stops him and says “I wasn’t asking you, Wiseman. I was asking Roman. If Roman can’t answer then you guys should leave, I have a match soon so if you want to talk make it quick.” Roman started talking “I talked to Adam about you joining the Bloodline. The Bloodline is full of champions.” Y/n looked at the group, her eyes on Jey’s for a moment until she said “Roman not to be rude but you can’t say the Bloodline is full of champions if you’re the only champion. Also not to sound like a bitch or anything but what makes you think I want to join you. Adam hasn’t talked to me about it yet. As for your answer if I’m joining I’m gonna say that I’ll think about it now get out of here I have my match in 5 minutes.” 
The Bloodline left and y/n went to Gorilla to face Natalya in her hometown of Quebec for her championship. Natalya’s music hit first and she did her thing. Y/n’s music hit next and she did her entrance and got in the ring. 
Samantha Irvin, y/n’s bestie, and the ring announcer started talking “Ladies & gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall. This match is for the SmackDown Women’s Championship. Introducing first the challenger weighing in at 135lbs, from Calgary, Alberto, Canada, Natalya. Her opponent and your SmackDown Women’s Champion weighing in at 171lbs from Quebec, Canada y/r/n.” Y/n did her thing and took off her belt and the match was underway. 
A little while later while the match was still happening Tamina came out, got in the ring, and started hitting y/n causing Natalya to get disqualified. Samantha spoke “Here’s your winner as a result of a disqualification and still your SmackDown Women’s Champion. Y/R/N!!!” Y/n grabbed a microphone and said “Bonjour à tous. Je suis tellement heureuse d'avoir gagné ce soir et je suis heureuse d'être toujours votre championne féminine de SmackDown. Je n'ai pas gagné juste pour moi. J'ai gagné pour nous tous. Je vous aime tous. Bonne nuit Québec. (Hello everyone. I'm so happy that I won tonight and I'm happy that I'm still your SmackDown Women's Champion. I didn't win just for me. I won for all of us. I love you all. Goodnight Quebec.)”
Once the match was over y/n went back to Gorilla only to be met with Adam and the Bloodline. Adam said “Y/n congrats on your win. You’re the longest reigning SmackDown Women’s Champion just reaching 440 days. Anyway, I want you to be in the Bloodline storyline and I want you and Roman to have a romantic relationship.” 
Y/n, spit out the water that she was drinking and said “What! You want me to date him. Are you sure that’s a good idea because my personality and his personality probably won’t get along?” Adam said “Yes. You’ll be fine. Also, I need you two to talk about some strategies for your upcoming match together.” Y/n didn’t even bother arguing with Adam about it so she bit her tongue and nodded.
A few months pass by and y/n is enjoying herself with Jey cause he’s so funny. Y/n caught feelings for Jey when the Bloodline entered her locker room. Y/n and Jey have been spending a lot of time together causing her to blow off Roman and Roman doesn’t like it. 
It’s SmackDown and Jey has to make his decision on whether or not he’s in the Bloodline or out of the Bloodline. Y/n sat backstage shaking her leg when Jey came over and sat next to her. “Are you alright?” Jey asked with concern growing in his voice. Y/n looked at him and gave a small smile then sighed “I’m worried about you. A lot of things can happen tonight and I just want to make sure you’re safe.” 
He smiled a little bit and said “Aww is the SmackDown Women’s Champion worried about me? That’s cute.” Y/n lightly punched Jey on his shoulder and responded “Yes I’m deeply worried about you. We know how Roman gets he might find a way to get rid of you and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I watched you get hurt.” 
He hugged y/n and said “Don’t worry. You’re not getting rid of “Main Event” Jey Uso that easily.” She laughed and said “Well I have to get going Roman is waiting for me. This stays between me and you but I want to join you and Jimmy. I can’t stand Roman.” Jey said “I won’t tell a soul. Now go out there and kick his ass.” 
Y/n walked out with Roman and then Jey came out. While the dispute was happening Jimmy came out and Jey looked at Jimmy and said “You out and I’m out too.” Jey kicked Roman and y/n walked over to the rope and held it open for the twins until Roman started screaming. 
Y/n took her belts off and she hit Roman with the Dirty F5. Once Roman was down she left with the twins and she hugged Jey. 
A few more months later Jey was going against Roman for his championship and when Roman saw y/n with Jey he was furious. Roman got out of the ring and attacked y/n with a chair until Jey speared him through the barricade. Then the unthinkable happened when Jey went for the pin a mysterious man in a hoodie pulled him out. 
The mysterious man happened to be his twin brother Jimmy who turned on Jey. Jey couldn’t believe it. Jimmy threw him back in after kicking him in the face and Jey lost the match. 
Y/n walked backstage with Jey after he lost and she grabbed his hand and said “I need to talk to you but it can wait until next week. Are you ok?” Jey looked at her with worry and pain in his eyes and says “I’m fine. Are you ok? Roman beat you with the chair.” She smiled and said “I’m fine. Let's get out of here.” Jey and y/n walked out.
SmackDown is here and y/n needs to talk to Jey. Y/n sees Jey walking past her room and says “Jey I need to talk to you like right now but let's wait until tonight.” Jey being concerned about her, he just nods. Jimmy came out to explain why he did what he did but he waited for Jey to come out. 
Jey’s music hits and he walks out with y/n. Once everyone had to say what they had to Jey was silent and Roman started with his bullshit. 
Jey kicked Roman in his face and then he told Jimmy to come here and he kicked Jimmy in his face.  Jey looked at the camera and said “I’m out of the Bloodline, I’m out of SmackDown, I’m out of WWE.” Y/n hearing those words her heart shattered. Jey started leaving so she followed “Jey wait. Let’s talk about this.” Once Jey was backstage at the gorilla she said “JOSHUA SAMUEL FATU stop.” He turned around and she said “I have feelings for you that’s what I wanted to talk to you about but if you leave I can’t do that. Don’t g-” Before y/n could finish her sentence Jey kissed her and said, “I feel the same way.” She said “Then don’t leave. Stay for me. You can join my faction RKC I need a partner in crime cause the guys don’t like to listen. Fuck Jimmy, Fuck Roman, Fuck Solo. Stay here for me please.” Jey thought about it and said “Fine. I’ll stay for you since we’re dating now.” 
Jey stayed and continued to wrestle alongside his girlfriend and even get a few championships. Look what love does. It’s a powerful thing.
-I hope you guys enjoyed this! I had fun writing it. I love you guys. <33333
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madamebaggio · 1 year
Hello! I would like to ask if you could write a scene for Prince Caspian (Chronicles of Narnia - Post Prince Caspian movie) and Tamina (Prince of Persia) as a romantic pairing. I would like it to be set in Narnia and for them to be having a post dinner conversation about their arranged marriage. I hope that you like this idea. Have a good day!
Notes: I love Tamina!
Caspian took a deep breath before he stepped out onto the balcony. The night air was warm and fragrant and everything he loved about late Spring nights in Narnia.
The woman waiting for him (well, not exactly waiting) was a different story altogether.
Princess Tamina was… Something else.
She was beautiful and fierce. She had this intense way of looking at him, like she could see right into his soul… And she wasn’t that impressed.
“Princess Tamina.” Caspian called as he approached her.
She threw a look over her shoulder, before fully turning to him. “Your Majesty.”
He cleared his throat. “I believe we could dispense with titles for now.” He cleared his throat again. “If you agree.”
Tamina arched an eyebrow at him. “You just called me ‘princess’.”
“Well, yes. That is why I said now. Now.”
He could see she was fighting a smile. “Should I just call you Caspian then?”
Caspian enjoyed the way she said his name. “Yes. And may I call you Tamina?”
“You may.” She looked at him a bit longer, before turning back to the night sky. “The night in Narnia is very beautiful.”
“It is.” He agreed. “This is my favorite time of the year. Just before the beginning of Summer.” He stopped right next to her.
She turned those pretty eyes to him. “Why?”
“The night is warm, not yet uncomfortably hot.” He told her. “We can still smell the flowers in the breeze. And I feel like this is the time where everything is at peace for my people.”
She watched him in silence for a long minute, before finally saying, “You surprise me, Caspian.”
“I would not want to bore you, Tamina.”
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
WWE Royal Rumble 2021 - Initial Thoughts
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I know I’m late, but employment is still a thing, and I had to prioritize that over an all-nighter, but it’s time for the Royal Rumble, one of the more exciting shows of WWE’s schedule, so let’s get on with it!
Spoilers for Royal Rumble, you have been Warned
I might not invest too much in kickoff matches but the Women’s Tag Match was not a good time
It was fine before the end, but who the hell decided that Charlotte should control 90% of the champions’ offense and have the hot tag!? Asuka is the RAW WOMEN’S CHAMPION, not Charlotte. After the tag Asuka literally had one spot and she was dead, completely taken out of the match for *checks notes* being thrown over the Announcer’s Table...you know that thing several wrestlers come back from easily.
The finish was just too much too, Ric distraction didn’t work, Lacey distraction didn’t work, Kirufuda Clutch didn’t work but then the brass knuckles did. Too much.
And why TF are we putting titles back on Nia!? We should’ve just given the titles to the Riotts, or the winner of the Women’s Dusty Classic. It also cuts me deep that Asuka and Shayna are treated this way, even as champion Asuka is a side character to Charlotte T_T
Main show though and I don’t like the package and interviews between entrances
Drew vs Goldberg was just...meaningless.
It was cringy enough that Cole had to spout drivel to make 60 year old Goldberg seem strong but to have Drew be ‘injured’ by a barricade spear - something much more tired wrestlers have and will get back up from in less time and continue a longer match - was daft. Also saying that Goldberg’s spear or jackhammer is the best move of all WWE is stupid, it was a WCW thing
Thank God Drew Won, but the post-match does remind you of the meaningless circumstances this feud came about. Suddenly Goldberg is okay with Drew’s same manners of respect
I mean, Carmella’s entrance and gear is cool, but do you think it eats at Corey a little that Carmella’s ‘behind the curtain’ bit is a tad...red light district?
Sasha’s promo didn’t hit for me unfortunately
Reginald didn’t deserve to be ejected for that! He caught Sasha and get beaten up for it
Jesus Carmella! Sasha got barely any of that dive
Screeching and faffing aside, Carmella got a good showing...I do hate quick tap outs in title matches though
Sami cuts a good promo, but his content wasn’t exactly the best. New Day are hardly the management’s faves, it’s taken this long for E to get a singles run, Fans literally had to Yes Movement their way into giving Kofi the world title.
New Day’s Brodie gear was good though
Bad Bunny as the ‘Biggest Latin Artist’? Is Cole for real? I didn’t even know who he was before today
If the song is about Booker T then why is he dancing around GI Bro?
Come on Book, you hang on the Sucka! That’d be like if the Rock just went ‘If ya smell what the Rock is cooking’ without the drags or pauses
Ric’s ‘with a tear in my eye’ promo was after the Rumble though...
It’s actually a sad stat that just over half of the Rumble winners win titles
No Morrison segment for the escape spot!? He did it as much as Kofi dammit!
Sorry Greatest Royal Rumble is not canon for me
This Stat Attack has taken far too long
I’m okay with Mike Rome but couldn’t a woman have announced the Women’s Rumble? Where’s Lillian at!?
That hair is amazing as well
I know you can’t say it, but we all remember that Benoit won the rumble in the first two as well
Was...Bianca wearing earrings on her entrance, she looked like she was taking them off
Billie actually had the right idea, can’t be in the match until you enter the ring, it’s clever stuff
That tank did not look like it was meant to turn that direction XD
It actually surprises me every time how tall Shotzi is, I always imagine her short
Billie no...not with Shayna
The piped boos are highly unrealistic to boo even a heel Toni Storm
Shotzi eliminated and then horrible singer Jillian comes in? Urrrrgh, Bad Singer Jillian was terrible
Wrestling wise she hasn’t missed a beat though
Billie’s surprisingly being a highlight here with actual narra-OHMYSHITITSVICTORIA
Gear was a bit meh but Victoria definitely can still go
Oh Peyton the purple looks good on you, and her Widow’s Peak was not bad at all
Ah, good for Santana, for a moment I thought it said Santina and got a very bad chill
Damn Liv, Speed Machine!
Ooof, the betrayal is real Billie
Somehow I’m genuinely upset by every elimination so far, good job!
Aaaaaand then they got rid of Victoria and brought on Charlotte to immediately take out Rhea -_-
That was a clever move from Bayley but damn Ruby landed hard
Are we seeing a Bayley/Peyton team? Or is she just eliminating the Riotts for revenge for Billie, but also Liv Nooooo!
Torrie now, eh okay
Ouch for Dana
Lacey...no, this ain’t working
Poor Peyton, her elimination was a side chapter
And we missed Bayley’s elimination!? For Shame
Mickie! Good to see ya! Aaaaand being beaten by Charlotte...
Nikki Cross is back too! Hopefully they find a good story for her
Alicia Fox? I guess she sobered back into the good gra...R-Truth? No
Oh yeah, Humberto is a thing
Jerry shut the fuck up!
The 24/7 stuff was super unnecessary, we did not need to take focus off this match
Lacey eliminating Mickie, rude.
Dakota should’ve gotten more time, she barely lasted a minute
Reginald again deserves better
See Tamina vs Rhea would be exciting...if Tamina was booked better
Naomi’s chemistry with Bianca is really insane right now
Lana *reminded of her feud with Shayna and Nia* Also Lana *goes for Rhea*
That was a hard tackle on Alexa by Rhea...aaaaand she’s eliminated mid ‘transformation’ a bit worthless for me
Road Warrior Ember Moon! And right into the Eclipse that’s the good shit
Baszler probably shouldn’t have eliminated Lacey story-wise
The Betrayal is real for Tamina as well
What’s with the crazy camera cuts!?
Nia eliminating Baszler? Nah...
Hold on Cole, baiting Nia over the ropes isn’t a ‘tremendous elimination’
The betrayal is real for Lana too, Nattie sure shrugged off that double assault
I get that the narrative is that Charlotte has beaten both Bianca and Rhea before, but to hang against both of them after already being in a match and hanging on from two apron attacks was daft. Stop making her super strong, she’s mega talented yes but giving her the Brock Lesnar energy does her no favours
That close call though with Rhea and Bianca was great, need more spots of two wrestlers about to be eliminated at the same time
The final bit of chain wrestling too was great, that’s what you need at the final part of a rumble, the mini-match
I had Rhea as my win prediction but am more than happy for Bianca, who was my second choice. Winning at No. 3 is great and her emotional promo just gets her more over. Bianca vs Sasha’s gonna be wild too
Overall the Women’s Rumble was good, most of the women got shine and there were a few mini stories too, do wish that more time was given to some women and that Sonya was in the rumble but the returns were good and most of the eliminations got me good
Miz talking about guaranteeing a championship run like he didn’t lose the last cash-in and didn’t have a chance to cash in previously this night when Drew was ‘reeling’ from the barricade spear.
I reiterate that I wish Sonya was in the rumble, but do like her endorsement of Bianca
Again, this 24/7 stuff is wrong place and time right now
Last Man StANDing Match for the UniVERSal Championship
Cole, there is Champion’s Advantage. Triple H vs Michaels Last Man Standing, neither men made the 10 so Trips kept the title, 17 years ago. Royal Rumble 2004.
See, this is where a Finisher Spotfest works, because it’s not about pinfalls it’s about keeping people down
The camera switches are not doing good on this portion of the side of the thunderdome
Yes, attacking the knees, this is the Cerebral ‘rope breaks with his pinkie finger’ Owens I like to see
Ooof the Golf Cart, a la Kane and Stadium Stampede
Why is this training area just like a second arena
Lil’ running ref in the background
Right into that conveniently placed mini-ladder
Not the forklift! Think of Judy Bagwell!
Oh that curtain is the thing Becky took a photo of! I mean she was always gonna be backstage
Corey before the match ‘there must be a winner’, Corey after Owens went through the stage LED ‘The ref should consider stopping the match’
Did the Ciampa move there to stand up
I don’t think you’re allowed to use a Ref Bump that way
Then the Second Ref restarts the count and stops at 5!? If this doesn’t come back next SD it’ll be a misstep
It was a physical match, not the best I think the finish brought it down. The problem is that KO has lost 3 times now and the last time is a botch finish, and we can’t have him lose again - the poor guy needs a win
I will say this immediately, revealing Edge and Orton as 1 and 2 beforehand was a terrible idea, just because you don’t have a live crowd doesn’t mean the people watching from home can’t be surprised
‘Number 3 is the worst number to draw on average’ - Belair just won at No. 3
Ali at 4? Then went after Edge and not Orton?
Sami, just don’t get in Orton’s face
Refs what are you doing? No rules in Rumble, where were you with Nia and Shayna with that logic
‘What does Shin need to do to be more successful?’ - for one not face AJ Styles, he is still a tag, US and IC champ as well as a RR winner, that’s quite successful
Carlito finally shows after the Legends Night tease and yes those are some abs
So...Randy’s just sleeping with this knee injury
Big E enters with some snappy camera angles again
I was hoping for more Ali - especially since Ricochet came immediately after - buy angry E was nice to see
Wait is that Elias’ entrance? Where’s the guitar strum?
Priesty, wonder if this is his main roster call
What DJ leaves his equipment on stage anyway?
‘The biggest star in the world in the music business’ - for real?
‘I’ve heard of flying squirrels but flying bunnies!?’ - Corey you need to watch Tokyo Joshi Pro, they got a flying sugar rabbit
To quote Ross Tweddell, MMMmmm Riddle...does not do it for me
Stop with the camera cuts I beg of you!
Mayor of Knox County!?
Ricochet eliminated by Kane, le sigh
The betrayal is real for DBry
Big Elim for Priesty though
‘Now it’s a Royal Rumble’ - reminder that Edge is a KOTR winner too, and that Nakamura is the King of Strong Sty-oh and Corbin eliminated him :/ what was the gauntlet about if you’re gonna Corbin him?
Otis’ new gear is slick
aaaaand Corbin’d again
Big Dom Fuck im Uhhhhhh Spinebuster’d
Damn he got him though
Dang that bounce sound from DBry
Bobby no why you gotta do Dom like that!?
Hurricane back from his Gangrel crossing and disposing Sammy Guevara’s broken body in Elite Deletion to do another rumble
One of these days, he’ll hit that Chokeslam and shit will go wild
Christian! This time getting the more emphatic reaction
Oh that smile, that hits you in the chest cavity...then Riddle ruins it
Rey comes in and WWE made him an advertisement ¬_¬
Edward James Omos what are you doing? well...I know what he’s doing, IC feud between AJ and E
Edward James Omos fuck you for eliminating Rey
The betrayal is real for Shamu
Cole how did you know it was Seth before his entrance hit?
I don’t think we were supposed to pick up Shamu welcoming Christian back but that was sweet
Then finally BWOAR
And Bwoar eliminates Cesaro, what was the point of his push? (it’s because his contract’s nearly up isn’t it?)
Again with the camera switching
Seth No! And where’s the boos pipe music!? DBry was a heavy favourite, that would’ve caused heat
Can’t believe Mmm Riddle lasted ahead of DBry
I didn’t forget about Orton, but the finish was good, that Orton tease got us good
It was a decent rumble, in hindsight you could tell Edge was winning given how they put express focus on Michaels winning at number on in the stat attack, Edge being face in peril for the first 10 entrants and Cole reminding us how long Edge has been in there
I don’t at all hate the end result, though I do question whether it was the best choice in the long run. Edge had his rumble win returning from injury already and throwing more legends at Drew does imply a heavy lack of depth in the current roster. Edge didn’t really need the win, but I’m not disappointed in him winning
The Men’s Rumble itself wasn’t as good as the women’s I don’t think, a lot of favourites of mine were unceremoniously dumped out quickly, any layered storytelling didn’t get enough time and it did feel a little by the numbers, almost a microcosm of modern WWE booking
Overall it was still a decent PPV, happy with the winners of the rumbles and that’s mostly all we need from a Royal Rumble. The Road to Wrestlemania starts here
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andymull · 4 years
WWE Wrestlemania 36 - Preview & Predictions
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Heeeeeyyyyy heeeeeeeyyyyyy its Wrestlemania....fighting to survive....
............. Coronavirus, social distancing, injuries, sickness, poor booking, late booking changes, trying to get people to pay $60 on PPV instead of free on the Network, etc etc etc
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Brock Lesnar (c) vs Drew McIntyre: WWE Championship Match
I really really feel for Drew here, probably the most out of anyone on the show with the lack of an audience as well as the lack of crowds being able to watch in Scotland in bars at the Hooked On Wrestling events, as they would have been SUPERB for both atmosphere and something they would show constantly on tv after the win.
But no, sadly instead of holding this off till later in the year we still have to proceed and deal with it, gutted.
I feel this match could go 25 minutes long and be one of Brock’s longest matches for awhile, in them asking Brock to make Drew look THE STAR in beating him and beating him well. Plus, they cant have both this AND the Goldberg match go less than 5 minutes.....can they?
Wish they would have gone OTT with this and had it filmed at Lesnar’s ranch and be falls count anywhere, Drew turns up saying nothing will stop him from winning the title so he’s there to claim his prize on Brock’s turf. Then gone made fighting around the farm, oh well there’s other matches on this show that will seemingly be booked to shit.
Drew wins, they need to make sure he then moves into feuds with big names and wins clean each time to really invest it all into Drew and see what happens - MCINTYRE
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Goldberg (c) vs Braun Strowman: WWE Universal Championship Match
What is there to be said here, Roman had to drop out because they stupidly had him around sick people with his health past, they decide to replace him with Braun who last month lost his title to Sami Zayn, not to mention they didnt even announce it till Smackdown last night without even mentioning Reigns by name after having HHH announce earlier in the week it would be done in an interesting way.............
This should go short with ideally Braun going over, have Bill take the lead hitting all his offense, big spear then as he goes to lift him for the Jackhammer he cant lift him and Strowman bursts out of it hits his finish and pins him clean while in monster mode.
Braun starts the big push from nowhere while at the same time this leaves it open for Goldberg to potentially come back for a rematch, as he didnt have anytime to prepare for Strowman and his game-plan for the bout. Not that I want Bill always around the title scene when he turns up but if they can get Braun going over him clean twice it really helps out a current full time guy under contract WHAT A CLEVER IDEA THAT WOULD BE!!! lol - STROWMAN
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The Undertaker vs AJ Styles
I really have no desire to see Taker in a big singles match at Wrestlemania or any other big show ever again, let alone it being in a match with AJ who could have an awesome match with most others on the card. This match should really have turned into the OC vs Taker/Aleister Black if they HAD to go with these guys together, the rub that would have given Black would have been MASSIVE!! Imagine the innovative entrance they could have come up with for both guys together, truly letting Taker pass his aura across to someone new....just goosebumps thinking of how they would look....but nope.
Instead we end up with a feud built around shoot promos about Takers wife doing AJ’s Styles Clash finisher.....
The worst part is that I see Taker going over, not sure if it was confirmed but it was mentioned he’d have 2 others with him who most likely will turn the tide of the match, dont get your hopes up for Black here instead, im guessing its Kane and Big Show....seriously....please be wrong - UNDERTAKER
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John Cena vs The Fiend Bray Wyatt
I really wish if they are going to bring back guys who haven't been on the road full time then PLEASE bring them back with a solid storyline that makes sense and that’s been built up for awhile to make sense.....not this. Truthfully they need to build these matches with the sole purpose of having the other guys who could/should have been the spot to be able to turn around and say, ‘you know what, this makes alot of sense and will be great so I cant hold it against them and moan’. Honestly that’s all it needs.
And secondly they really are lucky there wont be a live audience there for the match, the cheers the Fiend would have received over Cena would have drove them wild in editing after trying to build Bray as the crazy heel.
After dropping the title Bray NEEDS the big win here to keep his aura something they can use well, the more they have him lose the quicker that appeal will drop, and for me with Wyatt that doesn't mean he can take loses as long as he isnt pinned like others can ANY loss hurts someone who can teleport (?!?!) - WYATT
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Edge vs Randy Orton: Last Man Standing
Edge is the guy in second place behind Drew for me feeling gutted there wont be an audience around for this, imagine coming back after years away and the thought you could never wrestle again through fear of dying then finding you CAN wrestle again.........only to be risking it all in an empty building.....FUCKS SAKE!
This should be great and given the time to have the emotional side of it pour out strong, we should be getting Edge taking a beating to the point that Beth will come out to support him then have her feelings develop to the point she will want him to stay down and stop the pain. Yeah this will be great - EDGE
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Becky Lynch (c) vs Shayna Baszler: Raw Women’s Championship Match
I dont think the result should be in question here, Shayna HAS to win and go on a dominant run with the belt, ideally booking Becky to come back in contention for SummerSlam to rematch.......sadly everything's in the air with the world.
For me, and remember those words, Becky’s reign has been abit of a meh fest in-ring, apart from the Sasha bouts, and the extra focus on her has highlighted her ring work which really isnt the strongest part of her game (Not saying she’s terrible at all, but could she please drop the awkward leg drop from the ropes lol). At the same time alot of that is down to how she’s booked as management seem to go on a few months run of wanting the women to be the main focus, then quickly changing their mind and dropping it back massively. Also, the lack of depth with the women’s division's is a problem with them being split over the shows, same with the men to a degree and is the reason we see feuds get dragged and dragged for months, with less women it means we hardly get anything that feels fresh which needs to be key - BASZLER
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Lacey Evans vs Sasha Banks vs Bayley (c) vs Tamina vs Naomi - Smackdown Women’s Championship Fatal 5 Way Match
What a mess this is, I have no desire to see Banks/Bayley again for at least another 5 years...........but id much prefer that to having Tamina suddenly dragged on tv and put into the title picture. I get that the roster like her and she’s probably a really nice person to be around and supports the other women massively when needed, but for a viewer she brings NOTHING and hasn't for YEARS, all she’s doing is taking up a roster spot that someone way more deserving could be in from NXT for example. And yes, ive seen the random accounts on Twitter hoping she wins the title............jeez
Wouldn't have a problem with any of the other women taking the win here, sucks that Dana had to pull out as she has really shown improvements the past few months and deserved her place here easily - BANKS 
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Rhea Ripley (c) vs Charlotte: NXT Women’s Championship Match
So we definitely are back to saying ‘women’s’ champion again are we? They dropped it the other month but seem to have quickly gone back to it.
Big match for NXT here getting a Mania slot, I really hope that Charlotte doesn't get the win and belt but her winning opens up more fresh options for the future on the women’s division on the show. As long as Charlotte doesn't keep doing her thing of wearing massive heels in-ring to show how much bigger she is to everyone else, for some random reason it annoys me and doesn't need to even be done.
I feel if Charlotte does win the title they will very quickly move another NXT star over to Raw/Smackdown to replace her or hype a new debut upto the draft which MAY be soon - CHARLOTTE
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Kevin Owens vs Seth Rollins
The problem with having so many matches at Wrestlemania is that one like this goes so far under the radar its criminal, both guys are great and can pull out something special for the big show....not sure they get the time they will want even with a two night show. This feud will most likely continue so dont worry about who goes over - ROLLINS
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Sami Zayn (c) vs Daniel Bryan: Intercontinental Championship Match
Exactly the same as the match before and even more so, a quality match that probably wont get the most time but will be a really fun ride to be on - ZAYN
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Jimmy Uso vs John Morrison vs Kofi Kingston: Smackdown Tag Team Title Ladder Match
Yeah dont ask, they had to remove the Miz as he had Coronavirus symptoms but still wanted to do the ladder stipulation...
Honestly the tag division has to be up there for the most stale division in the company, similar to what I said about the women having the Uso’s and The New Day in a match in any combination is just soooooo over done.
Last month I predicted Morrison and Miz to retain and drop the titles tonight but now I hope they keep them, then drop them to Heavy Machinery as soon as they can - MORRISON
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The Street Profits (c) vs Austin Theory & Angel Garza: Raw Tag Team Championship Match
Love the SP’s but this really isnt needed in the slightest, I guess the next few matches will be exactly the same. - STREET PROFITS 
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Elias vs The Baron King
Exactly - Elias
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Aleister Black vs Bobby Lashley
Please have Black go over quick - BLACK
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Otis vs Dolph Ziggler
At last a match that deserves its spot on the card, a long term story that’s been developed well and is building to more with the stakes changed down the road. Easily an Otis win with Mandy ending up in his arms for the big smooch - OTIS
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The Kabuki Warriors (c) vs Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross: WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match
Lets throw the titles we’ve forgotten about on the show too!! Feel for all the women that have been around the title scene here since the belts came into existence, so much promise over multiple brands that went NOWHERE! - CROSS/BLISS
Kick Off Matches
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Drew Gulak vs Cesaro
I think Gulak sneaks the win out with his TECHNIQUE!!! - GULAK
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Natalya vs Liv Morgan
I hope Liv picks up the win and they give her more tv time and focus, Nattie winning doesnt really do much for anyone apart from her - MORGAN 
2 nights, lots of matches, lots of things not needed get ready to be mildly hyped!!!
Bye for now
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staytiny-angel · 5 years
Safe Haven 1/?
Co-written with @scream-qween
Pairings: Drew McIntyre/Becky Lynch, Eventually Drew McIntyre/Becky Lynch/Seth Rollins, Jon Moxley/Renee Young, Sasha Banks/Bayley/Charlotte Flair
Warnings: Violence, Language
Word Count: 1819
Summary: After an 8 year absence, 25-year-old Seth Rollins returns home to his pack but in no way resembling the Beta Werewolf that ran away after a violent misunderstanding with his brothers. Seth is feral, and trapped in a form the bitten wolf shouldn't even be capable of..he is the victim of a powerful curse Meanwhile Alpha Werewolf Drew McIntyre and his part Banshee, Part Witch mate Becky Lynch have joined the unorthodox pack of Haven in search of the final member of the triad a seer told the pair they were destined to be apart of.
Taglist: @sethsevolution @feathers-and-flesh-and-wrestling @deepdisireslonging @writtingrose @pikapuff316
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"We're really doing this? Asking the Scot and his Banshee for help? He's damn near feral himself and I think she might be insane" Mox says as he and Roman walk up to the secluded house at the edge of the small town their pack called home.
"That's why. If anyone could understand…maybe help snap Seth out of whatever that asshole did to our brother it's someone who's been there." Roman replied as they prepared themselves to face Drew McIntyre and Becky Lynch, the newest members of their Pack.
"Seth's been gone for years. They don't even know him." Mox argued
"Our baby brother is feral, trapped in a full shift and locked in a cage in our parents's basement. I will do anything, ask anyone for help if it means we get Seth back"
Jon opened and closed his mouth several times before finally going silent. He wasn't even the one Seth had attacked when he went beserk, it was Roman. It had Roman holding their brother until his rage had reached the standstill, he was the only person brave enough to visit him.
Roman knocked on the door a few times, they weren't knocks asking for permission in, they were demanding entrance. Sure enough, Drew McIntyre opened it, wearing a thin shirt and jeans that seemed to be sewn back multiple times. "Alpha. Alpha's brother" Jon felt the animalistic growl bubble in his throat.
Roman crossed his arms and stared at Drew. "I want to talk"
"We are talking" The Scottish wolf picked at his nails that were practically claws.
Roman snarled. "I'm serious. I need your help"
Drew rolled his eyes, called out "We have company" and lead the two wolves into the house.
From the kitchen appeared his mate, Rebecca. "Alpha." Becky greeted before her nose scrunches up.
"Why do you carry death with you?" She asks
"You can sense that?" Roman asks her
"Whoever you've been around enough that you carry their energy with you? Death is coming for them fast." The banshee replies
"Our brother is cursed." Roman explains
"Another Brother? I thought there was only the two of you?" Becky says
"Our youngest brother, Seth. He ran away long before either of you joined the Pack" Mox explains looking down "He found his way home. But he's completely feral and trapped in full-shift. All our mother can surmise is that he didn't get that way on his own. Someone cursed him."
"Are you sure it was a curse?" Drew asked, now completely serious. "If he was in full-shift long enough, he'd lose his humanity"
"Our mother could sense it on him, he smells...weird. Not like you when you showed up"
"I smelled weird?" Drew asked. "You gave half the wolves nausea, even Bayley, and she's a sweetheart," Roman says with a half-smile.
"Will you come? Our mother thinks that the curse is what's causing the full-shift, Seth was 17 when he left and he wasn't capable of that then. He shouldn't be capable of full-shift at all. He's not a born wolf. He was turned as a child." Roman continues
"How the hell did a kid survive a wolf attack?" Drew growled
"We don't know. We were really young too but Mom and Dad found him wandering in the woods outside of town as a toddler, covered in blood from head to toe with several bites." Mox growled, Drew crossing his arms. "I'll help you but I want full hunting range of the south side, I don't like sharing with your wolves"
"Done" Roman interrupted. Drew nodded and walked out, Becky following him.
"The south side….where the mansion is. So at what point are you going to tell him about Finn and Violet?" Mox says. Neither one of them is going to appreciate this."
The Haven Pack was an odd one to be sure. Mostly because it wasn't completely made up of wolves, hell Roman, Mox and Seth's parents weren't even wolves. Their mother was one of the most powerful witches in America, and their father was a Lion Shifter, but Haven was exactly that. A Haven for Preternatural creatures that didn't have a place to belong for one reason or another. There were people, other Packs who thought Haven was an abomination, that so many different beings should never be one Pack. But if Drew and Becky could somehow help their brother? And prove they were truly trustworthy? They'd learn the Pack's greatest secret. Not many people outside of Pack knew exactly who lived in the large mansion to the South on the outskirts of Haven. That it was home to a Vampire-Demon Hybrid and his wife, the former Vampire Queen. Everyone thought Queen Violet had been murdered by her Consort when he'd been taken over by a demon. The truth was…Finn had gained a permanent bodily roommate in the form of an ancient Irish Demon King and Violet had been freed from the throne she'd never wanted.
The strange quartet made it to the large house Roman and Mox called home, laying in front of the door was a small wolf about the size of a German Shepard, tinier than the horse size Roman was.
"Hey Bayley" Mox smiled, Bayley practically jumping on him. "Hey! We discussed this! No hugs when you're in full-shift!"
Bayley tilted her head at the sight of Drew and Becky, asking a silent question.
"We think they might be able to help Seth." Roman answered, causing the small werewolf to practically vibrate with excitement.
"Bayley and her mates Sasha and Charlotte were Seth's best friends when they were kids." Mox explained. "You can usually find one of them here. Seth doesn't let anyone but our mother close enough to touch him but he does calm down if he senses one of the girls."
"That's good. He's still recognizing scents." Drew said quietly "It means he isn't actually completely feral."
"Go ahead and run watch with Jey and Nia, I'll send Sasha if anything happens" Roman told Bayley, the wolf barking, making sure to nudge Becky and Drew with her head before running off.
"She's,...friendly" Becky said.
"Yeah, she's an Omega, they're a little more...affectionate" Roman replied
"What's your brother designation?" Becky asked
"Seth is a Beta, but he's got some Alpha traits." Roman says leading the pair inside the house just as Stephanie came upstairs.
Roman and Mox's mother looked like Hollywood's stereotypical version of a witch with her waist-length dark hair, though the older woman dressed more like the biker's wife she also was then any kind of witch Drew or Becky had ever seen.
"He let me put a calming spell on him" Stephanie says hugging her sons. "So he's awake but not violent at the moment."
"Okay" Roman nodded taking a shaky breath.
"I'll be upstairs" Mox muttered.
"Is he...okay?" Becky asked.
"He doesn't like seeing Seth like this, " Stephaine says with a sigh
"I'm going to go rest." Stephanie says. "Casting on Seth is exhausting right now because I have to fight through the curse. I think the only reason I can at all is because there are still some remnants of my protection spells in Seth's necklace."
"Mom made us all protection amulets when we were younger." Roman explains
"No offense but...they didn't really work did they" Becky said, Roman crossing his arms and glaring at the Irish woman.
"They work fine actually" he snapped, barring his fangs.
"Roman" Stephanie touched his arm. "Don't fight. Just help your brother" Roman nodding in response
"They have to be recharged every few years." Stephanie explained to the pair. "Starshine hasn't been home in 8 years, I'm actually shocked there was any magic left at all. Whatever curse was put on him...I don't think it fully took. I think some of the magic from the curse recharged a bit of mine"
"Can you tell what the curse might have been for?" Becky asks the witch
Stephanie sits on the couch and yawns "I think someone was trying to turn Seth into a mindless beast. Something that could be controlled and used as a weapon. I've seen a spell like it before. I just can't seem to remember where. If we can get Seth in his right mind...maybe he can tell us more. He may not be able to do spellwork himself but he knows it when he sees it."
"If we bring his mind back, he'll still be a wolf how are...." Drew starts to say
"Elias." a male voice answers as the leader of their unorthodox pack and the Mayor of their small town, Hunter Helmsley walks Into the house looking more like a Hells Angel then a politician.
"Elias is a forest siren. He can talk to animals. He's helped us in similar situations of someone being trapped in a full shift" Roman says.
"Okay, Tamina was not my fault" Mox yells from upstairs
"Alright then, lets go meet your brother" Drew pressed on, Roman leading the two downstairs where they could hear whimpering, Roman stopping suddenly.
"Are you-" Drew started toask
"I'll be fine, I have to, for him" Roman interrupted
The basement was normal if you took out the giant cage with a horse-sized black wolf inside, pacing and looked distressed. Becky and Drew heard crashing, turning around to see Roman had fallen to his knees.
"Please, help him," Roman says, almost crying. "I can't go any further. He's broken Mom's spells before if he gets too agitated and he…doesn't like me very much even when he's not like this. I'm the reason he ran away in the first place"
When Drew and Becky moved closer to the cage, the blond streaked black wolf, wearing an amulet shaped like a shooting star stopped pacing and stared at the pair.
"You are a handsome one aren't you?" Becky says. "Drew, what do you think?"
Drew sat down in front of the cage, surprisingly graceful for someone as big as the Scot.
"I remember how you brought me out." Drew tells his mate. "I'm hoping something similar will work on him."
He says to Roman. "Becky is an odd sort of Banshee you know? Death isn't her only gift."
"Wasn't always a Banshee now was I?" The flame-haired girl retorted "You have to die to become a Banshee, but the idiots who killed me didn't know that something like me could come back as one. I do much prefer the land to the sea. The assholes did me a favor."
"My very own Ursula, do you think…" Drew said quietly
"I think I can bring his mind back on my own. Then once we can get some information from him, his mother and I can work together to bring him out of this unnatural shift."
Seth sniffed the air around them and let out a growl, going to a corner and laying down, continuing staring at Drew and Becky.
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princessofbadnews · 4 years
Adam Cole x Tamina (Sad Fanfic)
Night had just fallen on Tampa, bringing the few nocturnal regulars out of their dens. Some preferred to stay at home despite the rather mild summer weather, among them a woman who had just returned to her hotel room, exhausted by the work that had overworked her.
Her name was Tamina.
The young woman walked to her bed, preparing to collapse before receiving a message from a friend. She rolled her eyes after complaining and then tried to find out who it could be.
- "Hello ! We're going to the hotel bar tonight, do you want to come with us?" Asked Nia Jax in a voice message.
Tamina replied hesitantly but ended up saying yes. Indeed, she was not necessarily in the habit of going out and few people offered her so on this occasion, she did not hesitate to jump on it.
Rolling out of her bed, she went to the shower before dressing in a sequined black dress. Dark colors were what she wore the most, not wanting to get noticed too much. Tamina was arguably the least outgoing of WWE female superstars, unwilling to draw attention to herself or even show off too much.
No, she was none of that.
Putting on her heels after having discreetly made up, she took a pocket to match her outfit before leaving to join her friend at the hotel bar. She went to the elevator to enter and join all the beautiful people you could hear from some of the hotel balconies.
Right after entering this little cabin, a man barely entered before the doors closed. Tamina jumped, then she looked out of the corner of her eye. Unfortunatly, the discomfort was present because neither of the two had ever spoken despite the fact that they work together. Adam Cole was this man, distant with some but sympathetic with others. He was the kind of guy who stood out at night to entertain the gallery.
After very long seconds, the elevator doors opened again, letting Tamina hold her breath all this time. Although his tongue said nothing, his heart could beat when he saw it. Adam was everything she could dream of, he was rich, funny and endowed with exquisite charm.
He walked away from the elevator, turned to Tamina before the doors closed.
- "Eh !" he exclaimed to the young woman.
She looked up at him, without saying a word.
-"Pretty dress." he finished, just before the doors closed.
Tamina's cheeks started to blush, as if the fire itself was burning her. She kept staring at the metal doors, gasping until she got there. As she finally went out, Tamina regained her senses before going to join the others around a table. Much of the women's squad was present, including some NXT superstars.
Taking advantage of the fact that NXT Takeover takes place the next day, the superstars encourage them to take refuge, thus going on a good general tour. Tamina was standing next to Nia, seeking her sympathy and presence so as not to feel alone.
Her heart started to beat more and more when she saw him again, Adam. Nia took the opportunity to change her ideas, also making her drink while repeating that she enjoyed life as it should be. After a few hours, Tamina was round like a pint, laughing at everyone's jokes and dancing like a goddess.
After that evening and back home with her pair of heels in hand, Tamina headed for the elevator again. When she went inside, she almost ran into someone who had just returned. The latter came to get her, making her come back with him while she laughed without paying too much attention to who it could be. The man raised his mouth, making her tremble.
It was Adam.
Their eyes met and their hands started to mix.
-"Pay attention."
Tamina's chest started to swell gradually with all the air she sucked in one take, as if it was all a dream. His breathing stopped dead just as, without warning, he put his lips on hers. Tamina was as if paralyzed, out of love or fear that no one could know.
As the doors started to open, Adam took Tamina's hand to get her out of there and down the hall, continuing to kiss her violently. He opened the door to his hotel room, bringing it first before pressing it against the wall, making her moan as much as possible. The moment Tamina closed her eyes, she knew what he had prepared her for.
For much of the night, the moans of the two beings covered the room and their sweat soaked the sheets. Tamina had never been happier than at that time, ultimately finding herself useful. The next morning, she was surprised not to find him next to her. He just left her a note, telling her to have a good day, all with a heart. Throughout the day until the evening, Tamina smiled for the first time in her WWE career.
The same evening, she decides to go to the NXT, well dressed as the day before to see her lover win during the main event. His gaze wandered behind the scenes, looking for Adam at all costs.
Her smile lights up when she sees him coming towards her. But who would have thought that she had spent the night with this? No one. He passed by her, without stopping, going into the arms of another, hugging her under the eyes of Tamina who was annoyed by the scene.
Don't dare say anything, she waited until he was isolated before going to report to him. Except it turns out that he didn't care about her. Tamina had only been a gamble for him. Dying of shame and grief, Tamina took her legs before trying to find other superstars. Nia saw the sad behavior of her friend who told her with difficulty what had happened.
- "You’re not the only one ..." she confided.
Tamina's gaze changed, becoming more and more black. Adam was just a womanizer, trying on girls like shirts one by one.
After this evening, Tamina never found a man again, but at least thanks to her, Adam never touched other women again.
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darktammy · 6 years
A Secret From the Lunatic (Part 3)
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tag: @demonkingsangel @myadm1234 @living-the-life-1996 @instantbouquetdestinysblog @thejulietfarciertlove @thelonelunatic @sausagefest1996 @sassybrose @wwesarahjaneroszko @ambrollinsbabe @ambrosesnerd @ambrosiac1993 @sithlita @livlyf247 @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @bluepunkrock @balorbarnes @deanslildevil2019 @vampfreak94-blog @bossjamie21 @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @dopeybubbles @shadowwgirl92 @trashofambrolleigns @malfoyy123 @fabulousrockstar @stressed-out-heathen @xsapphirerose @thatwrestlingfan91
Anyone else want’s to be tag let me know and I’ll tag ya (Enjoy)
You look at you son with a smile on your face, as you held his little toy over his head shaking it. “Yeah David you like that don’t you my little man. Look at you already time has fly and already your almost 6 months old, your starting to look like your father as well.” As the smile almost drop from your face. “Who would thought you was going to come out so cute tho.” As you pick him up hold him in your arms. Your father Chris walk in with his new wife Sharon Tamina’s mom. “Well now look at this young man all big now.” Sharon took David from you as she gave him a kiss. “I know his big, but I’m just happy that his healthy and strong.” Chris your father had a smile on his face he took his hand. “He looks just like Dean now you look at it. You know Y/n sooner or later he's going to find out about David you know your gonna have to tell him.” You nodded your head.
During the show Renee ran into Nia as she smiled at her. “So is the plain ready?” Nia nodded her head as she look at Renee. “Are you sure this is going to work?” Renee smiled as she nodded, “Oh yes I made Dean sign all the paperwork so that way he can be the father of his own kid, even tho we both know he is the father, but the whole point is David is coming home to his father and his new mother.” She smiled as she look at Nia.
Later on that day you was finished feeding your son, you pick him up and put him in his playpen as you clean up the mess that he made. There was a loud knock on the door, your father ran to the door opening only to see a man standing there with two police officer. “Were here with child services, we got numerous calls about this place, about a child being dirty and being abuse.” The man walk right in with the officers. You walk out of the kitchen to see this man running to pick David up in his arms. “Hey! That’s my baby what are you doing?” You try to walk up to him, but the officer stop you. “That’s my baby what the hell?!” Sharon walk into the room as the other officer stop her. “This baby needs to be removed right now so if you don’t mind excuse me.” The man took little David away. Your father try to stop him by trying to grab David but the man push your father making him fall to the floor. “Chris!!” Sharon yelled out loud. You was screaming from the top of your lungs as you heard your son crying from what was going on. You try to fight off the officer, but he held you back as you keep screaming out David’s name.
Two days has past and Renee was home with your son David hold him in her arms. Dean came home with a smile as he look at Renee hold what he thought was another dog, but the smile drop on his face when he saw it was David. “Babe what the hell?” She smiled as she walk up to Dean giving him a kiss on his lips. “Yeah well this is David, David Ambrose our new baby.” Dean shook his head as he walk up the stairs thinking on what just happened. Renee still has a smile on her face. “Look at you little sweetheart, now your going to have your daddy and me as your new mommy.” She said kissing him.
You was still lying in bed holding yourself as your eyes red and puffy. Roman was down stairs with Tamina trying to make some calls while Seth called his buddy Josh to see if they know who was the man that toke David. “Nothing man.” Seth said as he covered his face trying to hold back his tears. “I’m going to see if Chris is alright mom ok.” She nodded her head as Tamina got up with her phone in hand making some calls. Sharon got up as she walk into the kitchen making some tea. “Hey man maybe we should call Dean see if he can help out.” Seth look over at Roman. “And let him know the truth that ‘hey man Y/n’s baby was taking and oh yeah the reason why we need your help is because your the father.’ Nah man we can’t, I already have my cousin Dwayne on the lookout plus he can found the guy who took David from Y/n.” Seth nodded as he went back to work.
Nia was out with her friends when she got the call about David being taken away. Nia knew about the whole thing. She even help Renee set the whole thing up by photo shop the pictures of David with bruises and making him look like he has not eaten in days. Nia knew this was bad, but she had to just to make up for what happened with Dean and Y/n. She was the reason for this whole mess, all because she just want to have a one nightstand with Dean. She look at her phone as Tamina told her about David, Nia only told her I’ll make some calls. She look at her dog then sigh. “I wonder if what I did was the right thing?” as she pets him over the head a few times.
Dean had a smile on his face while he was holding David in his arms. “Well little man I guess I’m your new dad, your cute kid I can tell you that.” He said with a smile. “You know I think I’ve seen you somewhere before. Did I seen you somewhere before?” Dean look at him closely as David laugh. Dean smiled as he sat down on the floor with him. “So what can you do uh? Like can you do some tricks or...can you talk?” David laugh he puts his fingers in his mouth. “Nah still to young, but I swear I think I’ve seen you before, I just can’t put my finger on it.” He start to play with David as Renee was looking on from the other room with a smile. She walk into the kitchen with a smile on her face. “Y/n you took away my one chance on having a family, to bad now I have my family.” Renee look out the window from there home with a smile.
Dwayne stop by as he got some news about the men who took David from you. “Alright so from what I got from what my people told me, that this guy the day he took David got fired because he send David off to family which is unknown.” You sat there on the sofa looking tired and pale. “Well what’s his name?” You ask softly, “He name is Robert the last place he was staying was here right before he was fired. Now we don’t know where he is.” Everyone one start to look at each other as you got up to look at the picture of Robert. “I think I know someone who can help with that man.” Jimmy said. “Oh nah man not him that’s the last we need right about now man.” Jey said. “Yeah but Jey my babe is right about this Randy is the only man who can help.” Naomi said as she stood right next to you. “Then we all go.” You said.
You follow Jimmy, Namio, and Jey as you all made it for the live show. Jimmy told you that he was take care of it. Once you guys found Randy Jimmy walk up to him and start ask him about this man name Robert. “Yeah you see this guy right here I know you know who he is cuz you talk about him one time.” Randy look at the photo, “Oh yeah I know him that’s Renee’s closes friend Robert.” Jimmy’s eyes widen as he heard the one name he didn’t think he was going to hear. “Did you say Renee?” Randy laugh as he look at him. “Yeah man I mean when me and Renee was messing around while Dean was out she told me about him you know.” Jimmy look at you funny, “Wait what? Nah man Renee with you?’ Randy laugh as he look at Jimmy. “Yeah man I mean good times, but after Dean came back she drop me like a bad habit.” Jimmy nodded his head as he thank him. “Hey man why did you even ask?’ Jimmy point over to where Jey Namio, and Y/n was standing. “Is that...Y/n?” Jimmy nodded, “yeah man this guy took her baby away, and since you gave me a heads up we now know who to talk to, again thanks.” Randy watch Jimmy walk back to the group as he keep his eyes on you. “Renee, Renee, Renee, I’m not helping you out on this one, but I can talk to Y/n.” Randy said drinking down his coffee.
Renee was in the locker room with Dean and David with a smile on her face. Dean look at his phone as he saw a text from Roman asking Dean if he’s around. Dean text back by telling him yeah and that he’ll meet up with him. “Babe I’ll be back.” Renee smiled as she watch him walk out the room. Renee puts David down in his playpen with a smile. “Y/n’s kid uh Renee?” Randy said making Renee look back. “No his my son now.” He shook his head as he walk in looking right a david. “Yeah he look just like Dean, damn your bitch Renee.” She look at him ready to scream. “You need to leave right now Randy or else I’ll call Dean right back in here!” Randy look at Renee blowing her kiss as he look back down at David with a smile, then he walk out of the room. Randy smile because he had an idea on how to help Y/n get David back.
Dean was already with Seth and Roman then from the corner of Dean’s eyes he saw you standing with Tamina. Dean was wondering what was wrong with you, but before he could walk up to you Seth call him over. “Yo Dean-o come here man, we need to talk.” Dean walk over to Seth and Roman while he still keep looking back at you. “Yeah what’s up you guys I can’t be away from Renee for to long.” Roman shook his head as he look back to see Randy walking in walking with Y/n. “Yeah man listen we need to have a talk, but like a long one because this has a lot to due with alot of shit that happened like way back then.” Dean rolled his eyes as he sat down. Then he look back to see only Tamina and Randy talking.
You started walking to the locker room that Randy told you about. “My baby David if his right if Randy is so right I’m gonna have to make it up to him.” You keep walking around just so you can find the locker room that David was in.
Nia walk into Renee’s locker room. “Hey we have big problem Renee.” She look up at Nia as she pulls her out of the room. “What David is sleeping right now.” Nia handed her some papers about Robert’s arrest yesterday. “If he runs his mouths about me and you were both done for, my cousin Dwayne got involved with this and you know how he knows people and somehow got your bro in jail for kidnapping.” Nia said making Renee nerves. “Ok you know what I’m gonna look for Dean and were leaving watch David for me will ya Nia.” She nodded her head as Renee ran off looking for Dean. You on the other hand was standing around the corner as you head everything those two where behind the whole thing. You look just see Nia standing by the door. You thought of something just so she can get away and that idea made you smile.
“Nia your match is up next you need to go now.” Naomi said pushing Nia away from the door, Nia try to protest, but couldn’t. That work as you walk to the door opening it then closing it right behind you. There….you saw him….your son David sound asleep. “My baby...my David!” You said picking him up slowly. You held him close to your heart as you rock him side to side with a smile on your face. You quickly grab his jacket putting it on him. You open the door looking at both sides as you walk right out the room closing the door right behind you.
Renee found Dean with the guys as she walk right in. “Dean we need to leave like right now.” Dean look at Renee as he stood up. “What what’s wrong?” Renee look up at Dean, “We need to go now it’s my mother she’s sick and she needs up so we have to go like right now.” She told Dean grabbing him by the arm and pulling him away. “Hey Renee hold up.” Dean said. Tamina, Namoi both walk right behind them as Seth and Roman followed right behind them.
Randy was walking in the parking lot until he saw you hold David close to your chest. “Y/n what are you doing?” You look at him, “Randy, please, please don’t tell just please.” He shook his head as he walk up to you with a smile, “Hey I’ll help you, but not like this sweetheart.” You want to cry as you look back just hoping that Renee didn’t come back. “Please Randy just let me….” “Y/N!!” You and Randy look back to see Nia walking up to you. “You took David you bitch!” You handed David over to Randy as you walk up to Nia. “Oh yeah well you help Renee take my baby away for what just so you can get fuck by Dean!” You both stop right in the opening in the parking lot. “You know Nia I get it that you never like me, but guess what I don’t care, I was kind and loving to you only for you to stab me in the back!” You said, “Oh I’m so sorry miss ‘I’m better than you’, but guess what who cares. All you ever do is try to be the center of attention even since you had that baby, but I guess that didn’t work.” Nia said pushing back. “You know what Nia your nothing more than just a stupid fat ugly bitch and that’s why no man wants you!.” You tried to push her but instead Nia picks you up out of anger. “Nia!! STOP!!” Rand yelled as he watch you screaming. “Nia Stop!!!” Randy just stood there holding David in his arms as he watch Nia drop you hitting you head on the car then on the floor. Everyone ran to where the noise was coming from just  to see the horror.
Renee and Dean walk back into there locker room only to found David gone. “Where is he!” Dean said as he look around the room. “Where's who? Naomi said. “David our son.” Renee said making everyone in the look at her. “David?! You mean Y/n’s son?” Tamina said grabbing Renee by her arms. “I knew it I knew you was the one who was behind this.” Roman pulled Tamina away. “Hang on for a minute Renee you had David the whole?” Seth look at Dean then back at Renee. “That’s it Renee you had Robert take David away from Y/n.” Dean look at Seth confuse, but right before anyone could say anything they heard Randy yelling at Nia as everyone ran out the room. Everyone ran into the parking lot Dean seeing Nia dropping Y/n head first on the car. Then everyone else came after, Dean not wasting time he ran to you as he fell to his knees picking you up, but stopping as he saw blood gushing out from you head. “Y/N!! Oh god Y?N!!” Tamina covered her mouth as she look at you, Roman ran to Randy taking David out of his arms. “Call for help now!” He said. Dean already holding you in his arms, now not caring about who’s watching him. “Hey Y/n wake up, wake up sweetheart, please,please wake up oh god please don’t die on us, please.” As tears started to run down on Dean’s face. Tamina sat down next to him as she look on. “You see that Tamina do you see my face now! If Y/n dies i’m never gonna be the same, because I love her, I fucking love her, I love you Y/n!” as he lean his head close to yours.
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Hounds of Justice--Ch. 74
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Chapter 74
           Stephanie and Hunter sat at the table with Seth, Dean, Roman, and me. We were at an out-of-the-way restaurant in Portland, Oregon. It was a Monday afternoon before a show, a week before the Backlash pay-per-view.
           “It’s only fair, after everything you’ve done for me, that you know,” I said, looking over the table at Hunter. “You stuck your neck out bringing me to NXT. Steph, you brought me up to Raw and gave me the best gift that anyone ever could. You gave me these three.”
           Seth squeezed my hand, his fingers threaded through mine. I sensed the sunset sea calm that was Roman’s presence nearby. Dean was on my other side, his arm draped around my shoulders. I was enmeshed in a gold-lined aura of protection with the three of them—the steady predictability of the waves against the shore, the beautiful yet reckless energy of unbound lightning, the sense of an ever-expanding universe wrapped around an eternal center. Breathing became easier when they were close by.
           Stephanie looked at the four of us, a sad expression on her face. “I’ve told you before, it’s the best decision I ever made. You four have magic together. In and out of the ring.”
           Hunter cleared his throat, leaned forward on his elbows. His fingers interlocked. He stared at them for a long moment. “I don’t think you know how sincerely sorry I am that this happened to you, Llane. Not as a superstar, not as a member of the WWE roster. But as a person whom I care very deeply about. And I wish I could make it right, but it’s impossible to go back.”
           “You want to make it right?” Dean snarled, jamming his finger at Hunter. “Get Ronda out of that ring. She’s dangerous, she’s careless, and she’s reckless. It’s her fault that this happened to, Llane. And all due respect, boss, but you fucked up when you brought her up without one ounce of proper training. I don’t care if Piper came out of his grave and blessed her with the Blarney Stone.”
           Dean’s voice got gruffer, more impassioned with each word. I reached over and wrapped my fingers around his wrist. Eyes closed. Deep breath. The flex of tendon and muscle. A balled-up fist.
           “She could have killed Llane that night,” Roman said quietly, but firmly. “It was sheer luck that she didn’t completely snap her neck, and you know it.”
           Hunter and Stephanie looked at one another. It was Hunter who finally spoke. “We know. And we’ve spent a lot of time dealing with the fallout. It doesn’t make it any better and there aren’t any words that will make up for that failure on our parts. I know it’s a poor way of trying to make it up to you, but you should know that she is paying every penny of your medical care. Out of her own pocket.”
           Dean made a noise that clearly indicated that he didn’t care much for that idea. I held onto him a little tighter.
           “It’s far less than what she should be doing, I know,” Stephanie said gently.
           “She should be back getting her head kicked in over at UFC where she belongs,” Dean snarled.
           Sigh. A focused drawing in of the strength of the three men around me. A desperation to push back the wishes for a different life.
           “We’re not here about that. Well, not entirely. You might want to tell her to get her checkbook ready,” I replied flatly. “I’ve regained feeling in one of my legs, but the other hasn’t caught up. And the doctor doesn’t think it ever will. Not on its own at least.”
           “There’s a surgeon at the University of Michigan who has a high success rate with a surgery that might be able to restore her nerve function,” Seth said, glancing at me as he spoke. “It’s expensive and extensive. And it’ll mean she’s going to be out for a while with more rehab if it works.”
           Stephanie glanced at me, something knowing in her eyes. “Llane, you know with a surgery like that… our doctors are probably never going to clear you to compete again. Don’t do this if you’re just trying to get back in the ring.”
           Heat burned along my throat. Acid bubbled behind my eyelids. I blinked hard, willing away tears.
           “I don’t care if I never get in the ring again.” I looked from Dean to Seth, focused on the feel of their hands against my skin. I thought of Dean’s words. “I just want to be able to walk down the aisle when I get married.”
           Backstage, I watched the bank of monitors as Bayley and Sasha defended the Women’s Tag Team titles against Nia and Tamina. We’d spent most of the day before blocking the match, making sure that everyone knew their spots and calls. It was my first produced match on a pay-per-view.
           It would be my last for a very long time.
           Seth stood in the center of the ring, his retained Intercontinental Title dangling from one hand. His hair was frizzed and fluffy, face and torso slicked with sweat. The lines of his ribs were visible as he panted to catch his breath. Elias had already rolled out of the ring, made his way up the ramp.
           A mic in his hand. Something burning in his gaze as he looked up the ramp toward the backstage area. I could almost feel the weight of his eyes all this way.
           “I want to just… no, I need to say something.” Seth paced, ran his hand over his hair to flatten the flyaway strands. He looked down at his title, dropped it to the mat like it was nothing. “All of you know what’s been going on the last six months. Llane Black has been through hell and back. We… I almost lost her. At TLC, her career was taken from her. Damnit, her life was almost taken from her.
           “From me. Us.” He stopped, looked down and took a deep breath. “Tuesday morning, Llane is going into surgery. It’s our last chance to see her back on her feet again. And I will be with her until she’s cleared. So… I won’t be able to properly defend this Intercontinental Championship. I have to—”
           Panic blurred into my veins. It seeped through like gasoline burning through everything.
           I shouted into my headset, demanded that they cut Seth’s mic.
           On the monitor, his eyes widened as he tapped hard on the mic. He walked to the edge of the ring, motioned for another.
           I looked around, desperate for some way to stop him from doing what he was about to do. I needed Roman or Dean, someone who could run out there, to make him rethink this decision that would ruin his career.
           A cameraman was nearby, one of the guys who worked with the backstage interviewers. I waved, got his attention.
           Shouted instructions to the crew in the truck. Desperation to get on that screen before Seth got a new mic and made a very big mistake.
           “Seth!” I shouted into the camera. I gripped the side of the lens in my hand. From their perspective, it might look like one of the social media style shots. I didn’t care. I was just desperate to get his attention. “Seth Rollins!”
           The scream of the crowd, muffled as it was by the curtains and the sets, let me know that they could see me on the screen. I could only imagine what Seth looked like, staring up at my face on the big screen with terror burning in my eyes.
           “Don’t you dare, Seth. Don’t you dare do what I think you’re about to.” I gasped for breath. “That title is yours. You’ve earned it. And I’ll be damned if you give it up for me. Now pick it up and get your ass back here.”
           I turned, glanced at the monitors nearby. There was a glitter in his eyes as he leaned down, took the title back into his hands, and slid out of the ring.
           No music. No chants of burn it down.
           Just my name echoing against the rafters, wrapped in well-wishes and love from the WWE Universe.
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nerdynarrator28 · 5 years
The Truth is..Part 4
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A/N: Here it is! Part 4 of the series!! I hope this will continue!!❤️😊
Warning(s): None at the moment!
Pairing(s): Dutch Van Der Linde x Reader/Charles Smith x Reader
Summary: Dutch takes time to himself as he talks with his close personal Friend, Hosea. Hosea gives Dutch some advice to follow. Being wise and all. You take your time away from the camp as much as possible, with Charles. Spending time with him, you slowly are falling for him.
———————————   --      ❤️❤️   --    —————————---------------------
Time!, You wanted time for yourself away from the camp so you can clear your  mind from all what has happened in the past weeks with Dutch, You and Molly. Letting everyone know that you’re going to be gone for a few days away from camp, people were concerned especially Charles. 
As you were fixing your saddle on your horse not paying attention what you were doing, you accidentally rammed your finger. Hissing out in pain, you dropped everything holding your finger. A deep chuckle came up from behind making a smile appear on your lips. Turning around you seen Charles standing there, fixing up the rest of your horse. 
“Everything, okay Y/N” He smiled, “i seen you drop the rest of your things.” 
“Yeah..I’m fine Charles, just rammed my finger in the damn saddle horn.” You Huffed out. 
“Well let me look at it.” 
Charles moved swiftly over to you so he could look at your finger. Biting your lip as your eyes watched his movement. Charles took your small hand into his giant but yet gentle hands. His deep brown eyes scanning over your small, red finger. 
“So Doc, can you tell me if it’s broken.” You teased with a smile.
“Well..it look’s like it’s going to be okay,” He smiled, soon both laughing. 
Soon the laughter died down, making you and Charles stand infront of each other closely in silence. During the silence your heart beating a hundred miles per hour you felt like it was going to beat right out of your chest. 
“Listen Charles, i’m getting away from the camp a few days.” sighing before continuing, “I just need to clear my mind..from what has happened these past few days or weeks.”
Charles nodded, “Of course, Y/N..Do you want me to go with you.” He then stuttered, “ I-i-i mean i know you can handle your own, but i-” 
“Charles, it’s fine, you can come with me, i need some company anyway..i’ll die if i didn’t have anybody to talk to.” 
“Of course, let me get Tamina ready and then we can head out.” He spoke softly, pecking your cheek with a kiss.
Your face was beat red as hard as you were blushing. Placing your small hand on the place he kissed a soft smile appeared on your lips. Shaking your head with a scuff leaving your lips, you decided to climb upon your steed.
Dutch stood in front of his tent with a cigar in hand. Taking a puff of it slowly and letting out the smoke. He watched as you fixed your saddle on the horse, and seen you ram your finger. The dark haired man, wanted to walk over to you and check on it and help you but..he couldn’t. 
Seeing Charles next to you made him boil up inside, that should be him helping you. Him making you smile and laugh deep in thought of all the old memories with you and him. 
Hosea seen Dutch starring at you walking up to his old friend giving him a pat on the shoulder.
“I see you starring at her Dutch,” 
Dutch Grunted in response, “I-i was not.” 
“Dutch you can’t lie to me, you know.” Hosea spoke softly, “Why don’t you try talking to her.” 
“Hosea, she wouldn’t let me talk to her the first time,” He gave his old friend a look, before taking another puff the Cigar.
“Well then try again, i can see it Dutch your miserable with Molly you Miss Y/N.” 
Dutch let out a heavy sigh escape his lips, as he knew his friend was right. But the thing is..he knew that you didn’t want him anymore by the way, you spoke to him. Also the fact, You and Charles have been getting closer Dutch was no fool. 
“Hosea.” He grunted, “My old Friend, She don’t want me anymore..i believe she’s moved on.” 
They both moved away from the tent area and started to take a walk to the back of the house. 
“Dutch, yes your a fool for hurting that girl’s heart..but in the end.” Hosea smiled softly, “You both were truly in love, i have seen it in your eyes, my friend.”
Dutch didn’t say anything and was silent as the two kept walking. 
“Hosea, do you believe that she still loves me..after all the things i did to her.” He looked to the older man
“I mean..she could Dutch..but only time will tell.”
Dutch nodded at his friend’s wise words, “Only time will tell.”  The two continued to talk about the plan that Dutch had, among other things with the gang. 
You and Charles made it a nice place up in the hills of Strawberry, it was peaceful to be away. Making your horse to go to a complete stop, you removed yourself. Charles followed behind and pulled Tamina next to your horse and hopped off.
Taking in the beauty of the woods, you closed your eyes listing to all the wildlife. Hearing a creek run that was next to the place you and Charles would call home for a few nights. 
“It’s beautiful isn’t it” 
Charles’s deep voice boomed, made you jump taking you off guard. You smiled with a laugh. 
“Of course, it is Charles i could only imagine living with your people,” you spoke softly to the man your falling for. 
“Yes, we took in the nature and the beauty..Mother Nature supplied us good.” 
Charles and You smiled at each other, as you both fixed up the campsite. While fixing up the site, you notice a baby deer in the ferns next to a tree. Grinning from ear to ear, you wanted to show Charles. Tugging on his sleeve, making him laugh softly as he turned to you.
He seen what you were pointing to, Charles smiled as he pulled you close him lowering down. Whispering into your ear softly sending a shiver down your spine.
“Look..the mother is coming back, the lower we lay they can’t see us and smell us.”  He pointed to the mother and baby deer, he then  looked down at you in his arms.
Being so close to each other you loved the feeling, both starring at each other eyes. Feeling his warm breath on your face, Your breathing was speeding up, lips coming close together. Soon both of you’re lips clashed, moving softly in sync with each other. 
But somewhere in the back of your mind, you knew you had feeling’s for Dutch still..but did you..since now your falling for Charles. 
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deepdisireslonging · 5 years
Family Found Part 48: WrestleMania
The road is at an end. And for one wrestler, so is their career. But first, the rest of the roster get their chances to reach for glory. Titles are destined to change hands, but which ones?
Warnings/Promises: wrestling violence, tiny Sheamus x reader fluff, angst
Word Count: 3830
Note: The ‘Monday’ chapter is also coming out this weekend too, so look for that. And then there will only be one more chapter that is guaranteed to rip your hearts out. Please let me know how you’ve been enjoying, or not, this series with comments, reblogs, or messages on/off anon. Thanks for sticking around this long!
Part 1: Welcome to the Team
Part 47: Resigning
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WrestleMania – April 7, 2019 – Brooklyn, NY
“We have finally arrived at the end of the road. Tonight is WrestleMania!” The crowd was abuzz. Chants for favorites, and the usual random ones, sounded off every few minutes. Most of the seats were filled already because no one wanted to miss a second of the show of the year.
The announce team was preparing for interviews when Charly focused on listening closely to her headset. “Um, guys, we need to break to something going on backstage.”
Camera crew members hurried to catch up to the chaos erupting backstage. Tamina had caught Sarah Logan alone. Pinned into a corner, Sarah had nowhere to go and nothing to do except to receive the attack. Referees rushed onto the scene to break them apart. Just as Tamina was made to walk away, another fight broke out further down the hall.
This time it was Alicia Fox taking her skills to Liv Morgan, who was being held back by Ruby Riott. “Let me go,” Alicia shouted. “I’m not done with her! Viva la Alicia and Mickie!” She was still being dragged away when the cameras flipped back to the pre-show table.
Newly arrived, Bayley and Sasha Banks were snickering at the destruction. David Otunga was flabbergasted. “You don’t seem surprised to see all this. Care to explain?”
Sasha giggled and shared a look with her tag partner. “Of course we aren’t surprised. If anything, that was the plan. Our title match tonight is an open challenge. But we,” she motioned between herself and Bayley, “won’t know who it is until the bell rings. Anybody could challenge us up to that moment.”
“You see,” Bayley added, “it’s no secret that Sasha and I haven’t always gotten along. All this year we have done our best to rip each other to shreds to find out who is the better woman. We put that aside so we could win the first ever Raw Women’s Tag Team Championships, and we’re not letting them go until the rest of the locker room shows us what, or who, they’re willing to rip apart to take these from us.”
With a nod, Sasha agreed. Sorta. “Not that it’s going to happen tonight, or any time soon. If any of those ladies think they can take our championships away on the grandest stage of them all, they’ve got another thing coming.”
The champions left, leaving the announce team to hurry and get their pre-show opinions in order.
The first official match was the Andre the Giant Battle Royal. All of the participating wrestlers were in the ring, and at the bell, they each found an opponent. Several men flipped over the ropes, and a couple under them. It took about forty-five minutes to make it down to the final five. It was Mojo Rawley, EC3, Jeff Hardy, R-Truth, and Cesaro.
After a few more minutes, it was down to Mojo and Cesaro. The Swiss Cyborg was just going over the ropes when the missing wrestlers appeared from under the ring. The rough hype came to a standstill as he recognized his old partner and the man with the longest losing streak. Zack Ryder kept a close eye on him as Curt Hawkins followed him into the ring. It was two versus one, but Mojo succeeded in throwing both of them off. He tossed Hawkins through the ropes and set to tipping Ryder over the top. Struggling, Ryder was able to wriggle onto the apron.
Curt rolled backing into the ring, restarting the fight. It was Mojo who ended up going over the topes, but he took Ryder with him, despite Curt’s death-grip on his friend’s wrist. Mojo had a grip around Ryder’s waist. If Ryder fell, he fell. And Hawkins was the only lifeline. The duo started to slip backward, Hawkins’s grip failing. Zack smiled. “It’s all you, man.” Then he let go.
The bell rang. Rawley and Rider had been eliminated, and Curt Hawkins had won the battle royal. And, he had ended his streak.
Behind you on a screen, Ryder was celebrating with Hawkins in the ring. You were too busy arguing with a flurry of women to watch it. “Ladies, enough! There isn’t time to add another preshow match. As much as I hate that you are fighting backstage, I can’t give you a tornado tag match. Bayley and Sasha’s opponents will just have to bide their time and strike when they can. Whoever they are. Now please, I’ve got things to do.”
Begrudgingly, the women left your office. You were rubbing your temples when there was a hesitant knock at your door. “I thought I made myself clear- oh.” Large hands gripped your shoulders, working out the stressed kinks. “You’re going to get us in trouble.”
“Only if we get caught,” Sheamus chuckled. He succeeded in wrapping his arms around you before kissing the top of your head. It was enough to help you release a long, deep breath. Suddenly his touch was gone.
“Can I have a moment with my cousin?” Dean asked, calmly staring Sheamus down from the doorway. After your red-head gave you a reassuring pat between your shoulder blades, the men sidestepped each other.
Hey, Dean,” you whispered.
He stepped in rubbing the back of his head. “Hey, Ladybug. I know you’re busy, but I need to get something off my chest.”
“Go for it.” Easy to say. The tightness of your chest claimed otherwise.
He nodded. “I get it. I understand. And I’m sorry for the ride through hell to get there.” His hand shot up to stop you from putting yourself down again. “It was an impossible choice. Either Roman and I were going to lose Seth again, or I was going to have to give up… everything. I mean, we just got him back. And I just got you back… and there was nothing you could do.” Dean set his shoulders, but his eyes couldn’t meet yours. “I should have been willing to listen. Then maybe we could have found a way to avoid all this.”
You were on the verge of tears. He booped your nose, forcing you to smile. “Roman keeps telling me I have nothing to worry about.” You wiped away a tear. “And I have complete faith in both of you-“
“But Brock is dangerous. Past the stupid stipulations. He’s… just about everybody ends up bloody or worse-“
“And I’m prepared for that.” He rested his hand lightly on your shoulder. “I’ve been preparing for a lot of things, actually.” His voice dropped out. Neither of you wanted to point out the two worst case scenarios again. “That was all I needed to say. Keep up the managing thing. You’re good at it… and I couldn’t be prouder of you.” He let you catch him in a tight hug, stroking the top of your head. Then he wrenched himself free and rushed out of your office.
The women’s battle royal was just as dramatic, if not more so, than the guys’. Of the final five, two women took the center of the ring. Zelina Vega, Asuka, and Nikki Cross huddled in corners, waiting to see what would happen. Natalya and Rhonda stared each other down. Not six months ago they were the best of friends, battling for the same goals but with handshakes after every altercation. Now they were cold. Unmoved by each other’s goals or aspirations.
They set to punches and head blows that rocked the ring. Unfortunately, in their haste and determination to eliminate one another, both women ended up landing on the apron after twisting over the ropes. Then the other three women sprang into action. It took all of them to launch the women off onto the floor. Thus, eliminating them both. Then Nikki and Asuka set on knocking each other out of the match. Zelina came bouncing off the ropes, succeeding in twisting Nikki over the top.
Now it was down to two. Zelina rushed not to lose her momentum. Bu Asuka wasn’t going to make it easy. Twice, three times one of them would stumble through the ropes. The Empress of tomorrow did everything she could to take the victory today. They both ended up on the apron. Taking a risk, Zelina jumped and grabbed hold of Asuka’s head, dropping with it. Asuka’s face bounced off the edge, and her body followed. Zelina fell back into the ring, running her hands through her hair. She’d won. After the referee raised her hand, she left the ring and stood by the trophy. Her trophy.
Roman marched down to the ring. He paced from ropes to rope like a caged lion, ignoring the continued mixed welcome from the crowd. When the lights finally dimmed for Dr. M’s entrance, he kneeled in one corner with his back against the turnbuckles. Dr. M grinned and eventually met him, standing toe to toe. Even though Roman towered over him, the trepidation in Roman’s eyes made the doctor smug. And gave him an edge.
Not waiting for the bell, Dr. M rushed forward. He caught Roman unawares, knocking him to the canvas. The rain of punches and kicks didn’t stop until Dr. M stepped back. He laughed. “You aren’t ready to defend yourself. How could you ever think you could keep me from healing the WWE? From healing Y/N?” His smile flickered away as Roman struggled to his feet.
They went at it again. Dr. M still had the upper hand, despite Roman’s mostly effective offense. His prior attacks had created several openings for future hits. Roman’s ribs and throat were easy targets. If he couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t fight. And he wouldn’t win. But Dr. M had forgotten one very important thing.
No one messes with his family.
“You know, Roman,” Dr. M said into his ear while controlling him with a headlock, “Y/N really is such a perfect puppet for Hunter and Stephanie. Maybe they won’t mind if Sister Abigail borrows her vessel for a while, hmm. And why not bring Dean into the family too? I’d hate to break them apart again. Though I would have to break through their fevers by any means necessary.”
With a roar, Roman broke free and headbutted Dr. M. The man staggered back, fighting to shake free the blurriness in his vision. By the time it was back, so was Roman with a spear. Dr. M groaned and gasped as Roman walked away and gripped the top rope. The tape whined under his grip, and the referee took several steps back. Dr. M was eventually back on his feet. He dodged the first spear, but the second after Roman bounced off the far ropes. One, two, and three seconds later Dr. M was nowhere close to getting back up. Roman gave him an extra series of kicks to get him out of the ring, then swayed on his feet. He left the arena as the rest of WrestleMania started.
“Ladies and gentlemen, Elias.”
Inside the circle of light, Elias strummed his guitar. The crowd was deathly silent until he finished, then they started the ‘walk with Elias’ chant. He smiled at them. “It’s great to finally be recognized at the greatest concert of them all. Even if the arena is filled with disgusting rabble like you.” He waited for their shift in mood to die down a little before playing his song. It was dedicated to the dirt people of Brooklyn, punctuated with the occasional jab at Drew McIntyre. He was met with thunderous applause as he finished. “Finally. No interruptions.” He strummed to start another song, but he’d spoken too soon.
Soon enough, Drew was in the ring, dark and foreboding. He handed the Intercontinental title to the referee, glaring at Elias while the title match was announced.  Elias only let go of his guitar long enough to get rid of his mic and his scarves. Once the bell rang, the instrument whistled through the air, just barely missing Drew’s head. The champion slid out of the ring to quickly arm himself. Steel chairs, tables, and another guitar hidden in the bell box (after the first one was broken) came into play. The ring was littered with bamboo strips and fractured tables. Still, both men eluded the count.
A third guitar came out from under the ring. “How many guitars does Elias have?” Corey asked, flabbergasted. No matter how many more were hidden under the ring, it was the last one Elias needed. He scaled a turnbuckle and jumped. Drew turned just in time to catch the hit on his shoulder, collapsing as it splintered. Elias pinned him, even with chunks of wood jabbing into his own body. It had taken almost a year, but Elias was finally the Intercontinental champion once again.
It was time to see who won the backstage battle to face Bayley and Sasha Banks for the Raw Women’s Tag Titles. Renee had kept up with the results better than anyone else. “The last people we saw standing were Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan of the Riott Squad. Right before Roman’s match against Dr. M, they had gotten the jump on Natalya and Rhonda.”
Corey shrugged. “I don’t think any of us really thought that team was going to face the champions. They had quite a moment during the women’s battle royal. And it cost them.”
“But now it’s Boss and Hug time,” Cole said as the champions came down the ramp. The women waited patiently in the ring to see who their opponents were going to be. They bumped each other’s shoulders as the aforementioned team came out to the stage. Sarah and Liv cackled, proud of themselves for having won the moment. They were just about to take a step forward when they were hit from behind. Not waiting for them to get up, Alicia Fox and Mickie James rushed down the ramp. If they could make it to the ring and survive until the bell, the match was theirs. They made it, jumping and hugging one another while Sasha and Bayley stood back and golf-clapped.
The partying didn’t last long. It was time for the match. And it was a showstopper. Alicia and Mickie had years of experience on their side, years of being glossed over, years of waiting to step up only to be stepped over. Sasha and Bayley had the legacy NXT’s four horsewomen behind them and the rebuilt strength of their friendship. They had the championship buffer as well. That helped a lot when Mickie knocked Sasha out of the ring. She was willing to wait for the count, taking her time to roll around, but Alicia raced around the ring and shoved the champion back into the ring. Caught off-guard, Mickie was too busy mocking Bayley to sense the danger behind her.
Bayley ran across the ring to spear Alicia off the apron so Mickie could be pinned. Their titles retained, they stood together, ushering the new era of women’s wrestling.
The guys’ tag match didn’t go as smoothly for the champions. At first, it looked like they had everything under control. Rezar started the match against Sami Zayn. Behind him, Akam shouted what to do, and when to move away from the ropes when it looked like Kevin Owens was about to try something. Eventually, the tags switched and the process was the same. But as the match progressed, battle lines were drawn. Akam took a particularly teasing hit from Sami, who was good at dodging his grasp. Kevin was able to keep up with Rezar and keep him on his toes. The fight extended to ringside, and that’s when things got… broken.
No limbs, thankfully. But things definitely fell apart. Rezar was ringside meeting Owens blow for blow, toss for toss, and was mid-roar after throwing Owens into a barricade when Sami came running by. Akam was quick on his heels, but the champions zigged when they should have zagged. The two massive bodies colliding sent both men flying back the way they came. Sami and Kevin had recovered, and it took both to toss Akam back into the ring. With Rezar still reeling and unable to help, Sami made the pin. The victors met in the center of the ring, falling to their knees and accepting their new tag championship. They met again at the top of the massive ramp and held their titles high.
The last singles match of the night was for the Raw Women’s Championship between Ruby Riott and Alexa Bliss. As hostess, Alexa directed the biggest entrance of the night worthy of her talent, and arguably her ego. Ruby took a simpler entrance. Not that she needed anything bigger. Having the championship around her waist, and then on her shoulder, was stunning enough.
Alexa brought out all the stops. An unspoken goal had been for her team to hold all the Raw women’s titles. But with Mickie and Alicia coming up short, it was up to her to take up the slack. Ruby was similarly in mood. Her tag-mates had been denied their match. If she could retain, the Riott Squad had hope to rise again. Ruby accepted Alexa’s attack, then rerouted it for her own mission. A Twisted Bliss was narrowly avoided, and the stunned Alexa was easy to catch in a submission while Ruby caught her breath. Several more dives from the top ropes happened, but it was a Riot Kick to one of Alexa’s leaps that finished the match. Ruby retained, screaming into the night air with her title in her hands.
Now was the main event.
“This match is a Universal Championship triple-threat match set for one fall. The competitor who is pinned will have to leave the WWE forever.”
Dean nervously looked between Seth and Brock Lesnar. And the title. He bit back the urge to look towards the ramp as if you were there. Backstage, you were just as nervous. Roman was hovering by the tv too, but from a distance, so he could run to the ring as soon as the match was over. Sheamus stood right behind you, holding the hand you had resting on your shoulder.
At the bell, Seth and Dean instantly rushed to attack Lesnar in one swoop. He was laughing before they reached him. With his two large hands, he caught each around the throat. First, Lesnar tossed Seth one way and between the ropes. He threw Dean back towards the center of the ring, then caught him with the first suplex of the match. Seth pulled Dean to the floor and slid in, starting the attack he planned. His quick movements kept confusing the Beast. And they were wearing him down. A well-placed Frog-Splash caught Lesnar in the ribs, but he twisted Seth into a submission. Dean rushed back in to break it up before his brother had to tap out.
Seth remained huddled in the corner, nursing his arm while Dean and Lesnar faced off again. This time Dean was successful in dodging the harder blows and the attempted suplexes. He managed to drop him with a Dirty Deeds and instantly tried for a pin. Which instantly failed. Dean knew he couldn’t let up on the attack, but Lesnar’s low laugh was unnerving.
“I don’t care which one of you I pin,” he chuckled. “It’s all the same to me. No, what will matter after this match, is how your little cousin survives with me as champion.” They both rose to their feet, circling each other. “Maybe I do care. If my reign is going to be a bit more hands-on, I’d rather not have you in the way.” Behind them on the floor, Paul Heyman nodded, grinning ear to ear. Seth heard too and used the ropes to get back to his feet.
Lesnar was flanked on both sides. E wasn’t bothered by that until the timing of brothers kicked in. If he thought keeping up with Rollins or stomping down Ambrose was hard, it was nigh impossible to keep tabs on both. Dean was wildest of the two. The threat was enough to send him boarder-lining on several mistakes. Those close calls got him suplexed across the ring, several of which sent him hurtling to the floor. Still, it distracted the Beast enough from Seth’s darting attacks. Alone, the plan might have worked. With both of them working against Lesnar? It was becoming a sure match.
Then Lesnar fell out of the ring, just as Dean and Seth found themselves on opposite sides of it.
Backstage, you shook your head. “No.” You whispered. “Don’t do it guys.”
They looked at one another, and to where Brock was out of sight. Seth launched half a second before Dean did, catching him in the chest and taking him to the canvas. The referee was just swooping in to count when Seth jolted back. The price came to mind. And it was too high. With another shared look, they rolled through the ropes and set on bringing Lesnar back onto the canvas. With both of them then leaning on his chest, the referee kneeled to count. Dean backed away before he started, watching as all three seconds went by.
The screen erupted with the cheers of the crowd, but you were frozen. Sheamus shook your shoulders. “What’s wrong? They won.”
“If this had been the original contract, Dean would have just given up his career… of his own free will.”
Roman was already gone. You hurried out the door to follow him. By the time you made it to the ramp, Dean was already enveloped in a Roman-sized bear hug. You took over, hugging Dean with all your strength. Seth was still in the ring, showing off his retained Universal title at each ring post. Brock Lesnar and his advocate came up the ramp, both of them panting. Dean’s back was still turned to them. Unaware of the danger. You pushed him and Roman back and stood between them and the advancing party. Lensar paused, amused that you thought he’d give an effort now that he was done with the company. He was long gone by the time Seth caught up.
The brothers in arms shared a victory hug. One that you watched from a distance. You couldn’t hear what they were saying to one another, but that was okay. It wasn’t for you to hear. When the huddle broke, Dean caught you around the shoulders the same way Roman caught his, and they led you backstage.
Seth Rollins looked out over the crowd. A sold-out arena all shouting ‘slay the beast’. Because he had. With the biggest smile on his face in a long time, he lifted the red and gold belt above his head. It was theirs; he’d won it for them. And he’d defend it for them, no matter what it took.
Part 49: Wrapped Up
Series Masterlist 
Forever Tags: @blondekel77 @hallemichelles @laochbaineann @ramblingsofabourbondrinker @savmontreal @southsidebucky @tinyelfperson @chwehansol98
WWE/Series Tags: @a-home-for-stray-stories @crossfitjesusismysavior @top-1-percent @mother-forker @neversatisfiedgirlfics @racheo91 @roman-reigns-princess @secretagentfangirl @thetherianthropydaily @scuzmunkie @cait-kae @ramsaypants @sony-undead18 @brianaraydean @st4yingstrong @dopeybubbles @crystallizeme @jessica91073 @denise8691 @stalelight @kenyadakblalock @1dluver13xx @lauren-novak @lunatic-desert-child @littledeadrottinghood @livelifewondering 
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hazyheel · 6 years
Monday Night Raw 3/11/19 Review
The night started out with a classic Shield entrance through the crowd, although instead of the riot gear, the men came out in their new merch. Reigns said that if last night was his last match, he would be satisfied. They said that they all had business to take care of tonight. With that, Ambrose and Reigns left Rollins alone in the ring. He was quickly interrupted when Paul Heyman showed up. Rollins took the words out of Heyman’s mouth, saying that while Brock absolutely destroys guys that are his stature, smaller guys are his kryptonite. Heyman argued that Lesnar didn’t have time to prepare for those matches, pointing out that the matches were changed at the last minute. Heyman then showed a Lesnar hype package for some reason. At the end of the promo, Shelton Benjamin of all people attacks Rollins, hitting several German Suplexs and leaving.
Grade: A-. Really good promo, and I love the way they are building this story. The fact that they are acknowleding how good Lesnar works with smaller guys is a step in the right direction
With that, we went right into Benjamin vs. Rollins. Pretty slow match, surprisingly. But there was one point where Rollins went for a suicide dive, but Benjamin intercepted with a high knee. Heyman was on commentary, and he took a phone call, saying that it was Lesnar on the phone, and that he will be on Raw next week. Seth won with a Curb Stomp.
Grade: C-. I had high hopes for this match, but it really disappointed. They decided not to go all out for this match, so it was a bit boring. Right guy won.
Finn Balor came down to the ring as Rollins was leaving, getting in the ring for an Intercontinental Championship match against Bobby Lashley. For some reason, they just had Lashley’s face on the titantron during Balor’s entrance. On a completely unrelated note, apperently Renee Young is from Toronto, but isn’t a maple leafs fan. What a world we live in. Anyway, Lio Rush was not at ringside, apperently still recovering from some random hit from Braun Strowman last week. As Balor was about to hit Lashley with the Coup de Gras, Rush showed up at ringside, ringing the bell. Finn went for some sort of springboard move, but Lashley hit a spear for the win. Lashley is the new intercontinental Champion.
Grade: D. These guys just don’t have chemistry, not really. It’s only once in a blue moon that they put on a good match together. I didn’t want to see Balor lose the belt so soon, especially not to Lashley. Just not too enjoyable.
Backstage, Charly interviewed Baron Corbin about how he was a dick when Roman left to fight leukemia. He just said that he was gonna kick his ass, and that he had been carrying Raw.
Ronda Rousey came out to address her actions from last night. Ronda immediately heeled on the crowd, and honestly, she is kinda better at it than face promos, but it is still awkward. She said that she gave Becky Lynch the win last night so that she can embarass both of them, and that no one can stop her. Dana Brooke came out to interrupt, and I have no idea if she is face or heel. She acted face, and said that she won’t let Ronda keep disrespecting the company. She gave a whole speech, and all I could think about was how she was gonna get her ass kicked. Promo was decent though. She wanted a title shot, but Rousey just beat her up. 
Grade: D+. Just not worth having. I think that this could’ve been short and sweet, and we didn’t need an angle of her beating up a low card guy (this is coming from a guy that loves Dana Brooke for no reason at all.) Just keep it simple. Even not showing up would’ve been cool, we all know why she attacked Lynch last night, we didn’t need it spelled out for us. But either way, it was just unnecessary.
Next up, we had Bobby Roode and Chad Gable vs. Aleister Black and Ricochet. Contrary to the normal matches with Black and Ricochet, Black was the one who was selling most of the time. Roode and Gable hit an awesome neckbreaker/ german suplex combo. Match ended quickly after Black tagged in blind, and hitting Roode with a roundhouse kick, a knee and Black mass for the win. After the match, the Revival attacked Black and Ricochet.
Grade: C. It pains me to see a set of such awesome competitors get so overexposed so quickly. This feud should be awesome, but it just feels mundane now. People say it all the time, but the length of the show is really hurting feuds like this, where seeing Black and Ricochet all the time makes us think they aren’t as special. I hope they continue the feud into Wrestlemania, and they pull out all stops. But for now, they need to mix this feud up.
Then was a moment of Bliss, where Alexa was set to reveal who the host of Wrestlemania is. She revealed that she is the host of Wrestlemania. She left just as quickly as she showed up. Young and Graves were making a bunch of jokes on commentary. Graves obviously was thrilled. I’m not a huge fan of Bliss as host, I’m not really sure what she will do, but maybe it’ll be entertaining. I always thought of a comedic host, but we will see what she does. Backstage, Charly interviewed Braun Strowman about attacking Colin Jost last week. He said he didn’t really care if it was okay or not. Then a backstage aid told Strowman that his car was there, but Strowman didn’t know about it. I guess SNL, Colin Jost, bought him a car. In a card, Jost joked about Strowman destroying Vince’s limo, and how he got screwed out of a title shot. Strowman then destroyed the car. Strowman then tells the aid to tell Che and Jost that he will beat them up.
Then we had an Elias concert. He made fun of the city, and No Way Jose came out. Elias attacked him. and the rest of the conga line. Jose had new hair too! So yeah, this happened, not gonna grade it. They then showed the next inductees into the Hall of Fame: Harlem Heat. Definitely into that, Booker T is a 2 time hall of famer now, along with Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair. Lacey Evans came out, and walked over to the commentary desk, while Corey and Renee freaked out and Michael was thoroughly annoyed. She put a fan in Renee’s face. T’was humorous, and the best use of Lacey Evans yet, because she had a staredown with Nia Jax at the top of the ramp. It didn’t lead to anything, but at least it teased the possibility of Evans actually doing something. Progress?!?
So next up was Nia Jax vs. Natalya, after their confrontation last night. She said that she needed someone to have her back tonight, with Beth Phoenix coming out in her corner. The match lasted for a minute, and Beth Phoenix just caused a DQ. The heels retreated, but the Boss n’ Hug connection attacked them backstage.
Grade: D-. Kinda dumb of a segment, although it was cool to see Phoenix back. I just don’t see why Tamina and Jax need to still be in the title picture. They are bad, straight up! I wish they would just fade out of the division, and maybe Bayley and Banks take on a smackdown team. Or even Natalya and Phoenix. Anyone other than Tamina and Jax.
Next, we had the confrontation between Triple H and Batista. Batista came down to the ring dressed like a Hollywood asshole, and had security and I hate him with every bone in my body, so WWE is doing well with booking their heel. Batista was a little rusty on the promo, but he acted like a very tough, and calculating heel. He is fine with fighting Triple H, but on his own terms. He said tells Trips to give him what he wants, and Trips refuses. Trips called his security the “guardians of the independent scene.” Funny. Batista said that he left because Trips always looked down on him, and he wanted to get away. Batista said that the only reason Trips won’t give him the match is because he isn’t in control. The promo devolved into them just shouting at each other like children. The match was confirmed after a shouting match that went on for way too long. Batista’s only line was “give me what I want.” Batista said that this would be his last match, and he wants to end Triple H’s career too. Trips then said it was No Holds Barred.
Grade: D+. I was looking forward to this, but I didn’t like what happened. They ended up just yelling at each other, and it was annoying. Took way too long to get to the point. It would’ve gotten a lower grade, but I like the hint that this may end up a match for Triple H’s career. The No Holds Barred stip was a given, but I didn’t expect a career threatening match. I’m looking forward to it. But the actual segment started out strong, but quickly died a horrible, annoying death.
Kurt Angle was up next, out to address his career. He recapped his career, and put over Pittsburg. He announced that this will Wrestlemania will be his fairwell match. He then said that this would be his final match on Raw, against Apollo Crews. Huge honor for him. The two had a quick match, Angle winning with the Angle Slam.
Grade: C+. Good match, although it was short. More importantly, who will get Kurt Angle’s final match? My mind went to either Drew McIntyre or Roman Reigns. Either would be very good, but I think McIntyre deserves it, given that the two really made TNA together. But Reigns needs a match too. So this is definitely a story I’m looking forward to.
Next, we had Roman Reigns vs. Baron Corbin, but before we started Drew McIntyre attacked, and left him laying. Reigns fought back a bit, but ate a Claymore, and then a second into the ringpost. Rollins came out to check on him, and they sorta played up a concussion angle. Reigns refused medical attention, and waked out very slowly. It was on his own power, but Rollins helped him out a bit. Ambrose was pissed, and he told Trips that he wanted Drew McIntyre in a falls count anywhere match. They battled into the crowd, and Ambrose threw a little table at Mcintyre. At one point, McIntyre was lying down on a rolling case, and Dean pushed it into another equipment case. It didn’t look very good. McIntyre and Ambrose brawled on the announce table, before McIntyre hit a low blow, stabbed Ambrose in the head with a pencil, and then threw him into the LED boards. McIntyre got the win after hitting a Claymore while Ambrose’s head was in the railing.
Grade: C+. A medicore match to end out a mediocre night. The stipulation was kinda fresh, and Drew looked good, but the outcome was not in question. Kinda fun, but ulimately just being used to set up Reigns vs. McIntyre.
Overall Grade: D+
Pros: opening promo; Kurt Angle announcement; main event (kinda)
Cons: pointless Dana brooke beatdown; Intercontinental Championship match; Black and ricochet overexposure; Nia and Tamina still being relevant; triple h and batista “promo;” 
Commentary call of the night: Renee Young- “You’re excitement creeps me out.” Corey Graves “Well, uh, leave.”
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4hwlife · 5 years
The 4HW,Asuka and the SD Women’s roster
These subjects have been a hot topic on social media since SD last Tuesday night and everyone seams to have an opinion.Some people think what happened was wrong,some people think it might mean the title’s will be unified or that we will have an undisputed champion,some people think it will make the match better while others not so much.One thing is certain every WWE fan seem’s to have an opinion myself included.So I wanted to share my opinion and break it down int categories I feel seem to be the most important to me and the most talked about by other fans. Keep in mind this is my opinion no one has to agree with it I just felt like sharing and i’m stuck in bed with the flu.  
The four Horsewomen love them hate them every wrestling fan seems to have an opinion on them.Personally they happen to be my favorite superstars female or male.Iv’e seen some people say that they only get opportunities because they’re the horsewoman the ever “lovely” diva stans really love to use that one I disagree but hey again everyone has their own opinions.To state mine and try and prove my point i’m gonna break down the career’s of each one.I will then give my thoughts and opinion. 
Let’s start with the least problematic and in my opinion most underrated not only horsewoman but wrestler Bayley.In NXT Bayley was more loved by the NXT crowd than anyone else has ever been.She won the NXT title did a great job at putting people over lost it to Asuka and finally made it to the main roster.At first things were going great for Bayley the crowd was completely behind her much like they had been in NXT.But as good as things had been the moment Bayley won the Raw Women’s title things turned that bad that quick.For all intensive purposes 2017 should have been Bayley’s year it was not.I personally think they put the title on her way to quick which of course was not her fault.The whole thing with Bayley in NXT was that she was the underdog she was the last of the Horsewomen besides(Becky who never won the title) to win the NXT title and it really felt like she was in NXT forever before she won it.That was part of what made her NXT title run so special she was the true underdog and the crowd was behind her because of it.So Bayley wins the title against Charlotte on Raw and then snapped Charlotte’s undefeated streak and went on to defeat Sasha,Charlotte and Nia Jax at WrestleMania.After that evry thing went downhill how can anyone forget the Bayley this is your life segment with Alexa Bliss in one night they managed to kill one of the most lovable characters in the company.Then they had her lose the title in her hometown in a kendo stick match and wouldn’t let her pick up the kendo stick.After that a lot of people stopped caring about Bayley except for her die hard fan’s and she spent the rest of 2017 as a jobber.Fast forward to 2018 and it looks like we may be getting Sasha vs Bayley they teased it some then had Sasha turn on Bayley several times then Bayley finally had enough and bet the crap out of Sasha and said the infamous you ain’t shit line to Sasha.People were excited this was a different Bayley we thought we were gonna get another epic Sasha/Bayley feud but instead we got Dr.Shelby and another year of jobbing and a whole lot of six Woman tag matches with the Riott Squad.Which leads me to the present day,the first ever Woman’s tag titles and the Woman who should have been the first Woman’s champion at WM 32. 
The Legit Boss Sasha Banks.The Boss in NXT was the most best character in NXT.Sasha was a great Nxt champion she was so entertaining so extra and such a great heel.Sasha in my opinion is right there with Asuka as the best female wrestler in the WWE.Heel Sasha is my favorite Sasha she and Bayley had what I steal consider the greatest Women’s match of all time at Takeover Brooklyn an then they killed in the first ever Women’s iron Woman match.When Sasha came up to the main roster and became apart of Team B.A.D she helped bring out the best of Naomi that was when I felt Naomi became the Naomi we have today. Even Tamina was the best she had ever been.When Sasha wasn’t in a Woman’s (Diva’s at the time thank god that’s gone)match people were chanting we want Sasha.I had never seen that for a female wrestler before even with Lita at the height of her popularity.When Team B.A.D inevitably broke up I knew Sasha was gonna be champion is was just a matter of time.She was having great matches and then we found out she was gonna face Charlotte and Becky at WM 32 in a triple threat imo they had the best match that night and there is no doubt in my mind Sasha should have walked out champion no one was more hot than she was.They had the superstar shake up Paige got injured Becky and Naomi moved to Raw and we got Charlotte and Sasha I remember when Sasha won the title on Raw and she got Dana thrown out of ringside with a little Eddie Guerrero tribute it was great we went into SummerSlam and she lost the title.She then won the title back on Raw to lose it back at Hell in a Cell in her dang hometown of all places.She then one the title back from Charlotte in Charlotte I just really wanted to type Charlotte in Charlotte in a really great falls count anywhere match.We then head into Road Block I believe for an iron man match where once again Sasha/Charlotte killed it went into over time I remember Sasha had a busted nose possibly broken but still kept going and lost the title again.The fact that they hot potatoed that title like that still makes me mad and I know they did it to have the number of title reins go up for Charlotte.Sasha at least got to be in the Raw women’s title match at WM 33 that match was not one of my favorites but the Horsewomen involved had amazing entrances and Bayley got her WM moment.Sasha one the Raw Women’s title against Alexa Bliss at SummerSlam and then the moment she wen’t to defend it she lost it on Raw.Sasha and defending titles haven’t gone well thanks to WWE booking. She spent 2018 with Bayley doing six women tag matches with the Riott Squad.Finally in 2019 she seems to be back on track she made history with Bayley had a Raw women’s title match with Ronda and is going to be on the main card at mania after being stuck on the pre show with Bayley and Becky last year.I’m about to make some people angry especially Diva stans with this next part.Sasha and Bayley are the only reasons that the Women’s tag titles exist.They bothered Vince until he cracked and gave in and let them have the titles and a tag team division. That’s dedication especially given the fact that Vince changes his mind more than a Kardashian changes clothes.Okay time to move on to the most controversial Horsewoman i think you know who I mean. 
The Queen love her hate her i think for most people it’s the latter of the two everyone has something to say about her.I’m gonna put this out here right away yes Charlotte get’s more opportunities than the rest of the Women’s division because she’s Ric Flairs daughter there is no denying it.She is also a great athlete and delivers in big matches and has come along way.A lot of people say if other people got the opportunities Charlotte does they could probably deliver to and I agree certain people probably could.By the way in case you have been living under a rock she ain’t done winning titles she’s gonna pass Ric’s record.But let me say this i’m glad she is done apologizing for getting what she get’s and you don’t have to and probably want agree with me but she is that good.Let’s go back to NXT Charlotte’s first title she beat Natalya in a great match and it was only like her 3rd or 4th match.Her character was kind of bland then if i’m gonna be honest but her athleticism made up for it.When she got the call up to the main roster with Sasha and Becky we got PCB and for whatever reason they made her a baby face to me you can’t call yourself genetically superior and use the whole second nature thing and be a baby face it doesn’t work luckily she figured this out started using the Flair last name and became a heel.I know a lot of people say she’s not original she just copies her dad and woo’s.My answer to that is she’s his daughter Flair’s are natural heels Ric was the dirtiest player in the game of course she’s gonna us his catch phrases because they work. I enjoy Charlotte’s heel work she’s okay at being a baby face but being a heel is where she excels.I think it was pretty well explained what went down with the Raw Women’s title with the Sasha part so i’m gonna skip ahead to her going to SD.From the moment she arrived on SD WWE seemed to be turning her face putting her up against the welcoming committee and teaming her up with Becky and Naomi.Let’s see she was gone a little while because Ric got sick she beat Nattie for the title she beat Asuka at WM 34 and then lost the title to Carmella.Then won it back then Becky turned on her we were given one of the greatest feuds ever with them.Now 2019 Charlotte according to most people got shoehorned(I’ll go into that when we get to Becky) into the WM main event won another title breaking Trish’s record and according to most people she screwed Asuka and everyone’s afraid she will win at mania.Now onto The Man of the hour(see what I did there) 
Becky Lynch The Man. let’s be honest shall we who saw Becky Lynch going from the most underrated and overlooked Horsewoman to the main event of WrestleMANia? Okay Becky probably has had the worst booking of not only the Horsewomen but the Women’s division as a whole.When Becky was in NXT the moment she caught my attention was when she turned on Bayley and joined Sasha to create in my opinion the greatest tag team of all time Team B.A.E they then imploded and we then got the match that put Becky on the map Becky/Sasha Takeover Unstoppable that was also the night she debuted her orange hair and the steam punk look.That match is in my top 5 favorite all time matches.People that say Becky isn’t that great a wrestler go watch that match cause your clearly delusional.Becky when into that match that night everyone was team Sasha when that match was over they were singing her song she won the fans hearts and there respect that night.Not long after that she got the call up to the main roster she got put in team PCB and she had some great matches then team PCB broke up (hey Charlotte fans remember when Charlotte turned on Becky but when Charlotte got hers you conveniently forgot or ignored it) here’s something interesting Becky got added to the WM 32 match because of the fans insisting she should be in it(sound familiar we’ll get to that)I discussed this earlier they had the best match on the card imo.We got a little Team B.A.E reunion afterwords then Becky got drafted to SD.After being the only Horsewoman to not win the NXT title when she won the SD Woman’s title I think it made that much better Becky Balboa baby.Then she lost the title to Alexa (see a pattern hear) after one successful defence. after that we got La Luchadora and then she jobbed out the rest of 2016 and then 2017 and then 2018 didn’t start of great she had an ok Rumble and then was in the kick off show battle royal and then up until may when she beat Mandy and Sonya to qualify for MITB she was on a losing streak. She had a great showing at MITB the WWE finally realized the fans were behind her(btw you would think after she got added to WM 32 because the fans wanted her in the match they would now that) She finally got her push and she turned on Charlotte but the crowd cheered her which we already know but I want to point some things out.People cheered her for multiple reasons one being they including me saw where this was going trying to make Charlotte the victim at the person who had a legit reason to be angry. They in Becky’s words shoehorned Charlotte into the match at SummerSlam the second a lot of people were tired of Charlotte winning and of Charlotte in general.Another reason was it was about time Becky stood up for herself how many times had people stabbed her in the back this was a different Becky and the people weren’t buying her as the bad guy so they cheered her and booed the woo.Another reason for me personally I was happy was because I had watched her cut promos on dang quinoa on instagram in the back to stay relevant because they weren’t using her on tv.I watched her try and open a can of pinapples on instagram and was more entertained than I was with most of the other Women and tea time should have been on youtube.The difference between the Becky who lost the title to Alexa and this Becky is day and night she has said it’s because she believes in herself now and she’s done lowering herself so everyone else can have opportunities now they have to bring themselves up to be on her level.She has earned everything she is getting she did this Charlotte didn’t make Becky anymore than Becky made Charlotte so saying that makes people sound stupid.Becky saw her chance she grabbed the ball and refused to put it back down.You can say she got luck because of Nia botching for the umpteenth time.But if you go back and watch Evolution she was on a whole other level all ready.She has gotten the people emotionally invested in the main event she’s why people care.Let’s move on to the last topic of conversation shall we. 
I wanna start this off with this the idiots telling Naomi to be quiet need to shut up.She has a right to be upset and say what she’s feeling with that said.After Mania the Women need to make WWE take notice.Becky went from the kick off show to the main event so nothings impossible.As far Asuka if Asuka is as good as I know she is then she will recover from this.You can’t bury someone if they refuse to die.I’m one of those that thinks the titles should be unified so that the women can jump back and forth between brands so we can have more match possibilities.The Women main eventing mania is gonna change everything and the rest of the Women need to start taking opportunities don’t wait them.It’s on them now after mania they will be equal to the men in that aspect not everyone gets an opportunity not everyone is gonna make it to the top and a lot of Woman are gonna be stuck in catering.Some of the Women complaining i’m not naming names not all of the Women complaining shouldn’t be because they have had shots and proved they weren’t good enough.But i’m ready to see who actually walks the walk. 
Again these are my opinions and my thoughts and feelings on everything that has happened.
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jwgammuto · 6 years
Raw Recap 2/11/19
Forgive me, lil Golden Fleece diapered Baby Jesus, for what I say. The go home Raw for Elimination Chamber is over and I have some things to say. Here’s The Good, The Bad, and the WTF: #FTR Edition.
The Good: It happened. It actually happened. Dash and Dawson are the Raw tag team champions and there’s a small chance the division might not be embarrassing for a few months. What an amazing match between these guys and Power and Glorious. Credit to Roode and Gable. I never liked the gimmick but they really gelled as a team while they had the titles. This was a match worthy of a PPV and almost made me forget about what i had watched from 8-1015. #TopGuys are back and this fan couldn’t be happier.
Rollins and Heyman square off on the mic. Paul always makes for a good segment but Seth really shines here as well. This was significantly better than if Lesnar had actually been there. The weird moment with Ambrose being a babyface again was unnecessary but who knows what the hell he’s doing since he’s leaving the company shortly. I will say this, I don’t want a cluster of run ins helping Rollins win. Let Seth win clean at Mania. Please.
Kevin Owens blasting the product and telling us he’ll be back in a month. Then throwing a gutter ball. A welcome addition to either show but Raw needs him. Too many heels on Smackdown.
Ruby Riott vs Nikki Cross. It wasn’t anything special but they did book this right. Ruby looked like a viable and vicious contender who can win without the Riott Squad. I hope she is allowed to have a great match with ArmbarCity Sunday.
The Bad: The crowd. Hot crowds make for better shows. It’s irrefutable. It’s why it’s so damn important to kick off the show well so the ticket holders are engaged from the jump. Grand Rapids, Michigan, you failed us. Granted they watched a lot of trash that we’re about to get into, but they could have done something. It felt like everyone was tweeting about the badness rather than watching it.
Dean Ambrose vs EC3. It took exactly two weeks for them to make EC3 irrelevant. Now he’s 1-1 against the same dude, who coincidentally also has no creative direction, and he STILL hasn’t said a word. Can it be salvaged? Sure. Turn him heel. Will they? Of course not.
Triple threat ladies tag match to determine EC order. Hey look. Another potential tease for a Bayley/Banks split. I think I’ll wet my pants. Two straight weeks, Banks has left Bayley on an island to defend herself alone due to “injury”. While Bayley has made the best of this and looked pretty damn good and capable in the ring, it has this feel as though it’s going to be another long dragged out “will they/won’t they fight” program that never pays off. Ugh. Also, I want Nia and Tamina to lose at EC as much as I wanted the Revival to win the titles. I guess that means they’re doing their job. Logan and Morgan don’t get enough credit for their ring work because they’re always losing but watch them. Not bad stuff by any means.
The WTF: Balor Club, Beardy Ryback, and Our Aging Olympic Hero vs Black Chris Masters, 1/3 of 3MB, and the current champion of cheap heat, Baron Corbin. Remember when Vince, Steph, and Trips told us we were in charge and we’d be getting fresh matchups and better programming? Pepperidge Farm remembers. The roster is crowded. I get it. But all 6 of these guys have nothing to do of interest so they’re stuck in a cycle of fighting each other and it’s just awful now. And worse, the IC title is starting to have that US title stench of uselessness. Has Lashley defended it yet? He will Sunday....finally. McIntyre is rapidly losing momentum and assuming Rollins wins the title in April, they better have Drew first in line or he may have to actually reform 3MB. This match was a cluster and had to be restarted. Everything about it was sub par. Nobody looked great. Even Balor eventually winning was meh. Although he did jump halfway across the ring for The Coup de Gras. That’s always fun.
Elias vs Guadalajara with party llama in tow. A disturbing recent trend is the company forcing turns and reactions rather than allowing them to happen organically. Elias can be a great heel just by cutting promos. He’s done it before. The interruptions are part of his Schtick and that’s fine, to a degree. It’s starting to get overdone and it’s hurting his character. Everything feels forced. Side note: Kalisto can actually play guitar and that was fun.
Vincent. Kennedy. McMahon. Clearly I’m not the only one watching Raw Replays from the Attitude Era in the evenings. The beauty of Becky Lynch’s rise in popularity was the fact that it was pretty organic. Similar to how Steve Austin did it. That’s where the parallels should have stopped though. It sure feels like they are doing much more to mold old Stone Cold roles into Lynch and I’m not loving it. The entire apology segment was weird but felt predictable right? She would opt for defiance and the HHH and Steph would make her life miserable until her peak triumph against insurmountable odds at Mania. Instead, they had Lynch apologize, albeit reluctantly. *Scratching head*. “That’s it?” Becky exclaims. Enter Vince, who still believes he’s the Mr McMahon of 1999. He suspends Lynch (which we all know won’t keep her off TV) and inserts his shiny new corporate puppet, Charlotte Flair, into the match. There’s a million reasons to hate this and none of them are because Charlotte doesn’t belong. Flair is perfectly capable of being a top heel without being a corporate stooge. Save that shit for Rollins/Orton/Corbin. A lot of people don’t like the idea of a triple threat at Mania for the Raw women’s title. I really don’t mind it, but this is a lazy and garbage way to set it up. For starters, it’s been done. Flair is the Heel Rock and Lynch is Austin. Oh yeah, and there’s the actual champion, who is becoming an after thought in this mess. Another concern is the Smackdown Women’s title. Who the hell is going to face Asuka at Mania? Mandy f**king Rose? She’s the only female heel with even close to enough heat on the show. This is a complete cluster and I have to believe there are differences in opinion at Titan Tower on how this should have been booked. Save us, HHH. Please.
This show was a general disaster and following a trend of piss poor go home Raw show for big events. I have tix for the go home Raw for Wrestlemania and based on this trend, I might be really drunk by 915. They really sucked me back in with the Revival’s win and then pooped in my cereal with that last segment. 2 Belt Whips because #TopGuys.
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andymull · 6 years
WWE Elimination Chamber 2019 - Preview & Predictions
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Kofi Kingston vs Jeff Hardy vs The New Daniel Bryan (c) vs AJ Styles vs Randy Orton vs Samoa Joe: Elimination Chamber Match For The WWE Championship
First things first I really am not a fan of the champion being in the match this close to Wrestlemania, for me this should be a match to determine his Mania opponent with him watching on. In reality when Seth Rollins won the Rumble Bryan should have been begging Seth to choose him to save him from going in the Chamber, but that makes too much sense soooo....
When looking at potential winners I think we can rule out Jeff straight away, hasn't really been doing anything important lately and isnt on a run of quality matches, would be an extreme wildcard if picked. The second person to rule out is Orton, very similar to Jeff in that he’s doing a whole lot of nothing recently, and he’s VERY happy to be doing little. I think it would be obvious to anyone that he’s at that stage of his career where he’s sailing along counting the cash, knowing they dont seem willing to trust him with a title and at the same time he doesn't want that responsibility too.
Next up is Kofi, now Kofi SHOULD be at the front of the list of guys to rule out initially but that freshness is there with Kofi having not been around the title picture, and his performance this past week on Smackdown showed everyone how right it was to put him in that position. Do I think he wins and goes on a long title reign? Nope. Do I think there’s a slim chance he wins and goes on a celebratory streak that leads to him dropping the title back to Bryan at Mania? Very possibly.
Samoa Joe, my favourite guy in the match and the one I think deserves a good, solid run with the belt turning away challengers in great PPV matches every month to take me back to his Ring Of Honor title run so that we can again hear crowds chanting ‘the champ is here!!’ One of the big problems for me is that the title feud after Mania isnt very clear as the line of solid faces isnt that strong, if Joe wins the belt he needs to destroy afew of them which greatly limits their options......but then again there is another superstar shakeup coming soon......
Next up is AJ Styles, now for me I dont have AJ get the belt for awhile after the LOOOONNNNGGGG reign he had recently, nothing to do with him or his talent but he needs time away from it and they need to develop a big juicy feud for him to sink his teeth into to keep him occupied away from the belt.
And finally there’s Daniel Bryan the reigning champion, I really cant look past him to retain and if he doesn't it will be pretty harsh on him, plus they dropped some decent cash on that new title. I see him just retaining tonight, be that with the help of Rowan or a returning Luke Harper im not sure but he will/should leave with Daisy. Then we get another multi man match on Smackdown to determine his Mania opponent, hopefully they go a different route as this time of year has way too many multi man matches just to get guys on the card, a tournament maybe that spans over the next month would be a wise move - BRYAN
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Sasha Banks/Bayley vs Sonya Deville/Mandy Rose vs Naomi/Carmella vs Nia Jax/Tamina vs Liv Morgan/Sarah Logan vs Peyton Royce/Billie Kay: Elimination Chamber Match To Determine The First WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions
This could be rough, and long, fingers crossed the good workers are in alot and work with each other.
In terms of winners here we really should only be looking between the Boss and Hug Connection and Jax/Tamina, the first team have been built the longest with the deepest history and journey to get here. The second team are the biggest and management think Jax is a heat machine so would love to see the crowds react to her beating their favourites to the belts, just a shame she has to team with the female Big Vis.
I could see an outside chance of the others winning apart from Carmella and Naomi who seem embarrassed to have been paired together with so many other women being injured or in roles so couldn't contend here. That’s not to say I think they will as this is pretty sown up between the original pair.
For me it comes down to it the company want to team Trish Stratus up with Lita at Mania to go against Banks/Bayley, as Lita seems to be up and down in her past few appearances and its a big ask to be ready in a big way for their biggest show of the year. If not, then I see the heels winning leading to Banks/Bayley finally getting the belts infront of more eyes at Wrestlemania - JAX/TAMINA
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Ronda Rousey (c) vs Ruby Rose: WWE Raw Women’s Title Match
Sadly this match isnt getting the focus I think it deserves due to them hyping Ronda’s Mania match more with its build, I really rate Ruby and think she should be a big threat to the title down the road but not right now.
The problem here with that is that this bout shouldn't go long, people know there wont be a title change so why drag it out, but at the same time it could hurt Ruby if Ronda destroys her in 3 minutes.......and I very much bet on that happening and the angle with Charlotte lasting longer than the actual bout - ROUSEY
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The Miz & Shane McMahon (c) vs The Usos: WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championship Match
Im really not a fan of the Miz/Shane team and with the recent incident with Jimmy it looks like a title change is lower than expected, I still have hopes it occurs though.
This feels like a match that has to be here but really is building to a multi team bout at Mania again sadly - MIZ/MCMAHON
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Lio Rush & Bobby Lashley (c) vs Finn Balor: WWE Intercontinental Championship Match 2 On 1
Usually I would go with the heels to sneak the win even with the man advantage, but here im thinking Finn pulls out the win by pinning Rush and takes the title. This leads to Bobby moaning about not taking the fall and Balor agree’s to fight him one on one at Mania, but, that probably changes as there’s Fastlane between now and then so this will probably be very different by then - BALOR
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Braun Strowman vs The Baron: No DQ Match
Jesus Christ stop with these shitty matches!!! I dont want anymore between these two as The Baron drags him down!! - STROWMAN 
Buddy Murphy (c) vs Akira Tozawa: WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match - Kickoff Show
This should be awesome, gutted its on the kick off show and not the main card, just drop Strowman/The Baron or the Smackdown tag match and replace them with this give them 13-15 minutes and enjoy - MURPHY 
This really is a strange card, for me the kick off match is going to be the best thing on the show, with others bringing more of a storyline driven match rather than great wrestling.
This PPV as well as Fastlane are going to be exactly the same in being builders to Wrestlemania so dont fully expect for the feuds to finish and end cleanly, if anything alot could annoy people with shitty finishes after sitting through 10 + minutes of a bout.
The big news coming out of this show will be dominated by the angle between Rousey and Charlotte after her match, so hopefully they have something different lined up than whats been done previously with Becky Lynch.
Hope everyone enjoys the show, with the women main eventing and other wrestlers plans being developed
Bye for now
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goldenxlovers-blog · 6 years
Show Review: Monday Night Raw 15/10/18
MNR Review
Hello! Welcome to my first ever wrestling show review. A few administrative points before we get onto the actual show;
Firstly, this is my first time doing anything like this, so any kind of feedback or constructive criticism is highly appreciated. Secondly, this review is probably going to be quite lengthy due to Raw being 3 hours and there being a lot to discuss/mostly complain about. Lastly, this review is aimed at those who watch the product most weeks, so it is written assuming the reader knows the basic details of the show (commentators, ongoing storylines etc.), and I don’t plan to go through matches spot for spot unless something catches my eye particularly. Alright, lets get into the show!
 We kick off with Michael Cole welcoming us to Philadelphia, PA. The crowd is fired up which seems to be the norm for Philly in my experience, having been at the 2014 Royal Rumble, famous for Roman Reigns being boo’d out of the building. Braun, Dolph and Drew make their entrance together. Seeing someone like Dolph mimic Braun’s mannerisms is always funny to me. Before they start their promo the phrases ‘best in the world’ and ‘world cup’ have been mentioned at least 3 times and I feel this is going to be an ongoing complaint of mine. They cut a pretty standard promo about being the greatest 3 man group in history after beating The Shield last week and we get a replay of McIntyre kicking Ambrose’s head off. I’m starting to not care for The Shield as much but the story with Dean potentially turning and the good in-ring work is just about keeping me interested. Braun talks about his match at Crown Jewel but much like Cole earlier doesn’t mention the location due to the obvious controversy. Drew and Dolph both mention ‘best in the world’ yet again and we get a bit of dissention as they talk about facing off in the finals of the world cup. Seth and Roman finally appear on the stage, Seth drops a cheesesteak reference and after saying nothing of relevance declares he’ll face Drew in a qualifying match for the world cup right now.
 After adverts Drew/Seth kicks off which I’m very excited for since I like both guys a lot. They start with a nice wrestling sequence where Drew displays his obvious power advantage over Seth. Cole drops the ‘best in the world’ line once again and I die a bit inside. Drew gets Seth up for a powerbomb with a deadlift but gets countered. This spot was crazy smooth and I’m loving the ‘new’ McIntyre. Seth goes for the standard suicide dive but gets caught in a belly to belly on the outside. Again I wasn’t planning to go spot for spot but this match has started really hot. Dolph runs down to cause the distraction and Seth gets tossed into the bars beneath the ring, another great spot. After some back and forth including a great falcon arrow counter, Seth takes out both Drew and Dolph with a suicide dive each and Dean runs out to counter Ziggler’s interference. All 4 men fight outside and Drew gets curb stomped leading to a count-out victory for Seth. Great TV match between 2 guys who can certainly go, finish was a bit flat for me but I encourage you to watch this.
 After a break we get a backstage promo from The Shield where Seth slips and calls Ambrose a lunatic. Ambrose talks about only being good for laughs despite always backing up Seth/Roman and it makes me long for the Ambrose turn.
 We see a replay of DX’s promo from last week followed by a spooky Brothers of Destruction promo. I’m sort of excited for this match but I can’t take Kane seriously with this gear and DX doesn’t really work as a concept when both members are old corporate suits. This promo was completely standard boring nostalgia bait, but I understand some people like that.
 Ember Moon is out next and yells down the camera like a mong ruining her entrance. Nia Jax appears and is apparently Ember’s tag partner. Back from ads and Tamina and Dana Brooke are in the ring. Cole mentions how this is Tamina’s return from injury and she doesn’t even get an entrance. Commentary shill a battle royale for the Evolution PPV featuring some of the best women in the company which I feel is slightly ridiculous. People like Asuka and Ember are far better than a battle royale, even Carmella has been improving leaps and bounds and should be featured more. This match is standard tag fare, when Nia and Tamina are in the ring together it really drags. Dana gets tagged in and eats the Eclipse for 3, thank god. After the match the women do that stupid spot where they throw people over the ropes before a battle royale just to show it’s possible. I’ve very quickly come down from the high of the first match.
 We get a little video package of The Bellas turning on Ronda last week. Ronda makes her entrance smiling ear to ear which I dislike in such a personal feud as this. Once she grabs a mic she stops smiling for a second until the crowd chants for her and she cracks again. Ronda stumbles through her promo and The Bellas appear on the stage. They cut a promo about disrespect which is the second one of the show. According to The Bellas they made the word ‘diva’ mean something. Ronda sort of interrupts but literally just asks if they have anything else to say. She then talks about ‘sister soldiers’ and then rags on the Bellas for leeching off the names of their men which is the best line of the promo. ‘The only door you ever knocked down was the one to John Cena’s bedroom’, brutal. That causes Nikki Bella to spring into action by ripping off her shirt and twirling her arse for some reason. A security team come out and all die by Ronda’s hands. That was arduous. I think Ronda is great in the ring for how little she’s wrestled but my god are her promos awful.
 They show a replay of big gold condom Kurt Angle winning the battle royale from last week which flows into a backstage promo with Kurt Angle in vacation gear. I refuse to believe that man doesn’t take his singlets on holiday. Acting GM Baron Corbin makes a match with Angle against The Authors of Pain later tonight.
 Finally we get another match after suffering through that Bella promo. Luckily for me it’s Ambrose/Ziggler and I suddenly become interested in the show again. Dolph makes his entrance and for some reason he’s wearing a hoodie instead of his cool silver jacket from earlier. Michael Cole once again drops that bloody ‘best in the world’ line and at this point I’m looking for something to hang myself from. Ambrose snapmares Dolph and smacks him with a few crossfaces. I love Ambrose’s new style since his return matching his increased bulk. We get some standard TV match back and forth until Dean goes to the top rope and gets countered into an X-Factor. Dean lands kinda awkwardly on his feet first but the move looks fine and he doesn’t seem to be injured. Weirdly it’s at this point that the crowd die, I’m surprised they held on this long. Ambrose hits Dolph with the Hook and Ladder, a move from his indy wrestling days which he seems to be bringing back, and it looks really good. Drew runs out for some interference similarly to earlier and Rollins follows. Seth ends up distracting Dean and Dolph gets the superkick for the 3 count. This was a good TV match but I’m slightly bias since I love both guys. Ziggler winning was likely the right decision since most of the world cup field thus far was face.
 Post-match Dean walks away but Seth gives chase almost leading to a brawl until Roman separates them. Corbin comes out and makes The Shield versus Braun, Dolph and Drew for the main event, for the 3rd show in a row. Roman stares daggers through Corbin. I’d like these two in a real feud at some point, maybe not for the belt though.
 Mixed Match Challenge competitors Finn Balor and Bayley enter together. Finn is far better than this and I wish they’d do something with him. Backstage we get a little promo with Braun and his squad, basically the same thing as last week with Braun warning them not to screw up. Jinder and his crew are here wrestling Finn yet again. Bayley attempts to get a slow clap going to no reaction at all. Finn mercifully wins a completely nothing match with the Coup De Grace, please never let these two wrestle again. Randomly Bobby Lashley and Lio Rush make their way down to the ring. Lashley does some poses in the corner and Lio Rush spouts some weird lines about nobody smelling like Lashley. Finn literally just leaves without any trouble. Silly me for thinking they’d actually give Finn a decent storyline.
 We come back from the break to Tyler Breeze getting ready to be sacrificed to the giant baby god Lashley. After even more poses from Bobby Breeze actually gets a shot in which surprised me. Lashley hits a Yokosuka cutter which looks really good, weird that he’s randomly switched from the Dominator he used to do to this but I like it.
 Trish and Lita are out next for even more nostalgia. It’s lost on me since I didn’t watch in the Attitude Era but it’s nice for the live crowd if nothing else. Lita says one sentence then Alexa Bliss and Mickie James make their way out. James is dressed like Bliss and it looks like granny is trying way too hard. Alexa is a great promo and it’s no different here but Mickie is just very cringey. Trish and Lita try and appeal to a younger market and say the word ‘practice’ about 50 times. Nothing happens as per usual.
 Some random is wearing Kurt’s big gold condom and wrestling the Authors of Pain. After this guy dies Kurt appears behind Corbin on the stage and barely gets him up for the Angle slam. Their match will probably be fine, but that’s more because I still enjoy Kurt Angle.
 Riott Squad randomly pour condiments over Natalya’s dressing room door and Liv Morgan makes a noise like a dog being kicked. What was the point of this.
 Riott Squad are out after another break. Natalya comes out next holding a microphone and I’m scared. Natalya is completely fine in the ring but should be nowhere near a mic. She cuts a bad promo and brings out Bayley and Sasha Banks as back up. Cole screams ‘IT’S BOSS TIME’ and suddenly I don’t hate the ‘best in the world’ stuff anymore. I’m a big fan of the Riott Squad especially Ruby but I couldn’t begin to care about Natalya or this match. Nattie gets Ruby in the Sharpshooter and all the women brawl with the faces standing tall. I’m conscious that this review may paint me as disliking women’s wrestling as a whole but it’s more than most of the women’s segments on this show have been questionable at best.
 Here’s Elias next, he cuts a promo about the future and John Cena and rags on Philly and what I assume is a sporting mascot of some kind. I love Elias but he’s starting to wear a bit thin for me. I feel like they either need to do something of note with him or not, stop letting him stagnate. Apollo Crews of all people interrupts. He cuts a promo about how he can’t sing and he isn’t that funny and he’s not wrong. Crews is sick of people passing him by, and while I don’t rate him that highly, I’m all for new people getting a chance. Apollo hits an impressive military press causing Elias to flee. Pretty standard stuff here but at least it’s someone new.
 Finally we’re at the main event. Braun, Drew and Dolph make their entrance together same as earlier and Dolph is back to the sick jacket rather than the hoodie. The Shield come out through the crowd and must fight through a sea of twats. Dean and Seth start off doing tag moves like nothing happened until Ziggler pushes Rollins into Dean and the tension starts again. Reigns manages to get a chant for himself while Ziggler is getting heat on him. Philly is not where I imagined Roman would actually get a positive chant. Braun and Drew tag themselves in a couple times and argue giving Reigns time to recover and hit a samoan drop on Braun. After a bit more standard action Roman finally makes a tag and Seth and Dean run wild taking out all 3 opponents. Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds on Drew but Dolph breaks up the pin with Seth’s body. Seth and Dean get into a bit of a brawl as Dolph hits the Zig Zag for a close 2 count. Roman dodges a claymore kick from Drew and sends him flying into Braun. Dolph eats the triple powerbomb for the 3 count and The Shield embrace and leave. After the match Braun yells at Ziggler for screwing up and not carrying his weight and murders him with a powerslam. Drew nails Braun with a claymore kick and stands tall. I think from an in ring standpoint this match was the weakest of the 3 these teams have had but story-wise it was great. I didn’t want to get this deep into all the spots of the match but there was so much story ground to cover I couldn’t really help it.
 Overall this show was a bit of a drag to get through but that’s not shocking from a 3 hour show. Whilst there were many highlights like the Shield storyline and matches, the women’s segments were poorly planned and executed and made the show feel far longer than it was. If I had the choice I’d give this show a miss, definitely not a must-watch Raw.
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-- Wilmington, NC. --
PERHAPS, the former WWE superstar should have perceived the darkening skies as an omen when leaving the house to go workout. The sky opened up with a heavy downpour as soon as she entered the gym – storms always made her exceedingly wary after the damage from the hurricane that tore through.
She hadn't put her headphones on yet – so the gasps and whispers when they entered the gym caught her attention. Five familiar faces – and all coming her way – and then she saw the sixth, well only a flash of orange hair & she knew who it was. Becky, why was her best friend / twin sister of fire with them? Why … were they here? Her heart sunk, something had happened!? She could see the red and puffy eyes on Tamina, Nia & Naomi before anyone had a chance to say anything.
In a hurry though --Becky had rushed ahead of the group and wrapped her arms around Wildfire. "Luv, sister – 'm afraid we got some bad news fer ya."
" – You don't say, " Wildfire was trying to not fall apart just yet. Whatever it was – whatever the news was – if she could see that the other three females had been crying their eyes out ( & her best friend was holding her already? ) … It had to do with one person didn't it? Her other best friend.
" – 'Fire," Dean's voice made her catch her breath in her chest, heart beating rapidly as she was stilled completely in Becky's hold. Waiting …
" – We ain't sure how to tell you this girl," That was Naomi. The panic was rising.
"Ju … just say it, please…" Her voice was small, like she was a child – begging them to just get this over with.
The five of them all looked at each other, unsure of how to say it but knowing whomever did? It still would be the same response. " – It's Ro … he .. he's not with us anymore."
The world stopped in those few seconds, her breathing felt heavy as she fought against Becky's hold on her to try and calm her down. It was like she was temporarily deaf, screaming and crying at the exact same time – and then she stopped when one of the twins – Jey – held out something familiar to her.
A pink & silver rosary.
" – It was with his things, along with a note. Said he found it about three weeks after you lost it."
… That was back in 2017, her breathing was slowed again as she shakingly took the rosary from Jey. He … had it all this time? It had been given to her by her paternal grandmother just after her parents had both been killed.
" – His mom's is really hoping…"
" – I'll be there … when?"
" … Three days. She said it's okay if you don't feel like givin' a eulogy at the service."
The thought made her heart drop into her stomach, she gritted her teeth to miffle the cry of pain. " – I'll be there." She whispered out while sinking to the gym floor on Becky's arms. Letting her best friend console her over the loss of another.
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