#she still doesn’t believe her daughter can get married for that either!!!!
anxiousnerdwritings · 3 months
nah but Molly Weasley and Bellatrix Lestrange being mothers in law is gonna be insane
I’m sure Weasley!Reader does what he can to keep them separated (the first time they met was the wedding) but Lestrange!Daughter loves the drama, especially having back up since Bellatrix would share the same views, and them attacking Molly together in the rare times their paths do cross
Bellatrix likes to crash family dinners, especially if Weasley!Reader has taken them out to a nice restaurant, making a point to be loving and motherly to the Reader and her daughter, irritating Molly
Bellatrix would most definitely rub the Lestrange Fortune in Molly’s face but in the way snobby rich ladies do
Narcissa would definitely jump in and join Bellatrix from time to time while Admromeda attempts to play peacekeeper but if Molly says something particularly nasty she’ll join them too
Molly draws the line when Bellatrix asks if Lestrange!Daughter and Weasley!Reader will be giving their children the Lestrange name to continue the bloodline and the Reader says his. Molly absolutely loses it.
poor Weasley!Reader can never enjoy a family event again
and god forbid Molly found out what he was doing to make all this money? it would be over
Molly damn near had a full on heart attack when Lestrange!Daughter!Oc came into the picture, imagine her blood pressure and heart rate when Bellatrix herself pulls up. Merlin, this woman would absolutely lose her ever loving shit. And Bellatrix and her daughter are living for every second of it, meanwhile poor Weasley!Reader is stuck in the middle just trying to just get by in life with running his criminal empire and trying to support his family.
We all know how Molly treated Fleur in the beginning when it came to Bill but she would be so much worse with Lestrange!Daughter. But not only is Lestrange!Daughter built different, Bellatrix is very much around and involved, and she sure as hell not letting Molly get away with treating her daughter like shit or treating the Reader in any way she or her daughter don’t agree with. Bellatrix has teeth and she’s certainly not afraid to bite, literally and figuratively. Meanwhile her daughter is just the same, particularly when it comes to her darling but she would literally try to rip Molly’s throat out with her teeth so the Reader has to keep a good hold on her to ensure she literally doesn’t attack his mother (and Lestrange!Daughter certainly doesn’t mind either cause her darling’s hands are all over her😏).
I just love the idea of yan!mother-in-law!Bellatrix just taking Weasley!Reader in and under her wing, basically adopting them. Plus, yan!Narcissa and yan!Andromeda sweeping in too. Especially, if Molly pretty much put the Reader on the back burner most of their life until they started making their ‘extra’ money and then started showing them more attention cause of it. Kind of like she didn’t treat them like there was anything special to them until they started contributing something to the family, or something of that sort in that regard, and only then did she start to gush about and overall act proud of them.
Also, I wholeheartedly believe that Lestrange!Daughter and Weasley!Reader totally got married behind Molly’s back and without any of the rest of the family knowing, excepts for Percy. Like, there was a whole ass wedding but it was held at Lestrange Estate the remaining Black family members were in attendance, not to mention Percy, and possibly the Reader’s whole loyal crime syndicate.
Imagine Molly’s reaction when she finds out. Leave it to Bellatrix or Lestrange!Daughter herself to lay it on her. It probably happens during a pretty intense argument/interaction between the women only for one of them to mention it and the other to vouch for it. And then Molly goes running to the Reader, still not believing it for a second but needing validation only for the Reader to show their ring and for Lestrange!Daughter to pop up out of no where and show hers’ off too with an utter shit eating grin and an absolute batshit crazy twinkle in her eye. She’s like, “They’re mine forever now, bitch” and she would never let Molly forget it.
Honestly, it probably comes out in that same situation that Lestrange!Daughter is pregnant too. Or they just roll up one day and Lestrange!Daughter is very heavily pregnant and then it comes out that they got married without the family knowing, save for Percy. And you know given the dynamic that Molly would accuse Lestrange!Daughter of the child not being the Reader’s and she’ll gladly die on that hill even though she knows damn well that Lestrange!Daughter wouldn’t so much as look at anyone else that wasn’t her darling, let alone allow anyone else to so much as touch her.
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laenaism · 2 months
Something that really bothered me about Corlys and Baela’s scene was the fact that Corlys ‘wanted’ to make Baela heir in the first place. Corlys has made it clear he does not value women, in the book and in the show. He was angry Rhaenys was passed over because he himself was also snubbed from that position of power. Corlys has shown no care for either of his children, he married both Laenor and Laena off with no care for their safety (you cannot tell me he didn’t have some hand in Laena marrying Daemon, at least in the show). All he truly cared about was his ambition which unfortunately is something that can be said for a lot of men in this universe. He loved Rhaenys, but Corlys definitely valued himself and his needs over everyone else in his life, all that matter was what he wanted. He only told Baela that he wanted to make her heir because that’s what Rhaenys asked of him the night of Laena’s funeral. And you know what happened? Corlys had the audacity to get mad at her for that! He felt guilty, so he decided he would honor Rhaenys and offer Baela the role of being heir. He didn’t actually want her to be so, he didn’t do it as an acknowledgement of her strength or leadership, he did it to honor Rhaenys because she died. He may not outright say it but he values men in a position of power way more than he ever would a woman. If Baela were to have accepted (which I believe she should have considering she has a better claim than Addam or Alyn) no doubt Corlys would have tried to worm his way out of it down the line. He was not a good grandfather to his granddaughters, he didn’t even know them, look at the way he spoke of Rhaena! She was Laena’s daughter and you don’t think she knew about ships or dragons? Okay deadbeat… I think Baela turning it down made sense, but I hate the reasoning she gave “I am made of blood and fire, Driftmark must pass to salt and sea,” like she is also made of ‘salt and sea’ 🥴 granted, she’s only a quarter Velaryon, but her mother was literally the only true parent she had before she died, why would she not care about carrying on that legacy? It doesn’t make sense considering Baela is all about family and loyalty. This isn’t hate on her, I love her, but I have to be honest, that line made me cringe lmao. That’s not Baela’s fault though, that’s Ryan Condal and Sara Hess’, fvck those writers! Regardless, Corlys should have offered it to Rhaena first in my opinion, she was going to be Lady of Driftmark with Lucerys, why shouldn’t she still be? Baela was going to be queen, the Lady of Driftmark would have been perfect for Rhaena if Corlys was just going to skip over Joffrey.
(Just a PSA) I’m not denying Baela and Rhaena are Targaryen, I know they are, but there’s no harm in acknowledging their Velaryon side as well. I’ve seen way too many people act like being a Velaryon is an insult and it’s very sus. As long as people aren’t being fvcking racist about it, I love when their mother’s Velaryon side is appreciated (though Laena was Targaryen as well which a lot of people somehow seem to forget considering the fact that Laena was prideful in being a Targaryen). The only reason I’d ever acknowledge them as Velaryon’s is because their mother was their main parental figure before Rhaenys, it was never about their skin color. The people who call them Velaryon’s because of their skin color, that’s when it’s racist and stupid, and unfortunately those people do exist.
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brokenheartsrecords · 2 months
track one: oranges and lemonade and stuffy ballrooms words: 1.44K tw: none
YOU DO NOT REALLY WANT to attend a ball filled with pompous aristocrats and people your mother considers eligible bachelors. And you certainly do not want to spend time dancing with men who would rather talk about themselves and cotton rather than ask you about your interests.
A sorrowful situation, your mother says, shaking her head with that matchmaking smile on her face. You know what she’s planning as you pull on your gloves and adjust the neckline of your gown—wasn’t it a bit too low for a ball?—and play with the wings of your feather-braided fan. 
The mask on your face, however, doesn’t require much adjustment, partially because it was already fixed in place, with the strings intertwined in your elaborate hairstyle, and partially because there were teardrop-shaped sapphires hanging from the edge of the mask. It would be a shame if you shifted the entire visor and ended up having the sapphires hang over your ears instead of where they lay upon your cheek.
The irony of your costume was not lost on you—the spinster wearing a weeping widow’s gown. Your mother and the dressmaker had a sense of humour.
“Look at him over there—Lord Castor. He’s a fine man, but has a love for gambling. If you marry him, you might have to live in a house that slowly loses all the decorations because of it.”
“Mama, I am not marrying him. I heard his years at Oxford only led to his skill at arithmetic being diminished rather than enriched.”
Your mother hits the back of your hand with her fan. “You mustn't say such things in public, darling.” She purses her lips, and then lowers her voice. “I heard he mistook his father’s new bride for his illegitimate daughter.”
You snort. “She’s young enough to look like a daughter more than that old man’s bride.”
“Oh, I pity her.” Mama says, sigh apparent in her voice. “I do not want you to end up the same way, which is why I push you towards the eligible men who are nearest to your age. Like that Mr. Richards.”
“I danced with almost everyone here at every single ball, Mama. And you know that Mr. Richards has a difficult mother.”
“How about Sir Adams?”
“His spoken English is abysmal at best.”
“You cannot expect to find a scholar in every individual.”
“I should hope that my husband should at least be able to carry an intelligent conversation with me, no, Mama?”
She sighs, her eyes catching on the rapidly approaching host of the ball. “There she comes, Ms. Skye. I’ve always disliked her— Ms. Skye! What a lovely ball you’ve put together.”
Ms. Skye laughs. “I did not expect you to accept my invitation, dearest Lady. I can only assume you’re here to hunt for your son-in-law.”
“If you would’ve assumed anything else, you would be sorely mistaken, Ms. Skye. I never asked, how are your grandchildren?”
The woman flicks her hand. “They’re being difficult, like every child is.”
“I would’ve understood that, of course, but I must say, my daughter was an angel when she was a baby.”
You hide your face behind your fan. Angel, of course you were one. You definitely weren’t like satan’s spawn at birth and in your childhood.
Mama continues. “How are your other sons?”
“Jamie is courting the daughter of a second son, can you believe it? I always pushed him towards girls with a better background, but what’s happened has happened. She’s a pain sometimes—no, often. Xander is still working under that physicist at Oxford, and Gray is yet unmarried. I tell him all the time that I might not live too long, and that I would love to see him married, but he seems rather fixed upon remaining a bachelor for the rest of his life.”
“My daughter is almost the same way, Ms. Skye. Every man I show her, she finds a way to reject him! He either wasted his years at Oxford, smells like fish, or has a fondness for the drink. I doubt I will be finding her a husband any time soon.”
The two women giggle, and you are starting to get tired of the conversation. 
“Mama? May I be excused? I promise I shall be right by the refreshments.” You say, hoping your mother will let you go.
With a nod, she says she’ll come find you later, and you walk towards the lemonade. The neckline feels lower than usual, and it feels exceedingly hot in this room filled with stuffy aristocrats.
And the lemonade is warming. Just your luck. 
You take a sip out of it anyway, and take a look at the dancers in front of you. Happy couples and then couples who dance just for show.
And then you, standing at the side, with not even one man you wish you could dance with.
Bored, you take a look at the doors, thinking if it would be so bad if you decided to take your carriage home right now, without waiting for your mother.
She’d be furious, of course, but could she fault you?
A figure stalks towards the doors, and you straighten your back, putting the lemonade down on the table. They seem to be in a hurry, either to get away from someone…
Or to meet someone.
Curiosity ignited, you walk to the doors and walk out of the doors.
Briefly, you consider the consequences of this action of yours. If that figure was a male, and it looked like it was, with the waistcoat and breeches, and if someone discovered the two of you together, it would mean one of two things.
One, a forced marriage to save your reputation. Your mother would turn it into a sign, saying that God sent you this opportunity so that you don’t have to resort to spinsterhood for the coming years of your life. Two, blackmail the witness before they manage to bring anyone else to multiply the number of witnesses.
You stop by the gates of the orangery, asking yourself if this is really worth it.
Three seconds later, you’re opening the doors of the orangery and stepping inside.
There’s a man at the corner of the room, holding shears in his hands and slowly removing oranges from the tree, later placing them in a basket.
He pauses in his movements, and you notice that he’s abandoned his coat as it hangs from a coat rack at the doors.
“Jamie, I do not wish to speak with you at the moment. And if Skye is looking for me, tell her to bother Nash instead.”
You walk towards the man with the shears. Your footsteps resonate throughout the orangery, and the man pauses in his movements again. 
“Did you not hear me?”
You take a breath. “I am not your brother, or your mother for that matter. I just wanted to know who you are.”
You see a peek of blond hair as the man puts the shears down on the table. “I beg your pardon, madam?”
He steps out from behind the tree, eyebrows furrowed, his eyes an icy grey. He is, quite possibly, the most beautiful man you’ve ever looked at. 
“I’ve never seen you before.” You say, ignoring him.
“I rarely go to dances. Who are you?”
You almost give him your name, before you decide against it. It’s inappropriate to give an introduction without your mother present.
Nearly as inappropriate as being alone with a man of a marriageable age without a chaperone.
As if coming to the same realisation, his eyebrows furrow even more. “You shouldn't be here, not without a chaperone.”
You shrug and go to the table, picking up the shears. “I doubt anyone will wish to come to an orangery when there’s a ball inside the house.”
“But you came. Someone might’ve followed you.”
“If they did, they did. I know almost everyone’s secrets, and blackmail always works.”
His eyebrows relax, and you see a faint glimmer of humor in his eyes. “Any reason you sought to escape to the orangery?”
You open your mouth, but you hear the doors slam open.
And that is when you register just how close you and the blond man are. Two more steps and your chests would be touching.
The new arrival looks at the two of you, arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. 
You know him, at least. From all those balls he attends where he dances with the girl Skye had dismissed as the daughter of a second son.
Jameson Hawthorne.
And he’s a witness to what looks like a secret rendevous between two lovers.
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creepy-friday · 2 years
I love these ideas so much but imagine the proxies with the Operators daughter🤔
I saw this a couple of years ago in a fan fic but it was really bad and had the stereotypical proxies
But like the proxies with “human” reader who unknowingly is the Operators daughter
And the only reason that she doesn’t know is because her mom is human and she looks like her mom but she still is immortal like her dad?
Creepypasta Proxies x Slenderman's Daughter!Reader
The Slenderman's origins are vague and unknown in terms of his past,so this gives me plenty of freedom to play with the idea
I imagine that a long time ago,he was a simple married man looking for a just-as-simple life.One day,the war made them run away,separating him from his pregnant wife in the process.
The soldiers found him shielding children from the horros of war,and killed them all on the spot-making him tied to their souls and to the forest as well.
His rage made him erase most of his memories except the ties of his existence.That's how his powers were based on his past,erasing memories,provoking headaches and nosebleeds as the ones he experienced during the war,and having a problem with the technology he didn't get to live to see developing.
Several years later,the pregnant woman was found dead but with a miracle inside of her-a living baby soon to be burned by The Church.The crime was stopped by a family who took in the living baby.
Since Slenderman doesn't remember his past,he can feel a deep connection to you,that's why he ordered his proxies to watch you for a while
All of them are left confused,but obeyed.They all tough that he either wanted to recruit you or to keep you for "personal reasons"
"Did the old man got the jollies for a younger woman?" Masky joked,giving a friendly hit to his friend's elbow."I wouldn't say so."
"Well,so?" he asked.
"I don't know,but it's not that." he ended the conversation,fully believing that Masky wouldn't get his point of view anyways.
Your arrival in the mansion made the residents super aware and weary of you,since you gave off the same aura as your father(but with a feminine touch,I imagine more mystery rather than eeriness)
Masky's typical fucker behaviour would mellow down SIGNIFICANTLY
Sure,he can still be a dick but in a more "I don't fuck with boss's daughter" type.Everytime he would get angry with you he would simply bite his lip,clench his jaw,and hold back
I imagine the reader being confused and slightly scared,unaware of her importance in the mansion,at the same time I can see her having an angry breakdown as to why these murderers keep her here
Hoodie would try to keep you calm,but at the same time he would expose you to the reality of the mansion.He wouldn't hide bloody stains nor the scars around his body
Your aura never affected him but rather kept him interested,completely absorbed in your mystery but at the same keeping a safe distance from you
Toby would be the one to probably tell you why you're here💀I can see him trying to form a bond with you much like he would do with the maid reader in the other au,such as wanting to become your safe resort
Would they talk about you behind your back?Fuck yeah,after all,you're the only "human" that is connected to their boss more than the other creeps are
The romance would be angsty if you would engage in it,after all you're eternal while the others are very much ephemeral
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daeneryseastar · 9 months
Aemma is the very tragic figure that the TG supporters make Alicent to be!
I will stand by that and they can argue with the walls!
there’s not a doubt in my mind that the writers decided to completely flip the script for aemma and alicent. aemma was 11 when she married a 16 years old viserys. alicent was 18 and viserys 29. while still not a great age gap, even by today’s standards alicent would be a full grown adult. it’s pretty clear from the get-go that alicent had agency and knew what she wanted out of the marriage; which was for her son, the king’s first born son, to sit the iron throne. she spent years antagonizing and isolating rhaenyra when she was a child, and even hinted that she knew ser criston was a predator towards her and still took him on as her sworn shield bc of her hatred for rhaenyra. this was a grown ass woman who decided to spend her years not preparing her son to rule and turning him into a halfway decent person, but instead bullying a motherless little girl due to sheer jealousy and conceit.
aemma on the other hand was a kid that was involuntarily married to an adult, who’s only purpose narrative wise was to give viserys heirs and die in childbirth (pretty familiar sounding story for targaryen women) so that he could remarry. they chose an older actress for the show to play aemma, i believe she was 40ish when the show was filmed, and cast an 18-19 year old for alicent. that would have her mid to late 20s when she had rhaenyra, and basically almost entirely removes how and when her victimhood began. she was the child bride, she was the one who was forced to get pregnant over and over again for viserys’ want of a son, she’s the one who ends up dying so devastatingly young; forced to give up her life and freedom bc her daughter wasn’t enough.
on the contrary, this would have been a fairly accurate casting for alicent, if they hadn’t decided to age her down to 14 at the beginning of the show and age rhaenyra up to 14 as well to create a doomed from the start friendship. rhaenyra was 8 years old when her mother died at 23 after aemma spent years either being pregnant, losing the pregnancy early, or going through multiple stillbirths. viserys started impregnating her when she was 13 years old. even the maester’s admitted that she was too young to be bedded, and that it had probably contributed to her fertility troubles. in f&b we’re only told that she died in childbirth, but she was forcibly cut open in the show, fully conscious the entire time that it was happening. too many people dismiss her death as necessary by saying she was going to die anyway, when in reality that doesn’t matter. she was a real, live human being who was gutted like a fish without her consent (another example of the show choosing to force unnecessary brutality and grotesqueness on women).
the show can try as hard as it wants to fully encompass alicent in the victim category, but they either fail to realize or do and don’t care that victimhood was never an aspect of her character; and in reducing her character to nothing more than that they’ve failed to properly adapt her motives and reasonings correctly for why she helped usurp rhaenyra and kickstart the dance of the dragons. aemma, however, was a victim; regardless of whichever media she is in. it was an integral part of her, as much as i hate to say it, and the writers failed to make the audience understand just how horrifying and tragic her life truly was.
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shiorimakibawrites · 7 months
Idea: A Brand New Ending (Kin)
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This is my rough notes for this fic. Subject to change. Any suggestions or input you would like to contribute are welcome.
Probably spoilers for Kin
(tagging @bellaxgiornata and any other Kin fic writers out there)
Pairing: Michael Kinsella x Reader
Title comes a quote of uncertain origin: No one can go back and make a brand new start, but anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.
You are half-Irish on your mother’s side.
When you were young, your parents died suddenly. You were taken in by your aunt and uncle who lived in Dublin, a couple houses down from Michael and his family.
AUNT and UNCLE can’t have kids and treat you like their own daughter.
Uncertain if your aunt and uncle are involved in the Kinsella criminal organization or not.
You are at least one year below Michael in school and develop a crush on the older boy. These feelings are returned and eventually you start dating. At some point, you give your virginity to Michael.
Something breaks you apart –
(1) AUNT and UNCLE either don’t approve of your relationship with Michael and/or having sex outside of marriage, and decided to move away to keep you away from this boy and his bad influence – maybe there was a pregnancy scare or an actual pregnancy but you ended up miscarrying.
(2) They find out about Bren’s disgusting habits toward young girls – maybe he molests you – and UNCLE and AUNT move away from Dublin to protect you from Bren (doesn’t trust the police in this matter for whatever reason – either they are criminals too or just thinks Bren has connections that would get him off).
Has sporadic contact with Michael afterward but the timing never seems right.
He is either having an affair with his brother’s wife or has gotten married to WIFE and has a little girl or is in prison for accidentally killing his wife.
You try to move on but your romantic relationships are all disasters in some way. Some better (perfectly nice guy but you are hilariously incompatible) than others (at least one was abusive)
Sometime during Season 1, you run into Michael again. One thing leads to another. In the morning, you are naked in his bed. Part of you wants to stay but something important comes up and you must dash off
Maybe AUNT or UNCLE has an emergency – become very ill or fell and broke their hip or had a stroke or a heart attack. Something very serious that eats up your attention for a while.
When you start getting sick, you think its stress. It’s not. Either by condom failure or birth control failure, you find yourself pregnant (again?). You know Michael is the father – you haven’t had sex with anyone else in over a year.
You try to tell Michael but ended up intercepted by Amanda. Who acts like herself and convinces you don’t really mean anything to Michael (“He just got out of prison. He’d fuck anyone.”) and certainly doesn’t want anything to do with child you are carrying.
Maybe its stress or hormone or anxiety or your self-esteem being in the toilet but you believe her lies and return home in tears.
You refuse to tell AUNT or UNCLE who the father is but all or most of the pregnancy but they eventually learn it.
Michael finds out when
(1) AUNT or UNCLE goes down to Dublin themselves to tell Michael off for his treatment of their niece. Michael is understandably confused, then gobsmacked.
(2) AUNT or UNCLE has some kind of relationship with Birdie and complains to her.
Maybe Birdie saw your conversation with Amanda – close enough to know she said something that had you running away in tears but not close enough to hear what was said. Maybe tried asking Amanda about it but obviously not cooperative, might be self-righteous about running off the interloper (you).
Not sure if he finds when you are still pregnant or shortly after giving birth to the twins. Yes, twins – a boy and a girl.
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jaimeslanisters · 2 years
the pawn in every lover's game (part four)
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Aemond Targaryen x Lannister!Reader
When you're ten, your father sends you to King's Landing to befriend a princess and woo a prince. A lioness growing up amongst dragons is a dangerous thing indeed.
crossposted on ao3 masterlist word count: 6.3k notes: another time skip but now we get adult aemond so hopefully that makes up for it (if the show can get away with skipping years so can i!). now reader gets to truly enter her political!reader arc (:
When you rush into the hallways outside of your Mother’s chambers, Cerelle doesn’t immediately react. She’s all but a statue, seated on a bench facing the doors of the chambers and staring down at her hands. It’s only when you walk to stand directly in front of her that she looks up, emerald eyes wide with shock.
“Father and Tyshara are attending to Jeyne and Joy. They told me to come ahead and see how things are. How is Mother doing?” You ask, and your older sister opens her mouth to respond when a scream rips its way out of the chambers, loud, long, and agonizing. Underneath it, you can barely make out the soft, comforting voice of a midwife and you stare at your sister, horrified.
Cerelle frowns. “The birth will be painful, more so than usual. The maester said that he believes this is to be Mother’s last child,” she murmurs. “It took so long for her womb to quicken this time - seven years. This is to be the last attempt.”
You frown as you slide onto the bench next to her. “Either we will finally have the long-awaited heir or…”
“The line of House Lannister will break once again,” Cerelle murmurs, bowing her head. “We barely survived it the last time.”
You shake your head, scoffing. “We survived it once and we can survive it again. Queen Leila was alone when she married Joffrey Lydden but she ensured that the Lannister name and blood survived. She made it so,” you remind her. “There are five of us, soon to be six. We have Uncle Tyland still and we have the backing of the royal family. If worse comes to worst, we will not be supplanted by an overeager vassal.”
Cerelle looks at you carefully. “Do we have Targaryen support? There have been no… official declarations of allegiance with us.”
You smile wryly. “Perhaps not but I imagine Helaena will be rather put out if her dearest friend’s house is extinguished overnight because of something as small as a lack of a male heir. They will help us ensure that whatever husband you find will be… agreeable to taking the Lannister name and relinquishing any claim on any other inheritances they may have.”
“I imagine dragons would be helpful in that,” Cerelle muses, shaking her head. She stares down at her hands for a moment before she looks back at you with searching eyes. “Will there be a… declaration of sorts in the future?”
“Now, isn’t that the question everyone has been dying to ask me,” you laugh, reaching over to squeeze your sister’s hand in comfort. “I don’t fancy myself an oathbreaker so Prince Aegon will marry Helaena as planned.”
Cerelle raises an eyebrow. “And Prince Aemond? Or am I to believe you’ve given up on your designs on any of the princes.”
You grin at your sister, releasing her and settling back against the wall. “When have you known me to give up on anything? I’m simply giving you the time and space to secure your own marriage before I claim my own. It would hardly be proper for the third daughter to be betrothed before the eldest.”
Cerelle scans your face carefully, looking for any sign of hesitancy before she sighs and leans back against the wall. “I’ll have to secure that marriage quickly,” she says. “I imagine Tyshara is growing weary and tired of having to tell her Lord Tarly to remain patient.”
“According to the singers, our sister is something of an enchantress,” you reply, voice dying slowly when another scream echoes out of the birthing chamber. You turn to stare at the door in trepidation and fear, your heart beating loudly in your chest. Cerelle barely flinches and she doesn’t say a word as you take a moment to recollect yourself, hands trembling. She merely leans into you, silently giving you her strength. After a second’s pause, you start again. “The golden beauty of Casterly Rock. Even in the Red Keep, I would hear songs about how she can enthrall any man with a single look. Her lord would wait for her even if you grew to be an old spinster.”
“Perhaps though I wonder if the singers would still sing their songs if they knew how ill-tempered Tyshara is if you wake her up early,” Cerelle laughs. “Her lord will wait but will your prince wait? Will you?”
You glance over at her, ready to retort, but she simply shakes her head, still smiling as she looks back down at her hands. To be honest, you wonder if she has a point. It had been eight years since you had been sent to the capital and Aemond had become your closest friend aside from Helaena. Outside of his sister and mother, you were the only woman in the court he interacted with on a daily basis, a fact that did not endear you to other hopeful would-be brides. Your meetings in the library still happened though now there was a… different air to it.
The table tucked away in the back of the library, hidden from prying eyes, remained your meeting place but the two of you were no longer children studying and sharing stories. He was a man fully grown and you were a maiden flowered. Etiquette demanded that the pair of you be accompanied by a chaperone during solo interactions and you highly doubted that the elderly maester assigned to the library counted considering he was asleep half of the time. Of course, you had never done anything even resembling something improper - not since you had snuck into his room at Driftmark. There was always a careful distance between the two of you, pointed efforts to avoid getting as physically close as you had when you were children.
It didn’t mean you didn’t desperately crave it. At first, it had been innocent. You had longed for the days when it hadn’t been inappropriate for you to reach out and grab his hand for comfort or crowd around a book, sides pressed into each other’s as you read. It had been so easy for a time but then you had grown and he had too and things had changed. You began to notice how tall he had become, how all his training in the yard had led to his body becoming muscled and lean. His already fine features had become masculine and refined and you wouldn’t be lying if you said he was prettier than the vast majority of the court, man and woman alike. He had grown his hair out, long and shiny and silver, and there were times when you had to stop yourself from reaching out and running your fingers through it to see if it was truly as silky as it looked.
In a way, it had almost been a relief when Uncle Tyland and you were summoned back to Casterly Rock after your Mother had announced she was with child a few moons ago. It gave you space to collect your thoughts and consider your next moves. Helaena’s wedding was soon and after, Queen Alicent would turn her attention to securing her youngest sons’ marriages. Daeron could wait for a few years but Aemond would be her top priority. You had only a few months or even less to secure Aemond as your own.
While you had certainly noticed Aemond as a man, you couldn’t be sure if he had noticed your own growth into a woman. Other men had noticed you - one Lord Victor Florent in particular who you had taken to dodging and avoiding. Uncle Tyland found his amusement in denying any betrothal or chaperon requests that came his way but still, nothing had come from Aemond. He has never treated you any differently, always so infuriatingly proper. He counted you as a close friend but you feared that that was all he saw you as.
“I worry I may have hurt my own cause,” you murmur to Cerelle, looking away when she glances over at you. “I’ve been one of his closest companions since we were children. I wonder if he sees me as just another sister like Helaena.”
Cerelle laughs, knocking your shoulder with hers. “He’s a Targaryen. That might be a plus in your regard. Perhaps all he needs is some more forward encouragement on your part.”
You snort, shooting her a halfhearted glare. “Perhaps,” you grumble, unwilling to keep talking about the incestuous habits of the royal family. “And what of your marriage? Any prospects?”
She sighs, shaking her head. “Every lord in the Westerlands has been pushing their son onto me since you were born and the line of House Lannister was revealed to be at risk. I’ve gotten some offers from the Reach and the Stormlands as well. There was even a particularly interesting letter from Starfall all the way in Dorne.”
You nod your head thoughtfully. “All good options,” you say, turning your body to face her. “But… Have you considered the North?”
“The North?” Cerelle asks, bafflement clear on her face.
“Yes. Cregan Stark has reached his age of majority and he is, as of now, unattached to any betrothals or marriage pacts. His uncle, Lord Regent Bennard, has refused all who ask for fear of his nephew amassing enough power to forcibly remove him from the seat that rightly belongs to him.”
“And you’re suggesting that I be that offer?”
“Yes. If the Gods are good, Mother will leave that room with a son in her arms and you’ll be free to go where you please. You must go north to Winterfell.” There’s a low keening wail coming from your mother’s chambers and you suck in a breath as you lean closer to your sister. “Winter has just ended but the North always immediately begins preparations for the next. Travel to Winterfell with father’s steward and an offer to send Lannister aid and gold to assist.”
She raises an eyebrow. “I didn’t think I had quite that level of authority.”
“Father will listen to you if you present it as growing the influence of the Westerlands in other kingdoms. Uncle Tyland will help. The North will accept the offer - they need it. The past two winters have been short, only a year, and so the maesters predict that the next one will be long. Whenever a winter drags longer than one and a half years, the death toll in the North increases dramatically. They’ll have no choice but to accept.”
“Why would Lord Bennard allow my entry into Winterfell? Especially if he’s turned down all offers of marriage to Lord Cregan?”
You smile. “Because Lord Bennard has four sons of his own and the youngest two are unmarried. He’ll want to claim you for his sons, to bolster their own claim, but you’ll approach Cregan Stark and offer him aid for his claim.”
Cerelle looks you over, scanning you carefully. “I never knew you were so passionate about Cregan Stark claiming his birthright. What do you care for who rules Winterfell? Why do you want a Lannister presence in the North?”
Your smile grows, slow and leonine. “King Torrhen bent the knee to Aegon the Conqueror but the North has never been ruled by the South - not truly. I doubt it ever will be. It is too wild and big to rule from King’s Landing and the Northerners are a proud bunch. They will do as they please. Cregan Stark, however, is a man, and men can be ruled by their wives, especially if their wives are as clever and beautiful as you, Cerelle. If you can manage to marry him, you’ll have a marriage with a man known to be honorable and strong, a man who wouldn’t fear being outsmarted by his wife but rather welcome it.”
“Are your intentions as pure as me securing a marriage that would fit me personally?” Cerelle asks as the sound of footsteps echoes down the hall, Tyshara and Jason’s voices floating down to the pair of you.
You tilt your head. “Mostly. I do desire a marriage that fits you above all else though I won’t lie and say the alliance it’ll bring us wouldn’t be critical.”
“To us?” Cerelle questions wryly as she rises to her feet, you along with her, to greet your father and sister. “Or to your future good brother’s ascent to the Iron Thorne?”
You don’t answer, merely grinning at your sister, before turning back to your father and Tyshara. The four of you settle down, Tyshara squeezing on the bench with you and Cerelle, while your father leans back against the wall, eyes closed. Together, you all wait, occasionally whispering to each other, but mainly sitting in silence as your mother’s pitched screams grow louder and louder until there is finally silence.
Just as you think you can’t bear it, you hear Johanna’s exhausted voice speak and a baby’s wail. Your body relaxes in absolute relief, that the worst hasn’t come to pass, and the doors swing open to reveal Maester Addam, the old man smiling wider than you have ever seen him smile before.
You know the answer before he ever says it.
“Lady Johanna has birthed a healthy boy, my lord. Both she and the babe are in excellent health.”
Your father appears stunned as if he had never truly expected this outcome, but then he stands straight, running his hand over his face. He wants to cry you realize with surprise and the realization causes a knot to form in your throat.
“Come, my girls,” he says, his voice fragile like glass. “Let us meet your brother.”
You and your sister rise to follow him and, as you enter your mother’s chambers, Cerelle leans in close to your ear, her hands clasping yours.
“It seems I’ll have to stock up on thick cloaks,” she whispers and when you look over at her, she’s smiling with tears in her eyes.
You didn’t think you would ever miss King’s Landing with its foul smell and its even fouler people but when your carriage rolls into the courtyard and you spot Helaena waiting for you, practically bouncing on her heels, with her mother at her side and other members of the court behind her, you feel like you’re returning home.
You attempt to have some composure as you approach her, curtsying low as you greet the Queen, but when you turn to do the same to Helaena, she rushes you, wrapping her arms around your neck in a tight hug. It’s a short hug - years at her side had not made her more inclined to touch - but tears immediately cloud your eyes and you fight to make sure they don’t fall. Next to you, Jason is charming the Queen and Tyland speaks to the Lord Hand Otto Hightower but your eyes are only on Helaena.
“I’ve missed you, Helaena, though perhaps not as much as you seem to have missed me,” you tease as if you aren’t tearing up, and Helaena waves her hand in the air, seemingly equally as affected by your reunion.
She manages out a wet laugh, her eyes shining brightly. “I missed having a sister. My brothers are nice but sometimes I just want a girl around.”
You grin. “I’m pleased to say that I can finally relate though Loren is such a playful and sweet babe that I can’t complain about his presence.”
She smiles, turning to walk inside the Red Keep, and you follow, walking in step with her easily. She leans conspiratorially in. “Aemond will be angry with Aegon for making him miss your return. It seems that it’s tradition for the groom to hunt down an animal to be prepared for the wedding feast and Aegon refused to go alone and dragged along our brothers. I fear that they must not have had much luck seeing as they were due to be back yesterday and still haven’t returned yet.”
You laugh, your heart racing at the mention of Aemond. Only a few months. “I can only imagine the problems Prince Aegon is causing poor Aemond and Daeron. I pity them both.”
“As long as all three of them return in one piece, I’ll be satisfied,” Helaena hums. “Ser Criston went with them as well as some Hightower cousins.”
“Ser Criston will keep them in line,” you say, gently brushing your shoulder against hers. “Or at least, I imagine he will try. I can’t see Aegon ever being overruled in his mischief like that.”
She pauses midstep, her face blank. “The hand will hold the iron.”
You blink, turning to her. Your mind flashes back to Driftmark, to her whispers about a closed eye. “Otto Hightower?” You ask softly and she simply stares back at you, looking straight through you, before she reclaims herself, shaking her head.
You give her a moment to adjust back to the present. Questioning her about her strange utterings had never helped. Helaena never remembered and pressing the topic made her uneasy and nervous, as if she would betray a sacred promise she had made if she ever spoke the truth about her odd prophecies.
“How have wedding preparations gone?” You ask instead and Helaena’s countenance brightens as if she’s grateful for the out.
“Smoothly enough,” she answers, playing with her fingers as the two of you continue your path through the Red Keep, no doubt heading to the sitting room where the two of you had always spent most of your time. “Mother is helping me with my maiden cloak but it’s slow going. I only have a little over a sennight left and she is already panicking that I won’t finish it in time.”
You smile. “Perhaps if you were stitching a spider rather than a dragon, you’d be interested.”
“I should hoist it off to you,” she replies cheerfully. “It’d be great practice for your own in the future.”
“My sister is free to marry now that we won’t have to hastily secure the future of our house,” you say. “I imagine the second she is married, Tyshara will marry Lord Tarly, and then it’ll be my turn. If my father has anything to say about it, his three eldest will be married before the year is out. The coffers will certainly be in a state after three weddings.”
Helaena tilts her head. “A dragon trapped by snow,” she murmurs softly.
Your fingers itch with the desire of pulling on Helaena’s hands and begging her for an explanation that you know she would never give so instead, you swallow thickly and keep walking at her side.
At some point in regaling Helaena with tales of the Rock, Queen Alicent sweeps in, a shining picture of grace and beauty. She smiles at the sight of you and Helaena seated together on the chaise lounge, waving her hand when you rise to greet her.
“Please,” Alicent says, eyes warm. “None of it, my lady. You’ve spent enough years by my Helaena’s side that you needn’t keep bowing to me.”
You smile, feeling the glow of accomplishment. “I would still feel wrong not doing it, your grace. I’m merely giving you the respect you are due.”
Alicent’s eyes flash with something, too quickly for you to recognize, but her smile grows fonder and she turns to look at her daughter.
“We must hurry to finish your maiden cloak, my sweet. The wedding festivities will begin shortly and then you’ll have no time for it all,” she says, wringing her hands in anxiety.
Helaena’s eyes flash. “No choice. No choice,” she murmurs urgently and you watch her carefully, hoping that she’ll continue, but she shakes her head, rising to her feet. “Of course Mother,” she quietly says, timid and shy.
The Queen smiles, this time more reserved, and she turns to you with a friendly look on her face. “I’d ask you to join us, my lady, but I have a favor to ask of you.”
You nod immediately. “Of course, my queen, I’ll do my very best to assist you in any way I can.”
Her smile grows. “My sons are meant to arrive back from their hunt shortly. I was hoping that if you would be so kind, you could go inform them to come to the royal apartments. There is much to discuss about their roles to play in the nuptials. You, of course, are welcome to stay to assist Helaena with her cloak after.”
You immediately agree even as you ponder her request. Truly, it was a task meant for a maid or even a kingsguard if Alicent wished to place more importance on an otherwise mundane task. Although… Perhaps the Queen was considering you as an option for Aemond or Daeron. You were Helaena’s only companion and the Lannisters remained, as ever, loyal and steadfast allies of House Hightower. It would be an insult if she didn’t think you a worthy option for her sons.
Securing the Queen’s approval had never factored into your plans. Your position and power had always been clear to you - the Queen and by proxy, the King would never dream of upsetting both the Warden of the West and their Master of Ships by dismissing you as a bride out of hand. Your plan hinged rather on Aemond himself choosing you.
With that in mind, you give yourself leave of Helaena and the Queen and walk down to the courtyard. The wedding was only a little more than a week away and already the Red Keep was an absolute hive of people. Servants were bustling around, almost frantic in their attempts to put the castle to order and prepare decorations. A few Houses had already arrived for the festivities and you knew soon, the dozens of others that had been invited would descend upon the capitol. Your own family was part of the rush - your father had accompanied you and your uncle back for that very reason. Your older sisters had planned to come along also but then Cerelle had gone North and Tyshara had remained behind at Casterly Rock to help care for your mother. In their place, auxiliary members of House Lannister from Lannisport, children of your grandfather’s brothers, had come.
It was all a thinly veiled attempt at showcasing the united strength of the Hightowers and Targaryens and those who stood behind them. Everywhere you looked, shiny green banners decorated the walls with beautiful dragon statues adorning the halls. It was opulent. It was beautiful. It was such a shame that it was all to be wasted on a sham marriage even if Helaena herself deserved this and more.
When you reach the courtyard, it is a flurry of activity as stablehands race to put away carriages and horses and members of lesser houses are greeted by relatives and connections in the royal court. No one notices you slip in and stand to the side and you fold your hands in front of you, watching the only marginally organized chaos unfold in front of you.
You don’t have to wait long until heralds ride into the courtyard, announcing the return of the three princes and their entourage. It seems almost an impossible feat of magic the way the servants clear the once messy courtyard to be clear and empty for the arrival of the royal family, their voices loud and firm as they move with purpose and urgency to clear the space. The present court gathers and some overeager girls from House Mullendore crowd in front of you, their cloaks spotted with the butterflies of their sigil, as they whisper eagerly about the princes.
“I hear Prince Daeron is as beautiful as any maiden in the court, if not more so,” one says as she leans in close to her companion. “Prince Aemond is also as lovely though that scar must do him no favors.
“Poor man,” the other girl titters, even as a row of grand wheelhouses enters the courtyard, Ser Criston riding ahead of them. “He’d make a fine husband if only Lucerys Velaryon hadn’t taken an eye from him. I hear he wears an eyepatch to cover up that terrible wound.”
Her friend gasps, the sound sharp and annoying in your ears. “I pity whichever wife is stuck with him then. To look at such a thing while trying to fulfill your duties in the bedchambers… such a terrible shame,” she whispers, her tone light and airy as if she was discussing the weather or the latest fashion.
He wears that damnable eyepatch because of ladies as spineless and empty-headed as you, you think to yourself as servants rush to open the doors of the wheelhouse. If a scar is enough to scare you, then you’d make a poor match for a dragon.
The doors fly open and, as one, the court all moves to greet the royal princes. You perform a quick, shallow curtsey and when you look up, you see Aegon, swaying in place and looking wholly uncomfortable with the attention being given. Prince Daeron stands behind him, only slightly shorter than his eldest brother, with his face calm even as his eyes betray his panic at his brother’s state,
They melt away, however, when you spot Aemond. It’s been well over half a year since you had left, the longest time you have ever spent away from King’s Landing since you first moved here so many years ago. When you were at the Rock, it seemed as if time could not go slower as your entire family held its breath in prayer and anticipation of the new heir. Looking at Aemond now, however, you wonder how if time had stopped for you, then how it must have sped for him?
More than his looks, there is a quiet confidence in Aemond now that there had never been there before. He was always proud of being a prince and, after claiming Vhagar, he was a proud Targaryen dragonrider. But this was more than that. This was a steady and firm conviction in himself as a person and it takes your breath away to see.
You want to step forward, push aside the Mullendore girls, and talk to him but you stand back for a moment longer, hungry to see more of Aemond before he saw you.
He moves closer to Aegon and, with a quick jab to the ribs, subtly moves his brother to stand up straighter. Strangely obedient, Aegon does so and, with a smile that is plainly fake, greets the court back in kind. Finally acknowledged, the nobles surrounding you disperse, most of them already loudly gossiping to each other as they spread out.
“You know,” one of the Mullendore girls says as she turns to her companion, completely oblivious to you standing right behind them. “Seeing him now… perhaps that scar does not damage Prince Aemond’s looks as much as we had feared.”
The other girl giggles, loud and girlish. “No. Perhaps we should ask your lord father to introduce us to him?”
“I wouldn’t risk getting that close, my ladies,” you cut in, smiling when the girls turn to you in anger, only to still when they see you dressed in Lannister red with a lion necklace hanging around your neck. “The princes are all the blood of the dragon and as such, are fierce and capable warriors. Such… delicate maidens such as yourselves might be frightened something awful by them. It would be a terrible shame for you to insult them with your own meekness.”
One of the girls sputters in indignation but you push past her, making your way to the princes. Aegon spots you first, eyes brightening, as he throws his arms wide, nearly whacking poor Daeron in the ribs.
“My shining lady of Lannister,” he cheers and you fight the urge to smack some sobriety into him. Instead, you give him a nod, trying your best to pretend that your heart doesn’t begin to race and pound in your chest when Aemond turns around in a flash to look at you, his sole eye wide in surprise.
You pray that you don’t blush when you meet his gaze for a moment.
“You honor me too much, my prince,” you respond, subtly turning your head to glance at the Mullendore girls with smug pride. Both girls have gone pale at Aegon’s loud and effusive greeting and you smile sweetly at them. You face the princes again. “I expect the hunt went well?”
Daeron groans. “Hardly. We eventually managed to get a stag but only after days of wandering the Kingswood. Aegon was well into his cups from the moment we set off, Ser Criston kept laughing at our inability to track, and Aemond was just impatient and snappish the entire time.”
Aegon laughs. “We had our fun. Shame that Aemond was too preoccupied to enjoy it. What was it that had you so distracted, dear brother?”
“Worry that you’d trip and fall upon your own sword,” Aemond drily responds and something in you sings at hearing his voice after so long.
You smile at him. “I’m glad he had you there then, my prince, to ensure that such a terrible fate would not happen to him on the eve of his wedding. I imagine the groom dying is an ill omen, indeed.”
Daeron breaks out into loud laughter, hand grabbing at Aegon’s shoulder to tease his older brother, but you keep your eyes on Aemond. He smiles at you, a small, secret smile, and you can’t help but to grin back.
“Speaking of the wedding, my princes, your mother sent me to retrieve the three of you and accompany you to the royal apartments. She has much to discuss over the upcoming festivities.” You say after a moment and there’s a long groan from Aegon.
“Of course, of course,” he grumbles, his face twisted with displeasure. “Everything must go perfectly for the wedding.”
You frown, watching him carefully. Since Driftmark, he wasn’t as cruel to his siblings as he once was. He, along with the rest of his family and allies, had closed ranks in an attempt to appear unified, pointedly avoiding at least public discord. Despite that, however, neither Aegon nor Helaena had warmed any to their upcoming nuptials and Aegon still kept to his whoring habits though perhaps not as openly as he once had. You hadn’t warmed to their union but you had grown to somewhat see the benefits of it - it ensured that any dragonriders Helaena birthed would remain in the Targaryen line rather than open to outside influence from other houses and it prevented angering any potential good-fathers with Aegon’s indiscretions.
It all made strategic “sense” but you didn’t like it. You didn’t like it at all.
You clear your throat. “If it would please you, we should head to meet your mother and sister now.”
Aegon makes a face but he gestures for you to lead and you nod at him with a smile, glancing over at Aemond as you turn to head into the Red Keep. Behind you, you hear Daeron yelp as Aegon drags him back to his side, saying something or another about smuggling the poor lad out to the Street of Silk. From Daeron’s loud protestations, you imagine that Aegon will only be disappointed by his brother’s complete rejection of the idea and you fight to hold back a laugh.
Next to you, Aemond catches up, his long legs allowing him to overtake your own stride quickly enough. He folds his hands back his back and looks down at you, causing your heart begin to beat heavily in your chest. “How did you enjoy being back at the Rock, my lady? You’ve certainly talked it up across the years.”
You smile at him, angling your body so you can face him slightly as you navigate the winding halls of the Red Keep. “It was both exactly as I remembered it and wildly different. The castle itself remains the same from the Lion’s Mouth to the battlements at the very top. Some people likewise remained the same like my father’s steward but Jeyne and Joy have grown so much from the little girls I left behind and have turned into young maidens behind my back. It was… disconcerting to be reunited with them and find Jeyne has grown taller than me.”
“An easy task to be sure,” Aemond quips and you roll your eyes.
“Not all of us can be blessed with your stature, my prince,” you respond.
He hums. “And not all of us will be cursed to be outgrown by our youngers like you.”
“Give it time,” you laugh as you glance over your shoulder to look at Daeron and Aegon, the former appearing bone-tired to be trapped listening to whatever it was his older brother was attempting to tell him. “The young Prince Daeron still has some years yet to grow even taller. Perhaps he’ll outpace you just as you’ve outpaced Prince Aegon. Your mother would be absolutely drowning in betrothal pacts.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if they begin coming this week,” he says, shaking his head, “All the lords Mother invited brought their daughters with them. I’d be surprised if there’s a maiden of noble birth not here.”
You tilt your head. “My own sisters are not part of that rush at least, my prince. Cerelle has been sent North with my father’s steward to work on a treaty of the utmost importance. Tyshara is at the Rock, assisting my mother and helping her care for baby Loren. Jeyne and Joy are not quite yet at that age. I will say, however, my father is most anxious for his daughters to be married soon.”
Jason wasn’t. When you first returned, he had discussed with you your designs on Prince Aemond. He had expressed annoyance that you hadn’t attempted to build a relationship with Aegon but Tyland had assured him that you had made the correct decision and had even expressed his belief that you were wholly capable of wooing Aemond. That combined with the birth of Loren and the more immediate pressure on Cerelle to marry kept him hounding you about your prospects.
Of course, Aemond didn’t need to know that.
Cerelle had said that he might need some encouragement.
“My own parents were betrothed at my great-uncle’s wedding feast. Perhaps I’ll leave the next week with a future husband in tow.”
Aemond looks you over, his amethyst eyes searching. “I imagine your father came with you for that exact purpose rather than staying behind with your lady mother.”
You shrug. “He has never shown much interest in any of my sisters before we were old enough to talk to him about things other than our childhood interests. I can’t imagine that even his long-awaited son could hold his attention. A week-long wedding celebration where he’s guaranteed the chance to drink and have his fun coupled with the potential of marrying off one of his daughters? I can see no reason why he would be more interested in that than a screeching babe.”
“Careful,” Aemond warns in a teasing voice, nodding to the kingsguard stationed by the entrance to Maegor’s Holdfast as all of you approach. “Many men wouldn’t have much use for a wife with a tongue as sharp as yours.”
You laugh gleefully. “I don’t know, my prince. I imagine my future husband could find some use for my tongue.”
His head jerks to stare at you, his eyes darkening. You both look at each other, the air heavy, when finally a small smirk appears on his face.
“Wouldn’t that be a beautiful sight?” He says, voice low and rumbling, and you feel your core heat up, making you shift uncomfortably.
You open your mouth, to say what you don’t know, when Aegon slams into your back, nearly sending you to the ground if it wasn’t for Aemond grabbing your arm, his reaction time impossibly fast.
“Oh, fuck,” Aegon swears, stumbling back. “Why in the seven hells would the two of you just stop like that?”
Aemond glares at his brother, releasing your arm. “Perhaps if you spent more time training than drinking, you wouldn’t be so caught off guard. Apologize to the lady.”
Daeron winces as Aegon sputters in indignation, pulling his eldest brother back by the shoulder. “I’m sorry, my lady. I should have been keeping a better eye on him,” he bows his head, appearing genuinely contrite for something that wasn’t even his fault. Heart still pounding in your chest, you smile hesitantly at him and quietly say your thanks.
For a few moments, you don’t think that Aegon will apologize. He’s too busy looking between you and Aemond, brow furrowed as if he’s trying to work out a puzzle. At your side, Aemond stiffens and you can only imagine the dark look on his face. It’s a testament to all of their years at each other’s side that it seemingly does not affect Aegon at all.
Finally, the prince grins, looking like the cat that caught the canary, and bows his head at you. “My biggest apologies, my shining lady of Lannister. I’ll be sure to keep my eye on the two of you to avoid any such accidents.”
“You should keep your eyes on the world around you instead,” Aemond grinds out and Aegon’s grin only grows.
“Why? When I can keep my eye on fascinating things instead,” he says, laughing as he walks ahead, entering Maegor’s Holdfast to where the Queen and Helaena are waiting.
Daeron looks at you and Aemond, plainly confused, before smiling nervously. “Should we go in and meet Mother?”
You slowly nod, glancing over at Aemond. He’s wiped his face clean, as calm and collected as he normally is. There was no hint of the man you had been talking to only a few minutes ago and a secret thrill runs down your back. Only a few months. “Yes, we should hurry in. We wouldn’t want to keep the Queen waiting.”
With a newfound confidence, you spin on your heel and enter Maegor’s Holdfast.
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lime1991 · 9 months
My dsmp Tubbo and Tommy canons (I can do whatever I want and these are canon facts to me)
-smoked cigarettes a lot during the Schlatt administration to get away from all of the… everything. Fundy was the one who started this for him.
-hates alcohol because of Schlatt and Wilbur. Before being part of Schlatt’s cabinet he had to deal with Wilbur being drunk and mentally ill too.
-is Wilbur’s adopted brother, calls Phil by his name instead of “dad” even though he was literally raised by him. Also doesn’t call Wilbur his brother unless it’s brought up in some way.
-Tommy is his best friend. He is Tommy’s favorite person. Their conversations are very monotone.
-has breathing problems due to smoking. Has tried to quit, but can’t. Instead smokes weed every so often because it’s better than nicotine.
-has bipolar disorder, when he’s manic he wakes up at 5 am and does yard work. When he’s depressed, he can’t get out of bed for days. He knows he’s bipolar, many people do, but it still was a reason his marriage fell apart (not his fault)
-he did not get custody of Michael when he and Ranboo divorced, because he didn’t fight for it because doesn’t think he can really raise a child with all his personal issues (in a “I would never have kids because I’m too mentally ill and traumatized” way)
-bonded with Quackity during the Schlatt administration, is maybe the only one who knows to what extent Quackity was fucked up by Schlatt. They have a weird relationship that’s similar to a mother and son. Don’t question it.
-I’m a fan of dadschlatt so in my brain Tubbo is Schlatt’s biological son, and they only find this out when they’re working together and Schlatt grills him on his family history and it strangely matches up with that one time Schlatt decided to leave the girl he accidentally impregnated and fully skip town. So when Schlatt and Quackity get married Quackity is basically Tubbo’s stepmom.
-he and Wilbur are like 12 years apart, when Fundy is born, Wilbur is 20. When Fundy and Tubbo meet for the first time, Fundy is 8 and Tubbo is 16. And, yes, Tubbo went to live with Wilbur when he turned 16 for reasons and was like “Wil who the fuck is this child” and Wilbur is like “oh that’s my daughter” ???
-trans girl.
-met Wilbur before she met Tubbo. They lived in the same place. When Tubbo went to live with Wilbur he was immediately bombarded by a strange hyperactive fifteen year old.
-Tommy’s parents left her. She didn’t believe that they did at first, but they did. (By the way I’ve decided L’Manburg was a commune) Because her parents have left her alone on the commune, she’s sort of raised by all of the adults and herself. This is how she knows Wilbur.
-has bpd and severe abandonment issues. Originally attached herself to Wilbur before meeting Tubbo and becoming close with him. During the Pogtopia era, Tommy goes insane and completely attaches herself to Wilbur again.
-When Wilbur dies during war, Tommy’s whole personality switches and instead of being majorly depressed she pretends that it didn’t happen and stays completely delusional for like a month.
-during Exile, she had time to think about herself and her identity and it’s when she comes out to herself as trans. Dream is also the first person she actually comes out to. And I can’t decide if Ghostbur is a hallucination or not, but Tommy doesn’t know either it’s ok.
-very delusional. Like, schizophrenic. Genuinely believed during Exile that Dream was her best friend and wasn’t like beating her and destroying her stuff every single day. Dream doesn’t understand if she’s being serious when she’s like “hi bestie” so he keeps doing worse and worse wondering how much it’ll take to break her.
-gets therapy and takes antipsychotics now. Always brings up the stories of the wildest delusional episodes she’s ever experienced. During exile she was certain she had like 5 girlfriends at once.
-when she ends up trapped in jail with Dream she almost kills herself before Dream does it for her. The pain of being trapped with him again was worse than emotional. Worse than ptsd.
-has complicated feelings towards Quackity, will never forget the time she watched him and Schlatt argue. She’d never heard a “loving couple” sound that angry before. Though she doesn’t know every little detail about the relationship.
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townsenddecades · 2 months
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1306 – Day 4
There are three important birthdays in the Townsend household this quarter, and after the serene last few months, things get surprisingly busy! So busy, in fact, that The Watcher forgets that it is also harvest day, an error She will correct on the first day of summer in the coming year.
The first birthday of the quarter is that of Robert, who turns six. It is a bit bittersweet for Anne; pages are usually taken on at age seven, so she will only have one more year with her boy before she has to send him to Praaven to live with and be trained by Sir Silas.
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The other two children to reach a milestone are Anna and Edith, who turn thirteen. This also means that they are now officially considered eligible to be courted, even if they are still a bit young to marry.
Benedict and Anne can both hardly believed that their little girls are so grown-up already. They have become such beautiful young women. It scares Anne a bit to know that they, too, will soon move out into the world to make their own families. (A small note of clarification: Anna is still the one wearing her hair loose, while Edith’s is put up.)
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The girls immediately set to work helping out in new areas of farm life, be it knitting or cooking (both of which they should have been able to do before, but which The Sims 3 sadly doesn’t support). Anna’s first meal is a rather simple dish mostly made up of greens, but she is proud of herself for having managed something edible.
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Which is a very good thing, because Matthew Crawley and his daughter Caroline come over for supper that evening. George couldn’t come along, but Master Crawley passes along a message from him: he would like Anna to accompany him to a celebration he has been invited to in a few months’ time. Anna is gobsmacked, but can’t agree fast enough.
Benedict and Anne, of course, share a knowing look at this. It seems as if their efforts to procure a large dowry for their eldest haven’t been in vain, after all.
Their table is rather crowded that evening, but they don’t mind. Everyone is in good spirits, especially Anna, who is blushing and can’t stop smiling, and Robert and Caroline, who have made fast friends while the grown-ups were talking.
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They get another visitor as well: William Watmore, at whose appearance Edith is the one blushing. It seems it won’t take long for either of their daughters to get settled – although as a serf, William isn’t nearly as good a match as George Crawley is. It is also one that depends on the approval of their liege lord.
It will come cheaper, though.
Well, only the future will tell it is where Edith’s heart lies, and before that, her parents will have a talk with her to make sure she knows what she is getting herself into.
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Nigel de Bellefaye (Baron’s family)
Prev: 1306, Day 3 <--> Next: 1307, Day 1
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esther-dot · 1 year
hello! i’ve followed for a while but never talked to you. thank you for being such a great jonsa and asoiaf source. i’ve been thinking lately about how sansa’s vale arc might proceed and was curious if you know of any theories about when/how her marriage to tyrion might end.
sansa needs to be unwed for littlefinger’s schemes to work. he seems to want sansa to believe he’s just waiting around for tyrion to die, but that doesn’t seem in character for him. it seems more likely he is actively trying to end her marriage behind the scenes.
do you think she’s likely to stay married to tyrion for much longer? or might her married/unmarried state end up as convoluted as the northern succession, maybe with a decree of annulment floating around somewhere like robb’s will?
Aw! Thank you so much for saying so! I really enjoyed your tags contributing to the Rhaegar & David parallels, and your post about his name.
I haven't been reading much meta this year, so I may have missed it, but I don't know that we've ever developed a specific theory about when Sansa's marriage to Tyrion would be handled! We've sometimes talked about a nice ol' widowing which is fun (but not what we'll get imo), @kellyvela found an exchange in which Martin said that someone doesn't have to go to the High Septon for an annulment but obviously will have to request it in their own name and it would reveal their location (link), so that means, it can't be safely done while Sansa’s pretending to be LF's daughter. She could do it once in Winterfell, and we've talked about the possibility of Tyrion trying to bring the North to Dany's side in DoD 2.0 via his marriage to Sansa, and if that is the route Martin wants to go, it would be pretty juicey, and really fuel Tyrion's rage if Sansa has already had their marriage annulled. That's a fun way to play it.
We've also talked about post a girl in grey trip to the North, considering loyalty to Ned and hatred for Lannisters, the North might just say fuck it, we don't recognize that forced marriage. Or, and I really do think this is possible for drama's sake, we have the two religions, and they might use that to defend not recognizing the marriage and, considering the byronic Jon quote, and how often bigamy pops up in gothic/victorian lit, I don't dismiss the idea that Sansa might marry someone before the old gods prior to an annulment being secured. That might mean, the annulment doesn't happen until close to the end of the story. I personally like the idea of a secret Jonsa wedding, but lot's of Jonsas expect it to be public after R+L=J to reconcile the Jon KitN turning out to be a Targ debacle. Either way, this would mean when Jon reunites with his friend Tyrion, they're both married to Sansa which is also a very sick twisted fun way to play it! (Stop throwing tomatoes, y'all know that would be funny!)
As for LF's current plans, I have no idea! He believed Cersei would end Tyrion, he'd then get rid of Cersei, and that at that point he could reveal who Sansa was:
"A marriage . . ." Her throat tightened. She did not want to wed again, not now, perhaps not ever. "I do not . . . I cannot marry. Father, I . . ." Alayne looked to the door, to make certain it was closed. "I am married," she whispered. "You know."
Petyr put a finger to her lips to silence her. "The dwarf wed Ned Stark's daughter, not mine. Be that as it may. This is only a betrothal. The marriage must needs wait until Cersei is done and Sansa's safely widowed. And you must meet the boy and win his approval. Lady Waynwood will not make him marry against his will, she was quite firm on that." (AFFC, Alayane II)
No man can wed me so long as my dwarf husband still lives somewhere in this world. Queen Cersei had collected the head of a dozen dwarfs, Petyr claimed, but none were Tyrion's. (TWOW, Alayne I)
The mention of the queen's name made her stiffen. "She's not kind. She scares me. If she should learn where I am—"
"—I might have to remove her from the game sooner than I'd planned. Provided she does not remove herself first." (AFFC, Alayne I)
Cersei had the motivation to go after Tyrion, so it made sense to me he thought she'd handle it, and then he'd handle her, but seeing as what he wants to do is reveal Sansa as herself, get the KotV to go North and reclaim Winterfell, I'm not sure what he is currently planning, now that he says his timetable is screwed? Unless he thinks the mayhem of KL, Cersei's current trouble there, Aegon and then Dany's arrival will allow him to get the annulment undiscovered? Cersei is at odds with the High Septon, so maybe he thinks he could get away with it? That doesn't make sense to me though, not with the way news flies. I guess the weather is something of a shield, but not enough. Maybe he planned to kill someone and try to pass them off as Tyrion? Marry Sansa to Harry quickly after and take her North where Cersei wouldn't be able to get her? The emphasis is on Tyrion being alive, not the annulment, but maybe that's a misdirect. I really can't say. If any of you have spec, let me know and I’ll reblog it!
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
Can I ask what it would be like if Joanna!lookalike!reader were to saaaayyy…. Marry Oberyn Martell? No doubt the Lannisters would be absolutely FURIOUS and at first, Oberyn sees this as a chance to get back at them for the death of his sister Elia and her children but reader is just absolutely happy in Dorne because she loves the silk dresses that allow easier movement and much easier to “breathe” so to speak. She probably even wears the colours of House Martell but she doesn’t want to interfere with her husband and Ellaria’s relationship. Plus she gets to be close to her nice Myrcella in Dorne ☺️
Joanna!lookalike!Reader isn’t stupid or gullible, they see Oberyn and the Martell’s ulterior motives but this also gets them some space away from there own suffocating family. They hate that they have to leave Tommen, Tyrion and Jaime behind but they get to be closer to Myrcella and keep her company. That’s also one of the excuses Joanna!lookalike gives Cersei when she’s trying desperately to get the Reader to stay and not be married off. And for a moment it does make Cersei step back and think about her Myrcella but then it sinks in that the Martells will now have two of Cersei’s most treasured possessions. Her anxiety and paranoia over the situation will only worsen, especially as she’s forced to watch her darling Joanna!lookalike sail away with Oberyn.
Given that Joanna!lookalike is very accepting and tolerating of Oberyn and Ellaria’s relationship, I could see them both very easily falling into their own obsession to the Reader. Especially seeing the Reader take on the House Martell colors as their own and adjusting to Dorne being their new home, as well as trying to be on good terms with Oberyn’s daughters when he introduces the Reader to them. Although, I feel like he would be more likely to do that once he has a good idea of how thei marriage with them is going to work out and when his own obsession kicks in he’ll have a meeting with his daughters beforehand to ensure that they are civil with the Reader when meeting them.
I definitely think that Jonna!lookalike wearing the Martell colors and going around making Dorne their home would certainly help the Martells and Sand Snakes to distance the Reader from the rest of House Lannister. They’re able to not only see the Reader as their own person but also now as a part of House Martell. The Martells still very much have their grievances towards House Lannister but in this case Joanna!lookalike is their only exception. And of course also Myrcella.
Cersei would be completely in hysterics with her daughter and the Reader gone from her overprotective and watchful eye. She is overwhelmed with anxiety and paranoia at not being able to know everything going on with either of them. She will constantly write to both Joanna!lookalike and Myrcella. She definitely sought out information from Myrcella about what is really going on and how well the Reader is truly being treated in Dorne. Cersei will justify her over abundance of letters and questions to the Reader as just being worried about Myrcella and how she is in Dorne. Cersei isn’t stupid either, she can feel the Reader pulling away from her by the inconsistency in letters back from them and their vague answers/chitchat. And she doesn’t take too well to it at all. She completely believes that the Martells are overseeing the Reader’s letters and forcing them to only answer what the Martells want them to. Cersei wholeheartedly is under the impression that Joanna!lookalike and Oberyn’s marriage was nothing but the Martells taking yet another Lannister hostage and that only adds to her already festering paranoia.
Tyrion, Tommen and Jaime are the ones who get more information from the Reader regarding their new life in Dorne. They still don’t divulge all that much more than what Cersei gets but it’s still something. Especially for Tyrion to hold over Cersei’s head when he feels he needs to. Cersei will totally have Tommen and Jaime give their letters over to her to read herself so that she can have more information about what’s going on with the Reader in Dorne.
Tywin would be the one to plan a visit to Dorne or rather have the Martells come visit King’s Landing with the Reader. Imagine House Lannister’s joy at the Reader finally coming to visit only for all that joy to turn into shock and horror upon seeing how pregnant the Reader is. Not only that but Oberyn and Ellaria being all over their darling’s swollen belly and keeping everyone else at an arm’s length away from them for both the Reader and the child’s safety.
Also, given that the Mountain is Joannalookalike’s sworn guard I have no doubt that Oberyn and Doran planned to have Oberyn marry the Reader to lure Gregor to Dorne so that they could finally get revenge for Elia. I mean of course Tywin and Cersei would send the Mountain to Dorne with the Reader to ensure their safety and to report back to them about everything going on there and how their Joanna!lookalike is being treated. The Martells may have also thought that Tywin would be inclined to come down to Dorne too, to make a visit and check things there for his beloved Joanna!lookalike.
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vacantgodling · 2 months
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#27: Duchess Primrose Aegos
Conniving isn’t the word that you would use to describe yourself; pragmatic, perhaps. Conniving sounds like you have some ill will in wanting to secure the future of yourself and your child—when your partner died suddenly and you needed money, what better to do than to marry? You may not love your partner, but they don’t love you either; perhaps neither of you need to. With all of the pomp and circumstance and unpopularity of their arrival into power, perhaps it is better to not get too attached, in case the murmurs of a coup are more founded than just rumors. What matters is your security and you will do anything to secure it. Oh, and perhaps that of your child too.
“primrose” means first rose. “aegos” is a historical name that derives from the fallen city of argos. its believed that those with that name are direct descendants of the former ruling family there; though much of that history aside from what is known of king mitica were lost to time. primrose hasn’t made any pilgrimage to eros to confirm the records of this or not, because should they not be it could cost her status.
67, cis female (she/her), romance & sex: no; she doesn’t actually have much interest in others romantically or sexually. every union is more of a means to an end for her, but if given the opportunity she’d rather be on her own. preference: someone who leaves her alone and has money
a woman of regal stature, standing tall and proud at 6’0” with long, birdlike limbs. her hair is a deep purple, so deep that it is almost black, and is always styled in an updo of some kind, never touching her neck. she looks startlingly like her daughter, illiana, near mirror images of one another, except for their eyes—hers being a warm, golden honey color. her skin is dark and beautiful like the night sky.
as the current DUCHESS OF LATHSBURY, primrose is the 2nd wife of the current reigning duke aran of lathsbury, who is standing in as acting reagent following the death of his elder brother, king luther. this is also her second marriage; originally primrose was from the city wish of palanthia, and married a wealthy man there who always traveled and was never in the house (good for her, for she could focus all of her attentions on illiana), and he died abroad without ever meeting their daugther. this was a “happy” coincidence for her around the time that duke aran’s wife, general duchess muinena passed, and after pulling several strings, she was able to orchestrate her marriage to aran. she doesn’t think much of him, as she didn’t think much of her first husband, and prefers to keep herself aloof and distant. rumors of a potential power grab or coup have been swirling throughout nobility circles and government chambers in lathsbury lately, and she would like to avoid any potential fallout for the sake of herself and illiana. she has virtually no interest in her stepson kiba either, only that he do what is necessary when the time comes (aka, take the crown).
primrose is a pragmatic woman, though not wholly unkind. she simply has her goals and the teachings that her mother taught her, and is insistent that she passes this on to illiana. while not a warrior in her own right (she has never touched a sword), the cutthroat ideals of eros are still embedded deeply into her mind and actions; her first concern is always her own financial security. still, she can be understanding and generous, especially for those who she is close to. she’s not affectionate but she isn’t entirely cold and callous, and shows love in the form of giving advice (even if it can be slightly overbearing and a tad emotionally distant). 
3 fun facts about them: she is a very talented piano player, but she has not practiced since she was a younger woman. sometimes she thinks she ought to see about ordering a new piano for the palace as it doesn’t have one, but she always ends up being pulled away into other matters. as her only wish in life is for illiana to be successfully married, very similar to ms. bennet from pride and prejudice she actually spends quite a lot of time consulting OOMI’s (or oracles of the god of love MIRANKA) to seek illiana’s fortune in love. she can be somewhat superstitious, and always brings home love potions and remedies and teas that are supposed to help illiana secure a mate—which is all very ironic, considering that primrose doesn’t feel much love and is low empathy herself. her favorite flowers are daffodils and always has to have a vase of them in any room she frequently occupies.
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lordkingsmith · 5 months
Aisha Campbell known children and oc children. Aisha got done dirty by the franchise. All of the Stone Canyon Trio did, but she was done dirty. At least now we know she did come back from the past fine, and is thriving but…man. She’s a great character and they did nothing new or interesting or explorative with her. And they still really aren’t? Can we get a proper comic for the Stone Canyon Trio that lets them really shine? I’m tired of the ones that seem to then focus on the originals or Matt last minute. Nothing against Matt. At least fanfiction can fix it but still.
Canon Children;
None that we know of
OC Children for Aisha Campbell;
Tommy Oliver;
While Aisha acknowledges Tommy as the leader, she doesn’t let him get away with shit. Uniquely while Kat and Kim and Trini didn’t either, Aisha and Tommy had just enough of a rivalry together that Tommy couldn’t quite dare to pull some things around Aisha. Aisha came after the whole “villain Tommy” and just knew him as the himbo dork who loved his friends and being a power ranger.
They never got married, but they do have kids together. Mostly they live with their lives revolving around each other and their kids, but never quite together together. Aisha didn’t think she could be whatever Tommy was looking for and Tommy knew he wasn’t that for Aisha either. But, they liked each other enough for kids, and they’re still good friends. It’s fairly amicable and flexible. They have twin daughters, Fillipa and Lucinda Campbell, aged sixteen.
Fillipa is older by eight hours. She’s into sword-dancing and gymnastics. Friendly to everyone, but doesn’t let anyone walk over her. Fillipa is the school class president, and helped set up a other species welcoming committee into the school. Other variations of humans, aliens, mutants, magical species, even androids, are welcomed and the committee helps incorporate them into the school into friend groups to encourage fellow classmates and teachers to treat these new classmates as normal people. It’s an uphill battle, but she thinks it’s worth it. Her running mate and best friend is a young Tenga queen named Clack, and both of them believe everyone could benefit from a friendship like theirs. It’s been bumpy but it’s somewhat working. At the very least it seems the current ranger team is made up of a wide range of species, and this makes Fillipa very very happy. Not associated with a color but if she were it’d be yellow.
Lucinda Campbell is a rodeo horseback rider, and does the Indian bareback racing and bronco riding. Aisha saw her daughter fall in love with mechanical bucking bronco rides at the mall, looked over at Tommy and went “if I see her as a red ranger later I’m blaming you.” Lucinda isn’t a red ranger.
She’s a green.
Hilariously neither Tommy nor Aisha seem to have realized this yet. Then again, the most green she wears is a green braided bracelet and socks. She loves her sister, and is grateful to her and Clack for being advocates for normalizing species integration, because she couldn’t possibly ask for a better team. They have each other’s backs, cover for each other, take part and enjoy each other’s hobbies, and she loves them all deeply. This is her team.
She’s not supposed to be doing anything with wild horses; she promised her parents not till she was in her 20’s. She’s also got such a skill with them now that if they saw her they’d instantly know she was a ranger. So, this is also a secret. At least good old uncle David’s willing to keep the secret. And offer advise to the team and his nieces when needed.
Kat Hillard;
Tommy wasn't the one who managed to break Kat out of the mind control; it was Aisha. Aisha and Kat both left the rangers, and Aisha chose Tina as her replacement. They got a job together at the animal shelter, and they adopted several years later as chaos reigned around them. They have one daughter, Natalie, aged fourteen. They adopted Natalie at birth. The girl is wise beyond her years, and often too serious, but she's also got wells of dry humor and likes teasing her moms. not associated with a color, probably better off for it.
Kimberly Hart;
They quickly became fast friends, and Aisha caught feelings for the pink really really quickly. However, she didn't say anything until Kim left the rangers and was replaced by Kat. She was going on scholarship, and they started a long distance relationship. Eventually they got married after Aisha herself retired from rangerdom. Together with Anubis Cruger, they founded SPD. The wives have one son, a wild card named Benedict "Ben" Campbell. Aged 24. Benedict is currently in Ranger Academy, and has broken nearly every rule so far. Just for fun, just to see what'll happen. He's not a bad guy, he just simply wants to test limits. Of both himself and the world around him. When he graduates school he will be a Pink Ranger on D Team.
Adam Park;
It was just natural for them to get together. They’ve been friends together since forever, they’ve always been friends and it progressing to a little bit more made sense. They got married a little after joining SPD together. They have four kids together. Wendell, aged 26, Rocky, aged 26, Koniqua, aged 19, and Jacqueline “Jaq” Park, aged 17.
No way they weren’t going to name one of their kids after their closest friend aside from each other. Rocky was best man at their wedding even. When they found out they were having twins they simply used the middle name they were intending for a boy for Wendell. Rocky’s the older by eight hours, Wendell was a more difficult pregnancy and took his time, which actually was a foreshadowing to the twins’ personalities.
Rocky Park is rambunctious and a goofball. He loves making people laugh. Like his mom he’s empathetic and strong willed. Like his dad he’s prone to flashes of intense introspection, but never for long. Surprises people with his love of classical music. He’s enthusiastic to the point of being intense. Can be hard for him to dial it back. He’s a yellow ranger for his team.
Wendell is everything Rocky is not, and is a little bit of a little shit. He's often not noticed by other people, and tends to use that to his advantage. He knows his brother is a yellow ranger, and while he's not a ranger, he takes the opportunity to tackle or ram cars or steal from the monsters of the week. he's not noticed and it gives other rangers openings usually. He's given Rocky everything he's stolen, and is pleased when they're incorporated into the team's arsenal.
Koniqua is a lover of poetry, fables, and the history of the power rangers. She's determined to be one of the scientists who creates a new team, or unlocks the mysteries of the grid for general use. Pragmatic, quick thinking, happy to help her dumb brothers. They don't think she knows. She knew who'd saved her as soon as Rocky said "you're safe now civilian" and tried to act dumb. She barely resisted the urge to call him out. Doesn't bother fighting the monsters, her brothers got that covered, but she does help get other civilians to safety when needed. not associated with a color. She's going into historical costuming, with the intention of working for tv productions.
Jaq would love to know why earth is so valuable to bad guys that they keep trying to take it over. Genre savvy type, and doesn't take shit. Has psyched out two villains and one of the comedy duo by just asking over and over "okay but why". Not popular, has two best friends and they're all kind of outsiders. Prefers it this way. You will not find Jaq anywhere near the monsters when they appear, she's gone and dragging her friends off with her. not associated with a color, but has made the big bad main villain question themself and then cry. her brother was torn between disappointed, impressed, and terrified of his little sister. Jaq's considering maybe being a therapist specializing in rangers and their villains would be a lucrative career move.
Rocky DeSantos;
Rocky and Aisha fit well. She gets his humor, he knows how to match her energy and keep her from burning the wick at two ends. So when they got together nobody was remotely surprised. They have two kids, one naturally and one adopted. Landon, aged 12, and Saffie, aged 14.
Landon's been with Rocky and Aisha since he was three, and he's been really happy with them for as long as he can remember. He's a bit of a bookworm, but mostly prefers nonfiction. If he has to read fiction, it's nothing sci fi related. It bothers him too much when they get simple things you can look up wrong. Like what Tenga Warriors look like, or what space ships need for fuel. Or planets earth trades with. He likes spicy food, and birds. He probably knows more about bird related aliens than the average human. Doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up, but he does know he wants a parrot. His parents are trying to convince him to choose a bird with a shorter lifespan. He and his sister have a very kind spirited joking relationship. They don't feel like they aren't actual siblings, and he's as protective of her as he likes being a mild pest to her now and then, and she him. Not associated with a color.
Saffie was a surprise baby. Aisha and Rocky had been trying for a kid for a while at this point, and nobody was sure why it just wasn't happening. When they applied for adoption, Saffie was conceived. They still went through with the adoption, and are glad they did, and Saffie is too. She loves Landon a lot, and they have a fairly healthy sibling relationship. Saffie's not exactly a social butterfly, but she's by no means a wallflower either. She keeps to herself, and likes skateboarding and parkour and rock music. Being able to brag about the fact she knows the Skullovitchs personally and she sometimes gets babysat by Eugene Skullovitch's son? Oh it's amazing. Cheeky, high energy, and knows what she wants in life. She's dancing to the beat of her own drum, and is quite happy doing so. Likes reading poetry, a lot, and diy'ing her own clothes (she is not allowed near bleach dye for her jeans after an incident of not screwing the lid on tightly enough and leaving it on the living room floor. Fabric paint is still okay, though). Rocky and Aisha are a little confused by some of her interests, but then she turns around and is so much like both of them they have to laugh. Saffie's just Saffie. Not associated with a color.
Jason Lee Scott;
Surprising everyone, including himself, Billy was chosen for the peace conference, not Jason. Rocky became the blue mighty morphin, and Jason struggled with the new dynamic. He often butt heads with Aisha, who stood up for Adam and Rocky against the Red when her boys wouldn't. Adam, Rocky, and Aisha became a throuple, but Aisha also married Jason, who while he did have to get used to it, likes Rocky and Adam as friends and paramours, and likes that Aisha is happy. Together, Aisha and Jason have one son, Seth Landon Scott, aged seventeen.
Seth is not a ranger, and he's not interested in being a ranger. He's more interested in being a park ranger for national parks. Any would do, just so he can be out in nature. He's not really interested in the ocean, and is far more interested in forests and mountains. strong willed, stubborn, imaginative, and happy to help. Is friends with a lot of rangers and ranger's kids, but, he's happy not being a ranger despite their not so subtle recruitment efforts.
Farkas Bulkmeier;
Nobody saw this coming. However, he invited her to a dance, and she didn’t say no. Then they just saw each other as friends for a few years. New Year’s party and nine months later….well. Actually they work well together, who knew? Bulk can make Aisha laugh, and she helps him set more realistic goals. And they kick ass together. Recently divorced but not on bad terms. Hobart “Hobie” Bulkmeier, though…is struggling. New purple ranger, parents recently divorced, trying to keep grades up and a steady job on top of it? This is. A Lot. He’s a ballet instructor for a babies first ballet type class. Does not put up with bullshit for anything. Not afraid to call people out. He’s dating the green ranger and that’s fine, his parents like his boyfriend. It’s just everything on top of everything on top of everything. Has a bit of an anger issue but he is stressed out. Doesn’t really know how to talk about it, either. He’s usually a very upbeat, positive, and easy going kid. But everything has happened within six months of each other and if he doesn’t get a day off he’s going to blow. His parents are trying but they don’t know how to help if he doesn’t talk to them. He needs a weekend with his boyfriend and no life or death situations for five minutes if you so please.
Eugene Skullovitch;
She asked him out and he thought it was a joke. It wasn't. They found they actually challenge each other in interesting ways. She also hates his mom and her parents love him, so that helped a lot. They've got a daughter, Kensie Campbell. Aged 15. Excitable by nature, is in the drama club. Has a near perfect memory, uses this for shenanigans, mostly when sassing her many many honorary aunts and uncles or annoying villains and monsters. Eugene is so, so proud. Aisha sometimes worries the know it all attitude is going to get her in trouble. However, nothing's happened-yet-and Kensie does seem to slowly be learning how to read the room. She plays piano to help her think. Her favorite is moonlight sonata. It partially annoys Skull, but his favorite composer is Bach, so it's more of a principle thing. Kensie is a soccer player, and has a very close best friend. Skull's getting the "what to in case you're kidnapped by a monster with your best friend" speech ready, just in case a group of crime fighting teenagers with attitude show up. not associated with a color
When Scorpina pretended to be human, she befriended Rocky, Adam, and Aisha. When the boys fought over her, ‘Selena’ decided to have Aisha as a guide. Although Aisha didn’t trust her and was proven right; There was such an immediate bond it became a matter of contention. Aisha saw through the disguise and decided to make Scorpina regret it, by giving her a reason to be a good person. It worked a little too well, and the two began a very angsty situationship where they had to fight the person they loved most. Constantly. Scorpina couldn't take it anymore, and tricked Aisha into submitting to a mind control for a time so Scorpina wouldn't have to choose between her cause and her girlfriend. The others did break the spell, but Aisha did choose to stay for a while, just to stick with Scorpina. They're not together anymore, but Scorpina did have a daughter with Aisha. Aurellia, aged 19. Aurellia is a warrior and has been in Rito's employ for about two years, but she does want to join her other mom. She wants to know Aisha better, aside from the tense and brief interactions the small family has on her birthday. She wants her moms to reconcile, but is coming to the conclusion that this won't happen. So, she's doing her best as she is, in her current situation. Is a gold ranger.
Rito Revolto;
Aisha can barely stand Rito, but has to acknowledge he's not as stupid or simple or silly as those he loves considers him as. When he lost his memories, Bulk and Skull let it slip to her. Aisha rightfully flipped out on them, but kept it more in the "you turned two people with amnesia into your unpaid SERVANTS?!" and when they thought about it, yea, that....was not a good look. Aisha's plan was redeeming Goldar and Rito while they'd be amenable to actually listening to the reasons for why. She was right, he wasn't dumb, and once he had a little bit of context realized she was the yellow ranger. Rito watched all the carnage and realized the little yellow ranger was right. And when he got his memories back, still agreed she was right. They have one daughter, Phoebe Revolta, aged 22. Phoebe doesn't get along with her cousins Thrax and Selena very much, but she does for the sake of her dad. He believes he can help redeem his niece and nephew, she's not going to argue with this. She's getting pretty upset though, that Grandpa Vile keeps trying to push her dad into teaching her dark arts when Phoebe couldn't be less interested. Wants to be a poet, just trying to get through school. One one side she’s got the Power Rangers on the other she’s got Rita, Zedd, their nightmares, and Vile. Aisha’s become the bane of Vile’s existence on behalf of her daughter and partner. Unfortunately, the mystic side of the family likes causing trouble. Rito’s been unable to get rid of them, so he’s tried to make the best of it, unfortunately for Aisha and Phoebe.
Matthew Cook:
They sort of got together because they just happened to be in each other's vicinity. Everyone was pairing up and they sort of fell into each other as a matter of convenience. They got married, and they're content. They have one kid, Isaiah Cook, aged 16. Aisha and Matthew decided to help Grace and Terona with ranger things, including making a homebrew team such as the Mutant Rangers or Dark Rangers. They're often gone training their teams they've created for the military, much to Isaiah's chagrin.
Isaiah is rebellious in the fact that they know that the best way to get their parents attention is go on about how much they do not want to be involved with power rangers or villains or the comedy duo. Their aunt is the one raising them for the most part, and they travel around America during the long stretches Matt and Aisha aren't around. Isaiah is happy being the background character of their own life. They're just happy to do as much as they can and experience as much as possible, they've only got one life and it's better spent not wasted. And power ranger related shenanigans is wasting it. Currently hoping to be a plumber or go into textile art. They have the skills with both. Isaiah is not associated with a color. If they were, it'd be yellow.
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psychesetra · 3 months
child of red
* • + • *
it is short once again because i love keeping the emotional pain bite sized until something triggers it to be stronger
btw the titles will likely never be related to the inside of the chapter its just rose related things
word count: 451 ?
p2: pitter patter of petals falling
* • + • *
alastor knew his love and their daughter rosette had died already.
or at least, he’s quite sure. the year is 2024, after all, and his dear was around her late-twenties when he died, which was 1933. so they’d likely be six foot under by now.
and considering alastor hasn’t seen any sinners as beautiful as his wife or as adorable as his daughter as of late, he thinks they’re obviously up in heaven.
he’s not quite happy with it, after all, he truly misses them. but he would never, ever, in a million universes, drag his darling wife and their adorable daughter to hell with him. he wouldn’t want them to bear the suffering of the heat or the tortures and sins people commit with and to each other.
he thinks, after all, only the irredeemable belong in hell. the cruelest, most evil beings to ever live.
and yet..
he still believed in charlie’s outlandish idea that sinners could be redeemed.
yes, he knows he’s just called every sinner down here irredeemable. but he still vainly wishes that, perhaps one day, he could make it to heaven. maybe apologize to his mother for his actions, and he could..
he could see his wife and his little rosette again. tell them how absolutely 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺 he was.
..but for what?
the gruesome murders? his lies and reassurances? his death and subsequent leaving them to fend for themselves?
alastor had never been a rich man. his wife didn’t come from money either. but his job in the radio industry had still payed, and even though it wasn’t the best pay ever, it kept them happy.
so, without him, what happened to his family?
his own mind tortured him with thoughts of the mess he left his family in, ranging in so many different scenarios.
what if she and rosette had been shunned for being married to a murderer? what if they died on the streets, alone and no money to their name?
𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺’𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘦𝘹𝘦𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘴?
he can’t know, he doesn’t 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 to know, but the possibilities make him go mad with guilt and rage.
the police likely made sure the news wrote many headlines about the bayou butcher’s murders, and his newly discovered real name. alastor knew that he didn’t have many friends in life, and neither did his wife, but enough knew his name to be able to ruin her remaining time on earth.
he hopes they didn’t. he wants to think that his wife raised up their little rosette to be a lovely child, even without him. that they lived a peaceful life, and are happy in heaven.
even if it pains him, he supposes he can bare an eternity of separation if it means they’re happy where they are.
* • + • *
i hope you guys like it ,,, i wore a red cardigan while writing this to try to get alastor vibes lol
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raineandsky · 2 years
“I must thank you for rescuing my daughter,” the king announces to the knight kneeling at the foot of his throne. “I have been waiting years for her to return to me. Your reward must be higher than the stars in the sky, knight.”
“My reward is knowing she is home safe, your highness,” the knight replies quickly. The princess hadn’t been particularly grateful for her freedom, and had complained the entire way back, saying the saddle was uncomfortable or the sun too hot or the road too bumpy or the tavern they stopped in too full of commoners. She’s not even here for the money anymore – the job is done and she just wants out.
“No, no, don’t be ridiculous!” The king waves her off with a sigh, standing from his throne to trundle down the steps towards her. “I would be honoured to know a knight of such a calibre is protecting my daughter.”
The knight has to hold back a horrified choke at his words. “Oh, no disrespect your highness, but I can assure you there are other knights more fitting to be a personal guard for her. I have to–”
The king stops her with a curt raise of his hand, and she immediately goes quiet. “Of course not, knight.” He huffs a laugh, motioning for her to stand. “The highest dignity I can bestow upon you is her hand in marriage.”
The guard outside the princess’s door doesn’t think twice as the knight passes him to enter. The next in line is sprawled on the four-poster bed with the lowest amount of decorum she’s ever seen in a member of the royal family, flipping lazily through a book in front of her. The knight clears her throat loudly to announce her presence, and the princess shrieks like there’s an assassin coming at her. The lack of response from the guard outside makes her think that the princess reacts like this more often than not.
“Oh, it’s you,” she says with a hint of exasperation. “What?”
“Uh.” The knight can’t believe she’s the one having to break this news. “Your father wants me to… marry you.”
The princess rolls on her bed to hoist herself more upright, meeting her gaze with a mix of dismay and disgust. “He what?”
“Apparently he wants me to be your sole protector or something.” She steps further into the room to lean against one of the posters supporting the bed. “I can assure you I don’t particularly want this either.”
“No shit I don’t want this!” The knight flinches at the barbarity of her words. “Why would he say that? I don’t like you!”
“Feeling’s mutual,” is all the response she gets, and she lets out a deep groan of annoyance.
The princess hauls herself to her feet with a resolute “ugh!” before crossing her room and throwing the wardrobe door open. “Well, I’m not marrying you.”
The knight watches as she lugs a seemingly random bundle of clothes out of the closet. “I think the king tends to get what he wants, princess.”
“Not if his daughter can help it.” She pulls a dirty bag out from under her bed, grimacing at the mud it drops on the covers as she sets it down. “I’m not hanging around to get married to someone I don’t even like.”
“Princess,” the knight starts slowly. She’s trained in military surprises, but as she watches the woman shove oversized clothes into the satchel she knows she’s out of her depth. “Maybe you should speak with your father before you do anything rash.”
“As if I’m going to reason with a man who tries to hand me off to the first person to do him a favour.” The bag is closed with a heartless thunk. “Now, I am going to use these sheets to climb out this window and not get married. I won’t survive in the big wide world alone - my dad refused to teach me how to fight. Hurry up.”
The knight watches in a fog of confusion and dread as the princess ties some of her sheets together and launches them from her window, dropping the satchel out ahead of her. She hefts a leg over the windowsill resolutely, glancing back at the woman still watching her from inside the royal room she’s never going to see again. “If at any point you try to go behind my back and tell my dad, I’ll shank you.”
And with that she dips out of sight, leaving the knight to dumbly follow behind her.
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satansapostle6 · 8 months
The Man Who Sold The World | Luke Castellan
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Katherine. She was the one who started it all for Luke Castellan, the reason he did what he did.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Violence. Sexual content.
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen: Nights That Don’t End
In the past few days, Luke hadn’t slept much. Most of his nights were just spent watching Katherine as she slept, making sure she was sleeping peacefully, which didn’t happen often these days, or simply staring up at the cabin ceiling. Even when he slept, Luke either dreamt of things that tormented him in his sleep, or just simply didn’t remember what he dreamt about.
But that night, he actually had a good dream as he slept throughout the entire night, one that he wished would never end.
“Okay, really good, just try that one more time, but even harder,” Luke instructed as he held his sword still in his hand. “Think you can do it?”
“Yeah,” the nine year-old nodded, breathing hard.
“Alright! Show me what you got!” he encouraged him.
Luke made the first move, swinging his sword just in time for the small boy to slash his own at the blade in retaliation, this time hitting back with an improved intensity.
“Good! You’re doing great!” he exclaimed proudly.
“Luke?” the little boy in his dream asked him once they finished training.
“How did you get that scar on your face?” the child asked him, purely curious.
“Well,” Luke sighed, trying to put a more positive spin on the traumatic memory, “I went on a quest. To retrieve a Golden Apple from the Garden of Hesperides. It’s from the dragon; Ladon.”
“Did it hurt?” the ADHD-ridden child asked him.
“It didn’t tickle, kid,” Luke sighed.
“Do people think you’re ugly?” the boy blurted out as Luke tried not to laugh.
“Uh… I don’t know,” he admitted. “But my girlfriend doesn’t mind. That’s enough for me.”
“You have a girlfriend?” the boy asked, getting a nod in return. “What do you actually do with a girlfriend?” he asked, as Luke tried his best to maintain his composure.
“No one ever talked to you about this stuff, huh? Or, any stuff?” he quickly realized.
“I’m nine,” the child pointed out.
“Fair enough. Uh… I don’t know. Depends on the person, but for me… My girlfriend’s just like my best friend,” Luke remarked. “We tell each other everything before we tell anyone else, and we always wanna spend time together. And she’s just also really pretty,” he tried to explain.
“And she likes being your girlfriend, even if you have a giant scar on your face?”
Luke nearly snorted with laughter. “Yeah, I guess you could say that… But hopefully, after tonight, she won’t be my girlfriend anymore.”
“You’re breaking up with her?!” the boy cried.
“No, no,” Luke chuckled, “I’m gonna ask her to marry me.”
“Katherine? Will you marry me?” Luke Castellan asked, on one knee with the most beautiful diamond ring in his hand that he could find.
“Yes,” she gasped, “Yes!”
He quickly jumped up to kiss her, ring box still in his hand as he forgot about it for a moment.
The wedding was held in Rome, during the day on the shore of a beach that looked just like paradise. It was a beautiful wedding, with a small guest list of only the most important people in their lives.
The incredibly romantic wedding ceremony and reception was followed by a two-week long honeymoon in Italy, resulting in a new development that came with an ultrasound photo on the refrigerator in their new home.
“Oh, I can’t believe my little boy’s gonna be a father!” May Castellan gushed as she and Katherine sat at the table while Luke prepared dinner. “I just wish we could’ve met sooner! I would’ve wanted to get together before you became my daughter-in-law!”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Katherine sighed, “Luke and I were just always so busy…”
“Oh, it’s okay, sweetheart, I get it,” the woman promised her. “You don’t have to feel bad.”
“So, May, do you have a guess as to whether it’s gonna be a girl or a boy?” Katherine asked.
“I don’t know, what do you think, honey?” Luke’s mother asked curiously.
“I think it’s gonna be a boy,” she explained, “Luke thinks it’s gonna be a girl.”
“I see, are you hoping for anything in particular?”
“I really don’t care, I’m just happy we’re having a baby,” Katherine responded truthfully, smiling at Luke as he cooked. “But, later down the line, we’re hoping to have both…”
“Oh, that would be wonderful! You know, I’ll have to look at you when you’re further along. You can tell by the shape of the bump, whether it’s gonna be a girl or a boy,” May Castellan remarked.
“Oh, wow,” Katherine nodded.
“So, Luke, you think it’s gonna be a girl?” his mother asked him.
“Yeah, that’s my guess,” he nodded, setting plates of food down on the table as he sat beside his new wife, squeezing her hand. “Obviously, I’d be happy with anything, but I really want to have at least one girl…”
“He’d make such a cute girl dad,” Katherine beamed.
“Oh, yes he would!” May agreed. “My Luke�� so sweet and gentle. You know when he was little, and I used to try and kill the spiders in the kitchen, he used to pick them up on a newspaper, and stick them outside?”
“Aw, I believe it!” Katherine sighed, affectionately kissing Luke’s cheek as she nuzzled her head into him, listening to the stories.
“You two look so happy,” the older woman gushed, seeming emotional. “Look at you, Luke, so handsome, just like your dad.”
“He is handsome,” Katherine agreed, looking up at him like he was the coolest person in the world.
With Katherine, Luke felt like Brad Pitt.
“I’m so proud of my son. Camp counselor, beautiful wife, beautiful baby on the way.”
Luke smiled softly as he looked down at his wife, and then over at his mother, who was happy and healthy, fully content with everything. He took in their smiling faces, and the beautiful sounds of their gentle laughter, treasuring it forever.
“This isn’t how it happened,” a loud, nightmarish voice violently cut through his good dream.
“What?” Luke looked up.
His blue eyes widened as everything slowly disappeared him, his lovely home, his healthy mother, and his beloved wife. Everything in that idealistic fantasy was stripped away from him until he was left alone in an empty room of darkness.
“This isn’t how it happened, Luke Castellan,” Kronos’s voice shrieked in a pitch that was both far too low and far too high.
Luke began to panic as the invisible room he was in started to make him feel claustrophobic, suffocating and not existing simultaneously.
“You didn’t leave the camp. You didn’t marry the girl. You didn’t save your mother,” the Titan’s voice reminded him. “You didn’t even keep the baby alive.”
Luke started to twitch, remembering his unborn child as he flailed about out of instinct.
“Remember who your allegiance is to,” the voice reminded him, returning him to a new, all too familiar memory.
It was one of the earlier dreams Luke had had about Kronos; it was the dream in which he decided he’d join the father of the gods in destroying the world they currently lived in. In the dream, Luke had been showed every single ounce of suffering caused and enabled by his father, Hermes, along with all of the other gods, which basically amounted to just about everything he’d ever witnessed.
In the dream, he’d walked into an empty, almost ceremonial sort room, which was dark and empty, except for Kronos’s golden sarcophagus. Luke had touched a hand to the ancient artifact, in complete awe of the raw power emanating from it as he dropped to his knees subserviently.
“I pledge my eternal allegiance to you, Lord Kronos,” Luke vowed as he was told to. “My mind, body, and soul belong to you. I am your servant.”
“Well done, my boy,” the voice said in a saccharine tone, trying to entice him, “You’ve done well.”
All of a sudden, he looked down at his clenched fist as a beautiful Celestial bronze weapon began to appear in his hand. It was a sword, a glorious weapon he could only describe as befitting a warrior. One side of the sword, it seemed, was made from Celestial bronze, only capable of killing monsters or other mythical beings, while the other edge was steel, capable of unspeakable destruction.
This was the sword Luke had named ‘Backbiter’, capable of killing just about any creature in existence. It was one thing for a demigod to brandish any weapon made up of Celestial bronze, as killing monsters was in the job description, but in the demigod world, even just giving oneself the opportunity to kill mortals was an absolute taboo.
The sword, Luke knew, was a true instrument of death. He had received a flawless instrument of death from Kronos in exchange for becoming one.
“Why do you hope to be happy?” Kronos’s voice echoed through his empty head. “Why do you believe that this is possible?”
Luke was completely broken by the question.
“Your loyalty isn’t to yourself. You don’t serve your own happiness, or hers; you serve me,” the Titan said. “Just as I can reward you with happiness for doing as I say, I can take it back. Remember that.”
His eyes opened with a start, and he all but jumped up in bed. Katherine was woken by the sudden movement, looking over at her boyfriend as she slowly sat up, trying to shake off her own exhaustion.
“Another dream, baby?” she asked worriedly.
Luke nodded slowly, not realizing that he had already been crying in his sleep. Overwhelmed by the nightmares, he buried his face in his hands, failing to collect himself.
“I’m sorry,” she murmured, rubbing his back as he held his knees up to his chest for comfort. “I’m right here, okay? Just let it out. You’re safe.”
Luke hadn’t felt safe at all in the past several days. Losing the unborn baby he’d only gotten the chance to grow to love in the past three days was the final straw for him, the very last chance he had to have hope for good in the world, or his world, at least. Ever since losing the baby, if it could even really be called that, Luke had clung desperately to Katherine even more so than before.
She was the last good thing he had, but even she had almost been taken from him by Kronos, on multiple occasions. Luke draped himself over her body, laying his head down on her chest as she held him. Her movements were slight but deliberate, as she slowly went from allowing him to sink down onto her lap to gently stroking his hair as he let out small, painful cries.
“You know how much I love you, right?” she asked him sadly.
Unable to stop his weeping or steady his breathing, Luke just nodded, hanging onto her every word as he prioritized her smooth voice over the relentless screaming in his head.
Later that day, once the both of them were feeling up to actually leaving the cabin, they decided to walk the strawberry fields, in a more quiet outing.
“I don’t know if this makes sense, but… I miss the baby,” Katherine said softly. “I know I never gave birth, but… I still had it with me, you know?”
“That makes absolute sense,” Luke promised her, a poignant look in his eyes as he felt exactly what she had meant. “I miss him or her too… I know there’s no point in saying ‘him or her’, but it just makes me feel more connected to it, actually imagining a ‘him’ or a ‘her’.”
“I wanna know what I would’ve had,” she thought after a pause. “Do you?”
“I, uh…” the question triggered a deep longing in Luke. “I wanna think so. But I don’t know if I could handle it,” he confessed guiltily.
Katherine nodded, considering his point of view.
“I wanna know… But, the thought of missing a little girl, or a little boy, as opposed to a little fetus with no identity… It makes it too real,” he forced out, a pained grimace on his face.
“Yeah,” she nodded, feeling the same pain.
“But, don’t we owe it? To what would’ve been our kid?” he asked her.
“Luke,” Katherine stopped, trying to speak as delicately as she could. “I feel the same guilt you do. I do. But, life is also for the living. I don’t want you to feel like you have to grieve a certain way, just because it would’ve been our baby.”
This caused a long, thoughtful pause as she started to wonder whether she’d said the right thing.
“Maybe you’re right. But, I don’t know… I was just really looking to having a kid, and getting to know it,” he stressed. “And I think I still wanna get to know it. Any way I can.”
“I just can’t believe this. I just can’t,” Katherine breathed, “I mean. So many things in my life, in our lives, have gone wrong. We’ve both been through so much fucking shit, it doesn’t even sound real. But, when we found out about this baby, I just…
“I don’t know. Maybe I was just dreaming, but I thought we might actually get the chance to do something right for once. I thought we’d actually get the chance to contribute something genuinely pure, and meaningful, to the world,” she expressed.
“I so wanted to have a baby with you,” Luke sighed, the look in his eyes a gut-wrenching mixture of love and trauma.
“I wanted to have a baby with you too,” Katherine agreed, tears in her eyes. “I didn’t even know that that’s what I wanted, but it happened, and then I wanted it! And then it all got taken away, so fast, and I don’t know what to do!”
He said nothing as he looked at her, the beauty of her features upstaged by sadness.
“I killed our baby, because I don’t have a soul!” she exclaimed, face contorted with disgust at herself. “I killed our baby, but I can’t even fully access however the fuck I feel about it, because I don’t have a soul!”
“Katherine, you didn’t kill the baby,” Luke promised her, taking her face into his hands, “Listen to me. It wasn’t your fault, you did not kill that baby. You loved the baby. So much. I saw it in your eyes every day,” he reminded her.
“I don’t see anything in my eyes!” Katherine sobbed, her voice almost pouty like a child’s. “I look in the mirror, and I don’t recognize the person I see! I look at the memories in my head that are supposedly mine, and they don’t feel like mine! I feel like a—like a decoy someone made! Like people are just meant to look at me and then wonder where the real one is, while the person who this life actually belongs to runs away!” she exclaimed.
Luke’s brows furrowed in sadness for her.
“I really wish you could see what I see every day,” he exhaled, “I wish you could see the way you love me, and the way you loved the baby.”
Katherine looked at Luke for a moment, noticing the way he seemed a thousand times more upset when she expressed her own feelings of sadness or pain, as if his hadn’t actually mattered. She noticed the focus with which he looked at her, as if he were only a camera recording everything she did as some amazing feat, and the sheer love that he had for her when he looked at her.
He loved her so much, more than anything, and without a soul, Katherine was afraid that she couldn’t dream up enough ways to show him that he was everything to her. After all, she was more than willing to have a child with him, despite the current state of the universe, or her own uncertainties toward the idea.
She knew that she’d opened herself up to the opportunity for something truly great, only to have it ripped away. Life, it seemed, was cruel even in comparison to death.
“God, why do we do this to ourselves?” Luke scoffed. “Why do we risk everything serving a Titan who doesn’t care about us anymore than he cares about his own children? Why are we so convinced that his new world order is gonna be so much better than what we have now?” he demanded.
Katherine paused for a moment, recognizing his fragility in that moment.
“I don’t understand why we do this to ourselves,” Luke admitted emptily, momentarily staring at nothing. “I don’t know why we put people above us who treat us like we’re disposable.”
“Because, honey, that’s just how things work,” she concluded. “You and me, we’re just people. We’re demigods, but we’re just people. We’re just not capable of implementing change ourselves; so, we hitch a ride with whoever’s gonna make the changes we want. And rarely will that be someone who doesn’t treat everyone like shit,” she pointed out.
“How is Kronos any better than any of the gods, then?” he demanded out of frustration.
“It’s not about being better,” she responded. “It’s about results. The gods won’t lift a finger for their kids, because Zeus says so. And the only one capable of bringing Zeus down is Kronos.”
Luke didn’t say anything for a moment, knowing she was right. About everything. Like she always was.
“I know this has all been beyond hard on you. And I know I’ve been tired, and hurting, and spacey… But just know, I wanna make it all up to you,” Luke said softly, looking down at Katherine as they stood in one of the showers together.
It was the middle of the day, and no one was around.
“You don’t have anything to make up to me,” she said softly, an apologetic look on her face.
“Come here.”
Katherine turned as Luke gently ran his fingers through her long hair, lathering in the lightly fragrant soap for her. When Luke was tired and didn’t know how to communicate, he would often offer to wash or brush her hair, a very primitive form of affection.
Katherine never refused, always appreciating the way his hands slowly worked through her hair, as he was terrified of snagging it.
“You have the most beautiful hair,” Luke murmured, lightly planting a kiss on the base of her neck. “You’re so beautiful.”
She closed her eyes as she felt his hands still working, washing the last of the soap out of her hair as they traveled down to her shoulders, massaging them with care. She felt beyond safe with him, to the point of feeling like she was on some sort of floating cloud.
Katherine sighed internally as she felt his strong, taut chest pressing against her back. Luke, she had always thought, was built like a god. And she would’ve much rather worshipped him than Zeus, or Hermes, or whoever.
“You know,” Luke murmured as she turned back around to face him. “When I first sensed the baby, like how Chiron said Hermes is actually associated with fertility and stuff like that… I felf so happy,” he expressed.
She nodded silently, understanding the feeling.
“Before I even knew what I was sensing,” he added, sighing wistfully. “I miss that feeling.”
“Me too,” she sighed, as Luke held his hand to her cheek, thumb lightly tracing back and forth as he tried to stop her budding frown from spreading.
Chapter Eighteen
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