#she thinks it's her fault!
pilferingapples · 1 year
Cosette " abandoning" Valjean : "You are no longer my father? I am no longer Cosette? `Monsieur Jean'? What does this mean? why, these are revolutions, aren't they? what has taken place? come, look me in the face. And you won't live with us! And you won't have my chamber! What have I done to you? Has anything happened?" ....
"I don't understand anything about it. All this is idiotic. I shall ask permission of my husband for you to be `Monsieur Jean.' I hope that he will not consent to it. You cause me a great deal of pain. One does have freaks, but one does not cause one's little Cosette grief. That is wrong. You have no right to be wicked, you who are so good."
He made no reply.
She seized his hands with vivacity, and raising them to her face with an irresistible movement, she pressed them against her neck beneath her chin, which is a gesture of profound tenderness.
"Oh!" she said to him, "be good!"
And she went on:
"This is what I call being good: being nice and coming and living here,-- there are birds here as there are in the Rue Plumet,--living with us, quitting that hole of a Rue de l'Homme Arme, not giving us riddles to guess, being like all the rest of the world, dining with us, breakfasting with us, being my father."
He loosed her hands.
"You no longer need a father, you have a husband."
Cosette became angry.
"I no longer need a father! One really does not know what to say to things like that, which are not common sense!"
I am furious," she resumed. "Ever since yesterday, you have made me rage, all of you. I am greatly vexed. I don't understand. You do not defend me against Marius. Marius will not uphold me against you. I am all alone. I arrange a chamber prettily. If I could have put the good God there I would have done it. My chamber is left on my hands. My lodger sends me into bankruptcy. I order a nice little dinner of Nicolette. We will have nothing to do with your dinner, Madame. And my father Fauchelevent wants me to call him `Monsieur Jean,' and to receive him in a frightful, old, ugly cellar, where the walls have beards, and where the crystal consists of empty bottles, and the curtains are of spiders' webs! You are singular, I admit, that is your style, but people who get married are granted a truce. You ought not to have begun being singular again instantly. So you are going to be perfectly contented in your abominable Rue de l'Homme Arme. I was very desperate indeed there, that I was. What have you against me? You cause me a great deal of grief. Fi!"
And, becoming suddenly serious, she gazed intently at Jean Valjean and added:
"Are you angry with me because I am happy?"
(all text Hapgood, the Lower Chamber)
*Abandonment solely seen via Valjean's patented Traumavision!
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The aftermath of Elizabeth getting scooped in FNAF..
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diosapate · 6 months
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mercy killed john cleanly. he did not die in pain, she did not disrespect his body; she killed him quickly and efficiently. john killed her brutally!! he mutilated her and covered someone else with her gore and only then killed her with a tap to the back of the head. he ripped a dead woman’s cloak from her body and touched her corpse with his bare foot to prove a point!!
all this to say: necromancy is disrespect for the dead under the guise of reverence, and john isn’t even bullshitting respect for the dead anymore in Thee most obvious way. god’s mercy is finite and he has none left; i suspect that his “i’m just a little guy :)” act is at its end and we are about to see more of the man who claims that guys like him don’t make mistakes.
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mioakem · 8 months
Jason grace had two separate potentials to be apart of an absolutely gut wrenching, soulmate coded, beautiful, mind numbingly poetic romance but instead we got jiper
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deadsetobsessions · 19 days
There, in the fog, a pair of glowing green eyes. Who does it belong to?
Surely not that which lays beneath the city, Gotham’s spirit that drowns in the cursed bogs buried beneath concrete and stone. Surely not she, who sobs songs of grief, she who croons silently for aid. Surely not she, madness incarnate, all gnarled shadows and crumbled concrete. Surely not she, Gotham herself, perched along her city’s gargoyles and looks over her own with stone eyes and stone heart that tries to beat like her own.
Her songs were answered with one of her own, a child whose parents were murdered in the heart of her heart. The parts of her that still loved as much as she could wholeheartedly accepted. The child that brought more children- who were all hurt by her and her own and decided she was worth helping anyways. Those eyes did not belong to her own children, those that she pulled the covers of relentless clouds over in order to protect.
No, no. Those eyes belonged to a different child. One that came later who Wailed along side her screams and soothed the madness that roiled beneath her streets.
Her screams were soothed by a child who is her liege, the small one that came and eased the rot that tore her marrow from the bones of her city- her own bones.
Phantom, she ruffles the hair of the boy king. Her gnarled joints and shadowed fangs and clawed countenance does not deter his smile and she loves the child more for it. Far better than the tyrant that tried to use her madness against her own people.
“Hi, Gotham. How are you doing today?”
Better, the gargoyles shifts and grinds. Thank you, my liege.
The boy-king laughs, bright green eyes glowing in the fog she’s summoned to obscure him from her knights. “You did most of the work.”
Not so, the winds whirls in between the white flames of the boy-king’s hair. But we have had this discourse.
Phantom smiles, sadness pulling at the corners of his eyes. She did not know human ways of emotion for she had always been a spirit, but this expression she knows well. It chases at the heels of her knights and now it is in a dogged pursuit for her liege’s heart. Gotham has found new things to hate. The shadows wrap around him.
Go, they whisper as Gotham herself slid back towards the cold stone of her city. Protect. Be happy.
“Okay, okay. But if one of your knights shoot at me again with their weird knives, I’m going to dye their hair neon pink.”
Gotham laughs, spiders bouncing along their webs. They will have deserved it.
The boy-king (hers, her liege, her son, her family, please, Gotham did not want to be alone anymore) laughed again and shot off from the perch she had provided.
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hajihiko · 6 months
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a long time ago I was like "I bet there are a lot of characters that are both touch-starved and touch-averse" so. Thinks
Impostor explanation: has been around the whole scale as various identities, has a hard time understanding themselves and their own true preference. Tends to just adjust to whoever they're around.
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project-sekai-facts · 3 months
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According to 4koma #232, Kohane has the ability to purr.
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carouselunique · 5 months
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They had a bit of a chance encounter on a day where Blueblood was dealing with something that was very difficult and was so caught up in his emotions he didn’t even care that he was in the garden getting grass stans on his coat and Ditzy, with her natural impulse to cheer ponies up, didn’t even notice or care that she was flying into the palace gardens when she saw someone sat in the rain.
At first he was definitely going to call the castle guards to come apprehend this strange filly with the odd eyes who was intruding when this was the last moment he’d want to entertain any desperate debutantes, however she surprised him by not fawning or anything, not even caring about his status, just putting one of her fluffy wings up and asking if he needed somepony to lend an ear.
“Don’t let my eyes fool you, my ears work just fine!”
She was incredibly disarming and while he didn’t reveal everything about why he was upset, he found himself talking about his feelings to her. And she made such cheerful remarks, and was very comforting. In the end, he felt better and she came to check on him the next day, even sharing a blueberry muffin with him. He remarked that he’d never seen her around before, and that he wouldn’t mind terribly seeing her more often.
The rest, as they say, is history.
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rottingraisins · 6 months
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clef and adams funny moments
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pineapple-frenzy · 7 months
For your post finals art request, how about something from your Zutara scars au? Maybe Zuko gently kissing the scars on Katara's hands, with Katara looking absolutely flustered.
Thanks for your consideration and time.
I love soft scar kisses so much, I hope you don’t mind that I added a touch of angst to this
I saw something recently that was like what if Zuko thinks he’s the one that burned Katara’s hands, and I really like the idea so I wanted to incorporate it into this au. So here’s a little comic about Zuko apologizing for burning Katara’s hands (which he did not) insipired by your request :>>
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re-colligere · 16 days
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If I have to be totally honest they've been rotating in my mind for QUITE a bit. I'm only now truly exploring their potential. Because you know what. They kinda cute as well.
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FNAF movie Abby has better luck than Elizabeth..
(Original post by @dont_nes_wit_me)
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yashley · 10 months
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"Yeah, but we talked about it and I didn’t want it." "Why not?" "Because it scared me."
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nelkcats · 1 year
Bats & Dragon
When she got a job at Wayne Enterprises, Paulina figured her life was settled, it was a "dangerous job" but honestly, she tough it couldn't get weirder (and dangerous) than Amity.
Her job was amazing. The problem was that she completely forgot that her experience in her hometown had left her a little non-human (Paulina wasn't complaining, being a dragon was great, until you lost control, that, of course happened)
So, when Wayne Enterprises was attacked by the Joker gas, everyone was running their drill as normal when they saw their new employee...snarling at them?
Paulina's eyes were shining and her fingernails were growing into claws. Her coworkers had a bad feeling about it. Some wondered if any Rogue had used an experimental gas on their new hire.
The least Batman expected upon arriving on the scene was to find a giant dragon destroying his company. The stars in Robin's eyes as he looked at the dragon were dangerous, Bruce sighed.
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dapper-lil-arts · 3 months
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Was makin a muscle study for fun and it wound up being that sunset shimmer anthro design I made because I'm delusional. good times. And of course I got carried away and didn't stop there
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Twilight is ready.
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kass-of-the-midlands · 3 months
Alicent’s “this is happening because the gods are punishing my sins” is fucking heartbreaking. Can you imagine. Using religion as a way to bond with your mother, then having to endure decades of marital rape and abuse and even after the fucker dies she can’t have peace. And she thinks the murder of her grandson is because of her, the gods she loves laying a curse on her.
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