#Paulina was happy in her new job
nelkcats · 1 year
Bats & Dragon
When she got a job at Wayne Enterprises, Paulina figured her life was settled, it was a "dangerous job" but honestly, she tough it couldn't get weirder (and dangerous) than Amity.
Her job was amazing. The problem was that she completely forgot that her experience in her hometown had left her a little non-human (Paulina wasn't complaining, being a dragon was great, until you lost control, that, of course happened)
So, when Wayne Enterprises was attacked by the Joker gas, everyone was running their drill as normal when they saw their new employee...snarling at them?
Paulina's eyes were shining and her fingernails were growing into claws. Her coworkers had a bad feeling about it. Some wondered if any Rogue had used an experimental gas on their new hire.
The least Batman expected upon arriving on the scene was to find a giant dragon destroying his company. The stars in Robin's eyes as he looked at the dragon were dangerous, Bruce sighed.
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DP x PC prompt where Batclan ship “Pitch Pearl” or as they say, “We’ve connected the two dots”. 
Batclan has been watching the Phantom and the Fentons, especially their son. They were able to find some information but for some environmental reason the tracking devices are working in Amity Park with such terrible sound interference...it is difficult for them to understand a word.
Fenton kid's Audiotape: I hate..Phantom..threat..destroy.
Original: I hate that my parents think that Phantom is a threat and want to destroy me.
Audiotape of the Phantom: cause me trouble..Danny Fenton’s..guns..pointed at my back.
Original : Why everyone wants to cause me trouble? I don’t have time for Danny Fenton’s homework with all those guns pointed at my back.
Batclan arrives personally and is going to offer to rescue the ghost from the Fenton child. But. There is a problem.
They see the Phantom calling a Ghost Girl, very much like him, a daughter. The next day the girl flies to the son of the Ghosthunters without fear, calls him father and turns into a human girl. And the teenager hugs her.
Batman thinks their situation is similar to Lex and Superman but unlike them they both really love their "Conner".
Tucker hears this reasoning from the tracking device he planted on the Batman’s cloak.
Danny: Good news. They want to help Phantom and don’t think he’s a bad guy. They also fail to understand that Danny Fenton and Danny Phantom are the same person. Bad news.They think I, Fenton, am the villain. How can I dissuade them without revealing my identity?
Tucker: Well, you have a lair with weapons and instruments for diss and vivi in the basement.
Dani*feral half-ghost teen*: Say no more. I have an idea.
The same evening, Batclan sees Tik Tok video from the Fenton lab.
*Miike Snow's Genghis Khan plays in the background*:
The Phantom is tied to the autopsy table and Bruce wants to ask the children to look away, but Dick stops him and says he knows the song, so they should see it.
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The video has a happy ending. The heroes like it and they go home with a calm soul.
An hour after there’s a comment from DashHereForSlash: Cool cosplay, guys! I’m happy that someone knows about this ship! The equipment looks so real! Where to send a donat for a kiss in the next video?
GhoticPlant: Glad you liked it! Here’s a link.
Three hours later, the Red Huntress shoots a duet:
~I get a little bit Genghis Khan
Don't want you to get it on
With nobody else but me.~
Yes, they used Fenton Ghost Catcher and Tucker, Sam and Jazz played henchmen.
Tucker sits at the table with Fenton and Phantom.
Tucker: So, Danny, what’s more important..self-esteem or easy money?
Double Dannouble: Money
Tucker: All right, here’s your $50. It’s all fair. But next time you need to use a little more touch. And we change the platform to post the videos.
Danny: Suspicious..And I want $100. Double job means double salary.
Jazz: Danny, no more videos! You’re 15!
Tucker*with printed photos of the kiss the next day*: Remember, don't let people manipulate you to do things you don’t want to do. But we’re doing it to better cover up a little dirty deadly secret, money’s just a bonus. And Danny is narcissistic enough to be happy that now Paulina has his pictures in frames.
Part 2
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djbunnie · 8 days
Oooo!!! What if Sam helped Danny with the "dodging the bullet" moment!!!
Sam knew Danny in highschool Peripherally. He was one of the popular kids (the good kind). And Sam was a bookworm. The new girl Paulina, Sam and she became friends (along with Val, star, dora) a few months later, Paulina started dating Danny. At first she seemed cool and they would talk about everything. At one point, she starts talking about how she has been hooking up with her ex-boyfriend (Dash Baxter) behind Danny’s back. Just before the end of the school year. Paulina tells Sam she is pregnant and that she knows it belongs to her ex boyfriend. She is laughing and really proud of herself because Danny is going to do the right thing. Withdraw his college application and go work to support her and the baby. Her ex, the father of the baby, is kind of a loser, so she thinks it’s the best thing, even if she can continue banging dash while making Danny support her. 
Sam really didn’t know Danny that well, but she got his phone number from an acquaintance of hers who knew it (Tucker Foley aka Danny BFF). Sam anonymously Texted him about the Paulina ploy and said “get a paternity test. The baby isn't yours.”
He then thanked Sam. (through text)
Danny and Paulina broke up. He cussed her out and Danny went to college and made something of his life.
I thought maybe... Paulina told Danny that they had sex at a party when they were drunk, Danny believed her of course, it made sense at the time. but in reality they never had sex because Paulina was with Dash.
Sam did the right thing; she cut Paulina off and moved on with her life…
Meanwhile, before they graduate. Danny wanted to know who sent him the text? He wanted to thank them personally, and wanted to repay them by saving his life.  After a couple of days, Danny almost wanted to give up. He tried calling and texting them. But they didn't respond. Until, when Danny arrived at Nasty Burger and sat at the booth next to Val, star, dora. He overheard their conversation about their ex-friend and how they were lucky to have good friends like Sam in their lives. Praising her for warning Danny from paulina.
When Danny learned that it was Sam who warned him, he went to find her...but Sam was really busy. Because they were graduating soon, Sam was too busy apartment hunting, packing her stuff, and etc.
Unfortunately they never did meet up, after graduation Sam left right away. (I'm being lazy so I'm going to reuse some of the office love idea lol) Sam and Danny met again later in life, (they are 25-26 years old) Sam and Danny were at a bar or some cafe. It was Danny who approached her first. 
Danny: “Sam is that you?”
Sam: “huh? I'm sorry, do I know you?”
Danny: “It’s me Danny! Danny Fenton…we went to the same highschool…and you saved me from Paulina.”
Sam: “Oh! OMG!!! Danny!!!”
Danny: *Chuckle*
They got to talking about life, careers, etc. Sam told Danny about her great job as a game illustrator, originally she wanted to go into business, but she wasn't happy. Then she entered a game art contest, won first prize and got an internship. Sam dropped out of college and has been working for the company ever since. And she loves it. And to further her career she is taking night classes to gain the skills as a generalist animator and/or 3D modeler.
Danny was impressed by Sam, but not as impressed as Sam when she learned Danny is an Aerospace Engineer!!!
Sam: “WOW!!! That is so COOL!!!”
Danny: “it’s nothing.”
Sam: “don’t be so modest, Mr. Aerospace Engineer. I bet you're making Bank. your gf is a lucky lady to have you.“
Danny: “actually…no.”
Sam: “wha?”
Danny: “I-i don't have a gf.”
Sam: “....”
Danny: “....”
Sam: “....im sorry, i have a hard time believing that.”
Danny: “it’s because of the incident with Paulina, i'm having difficulty with trusting women in an intimate/ romantic setting. ”
Sam: “oh..right, yeah i don't blame you.”
Danny: “Sam…i've been wanting to thank you, for saving me from a miserable fate as a factory worker to support that wicked woman and raising someone else's child. It was thanks to you, I was able to pursue my dreams of working in NASA and freedom.”
Sam: “Oh please, anyone in my position would have done the same.”
I was thinking Danny kind of lied but not really, don't get it wrong. Danny was traumatized. He was never serious in a relationship but he has had a lot of one night stands. and Danny has been very careful. He took every precaution. Danny knows he's in a position where women would do anything to lock him down (baby trap him and etc) because he is very successful and financially good, so yeah.
also it will be interesting throughout the years when Danny is sleeping with other women he imagines he's with Sam!!! 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
Danny: “What about you? How was your dating life?”
Sam: “It sucks, I've only been with two…well technically one serious relationship.”
The first guy was mostly a “friend with benefits” and the second one was her ex-fiance. (Gregor,) the liar and cheater. Since then Sam has been single since.
I think it would be really sweet if Danny only sees him and Sam having a future together. So Sam and Danny would have a second chance in love/ Friends to lovers type of love story story.
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charcoalhawk · 1 year
Valerie has a conundrum
Valerie wants to have a deeper relationship with Danny, but worries that her ghost hunting will lead to heartache all around.
Fifth and final fic for the 2023 Phic Phight. Prompt was from @hpwot: What if Danny had confessed to Valerie before she had a chance to break things off with him?
She has to stop seeing him. She likes Danny, she really does. But as the ghosts in Amity grow more and more powerful, she becomes a bigger target. She can’t risk getting Danny any more caught up in this ghost hunting than he already is.
At least with her dad she knows he can defend himself, or at least have the sense to run away. She’s seen Danny run towards a ghost once, trying to protect her, he’s lucky he hasn’t gotten hurt by one of them yet.
She tries to distance herself over the next few weeks, but she can’t bring herself to say no whenever he asks if she wants to hang out after school or when he texts her at night to complain about his parents' latest ‘invention’.
And before she knows it’s summer and she and Danny are hanging out at least three times a week, more than she even hung out with Paulina and the others when she had been deemed worthy of their friend group.
Summer also means more time for ghost hunting. And while he never seems the happiest when she has to put their current activity on pause to chase after a ghost, he never holds it against her. She suspects he knows about her identity as the Red Huntress, but he never pushes, it’s one of the many things that she likes about him.
After a particularly close call with the metal hunter ghost she knows she has to stop putting it off. Danny had almost been bisected by a blast that had gone wide from her gauntlet, and even then she’d had to force him to run, otherwise she’s sure the ghost would have tried to hurt him just to get to her.
If there’s one good thing she’ll say about Phantom, it’s that it doesn’t attack civilians. She’s even seen it protect others when they might have been hit by falling debris.
But, it could all be an act. And Phantom, as much as it pains her to admit, is a very strong ghost.
She decided to do it the weekend, where they had plans to go to the pier then hang out at his house. She’ll tell him once they get back, at least it’s better than doing it over text.
They end up getting sidetracked at the pier, apparently the ghosts can’t give her any sort of break, but finally she and Danny are hanging out in his backyard.
They’re talking about the new limited time menu items at nasty burger, with her venting about how annoying some people are when ordering.
“-and it’s like, ma’am, your kid telling this random name for a drink he and his friends made up does not mean I’m going to know how to make it.”
“Ouch, well you're definitely braver than me, doing customer service.”
“Don’t feel brave really, just angry,” and she can’t help but laugh, because at least she can punch the ghosts when they annoy her.
“Well,” he glances at the blue sky, “not to totally derail this, but there’s something I’d like to tell you.”
Oh no, she thinks, this is it.
“I value your friendship,” he starts, and she realizes he’s trying to look anywhere but at her, a blush creeping up his cheeks, “and it won’t make us less of friends if we become romantically involved. But it does mean something different to me. I hope any of this makes sense?”
“Did you, practice this?” A laugh bursts from her, easing the tension as he laughs with her.
“Uh yeah, with Jazz, she said it was really important to be open in a relationship about your wants and feelings, that way we’re not talking past each other. I know you have a lot on your plate. Both with school, your job, and uh other extracurriculars.”
“Anyway! Uh, all that to say- Valerie, I like you!”
His face is once again red, but he’s grinning now, happy instead of nervous.
As she looks at his smiling face, Valerie realizes she doesn’t want to turn him down, especially not now.
“You're a dork,” she eventually settles on, grinning back at him.
“Yeah, not going to deny that. But really. I’ve been wanting to tell you for the past few weeks. But I didn’t want to make things awkward if you didn’t feel the same way, but after today, I guess I just couldn’t hold it in any more!”
“What about my uh, what did you call them, extracurriculars?”
“Val, my parents have been trying to fight ghosts since before I was born, I think I can handle it.”
He gestures to his house, where the Fenton Opp. center is starting to block out the sun as it sets behind them.
“But, uh, maybe you could tell me why? It does seem to take up a pretty big part of your life, and I know you weren’t always interested in this.”
“I just,” she sighs, “I’ve never really told anyone why I have to hunt ghosts. I have to stop ghosts like Phantom from ruining any more lives.”
“Phantom ruined your life?” Danny looks green at the thought.
“Him and that damn dog of his. Dad got fired from his job at the lab, and he had to spend most of our savings in court fees after he was named responsible for the lab’s destruction.”
“I, I didn’t know.”
“I didn’t want anyone to know Danny. It’s, so hard knowing now that the future I planned for likely won’t happen. We had to sell my childhood home to be able to keep living with Dad’s new job, and now I’m probably going to have to work for the rest of high school so I can help pay for my classes and my dorm.”
“That’s, a lot of money.”
“Tell me about it. There were just fees after fees and they kept pulling up all these obscure policies, and then because he was ‘at fault’ there were all these fines and a lump sum to the company.
But, working at Nasty Burger is at least a bit of income, and because I’m helping Mr. Masters fight these ghosts he promised he’d help my dad get a new job at his company once all the legal stuff has calmed down.”
“Valerie.” Danny is suddenly very serious, “You can’t trust Vlad.”
“Isn’t he a family friend?” Danny wrinkles his nose but begrudgingly shakes his hand in a so-so gesture, “then aren’t you happy that he’s going to help us?”
“Because he doesn’t have your best interests at heart. Look into how his company came to be, there’s a ton of shady stuff surrounding how he got his money and how successful it was so fast.”
“Him and every other billionaire, look, I’m helping Mr. Masters because he promised to help us, after my Dad gets back on his feet I’m through with all this ghost stuff.”
“Just like that?”
“Absolutely, no offense but the last thing I want to do is turn out like your parents.”
“Oh I’ll never complain about that.”
They laugh together, again. And in that moment, with the city alive around them, Valerie is happy,
“So Can we try this? Us?”
“I don’t know Danny. I’d like to. I’d really, really like to. But, I just don’t think it’ll turn out great long term.”
“Who says it has to be long term?”
“What, gonna kiss a flee?” But she can’t stop smiling.
“I’m just saying, we can try this out. For the next few weeks or months, and if in the end it doesn’t work it doesn’t work.” He shrugs, “but I would like to try, if it’s ok with you?”
“I don’t think I can be a, a girlfriend, but we can still do this,” she gestured between them, “and maybe in the future things will change and we can reevaluate when we get there.”
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Wednesday, 31 May 2023
Wednesdays, as I have mentioned before, tend to be pretty slow around Salem. And while a few of today's plots are little more than wheel-spinning for their respective characters, we also got a couple of MAJOR DEVELOPMENTS that just so happen to be QUINTESSENTIAL SOAP MOMENTS™, one of which I'm seeing for the first time since I started watching a year or so ago.
First up is Nicole. She's still pregnant and still confiding to Anna about it. And still not really providing us with any new insight into her character or... really, any new information of any kind. This storyline actually got me interested in Nicole for the first time ever, but I sure wish something would, you know, happen.
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Eric and Sloan also talk about Nicole. Eric works out that the story about a virus at the hospital was a lie and Sloan comes clean and confesses that yeah, she did indeed lie. But she did it to protect Nicole's secret. Which Eric now knows.
Eric is none too happy about any of this, and takes his recently-harvested DNA swab and heads over to confront Nicole about it. So presumably something will finally be moving forward with all of this soon.
But not today.
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Jada and Talia have a number of tearful exchanges at the police station, as Jada tries to explain to Talia that, even though Colin never actually hit her, he's still an abusive piece of shit. I do not mean to trivialize any of this as unimportant — it's good stuff; it's important stuff to talk about to an audience full of dumbs; and both performers do an excellent job with the material. It wasn't boring to watch, but it is hard to make jokes about. But don't worry — I am now pivoting to some gloriously stupid bullshit.
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University Hospital has a new nurse on staff, apparently! She's one of the ladies from Fox's hit 90s sitcom, Living Single.
Not Queen Latifah.
Not Tootie.
The other one. Kim Coles.
(Apparently there was actually a fourth one but I don't remember her at all. My apologies, Erika Alexander. I enjoyed your show and watched quite a bit of it, both in first-run and in reruns. My faulty memory does you a disservice.)
Nurse Coles hits the ground running as she tends to Colin and he briefly mistakes her for Paulina.
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Thirty seconds on screen and I love her already.
Paulina is actually in Abe's room, being her usual entirely impatient self and not for the first time I find myself wondering how she possibly made herself so rich in real estate with so little chill. Don't real estate people have to, like, negotiate or whatever?
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Then Chanel goes in to talk to Abe and he wakes up! Yay! We love Abe!
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But it gets better. Not only is he awake, but ABE HAS AMNESIA. 
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I cannot overstate how excited I am by this. I have watched literally 500 episodes of this soap-ass soap and I've never encountered a proper case of actual amnesia before!
Chanel tries to jog the mayor's memory by showing him a picture of his wedding to Paulina, in that episode from last summer where they taught the white people in Salem what Juneteenth is. (I'm not gonna lie — I learned a couple of things from that one. As one of the dumbs in this audience, I'm genuinely glad they did that.)
But the picture rings no bells for Abe.
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Out in the waiting area, Rafe orders this cop, who appears to be about thirteen years old, to prep Colin for his transfer to prison. This is obviously just to kill time in a short episode, and surely has no relevance to the plot.
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While Chanel is off getting her mom, Nurse Kim Coles enters Abe's room. Abe, still muzzy from the surgery and having only seen a single cell phone picture of his alleged wife Paulina, thinks the nurse is his wife. The nurse, for her part, says nothing to dissuade him of this misapprehension.
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Turns out she's a Mayor Abe Carver Superfan! And also? Maybe a bit crazy in the ol' pants?
And speaking of pants, Rafe checks on Colin, only to discover that Officer Skippy had his pants stolen by said gross creep. Also the rest of his uniform.
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That's a rock-solid defense though, Skippy. "He got the better of me." No court in the world will convict you.
So now Colin, in disguise (as a cop whose uniform actually fits), easily slips out of the hospital unnoticed.
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And right after him comes Nurse Kim Coles, pushing the amnesiac and highly confused Abe out of the hospital in a wheelchair "because he's in danger." 
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astroreadsbyelle · 3 years
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“What will happen when you get your big break? What should you do?”
Hello, happy August 1! It’s a new month, it’s a new day, it’s a new PAC! This time I wanted to try my hand at doing a career PAC, so here it is! Once again, there are only three piles. As much as possible, please choose only one! Take a deep breath, relax, meditate if you need to before choosing a pile, and hopefully my readings resonate with you. Let’s begin!
Decks used:
Star Spinner Tarot by Trungles
Witchlings Oracle Deck by Paulina Cassidy
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PILE 1: The Artist’s Garden at Eragny, 1898
Cards: X of Wands (R), The Star (R), IV of Wands, Strength, Enthusiasm, Wisdom
You are in a state of discontentment. You’ve put in the time and the hard work, but your investment falls short. Do you move forward or stay stagnant where you are now? What is it that you really want? Look within yourself, write your own story. You are the master of your fate, you are the captain of your soul.
You feel as if all your effort will go to waste if you go anywhere or do anything else, so you endure. But you know it’s not the right thing to do; it’s not fair to you. Do not be discouraged. Instead, take this time to regroup. Listen to your heart and put yourself first by dedicating yourself to things that make you happy! If it makes you happy or helps you grow, then stick with it! Keep doing it! If it doesn’t, then what are you still doing there? This pile reminds me of Chandler Bing from Friends. He left his high-paying job to go look for a new one because his heart wasn’t in it. He wanted to go out there and do something else that actually made him feel happy. You should do the same thing too.
After chasing your dreams and working hard, you’ll eventually find true happiness with your career. You’ll finally be able to share your fruits of labor and celebrate with the ones you hold dear. Congratulations!
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PILE 2: Landscape at Les Pâtis, Pontoise, 1868
Cards: Page of Chalices, The World (R), The Hanged Man, Wellness, Rejuvenation, Aura
Right off the bat, this pile gives me Aries, Leo and 5th house energy. You have a sense of youthful wonder when it comes to your career. You are listening to your intuition and following your dreams, perhaps even going through some kind of change as a result.
After working hard and giving it your all, you soon find yourself too busy; too tired. And you haven’t even reached the top of the mountain yet! You feel disheartened, so you make the decision to start playing it safe. At this time, take a step back and take care of yourself first, then the rest will follow. You must also be open to changes by allowing a new perspective to your situation. Think of a new game plan! Otherwise, you will only end up burning yourself out. When things get too much, try to think of something else; take another route. This pile reminds me of Liz Gilbert from Eat Pray Love. Everything seemed to be falling apart for her, so she left New York and travelled to different countries to find and take care of herself, as well as learn a thing or two from the people she’s met in her travels.
Do not see any of this as a hindrance to achieving your goals. If you’re tired, rest. Don’t stop. Your dreams will be put on hold, but only for a moment. Just keep going and remember that good things take time. You will surely get there.
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PILE 3: Place du Carrousel, Paris, 1900
The Star (R), V of Swords (R), Temperance, Clarity, Transformation, Creativity
Similar to Pile 1, you are also in a state of dormancy. You fear change because you also fear failure. There is nothing left for you here anymore, you must leave behind everything and everyone that no longer serves or helps you. If push comes to shove, wounds of resentment and anger will breed and fester. Perhaps you’re doing this to prove a point to someone? Either way, you must know that nothing good will come out of this. You won’t get what you want by doing this.
You need a new cup for your drink. Change is inevitable, but despite everything, it’s still you. At the end of the day, you’re the only one you can’t run away from, so take care of yourself first and foremost. Stay true to yourself! This pile gives me Pluto, Scorpio and 8th house energy. Discipline and desire will keep you company on this journey. Keep them with you at all times. You must reset your mind for clearer thoughts and bolder solutions. You must think outside of the box in order to turn your thoughts, dreams and plans into a reality. While I was working on this pile, I looked at the time and saw 4:04. Know that everything will be just fine, and you’ll come out of this stronger than ever. You will be given a new perspective; a new mindset. You will gain more knowledge and make new discoveries. When you reach the top, you will realize that you’ve made new heights.
That concludes my second PAC! I hope you guys liked this one as well. Thank you so much for taking a look at my first one, it really means the world to me. I hope your pile resonated with you, please let me know if it did! Feedback is always very much welcome, thank you so much! Stay safe everyone, much love! 💕
Copyright © 2021 Astrology Readings by Elle, All Rights Reserved
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BNHA X DP Crossover HCs
After the long wait and finals, here are my ideas for all the quirks/occupations and other concepts I devised for the DP characters in the BNHA universe. This was just for fun and for inspiration towards others interested in this crossover au in general. 
Tagging the people that were looking forward to this post based on the replies: @qoinq-qhost, @floralflowerpower, @tgfangirl4eva @goodfish-bowl, @whitehairglowinggreeneyedcrush and more. 
Anyways, happy reading, folks!
Mr. Lancer
Hero name: Mr. Scholastic
Quirk: Bookworm
Involves his iconic usage of literature titles & quotes for swears to become abilities corresponding to the novel’s contents/themes. Course, he is limited to only books he has read and can quote accurately. Additionally, his voice gets very raspy past two or three quotes as well.
Occupation: Homeroom Teacher for Class 1- A; He’s very dedicated to his new students and teaching the fundamentals of being a pro hero and more! Course, I don’t think his chamomile tea with a wedge of lemon is enough to help him relax from his students (*cough* Danny, Tucker and Poindexter) from their antics at times. 
Hero name: Phantom 
Quirk: Ghost core (Ok, @coffeecakecafe had the best name for this one gotta give credit here)
Able to do anything a ghost is perceived to do. Go through walls, disappear and fly. This is a one of a kind quirk as it was obtained from Danny’s old quirk being altered by a machine his parents made that would repurpose/alter an individual’s quirk based on their past family members' own metahuman genetics.
Danny is doing his best and trying to understand his new quirk without causing too much attention to himself while doing so but it seems like its been doing the opposite as of late. Thankfully, he won’t be doing it alone with all his classmates around to help him!
Hero Name: Black Dahlia 
Quirk: Overgrown 
Able to create any plant that she knows the biological makeup and content of in almost any environment. However, it is important for her to drink lots of nutrient rich water and take in enough sun if she plans to create larger versions of these plants.
Hero name: Tech Master
Quirk: Tech Core
Located on his chest/heart area is a special energy core capable of powering electronics at a rate faster than anything made-man could ever hope to achieve. As a kid, Tucker would tinker away in his family’s garage on a suit that would harness his power to the fullest extent and lead a new era of support tech in the hero world.
Hero name: Red Huntress
Quirk: Electromagnetism (Someone I’ve been trying to find their post on my blog had posted this idea and I fell in love with it ever since)
She’s like Static Shock but with a dash of magenta/ruby lasers she can create through focusing her electromagnetism through her finger tips. She is an expert with her quirk and has the best handle of her quirk than most of her peers. She is the most frequent visitor in the support equipment workshop next to Tucker, Poindexter and Danny. It’s how she built the hoverboard she has in the show that utilizes her electromagnetic abilities for both offensive and defensive maneuvers. (Also, I enjoy the idea that Bullet is Val’s uncle on her mom’s side and is her biggest supporter alongside her dad, Damien Gray).
Quirk: Serenity 
Helps calm individuals and give them a sense of safety/security when they’re around her in a 10 feet radius. Though, anyone out of range cannot be affected by her quirk and she needs to be conscious in order to use it.
She planned on becoming a pro hero but felt her powers were best suited for her dream profession as a psychologist. She has used her quirk a lot when Danny was overwhelmed with his studies prior to UA. Course, a phone call and sibling chat over the phone certainly does the job for Danny now when it comes to preparing material for exams. (Course, its up to you guys to decide)
Hero name: Rager
Quirk: Strength Magnification
Improves his physique and stamina by a large percentage for a set amount of time. Needs to be careful of how much/long he magnifies his body or else his body will become immensely sore. 
Hero name: Rallier 
Quirk: Team Rally (50/50)
Able to duplicate himself 3-4 times while being able to power-up allies’ quirks or stamina with a rally chant to help the team. The more duplicates there are the rally effect multiplies/stacks on the individual but it can lead to dangerous outcomes for their quirk output. 
Kwan is the class representative for 1-A, he’s the best at the job and was more than thrilled to be the one leading his class in more ways than one.  
Hero name: Enchantress
Quirk: Charm
If the opponent is flustered by her taunts or flirting, their vision will become altered and start seeing things that are not there. It works better on men than women and the opponent can snap out of it with enough willpower or if they’re not interested in her.
Hero name: Ms. Meteorite
Quirk: Comet
Similar to Gran Torino’s Jet quirk except faster and she can create an explosive impact on where she lands. Similar to a meteorite landing on earth, she also learns to use this as a long distance move by punching fast enough as she descends to create wind pressure punches.
Hero name: Tex (like in Tex Avery; Danny gave him the idea!) 
Quirk: Slapstick
His appearance is black and white just like an old timey cartoon character as well as having the durability and cartoon powers of one. However, his quirk can only work as long as what he does with it is funny in the circumstance it’s used for. Sort of like “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” rules in a sense. 
Sidney is part of Class 1-A just saying, I don’t care, this is Poindexter’s time to shine here to be the coolest/funniest person in the class. Also, Tucker’s most loyal friend/tester for new support items. 
Wes Weston
Hero name: Vigilance
Quirk: Deduction
He is able to deduct people’s identities to flaws/weak points for him to use against them and  exploit against problems. 
Class 1-B Representative and the most annoying/terrifying person that Danny has dealt with in his life. He was able to figure out that Danny’s quirk is not his own or more so that it's not natural and takes every opportunity to state this regardless if anyone is listening or not. 
Amber Mclain
Hero Name: Ember
Quirk: Fiery voice (50/50)
Her quirk uses the vibrations in her sining voice to conduct intense heat waves onto opponents or utilize to rumble the structures around here and even put out the flames from her quirk. Its like a combination of Present Mic and Endevours quirk but it leaves her with a strained or inflamed vocal cords with overuse. 
Third year student or an upcoming rock star that has certainly gain huge popularity after her song “Remember” was a nationwide hit amongst the younger generation. She’s striving to be the top hero while making her next hit to become the 1# song on the listings. 
Hero name: Phantwo (lol jk; unsure what her name would be)
Quirk: Poltergeist 
Similar to Danny’s quirk “Ghost”, except she has the additional ability to melt herself to a slimy puddle and use her ectoplasmic slime to trap or surprise opponents.
Hero Name: Clockwork
Quirk: Time Keeper
Clockwork’s quirk allows him to stop time for 5 to 15 minutes and be able to rewind it in the same amount of time. It can be one to multiple objects as long as he touches them in order to interact with them.
Principle of UA in this au. He’s quite a reserved man but still manages to visit and congregate with students throughout the school during lunch period. 
Flynn Fenton/Flynn Walker
Hero Name: The Green Knight
Quirk: Mineralization 
His quirk allows him to manipulate the minerals and inorganic materials in the atmosphere to create into crystalized constructs that are almost stronger than diamond. Luckily, the crystals have no value so he doesn’t have to worry about that aspect of his quirk. He does have to worry about his skin becoming dried out as a result of his quirk usage. 
Flynn is a third year student that loves to check up on his cousin, Danny, any chance he gets bc of the amount of work he does with his internships.
James Walker (or James W. Hausermann)
Hero name: Warden Wraith
Quirk: Plasma Apparatus
His quirk ionizes the electrolytes in the blood system into plasma. His entire body is composed of plasma giving him his skeletal appearance. He can create plasma chains, teleport from point A to B and more as long as he focuses and has enough energy at use. Course, he can have minor to severe dehydration and imbalance in his electrolyte levels from overuse. 
Occupation: CEO of an infrastructure security company/Provisional License Examiner just like Gang Orca.The ghost prison guards become his backup/helpers for the exam phases. (They’re just trained stuntmen with combat or military experience for the occasion).
Also, I like to think Walker has kids in this au who are in the Class 1-A group; they’re not hard to spot they take after their father with their skeletal complexion. 
Villain name: Quirk Hunter
Quirk: Tracker
The moment Skulker makes eye contact with his target he will be able to hunt them down and find them anywhere no matter how good they are at covering their tracks. He can lock on to only one target, but he will be able to know their heart beat, quirk, be able to place a tracking/scent line that only he can see and will lead him to his target’s location. It lasts for over a day or a half.
Occupation: Skulker is known for capturing, info-detailing or “retiring” newcomer pros or specific quirk users for his clients that pay him handsomely for their targets, dead or alive. Thanks to Vlad, Danny was strictly intended to be captured alive by Skulker but sometimes he gets too thrilled by the hunt to not have a memento. Trust me, it's more of a dangerous 
Nicolai Technus 
Villain Name: Technus 
Quirk: Technopathy
A genius in his own right, even if he’s a little crazy, with the best ability possible for a man of science and innovation. As long as he knows the makeup and attributes of the machine, Technus is able to completely repurpose or change a machine’s qualities for offensive and defensive qualities. Whenever that be for a mech suit or hacking a high tech system for entry, he’s able to do it as long as he knows what it is and how it functions. An example is repurposing a slot machine into a submachine gun that shoots coins at the target. 
Vlad Masters
Name: Vlad Plasmius
Quirk: Vampire
Can do anything a vampire can supposedly do. However, he was able to manifest an additional aspect of this quirk which is the ability to copy any quirk users ability. Based on the type of blood he ingests decides the amount of time he can use the copied quirk for.
Occupation: CEO of his own hero firm, he is extremely selective with the interns he has that there is a major waitlist to be even consider for Masters Inc. Course, imagine the surprise Danny must of felt when he received an offer from Vlad right off the bat after the Sports festival. 
Bruce Guiles (Bullet)
Hero Name: Bullet 
Quirk: Sphyraena or Chimera Fish
Able to do anything a barracuda can do or the quirk is a 50/50 mutant quirk in which he has both the traits of a barracuda, Chimaeras and a touch of piranha from his parents being of one of these fish species hence Chimera. Bullet can do anything those fish can do overall but he can’t go too long without hydration from water. Water quality and its oxygen content also affect his abilities by a noticeable percentage but he still remains quite formidable as a quirk user.
Occupation: Captain of a coast guard team, he’s a strict military man with an amazing record of saving people from any disasters both on land and sea. Him and Walker are best buddies ever since they went to school together. 
Hero Name: Vortex
Quirk: Storm Warning
Vortex can utilize any variation of a natural disaster depending on the environment he’s in. Hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, you name it he can create it for his use. However, despite his amazing control over his quirk it is still possible for him to create these disasters if he lost control or magnify another pre-existing one if he loses focus. 
Occupation: Storm-chaser/Forecaster; His control and knowledge in combating/predicting these natural disasters has led to him to be part of a storm chasing crew and they’re the best in helping disaster prevention teams evacuate citizens as a result.
Petra Eris
Hero name: Pandora
Quirk: Butterfly Effect
Can manipulate or prevent a chaotic event to happen if she was in proximity and present to prevent it to happen. Or even give a little chaos to the opponent to deal with during battle. 
One of the top ten heroes and most beloved heroes in the country. She is the best strategist in any team and has a way to predict any event before they happen given the necessity of it for her quirk to work in her favor. 
Vigilante name: Johnny 13
Quirk: Unlucky
Johnny manifests his bad luck into a shadow that will latch onto opponents and cause unfortunate events to occur more for that individual as a result. However, the shadow cannot exist in complete sunlight; it can only remain if there are already shadows in his general area or it’s nighttime and its effects are strongest at that time obviously.
Occupation: Johnny is the leader of a biker gang or de-facto leader of said biker gang who loves to raise hell and helping folks that need saving whenever he’s around or is up to the task. Kitty tags along with him to help him out of jams and bc she loves him. :3
Vigilante name: Kitty
Quirk: Lovesick
Kitty sends a smooch towards her opponent which if it makes contact causes the individual to have nausea or become disoriented for around 10 minutes. It can also have a chance of lasting longer if the individual was sort of infatuated with her regardless of gender. 
Pariah Dark
Villain name: King Pariah
Quirk: Ultimate Adaptation 
Similar to all for one except with the unpredictability for both the user and opponents. Pariah can manifest any type of quirk needed to defeat anyone that stands in his way both one-on-one and in groups. Course, drawbacks are the learning curve to some of the quirks and that multiple adaptions he utilizes at once will destroy his cells in the process. 
Pariah is a former follower of all for one who had unique quirk that All for one augmented to help him succeed if both Shigaraki and Tomura failed in their own conquest for the world. But now Pariah has his own plans to succeed where they failed and become the leader who shapes a new world order with an iron fist. 
Frederick Kingsmen
Villain/vigilante name: Fright Knight
Quirk: Burning Energy Infusion
Able to form/infuse objects with his own burning energy life force that is capable of burning or slicing through any in his sight. The sweat he gives off is what provides the material needed to ignite his unnatural flames despite it causing his body to overheat still. 
Fright Knight is Pariah’s second-in-command with a loyalty to him as strong as his control over his power. Fright Knight has faced many pro-heros as he carried out the smaller phases of Pariah’s plans and most of them barely came close towards defeating or leaving as much as  scratch on the knight. 
Rodolfo Gonzalo  
Hero name: Wulf
Quirk: Werewolf + Portal creation (50/50?)
Can do anything a werewolf can supposedly do; somehow it allows him to create portals with his claws to locations he has marked with them or visited in the past. 
Wulf was abducted on by Pariah’s forces and sent into the Nomu labs for experimentation to force on another quirk and instill complete allegiance to their cause. Course, Wulf broke free as a result of that new additional quirk allowing him to escape their clutches and his previous one helping him survive the endeavor. However, he lost his memories in the process and could only remember his native language, Spanish, and his hero name Wulf. 
Villain/vigilante Name: Overgrown
Quirk: Plant Manipulation
Can manipulate any pre-existing plant matter or create new vegetation if water and soil is present for the process or he understand the biological makeup of the plant in question. 
Occupation: Pro-hero or eco-terrorist who is tired of humanity from abusing the environment from quirk battles to industries using the land for their own benefits and none others.
That’s all I have for now! I hope this was worth the wait, guys. As well as, inspire ideas for your takes with a DP x BNHA Crossover! 
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charming-mage · 4 years
The Ghost Zone’s Running Joke Part 2 (Lila Salt Fic)
I find it fitting to finish this in October. Fits the Halloween season.
Vlad Masters is here to take on the role of Mayor of Amity Park. Lila’s sees her golden ticket in the billionaire. His money makes the Agrestes look like paupers. His wealth and the connections that can be made through him might just be enough for the A-Listers.
It’s not hard to notice the strained relationship between Danny and Vlad. Danny wants nothing to do with the man. No matter what Vlad does, the high schooler aggressively rejects it. Lila figures she can do for him what she did for Mr. Agreste: spying and giving reports. In return, pulling some strings for a good internship at city hall or one of his businesses. The status of an internship at a good place and future in making lots of money might just be enough.
Lila makes her move. She’s able to catch Vlad after another failed attempt. Far from the students’ prying eyes, an offer is made. She’ll help him keep an eye on Danny, and give Vlad information on the teenager. The offer is prettied up to sound nicer then saying it’ll involve spying and violating Danny’s privacy. There’s regret in not cozying up to Danny. Would’ve made things easier.
Vlad turns her down. Says some things about not wanting to violate his trust like that. Wants to win him over his own way. In reality, he doesn’t need her. There’s spy cameras in the Fenton home and ghosts on his payroll. Besides, why would he want the help of a human female minor? Not a good look.
Lila is disappointed, but is not ready to give up yet. Plots form in her head to arrange situations to her advantage. ‘Accidently’ bumping into him and just so happen to have some interesting information. Too bad for her, the plan doesn’t workout to well because of a new lie she’s telling Casper High students.
Plasmius spotted in Amity Park gives Lila inspiration for a new lie. She claims the ghost is kind to her. Implies he sees her as attractive. The teenager doesn’t have the life experience to understand why this is a problem. Thinks admiration like this from an adult means nothing.
Let’s just say it’s an understatement this doesn’t go down well with the adults. When the students tell their parents, there’s an uproar. A recent Plasmius and Phantom fight at the school adds fuel to the fire. The fight is now seen as the ghost hero protecting minors from a pedophile. 
People demand city hall, the Fentons, and the Guys in White to prioritize hunting down the Wisconsin Ghost. Phantom is not a major threat compared to the older ghost. Heck, Phantom has been seen to reject advances from his fans.
Vlad is forced to go along with this. If he hesitated it’d look very bad. Only saving grace here is Lila is a known liar among the ghosts. Things would have gone very bad for him otherwise. After this catastrophe, Vlad is cold to Lila. Refuses to humor her much to her dismay. What a lovely introduction to the Ghost Zone’s running joke.
Meanwhile with Team Phantom, they’re having a group meeting on what to do about Lila. Danny catching Lila stalking him (as Fenton) is the last straw. Danny is all for calling her out. It irritates him to watch the liar being fawned over for a fake connection. The friendship lie is encouraging his fans to be bolder.
Sam, the voice of reason, vetoes this plan. Trying to disprove Lila’s lies as Fenton is a horrible idea. No one will believe the loser at the bottom of the social hierarchy. It also adds a target on his back. Who knows what Lila will do to keep a lid on this. That Lila is willing to stalk, snoop, and snitch to Vlad is not good. It shows the teenager won’t stop at small lies to get what she wants.
On the other hand, confronting her as Phantom will make people think there’s a grain of truth in Lila’s story. It’ll be easy to twist it as a falling out. Besides, they don’t want to bring more attention on the ghost attacks at the school then there already is. If people believe Phantom, then it’ll be obvious the hero is at the school often enough to hear it. Which means more scrutiny and surveillance. 
Tucker has a plan. Simply pretend to have no idea who Lila is or haven’t heard the rumors. One day an Amity Park resident is going to point blank ask him. It’ll be easy to stick around long enough after a ghost fight at Casper High. A student will be sure to bring up the subject.
Luckily for Danny, an opportunity appears within a week. After capturing a ghost, he allows Paulina to catch up to him. Paulina does the usual gushing over him. When she brings up Lila, he sticks to the plan. “....Oh you’re talking about that long haired Brunette. Layla? Lie-la?” Let’s just say the popular girl is not happy to have been made a fool of in front of the entire school. It’s one thing to tell unimportant white lies. It’s another thing to make Paulina look stupid.
Paulina is not the only one finding out about Lila’s lies. Some Amity Park residents have noticed the ghosts reaction to Lila. Their interactions stand out as most ghosts don’t usually target an individual. If they do, it’s usually a one time thing. That this girl is well known to the ghosts and this drama hasn’t calmed down yet is suspicious. 
Lance Thunder manages to get an on the scene interview with a ghost. He asks the burning question: “What’s so funny about this girl?” Other ghosts invite themselves to the interview when word spreads. It’s revealed Lila lied about knowing the ghost hero. It’s funny to them how hard the girl tries to be Phantom’s friend. Unknowingly, her actions cause him to keep his distance from her. Respecting Phantom, the ghosts don’t reveal his Halfa status. That doesn’t stop them from sharing stories. They just neglect to mention if it happened as Phantom or Fenton.
“I held her hostage and Phantom didn’t believe me when I said I had his friend. Told me all his friends are accounted for. He had no idea who this girl was.”
“She stalks him.”
“The child told me to my face Phantom will permanently end me if I harmed her. If she really knew him, she’d know Mr. Hero Complex would never cross that line.”
As the witnesses go on, it’s pretty clear Lila is a liar. This combined with Paulina’s revenge campaign, Lila’s rise as a future A-lister is finished. She never did manage to find a solution to rich requirement in time.
Lila is the social pariah at the school. Lower on the totem pole than Team Phantom and the nerds. There’s no escape to a new school this time. Mrs. Rossi is dealing with the aftermath of the ‘Ladybug is incompetent’ lies. (She finally got around to telling her boss about it.) Mr. Rossi is trying to transfer to another city, but Amity Park has a bad reputation. Outsiders view the ‘ghost believing fanatics’ lowly.
Mrs. Rossi doesn’t have any family to turn to. Her only family members left died years ago. Mr. Rossi is an orphan. It’s a hard choice, but Lila is staying in Amity Park. The uncertain future of Mrs. Rossi’s job is the deciding factor. There’s money to spare for anti-etco defenses. Unlike ghosts, there’s no products to deal with Akumas.
So Lila is stuck in Amity Park until her dad finds a new job in a different city. It’s not so fun being known as the town liar. Or the Ghost Zone’s laughing stock. No one believes her when the Box Ghost moves the packed boxes in the art room. Or Phantom calling her the girl who cried wolf. 
The drama filled the ghosts’ boredom. Watching Phantom doing his best to tolerate her is a must see for visiting ghosts. They still for years tease him about his ‘dishonest friend.’ 
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angelaiswriting · 3 years
The Assistant (15 of ?) | Vladimir Ranskahov x fem!reader
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[original picture found on: pinterest]
✏️ Pairings:
(almost official) Vladimir Ranskahov x fem!reader
Anatoly Ranskahov x OC (Paulina) mentioned
✏️ Requested by @kellydixon01 : Y/N–hacker, big mouth, even bigger attitude–is the new addition to Fisk’s team. Sent to help the Ranskahovs, she immediately gets on Vladimir’s nerves. But as time passes, they start to take a liking to each other, even if none of them is willing to admit their feelings. Yet.
✏️ Previously on The Assistant (aka I’m shit at updating): Y/N has moved in with Vladimir and the two have found themselves growing closer. There’s only one problem: Vlad’s old friend Ulyana thinks the two are a couple and has invited them over for dinner to celebrate.
✏️ A/N: y’all. Y’ALL. First off, I just want to apologize, it’s been forever and a month since I updated this; I’m not even sure there are still people reading/that remember this story apart from Alice lol. It took us me 144 pages !!! but it’s finally happening. Enjoy! I literally cried when I wrote the end of this chapter because it was about fucking time!
✏️ Warnings: fluff; and tears, but those were mine as I wrote this lol; Sergei has a doggie!; a smidge of swearing.
✏️ Word-count: 6,060
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Sitting on the closed toilet seat with the pipe wrench still in his hands, Vladimir could hear Y/N and Ulyana laugh in the living room. He couldn’t make out their words, for their voices were quiet despite their hilarity, and the left-ajar door of the bathroom didn’t help him any.
The most surreal situation I’ve ever experienced, that’s how Y/N had labeled it less than an hour ago, before he helped Lina bring in the tray with the cups of tea. And the more he mulled things over, the more he found himself agreeing. The most surreal situation I’ve ever experienced – and he had lived through plenty of what could be considered ‘weird shit’. Ulyana in general had been a whole exception in his book. Ulyana, with her afternoons spent playing bingo at the daily center for the elderly with all her old-lady friends; Ulyana, with her borscht and her endless words of encouragement and comfort when both he and Tolya had needed them the most.
But also Ulyana, so dead-set on the idea that he was too stiff and needed a gentle touch in his life that she just… mistook Y/N for his woman. As if he needed someone! But it was still a good thing in a way, though, he reasoned as he stood up and moved to stand in front of the sink to stare at his reflection. And probably his brother was right about the fact that he had to open up to her, tell her what he felt – and what he was scared of. And just… try, for once. Make an effort to take his private life into his own hands instead of just wasting it away on cigarettes and underground fights.
As he stood there, hands gripping the sink, wrench abandoned on the counter, he tried to focus on what existed beyond that scar on the right side of his face and all it meant. By now he was convinced that she didn’t see it – not because she didn’t want to, but because she was able to see right through it. She knew about his past, and not just about Utkin, but also about some of the stupid things he had done in his short-lived youth – he had told her about that over vodka, a bit more rarely over coffee. And while he had always had problems with that, he found himself having fewer and fewer now.
Yeah, maybe it wasn’t that bad to pretend he had someone that cared about him, and while that equaled lying to Lina, maybe it was for the greater good?
It came off as a question even in his own mind, but it was one he found himself being willing to put in the time and effort to find an answer to. It was almost stupid, to think that feelings seemed to terrify him to the bone, while he could take a gun pointed at his head any day without batting an eyelash. Because that’s what he did, that’s what the target on his back felt like.
Maybe all he needed was to grow a pair, listen to what Ulyana had always told him, and walk out there a somewhat taken man.
And not taken to the demons in his head, but to someone – a friend, maybe? – that he had learned to respect. In a way, that is; that road still seemed a long one, after all.
When he joined the two women again some twenty minutes or so later, after he had fixed the kitchen cabinet Lina had been too shy to ask him to repair, he found them leafing through an old photo album. Belka – Ulyana’s old, white cat – was snoozing in Y/N’s lap, the tip of her fluffy tail moving up and down every once in a while as she purred at her new friend.
It was a weirdly cozy view, one that seemed to put all the thoughts that were still swarming his mind at ease. He leaned against the frame of the door, arms crossed in front of his chest, and he just stared for a while, half-present in the moment and half-lost in his own mind. He didn’t miss the moment her head lifted up an inch and her eyes met his, though, and before he could realize anything, he found himself smirking back.
“Ulya is showing me the photographs of her wedding day,” she said when he moved away from the door and really entered the room. Her fingers absentmindedly scratched the cat behind one ear as she maintained eye contact until he sat down at the round table in front of the window to her left.
“Those are a must-see when you step foot into her house.” His was a playful huff as he lit himself a cigarette. They had all gone back to Russian, which meant that Ulyana had gotten to know Y/N faster than he had. “Next thing you know, you’re walking down Soviet memory lane.” And then, when his eyes met Lina’s: “You know I’m joking. Tolya and I have always loved your stories.”
The woman shook her head, but there was a smile on her face that somehow warmed his heart. It meant that it was all back to normal now; that, in her heart, she had forgiven him for disappearing for so long and never, not once, calling to check in on her. “This girl’s bewitched you,” she chuckled, patting Y/N’s knee with her free hand. “I don’t remember when the last time he wasn’t serious was, anymore,” she explained as she leaned back against the couch, giving her guest’s unasked question an answer.
Vladimir scoffed and when his phone beeped on the table with a text from Sergei a moment later, he stood up. “We gotta go now. Work’s calling.”
Ulyana had a look on her face that seemed to complain On a Saturday? but she knew he was a busy man with a demanding job, and so she dropped it. “You’re both invited over tomorrow,” she said instead. “I’ll prepare a nice dinner to celebrate together.” She closed the album of photographs and put it down on the coffee table by the side of the couch.
When she stood up, Belka seemed to catch the hint: she woke up, let out a huffy meow, and jumped down from Y/N’s lap to rub herself against one of Vlad’s legs.
“There’s nothing to celebrate, Lina,” Vladimir was saying as he let the old woman fix the collar of his shirt before engulfing him in a hug.
The way her eyebrows rose when she turned to look at Y/N was almost comical on that round face of hers. “He’s still as stubborn as always, isn’t he?” she whispered in her ear when she hugged her goodbye. When she turned back towards Vladimir, she had her hands on her hips and a firm look in her eyes that he knew he couldn’t escape. “You two will come over for dinner tomorrow night if it kills you! It’s so good to see you finally happy, my boy, and not just alone as always. And if that’s not enough, I haven’t seen you in months! Is this how you treat your old Lina?”
“I can’t believe she managed to convince you.”
He was driving to Sergei’s place when Y/N spoke again. They hadn’t exchanged a word after leaving Ulyana’s apartment and truth be told, he was almost afraid to hear her speak again.
“I can’t believe it either,” he groaned, one hand gripping the steering wheel tightly while his left arm just hung out the rolled-down window.
There were heavy clouds behind the buildings in front of them and it looked like it would start pouring soon. But the slightly chilly air was a blessing after that day’s stuffy heat, so he was ready to face the early-summer bad weather when it would come.
After that exchange, the silence went back to being almost embarrassed. She was looking at him from the corner of her eye – he hadn’t missed it, he was good at noticing things about people, even though probably not as good as he thought he was when it came to her. Whether she was trying to come up with something to say or not, though, he did not know.
His own thoughts were all over the place as well.
He had a little less than one day to come up with an excuse to ring Ulyana up with just so that he could avoid that dinner date she had organized. In his heart he knew she was doing this for him: she and Aleksandr had never had children, and that’s exactly how she had always seen him and his brother ever since they had first rented that apartment on her same floor. We’re all Russians, we have to stick up for each other, she had said once, one of the first times she had insisted they’d come over for dinner. She had taken care of them; and it was remarkable, the way they had let her into their lives, one kind act at a time, in a time when the Siberian wound was still tender and they didn’t know who to trust in this new, foreign land.
Then, a little more than a year and a half ago, when Anatoly had introduced Paulina to her, it had become just Vladimir and Ulyana most of the time. Tolya was busier now – he didn’t only have his job, but there was a woman now and he did things with her, took her places, came up with things just to surprise her for the sake of it… It had been a shock at first because that was someone more similar to the old Anatoly Ranskahov, the one who had lived in Moscow and had danced around a different woman every night – with the only difference that he was now a faithful lover.
“Are you upset?” Her voice tore him out of his mind once again and he turned towards her with a questioning hmm? that prompted her to clarify. “About her thinking that we’re together.”
He shrugged a shoulder. “I don’t think I am, nyet,” he confessed eventually.
She was staring ahead, not looking at him, but a smile still blossomed on her face at his words. “If I don’t tell you now, I know I’ll never have the guts to.”
But Vladimir was already slowing down to park the car and when Y/N turned her head to see what he was staring at with such a confused expression on his face, the faint smirk on his lips already fading away completely, she knew she wouldn’t be opening her heart any time soon in that car.
“What the fuck?” was what Vlad mumbled as he hastily turned off the engine, pulled on the handbrake, and threw his door open. “What is this?”
Sergei was standing there, a black and brown rottweiler laying at his feet, panting with its tongue almost touching the asphalt in the somewhat stuffy evening air.
“This,” his friend said, slowly, shoving the handle of the leash in the other’s hand before Vlad could come back to himself, “is Sharik. I need you to look after him while I’m gone.”
Vladimir stared down at the dog, and the dog sat up against Seriozha’s legs so that he could stare back at him better. He was a big piece of meat, and he could already picture him drooling all over the couch he had back at home. “Why?”
“What do you mean, why?” frowned Sergei, dropping the black gym bag from his shoulder to Vlad’s feet. “I told you yesterday, before you and Y/N left the garage. If I need to go out of town for business, I won’t be able to bring him with me. You agreed to look after him for me.”
While his owner spoke, Sharik sniffed at Vladimir’s shin with curiosity, and after a long moment of scrutiny, he lazily wagged his tail in approval.
“You need to take him out in the morning and at night, he loves walks in the park.”
“What?” He wasn’t sure the type of ‘take the dog out’ he was thinking of was the one Sergei had in mind.
“Don’t feed him weird shit. His dry food is in the bag. Don’t give him more than what I wrote down – he loves to beg. And make him play before bed, or he’ll keep you up all night.”
“Your apartment complex also has a pool and he enjoys chilling in the water, so if–”
“I won’t be looking after your dog. What?”
Before either of them could speak, Y/N’s What’s going on here? made them turn in her direction. She had gotten out of the car, and while she was still holding onto the door with one hand, Vlad knew she’d soon come forward.
“Solnyshko, hi!”
Vladimir knew he was fucked when Sergei greeted her and hugged her back when she walked up to them. He’d manage to convince her and while she was just a guest in his house, Vlad knew he’d be the one bending his will.
Sharik gave her the same treatment he had reserved for him just moments before, but he sped it up this time, and the wagging in his tail wasn’t as lazy as it had been with him – it was a hard slapping back and forth against his leg that gave him just a slight taste of the dog’s strength.
“Who’s this good boy?” she cooed as the dog sniffed the palm of her hand before giving it a lick and allowing her to pet his head.
In no time, and before he had the chance to register what was going on, Y/N had gone back to the car and, appalled, he had to watch her lead the dog onto the back seats.
As if he had read his mind, Sergei reassured him: “Don’t worry, he doesn’t shed. But you still need to keep him brushed, it relaxes him.”
He stared at the car, kept an eye on Y/N as she put Sergei’s gym bag in the trunk, and then walked back around the car to sit on the passenger seat. She was still caressing the dog, her back turned towards the two men, when Vladimir spoke.
“You know I don’t deal with animals.”
Sergei scoffed. “We deal with much worse. Now, don’t be a brat, I didn’t have to listen to the two of you singing like shit last night just to then not be able to get payback.”
“We didn’t–”
“It’s all cool, Volodya.” Serzh patted his shoulder and grinned at him before turning back to stare at the car his dog had got into. “She’s nice, I don’t mind. It was about time you found someone that would headbutt you every time you headbutted them.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You know what I’m talking about, brother. Sharik is a good matchmaker, who else do you think got Tolik and Paulina together?” he grinned. “But if he is missing even so much as a hair when I come back, we’ll have a problem.”
He scoffed. “A threat? Over a dog?”
“He’s not just some dog, Volodya. He’s my boy.” He stared him down for a moment before turning around. He had already started to walk back towards the building he lived in, when he said one last I’ll call you when Aslan and I have left the state before Vlad turned his back on him.
Just as he had expected, Sharik launched himself onto the couch the second Y/N opened the door of his apartment. The only thing Vladimir could do was watch him run across the entrance corridor, fly mid-air, and then fall heavily onto the clean cushions of his couch half a second later. And to be such a big and heavy dog, he was fast.
“I’m going to kill Sergei,” he muttered but before he could take another step forward, Y/N stopped him with a hand on his forearm.
“C’mon, he’s just a dog, Vlad. Don’t be mean. I’ll get him down,” she chuckled and toed her shoes off before walking up to Sharik.
Sometime later, after that dog had finally stopped whining and complaining that he wanted to get on the couch despite said couch’s owner didn’t want to, there was silence again. 
The next-door neighbor had knocked on the door not long after they had got home: he had heard the noises, and had felt the need to complain about that sudden surprise, and to poke his nose into business he knew nothing about – There’s a pet fee you’re supposed to pay if you want to keep an animal in here. And then, when Sharik had walked up to the door and nosed his way to stand between Y/N’s legs – Vlad has seen it in the mirror hanging on the wall right at the other end of the room – that very neighbor had found something else to complain about. Its size exceeds the limits allowed in this complex, or some shit like that. He hadn’t heard what she had told the dude; all he knew was that less than five minutes after he had shown up at the door, he had left with his tail between his legs, and so Vlad had managed to go back to staring at the screen of his laptop.
He wasn’t doing anything, really. For once, he didn’t feel like burying his head into his work – everything needed for Aslan and Sergei’s trip to Florida had already been organized, and the last touches for the upcoming shipment could wait until Monday. It was very un-Vladimir-like, to take a whole weekend off, but for once, he wouldn’t complain.
What he ended up thinking about – or, rather, whom –, however, was Ulyana. He had been praying for an excuse to cancel that dinner date for the next day, but he hadn’t expected to be actually presented with one. And although he still had the intention to ring her up and apologize, he still had to pick up the phone. He couldn’t possibly leave Sergei’s dog home alone, now, could he? Or did he want to come back to a destroyed house? 
“Shari’s napping.” When he looked up, not even taken by surprise by her sudden appearance in the doorframe of the kitchen, he found her standing there, leaning a shoulder against the wood and staring at him. “What are you up to?”
“Work,” was his quick reply. “Checking that everything is in order and… stuff.”
“‘And stuff’?” She didn’t seem convinced, and she stared at him for a long minute, before dismissing it and sitting opposite him at the small kitchen table. “Anyway, why didn’t you tell me about this favor you had to do for Sergei?”
He shrugged a shoulder. “I didn’t know I had to look after stupid dog.” And then, when she raised an eyebrow: “A very smart, but spoiled dog. Better?”
“He’s not spoiled. Serzh just really loves him a lot,” she pouted. And when he glared at her, she continued: “This doesn’t matter, though. You have to find a solution for tomorrow night. Call Sergei and ask him how Sharik deals with cats, and then call Ulyana and ask her how Belka deals with dogs. Or something.”
“Why me?”
“Because I asked nicely? Because you got us into this?”
As it turned out a couple of calls later, Sharik was very gentle, almost submissive with cats and animals in general – despite his size, despite his face, and his breed, and the size of his paws big enough to be as big as at least three cat legs put together. And Ulyana had no problem having a dog over either – she had looked after a neighbor’s dog more times than she could count, and Belka was used to napping in her bedroom when another animal was over.
So, not a problem – as Lina had said. Just come over and bring the dog, I’ll have something ready for him too.
His plan to avoid that dinner date had miserably failed, although there was something inside him at the thought of showing up at Lina’s and pretending like he and Y/N were a thing of some sort that just… pulled at some strings he didn’t even know he had inside. And as he watched Y/N fill Sharik’s bowl just as they got ready to eat dinner, he found himself being almost happy that those strings were being pulled, for once in his life.
“So we just take him over to her place?” she asked him when she sat down, a steaming plate with rice and veggies right in front of her.
His diet had taken a turn for the better ever since she had moved in with him – he still had more vodka than was healthy to have hiding pretty much in almost all the cabinets in his apartment, but at least his fridge was full of food his body could actually digest this time.
“That’s what she said,” he grumbled.
They ate in silence after that, and only when he had done the dishes, did she speak again.
“Do you wanna settle for a story?” She was sitting next to him on the couch, with Sharik’s heavy head resting on a knee. The dog was staring at her with adoring eyes as she gently scratched behind his ears.
“A story?”
“Yeah, about how we met. How we ended up together. Ulyana asked a couple vague-ish questions this afternoon, so I think she’ll ask more tomorrow. No?” She glanced at him when he didn’t reply. “Unless you wanna tell her the truth.”
“I don’t know what I want,” he eventually confessed. “I don’t want to lie to her, but if I hear her ask me about ‘my woman’ another time, I’m going to burst.”
He didn’t expect to chuckle with her, but he did. And when they grew silent again, and she went back to staring at the TV screen after a quick Let me think of something, then, he laid his head back against the seatback of the couch, head turned in her direction, and studied the profile of her face. The way the corner of her mouth rose up into a smirk before she giggled at Sharik’s sniffing nose against her bare shin. The way her chest rose and fell with every breath she took, slow and regular and almost gentle. And before he knew it, his eyes had dropped closed and he had fallen asleep.
When he woke up sometime later – the clock on his phone signaled just a few minutes after half past eleven –, Y/N and Sharik had already left the room, and he was uncomfortably half sitting, half lying on the couch covered by a pile blanket. The TV was off, and not a sound came from inside the apartment – nor from outside in the corridor.
He briefly wondered whether Y/N had managed to come up with a story in case Ulyana would ask questions, but he barely had the time to walk into his room and sit on his bed, that his ears picked up some snoring.
There, bundled up under his blankets, was sleeping Sharik, who had somehow managed to make himself at home. He even had the audacity of staring at him with an accusatory look in his eyes, the fleabag, when Vladimir turned on the lamp on his bedside table to get a closer look.
“Get off,” he groggily ordered, yanking the covers back with a quick movement of his arm. “Get off my bed, dog.”
But for all he tried, the dog wouldn’t budge. And even when Vladimir picked him up and put him back down onto the living room floor, he barely had the time to close the door of his bedroom – something he hadn’t done since before Utkin – that Sharik was already pushing against it with his nose to slip into the room.
“You are stubborn beast, aren’t you?”
Taking him back to the living room by force didn’t help at all, for the dog wouldn’t stop bugging him. He had managed to lower the door handle twice in the half-hour Vladimir spent trying to get rid of him without… yeah, without actually getting rid of the fucking four-legged light of Sergei’s life.
When it became apparent that he wouldn’t have a good night’s sleep in his goddamn bed that night, was when Sharik almost tripped him over from behind just to then launch himself onto his bed much like he had done that evening with the couch – and the at least other ten times Vlad had tried to kick him out of the room. He laid there, on his bed, curled up like a too-big cat, staring at him with eyebrows that wouldn’t stop going up and down until he huffed out a complaint and went back to sleep.
“I’ll kill you, Sergei,” he groaned, rubbing his face with both hands to try and shoo the annoyance away.
He stood in the hallway for a while, then, eyeing the couch from the other side of the living room while mentally cursing himself. Before fixing the spare room, which he had turned into Y/N’s bedroom as the weeks had gone by, he had had to take care of his brother and by giving him his bed, he had had to get the couch. It was too small for him, and uncomfortable – and the thought that she, too, had had to sleep there for endless days before he got his shit together still stung, in a way. And since it looked like he wouldn’t be able to get Sharik out of his bedroom – nor out of his bed, for that matter –, he was left with only two options to pick from: either the couch or…
He knocked on her door before he had the time to talk himself out of it.
“Is something wrong?” She was scrolling through her phone when she told him to come in. The lamps on both nightstands were on, and it looked like she was still far from falling asleep.
“Dog’s in my bed,” he said, staring at her from across the room. “Couch is…”
“I know,” she chuckled. “Still not the worst couch I’ve slept on, though, don’t worry,” she continued when he made a weird face. “Stay in your half of the bed, and you can sleep here if you want.”
He didn’t sleep that night, however. He laid on his right side, staring at the wall, and she laid on her left, staring at the opposite wall. She had wished him good night at some point, when she had put her phone away and had turned the lights off, and he had answered with a hum. But then, he had just laid there all night, listening in on her soft breathing – and then her soft snoring – and he remained motionless. When he did fall asleep, sometime in the early morning, just before the first light of day peaked in through the curtains, his last thought was that maybe, this wasn’t that bad.
“Through mutual friends, if so one could say,” Y/N replied over celebratory vodka. Ulyana had kept her best questions for the end of the dinner and Vladimir had almost deluded himself into thinking the old woman would never ask. They had come up with a story to tell just in case, but silence would have been better. “I apparently showed up at the garage at the least opportune time.”
“Oh! So was it love at first sight?” Lina was pouring them all a second shot with one hand as the other one rested on Sharik’s head.
Vlad laughed – what an absurd concept, he found himself musing. Love at first sight? With someone as careful as him? And although Y/N kicked his foot under the table to try and silence him, he couldn’t fully erase the smirk from his face. “Nyet,” he chuckled eventually as he wiped away a tear with a knuckle.
“Hell no! He was very rude and stubborn at the beginning,” confessed Y/N, and Vlad was barely able to scoff at her that Lina had turned in his direction with a gaze of steel.
“Very rude?” she inquired, eyes squinting as she frowned. “With this lovely lady?”
“Don’t gang up on me, she was very stubborn too!” he complained. “Still is.”
“One ought to be stubborn if one has to put up with you, my dear Volodya.” Ulyana patted his hand on the table. “Doesn’t give you the right to be rude. I didn’t raise you like that.”
He had been on the verge of pointing out that he had, in fact, been raised by his own mother and not by her, but he didn’t deem it appropriate tonight – nor necessary. Lina didn’t mean any harm, and he knew what she was trying to imply.
“It’s alright, Ulya, he has learned how to tone it down now.” The smile on Y/N’s face seemed sincere, and at that moment, he wouldn’t be able to tell what she was thinking about. “Ever since we moved in together, he’s learned how to behave himself. Most of the time, at least.”
It was Ulyana’s turn to playfully slap Vlad’s forearm and he found it almost weird, to find himself with his back to the wall in front of those two. And not even in a bad way, with all of them drinking vodka together and celebrating a romantic relationship that simply wasn’t there.
What had he become? Lying like that to an old, dear friend… Without thinking twice; without remorse. He sat there in her living room, eating her food, drinking her alcohol, and he kept on adding lies to the fire without being able to stop.
“Hey, she’s not a saint, either! Tell her.”
Y/N laughed, and it somehow took him by surprise, it knocked the wind out of him. He fully turned his head to stare at her, and it almost felt like seeing her for the first time and for the millionth time at the same time. The way she tilted her head back as she laughed; the way her earrings and piercings caught the light of the lighting fixture; even the way her fingers brushed against his, and the way he ended up holding her hand in his. Warm and soft, the skin so smooth that he almost pulled away.
He watched her talk, recount the story of how they met – or a watered-down version of it, with anything too compromising being filtered out. And as she conversed with Ulya, her fingers played with his and his gaze kept on dropping down on his hand, never missing a movement. She had somehow ended up tracing the three-bar cross between his thumb and forefinger – without looking at it, almost as though she had done just that so many times that she had ended up memorizing its placement, its lines. And as she went on talking, her fingers brushed across the Xs on his knuckles, and he had to fight that sudden impulse that pushed him to pull his hand away.
A couple of hours later, when they had finally bid Ulyana goodnight and thanked her for the pleasant dinner she had offered them, he found himself walking his best man’s dog in the park just across the street from her old friend’s apartment building. He watched Sharik sniff here and there, and for a moment he found himself wondering if that was what a normal life felt like – walking the dog at almost eleven in the night, with plastic bags in a pocket in case the dog pooped, arm in arm with a woman.
“You’re quiet,” she said at one point, when they stopped under a tree while Sharik sniffed just a few meters in front of them. “Is everything alright?”
It took him a while to answer. And it wasn’t because he hadn’t heard her, but because he was afraid of somehow saying the wrong thing as was custom with him. “Da,” he sighed eventually, “just thinking.” He shrugged, but he didn’t make a move to pull away when her hand trailed down his arm and her fingers entwined with his.
“I had a good time tonight. I hope you did too, and that I didn’t push myself too far with that story about… you know, us.”
“It was fine, she bought it.”
“Doesn’t make me feel less bad, though.”
He turned his head to look at her, and for a moment, the thought of how it would be like to do this every night with her crossed his mind. “Eh, I know.” It was quiet for a while after that, but when Sharik steered off the path, he found himself cursing out in Russian. “Come here, you stubborn dog!”
“Don’t be mean, Vlad! He’s just a dog.” She ran after Sharik then, and he watched her take him back by the collar as he fished a pack of cigarettes from the pocket of his pants. He had just lit himself one when she took it from his fingers and put it out against the sole of her high-heeled shoe as she kept her balance with a hand firmly wrapped around his forearm.
“Why did you do that?” It was almost a gasp, half-surprised and half-pissed at a cigarette waisted in such a way.
“I had something to tell you yesterday, in the car.”
“You could’ve done that over shared cigarette!”
“I don’t want to taste cigarettes when I kiss someone, though.”
He almost opened his mouth to retort when her words registered in his brain, and all he could do was stare down into her eyes, not a sound leaving his lips.
“Like that night after the bar, just without drinks. I wanna do this sober.” She had taken a step forward, and they were now standing toe-to-toe. He could almost feel her, even with that short distance separating them – like when she had turned around and had ended up pressing her forehead against his back the night before, with the only difference that they were both awake now. “I want to kiss you again so badly it’s driving me nuts.”
That gasp didn’t leave his lips just because he managed to abruptly inhale quickly at the last second, but her words did make his heart beat faster somehow.
“I kept on telling myself that you’d do it, but you haven’t so far, and I can’t understand if that’s because you still dislike me or –”
He cut her off before she could continue. Her cheeks were burning when he cradled her face between his hands, and her lips were soft against his. Her hands came up to wrap around his wrists. When he pulled her closer, she let him; and when she deepened the kiss, when her tongue brushed against his teeth, he let her.
It was like one of those cliché moments, although it lasted for a couple of seconds at most: his breathing stopped, and the world seemed to stop with it as he kissed her. And then, when everything picked up again – his breathing, his heart, Hell’s Kitchen late-night traffic, Sharik’s tail snapping like a whip against his leg as he stood there – he found himself not wanting to pull away.
She did, though, and she looked up at him out of breath, his hands still cupping her cheeks and her hands still holding on to his wrists. “You’re so stubborn, I swear,” she chuckled. “But if you don’t kiss me again, I’ll go back to being stubborn, too.”
He cackled, and when Sharik pushed against his thigh with his nose, he looked down at him and shook his head. “Maybe Sergei was right, after all,” he mumbled before turning his attention back to Y/N and kissing her again, silencing her question before she had the time to voice it.
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This is Sharik :) (pics found on Pinterest eons ago, I don’t remember the links, credits to the owner(s)!)
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Comments and inbox are always open for feedback :) pls if you have any ideas you’d like to see in this story, feel free to hit me up, they’d for sure help me out lol since I’m slow AF :’)
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Everything: @idhrenniel @saibh29 @fuckthatfeeling @aya-fay @pebblesz892  @mblaqgi @becs-bunker​ @gruffle1​
The Assistant: @flowers-in-your-hayr
People that might be interested: @kind-wolf​ @brobachev
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priorireverte · 3 years
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Congratulations Hollie!
Your application for Hermione Granger has been accepted. I appreciate the thoughtfulness behind this character we all grew up with and know so much about, as you’ve started digging into her flaws and shortcomings.
Please look to the checklist for the next steps and reach out if you have any questions!
NAME & PRONOUNS: Hollie (she/her)
ACTIVITY LEVEL: Post multiple times a week :)
ANYTHING ELSE: body horror involving living things (ie: bugs)
NAME: Hermione Granger
BIRTHDATE: September 19, 1979
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY: Cis-female, she/her, demi-sexual
BLOOD STATUS: Muggleborn
HOUSE ALUMNI: Gryffindor
OCCUPATION: ACR Ministry Liaison. Previously: Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures: Being Division
FACECLAIM: Paulina Singer
For many the end of the war was supposed to be a time to celebrate, but those that had taken part often found it more difficult to find the joy when it took so much loss to get there. Hermione was among those that found things to be more difficult to move on from. So many she cared for had died, and there was so much trauma that had been pushed off just for the sake of making it to the next day alive. Then yet again pushed further because of the need to right the wrongs that got them in this situation to begin with. However there is only so much one person can take onto their shoulders, and the effects of the war began to show. Hermione started to become prone to both nightmares and anxiety attacks that sometimes wear her thin. Occasionally she considers seeing a mind healer, but the decision has not been an easy one. She was supposed to be strong. She wasn’t supposed to let the war break her. It would be too much like letting them win. She is still very close with both Harry and Ron after the war, despite her and Ron deciding that perhaps they weren’t the best romantic fit, and she meets with them on a regular basis. The three of them had missed their final year of schooling, but that didn’t stop Hermione from being offered her choice of jobs after the war. She couldn’t bring herself to turn down the offer to join the DRCMC, but she did decide to sit for her NEWTs anyway, and highly recommended that Harry and Ron do the same. Hermione was excited about her position in the Being Division at first, but as time wore on it became quite apparent that any effective change was going to be far more difficult than she had ever given the Ministry credit for. Grand gestures had to be whittled down to smaller decisions, that she could only hope would lead to bigger impacts, and sometimes it felt as if she would take one step forward only for some Ministry official to force her another two steps back. Now the dead have started to Return. When she first heard the news Hermione was immediately suspicious. There were laws to magic, and consequences for when those laws were broken. She wanted to be happy for those that were coming back, but her curious nature also needed answers. Answers that she couldn’t get while working on rehoming mistreated house elves. Then the opportunity to join the ACR as Liaison was presented to her, and she knew it wasn’t something that she could turn down. Now what Hermione wants is answers, but she can only hope those answers won’t leave those surviving the Returned heartbroken once more.
Knowledge, curiosity, practicality, and order are the first things anyone will notice about Hermione Granger. Her constant need to keep her nose in a book and her friends in line make these impossible to see. She’s also extremely fair minded and does not like to see anyone downtrodden. However, despite all of her fussing about rules, she will break quite her fair share for the things she finds important and believes in. Her strong beliefs also tend to blind her to other points of view, causing her to disregard what others might tell her and to look down on certain traits in others if she deems them to be silly or beneath her personal standards. Overall, she’s a good person with her heart in the right place, but she has a lot of room to grow even after the war.
Hermione’s parents were very loving and supportive in the light of their daughter being thrown into a world they knew nothing about. They were always proud of her as she grew up, encouraging her appetite for learning and reinforcing her inclination toward hard work. Her going to Hogwarts did nothing to dampen their pride, though they did regret that they didn’t get to see her more. Taking her parents memories of her before the war was quite a difficult decision for the girl, but she knew she had to keep them safe. Now that the war is over, she did manage to locate them, but so far has not been able to restore their memories. This is very difficult for her, but she would rather them not remember and be happy than for them to have lost their lives. She feels a bit of an orphan now, but luckily for her family does not only consist of blood. Harry and Ron are as much of a family to her as anyone, and by extensions the Weasleys have become her family as well. The indefinite loss of her parents is still difficult for her, but not once has she ever felt entirely alone.
Growing up Hermione was always the type to have her head in a book, and she was the type of person that somehow always knew she was different. She couldn’t place why, and she knew that perhaps it was this thought that kept many others from getting very close to her. When she was informed that she was a witch and had been accepted into Hogwarts, suddenly all of it made sense. There was a reason she stood apart from others, and all of her fantasies were coming true. It wouldn’t be long before she discovered that it wasn’t just her magic that set her apart from others, and now she had additional prejudices against her too. Even here in her storybook world she found it difficult to make friends, but she didn’t once let it deter her from proving herself. Then she made two of the most important friends she would make in her life and everything was different for her. They had their differences, but those differences usually balanced each other out. Life was not simple for her with the trio, facing problems that no child should ever have to face, but they always persevered. Fighting in the war was never a difficult decision for her, even if it wasn’t an easy path. There was no way that she would ever leave Harry to this fight on his own, but even though he was the Chosen One, this was her war too. This war was about her rights to her place in this world, and the rights of those that were like her. That was not something that she could abandon or ignore. So she fought, she bled, and she came through. It was not lost to her how close of a call it had really been.
Growing up, Hermione was always the character that I related to most in the books. As an adult I no longer think we’re quite so similar, but my love for her character has always held so strong. She was one of the first strong female characters that I was ever introduced to, and I’m looking forward to developing her as a person post-war and post-Hogwarts. ANYTHING ELSE?
There is a very specific brand of feminism in the books that Hermione represents, that feels incredibly exclusive and one sided. She had a very weak relationship with other women, especially those that she appears to deem too feminine or silly. There’s a bit of pitting women against women, and I’m really looking forward to shedding a light on the flaws in those views and putting Hermione in situations where she needs to re-examine them.
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newagesispage · 3 years
                                                                        MAY                 2021
The Rib Page
George Takei is sweatin’ with the oldies. He stars in a fitness app for gay seniors, Bar Belles. It was his April Fool’s day joke.
Fox will bring us Crime Scene Kitchen on May 26 with host Joel McHale.
Joel Hodgson has launched a new kick starter to create a new independent season of MTS3K, The goal is $2mil.
Bob Odenkirk will release: Comedy, comedy, comedy, drama: A Memoir on Jan. 18 2022
Leslie Jones will host the 2021 MTV Awards.
$3 mil was raised for Next for Autism with help from Conan, Kimmel, Charlize, Chris Rock, Jack Black and Sarah Silverman.
Have ya noticed that Gayle King looks great in yellow.
Some people are not too happy that Elon Musk will host SNL on May 8. Miley Cyrus is the musical guest.** Musk tweeted: Let’s find out just how live SNL really is. Cast member Bowen Yang tweeted back, : What the Fuck does this even mean?
Oh Seth Meyers: Every time I see the sea captain on your show, I miss him so much!!
There is a spotlight on Foxconn which made a big splash for Trump at the start of his presidency. The company has done a lot of nothing but still gets tax cuts. Homes were demolished, roads were widened to nowhere and money was spent. Wisconsinites are upset that this big business is just folly and a big glass orb.
Mike Lindell is a kook but he did try to appear to be a good sport on Kimmel.
When will weed be legal on a federal level? When will drug testing for employment be illegal? We hear so much about personal rights with the gun laws and vaccines and masks. What about the right to do what we want with our bodies when we are not at work. Think of the administrative costs that could be saved if we just removed drug testing. Our experience and work ethic should mean more that what we do with our free time. This is not a problem at all companies. There are places in this country where it is near impossible anywhere in your area to get hired without a drug screening. One joint on a random Saturday night could keep someone from a great opportunity. A person in pain who reaches for an edible might miss out on the job that saves their lives.
NASA sent the first flight to another planet. The Mars flight made history with the 30 sec feat.
What? The Menendez brothers are popular again? From the Ramsey case to the Manson murders or Bundy, it all comes back around again.
The Lizzie Borden house just sold for $2mil to Lance Zaal of U. S. Ghost Adventures.
Quarantine and so much television et al proves one thing, the pharmaceutical and insurance companies have way too much $.
Trump told everyone to boycott Coke and is later seen drinking diet Coke.** Trump sent out a statement about how bad the Oscars are. They threw it right back in his face. ** Federal agents have searched Giuliani’s Manhattan apartment. It stems from the 2 year investigation into activities in Ukraine.
X-VP Pence is said to have pressured the Navy to reinstate former Mo. Gov. Eric Greitens. Greitens was accused of tying up, blindfolding, taking explicit photos of and blackmailing a woman.
There is a crisis in schools with the lack of civics and history being taught.
Hulk Hogan was hit with a chorus of Boo’s at his latest event.
The latest sexual harassment news: Matt Gaetz  is being looked into for sex with a minor and sex trafficking.  Bill Barr opened the investigation.** Tom Reed has been accused of sexual misconduct by former lobbyist, Nicolette Davis.** Marilyn Manson has been sued by Game of Thrones, Esme Bianco for sexual abuse.
What is going on with Bank of America? I am hearing from multiple people that often they do not get their statement in the mail. Is this a bad Postal service? Is this bad business practice? How many late fees had to be paid because of this? Not everybody wants to pay their bills online.
Jack Hanna has revealed that he has dementia.
Tiny Tim : King for a day is a new doc I must see. The film contains footage shot from Warhol’s Factory. There are excerpts from Tim’s diary read by Weird Al Yankovic and the story of how Tiny’s friend, Bob Dylan wanted to make a film with him.
Lindsay Lohan’s Father, Michael has been charged with 5 counts patient brokering and 1 count of attempted patient brokering. This is an apparent scam of steering addicts into rehab for cash.
Aaron Sorkin and Paulina Porizkova are dating. Pete Davidson and Phoebe Dynevor are dating.
JB Smoove has a new podcast brought to you by TeamCoco.
Hey.. People working on the new Law and Order: Organized Crime….. TOO MUCH MELONI!!
Zach Avery, actor, was arrested for his participation in a $690 mil Ponzi scheme.
President Biden has restored aid to the Palestinians.
MLB put up a wall in Georgia but the Masters stayed.
Hank Azaria has brought Brockmire to a new podcast.
Tommy Chong isn’t allowed on FB because of his weed posts but they allow an imposter to use his name to sell weed.
Pennsylvania is trying to push thru 14 voter suppression bills.
Joe Manchin. Ugh!!** Marjorie Taylor- Greene has let go of her America First caucus.** Ted Cruz has allegedly used $154, 000 of his campaign funds to buy up copies of his book to boost sales. This is an old trick but still illegal.
For the first time, The Carter Center became involved in a U.S. election. They published videos and live webcasts as well as deploying observers across Georgia.
Most health programs in Uganda, Nigeria and Ethiopia have resumed after Covid.** Tom Vilsack from the Dept. of Agriculture has announced the USDA will provide assistance to 30 million kids.** It is sad to me that we have to entice people to vaccinate. Football games, Church’s and shot for shot in bars?? Really? Saving the lives of others should be enough. WTF?
Alec Baldwin, Alec Mapa and Kelsey Grammer are shopping around a new comedy that ABC decided to pass on.
Chauvin was found guilty.
Days alert: C’mon Ben, calm the fuck down! Don’t prove how out of control you are like everybody thinks. ** Xander is so funny right now.** How many people will Kristen be and how many times can one person melt down?? **Bring Carrie back!! **Jackee’ seemed a bit nervous in the beginning but she is fitting right in. More!
The SAG awards came and went. With the Trial of the Chicago 7 winning best ensemble, Michael Keaton is the first person to be in 3 best casts for SAG’s.** Other winners include Viola Davis, Chadwick Boseman, Daniel Kaluuta, Youn Yuh-Jung, Mark Ruffalo, Anya Taylor- Joy, Jason Bateman, Catherine O’Hara, Schitt’s Creek and The Crown.
The Oscars were held on April 25. It was a bit of a yawner and why would a show set themselves up for an awkward end?? There was a commercial from P&G right before the broadcast that stated, “ Widen the screen so we can widen our view.” Nice sentiment.  Mank had so many noms and only 2 wins. People looking their best to me were Leslie Odom Jr., Glenn Close, Riz Ahmed, LaKeith Stanfield, Colman Domingo, John Batiste, Mia Neal, Questlove (gold crocs and a mask!), Desmond Roe, Travon Free, Trish Summerville, Marlee Matlin, The Lucas Brothers, Andra Day, Carey Mulligan, Amanda Seyfried, Nicolette Robinson, Regina King and Margot Robbie. Laura Dern looked like Big Bird, there were just too many feathers. Tiara Thomas had feathers but they looked great.  Angela Bassett had some power sleeves and Tyer Perry looked like a little boy.  Hooray for Emerald Fennell for her win for original screenplay but not sure about the dress. And Viola Davis?? Dana Murray?? Ashley Fox?? Hmm?? Winners seemed to have trouble getting to the stage. They often refused the steps or the walkway and sort of climbed up the side. I did love the intimate setting and it did remind me of the old clips of years before. Sound of metal and Ma Rainey both won. Tyler Perry and for the first time, an organization, the motion picture and television fund, took home the humanitarian award. I was thrilled to see My Octopus Teacher win for Doc. I loved Crip Camp too, that was a hard category.  The acting winners went in all directions.  Many critics complained that the films were real downers . Nomadland won best picture. Michael Moore put it best I think. Of the films this year, he said, “They force you to look backward with 2021 eyes.”
Why the Fuck do we need a militarized police force?
R.I.P. victims of the multiple mass shootings, victims of police shootings, the crush in Israel, Cosette Brown, Midwin Charles, DMX, Paul Ritter, Ethel Gabriel, G. Gordon Liddy, Buddy Peppenschmidt,  Prince Philip, Anne Beatts, Diane Adler, Vartan Gregorian, Monte Hellman, Jim Steinman, Michael Collins, Michael wolf Snyder, Johnny Crawford, Eli Broad and Walter Mondale.
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burning-clutch · 4 years
King Of Spades Or King of Spuds
Pairings: None Trigger Warnings: mild cussing Author: @burning-clutch (Team Ghost)  Total word count 3020 Prompt by: Lexiepiper / LexiePiper  AO3: Alexa_Piper, FFN: Alexa Piper
Stupid humor, Wes is trying, Danny is a troll, summoning
When they tried to summon the King of All Ghosts, the last thing they expected was the sudden appearance of a very familiar, very human boy wearing spaceship pajamas and with a toothbrush halfway to his mouth... -.-.-.-
 "You know this probably isn't going to work how you think it is right?"
 "Shut up and just do your job nerd."
 "If we get killed-"
 "That's why I stole this thingy from Fenton, duh." The raygun was waved casually around like it wasn’t an actual weapon.
 "Just do your thing and we see if you're being real with us or not. If you can't even be truthful about this how are we supposed to believe anything else you say? You said you tried this before and it worked right?"
 The wirey teen runs a hand through his orange-red hair and sighs deeply. "The summoning works you just have to make it clear who you're trying to get… I've ended up with the wrong ghost before…"
         “Then you’ve already got experience, more than us anyway” The dark haired jock called over his shoulder from where he had been fussing with a candle.
 "Come on Wes you should just feel lucky we're talking to you after everything."  The blonde A-lister huffed with her arms crossed tightly over her chest.
 "Star's right you know. Now if what the book from that goth creep said was true then if we summon the king we can make a deal with him."A Latino beauty with an accent said, hardly looking up from her nail file. “Anything we want so long as the king accepts the payment.”
 “Yeah, and we got the nerd here to film it, cuz ya need proof of contract or whatever..”  A large beefy blonde jock piped up with his two cents.
 Wes sighed and gave Mikey a sympathetic look as he shakily set up a tripod and a small digital camcorder, While Kwan continued to set up the candles around the vacant basement room.
 “I just really think summoning the ghost king is a bad idea, I mean you remember that invasion last year? Wasn't that the ghost king?" Wes urged only to get punched in the arm by the blonde jock.
 "Not the real king, you saw how all the ghosts fought him, idiot," Dash commented with a huff. “Kings are loved by all, Being the king of Casper High I should know!”
 "Ghosts just fight each other regardless! It's what they do!" Wes shot back glaring at the larger teen.
 "Regardless I want to make it so Phantom Falls madly in love with me and I can have my fairytale ending with him." Paulina waved off the ginger's worries. "A deal with the devil, so to speak, is hardly of any concern."
 “A de- Are you hearing yourself?” Wes called out waving his arm frantically towards Paulina. When the girl only looked up from her nail file to glare at Wes the basketball player deflated. “Fine whatever. If we call become ghosts my obsession will be kicking your asses for all eternity I hope you know.”
 “Ha! You’ll be lamer than the crate creep when you keel over” Dash spat poking the end of the ecto-weapon into Wes’s chest to accentuate his point.
 Wes swatted the gun away, while Kwan stood back up to admire his handy work with the candles. “Right now we light them right?” The Asian asked. “Who’s got the lighter?”
 Star tosses a small pink plastic thing to her boyfriend, who caught it easily. Kwan gives his girlfriend a finger gun with a quick ‘Thanks babe” Before he began lighting up the candles.
 Mikey, seemingly satisfied with the camera, scrunched up his face as he watched the small pillars of wax ignite. “What’s that smell? I hope that those aren’t made with Benzaldehyde…. I’m allergic to-”
 “Can it ugh, no one cares.” Star snapped to the other boy.
 “They’re vanilla scented! I thought it would be nice.” Kwan answers in turn.
 “Yes, I know that I’m not nose blind.” The nerd snorted out a laugh. “Benzaldehyde is a chemical used in the making of fake vanilla scents an-”
 “How much longer until we can summon this king guy? The humidity down here is making my hands all clammy” Palina interrupted callously “You” She pointed her file to Mikey, “Hit record and you,” She pointed the file to Wes next. “Say the stuff that makes this happen.”
 Wes muttered something under his breath causing Dash to punch his arm again. “Fine!” He hollered before beginning the summoning. Latin words warbled out from the teen’s lips, echoing around the room before suddenly, the candles started flickering as if being disturbed by the wind. The teens all watched with wide eyes as the candles suddenly flicked green and blue rapidly before going out. A wash of smoke came up from each one to condense in the centre.
 With bated breath, they watch as the smoke forms a shape in the ring of candles. Paulina had a fleeting thought that they should have done this outside in case the ghost king was far bigger than the room could hold.
 Though once the shape stopped glowing, and became clear to see, it was obvious they needn’t have worried. A quiet splash is heard, as if someone had dropped a glass of water on the ground, followed by a yelp from a new voice, before Dash’s shout of “Fenton?!”
 Danny pulled the toothbrush from his jaws and turned around blinking at the people surrounding him before making a nervous face as he took notice of the candles surrounding him.
 Star frowns and makes a disgusted snort noticing where the water spilling noise had come from. “Did you spit on the floor?” She asks angrily. “You are cleaning that” She points to the bewildered Danny.
 “Um…. Hi?” Danny tried, wiping a bit of foamy toothpaste from his lips onto the sleeve of his rocketship patterned pyjamas.
 “Of course it’s Fenton. Why wouldn’t it be Fenton.” Wes grumbled pinching the bridge of his nose.
 “Love you too Wes, but seriously what happened?” Danny asks, taking a step forward only to yelp as his foot touched the circle line drawn by the candles. “Jeez, what the heck?!”
 Wes perked up at that. “You’re stuck? You can’t cross the barrier!” He called out excitedly.
 Paulina assessed the dark haired teen a moment before humming. “I didn’t think this thing could summon humans as well as ghosts.” She mused taping a perfectly shaped nail to her lips in thought. “I wonder if we can summon celebs?” her eyes went wide at the possibility
 “What? No! This thing is only to summon ghosts! And Fenton showed up, and can’t cross the barrier so-” Wes prompts eagerly waving his arms at the sleepy teen in the circle.
 “It means you either screwed up the spell and brought us a nerd or that dweeb is somehow the ghost king!” Dash spat back angrily.
 Danny blinked out of his sleepy stupor as those words filtered into his brain. “Wait why were you trying to summon the ghost king?”
 “Because you can make a deal to get anything you want duh,” Star answered in first.
 “Shouldn’t you know that Danny? Your parents are ghost hunters after all…” Mikey piped up from the camera shutting off the device, figuring the whole thing was a flop and didn’t want to waste any more of the mini DV tape.
 “What? No that…” He trailed off a moment as he became lost in thought. “Actually that might make sense… It would explain why Plasmius would try to free Pariah Dark…” he muttered to himself more than to the others in the room.
 “Who and what now?” Kwan asked Danny while simultaneously Dash snorted.
 “‘Ey. The nerd made a funny!” The blonde said acting bewildered.
 “Seriously?” Wes groaned burying his hands in his face.
 “Though as much as I hate to say it the ginger whiner is right. He definitely said it right to summon the ghost king. ‘Animum quoque regis’, or the royal spirt, or spirit of royalty was who he called out to not you.” Paulina said with a huff.
 When she was given a few raised brows she shrugged it off and simply said. “I’m good with Latin. What? Can’t a girl be beautiful and intelligent?” she huffed as if she had been insulted.
 “Can I go home? I was kind of hoping to actually get some decent sleep tonight…” Danny said stopping an argument from breaking out.
 “What? No! You’re stuck there until you admit to being a ghost.” Wes shot back to him.
 Danny sighed deeply and rolls his eyes. “Fine,” Danny cleared his throat before raising his hands to wiggle his fingers in a ‘spooky’ fashion, thumb holding the toothbrush. “I’m a ghost~,” he warbled out sarcastically “There, happy? Can I leave now?”
 Wes scoffed at the display before getting as close to Danny as he could without crossing the barrier and loomed over him threateningly. “That’s not what I meant and you know it!” He hissed.
 “Maybe he’s like a ghostly secretary?” Kwan asks after a moment. “I mean his parents have the ghost portal right? So maybe that’s why we got Fenton?”
 “That’s the stupid-” Wes started but was cut off by Star’s affirmative.
 “Hey yeah! Fenton’s the ghost’s go between!”
 “I’m a what now?” Danny asked stifling a yawn.
 “Ohhh! That makes sense! I knew you were connected to my ghost boy somehow!” Paulina chirped out.
 “Yea! That’s true the ghost boy always shows up around you” Mikey added with a slightly bewildered gaze.
 “Yes! That’s what I’ve been saying for so long now!” Wes called out excitedly.
 “Yeah, and actually… I don’t think I’ve ever seen the two of you in the same place,” Kwan said with a hum, placing a hand on his chin in thought. Danny blinked at him trying to push down the nervousness rising in his chest.
 “Yes! Yes!” Wes cheered.
 “And Fent-toenail did get summoned by a ghost spell thing…” Dash mused glaring down his favourite punching bag with a frown.
 “Exactly what I was saying!” Danny glared at Wes with a murderous look.
 “So... What? The Fenton Dweeb’s a ghost?” Star scoffed looking to Wes with an exasperated face. “I doubt it.”
 “What? He clearly is!” Wes complained flailing about like mad towards a now snickering Danny.
 “I’ve seen shapeshifting shots before… How do we know you’re the real Danny?” Mikey asked eyes wide.
 Danny blinked at his classmates in wonderment. They had just handed him an out, and who was he to not take advantage? Threatening up his stance and puffing out his chest and using a bit of his ghostly body control he makes himself appear smokey. “Alright ya got me,” Danny said with a shrug
 “What?!”          “Wait, what?”
 “You’re dead?!”
 Danny used his abilities to stretch his smile a little wider then what should be normal on a human. “I was hoping if I took an unassuming form you all looked down on I could throw you off but you win, you got me.”
 “Fenton I swear…,” Wes growled, while Danny did his best to stick in that uncanny valley zone.
 “So you are the ghost king?” Paulina asked excitedly.
 “What? Oh ancients no, I’m one of the contenders for the throne though,” Danny said, pulling his hand across his hips before falling into a deep bow channelling his inner medieval prince, he introduced himself. “I am…. Barrybum Roblix.” Danny stayed in his bow much longer than necessary to hide the smirk on his face. Once he got his features under control he stood straight once again, tilting his head too far to the side, “Just Barry is fine.”
 Wes was flabbergasted. Was this really happening? He finally gets Fenton right where he wants him and the half ghost has the gall to try and weasel his way out!? “No one’s buying this Fenton! So save your breath!”
 “What are you talking about? I speak the truth,” Danny chides crossing his arms and lifting a little off the ground to float within the confines of the circle.
 “Fenton can’t float.” Dash scoffs.
 “So, if you’re not the ghost king then this whole thing was a flop! How will I ever be able to get even a kiss from my ghostly prince charming now? You were supposed to be the king…” Palina pouted.
 “Well I’m able to shapeshift, If you release me from here I can imitate the one your thinking of.” Danny offered. “I’ll even give you that kiss”
 “Ew no, I don’t care how good you are at imitation I’m not kissing some random ghost.” Paulina shot back with a disgusted look on her face.
 “I think it’d be cool to have a pretend Phantom hanging out with us, imagine how much our popularity would skyrocket!” Star offers. “Think if we got him to imitate phantom and took a group photo-”
 “Oh~! I looove~ that idea Star! Then yes! We’ll release you if you can imitate Phantom.” Palina nodded eagerly.
 “Then ya got yourself a deal, we just gotta shake on it. Well, the one who read the spell does” Danny practically sing songed out as he stared down to Wes with a shit eating grin.
 “Go on! Shake the ghost’s hand” Dash said cracking his knuckles threateningly.
 “Wait, what!? He was brushing his teeth when he came here! This is clearly Fenton trying to trick you! How do you not see it!? There’s toothpaste spit on the floor…” he trailed off as he noticed the puddle of slop was no longer on the floor, and the toothbrush had disappeared. “Turning it invisible doesn’t mean it no longer exists.” Wes huffed.
 Danny shrugged in response to the redhead’s ranting.
 “Come on Wes just shake his hand so we can take some cool pictures!” Star says shoving the taller teen forward in annoyance.
 With a sneer, Wes approached Danny who’s grin hadn’t faltered the entire time. “I hate you” He growled out as Danny took the ginger’s hand in his cold one.
 “I know buddy” Danny chastized before letting his transformation rings wash over him.
 Wes glared at Danny, Now turned Phantom with renewed vigour, before the halfa flew upwards knocking Wes down as he does. The ginger made a disgusted face as he realized he’d landed his arm directly on the toothpaste slop Danny had spat out.
 The A-listers (plus Mikey) were over the moon seeing ‘Phantom’. “Huh, I’ve seen the real one and he’s definitely taller, but the face is almost spot on so no one will know if you float,” Dash says astutely.
 “Oh, I love it!” Paullina cooed. Hold still I want to get a full body shot! Throw a thumbs up and- Yes like that! Perfect! Okay now, Star! Take one with me in his arms!”
 And so it went, for a good twenty minutes with all the people in the room excitedly snapping pictures, Someone even stole Wes’s phone and took one of him behind Danny as the ghost lay on the ground with a wide grin.
 Once all the teens were satisfied with their snap happy adventure, and couldn’t think of any other pictures to pose with ‘Phantom’ the group prepared to bid ‘Barry’ goodbye.
 “This was fun but now that I’m in the human world I have people to meet and places to haunt. Etcetera and so forth…” Phantom said with a wave, smacking Wes on the back knocking him over once again, before disappearing from view.
 The only person who really noticed phantom’s departure, however, was Wes the others were too engrossed in the photos they had taken. “Oh my gosh look at this one! Oh, that one is so cute!” Star cooed over the camera roll Paulina had on her phone.
 Not that Dash and Kwan were any better, “No way man this one is sooo much cooler! Look at you here that one is bomb!”
 And even Mikey was furiously typing away on his phone as he blasted his ‘phantom photos’ all over his social media accounts.
 All the while Wes just sulked. He was so close! Everyone was heading towards the right conclusion only to have Fenton rip his victory like so many times before! It was infuriating! And just… “UGH!” Wes groaned and laid on his back in the circle where Danny had once been.
 “Oh! Let’s go upstairs and print off the best ones and make a college!” Star exclaimed excitedly jumping about like a rabbit that was given caffeine. “And you, nerd, can leave my house,” Star said shooing Mikey away.
 The nerdy teen simply nodded and began to gather up his camera and tripod. Once he was finished that task he left without another word. His voice echoed from upstairs as he began talking on the phone to someone nattering on about how he got photos with a Phantom, not Phantom.
 “Wes when you’re done wallowing you should leave too, you’re bringing down the whole vibe, man,” Kwan said to the dejected redhead on the ground.
 “Yeah, yeah, I got it…” he groaned out.
 Wes watched the group of A-listers go with a deep forlorn sigh. He laid on his back for a good solid ten minutes before he felt he had sufficiently wallowed enough. He rolls to his side and pushes himself into a standing position before letting his shoulders droop.
 With a final annoyed sigh, he began to walk forward. He got two steps before he was zapped. The redhead let out a yelp of surprise from the electric zap he had received. It wasn’t painful but it was a surprise.
 With a frown, he reaches out with a hand and rests it on the semi translucent barrier. It tingled through his skin and he couldn’t break past it. Wes couldn’t help but blink in confusion. “Wait… He didn’t…”
 He pounded on the barrier a few times with his fist and kicks at it a few times before groaning out in exasperation. “Damn it, Fenton, I have to pee!” He yells up to the ceiling, well aware the other teen was long gone by now.
 It didn’t stop him from glaring blankly ahead as if he could hear his nemesis’s chuckling and see that ever present shit eating grin.
 Total word count 3020
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Name: Florence “Flo” Fernsby Species: Human Occupation: Bartender at Faetal Attraction Age: 25 Years Old Played By: Billy Faceclaim: Paulina Singer
“Do you think the trees are happy? I hope so.”
Florence grew up with very whimsical, odd and free-spirited family. Her parents had been the definition of hippy. With their wild, long hair and their soft flowing clothes. They were all fuck the government and societal norms. They owned a cute little The little family of three was always traveling, never staying in one place for too long. They lived in a very decorative camper, with only a small bathroom and bedroom. She slept on the pullout couch, the living space intertwined with her own bedroom. Plants, records, stickers, rugs, dream catchers, books, antiques, all sorts of things were strewn about the place. It was an odd childhood, but one that was always full of laughter and joy. Her parents raised her to be as carefree as them, to seek happiness and freedom and goodness. Her parents instilled love, above all things, can change the world. That nature, and beauty and art feeds the soul. She became a flower child, visions in her head and songs in her heart. 
There had only been one time her parents actually tried to settle down, one that had been memorable to the girl. She had been enrolled in public school, had only gone for half a semester before her parents swept her away and back to the roads. The children had not been as friendly as she was, and her parents would not stand it. Their daughter deserved the best, so they thought the traveling and homeschooling served her better. She had become very close with her parents, as they were the only real and solid relationships she had throughout most of her life. They all often volunteered in different communities, helped the poor and tried to clean up the Earth whenever they could. They were heavily invested in protests and known advocates for many humanitarian, ecological and animal causes. Florence knew much of what her parents accomplished, and who they were but had never learned about their life before her. They did not talk about it, or their families or where they came from. She had never dared, or cared that much, to explore their histories any further. They were just her parents, and they loved her unconditionally and wanted to change the world and that was enough.
The older she grew, the more Florence became lonely and was desperate for any connection at all. She had come to love films, comics, video games, and had always been an avid reader. Florence had specifically come to love gaming and movies, spending a lot of late nights trying to climb the ranks in League of Legends with online friends. These hobbies really opened her up to the world of the internet, where she began engaged in online forums and joining like-minded communities. She had often felt left out when trying to make connections in real life, even having been mocked for her odd personality and style. With never settling anywhere, it was quite hard for her to make any sturdy relationships over her childhood. The characters in these mediums became her friends, people she admired, they were her heroes and role models, their adventures were her adventures too. The people she met online would further her love for these nerdy pastimes, and there were a plethora of strangers that happened to be passionate about the same things as her! It was amazing!
She started to dress up as different characters from time to time, even going to volunteer around the different communities her family passed through on their travels. There were times she could be found in the streets dressed as someone else, not a care in the world that she seemed out of place. She was invested in social media for most of her life, and even live streamed her game play. People began to discover her more and more over the years, although she had never been too interested in becoming popular or turning into some influencer. She had always been a people person, and now this was her way of gathering a bunch of like-minded individuals and creating her own community space for them. It was an exciting time, and something she has never stopped doing. She continues to live stream, having finally a set schedule now.
About seven months back, Florence had managed to convince her parents to drive all the way to White Crest, Maine. She had read on some blog about the insane amount of “freaks” that had lived in the small town. The blog described people with goat legs, wings, horns, all sorts of weird and wacky looks. Florence had only thought that she had stumbled upon a city full of nerds, cosplaying and dressing up as wonderful characters and she wanted in. Her parents had been sold, and landed in White Crest where they haven’t left in three years. Florence ended up snagging a job at this cosplay bar, where people were always dressing up and getting drunk. It was incredible, and the people that hung around the place where interesting and wild. She hopes that he gaming livestreams will take off someday, and that might be her career but for now this bar tending job does the trick. With her parents declaring that they will be staying in White Crest for another year, Florence recently signed a lease for an apartment all her own. A new thing she wants to try out. There’s still so much more of the town to explore and new people to meet, Florence has never been more excited for the future.
Character Facts:
Personality: Eccentric, bubbly, kind, distracted, clumsy, honest, foolish, generous, childish, dogmatic
Florence is terrible at fashion, and is always wearing really weird or ridiculous outfits. Usually her clothes never match, patterns clash, or different styles that don’t mix. She sticks out like a sore thumb, always wearing bright colors and flowerings strewn in her hair. She never wears make up, and has a rigorous skin care routine that she will stout to anyone that wants to hear. 
She is SUPER opinionated about everything and anything. She’s a big humanitarian so she’s always looking to help others, and devotes a lot of time giving back to the communities she’s in. She can be very political and always thinks she’s right and really wants to change the world. She will try to recruit you to her cause too. She hasn’t decided what she wants to call this army that she’s trying to bring together, but she is determined to get the government to listen to the people and start some progress! 
She also has a lot of strange beliefs. She believes that plants have voices that we can’t hear. She believes that there are dark creatures that roam the deep oceans. She believes that everything has a soul, and that astral projection is a real thing. She thinks that hallucinogenics can be good for the mind. She believes that aliens already walk among us. She’s also a conspiracy theorist. 
She has a lot of strange routines and habits. She always takes a walk at exactly 3 am every night, as she thinks this is the witching hour and doesn’t want any of the ghosts on earth to be left walking alone. She only drinks tea on rainy days. She climbs a tree once a month where she will try to reach the top and then meditate for hours. She waters the plants around the community, even the weeds. She stares at her reflection for fifteen minutes every morning and only speaks of positive thoughts.
Florence has collections of weird objects; bugs, cards, rocks, butterflies, leaves, action figures, comics, records, seeds, acorns, a lot of useless junk that really is worth anything. They mean the world to Florence, though.Very friendly, can talk your ear off, can get annoying. She’s friendly to all that she encounters, even those that try to do her wrong. Always looking for new friends, and people with that accept her for her. 
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mischiefandspirits · 4 years
Doppelgänger (8/?)
Previously on Doppelgänger ~ Masterlist ~ Next time on Doppelgänger
Danny, Sam, and Tucker were just 14 when they took a look inside the portal Danny’s parents had built. From there, everything changed. They woke up with white hair, green skin, and powers they could learn to control. They were hybrids, halfas.
They were the hero Doppelgänger.
{Lucky in Love, Part 1}
A heatwave had hit Amity Park, which meant all the teens could be found in one place: Floody Waters.
“It’s way too hot,” Tucker said and winked at a guy that was passing. “Just like the people.”
“I don’t think it’s hot,” Sam said, choosing to ignore the second part.
“Are you kidding, I’m broiling,” Danny huffed, tugging at his swim binder.
Sam frowned at him, then took off her hat and put it on his head. “That better, baby?”
Danny gave her a look as he pushed the hat’s veil off his face. “I don’t know, are you sure you’re not going to catch on fire if you let the sun touch your skin.”
“Seriously, how are you not hot in this?” Tucker asked as he tugged at the edge of the black cloak she was wearing over her bathing suit.
She shrugged. “It’s just not hot. And I need to keep up the goth aesthetic.”
“Well far be it for me to mess with your aesthetic,” Danny chuckled and pulled the hat off to give back to her.
“If you’re overheating -”
“I’m fine, really.”
She gave him a look that said she didn’t completely believe him, but took the hat.
“Hey, Danny!”
Danny smiled and turned to Valerie as she walked up. “Hey, Val.”
She smiled back, then turned to Sam and Tucker with a pinched expression. “Foley. Manson.”
“Whatever,” Sam said, turning to face the front of the line they were waiting in.
Tucker followed her lead.
Danny frowned at them before focusing on Valerie. In a quiet voice, he asked, “Is your thermos working okay now?”
“Yeah, thanks for the help. I don’t know why it didn’t work before.”
“You got an older model, electricity-powered. The new ones are powered by ectoplasm. I don’t know how one of the old ones even got on the market.”
“I don’t either. I guess it’s a good thing I know you,” she said, setting her hand on his shoulder.
Sam snorted.
Danny sighed and let Sam and Tucker go ahead without him when the line moved up. “Sorry about them. They’re just protective.”
“It’s alright, I get it,” she said, squeezing his shoulder then letting it go. “Are we still on for tomorrow?”
“Of course. See you then.”
“See you.” Danny watched Valerie wander off then ran up to join his partners.
“Done flirting with disaster?” Sam asked.
“I’m not flirting, and she’s not that bad.”
“Tell that to our bruises.”
“We don’t have any bruises,” Danny huffed. “And I’m the one that usually fights her since I have the best chance at evading so I don’t see what your guys' problem is.”
“That’s exactly our problem,” Sam hissed, turning to him with yellow eyes. “She shoots at you every chance she gets and you’re still trying to cuddle up to her.”
“I’m not -”
“You are, even if you’re too clueless to see it. And she’s definitely trying to cuddle up to you!”
Danny blushed. They weren’t… Valerie was just his sparring buddy. That’s it.
Their ghost senses went off.
Sam rolled her eyes. “I’ll go deal with it. Make sure clueless doesn’t get himself killed while I’m gone,” she told Tucker, shoving Danny towards him.
She had just gotten out of sight when the screaming started. Danny and Tucker looked over to see a dark shape hovering over the running crowd.
“It’s Johnny’s shadow,” Danny said. “We should find a place to hide in case Sam needs help.”
Tucker nodded and they jumped the railing, but ended up getting separated in the crowd. Danny ran for the bathrooms, only to be pushed out as soon as he slipped inside. He flushed as he realized he’d gone into the wrong one.
“Hello, ladies’ room!” Star said.
“I’d tell you to go to the men’s room, but I don’t think you qualify.”
Danny scowled at Paulina, one of the few classmates who went to elementary school with him. “That’s a low blow, even for you,” he muttered to her as he passed.
He was almost to the men’s room when he heard an unfamiliar scream in a familiar voice. He turned to see Shadow hovering over Valerie, glaring down at the huntress.
“Oh no you don’t.” He ran for the two, grabbing the Fenton Fisher out of his Space Fold. “Hey! Tall, dark, and formless, remember me?”
Shadow turned to him and roared.
Danny tossed the line like a lasso to bind its arms. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Growling, the ghost flew into the air.
“Danny!” Valerie yelled as he was pulled along for the ride.
Shadow shrunk down to slip free then swooped down to grab Danny out of his free fall. It brought them face to face.
“I swear, if your biker pal is flirting with my sister again…”
Shadow snarled and dove.
Danny looked down to see them heading towards the sharp points topping a wrought iron fence that bordered the edge of one of the pools. His eyes darted about until they locked onto the emergency drain for the pool.
“Come on, slick,” he said and cast the fisher’s line, catching it on the fence on the other side of the pool. “Let’s see how well you mix with water.”
Using a bit of ghost strength he pulled the line hard enough to send them into the pool. Danny swam out and climbed up to the lever. He glanced back to see Shadow melting in the pool. He pushed the lever, saying, “Enjoy your trip to the sewers! Oh, and if you see Monday’s meatloaf, say hi for me.”
Danny jumped over the railing and was immediately grabbed. “Danny, that was so amazing!”
“Thanks, Val. You okay?”
“I’m great, thanks to you,” she said, then kissed him.
Oh. Oh! Maybe Sam wasn’t completely wrong.
Danny pulled back and tried to say something, but whatever had been on his tongue was lost when he spotted Sam floating behind the huntress with glowing green hands.
The half-ghost vanished.
“That’s for saving me.”
Danny blushed and pushed Valerie so she was at arms’ length. “Val, I, uh, I’m flattered and I like you, but I don’t know if-if I like you that way, you know.”
Valerie grabbed his hands and stepped closer. “Well, there’s only one way to know. Tomorrow, you and me.”
“We, uh, already had plans for tomorrow.”
“Those were plans, this is a date.” She kissed his cheek and walked away. “I’ll meet you at your house. Four o’clock.”
“Okay?” He watched her for a moment then buried his face in his hands. Sam? Tucker?
There was no response.
“For the record, she kissed me.”
“Come on, guys, you’re being ridiculous.”
Sam spun around and grabbed the front of his shirt. “You put yourself in danger! Put our secret in danger!”
“I couldn’t just sit back and let Shadow hurt Val.”
“What if she had seen your eyes when you used your power? What then?”
Tucker set his hand on Sam’s shoulder and gave Danny a blank look. “Dude, that was really dangerous. You know our human forms are a lot less durable. You could have really been hurt.”
“I’m sorry, guys, but I didn’t have time to change and Shadow knows me. Human me. I thought I could distract him long enough for Sam to get there.”
“You did a wonderful job of it,” Sam snapped and the two turned to walk away.
Danny sighed and went to the water fountain. He pressed the handle, but nothing came out.
The pipes rattled and Danny’s ghost sense went off.
Shadow burst from the nozzle.
“Oh no.”
The ghost’s green eyes landed on him and it grabbed him, phasing him through the floor.
“Come on, I’m already in trouble for tussling with you once. Can’t you find someone else to kick your butt?”
It glared at Danny and its hands tightened. Then Danny was sinking into it.
“What the -- Let go!”
They came out in the boiler room, but Danny only caught a quick glance before his head slipped into the darkness. There was a moment of weightlessness, then light stung his eyes and he was falling.
Arms wrapped around him, knocking the breath out of him.
Danny coughed and looked up to see Sam floating in front of him. He looked up and gave Tucker a smile. “Thanks.”
They nodded and flew back up through the ceiling. Once they were back in the halls, Tucker set him down.
The two growled and Sam disappeared.
Valeria ran up and pulled him into a hug. “Are you okay? I saw people running and screaming.”
“I’m okay. That shadow ghost showed up again, but Doppelgänger saved me.”
She turned to Tucker with a smile. “Thank you.”
Danny’s jaw dropped and Tucker flinched back before disappearing.
“Did… you just thank them? You hate Doppelgänger.”
She blinked, then gave him a flirty smile. “Well, if they saved you they can’t be all bad.”
“Really?” Danny asked, excited. Was Valerie really reconsidering her stance on Doppelgänger?
She hummed then kissed his cheek. “Sit with me at lunch?”
“S-sure.” It wasn’t like Sam and Tucker were talking to him anyway. Maybe he could finally get through to her.
Something moved in the corner of his eye, but when he turned there was nothing there.
Shrugging, he took Valerie’s hand and walked with her to the cafeteria.
“You seem happy,” Jazz said as Danny came into the house.
He sent her a smile as he passed her perch on the couch. “I am. Val’s meeting me here at four. I’m going to go toss my backpack in my room.”
“You’re not usually this happy about your sparring sessions with Valerie,” Jazz said, suspicious.
Danny froze. What could he even tell her? Yeah, I’m thrilled because my friend is finally seeing that my ghost half isn’t an evil poltergeist out to ruin her life.
Jazz’s eyes widened. “Oh my gosh, are you going on a date?”
“What? No, of course not! Val and I are just friends!”
She smiled and turned back to her work. “Sure, little brother.”
“It’s not a date, Jazz,” he said, pushing aside the fact that Val wanted it to be a date.
“I won’t tell our parents, don’t worry.”
Danny marched up the stairs. He threw open his door, ready to spend the next ten minutes groaning into his pillow about how everyone in his life seemed to think he had a crush on Valerie, only to freeze at the sight of the ghost leaning against his desk.
“Where is she?” Johnny growled.
Danny glared at him and shut the door. “Like I told your shadow, you need to leave my sister alone.”
“I don’t care about your sister, punk. I want Kitty.”
“My girlfriend.”
He narrowed his eyes. “If you’re messing around with another girl’s head.”
“Calm down, punk. She’s a ghost. I only even went after your sister because Kitty got caught between here and the zone and needed a body.”
Danny opened the door. “JAZZ, GET TH-”
Johnny yanked him back and slapped a hand over his mouth.
The two teens shared glares then Danny shrugged the biker off. “NOTHING! NEVERMIND!”
There was a moment's pause, then Jazz gave the affirmative.
“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t blast you all the way back to the zone?” Danny said, shutting the door.
“My girlfriend’s overshadowing yours.”
That was a very good reason. “Excuse me?”
Johnny pointed down at his shadow. “Shadow’s been tracking Kitty since she took off. He finally caught up to her right as she overshadowed your muscular girlfriend.”
“Valerie’s not my girlfriend!” Danny snapped.
“Sure, kid. That’s not what Shadow saw.”
Danny suddenly remembered the flicker of darkness he’d seen before lunch and rubbed a hand down his face.
Then he realized.
“Let me guess. Kitty overshadowed Val at the waterpark.”
“Yeah, right before you attacked Shadow.”
“In my defense, we didn’t exactly leave things on the best terms and I thought it -- he? -- was going to hurt Val.” So all the stuff about wanting to date him, the kiss, it was all Kitty. Which means Val wasn’t reconsidering her stance on Doppelgänger either. “And he’s the one who escalated from capture to kill.”
“Maybe if you learned to keep your nose out of other people’s business…”
“Uh, my sister. My friend. You and Kitty made it my business. Speaking of which, why is your girlfriend trying to date me?”
“Hell if I know. She just stormed off out of nowhere. Girls, you know.”
Danny stared at him. “Dude, I’ve spent enough time in a girl’s head to know that whole stereotype of girls getting angry for no reason is bs.”
“You’ve spent time in a girl’s head?” Johnny asked incredulously.
“You’re a ghost. You shouldn’t be surprised by weird psychic nonsense that happens around here.”
“You’re human.”
“My bedroom is directly above a portal to another dimension, a nerd who died in the fifties haunts my school locker, and my partners aren’t talking to me right now because my sister’s ex’s girlfriend kissed me while overshadowing my friend who they don’t like because she hates the local ghost kid that half my school has a crush on. My life is weird.”
Johnny didn’t respond.
“Yeah, so what did you do to tick off Kitty?”
Johnny huffed and leaned against the desk again. “Nothing.”
“Sure. What were you doing when she took off?”
“Driving around the next town over, keeping out of the ghost kid’s reach.”
Danny narrowed his eyes. “And how’d you get there without tipping them off that you were here?”
Johnny smirked. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“We’re coming back to that. So you were driving, that’s it. What were you doing while driving?”
“Just checking out the sights. Maybe had Shadow run off some guys when they tried to hit on Kitty. Snagged a ham when she phased us through a meat truck.”
“We’re coming back to the theft too,” Danny said and Johnny rolled his eyes. “Why’d she phase you through a meat truck? Is that a thing you guys do?”
“I didn’t see the truck ahead of us while we were on my bike.”
“And what distracted you?”
The older teen shrugged. “The girls in the car next to us were cute.”
Danny facepalmed. “You’re an idiot.”
“Watch it.”
“You nearly crashed your girlfriend into a truck because you wanted to ogle other girls and you can’t figure out why she’d be mad?”
“I didn’t mean nothing by it. She knows that,” Johnny snorted.
“Are you sure about that?”
“We’ve been together since before you were born.”
“You literally said you still get jealous, so why can’t she?”
Johnny scowled and crossed his arms.
“So what are you going to do to fix this?”
“Yes, you. It’s your girlfriend,” Danny said, then shrugged. “I mean, I can do it, but my idea of fixing it is calling up Doppelgänger to have them rip your girlfriend out of Val so we can all kick both your butts, but I didn’t think you’d like that plan.”
“And how do you expect me to fix it?”
“Apologize. Get her candy and flowers. I don’t know. She’s your girlfriend. How do you guys usually make up after a fight?”
“We make out.”
“You guys need help.” Danny opened his door.
“Where are you going?”
Danny ignored him and went to the stairs. “Hey, Jazz.”
“My friend’s girlfriend caught him checking out other girls and now she’s ticked.”
“Yeah, so how would he make it up to her?”
“She can do better.”
“Come on, Jazz,” Danny said, losing the fight against his smile as he heard Johnny grumble behind him.
Jazz sighed and put down whatever she was working on to look up at him. “First, he needs to apologize. And actually mean it. A gift couldn’t hurt, but it should accentuate the apology, not pick up it’s slack. It should be something specific to her, to show that he’s thinking of her. Not flowers or candy, that’s too general. Though he can get her favorite candy or flowers to go with the main gift. Get something that connects to her interests. Preferably something she’s mentioned wanting, to show he’s been listening. Maybe there’s a book she doesn’t have that she’s been talking about or a dress she’s been eyeing. But remember, the main thing is the apology. Telling her that he knows he messed up and he’s sorry and he’ll work on being better in the future because he doesn’t want to lose her. Clear communication is important, got it?”
Danny glances back at Johnny’s pinched face. “Yeah, thanks Jazz.”
“Any time, little brother.” She started to turn away, then stopped. “Also, your friend should know, she might not forgive him. Especially if this isn’t the first time he’s done this. He needs to respect that or it will only make things worse. Apologize, then step back and give her time to make her decision.”
Danny returned to his room with an annoyed Johnny.
“That plan sounds stupid. She even said it might not work,” he scoffed.
“Well if you don’t like Jazz’s plan, we can go with mine.” Johnny gave a growl that sounded more like Shadow. “So what is Kitty interested in?”
“Considering she’s trying to hook up with a random human boy right now, I don’t think that will work.”
“I wouldn’t call you random.”
“… Oh my god, did you complain about me to your girlfriend?” Danny laughed. “Is she trying to date me specifically to make you as jealous as possible? Well, now I feel used.”
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captain-tiggy · 5 years
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“Are you seriously this cool all the time?”
(Macarena Achaga interview for InStyle Magazine, October 2019)
This phrase stuck in our heads when we stalked Macarena Achaga on her social media (that is, before an interview, we read, investigate, and we even get into those forgotten corners of the internet to know about the celebrities on our cover.) And we believe that this is the one question that many ask the Argentine actress...she answers it for us.
“I’m so excited, what did you think of the photos?” asks Maca about the photoshoot we did in Barcelona, ​​with the new collection of the Spanish brand “Desigual” (we love them, by the way). Precisely, she is an example of that (desigual), of originality embodied in a person; not only transcending from being a teenage entertainer in Mis XV, to becoming the actress whose character, along with Barbara Lopez, became the first lesbian couple on Mexican television in Amar a muerte, a telenovela written by Venezuelan Leonardo Padron and produced by Lemon and W Studios.
“I don’t want to discount any of my work because each of them has taken me to where I am now and shaped me professionally; I started with Mis XV and there I learned the importance of freedom at a young age. I am very grateful to have done it with maturity and that my parents always gave me the chance to make my own decisions; I constantly say that it’s better to regret the consequences of your own choices than to regret the ones that were decided for you. From a very young age, I faced and lived many things that, without knowing, would later give me the weapons to tell other people's stories and have empathy so that girls feel recognized.”
“That was the number one factor that happened with Juliantina; we were able to raise our voice for so many people out there who don’t have the opportunity to do so and who don’t have the freedom that I had. The transition in my career has been immense, but going through different experiences gave me the strength to go out and act. I do this because it allows me to be the voice of so many who don’t have one. Following what my heart says lets me do my job with a purpose,” confesses the artist who began more than 12 years ago in middle entertainment and today is one of the coolest faces on the small screen.
The growth that the Argentine has had has been tremendous, but she has also encountered unexpected challenges and obstacles. The industry is difficult, “as humans we are made to please. I think that it is one thing to pretend to fit in and quite another to want to belong. I don’t think it’s the same to fit in by changing who you are than to be with a group of people who are moved by the same things you are; however, I don’t look to change my way of being. I’m guided by the projects that align with my way of thinking. When I am old and I look in the mirror, I want to say ‘You did everything out of love’. I look to play roles that touch someone from a different point of view, but at the same time tell a message that I believe in.” And it’s precisely that, that she’s sure is how things are flowing and has been the success of her career.
She even told us a story of one of her castings, that she realized how the camera connects you to the audience, and because of that she is transparent with her acting and she feels that is part of the movement that is taking place with Juliantina.
Without a doubt, there are many girls, regardless of their sexual orientation, who have felt moved after seeing her performance as Valentina, who is part of a same-sex couple: “She encouraged them to speak without such filters. I don’t label myself and I want to convey that message. Of course, this opens up the conversation that you can have the relationship you want in the way you think it best; I think that these stereotypes and ideas that are so deeply rooted in society have finally begun to fall. I feel proud and responsible--even blessed--because so many girls have chosen me to be a voice that gives the message of equality and put it out there with the ideals of thousands of people. I am inspired by the change I see. As for the sexuality argument, it seems to me that it shouldn’t be a topic of conversation, not because it’s bad, but because it shouldn’t remain a taboo.” Macarena celebrates individuality and is sure that being yourself is the path to happiness, although she knows how difficult it is to translate into words.
And for the Juliantina fans comes a very important project: the movie that will take the couple to the big screen. Undeniably, it will mark a before and after in the history of Mexican television in which an LGBTQ+ couple transitions from a telenovela to a movie.
“It's beautiful to listen the community of women who are making themselves heard and who want to see the story that touched them so much. I thank God I was chosen to play it; it needed to be told. It is a romantic story, but above all, real. For me, it’s a response to the audience that’s socially responsible and their hope to see so much love and camaraderie. This opens a window for the world to be part of a turning point of love stories in general,” she emphasizes.
For her, it is important to go beyond generations, to reach entire families and that the audience connects with this moment of change. “It’s inevitable, urgent, and necessary that these issues are on the table, discussing important things requires courage. Talking about sexuality is uncomfortable, but it has to be done and we are opening the conversation. Recently, I had coffee with a fan from Brazil who told me that after a time of struggling, then seeing me on TV, and then on my social media, she realized that there was a life out there that she wasn’t enjoying. I want to end the prejudices and not have to explain, when many times you yourself are still discovering what is happening with you”.
Macarena is different, rebellious and breaking the rules since she was a child because she has a conscience that allows her to identify with what she likes and what she doesn't, although she admits that she couldn’t have accomplished it without the support of her family and fans who send her gifts, even from Korea, and make her feel special. 
“I like to break the rules and it’s important to learn how to say no and be an example without shame. End the excuses, give the answers from a place that comes from confidence in who you are,” she declares.
So yes, the answer is that Macarena is this cool, all the time.
Interview: Karla Jáuregui
Photos: Paola Vivas
Styling: Paulina Zas
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|| Get to know  VALERIE GRAY who’s TWENTY-SEVEN years old and works as a FASHION DESIGNER in town. She is from CHICAGO and is often times mistaken for NAFESSA WILLIAMS while others say she reminds them of  VALERIE from DANNY PHANTOM. ||
raised by a doting father that wanted nothing more than to make her happy, valerie was raised with everything she could have possibly asked with and more. feeling a strong sense of guilt when valerie’s mother left to start a new family with another man when valerie was only five years old, her father showered her with material things to show her love and buy her happiness. it unsurprisingly turned her into something of a spoiled brat, and she expected to get everything she wanted when she wanted it.
valerie could be sweet as sugar when she wanted to be, completely wrapping her father and other adults around her finger from a young age with the bat of her eyelashes and an adorable smile. to people her own age she was cruel and judging, and it was only natural that she fit in with the popular crowd at school.
as far as she was concerned her life was perfect; everyone at school looked up to her. guys wanted to date her and girls wanted to be her, and she always got away from being casually cruel to anyone that she deemed to be beneath her — which was anyone other than paulina, dash, and kwan. nothing could possibly go wrong to ruin that. that is, until the incident that still haunts her to this day.
a ghost attack at the factory where her dad worked security caused him to lose his job, and with it valerie lost everything. forced to give up their luxurious home for a run down apartment, she had to sell nearly every single one of her most prized possessions and get a less than desirable job as a fast food mascot just to help her father make ends meet at home. it was a spectacular fall from grace, valerie going from hero to zero in the blink of an eye.
along with losing all her money, valerie lost her status, popularity, and closest friends. learning that her best friends didn’t care at all about her if she couldn’t afford the latest fashions or the hottest concert tickets was an extremely low blow to her ego. now being treated the way she treated so many people that she once deemed to be beneath her, she had to take a hard look at herself and her actions, humbling herself in the process. there’s still a part of her that believes herself to be a little bit better than most, but she works hard on curbing her ego, trying her best to be kind at others and at the very least give people a chance before she judges them.
extremely angry and bitter about the circumstances in which she lost everything, valerie swore revenge on the ghost that completely ruined her life. while she originally had no idea how she would do that, she woke up one day to a package on her doorstep from an anonymous source, providing her with all the tech and weapons she needed to defeat the ghost. she didn’t give much thought to it, never even stopped to think that she’s potentially being manipulated into doing someone else’s bidding. instead she strapped on the outfit, learned how to use the weapons, and never looked back.
the majority of her teens and early twenties were dedicated to fighting ghosts, spurred on by a blind rage that she was never able to shake. she wanted justice for herself and her father, and defeating ghosts seemed like the only way she could get that catharsis. even as ghost sightings started to die down, valerie never truly gave up, patrolling the streets of chicago for ghosts no matter how exhausting at it got at times. a part of her wanted to live a normal life, but a much bigger part of her found it impossible to do that when she had the knowledge of ghosts that she did.
once she lost her popularity, there were a lot of things valerie was willing to give up. she said goodbye to the newest and most expensive tech, she gave up weekly manicures and trips to the spa, she missed out on concerts and stayed at home sadly listening to cds instead. unable to step into a second hand store without gagging, though, high qualify fashion and the newest designs were something that valerie simply couldn’t part with.
if she couldn’t afford them, she would simply have to make them herself. valerie spent countless hours teaching herself how to sew, until she could make pieces for herself that replicated the newest trends and designs. valerie wasn’t herself if she wasn’t looking cute, and designing her own outfits made her feel cute as hell. after graduating high school she went on to study fashion design with the hope of becoming a well known designer one day.
she was twenty-four when her dad came to her telling her he got a new job doing security on a place called corona island, and while she was old enough to stay behind in chicago, she couldn’t bare the idea of being that far away from her dad. he was her biggest supporter and number one fan, and she couldn’t bare the thought of being that far away from him. she packed up her bags without a thought and moved with him to corona.
valerie looked at corona island as a fresh start, a way to leave ghost hunting behind and shake the pain, anger, and resentment she still harbours for the ghosts that ruined her adolescence. this is supposed to be her chance to focus on her love of fashion and make a name for herself in the industry, but that dream is shattered within weeks of arriving on the island. it doesn’t take long for rumours of people with magic and powers to reach her, and not so long after that she hears the stories of other spooks that have made the island their home.
twelve years of hunting ghosts under her belt, she sees the supernatural powers on the island as just as much of a threat, and it doesn’t take long before she’s strapping back on her hunting gear and hitting the streets of corona to track down the spooks. years of resentment and hatred for the supernatural has her unable to see the humanity in the people with powers and she spooks, seeing them as a a danger that needs to be defeated. valerie views herself as a hero, protecting the streets of corona from harm.
for her first few years on the island she laid fairly low, patrolling the streets at night but not causing much harm unless necessary. the disappearances at halloween were what really triggered her into overdrive, a belief that something supernatural was behind it. she’s started actively seeking out supernatural beings now in a desperate attempt to put a stop to them before they cause more damage.
while her main focus is on hunting, she isn’t willing to completely let he dream of becoming a fashion designer slide, and hunting certainly doesn’t pay the bills. after moving to the island she got a job at haus da vil as candice da vil’s personal assistant. the job is insane hours and there’s no denying that her boss is more than a little bit crazy, but she worked her way up the ladder until she was trusted to start designing. if she’s not out hunting, there’s a good chance she’s doing something related to her job.
spends big hours in the gym. hunting takes a lot out of you and she puts in a lot of work to make sure she’s in good shape. lowkey buff as hell.
one of the most stubborn people you’ll ever meet. don’t try to convince her to do something she doesn’t want to do or talk her out of something she has her mind set on. she simply will not listen and will do the opposite of what you want in the pettiest way possible.
has very little free time between work and hunting and she’s very picky about what she does and who she spends her time with when she does have a break. she has very high standards an she makes it known whether or not she deems you worthy of her precious free time.
very few people on the island know about her secret. she doesn’t trust people easily and doesn’t want to risk letting people in on the secret and risk that they could blow her cover.
she comes up with increasingly ridiculous excuses as to why she’s regularly in the emergency room with hunting related injuries. she tries to make it seem like she’s extremely clumsy so that people won’t think twice that she’s regularly injured or banged up, but it’s definitely started raising some eyebrows among those closest to her.
very nervous about what superhero-type nickname the island might give her as she starts to become more visible around the island. they called this ghost kid in her home town invisobil which is just about the dumbest thing she’s ever heard in her life. if her nickname is that dumb she will simply jump off a cliff.
incredibly well dressed at all times. you’ll never catch her slipping.
very loud and every opinionated. you’ll hear her coming from a mile away.
she has good intentions and a heart of gold deep down, you just have to dig a little to see it.
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