#she ver big and ver tall
httpwintersoldier · 11 months
『 lady marmelade. || buggy x reader 』
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pairing: buggy x f!reader words: lenghtyyyyy summary: your occupation lead you to meet your new boss... who'd perhaps become more than that. angst; smut; fluff.
Doing Burlesque was not what you had initially seen yourself doing professionally, but in a weird turn of events, the doors had opened and you walked right through them. Or rather... the curtains.
You initially intended to study the sea and its mysteries, but it wasn't exactly a job that paid well from the get-go, so you began working at a bar. Just to get yourself started, you said.
Then a man noticed you... He was tall and well built, a little meat on his bones but definitely intimidating. Hair as white as snow and a full beard with a nicely kept moustache. The man couldn't help but compliment you: your beautiful smile, your beautiful body, your bright personality... You were perfect, he said.
He approached you, initially asking you how much you made. You found it insulting! That was, until he said he'd triple it if you joined his show. The man was sure you'd be a hit, and he was right.
At first you thought he was inviting you to be a stripper, but as you learned the art of burlesque, you realized it was nothing of the sort - and you loved it. The attention, the compliments, the lights and cheers, the beautifully decorated attires, the attention to detail... But most of all, you adored the freedom it gave you to study the sea.
The pay was amazing, and it allowed you to have enough time and money to invest in your hobby - the sea.
"We got a... uh... how to describe the situation..." the stage coordinator said as he tapped his chin, looking for the correct words "We got a different crowd."
You were applying the finishing touches to your attire, but stopped, furrowed your eyebrows and looked at the man as you heard his choice of words, as well as the ruckus behind the curtain.
You stood up and walked to the edge of the curtain, tugging on it slightly, so only one of your eyes peeked out to look at the audience. You gasped in horror and stepped furiously towards the stage manager.
"Since when do we allow pirates on our cabaret!?" You whisper-yelled at the man.
The heels made you taller than him, and the way you were staring him down sent a shiver down his spine. The man was gripping his board with the show instructions as he struggled to give you a response.
"I guess we do when- when they pay well we do..."
You weren't prissy, much less were you an elitist, but pirates... they disgusted you. When you began working at the cabaret the owner allowed pirates in. Those nights were treacherous, to say the very least. The harassment, bottle throwing and disrespect for the art rose through the roof on those nights, so pirates and their crews were banned effectively from watching the shows. Except the ones whose pockets were deep, apparently.
You slumped back on your chair and held the bridge of your nose between your thumb and index finger as you sighed.
"Tell me I'm the first one, please, tell me I get to get this over with and fuck off home."
The stage manager scoffed.
"I don't know what would overcome the Boss to somehow put you first... You're the last one." The man informed.
He had the habit of doing this. You were his golden goose, the cherry at the top, as he liked to say, so you were always last, because everyone stayed to watch you.
That was the only time where being the favourite sucked.
"Babygirl, you're first, you're on in 40 seconds." The man said, and your colleague applied some powder hurriedly and walked to the big red curtains.
You watched as she stepped out to her signature intro song with a fake smile that hid how fucking terrified she was of the pirates.
Usually sets came and went as quickly as a snap of the fingers, but this one time, the one time you were curious to hear about, seemed to drag on for ever and ever.
"Thank y'all for tonight, you were lovely!"
As soon as you heard those words and saw the curtains move, you stood up.
"Evelyn, 60 seconds 'till you're on!" the stage manager called to your next colleague as you walked towards Babygirl, held her hands and looked her in the eye.
"So? How were they!?" You asked, barely even letting her catch her breath.
"You know what? Not that bad..." She said, sounding surprised by her own statement "I get the feeling they were just kicked out of every bar in town and came here to drink. They were excited and there was quite a lot of ruckus and cheering but I think the main focus were the drinks... There was this clown dude in the back that seemed very desinterested though." Your colleague explained, as you both walked to her vanity and she began taking off all of the paraphernelia that decorated her.
You furrowed your brows. That was surprising... But it made sense, somehow. They might've been behaving just for the sake of not being thrown out again and running out of alcohol for the night.
Your colleague looked at you up and down.
"You're going with Cherry Pie today?" She asked.
You kept a couple personas in your pocket, to keep it interesting. You liked to call it "The Burlesque Sisters", except each one of them was played by you. It kept people interested and coming back for more, wanting to get a peek at each sister.
You looked down at your attire: it was a red corset with wine-coloured felt details and a heart-shaped neckline. You wore a miniskirt that was not at all intricate, as it came off in the very beginning of the set, long black gloves with red feathery apliques on the hem, black stockings, and a pair of beautiful red platmform heels with guilded details. Your makeup matched the get up perfectly: a bold red lip with a dark red liner, gold sparkles decorating your face, as well as gold eyeshadow on your waterline, and a killer cat-like black winged liner. You were always keen on having your hair up, as you felt it was the perfect hairdo to keep eyes focused on your body and on your movements.
Cherry Pie was a fan favourite, no doubt. So you were a little reluctanct on bringing her out, afraid that the pirates would keep coming back for her (cocky of you, you were aware), but it was too late to change.
It wasn't long before you heard Evelyn's typical goodbye quote. She came in strutting in the room, hapilly removing several bills from various parts of her attire.
"Good tippers!" She said with a smile.
"Cherry Pie! You're on in two minutes!" The stage director called.
Whoever went next to Evelyn got a little more time before going in, as the staff needed to clean up her glitter sprayed across the floor.
"So? How was it?" You asked, raising your brows.
"Oh, it was great! They weren't exactly respectful but they tipped really well and they were very engaged! Except for this clown dude at the back, but I didn't bother much with him." Evelyn said with a shrug as she took off her earrings.
You stood up with a pensive face and straighened your outfit, suddenly becoming curious about this clown guy that seemed to be uninterested by women in very little clothing dancing in front of him. You walked to the curtains, waiting for the stage manager to give you your cue.
When you heard the first beats of your intro song you strutted in, one foot in front of the other, hands on your waist and a big, flirty smile. You winked at the crowd as the big stage lights lit you up.
You lifted your arms up as if to say "I'm here!" and popped out your hip.
"Welcome, to the Cherry Pie show!" You said, earning a bunch of cheers, and then hit the Beety Boop pose, placing your hands on your knees and popping out your ass as you winked.
The clown your colleagues had mentioned wasn't hard to spot: this wasn't a simple crowd, for sure, but he was definitely the one that stood out the most. In a good way... you'd argue.
However, as you introduced yourself, you could see him look up: his head lifted from the fist that it previously rested on and his eyes sparkled. You couldn't relate to the desinterest the others had reported, and you wondered if you had particularly piqued his interest - or if he was just tired of the position he was in and decided to switch (although the glint in his eye said your initial theory was correct).
You carried on with the performance, keeping a special eye out for the pirate clown.
You slowly undid your corset, opening it to reveal a tighter, smaller corset, flashing the crowd with an expression that said "oopsie!". There were some groans and there were some laughs at the trick. You discarded the corset you had taken off and went around the room collecting bills, as you danced suggestively and lip synced to your song.
As you walked closer to the clown you bit your glove and slid it off, revealing your long, red press on nails. You repeated the process on the other glove and discarded them, earning a few whistles. You could feel the clown's gaze on you, almost as if it burned.
And so, you decided to tease him: you dragged your nail along his jaw. The clown somewhat leaned into your touch, and although the music was loud, you could swear you heard him groan.
You continued you act and, in no time, your songs came to an end and it was time to say goodbye to your surprisingly pleasant guests.
"Y'all have been a lovely crowd! I've been Cherry Pie, Cherry Kisses!" You yelled, touching your ass with one heel as you blew them a kiss.
There was standing up, whistling, cheers, and a couple noises from displeased people, sad that the show was over. One thing was for sure, the clown guy had a hunger for you - and he wouldn't let you go so easily.
As you disappeared behind the curtains, the man stood up, making his way to the back.
"Sir you can't come in-" The bouncer began, but instantly shut up when Buggy flashed him a wad of Berry. Any ammount of money was worth being sacrified if it meant it was used to see you.
Evelyn and Babygirl had gone home already, so when you heard footsteps you assumed it was your bodyguard ready to escort you home.
"Hey Dante I'm not ready yet, give me 5 just to take off the makeup and put on some clothes!" You said, not looking behind you as you worked on getting the glitter off.
"I think you look marvellous just like that."
When you didn't recognize the voice, you were startled and stood up, looking at the man that had spoken, to find the clown guy leaning against the door frame.
You couldn't not remember who he was...
"What are you- How did you get here?" You asked, pointing at him and squinting your eyes.
"Honey, I've got plenty Berry, and I don't mind spending it on you." He said, arms stretched out as he stepped towards you.
You raised your brow and crossed your arms in front of your chest as you analyzed him from head to toe.
"This isn't a strip club, you can't pay for a room with me or whatever. And it's Cherry, not Honey." You said, attitude dripping from your voice.
"Yes, unfortunately it isn't a strip club, but I'm not here for that. I want to offer you a spot. On my crew, on my show." The man offered with that familiar glint in his eye.
"Why, pray tell, would I want to go be a pirate? The pay here is amazing, I love my job and I am comfortable." You asked.
The clown admired how unafraid you were of him. People usually kept their distance, ran away, stuttered near him... But there you were, facing him and challenging him. He absolutely had to have you.
The Captain was desperately looking for reasons to give you, until his eyes landed on a book you had on your vanity. You liked to entertain yourself and read on breaks from shows and happened to leave them on your vanity.
"A book about marine life?" The man asked, pointing at the book "Honey, why read about it, when you can see it. Join me and you'll see all of the life you read about in those pages, up close. I'll equal what they pay you here- fuck it, I'll double it."
Now that was tempting... But you couldn't help but wonder why...
"Why do you want me so much?"
Now that was a damn good question.
"I've never seen my men this focused on something. It's good for morale and it gives them something to do other than a big mess on my ship. Plus, we kinda need a gymnast on the show and you fit the bill."
Bullshit. He just bullshit his way out of the truth - in reality he just wanted to have you close, he wanted to be able to look at you up close whenever.
"Your men? Your ship? What are you, a Captain?" You asked genuinely.
The male scoffed and took another step towards you.
"You don't know who I am, do you?"
You shrugged as an answer, your face showing a definite sign of absolutely not giving a shit about the answer.
"My name is Captain Buggy, or Buggy the Clown." Buggy, as he introduced himself, detached a hand and had it fly over to you.
"Woah! You're a Devil Fruit user!" You said, amused to finally meet one, and shook the flying hand.
Although detached, your touch on him still managed to send shivers down his spine.
"So, Miss 'Cherry Pie', have we got a deal?"
You pretended to think for a bit. The answer was obviously yes (more pay and you got to be close to the sea!?), but you didn't want to seem too eager.
"I believe we do Captain Buggy."
The way you said his name made him wonder how many other ways he could make you say it... It sent another shiver down his spine, and the captain asked himself if it had been a good idea to invite you on board - Buggy didn't know how long he'd be able to keep his hands off of you.
When the owner of the Cabaret heard of your departure he nearly fainted. The man tried to negotiate but he couldn't possibly match what Buggy had offered you, so the boss reluctantly let you go and you embarked on a new journey.
The beginning was a little rocky, some of the crew members got a little touchy and Buggy had to threaten them multiple times, but after you started standing your ground and threteaning them yourself, you gained their respect.
Normally you wouldn't be so brave as to stand up to several big men experienced in fighting, but you knew the Captain had your back, and that gave you a lot of confidence.
The first time there was a show, Buggy invited you to sit back and watch, so you could learn how it all worked before being part of it, and you had to admit, seeing the man take control of everything... it was kind of hot. Those words danced in your tongue when he asked you what you thought about the show afterwards, but you decided to keep it to yourself.
"This good enough Captain?" You asked innocently, fixing your corset so your boobs stood out.
Buggy thanked his heavy makeup for concealing his blush, and the coat for hiding his growing boner as he inspected your outfit from head to toe. He wanted to say no. He wanted to cover you up with a long, large coat and send you out with it so only he could see you like that, but alas, that wasn't possible...
"Uh yeah, Y/N, you look fantastic." The Captain said, not able to look away from your chest.
You giggled and thanked him, before getting ready to step out. The tent was particularly full that day, as people gathered, curious about the new act that had been announced.
As the cheers, claps and whistles reached Buggy's ears backstage, he felt a sense of jealousy spread in his body. Oh it was a bad idea to hire you, for sure...
When the show came to an end and the guests had left, Buggy sat on his throne and counted the Berry they had made.
Suddenly, he heard steps.
"Who the fuck is here and why are you here?" The Captain asked, in a grumpy tone - he very much disliked being interrupted.
"Sorry Captain!"
As soon as he heard your voice it was like a rainbow washed over him. He hated that. He hated how you had so much control over his body, over the way he felt.
"That's okay, thought it was one of the other degenerates. What can I do for ya, sweetheart?" Buggy asked in a completely different tone from the one he had previously spoken in, pleased that you had come talk to him still in your show attire.
"Well I wanted to ask... did I do good?" You asked, biting your lip and holding your hands behind your back nervously.
Oh boy did Buggy want to grab you by the neck and push you against a wall... Seeing you in front of him, nervous and asking for his approval, all while biting your lip... You had no idea how much self control he had not to fuck you dumb.
"Sorry sugar, I couldn't watch the show tonight..." The Captain explained, a sad tone in his voice as he said it.
"Oh..." You replied, a little disappointed "Well, maybe I could give you a private show." You said with a flirty wink.
Buggy smirked and looked at you, supporting his head with his fist.
"Don't make promises you can't handle keeping, princess." Buggy said, boldly.
You chuckled and turned around.
"I can handle everything, Captain."
You could feel Buggy's eyes on you as you walked away, and chuckled lowly when you heard him curse under his breath.
The man turned, huffed and puffed in bed that night, grabbing his crotch at the thought of you, at the way you called him Captain, and at the pretty little teasing quote you'd thrown at him - but he knew that no release would be satisfying - unless you were the one giving it to him. That couldn't be. He had to find a solution.
Little did the man know, the solution would find him soon enough.
Due to his Y/N-induced sleepless night, the following day the man retreated to his living quarters before dinner, in order to get some rest.
You, who didn't know what was going on, grew concerned about the Captain. He was always grumpy, sure, but he was also constantly laughing and full of life, whereas that day he was simply... not.
You knew no one was even supposed to go near his room, let alone visit it when the Captain specified he didn't want to be disturbed. But you were one curious cat - and a worried one too.
As you stood outside of his door, you bit your lower lip, wondering if you should knock or not, but before you could decide for or against it, the Captain had already sensed a presence outside.
"Who has a death wish?" Buggy asked, referring to the person that stood outside of his room.
"T-that would be me, Captain..." You replied, nervously, confident he'd recognize your voice.
Buggy's mind was torn - he looked (and felt) like shit on one hand, but on the other, having you with him in his room all by yourselves... The bottom head thought faster, and he replied with a low "come in".
You opened the creaky door slightly and peeked inside, before walking in.
Buggy laid on the bed, his hair free of the bandana and tied in a low ponytail. He had one arm falling from the bed, and the other covering his eyes, and one leg resting on the bed as the other had his knee bent.
You blushed slightly as you realized he was just wearing his underwear and a large striped shirt.
"Woah..." You said, at the sight of his long hair.
Buggy uncovered his eyes to look at you and followed your gaze. He just chuckled, making you snap back to reality.
"Uh, Sir- Captain," You corrected "are you okay?..."
The light in the room was scarce, the only thing lighting up the space being the moonlight coming in through the hatch. Still, you could see his cocky grin.
"You worried about me, princess?"
You dared walk closer to him, in small, shy steps.
"Well, yes... You didn't seem yourself today..."
Buggy clenched his fists and held himself back with all the strenght possible and imaginary when you put one knee on his bed, making it dip slightly on your end, and placed a hand on his forehead and face.
"Captain, you feel hot!" You said, worriedly.
He was hot alright, but it wasn't a fever that left him like that.
"You know princess, you're right, I haven't been 100% lately, I have been having a little problem..." Buggy admitted, as he licked his lips.
"A p-problem? What problem?" You asked, an uneasy feeling rising within you.
Upon seeing your panicked expression he chuckled.
"A problem with you, dear."
The panic and fear increased even more, and it was visible on your face.
"Don't worry princess, you've done nothing wrong. In fact, quite the opposite... You've been doing all the right things."
You innocently cocked your head to the side.
"I'm- I'm sorry Captain, I'm not sure I'm following..."
The man grinned and groaned when the name left your lips. Such an innocent mouth, that he had imagined doing such sinful things to...
"You see, sweetheart," Buggy began, his hand lightly tracing up the thigh closest to him "you've been driving me crazy. The way you dress, the way you talk, fuck- the way you say my name."
His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he imagined you moaning his name. You grew hotter and hotter at each of his words, and all you could focus on was how his hand went higher and higher on your thigh. And without noticing, in your head, you began begging for his hand to just fucking hurry it up and grab your ass.
"W-well Captain, I guess it's only right that I fix the problem, I caused it after all, hm?" You suggested bringing your other leg up to the bed and across him, so you were straddling his lap.
"Oh princess, I don't know if you wanna get into it..." His hands found the place you wanted him to find.
The man grabbed your ass with such force that you couldn't help but moan.
"I'm pretty sure that I do..." You said in a husky voice, as you felt his cock harden under you.
Before he could speak, you opened your mouth once more.
"You know, Captain," now that you knew he enjoyed it, you were going to exploit the hell out of the name "I like the way you take control of the show..." you paused once more and leaned in to whisper in his ear "How about you take control of me like that?"
It was as if your voice brought him the full 10 hours of sleep he needed. It was like energy washed over him and he felt... alive. More than ever.
The clown was quick to switch positions, straddling your waist and pinning your hands above your head, slowly riding up the top you wore. Buggy licked his lips as he stared at your exposed stomach.
"You're playing with fire, princess. Little girls that play with fire get hurt..." Buggy teased with a glint in his eye.
"Then hurt me."
His lips glued to yours instantly, in a violent, hungry kiss. Buggy didn't know it was possible for someone to drive him even crazier, but you did it. You pushed him to the very edge and he had never craved something so much in his life.
Buggy's hands were all over your body - grabbing your thighs, slapping your ass, caressing your waist... He wanted to take in every piece of you. As he touched you, the Captain slowly took off pieces of your clothes, and when you realized, you were naked under him.
You blushed slightly, tugging at the hem of his shirt so he'd understand.
"We're not speaking now, dollface?" The man asked as he removed his one piece of clothing "Cat got your tongue? Hm?"
You ran your hands down his torso and bit your lip - he was a lot more toned than he let on.
"Just... admiring the view." You said before catching his lips in a slow, passionate kiss.
Buggy detached one of his hands, and you shrieked into the kiss as his cold fingers made their way inside your panties. He teased your entrance, until you tugged on his hair as if to say "hurry up, fucker".
"Don't be-" He paused, shoving two fingers into you slowly "-impatient."
You sighed deeply and moved your hips against his fingers. Buggy looked down at you move in amusement.
"You know pretty girl, we have another problem at hand..." The Captain said, tracing your face with his fingers until he reached your neck.
"W-what is it?" You asked, through half lidded eyes and in between moans.
Buggy gripped your throat, making you gasp and arch your back. He leaned closer to your ear so he could whisper.
"I don't know if I wanna fuck you like this to see your pretty little face when you cum on my cock, or shove your face in the pillow and fuck you from behind."
"A-as long as you make me cum Captain..." You said with a smirk.
You whined as he removed his fingers and licked them clean.
"Are you doubting my capabilities, princess?"
You had no time to reply, as he reattached his hand and used it to flip you around and pull your ass up in the air. You gripped the sheets, your cheek against his pillow taking in the smell of your Captain, as you watched him take his placed bbehind you.
Buggy took his sweet time palming your ass and admiring it.
When he took out his cock, you couldn't see it from the angle, but you knew it was big and girthy, because when his hard lenght smacked against your ass, you knew you were in for it.
"Fuck..." You breathed out.
Buggy chuckled.
"It's not even in yet princess, save the cursing for later..." He teased, running the tip of his cock up and down your folds until he himself couldn't hold it any longer.
The Captain wanted to slam into you and fucked the words out of your mouth, but it was your first time with him and he didn't want to risk being too rough or hurting you.
So, with furrowed eyebrows and agape mouth, he pushed into you slowly, until he bottomed. It took all of his strenght to pull out and shove his cock back in in a slow pace.
Once he found you were comfortable with the pace, he began speeding up and, when your moans became loud and you called for his name, Buggy lost all control.
The man gripped your hips like a madman and fucked you like his life depended on it.
"Oh fuck- you're such a good girl Y/N- you take me so well..." He praised as he gripped your ass and smacked it a couple times, earning a yelp from you.
"Y-you feel so good Captain!" You moaned, gripping the sheets beside your head.
One of Buggy's hand detached and found your clit, rubbing it at a consistent, fast rhythm. The man was good. You wanted to savour the moment as long as possible but for the first time you found it hard to not cum.
Maybe it was his skill, maybe it was his demeanor, and maybe it was his appearance, but the truth was that you couldn't get enough of him fucking you.
"Buggy I think- I think I'm gonna cum-" You whined, as a familiar feeeling began washing over you.
"A-Already princess?"
Buggy kept up the confident persona, but deep down he was thanking every diety in existance because he didn't know how long he could last, with you moaning for him and tightening around his cock like he had imagined so many times.
"Please... may I cum?"
"Do it!" Was all he could say.
Your legs faltered and the Captain had to hold you up as he fucked his cum into you, riding both of your orgasms out.
Small groans and whimpers filled the room as the both of you came down from your highs. Buggy hissed as he removed his soft cock from you.
The man helped you lay down on the bed and wrapped an arm around you and pulled you closer to him as he closed his eyes.
"Hey Buggy?" You called, as you played with his hair and admired how long his lashes were.
"Hm?..." He sleepily asked.
"When you hired me, was this your intention?" You asked, biting your lip.
The man didn't open his eyes, he just chuckled.
"I can't say it was completely innocent... I wanted you close to me." Buggy explained with a smirk.
He then grabbed your ass and pulled you even closer, causing you to shriek and giggle.
"I guess you got it, Captain..."
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delcakoo · 2 years
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sunghoon with a short gf‧₊˚.﹅♛ 。‧₊
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requested <3 ! jay ver ! jake ver ! niki ver !
PAIRING ! sunghoon x f!reader
WC ! 1.2k
GENRE ! fluff fluff fluff, crack + slight suggestive
WARNINGS ! none just hoon being the most annoying ever <3
a/n: bejdhjd this was in my drafts for a while sorry T-T i hope u guys enjoy hoons ver, my man fr :D
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well you’ve got yourself an absolute menace for a boyfriend i’m sorry
mf is so tall that you don’t even make it into his line of sight and he’s rEVELLING in this fact
you’re standing right in front of him and he just
“hmm, where’s y/n? i can’t seem to find her..”
“anyone seen my girlfriend? she’s like.. 4’2.. careful you don't step on her!”
probably has your contact name as thumbelina or smthn
please just punCH him please
kidding he wouldn’t even feel your tiny fists 🧌
when you’re trying to y’know
mind your dAmn business
having a peaceful conversation with literally anyone BUT sunghoon
the big baby gets all annoyed that you aren’t paying attention to him so guess what he does
“—and so i explained that i wasn’t going to go with her!” sunoo exclaims to you with crossed arms
“yeah of course,” you agree, “why would you? that’s totally—“
you don't even get to finish because soMEONE has laid a bulky arm on your head like you’re his own personal armrest??!£<%!]?
yup, there's your boyfriend in his stupid white muscle tank top looking down at the two of you
“hey guys 😎😎”
you give him the ‘why am i dating you’ stare
“what?” he smirks, literally challenging you to TRY and fight back, “go on, keep talking tiny people”
you and sunoo take turns punching him ❤️
it has no effect
damned muscle pig
don’t even get hoon started on how much he secretly LOVES his ability to pretty much do whatever he wants with you
“babe, want me to give you cuddles?”
“what? 🤨 not right now, i’m in the middle of cooking this—heY!“
suddenly you’ve been snatched up bridal style as if you’re a ragdoll
“ahh, if you insist, i guess i can spare you some time 😇”
proceeds to throw you on the couch before juMPing ON YOU
giggles the whole time too
“i don’t think i should hug you too tight, how are you so small?”
you wouldn’t mind dying to one of his hugs anyway <3
but please don’t tell him that
hoon never misses an opportunity to make fun of you for being whipped
another example. playing board games and he loses? bro throws you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes
then he takes you to the nearest couch or bed and tickles you WHILE HOLDING BOTH YOUR WRISTS WITH ONE HAND. 😢
he needs to get his ego back somehow after such an embarrassing loss 💔
watches you squirm under him with a dumb smirk, “you’re so pathetic jagi, i need to take you to the gym with me, seriously”
you don’t know if you should be blushing or scowling
speaking of blushing
eventually sunghoon discovered another one of your weak spots
with your height, all you can see is his chest unless you crane your neck up
that is, unless he takes the initiative to bend forward and get right up in your face like some kind of siREN trying to seduce you??
“sunghoon i don’t know how many times i have to tell you,” you frown, rummaging through your empty pantry, “that was MY ramen, and it was supposed to be for when—“
you have to pause because when you look to your left, sunghoon has an elbow on the counter, bent forward to finally be at your height with his face all in in your personal bubble
and on his lips is a big, FAKE innocent pout, brows furrowed and puppy eyes staring straight at you
you know exactly what he’s doing
trying to flirt his way out of his mess as usual
not that it isn’t working of course, especially due to how weird it felt being face to face with your boyfriend without having to practically break your neck
but you still attempt to stand your guard 🙁
“what do you think you’re doing? you think your pretty face will make me forgive you?” you move away nervously, continuing to reorganise the cupboard
that lasted about 2 seconds before the idiot grabs you by your waist and pins you against the kitchen counter
he leans down even further, whispering in your ear, “c’mon.. i said i’m sorry baby, what else should i do to get you to forgive me..?”
you see where this is going and quickly push him away
“okay okay! whatever, buy me some more ramen and i’ll forgive you..” you mutter in defeat
he releases you right away at that, cheering in victory ☹️ sigh
your weak spot for him never fails to resurface at the worst times
even when other people tease you and he just JOINS IN
you’ll be at the dorms laying on the couch with hoon and niki (the absolute WORST combination, god bless you) watching a movie
and conveniently enough it just happened to be ‘tall girl’
it was for the shits and giggles, but of course mr dumb and mr dumber next to you took every opportunity to make fun of you
niki would punch your shoulder (for what reason sir??) “y/n, she’s like you in an alternate universe!”
your BOYFRIEND immediately laughs in agreement, “maybe if you stack 3 y/n’s on top of each other, it’d equal the height of this girl”
eventually you save yourself though <3
“sunghoon if you make another stupid comment you’re sleeping on the damn couch tonight 😊”
niki ofc is all “ooOoooooOooHh 😱😱😱😹😹”
meanwhile bro is flabbergasted, “what?! but niki was doing it too!”
“is he my boyfriend??”
“you wish i was—“
sunghoon punches him 😁
but but every once in a while hoon makes sure you know he really does love you for how you are despite all the teasing :c
it’s usually in pretty subtle ways like just. trying to be your one and ONLY assistant
“hey hee, can you reach that plate for—“
“DID somEone SAY hoon can you get that plate? why of course princess!”
before you can protest it’s in your hand already 🧌
“…thanks hoon”
heeseung in the distance shakes his head, muttering about how whipped this man is for you
another time hoon found you crying in the bathroom after a rather unfortunate incident earlier that day
someone SOMEHOW thought you were his little sister due to your height difference
hoons usually very shy with strangers but this time he was NOT pleased
of course he didn’t wanna start anything in public
but he was absolutely passive aggressive
wraps a protective arm around your waist, “uh, no this is my girlfriend actually.” 😐🤨
when he found you crying he literally felt his heart shatter and quickly ran up behind you
back hugs you and whispers softly against your neck
“who cares what those single losers think, you know you’re perfect for me right? you make me feel so useful, always failing to reach everything.. needing my help..”
you laugh through your tears at that, making sunghoon smile as well
“.. it’s okay when i tease you right?”
you quickly nod, “yeah, just not when anybody else does it”
inside his heart just bursts :c
he nods in agreement, “damn right”
hugs for my shorties part 3 🫂🫂🫂 !!
if you enjoyed, reblogs n’ comments are always appreciated and motivating for me to write more :)
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© delcakoo on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not rewrite, cross-post, translate, copy, etc.
perm taglist: @duolingofanaccount @strawberry-sunset-skies @scented-morker @koshinene @boowoowho @sultrybaby @yunjinlvrr @lov3niki @yujiecho @monstaxdirtywonk @dekusgirl @l1lac-dreamer @kodzukii @yjjungwon @miou45
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anavilante · 3 months
Age difference modern AU
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20 year old student John and 30 year old professor Gale (top John, bottom Gale, no vers)
Gale is a tired, homely college professor who was hired by Curt's parents as a physics tutor. Gale is kind of an ugly duckling, he dresses poorly, doesn't take much care of himself, he's introverted and gets anxious easily if something goes wrong.
Curt needs help with his studies because he got into a big fight and spent a lot of time in the hospital, and there are subjects that he was initially bad at, and after missing a lot of the material he no longer understands anything.
John is Curt's tall, big, self-confident, cheerful and arrogant best friend, with an overdose of testosterone, who loves sex, alcohol, gambling, fighting and reckless acts and non-committal relationships, who studies at another college. He comes to Curt, where he notices a reserved but attractive tutor. John begins to hit on him instantly, which amuses Curt incredibly, because he thinks that John is just making fun of the quiet, modest Gale, because he has never seen John interested in guys before. (John is like "Hey, this tutor Gale is very attractive, can't you see? Large eyes, puffy lips, soft facial features, a refined figure. You just need to take a closer look, he's cute.")
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Gale sternly informs the merrymakers that he is not interested because he has been married to his childhood friend Marge for many years. This is not entirely true.
When Gale was a student, he had several attempts to start relationships with guys, but they all ended in disaster, Gale realized that guys really want to fuck, but other than that they don’t want anything else. Not wanting to endure the attacks of homophobes and still be unhappy in his personal life, he decided that it would be safer to have a quiet family life with Marge.
Marge heard that Gale was sleeping with guys, but Gale assured her that it was all lies of slanderers and she gladly believed it, because she needed a soothing lie more than the unpleasant truth.
Despite the refusal of the married professor, John is very persistent. He meets Gale at every opportunity at Curt's house or at college and the problem is that Gale likes this big dark-haired guy with the devilish sparkle in his shameless eyes, he awakens desires in his body that he has not thought about for many years. And due to long-term abstinence, now these desires are 100 times stronger and simply drive him crazy.
Therefore, Gale decides that if this guy really wants to sleep with him, then ok, so be it, it will only be once, and there are no problems with it, because John is an adult and he is not his student, he doesn’t even go to college, where Gale works.
And they have sex. And even if they are both completely clumsy (John due to wild zeal and lack of experience in sex with guys, and Gale due to loss of skills after a long break) this is the craziest and most beautiful thing that they have tried with another human being. The first time they come several times before they even get to the actual penetration, they are all wet, covered in sweat, saliva, precum and sperm and Gale thinks it must all be dirty and nasty, but he doesn't care, sexually charged John gets aroused over and over again like a damn teenager and Gale’s body incredibly immediately responds to his arousal with its own, and in the third round they managed to do what it all started for. And it seems to Gale that if he were to die right now, with John’s tongue in his mouth and John’s hips pressed between his sweat-soaked thighs, he would die a completely happy man with no regrets.
Of course, all these promises about one time sex go to hell. Gale continues to meet with John and he is not sure who is looking for these meetings more, he is of course sure that it is the hormonally charged John and it is not Gale at all, who refuses the part-time job offered to him in order to ride, moaning like a shameless whore on John's dick. This is not Gale, who forgets about Marge’s errands to take her car to the auto repair shop for servicing, because John came to Gale’s work after classes ended and fucked him with his back pressed against the wall of the utility room among brooms and buckets, and Gale covered his own mouth with his hands and wet cheeks with tears from closed eyes due to an overabundance of sensations and the inability to throw out some of them with moans and screams. This is not Gale, who found out that he and John have the same 1.5 hours of free time and rushes across town to John's house to suck his dick, drooling down his chin, and then sit on his face so that John eats his ass out thoroughly and finally Gale being fucked from behind, with John's huge hands wrapping around his narrow waist and impaling him on his dick absolutely as he pleases.
Gale has to admit that sex with John is like nothing he's ever had before, when he was 10 years younger. All his partners thought more about their own pleasure and Gale was left with only small crumbs from their sexual feast. John is fascinated by Gale and his body, he adores every inch of him, the devilish fire in his eyes when he fucks Gale with his fingers and watches him moan and squirming on top of them, squeezing his thighs together in embarrassment, no different from the lustful fire as he pushes the full length of his cock in and watches Gale's eyes roll back into his head with the proper pleasure of being filled with his thickness.
This, and John's absolute lack of shame in sex, does incredible things to the reserved Gale and inspires unprecedented courage in exploring what he likes in sex and what his partner likes, because he's initial selfish desire to get more pleasure for himself, Gale's attention moves into the "how to give John maximum pleasure and drive him completely crazy in bed" and when he succeeds he feels incredibly smug.
End of part 1
Part 2
PS This story was born from listening to the song
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cvlutos · 2 years
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EVERY Tuesday, exactly at noon, does the stone clock tower chime. Without delay, you hear the sound of trumpets, the marching of hooves, as the golden gates of the palace open. Wide and big, as the card soldiers, in perfect position, march upon horses of black and white, wearing that of red with swords attached to their hips and spears within their hands. Preparing for the Queen’s weekly hunt. The crowd cheers, waves banners, as they yell sayings of good luck.
The cobblestone path is tight, crowded with people, big and small, infants to the elderly, all in hopes of seeing the benevolent Queen off. Even if this same celebration will happen next week as well. In seeing him in all his grandeur. Something you’d “sadly” miss, with your woven basket tight in hand, warm and heavy from the fresh baked delights, all from the Clover bakery. You shimmy through the tight crowd, moving in the opposite direction and were, quite frankly, in the way, even as you walk along the side house and store walls. You mummer ‘excuse me’ and apologize as you go, giving sheepish grins to those who spared you a glance.
You would rather be at home, yet you promised your mother you would go. You promised to go to the bakery, to buy your grandmother’s favorite treats and sweets and deliver them to her. She lives just outside the town and in the center of the thick woods, just on the other side in a small cottage in the middle of the northern woods. A journey you’ve made countless times, and on less crowded days. Yet today, your mother was extra worried, extra concerned for your grandmother’s well being. Even if you promised, you’d go first thing in the morning tomorrow. Yet she forced you anyway. Well, guilt-tripped you into going.
‘What if she’s already dead? Hm? What would you do then?’
Return home? Tell the authorities? Cry? Yet the look on her face told you she didn’t want any back talk, so you gave in and left.
You forced yourself further down the path, spotting the familiar opening that you’ve always taken. The town you live in is surrounded by a large stone wall. Tall and thick, with only one way out of the village, and one way in. Yet this impenetrable wall has a hole, fairly big, that anyone could fit their largest ox. So you had no trouble merely crawling or walking through. The alley that led to your secret path was uncrowded, as if waiting for you and you alone.
You shimmy forward, pushing past local residents. Some allowed room for you, having noticed you, others merely rolled their eyes. You pop your head past the road barricade, searching the long stone road. The card soldiers were far. Far away to where you could make it without interrupting them, or them even noticing you. You step over the thick string, glancing one more time, before you make haste. Darting onto the clear, wide road. Ignoring shouts and gasps as you make your way to the alley. Stopping to catch your breath, you turn around. Some of the crowd are merely laughing you off, others completely ignoring, some glared at you disappointedly, yet none made a move to call the guards on you. Your eyes scan the road. You hadn’t dropped anything, and if you did, you’re sure no one would even notice.
Slightly proud of yourself, you continue on, moving past the eccentric alley system, moving quickly past houses and shops, jogging towards the large wall.
You’d be fine.
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The crowd becomes silent, and everything pauses. A send off has never once stopped. The Red Queen, golden crown glinting in the sun, his hand raised high. His horse stands still, the same confident and demanding energy as his owner, bows his head, as the Queen flows off the saddle. Heels clicking against the stone road. He walks forward, taking exactly five precise steps, before crouching, leather gloved fingers swiping along the stone. How he saw just a small thing, no one will ever know. The squished remains of strawberry cream cheese tart, a small delight. He rubs the cream between his fingers before rising just as quickly, holding out his hand for a napkin. It appears within a second. He turns on his heel, glaring eyes scouring the crowd, before landing on an older man.
“You! Who ran across here!?”
“Uh! I have no clue, your—your majesty.” He gives an embarrassed, clumsy bow, keeping his eyes glued to the ground. “Then you tell me?” The Queen looks at another, a young woman, who automatically stiffens her posture, face paling.
“A-a man! A young man. With—with a wooden basket and red cape.” The crowd nods along eagerly.
“In which direction?”
Multiple hands point towards the alley, all in fear to face the Queen’s wrath. With a single snap, five card soldiers appear by his side. “Search for the one with a red hood. Such disrespect shall not be tolerated.” There’s a chorus of ‘yes! your majesty.’ Yet not a soul moving til the Queen re-asummed his position upon his horse. “We will resume! While in search of this Red Hood!” His voice is thunderous, and as if nothing happened, everything returns to normal.
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The leaves crunch beneath your feet. As you continue your long trek, the path is winding and bumpy, covered in wild leaves and branches, the cobblestone hidden beneath the foliage. The basket sways within your hand as you walk and wander along the familiar path. The cool breeze flutters your crimson cloak, and you pull the hood to cover your head and protect your ears. Wishing to have worn pants instead of trying to be cute with your red shorts and white knee-length socks.
The Queendom is never cold, unless the Queen desires cold weather.
It always remains at the perfect temperature, always a warm summer breeze and a perfect summer day. And as you venture deeper into the woods and further away from the Queendom, the cobblestone path slowly crumbles and slowly turns to dirt. You stop at the threshold, glancing behind you. Something about today seems different.
You hope it’ll be a good day.
You venture into the woods.
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“Ruggie. I’m heading out. Ill be back.”
He lets out a low yawn, stretching his muscles as he walked towards the cave entrance, not giving Ruggie, his right hand, a chance to respond, leaving the hyena beastman to do whatever it is he’s doing. He pushes past the thick vines of the cave, leaving the warmth of the cave and giving a shallow nod to a young wolf beastman who currently was guarding the large camp, with the others like him. “Ill be back before dawn.”
“It’s noon? And the Queen and his guard is hunting today. Far from us, but still. Are you sur—” The lazy king gives a short wave, swatting away the beastman’s concerns, stifling another yawn, leisurely wiping tired tears from his eyes, while the wolf opened his mouth to speak.
“Jack!” The duo looks towards the urgent voices. Two young beastmen, a young tiger and an older bear, both you jogged frantically, seemingly having to run across the majority of the temporary camp. They slow to a stop, giving a quick bow to their pride leader before turning to Jack.
“The Queen’s Knights. Theres five of them! Theyre asking for you presence!”
“Of course. I’m on my way. Leona.” Jack turns to their sleepy leader, only to find the place where he stood empty. He’s brows furrow, before quickly giving up and motioning for the two to lead the way.
The Queendom of Roses and the Pride of Kingscholar. While the Queen occupies the Northern woods, the Kingscholar current occupies the East portion. Over months of arguments and fights, the Kingscholar Pride has been slowly forced to the outskirts and south, while the Queendom slowly takes over the North and East.
Jack and the two beastmen run side by side, running towards the end of the camp, coming across the five poised card guards. They all sit on white pristine horses, not moving an ounce as Jack slows and straightens out his white button-up shirt. “Where is Leona Kingscholar? We shall only speak to one of authority.” The voice is muffled by his thick metal helmet, clasping to his reins and swords.
“He’s away. What you need can be spoken back to him.” Jack crosses his arm, keeping a scowl upon his lips as the knight scoffs.
“I shouldn’t expect more from your kind,” Jack clicks his tongue but doesn’t speak, letting the knight continue, “There’s a human boy in red. He has ruined the Queen’s sendoff and thus must receive punishment. If you find him, you know best to hand him over immediately.”
“I have no such obligations.”
“Right—” You can hear the confidence in his voice, as he shifts the reins, getting ready to move, “It’s only best to consume your meat fresh. I hope you don’t get red fabric between your fangs, wolf.”Jack gives a low growl as the horse becomes spooked, rushing over, earning a yelp from the knight and gasps from the other silent four. They watch the group ride off into the forest, before letting out a huff.
“Jack. What should we do?”
The tiger beastman speaks first, which earns a thoughtful sigh from the wolf beastman. “Nothing. I’m sure Leona will find the boy before we do. Continue as you were.” Jack turns on his heels, rolling his shoulders as both boys shout and eager ‘yes’. This camp is only temporary until they reach the eastern mountain’s summit, and beyond that will be the savannas once you cross the mountains. Something Leona has been avoiding for the longest time.
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The farther you walk, the darker the woods get. Yet the twisting and winding path doesn’t lead you astray, a path in which you’re acquainted with. And as the trees grow closer and the leaves block the sun, it feels colder, as luminescent mushrooms and flowers that grow alongside the path glow in hints of blue and yellows, give you little light, while pollen that glows a soft purple flutters through the air. It’s absolutely enchanting, with towering thick trees and small sections which sunlight peeks through, highlighting the vibrant green plants and bushes. You hum softly, playing different games as you walk, occasionally eating one of your grandmother’s snacks.
“Youre quite far.”
You screech, nearly jumping out of your skin at the new presence of a voice. You look around and see no one. Your heart pounds against your ribcage. After a few moments, you left out a huff, slowly calming yourself.
“Especially during the Tyrant’s Hunt,” There’s a low chuckle that sends shudders down your spine and you look around frantically, “He might very well mistake you for a deer.” A rock zooms past your head, barely missing you and striking the tree behind you. Your body stiffens.
“Can you not speak?” It’s taunting and drawn out and you shiver as if ghost hands caress your body.
“What do you want—?”
“Now that is the question,” The voice lets out a low hum, and you hear the shuffling of plants, “I am quite hungry.”
You get a horrible feeling, and nearly trip, as something, or a someone, bolts through the thicket. A lion beastman. Before you can react, nails digging into your shoulders, and the new weight forces you to fall back, and momentum pushes you and him to roll over yourselves. Until you’re once again on your back, with the air from your lungs. Your eyes fly open, staring into amused deep emerald green eyes. You wince at the feelings of nails digging into your shoulders, close to breaking your skin and making you bleed, but he doesn’t. Only giving you the sensation of nails breaking skin. Your heels dig into the earth as you desperately try to regain your breath.
“Oh… Dont look like that. You act like I’m going to eat you. Well,” His hands move from your shoulders, letting you crawl backwards and away as he rested on the balls of his feet, forearms resting on his thighs as he tilts his head to the side. Eyes trailing you up and down, staring at the expansion of your bare thighs and legs, a low whistle slipping past his lips. “I might. In a more human way.” A shiver rolls down your spine as you use your cape to cover your legs. He visibly looks displeased as he looks at your face.
“Little Red Riding Hood on the run from the Queen.” He hums and youre eyes widen as you stagger to your feet.
“What? I didn’t do anything?!”
“Doesn’t seem that way,” his tail flicks lazily, his finger drawing in the dirt in clear boredom, “you somehow made the little tyrant mad.” He stands and you step away, he makes no move toward you. Green eyes gazing around the forest before stopping and landing on the path, in the direction in which you came. You follow his gaze and when you look back, the lion beastman is extremely close, his nose brushing against yours. You jump away and he rests a hand on his hips, while the other holds out your forgotten basket.
“I would get going little red. Unless you want to be headless.”
You take your basket and glanced the path, you could hear the pounding of hooves. You grimace before turning around, sharing one more glance at the beastman before darting down the path, back onto the road to grandmother’s house.
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There’s six. Six horses, five knights, one tyrant.
Shoving his hands into his pockets, kicking up dirt and letting out a yawn, he was pretty hungry. Maybe you’d and your grandmother might make a good snack after he’s done here. He counts the seconds before the Tyrant comes into view, an ever-permanent scowl upon his youthful face. He’s pristine and upon seeing Leona, he ordered his soldiers to stop and with ease slides off his horse and marches 10 steps before glaring at the Lion Beastman.
“Queen’s rules dictate that youre not allowed within the northern forest on Tuesday afternoons. In all honesty, I should send you and your pride further east for such disrespect of the Queens’s rules.” His words are venomous, speaking precisely that has his knights flinching even if the words weren’t for them.
“It’s Tuesday? I had no idea. Oops.” Using his pinky finger, he cleans out his ear with a bored expression, earning a harder glare as the Queen struggles to remain calm.
“No matter. Do what you want. I have more pressing matters.” He holds out his hand, and immediately, a parchment scroll is placed within his hands. The Queendom of Roses has always been the most efficient and quick. Undoing the rolled parchment and holding up the paper, your face was drawn most beautifully, a perfect reflection almost.
“Pretty isn’t he.” Leona furrows his brows, watching the Tyrant marvel at the photo, his nose scrunches in disgust.
“What are you on, Riddle?” Gasps and quick inhales come from the knights, yet the Queen doesn’t seem to mind, only few can call him by his name.
“If you must know. He disturbed my send off, and I assumed he was some ruffian. But to now see a drawing of him. He is quite cute and I am in need of a King,” He tilts her head with a gleeful grin, that seemed misplaced and lovesick, “Though I will have to break him in, make him more obedient. But I’m sure it’ll be worth it.”
“You truly are sick.” Riddle face morphs from love-struck to angry, rolling up the parchment delicately, before clearing his throat.
“I suggest you go. Unless—” A arrow shoots past Riddle’s head and grazes the fullness of Leona’s cheek before striking the tree behind him. Green eyes widen a mere fraction, and the tyrant beholds the tiniest smile. The card soldiers werent mere decoration, yet they arent that smart either. One of them must be a skilled huntsman.
“You know what I am capable of. I hate to have to make you my target instead.”
The leader of his pride rolls his shoulders lazily, with his thumb wiping away the blood on his cheek. “Absolutely. Id hate to make you angry. Know if you’ll excuse me, this lion is quite hungry.” And without another word, the lion stalks into the unknown of the woods.
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The path to grandmother’s house seems a lot longer than it usually does. Usually you’d be at her tiny cottage within an hour or two, yet it feels like days since you entered the woods and encountered the lion beastman. As if the forest was alive, living, breathing. As if the path beneath you were snakes whose bodies twisted and turned, knocking you off your feet.
You land with a hard thud, shaking your head. The forest is darker than before. How long has it been? You know the path and you know it well yet; you search your surroundings lazily, feeling as if you were submerged in thick oil, and the word seemed muffled. You spot vibrant red mushrooms that seemed to inflate before releasing a thick white gas. Hallucinations. They’re carnivorous mushrooms, but they’re never active during the day, nor on the path. Theyre new. As if purposely planted, but that’s ridiculous.
And it couldn’t possibly be night.
You struggle to your feet, gripping the basket and meandering.
Until a beacon.
Off to the side of the path, nestled in between two large trees, if you walked further down the path you’ll come across the small cottage village, with her golden porch light, was your grandmother’s house. With her stone walls and wooden roof were covered in moss and mushrooms, while her red painted door was visible. You pick up your pace, stumbling occasionally as you reach her rickety wooden porch, a wide grin upon your lips as you knock on the old door.
“Grandma!” You call through the wood, yet no reply. You grab the gold doorknob, turning it and slowly pushing the door inside, letting yourself in.
It’s the same as you remember, with the fireplace on, with fresh logs. There was no collection of dust, and the couch looked recently sat on. Her throw blanket and decor pillows were out of place. You close the door behind you, slipping off your shoes, and placed the basket on the dining room table. While undoing the strings of your cape and calling out to your grandma. You move deeper into her home, before reaching her bedroom. You knock.
“Oh, darling! I’m feeling quite sick, but come in. Come in.” Her voice sounds the same, and your tense shoulders drop, as a smile spreads across your face as you open the door. Only to find her bed empty and made, with the window wide open. You step further into the room, looking around, before you hear a soft click and you spin around, only to find the lion beastman from before. He isn’t looking at you, but instead squeezing a small bird.
“Mimic birds are quite useful. Able to mimic to the voice of anyone and anything once they hear it.” He releases the bird, and it frantically flies out the window. You step back. “You—My grandma!” You suck in a panicked breath and the man only shrugs. Striding his way towards you, his hand moving faster than you could comprehend to grab your face and squeeze your cheeks.
“What do you think—” His free arm slides around your waist and forces your close, you try to push him away, “I did. Maybe I ate her. Gobbled her up like a big bad wolf,” He faux pouts before clicking his tongue and rolling his eyes in personal annoyance, “Or lion, that fits better doesn’t it.” He shakes your head aggressively, speaking like a mother would to a child when they’re fussy,
“Maybe ill eat you up. Wouldn’t you just like that—” He lets you break away with a laugh, watching your glare, and he tilts his head and eyes moving out the window.
You can hear horses.
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ⓒ 2023 love-thanatopsis — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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science-lings · 1 month
Being annoying about each option under the cut
1- Ryunosuke has no other pictures of his bestie's face except for the one of his 'corpse' and that is Fucked Up, which is why I love it. this hc is based on the fact that during my playthrough I looked at the picture so many times bc I missed him immediately. Anyway 1-2 was the worst day of his life and the moment where he was given the photo for the first time really stuck with me.
2- They get to switch off being each other's judicial assistants and they both get to be different flavors of transmasc, I think it would be fun for them. Would they have to attend classes at Yumei to even be considered lawyers? who knows the point is they do it together and are like those cats that bond together and get sad when they get separated.
3- If they are in the same room together that sword is being switched back and forth several times, 'I think it matches your outfit today' or 'I'm on my period I shouldn't be in possession of a deadly weapon' or 'you said in the custody agreement that I get it on weekends' etc etc etc... Though it tends to go with Ryunosuke when they are separated for long periods of time. That sword is symbolic of so much gay shit in these games what's a little more.
4- my guy talks about 'the look' in Ryunosukes eyes so much during the last case, what are you looking into his eyes for? Heterosexual reasons? sure... (also 'fancy meeting you here' that is a pick-up line, you're in a prison, not a bar) Anyway his feelings towards Ryunosuke are complicated and he's so mad that at least one of the feelings in the emotional cocktail is something like attraction)
5- There's that disaster lesbian thing going on but also the situation was pretty stressful but one day she will wake up and it will hit her that her friend was still very interested in her even after she knew it was her in the disguise.
6- Sholmes keeps trying to refer to himself as 'the root of all evil' and how he's 'drawn to the darkness', he's trying so hard to be edgy but he's a six-foot-tall lanky blond man who is dramatic in the silly way and drapes himself over Ryunosuke at every opportunity. Either he's trying to build some kind of reputation or he wants to appeal to the local goth milf populace (Sithe and Tusspells) or even the reaper himself (there's some messy ex energy going on over there...)
7- I need Phoenix to inherit Karuma, he knows a bit about it but he doesn't make a big deal about it. He does have a few prosecutor friends who know the blade and are so annoyed that he's not super proud to own it. Also it's funny to me if the only family that Phoenix knows are a couple of victorian lawyers that haunt him. I think they should watch over him and be a little horrified. Ryunosuke was excited when he was intending to be a performing arts student as a fellow drama kid but it doesn't surprise him that he chose to become a lawyer. It's in his blood.
8- You cannot tell me Ryunosuke didn't want to fling himself off of that boat every night he was stuck in the room he thought Kazuma was killed in. He just didn't want to ruin Susatos trip to England by leaving her alone and he goes into a depression when she leaves for Japan, going so far as to avoid looking at the photo the 221b fam took before she left because it made him sad, which gets put up every time by Sholmes who Gets It. Meaning that he went up to the Naruhodo consulting agency regularly to check up on him. I like to think Sholmes was genuinely worried during the months he spent banned from the courtroom and without his weirdgirl who he bonded with through his best friends 'death'.
9- Wagahai is a good kitty, she can tell who the most depressed person in the building is and follows them around, sometimes Ryunosuke has a nightmare and wakes up with a cat right up by his face.
10- Ryunosuke starts the Naruhodo family tradition of not talking about their personal lives to people they care about and making their own little patchwork family for themselves. Practically all we know about his past is that he's afraid of doctors and studied English from a young age. And then like three months after going to a new country and meeting new people he's just like 'neat this is my family now :)' there is something going on there I swear. I have many conflicting ideas about what it could be specifically though.
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fuctacles · 2 months
| extra1 | extra2 | spicy time skip
!! updated ver !!
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Eddie was lowkey disgusted by how his uncle would talk about one of his neighbors. No, he doesn't think it's bad for old people to fall in love or have crushes. But it's weird to know these things about his own uncle. 
And it's also sad to watch, because it's been months of Stephanie this, Stephanie that, and nothing came of it, so he felt safe to assume the infatuation was one-sided. So when he tells his uncle he can't go feed her cats that week, he figures it's for the best. And not only because of Wayne's twisted ankle. To his surprise though, he doesn't seem fazed; he just waves his hand and says:
"Yeah, yeah, I know. No climbing the stairs with this thing." He pokes the cast with his crutch. "I've already volunteered you anyway."
Eddie raises his eyebrows because he surely misheard that.
"You did what now?"
"Told Stephanie I'll send you to feed her cats," Wayne says, confirming his fears.
"Why?! She has so many other neighbors!" Eddie points out, gesturing vigorously around the room, implying but meaning the flats surrounding them. 
Wayne clicks his tongue at him.
"Would you let in just any of your neighbors into your home? She already trusts me, and I'm vouching for you."
Eddie gapes at him, hating that he's making a valid point. Damned be his old man and his reasonable thinking. He crosses his arms because while it makes sense, it doesn't mean Eddie can't be angry about it. 
"She's visiting her friend this weekend so she asked for Saturday evening and Sunday morning. And stay with them for a while if possible, so they don't go crazy. Ah, and the plant in the kitchen needs watering."
"Great," Eddie grits through his teeth. He's so delighted at the prospect of spending time with some old lady's cats. The whole place probably stinks of cat piss and he'll definitely kill the plant as soon as he touches it. (It was his only superpower, which is not what he aimed for when his five-year-old had been praying, thanks for nothing, Jesus.) He just hopes he won't have to meet her. Hearing some old hag complain about his clothes, hair, and general adolescence was the last thing he wanted on his weekend off. But, alas...
"She asked you to come over tomorrow so she can show you where everything is."
Eddie groans. 
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It's a Friday afternoon, he's at his uncle's taking a break from college and work. He should be sharing a beer with the old man, complaining about the coursework, the professors, and other students, not picking him up from the hospital, and running errands while his foot is in a cast. And certainly not meeting up with old stinky spinsters. 
To add insult to injury, Miss Stephanie, (which, by the way, is such a typical old hag name) lives two floors higher and the elevator is perpetually broken. Not too high, but high enough for Eddie's anemic lungs to start collapsing. 
He stops around the corner to steady his breath, because regardless of his overall attitude, he didn't want to worsen the first impression. He already refused to 'dress like a decent man' and didn't want to wheeze into the lady's face on top of it. 
Once his lungs are functioning properly again, he walks into the hallway, looking for number 54 as Wayne instructed. He knocks on the door, hoping he didn't mess it up and is at the right place. What if it was 45?
It must have been because he was told Stephanie Harrington lives alone. 
"Uh, sorry, I must have—"
"Are you Eddie?" The woman who opened the door takes him in. At her feet, a tabby cat peers curiously at the new human.
"Uh, yeah? I'm looking for Miss Stephanie?" he offers awkwardly. Maybe that's the friend? Or a sister?
But the woman extends her hand and smiles brightly.
"That would be me, but please call me Steph. I wish I could drill that into Wayne's thick skull." She rolls her eyes fondly.
Her big, gorgeous eyes, framed by thick lashes. She's not an old hag, she could be in her forties at best. She's tall and curvy and her hair looks straight out of a shampoo commercial. She's gorgeous. Eddie shakes her hand in a daze.
"Hi," he croaks as he's ushered inside. 
"Come in, come in! I've heard so much about you, it's great to finally see you in person. I must say," she turns around and gives him a quick once-over. "Wayne's stories didn't do you justice."
Did she just check him out?
Eddie clears his throat, suddenly dry like his elbows during winter.
"Uh, same to you."
"Yeah?" She puts her hands on her hips, raising an eyebrow. "What does he say about me?"
"Good things only," Eddie assures her. 
"So you're saying I'm a bitch." She squints at him.
"No!" His eyes widen. "What?!" 
"Well, if he's saying only good things about me, and you say they don't describe me right..." 
Eddie gets the point she's making and quickly shakes his head.
"No, he just made you sound like a crazy old cat lady, and you're..." He waves his hand uselessly. "Not that."
She sighs softly, shoulders sagging a little. It would be easy to miss but Eddie's senses are heightened after his fuck up.
"I kinda am, though," she says with a shrug. 
Eddie feels the need to reassure her somehow.
"Well, you're not eighty and your place doesn't smell like cat litter, I think you're fine."
She barks a laugh, it's low and surprised and Eddie's cheeks are red because he's just digging further into the hole he's in, isn't he?
"Good to know the bar is so low."
Eddie groans, tired of doing damage control that's not controlling anything.
"I'm gonna shut up now."
"Please don't." Steph smiles wide and teasingly. "You're a funny one. Just like your uncle told me."
Eddie scoffs. He's going to have a word or two with the old man once he's back.
"Great, this is exactly the impression I was hoping to make."
At his words, the woman eyes him up and down again, and he can feel his cheeks heating up.
"Yeah? Not as the local punk satanist?" she teases, making Eddie bristle.
"Metalhead," he corrects instinctively and immediately winces.
"Ah, my bad. I'm not good at the subcultures thing." She smiles apologetically but it doesn't read well with how clearly amused she is. "Anyway, here's the plant I want you to water tomorrow evening. Just like, half a glass."
Right. Plants. Cats. He came here on a mission.
"Come on, I'll show you my cats."
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merlucide · 7 months
Crossdresser x BLLK (2nd) pt2
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Notes: SHIDOOOUUU (I’m so sorry if he’s ooc)
warnings: reader is female, cursing, cringe lol
pt1pt2pt3pt4 pt5
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Y/N entered the room and looked around for any familiar faces.
Suddenly, a large arm draped over Y/N shoulders. ‘Aye your not ranked to low- join our team!’ A tall, tanned boy with fuchsia eyes asked. 
Y/N was rather put out of by his lack of understanding of personal space. 
Another trailed behind him, he was beefy, big, dark skinned dude and stared into Y/Ns soul.
‘Is thata yes?’ The fuchsia eyed boy peered. 
Apparently she took to long to answer so he did for her ‘perfect, perfect- ‘ her mouth agape, looking at him with pure confusion.
‘ m’ Shidou, he’s Shiguma-Chan and yer’? Shidou asked, sliding himself off of her.
She told him her name and they looked for their first opponent. 
Shidou walked over and pretty much demanded they play against them. 
They agreed and everyone headed to the field.
The opponents were Hiragi, Tanaka, and Haiji.
No one knew anything about each other or their weapons. 
Shidou wouldn’t shut up and Shiguma wouldn’t talk, so there’s that. 
‘You better not get in my way’ Shidou warned as he held to ball, ready to kick off. 
‘That was cocky’ Y/N thought, she rolled her eyes and took position. 
Shidou kicked off the ball rather high, Tanaka charged towards it and passed to Haiji.
They were at halfway mark when Y/N intercepted it and ran down the field. She passed to Shiguma and he shot the ball towards the goal. 
Hiragi dashed to the goal and saved it with a head butt. 
The ball was headed towards Haiji, Shidou was trailing behind him and was about to steal it. Haiji quickly passed to Tanaka, who was by the goal. Tanaka shot into the goal. 
1-0, the game had just start so Y/N tried not to stress to much.
Shidou grabbed onto Shiguma’s jersey. ‘Why’d the hell ya didn’t pass to me?? Hah?? I was fuckin’ open!’ Shidou yanked on him. 
Y/N trotted over towards them trying to pull them apart. Shiguma wasn’t doing anything about it, he just justified his actions by saying Shidou wouldn’t have been able to catch it- which added fire to the pot. 
She was ‘successfully’ able to pull Shidou off of him by reminding him it was just one point and the games not over. 
The game finished at 2-3
Shidou scored a goal and Shiguma scored some crazy long distance goal. 
Y/Ns team lost, and Shiguma was picked. She was frustrated, this wasn’t how she planned this to go.
Shidou was pissed. Pissed that he lost, pissed that he didn’t get picked, just overall pissed. 
Shidou snapped at Y/N saying she was ‘fuckin useless’ and ‘coulda passed to me more’.
She was not gonna deal with his bitching.
The both dragged their feet to the losers gate. 
Shidou demanded they have another match this instant. 
The door opened and revealed someone Y/N would never expect to find here.
Kunigami was sitting down rolling his thumb back and forth. His eyes darted to so who was entering the losers section. 
He was also surprised to see Y/N. Shidou peered down at Kunigami, with his hands shoved in his shorts. ‘Play against us’ Shidou demanded, rather boredly.
Kunigami agreed.
It was Kunigami and Reo vs Shidou and Y/N.
‘No hard feelings yeah?’ Y/N asked holding out her hand
‘None’ Kunigami responded and bro-fived her. 
Reo kicked off the game and and Kunigami was headed towards it- Shidou cut him off and kicked it straight into the goal. 
no one was expecting that. 
Y/N scored a goal and Shidou scored 2 more. 
Kunigami and Reo barely reacted to Shidous plays, he was insane. 
It came time to pick to was to join them. Y/N was set on Kunigami, Shidou then spoke up saying he scored more goals so he decides. 
He chose Reo- ignoring Y/Ns objections 
‘I’d rather have purple topknot…than a puny, naïve hero like you. People who can’t destroy themselves.. can never create explosions. Let’s go Y/N-chan.’ Shidou stated as he shuffled back to the winners gate. 
Y/N didn’t know what to say, she felt awful. Kunigami’s soccer career was over, and she part took in the ending of it. 
She whispered a sorry and followed behind shidou with Reo trailing her.
They headed to their new room and Shidou claimed the top bunk bed.
Reo offered to take the bottom bunk, Shidou and Reo headed to the bathroom to shower. Y/N showered when they finished.
Shidou apparently snooped around and got another team to play against them tomorrow, so that was settled.
Shidou got bored rather easily so he just asked Y/N a bunch of dumb questions, or tried to get her to spar against him- she declined. 
Reo just moped around, like a wet noodle.
She just went to bed and got good sleep. 
Next game they won with the score of 3-1, Y/N chose the player Kurona Ranze, he was pretty fast and scored a goal so he seemed pretty solid.
Kurona was low maintenance unlike Shidou and not in a depression like Reo, it was nice to have a normal guy around. It was really cute how he repeated his words.
Another match and they won again with the score of 3-0, Reo chose the player Sokura Testu, he’s chill.
Y/Ns team had all 5 players and were headed to go against the world 5. No one was able to score any goals. Shidou and Y/N got pretty close to scoring but it got blocked or it missed.
They had finished all stages.
Y/Ns team was the last team to finish.
They walked through the sliding doors and Y/N spotted her former teammates in Team Z (Isagi, Bachira, Chigiri, Gigamaru, Igaguri, Raichi)
She waved and smiled at them, happy to see that they made it.
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made March 8th 2024
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areislol · 2 years
Courtship, what a show off.
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ft— neteyam, side char. will be mentioned in tags warnings— fem. human! reader, aged up characters(19), they've been crushing on each other since FOREVER, neteyam being all cute, just fluff, him showing off his skills. y/n gets impressed easily :)), wee mention of lo'ak x reader? a/n— that image of him makes me want to burst, he's just so... ethereal. anyways, i hope you all enjoy this!
wordcount. 2.5k
song rec: september - sparky deathcap(dreamy ver.) + something about you
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Neteyam draws out his arrow, his stance is tall and full of pride, his chest is puffed out and remains like that when he releases the arrow, it swiftly hits the fish—causing it to splash and thrash around the water. Neteyam turns around while smiling proudly, his eyes scanning your face to see any signs of proudness and to his satisfaction, you do. Your hands clasp together as your gaze shifts from the fish to the now proud Neteyam with an ear-to-ear grin on his face. He awaits your praise, he waits to hear your lovely voice congratulate him—and as always, you do. "That. was. amazing, Neteyam! you gotta teach me how to shoot just like you!" you beam, moving closer to where the fish was flopping around. Neteyam watches as you move closer to the small pond before crouching down to take a closer look at the fish, "of course" he replies, trailing behind you and crouching down as well to grab the flailing fish. He takes the arrow out of its body before admiring it, it was a pretty big fish, and it would taste amazing once cooked. He stops once he hears your laughter, he turns his head around to see you looking at him before looking at the fish, a small smile adorned your face as soft giggles escape your mouth. Neteyam's brow raised, wanting to know why you were laughing. "That's a pretty big fish.. I'm surprised you managed to catch it," you mutter, Neteyam stares at you, did you doubt his skills? "Well of course I caught it, are you doubting me?" he huffs before sliding the fish into a slim basket on his hip. You shake your head, "no way- who could ever doubt you? it just seems that you're getting better at hunting every day, which is a good thing. Oh, and its eyes look funny" you state, before getting up and sighing. He hums in response, standing up as well. Neteyam started to walk further into the forest with you following right by his side. As you two arrive at the village you're immediately being embraced by Tuk, her hug being tight and suffocating. Neteyam turns around to see his youngest sister clutching herself close to you, a gentle smile making its way to his face. You could see a big and bright smile on Tuk’s face, and when she finally opens her eyes, she hugs you even tighter while swaying side to side, "I've missed you so so much y/n! lo'ak, kiri and spider were arguing the entire time! it was soooo boring without you!" she explains before sighing dramatically.
You chuckle lightly before giving her a light pat on her back, "I missed you too Tuk" you replied, giving her a hug in return. When you look back up your eyes immediately lock with Neteyam's. You give him a small and sheepish smile before looking away, both of you feeling a warmth spread across your cheeks. Before anyone could say or do anything, Jake caught sight of his oldest son, "Neteyam! caught something yet?" he yells, his head poking out of his hut. Both you and Neteyam, along with Tuk turn your heads to face Jake, Neteyam nods his head to which Jake smiles at—"great! cause we need something to eat, now come! you too, Tuk!" he shouts before going back to whatever he was doing. Suddenly Lo’ak pokes his head out of the hut as well and spots you, and give you a smile which you quickly returned, but before he could say or do anything his tail was yanked by Spider. He looked directly at him and hissed before disappearing back into the hut.
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Tuk groans, "awh, sorry y/n! come back tomorrow, okay?" she says, letting go of your body before running to her parent's hut. Neteyam glances at you, you do the same, he sends you an apologetic look although he has done nothing wrong, "I'm so sorry y/n, we need to go now, oh-" he mutters before abruptly stopping, you cock your head to the side, wanting to know why he stopped talking.
"Want me to escort you to your place?" he offers, you shake your head, "no it's fine neteyam, go with your family now, i'll come back tomorrow though." you answered politely with a smile, Neteyam nods his head reluctantly, waving goodbye to you as you did the same, you see him running over to his family’s hurt before completely disappearing from your view.
Stepping into your lab you're greeted by Max who's sitting at a desk, typing on his computer. You give him a small nod to acknowledge his greeting. You hang your jacket up before walking over to your room, "what’s up, kid?" Max questions, his back turned to his computer. You peek your head out of your room before answering, "I'm tired, going to take a nap." satisfied with your response he turns away and continues to type.
You lay down on your bed, thinking about your day with Neteyam, how he shot that arrow shot straight through the fish like it was no big deal, how he looked strong and mighty. His chest puffed out and his stance, oh god his stance. The way he smiled at you.. he had always smiled at you so tenderly, and it never failed to make your heart flutter. Sighing, you put yourself in a much better and comfortable position, looking out of your window that showed the many large trees with vines stringing from one to another, the colorful leaves and shrubs, the ray of lights shining into the dark and shady forest which illuminated it. Before you knew it, you were hit with drowsiness.
You slept peacefully and without disturbance, but it didn’t last long as you were woken up by Max who shook your shoulders lightly, "wake up kid, breakfast is almost ready," he whispers, his hands leaving your shoulders as he backs away, you groan and roll onto your side, pulling the covers over your head. Max rolls his eyes before yanking the blanket off of you, causing you to huff in annoyance and flop over to face Max, you glare at him for a few seconds before talking, "'kay, I'm up, shoo!" you say, your voice slightly hoarse and weak from sleep. Max raises his brow and purses his lips before getting up and walking out of your room. Sitting up you rubbed your eyes and yawn. After sitting down on your bed for a few minutes, you finally decided to get up and start your day. Standing up you turn around to your bed and stare. You eye the bed, thinking about whether or not you should make it. Groaning you start to fluff your pillows before setting the blanket down neatly. Once you're done you grab your clothes for the day before making your way to the shower. You made sure to wash yourself with a sweet smelling body wash as usual, you dont want to stink at all or, worse, have Neteyam think of you as filthy. After taking a shower and putting on your clothes you made your way to the main lab room where you greeted the scientists. "Mornin' everybody" you greet with a low voice, "morning y/n.." they all responded simultaneously, some were grumbly and incoherent while some were loud and clear. Walking over to another room you spot Max and walked over to him, you poked his arm which caught his attention, "where's norm?" you question while looking around to see if you could spot him but there was no sign of him at all. Max hums, still typing on his computer before stopping and spinning around on his chair, "nope, haven't seen him all morning.. well anyways help yourself with some toast over there" he offers, pointing to your right, you follow where his fingers point and see some toast, butter, sprinkles and some coffee laid out on the table. You immediately thanked him and walked over to where the meal was as soon as your eyes caught sight of it. You took a seat in a chair and began to eat. Once you were done, you wipe your hands clean before getting up and grabbing your backpack from the pile of bags on the floor . "Where you going, kid?" Max asked, his gaze now on you with his brows raised. You didn't maintain eye contact with him though, still putting your shoes on and grabbing your oxygen mask, "going out to see Neteyam" you say now looking at Max with a bright smile, he gives you a look before returning to his computer, typing away. After you were done getting everything you needed you opened the door and closed it behind you, the warm breeze immediately hit your skin which made you smile from the warmness. Can't wait to see neteyam! you thought before happily skipping into the forest with Max staring outside the window, shaking his head with a smile on his face. "They are so obsessed with each other."
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"Tuk! sit down!" Neytiri said while ushering her daughter to where the rest of the family sat, Tuk happily sat in between Kiri and Jake who sat next to Neteyam with Neytiri sitting next to Lo'ak. Kiri was already eating some of the fruits that was laid out in the middle of them, Neteyam shot Kiri a look that yelled "don't eat yet until everyone is sitting down" but she disregards him, sticking her tongue out at him before continuing to and continued to take bites into her fruit while side-eyeing Neteyam. Once everyone had seated themselves, they all start to eat their breakfast, Tuk was playing with her food with Lo'ak joining in with his younger sister which caused Neytiri to hiss at them, "stop playing with your food!", she didn't have to tell them twice as lo'ak quickly ate his food while tuk on the other hand was hesitant to. Neteyam was silent while he ate, his mind preoccupied with you. He wanted to see you as soon as possible so he hurriedly ate his food before getting up and leaving in a hurry, but he was stopped by both Jake and Neytiri, "where are you going?" they both asked simultaneously. "Just going to see someone.." he mumbled, now stopping in his tracks while turning around to face his parents. Jake raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything, "'someone' my ass" Lo'ak scoffs while rolling his eyes which caused Neytiri to glare at Lo’ak. Tuk looked at Lo’ak while eating her food, and she notices how he was frowning for no reason. Kiri noticed this as well and leaned towards Tuk, “it’s probably about y/n or something..” she whispered, Tuk disregarded Kiri’s assumption until she hears y/n’s name. Tuk begins smiling at the thought of seeing y/n. Both Neytiri and Jake looked at each other, they seemed to have a silent conversation, and after a few seconds Neytiri stood up and walked close to Neteyam, "Neteyam, we need to talk about something.", he stood there and nodded before trailing behind his mother. They weren't far away from their hut and there weren't any other people around them, it was the perfect place. "What is it, mother?" Neteyam questioned, Neytiri looked up at her son, her boy has grown so tall. She shakes her head lightly and spoke up, "Neteyam, your father and i have been thinking that it is time you find your mate.". Neytiri notices how Neteyam frowns, his ears tucking back after she speaks, but this was a serious matter. "You are the future Olo'eyktan. It has been very long, and you still do not have a mate!" Neytiri whisper-yells, not wanting anyone else to hear their private conversation. Neteyam sighs—his head downcast, "I know mother.. but- well, I do… have a mate in mind." He had no idea why he said what he said, but he did. You weren't na'vi. You couldn't bond like every na'vi could, which meant that you two could never be mates for life, no matter how much he wanted to. The only way he and everybody on Pandora knew how to be with one forever was to bond, tsaheylu. There was absolutely no way to bond with you. His mother despised the sky-people, or to them, demons. If he ever told his mother that you were a sky-person or if she found out all hell would break loose. Upon hearing Neteyam's statement her eyes lit up, eager to know who he had in mind, "oh? and who is that?" she asks, a faint smile now adorned her face. "I will not say, it is a… surprise.", Neytiri hums and nods with a now fully visible smile on her face, "very well then, but I suggest you court her now before it is too late," she states with a smirk, Neteyam's face starts to warm from his mother's words which only causes Neytiri to chuckle before walking back to their hut. Neteyam was left there, standing awkwardly as the words replayed in his mind, but I suggest you court her now before it is too late. Before he knew it seconds have passed, he shook his head to snap out of his trance when he realized—he was going to be late.
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Neteyam hurriedly looked around to remember where he going to meet up with you and once he saw the trail he immediately ran and followed the trail along with the scent of the site. Hopefully he wasn't that late. Not too long after running he stopped a few feet away from the site, standing near the trees as he looked around in hopes of seeing you and he didnt, maybe he was early? Maybe he was late and you left him and went somewhere else? But after scanning the area again, he sees you. When his eyes catch sight of you, a bright and tender smile adorns his face, there you are. You were leaning on a large tree, your head looking up before looking down and drawing. Not even two steps in and you already spotted him, "hey Neteyam! What took you so long?" you yelled while gesturing to him to pick up the pace. He wastes no time and jogs to where you stood, once he's right beside you he looks down. Neteyam looks down at your sketches of the forest in front of you. It looked pretty good, to say the least. "You're good at drawing y/n" he murmurs, prompting you look up at him with a warm smile, "thank you, 'teyam". His nickname rolling off your tongue was pure bliss, he had never wanted to hear his name so badly before. He doesn’t even realize his tail flicking side to side in excitement. The click of your bag derails him from his train of thought, his ears perking up attentively, his tail stopping its movement. Neteyam sees you putting your notepad and pencils away before closing the bag. "So..." you start, "where do you wanna go now?", Neteyam ponders for a second, instead of thinking of a place he could show you, his mother's words interrupt his thoughts. Court her now, before it is too late. Neteyam hums in delight, "well..", yes, he would from now, start courting you, in the hopes of you becoming his mate, even if you were a sky-person. "How about you watch me hunt?" he offers, Neteyam watches as a gentle smile adorned your face, "sure!" And with that, Neteyam’s attempt of courting you, begins.
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note: if you would like to be added to the avatar taglist pls just ask me!! dont be shy
taglist: @tomansimp​, @howlandhaku​, @luciphyls​, @vizkiz869​, @aonungobsession​, @pandorainmymind​, @luvlykrispy​, @hinataashoyos​,  @sleepyharuka​, @httpjiikook​, @kawaistrawberry21​​, @sometimesminsan,  @wtf-why-do-i-gotta-do-this, @glitterandgoldfinds​​
liking + following + reblogs are very much appreciated!!
another note: omg not me making ANOTHER series??? i haven’t made one in... months... but yay! another one, hopefully i stick to it cause, i really don’t want to let go of this. ALSO!!! this was inspired by @hinataashoyos!! so go check out her tsu’tey x fem. human! reader fic, it is ABSOLUTELY amazing. SPECIAL THANKS. to @hinataashoyos for allowing me to use this idea and SPECIAL THANKS. to @txelanneteyam for helping me proof-read and help me with this fic!! i deeply appreciate you for helping me/supporting me :)
more about @hinataashoyos and the image header in my navi.
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the-roo-too · 1 year
can i request for hanni alphabet? thanks ❤️ - 🌸
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candy -> pham hanni ver
aka the fluff alphabet
admiration (what does she absolutely adore about you)- when hanni writes things, she often gets too critical of herself. thus, she admires how you sometimes gently coax the pen out of her hands just to hug her and remind her that not every lyric she produces has to be perfect <33
body (what’s her favourite body part of yours)- your back (💀) as in if you’re taller than her you are cmon no one is shorter than hanni then she loves to get piggyback rides from you!!
cuddling (how she likes to cuddle)- so you know how she’s shorter than you? well hanni is the big spoon, because someone needs to be the man in this relationship
dates (what’s her ideal date)- hanni loves stay-in dates, where you both just listen to one direction 😙 alternatively you can buy/bake with her bread
emotions (how does she express her emotions around you)- very loud, very expressive, the type to hit you when she’s laughing
family (does she want one)- maybe? hanni has better things to worry about let’s be honest
holding hands (does she like to hold hands)- yes!! duh, she’s a angry little sh when you refuse to hold her hand
injuries (what would she do if you got hurt)- would blink really slowly, not believing you just hurt yourself on her guard. next, depending on how badly you got hurt, she would either rush to help you and/or yell at you
jokes (does she like to joke around)- remember when i said she hits you while laughing? that’s because you don’t laugh at her dad jokes
kisses (how does she like to kiss you)- veri soft like mwah 🤭 cute smooches. if she was tall enough, she would smooch your forehead every chance given but she isn’t
love (what’s her love language)- the passive aggressive way of treating you is basically how she expresses her love. yes, she whines when you say she’s short but at least you don’t get bitten because of that, unlike minji
memory (what’s her favourite memory together)- you coming to the studio with drinks for everyone during recording of omg. that’s how you won the rest of nwjns over btw 💪
nighttime (how does sleeping with her look like)- she’s all over you, literally. hanni turns liquid during the night and she hogs you at least you’re warm
oddity (what’s a quirky thing about her)- the tsundere-ish approach she has to other people 😨 not u tho, she loves you
pet names (what does she like to call you)- bunny/tokki, cutie, lovely! mostly wholesome
quality time (how does she like to spend time with you)- marvel movies! hanni loves movies, especially marvel, so a must during the week for you both is sitting down during the evening and watching at least one movie
rush (does she rush into things)- yes 💀 in many aspects: you mentioned once you liked a particular breed of cats, she had one by your doorstep by the next morning, all panicked because the cat nuzzled into her. you liked a pair of rings you saw while passing by a shop and she bought them, even tho they were wedding bands 👍
secrets (how open is she with you)- oversharing? me thinks yes! wdm you don’t wanna listen to how minji made her coffee with spilled milk by accident but tried to put on a brave face and puked it out during practice later?
time (how long did it take for her to confess)- 0.46 seconds, she was smitten the moment you walked by. hanni thanks those above that her members weren’t there to witness how she fell to her knees, begging for your number and/or a date
upset (what’s her reaction when you’re upset)- she stops the goofyines, her baby is sad! tries to understand what and how she can help you :((
visibility (is she afraid of the public opinion)- not really? hanni believes in bunnies or just, gay people. it can’t get that bad if you two come out, right?
warrior (how often do you fight)- you don’t fight, unless you don’t like one direction. then hanni’s all smitten with you all the time, but turns away with her headphones during car rides, pouting at you
x-ray (is she able to read you)- yea 🫡 she gets all the quirky things you do, making her a translator for all your shared friends
yes (how would she propose to you)- as if she had time to worry about things like that bruh. there’s a comeback happening, wanna come over to the studio and have some fun with the girls?
zen (what makes her feel calm)- remember watching movies with her? if hanni had a rougher day, she loves to put her head on your lap and just kinda stay there, with you. makes her feel calm and safe <3
part of [the fluff series]
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dxwnfxll · 2 years
Giving the chubby readers some stuff <333
Scp/Scp staff with a chubby s/o
Warnings: nsfw, smut, afab(assigned female at birth) reader at some parts
(Small note, updated Shaw to Amar. Amar is my ver of Bright/Shaw)
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••Dr. Amar••
-I see Jack as the type of person to LUV chubby people, idk why but i can just imagine him squeezing your thighs as she holds you against her just praising your body
-she has a praising kink, she loves praising your body (especially if you have low self esteem). They'll probably fuck you in front of a mirror so that you can see your beauty
-he likes to touch you, very clingy person (especially since she's touch deprived) will sometimes jokingly say to 'crush him'
-will buy you clothes that hug your curves all right, dudes probably fucking drooling over how you look
-he loves laying his head on your lap while you play with her hair, it's a little thing they enjoy
-if anyone says shit about your weight well guess who's magically a D-class now?
••Dr. Clef••
-Clef is chubby himself so he's perfectly fine dating another chubby person
-similar to Jack he's secretly into body worshipping, whether it be his or yours.He's also into biting, a lil bdsm and sometimes degrading
-he loves to sneak up behind you and surprise you, he'll just do this randomly. Sometimes when you're getting dressed and sometimes when you're working
-in the sheets he's a rough guy, but he'll dial it back if it's too much. He wants to make sure you're comfy during intimate times
-if anyone says shit about you he solves it by making them..uncomfortable. Dude will just start making out with you in front of the dude.
-but that doesn't mean the person who was rude to you is getting off scott free, He's finding them and they're becoming another casualty
••Dr. Kondraki••
-Kondraki another chubby guy (who's pretty fucking tall to), he absolutely adores you but unlike Jack and Clef he's not all for PDA
-that doesn't mean he's embarrassed of you or anything, he just doesn't like people knowing who he folds. Oh yeah he folds you btw.
-in his office he'll keep you on his lap, no matter how much you complain that you're 'too big' or whatever he'll just ignore it and keep you there
-"Konny i'm too big to sit-" "no you're not, now stop squirming i'm trying to work."
-He's rough in bed and a total dom, he makes sure to always compliment your body during spicy time. Especially if you're insecure, he'll trail kisses from your lips down to your thighs
-he lets you borrow his clothes and if anyone says anything he just gives them *the look*
-if anyone says shit about your weight, they're on 682 duty while you're on a romantic date with Konny
••Dr. Talloran••
-Talloran doesn't mind if you're chubby, skinny or muscular. They're a 💫personality💫 type of person
-they'll hold your hand as you both walk down the hallway, or they'll wrap their arm around your shoulders
-very intimate with you but very vanilla spicy time, they will kiss up your arm tho like Gomez from the Aadams family
-if someone says anything about your weight Talloran will 'defend your honor' they'll just release all their pent up rage on the person
-then afterwards they'll grab your hand and pretty much drag you elsewhere to do something better, like a romantic date in the break room
••Draven Kondraki••
-Draven doesn't mind your weight and similar to Talloran he goes for anyone of any body type. He doesn't really have a preference.
-he likes to try and pick you up (and succeeding) carrying you around sometimes or just holding you in his arms
-similar to his dad he likes to have you in his lap, he'll straddle you holding your hips as you sit on his lap facing him while he makes out with you
-similar to Jack as well he likes buying you clothes that fit juuuuuust right. Especially tops, he loves seeing your breasts squished together for some reason. Actually he just likes your boobs in general.
-likes coming up behind you and holding you against him
-if anyone says shit to you he'll just give them a look, and if they're an MTF he'll some how make sure they have extra extra training
••Mikell Amar/05-6••
-Mikell I feel also prefers chubby people, but he also doesn't really have a preference? If that makes sense?
-he's a very horny man, dude wants to do just about anything and everything with you.
-eat food off you? Yep, body worshipping? Yep, make you thigh ride him? Yerp, start making out with you in the middle of the damn hallway where just about anyone could walk in? Yeah. He'll do it.
-likes to have you ride him during spicy time, he'll hold you there and guide you even while he comfortably lays back on the bed with his long hair all messy
-if anyone says shit to you well...they're gone. Simple, He's an 05 what he says goes and the other 05 don't really care if some JR researcher gets terminated.
••Sorry nothing here••
Yeah i removed Conner finally, i won't be writing for him anymore due to the drama that happened sorry y'all enjoy this capybara tho before continuing your reading
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What a silly guy, anyways enjoy the rest!
-035 i feel also has no specific type, He's just a lil mask in need of love
-now at first he is kind of an ass to you, but then again he's an ass to everyone he meets. Usually always trying to manipulate them, but you were different he liked you liked how you looked
-he requests you daily and will pretty much throw a temper tantrum if you don't.
-he loves body praising, loves talking about how beautiful you are and often compares you to statues and works of arts that he's seen
-He's a very freaky and kinky person, whenever he has a host you can't keep him away from you
-loves leaving marks on you, lil burn marks from his corrosive since he can't really leave hickeys and stuff lol
-very possesive of you as well so if anyone says anything all of a sudden they're doing a 360 and treating you like damn royalty
-they also may end up as his new host lolol
-049 is a person who has no preference, so if he loves you he loves ya y'know?
-He's very delicate with you (and obviously if you're with him you have immunity to his touch) he'll hold you close and just hum, sometimes he'll randomly brush your hair as well (if you have hair that is)
-He's very romantic as well, like old timey romantic. So don't expect any 'freaky' stuff with him, he'll just enjoy a comfortable silence with you over how some others on this list spend time with ya
-when it comes to spicy time he likes to call it 'love making' and he makes sure he's gentle and loving during it.
-if anyone says anything about your weight they're gonna be his new 'test dummy', he doesn't take disrespect towards his "darling" at all.
-very tired man who just wants to love ya, he doesn't care for a persons body just how they are or what their personality is like
-very gentle and caring lover, likes to take his time with you if you catch my drift
-if you're insecure he simply won't understand in a sense? You're beautiful in his eyes so how on gods green earth can you dislike yourself?
-He's a very gentle and touchy lover during spicy time, very slow as well don't expect anything rough with him lolol
-if he has any kinks it's probably just body worshipping and being dom
-if anyone says anything about your weight he gets all flabbergasted like :o >:O
-"how dare you say that! Have you no manners and decency for those around you?"
-then he'll apologize to you and take you elsewhere
-Gerald has the worst luck ever, so he's uh..kinda careful with you? Don't take that as an insult but literally anything and anyone can somehow cause him to break three ribs
-honestly though he doesn't seem to mind all to much when you sit on his lap and his leg cracks weirdly, he'll go through hell for you honestly (plus by this point he's used to the pain, He's more worried that YOU'LL get hurt if anything)
-He's very romantic during spicy time, and also very careful
-He's not all for being super romantic in public (cause he just feels something bad will happen) but he will hold your hand and lean against you randomly
-if anyone says shit about you his bad luck will probably just get them, but he definitely calls them an 'ass' and just walks off with you
-Iceberg is an asshole but when it comes to you he's got a soft spot, that doesn't mean he wasn't an asshole to you at first.
-he was very assholish to you at first and even picked on your weight a bit, but then he started seeing you as attractive and..yeahhhh he did a sort of 180? Like he was still an asshole but he stopped making fun of your weight
-and once you two became a thing he literally went rabid on anyone who did.
-He's rough and kinky with his sex, loves to bite you and have you thigh ride him. I can see him as a switch though so sometimes he'd love it if you took control..maybe even bite him a lil
-if anyone says shit about you he just calls them a bitch and walks off with you, He's not gonna get physical with someone unless they continue it
-he builds up your self esteem now feeling kinda bad for the days he bullied you.
-Glass is a very considerate and kind person, if you have low self esteem he's there for you 24/7 (or well when he's not working)
-He's always building you up and 'making' you love yourself
-if you have low self esteem he has some exercises to do with you, those being you standing in front of a mirror and telling yourself that you're beautiful while he has his arm around your shoulder.
-He's a very gentle and passionate lover, almost treats you like you're made of glass (haha get it?..i'm sorry) but sometimes he can get a lil 'crazy'
-he cab go from being a careful lover kissing up your arm to holding the small of your back with his arm around your neck as he hungrily kisses your lips.
-He's also similar to Jack in the whole fucking you in front of a mirror, he even calls it a 'self esteem exercise' plus he just really likes seeing his work if you catch my drift
-if anyone says something about you he will glare at them but will then immediately make sure you're okay
-"Dear are you okay? Don't listen to them, you're very beautiful.." "But.." "Shhhh, no no it's okay c'mon.."
Hope you enjoyed!!
Requests are open!!
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jerefishvr · 2 years
hello, first time taking a visit to your asks, I have to say I love your work and was wondering if you could do a Wednesday Addams x Male Reader where the reader is a vampire and is into a lot of punk music (example: metallica and black sabbath) and dresses punk and stuff. Scenario would be enemies to lovers (also if you don’t do male readers you can just do gender neutral, I don’t mind.)
— god save the queen ☆
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— wednesday addams x gn!punk!vampire!reader <3
— summary : IN WHICH, Wednesday Addams hated loud music, ripped jeans, heavy rings, awfully dyed hair, big eyeliner and long earrings,yet a certain punk vampire caught her eye.
a/n : babe not to ruin your happiness but metallica and black sabbath are more metal/rock and i decided to do punk PUNK yk like , sex pistols. If you don't like this ill gladly do a metal/rock ver <33 also let's pretend Wednesday already has a phone!!
Tall black boots stepping on the hard wood, making a creaking sound. Pants ripped with patches all over them and random sewed on designs with band names. Horribly and messy teased hair, eyeliner bigger than their boots, black sunglasses and long black crosses hanging from their ears.
That was Y/n. Nevermore's most "not normal" student. They stood out in the crowd with their lanky figure and weird style.
They were a vampire, a blood addict, with long fangs and fingers full of rings that grasped their victim's neck with hurry. A fan of loud noises and music that made most people want to rip their ears out.
Everyone always turned their head at the sight of Y/n, in awe of the rare beauty in front of them. Y/n was everyday greeted by every single person in there. No one hated them and their funky style, sirens to werewolves and even more. Except from one girl named Wednesday Addams. Who was right now, standing infront of them.
Y/n didn't even bother to look at her as they barged into Enid's shared dorm with Wednesday while listening to music on their headphones.
"Will you be quiet?" Wednesday said with her usual cold tone while staring immediately into the poor vampire's soul.
The red haired punk took out their headphones to hear what Wednesday was saying with a light blush on their cheeks.
Oh, Wednesday, Wednesday. She was like a total dream to the vampire. Well, actually more like a nightmare. They admired her from afar everytime her mouth said
While on the other hand, Wednesday "hated" them. She hated how cool they looked with their teased hair, their patch filled jackets and their weird earrings. And what she hated the most was how SHE found them cool. She, Wednesday Addams, thinking someone who's like a rainbow, with colorful eyeshadow and bright red lips, was cool.
She remembers telling Enid about how it looks like a rainbow threw up on her, yet here she was. Acting like she despises the school's cheerful punk and admiring their pops of colours here and there.
"Do you know where Enid is?" Asked the punk, patiently waiting for an answer while plopping down on Enid's bed comfortably.
"No. I do not and I really couldn't care less where she is right now. Turn down that absolutely awful music or else I'll cut your ridiculous hair off." Said Wednesday with no emotion in her voice.
The vampire laughed and unplugged the headphones from their phone. Their fangs glowing in the sun of the day as they smiled while turning up the volume. Chipped nail polish on their long fingers as they tapped on their phone's screen.
The first thing that came out of the phone was loud instruments and yells. Wednesday looked at the screen in confusion and interest.
" GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" was shown all over the screen, some dudes with funky and spiky hair singing while behind them was written on the wall "SEX PISTOLS".
Wednesday found herself actually taking a liking to the music, slightly bopping her head and bouncing her leg in rhythm.
Y/n smirked and looked at her. "I see you're quite enjoying "awful music"" They said, making Wednesday roll her eyes and grab the punk's phone.
"Just shut up and send me the link" She said while typing her number in the phone,with her usual cold demeanor dropping as she smiled a little, barely noticeable but the vampire saw it and felt their heart clench in happiness and enthusiasm.
"Aight, see ya later Nes" were Y/n's last words as they stormed out of the room to find Enid and tell her about making her "emotionless" roommate,THE Wednesday Addams smile.
Wednesday kept on staring at them as they ran out of the room, their chains and necklaces along with their heavy boots suddenly looked like art to her and not just stupid jewellery. Or maybe, they looked like art to her.
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vextried · 5 months
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ANDDDD OUR FIRST MORE IN DEPTH POST ISSS Arra! thanks @mikaverleth for the suggestion. It’s not gonna be super detailed, but more might be revealed VIA stories and comics
I’m gonna try and cover the main people in this AU Before i make the actual comics. So we have the princes, and the vampires/ vampaneze who get involved in this au. Maybe some cirque members and Mr. tall for funsies when I have time (school is kicking my ass😭😭)
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Arra Sails, Known as “Tidal” 🌊🌊🌊
Name: Arra Sails
Hero Name: Tidal
Age: 31 (start of story)
Power: Water based abilities. Uses water and shapes it into various weapons, mainly spears
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Origin story: After training under the legendary Evanna, Arra set sail for the big city to make her mark as a hero. Despite the hardships that come from being in a male dominated industry and being alone in such a big place, she’s powered through and made a name for herself, as one of the most respected up coming heroes, known for not taking crap from anyone and being on the rise as a potential candidate to join the big five, if she wanted to. For now, she isn’t very interested but it hasn’t stopped her from befriending those on top. When she’s not out on missions, she’s either training with Mika or Arrow to improve her combat skills and work on mastering everything on the list.
While she’s spent her years in the city, she has caught attention from a few different people. The only one to truely catch her eye was fellow coworker, Larten Crepsley. Although it hasn’t gone anywhere, yet.
Origin of powers is unknown. Some claim she’s a demigod, others claim it’s probably the doing of the ingenious Kurda Smahlt. Most likely she was just one of the lucky ones born with it though.
Larten Crepsley: Complicated, currently just coworkers
Mika Ver Leth: Good friends
Kurda Smahlt: Coworkers. She puts up with him for Mika’s sake.
Arrow: Great friends. All of Arrows kids like auntie Arra.
Paris Skyle: Friends. She views him with high respect.
Vanez Blaine: Friends. Well duh, of course she’d befriend the weapons guy.
Gavner Purl: Coworkers. Friendly guy but hasn’t gotten too close.
Seba Nile: Friends.
Evanna: (?????)
Darren Shan: Friends. She was hard on him for a while but soon warmed up to him.
Importance: Arra has a big role in the first comic I currently have planned. Her roles vary from major to supporting, depending on the comic. She may appear in smaller tales about Evanna…
Until then, stay tooned!
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delcakoo · 2 years
jay with a short gf ↷♡
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requested <3 ! jake ver ! hoon ver ! riki ver !
PAIRING ! jay x f!reader
WC ! 1.4k
GENRE ! fluff, crack, slight suggestive
a/n: sobbing this was so cute and fun to write, ty for the req anonnie <3
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if you told jay you were insecure about your height.. oh boy
he’d literally go straight from :D to >:[
you’re just so !! cute !! he wants to shove you in his pocket and protect you from the world !!!
and you’re lucky jay is not one to tease often
he’s more just. blunt and completely honest with what he’s thinking at all times
exhibit A
due to your short height you can’t reach a lot of things in the kitchen :(
so when he sees you standing on top of the counter to grab something off the shelf he just goes, “aww”
you whip your head around and there he is. just 🧌 in the doorway
so being the gentle soul you are you give him the middle finger *eye twitch*
but the truth is he wasn’t even teasing you!!
he genuinely thought you looked adorable :c
you could pick a twig off the ground and he’d go ‘☺️ that’s my y/n’ like a literal dad
AND AND due to your height n’ size difference jay’s clothes just OVERFLOW on you
you’ll walk in like, “bub?”
he looks up from his phone all tired and— AHHHHSJHDND Y/N’S WEARING MY SHIRT look how cute she is!!!
he grows the most fond smile imaginable as he murmurs out a ‘yes angel’
but he won’t lie the shirt goes down to your knees so it looks like you have no pants on
he giggles a bit BUT AGAIN jay does not tease you much so he stays quiet <3
even if you were taller than him, this man would still find ways to baby you
but since you’re a great deal smaller than him, his instinct grows even stronger
when it’s cold out???? suddenly you’re a first grader who can’t even zip up their own coat
“ok y/n where’s your gloves? no not those cheap ones, i mean the big puffy grey ones with the velcro straps, your hands are so tiny we have to— OH, AND WE CAN’T FORGET YOUR HAT. seriously, i heard you can get sick from having your ears exposed to the cold for too long—“
you’re just like 🧍‍♀️”love, i don't think my ears temperature will affect my health”
he silences you by further tightening his giant black scarf around your neck and chin
this goes for warm weather too of course, not just cold 🙁
“hmm, i don’t trust this sunscreen brand, y/n. since you’re so small, it shouldn’t be too hard to find a hat that can cover your entire body, right?”
“hey! i’m not that small!”
it’s too late
instead of a hat though, your boyfriend’s brought you a whole umbrella to carry around, declaring that the sun will NOT be burning you today!!
secretly, you have to admit you love being taken care of by him :)
one reason you find yourself getting annoyed by your height though, is when you have to literally stand on your tippy toes just to give jay a kiss :c
yeah, instead of seeing his handsome face when you look in his direction, all you get is his shoulder 🙁
every time you want a kiss while he’s standing, you have to beg him to stay still and bend his neck down so he can meet you halfway
sometimes he can’t help but chuckle a little at your efforts just to reach him
which makes you pout of course, “it’s not my fault you’re as tall as the BFG!”
“eh? i’m average height y/n”
“not for me you asshole”
bro laughs at you again
he thinks you look like one of those little demon chihuahuas when you’re mad
(but he’d never tell you that cuz he’s scared you’ll beat him up with those tiny knuckles of yours 🏃)
sometimes jay gets a little uncomfy looking down all the time and complains about his neck hurting
so, if an innocent kiss turns into something steamier he will instead scoop you up and bring you somewhere where you won’t have to stand on your tippy toes the whole time and his neck won’t feel like it’s about to fall off
either that, or he gets impatient and just lifts you by your thighs to hold you against a wall/kitchen counter
muscle pig
but you’re just like “babe why are we doing this against the wall, can we go to like. the couch or something”
suddenly he’s pouting with his swollen ass lips (proud to say that’s your doing <3) “but i wanted to show off my muscles..”
since you’re a softie for pouty jay you let him do what he wants with you
speaking of his muscles you think it’s fun to tag along on jay’s gym expeditions
sunghoon and niki are usually there too !! gym bros !!
it’s fun watching until they ask YOU to join
“absolutely not. i’m here to pass you your water bottles and that’s about it”
doesn’t matter
the youngest has already dragging you over to the pull up bar and jay’s just smirking his stupid jay smirk because he KNOWS you cannot reach that shit
“okay go, just try one,” niki encourages innocently
you swear if he wasn’t so buff you’d fight him right there
this kid knows damn well you cannot reach that bar
before you can say anything, your boyfriend luckily comes to the rescue
without a word, he grabs your waist lifting you with such ease that it makes you a bit flustered
you whip your head over to the silver haired boy in offense before looking back at jay
“ay, you’re my boyfriend, why aren’t you stopping this discrimination”
he goes 🧍‍
“but.. its true”
you flick his forehead in retaliation ☺️
anyway so with the help of jay you reach the pull up bar and surprise yourself by actually doing A WHOLE PULL UP 💪
jay’s jaw dropped and he starts clapping and smiling and JSJND HE WAS SO PROUD OF YOU !!
“that’s my strong girl. wah, can you do another one for me?”
you folded right there
it felt nice receiving such praise so..
before flopping to the ground because damn pull ups are hard
jay made a delicious meal when you both got home that day because YOU DID TWO PULL UPS <3
there’s like a silent agreement between you and jay that when you’re standing up, he’s the one giving the affection
it goes from just reaching down to give you little pecks to resting his chin on your head with a warm backhug
god jay loves back hugs so much, especially since you’re so small, it’s easier to just wrap you up in his arms like a burrito n’ trap you there forever c:
sometimes it’s a bit too much though
“babe please i’m going to choke”
“sorry angel, you’re just so cute.”
you give him the side eye
BUT when you’re sitting or lying down.. it’s your time to shine!!
finally you can see his handsome face without having to crane your neck up
gotta use him lying down to your advantage !
y’know when jay wears his classic boyfriend outfit with the white muscle top UAHSJSH
you pull him onto your lap n’ he’s like .. 🤨
bro is a strong believer that you should be the one in his lap not the other way around
BUT once you get your fingers running through his hair n’ massaging his temples he just deflates
jay doesn’t get taken care of often so he’s just amazed because wait?? it feels so good???
then it leads to you giving him a full body massage because it’s what the man deserves
then as you’re massaging his stupid muscly arms he goes “your hands are so weak i can’t even feel anything love”
all in all. jay is your number one fan no matter how short you are (and secretly, he doesn’t want you to grow!! >:c)
hugs for my short readers out there 🫂
likes don’t tell me much, reblogs n’ comments are always very appreciated if you enjoyed <3
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© delcakoo on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not rewrite, cross-post, translate, copy, etc.
perm taglist: @duolingofanaccount @strawberry-sunset-skies @scented-morker @koshinene @boowoowho @sultrybaby @yunjinlvrr @lov3niki @yujiecho @monstaxdirtywonk @dekusgirl @l1lac-dreamer @kodzukii
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machatheo · 2 years
when it’s your birthday | enhypen ver.
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heeseung - the one who brings you to a fancy restaurant
“do you have a reservation?,” the lady behind the front desk asks when you enter the restaurant. your hands are sweaty because you’ve never been in such a expensive place and you’re scared you will mess something up. heeseung stands next to you, wearing a black suit which catches your attention every time you look at him. he looks so handsome.
“yes, it should be under the name heeseung, a table at 9,” heeseung casualty answers, squeezing your hand in return.
the lady flips through the book on the desk and then finally nods, “right, okay, follow me.” she smiles at both of you and the walks away from the desk into a more open place where all of the tables are stood. she motions you to the table at far right. heeseung pulls out the chair for you and you sit down, fixing your dress.
you look around. the restaurant is very pretty, there’s a few big chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and the main color palette is red and black. the table is next to a tall window which gives you a nice view of the city before you. the lady places the menu’s in front of you and then heeseung orders two glasses of wine.
“if you spoil me this much, i might expect this everyday,” you laugh when the lady finally leaves.
“you deserve it, today is your special day,” heeseung smiles and reaches out for your hand before intertwining your fingers together. you feel giddy inside.
you eat and spend the rest of the evening in the restaurant. the food was great and you feel full. only when you’re finishing off the last sips of your wine, heeseung pulls out a box out of his suit pocket. you look at it, surprised, “what’s this?”
“a little something i got you,” heeseung smiles and places his chin on his hands, watching you open the box. there’s a necklace inside, with a little heart pendant.
“it’s so pretty heeseung,” you pout, taking out the necklace and looking at it closer. there’s yours and his first name initials on the back of the heart, “thank you, not going to lie i thought you were about to propose to me,”
heeseung laughs out loud, “one day i will, happy birthday y/n.”
jay - the one who pulls the ‘i forgot’ tactic on your birthday.
“what day is today, jay?,” you ask, tapping your fingers on the table to get your boyfriends’ attention, who’s eyes are currently glued to his phone. a bright smile rests on your face.
jay looks up with those serious eyes of his and shrugs, “monday?,”
you squint your eyes together, “well yes.. monday, but what else?” you motion for him to continue.
“uh.. the day we go grocery shopping together?,” jay looks oblivious to what you’re hinting at and continues to name various things: from your anniversary to (for some reason) your parents wedding anniversary - everything - except your damn birthday, and a frown deepens on your face every time he misses. you almost feel like he’s doing this on purpose.
“hmph whatever, you’re hopeless,” you huff and puff before turning around, waving your hand in dismiss and walking out of the kitchen. for the rest fifteen minutes, you sit on the couch with crossed arms and throwing daggers from your eyes at every object in the room. so annoying, you think.
jay walks into the living room after sometime and you side eye him when he walks toward you, holding a bag of some sort.
“what? did you honestly think i would forget?,” he jokes, after noticing your never ending glare, “that today is my beautiful girlfriends birthday? you’re the one who’s hopeless” he laughs before sitting down next to your and nudging your shoulder with his own.
“not funny,” you pout, shaking your head, still on your ‘i am disappointed in you’ arc.
“oh c’mon now,” jay leans into your side until you have no other choice but to look at him. when you do, he shakes the bag in front of your face, “look i got you a gift”
you sigh and reluctantly take the bag. truthfully, you’re not even that mad but still continue to give jay the cold treatment for pulling such a joke on you. jay leans in and plants a kiss on your cheek right before you’re about to open the bag, “happy birthday, y/n”
jake - the one who planned a lot but it all gets ruined
“ah,” jake whines once he arrives at your doorstep, feeling little droplets of rain landing on his body. you open the door seconds later and pull him into a hug. jake’s heart melts when he sees how pretty you look but when you pull away, there’s a pout on his face, “it’s raining..”
“so?,” you lightly chuckle, glancing behind him to see that the once light droplets have turned into a whole shower.
“..i planned a lot of things for your birthday,” he scratches the back of his head, almost looking a hurt puppy, “half of them now impossible due to the rain..”
“it’s okay, jakey, let’s do the other half then!,” you beam with light and hope that jake won’t sulk around anymore. an instant smile appears on his face and he nods, grabbing your hand and pulling you to his car, both of you shielding the rain with your hands.
when jake pulls up to the booth where a lady sits, he rolls down the window of his car and taps on the glass to get her attention. she looks a bit confused but opens it anyways, “anything i could help you with?”
“ah yeah, we’re here for the drive-in movie..?,” jake says, shoving two tickets her way, she takes it, looks it up and down before giving them back to jake again.
“we’re closed,” she sighs. jake blinks a few times before looking up ahead. everything’s dark, not a single light is seen. reality sets in. the lady continues after seeing his confused expression, “since it’s raining, you wouldn’t be able to see a thing even from your car, sorry” just like that she closes the window of her booth and goes back to whatever she was doing. you watch as jake lets out the biggest longest sigh before lightly thumping his head against the wheel.
“jake.. it’s okay,” you stroke his shoulder in an attempt to soothe him.
“no it’s not okay, i have planned so many activities for us to do together on your birthday for it all to get ruined by the stupid rain,” he looks up with you with sad eyes.
“i don’t care for the activities as long as i can spend time with you, so you being here with me is enough,” you smile and jake can’t help but smile along you as well. he still feels a bit guilty but your words make him feel a tad bit better. he drives you back home and you spend the rest of the night together, cuddling on your bed as the rain slowly subsides.
sunghoon - the one who planned a surprised party
you open the door to your apartment with a sigh of tiredness leaving your mouth. it has been nothing but a long day with things you’ve almost barely managed to finish. you take off your shoes and walk in deeper, quite surprised to find your apartment buried in dark. usually you would see sunghoon playing games on the couch but there’s no sight of him. you wonder where he’s at. your hand searches for the light switch on the wall and before you know it, loud screams and claps erupt in the room, “surprise!!”
you stumble backwards a bit, hitting the said wall, sudden noise giving you a mini heart attack. sunghoon stands in the middle of the room, holding a party popper. he’s surrounded by your other friends and you sigh in relief after recognizing their faces. only then you take in how the room is decorated. there’s a ton of balloons, a big ‘happy birthday’ banner hanging on the wall.
you feel like you’re about to cry, you have never had something like this done in your life. sunghoon finally pops the party popper, after having struggled with it, and confetti flies out, half of it landing on your hair. your friends begin congratulating you one by one, giving you their gifts before settling down somewhere around the room.
you walk towards sunghoon and give him a big hug, “did you plan this?”
he nods, “do you like it?”
“of course! i absolutely love it!,” you exclaim, “you don’t know how happy i feel right now”
sunghoon caresses your head, removing some of the confetti that’s still stuck in your hair, “i am so glad to hear that.”
sunoo - the one to surprise you with a puppy
“watch out, there’s a step,” sunoo says behind you, holding his hands over your eyes. you slowly place your feet down, afraid of falling over even though you know sunoo would be right there to catch you.
“is it far?” you ask, your voice excited but also hinting a bit at fear, unbeknownst to what you’re about to discover.
“nope, just a few more steps,” sunoo beams behind you and you can already imagine the way his eyes turn into crescent moons. after a few more minutes, sunoo finally stops you, “alright now stay here, don’t open your eyes!”
you hum and halt in your position. you replace his hands with your own, afraid you will accidentally open your eyes. you hear sunoo shuffle around for a bit until the noise subsides.
“okay, you can open your eyes now,” you hear him say and slowly retract your hands that have been blocking your vision for awhile now. it’s bright and it takes you a few seconds to get used to the sudden light but you immediately gasp. sunoo stands in front of you, holding a small puppy in his hands.
“no way,” you shake your head in disbelief. the puppy appears to be sleepy, yawning and cuddling more into sunoo’s arms, “you got me a puppy?”
“this is rose and now she’s yours!,” sunoo smiles, looking down at the golden fur puppy.
“oh my god oh my god,” you ramble on as sunoo places her in your hold. you’ve wanted a dog for practically all your life and now this felt like a dream. you melt when you pick up an actual fluff ball and the puppy seems to be waking up too when it licks your hand, “sunoo…,” you feel like you’re about cry.
“no no, no tears,” sunoo shakes his finger in your face, “happy birthday!”
jungwon - the one to bring you on a picnic
“the weather is really nice!,” you exclaim when you and jungwon finally finish setting up the blanket on the field and all of the food you’ve brought. you settle down and watch as jungwon pulls out some fruits from the basket.
“right, it’s so nice,” he nods in agreement, looking upon the view from the small hill. jungwon has been planning this picnic for awhile and it not only took him to find a good day for no rain prognosis but also somewhere where the view would be nice. and in the end he succeeded. everything was going exactly according to his plan.
the breeze is warm when it blows in your face and you lean on jungwon. his hand snakes around your waist and he holds you close, “say ah,” jungwon’s mouth goes into an ‘o’ shape when a strawberry appears in your sight. you lightly chuckle and bite into it. it’s sweet and refreshing.
“mm that’s really good,” you say, savoring the taste, “i am glad that we finally went to a picnic together, i have always wanted to do this”
“that’s why i planned this on your birthday,” jungwon ruffles your hair, “also,” he moves away from you, reaching towards the basket before pulling out a small box. you’ve seen it already, right before you left the house when jungwon ‘secretly’ took it out from the fridge and hid it beneath all the other food you’ve taken, “i made this for you,” he smiles and places the box in between you two.
when he opens the box, there’s a little cake, “you made it?” you gasp because it almost looks bought.
“well.. i struggled a few times but in the end it came out pretty good, i hope it tastes good too,” he scratches the back of his neck in worry.
“it looks so cute though! let’s taste it then!,” you excitedly clap your hands and jungwon chuckles at your reaction, “since you made it, it will taste good, i know for sure”
ni-ki - the one who buys you a plushie as a gift
“what’s this?,” you ask in confusion when ni-ki appears in your sight, holding a box.
“what do you think? your birthday gift of course!” he beams in excitement, sitting down next to you and placing the box on your lap.
“aw ni-ki.. you didn’t have to,” you shake your head but there’s a big smile on your face anyways. the box is prettily tied up with a bow and you gaze down at it before unwrapping it.
you feel ni-ki’s eyes on you when you take off the lid and look at what’s inside. there’s a big snorlax plushie inside and you gasp, taking it out. it feels so soft in your hands, “a plushie, huh?”
“i..,” ni-ki clears his throat, grabbing your attention, “well it reminded me of you.”
“how so?,” you ask, hugging the plushie to your chest. it even smells like your boyfriend so you think he must’ve had it for awhile.
“it’s cute,” ni-ki simply answers, “and you know.. you’re cute too”
you can’t help but break into a fit of chuckles, your heart simultaneously doing cartwheels in your chest, “now you’re the one who’s being cute”
“i am not cute,” ni-ki grumbles, crossing his arms and looking like he’s about to throw a tantrum. you lean into his side and snuggle into him.
“thank you,” you say, pressing a chaste kiss on his cheek, which makes ni-ki turn red in seconds, “i love it.”
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cvlutos · 2 years
| MATURE | 3.4K | 01.31.23 |
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EVERY Tuesday, exactly at noon, does the stone clock tower chime. Without delay, you hear the sound of trumpets, the marching of hooves, as the golden gates of the palace open. Wide and big, as the card soldiers, in perfect position, march upon horses of black and white, wearing that of red with swords attached to their hips and spears within their hands. Preparing for the Queen’s weekly hunt. The crowd cheers, waves banners, as they yell sayings of good luck.
The cobblestone path is tight, crowded with people, big and small, infants to the elderly, all in hopes of seeing the benevolent Queen off. Even if this same celebration will happen next week as well. In seeing him in all his grandeur. Something you’d "sadly" miss, with your woven basket tight in hand, warm and heavy from the fresh baked delights, all from the Clover bakery. You shimmy through the tight crowd, moving in the opposite direction and were, quite frankly, in the way, even as you walk along the side house and store walls. You mummer ‘excuse me’ and apologize as you go, giving sheepish grins to those who spared you a glance.
You would rather be at home, yet you promised your mother you would go. You promised to go to the bakery, to buy your grandmother’s favorite treats and sweets and deliver them to her. She lives just outside the town and in the center of the thick woods, just on the other side in a small cottage in the middle of the northern woods. A journey you’ve made countless times, and on less crowded days. Yet today, your mother was extra worried, extra concerned for your grandmother’s well being. Even if you promised, you’d go first thing in the morning tomorrow. Yet she forced you anyway. Well, guilt-tripped you into going.
‘What if she’s already dead? Hm? What would you do then?’
Return home? Tell the authorities? Cry? Yet the look on her face told you she didn’t want any back talk, so you gave in and left.
You forced yourself further down the path, spotting the familiar opening that you’ve always taken. The town you live in is surrounded by a large stone wall. Tall and thick, with only one way out of the village, and one way in. Yet this impenetrable wall has a hole, fairly big, that anyone could fit their largest ox. So you had no trouble merely crawling or walking through. The alley that led to your secret path was uncrowded, as if waiting for you and you alone.
You shimmy forward, pushing past local residents. Some allowed room for you, having noticed you, others merely rolled their eyes. You pop your head past the road barricade, searching the long stone road. The card soldiers were far. Far away to where you could make it without interrupting them, or them even noticing you. You step over the thick string, glancing one more time, before you make haste. Darting onto the clear, wide road. Ignoring shouts and gasps as you make your way to the alley. Stopping to catch your breath, you turn around. Some of the crowd are merely laughing you off, others completely ignoring, some glared at you disappointedly, yet none made a move to call the guards on you. Your eyes scan the road. You hadn’t dropped anything, and if you did, you’re sure no one would even notice.
Slightly proud of yourself, you continue on, moving past the eccentric alley system, moving quickly past houses and shops, jogging towards the large wall.
You’d be fine.
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The crowd becomes silent, and everything pauses. A send off has never once stopped. The Red Queen, golden crown glinting in the sun, his hand raised high. His horse stands still, the same confident and demanding energy as his owner, bows his head, as the Queen flows off the saddle. Heels clicking against the stone road. He walks forward, taking exactly five precise steps, before crouching, leather gloved fingers swiping along the stone. How he saw just a small thing, no one will ever know. The squished remains of strawberry cream cheese tart, a small delight. He rubs the cream between his fingers before rising just as quickly, holding out his hand for a napkin. It appears within a second. He turns on his heel, glaring eyes scouring the crowd, before landing on an older man.
"You! Who ran across here!?"
"Uh! I have no clue, your—your majesty." He gives an embarrassed, clumsy bow, keeping his eyes glued to the ground. "Then you tell me?" The Queen looks at another, a young woman, who automatically stiffens her posture, face paling.
"A-a woman! A young woman. With—with a wooden basket and red cape." The crowd nods along eagerly.
"In which direction?"
Multiple hands point towards the alley, all in fear to face the Queen’s wrath. With a single snap, five card soldiers appear by his side. "Search for the one with a red hood. Such disrespect shall not be tolerated." There’s a chorus of ‘yes! your majesty.’ Yet not a soul moving til the Queen re-asummed his position upon his horse. "We will resume! While in search of this Red Hood!" His voice is thunderous, and as if nothing happened, everything returns to normal.
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The leaves crunch beneath your feet. As you continue your long trek, the path is winding and bumpy, covered in wild leaves and branches, the cobblestone hidden beneath the foliage. The basket sways within your hand as you walk and wander along the familiar path. The cool breeze flutters your crimson cloak, and you pull the hood to cover your head and protect your ears. Wishing to have worn pants instead of trying to be cute with your red skirt and white knee-length stocking.
The Queendom is never cold, unless the Queen desires cold weather.
It always remains at the perfect temperature, always a warm summer breeze and a perfect summer day. And as you venture deeper into the woods and further away from the Queendom, the cobblestone path slowly crumbles and slowly turns to dirt. You stop at the threshold, glancing behind you. Something about today seems different.
You hope it’ll be a good day.
You venture into the woods.
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"Ruggie. I’m heading out. Ill be back."
He lets out a low yawn, stretching his muscles as he walked towards the cave entrance, not giving Ruggie, his right hand, a chance to respond, leaving the hyena beastman to do whatever it is he’s doing. He pushes past the thick vines of the cave, leaving the warmth of the cave and giving a shallow nod to a young wolf beastman who currently was guarding the large camp, with the others like him. "Ill be back before dawn."
"It’s after noon? And the Queen and his guard is hunting today. Far from us, but still. Are you sur—" The lazy king gives a short wave, swatting away the beastman’s concerns, stifling another yawn, leisurely wiping tired tears from his eyes, while the wolf opened his mouth to speak.
"Jack!" The duo looks towards the urgent voices. Two young beastmen, a young tiger and an older bear, both you jogged frantically, seemingly having to run across the majority of the temporary camp. They slow to a stop, giving a quick bow to their pride leader before turning to Jack.
"The Queen’s Knights. Theres five of them! Theyre asking for you presence!"
"Of course. I’m on my way. Leona—" Jack turns to their sleepy leader, only to find the place where he stood empty. He’s brows furrow, before quickly giving up and motioning for the two to lead the way.
The Queendom of Roses and the Pride of Kingscholar. While the Queen occupies the Northern woods, the Kingscholar current occupies the East portion. Over months of arguments and fights, the Kingscholar Pride has been slowly forced to the outskirts and south, while the Queendom slowly takes over the North and East.
Jack and the two beastmen run side by side, running towards the end of the camp, coming across the five poised card guards. They all sit on white pristine horses, not moving an ounce as Jack slows and straightens out his white button-up shirt. "Where is Leona Kingscholar? We shall only speak to one of authority." The voice is muffled by his thick metal helmet, clasping to his reins and swords.
"He’s away. What you need can be spoken back to him." Jack crosses his arm, keeping a scowl upon his lips as the knight scoffs.
"I shouldn’t expect more from your kind," Jack clicks his tongue but doesn’t speak, letting the knight continue, "There’s a human girl in red. She has ruined the Queen’s sendoff and thus must receive punishment. If you find her, you know best to hand her over immediately."
"I have no such obligations."
"Right—" You can hear the confidence in his voice, as he shifts the reins, getting ready to move, "It’s only best to consume your meat fresh. I hope you don’t get red fabric between your fangs, wolf." Jack gives a low growl as the horse becomes spooked, rushing over, earning a yelp from the knight and gasps from the other silent four. They watch the group ride off into the forest, before letting out a huff.
"Jack. What should we do?"
The tiger beastman speaks first, which earns a thoughtful sigh from the wolf beastman. "Nothing. I’m sure Leona will find the girl before we do. Continue as you were." Jack turns on his heels, rolling his shoulders as both boys shout and eager ‘yes’. This camp is only temporary until they reach the eastern mountain’s summit, and beyond that will be the savannas once you cross the mountains. Something Leona has been avoiding for the longest time.
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The farther you walk, the darker the woods get. Yet the twisting and winding path doesn’t lead you astray, a path in which you're acquainted with. And as the trees grow closer and the leaves block the sun, it feels colder, as luminescent mushrooms and flowers that grow alongside the path glow in hints of blue and yellows, give you little light, while pollen that glows a soft purple flutters through the air. It’s absolutely enchanting, with towering thick trees and small sections which sunlight peeks through, highlighting the vibrant green plants and bushes. You hum softly, playing different games as you walk, occasionally eating one of your grandmother’s snacks.
"Youre quite far."
You screech, nearly jumping out of your skin at the new presence of a voice. You look around and see no one. Your heart pounds against your ribcage. After a few moments, you left out a huff, slowly calming yourself.
"Especially during the Tyrant’s Hunt," There’s a low chuckle that sends shudders down your spine and you look around frantically, "He might very well mistake you for a deer." A rock zooms past your head, barely missing you and striking the tree behind you. Your body stiffens.
"Can you not speak?" It’s taunting and drawn out and you shiver as if ghost hands caress your body.
"What do you want—?"
"Now that is the question," The voice lets out a low hum, and you hear the shuffling of plants, "I am quite hungry."
You get a horrible feeling, and nearly trip, as something, or a someone, bolts through the thicket. A lion beastman. Before you can react, nails digging into your shoulders, and the new weight forces you to fall back, and momentum pushes you and him to roll over yourselves. Until you're once again on your back, with the air from your lungs. Your eyes fly open, staring into amused deep emerald green eyes. You wince at the feelings of nails digging into your shoulders, close to breaking your skin and making you bleed, but he doesn’t. Only giving you the sensation of nails breaking skin. Your heels dig into the earth as you desperately try to regain your breath.
"Oh… Dont look like that. You act like I’m going to eat you. Well," His hands move from your shoulders, letting you crawl backwards and away as he rested on the balls of his feet, forearms resting on his thighs as he tilts his head to the side. Eyes trailing you up and down, staring at the expansion of your bare thighs and legs, a low whistle slipping past his lips. "I might. In a more human way." A shiver rolls down your spine as you use your cape to cover your legs. He visibly looks displeased as he looks at your face.
"Little Red Riding Hood on the run from the Queen." He hums and youre eyes widen as you stagger to your feet.
"What? I didn’t do anything?!"
"Doesn’t seem that way," his tail flicks lazily, his finger drawing in the dirt in clear boredom, "you somehow made the little tyrant mad." He stands and you step away, he makes no move toward you. Green eyes gazing around the forest before stopping and landing on the path, in the direction in which you came. You follow his gaze and when you look back, the lion beastman is extremely close, his nose brushing against yours. You jump away and he rests a hand on his hips, while the other holds out your forgotten basket.
"I would get going little red. Unless you want to be headless."
You take your basket and glanced the path, you could hear the pounding of hooves. You grimace before turning around, sharing one more glance at the beastman before darting down the path, back onto the road to grandmother’s house.
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There’s six. Six horses, five knights, one tyrant.
Shoving his hands into his pockets, kicking up dirt and letting out a yawn, he was pretty hungry. Maybe you’d and your grandmother might make a good snack after he’s done here. He counts the seconds before the Tyrant comes into view, an ever-permanent scowl upon his youthful face. He’s pristine and upon seeing Leona, he ordered his soldiers to stop and with ease slides off his horse and marches 10 steps before glaring at the Lion Beastman.
"Queen’s rules dictate that youre not allowed within the northern forest on Tuesday afternoons. In all honesty, I should send you and your pride further east for such disrespect of the Queens’s rules." His words are venomous, speaking precisely that has his knights flinching even if the words weren’t for them.
"It’s Tuesday? I had no idea. Oops." Using his pinky finger, he cleans out his ear with a bored expression, earning a harder glare as the Queen struggles to remain calm.
"No matter. Do what you want. I have more pressing matters." He holds out his hand, and immediately, a parchment scroll is placed within his hands. The Queendom of Roses has always been the most efficient and quick. Undoing the rolled parchment and holding up the paper, your face was drawn most beautifully, a perfect reflection almost.
"Pretty isn’t she." Leona furrows his brows, watching the Tyrant marvel at the photo, the beastman’s nose scrunches in disgust.
"What are you on, Riddle?" Gasps and quick inhales come from the knights, yet the Queen doesn’t seem to mind, only few can call him by his name.
"If you must know. She ruined my send off, and I assumed she was some ruffian. But to now see such a drawing of her. She is quite cute and I am in need of a King," He tilts her head with a gleeful grin, that seemed misplaced and lovesick, "Though I will have to break her in, make her more obedient. But I’m sure it’ll be worth it."
"You truly are sick." Riddle face morphs from love-struck to angry, rolling up the parchment delicately, before clearing his throat.
"I suggest you go. Unless—" A arrow shoots past Riddle's head and grazes the fullness of Leona’s cheek before striking the tree behind him. Green eyes widen a mere fraction, and the tyrant beholds the tiniest smile. The card soldiers weren’t mere decoration, yet they aren’t that smart either. One of them must be a skilled huntsman.
"You know what I am capable of. I hate to have to make you my target instead."
The leader of his pride rolls his shoulders lazily, with his thumb wiping away the blood on his cheek. "Absolutely. Id hate to make you angry. Now if you’ll excuse me, this lion is quite hungry." And without another word, the lion stalks into the unknown of the woods.
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The path to grandmother’s house seems a lot longer than it usually does. Usually you’d be at her tiny cottage within an hour or two, yet it feels like days since you entered the woods and encountered the lion beastman. As if the forest was alive, living, breathing. As if the path beneath you were snakes whose bodies twisted and turned, knocking you off your feet.
You land with a hard thud, shaking your head. The forest is darker than before. How long has it been? You know the path and you know it well yet; you search your surroundings lazily, feeling as if you were submerged in thick oil, and the word seemed muffled. You spot vibrant red mushrooms that seemed to inflate before releasing a thick white gas. Hallucinations. They’re carnivorous mushrooms, but they’re never active during the day, nor on the path. They’re new. As if purposely planted, but that’s ridiculous.
And it couldn’t possibly be night.
You struggle to your feet, gripping the basket and meandering.
Until a beacon.
Off to the side of the path, nestled in between two large trees, if you walked further down the path you’ll come across the small cottage village, with her golden porch light, was your grandmother’s house. With her stone walls and wooden roof were covered in moss and mushrooms, while her red painted door was visible. You pick up your pace, stumbling occasionally as you reach her rickety wooden porch, a wide grin upon your lips as you knock on the old door.
"Grandma!" You call through the wood, yet no reply. You grab the gold doorknob, turning it and slowly pushing the door inside, letting yourself in.
It’s the same as you remember, with the fireplace on, with fresh logs. There was no collection of dust, and the couch looked recently sat on. Her throw blanket and decor pillows were out of place. You close the door behind you, slipping off your shoes, and placed the basket on the dining room table. While undoing the strings of your cape and calling out to your grandma. You move deeper into her home, before reaching her bedroom. You knock.
"Oh, darling! I’m feeling quite sick, but come in. Come in." Her voice sounds the same, and your tense shoulders drop, as a smile spreads across your face as you open the door. Only to find her bed empty and made, with the window wide open. You step further into the room, looking around, before you hear a soft click and you spin around, only to find the lion beastman from before. He isn’t looking at you, but instead squeezing a small bird.
"Mimic birds are quite useful. Able to mimic to the voice of anyone and anything once they hear it." He releases the bird, and it frantically flies out the window. You step back. "You—My grandma!" You suck in a panicked breath and the man only shrugs. Striding his way towards you, his hand moving faster than you could comprehend to grab your face and squeeze your cheeks.
"What do you think—" His free arm slides around your waist and forces your close, you try to push him away, "I did. Maybe I ate her. Gobbled her up like a big bad wolf," He faux pouts before clicking his tongue and rolling his eyes in personal annoyance, "Or lion, that fits better doesn’t it." He shakes your head aggressively, speaking like a mother would to a child when they’re fussy,
"Maybe ill eat you up. Wouldn’t you just like that—" He lets you break away with a laugh, watching your glare, and he tilts his head and eyes moving out the window.
You can hear horses.
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ⓒ 2023 love-thanatopsis — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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csaw · 2 months
Meet the weird cousin no one talks about at the family reunion:
Vigore! (in my head it's pronounced like Igor) (He's my OC/Sona for oxy's dunmeshi modern au)
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Vampire freak, he likes getting in everyone's pants. and he's very open about it, don't sleep with him if you can't handle everyone he knows finding out lmfao
Random things about him under the cut:
He is 5'8, not very tall...
He doesn't know what romantic love is, so.. he calls everything that isn't sexual love platonic (guess who's projecting!)
He has a friend group (aside from his coworkers) and he makes out with all of them otl and has been in bed with all of them at least once... but they're just friends. Friends that have sex with each other but still, friends.
I think u could put him under the polyam umbrella, but he genuinely doesn't know what the difference between romantic and platonic love is so ... he's really confusing. He'll take u out on a few dates and introduce you to his friend group and even his family and then finally you guys have sex and then u have to ask... What are we ? 🥺😿 And he'll say smth like "we're besties :3 ur like a brother/sister/sibling to me... I love you so much." BRO YOU STUCK UR DICK IN ME WDYM IM LIKE A SIBLING TO YOU?!?!?! and then he makes out with you again- rinse + repeat. endless cycle until you cut him off or try to explain u want him romantically. Then he's like. Okay? What does that mean??
He's a vampire, I would say he's pure-blooded but he's also super young for an immortal, he's like. 27 ish. And he still works in a shitty min wage job. Plus a secret hobby that he uses to make side cash..
His mom is 200+ years old and his dad is like in his 180's. But they both look like they're in their late 30's or very early 40's
His favorite drink is O- low sugar blood with lemon and cucumber.. he likes it hot, he hates drinking cold blood (most vampires do tbh)
He got high once in highschool with his friends and ended up having a psychotic episode, so. He doesn't take drugs other than his prescription anti-psychotics now!! and his sleep meds. nocturnalism be damned...
He visited Chilchuck's store ONCE with his dad and the only reason he keeps coming back is to hit on Chil. Chil hates (?) this, Vi buys absolutely nothing and just follows him around pretending to be interested until he can try his luck again. His dad and chil are acquaintances with each other (divorced fathers get along) but .. fucking... Vi is sabotaging that relationship just by being a nuisance. He wants that hot halfling dilf to pound him out of frustration. Chilchuck hasn't asked him to stop yet... So Vi takes that as a sign that he can keep showing up! He's waiting for Chilchuck to break so he can get that hate sex he's been dreaming about since he met the guy
He acts pretty normal at work, and tries to keep a decent relationship with his coworkers (Laios + Kabru)
He is thirsting after Namari, she goes to the store he works at for groceries and.. he gets heart palpitations when she talks to him. Luckily his blood is rotten bc he's dead, so he doesn't blush! But if he was alive, you know his pasty ass would be bright fucking red. Namari is the only person he gets this nervous speaking to, tbh. He's usually really chill, or unabashedly freaky on main. This is the only time he considers thinking of a definition for romantic love, because. It feels different from platonic love. (Or what he calls platonic love at least) It's also very much a sexual attraction thing, but! There's something more?!
He's vers btw, and he low-key wants to fuck Kabru ... He has a thing for pretty twinks and dirty butches, sigh.
He wears open flannels, low cut tank tops, sometimes a band or graphic tee, and ripped jeans. He owns 2 sneaker pairs, one of the pairs is one size too big and the other is half a size too small, and then he has his combat boots that r actually the correct size but take too long to put on so he only wears them occasionally. He also wears crosses out of spite since he's a vampire and the world's biggest sinner.
He has a blade tattoo bc he thinks blade is hot and he had a crush on Deacon Frost from the first movie. He's so fucking gay oh my god
He has way too many accessories. And clothes in general tbh. But he's prepared for any occasion....
He has the vibes and personality of a stoner but bro doesn't even drink alcohol. He's too scared to do anything like that. Poser tbh
Hrmmm... Ask me questions about him idk
Oh he doesn't sweat and he wears mostly full body clothing in the day time, just to keep the sun away. Yes he gets crispy in the sun... Not a metaphor he starts to burn up and his skin turns to ashes. Vampire business.
He doesn't like telling people that he's a vampire bc of stigma around it, but he doesn't try to hide it either? It's something most people figure out pretty early on without him having to explain it lol. Also he doesn't like being sexualized bc of his vampirism, he wants you to sexualize him because he's a stinky hairy freak that likes getting pegged by older women. Not because of some stereotype u made up in ur head about him.
That's all I know for now...
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