#she was so fun & her music got me so hyped
abelllia · 1 year
Watched the Netflix Matilda movie adaptation of the musical and honest to god I have never had this much fun in a stage-musical-to-movie adaptation before those numbers were 10/10 *chef's kiss*
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lessi-lover · 2 months
teenage drama II k.cooney-cross x russo!reader ~
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(did you miss me cause i missed you) maybe a series 😉 ... but you'll never know? #even pests need love!
23 ★ ~ k.cooney-cross x russo!reader
your sister smirked cheekily as she expertly dribbled the ball past your much smaller legs, slotting it effortlessly in the net a laugh falling from her curled lips as she turned back to see you flinging your head back in defeat.
"lessi please can we play something else? football is so boring!" you groaned, tugging on your sister's arm before she went to collect the ball to play again. "i dare hear those words come out your mouth again! or you'll be banned from movie night, you hear me!" she threatened with a wag of her finger.
the blonde knew just how much you loved movie night, lately it had become one of her many threats to her easily gullible enough sister once she realised how she could manipulate so simply. she didn't really have that kind of power but it was fun for your older sister to feel as high and mighty as her older brothers seemed to be.
your older sister who would make you run around the garden until you both collapsed on the ground in tired smiles, your mother calling out from inside that dinner was ready, the older woman chuckling as she watched you finally catch a breath.
your older sister who would pick your tiny frame off the ground and into her arms as she carried you inside to the table, shaking you out of your sleep as you dozed of in her hold. your older sister who would beg you to join the games night after dinner she had planned for weeks only to fall asleep in your bed the second you dragged her off to your room.
it was safe to say being the youngest russo was easily the most dangerous spot at the table, although your older siblings always argued that the love you recieved as the last grandchild was surely enough to make up for the countless unwanted tackles and jabs you copped from them.
being dubbed as "the nice one" you tried your best to stay out of the russo family wrestling matches, seemingly always the first to attempt breaking your older brothers out of quite literally clashing each others heads together, your older sister only spurring them on as she cheered from beside a worried you.
"go gio go! watch out for his arms you git!" she would squeal moving to jump on top of the sofa quickly out of the way as luca grabbed his younger brother in a headlock, the both of them rolling around all over the floor.
sure you and alessia fought not much differently to your brothers and not much differently to those of your friends, when the older girl would force you to play football with her for hours on end, as she sliced the ball past you almost taking your head with it.
and sure the england forward could make you think twice before telling her your weekend plans to see some of your mates when she would then proceed to show up with her own friends blasting the loudest music you'd ever heard. a shout from her car that "your lift had arrived!" embarrassing you to no end as she cheekily waved you over.
it was not long after that incident that you got your finally your own car three years later and suddenly your lifts from the older blonde were not required, so the blonde had decided you now needed to have a coffee date every sunday to catch up with her younger sister.
although a childhood friend of hers always tagged along and that saved you enough to not have to hear her boastful stories in your ear ever five seconds, though you claimed the older girl hyped herself up just to get on your nerves.
and even if the clumsy girl could be the biggest pain in your ass on a good day, you really did love your her and people would say the two of you would do anything for each other, to the ends of the earth they would say.
but she really could be a pain in your ass.
like right now.
"alessia i know how to be an adult! i don't need you on my ass every five seconds!" you seethed. crossing your arms moodily over your chest, ignoring her offer of a piece of gum and focussing on the cars speeding past.
"helicopter parent you are." you mumbled under your breath, smacking away her attempt to give you a hug with a huff. "i heard that!" she whined, giving you an amused smile as she continued driving home.
you sighed looking out the window, your eyes following the curves and edges of each familiar house as you drove past. "okay i'm sorry. can you forgive me!" she grinned with a pout, gripping your wrist over the console as she dragged out her words.
"fine but only because i owe you a coffee and this will cover the cost." you answered begrudgingly, pinching her arm to let go as the blonde let out a cheer and turned the volume of the music up.
you had never enjoyed football growing up, you knew your interests lay elsewhere from a young age. so whilst your siblings played rough house with each other in the garden, you preferred to spend time on your own. tucked away inside with a book often whilst your mother made dinner, the older woman listening to any and every thought of your for hours on end.
and as your siblings weekends began filling with games and tournaments, you now sat in the crowd still buried in your book, head lifting every so often when you would hear your father's loud cheers. different matches every saturday, travelling to the far ends of the country to support your siblings, but no matter how far you were always there for them.
when your sister had made the move over to states, you'd missed her greatly and if it wasn't for your brothers convincing that you needed to focus on your studies you were confident you would have nearly failed your last exams.
it wasn't long before you finished your final exams that you made the decision to move over to london to start your career in the business world. suddenly things began to become clearer, you knew your path lay elsewhere from your siblings.
your passion for business and entrepreneurship had been a driving force throughout your studies, and the opportunity to start your career in london was too good to pass up.
you'd of course settled in easily to the busy life of living in london, smoothly finding your feet as you were quick to immerse yourself in the fast work environment, joining a large company which offered you the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs.
now back to present day, you still hadn't taken your older sisters advice to finally take being part of a footballing family in your stride and you were still adamant that your days of kicking footballs with the blonde in the garden were long behind you.
it was through your company that you were able to secure a job at adidas by leveraging your experience from your previous company and network in the business world.
your reputation for innovative thinking and partnerships caught the attention of adidas' acquisition team, who were seeking fresh individuals for their corporate division. it was only after a series of successful collaborations which drove impactful projects, you were offered a high role within the company.
however things looked a lot different now, your sister had now finally moved back from the states and moved through the ranks to what she described as one of the top teams in europe, her training grounds only a mere fifteen minute drive from your apartment.
but given your new company's strong connections with many football teams, you found yourself collaborating with arsenal, or more familiar to you; your sisters club.
failing to realise how much of a pain your sister still was you had offered to help coordinate an event for the team, told by your marketing director to bring your skills to the table.
"right we're here grumpy pants, do you want my jacket in the back? bloody freezing this morning." she grumbled, zipping up her own jacket as she turned the engine off.
"no i'll be fine thanks." you replied, giving your sister a cheeky smile as you stepped out of the car. you pulled your scarf tighter around your neck and looked around at the different fields.
"you look so funny!" you giggled, tugging on your sisters clothing all branded by her club. "oh shush." she hummed, playfully swatting your hands away with a smile. "you're just as annoying as i remember!" she grinned down at you, the blonde easily a few feet taller than you.
"can't say i don't remember younger you at all!" you said sarcastically. pulling up your phone to show her your lock screen, your background a photo of the two of you in the backseat of the car, probably driving off to one of her games out west.
you laughed all the way into the building, unable to contain yourself when the forward pushed on a so clearly labeled pull door and smashed into the glass, causing her to almost topple over.
"less! are you alright?" you questioned, trying to stifle your laughter as as a red mark appeared on her forehead, your sister with a pout on her face. "oh less." you chuckled, watching as your sisters frown deepened.
you reached out to inspect the mark, still trying not to laugh as much as you wanted to. "stop laughing!" she whined, looking a little embarrassed as she made eye contact with her teammates coming through the entrance. "it was an accident okay! my heads sore now."
"okay sorry, i'm sorry!" you apologised, finally able to suppress your giggles. "do you need ice or something?" you asked, pulling the clumsy girl off the floor. "i'll be alright, come on let's go inside."
"well good morning miss russo times two!" you bumped into lotte as you arrived, all of you entering the building at the same time. "lotts!" you squealed, jumping into the older girls arms as she lifted you off the ground.
"tiny! haven't seen you in ages, how's london treating you then?" she asked. the three of you fell into conversation as if no time had passed since you'd seen your sister's best friend.
"but i won't forget the time you made me pick you and gracie up from the dock, the two of you were completely shit faced!" she laughed, reminding you of the time you and a couple of friends maybe not so accidently drank way too much at a party and drunkenly called lotte to uber you home.
"my learning curve was thinking beer and liquor would mix nicely." you winced, thinking back to the hours after the party that lotte spent holding your hair back as you emptied your stomach. "fun night that was." in hindsight it probably wasn't the best start to your last year at school, but it was an easy excuse to not ever get that drunk again.
"yeah pretty fun night until i was woken up in the middle of the night to you and lotte at my window." your sister grumbled, clearly not as amused by the memory as you and lotte. she shrugged her jacket off up in her locker whilst you sat down on the bench.
"oh don't be a grub. can't forget when you and tooney had big night down in london." you chuckled, referring to the time her and the mancunian came home at four in the morning after having taken their first night out in the city.
"mum's got the patience of a saint." the two of you shared a look at that before bursting into a fit of laughter. pulling yourself up from the bench to grab your sister into a tight hug, your bond ran so deep. "i missed this tiny." she spoke into your hair, not missing beth's smile over your shoulders.
"oi russo who's the new lass?" a girl you recognised from your sisters instagram walked over, as you broke away from the hug. "katie meet my sister, she's here on behalf of adidas for a marketing event." the blonde introduced you as a few more girls floated into the locker room.
"nice to meet ya." she smiled, her accent thick as ever. "likewise." you answered, easily falling into a conversation about what you did at college, the irish girl interested in your role at the company.
lotte and alessia shared a look as they too fell into check as katie sat down with you. you watched as katie grinned over your head, clearly smiling at another teammate as you heard them behind you. "look who finally showed!" she chuckled as three girls entered the room, one of them tucking themself into her side.
you couldn't help but let your eyes draw to the youngest of the three as they put their stuff down, there was something captivating about her energy and you couldn't quite place it. that or the fact that she was easily the closest in age to you and downright the most beautiful girl you had ever seen.
caught in your thoughts, you barely even noticed the look that your sister and lotte shared over your head. "awfully chipper this morning, love." she joked as the girl grumpily rested her head onto katie's shoulder, seemingly not have had a great sleep last night. "not my fault dean was away and steph can't handle the pest on her own." she mumbled tiredly, glaring at a younger girl who you gathered was sitting next to steph who looked equally as tired.
"this is cait, arsenal superstar, australian international and most importantly my girlfriend." katie explained, kissing the top of caitlin's head before a hand pushed her face away. "shut up," caitlin giggled as she pulled herself closer.
"hi i'm caitlin nice to meet you, you're alessia's sister aren't you?" she spoke and you nodded back. "yeah that's me." you smiled, shaking her hand as she extended it. "less hasn't stopped talking about you all week, think she's more excited i'm here than i am," you chuckled.
"only good things i hope!" katie said back as your sister sat back down next to you. "mostly good things." you teased as alessia swatted your arm. "tiny best get a move on before those two show you a washing demo!" lotte said, patting your head hearing you laugh.
"not a pest." the younger girl grinned as she came back, arms firmly crossed as she moved across the room, flicking both katie and caitlin. "such a pest" caitlin groaned, as she winked at you.
"you must be kyra." you deduced, recognising the unmistakable australian accent, your sister having described the girls when you met for coffee earlier this week.
"one and only! you're less' sisters aren't you, been looking forward to meeting you." she smirked and caught off guard you couldn't help but blush at her forwardness, but before your cheeks could redden further you caught katie's eyes as she grinned.
but your attention was quickly elsewhere as kyra pulled steph's bun out of it's elastic before grabbing her in a headlock. "quick take it!" kyra shrieked as steph tried to grab her, her hand brushing yours as she tried to give you the elastic.
the australian so easily drew you in like a moth to a flame as her touch lingered on your hands sending a shiver down your spine as you heard her laugh, you couldn't help but wonder if she had done it intentionally.
you felt your breath get caught in your throat as your cheeks once again reddened and you struggled to stay focussed on what your sister was saying. kyra grasped for help with her attractive smile as steph took her down on the floor, the blonde begging for your help as your connected hands brought you both crashing to the ground.
pulling yourself off the blonde you sat up against the wall, herself with a smug grin as you were left alone on the ground. steph having been fed up and walked off the rest of the girls still conversing after a long two weeks apart.
"well, seems we have made friends with the floor." she giggled and you knocked your arm against her with a smile. "seems so." you agreed, the two of you falling into conversation.
perhaps it was the blondes cheeky smile that lured you towards her, or maybe it was the way she seemed so eager to meet you, or even the way her fingers so easily grazed over your own or the warmth that disappeared with them.
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smutallyouwant · 4 months
Twice Fic World ch. 1
Night Club Darkness
Mina x Male Reader
Words count: 1.5k
Summary: You saw your sexy co-worker Mina at a nightclub, and she approached you with a smile. On the next day, she was late for work. What could've happened between you two on that night??
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What a day from your office works, it's already 8pm in the evening and before you lay on your bed you heard a knock in your door.
" Y/N, it's me Jay"
" Coming"
You opened the door and your friends Jay, Ali, and Paul are here.
" Come on bro, put some clothes up and let's go have fun" said Ali.
This is a rare occasion that you and your friends had because you're all busy from work. Although you're tired, you can't pass on this opportunity so you quickly took a cold shower and dressed up nicely with a white slacks, white long sleeves polo, a black blazer, and your Heinrich Penny deep tan leather shoes. And of course, you also wore a nice perfume.
" My man looks like a gentleman aye?" said Paul.
" You're planning to get laid tonight? " asked Ali.
You chuckled. " No man, I just want to be presentable and smell nice"
" You don't need to lie to us, we know that you're longing for a girl" said Paul.
They all laughed and you all started to walk to the nearest night club.
After entering the club, your group sat in a cushioned sit and had a few shots. Your friends started to talk with girls and brought them to your table. You're not that fond with this type of parties so you started to question your decision of wearing this quite amusing clothes.
"Hey Y/N, we're going to dance a little bit" said Jay.
" Come and join us " said Ali.
" Yeah yeah, I'll come over " you said, knowing fully well that you have no intentions to.
After a few minutes you had a glimpse of a familiar body shape, coincidentally she turned around to you. It's Mina your sexy co-worker, you have a crush on her since she is nice but you don't think she got no boyfriend. She is approaching you with a smile, though you're not assuming that she's looking into you and you took a shot.
Then she reached your table and leaned into the cushioned seat.
" Hey Y/N, I didn't know that you club in this place"
"Holy crap she is indeed talking to you" you said inside your head.
You swallowed the shot and said
" Oh hey Mina, I didn't think that you club as well, although I don't club at all " you said in an underwhelming tone.
" Let me guess, a girl invited you over? "
" No, my friends invited me. We never had a chance to hang around since we're all busy so I didn't turn it down" you said while pointing to your dancing friends.
" Oh so they left you here while dancing with some girls " she said while pouting her mouth.
You're talking to your crush and she made a cute pouting, you can't stop your meat to grow.
" Come on let's dance too" she said before holding your wrist and leading you to the dance floor.
You two danced over a hype beats, and the music turned into a pop song with dirty lyrics on it. Mina started to wrap her arms on your neck pulling you closer to her face and you wraped your arms into her waist, pulling her closer to you as well. Your meat is growing larger and you can't hide the bulge it made to your pants.
" You smell great " Mina whispered to your ear.
Her breath made you shiver and made you horny as well, or is it because of alcohol?
" You smell great too" you whispered into her ear as well, and sniffed her left shoulder afterwards.
" It smells like strawberry" you said while looking into her eyes.
She can't hide the smile and she blushed all over her cheeks. You're also blushing but in a different section of your body.
" Do you like strawberries? " she asked while looking at you with a smile.
" Yes they're my favorite, on drinks, desserts, and even the strawberry itself" you answered.
" Do you want to come to my table so you can taste strawberry rather than smelling it?" she said while looking to you seductively.
You froze in a second and you thought of her offer. You crotch grown larger and you just smelled her shoulders again and gave it a little peck of your lips. After doing that you saw her bite her lips and started pulling you from your wrist to her table. It is the same cushioned seat with a table, the only difference is the lighting. It is incomparable darker.
She pushed you into the seat and crawled on top of you. After looking at her seductive face for a second, you started palming her face with your right arm and your left arm wraped her waist. She hugged your neck while her right arm is gently rubbing your hair while you're kissing her neck. You're hearing soft moan while you're discovering her neck using your tounge and lips. You pushed her gently and hold her neck with your right arm so you can kiss every part of her shoulders she hooked her left arm to your nape and her right arm is holding your legs for support.
While you're kissing her shoulders and back to her neck every sometime, she started grinding into your crotch and her moans intensified. You can't control yourself and started to kiss her lips and you both started to make out. With a gently passionate french kiss, you started to follow her rhythm and started grinding her as well while holding her waist to push her closer to your crotch. You both moaned inside your kisses. Your other arm found its way to her bountiful breast and started fondling it from above the clothes.
She broke the kiss and started kissing your neck. Your head leaned back and you hung there at the seat like a rotting vegetable. She started touching your bulge and she crawled under. You gave her a short sloppy kiss before she removed your belt and unbuttoned your pants. You leaned back and put both your arms into the rest of the cushion seat as Mina licks your shaft and started sucking your dick. You can't believe that she is now sucking your dick, you took a look and gently pats her head.
" Good girl, ahh~~ I love this Mina " you said in a moaning and rusty voice.
Mina started to suck it gently and slowly, you felt the tingle every time she licks the head inside her hot mouth. She can't do deep throat YET but she is a natural when it comes to massaging dick with her tounge inside her mouth. She stopped and quickly stood up.
" Stay there little Y/N, wait for me and you better keep stroking it so it remain that big " she said seductively.
Confused, you stroke your dick without hesitation. She quickly walked towards the comfort room, and you're assured that no one can see you pleasuring yourself while thinking about what happened and what can still happen.
After a minute she came back. She came back without her panties and her cycling while her shorts is still intact.
" What a naughty girl, thanks for that easy access " you said before pulling her for a kiss and forcing her to ride you.
You gave her no time to speak, she aligned her pussy into your shaft and she quickly grinds against your crotch. She can't hold her moans but no one will hear both of you due to the loud music. She leans back and you shoved both of her top's straps and revealed her tits. As you started sucking it, she leaned forward to you.
" Ahh~~ fuck Y/N, fuck me good, keep sucking it baby. I love it " she said under her moans.
" aah~~ " " fuck " " yes babyy~~~ "
You heard those words repeatedly under her breath. It turns out that she likes being fucked while her tits are being sucked. You keep that pace.
" Ahhhhhh~~~ Y/N, ahh~~ fuck~~ I'm cumming " she said almost yelling her brains out.
After she came, she laid onto you like a vegetable. But you're not done yet. You positioned her against the seat and started ramming her from behind.
" Ahhh~ Y/N , I just came " she said while moaning in a underwhelming tone.
" Someone might see us coming, ahh~~ yes baby~~ " she said looking at you from behind with a seductive smile. It came to you that she doesn't care if someone saw both of you fucking each other. Frankly, so are you.
" I can do this all night " you said while still ramming her.
As you pump her plump ass, you felt her pussy tightening.
" ahhh~ I'm cumming again Y/N please don't stop "
" Keep fucking me baby "
She said while looking at you seductively.
" I'm cumming too, can I cum inside? " you asked jokingly with a smile.
" Just cum into my face baby, I like it that way " she came back to you with a seductive glare and a smile.
You kept ramming her and she came, afterwards you felt yours is coming too. You pushed her and pulled her neck so you can shoot your load into her face. She hold both of your legs and you came into her face while she opened her mouth and reveals her tounge. You came all over her face and inside her mouth, some reached her tits and clothes.
She collected your cum with her fingers and eats it. You really appreciates her by doing so, so you gave her a proper kiss.
After you two have groomed inside the comfort room, you introduces her to your friends.
You two danced a little again before you invited her to come over your place. You fucked each other again before taking a rest, and fucked her again before eating breakfast and while taking a shower. You drove her home and you went straight to your office for work again.
" Mina is late today, she have never gone late since she worked here " your co-worker said.
" I wonder why she's late " you said under your smile.
------------------THE END----------------
Thank you for reading my first ever smut. Please let me know if you want more of Mina or if you want to have different Twice member for a smut.
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bigfatbimbo · 2 months
the vees (individually or together) with a reader who plays guitar/an instrument? i love your vees x dom reader series!
The Vees x Musician Reader Headcanons —
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a/n — This is SO ME. Quick lore drop, I’ve played guitar and piano for about 6 years !!
warnings — very suggestive, the vees are horny little shits, technically didn’t clarify and instrument but guitar is kinda implied, also dom reader implied
summary — The Vees with a reader who plays an instrument.
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Vox would be very enthusiastic about your talent. The main reasons being that he can capitalize the hell out of it, and it’s incredibly hot to him. 
He would definitely offer, many, many times, to have you perform on air in front of an audience. He could get you into countless Voxtek talk shows, and game shows, all to have you perform. 
And yes, this does mean he gets to watch you play your instrument. Seeing your fingers move so fast, so gracefully, so precisely on beat, it definitely fucks with his head. He absolutely watches you practice on camera. And he is VERY SOCCER MOM LEVEL INVESTED in all of your performances, think episode eight Vox. 
Also, Vox canonically plays electric guitar. However, in recent years, with being a huge CEO, he hasn’t had much time for his hobby. So maybe you drag him off his ass and encourage him to play with you. He honestly forgot how much he enjoys it.
Velvette would probably have similar feelings to Vox. Like she would absolutely use your gift to her advantage. 
She would literally make you do music for her fashion shows. Live music just gives it an extra flare, and it’s especially fun for her to watch you indulge in your very attractive talent. 
Watching you have that much focus and put so much soul into something would literally get her going so fast. Like she doesn’t wait five seconds after the show to pull you away from the crowd and make out with you.
She would definitely request songs for you to play, just in every day life. Like pretty randomly too; she’d hear a song on tiktok and look over and be like, “Can you play that? Try.” 
Valentino would be very unapologetic in how horny your skillset makes him. Like it would be very unfortunate anytime he’s around and you’re playing.
He’d be all up on you, tracing his fingers up and down your back while you attempt to keep focus on your instrument. He’s making remarks the entire time, “Wow, you’re so talented with your hands, y/n. What else can they do?”
Also, yeah he’d attempt to have to play music for his pornos but… he gets very distracted and filming gets cut short. It happens every time, and yes, it is INCREDIBLY annoying and uncomfortable for you and everyone else.
If he heard someone say literally anything bad about the way you played, he would literally shoot whoever said it. Like on the spot, no thoughts, just boom. 
All the Vees would be all over you, if we’re going with my collective dom reader au. Like they’d go see you perform, and just bombard you with attention afterwards. 
Yes, they all got you different flowers and yes, before they compliment your performance they need to know who’s is your favorite. But then they are complimenting you left and right, it’s honestly probably overwhelming. But the thought is nice.
Well, usually. Sometimes the thought is who can get fucked by you first while you’re all sweaty and hyped up on adrenaline from the crowd. 
But they would literally have like front row seats, and be shouting out at anything mildly impressive riff you play. 
And if you play a love song, they’re all arguing about who that was directed at because they are all very convinced it’s themselves. 
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other Vees content here, here, and here !
Also plugging my ao3 account. If you like chaggie and music, you’ll like the fic i’m working on. I’m right here, for future reference.
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incendiobrock · 3 months
Drunk Confessions {Chris Sturniolo}
Summary: Chris, Nick, and fem!reader attend the Tara Yummy party and some drunken confessions are made later on in the night.
A/N: I kinda hate how I wrote this but my account is seriously lacking Chris content so hopefully you will enjoy anyways lmao, if it's not too shitty lmk if you might want a part 2
Warnings: drinking, mentions of throwing up, super sweet, fluffy chris 🥹
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“Alright, you guys have fun!” Matt said as he dropped you Nick, and Chris off at the front of the building. You could hear the music blasting through the walls as people celebrated Tara. Matt wasn’t really feeling up to going to a party which worked perfectly in your favor knowing you had a reliable DD to pick you up later in the night. Chris and Nick wouldn’t drink either but you would never trust them to safely operate a vehicle so Matt was the best choice for the job.
Nick walked ahead of you as Chris stayed by your side, his right hand lightly touching your lower back as he guided you both inside. You all had smiles etched onto your face as you entered the upbeat atmosphere filled with some of your influencer friends. Tara immediately saw you guys and pulled you into a hug, “Thank you so much for coming!” She shouted over the music.
“We wouldn’t miss it!” You replied, congratulating her on hitting a million subscribers. Your eyes scanned the room noticing the bar, officially deciding that would be your next stop. Chris’s hand never left your lower back as he and Nick continued to talk to Tara. “I’ll be right back,” You said into Chris’s ear, departing the group.
The bar was filled with people trying to order different drinks. A special menu placed in the center with some specific drinks for Tara. You ordered a vodka cran and even got roped into taking a shot with some others that were at the bar. Without your knowledge, Chris kept a close eye on you from across the room. He loved seeing you have fun, especially knowing that you had been stressed with other things the past few weeks.
You needed to let loose and have a little fun, he thought. The liquor burned going down your throat as you took your shot, using a lime wedge as your chaser. Before you knew it, you were a few drinks in, and maybe a couple shots.
You felt like you were floating through the crowd as you made your way back to your friends. You wrapped an arms around both Chris and Nick’s shoulders, standing in between the two. “Heyyyy,” You slurred slightly.
“Where have you been?” Nick chuckled, trying to keep you supported as you swayed slightly into his side. “Yeah, you’ve been all over the place tonight. I saw you over at the bar and then over by the-“ Chris began before you cut him off.
“I wanna dance! Can we please danceee?” You begged, dragging out the end of your sentence. “You guys got this,” Nick said, passing you off to Chris. “Good luck kid.”
You looked up at Chris with big puppy dog eyes, silently restating your request to dance. “Of course, let’s go dance.” He said, placing his hand out for you to take hold of. His fingers interlocked with yours as he pulled you to the crowd of other people dancing. One of your favorite hype songs came on and you felt like you were on top of the world. You were facing Chris with a hand placed on each of his shoulders while his held your waist. You were both jumping around and singing the lyrics to one another. You couldn’t help but admire him as the flashing lights illuminated his face. Maybe it was the alcohol running through your veins but you wanted nothing more than to pull him in for a kiss.
After dancing for a few more songs Chris leaned down to your ear and yelling over the music, “You ready to go? Matt is here to pick us up!” A soft smile played on your face as you nodded, head still spinning from the drinks.
Chris had to practically lift you into your seat as your body stumbled to step up into the vehicle. “Okay- Okay sit still let me buckle you in.” Chris laughed, watching as you immediately started to fill Matt in on the night. The seatbelt buckle latched into place and Chris went to shut your door and hop into the passenger seat. “Chris-“ Your voice comes out in a whine, he glances behind his shoulder looking at you worried. “Are you gonna be sick?”
You shook your head ‘no’, staring into his eyes as he searched your face trying to figure out what was wrong. “Can you sit with me?” Nick agrees and switches seats with his brother, taking over the passenger seat. Chris’s fingers found your hair as he playfully brushed his fingers through it. The drive home was about twenty minutes and you didn’t know if you would make it. Nausea settled in your stomach as the alcohol mixed with the moving car. You ended up rolling down the window to get some fresh, cool air.
As soon as Matt pulled into the garage you were lunging out your door and inside the house. You ran to Chris’s bathroom, not having enough time to shut the door before you were over the toilet bowl. This wasn’t how you were planning on ending the night. Embarrassment started to settle in when you heard footsteps entering the bathroom. “Go awayyy,” you couldn’t lift your head up but you knew who stood in the doorway. The presence was by your side that very next second, “I’m not leaving.” His voice was barely above a whisper, trying to be gentle with you knowing you weren’t feeling well.
“Chris please, this is so embarrassing. I’m okay, I promise.”
“I know you are kid. I brought you some water, do you need anything else?”
“Maybe a shower.” You grumble.
Chris stood up and turned on the hot water for you, letting it heat up before you got in. Delicately, he helped you get out of the outfit you had on as you faced away from him, not wanting to expose yourself. His hand on your bare back as he helped get you into the shower.
Chris stayed right outside the shower, scrolling on his phone but making sure he was readily available if you needed anything. After the shower, you were being dressed in one of his shirts and a pair of his boxers.
Your body collided with his mattress as you pulled the covers over your body. Chris got in bed beside you, laying flat on his back and keeping a healthy distance between you two. “Can we please cuddle?” You whisper. Without any hesitation he pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around your torso.
“Thank you, Chris.”
“Don’t mention it kid. It’s no problem.”
Kid. That stupid nickname fell out of his mouth again for the second time tonight. It definitely didn’t feel very nice to hear him say it. You might regret this tomorrow but you were still feeling brave right now.
“Can I tell you something?”
“Yeah, what’s up.” He asked, looking down at your face as it continued to rest on his chest.
“I love you.”
A chuckle escaped past his lips, “I love you too-“
“No Chris. Like, I love you… I have for so long.” You watched as he tried to process the new information, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.
“I was scared to tell you because you’re like my best friend and I didn’t want to ruin that but, it’s true. I love you so much.” You finished your little spiel.
“I feel the same way about you, but please let’s talk about this tomorrow. I want you to be able to remember this.” He was so gentle with you, he always was. You had such a special spot that he held in his heart for you. You were sad that he didn’t want to talk about this right now but you knew he was probably right, he normally was. You wanted to remember this conversation and you weren’t certain that you would remember anything when you woke up the next morning.
“Go to sleepy pretty girl, I will talk to you about this in the morning. I want to be able to kiss you when you’re in the right state of mind.” His lips pressed a soft kiss on your cheek, lulling you to sleep.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
the way Pearl instantly slammed down her "check out Marina she's so ***ing AWESOME" line so fast and it's the smoothest verse she spits in the rap battle-
she was SO READY to gush about Marina she was SO THERE for the chance and when it came she didn't even have to THINK
her going from casual barely-worth-my-time roasts and boasts (talking over Frye's turn like she isn't even there) to 'did you just call marina an imaginary friend?? YO ARE YOU CRAZY SHES AMAZING'
and THEN instead of getting defensive or pissed at Frye's 'oh so she's your groupie' jab she just turns hype man literally goes AS IF! LISTEN TO THIS! before bowing out so Marina can freeze Shiver solid by cheerfully taking every passive aggressive compliment from Shiver with a smile, a hearts eyes emoji, and an uno reverse card
Shiver: "Your voice is so haunting (possibly in a bad way) must be nice for your fans (implying it isn't so nice for anyone else)"
Marina, mimicking Shiver's singing: "You're far too kind! (i see you insulting me on the sly) Love your vibe! (that's very cute~) I can learn so much from your style! (i'll give you a taste of your own medicine if you want me to~)"
Shiver: "You remind me of my neighbor's daughter- (grow up) what do they say? Octo see octo do? (stop copying me)"
Marina: "Glad you approve- (im rubber you're glue) your praise has left me moved (not saying what KIND of moved tho). Thanks to your notes (you decide if i mean your feedback or your actual ability to hit musical notes) I'll find my own groove! (you're not actually worth copying for real~)"
Shiver: "Oh, look at the time. Isn't it getting late? (if you keep acting like a kid im going to treat you like one)"
Marina: "Not at all! I could go on like this all night long. (what do you mean? im having so much fun right now!) (oh but is this hard for you? ...do YOU need a break...?)"
and then Pearl barges in with a HOW'S THAT? YOU HAD ENOUGH YET??????
like kudos to Shiver and Frye for laying out some slick jabs, but they were working as two solo acts and didn't have a power couple combo move to counter Pearlina's with m(_ _)m ....they spent the whole time on offensive defense, trying to inflict some deep lyrical cuts while Pearl and Marina were happily tossing out hooks and reeling in fresh lines as they floated high up above on their dumb little rainbow cloud together
legit Pearl's only real reaction to Frye is her going <3 <3 <3 at Marina, and Marina not even treating Shiver as someone she needs to fight with while Shiver repeatedly tries poking at her, which Pearl sees and just effing LOVES ....amazing.......
no matter who you think rapped better, it's pretty clear which pair had the most fun and got the most kicks out of this (the wives)
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thatdeadaquarius · 4 months
Ok but polygot reader who's like a pro singer who sings im all the languages they know all across teyvat cuz y not <3
Having a duet with yunjin and xinyan
Harmonising with barbara
Singing for nilou's dance
Orah my beloved genius you <333
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Orbit: Short Headcanons-ish
Stars: mostly Mond/Liyue characters, mentions of other singers/musicians
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: none known. & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
U get to sing a solo with Barbara yes!!
but u know whats more important? whos more hype abt ur songs/diff languages???
Venti is.
Venti is vibrating with barely contained manic energy
poor guy is sick of always being familiar with songs, nothing is "new" to him, but ur songs?? they're from a different world, and he can't know any of them!!!
Venti's has a surprising amount of strength in those noodle arms bc ur suffocating in his hug rn-
He is constantly begging asking you to sing for him, sing in public, he'll put you on the Barbatos statue hands just so everyone can hear you,
constantly pleading politely requesting if he can lay in your lap under the Windrise tree while you sing slow songs
Hogs you from Barbara, Klee, and anyone else in Mondstadt who would want to personally hear ur singing/duet with you lmao
u had to bring in the cavalry (Rex Lapis/Zhongli) to get a week away from him lol
luckily the retired god was more than motivated to bring u to Liyue, after all he spends a fair amount of his time listening to operas/music
Yunjin blew ur eardrums out of excitement the first time u copied her singing perfectly, kidnapped u for an entire week of festivities where u were the special singer guest <33
Xinyan looked at you like u hung the stars in the sky for both playing a little guitar/singing to her rock music (as she's used to instrumental rock so far bc its been just her)
Qiqi, Klee, Yao yao, Diona all ask (in their own ways lol) for lullabies,
they each wanted you to sing to them every night but it wasn't possible... so u got cloud retainer to invent a machine to record some lullabies you've sung in each of their countries languages so they can sleep 🥺<333
and the dancers.
you cannot escape the dancers.
Nilou, yunjin, eula, gaming, ayaka, doesn't matter, u cannot have peace.
u will sing for them all at some point, u will have repeated performances, u will attract crowds, u will be going on a world tour
(Lyney has also kidnapped u for his magic shows to show off ur singing in French)
finally scheduled a post and am able to rlly get at my asks more frequently now thank goodness
im so ready to open ask box again 😭😭
hope u guys have a fun Tuesday!! :)
Safe Travels 0rah,
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formula1blog · 1 month
Charles leclerc x Fem!reader
" Can I be honest, I still want your hands up on my body. You still make my heart beat fast Ferrari."
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Uni was slowly killing you. It was that time of the semester when every subject you were following thought it was a good idea to give you an essay to write. Every night, you pulled an all-nighter, losing sleep faster than you could imagine. So you were thrilled when you finally closed your laptop, having submitted your last essay for the semester and the holiday was about to start. To celebrate, your roommates insisted that you go with them to the club to drink away all your sorrows.
This is how you find yourself standing in front of the mirror, adjusting your little black dress and checking your makeup. For the first time in weeks, you didn't look like a zombie from the walking dead.
"Are you ready?" Marie, one of your two flatmates, asks as she walks into your bedroom. She is wearing a beautiful purple dress that matches her eyeliner.
Checking yourself one last time in the mirror, you answer her question, "Yes, let's go get wasted." She laughs at your comment and interlocks her arms with yours. Christina was already waiting by the door when you finally got to the living room. "It sucks that it's my turn to drive," she says.
You three grab your bags and make your way towards Christina's car. During the journey, you had already screamed your lungs out to the weekend before arriving at your destination. The roads of Monaco had been fairly quiet, so it didn't take long.
Entering the big building, you were immediately hit by the bright lights and the smell of alcohol and sweat. You knew you weren't going to remember much.
"I am going to get us some shots, be right back," Marie says as she walks towards the bar. You wanted to turn around and talk with Chris, but saw that she was already in conversation with a handsome stranger, so you made your way to the middle of the club. You had already lost both of your friends and hoped that they were in good hands. 
You heard the melody of 'Ferrari' by James Hype and your body started to move along with the beat. You felt someone brush against you and ask, "Do you want to dance together?" You couldn't help but blush at the man. He was quite handsome, taller than you, with brown curls covering his face and beautiful green eyes looking right at you.
Before you knew it, you had placed your hands on his chest. "Yeah," The stranger smiled as he placed both of his hands on either side of your torso.
"Can I be honest? I still want your hands up on my body. You still make my heart beat fast, Ferrari. With me in the wave, but in the morning." You moved your body to the song's lyrics. The stranger joined in, singing some of the words as you danced together.
"Do you like Ferraris?" He asks. "I love them. If I ever get the money for it, I will buy one." He spun you around so your back was now facing him. "Which one is your favorite?" He said into your ear. The music was loud, and he had to repeat the question once.
By this time, the song had already ended, but you didn't want to leave the stranger. You were glad he was starting a conversation. "Probably a 458 or the classic F40." He nodded in response. "Great choices. I will keep that in mind." You laughed at his joke, or was it? You knew you were likely never going to see him again.
"You sound like you know a lot about them. Do you drive a Ferrari?" You spun back around to face him. Only now did he look oddly familiar, but you couldn't place it. Like you had seen him on TV or maybe just in Monaco, it is a small country. "Mostly on weekends, but sometimes for fun. I love cars, all types of them, but mostly Ferrari's."
You were interrupted by Christina, who was carrying a drunken Marie. "Sorry to bother, but I am going to take her home. So I don't know if you have plans after this, otherwise you should probably come with us."
You looked up at the stranger as if the question was directed towards him. "I can take you home if you find that alright. I'd love to get to know you better." You smiled towards him. "You can go, I will call you when I leave." She nods and leaves you alone.
" I didn't get your name?" He looks down with a adoreble look. Should you trust him? He looks good. He likes Ferrari. Basic the biggest mention of possible red flag. It was only for tonight, he wouldn't kill you. You hope atleast. "Y/n, and what is yours?
He smiles. You could see a thinking look on hik.before he answers. " Pretty name for a pretty girl. My name is Perceval."
You snicker a bit at his name. " I didn't know this was a back in time themed party. Must have missed the invitation."
The rest of the night was filled with more laughter and dancing and you felt yourself getting more closer to the man in front of you. Not knowing that the people online found you and you were going viral. Tomorrow was going to be a wild day.
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( suppose to be chance instead of change)
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damiansgoodgirll · 3 months
So girl, I’ve seen Beyonce is your favourite singer and she’s my favourite singer so could you please write Reader where she is a huge fan and she’s part of the judgment day and more like Rhea and Damian, she reacts to the album with them and they can’t understand like the hype or something like that because they are not into that genre and like reader has some crazy reaction.
Please it would be so fun! Thank you so my queen 🐝❤️
please, i always imagined what would their reactions be to beyonce or singers they don’t listen to lol, i’m so happy to make this request!
notes : i love rock music and metal too! i just needed to make reader a beyhive and make her hating metal music (please forgive me), also listen to this masterpiece thank you!
damian priest x reader x rhea ripley (PLATONIC)
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you always loved sharing car rides and hotel rooms with your teammates, especially damian and rhea. they were the first people to ask you to join them in the judgment day, seeing your potential in nxt and being barely twenty one, they wanted to give you a bigger opportunity and so they took you under their protective wing.
finn and dom were nice too, they helped you growing in your skills in the past year and they all took a liking in you but you had a bigger connection with rhea and damian.
they always pushed you, making you reach goals you thought were impossible and you couldn’t thank them enough.
there was one thing you didn’t like about them.
their favourite type of music.
rock. metal. punk. whatever they were listening to. you just couldn’t handle it. there was just one rock song you liked and it was beyoncé’s “don’t hurt yourself” rock song.
so long car rides with them were always a torture. you tried to make conversation most of the time but when it was a 7 hour ride, eventually you would finish topics and so you had to listen to them singing or more - screaming - to their songs.
they usually let you choose one or two songs, but that was it. and everytime you would choose rihanna or beyonce they would take over it.
finn once told you that metal heads only cared about their favourite music. the rest was trash for them. you didn’t believe him at first, thinking he was only overreacting but in this year you realised how right he was.
it’s like they were allergic to beyonce.
but tonight, oh, tonight it was going to be your night.
you were currently in the same hotel room as they were as rhea wanted to share a room with you all. you knew what was coming at midnight and so you asked multiple times to have a separate room from them, you didn’t give them explanations but rhea wasn’t having it.
so, a huge bedroom with two kings sized bed - one for damian and the other one for rhea and you - and a huge tv with all the apps you needed, spotify included was what you got.
the shock came when the track list dropped a day prior, letting you know that there were going to be 27 songs.
they can barely handle one song, how were they going to react to 27 songs?
you still didn’t ask them, as whatever band rhea was playing on spotify - probably motionless in white - were blasting in the room and you were currently fidgeting with your fingers.
the best guess was probably that they would leave you alone for two hours or so. maybe going at the gym or somewhere else. the worst guess was that they probably would laugh at you and telling you no. that would be the worst because you had been waiting for this album since the announcement day and you were already excited at the thought of a new beyonce album.
fifteen minutes to the album drop and you were already imagining yourself leaving the room to go somewhere else to listen to the album.
“guys!” you called for their attention. you were sitting on the bed next to rhea and damian, who were playing some cards game.
“you okay?” rhea asked and you nodded.
“i have something to ask you…”
“go on” rhea’s curios faced looked at you. rhea always liked the way you got shy around them, even if you had been with them for the past year. she kinda knew what you were going to ask, as you had been fangirling about the album with bianca belair for the past two weeks but still, she wanted to hear you asking them. deep down she knew she couldn’t say no to you.
damian, on the other hand, had no idea and he probably was going to have a heart attack at your request.
“so…i have a request…and for once i would like - uhm…i would like that you would consider my feelings” you struggled at first making rhea slightly chuckle.
“did we do something?” damian’s worried expression looked at you.
“no no no, you didn’t do anything to me…uhm…it came out wrong” you said “so, uhm…i don’t know if you know, probably not, but beyoncé’s new album drops in like ten minutes now and - uhm…since we’ve been listening to metal music all day long and i haven’t complained once - i would like to ask you if you could let me listen the album here? like, i know it’s not your type of music but i would really love to listen it here and not going like in the gym or somewhere else…since we have spotify and stuff…” you asked.
rhea was smirking and damian was very much confused.
“that’s it?” rhea asked and you nodded.
“why were you so scared to ask us that?” damian asked you this time.
“i wasn’t scared…”
“yes you were” he pointed out. he kinda felt bad that you had to ask them such a simple thing. yes, he knew beyonce wasn’t his music but he couldn’t see why it was a thing to ask.
“so?” rhea asked “you kinda looked scared”
“it’s not that. it’s just i know it’s not your type of music and you always act dramatic when finn or i ask if we can listen to something else so i thought it was going to be a problem for you”
“we always let you put your songs on” damian said.
“yes, and then you and rhea talk over it”
“oh” he said “i didn’t mean to do that i promise”
“okay…” you smiled “so you really are going to listen beyonce with me?”
“yeah, i mean, i don’t think 13 or 14 songs could hurt us” rhea joked and damian laughed too.
“actually…it’s 27 songs”
“what!?” the both screamed, making you chuckle.
“you still have five minutes to back up because the album is about to drop” you said as you were searching beyonce on spotify.
you observed the way rhea and damian looked at each others. definitely not ready for the outcome. but rhea couldn’t help but notice how excited you were about the album, and how you were happy with it. just a small thing that made you the happiest she ever saw you.
“here we go!” you almost screamed jumping back on the bed, sat between rhea and damian as you were about to press play when you saw the album popping up on her spotify home “are you ready?”
“wait…is it a country album?” damian asked and you nodded.
“you should have gave us a little more of infos about what kind of death we have to die…” rhea added a little dramatic, making you laugh.
“oh shut up! it’s gonna be great!” you said pressing play.
you were in tears after the first minute of ameriican requiem and now damian and rhea thought you were the dramatic one.
it got worse when beyoncé’s cover of jolene started as you always loved that song growing up.
“so she stealing songs?” damian murmured, earning a side look from rhea and punch in his stomach from you “okay i apologise”
the death of you was when daughter started, you knew beyonce was capable of anything but opera? the italian part? you were a crying mess, and even though neither of them were understanding the hype around beyonce, they couldn’t deny she was a great artist.
they were a little shocked when they saw you crying over her songs and they didn’t know what to do. if they should console you or letting you cry in peace.
“oh she’s doing it again!” you screamed when spaghetti started.
“doing what?” rhea whispered never getting a reply back.
you were crying and then you were not.
they felt like they were babysitting a baby.
damian was trying to stay awake just for you and rhea was kinda amused by the reactions you were having to her songs.
ya ya made you start jumping on the bed, tyrant made you feel like you were a porn star and ii hand ii heaven made you cry all over again.
one hour and a half later the album was over and you couldn’t believe the masterpiece beyonce just dropped.
“so?” you asked them, noticing their confused looks “did you like it?”
they knew they couldn’t say no because you looked too happy and they didn’t want to ruin your mood but they couldn’t say yes because - country? - definitely not their genre.
“i gave up after the jolene cover” damian joked, earning another side look from rhea “joking joking…it was interesting”
“rhea?” you turned to her and now she was speechless.
“uhm…yeah, it was an experience” she smiled at you, making you smile too.
you were happy with their reactions so you went all to bed.
two days later
another car ride. another show. another hotel room to be shared with damian and rhea.
you hit the shower first, tired of the trip you just had, you wanted to relax a bit before going to bed.
“your body laid out on these filthy floors
your bloodstains on my custom coutures
bathroom attendant let me right in
she was a big fan”
came from the bedroom. except it wasn’t spotify.
“they keep saying that i ain’t nothing like my father
but i’m the furthest thing from choir boys and altars
if you cross me i’m just like my father
i am colder than titanic water”
you heard damian singing.
he was singing beyonce. the opera song. they really thought you couldn’t hear them so they kept singing or more like, whispering, but you would catch a someone singing a beyonce song even in the loudest crowd.
rhea joining him too was something else.
you really couldn’t believe that but you pretended nothing happened because you knew you would have ruined their egos.
damian and rhea singing beyonce?
no one would believe that.
but you did.
and that was enough for you.
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cupidsfaerie · 1 year
opposites attract ✧.* | dominik mysterio x reader!
dominik mysterio x fem! reader
summary: dom and the reader are polar opposites. ever since joining the judgement day, he's turned cold and dark. y/n is the opposite, full of light, and always seen with a bright smile. dom notices this, and little does y/n know, he's had his eye on her longer than she knows.
genre: angst, smut, 18+
a/n: this one was so fun, buckle up guys! <3
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the judgement day had been taking over raw for the last couple of months, and y/n hated it. she never understood how a group of once good people, could make every night hell for the other wrestlers. the dark colors, the random attacks on others, she hated it.
as her eyes scanned the screen in front of her, she watched the judgement day continue to appear on her screen. she watched anxiously as dominik, finn, and damian all attacked sami, kevin, and seth. she shook her head, before getting up, not being able to watch the screen anymore.
tonight y/n had a contender's match against rhea ripley, if she could win the match she would be given a title opportunity against her. she had been working hard weekly to get the chance, and she did not want it to go to waste. y/n placed on her attire, known as someone who was full of light, she obviously made sure her attire would match her personality.
once she was finished, she did her pre-match ritual of listening to her favorite music and stretching, before heading to the gorilla since her match against rhea would take place next. she felt like she was in her zone, until she heard a voice behind her.
"you know, you don't stand a chance tonight." she turned around, facing dominik mysterio, who was linked right next to rhea who let out a laugh. dominik was someone she had met briefly, as they started training at the same time, until he had began to turn against everybody, and never spoke to her once he had joined the judgement day.
"am i supposed to be scared that rhea has you attached to her hip at all times? regardless of anything you say against me, i'm not afraid of anyone, especially neither of you." y/n said confidently, as she heard her music hit.
the match between rhea and y/n had taken the show to the next level, with the fans hype and them both taking hits back and fourth. dom made sure to try and distract y/n as much as possible during the match, but even with his efforts, she would manage to find a way to fight back against rhea. the match came to an end with dom being ejected from the ring. once rhea had saw him being thrown out, y/n took the time to use rhea's distraction against her, and hit her finisher on her from behind, stealing the win. with the crowd roaring, and y/n finally getting her opportunity, she headed backstage.
once y/n reached the backstage area, she was greeted with many wrestlers congratulating her. she thanked everyone, before heading back to her locker room to take a quick shower, before heading to the hotel. once she finished showering, she heard her phone buzz, and looked to see a message from liv morgan, one her closest friends.
liv: "congrats on the win! we're all celebrating you tonight at the club, be there! you have no choice! meet me in my room when you're ready, and we'll uber there together. xo, ily <3"
y/n didn't plan on going out, but she knew that if she didn't show up she'd hear about this for a while. so, she grabbed all of her things, and got into her rental car to get herself to her room so she could change and do her makeup for the night.
once she arrived to her hotel room she instantly started playing her getting ready playlist, something that always got her hyped up. she wanted to take a longer shower, since she only did a rinse off after her match, and who knew maybe she'd get lucky tonight. she finished her hair and makeup, and found that she would find perfect timing to put her outfit on. she was always known for wearing a good mini skirt, and crop top, paired with heels when going out, so she kept it simple and decided to go with that.
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once she was ready, she texted liv that she would be on her way to her room soon, and took the time to add a layer of lip gloss on, before heading over. once she got there, she knocked on liv's door, and smiled once she opened it. "you look so hot! who are you impressing tonight?" liv said, jokingly, as she let y/n in. "you never know!" y/n replied, laughing, as she sat down on a chair. "you are definitely getting laid tonight looking like that. i made the uber, it should be here in three minutes." liv explained, as she finished putting on her shoes.
once the pair arrived to the club, they saw a good majority of the wrestlers who were on the show prior. liv and y/n split up, as liv found raquel and got tranced into their conversation about their title win. while liv was busy, y/n took the time to go over to the bar and order a drink. she sat down at the bar, ordering a signature vodka cranberry, and waited patiently, scrolling through her phone.
"surprised to see you here." she heard, as she felt a presence next to her. she looked to her side and saw dominik mysterio sitting himself down next to her. she scoffed, as received her drink, taking a sip of it. "why wouldn't i be here?" she questioned him, as she continued to sip on her drink. "you don't seem like the type. plus, if it wasn't for that stupid ass referee throwing me out tonight, you wouldn't be over here celebrating anything."
y/n rolled her eyes, before responding, "first of all, i didn't need any help beating rhea tonight. regardless of if you got kicked out or not, i had that match won. nothing distracts me. second of all, why are you even talking to me, shouldn't you be with your mami? or is she still recovering from her loss?" y/n said, smiling. dom shook his head, and looked her up and down, taking in her outfit. regardless of if he hated how happy she always was, she looked gorgeous every time he saw her. though, he would never admit it.
y/n looked over when she noticed him looking at her. "what are you staring at?" she asked curiously, before finishing her drink. "clearly you." he responded, harshly. "why are you even still here? we're not friends. i'm not friends with people who attack others for literally no reason." y/n said, as she started to get annoyed. "no reason? these people deserve it. you know, you act like you're such a sweet person all the time, but deep down, i know you aren't as good as you try to present yourself. and this skirt that you're wearing, tells me that i'm right." he said, smirking.
y/n scoffed, "you know nothing about me." she said in response. "tell me then, am i wrong? is it wrong of me to know that deep down, i know that you've got dark side? you hide behind all of these bright colors and smiles, but you're hiding something. you and i both know, you're far from innocent." he added.
y/n knew that he was right, she definitely did have a side that wasn't so innocent, but would never admit that to him. "even if i did, you would never find out." she said, confidently, as she looked at him. she eyed his outfit, noticing the all black outfit he was wearing. as much as she hated to admit it, as much as he had changed, he looked good as hell with the new way that he presented himself.
"aw, you know it's rude to stare, baby. you can keep denying it, but i know you want this as bad as i do." he smirked, as he drank. y/n let out a gasp she didn't know she was holding in, as she looked away from him. he was right, she did want him, but she didn't want him to gain the satisfaction being right. "how many times do i have to tell you, you don't know anything about me." y/n repeated. "let me learn then," dom replied, as he placed his hand onto her leg, slowly running it up to her thigh. "i've wanted to learn about every inch of you since i've met you." he said, as he continued to run circles against her thigh.
y/n gulped slightly, and thought for a moment. she knew that if she did anything with him tonight, he would never leave her alone about it. but, deep down she knew that she wanted this as bad as he did. "what do you want from me?" she questioned, as she looked up at him. dom smirked, and brought his mouth to her ear before responding, "i wanna ruin you. i want to see the side of you nobody else does." she felt herself shiver at his touch.
"take me home." she responded, and dom smirked slightly, grabbing her hand, and walking her out of the club. with the club being packed with wrestlers, there were already drivers ready to take the wrestlers who had been drinking home. when the pair got into the car, y/n felt dom's hand start to creep up her leg again, she looked over at him, and he sent her a slick smile, before whispering in her ear, "keep quiet." she nodded, as she felt his hand slowly creep up her skirt. luckily the driver was distracted, and it was dark in the city, because the driver would have been in for a show otherwise. y/n bit her lip to keep quiet, as she felt him graze over her panties with his hand. she felt wetness begin to come down, and she looked up at him.
before anything else could happen, they had arrived at the hotel, and she let out a sigh of relief, before they thanked the driver. once the two got into the hotel, she followed him in anticipation to his room. as soon as the door unlocked, it was like a switch had flipped, and dom instantly brought her inside, pulling her into a heated kiss, and closing the door behind him. she softly moaned into the kiss when she felt him push her down onto his bed, as he took his shirt off. he began to trail kisses down her neck. the way he kissed and sucked on different parts of her neck let her know instantly that it would leave a mark in the morning. he lifted her shirt off of her, began to leave kisses down her chest, down to her stomach.
"i need to taste you." he said, as he started to take her skirt off. she bit her lip, as she watched him pull her panties off. "you better let go for me, i want to hear you." dom said, as he attached his mouth to her pussy. she let out a moan, as she felt him begin to suck on her clit, entering two of his fingers inside of her. "you're so fucking wet, baby. i knew you wanted this." he said, smirking, as he attached his mouth back to her clit. "fuck, dom. please, don't stop!" she said softly, as she watched him. he smirked, as he started to move his fingers quicker, and looked up at her noticing the way she was tightening around his fingers. "aw, are you gonna cum for me already?" he said, "you better hold it, you don't cum until i'm inside of you." he said, sternly.
dom felt himself growing harder in his jeans, and he knew he needed her, right at that point. y/n gasped, as she felt him remove his fingers out of her. she watched as he started to take his jeans and boxers off, biting her lip. she felt herself start to slip into a different mode, before saying, "please fuck me, daddy. i need you now." she admitted, causing dom to smirk. "i knew it." he whispered, as he inserted himself inside of her. "you're so fucking tight. are these guys not fucking you good enough?" he smiled, as he started to move inside of her. y/n moaned loudly, and dom moved faster, "tell me, do they fuck you like this?" he questioned, as he moved his fingers down to rub circles around her clit.
"no, daddy! fuck, they don't make me feel like you." y/n said, in between moans. dom grunted at the sight of her, moving his free hand down to her throat. "you are so fucking sexy like this. this is exactly how i pictured you to be. a fucking slut behind the mask you put on." he said, as she tightened around him.
y/n knew she was close, as she felt her stomach tightening up. "please, daddy. please, let me cum." she moaned out, as she held onto his arms. "i wanna cum for you so bad." she whispered, as she closed her eyes. dom smirked at the sight, as he watched her. "cum for me, baby. let it out." he said, finally allowing her to finish around him.
y/n let out a loud moan, yelling out his name as she felt herself release against his cock, shutting her eyes, as he slowed down to allow her to finish. he bit his lip, and looked at her. "i wanna watch you swallow my cum." he said, and she nodded, biting her lip. "get on your knees right now." she obeyed quickly, getting on her knees looking up at him with sweet eyes, as he started to jerk off into her mouth. "cum for me daddy, i want all of your cum." she whispered to him, causing him to moan as he started to release into her mouth, she made sure to swallow every drop, licking him clean.
dom let out a sigh, as he looked up at him, getting up. he looked down, pulling her into another kiss, wrapping his arms around her waist. "you are so fucking sexy, i hope you know that." he said, as he pulled her hair behind her ear for her. "mm, you were to good at what you did." she admitted, and wrapped her arms around his neck. "well, i mean. we can always do it again." he said, "round two?" she asked, chuckling.
the end.
hi luvs! i hope you liked this one, i had a field day writing this one! please feel free to continue to leave any requests you have. <3
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
hiii! could you write an mcyt x reader that's like, going outside at night? idrk how to explain it lol, like going to the woods at night or somethin? tyyyy!!! :3
yeah sure!! hopefully I understood this correctly ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy!
MCYT ; walk in the dark
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, tubbo, badlinu, nihachu & quackity
warnings ; language, mentions of drunk tubbo
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he's halfway scared of the dark, mostly because he doesn't know what's in it
he'll happily go on walks with you
"to protect you" though (we know that's a lie, he's the one who needs protecting)
he finds the chilly air and the gust against the trees kinda therapeutic
he understands why you go out so late lol
he'll often share an airpod with you so you can listen to some nice music as well
all fun and games til sabrina carpenter starts playing and you start singing along to feather and espresso
nah he's gotta be drunk to go out in the woods that late at night
scared of bears and/or people because it's a public space
he just doesn't wanna get eaten today, he has a tubbothon to stream man
he streams those walks with you when it's during those streams though ofc
the whole chats trying to gaslight him into thinking there's a bear 💀
you often shittily sing some corny 2000s songs and throw around sticks and rocks
didn't get the hype at first but will happily jump up from whatever they're doing to go with you
so therapeutic, they like the quietness and having a flashlight to guide their path like a horror game where probably nothing will happen
you often take flash selfies and post them when you're out as well
sometimes you edit them before posting and add something to the background, super subtle but noticeable to make the commenters freak out lol
they started believing it too much so you drew a ghost behind you to taunt them lol
loves the internet break though, he loves breathing the fresh air and feeling nature at his fingers
bros got a tent and everything just in case /j
also enjoys the internet break and spending quiet time with you as you walk
he collects rocks that he thinks look cool?
he finds a giant stick every time and uses it like a walking stick
30yo dad core
you also share airpods to listen to music
no judging if there's any crying, get those emotions out dude
counts all the squirrels he sees roaming around lol
"that's like the eighth one I've seen in the past five minutes!"
finds it super therapeutic
straight up leaves her phone at her desk
flashlight and granola bar only
she always finds some cute little critter to look at before it runs away
plucks literally any flower and hands you a bouquet of them on the way home
"Oh my God, feel this rock!"
"my tryphobia is aching right now"
fake hates it
he likes the music but he doesn't like fearing what's in the dark
"what if there's a bear??? or a raccoon!?"
"what's a raccoon gonna do to you?"
"eat me!"
likes touching everything he can get his hands on
also finds it nice and kinda thereupitic
opens up about his day and everything
peak hugging time
lots of selfies
he found a dead possum once and almost threw up
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kittyball23 · 6 months
How about a short fic of how poppy was so happy that she got to dance with brozone mostly Bitty B, and Branch reminds her he not that kid anymore getting a rizz out of her but their soon kiss gets interrupted by john
Sure :)
Baby No More (a Trolls fanfic)
It was only after the exciting hype of the evening had fizzled down into something more cool and collected that Branch and Poppy found the opportune moment to do as any couple would when they had a lovely sunset and each other - take a romantic stroll along the beach.
His larger blue hand gently entwined with her delicate pink one, Branch followed alongside his girlfriend’s light, energetic steps as she merrily skipped, swinging their conjoined arms back and forth, and guiding them to and fro from the white, foamy surf as it washed up against the shore.
Branch shook his head at her antics. “Don’t you ever get tired?” he questioned.
“Nope!” she chirped, not a hint of hesitation in her voice.
“Well,” Branch began to reply, “I know I’d be after all that dancing.”
“Come on, Branch, it was fun!” Poppy chided. “What’s the use of being in a band if you can’t bust out a move, huh?”
“Singing,” the blue Troll replied easily. “Isn’t that the most important thing of being in a band?”
“The most important thing about being in a band is having fun with your bandmates and your music,” Poppy stated matter-of-factly, “and I should know since” - she paused to giggle - “I’m in a band now!” She gave a delighted squeal and stopped them in their tracks so that she could give him a big hug. “Oh thank you, so, so much, Branch!!”
“Poppy, you don’t have to thank me,” Branch wheezed, nearly out of breath from the tightness of her embrace, “I mean, you knew it was gonna happen eventually, right?”
“NO!” she exclaimed with a flail of her arms. “I was SO not expecting that. Do you know how BIG this is for me?!” She grabbed him by the shoulders and looked him right in the eyes. “I’ve been wanting to dance with BroZone since I was a little girl! Oh, and it was BETTER than I could’ve ever hoped for!”
Branch chuckled when her fangirl-mode kicked in hard, the Pop Queen fanning herself and rapidly pacing back and forth on the sand. “Oh my gosh, I STILL can’t believe it! Me onstage with The Leader! And The Heartthrob! And The Fun Boy and The Sensitive One!…”
The blue Troll rolled his eyes. “Yeah, we’re prooobably gonna have to think up new nicknames to give ‘em…”
She turned on him with a sparkle in her eyes. “Aw, and we definitely can’t forget about you, Bitty B the Baby!” She squished his cheeks in a loving manner, giggling, though Branch didn’t quite share in the amusement she had.
“... and we’re starting with mine,” he finished, continuing off of his earlier statement. He gently removed her hands from his face and held onto them firmly, speaking to her slowly so she could hear him very clearly. “Poppy, you do know that I am NOT a baby anymore, right?”
“Yeah, of course I know,” Poppy laughed. “I mean, a baby wouldn’t be able to do this, would he?” Batting her lashes, she leaned in closer to his face, eyes fluttering shut and lips puckering slightly. Branch felt his heart race. Poppy was getting far more comfortable exchanging kisses more frequently with him, and he was certainly not going to be one to deny her whenever she wanted one.
“No, he wouldn’t,” Branch whispered, right before he closed the gap and pressed his mouth to hers.  Her lips were warm and soft, perfectly smooth against his like they always were, nearly able to take him away completely from the world around him - if it wasn't for the rambunctious cheering that sounded.
“All right, YEAH! Now that’s how a man gets things done!”
Branch groaned, breaking apart from the sweet smooch earlier than he would have liked to shoot a glare at the only brother who probably would interrupt such a moment without seeing anything wrong with it (and, who always seemed to pop in out of nowhere at just the wrong moments!).
When John Dory caught his intense gaze, he became sheepish and stammered an apology. “Whoops! Oh, sorry… I guess I probably shoulda waited till afterwards to start cheerin’ then, huh?”
“Yeah,” Branch answered tersely, crossing his arms.
“Heh, my bad! Um, see you later, I guess?” JD said, not waiting for a reply and scampering off to wherever he had so suddenly come from.
Branch rolled his eyes and met Poppy’s gaze. “I think we should make his new nickname ‘The Blockhead.’”
Poppy gasped and shoved him in the shoulder. “Branch! That’s mean!”
He laughed. “It’s just a joke, Poppy, I’m kidding.”
“Good,” she huffed. Grabbing his hand, she leaned in close to him again. “Now, where were we?”
Branch smirked and met her halfway, never one to be tired of displaying his affection to her.
(btw, @happyqueenandgrumpydork, for the other oneshot request of yours about the broppy kiss at the end of TBT, did you want the perspective of Branch or Poppy? I'm going to work on writing it this weekend 🙂)
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justarandombrit · 1 month
Okay well as you may know from looking at my blog for five seconds, I saw the matinee for Starkid Innit. During the interval and after the show I wrote down some notes. I tried to get them in chronological order but my memory is dogshit and I definitely missed some stuff, I hope you appreciate it though.
. IT WAS SO GOOD (except for the high note lmao)
Act 1:
. The Nightmare Time sting punched me in the face
. The shout-out to the confused parents
. High School Is Killing Me, Literal Monster and Nerdy Prudes Must Die all got mashed together!
. Corey!Richie is my Roman Empire
. Jaime in NPMD….
. Jaime had a different line to PJ’s original in Literal Monster. I couldn't hear half of it but it was different
. Jaime singing Sami/Harry ABOUT HER DOG (Nori)
. The audience whipping out the phone cameras
. Joey finally giving the white, male side characters attention
. Joey changing “I know I'm not a star” to “I know I'm not Clark”
. He pointed the mic at the audience for the “DEFINITELY NOT!”
. Joey mistimed his jump 😔😔
. Genuinely his best performance of Sidekick yet
. Joey making fun of Brian for not getting a big solo
. Brian kept pretending to beat him up, it was brilliant
. Not Over Yet is definitely Brian's song, shut up
. Brian accidentally singing the same verse twice (How does he always mess this song up?!?!?)
. My mum took a photo during the “EVIL PLAAAAANSSSS” bit and it was right when Brian was choking Joey
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. “So look alive and don't forget”
. Rogues Are We still goes so hard
. Rogues Medley without Kick It Up A Notch is weird, but Kick It Up A Notch without Dylan would definitely be weirder
. Ice cream :D
Act 2:
. Starting with We Got Work To Do is so iconic
. Joey shouted “Draco, get on the floor!” at Lauren
. I love how it was hyped up like it was going to be Boy Toy, and then just straight up wasn't lmaooo
. Brian finally got the slow, sexy Hideous Creatures (Take that, Nick Lang!)
. Okay I'm trying to remember the order of the underrated songs they did
. Hideous Creatures (Lauren)
. Pays To Be an Animal (Corey) (He didn't sit in the spotlight and someone yelled “TO THE LEFT, COREY”)
. Get In My Mouth (Jeff) (He fully sprawled out on the stage it was hilarious)
. Land of the Dicks (Jaime)
. Hermione Can't Draw (Meredith) (She sung it so well I briefly didn't recognise the song)
. I genuinely cannot remember what Brian sung
. Gotta Find His Dick (Joey, and eventually everyone)
. The entire “Oh you wanna know where I got my shirt?” bit
. Brian, Jaime and Joey got it from Primark, Meredith got it from “Primed-mrak”, Lauren’s was a family heirloom, Corey got it from Gucci and Jeff got it from America, from Pri-mart (He made the guy on the drums do a baddum tsh)
. COREY SINGING SHOW STOPPIN' NUMBER. OH MY GOD. (The entire crowd joined in, also, Jeff and Jaime as Steve and Stu)
. Everyone cheering so loud when Joey and Lauren came on stage, and them claiming we had no idea what they were going to sing, and it was actually a completely new song (it was Granger Danger obviously)
. And them continuing to claim it was new throughout the song
. As I expected, I almost cried during Not Alone. Also apparently Darren thought it was going to be a big hit??? And just begrudgingly let them use it for A Very Potter Musical
. Super Friends!
. So sad Jeff’s mic was so quiet for “I WANNA BE A MODERN DANCER”
. The fakeout of everyone leaving stage, then the band coming back on and playing the start of Goin' Back To Hogwarts
. “Darren's not here”
. JEFF DID DYLAN'S PART (but he didn't do “All of you to [city name] :( )
. Jeff pointed at various parts of the audience for “Welcome hotties, nerds and tools!” and then whispered “I'm so sorry” immediately after
. Singing (/ shouting) Goin' Back To Hogwarts along with hundreds of other Starkid fans was so exhilarating, I loved it and I almost cried (also I'm gonna be so hoarse tomorrow)
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silverlakee · 5 months
Could you do a male reader where y/n or oc is like drunk or something and Nick has to take care of him?
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nick sturniolo x y/n (male reader)
summary - you hate going out. one night madi brings you to the club and you get drunk. you text the first person you think of to pick you up.
warnings - fluff! this is my first time ever writing so bear with me😮‍💨 drinking, pet names (baby) and i think that’s it !
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it was about midnight and i was at a random club in LA with madi and a couple of our other friends. i never really liked going out or drinking but it was madi’s birthday and she promised me it would be fun so, here i am in this random club listening to shitty music. madi had went to the bathroom so, i went to get another shot. i knew i would be here for a while and needed some liquid courage.
i made my way up to the bar and asked for a shot of tequila. the bartender handed me the shot with a smile and a quick “enjoy your night”. as i turned around, i ran into a drunk madi and she pulled me close so she could talk to me over the loud music. “there you are! are you having fun?” she asked with a smile clearly having the time of her life. “of course!” i lied. i didn’t want to say no and ruin her vibe. “i’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick.” i yelled over the music.
i was sitting in the bathroom trying to hype myself up to go out and have fun when it hit me. i started getting dizzy and everything was fuzzy. i pulled out my phone to text nick.
nick :)
y/n are you drunk?😭
mayeb a litrle
where are you?
sme club ifk
stay there i’m omw
i went to go find madi and let her know i was leaving. i walked up to her and she looked at me worriedly yelling “what’s wrong? are you okay?” over the music. “yeah i’m okay. nicks coming to get me, i’m not feeling good.” “okay i love you! let me know when you get home.” she smiled.
i walked outside and saw a car pull in in front of me. everything was so blurry i couldn’t tell if it was nick. he stepped out and walked towards me, grabbing my arm. “are you good?” he asked with a quiet laugh. “i wanna go home” i slurred. “i got you. i’m taking you to my place. i can’t let you be alone like this.” he said as he helped me walk to the passenger side of the car and get in.
on the ride home, we had to stop at a gas station. “do you want anything in here?” he asked before stepping out. “water please.” he shook his head and walked inside. i started feeling tired and couldn’t keep my eyes open.
i woke up to him getting back in the car and he handed me a water and a bag of chips. “i know you said only water but, it’s not good to drink on an empty stomach” he said with a smile. “thank you nick” i mumbled. “anytime y/n” he said and i fell back asleep.
when i woke up, we were in the driveway. “wake uppppp i need to bring you inside” he said in a high pitched voice. i sat up and looked around for a second not feeling any better. “i’m tiredddd” i said. “i know baby that’s why i need to take you in” he giggled. “okay let’s go” i said and he got out of the car and walked to my side opening the door and helping me stand up.
we made our way inside and he walked me upstairs. “i’m gonna put you in my bed while i go get you some clothes to change into” he said, laying me down on the mattress and walking out of the room. “thank you nick, seriously” i said with a smile. when he came back, he had one of his t-shirts and a pair of sweatpants. “do you need me to help you?” he asked. “yes please” i say, and with that he grabs my hands, pulling me up so i’m standing. “raise your arms” he says and i raise them. he slides off my shirt and puts the other one on me. “now lift your leg” he says helping me step through the sweatpants. “good, now the other one” i do as he says and he pulls them up.
“now lay down and i’ll go get your water and your chips” he says walking out of the room again. i lay down and get comfy and stare at the ceiling waiting for him to come back. he comes back with the water and chips and hands them to me. “do you wanna watch a movie? i can turn one on” he suggests, smiling over at me. “we can watch whatever you want” i say knowing i’ll fall asleep through it anyways.
i was dozing off again when i heard his phone ring. “it’s madi” he says answering the phone. i can hear madi on the other end. “is y/n okay? i know he’s pretty drunk.” she asks concerned. “yeah he’s okay. we’re just watching a movie now.” he replies. “okay! tell him to call me tomorrow” she says. “okayyy” nick says before hanging up and focusing back on the movie. i look at him in silence with a smile on my face. he looks over at me furrowing his eyebrows. “what?” he asks. “i just love you” i smile. “i love you too y/n” he smiles as he pulls me so i’m resting on his chest. “goodnight nick” “goodnight y/n”.
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hunflowers · 1 year
pull me in
a/n: okayyyyyyyy a little writing because i missed writing but it's been hard writing a big story. satellite blurb about friend!harry and (thought to be) unrequited love hehe
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Everyone knew the feelings you two had for each other. The feelings that went unannounced every day for years.
The constant questions you would ask about him, wondering where he was. The constant wondering if you actually liked him or if he was just reading you wrong. It was like this for years but life kept going, never once allowing you to stop and think, eventually causing you to drift apart.
The infatuation, admiration, and love were persistent, though, no matter how far apart you grew. You weren't exactly sure why.
When you turned eighteen, you went off to university in London to study education, and Harry had pursued his career in music. You had your mutual friends but it had been years since you physically saw or spoke to him. You had boyfriends and lovers and focused intently on your studies and career, so the pestering thought of a particular famous musician should've gone away. It was your plan, after all.
After a night out where you drunkenly admitted your feelings to an also drunk Harry and him not saying anything in return, you made sure to never embarrass yourself like that again.
Unbeknownst to you, however, Harry didn't hear you. Between the music, the slur of your words, and the guy talking in his left ear, he couldn't make out what you were trying to tell him. When he was trying to read your lips and form some sentence in his head, he saw the look on your face change and the smile you had quickly shaped into a frown. He was ready to ask you to repeat yourself but then that guy talking in his left ear stepped between you two to start talking to someone nearby. Then you ran off and Harry never knew what it was that you said.
It was a sore subject so even if your friends tried to talk to you about Harry and that night, you would quickly dismiss them, urging them to talk about anything else. Because you were so certain there was nothing to even talk about. He didn't harbor the same feelings as you, and that's okay, you couldn't force him to like you.
Over the course of the nearly ten years since that happened, you would be lying if you said you didn't listen to his music at all or notice him on tabloid covers. It was very hard to fully avoid someone that famous from your hometown who is still friends with your friends.
Though, you did a pretty good job if you did say so yourself. Through the rollout of his first two albums and the many invitations to his concerts, you always respectfully declined, saying you had too much to do to spend a night with screaming fangirls pining over the same man as you.
"Y/N, c'mon, it'll be fun! You haven't had a proper night out in a long time," Lynn, one of the few remaining links between you and Harry, and also your best friend, said. She pouted her lips, clasping her hands together and holding them under her chin to really emphasize her puppy-dog look. She had seen this trick far too many times with her students that she's immunized.
You shook your head, continuing to fold your laundry. "Sorry, babe, I'm just not feeling up for it. Concerts aren't m'thing."
Lynn scoffed, "No, his concerts aren't your thing. Which, in my opinion, is crazy because he knows how to put on a good show."
"That's great but I'm still not going."
"It's a free ticket!"
It was the same fight for years. You just didn't want to go no matter how much your friends hype him up.
With his third album, however, your opinion slightly changed. Release day came and you picked a few songs to listen to. You liked them all which wasn't a surprise, but then you heard 'Satellite'.
You had no reason to believe it was about you because surely you weren't that lucky. But then you listened to it again and again. You got a new life, am I bothering you?
You called Lynn immediately. You had to know if someone else had the same thought. "I think so. I mean, he's been asking about you a lot lately, so I wouldn't be surprised."
"What do you mean he's been asking about me?"
"What else could that mean, Y/N?"
You sat in silence for a moment biting on your bottom lip. "What have you told him?"
"We've been telling him you 'aven't got time with anyone anymore because you only care about work."
"It's true, babe. You can't tell me it's not."
I can see you're lonely down there.
You laid in bed that night, staring at the ceiling. Before the phone call ended, Lynn said he invited you lot to his One Night Only show in London. She told you not to give her an answer yet and to actually think about this one before going off and dismissing everyone again.
You didn't think though because the next morning as soon as you woke up, you agreed to go. Just this once. For the experience. That's all.
You were so nervous when the day finally came. You asked if you would be seeing him before or after the show and Lynn said, "Probably both. Take a deep breath, it'll be fun."
You were let backstage when you arrived, escorted to a lounge where Harry and his family already were.
You nearly stopped in your tracks at the sight of him. It was a while since you’ve last been this close to him — but honestly, it wasn’t until you saw his face that you realized you truly have missed him.
You can’t decide how pathetic that is just yet, so you opt to get a drink from the mini bar set up before getting the chance to embarrass yourself.
However, Harry had also spotted you right away. He nearly leapt up from his seat when he saw that you actually took him up on his invitation. He remained cool though, casually getting up and making his way over towards you.
“Y/N, hi, I’m so glad y’decided to come,” Harry spoke behind you, causing you to jump a little at the suddenness. You turned around, nearly at the same distance when you last confessed your feelings. You got a small little flashback to that time but quickly disregarded it, giving him a small smile before reaching over for a hug.
“I figured it was time to see just how good you are,” you laughed, making him give a small chuckle in return. Without either of you realizing, the hug lasted a good while. You just stood there in each other’s embrace because this was a moment long in the making. You had every right to embrace it — and him.
And when that moment came that you both realized you should probably let go, you did; but not completely. Your hands remained on his shoulders and his on your hips as you stared into each others eyes, trying to read whatever emotions you could.
Was this good? Was this what you needed? Could you tell if he’s missed you as much as you have him?
You think yes is the answer to all of these questions. You both shared a small smile before completely distancing, waving him goodbye as he was urged to make his way to stage.
Lynn was watching the whole thing from across the room. Little to your knowledge, Lynn told Harry what happened that night all those years ago. How you confessed your feelings and was heartbroken because it seemed like he didn’t even care that you told him.
He did care. A lot. But by the time she told Harry, you had already began your distancing, opting to never seeing him again, despite him wanting to talk a few times. So he moved on just like you did, or so he thought he did (or so you thought you did).
But in that very moment, you, Harry, and Lynn knew that this was the start of something beautiful, this was the start of something that should’ve happened a long time ago. And when he goes on stage tonight to sing that special song, he’ll be looking for you, singing it for you.
Spinning out, waiting for ya to pull me in.
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 4 months
When Shots Align ~Mommy!Ava Coleman xFem Reader
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Summary— Reader meets Ava at the club. Ava is having a night out to celebrate her latest single status, and the two of you get to talking, doing shots, and dancing. One thing leads to another… Anon Request— 🥸 “‪34 44 52 Ava Coleman x reader‬” Thanks for the requests! Hope you Enjoy ♥️♥️
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
#34. “Is that what’s been bothering you? Oh my, well I’m sure we can fix that.”
#44. “That’s right, grind down on me…”
#52. “Fuck… Mommy! … Oh my, I’m so sorry, it just… slipped out…?”
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!, smut, teasing, fingering, eating out (oral sex), mommy kink, alcohol consumption, drunken hookups, under the influence sex, flustering, implied future smut, etc.
Enjoy (;
Your eyes wandered across the club, landing on Ava throwing it back on the crowded dance floor, the hype, colorful lights, and loud music of the club creating a certain vibe that her hips just seemed to sway to perfectly. The woman danced effortlessly between the many men and women, and you couldn’t deny that she looked pretty stunning, breathless even.
You were at the bar, throwing back a shot every once in a while, hoping to loosen up some. A couple men had come up to you, but none which caught your interest. Your gaze kept flitting back to the stunning woman, who was working it and starring on the dance floor.
More quickly than you would have liked, the woman’s gaze met yours. She smirked, sending you a wink, before going back to her effortlessly grinding. Your face went red and you quickly looked away, trying too hard to focus on your empty shot glass. Before you had the courage to let your eyes wander back to her, Ava came strutting off the staged dance floor and right up next to you at the bar.
“You been staring at me all night, Shawty, How about you buy me a drink?” The woman confidently asked you.
You could feel her presence next to you, and when you finally got the courage to look over to your right, you saw that the stunning woman was right in front of you. And she was so much more beautiful up front. Her dress hugged her curves in the all the right places. Her make up was on point, accentuating her features and accessories.
“So?” Ava asked with a quirk of an eyebrow and lips at how she had seemingly made you speechless.
But for Ava, that was normal. She made a lot of people speechless. But she seemed to be especially enjoying making you speechless right now. Your mouth and dry and you nearly choked on your own air, as you realized how long you had been staring.
“I— Shit sorry right! Ummm buy you a shot…??” You stammered, still choking a little, but it seemed to transition into an embarrassed laugh as your face deepened in its red shade.
“Alrigh’! I see you girl!!” Ava exclaimed, her face lighting up and accompanied by a dramatic hand gesture, “I’m Ava.”
“Y/N.” You said.
You nodded and laughed the embarrassment off, quickly calling the bartender over and ordering two more shots, hoping that a little more alcohol might loosen you up some more. The shots came and you two pounded them back, before Ava quickly ordered a couple more.
You were surprised but how much time she was spending with you, compared to all her potential dance partners that she was currently leaving on the dance floor. And because you were now four more shots deep into it, your thoughts quickly became speech.
“Hey why are you here…?” You yelled, partially due to the particularly loud, blasting music in the club, but also due to the alcohol affecting your ability to moderate your volume.
“I dumped my boyfriend tonight, found him cheating with some girl…!” Ava told you with a roll of her eyes, “So I thought I’d go out without anyone and have some fun, forget about him, y’know.”
Your face softened lightly as you slowly processed the woman’s words. You placed a hand on hers on the bar.
“I’m sorry!” You exclaimed, also a little too loud, but conveying your true sympathies.
“Nah, it’s good. I’m betta’ off without that dick and his skank.” Ava huffed.
Ava looked in your eyes and for a moment you saw the vulnerability of a woman who was hurt, but within a split second, her eyes flickered and were back to their playful, chaotic fun nature. She pulled her hand away and yelled through the music for more shots from the bartender.
You bit your lip and decided to drop it, taking the next shot as she offered it to you and throwing your head back to swallow the acidic liquid. A couple more rounds of this and then Ava was dragging you to the dance floor. You tried to protest, insist that you weren’t made for dancing, but Ava wouldn’t hear it.
The woman pulled you flush against her front and began shimmying and swaying to the music. Ava could feel your tense nature, her hands held your hips and she guided your body to sway against her with the music. You took a deep breath and let yourself become one with the beat.
“You got it, Shawty. Shake that ass for me…” Ava hyped you up as you started to let go and really dance up against her frame.
By the end of the night, the two of you were grinding against one another, as if you were the only ones on the dance floor. You could feel your cunt thumping and thrumming for attention, more importantly, you were completely enamored by the woman who’d you had been dancing with for hours.
Unfortunately all good things have to come to an end, and when the club closed for the night, you thought that was it. But Ava had other things in mind. She dragged you out of the club by the hand, and pulled you straight into a kiss in the middle of the night and street sidewalk. You gasped, a little shocked and your reactions a little slow due to all the alcohol. But once you gained some footing, you really put yourself into the kiss, and after a couple of minutes, you were both breathless and laughing.
Again you thought that this was it, that the night was over. But then Ava suggested a cab back to your place with an implied we and your heart began pounding in your ears. You quickly nodded, and to hail a cab, both shuffling into the back as you gave your apartment address to the cab driver.
As soon as the final syllable of your address had left your mouth, Ava’s hands were all over you and her lips were back on yours. You moaned lightly into her plump lips, and Ava contently swallowed all your breathy sounds. Her hands were wandering up your thigh as well as crawling up around your shoulder and behind your neck. You hesitated a little on touching Ava, and she sensed it, smirking into the kiss.
Her hand snaked to meet yours, and she guided your one hand to caress her curves, and the other to her breasts. You kneeded her tits and caressed her hard buds with your fingers and palm, making Ava breathily groan into your mouth. You squeezed and rolled your other hand along her curves, about to explore even more when the cab came to a firm stop.
You both pulled away from each other as the cabbie yelled that you had arrived. You flushed in embarrassment, having gotten so caught up in Ava that you hadn’t even realized you were outside your apartment. You swiftly paid the cab driver and then exited the cab, hand in hand with Ava, as she eagerly dragged you to your front doorstop.
You fumbled with your keys and finally managed to unlock the door, immediately pulling Ava in and claiming her lips in another breathless kiss as you closed the door behind the two of you. Suddenly you two were impossibly close, intertwined, just as you were on the dance floor, and you felt a familiar warmth in your stomache that spread and was beginning to pool in your panties.
She was so close to you, but so far at the same time. Suddenly all of your clothes were frustrating barriers to what you wanted, to feel her skin everywhere. Ava seemed to have the same idea, because as you two kissed and made your way down your hallway, Ava’s hands wandered to your dress, tugging at it boldly.
You pulled away from her lips, immediately missing her confident mouth on yours, and you nodded quickly while biting your lip, giving your permission to remove your dress.
“Bedroom… Second door to the left…” you breathed out, before crashing your lips back on hers.
“Alrigh’ I see you, little miss straight to business” Ava hummed teasingly.
She hummed into the kiss, while she guided you backwards through your living room and down the hall, while her fingers ran your dress up your thighs and stomache, having you raise your hands to effectively remove the obstacle, leaving you in your baby blue satin set. You were quick to return the favor, helping the woman remove her neon orange-pink, tight dress. Your eyes widened in hunger and lust as you gazed upon the deep magenta lingerie set that Ava was wearing.
The woman chuckled at your speechlessness, before grabbing you by the wrist and pulling you into your bedroom, not even taking the second to close the door. Ava backed herself up until the back of her knees hit the end of your bed, then letting herself fall rather sexily on the bed, so that she was now spread out on her back, leaning up on her forearms, her intense, dark gaze on you.
Ava crooked a finger at you, telling you to join her. You gulped and tried to stifle the giggle as you practically pounced on top of her and the bed. You failed, a horrendously cute giggle erupting from your chest as you fall flat on your face and into Ava’s chest. You looked at the woman and blushed furiously, tucking the stray hair behind your ear that had gotten loose from over the course of the night.
“You adorable, babygirl.” Ava purred with a chuckle, her hands wandering up your frame, settling you on top to straddle her.
You blushed even deeper, looking away towards the bedside in embarrassment at the praise. But your eyes fluttered back to the woman in a gasp as Ava’s hands found your back and your bra clip. The woman wiggled her eyebrows and in one swift motion, she unclipped your bra and threw it aside. You gasped ratherly loudly as her hands cupped and caressed your freed tits.
And you couldn’t help yourself as the woman teased your tits, beginning to grind down against her body. At first, it was hesitant and sloppy, but the more your cunt fluttered and the second you felt Ava’s mouth on your tits, your grinding became viciously desperate and very intentional.
Ava’s eyes gleamed with lust and dominance, as she released your left, perky bud with a pop!. You whimpered at the loss of stimulation, but were quickly sated as her hands found their purchase firmly on your hips. The woman sat up more, leaning against the headboard as she intently watched you attempt to get off in her lap.
“Damn that right, get it Shawty. grind down on me…” Ava hyped you up with lustful intention, her pupils darkening and growing, as the sight of you unraveling in her lap was one of the hottest things the woman had seen.
You let out a desperate, breathy whimper.
“M-more… please more—!”
Ava smirked and while one hand was guiding you to grind against her lap, the other snaked in between your legs and around your panties, pulling two fingers through your sobbing, soaked core. Her eyes became 100% engulfed into the lust of the moment. Her fingers spread your wetness around your folds and clit, making your shudder, let out another sinful whimper of need, and buck your hips into her hand desperately.
“This what been bothering you…?” Ava chuckled with a teasing and dominating tone, “Im sure gon’ fix that soon, Babygirl.” She lustfully purred, before slipping two digits into your heat.
Your eyes rolled back as her fingers curled inside you, and your hips jerked in rhythmic tandem with the thrusts of her digits.
“Holy shit…! Yessssss God—” you choked out, your body being overcome with pleasure, as the white heat of your impending orgasm began to build in your core.
Ava licked her lips as she watched you unravel on top of her, not relenting in her fingering or hype. She greedily drank in all of your pretty, desperate reactions, as you rutted against the woman’s lap, chasing you orgasm. It didn’t take long for you to approach your impending climax, and pretty soon, you were mewling for more stimulation to cum.
Ava happily obliged, grinding her palm against your clit, effectively sending you over the edge. Your walls and legs clenched around her fingers and frame, as your orgasmic high washed over you. Moans and groans spilled out of you as the woman fucked you up and over your orgasm.
And before you could stop your drunk mouth, something unfortunate came tumbling out,
“Fuck… Mommy!…” you cried out, but within seconds slapping your mouth won’t your hand and gasping.
Your face went very red in embarrassment, stopping all movement, simply frozen in the other woman’s lap. This didn’t stop Ava from fucking you through your high.
“Oh my, I’m so sorry, it just… slipped out…?” You stammered, embarrassingly staring at the now very interesting lamp on your bedside table.
But one last curl of Ava’s fingers, had your eyes rolling and your toes curling, completely forgetting your slip up as your next climax swiftly built in your abdomen. Ava said nothing about the mommy thing, simply working you up and crashing over your second high, which left you heavily panting until you collapsed on top of the woman.
After you’d recovered from your two intense highs, you sat back up and looked at the woman expectantly before speaking,
“Can I return the favor…?” You asked, still breathing shallowly and still with flushed cheeks.
Ava licked her lips again, and opened her legs wide, placing you in between and right in front of her lacy covered pussy. You couldn’t help but stare at the wetness and the smell of her cunt.
“You gon’ stare al’ night or you gon’ eat momma out…?” Ava cooed teasingly and confidently.
Your face flushed a deep red, and you immediately nodded, moving her panties aside and delving straight into the woman’s slick folds.
“Yes mommy…” you moaned, getting the first and proper taste of Ava of the night.
Ava Coleman Masterlist ~Coming Soon (;
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